2014 Laporan Tahunan Annual Report MOVING FASTER Enhancing Your Capacity Toward World Bussiness MOVING FASTER Enhancing Your Capacity Toward World Bussiness Kinerja 2014 / 2014 performance 1 “Stgthg Surveyg SOE to Support Naоal d оal Trade” “PENGUATAN BUMN SURVEI UNTUK MENDUKUNG PERDAGANGAN NASIONAL DAN INTERNASIONAL” Mengedepankan peran strategis SUCOFINDO sebagai BUMN Survei pertama dan terbesar yang memiliki jaringan layanan seluruh Indonesia. Siap mengoptimalkan momentum Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) sebagai suatu peluang dan tantangan untuk tetap berkiprah dalam memenangkan persaingan usaha. To advance SUCOFINDO’s strategic role as the first and largest state-owned surveying company. SUCOFINDO is ready to optimize the momentum from the Asian Economic Community (AEC) into an opportunity and a challenge to remain active in overcoming business competition. SUCOFINDO terus memperkuat diri dengan melakukan langkah kreatif dan menawarkan inovasi jasa-jasa baru berbasis kompetensi, peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia, dan peningkatan pelayanan pelanggan seiring dengan perkembangan kebutuhan dunia usaha. Siap menjadi pijakan yang kokoh untuk para pelaku bisnis dan industri untuk membangun penetrasi pasar internasional dengan standar yang diakui dunia. SUCOFINDO has continuously strived to strengthen itself by taking creative steps and offering innovation in the form of new competence-based services, improving the quality of its human resources, and improving customer service, all in parallel with the growing demands of the business sphere. SUCOFINDO is ready to become a solid pedestal for all business actors and industries in penetrating the international market with globally-acclaimed standards. Laporan Tahunan 2014 disusun dan diterbitkan PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), yang selanjutnya dalam laporan ini disebut sebagai SUCOFINDO, Perusahaan, Perseroan dan / atau ‘Kami’, sebagai salah satu bentuk pelaporan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab perusahaan sekaligus bentuk kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Terutama dalam hal keterbukaan informasi kepada pemegang saham dan segenap pemangku kepentingan lainnya. The 2014 Annual Report has been compiled and published by PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), henceforth in this report referred to as SUCOFINDO, the Company, the Corporation, and / or ‘we’, as an implementation of our corporate responsibility and a form of compliance towards laws and regulations in effect, specifically pertaining to information disclosure towards shareholders and other stakeholders. Laporan ini menyajikan informasi tahun 2014 yang mencakup pencapaian kinerja keuangan, profil perusahaan, laporan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), analisis dan pembahasan kegiatan usaha dan keuangan, dan implementasi tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (Good Corporate Governance). This report shall present information from the year 2014 covering financial performance achievements, company profile, Human Resources (HR), analysis and discussion of business and financial activities and implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). 2 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KESINAMBUNGAN TEMA Continuation of Report Theme Pada Laporan Tahunan 2014 SUCOFINDO mengambil tema “Penguatan BUMN Survei untuk Mendukung Perdagangan Nasional dan Internasional” untuk memperlihatkan kesinambungan dengan tema Laporan Tahunan pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. The theme for the SUCOFINDO 2014 Annual Report is “Strengthening Surveying SOE to Support National and International Trade”, a continuation of the themes of annual reports from previous years. 2009 Growing Market Share 2010 Improving Competences, Expanding Services 2011 Ensuring Sustainability through Redefining Business Strategy 2012 Embarking New Business through Advantages Business Alignment Strategy Kinerja 2013 Performance Outlook 2013 Profil Perusahaan Company Profile Analisa Dan Pembahasan Manajemen Management’s Discussion And Analysis Tata Kelola Perusahaan Corporate Governance Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Corporate Social Responsibility Informasi Perusahaan Corporate Information Laporan Keuangan Financial Report 2014 Strengthening Surveying SOE to Support National and International Trade 2013 Synergy : Build A Strong Reputation 1 SINERGI : BANGUN REPUTASI YANG KOKOH 3 / 2014 performance Kinerja 2014 4 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) //Laporan LaporanTahunan Tahunan2014 2014Annual AnnualReport Report DAFTAR ISI Table of Contents 6 KINERJA 2014 2014 Performance Ikhtisar Kinerja Keuangan Financial Performance Highlight ....................................12 Peristiwa Penting Significant Events .................................................................18 Laporan Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Report ....................................22 Profil Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Profile ................................................28 Laporan Direksi Board of Directors Report ................................................30 Profil Dewan Direksi Board of Directors Profile ................................................36 Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab atas Laporan Tahunan 2014 Statement of Responsibility for the 2014 Annual Report .....................................................................................38 40 PROFIL PERUSAHAAN Company Profile Visi, Misi, dan Nilai-Nilai Perusahaan Vision, Mission, and Corporate Values ........................42 Identitas Perusahaan Corporate Identity ...............................................................46 Riwayat Singkat Perusahaan Brief History of the Company ..........................................48 Jejak Langkah Milestones ..............................................................................52 Kegiatan Bidang Usaha dan Proses Bisnis Business Lines and Business Process ..........................54 Proses Bisnis dan Model Operasi Business Process and Operating Model .....................56 Produk dan Jasa Products and Services .........................................................59 Kronologi Pencatatan Saham dan Pencatatan Efek Lainnya Chronological Listing of Shares and Other Effects ..........61 Struktur Organisasi Organizational Structure ....................................................62 Titik Layanan Points of Service ....................................................................64 Pemegang Saham Utama, Entitas Anak, Entitas Asosiasi & Pengendalian Bersama Entitas Major Shareholders, Subsidiaries, Associated Entities & Control Joint Entities .........................................69 Sekilas Kinerja Anak Perusahaan Subsidiaries Performance at Glance ..............................70 Alamat Kantor Area Operasi Operating Area Office Address ........................................73 78 SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA Human Resources Profil Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources Profile ...................................................80 Struktur Divisi Human Capital Human Capital Division Structure ....................................82 Strategi Pengelolaan SDM HR Management Strategy ..................................................86 94 ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN Management Discussion and Analysis Tinjauan Umum General Overview .................................................................96 Tinjauan Kinerja Bidang Usaha Business Performance Overview .....................................99 Prospek Usaha 2015 2015 Business Prospects ...................................................147 164 TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN YANG BAIK Good Corporate Governance Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Implementation of Good Corporate Governance .......170 Kinerja 2014 Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) .........................201 Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners ......................................................203 Direksi Board of Directors ....................................................................216 Hubungan Antara Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Relationship Between the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors ...........................226 Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris Supporting Bodies To The Board of Commissioners ...228 Sekretaris Perusahaan Corporate Secretary ..............................................................239 Penghindaran Benturan Kepentingan dan Perlakuan Istimewa Prevention of Conflict of Interest and Preferential Treatment ...........................................................243 Sistem Pengendalian Internal Internal Control System ........................................................246 Audit Eksternal External Audit ............................................................................251 Pengelolaan Risiko Risk Management ................................................................253 Integritas Bisnis Business Integrity ................................................................260 Sistem Pengendalian Internal dan Pelaporan Pelanggaran Internal Control System and Violation Report ...............261 Tata Kelola Teknologi dan Informasi Information Technology Management .....................263 Akses Informasi dan Data Access to Information and Data ........................................266 Kepatuhan Pada Hukum dan Perundang Undangan Legal Compliance ..................................................................268 270 TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL DAN LINGKUNGAN Good Corporate Sosial and Environmental Responsibility Pemenuhan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Fulfillment of Social and Environmental Responsibility ...........................................................................272 / 2014 performance Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan Partnership and Community Development .............273 Pemenuhan Tanggung Jawab kepada Produk dan Konsumen ...............................................281 Fulfillment of Product and Consumer Responsibility ....................................................................282 Pemenuhan Tanggung Jawab Terhadap Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Fulfillment of Occupational Health and Safety Responsibility ..............................282 285 LAPORAN KEUANGAN Financial Statement 369 REFERENSI PERATURAN BAPEPAMLK NO. X.K.6 BAPEPAM-LK Regulation No. X.K.6 Reference 5 6 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KEUNGGULAN PERUSAHAAN COMPANY ADVANTAGES Keanekaragaman jasa-jasa SUCOFINDO dikemas secara terpadu. SUCOFINDO memiliki 1.859 tenaga ahli di bidangnya serta didukung oleh jaringan kerja Laboratorium, cabang dan titik layanan di berbagai kota di Indonesia. The various services offered by SUCOFINDO have been packaged in an integrated manner. SUCOFINDO is supported by 1,859 experts in their field and a business network consisting of laboratories, branch offices and service points in several cities in Indonesia. 58 TAHUN BERKIPRAH years of services SUCOFINDO merupakan perusahaan inspeksi pertama dan terbesar di Indonesia. Didirikan pada 22 Oktober 1956, SUCOFINDO berperan dalam memberikan jasa pemastian bagi pelaku usaha untuk menjalankan proses bisnis dan transaksi usaha. SUCOFINDO is the first and biggest inspection company in Indonesia. Founded on October 22, 1956, SUCOFINDO played a role in providing assurance services for business actors in conducting business processes and transactions. 65 Kantor pelayanan terdiri atas cabang dan 34 unit layanan tersebar 29 di seluruh pelosok Indonesia, dan 1 SBU Laboratorium yang berlokasi di Cibitung, dan Laboratorium yang berlokasi di Surabaya. 65 operational offices consisting of 29 branch offices and 34 service units distributed throughout Indonesia, in addition to 1 SBU Laboratory located in Cibitung, and laboratorium lacated in Surabaya. 10.000 PELANGGAN customers Tidak kurang dari 10.000 pelanggan bangga menggunakan sertifikasi hasil uji dan laporan survei dari SUCOFINDO dan lebih dari 2.000 pelanggan menggunakan logo (sertifikasi dan jaminan mutu) dari SUCOFINDO sebagai pencitraan merek bagi pelanggan. No less than 10,000 customers are proud of using certification from testing results and survey reports from SUCOFINDO and more than 2,000 customers use the SUCOFINDO logo (for certification and quality guarantee) for brand imaging towards customers. Kinerja 2014 85 / 2014 performance 7 Jenis layanan di bidang inspeksi dan audit, pengujian dan analisis, sertifikasi, konsultasi dan pelatihan. Types of service in inspection and audit, testing and analysis, certification, consultation, and training. More than Rp1 trillion worth of assets SUCOFINDO memiliki aset tercatat sebesar Rp 1.182.309.666.461 tidak termasuk aset intangible dalam bentuk kompetensi pegawai yang berlisensi dan dikembangkan melalui training berkesinambungan serta knowledge management system. Selain itu, aset intangible lainnya berupa brand yang telah memiliki reputasi serta citra yang kuat dalam benak para pelanggan. SUCOFINDO has a recorded asset of Rp 1.182.309.666.461, which excludes intangible assets in the form of licensed employee competencies developed through continuous training and knowledge management systems. Other intangible assets include a brand name with strong reputation and image in the mind of customers. 45 Laboratorium terintegrasi Integrated laboratories Dalam bidang Energi SUCOFINDO memiliki laboratorium komersial pertama di Indonesia untuk pengujian Coal Bed Methane dan Laboratorium Mineral Processing pertama di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara. Selain itu untuk pengujian berbagai bidang seperti kimia, kalibrasi, sipil, keteknikan, dan lingkungan serta produk makanan dan minuman, farmasi, kalibrasi alat presisi dan pengujian beton. SISTEM KEUANGAN TERINTEGRASI INTEGRATED FINANCIAL SYSTEM SUCOFINDO menggunakan sistem keuangan secara terintegrasi guna menjamin akuntabilitas pelaporan, kemudahan, dan kecepatan transaksi. SUCOFINDO utilizes an integrated financial system in order to guarantee the accountability of reports, ease of use and swiftness of transactions. In the Energy sector, SUCOFINDO has the first commercial laboratory in Indonesia for Coal Bed Methane testing and the First Mineral Processing Laboratory in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. There are also laboratories for testing in various fields such as chemistry, calibration, construction, engineering and the environment, along with food and beverage production, pharmacy, calibration of precision tools, and concrete testing. 8 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PENCAPAIAN PERUSAHAAN Company Achievements 1 AKREDITASI, SERTIFIKASI & ANGGOTA ASOSIASI ACCREDITATION, CERTIFICATION & ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP SUCOFINDO sebagai perusahaan jasa pemastian inspeksi dan pengujian telah berhasil memperoleh sertifikasi dan akreditasi dari lembaga sertifikasi dan akreditasi yang diakui secara nasional dan internasional. Perolehan akreditasi ini dibarengi dengan keikutsertaan dalam keanggotaan asosiasi lembaga keteknikan dan profesi. As an assurance service company, SUCOFINDO has been successful in obtaining certification and accreditation towards inspection and testing services from certification and accreditation bodies acknowledged at national and international level. Accreditation has been obtained simultaneously with participation through memberships in technical and professional associations. 2 102 LISENSI KEANDALAN 102 RELIABILITY LICENSES Jasa pemastian inspeksi dan pengujian didukung penuh oleh Sumber Daya Manusia yang telah memperoleh lisensi secara nasional maupun internasional. Inspection and testing assurance services offered are fully supported by human resources who have obtained national and international licenses. Kinerja 2014 / 2014 performance 9 Meningkatkan kembali kebanggaan menjadi bagian dari SUCOFINDO Increasing the pride of being a part of SUCOFINDO 3 4 5 6 INDEKS KEPUASAN PELANGGAN 79,83% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION INDEX of 79.83 % SUCOFINDO memiliki kekuatan merek di benak pelanggan yang terlihat dari brand awareness, association dan loyalty serta persepsi pelanggan terhadap kualitas pelayanan. SUCOFINDO has strong branding in the minds of customers, as can be seen from brand awareness, association and loyalty, in addition to customer perception towards quality of service. SKOR KPKU 533 KPKU SCORE OF 533 SUCOFINDO meraih skor 533 dan masuk dalam kategori kelompok Good Peformance atas Kriteria Penilaian Kinerja Unggul (KPKU) dari Kementerian BUMN. SUCOFINDO achieved a score of 533 and entered the group category of Good Performance from the Excellent Performance Assessment Criteria (KPKU) established by the Ministry of SOE. MENGEDUKASI DUNIA USAHA DALAM PENERAPAN KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH DALAM PERSYARATAN PERDAGANGAN INTERNASIONAL EDUCATION TOWARDS THE BUSINESS SPHERE ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GOVERNMENT POLICIES IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE REQUIREMENT SUCOFINDO turut andil mengedukasi dunia usaha dalam penerapan kebijakan pemerintah dan persyaratan perdagangan internasional. Bersama pemerintah menciptakan sistem yang dapat mengembangkan iklim transaksi usaha yang sehat, melindungi kepentingan negara dan pelaku bisnis serta terjaminnya kelestarian lingkungan dan meningkatkan taraf sosial ekonomi masyarakat. SUCOFINDO plays a role in educating the business sphere in implementing government policies and international trade requirements. Together with the government, SUCOFINDO has created a system which can develop a healthy business transaction climate, protect national interests and business actors, guarantee environmental conservation and increase the social and economic level of the society. SUCOFINDO BERHASIL MEMPEROLEH SKOR 90,07 DALAM PENERAPAN GCG SUCOFINDO SUCCESFULLY OBTAINS A SCORE OF 90.07 FOR GCG IMPLEMENTATION Perolehan skor ini lebih tinggi dari tahun sebelumnya yaitu 89,04 dengan predikat Perusahaan “Sangat Baik”. This score achievement is higher than the 2013 score of 89.04 with categorized as a “Very Good“ Company. . 10 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report STRATEGI Strategies Untuk mempertahankan posisi sebagai perusahaan yang terus tumbuh berkelanjutan, perusahaan melakukan reformulasi strategi bisnis dan korporasi berupa 4 Strategi SUCOFINDO: BUDAYA BERKINERJA TINGGI High Performance Culture In order to maintain its position as a company with continuous growth, SUCOFINDO has reformulated its business and corporate strategies into the 4 SUCOFINDO Strategies: OPERASIONAL PRIMA Operating Excellence INOVASI DAN MANAJEMEN PENGETAHUAN Innovation and Knowledge Management PERTUMBUHAN YANG BERKELANJUTAN Sustainable and Profitable Growth Kinerja 2014 1 2 3 4 / 2014 performance Peningkatan budaya perusahaan untuk mendukung perwujudan organisasi yang memiliki kinerja tinggi. Corporate culture improvement to support the establishment of organization with high performance. Perbaikan dan peningkatan pada model operasi agar dapat mendukung sistem pelayanan secara prima. Improve and develop operating model to support service excellence system. Pengelolaan inovasi dan pengetahuan secara sistematis sehingga dapat mendukung kinerja organisasi secara keseluruhan. Systemic Knowledge and Innovation Management to support organization performance. Fokus pada peningkatan pertumbuhan yang tidak hanya menguntungkan untuk jangka pendek, namun juga berkelanjutan untuk jangka panjang. Focus on sustainable growth that is not only for short-term profitability but also for longterm sustainability. Reformulasi Strategi Bisnis dan Korporasi tersebut dijabarkan dalam bentuk action plan dan program kerja yang komprehensif. Reformulation of Business and Corporate Strategies as found above has been elaborated in the form of a comprehensive action plan and work programs. 11 12 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report IKHTISAR KINERJA KEUANGAN Financial Performance Highlights URAIAN Description 2010 2011 POSISI KEUANGAN Financial Position 2012 2013 2014 Dalam Juta Rupiah Expressed in Million IDR Asset Assets Asset Lancar Current Assets 464.711,8 701.036,7 784.840,7 857.287,3 1.033.717,4 296.747,3 309.672,6 342.595,2 351.692,2 335.333,0 761.459,1 1.010.709,4 1.127.435,9 1.208.979,5 1.369.050,4 479.371,7 553.616,0 598.110,9 706.222,5 818.662,8 (146,3) (2.212,2) (1.061,3) (288,8) 798,6 Liabilitas Jangka Pendek Short Term Liabilities 216.894,8 350.937,4 397.255,2 365.043,5 428.490,2 Liabilitas Jangka Panjang Long Term Liabilities 64.427,5 105.784,6 132.297,1 138.336,9 122.543,7 Jumlah Liabilitas Total Liabilities 281.322,3 456.722,0 529.552,4 503.380,4 551.033,9 Jumlah Liabilitas dan Ekuitas Total Liabilities and Equity 760.694,0 1.010.338,0 1.127.663,3 1.209.603,0 1.369.696,7 Modal Kerja Bersih Net Working Capital 247.817,1 350.099,4 387.585,51 492.243,8 605.227,2 Jumlah Investasi Total Investment 66.297,9 55.780,7 56.315,2 96.257,3 47.376,1 1.148.206,8 1.420.955,8 1.592.011,1 1.730.010,7 1.706.334,8 (881.311,1) (1.070.203,5) (1.133.497,7) (1.181.126,7) (1.262.641,4) 266.895,7 350.752,3 458.513,3 548.884,1 443.693,4 Pendapatan KSO Cooperation (KSO) Revenue 53.815,0 62.449,8 79.636,6 120.597,2 179.474,5 Laba Kotor setelah KSO Gross Profit After KSO 320.710,7 413.202,1 538.149,9 669.481,3 623.167,9 (230.366,2) (283.298,4) (405.173,3) (401.290,7) (344.509,3) Laba Usaha Operating Income 90.344,6 129.903,8 132.976,6 268.190,6 278.658,6 EBITDA EBITDA 101.242,5 181.146,1 116.070,7 261.059,8 251.242,0 Laba Sebelum Pajak Income before tax 62.046,3 125.473,9 63.972,5 211.567,5 215.078,4 Laba Komprehensif Comprehensive Income 40.187,0 77.459,2 53.495,8 113.172,4 135.700,9 Asset Tidak Lancar Fixed Assets Jumlah Asset Total Assets Liabillitas dan Ekuitas Liabilities and Equity Jumlah Ekuitas Total Equity Kepentingan Non - Pengendali Non-Controlling Interests Jumlah Investasi Pada Entitas Asosiasi Total Investment in Associate Entities Laporan Laba Rugi Income Statement Pendapatan Revenue Beban Pokok Pendapatan Cost of Revenue Laba Kotor Gross Profit Beban Usaha Operating Expenses Kinerja 2014 Jumlah Aset Total Assets 13 / 2014 performance Pendapatan KSO Cooperation (KSO) Revenue 179.474 180.000 1.400.000 1.209 1.370 175.000 1.300.000 170.000 1.200.000 165.000 1.127 1.100.000 160.000 1.011 1.000.000 155.000 900.000 150.000 800.000 125.000 761 700.000 100.000 600.000 75.000 500.000 120.597 79.636 53.815 62.449 50.000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 Tahun Years Tahun Years Catatan: Dalam Miliar Rp Note: Expressed in Billion IDR Catatan: Dalam Juta Rp Note: Expressed in Million IDR Pendapatan Revenue Beban Usaha Operating Expenses 1.800.000 1.730 2013 2014 500.000 1.706 1.700.000 405.173 1.600.000 401.290 400.000 1.600 1.500.000 344.509 1.421 1.400.000 230.366 1.300.000 1.200.000 283.298 300.000 200.000 1.150 1.100.000 1.000.000 100.000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2014 2011 Tahun Years 2012 2013 2014 Tahun Years Catatan: Dalam Miliar Rp Note: Expressed in Billion IDR Catatan: Dalam Juta Rp Note: Expressed in Million IDR Laba Komprehensif Comprehensive Income Laba Usaha Operating Income 278.659 300.000 150.000 135.700 268.191 250.000 125.000 113,172 200.000 100.000 77.459 150.000 129.904 132.977 75.000 53.495 100.000 90.344 50.000 40.187 25.000 50.000 2010 2011 2012 Tahun Years Catatan: Dalam Juta Rp Note: Expressed in Million IDR 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 Tahun Years Catatan: Dalam Juta Rp Note: Expressed in Million IDR 2013 2014 14 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Tabel Rasio-Rasio Keuangan Table of Financial Ratio Uraian Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Rasio Likuiditas Liquidity Ratios Rasio Kas Cash Ratio 41,9% 66,3% 48,0% 51,4% 77,0% Acid Test Ratio Acid Test Ratio 125,1% 131,2% 152,6% 143,6% 174,5% Current Ratio Current Ratio 214,3% 199,8% 197,6% 234,8% 241,2% 23,2% 24,7% 28,8% 31,7% 26,0% Net Profit Margin Net Profit Margin 3,5% 5,5% 3,4% 6,5% 8,0% Margin EBITDA Margin EBITDA 8,8% 12,7% 7,3% 15,1% 14,7% Return on Equity (ROE) Return on Equity (ROE)) 8,4% 14,0% 8,9% 16,0% 16,6% Return on Asset (ROA) Return on Asset (ROA) 5,9% 12,5% 2,8% 16,3% 12,1% 13,3% 17,9% 10,3% 21,6% 18,4% Debt to Total Asset Ratio Debt to Total Asset Ratio 36,9% 45,0% 47,0% 41,6% 40,2% Debt to Total Equity Ratio Debt to Total Equity Ratio 58,7% 84,5% 88,5% 71,3% 67,3% Inventory Turnover (Hari) Inventory Turnover (Days) 62 78 Collection Period (Hari) Collection Period (Days) 57 Rasio Profitabilitas Profitability Ratios Operating Margin Operating Margin Pengembalian Terhadap Penjualan Return on Sales Return on Investment Return on Investment Rasio Solvabilitas Solvency Ratios Rasio Aktivitas Activity Ratios 77 58 95 59 65 89 71 Total Asset Turnover Total Asset Turnover 157,9% 147,0% 150,1% 158,3% 141,2% Total Equity to Total Assets Total Equity to Total Assets 63,0% 54,8% 53,1% 58,4% 59,8% Tabel Perhitungan Laba Rugi Komprehensif Table of Comprehensive Income Perubahan Percent Difference Selisih Difference Realisasi 2014 2014 Realization Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 2013 Realization ǻ ǻ ǻ% ǻ% 2 3 4 (2-3) (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) 1.706.334,8 2.150.879,8 1.730.010,7 (444.545,0) (23.675,9) (20,7) (1,4) (1.262.641,4) (1.410.196,2) (1.181.126,7) 147.554,8 (81.514,8) (10,5) 6,9 443.693,4 740.683,6 548.884,1 (296.990,2) (105.190,7) (40,1) (19,2) Pendapatan KSO Cooperation (KSO) Revenue 179.474,5 100.000,0 120.597,2 79.474,5 58.877,3 79,5 48,8 Laba Kotor setelah KSO Gross Profit After KSO 623.167,9 840.683,6 669.481,3 (217.515,7) (46.313,4) (25,9) (6,9) Beban Usaha Operating Expense (344.509,3) (543.916,4) (401.290,7) 199.407,1 56.781,4 (36,7) (14,1) Laba Usaha Operating Income 278.658,6 296.767,2 268.190,6 (18.108,6) 10.468,0 (6,1) 3,9 Laba Sebelum Pajak Income Before Tax 215.078,4 213.276,7 211.567,5 1.801,7 3.510,8 0,8 1,7 Laba Komprehensif Comprehensive Income 135.700,9 134.410,9 113.172,4 1.290,0 22.528,5 1,0 19,9 Uraian Description 1 Pendapatan Revenue Beban Pokok Pendapatan Cost of Revenue Laba Kotor Gross Profit Kinerja 2014 / 2014 performance Nett Profit Margin Nett Profit Margin 3,5% 5,5% 2010 2011 3,4% 6,5% 2012 2013 8,0 % 2014 Return on Assets (ROA) Return on Assets (ROA) 5,9% 12,5% 2010 16,3% 2,8% 2011 2012 2013 12,1 % 2014 Laba Usaha Operating Income 300.000 296.767,2 Laba Usaha Operating Income 278.658,6 268.190,6 250.000 Kenaikan Angka Laba Usaha Increase in Operating Income (6,1) % Realisasi Dibanding Target 2014 Comparison between 2014 realization with target 200.000 150.000 Realisasi 2014 2014 Realization Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 2013 Realization 3,9 % Realisasi 2014 Dibanding Realisasi 2013 Comparison between 2014 realization with 2013 realization Catatan: Dalam Juta Rp Note: Expressed in Million IDR Laba Komprehensif Comprehensive Income 140.000 Laba Komprehensif Comprehensive Income 135.700,9 134.410,9 Kenaikan Angka Laba Komprehensif Increase In Comprehensive Income 130.000 1,0% 120.000 113.172,4 Realisasi dibanding target 2014 Comparison between 2014 realization with target Realisasi 2013 2013 Realization 19,9% 110.000 100.000 Realisasi 2014 2014 Realization Catatan: Dalam Juta Rp Note: Expressed in Million IDR Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2014 Dibanding Realisasi 2013 Comparison between 2014 realization with 2013 realization 15 16 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Perolehan Pendapatan Berdasar Segmen Usaha Revenue by Business Segment Segmen Usaha Business Segment 1 Perubahan Percent Difference Selisih Difference Realisasi 2014 2014 Realization Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 2014 Realization ǻ ǻ ǻ% ǻ% 2 3 4 (2-3) (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) Government 1 Government 1 147.984,5 193.575,0 100.885,5 (45.590,5) 47.099,0 (23,6) 46,7 Government 2 Government 2 66.401,0 124.635,8 119.800,8 (58.234,8) (53.399,8) (46,7) (44,6) Minyak & Gas Oil & Gas 386.448,7 519.403,0 296.092,1 (132.954,3) 90.356,6 (25,6) 30,5 52.134,3 180.959,5 68.371,0 (128.825,1) (16.236,7) (71,2) (23,7) Komoditi & Solusi Perdagangan Commodity & Trade Solution 188.033,2 243.244,4 276.896,6 (55.211,2) (88.863,4) (22,7) (32,1) Laboratorium Laboratory 138.324,9 118.893,7 87.647,6 19.431,1 50.677,3 16,3 57,8 Mineral & Batubara Mineral & Coal 539.596,8 524.324,1 574.764,7 15.272,7 (35.167,9) 2,9 (6,1) Sertifikasi & Eco Framework Eco-Framework & Certification 105.994,5 146.244,9 123.958,0 (40.250,4) (17.963,5) (27,5) (14,5) Property Property 26.675,9 21.134,1 30.050,3 5.541,7 (3.374,4) 26,2 (11,2) Lainnya Others 66,5 0,0 10.107,6 66,5 (10.041,1) 0,0 (99,3) PT SAU 53.016,7 55.243,8 32.300,5 (2.227,1) 20.716,2 (4,0) 64,1 1.657,7 23.221,4 10.113,5 (21.563,7) (8.455,8) (92,9) (83,6) 1.708.350,8 2.152.896,8 1.733.005,2 444.544,9 24.653,3 (20,6) (1,44) Realisasi 2014 2014 Realization Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 2014 Realization ǻ ǻ ǻ% ǻ% (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) Industri Industry PT EPISI Jumlah Total Catatan: Dalam Juta Rp Note: Expressed in Million IDR Beban Pokok Pendapatan Cost of Revenue Segmen Usaha Business Segment 1 Perubahan Percent Difference Selisih Difference 2 3 4 (2-3) Government 1 Government 1 120.028,6 150.067,0 70.288,0 (30.038,4) 49.740,6 (20,0) 70,8 Government 2 Government 2 69.341,9 104.237,2 112.562,7 (34.895,3) (43.220,8) (33,5) (38,4) Minyak & Gas Oil & Gas 336.444,1 362.670,2 253.176,4 (26.226,1) 83.267,7 (7,2) 32,9 45.122,3 128.220,3 46.428,4 (83.098,0) (1.306,2) (64,8) (2,8) 144.998,7 159.213,9 207.221,1 (14.215,2) (62.222,4) (8,9) (30,0) Laboratorium Laboratory 94.310,2 69.878,4 49.824,4 24.431,8 44.485,8 35,0 89,3 Mineral & Batubara Mineral & Coal 295.113,0 274.630,4 283.255,7 20.482,6 11.857,3 7,5 4,2 Sertifikasi & Eco Framework Eco-Framework & Certification 62.888,8 85.984,0 67.433,3 (23.095,3) (4.544,5) (26,9) (6,7) Property Property 20.682,9 16.497,4 13.196,0 4.185,4 7.486,9 25,4 56,7 Lainnya Others 16.647,9 0 46.422,1 16.647,9 (29.774,2) 0,0 (64,1) PT SAU 32.321,6 38.946,8 27.264,3 (6.625,2) 5.057,3 (17,0) 18,5 PT EPISI 24.741,6 19.850,6 4.054,3 4.891,0 20.687,3 24,6 510,3 1.262.641,5 1.410.196,2 1.181.126,8 (147.554,7) 81.514,7 (10,5) 6,9 Industri Industry Komoditi & Solusi Perdagangan Commodity & Trade Solution Jumlah Total Catatan: Dalam Juta Rp Note: Expressed in Million IDR Kinerja 2014 17 / 2014 performance Beban Umum dan Administrasi General and Administrative Expenses Selisih Difference Perubahan Realisasi 2014 2014 Achievement Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 2014 Achievement 2 3 4 216.630,2 317.022,9 281.537,6 (100.392,8) (64.907,4) (0,3) (0,2) 0 2.572,8 760,5 (2.572,8) (760,5) (1,0) (1,0) Beban Perjalanan Dinas Business Travel Expenses 8.478,2 15.506,0 11.522,1 (7.027,8) (3.043,9) (0,5) (0,3) Beban Operasional Operational Expenses 5.887,5 3.578,6 4.542,2 2.308,9 1.345,3 0,6 0,3 Beban Fasilitas & Property Intern Internal Property & Facility Expenses 19.073,7 28.154,2 35.629,0 (9.080,4) (16.555,3) (0,3) (0,5) Beban Penyusutan & Amortisasi Internal Property & Facility Expenses 4.816,6 4.424,0 6.000,2 392,5 (1.183,7) 0,1 (0,2) 39.399,8 115.615,4 24.630,9 (76.215,7) 14.768,9 (0,7) 0,6 248,2 4.791,4 3.056,0 (4.543,2) (2.807,8) (0,9) (0,9) 29.894,9 40.661,4 22.634,8 (10.766,5) 7.260,1 (0,3) 0,3 PT SAU 15.321,6 10.772,5 7.030,3 4.549,1 8.291,3 0,4 1,2 PT EPISI 4.758,6 817,1 3.947,0 3.941,5 811,6 4,8 0,2 Jumlah Total 344.509,3 543.916,4 401.290,7 (199.407,1) (56.781,4) (0,4) (0,1) Beban Umum dan Administrasi General and Administrative Expenses 1 Beban Pegawai Employee Expenses Beban Tenaga Ahli Expert Staff Expenses Beban Kantor & Diklat Office & Training Expenses Beban Promosi Promotional Expenses Beban Umum General Expenses Percent Difference ǻ ǻ ǻ% ǻ% (2-3) (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) Catatan: Dalam Juta Rp Note: Expressed in Million IDR Pendapatan dan Beban Lain-lain Other Revenues and Expenses Pendapatan dan Beban Lain-Lain Other Revenue and Expenses 1 Pendapatan Bunga Interests Revenue Pendapatan Utilisasi Aset Utilization of Assets Revenue Pendapatan Lain-Lain Other Revenues Laba / Rugi Selisih Kurs Profit / Loss from Exchange Rate Differences Beban Bunga Interests Expenses Realisasi 2014 2014 Realization Target 2014 2014 Target 2 3 Jumlah Total 4 Selisih Difference Perubahan Percent Difference ǻ ǻ ǻ% ǻ% (2-3) (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) 4.886,5 1.750,0 2.166,5 3.136,5 2.720,0 1,8 1,3 559,9 0 778,5 559,9 (218,6) 0,0 (0,3) (64.132,9) (86.830,0) (88.283,8) 22.697,0 24.150,8 (0,3) (0,3) (5.217,5) 5.000,0 23.669,0 (10.217,5) (28.886,5) (2,0) (1,2) (2.024,3) (6.600,0) (1.580,4) 4.575,7 (443,8) (0,7) 0,3 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0,0 2.348,1 1.250,0 6.627,2 1.098,1 (4.279,1) 0,9 (0,6) (63.580,2) (85.430,0) (56.623,1) 21.849,8 (6.957,1) (0,3) 0,1 Proses Penurunan Nilai Piutang Impairment of Receivable Keuntungan Kontribusi Modal Non Moneter Ke Pengendalian Bersama Entitas Profit from Non-Monetary Capital Contribution to Joint Venture Entities Realisasi 2013 2014 Realization Catatan: Dalam Juta Rp Note: Expressed in Million IDR 18 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PERISTIWA PENTING Significant Events 24 15 Februari / February Maret / March SUCOFINDO dan LA TOFI School of CSR menandatangani nota kesepahaman (MoU) mengenai Sustainability Company Audit (SCA) dengan pemastian pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). SUCOFINDO and La Tofi School of CSR signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Sustainability Company Audit (SCA) with assurance on the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). SUCOFINDO bekerjasama dengan KOJI (Koperasi Jurnalis Indonesia) mengadakan workshop untuk para jurnalis dengan tema “Industri Survei dan Sertifikasi dalam Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN”. SUCOFINDO, in collaboration with the Indonesian Journalist Cooperative (KOJI), conducted a workshop for journalists with the theme “Survey and Certification Industry in the ASEAN Economic Community”. 24Maret / March Indonesia Business Coalition on AIDS (IBCA) dan SUCOFINDO menandatangani kesepakatan kerjasama untuk meningkatkan kapasitas lembaga-lembaga bisnis dalam menerapkan program P2 HIV-AIDS, dan melakukan audit dan sertifikasi P2 HIV-AIDS di tempat kerja. Indonesia Business Coalition on AIDS (IBCA) and SUCOFINDO signed a collaboration agreement to build the capacity of business institutions in implementing P2 HIV-AIDS programs and conducting P2 HIV-AIDS audit and certification at the workplace. 4 April / April SUCOFINDO memberikan Sertifikat ISO 9001:2008 untuk Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT). Sertifikat diserahkan oleh Sufrin Hannan (Plt. Dirut SUCOFINDO) kepada Marzan A. Iskandar (Kepala BPPT). SUCOFINDO awarded ISO 9001:2008 Certification for the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). The certificate was handed by Sufrin Hannan (Acting President Director of SUCOFINDO) to Marzan A. Iskandar (Chairman of BPPT). Kinerja 2014 22 / 2014 performance 19 April / April Untuk mendukung konsepsi bangunan ramah lingkungan, SUCOFINDO dan Ikatan Alumni BPPT (IKAL BPPT) menyelenggarakan Seminar Nasional “Aplikasi Audit Energi dalam mendukung Green Building”. In order to support the developing concept of environmentally-friendly buildings, SUCOFINDO and the BPPT Alumni Association (IKAL BPPT) conducted a National Seminar on “Application of Energy Audit in supporting Green Building”. 30April / April Ibu Rolia Nurdiawati, Kepala SBU Lab. Cibitung PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), meraih penghargaan ‘Silver Winner’ dalam ajang kompetensi Anugerah Kartini BUMN 2014. 20Mei / Ms. Rolia Nurdiawati, Head of SUCOFINDO’s SBU Laboratory in Cibitung, obtained the ‘Silver Winner’ award in the 2014 Anugerah Kartini competition for SOEs. May SUCOFINDO mengadakan seminar SNI Mainan Anak untuk Industri Kecil Menengah Produsen Mainan Anak di Jakarta dan Surabaya, bekerjasama dengan Ditjen IKM Kementerian Perindustrian dan Perdagangan. SUCOFINDO conducted a seminar on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for Children’s Toys for Small and Medium Industry Children’s Toys Producers in Jakarta and Surabaya, in collaboration with the Directorate General of the Ministry of Industry and Trade SMEs. Sebanyak 17 Kantor Cabang PT SUCOFINDO mendapatkan penghargaan pada ajang Anugerah K3 Tahun 2014 untuk kategori Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) dan Zero Accident dari Kemenakertrans yang diserahkan oleh Muhaimin Iskandar selaku Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia. 17 SUCOFINDO branch offices received awards in the 2014 Anugerah K3 for the Occupational Health and Safety and Zero Accident categories from the Ministry of Labor and Transmigration, bestowed by Muhaimin Iskandar as the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Labor and Transmigration. 26 Mei / 20 Juni / June 2 Juli / July SUCOFINDO bekerja sama dengan Universitas Airlangga beserta para dokter hewan ASEAN, melakukan pembinaan peternak sapi perah di desadesa binaan SUCOFINDO di Pasuruan dan Boyolali. SUCOFINDO ditunjuk oleh Kemenparekraf RI untuk melakukan pekerjaan jasa klasifikasi hotel yang dituangkan pada SK Nomor. KM.32 / HK.501 / MPEK / 2014 yang ditandatangani oleh Mari Elka Pangestu selaku Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Republik Indonesia. SUCOFINDO, in collaboration with Airlangga University and veterinarians in ASEAN, held trainings for dairy cattle farmers in SUCOFINDO guided villages in Pasuruan and Boyolali. SUCOFINDO was appointed by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to undertake a job in hotel services classification, as stipulated in Decision Letter No. KM.32 / HK.501 / MPEK / 2014, signed by Mari Elka Pangestu as the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy. 20 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 1 Agustus / August SUCOFINDO Cabang Pekanbaru mendapatkan penghargaan berupa certificate of Achievement dari PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia terkait dengan capaian sasaran budaya Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) kerja aman dilingkungan kerja PT CPI Infrastructure Maintenance HOOU yang berlokasi di wilayah Duri. SUCOFINDO’s Pekanbaru Branch received an award in the form of a Certificate of Achievement from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia due to the achievement of Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE) culture targets for occupational safety in the work environment of PT CPI Infrastructure Maintenance HOOU, located in the Duri region. 11 Agustus / August 2 September / September Kementerian BUMN melaksanakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), yang memutuskan mengangkat Bachder Djohan sebagai Direktur Utama SUCOFINDO. The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders which decided upon the appointment of Bachder Djohan as President Director of SUCOFINDO. SUCOFINDO memperkenalkan mekanisme baru penerbitan V Legal, yaitu fasilitas Self Print V Legal dan mensosialisasikan Peraturan Terbaru tentang Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK) dan Penerbitan V-Legal bagi pengguna jasa SVLK, di Hotel Graha Cempaka, Jakarta. 21 Agustus / SUCOFINDO introduced a new mechanism for issuing V-Legal documents, namely the V-Legal Self Print facility, and socialized most recent regulations on the Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) and V-Legal Issuance for SVLK service users at Graha Cempaka Hotel, Jakarta. August SUCOFINDO menerima penghargaan Silver Award pada kategori Strategic dan Tactical pada ajang BUMN Marketing Day, yang dihadiri oleh Dahlan Iskan selaku menteri BUMN. SUCOFINDO received a Silver Award in the Strategic and Tactical categories in the SOE Marketing Day competition, attended by Dahlan Iskan as the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises. 4 September / September Direksi menyapa pelanggan, dalam rangka memperingati Hari Pelanggan Nasional 2014. The Board of Directors greeted customers in commemoration of the 2014 National Customer Day. Kinerja 2014 / 2014 performance 21 15September / September Untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan kualitas Good Corporate Governance di lingkungannya, SUCOFINDO bekerjasama dengan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) mensosialisasikan pengendalian gratifikasi di lingkungan kerja SUCOFINDO seluruh Indonesia. In order to maintain and improve the quality of good corporate governance in its environment, SUCOFINDO in collaboration with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) socialized gratification control in the working environment of SUCOFINDO throughout Indonesia. 25 September / September PKBL SUCOFINDO meraih Penghargaan Silver pada ajang penghargaan BUMN PKBL Award yang diselenggarakan Ombudsman Indonesia dan La Tofi School of CSR. SUCOFINDO’s Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL) received a Silver Award in the PKBL Award for SOEs held by the Ombudsman of Indonesia and La Tofi School of CSR. 24Oktober / October Republik Demokratik Timor Leste meningkatkan kerjasama dengan SUCOFINDO terkait dengan pengujian dan standar mutu kesehatan. The Democratic Republic of Timor Leste further developed its collaboration with SUCOFINDO in health quality standards and testing. 25 Oktober / October Website SUCOFINDO masuk nominasi pada acara Anugerah BUMN Web Awards 2014 yang dihelat Beritasatu. com, dan mendapat favorite kedua pilihan pembaca pada kategori jasa lainnya. SUCOFINDO’s website was nominated in the 2014 Web Awards for SOEs held by and became the second favorite reader’s choice in the category of Other Services. 3 Desember / December SUCOFINDO Kantor Pusat melaksanakan simulasi penanggulangan bencana kebakaran di kantor SUCOFINDO bekerjasama dengan Damkar Propinsi DKI Jakarta. SUCOFINDO’s Head Office conducted a fire disaster simulation at the SUCOFINDO office in collaboration with the DKI Jakarta Province Firefighters. 22 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report LAPORAN DEWAN KOMISARIS Board of Commissioners Report Kenaikan laba komprehensif di tahun 2014 Increase in comprehensive income in 2014 19,9% Gusmardi Bustami Komisaris Utama President Commissioner Management Reports / Laporan Manajemen 23 Pemegg Sah d Para Pemgku Kepng Yg Thormat, To our utmost respected shareholders and stakeholders, Perolehan Laba Komprehensif pada tahun 2014 adalah sebesar Rp135,70 miliar. Perolehan tersebut naik 19,9% dibanding tahun 2013 yang mencapai Rp113,17 miliar. Sampai akhir tahun 2014, SUCOFINDO mampu meraih laba usaha sebesar Rp278,66 miliar meningkat 3,9% dibandingkan laba usaha perusahaan pada tahun 2013 sebesar Rp268,19 miliar. Peningkatan tersebut dikarenakan adanya efisiensi di pada pos-pos biaya usaha. Achieved Comprehensive Income in 2014 amounted to Rp135.70 billion, increasing by 19.9% compared to the 2013 amount of Rp113.17 billion. By the end of 2014, SUCOFINDO was able to achieve an operating income of Rp278.66 billion, increasing by 3.9% compared to the 2013 operating income of Rp268.19 billion. This increase is due to improved efficiency in operating expense posts. Puji syukur kita panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, atas karunia-Nya sehingga Perusahaan telah dapat melewati tahun 2014 dengan kinerja dan pencapaian yang membanggakan. Seiring dengan berakhirnya tahun buku 2014, bersama ini kami menyampaikan laporan pertanggungjawaban atas pelaksanaan tugas pengawasan dan pemberian saran / rekomendasi terhadap pengelolaan perusahaan. We would like to express our gratitude to God Almighty, for it is due to His grace that the Company is able to conclude the year 2014 with commendable performance and achievements. With the end of fiscal year 2014, we present this accountability report on the implementation of our supervisory and advisory duties towards company management. Memasuki usianya yang ke-58 tahun ini, kinerja perusahaan terus memperlihatkan peningkatan yang signifikan. Komitmen Perusahaan untuk terus memberikan pelayanan jasa pemastian kepada para pelanggan, sejalan dengan tujuan Perusahaan dalam turut melaksanakan dan menunjang kebijakan program Pemerintah di bidang ekonomi dan pembangunan nasional. Perusahaan juga mendukung pengembangan jasa Inspeksi dan Audit, Pengujian dan Analisa, Sertifikasi, Pelatihan, dan Konsultasi dengan menerapkan prinsipprinsip Perseroan Terbatas. Entering its 58th year in service, the Company continues to display significant improvement in its performance. The Company’s commitment to continuously provide assurance services to customers, in accordance to the Company objective of implementing and supporting Government programs and policies in national economy and development. The Company has also supported the development of Inspection and Audit, Testing and Analysis, Training, and Consultation services by implementing principles of limited liability companies. 24 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Kami menyampaikan apresiasi atas kerja keras dan kesungguhan Direksi dalam mengelola perusahaan. Hal ini terlihat dari kemajuan kinerja di aspek keuangan, operasional, manajemen, dan percepatan implementasi rencana kerja. Kami akan terus memberikan kepercayaaan kepada Direksi sebagai wujud dukungan atas setiap langkah-langkah yang akan ditempuh untuk mencapai visi dan misi perusahaan. We would like to give our appreciation towards the hard work and wholeheartedness of the Board of Directors in managing the company, apparent from the progress shown by performance in financial, operational, and management aspects, in addition to the accelerated implementation of work programs. We will continue to place our trust in the Board of Directors as a form of our support towards all the steps taken to achieve the Company’s vision and mission statements. PENILAIAN KINERJA DIREKSI ATAS PENGELOLAAN PERUSAHAAN ASSESSMENT OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS PERFORMANCE IN COMPANY MANAGEMENT Kami menilai bahwa Direksi dan seluruh jajarannya telah memberikan upaya yang optimal. Hasil upaya ini tampak dengan Perolehan Laba Komprehensif pada tahun 2014 adalah sebesar Rp135,70 miliar. Perolehan tersebut naik 19,9% dibanding tahun 2013 yang mencapai Rp113,17 miliar. Sampai akhir tahun 2014, SUCOFINDO mampu meraih laba usaha sebesar Rp278,66 miliar meningkat 3,9% dibandingkan laba usaha perusahaan pada tahun 2013 sebesar Rp268,19 miliar. Peningkatan tersebut dikarenakan adanya efisiensi pada pos-pos biaya usaha. We have judged that the Board of Directors and all levels of management have given optimum efforts, apparent from the obtained Comprehensive Income in 2014, which reached Rp135.70 billion. This shows an increase of 19.9% compared to the 2013 amount of Rp113.17 billion. At the end of 2014, SUCOFINDO was able to obtain an operating income of Rp278.66 billion, showing an increase of 3.9% compared to operating income in 2013 amounting to Rp268.19 billion. This is due to increased efficiency in operating expense posts. Kami memberikan apresiasi atas kerja keras Direksi beserta seluruh jajaran perusahaan atas capaian SUCOFINDO dalam meraih skor 533 dan masuk dalam kategori kelompok Good Performance atas Kriteria Penilaian Kinerja Unggul (KPKU) dari Kementerian BUMN. Kinerja ini juga didukung dengan pencapaian indeks kepuasaan pelanggan sebesar 79,83% yang menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan memiliki kekuatan reputasi yang bagus, serta tingginya persepsi yang baik dari pelanggan terhadap kualitas layanan perusahaan. We would like to give our appreciation towards the hard work of the Board of Directors and the entire management for SUCOFINDO’s achievement in obtaining a score of 533, entering the ranks of the Good Performance category over Excellent Performance Assessment Criteria (KPKU) established by the Ministry of SOE. This performance has been supported by the achievement of a customer satisfaction index of 79,83%, which displays that the Company has a strong reputation and good perception from customers towards the quality of its services. Hasil evaluasi kerja secara keseluruhan menunjukkan pencapaian sasaran rencana kerja Perusahaan di tahun 2014 sudah semakin mendekati tujuan untuk menjadi perusahaan jasa yang terpercaya dan menguntungkan dalam memberikan jasa pemastian di Indonesia dan ASEAN. Hasil ini sejalan dengan visi Perusahaan. Namun demikian, untuk mempertahankan capaian baik di kinerja ekonomi ini, kami, segenap jajaran Komisaris juga mengingatkan bahwa peningkatan kualitas layanan dan kompetensi Perusahaan, serta efisiensi di segala bidang, harus terus ditingkatkan. 79,83% pencapaian indeks kepuasaan pelanggan yang menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan memiliki kekuatan reputasi yang bagus serta tingginya persepsi yang baik dari pelanggan terhadap kualitas layanan perusahaan achievement of a customer satisfaction index of 79.83% displays that the Company has a strong reputation and good perception from customers towards the quality of its services Overall, work evaluation results have shown that the achievement of Company work targets in 2014 has brought the Company closer to its objective of becoming a trustworthy and profitable assurance service company in Indonesia and ASEAN, in accordance to the Company’s vision statement. However, to maintain these favorable achievements in economic performance, we as the Board of Commissioners would like to remind that improvement in the Company’s service quality and competence, along with efficiency in all aspects, must continue to be increased. Management Reports / Laporan Manajemen 25 M. Sulton Fatoni Komisaris Commissioner Irfa Ampri Komisaris Commissioner Nahid Hudaya Komisaris Commissioner PELAKSANAAN TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN IMPLEMENTATION OF GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Kami menilai bahwa Direksi dalam melaksanakan tugasnya selalu berpedoman pada prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan kami mendorong agar implementasi GCG benar-benar diterapkan sebagai landasan operasional Perusahaan, dengan berlandaskan pada lima prinsip dasar, yaitu transparansi, akuntabilitas, pertanggungjawaban, independen, dan kewajaran. We have judged that the Board of Directors has abided by principles of good corporate (GCG) in conducting their duties. We have encouraged the complete implementation of GCG as the operational foundation of the Company, in accordance to five basic principles, which are transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness. Kami mendukung penerapan GCG ini dengan dibentuknya Divisi Pengelolaan Sistem, Tata Kelola dan Risiko. Divisi yang bertanggung jawab terhadap pengelolaan GCG di lingkup perusahaan diharapkan dapat menjamin pelaksanaan GCG secara menyeluruh. Kedepannya, kami merekomendasikan kepada setiap insan Perusahaan untuk menjaga konsistensi pelaksanaan GCG sehingga menjadi salah satu budaya Perseroan yang melekat kuat. We have supported GCG implementation by the formation of the System Management, GCG and Risk Division responsible for GCG management in company environment. It is hoped that it will be able to guarantee GCG implementation in a thorough manner. To continue, we recommend all Company personnel to maintain the consistent implementation of GCG as an inherent part of its corporate culture. Dalam aspek tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsbility / CSR), kami memberikan usul agar kinerja CSR terus ditingkatkan. Hal ini merupakan tantangan bagi Direksi dan seluruh jajaran Manajemen agar mulai menerapkan kebijakan CSR dengan lebih strategis. Lingkup CSR yang meliputi lingkungan hidup, konsumen, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3LL), serta pemberdayaan masyarakat, perlu dilakukan secara menyeluruh, disertai dengan kebijakan dan komitmen. Dengan demikian, sedikit demi sedikit, kegiatan CSR dapat menjadi bagian dari perilaku sehari-hari yang membentuk budaya organisasi dengan lebih kuat. Kami optimis bahwa program CSR yang disusun dengan lebih strategis, akan menciptakan rasa memiliki (sense of belonging) bagi semua para pemangku kepentingan, terutama pelanggan dan pegawai, terhadap bisnis perusahaan. In the aspect of corporate social responsibility (CSR), we recommend the continued improvement of CSR performance. This would serve as a challenge for the Board of Directors and the entire Management to commence a more strategic implementation of CSR policies. The scope of the Company’s CSR covers occupational health, safety and the environment (HSE), consumers, and community empowerment. It must be implemented in a thorough manner, supplemented by policies and commitment. Thus, little by little, CSR activities can become part of the everyday activities which shape a stronger organizational culture. We are optimistic that more strategic CSR programs will create a sense of belonging to all stakeholders, especially customers and employees, towards Company businesses. 26 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PENILAIAN ATAS KINERJA KOMITEKOMITE YANG BERADA DIBAWAH DEWAN KOMISARIS ASSESSMENT OF COMMITTEES UNDER THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PERFORMANCE Dalam rangka mendukung fungsi pengawasan dan penasehatan, kami dibantu Komite Audit yang secara proaktif memusatkan perhatian pada pengawasan dan penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik, pengendalian intern, pengelolaan risiko, dan menjamin dilakukannya proses pelaporan keuangan dengan baik. Sepanjang tahun 2014, kami menilai bahwa Komite Audit telah melaksanakan tugasnya diantaranya terlibat secara aktif dalam proses seleksi terhadap KAP yang akan diusulkan untuk melakukan audit keuangan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian tahun 2014, memastikan efektivitas pelaksanakan audit KAP, evaluasi atas laporan-laporan yang diterima dari KAP, melakukan review, analisis, dan evaluasi terhadap laporan keuangan dan laporan kegiatan usaha bulanan tahun 2014 dan menyampaikan hasilnya dalam laporan bulanan Komite Audit kepada Dewan Komisaris, melakukan review, analisis, dan evaluasi atas kinerja SBU-SBU beserta tugas pengawasan lainnya. Supporting our supervisory and advisory functions, we have been assisted by the Audit Committee, which has proactively focused its attention towards supervision and implementation of good corporate governance, internal control, risk management, and good financial reporting. Throughout 2014, we consider that the Audit Committee has conducted its duties, including being actively involved in the selection of a Public Accountant (PA) for the implementation of financial audit over the 2014 consolidated financial statement, ensuring the effective implementation of audit by the PA, evaluating reports received from the PA, conducting review, analysis and evaluation towards 2014 monthly financial statements and activity reports, and conveying the results in the Audit Committee monthly reports to the Board of Commissioners, conducting review, analysis, and evaluation over SBU performance, along with other supervisory duties. PANDANGAN ATAS PROSPEK USAHA 2015 OUTLOOK ON BUSINESS PROSPECTS IN 2015 Tahun 2015, merupakan momentum yang sangat baik bagi Indonesia, khususnya dalam menghadapi perdagangan bebas ASEAN atau yang kita kenal dengan Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA). Dengan hadirnya MEA, Indonesia memiliki peluang untuk memanfaatkan keunggulan skala ekonomi dalam negeri sebagai basis memperoleh keuntungan. Kami optimis dalam menyambut MEA dan peluang pasar SUCOFINDO akan semakin terbuka, sejalan dengan kebutuhan peningkatan daya saing produk Indonesia. Hal ini sangat dimungkinkan mengingat jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang sangat besar dan berpotensi tinggi menjadi pasar produk potensial. The year 2015 serves as a highly positive momentum for Indonesia, especially in facing ASEAN free trade, known to us as the Asean Economic Community (AEC). With the arrival of AEC, Indonesia has the opportunity to take advantage of the leading scale of its domestic economy as the foundation for obtaining profit. We are optimistic about greeting the arrival of the AEC, which gives the opportunity for SUCOFINDO’s market to be more widely exposed, in line with the need to upgrade the competitive ability of Indonesian products. This scenario is incredibly likely, recalling Indonesia’s large population and huge potential in becoming a potential product market. Namun demikian, terbukanya kesempatan juga merupakan tantangan. Bila kita tidak dapat memanfaatkan kesempatan dan potensi unik keberadaan Indonesia, maka bukan tidak mungkin hal ini malah menjadi bumerang. Tantangan MEA menjadikan kita harus waspada dalam bersaing dan untuk itu, maka kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) adalah mutlak bagi kelanjutan usaha SUCOFINDO. Penerapan BUMN Survei juga menjadi salah satu strategi yang baik untuk dilaksanakan, dan kami berharap Direksi mampu untuk tetap fokus pada kinerja atas hasil penerapan kegiatan ini. However, this opportunity will also act as a challenge. In the case that we would be unable to take advantage of this opportunity and the unique potential offered by Indonesia’s existence, it is entirely possible that they can instead become a boomerang. The challenge brought by the AEC reminds us to remain vigilant in the competition and that, for this purpose, competence of SUCOFINDO’s Human Resources (HR) is an absolute must for the continuation of its business. The implementation of a SOE Survey was a good strategy and we hope the Board of Directors will be capable of remaining focused towards performance resulting from this activity. Oleh karena itu kami menghimbau kepada Direksi dan segenap jajarannya untuk terus meningkatkan kemampuan dan keunggulan Perusahaan, khususnya kualitas SDM, dan ditunjang dengan kuatnya struktur permodalan, kemampuan perencanaan, dan standar prosedur operasional, disertai dengan produk-produk jasa unggulan. Dengan kekuatan tersebut kami optimis SUCOFINDO memiliki peluang dan prospek usaha Thus, we advise the Board of Directors and all levels of management to continuously improve the Company’s skills and merits, especially the quality of its HR, supported by strong capital structure, planning ability, and standard operating procedures, supplemented by excellent service products. With these strengths, we are optimistic that SUCOFINDO has brighter business prospects and opportunities ahead. These bright prospects must be Management Reports / Laporan Manajemen 27 yang lebih cemerlang. Prospek yang cerah ini harus dimanfaatkan manajemen SUCOFINDO dengan sebaikbaiknya, khususnya dalam memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi pelanggan. taken advantage of by SUCOFINDO’s management to the maximum, especially in providing the best service for its customers. PENGEMBANGAN SDM BERKESINAMBUNGAN SUSTAINABLE HR DEVELOPMENT Pengembangan SDM merupakan investasi dan akan menjadi aset strategis yang harus dipelihara, dan dikelola secara terencana, serta terintegrasi dengan sistem manajemen yang baik. Untuk itu, kami menyetujui usaha Direksi yang secara berkesinambungan melakukan pemenuhan kebutuhan pegawai, baik dari sisi kuantitas maupun dari kualitas. Pegawai, sebagai tulang punggung Perseroan diharapkan mampu menunjang keberhasilan dan peningkatan kinerja usaha. HR development is an investment which will turn into a strategic asset which must be maintained and managed in a planned and integrated manner with a good management system. For this purpose, we approve of the Board of Director’s efforts to continuously fulfill the Company’s employee needs, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Employees, as the backbone of the Company, are expected to support the Company’s success and improvement in business performance. PERUBAHAN SUSUNAN DEWAN KOMISARIS CHANGE IN COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Pada kesempatan ini kami menyampaikan bahwa sejak Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) tahunan SUCOFINDO pada tanggal 3 April 2014 susunan anggota Dewan Komisaris mengalami perubahan dengan dikukuhkannya pemberhentian Sdr. Sambas Mulyana sebagai anggota Komisaris. Pada RUPS tersebut juga diputuskan pengangkatan Sdr. Irfa Ampri sebagai Anggota Komisaris. With this opportunity, we would like to convey that as of SUCOFINDO’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) on April 3, 2014, the composition of the Board of Commissioners experienced a change with the dismissal of Mr. Sambas Mulyana as a Commissioner. During the GMS, it was also decided that Mr. Irfa Ampri was to be appointed as a Commissioner. PENUTUP CLOSING STATEMENTS Bersama seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris, kami menyampaikan penghargaan dan terimakasih kepada Direksi, jajaran Manajemen dan seluruh Pekerja PT SUCOFINDO atas seluruh upayanya memajukan Perusahaan. Kami juga menyampaikan apresiasi kepada pemegang saham, pelanggan dan seluruh mitra kerja atas kepercayaan dan dukungan yang terus diberikan kepada kami. On behalf of the entire Board of Commissioners, we would like to express our appreciation and gratitude towards the Board of Directors, the entire Management and all Employees of PT SUCOFINDO for all their efforts in advancing the Company. We would also like to give our appreciation towards our shareholders, customers, and all business partners for the trust and support continuously placed in us. Mari bersama menghadapi tantangan, memanfaatkan kesempatan dan terus meningkatkan daya saing kita. Let us face upcoming challenges, harness opportunities and continue to increase our competitive ability in unison. Hormat Kami, Best regards, Gusmardi Bustami Komisaris Utama President Commissioner 28 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PROFIL DEWAN KOMISARIS Board of Commissioners Profile Pria kelahiran Medan 1 Agustus 1953, umur 61 tahun. Menyelesaikan Pendidikan Sarjana di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 1979 dan menempuh sejumlah kursus internasional di bidang ekonomi dan perdagangan, manajemen, pertukaran komoditas dan penyelesaian sengketa. Menjabat sebagai Komisaris Utama PT SUCOFINDO semenjak tahun 17 Desember 2010. Beberapa jabatan penting yang pernah dijalani antara lain sebagai Direktur Jenderal Kerjasama Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional, Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia, Atase Perdagangan di beberapa Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Copenhagen (Denmark), London (Inggris) dan Washington DC (Amerika Serikat) selama hampir 10 (sepuluh) tahun sejak 1986, Duta Besar Republik Indonesia untuk WTO (World Trade Organization), serta menjadi Deputi Perwakilan Tetap Republik Indonesia untuk Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) dan Organisasi Internasional lainnya di Jenewa, Swiss (2002-2008). Gusmardi Bustami Komisaris Utama President Commissioner 17 Desember 2010 - sekarang Desember 17, 2010 - present He was born in Medan on August 1, 1953, and is 61 years of age. He completed his undergraduate study at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, in 1979, and enrolled in several international courses in economy and trade, management, commodity exchange, and dispute settlement. He held the position of President Commissioner at PT SUCOFINDO since December 17, 2010. He occupied several important positions, namely the Director General of National Export Development Collaboration at the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Trade, Trade Attaché in several Republic of Indonesia Embassies such as in Copenhagen (Denmark), London (England), and Washington, D.C. (United States of America), for a period of almost 10 (ten) years since 1986, Indonesian Ambassador for WTO (World Trade Organization), and Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia for the United Nations (UN) and Other International Organizations in Geneva, Swiss (2002-2008). Management Reports / Laporan Manajemen 29 Pria kelahiran Kediri, 8 Mei 1953 umur 51 tahun. Meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dari Universitas Krisnadwipayana pada tahun 1980 dan meraih gelar Master Ekonomi di Southern Illinois University, USA tahun 1986. Mengawali karirnya sebagai Staf Ditjen Moneter / Moneter Luar Negeri Departemen Keuangan RI (1975-1980). Beberapa jabatan penting yang pernah dijalani antara lain sebagai Direktur Pengembangan Permodalan, Ditjen Fasilitasi Pembiayaan (19982000), Asisten Deputi Urusan Permodalan pada Deputi Bidang Pembiayaan Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM (1999-2002), Asisten Deputi Urusan Pengembangan dan Pengendalian Simpan Pinjam pada Deputi Bidang Pembiayaan (2002), Asisten Deputi Urusan Program Pendanaan pada Deputi Bidang Pembiayaan (2002- Maret 2004), Direktur Pengembangan pada Perum Jamkrindo (April 2004-2007), dan Direktur Utama (2007 – Agustus 2012). Menjabat sebagai Komisaris PT SUCOFINDO semenjak tahun 2012. NAHID HUDAYA Komisaris / Commissioner 2012 - sekarang 2012 - present He was born in Kediri on May 8, 1953, and is 51 years of age. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Economics from Krisnawipayana University in 1980 and master’s degree in Economics from Southern Illinois University, USA, in 1986. He commenced his career as a staff in the Directorate General of International Monetary / Monetary Affairs, Republic of Indonesia Department of Finance (1975-1980). Some of the key positions he has occupied include the Director of Capital Development in the Directorate General of Finance Facilitation (1998-2000), Deputy’s Assistant for Capital Affairs to the Deputy of Financing, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (1999-2002), Deputy’s Assistant for Development and Control of Savings and Loan Associations to the Deputy of Financing (2002), Deputy’s Assistant for Funding Programs to the Deputy of Financing (2002-March 2004), Director of Development (April 2004-2007) and President Director (2007-August 2012) at Perum Jamkrindo. He held the position of Commissioner at PT SUCOFINDO since 2012. Pria kelahiran Binjai, 12 Desember 1965, umur 49 tahun. Menyelesaikan Pendidikan di Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara, kemudian melanjutkan meraih gelar Master of Arts degree in Accounting and Finance of Lancaster University, dan Doktor Administrasi Bisnis di Yokohama Nasional University Japan. Menjabat sebagai Komisaris PT SUCOFINDO semenjak 3 April 2014. Beberapa jabatan penting yang pernah dijalani antara lain sebagai Direktur Grup World Bank di Washington (2009-2011) - Direktur Kebijakan dan Kerjasama Internasional Kementerian Keuangan (2006-2009) - IRFA AMPRI Komisaris / Commissioner 3 April 2014 - sekarang April 3, 2014 - present He was born in Binjai on December 12, 1965, and is 49 years of age. He completed his study at the Indonesian State College of Accountancy (STAN) before obtaining a Master of Arts degree in Accounting and Finance from Lancaster University, and a Doctor in Business Administration degree from Yokohama National University, Japan. He held the position of Commissioner at PT SUCOFINDO since April 3, 2014. He has occupied several important positions, such as: - Director at World Bank Group in Washington (2009-2011) - Director of International Collaboration and Policies, Ministry of Finance (2006-2009) Pria kelahiran Lumajang, 17 Maret 1973, umur 41 tahun. Menyelesaikan Pascasarjananya di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP), Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 2006. Mengawali karir menjadi Tim Riset Data dan Media, Staf Khusus Presiden Republik Indonesia, Abdurrahman Wahid tahun 2000. Sejak tahun 2003 sampai dengan sekarang, menjadi penulis beberapa buku riset bidang sosial, ekonomi dan agama. Menjadi tenaga ahli DPD Republik Indonesia bidang Panitia Akuntabilitas Publik tahun 2010 serta menjadi pengurus Koperasi Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri (BMT UGT Sidogiri) Pasuruan. Menjabat sebagai Komisaris PT SUCOFINDO semenjak tahun 2011-sekarang. M. SULTON FATONI Komisaris / Commissioner 2011 - sekarang 2011 - present He was born in Lumajang on March 17, 1973, and is 41 years of age. He completed his master’s degree from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at University of Indonesia in 2006. He commenced his career as part of the Data and Media Research Team, Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Wahid, in 2000. Since 2003 until present, he became the writer of several books containing research in social, economic and religious studies. He became an expert staff to the Republic of Indonesia House of Regional Representatives (DPD) in the Public Accountability Committee in 2010 and was involved in the management of the Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri Cooperative (BMT UGT Sidogiri), Pasuruan. He held the position of Commissioner at PT SUCOFINDO since 2011 – present. 30 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report LAPORAN DEWAN DIREKSI Board of Directors Report Kenaikan Penyaluran Dana CSR CSR Fund Distribution Increase 231% Bachder Djohan Buddin Direktur Utama President Director Management Reports / Laporan Manajemen 31 Pemegg Sah d Para Pemgku Kepng Yg Thormat, To our utmost respected shareholders and stakeholders, Puji syukur kita panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena atas ridho-Nya, kita bersama-sama telah dapat membawa SUCOFINDO melewati tahun 2014 dengan hasil yang membanggakan. Hasil ini tak terlepas dari kebersamaan semua pihak di lingkungan Perusahaan, serta dukungan dari pemegang saham dan segenap pemangku kepentingan. We would like to express our gratitude to God Almighty for it is due to His grace that we have been able to carry SUCOFINDO through the year 2014 together with applaudable results. These results were achieved through the joint efforts of all parties involved in the Company and the support given by shareholders and all stakeholders. ANALISIS KINERJA PERUSAHAAN TAHUN 2014 ANALYSIS OF 2014 COMPANY PERFORMANCE Meskipun tahun 2014 ekonomi Indonesia tengah menghadapi tantangan cukup berat dari kondisi global dan domestik, tetapi kami bersyukur bahwa kami telah mampu melewatinya dengan pencapaian prestasi yang baik. Dalam hal kinerja ekonomi, kami sampaikan bahwa hingga akhir tahun 2014, Perusahaan telah membukukan laba komprehensif sebesar Rp135,70 miliar juta atau meningkat 19,9% dibandingkan tahun 2013 yang mencapai Rp113,17 miliar. Although the Indonesian economy faced significant challenges due to global and domestic conditions throughout 2014, we are grateful that we were able to go through the year with commendable achievements. In economic performance, we would like to convey that by the end of 2014, the Company has recorded a comprehensif income of Rp135.70 billion, showing an increase of 19.9% compared to the 2013 achievement of Rp113.17 billion. Porsi pendapatan Perusahaan pada tahun 2014 terbesar berasal dari segmen usaha Mineral dan Batubara, yang mampu memberikan kontribusi laba sebesar 42,4%. Namun demikian, pendapatan usaha di tahun 2014 mengalami penurunan sebesar 1,37% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Pendapatan usaha pada tahun 2014 tercatat Rp1.706,33 miliar, sedangkan pendapatan di tahun 2013 The biggest portion of revenue obtained by the Company in 2014 originated from the Mineral and Coal business segment, which was capable of contributing 42.4% of total profit. However, revenue in 2014 experienced a decrease by 1.37% compared to the previous year. Operating income in 2014 was recorded at Rp1,706.33 billion whereas income in 2013 had been recorded at 32 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Beni Agus Permana Direktur Sumber Daya dan Keuangan Director of Resources and Finance Sufrin Hannan Direktur Komersial II Commercial II Director Mochamad Heru Riza Chakim Direktur Komersial I Commercial I Director tercatat Rp1.730,01 miliar. Penurunan pendapatan usaha ini disebabkan karena terdapat ketentuan / regulasi Pemerintah yang melarang ekspor bahan tambang mentah, penyesuaian anggaran belanja Pemerintah dalam program-program terkait dengan penggunaan surveyor / konsultan, penurunan laju ekpor dan impor pada komoditas pertanian dan tekstil, dan perijinan bahan baku fumigasi yang terkendala dengan ketentuan bahan berbahaya. Rp1,730.01 billion. This decrease in revenue was caused by Government regulations / provisions prohibiting the export of raw mining materials, adjustment of the Government’s stage budget in programs pertaining to the hiring of surveyors / consultants, declining export and import rates for commodities in agriculture and textile, and permits for fumigant ingredients obstructed by provisions on dangerous substances. Kami dan segenap insan SUCOFINDO berkomitmen untuk terus memberikan pelayanan jasa pemastian terbaik kepada para pelanggan, melakukan langkah kreatif dan menawarkan inovasi jasa-jasa baru berbasis kompetensi. Diversifikasi jasa kami kembangkan, meliputi inspeksi dan audit, pengujian dan analisa, sertifikasi, pelatihan, serta konsultasi, yang sejalan dengan tujuan SUCOFINDO dalam turut melaksanakan dan menunjang kebijakan program Pemerintah di bidang ekonomi dan pembangunan nasional. Di samping itu, kami juga akan mengkaji ulang kualitas layanan kami di bidang jasa Inspeksi dan Audit, Pengujian dan Analisa, Sertifikasi, Pelatihan, dan Konsultasi, dengan menerapkan prinsip layanan bermutu. Along with all SUCOFINDO personnel, we are committed to continuously provide the best assurance services for our customers, take creative steps and offer innovation through new competence-based services. We have diversified our services, which cover inspection and audit, testing and analysis, certification, training, and consultation, in line with SUCOFINDO’s purpose of playing a role in implementing and supporting Government programs in national economy and development. Moreover, we will review once more the quality of our services in inspection and audit, testing and analysis, certification, training, and consultation through the application of quality service principles. Pengembangan jasa yang kami berikan hingga akhir tahun 2014 meliputi 85 (delapan puluh lima) jenis jasa utama di 65 (enam puluh lima) titik layanan yang terdiri dari 29 (dua puluh sembilan) kantor cabang dan 34 (tiga puluh empat) kantor unit pelayanan, serta 45 (empat puluh Development in the services we have offered as of the end of 2014 has covered 85 (eighty five) types of main services at 65 (sixty five) points of service, consisting of 29 (twenty nine) branch offices and 34 (thirty four) service units, in addition to 45 (forty five) integrated laboratory services Management Reports / Laporan Manajemen 33 lima) layanan laboratorium terpadu yang menyediakan layanan pengujian, analisa, dan kalibrasi. Jumlah jasa yang semakin banyak kami tawarkan ini, menjadikan kami lebih sadar bahwa akan semakin besar tantangan yang kami hadapi, yaitu meningkatkan kualitas layanan dan memanfaatkan besarnya permintaan pasar. offering services in testing, analysis and calibration. The growing amount of services we have to offer has made us aware of the growing challenges we will also face in increasing the quality of our services and utilizing the large amount of demands in the market. PENERAPAN TATA KELOLA BERKELANJUTAN IMPLEMENTATION OF SUSTAINABLE GOVERNANCE Penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG kami wujudkan, diantaranya dengan pembentukan fungsi pengelolaan GCG dibawah Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG dan Risiko yang secara khusus menangani dan memantau efektivitas penerapan GCG di perusahaan. Melalui Divisi ini, secara berkesinambungan, kami akan terus melakukan langkahlangkah perbaikan, misalnya dengan mengkaji ulang dokumen-dokumen pendukung dalam penerapan GCG, diantaranya Pedoman GCG, Board Manual, dan Pedoman Etika Usaha (Code of Conduct). We have achieved the implementation of GCG principles, among which by forming a GCG management function under the System Management, GCG and Risk Division specifically for handling and monitoring the effective implementation of GCG within the company. Through this Division, we will continue to take steps towards improvement in a sustainable manner, for example, by reviewing supporting documents towards GCG implementation such as the GCG Code, Board Manual, and Code of Conduct. Pelaksanaan GCG tahun 2014 di lingkungan Perusahaan telah dilaksanakan dengan baik dan dinilai secara menyeluruh oleh pihak independen PT Kharisma Insani dengan kajian yang meliputi 6 (enam) aspek pokok. Hasil evaluasi ini memperoleh nilai 90,07, lebih tinggi dari tahun 2013 yang mendapat skor 89,04 dari total nilai maksimal yaitu sebesar 100. Hasil evaluasi GCG ini masuk dalam kategori Sangat Baik. GCG implementation in the year 2014 within the Company has been conducted well and has been assessed thoroughly by an independent party, PT Kharisma Insani, with a review encompassing 6 (six) core aspects. As a result of this evaluation, SUCOFINDO obtained a score of 90.07, higher than the 2013 score of 89.04, out of a maximum total of 100. This GCG assessment result places SUCOFINDO in the category of Very Good. PELAKSANAAN TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL DAN LINGKUNGAN IMPLEMENTATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES Kami berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial (corporate social responsibility / CSR) seperti yang diamanatkan undangundang nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan terbatas, dan undangundang nomor 19 tahun 2003 tentang BUMN yang dijabarkan dalam Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) dalam Permen BUMN nomor PER-05 / MBU / 2007. Pada tahun 2014 ini, kami lebih memfokuskan kegiatan PKBL pada masyarakat di area Ring 1 perusahaan. Hal ini kami lakukan agar kegiatan lebih terfokus dan mendukung kemudahan pengawasan dan kesinambungan program, sehingga masyarakat sekitar memperoleh manfaat lebih, dari adanya program tersebut. Kebijakan ini kali lakukan sejalan dengan arah dan strategi Perseroan dalam membina hubungan baik dengan masyarakat yang berada di sekitar Perseroan. 90,07 Skor GCG tahun 2014, Hasil evaluasi ini lebih tinggi dari tahun 2013 yang mendapat skor 89,04 dari total nilai maksimal yaitu sebesar 100. Hasil evaluasi GCG ini masuk dalam kategori Sangat Baik. 2014 GCG score. This evaluation result is higher than the 2013 score of 89.04, out of a maximum total of 100. This GCG assessment result places SUCOFINDO in the category of Very Good. We are committed to achieving our corporate social responsibility (CSR) as mandated within Law 40 / 2007 regarding Limited Liability Companies and Law 19 / 2003 regarding StateOwned Enterprises, expanded into the Partnership and Environmental Development Program (PKBL) within Minister of SOE Regulation No. PER-05 / MBU / 2007. In 2014, we have focused our PKBL activities on communities within the Ring 1 area of the Company for the purpose of ensuring that our activities are more focused and supporting ease of supervision and program continuation. Consequently, the surrounding community will be able to gain more benefit from the presence of this program. This policy has been implemented in accordance to the Company’s direction and strategies in nurturing good relations with the surrounding community to the Company. 34 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Program Kemitraan kami menggunakan dana bergulir dan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk penyaluran dana pinjaman dan pembinaan kepada usaha kecil pada sektor industri, perdagangan, peternakan, pertanian, perikanan, perkebunan, dan jasa di berbagai propinsi. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan program ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan usaha kecil agar menjadi layak kredit dan mandiri. Selama tahun 2014, kami menyalurkan pinjaman dana kepada 470 unit usaha kecil di 16 propinsi. Total dana untuk Program Kemitraan ini mencapai Rp16,46 miliar. Dana ini meningkat 231% dibandingkan dana yang dikucurkan pada tahun 2013 sebesar Rp7,13 miliar. Our Partnership program uses revolving funds and has been implemented through the distribution of loans and development of small enterprises in the sectors of industry, trade, livestock, agriculture, fishery, plantation, and other services in various provinces. The purpose of this program is to increase the ability of small enterprise in becoming credit worthy and independent. Program Bina Lingkungan tahun 2014 kami fokuskan pada peningkatan pendidikan dan kesehatan, peningkatan sarana dan prasarana umum, bantuan sarana ibadah, dan pelestarian lingkungan. Perusahaan telah mengalokasikan dana Program Bina Lingkungan sebesar Rp2,10 miliar dan telah terealisasikan sebesar Rp1,62 miliar. Dana ini meningkat 146% dibandingkan dana yang dikucurkan pada tahun 2013 sebesar Rp1,11 miliar. The Environmental Development Program in 2014 was focused on the development of health and education, improvement of public facility and infrastructure, donation to places of worship, and environmental conservation. The Company allocated a fund of Rp2.10 billion for the Environmental Development program, from which Rp1.62 billion has been realized. This fund increased by 146% compared to the amount in 2013, Rp1.11 billion. PANDANGAN ATAS PROSPEK USAHA 2015 OUTLOOK ON 2015 BUSINESS PROSPECTS Pasar bebas ASEAN melalui Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) sudah di ambang pintu untuk segera dibuka pada akhir tahun 2015. Pelaksanaan MEA akan menghilangkan hambatan aliran barang, investasi dan jasa diantara negara ASEAN. Dalam rangka melindungi produk, konsumen, pasar, dan industri dalam negeri, sertifikasi Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) menjadi sangat penting pada berbagai produk agar dapat bersaing. SNI menjadi salah satu tolok ukur untuk menjamin kualitas produk Indonesia. Hal ini menjadi peluang besar yang harus kami manfaatkan untuk berbagi melalui pembelajaran aktif kepada para dunia usaha. SUCOFINDO sebagai BUMN jasa pemastian, menjadi salah satu tonggak yang kuat bagi kepastian produk Indonesia untuk mampu bersaing dan meningkatkan pangsa pasar dalam era MEA. The ASEAN free market through the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is approaching its commencement in the end of 2015. The existence of the AEC will remove obstacles towards the ow of goods, investments and services among ASEAN nations. In order to protect local products, consumers, markets and industries, certification based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) has become vital in order to ensure that various products will be able to compete. SNI shall serve as one of the benchmarks guaranteeing the quality of Indonesian products. This will be a big opportunity which we must harness and share through active learning to the business sphere. As a SOE in assurance, SUCOFINDO shall become one of the solid pillar supporting the assurance of Indonesian products in becoming able to compete and increase their market shares in the AEC era. Kami akan siap memanfaatkan peluang ini dengan menampilkan berbagai produk jasa yang menguntungkan bagi pelanggan, dan menargetkan dapat memperluas jaringan di area global. Guna memenangkan persaingan pasar, maka kami akan lebih meningkatkan kinerja dengan memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi pelanggan, serta meningkatkan kompetensi SDM. We are ready to harness this opportunity by presenting various service products which would benefit our customers and target the expansion of our network at the global scale. In order to secure a competitive advantage in the market, we will improve our performance further by providing the best service for customers and building the competence of our human resources. Untuk pengembangan jasa lainnya, kami tengah mengembangkan jasa seismic data acquisition, drill stem testing, integrated environmental monitoring management, carbon project, survey and mapping, green certification, serta pengujian produk panas bumi atau geothermal. Hal ini sangat penting untuk menjawab kebutuhan pasar. Demikian pula, perubahan peraturan menjadikan banyaknya keperluan dunia usaha bagi adanya standar dan jaminan yang terpercaya. Situasi ini menjadikan kami As for the development of our other services, we are currently developing services in seismic data acquisition, drill stem testing, integrated environmental monitoring management, carbon project, survey and mapping, green certification, and geothermal product testing. These services are important in responding to the demands of the market. Moreover, changes in regulations have increased demands towards the existence of trustworthy standards and assurance. Due to this situation, we must Throughout 2014, we have distributed loans to 470 units of small business enterprises in 16 provinces. The total amount of funds for this Partnership Program reached Rp16.46 billion This fund increased by 231% compared to the amount in 2013, Rp7.13 billion. Management Reports / Laporan Manajemen 35 harus cepat berubah dan menyesuaikan diri dengan permintaan pasar dan meningkatkan kualitas layanan. immediately transform and adapt to market demands and increase the quality of our service. Kami juga gencar melaksanakan ekspansi ke luar negeri yang merupakan bagian dari tuntutan pasar global, serta menjadi bukti bahwa eksistensi SUCOFINDO di dalam negeri sudah kuat. Saat ini kami sedang memperluas jaringan ke negara-negara ASEAN. Upaya ini juga menjadi salah satu strategi kami dalam memberikan kesempatan bagi SDM kami untuk membuka diri dan belajar memahami tuntutan global. We have also made intensive efforts to expand internationally to fulfill part of global market demands and to prove that SUCOFINDO already has a strong national presence. At present, we are also expanding our network to ASEAN nations. These efforts are part of our strategies in giving the opportunity for our HR to open up towards and learn to understand global demands. PERUBAHAN SUSUNAN DIREKSI CHANGES IN COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kami laporkan bahwa selama kurun waktu periode pelaporan, telah terjadi perubahan komposisi Direksi berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS): We would like to report that during the reported period, changes occurred towards the composition of the Board of Directors based on the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS): 1. Extraordinary Shareholders Resolution regarding the Establishment of the Board of Directors issued on August 11, 2014, deciding upon the honorable dismissal of Mr. Fahmi Sadiq as President Director and the appointment of Mr. Bachder Djohan Buddin as President Director. 2. Extraordinary Shareholders Resolution regarding the Appointment of Commercial I Director issued on August 11, 2014, deciding upon the appointment of Mr. M. Heru Riza Chakim. 1. 2. Keputusan Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa tentang Penetapan Dewan Komisaris pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2014, memutuskan memberhentikan dengan hormat Sdr. Fahmi Sadiq sebagai Direktur Utama, dan mengangkat Direktur Utama Sdr. Bachder Djohan Buddin. Keputusan Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa tentang Penetapan Direktur Komersial I pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2014, memutuskan mengangkat Sdr. M. Heru Riza Chakim. PENUTUP CLOSING STATEMENTS Kami, seluruh jajaran Direksi mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Pemegang Saham dan Dewan Komisaris atas dukungan dan arahan yang telah diberikan kepada kami. Juga penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kami sampaikan atas kepercayaan dan kerja sama dari mitra kerja, para pelanggan, dan seluruh pemangku kepentingan. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, we would like to express our gratitude to the Shareholders and Board of Commissioners for the support and directives given to us. We would also like to profess our highest appreciation for the trust and collaboration given by our business partners, customers, and all stakeholders. Kami menyambut baik ajakan pemangku kepentingan semua untuk bersama mengelola tantangan dan memperkuat daya saing kita menuju era global. We also welcome and heed the call from stakeholders to manage our challenges and strengthen our competitive ability to face the global era in unison. Hormat kami, Best regards, Bachder Djohan Buddin Direktur Utama President Director 36 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PROFIL DEWAN DIREKSI Board of Directors Profile Pria kelahiran Makassar, 8 September 1955 umur 59 tahun. Menyelesaikan Pendidikan Sarjana di Fakultas Teknik Arsitektur Universitas Hasanuddin pada tahun 1982, dan menyelesaikan pendidikan pascasarjana di Magister Manajemen Universitas yang sama pada tahun 2001. Menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama PT SUCOFINDO semenjak tahun 11 Agustus 2014. Beberapa jabatan penting yang pernah dijalani antara lain sebagai Direktur Utama PT Kawasan Industri Makassar (KIMA) semenjak tahun 2007 hingga 2012. He was born in Makassar on September 8, 1955, and is 59 years of age. He completed his undergraduate study in Architecture at the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, in 1982, and completed his graduate study as a Master of Management from the same university in 2001. He held the position of PT SUCOFINDO President Director since August 11, 2014. BACHDER DJOHAN BUDDIN Direktur Utama President Director 11 Agustus 2014 - sekarang August 11, 2014 - present Several important positions he previously occupied include the President Director of PT Kawasan Industri Makassar (KIMA) since 2007 until 2012. Management Reports / Laporan Manajemen 37 Pria kelahiran Ponorogo, 7 April 1960, umur 54 tahun. Menyelesaikan Pendidikan Sarjana di Fakultas Teknik Kimia Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) pada tahun 1985, lalu menyelesaikan Pascasarjana di Institut Teknologi Bandung pada tahun 1999. Menjabat sebagai Direktur Komersial I PT SUCOFINDO semenjak 11 Agustus 2014. Beberapa jabatan penting yang pernah dijalani sepanjang karirnya di PT SUCOFINDO antara lain sebagai Kepala Bagian Dokumentasi dan Pelaporan (1992-2002), Kepala Bagian Verifikasi Konversi (1992-1995), Kepala Cabang Bandung (1995-1999), Kepala cabang Medan (1999-2002), Pjs Vice President SBU FINS (2002), Vice President SBU TANI (2002-2010), Pjs Vice President SBU JUM (2010), Kepala Divisi Regional 1 (2012-2014), Kepala SBU Government 2 (2014). M. HERU RIZA CHAKIM Direktur Komersial I Commercial I Director He was born in Ponorogo, April 7, 1960, and is 54 years of age. He completed his undergraduate study in Chemical Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1985 and completed his graduate study at Bandung Institute of Technology in 1999. He held the position of PT SUCOFINDO Commercial I Director since August 11, 2014. Some of the important positions he occupied throughout his career at PT SUCOFINDO include Documentation and Report Section Head (1992-2002), Conversion Verification Section Head (1992-1995), Bandung Branch Head (1995-1999), Medan Branch Head (1999-2002), Acting Vice President of the FINS SBU (2002), Vice President of the TANI SBU (2002-2010), Acting Vice President for the JUM SBU (2010), Regional I Division Head (2012-2014), and Government II SBU Head (2014). 11 Agustus 2014 - sekarang August 11, 2014 - present Pria kelahiran Hulu Sungai Utara, Kalimantan Selatan pada 19 November 1963, umur 51 tahun. Menyelesaikan Pendidikan Sarjana di Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) pada tahun 1987 dan Magister Manajemen dari Universitas Bandar Lampung tahun 2000, kemudian menyelesaikan program Doktoral dalam Bisnis dan Manajemen IPB pada tahun 2014. Menjabat sebagai Direktur Komersial II PT SUCOFINDO semenjak 11 Agustus 2014. Sufrin mengawali karir di PT SUCOFINDO dari Ujung Pandang Cabang. Selama karirnya, Sufrin menempati posisi sebagai Kepala Cabang Bandar Lampung, Kepala Cabang Palembang, Kepala Cabang Surabaya, Kepala SBU Mineral dan Batu bara, Kepala Divisi Pengembangan Jasa Mineral dan Batu bara. He was born in Hulu Sungai Utara, South Kalimantan, on November 19, 1963, and is 51 years of age. He completed his undergraduate study at the faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), in 1987, and obtained his degree as Master of Management from Universitas Bandar Lampung in 2000. He went on to complete his doctoral program in Business and Management, IPB, in 2014. He occupied the position of PT SUCOFINDO Commercial II Director since August 11, 2014 SUFRIN HANNAN Direktur Komersial II Commercial II Director 11 Agustus 2014 - sekarang August 11, 2014 - present Sufrin started his career at PT SUCOFINDO at the Ujung Pandang Branch. Throughout his career, Sufrin has occupied several positions such as Bandar Lampung Branch Manager, Palembang Branch Manager, Surabaya Branch Manager, Head of the Mineral SBU, and Coal and Mineral Service Development Division Head. Lahir di Kuningan, Jawa Barat pada tahun 1969, umur 45 tahun. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana dari fakultas Teknologi Mesin di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), Surabaya. Beliau telah menyelesaikan pendidikan program pascasarjana Teknik Elektro Manajemen Energi dan Pembangkit Listrik di Universitas Indonesia. Mengawali karirnya di PT Wismar Inspectindo pada 1993, kemudian berlanjut ke PT Trias Jayaguna pada 1994, dan PT Surveyor Indonesia sejak 1996 - Februari 2013. Dalam karirnya di PT Surveyor Indonesia beliau menjabat beberapa posisi, antara lain sebagai Kepala SBU Pemberdayaan dan Pengembangan Industri Dalam Negeri, Kepala Divisi Sumber Daya Manusia, dan sebagai Kepala SBU Industri dan Fasilitas. Kini menjabat sebagai Direktur Direktur Sumber Daya dan Keuangan PT SUCOFINDO. BENI AGUS PERMANA Direktur Sumber Daya dan Keuangan Director of Resources and Finance 2011 - sekarang 2011 - present He was born in Kuningan, West Java, on 1969, and is 45 years of age. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), Surabaya. He has graduated from undergraduate program in Electrical Engineering and Power Plant Energy Management at the University of Indonesia. He began his career at PT Wismar Inspectindo in 1993 before continuing to PT Trias Jayaguna in 1994 and PT Surveyor Indonesia since 1996 until February 2013. Throughout his career at PT Surveyor Indonesia, he occupied several positions, including Head of the National Industry Empowerment and Development SBU, Human Resources Division Head, and Head of the Industry and Facilities SBU. Now he serve as Director of Resource and Finance at PT SUCOFINDO. 38 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PERNYATAAN TANGGUNG JAWAB ATAS LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2014 Statement of Responsibility for the 2014 Annual Report PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2014 STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Kami yang bertandatangan di bawah ini, menyatakan bahwa semua informasi dalam Laporan Tahunan PT SUCOFINDO tahun 2014 telah dimuat secara lengkap dan kami bertanggung jawab penuh atas kebenaran isi Laporan Tahunan ini. We, the undersigned, proclaim that all information within PT SUCOFINDO’S Annual Report for the year 2014 has been included in its entirety and take full responsibility over the accuracy of the content of this Annual Report. Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya. This statement has thus been issued truthfully. Jakarta, Februari 2015 Jakarta, February 2015 Management Reports / Laporan Manajemen DEWAN KOMISARIS Board of Commissioners Anggota Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Member Jabatan Position Periode Term Gusmardi Bustami Komisaris Utama President Commissioner 17 Desember 2010 - 31 Desember 2014 December 17, 2010 - December 31, 2014 M. Sulthon Fathoni Komisaris Commissioner 2 April 2012 - 31 Desember 2014 April 2, 2012 - December 31, 2014 Sambas Mulyana Komisaris Commissioner 17 Desember 2010 - 3 April 2014 December 17, 2010 - April 3, 2014 Irfa Ampri Komisaris Commissioner 3 April 2014 - 31 Desember 2014 April 3, 2014 - December 31, 2014 Nahid Hudaya Komisaris Commissioner 29 November 2012 - 31 Desember 2014 November 29, 2010 - December 31, 2014 Anggota Direksi Board of Directors Members Jabatan Position Periode Term Fahmi Sadiq Direktur Utama President Director 1 Januari - 11 Agustus 2014 January 1 - August 11, 2014 Bachder Djohan Buddin Direktur Utama President Director 11 Agustus - 31 Desember 2014 August 11 - December 31, 2014 M. Heru Riza Chakim Direktur Komersial I Commercial I Director 11 Agustus - 31 Desember 2014 August 11 - December 31, 2014 Pjs. Direktur Utama Acting of President Director 5 Februari - 11 Agustus 2014 February 5 - August 11, 2014 Direktur Komersial II Commercial II Director 1 Januari - 31 Desember 2014 January 1 - December 31, 2014 Direktur Sumber Daya dan Keuangan Director of Resources and Finance 1 Januari - 31 Desember 2014 January 1 - December 31, 2014 Tanda tangan Signature DIREKSI Board of Directors Sufrin Hannan Beni Agus Permana Tanda tangan Signature 39 40 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PROFIL PERUSAHAAN Company Profile Profil Perusahaan Profil 2014/ company / 2014 profile profile Cang Value tough Asrce 41 Menciptakan Nilai melalui Pemastian 42 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report VISI, MISI DAN NILAI-NILAI PERUSAHAAN Vision, Mission and Corporate Values VISI / vision @W^[çVZ`WbecçYçç^[çcçèç^X dWb`WbUçèçVç^]W^Xe^de^X\ç^Vçæç] ]W]TWbZ\ç^`W]çcdZç^VZ<^V_^WcZç Vç^5F95A" 6WdYW]_cddbecdWVç^V`b_ÄdçTæWU_]`ç^èZ^ `b_fZVZ^Xçccebç^UWZ^<^V_^WcZçç^V5F95A" MISI / mission >ç]Z]W^èWVZç\ç^æçèç^ç^èç^XZ^_fçdZå Yç^Vçæ Vç^TWb\eçæZdçcdZ^XXZVçæç]TZVç^XZ^c`W\cZ `W^Xe[Zç^ cWbdZÄ\çcZVç^[çcçdWb\çZd\W`çVç `Wæç^XXç^" We provide innovative, reliable, and high quality inspection, testing, certification & related services to our clients. >ç]Z]Wge[eV\ç^æZ^X\e^Xç^\Wb[çèç^X ]W^ç^dç^X ç`bWcZçdZåVç^TWbæç^Vçc\ç^ `W^XWdçYeç^TçXZ\çbèçgç^" We provide a challenging, rewarding and knowledge-based working environment for our employees. >ç]Z]W^UZ`dç\ç^^ZæçZTçXZ`W]WXç^XcçYç] Vç^TWb\_^dbZTecZ\W`çVç`WbW\_^_]Zç^Vç^ ]çcèçbç\çdVZdW]`çd>ç]ZTWb_`WbçcZ" We create value to our shareholders and contribute to the communities and economy where we operate. 43 Profil Perusahaan / company profile Direksi SUCOFINDO telah menetapkan visi misi perusahaan melalui mekanisme rapat antara Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan tim yang ditunjuk merumuskan visi misi. Dasar penetapan visi dan misi tersebut telah disetujui oleh Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris kemudian disahkan oleh Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. Visi dan Misi disosialisasikan secara rutin oleh manajemen SUCOFINDO kepada seluruh stakeholder baik melalui media cetak, online (website), maupun dalam pertemuan-pertemuan. Visi dan Misi tersebut menjadi pijakan bagi segala bentuk kebijakan perusahaan. The SUCOFINDO Board of Directors have established the above vision and mission statemenets through a meeting between the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and the appointed team for the formulation of vision and mission statements. The basis for establishing the above vision and mission statements has been approved by the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners and have been authorized through a General Meeting of Shareholders. Vision and mision statements are routinely socialized by the SUCOFINDO management to all stakeholders, be it through printed and online (website) media or direct meetings. These vision and mission statements serve as the foundation for all company policies. 44 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report NILAI PERUSAHAAN Corporate Values Ŕ 'PLVT1FMBOHHBO .FOHFSUJLFCVUVIBOQFMBOHHBONFNCFSJTPMVTJTFSUB QFMBZBOBOUFSCBJLLFQBEBQFMBOHHBO Ŕ *OPWBTJ 4FMBMVNFMBLVLBOJOPWBTJTFTVBJLFCVUVIBOBUBV LFDFOEFSVOHBOQBTBSEFOHBONFNBOGBBULBO LPNQFUFOTJEBOUFLOPMPHJTFSUBNFMBLVLBO UFSPCPTBOEBMBNQSPTFTLFSKBBHBSNFOKBEJMFCJI FGFLUJGEBOFţTJFO Ŕ ,PNQFUFO .FOHFNCBOHLBOTJLBQJOEJWJEVZBOHEBQBU EJBOEBMLBOEBONFNJMJLJLPNQFUFOTJZBOHTFTVBJ TUBOEBS Ŕ *OUFHSJUBT .FOHVUBNBLBOLFKVKVSBOUSBOTQBSBTJEBOLPOTJTUFOTJ BOUBSBQJLJSBOQFSLBUBBOEBOQFSCVBUBO Ŕ *OEFQFOEFOTJ #FCBTEBSJQFOHBSVIEBOLFQFOUJOHBOQJIBLMVBS QFSVTBIBBO Ŕ ,FXJSBVTBIBBO 4FMBMVNFODJQUBLBOQFMVBOHVTBIBKFKBSJOH EBOCFSBOJNFOHBNCJMSJTJLPEFOHBOUFUBQ NFNQFSUJNCBOHLBOQSPţUBCJMJUBTEBOSJTJLP Ŕ ,FSKBTBNB #FLFSKBTBNBVOUVLNFODBQBJUVKVBOQFSVTBIBBO NFMBMVJTJOFSHJCFSEBTBSLBOQSJOTJQTBMJOHQFSDBZBEBO CFSCBHJQFOHFUBIVBO Ŕ $VTUPNFS'PDVT 6OEFSTUBOEJOHUIFDVTUPNFSOFFETJOQSPWJEJOH UIFCFTUTPMVUJPOBOETFSWJDFTUPDVTUPNFST Ŕ *OOPWBUJPO #FJOOPWBUJWFBTOFFEFEPSNBSLFUUSFOETCZ VUJMJ[JOHDPNQFUFODZBOEUFDIOPMPHZBOEQFSGPSNT CSFBLUISPVHIPOXPSLJOHQSPDFTTUPCFNPSF FŢFDUJWFBOEFťDJFOU Ŕ $PNQFUFODF %FWFMPQJOHSFMJBCMFJOEJWJEVBMBUUJUVEFBOEIBWFUIF DPNQFUFODJFTCBTFEPOTUBOEBSE Ŕ *OUFHSJUZ (JWJOHQSJPSJUZUPIPOFTUZUSBOTQBSFODZBOE DPOTJTUFODZCFUXFFONJOEXPSETBOEEFFET Ŕ *OEFQFOEFODF 'SFFGSPNUIFJOŤVFODFBOEJOUFSFTUTPGQBSUJFT PVUTJEFUIFDPNQBOZ Ŕ &OUSFQSFOFVSTIJQ "MXBZTDSFBUFCVTJOFTTPQQPSUVOJUZOFUXPSLBOE DPVSBHFJOUBLJOHSJTLTXJUIDPOTJEFSBUJPOUPUIF QSPţUBCJMJUZBOESJTLT Ŕ 5FBNXPSL 8PSLJOHUPHFUIFSBTBUFBNUPSFBDIUIF$PNQBOZ HPBMTUISPVHITZOFSHZCBTFEPOQSJODJQMFTPGNVUVBM USVTUBOELOPXMFEHFTIBSJOH Profil Perusahaan / company profile 45 Identitas perusahaan berupa logo TIGA BOLA DUNIA melambangkan kegiatan usaha perusahaan yang yang memiliki ruang lingkup Internasional dan mempersatukan tiga kawasan usaha yaitu di darat, laut dan dan udara. Warna biru gelap, mempunyai makna sifat stabil, langgeng, aman, dan terpercaya melambangkan suatu usaha yang dapat dipercaya dan diandalkan. Warna biru terang, juga memiliki kesan bersih dan luas, mencerminkan ketertiban, dan keluasan jangkauan usaha. Warna biru gradasi menggambarkan nuansa yang melambangkan diversifikasi atau keragaman jenis usaha, serta suatu gerak yang melambangkan suatu sifat yang berorientasi pada perkembangan dan kemajuan masyarakat. Logotype SUCOFINDO yang tertera menggunakan huruf microgama (aerostyle) memiliki kesan tegas, kuat, luas, dan stabil, sehingga sifat ini menimbulkan suatu citra yang sesuai dengan sifat suatu usaha yang senantiasa bersungguh-sungguh dalam setiap komitmen yang berhubungan dengan semua pihak. Our identity is a logo consisting of THREE GLOBES, symbolizing business activities at an international scope which integrate three horizons of business which are land, sea, and air. The color dark blue has the meaning of stability, permanence, safety, and trustworthiness, symbolizing a trustworthy and reliable business. The color light blue gives the impression of being clean and broad, reflecting discipline along with the broad reach of the business. Gradation of the color blue depicts a nuance of diversification or variation of types of business and a motion symbolizing traits of orientation towards community development and advancement. SUCOFINDO’s logotype embellished with microgramma (aerostyle) font has the impression of being firm, strong, broad, and stable, invoking an suitable imagery with the character of a business which continuously gives its best effort in all commitments in relation to all parties. 46 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report IDENTITAS PERUSAHAAN Corporate Identity Aç]çCWbecçYçç^ CGFe`WbZ^dW^VZ^X7_]`ç^è_å<^V_^WcZçCWbcWb_çdçeCGFH7B:<A8B CWbcWb_ Gç^XXçæCW^VZbZç^ &&B\d_TWb%-)* 6ZVç^XHcçYç FWbdZÄ\çcZ çeVZd assessment,\_^ceædçcZ `WæçdZYç^Vç^TWbTçXçZ\WXZçdç^ `W^e^[ç^X dWb\çZd VZç^dçbç^èç `çVç cW\d_b CWbdç^Zç^ >WYedç^ç^ CWbdç]Tç^Xç^ @ZXçc Vç^ A_^ @ZXçc >_^cdbe\cZ <^VecdbZ CW^X_æçYç^ >Wæçedç^ CWbZ\ç^ç^ CW]WbZ^dçY Gbç^c`_bdçcZ FZcdW] <^å_b]çdZ\ç Vç^ 9^WbXZGWbTçbe\ç^" >WXZçdç^HcçYçHdç]çFWceçZ 5^XXçbç^8çcçbGWbç\YZb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5\dçCW^VZbZç^ CW]WbZ\cçç^ <^c`W\cZ CW^Xçgçcç^ Fe`WbfZcZ CW^X\ç[Zç^ CW]ç^dçeç^ CW^Xe[Zç^ fWbZÄ\çcZ èç^X TWb\W^çç^ cWbdç TWb\çZdç^ VW^Xç^ æç`ç^Xç^ ecçYç èç^X cWceçZ VW^Xç^ \æçcZÄ\çcZ 6ç\e æç`ç^Xç^ HcçYç èç^X cWceçZ VW^Xç^ \æçcZÄ\çcZ 6ç\e ?ç`ç^Xç^ HcçYç<^V_^WcZç>6?</ FebfWZ/ FWbdZÄ\çcZ çeVZdVç^assessment / 6ç^deç^dW\^Z\Vç^\_^ceædç^cZ/ CW^e^[ç^X \WXZçdç^ `Wbdç]Tç^Xç^ `Wbdç^Zç^ `WbZ^VecdbZç^ `WbVçXç^Xç^Vç^\WcWYçdç^" (&dçYe^%-),A_"&-'dç]TçYç^TWbZdç^WXçbçE<dç^XXçæ%,#(#%-), A_"'% CWbeTçYç^ç^XXçbç^Vçcçb. %$dçYe^&$$,A_"&)-++dç]TçYç^TWbZdç^WXçbçE<dç^XXçæ&#%&#&$$, A_"-+ >W`edecç^@W^dWbZ;e\e]Vç^;5@A_"5Ye!,$,&'"5;"$%"$&"dçYe^&$$, >W`W]ZæZ\ç^ - @_Vçæ8çcçb E`'$$"$$$"$$$"$$$ @_Vçæ8ZdW]`çd\ç^ Vç^8ZcWd_bCW^eY E`'$$"$$$"$$$"$$$ EW`eTæZ\<^V_^WcZç-) F_UZWdWXW^WbçæWVWFebfWZææç^UW;_æVZ^X) >ç^d_bCecçd >ç^d_bCecçdW^dZdçcTWbæ_\çcZVZébçYçFH7B:<A8B =æ"EçèçCçcçb@Z^XXe>çf"'( =ç\çbdç <^V_^WcZç >_VWC_c.%&+,$ GWæ` .*&!&%+-,'***9hd"%%%*Vç^%%&( :çh .*&!&%+-,*(+' +-,',,, 9]çZæ .Uecd_]Wb"cWbfZUW4ceU_Ä^V_"U_"ZV JWTcZdW .ggg"ceU_Ä^V_"U_"ZV =e]æçY>çbèçgç^ '"&&+_bç^X Profil Perusahaan / company profile Name of Company CG Fe`WbZ^dW^VZ^X 7_]`ç^è _å <^V_^WcZç CWbcWb_ _b CG FH7B:<A8B CWbcWb_ Date of Establishment BUd_TWb&& %-)* Business Lines 7WbdZÄUçdZ_^ çeVZd çccWcc]W^d U_^ceædçdZ_^ ç^V fçbZ_ec bWæWfç^d ce``_bdZ^XçUdZfZdZWc Z^UæeVZ^XZ^dYWcWUd_bc_å5XbZUeædebW :_bWcdbè @Z^Z^X BZæ ç^V éçc ç^V A_^!BZæ ç^V éçc 7_^cdbeUdZ_^ Cb_UWccZ^X @çbZ^Wbè :ZcYWbè é_fWb^ç^UW Gbç^c`_bdçdZ_^ <^å_b]çdZ_^FècdW] ç^VEW^WgçTæW 9^WbXè Core Business Activities According to the Most Recent Articles of Association 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deed of Establishment <^c`WUdZ_^ ce`WbfZcZ_^ WfçæeçdZ_^ ]_^Zd_bZ^X dWcdZ^X ç^VfWbZÄUçdZ_^ Z^bWXçbVç^VbWæWfç^UWd_ç``b_`bZçdWTecZ^WccÄWæVcZ^çUU_bVç^UW d_dYW<^V_^WcZç^Fdç^VçbV<^VecdbZçæ7æçccZÄUçdZ_^>6?</ FebfWè/ 7WbdZÄUçdZ_^ çeVZdç^VçccWcc]W^d/ GWUY^ZUçæçccZcdç^UWç^VU_^ceædçdZ_^/ Fe``_bdZ^XçUdZfZdZWcd_]Z^Z^X çXbZUeædebW Z^Vecdbè dbçVWç^VYWçædY" (&#%-),Fe``æW]W^dA_"&-'d_dYWEW`eTæZU_å<^V_^WcZçBåÄUZçæéçiWddW A_"'%ZcceWV_^5`bZæ%, %-), 5]W^V]W^dcd_dYW5bdZUæWc_å5cc_UZçdZ_^. %$ # &$$, Fe``æW]W^d A_" &)-++ d_ dYW EW`eTæZU _å <^V_^WcZç BåÄUZçæ éçiWddWA_"-+ZcceWV8WUW]TWb& &$$, @Z^ZcdWb _å ?çg ç^V ;e]ç^ EZXYdc 8WUZcZ_^ A_" 5Ye!,$,&'"5;"$%"$&" ZcceWVZ^&$$, Ownership - Authorized Capital E`'$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ Issued and Fully Paid Up Capital E`'$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ Head Office GYW;WçVBåÄUWZcæ_UçdWVçdébçYçFH7B:<A8B =æ"EçèçCçcçb@Z^XXe>çf"'( =ç\çbdç <^V_^WcZç C_cd7_VW.%&+,$ CY_^W .*&!&%+-,'***9hd"%%%*ç^V%%&( :çh .*&!&%+-,*(+' +-,',,, 9]çZæ .Uecd_]Wb"cWbfZUW4ceU_Ä^V_"U_"ZV JWTcZdW .ggg"ceU_Ä^V_"U_"ZV Number of Employees ' &&+`Wbc_^ EW`eTæZU_å<^V_^WcZç<^V_^WcZç-) F_UZvdvév^vbçæWVWFebfWZææç^UW;_æVZ^X) 47 48 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report RIWAYAT SINGKAT PERUSAHAAN Brief History of the Company Profil Perusahaan / company profile 49 CGFe`WbZ^dW^VZ^X7_]`ç^è_å <^V_^WcZçCWbcWb_cWæç^[ed^èç VZcWTed¹FH7B:<A8Bºçdçe ¹CWbecçYçç^º ]Wbe`ç\ç^`WbecçYçç^ <^c`W\cZ`Wbdç]çVç^dWbTWcçbVZ<^V_^WcZç" CGFe`WbZ^dW^VZ^X7_]`ç^èBå<^V_^WcZçCWbcWb_ YW^UWå_bdY bWåWbbWVd_¹FH7B:<A8Bº_b¹dYW7_]`ç^èº ZcdYWÄbcdç^V æçbXWcdZ^c`WUdZ_^U_]`ç^èZ^<^V_^WcZç" erdiri berdasarkan Akta Notaris Johan Arifin Lumban Tobing Sutan Arifin Nomor 42 pada tanggal pada tanggal 22 Oktober 1956 oleh Republik Indonesia bersama dengan Societe Generale de Surveillance Holding SA (“SGS”) yang merupakan Perusahaan inspeksi terbesar di dunia yang berpusat di Jenewa, Swiss. SUCOFINDO was founded, based on Notary Deed No. 42 issued by Notary Johan Arifin Lumban Tobing Sutan Arifin, on October 22, 1956, by the Republic of Indonesia and Société Générale de Surveillance Holding SA (“SGS”), the largest inspection company in the world, headquartered in Geneva, Swiss. Anggaran Dasar diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 293 dan telah beberapa kali mengalami perubahan. Perubahan terakhir disahkan dalam Akta Notaris Agus Hashim Ahmad, SH nomor 3 tanggal 4 Mei 1998 yang telah mendapatkan persetujuan Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia melalui surat nomor: C2-14098.HT.01.04 tanggal 17 September 1998 dan telah diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia tanggal 18 Januari 1999 Nomor 6, tambahan Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 519 tahun 1999. Its Articles of Association was announced in Republic of Indonesia Official Gazette No. 293 and has undergone several changes. The last amendment to the Articles of Association was authorized within Notary Deed No. 3 issued on May 4, 1998, by Notary Agus Hashim Ahmad, with the approval of the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Justice in letter no: C2-14098.HT.01.04 issued on September 17, 1998, and was announced in Republic of Indonesia Official Gazette No. 6 issued January 18, 1999, Supplement to the Official Gazette No. 519 Year 1999. 50 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Keberadaan SUCOFINDO diawali dengan Lembaga Penyelenggara Perusahaan Industri (LPPI). Pada tahun 1956 lembaga ini ditransformasi oleh pemerintah menjadi perusahaan joint venture bekerja sama dengan Societe Generale de Surveilance (SGS) SA Genewa Swiss dengan komposisi saham masing-masing sebesar 50%. Dalam perjalanan bisnis SUCOFINDO, komposisi tersebut berubah menjadi 5% SGS dan 95% Republik Indonesia. SUCOFINDO was first established as the Industrial Company Management Body (LPPI). In 1956, LPPI was transformed by the government into a joint venture company with Société Générale de Surveilance (SGS) SA from Geneva, Swiss, with a shareholding composition of respectively 50%. Throughout the course of SUCOFINDO’s operation, the composition has changed into 5% to SGS and 95% to the Republic of Indonesia. Bisnis SUCOFINDO bemula dari menyediakan jasa Pemeriksaan dan Pengawasan di bidang perdagangan terutama komoditas pertanian serta membantu pemerintah dalam menjamin kelancaran arus barang dan pengamanan devisa negara dalam perdagangan ekspor-impor. Seiring dengan perkembangan kebutuhan dunia usaha, SUCOFINDO melakukan langkah kreatif dan inovatif serta menawarkan jasa-jasa terkait lainnya. SUCOFINDO started its business by providing Inspection and Supervision services in the trade sector, especially towards agricultural commodities, and by assisting the government in ensuring uninterrupted flow of goods Ana securing state revenue through export and import. In line with the growing needs of the business sphere, SUCOFINDO has taken creative and innovative steps and began offering other relevant services. Jenis jasa baru tersebut mencakup warehousing dan forwarding, analytical laboratories, industrial and marine engineering, dan fumigation and industrial hygiene. Keanekaragaman jenis jasa SUCOFINDO dikemas secara terpadu, didukung oleh tenaga profesional yang ahli di bidangnya, kemitraan usaha strategis dengan beberapa institusi internasional serta jaringan kerja laboratorium, cabang dan titik layanan yang tersebar di berbagai kota di Indonesia telah memberikan nilai tambah terhadap layanan yang diberikan SUCOFINDO. New services offered by SUCOFINDO include warehousing and forwarding, analytical laboratories, industrial and marine engineering, along with fumigation and industrial hygiene. The variety of services offered by SUCOFINDO have been packaged in an integrated manner, supported by professional experts in their field, strategic business partnerships with several international institutions, and a business network consisting of laboratories, branch offices and service points in several cities in Indonesia, giving added value towards services provided by SUCOFINDO. Sampai dengan usia 58 tahun, selain jasa di atas, SUCOFINDO telah mengembangkan jasanya di bidang usaha sertifikasi, audit, assessment, konsultasi, pelatihan dan berbagai kegiatan penunjang terkait, diantaranya dalam bidang Pertanian, Kehutanan, Pertambangan (Migas dan Non Migas), Konstruksi, Industri Pengolahan, Kelautan, Perikanan, Pemerintah, Transportasi, Sistem Informatika dan Energi Terbarukan. By its 58th year in service, in addition to the above services, SUCOFINDO has developed its services in certification, auditing, assessment, consultation, training, and other supporting services, including in the sectors of Agriculture, Forestry, Mining (Oil and Gas and Non-Oil and Gas), Construction, Processing, Marinery, Fishery, Governance, Transportation, Information System, and Renewable Energy. Kompetensi dan pengalaman di bidang inspeksi dan audit, pengujian dan analisis, sertifikasi, pelatihan, dan konsultasi, serta jaringan yang luas, ditunjang dengan laboratorium yang terintegrasi serta layanan yang prima menjadi elemen utama untuk menjadi Perusahaan inspeksi nasional terbesar di Indonesia. Melalui pendekatan sistem manajemen terpadu dan sebagai organisasi pembelajar serta menghasilkan jasa yang inovatif, ke depannya SUCOFINDO bertekad untuk senantiasa meningkatkan pelayanan dan kemampuan daya saingnya dalam menghadapi pasar global. Its competence and experience in inspection and audit, testing and analysis, certification, training, and consultation, coupled with a wide network supported by integrated laboratories and prime services, have enabled it to become the largest national inspection company in Indonesia. Through an integrated management system approach, as a company which continues to learn and produce innovative services, SUCOFINDO is dedicated to continually improving its service and competitiveness in facing the global market. SUCOFINDO terus melakukan inovasi untuk dapat memberikan jasa terbaik dan memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan serta meningkatkan daya saing bisnis. Didukung budaya kerja tinggi, kompetensi melalui knowledge management dan pengembangan jasa yang inovatif, diharapkan dapat mengembangkan bisnis dan Go Asean pada tahun 2015 yang akan datang. Dengan perjalanan panjang yang dilalui, SUCOFINDO melalui visi dan misi bertekad untuk terus menjadi perusahaan inspeksi terdepan dan terbesar di Indonesia. SUCOFINDO continues to produce innovations in order to provide the best service and fulfill the needs of its customers, in addition to increasing its business competitive edge. Supported by a strong work culture, competence obtained through knowledge management, and innovative service development, it is hoped that SUCOFINDO can develop its business and “Go ASEAN” in the coming year 2015. Through the long course of its operation, SUCOFINDO with its vision and mission is dedicated towards becoming the forefront and largest inspection company in Indonesia. Profil Perusahaan / company profile PERATURAN PERUNDANGAN-UNDANGAN LAWS AND REGULATIONS 1. 1. Undang-undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas (Lembaran Negara tahun 2007 Nomor 106, Tambahan lembaran Negara Nomor 4756). 51 Law 40 / 2007 regarding Limited Liability Companies (State Gazette Year 2007 No. 106, Supplement to the State Gazette No. 4756). 2. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 26 Tahun 1998 tentang Pemakaian Nama Perseroan Terbatas (Lembaran Negara Tahun 1998 Nomor 39, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3740. 2. Government Regulation 26 / 1998 regarding the Use of Limited Liability Company Names (State Gazette Year 1998 No. 39, Supplement to the State Gazette No. 3740). 3. Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 94 Tahun 2006 tentang Perubahan ketiga atas Peraturan Presiden Nomor 09 Tahun 2005 tentang Kedudukan, Tugas, Fungsi, Susunan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Kementerian Negara Republik Indonesia. 3. Republic of Indonesia Presidential Regulation 94 / 2006 regarding the Third Amendment of Presidential Regulation 09 / 2005 regarding the Position, Duty, Function, Organizational Structure and Work Procedure of Ministries of the Republic of Indonesia. 4. Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi manusia Republik Indonesia Nomor M / 09.PR.07.10 Tahun 2007 tentang Organisasi dan Tata kerja Departemen Hukum dan hak Asasi manusia Republik Indonesia. 4. Republic of Indonesia Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. M / 09.PR.07.10 Year 2007 regarding Organization and Work Procedure of the Department of Law and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia. 52 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report JEJAK LANGKAH Milestones >1956–1964 . Dibentuk pada 22 Oktober 1956. . Merupakan Perusahaan Surveyor >1964–1984 pertama di Indonesia. . Kepemilikan Saham 50-50% oleh . Pemerintah dan SGS. . Mengalami kerugian karena Diversifikasi jasa, mencakup pergudangan dan forwarder, jasa analisis laboratorium, jasa analysis laboratorium, jasa engineering industri dan marine, manajemen kolateral dan lainlain. permintaan jasa surveyor terbatas. . Pada tahun 1961 kepemilikan saham berubah 80-20% oleh Pemerintah dan SGS. . 1964-1973: pendapatan tumbuh . Established on October 22, 74%, keuntungan bersih tumbuh 41%. 1956. . Became the first surveyor . Pada 1975 pendapatan mencapai company in Indonesia. lebih Rp 1 miliar. . Had a shareholding composition of 50-50% between the Government and SGS. . Experienced losses due to limited surveyor service demands. . In 1961, shareholding composition changed into 8020% between the Government and SGS. . Keuntungan bersih dalam >1984–2000 periode 1976-1983 tumbuh 998%. . Diversification of services, including warehousing and forwarding, laboratory analysis, industrial and marine engineering, collateral management, and so forth. . Throughout 1964-1973, revenue grew by 74%, net profit grew by 41%. . In 1975, revenue reached more than Rp1 billion. . Net profit for the 1976-1983 period grew by 998%. . Pada 1985, pemerintah memberi tugas kepada SUCOFINDO sebagai pelaksana Aplikasi Tata Niaga Ekspor (ATE). . 1984-2000 mengalami pertumbuhan keuntungan 1746% dengan rata-rata sebesar 38%. . 1997-2000 melakukan ekspansi asset secara agresif. . In 1985, the government assigned SUCOFINDO the duty of implementing the Export Trade System Application (ATE). . Throughout 1984-2000, experienced profit growth of 1746% with an average of 38%. . Through out 1997-2000, experienced aggresive asset expansion. Profil Perusahaan / company profile 53 > 2001–2004 . Ekonomi dan ekspor Indonesia menurun secara drastis. . Pemerintah memperpendek penugasan ATE dari 2001 menjadi Juli 2001. . 2001 mengalami kerugian >2005–2013 sebesar Rp93 miliar. . Melakukan restrukturisasi pegawai sebanyak 1.200 Orang. . Melakukan restrukturisasi organisasi ke dalam 10 SBUs. . 2002 mengalami kerugian sebesar Rp86 miliar. . 2003 mengalami titik balik dengan keuntungan bersih sebesar Rp16 miliar. . Drastic decline in Indonesia’s economy and export. . The Government shortened the duration of the ATE assignment to July 2001. . In 2001, experienced a loss of Rp93 billion. . Restructured its workforce, consisting of 1,200 employees. . Restructured the organization into 10 SBUs. . In 2002, experienced a loss of Rp86 billion. . In 2003, reached breakeven point with net profit of Rp16 billion. . Pada 2004 keuntungan bersih meningkat sebesar Rp35 miliar atau sekitar 6% pendapatan. . Mulai 2006 sampai 2012 keuntungan bersih berfluktuasi sekitar 4% pendapatan. . Pada 2013, keuntungan bersih meningkat di atas 6 persen, dengan jumlah laba bersih 100,6 miliar, hampir dua kali lipat keuntungan tahun 2012. . In 2004, net profit increased by >2014 Rp35 billion or 6% of income. . From 2006 until 2012, net profit fluctuated at approximately 4% of income. . In 2013, net profit increased above 6%, amounting to Rp100.6 billion, nearly twice the profit in 2012. . Pengembangan bisnis baru, jasa survey Seismic, merespon kebutuhan pasar untuk mengetahui lokasi cadangan migas baru dan sumur pengembangan. . Development of new business, seismic survey service, in response to market demands to discover the location of new oil and gas reserves and wells for development. 54 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KEGIATAN BIDANG USAHA DAN PROSES BISNIS Business Lines and Business Process Sebagaimana tertuang dalam Anggaran Dasar, SUCOFINDO mempunyai kegiatan bidang usaha yaitu: 1. 2. Pemeriksaan (Inspeksi), Pengawasan (Supervisi), Pengkajian, Pemantauan, Pengujian, verifikasi yang berkenaan serta berkaitan dengan lapangan usaha yang sesuai dengan Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia (KBLI) yang secara umum pada bidang usaha: Pertanian dan Kehutanan Perikanan Pertambangan (Migas dan on Migas) Industri Pengolahan Listrik, gas dan air Konstruksi Perdagangan Transportasi, pergudangan dan komoditi Jasa Perusahaan Badan Internasional Pemerintah Energi terbarukan Survei yang meliputi: Keadaan barang muatan Sarana dan Prasarana angkutan darat, laut dan udara berikut perlengkapannya Sarana keteknikan dan industri termasuk rekayasa teknik Lingkungan hidup Obyek-obyek pembiayaan atas persediaan barang dan pergudangan Hutan, hasil hutan dan industri hasil olahan hutan Kuantitas dan kualitas komoditas Proses kegiatan industri, pertambangan, perdagangan, pertanian dan perkebunan. Proyek terkait konstruksi dan instalasi (bangunan, sipil transportasi) Survei dan Pemetaan Penginderaan jauh (remote sensing dan fotogrametri) Hidrografi (batimetri) Geografi Geologi Registrasi kepemilikan tanah (kadastral) As elaborated within its Articles of Association, SUCOFINDO conducts activities in several business lines, namely: 1. Inspection, supervision, evaluation, monitoring, testing, and verification in regard and relevance to appropriate business fields in accordance to the Indonesian Standard Industrial Classification (KBLI) which generally includes the following sectors: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2. Agriculture and Forestry Fishery Mining (Oil and Gas and Non-Oil and Gas) Processing Industry Electricity, Gas and Water Construction Trading Transportation, Warehousing, Commodity Company Service International Bodies Governance Renewable Energy Survey, including towards: Condition of loaded goods Facility and infrastructure for land, sea, and air transportation and equipment Technical and industrial facilities, including in technical engineering Environment Financed objects for the supply of goods and warehousing Forests, forest produce and forest produce industries Commodity quantity and quality Processes in industrial, mining, trading, agricultural and plantation activities Projects in construction and installation (building, civil transportation) Survey and mapping Remote sensing and photogrammetry - Hidrography (bathimetry) Geography Geology Land ownership registration (cadastral survey) Profil Perusahaan / company profile 55 3. Sertifikasi, Audit, dan Assessment yang berkenaan dengan manajemen: Mutu Lingkungan Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja Risiko Pengamanan (security) Pengelolaan hutan produksi lestari dan Lacak Balak (Chain of Custody) Pengujian kalibrasi atau instrument tangki dan meter proving Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) pada industri farmasi dan industri makanan dan minuman Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) pada industri farmasi dan industri makanan dan minuman Vendor assessment Informatika Sertifikasi produk Sertifikasi Carbon Emission Reduction 3. Certification, audit and management relevant to the management of: Quality Environment Occupational health and safety (OHS) Risk Security Sustainable production forest (PHPL) and chain of custody (CoC) Calibration or tank instrument testing and meter proving Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) in the pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries Vendor assessment Information technology Product certification Carbon Emission Reduction certification 4. Bantuan teknik dan konsultansi yang berkaitan dan berkenaan dengan Studi makro dan mikro Studi perencanaan umum Bantuan teknik Perencanaan sistem (informasi, tata kelola perusahaan dan lain-lain) Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Penyediaan peralatan dan produksi Penyedia teknisi dan personel lain Well testing (DST dan Well Production Test) Seismic Acquisition dan Data Processing NDT radiasi dan non radiasi Salvage dan Pegawaian Bawah Air Komoditi Batubara dan MOM (Mineral, Ore, Metal) meliputi: a. Superintending Quality and Quantity b. Pit Sampling and Testing c. Core Sampling, Testing and Drilling d. Refining Witnessing e. Gold Assay and Base Metal Analysis (Au, Cu, Ag, As, Sb). f. Stockpile management g. Monitoring Production of Coal and MOM h. X-ray and Wet Chemical Analysis i. Mining Upstream Services j. Cathodic protection and soil investigation 4. Technical assistance and consultation relevant to: Penunjang kegiatan pertambangan, pertanian, perindustrian, perdagangan dan kesehatan Fumigasi cargo di dalam gudang dan atau di dalam palka / sarana transportasi Pest management pada lingkungan pemukiman dan hotel (rat control, general pest control, terminate control) Pest management pada tanaman perkebunan Lingkungan (AMDAL, RKL / RPL, monitoring) Qualitative and quantitative guarantee (penjaminan kualitatif dan kuantitatif) 5. 5. - Macro-study and micro-study General planning study Technical assistance System design (information, corporate governance, etc.) Training and development Supply of equipment and production Supply of technicians and other personnel Well testing (DST and Well Production Test) Seismic acquisition and data processing radiation and non-radiation NDT salvage and underwater projects Coal and MOM (Mineral, Ore, Metal) commodities, including: a. Qualitative and quantitative superintending b. Pit sampling and testing c. Core sampling, testing and drilling d. Refining witnessing e. Gold assay and base metal analysis (Au, Cu, Ag, As, Sb). f. Stockpile management g. Monitoring of Coal and MOM production h. X-ray and Wet Chemical Analysis i. Upstream mining services j. Cathodic protection and soil investigation Supporting activities to mining, agriculture, industry, trade and health: Cargo fumigation in warehouses and / or hatch / transportation vehicle Pest management in residential and hotel areas (rat control, general pest control, termite control). Pest management in plantation crops Environmental services (Environmental Impact Assessment, RKL / RPL, monitoring) Environment (AMDAL, RKL / RPL, monitoring) Qualitative and quantitative guarantee 56 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PROSES BISNIS DAN MODEL OPERASI Business Process and Operating Model Proses Bisnis dan Model Operasi kegiatan usaha SUCOFINDO dapat dijelaskan dalam diagram berikut. The Business Process and Operating Model used in SUCOFINDO business activities can be explained through the following diagrams. PROSES BISNIS Business Process BUSINESS PROCESS PROSES BISNIS Business Process PENERIMAAN ORDER JASA Receipt of Service Order INSPEKSI & AUDIT Inspection & Audit PENGUJIAN & ANALISIS Testing & Analysis SERTIFIKASI Certification MEMULAI KEGIATAN PERSIAPAN PEKERJAAN Commence Work Preparation Activities PELATIHAN Training MELAKUKAN JASA INSPEKSI & AUDIT Conduct Inspection & Audit Service HASIL ANALISIS & LAPORAN PEMBUATAN Analize Result and Write Report MENERIMA PERMINTAAN PELANGGAN Receive Costumer Request PENGUJIAN HASIL ANALISIS & LAPORAN PEMBUATAN MEMULAI KEGIATAN PERSIAPAN PENGUJIAN MELAKUKAN BERDASARKAN STANDAR YANG RELEVAN/ DIMINTA Commence Testing Preparation Activitie PROSES KONFIRMASI ORDER DAN KEGIATAN JASA Confirm Order and Service Activity JASA KONSULTASI Consultation Service PRODUKSI & PELAPORAN Production & Report Conduct Activity Based on Relevant/Requested Standards MEMULAI KEGIATAN PERSIAPAN SERTIFIKASI Commence Certification Preparation Activities MELAKUKAN AKUISISI DATA Conduct Data Acquisition MEMULAI KEGIATAN PELATIHAN & PERSIAPAN MATERI Commence Training & Prepare Materials Analize Result and Write Report SERTIFIKASI HASIL ANALISIS & LAPORAN PEMBUATAN Test Analysis Results and Write Report MELAKUKAN STUDI LITERATUR & PENELITIAN Conduct Literature Study & Research MEMBERIKAN UNDANGAN PESERTA (UMUM) Invite Participants (General) MELAKUKAN JASA KONSULTASI Provide Consultation Service ESTIMASI MODUL (EKSTERNAL) Estimate Module (external) Profil Perusahaan / company profile PRODUKSI & PELAPORAN PENAGIHAN & PENERBITAN SERTIFIKAT Production & Report PENGIRIMAN LAPORAN/ SERTIFIKAT INSPEKSI (ROL/COL) Submit Report of Inspection/ Certificate of Inspection (Rol Cal) MEMBERIKAN LAPORAN KESESUAIAN Submit Conformity Report APLIKASI SERTIFIKASI DENGAN ORGANISASI RELEVAN Apply Certification to Relevant Organization HASIL ANALISIS & MENYAMPAIKAN PEMBUATAN LAPORAN & REKOMENDASI REKOMENDASI Analyze Results Submit Report and Write and Recommedation Recommendation MELAKUKAN KEGIATAN PELATIHAN Conduct Training Activities Production & Report MENERBITKAN DAN MENGIRIMKAN TAGIHAN KE PELANGGAN Issue and Send Invoice to Customer MENERBITKAN DAN MENGIRIMKAN SERTIFIKAT Issue and Send Certificate 57 58 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report MODEL OPERASI OPERATING MODEL MODEL OPERASI Operating Model Peran antara Kantor Pusat Korporasi, Unit Bisnis, dan Layanan Pendukung Roles between the Corporate Center, business units and support services STRATEGIC GUIDANCE CAPABILITIES > Memiliki seperangkat misi strategis untuk organisasi > Pengelompokan kegiatan yang memberikan nilai tambah bagi Perusahaan > Possess a set of strategic missions for the organization > Group activities that give added value to the Company STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP RESULTS/ ACCOUNTABILITY CORPORATE POLICY CAPITAL CORPORATE CENTER CONTROL SERVICE SUPPORT SERVICES (CENTRALISED OR SHARED) IDENTITY SERVICE > Menyediakan layanan non-inti untuk Unit organisasi > Menyusun “utilitas” layanan pada skala ekonomis > Mengkoordinasikan kegiatan di seluruh Unit Bisnis > Provide non-core services for organization’s Units > Put together service “utilities” at an economic scale > Coordinate activities at all business units BUSINESS UNIT REQUEST > Menyediakan dasar-dasar kegiatan operasional dan functional building blocks organisasi > Interaksi lintas organisasi untuk memaksimalkan penciptaan nilai tambah > Provide foundation for operational activities and functional building blocks for the organization > Interacts cross-organizationally to maximize the creation of added value Profil Perusahaan / company profile 59 PRODUK DAN JASA Products and Services No 1. KELOMPOK SBU SBU Group SBU MINYAK DAN GAS SBU Oil and Gas 2. SBU KOMODITI DAN SOLUSI PERDAGANGAN SBU Commodity and Trade Solutions JASA SERVICES 1. Studi, Survei dan Analisa Energi Gas Metana Batu Bara dan “Shale Gas” 2. Studi, Survei dan Analisa Energi Panas Bumi 1. Study, Survey and Analysis of Methane Gas, 3. Inspeksi dan Survei Industri Minyak, Gas Alam, Produk Kilang dan Turunannya 4. Inspeksi Peralatan dan Instalasi Industri Minyak dan Gas Bumi 5. QA / QC untuk Fasilitas Industri, Minyak & Gas, Pertambangan dan Pembangkit Listrik 6. Konsultasi di Bidang Produk dan Keindustrian Minyak dan Gas Bumi 7. Pelatihan Pengukuran Minyak dan Pengendalian Kebocoran 8. Verifikasi dan Pemeriksaan Mesin pada saat Beroperasi 9. Verifikasi dan inspeksi Peralatan dan Instalasi Industri (Alat Angkat / Angkut, Bejana Tekan, Ketel Uap, Katup Pengaman, Pompa & Kompresor, Tangki Timbun, Anjungan Lepas Pantai, Kelistrikan, Pipa Penyalur) 10. Verifikasi Instalasi dan Peralatan Kelistrikan 11. Inspeksi Selama Pabrikasi 12. Verifikasi Integritas Fasilitas Pembangkit Listrik 13. Uji Tanpa Rusak 14. Kalibrasi Custody Transfer 15. Survei Seismik, Data Acquicition 3. Inspection and Survey of Oil, Natural Gas, 1. Inspeksi dan Audit Komoditas Pangan dan Pertanian 2. Inspeksi Tempat Penyimpanan Barang 3. Audit Kelayakan Penanganan Hewan Ternak dan Kemamputelusuran 4. Inspeksi dan Verifikasi Produk Kehutanan 5. Manajemen Agunan / Persediaan 6. Pemantauan Agunan / Pesediaan 7. Verifikasi / Estimasi Persediaan 8. Pengendalian Hama 9. Inspeksi Produk Konsumen 10. Inspeksi Produk Logam, Pupuk dan Semen 11. Inspeksi Pra-Pengapalan (CISS) 12. Audit Kapabilitas dan Kapasitas Pabrik 13. Sertifikasi Sistem-sistem Manajemen Produk Pangan dan Pakan Ternak 14. Konsultasi Pelaksanaan Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 15. Penyusunan Studi Kelayakan Proyek Pertanian 16. Pemeringkatan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro 17. Verifikasi keamanan kargo udara 18. Penilaian kinerja usaha pertanian 19. Verifikasi kesesuaian terhadap persyaratan tertentu bidang agribisnis 1. Crop and Agriculture Commodity Inspection and Coal, and “Shale Gas” Energy 2. Study, Survey and Analysis of Geothermal Energy Refinery Products and Derivatives Industries 4. Inspection of Equipment and Installation in Oil and Natural Gas Industries 5. QA / QC of Industrial, Oil & Gas, Mining and Electric Power Generation Facilities 6. Product and Industrial Consultation in Oil and Gas 7. Petroleum Measurement and Leakage Control Training 8. Machine Verification and Examination during Operation 9. Industrial Equipment and Installation (Lifting / Hauling Equipment, Pressure Vessel, Boiler, Safety Valve, Pump & Compressor, Storage Tank, Offshore Platform, Electricity, Transportation Pipe) 10. Electrical Installation and Equipment Verification 11. Inspection during Fabrication 12. Integrity of Power Generating Facility Verification 13. Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) 14. Custody Transfer Calibration 15. Seismic Survey, Data Acquisition Audit 2. Storage of Goods Inspection 3. Ethical Treatment and Traceability of Livestock Audit 4. Forest Produce Inspection and Verification 5. Collateral / Stock Management 6. Collateral / Stock Monitoring 7. Stock Verification / Estimation 8. Pest Control 9. Consumer Product Inspection 10. Metal, Fertilizer and Cement Product Inspection 11. Pre-Shipment Inspection (CISS) 12. Factory Capability and Capacity Audit 13. Certification of Crop and Livestock Feed Product Management Systems 14. Consultation on the Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 15. Design of Agricultural Project Feasibility Study 16. Microfinance Institution Ranking 17. Air Cargo Safety Verification 18. Farming Business Performance Assessment 19. Verification of Compliance towards Certain Agribusiness Requirements 60 3. PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report SBU INDUSTRI 1. Kaji Ulang Rancangan dan Verifikasi Fasilitas SBU Industry 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Industrial Facilities Design Reevaluation and Industri Verification Verifikasi Penangkal Petir 2. 3. Inspeksi Otomotif 4. Jasa-jasa Marine 5. Pemantauan Proyek 6. Klasifikasi Bengkel Otomotif 7. Konsultasi Penerapan International Ship and Port 8. Lightning Protection Verification Audit Integritas Bangunan Building Integrity Audit Facility Security (ISPS) Code 9. Konsultasi Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Mesin Automotive Inspection Marine Services Project Monitoring Automotive Repair Shop Classification Consultation on the Implementation International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code 9. Operation and Maintenance of Machine and Serta Instalasi Industri Industrial Installation Consultation 10. Pelatihan Pemastian Mutu pada Fasilitas Industri 10. Quality Assurance of Industrial Facility Training 11. Konsultansi pengembangan dan pembangunan 11. Consultation on Non-Government and SOE telematika terpadu non pemerintah dan BUMN Integrated Telematics Development and Construction 12. Verifikasi insalasi peralatan pemadam kebakaran 12. Verification of Firefighting Equipment Installation 13. Verifkasi dan inspeksi peralatan dan instalasi 13. Verification, Inspection, and Testing of Non-Oil industri (alat angkut / angkat bejana tekan, ketel uap, katup pengaman, pompa dan kompresor, tangki timbun, kelistrikan, pipa menyalur dan mesin produksi di luar industri migas 4. 5. SBU MINERAL DAN BATUBARA 1. Inspeksi, Supervisi dan Pengujian Produk Batubara 1. Coal Products Inspection, Supervision and Testing SBU Mineral and Coal 2. Konsultansi Tambang dan Infrastruktur 2. Mining and Infrastructure Consultation 3. Mineral Products Inspection, Supervision and SBU SERTIFIKASI DAN ECOFRAMEWORK SBU Certification and EcoFramework 6. and Gas Industrial Equipment and Installation (Crane, Pressure Vessel, Boiler, Safety Valve, Pump, Comrpessor, Storage Tank, Lightning Protection, Electricity Installation, Generator) SBU GOVERNMENT I SBU Government I 3. Inspeksi, Supervisi dan Pengujian Produk Mineral Testing 4. Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Jasa Penunjang Pertambangan 4. Mining Support Services Education and Training 5. Inspeksi, Supervisi dan Pengujian Produk Batuan, Beton dan Tanah 5. Rock, Concrete and Soil Products Inspection, 6. Verifikasi dan Monitoring Produk Tambang 6. Mining Products Verification and Monitoring 1. Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Sertifikasi produk dan Sistem Mutu. 3. Eco Framework 4. Pelatihan Supervision and Testing Management System Certification Quality System and Product Certification Eco-Framework Training 1. Verifikasi dan monitoring kegiatan investasi, 1. Investment, Trade and Industrial perdagangan, dan industri Verification and Monitoring 2. Verifikasi dan monitoring tingkat komponen 2. Local Component Monitoring dalam negeri 3. Verifikasi impor mesin bukan baru Level Activities Verification and 3. Non-New Imported Machine Verification 4. Verifikasi teknik ekspor produk pertanian dan 4. Regulation-Based Forestry and Agricultural Product Export Technique Verification kehutanan berbasis regulasi 5. Verifikasi antar pulau produk pertanian dan 5. Regulation-Based Forestry and Agricultural Product Export Inter-Island Verification kehutanan berbasis regulasi Profil Perusahaan / company profile 7. SBU GOVERNMENT II SBU Government II 1. Survei dan Pemetaan 2. Konsultasi perencanaan, monitoring dan infrastruktur evaluasi pelaksanaan, pembangunan 61 1. Survey and Mapping 2. Consultation, Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Infrastructure Construction 3. Konsultasi pengembangan dan pembangunan 3. Consultation on the Development of Integrated telematika terpadu sektor pemerintah dan BUMN 4. Konsultasi, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi pembangunan pertanian, kehutanan, kelautan dan perikanan Telematics between Government Sectors and SOEs 4. Consultation, Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural, Forestry, Marinery and Fishery Development 5. Konsultasi, Survei, monitoring dan evaluasi 5. Consultation, Survey, Monitoring and Evaluation pelayanan publik 8. SBU LABORATORIUM SBU Laboratory of Public Services 6. Solusi berbasis teknologi informasi 6. Information Technology Solutions 1. Analisa kimia umum termasuk produk pertanian, produk industri, dan produk konsumen 1. General Chemical Analysis, including towards Agricultural, Industrial and Consumer Products 2. Environmental Parameter Analysis 3. Pengujian teknis mencakup pengujian alat 3. Technical Testing, including Electrical and 2. Analisa parameter lingkungan Electronic Equipment Testing and Construction Material Testing kelistrikan dan eletronika serta pengujar produk materi bangunan 4. Kalibrasi alat ukur dan alat uji 5. Konsultasi pengembangan laboratorium 6. Analisa produk minyak dan gas 7. Analisa bahan tambang 4. 5. 6. 7. Measuring and Testing Equipment Calibration Laboratory Development Consultation Oil and Gas Products Analysis Mined Materials Analysis KRONOLOGIS PENCATATAN SAHAM DAN PENCATATAN EFEK LAINNYA Chronological Listing of Shares and Other Effects Hingga berakhirnya tahun 2014, PT SUCOFINDO belum pernah mencatatkan saham Perusahaan di Bursa Saham. Oleh karena itu tidak ada informasi terkait kronologi pencatatan, jenis tindakan korporasi (corporate action), perubahan jumlah saham, perubahan harga saham, maupun nama bursa. By the end of 2014, PT SUCOFINDO has no company shares listed in the Stock Exchange. Consequently, there is no information pertaining to their chronological listing, corporate action, changes in the amount of shares, changes in the price of shares, or name of exchange. 62 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report STRUKTUR ORGANISASI Organizational Structure KOMISARIS BOARD COMMISSIONERS DIREKTUR UTAMA PRESIDENT DIRECTOR Bachder Djohan Buddin DIREKTUR KOMERSIAL I COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR I Heru Riza Chakim SBU Mineral & Batubara SBU Mineral & Coal Rangsang Tribaskoro SBU Government I SBU Goverment I Haris Witjaksono SBU Laboratorium SBU Laboratory Rolia Nurdiawati SBU Government II SBU Goverment II Haris Witjaksono SBU Migas SBU Oil and Gas M. Iqbal Akbar SBU Sertifikasi & Eco Framework SBU Certification & Eco-Framework Yerry Taizar Mukhtar Div. Pengembangan Jasa Komersial II Commercial Services Development Division II HB Susilotomo Regional Barat (Jakarta) West Region (Jakarta) Andre Esfandiari KSO VPTI Soleh Rusyadi Maryam Cabang Luar Negeri International Branch Beni Agus Permana Divisi Human Capital Human Capital Division Bangkit A. Wirawan Divisi Pemasaran & Pengembangan Bisnis Marketing & Business Development Division Wirawan Laksono Divisi Informasi dan Solusi Bisnis Information & Business Solution Division Djoko Prahoro SBU Industri SBU Industry Walpon Silitonga Div. Pengembangan Jasa Komersial I Commercial Services Development Division I DIREKTUR SUMBER DAYA & KEUANGAN DIRECTOR OF RESOURCES & FINANCE DIREKTUR KOMERSIAL II COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR II Sufrin Hannan SBU Komoditi & Solusi Perdagangan SBU Commodity & Business Solution Mukhtar Div. Pengembangan Jasa Komersial III Commercial Services Development Division III Moh. Teguh Wibisono Regional Timur (Surabaya) East Regional Office (Surabaya) Dedi Kusnendar PT EPISI Agus Dermawan PT SAU Roy Urich Kusumawardana PT SPRINT Diana Susi Moro Profil Perusahaan / company profile Divisi Keuangan & Akuntansi Finance & Accounting Division Budi Hartanto Divisi Umum General Affairs Division Noval Tajudin Satuan Pengawasan Intern Internal Supervision Unit Rismuhammad Tohbayu Divisi Sekretariat Perusahaan Corporate Secretariat Division Agus Salim Unit Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan Partnership & Environmental Development Program (PKBL) Unit Ries Lucky Divisi Manajemen Strategis Strategic Management Division Dedi Kusnendar Divisi Sistim Manajemen, Good Governance dan Risiko Management System, Good Corporate Governance and Risk Division R. Ruli Adi Struktur Organisasi SUCOFINDO ditetapkan oleh Keputusan Direksi (KD) Nomor 11 / KD / 2014 tanggal 30 Januari 2014 dan 40 / KD / 2014 Oktober 2014. The Organizational Structure of SUCOFINDO has been established in Board of Directors Decision (KD) No. 11 / KD / 2014 issued January 30, 2014, and 40 / KD / 2014, issued October 2014. 63 64 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report TITIK LAYANAN Points of Service Perusahaan membagi wilayah kerjanya ke dalam 29 (dua puluh sembilan) kantor cabang, 35 (tiga puluh lima) unit pelayanan, dan 45 (empat puluh lima) laboratorium yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. The company has divided its operating region into 29 (twenty nine) branch offices, 35 (thirty five) service units, and 45 (forty five) laboratories distributed throughout Indonesia. Profil Perusahaan / company profile 65 KANTOR CABANG Branch Offices DIVISI REGIONAL TIMUR Eastern Region Division DIVISI REGIONAL BARAT Western Region Division Medan Pekanbaru Batam Palembang Bandar Lampung Padang Dumai Jambi Bengkulu Jakarta Cilegon Bekasi Cirebon Bandung Semarang Cilacap Balikpapan Banjarmasin Samarinda Bontang Pontianak Sangatta Batu Licin Tarakan Surabaya Makassar Timika Denpasar Menado UNIT PELAYANAN Service Units Belawan Dondang Kelanis Sungai Danau Tanjung Enim Ampah Karimun Bengalon Duri Kiliranjao Sungai Putting Kendari Berau Indonesia Bulk terminal Muara Badak Tanah Grogot Suralaya Kendawangan Kudus Lahat Pangkal Pinang Pangkalan Bun Rengat Sampit Sebakis Sesayap Sibo Iga LABORATORIUM Laboratories Medan Sibolga Padang Kiliranjao Pekanbaru Dumai Tembilahan Jambi Batam Palembang Lahat Bengkulu Bandarlampung Cilegon Cirebon Suralaya Cibitung Bandung Semarang Surabaya Pontianak Balikpapan Balikpapan Coal Terminal Tanah Merah Coal Terminal Samarinda Dondang Melak Bontang Tanjungbara Lubuk Tutung Bengalon Tarakan Berau Sesayap Sebakis Tanjung Redeb Banjarmasin Kelanis Sungai Putting Batulicin Indonesia Bulk Terminal Makassar Palu Menado Timika Gresik Surakarta Tanjung Pinang Tembilahan Pelabuhan Ratu Loksemawe Palu 66 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PENGHARGAAN Awards BUMN MARKETING AWARD SOE Marketing Award 21 Agustus 2015 Strategic Marketing and Tactical marketing kategori silver BUMN Marketing Award, dari dan BUMN Track Silver (in categories of Strategic Marketing and Tactical Marketing) from and BUMN Track PKBL BUMN AWARD SOE Partnership Award 25 September 2015 Penghargaan Silver sebagai pelayanan publik terbaik dari La Tofi School of CSR Silver Award as the best public service provider from La Tofi School of CSR BUMN WEB AWARD SOE Web Award 25 Oktober 2015 Penghargaan Favorite ke-2 dari 2nd Place Favorite from www. Profil Perusahaan / company profile SERTIFIKASI Certification No. Nama Sertifikasi Name of Certification Tahun Perolehan Date Received Badan Pemberi Sertifikasi Certification Body Masa Berlaku Valid Until 1 ISO 9001:2008 26 / 02 / 2014 External Certification body 12 / 04 / 2017 2 OHSAS 18001:2007 Sangatta 07 / 06 / 2013 External Certification body 06 / 06 / 2016 3 OHSAS 18001:2007 UP. Berau 27 / 04 / 2012 External Certification body 26 / 04 / 2015 4 ISO 14001:2004 08 / 05 / 2012 External Certification body 07 / 05 / 2015 7 SMK3 - Lab Cibitung + Cab. Bekasi 22 / 04 / 2013 Dirjen Binawas 22 / 04 / 2016 8 SMK3 - Kantor Pusat (Kav.34) 23 / 04 / 2015 Dirjen Binawas 23 / 04 / 2018 9 SMK3 - Cabang Balikpapan 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 10 SMK3 - Cabang Banjarmasin 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 11 SMK3 - Cabang B Lampung 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 12 SMK3 - Cabang Jakarta 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 13 SMK3 - Cabang Pekanbaru 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 14 SMK3 - Lab. Site Sangata 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 15 SMK3 - Lab. Site Timika 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 16 SMK3 - Cabang Palembang 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 17 SMK3 - Cabang Surabaya +Lab 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 18 SMK3 - Cabang Bandung 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 19 SMK3 - Cabang Medan 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 20 SMK3 - Cabang Semarang + Lab 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 21 SMK3 - Cabang Batam 22 / 04 / 2013 Dirjen Binawas 22 / 04 / 2016 22 SMK3 - Cabang Cilegon 22 / 04 / 2013 Dirjen Binawas 22 / 04 / 2016 23 SMK3 - Cabang Makassar 22 / 04 / 2013 Dirjen Binawas 22 / 04 / 2016 24 SMK3 - Cabang Bontang 22 / 04 / 2013 Dirjen Binawas 22 / 04 / 2016 25 SMK3 - Cabang Cilacap 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 26 SMK3 - Cabang Padang 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 27 SMK3 - Cabang Samarinda 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 28 SMK3 - Cabang Pontianak 14 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 13 / 05 / 2017 29 SMK3 - Cabang Cirebon 22 / 04 / 2013 Dirjen Binawas 22 / 04 / 2016 30 SMK3 - UP Lhoksemawe 20 / 05 / 2014 Dirjen Binawas 20 / 05 / 2017 31 SMK3 - Cabang Dumai 23 / 04 / 2012 Dirjen Binawas 23 / 04 / 2015 >WdWbç^Xç^.8Zb[W^6Z^çgçc.8ZbWUd_bçdWéW^Wbçæå_b<^c`WUdZ_^ç^VFe`WbfZcZ_^ Note: Dirjen Binawas: Directorate General for Inspection and Supervision 67 68 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report AKREDITASI Accreditation Deskripsi Akreditasi Description of Accreditation Akreditasi / Penunjukan dari SUCOFINDO Sebagai Accreditation / Appointment by SUCOFINDO as Masa Berlaku Valid Until No. Akreditasi / No. Surat Penunjukan Accreditation / Appointment Letter No. 1 Sistem Manajemen Mutu Quality Management System KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) National Accreditation Committee Lembaga Sertifikasi Certification Body 24 April 2016 April 24, 2016 LSSM-002-IDN 2 Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan Environmental Management System KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) National Accreditation Committee Lembaga Sertifikasi Certification Body 18 Januari 2016 January 18, 2016 LSSML-001-IDN 3 Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan Food Security Management System KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) National Accreditation Committee Lembaga Sertifikasi Certification Body 14 Maret 2016 March 14, 2016 LSSMKP-007-IDN 4 HACCP HACCP KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) National Accreditation Committee Lembaga Sertifikasi Certification Body 28 November 2015 LSSHACCP-007-IDN November 28, 2015 5 Pangan Organik Organic Crop KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) National Accreditation Committee Lembaga Sertifikasi Certification Body 24 April 2016 April 24, 2016 LSPO-001-IDN 6 Sertifikasi Produk Product Certification KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) National Accreditation Committee Lembaga Sertifikasi Certification Body 24 April 2016 April 24, 2016 LSPr-022-IDN 7 Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu Timber Legality Verification KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) National Accreditation Committee Lembaga Verifikasi Verification Body 5 Juni 2018 June 5, 2018 LVLK-002-IDN 8 Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Lestari Sustainable Production Forest Management (PHPL) KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) National Accreditation Committee Lembaga Penilai Evaluating Body 1 September 2018 September 1, 2018 LPPHPL-005-IDN 9 CB Scheme CB Scheme IECEE Lembaga Sertifikasi Certification Body 7 Februari 2015 February 7, 2015 CB075 10 SMK3 OHS Management System Kemenakertrans RI Ministry of Labor and Transmigration Badan Audit Auditing Body 4 April 2016 April 4, 2016 Kep.Menankertrans RI No.KEP.35 / M / PPK / IV / 2013 11 Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Kementan R Ministry of Agriculture Lembaga Sertifikasi Certification Body 9 Mei 2017 May 9, 2017 LS-P&K-003-ISPO 12 Sistem Manajemen Pengamanan Security Management System POLRI Badan Audit Auditing Body 7 Februari 2018 February 7, 2018 SK KAPOLRI NO.POL : SKEP / 44 / 11 / 208 13 Sertifikasi PHPL & Lacak Balak PHPL & CoC Certification LEI Lembaga Sertifikasi Certification Body 28 Oktober 2017 October 28, 2017 SK DIR-EKSKUTIF LEI NO. 06 / LEI / SK-DE / X / 2012 14 Sertifikasi Usaha Business Certification Komisi Otorisasi Pariwisata Tourism Authorization Commission Lembaga Sertifikasi Certification Body 10 April 2018 April 10, 2018 15 ISO 17020:2012 KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) National Accreditation Committee Lembaga Inspeksi Inspecting Body 21 Oktober 2018 October 21, 2018 LI-062-IDN 16 ISO 17025:2005 KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) National Accreditation Committee Lembaga Penguji Testing Body 22 Juni 2015 June 22, 2015 No Profil Perusahaan / company profile 69 PEMEGANG SAHAM UTAMA, ENTITAS ANAK, ENTITAS ASOSIASI & PENGENDALIAN BERSAMA ENTITAS Major Shareholders, Subsidiaries, Associated Entities & Control Joint Entities STRUKTUR DAN KOMPOSISI KEPEMILIKAN SAHAM Structure and Composition of Shareholding Pemegang saham SUCOFINDO terdiri dari: SUCOFINDO’s shareholders consist of: Republic of Indonesia Societe generale de Surveillance Holding Nama Perusahaan Company Name Kegiatan Usaha Business Activities Komposisi Kepemilikan Perseroan Company Ownership Composition Status PT SUCOFINDO Advisory Utama (SAU) Konsultasi Pengelolaan Properti, Konsultasi Bisnis, Keuangan dan Investasi Konsultansi Bisnis, Keuangan dan Investasi serta Konsultasi Bidang Keamanan Property Management Consultation, Business Consultation, Financial and Investment Consultation, and Security Consultation 91,43% Beroperasi Operational PT SUCOFINDO Episi (Episi) Pembangunan, perdagangan, perindustrian, jasa dan pertanian Construction, trade, industry, services and agriculture 95% Beroperasi Operational PT Sprint Konsultan Perencanaan umum, jasa survei, studi kelayakan, perencanaan teknik, pengawasan manajemen, penelitian, pendidikan dan pelatihan General planning, survey services, feasibility study, technical planning, management supervision, research, education and training 19% Beroperasi Operational PT. Sucofindo Logistic (LOGISTICS) Usaha bidang pengadaan, distribusi, transportasi darat dan laut serta udara, pergudangan, pengepakan, pengiriman, persewaan mesin, peralatan dan fasilitas ekspor - impor Business in procurement, distribution, transportation via land, sea, and air, warehousing, rental of machines, equipment, and facilities for export and import. 100% Likuidasi yang ditangani kurator Liquidation handled by curator 70 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report SEKILAS KINERJA ANAK PERUSAHAAN Subsidiaries Performance at Glance PT SUCOFINDO ADVISORY UTAMA (SAU) Profil Perusahaan Company Profile PT SUCOFINDO Advisory Utama pada awalnya didirikan dengan nama PT SUCOFINDO Nissesa Appraisal pada tanggal 31 Januari 2000. Pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2001 terjadi perubahan nama menjadi PT SUCOFINDO Appraisal Utama dan terakhir pada tahun 2011 dikarenakan adanya Peraturan Pemerintah tentang jasa appraisal, maka nama perusahaan berubah menjadi PT SUCOFINDO Advisory Utama. PT SUCOFINDO Advisory Utama was initially founded as PT SUCOFINDO Nissesa Appraisal on January 31, 2000. In October, 2001, the company changed its name into PT SUCOFINDO Appraisal Utama, and eventually, in 2011, into PT SUCOFINDO Advisory Utama due to the issuance of a Government Regulation on appraisal services. Bergerak dalam bidang Asset Management, Business Advisory serta Survey & Research yang didukung keahlian sebagai Technical Consultant dan ICT (Information & Communication Technology) Consultant. Penyediaan Training juga dilaksanakan yang merupakan penunjang bagi jasa-jasa utama. Memiliki tiga Strategic Business Unit (SBU) untuk melayani segmen pelanggan Korporat, Publik dan Internasional yang didukung pula oleh beberapa kantor Cabang dan Representatif di Sumatera, Jawa dan Kalimantan. The company provides Asset Management, Business Advisory and Survey & Research services, supported by expertise as Technical Consultant and ICT (Information & Communication Technology) Consultant. Training is also provided as a supporting service for the core services listed above. The company has three Strategic Business Units (SBU) to provide service to Corporate, Public and International customer bases, supported by several branch and representative offices in Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan. Alamat Perusahaan Company Address Graha SUCOFINDO Annex B Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 34 Jakarta-Indonesia 12780 Phone : (+62-21) 7986766 Ext. 2323, 2328 Fax : (+62-21) 7986766 Email : [email protected] Graha SUCOFINDO Annex B Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 34 Jakarta-Indonesia 12780 Phone : (+62-21) 7986766 Ext. 2323, 2328 Fax : (+62-21) 7986766 Email : [email protected] Bidang Usaha Business Lines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Asset Management, Business Advisory, Survey & Research, ICT Consultant, Technical Consultant Training 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Asset Management Services Business Advisory Services Survey & Research Services ICT Consultation Services Technical Consultation Services Training Services Profil Perusahaan / company profile 71 PT SUCOFINDO EPISI Profil Perusahaan Company Profile PT SUCOFINDO Episi didirikan dengan Akta Notaris Sovyedi Andasasmita, SH. No. 4 pada tanggal 12 Maret 2002 oleh PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) dengan KOPSUCOFINDO, dengan nama PT SUCOFINDO Engineering Services Indonesia disingkat PT SES INDONESIA. Selanjutnya PT SES INDONESIA pada tahun yang sama mengalami perubahan nama menjadi PT SUCOFINDO Episi dengan Akta Notaris Sovyedi Andasasmita, SH, no. 14 pada tanggal 18 Juni 2002 dan disahkan melalui Akta Pendirian Perseroan Terbatas Menteri Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. C-13175 HT.01.01.TH.2002 tanggal 17 Juli 2002. PT SUCOFINDO Episi was founded by PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) and KUPSUCOFINDO, based on Notary Deed No. 4 issued March 12, 2002, by Notary Sovyedi Andasasmita, S.H., with the name PT SUCOFINDO Machineering Services Indonesia, abbreviated as PT SES INDONESIA. Afterward, in the same year PT SES INDONESIA changed its name into PT SUCOFINDO Episi based on Notary Deed No. 14 issued on June 18, 2002, by Notary Sovyedi Andasasmita, S.H., and authorized through Limited Liability Company Deed of Establishment No. C-13175 HT.01.01.TH.2002 issued on July 17, 2002, by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia. Alamat Perusahaan Company Address Graha SUCOFINDO Lt. 9 Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 34 Jakarta-Indonesia 12780 Phone : (+62-21) 7995248 Fax : (+62-21) 7994679 Email : ébçYçFH7B:<A8B?d"Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 34 Jakarta-Indonesia 12780 Phone : (+62-21) 7995248 Fax : (+62-21) 7994679 Email : Bidang Usaha Business Lines 1. Bidang Teknik (Engineering) 2. Bidang Pengadaan (Procurement) : Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa 3. Bidang Sipil (Construction) 1. Engineering 2. Procurement : Goods and Services 3. Construction 72 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PT SPRINT Profil Perusahaan Company Profile Berdiri 9 januari 1997 oleh PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) dan KOPSUCOFINDO. Awal mula berdiri bernama PT Prima Mobile Inti Mutu Andalan. Perusahaan bergerak di bidang jasa konsultasi kualitas, konsultasi lingkungan, Jasa Survei, dan pendidikan dan pelatihan. Pada tanggal 26 Maret 1998 berubah nama menjadi PT SUCOFINDO Prima Internasional Konsultan (Sprint Consultant). The company was established on January 9, 1997, by PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) and KOPSUCOFINDO, initially named PT Prima Mobile Inti Mutu Andalan. The company provides services in quality consultation, environmental consultation, survey, and training. On March 26, 1998, it changed its name into PT SUCOFINDO Prima Internasional Konsultan (Sprint Consultant). Alamat Perusahaan Company Address Graha SUCOFINDO Lt. 12 Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 34 Jakarta-Indonesia 12780 Phone : (+62-21) 7983666 Fax : (+62-21) 7986883 / 7986894 Graha SUCOFINDO Lt. 12 Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 34 Jakarta-Indonesia 12780 Phone : (+62-21) 7983666 Fax : (+62-21) 7986883 / 7986894 Bidang Usaha Business Lines Jasa Konsultasi Manajemen Jasa Konsultasi Lingkungan Jasa Konsultasi Pendidikan dan pelatihan Management Consultation Services Environmental Consultation Services Education and Training Consultation Services Profil Perusahaan / company profile 73 ALAMAT KANTOR AREA OPERASI Operating Area Office Address KANTOR CABANG 6bç^UYBåÄUWc Surabaya =æ">çæZTedeYA_"&%) FebçTçèç*$%+' 9çcd=çfç CY_^W.*&!'%)(*-%&' :çh.*&!'%)(*-%(( 9]çZæ.cebçTçèç4FH7B:<A8B"U_"ZV Semarang =çæç^Eçèç>çæZXçgW >]",FW]çbç^X)$%%, CY_^W.*&!&(*)-$)(+ *&!&(')%**%* :çh.*&!&(*)-$)(- *&!&(*)-$))$ 9]çZæ.cW]çbç^X4FH7B:<A8B"U_"ZV Balikpapan =æ"=W^V"5"Lç^ZA_"%ée^e^XFçbZHæe 6çæZ\`ç`ç^+*%&& 9çcd>çæZ]ç^dç^ CY_^W.*&!)(&+'&%,*#, :çh.*&!)(&(&$)'+ 9]çZæ.TçæZ\`ç`ç^4FH7B:<A8B"U_"ZV Batam FH7B:<A8B6eZæVZ^X =æ"EçVW^CçdçYA_"*% 6çæ_Z6çdç]<cæç^V&-('& CY_^W.*&!++,()*)+) :çh.*&!++,()*&-& 9]çZæ.Tçdç]4FH7B:<A8B"U_"ZV 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Sejalan dengan hal ini, SUCOFINDO berkomitmen untuk terus melakukan program pembinaan Pegawai secara intensif guna mencetak tim yang profesional yang memiliki integritas serta kompeten dalam dunia bisnis. Komitmen ini ditunjukkan dengan mengikutsertakan Pegawai dalam berbagai pendidikan dan pelatihan serta program pengembangan SDM. Human Resources (HR) serve as the main asset and important supporting element towards productivity in the company’s performance. In line with this, SUCOFINDO is committed to continuously holding intensive employee development programs in order to produce a professional team with integrity and competence in the business. This commitment is displayed by the enrolment of employees in various education and training courses, along with other HR development programs. STRUKTUR SDM HUMAN RESOURCES STRUCTURE Pengelolaan SDM atau Pegawai di SUCOFINDO dilaksanakan oleh Divisi Human Capital, yang dipimpin seorang Kepala Divisi dan bertanggung jawab kepada Direktur Sumber Daya dan Keuangan. HR or employee management in SUCOFINDO is carried out by the Human Capital Division, led by a Division Head responsible to the Director of Resources and Finance. Dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, Divisi Human Capital dibantu oleh: In carrying out its duty and responsibility, the Human Capital Division is supported by: 1. 2. 1. 2. Training and Career Management Section Head Organization and Culture Development Section Head 3. 4. Administration Section Head Procurement and Industrial Relations Section Head 5. 6. 7. 8. Training and Development Career Management and Performance Sub-Section Head Organization Development Sub-Section Head Culture Development and Change Sub-Section Head Kepala Bagian Pelatihan dan Manajemen Karir Kepala Bagian Pengembangan Organisasi dan Budaya 3. Kepala Bagian Administrasi 4. Kepala Bagian Pengadaaan dan Hubungan Industrial 5. Kepala Sub Bagian Pelatihan & Pengembangan 6. Kepala Sub Bagian Manajemen Karir & Kinerja 7. Kepala Sub Bagian Pengembangan Organisasi 8. Kepala Sub Bagian Perubahan & Pengembangan Budaya 9. Kepala Sub Bagian Administrasi & Pengadaan SBU 10. Kepala Sub Bagian Sistem & Pelayanan 11. Kepala Sub Bagian Remunerasi & Penghargaan 12. Kepala Sub Bagian Hubungan Industrial & Counseling 13. Kepala Sub Bagian Pengadaan & Penempatan 9. 10. 11. 12. SBU Procurement and Administration Sub-Section Head System and Service Sub-Section Head Remuneration and Award Sub-Section Head Industrial Relations and Counselling Sub-Section Head 13. Procurement and Placement Sub-Section Head Sumber Daya Manusia / Human Resources Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) merupakan asset utama yang menjadi elemen penting penunjang produktivitas kinerja perusahaan Human Resources ( HR) serve as the main asset and important supporting element towards productivity in the company’s performance 81 82 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report STRUKTUR DIVISI HUMAN CAPITAL Human Capital Division Structure DIREKTUR SUMBER DAYA DAN KEUANGAN Director of Resources & Finance DIVISI HUMAN CAPITAL Human Capital Division KEPALA DIVISI Division Head BAGIAN PENGADAAN DAN HUBUNGAN INDUSTRIAL Procurement and Industrial Relations Section BAGIAN ADMINISTRASI Administration Section KEPALA BAGIAN Section Head SUB BAGIAN PENGADAAN & PENEMPATAN Procurement and Placement Sub-Section KEPALA SUB BAGIAN Sub Section Head KEPALA BAGIAN Section Head KEPALA SUB BAGIAN Sub Section Head SUB BAGIAN REMUNERASI & PENGHARGAAN Remuneration and Award Sub-Section KEPALA SUB BAGIAN Sub Section Head KEPALA BAGIAN Section Head SUB BAGIAN PENGEMBANGAN ORGANISASI SUB BAGIAN INDUSTRIAL & CONSELING Industrial Relations and Counselling Sub-Section BAGIAN PENGEMBANGAN ORGANISASI & BUDAYA Organization and Culture Development Section BAGIAN PELATIHAN DAN MANAJEMEN KARIR Training and Career Management Section KEPALA BAGIAN Section Head SUB BAGIAN PERUBAHAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN BUDAYA Training & Development Culture SUB BAGIAN SUB BAGIAN SUB BAGIAN SUB BAGIAN Sub-Section Development PELATIHAN DAN MANAJEMEN ADMINISTRASI SISTEM & & Change SubPENGEMBANGAN KARIR DAN PENGADAAN PELAYANAN Section Training & DAN KINERJA SDM SBU System and KEPALA SUB KEPALA SUB Career Procurement Development Service BAGIAN BAGIAN Management and Administration Sub-Section Sub-Section Sub Section Head Sub Section Head and Performance Sub-Section Sub-Section KEPALA SUB BAGIAN Sub Section Head KEPALA SUB BAGIAN Sub Section Head KEPALA SUB BAGIAN Sub Section Head KEPALA SUB BAGIAN Sub Section Head Sumber Daya Manusia / Human Resources 83 PROFIL KEPALA DIVISI HUMAN CAPITAL Human Capital Division Head Profile Lahir di Bandung, tanggal 20 Mei 1963 umur 51 tahun, menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jurusan Hukum Bisnis (Pasca Sarjana) Universitas Gadjah Mada pada tahun 2007. Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 1998 memulai karir sebagai Kepala Bagian Hukum. Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di SUCOFINDO sebagai: - Vice President Divisi Sekretariat Perusahaan (2005-2012) - Kepala Divisi Sistem Manajemen GCG dan Risiko ( 2012-2013) - Kepala Divisi Human Capital (2013-sekarang) He was born in Bandung, May 20, 1963, and is currently 51 years of age. He completed his graduate study in Business Law at Gadjah Mada University in 2007. BANGKIT ANDAR WIRAWAN Kepala Divisi Human Capital Human Capital Division Head He joined SUCOFINDO since 1998 and commenced his career as Head of the Legal Division. He occupied several key positions in SUCOFINDO, such as: - Vice-President of the Corporate Secretariat Division (2005-2012) - Head of GCG and Risk Management System Division (2012-2013) - Head of Human Capital (2013-present) PROFIL PEGAWAI EMPLOYEE PROFILE JUMLAH PEGAWAI BERDASARKAN STATUS KEPEGAWAIAN NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES EMPLOYMENT STATUS Hingga akhir tahun 2014 jumlah Pegawai SUCOFINDO sejumlah 3.227 orang. Mengalami pengurangan dibandingkan tahun 2013 sebesar 1% yang sebanyak 3.275 orang. By the end of 2014, SUCOFINDO’s workforce consisted of 3,227 employees, decreasing by 1% compared to the workforce in 2013 consisting of 3,275 employees. Mereka terdiri atas 1.912 orang atau 59,3% merupakan Pegawai waktu tetap atau Pegawai tetap. Sementara 1.315 orang atau 40,7% adalah Pegawai waktu tertentu atau Pegawai tidak tetap. Out of these employees, 1,912 or 59.3% are permanent employees, whereas 1,315 or 40.7% are contracted or temporary employees. BASED Jumlah Pegawai Berdasarkan Status Kepegawaian Number of Employees Based Employment Status 2013 Jenis Employment Status Jumlah (orang) Number of Employees 2014 Persentase Percentage (%) Jumlah (orang) Number of Employees Persentase Percentage (%) Pegawai Tetap Permanent Employee 2.129 65 1.912 59,3 Pegawai Tidak Tetap Temporary Employee 1.146 35 1.315 40,7 3.275 100 3.227 100 Total ON 84 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Jumlah Pegawai Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin Number Of Employees Based On Gender Sepanjang tahun 2014, sebagian besar yakni 2.702 orang atau 83,7 % dari total Pegawai SUCOFINDO adalah berjenis kelamin laki-laki, sementara 535 orang atau sebesar 16,3 % berjenis kelamin perempuan. Throughout the year 2014, most of the employees, specifically 2,702 or 83.7% of SUCOFINDO’s total number of employees, are male, whereas 535 or 16.3% are female. Jumlah Pegawai Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin Number of Employees Based on Gender 2013 Jenis Kelamin Gender Pria Male Wanita Female Total Jumlah (orang) Number of Employees 2014 Persentase Percentage (%) Jumlah (orang) Number of Employees Persentase Percentage (%) 2.786 85 2.702 83,7 489 15 525 16,3 3.275 100 3.227 100 Jumlah Pegawai Berdasarkan Kelompok Usia Number Of Employees Based On Age Group Mengacu kepada Undang-Undang No: 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan dan Peraturan Perusahaan, maka batasan usia minimal Pegawai SUCOFINDO adalah 18 tahun, sedang usia pensiun Pegawai adalah 56 tahun. In compliance to Law 13 / 2003 regarding Labor and corporate regulations, the minimum age for SUCOFINDO employees is 18 years, whereas the age of retirement is 56 years. Ditinjau dari kelompok usia, pada tahun 2014 terdapat 17,6 % pada kelompok usia di bawah 30 tahun, 20,8 % pada kelompok usia 31 – 40 tahun; 35,6 % pada kelompok usia 41 – 50 tahun; dan 25,9% pada kelompok usia di atas 51 tahun. Based on age group, in 2014, there were 17.6% of employees below 30 years of age, 20.8% within the age group of 31 – 40 years, 35.6% within the age group of 41 – 50 years, and 25.9% above 51 years of age. Jumlah Pegawai Berdasarkan Kelompok Usia Number of Employees on Age Group 2013 Usia Age Jumlah (orang) Number of Employees 2014 Persentase Percentage (%) Jumlah (orang) Number of Employees Persentase Percentage (%) <30 604 18.44 568 <30 604 18.44 568 17,6 31 – 40 633 19.33 672 20,8 41 – 50 1.417 43.27 1.150 35,6 621 18.96 837 25,9 3.275 100 3.227 100 >51 Total 17,6 Sumber Daya Manusia 85 / Human Resources Jumlah Pegawai Berdasarkan Pendidikan Number Of Employees Based On Education Level Pada tahun 2014 jumlah pegawai dengan tingkat pendidikan S2 mengalami penurunan sebesar 8% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Selain itu jumlah pegawai dengan tingkat pendidikan S1 juga meningkat sebesar 6% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. In 2014, the number of employees with graduate education experienced a decrease by 8% compared to the previous. Conversely, the number of employees with undergraduate education has increased by 6% compared to the previous year. Jumlah Pegawai Berdasarkan Tingkat Pendidikan Number of Employees Based on Education Level 2013 Tingkat Level Education Level 2014 Jumlah (orang) Number (people) Persentase (%) Percentage (%) Jumlah (orang) Number (people) Persentase (%) Percentage (%) SLTA dan setara High School and equivalent 1.353 41,31 1.219 37,8 Diploma dan setara Associate Degree and equivalent 525 16,03 540 16,7 Sarjana Undergraduate Degree 1.292 39,45 1.372 42,5 105 3,21 96 3 3.275 100 3.227 100 Pasca-Sarjana Graduate Degree Jumlah Total Komposisi Manajemen Composition Of Management Berdasarkan komposisi manajemen, jumlah Pegawai terbanyak menduduki jabatan sebagai staf sebanyak 2.894 orang atau 89,59% dari seluruh Pegawai SUCOFINDO. Based on the composition of management, the majority of employees occupy the position of staff, amounting to 2894 or 89.59% of the entire SUCOFINDO workforce. Komposisi Manajemen 2014 Composition of Management in 2014 Gender Komposisi Manajemen Composition of Management Direksi Director Total Number Wanita Female Pria Male 4 4 VP / GM VP / GM 22 Manajer / Manajer Senior Manager / Senior Manager Kelompok Usia Age Group < 30 31 - 50 > 51 0 0 1 3 20 2 0 9 13 311 286 25 0 192 119 Staf Staff 2.894 2.395 499 568 1.621 705 Jumlah Total 526 568 1.823 840 3.231 2.705 3.231 Catatan: Jumlah yang tertera dalam tabel termasuk 4 (empat) orang anggota Direksi Note: The number listed in the table including 4 (four) members of the Board of Directors. 3.231 86 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report STRATEGI PENGELOLAAN SDM HR Management Strategy STRATEGI PENGELOLAAN SDM HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Dengan paradigma baru, yaitu memandang Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) sebagai modal insani (Human Capital) maka perusahaan menempatkan SDM sebagai subyek yang harus dikelola dengan baik agar mampu menjadi modal untuk meningkatkan kinerja bisnis dalam jangka panjang secara berkelanjutan. Using a new paradigm, which views Human Resources (HR) as human capital, the company is able to position HR as subjects who require good management in order to serve as the company’s capital for a sustainable and long-term increase in business performance. Strategi pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia dengan cara mengembangkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang diarahkan kepada kebutuhan bisnis serta mengendalikan biaya agar mampu memberikan daya saing perusahaan. Human resource management is strategically implemented by developing human resources who can be directed to focus towards business needs and cost control in order to give a competitive edge to the company. Rekrutmen dan Penempatan Recruitment and Placement SUCOFINDO menjunjung kesetaraan dalam menyeleksi Sumber Daya Manusia, dan membuka kesempatan sama kepada para pelamar untuk menjadi pegawai profesional tanpa diskriminasi suku, agama, ras, golongan dan gender atau kondisi fisik. SUCOFINDO upholds equality in selecting its human resources and provides the same level of opportunity for prospective employees to become professional employees without discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, race, class, gender or physical condition. Seiring dengan perkembangan kegiatan operasional dan bisnis Perusahaan, pada tahun 2014 SUCOFINDO melakukan rekrutmen, dan berhasil merekrut 604 Pegawai baru. Mereka terdiri atas 471 Pegawai lakilaki dan 133 Pegawai perempuan. Para Pegawai baru ini ditempatkan di Kantor Pusat di Jakarta, sebanyak 81 orang dan ditempatkan di Kantor Cabang sebanyak 523 orang. In line with the development of the company’s operating and business activities, in 2014, SUCOFINDO held a recruitment session and was successful in recruiting 604 new employees. These new employees consist of 471 male employees and 133 female employees. 81 employees were assigned to the Head Office in Jakarta and 523 employees were assigned to branch offices. Pengembangan Kompetensi untuk Pegawai Competence-Building for Employees Komposisi Pegawai Baru Tahun 2014 Composition of New Employees In 2014 Uraian Description Penempatan kantor pusat Assignment to head office 2014 Pria Male Wanita Female Jumlah Total 49 32 81 Penempatan di kantor cabang Assignment to branch office 422 101 523 Total 471 133 604 Sumber Daya Manusia 87 / Human Resources Program Pengembangan ditujukan untuk pengembangan individu, peningkatan kinerja dan keberhasilan karir, serta pengembangan manajemen, yang pelaksanaannya mengikuti kebutuhan perusahaan. Sepanjang tahun 2014, SUCOFINDO telah melaksanakan program pelatihan bagi pegawai dengan fokus pada bidang – bidang sebagai berikut : Development programs are intended for the improvement of individuals, increase in performance and career success, and improvement of management and are implemented based on the company’s needs. Throughout 2014, SUCOFINDO has conducted training courses for its employees with focus in the following fields: Pengembangan kompetensi teknis dan non teknis pegawai sesuai dengan persyaratan jabatan. Program mandiri setara pelatihan diantaranya kegiatan knowledge sharing, studi banding dan lain - lain. Program beasiswa pasca sarjana. Development of technical and non-technical competencies for employees based on required competencies from their positions. Independent programs equivalent to training, such as knowledge sharing, comparative study, and so forth. Scholarships for graduate study. Hingga tahun 2014, SDM SUCOFINDO telah memiliki 108 jenis sertifikasi / lisensi sebagai berikut: In 2014, SUCOFINDO’s human resources have obtained 108 types of certification / license, as follows: Sertifikasi / Lisensi Inspeksi & Audit Inspection & Audit Pengujian & Analisis Testing & Analysis Sertifikasi Certification Konsultasi Consultation Pelatihan Training 1 A-K3 Kebakaran X Expert OHS: Fire 2 A-K3 Kimia X Expert OHS: Chemicals 3 Ahli Radiografi X Expert Radiography 4 AK-3 Instalasi Listrik & Penyalur Petir Expert OHS: Electrical Installation & Lightning Protection 5 AK-3 Lift X Expert OHS: Lifts 6 AK-3 Penanggulangan Kebakaran X Expert OHS: Fire Safety 7 AK-3 Penyalur Petir X Expert OHS: Lightning Protection 8 AK-3 Pesawat Angkat & Angkut AK-3 Pesawat Uap & Bejana Tekan X Expert OHS: Cranes X Expert OHS: Boiler & Pressure Vessel No. 9 Certification / License 10 AK-3 Umum X X Expert OHS: General 11 AMDAL A X Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) A 12 AMDAL B X AMDAL B 13 AMDAL C X AMDAL C 14 Analyst Member in Oil and Fats Section X Analyst Member in Oil and Fats Section 15 Animal Walfare Inspection X Animal Welfare Inspection 16 ANT 3 X ANT 3 17 Assessor Kepala Lab Pengujian X Testing Lab Head Assessor 18 Assessor Lab Kalibrasi X Calibration Lab Assessor 19 Asistent Surveyor X Assistant Surveyor 20 ASNT-NDT X ASNT-NDT 21 Assessor CoC (Lacak Balak) X CoC Assessor 22 Assessor Hutan Alam X Natural Forest Assessor 88 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 23 Assessor Hutan Tanaman X Plantation Forest Assessor 24 Assessor Lembaga Inspeksi SNI 19-17020-1999 (ISO / IEC 17020:1998) X X Inspection Body Assessor, SNI 19-17020-1999 (ISO / IEC 17020:1998) 25 Auditor Industri Rumah Tangga Pangan X Home-Based Food Industry Assessor 26 Auditor Lembaga Penilai Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Lestari (LP-PHPL) X Assessment Body for Sustainable Production Forest Management (LPPHPL) Auditor 27 Auditor Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (VLK) X Timber Legality Verification (VLK) System Auditor 28 Auditor Global Forest and Trande Network (GFTN) Indonesia X Global Forest and Trade Network (GFTN) Indonesia Auditor 29 Basic First AID, Confined Space Entry & Basic Fire X Basic First Aid, Confined Space Entry & Basic Fire 30 Basic Sea Survival X Basic Sea Survival 31 Basics For Surveyors X Basics For Surveyors 32 Coal Quality Control X Coal Quality Control 33 X 34 Coating Inspector Muda (Level I) Coating Inspector Utama (Level II) X 35 Draught Survey X Draught Survey 36 EDP Audit X EDP Audit 37 Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) X Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) 38 Geotechnical Earthquake Hazards And Counter Measures X Geotechnical Earthquake Hazards And Countermeasures 39 Global Reporting Initiative X Global Reporting Initiative 40 Food & Hygiene Inspection X X Food & Hygiene Inspection Grain & Food Inspection X X Grain & Food Inspection X X 41 43 Information Technology Master Plan Inspektor Katup Pengaman & Pemutus Segel 44 Inspektor Pipa Penyalur X 45 Inspektor Pesawat Angkat X X X 42 Junior Coating Inspector (Level I) Supervisory Coating Inspector (Level II) Information Technology Master Plan Pressure Safety Valve & Breaker Inspector Transmission Pipeline Inspector Lifting Equipment Inspector 47 Inspektor Rotating Equipment Inspektor Sistem Instrumentasi 48 Inspektor Bejana Tekan X Pressure Vessel Inspector 49 Inspektor Tanki Timbun X Storage Tank Inspector 50 Inspeksi PLTD Level II X Inspeksi PLTD Level II 51 Juru Timbang X Weighing Personnel 52 Lead Internal Assessor SPO X X SPO Lead Internal Assessor 53 Lead Assessor Lab. Penguji X 54 Lead Auditor Sertifikasi Produk Lead Auditor Sistem Manajemen Pengamanan X X X X 46 55 Rotating Equipment Inspector Instrumentation System Inspector Testing Laboratory Lead Assessor Product Certification Lead Auditor Security Management System Lead Auditor Sumber Daya Manusia 56 57 Lead Auditor Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9000 Lead Auditor Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001 (IRCA Register) X X X X / Human Resources 89 Quality Management System Lead Auditor, ISO 9000 Quality Management System Lead Auditor, ISO 9001 (IRCA-Registered) 58 Lead Auditor Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan ISO 14000 X X Environmental Management System Lead Auditor, ISO 14000 59 Lead Auditor Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan ISO 14001 X X Environmental Management System Leade Auditor, ISO 14001 60 Lead Auditor Sistem Manajemen Energi ISO 50001 X X Energy Management System Lead Auditor, ISO 50001 61 Lead Auditor Sistem Manajemen Pengamanan Pangan ISO 22000 X X Food Security Management System Lead Auditor, ISO 22000 62 Lead Auditor Sistem Keamanan Rantai Pasokan ISO 28000 X X Supply Chain Security System Lead Auditor, ISO 28000 63 Lead Auditor Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) X X Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Lead Auditor 64 Lead Auditor SMK3 / OHSAS 180001 X X X OHS Management System (SMK3) Lead Auditor, OHSAS 180001 65 Liquid Cargo X Liquid Cargo 66 X 67 Magnetic Test & Particel Test Level I Magnetic Test & Particel Test Level II X 68 Operator Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer ( AAS) X Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) Operator 69 Operator Radiograpfi X Radiography Operator 70 Panel Pakar CoC X CoC Expert Panel 71 Panel Pakar Hutan Alam X Natural Forest Expert Panel 72 Panel Pakar Hutan Tanaman Panel Pakar Sertifikasi Lacak Balak (CoC) X X 73 Magnetic Test & Particle Test Level I Magnetic Test & Particle Test Level II Plantation Forest Expert Panel CoC Certification Expert Panel 74 Pemeriksaan & Pengawasan Ekspor Kayu & Produk Kayu (VEPIK) X Verification & Monitoring of Timber and Wood Products Export (VEPIK) 75 Pemeriksaan & Pengawasan Komoditi Rotan X Verification & Monitoring of Rattan Commodities 76 Pemeriksaan Rotan X Rattan Examination 77 Pengambil Contoh Produk Listrik Pengambil Contoh Produk Pupuk X Electrical Product Sampling X Fertilizer Product Sampling 78 79 Penguji Hasil Hutan (Pengukur Kayu Bulat) X Forest Produce Testing (Round Timber Measurement) 80 Pengukur kayu Bulat Rimba Indonesia X Indonesian Forest Round Timber Measurement 81 Penilai Bibit X Seed Assessor 82 Penilai Bibit Tanaman Hutan Penilai lapangan Sertifikasi Lacak Balak (CoC) Penilaian Lapangan Sertifikasi PHAPL (Hutan Alam) Penilaian Lapangan Sertifikasi PHTL (Hutan Tanaman) X Forest Plant Seed Assessor X Field Assessor for CoC Certification X Field Assessor for Natural Forest (PHAPL) Certification X Field Assessor for Plantation Forest (PHTL) Certification 83 84 85 90 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 86 Penimbang dan Pengukur Bersumpah X Sworn Weigher and Measurer 87 Petrografi X Petrography 88 Petroleum Surveyor X Petroleum Surveyor 89 Petugas Proteksi Radiografi Industri X Industrial Radiography Protection Personnel 90 Pipeline X Pipeline 91 Petugas Pengambil Contoh (Kopi, Karet, Panili) X Sampling Personnel (Coffee Bean, Rubber, Vanilla) 92 Petugas Pengambil Contoh (Kopi, Kakao, Minyak Atsiri,Teh) X Sampling Personnel (Coffee Bean, Cocoa, Essential Oil, Tea) 93 Petugas Pengambil Contoh (Minyak Kelapa Sawit & Vegetable Oil) X Sampling Personnel (Palm Oil & Vegetable Oil) 94 Plant Integrity Management X Plant Integrity Management 95 Safety in Laboratory: Handling & Storage Chemicals Base On Hazard Type X Safety in Laboratory: Handling & Storage of Chemicals Based on Hazard Type 96 RIG Inspection X RIG Inspection 97 Sertifikat Kompetensi Pengendalian Hama X 98 Sertifikat Pelatihan Sistem Manajemen Mutu Perusahaan Fumigasi X 99 Sertifikat Supervisor Pengendalian Hama X 100 Sertifikat Teknisi Pengendalian Hama Certified Pest Control Technician 101 Storage Tank X Storage Tank 102 T-Bioset / Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction Emergency Training X T-Bioset / Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction Emergency Training 103 Radiography Level II (AR) X Radiography Level II (AR) 104 Radiography Level III X Radiography Level III 105 Verifikasi ETPIK X Verification of ETPIK 106 Verifikasi Industri Kayu & Produk Kayu (ETPIK) X Verification of Timber & Wood Products Industries (ETPIK) 107 Verifikasi Kayu & Produk Kayu X Verification of Timber & Wood Products 108 Welding Inspector X Welding Inspector Realisasi peningkatan kemampuan profesi sumber daya manusia dilakukan dengan mengikutsertakan pegawai dalam berbagai jenis pendidikan dan pelatihan. Total pada tahun 2014 Perusahaan menyelenggarakan 309 Program dengan total 49.271 jam pelatihan, dan diikuti 1.859 pegawai sebagai peserta pelatihan. Adapun biaya yang dialokasikan untuk pelaksanaan pelatihan mencapai Rp11.898.658.499. Certificate of Competence in Pest Control Certificate in Fumigation Company Quality Management System Training Certified Pest Control Supervisor Improved professional competencies of human resources were achieved by enrolling employees in various education and training courses. In 2014, the Company held 309 programs with a total number of 49,271 working hours attended by 1,859 employees as participants. The amount of funds allocated for the training programs conducted reached Rp11,898,658,499. Sumber Daya Manusia / Human Resources 91 Penyelenggaraan Pelatihan Tahun 2014 Training Programs Conducted in 2014 No. Jenis Program Type of Program Program Jumlah Program Number of Programs Jumlah jam Pelatihan Number of training hours Jumlah Peserta Number Of Participants Jumlah Biaya (Rp) Amount of Cost (USD) 1. Kompetensi Non-operasional Non-Operational Competencies 136 14.735 645 4.128.367.258 2. Kompetensi Operasional Operational Competencies 156 26.024 932 5.965.330.673 3. Kompetensi Manajerial Managerial Competencies 17 8.512 282 1.804.960.568 309 49.271 1.859 11.898.658.499 Jumlah Total MANAJEMEN KARIR CAREER MANAGEMENT SUCOFINDO memberikan kesempatan yang sama setara kepada setiap pegawai untuk mengembangkan karir, dengan didasarkan hasil penilaian kinerja, tidak membedakan ras, golongan, gender, ataupun agama. Pengembangan karir diberikan dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan organisasi. SUCOFINDO provides equal opportunity to all employees to develop their career based on evaluation of performance without discriminating based on race, class, gender, or religion. Career development is bestowed with consideration towards organizational needs. Hasil Penilaian Pegawai dan Manajemen Karir Tahun 2014 Employee Assessment and Career Management 2014 Gender Gender Promosi Jabatan Promotion To Higher Position Mutasi / Rotasi Transfer / Rotation Demosi Demotion Kenaikan Golongan Promotion To Higher Grade Penugasan Khusus Special Assignment Pegawai Laki-Laki Male Employees 92 99 2 92 0 Pegawai Perempuan Female Employees 11 9 0 11 0 103 108 2 103 0 Jumlah Total IMBAL JASA ATAS PEGAWAIAN DAN PENSIUN REMUNERATION AND RETIREMENT Mengacu kepada Peraturan Perusahaan, imbal jasa Pegawaian yang diberikan bagi Pegawai SUCOFINDO terdiri dari gaji pokok, tunjangan, insentif, dan bonus. Sistem remunerasi yang berlaku di Perusahaan tidak membedakan ras, golongan, gender, ataupun agama. Referring to Corporate Regulations, remuneration in exchange for work performed by SUCOFINDO employees consists basic salary, allowances, incentives, and bonuses. The remuneration system implemented by the Company does not discriminate based on race, class, gender, or religion. Selain imbal jasa Pegawaian, Perusahaan juga menyertakan para Pegawai dalam program penjaminan masa depan, yaitu: In addition to remuneration in exchange for work performed, the Company has also enrolled its employees into insurance programs such as: 1. 1. Asuransi JHT / THT bekerjasama dengan Asuransi Jiwasraya 2. JHT / THT BPJS Ketenaga kerjaan Old-Age Benefits Insurance Plan in collaboration with Jiwasraya Insurance 2. Old-Age Benefits from BPJS Employees’ Social Security Program 92 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PENGHARGAAN KEPADA PEGAWAI EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION Sebagai bentuk apresiasi, Perusahaan memberikan penghargaan kepada para pegawai yang memperlihatkan kinerja terbaik, dedikasi dan prestasi. Selama tahun 2014 ada 535 pegawai yang mendapatkan penghargaan dalam bentuk: cincin / liontin emas, bantuan bea siswa, dan ongkos haji. As a display of its appreciation, the Company has bestowed rewards upon employees who have shown maximum performance, dedication and achievement. In 2014, 535 employees received rewards in the forms of: golden rings / pendants, scholarships, and hajj pilgrimage funding. KEBEBASAN BERSERIKAT FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION SUCOFINDO berkomitmen memelihara hubungan industrial yang baik antara pegawai dan manajemen serta menghormati hak dan kewajiban pegawai sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Kebebasan berorganisasi diwujudkan dengan penyaluran aspirasi pegawai sesuai dengan etika, dilandasi sikap saling menghargai. Perusahaan mendukung hak para Pegawai untuk berserikat dan menyampaikan pendapat melalui pembentukan serikat pegawai. SUCOFINDO is committed to maintaining good industrial relations between its employees and management and respecting the rights and responsibilities of employes in accordance to laws and regulations in effect. Freedom to form organizations has been achieved by channeling employee aspirations in an ethical manner founded on mutual respect. The Company supports the rights of employees to associate and express their opinions through the formation of a labor union. Pada tahun 1999 telah dibentuk Serikat Pegawai SUCOFINDO (SPS), dengan sebagian besar pegawai sebagai anggotanya. Sejak perusahaan berdiri tidak pernah terjadi pemogokan kerja, demonstrasi, maupun gangguan lain yang menghentikan kegiatan operasional perusahaan. Hal ini disebabkan terjalinnya kerjasama sinergis dan saling pengertian yang baik antara pihak Manajemen Perusahaan dan SPS. The SUCOFINDO Labor Union (SPS) was formed in 1999 with the majority of its employees as its members. Since the founding of the company, there has been no cases of labor strikes, demonstrations, or other disturbances which halt company operations. This is due to the synergic collaboration and mutual understanding nurtured between Company Management and SPS. Sumber Daya Manusia / Human Resources 93 Pada tahun 2012, SUCOFINDO dan SPS telah melakukan perundingan dengan pokok-pokok kesepakatan sebagaimana tertuang dalam Berita Acara Rapat Bipartit Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) No.865 / DRU-XI / HC / 2012 tanggal 28 November 2012 dan No. 055 / DPP SPS-XI / PKB / 2012 tanggal 28 November 2012. PKB tersebut telah didaftarkan ke Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi RI Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Hubungan Industri dan Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja Jakarta berdasarkan Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan Hubungan Industrial dan Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja No. Kep. 184 / PHI JSKPPKAD / PKB / XII / 2012 tentang Pendaftaran Perjanjian Kerja Bersama antara PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) dan Serikat Pegawai SUCOFINDO tanggal 4 Desember 2012. In 2012, SUCOFINDO and SPS have negotiated several core points of agreement as found within Bipartite Agreement Official Report Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) No. 865 / DRU-XI / HC / 2012, issued November 28, 2012, and No. 055 / DPP SPS-XI / PKB / 2012, issued November 28, 2012. The aforementioned CLA has been registered to the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Labor and Transmigration through the Directorate General of Industrial Relations and Employees’ Social Security in Jakarta, based on Director General of Industrial Relations and Employees’ Social Security Decision No. Kep. 184 / PHI JSKPPKAD / PKB / XII / 2012 regarding Registration of Collective Labour Agreement between PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) and SUCOFINDO Labor Union (SPS) issued December 4, 2012. Hingga akhir tahun 2014 SPS sebagai perwakilan para Pegawai, bersama-sama dengan manajemen SUCOFINDO sedang menyusun dan menyepakati Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB). Until the end of 2014, SPS, as the representative of the workforce, together with SUCOFINDO’s management had been in the process of compiling and agreeing upon a Collective Labor Agreement (CLA). 94 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report ANALISIS DAN PEMBAHASAN MANAJEMEN Management Discussion and Analysis Analisa Analisa dan dan Pembahasan Pembahasan Manajemen Manajemen // Management Discussion and Analysis Sve A B Way Melayani dengan Lebih Baik 95 96 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report TINJAUAN UMUM General Overview Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 97 Tahun 2014 merupakan tahun yang dinamis karena terjadi beberapa perubahan di dalamnya. Dinamika politik seiring momen pemilihan umum turut memberi tekanan kepada dunia usaha. Tren laju pertumbuhan melemah, dari sekitar 6,81% pada tahun 2010 menjadi sekitar 5% saja pada akhir 2014. The year 2014 is a dynamic year which has brought forth several changes. Political dynamics accompanying the general election moment has played a part in putting pressure towards the business sphere. The trend for growth rate has been decreasing, from 6.81% in 2010 to approximately 5% by the end of 2014. KONDISI UMUM PEREKONOMIAN 2014 GENERAL STATE OF THE 2014 ECONOMY Tahun 2014 merupakan tahun yang dinamis karena terjadi beberapa perubahan di dalamnya. Dinamika politik seiring momen pemilihan umum turut memberi tekanan kepada dunia usaha. Tren laju pertumbuhan melemah, dari sekitar 6,81% pada tahun 2010 menjadi sekitar 5% saja pada akhir 2014. The year 2014 is a dynamic year which has brought forth several changes. Political dynamics accompanying the general election moment has played a part in putting pressure towards the business sphere. The trend for growth rate has been decreasing, from 6.81% in 2010 to approximately 5% by the end of 2014. Kondisi ekonomi kian tertekan oleh perlambatan perekonomian global. Permintaan atas sejumlah komoditas Indonesia turun diikuti koreksi harga. Penguatan dollar Amerika Serikat (USD) dan turunnya harga minyak, ikut berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. The state of the economy continues to be pushed down by the slowing growth of the global economy. Demands towards several Indonesian commodities have declined due to price adjustments. Strengthening US dollar (USD) value and decreasing oil prices also have their repercussions towards Indonesia’ economy. Meski perekonomian melambat, sektor usaha dan industri beserta kegiatan bisnis lainnya tetap menggeliat. Kesadaran dan optimisme Indonesia menyambut Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) di tahun 2015 telah mendorong pelaku industri dan bisnis mempersiapkan diri dan tumbuh secara keseluruhan. Depite the slowing economy, both the business and industry sectors, in addition to other business activities, continue their struggle. Indonesia’s awareness and optimism towards the upcoming ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 has encouraged business and industry actors to prepare themselves and undergo total growth. 