Spreading Cheer and Hope for the Year Ahead
Spreading Cheer and Hope for the Year Ahead
IN T UCH The Silicon Valley Association of Health Underwriters, California’s Benefits Specialists, is an organization of insurance professionals committed to promoting the ethical interest of our industry. We do this by providing continuing education for our members and their clients and act as consumer advocates with legislative leaders. Jan./Feb. 2015 Vol. 19, No. 47 News for and about members of the Silicon Valley Association of Health Underwriters – California’s Benefits Specialists Upcoming Events SVAHU Sales Expo January 29, 2015 Sunnyvale Visit www.svahu.org for more information. CAHU Capitol Summit May 19&20, 2015 Sacramento, CA CAHU Health Care Summit September 29 & 30, 2015 Universal City, CA Sacramento, CA SVAHU 2520 Venture Oaks Way #150 Sacramento CA 95833 877-748-0815 [email protected] WWW.SVAHU.ORG SVAHU Board Meetings Monthly, 3rd Thursday @ 9:00am Details at www.svah.org Spreading Cheer and Hope for the Year Ahead By Mackenzie Vaillancourt and Jeff Bader Thank you members and guests who braved the storm and attended our 2nd Annual Winter WINEland Holiday Party in Los Gatos on December 11th, 2014. We collected hundreds of toys for the Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff and donated $3000 each to The Grateful Garment Project and the Ravenswood Youth Athletic Association. The Grateful Garment Project ensures that victims of a sexual crime who are treated at a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) facility (or who seeks medical and/or law enforcement) is provided with proper clothing to go home, as well as toiletries, snacks, and other miscellaneous items that he or she may require to reduce further trauma. SVAHU greeted and gifted this year’s recipient charitable organizations at the Annual Holiday Fundraiser. RYAA is a faith-based, non-denominational organization utilizing sports as a means to create relationships that will mentor, teach and encourage the participants in their numerous sports programs at all levels of play in the East Palo Alto Belle Haven community. We could not have done this without the generosity of our members and our event sponsors, Beere & Purves, BenefitMall, Blue Shield of California, and Claremont Insurance Services. Cheers and we will see you next year! Happy New Year! SVAHU’s Annual Budget and Financials are available at www.svahu.org Page 1 www.svahu.org Jan./Feb. 2015 IN TOUCH CAHU PAC GEMSTONE CONTRIBUTORS 5 Star Diamond SVAHU Diamond $85 per mo. Oly Storz Mika Storz Daniel Bodmann Terry Harris-Hickey Jeffrey Kane Marilyn Leonard Michael Lujan Jan Mesa Richard Shelton Dave VanNest Kathleen Vaillancourt Sapphire $60 per mo. Ki Cotter Christine Petrocelli Sandra Bealu Emerald $42 per mo. Cyndy Kane Allan Liu Lucille Maravilla Susy Spackman Denise Vance Rich Hemmerling Octavio Jara Victor Davi Bill Halper Visit www.cahupac.org to contribute to CAHU PAC or to increase your current contribution! Page 2 Ruby $21 per mo. Jeff Bader Theresa Bennett Brian Cecy John Goeghegan James Goodacre Dennis Jarvis Herb Knight Betty Lindstrom Natalie Pirtle Philip Skarlanic Kirk Stoddard Brian Sullivan Robert Vinal Steven Walker Warren Willsey Robert Coronel Allan Eckmann Bob Miller Milly Morelan Thanks to all other contributors: Dorothy Hull www.svahu.org IN TOUCH SVAHU helped fill the sleigh with toys for Santa and the Contra Costa County Sheriffs to hand out at their own event held the following week. Page 3 Jan./Feb. 2015 www.svahu.org IN TOUCH Jan./Feb. 2015 Your SVAHU Dollars Working for You By Brian Sullivan, Sponsorship Chair Wow! 2015 and we are already adjusting to new trends . . . one being the unseasonable cold spell we are currently experiencing. As the saying goes change is good! Your association and our industry is changing and we all must adapt, make the necessary changes to survive or perish. During 2014 SVAHU (Silicon Valley Association of Health Underwriters) initiated changes to insure that we addressed the needs of our membership you the Carrier, GA and Brokers. We have redirected our efforts in being your voice within our extended association of CAHU (California Association of Health Underwriters) and NAHU (National Association of Health Underwriters). Your