Sprinting to the finish at the CROSSWINDS 5K


Sprinting to the finish at the CROSSWINDS 5K
The Greater Rochester Track Club
Rochester, NY
Top finishers Matt Oberst
and Cindy Ingalls
Nathan and Nicholas Trombley
Sprinting to the
finish at the
September 4, 2004
A future track star? From Hamb urg, NY
Taylor Pruitt and Tami Root
More on page 14
The GRTC newsletter is the official news-magazine of the Greater
Rochester Track Club. Membership in the GRTC entitles one to receive the GRTC newsletter which is published 10 times per year.
The Gre8er Rochester Track Club
Rochester. New YOlk
oll'Cigala Association.
USA TracI; & Field 1031
Articles and Photos for publication are welcomed and encouraged.
Send electronic files to Rose Linscott. Photographic files should be in
JPG or T IF format.
Paul Kato
Race Calendar Information: There is no charge for listing a race in
the newsletter calendar. Send e-mail with all pertinent race information to John Osowski.
[email protected]
Bob Dyja k
Race Entry Fonns can be published in the newsletter for a fee. Send
electronic form (in WORD. PDF or PUB) to Rose Linscott at [email protected] and remit payment of $30 to GRTC clo Rose
Linscott. 48 Greenwood Park, Pitt sford , NY 14534.
[email protected]
Runner of the Year
Rose Unscott
Doug Jones
[email protected]
Rac e Entry Form Restrictions - In order for GRTC to qualify for bulk
mailing rates as a not-far-profit organization, the USPS requires that
we strictly adhere to the following qualifications. 1. Conditions of
awards must be clearly stated. 2. Th ere must be no reference to
drawings that might conflict with Postal Service regulations. especially the use of the term "raffle."
[email protected]
Anne Procopio
[email protected]
Annual Awards
Pete VanPeursem
[email protected]
Roger Howe
[email protected]
A dvertising from commercial sources will be accepted at the rates
listed below. Submit ads to Anne Procopio.
Size of ad
5" x 7.5" (1/2 page) $50
5" x 3" (1/4 page) $25
3 . 5~
Race Calendar
John Osowski
x T (business card)
1 mo.
3 mos.
[email protected]
Spring Track
John Hultz
Newsletter Deadline is the 1 of the month for inclusion in the issue
for the following month. For exa mple. articles and race forms for the
Apri l issue must be submitted by March 1.
[email protected]
W ilt A lston
Ultra Distances
Tom Perry
wi [email protected]
Available for Rent - Finishing line clock and Chronomix time recorder. The charge to rent both the clock and Chronomix is $150 or
either item can be rented individually for $75. Any race director willing
to provide GRTC members a $3 pre-registration race discount, can
rent the clock and Chronomix fOf the discounted fee of $75. Contact
Kevin Lucas for more information.
tperry01 @rochester .rr.com
Club Assets
Kevin Lucas
kJ>J ucas@frontiemet. net
Couples Run
Rick Cronise
[email protected]
Race Committee
Greg Brooks
GRTC Co ntacts:
Individuals are listed above under Board of Directors.
HoUine to hear/leave messages: (585)234-0565
Online: www.grtconline.ora
Mail: PO Box 92608. Rochester. NY 14692
Freezeroo!!! ........ .. ... .....• ..•.. •.. •. .•..•..•.......• .. . .. ... 3
Race with Grace.......... ....... ... ...... ..... ... .. ........... 4
Eclectic Ru nner ...... .... ... ..........•..•.............. ....... 5
Scarecrow Safe Journ ey 5K ........ ... .............. ....... 7
King's Athletic Club 5K .. ............ ...... ... ..... ... ........ 9
Interlaken Steeple Chase 5K ............ ... ... ... .. .... ... 11
Greece PAL 5K .... ... ... ....... .. ... .... ....... ... .. .... ...... 13
Crosswinds 5K .... .. ......... ..... ... ......... ........ ..... .... 14
Red Dress Run ... .... ...... .... •..... ...•..•... .... .... .. .. ... 14
Race Calendar ................ ...... ...... ..... ..•........ ..... 15
Sodus Point Triathlon ....... .. ..................... ... .... ... 16
Minni Mile for Sara 5K ..... .. ... ........ .. ..... .. .. .... .... .. 17
Informal Running Groups ........ ............. ....... ........ 18
Membership ............................. .. .. .. ... ........ ...... 19
FAX 585-248-4998
Sure Cure for the Wintertime Blues??
Freezeroo!! !
by Anne Procopio
Okay ... okay, I know! seems much too EARLY to even THINK about anything winter-related. W e just want
to make the caSe to those of you who:
Have never tried a Freezeroo race- (or maybe even any race at all, as yet!)
The Freezeroo race series, now in its 26th year, is informal by design, and
therfore a fun way to break into road racing.
Hate winters in Rochester-Yep, I used to, too! Then around 4-5 years ago,
I entered my first Freezeroo, and now almost (not quite, but almost ) look forward to the
challenge of completing s k-8 miles with a few dozen other brave runner s knowing
"we're all in this together".
Kevin Lucas and I are taking the baton from last years' series coordinators, Laurie Smith and
Michelle Costello. It will consist of 6 races, hosted by your local running groups and outlined
below, with registration form and more info to come in the November-December issue.
Run one or run 'em all!
To be eligible for the Series Awards at the end, you have to register as a Series Runner by the
beginning ofthe s rd Freezeroo.
**All races take place Saturdays and all start at \0:00 a.m.**
Dec. 11... ............. 0gden ..................... l0k hosted by Sals runners
Jan.OI , 2005 ..... Mendon Ponds ...........7.5 mi. hosted by GRTC and Pete Van Peursem
Jan. 15 .............. .lrondequoit... ............. Sk hosted by the Gold Ru sh runners
Jan. 29 .............. Powder Mills Park .. ... l 0k hos ted by the Oven Door runners
Feb. 12 ............... Greece ......................8 mi. hosted by the Bagel Bunch runners
F eb. 26 ............... Churchville ............... l Ok hosted by the GRTC
Whether yo u're new to the Freezeroos or a participan t in previous years,
Kevin and I are looking forward to seeing you t here this year. You can find
our contact information on the inside cover of this newsletter.