98 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Dalam konteks ini jasa pemastian memegang peranan signifikan untuk dapat memberikan kepastian kuantitas, kualitas, dan lainnya bagi kepentingan kedua belah pihak, pihak penjual dan pembeli, perusahaan dan konsumen, ataupun pemerintah, di dunia industri dan perdagangan secara umum. Dengan adanya penerapan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) secara ketat, maka produk-produk di dalam negeri akan mampu bersaing dengan produk-produk global. In this context, assurance services play a significant part in ensuring quality, quantity, and so forth for the mutual interest of involved parties, be it seller and buyer, company and consumer, or the government, in the world of industry and trade as a whole. By the strict implementation of Indonesian National Standards (SNI), local products will gain the ability to compete with global products. KONDISI SEKTOR JASA PEMASTIAN STATE OF THE ASSURANCE SERVICE SECTOR SUCOFINDO Memastikan Kualitas dalam Setiap Tahapan Produksi SUCOFINDO Ensures Quality at All Stages of Production Jasa pemastian memiliki peran yang besar dalam dunia perdagangan dan industri, untuk memberikan jaminan pemenuhan standar dan spesifikasi suatu produk. Jaminan ini dibutuhkan untuk melindungi konsumen, meningkatkan daya saing industri, maupun meningkatkan pengawasan pelaksanaan regulasi pemerintah. Assurance service plays a huge role in the world of trade and industry, specifically to provide guarantee over the fulfillment of standards and specifications of a product. This guarantee is required to protect consumers, develop the competitive ability of industries, and increase supervision towards the implementation of government regulations. Hal ini umumnya disebabkan karena dalam kegiatan transaksi perdagangan seringkali kita menemukan risiko akibat kualitas yang tidak sesuai, kesalahan merek, kesalahan kuantitas, hingga kesalahan kemasan, sehingga dapat mengakibatkan kerugian finansial, keterlambatan pengiriman, terbuangnya material, dan bahkan terjadi kerugian pada semua pihak yang bertransaksi. In general, the above needs arise due to risks incurred in trade transaction activities caused by unsatisfactory quality, error in branding, error in quantity, to error in packaging, leading to financial losses, lateness in delivery, waste of materials and even losses to all parties involved in the transaction. SUCOFINDO sebagai salah satu perusahaan pemastian yang kegiatannya diantaranya inspeksi, pengujian dan sertifikasi di Indonesia, telah memiliki kompetensi melakukan sertifikasi sekitar 150 kelompok industri (semen, baja, dan lain lain) maupun produk konsumen (elektronik, sandang, pangan, mainan anak, dan lain lain). Salah satu bentuk pemastian produk konsumen ini adalah Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) yang wajib diterapkan pada beberapa produk. SUCOFINDO telah melayani pengujian SNI untuk 150 jenis produk industri yang beredar di Indonesia. As an Indonesian assurance company with activities including inspection, testing and certification, SUCOFINDO possesses the competence required to certify approximately 150 groups of industry (cement, steel, and so forth) and consumer products (electronics, clothing, food, children’s toys, and so forth). One way assurance towards consumer products has been implemented is through the Indonesian National Standards (SNI) compulsory for several products. SUCOFINDO has provided SNI testing services for 160 types of industrial products distributed in Indonesia. Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 99 TINJAUAN KINERJA BIDANG USAHA Business Performance Overview TINJAUAN BIDANG USAHA SECARA UMUM GENERAL OVERVIEW OF BUSINESS LINES Bidang Usaha SUCOFINDO adalah usaha jasa, yang meliputi layanan untuk Inspeksi dan Audit, Pengujian dan Analisis, Sertifikasi, Pelatihan, dan Konsultasi. Layanan ini terbagi dalam 8 (delapan) Strategic Business Unit (SBU), dengan penjelasan sebagai berikut: SUCOFINDO acts in the service business, providing services in Inspection and Audit, Testing and Analysis, Certification, Training, and Consultation. These services are distributed into 8 (eight) Strategic Business Units (SBU), described as follows: 1. 1. SBU Minyak dan Gas Memiliki 15 spesifikasi jasa dengan aktivitas layanan meliputi: Inspeksi dan Audit; Pengujian dan Analisis; Konsultasi dan Pelatihan. 2. SBU Industri 15 specified services with service activities including: inspection and audit, testing and analysis, consultation, and training. 2. =çcçIWbZÄ\çcZ <^c`W\cZVç^CW^Xe[Zç^CWbçæçdç^ dan Instalasi Industri Non Migas (Alat Angkat / Angkut, Bejana Tekan, Boiler, Katup Pengaman, Pompa & Kompresor, Tangki Timbun, Penyalur Petir, Kelistrikan, Generator) FWbdZÄ\çcZ ?çZ\ B`WbçcZ F?B CW]Tç^X\Zd ?ZcdbZ\ Transmisi dan Distribusi CWæçdZYç^CW]çcdZç^@ede>WXZçdç^<^VecdbZ IWbZÄ\çcZ <^c`W\cZ CW^Xe[Zç^ <^cdçæçcZ CWbçæçdç^ pemadam Kebakaran dan Penanggulangan Tanggap Darurat Kebakaran =çcç![çcçMarine (Kemaritiman) dan ISPS Code IWbZÄ\çcZ CW^Xe[Zç^Bd_]_dZåFWbdZÄ\çcZ6W^X\Wæ Otomotif >_^ceædçcZ CW^XW]Tç^Xç^ Vç^ CW^Wbç`ç^ Teknologi Informasi Terpadu =çcç![çcç@ç^ç[W]W^Cb_èW\ >ç[Z Hæç^X Eç^Uç^Xç^ Design review IWbZÄ\çcZ Inspeksi, Pengujian, Pengawasan Konstruksi dan Audit Kelaikan Infrastruktur =çcç >ç[Z Hæç^X Eç^Uç^Xç^ IWbZÄ\çcZ <^c`W\cZ Pengujian Fasilitas Industri Non Migas =çcç IWbZÄ\çcZ <]`_b 6çbç^X @_Vçæ 6e\ç^ 6çbe (BMBB) 3. SBU Mineral dan Batubara Cakupan pelayanan mencakup sektor Bahan Tambang dan Galian, Produk Mineral dan Bahan Kimia, Energi dan Energi Terbarukan. Terdapat 4 kelompok jasa yang ditawarkan dalam portofolio Batubara dan Mineral Terpadu, yaitu: Inspeksi dan Audit; Pengujian dan Analisis; Konsultasi; dan Pelatihan. SBU Oil and Gas SBU Industry IWbZÄUçdZ_^ <^c`WUdZ_^ ç^VGWcdZ^X_åA_^!BZæç^V Gas Industrial Equipment and Installation (Crane, CbWccebW IWccWæ 6_ZæWb FçåWdè IçæfW Ce]` Comrpessor, Storage Tank, Lightning Protection, Electricity Installation, Generator) Commissioner Certificate for Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Training in Quality Assurance of Industrial Activities IWbZÄUçdZ_^ <^c`WUdZ_^ ç^VGWcdZ^X_å:ZbWÄXYdZ^X Installation and Equipment and Fire Emergency EWc`_^cW Maritime Services and ISPS Code IWbZÄUçdZ_^ ç^V GWcdZ^X _å 5ed_]_dZfWc 5ed_]_dZfWEW`çZbFY_`c Consultation on the Development and Application of Integrated Information Technology Project Management Services 8WcZX^ EWfZWg IWbZÄUçdZ_^ <^c`WUdZ_^ GWcdZ^X and Supervision of Construction and Infrastructure Audit 8WcZX^ EWfZWg IWbZÄUçdZ_^ <^c`WUdZ_^ ç^V Testing of Non-Oil and Gas Industrial Facilities IWbZÄUçdZ_^_åA_^!AWg7ç`Zdçæé__Vc<]`_bd 3. SBU Mineral and Coal The scope of its services cover the Mining and Earth Materials, Mineral Products and Chemicals, 9^WbXèç^VEW^WgçTæW9^WbXè"GYWbWçbW(Xb_e`c of services offered under the Integrated Coal and Mineral portfolio, namely: Inspection and Audit, Testing and Analysis, Consultation, and Training. 100 4. PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report SBU Laboratorium 4. Memberikan jasa-jasa pengujian / analisa komoditas produk konsumen, produk pertanian, makanan & minuman, farmasi dan produk non batubara dan mineral; Jasa pengujian dan pemantauan kehalalan dan keamanan produk; Sampling / pengujian / analisa terkait dengan pemantauan lingkungan serta higinitas lingkungan kerja dan industri; Kalibrasi teknik alat ukur / uji serta Pengujian Keselamatan Produk Listrik dan Kelistrikan. 5. SBU Sertifikasi and Eco Framework (Serco) Provides testing / analysis towards consumer product commodities, agricultural products, food & beverage, pharmaceutical and non-coal / mineral products; testing and monitoring of halal standards and product safety, sampling / testing / analysis pertaining to environmental monitoring and hygiene in the work and industrial environment, technical calibration of measuring / testing devices and electric and electrionic product safety testing. 5. Menangani penanganan sertifikasi dan peningkatan kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan. 6. SBU Komoditi dan Solusi Perdagangan SBU Government I 6. SBU Government II SBU Commodity and Trade Solutions Develops 5 groups of services, which are: Inspection and Audit, Testing and Analysis, Consultation, Training, and Certification. Handles customers from various sectors, including mining, metal industry, fertilizer and cement, agriculture, livestock, petrochemical industry, consumer product industry, livestock feed industry, crop industry, tobacco industry, to banking and non-bank financial institutions. 7. Memberikan jasa-jasa yang fokus kepada pemerintahan dengan ruang lingkup Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian Perdagangan, BKPM (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal), Kementerian BUMN, Kementerian Transportasi, Kementerian Koperasi, Bappenas, dan Institusi Internasional. 8. SBU Certification and Eco Framework (Cerco) Handles certification and performance improvement in environmental management. S B U Ko m o d i t i d a n S o l u s i P e r d a g a n g a n mengembangkan 5 kelompok jasa yaitu: Inspeksi dan Audit; Pengujian dan Analisis; Konsultasi; Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi. Menangani pelanggan dari berbagai sektor, mulai dari sektor pertambangan, sektor industri logam, pupuk dan semen, sektor pertanian, peternakan, industri petrokimia, industri produk konsumen, sektor industri pakan ternak, industri pangan, industri rokok, hingga sektor perbankan dan lembaga keuangan non-bank. 7. SBU Laboratory SBU Government I Provides services focused on the government with a scope covering the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade, Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE), Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Cooperatives, National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) and International Institutions. 8. SBU Government II Memberikan jasa-jasa yang fokus kepada pemerintahan dengan ruang lingkup di luar yang telah menjadi ruang lingkup SBU Government I. Provides services focused on the government with a scope outside that within the scope of SBU Government I. Delapan SBU tersebut dilayani oleh 29 Cabang, 34 Unit Pelayanan (UP), dan 45 Laboratorium. Layanan ini tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan dikelola oleh 8ZfZcZEWXZ_^çæ6çbçdVç^GZ]eb" Services from the above 8 SBUs are distributed through 29 Branch Offices, 34 Service Units, and 45 Laboratories throughout Indonesia and managed by dYWJWcdWb^ç^V9çcdWb^EWXZ_^8ZfZcZ_^c" - ! - 8ZfZcZ EWXZ_^çæ 6çbçd ]WæZ`edZ %* \ç^d_b UçTç^X yaitu Medan, Pekanbaru, Batam, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Padang, Dumai, Jambi, Bengkulu, Jakarta, Cilegon, Bekasi, Cirebon, Bandung, Semarang, Cilacap. 8ZfZcZEWXZ_^çæGZ]eb]WæZ`edZ%'\ç^d_b7çTç^X yaitu Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Bontang, Pontianak, Sangatta, Batu Licin, Tarakan, Surabaya, Makassar, Timika, Denpasar, Menado. Unit Pelayanan sejumlah 34 yaitu Belawan, Dondang, Kelanis, Sungai Danau, Tanjung Enim, Ampah, Karimun, Bengalon, Duri, Kiliranjao, - - - GYW JWcdWb^ EWXZ_^ 8ZfZcZ_^ U_fWbc %* Tbç^UY offices located in Medan, Pekanbaru, Batam, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Padang, Dumai, Jambi, Bengkulu, Jakarta, Cilegon, Bekasi, Cirebon, Bandung, Semarang, and Cilacap. GYW 9çcdWb^ EWXZ_^ 8ZfZcZ_^ U_fWbc %' Tbç^UY offices located in Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Bontang, Pontianak, Sangatta, Batu Licin, Tarakan, Surabaya, Makassar, Timika, Denpasar, and Menado. There are 34 service units (SU) located in Belawan, Dondang, Kelanis, Sungai Danau, Tanjung Enim, Ampah, Karimun, Bengalon, Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen Sungai Putting, Kendari, Berau, Indonesia Bulk terminal, Muara Badak, Tanah Grogot, Suralaya, Kendawangan, Kudus, Lahat, Pangkal CZ^ç^X Cç^X\çæç^ 6e^ EW^Xçd Fç]`Zd Sebakis, Sesayap, Sibolga, Gresik, Surakarta, Gç^[e^X CZ^ç^X GW]TZæçYç^ CWæçTeYç^ Eçde Lokseumawe, Palu. - Laboratorium yang berlokasi di kantor-kantor Cabang / UP, secara teknis berkoordinasi dengan SBU laboratorium yang terletak di Cibitung. 45 Laboratorium yaitu Medan, Sibolga, Padang, Kiliranjao, Pekanbaru, Dumai, Tembilahan, Jambi, Batam, Palembang, Lahat, Bengkulu, Bandarlampung, Cilegon, Cirebon, Suralaya, Cibitung, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Balikpapan Coal Terminal, Tanah Merah Coal Terminal, Samarinda, Dondang, Melak, Bontang, Tanjungbara, Lubuk Tutung, Bengalon, Tarakan, Berau, Sesayap, FWTç\Zc Gç^[e^X EWVWT 6ç^[çb]çcZ^ >Wæç^Zc Sungai Putting, Batulicin, Indonesia Bulk Terminal, Makassar, Palu, Menado, Timika. / Management Discussion and Analysis 101 Duri, Kiliranjao, Sungai Puting, Kendari, Berau, Indonesia Bulk terminal, Muara Badak, Tanah Grogot, Suralaya, Kendawangan, Kudus, Lahat, Cç^X\çæCZ^ç^X Cç^X\çæç^6e^ EW^Xçd Fç]`Zd Sebakis, Sesayap, Sibolga, Gresik, Surakarta, Gç^[e^X CZ^ç^X GW]TZæçYç^ CWæçTeYç^ Eçde Lokseumawe, and Palu. - Laboratories located in Branch Offices / SU shall coordinate with the laboratory SBU located with Cibitung. There are 45 laboratories located in Medan, Sibolga, Padang, Kiliranjao, Pekanbaru, Dumai, Tembilahan, Jambi, Batam, Palembang, Lahat, Bengkulu, Bandarlampung, Cilegon, Cirebon, Suralaya, Cibitung, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Balikpapan Coal Terminal, Tanah Merah Coal Terminal, Samarinda, Dondang, Melak, Bontang, Tanjungbara, Lubuk Tutung, Bengalon, Tarakan, 6Wbçe FWcçèç` FWTç\Zc Gç^[e^X EWVWT Banjarmasin, Kelanis, Sungai Puting, Batulicin, Indonesia Bulk Terminal, Makassar, Palu, Menado, and Timika. 102 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report TINJAUAN SEGMEN SBU MINYAK DAN GAS Segment Overview of SBU Oil and Gas PROFIL PEJABAT SBU MINYAK DAN GAS SBU Oil and Gas Head Profile Lahir di Jakarta tanggal 3 Maret 1965 umur 49 tahun, menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jurusan Teknik Perminyakan Universitas Trisakti pada tahun 1990 dan Pasca Sarjana Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis IPMI - Jakarta tahun 2003. Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 1992 memulai karir sebagai Inspektur LNG Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di SUCOFINDO sebagai: - Koordinator LNG Divisi JASTEK (Januari 1994 - Oktober 1995) - Pejabat Kabag Migas dan Petrokimia Divisi JASTEK ( Nopember 1995 - Juni 1998) - Kabag Migas & Petrokimia pada Divisi Jastek (Juli 1998 - Desember 2001) - Pejabat Kepala SBU Migas (Januari 2002 - Maret 2003) !IZUWCbWcZVW^dF6H@ZXçc5`bZæ&$$'!@çbWd&$%& - Kepala DPJ Migas (April 2012 - 31 Januari 2014) - Vice President SBU Migas (1 Pebruari 2014 - sekarang) M. IQBAL AKBAR Kepala SBU Migas Head of SBU Oil and Gas Jabatan / penugasan diluar Jabatan Struktural sebagai : - Tim Sistem Penilaian Kinerja ( tahun 2000) - Steering Komitee Proyek BBD DITJEN MIGAS (tahun 2003) - Steering Proyek BBM BPH Migas (tahun 2006 & 2008) - Ketua Tim Prioritas Penyusunan UMK ( tahun 2010) - Anggota Tim Penyusunan Organisasi (tahun 2011) - Anggota Tim Penyusunan Kebijakan Intermediary (tahun 2011) Jabatan diluar Perusahaan : !5^XX_dç>_]ZcçbZcCG"FCE<AGdçYe^&$%$ - Ketua Pengurus KOP SUCOFINDO ( tahun 2011 - sekarang ) - Ketua 1 AISI (tahun2008 - 2013) - Ketua 2 AISI (Desember 2013 - sekarang) He was born in Jakarta on March 3, 1965, and is 49 years of age. He completed his study at in Petroleum Engineering at University of Trisakti in 1990 and his graduate study in Business Administration at IPMI, Jakarta, in 2003. He joined SUCOFINDO in 1992 and commenced his career as an LNG Inspector. He has occupied various key positions in SUCOFINDO, such as: - LNG Coordinator, Technical Services Division (January 1994-October 1995) - Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Section Head Personnel, Technical Services Division (November 1995 – June 1998) - Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Section Head, Technical Services Division (July 1998 - December 2001) - Head of SBU Oil and Gas Personnel (January 2002-March 2003) !IZUW!CbWcZVW^d_åF6HBZæç^Véçc5`bZæ&$$'!@çbUY&$%& - Head of Oil and Gas Service Development Division (April 2012-January 31, 2014) !IZUW!CbWcZVW^dF6HBZæç^Véçc:WTbeçbè% &$%(!`bWcW^d Positions / assignment outside the organizational structure: - Performance Evaluation System Team (2000) - Steering Committee for Oil and Gas Directorate General Gas Fuel Project (2003) - Steering Committee for BPH Migas Oil Fuel Project (2006 & 2008) - Head of Priority Development Team for SMEs (2010) - Member of Development Team for Organization (2011) - Member of Development Team for Intermediary Policies (2011) Positions outside the Company: !7_]]ZccZ_^Wb_åCG"FCE<AG&$%$ - Committee Head of SUCOFINDO Employee Cooperative (2011-present) - President 1 of AISI (2008-2013) - President 2 of AISI (December 2013-present) Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen 103 / Management Discussion and Analysis SBU Minyak dan Gas ini memiliki 15 spesifikasi jasa dengan aktivitas layanan meliputi: Inspeksi dan Audit; Pengujian dan Analisis; Konsultasi dan Pelatihan. SBU Oil and Gas provides 15 specified services with service activities including: inspection and audit, testing and analysis, consultation, and training. Berikut ini adalah beberapa Jasa Layanan yang dilakukan oleh SBU Minyak dan Gas: Some of the services provided by SBU Oil and Gas can be found as follows: 1. 1. Studi, Survei dan Analisa Energi Gas Metana Batu Bara dan “Shale Gas” Study, Survey and Analysis of Methane Gas, Coal, and “Shale Gas” Energy 2. Studi, Survei dan Analisa Energi Panas Bumi 2. Study, Survey and Analysis of Geothermal Energy 3. Inspeksi dan Survei Industri Minyak, Gas Alam, Produk Kilang dan Turunannya 3. <^c`WUdZ_^ ç^V FebfWè _å BZæ Açdebçæ éçc EWÄ^Wbè Products and Derivatives Industries 4. Inspeksi Peralatan dan Instalasi Industri Minyak dan Gas Bumi 4. Inspection of Equipment and Installation in Oil and Natural Gas Industries 5. QA / QC untuk Fasilitas Industri, Minyak & Gas, Pertambangan dan Pembangkit Listrik 5. QA / QC of Industrial, Oil & Gas, Mining and Electric Power Generation Facilities 6. Konsultasi di Bidang Produk dan Keindustrian Minyak dan Gas Bumi 6. Product and Industrial Consultation in Oil and Gas 7. Pelatihan Pengukuran Minyak dan Pengendalian Kebocoran 7. Petroleum Training ," IWbZåZ\çcZ Vç^ CW]WbZ\cçç^ @WcZ^ `çVç cççd Beroperasi 8. @çUYZ^W IWbZÄUçdZ_^ Operation -" IWbZåZ\çcZVç^Z^c`W\cZCWbçæçdç^Vç^<^cdçæçcZ<^VecdbZ (Alat Angkat / Angkut, Bejana Tekan, Ketel Uap, Katup Pengaman, Pompa & Kompresor, Tangki Timbun, Anjungan Lepas Pantai, Kelistrikan, Pipa Penyalur) 9. Industrial Equipment and Installation (Lifting / Hauling 9aeZ`]W^d CbWccebW IWccWæ 6_ZæWb FçåWdè IçæfW Pump & Compressor, Storage Tank, Offshore Platform, Electricity, Transportation Pipe) %$" IWbZåZ\çcZ<^cdçæçcZVç^CWbçæçdç^>WæZcdbZ\ç^ 10. 9æWUdbZUçæ<^cdçææçdZ_^ç^V9aeZ`]W^dIWbZÄUçdZ_^ 11. Inspeksi Selama Pabrikasi 11. Inspection during Fabrication %&" IWbZåZ\çcZ<^dWXbZdçc:çcZæZdçcCW]Tç^X\Zd?ZcdbZ\ 12. <^dWXbZdè_åC_gWbéW^WbçdZ^X:çUZæZdèIWbZÄUçdZ_^ %'" H[ZGç^`çEecç\ 13. Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) 14. Kalibrasi Custody Transfer 14. Custody Transfer Calibration 15. Survei Seismik, Data Acquicition 15. Seismic Survey, Data Acquisition KINERJA 2014 SBU MINYAK DAN GAS SBU OIL AND GAS PERFORMANCE IN 2014 Pada bulan Februari tahun 2014, SBU Migas terbentuk untuk melayani 15 jenis jasa dengan aktivitas pelayanan mencakup 30 Cabang. Data Pendapatan SBU Migas tahun 2014 tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 karena baru terbentuk tahun 2014, sedangkan tahun 2013 berbentuk Divisi Pengembangan Jasa Minyak dan Gas. In February 2014, SBU Oil and Gas was formed in order to provide 15 types of services with service activities _ååWbWVçd'$6bç^UYBåÄUWc"EWfW^eWåb_]F6HBZæç^V Gas in 2014 cannot be compared with 2013 data due to its formation in 2014. It previously took the form of the Oil and Gas Service Development Division. Prosentase realisasi pencapaian pendapatan terhadap anggaran tahun 2014 adalah sebesar 74,4%. The amount of revenue achieved compared to the 2014 budget is 74.4%. Kinerja secara konsolidasi dapat disampaikan sebagai berikut: Consolidated presentation of the SBU’s performance can be found as follows: Measurement and ç^V Leakage 9hç]Z^çdZ_^ Control VebZ^X 104 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KEBIJAKAN DAN STRATEGI SBU MINYAK DAN GAS No. Unit Kerja OIL AND GAS SBU POLICIES AND STRATEGIES Pendapatan Operasi B`WbçdZ^XEWfW^eW Anggaran Target Realisasi EWçæZiçdZ_^ Work Unit A TOTAL PORTFOLIO 612.809,8 386.966,3 1 SBU Minyak & Gas 209.290,9 40.818,9 SBU Oil & Gas 2 Cabang Cibitung 0,0 0,0 Cibitung branch 3 Cabang Bandung 4 Cabang Bandar Lampung 5 Cabang Banjarmasin 6 7 8 Cabang Balikpapan 9 Cabang Bontang 10 Cabang Batu Licin 11 Cabang Batam 12 Cabang Cilegon 13 14 PORTFOLIO TOTAL 9.550,0 61,6 Bandung branch 2.193,0 596,2 Bandar Lampung branch 6.500,0 2.801,4 Banjarmasin branch Cabang Bengkulu 1.290,0 1.659,8 Bengkulu branch Cabang Bekasi 6.755,0 5.819,1 Bekasi branch 78.687,5 103.722,1 Balikpapan branch 11.118,8 2.222,4 Bontang branch 2.450,0 197,8 Batu Licin branch 9.671,0 6.283,7 Batam branch 11.237,0 10.304,1 Cilegon branch Cabangcilacap 6.500,0 4.926,7 Cilacap branch Cabang Cirebon 13.984,5 17.268,1 Cirebon branch 15 Cabang Dumai 14.670,0 13.547,6 Dumai branch 16 Cabang Denpasar 4.400,0 2.746,3 Denpasar branch 17 Cabang Jakarta 120.055,3 101.069,7 Jakarta branch 18 Cabang Jambi 19 Cabang Medan 20 Cabang Manado 1.259,2 616,4 Manado branch 21 Cabang Makassar 7.000,0 1.313,8 Makassar branch 22 Cabang Padang 0,0 46,0 Padang branch 23 Cabang Pekanbaru 6.598,0 5.281,0 Pekanbaru branch 24 Cabang Palembang 17.500,0 10.610,5 Palembang branch 1.100,0 42,6 Jambi branch 13.745,3 11.725,1 Medan branch 0,0 0,0 Palu branch 4.500,0 4.071,3 Pontianak branch Cabang Surabaya 7.000,0 5.610,3 Surabaya branch Cabang Sangatta 2.859,3 235,1 Sangatta branch 29 Cabang Samarinda 31.215,8 23.633,5 Samarinda branch 30 Cabang Semarang 9.754,3 9.175,3 Semarang branch 31 Cabang Timika 0,0 163,7 Timika branch 32 Cabang Tarakan 1.925,0 396,2 Tarakan branch 25 Cabang Palu 26 Cabang Pontianak 27 28 Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 105 KEBIJAKAN SBU MINYAK DAN GAS SBU OIL AND GAS POLICIES @Wæç\e\ç^ `W]Wdçç^ ce]TWb Vçèç Vç^ `b_cWc bisnis, dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan dan perkembangan bisnis. @W^Z^X\çd\ç^dçbXWd`WbecçYçç^]WæçæeZ_`dZ]çæZcçcZ account, cross selling, dan kemitraan bisnis secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan. @Wæç\e\ç^ monitoring & evaluasi proses bisnis dengan mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang ada untuk mencapai sasaran Perusahaan. Performing resources and business process mapping in order to fulfill business needs and developments. STRATEGI SBU MINYAK DAN GAS SBU OIL AND GAS STRATEGIES CW^XWæ_æçç^`_bd_å_æZ_existing produksi di Cabang & SBU terutama terhadap Jasa-jasa Unggulan (SJJ). CW^XWæ_æçç^ `W^XWdçYeç^ \_]`WdW^cZ Vç^ F8@ khususnya pemenuhan SDM, dan Percepatan Kompetensinya. CW^XWæ_æçç^`Wæç^XXç^Vç^_`dZ]çæZcçcZcross selling dengan prioritas key account dan reguler account. 6W\Wb[ç cç]ç Vçæç] `W^XW]Tç^Xç^ [çcç cW[çæç^ dengan Divisi Pengembangan Jasa. Management of existing portfolios in production at Branch Offices & SBU, especially for prime services. @ç^çXW]W^d _å \^_gæWVXW U_]`WdW^UW ç^V ;E Wc`WUZçææèåeæÄææ]W^d_å;E^WWVcç^VçUUWæWbçdZ_^_å competence-building. Customer management and cross-selling optimization with key account and regular account prioritization. Collaboration in service development with the Service Development Division. Increase Company targets achievement through account optimization, cross-selling, and business partnerships in a consistent and sustainable manner. Conducting monitoring & evaluation towards business processes, optimizing existing resources to achieve Company targets. PELUANG DAN TARGET 2015 Opportunities and Targets in 2015 No. Bagian Section Jenis Jasa 1. Infraktuktur dan Proses Produksi Migas QA / QC untuk Fasilitas Industri, Minyak & Gas, Pertambangan dan Pembangkit Listrik Oil and Gas Infrastructure and Production Process IWbZÄ\çcZ Vç^ CW]WbZ\cçç^ @WcZ^ pada saat Beroperasi @çUYZ^WIWbZÄUçdZ_^ç^V9hç]Z^çdZ_^VebZ^X Operation IWbZÄ\çcZVç^<^c`W\cZCWbçæçdç^Vç^ Instalasi Industri (Alat Angkat / Angkut, Bejana Tekan, Ketel Uap, Katup Pengaman, Pompa & Kompresor, Tangki Timbun, Anjungan Lepas Pantai, Kelistrikan, Pipa Penyalur) IWbZÄUçdZ_^ ç^V <^c`WUdZ_^ _å <^VecdbZçæ Equipment and Installation (Lifting / Hauling 9aeZ`]W^d CbWccebW IWccWæ 6_ZæWb FçåWdè IçæfW Ce]` 7_]`bWcc_b Fd_bçXW Gç^\ Offshore Platform, Electricity, Transportation Pipe) IWbZÄ\çcZ <^cdçæçcZ Vç^ CWbçæçdç^ Kelistrikan Electrical Installation IWbZÄUçdZ_^ Inspeksi Selama Pabrikasi Inspection During Fabrication IWbZÄ\çcZ <^dWXbZdçc Pembangkit Listrik Total Target (%) 32,02 :çcZæZdçc Energi Terbarukan EW^WgçTæW9^WbXè Studi, Survei dan Analisa Energi Gas Metana Batu Bara dan “Shale Gas” Studi, Survei dan Analisa Energi Panas Bumi QA / QC of Industrial, Oil & Gas, Mining and Electric Power Generation Facilities Integrity of IWbZÄUçdZ_^ H[ZGç^`çEecç\ 2. Type of Service Power and Equipment Generating Facility Non-Destructive Testing 12,46 Study, Survey and Analysis of Methane Gas, Coal, and “Shale Gas” Energy Study, Survey and Analysis of Geothermal Energy 106 3. PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Produk Migas dan Petrokimia Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Products Inspeksi dan Survei Industri Minyak, Gas Alam, Produk Kilang dan Turunannya 22 Inspeksi Peralatan dan Instalasi Industri Minyak dan Gas Bumi Inspection of Equipment and Installation in Oil and Natural Gas Industries Konsultasi di Bidang Produk dan Keindustrian Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kebocoran Product and Industrial Consultation in Oil and Gas Pelatihan Pengukuran Minyak dan Pengendalian Kebocoran Petroleum Measurement and Leakage Control Training Kalibrasi Custody Transfer 4. Seismik dan Survei Kebumian Seismic and Earth Surveys Inspection and Survey of Oil, Natural Gas, EWÄ^WbèCb_VeUdcç^V8WbZfçdZfWc<^VecdbZWc Survei Seismik, Data Acquicition Custody Transfer Calibration 60 Seismic Survey, Data Acquisition Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 107 TINJAUAN SEGMEN SBU INDUSTRI Segment Overview of SBU Industry PROFIL PEJABAT SBU INDUSTRI SBU Industry Head Profile Lahir di Tapanuli, tanggal 28 Agustus 1964, umur 50 tahun, menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jurusan Management of Sea Transportation, Universitas STIE / AMI Kampus Ungu Jakarta, pada tahun 2001. WALPON SILITONGA Kepala SBU Industri Head of SBU Industry Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 1990 memulai karir sebagai Marine and Insurance Surveyor. Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di SUCOFINDO sebagai : - Marine & Insurance Surveyor (September 1990 - April 1994) - Kepala SUCOFINDO Unit kantor terminal kontainer, Cabang Tanjung Priok (April 1994 - Agustus 1997) !@çbZ^W5V[ecdWbå_bCG"EZUYçbV;_X<^dWb^çdZ_^çæ=ç\çbdç (Agustus 1997 -Januari 1998) - Kepala Bagian Marine & Insurance PT SUCOFINDO Cabang Tanjung Priok (Januari 1998 - Juni 2000) - Operation Assistance Manager PT SUCOFINDO Cabang Tanjung Priok (Juni 2000 - Maret 2002) - Manajer Departemen Marine & Insurance, Kantor Pusat PT SUCOFINDO (April 2002 – Maret 2007) - Manajer Cabang PT SUCOFINDO Cabang Batam (Maret 2007- April 2010) - Manajer Cabang di PT SUCOFINDO Cabang Banjarmasin (Mei 2010 - Februari 2014) - Kepala SBU Industri PT SUCOFINDO (Februari 2014 sampai sekarang) He was born in Tapanuli, on August 28, 1964, and is 50 years of age. He completed his study in Management of Sea Transportation at STIE / AMI, Jakarta, in 2001. He joined SUCOFINDO since 1990 and commenced his career as a Marine and Insurance Surveyor. He occupied various key positions in SUCOFINDO, such as: - Marine & Insurance Surveyor (September 1990 - April 1994) - Head of SUCOFINDO Unit Terminal Container Office, Tanjung Priok Branch (April 1994 - August 1997) !@çbZ^W5V[ecdWbå_bCG"EZUYçbV;_X<^dWb^çdZ_^çæ=ç\çbdç5eXecd%--+!=ç^eçbè%--, - Head of Marine & Insurance Section, PT SUCOFINDO Tanjung Priok Branch (January 1998 - June 2000) - Operation Assistance Manager, PT SUCOFINDO Tanjung Priok Branch (June 2000 - March 2002) - Marine & Insurance Department Manager, PT SUCOFINDO Head Office (April 2002 - March 2007) - Branch Manager, PT SUCOFINDO Batam Branch (March 2007 - April 2010) - Branch Manager for PT SUCOFINDO Banjarmasin Branch (May 2010 - February 2014) - Head of SBU Industry, PT SUCOFINDO (February 2014 - present). Pelayanan jasa-jasa SBU Industri tersedia di keempat pusat layanan regional SUCOFINDO. 26 jenis jasa tersebut antara lain: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ç[ZHæç^XEç^Uç^Xç^Vç^IWbZåZ\çcZ:çcZæZdçc<^VecdbZ > Inspeksi Selama Pabrikasi IWbZåZ\çcZ<^dWXbZdçc:çcZæZdçcCW]Tç^X\Zd?ZcdbZ\ IWbZåZ\çcZCW^ç^X\çæCWdZb Inspeksi Integritas Bangunan Gedung, Jalan, Jembatan dan Dermaga Inspeksi Otomotif Jasa-jasa Marine Pemantauan Proyek Inspeksi Barang Modal Bukan Baru Klasifikasi Bengkel Otomotif Konsultasi Penerapan International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code Serviced provided by SBU Industry are available at four SUCOFINDO regional service centers. The 26 types of services offered include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. <^VecdbZçæ:çUZæZdZWc8WcZX^EWWfçæeçdZ_^ç^V IWbZÄUçdZ_^ Inspection during Fabrication C_gWbéW^WbçdZ^X:çUZæZdè<^dWXbZdèIWbZÄUçdZ_^ ?ZXYd^Z^XCb_dWUdZ_^IWbZÄUçdZ_^ <^c`WUdZ_^_å6eZæVZ^X E_çV 6bZVXW ç^VC_bd<^dWXbZdè Automotive Inspection Marine Services Project Monitoring Non-New Capital Goods Inspection 5ed_]_dZfWEW`çZbFY_`7æçccZÄUçdZ_^ Consultation on the Implementation International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code 108 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 12. Konsultasi Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Mesin Serta Instalasi Industri 13. Pelatihan Pemastian Mutu pada Fasilitas Industri 14. Pemeriksaan peralatan dan perlengkapan penunjang produksi (mesin produksi, alat angkat dan angkut, bejana tekan, boiler, riggings, dan lainnya) 12. Operation and Maintenance of Machine and Industrial Installation Consultation 13. Industrial Facility Quality Assurance Training 14. Inspection of production support tools and equipment (production machine, crane, pressure vessel, boiler, rigging, etc) KINERJA SBU INDUSTRI 2014 SBU INDUSTRY PERFORMANCE IN 2014 SBU Industri dibentuk pada tahun 2014, dimana SBU Industri melayani berbagai jenis jasa dengan aktivitas pelayanan mencakup bidang Inspeksi Insfrastruktur, fasilitas infrastruktur, transportasi, Kelistrikan dan Kemaritiman. Jumlah pencapaian kinerja konsolidasi SBU <^VecdbZe^de\dçYe^&$%(çVçæçYcWTWcçbE`' $(%]ZæZçb dengan berbagai jenis jasa layanan. SBU Industry was formed 2014, from hence on SBU Industry has provided various services, including: inspection of infrastructure, facilities, transport, electricity, and mariner. SBU Industry’s consolidated performance achieved in &$%( Yçc ç]_e^dWV d_ E`'"$(% TZææZ_^ _bZXZ^çdZ^X åb_] various services. Kinerja secara konsolidasi dapat disampaikan sebagai berikut: Consolidated presentation of the SBU’s performance can be found as follows: No. Unit Kerja TOTAL PORTFOLIO Pendapatan Operasi B`WbçdZ^XEWfW^eW Work Unit Anggaran Target EWçæZcçcZ EWçæZiçdZ_^ 213.502,3 53.190,9 TOTAL PORTFOLIO 118.409,1 3.041,0 SBU Oil & Gas 1 SBU Keindustrian 2 Cibitung 0,0 0,0 Cibitung branch 3 Cabang Bandung 0,0 1.407,5 Bandung branch 4 Cabang Bandar Lampung 0,0 171,9 Bandar Lampung branch 5 Cabang Banjarmasin 1.500,0 1.530,9 Banjarmasin branch 6 Cabang Bengkulu 0,0 179,6 Bengkulu branch 7 Cabang Bekasi 2.076,0 1.699,0 Bekasi branch 8 Cabang Balikpapan 1.000,0 5.390,5 Balikpapan branch 9 Cabang Bontang 2.315,0 1.276,4 Bontang branch 10 Cabang Batu Licin 0,0 0,0 Batu Licin branch 11 Cabang Batam 5.945,0 2.841,3 Batam branch 12 Cabang Cilegon 0,0 171,6 Cilegon branch 13 Cabang Cilacap 0,0 1.831,5 Cilacap branch 14 Cabang Cirebon 487,1 424,5 Cirebon branch 15 Cabang Dumai 0,0 0,0 Dumai branch 16 Cabang Denpasar 100,0 242,8 Denpasar branch 17 Cabang Jakarta 44.390,7 19.315,2 Jakarta branch 18 Cabang Jambi 250,0 0,0 Jambi branch 19 Cabang Medan 4.193,0 1.534,7 Medan branch 20 Cabang Manado 768,0 163,2 Manado branch 21 Cabang Makassar 5.000,0 442,9 Makassar branch 22 Cabang Padang 1.575,0 1.040,6 Padang branch 23 Cabang Pekanbaru 6.175,0 5.224,1 Pekanbaru branch Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen 24 Cabang Palembang 25 Cabang Palu 26 / Management Discussion and Analysis 109 6.500,0 (422,9) Palembang branch 435,0 0,0 Palu branch Cabang Pontianak 1.500,0 590,2 Pontianak branch 27 Cabang Surabaya 9.000,0 2.997,1 Surabaya branch 28 Cabang Sangatta 608,4 1.226,2 Sangatta branch 29 Cabang Samarinda 0,0 546,3 Samarinda branch 30 Cabang Semarang 1.000,0 283,5 Semarang branch 31 Cabang Timika 0,0 0,0 Timika branch 32 Cabang Tarakan 275,0 41,4 Tarakan branch KEBIJAKAN DAN STRATEGI SBU INDUSTRI 1. SBU INDUSTRY POLICIES AND STRATEGIES Bidang Operasional Operational Aspects Strategi Strategies Kebijakan Policies 1. Peralatan yang terkini State-of-the-art equipment Meningkatkan peralatan (equipment and tools) yang up to date Upgrading equipment and tools to ensure they are up to date 2. Diversifikasi jasa Service diversification Diversifikasi jasa bekerjasama dengan anak perusahaan yang relevan Diversification of services in collaboration with relevant subsidiary companies 3. Pelayanan dengan Sumber Daya yang excellent dan mempunyai nilai tambah bagi pelanggan Service from excellent resources with value added towards customers 2. - Membangun pelayanan kepada pelanggan yang berbasis IT Pemilihan teknologi yang sesuai kebutuhan pasar dan tepat guna Develop IT-based service for customers Select technology based on market demands and effectiveness Bidang Pendukung Supporting Aspects Strategi Strategies 1. Pemenuhan kebutuhan SDM sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan :eæÄææ]W^d_å;E^WWVcTçcWV_^Uecd_]Wb^WWVc Kebijakan Policies - Membangun kompetensi personil dengan pelatihan dan sertifikasi kompetensi - Merekrut SDM dengan menerapkan metode 3B (Build, Buy, Borrow) - Develop personnel competence through training and certification - EWUbeZdW]`æ_èWWcdYb_eXYdYW'66eZæV 6eè 6_bb_g]WdY_V 2. Meningkatkan network ( jaringan) Network development Membangun network nasional dan internasional di bidang infrastruktur, kelistrikan dan transportasi (termasuk kemaritiman) untuk meningkatkan pemasaran dan pelayanan kepada pelanggan Development of national and international network in infrastructure, electricity and transport (incuding in maritime affairs) to expand marketing and service to customers. 3. Peningkatan Pemanfaatan Sistem Teknologi Informasi dalam mendukung daya saing produk Increased use of information technology systems to develop the competitive ability of products Pemilihan teknologi informasi yang tepat guna Effective selection of information technology 4. Akreditasi ISO 17020 untuk inspeksi Infrastruktur dan Kelistrikan ISO 17020 accreditation for infrastructure and electricity inspection Perluasan penerapan system manajemen mutu mengacu standar ISO 9001 dan ISO / IEC 17020 untuk seluruh kegiatan secara konsisten Expanded implementation of quality management system based on the ISO 9001 and ISO / IEC 17020 standards for all activities in a consistent manner 5. Mengoptimalkan selling dan penetrasi pasar Optimization of sales and market share Penjualan jasa melalui kegiatan workshop, seminar, eksibisi, asosiasi dan penjualan langsung (direct selling) Sale of services through workshops, seminars, exhibitions, associations, and direct selling 6. Menerapkan sistem terpadu Implementation of integrated system Menerapkan system manajemen yang terpadu untuk seluruh kegiatan secara konsisten, yang meliputi ISO 9001, ISO 17020, SMK3 dan system manajemen perusahaan Implementation of integrated management system for all activities in a consistent manner, covering ISO 9001, ISO 17020, SMK3, and Company management system 7. Melakukan efisiensi biaya Cost efficiency measures Mengacu pada prosedur perusahaan yang berlaku In accordance to Company procedures in effect 110 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report TINJAUAN SEGMEN SBU MINERAL DAN BATUBARA Segmen Overview of SBU Coal and Mineral PROFIL PEJABAT SBU MINERAL DAN BATUBARA SBU Mineral and Coal Head Profile Lahir di Bandung, tanggal 2 Januari 1967, umur 47 tahun, menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jurusan Teknik Geologi Institut Teknologi Bandung pada tahun 1991. Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 1992 memulai karir sebagai Assistance Manager Coal Centre. Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di SUCOFINDO sebagai : - Asisten Manager Perencanaan, Pengembangan dan Pemasaran di Coal Center (1998-1999) - Kepala Cabang Samarinda (1999 -2002) - Area Manager SBU Mineral wilayah Kalimantan Timur (2002 – 2003) - Area Manager SBU Mineral wilayah Sumatera (2003 – 2005) !FW^Z_b@ç^çXWbB`WbçcZEWXZ_^çæ%F6H@Z^WbçægZæçèçYFe]çdWbçVç^=çgç (2005 – 2008) !FW^Z_b@ç^çXWbB`WbçcZEWXZ_^çæ%&F6H@Z^WbçægZæçèçYFe]çdWbç =çfç Sulawesi and Indonesia (2008 – 2009) !5ccZcdç^UWIZUWCbWcZVW^dF6H@Z^Wbçæ&$$-·&$%& !>W`çæçEWXZ_^çæ8ZfZcZEWXZ_^çæ<<<&$%&·&$%' - Kepala SBU Mineral dan Batubara (2013 – 2014) IR. RANGSANG TRIBASKORO Kepala SBU Mineral dan Batubara Head of SBU Mineral and Coal He was born in Bandung, on January 2, 1967 and is 47 years of age. He completed his study in Geological Engineering of Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1991. He joined SUCOFINDO since 1992 and commenced his career as Coal Center Assistant Manager. He occupied various key positions in SUCOFINDO, such as: - Assistant Manager of Planning, Development and Marketing in Coal Centre (1998-1999) - Samarinda Branch Manager (1999 - 2002) - Area Manager, SBU Minerals, East Kalimantan Area (2002 – 2003) - Area Manager, SBU: Minerals, Sumatra Area (2003 – 2005) !FW^Z_b@ç^çXWb_åB`WbçdZ_^cF6H@Z^Wbçæc EWXZ_^çæ< Fe]çdbçç^V=çfç5bWç&$$)·&$$, !FW^Z_b@ç^çXWb_åB`WbçdZ_^cF6H@<^Wbçæc EWXZ_^çæ%& Fe]çdbç =çfç FeæçgWcZç^V9çcd Indonesia Area (2008 – 2009) !5ccZcdç^dIZUW!CbWcZVW^d F6H@Z^Wbçæc&$$-·&$%& !;WçV_åEWXZ_^çæ<<<8ZfZcZ_^&$%&·&$%' - Head of SBU Minerals and Coal (2013 – 2014) SBU Mineral dan Batubara memberikan pelayanan jasa inspeksi, testing dan konsultansi untuk mendukung kegiatan pelaku industri Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara yang meliputi kegiatan dengan aktifitas eksplorasi, produksi, transportasi dan smelter. SBU Mineral and Coal provides inspection services, testing and consultancy to support Mineral and Coal Mining players industry which includes activities of exploration, production, transportation and smelter. Spesifikasi jasa SBU Mineral dan Batubara, terdiri atas : Services specification of SBU Mineral and Coal, consisting of: 1. 2. 3. 4. Inspeksi, Supervisi dan Pengujian Produk Batubara Inspeksi, Supervisi dan Pengujian Produk Mineral Konsultansi Tambang dan Infrastruktur Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Jasa Penunjang Pertambangan 5. Inspeksi, Supervisi dan Pengujian Produk Batuan, Beton dan Tanah *" IWbZÄ\çcZVç^@_^Zd_bZ^XCb_Ve\Gç]Tç^X 1. 2. 3. 4. Sebagai pemilik portofolio bisnis SBU Mineral dan Batubara membangun Strategi, Kebijakan dan Sasaran secara nasional dalam kerangka pencapaian usaha. As the owner of the business portfolio of SBU Mineral and Coal building Strategies, Policies and Targets nationwide within the framework of the achievement of the business. Inspection, Supervision and Testing of Coal Products Inspection, Supervision and Testing of Mineral Products Mining and Infrastructure Consultation Education and Training in Mining Supporting Services )" <^c`WUdZ_^ Fe`WbfZcZ_^ ç^VGWcdZ^X_åE_U\c 7_^UbWdW and Soil Products *" IWbZÄUçdZ_^ç^V@_^Zd_bZ^X_å@Z^Z^XCb_VeUdc Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 111 SBU Mineral dan Batubara melakukan program Pemasaran, Penjualan, Pengembangan bisnis dan Pembinaan Operasional untuk membangun “Excellent Operations”. SBU Mineral and Coal conduct programs of Marketing, Sales, Business Development and Operational Guidance to build “Excellent Operations”. Program pengembangan yang belum bisa dilakukan oleh Cabang menjadi tanggung jawab SBU Mineral dan Batubara dan beberapa program pengembangan bisnis yang dikembangkan tidak terlepas dari melakukan optimalisasi Sumber Daya yang ada sebagai upaya proses membangun kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia secara keseluruhan. Programs development cannot be done by the Branch became the responsibility of the SBU Mineral and Coal and several business development programs that are developed cannot be separated from optimizing existing resources in an effort to build the competencies of Human EWc_ebUWcçcçgY_æW" KINERJA SBU MINERAL DAN BATUBARA 2014 SBU MINERAL AND COAL PERFORMANCE IN 2014 Pada bulan Februari tahun 2014, SBU Mineral dan Batubara (SBU Minerba) terbentuk untuk melayani 6 jenis jasa dengan aktivitas pelayanan mencakup 30 (tiga puluh) cabang. Data Pendapatan SBU Minerba tahun 2014 tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 karena baru terbentuk tahun 2014. Secara konsolidasi dapat disampaikan data sebagai berikut : On February 2014, SBU Mineral and Coal was formed to provide 6 types of services with service activities extending d_'$dYZbdèTbç^UY_åÄUWc"EWfW^eWåb_]F6H7_çæç^V Mineral in 2014 cannot be compared with 2013 data due to its formation in 2014. Consolidated presentation of the SBU’s performance can be found as follows: Pendapatan Operasi B`WbçdZ^XEWfW^eW No. Unit Kerja 3 2 A TOTAL PORTFOLIO 618.615,9 540.114,3 PORTOFOLIO TOTAL 1 SBU Mineral & Batu Bara 49.085,0 22.071,6 SBU: Mineral and Coal 2 Cibitung 0,0 1.734,0 Cibitung Branch 3 Cabang Bandung 2.250,0 2.277,8 Bandung Branch 4 Cabang Bandar Lampung 14.200,0 9.864,7 Bandar Lampung Branch 5 Cabang Banjarmasin 80.000,0 81.631,1 Banjarmasin Branch 6 Cabang Bengkulu 19.841,2 15.175,8 Bengkulu Branch 7 Cabang Bekasi 0,0 0,0 Bekasi Branch 8 Cabang Balikpapan 30.647,5 27.578,3 Balikpapan Branch 9 Cabang Bontang 12.000,0 11.481,7 Bontang Branch 10 Cabang Batu Licin 27.650,0 44.101,5 Batu Licin Branch 11 Cabang Batam 15.990,6 3.953,9 Batam Branch 12 Cabang Cilegon 12.000,0 9.811,3 Cilegon Branch Anggaran Target 1 Work Unit Realisasi EWçæZiçdZ_^ 1 13 Cabang Cilacap 3.670,0 1.110,8 Cilacap Branch 14 Cabang Cirebon 3.063,9 1.118,6 Cirebon Branch 15 Cabang Dumai 0,0 0,0 Dumai Branch 16 Cabang Denpasar 300,0 955,7 Denpasar Branch 17 Cabang Jakarta 0,0 84,3 Jakarta Branch 18 Cabang Jambi 14.239,6 3.589,6 Jambi Branch 19 Cabang Medan 5.398,0 1.379,5 Medan Branch 20 Cabang Manado 9.500,0 1.764,3 Manado Branch 21 Cabang Makassar 16.650,0 11.804,1 Makassar Branch 22 Cabang Padang 18.145,0 11.099,6 Padang Branch 23 Cabang Pekanbaru 6.632,0 4.230,2 Pekanbaru Branch 24 Cabang Palembang 11.000,0 12.214,0 Palembang Branch 112 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 25 Cabang Palu 10.300,0 2.650,0 Palu Branch 26 Cabang Pontianak 10.279,3 3.933,6 Pontianak Branch 27 Cabang Surabaya 23.000,0 14.356,4 Surabaya Branch 28 Cabang Sangatta 40.213,3 44.189,6 Sangatta Branch 29 Cabang Samarinda 101.110,5 111.594,9 Samarinda Branch 30 Cabang Semarang 0,0 54,8 Semarang Branch 31 Cabang Timika 32.000,0 29.395,8 Timika Branch 32 Cabang Tarakan 49.450,0 54.906,9 Tarakan Branch Kebijakan dan Strategi SBU Mineral dan Batubara Policies and Strategies of SBU Mineral and Coal 1. 2. 3. 4. Bidang Pemasaran dan Penjualan Marketing and Sales Aspects Pencapaian Achievement 1. Penjualan agresif kepada pelanggan Aggressive selling to customers 100% 2. Pemahaman bisnis proses memiliki nilai tambah kepada pelanggan Understanding of the business process has added value to the customer 100% 3. Kemitraan luar negeri khususnya dengan global surveyor Foreign partnership, especially with the global surveyor 100% 4. Kemitraan dalam negeri khususnya dengan konsultan pertambangan Domestic partnership, especially with the mining consultans 100% 5. Sebagai quality mining consultant As a quality mining consultant 100% 6. Fokus bisnis upstream dan infrastruktur Business focus upstream and infrastructure 100% 7. Menjual jasa tepat sasaran Selling services targeted 100% Bidang Operasional Operational Aspects Pencapaian Achievement 1. Membangun system informasi pelaporan yang terintegrasi internal dan eksternal Build an integrated system of reporting information internally and externally 100% 2. Pemastian jaminan mutu Quality Assurance 100% Bidang Sumber Daya Manusia ;e]ç^EWc_ebUWc5c`WUdc Pencapaian Achievement 1. Penerapan pemantauan dan evaluasi atas peningkatan kompetensi Monitoring and evaluation the implementation of the enhanced competence 100% 2. Melakukan assessment kepada seluruh personel Conduct assessments to all the personnel 100% 3. Melakukan rekrutmen tenaga professional sesuai kebutuhan bisnis Hiring professionals according to the needs of business 100% Bidang Investasi Investment Aspects Pencapaian Achievement 1. Perencanaan investasi sesuai sasaran bisnis Appropriate investment planning business objective 100% 2. Proposal investasi dengan sasaran Long term business Investment proposals with a long-term business objectives 100% Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 113 PELUANG DAN TARGET 2015 OPPORTUNITIES AND TARGETS IN 2015 Pada tahun 2015 SBU Mineral dan Batubara akan melakukan perluasan bisnis perusahaan dengan mengubah SBU Minerba menjadi 2 SBU yaitu SBU Batu bara dan SBU Mineral. In 2015 SBU Mineral and Coal will make company bisnis expansion by turning the SBU Mineral and Coal into two SBU. Such as, SBU Coal and SBU Mineral. Perluasan SBU ini dalam kerangka fokus pengembangan bisnis mulai kegiatan hulu (Up-stream) sampai dengan hilir (Down-stream) dan diharapkan dalam jangka panjang bisnis yang dilakukan oleh 2 (dua) SBU ini menjadi andalan kontribusi Pendapatan Operasi bagi Perusahaan. The expansion of this SBU in terms focus of business development began upstream activities (up - stream) to downstream (down - stream) and expected long-term business done by 2 (two) SBU’s have become a mainstay of the contribution of operating income for the Company. Spesifikasi Jasa SBU Batubara dan SBU Mineral tahun 2015, sebagai berikut : Specifications Services of SBU Coal and SBU Mineral in 2015 , as follows : SBU BATUBARA SBU COAL 1. 1. Inspeksi, Supervisi dan Pengujian (Down-stream) <^c`W\cZ Fe`WbfZcZVç^CW^Xe[Zç^Cb_Ve\6çdeTçbç Inspection, supervision, and Testing (down stream) <^c`WUdZ_^ ce`WbfZcZ_^ ç^VGWcdZ^XU_çæ`b_VeUd 2. Inspeksi, Supervisi dan Pengujian (mid-stream) <^c`W\cZ Fe`WbfZcZVç^CW^Xe[Zç^Cb_Ve\6çdeTçbç CW^Xe[Zç^`b_Ve\TçdeTçbç 2. Inspection, supervision, and Testing (up stream) <^c`WUdZ_^ ce`WbfZcZ_^ ç^VGWcdZ^XU_çæ`b_VeUd GWcdZ^XU_çæ`b_VeUd 3. Konsultansi Jasa Pertambangan dan Infrastruktur >_^ceædç^cZ=çcçCWbdç]Tç^Xç^Vç^<^ådbçcdbe\deb CWæçdZYç^=çcçCWbdç]Tç^Xç^ 3. Mining and Infrastructure Consulting Services @Z^Z^Xç^V<^åbçcdbeUdebW7_^ceædZ^XFWbfZUWc GbçZ^Z^X]Z^Z^XcWbfZUWc SBU MINERAL SBU MINERAL 1. 1. Inspeksi, Supervisi dan Pengujian Produk Bahan Tambang 2. Inspeksi, Supervisi dan Pengujian Mineral Processing dan Metalurgi 3. Konsultansi Tambang Mineral dan Infrastruktur 4. Inspeksi, Supervisi dan Pengujian Produk Batuan, Beton dan Tanah Inspection, Supervision and Testing Product Material Mine 2. Inspection, Supervision and Testing of Mineral Processing and Metallurgy 3. Mineral Mining Consultancy and Infrastructure (" <^c`WUdZ_^ Fe`WbfZcZ_^ ç^V GWcdZ^X Cb_VeUd E_U\ Concrete and Soil 114 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Target SBU Batubara Tahun 2015 No.. Jasa 1 A TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1 SBU Batubara B TOTAL SBU BATU BARA 1 Cab. Bandung 2 Cab. Bandar Lampung 3 SBU Coal Target In 2015 Target 2015 2015 Target Service 3 1 493.524 PORTOFOLIO TOTAL SBU Coal 15.500 SBU COAL TOTAL 2.405 Bandung Branch 11.144 Bandar Lampung Branch Cab. Banjarmasin 82.000 Banjarmasin Branch 4 Cab. Bengkulu 16.600 Bengkulu Branch 5 Cab. Bekasi 0 Bekasi Branch 6 Cab. Balikpapan 33.000 Balikpapan Branch 7 Cab. Bontang 14.363 Bontang Branch 8 Cab. Batu Licin 30.654 Batulicin Branch 9 Cab. Batam 300 Batam Branch 10 Cab. Cilegon 10.500 Cilegon Branch 11 Cab. Cilacap 2.700 Cilacap Branch 12 Cab. Cirebon 3.500 Cirebon Branch 13 Cab. Dumai 0 Dumai Branch 14 Cab. Denpasar 500 Denpasar Branch 15 Cab. Jakarta 0 Jakarta Branch 16 Cab. Jambi 6.181 Jambi Branch 17 Cab. Medan 5.500 Medan Branch 18 Cab. Manado 1.605 Manado Branch 19 Cab. Makassar 9.240 Makassar Branch 20 Cab. Padang 12.074 Padang Branch 21 Cab. Pekanbaru 820 Pekanbaru Branch 22 Cab. Palembang 7.601 Palembang Branch 23 Cab. Pontianak 500 Pontianak Branch 24 Cab. Surabaya 9.000 Surabaya Branch 25 Cab. Sangatta 43.246 Sangatta Branch 26 Cab. Samarinda 112.123 Samarinda Branch 27 Cab. Semarang 2.000 Semarang Branch 28 Cab. Timika 0 Timika Branch 29 Cab. Tarakan 60.467 Tarakan Branch C Jumlah Cabang 478.024 Branches Total Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen Target SBU Mineral Tahun 2015 No. Jasa 1 A TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1 SBU Batubara B TOTAL SBU BATU BARA 1 / Management Discussion and Analysis 115 SBU Mineral Target In 2015 Target 2015 2015 Target Service 3 1 112.510 PORTOFOLIO TOTAL SBU Coal 26.000 SBU COAL TOTAL Cab. Bandung 0 Bandung Branch 2 Cab. Bandar Lampung 0 Bandar Lampung Branch 3 Cab. Banjarmasin 5.000 Banjarmasin Branch 4 Cab. Bengkulu 0 Bengkulu Branch 5 Cab. Bekasi 0 Bekasi Branch 6 Cab. Balikpapan 0 Balikpapan Branch 7 Cab. Bontang 0 Bontang Branch 8 Cab. Batu Licin 10.560 Batulicin Branch 9 Cab. Batam 5.000 Batam Branch 10 Cab. Cilegon 0 Cilegon Branch 11 Cab. Cilacap 500 Cilacap Branch 12 Cab. Cirebon 0 Cirebon Branch 13 Cab. Dumai 0 Dumai Branch 14 Cab. Denpasar 2.656 Denpasar Branch 15 Cab. Jakarta 0 Jakarta Branch 16 Cab. Jambi 0 Jambi Branch 17 Cab. Medan 0 Medan Branch 18 Cab. Manado 555 Manado Branch 19 Cab. Makassar 7.540 Makassar Branch 20 Cab. Padang 0 Padang Branch 21 Cab. Pekanbaru 0 Pekanbaru Branch 22 Cab. Palembang 5.000 Palembang Branch 23 Cab. Pontianak 5.272 Pontianak Branch 24 Cab. Surabaya 8.000 Surabaya Branch 25 Cab. Sangatta 0 Sangatta Branch 26 Cab. Samarinda 576 Samarinda Branch 27 Cab. Semarang 0 Semarang Branch 28 Cab. Timika 35.850 Timika Branch 29 Cab. Tarakan 0 Tarakan Branch C Jumlah Cabang 86.510 Branches Total 116 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report TINJAUAN SEGMEN SBU LABORATORY Segmen Overview of SBU Laboratory PROFIL PEJABAT SBU LABORATORIUM SBU Laboratory Head Profile Lahir di Jakarta, tanggal 19 November, umur 53 tahun, menyelesaikan pendidikan S2 (Magister Administrasi Bisnis) di IPMI, Jakarta pada tahun 1999. Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 1981 Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di SUCOFINDO sebagai : - Kepala SPI (2012 - Februari 2014) - Kepala SBU Laboratorium (Februari 2014 - sekarang) - IZUWCbWcZVW^dF6H:<A%=e^Z&$$,!'%@çbWd&$%& - IZUWCbWcZVW^d8ZfZcZCW^XW]Tç^Xç^F8@(B\d_TWb&$$)!'%@WZ&$$, - IZUWCbWcZVW^dFC<5`bZæ&$$'!(B\d_TWb&$$) ROLIA NURDIAWATI Kepala SBU Laboratorium Head of SBU Laboratory She was born in Jakarta, on 19 November, and is 53 years of age. She completed her study in S2 (Magister Administrasi Bisnis) di IPMI, Jakarta in 1999. She joined SUCOFINDO since 1981 She occupied various key positions in SUCOFINDO, such as: - Head of SPI (2012 - February 2014) - SBU Head of Laboratory (February 2014 - present) !IZUW!CbWcZVW^d_åF6H:<A=e^W% &$$,!@çbUY'% &$%& !IZUW!CbWcZVW^d_å;E8WfWæ_`]W^d8ZfZcZ_^BUd_TWb( &$$)!@çè'% &$$, !IZUW!CbWcZVW^d_åFC<5`bZæ&$$'!BUd_TWb( &$$) Portofolio SBU Laboratorium adalah sebagai berikut: SBU Laboratory’s portfolio can be found as follows: 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Analisa kimia umum termasuk produk pertanian, produk industri dan produk konsumen Analisa parameter lingkungan Pengujian teknis mencakup pengujian alat kelistrikan dan elektronika serta pengujian produk material bangunan Kalibrasi alat ukur dan alat uji Konsultasi pengembangan laboratorium Analisa produk minyak dan gas General chemical analysis, including towards agricultural, industrial and consumer products 2. Environmental parameter analysis 3. Technical testing, including electrical and electronic equipment testing and construction material testing 4. Measuring and testing equipment calibration 5. Laboratory development consultation 6. Oil and gas products analysis Pelayanan jasa tersebut diatas dilakukan secara rutin dan tersebar di seluruh Kantor Cabang dan Unit Pelayanan Operasi seluruh Indonesia yang mencakup layanan terhadap seluruh sektor industri. The above services are routinely provided and distributed throughout all Branch Offices and Operational Service Units in Indonesia, covering services for all sectors of industry. Berikut ini adalah beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh SBU Laboratorium: 1. Pengujian seluruh jenis komoditi non minerba 2. Kalibrasi alat ukur seluruh jenis industri 3. Sampling non komoditi minerba 4. Konsultansi 5. Pendidikan dan Pelatihan kompetensi teknis pengujian laboratorium non minerba Several activities conducted by SBU Laboratory can be found as follows: 1. Testing of all types of non-coal / mineral commodities 2. Measuring device calibration in all industries 3. Non-coal / mineral commodity sampling 4. Consultation 5. Education and training for technical competence in non-coal / mineral laboratory testing Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 117 KINERJA SBU LABORATORIUM TAHUN 2014 PERFORMANCE OF SBU LABORATORY IN 2014 Pada bulan Februari tahun 2014, SBU Laboratorium (SBU Lab) terbentuk untuk melayani 6 portofolio jasa dengan aktivitas pelayanan mencakup 29 Cabang dan 34 unit pelayanan operasi. Data Pendapatan SBU Laboratorium tahun 2014 tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 karena baru terbentuk tahun 2014 yang sebelumnya merupakan unit kerja. On February 2014, SBU Laboratory (SBU Lab) was formed to provide 6 types of services, with service activities found in 29 branch offices and 34 operational service e^Zdc" EWfW^eW åb_] F6H ?çT_bçd_bè Z^ &$%( Uç^^_d TW compared with 2013 data due to its formation in 2014. It previously took the form of a work unit. Kinerja secara konsolidasi dapat disampaikan sebagai Consolidated presentation of the SBU’s performance can be found as follows: berikut : No. Unit Kerja Pendapatan Operasi B`WbçdZ^XEWfW^eW Anggaran EWçæZcçcZ Target EWçæZiçdZ_^ Work Unit 140.275,0 138.842,7 PORTFOLIO TOTAL 70.148,5 69.038,1 SBU Laboratory 0,0 0,0 Cibitung branch 2.000,0 3.165,5 Bandung branch 815,0 634,8 Bandar Lampung branch Cabang Banjarmasin 0,0 (7,5) Banjarmasin branch 6 Cabang Bengkulu 0,0 142,6 Bengkulu branch 7 Cabang Bekasi 0,0 0,0 Bekasi branch 8 Cabang Balikpapan 0,0 0,0 Balikpapan branch 9 Cabang Bontang 0,0 23,4 Bontang branch 10 Cabang Batu Licin 0,0 0,0 Batu Licin branch 11 Cabang Batam 10.358,4 8.302,6 Batam branch 12 Cabang Cilegon 2.000,0 1.592,6 Cilegon branch 13 Cabang Cilacap 0,0 156,7 Cilacap branch 14 Cabang Cirebon 1.804,3 1.190,2 Cirebon branch 15 Cabang Dumai 950,0 950,4 Dumai branch 16 Cabang Denpasar 325,0 476,2 Denpasar branch A TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1 SBU Laboratorium 2 Cabang Cibitung 3 Cabang Bandung 4 Cabang Bandar Lampung 5 17 Cabang Jakarta 0,0 0,0 Jakarta branch 18 Cabang Jambi 1.600,0 1.160,3 Jambi branch 19 Cabang Medan 7.400,0 9.462,7 Medan branch 162,0 516,2 Manado branch 3.000,0 2.160,2 Makassar branch 0,0 14,9 Padang branch 20 Cabang Manado 21 Cabang Makassar 22 Cabang Padang 23 Cabang Pekanbaru 6.400,0 7.777,6 Pekanbaru branch 24 Cabang Palembang 1.466,0 2.224,6 Palembang branch 25 Cabang Palu 0,0 303,0 Palu branch 26 Cabang Pontianak 5.500,0 4.355,0 Pontianak branch 27 Cabang Surabaya 15.500,0 11.415,0 Surabaya branch 28 Cabang Sangatta 0,0 3.735,5 Sangatta branch 29 Cabang Samarinda 2.600,0 3.073,6 Samarinda branch 30 Cabang Semarang 6.495,8 3.333,9 Semarang branch 31 Cabang Timika 0,0 106,9 Timika branch 32 Cabang Tarakan 1.750,0 3.537,4 Tarakan branch 118 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KEBIJAKAN DAN STRATEGI SBU LABORATORIUM POLICIES AND STRATEGIES OF SBU LABORATORY 1. 1. Melakukan penetrasi dan pengembangan pasar melalui kegiatan Key Account Management System pada pelanggan-pelanggan SBU Laboratorium Market penetration and development through Key Account Management System towards SBU Laboratory customers 2. Melakukan monitoring perolehan order konsolidasi portofolio secara nasional 2. Monitoring of consolidated received orders to national portfolio 3. Melakukan pembinaan kompetensi SDM terkait Laboratorium secara nasional 3. 8WfWæ_`]W^d _å ;E U_]`WdW^UW Z^ æçT_bçd_bZWc çd national level 4. Melaksanakan kegiatan jaminan kualitas, antara lain : a. Mengevaluasi standar kualitas sesuai perubahan dinamis dari industri laboratorium 4. Quality assurance activities, including: a. Evaluation of quality standards in accordance to dynamic changes in the laboratory industry dan jasa b. Compiling / completing the system and operational procedures for the laboratory services portfolio c. Secara rutin melakukan sampling antara eksekusi kegiatan dengan standar yang ada. c. E_edZ^Wcç]`æZ^Xd_U_]`çbWTWdgWW^WhWUedZ_^ of activities and existing standards b. Menyusun / melengkapi prosedur operasional untuk kelaboratoriuman sistem portofolio PELUANG 2015 OPPORTUNITIES IN 2015 1. 1. Pengujian produk halal Halal product testing 2. SNI implementation testing 2. Pengujian terkait pemberlakukan SNI (isu 3. E WXeæçd_bè bWaeZbW]W^d dWcdZ^X Z^ W^fZb_^]W^dçæ issues) 4. Pengujian terkait kebijakan global dari pelanggan IHQ, IAQ dan kebijakan lingkungan (green building) 4. Customer global policies testing (IHQ, IAQ, and green building environmental policies) 5. Pengembangan pasar regional untuk segmen Oil & Gas, Petrokima, Pembangkit listrik, Pertambangan, BUMN tertentu, Manufakturing PMA dan Pemerintah untuk pengujian dan kalibrasi 5. E WXZ_^çæ]çb\WdVWfWæ_`]W^dZ^dYWcWX]W^dc_åBZæ & Gas, Petrochemicals, Electricity Generation, Mining, certain SOEs, PMA Manufactoring, and Government for testing and calibration 3. Pengujian terkait lingkungan) persyaratan peraturan Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 119 TINJAUAN SEGMEN SBU SERTIFIKASI DAN ECO FRAMEWORK Segment Overview of SBU Certification & Eco Framework PROFIL PEJABAT SBU SERTIFIKASI DAN ECO FRAMEWORK SBU Certification and Eco Framework Head Profile Lahir di Bandung, tanggal 6 Agustus 1966, umur 48 tahun, menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jurusan Magister Management Universitas Gadjah Mada pada tahun 2003 YERRY TAIZAR Kepala SBU Sertifikasi dan Eco Framework Head of SBU Certification and Eco Framework Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 1992 memulai karir sebagai 5eVZd_b?E9?ç`_bç^EWçæZcçcZ9\c`_b@W^W]`çdZTWbTçXçZ`_cZcZ\e^UZVZ SUCOFINDO sebagai: - SUCOFINDO International Certification Services - QSC (Quality System Certification) Manager (1998-2000) - SUCOFINDO International Certification Services - Administration and Customer Service Manager (2000-2002) - SUCOFINDO International Certification Services - Business Support Senior Manager (2002-2004) - SUCOFINDO International Certification Services - Marketing & Business Support Senior Manager (2004) - FH7B:<A8B<^dWb^çdZ_^çæ7WbdZÄUçdZ_^FWbfZUWc!IZUWCbWcZVW^d&$$*!&$%& - F6HéW^WbçæFWbfZUWc·C[cIZUWCbWcZVW^d&$%$!&$%% - Finance and Accounting Division - Division Head (2012-2014) - SBU of Certification and Eco Framework - Head of SBU (Februari 2014 - sekarang) He was born in Bandung, on 6 August 1966, and is 48 years of age. He obtained his degree in Master of Management at Gadjah Mada University in 2003. ;W[_Z^WVFH7B:<A8BcZ^UW%--&ç^VU_]]W^UWVYZcUçbWWbçcç^9h`_bd<]`æW]W^dçdZ_^EW`_bd ?E95eVZd_b";W_UUe`ZWVfçbZ_ec\Wè`_cZdZ_^cZ^FH7B:<A8B ceUYçc. - SUCOFINDO International Certification Services - QSC (Quality System Certification) Manager (1998- 2000) - SUCOFINDO International Certification Services - Administration and Customer Service Manager (2000-2002) - SUCOFINDO International Certification Services - Business Support Senior Manager (2002-2004) - SUCOFINDO International Certification Services - Marketing & Business Support Senior Manager (2004) !FH7B:<A8B<^dWb^çdZ_^çæ7WbdZÄUçdZ_^FWbfZUWc!IZUW!CbWcZVW^d&$$*!&$%& !F6HéW^WbçæFWbfZUWc!5UdZ^XIZUW!CbWcZVW^d&$%$!&$%% - Finance and Accounting Division - Division Head (2012-2014) - SBU of Certification and Eco Framework - Head of SBU (February 2014 - present) 120 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report SBU Sertifikasi and Eco Framework (Serco) menangani pelayanan sertifikasi dan peningkatan kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan. SBU Certification and Eco Framework (Cerco) handles certification and performance improvement in environmental management. SBU Serco fokus dalam 2 bagian besar pelayanan sebagai berikut: Focus of the SBU Cerco division is divided into two main markets of service, as follows: 1. International Certification Services, yang memberikan layanan jasa berupa sertifikasi dan audit. 2. Eco Framework Management adalah jasa yang memberikan layanan dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan dan memberikan solusi permasalahan lingkungan melalui kegiatan kajian, audit, monitoring, verifikasi-validasi, sertifikasi, dan pengembangan sistem pengelolaan lingkungan secara terpadu. Jasa ini terdiri dari dua jenis ruang æZ^X\e` èçZde Eeç^X ?Z^X\e` @Z\b_ Vç^ Eeç^X Lingkup Makro. 1. International Certification Services, providing services in the form of certification and audit 2. Eco Framework Management, providing services for the purpose of improving environmental management performance and giving solutions for environmental issues through study, audit, monitoring, verification and validation, certification, and integrated environmental management system development. These services are divided into two scopes at the micro-level and the macro-level. Eeç^X ?Z^X\e` @Z\b_ ]W^èWVZç\ç^ æçèç^ç^ [çcç lingkungan terhadap usaha dan / atau kegiatan yang menimbulkan dampak lingkungan pada project level dan / atau ecosystem level" 5Vç`e^ Eeç^X ?Z^X\e` Makro menyediakan layanan jasa lingkungan pada level nasional dan global yang terkait program / kepentingan nasional dan isu-isu lingkungan global. The micro-level scope provides environmental services for businesses and / or activities which cause environmental impacts at the level of projects and / or ecosystem. The macro-level scope provides environmental services and national and global level, pertaining to national policies / interests and global environmental issues. Berikut ini adalah beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh SBU Serco: 1. Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen 2. Sertifikasi Produk dan Sistem Mutu 3. Eco Framework 4. Pelatihan Several activities conducted by SBU Cerco can be found as follows: 1. Management System Certification 2. Quality System and Product Certification 3. Eco Framework 4. Training KINERJA 2014 SBU SERCO PERFORMANCE OF SBU CERCO SBU Serco melayani 14 (empat belas) jenis jasa dengan aktivitas pelayanan mencakup sertifikasi, audit, dan pelatihan. Jumlah ini meningkat dari tahun 2013 yang hanya berjumlah 8 (delapan) jenis jasa layanan. SBU Cerco offers 14 (fourteen) types of services with service activities covering certification, audit, and training. This amount has increased since 2013, which only provided 8 (eight) types of services. Perincian Kegiatan layanan jasa berupa sertifikasi, audit dan kajian yang dilakukan oleh SBU Serco selama 2014 adalah: In detail, service activities in the forms of certification, audit, and study conducted by SBU Cerco can be found as follows: 1. 1. Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001 Certification of Quality Management System, ISO 9001 2. Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan ISO 14001 2. Certification of Environmental Management System, ISO 14001 3. Sertifikasi HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) 3. Certification of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) 4. Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan ISO 22000 4. Certification of Food Security Management System, ISO 22000 5. Sertifikasi Produk 5. Product Certification 6. Sertifikasi Pangan Organik 6. Organic Crop Certification 7. Sertifikasi Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 7. Certification of the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 8. Audit Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja 8. Occupational Health and Safety Management System Audit 9. Audit Sistem Manajemen Pengamanan (SMP) 9. Security Management System (SMP) Audit Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen 121 / Management Discussion and Analysis %$" FWbdZÄ\çcZ FZcdW] @ç^ç[W]W^ CW^Xç]ç^ç^ Eç^dçZ Pasok ISO 28000 10. Certification of Supply Chain Security Management, ISO 28000 11. Sertifikasi Indonesian Sustainability Palm Oil (ISPO) 11. Certification of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) 12. Sertifikasi Roundtable on Sustainability Palm Oil EFCB 12. 7WbdZÄUçdZ_^ _å E_e^VdçTæW _^ dYW FecdçZ^çTZæZdè _å Cçæ]BZæEFCB 13. Sertifikasi Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Lestari (PHPL) 13. Certification of Sustainable Management (PHPL) %(" FWbdZÄ\çcZIWbZÄ\çcZ?WXçæZdçc>çèeI?> 14. 7WbdZÄUçdZ_^_åGZ]TWb?WXçæZdèIWbZÄUçdZ_^I?> 15. Sertifikasi Pengelolaan Hutan Tanaman Lestari (PHTL) 15. Certification of Sustainable Management (PHTL) %*" CW^WbTZdç^8_\e]W^I!?WXçæ 16. <cceç^UW_åI!?WXçæ8_Ue]W^dc 17. Penilaian Kinerja Hak Penguasaan Hutan (HPH) / Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) 17. Assessment of Logging Forest Concession (HPH) / Industrial Forest Plantation (HTI) Performance 18. Pelatihan Sistem Manajemen Pengamanan dan Pelatihan Sistem Manajemen Lainnya 18. Training on Security Management System and Other Managemetn System 19. Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan 19. Customer Satisfaction Survey 20. Sertifikasi Sistem manajemen terpadu (integrasi dua atau lebih sistem Manajemen) 20. Certification of Integrated Management System (integration of two or more management systems) 21. Audit Energi Industri dan Bangunan Gedung 21. Energy Audit in Industries and Buildings 22. Kajian, Audit dan Monitoring Pengelolaan Lingkungan Terpadu 22. Study, Audit, and Monitoring Environmental Management 23. Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan 23. Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL) &("IçæZVçcZVç^IWbZÄ\çcZéçcEe]çY>çUç 24. IçæZVçdZ_^ç^VIWbZÄUçdZ_^_åébWW^Y_ecWéçcWc Production Plantation of Forest Forest Integrated Jumlah Sertifikat terbit tahun 2014 Number of Certificates Issued in 2014 No Bulan Month Jumlah Sertifikat No. of Certificates 1 January 119 2 February 82 3 March 77 4 April 56 5 May 64 6 June 47 7 July 63 8 August 49 9 September 52 10 October 53 11 November 80 12 December 80 Jumlah Total 822 Lebih lanjut, terjadi peningkatan pendapatan operasi pada tahun 2014 dibanding tahun 2013. Pendapatan _`WbçcZ `çVç dçYe^ &$%( ]W^Uç`çZ E`** % ]ZæZçb meningkat sebesar 35% dibanding pendapatan _`WbçcZcWTWcçbE`)' ']ZæZçbVZdçYe^&$%'"CçVçcççd bersamaan, realisasi pendapatan mencapai 82% dari dçbXWd>C<&$%(cWTWcçbE`,+ (]ZæZçb" Furthermore, operating revenue has increased in 2014 compared to that in 2013. Operating income in 2014 bWçUYWV E`**"% TZææZ_^ Z^UbWçcZ^X Tè ') U_]`çbWV d_ dYW &$%' fçæeW _å E`)'"' TZææZ_^" FZ]eædç^W_ecæè çUdeçæ bWfW^eWbWçUYWV,&_ådYW&$%(>C<¼cdçbXWd_åE`,+"( billion. Peningkatan ini disebabkan karena: Meningkatnya penjualan jasa sertifikasi dan audit, terutama jasa cWbdZÄ\çcZ Cb_Ve\ Vç^ I?> cWbdç VZdç]TçY `W^Vç`çdç^ dari jasa Eco Framework. This increase is due to: Increasing sales of certification and çeVZd cWbfZUWc Wc`WUZçææè Cb_VeUd ç^V I?> UWbdZÄUçdZ_^ supplemented by revenue from Eco Framework services. 122 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Kinerja secara konsolidasi dapat disampaikan sebagai berikut : Consolidated presentation of the SBU’s performance can be found as follows : Pendapatan Operasi Operating Revenue No. A Unit Kerja TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1 SBU Sertifikasi & Eco Framework 2 Cabang Cibitung Work Unit Anggaran Target Realisasi EWçæZiçdZ_^ 172.544,9 106.512,1 PORTFOLIO TOTAL 87.468,2 66.072,3 SBU Sertification & Eco Framework 0,0 0,0 Cibitung branch 2.250,0 2.730,4 Bandung branch 860,0 300,6 Bandar Lampung branch 2.500,0 2.154,5 Banjarmasin branch 3 Cabang Bandung 4 Cabang Bandar Lampung 5 Cabang Banjarmasin 6 Cabang Bengkulu 0,0 66,4 Bengkulu branch 7 Cabang Bekasi 0,0 0,0 Bekasi branch 8 Cabang Balikpapan 0,0 591,5 Balikpapan branch 9 Cabang Bontang 225,0 75,0 Bontang branch 10 Cabang Batu Licin 0,0 0,0 Batu Licin branch 11 Cabang Batam 2.000,0 1.351,7 Batam branch 12 Cabang Cilegon 1.000,0 1.530,0 Cilegon branch 13 Cabang Cilacap 0,0 190,6 Cilacap branch 14 Cabang Cirebon 4.342,7 1.251,9 Cirebon branch 15 Cabang Dumai 0,0 12,8 Dumai branch 16 Cabang Denpasar 3.525,0 649,1 Denpasar branch 17 Cabang Jakarta 17.200,0 6.043,7 Jakarta branch 18 Cabang Jambi 300,0 59,8 Jambi branch 19 Cabang Medan 11.269,5 6.386,4 Medan branch 20 Cabang Manado 151,8 92,5 Manado branch 21 Cabang Makassar 2.350,0 712,2 Makassar branch 22 Cabang Padang 0,0 89,7 Padang branch 23 Cabang Pekanbaru 0,0 135,0 Pekanbaru branch 24 Cabang Palembang 9.000,0 1.529,9 Palembang branch 25 Cabang Palu 0,0 65,0 Palu branch 26 Cabang Pontianak 1.500,0 374,8 Pontianak branch 27 Cabang Surabaya 10.500,0 6.260,7 Surabaya branch 28 Cabang Sangatta 1.825,1 27,3 Sangatta branch 29 Cabang Samarinda 3.877,5 3.065,7 Samarinda branch 30 Cabang Semarang 10.400,0 4.705,9 Semarang branch 31 Cabang Timika 0,0 0,0 Timika branch 32 Cabang Tarakan 0,0 (13,3) Tarakan branch Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 123 KEBIJAKAN DAN STRATEGI SBU SERCO POLICIES AND STRATEGIES OF SBU CERCO Menyediakan skema sertifikasi yang terakreditasi kepada dunia usaha organisasi berbasis ketidakberpihakan dan prinsip konflik kepentingan, melalui : Providing an accredited certification scheme to the world of business and organization based on impartiality and the principle of freedom from conflicts of interest by : 1. Menyediakan jasa sertifikasi yang memenuhi persyaratan semua pihak yang memperhatikan prinsip ketidakberpihakan, mengelola konflik kepentingan, dan memastikan objektifitas. 2. Menyediakan jasa profesional yang memungkinkan sertifikasi SUCOFINDO ICS dapat diterima secara nasional dan internasional. 3. Secara berkelanjutan meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas jasa SUCOFINDO ICS melalui pengembangan staffnya dan perkenalan teknologi. 4. Berkontribusi menuju pengembangan sosial dan lingkungan bangsa dengan mempromosikan manfaat produk dan sistem manajemen bersertifikasi. 1. PELUANG DAN TARGET 2015 OPPORTUNITIES AND TARGETS IN 2015 >WTedeYç^ cWbdZÄ\çcZ cZcdW] ]ç^ç[W]W^ ]ede menunjukkan gejala peningkatan pada sektor pelayanan publik dan pemerintah >WTedeYç^cWdZÄ\çcZcZcdW]]ç^ç[W]W^\WcWæç]çdç^ dan kesehatan kerja termasuk OHSAS 18001 menunjukkan gejala peningkatan pada sektor konstruksi, pertambangan dan migas >WTedeYç^ cWbdZÄ\çcZ `b_Ve\ èç^X ]W^Z^X\çd seiring dengan bertambahnya produk yang harus menerapkan ‘SNI Wajib’ @W]ZæZ\ZUçTç^XVZcWæebeY<^V_^WcZç >WTedeYç^ Tç^èç\ `WbecçYçç^ e^de\ mengintegrasikan sistim CW^XW]Tç^Xç^ [çcç![çcç æçZ^ TWb\çZdç^ VW^Xç^ implementasi sistim seperti survei kepuasan pelanggan, diklat dan lain-lain Demands for quality management system certification have shown signs of increase in the public service and government sectors Demands for occupational health and safety management system certification, including based on OHSAS 18001, have shown signs of increase in the construction, mining, and oil and gas sectors. Demands for product certification have increased with the increasing number of products obliged to implement SNI standards Established branches throughout Indonesia High demands from many companies to have system integration Development of other services related to system implementation, such as customer satisfaction survey, training and education, and so forth. Adapun Target Pendapatan 2015 adalah sebesar E`,* &]ZæZçb" GçbXWdWVbWfW^eWZ^&$%)YçcTWW^WcdçTæZcYWVçcE`,*"& billion. Providing certification services that fulfill the requirements of all parties, observing principles of impartiality, conflict of interest management, and guaranteed objectivity. 2. Providing professional services that enable SUCOFINDO ICS’ certification to be accepted at national and international level. 3. Sustainable improving the efficiency and effectiveness of SUCOFINDO ICS services through staff development and introduction of technology. 4. Contributing to social and environmental development for the society by promoting the benefits of certified products and management systems. 124 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report TINJAUAN SEGMEN SBU KOMODITI DAN SOLUSI PERDAGANGAN Segment Overview of SBU Commodity and Trade Solutions PROFIL PEJABAT SBU KOMODITI DAN SOLUSI PERDAGANGAN SBU Commodity and Trade Solutions Head Profile Lahir di Yogyakarta, tanggal 16 Juni 1960, 54 tahun. Menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jurusan Pengolahan Fakultas Teknik Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor Tahun 1983. Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 1986 memulai karir sebagai Kepala Bagian Fumigation divisi JSP (1986-1988). Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di SUCOFINDO sebagai: IR. MUKHTAR Kepala SBU Komoditi Dan Solusi Perdagangan Head of SBU Commodity and Trade Solutions - Kepala Cabang Bandar Lampung (1988 - 1991) - Kepala Cabang Palembang (1991 - 1995) - Kepala Cabang Medan (1995 - 1997) - Senior Manager S&PS Div. JPKS (1997 - 1998) - Wakil Kepala Divisi JPKS (1998 - 2001) - Kepala SBU KKL (2001 - 2008) - Kepala Divisi PBK (1008 - 2012) - Komisaris Utama SUCOFINDO Prima Consultan (2008 -2009) - >W`çæç>W`çæç8ZfZcZEWXZ_^çæ<<&$%&!&$%( - Kepala SBU KSP (2014 - Sekarang ) - Pjs. Kepala Divisi Komersial-1 (2014 - 2015) - >_]ZdWCW^XçbçYCW^Xçgçc>FB"ICG<FH7B:<A8B!F<&$$,!cW\çbç^X He was born in Yogyakarta, on June 16, 1960, 54 years of age. He completed his study in Processing at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), in 1983. He joined SUCOFINDO since 1986 and commenced his career as Fumigation Section Head in the JSP Division (1986 - 1988). He occupied various key positions in SUCOFINDO, such as: - Bandar Lampung Branch Head (1988 - 1991 ) - Palembang Branch Head (1991 - 1995) - Medan Branch Head (1995 - 1997) - Senior Manager S&PS, JPKS Division (1997 - 1998) !IZUW!;WçV_å=C>F8ZfZcZ_^%--,!&$$% - Head of SBU Forestry, Marinery and the Environment (2001 - 2008) - PBK Division Head (2008 - 2012) - Chief Commissioner of SUCOFINDO Prima Consultan (2008 - 2009) !EWXZ_^çæ&8ZfZcZ_^;WçV&$%&!&$%( - Head of SBU Commodity and Trade Solutions (2014 - present) - Acting Commercial I Service Development Division Head (2014 - 2015) !>FBFdWWbZ^XFe`WbfZcZX^7_]]ZddWW"ICG<FH7B:<A8B!F<&$$,!`bWcW^d SBU Komoditi dan Solusi Perdagangan membina 5 kelompok jasa yaitu: Inspeksi dan Audit; Pengujian dan Analisis; Konsultasi; Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi. Kelompok jasa tersebut melingkupi layanan inspeksi kuantitas, kualitas dan kondisi, sertifikasi sistem manajemen, audit kelayakan, kapasitas dan kapabilitas, konsultasi, manajemen dan / atau supervisi barang agunan, serta pengendalian hama. SBU Commodity and Trade Solutions develops 5 groups of services, which are: Inspection and Audit, Testing and Analysis, Consultation, Training, and Certification. These groups cover services in quantity, quality and condition inspection, certification of management system, feasibility, capacity and capability audits, consultation, management and / or supervision of collateral goods, along with pest control. Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 125 Portofolio bisnis ini menangani pelanggan dari berbagai sektor, mulai dari sektor pertambangan, sektor industri logam, pupuk dan semen, sektor pertanian, peternakan, industri petrokimia, industri produk konsumen, sektor industri pakan ternak, industri pangan, industri rokok, hingga sektor perbankan dan lembaga keuangan non-bank. This business portfolio handles customers from various sectors, including mining, metal industry, fertilizer and cement, agriculture, livestock, petrochemical industry, consumer product industry, livestock feed industry, crop industry, tobacco industry, to banking and non-bank financial institutions Beberapa jasa yang mempunyai portofolio di bawah pembinaan SBU KSP tahun 2014 adalah : Several services under the SBU Commodity and Trade Solutions portfolio in 2014 included : 1. 1. Inspeksi dan Audit Komoditas Pangan dan Pertanian Crop and Agriculture Commodity Inspection and Audit 2. Inspeksi Tempat Penyimpanan Barang 2. Storage of Goods Inspection 3. Audit Kelayakan Penanganan Hewan Ternak dan Kemamputelusuran 3. Ethical Treatment and Traceability of Livestock Audit (" <^c`W\cZVç^IWbZÄ\çcZCb_Ve\>WYedç^ç^ 4. :_bWcdCb_VeUW<^c`WUdZ_^ç^VIWbZÄUçdZ_^ 5. Manajemen Agunan / Persediaan 5. Collateral / Stock Management 6. Pemantauan Agunan / Persediaan 6. Collateral / Stock Monitoring +" IWbZÄ\çcZ#9cdZ]çcZCWbcWVZçç^ 7. Fd_U\IWbZÄUçdZ_^#9cdZ]çdZ_^ 8. Pengendalian Hama 8. Pest Control 9. Inspeksi Produk Konsumen 9. Consumer Product Inspection 10. Inspeksi Produk Logam, Pupuk dan Semen 10. Metal, Fertilizer and Cement Product Inspection 11. Inspeksi Pra-Pengapalan (CISS) 11. Pre-Shipment Inspection (CISS) 12. Audit Kapabilitas dan Kapasitas Pabrik 12. Factory Capability and Capacity Audit 13. Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen Produk Pangan dan Pakan Ternak 13. Certification of Crop and Livestock Feed Product Management Systems 14. Konsultasi Pelaksanaan Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 14. Consultation on the Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 15. Penyusunan Studi Kelayakan Proyek Pertanian 15. Design of Agricultural Project Feasibility Study 16. Pemeringkatan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro 16. @ZUb_Ä^ç^UW<^cdZdedZ_^Eç^\Z^X 17. Pelatihan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan, Pakan dan Produk Pertanian 17. Agricultural Product, Livestock Feed and Food Security Management System Training 18. Pengujian dan Analisa Kimia Umum dan Produk Konsumen 18. Consumer Product and General Chemical Analysis and Testing %-" IWbZÄ\çcZ\Wç]ç^ç^7çbX_HVçbç 19. 5Zb7çbX_FçåWdèIWbZÄUçdZ_^ KINERJA SBU KOMODITI DAN SOLUSI PERDAGANGAN 2014 SBU COMMODITY AND TRADE SOLUTIONS PERFORMANCE IN 2014 Pada bulan Februari tahun 2014, SBU Komoditi dan Solusi Perdagangan (KSP) terbentuk untuk melayani 19 jenis jasa dengan aktivitas pelayanan mencakup sertifikasi, audit dan pelatihan. Dalam operasional hariannya SBU KSP berkoordinasi dengan 30 Kantor Cabang di seluruh Indonesia. On February 2014, SBU Commodity and Trade Solutions (CTS) was formed to offer 19 types of services with activities including certification, audit, and training. In its daily operations, SBU CTS coordinates with 30 branch offices throughout Indonesia. Karena terbentuknya SBU KSP ini baru, maka realisasi pendapatan tahun 2014 tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 yang sebelumnya merupakan bisnis Centre of Excellence (COE). Due to its formation in 2014, revenue from SBU Laboratory in 2014 cannot be compared with 2013. It previously took the form of a Center of Excellence (CoE) business. 126 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Kinerja secara konsolidasi dapat disampaikan sebagai berikut : No. Unit Kerja Consolidated presentation of the SBU’s performance can be found as follows : Pendapatan Operasi B`WbçdZ^XEWfW^eW Anggaran EWçæZcçcZ Target EWçæZiçdZ_^ Work Unit 286.988,3 188.498,0 PORTFOLIO TOTAL 39.000,0 7.974,8 SBU Commodity & Trade Solution 0,0 0,0 Cibitung branch Cabang Bandung 6.800,0 3.545,0 Bandung branch 4 Cabang Bandar Lampung 16.076,1 8.943,9 Bandar Lampung branch 5 Cabang Banjarmasin 14.816,5 9.138,9 Banjarmasin branch 6 Cabang Bengkulu 1.068,8 638,3 Bengkulu branch 7 Cabang Bekasi 14.000,0 13.606,5 Bekasi branch 8 Cabang Balikpapan 8.750,0 2.200,2 Balikpapan branch 9 Cabang Bontang 4.235,8 4.242,9 Bontang branch 10 Cabang Batu Licin 2.000,0 958,6 Batu Licin branch 11 Cabang Batam 6.600,0 3.506,6 Batam branch 12 Cabang Cilegon 16.517,0 14.176,1 Cilegon branch 13 Cabang Cilacap 2.200,0 1.601,7 Cilacap branch 14 Cabang Cirebon 566,0 495,9 Cirebon branch 15 Cabang Dumai 8.950,0 8.074,9 Dumai branch 16 Cabang Denpasar 769,4 187,8 Denpasar branch 17 Cabang Jakarta 25.813,2 23.576,9 Jakarta branch 18 Cabang Jambi 1.930,0 2.129,0 Jambi branch 19 Cabang Medan 8.892,6 6.905,0 Medan branch 20 Cabang Manado 1.589,0 554,5 Manado branch 21 Cabang Makassar 13.500,0 8.898,3 Makassar branch 22 Cabang Padang 5.333,5 3.643,9 Padang branch 23 Cabang Pekanbaru 8.100,0 8.907,6 Pekanbaru branch 24 Cabang Palembang 2.942,0 4.058,3 Palembang branch 25 Cabang Palu 3.000,0 1.429,2 Palu branch 26 Cabang Pontianak 6.250,0 3.712,3 Pontianak branch 27 Cabang Surabaya 53.940,5 33.137,1 Surabaya branch 28 Cabang Sangatta 1.593,9 442,0 Sangatta branch 29 Cabang Samarinda 2.985,0 2.117,0 Samarinda branch 30 Cabang Semarang 8.269,0 7.773,9 Semarang branch 31 Cabang Timika 0,0 0,0 Timika branch 32 Cabang Tarakan 500,0 1.920,9 Tarakan branch A TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1 SBU Komoditi & Solusi Perdagangan 2 Cabang Cibitung 3 Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 127 EWçæZcçcZ`W^Vç`çdç^&$%(\_^c_æZVçcZcWTWcçbE`%,, ) miliar ( atau menurun sebesar 65,7% ) dari anggaran 2014, hal ini disebabkan adanya penganggaran yang tidak realistis dimana realisasi pendapatan 2013 tidak murni / tercampur dengan pendapatan SBU lainnya, sehingga anggaran 2014 yang ditetapkan menjadi tidak realistis yakni 147% dari realisasi 2013 murni dari Jasa SBU KSP cWTWcçbE`%-( )]ZæZçb" 7_^c_æZVçdWVbWfW^eWZ^&$%(bWçUYWVE`%,,")TZææZ_^ _b decrease 65.7% of the 2014 budget targets. This is due to unrealistic budgetic, in which calculated actual revenue in 2013 had been mixed with the revenues of other SBUs. Due to this, the established 2014 budget had become unrealistic, establishing a target of 147% from base 2013 actual revenue from SBU CTS services amounting to E`%-(")TZææZ_^" Kenaikan anggaran 2014 tersebut tidak sesuai dengan karakter bisnis SBU KSP yang bersifat retail dimana untuk karakter bisnis SBU KSP yang rata-rata growth nya dari tahun ketahun maksimal hanya 15%. Akibatnya pencapaian realisasi tahun 2014 masih sangat jauh dari anggarannya yang hanya 65,7%. Meskipun demikian jika dibandingkan dengan realisasi 2013 SBU KSP Murni, Pendapatan tahun 2014 tercapai sebesar 94,5%. Increase in the 2014 budget target is not suitable to the business characteristic of SBU CTS, which is retail in nature. Average growth for businesses with SBU CTS’ characteristic from year to year had been 15% at most. Thus, actual revenue achieved in 2014 remains far from the amount targeted in the budget, only achieving 65.7%. However, compared to the base 2013 SBU CTS actual revenue, 94.5% of this amount has been achieved in 2014. KEBIJAKAN DAN STRATEGI SBU KOMODITI DAN SOLUSI PERDAGANGAN POLICIES AND STRATEGIES OF SBU COMMODITY AND TRADE SOLUTIONS Sebagaimana tugas pokok dan fungsinya kebijakan atas pengelolaan portofolio kelompok jasa lingkup komoditi dan solusi perdagangan level korporat adalah sebagai Koordinator dalam produksi jasa yang sifatnya nasional / internasional, pengelolaan pelanggan level corporate, pusat keahlian (centre of excellence), pengelolaan QA / QC level nasional dan menjadi mitra Divisi pengembangan jasa komersial I (DPJ KOM 1). In accordance to its core duties and functions, the policy for the management of the commodity and trade solutions service group portfolio at corporate level is to serve as Coordinator in the production of services at national / international level, management of customers in corporate level, center of excellence, management of QA / QC at national level, and becoming a partner to Commercial Service Development 2 Division. Strategi yang diterapkan dalam rangka pencapaian target usaha adalah meningkatkan kualitas layanan dan kredibilitas perusahaan, optimalisasi kegiatan penjualan, strategi penguatan sumber bahan baku, penyelesaian aspek legalitas / perizinan operasional, penguatan infrastruktur serta pengembangan orientasi dan target pasar Jasa Pengendalian Hama (JPH). Strategies implemented to achieve business targets are to increase quality of service and company credibility, optimize sales activities, consolidate sources of raw materials, resolve operational permit / legal aspects, consolidate infrastructure, and develop market orientation and targets in Pest Control Services. PELUANG DAN TARGET 2015 OPPORTUNITIES AND TARGETS IN 2015 @W]`WbYçdZ\ç^ \WTZ[ç\ç^ `W^dZ^X CW]WbZ^dçY E< Vçæç] swasembada pangan dalam negeri, wajib SNI untuk barang tertentu, mendorong bertumbuhan industri pangan dalam negeri, ekspor TPT, elektronika dan suku cadang otomotif, kesadaran atas mutu dan keamanan pangan serta pemberlakuan pasar bebas dikawasan Asia menjadikan peluang dan tantangan tersendiri untuk meraih pangsa pasar secara optimal. SBU CTS shall observe important policies from the Government of Indonesia in domestic food self-sufficiency and SNI standards for certain goods, encourage the growth of the domestic food industry, textile and textile product export, and automotive parts, develop awareness towards quality and food security. Moreover, the implementation of a free market in Asia will serve as a unique opportunity and challenge in obtaining optimal market shares. Target Anggaran 2015 SBU KSP secara konsolidasi çVçæçY cWTWcçb E`&%) %) ]ZæZçb èç^X TWbce]TWb Vç^ berfokus pada penggalian pendapatan pada portofolio jasa yang dimiliki saat ini dengan tetap meraih peluang potensi pasar secara optimal baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri dan secara terus menerus mengikuti perkembangan bisnis dan teknologi terkini dalam bidang ISPP. Consolidated SBU CTS budget targets in the 2015 6eVXWd Zc WcdçTæZcYWV çc E`&%)"%) TZææZ_^ gYZUY cYçææ originate from and be focused on revenue generation in service portolios available thus far while simultaneously obtaining potential markets in an optimum manner, both at national and international level. The SBU will also have to follow recent business and technology developments in Inspection, Certification, Testing, and Study. 128 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report TINJAUAN SEGMEN SBU GOVERNMENT I Segment Overview of SBU Government I PROFIL PEJABAT SBU GOVERNMENT I SBU Government I Head Profile Lahir di Banyumas tanggal 3 September 1967 umur 47 tahun, menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jurusan Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor pada tahun 1995. Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 1992. Memulai karir sebagai 5eVZd_b?ç`_bç^EWçæZcçcZ9\c`_b?E9"@W^W]`çdZTWbTçXçZ`_cZcZ\e^UZVZ SUCOFINDO sebagai: - Pjs. Kepala SBU Goverment I (2014) - Kepala SBU Government II (2014) !5cZcdW^ICF6Hé_fWb^]W^d&$%& !ICF6H>WYedç^ç^ >Wæçedç^ CWbZ\ç^ç^Vç^?Z^X\e^Xç^&$$, M. HARIS WITJAKSONO Kepala SBU Government I Head of SBU Government I He was born in Banyumas on 3 September 1967, and is 47 years of age. He completed his study in Forestry at Bogor Agricultural University in 1995. ;W[_Z^WVFH7B:<A8BcZ^UW%--&ç^VU_]]W^UWVYZcUçbWWbçcç^?E95eVZd_b"±;W occupied various key positions in SUCOFINDO, such as: !±Acting SBU Goverment I Head (2014) - Head of SBU Government II, Head Office (2014) - 5cZcdW^ICF6Hé_fWb]W^d&$%& !IZUWCbWcZVW^d_åF6H:_bWcdbè @çbZ^Wbè :ZcYWbèç^VdYW9^fZb_^]W^d ;WçVBåÄUW&$$, SBU Government I melayani berbagai aktivitas jasa dalam ruang lingkup Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian Perdagangan, BKPM (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal), Kementerian BUMN, Kementerian Transportasi, Kementerian Koperasi, Bappenas, dan Institusi Internasional. SBU Government I provides service activities focused on the government with a scope covering the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade, Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE), Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Cooperatives, National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) and International Institutions. Berikut ini adalah beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh SBU Government I: %" IWbZÄ\çcZ Vç^ @_^Zd_bZ^X >WXZçdç^ <^fWcdçcZ Perdagangan, dan Industri. &" IWbZÄ\çcZ Vç^ @_^Zd_bZ^X GZ^X\çd >_]`_^W^ 8çæç] Negeri. 3. Konsultasi Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan, Monitoring, dan Evaluasi Pembangunan. 4. Konsultasi Pengembangan dan Pembangunan Telematika Terpadu. Some of the activities conducted by SBU Government I are as follows: 1. IWbZÄUçdZ_^ç^V@_^Zd_bZ^X_å<^fWcd]W^d GbçVW ç^V Industrial Activities. 2. IWbdZÄUçdZ_^ ç^V @_^Zd_bZ^X _å ?WfWæ _å ?_Uçææè! Produced Components. 3. Consultation on Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Development. 4. Consultation on Integrated Telematics Development and Construction. Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 129 KINERJA 2014 SBO GOVERNMENT I SBU GOVERNMENT I PERFORMANCE IN 2014 Pada tahun 2014, SBU Government I melayani 6 (enam) jenis jasa dengan aktivitas pelayanan mencakup verifikasi keteknikan, survei, kajian umum dan monitoring, konsultansi, audit, dan pelatihan. Jumlah ini menurun dari tahun 2013 yang hanya berjumlah 10 jenis jasa layanan. In 2014, SBU Government I offered 6 (six) types of services which cover technical verification, survel, general study and monitoring, consultation, audit, and training. This amount decreased from the number of services offered in 2013, which had been 10. Penurunan ini disebabkan karena adanya perubahan organisasi, dimana SBU Government (2013) menjadi SBU Government I (2014) sehingga jumlah layanan di Kementerian menjadi berkurang yang semula seluruh Kementerian menjadi hanya 10 Kementerian. This decrease is caused by an organizational structure change, in which SBU Government (2013) became SBU Government I (2014), reducing the number of Ministries offered service to decrease from all Ministries to only 10 Ministries. Secara umum, kegiatan yang dilakukan pada sektor pemerintahan di tahun 2014 di antaranya: In general, activities conducted in the government sector in 2014 included: a. Kegiatan Survei: ! FebfWZ >WTedeYç^ éeæç EçÄ^çcZ e^de\ <^VecdbZ Makanan dan Minuman - Pemetaan Komoditi Hasil Agro Tahun 2014 - Identifikasi Supply Chain Komoditi Hasil Industri 2014 - Pemetaan Potensi dan Kemampuan Industri Komponen Otomotif Nasional a. Survey Activities: FebfWè_åEWÄ^WVFeXçb8W]ç^Vcå_bdYW:__V and Beverage Industry Agro Commodity Mapping for 2014 Supply Chain Identification for Industrial Commodities in 2014 National Automotive Component Industry Potential and Ability Mapping b. Konsultasi Pelatihan dan Kajian Umum (KPKU): - Jasa Konsultasi Pemetaan Komoditi Bahan Berbahaya (B2) - Inventarisasi Kemampuan Industri dan Penyusunan Profil Industri Bahan Baku Nabati (BBN) - Konsultasi Manajemen dan Monitoring Industri Gula b. Consultation on Training and General Study (KPKU): Consultation on Hazardous Commodity Mapping c. Verifikasi Keteknikan (VERTEK): ! IWbZÄ\çcZE_dç^5^dçbCeæçe ! IWbZÄ\çcZ9\c`_bCb_Ve\>WYedç^ç^ ! IWbZÄ\çcZ>_^dbç\CW^[eçæç^Vç^CW^èçæebç^éeæç >bZcdçæEçÄ^çcZ ! IWbZÄ\çcZ8ZcdbZTecZéeæçGçYe^&$%( ! IWbZÄ\çcZG>8A ! IWbZÄ\çcZ >Wçcçæç^ 6çbç^X 9\c`_b <^V_^WcZç 8çæç] Eç^X\ç CW^Wdç`ç^ 9\c`_bdZb 6WbcWbdZÄ\çd pada Skema ASEAN ! IWbZÄ\çcZEW^Uç^ç<]`_b6çbç^X c. Technical Vertification: IWbZÄUçdZ_^_å7b_cc!<cæç^VEçddç^ IWbZÄUçdZ_^_å:_bWcdbèCb_VeUd9h`_bd IWbZÄUçdZ_^_åFçæWç^V8ZcdbZTedZ_^7_^dbçUdcå_b EWÄ^WV7bècdçææZ^WFeXçb IWbZÄUçdZ_^_åFeXçb8ZcdbZTedZ_^Z^&$%( IWbZÄUçdZ_^_åG>8A IWbZÄUçdZ_^_å<^V_^WcZç^9h`_bdWVé__Vc¼ Places of Origin for the Establishment of Certified Exporters in ASEAN IWbZÄUçdZ_^_å<]`_bdWVé__VcCæç^c Beberapa lembaga dan Kementerian yang menjadi mitra kerja SBU Government I di tahun 2014, antara lain: 1. Kementerian Perindustrian 2. Kementerian Perdagangan 3. Pertamina 4. Swasta (K3S) Some institutions and Ministries which became business partners to SBU Government I in 2014 included: 1. Ministry of Industry 2. Ministry of Trade 3. Pertamina 4. Private Institution (K3S) Inventory of Industrial Capability and Profiling of dYWEçgIWXWdçTæW@çdWbZçæ<^Vecdbè Consultation on Management and Monitoring of the Sugar Industry 130 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KEBIJAKAN DAN STRATEGI SBU GOVERNMENT I POLICIES AND STRATEGIES OF SBU GOVERNMENT I 1. 1. Membantu Lobby / Pemenangan Proyek dimasingmasing Departemen / Lembaga 2. Mensupport Kebutuhan SDM, Sarana dan Prasarana proyek SBU 3. Membantu Kelancaran UMK / PUMK 4. Memperkuat Pola Hubungan Penanganan Proyek Pusat dan Cabang Provide assistance in lobbying for / securing projects in each Department / Institution 2. Fe``_bd ;E åçUZæZdè ç^V Z^åbçcdbeUdebW ^WWVc d_ projects / SBU 3. Assist in smooth proceedings for small and microenterprises 4. Consolidating connection patterns in central and branch project management KINERJA SBU GOVERMENT I SBU GOVERNMENT I PERFORMANCE IN 2014 Kinerja konsolidasi SBU Government I dapat dijelaskan dalam tabel sebagai berikut : Consolidated presentation of SBU Government I’s performance can be found as follows: No. Unit Kerja Pendapatan Operasi B`WbçdZ^XEWfW^eW Anggaran Target EWçæZcçcZ Actual Work Unit 228.386,6 148.502,1 PORTFOLIO TOTAL SBU Goverment I 166.211,3 110.509,9 SBU Goverment I 2 Cabang Cibitung 0,0 0,0 Cibitung branch 3 Cabang Bandung 700,0 316,0 Bandung branch 4 Cabang Bandar Lampung 0,0 626,0 Bandar Lampung branch 5 Cabang Banjarmasin 0,0 346,8 Banjarmasin branch 6 Cabang Bengkulu 450,0 166,8 Bengkulu branch 7 Cabang Bekasi 0,0 0,0 Bekasi branch 8 Cabang Balikpapan 6.000,0 1.468,4 Balikpapan branch 9 Cabang Bontang 0,0 0,0 Bontang branch 10 Cabang Batu Licin 0,0 0,0 Batu Licin branch 11 Cabang Batam 0,0 3.583,8 Batam branch 12 Cabang Cilegon 400,0 96,0 Cilegon branch 13 Cabang Cilacap 1.200,0 379,9 Cilacap branch 14 Cabang Cirebon 9.312,5 3.832,2 Cirebon branch A TOTAL PORTFOLIO 1 15 Cabang Dumai 850,0 803,4 Dumai branch 16 Cabang Denpasar 900,0 391,3 Denpasar branch 17 Cabang Jakarta 0,0 10.894,2 Jakarta branch 18 Cabang Jambi 1.000,0 141,7 Jambi branch 19 Cabang Medan 4.250,0 789,0 Medan branch 20 Cabang Manado 570,0 99,9 Manado branch 1.761,0 1.315,4 Makassar branch 0,0 31,5 Padang branch 21 Cabang Makassar 22 Cabang Padang 23 Cabang Pekanbaru 150,0 22,3 Pekanbaru branch 24 Cabang Palembang 2.000,0 110,3 Palembang branch 25 Cabang Palu 500,0 262,7 Palu branch 26 Cabang Pontianak 750,0 1.393,7 Pontianak branch 27 Cabang Surabaya 15.000,0 4.584,5 Surabaya branch 28 Cabang Sangatta 0,0 0,0 Sangatta branch 29 Cabang Samarinda 4.962,5 1.811,7 Samarinda branch 30 Cabang Semarang 11.419,3 4.423,9 Semarang branch 31 Cabang Timika 0,0 0,0 Timika branch 32 Cabang Tarakan 0,0 100,7 Tarakan branch Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 131 TINJAUAN SEGMEN SBU GOVERNMENT II Segment Overview of SBU Government II PROFIL PEJABAT SBU GOVERNMENT II SBU Government II Head Profile Lahir di Banyumas tanggal 3 September 1967 umur 47 tahun, menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jurusan Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor pada tahun 1995. Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 1992. Memulai karir sebagai 5eVZd_b?ç`_bç^EWçæZcçcZ9\c`_b?E9"@W^W]`çdZTWbTçXçZ`_cZcZ\e^UZVZ SUCOFINDO sebagai: - Pjs. Kepala SBU Goverment I (2014) - Kepala SBU Government II (2014) !5cZcdW^ICF6Hé_fWb^]W^d&$%& !ICF6H>WYedç^ç^ >Wæçedç^ CWbZ\ç^ç^Vç^?Z^X\e^Xç^&$$, He was born in Banyumas on 3 September 1967, and is 47 years of age. He completed his study in Forestry at Bogor Agricultural University in 1995. M. HARIS WITJAKSONO Kepala SBU Government II Head of SBU Government II ;W[_Z^WVFH7B:<A8BcZ^UW%--&ç^VU_]]W^UWVYZcUçbWWbçcç^?E95eVZd_b"±;W occupied various key positions in SUCOFINDO, such as: !