Board has and will continue to meet with CAHU and NAHU and other entities working together to protect our future. Now that comes at a price but the price is very low compared to the rewards of keeping our industry vibrant and our clients protected and insured. That price of helping to protect the future of SVAHU is Sponsorship $’s which allow us to put on events that give you training, CE credits and the ability to speak with Industry Leaders and others that are shaping the future of our working environment. Yes, I know that we are all bombarded with requests for $’s but think about it…SVAHU is your Association and your voice. That voice is important! Last year, on your behalf, we were in the forefront of helping to defeat Prop. 45. As many of you will recall that would have given the Insurance Commissioner the ability to not only set insurance rates but also the ability to control and set commissions as well. SVAHU stepped up on your behalf and contributed to the campaign to defeat that terrible Proposition. Help us continue the fight with your Sponsorship $’s and also by your participation at meetings and events. Each of you - Carriers, GAs and Large Broker firms can help by signing up now as 2015 Sponsors. You’ll get some great exposure and other perks as part of being a Sponsor but the most important thing is knowing that you support your Association and are helping to protect your industry!!! For those of you that have already stepped up a sincere thank you from me and SVAHU. For sponsorship information, please visit www.svahu.org or contact me [email protected] or [email protected]. Most of you know me already but for those who don’t, pick up the phone and give me a shout, I’d be glad to hear from you. Contact: Brian Sullivan at (408) 350-5723 or [email protected]. Hope to see you all at our upcoming Sales Expo on January 29 th. 2015 Metallic Sponsorship 2015 Metallic Sponsorship Opportunities are available! Don’t miss the chance to be involved and get your company that extra exposure with our annual sponsorship package! Our distinguished Metallic Sponsors have a significant role in supporting our chapter and provide us with means to present our membership with great programs. For more information & to get your Metallic Sponsorship Package, contact: SVAHU at [email protected]. THANK YOU To Our 2015Metallic Sponsors Without your support, we would not be able to bring the quality events and programs to our members that they have come to expect from us. Thank you, thank you, and thank you! GOLD SPONSORS ~ Claremont Insurance Services, Word & Brown SILVER SPONSORS ~ BenefitMall, Kaiser Permanente BRONZE SPONSORS ~ Aetna Our Sponsors support us…We support them! Page 4 www.svahu.org Jan./Feb. 2015 IN TOUCH Looking for a New Career? By Mika Storz, SVAHU PAC Chair If the answer is no, PAC is for you! We have once again escaped this election with our careers. Proposition 45 failed for now but if you know anything about politics, you know this will be back. The bottom line is that we can never rest on the political front. If you have read this and don’t know what I am talking about, even more reason for you to back the PAC! Let’s go back to the basics. PAC stands for Political Action Committee and almost every industry has one. PACs contribute money to candidates and causes that support an industry’s goals and ideals. Since our PAC is voluntary, we count on you to donate and spread the word. If you earn a living from the health insurance industry, you should consider this essential to your career. Don’t let a carrier or GA rep into your office without asking them if they contribute to PAC. SVAHU Wins PAC Contest SVAHU won $2,000 from CAHU to send our PAC Chair to the 2015 NAHU Capitol Conference, raising funds for both CAHU PAC and the No on 45 campaign. Our chapter PAC funnels into the state’s PAC through CAHU. This gives us increased visibility in Sacramento. The statewide fund is used to support candidates and legislation that are friendly to the health insurance professions (you and me!). There are many legislators who consider us unimportant and replaceable, and it is important to raise the visibility of the services that health insurance agents provide to the consumer. Some of you have earned your living for decades from selling