14th Annual Race with G.-ace 10K
The Race with Grace 10k is a USA Track & Field certified road race that was established in 1991. Held
on Thanksgiving morning at 9:00 AM, the race begins approximately 0.4 miles south of the church property on North Greece Road. Following a flat, fa st course that encompasses Latta, Manitou and Mill Roads, the
route finishes in the north parking lot of the church, adjacent to the main auditOlium. The entry fee includes a
sweatshirt (for the first 200 paid applicants) or a long-sleeved t-shirt, plenty of food and refreshments,
complete computerized race results available online at www.leonetiming.com. and, if you are in the right place
at the right time, a finishing photo. Awards are given to the top male and female fini shers in the Open (under
40), Masters (40+), Veterans (50+), Seniors (60+), as well as the top ten percent in each of twenty-nine age
groups. The race attracted more than 1,000 participants last year.
Your sponsorship of this community event will aid in the fight against Huntington's Disease. Huntington's Disease (HO) is an inherited, neurodegenerative brain disease that results in loss of botb mental and
physical control, leading to death. People with Huntington's Disease lose the ability to think, speak and walk.
There are 25,000 people living with Huntington's Disease in the United States and 150,000 living at-risk. We
are the first generation of Huntington's families truly standing on the threshold of finding the cause, effective
treatment and cure for Huntington's Disease. The Huntington's Disease Society of America is investing over $3
million in research this year to find the cure for HD, and over $3 million for patient and family services programs.
Go to www.fbbc.info/gtlracewgrace or
Bob Dyjak at [email protected] for more information.
Gender 1MIFI
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The Eclectic Runner
by Tom Perry
Each month in this space t share something about running and racing. The
content varies widely from month to month , hence the title.
Continue Running When Injured?
At a recent dinner celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Oven Door Runners,
I was asked whether one should continue running through an injury. Five minutes of discussion later, it occurred to me
that this would be a good topic for the column .
Anyon e who runs competitively will be injured eventually. While recovering from most of the common running injuries,
you should be able to maintain some level of activity. My approach, based on 30 years of experience with overuse injuries, is based on the answers to two questions:
How did the injUloy occur?
Was the injury onset sudden and traumatic, e.g. , you stepped in a hole and sprained your ankle or you were
sprinting and strained a muscle? If yes, take some time off. Find a cross training activity you can do without
doing further damage to the injured area. Be patient and let the injury heal before resuming running .
Is the injury just some very sore muscles from overdoing it in a hard race or workout, e.g. , your quads are
trashed from a hilly marathon? If yes, take a couple days off to let the all the little muscles tears heal. If you can
walk or cycle with minimal complaint from the sore muscles, the light activity will help the healing process. After
2-3 days, try a short and easy run. If you are relatively pain free, resume normal training.
Was the onset of the injury gradual and recently got bad enough to get your attention? If yes , you should be
able to continue some level of training while the injury heals. Of course, this assumes you do something to
eliminate the cause of the injury. See your favorite coach, podiatrist, orthopedist, massage therapist, physical
therapist or other guru if you can't figure out what is causing the injury. Plan on being patient. .. overuse injuries
take a long time to occur and take a long time to heal.
Is this an injury you have had before? If yes, then you know a lot about what to expect. If you kept one, review your
training diary from that time . Avoid repeating the things that seemed to set back your recovery.
How does the injury respond to activity?
1. Do you have to change your running style or gait to be able to run at all? If yes, proceed with extreme caution.
You are at risk of causing other injuries . Find some other activity to maintain your aerobic conditioning while the
injury heals.
2. Assuming you can run without altering your gait, how does the injury respond to warm ing up? If the pain gets
worse with a mile or two of easy running , stop. Do some other activity until the injury heals a bit more.
3. Assuming the pain stays the same or goes away with a mile or two of warm-up, how does the injury respond to
an easy run? If the injury is noticeably worse (more pain, stiffness, inflammation , swelling, etc.) after the run ,
give it another day or two off before trying again.
If the injury is not too bad after an easy run and feels about the same the next day, proceed with caution. Try a
longer easy run . If the injury is worse after a run, consider cutting back the distance or intensity a bit. If the injury is noticeably worse the next day, consider taking the day off. The goal is find a balance where you can train
and still heal.
Note: Since most injuries, especially overuse injuries, can take weeks to heal completely, it will help to keep a written
record of both your activity and any pain/discomfort you experience. It may take you and your healing arts guru several
tries to fix whatever is causing the injury. Having some data to look at is better than trying to rely on your unreliable
memory of how much it hurt two weeks ago.
continued on next page
The Olympic Marathon and Specificity
Did you get to see the women's marathon? All the U.S. commentators remarked on how Deena Kastor ran a very smart
race on a brutally hot day, going from 26th placll at 5K to the Bronze medal at the fini sh. Less widely reported was how
smart she was in training for that specific marathon . Her training regularly included long run s in the heat. She even put
on extra clothes to simulate the heat stress of Ath ens. The routes she ran were selected to match the terrain she would
experience running from Marathon to Athens. From an August 26 interview in Runners World Online:
"I had focused very hard on hills in my training ... we particularly worked on sharp uphills at the end of hard 20milers. And then we 'd make sure I have to do a couple more miles of downhills at the end when I was already
really tired- just like the Athens course. n
Ordinarily one would not include a long downhill at the end of a long run . But, at Athens, being able to fl y down the hill
on tired legs made all the difference. No one was faster than Kastor over the second half of the race.
Want to do your best at some future run ? Make sure at least some of your training is on similar terrain and under similar
conditions. If the race route is flat as Kansas (recently proven scientifically to be "flaller than a pancake"), then put in
mega-miles on the canal trail. If the race is hilly trails, get off the road s and onto trails that match the race as close as
possible. W ant to do well at the Mendon Ponds Trail Races in November? Now is the time to go train on the race loop;
you can't get anymore specific than that.
