GREENBRIAR CONDOMINIUM - PHASE ill BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING MINUTES APRIL 12,2016 The meeting was calIed to order by Phase III President, Angeline Butler, at 6:06 PM. PRESENT: Angeline Butler - President, Frances Kemper - Vice President, Odella King - Secretary, Carol Adams- Treasurer, Rick Cummings - CVI Vice President, Julie Cummings - Community Manager and Randi Ford - Community Assistant. NOT PRESENT: Anne Weldon - Director OPEN DISCUSSION BY OWNERS: King requested that the telephone books that were left by Verizon be removed from the front entrance steps of Building 8013. J. Cummings stated that Verizon does deliver the books periodically, but usually they leave them inside the buildings at the mailbox landing for residents to pick up. She will have the cleaning staff remove them. King asked if parking permit approval letters could be omitted from the Board mail packages. The Board decided that those letters will be e-mailed to them, rather than copies being placed in their Board mail packages. APPROVAL OF THE MlNUTES: Butler asked if there were any changes to the February 9, 2016 Board meeting minutes. MOTION: Kemper made a motion to approve the February 9, 2016 Board meeting minutes as written. It was seconded by King. MOTION CARRIED 4/0 AGENDA APPROVALI CHANGES: Butler asked ifthere we any changes to the agenda. J. Cummings requested that Item # 1 under Management Agent's report be moved to Executive Session J. Cummings added under Old Business - Glen Oaks playground MOTION: King made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. It was seconded by Adams. MOTION CARRIED 4/0 MANAGEMENT AGENT'S REPORT: J. Cummings stated that the Phase II Board would like to hold their Board meetings separately from Phase I starting at the July Board meeting. Sherre Washington will be retiring in June and the Board would like to meet earlier in the evening. They have chosen to meet at 5:00 PM. Would the Phase III Board consider moving their start time back to 6:30 PM? Discussion was held and the Board wants their meetings to start at 6:00 PM. Salter, 8017-101, submitted a request for a handicapped parking space to be installed in front of Building 8017. She has arthritis in both knees and is unable to walk further than 200' without a cane or walker. All necessary documentation was provided to the Board under separate cover for review. MOTION: Adams made a motion to approve Salter's request for a handicapped parking space to be installed in front of Building 8017. It was seconded by King. MOTION CARRIED 4/0 J. Cummings stated that Jones, 7917-103, is requesting a 4th parking permit for her unit. Her unit is a three bedroom and they have four adult drivers residing in the unit (all of which have vehicles). A decision is needed on her request. MOTION: Kemper made a motion to approve Jones' request for a 4th parking permit; however, she is required to reapply for approval annually at the association's designated renewal time. It was seconded by King. MOTION CARRIED 4/0 R. Cummings asked the Board to approve the purchase of a $75,000.00 5-year CD that will mature in 2021. The CD would be purchased with the highest interest rate available at the time and will continue the association's laddered investment program. MOTION: King made a motion to approve the purchase of a $75,000.00 5-year CD that will mature in 2021 with the highest interest rate available at the time of purchase. It was seconded by Adams. MOTION CARRIED 4/0 J. Cummings explained that there have been community wide probJems with homeless people in the rear halls, students loitering on the property and marijuana smoking in the buildings. Phase I invited the police to their last Building Rep meeting and they are willing to attend a community meeting to discuss these issues. Is Phase III interested in participating in a community meeting with the police? The Board agreed that they would like Phase III to be included in the community meeting with the other Phases and the police to discuss these issues. R. Cummings gave the Board an update on the water savings program statistics. There has been a significant reduction in the water bill due to the program eliminating many leaks. The contract with WSI will end this June. R. Cummings recommended that the Board continue the WSI contract on a month to month basis for the next year. New owners and residents continue to move into the community, so more participants are possible. Additionally, WSI will still be available for any problems that may have arisen with their faucet/toilet/showerhead installations. A brief discussion was held and the Board agreed to continue WSl's contract on a month to month basis. PRESIDENT'S REPORT: Angeline Butler, Phase III's newly elected President, updated the Board on garden plot participation for this year's gardening season. She is confident that all plots will be sold again this year. The open house at the gardens is scheduled for April 16th and 17th • TREASURER'S REPORT: The treasurer's report was reviewed by Adams - Treasurer. OLD BUSINESS: Glen Oaks playground - R. Cummings indicated that Jeff Bowman had contacted him regarding rebuilding the playground at Glen Oaks. The cost would be approximately $26,000. Since Greenbriar shares a small portion of the land, and the children that live in Greenbriar will inevitably use the playground, he asked if Phase III could split the cost. The Board asked management to get exact figures on the percentage Glen Oaks would like Phase III to pay. R. Cummings also noted management would check to see if any changes in insurance coverage would be necessary. This item will be discussed again in May. NEW BUSINESS: NONE FINAL BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: Adams asked for an explanation on towing start times in the Penn it A and unmarked spaces. J. Cummings clarified that Pennit A pennits are required to be displayed on every vehicle parked in a Pennit A space from 9 PM to 7 AM. A blue parking pennit is required to be displayed on every vehicle parked in any unmarked space from Midnight to 7 AM. Any vehicle not displaying the proper pennit at the designated times is subject to towing. OWNER'S OPEN COMNIENTS: NONE DATE OF NEXT MEETING: May 10, 2016 ADJOURNMENT: MOTION: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM. Kemper made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Adams. MOTION CARRIED 4/0 APPROVED BY: S-/O - /(,. Date GREENBRIAR CONDOMINIUM PHASE III TREASURER'S REPORT MARCH 31 , 2016 Total Cash & Investments 03/3 ]116 02129116 01/31116 12/31115 12/31114 12/31113 12/31112 12/3] 111 Through 03/31116 Total Income Total Expense Unfunded Reserve Net Income (loss) Accounts Receivable 03/31116 02/29116 01/3 ]116 12/31115 12116114 12/31113 12/31112 12/31111 $1 ,772,893 $1 ,793 ,605 $1 ,782,56] $1,737,718 $1,663,751 $1,561 ,512 $1,472,861 $1,276,157 $ 462,421 $ 390,896 $ 0 $ 7] ,525 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 264,716 270,465 257,108 259,209 227,898 269,633 264,816 214,576 The money held by Greenbriar Phase III is in: 1 checking account 2 money market funds maturity dates range 18 certificates of deposit from 2016 through 2021 Average interest rate on Money Market and CD ' s 1s ] ,34% NOTE: Total Cash & Investments = $1 ,772,893 This total is broken down as: Replacement Reserve Cash = Snow Contingency= Operating Cash = $1 ,535 ,603 $ 50,000 $ 187,290 Recommended operating cash is 12% of annual budget = $195,118 29.treas.rpt.3.16