±Acting SBU Goverment I Head (2014) - Head of SBU Government II, Head Office (2014) - 5cZcdW^ICF6Hé_fWb]W^d&$%& !IZUWCbWcZVW^d_åF6H:_bWcdbè @çbZ^Wbè :ZcYWbèç^VdYW9^fZb_^]W^d ;WçVBåÄUW&$$, Berikut ini adalah beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh SBU Government II: Some of the activities conducted by SBU Government II can be found as follows: 1. 1. Survei dan Pemetaan Survey and mapping 2. Konsultasi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi pembangunan infrastruktur 2. Consultation on planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of infrastructure development 3. Konsultasi pengembangan dan pembangunan telematika terpadu sektor pemerintah dan BUMN 3. Consultation on integrated telematics development and construction in the government and SOE sectors 4. Konsultasi, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi pembangunan pertanian, kehutanan, kelautan dan perikanan 4. Consultation, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of developments in agriculture, forestry, marinery, and fishery 5. Konsultasi, survei, monitoring dan evaluasi pelayanan publik 5. Consultation, survey, monitoring and evaluation of public service 6. Solusi bisnis teknologi informasi 6. Information technology business solutions 132 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KINERJA 2014 SBU GOVERNMENT II PERFORMANCE OF SBU GOVERNMENT II IN 2014 Pada tahun 2014, SBU Goverment II dengan aktivitas mencakup jasa-jasa yang fokus kepada pemerintahan dengan ruang lingkup di luar yang telah menjadi ruang lingkup SBU Government I. In 2014, SBU Government II with activities include services focused on government outside the scope of which has become the scope of SBU Government I. Kinerja konsolidasi SBU Government II dapat dijelaskan dalam tabel sebagai berikut : Consolidated presentation of SBU Government II’s performance can be found as follows : No. Unit Kerja Pendapatan Operasi B`WbçdZ^XEWfW^eW Anggaran Target Realisasi EWçæZiçdZ_^ Work Unit A TOTAL PORTFOLIO 147.049,7 66.918,6 PORTFOLIO TOTAL 1 SBU Goverment II 117.366,7 46.880,8 SBU Goverment II 2 Cabang Cibitung 0,0 0,0 Cibitung branch 3 Cabang Bandung 3.908,0 247,8 Bandung branch 4 Cabang Bandar Lampung 0,0 0,0 Bandar Lampung branch 5 Cabang Banjarmasin 0,0 0,0 Banjarmasin branch 6 Cabang Bengkulu 0,0 0,0 Bengkulu branch 7 Cabang Bekasi 0,0 0,0 Bekasi branch 8 Cabang Balikpapan 0,0 0,0 Balikpapan branch 9 Cabang Bontang 300,0 0,0 Bontang branch 10 Cabang Batu Licin 0,0 0,0 Batu Licin branch 11 Cabang Batam 0,0 0,0 Batam branch 12 Cabang Cilegon 0,0 0,0 Cilegon branch 13 Cabangcilacap 2.000,0 0,0 Cilacap branch 14 Cabang Cirebon 0,0 0,0 Cirebon branch 15 Cabang Dumai 16 Cabang Denpasar 17 0,0 0,0 Dumai branch 150,0 0,0 Denpasar branch Cabang Jakarta 0,0 0,0 Jakarta branch 18 Cabang Jambi 0,0 0,0 Jambi branch 19 Cabang Medan 0,0 0,0 Medan branch 20 Cabang Manado 0,0 0,0 Manado branch 21 Cabang Makassar 0,0 0,0 Makassar branch 22 Cabang Padang 0,0 0,0 Padang branch 23 Cabang Pekanbaru 13.950,0 9.797,2 Pekanbaru branch 24 Cabang Palembang 0,0 0,0 Palembang branch 25 Cabang Palu 0,0 0,0 Palu branch 26 Cabang Pontianak 0,0 0,0 Pontianak branch 27 Cabang Surabaya 6.400,0 8.980,2 Surabaya branch 28 Cabang Sangatta 0,0 0,0 Sangatta branch 29 Cabang Samarinda 2.500,0 479,7 Samarinda branch 30 Cabang Semarang 475,0 98,4 Semarang branch 31 Cabang Timika 0,0 0,0 Timika branch 32 Cabang Tarakan 0,0 434,6 Tarakan branch Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 133 Beberapa lembaga dan Kementerian yang menjadi mitra kerja SBU Government II di tahun 2014, antara lain: Several institutions and ministries that become business partners to SBU Government II in 2014 included: 1. 1. Kementerian Pertanian Ministry of Agriculture 2. Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan 2. Ministry of Marinery and Fishery 3. Kementerian Kehutanan 3. Ministry of Forestry 4. Kementerian Pegawaian Umum 4. Ministry of Public Work 5. Kementerian Perhubungan 5. Ministry of Transportation *" >W]W^dWbZç^AWXçbçCWbe]çYç^Eç\èçd 6. State Ministry of Public Housing 7. Kementerian Komunikasi Dan Informatika 7. Ministry of Communication and Information Technology 8. State Ministry of Efficient Utilization of State Apparatus 8. Kementerian Negara Negara / BKN Pemberdayaan Aparatur 9. Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional 9. Ministry of National Education 10. Kementerian Kesehatan 10. Ministry of Health 11. Kementerian Dalam Negeri 11. Ministry of Home Affairs 12. Kementerian Agama 12. @Z^Zcdbè_åEWæZXZ_^ 13. Kementerian Pertahanan 13. Ministry of Defense 14. Kementerian Sosial 14. Ministry of Social Affairs 15. Bakosurtanal 15. Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (Bakosurtanal) 16. BPPT 16. BPPT 17. BAPETEN 17. BAPETEN 18. BATAN 18. BATAN 19. Pemerintah Daerah 19. EWXZ_^çæé_fWb^]W^dc 134 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report TINJAUAN KINERJA KEUANGAN Financial Performance Overview Pembahasan dan analisis mengenai tinjauan kinerja keuangan Perusahaan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2014, disusun berdasar Laporan Keuangan PT SUCOFINDO untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2014, serta tahun buku 2013 dan 2012 sebagai pembanding. Analysis and discussion on the Company’s financial `Wbå_b]ç^UW gZdYZ^ dYW &$%( 5^^eçæ EW`_bd YçfW TWW^ U_]`ZæWVTçcWV_^dYWCGFH7B:<A8B:Z^ç^UZçæEW`_bd for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2014 and fiscal years 2013 and 2012 for comparison. Laporan Keuangan disusun sesuai Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) di Indonesia, dan telah VZçeVZd_æWY>ç^d_b5\e^dç^CeTæZ\Eç]çJWVbçVW^Xç^ opini Wajar Dalam Semua Hal Yang Material. GYW :Z^ç^UZçæ EW`_bd Yçc TWW^ U_]`ZæWV TçcWV _^ dYW Financial Accounting Standards in effect in Indonesia CF5>ç^VYçcTWW^çeVZdWVTèCeTæZU5UU_e^dç^dEç]ç Wedra with an unqualified opinion in all material respects. LABA RUGI KOMPREHENSIF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME STATEMENT Perolehan Laba Komprehensif Konsolidasian FH7B:<A8B`çVçdçYe^&$%(çVçæçYcWTWcçbE`%')"+$ miliar Perolehan tersebut naik 19,9% dibanding tahun &$%'èç^X]W^Uç`çZE`%%' %+]ZæZçb" SUCOFINDO’s Consolidated Comprehensive Income in &$%( ç]_e^dWV d_ E`%')"+$ TZææZ_^ Z^UbWçcZ^X Tè %-"- U_]`çbWVd_dYçdZ^&$%' gYZUYbWçUYWVE`%%'"%+TZææZ_^" Peningkatan laba disebabkan adanya peningkatan kerjasama operasi mencapai 48,8%. Increase in income was due to increased operation collaboration, reaching 48.8%. Kami sertakan pula pembahasan dari setiap faktor yang ]W]`W^XçbeYZ`W^Uç`çZç^çdçc?çTçEeXZ>_]`bWYW^cZå Konsolidasian SUCOFINDO, pada bagian selanjutnya. We have included discussions on all influential factors towards the achievement of SUCOFINDO’s Consolidated Comprehensive Income in the following sections. Tabel Perhitungan Laba Rugi Komprehensif Table of Comprehensive Income Statement Uraian Description 1 Pendapatan EWfW^eW Realisasi 2014 2014 EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 2013 EWçæZiçdZ_^ Selisih Difference 2 3 4 (2-3) (2-4) Pencapaian Achievement (2-3) (2-4) 1.706.334,8 2.150.879,8 1.730.010,7 (444.545,0) (23.675,9) 79,3% 98,6% (1.262.641,4) (1.410.196,2) (1.181.126,7) 147.554,8 (81.514,8) 110,5% 93,1% 443.693,4 740.683,6 548.884,1 (296.990,2) 59,9% 80,8% Pendapatan KSO Cooperation (KSO) EWfW^eW 179.474,5 100.000,0 120.597,2 79.474,5 58.877,3 179,5% 148,8% Laba Kotor setelah KSO Gross Profit After KSO 623.167,9 840.683,6 669.481,3 (217.515,7) (46.313,4) 74,1% 93,1% Beban Usaha Operating Expense (344.509,3) (543.916,4) (401.290,7) 199.407,1 56.781,4 136,7% 114,1% Laba Usaha Operating Income 278.658,6 296.767,2 268.190,6 (18.108,6) 10.468,0 93,9% 103,9% Beban Pokok Pendapatan 7_cd_åEWfW^eW Laba Kotor Gross Profit (105.190,7) Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen 135 / Management Discussion and Analysis Laba Sebelum Pajak Income Before Tax 215.078,4 213.276,7 211.567,5 1.801,7 3.510,8 100,8% 101,7% Laba Bersih Net Income 135.700,9 134.410,9 113.172,4 1.290,0 22.528,5 101,0% 119,9% PENDAPATAN OPERASI PER SEGMEN OPERATING REVENUE PER SEGMENT Porsi pendapatan Perusahaan pada tahun 2014 terbesar berasal dari segmen usaha Mineral dan Batubara. Dari sisi profit margin, segmen usaha Mineral dan Batubara masih menempati posisi teratas dalam pencapaian laba SUCOFINDO yaitu mencapai 31,6%. The biggest portion from the Company’s revenue in 2014 had been contributed from the Mineral and Coal business segment. In terms of profit margin, the Mineral and Coal business segment still occupies the top position in obtaining profit for SUCOFINDO, having a portion of 31.6%. Pendapatan usaha di tahun 2014 mengalami penurunan sebesar 1,4% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. CW^Vç`çdç^ecçYç`çVçdçYe^&$%(dWbUçdçdE`%"+$* '' miliar, sedangkan pendapatan di tahun 2013 tercatat E`%"+'$ $%]ZæZçb" Operating revenue in 2014 experienced a decrease by 1.4% compared to that of the previous year. Operating bWfW^eWZ^&$%(YçcTWW^bWU_bVWVçdE`% +$*"''TZææZ_^ whereas the revenue in 2013 had been 2013 tercatat E`% +'$"$%TZææZ_^" Penurunan pendapatan usaha disebabkan karena: » Terdapat ketentuan / regulasi Pemerintah yang melarang ekspor bahan tambang mentah » Penyesuaian anggaran belanja Pemerintah dalam program-program terkait dengan penggunaan surveyor / konsultan » Penurunan laju ekpor dan impor pada komoditas pertanian dan tekstil » Perijinan bahan baku fumigasi yang terkendala dengan ketentuan bahan berbahaya. Decrease in operating revenue may have been caused by: ¾Government regulations prohibiting the export of raw mining materials ¾Adjustment of the Government’s state budget in programs employing surveyor / consultant services ¾Declining export and import rate for commodities in agriculture and textile ¾Permits for fumigant ingredients obstructed by provisions on dangerous substances. Perolehan Pendapatan Berdasar Segmen Usaha Revenue Based on Business Segment Segmen Usaha Business Segment 1 Realisasi 2014 2014 EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 2013 EWçæZiçdZ_^ 2 3 4 Selisih Difference (2-3) Pencapaian Achievement (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) Government I Government I 147.984,5 193.575,0 100.885,5 (45.590,5) 47.099,0 76,4% 146,7% Government II Government II 66.401,0 124.635,8 119.800,8 (58.234,8) (53.399,8) 53,3% 55,4% Minyak & Gas Oil & Gas 386.448,7 519.403,0 296.092,1 (132.954,3) 90.356,6 74,4% 130,5% 52.134,3 180.959,5 68.371,0 (128.825,1) (16.236,7) 28,8% 76,3% Komoditi & Solusi Perdagangan Commodity & Trade Solutions 188.033,2 243.244,4 276.896,6 (55.211,2) (88.863,4) 77,3% 67,9% Laboratorium Laboratory 138.324,9 118.893,7 87.647,6 19.431,1 50.677,3 116,3% 157,8% Mineral & Batubara Mineral & Coal 539.596,8 524.324,1 574.764,7 15.272,7 (35.167,9) 102,9% 93,9% Sertifikasi & Eco Framework Certification & Eco Framework 105.994,5 146.244,9 123.958,0 (40.250,4) (17.963,5) 72,5% 85,5% Property Others 26.675,9 21.134,1 30.050,3 5.541,7 (3.374,4) 126,2% 88,8% Lainnya Others 66,5 0,0 10.107,6 66,5 (10.041,1) 0,0% 0,7% Industri Industry 7çdçdç^.8çæç]=edçç^Ee`ZçYA_dW.9h`bWccWVZ^@ZææZ_^<8E 136 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Secara lebih rinci, kinerja pendapatan usaha per segmen usaha adalah sebagai berikut : In more detail, achieved operating revenue for each business segment can be found as follows: Government I Target Revenue (konsolidasi) segmen usaha é_fWb^]W^d<dçYe^&$%(cWTWcçbE`%(+ -,]ZæZçbçdçe 146,7% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue tahun &$%'cWTWcçbE`%$$",,]ZæZçb" Government I Achieved (consolidated) revenue for the Government < TecZ^Wcc cWX]W^d Z^ &$%( bWçUYWV E`%(+"-, TZææZ_^ or 146.7% of the actual revenue obtained in 2013, ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`%$$",,TZææZ_^" Government II Target Revenue (konsolidasi) segmen usaha é_fWb^]W^d << dçYe^ &$%( cWTWcçb E`** ($ ]ZæZçb atau 55,4% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue tahun &$%'cWTWcçbE`%%- ,$]ZæZçb" Government II Achieved (consolidated) revenue for the Government << TecZ^Wcc cWX]W^d Z^ &$%( bWçUYWV E`**"($ TZææZ_^ or 55.4% of the actual revenue obtained in 2013, ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`%%-",$TZææZ_^" Minyak dan Gas Target Revenue (konsolidasi) segmen usaha Migas dçYe^ &$%( cWTWcçb E`',* () ]ZæZçb çdçe %'$ ) dibanding dengan realisasi revenue tahun 2013 cWTWcçbE`&-* $-]ZæZçb" Oil and Gas Achieved (consolidated) revenue for the business cWX]W^d _å BZæ ç^V éçc Z^ &$%( bWçUYWV E`',*"() billion or 130.5% of the actual revenue obtained in &$%' ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`&-*"$-TZææZ_^" Industri Target Revenue (konsolidasi) segmen usaha Industri dçYe^ &$%( cWTWcçb E`)& %' ]ZæZçb çdçe +* ' dibanding dengan realisasi revenue tahun 2013 cWTWcçbE`*, '+]ZæZçb" Industry Achieved (consolidated) revenue for the Industry TecZ^Wcc cWX]W^d Z^ &$%( bWçUYWV E`)&"%' TZææZ_^ or 76.3% of the actual revenue obtained in 2013, ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`*,"'+TZææZ_^" Mineral dan Batubara Target Revenue (konsolidasi) segmen usaha Mineral Vç^ 6çdeTçbç dçYe^ &$%( cWTWcçb E`)'- *$ ]ZæZçb atau 93,9% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue tahun &$%'cWTWcçbE`)+( +*]ZæZçb" Mineral and Coal Achieved (consolidated) revenue for the Mineral and 7_çæ TecZ^Wcc cWX]W^d Z^ &$%( bWçUYWV E`)'-"*$ billion or 93.9% of the actual revenue obtained in &$%' ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`)+("+*TZææZ_^" Sertifikasi dan Eco Framework Target Revenue (konsolidasi) segmen usaha Sertifikasi dan Eco Framework dçYe^ &$%( cWTWcçb E`%$* $ miliar atau 85,5% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue dçYe^&$%'cWTWcçbE`%&' -+]ZæZçb" Certification and Eco Framework Achieved (consolidated) revenue for the Certification and Eco Framework business segment in 2014 bWçUYWVE`%$*"$TZææZ_^_b,)")_ådYWçUdeçæbWfW^eW _TdçZ^WVZ^&$%' ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`%&'"-+TZææZ_^" Laboratorium Target Revenue (konsolidasi) segmen usaha ?çT_bçd_bZe]dçYe^&$%(cWTWcçbE`%', ']ZæZçbçdçe 157,8% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue tahun &$%'cWTWcçbE`,+ +]ZæZçb" Laboratory Achieved (consolidated) revenue for the Laboratory TecZ^Wcc cWX]W^d Z^ &$%( bWçUYWV E`%',"' TZææZ_^ or 157.8% of the actual revenue obtained in 2013, ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`,+"+TZææZ_^" Komoditi dan Solusi Perdagangan Target Revenue (konsolidasi) segmen usaha Komoditi Vç^F_æecZCWbVçXç^Xç^dçYe^&$%(cWTWcçbE`%,, $ miliar atau 67,9% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue dçYe^&$%'cWTWcçbE`&+* -]ZæZçb" Commodity and Trade Solutions Achieved (consolidated) revenue for the Commodity and Trade Solutions business segment in 2014 bWçUYWVE`%,,"$TZææZ_^_b*+"-_ådYWçUdeçæbWfW^eW _TdçZ^WVZ^&$%' ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`&+*"-TZææZ_^" Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen 137 / Management Discussion and Analysis Perolehan Pendapatan dari Anak Perusahaan Revenue from Subsidiary Companies Anak Perusahaan Subsidiaries Realisasi 2014 2014 EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target 2 3 53.016,7 55.243,8 32.300,5 (2.227,1) 1.657,7 23.221,4 10.113,5 (21.563,7) 1 PT SAU PT EPISI Realisasi 2013 2013 EWçæZiçdZ_^ Selisih Difference 4 (2-3) Pencapaian Achievement (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) 20.716,2 96,0% 164,1% (8.455,8) 7,1% 16,4% 7çdçdç^.8çæç]=edçEe`ZçYA_dW.9h`bWccWVZ^@ZææZ_^<8E Pendapatan anak Perusahaan pada tahun 2014 sebesar E`)( +]ZæZçb^çZ\&, -VçbZ&$%'cWTWcçbE`(& (]ZæZçb" Kenaikan tersebut disebabkan adanya penambahan proyek optimalisasi aset PT Kertas Nusantara yang pendapatannya baru dapat diinvoicekan tahun 2014 cWTWcçbE`'$]ZæZçb" EWfW^eWåb_]ceTcZVZçbèU_]`ç^ZWcZ^&$%(ç]_e^dWVd_ E`)("+TZææZ_^ Z^UbWçcZ^XTè&,"-åb_]dYW&$%'ç]_e^d _åE`(&"(TZææZ_^"GYZcZ^UbWçcWZcUçecWVTèdYWçVVZdZ_^ of a previous asset optimization project from PT Kertas Nusantara with an invoice processed in 2014, valued at E`'$TZææZ_^" Beban Pokok Pendapatan Cost of Revenue Segmen Usaha Business Segment 1 Realisasi 2014 &$%(EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 &$%'EWçæZiçdZ_^ 4 2 3 Government I Government I 120.028,6 150.067,0 Government II Government II 69.341,9 Selisih Difference Pencapaian Achievement (2-3) (2-4) 70.288,0 (30.038,4) 49.740,6 80,0% 170,8% 104.237,2 112.562,7 (34.895,3) (43.220,8) 66,5% 61,6% 336.444,1 362.670,2 253.176,4 (26.226,1) 83.267,7 92,8% 132,9% 45.122,3 128.220,3 46.428,4 (83.098,0) (1.306,2) 35,2% 97,2% 144.998,7 159.213,9 207.221,1 (14.215,2) (62.222,4) 91,1% 70,0% Laboratorium Laboratory 94.310,2 69.878,4 49.824,4 24.431,8 44.485,8 135,0% 189,3% Mineral & Batubara Mineral & Coal 295.113,0 274.630,4 283.255,7 20.482,6 11.857,3 107,5% 104,2% Sertifikasi & Eco Framework Certification & Eco Framework 62.888,8 85.984,0 67.433,3 (23.095,3) (4.544,5) 73,1% 93,3% Property Property 20.682,9 16.497,4 13.196,0 4.185,4 7.486,9 125,4% 156,7% Lainnya Others 16.647,9 0 46.422,1 16.647,9 (29.774,2) 0,0% 35,9% PT SAU PT SAU 32.321,6 38.946,8 27.264,3 (6.625,2) 5.057,3 83,0% 118,5% PT EPISI PT EPISI 24.741,6 19.850,6 4.054,3 4.891,0 20.687,3 124,6% 610,3% 1.262.641,5 1.410.196,2 1.181.126,8 (147.554,7) 81.514,7 89,5% 106,9% Minyak & Gas Oil & Gas Industri Industry Komoditi & Solusi Perdagangan Commodity & Trade Solutions Jumlah Total (2-3) (2-4) 7çdçdç^.8çæç]=edçEe`ZçYA_dW.9h`bWccWVZ^@ZææZ_^<8E Beban pokok pendapatan pada tahun 2014 adalah E`%"&*& * ]ZæZçb ^çZ\ * - VZTç^VZ^X dçYe^ &$%' cWTWcçbE`%"%,% %]ZæZçb"5Vç`e^åç\d_b!åç\d_bedç]çèç^X mempengaruhi naiknya beban pokok pendapatan, adalah: inflasi atau kenaikan harga peralatan operasi. 7_cd _å bWfW^eW Z^ &$%( ç]_e^dWV d_ E`% &*&"* TZææZ_^ Z^UbWçcZ^XTè*"-U_]`çbWVd_dYW&$%'fçæeW_åE`% %,%"% billion. The main contributing factors to the total cost of revenue are : inflation or increased prices of operating equipment. 138 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Government I Beban Pokok Pendapatan (konsolidasi) segmen ecçYç é_fWb^]W^d < dçYe^ &$%( cWTWcçb E` %&$ $& miliar atau 170,8% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue dçYe^&$%'cWTWcçbE`+$ ']ZæZçb" Government II Beban Pokok Pendapatan (konsolidasi) segmen ecçYç é_fWb^]W^d << dçYe^ &$%( cWTWcçb E`*- '( miliar atau 61,6% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue dçYe^&$%'cWTWcçbE`%%& )*]ZæZçb" Minyak dan Gas Beban Pokok Pendapatan (konsolidasi) segmen ecçYç@ZXçcdçYe^&$%(cWTWcçbE`''* ((]ZæZçbçdçe 132,9% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue tahun &$%'cWTWcçbE`&)' %+]ZæZçb" Industri Beban Pokok Pendapatan (konsolidasi) segmen ecçYç<^VecdbZdçYe^&$%(cWTWcçbE`() %&]ZæZçbçdçe 97,2% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue tahun 2013 cWTWcçbE`(* (]ZæZçb" Minyak dan Batubara Beban Pokok Pendapatan (konsolidasi) segmen usaha @Z^Wbçæ Vç^ 6çdeTçbç dçYe^ &$%( cWTWcçb E`&-) %% miliar atau 104,2% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue dçYe^&$%'cWTWcçbE`&,' &*]ZæZçb" Sertifikasi dan Eco Framework Beban Pokok Pendapatan (konsolidasi) segmen usaha Sertifikasi dan Eco Framework tahun 2014 cWTWcçbE`*& ,,]ZæZçbçdçe-' 'VZTç^VZ^XVW^Xç^ realisasi revenuedçYe^&$%'cWTWcçbE`*+ (']ZæZçb" Laboratorium Government I Cost of revenue (consolidated) for the Government < TecZ^Wcc cWX]W^d Z^ &$%( ç]_e^dWV d_ E`%&$"$& billion or 170.8% cof the actual revenue obtained in &$%' ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`+$"'TZææZ_^" Government II Cost of revenue (consolidated) for the Government II TecZ^WcccWX]W^dZ^&$%(ç]_e^dWVd_E`*-"'(TZææZ_^ or 61.6% cof the actual revenue obtained in 2013, ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`%%&")*TZææZ_^" Oil and Gas Cost of revenue (consolidated) for the Oil and Gas TecZ^Wcc cWX]W^d Z^ &$%( ç]_e^dWV d_ E`''*"(( billion or 132.9% cof the actual revenue obtained in &$%' ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`&)'"%+TZææZ_^" Industry Cost of revenue (consolidated) for the Industry TecZ^WcccWX]W^dZ^&$%(ç]_e^dWVd_E`()"%&TZææZ_^ or 97.2% cof the actual revenue obtained in 2013, ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`(*"(TZææZ_^" Mineral and Coal Cost of revenue (consolidated) for the Mineral and 7_çæTecZ^WcccWX]W^dZ^&$%(ç]_e^dWVd_E`&-)"%% billion or 104.2% cof the actual revenue obtained in &$%' ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`&,'"&*TZææZ_^" Certification and Eco Framework Cost of revenue (consolidated) for the Certification and Eco Framework business segment in 2014 amounted d_ E`*&",, TZææZ_^ _b -'"' U_å dYW çUdeçæ bWfW^eW _TdçZ^WVZ^&$%' ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`*+"('TZææZ_^" Laboratory Beban Pokok Pendapatan (konsolidasi) segmen usaha ?çT_bçd_bZe]dçYe^&$%(cWTWcçbE`-( '%]ZæZçbçdçe 189,3% dibanding dengan realisasi revenue tahun &$%'cWTWcçbE`(- ,&]ZæZçb" Cost of revenue (consolidated) for the Laboratory TecZ^WcccWX]W^dZ^&$%(ç]_e^dWVd_E`-("'%TZææZ_^ or 189.3% cof the actual revenue obtained in 2013, ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`(-",&TZææZ_^" Komoditi dan Solusi Perdagangan Beban Pokok Pendapatan (konsolidasi) segmen usaha Komoditi dan Solusi Perdagangan tahun 2014 cWTWcçbE`%() $]ZæZçbçdçe+$ $VZTç^VZ^XVW^Xç^ realisasi revenue dçYe^ &$%' cWTWcçb E`&$+ && miliar. Commodity and Trade Solutions Cost of revenue (consolidated) for the Commodity and Trade Solutions business segment in 2014 amounted d_ E`%()"$ TZææZ_^ _b +$"$ U_å dYW çUdeçæ bWfW^eW _TdçZ^WVZ^&$%' ç]_e^dZ^Xd_E`&$+"&&TZææZ_^" LABA KOTOR GROSS PROFIT Laba kotor Perusahaan pada tahun 2014 mencapai cWTWcçb E`*&' %+ ]ZæZçb debe^ * - VZTç^VZ^X\ç^ `Wb_æWYç^dçYe^&$%'cWTWcçbE`**- (,]ZæZçb"CW^ebe^ç^ ini terjadi karena pencapaian pendapatan sebesar 98,6% sedangkan biaya meningkat 1,5% komposisi biaya terdiri dari biaya tetap sebesar 47% disamping itu terjadi fluktuasi mata uang rupiah yang mengakibatkan hargaharga cenderung meningkat. GYW 7_]`ç^è¼c Xb_cc `b_Äd Z^ &$%( bWçUYWV E`*&'"%+ billion, decreasing by 6.9% compared to 2013’s profit _å E`**-"(, TZææZ_^" GYZc VWUbWçcW çbZcWc VeW d_ dYW Company’s revenue became 98.6% of what it had been whereas costs increased by 1.5%, composed of 47% fixed expenses and the rest is caused by fluctuation in rupiah’s exchange rate, leading to increased prices. Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 139 BEBAN USAHA GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Beban umum dana administrasi pada tahun 2014 tercatat cWTWcçb E`'(( )% ]ZæZçb debe^ %( % VZTç^VZ^X dçYe^ &$%'èç^X]W^Uç`çZE`($% &-]ZæZçb";çæZ^ZVZcWTçT\ç^ karena dilakukannya efisiensi pada pos-pos biaya, biaya kantor, biaya pemasaran dan lainnya. General and administrative expenses in 2014 were bWU_bVWV çd E`'((")% TZææZ_^ VWUbWçcZ^X Tè %("% U_]`çbWVd_dYçdZ^&$%' gYZUYbWçUYWVE`($%"&-TZææZ_^" This is due to improved efficiency in expense posts, office expenses, marketing expenses, and so forth. Beban Administrasi dan Umum General and Administration Expenses Realisasi 2014 2014 EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 2013 Realization 1 2 3 4 216.630,2 317.022,9 - Beban Perjalanan Dinas Business Travel Expenses Selisih Difference Pencapaian Achievement (2-3) (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) 281.537,6 (100.392,8) (64.907,4) 68,3% 76,9% 2.572,8 760,5 (2.572,8) (760,5) 0,0% 0,0% 8.478,2 15.506,0 11.522,1 (7.027,8) (3.043,9) 54,7% 73,6% Beban Operasional Operational Expenses 5.887,5 3.578,6 4.542,2 2.308,9 1.345,3 164,5% 129,6% Beban Fasilitas & Property Intern Internal Property & Facility Expenses 19.073,7 28.154,2 35.629,0 (9.080,4) (16.555,3) 67,7% 53,5% 4.816,6 4.424,0 6.000,2 392,5 (1.183,7) 108,9% 80,3% 39.399,8 115.615,4 24.630,9 (76.215,7) 14.768,9 34,1% 160,0% 248,2 4.791,4 3.056,0 (4.543,2) (2.807,8) 5,2% 8,1% 29.894,9 40.661,4 22.634,8 (10.766,5) 7.260,1 73,5% 132,1% PT SAU 15.321,6 10.772,5 7.030,3 4.549,1 8.291,3 142,2% 217,9% PT EPISI 4.758,6 817,1 3.947,0 3.941,5 811,6 582,4% 120,6% 344.509,3 543.916,4 401.290,7 (199.407,1) (56.781,4) 63,3% 85,9% Beban Pegawai Employee Expenses Beban Tenaga Ahli Expert Staff Expenses Beban Penyusutan & Amortisasi Depreciation & Amortization Expenses Beban Kantor & Diklat Office & Training Expenses Beban Promosi Promotional Expenses Beban Umum General Expenses Jumlah Total 7çdçdç^.8çæç]=edçEe`ZçYA_dW.9h`bWccWVZ^@ZææZ_^<8E LABA USAHA OPERATING INCOME ?çTçecçYç`çVçdçYe^&$%(dWbUçdçdcWTWcçbE`&+, ** miliar, Pencapaian tersebut naik sebesar 3,9% dibanding æçTç ecçYç dçYe^ &$%' cWTWcçb E`&*, %- ]ZæZçb" Peningkatan tersebut dikarenakan adanya efisiensi di pada pos-pos biaya usaha. Operating income in the year 2014 has been recorded çdE`&+,"**TZææZ_^ Z^UbWçcZ^XTè'"-U_]`çbWVd_dYW &$%'_`WbçdZ^XZ^U_]W_åE`&*,"%-TZææZ_^"GYZcZ^UbWçcW is due to cost efficiency programs in business expense posts. PENDAPATAN DAN BEBAN LAIN-LAIN OTHER REVENUES AND EXPENSES Pendapatan dan beban lain-lain pada tahun 2014 cWTWcçbE`*' *]ZæZçb ^çZ\cWTWcçb%& 'VZTç^VZ^X\ç^ dçYe^&$%'cWTWcçbE`)* *]ZæZçb">W^çZ\ç^VZcWTçT\ç^ adanya kenaikan biaya lainnya dengan adanya program rightsizing dan pensiun dini. Other revenues and expenses in 2014 amounted to E`*'"*TZææZ_^ Z^UbWçcZ^XTè%&"'U_]`çbWVd_dYW&$%' fçæeW_åE`)*"*TZææZ_^"GYZcZcVeWd_ç^Z^UbWçcWZ^_dYWb expenses due to the presence of rightsizing and early retirement programs. 140 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Pendapatan dan Beban Lain-lain Other Revenues and Expenses Pendapatan dan Beban Lain-Lain BdYWbEWfW^eWcç^V Expenses 1 Pendapatan Bunga <^dWbWcdcEWfW^eW Pendapatan Utilisasi Aset HdZæZiçdZ_^_å5ccWdcEWfW^eW Pendapatan Lain-Lain BdYWbEWfW^eWc ?çTç#EeXZFWæZcZY>ebc Profit / Loss from Exchange EçdW8ZååWbW^UWc Beban Bunga Interests Expenses Proses Penurunan Nilai Piutang <]`çZb]W^d_åEWUWZfçTæW Keuntungan Kontribusi Modal Non Moneter Ke Pengendalian Bersama Entitas Profit from Non-Monetary Capital Contribution to Joint IW^debW9^dZdZWc Jumlah Total Realisasi 2014 &$%(EWçæZiçdZ_^ 2 Target 2014 2014 Target 3 Realisasi 2013 &$%'EWçæZiçdZ_^ 4 Selisih Difference (2-3) (2-4) Pencapaian Achievement (2-3) (2-4) 4.886,5 1.750,0 2.166,5 3.136,5 2.720,0 1,8% 1,3% 559,9 0 778,5 559,9 (218,6) 0,0% (0,3%) (64.132,9) (86.830,0) (88.283,8) 22.697,0 24.150,8 (0,3%) (0,3%) (5.217,5) 5.000,0 23.669,0 (10.217,5) (28.886,5) (2,0%) (1,2%) (2.024,3) (6.600,0) (1.580,4) 4.575,7 (443,8) (0,7%) 0,3% 0 0 0 0 0 0,0% 0,0% 2.348,1 1.250,0 6.627,2 1.098,1 (4.279,1) 0,9% (0,6%) (63.580,2) (85.430,0) (56.623,1) 21.849,8 (6.957,1) (0,3%) 0,1% 7çdçdç^.8çæç]=edçEe`ZçYA_dW.9h`bWccWVZ^@ZææZ_^<8E LABA TAHUN BERJALAN INCOME FOR THE YEAR Perusahaan membukukan laba tahun berjalan pada tahun &$%( cW[e]æçY E`%(- *) ]ZæZçb" CWb_æWYç^ Z^Z TWb\ebç^X ' ( VZTç^VZ^X dçYe^ &$%' cWTWcçb E`%)( -' ]ZæZçb" Pencapaian ini memiliki arti laba tahun ini telah mencapai anggarannya tetapi belum melampaui pencapaian tahun sebelumnya. The Company has achieved net income for the current èWçb _å &$%( ç]_e^dZ^X d_ E`%(-"*) TZææZ_^" GYZc Z^U_]W VWUbWçcWVTè'"(U_]`çbWVd_dYW&$%'fçæeW_åE`%)("-' billion. This can be interpreted to mean that income for the year has reached targets within the budget but has not exceeded the performance of the previous year. PENDAPATAN KOMPREHENSIF LAIN OTHER COMPREHENSIVE REVENUES Pendapatan komprehensif lain setelah pajak muncul cWdWæçYVZTWbæç\e\ç^^èçCF5>A_"%EWfZcZ&$$-dW^dç^X “Penyajian Laporan Keuangan”, yang berlaku efektif per 1 Januari 2011. Other comprehensive revenues after tax has been required since Financial Accounting Standard No. 1 (2009 EWfZcZ_^bWXçbVZ^X¹CbWcW^dçdZ_^_å:Z^ç^UZçæEW`_bdºYçc been in effect per January 1, 2011. LABA KOMPREHENSIF TAHUN BERJALAN COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Perusahaan mencatat laba komprehensif tahun berjalan cWTWcçb E`%') +$ ]ZæZçb ^çZ\ %- - VZTç^VZ^X\ç^ dçYe^ &$%'èç^X]W^Uç`çZcWTWcçbE`%%' %+]ZæZçb" The Company has recorded a comprehensive income for dYW UebbW^d èWçb _å &$%( ç]_e^dZ^X d_ E`%')"+$ TZææZ_^ increasing by 19.9% compared to the 2013 value, which bWçUYWVE`%%'"%+TZææZ_^" LABA KOMPREHENSIF YANG DAPAT DIDISTRIBUSIKAN KEPADA KEPENTINGAN NON PENGENDALI COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO NONCONTROLLING INTERESTS Laba komperehensif yang dapat didistribusikan kepada \W`W^dZ^Xç^^_^!`W^XW^VçæZdWbUçdçdcWTWcçbE`+-, )-[edç" Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling Z^dWbWcdcYçcTWW^bWU_bVWVçdE`+-,")-]ZææZ_^" Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen 141 / Management Discussion and Analysis KINERJA POSISI KEUANGAN PER 31 DESEMBER 2014 Company Financial Performance As Of December 31, 2014 ASET LANCAR CURRENT ASSETS 5cWdæç^Uçb`çVçdçYe^&$%(dWbUçdçdcWTWcçbE`%"$'' +& miliar, bertambah 120,6% dibandingkan tahun 2013 tercatat cWTWcçbE`,)+ ']ZæZçb";çæZ^ZVZcWTçT\ç^\W^çZ\ç^\çc dan setara kas dan bertambahnya persediaan. 7ebbW^dçccWdcZ^&$%(YçfWTWW^bWU_bVWVçdE`% $''"+& billion, increasing by 120.6% compared to the 2013 value _åE`,)+"'TZææZ_^"GYZcZcVeWd_ç^Z^UbWçcWZ^UçcYç^V equivalents and supplies. Aset Lancar Current Assets 1 Realisasi 2014 &$%(EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 &$%'EWçæZiçdZ_^ 2 3 4 Selisih Difference (2-3) (2-4) Pencapaian Achievement (2-3) (2-4) Kas dan Bank Cash and Bank 330.112,6 247.306,7 187.704,8 82.805,9 142.407,8 133,5% 175,9% Piutang Usaha Bersih AWdEWUWZfçTæW 417.394,2 376.098,4 336.057,9 41.295,8 84.074,2 111,0% 125,2% Piutang Lain-Lain BdYWbEWUWZfçTæWc 32.498,4 23.695,1 58.619,07 8.803,3 (29.158,7) 137,2% 52,7% Persediaan Inventory 28.859,9 20.724,1 26.803,5 8.135,8 2.056,5 139,3% 107,7% Pembayaran di Muka Upfront Payment 8.769,2 12.028,5 12.723,2 (3.259,3) (3.950,3) 72,9% 68,9% Pajak Dibayar di Muka Prepaid Tax 2.320,5 3.987,1 8.093,7 (1.666,6) (5.773,2) 58,2% 28,7% Bagian Lancar Atas Beban yang Ditangguhkan Current Portion of Deferred Expenses 213.762,6 116.338,1 226.985,1 97.424,5 (13.222,5) 183,7% 94,2% Jumlah Total 1.033.717,4 800.178,0 857.287,3 233.539,4 176.433,8 129,2% 120,6% 7çdçdç^.8çæç]=edçEe`ZçYA_dW.9h`bWccWVZ^@ZææZ_^<8E ASET TIDAK LANCAR FIXED ASSETS 5cWd dZVç\ æç^Uçb dçYe^ &$%( cWTWcçb E`'') '' ]ZæZçb debe^( +VZTç^VZ^XdçYe^&$%'cWTWcçbE`')% *-]ZæZçb" Penurunan ini disebabkan karena adanya penurunan pada aset tetap dan aset lainnya. Fixed assets in the year 2014 have been valued at E`'')"'' TZææZ_^ VWUbWçcZ^X Tè ("+ U_]`çbWV d_ dYW &$%' fçæeW _å E`')%"*- TZææZ_^" GYW 7_]`ç^è gW^d through a decrease in fixed assets and other assets. Aset Tidak Lancar Fixed Assets 1 Realisasi 2014 &$%(EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 &$%'EWçæZiçdZ_^ 2 3 4 Selisih Difference Pencapaian Achievement (2-3) (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) Aset Pajak Tangguhan Assets from Deferred Taxes 47.094.36 45.272.20 48.914.31 1.822.2 (1.819.9) 104,0% 96,3% Penyertaan Investment 20.244.50 76.006.60 19.570.19 (55.762.1) 674.3 26,6% 103,4% Nilai Aset Tetap (Net) AWd:ZhWV5ccWdIçæeW 244.940,61 329.159,20 257.351,06 (84.218,6) (12.410,5) 74,4% 95,2% 142 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Pegawaian Dalam Pelaksanaan Ongoing Projects 0 Aset Tidak Lancar Lainnya Other Fixed Assets Jumlah Total 0 0 0 0 0,0% 0,0% 23.053,53 52.355,30 25.860,36 (29.301,8) (2.806,8) 44,0% 89,1% 335.332,99 502.793,30 351.695,92 (167.460,3) (16.362,9) 66,7% 95,3% 7çdçdç^.8çæç]=edçEe`ZçYA_dW.9h`bWccWVZ^@ZææZ_^<8E LIABILITAS LIABILITIES G_dçææZçTZæZdçc`çVçdçYe^&$%(çVçæçYcWTWcçbE`))% $' miliar, meningkat 9,5% dibanding tahun 2013 sebesar E`)$' ',]ZæZçbCW^Z^X\çdç^VZcWTçT\ç^\çbW^ççVç^èç utang usaha, uang bank, biaya yang masih harus dibayar. ?ZçTZæZdZWc Z^ dYW èWçb &$%( bWçUYWV ç d_dçæ _å E`))%"$' billion, increasing by 9.5% compared to the 2013 value _åE`)$'"',TZææZ_^"GYWZ^UbWçcWZcUçecWVTèTecZ^Wcc debts, bank loans, and expenses which require payment. Liabilitas Lancar Liabilitas lancar pada tahun 2014 adalah sebesar E`(&, (- ]ZæZçb ^çZ\ %+ ( VZTç^VZ^X dçYe^ &$%' cWTWcçb E`'*) $( ]ZæZçb" CW^Z^X\çdç^ VZcWTçT\ç^ karena adanya utang usaha, uang bank, biaya yang masih harus dibayar. Current Liabilities Current liabilities in the year 2014 have been valued çdE`(&,"(-TZææZ_^ Z^UbWçcZ^XTè%+"(U_]`çbWVd_ dYW &$%' fçæeW _å E`'*)"$( TZææZ_^" GYW Z^UbWçcW Zc caused by business debts, bank loans, and expenses which require payment. Liabilitas Lancar Current Liabilities Realisasi 2014 &$%(EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 &$%'EWçæZiçdZ_^ 2 3 4 (2-3) (2-4) Hutang Usaha Liabilities 102.522,1 89.608,4 74.705,8 12.913,7 27.816,3 114,4% 137,2% Pinjaman Bank Bank Loans 52.071,7 30.000,0 30.600,0 22.071,7 21.471,7 173,6% 170,2% 0 0 0 0 0 0,0% 0,0% Uang Muka Penjualan Down Payment for Sales 32.381,7 31.518,5 40.613,4 863,2 (8.231,7) 102,7% 79,7% Pendapatan Diterima di Muka H^Wçb^WVEWfW^eW 4.335,3 26.941,4 5.181,0 (22.606,1) (845,7) 16,1% 83,7% 162.003,2 104.462,9 142.617,1 57.540,3 19.386,1 155,1% 113,6% 72.345,8 64.314,2 59.369,8 8.031,6 12.976,1 112,5% 121,9% 0 0 3.245,3 0 (3.245,3) 0,0% 0,0% 2.830,4 7.227,4 8.711,2 (4.397,0) (5.880,9) 39,2% 32,5% 428.490,2 354.072,8 365.043,5 74.417,4 63.446,6 121,0% 117,4% 1 Pinjaman Bank Jatuh Tempo Dalam 1 Tahun Bank Loans Due in One Year Biaya Masih Harus Dibayar Deferred Expenses Hutang Pajak Taxes Payable Premi Asuransi THT / JHT Old-Age Benefit Insurance Premium Hutang Jangka Pendek Lainnya Other Short-Term Lialibilities Jumlah Total 7çdçdç^.8çæç]=edçEe`ZçYA_dW.9h`bWccWVZ^@ZææZ_^<8E Selisih Difference Pencapaian Achievement (2-3) (2-4) Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen Liabilitas Tidak Lancar ?ZçTZæZdçc dZVç\ æç^Uçb dçYe^ &$%( ]W^Uç`çZ E`%&& )( ]ZæZçbdebe^%% (VZTç^VZ^XdçYe^&$%'cWTWcçbE`%', '( miliar. Dikarenakan adanya penurunan nilai liabilitas imbalan kerja dan utang jangka panjang lainnya. 143 / Management Discussion and Analysis Non Current Liabilities Non current liabilities for the year 2014 have been fçæeWV çd E`%&&")( TZææZ_^ VWUbWçcZ^X Tè %%"( U_]`çbWVd_dYW&$%'fçæeW_åE`%',"'(TZææZ_^"GYZc is due to a decrease in the liability value of work compensation and other long-term loans. Liabilitas Tidak Lancar Noncurrent Liabilities Realisasi 2014 &$%(EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 &$%'EWçæZiçdZ_^ Selisih Difference 1 2 3 4 (2-3) Pencapaian Achievement (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) Pinjaman Jangka Panjang Long Liabilities 0 617,0 1.040,0 (617,0) (1.040,0) 0,0% 0,0% 118.988,4 181.229,1 132.228,2 (62.240,7) (13.239,8) 65,7% 90,0% 3.555,3 7.917,2 5.068,7 (4.361,9) (1.513,4) 44,9% 70,1% 122.543,7 189.763,3 138.336,9 (67.219,6) (15.793,2) 64,6% 88,6% Hutang Manfaat Pasca Kerja Liabilities for PostEmployment Benefits Hutang Jangka Panjang Lainnya Other Long Term Liabilities Jumlah Total 7çdçdç^.8çæç]=edçEe`ZçYA_dW.9h`bWccWVZ^@ZææZ_^<8E EKUITAS EQUITY 9\eZdçc CWbecçYçç^ dçYe^ &$%( cWTWcçb E`,%, $& ]ZæZçb ^çZ\ %) - VZTç^VZ^X dçYe^ &$%' cWTWcçb E`+$) *$ miliar. Peningkatan terjadi disebabkan karena kenaikan cadangan. Company Equity for the year 2014 has been valued çd E`,%,"$& TZææZ_^ Z^UbWçcZ^X Tè %)"- U_]`çbWV d_ dYW &$%' fçæeW _å E`+$)"*$ TZææZ_^" GYZc Zc UçecWV Tè increased reserves. EKUITAS Equity Realisasi 2014 &$%(EWçæZiçdZ_^ 1 Modal Disetor Paid-Up Capital Cadangan Allowance Selisih Penilaian Ekuitas Difference in Equity IçæeçdZ_^ FçæV_?çTçEeXZ Ditahan EWdçZ^WVéçZ^?_cc Kepentingan Non Pengendali Other Long Term Liabilities Jumlah Total 2 Target 2014 2014 Target 3 Realisasi 2013 &$%'EWçæZiçdZ_^ 4 Selisih Difference (2-3) Pencapaian Achievement (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) 300.000,0 300.000,0 300.000,0 0 0 100,0% 100,0% 425.153,5 323.382,6 292.392,3 101.770,9 132.761,2 131,5% 145,4% 369,0 0 369,0 369,0 0 0,0% 100,0% 93.140,3 134.410,8 113.461,2 (41.270,5) (20.320,9) 69,3% 82,1% (646,3) 369,0 (623,4) (1.015,3) (22,9) 175,2% 96,3% 818.016,5 758.162,4 705.599,1 59.854,1 112.417,4 107,9% 115,9% 7çdçdç^.8çæç]=edçEe`ZçYA_dW.9h`bWccWVZ^@ZææZ_^<8E 144 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KINERJA ARUS KAS PERUSAHAAN PER 31 DESEMBER 2014 Company Cash Flow Performance as of December 31, 2014 Pada tahun 2014, PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) membukukan cçæV_ç\YZb\çccWTWcçbE`''$ %%]ZæZçb"=e]æçYdWbcWTed naik 75,9% dibanding tahun 2013 yang mencatatkan cçæV_ç\YZb\çccWTWcçbE`%,+ +$]ZæZçb" Arus Kas Cash Flows 1 In 2014, PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) recorded a closing UçcYTçæç^UW_åE`''$"%%TZææZ_^"GYZccY_gcç^Z^UbWçcW of 75.9% compared to that of 2013, which recorded a Uæ_cZ^XUçcYTçæç^UW_åE`%,+"+$TZææZ_^" Realisasi 2014 &$%(EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 &$%'EWçæZiçdZ_^ 2 3 4 Selisih Difference (2-3) Pencapaian Achievement (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) Arus Kas Dari Aktivitas Operasi Cash Flows from Operating Activities 191.366,4 276.173,2 124.252,8 84.806,8 67.113,6 69,3% 154,0% Arus Kas Dari Aktivitas Investasi Cash Flows from Investing Activities (47.146,8) (220.658,7) (94.198,8) 173.511,9 47.052,0 178,6% 149,9% (1.811,8) 5.428,9 (32.891,6) 7.240,7 31.079,8 33,4% 194,5% Kenaikan Bersih Kas dan Setara Kas Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents 142.407,8 60.943,4 (2.837,7) 81.464,4 145.245,5 233,7% 5.218,5% Saldo Kas dan Setara Kas Awal Tahun Cash and Cash Equivalent Beginning Balance 187.704,8 186.363,2 190.542,5 1.341,6 (2.837,7) 100,7% 98,5% Saldo Akhir Kas dan Setara Kas Cash and Cash Equivalent Ending Balance 330.112,6 247.306,6 187.704,8 82.806,0 142.407,8 133,5% 175,9% Arus Kas dan Aktivitas Pendanaan Cash Flows from Financing Activities 7çdçdç^.8çæç]=edçEe`ZçYA_dW.9h`bWccWVZ^@ZææZ_^<8E t Arus Kas dari Kegiatan Operasi Arus kas dari kegiatan operasi pada tahun 2014 cWTWcçb E`%-% '+ ]ZæZçb ^çZ\ )( $ VZTç^VZ^X dçYe^ &$%'èç^X]W^Uç`çZcWTWcçbE`%&( &)]ZæZçb";çæZ^Z terjadi karena adanya kenaikan laba bersih sebelum pajak, penambahan pendapatan akan diterima, piutang lain-lain dan utang usaha. t Cash Flows from Operating Activities Cash flow from operating activities in 2014 amounted d_ E`%-%"'+ TZææZ_^ Z^UbWçcZ^X Tè )("$ U_]`çbWV d_ dYW &$%' fçæeW _å E`%&("&) TZææZ_^" GYZc Zc VeW to an increase in net profit before taxes, increase in upcoming revenue, business debts and other receivables. t Arus Kas dari Kegiatan Investasi Arus kas dari kegiatan investasi pada tahun 2014 cWTWcçb E`(+ %) ]ZæZçb ^çZ\ (- - VZTç^VZ^X dçYe^ &$%' cWTWcçb E`-( &$ ]ZæZçb" ;çæ Z^Z dWb[çVZ \çbW^ç adanya perolehan aset tetap. t Cash Flows from Investing Activities Cash flow from investing activities in 2014 amounted d_E`(+"%)TZææZ_^ Z^UbWçcZ^XTè(-"-U_]`çbWVd_ dYW&$%'fçæeW_åE`-("&$TZææZ_^"GYZcZcVeWd_dYW obtainment of fixed assets. Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen t t Arus Kas dari Kegiatan Pendanaan Arus kas dari kegiatan pendanaan selama tahun &$%( çVçæçY cWTWcçb E`% ,% ]ZæZçb ^çZ\ -( ) VZTç^VZ^XdçYe^&$%'cWTWcçbE`'& ,-]ZæZçb";çæ ini disebabkan karena adanya kenaikan pinjaman jangka pendek. 145 / Management Discussion and Analysis Cash Flows from Financing Activities Cash flow from financing activities in 2014 ç]_e^dWV d_ E`%",% TZææZ_^ Z^UbWçcZ^X Tè -(") U_]`çbWV d_ dYW &$%' fçæeW _å E`'&",- TZææZ_^" This is due to an increase in short-term loans. KEMAMPUAN MEMBAYAR UTANG SOLVABILITY SOLVENCY EçcZ_ F_æfçTZæZdçc CWbecçYçç^ dçYe^ &$%( [Z\ç dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 cenderung mengalami `W^ebe^ç^ cWTWcçb ' -" EçcZ_ \çc `WbecçYçç^ dçYe^ 2014 jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2013 cenderung mengalami kenaikan sebesar 25,6%. Solvency ratios in 2014 compared to 2013 tended to experience a decrease to 3.9%. Cash ratio in 2014 compared to the year 2013 are increase to 25.6%. Rasio Solvabilitas Solvency Ratio 1 Realisasi 2014 &$%(EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 &$%'EWçæZiçdZ_^ 2 3 4 Selisih Difference Pencapaian Achievement (2-3) (2-4) (2-3) (2-4) 8WTdG_9aeZdèEçdZ_ 8WTdG_9aeZdèEçdZ_ 67,3% 71,7% 71,3% 0,0 0,0 93,9% 94,4% 7çcYEçdZ_ 7çcYEçdZ_ 77,0% 69,8% 51,4% 0,1 0,3 110,3% 149,8% t Tingkat Kolektibilitas Piutang Terdapat peningkatan piutang usaha tahun 2014 sebesar 89 hari dibanding tahun 2013 sebesar 71 hari, hal ini disebabkan karena adanya piutang usaha yang tidak dapat ditagih dan piutang macet tidak dapat diserahkan kepada petugas negara (KPKLN) sejak tahun 2013. Receivable Turnover Ratio There is an increase account receivable in 2014 by 89 days as compared to the year 2013 are just 71 days. Account receivable experienced an increase by 24.0% due to increase in bad debts which could not be handed over to state officials (KPKLN) from 2013. t Struktur Modal dan Kebijakan Modal Struktur modal Perusahaan pada tahun 2014 terdiri dari 40% utang dan 22% modal sendiri. Struktur Modal dan Kebijakan Modal sesuai dengan perubahan dWbç\YZbTWbVçcçb\ç^YçcZæEHCF" Capital Structure and Capital Policy Capital structure of the Company in 2014 consists of 40% debt and 22% equity. Capital Structure and Capital Policy shall be adapted to recent changes based on results of GMS. t Ikatan Material Atas Investasi Barang Modal Tidak ada ikatan material atas investasi barang modal sepanjang tahun 2014. Commitment to Capital Goods Investment There is no material boundaries as capital good investment around year 2014. t Informasi dan Fakta Material setelah Tanggal Laporan Akuntan Subsequent Discovery of Material Facts and Information Existing after the Date of the Accountant’s Report 146 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 6WbVçcçb\ç^ EZcçæçY Eç`çd H]e] CW]WXç^X Saham PT SUCOFINDO EPISI, yang di selenggarakan pada rabu, 23 Januari 2015 dengan agenda rapat pengesahan rencana kerja dan anggaran Perusahaan tahun 2015. Based on the Meeting Minutes of PT SUCOFINDO EPISI General Meeting of Shareholders held on Wednesday, January 23, 2015, with a meeting agenda of authorizing the 2015 Company Work Plan and Budget: - Starting from January 23, 2015, composition of PT SUCOFINDO EPISI’s Board of Directors has been approved as follows: Dengan kesepakatan memutuskan bahwa susunan direksi PT SUCOFINDO EPISI mulai tanggal 23 Januari 2015 sebagai berikut: Komisaris : Direktur Utama : Direktur : Commissioner : President Director : Director : Dedi Kusnendar Agus Dermawan Rafik Djunaedi Dedi Kusnendar Agus Dermawan Rafik Djunaedi - Persetujuan prinsip Debt to Equity Swap (DES) cWTWcçb E`, ]ZæZçb Vçæç] bç^X\ç W\eZdçc positif. 8WTd d_ 9aeZdè Fgç` 89F ç]_e^dZ^X d_ E`, billion has been approved in order to achieve positive equity - Persetujuan prinsip Capital Injection (CI) cWTWcçbE`%$]ZæZçbVçæç]bç^X\ç`Wb]_Vçæç^ untuk mengerjakan proyek-proyek yang diperoleh. 7ç`Zdçæ <^[WUdZ_^ 7< ç]_e^dZ^X d_ E`%$ TZææZ_^ has been approved in order to finance received projects - Persetujuan atas Pinjaman kepada pihak ketiga yaitu lembaga keuangan perbankan ataupun lembaga non perbankan sebesar ]ç\cZ]çæE`']ZæZçb" Loans to third-parties, namely financial banking ç^V ^_^!Tç^\Z^X Z^cdZdedZ_^c e^VWb E`' TZææZ_^ has been approved KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN Dividend Policies EHCF ç\ç^ VZæç\cç^ç\ç^ `çVç Teæç^ @WZ &$%) Vç^ dividen akan ditetapkan kemudian. GMS will be held on May 2015 and the amount of dividend wil be announced afterward. KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI Accounting Policies PENJABARAN MATA UANG ASING EXPLANATIONS ON FOREIGN CURRENCY Pembukuan perusahaan diselenggarakan dalam cçdeç^ Ee`ZçY" Gbç^cç\cZ Vçæç] ]çdç eç^X çcZ^X dicatat berdasarkan kurs standar yang berlaku pada periode mingguan berdasarkan kurs yang berlaku untuk pembayaran pajak yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri Keuangan. Company accounting has been conducted in rupiah. Transactions conducted using foreign currency has been recorded based on standard exchange rates in effect on a weekly basis based on the foreign exchange used for tax payments as established by the Minister of Finance. Pada tanggal laporan posisi keuangan, aset dan liabilitas moneter dalam mata uang asing dijabarkan dengan kurs yang berlaku pada tanggal tersebut, yang didasarkan pada kurs tengah mata uang asing yang diumumkan oleh Bank Indonesia. Keuntungan atau kerugian yang timbul, dikreditkan atau dibebankan dalam laporan laba (rugi) periode berjalan. Within the financial position report, monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currency have been expressed in the exchange rate applicable at that moment, based on the middle rate for foreign currency announced by Bank Indonesia. Any incurred profit or losses shall be inserted into the profit (loss) statement for the current year. Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen Kurs mata uang asing utama yang digunakan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014 dan 2013 sebagai berikut : / Management Discussion and Analysis Main foreign currencies used until December 31, 2014 from 2013 are as follows : 2014 2013 12.440 12.189 1 Dolar Singapura 1 Singapore Dollar 9.422 9.627 1 Dollar Australia 1 Australian Dollar 10.218 10.875 1 Euro 1 Euro 15.133 16.821 1 Dolar Amerika Serikat 1 US Dollar TRANSAKSI LINDUNG NILAI HEDGING TRANSACTIONS 1. Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Collateral Management Agreement (“CMA”) 1. Implementation of Collateral Management Agreement (“CMA”) PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) (“SCI”) bersama dengan Deutsche Bank AG Jakarta (“DB”) dan PT Cideng Makmur Pratama (“CMP”) mengadakan Perjanjian Manajemen Agunan (“CMA”) untuk komoditi kopi. 2. Pelaksanaan PMA PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) (“SCI”) bersama PT Surya Hutama Sawit (“SHS”) dan Bank Mandiri sepakat untuk melakukan Perjanjian Manajemen Agunan (“CMA”) 147 PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) (“SCI”) with Deutsche Bank AG Jakarta (“DB”) and PT Cideng Makmur Pratama (“CMP”) have made a Collateral Management Agreement (“CMA”) for coffee commodities. 2. Implementation of CMA PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) (“SCI”) with PT Surya Hutama Sawit (“SHS”) and Bank Mandiri have made a Collateral Management Agreement (“CMA”) INFORMASI DAN FAKTA MATERIAL TERJADI SETELAH TANGGAL LAPORAN AKUNTAN SUBSEQUENT DISCOVERY OF MATERIAL FACTS AND INFORMATION EXISTING AFTER THE DATE OF THE ACCOUNTANT’S REPORT Tidak ada peristiwa penting setelah tanggal laporan akuntan. There is no important event after the date of accountant report. PROSPEK USAHA 2015 2015 Business Prospects Komitmen pembentukan pasar tunggal yang diistilahkan dengan Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA), di ambang pintu untuk segera dilaksanakan pada akhir tahun 2015. Pelaksanaan MEA akan menghilangkan hambatan aliran barang, investasi dan jasa diantara negara ASEAN. The commitment to form a single market, referred to as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), is approaching its commencement in the end of 2015. The existence of the AEC will remove obstacles towards the flow of goods, investments and services among ASEAN nations. Indonesia dituntut untuk meningkatkan kesiapannya terhadap peluang-peluang yang ada di luar negeri, peningkatan kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia menjadi faktor utama disusul upaya maksimal dalam perlindungan pasar dalam negeri dari serbuan produk negaranegara ASEAN. Dalam rangka melindungi produk, Indonesia is now faced with the demand to prepare itself towards opportunities offered outside the nation. Improvement of human resource quality has become the determining factor, followed by maximum effort in protecting the local market from the onslaught of ASEAN products. In order to protect local products, 148 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report konsumen, pasar, dan industry dalam negeri, pemerintah memberlakukan sertifikasi Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) wajib pada berbagai produk seperti elektronika, mesin-mesin, produk pertanian peternakan, produk konstruksi, dan lain sebagainya. consumers, markets and industries, certification based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) has been implemented by the government to products such as electronics, machinery, agriculture and livestock farming, construction products, and so forth. Memperbanyak dan memperkuat standardisasi agar ketika MEA 2015 dilaksanakan, Indonesia tidak hanya sekedar menjadi penonton, tetapi menjadi pemain yang menguasai lapangan dan memenangkan kompetisi dengan produk dari negara-negara ASEAN. Hal ini menjadi peluang yang dimanfaatkan SUCOFINDO sebagai BUMN jasa pemastian, untuk meningkatkan peluang bisnis dan meningkatkan pangsa pasar dalam menyongsong pelaksanaan MEA 2015. By increasing the number and power of standardization approaching the implementation of AEC in 2015, Indonesia will not remain as a bystander but will instead become a player in control of the field and victory in the competition against products from other ASEAN nations. This chance can be harnessed by SUCOFINDO, as an assurance SOE, to increase its business opportunities and market share to support the implementation of AEC in 2015. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, Menteri Perdagangan menargetkan peningkatan kinerja ekspor (migas dan non migas) 3 kali lipat dalam 5 tahun ke depan. Kinerja ekspor yang terus membaik membuat Indonesia semakin mendekati peringkat 21 negara eksportir terbesar dunia. Nilai ekspor Indonesia tahun ini diperkirakan bisa melampaui USD200 miliar. In accordance to this, the Ministry of Trade has targeted an increase in export performance (for oil and gas and non-oil and gas goods) by threefold for the upcoming 5 years. Improving export performance has made Indonesia closer to achieving the ranks of the 21 biggest exporters of the world. It has been predicted that Indonesia’s export gZææTWçTæWd_ceb`çccHF8&$$TZææZ_^dYZcèWçb"± Untuk itu kehadiran jasa pemastian terbuka lebar dalam dunia industri dan perdagangan. Jasa yang diberikan adalah memberikan kepastian kuantitas, kualitas, dan lain sebagainya bagi kepentingan kedua belah pihak, pihak penjual dan pembeli, perusahaan dan konsumen, ataupun pemerintah. Due to this, assurance services must extend open arms towards the world of industry and trade. Services offered shall include quantity assurance, quality assurance, and so forth to fulfill the needs of all parties involved, seller and buyer, company and consumer, or the government. PROSPEK USAHA SUCOFINDO SUCOFINDO’S BUSINESS PROSPECTS Indikator terpenting dalam kaitan prospek pasar bidang Testing, Inspection dan Certification (TIC) adalah tingkat pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) Nasional. The biggest indicator towards market prospects in Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam 5 (lima) tahun terakhir tidak terlalu menggembirakan dengan hanya tumbuh rata-rata 5,87% per tahun. Pertumbuhan PDB yang rendah ini tidak terlepas dari rendahnya pertumbuhan sektor industri pengolahan, pertanian dan pertambangan & penggalian, dimana ketiga sektor tersebut berkontribusi pada sekitar 50% terhadap PDB. Pertumbuhan yang besar terjadi pada sektor angkutan dan komunikasi, bangunan, perdagangan-hotel-restoran serta sektor jasa-jasa lainnya. Gambaran laju pertumbuhan PDB dan PDB sektoral 2008-2013 adalah sebagaimana gambar di bawah ini. Economic growth for the past 5 (five) years have not been satisfactory, experiencing growth at an average of 5.87% annually. This slow growth of GDP is not free from the influence of slow growths in sectors such as the processing industry, agriculture, and mining & excavation. The three aforementioned sectors contribute approximately 50% of the GDP. Large growths can be found in the sectors of transportation, communication, construction, trade, hotel, restaurants, and other service sectors. An illustration of GDP growth in total and per sector in 2008-2013 can be found as follows. Untuk tingkat pertumbuhan PDB yang terkait dengan bidang TIC adalah PDB nominal, dimana pertumbuhan PDB nominal dalam 5 tahun terakhir adalah tumbuh sebesar 13%. Laju pertumbuhan penerimaan rata-rata per tahun mencapai 12% atau masih 1% dibawah pertumbuhan PDB Nominal. Angka pertumbuhan ini tergolong normal dan paralel terhadap pertumbuhan potensi pasar TIC nasional. GDP growth rate relevant to the TIC field is the nominal GDP, in which nominal GDP growth for the past 5 years is 13%. Growth rate of average annual revenue has only reached 12%, 1% lower than the growth of the Nominal GDP. This growth rate is still considered normal and parallel to the growth of the national TIC market potential. Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 149 Sektor-sektor usaha yang berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan PDB yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung berkontribusi pada pendapatan SUCOFINDO adalah : Business sectors with influence towards the GDP, indirectly contributing to the amount of revenue obtained by SUCOFINDO, include: 1. Sektor Pertanian Potensi pertumbuhan pada sektor pertanian cukup besar dimana pertumbuhan PDB sektor pertanian dalam 5 (lima) tahun terakhir adalah 12,8%. 1. 2. Sektor Pertambangan Laju pertumbuhan PDB sektor pertambangan dan penggalian dalam 5 (lima) tahun terakhir adalah sebesar 13,53%. Penyumbang terbesar sektor ini adalah dari subsektor mineral dan batubara yang mencapai 19,6% per tahun. 2. Mining Sector GDP growth rate for the mining and excavation sector in the past 5 (five) years is 13.53%. The biggest contributor to this sector is the Mineral and Coal subsector, which reached a growth rate of 19.6% per year. Namun, pada sektor ini perlu diwaspadai karena adanya kebijakan pengendalian ekspor bahan mentah produk tambang mineral, terkait implementasi UU No. 4 tahun 2009 tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara, yang mengkibatkan terjadinya penurunan produksi produk minerba. However, caution should be exercised towards this section due to policies regulating the export of mining products in the form of raw minerals, due to the implementation of Law 4 / 2009 regarding Mineral and Coal Mining, leading to a decline in mineral and coal product production. 3. Sektor Industri Pengolahan Laju pertumbuhan PDB sektor industri pengolahan adalah 9,36% per tahun dengan laju tertinggi adalah pada kelompok industri non migas sebesar 10,62% yang dipimpin oleh industri makanan, minuman dan tembakau, selanjutnya industri tekstil, dan industri barang dari kulit dan alas kaki. 3. Processing Industry Sector GDP growth rate in the processing industry sector is 9.36% per year, with the highest growth rate found in the non-oil and gas industry group, 10.62%, led by the food, beverage and tobacco industries, followed by the textile, leather and footwear industries. Pada industri minyak dan gas mengalami pertumbuhan dengan laju yang sangat rendah yaitu 2,33%. The oil and gas industry experienced a very low growth late of 2.33%. Agriculture Sector Potential growth in the agriculture sector is considerably large, recalling that GDP growth for the agriculture sector in the past 5 (five) years is 12.8%. Hotel and Restaurant Sector In the past 5 years, this sector played a stronger role in the national economy, in which the sector gave a significant contribution of 16-18%. This sector grew alongside national macroeconomic development. The highest growth rate was found in the trade subsector, 13.8% per year, followed by the subsectors of hotel and restaurant. 4. Sektor Perdagangan, Hotel dan Restoran Sektor ini dalam 5 tahun terakhir memberikan peranan yang menguat dalam struktur perekonomian nasional, dimana sektor ini memberikan kontribusi cukup besar yaitu 16-18%. Sektor ini berkembang sejalan dengan perkembangan makro ekonomi nasional. Laju pertumbuhan terbesar diperoleh dari subsektor perdagangan sebesar 13,8% pertahun yang diikuti dengan subsektor hotel dan restoran. 4. 5. Sektor Angkutan dan Komunikasi Sektor ini berperan dalam mendistribusikan barang dan mobilisasi orang serta pengelolaan data dan informasi. Sektor ini tumbuh cukup tinggi hampir 15,33% per tahun. Kenaikan tertinggi adalah pada subsektor angkutan udara sebesar 32% diikuti oleh komunikasi sebesar 15,7% dan subsektor angkutan sungai dan penyeberangan. 5. Transportation and Communication This sector plays a role in the distribution of goods and mobilization of people, along with data and information management. This sector grew quite significantly, reaching almost 15.33% per year. The highest increase can be found in the growth rate of the air transportation subsector, 32%, followed by communication, 15.7%, and river transportation and crossing. 6. Government and Private Service Sector Activities in the Government service sector cannot be considered separate from the national fiscal income and expense capacities as found in the State Budget. This sector experienced the highest nominal value of growth, 15.74%. 6. Sektor Pemerintahan Umum dan Jasa-Jasa Swasta Kegiatan sektor jasa Pemerintahan tidak terlepas dari kapasitas penerimaan dan pengeluaran fiskal nasional yang tertuang dalam APBN. Sektor ini mengalami pertumbuhan nilai nominal yang tinggi sebesar 15,74%. 150 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Dengan akan diberlakukannya pasar terbuka ASEAN atau yang dikenal dengan ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) pada akhir tahun 2015, potensi pasar TIC dapat dilihat dari angka laju pertumbuhan PDB ASEAN, dimana rata-rata pertumbuhan PDB negara-negara ASEAN adalah 4,7% per tahun. With the onset of the ASEAN open market, known as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), at the end of 2015, TIC market potential can be inferred from ASEAN’s GDP growth rate numbers, with the average GDP growth of ASEAN nations being 4.7% per year. Potensi pasar TIC di ASEAN akan terpusat di lima negara penting di ASEAN yaitu Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore dan Philipina, karena besaran porsi PDB pada kelima negara tersebut adalah mencapai 90% dari total PDB pada negara-negara ASEAN. TIC market potential in ASEAN shall be focused on five main ASEAN nations, namely Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Phillipines, due to the GDP portion from the five nations making up 90% of total GDP from ASEAN. Pertumbuhan nilai perdagangan internasional (ekspor dan impor) negara-negara ASEAN tergolong tinggi dengan laju sebesar 9,1% per tahun. Jika angka pertumbuhan PDB negara ASEAN dapat bertahan pada angka 6% per tahun, maka diduga kuat laju pertumbuhan nilai perdagangan internasional akan berada di atas 10% per tahun. International trade (export and import) rates for ASEAN nations can be considered quite high, reaching 9.1% per year. In the case that ASEAN nations will be able to maintain their GDP growth at 6% per year, international trade growth rate has been predicted to be above 10% per year. Total nilai pasar TIC dunia terus mengalami pertumbuhan stabil dengan kisaran pertumbuhan rata-rata 5,2% setiap tahunnya. Dengan demikian maka Perusahaan berada dalam sektor usaha yang terus bertumbuh. Pertumbuhan sektor TIC umumnya didorong oleh : Total value of the global TIC market continues to experience stable growth with an average growth rate of 5.2% per year. Thus, the Company must remain in business sectors experiencing growth. Growth in the TIC sector are generally supported by: 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Meningkatnya regulasi Pemerintah mengenai standar produk / jasa. Semakin meningkatnya kesadaran akan standardisasi produk dan jasa di segala bidang. Meningkatnya globalisasi perdagangan. Pertumbuhan kebutuhan outsourcing untuk kegiatan TIC. Semakin tingginya perhatian pelanggan mengenai jasa TIC. Berkembangnya teknologi dan kompleksitas produk dan material baru. 2. 3. 4. 5. Increasing amount of Government regulations on product / service standards Increasing awareness towards product and service standardization at all sectors. Increasing globalization of trade. Increasing outsourcing demands for TIC activities. Increasing customer awareness towards TIC services. 6. Development of technology, product complexity and new materials. Jasa TIC juga dapat dilihat dari perspektif rantai produksi suatu sektor, dimana jasa TIC dibutuhkan sejak tahap hulu, menengah (pengolahan) dan hilir (distribusi dan konsumsi). The TIC service can also be viewed from the perspective of a sector’s production chain, in which TIC services are needed since upstream, mid-stream (processing), until downstream (distribution and consumption) services. TINGKAT PERSAINGAN LEVEL OF COMPETITION Pada skala tingkat nasional, SUCOFINDO saat ini menjadi pemain utama dengan pangsa pasar terbesar diantara perusahaan-perusahaan pesaing nasional. At the national scale, SUCOFINDO is currently the main player with the biggest market share among nationallevel competing companies. Namun, menghadapi pemberlakuan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA), Perusahaan perlu memperhitungkan pesaing pada tingkat global, diantaranya seperti SGS, 6WebWeIWbZdçc 8W\bç GHIFH8Vç^<^dWbdW\éb_e`" However, in anticipation of the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the Company must consider competitors at the global level, including SGS, 6ebWçeIWbZdçc 8W\bç GHIFH8 ç^V<^dWbdW\éb_e`" Keunggulan Perusahaan yang dapat menghambat pesaing global masuk ke pasar Indonesia adalah akses kepada pembuat regulasi dan jaringan cabang yang luas di berbagai daerah. Dengan keunggulan ini, perusahaan pesaing asing akan mempertimbangkan untuk bekerjasama dengan SUCOFINDO dibandingkan dengan bersaing secara langsung. A Company advantage which may be able to hinder global competitors from entering the Indonesian market is its access towards regulation makers and a wide network of branches in various regions. Due to this, foreign competing companies will consider collaboration with SUCOFINDO instead of direct competition. Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 151 Gambaran besaran pangsa pasar TIC Nasional 2010 2015 Illustration of the 2010-2015 National TIC Market Share Size Peluang kerjasama dengan pemain global terbuka untuk produk lintas negara seiring dengan semakin tingginya volume perdagangan internasional. Kegiatan ekspor dan impor yang dilakukan Indonesia terus meningkat dari waktu ke waktu meskipun dengan kecepatan yang berbeda-beda. Possible collaborations with global players remain open for cross-nation products with the increasing volume of international trade. Export and import activities conducted by Indonesia rise in number from time to time, albeit with different rates. Berdasarkan kajian yang telah dilakukan, pasar produk jasa TIC adalah pasar yang bersifat diantara kompetitif dan oligopolistik yang ditandai dengan jumlah pemain yang cukup banyak tetapi tidak mudah bagi pemain untuk masuk dan keluar pasar. Based on a conducted study, the TIC service product market is competitive and oligopolistic in nature, among several, marked by the large amount of players and the relative hard entry and exit to and from the market. Diferensiasi produk tidak mudah dilakukan karena pada umumnya jasa pengujian, inspeksi dan sertifikasi telah terstandarisasi pada standar tertentu atau memiliki syarat kualitas minimum tertentu. Sementara itu, tenaga ahli dan alat teknis tersedia di pasar dengan jumlah besar dan harga yang kompetitif. Product differentiation no longers becomes an easy task because, in general, testing, inspection and certification services have been standardized towards certain standards or certain minimum quality requirements. Meanwhile, expert staff and technical staff have been made available to the market in large numbers and with competitive prices. Pangsa Pasar TIC Nasional 2010 - 2013 2010 - 2013 National TIC Market Share 80 78,7 market share Pangsa pasar (%) 77,0 78,84 78,51 79,88 60 40 23,0 0,0 21,49 21,3 20 2010 2011 21,16 2012 Tahun Years Pelaku usaha lain Other business actors SUCOFINDO 20,12 2013 prog. 2014 152 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PROSPEK USAHA JASA PEMASTIAN BUSINESS PROSPECTS IN ASSURANCE Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, beberapa hal terkait peluang usaha adalah sebagai berikut : Based on the above explanation, several points concerning business potential can be found as follows: 1. 1. Pasar TIC global masih bernilai besar dan terus tumbuh secara stabil. The global TIC market will still be highly-valued and will continue to experience stable growth. 2. Liberalisasi perdagangan. Dimana disatu sisi liberalisasi yang akan ditandai peningkatan arus barang dan jasa lintas negara tidak membutuhkan jasa inspeksi, namun dalam sisi lain masih ada terbuka peluang jasa inspeksi, untuk pemastian kualitas produk, perlindungan kesehatan dan lingkungan, dan lain-lain. 2. Trade has been liberalized. On one hand, liberalization will be marked by an increase in flow of goods and cross-nation services which no longer require inspection services. On the other hand, however, opportunities remain open for inspection services in product quality assessment, protection of health and the environment, and so forth. 3. Besarnya pasar domestik (nasional) dan diiringi dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional yang tinggi dan stabil. 3. Growth of the domestic (national) market size will be accompanied by a large and stable growth in national economy. 4. Semakin meningkatnya kesadaran dan kebutuhan akan standardisasi produk dan jasa dalam segala bidang. 4. Awareness and demand towards product and service standardization in all fields will increase. 5. Masih adanya sektor dalam TIC yang bernilai besar dan belum tergarap secara maksimal, terutama pada sektor kesehatan dan lingkungan. 5. Several sectors in TIC have high values and have not been maximally explored, especially in the sectors of health and environment. *" EWXeæçcZ `W]WbZ^dçY Vçæç] Yçæ `W^Z^X\çdç^ ^ZæçZ tambah domestik dan perlindungan konsumen mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis perusahaan. 6. Government regulations in the addition of domestic added value and customer protection support company usiness growth. 7. Arah kebijakan pemerintah pengembangan BUMN. mendukung 7. The direction taken by government policies support SOE development perbankan 8. There will be ease in obtaining financial support from national banks. memungkinkan 9. Technological developments will support TIC business developments. Namun, seiring dengan adanya peluang diatas, tentu perlu diidentifikasi tantangan yang akan dihadapi Perusahaan, diantaranya : However, in addition to the opportunities above, the Company also needs to identify challenges that it will face, including: 1. 1. 8. Kemudahan nasional. dukungan modal 9. Perkembangan teknologi pengembangan bisnis TIC. yang dari Liberalisasi, regionalisasi dan globalisasi akan membuka peluang Perusahaan untuk melakukan ekspansi, namun di sisi lain harus mempersiapkan diri dan fokus pada strategi untuk mempertahankan pangsa pasar domestik. 2. Tingkat kebutuhan tenaga ahli yang diperkirakan meningkat dan tentunya dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang TIC. Liberalization, regionalization and globalization will open up the Company’s opportunity to conduct expansion. On the other hand, the Company has to ready itself and focus on strategies to maintain domestic market shares. 2. Demand towards expert personnel has been predicted to increase, as required by companies in the field of TIC. Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 153 RENCANA STRATEGIS PERUSAHAAN COMPANY STRATEGIC PLAN 8W^Xç^IZcZ @ZcZVç^GçdçAZæçZèç^XçVçcççdZ^Z ]ç\ç pengembangan bisnis perusahaan akan diarahkan pada : 1. Peningkatan pangsa pasar domesik 2. Pengembangan bisnis baru, dan 3. Pengembangan bisnis an-organik JZdYdYWWhZcdZ^XIZcZ_^ @ZccZ_^ ç^VIçæeWccdçdW]W^dçd this moment, business development of the Company will be directed towards: 1. Increasing domestic market share 2. Developing new businesses 3. Developing anorganic businesses Pola kebijakan strategi Perusahaan sebagaimana VZdeç^X\ç^Vçæç]EW^Uç^ç[ç^X\çCç^[ç^XCWbecçYçç^ akan dilaksanakan dalam 3 tahapan, yaitu : The Company’s strategic plan, as found within the 7_]`ç^è?_^XGWb]Cæç^E=CC gZææTWWhWUedWVdYb_eXY three phases, which are: Tahap 1. Set Strong Foundation for Performance Excellence, untuk perbaikan internal Perusahaan. Phase 1. Set Strong Foundation for Performance Excellence, to achieve internal improvement of the Company. Tahap 2. Improve to Excellence, untuk menciptakan pondasi yang kuat guna mempersiapkan rencana pertumbuhan yang tinggi. PHASE 2. Improve to Excellence, to create a strong foundation in preparation of the plan for high growth. Tahap 3. Excellence in Performance, untuk mendukung pencapaian arah pengembangan perusahaan dimasa yang akan datang. Phase 3. Excellence in Performance, to support the achievement of the company’s direction in the future. Untuk mewujudkan rencana strategi tersebut, Perusahaan mencanangkan 4 pilar strategi yang meliputi : To achieve the above strategic plan, the Company has assembled 4 pillars of strategy, which include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Budaya berkinerja tinggi Operasional yang prima Inovasi dan Manajemen Pengetahuan, dan Pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan High performance culture Prime operations Innovation and knowledge management Sustainable growth Berdasarkan keempat pilar strategi tersebut disusunlah program-program inisiatif strategis yang diharapkan dapat menciptakan kinerja perusahaan yang terbaik cWTçXçZ]ç^ç VZdWdç`\ç^ Vçæç] EW^Uç^ç =ç^X\ç Panjang Perusahaan. Based on the above pillars of strategy, strategic initiative programs have been assembled in the hopes of producing excellent Company performance as established within dYWE=CC" Prospek Usaha PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) ditahun 2015 pada : 1. Pendapatan Portofolio Pemerintahan tumbuh sebesar 10,6% dibanding realisasi pendapatan tahun 2014. 2. Pendapatan Portofolio Komoditi & Solusi Perdagangan tumbuh sebesar 17,6% dibanding realisasi pendapatan tahun 2014. 3. Pendapatan Portofolio Minyak & Gas tumbuh sebesar 45,1% dibanding realisasi pendapatan tahun 2014. 4. Pendapatan Portofolio Industri tumbuh sebesar 191,6% dibanding realisasi pendapatan tahun 2014 5. Pendapatan Portofolio Mineral & Batubara tumbuh sebesar 14,1% dibanding realisasi pendapatan tahun 2014. 6. Pendapatan Portofolio Sertifikasi & Eco Framework tumbuh sebesar 38,5% dibanding realisasi pendapatan tahun 2014. 7. Pendapatan Portofolio Laboratorium tumbuh sebesar 7,4% dibanding realisasi pendapatan tahun 2014. PT SUCOFINDO (Persero)’s business prospects in 2015 can be found in the following: 1. EWfW^eWåb_]dYWé_fWb^]W^dC_bdå_æZ_XbWgTè%$"* compared to actual revenue in 2014. 2. EWfW^eW åb_] dYW 7_]]_VZdè GbçVW F_æedZ_^c Portfolio grew by 17,6% compared to actual revenue in 2014. 3. EWfW^eW åb_] dYW BZæ éçc C_bdå_æZ_ XbWg Tè ()"% compared to actual revenue in 2014. 4. EWfW^eW åb_] dYW <^Vecdbè C_bdå_æZ_ XbWg Tè %-%"* compared to actual revenue in 2014. 5. EWfW^eW åb_] dYW @Z^Wbçæ 7_çæ XbWg Tè %("% compared to actual revenue in 2014. 6. EWfW^eW åb_] dYW 7WbdZÄUçdZ_^ 9U_ :bç]Wg_b\ Portfolio grew by 38.5% compared to actual revenue in 2014. 7. EWfW^eW åb_] dYW ?çT_bçd_bè C_bdå_æZ_ XbWg Tè +"( compared to actual revenue in 2014. 154 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report RENCANA PERUSAHAAN CORPORATE PLANS Pada tahun 2015 SUCOFINDO mencanangkan untuk melakukan Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Pendapatan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan dalam Upaya Mempertahankan Daya Saing Perusahaan. Hal ini disebabkan karena lingkungan bisnis telah berubah, perlu strategi korporasi dan bisnis serta strategi untuk mendapatkan dukungan kebijakan baik kebijakan makroekonomi dan kebijakan sektoral. For 2015, SUCOFINDO has made plans to implement revenue growth and customer loyality improvement in effort to maintain business competitiveness. Due to the changing business environment, corporate and business strategies, along with strategies for obtaining policy support, both from macroeconomic and sectoral policies, have become necessary. Kebijakan Makroekonomi t Pasar bukan lokal tapi regional setelah Indonesia melakukan kebijakan kerjasama regional yang sangat banyak, bukan hanya dari pasar perdagangan barang tetapi juga pasar jasa (termasuk jasa tenaga kerja). Absennya kebijakan pengembangan sektor jasa berakibat jasa impor semakin tertekan defisit neraca jasa . Non tarif barrier menjadi panglima dalam persaingan. SUCOFINDO harus menjadi salah satu benteng untuk melindungi industri dan konsumen dalam negeri yaitu benteng lain Badan Karantina, Balai POM dan lainlain. Macroeconomic Policies Markets have become regional instead of local after Indonesia has produced a numerous amount of regional collaboration policies, not only in the market for the trade of goods but also the service market (including labor). The absence of policies for the development of the service sector has pushed imported services further by a deficit in the balance of service. Non-tariff barriers has become the commanding force in upcoming competition. SUCOFINDO has to become a fortress capable of defending local industries and consumers along with other fortresses such as the Quarantine Body, POM, and so forth. Kebijakan Sektoral Pembatasan ekspor mineral,muncul peluang pasar baru tidak hanya kaitannya dengan pengolahan dalam negeri dan restriksi ekspor tetapi juga perdagangan dalam negeri. Pembatasan ekspor gas, terjadi perselisihan atas alokasi gas untuk dalam negeri (DMO). Sectoral Policies Due to limitations on mineral export, new market opportunities have emerged, not only in relation to domestic processing and export restrictions, but also in domestic trade. Due to limitation on gas export, conflicting views on on domestic gas allocations (DMO) have emerged. RENCANA INVESTASI INVESTMENT PLANS Investasi yang dilakukan dalam upaya mencapai target pendapatan tahun 2015 SUCOFINDO lebih dari 75% nya akan digunakan untuk pembelian Peralatan Operasi dan Perlengkapan Mesin yang out of date khususnya untuk pengujian. Hal ini untuk mendukung tercapainya target pendapatan operasi perusahaan dan teknologi pendukung layanan jasa. In order to achieve its 2015 revenue targets, SUCOFINDO has invested more than 75% of its funds for the purchase of out of date operating equipment and machine parts, especially for testing. This will be done in order to support the achievement of Company operating revenue targets and provide technological support for services offered. KEGIATAN OPERASIONAL OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES Mengembangkan jasa-jasa baru yang prospektif, seperti di bidang energi, infrastruktur, logistik, healthcare & lifescience, transportasi udara, dan fokus pencapaian operasional dengan upaya: Develop new services with high prospects in the sectors of energy, infrastructure, logistics, healthcare and life sciences, air transportation, and so forth. Focus towards operational achievements, through the following efforts: @W^Z^X\çd\ç^share of wallet @W^XZ\edZ dW^VWb ^_^ 5C6A VZ ?W]TçXç # <^cdZdecZ # Badan Pemerintah Pelayanan Publik (DJSN, BPJS, 6E'G<>_]Z^å_ 6C<;8ææ Increase the Company’s share of wallet Participate in non-State Budget tenders from Public Service Government Bodies / Institutions (DJSN, BPJS, 6E'G<. @Z^Zcdbè _å 7_]]e^ZUçdZ_^ ç^V <^å_b]çdZ_^ Technology, BPIH, etc.) Diversify new products / services outside the range of existing services t 8ZfWbcZÄ\çcZ `çVç `b_Ve\ # [çcç Tçbe VZæeçb [çcç existing yang ada Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen F6H TWb\__bVZ^çcZ VW^Xç^ 7çTç^X dWb\çZd Vçæç] rangka pencapaian pendapatan dan laba / Management Discussion and Analysis 155 Develop coordination between SBUs and related branch offices in order to achieve targeted revenue and profit Process accreditation / permits in various sectors Increase risk mitigation efforts for all operational activities Manage QA / QC through quality management Cb_cWc`W^Xebecç^ç\bWVZdçcZ#Z[Z^VZTWbTçXçZTZVç^X CW^Z^X\çdç^ @ZdZXçcZ EWcZ\_ e^de\ cWdZç` \WXZçdç^ operasi Pengelolaan QA / QC melalui pengelolaan Manajemen Mutu Pengelolaan Portofolio Existing Produksi di Cabang & SBU terutama terhadap Jasa-jasa Unggulan Manage existing production portfolios at branch offices & SBUs, especially for top services RENCANA BIAYA UNTUK REALISASI RENCANA KE DEPAN FUNDING FOR FUTURE PLANS Menerapkan teknologi yang terintegrasi yang akan berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi biaya. Sistem informasi yang terintegrasi adalah menggabungkan sistem informasi yang sebelumnya terpisah atau berada di masing-masing unit kerja dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi biaya. Implement integrated technology with impact towards cost efficiency. An integrated information system can be created by integrating previously separate information systems or systems at respective work units, with the purpose of achieving cost efficiency. TANTANGAN YANG AKAN DIHADAPI FUTURE CHALLENGES 1. 1. Kebijakan Pemerintah tentang Pertambangan Mineral & Batubara yang melarang ekspor mineral mentah 2. Kebijakan Penyesuaian Anggaran Belanja Pemerintah dalam program-program yang terkait dengan penggunaan Surveyor / Konsultan pada Departemen Teknis tertentu 3. Fluktuasi nilai tukar rupiah, Penurunan laju ekspor & impor pada komoditas pertanian dan tekstil Government policies on mineral & coal mining prohibiting the export of raw minerals 2. Adjustment of the Government’s state budget in programs employing surveyor / consultant services from certain departments 3. Fluctuation in rupiah’s exchange rate, declining export and import rate for commodities in agriculture and textile 156 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PENCAPAIAN TARGET TAHUN 2014 Achievement of 2014 Target Berikut ini adalah ringkasan dari pencapaian target kinerja tahun 2014: A summary of the achievement of 2014 performance targets can be found as follows: TARGET OPERASIONAL DALAM RKAP 2014 OPERATIONAL TARGETS IN THE 2014 RKAP Meminimalisir complaint dari pelanggan Meningkatkan perolehan order untuk kegiatan inspeksi batubara (paket kegiatan coal quality control produksi to mother vessel, maupun coal quality control pit to mother vessel) Meningkatkan perolehan order untuk kegiatan inspeksi mineral Meningkatkan perolehan order untuk kegiatan infrastruktur dan fasilitas pertambangan Minimize complaints from customers Increase the number of orders in coal inspection activities (coal quality control activity packages for production to mother vessel or pit to mother vessel) TARGET KEUANGAN DALAM RKAP 2014 FINANCIAL TARGETS IN THE 2014 RKAP Target keuangan yang harus dicapai dalam tahun 2014 oleh seluruh Fungsi Organisasi, baik pada Fungsi Operasi maupun Pendukung Bisnis dengan sasaran kuantitatif `W^Uç`çZç^ `W^Vç`çdç^ _`WbçcZ cWTWcçb E`&"%)$ - ]ZæZçbVç^æçTçTWbcZYcWTWcçbE`%'( (]ZæZçbçdçe* &) terhadap pendapatan operasi. Financial targets which should be achieved in 2014 by all functions within the organization, both in operations and business support, come in the form of quantitative targets _å_`WbçdZ^XbWfW^eW_åE`& %)$"-TZææZ_^ç^V^WdZ^U_]W _åE`%'( (TZææZ_^ _b*"&)_ådYW_`WbçdZ^XbWfW^eW" Upaya Dalam Mencapai Target @W]`WbdçYç^\ç^ Z^ZcZçcZ `b_èW\ direncanakan sebelumnya. Efforts To Achieve Targets Maintain the initiation of projects scheduled previously. èç^X dWæçY 8Zæç\e\ç^bç`çd\Wb[ç`Z]`Z^ç^`çVçcWdZç`dbZgeæç^" Increase the number of orders for mineral inspection activities Increase the number of orders for mining infrastructure and facility activities Conduct management working meetings in every quarter. 8ZdWdç`\ç^^èç dçbXWd ]Z^Z]çæ `Wb e^Zd \Wb[ç VW^Xç^ sasaran tidak ada unit kerja yang rugi, dengan perolehan pendapatan harus diatas realisasi tahun lalu kecuali ada pengaruh eksternal yang sangat besar. Establish minimum targets per work unit, striving for no losses in all work units with bigger revenue compared to the previous year’s achievement, except in the cases of extreme external influences. H^Zdèç^XTWb\Z^Wb[çVZTçgçY*$VçbZcçcçbç^èç^X ditetapkan akan dilakukan pendampingan oleh Tim Pemasaran dari Kantor Pusat. Give accompaniment by the Marketing Team from the Head Office for units displaying performance with less than 60% achieved target. CW^èWceçZç^ cWæebeY `b_Xbç] \Wb[ç e^Zd `W^Ve\e^X (Divisi Kantor Pusat), namun tetap memperhatikan kebutuhan bisnis dan pengembangan usaha ditahun 2014. Adjust all supporting unit work programs (Head Office Division) with consideration towards business needs and business development in 2014. <]`æW]W^dçcZ cost reduction program yang lebih sistematik. Implement a more systematic cost reduction program. @W^X_`dZ]çæ\ç^ çXçb 8ZfZcZ CW^XW]Tç^Xç^ =çcç mendukung perolehan order dalam jangka pendek. Optimize the Service Development Division to provide short term support for receiving orders. H^Zd CW^Ve\e^X CWbecçYçç^ Yçbec `b_!ç\dZå e^de\ mendukung unit usaha dalam upaya pencapaian Demand supporting units to the Company to become pro-active in supporting business units and efforts to Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen pendapatan. / Management Discussion and Analysis 157 achieve revenue targets. 8ZTWbæç\e\ç^ c\W]ç reward atas prestasi kerja unit usaha (SBU dan Cabang). Implement a reward scheme for business unit (SBU and branch offices) work achievements. @W^Xçgçæ dW^VWb!dW^VWb [çcç æZ^X\e^Xç^ TçZ\ F6H maupun kantor cabang. Start environmental service tenders, both at SBUs and branch offices. @W^Xç\cWæWbçcZ [çcç![çcç Tçbe TWbTçcZc `WXçgçZç^ yang bersifat non project. Accelerate new services based on non-project work. TARGET SATU TAHUN MENDATANG TARGETS FOR THE UPCOMING YEAR GW]çE>5C&$%(]W]TçgçZ]`æZ\çcZTçYgç`WbecçYçç^ harus mampu memanfaatkan peluang dan tantangan yang ada termasuk mengantisipasi dari perubahan lingkungan bisnis yang akan terjadi, dalam penyusunan sasaran, strategi, kebijakan dan program kerja, adalah tetap mengacu kepada tema berupa penguatan pasar / produk, sentralisasi dan optimalisasi. GYWdYW]Wå_bdYW&$%(E>5C&$%(UçbbZWcdYWZ]`æZUçdZ_^ that the Company has to be able to harness existing opportunities and challenges, including by anticipating changes in the business environment to come and, in compiling targets, strategies, policies, and work programs, by continuing to refer to the theme of market / product consolidation, centralization, and optimization. Dukungan teknologi informasi akan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan daya saing Perusahaan yang akan dikoordinir oleh Divisi BIS dalam membantu Unit Bisnis menyempurnakan dan mengembangkan sistem-sistem yang ada. Information technology support will be able to increase the Company’s business competitiveness, coordinated by the Information and Business Solution Division in supporting Business Units to improve and develop existing systems. Sasaran kinerja tahun 2014 merupakan target perusahaan dengan sasaran kuantitatif pencapaian pendapatan _`WbçcZcWTWcçbE`&"%)$ -]ZæZçbVç^æçTçTWbcZYcWTWcçb E`%'( (]ZæZçbçdçe* &)dWbYçVç``W^Vç`çdç^_`WbçcZ" Performance targets in 2014 come in the form of aeç^dZdçdZfW dçbXWdc _å _`WbçdZ^X bWfW^eW _å E`& %)$"- TZææZ_^ç^V^WdZ^U_]W_åE`%'( (TZææZ_^ _b*"&)_ådYW operating revenue. 158 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PEMASARAN DAN PENGUASAAN PASAR Marketing And Market Share Sebagai perusahaan layanan jasa yang meliputi layanan untuk Inspeksi dan Audit, Pengujian dan Analisis, Sertifikasi, Pelatihan, dan Konsultasi, maka pemasaran menjadi hal penting yang menentukan pencapaian kinerja Perusahaan selama tahun 2014. Tugas dan tanggung jawab terkait pemasaran dilaksanakan oleh Divisi Pemasaran dan Pengembangan Bisnis yang berada di bawah koordinasi dan bertanggung jawab kepada Direktur Sumber Daya dan Keuangan. As an assurance service company providing services in inspection and audit, testing and analysis, certification, training, and consultation, marketing becomes the determining factor to the achivevement of Company performance targets for 2014. Duties and responsibilities in marketing are performed by the Marketing and Business Development Division under the coordination of ç^VbWc`_^cZTæWd_dYW8ZbWUd_b_åEWc_ebUWcç^V:Z^ç^UW" Struktur Organisasi Divisi Pemasaran dan Pengembangan Bisnis Division of Marketing and Business Development Direktur Sumber Daya & Keuangan Director of Resources and Finance Divisi Pemasaran Dan Pengembangan Bisnis Division of Marketing and Business Development Kepala Divisi Division Head Bagian Pengembanan Bisnis & Riset Pasar Bagian Pemasaran & Pengelolaan Pelanggan Business Development and Market Research Section Marketing and Customer Management Section Kepala Bagian Kepala Bagian Section Head Section Head Sub Bagian Riset Pasar Market Research Sub-Section Kepala Sub Bagian Sub-Section Head Sub Bagian Pengembangan Bisnis Business Development Sub-Section Kepala Sub Bagian Sub-Section Head Sub Bagian Pemasaran & Promosi Marketing and Promotion Sub-Section Kepala Sub Bagian Sub-Section Head Sub Bagian Pengelolaan Pelanggan Customer Management Sub-Section Kepala Sub Bagian Sub-Section Head Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 159 PROFIL PEJABAT ORGANISASI DIVISI PEMASARAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN BISNIS Marketing and Business Development Division Head Profile Lahir tanggal 30 Desember 1963, umur 51 tahun. Menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjana di Fakultas Manajemen Informatika kemudian menyelesaikan pendidikan S2 Manajemen Internasional di IPMI pada tahun 2002. Sebelumnya beliau menjabat sebagai Kepala Divisi Pemasaran mulai bulan Februari 2012 sampai dengan April 2014. Diangkat sebagai Kepala Divisi Pemasaran dan Pengembangan Bisnis pada bulan April 2014. He was born on December 30, 1963, and is 51 years of age. He completed his undergraduate study in the Faculty of Information Technology Management and completed his graduate study in International Management at IPMI in 2002. He previously held the position of Marketing Division Head from February 2012 until April 2014. He was appointed as Marketing and Business Develoopment Division Head on April 2014. WIRAWAN Kepala Divisi Pemasaran dan Pengembangan Bisnis Head of Marketing and Business Development Beberapa tugas yang menjadi kewajiban Divisi Pemasaran dan Pengembangan Bisnis yaitu pengelolaan fungsi-fungsi pemasaran, seperti strategi pemasaran, pelayanan pelanggan, promosi dan Account Management System, riset pemasaran dan kerjasama bisnis. Dalam fungsi ini, Divisi Pemasaran dan Pengembangan Bisnis bekerjasama dengan Divisi Pengembangan Jasa, SBU, serta cabang terkait. Kegiatan penjualan (sales activity) dilakukan oleh SBU, cabang, dan para Account Partner. Some of the duties under the Marketing Division’s responsibility are contained within the management of marketing functions, such as marketing strategy, customer service, promotion, account management system, market research and business collaborations. For this purpose, the Marketing Division works in cooperation with the Service Development Division, SBUs, and relevant branch offices. Sales activities are conducted by SBUs, branch offices, and account partners. Penerapan revitalisasi Account Management System (AMS) yang dilaksanakan oleh Divisi Pemasaran dan Pengembangan Bisnis SUCOFINDO mulai tanggal 1 April 2012 telah mengubah pola penjualan dari konsep product out menjadi . Perubahan ini berpengaruh terhadap penanganan pelanggan. Berbagai kebutuhan jasa pelanggan yang pada awalnya ditangani oleh beberapa tenaga penjualan, kini hanya ditangani seorang Account Partner. EWfZdçæZiçdZ_^ _å dYW 5UU_e^d @ç^çXW]W^d FècdW] (AMS) conducted by SUCOFINDO’s Marketing Division commenced on April 1, 2012, changing the sales pattern from using the concept of product out to market in. This change influenced the way customers are handled. IçbZ_ec cWbfZUW ^WWVc å_b Uecd_]Wbc gYZUY ecWV d_ TW handled by several sales personnel, are now handled by one Account Partner each. Pelanggan-pelanggan dalam kategori berikut: SUCOFINDO customers are grouped into the following categories: SUCOFINDO dikelompokkan 1. Key Account Terdiri dari para pelanggan yang berkontribusi cWTç^èç\E`&]ZæZçbçdçeæWTZY">Wæ_]`_\`Wæç^XXç^ ini dikelola oleh Key Account Partner. 1. 2. Regular Account Terdiri dari para pelanggan yang berkontribusi cWTç^èç\ E`%)$ [edç YZ^XXç E`& ]ZæZçb" >Wæ_]`_\ pelanggan ini dikelola oleh Regular Account Partner. 2. Regular Account 7_^cZcdZ^X_åUecd_]WbcgY_U_^dbZTedWE`%)$]ZææZ_^ d_ E`& TZææZ_^" 7ecd_]Wbc gZdYZ^ dYZc UçdWX_bè çbW ]ç^çXWVTèEWXeæçb5UU_e^dCçbd^Wbc" Key Account 7_^cZcdZ^X_åUecd_]WbcgY_U_^dbZTedWE`&TZææZ_^_b more. Customers within this category are managed by Key Account Partners. 160 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 3. Retail Account Terdiri dari para pelanggan yang berkontribusi di TçgçY E`%)$ [edç" >Wæ_]`_\ CWæç^XXç^ Z^Z VZ\Wæ_æç oleh Fungsi Penjualan Unit Bisnis. 3. Retail Account 7_^cZcdZ^X_åUecd_]WbcgY_U_^dbZTedWæWccdYç^E`%)$ million. Customers within this category are managed by the Sales Function of each Business Unit. STRATEGI PEMASARAN MARKETING STRATEGIES Sebagai perusahaan yang fokus terhadap pelayanan pelanggan, SUCOFINDO menjalankan beberapa strategi pemasaran sebagai berikut: As a company focused on customer service, SUCOFINDO has executed several marketing strategies, as follows: 1. Great Perception Untuk meningkatkan brand awareness dan brand image dari SUCOFINDO. 1. Great Perception To improve SUCOFINDO’s brand awareness and brand image. 2. Customer Engagement Untuk memelihara hubungan dan kedekatan khusus dengan para pelanggan yang berperan besar terhadap kinerja dan pendapatan Perusahaan. 2. Customer Engagement To nurture relations and certain closeness with customers who play a large role in determining the Company’s performance and revenue. 3. Customer Insight Untuk melengkapi Perusahaan dengan strategi pendukung yang menampung aspirasi dari para pelanggan, mencakup perilaku, kebutuhan, keinginan, dan harapan mereka. 3. Customer Insight To supplement the Company with supporting strategies that collect aspirations from customers, including in regard to their behavior, needs, desires, and expectations. Ada pula program-program strategi yang diterapkan oleh Perusahaan, antara lain: - Komunikasi Pemasaran Terintegrasi; - Implementasi Account Management System; - Pelayanan Pelanggan; ! EZcWdCçcçb" The following strategy programs are also implemented by the Company: - Integrated Marketing Communication; - Implementation of Account Management System; - Customer Service; - @çb\WdEWcWçbUY" KEBIJAKAN DAN STRATEGI POLICIES AND STRATEGIES Di tahun 2014 terjadi reorganisasi yang mendorong perluasan cakupan layanan SUCOFINDO yang semula terdiri dari 73 jenis jasa, menjadi 85 jenis jasa yang dikelola oleh 8 SBU. Dengan banyaknya layanan dan luasnya jaringan mitra, SUCOFINDO selalu berupaya untuk memuaskan pelanggan dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan mitra. Sebagai upaya untuk memperluas pasar, SUCOFINDO berusaha menarik minat mitra-mitra baru yang potensial. In 2014, restructuration towards the organization took place, encouraging the expansion of SUCOFINDO’s scope of service, from initially consisting to 73 types of services to 85 types of services managed by 8 SBUs. With the numerous amount of services and the scope of its partnership network, SUCOFINDO continues to endeavor to satisfy its customers and maintain good relations with partners. As part of its effort to expand its market, SUCOFINDO has attempted to draw the interest of potential new partners. Berdasarkan hasil Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan (SKP) yang dilakukan pada tahun 2014, diketahui Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan (IKP) sebesar 79,83%; menunjukkan penyesuaian dari hasil tahun 2013 sebesar 81,27%. Based on the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) conducted in 2014, the Company’s Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) has been calculated as 79.83%, showing better adaptation compared to 2013’s result of 81.27%. Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan merupakan ukuran kualitas layanan SUCOFINDO yang dinilai oleh pelanggan berdasarkan 5 (lima) dimensi yaitu: The Customer Satisfaction Index serves as a parameter of quality for SUCOFINDO’s services, as evaluated by customers based on 5 (five) aspects, namely: Keandalan : Kemampuan untuk memberikan jasa sesuai dengan yang dijanjikan dengan tepat dan terpercaya. Reliability : Ability to provide service as promised in an accurate and trustworthy manner. Ketanggapan : Kemauan untuk membantu pelanggan dan memberikan jasa dengan cepat. Responsiveness : Willingness to assist customers and provide service in a swift manner. Keyakinan : Pengetahuan dan kesopanan pegawai serta kemampuan mereka untuk membangun kepercayaan dan keyakinan. Confidence: Knowledgeability and politeness of employees and their ability to build trust and confidence. Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen 161 / Management Discussion and Analysis Empati : Peduli serta memberi perhatian pribadi terhadap pelanggan. Berwujud : Penampilan fasilitas fisik, peralatan dan personel. Empathy : Personal care and attention towards customers. Form : Physical appearance of facilities, equipment, and personnel. Pangsa Pasar Industri SUCOFINDO adalah : SUCOFINDO’s market shares can be found in the following industries : Mineral and coal industries Oil and gas industries Agriculture industries Manufacturing industries Infrastructure industries Tourism industries Government institutions <^VecdbZ]Z^WbTç <^VecdbZ]ZXçc <^VecdbZ`Wbdç^Zç^ <^VecdbZ]ç^eåç\deb <^VecdbZZ^åbçcdbe\deb <^VecdbZ`çbZgZcçdç 6çVç^`W]WbZ^dçY Keunggulan produk / jasa yang ditawarkan oleh SUCOFINDO: Merits of products / services offered by SUCOFINDO: 1. Reputasi 1. Reputation SUCOFINDO has been in operation and possess example experience, being a surveyor since 1956. In conducting its business activities, SUCOFINDO refers to and implements national and international technical standards, supported by a number of experts and specialists having adequate experience in providing inspection service activities. SUCOFINDO telah beroperasi dan berpengalaman sebagai surveyor sejak tahun 1956. Dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya mengacu dan menerapkan standar teknis yang berlaku nasional maupun internasional, didukung oleh sejumlah tenaga ahli dan spesialis yang berpengalaman untuk melayani kegiatan inspeksi. 2. Network 2. Jaringan SUCOFINDO has points of service distributed throughout Indonesia. We are also partnered with foreign inspection companies with global networks. SUCOFINDO memiliki titik layanan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Kami bermitra dengan perusahaanperusahaan inspeksi asing yang memiliki jaringan global. 3. Services Tailored to Customer Needs 3. Jasa Sesuai Kebutuhan Pelanggan SUCOFINDO always strives to offer solutions that answer the needs of its customers. SUCOFINDO senantiasa berusaha untuk menawarkan solusi yang menjawab kebutuhan para pelanggannya. 4. Acknowledgement 4. Pengakuan SUCOFINDO is a member of international associations such as the International Federation of Inspection Agencies (IFIA) and the national surveyor association, Asosiasi I (AISI). SUCOFINDO adalah anggota asosiasi internasional seperti IFIA (International Federation of Inspection Agencies), asosiasi surveyor nasional AISI (Asosiasi I). PENDAPATAN SUCOFINDO BERDASARKAN PORTOFOLIO / SBU SUCOFINDO REVENUE BASED ON PORTOFOLIO / SBU Perolehan Pendapatan Berdasar Segmen usaha Revenue based on Business Segment Segmen Usaha Business Segment 1 Realisasi 2014 &$%(EWçæZiçdZ_^ Target 2014 2014 Target Realisasi 2013 2013 Realization 2 3 4 Selisih Difference (2-3) (2-4) Pencapaian Achievement (2-3) (2-4) Government I Government I 147.984 193.575 100.885 (45.590) 47.099 76,4% 146,7% Government II Government II 66.401 124.635 119.800 58.234) (53.399) 53,3% 55,4% Minyak & Gas Oil & Gas 386.448 519.403 296.092 (132.954) 74,4% 130,5% 90.356 162 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Industri Industry 52.134 180.959 68.371 128.825) (16.236) 28,8% 76,3% Komoditi & Solusi Perdagangan Commodity & Trade Solutions 188.033 243.244 276.896 (55.211) (88.863) 77,3% 67,9% Laboratorium Laboratory 138.324 118.893 87.647 19.431 50.677 116,3% 157,8% Mineral & Batubara Mineral & Coal 539.596 524.324 574.764 15.272 (35.167) 102,9% 93,9% Sertifikasi & Eco Framework Certification & EcoFramework 105.994 146.244 123.958 (40.250) (17.963) 72,5% 85,5% Property Property 26.675 21.134 30.050 5.541 (3.374) 126,2% 88,8% Lainnya Others 66.5 0 10.107 66 (10.041) 0,0% 0,7% PT SAU 53.016 55.243 32.300 (2.227) 20.716 96,0% 164,1% PT EPISI 1,657 23.221 10.113 (21.563) (8.455) 7,1% 16,4% 1.708.350 2,152,896 1.733.005 444.544 24.653 20,6% 1,42& Jumlah Total STRATEGI PERUSAHAAN CORPORATE STRATEGIES 1. Strategi Financial Mengoptimalkan realisasi anggaran biaya usaha 1. 