Ultra Series Update
The Canandaigua Lake 50, the third race in the W estern New York Ultra Series, was completed on September 18th Results of the 50-mile road race are at www.canandaiguaultra.org . The series standings after three events are posted at
www.wny-ultra.org .
The series returns to the trails on November 6th with the Mendon Ponds 50K Trail Race. With the best 3 of 4 races scoring, the series championships are still up for grabs.
Gear Tip of the Month
The Garrnin Forerunner (and any other GPS device) will give best accuracy when it has the clearest possible view of the
sky. As I've previously reported, the Garmin is more accurate when worn on the arm than on the wri st. But, even on the
arm, your body blocks a significant porti on of the sky and thereby, can block the very weak radio signals from a GPS
satellite. For best accuracy (and maximum geek effect), attach the Forerunner to your hat or a set of headphones .
Since you can't see the display, it helps to set the Distance Alert on the Forerunner. I set mine to beep every mile and
use my heart rate monitor watch to keep track of the run time, capture any split tim es, etc.
I've posted tracks of the same run captured with the Garrnin worn on the wrist, arm and head so you can see the difference it makes for yourself. Those tracks and suggestions on how to mount the Forerunn er to a hat or headphones are
at: www.wny-ultra.org/garmin-news.htm.
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Our Every Day Conu77il"rnenl" 1"0 You ...
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Convenie nt Off-street Parking Between Tri Running & Walking and Sho tgun MusiC!
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Jus t 3 . 5 miles p ast
Eastview- Mall on
Mon- Wed : 10 a.m.-7 p_ffi.
Thurs : 10 a.m .-8 p . m.
Fri-Sat: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed Sunday
Independently owned and operated
10% ofT for
Scarecrow Safe JoumeySK
RuntWalk ,R egistratio n Form .
Please complete tthis form. sign the waive r
and send both to: Safe Journey, PO 80)( 21,
Fa irport, NY 1445D. P l ease make checks
payab le to Safe .Journey,
L ast Name
First Name
ApI. #
Street Address
Daytime Phone
E-mai l
W aiver - please read. sign and return with a
completed registration form.
Run/Walk Event F"cts
Saturday. October 9. 2004
7 :30uITI - 9um
R ace begins
Main Street. Fairport, NY
2004 USATF NY04010KL
3 . .1 miles I 5K
October l.\· DonlcS'tic "Violence Awarell(~ss !yjollih.
The 5 'K Run/Walk bene.t its Suf'e JO\ll"ncy, a non-profit
tran s.i tio n progrnm for wonlen and c hildre n w ho are
s urvivors of dOlneS l'i c vio le n ce. P le nsejoi n LIS i.n OU],
COlU m.ltnl cnt to helpil1g s u rvivors of domestic v io l e nce and
I know that participating in a road mce -is a pote-nlial ly
h azardous activity_ 1 s hou.ld n ot participate unl ess 1 a lTI
Inectically ab le and properly trained. 1 agree to abide by
nny deci s ion of a. rnce official1:elative 1:0 rn.y ahility t o
safe,ly cOITIpLete thi s event. 1 aSSlllne a ll dsks a ssociated
wlth runnin g this event including. but not Uuuted to,.
fall s~ contact with o ther participants . the effects of
\\feather. traffic. and conditions of the t"cad .• alllisks
be,ing kno'w n and understoo d by Jnc~ havjn g read thjs
waiver and knowi ng these fac ts and in con s ideration of
your acceptiJl.g my el1try~ 1,. for 11.1 yself and anyone
e ntitled t o act on lUy behalf, '" valve and :r.elease the race
tin1er, US ~i\.TF. Safe Journey, spo n so.rs and. age n cies and
111 u.uicipalities, theIr represen tatives , .and successor s fron1
all c Jailll s 0 '· Liab:il.ity of any kind aris ing out of rny
participation in this event. [ grant pennission to a U the
fOl~egojl] g to us e any photOgl"Uph s. nl0tjon pjctures.
recording o r any other rec o rd. of thi s eve nt for any
legitimate purpose.
( ParenUguru:d ian signature required .if participant i s wlder
'I 8 years of age)
raising cO ITIll'lUni ly awareness.
lVl o l"c infolo.rultion, ww,",'.snfci nurneYrorg . 58.5-425-1580
Date _________________________________________________
Entry Fee
Pre-registration $15 if received by October 5. Race
day registration is $20. Race day registration and
packet pickup from 7:30am to 9am in the Box
Factory parking lot, downtown Fairport (see map).
Please make checks payal:$aftl:(jOlIl"ncy . The
fee inclu.des -an official Scal'ec:ro\v Safe· JOl1rllt.~y tshirt and post-'r ace rcfreshnlcnts. Please cOITlplete the
registrati o n fornl , sign the waiver and send to:
Safe Journey
POBox 21
Fairport, NY 14450
It'or th()s<.~ ",ho " ' R n t -to do ,ITIOJ~ - {.~very dol1ar
raised st:lpport_c.; progrnl11s for snrvivors of
d .o]ucstie vi()lcJl('~c. 'J.taisc $40 in l~lcdgc~s anel :your
cnt.t"y fec is '\vaivcd!
PI euues
Free parklng available in the Box Factory, Village
Landing~ Packets Landing and Colunlblls Corrunons
parking lots .
BiC)'cles, roJ1er skates., ro IIer blades, skateboards nnd
dogs are not penttitted 011 the portions of the Crulal
Path being used for the race during the time· of the
:race. A water station will be a.vailable at the halfway point.
Awards will be given for the following: First male &
feJnrue overall fbusher, first lna]e & female· nlnster
finisher, first nlale & fe.Joaie youngest finisher. first
111ale & felnaLe age group fi.nishers: 17 & under~ J 824, 25-29,30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49. 50-54.55-59,
60-64~ 65+. There wHl. be no duplication ofawurds.
We gratefully thank our' sponsors
for their generous support.