health insurance. It is time to step up! Start or increase your PAC contributions here: www.cahupac.org/monthly-contributions More information at www.svahu.org. Page 5 www.svahu.org Jan./Feb. 2015 IN TOUCH SVAHU 2014-2015 Board of Directors Michael Traynor President (925) 296-8800 [email protected] Denise Vance Immediate Past President (408) 317-8081 [email protected] Kathleen Vaillancourt Treasurer (925) 296-8840 [email protected] Susy Spackman Secretary (408) 452-6906 [email protected] Mika Storz PAC Chair (408)395-3363 [email protected] Catrina Reyes Legislative Chair (925) 296-8800 [email protected] Diane DeSena Professional Development Chair (925) 788-7205 [email protected] Sandra Silviera Membership Chair (408) 685-4872 [email protected] Mackenzie Vaillancourt Communications Chair (925) 420-7524 [email protected] Jeff Bader Editor (408) 350-5789 [email protected] John Bobincheck Member Retention (925) 296-8808 [email protected] Board Member at Large Open Position President Elect Open Position Brian Sullivan Sponsorship Chair (408) 350-5723 [email protected] SVAHU Staff (877) 748-0815 [email protected] IN TOUCH is a bi-monthly newsletter of the Silicon Valley Association of Health Underwriters. It is written and published by the Board of Directors of the Association and is mailed to health, life and P/C insurance professionals. Permission is required to reprint original material, and it will usually be given upon request. Advertising correspondence or letters to the editor should be addressed to IN TOUCH, email: [email protected]. Subscription is free with membership. SVAHU is a non-profit professional association affiliated with the National and California Associations of Health Underwriters. All rights reserved. Page 6 www.svahu.org Jan./Feb. 2015 IN TOUCH Member Contact Update Are you receiving SVAHU emails? 1. NAHU’s website: www.nahu.org 2. Call SVAHU at (877) 748-0815 3. Email SVAHU: [email protected] There is a lot of information that is sent to SVAHU members via email. Send us your email address today Don’t miss out on AHU news! We want to hear from you! What topics or speakers do you want at meetings or in the newsletter? Visit our website at www.svahu.org Page 7 Website Advertising available! Contact SVAHU for details! www.svahu.org IN TOUCH Page 8 Jan./Feb. 2015 www.svahu.org IN TOUCH Page 9 Jan./Feb. 2015 www.svahu.org IN TOUCH Page 10 Jan./Feb. 2015 www.svahu.org Jan./Feb. 2015 IN TOUCH JOIN SVAHU THE PREMIER ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH BENEFITS PROFESSIONALS LAST NAME FIRST NAME COMPANY TITLE MIDDLE DESIGNATIONS BUSINESS ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP HOME ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE FAX REFERRAL / SPONSOR EMAIL DUES & PAYMENT METHOD ANNUAL PAYMENT $ 270.00 $ 170.00 $ 35.00 ANNUAL DUES: $ 475.00 $ 50.00* Associate Membership: MONTHLY BANK DRAFT $ 22.50 $ 14.17 $ 2.92 $ 39.59/ MONTH NAT’L DUES: STATE DUES: LOCAL DUES: FORM OF PAYMENT ¨ Check (payable to NAHU) ¨ Bank Draft ¨ VISA ¨ MasterCard ¨ American Express Bank Draft / Credit Card Authorization I (we) hereby authorize NAHU to initiate debt entries to my (our) account indicated (for automatic withdrawals from your checking account, please attach a voided check to this application). Monthly debits will equal one-twelfth of any current applicable national, state or local dues. NAME (as it appears on Check or Credit Card) Signature Account Number I am interested in the following SVAHU committees: ¨ Agent Carrier Relations Ad Hoc Committee ¨ Awards Committee ¨ Education Committee ¨ Membership Committee ¨ Legislation Committee Expiration Date ¨ Charity Golf Committee ¨ Community Service Committee ¨ Sales Expo Committee ¨ Social Committee ¨ Newsletter Committee * Associate Member Annual Dues apply ONLY to those individuals who do not have an insurance license or, who do, but belong to another NAHU chapter & want to be included in SVAHU mailings and bi-monthly IMPORTANT: Name of your primary NAHU Chapter:____________________________________ newsletter. Return Membership Application to: Silicon Valley Association of Health Underwriters 2520 Venture Oaks Way #250, Sacramento CA 95833 Page 11 www.svahu.org IN TOUCH Page 12 Jan./Feb. 2015
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