2. Customer Focus Implementasi program pengelolaan pelanggan, untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dan dapat meningkatkan brand equity perusahaan 2. Customer Focus Implementation of customer management programs to improve customer satisfaction and increase the Company’s brand equity 3. Internal Process Penerapan sistem manajemen untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional, serta melakukan analisis kinerja dalam rangka peningkatan pelayanan kepada pelanggan 3. Internal Process Implementation of a management system to support operational activities and analysis of performance in order to improve service to customers 4. Learning & Growth Peningkatan kemampuan Pegawai melalui pelatihan dan knowledge management 4. Learning & Growth Employee competence building through training and knowledge management Financial Strategy Optimization of business expenses from the budget Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen / Management Discussion and Analysis 163 164 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN YANG BAIK GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance Implemng Good Pracc of Corpor Govce Menerapkan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik 165 166 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN Good Corporate Governance SUCOFINDO memahami pentingnya penerapan prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik atau Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dalam menciptakan praktik terbaik bisnis yang bertanggung jawab dan berkelanjutan. Sebagai BUMN yang bergerak di bidang mitigasi risiko, pelatihan dan konsultasi, GCG menjadi semakin penting mengingat faktor risiko merupakan topik rutin yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan. GCG mempengaruhi bagaimana tujuan perusahaan dicapai, bagaimana risiko dikaji, dan bagaimana kinerja dioptimalkan. SUCOFINDO understands the importance of implementing good corporate governance (GCG) in creating responsible and sustainable best practices in business. As a stateowned enterprise acting in risk mitigation, along with training and consultation, GCG has become more vital recalling that the topic of risk is routinely faced by the company. GCG influences how a company’s objectives will be achieved, how risks are evaluated, and how performance can be optimized. Melalui penerapan GCG, SUCOFINDO ingin menanamkan budaya sadar risiko, etika berbisnis, dan tata perilaku yang baik di seluruh insan SUCOFINDO untuk menciptakan kinerja perusahaan yang unggul. SUCOFINDO terus mengoptimalkan implementasi GCG dengan budaya perusahaan yang menjunjung tinggi integritas, profesionalisme, serta kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan dan peraturan yang berlaku. Through the implementation of GCG, SUCOFINDO aims to ingrain a culture of risk awareness, business ethics, and good behavioral conduct in all SUCOFINDO personnel to achieve excellence in company performance. SUCOFINDO continues to optimize the implementation of GCG with a corporate culture which upholds integrity, professionalism, and compliance towards laws and regulations in effect. Strategi dan cakupan implementasi GCG sepanjang tahun 2014 melibatkan seluruh jajaran di setiap lini organisasi SUCOFINDO. Secara garis besar, penerapan GCG mengacu kepada nilai-nilai transparansi, akuntabilitas, tanggung jawab, independensi, dan kewajaran. Strategies and scope of GCG implementation throughout 2014 have involved all levels within the SUCOFINDO organization. Overall, the implementation of GCG abides by values of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 167 PRINSIP-PRINSIP TATA KELOLA PRINCIPLES OF GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TRANSPARANSI Transparency Prinsip keterbukaan dalam melaksanakan proses pengambilan keputusan dan keterbukaan dalam mengemukakan informasi material yang relevan mengenai perusahaan. Openness in implementing the process of decision making and providing material information relevant to the company. AKUNTABILITAS Prinsip kejelasan fungsi, pelaksanaan dan pertanggungjawaban organisasi yang memungkinkan pengelolaan perusahaan dapat terlaksana secara efektif. Accountability Clarity of function, implementation, and responsibility in the organization so that company management can be implemented effectively. TANGGUNG JAWAB Responsibility Prinsip kesesuaian di dalam pengelolaan perusahaan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan prinsip-prinsip korporasi yang sehat. Conformity between company management with laws and regulations in effect and good corporate values. INDEPENDENSI Independence Prinsip pengelolaan perusahaan secara profesional tanpa benturan kepentingan dan pengaruh maupun tekanan dari pihak manapun yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan prinsip-prinsip korporasi yang sehat. Professional management of the company without conflicts of interest, influence and pressure from outside forces in violation towards laws and regulations in effect and good corporate values. KEWAJARAN Fairness Prinsip perlakuan yang adil dan sama dalam memenuhi hak-hak stakeholders berdasarkan ketentuan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Fair and equal treatment in fulfilling the rights of the stakeholders and shareholders in accordance to laws and regulations in effect. 168 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PEDOMAN TATA KELOLA MANUALS FOR CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 1. 1. Undang Undang Nomor 19 tahun 2003 tentang Badan Usaha Milik Negara; Law 19 / 2003 regarding State-Owned Enterprises (SOE); 2. Undang-Undang RI No.40 Tahun 2007 Tentang Perseroan Terbatas; 2. Law 40 / 2007 regarding Limited Liability Companies; 3. Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 45 Tahun 2005 tentang Pendirian, Pengurusan, Pengawasan dan Pembubaran Badan usaha Milik Negara; 3. Government Regulation 45 / 2005 regarding the Establishment, Management, Supervision and Dissolution of State-Owned Enterprises; 4. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor Per-01 / MBU / 2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) Pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara; 4. Minister of SOE Regulation No. Per-01 / MBU / 2011 issued August 1, 2011, regarding the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises; 5. Akta Notaris Johan Arifin Lumban Tobing Sutan Arifin di Jakarta tanggal 22 Oktober 1956 Nomor 42 sebagaimana telah diubah terakhir dengan Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) dari Notaris Indah Prastiti Extensia, SH, di Jakarta tanggal 8 Agustus 2008 Nomor 10 tentang Perubahan Anggaran Dasar PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) dan telah mendapatkan pengesahan dalam Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan HAM RI tanggal 31 Oktober 2008 Nomor: AHU-80823.AH.01.02. Tahun 2008; 5. Notary Deed No. 42 issued by Notary Johan Arifin Lumban Tobing Sutan Arifin in Jakarta on October 22, 1956, recently amended by Deed of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) Meeting Decision No. 10 regarding Changes to PT SUCOFINDO (Persero)’s Articles of Association issued by Notary Indah Prastiti Extensia, S.H., in Jakarta on August 8, 2008, approved within Minister of Law and Human Rights Decision No. AHU-80823. AH.01.02. issued October 31, 2008; 6. Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) dari Notaris Indah Prastiti Extensia, SH Nomor 11 tanggal 15 April 2008 tentang Pemberhentian dan Pengangkatan Direksi PT SUCOFINDO (Persero); 6. Deed of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) Meeting Decision No. 11 regarding the Dismissal and Appointment of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) Directors issued by Notary Indah Prastiti Extensia, S.H., on April 15, 2008; 7. Peraturan Perusahaan Nomor 1 / PP / 2004 tanggal 04 November 2004 tentang Sistem Manajemen SUCOFINDO; 7. Company Regulation No. 1 / Company Regulation / 2004 regarding SUCOFINDO’s Management System issued November 4, 2004; 8. Keputusan Direksi Nomor 40 / KD / 2014 tanggal 16 Oktober 2014 tentang Struktur Organisasi Perusahaan PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO). 8. Board of Directors Decision No. 40 / KD / 2014 regarding PT SUCOFINDO (Persero)’s Organizational Structure issued October 16, 2014. TUJUAN TATA KELOLA PURPOSE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Merujuk Pedoman GCG SUCOFINDO, maka tujuan penerapan GCG oleh SUCOFINDO, adalah: Referring to SUCOFINDO’s GCG Code, the purpose of GCG implementation by SUCOFINDO includes: 1. Meningkatkan keberhasilan usaha dan menciptakan nilai tambah bagi semua pihak yang berkepentingan (Stakeholders) dengan berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip transparansi dan akuntabilitas. 1. Increase success in business and create added value for all stakeholders, abiding by principles of transparency and accountability. 2. Menghindari kegagalan Perusahaan dalam pencapaian sasaran dan tujuan Perusahaan sebagai akibat dari adanya kelalaian dan atau kesalahan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan usaha. 2. Prevent Company failure in achieving its targets and objectives due to negligence and / or incorrectness in conducting business activities. 3. Terciptanya kinerja Perusahaan yang baik. 3. Achieve good Company performance. 4. Terciptanya reputasi dan citra Perusahaan yang baik dan terpercaya. 4. Create good and trustworthy reputation and image for the Company. 5. Terjaganya kelangsungan hidup Perusahaan. 5. Maintain the existence of the Company. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 169 ASPEK-ASPEK KESEIMBANGAN GCG ASPECTS OF BALANCE IN GCG GCG merupakan kegiatan dalam mengelola aspekaspek keseimbangan terkait: GCG consists of activities that manage the following aspects of balance: A. Keseimbangan Internal A. Internal Balance 1. Menjaga keseimbangan hubungan dalam organ Perusahaan (RUPS, Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan seluruh jajarannya). 2. Terjalinnya hubungan struktural kelembagaan maupun mekanisme operasional dalam Perusahaan (RUPS, Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, SPI, SBU, Unit PKBL, Cabang, dan Unit Pelayanan). B. Keseimbangan Eksternal 1. terhadap Maintain the balance in relations between elements within the Company (GMS, Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and all levels of management) 2. Form structural relationships between institutions or even operational mechanisms between elements within the Company (GMS, Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, ISP, SBU, PKBL Unit, Branch Offices and Service Units) B. External Balance Pemenuhan akuntabilitas dan tanggung jawab Perusahaan sebagai entitas usaha kepada: shareholders, stakeholders dan Lingkungan Perusahaan. 2. Perlindungan Saham. 1. hak-hak Pemegang 1. Fulfillment of Company responsibilities and accountability as a business entity to: shareholders, and the Company Environment. 2. Protection of shareholder rights. 3. Perlakuan yang sama terhadap seluruh Pemegang Saham. 3. Equal treatment towards all shareholders. 4. Peranan stakeholders Perusahaan. dengan 4. Relevant stakeholder roles towards the Company. 5. Menerapkan keterbukaan dan transparansi sehingga meningkatkan kepercayaan bagi perusahaan. 5. Implementation of openness and transparency to increase trust within the Company. yang terkait 170 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PENERAPAN TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN YANG BAIK Implementation of Good Corporate Governance STRUKTUR PROFIL DIVISI SISTEM MANAJEMEN, GCG DAN RISIKO PROFILE OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, GCG AND RISK DIVISION SUCOFINDO berkomitmen tinggi dalam penerapan GCG pada pelaksanaan aktivitas bisnisnya, dengan membentuk Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG dan Risiko (SGR) yang bertanggung jawab dalam Pengelolaan, penerapan dan pemantauan GCG di lingkungan perusahaan. Divisi ini dipimpin seorang Kepala Divisi yang bertanggung jawab kepada Direktur Utama. SUCOFINDO is highly committed to implementing GCG in its business activities through the formation of the System Management, GCG and Risk (SGR) Division, responsible for the management, implementation and monitoring of GCG within company environment. The division is led by a Division Head responsible to the President Director. Dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG dan Risiko dibantu oleh: In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, the System Management, GCG and Risk Division is supported by: 1. Kepala Bagian GCG dan Pengelolaan Risiko 2. Kepala Bagian Sistem Manajemen Risiko 1. GCG and Risk Management Section Head 2. Risk Management System Section Head Struktur Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG dan Risiko Management System, GCG and Risk Division Structure Divisi Sistem Manajemen, Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan Risiko Management System, Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Risk Division Direktur Utama President Director Divisi Sistem Manajemen, Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan Risiko Management System, Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Risk Division Kepala Divisi Division Head Bagian Sistim Manajemen Management System Section Bagian Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan Pengelolaan Risiko Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Risk Management Section Kepala Bagian Section Head Kepala Bagian Section Head Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 171 PROFIL PIMPINAN DIVISI SISTEM MANAJEMEN, GCG DAN RISIKO Management System, GCG and Risk Division Head Profile Lahir di Purbalingga, tanggal 25 Pebruari 1968 umur 46 tahun, menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jurusan Hukum Universitas Jendral Soedirman pada tahun 1990. Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 1992 memulai karir sebagai Staf SDM Menempati berbagai posisi kunci di SUCOFINDO sebagai : - Kepala Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG dan Risiko (Oktober 2013 - 2014) - Kepala Divisi Human Capital (2012 - Oktober 2013) - Pjs. Kepala Divisi Human Capital (2011). Born in Purbalingga, February 25, 1968, the 46-year-old man completed his study in Law at Jenderal Soedirman University in 1990. R. RULI ADI Kepala Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG & Risiko Head of System Management, GCG & Risk Division He joined SUCOFINDO in 1992 and began his career as a HR Staff. He occupied various key positions in SUCOFINDO, such as : - System Management, GCG and Risk Division Head (October 2013 - 2014) - Human Capital Division Head (2012 - October 2013) - Acting Human Capital Division Head (2011). TAHAPAN PENERAPAN GCG SUCOFINDO STAGES OF GCG IMPLEMENTATION IN SUCOFINDO Pentahapan SUCOFINDO dalam mewujudkan GCG sebagai sebuah Sistem adalah sebagai berikut: SUCOFINDO has conducted the following stages in order to implement GCG as a system: Komitmen dari seluruh Insan SUCOFINDO yang dimulai dari manajemen Puncak Commitment from all SUCOFINDO personnel, starting from top-level management Penguatan sistem melalui pembangunan sarana dan prasarana tata kelola perusahaan diantaranya dengan penyusunan Pedoman GCG, Pedoman Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku, Board Manual, penilaian GCG. System consolidation through the development of corporate governance facilities and infrastructure such as by compiling a GCG Code, Business Ethics and Code of Conduct, Board Manual, and GCG assessment system. Memasukkan GCG ke dalam program dan sasaran kerja jangka pendek dan jangka panjang Inclusion of GCG within short-term and long-term programs and work targets. Melakukan Self Assessment GCG GCG Self-Assessment Menetapkan, melaksanakan dan memantau tindak lanjut temuan Establishment, implementation and monitoring of follow-up actions towards findings Melakukan assessment oleh lembaga independen, dengan tahapan seleksi / tender lembaga pelaksana secara transparan. menetapkan pemenang, dan pelaksanaan assessment Assessment by independent body appointed through a transparent selection / tender process, consisting of the appointment of the winner and implementation of assessment Menetapkan, melaksanakan dan memantau tindak lanjut temuan Establishment, implementation and monitoring of follow-up actions towards findings Membentuk Tim Manajemen Risiko Formation of Risk Management Team Mengukur tingkat penerapan Corporate Governance secara internal melalui eksaminasi Baldrige Criteria yang meliputi 4 aspek yaitu approach, deployment, learning dan integrasi Internal appraisal of the level of Corporate Governance implementation through examination of the Baldrige Criteria covering the following 4 aspects: approach, deployment, learning and integration. Menetapkan, melaksanakan dan memantau tindak lanjut hasil pengukuran. Tindak lanjut yang dilakukan adalah tindak lanjut yang dibawah kendali dan kewenangan manajemen SUCOFINDO Establishment, implementation and monitoring of follow-up actions towards appraisal results. Followup actions are conducted beneath the control and authority of the SUCOFINDO management Evaluasi dan Perbaikan yang terus menerus Continuous evaluation and improvement 172 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Kerangka Kerja Penerapan GCG é7é<]`æW]W^dçdZ_^:bç]Wg_b\ Permen BUMN No.PER-01 / MBU / 20111 tentang GCG & Turunan Hukum & Peraturan Perundangan yang berlaku (UU PT, BUMN, dll) Visi, Misi & Tata AZæçZCWbecçYçç^ Minister of SOE Reg. No: PER-01 / MBU / 2011 on GCG and Derivatives Laws & Regulations in Effect (regarding LLC, SOE, etc) Vision, Mission & Corporate Culture Penguatan Soft Structure GCG Pembangunan Infrastruktur GCG GCG Soft Structure Implementation GCG Infrastructure Development CWV_]ç^é7é CWV_]ç^9dZ\çHcçYçç^VGçdçCWbZæç\e (CoC) CWV_]ç^8Wgç^ >WTZ[ç\ç^?;>CA CW]TW^de\ç^VZfZcZFéEèç^X Memfasilitasi dan memantau penerapan GCG CW]TW^de\ç^>_]ZdW!\_]ZdWèç^XbWæWfç^ GCG Manuals Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (CoC) Board Manual LHKPN Policies >WæW^X\ç`ç^é7é.FW\`Wb `W^XW^VçæZç^ <^dWb^çæ CW^Xçgçcç^#5eVZd<^dWb^çæ ;7 dll Formation of SGR Division which facilitates and monitors GCG implementation GCG Elements : Corporate Secretary, Internal Control, Internal Supervision / Audit, HC, etc. Formation of Relevan Commitees Sosialisasi dan Internalisasi Socialization and Internalization Evaluasi dan Rekomendasi Evaluation and Recommendation <]`æW]W^dçcZVZcWæebeYH> Implementation at all Units Evaluasi dan Rekomendasi Evaluation and Recommendation Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 173 PENINGKATAN PENERAPAN TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN Improvement in Good Corporate Governance Implementation SUCOFINDO melakukan berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan penerapan praktik-praktik terbaik GCG, meliputi: SUCOFINDO has taken various efforts to improve its implementation of GCG best practices, including: No Rencana Pengembangan Plans For Development Program Kerja Work Programs 1. Peningkatan implementasi GCG dalam aktifitas perusahaan. Improved GCG implementation in company activities. Pembangunan Whistle Blowing System sebagai upaya Perusahaan dalam menegakkan prinsip GCG khususnya yang berkaitan dengan integaritas dan transparansi, guna menciptakan situasi kerja yang bersih dan bertanggung jawab. Development of a whistleblowing system as the Company’s effort in upholding GCG principles, especially pertaining to integrity and transparency, in order to create a clean and responsible working environment. 2. Peningkatan pemahanam Pelaksanaan Pedoman GCG, Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku. Improved understanding towards implementation of GCG through Code of Business Ethics and Conduct. Sosialisasi dan Internalisasi mendalam terhadap Pedoman etika usaha dan tata perilaku kepada seluruh pegawai SUCOFINDO. In-depth socialization and internalization of code of business ethics and conduct to all SUCOFINDO employees. 3. Penilaian terhadap kualitas penerapan GCG. Melaksanakan penilaian atas penerapan GCG, dan menindaklanjuti hasil temuan. Evaluation towards the quality of GCG Evaluation towards GCG implementation and follow-up actions towards resulting implementation. findings. PEDOMAN PENERAPAN GCG Manual of GCG Implementation Sebagai acuan dan panduan dalam menerapkan GCG, SUCOFINDO telah menerbitkan Pedoman Penerapan GCG sebagaimana pembaruan yang paling akhir dituangkan dalam Peraturan Perusahaan Nomor 1 / PP / 2009. As a reference and guide in implementing GCG, SUCOFINDO has published a manual of GCG Implementation (GCG Manual) with its most recent amendments contained within Company Regulation No. 1 / Company Regulation / 2009. Pedoman ini memuat 4 (empat) buku, yaitu: Buku I : Pedoman Good Corporate Governance Buku II : Board Manual Buku III : Self Assessment Buku IV : Kerangka Kerja dan Implementasi GCG The GCG Manual consists of 4 (four) books, which are: Book I : Good Corporate Governance Manuals Book II : Board Manual Book III : Self-Assessment Book IV : GCG Framework and Implementation Pedoman Penerapan GCG mengatur tata cara mempraktikan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik secara optimal dalam upaya perusahaan mencapai visi, misi serta target perusahaan secara berkesinambungan. The GCG Manual dictates procedures for optimal implementation of good corporate governance as part of the company’s efforts in achieving its vision, mission and targets in a sustainable manner. 174 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PEDOMAN ETIKA USAHA & TATA PERILAKU Code of Business Ethics and Conduct Pelaksanaan Kode Etik di lingkungan perusahaan merupakan salah satu upaya yang memberi kontribusi positif dalam penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG. Pada tanggal 31 Mei 2004 telah dibentuk Komite Kode Etik yang bertugas untuk membuat Pedoman Kode Etik Perusahaan. The implementation of a Code of Conduct in the company’s environment is one of the company’s efforts to contribute positively towards the implementation of GCG principles. On May 31, 2004, a Code of Conduct Committee was formed to accomplish the task of compiling a Corporate Code of Conduct. Kode Etik telah diterbitkan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi nomor 8 / KD / 2004. Selanjutnya sosialisasi Kode Etik dilakukan oleh Komite Kode Etik. Sampai dengan bulan September 2004, sosialisasi telah dilakukan dari tingkat Dewan Komisaris, Direksi sampai dengan pegawai; serta melakukan revisi SKD Nomor 8 / KD / 2004 menjadi KD nomor 18 / KD / 2005 dan telah ditandatangani pernyataan tertulis atas kepatuhannya oleh Direksi. Penunjukan seorang Chief Compliance Officer untuk memantau pelaksanaan penerapan Kode Etik. The Code of Conduct was issued under Board of Directors Decision Letter No. 8 / KD / 2004. In continuation, socialization of the Code of Conduct was carried out by the Code of Conduct Committee. By September 2004, socialization has reached the level of Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, to the level of personnel; Board of Directors Decision Letter No. 8 / KD / 2004 was then revised into Board of Directors Decision No. 18 / KD / 2005. A written statement of compliance has also been signed by the Board of Directors. A Chief Compliance Officer was appointed to monitor the implementation of this Code of Conduct. DASAR PEDOMAN FOUNDATION FOR CODE OF CONDUCT Sebagai acuan dan panduan dalam menerapkan Kode Etik, SUCOFINDO telah menerbitkan Pedoman Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku. Dimana Pedoman ini berisi 4 bagian, yaitu: As a reference and guide in implementing the Code of Conduct, SUCOFINDO has published a Code of Business Ethics and Conduct consisting of 4 parts, namely: Bagian I Bagian II Bagian III Bagian IV Part I Part II Part III Part IV : Pendahuluan : Pedoman Etika Usaha : Pedoman Tata Perilaku : Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Pedoman Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku mengatur tata cara Perusahaan didalam menjalankan perusahaan yang baik secara optimal dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan sesuai dengan penerapan dan tindakan yang telah ada dalam pedoman tersebut. Pedoman Etika Usaha dan tata Perilaku diterapkan sebagai pedoman yang berlaku bagi seluruh pegawai dan juga jajaran Manajemen Perusahaan untuk semua level, tanpa kecuali. : Introduction : Business Ethics Guideline : Conduct Guideline : Implementation Guideline The Code of Business Ethics and Conduct dictates Company procedures for running a good corporation in an optimal manner in order to achieve company objectives in accordance through implementation and actions as dictated within the guideline. The Code of Business Ethics and Conduct must be implemented by all Company personnel and management at all levels without exception. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance Ge[eç^CW^Wbç`ç^9dZ\çHcçYçVç^GçdçCWbZæç\e 7_VW_å6ecZ^Wcc9dYZUcç^V7_^VeUd 1. 1. Memberi panduan kepada perusahaan dalam menjalankan kegiatan bisnis sesuai standar etika usaha untuk memenuhi kepentingan seluruh stakeholders. 175 Provides a guideline for the company to conduct business activities in accordance to standards of business ethics for the fulfillment of all stakeholder interests. 2. Memberi panduan berperilaku bagi insan SUCOFINDO dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya, memberi pertimbangan dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya, memberi pertimbangan untuk pengambilan keputusan dan menerapkan akuntabilitas. 2. Provides a code of conduct for SUCOFINDO personnel in carrying out their duties and responsibilities and for consideration in making decisions and achieving accountability. PRINSIP-PRINSIP KEPATUHAN PRINCIPLES OF COMPLIANCE 1. Integritas Insan SUCOFINDO bekerja dengan jujur, objektif, dan dapat dipercaya dalam melaksanakan aktifitas pegawaiannya. 1. Integrity SUCOFINDO personnel are obliged to work with honesty, objectivity and trustworthiness in their activities. &" @ç^VZbZVç^GZVç\@W]ZYç\ Insan SUCOFINDO bekerja dengan mandiri dan tidak memihak dengan mengacu kepada peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, ketentuan perusahaan, standard dan kaidah etika profesi. 2. Independence and Impartiality SUCOFINDO personnel are obliged to work independently and impartially in compliance to laws and regulations in effect, corporate regulations, and professional standards and ethics. 3. Benturan Kepentingan Insan SUCOFINDO tidak terlibat dalam dan atau menghindari benturan kepentingan yang bersifat finansial maupun komersial yang dapat mempengaruhi profesionalisme kerja dan pengambilan keputusan. 3. Absence of Conflict of Interest SUCOFINDO personnel may not be involved within and must avoid conflicts of interest which are financial or commercial in nature and capable of influencing their professionalism at work and decision making. (" >WbçYçcZçç^<^å_b]çcZ Insan SUCOFINDO menjaga kerahasiaan informasi yang didapat dalam menjalankan tugasnya dan menjadikan informasi tersebut menjadi milik perusahaan serta tidak membocorkan informasi tersebut kepada pihak lain, kecuali diperlukan secara hukum dengan seijin Perusahaan. 4. Confidentiality SUCOFINDO are obliged to guard the secrecy of information obtained in the course of their duties and ensure the information belongs to the company by not giving out the information to other parties, except when required by law with the permission of the Company. 5. Anti Suap & Korupsi Insan SUCOFINDO dilarang menerima suap dan atau melakukan penyuapan dalam semua bentuk dan atau cara apapun pada saat menjalankan aktivitasnya serta dilarang melakukan segala bentuk praktik korupsi dan kecurangan. 5. Anti-Bribery & Corruption SUCOFINDO personnel are prohibited from receiving or conferring bribes in all forms and manners in carrying out their activities and are prohibited from participating in all practices of corruption and dishonesty. *" >_]`WdZcZèç^XFWYçd Insan SUCOFINDO melakukan persaingan yang sehat dengan mengedepankan keunggulan produk dan layanan yang bermutu dari Perusahaan serta tidak membandingkan dan menekankan kelemahan pesaing untuk memenangkan persaingan. 6. Fair Marketing SUCOFINDO personnel must compete in a fair manner by emphasizing product excellence and quality service from the Company without comparing with and pointing out the weaknesses of competitors in order to win competitions in business. PT SUPERINTENDING (Persero) COMPANY OF INDONESIA Appendix Company Regulation No. 1 / Company Regulation / 2014 COMMITMENT OF TOP-LEVEL MANAGEMENT 176 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PERUSAHAAN PERSEROAN (Persero) PT SUPERINTENDING COMPANY OF INDONESIA PT SUPERINTENDING COMPANY OF INDONESIA (Persero) Lampiran PP Nomor 1 / PP / 2014 Appendix Company Regulation No. 1 / Company Regulation / 2014 KOMITMEN MANAJEMEN PUNCAK COMMITMENT OF TOP-LEVEL MANAGEMENT Kami, jajaran Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) bertekad sepenuhnya menerapkan Etika Usaha (Business Ethics) dan tata Perilaku (Code of Conduct) sebagai landasan dan acuan seluruh insan SUCOFINDO dalam menjalankan proses bisnis Perusahaan guna pencapaian kinerja Perusahaan yang optimal. We, the entire Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) are fully dedicated to implementing Business Ethics and Code of Conduct as the foundation and reference used by all SUCOFINDO personnel in carrying out business processes in order to enable the Company to achieve optimal performance. Kami bertekad memastikan kesinambungan penerapan Etika Usaha (Business Ethics) dan tata Perilaku (Code of Conducts) untuk mewujudkan Visi, Misi, dan Nilai-nilai Perusahaan dalam menjaga keberlangsungan bisnis Perusahaan jangka panjang. We are committed to ensuring consistency in the implementation of Business Ethics and Code of Conduct for the achievement of Vision, Mission and Corporate Values of the Company to ensure the continuation of the Company’s business in the long term. Jakarta, 5 Mei 2014 Jakarta, May 5, 2014 GUSMARDI BUSTAMI Komisaris Utama Chief Commissioner IRFA AMPRI Komisaris Commissioner M. SULTON FATHONI Komisaris Commissioner SUFRIN HANNAN Pgs. Direktur Utama Acting President Director BENI AGUS PERMANA Direktur Sumber Daya & Perencanaan Strategis Director of Resources & Strategic Planning NAHID HUDAYA Komisaris Commissioner Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 177 Pedoman Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku selanjutnya menjadi acuan perilaku bagi Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan pegawai dalam mengelola Perusahaan dengan cakupan: 8Wgç^ >_]ZcçbZc TWbdç^XXe^X [çgçT e^de\ mengawasi kepatuhan atas penerapan etika usaha dan tata perilaku di lingkungan Perusahaan. The Code of Business Ethics and Conduct shall henceforth serve as a reference for the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and all employees in managing the Company, at the following scopes: 8ZbW\cZ TWbdç^XXe^X [çgçT çdçc `W^Wbç`ç^ WdZ\ç Usaha dan Tata Perilaku di lingkungan Perusahaan dibantu oleh Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG, dan Risiko, Satuan Pengawasan Intern, Divisi Human Capital, dan Divisi Sekretariat Perusahaan. The Board of Directors is responsible for the implementation of business ethics and code of conduct in Company environment, assisted by the System, GCG and Risk Management Division, Internal Audit Unit, Human Capital Division, and Corporate Secretariat Division. CW]ç^X\e [çTçdç^ Fdbe\debçæ TWbdç^XXe^X [çgçT atas penerapan Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku di lingkungan unit kerjanya masing-masing. Officials within the organizational structure are responsible for the implementation of business ethics and code of conduct in their respective work unit environment. Chief Compliance Officer menugaskan pembaruan Pedoman Etika Usaha dan tata Perilaku kepada Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG, dan Risiko yang dibentuk untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan tersebut. The Chief Compliance Officer shall assign the task of updating the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct to the System Management, GCG and Risk Division which has been formed to facilitate this need. 8ZfZcZFZcdW]@ç^ç[W]W^ é7éVç^EZcZ\_]W^Xç[e\ç^ pembaruan / revisi Pedoman Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku, untuk kemudian diterapkan oleh Direksi. The System Management, GCG and Risk Division shall submit the revised Code of Business Ethics and Conduct to be implemented by the Board of Directors. PEDOMAN ETIKA USAHA CODE OF BUSINESS ETHICS 9dZ\çCWbecçYçç^VW^Xç^CWXçgçZ SUCOFINDO memperlakukan Pegawai dengan tidak membedakan jenis kelamin, suku, agama dan ras dalam segala aspek. SUCOFINDO menyadari bahwa Pegawai mempunyai peranan dan kedudukan yang sangat penting dalam mencapai tujuan Perusahaan. Setiap Pegawai dituntut dapat berpartisipasi dan berperan aktif dengan jalan meningkatkan produktivitas kerja melalui hubungan yang dinamis, harmonis, selaras, serasi dan seimbang antara Perusahaan dan Pegawai. Company Ethics towards Employees SUCOFINDO treats its Employees without discriminating based on gender, ethnicity, religion, and race in all aspects. SUCOFINDO is aware that Employees have vital role and position in achieving the Company’s objectives. All Employees are encouraged to play an active role by increasing work productivity through a dynamic, harmonious, aligned, suitable and balanced relationship between the Company and its Employees. Perusahaan dalam hal ini: 1) Memberi kebebasan kepada Pegawai untuk berserikat dan membentuk atau menjadi anggota Serikat Pegawai. 2) Menempatkan Serikat Pegawai sebagai mitra Perusahaan. 3) Menjadikan Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (“PKB”) sebagai acuan yang memuat syarat-syarat kerja untuk mengatur dan melindungi hak dan kewajiban Pegawai. 4) Melaksanakan Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (“PKB”) secara konsisten. 5) Memastikan setiap Pegawai telah mengetahui dan memahami PKB yang berlaku. 6) Melindungi hak Pegawai untuk memilih atau tidak memilih menjadi anggota Serikat Pegawai. 7) Menerapkan manajemen berbasis kinerja dan penghargaan kepada Pegawai secara proporsional. In this regard, the Company shall: 1) Give the freedom for Employees to associate and form or become a member of the Labor Union 2) Position the Labor Union as a partner to the Company The Board of Commissioners is responsible for supervising compliance towards business ethics and code of conduct in Company environment. 3) Establish the Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) as reference containing work requirements to regulate and protect the rights and responsibilities of Employees 4) Implement the Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) in a consistent manner 5) Ensure that all Employees are aware of and have understood the CLA in effect 6) Protect the rights of Employees to choose to become or not become a member of the Labor Union 7) Implement a performance-based management and confer proportional recognition and award to Employees 178 ! PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 9dZ\çCWbecçYçç^VW^Xç^CWæç^XXç^ SUCOFINDO mengutamakan kepuasan kepercayaan Pelanggan dengan cara: dan 1) Menjual produk sesuai dengan persyaratan Pelanggan dan standar mutu yang telah ditetapkan. 2) Membuka layanan Pelanggan dan menindaklanjuti keluhan Pelanggan tanpa melakukan diskriminasi terhadap Pelanggan. 3) Melakukan pemasaran, antara lain dalam bentuk promosi yang berkesinambungan, secara sehat, adil, jujur, tidak menyesatkan dan sesuai dengan norma-norma yang diterima oleh masyarakat. 7_]`ç^è9dYZUcG_gçbVc7ecd_]Wbc SUCOFINDO prioritizes Customer satisfaction and trust by: 1) Offering products that fulfill the Customer’s requirements and established standards of quality 2) Providing Customer service and follow up complaints from Customers without discrimination towards any Customer 3) Conducting marketing in the form of sustainable promotion in a reasonable, fair, honest, nonmisleading manner in compliance to acceptable norms to the society. ! 9dZ\çCWbecçYçç^VW^Xç^CWcçZ^X SUCOFINDO menempatkan Pesaing sebagai pemacu peningkatan kinerja perusahaan dengan cara: 1) Melakukan riset pasar dan riset Pesaing untuk memperoleh gambaran posisi relatif Perusahaan di antara Pesaing dalam industri sejenis. 2) Melakukan persaingan yang sehat dengan mengedepankan keunggulan produk dan layanan yang bermutu. ! 7_]`ç^è9dYZUcd_gçbVc7_]`WdZd_bc SUCOFINDO has positioned its Competitors as a source of motivation to improve company performance by: 1) Conducting research towards the market and Competitors to obtain a portrait of the relative position of the Company among Competitors in a similar industry 2) Participate in healthy competition which prioritizes product excellence and quality service. ! 9dZ\çCWbecçYçç^VW^Xç^CW]çc_\ SUCOFINDO menciptakan iklim kompetisi yang adil dan transparan dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa dengan cara: 1) Menetapkan Pemasok berdasarkan kepada kemampuan dan prestasi. 2) Melaksanakan pembayaran kepada Pemasok dengan tepat waktu dan tepat jumlah. 3) Memberi sanksi yang tegas kepada Pemasok yang melakukan pelanggaran perjanjian / kontrak pengadaan. 4) Memelihara komunikasi yang baik dengan Pemasok termasuk menindaklanjuti keluhan dan keberatan. 5) Menerapkan teknologi dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa. ! 7_]`ç^è9dYZUcd_gçbVcFe``æZWbc SUCOFINDO has created a fair and transparent competition climate in the procurement of goods and services by: 1) Selecting Suppliers based on skills and achievements 2) Giving payment to Suppliers at the time and with the amount agreed upon 3) Giving firm punishment in the case that Suppliers have violated procurement agreements / contracts ! 9dZ\çCWbecçYçç^VW^Xç^@Zdbç>Wb[ç SUCOFINDO meningkatkan iklim saling percaya, menghargai, dan memupuk kebersamaan dengan Mitra Kerja sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah usaha yang berlaku dengan cara: 1) Melakukan analisis risiko dan manfaat sebelum melakukan ikatan perjanjian kerjasama. 2) Membuat perjanjian kerja yang berimbang dan saling menguntungkan dengan Mitra Kerja dan tidak melanggar aturan maupun prosedur. 3) Mengutamakan pencapaian hasil optimal sesuai standar yang berlaku dan terbaik. 4) Membangun komunikasi secara intensif dengan Mitra Kerja untuk mencapai solusi terbaik dalam rangka peningkatan kinerja. - 7_]`ç^è9dYZUcd_gçbVc6ecZ^WccCçbd^Wbc SUCOFINDO has contributed towards a climate of mutual trust, respect and togetherness with its Business Partners in accordance to business norms in effect by: 1) Conducting risk and benefit analysis prior to forming collaboration agreement ties 2) Creating balanced and mutually-beneficial work agreement with Business Partners in compliance to regulations and procedures 3) Prioritizing the achievement of optimal results in accordance to best standards in effect 4) Nurturing intensive communication with Business Partners to achieve the best solution in improving performance. ! 9dZ\çCWbecçYçç^VW^Xç^>bWVZdeb#CW^ç^ç]@_Vçæ SUCOFINDO menerima pinjaman / penanaman ! 7_]`ç^è 9dYZUc d_gçbVc 7bWVZd_bc # <^fWcd_bc SUCOFINDO receives credit / investment only for 4) Nurturing good communication with Suppliers, including by following up complaints and objections 5) Utilizing technology in the procurement of goods and services Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 179 the purpose of achieving business interests and increasing added value from the Company by: 1) Conducting risk and benefit analysis prior to forming collaboration agreement ties. 2) Providing actual and prospective information for potential Creditors / Investors, implementing principles of prudentiality modal hanya ditujukan untuk kepentingan usaha dan peningkatan nilai tambah Perusahaan dengan cara: 1) Melakukan analisis risiko dan manfaat sebelum melakukan ikatan perjanjian kerjasama. 2) Menyediakan informasi yang aktual dan prospektif bagi calon Kreditur / Penanam Modal dengan tetap menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian (prudentiality). 3) Memilih Kreditur / Penanam Modal berdasarkan aspek kredibilitas dan bonafiditas yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. 4) Menerima pinjaman / penanaman modal yang diikat melalui perjanjian yang sah dengan klausul perjanjian yang mengedepankan prinsip kewajaran. 5) Memberikan informasi secara terbuka tentang penggunaan dana untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan Kreditur / Penanam Modal. 6) Menjajaki peluang usaha dengan Kreditur / Penanam Modal untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan Perusahaan. 3) Selecting Creditors / Investors based on bona fide credibility which can be held accountable 4) Receiving credit / investment tied to valid agreements with provisions that uphold principles of fairness 5) Providing information regarding the use of funds in an open manner to gain trust from Creditors / Investors 6) Pursuing business opportunities with Creditors / Investors in order to increase Company growth. ! 9dZ\çCWbecçYçç^VW^Xç^CW]WbZ^dçY SUCOFINDO berkomitmen untuk menjalin hubungan baik dengan Pemerintah dengan cara: 1) Membina hubungan dan komunikasi yang baik dengan Pemerintah Pusat maupun Pemerintah Daerah. 2) Menerapkan standar kinerja dan praktik terbaik (best practices) dengan memperhatikan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku melalui good corporate governance, manajemen risiko, kualitas produk, keamanan, kesehatan, keselamatan, lingkungan dan pelayanan. 3) Melakukan pencegahan tindak kriminal sesuai dengan kaidah dan prinsip hukum yang berlaku. ! 7_]`ç^è9dYZUcd_gçbVcdYWé_fWb^]W^d SUCOFINDO is committed to forming a good relationship with the Government by: 1) Maintaining good relationship and communication with the central government and regional governments. 2) Implementing performance standards and best practices by observing laws and regulations in effect through good corporate governance, risk management, along with quality of products, security, health, safety, service and the environment. 3) Preventing criminal acts in compliance to legal norms and principles in effect. ! 9dZ\çCWbecçYçç^VW^Xç^@çcèçbç\çd SUCOFINDO mewujudkan tanggungjawab sosialnya dengan cara melaksanakan program kemasyarakatan maupun program sosial lainnya melalui pemberdayaan potensi Masyarakat sekitar tempat kerja serta meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan stakeholders lainnya dengan bersinergi dalam program-program Pemerintah terkait, diantaranya dengan: 1) Memasyarakatkan program-program Perusahaan yang relevan dengan kebutuhan sosial maupun Masyarakat sekitar tempat kerja. 2) Memberi kesempatan dalam batas tertentu kepada Masyarakat yang ingin mengetahui kegiatan-kegiatan Perusahaan dan melibatkan anggota-anggota Masyarakat tertentu dalam acara atau kegiatan promosi Perusahaan. 3) Mengoptimalkan bantuan Perusahaan kepada Masyarakat sesuai dengan kebijakan dan tanggungjawab sosial Perusahaan yang berlaku. 4) Melarang Pegawai memberi janji kepada Masyarakat diluar kewenangannya ataupun program Perusahaan yang berlaku. ! 7_]`ç^è9dYZUcd_gçbVcdYW7_]]e^Zdè SUCOFINDO achieves its corporate social responsibility by carrying out social programs and such by empowering the potential of the surrounding Community in its work environment and improving the quality of life of other stakeholders by synergizing with relevant Government programs, including by: 1) Socializing Company programs relevant to social needs or the surrounding community in the working area. 2) Giving the opportunity at a certain extent for members of the Community interested in knowing about Company activities and involving certain members of the Community in the Company’s events or promotional activities. 3) Optimizing the Company’s aid for the Community in accordance to its corporate social responsibility and policies in effect. 4) Prohibiting Employees from making promises to the Community outside their authority or the scope of Company programs in effect. 180 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 5) Refraining from taking actions which may lead to discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, race, and class. 5) Tidak melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang dapat mengarah kepada perlakuan diskriminatif berdasar gender, suku, agama, ras dan antar golongan. 6) Melakukan analisis risiko dan manfaat dari program sosial atau kemasyarakatan yang telah dilaksanakan. ! ! 6) Conducting risk and benefit analysis from social programs conducted. 9dZ\çCWbecçYçç^VW^Xç^@WVZç@çccç SUCOFINDO menjadikan Media Massa sebagai mitra dan alat promosi untuk membangun citra positif dengan: 1) Memberi informasi yang relevan dan berimbang kepada Media Massa. 2) Menerima dan menindaklanjuti kritik-kritik membangun yang disampaikan melalui Media Massa, namun dengan tetap memperhatikan aspek risiko dan biaya. 3) Mengundang Media Massa untuk mempublikasikan (mengekspos) kegiatan maupun prestasi Perusahaan dalam batas-batas yang disepakati. ! 9dZ\çCWbecçYçç^VW^Xç^BbXç^ZcçcZCb_åWcZ SUCOFINDO menjalin kerjasama yang baik dan berkelanjutan dengan organisasi profesi untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai perkembangan usaha, peluang usaha maupun penyelesaian masalah yang mungkin timbul dengan cara: 1) Menerapkan standar-standar yang ditetapkan organisasi profesi. 2) Memberi perlakuan yang setara terhadap organisasi profesi. ! 7_]`ç^è9dYZUcd_gçbVc@çcc@WVZç SUCOFINDO treats Mass Media as a partner and promotional tool for the creation of a positive image by: 1) Providing relevant and balanced information to mass Media. 2. Receiving and following up constructive criticisms conveyed through Mass Media with consideration towards risks and costs. 3. Inviting Mass Media for the publication (exposure) of Company activities and achievements within boundaries agreed upon. 7_]`ç^è9dYZUcd_gçbVcCb_åWccZ_^çæ6_VZWc SUCOFINDO forms good and sustainable collaborations with professional bodies to obtain information on its business development, business opportunities or resolution of potential issues by: 1) Implementing standards established by professional bodies. 2. Giving equal treatment towards professional bodies. PEDOMAN TATA PERILAKU CODE OF CONDUCT - ! Etika Kerja Antar Sesama Insan SUCOFINDO Etika kerja antar sesama Insan SUCOFINDO dilaksanakan dengan: 1) Bekerja secara profesional, sadar biaya dan risiko untuk menghasilkan kinerja yang optimal. 2) Saling membantu, memotivasi dan bekerja sama dalam menyelesaikan tugas. 3) Saling menghargai, terbuka menerima kritik dan saran serta menyelesaikan masalah secara musyawarah untuk mencapai mufakat. 4) Jujur dan sopan. 5) Mengkomunikasikan setiap ide baru dan berbagi pengetahuan maupun kemampuan. 6) Mengambil inisiatif dan mengembangkan kompetensi dalam melaksanakan tugas. 7) Berani mendiskusikan kebijakan yang kurang tepat guna melakukan koreksi yang konstruktif secara santun. 8) Menghargai perbedaan gender, suku, agama, ras dan antar golongan. 9) Saling menghormati dan menghindari tindakan asusila. J_b\9dYZUcTWdgWW^:Wææ_gFH7B:<A8BCWbc_^^Wæ Work ethics between fellow SUCOFINDO Personnel shall be implemented by: 1) Working in a professional, cost-aware and riskaware manner to produce optimal performance 2) Providing mutual assistance, motivation and collaboration in accomplishing tasks. 3) Giving mutual respect along with openness towards criticism and suggestion and resolving issues through deliberation to reach a consensus. 4) Acting in an honest and polite manner. 5) Communicating all new ideas and sharing knowledge and skills. 6) Taking initiative and developing competence in performing tasks. 7) Having the bravery to discuss ineffective policies in order to make constructive corrections in a polite manner. 8) Respecting differences in gender, ethnicity, religion, race, and class. 9) Giving mutual respect and avoiding immoral conduct. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik ! / good corporate governance 181 >WbçYçcZçç^8çdçVç^<^å_b]çcZCWbecçYçç^ Insan SUCOFINDO memanfaatkan data dan informasi Perusahaan untuk setiap pengambilan keputusan dalam rangka meningkatkan nilai tambah Perusahaan dengan cara: 1) Menerapkan sistem pengamanan data yang memadai. 2) Hanya memberi data dan atau informasi yang relevan serta proporsional kepada stakeholders sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku dan dengan tetap mempertimbangkan aspek kerahasiaan dan kepentingan Perusahaan. 3) Menghindari penyebarluasan data dan atau informasi kepada pihak lain yang tidak berkepentingan baik selama bekerja maupun setelah berhenti bekerja. 4) Menyerahkan semua data yang berhubungan dengan Perusahaan pada saat berhenti bekerja. 5) Menjaga kerahasiaan data maupun informasi tentang Pelanggan. - ;çbdçCWbecçYçç^ Insan SUCOFINDO mengoptimalkan penggunaan harta Perusahaan dengan cara: 1) Bertanggungjawab atas pengelolaan harta Perusahaan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku dan menghindari penggunaan di luar kepentingan Perusahaan. 2) Mengamankan harta Perusahaan dari kerusakan dan kehilangan. - ! >Wç]ç^ç^ >WcWæç]çdç^Vç^>WcWYçdç^>Wb[çcWbdç Lingkungan Insan SUCOFINDO menjadikan keamanan, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja serta lingkungan sebagai bagian dari budaya kerja dalam menciptakan suasana kerja yang tertib, aman, andal, nyaman dan berwawasan lingkungan dengan cara: 1) Menerapkan secara berkesinambungan budaya 5S (Seiri, Seiso, Seiton, Shitsuke, Seiketsu) di lingkungan kerja. 2) Menguasai dan memahami situasi dan kondisi lingkungan kerja serta menerapkan sistem keamanan, keselamatan, kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan kerja secara konsisten. 3) Tanggap terhadap keadaan darurat yang disebabkan oleh gangguan keamanan, kecelakaan, pencemaran, dan bencana alam. ! BUUe`çdZ_^çæ ;WçædY FçåWdè FWUebZdè ç^V dYW Environment SUCOFINDO Personnel shall heed occupational health, safety, security and the environment as part of their work culture in order to create a disciplined, safe, reliable, comfortable, and environmentally-friendly work environment by: 1) Continuously practicing the 5S (Seiri, Seiso, Seiton, Shitsuke, Seiketsu) culture in the work environment. 2) Mastering and understanding the situation and conditions within their work environment and consistently implementing an occupational health, safety, security and environmental management system. 3) Reacting swiftly towards emergency situations caused by safety disturbances, accidents, contamination, and natural disasters. - Pencatatan Data dan pelaporan Insan SUCOFINDO mengelola data dan menyampaikan pelaporannya secara rapi, tertib, teliti, akurat dan tepat waktu dengan cara: 1) Mencatat data dan menyusun laporan berdasarkan sumber yang benar, dapat dipercaya, dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. 2) Menyajikan laporan dan analisis secara singkat, jelas, tepat, komunikatif untuk dipergunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan dan sebagai umpan balik dalam rangka perbaikan kinerja. - Data Recording and Reporting SUCOFINDO Personnel shall manage data and report them in an orderly, disciplined, accurate, and punctual manner by: 1) Recording data and compiling report based on accurate, trustworthy, and accountable sources. ! Secrecy of Company Data and Information SUCOFINDO personnel shall utilize Company data and information for all decision making processes in order to increase added value towards the Company in the following manner: 1) Implementing an adequate data security system. 2) Only providing relevant and proportional data or information to stakeholders in accordance to regulations in effect with consideration towards Company secrecy and interests. 3) Avoiding the distribution of data and / or information to uninvolved parties during or after employment. 4) Relinquishing all data pertaining to the Company at the end of employment. 5) Guarding the secrecy of Company data and information. Company Assets SUCOFINDO Personnel shall optimize the utilization of company Assets in the following manner: 1) Managing Company assets responsibly in accordance to regulations in effect and avoiding utilization of assets outside Company interests. 2) Protecting Company assets from damages and losses. 2) Presenting reports and analysis results in a concise, clear, accurate, and communicative manner to be used in decision making and as feedback for performance improvement. 182 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 3) Not withholding data and reports which should have been submitted. 3) Tidak menyembunyikan data dan laporan yang seharusnya disampaikan. ! ! ! 6W^debç^ >W`W^dZ^Xç^ Vç^ `W^èçæçYXe^çç^ Jabatan Insan SUCOFINDO menghindari kondisi, situasi ataupun kesan adanya benturan kepentingan dan penyalahgunaan jabatan dengan cara: 1) Mematuhi peraturan, sistem, dan prosedur yang ditetapkan. 2) Tidak memiliki saham / kepemilikan dalam badan usaha yang menjadi mitra atau pesaing Perusahaan termasuk suami / istri dan anak / menantu. 3) Tidak memiliki usaha yang berhubungan langsung dengan aktivitas Perusahaan, termasuk suami / istri dan anak / menantu. 4) Tidak melakukan perangkapan jabatan dan atau menjadi pegawai / karyawan di Perusahaan lain termasuk anak perusahaan yang dapat menimbulkan benturan kepentingan. 5) Tidak memberi atau menerima pinjaman dari pemasok dan pelanggan. - >WdZVç\TWb`ZYç\ç^dWbYçVç`CZYç\]ç^ç`e^ Insan SUCOFINDO bebas dari pengaruh dan kepentingan pihak luar Perusahaan dengan cara: 1) Bersikap netral dan tidak memberikan perlakuan istimewa kepada stakeholders tertentu dalam memberikan pelayanan. 2) Melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya berdasarkan pada peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku / standar / prosedur metodologi dan bukti objektif yang ditemukan pada proses pelaksanaan pegawaian dan dalam pengambilan keputusan, serta tidak dipengaruhi oleh kepentingan lain atau pihak-pihak lain. 3) Menerbitkan sertifikat / laporan dengan data yang benar sesuai fakta hasil pemeriksaan. - ;çVZçY # 7Z^VWbç]çdç # ébçdZÄ\çcZ Vç^ ;ZTebç^ # Entertainment Insan SUCOFINDO dilarang menerima dan / atau memberi hadiah / cinderamata / gratifikasi / hiburan / entertainment dalam bentuk apapun terkait dengan jabatan dan atau pelaksanaan tugas / pegawaian, kecuali: 1) Mendapat undangan dan atau mengundang jamuan makan dan minum yang berlaku umum untuk menjaga hubungan baik dengan stakeholders demi kepentingan Perusahaan. 2) Menerima dan atau memberikan benda-benda promosi yang mencantumkan logo / nama Perusahaan dengan batasan nominal yang telah ditentukan besarannya oleh Direksi. Penerimaan hadiah / cinderamata / hiburan / entertainment di luar dari yang diperbolehkan oleh Perusahaan wajib dilaporkan melalui mekanisme Pelaporan Gratifikasi. - Con icts of Interest and Abuse of Position SUCOFINDO Personnel shall avoid any condition, situation or impression leading to conflicts of interest and abuse of position in the following manner: 1) Abiding by established regulations, systems and procedures. 2) Holding no shares / ownership in a business partner or competitor to the Company, including through any family member such as husband / wife or child / child-in-law 3) Having no businesses directly related to Company activities, including through any family member such as husband / wife or child / child-in-law 4) Holding no dual offices and or position of employee in other companies, including any subsidiary, which may lead to conflicts of interest. 5) Not giving or receiving loans to / from suppliers and customers. Complete Impartiality SUCOFINDO Personnel shall remain free from the influence and interests of parties outside the Company by: 1) Acting neutral and refraining from giving special treatment towards certain stakeholders in providing service. 2) Conducting duties and responsibilities based on laws and regulations in effects / standards / methodological procedures and objective proof found during the work process and in decision making without influence from other interests and parties. 3) Issuing certificates / reports with accurate and factual data from examination results. Gifts / Gratification and Entertainment SUCOFINDO Personnel are prohibited from accepting and / or conferring gifts / gratification / entertainment in any form pertaining to their position and duty / task, except in the following manner: 1) Receiving or sending an invitation to dining in general to maintain good relations with stakeholders for the good of the Company 2) Receiving and / or conferring promotional items embellished with Company logo / name within the nominal amount determined by the Board of Directors. Receival of gifts / entertainment outside the above permitted cases by the Company must be reported through the Gratification Report mechanism. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik - - - Praktik Suap, Korupsi dan Kecurangan Insan SUCOFINDO dilarang melakukan segala bentuk praktik suap, korupsi dan kecurangan, yang meliputi: 1) Memberikan uang / hadiah / cinderamata / hiburan / entertainment dalam bentuk apa pun selain yang diperbolehkan Perusahaan. 2) Pemalsuan atau perubahan atas bukti-bukti pelaksanaan operasional dan transaksi Perusahaan. 3) Pencurian dan / atau penyalahgunaan untuk kepentingan pribadi atas aset Perusahaan dan atau aset stakeholders. 4) Praktik penggelembungan (mark-up) biaya pegawaian operasional dan transaksi Perusahaan. 5) Pemalsuan atas catatan pembukuan dan laporan keuangan Perusahaan. 6) Dan kejahatan-kejahatan lainnya, sebagaimana diatur dalam ketentuan perundang-undangan tindak pidana korupsi dan kejahatan lainya. - CWb[eVZç^ CWbTeçdç^ 5cecZæç CW^èçæçYXe^çç^ Narkotika dan Obat Terlarang (NARKOBA) serta ]Z^e]ç^TWbçæ\_Y_æ@<AB? Insan SUCOFINDO dilarang untuk melakukan kegiatan perjudian, perbuatan asusila, penyalahgunaan narkotika dan obat terlarang (narkoba) serta minuman beralkohol (minol). - Aktivitas Politik Insan SUCOFINDO bersikap netral, tidak melakukan pemihakan terhadap semua partai politik / organisasi massa politik dengan cara: 1) Tidak menggunakan fasilitas Perusahaan untuk kepentingan golongan / organisasi massa politik / partai politik tertentu. 2) Tidak merangkap jabatan sebagai pengurus dan atau bakal calon pengurus partai politik / organisasi massa politik dan atau anggota legislatif. 3) Tidak membawa, memperlihatkan, memasang, serta mengedarkan simbol, gambar, ornamen maupun atribut-atribut lainnya yang terkait dengan organisasi massa politik / partai politik di lingkungan Perusahaan. - / good corporate governance Bribery, Corruption, and Fraud Practices SUCOFINDO Personnel are prohibited from partaking in any form of bribery, corruption and fraud practices, including: 1) Conferral of money / gifts / entertainment in any form outside those permitted by the Company. 2) Falsification or modification of proofs of operations and transactions conducted by the company. 3) Theft and / or misuse of Company or stakeholder assets for personal interests. 4) Mark-up practices towards Company operating and transactional costs. 5) Falsification of accounting records and reports of the Company. 6) Other crimes as dictated within laws and regulations on corruption and other criminal acts. Gambling, Immoral Acts, Abuse of Narcotics, Drugs ç^V5æU_Y_æ SUCOFINDO Personnel are prohibited from gambling, conducting immoral acts, and abusing narcotics, prohibited drugs and alcoholic drinks. Political Activities SUCOFINDO Personnel shall remain neutral by not aligning to any political party / political mass organization by: 1) Not utilizing Company facilities for the interest of certain groups / political mass organizations / political parties. 2) Not holding positions within committees of political parties / political mass organizations or legislative bodies. 3) Not carrying, displaying, wearing, or distributing symbols, images, ornaments, or other attributes linked to political mass organizations / political parties within Company environment. F_cZçæZcçcZVç^<^dWb^çæZcçcZCWV_]ç^9dZ\çHcçYç dan Perilaku Socialization and Internalization of Code of Business 9dYZUcç^V7_^VeUd 1) 1) Sosialisasi dan internalisasi etika usaha dan tata perilaku wajib diberikan kepada seluruh Insan SUCOFINDO dan kepada pegawai baru yang diangkat sebagai pegawai PTT / pegawai PT. 2) Sosialisasi dan Internalisasi yang diberikan untuk seluruh Insan SUCOFINDO wajib dilakukan secara regular setiap awal tahun oleh masing-masing Unit Kerja. Sedangkan tata cara pelaksanaan sosialisasi untuk pegawai baru akan diatur secara tersendiri oleh Divisi Human Capital yang difasilitasi oleh Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG dan Risiko untuk penyampaian materi sosialisasi etika usaha dan tata perilaku. 183 Socialization and internalization of code of business ethics and conduct must be given to all SUCOFINDO Personnel and new employees, both permanent and temporary. 2) Socialization and internalization given to all SUCOFINDO Personnel must be conducted regularly at the beginning of each year by all Work Units. Procedures for conducting socialization towards new employees shall be regulated separately by the Human Capital Division, facilitated by the System Management, GCG and Risk Division for the presentation of socialization materials on business ethics and conduct. 184 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 3) Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG dan Risiko memfasilitasi materi sosialisasi dan Pedoman Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku kepada seluruh Unit Kerja. Unit Kerja mendistribusikannya kepada seluruh Insan SUCOFINDO yang ada di lingkungannya. 3) The System Management, GCG and Risk Division shall facilitate the provision of socialization materials and Code of Business Ethics and Conduct for all Work Units. Work Units shall then distribute them to all SUCOFINDO Personnel within their environments. 4) Kepala Unit Kerja melakukan pemastian bahwa setiap Insan SUCOFINDO di lingkungannya telah menerima Pedoman Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku, baik dalam bentuk softcopy ataupun hardcopy. 4) All Work Unit Heads shall ensure that all SUCOFINDO Personnel within their environment have received the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct in either soft copy or hard copy. 5) Sosialisasi diberikan oleh Chief Compliance Officer, Kepala Unit Kerja dibantu oleh fungsi QSHE & RM atau fungsi lainnya yang ditunjuk oleh Kepala Unit Kerja untuk mengkoordinir terselenggaranya sosialisasi berjalan optimal dan menjangkau seluruh Insan SUCOFINDO di seluruh area yang menjadi tanggungjawabnya. Sosialisasi dapat pula dilakukan oleh Fungsi yang ditunjuk oleh Perusahaan untuk memberikan sosialisasi dan internalisasi etika usaha dan tata perilaku kepada seluruh Insan SUCOFINDO. 5) Socialization shall be conducted by a Chief Compliance Officer. The Work Unit Head, assisted by the QSHE & RM function or another function appointed by the Work Unit Head to coordinate the optimal implementation of socialization capable of reaching all SUCOFINDO Personnel within the work unit’s area of responsibility. Socialization can also be conducted by a Function appointed by the Company for conducting socialization and internalization of business ethics and conduct to all SUCOFINDO Personnel. 6) Sosialisasi dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa cara, melalui tatap muka / morningcall, media elektronik seperti KM Portal, email, website SUCOFINDO. 6) Socialization can be conducted through various methods such as face-to-face meetings / morning calls and electronic media such as the KM Portal, email, and the SUCOFINDO website 7) Setiap Insan SUCOFINDO dapat meminta penjelasan atau menyampaikan pertanyaan terkait dengan etika usaha dan tata perilaku kepada atasan langsung atau kepada Chief Compliance Officer, atau dapat mengakses secara online alamat helpdesk di CoC@ untuk mendapatkan penjelasan terkait etika usaha dan tata perilaku. 7) All SUCOFINDO Personnel can request explanation or direct questions related to business ethics and conduct to their superior directly, to the Chief Compliance Officer, or through online access to SUCOFINDO’s online helpdesk address at [email protected] to obtain any explanation pertaining to business ethics and conduct. 8) Setelah sosialisasi dilakukan, Insan SUCOFINDO wajib menandatangani Pernyataan Insan SUCOFINDO. 8) After receiving socialization, SUCOFINDO Personnel are obliged to sign the SUCOFINDO Personnel Statement. 9) Setiap akhir tahun seluruh Kepala Unit Kerja wajib melaporkan pelaksanaan kepatuhan etika usaha dan tata perilaku kepada Chief Compliance Officer dan menandatangani Pernyataan Manajemen Senior. 9) At the end of every year, all Work Unit Heads are obliged to submit a report on compliance towards business ethics and conduct to the Chief Compliance Officer and sign the Senior Management Statement. 10) Salinan Pernyataan Insan SUCOFINDO, salinan Pernyataan Manajemen Senior dan salinan Daftar Hadir sebagai bukti sosialisasi, seluruhnya diserahkan kepada Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG dan Risiko, sedangkan dokumen asli diserahkan dan diadministrasikan dengan baik oleh fungsi Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) di masing-masing Unit Kerja. 10) Copies of the SUCOFINDO Personnel Statement, copies of the Senior Management Statement, and copies of the Attendance List as proof of conducted socialization all must be submitted to the System Management, GCG and Risk Division, whereas the actual documents must be submitted and wellmaintained by the Human Resources (HR) function at all Work Units. 11) Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG dan Risiko melakukan fungsi administrasi dan pengawasan atas ketaatan penandatanganan pernyataan komitmen guna memastikan seluruh Insan SUCOFINDO telah membaca dan memahami Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku Perusahaan. 11) The System Management, GCG and Risk Division shall execute administrative and supervisory functions over compliance towards the above statements of commitment in order to ensure that all SUCOFINDO Personnel have read and understood the Company Code of Business Ethics and Conduct. 12) Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG dan Risiko melakukan pemastian seluruh Unit Kerja melakukan sosialisasi setiap tahun, dan pemastian seluruh Insan SUCOFINDO memperbarui dan menandatangani kembali pernyataan komitmen setiap tahunnya. 12) The System Management, GCG and Risk Division shall ensure that all Work Units continue to conduct socialization each year and ensure that all SUCOFINDO Personnel have renewed and signed the statement of commitment each year. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 185 PAKTA INTEGRITAS Integrity Pact 1) Setiap Insan SUCOFINDO wajib menandatangani Pernyataan Insan SUCOFINDO, bahwa yang bersangkutan telah menerima, membaca, memahami dan setuju untuk melaksanakan serta mematuhi Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku. 2) Setiap Kepala Unit Kerja bertanggungjawab atas penerapan Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku di lingkungan unit kerjanya masing-masing, dan wajib menandatangani Pernyataan Manajemen Senior setiap tahunnya. 1) All SUCOFINDO Personnel are obliged to sign the SUCOFINDO Personnel Statement stating that the undersigned has accepted, read, understood, and agreed to implement and comply with the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct. 2) All Work Unit Heads are responsible for the implementation of the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct in their respective work unit environment and are obliged to sign the Senior Management Statement each year. BUDAYA PERUSAHAAN Corporate Culture Salah satu langkah mensukseskan prinsip-prinsip GCG dan sejalan dengan reformasi pengelolaan badan usaha yang salah satunya adalah reformasi budaya Perusahaan yang diwujudkan dalam nilai-nilai Perusahaan yakni: One of the steps to ensure the successful implementation of GCG in line with corporate management reform is a corporate culture reform through the Company philosophy expressed in its Corporate Values, as follows: 1) Fokus Pelanggan 1) Mengerti kebutuhan pelanggan, memberi solusi serta pelayanan terbaik kepada Pelanggan. 2) Kompeten Mengembangkan sikap individu yang dapat diandalkan dan memiliki kompetensi yang sesuai standar. 3) Integritas Customer Focus Understand customer needs and provide the best solutions and services for customers. 2) Competence Develop reliable individuals with competence in accordance to standards. 3) Integrity Mengutamakan kejujuran, transparan dan konsistensi antara pikiran, perkataan dan perbuatan. Prioritize honesty, transparency and consistency between thoughts, words and actions. 4) Independensi Bebas dari pengaruh dan kepentingan pihak luar perusahaan. 4) Independence Become free from the influence and interest of outside parties to the company. 5) Inovasi 5) Innovation Selalu melakukan inovasi sesuai kebutuhan atau kecenderungan pasar dengan memanfaatkan kompetensi dan teknologi, serta melakukan terobosan dalam proses kerja agar menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Always innovate in accordance to market tendencies or needs by utilizing competencies and technology and create breakthroughs in work processes to make them more effective and efficient. 186 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report * >WgZbçecçYçç^ 6) 9^dbW`bW^WebcYZ` Selalu menciptakan peluang usaha, jejaring dan berani mengambil risiko dengan tetap mempertimbangkan profitabilitas dan risiko. Always create business opportunities, build networks, and have the bravery to take risks while still considering profitability and risks. 7) Kerjasama Bekerjasama untuk mencapai tujuan Perusahaan melalui sinergi berdasarkan prinsip saling percaya dan berbagi pengetahuan. 7) GWç]g_b\ Work together in order to achieve corporate objectives through a synergy based on principles of mutual trust and knowledge sharing. PENILAIAN PENERAPAN PERUSAHAAN ASSESSMENT OF GCG IMPLEMENTATION TATA KELOLA SUCOFINDO melakukan indentifikasi implementasi GCG secara berkala, baik melalui self-assessment maupun penilaian oleh pihak independen. Hal ini dilakukan untuk melihat aspek GCG yang telah mencapai praktik terbaik (best practice) maupun area yang belum mencapai praktik terbaik. Hasil penilaian ini menjadi basis perbaikan implementasi GCG. SUCOFINDO has periodically examined its GCG implementation through both self-assessment and assessment from independent parties in order to determine which GCG aspects have reached their best practices and which haven’t. Results of GCG assessment will then be used as the basis for improving GCG implementation. CWæç\cç^çç^`W^ZæçZç^]W^XçUe`çVç. 5ccWcc]W^dcçbWU_^VeUdWVZ^çUU_bVç^UWd_. 1. 1. Ketentuan Peraturan Menteri BUMN Nomor: PER01 / MBU / 2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance). Penilaian GCG tahun buku 2014 pada Keputusan Sekretaris Menteri BUMN Nomor SK-16 / S.MBU / 2012 tertanggal 6 Juni 2012. Penilaian mencakup enam aspek: Komitmen Terhadap Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Secara Berkelanjutan; Pemegang Saham dan RUPS; Dewan Komisaris; Direksi; Pengungkapan Informasi; dan Aspek Lain. Kegiatan penilaian pada tahun 2014 dilaksanakan oleh PT Kharisma Insani Manajemen, dengan hasil 90,07. Minister of SOE Regulation No. PER01 / MBU / 2011 regarding Good Corporate Governance Implementation. GCG assessment for the 2014 fiscal year has been regulated within Minister of SOE Secretary Decision No. SK-16 / S.MBU / 2012 issued June 6, 2012. The assessment covered six aspects: Commitment towards Sustainable Implementation of Good Corporate Governance; Shareholders and GMS; Board of Commissioners; Board of Directors; Information Disclosure; and Other Aspects. Assessment in 2014 was conducted by PT Kharisma Insani Manajemen and produced a score of 90.07. Parameter penilaian Parameters of assessment 2014 Capaian 5UYZWfW]W^d 2013 Capaian Achievement Tingkat CW]W^eYç^ Fulfillment Rate 5,907 6,32 90,24 % No Aspek Pokok Core Aspects 1 Komitmen Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Secara Berkelanjutan 2 Pemegang Saham dan RUPS 8,617 8,59 95,43 % Shareholders and GMS 3 Dewan Komisaris 30,815 31,99 91,40 % Board of Commissioners Commitment towards Sustainable Implementation of Good Corporate Governance 4 Direksi 32,828 32,75 93,58 % Board of Directors 5 Pengungkapan Informasi 6,942 7,29 81,02 % Information Disclosure 6 Aspek Lainnya 3,929 3,13 62,50 % Other Aspects 89,036 90,07 Jumlah Sangat Baik Very Good 90,07 Sangat Baik Very Good TOTAL Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 187 URAIAN SINGKAT HASIL PENILAIAN GCG 2014 SUMMARY OF 2014 GCG ASSESSMENT RESULTS >_]Zd]W^ CW^Wbç`ç^ Gçdç >Wæ_æç CWbecçYçç^ èç^X Baik Secara Berkelanjutan 7_]]Zd]W^d d_gçbVc FecdçZ^çTæW <]`æW]W^dçdZ_^ _å Good Corporate Governance Berdasarkan hasil assessment yang telah dilakukan pada Komitmen Terhadap Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Secara Berkelanjutan, skor yang dicapai adalah 6,32 dari bobot sebesar 7,00 atau setara dengan prosentase pencapaian sebesar 90,24%. Hal ini berarti bahwa secara umum penerapan GCG untuk Aspek Komitmen Terhadap Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahan yang Baik Secara Berkelanjutan telah berjalan dengan sangat baik. Based on the assessment conducted on the aspect of Commitment towards Sustainable Implementation of GCG, SUCOFINDO has obtained a score 6.32 out of 7.00 or equivalent to a fulfillment rate of 90.24%. This would mean that, in general, GCG implementation in Commitment towards Sustainable Implementation of GCG has been considered as very good. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari beberapa praktik yang telah berjalan sebagai berikut. 1. Perusahaan memiliki Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (GCG Code) dan Pedoman Perilaku yang dimutakhirkan secara berkala. 2. Perusahaan telah berupaya melaksanakan GCG Code dan Code of Conduct secara konsisten. 3. Perusahaan melakukan pengukuran terhadap penerapan GCG yang dilakukan secara berkala sejak tahun 2004. 4. Perusahaan melakukan koordinasi pengelolaan dan administrasi Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara (LHKPN). This can be seen from several ongoing practices, as follows: 1. The Company possesses a Good Corporate Governance Code and Code of Conduct, both of which are updated periodically. 2. The Company has endeavored to implement the GCG Code and Code of Conduct in a consistent manner. 3. The Company has measured its GCG implementation periodically since 2004. Namun demikian masih terdapat kondisi penerapan GCG untuk Komitmen Terhadap Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik Secara Berkelanjutan yang masih memerlukan perhatian sebagai area of improvement, yaitu: However, there are still areas for improvement for GCG implementation in Commitment towards Sustainable Implementation of GCG, such as: 1. 1. GCG Code belum dimutakhirkan. Pemutakhiran GCG Code terakhir dilakukan pada tahun 2009. 4. The Company has coordinated the management and administration of the State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN). The GCG Code has not been updated. The GCG Code was last updated in 2009. 2. Code of Conduct belum memasukkan uraian mengenai Kesempatan yang sama untuk mendapatkan pegawaian dan promosi. 2. The Code of Conduct has not included a section on equal opportunity for work and promotion. 3. Belum seluruh Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi menandatangani Pernyataan Kepatuhan Pedoman Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku. 3. Not all members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors have signed the Statement of Compliance towards the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct. 4. Belum terdapat uraian mengenai pemberian sanksi dalam Keputusan Direksi Nomor 23 / KD / 2009. 4. No section on the imposition of sanctions in Board of Directors Decision No. 23 / KD / 2009. 5. Belum terdapat kebijakan dan prosedur khusus terkait Pengendalian Gratifikasi. 5. No specific policies and procedures on Gratification Control. 6. Belum terdapat ketentuan Whistleblowing System. 6. No specific regulations on the whistleblowing system. khusus terkait 7. Penyediaan sarana / media yang mendukung pelaksanaan Whistleblowing System belum memadai. 7. Inadequate facilities / media supporting implementation of the whistleblowing system. 8. Belum terdapat pelaporan berkala mengenai jumlah laporan yang masuk dan tindak lanjut hasil penanganan pelaporan tersebut. 8. No periodic reporting on the number of reports submitted and follow-up actions towards the reports. the 188 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PEMEGANG SAHAM DAN RUPS SHAREHOLDERS AND GMS Berdasarkan hasil assessment yang telah dilakukan pada Aspek Pemegang Saham dan RUPS / Pemilik Modal, skor yang dicapai adalah 8,59 dari bobot sebesar 9,00 atau setara dengan prosentase pencapaian sebesar 95,43%. Hal ini berarti bahwa secara umum penerapan GCG untuk Aspek Pemegang Saham dan RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah berjalan dengan sangat baik. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari beberapa praktik yang telah berjalan, yaitu: Based on the assessment conducted on the aspect of Shareholders and GMS / Investors, SUCOFINDO has obtained a score of 8.59 out of 9.00 or equivalent to a fulfillment rate of 95.43%. This would mean that, in general, GCG implementation in Shareholders and GMS / Investors has been considered as very good. This can be seen from several ongoing practices, as follows: 1. 1. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah menetapkan pedoman pengangkatan dan pemberhentian Direksi. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have established guidelines for the appointment and dismissal of members of the Board of Directors. 2. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah melaksanakan penilaian terhadap calon anggota Direksi. 2. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have evaluated candidates for the Board of Directors. 3. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah menetapkan pengangkatan anggota dan komposisi Direksi. 3. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have established the appointed members and composition of the Board of Directors. 4. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah menetapkan pengaturan mengenai rangkap jabatan bagi anggota Direksi. 4. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have established regulations regarding dual office holding for members of the Board of Directors. 5. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah memberhentikan anggota Direksi sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. 5. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have dismissed members of the Board of Directors in compliance with laws and regulations in effect. 6. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah menetapkan pedoman pengangkatan dan pemberhentian Dewan Komisaris. 6. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have established guidelines for the appointment and dismissal of members of the Board of Commissioners. 7. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah melaksanakan penilaian terhadap calon anggota Dewan Komisaris. 7. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have evaluated candidates for the Board of Commissioners. 8. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah menetapkan pengangkatan anggota Dewan Komisaris dan komposisinya. 8. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have established the appointed members and composition of the Board of Commissioners. 9. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah menetapkan pengaturan mengenai rangkap jabatan bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris. 9. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have established regulations regarding dual office holding for members of the Board of Commissioners. 10. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah memberhentikan anggota Dewan Komisaris sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. 10. Shareholders / GMS / Investors dismissed members of the Board of Commissioners in compliance with laws and regulations in effect. 11. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal memberikan pengesahan Rencana Jangka Penjang Perusahaan (RJPP) atau Revisi RJPP. 11. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have authorized the Company Long Term Plan (RJPP) or Revised RJPP. 12. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah memberikan pengesahan Pengesahan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP). 12. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have authorized the Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP). 13. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah memberikan persetujuan / keputusan atas usulan aksi korporasi yang perlu mendapat persetujuan / keputusan RUPS / Pemilik Modal. 13. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have given their approval / decision towards corporate action suggestions requiring the approval / decision of the GMS / Investors. 14. RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah memberikan penilaian terhadap kinerja Direksi dan kinerja Dewan Komisaris. 14. GMS / Investors have assessed the performance of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 189 15. RUPS telah menetapkan gaji / honorarium, tunjangan, fasilitas dan tantiem / insentif kinerja untuk Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris. 15. GMS has established the nominal values of salary / honorarium, allowances, facilities and performance bonuses / incentives for the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners. 16. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah menetapkan auditor eksternal yang mengaudit Laporan Keuangan perusahaan. 16. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have appointed an external auditor to audit the Company’s Financial Reports. 17. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal memberikan persetujuan laporan tahunan termasuk pengesahan laporan keuangan serta tugas pengawasan Dewan Komisaris. 17. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have given their approval towards the annual report, including authorization towards the Company’s financial reports and supervisory duties of the Board of Commissioners. 18. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal telah menetapkan penggunaan laba bersih. 18. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have established allocations of the Company’s net profit. 19. Pengesahan terhadap laporan tahunan dan persetujuan terhadap laporan keuangan telah dilaksanakan tepat waktu. 19. Authorization towards annual reports and approval towards financial reports have been given on time. 20. RUPS telah mengambil keputusan sesuai dengan Undang Undang No. 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas dan / atau Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan sehingga menghasilkan keputusan yang sah. 20. GMS has made decisions in compliance with Law 40 / 2007 regarding Limited Liability Companies and / or Articles of Association of the Company and produced valid decisions. 21. RUPS telah mengambil keputusan melalui proses yang terbuka dan adil. 21. GMS has made decisions through an open and fair process. 22. Pemegang Saham / Pemilik Modal memberikan arahan / pembinaan penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik kepada Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris. 22. Shareholders / Investors have given directives / orientation for the implementation of good corporate governance towards the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners. 23. Pemegang Saham / Pemilik Modal tidak mencampuri kegiatan operasional perusahaan yang menjadi tanggung jawab Direksi. 23. Shareholders / Investors have not interfered with operational activities of the company under the responsibility of the Board of Directors. 24. Pemegang Saham / Pemilik Modal merespon terhadap informasi yang diterima dari Direksi dan / atau Dewan Komisaris mengenai gejala penurunan kinerja dan kerugian perusahaan yang signifikan. 24. Shareholders / Investors have responded towards information received from the Board of Directors and / or Board of Commissioners regarding any significant decline in performance and loss towards the Company. Namun demikian, masih terdapat kondisi penerapan GCG untuk Aspek Pemegang Saham dan RUPS / Pemilik Modal yang masih memerlukan perhatian sebagai area of improvement yaitu: 1. Pengangkatan Direksi oleh RUPS belum sepenuhnya memenuhi ketentuan pelaksanaan yang dilakukan selambat-lambatnya 30 (tiga puluh) hari sejak masa jabatan tersebut berakhir. Pemegang Saham agar secepatnya mengisi kekosongan jabatan Direksi sehingga komposisi Direksi dapat sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perusahaan. 2. Pemegang Saham / RUPS agar menyebutkan secara spesifik bidang tugas Direksi yang baru diangkat dalam Keputusan RUPS. 3. Keputusan RUPS / Pemegang Saham terkait pemberhentian Direksi belum memuat alasan pemberhentian. 4. Pemegang Saham / RUPS / Pemilik Modal belum menetapkan Komisaris Independen. However, there are still areas for improvement for GCG implementation in Shareholders and GMS / Investors, such as: 1. Appointment of Directors by GMS has not been fully conducted in accordance to regulations, which state that it must be done at the latest 30 (thirty) days since the end of the previous term in order to immediately fill the vacancy in the Board of Directors so that the composition of the Board of Directors can fulfill the Company’s needs. 2. Shareholders / GMS should specifically state the scope of duties of the newly-appointed Director in a GMS Resolution. 3. GMS / Shareholders Resolution regarding the dismissal of a Director has not contained reasons for dismissal. 4. Shareholders / GMS / Investors have not appointed an Independent Commissioner. 190 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 5. Pemegang Saham belum melakukan upaya-upaya menindaklanjuti area of improvement yang dihasilkan dari assessment atas pelaksanaan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik pada perusahaan yang bersangkutan. 5. Shareholders have not made efforts to follow up areas of improvement produced from the assessment conducted on GCG implementation by the Company. DEWAN KOMISARIS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Berdasarkan hasil assessment yang telah dilakukan pada Aspek Dewan Komisaris, skor yang dicapai adalah 31,99 dari bobot sebesar 35,00 atau setara dengan prosentase pencapaian sebesar 91,40%. Hal ini berarti bahwa secara umum penerapan GCG untuk Aspek Dewan Komisaris telah berjalan dengan sangat baik. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari beberapa praktik yang telah berjalan, yaitu: Based on the assessment conducted on the aspect of Board of Commissioners, SUCOFINDO has obtained a score of 31.99 out of 35.00 or equivalent to a fulfillment rate of 91.40%. This would mean that, in general, GCG implementation in the aspect of Board of Commissioners has been considered as very good. This can be seen from several ongoing practices, as follows: 1. 1. Dewan Komisaris yang baru diangkat telah mengikuti program pengenalan Perusahaan. Newly-appointed Commissioners have participated in the Company induction program. 2. Dewan Komisaris telah mengikuti program pelatihan dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi anggota Dewan Komisaris sesuai kebutuhan. 2. The Board of Commissioners has participated in training programs to build the competence of Board of Commissioners members as needed. 3. Dewan Komisaris telah memiliki kebijakan dan melaksanakan pembagian tugas diantara anggota Dewan Komisaris. 3. The Board of Commissioners has policies on and has implemented a division of labor among members of the Board of Commissioners. 4. Dewan Komisaris telah menetapkan mekanisme pengambilan keputusan Dewan Komisaris. 4. The Board of Commissioners has established a Board of Commissioners decision making mechanism. 5. Dewan Komisaris telah menyusun rencana kerja setiap tahun yang memuat sasaran / target yang ingin dicapai dan melaporkannya secara tertulis kepada RUPS / Pemilik Modal. 5. The Board of Commissioners has annually compiled a work plan containing achievement targets and submitted a written report to the GMS / Investors. 6. Dewan Komisaris telah mendapatkan akses informasi Perusahaan sesuai kewenangannya. 6. The Board of Commissioners has accessed Company information within its authority. 7. Dewan Komisaris telah memberikan persetujuan atas rancangan RKAP yang disampaikan oleh Direksi. 7. The Board of Commissioners has given its approval towards the RKAP draft submitted by the Board of Directors. 8. Dewan Komisaris telah memberikan arahan tentang hal-hal penting mengenai perubahan lingkungan bisnis yang diperkirakan akan berdampak besar pada usaha dan kinerja Perusahaan secara tepat waktu dan relevan. 8. The Board of Commissioners has given directives on important matters concerning changes in the business environment predicted to have huge impacts towards Company business and performance in a timely and relevant manner. 9. Dewan Komisaris dalam batas kewenangannya, telah merespon saran, harapan, permasalahan dan keluhan dari stakeholders (pelanggan,pemasok, kreditur, dan karyawan) yang disampaikan langsung kepada Dewan Komisaris ataupun oleh Direksi. 9. The Board of Commissioners, within its authority, has responded to suggestions, expectations, issues and complaints expressed by stakeholders (customers, suppliers, creditors, and employees) conveyed directly to the Board of Commissioners or the Board of Directors. 10. Dewan Komisaris telah memberikan arahan tentang penguatan sistem pengendalian intern Perusahaan. 10. The Board of Commissioners has given directives on consolidating the internal control system of the Company. 11. Dewan Komisaris telah memberikan arahan tentang manajemen risiko Perusahaan. 11. The Board of Commissioners has given directives towards the risk management of the Company. 12. Dewan Komisaris telah memberikan arahan tentang sistem teknologi informasi yang digunakan Perusahaan. 12. The Board of Commissioners has given directives towards the information technology system used in the Company. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 191 13. Dewan Komisaris telah memberikan arahan tentang kebijakan dan pelaksanaan pengembangan karir. 13. The Board of Commissioners has given directives towards policies on and implementation of career development. 14. Dewan Komisaris telah memberikan arahan tentang kebijakan akuntansi dan penyusunan laporan keuangan sesuai dengan standar akuntansi yang berlaku umum di Indonesia (SAK). 14. The Board of Commissioners has given directives towards policies on accounting and financial reporting in accordance to accounting standards in effect in Indonesia (SAK). 15. Dewan Komisaris telah memberikan arahan tentang kebijakan pengadaan dan pelaksanaannya. 15. The Board of Commissioners has given directives towards policies on procurement and their implementation. 16. Dewan Komisaris telah memberikan arahan tentang kebijakan mutu dan pelayanan serta pelaksanaannya. 16. The Board of Commissioners has given directives towards policies on quality and service and their implementation. 17. Dewan Komisaris telah mengawasi dan memantau kepatuhan Direksi dalam menjalankan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku dan perjanjian dengan pihak ketiga. 17. The Board of Commissioners has supervised and monitored the Board of Directors’ compliance towards laws and regulations in effect and agreements with third parties. 18. Dewan Komisaris telah mengawasi dan memantau kepatuhan Direksi dalam menjalankan Perusahaan sesuai RKAP dan / atau RJPP. 18. The Board of Commissioners has supervised and monitored the Board of Directors’ compliance in managing the Company in accordance to the RKAP and / or RJPP. 19. Dewan Komisaris telah memberikan persetujuan atas transaksi atau tindakan dalam lingkup kewenangan Dewan Komisaris atau RUPS / Pemilik Modal. 19. The Board of Commissioners has given their approval towards transactions or actions within the authority of the Board of Commissioners or GMS / Investors. 20. Dewan Komisaris (berdasarkan usul dari Komite Audit) telah mengajukan calon auditor eksternal kepada RUPS / Pemilik Modal. 20. The Board of Commissioners (based on recommendations from the Audit Committee) has nominated an external auditor to the GMS / Investors. 21. Dewan Komisaris telah memastikan audit eksternal dan audit internal dilaksanakan secara efektif, serta melaksanakan telaah atas pengaduan yang berkaitan dengan BUMN yang diterima oleh Dewan Komisaris. 21. The Board of Commissioners has ensured that external audit and internal audit have been conducted effectively and have reviewed complaints towards SOE received by the Board of Commissioners. 22. Dewan Komisaris telah melaporkan dengan segera kepada RUPS / Pemilik Modal apabila terjadi gejala menurunnya kinerja Perusahaan serta saran-saran yang telah disampaikan kepada Direksi untuk memperbaiki permasalahan yang dihadapi. 22. The Board of Commissioners has immediately reported to the GMS / Investors any decline in the Company’s performance, along with the recommendations conveyed to the Board of Directors to resolve the issues faced. 23. Dewan Komisaris telah melaksanakan pengawasan terhadap kebijakan pengelolaan Anak Perusahaan / perusahaan patungan dan pelaksanaannya. 23. The Board of Commissioners has supervised policies on the management of subsidiary / joint-venture companies and their implementation. 24. Dewan Komisaris telah mengusulkan calon anggota Direksi kepada Pemegang Saham / Pemilik Modal sesuai kebijakan dan kriteria seleksi yang ditetapkan. 24. The Board of Commissioners has nominated candidates for Directors to Shareholders / Investors in accordance to established policies and criteria for selection. 25. Dewan Komisaris telah menilai Direksi dan melaporkan hasil penilaian tersebut kepada Pemegang Saham / Pemilik Modal. 25. The Board of Commissioners has assessed the Board of Directors and submitted its assessment results to Shareholders / Investors. 26. Dewan Komisaris telah mengusulkan remunerasi Direksi sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku dan penilaian kinerja Direksi. 26. The Board of Commissioners has proposed a remuneration scheme for the Board of Directors in accordance to regulations in effect and assessment of the Board of Directors’ performance. 27. Dewan Komisaris telah memiliki kebijakan benturan kepentingan. 27. The Board of Commissioners has policies in place on conflicts of interest. 192 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 28. Rapat Dewan Komisaris telah diadakan secara berkala sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku dan / atau Anggaran Dasar. 28. Board of Commissioners meetings have been conducted periodically based on regulations in effect and / or the Articles of Association. 29. Dewan Komisaris telah melakukan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan keputusan hasil rapat sebelumnya. 29. The Board of Commissioners has evaluated the implementation of preceding meeting resolutions. 30. Sekretariat Dewan Komisaris telah memiliki uraian tugas yang jelas. 30. Secretariat to the Board of Commissioners has a clear list of duties. 31. Sekretariat Dewan Komisaris telah melakukan administrasi dan penyimpanan dokumen. 31. Secretariat to the Board of Commissioners has administrated and stored documents. 32. Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris menyelenggarakan rapat Dewan Komisaris dan rapat / pertemuan antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Pemegang Saham / Pemilik Modal, Direksi maupun pihak-pihak terkait lainnya. 32. Secretary to the Board of Commissioners has conducted Board of Commissioners meetings and meetings between the Board of Commissioners and Shareholders / Investors, Board of Directors, or other relevant parties. 33. Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris menyediakan data / informasi yang diperlukan oleh Dewan Komisaris dan komite-komite di lingkungan Dewan Komisaris. 33. Secretary to the Board of Commissioners has provided data / information as needed by the Board of Commissioners and committees under the scope of the Board of Commissioners. 34. Dewan Komisaris telah memiliki komite Dewan Komisaris sesuai dengan ketentuan perundangundangan yang berlaku dan kebutuhan Dewan Komisaris. 34. The Board of Commissioners has committees under the Board of Commissioners in accordance to laws and regulations in effect and the Board of Commissioners’ needs. 35. Komposisi keanggotaan komite Dewan Komisaris telah mendukung pelaksanaan fungsi komite dan independensi dari masing-masing komite Dewan Komisaris. 