Please nUlke checks payable to Safe ,Journey.
Tl,et.'nv Office of Jul\eCaslellill1o
Fanl.ily Fun for Everyone!
Balloon AniDl.als!
I ............................................................... • .......................... .
What: 5K race to benefit the Webster High School Marching Band
When: Saturday, October 23rd at 9 a.m.
Where: Starts & Finishes at King's Athletic Club, 48 S. Estate Drive, Webster, NY
Registration: Pre-Register by Oct. 16th , Fee: $15 After Oct. 16 th , fee: $20 Register by
mail or at King's Athletic Club. Call 872-1440 for more information or email
[email protected]
Race Course: Our course is Certified to be accurate by the USATFIRRTC
#NY04030KL. A flat course through Summit Knolls and Webster Green. There will be
mile markers with times called out. Water stations will be provided.
Race Timing: The race will be timed by PCR Timing. All times will be posted on the
PCR website as well as at the race.
Awards: Quality, multi-colored T-shirts will be given to the first 150 registered. Various prizes will be given to racers according to the donations made by our sponsors and
other contributing businesses. Beverages, Bagels, fruit etc will be provided for runners.
Disclaimer: I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run unless
I am medically able and properly train ed for it. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to
my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running in this event including, but not
limited to, falls, contac t with other participants, the effects of weather including heal and/or humidity, traffic
and the road conditio ns, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having re ad this waver, knowing
these facts, and in consideration o f King's A thletic Club accepting my entry, /, for myself and anyone e ntitled
to act upo n my behalf, waive and release King's Athletic Club (King's), the Webster High School Marching
Band, the Town of Webster, the Webster Police Department, and any medical race support staff, the race directors, volunteers and race sponsors including their respective officers, directors, agents and employees, their
representatives and their successors from all claims and liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in
this event. I grant King's Athletic Club permission to use any photograph and re cord of this event for any legitimate purposes. I understand that all entry fees are non-refundable. I have read and understand the above
statement and certify complia nce with my signature below.
Age on race day:___________
Address: _____________________________________________ E-tnail:_ __________________________
City: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _
~state :
_ _ _ _Zip :_ _ _ __
Phone:_____________________ Sex: M F DOB:-----.l-----.l_
_ Shirf size: S M L XL 2XL
Signature:_____________________________________________ Please sign waiver
Make checks payable & tnail to:
Webster Marching Band Boosters
48 S. Estate Drive
Saturday, October 23rd at 9 a.m.
\ ,,
Interlaken Reformed Church is Pleased to Present
The Second Runnina
November 13,2004 lOAM.
Come run or walk a HURDLE-LESS (no bales of hay or intentional water hurdles!) 5K
in the beautiful heart of the Finger Lakes: Interlaken, New York.
Pre-registration: received by mail by Nov. 8, 2004
(race entry: $10, [age 12 and younger $5] with t shirt add $8)
Race day registration (race entry $15, [age 12 and younger $8] with t shirt add $10)
Proceeds are to benefit restoring the steeple of the Interlaken Reformed Church,
circa 1830.
Interlaken Reformed Church is located on Route 96, about 16 miles north of Ithaca,
6 miles north of Trumansburg.
Questions? Contact : Laura Voorhees (387-5441) or [email protected]
or Interlaken Reformed Church: (532-4321)
ENTRY FORM: (Make sure you sign the waiver!) Make cbecks payable to: Interlaken Reformed Cburch
Mail entry to: Interlaken Reformed Church; Steeple Chase Race; P .O. Box 335; Interlaken, NY 14847
Last Name.______________________________ FcrstName___________________________
Number and Street (or PO Box)________________________________________________________
City_______________ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ State_ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ __ __
Sex________ Age on race day_____________
Run___ or WaIklStroll_______
Email _______________________________________
RACE REGISTRATION: Received by Nov 8: $ 10 (ages 12 and younger $5)
Race Day Register: $15 (ages 12 and younger $8)
T-SHIRT: Adult: S
M_ _ L _ XL
XXL_ _
Youth: s_ _
ffi_ _
l_ _
Early order: $8
Race day: $10
I, the undersigned accept full responsibility for myself and for any injuries J may incur during the Interlaken Steeple Chase Race!
Walk SK. I realize that road racing is a potentially dangerous activity. I will not hold the Interlaken Reformed Church, nor any of
its sponsors, volunteers, affiliates, nor race course land owners, responsible for any mishaps that may occur. I further verify that J
have sufficiently trained for this event, and understand that professional medical attention may not be immediately available. I grant
the race organizers permission to use my name and any photos or video of me in what ways they see fit. I ackno wledge that myentry fee is nonrefundable, even should the race be cancelled due to extreme weather or unforeseen act of mankind.
Parent! Guardian (if participant is under 18 years),_______________________________________
Ample parking is available (free of charge) across from Interlaken Reformed Church, at So uth Seneca Central School
Elementary building parking lot. The church's location is 8315 Main Street, Interlaken, NY 14847.
Restrooms are available upstairs and downstairs in the church. The building is wheelchair accessible.
Race day registration will take place at the church from 8-9:30 AM
There will be water stations on the course, with refreshments and awards (including age group placements) after the race.
Two new awards this year: a mid-pack award,
and a prize to the first Interlaken resident who
fIni shes.
The race will begin on Cayuga Street (very
close to where it intersects with Route 96),
continue downhill to where it meets with
Powell Road, where the course then turns
left (running parallel with Cayuga Lake).
The course then turns left again and treks
uphill on county route 150. One more left
turn brings the runner/ walker up to Route
96, where the course levels out for a fl at few
tentbs to make a strong push for the fInish
line, at the Interlaken Reformed Church.
oute 150
7 17
Route 96A
¢::::JLoci, NY
, NY
August 28, 2004
Last year was our first year and we had
77 runn ers. This year we had 261 runners
entered in the 5K and another 51 in the
Mile. Participants included cross country
teams from Brockport, Greece and Irondequoit with positive feedback from both
coaches and students .
Next year we hope to grow even more
with the addition of more age-group winners and chip timing . We really hope the
Mile race "takes off", because that was
actually very fun to watch .
Mile Run winners were Gary Griffin at
4:21(smoking fast) and Ashly Lowery at
6:07. The 5K winners were Andy Corman
with a new course record at 16:48 and
Canadian Adela Flista at 19:45.
-Steve Chatterton
GRTC board member Bob Dyjak
fin ishes at 23:47
Top Cop, Matt Hill of the Rochester
Police Department finishes at 17:56
See full results on WW'IN.grtconline.org
COnle in & check out the new winter apparelfronl:
Ask us about the GRTC deals in our
Store H .ours:
M-F 11:00am - 5:30pn_ 7
new balance
close-out rOOnl !
Sat.. lO:OOam - 5:00pm,
Sun. C losed
Rt.390 to eut 18A (Brooks AYe East)_ Ta.ke Brooks to Ccoe$ee SL (3"' traffic light). Take Left. W e 're % block on Right.
The 3'd annual Crosswinds 5K Run was held ~t 9:00am Saturday,
September 41h All proceeds from this race benefit the Sands Cancer Center at F.F. Thompson Hospital in Canandaigua. The race
started and finished at the Crosswinds Wesleyan Church, Middle
Cheshire Road, Canandaigua. 225 runners showed up to participate
on this beautiful Labor Day weekend morning with sunny skies and
warm temperatures.
There was good, loud music, plenty of refreshments, photos and
live video of race displayed on two large screens- before, during
and after the race- creating a unique and thoroughly enjoyable experience. This run took place on an attractive, hilly course through
residential Canandaigua, then south on West Lake Rd., final stretch
winding up hill through Ferris Hills property.
The coordinators are grateful to all who participated in this event sponsors, volunteers, runners, and the many friends and families
who came to give support. Computerized timing and results were
provided by PCR Timing.
Becky Andrus presenting award to Matt Oberst
Red Dress Run
7 August 2004
Niagara on the Lake, Ontario
One of the FUN things about running is participating in
a variety of races. This particular event appealed to me
because it took place in one of my favorite towns and
offered an opportunity to see men running in red
dresses. As I suspected, the sight
was quite amusing!
The race was a 5K
run on a combination of quaint
streets and a scenic
park path. The atmosphere was party, party party! Awards were given to Best Legs
Male and Female, and Best Dress Male and Female besides ·the usual overall and
age categories. The gentleman pictured here was a winner! As were the classy
dames above.
Afterwards, the St. Catharines Roadrunners Club provided pizza and beverages. I
ate my fill and then enjoyed a stroll around this lovely tourist town and visited some
of the local wineries . It was a great way to spend a summer day and notch another
-Rose Linscott
October 10
1 :00
Run Around Honeoye Lake, 18 mile run, Individual and Team
Run, $12 by 8/15, $14 after, $16 Day of Race. Start/Finish at
Sandy Bottom Park on the Northwest end of Honeoye Lake,
Jane laculli @ 585-624-2804 or [email protected].
Chicken Bar-B-Que and Cold Refreshments and music after
the race,
GRTC Race Calendar 2004
For full calendar and Out-of-Town
calendar see
October 10
11 :00
Upstate New York Cross Country Series, 4 Miles, $8,
Black Creek Park (Chili). Contact: Peter Glavin,
gvhxc@rochester. rr,com or www.gvh.net
September 25
Wayne ARC Harvest Hand In Hand with Helen's 5K Ru n; In
Memory of Helen Addona; Contact Tracy Clingerman @ 315331-7741 x347 or [email protected] rg; Race at Roosevelt Children's Center, websITe: www.waynearc.ora .
October 16
9th Annual Run for Hospice 10 Mile & 5K & 2,5 mile fitness
walk, $17 by 10/2 , $20 by 10/16, $22 Day of Race. $13000 in
prizes, Contact Pete Va n Peursem, 585-594-4197, or
[email protected]. or www.runforhospice.com; Race
at First Bible Baptist Church, 1039 North Greece Rd. Greece,
September 25
Casey Park TriRATSthalon; 1K swim, 30K bike, 8K run . $30
till Sept 1, after that add $10, Race Day $50. Casey Park,
Knickerbocker Rd , Ontario, NY. Sponsored by RATS and
Ontario Parks and Rec, Contact: Carolyn Kriesen
(315) 524 -7447
October 23
King's Athletic Club 5K, benefits Webster H,S, marching
band , $ 15 by 10/16, $20 post. King's Athl etic Club,
48 S, Estate Dr. Webster. Contact 872-1440 or
stephenbarry@earthlink,net. See race form on p. 9-10,
September 25
11 :00
Upstate New York Cross Country Series, 5K, $8, Akron Falls
Park, Contact: Peter Glavin, [email protected] or
September 26
Penfield Challenge 5K, $15 by 9/19, $20 post. Contact: Chris
Billow, 340-8655, billow@penfield ,org, www,penfield ,org .
Location: Penfield Community Center, Baird Rd ,
October 30
Run Like Hell 5K, Halloween theme run , Race starts @
Johnny's Irish Pub, 1382 Culver Rd, near corner of Merchants,$17 pre, $20 post; Contact Bill Kehoe at 585-4738337 or [email protected]
October 2
Barktoberfest 10K, benefits Humane Society at Loll ypop
Farm , Contact Dave Boutillier, 244-5181 or yellowjacketracing@hotmail,com; www.yellowjacketracing.com
October 30
11 :00
Upstate New York Cross Country Series, 4 Miles, $8, Cornell
Golf Course (Ithaca), Contact: Peter Glavin,
gvhxc@rochester,rr,com or www.gvh.net
October 2
Mcquaid Invitational Open Race, 3 Mile XC Race, Genesee
Valley Park, $5, Contact Pete Glavin
[email protected]
November 6
Elks 15K, Canandaigua, $15 by Oct. 30, $20 post. Contact:
Jim Kerr, 585-396-9593 or revjwk@yahoo,com. Ra ce location: Elk's Lodge, 1844 Niagara St. (off Main St.),
October 2
9 :45
6th Annual Greg Greve Alumni 5K, 1K Kids Fun Run; Pre by
9/24 is $10; Post $15. Contact Pau l Kurtz, 585-594-6513 or
Kurtzp@roberts,edu; Race @ Roberts Wesleyan College,
Voller Athletic Center, 2301 Westside Dr, Rochester, 14624,
November 13
2nd Annual Pirate Toy Fund Run for Toys 5K. sponsored by
World Gym, at Powder Mill Park, walkers welcome, Kids Fun
Run, $18 pre-reg by 11 /11 , $20 post. Contact: Melissa, 58527 1-5519, or info@piratetoyfund ,org, www.piratetoyfund .org.
October 2
26th Annual Apple DerbylMerkel Run 5 mile certified starting
at Hilton High School and ending at Canning Square, HiltonParma Recreation, 392-9030,
November 13
Mendon Trail Run; 51<, 10K, 20K, 50K trail runs; SOK at 8:00
am; all others at 9:30 am. $8 by 11 /5 , $10 after. Contact
Larry Zygo at [email protected] 585-227-7618; Sponsored
by Roch, Orienteering Club & Monroe Co, Parks Dept. Race
at Mendon Ponds Park E. lodge.
October 3 .
Rochester Autumn Classic Formula 1 Duathlon; Ye llowJacket
Series Championship, 2 mi Rl10 mi B/2 mi Rl10 mi B/2 mi R.
Contact: Dave Boutillier, 585-244-5181 . Location: Mendon
Ponds Park, Beach Parking area , Benefits Hillside Children's
Center, www.yellowjacketracing .com
November 14
$5,000 GVH Cross Country Invitational at Genesee Valley
Park, $8, 9:30: Masters Men 6K; 10:15: Women's 6K;
11 :00: Open Men's 8K. Contact: Pete Glavin
[email protected] or www.gvh.net
October 9
Scarecrow Safe Journey 5K. Main St. in Fairport, $15 by
10/5, $20 after, Benefits Safe Journey. Info: Kim Hunt-Uzelac,
425-1580 or [email protected]. See race form on
Page 7-8.
November 21
21st Annual Turkey Classic 5 Mile road race for invest in
youth campaign: $16 Pre by 11/14, $22 Post, T-shirts to first
400, ContactLori Woods-Luther at Southeast YMCA, '111 E
Jefferson Rd, Pittsford 14534, 585-249-5394 or
January 1, 2005
10:00 am
Annual GRTC New Year's Day Freezeroo, 7.5 miles.
Celebrate the New Year with back to back races instead of a hang-over. Mendon Ponds Park.
[email protected] .
January 15
Freezeroo #3, 5K, Irondequoit, hosted by the Gold
Rush Runners.
November 25
14th Annual Race with Grace 10K, a Rochester Runner of the
Year Race. $15 by 11/23, $18 on 11/24, $20 day of race,
Sweatshirts to first 200, T-shirts to balance. Contact Bob Dyjak @ 585-225-6560 or [email protected]: Race at
First Bible Baptist Church, 1039 N. Greece Rd, Greece.
January 29
10:00 am
Freezeroo #4, 10K, Powder Mill Park, hosted by Oven
Door Runners.
November 25
10:00 am
32nd Annual Webster Herald Turkey Trot, 4.4 mile Trot & 2.5
mile Chase run at Webster Park, Webster, NY. Contact Dave
Boutillier at 244-5181 or [email protected].
www.yellowjacketracing.com Benefits Jim May Scholarship
Sodus Point Triathlon
August 22, 2004
'By Ellen Brenner-Boutillier
November 25
10:00 am
Hornell YMCA Thanksgiving 11th Annual Turkey Trot 5K Run
& Walk (9:30 am), $15 by 11/24, $20 day of race. Contact
Dan Galatio, at 607-324-5520 or [email protected],
Race is at Hornell YMCA, Hornell, NY
Triathlon has seen an incredible boom in the past 4
years . Some say its due to the initial viewing of it during
the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. Locally, Triathlon has
been booming as well. In the Rochester area alone we
are now up to 8 triathlons and 4 duathlons. Six of these
events are put on by YellowJacket Racing, a local race
directing company, whose founder David Boutillier
(Boots) wanted to bring some of his race experiences
from across the globe back here to his backyard.
November 25
10:00 am
29th Annual Newark Turkey Day 5 Mile Race, $15. Registration at Newark Community Center. More info: centact Joe
Contrario at 315-789-0222 or e-mail [email protected]
Sunday, August 22nd, brought such an event called the
Sodus Point Triathlon. This Sprint Distance Tri was
a .45 mile Lake Ontario Swim followed by a 13 mile
bike around Sodus then a 5K run in the quaint village of
Sodus Point. Indeed a quaint village it was, where the
transition area that houses the participants bike/swim
and nun gear during the event sat right between Sodus
Bay and Lake Ontario.
November 27
10:00 am
RT Turkey Run, 5 Miles, $10 pre-reg, Post: $15. Contact
GVH, PO Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or
[email protected]. Race meets at Mendon Ponds Park
beach parking lot Add $5 to entry fee for T-shirt if wanted.
December 4
10th Ann'ual Jingle Bell 5K Run and Walk for Arthritis & 1-mile
fitness walk, benefits the Arthritis Foundation, $15 Pre by
11 /26, $20 Post, T-shirts to all. Contact Elizabeth Cinanni at
264-1480 [email protected], Race is at Brighton H.S
Interestly, when we arrived the night before the event
to start setup, it was a windy area with up to 5 foot
swells. At that point you just start setting up and see if
the water settles down in the AM . In the meantime, in
the back of our heads we wonder if a Run/Bike/Run
would be an appropriate replacement for the Tri.
December 11
10:00 am
Freezeroo#l, 10K, Ogden, hosted bySALS
December 26
Upstate Holiday Classic Indoor Track & Field Meet at RIT: $51
event Contact: GVH, PO Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616
or [email protected] www.gvh.net
Around midnight after setup the YellowJacket Racing
crew heads to a very restless sleep in our vehicles right
next to transition. Now it is quite peaceful with the
awesome show of stars in the sky.
December 31
Midnight MADDness - New Year's Eve Run
In Memory of Matthew Kato
And benefiting MADD (Mothers Against Dnunk Driving)
@ ESL Sports Centre. Contact Dave Boutillier at 2445181 or yellowjacketracing@hotmaiLcom,
www.yellowjacketracing .com
The alarm sounds at 5AM as we roll out, put a cap on
our disheveled heads and brush our teeth ready to start
race day prep. At least we bnush our teeth . II's just as
dark as when we went to bed , but you can see the sun
starting to rise. The winds have calmed and the water
has too. It'll be a regular Tn after all.
continued on next page
Boots heads out to set the course while the rest of the
crew hang back setting the area awaiting the arrival of
athletes. At six fifteen the racers begin to arrive. (Note
that the race goes off at 8:30AM) . Athletes head to
packet pickup, sign waivers, get their chips then start
setting up house in the transition area where all their
goods are stored. I often wonder what the price tag
would be for all the equipment in transition .
The morning is brisk before the start, but athletes rnill
around sharing tactics on how to proceed with their
race. Shall I wear socks or not? Wetsuit or no Wetsuit?
Electrolyte Drink or water? Sun Glasses or not? Which
shoes, which wheels ... ? These concerns are not unusual for tri-athletes.
Start time is nearing and the sun is shining. It is an
absolutely stunning day in Sodus Point. The town has
come out to help, cheer and spectate. This event is to
help the Sodus Point Neighborhood Association, so
many have come out to participate in some way.
Teddy and Amanda
When Boots and I were seeking locales for future Tri 's,
we had the opportunity to meet with Jo Sullivan, the
wife of Sodus Point's mayor. Jo headed up the
Neighborhood Association and was quite excited to
bring a triathlon to the town . She offered us wonderful
home-baked cookies on a bitter winter night in her
home where we discussed the plans for this surnmer
event. Sadly, Jo passed away after a battle with cancer
8 weeks prior to the triathlon. With penmission from
Mayor Sullivan, we dedicated the race in memory of Jo
since she was instrumental in bringing it to Sodus
July 24, 2004
This race was planned in an effort to raise funds for Sara
Minni, a local 6 year old who has been struggling with brain
cancer since she was 9 months old. All of the proceeds are
to help continue much needed treatments .
The idea to organize this race was that of Hilton High School
junior, Amanda Griggs. With the collaboration and expertise
of Steve Fowler, director of Hilton-Panna Recreation, and
Tom Ganley, a local running enthusiast, the idea became a
reality. It was a wonderful cause for this community to rally
As the race began in the 68 degree water, volunteers
manned their posts and spectators cheered when
swimmers emerged led by Carl Johnston. Then one by
one athletes exited transition to start their bike rides. It
turned out to be an optimal day as temperatures rose
into the 80 's. Boats drifted by as athletes returned to
start the run . The 5K course wound around the popular
Sodus Pt. lighthouse twice providing a picturesque
There were 71 runners and walkers ranging in age from 7 to
72. Members of the Hilton Apple Fest committee manned the
water stop , Hilton-Parma Recreation loaned equipment and
additional help was given by the Hilton Girl's Cross Countty
team along with their families and their coach.
Times were competitive with the overall male finisher Teddy
Many of the participating athletes were new to the sport
of triathlon and struggled with less efficient transitions.
Not a problem for Nationally ranked Carl Johnston of
Ontario and Mary Eggers of Henrietta who won this first
time event.
Quinn running the course in 17:24. Teddy, a 2004 graduate
of Rush-Henrietta H.S. , is one of the areas elite cross-country
runners as well as placing fifth in the 1600 at the New York
State Outdoor Track meet this spring. Hilton H.S. junior,
Amanda Griggs, was the overall female finisher with a
As the race progressed and the back of the pack
crossed the finish line, it became evident that the local
community was enjoying this new sport in their midst.
During the awards ceremony, the Mayor invited us
back and we gladly accepted. Stay tuned for next years
event and consider giving it a Tri!
level in cross-country and track
19:33. Amanda has also been very competitive at the state
The race raised a total of $3151.50 which included money
donated by the Lakeview Community Church Vacation Bible
School, registration fees, and some very generous anonymous gifts. A 'Build-a-Bear', appropriately clad in running
shoes, shorts and aT-shirt, was sent home for Sara as a gift
from Amanda.
Results at www.yellowjacketracing.com.
Informal Running Groups
Weduesday's Children (aka RIT feet Runners)
Wednesdays 7:00 AM - Easy 3-mile and 5-mile runs.
RlT parking lot so uthwest side of campus S Lot (at
Crossroads building), Directions: East River Road
south from Jefferson Road; left onto m stitute Drive'
right onto Andrews Drive; left into S Lot, Eat and '
drink at Crossroads optional after the run. Contact: Peter Haggerty at pjhnce@ rit.edu .
Bagel Buuch
Saturday 7:00 am at Bruegger's, Latta and Long Pond
Roads in Greece. Various routes and distances, maps and
water stops provided. Contact Bob Oyjak @ 225-6560 or
[email protected]. A Bagel Bunch photo can he
found at: http:// groups.yahoo.c-OInlgroup/
BageLBunchi. You can also receive weekly emails of the
routes by joining the Yahoo BageLBunch group at this site.
Gold Rush Runners
Saturdays 7:00 am, Meet at The Lakeside Coffee
Shop, Stutson Street Plaza (Irondequoit), Routes in
the 5 -15 mile range. Contact Chris Boshnack 5449934, cboshrun@ aol.com or Don Curran [email protected]·.colll .
Oveu Door Runners
Saturday 6:30am (winter - Dec. & Jan. - start time is
7:00 am.) meet in front of Pontillo's Pizza in Hitching Post Plaza on Rt. 96. Distances usually 12 - 20
miles. Contact Bill Hearne @ 377-3537 (hm), 7811429 (wk), [email protected]
Rochester FrontRunners I FrontWalkers
The local chapter of the mternational Front Runners.
(",·ww.frontlUnners.org). We are a group of gay men
and women interested in fitness and social interaction. The gang meets Saturday 9:00 am, Monday and
Wednesday 6:00 pm in the parking lot of the George
Eastman House, near the East Avenue entrance, rain
or shine. Join us for a 3 mile run, a 5 mile run, or a 3
mile walk through the East Avenue / Park Avenue
neig hborhood and then relax and chat afterward at
one of several coffee shops. Questions? Email us at
rochfrfw@ hotmai l. com .
Oven Door Light
Sunday 7:00am, meet in front of Pontillo's Pizza in
Hitching Post Plaza on Rt. 96
7 mile route, Contact Bill Hearne @ 377-3537 (hm)
or 781-1429 (wk) or wheame(@,rochester.n.com
Spencerport Ruun ers
Sunday 7:30am, meet at the Union Street Canal Bridge,
Routes of 5 to 15 miles at a 7:30 to 8:30 pace, Contact
Mike Weinpress@352- 1026
Montana Mills Milers (M')
An informal group, meeting Saturdays at 8:00 am at Montana Mills Bakery, Main St., Canandaigua, NY. Two or
three groups: 3 mile at a slow pace, a 5-7 mile route at a
medium pace, and a longer, faster route for you longer and
faster folk. Afterward, we sit around and drink coffee. Contact Jim Kerr.
Pittsford Towpath Runners
Sunday 8:30 am Memorial Day through Labor Day; 9:00
am remainder of the year. Meet at Pittsford Dept. of Transportation, off Monroe Ave next to canal towpath, Contact
John Hultz @ 586-4791. Flat routes of 5 -8 miles, 7:30 10:30 pace, Socialize at Bruegger's Pittsford Plaza afterwards
Westside RATS Run-Bike-Run Group
The group meets every Tuesday from the third Tuesday in
April until the last Tuesday before Labor Day at 6: 15 pm
at Braddock's Bay Park. Workouts are: 2.4 mi. run - 10.3
mi. bike - 2.4 mi. run. For details, contact Jeff Ouriel at
Certified Five and Diners
Wednesday, Winter (starting the Wednesday after the end
ofOST), meet at Johnny's Irish Pub, at 1382 Culver Road,
comer of Merchants Rd., at 6:00 pm , with the opportunity
for post-run socializing. Summer, (during DST) meet at
the Mendon Ponds Park Beach Parking Lot 6: 15 pm. Run
starts at 6:30 pm, Run 5 miles and eat something afterwards, Contact John Hultz@ 586-479 1
Eastside RATS Run Bike-Run Group
The group meets every Tuesday until Labor Day at 6: 15
pm in Webster Park, comer of Lake & Holt. For details,
contact John Montgomery at mcandjuiio!a{msn.com .
Gender (MlF) _
Phone # - - - - - - -City:
Zip + 4: _ _ _ _ __
e-mail address:
Birth date:
Occupation / School: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _
Ifunder 18, Parent / Guardian Name: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
I'd like to help with:
Membership Categories: Individual
$20 / year
_ $50 / 3 years (save $10)
$30 / year
_ $75 / 3 years (save $15)
$15 / year
$35 / 3 years (save$ 10)
Make Checks payable to GRTC, Would like to make a tax deductible contribution $ _ __
Mail completed application to: GRTC, P. O. Box 92608, Rochester, NY 14692
The Greater Rochester Track Club (GRTC) is a not-for-profit, volunteer organization that was founded in
1955. It is one of the oldest and largest organized running clubs in the North East. GRTC has approximately 500 members, consisting of runners, walkers, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts, encompassing an
eight county region. Our goals are to help you be more fit, help you learn more about yourself, and provide
information to help prevent common running injuries. So, whether you are a jogger or a runner, ready to
race or someone keeping in shape, GRTC membership is for you. We promise to give you value for your
membership dollars.
GRTC Newsletter: 10 issues per year, containing race calendar, race applications and articles.
Use your newsletter mailing label to get applicable discounts.
Race Discounts: Some local races provide discounts to GRTC members.
Check the race application form of your favorite race to see if they offer a discount.
Link to Road Runner Sports, Discount off order or Free Shipping, valued @ $25
Canal Side Therapeutic Massage, $5 discount
Mid Town Athletic Club, One-month FREE trial membership; valued @ $90.
Renew your membership @ Jim Dalberth's Sporting Goods, receive $10 off purchases over $60
Spring track workout a series of coached track workouts, valued @ $75
Tri Running and Walking 10% discount on purchases
Joyous Fool, Yoga studio, 20% of Tuesday evening classes
G&G Fitness, fitness equipment, 10% off
Annual GRTC summer picnic, valued @ $10
Annual racing mileage patches recognizing sustained commitment to running/racing @ Priceless
PERMIT # 00145
P.O. BOX 92608
.. II .. .. II ••1.11.1 .. 1
, 2/15/05
Please Check Your Label for Membership Expiration Date
Trent Jackson
Ed Duncan
Dick Ashley
Dick Boddie
John Coons
Len Bagley
Gene Osborne
Norm Frank
Don McWilliams
Pete Todd
Don McNelly
Paul Gesell
Shi~ey Gesell
Elroy Turner
Paul Sadler
Beryl Ske~on
Kare Cossaboon-Holm
Joe George
Bill Quinlisk
Dave Coyne
Craig Holm
Tim McAvinney
Nedra Osborne
Beth DeCiantis
Bill Kehoe
Nancy ashier
George Tillson
Marsha Tillson
Ben James
Charlie McMullen
Tom Rauscher
Barbara Stewart
Scott Bagley
Jane laculli
Renee Rombaut
Charlie Andrews
Kim Batten
Pete Pfrtzinger
Bill Hearne
Carolyn Smith-Hanna
Greg Brooks
Kathy Brown
Ric Perry
Lois Hotchkiss
Michael Reil