35. Composition and membership in committees under the Board of Commissioners have supported the functions implemented by each committee and the independence of each committee under the Board of Commissioners. 36. Komite Dewan Komisaris telah memiliki piagam / charter dan program kerja tahunan. 36. Committees under the Board of Commissioners have their own charters and annual work programs. 37. Komite Audit telah melaksanakan pertemuan rutin sesuai dengan program kerja tahunan serta melakukan kegiatan lain yang ditugaskan Dewan Komisaris. 37. The Audit Committee has conducted routine meetings in accordance to the annual work program and other activities assigned to it by the Board of Commissioners. Namun demikian, kinerja Dewan Komisaris perlu ditingkatkan agar penerapan GCG semakin maksimal. Perbaikan ini, seperti misalnya: However, the performance of Board of Commissioners should be improved in order to maximize the GCG implementation. These improvements are such as: 1. 1. Menetapkan mekanisme pengambilan keputusan dan standar waktu atas usulan Direksi. Establish a decision making mechanism and time standard towards suggestions from the Board of Directors. 2. Menetapkan mekanisme untuk merespon saran, harapan, permasalahan dan keluhan dari pemangku kepentingan. 2. Establish a mechanism for responding to suggestions, expectations, concerns, and complaints from stakeholders. 3. Membuat kebijakan dan rencana pengawasan, serta pemberian nasihat terhadap kebijakan suksesi manajemen dan pelaksanaannya. 3. Develop policy and monitoring plan, as well as advising on policy of succession of management and their implementation. 4. Membuat kebijakan dan rencana pengawasan terhadap mutu dan pelayanan serta pelaksanaannya. 4. Develop policy and plan supervisory of quality and service, as well as its implementation. 5. Meningkatkan peran dalam pemilihan calon anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Anak Perusahaan / perusahaan patungan. 5. Enhance the role in the selection of candidates for members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the subsidiary / joint venture. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 193 untuk 6. Develop policy and work plan to evaluate the proposed remuneration of the Board of Directors. 7. Meningkatkan pedoman tata tertib rapat Dewan Komisaris dan tindak lanjut hasil rapat. 7. Improve meeting procedure guideline for BoC and followup actions from the previous meetings. 8. Menyimpan risalah asli dari setiap rapat Dewan Komisaris di Perusahaan. 8. Maintain the original minutes of each meeting of the Board of Commissioners in the Company. DIREKSI BOARD OF DIRECTORS Berdasarkan hasil assessment yang telah dilakukan pada Aspek Direksi, skor yang dicapai adalah 32,75 dari bobot sebesar 35,00 atau setara dengan prosentase pencapaian sebesar 93,58%. Hal ini berarti bahwa secara umum penerapan GCG untuk Aspek Direksi telah berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari beberapa praktik yang telah berjalan, yaitu: Based on the assessment conducted on the aspect of Board of Directors, SUCOFINDO has obtained a score of 32.75 out of 35.00 or equivalent to a fulfillment rate of 93.58%. This would mean that, in general, GCG implementation in the aspect of Board of Directors has been considered as very good. This can be seen from several ongoing practice, such as: 1. 1. 6. Membuat kebijakan dan rencana menelaah usulan remunerasi Direksi. kerja Direksi yang baru diangkat mengikuti program pengenalan yang diselenggarakan oleh perusahaan. Newly-appointed Directors have participated in the Company induction program. 2. Direksi melaksanakan program pelatihan dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi anggota Direksi sesuai kebutuhan. 2. The Board of Directors has participated in training programs to build the competence of Board of Directors members as needed. 3. Direksi telah menetapkan struktur / susunan organisasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perusahaan. 3. The Board of Directors has established an organizational structure in accordance to the needs of the Company. 4. Direksi telah menetapkan kebijakan-kebijakan operasional dan standard operasional baku (SOP) untuk proses bisnis inti (core business) perusahaan. 4. The Board of Directors has established operational policies and standard operating procedures for the core businesses of the company. 5. Direksi telah menetapkan mekanisme pengambilan keputusan atas tindakan perusahaan (corporate action) sesuai ketentuan perundang-undangan dan tepat waktu. 5. The Board of Directors has established a decision making mechanism over corporate actions in accordance to laws and regulations in effect. 6. Direksi telah memiliki Rencana Jangka Panjang (RJPP) yang disahkan oleh RUPS / Pemilik Modal. 6. The Board of Directors’ Company Long Term Plan (RJPP) has been authorized by the GMS / Investors. 7. Direksi telah memiliki Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) yang disahkan oleh RUPS / Menteri / Pemilik Modal. 7. The Board of Directors’ Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) has been authorized by the GMS / Minister / Investors. 8. Direksi telah memberikan respon terhadap usulan peluang bisnis yang berpotensi meningkatkan pendapatan perusahaan, penghematan / efisiensi perusahaan, pendayagunaan aset, dan manfaat lainnya. 8. The Board of Directors has responded suggestions of business opportunities with the potential of increasing company revenue, saving / increasing efficiency in the Company, utilizing assets, and other beneficial acts. 9. Direksi telah merespon isu-isu terkini dari eksternal mengenai perubahan lingkungan bisnis dan permasalahannya, secara tepat waktu dan relevan. 9. The Board of Directors has responded towards recent external issues concerning changes towards the business environment and issues in a punctual and relevant manner. 10. Direksi telah melaksanakan program / kegiatan sesuai dengan RKAP dan mengambil keputusan yang diperlukan setelah melalui analisis yang memadai dan tepat waktu. 10. The Board of Directors has conducted programs / activities in accordance to the RKAP and made decisions as necessary after undergoing adequate and timely analysis. 11. Direksi telah memiliki sistem / pedoman pengukuran dan penilaian kinerja untuk unit dan jabatan dalam organisasi (struktural) yang diterapkan secara obyektif dan transparan. 11. The Board of Directors has a system / guideline for measuring and evaluating the performance of units and positions within the organizational structure and implemented it in an objective and transparent manner. 194 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 12. Direksi telah menetapkan target kinerja berdasarkan RKAP dan diturunkan secara berjenjang di tingkat unit, sub unit dan jabatan di dalam organisasi (struktural) di organisasi. 12. The Board of Directors has established performance targets based on the RKAP and passed it down stage by stage to the level of unit, sub-unit, and individual position within the organizational structure. 13. Direksi telah melakukan analisis dan evaluasi terhadap capaian kinerja untuk jabatan / unit di bawah Direksi dan tingkat perusahaan. 13. The Board of Directors has analyzed and evaluated performance achievements for each position / unit under the Board of Directors and levels of Company management. 14. Direksi telah melaporkan pelaksanaan sistem manajemen kinerja kepada Dewan Komisaris. 14. The Board of Directors has reported on the implementation of a performance management system to the Board of Commissioners. 15. Direksi menyusun dan menyampaikan kepada RUPS / Pemilik Modal tentang usulan insentif kinerja untuk Direksi. 15. The Board of Directors has compiled and conveyed to the GMS / Investors recommendations on performance incentives for the Board of Directors. 16. Direksi telah menerapkan sistem tentang teknologi informasi sesuai dengan kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan. 16. The Board of Directors has implemented an information technology system in accordance to established policies. 17. Direksi telah melaksanakan sistem peningkatan mutu produk dan pelayanan. 17. The Board of Directors has implemented a product and service quality improvement system. 18. Direksi telah mengembangkan SDM, menilai kinerja dan memberikan remunerasi yang layak, dan membangun lingkungan SDM yang efektif mendukung pencapaian perusahaan. 18. The Board of Directors has developed the Company’s human resources, evaluated their performance, given proper remuneration and developed an effective environment for HM to improve Company achievement. 19. Direksi telah menerapkan kebijakan pengaturan untuk anak perusahaan (subsidiary governance) dan / atau perusahaan patungan. 19. The Board of Directors has implemented policies for the governance of subsidiary and / or joint venture companies. 20. Direksi telah menerapkan kebijakan akuntansi dan penyusunan laporan keuangan sesuai dengan standar akuntansi keuangan yang berlaku umum di Indonesia (SAK). 20. The Board of Directors has implemented accounting and financial reporting policies in accordance to financial accounting standards in effect in Indonesia (SAK). 21. Direksi telah menerapkan manajemen risiko sesuai dengan kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan. 21. The Board of Directors has implemented risk management in accordance to established policies. 22. Direksi telah menetapkan dan menerapkan sistem pengendalian intern untuk melindungi dan mengamankan investasi dan aset perusahaan. 22. The Board of Directors has established and implemented an internal control system to protect and secure Company investments and assets. 23. Direksi telah menindaklanjuti hasil pemeriksaan SPI dan auditor eksternal (KAP dan BPK). 23. The Board of Directors has followed up results from the Internal Audit Unit (SPI) and external auditors (PA and BPK). 24. Direksi telah menetapkan mekanisme untuk menjaga kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan dan perjanjian dengan pihak ketiga. 24. The Board of Directors has established mechanisms to ensure compliance towards laws and regulations in effect and agreements with third parties. 25. Direksi telah melakukan hubungan yang bernilai tambah bagi perusahaan dan stakeholders melalui pelaksanaan hubungan dengan pelanggan, pelaksanaan kewajiban kepada Negara, pelaksanaan hubungan dengan karyawan perusahaan. 25. The Board of Directors has formed relations in a manner which provides added value for the Company and stakeholders through relations with customers, fulfillment of responsibilities to the State, and relations with Company employees. 26. Direksi telah memiliki prosedur tertulis untuk menampung dan menindaklanjuti keluhan-keluhan stakeholders. 26. The Board of Directors has written procedures in place to collect and follow up complaints from stakeholders. 27. Direksi telah melakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan nilai Pemegang Saham secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan. 27. The Board of Directors has made efforts to produce added value for Shareholders in a consistent and sustainable manner. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 195 28. Direksi telah menetapkan kebijakan tentang mekanisme bagi Direksi dan pejabat struktural untuk mencegah pengambilan keuntungan pribadi dan pihak lainnya disebabkan benturan kepentingan. 28. The Board of Directors has established policies on the mechanism the Board of Directors and other officials within the organizational structure to prevent personal gain for the official and other parties due to conflicts of interest. 29. Direksi telah melaporkan informasi-informasi yang relevan kepada Pemegang Saham dan Dewan Komisaris / Dewan Pengawas. 29. The Board of Directors has reported relevant information to Shareholders and the Board of Commissioners. 30. Direksi telah memberikan perlakukan yang sama (fairness) dalam memberikan informasi kepada Pemegang Saham dan anggota Dewan Komisaris. 30. The Board of Directors has given fair and equal treatment in providing information to Shareholders and members of the Board of Commissioners. 31. Direksi telah memiliki pedoman / tata tertib Rapat. 31. The Board of Directors has meeting guidelines / rules of conduct in place. 32. Direksi telah menyelenggarakan Rapat Direksi sesuai kebutuhan, paling sedikit sekali dalam setiap bulan. 32. The Board of Directors has held Board of Directors meetings as needed, once a month at the very least. 33. Anggota Direksi menghadiri setiap rapat Direksi maupun rapat Direksi dan Komisaris. 33. Members of the Board of Directors have attended all Board of Directors meetings and meetings between the Board of Directors and Commissioners. 34. Direksi telah menindaklanjuti arahan, dan / atau keputusan Dewan Komisaris. 34. The Board of Directors have followed up directives and / or decisions issued by the Board of Commissioners. 35. Direksi telah menetapkan Piagam Pengawasan Intern. 35. The Board of Directors has established an Internal Audit Charter. 36. SPI / Fungsi Audit Internal telah dilengkapi dengan faktor-faktor pendukung keberhasilan dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya. 36. The SPI / Internal Audit Function has been supplemented with supporting factors to ensure success in performing their duties. 37. SPI telah melaksanakan pengawasan intern untuk memberikan nilai tambah dan memperbaiki operasional perusahaan. 37. The SPI has conducted internal supervision to produce added value and improve operations within the Company. 38. Sekretaris Perusahaan telah dilengkapi dengan faktor-faktor pendukung keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugasnya. 38. The Corporate Secretary has been supplemented with supporting factors to ensure success in performing their duties. 39. Direksi telah mengevaluasi kualitas fungsi sekretaris perusahaan. 39. The Board of Directors has evaluated the quality of the Corporate Secretary function. 40. Direksi telah menyelenggarakan RUPS sesuai dengan prosedur yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan perundang-undangan. 40. The Board of Directors has held the GMS in accordance to procedures established within the Articles of Association and laws and regulations in effect. 41. Direksi telah menyediakan akses serta penjelasan lengkap dan informasi akurat berkenaan dengan penyelenggaraan RUPS agar dapat melaksanakan hak-haknya berdasarkan anggaran dasar dan peraturan perundang-undangan. 41. The Board of Directors has provided access towards complete explanations and accurate information on the implementation of GMS to exert its rights based on the Articles of Association and laws and regulations in effect. Namun demikian, kinerja Direksi perlu ditingkatkan agar penerapan GCG semakin maksimal. Peningkatan ini, seperti misalnya: However, the performance of Board of Directors should be improved in order to maximize the GCG implementation. These improvements are such as: 1. 1. Memperbaiki rencana kerja dan anggaran untuk kegiatan pelatihan bagi anggota Direksi. Improve the work plan and budget for training activities for members of the Board of Directors. 2. Memperbaiki standar waktu dalam pengambilan keputusan Direksi. 2. Improve the standard time in the decision making of Board of Directors. 3. Menindaklanjuti masukan dari hasil survei kepuasan pegawai. 3. Follow up on feedback from employee satisfaction survey results. 196 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 4. Melaksanakan survei kepuasan terhadap pemasok / vendor. 5. Meningkatkan ketepatan waktu pembayaran kepada kreditur. 6. Meningkatkan konten Laporan Manajemen sesuai dengan ketentuan. 4. Carry out a satisfaction survey for suppliers / vendors. 7. Menetapkan pelaksanaan evaluasi tindak lanjut hasil rapat. 7. Establish evaluation actions to follow up meeting results. 8 8. Establish a mechanism for report submission from the Corporate Secretary to the Board of Directors. Menetapkan mekanisme penyampaian Sekretaris Perusahaan kepada Direksi. laporan 5. Improve the timeliness of payments to creditors. 6. Increase content on Management accordance with regulation. Report in PENGUNGKAPAN INFORMASI DAN TRANSPARANSI INFORMATION DISCLOSURE AND TRANSPARENCY Berdasarkan hasil assessment yang telah dilakukan pada Aspek Pengungkapan Informasi dan Transparansi, Skor yang dicapai adalah 7,29 dari Bobot sebesar 9,00 atau setara dengan prosentase pencapaian sebesar 81,02%. Hal ini berarti bahwa secara umum penerapan GCG untuk Aspek Pengungkapan Informasi dan Transparansi berjalan baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa praktik yang telah berjalan yaitu: Based on the assessment conducted on the aspect of Information Disclosure and Transparency, SUCOFINDO has obtained a score of 7.29 out of 9.00 or equivalent to a fulfillment rate of 81.02%. This would mean that, in general, GCG implementation in Information Disclosure and Transparency has been considered as very good. This can be seen from several ongoing practices, such as: 1. 1. Perusahaan menyediakan informasi Perusahaan kepada stakeholders. The Company has made Company information available to stakeholders 2. Perusahaan menetapkan sistem dan prosedur pengendalian informasi Perusahaan untuk mengamankan informasi Perusahaan yang penting. 2. The Company has established a system and procedures for Company information control to secure vital Company information. 3. Tingkat kepatuhan Perusahaan yang terhadap kebijakan pengendalian Perusahaan memadai informasi 3. The Company has a satisfactory compliance rate towards Company information control policies. 4. Perusahaan menyediakan bagi stakeholders akses atas informasi Perusahaan yang relevan, memadai, dan dapat diandalkan secara tepat waktu dan berkala. 4. The Company has made available to stakeholders access towards relevant, adequate and reliable Company information in a punctual and periodic manner. 5. Terdapat media untuk penyediaan informasi publik agar dapat diperoleh dengan cepat dan tepat waktu, biaya ringan, dan cara sederhana melalui website dan social media lain seperti : Facebook : https : / / / SUCOFINDO dan Twitter : https: / / / SUCOFINDO. 5. There are media for the public to obtain information in a swift, punctual, low-cost and simple manner, namely the Company website ( and social media such as Facebook (https: / / www. / SUCOFINDO) and Twitter (https: / / / SUCOFINDO). 6. Website Perusahaan mempublikasikan kebijakan penting terkait dengan implementasi GCG yakni Pedoman Etika Usaha dan Tata Perilaku, Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Keuangan, dan informasi terkait dengan Perusahaan. 6. The Company website has published important policies pertaining to GCG implementation such as the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct, Annual Reports, Financial Reports and relevant information on the Company. 7. Perusahaan menyediakan media lain untuk mengkomunikasikan informasi penting Perusahaan melalui Lensa SUCOFINDO, media sosial seperti : Twitter dan Facebook. Untuk mengkomunikasikan kebijakan penting SUCOFINDO kepada karyawan, SUCOFINDO menyelenggarakan pertemuan morning call. Dalam morning call tersebut dibahas kebijakan / kebijakan penting SUCOFINDO. Untuk stakeholders lainnya, penyampaian kebijakan penting disampaikan 7. The Company has made available alternative media for communicating important information from the Company through SUCOFINDO’s viewpoint, including social media such as Twitter and Facebook. To communicate important policies to employees, SUCOFINDO has conducted morning call meetings. During these morning calls, important policies from SUCOFINDO are discussed. For other stakeholders, information on important policies are distributed Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 197 through mail, advertisement and email. melalui surat, iklan dan email. 8. Informasi yang disediakan dalam website Perusahaan dan dimutahirkan secara berkala. 8. Information made available on the Company website and have been updated periodically. 9. Tingkat kemudahan akses terhadap kebijakan dan informasi penting Perusahaan yang disediakan dalam website Perusahaan. 9. Ease of access towards Company policies and other important information on the Company has been provided through the Company website. 10. Perusahaan mengungkapkan informasi penting dalam Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Keuangan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. 10. The Company has disclosed important information in its Annual Report and Financial Report in accordance to laws and regulations in effect. 11. Laporan Tahunan telah memuat bagian tersendiri mengenai Laporan Keuangan. 11. The Annual Report still contains a separate section for the Financial Report. Namun demikian masih terdapat kondisi penerapan GCG untuk Aspek Pengungkapan Informasi dan Transparansi yang memerlukan perhatian sebagai area of improvement yaitu: However, there are still areas of improvement for GCG implementation in the aspect of Information Disclosure and Transparency, such as: 1. 1. Perusahaan agar mempublikasikan Pedoman GCG, Board Manual dan Program Pengendalian Gratifikasi dalam website SUCOFINDO. The Company should publish its GCG Code, Board Manual and Gratification Control Program onto the SUCOFINDO website. 2. Perusahaan sebaiknya memastikan bahwa identitas perusahaan dan tahun laporan tahunan dicantumkan di halaman belakang dan setiap halaman. 2. The Company should ensure that the Company’s identity and year of annual report should be stated at the back cover and on every page. 3. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar memuat uraian mengenai perubahan komposisi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. 3. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should provide an explanation on the change in composition of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. 4. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar mencantumkan nama pemegang jabatan dalam Struktur Organisasi. 4. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should state the names of position holders within the Organizational Structure. 5. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar mencantumkan penjelasan Visi dan penjelasan Misi. 5. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should provide an explanation on the Company’s vision and mission statements 6. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar memuat uraian mengenai pelatihan yang akan dilakukan. 6. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should provide an explanation on training courses to be held in the future. 7. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar mencantumkan informasi mengenai umur anggota Dewan Komisaris. 7. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should state information on the age of Board of Commissioners members. 8. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar mencantumkan informasi mengenai umur anggota Direksi di belakang tahun kelahiran anggota Direksi. 8. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should state information on the age of Board of Directors members behind the birthdate of the Board of Directors members. 9. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar mencantumkan informasi mengenai pelatihan yang akan dilakukan. 9. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should state information on upcoming trainings to be conducted. 10. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar mencantumkan uraian mengenai Akuntan Perseroan meliputi: berapa periode audit akuntan publik telah mengaudit laporan keuangan perusahaan dan berapa periode audit kantor akuntan publik telah mengaudit laporan keuangan perusahaan. (1) Besarnya fee audit. (2) Jasa lain yang diberikan akuntan selain jasa financial audit. 10. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should provide details on its Public Accountant: for how many auditing periods have the public accountant audited company financial reports and for how many auditing periods have the public accountant’s office audited company financial reports, auditing fee, and other services offered by the accountant beside financial audit. 11. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar mencantumkan uraian mengenai Sertifikasi yang diperoleh oleh SUCOFINDO. 11. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should provide details on certifications received by SUCOFINDO. 12. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar memuat riwayat jabatan Sekretaris Perusahaan dengan menambahkan 12. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should contain the Corporate Secretary’s professional track record by 198 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report stating previously occupied posts. beberapa riwayat jabatan sebelumnya. 13. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar melengkapi penjelasan mengenai risiko-risiko yang dihadapi SUCOFINDO dan upaya untuk mengelola risiko tersebut. 13. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should supplement more explanation on risks faced by SUCOFINDO and efforts to manage these risks. 14. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar melengkapi uraian tanggung jawab kepada pelanggan dengan memasukkan uraian mengenai pembentukan pusat pengaduan pelanggan, program peningkatan kepada pelanggan dan biaya yang telah dikeluarkan dalam hubungan dengan pelanggan. 14. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should supplement more explanation on its responsibility to customers by providing a description on the formation of its customer complaint center, improvement programs for customers and funds used for customer relations. 15. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar melengkapi uraian aktivitas pelestarian lingkungan dengan memasukkan uraian mengenai sertifikasi atas pengelolaan lingkungan. 15. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should supplement more explanation on environmental conservation activities by providing a description on the certification of its environmental management system. 16. Laporan Tahunan SUCOFINDO agar melengkapi uraian mengenai pernyataan budaya perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh SUCOFINDO dalam uraian mengenai Etika Perusahaan. 16. SUCOFINDO’s Annual Report should supplement more explanation regarding SUCOFINDO’s corporate culture statements within the section on Corporate Ethics. 17. Perusahaan sebaiknya mengupayakan untuk memenangkan kegiatan Annual Report Award. 17. The Company should endeavor to win the Annual Report Award 18. Perusahaan agar mempertimbangkan untuk mengikuti kegiatan penghargaan di bidang CSR dan sejenisnya. 18. The Company should consider participating in CSR award competitions and similar activities. ASPEK LAINNYA OTHER ASPECTS Berdasarkan hasil assessment yang telah dilakukan pada Aspek Lainnya, skor yang dicapai adalah 3,13 dari bobot sebesar 5,00 atau setara dengan prosentase pencapaian sebesar 62,50%. Hal ini berarti bahwa secara umum penerapan GCG untuk Aspek Lainnya telah berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari beberapa praktik yang telah berjalan, yaitu: Based on the assessment conducted on Other Aspects, SUCOFINDO has obtained a score of 3.13 out of 5.00 or equivalent to a fulfillment rate of 62.50%. This would mean that, in general, GCG implementation in Other Aspects have been considered as good. This can be seen from several ongoing practices, such as: 1. 1. SUCOFINDO memiliki bidang / area yang menjadi best practices di industrinya atau menjadi tujuan benchmark bagi perusahaan lain (baik bagi BUMN maupun perusahaan swasta). Tahun 2013, Perusahaan yang telah melakukan kunjungan ke SUCOFINDO dalam rangka benchmark adalah PT ASKRINDO. In several fields / areas, SUCOFINDO has implemented the best practices within the industry or has become the benchmark for other corporations (both SOE and private companies). In 2013, PT Askrindo conducted a visit to SUCOFINDO for the purpose of benchmarking. 2. SUCOFINDO merupakan perusahaan inspeksi terbesar di Indonesia. SUCOFINDO memiliki 85 spesifikasi jenis jasa pelayanan di bidang inspeksi dan audit, pengujian dan analisis, sertifikasi, konsultasi dan pelatihan. Dalam sektor energi, SUCOFINDO memiliki laboratorium komersial pertama di Indonesia untuk pengujian coal bed methane serta laboratorium mineral processing pertama di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara. 2. SUCOFINDO is the largest inspection company in Indonesia. SUCOFINDO has 85 specified types of services in inspection and audit, testing and analysis, certification, consultation, and training. In the energy sector, SUCOFINDO possesses the first commercial laboratory in Indonesia for coal bed methane testing and the first mineral processing laboratory in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. 3. Selama tahun 2013, kami tidak menemukan adanya penyimpangan dari prinsip-prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik dalam pengelolaan bisnis perusahaan di SUCOFINDO. 3. Throughout 2013, no deviations from the principles of Good Corporate Governance in SUCOFINDO’s business management were found. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Namun demikian, masih terdapat kondisi penerapan GCG untuk Aspek Lainnya yang masih memerlukan perhatian sebagai area of improvement yaitu: SUCOFINDO belum meraih penghargaan atau pengakuan dari lembaga independen sebagai perusahaan dengan kinerja terbaik di sektor usaha BUMN atau di industrinya di tahun 2013. / good corporate governance 199 However, there are still areas for improvement for GCG implementation in other aspects. SUCOFINDO did not achieve any award or recognition from independent bodies as a company with the best performance in the SOE business sector or within the industry in 2013. 200 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report ORGANISASI DAN STRUKTUR TATA KELOLA GCG Organization and Structure Organ GCG PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) terdiri dari Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang dibantu oleh Komite Dewan Komisaris, Corporate Secretary, Internal Audit, dan Satuan Manajemen Risiko di bawah Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG, dan Risiko (Divisi SGR). PT SUCOFINDO (Persero)’s GCG implementation structure consists of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, supported by committees under the Board of Commissioners, Corporate Secretary, Internal Audit, and Risk Management Unit under the System Management, GCG and Risk (SGR) Division. PENERAPAN GCG GCG IMPLEMENTATION Republik Indonesia Transparansi Transparency CW]WbZ^dçY Goverment CW]WXç^XFçYç] SGS KOMITMEN Commitment Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners RUPS GMS Akuntabilitas Accountability Kreditur Creditors Pemasok Suppliers Direksi Board of Directors Responsibilitas Responsibility Independensi Independency Keadilan Fairness Divisi Division Pelanggan Customers SBU SBU Cabang Branch 1 Pegawai Employee Cabang Branch 2 Masyarakat Public Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 201 PENERAPAN GCG DI CABANG Branch GCG Implementation KOMITMEN Commitment Transparansi Transparency Direksi Pengelola / Manajemen Board of Directors Management Akuntabilitas Accountability Kepala Cabang Branch Head Responsibilitas Responsibility Independensi Independency Kabid Dubkis Head Section Business Product Kabid Op 1 Op 1 Kabid Op 2 - dst Op 2 - etc Keadilan Fairness RAPAT UMUM PEMEGANG SAHAM (RUPS) General Meeting of Shareholder (GMS) Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) adalah organ tata kelola yang memiliki wewenang dan kekuasaan paling tinggi di dalam Perusahaan, yang tidak bisa diberikan kepada Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi dan pihak lain dalam batas yang ditentukan undang-undang dan / atau Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan. GMS is a unit of governance with the highest degree of power in the Company which may not be delegated to the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors or other parties within the boundaries established in the law and / or Articles of Association of the Company. RUPS memiliki wewenang untuk mengangkat dan memberhentikan anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, mengevaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, mengesahkan perubahan Anggaran Dasar, memberikan persetujuan atas laporan tahunan, menetapkan alokasi penggunaan laba dan menunjuk akuntan publik serta menetapkan jumlah dan jenis kompensasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. GMS has the authority to appoint and dismiss members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, evaluate Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors performance, authorize changes to the Articles of Association, give approval towards annual reports, determine the allocation of net profit, appoint a public accountant, and determine the amount and type of remuneration received by members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. 202 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Agenda dan Waktu Penyelenggaraan RUPS Agendas and Schedule for GMS - RUPS Laporan Keuangan tahun buku diadakan paling lambat dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan setelah tahun buku. - Financial Report GMS shall be held at the latest within 6 (six) months after the end of the fiscal year. - RUPS Tahunan untuk menyetujui RKAP (Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan) diadakan paling lambat 30 (tiga puluh) setelah tahun anggaran berjalan (Tahun Anggaran rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan). - Annual GMS to authorize the Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) shall be held at the latest 30 (thirty) days after the beginning of the current fiscal year for the Work Plan and Budget. - RUPSLB (Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa) dapat diadakan setiap saat, jika dianggap perlu oleh Direksi dan / atau Dewan komisaris dan / atau Pemegang Saham. - Extraordinary GMS may be held at any time as necessary to the Board of Directors and / or Board of Commissioners and / or Shareholders. Setiap Pemegang Saham memiliki hak yang sama untuk terlibat dalam proses setiap keputusan yang diambil dalam RUPS. Pemberitahuan dan undangan kepada Pemegang Saham untuk menghadiri RUPS Tahunan, disampaikan tujuh hari sebelum waktu pelaksanaan. All Shareholders have the same right to be involved in every decision making process taken within the GMS. Notification and invitation for Shareholders to attend the Annual GMS shall be delivered seven days prior to its execution. PELAKSANAAN DAN KEPUTUSAN RUPS 2014 GMS IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS IN 2014 Selama tahun 2014, SUCOFINDO bersama Pemegang Saham telah menyelenggarakan 1 kali RUPS Laporan Tahunan, dan 2 kali RUPS Luar Biasa (RUPSLB). Throughout 2014, SUCOFINDO along with its Shareholders held 1 Annual GMS and 2 Extraordinary GMS. CWæç\cç^çç^Vç^;çcZæEHCFGçYe^ç^ Annual GMS Implementation and Results No Tanggal Pelaksanaan Date Of Meeting 1 Kamis, 3 April 2014 Thursday, April 3, 2014 No Tanggal Pelaksanaan Date Of Meeting 1 Kamis, 3 April 2014 Thursday / April 3, 2014 Hasil Dan Keputusan Result and Resolution Persetujuan tentang Laporan Tahunan Buku 2013 Authorization of 2013 Annual Report Hasil Dan Keputusan Result and Resolution Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian Anggota Dewan Komisaris PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) Appointment and Dismissal of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) Commissioners - Mengangkat Bp. Irfa Ampri dan - Appointing Mr. Ifra Ampri and - Memberhentikan dengan hormat Bp. Sambas Mulyana - Honorably dismissing Mr. Sambas Mulyana 2 Senin, 11 Agustus 2014 Monday / August 11, 2014 Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian Anggota Dewan Direksi PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) Appointment and Dismissal of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) Directors - Mengangkat Bp. Bachder Djohan Buddin sebagai Dirut - Appointing Mr. Bachder Djohan Buddin as President Director - Memberhentikan dengan hormat Bp. Fahmi Sadiq sebagai Dirut - Honorably dismissing Mr. Fahmi Sadiq as President Director - Mengangkat Bp. M. Heru Riza Ch sebagai Anggota Direksi - Appointing Mr. M. Heru Riza Ch as Director Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 203 DEWAN KOMISARIS Board of Commisioners KOMPOSISI DEWAN KOMISARIS COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dewan Komisaris merupakan organ perusahaan yang bertugas melakukan pengawasan secara umum dan atau khusus serta memberikan nasehat kepada Direksi dalam menjalankan dan mengelola perusahaan. Dewan Komisaris bertugas memastikan bahwa perusahaan melaksanakan Good Corporate Governance, mengawasi dan memberi arahan atas kinerja Direksi, memberi nasihat dan memastikan bahwa Direksi melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai dengan kepentingan para pihak yang berkepentingan (stakeholder). The Board of Commissioners is a unit of governance within the Company responsible for supervising, in a general and / or specific manner, and advising the Board of Directors in executing and managing the Company. The Board of Commissioners is entasked with ensuring that the company has implemented Good Corporate Governance, supervising and directing the Board of Directors’ performance, advising the Board of Directors and ensuring that its duties have been performed in accordance to the interests of stakeholders. 204 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Dewan Komisaris diangkat oleh RUPS dan bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan laporan kepada Pemegang Saham, terutama terkait rekomendasi pencalonan, pemilihan, dan sistem remunerasi anggota Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan Akuntan Publik. Dewan Komisaris memiliki wewenang dan tanggung jawab yang jelas sesuai dengan fungsinya masing-masing sebagaimana diamanahkan dalam Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Pertanggungjawaban Dewan Komisaris kepada RUPS merupakan wujud akuntabilitas pengawasan atas pengelolaan perusahaan dalam rangka pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip GCG. The Board of Commissioners is appointed by the GMS and is responsible for reporting to the Shareholders, especially pertaining to the candidate nomination, selection, and remuneration of members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Public Accountant. The Board of Commissioners has clear authorities and responsibilities in accordance to its respective functions as mandated within the Articles of Association and laws and regulations in effect. The Board of Commissioners is held accountable by the GMS for its supervision towards company management for the implementation of GCG principles. Selama kurun waktu periode pelaporan terdapat perubahan komposisi Dewan Komisaris terdapat pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris berdasarkan Keputusan Pemegang Saham, yaitu: During the report period, changes towards the composition of the Board of Commissioners took place due to the appointment of Commissioners based on Shareholder Resolutions as follows : 1. 1. Keputusan Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa tentang Penetapan Dewan Komisaris pada tanggal 3 April 2014, memutuskan mengangkat Sdri. Irfa Ampri. Extraordinary GMS Resolution regarding the Inauguration of the Board of Commissioners issued on April 3, 2014, deciding upon the appointment of Mr. Irfa Ampri as Commissioner. 2. Keputusan Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa tentang Penetapan Dewan Komisaris pada tanggal 3 April 2014, memutuskan memberhentikan dengan hormat Sdr. Sambas Mulyana sebagai Komisaris Perusahaan. 2. Extraordinary GMS Resolution regarding the Inauguration of the Board of Commissioners issued on April 3, 2014, deciding upon the honorable dismissal of Mr. Sambas Mulyana as Commissioner. Dewan Komisaris beranggotakan empat orang dimana diketuai oleh seorang Komisaris Utama. The Board of Commissioners consists of four members and is headed by a Chief Commissioner. Adapun komposisinya adalah sebagai berikut : Its composition is as follows: 1 Januari - 3 April 2014 Komisaris Utama Komisaris Komisaris Komisaris January 1 - April 3, 2014 President Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner : Gusmardi Bustami : M. Sulthon Fathoni : Sambas Mulyana : Nahid Hudaya 3 April - 31 Desember 2014 Komisaris Utama : Gusmardi Bustami Komisaris : M. Sulthon Fathoni Komisaris : Irfa Ampri Komisaris : Nahid Hudaya : Gusmardi Bustami : M. Sulton Fatoni : Sambas Mulyana : Nahid Hudaya April 3 - December 31, 2014 President Commissioner : Gusmardi Bustami Commissioner : M. Sulton Fatoni Commissioner : Irfa Ampri Commissioner : Nahid Hudaya Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 205 KOMPOSISI DEWAN KOMISARIS COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) yang diadakan tanggal 3 April 2014, susunan Komisaris sebagai berikut: Based on the Extraordinary GMS held on April 3, 2014, composition of the Board of Commissioners can be found as follows: >_]`_cZcZ8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZc`Wb'%8WcW]TWb&$%( 7_]`_cZdZ_^_ådYW6_çbV_å7_]]ZccZ_^Wbc`Wb8WUW]TWb'% &$%( 8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZc Commissioner Jabatan Position Gender Gender Gusmardi Bustami Komisaris Utama President Commissioner Pria Male Irfa Ampri Komisaris Commissioner Pria Male M. Sulton Fath’oni Komisaris Commissioner Pria Male Nahid Hudaya Komisaris Commissioner Pria Male TUGAS, PERAN DAN WEWENANG DEWAN KOMISARIS DUTIES, ROLES AND AUTHORITIES OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS GeXçc8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZc 8edZWc_ådYW6_çbV_å7_]]ZccZ_^Wbc Dewan Komisaris bertugas melakukan pengawasan terhadap kebijakan pengelolaan Perusahaan yang dilakukan Direksi serta memberi nasihat kepada Direksi, termasuk melakukan pengawasan mengenai Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan, Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Tahunan Perusahaan, pelaksanaan ketentuanketentuan Anggaran Dasar dan Keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, serta peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, untuk kepentingan Perusahaan dan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perusahaan. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas Dewan Komisaris sebagai pelaksana fungsi pengawasan dan pemberian nasihat kepada Direksi. The Board of Commissioners is entasked with supervising Company management policies implemented by the Board of Directors and advising the Board of Directors, which include supervising the Company Long Term Plan (RJPP), Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP), and implementation of stipulations within the Articles of Association, General Meeting of Shareholders Resolutions, and laws and regulations in effect for the good of the Company and in line with the Company’s purpose and objectives. All of these are for the purpose of increasing the effectiveness of the Board of Commissioners as the implementing supervisory and advisory body to the Board of Directors. CWbç^ JWgW^ç^X Vç^>Wgç[ZTç^8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZc Dewan Komisaris merupakan organ Perusahaan yang berperan dalam : E_æWc 5edY_bZdZWc ç^V EWc`_^cZTZæZdZWc _å dYW 6_çbV _å Commissioners The Board of Commissioners is a unit of governance within the Company responsible for : @Wæç\e\ç^ åe^XcZ `W^Xçgçcç^ dWbYçVç` kebijakan pengurusan dan tindakan Direksi terhadap usaha Perusahaan serta memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi semata-mata untuk kepentingan Perusahaan dan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perusahaan. Supervising management policies and actions made by the Board of Directors towards Company business and advising the Board of Directors solely for the purpose of fulfilling Company interests and in line with the purpose and objectives of the Company. @W]çcdZ\ç^ TçYgç 8ZbW\cZ dWæçY ]W^Xç^dZcZ`çcZ berbagai faktor risiko, termasuk di dalamnya berkaitan dengan penilaian terhadap iklim usaha dengan memerhatikan faktor risiko. Ensuring that the Board of Directors has anticipated various risk factors, including by assessing the business climate with consideration towards risk factors. @Wæç\e\ç^ `W]ç^dçeç^ dWbYçVç` WåW\dZfZdçc praktik GCG yang diterapkan oleh Direksi. Monitoring the effectiveness of GCG practices implemented by the Board of Directors. Dewan Komisaris berwenang untuk : @WæZYçd Te\e!Te\e cebçd!cebçd cWbdç V_\e]W^! dokumen lainnya, memeriksa kas untuk keperluan verifikasi dan lain-lain, surat berharga, dan The Board of Commissioners is authorized to : Go through books, letters, and other documents, examine the treasury for verification and other purposes, examine negotiable instruments, and 206 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report memeriksa kekayaan Perusahaan. examine Company assets. @W]çce\Z`W\çbç^Xç^ XWVe^X Vç^\ç^d_bèç^X dipergunakan oleh Perusahaan. Enter any yard, building or office utilized by the Company. @W]Z^dç `W^[Wæçcç^ VçbZ 8ZbW\cZ Vç^ # çdçe pejabat lainnya mengenai segala persoalan yang menyangkut pengelolaan Perusahaan. Request an explanation from the Board of Directors and / or other officials regarding all matters involving Company management. @W^XWdçYeZcWXçæç\WTZ[ç\ç^Vç^dZ^Vç\ç^èç^X telah dan akan dijalankan oleh Direksi. Be aware of all policies and actions which have been or will be performed by the Board of Directors. @W]Z^dç 8ZbW\cZ Vç^ # çdçe `W[çTçd æçZ^^èç VZ bawah Direksi dengan sepengetahuan Direksi untuk menghadiri rapat Dewan Komisaris. Request the Board of Directors and / or other officials under the Board of Directors with the knowledge of the Board of Directors to attend a Board of Commissioners meeting. @W^Xç^X\çd Vç^ ]W]TWbYW^dZ\ç^ FW\bWdçbZc Dewan Komisaris. (Pasal 61 PP 45 / 2005). Appoint and dismiss the Secretary to the Board of Commissioners. (Article 61, Company Regulation 45 / 2005). @W]TWbYW^dZ\ç^ cW]W^dçbç ç^XX_dç 8ZbW\cZ sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar. (Pasal 106 ayat 1 UU PT). Temporarily suspend members of the Board of Directors as stipulated within the Articles of Association (Article 106, clause 1, LLC Law). @W]TW^de\ \_]ZdW!\_]ZdW æçZ^ cWæçZ^ >_]ZdW Audit, jika dianggap perlu dengan memerhatikan kemampuan Perusahaan. (Pasal 71 dan Pasal 74 PP 45 / 2005). Form committees other than the Audit Committee when considered necessary with consideration towards the Company’s capability (Article 71 and Article 74, Company Regulation 45 / 2005). @W^XXe^ç\ç^dW^çXççYæZe^de\YçædWbdW^deVç^ jangka waktu tertentu atas beban Perusahaan, jika dianggap perlu. (Pasal 62 PP 45 / 2005). Use the help of experts for certain matters and durations with costs burdened on the Company when considered necessary (Article 62, Company Regulation 45 / 2005). @Wæç\e\ç^ dZ^Vç\ç^ `W^Xebecç^ CWbecçYçç^ dalam keadaan tertentu untuk jangka waktu tertentu sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar. (Pasal 118 ayat 1 UUPT). Carry out Company management in certain situations for a certain duration as stipulated within the Articles of Association. (Article 118, clause 1, LLC Law). Dewan Komisaris berkewajiban untuk : @W]TWbZ\ç^ ^çcZYçd \W`çVç 8ZbW\cZ Vçæç] melaksanakan pengurusan Perusahaan. (Penjelasan Pasal 31 UU BUMN) Meneliti dan menelaah serta menandatangani Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan dan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan yang disiapkan Direksi, sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar ini. (Pasal 32 ayat 2 dan Pasal 35 ayat 2 PP 45 / 2005). The Board of Commissioners is responsible for : Advising the Board of Directors in managing the Company (Explanation of Article 31, SOE Law). Study, review, and sign the Company Long Term Plan (RJPP) and Company Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) prepared by the Board of Directors as stipulated within the Articles of Association (Article 32, clause 2, and Article 35, clause 2, Company Regulation 45 / 2005). @W]TWbZ\ç^ `W^Vç`çd Vç^ cçbç^ \W`çVç Eç`çd Umum Pemegang Saham mengenai Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan dan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan yang diusulkan Direksi. (Penjelasan Pasal 31 UU BUMN). Extending opinions and recommendations to the General Meeting of Shareholders pertaining to the RJPP and the RKAP proposed by the Board of Directors. (Explanation of Article 31, SOE Law). @W^XZ\edZ `Wb\W]Tç^Xç^ \WXZçdç^ CWbecçYçç^ memberikan pendapat dan saran kepada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham mengenai setiap masalah yang dianggap penting bagi kepengurusan Perusahaan. (Penjelasan Pasal 31 UU BUMN). Following developments in Company activities, along with extending opinions and recommendations to the General Meeting of Shareholders pertaining all issues considered important towards Company Management. (Explanation of Article 31, SOE Law). @Wæç`_b\ç^ VW^Xç^ cWXWbç \W`çVç Eç`çd Umum Pemegang Saham apabila terjadi gejala Reporting immediately to the General Meeting of Shareholders any decline in Company Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 207 menurunnya kinerja Perusahaan. (Penjelasan pasal 31 UUBUMN) Meneliti dan menelaah laporan berkala dan laporan tahunan yang disiapkan Direksi serta menandatangan laporan tahunan. (Pasal 66 ayat 1 UU PT). performance. (Explanation of Article 31, SOE Law). Study and review periodic and annual reports prepared by the Board of Directors and sign the annual reports. (Article 66, clause 1, LLC Law). @W]TWbZ\ç^ `W^[Wæçcç^ `W^Vç`çd Vç^ cçbç^ kepada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham mengenai Laporan Tahunan apabila diminta. Extending explanations, opinions, and recommendations to the General Meeting of Shareholders pertaining the Annual Report when requested. @W^èece^`b_Xbç]\Wb[çdçYe^ç^Vç^VZ]çce\\ç^ dalam RKAP. Compiling an annual work plan and including it within the RKAP. @W]TW^de\>_]ZdW5eVZd" Forming an Audit Committee. @W^Xeceæ\ç^5\e^dç^CeTæZ\\W`çVçEHCF" Nominating a Public Accountant to the GMS. @W]Teçd bZcçæçY bç`çd 8Wgç^ >_]ZcçbZc Vç^ menyimpan salinannya. (Pasal 116 UU PT). Writing minutes for Board of Commissioners meetings and storing their copies. (Article 116, LLC Law). @Wæç`_b\ç^ \W`çVç CWbecçYçç^ ]W^XW^çZ kepemilikan sahamnya dan / atau keluarganya pada Perusahaan tersebut dan Perusahaan lain. (Pasal 116 UU PT). Reporting the shareholding status towards the Company and other companies of Board of Commissioners members and / or their families (Article 116, LLC Law). @W]TWbZ\ç^ æç`_bç^ dW^dç^X deXçc `W^Xçgçcç^ yang telah dilakukan selama tahun buku yang baru lampau kepada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. (Pasal 116 UU PT). Submitting a report on the supervisory duties conducted during the preceding fiscal year to the General Meeting of Shareholders. (Article 116, LLC Law). @Wæç\cç^ç\ç^ \Wgç[ZTç^ æçZ^^èç Vçæç] bç^X\ç tugas pengawasan dan pemberian nasihat, sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan, Anggaran Dasar, dan / atau keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. (Penjelasan Pasal 31 UU BUMN). Performing other responsibilities under its supervisory and advisory duties so long as they do not violate laws and regulations in effect, the Articles of Association, and / or General Meeting of Shareholders Resolutions. (Explanation of Article 31, SOE Law). Setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris ikut bertanggung jawab secara pribadi atas kerugian Perusahaan apabila yang bersangkutan bersalah atau lalai menjalankan tugasnya. Dalam hal Dewan Komisaris terdiri atas dua anggota Dewan Komisaris atau lebih, tanggungjawab berlaku secara tanggung renteng bagi setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris. A member of the Board of Commissioners shall be held personally responsible towards any losses incurred by the Company should the Commissioner erroneously or neglectfully conducts his duties. In the case that the Board of Commissioners consists of two members or more, all members have shared responsibility towards Company losses. KRITERIA DAN PENETAPAN ANGGOTA DEWAN KOMISARIS CRITERIA FOR AND APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS Pengangkatan dan penetapan anggota Dewan Komisaris merupakan hak prerogatif Pemegang Saham, dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan Perusahaan. Merupakan orang perseorangan yang cakap dalam melakukan perbuatan hukum, tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit dalam waktu 5 (lima) tahun sebelum pencalonan. Tidak pernah menjadi anggota Komisaris yang dinyatakan bersalah menyebabkan suatu Perseroan dinyatakan pailit, dan tidak pernah dihukum karena melakukan tindak pidana yang merugikan keuangan negara sebelum pencalonan. Appointment and inauguration of members of the Board of Commissioners are the prerogative right of Shareholders with consideration towards the needs of the Company. Individuals eligible to become a Commissioner must be capable of taking legal actions and must never declare bankruptcy within 5 (five) years prior to their nomination. They may not be a member of a Board of Commissioners which caused the bankruptcy of a Corporation and may not have been sanctioned for criminal offenses which incur financial losses to the state prior to their nomination. Dewan Komisaris juga harus memiliki integritas, dedikasi, memahami masalah-masalah manajemen yang berkaitan dengan salah satu fungsi manajemen, memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai di bidang usaha Perseroan, dan dapat menyediakan waktu yang cukup untuk melaksanakan tugasnya. Commissioners must also possess integrity, dedication, understanding towards managerial problems of the company in relation to one of its management functions, adequate knowledge in the Company’s sector of business, and time to perform their duties. 208 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report CWbcèçbçdç^æçZ^. - Bukan pengurus partai politik dan / atau calon anggota legislative dan / atau anggota legislative. BdYWbUbZdWbZç. - Not a position holder within the committee of a political party and / or legislative candidate and / or member of legislative body. - Bukan calon kepala / wakil Kepala Daerah dan / atau Kepala / wakil kepala Daerah. - Not a Regional Head / Vice-Head candidate and / or Regional head / Vice-Head. - Tidak menjabat sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris pada BUMN yang bersangkutan selama 2 (dua) periode berturut-turut. - Not a member of the Board of Commissioners within the Company for 2 (two) consecutive periods. - Sehat jasmani dan rohani (tidak sedang menderita suatu penyakit yang dapat menghambat pelaksanaan tugas sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Sehat dari dokter). - Physically and mentally healthy (suffering no illness which may hinder the performance of duties as a Board of Commissioners member, proven by a Certificate of Good Health from a doctor). Calon anggota Dewan Komisaris menjalani seleksi serta uji kepatutan dan kelayakan (fit and proper test) yang dilakukan oleh SUCOFINDO selaku Pemegang Saham utama. Selanjutnya, calon anggota Dewan Komisaris yang telah lulus seleksi diusulkan oleh Pemegang Saham dalam RUPS, untuk mendapatkan penetapan sebagai anggota Dewan Komisaris. Candidates for the Board of Commissioners shall undergo a selection process and a fit and proper test conducted by SUCOFINDO as the main shareholder. Afterwards, candidates for the Board of Commissioners who passed the selection shall be nominated by Shareholders within the GMS to become appointed as members of the Board of Commissioners. Seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris yang telah diangkat dan ditetapkan, tidak diperbolehkan melakukan transaksi yang mempunyai benturan kepentingan dan mengambil keuntungan pribadi dari kegiatan BUMN yang dikelolanya selain gaji dan fasilitas bagi Dewan Komsaris yang ditentukan oleh RUPS / Pemilik Modal. Seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris memiliki integritas, kompetensi, dan reputasi yang memadai di bidangnya masing-masing serta mampu menyediakan waktu yang cukup dalam menjalankan tugasnya. All members of the Board of Commissioners who have been appointed and inaugurated are prohibited from conducting transactions containing elements of conflicts of interest and from taking personal gains from activities of the SOE they manage outside the honoraria and facilities given to the Board of Commissioners as established by the GMS / Investors. All members of the Board of Commissioners possess the integrity, competence and sufficient reputation within their respective fields and enough time to perform their duties. RANGKAP JABATAN DEWAN KOMISARIS DUAL OFFICE HOLDING IN THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dewan Komisaris juga tidak diperkenankan untuk memangku jabatan rangkap sebagai anggota Direksi pada BUMN, BUMD, BUMS (Swasta) dan jabatan lain yang dapat menimbulkan benturan kepentingan dan / atau jabatan lainnya sesuai dengan Peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. Members of the Board of Commissioners are also prohibited from holding dual offices as members of the Board of Directors in any state-owned, region-owned or private enterprises or any other position which may invoke a conflict of interest and / or other positions as stipulated by laws and regulations in effect. KEPEMILIKAN SAHAM DAN INDEPENDENSI DEWAN KOMISARIS SHAREHOLDING AND INDEPENDENCE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Kepemilikan Saham dan Independensi Dewan Komisaris Per 31 Desember 2013, anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi tidak memiliki saham di SUCOFINDO. Sesuai dengan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar maka antara para anggota Direksi. dan Dewan Komisaris serta antara anggota Direksi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris tidak ada hubungan keluarga sedarah sampai dengan derajat kedua, baik menurut garis lurus maupun garis ke samping. As of December 31, 2013, members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors hold no shares in SUCOFINDO. In accordance to the Articles of Association, there are no blood relations to the second degree between members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and between members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, both vertically and horizontally. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 209 PEDOMAN KERJA DEWAN KOMISARIS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CHARTER Dewan Komisaris telah memiliki Pedoman dan Tata Tertib Kerja Dewan Komisaris (Board Charter), yang menjadi landasan dalam setiap pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab setiap anggota Dewan Komisaris. Secara garis besar, Board Charter memuat tentang hak, kewajiban, tugas dan wewenang Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi sebagai organ utama tata kelola Perusahaan serta proses hubungan dan fungsi keduanya. The Board of Commissioners possesses a Board of Commissioners Charter (Board Charter) which serves as the guideline for the performance of all duties and responsibilities of its members. Overall, the Board Charter contains provisions on the rights, obligations, duties and authorities of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors as the main governing bodies of the Company, in addition to the relationship and functions between the two. Board Charter disusun berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip hukum korporasi, ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, peraturan dan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, arahan Pemegang Saham serta praktik-praktik terbaik (best practices) GCG. Ketentuan mengenai Dewan Komisaris dalam Board Charter meliputi: The Board Charter has been compiled based on principles of corporate law, provisions in the Articles of Association of the Company, laws and regulations in effect, directives from Shareholders and best practices of GCG. Provisions concerning the Board of Commissioners contained within the Board Charter include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Keanggotaan Dewan Komisaris Persyaratan menjadi anggota dewan komisaris Pencalonan dewan komisaris Pengangkatan dan pemberhentian Dewan komisaris Berakhirnya masa jabatan dewan komisaris Komposisi Dewan Komisaris Program pengenalan dan peningkatan kapabilitas Etika Jabatan Hubungan kerja Dewan komisaris Membership in the Board of Commissioners Criteria for Commissioners Nomination of Commissioners Appointment and Dismissal of Commissioners End of Term for Commissioners Composition of the Board of Commissioners Induction and Capacity-Building Programs Ethics of the Position Board of Commissioners Work Relationships PEMBAGIAN TUGAS DEWAN KOMISARIS DIVISION OF LABOR IN THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Pembagian tugas Dewan Komisaris berdasarkan peran masing-masing anggota Dewan Komisaris sebagai Ketua dan anggota. Pembagian tugas juga memperhatikan kemampuan, ilmu pengetahuan dan pengalaman. Division of labor in the Board of Commissioners has been established based on the roles of each member of the Board of Commissioners as the Chief Commissioner and members. The division of labor also considers the skills, knowledge and experience of each member. 5^XX_dç8Wgç^ Komisaris Board of Commissioner Jabatan Position Pembagian Tugas Division of Labor Gusmardi Bustami Komisaris Utama President Commissioner Mengkoordinir semua pelaksanaan tugas dan kegiatan Dewan Komisaris, memberikan arahan kepada Direksi terkait pengurusan usaha perusahaan dan kebijakan remunerasi dan nominasi, serta Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Coordinating the performance of all duties and activities of the Board of Commissioners, giving directives to the Board of Directors towards Company business management and remuneration and nomination policies, along with Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Irfa Ampri Komisaris Commissioner Melaksanakan tugas pengawasan, memberikan arahan kepada Direksi terhadap pengurusan usaha perusahaan dalam bidang Hukum, Operasi, Teknologi Informasi, Pengembangan Usaha, Komersial, Perencanaan dan Kebijakan Manajemen Risiko. Conducting supervisory duties, giving directives to the Board of Directors towards Company business management in Law, Operation, Information Technology, Business Development, Commercial Affairs, Risk Management Planning and Policies. M. Sulton Fath’oni Komisaris Commissioner Melaksanakan tugas pengawasan, memberikan arahan kepada Direksi terhadap pengurusan usaha perusahaan dalam bidang Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya, SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia), Organisasi, Pengelolaan Anak Perusahaan, dan PKBL (Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan). Conducting supervisory duties, giving directives to the Board of Directors towards Company business management in Employee Empowerment, HR (Human Resources), Organization, Subsidiary Company Management, and Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL). 210 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Nahid Hudaya Komisaris Commissioner Melaksanakan tugas pengawasan, memberikan arahan kepada Direksi terhadap pengurusan usaha perusahaan dalam bidang Keuangan, Akuntansi, Audit, dan Pengendalian Internal. Conducting supervisory duties, giving directives to the Board of Directors towards Company business management in Finance, Accounting, Audit and Internal Control. RAPAT DEWAN KOMISARIS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETINGS Pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris antara lain dilaksanakan dalam bentuk penyelenggaraan rapat. Pelaksanaan rapat juga menjadi salah satu mekanisme evaluasi pelaksanaan tugas, kewenangan dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris, termasuk dalam hal pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. One of the ways through which the Board of Commissioners can perform its duties and responsibilities is by holding meetings. Meetings also serve as a mechanism for evaluating the implementation of duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners, including the fulfillment of corporate social and environmental responsibilities. Sesuai Pasal 14 Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. PER-01 / MBU / 2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 Tentang Penerapan Tata kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada BUMN, dinyatakan bahwa rapat Dewan Komisaris harus diadakan secara berkala sekurang-kurangnya sekali dalam setiap bulan dimana Direksi juga dapat diundang untuk hadir dalam rapat tersebut. This is done in accordance to Article 14 of Minister of SOE Regulation No. PER-01 / MBU / 2011 issued August 1, 2011, regarding the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs, which dictates that a meeting among the Board of Commissioners must be conducted periodically at the very least once every month, in which the Board of Directors may also be invited to attend the meeting. Selama tahun 2014, Dewan Komisaris telah menyelenggarakan rapat sebanyak 12 kali, dengan tingkat rata-rata kehadiran anggota Dewan Komisaris 87%. In 2014, the Board of Commissioners have conducted 12 meetings, with an attendance rate of 87% for members of the Board of Commissioners. CWæç\cç^çç^Eç`çd6Wbcç]ç8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZc Board of Commissioners Joint Meetings No Program Kerja Work Program CW]TçYçcç^ Discussion 1 30 Januari 2014 January 30, 2014 Evaluasi laporan Keuangan dan hasil kegiatan Usaha Bulan Desember 2013 Evaluation of Financial Reports and Business Activity Results in December 2013 2 27 Februari 2014 February 27, 2014 Evaluasi laporan Keuangan dan hasil kegiatan Usaha Bulan Januari 2014 Evaluation of Financial Reports and Business Activity Results in January 2014 3 28 Maret 2014 March 28, 2014 Evaluasi laporan Keuangan dan hasil kegiatan Usaha Bulan Februari 2014 Evaluation of Financial Reports and Business Activity Results in February 2014 4 28 April 2014 April 28, 2014 Evaluasi laporan Keuangan dan hasil kegiatan Usaha Bulan Maret 2014 Evaluation of Financial Reports and Business Activity Results in March 2014 5 30 Mei 2014 May 30, 2014 Evaluasi laporan Keuangan dan hasil kegiatan Usaha Bulan April 2014 Evaluation of Financial Reports and Business Activity Results in April 2014 6 26 Juni 2014 June 26, 2014 Evaluasi laporan Keuangan dan hasil kegiatan Usaha Bulan Juli 2014 Evaluation of Financial Reports and Business Activity Results in July 2014 7 24 Juli 2014 July 24, 2014 Evaluasi laporan Keuangan dan hasil kegiatan Usaha Bulan Juni 2014 Evaluation of Financial Reports and Business Activity Results in June 2014 8 26 Agustus 2014 August 26, 2014 Evaluasi laporan Keuangan dan hasil kegiatan Usaha Bulan Juli 2014 Evaluation of Financial Reports and Business Activity Results in July 2014 9 22 September 2014 September 22, 2014 Evaluasi laporan Keuangan dan hasil kegiatan Usaha Bulan Agustus 2014 Evaluation of Financial Reports and Business Activity Results in August 2014 10 27 Oktober 2014 October 27, 2014 Evaluasi laporan Keuangan dan hasil kegiatan Usaha Bulan September 2014 Evaluation of Financial Reports and Business Activity Results in September 2014 11 24 November 2014 November 24, 2014 Evaluasi LK dan LKU bulan Oktober 2014 Evaluation of Financial Reports and Business Activity Results in October 2014 12 17 Desember 2014 December 17, 2014 Evaluasi Kinerja Nopember 2014 dan prediksi kinerja tahun 2014 Evaluation of Performance in November 2014, and prediction of 2014 performance Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 211 8çådçb;çVZbEç`çd8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZc Attendance List for Board of Commissioners Meetings Bulan dan Tanggal Month and Date Anggota 8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZc Commissioner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Gusmardi Bustami - - Sambas Mulyana - Irfa Ampri Masa Jabatan sejak 04 April 2014 Appointed on April 3, 2014 =e]æçYEç`çd No. of Meetings % 12 =e]æçY;çVZb No. of Attendance 10 12 83 2 12 16 Masa jabatan sampai dengan 03 April 2014 Appointed until April 3, 2014 M. Sulton Fath’oni Nahid Hudaya 9 12 75 11 12 91 12 12 100 PELAKSANAAN TUGAS PENGAWASAN 2014 FULFILLMENT OF SUPERVISORY DUTIES IN 2014 Dewan Komisaris SUCOFINDO telah melaporkan tugas pengawasan Tahun Buku 2013 dalam RUPS Tahunan PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) pada tanggal 03 April 2014. Tugas pengawasan tersebut mencakup sistem pengendalian internal dan pengawasan atas kegiatan audit oleh Auditor Eksternal. The SUCOFINDO Board of Commissioners has reported on their supervisory duties for the 2013 fiscal year during PT SUCOFINDO’s Annual GMS held on April 3, 2014. These supervisory duties include the internal control system and supervision over auditing activities conducted by an External Auditor. Dewan Komisaris juga melaksanakan tugas pembinaan dan pemberian nasehat dengan menyampaikan arahanarahan yang perlu ditindaklanjuti oleh Direksi dalam rapat bulanan Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi dan jajaran manajemen. The Board of Commissioners also guided and advised the Board of Directors by giving directives to be followed up by the Board of Directors within the monthly meetings between the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors and management. Dewan Komisaris memberikan arahan terkait aspek pelaksanaan program dan rencana kerja dan anggaran perusahaan, tindak lanjut atas laporan hasil audit Satuan Pengawasan Intern (SPI) dan Audit Eksternal, manajemen piutang usaha, rencana aksi mendukung pencapaian target pendapatan dan laba usaha, serta program reformulasi Strategi bisnis dan korporasi. The Board of Commissioners has given directives pertaining to the implementation of programs, work plans and budget of the Company, follow up actions towards results of the Internal Audit Unit (SPI)’s Audit and External Audit, business credit management, action plans to support the achievement of business income and profit targets, along with business and corporate strategy reformulation programs. REKOMENDASI PADA PEMEGANG SAHAM DAN DIREKSI RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SHAREHOLDERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Selama tahun 2014 Dewan Komisaris telah menyampaikan beberapa rekomendasi kepada Pemegang Saham dan Direksi. In 2014, the Board of Commissioners issued several recommendations for the Shareholders and the Board of Directors. Rekomendasi kepada Pemegang Saham sebanyak 1 kali, meliputi: t Rekomendasi Assessment GCG tahun kinerja 2013 Recommendations for Shareholders have been issued 1 time (once): Recommendations for GCG Assessment in 2013 212 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KUNJUNGAN KE LAPANGAN FIELD VISITS Untuk mendukung pemahaman bisnis dilakukan perjalanan kunjungan ke cabang, daerah dan bidangbidang lain yang dipandang perlu. Hasil dari kunjungan kerja ini dapat digunakan sebagai masukan untuk bahan evaluasi kebijakan dan kegiatan manajemen perusahaan. Kunjungan dimaksudkan untuk melihat perkembangan pelaksanaan pegawaian sesuai Rencana Kerja, dan melihat operasi Perusahaan secara faktual. Kunjungan dapat dilaksanakan oleh Ketua dan seluruh anggota komisaris atau oleh masing-masing anggota Komisaris. In order to develop business understanding, field visits to branch offices, regional areas and other areas are considered necessary. Results from these field visits can serve as input for the evaluation of policies and management activities within the Company. Field visits are intended for seeing whether developments in project executions have gone according to the established Work Plan and seeing Company operations authentically. Visits may be conducted by the Chief Commissioner accompanied by all Commissioners or individually by each Commissioner. Selama tahun 2014 Dewan Komisaris telah melakukan kunjungan ke berbagai Lapangan ke berbagai daerah berikut: Throughout 2014, the Board of Commissioners has visited several locations in the field, as follows: No. Keterangan Description CW]TçYçcç^ Discussion Program Kerja Work Program 1 Senin, 18 Agustus 2014 Monday, August 18 2014 Kunjungan Dekom ke Cabang Surabaya dan Balikpapan Board of Commissioners Visit to Surabaya and Balikpapan Evaluasi Kinerja Cabang Surabaya dan Balikpapan Evaluation of Performance, Surabaya and Balikpapan Branches 2 Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014 Wednesday, August 20, 2014 Kunjungan Dekom ke Cabang Surabaya dan Balikpapan Board of Commissioners Visit to Surabaya and Balikpapan Evaluasi Kinerja Cabang Surabaya dan Balikpapan Evaluation of Performance, Surabaya and Balikpapan Branches 3 Selasa, 02 Septermber 2014 Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Kunjungan Dekom ke Cabang Pekanbaru Board of Commissioners Visit to Pekanbaru Evaluasi Kinerja Cabang Pekanbaru Evaluation of Performance, Pekanbaru Branch 4 Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014 Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Kunjungan Dekom ke Cabang Makassar dan Timika Board of Commissioners Visit to Makassar and Timika Evaluasi Kinerja Cabang Makassar dan Timika Evaluation of Performance, Makassar and Timika Branches 5 Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014 Thursday, October 23, 2014 Kunjungan Dekom ke Cabang Balikpapan Board of Commissioners Visit to Balikpapan Evaluasi Kinerja Cabang Balikpapan Evaluation of Performance, Balikpapan Branch 6 Jumat, 07 November 2014 Friday, November 7, 2014 Kunjungann Dekom ke Cabang Medan Board of Commissioners Visit to Medan Evaluasi Kinerja Cabang Medan Evaluation of Performance, Medan 7 Rabu, 10 Desember 2014 Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Kunjungan Dekom Ke Lab Cibitung Board of Commissioners Visit to Cibitung Lab Evaluasi Kinerja Laboratorium Cibitung Evaluation of Performance, Cibitung Laboratory 8 Kamis, 04 Desember 2014 Thursday, December 4 2014 Kunjungan Dekom ke Cabang Semarang Board of Commissioners Visit to Semarang Evaluasi Kinerja Cabang Semarang Evaluation of Performance, Semarang Branch MENYELENGGARAKAN RUPS ANNUAL GMS HOLDING Dewan Komisaris memimpin pelaksanaan RUPS Tahunan pada Kamis, 3 April 2014, bertempat di Graha SUCOFINDO dengan agenda pembahasan Persetujuan tentang Laporan Tahunan Buku 2013. The Board of Commissioners initiated the Annual GMS on Thursday, April 3, 2014, at Graha SUCOFINDO, with the discussion agenda being the Authorization of the 2013 Annual Report. PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN DEWAN KOMISARIS COMPETENCE-BUILDING PROGRAMS FOR THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS KEAHLIAN Sebagai upaya Perusahaan untuk pengembangan kompetensi Dewan Komisaris maka Perusahaan menyertakan anggota Dewan Komisaris dalam kegiatankegiatan Pelatihan / Lokakarya / Seminar dengan perincian sebagai berikut: As part of the Company’s efforts to build the competence of the Board of Commissioners, the Company has enrolled members of the Board of Commissioners into training / workshop / seminar activities, detailed as follows: Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 213 CWæçdZYç^#?_\ç\çbèç#FW]Z^çb8ZZ\edZ8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZc GbçZ^Z^Xc#J_b\cY_`c#FW]Z^çbc5ddW^VWVTè7_]]ZccZ_^Wbc No CWæçdZYç^#?_\ç\çbèç#FW]Z^çb GbçZ^Z^X#J_b\cY_`#FW]Z^çb 1 Pengelolaan dana pensiun di BUMN berdasarkan UU No. 13 PSAK 24 Pension fund management in state-owned enterprises based on Law 13 / 2003 PSAK 24 2 Meningkatkan efektivitas peran pengawasan dan penasihatan Dekom BUMN dan anak Perusahaan Increasing the effectiveness of Board of Commissioners’ supervisory and advisory role in SOEs and subsidiaries Tanggal Date 5^XX_dç8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZcCWcWbdç Participating Commissioner 25 Juni 2014 June 25, 2014 Irfa Ampri 23 Des 2014 December 23, 2014 Irfa Ampri PENILAIAN KINERJA DEWAN KOMISARIS TAHUN 2014 EVALUATION OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PERFORMANCE IN 2014 Dalam rangka menjaga dan meningkatkan efektifitas Dewan komisaris maka Perusahaan melakukan evaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris secara berkala. Evaluasi kinerja Dewan komisaris dilakukan oleh Pemegang saham pada saat RUPS. In order to maintain and improve the effective performance of the Board of Commissioners, the Company has periodically evaluated the Board of Commissioners’ performance. Evaluation of the Board of Commissioners’ performance is conducted by Shareholders during the GMS. Sistem evaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris disampaikan secara terbuka kepada anggota Dewan komisaris sejak pengangkatannya. Sistem evaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris dikembangkan berdasarkan pada pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang tercantum dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, Anggaran Dasar perusahaan serta penugasan yang diamanatkan oleh RUPS. The system used in evaluating the Board of Commissioners’ performance has made known in an open manner to members of the Board of Commissioners since their appointment. The system of evaluation has been developed based on the performance of duties and responsibilities listed within laws and regulations in effect, Articles of Association of the Company, and assignments mandated through the GMS. Dewan Komisaris telah menyusun Key Performance Indicators (KPI) dan telah menyampaikanya kepada Pemegang Saham pada tanggal 25 April 2013. Penyusunan dan penyampaian KPI ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja pengawasan Dewan Komisaris, sekaligus sebagai acuan dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi Dewan Komisaris serta sebagai bentuk kepatuhan terhadap peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor: PER01 / MBU / 2011 tanggal 1 Agustus 2011 tentang penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pada BUMN. The Board of Commissioners has assembled several key performance indicators (KPI) and conveyed them to the Shareholders on April 25, 2013, for the purpose of improving the Board of Commissioners’ supervisory performance and as reference in performing the Board of Commissioners’ duties and functions. They also serve as a form of compliance towards Minister of SOE Regulation No. PER-01 / MBU / 2011 issued August 1, 2011 regarding the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in SOEs. Indikator yang digunakan dalam mengukur KPI Dewan Komisaris mencakup aspek pengawasan dan pengarahan, aspek pelaporan, dan aspek dinamis. Indicators used in measuring the Board of Commissioners’ KPI include aspects of supervising and directing, aspects of reporting, and dynamic aspects. 214 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report ;çcZæCW^ZæçZç^>Z^Wb[ç8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZc Board of Commissioners Performance Evaluation Results No Indikator Kinerja Performance Indicator Output Output Uraian Description Target Target Bobot JWZXYd A 5c`W\`W^Xçgçcç^Vç^`W^XçbçYç^kSupervising and Directing 1 Rapat Dewan Komisaris dengan Komite Audit Board of Commissioners Meeting with the Audit Committee Minimal rapat 1 kali dalam sebulan Minimum of 1 meeting per month Risalah Rapat Meeting Minutes 12 Kali time(s) 7,5 2 Jumlah Rapat Dewan Komisaris Number of Board of Commissioners Meetings Minimal rapat 1 kali dalam sebulan Minimum of 1 meeting per month Risalah Rapat Meeting Minutes 12 Kali time(s) 7,5 3 Kehadiran Rapat Dewan Komisaris Attendance in Board of Commissioners Meetings Kehadiran fisik dalam rapat Physical attendance at meeting Absensi Attendance List 100 % 5 4 Jumlah Rapat Gabungan dengan Direksi Number of Joint Meetings with Board of Directors Minimal rapat 1 kali dalam sebulan Minimum of 1 meeting per month Risalah Rapat Meeting Minutes 12 Kali time(s) 10 5 Kehadiran Rapat gabungan dengan Direksi Attendance in Joint Meetings with Board of Directors Kehadiran fisik dalam rapat Physical attendance at meeting Absensi Attendance List 100 % 5 6 Memberikan nasehat / saran kepada Direksi Giving advice / recommendation to the Board of Directors Surat tertulis yang tertuang dalam surat kepada Direksi Written letter directed to the Board of Directors Surat Letters 4 Kali time(s) 10 7 Monitoring tindak lanjut hasil temuan audit internal / eksternal Monitoring follow-up actions to internal / external audit findings Monitoring tindak lanjut temuan ke objek temuan Monitoring of objects of findings for follow-up actions Hasil Monitoring Monitoring Results 2 Kali time(s) 5 8 Monitoring dan Evaluasi kantor cabang / unit kerja di daerah Monitoring and evaluating branch offices / work units in regional areas Monitoring ke kantor cabang. Unit kerja di daerah Monitoring of branch offices / work units in regional areas Hasil Monitoring Monitoring Results 4 Kali time(s) 10 B 5c`W\CWæç`_bç^kReporting 1 Menyampaikan program kerja tahunan Submitting an annual work program Program kerja tahunan melipuuti matriks jadwal kegiatan dan anggaran Dewan Annual work program, including a tables of activity schedule and budget for the Board of Commissioners in 2014 RKAP RKAP 1 Kali time(s) 7,5 2 Menyampaikan laporan / pendapat saran kepada pemegang saham Submitting reports / recommendations to Shareholders Laporan kinerja triwulan I, II, III, dan Laporan Kinerja Tahunan dan lapporan tujuan tertentu apabila diperlukan Performance reports in Quarters I, II, III, Annual Performance Report and specific purpose reports as needed Surat / Laporan Letter / Report 5 Kali time(s) 15 3 Menyampaikan laporan tentang tugas pengawasan kepada Pemegang Saham Submitting report on supervisory duty to Shareholders Laporan tugas pengawasan tahun buku 2014 Supervisory duty report for 2014 Surat / Laporan Letter / Report 1 Kali time(s) 7,5 C 5c`W\8Z^ç]Zc#æçZ^k8è^ç]ZU#BdYWb5c`WUdc 1 Pengenalan Dewan Komisaris Introduction to Board of Commissioners Melalui rapat dan kunjungan kerja ke cabang dan unit usaha. Conducting meetings and field visits to branch offices / business units Surat tugas & Hasil kunjungan Letter of Assignment & Visit Results 1 Kali time(s) 5 2 Peningkatan Kompetensi Competence-building Melalui kegiatan seminar, workshop, studi banding dan lain-lain. Activities such as seminars, workshops, comparative studies, and so forth Surat tugas & Laporan Hasil Kegiatan Letter of Assignment & Activity Report 4 Kali time(s) 5 30 10 100 Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance THE BOARD 215 REMUNERASI DEWAN KOMISARIS REMUNERATION FOR COMMISSIONERS OF Remunerasi yang diberikan kepada anggota Dewan Komisaris terdiri atas: Remuneration given to members of the Board of Commissioners consists of: 1. Honorarium; 2. Tunjangan dan fasilitas; 1. Honorarium; 2. Allowances and facilities; Proses dan alur penetapan besaran remunerasi anggota Dewan Komisaris adalah ditentukan oleh pemegang saham Kementerian BUMN, dengan besaran remunerasi sebegai berikut: The process and flow of establishing the nominal values for the remuneration of members of the Board of Commissioners is through the Ministry of SOE as shareholder, with remuneration values as follows: 6Wcçbç^EW]e^WbçcZ8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZc EW]e^WbçdZ_^FUYW]Wå_bdYW6_çbV_å7_]]ZccZ_^Wbc No. Jabatan Position Rumus Gaji Formula of Salary Gaji Salary Tunjangan Transport Transport 5ææ_gç^UW Gaji per bulan Salary per @_^dY G_dçæ`WbGçYe^ Total per year 1 Komisaris Utama Chief Commissioner 40% dari Gaji Direktur Utama 40% of President Director salary 38.250.000 7.650.000 45.900.000 596.700.000 2 Komisaris 1 Commissioner 1 36% dari Gaji Direktur Utama 36% of President Director salary 34.425.000 6.885.000 41.310.000 537.030.000 3 Komisaris 2 Commissioner 2 36% dari Gaji Direktur Utama 36% of President Director salary 34.425.000 6.885.000 41.310.000 537.030.000 4 Komisaris 3 Commissioner 3 36% dari Gaji Direktur Utama 36% of President Director salary 34.425.000 6.885.000 41.310.000 537.030.000 185.130.000 2.406.690.000 Jumlah Komisaris Total for Commissioner Keterangan: Dalam Rupiah Note: Expressed in IDR 216 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report DIREKSI Board of Directors KOMPOSISI DIREKSI COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Berdasar Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, Direksi SUCOFINDO merupakan organ perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab penuh berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar / RUPS / Peraturan Perusahaan dalam melaksanakan Program Kerja Perusahaan dan pengurusan perusahaan untuk kepentingan dan tujuan perusahaan serta mewakili perusahaan baik di dalam maupun di luar pengadilan sesuai ketentuan Anggaran Dasar dan perundangundangan yang berlaku. Referring to the Articles of Association of the Company, the SUCOFINDO Board of Directors is a governing body fully responsible, as dictated in the Articles of Association / GMS / Company Regulations, for implementing the Work Programs of the Company, managing the Company for the purpose of fulfilling Company interests and purposes, and representing the Company both in and out of court in accordance to the Articles of Association and laws and regulations in effect. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 217 Selama kurun waktu periode pelaporan terjadi perubahan komposisi Direksi sebagai berikut berdasarkan Rapat Umum pemegang saham sebagai berikut: During the report period, changes towards the composition of the Board of Directors took place due to the appointment of Directors based on Shareholder Resolutions as follows: 1. 1. Keputusan Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa tentang Penetapan Dewan Komisaris pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2014, memutuskan memberhentikan dengan hormat Sdr. Fahmi Sadiq sebagai Direktur Utama, dan mengangkat Direktur Utama Sdr Bachder Djohan Buddin. 2. Keputusan Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa tentang Penetapan Direktur Kemersial I pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2014, memutuskan mengangkat Sdri. M. Heru Riza Chakim. Extraordinary GMS Resolution regarding the Inauguration of the President Director, issued August 11, 2014, deciding upon the honorable dismissal of Mr. Fahmi Sadiq as President Director and appointment of Mr. Bachder Djohan Buddin as President Director. 2. Extraordinary GMS Resolution regarding the Inauguration of Commercial Director I, issued August 11, 2014, deciding upon the appointment of Mr. M. Heru Riza Chakim. 1 Januari - 11 Agustus 2014 Direktur Utama : Fahmi Sadiq Direktur Komersial : Sufrin Hannan Direktur Sumber Daya dan Keuangan : Beni Agus Permana January 1 - August 11, 2014 President Director : Fahmi Sadiq Commercial Director : Sufrin Hannan Director of Resources and Finance : Beni Agus Permana 11 Agustus - 31 Desember 2014 Direktur Utama : Bachder Djohan Buddin Direktur Komersial I : M. Heru Riza Chakim Direktur Komersial II : Sufrin Hannan Direktur Sumber Daya dan Keuangan : Beni Agus Permana August 11, - December 31, 2014 President Director : Bachder Djohan Buddin Commercial Director I : M. Heru Riza Chakim Commercial Director II : Sufrin Hannan Director of Resources and Finance : Beni Agus Permana Komposisi Dewan Komisaris pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014 terdiri atas seorang Direktur Utama dan tiga Direksi, yang seluruhnya pria. Composition of the Board of Directors per December 31, 2014 consists of one President Director and three Directors who are all male. Komposisi Direksi Per 31 Desember 2014 7_]`_cZdZ_^_ådYW6_çbV_å8ZbWUd_bc`Wb8WUW]TWb'% &$%( 8Wgç^8ZbW\cZ Director Jabatan Position Gender Gender Bachder Djohan Buddin Direktur Utama President Director Pria Male M. Heru Riza Chakim Direktur Komersial I Commercial Director I Pria Male Sufrin Hannan Direktur Komersial II Commercial Director I I Pria Male Beni Agus Permana Direktur Sumber Daya dan Keuangan Director of Resources and Finance Pria Male 218 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KRITERIA DAN PENETAPAN DIREKSI CRITERIA FOR AND APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS Persyaratan dan tata cara pengangkatan maupun pemberhentian Direksi SUCOFINDO dilaksanakan berdasarkan : Criteria and procedures for the appointment and dismissal of SUCOFINDO’s Directors are conducted through : - Fit and proper test - Keputusan RUPS Luar Biasa - Hak Kementerian BUMN Fit and proper test Extraordinary GMS Resolutions Ministry of SOE Rights >bZdWbZç!\bZdWbZç8ZbW\cZ. Bbç^X `WbcW_bç^Xç^ èç^X Uç\ç` ]Wæç\e\ç^ perbuatan hukum @W]W^eYZ `Wbcèçbçdç^ æçZ^ èç^X VZdWdç`\ç^ _æWY instansi teknis berdasarkan peraturan perundangundangan @W]`WbYçdZ\ç^ \WçYæZç^ `W^Xçæç]ç^ cWbdç persyaratan lain berdasarkan peraturan perundangan 8Zç^X\çd_æWYEç`çdH]e]`W]WXç^XcçYç] 7bZdWbZçå_b8ZbWUd_bc. Individual persons capable of taking legal actions Seluruh anggota Direksi telah membuat surat pernyataan tidak memiliki benturan kepentingan yang diperbaharui setiap awal tahun. Selama tahun 2014 tidak ada anggota Direksi yang dihadapkan pada situasi terjadinya benturan kepentingan, baik dalam pengambilan keputusan maupun kedudukannya. Masing-masing anggota Direksi dipastikan tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan pemegang saham pengendali maupun relasi kekerabatan semenda sampai derajat ketiga dengan Dewan Komisaris maupun sesama anggota Direksi. All members of the Board of Directors have written an affidavit proclaiming that no conflicts of interest would arise, renewed at the start of each year. During the year 2014, no member of the Board of Directors has had to face any conflicts of interest, both in making decisions or holding their positions. It has been confirmed that all members of the Board of Directors have no affiliations with controlling shareholders and no relations by blood or marriage to the third degree with members of the Board of Commissioners or fellow members of the Board of Directors. TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB DIREKSI DUTIES DAN RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Setiap anggota Direksi wajib menjalankan tugas untuk kepentingan dan usaha Perusahaan dengan itikad baik dan penuh tanggung jawab serta dengan mengindahkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Direksi wajib mencurahkan tenaga, pikiran, perhatian, dan pengabdiannya secara penuh pada tugas, kewajiban, dan pencapaian tujuan Perusahaan dan harus mematuhi Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan dan peraturan perundang-undangan serta wajib melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip profesionalisme, efisiensi, transparansi, kemandirian, akuntabilitas, pertanggungjawaban serta kewajaran. All members of the Board of Directors are obliged to perform their duties for the good and business of the Company with conviction, responsibility, and compliance towards laws and regulations in effect. In performing their duties, members of the Board of Directors must wholly devote their energy, mind, attention and dedication towards their duties, responsibilities, and achievement of Company objectives and must abide by the Articles of Association of the Company and laws and regulations in effect. They are also obliged to practice principles of professionalism, efficiency, transparency, independence, accountability, responsibility, and fairness. Fulfills other requirements established by the institution based on laws and regulations in effect Possesses skills, experience and other criteria based on laws and regulations in effect Appointed through a General Meeting of Shareholders Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 219 RUANG LINGKUP DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB DIREKSI SCOPES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ruang lingkup dan tanggung jawab setiap anggota Direksi ditetapkan berdasarkan jabatan masing-masing. Meski demikian, pelaksanaan tugas oleh masing-masing anggota Direksi tetap merupakan tanggung jawab bersama. The scope of work and responsibilities of the Board of Directors have been respectively established based on the position held by each member. Even so, the duties of individual members of the Board of Directors remain a collective responsibility of the board. Dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, Direksi bertanggung jawab kepada RUPS. Secara berkala Direksi membuat laporan pelaksanaan kinerja yang disampaikan kepada Dewan Komisaris. In performing its duties and responsibilities, the Board of Directors shall be held directly responsible to the GMS. The Board of Directors shall submit periodic reports on the performance of its work to the Board of Commissioners. Direktur Utama President Director Gç^XXe^X=çgçT Responsibilities Fungsi Function Memimpin dan mempertahankan koordinasi dan harmonis dalam pelaksanaan tugas untuk semua anggota Direksi. Leading and maintaining coordination and harmony in the performance of duties for all members of the Board of Directors Bertugas memimpin dan memelihara koordinasi serta keserasian dalam pelaksanaan semua tugas yang berkenaan dengan semua kegiatan pada: Leading and maintaining coordination and harmony in the performance of duties pertaining to activities within: - Divisi Sistem Manajemen, Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan Risiko. System Management, Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Risk Division - Divisi Manajemen Strategis Strategic Management Division - Satuan Pengawasan Intern (SPI) Internal Audit Unit (SPI) - Divisi Sekretariat Perusahaan Corporate Secretariat Division Direktur Sumberdaya Dan Keuangan Director Of Resources And Finance Fungsi Function Fungsi sebagai anggota Direksi dan Kepala Direktorat Serving as a member in the Board of Directors and Head of a Directorate Gç^XXe^X=çgçT Responsibilities Bertugas memimpin dan memelihara koordinasi serta keserasian dalam pelaksanaan semua tugas yang berkenaandengan semua kegiatan pada: Leading and maintaining coordination and harmony in the performance of duties pertaining to activities within: - Divisi Human Capital Human Capital Division - Divisi Keuangan dan Akuntansi Finance and Accounting Division - Divisi Umum General Affairs Division - Divisi Informasi dan Solusi Bisnis Information and Business Solutions Division - Divisi Pemasaran dan Pengembangan Bisnis Marketing and Business Development Division - Unit PKBL PKBL Unit - Pelayanan Direktorat lainnya Other Directorate services 220 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Direktur Komersial I Commercial Director I Gç^XXe^X=çgçT Responsibilities Fungsi Function Fungsi sebagai anggota Direksi dan Kepala Direktorat Serving as a member in the Board of Directors and Head of a Directorate Bertugas memimpin dan memelihara koordinasi serta keserasian dalam pelaksanaan semua tugas yang berkenaan dengan semua kegiatan pada : Leading and maintaining coordination and harmony in the performance of duties pertaining to activities within : F6Hé_fWb]W^d< SBU - Goverment I F6Hé_fWb]W^d<< SBU - Goverment II F6H@ZXçc SBU - Oil and Gas F6H<^VecdbZ SBU - Industry 8ZfZcZCW^XW]Tç^Xç^=çcç>_]WbcZçæ% Commercial Service Development 1 Division 8ZfZcZCW^XW]Tç^Xç^=çcç>_]WbcZçæ& Commercial Service Development 2 Division 8ZfZcZEWXZ_^çæ6çbçdèç^X]W]TçgçYZUçTç^X (termasuk unit pelayanan) dalam lingkup pengelolaannya) Western Region Division, which lies above branch offices (including service units) within its scope of management Direktur Komersial I Commercial Director II Fungsi Function Fungsi sebagai anggota Direksi dan Kepala Direktorat. Serving as a member in the Board of Directors and Head of a Directorate. Gç^XXe^X=çgçT Responsibilities Bertugas memimpin dan memelihara koordinasi serta keserasian dalam pelaksanaan semua tugas yang berkenaan dengan semua kegiatan pada: Leading and maintaining coordination and harmony in the performance of duties pertaining to activities within: F6H@Z^WbçæVç^6çde6çbç SBU - Mineral and Coal F6H?çT_bçd_bZe] SBU - Laboratory F6HFWbdZÄ\çcZVç^9U_:bç]Wg_b\ SBU - Certification and Eco-Framework F6H>_]_VZdZVç^F_æecZCWbVçXç^Xç^ SBU - Commodity and Trade Solutions 8ZfZcZCW^XW]Tç^Xç^=çcç>_]WbcZçæ' Commercial Service Development 3 Division 8ZfZcZEWXZ_^çæGZ]ebèç^X]W]TçgçYZUçTç^X (termasuk unit pelayanan dalam lingkup pengelolaannya) Eastern Region Division, which lies above branch offices (including service units) within its scope of management PEDOMAN KERJA DIREKSI BOARD OF DIRECTORS MANUAL Direksi melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya dalam mengelola Perusahaan serta tata laksana hubungan dengan Dewan Komisaris, berdasarkan Pedoman dan Tata Tertib Kerja Direksi (Board Manual). Direksi wajib menjadikan Board Manual sebagai pedoman yang ideal dalam menjalankan pengurusan Perusahaan sehari-hari, untuk kepentingan Perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, RUPS, serta Visi dan Misi Perusahaan. The Board of Directors conducts its duties and responsibilities in managing the Company and abides by guidelines for its relationship with the Board of Commissioners based on the Board of Directors Manual (Board Manual). The Board of Directors is obliged to uphold the Board Manual as an ideal guide to conducting day-to-day management handling in the Company, for the good of the Company in achieving its purposes as established in the Articles of Association of the Company, GMS, and Company Vision and Mission Statements. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Secara garis besar, isi Board Manual bagi Direksi SUCOFINDO, meliputi: 1. Struktur dan komposisi Direksi / good corporate governance 221 In general, the Board Manual contains the following: 1. Structure and Composition of the Board of Directors 2. Tugas dan Kewajiban Direksi 2. Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors 3. Penetapan Kebijakan pengurusan Perseroan oleh Direksi 3. Corporate Management Policy Establishment by the Board of Directors 4. Pendelegasian Perseroan 4. Delegation of Authority among Directors wewenang di antara Direktur 5. Pembagian tugas direksi 5. Division of Labor in the Board of Directors 6. Rapat Direksi 6. Board of Directors Meetings 7. Sekreariat perusahaan 7. Corporate Secretariat 8. Unit kerja di bawah direksi 8. Work Units under the Board of Directors 9. Penggunaan saran profesional 9. Employment of Professional Advisory Services KEPEMILIKAN SAHAM DAN INDEPENDENSI DIREKSI SHAREHOLDING AND INDEPENDENCE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kepemilikan saham perusahaan dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Indonesia memiliki 95% saham Perusahaan, dan Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS) Holding, SA memegang 5% sisanya. Tidak ada kepemilikan saham Direksi di Perseroan. Shareholding of the Company has been divided among the Government of Indonesia, with 95% of the shares, and Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS) Holding, SA, with 5% of the shares. There are no shareholding among members of the Board of Directors of the Company. Direksi menjalankan tugas secara independen. Sikap dan tindakan tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa Direksi tidak memiliki kepentingan atau benturan kepentingan yang berpotensi mengganggu kinerja setiap anggota Direksi dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Perusahaan menjaga independensi tersebut dengan tidak adanya hubungan kekeluargaan sampai pada derajat ketiga di antara anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris, baik secara vertikal maupun horizontal. The Board of Directors are obliged to perform their duties independently. Their stances and actions must indicate that the Board of Directors has no personal interests or conflicts of interest that may disrupt the performance of any member of the Board of Directors in their duties. The Company maintains this independence by prohibiting kin relationships to the third degree between members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, both vertically and horizontally. Sejalan dengan penerapan praktik tata kelola perusahaan yang baik, Direksi telah menandatangani Pakta Integritas serta menyerahkan Laporan Harta Kekayaan Pejabat Negara (LHKPN) dan Laporan Pajak-Pajak Pribadi (LP2P) sebagai bentuk komitmen menghindari transaksi yang mengandung benturan kepentingan. In line with the implementation of good corporate governance practices, members of the Board of Directors have signed the Integrity Pact and submitted their State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN) and Personal Taxes Report (LP2P) as a display of their commitment to prevent transactions containing conflicts of interest. PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN KEAHLIAN DIREKSI COMPETENCE-BUILDING PROGRAMS FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUCOFINDO menyertakan anggota Direksi dalam beberapa kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kompetensi, termasuk dalam hal pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan. SUCOFINDO has enrolled members of the Board of Directors in several activities intended to build their competence, especially for the fulfillment of corporate social and environmental responsibility. 222 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report EVALUASI KINERJA DIREKSI EVALUATION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS PERFORMANCE Dalam rangka menjaga dan meningkatkan efektivitas Direksi, maka Perusahaan secara berkala melakukan evaluasi kinerja Direksi. Evaluasi Kinerja Direksi dilakukan oleh Pemegang Saham pada saat RUPS. In order to maintain and improve the effective performance of the Board of Commissioners, the Company has periodically evaluated the Board of Directors’ performance. Evaluation of the Board of Commissioners’ performance is conducted by Shareholders during the GMS. Sistem evaluasi kinerja Direksi disampaikan secara terbuka kepada Direktur sejak pengangkatannya. Sistem evaluasi Direksi dikembangkan berdasarkan pada pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang tercantum dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan serta penugasan yang diamanatkan oleh RUPS. Sistem evaluasi kinerja Direktur dikembangkan berdasarkan pada target kinerja pada perjanjian penunjukan (Key Performance Indicator). The system used in evaluating the Board of Directors’ performance has made known in an open manner to members of the Board of Directors since their appointment. The system of evaluation has been developed based on the performance of duties and responsibilities listed within laws and regulations in effect, Articles of Association of the Company, and assignments mandated through the GMS. The performance evaluation system for Directors has been based on performance targets contained within their appointment contracts (key performance indicators). Hasil evaluasi kinerja digunakan sebagai salah satu pertimbangan bagi RUPS untuk menunjuk kembali Direktur yang berkinerja baik dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perusahaan serta sebagai salah satu dasar dalam mengembangkan sistem remunerasi Direksi. The results of this performance evaluation shall be used as reference for the consideration of the GMS in reappointing Directors with good performance in accordance to the needs of the Company and in developing the remuneration scheme for the Board of Directors. RAPAT DIREKSI BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS Pelaksanaan rapat menjadi salah satu mekanisme evaluasi pelaksanaan tugas, kewenangan dan tanggung jawab Direksi. Direksi dapat melaksanakan rapat secara berkala maupun sewaktu-waktu. Rapat diselenggarakan internal Direksi maupun dengan satuan kerja terkait atau seluruh manajemen. Rapat Direksi diselenggarakan minimal sebulan sekali. Meetings serve as one of the mechanisms for evaluating the implementation of duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may conduct both routine and impromptu meetings. These may be internal meetings only among members of the Board of Directors or meetings involving relevant work units or the entire management. Board of Directors meetings are conducted once every month. Rapat Direksi tersebut dapat berupa Rapat internal Direksi, Rapat Direksi dengan Kepala Divisi, dan Rapat Direksi bersama Dewan Komisaris. Rapat Internal Direksi merupakan forum bagi pengambilan keputusan Direksi secara kolektif. Adapun pembahasan kinerja Perusahaan dilakukan dalam rapat gabungan dengan Dewan Komisaris. Board of Directors meetings may take the form of internal meetings among the Board of Directors, meetings between Board of Directors and Division Heads, and meetings between the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners. Internal meeting among the Board of Directors serves as a forum for collective decision making for the Board of Directors, whereas discussions on Company performance take place within joint meetings with the Board of Commissioners. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 223 Pelaksanaan Rapat Direksi Board of Directors Meetings No Tanggal Date Pembahasan Discussion 1 6 Januari 2014 January 6, 2014 Evaluasi Kinerja Tahun 2014, LHU 2014 Evaluation of 2014 Performance, Report on Business Results in 2014 2 5 Februari 2014 February 5, 201 1. Pembagian Tugas antar BOD sehubungan dengan berhalangan sementara Dirut SCI sejak tgl 5 Februari 2014, Division of Labor within the BOD due to the unavailability of the SCI President Director per February 5, 2014, 2. LHU 2014 Report on Business Results in 2014 3. Progres penyesuaian organisasi. Progress in organizational readjustment. 4. Laporan Progres Hasil Audit KAP tahun buku 2013 Progress report on PA Audit Results for the 2013 fiscal year 5. Laporan Tindak Lanjut RAPIM tgl 13-14 Feb 2014 Follow-Up Report for the Meeting on February 13-14, 2014 3 6 Maret 2014 March 6, 2014 1. Progres JA / JE, Progres mekanisme asuransi pegawai dg BPJS dan RSDM serta kebutuhan pelatihan bagi pegawai. Progress on insurance programs, progress on the mechanism for employee insurance with BPJS and RSDM and training for employees 2. LHU Februari 2014 Report on Business Results in February 2014 3. Persiapan data untuk Rapat Teknis RIPS Preparation of data for the GMS Technical Meeting 4. Pertanggungjawaban Kinerja tahun buku 2013 Accountability Report for 2013 Performance 5. Penjelasan Gaji Dasar Program Explanation of Basic Salary Program 4 17 April 2014 April 17, 2014 1. Pembahasan Evaluasi Kinerja TWI Discussion on TWI Performance Results 2. Pembahasan Pola Hubungan Pencatatan SBU-cabang Discussion on Connection Patterns in Records between SBU and Branch Offices 3. Cross Selling Cross-selling 4. Sertifikat Produk Product certification 5. Persiapan Rapat Gabungan dengan DEKOM untuk pembahasan evaluasi TW 1 Preparation for Joint Meeting with the BOC to discuss the Evaluation of TW1 6. Pembahasan rencana pension dini di perusahaan pada tahun 2014 Discussion on early retirement plans in the Company in 2014 5 16 Mei 2014 May 16, 2014 1. Tindak lanjut menghadapi MEA Follow-up actions towards the AEC 2. LHU April 2014 Report on Business Results in April 2014 3. Pembahasan LHU sd April 2014 untuk persiapan rapat DEKOM Discussion on Report on Business Results until April 2014 in preparation of meeting with the BOC 4. Rencana investasi peralatan SEISMIK Investment plans in seismic equipment 6 12 Juni 2014 June 12, 2014 7 10 Juli 2014 July 10, 2014 Progres Persiapan Penerapan WBS Progress on Preparations for WBS Implementation 1. LHU sd Juni 2014 Report on Business Results until June 2014 2. Cash Flow Perusahaan Company cash flow 3. Progres RJPP 2014-2018 Progress on the 2014-2018 RJPP 4. Evaluasi Sumber-sumber Pendapatan untuk Pencapaian anggaran 2014 Evaluation of Sources of Income for 2014 Budget Achievement 5. Persiapan RAPIM Preparation for Executive Meeting 224 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 8 19 Agustus 2014 August 19, 2014 1. Evaluasi Hasil Kinerja sd Juli 2014 Evaluation of Performance Results until July 2014 2. Permasalahan sumber pendapatan dan permasalahan Issues on sources of income 3. Permasalahan Progres program HC Issues on the progress of the HC program 9 17 September 2014 September 17, 2014 1. Laporan hasil kinerja sd Agustus 2014 dan prognosa sd Desember 2014 Report on performance results until August 2014 and prognosis for December 2014 2. Pembahasan rencana investasi peralatan SEISMIK Discussion on investment plans on seismic equipment 3. Pembahasan skema jasa produksi dan skema reward lainnya Discussion on the production service scheme and other reward schemes 10 3 Oktober 2014 October 3, 2014 1. Tindak lanjut rapat BOD tgl 17 September 2014 Follow-up actions to BOD meeting on September 17, 2014 2. Prospek bisnis jasa Logistik pada SUCOFINDO EPISI Business prospects in Logistics for SUCOFINDO EPISI 3. Pembahasan mengenai RJPP 2015-2019 Discussion on 2015-2019 RJPP 4. Pembahasan mengenai RKAP 2015 Discussion on 2015 RKAP 5. LHU sd September 2014 Report on Business Results until September 2014 6. Finalisasi materi RKAP 2015 Finalization of 2015 RKAP materials 7. Finalisasi materi RJPP 2015-2019 Finalization of 2015-2019 RJPP materials 11 6 November 2014 November 6, 2014 1. 1. LHU sd Oktober 2014 Up date progress RKAP 2015 Report on Business Results until October 2014 2. 2. Finalisasi keputusan atas pelanggaran disiplin pegawai (SPI) Update on the progress of the 2015 RKAP 3. 1. Rancangan RKAP 2015 Rancangan RKAP 2015 4. 2. KPI 2015 KPI 2015 5. 3. Usulan organisasi 2015 Usulan organisasi 2015 6. 4. Hasil evaluasi ERP oleh SPI Hasil evaluasi ERP oleh SPI 7. 5. Optimalisasi asset Optimalisasi asset 12 16 Desember 2014 December 16, 2014 Pembahasan Struktur Organisasi Baru Discussion on the new organizational structure Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 225 Daftar Hadir Direksi dalam Rapat Attendance List for Board of Directors Meetings 6eæç^Vç^=e]æçYEç`çd8ZYçVZbZ Month and Meeting Attended Anggota Direksi Director 1 Fahmi Sadiq 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 =e]æçY;çVZb No. of Attendance =e]æçYEç`çd No. of Meetings % 1 12 8,3 Bachder Djohan Buddin Masa Tugas sejak 11 Agustus 2014 Appointed in August 11, 2014 5 12 41,7 M. Heru Riza Chakim Masa Tugas sejak 11 Agustus 2014 Appointed in August 11, 2014 5 12 41,7 Sufrin Hannan 12 12 100 Beni Agus Permana 12 12 100 REMUNERASI DIREKSI REMUNERATION DIRECTORS OF THE BOARD OF Penetapan besaran Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi mengacu pada Keputusan RUPS tanggal 3 April 2014 mengenai persetujuan penetapan gaji Direksi. Remunerasi Direksi terdiri dari : Establishment of the nominal values for the remuneration of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors refers to a GMS Resolution issued on April 3, 2014 regarding the authorization of established salaries for the Board of Directors. Remuneration for the Board of Directors consists of: 1. Honorarium 2. Fasilitas dan Tunjangan 1. Honorarium 2. Facilities and Allowances Penetapan gaji Direktur Utama sebesar Rp85.000.000 (delapan puluh lima juta rupiah) per bulan, sedangkan tunjangan dan fasilitas lainnya sebesar Rp27.500.500. Untuk Anggota Direksi, gaji yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 90 % dari gaji Direksi Utama. The established salary for President Director is Rp85,000,000 (eighty five million rupiah) per month whereas allowances and other facilities amount to Rp27,500,500. Salaries for members of the Board of Directors have been established as 90% of the President Director’s salary. Komisaris yang menjabat dalam tahun buku 2014. Adapun fasilitas dan tunjangan lainnya sesuai Per-07 / MBU / 2010 tanggal 27 Desember 2010. Facilities and other allowances have been assigned in accordance to Regulation No. Per-07 / MBU / 2010 issued on December 17, 2010. Besaran Remunerasi Direksi EW]e^WbçdZ_^FUYW]Wå_bdYW6_çbV_å8ZbWUd_bc No. Rumus Gaji Formula of Salary Gaji Salary 1 Direktur Utama President Director 100% 85.000.000 27.500.000 112.500.000 1.462.500.000 2 Direktur Komersial 1 Commercial Director 1 90% dari Gaji Direktur Utama 90% of President Director salary 76.500.000 27.500.000 104.000.000 1.352.000.000 3 Direktur Komersial 2 Commercial Director 2 90% dari Gaji Direktur Utamat 90% of President Director salary 76.500.000 27.500.000 104.000.000 1.352.000.000 4 Direktur Keuangan & Administrasi Director of Resources and Finance 90% dari Gaji Direktur Utama 90% of President Director salary 76.500.000 27.500.000 104.000.000 1.352.000.000 424.500.000 5.518.500.000 Total Direksi Total for Director Keterangan: Dalam Rupiah Note: Expressed in IDR Tunjangan CWbe]çYç^ Housing Gaji per bulan Salary per @_^dY G_dçæ`WbGçYe^ Total per Year Jabatan Position 226 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report HUBUNGAN ANTARA DEWAN KOMISARIS DAN DIREKSI Relationship Between The Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi secara rutin mengadakan pertemuan sebagai bentuk koordinasi dan tanggung jawab antara tugas-tugas yang diberikan untuk bersama menjaga pengelolaan Perusahaan. Dalam pertemuan tersebut dibahas segala upaya menghadapi isu-isu strategis yang memerlukan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris. The Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors routinely hold meetings as a form of coordination and joint responsibility in maintaining the continuity of the Company. These routine meetings discuss efforts in facing strategic issues which require the approval of the Board of Commissioners. HUBUNGAN KELUARGA KIN RELATIONSHIP Antara Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi tidak ada hubungan keluarga semenda, sampai dengan derajat ketiga. Dengan demikian, masing-masing anggota Dewan Komisaris maupun Direksi adalah independen dan tidak memiliki benturan kepentingan dalam melaksanakan tugas serta tanggung jawab masing-masing. There are no relations by blood or marriage to the third degree among members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. Consequently, each member of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors act independently without any conflict of interest in performing their respective duties and responsibilities. HUBUNGAN KERJA WORKING RELATIONSHIP PT SUCOFINDO dalam menjaga hubungan kerja antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi menerapkan prinsipprinsip sebagai berikut : In maintaining the work relationship between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors at PT SUCOFINDO, the following principles have been implemented : - The Board of Commissioners shall respect the functions and roles of the Board of Directors in managing the Company as regulated within laws and regulations in effect and the Articles of Association of the Company - Dewan Komisaris menghormati fungsi dan peranan Direksi dalam mengurus Perusahaan sebagaimana telah diatur dalam peraturan perundang -undangan maupun Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan . - Direksi menghormati fungsi dan peranan Dewan Komisaris untuk melakukan pengawasan dan memberikan nasihat terhadap kebijakan pengurusan Perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh Direksi. - Setiap hubungan kerja antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi merupakan hubungan yang bersifat formal, dalam arti harus senantiasa dilandasi oleh suatu mekanisme baku atau korespondensi yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan . - Setiap hubungan kerja yang bersifat informal dapat saja dilakukan oleh masing-masing Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, namun tidak dapat dipakai sebagai kebijakan formal sebelum melalui mekanisme atau korespondensi yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan . - Dewan Komisaris berhak memperoleh akses atas informasi Perusahaan secara tepat waktu dan lengkap . - The Board of Directors shall respect the functions and roles of the Board of Commissioners in supervising and advising all Company management policies undertaken by the Board of Directors - All working relationships between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors are formal in nature, meaning that all relationships must be based on a formal mechanism or accountable correspondences - Members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors are permitted to have informal relationships. However, they may not be used as the foundation for formal policies without undergoing an accountable mechanism or forms of correspondences - The Board of Commissioners are entitled to access information on the Company in a punctual and complete manner Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 227 - Direksi bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan bahwa informasi mengenai Perusahaan diberikan kepada Dewan Komisaris secara tepat waktu dan lengkap. - The Board of Directors are responsible for ensuring that information on the Company has been given to the Board of Commissioners in a punctual and complete manner - Setiap hubungan kerja antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi merupakan hubungan kelembagaan dalam arti bahwa Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi sebagai jabatan kolektif yang mempresentasikan keseluruhan anggota-anggotanya, sehingga setiap hubungan kerja antara Anggota Dewan Komisaris dengan Direktur harus diketahui oleh Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direktur lainnya. - All working relationships between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors are institutional in nature, meaning that the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors are collective positions that represent the entirety of its members. Thus, all working relationships among individual members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors must be made known to other members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors. RAPAT BERSAMA DEWAN KOMISARIS DAN DIREKSI JOINT MEETINGS BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dapat menyelenggarakan rapat bersama guna membahas serta memutuskan halhal bersifat strategis yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan Perusahaan. Rapat bersama juga menjadi mekanisme bagi Direksi untuk menyampaikan pelaksanaan kinerja dan meminta pendapat, catatan maupun nasihat yang didokumentasikan dalam notulensi. The Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors may conduct joint meetings for the purpose of discussing and deciding on strategic matters concerning the interests of the Company. Joint meetings can also serve as a mechanism for the Board of Directors to convey the results of its performance and request opinions, notes or even advice, documented in the form of minutes. Putusan rapat bersama bersifat mengikat untuk ditindaklanjuti dan dilaksanakan. Anggota Dewan Komisaris yang memiliki benturan kepentingan dengan hal-hal yang menjadi pembahasan dalam rapat bersama Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, tidak disertakan dalam proses pemungutan suara, dan hal tersebut harus dinyatakan di dalam notulensi rapat. Decisions made through joint meetings are binding in nature to be followed through and implemented. Members of the Board of Commissioners who have conflicts of interests with matters discussed within the joint meeting between Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors shall not take part during the voting process. Such occurrences must be taken note of within meeting minutes. Selama tahun 2014 telah diselenggarakan 12 rapat bersama antara Dewan Komisaris dengan Direksi. In 2014, 12 joint meetings between Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors have been conducted. >WYçVZbç^Eç`çd6Wbcç]ç8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZcVç^8ZbW\cZ 5ddW^Vç^UW?Zcdå_b=_Z^d@WWdZ^XcTWdgWW^dYW6_çbV_å7_]]ZccZ_^Wbcç^V6_çbV_å8ZbWUd_bc Nama Name No Jabatan Position =e]æçYEç`çd No. of Meetings =e]æçY>WYçVZbç^ No. of Attendance % 1 Gusmardi Bustami Komisaris Utama President Commissioner 12 9 75 2 Irfa Ampri Komisaris Commissioner 12 8 66 3 @"Feæd_^:çdY_^Z Komisaris Commissioner 12 11 91 4 AçYZV;eVçèç Komisaris Commissioner 12 12 100 5 6çUYVWb8[_Yç^6eVVZ^ Direktur Utama President Director 12 5 41 6 @";WbeEZiç7Yç\Z] Direktur Komersial I Commercial Director I 12 5 41 7 Sufrin Hannan Direktur Komersial I Commercial Director I 12 12 100 8 Beni Agus Permana Direktur Sumber Daya dan Keuangan Director of Resources and Finance 12 12 100 228 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report ORGAN PENDUKUNG DEWAN KOMISARIS Supporting Bodies To The Board of Commissioners KOMITE AUDIT AUDIT COMMITTEE Komite Audit dibentuk untuk membantu dan memperkuat Dewan Komisaris dalam menjalankan fungsi pengawasan. Perusahaan membentuk Komite Audit yang secara struktur berada di bawah Dewan Komisaris. Pembentukan Komite Audit mengacu pada Undang-Undang No. 19 Tahun 2003 tertanggal 19 Juni 2003 dan Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. Per-12 / MBU / 2012 Tentang Organ Pendukung Dewan Komisaris / Dewan Pengawas Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Komite Audit mempunyai tugas untuk membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam melaksanakan tugasnya. Komite Audit bekerja secara mandiri dan independen dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya dan dalam pelaporan, dan bertanggungjawab langsung kepada Dewan Komisaris The Audit Committee was formed for the purpose of assisting and consolidating the Board of Commissioners in conducting its supervisory role. The Company has formed the Audit Committee, which structurally lies under the Board of Commissioners. Formation of the Audit Committee conforms to Law 19 / 2003 issued June 19, 2003, and Minister of SOE Regulation No. Per-12 / MBU / 2012 regarding Supporting Bodies to the Board of Commissioners / Board of Supervisors in State-Owned Enterprises. The Audit Committee is entasked with helping the Board of Commissioners perform its duties. The Audit Committee works independently in its reporting duty and is directly responsible to the Board of Commissioners. DEWAN KOMISARIS Board of Commisioners KETUA KOMITE AUDIT Audit Commitee Chairman Irfa Ampri ANGGOTA KOMITE AUDIT Audit Commitee Member ANGGOTA KOMITE AUDIT Audit Commitee Member Bambang Priyatna Jimmi Lapotulo Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 229 KEANGGOTAAN KOMITE AUDIT MEMBERSHIP IN THE AUDIT COMMITTEE Komite Audit dipimpin oleh Ketua yang juga komisaris perusahaan dengan dua anggota. Selama periode tahun 2014, ketua dijabat oleh Komisaris Nahid Hudaya (s / d 4 Juni 2014) dan digantikan oleh Komisaris lrfa Ampri (sejak 5 Juni 2014 hingga sekarang). Sementara itu, dua anggota Komite Audit adalah Sdr. Bambang Priyatna (sejak 1 Agustus 2014) dan Sdr. Jimmi Lapotulo (sejak 1 Nopember 2014). The Audit Committee is headed by a Chairman who simultaneously serves as Commissioner to the Company and has two additional members. In 2014, Commissioner Nahid Hudaya served as Chairman (until June 4, 2014) and was succeeded by Commissioner Irfa Ampri (from June 5, 2014, until present). The other two members of the Audit Committee are Mr. Bambang Priyatna (since August 1, 2014) and Mr. Jimmi Lapotulo (since November 1, 2014). Susunan dan Profil Keanggotaan Komite Audit Audit Committee Structure and Profile No Nama Name 1 Irfa Ampri (sejak 5 Juni 2014) (since June 5, 2014) Jabatan dan Profil Position and Profile Ketua Chairman Pria kelahiran Binjai, 12 Desember 1965, umur 49 tahun. Menyelesaikan Pendidikan di Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara, kemudian melanjutkan meraih gelar Master of Arts degree in Accounting and Finance of Lancaster University, dan Doktor Administrasi Bisnis di Yokohama Nasional University Japan. Beberapa jabatan penting yang pernah dijalani antara lain sebagai : Direktur Grup World Bank di Washington (2009-2011) Direktur Kebijakan dan Kerjasama Internasional Kementerian Keuangan (2006-2009). He was born in Binjai on December 12, 1965, and is 49 years of age. He completed his study at the Indonesian State College of Accountancy (STAN) before obtaining a Master of Arts degree in Accounting and Finance from Lancaster University, and a Doctor in Business Administration degree from Yokohama National University, Japan. He has occupied several important positions, such as: Director at World Bank Group in Washington (2009-2011) Director of International Collaboration and Policies, Ministry of Finance (2006-2009) 2 Bambang Priyatna (sejak 1 Agustus 2014) (since August 1, 2014) Anggota Member Pria kelahiran Bandung, 20 Februari 1956, umur 58 tahun. Menyelesaikan Pendidikan sebagai Akuntan di Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara pada tahun 1989, kemudian meraih gelar Master of Science in Accountancy University od Illnois, Urbana USA pada tahun 1996. Beberapa jabatan penting yang pernah dijalani antara lain sebagai: Anggota Komite Audit PT PDSI (2008 – 2013) Anggota Komite Audit PT Angkasa Pura II (2008 – 2013) Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (1992 – sekarang) He was born in Bandung on February 20, 1956, and is 58 of age. He completed his study as an Accountant at the State College of Accountancy (STAN) in 1989 prior to obtaining a degree as Master of Science in Accountancy from the University of Illinois, Urbana, USA, in 1996. He has occupied several important positions, such as: Audit Committee Member at PT PDSI (2008 – 2013) Audit Committee Member at PT Angkasa Pura II (2008 – 2013) Lecturer at STAN (1992 – present) 230 3 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Jimmi Lapotulo (sejak 1 November 2014) (since November 1, 2014) Anggota Member Pria kelahiran Tanjung Batu, 20 Desember 1970 umur 44 tahun. Menyelesaikan Pendidikan Sarjana di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 1997, memperoleh gelas Magister Ilmu Admministrasi di Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 2004, dan memperoleh gelar Master of Business Administration, Ateneo Graduate School of Business, Manila, Philippines pada tahun 2008. Beberapa jabatan penting yang pernah dijalani antara lain sebagai Anggota Komite Audit PT Danareksa TBK (1993-1995), beberapa posisi di Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia (1992 sampai dengan sekarang). He was born in Tanjung Batu on December 20, 1970, and is 44 years of age. He completed his undergraduate study at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, in 1997, and obtained his master’s degree in Administration at University of Indonesia in 2004. He obtained his Master of Business Administration degree from Ateneo Graduate School of Business, Manila, Philippines, in 2008. Several important positions he occupied include being an Audit Committee Member at PT Danareksa TBK (1993-1995) and several positions within the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Finance (1992 present). INDEPENDENSI KOMITE AUDIT INDEPENDENCE OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE Semua anggota komite adalah independen, mempunyai kualifikasi terbaik, berkompeten dan berintegritas dengan pengalaman memadai, sesuai lingkup tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai Komite Audit Perusahaan. All members of the Audit Committee are independent, in addition to having the best qualifications, competence and integrity, coupled with adequate experience, in accordance to their field of work and responsibility as members of the Company’s Audit Committee. PIAGAM KOMITE AUDIT AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER Piagam Komite Audit memuat: Visi, Misi, dan Tujuan Komite; Keanggotaan dan Struktur Organisasi; Tugas dan Wewenang Komite Audit: Kode Etik, Kinerja, Rapat, Tanggung Jawab Pelaporan, Program Pengenalan bagi Anggota Baru; Rencana Kerja; Anggaran; Sasaran Audit; dan Pelaporan. Piagam Komite Audit telah ditetapkan melalui Surat Keputusan Komisaris Utama No. KEP-3 / DKM XII / 2008 tanggal 23 Desember 2008 tentang Pedoman Kerja Komite Audit PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) sebagai pengganti Surat Keputusan Bersama Komisaris Utama dan Direktur Utama Nomor: KEP-3 / DKM-IV / 2006, yang menjadi acuan dan pedoman bagi Anggota Komite Audit dalam menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya. The Committee Charter contains: Vision, Mission, and Purpose of the Committee; Membership and Structure; Duties and Authorities of the Audit Committee; Code of Conduct, Performance, Meetings, Reporting Responsibility, Induction Program for New Members; Work Plan; Budget; Objectives of Audit; Reporting. The Audit Committee Charter was established through Chief Commissioner Decision Letter No. KEP-3 / DKM XII / 2008 issued December 23, 2008, regarding the PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) Audit Committee Work Guideline as a replacement for Chief Commissioner and President Director Joint Decision Letter No. KEP-3 / DKM-IV / 2006, serving as reference and guideline for Audit Committee members in performing their duties and authorities. PENGANGKATAN DAN PEMBERHENTIAN KOMITE AUDIT APPOINTMENT AND DISMISSAL OF AUDIT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Pengangkatan dan pemberhentian anggota Komite Audit dilakukan oleh Dewan Komisaris berdasarkan surat Keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Komisaris Nomor: KEP-005 / DKM / V / 2012 tanggal 14 Mei 2012 tentang Pengangkatan Anggota Komite Audit PT SUCOFINDO (Persero). Appointment and dismissal of Audit Committee members are conducted by the Board of Commissioners, referring to Board of Commissioners Decision Letter No. KEP005 / DKM / V / 2012 issued May 14, 2012, regarding the Appointment of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) Audit Committee Members. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 231 TUGAS DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB KOMITE AUDIT DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri BUMN Nomor PER05 / MBU / 2006 tentang Komite Audit, Komite Audit bertugas untuk : In accordance to Minister of SOE Regulation No. PER-05 / MBU / 2006 regarding the Audit Committee, the duties of the Audit Committee are: 1. 1. Membantu Dewan Komisaris untuk memastikan efektivitas sistem pengendalian intern dan efektivitas pelaksanaan tugas auditor internal (Satuan Pengawasan Internal / SPI) dan auditor eksternal; Assisting the Board of Commissioners in ensuring the effectiveness of the internal control system and the effectiveness of the internal auditor (Internal Audit Unit / SPI) and external auditor in performing their duties; 2. Menilai pelaksanaan kegiatan serta hasil audit yang dilaksanakan oleh Satuan Pengawasan Intern (SPI) maupun auditor eksternal; 2. Evaluating activities and audit results produced by the Internal Audit Unit (SPI) and the external auditor; 3. Memberikan rekomendasi mengenai penyempurnaan sistem pengendalian manajemen serta pelaksanaannya; 3. Providing recommendations on improvements towards the management control system and their implementation; 4. Memastikan telah terdapat prosedur review yang memuaskan terhadap segala informasi yang dikeluarkan Perusahaan ; 5. Melakukan identifikasi hal-hal yang memerlukan perhatian Dewan Komisaris serta tugas-tugas Dewan Komisaris . 4. Ensuring that a satisfactory review procedure towards all information issued by the Company has been set; Sebagai organ pendukung yang bertanggung jawab kepada Dewan Komisaris, Komite Audit berfungsi sebagai pendukung (supporting) kegiatan Dewan Komisaris. Fungsi tersebut dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan Komite Audit yang tergambar dalam Program Kerja Komite Audit. Sebagai bagian dari organ Dewan Komisaris, kegiatan Komite Audit harus mendukung kegiatan Dewan Komisaris sehingga terjadi keterpaduan diantara keduanya. Dengan demikian indikator utama keberhasilan fungsi Komite Audit adalah terciptanya dukungan kerja yang memadai dan tepat waktu bagi Dewan Komisaris dalam menjalankan fungsi pengawasan dan penasihatan terhadap jalannya pengurusan Perseroan yang dilakukan oleh Direksi. As a supporting body held responsible to the Board of Commissioners, the Audit Committee acts as support towards Board of Commissioners activities. This function is performed through the Audit Committee’s activities as depicted within the Audit Committee Work Program. As a unit under the Board of Commissioners, the Audit Committee’s activities must support the Board of Commissioners’ activities to ensure integration between the two. Thus, the main indicator of success for the Audit Committee is when it produces adequate and punctual work support to the Board of Commissioners in conducting its supervisory and advisory duties towards Company management performed by the Board of Directors. Pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi Komite Audit tersebut disusun dalam Rencana Kerja Komite Audit. Tujuan dari rencana kerja tersebut adalah sebagai panduan bagi Komite Audit dalam melaksanakan kegiatan sekaligus sebagai acuan penilaian (tolok ukur) kinerja Komite Audit. The core duties and functions of the Audit Committee have been compiled within the Audit Committee Work Plan. The purpose of this work plan is to serve as a guideline for the Audit Committee in conducting its activities and as a benchmark for the performance of the Audit Committee. KEWAJIBAN KOMITE AUDIT RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE 1. 1. Menetapkan Piagam Komite Audit. 2. Menyusun Program Kerja Komite Audit. 3. Mempertahankan integritas profesionalisme profesi. yang 5. Identifying matters which require the attention of the Board of Commissioners and duties of the Board of Commissioners. Establishing the Audit Committee Charter. 2. Compiling the Audit Committee Work Plan. tinggi dan 4. Menjaga kerahasiaan dokumen, data, dan informasi perusahaan. 3. Maintaining a professionalism. high level of integrity and 4. Safeguarding the secrecy of documents, data and information from the Company. 232 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report WEWENANG KOMITE AUDIT AUTHORITIES OF THE AUDIT COMMITTTEE 1. 1. Komite Audit berwenang untuk mengakses secara penuh, bebas dan tidak terbatas terhadap catatan dan dokumen perusahaan, karyawan, dana, asset dan sumber daya perusahaan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan tugasnya. The Audit Committee is entitled to complete, free, and unlimited access of Company notes and documents, employees, funds, assets and other resources relevant to the achievement of its duties. 2. Dalam melaksanakan wewenang sebagaimana tersebut di atas, Komite Audit dapat bekerjasama dengan SPI. 2. In exercising its authority as stated above, the Audit Committee may collaborate with the SPI. PELAKSANAAN TUGAS KOMITE AUDIT ACHIEVEMENT OF AUDIT COMMITTEE DUTIES Pada tahun 2014 Komite Audit telah melaksanakan pegawaian: 1. Melakukan rapat internal Komite Audit bulanan untuk membahas draft laporan bulanan Komite Audit kepada Dewan Komisaris yang antara lain berisi evaluasi Komite Audit atas kinerja bulanan, triwulan, atau tahunan Perusahaan, dan permasalahan lain yang membutuhkan perhatian Dewan Komisaris yang akan dilaporkan kepada Dewan Komisaris dalam rapat bulanan Dewan Komisaris. In 2014, Audit Committee has achieved the following: 2. Terlibat secara aktif dalam proses seleksi terhadap KAP yang akan diusulkan untuk melakukan audit keuangan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian tahun 2014 dengan menugaskan anggota Komite Audit untuk menjadi Ketua dan Anggota Tim Pengadaan bersama-sama dengan wakil dari Manajemen. 2. Actively involved during the process of selecting PA offices to be nominated for conducting financial audit towards the 2014 consolidated financial report by assigning Audit Committee members as leader and member of the Procurement Team formed together with representatives from the management. 3. Memastikan efektivitas pelaksanakan audit KAP dengan melakukan rapat dan komunikasi dengan KAP Rama Wendra yang telah ditunjuk untuk melakukan audit atas laporan keuangan tahun 2014 serta melakukan evaluasi atas laporan-laporan yang diterima dari KAP. Dari hasil evaluasi yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan audit telah direncanakan serta dilaksanakan dengan baik, dan KAP telah menunjukkan independensinya dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya. Dalam tahap pelaporan, Komite Audit telah juga melakukan review terhadap draft laporan auditor eksternal. Review dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa laporan keuangan yang telah diaudit telah disajikan secara wajar sesuai dengan standar akuntansi keuangan dan temuan-temuan auditor eksternal tersebut telah ditindaklanjuti oleh Manajemen. Hasil review selanjutnya dibahas bersama dengan KAP bersama dengan Tim Counterpart. 3. Ensuring the effectiveness of the PA’s audit by holding meetings and communicating with PA Rama Wendra, which had been appointed to conduct audits over the financial reports of 2014, along with evaluating reports received from the PA. Based on evaluation results, it can be concluded that audit activities have been planned and implemented in a good manner and the PA has proven its independence in conducting its duties. During the reporting stage, the Audit Committee also reviewed the draft report from the external auditor. The review was conducted to ensure that the audited financial reports have been presented in a fair manner in accordance to financial accounting standards and that findings from the external coordinator will be followed up by Management. Afterwards, review results were discussed with the PA and the Counterpart Team. 4. Melakukan penilaian atas pelaksanaan kegiatan dan hasil audit SPI dengan melakukan pertemuan dan komunikasi dengan SPI serta mereview laporan-laporan SPI. Selama tahun 2014, SPI telah melaksanakan Program Kerja Audit Tahunan (PKAT) dengan baik. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja SPI, Komite Audit telah memberikan saran-saran perbaikan antara lain tentang perlunya peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas personil SPI sehingga dapat lebih meningkatkan lagi kualitas laporan auditnya serta perbaikan prosedur dan pelaporan audit SPI. 1. Conducted monthly internal Audit Committee meetings to discuss the draft monthly Audit Committee report to the Board of Commissioners, containing the Audit Committee’s evaluation towards monthly, quarterly and yearly performance of the Company and other issues requiring the attention of the Board of Commissioners. Reports are submitted during the monthly Board of Commissioners meetings. 4. Evaluating the implementation of activities and audit results from the SPI by holding meetings and communicating with SPI, in addition to reviewing its reports. Throughout 2014, the SPI has implemented the Annual Audit Work Program (PKAT) well. To improve the SPI’s performance, the Audit Committee has given recommendations for improvement, including the need to increase the quantity and quality of SPI personnel to improve the quality of SPI’s audit report and better the SPI’s audit procedures and reporting. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 233 5. Melakukan review, analisis, dan evaluasi terhadap laporan keuangan dan laporan kegiatan usaha bulanan tahun 2014 dan menyampaikan hasilnya dalam laporan bulanan Komite Audit kepada Dewan Komisaris. 5. Reviewing, analyzing and evaluating financial reports and monthly business activity reports in 2014 and conveying the results within the monthly Audit Committee reports to the Board of Commissioners. 6. Melakukan review, analisis, dan evaluasi terhadap RKAP 2014, Laporan Keuangan dan Laporan Manajemen Triwulan I, II, dan III tahun 2014 dan Laporan Keuangan dan Laporan Manajemen Tahunan tahun 2013 dan menyampaikan hasilnya kepada Dewan Komisaris. 6. Reviewing, analyzing and evaluating the 2014 RKAP, Financial Reports and Management Reports for Quarters I, II, III in 2014, and 2013 Annual Financial Report and Management Report, and then submitting the results to the Board of Commissioners. 7. Melakukan review, analisis, dan evaluasi terhadap Laporan PKBL Triwulan I, II, dan III tahun 2014 dan Laporan PKBL Tahunan tahun 2013 dan menyampaikan hasilnya kepada Komisaris. 7. Reviewing, analyzing and evaluating PKBL Reports for Quarters I, II and III in 2014 and the 2013 Annual PKBL Report, and then submitting the results to the Board of Commissioners. 8. Melakukan rapat dan komunikasi dengan Divisi KAK untuk membahas berbagai masalah keuangan seperti keakuratan dan kewajaran laporan keuangan, penerapan budget control, pengelolaan piutang usaha, pengelolaan pinjaman bank, pengelolaan valuta asing, pelaksanaan kewajiban perpajakan, serta pembahasan kinerja pelaksanaan RKAP. 8. Holding meetings and communicating with the Finance and Accounting Division to discuss various financial issues such as accuracy and fairness of financial reports, implementation of budget control, management of business credits, bank loans, foreign exchange, implementation of tax obligations, and discussions on RKAP performance. 9. Melakukan kunjungan kerja ke cabang untuk mereview kinerja cabang dalam pelaksanaan RKAP dan mengetahui permasalahan-permasalahan yang ada di cabang serta melaporkan hasilnya kepada Dewan Komisaris. 9. Conducting business visits to branch offices to review their performance in implementing the RKAP and discovering existing issues at branch offices, and then reporting the results to the Board of Commissioners. 10. Melakukan review, analisis, dan evaluasi atas kinerja SBU-SBU dalam melaksanakan kegiatannya dan RKAP serta melaporkan hasilnya kepada Dewan Komisaris. 10. Reviewing, analyzing and evaluating the performance of SBU in conducting their activities and implementing the RKAP, and then reporting the results to the Board of Commissioners. 11. Melakukan review, analisis, dan evaluasi terhadap berbagai hal yang diminta oleh Direksi untuk mendapatkan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris, antara lain tentang usulan penyempurnaan struktur organisasi, usulan penambahan pinjaman bank, usulan penghapusan aktiva tetap bergerak. 11. Reviewing, analyzing and evaluating various matters as requested by the Board of Directors to obtain the approval of the Board of Commissioners, including proposals for improving the organizational structure, increasing bank loans, disposing movable fixed assets, and so forth. RAPAT KOMITE AUDIT AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Selama tahun 2014, Komite Audit telah melaksanakan Rapat Komite Audit sebanyak 12 (dua belas) kali dengan rerata tingkat kehadiran seperti dinyatakan dalam tabulasi berikut ini. Throughout 2014, the Audit Committee has conducted Audit Committee meetings 12 (twelve) times with attendance rates as stated within the following table. CWæç\cç^çç^Eç`çdVç^GZ^X\çd>WYçVZbç^Eç`çd>_]ZdW5eVZd Audit Committee Meetings and Attendance List Nama Name Jabatan Position =e]çYEç`çd No. Of Meetings =e]æçY>WYçVZbç^ No. Of Attendance % AçYZV;eVçèç Ketua Chairman 12 5 41,6 Irfa Amri Ketua Chairman 12 6 50 Bambang Priyatna Anggota Member 12 5 41,6 Jimmi Lapotulo Anggota Member 12 2 16,7 234 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Komite Audit dipimpin oleh Ketua yang juga komisaris perusahaan dengan dua anggota. Selama periode tahun 2014, ketua dijabat oleh Komisaris Nahid Hudaya (s / d 4 Juni 2014) dan digantikan oleh Komisaris lrfa Ampri (sejak 5 Juni 2014 hingga sekarang). Sementara itu, dua anggota Komite Audit adalah Sdr. Bambang Priyatna (sejak 1 Agustus 2014) dan Sdr. Jimmi Lapotulo (sejak 1 Nopember 2014) . The Audit Committee is headed by a Chairman who simultaneously serves as Commissioner to the Company and has two additional members. In 2014, Commissioner Nahid Hudaya served as Chairman (until June 4, 2014) and was succeeded by Commissioner Irfa Ampri (from June 5, 2014, until present). The other two members of the Audit Committee are Mr. Bambang Priyatna (since August 1, 2014) and Mr. Jimmi Lapotulo (since November 1, 2014). PENILAIAN KINERJA KOMITE AUDIT EVALUATION OF AUDIT COMMITTEE PERFORMANCE Komite Audit PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) menetapkan indikator penilaian kinerja (key performance indicator / KPI). The PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) Audit Committee has established the following key performance indicators (KPI). No Aspek Penilaian Evaluated Aspect KPI Jumlah Amount 1. 2. 3. Bobot JWZXYd Satuan Unit ASPEK DUKUNGAN FUNGSI DEWAN KOMISARIS Supporting Function Of The Board Of Commissioners 60 a. Melaksanakan rapat internal Komite Audit Holding internal Audit Committee meetings 12 Rapat meeting 12 b. Melaksanakan rapat dengan Dewan Komisaris Holding meetings with the Board of Commissioners 12 Rapat meeting 12 c. Memberikan Tanggapan atas kinerja bulanan Giving response towards monthly performance 12 Dokumen document 12 d. Memberikan tanqqapan atas Laporan Kinerja Tahun 2015 Giving response towards 2015 Company Performance Report 1 Dokumen document 4,5 e. Memberikan tanggapan atas RKAP Tahun 2016 Giving response towards 2016 RKAP 1 Dokumen document 4,5 f. Melaksanakan rapat koordinasi dengan SPI Holding coordination meetings with the SPI 4 Rapat meeting 4 g. Melaksanakan rapat denqan auditor eksternal Holding meetings with external auditors 2 Rapat meeting 2 h. Pemberian tangggapan atas masalah-masalah khusus sepert i manajemen risiko, pengelolaan informasi dan teknologi , good corporate governance, kepatuhan dan investasi (sesuai PER No 1 / MBU / 2011) Giving response towards specific issues such as risk management, information and technology management, good corporate governance, compliance, and investment (in accordance to Regulation No. 1 / MBU / 2011) 4 Dokumen Document 6 i. Pelaksanaan pemberian tanggapan untuk hal-hal yang memerlukan persetujuan / rekomendasi Dewan Komisaris dan penugasan khusus lainnya. Giving response towards matters which require the approval / recommendation of the Board of Commissioners and other special assignments. 2 Dokumen Document 3 ASPEK PELAPORAN Reporting 20 a. Penyusunan Rencana Kerja Komite Audit Compiling the Audit Committee Work Plan 1 Dokumen Document 2 b. Penyusunan KPI Komite Audit Compiling the Audit Committee Key Performance Indicators 1 Dokumen Document 2 c. Penyusunan laporan Triwulanan Komite audit Compiling the Quarterly Audit Committee reports 4 Dokumen Document 8 d. Penyusunan Laporan Tahunan Komite Audit Compiling the Annual Audit Committee Report 1 Dokumen Document 2 e. Membantu penyusunan laporan Dewan Komisaris Assisting the Board of Commissioners in preparing reports 1 Kegiatan Activity 6 a. Mengikuti kunjungan kerja Perusahaan Attending Company working visits 6 Kegiatan Activity 9 b. Mengikuti training atau workshop Participating in training or workshops 6 Kegiatan Activity 6 ASPEK DINAMIS Dynamic Aspects 20 / good corporate governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik c. Menjadi Tim Counterpart Assessment GCGI Aud it Becoming a counterpart team in GCG assessment / audit 1 Kegiatan Activity 235 5 PROGRAM KERJA 2015 2015 WORK PROGRAM Program kerja Komite Audit tahun 2015 ditetapkan sebagai berikut : The Audit Committee’s work program for 2015 has been established as follows: 5c`W\8e\e^Xç^:e^XcZCW^Xçgçcç^8Wgç^ Komisaris Fe``_bdZ^XFe`WbfZc_bè:e^UdZ_^_ådYW6_çbV_å Commissioners Kegiatan Komite Audit untuk mendukung fungsi pengawasan Dewan Komisaris dilakukan melalui : Audit Committee activities in supporting the supervisory function of Board of Commissioners may be conducted as follows: 1. 1. Melakukan rapat internal Komite Audit Holding internal Audit Committee meetings 2. Melakukan rapat Komite Audit dengan Dewan Komisaris 2. Holding Audit Committee meetings with the Board of Commissioners 3. Melakukan review terhadap laporan keuangan dan laporan kinerja Perusahaan setiap bulan serta memberikan tanggapan yang disampaikan dalam rapat internal Dewan Komisaris. 3. Reviewing the Company’s monthly financial reports and performance reports and giving responses to be conveyed during internal Board of Commissioners meetings. 4. Memberikan tanggapan atas RKAP Tahun 2016 4. Giving a response towards the 2016 RKAP 5. Memberikan tanggapan Perusahaan Tahun 2014 Kinerja 5. Giving a response towards the 2014 Company Performance Report 6. Melakukan review efektifitas sistem pengendalian internal melalui rapat berkala dengan Satuan Pengawasan Internal 6. Reviewing the effectiveness of the internal control system through periodic meetings with the Internal Audit Unit (SPI) 7. Melakukan review terhadap pelaksanaan audit yang dilakukan oleh auditor eksternal seperti KAP dan BPK . 7. Reviewing audits conducted by external auditors such as KAP and BPK 8. Mereview penerapan good corporate governance dan manajemen risiko di perusahaan 8. Reviewing the implementation of good corporate governance and risk management within the Company 9. Melakukan analisis dan menyampaikan tanggapan terhadap hal-hal yang memerlukan persetujuan dan / atau perhatian Dewan Komisaris terkait dengan kegiatan perusahaan yang diusulkan Direksi khususnya yang berdasarkan ketentuan Anggaran Dasar memerlukan persetujuan dan / atau rekomendasi Dewan komisaris namun tidak terbatas kepada Persetujuan RJPP, RKAP, struktur organisasi, penetapan KAP, pengangkatan kepala SPI, kegiatan investasi serta kegiatan strategis lainnya. 9. Conducting analysis and giving response towards matters which require the approval and / or attention of the Board of Commissioners pertaining to business activities proposed by the Board of Directors, especially those dictated by the Articles of Association to require approval / recommendation from the Board of Commissioners, including but not limited to approval of the RJPP, RKAP, organizational structure, appointed PA, appointment of SPI’s Head, investments, and other strategic activities. 10. Melakukan penugasan-penugasan khusus yang ditetapkan oleh Dewan Komisaris. 10. Executing special assignments determined by the Board of Commissioners. Aspek Pelaporan Kegiatan Komite Audit terkait dengan aspek pelaporan dan dokumentasi kegiatan meliputi: Reporting Aspects Audit Committee activities in reporting and documenting activities may be conducted as follows: 1. Menyusun Rencana Kerja Komite Audit. 2. Menyusun Key Performance Indicator Komite Audit. 1. Compiling the Audit Committee Work Plan 2. Compiling the Audit Committee Key Performance Indicators 3. Compiling the periodic Audit Committee report (quarterly) 4. Compiling the Annual Audit Committee Report 5. Assisting the Board of Commissioners in preparing reports and responses. atas laporan 3. Menyusun Laporan Komite Audit secara berkala (triwulanan). 4. Menyusun Laporan Tahunan Komite Audit. 5. Membantu Dewan Komisaris dalam mempersiapkan laporan dan tanggapan. 236 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Aspek Dinamis Dynamic Aspects Kegiatan yang terkait dengan aspek dinamis adalah kegiatan kunjungan kerja Perusahaan, menjadi counterpart assessment GCG serta mengikuti pelatihan / workshop dalam rangka peningkatan kompetensi Komite Audit. Audit Committee activities in dynamic aspects include attending Company working visits, becoming a counterpart in GCG assessment, and participating in training / workshops in order to build the competence of the Audit Committee. KOMITE NOMINASI DAN KOMITE REMUNERASI Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee SUCOFINDO belum membentuk Komite Nominasi dan Komite Remunerasi khusus. Dalam praktiknya, fungsi nominasi dan remunerasi dilaksanakan oleh Dewan Komisaris. SUCOFINDO has not formed any dedicated Nomination Committee or Remuneration Committee. In practice, nomination and remuneration functions have been performed by the Board of Commissioners. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 237 SEKRETARIS DEWAN KOMISARIS Secretary To The Board of Commissioners Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris bertugas membantu kelancaran pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris. Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris SUCOFINDO adalah organ Dewan Komisaris yang diangkat oleh Dewan Komisaris, berdasarkan SK No.KEP-7 / DKM / VII / 2012, tanggal 2 Juli 2012. The Secretary to the Board of Commissioners is entasked with ensuring the smooth implementation of duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners. The Board Secretary of SUCOFINDO falls under the Board of Commissioners and is appointed by the Board of Commissioners, referring to Decision Letter No. KEP-7 / DKM / VII / 2012, issued July 2, 2012. PROFIL SEKRETARIS DEWAN KOMISARIS FWUbWdçbèd_GYW6_çbV_å7_]]ZccZ_^WbcCb_ÄæW Lahir di Mojokerto, tanggal 15 Agustus 1959, umur 55 tahun, menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jurusan Sosial Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo pada tahun 1998 Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 2012 memulai karir sebagai Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris. Pengalaman di luar SUCOFINDO, beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Pelaksana di Ditjen Moneter Dalam Negeri (1982-1992), Pelaksana di Ditjen Pembinaan BUMN (1992-2002), Pelaksana di Kementerian BUMN (2002-2006), Kasubbid di Kementerian BUMN (2006-2012). She was born in Mojokerto August 15, 1959, and is 55 years of age. She was completed her study in social from Prof Dr. Maestopo University at 1998. She joined SUCOFINDO in 2012 and commenced her career as the Secretary to the Board of Commissioners. SULISTIK WIDAYATI, S.Sos Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris Outside SUCOFINDO, she has served as Implementer at the Directorate General of National Secretary to the Board of Commissioners Monetary Affairs (1982-1992), Implementer at the Directorate General of SOE Development (1992-2002), and Implementer at the Ministry of SOE (2002-2006), along with Sub-Section Head in the Ministry of SOE (2006-2012). Secara garis besar, tugas dan tanggung jawab Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris adalah sebagai berikut : In general, the duties and responsibilities of the Board Secretary are as follows: TUGAS RUTIN ROUTINE DUTIES 1. 1. Rapat Dewan Komisaris CWbcZç`ç^ bç`çd ]WæZ`edZ `WbcZç`ç^ gç\de bç`çd pengusulan agenda rapat, mempersiapkan bahan rapat, dan mempersiapkan undangan rapat Board of Commissioners Meeting Meeting preparations, which include preparing the scheduled time for meetings, proposing meeting agendas, preparing meeting materials, and preparing meeting invites 238 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report @W^XZ\edZbç`çd!bç`çd8Wgç^>_]ZcçbZc dWb]çce\ PRA RUPS, RUPS, atau rapat lainnya sesuai penugasan Dewan Komisaris, kecuali yang bersifat terbatas Attending Board of Commissioners meetings, including pre-GMS, GMS, and other meetings as assigned by the Board of Commissioners with the exception of exclusive meetings @W^èece^ minute of meeting untuk ditandatangani oleh Dewan Komisaris dan mengadministrasikannya sesuai dengan anggaran dasar Compiling meeting minutes to be signed by the Board of Commissioners and managing their administration in accordance to the Articles of Association 2. Administrasi urusan surat menyurat 2. Administration of incoming and outgoing letters @W^XçV]Z^ZcdbçcZ\ç^ Vç^ ]W]TWbZ `W^_]_bç^ setiap surat masuk dan surat keluar ke seluruh Dewan Komisaris @W]Teçd \_^cW` [çgçTç^ cebçd èç^X telah didisposisi oleh Komisaris Utama dan mendistribusikan ke Dewan Komisaris @Wbç`Z\ç^Vç^]W^èZ]`ç^ÄæW#V_\e]W^#cebçd! surat Dewan Komisaris Administering and numbering all incoming and outgoing letters to and from all members of the Board of Commissioners Conceptualizing responses to letters to be dispended by the Chief Commissioner and distributing them to the Board of Commissioners Tidying and storing files / documents / letters belonging to the Board of Commissioners 3. Melaksanakan tugas yang diberikan oleh Dewan Komisaris termasuk menyiapkan surat persetujuan, surat tanggapan dan laporan pengawasan Dewan Komisaris 3. Performing duties assigned by the Board of Commissioners, including preparation of approval letters, reply letters and Board of Commissioners supervision reports 4. Menyusun anggaran biaya rutin, biaya rapat-rapat dan perjalanan dinas Dewan Komisaris serta organ di dalamnya (Komite Audit dan Staf Dewan Komisaris) 4. Budgeting routine costs, meeting costs, and business trips for the Board of Commissioners and its supporting elements (Audit Committee and staffs to the Board of Commissioners) 5. Menyusun program rencana kerja Dewan Komisaris dan membuat laporan-laporan kinerja Dewan Komisaris (KPI Dekom) 5. Compiling the Board of Commissioners work plan and performance reports (with the Board of Commissioners’ KPI) 6. Melakukan koordinasi dengan manajemen Perusahaan melalui Sekretaris Perusahaan 6. Coordinating with Company management through the Corporate Secretary TUGAS-TUGAS LAIN OTHER DUTIES 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Membuat rencana perjalanan dinas atau kunjungan kerja Dewan Komisaris Membuat pembagian tugas masing-masing Dewan Komisaris Membuat program pengenalan Dewan Komisaris Memfasilitasi pelaksanaan rapat-rapat atau tugastugas Komite Audit Melaksanakan tugas-tugas lain yang ditetapkan kemudian oleh Dewan Komisaris 2. 3. 4. 5. Compiling business trip or field visit plans for the Board of Commissioners Creating the division of labor for each member of the Board of Commissioners Creating the Board of Commissioners induction program Facilitating meetings or duties of the Audit Committee Performing other duties further established by the Board of Commissioners Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 239 SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN Corporate Secretary Sekretaris Perusahaan dibentuk berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara No. KEP-117 / M-MBU / 2002 Tentang Penerapan Praktik Good Corporate Governance. Pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Sekretaris Perusahaan ditunjuk dan diangkat, serta bertanggung jawab kepada Direksi. Secara garis besar, Sekretaris Perusahaan dibentuk untuk menjalankan fungsi sebagai fasilitator Perusahaan dan Direksi dengan pihak eksternal yang mencakup hubungan dengan semua pemangku kepentingan, termasuk publik. The Corporate Secretary position was established based on Minister of SOE Regulation No. KEP-117 / M-MBU / 2002 regarding the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises. The Company Secretary is appointed and inaugurated and is responsible to the Board of Directors. Overall, the Corporate Secretary was established to run the function of facilitator between the Company along with the Board of Directors and external parties, which includes relationships with all stakeholders, including the public. Sekretaris Perusahaan mengemban misi mendukung terciptanya citra perusahaan yang baik melalui pengelolaan program komunikasi yang efektif kepada segenap pemangku kepentingan secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan. Fungsi utama Sekretaris Perusahaan adalah membantu tugas Direksi dengan merumuskan dan menyusun kebijakan dan pedoman, perencanaan, serta evaluasi, melaksanakan aktivitas hubungan eksternal, protokoler, legal, administrasi, dan komunikasi internal perusahaan sesuai dengan kebijakan, pedoman dan perencanaan yang telah ditetapkan. Sekretaris Perusahaan memberikan laporan secara berkala mengenai pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya kepada Direksi serta pelaksanaan tugas-tugas lainnya dalam rangka membantu pelaksanaan tugas Direksi. The Corporate Secretary carries the mission of supporting the creation of a positive image for the Company through effective communication program management towards stakeholders in a consistent and sustainable manner. The core function of the Corporate Secretary is to assist the Board of Directors with its duties by formulating and compiling policies and guidelines, plans and evaluations, conducting activities in external relations, protocols, law, administration, and internal communications concerning the Company in accordance to policies, guidelines and plans in effect. The Corporate Secretary has to submit periodic reports on the performance of duties and responsibilities to the Board of Directors and conduct other duties in order to assist the Board of Directors in performing its own duties. Pada periode pelaporan, posisi Sekretaris Perusahaan dijabat oleh Agus Salim berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi Nomor: 16 / SKD / 2014 tanggal 30 Januari 2014. During the report period, the Corporate Secretary position has been filled by Agus Salim based on Board of Directors Decision No. 16 / SKD / 2014 issued January 30, 2014. Secara garis besar, Sekretaris Perusahaan dibentuk untuk menjalankan fungsi sebagai fasilitator Perusahaan dan Direksi dengan pihak eksternal yang mencakup hubungan dengan semua pemangku kepentingan, termasuk publik. Sekretaris Perusahaan membawahi bagian Humas, Bagian Hukum dan Bagian Protokoler. Overall, the Corporate Secretary was established to run the function of facilitator between the Company along with the Board of Directors and external parties, which includes relationships with all stakeholders, including the public. The Corporate Secretary is positioned above the Human Relations Section, Legal Section and Protocol Section. 240 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PROFIL SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN Corporate Secretary Profile Lahir di Jakarta, tanggal 1 Agustus 1967, umur 47 tahun, menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Jurusan Hukum Universitas Indonesia. Bergabung dengan SUCOFINDO sejak tahun 1999 memulai karir sebagai Legal Communication Officer menempati berbagai posisi kunci di SUCOFINDO sebagai: - Senior Manager Marketing and Business Development (tahun 2005 - 2008) - Kabag Hukum Perusahaan (tahun 2009 - Jan 2014) He was born in Jakarta on August 1, 1967, and is 47 years of age. He completed his study in Law at University of Indonesia. AGUS SALIM Sekretaris Perusahaan Corporate Secretary He joined SUCOFINDO in 1999 and commenced his career as a Legal Communication Officer. He has since occupied key positions at SUCOFINDO, such as: - Senior Manager of Marketing and Business Development (2005 - 2008) - Corporate Law Section Head (2009 - January 2014) SEKRETARIS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CORPORATE SECRETARY Berdasarkan Keputusan Direksi (KD) Nomor: 3 / KD / 2012 tanggal 12 Januari 2012, tugas dan fungsi Sekretaris Perusahaan adalah: 1. Melaksanakan tugas kesekretariatan perusahaan sesuai dengan kebijakan, ketentuan dan / atau prosedur. Referring to Board of Directors Decision No. 3 / KD / 2012 issued January 12, 2012, the duties and functions of the Corporate Secretary are: 1. Performing corporate secretarial duties in accordance to policies, regulations and / or procedures in effect. 2. Melaksanakan tugas dan bertindak sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan sesuai dengan kebijakan, ketentuan dan / atau prosedur. 2. Performing duties and acting as Corporate Secretary in accordance to policies, regulations and / or procedures in effect. 3. Melaksanakan tugas berkenaan dengan corporate legal (termasuk litigasi) sesuai dengan kebijakan, ketentuan, dan / atau prosedur. 3. Performing duties pertaining to corporate legal matters (including litigations) in accordance to policies, regulations and / or procedures in effect. 4. Melaksanakan corporate affairs sesuai dengan kebijakan ketentuan, dan / atau prosedur. 4. Conducting corporate affairs in accordance to policies, regulations and / or procedures in effect. 5. Melaksanakan corporate communication sesuai dengan kebijakan, ketentuan, dan / atau prosedur, mencakup kegiatan-kegiatan yang relevan dengan upaya menjaga hubungan baik, identitas, brand, dan reputasi Perusahaan. 5. Conducting corporate communication in accordance to policies, regulations and / or procedures in effect, including activities relevant to efforts to maintain good relations, identity, brand, and reputation of the Company. 6. Mengelola komunikasi dan / atau hubungan internal dan eksternal yang berkenaan dengan Perusahaan secara efektif. 6. Manage communications and / or internal and external relations pertaining to the Company in an effective manner. 7. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan kesekretariatan, keprotokolan, dan administrasi Direksi. 7. Conducting activities in secretarial affairs, protocols, and administration for the Board of Directors. 8. Mewakili perusahaan dalam kegiatan litigasi. 8. Representing the Company in litigation activities. 9. Bertindak sebagai juru bicara Perusahaan. 9. Acting as the Company spokesperson. 10. Memastikan efisiensi pelaksanaan seluruh tugas pokok di Divisi Sekretariat Perusahaan. 10. Ensuring efficiency in the implementation of all core duties within the Company Secretariat Division. 11. Membina hubungan dengan unit-unit kerja lainnya dalam Perusahaan serta dengan pihak luar terkait dengan fungsinya. 11. Nurturing relations with other work units within the Company and external parties based on functions. TUGAS DAN PERUSAHAAN TANGGUNG JAWAB Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 241 PELAKSANAAN TUGAS SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN ACHIEVEMENT OF CORPORATE SECRETARY DUTIES Sepanjang tahun 2014 Sekretaris Perusahaan telah melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya sebagai berikut: Throughout 2014, the Corporate Secretary has achieved its duties as follows: a. Bidang Corporate Communication Untuk komunikasi internal, telah mendukung program sosialisasi, pengembangan website, buletin berkala (Lensa SUCOFINDO), media sosial Perusahaan, penyelenggaraan kegiatan-kegiatan korporasi, serta mengembangkan keterikatan dengan para pemangku kepentingan internal. Untuk komunikasi eksternal, melakukan pengembangan website, publikasi, pengelolaan media, pembinaan hubungan kelembagaan eksternal perusahaan, serta mengembangkan keterikatan dengan publik. a. Corporate Communication In internal communications, the Corporate Secretary has given support in socialization programs, website development, periodic bulletin publication (Lensa SUCOFINDO), Company social media, corporate activities, and development of connections with internal stakeholders. In external communications, the Corporate Secretary has participated in website development, publication, media management, and development of institutional relations with external parties, in addition to the development of connections with the public. b. Bidang Corporate Legal Bidang Corporate Legal telah memberikan pendapat hukum yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan Perusahaan dan melakukan pembahasan terhadap kontrakkontrak Perusahaan. b. Corporate Legal Affairs In corporate legal affairs, the Corporate Secretary has provided legal opinions pertaining to Company activities and discussed Company contracts. c. Corporate Affair Corporate Affair telah mengelola kegiatan administratif Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris serta Komite Audit, mengelola kegiatan protokoler, dan membina hubungan dan mengelola berbagai kegiatan dengan pemegang saham. c. Corporate Affairs In corporate affairs, the Corporate Secretary has managed administrative activities for the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Audit Committee, managed various protocol activities, and developed relations and managed activities with Shareholders. EW\ç`deæçcZFZçbç^CWbcLç^X8ZC_cdZ^X8ZJWTcZdWFH7B:<A8BGçYe^&$%( EWUç`ZdeæçdZ_^_åCbWccEWæWçcWcC_cdWV_^dYWFH7B:<A8BJWTcZdWZ^&$%( No Judul Title Uraian Singkat FY_bd8WcUbZ`dZ_^ Tanggal Date 1 IBCA-SUCOFINDO Audit Penangulangan Aids IBCA-SUCOFINDO AIDS Prevention Audit Indonesia kini masuk dalam sepuluh negara berpenderita HIV-AIDS terbanyak di dunia, dengan jumlah 170.000 orang penderita di tahun 2013. Menurut ILO, HIV adalah penyebab kematian paling utama untuk dunia kerja. Indonesia has entered the ranks of the top ten countries with the most persons with HIV / AIDS victims in the world, reaching a total of 170,000 persons in 2013. According to ILO, HIV is the leading cause of death in the world of work. 25 Maret 2014 March 25, 2014 2 SUCOFINDO Peduli IKM Mainan Anak SUCOFINDO Cares about Children’s Toys Small and Medium Industries Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Perindustrian telah mengeluarkan Permenperind No. 24 / -Ind / PER / 4 / 2013 tentang Pemberlakukan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) Mainan Anak The government, represented by the Ministry of Industry, has issued Minister of Industry Regulation No. 24 / -Ind / PER / 4 / 2013 regarding the Enactment of Indonesian National Standards (SNI) for Children’s Toys 16 Mei 2014 May 16, 2014 3 SUCOFINDO Bantu Tingkatkan Daya Saing Peternakan Sapi Boyolali SUCOFINDO Helped Improve Boyolali’s Cattle Competitiveness Hari ini 19 / 6, di Boyolali, Jawa Tengah, peternak sapi perah di empat kecamatan (Selo, Musuk, Simo, Boyolali) menerima bantuan dana modal usaha dari PT SUCOFINDO (Persero). Bantuan sebesar Rp2,1 miliar tersebut diserahkan Kepala PKBL PT SUCOFINDO, Rieslucky kepada 74 mitra peternak. On June 19 in Boyolali, Central Java, dairy cattle farmers from four subdistricts (Selo, Musuk, Simo, Boyolali) have received business capital funding from PT SUCOFINDO (Persero). The fund amounting to Rp2.1 billion has been handed by PT SUCOFINDO’s Head of PKBL to 74 farmer partners. 19 Juni 2014 June 19, 2014 4 SUCOFINDO dan UNAIR Bantu Peternak Sapi Pasuruan SUCOFINDO and UNAIR Helped Cattle Farmers in Pasuruan Hari ini 20 / 6, para peternak sapi di Desa Ngembal, Pasuruan menerima bantuan dana senilai Rp1,2 miliar dari PT SUCOFINDO (Persero). Dana tersebut diperuntukkan sebagai modal usaha dan juga membangun sarana ibadah dan pendidikan. On June 20, cattle farmers from Ngembal Village, Pasuruan, have received funding amounting to Rp1.2 billion from PT SUCOFINDO (Persero). The funds are intended to be used as business capital and for the construction of places of worship and education. 25 Juni 2014 June 25, 2014 242 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 5 RUPSLB : Bachder Djohan Dirut SUCOFINDO Extraordinary GMS: Bachder Djohan as SUCOFINDO’s President Director Senin (11 / 08 / 14) telah dilaksanakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) PT SUCOFINDO (Persero). On Monday (August 11, 2014), a PT SUCOFINDO (Persero). Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders was conducted. 25 Agustus 2014 25 August 2014 6 Peran SUCOFINDO Sebagai Perusahaan Pemastian bagi Dunia Industri dan perdagangan SUCOFINDO’s Role as an Assurance Company for Industry and Trade Kegiatan Pemastian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tidaklah asing bagi kita. Pemastian kualitas atau kandungan terhadap suatu produk adalah salah satu diantara begitu banyaknya pemastian yang dituntut. Assurance activities are not unfamiliar to us in our daily lives. Assurance of quality or content in a product is only one of the many demanded forms of assurance. 12 September 2014 September 12, 2014 7 SUCOFINDO dan KPK Kerjasama Pengendalian Gratifikasi SUCOFINDO and KPK Collaborate in Gratification Control PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) meningkatkan terus kinerja tata kelola perusahaannya. Mengacu Peraturan Menteri BUMN No PER-01 / MBU / 2011, kinerja Good Corporate Governance (GCG) SUCOFINDO terus meningkat, dengan memperoleh skor 90,07 atau berkualifikasi “Sangat Baik” pada tahun 2013. PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) continues to improve its corporate governance performance. Referring to Minister of SOE Regulation No PER-01 / MBU / 2011, SUCOFINDO’s GCG performance continues to rise, obtaining a score of 90.07 with a qualification of “Very Good” in 2013. 17 September 2014 September 17, 2014 8 SUCOFINDO Kembangkan Survey Seismik SUCOFINDO Develops Seismic Surveys Pentingnya data cadangan migas nasional, BUMN survey PT SUCOFINDO kembangkan jasa survei seismik. Survei ini dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui lokasi cadangan migas baru dan sumur pengembangan. From the importance of national oil and gas reserves data, the surveying stateowned company PT SUCOFINDO has developed services in seismic surveys. These surveys are needed to discover locations of new oil and gas reserves and wells. 01 Oktober 2014 October 1, 2014 9 Kemenperin & SUCOFINDO Bantu IKM dalam Pemberlakuan SNI Wajib Pakaian Bayi Ministry of Industry & SUCOFINDO Helped Small and Medium Industries in Implementing SNI Standards for Baby Clothing Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Perindustrian telah mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian (Permenperin) Nomor 7 / M-Ind / PER / 2 / 2014 tentang pemberlakukan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) Wajib produk pakaian bayi. The government, represented by the Ministry of Industry, has issued Minister of Industry Regulation No. 7 / M-Ind / PER / 2 / 2014 regarding the Enactment of Indonesian National Standards (SNI) for Baby Clothing. 17 November 2014 November 17, 2014 Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 243 PENGHINDARAN BENTURAN KEPENTINGAN DAN PERLAKUAN ISTIMEWA Prevention of Conflict of Interest and Preferential Treatment Benturan kepentingan diartikan mempunyai dua atau lebih kepentingan yang saling bertentangan, antara kepentingan Perusahaan dengan kepentingan pribadi, kelompok ataupun pihak lain. Conflict of interest is defined as the presence of two or more interests conflicting with each other between the Company’s interests and personal, group, or other parties’ interests. Perlakuan istimewa diartikan memberikan prioritas dan keutamaaan pribadi, orang lain, kelompok ataupun pihak lain dengan mengesampingkan kewajaran dan keadilan serta kepentingan perusahaan. Preferential treatment is defined as assigning personal significance and priority towards other persons, groups, or parties without consideration towards fairness and justice, along with Company interests. Benturan kepentingan dan perlakuan istimewa berdampak pada dikesampingkannya objektivitas serta adanya pertimbangan komersial. Conflicts of interest and preferential treatments lead to the dismissal of objectivity and commercial considerations. Jajaran SUCOFINDO dilarang berada dalam situasi yang menimbulkan benturan kepentingan dan memberikan perlakuan istimewa. Menjadi kebijakan Perusahaan agar setiap keputusan yang dihasilkan semata-mata untuk kepentingan Perusahaan. SUCOFINDO personnel are prohibited from entering situations which lead to conflicts of interest and preferential treatment in Company policies to ensure that all decisions made are solely for the sake of Company interests. Dalam hal terdapat suatu keadaan tertentu yang menimbulkan benturan-benturan kepentingan dan atau tendensi perlakuan istimewa, maka yang bersangkutan wajib mengungkapkannya dan yang bersangkutan dilarang berpartisipasi dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. In the case that certain situations lead to conflicts of interest or tendencies for preferential treatment, the person involved is obliged to disclose this information and is prohibited from participating in the decision making process. Kebijakan Dalam Melaksanakan Prinsip Benturan Kepentingan dan Perlakuan Istimewa Policies on Principles in Handling Conflict of Interest and Preferential Treatment 1. Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi harus mengungkapkan kepentingan saham di Perusahaan atau di Perusahaan lain dalam daftar khusus sebagaimana dipersyaratkan oleh perundangundangan yang berlaku. 1. Members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors must disclose their shareholding positions it the Company or other companies in a specified list as required by laws and regulations in effect. 2. Setiap insan SUCOFINDO dilarang memanfaatkan jabatan untuk kepentingan pribadi atau untuk kepentingan orang lain atau pihak yang merugikan kepentingan Perusahaan. 2. All SUCOFINDO personnel are prohibited from exploiting their positions for personal interest or other parties’ interests which may incur losses to the Company’s interests. 3. Setiap insan SUCOFINDO dilarang menggunakan informasi penting dan rahasia bagi kepentingan atau untuk kepentingan orang lain atau pihak lain yang merugikan kepentingan Perusahaan. 3. All SUCOFINDO personnel are prohibited from using vital and secret information for personal or other parties’ interests which may incur losses to the Company’s interests. 244 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 4. Setiap insan SUCOFINDO sebaiknya menghindari kepentingan bisnis yang berkaitan dengan Perusahaan pesaing maupun Penyedia Jasa / Barang. 4. All SUCOFINDO personnel should avoid business dealings involving competing companies and suppliers of goods / services. 5. Insan SUCOFINDO dan atau kerabatnya harus menghindari tindakan yang menyebabkan benturan kepentingan dan atau perlakuan istimewa. 5. SUCOFINDO personnel and / or their relatives are obliged to avoid actions which may lead to conflicts of interest and / or preferential treatment. 6. Apabila terjadi benturan kepentingan maka hal tersebut harus diungkapkan dan dilaporkan dan yang bersangkutan harus mengundurkan diri dari keterlibatan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan yang mengandung benturan kepentingan tersebut. 6. The occurrence of conflicts of interest must be disclosed and reported. The person involved must resign from involvement within the decision making process containing any conflict of interest. 7. Insan SUCOFINDO dan atau kerabatnya tidak diperbolehkan secara langsung atau tidak langsung menjual barang / jasa pada perusahaan bila Direksi / pegawai mempunyai wewenang atau terlibat dalam proses pembelian pembayaran maupun pemakaian. 7. SUCOFINDO personnel and / or their relatives are prohibited from directly and indirectly selling goods / services to the company in the case that the Director / employee has the authority or involvement in the process of purchasing, paying or using the goods / services. 8. Direksi / pegawai, keluarga dan atau kerabatnya tidak diperbolehkan menerima uang honor, pinjaman, atau pembayaran dalam bentuk apapun dari pihak yang memililiki hubungan langsung dengan jabatan pegawaiannya. 8. Directors / employees, along with their families and relatives, are prohibited from receiving honoraria, loans, or payments in any form from parties with direct relations to their professional standings. 9. Insan SUCOFINDO tidak diperbolehkan memberikan, menawarkan dan / atau menjual barang, uang dari Perusahaan kepada keluarga dan / atau kerabatnya. 9. SUCOFINDO personnel are prohibited from conferring, offering and / or selling items and funds from the Company to their family and / or relatives. 10. Insan SUCOFINDO harus mendarmabaktikan kemampuan kerjanya semata-mata untuk Perusahaan atau menjadi pegawai di perusahaan lain tanpa izin tertulis dari Perusahaan. 10. SUCOFINDO personnel must devote their work skills solely for the Company and may not be employed in other companies without written permission from the Company. 11. Setiap insan SUCOFINDO tidak diperkenankan untuk bekerja secara penuh waktu pada Perusahaan pesaing, entitas bisnis lain yang memiliki bisnis yang sama dengan Perusahaan ataupun setiap pegawaian yang dapat menimbulkan benturan-benturan kepentingan perusahaan. 11. All SUCOFINDO personnel are prohibited from working full-time in competing Companies and other business entities in the same business as the Company or from undertaking any job which may lead to conflicts of interest with the Company. 12. Direksi dan Pegawai yang akan menduduki jabatan di pemerintahan dan atau partai politik dan / atau pegawaian lainnya di luar SUCOFINDO harus mendapatkan izin tertulis dari Perusahaan setelah diangkat dalam jabatan tersebut dan dianggap mengundurkan diri dari Perusahaan atas kemauan sendiri. 12. Directors and employees who will occupy positions in the government and / or political parties and / or other positions outside SUCOFINDO must beforehand obtain a written permission from the Company after being appointed in the position and considered resigned from the Company on their own behalf. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 245 13. Dengan pengecualian pada butir 12 di atas, SUCOFINDO mengizinkan Direksi / Pegawai untuk melakukan pegawaian rangkap di luar Perusahaan untuk jabatan / pegawaian: Sosial kemasyarakatan Pegawaian yang ditugaskan oleh SUCOFINDO sejauh tidak bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan dan peraturan perusahaan yang berlaku. 13. As an exception to point (12) above, SUCOFINDO permits Directors / Employees to hold positions outside the company for posts / jobs in: 14. Direksi / Pegawai dilarang memanfaatkan jabatannya untuk memberikan perlakuan istimewa kepada keluarga, kerabat, teman, kelompoknya dan atau pihak lain manapun. 14. Directors / Employees are prohibited from taking advantage of their positions to confer special treatment to their family members, relatives, acquaintances, groups, and / or other parties. Social and community service Jobs entasked by SUCOFINDO provided that they do not violate laws and corporate regulations in effect. TRANSAKSI MENGANDUNG BENTURAN KEPENTINGAN TRANSACTIONS INVOLVING CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Perusahaan memastikan selama tahun 2014 tidak terjadi transaksi yang patut diduga mengandung benturan kepentingan dan Perlakuan Istimewa. The Company has ensured that throughout 2014 no transactions which may reasonably be suspected of involving conflict of interests and preferential treatment have taken place. Nama dan Posisi Pejabat Dengan Benturan Kepentingan Name and Position of Official With Conflict of Interest NIHIL None Nama dan Posisi Pejabat Pembuat Keputusan Name and Position of Official Making The Decision NIHIL None Jenis Transaksi Type of Transaction Nilai Transaksi (IDR Juta) Value of Transaction (Million IDR) Catatan Remarks NIHIL None NIHIL None NIHIL None 246 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report SISTEM PENGENDALI INTERNAL Internal Control System Sistem Pengendali Internal (SPI) diberlakukan untuk menjamin kewajaran informasi keuangan yang diberikan Perusahaan senantiasa dilandasi asas-asas efektivitas, efisiensi, dan ekonomis serta kepatuhan terhadap perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan peraturanperaturan perusahaan. The Internal Audit Unit (SPI) was formed to ensure fairness in financial information provided by the Company, in accordance to principles of effectiveness, efficiency, and economy, along with compliance towards laws and corporate regulations in effect. SPI bertugas melakukan validasi secara objektif dan independen terhadap struktur pengendalian internal di unit kerja. SPI memberikan rekomendasi terkait efektivitas dan kecukupan sistem Perusahaan berdasarkan hasil pengujian di lapangan. Melalui rangkaian audit khusus dengan fokus tertentu, SPI juga berperan aktif meningkatkan efektivitas pengawasan Internal terkait pelaksanaan operasional yang berpotensi menimbulkan risiko dalam pencapaian tujuan dan sasaran yang telah ditetapkan manajemen. SPI is entasked with conducting objective and independent validation towards the internal control structure within work units. SPI shall then provide recommendations pertaining to the effectiveness and adequacy of the Company’s system based on results from field testing. Through a series of special audits with certain focuses, the SPI is also actively involved in improving the effectiveness of internal supervision towards the implementation of operations which may induce risks in achieving the purpose and objectives established by management. Langkah pengujian yang dilakukan SPI mengevaluasi pengendalian internal, antara lain: Testing steps undertaken by the SPI to evaluate internal control include the following: 1. untuk Meninjau / mengkaji penerapan kebijakan dan prosedur yang ada di Perusahaan 1. Reviewing the implementation of policies and procedures within the Company 2. Meninjau / mengkaji penerapan struktur organisasi, mencakup pembagian tugas, pembatalan wewenang, dan pembatasan transaksi. 2. Reviewing the implementation of organizational structure, including division of labor, cancellation of authority and restriction on transactions 3. Meninjau / mengkaji kebijakan dan penerapan pengamanan aset Perusahaan. 3. Reviewing policies and implementation in securing Company assets 4. Observasi kegiatan operasional. 4. Observing operational activities 5. Pengujian terhadap bukti-bukti transaksi yang ada di Perusahaan. 5. Testing proofs of transactions within the Company STRUKTUR SPI SPI STRUCTURE SPI merupakan unit kerja setingkat divisi berkedudukan di Kantor Pusat dan berada langsung di bawah Direktur Utama. SPI bertugas melakukan fungsi pengawasan dan pengendalian internal di Perusahaan sesuai PP No. 45 Tahun 2005 dan Peraturan Menteri BUMN No. PER-01 / MBU / 2011. SPI is a work unit equivalent to a division located at the Head Office and directly under the President Director. SPI is entasked with performing the functions of supervision and internal control in the Company in accordance to Company Regulation No. 45 / 2005 and Minister of SOE Regulation No. PER-01 / MBU / 2011. Sesuai Keputusan Direksi Nomor 11 / KD / 2014 tanggal 30 Januari 2014 tentang Struktur Organisasi Perusahaan PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO), Struktur Organisasi SPI adalah sebagai berikut: In accordance to Board of Directors Decision No. 11 / KD / 2014 issued January 30, 2014, regarding the Organizational Structure of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), SPI’s organizational structure is as follows: Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 247 Direktur Utama President Director Kepala SPI Head of SPI Kepala Audit Head of Audit Kepala Bagian Perencanaan & Analisis Head of Planning & Analysis Sesuai Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER-01 / MBU / 2011 Tentang Tata Kelola Perusahaan Yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance) pasal 28 ayat 3 Pengawasan Intern sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) huruf a, SPI dipimpin oleh seorang kepala yang diangkat dan diberhentikan oleh Direktur Utama berdasarkan mekanisme internal Perusahaan dengan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris. In accordance to Minister of SOE Regulation No. PER01 / MBU / 2011 regarding Good Corporate Governance, Article 28, clause 3, Internal Audit as stipulated in clause (2) point a is led by a unit head appointed and dismissed by the President Director based on internal mechanisms from the Company with the approval of the Board of Commissioners. Fungsi dan Tugas Pokok SPI :e^UdZ_^cç^V7_bW8edZWc_åGYWSPI No 1 Fungsi Function a. Sebagai mitra kerja strategis bagi unit kerja di Perusahaan dalam pencapaian kinerja usaha, dengan melaksanakan audit operasional dan evaluasi atas efektivitas pelaksanaan pengendalian internal, manajemen risiko, dan proses tata kelola Perusahaan, sesuai dengan peraturan dan perundang-undangan. Acting as a strategic partner to work units within the Company in achieving business performance targets by conducting operational audits and evaluation on the effectiveness of internal control, risk management, and corporate governance in accordance to laws and regulations in effect. b. Melakukan audit dan penilaian atas efisiensi dan efektivitas di bidang keuangan, akuntansi, operasional, sumber daya manusia, teknologi informasi, mutu dan memberikan konsultasi yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki, memelihara dan meningkatkan kegiatan usaha Perusahaan serta kegiatan lainnya dalam organisasi Perseroan. Conducting audit and evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness in finance, accounting, operations, human resources, information technology and quality, in addition to providing consultation for the purpose of improving, maintaining and upgrading business activities and other activities within the Company. Tugas Pokok Core Duties a. Menguji dan mengevaluasi sistem pengendalian intern dan system manajemen risiko telah terlaksana secara memadai, bekerja secara efisien, ekonomis dan berfungsi secara efektif dalam mencapai tujuan dan sasaran Perusahaan. Testing and evaluating the internal control system and risk management system to ensure that they are adequate, efficient, economic and effective in their implementation to achieve the purpose and objectives of the Company. b. Mengevaluasi ketaatan terhadap hukum dan peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku dan kebijakan serta prosedur perusahaan. Evaluating legal compliance towards laws and regulations in effect and Company policies and procedures. c. Melaksanakan audit internal, audit khusus, pencarian fakta dan atau pemeriksaan kasus. Conducting internal audits, special audits, fact-finding and / or case investigation. d. Mengevaluasi kecukupan dan kehandalan informasi keuangan dan operasional serta data lainnya yang relevan. Evaluating the adequacy and reliability of financial and operational information, along with other relevant data. e. Memberikan konsultasi kepada unit kerja terkait untuk memberikan nilai tambah dan perbaikan terhadap kualitas pengendalian intern, pengelolaan risiko dan tata kelola perusahaan. Providing consultation to relevant work units to produce added value and improvement towards the quality of internal control, risk management and corporate governance. f. Memberikan saran perbaikan dan informasi yang obyektif tentang kegiatan yang diperiksa pada semua tingkat manajemen. Giving recommendations for improvement and objective information towards all examined activities at all levels of management. g. Melakukan koordinasi dengan Komite Audit. Coordinating with the Audit Committee. 248 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report c. Sebagai mitra kerja dari Komite Audit dan Auditor Eksternal. Acting as a business partner to the Audit Committee and External Auditor. h. Membuat hasil laporan dan menyampaikan laporan tersebut kepada Direktur Utama. Compiling reports on results and submitting the reports to the President Director. i. Memonitor dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan tindak lanjut hasil audit baik internal maupun eksternal. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of follow-up actions towards results of audits, both internal and external. EVALUASI TERHADAP PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL EVALUATION OF INTERNAL CONTROL SUCOFINDO bertanggungjawab dan konsisten untuk membangun dan melaksanakan pengendalian internal secara memadai, sehingga dapat memberikan keyakinan atas penyajian laporan keuangan dan laporan usaha Perusahaan. SUCOFINDO has been responsible and consistent in developing and implementing internal control in a satisfactory manner to guarantee confidence in the financial reports and business reports presented by the Company. Untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan pengendalian internal, dibentuk fungsi audit internal di SUCOFINDO. Hasil evaluasi atas pelaksanaan pengendalian internal menjadi salah satu dasar evaluasi manajemen terhadap efektifitas pengendalian internal untuk menentukan perbaikan dan penyempurnaan sistem ataupun kebijakan yang memungkinkan manajemen dapat secara lebih efektif menjalankan kegiatan operasional Perusahaan. To evaluate the implementation of internal control, SUCOFINDO has formed an internal audit function. Evaluation results towards the implementation of internal control serves as reference for the management’s evaluation towards the effectiveness of internal control. This is done for the purpose of determining possible corrections and improvements to the system and policies in place to enable the management to conduct the Company’s operational activities in a more effective manner. Secara bertahap kami melaksanakan metodologi audit yang berbasis risiko (Risk Based Audit). Melalui metodologi ini pelaksanaan audit lebih difokuskan untuk mengevaluasi pengendalian internal atas aktifitas bisnis Perusahaan yang berisiko tinggi. We have implemented a risk-based audit methodology through several stages. Using this methodology, audit implementation has been focused more on evaluating internal control towards the Company’s high-risk business activities. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi tersebut, secara umum SPI telah memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan pengendalian internal kepada manajemen untuk area-area yang masih memerlukan perbaikan. Hasil evaluasi tersebut digunakan oleh Direksi dan manajemen sebagai dasar untuk memperbaiki pengendalian internal dalam aktifitas operasional Perusahaan. Based on the evaluation results, in general the SPI would provide recommendations for the improvement of the internal control system to the management for certain areas of improvement. Results of this evaluation will be used by the Board of Directors and management as reference to improve internal control in the Company’s operational activities. PROFIL KEPALA SPI Head of SPI Profile Warga Negara Indonesia, 51 tahun, lahir di Jakarta pada tanggal 4 Oktober 1963. Menjabat sebagai Kepala SPI mulai 2 Februari 2014 sampai sekarang. Menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 Teknologi Pendidikan pada Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Jakarta tahun 1987 dan memperoleh gelar Magister Manajemen di Institut Pengembangan Manajemen Indonesia (IPMI) tahun 2003. Sebelumnya memiliki pengalaman menduduki jabatan Kepala Bagian Operasi Divisi Human Capital, Kepala Bagian Audit, Kepala Bagian Perencanaan dan Pengadaan Divisi PSDM dan Kepala Seksi Perencanaan dan Evaluasi Diklat Divisi PSDM. RISMUHAMMAD TOHBAYU Kepala SPI Head of SPI A citizen of Indonesia and 51 years of age. He was born in Jakarta on October 4, 1963. He served as the Head of SPI from February 2, 2014 until present. He completed his undergraduate study in Educational Technology at the Institute of Teacher Training and Pedagogy (IKIP) Jakarta in 1987 and obtained his Master in Management degree from the Indonesian Institute of Management Development (IPMI) in 2003. He had previous experiences occupying positions such as the Operations Section Head in the Human Capital Division, Audit Section Head, Planning and Procurement Head in the HR Development Division, and Head of Planning and Evaluation of Training and Education in the HR Development Division. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 249 SUMBER DAYA SPI SPI HUMAN RESOURCES Pada Desember 2014, personil pada Satuan Pengawasan Intern berjumlah 14 orang. Berikut tabel Sumber Daya SPI Tahun 2014 dan jabatannya. As of December 2014, the number of personnel in the SPI is 14. The following table describes SPI’s human resources in 2014 and their positions. No Nama Name Jabatan Position 1. EZc]eYç]]çVG_YTçèe Kepala SPI Head of SPI 2. Marsilia Denanti Sekretaris Secretary 3. @Y"AçdcèZbG"EçV[ç Kepala Bagian Planning and Analysis Section Head 4. Heri Suprayitno Kepala Bagian Audit Section Head 5. Endrianto Lastianto Auditor Auditor 6. Redy Rustamadji Auditor Auditor 7. Rito Suprayitno Auditor Auditor 8. Eva S. Loebis Auditor Auditor 9. Markuntadi Ajun Auditor 2 Assistant Auditor 2 10. 6eVZJZ^çbcZY Ajun Auditor 2 Assistant Auditor 2 11. Agus Jafar Sidik Ajun Auditor 2 Assistant Auditor 2 12. EçdZY>çbdZ\ç;ZVçèçd Ajun Auditor 2 Assistant Auditor 2 13. BfZ:çVYZæçdeæ>Y_]cç Ajun Auditor 1 Assistant Auditor 1 14. CedbZEçYçèe5XecdèçgçdZ Ajun Auditor 1 Assistant Auditor 1 PENGEMBANGAN KUALITAS SPI SPI QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Perusahaan terus mengembangkan kualitas SPI. Sepanjang tahun 2014 SUCOFINDO telah melaksanakan beberapa program pelatihan untuk peningkatan kompetensi personel di bidang pengawasan dengan jumlah biaya sebesar Rp115.825.000 (Seratus lima belas juta delapan ratus dua puluh lima ribu rupiah), dan kegiatan meliputi: The Company continues to improve the quality of the SPI. Throughout 2014, SUCOFINDO has conducted several training programs for personnel competence-building in supervision, amounting to Rp115,825,000 (one hundred and fifteen million eight hundred and twenty five thousand rupiah) in funding. Activities included: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Pelatihan Dasar Audit 1, diikuti 3 orang, Pelatihan Audit Lanjutan 1, diikuti 2 orang, Pelatihan Audit Manajerial, diikuti 2 orang, Pelatihan Risk Based Internal Audit, diikuti 16 orang, 5. Induction Training, diikuti 2 orang. Fundamental Audit Training 1, attended by 3 persons, Advanced Audit Training 1, attended by 2 persons, Managerial Audit Training, attended by 2 persons, Risk-Based Internal Audit Training, attended by 16 persons, 5. Induction Training, attended by 2 persons. CWæçdZYç^Vç^FWbdZÄ\çcZFC< Training and Certification of SPI Personnel Nama Personel Name Of Personnel CWæçdZYç^8ç^FWbdZÄ\çcZ Training And Certification 1 Redy Rustamadji Audit Internal Tk Manajerial dengan sertifikasi QIA Managerial Level Internal Audit Internal with QIA certification 2 Agus Jafar Sidik Audit Internal Tk Manajerial dengan sertifikasi QIA Managerial Level Internal Audit Internal with QIA certification No 250 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KINERJA SISTEM PENGAWASAN INTERNAL 2014 SPI PERFORMANCE IN 2014 Sepanjang tahun 2014, Satuan Pengawasan Intern telah melaksanakan kegiatan audit / pemeriksaan baik yang terprogram maupun khusus / kasus sebagai berikut: Throughout 2014, the Internal Audit Unit (SPI) has conducted audit / investigation activities, both programmed or on a per-case basis, as follows: a. Pelaksanaan audit operasional berdasarkan PKAT terhadap 50 unit kerja yang meliputi SBU / Divisi / Cabang / UP dan Unit PKBL. a. Operational audit based on the Annual Audit Work Program (PKAT) towards 50 work units, including SBUs / Branch Offices / Service Points and the PKBL Unit; b. Pelaksanaan audit investigasi atau pemeriksaan kasus dugaan pelanggaran disiplin pegawai sebanyak 14 kasus. b. Investigation audits or investigation towards potential cases of disciplinary violation by employees, amounting to 14 cases; c. Pelaksanaan sidak (1), pencarian fakta (4), pengkajian(1) dan lain-lain. c. Unannounced inspection (1), fact-finding (4), review (1), and so forth. PIAGAM AUDIT INTERNAL INTERNAL AUDIT CHARTER SUCOFINDO memiliki Piagam Audit Internal yang telah disepakati oleh Komisaris, Direksi dan Kepala SPI. Piagam ini berisi penjabaran kebijakan mengenai fungsi, tugas, wewenang, dan tanggungjawab SPI. Piagam Audit Internal ini disusun agar pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan (Direksi, Komisaris, Komite Audit, Pemegang Saham, Kepala Unit Kerja serta pihak-pihak lainnya) mengetahui kedudukan, fungsi, tugas, wewenang dan tanggungjawab SPI, serta dapat mengukur dan menilai keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugas SPI di Perusahaan. SUCOFINDO possesses an Internal Audit Charter approved by the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and Head of SPI. The Charter contains the description of policies on the functions, duties and responsibilities of the SPI. The purpose of the Internal Audit Charter is to describe to involved parties (Directors, Commissioners, Audit Committee, Shareholders, Work Unit Heads, and other parties) the functions, tasks, authorities, and responsibilities of the SPI, enabling them to measure and evaluate SPI’s success in performing its duties in the Company. Piagam Audit Internal (Internal Audit Charter) telah ditandatangani oleh Komisaris Utama, Direktur Utama dan Kepala SPI pada tanggal 3 April 2014 yang merupakan revisi dari Internal Audit Charter tahun sebelumnya yang ditandatangani pada tanggal 23 April 2013. The Internal Audit Charter has been signed by the Chief Commissioner, President Director and Head of SPI on April 3, 2014, as a revision of the Internal Audit Charter from the previous year, signed on April 23, 2013. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 251 AUDIT EKSTERNAL External Audit SUCOFINDO menjadikan Auditor Eksternal sebagai mitra yang dapat melaksanakan audit dan diyakini sebagai kebutuhan untuk dapat memberikan masukan atas kegiatan keuangan dan penyajian laporan keuangan. Untuk itu Auditor Eksternal diharapkan dapat menngevaluasi keandalan pelaksanaan fungsifungsi manajemen baik dalam kegiatan operasional dan keuangan. Perusahaan menggunakan jasa auditor eksternal untuk memastikan integritas penyajian Laporan Keuangan kepada Pemegang Saham. Audit eksternal berasal dari kantor akuntan publik (KAP) yang terdaftar di Bank Indonesia dan Bapepam-LK. SUCOFINDO has formed a partnership with an External Auditor capable of conducting audit, compulsory for obtaining input towards financial activities and presentation of financial reports. For this purpose, it is expected that the External Auditor be capable of evaluating the reliability of management functions both in operational and financial activities. The Company has employed services from an external auditor to ensure the integrity of the Financial Report presented to Shareholders. External audits shall be performed by a Public Accountant (PA) registered in Bank Indonesia and Bapepam-LK. Kebijakan Auditor Eksternal ditetapkan sebagai berikut: Auditor Eksternal harus ditunjuk oleh RUPS dari calon yang ditunjukkan oleh Dewan Komisaris berdasarkan usul Komite Audit. Policies on the External Auditor has been established as follows: 1. The External Auditor must be appointed through the GMS from candidates nominated by the Board of Commissioners based on recommendations from the Audit Committee. 2. Auditor Eksternal tersebut harus bebas dari pengaruh Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan pihak yang berkepentingan di Perusahaan (stakeholders) 2. The External Auditor must be free from the influence of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and other stakeholders of the Company. 3. SUCOFINDO menyediakan semua catatan akuntansi dan data penunjang yang diperlukan bagi auditor eksternal sehingga memungkinkan auditor eskternal memberikan pendapatnya tentang kewajaran dan kecukupan pengungkapan laporan keuangan perusahaan sesuai dengan standar Akuntansi keuangan Indonesia. 3. SUCOFINDO shall provide all accounting records and supporting data needed by the External Auditor to ensure that the External Auditor provides its opinion as to whether the financial reports of the Company are fair and adequate in accordance to financial accounting standards in effect in Indonesia. 4. Auditor Eksternal harus memberitahu Perusahaan mengenai kejadian dalam Perusahaan yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. 4. The External Auditor is obliged to inform the Company of any incidents within the Company. Penunjukan penugasan KAP sebagai pelaksana audit penyajian Laporan Keuangan SUCOFINDO dilakukan berdasarkan keputusan RUPS. Pada tahun 2014, Perusahaan menunjuk Kantor Akuntan Publik Rama Wendra sebagai pelaksana audit eksternal yang melakukan audit laporan keuangan Perusahaan untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2014. The appointment of a PA as an auditor for SUCOFINDO’s Financial Report has been conducted based on a GMS resolution. In 2014, the Company appointed Public Accountant Rama Wendra as the external auditor for the Company’s financial report for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2014. TUGAS POKOK EKSTERNAL AUDIT CORE DUTIES OF EXTERNAL AUDITOR Tugas pokok eksternal Auditor KAP Rama Wendra yaitu melakukan audit terhadap PT SUCOFINDO meliputi : The core duties of PA Rama Wendra as an External Auditor involve conducting audits towards PT SUCOFINDO, which includes: 1. 252 1. PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Perusahaan Induk a. Melaksanakan pegawaian pemeriksaan / audit berdasarkan Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik (SPAP) yang berlaku di Indonesia dan Standar Pemeriksaan Keuangan Negara (SPKN) yang ditetapkan oleh BPK yang terdiri dari : 1. Parent Company a. Conducting an audit based on Public Accountant Professional Standards (SPAP) in effect in Indonesia and State Finance Auditing Standards (SPKN) established by BPK, consisting of: 5eVZd e]e] çdçc ?ç`_bç^ >Weç^Xç^ Konsolidasian Tahunan untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2014. Auditor eksternal memberi pendapat mengenai kewajaran penyajian laporan keuangan sesuai dengan standar akuntansi yang berlaku umum di Indonesia (PSAK), dan meliputi Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Induk, PKBL dan Konsolidasi PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014. General audit towards the Annual Consolidated Financial Report for the year ending on December 31, 2014. The external auditor shall state their opinion concerning the fairness of the presented financial report in accordance to accounting standards in effect in Indonesia (PSAK), which covers the Parent Company, PKBL and Consolidated Financial Reports of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) for the year ending on December 31, 2014. 5eVZd çdçc >W`çdeYç^ dWbYçVç` `Wbçdebç^ Perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan prosedur Pengendalian Internal Perusahaan sesuai dengan PSA No. 62. Compliance audit towards laws and regulations in effect and procedures for Internal Control of the Company in accordance to PSA No. 62. b. Penerapan prosedur yang disepakati atas perhitungan KPI sesuai dengan RUPS Pengesahan RKAP 2014. b. Implementing procedures agreed upon for the calculation of KPI in accordance to the GMS on the Authorization of the 2014 RKAP. c. Melakukan evaluasi Kinerja Perusahaan untuk tahun yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2014 berdasarkan SK Menteri BUMN No. KEP-100 / MBU / 2002 tanggal 4 Juni 2002. c. Evaluating Company Performance for the year ending on December 31, 2014 based on Minister of SOE Decision Letter No. KEP-100 / MBU / 2002 issued June 4, 2002. d. Melaksanakan audit di Unit PKBL berdasarkan SK Menteri BUMN No. Per 05 / MBU / 2007 termasuk kegiatan audit yang terkait dengan Program BUMN Peduli 2014 (Jika ada). d. Conducting an audit on the PKBL Unit based on Minister of SOE Decision Letter No. Per 05 / MBU / 2007, including audit activities pertaining to the 2014 SOE Cares Program (if existent). &" CWbecçYçç^5^ç\ 2. Subsidiary Companies a. Melaksanakan Audit Umum atas Laporan Keuangan Tahunan PT SUCOFINDO Advisory Utama dan PT SUCOFINDO EPISI, untuk tahun yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2014 berdasarkan Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik (SPAP) yang berlaku di Indonesia. a. Conducting a general audit towards the Annual Consolidated Financial Report of PT SUCOFINDO Advisory Utama and PT SUCOFINDO EPISI for the year ending on December 31, 2014, based on Public Accountant Professional Standards (SPAP) in effect in Indonesia. b. Melakukan evaluasi kinerja PT SUCOFINDO Advisory Utama dan PT SUCOFINDO EPISI, untuk tahun yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2014 berdasarkan SK Menteri BUMN No. KEP-100 / MBU / 2002 tanggal 4 Juni 2002. b. Evaluating the performance of PT SUCOFINDO Advisory Utama and PT SUCOFINDO EPISI for the year ending on December 31, 2014, based on Minister of SOE Decision Letter No. KEP-100 / MBU / 2002 issued June 4, 2002. 3. Melakukan prosedur audit terhadap audit KSO VPTI PT SUCOFINDO – PT SI yang dilakukan oleh KAP lain, sesuai dengan ketentuan International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 600. c. Conducting audit procedures towards the audit of KSO VPTI PT SUCOFINDO – PT SI conducted by other PA offices in accordance to the provisions within International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 600. HASIL PENILAIAN AUDIT RESULTS Hasil audit keuangan oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik (KAP) Rama Wendra menyatakan bahwa laporan keuangan konsolidasian SUCOFINDO untuk tahun yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2014 disajikan secara wajar dalam semua hal yang material. Financial audit results issued by the Public Accountant (PA) Rama Wendra have proclaimed that SUCOFINDO’s consolidated financial report for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2014, has been presented fairly in all material respects. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 253 Hasil Audit Atas Pemeriksaan Lainnya 5eVZdEWceædc:b_]BdYWbCçbdZWc Dalam tahun 2014 BPK tidak melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap SUCOFINDO. In 2014, BPK did not conduct an audit on SUCOFINDO. PENGELOLAAN RISIKO Risk Management Seiring dengan meningkatnya persaingan usaha jasa, maka Perusahaan dituntut pemahamannya akan kemungkinan-kemungkinan risiko yang timbul serta bagaimana mengatasinya. Pengelolaan risiko pada prinsipnya adalah menciptakan budaya sadar risiko di Perusahaan sehingga manajemen risiko menjadi bagian integral dalam setiap kegiatan bisnis SUCOFINDO. With an increasing amount of competition in the service business, the Company’s understanding towards the possibility of emerging risks and their treatments has been tested. In principle, risk management is the creation of a culture of awareness towards risks in the Company so that risk management becomes an integral part of all ongoing businesses at SUCOFINDO. Pengelolaan risiko merupakan bagian dari penerapan praktik-praktik terbaik tata kelola perusahaan, sebagai salah satu faktor utama untuk pencapaian sasaran pegawaian dari sisi mutu, waktu dan biaya. Risk management is part of the implementation of good corporate governance practices and serves as one of the main factors in the achievement of work targets in the aspects of quality, time and cost. Pengelolaan risiko ditetapkan oleh perusahaan dengan tugas melakukan pengkajian dan pengelolaan risiko usaha melalui kegiatan-kegiatan identifikasi analisis, penilaian / asesmen dan pengelolaan risiko usaha yang relevan dan wajar. Risk management has been established by the Company with the task of reviewing and managing business risks through activities such as identification, analysis, assessment and management of business risks in a relevant and fair manner. Surat Keputusan Direksi SUCOFINDO Nomor: 247 / SKD / 2009 tanggal 5 Oktober 2009 tentang Pembentukan Tim-tim Program Prioritas PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) telah diperbaharui dengan tim Manajemen Risiko Perusahaan (MRP) sesuai Memo Direktur Utama tanggal 1 Juni 2012 yang memuat tentang Tim Manajemen Risiko Perusahaan. Tim ini bertujuan untuk : SUCOFINDO Board of Directors Decision Letter No. 247 / SKD / 2009 issued October 5, 2009, regarding the Formation of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) Priority Program Teams has been renewed with the formation of the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) team, in accordance to President Director Memo issued June 1, 2012, concerning the Enterprise Risk Management Team. The team has the purpose of: 1. Designing risk management implementation programs at corporate level; 1. Merancang program penerapan manajemen risiko tingkat korporat; 2. Memfasilitasi kegiatan identifikasi mitigasinya pada tingkat unit; risiko dan 2. Facilitating risk identification and mitigation activities at the level of work units; 3. Memfasilitasi percepatan penerapan manajemen risiko pada Unit Kerja prioritas; 3. Facilitating the acceleration of risk management implementation in priority work units; 4. Mensosialisasikan budaya risiko, sehingga manajemen risiko merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari kegiatan usaha pada seluruh fungsi yang ada di Perusahaan. 4. Socializing a culture of risk, integrating risk management as an inseparable part of business activities in all functions within the Company. Lebih lanjut, Perusahaan telah memiliki organisasi pengelolaan Risiko dalam Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG dan Risiko (SGR). Dengan demikian Pengelolaan Risiko dapat menjadi strategic tools dalam pengambilan keputusan pada proses manajemen. Furthermore, the Company has a risk management unit in system management, GCG and Risk (SGR) Division. Thus, risk management can serve as a strategic tool in decision making during the management process. 254 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PROFIL RISIKO DAN PENANGANANNYA SUCOFINDO telah melakukan identifikasi berdasarkan sumber dan akibatnya, yaitu. 1. RISK PROFILES AND TREATMENTS risiko Identifikasi risiko berdasarkan sumbernya, antara lain: SUCOFINDO has identified risks based on their sources and impacts, which can be found as follows. 1. Identified risks based on sources, such as: - Risiko eksternal yang tidak dapat diprediksi, misalnya bencana alam. - External risks which are unpredictable external risks such as natural disasters. - Risiko yang dapat diprediksi, misalnya kondisi pasar, nilai tukar mata uang. - External risks which are predictable external risk such as as market conditions and currency exchange rate. - Risiko internal yang bersifat non teknis, misalnya biaya. - Internal risks which are non-technical internal risks such as costs. - Risiko internal yang bersifat teknis, misalnya desain, metode pelaksanaan. - Internal risks which are technical internal risks, such as design and method of implementation. - Risiko internal yang bersifat legal, misalnya kontrak pegawaian. - Internal risks which are legal internal risks, such such as business contracts. 2. Identifikasi risiko berdasar atas dampaknya antara lain: a. Terjadinya ruang lingkup (scope) pegawaian yang disebabkan antara lain: 2. Identified risks based on impact, such as: a. Towards scope of work, caused by, among several: - Perencanaan kurang matang, control yang lemah terhadap scope pegawaian - Poor planning, weak control towards scope of work - Tidak tercapainya performance atau kualitas seperti yang diinginkan disebabkan antara lain: desain / material / tenaga kerja yang di bawah standar, implementasi sistem manajemen mutu yang kurang konsisten. - Failure to achieve desired performance or quality due to: substandard design / material / workforce, inconsistent implementation of quality management system. b. Proyek tidak dapat diselesaikan sesuai dengan jadwal pegawaian (schedule) yang ditetapkan disebabkan misalnya: - Kesalahan dalam menghitung / memprediksi waktu pelaksanaan, kesalahan dalam memperkirakan ketersediaan sumber daya, lemah dalam pengalokasian dan pengaturan sumber daya. c. Biaya pelaksanaan proyek melebihi anggaran yang telah disetujui disebabkan; - Kesalahan dalam menghitung termasuk memperkirakan ketidakpastian, kelemahan investigasi tentang predictable problem, kelemahan dalam fungsi kontrol. b. Failure to complete project on determined schedule, caused by, among several: - Error in calculating / predicting required time for completion, error in predicting the availability resources, poor allocation and management of resources. c. Project costs exceeding the approved budget due to: - Errors in calculation, including in predicting uncertainties, poor investigation towards predictable problems, poor control function. KEBIJAKAN DAN PEDOMAN MANAJEMEN RISIKO RISK MANAGEMENT POLICIES AND GUIDELINES Perusahaan telah memiliki kebijakan manajemen risiko yang ditandatangani Direktur Utama tanggal 8 Maret 2007 dan diperbaharui tanggal 17 Agustus 2012. Kebijakan tersebut memuat tujuan dan strategi penerapan manajemen risiko, struktur organisasi manajemen risiko, lingkungan pengendalian, proses manajemen risiko, pengelolaan kinerja manajemen risiko dan sistem pelaporannya SUCOFINDO juga telah memiliki Pedoman Umum Manajemen Risiko Korporat yang ditandatangani Direktur Utama pada tanggal 26 Oktober 2007 dan telah diperbaharui tanggal 17 Agustus 2012, berisi hal-hal sebagai berikut : The Company has established risk management policies signed by the President Director on March 8, 2007, which have been renewed in August 17, 2012. These policies contain the purpose and strategy for risk management, organizational structure for risk management, controlled environment, risk management process, risk management performance, and reporting system. SUCOFINDO also has a General Guideline for Enterprise Risk Management signed by the President Director on October 26, 2007, which has been renewed in August 17, 2012, containing the following: Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pendahuluan Tujuan Penerapan Manajemen Risiko Strategi Penerapan Manajemen Risiko Struktur Organisasi Manajemen Risiko Lingkungan Pengendalian Proses Manajemen Risiko Pengelolaan Kinerja Manajemen Risiko Pelaporan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. / good corporate governance 255 Introduction Purpose of Risk Management Implementation Strategies in Risk Management Organizational Structure in Risk Management Control Environment Risk Management Process Performance in Risk Management Reporting Tingkat Maturitas Penerapan MRPCWbecçYçç^ Maturity Levels In Company ERM Implementation GçYç`ç^ Stage Uraian Description 1. Awal Preliminary Komponen dan kegiatan penerapan pengelolaan risiko sangat terbatas dalam lingkup dan dilakukan belum tetap (ad hoc basis) di seluruh entitas. Risk management implementation components and activities are highly limited in scope and have only been performed on an ad hoc basis in the whole entity. 2. Dasar Basic Kapabilitas entitas terbatas untuk mengidentifikasi, menilai (assess), menangani, dan memantau risiko. The limited entity capabilities in identifying, assessing, handling, and monitoring risks. 3. Definisi Defined Kapabilitas entitas mencukupi untuk mengidentifikasi, mengukur (measure), menangani, melaporkan, dan memantau risiko. Kebijakan, pedoman dan metode pengelolaan risiko sudah terdefinisi dan digunakan di seluruh entitas dalam Perusahaan. The entity has adequate capabilities in identifying, measuring, handling, reporting, and monitoring risks. Policies, guidelines and methods for risk management have been defined and used in all entities within the Company. 4. Operasional Operational Kapabilitas entitas sudah konsisten untuk mengidentifikasi, mengukur (measure), menangani, melaporkan, dan memantau risiko. Kebijakan, pedoman dan metode pengelolan risiko secara konsisten diterapkan di seluruh entitas dalam Perusahaan. The entity has consistent capabilities in identifying, measuring, handling, reporting, and monitoring risks. Policies, guidelines, and methods for risk management have been consistently implemented in all entities within the Company. 5. Lanjut Advanced Kapabilitas entitas sudah baik dikembangkan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengukur (measure), menangani, melaporkan, dan memantau risiko. Proses dinamis dan dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan risiko dan siklus bisnis yang bervariasi. Risiko dan pengelolaannya sudah eksplisit dipertimbangan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. The entity has well-developed capabilities in identifying, measuring, handling, reporting, and monitoring risks. The process is dynamic and capable of adapting to changes in risks and varying business cycles. Risks and their management have explicitly been considered within the decision making process. No. Perusahaan menetapkan roadmap Implementasi Entreprise Risk Management (ERM) atau Manajemen Risiko Perusahaan (MRP) sebagai berikut : Basic (mulai Desember 2012) (starting from December 2012) The Company has established a road map for the implementation of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), as follows: Defined (Desember 2013) (December 2013) Operation (Desember 2015) (December 2015) Penetapan Kebijakan Dasar / Kebijakan telah berkembang Manajemen Risiko terintegrasi dengan proses yang berulang Basic policies / repeating process established SDM mendapat pelatihan Training for HR Ukuran belum jelas Unclear parameters Belum ada kontrol No control Wawasan risiko masih minim Insight on risk still minimum Sistem berbasis spreadsheet Spreadsheet-based system Developed policies Bahasa risiko yang umum (Taksonomi) General risk terms (taxonomy) Organisasi yang efektif Effective organization Dimulainya pelaporan eksekutif Commencement of executive reporting Konsolidasi laporan risiko Consolidation of risk reports Perbaikan risk register untuk risiko utama dan kontrol link dengan proses Improved risk register for main risks and link control with processes Ada risk parameter Existence of risk parameters Otomatisasi proses manajemen risiko Automation of risk management Strategi Korporat Risk Management integrated within Corporate Strategy Standar Kompetensi Standards of Competence Pengembangan Risk Register Development of Risk Register Ada Dashboard Reporting Reporting Dashboard Amalgamasi Amalgamation Web-based Client Server Web-based client server 256 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Roadmap di atas memperlihatkan kepastian langkah perusahaan dalam manajemen risiko. Pengelolaan risiko ditunjukkan dengan melakukan tindakan nyata dari basic menuju defined, antara lain penetapan kebijakan dasar, pelatihan bagi SDM, dan hal-hal lain terkait strategi risiko Perusahaan untuk menjamin kelangsungan usaha. The roadmap above displays the certain steps taken by the Company in risk management. Risk management has been displayed through concrete acts, moving from basic to defined, including the establishment of basic policies, training for HR, and other means related to the company’s risk strategy in order to ensure the continuation of business. Perusahaan berharap telah mencapai tingkat operational pada tahun 2015 dengan tolak ukur, antara lain: The government expects to reach the level of operational in 2015 with the following benchmarks: FdbçdWXZ ]ç^ç[W]W^ bZcZ\_ VZ\W]Tç^X\ç^ dWbec! menerus; @ç^ç[W]W^ EZcZ\_ VZXe^ç\ç^ e^de\ ]W^Z^X\çd\ç^ proses bisnis sehingga efisiensi tercapai; Best practice share lintas Perusahaan; CW^XWdçYeç^ Vç^ \WdWbç]`Zæç^ ]ç^ç[W]W^ bZcZ\_ ditingkatkan terus-menerus; Key Risk diukur secara kuantitatif; <^VZ\çd_b\Z^Wb[çVZcWceçZ\ç^VW^Xç^bZcZ\_ç\deçæ/ CWæç`_bç^\Yecec`çVç]çcZ^X!]çcZ^Xkey risk; >_^db_æVZe[ZVç^VZ`WbTçZ\ZcWUçbçTWb\Wæç^[edç^/ 5`æZ\çcZ]ç^ç[W]W^bZcZ\_dWbZ^dWXbçcZVW^Xç^cZcdW] teknologi informasi; Inter-relationship antara risiko-risiko sebagai portofolio dari risiko terfasilitasi. 7_^dZ^e_ecæè!VWfWæ_`WVbZc\]ç^çXW]W^dcdbçdWXZWc LAPORAN MANAJEMEN RISIKO TAHUN 2014 2014 RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT Selama tahun 2014, Perusahaan telah melakukan identifikasi risiko melalui analisis dan evaluasi perkembangan berbagai kondisi eksternal dan internal Perusahaan yang berpengaruh secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap pencapaian target-target Perusahaan. Hasil identifikasi risiko bersifat dinamis, yaitu selalu dilakukan perubahan sesuai perkembangan yang dihadapi Perusahaan. Throughout 2014, the Company has conducted risk identification through the analysis and evaluation of developments in various external and internal conditions to the Company directly or indirectly influencing the achievement of Company targets. Risk identification results are dynamic in nature, meaning that changes are applied based on developments faced by the Company. Identifikasi profil risiko yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2014 lalu mengindikasikan risiko-risiko berikut: Identification of risk profiles conducted in 2014 have indicated the following risks: HcçXW _å bZc\ ]ç^çXW]W^d d_ Z]`b_fW TecZ^Wcc processes and achieve efficiency 6Wcd`bçUdZUWccYçbWVTWdgWW^U_]`ç^ZWc 7_^dZ^e_ec Z]`b_fW]W^d _å bZc\ ]ç^çXW]W^d knowledge and skills Deç^dZdçdZfW]WçcebW]W^d_å\WèbZc\c CWbå_b]ç^UWZ^VZUçd_bcçVç`dWVd_çUdeçæbZc\c F`WUZçæbW`_bdZ^Xd_gçbVcWçUY\WèbZc\ 7_^dZ^eçææèdWcdWVç^VZ]`b_fWVU_^db_æ 5``æZUçdZ_^ _å Z^dWXbçdWV bZc\ ]ç^çXW]W^d ecZ^X information technology system <^dWb!bWæçdZ_^cYZ` ç]_^X bZc\c çc ç `_bdå_æZ_ _å facilitated risks Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik No 1 HbçZç^ CWb]çcçæçYç^ èç^X 8ZYçVç`Z GçYe^ &$%( Description of Issues Faced In 2014 257 HbçZç^CW^XW^VçæZç^èç^X8Zæç\cç^ç\ç^`çVçGçYe^&$%( Description of Control Implemented In 2014 Risiko Harga Price Risk Harga komoditas sangat tidak stabil seiring dengan perubahan permintaan dan penawaran pelanggan. Saat ini terdapat risiko yang tinggi bahwa harga batubara dan mineral lainnya akan mengalami fluktuasi yang cukup signifikan. Walaupun basis pelanggan tidak tergantung pada satu pasar atau negara saja, namun dampak negatif dari menurunnya harga komoditas dapat menurunkan pendapatan SUCOFINDO. Kondisi ini diperparah dengan semakin berkurang cadangan batubara yang masuk dalam kategori medium rank coal. Unstable commodity prices, following changes in customer demand and supply. At the moment, there is a high risk that the prices of coal and other minerals will significantly fluctuate. Although the customer base does not depend only one market or nation, the negative impact of reduced commodity prices can reduce SUCOFINDO’s revenue. The condition is further worsened by the decreasing reserves of coal, entering the category of medium-rank coal. 2 / good corporate governance Salah satu dampak atas perubahan atau penurunan harga batubara dan mineral lainnya adalah penurunan permintaan jasa SUCOFINDO sektor hilir seperti penentuan kualitas dan kuantitas. Melihat persaingan jasa di sektor hilir yang semakin ketat serta potensi low rank coal yang begitu banyak, SUCOFINDO melalui Unit Bisnis Strategi Minerba Bekerjasama dengan Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) menerapkan teknologi peningkat mutu batu-bara di Indonesia. Dengan penerapan teknologi tersebut, potensi dapat ditingkatkan menjadi medium rank coal, dengan demikian negara-negara pengguna batubara medium rank coal dapat terpenuhi kebutuhannya. One of the impacts of changes or decrease in the prices of coal and other minerals is decreased demand for SUCOFINDO’s downstream services such as determination of quality and quantity. In response to growing competition in downstream services and growing low-rank coal potential, SUCOFINDO through its Mineral and Coal SBU has collaborated with the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) to implement coal quality improvement technology in Indonesia. Using this technology, the coal’s potential can be increased to mediumrank coal and thus demands from medium-rank coal users can be fulfilled. SUCOFINDO berharap dengan peningkatan nilai ekonomis Batu bara melalui penerapan teknologi tepat guna, SUCOFINDO bisa menjadi solusi bagi para industry tambang batu bara dengan menyediakan jasa Coal Quality and Quantity Management. SUCOFINDO hopes that through the increase in coal’s economic value through the use of effective technology, SUCOFINDO can become a solution for the coal mining industry by providing service in Coal Quality and Quantity Management. Risiko Regulasi Regulation Risk Risiko regulasi perubahan peraturan perundangan dan / atau aturan pelaksanaannya dari Pemerintah, yang dapat mempengaruhi pendapatan PT SUCOFINDO. Dampak yang dirasakan atas penerapan Undang-undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara pada Januari 2014 adalah hilangnya potensi pendapatan SUCOFINDO akibat pembatasan tersebut. Regulation risk arises from changes in laws and / or implementing regulations from the Government, potentially influencing SUCOFINDO’s income. Impacts felt from the implementation of Law 4 / 2009 regarding Mineral and Coal Mining on January 2014 is reduced potential income due to restrictions. Penerapan Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 akan menumbuhkan pabrik pengolahan dan pemurnian mineral (Smelter) di beberapa tempat. Kondisi ini dimanfaatkan oleh SUCOFINDO dengan memberikan layanan jasa baru yaitu konsultasi pembangunan smelter pengujian lahan dan daya dukung dan monitoring pembangunan. Enactment of Law 4 / 2009 will lead to the growth of mineral processing and refinement factories (smelters) in several locations. SUCOFINDO has taken advantage of this situation by providing a new service, namely consultation for smelter construction, field and carrying capacity testing, and construction monitoring. Jauh sebelum penerapan Undang-Undang tersebut diatas, SUCOFINDO telah membangun Laboratorium Mineral Processing untuk memberikan layanan jasa pemastian kualitas hasil pengolahan dan pemurnian mineral. Long before the enactment of the aforementioned law, SUCOFINDO has constructed a Mineral Processing Laboratory to provide quality assurance services for mineral processing and refinement. SUCOFINDO berharap dengan peningkatan produksi hasil pengolahan dan pemurnian mineral, SUCOFINDO bisa menjadi solusi bagi para pengusaha yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan dan pemurnian mineral dengan menyediakan jasa Ore Quality and Quantity Management. With increased production in mineral processing and refinement, SUCOFINDO aspires to become a solution for business actors in mineral processing and refinement by providing Ore Quality and Quantity Management services. 258 3 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Pemenuhan persyaratan Peraturan Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia no. 46 / M-DAG / PER / 8 / 2014 Sebagai perusahaan survey mendapat penunjukan untuk melakukan Verifikasi atau Penelusuran Teknis Impor Barang (VPTI). Dalam pemenuhan terhadap Peraturan Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia no. 46 / M-DAG / PER / 8 / 2014, SUCOFINDO telah mengajukan akreditasi ISO 17020:2012 kepada KAN untuk seluruh jasa terkait dengan VPTI barang, Jasa Ekspor dan Perdagangan Antar Pulau. Fulfillment of requirements from Minister of Trade Regulation No. 46 / M-DAG / PER / 8 / 2014 As a surveying company, appointed to conduct Verification / Technical Investigation of Imported Goods (VPTI). To fulfill Minister of Trade Regulation No. 46 / M-DAG / PER / 8 / 2014, SUCOFINDO has conducted an accreditation based on ISO 17020:2012 to KAN for all services pertaining to of goods, export services, and inter-island trade. Risiko Operasional Operating Risks Risiko operasi antara lain disebabkan ketidakcukupan dan / atau tidak berfungsinya proses internal, kesalahan manusia, kegagalan sistem, atau adanya problem eksternal yang mempengaruhi operasional Perusahaan. Dampak operasi yang dapat mengganggu keberlangsungan bisnis. Operating risks may be caused by a lacking or nonfunctional internal process, human error, system failure, or external problems that influence the Company’s operations. Operational impacts may disrupt the continuation of business. SUCOFINDO melalui Unit Bisnis Strategi terkait dan Divisi HC mengidentifikasi dan memprogramkan kebutuhan kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan untuk selanjutnya dilakukan program secara teritegrasi guna pemenuhan kompetensi tersebut. Selain itu, program rekruitmen karyawan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dicanangkan sesuai permintaan unit bisnis terkait. Supervisi secara rutin yang dikombinasikan dengan kunjungan mendadak atau sidak, menjadi bagian dari pemastian guna mencegah tindakan ketidakjujuran dan ketidakberpihakan. SUCOFINDO, through relevant SBUs and the HC Division, has identified and programmed competence needs required for an integrated program intended to fulfill competence needs. Additionally, employee recruitment programs to fulfill these needs are designed based on the demands of the relevant business units. Routine supervision combined with unannounced inspection has become part of the assurance process to prevent dishonesty and partiality. 4 Risiko Nilai Tukar Mata Uang Currency Exchange Rate Risk Fluktuasi nilai tukar Rupiah dapat berdampak material dan merugikan bisnis SUCOFINDO. Mata uang fungsional yang digunakan di Indonesia adalah Rupiah. Salah satu dampak terpenting dari krisis ekonomi di Asia yang mempengaruhi perekonomian di Indonesia adalah depresiasi dan volatilitas nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap mata uang lainnya, seperti Dolar AS. Perencanaan pembelian bahan operasi yang menggunakan mata uang Dolar AS disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Produksi dengan metode Just-in-Time, sehingga bahan operasi tersedia pada waktu diperlukan. Diharapkan dengan perencanaan yang tepat dapat menghindari nilai tukar rupiah yang terlalu rendah. Fluctuation in rupiah’s exchange rate may have material and detrimental impacts towards Sucofindo’s business. The functional currency used in Indonesia is rupiah. One of the biggest impacts of the economic crisis in Asia influencing Indonesia’s economy is the depreciation or volatility of rupiah’s exchange rate towards other currencies such as the US dollar. Plans to buy operating materials using the US dollar as currency has been adapted with production needs using the just-in-time method, ensuring that operating materials are available when needed. It is hoped that accurate planning can avoid overly low rupiah exchange rates. EVALUASI MATURITAS MATURITY EVALUATION Pengelolaan Risiko diantaranya juga melakukan kegiatan Risk Maturity Assessment berbasis ISO 31000 dengan menggunakan jasa tenaga ahli independen. Pengukuran maturitas ditujukan untuk menilai tingkat kedewasaan pengelolaan risiko yang telah berjalan di Perusahaan. Risk management is also conducted through a risk maturity assessment based on ISO 31000 using the services of an independent expert. This maturity measurement is intended to determine the maturity level of risk management ongoing in the Company. Hasil pengukuran maturitas menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kedewasaan Perusahaan berada pada level kompeten dengan angka 1,71 dari skala 5,00. Measurement of maturity level has showed that the Company’s maturity level rests at competent, with a score of 1.71 out of 5.00. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance Tingkat Maturitas Terukur Measured Maturity Level Karakter 7YçbçUdWbZcdZU Nilai Score Tingkat Maturitas Maturity Level Sasaran Bisnis & Kebijakan Manajemen Risiko Business Targets & Risk Management Policies 0,37 Kompeten Competent Organisasi Organization 0,13 Kompeten Competent SDM Human Resources 0,13 Kompeten Competent Metodologi & Pengelolaan Sistem Methodology & System Management 0,13 Kompeten Competent Proses Bisnis dan Manajemen Risiko Business Process & Risk Management 0,75 Kompeten Competent Pengelolaan Data dan Laporan Manajemen Risiko Data Management & Risk Management Report 0,20 Kompeten Competent Tingkat Maturitas Maturity Level 1,71 Kompeten Competent 259 260 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report INTEGRITAS BISNIS Business Integrity Perusahaan dalam melakukan berbagai kegiatan bisnisnya selalu berlandaskan pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan etika bisnis yang baik. Untuk menjaga integritasnya, perusahaan mewajibkan seluruh insan perusahaan agar dalam melakukan aktivitas bisnis selalu berlandaskan asas kejujuran, konsesional, kreatif, tangguh, dan tanggung jawab sesuai budaya perusahaan. In conducting its various business activities, the Company always refers to laws and regulations in effect and good business ethics. To maintain its integrity, the Company obliges all Company personnel to conduct business activities in accordance to principles of honesty, concession, creativity, tenacity, and responsibility as found in its corporate culture. Berbagai bentuk tindakan yang melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan maupun etika bisnis yang baik akan ditindak secara tegas sesuai kebijakan Perusahaan yang berlaku. Various types of actions violating laws and regulations or good business ethics will be reprimanded firmly in accordance to Company policies in effect. KEBIJAKAN DALAM MELAKSANAKAN PRINSIP INTEGRITAS BISNIS Policies on Business Integrity Principles 1. 8çæç]]Wæç\e\ç^ç\dZfZdçcTZc^ZcCWbecçYçç^Yçbec]W^XçUe\W`çVç6eVçèç CWbecçYçç^VW^Xç^]W^XWVW`ç^\ç^Uçbç!UçbçWdZc dZVç\]Wæç^XXçbYe\e] TWb\_]`WdZcZcWUçbçcWYçdVç^]W^Ve\e^XdWbUZ`dç^èç`çcçbèç^X\_]`WdZdZå cWYZ^XXçdWbYZ^VçbdWb[çVZ^èçTW^debç^\W`W^dZ^Xç^Vç^cWæçæe]W^Xedç]ç\ç^ \W`W^dZ^Xç^`WbecçYçç^" 2. FWdZç` ç\dZfZdçc TZc^Zc CWbecçYçç^ Yçbec cWæçæe ]W^XçUe `çVç `W^Uç`çZç^ cçcçbç^]ede gç\deVç^TeVçèç" 3. @Wgç[ZT\ç^ \W`çVç cW]eç Z^cç^ FH7B:<A8B e^de\ cW^ç^dZçcç ]W]çdeYZ \_VWWdZ\CWbecçYçç^Vç^]W^Ve\e^X`bZ^cZ`!`bZ^cZ``WbcçZ^Xç^ecçYçèç^X sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan. 1. In conducting its business activities, the Company must abide by the Corporate Culture by striving for ethical methods, compliance to law, healthy competition and creation of a competitive market to prevent conflicts of interest and prioritize Company interests. 2. All business activities of the Company must conform to the achievement of quality, time and culture targets. 3. All SUCOFINDO personnel are obliged to comply with the Company’s code of conduct and support principles of business competition in accordance to laws and regulations in effect at all times. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 261 SISTEM PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL DAN PELAPORAN PELANGGARAN Internal Control System and Violation Report Pengendalian Internal merupakan proses yang dirancang untuk menjamin tercapainya tujuan perusahaan secara efektif dan efisien. Sistem Pengendalian Internal yang efektif memungkinkan pengawasan (monitoring) dilakukan secara akurat dan memadai, sehingga risiko kerugian perusahaan dapat dikurangi. Internal Control is a process designed to ensure the achievement of Company purposes in an effective and efficient manner. An effective internal control system enables monitoring to be conducted accurately and adequately, reducing the risk of Company losses. Pengendalian Internal merupakan suatu mekanisme pengawasan yang ditetapkan oleh manajemen puncak secara berkesinambungan dalam bentuk sistem dan prosedur operasional dengan tujuan: Internal Control is a supervising mechanism established by top-level management in a sustainable manner through a system and operating procedures with the purpose of: 1. 1. Menjamin kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. dan Ensuring compliance towards laws and regulations in effect 2. Menjamin tersedianya informasi keuangan dan laporan manajemen yang benar, lengkap, tepat waktu, dan relevan dalam rangka pengambilan keputusan yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. 2. Ensuring the availability of accurate, complete, punctual and relevant financial information and management report to achieve accountable decision making 3. Meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi penggunaan asset dan sumber daya yang ada dalam rangka melindungi perusahaan dari risiko kerugian. 3. Increasing effectiveness and efficiency in the use of assets and resources provided in order to protect the Company from the risk of losses. SUCOFINDO telah mempersiapkan penerapan sistem pelaporan pelanggaran, atau whistle-blowing system (WBS) dalam rangka mendukung implementasi GCG berkaitan dengan penegakan prinsip transparansi dan akuntabilitas. Penerapan WBS juga berlaku sebagai upaya untuk memitigasi potensi risiko dan menciptakan lingkungan Perusahaan yang bersih dari praktik KKN (Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme) serta perilaku tidak etis lainnya. SUCOFINDO has prepared to implement a whistle-blowing system (WBS) in order to support the implementation of GCG, specifically in upholding principles of transparency and accountability. The implementation of a WBS also serves as an effort to mitigate potential risks and create a Company environment free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) along with other unethical behavior. 262 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report DASAR PEMBENTUKAN WBS FOUNDATION FOR ESTABLISHING OF THE WBS ?çdçb6Wæç\ç^XJ6F. Wistle Blowing System (WBS) merupakan bentuk upaya Perusahaan dalam menegakkan prinsip GCG, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan integritas dan transparansi, untuk menciptakan situasi kerja yang bersih dan bertanggungjawab. 6çU\Xb_e^VB^GYWWBS The whistleblowing system (WBS) serves as part of the Company’s efforts in upholding GCG principles, especially pertaining to integrity and transparency, to create a clean and responsible work situation. WBS merupakan bagian dari pengendalian internal perusahaan khususnya mengurangi resiko terhadap pelanggaran, sebagai salah satu alat yang ampuh dalam mencegah dan mendeteksi potensi terjadinya pelanggaran etika dan hukum di Perusahaan. The WBS is a part of the Company’s internal control system, specifically in reducing the risk of violations as an effective tool in preventing and detecting potential ethical and legal violations within the Company. Peningkatan kepatuhan dan kesesuaian terhadap pedoman etika perusahaan (ethical conformance). Tuntutan peraturan perundang-undangan (legal compliance), dan sebagai salah satu alat untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. The WBS is also intended to achieve improved legal compliance and ethical conformity towards and is used to improve Company performance. Tujuan WBS. Ceb`_cWBåJ6F. - Memastikan kejelasan struktur tata kelola Sistem Pelaporan Atas Dugaan Penyimpangan (Whistleblowing System). - Confirming a clear management structure for a suspected violation reporting system (whistleblowing system) - Menciptakan iklim yang kondusif dan mendorong pelaporan terhadap hal-hal yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian finansial maupun non-finansial, termasuk hal-hal yang dapat merusak citra perusahaan. - Creating a conducive and encouraging environment for reporting matters which may incur financial or non-financial losses, including damage towards the Company’s image - Mempermudah manajemen untuk menangani secara efektif laporan pelanggaran dan sekaligus melindungi kerahasiaan identitas pelapor serta tetap menjaga informasi ini dalam arsip khusus yang dijamin keamanannya. - Assisting the management in effectively handling violation reports and simultaneously protecting the secrecy of identity for whistleblowers while maintaining the information in a dedicated archive with guaranteed security - Membangun suatu kebijakan dan infra struktur untuk melindungi pelapor dari balasan pihak-pihak internal maupun eksternal. - Developing policies and infrastructure to protect whistleblowers from repercussions from internal and external parties - Meningkatkan reputasi perusahaan. - Improve the Company’s reputation - Mencegah terjadinya kerugian perusahaan. - Prevent Company losses Pembentukan WBS Formation Of WBS Pembentukan WBS sudah direncanakan dan sedang dibentuk mekanisme pelaporannya untuk dilaksanakan mulai tahun 2015. Formation of a WBS has been planned and undertaken. A reporting mechanism has been formulated for implementation starting in 2015. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 263 TATA KELOLA TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI Information Technology Management Persaingan usaha yang semakin ketat dewasa ini mendorong setiap perusahaan untuk mempunyai suatu tools yang akan mempermudah perusahaan dalam melakukan usahanya, salah satunya dengan peningkatan Teknologi Informasi. Dengan penguasaan Teknologi Informasi maka perusahaan akan dengan mudah terhubung dan berkomunikasi. Growing business competition in recent days have pressured all corporations to have the tools that can make it easier for them to conduct their businesses, including the increased use of Information Technology. Mastery of Information Technology provides ease of connection and communication for the Company. SUCOFINDO menyadari akan kebutuhan ini dan telah membentuk Divisi Informasi dan Solusi Bisnis (ISB) untuk mengelola Teknologi Informasi SUCOFINDO. Kehadiran Divisi ISB diharapkan membantu antara lain, proses pengambilan keputusan berbasis informasi yang memadai (well informed decision making), manajemen pengetahuan (knowledge management), dan layanan teknologi informasi untuk operational excellence. Hal ini tergambarkan dalam tiga pilar utama teknologi informasi (TI) SUCOFINDO. SUCOFINDO has realized this need and has formed the Information and Business Solutions (IBS) Division to manage SUCOFINDO’s Information Technology. The presence of this division is expected to facilitate wellinformed decision making, knowledge management, and information technology services for operational excellence. This is depicted below as SUCOFINDO’s three main pillars of information technology (IT). TI untuk Operational Excellent IT for Operational Excellence Tiga Pilar Utama TI SUCOFINDO Three Main Pillars of IT TI Untuk Kolaborasi dan Manajemen IT for Collaboration and Management TI untuk Analisa dan Penentu Keputusan Strategik IT for Analysis and Strategic Decision Making Visi Divisi ISB adalah Menjadi mitra unit kerja dalam menunjang proses bisnis prima dan peningkatan kinerja bisnis Perusahaan dengan tata kelola TI yang memenuhi standar BUMN. The vision of the IBS Division is to become a partner for work units in supporting prime business processes and improving business performance of the Company through IT management fulfilling SOE standards. Untuk mencapai visi tersebut, misi Divisi ISB adalah sebagai berikut: To achieve this vision, the IBS Division has formulated the following mission statements: @W]TWbZ\ç^ æçèç^ç^ dW\^_æ_XZ Z^å_b]çcZ Vçæç] upaya mendukung sistem peningkatan kinerja organisasi yang memberikan nilai tambah bisnis perusahaan melalui : Provide information technology services in order to support organizational performance improvement efforts giving added value to the Company’s business through: 264 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 1. Integrasi Sistem TI 2. Penyediaan layanan TI prima kepada Pengguna 3. Penyediaan media kolaborasi antara pegawai SUCOFINDO, Pelanggan, Mitra Kerja Strategis dan Supplier 1. IT system integration 2. Provision of prime IT services to users 3. Provision of media for collaboration between SUCOFINDO employees, customers, strategic business partners and suppliers @W]Tç^Xe^ Vç^ @W]TZ^ç F8@!G< cWTçXçZ 5cWd Berharga dalam mendukung Sasaran Bisnis Perusahaan Building and developing IT human resources as valuable assets supporting the achievement of the Company’s business targets 8ZfZcZ <F6 dWæçY ]W^èece^ `Wdç [çæç^ roadmap) pengembangan TI SUCOFINDO yang terdiri dari dukungan prima kepada kebutuhan internal pada 2014 dan 2015, membangun fokus dukungan kepada Unit Bisnis ( Excellent Business Support ) pada 2016 dan 2017 , menuju kemitraan prima dengan unit bisnis pada 2018 dan 2019. The IBS Division has constructed a roadmap for SUCOFINDO’s IT development, which consists of giving prime support towards internal needs in 2014 and 2015, developing focus on supporting Business Units (Excellent Business Support) in 2016 and 2017, and heading towards prime partnership with business units in 2018 and 2019. CWdç[çæç^dWbcWTedVZXç]Tçb\ç^cW`WbdZVZTçgçYZ^Z GYWb_çV]ç`Uç^TWVW`ZUdWVçcå_ææ_gc 2015-2016 Excellent Internal Support 2017 Excellent External Support 2017 Excellent Business Support 2017 Excellent Business Support Perusahaan telah menyusun program kerja jangka panjang (Master Plan TI 2015-2019) dan kebijakankebijakan yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan roadmap tersebut. Kebijakan tersebut terbagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu Kebijakan Strategis dan Kebijakan Operasional. Secara singkat, kebijakan tersebut dirangkum dalam tabel berikut. 2018-2019 Excellent Business Cçbd^WbcYZ` 2018-2019 Excellent Business Partnership The Company has compiled a long term work program (2015-2019 IT Master Plan) and necessary policies to implement this roadmap. These policies can be divided into two groups, namely Strategic Policies and Operational Policies. In short, the policies have been summarized in the following table. KEBIJAKAN STRATEGIS STRATEGIC POLICIES Kebijakan Tata Kelola TI IT Management Policies Kebijakan Organisasi dan SDM HR and Organization Policies Kebijakan Perencanaan Strategis TI IT Strategic Planning Policies Kebijakan Arsitektur Informasi Kebijakan Arsitektur TI Kebijakan Pengelolaan Investasi TI Kebijakan Pengelolaan Risiko TI Information Architecture Policies IT Architecture Policies IT Investment Management Policies IT Risk Management Policies KEBIJAKAN OPERASIONAL OPERATIONAL POLICIES Kebijakan Keamanan Informasi Kebijakan Dukungan Layanan TI Kebijakan Standar TI Kebijakan Pengembangan Aplikasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Aset TI Kebijakan Monitoring dan Evaluasi Kinerja TI Kebijakan Penggunaan Pihak Ketiga Kebijakan Pengelolaan Kepatuhan terhadap Standar Nasional dan Internasional Information Security Policies IT Service Support Policies IT Standards Policies Application Development Policies IT Asset Management Policies IT Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Policies Third Party User Policies Management of Compliance towards National and International Standards Policies Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik Pengelolaan TI di SUCOFINDO diatur dalam tiga tingkatan manajemen sebagaimana tergambarkan dalam bagan berikut. / good corporate governance 265 IT Management in SUCOFINDO is regulated at three levels of management as depicted in the following diagram. Kebijakan / Pedoman Policy / Guideline Standar Standard Standar Standard Prosedur Procedure Standar Standard Prosedur Procedure Intruksi Instruction Unit Kerja Work Unit PROGRAM TI 2014 IT PROGRAMS IN 2014 Program TI yang diselenggarakan sepanjang tahun 2014 bertujuan untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional Perusahaan. SUCOFINDO telah melaksanakan program dan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan aspek TI sebagai berikut: The IT Programs held throughout 2014 has the purpose of supporting the Company’s operational activities. SUCOFINDO has conducted programs and activities related to IT, as follows: 1) 1) Pengembangan TI Unit pemenangan persaingan Bisnis dalam rangka Development of Business Unit IT in order to overcome competition 2) Pengembangan TI Unit Pendukung dalam rangka efisiensi dan efektifitas sistem kerja 2) Support Unit IT Development for efficiency and effectiveness of work systems 3) Penyesuaian integrasi aplikasi bisnis inti terkait reorganisasi 2014 3) Adjustment of core business application integration in relation to 2014 reorganization efforts 4) Pengkajian dan persiapan penerapan Sistem ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) 4) Review and preparation for ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System implementation 5) Penyiapan Infrastruktur untuk penerapan Sistem ERP 5) Preparation of implementation 6) Audit TI dalam rangka kepatuhan Tata Kelola dan Manajemen Risiko TI 6) IT Audit for compliance towards IT Governance and Risk Management 7) Penyusunan Disaster Recovery Plan 7) Compilation of Disaster Recovery Plan infrastructure for ERP System 266 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report AKSES INFORMASI DAN DATA Access to Information and Data Sebagai manifestasi dari penerapan prinsip transparansi atau keterbukaan dalam praktik terbaik GCG bagi SUCOFINDO diantaranya dengan pengelolaan informasi secara tepat dan kemudahan akses bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan. As a manifestation of principles of transparency and openness in GCG best practices, SUCOFINDO has provided accurate information management and ease of access for all stakeholders. MEDIA INFORMASI INFORMATION MEDIA SUCOFINDO memberikan Informasi terkait aktivitas perusahaan untuk dapat diakses oleh para pemangku kepentingan melalui situs Perusahaan:www.Sucofindo. com dan portal internal SUCOFINDO. Terdapat media untuk penyediaan informasi publik agar dapat diperoleh dengan cepat dan tepat waktu, biaya ringan, dan cara sederhana melalui website dan social media lain seperti : Facebook : https: / / www. / SUCOFINDO dan Twitter : https: / / twitter. com / SUCOFINDO. SUCOFINDO has provided information pertaining to Company activities accessible by stakeholders through the Company website: and SUCOFINDO’s internal portal. Media for providing information to the public in a swift, punctual, low-cost and simple manner include the website www.sucofindo. and social media such as Facebook: https: / / www. / SUCOFINDO and Twitter: https: / / twitter. com / SUCOFINDO. Informasi penting Perusahaan melalui media internal Perusahaan yaitu LENSA. Untuk mengkomunikasikan kebijakan penting Perusahaan kepada karyawan, Perusahaan menyelenggarakan pertemuan morning call. Dalam morning call tersebut dibahas kebijakan / kebijakan penting Perusahaan. Untuk stakeholders lainnya, penyampaian kebijakan penting disampaikan melalui surat, iklan dan email. Informasi yang disediakan dalam website Perusahaan dan dimutahirkan secara berkala. Important information regarding the Company can be found through the Company’s internal medium, LENSA. To communicate important policies to employees, SUCOFINDO has conducted morning call meetings. During these morning calls, important policies from SUCOFINDO are discussed. For other stakeholders, information on important policies are distributed through mail, advertisement and email. Information provided on the Company website and are updated periodically. Informasi mengenai Perusahaan dapat pula diakses melalui media informasi yang dikelola oleh perusahaan, yakni dan newsletter LENSA. Information concerning the Company can also be accessed through information media managed by the Company such as and the LENSA newsletter. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 267 PENERBITAN LAPORAN TAHUNAN PUBLICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT SUCOFINDO telah menyusun dan menerbitkan Laporan Tahunan yang menyajikan informasi-informasi terkait pencapaian kinerja operasional dan keuangan, profil perusahaan, laporan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), Analisis dan Pembahasan kegiatan usaha dan keuangan, implementasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (Good Corporate Governance), dan praktik Tanggung Jawab Sosial (Corporate Social Responsibility) di lingkungan Perusahaan, yang disusun mengacu pada peraturan Bapepam-LK dan Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). SUCOFINDO has compiled and published Annual Reports which present relevant information towards the achievement operational and financial performance targets, Company profile, human resources (HR), analysis and discussion of business and financial activities, implementation of good corporate governance (GCG), and corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices within the Company environment. These reports are compiled based on Bapepam-LK and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) regulations. PERNYATAAN FINANSIAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT Di dalam Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi disampaikan informasi Pernyataan Finansial (Financial Statement) Perusahaan. Pernyataan finansial disusun sesuai International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS). Enclosed in the Integrated Annual Report is the Financial Statement of the Company. The Company’s financial statement has been compiled in accordance to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Melalui Pernyataan Finansial di dalam Laporan Tahunan Terintegrasi 2014, SUCOFINDO telah menyampaikan laporan keuangan dan informasi mengenai kondisi keuangan perusahaan kepada para pemangku kepentingan. Through the Financial Statement within the 2014 Integrated Annual Report, SUCOFINDO has provided a financial report and information on its financial conditions to stakeholders. 268 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report KEPATUHAN PADA HUKUM DAN PERUNDANG UNDANGAN Legal Compliance Sebagai badan usaha yang didirikan melakukan kegiatan bisnisnya sesuai dengan maksud tujuan pendirian perusahaan dan tidak bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan, ketertiban umum dan / atau kesusilaan. SUCOFINDO selalu memperhatikan kepatuhan pada ketentuan hukum dan perundangundangan yang berlaku di Indonesia. As a business enterprise founded to conduct business activities in accordance to the purpose of the Company’s establishment without violating laws and regulations in effect, general order and / or norms, SUCOFINDO has always observed its compliance towards legal provisions and laws and regulations in effect in Indonesia. Seluruh insan SUCOFINDO melandaskan segala aktivitas bisnisnya berpijak kepada Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan, Kebijakan RUPS, Peraturan-peraturan Perusahaan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, di dalam segala aktivitas baik dalam kegiatan operasional maupun dalam pengambilan kebijakan dan kegiatan keuangan. All SUCOFINDO personnel shall base all their business activities on the Articles of Association of the Company, GMS Policies, Company Regulations and laws and regulations in effect in operational activities, financial activities and policy making. Kebijakan dalam melaksanakan Prinsip Kepatuhan Perusahaan pada Hukum dan peraturan Perundangundangan Policies on the Principle of Legal Compliance towards Laws and Regulations 1. 1. PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) dalam melaksanakan kegiatan usaha sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan perseroan dan seluruh kegiatan lainnya wajib mematuhi Anggaran Dasar, kebijakan RUPS, Peraturan-peraturan Perusahaan dan Perundangundangan. 2. Tidak ada kebijakan Perusahaan yang didasari selain dari kepatuhan terhadap hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), in conducting business activities in accordance to the purpose and objectives of the Company and all other activities, is obliged to comply with the Articles of Association of the Company, GMS Policies, Company Regulations and laws and regulations in effect. 2. No Company policies are based on anything other than legal compliance towards laws and regulations in effect. Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik / good corporate governance 269 PERKARA PENTING DAN KEPATUHAN PADA HUKUM NOTABLE CASES AND LEGAL COMPLIANCE Selama tahun 2014 Perusahaan tidak pernah berhadapan dengan permasalahan hukum sehingga mendapatkan sanksi denda finansial maupun sanksi hukum lain, terkait dugaan ketidakpatuhan terhadap kebijakan. Throughout 2014, the Company has faced no legal issues incurring financial or other legal sanctions due to allegations of policy violations. CWbeTçYç^EWXeæçcZ 7Yç^XWcG_EWXeæçdZ_^c SUCOFINDO menindaklanjuti setiap perubahan regulasi dengan melakukan penyesuaian-penyesuaian sehingga tidak mempengaruhi proses kegiatan operasional yang dilaksanakan. SUCOFINDO has followed up all changes to regulations by making adjustments to ensure that processes in operational activities remain unaffected. CWbeTçYç^EWXeæçcZGçYe^&$%(Vç^GZ^Vç\?ç^[ed 7Yç^XWcd_EWXeæçdZ_^cZ^&$%(ç^V:_ææ_g!H`5UdZ_^c No CWbeTçYç^EWXeæçcZ 7Yç^XWG_EWXeæçdZ_^ Tindak Lanjut :_ææ_g!H`5UdZ_^ 1 Peraturan Menteri ESDM No.1 / 2014 tentang peningkatan Menyesuaikan ke dalam kegiatan inspeksi yang dilakukan oleh nilai tambah mineral melalui kegiatan pengolahan dan SUCOFINDO, misalnya sejak dikeluarkannya peraturan tersebut pemurnian di dalam negeri. berarti ada pelarangan eksport mineral mentah, sehingga SUCOFINDO tidak boleh melakukan inspeksi untuk meniral murni. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Adjusting inspection activities conducted by SUCOFINDO. For 1 / 2014 regarding Added Value to Minerals through example, since the issuance of the regulation, export of raw Domestic Processing And Refining Activities minerals is prohibited and SUCOFINDO will therefore no longer conduct inspections on raw minerals. 2 Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan No: 48 Tahun 2014, tentang ketentuan umum verifikasi atau penelusuran teknis di bidang perdagangan, tanggal 8 Agustus 2014. Minister of Trade Regulation 48 / 2014 regarding General Provisions on Verification And Technical Investigation in Trade, issued August 8, 2014 SUCOFINDO sebagai lembagai inspeksi harus terakreditasi ISO17020 untuk ruang lingkup pemeriksaan komoditi yang dipersyaratkan dalam Peraturan menteri Perdagangan tersebut. SUCOFINDO as an inspection body has to be accredited based on ISO 17020 for commodity inspection as required within the Minister of Trade regulation. 270 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL DAN LINGKUNGAN Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan / corporate social and environmental responsibility 271 Svg Commity for a B Life Melayani Masyarakat untuk Kehidupan yang Lebih Baik 272 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PEMENUHAN TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL DAN LINGKUNGAN Fulfillment of Social and Environmental Responsibility SUCOFINDO berkomitmen melaksanakan pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan (TJSL), yang merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam pelaksanaan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. SUCOFINDO is committed to fulfilling its corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER) as one of the core aspects in the implementation of good corporate governance. SUCOFINDO melaksanakan kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan melalui Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL). Program ini telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 1991 dan upaya peningkatan terus dilakukan secara berkelanjutan demi menjangkau masyarakat dan lingkungan yang lebih luas. SUCOFINDO has fulfilled its corporate social responsibility through the Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL). The program has been conducted since 1991 and efforts to improve the program have been continuously made in order to expand its social and environmental outreach. DASAR ACUAN LEGAL FOUNDATION 1. 1. Undang-Undang No.25 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanaman Modal. Pasal 15 (b) menjelaskan bahwa setiap penanam modal berkewajiban melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Law 25 / 2007 regarding Investments. Article 15 (b) explains that all investors have the obligation to carry out corporate social responsibility. 2. Pengertian tanggung jawab sosial perusahan: adalah tanggung jawab yang melekat pada setiap perusahaan penanaman modal untuk tetap menciptakan hubungan yang serasi, seimbang, dan sesuai dengan lingkungan, nilai, norma, dan budaya masyarakat setempat. 2. Corporate social responsibility is defined as: responsibility inherent to all investing companies in order to create a harmonious, balanced and accordant relationship with the environment, values, norms and culture of the local community 3. UU No.40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Pasal 74 mengatur tentang perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang sumber daya alam wajib melaksanakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan yang dianggarkan dan diperhitungkan sebagai biaya perusahaan yang pelaksanaannya dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kepatutan dan kewajaran. 3. Law 40 / 2007 regarding Limited Liability Companies. Article 74 dictates that a company acting in the natural resources sector is obliged to fulfill its Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility, which must be budgeted and calculated as part of corporate expenditure and implemented with consideration towards propriety and reason. 4. Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN Nomor: PER-08 / MBU / 2013 tanggal 10 September 2013 tentang Perubahan Keempat Atas Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN 4. Minister of SOE Regulation PER-08 / MBU / 2013 issued on September 10, 2013, regarding the Fourth Amendment of Minister of SOE Regulation Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan / corporate social and environmental responsibility 273 PROGRAM KEMITRAAN DAN BINA LINGKUNGAN Partnership and Community Development KEBIJAKAN PKBL PKBL POLICIES VISI Vision Menjadi Pembina dan Pengembang Usaha Kecil layak bina menjadi Usaha Kecil yang tangguh, mandiri dan layak kredit sehingga dapat membina Usaha Kecil sejenis lainnya. To develop and guide all Small Businesses with the potential of becoming strong, independent, and credit-worthy businesses capable of developing other Small Businesses of their kind. MISI Mission 1. Membina Usaha Kecil menjadi Usaha Kecil yang tangguh, mandiri dan layak kredit sehingga dapat membina Usaha Kecil lainnya melalui sinergi pengembangan usaha dengan pembentukan cluster binaan. 2. Berperan aktif dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup dalam kehidupan masyarakat dan memelihara keseimbangan alam. 3. Menjalankan program PKBL yang memperkuat strategi perusahaan dan meningkatkan Corporate Image yang positif di masyarakat melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar perusahaan guna terciptanya iklim usaha yang kondusif bagi kelangsungan usaha PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) 1. To develop Small Businesses into becoming strong, independent, and credit-worthy, capable of developing other Small Business of their kind by utilizing synergized business development through the formation of development clusters. 2. To play an active role in improving the community’s quality of life and conserving environmental balance. 3. To implement PKBL programs which strengthen the Company’s strategies and develop a positive Corporate Image among the public through the empowerment of the surrounding community in order to produce a conducive business climate towards the sustainability of PT SUCOFINDO (Persero)’s business. STRUKTUR ORGANISASI PKBL PKBL ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Pelaksanaan PKBL menjadi tugas dan tanggung jawab Unit Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan, dipimpin oleh Kepala Unit dan bertangung jawab terhadap Direktur Sumber Daya dan Keuangan. Dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya, Kepala Unit PKBL dibantu oleh: The implementation of PKBL falls under the duty and responsibility of the Partnership and Community Development (PKBL) Unit, led by a Unit Head and directly responsible to the Director of Resources and Finance. In performing all duties, the Head of the PKBL Unit is supported by the: 1. Finance and Administration Sub-Section 2. Operational Sub-Section 1. Sub bagian Keuangan dan Administrasi 2. Sub bagian Operasional 274 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report RUANG LINGKUP SCOPE OF PKBL Pelaksanaan PKBL diselenggarakan dengan melakukan analisis, menyusun perencanaan, pelaksanaan program hingga melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan. Secara garis besar, program PKBL perusahaan fokus beberapa bidang utama, yaitu: The implementation of PKBL consists of analysis, planning, program execution and evaluation of conducted activities. In general, the Company’s PKBL programs are focused on several main areas, namely: 1. Bidang Program Kemitraan 2. Bidang Program Bina Lingkungan 1. Partnership Programs 2. Community Development Programs PELAKSANAAN PKBL 2014 PKBL IMPLEMENTATION IN 2014 Pada tahun 2014, kebijakan SUCOFINDO adalah memfokuskan PKBL pada masyarakat di area Ring 1 perusahaan dan lingkungan sosial disekitar lokasi mitra binaan berada. Hal ini dilakukan secara sinergis dengan program CSR yang mendukung keberlanjutan Perusahaan. Program yang lebih terfokus mendukung kemudahan pengawasan dan kesinambungan program, sehingga masyarakat dan lingkungan sosial di sekitar lokasi mitra binaan berada, memperoleh manfaat lebih dari program tersebut. In 2014, SUCOFINDO has decided to focus its PKBL activities on communities within the Ring 1 area of the Company, and the social environment surrounding the location of the development partner. In synergy with CSR programs supporting the sustainability of the Company. This is done for the purpose of ensuring that programs and activities are more focused and supporting ease of supervision and program continuation. Consequently, the surrounding community will be able to gain more benefit from the presence of the program. PKBL dilaksanakan berdasar dari pemetaan dan analisa lapangan, sehingga diharapkan program dan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan betul-betul tepat sasaran. kegiatan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran (RKA) PKBL tahun 2014 telah ditetapkan oleh RUPS SUCOFINDO pada tanggal 12 Desember 2013. PKBL has been conducted based on mapping and analysis performed in the field. Thus, it is expected that the programs and activities conducted are truly on target. The PKBL Work Plan and Budget for 2014 has been established through SUCOFINDO GMS held on December 12, 2013. PROGRAM KEMITRAAN PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMS Program Kemitraan SUCOFINDO menggunakan dana bergulir dan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk penyaluran dana pinjaman dan pembinaan kepada usaha kecil pada sektor industri, perdagangan, peternakan, pertanian, perikanan, perkebunan, dan jasa di berbagai propinsi. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan program ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan usaha kecil agar menjadi layak kredit dan mandiri. SUCOFINDO’s Partnership Programs utilizes a revolving fund and are implemented through the distribution of loans and guidance for small businesses within the sectors of industry, trade, livestock, agriculture, fishery, plantation, and service industry in various provinces. The purpose of conducting partnership programs is to increase the ability of small businesses to become credit-worthy and independent. Selama tahun 2014, SUCOFINDO menyalurkan pinjaman dana kepada 470 unit usaha kecil di 16 propinsi. Total realisasi dana untuk Program Kemitraan ini mencapai Rp16.461.000.000, realisasi dana ini meningkat 231% dibandingkan realisasi dana yang dikucurkan pada tahun 2013 sebesar Rp7.131.500.000. In 2014, SUCOFINDO has distributed loans to 470 units of small businesses in 16 provinces. The total amount of actual funds for Partnership Programs reached Rp16,461,000,000, increasing by 231% compared to the funds in 2013 amounting to Rp7,131,500,000. Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan / corporate social and environmental responsibility 275 Program Kemitraan tahun 2014 Partnership Programs in 2014 No 1 Program / Kegiatan Program / Activity Jumlah Anggaran Total Funding Pinjaman dana kepada 470 unit usaha kecil di 16 propinsi Loans to 470 units of small businesses in 16 provinces Rp16.461.000.000 Jumlah Total Rp16.461.000.000 Sepanjang tahun 2014, sebanyak 11 unit usaha kecil mitra binaan diikutsertakan dalam dua pameran berskala nasional dan internasional untuk meningkatkan akses pasar mitra binaan yaitu: Throughout 2014, 11 units of small business partners took part in two national and international exhibitions to increase market access towards SUCOFINDO’s business partners: Cç]Wbç^ <A57E5:G &$%( VZ 6çæçZ FZVç^X =ç\çbdç Convention Centre Hall B tanggal 23-27 April 2014 yang diselenggarakan oleh PT Mediatama Bina Kreasi dengan mengikutsertakan 6 (enam) unit usaha kecil dari Propinsi DKI Jakarta, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Bandar Lampung, dan Sumatera Selatan. Transaksi penjualan retail pada kegiatan ini mencapai Rp261.011.000. dan transaksi pemesanan sebesar Rp72.710.000. 2014 INACRAFT exhibition at Jakarta Convention Centre Hall B, held on April 23 - 27, 2014, by PT Mediatama Bina Kreasi, with the participation of 6 (six) small business units from the provinces of DKI Jakarta, Central Java, East Java, Bandar Lampung, and South Sumatra. Retail sale transactions during this event reached a value of Rp261,011,000 whereas order transactions amounted to Rp72,710,000 Cç]Wbç^ <7E5 &$%( VZ 6çæçZ FZVç^X =ç\çbdç Convention Centre tanggal 25-29 Juni 2014, dengan mengikutsertakan 2 unit usaha kecil dari Propinsi DKI Jakarta dengan transaksi penjualan retail sebesar Rp15.089.000. 2014 ICRA Exhibition at Jakarta Convention Centre, held on June 25 – 29, 2014, with the participation of 2 small business units from DKI Jakarta with retail sale transactions amounting to Rp15,089,000 6çiçb ;HG EF ;çbç`ç^ >Zdç =ç\çbdç dç^XXçæ %) November dengan mengikutsertakan 1 unit usaha kecil dari Propinsi DKI Jakarta dengan transaksi penjualan retail sebesar Rp5.000.000. Harapan Kita Hospital Jakarta Anniversary Bazaar, held on November 15, with the participation of 1 business unit from DKI Jakarta with retail sale transactions amounting to Rp5,000,000 Cç]Wbç^ 7E5:<A5 &$%( VZ 6çæçZ FZVç^X =ç\çbdç Convention Centre tanggal 26-30 November 2014, dengan mengikutsertakan 4 unit usaha kecil dari Propinsi DKI Jakarta dan Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan transaksi penjualan retail sebesar Rp51.470.000. transaksi pemesanan sebesar Rp16.250.000. 2014 CRAFINA Exhibition at Jakarta Convention Centre, held on November 26 – 30, 2014, with the participation of 4 small business units from DKI Jakarta and East Java, retail sale transactions amounting to Rp51,470,000 and order transactions amounting to Rp16,250,000 Cç]Wbç^ FJ5EA5 :9FG<I5? &$%( VZ 8W^`çcçb 6çæZ tanggal 4-7 Desember 2014, dengan mengikutsertakan 1 unit usaha kecil dari Propinsi Bali. &$%(FJ5EA5:9FG<I5?9hYZTZdZ_^Z^8W^`çcçb 6çæZ held on December 4 – 7, 2014, with the participation of 1 small business unit from the Bali Province. Dalam rangka pembinaan kepada mitra binaan untuk meningkatkan sumber daya manusia mitra binaan, pada tahun 2014 telah diikutsertakan 40 unit usaha kecil dari Propinsi Jawa Timur dalam ”Pelatihan Peningkatan Produk Sapi Perah Melalui Optimalisasi Bioteknologi Produksi dan Reproduksi Peternakan” yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan-UNAIR, Jatim pada tanggal 17-18 Desember 2014 di Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. In order to further develop SUCOFINDO’s partners in improving their human resources, in 2014, 40 small business units from the East Java Province participated in “Training in Dairy Cattle Product Development through Optimization of Production Biotechnology and Livestock EW`b_VeUdZ_^ºYWæVTèdYW:çUeædè_åIWdWbZ^çbèFUZW^UW UNAIR, East Java, on December 17 – 18, 2014 at Pasuruan, East Java. 276 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PROGRAM BINA LINGKUNGAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Program Bina Lingkungan tahun 2014 difokuskan pada bantuan pendidikan dan / atau pelatihan, bantuan peningkatan kesehatan, bantuan korban bencana alam, bantuan pengembangan dan / atau prasarana umum, bantuan sarana ibadah, bantuan pelestarian alam, dan bantuan sosial kemasyarakatan dalam rangka pengentasan kemiskinan. Perusahaan telah mengalokasikan dana Program Bina Lingkungan sebesar Rp2.100.000.000. dan telah terealisasikan sebesar Rp1.620.094.000. Dana ini meningkat 146% dibandingkan dana yang dikucurkan pada tahun 2013 sebesar Rp1.110.738.000. Community Development programs in 2014 were focused on education and / or training aid, health improvement aid, natural disaster relief, development of public infrastructure and / or facilities, donation to places of worship, environmental conservation aid, and humanitarian aid for poverty alleviation. The Company has allocated a fund of Rp2,100,000,000 for community development programs with a realized amount of Rp1,620,094,000. The amount of fund increased by 146% compared to that in 2013, amounting to Rp1,110,738,000. Dana ini disalurkan untuk bantuan korban bencana alam, bantuan peningkatan pendidikan dan pelatihan, bantuan peningkatan kesehatan, bantuan pengembangan prasarana dan sarana umum, bantuan pengembangan sarana ibadah, bantuan pelestarian alam dan bantuan sosial kemasyarakatan dalam rangka pengentasan kemiskinan. The fund has been distributed for natural disaster relief, improvement of education and training, improvement of health, development of public facilities and infrastructure, donation to places of worship, environmental conservation and humanitarian aid for the purpose of poverty alleviation. Pemanfaatan Dana Bina Lingkungan Tahun 2014 Allocation of Community Development Funds in 2014 No Bidang Kegiatan Bina Lingkungan CSR Activity Sector Jumlah Program / Kegiatan Number of Programs / Activities Anggaran Fund Persentase Percentage 1 Bantuan Bencana Alam Natural Disaster Relief 8 Rp247.500.000 15% 2 Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Education and Training Aid 18 Rp373.800.000 23% 3 Peningkatan Kesehatan Health Improvement Aid 3 Rp48.764.000 3% 4 Pengembangan sarana dan / atau prasarana umum Development of Infrastructure and / or Facilities Aid 6 Rp374.570.000 23% 5 Bantuan Sarana Ibadah Donation to Places of Worship 16 Rp312.500.000 19% 6 Bantuan Lingkungan Alam Environmental Conservation Aid 1 Rp84.000.000 5% 7 Bantuan Sosial Kemasyarakatan dalam rangka Pengentasan Kemiskinan Humanitarian Aid for Poverty Alleviation 9 Rp178.960.000 11% Jumlah Total 61 Rp1.620.094.000 100% 1. Bantuan Bencana Alam 1. Natural Disaster Relief Bantuan Kemanusiaan kepada korban bencana alam dilaksanakan sebagai bentuk kepedulian SUCOFINDO terhadap musibah yang terjadi. Total dana untuk bantuan kemanusiaan adalah sebesar Rp247.500.000. Humanitarian aid for natural disaster victims has been conferred by SUCOFINDO in response to the occurring incidents. The total amount of funds for humanitarian aid was Rp247,500,000. Program / Kegiatan Program / Activity Jumlah Dana Total Funding No Waktu Pelaksanaan Date of Implementation 1. 15 Januari 2014 January 15, 2014 Bantuan kepada korban banjir di Kecamatan Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan Donation to flood victims in the Pancoran Subdistrict, South Jakarta Rp20.000.000 2. 16 Januari 2014 January 16, 2014 Bantuan kepada korban letusan Gunung Sinabung, Sumatera Utara Donation to Mount Sinabung eruption victims, North Sumatra Rp50.000.000 3. 21 januari 2014 January 21, 2014 Bantuan kepada korban korban banjir di Manado , Sulawesi Utara Donation to flood victims in Manado, North Sulawesi Rp15.000.000 4. 20 Januari 2014 January 20, 2014 Bantuan sembako kepada Yayasan Al Hayah-Hayatuna, Jl. Ciliwung, Cililitan, Jakarta Timur Donation of staple food items to Al Hayah-Hayatuna Foundation, Jl. Ciliwung, Cililitan, East Jakarta Rp10.000.000 Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan / corporate social and environmental responsibility 277 5. 20 Februari 2014 February 20, 2014 Bantuan sembako kepada korban banjir di Semarang, Jawa Tengah Donation of staple food items to flood victims in Semarang, Central Java Rp12.500.000 6. 2 Desember 2014 December 2, 2014 Bantuan kepada korban Gunung Sinabung dan banjir bandang Aceh Donation to Mount Sinabung eruption victims and Aceh flash flood victims Rp50.000.000 7. 27 Februari 2014 February 27, 2014 Bantuan kepada korban erupsi Gunung Kelud, Jawa Timur Donation to Mount Kelud eruption victims, East Java Rp40.000.000 8. 23 Desember 2014 December 23, 2014 Bantuan dana korban bencana alam tanah longsor di Kabupaten Banjarnegara Jawa Tengah Donation to landslide disaster victims in Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java Rp50.000.000 Jumlah Total Rp247.500.000 2. Bantuan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan 2. Education and Training Aid Pendidikan menjadi fokus sebagai upaya membantu pemerintah Indonesia dalam memperbaiki Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) Indonesia. Total dana PKBL untuk bidang Pendidikan adalah sebesar Rp373,800,000. No Waktu Pelaksanaan Date of Implementation Education has become a point of focus as part of the Company’s efforts to assist the government of Indonesia in increasing its Human Development Index (HDI). Total PKBL funding for the Education sector was Rp373,800,000. Program / Kegiatan Program / Activity Jumlah Dana Total Funding 1. 17 Maret 2014 March 17, 2014 Bantuan dana pembangunan kepada Yayasan Nur Hidayatullah, Citereup, Bogor. Monetary development donation to Nur Hidayatullah Foundation, Citereup, Bogor Rp25.000.000 2 22 April 2014 April 2, 2014 Bantuan dana pembangunan kepada YPI Ponpes Hikmatul Iman, Serang, Banten. Monetary development donation to the Hikmatul Iman Islamic Boarding School Foundation, Serang, Banten.. Rp30.000.000 3. 8 Mei 2014 May 8, 2014 Bantuan sarana belajar kepada Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darul Jalal, Bekasi. Study facility donation to Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darul Jalal, Bekasi. Rp12.800.000 4 13 Mei 2014 May 13, 2014 Bantuan dana renovasi kepada PAUD Tunas Harapan, Ciracas, Jakarta Timur. Monetary donation for renovation to PAUD Tunas Harapan, Ciracas, East Jakarta. Rp8.000.000 5 20 Mei 2014 May 20, 2014 Bantuan sarana pendidikan kepada Madrasah Diniyah Babussalam, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan. Educational facility donation to Madrasah Diniyah Babussalam, Pancoran, South Jakarta. Rp5.000.000 6 25 Agustus 2014 August 25, 2014 Bantuan pengadaan monitor, alat bantu dll kepada Paud An- Nurika, Cilebut Timur, Bogor. Procurement of monitors, aids, etc. to Paud An- Nurika, East Cilebut, Bogor. Rp9.000.000 7 07 Agustus 2014 August 7, 2014 Bantuan pembangunan Laboratorium dan IT kepada Yayasan Aba muchsin, Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Laboratory and IT development donation to Aba Muchsin Foundation, Surabaya, East Java. 8 12 Agustus 2014 August 12, 2014 Bantuan tas sekolah dan alat tulis kepada Yayasan Al – Falah, Garut, Jawa Barat. School bags and stationery donation to Al – Falah Foundation, Garut, West Java. 9 29 September 2014 September 29, 2014 Bantuan dana renovasi kepada Yayasan Pendidikan Selamat Sejahtera, Citeurep, Bogor. Monetary donation for renovation to the Pendidikan Selamat Sejahtera Foundation, Citeurep, Bogor. Rp25.000.000 10 8 Oktober 2014 October 8, 2014 Bantuan dana renovasi ruang belajar untuk Yayasan Tamamul Ihsan, Kp Rambutan, Jakarta Timur. Monetary donation for renovation of study rooms to the Tamamul Ihsan Foundation, Kp. Rambutan, East Jakarta. Rp20.000.000 11 09 Oktober 2014 October 9, 2014 Bantuan dana renovasi kepada Rumah Tahfidz Baitussalam, Cilodong, Depok. Monetary donation for renovation to Rumah Tahfidz Baitussalam, Cilodong, Depok. Rp20.000.000 12 21 Oktober 2014 October 21, 2014 Bantuan pengadaan meja dan kursi belajar kepada Yayasan PP At – Thawalib, Denpasar, Bali. Procurement of classroom desks and chairs to At – Thawalib Foundation, Denpasar, Bali. Rp25.000.000 13 19 November 2014 November 19, 2014 Bantuan dana pembangunan ruang kelas kepada pondok pesantren Asy-Syuhada, KpMakassar, Jakarta Timur. Monetary donation for classroom construction to Asy-Syuhada Islamic boarding school, Kp. Makassar, East Jakarta. Rp30.000.000 14 21 November 2014 November 21, 2014 Bantuan dana untuk pembangunan asrama pondok pesantren Al-Manshuriyah, Tangerang, Banten. Monetary donation for dormitory construction to Al-Manshuriyah Islamic boarding school, Tangerang, Banten. Rp40.000.000 15 25 November 2014 November 25, 2014 Bantuan dana pembangunan gedung baru madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hidayatul Mubtadi’aat, Tangerang, Banten Monetary donation for new building construction to Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Hidayatul Mubtadi’aat, Tangerang, Banten Rp40.000.000 Rp15.000.000 Rp9.000.000 278 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 16 30 Desember 2014 December 30, 2014 Bantuan dana pendidikan dan pelatihan boarding school Al-Nahdlah Islamic, Depok, Bogor. Donation of education and training funds to Al-Nahdlah Islamic boarding school, Depok, Bogor Rp20.000.000 17 30 Desember 2014 December 30, 2014 Bantuan dana pendidikan dan pelatihan kepada SMP Islam Al-Mujahidin Pamulang, Tangerang, Banten. Donation of education and training funds to Al-Mujahidin Pamulang Islamic Junior High School, Tangerang, Banten. Rp25.000.000 18 30 Desember 2014 December 30, 2014 Bantuan dana pendidikan dan pelatihan kepada TPQ AL-Munawwarah, Lumajang, Jawa Timur. Donation of education and training funds to TPQ AL-Munawwarah, Lumajang, East Java. Rp20.000.000 Jumlah Total Rp373.800.000 3. Bantuan Peningkatan Kesehatan 3. Health Improvement Aid Kepedulian Perusahaan terhadap peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat sekitar wilayah operasi. Jumlah Dana untuk bidang Peningkatan Kesehatan ini adalah sebesar Rp48.764.000. The Company is concerned towards the surrounding community’s health. The total amount of funds allocated for Health Improvement was Rp48,764,000. No Waktu Pelaksanaan Date of Implementation Program / Kegiatan Program / Activity 1. 22 Januari 2014 January 22, 2014 Bantuan biaya pengobatan atas nama Ahmad Sauki, Depok, Bogor. Medical fees on behalf of Ahmad Sauki, Depok, Bogor. Rp10.000.000 2. 28 Oktober 2014 October 28, 2014 Bantuan peningkatan kesehatan berupa pengobatan gratis yang dilaksanakan di Graha SUCOFINDO, Jln. Raya Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan. Health improvement in the form of free treatment conducted at Graha SUCOFINDO, Jln. Raya Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. Rp18.764.000 3. 31 Desember 2014 December 31, 2014 Bantuan dana kesehatan transplantasi Kulit kepada Aisyah Rahmani di Cilodong, Depok Skin transplant medical assistance to Aisyah Rahmani from Cilodong, Depok Rp20.000.000 Jumlah Total Rp48.764.000 4. Bantuan Pengembangan dan Sarana Umum 4. Development of Public Infrastructure and Facilities Aid Sebagai wujud perhatian SUCOFINDO terhadap kehidupan masyarakat sekitar, maka SUCOFINDO memberikan bantuan sarana dan prasarana umum yang totalnya mencapai Rp374.570.000. No Waktu Pelaksanaan Date of Implementation Jumlah Dana Total Funding As a display of SUCOFINDO’s concern towards the lives of the surrounding community, SUCOFINDO has conferred donations for public facilities and infrastructure totaling to Rp374,570,000. Program / Kegiatan Program / Activity Jumlah Dana Total Funding 1. 28 April 2014 April 28, 2014 Bantuan dana untuk Pengembangan Prasarana dan Sarana Umum di wilayah tanah wakaf, Tegal Parang, Jakarta Selatan Donation of funds for public infrastructure and facility development in donated wakaf land for public use, Tegal Parang, South Jakarta 2. 14 Oktober 2014 October 14, 2014 Bantuan sarana air bersih kepada kelompok ternak Suroyudo di Pasuruan, Jawa Timur Donation of clean water facilities for Suroyudo livestock farmers in Pasuruan, East Java Rp100.000.000 3. 14 Oktober 2014 October 14, 2014 Bantuan sarana air bersih kepada Hipam desa Kalipucang di Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 8_^çdZ_^_åUæWç^gçdWbåçUZæZdZWcd_dYW>çæZ`eUç^XIZææçXW8bZ^\Z^XJçdWbHcWb Community (HIPANG) in Pasuruan, East Java Rp100.000.000 4. 12 November 2014 November 12, 2014 Bantuan sarana air bersih kepada pesantren santri asuh Sindangsari di Bandung, Jawa Barat Donation of clean water facilities to Sindangsari Islamic boarding school for orphans in Bandung, West Java Rp21.500.000 5. 04 Desember 2014 December 4, 2014 Bantuan mesin potong rumput kepada kelompok peternak sapi mitra binaan SUCOFINDO Jawa Tengah. Donation of grass cutting machines to SUCOFINDO’s partners in cattle farming, Central Java. Rp113.070.000 6. 31 Desember 2014 December 31, 2014 Bantuan dana sarana dan prasarana kepada TKAT / TPA Akhlakul Karimah, di Pancoran Mas, Depok, Bogor. Donation of infrastructure and facility funds to TKAT / TPA Akhlakul Karimah, Pancoran Mas, Depok, Bogor. Rp25.000.000 Jumlah Total Rp15.000.000 Rp374.570.000 Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan 5. Bantuan Sarana Ibadah Waktu Pelaksanaan Date of Implementation 279 5. Donations to Places of Worship Tahun 2014, SUCOFINDO mengeluarkan dana untuk peningkatan sarana ibadah sebesar Rp312.500.000. No / corporate social and environmental responsibility In 2014, SUCOFINDO spent funds on the development of places of worship amounting to Rp312,500,000. Program / Kegiatan Program / Activity Jumlah Dana Total Funding 1. 20 Februari 2014 Februari 20, 2014 Bantuan perbaikan atap Masjid Al-Hanif di Sukmajaya, Depok Donation for roof repair to Al-Hanif Mosque in Sukmajaya, Depok 2. 07 Maret 2014 March 07, 2014 Bantuan perbaikan Masjid Riyadhus Sholihin di Bogor Donation for repairs to Riyadhus Sholihin Mosque in Bogor 3. 11 Maret 2014 March 11, 2014 Bantuan bahan bangunan kepada Masjid Agung Daaruttaqwa di Cibinong, Bogor Donation of construction materials to Daaruttaqwa Grand Mosque in Cibinong, Bogor Rp15.000.000 4. 12 Maret 2014 March 12, 2014 Bantuan bahan bangunan kepada Musholla Nur-Jannah di Cirebon, Jawa Barat Donation of construction materials to Musholla Nur-Jannah in Cirebon, West Java Rp10.000.000 5. 18 Maret 2014 March 18, 2014 Bantuan bahan bangunan kepada Musholla Nurul Anwar di Cibinong, Bogor Donation of construction materials to Musholla Nurul Anwar in Cibinong, Bogor 6. 14 April 2014 April 14, 2014 Bantuan dana renovasi Musholla Nurul Kamal di Tanah Sereal, Bogor Donation of renovation funds to Musholla Nurul Kamal in Tanah Sereal, Bogor Rp20.000.000 7. 29 April 2014 April 29, 2014 Bantuan dana renovasi Musholla Al-Jihad di Teluk Pucung, Bekasi Donation of renovation funds to Musholla Al-Jihad in Teluk Pucung, Bekasi Rp20.000.000 8. 03 Juli 2014 July 3, 2014 Bantuan dana renovasi DKM Masjid Jami Al-Ikhlas, Gunung Sindur, Bogor Donation of renovation funds to Jami Al-Ikhlas Mosque Committee, Gunung Sindur, Bogor Rp15.000.000 9. 15 Juli 2014 July 15, 2014 Bantuan sarana ibadah kepada DKM Riyadhus Sholihin, Mimika, Papua. Donation of worship facilities to the Riyadhus Sholihin Mosque Committee, Mimika, Papua. Rp15.000.000 10. 26 September 2014 September 26, 2014 Bantuan dana renovasi Musholla Nurul Amal, Cipinang, Jakarta Timur Donation of renovation funds to Musholla Nurul Amal, Cipinang, East Jakarta Rp10.000.000 11. 11 November 2014 November 11, 2014 Bantuan dana renovasi Masjid Al-Faalah, Bojongsoang, Bandung, Jawa Barat Donation of renovation funds to Al-Faalah Mosque, Bojongsoang, Bandung, West Java Rp25.000.000 12. 13 November 2014 November 13, 2014 Bantuan dana pembangunan Masjid Jami’ Desa Ngembal, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur Donation of development funds Jami’ Desa Ngembal Mosque, Pasuruan, East Java Rp50.000.000 13. 02 Desember 2014 Desember 2, 2014 Bantuan dana renovasi Musholah Anur Karim Yaman, Caringin, Bogor Donation of renovation funds to Musholah Anur Karim Yaman, Caringin, Bogor Rp20.000.000 14. 11 Desember 2014 Desember 11, 2014 Bantuan dana renovasi Masjid Besar Nurul Amal, Cirebon, Jawa Barat Donation of renovation funds to Nurul Amal Grand Mosque, Cirebon, West Java Rp20.000.000 15. 18 Desember 2014 Desember 18, 2014 Bantuan dana pembangunan Masjid Al-Huda, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta Donation of development funds to Al-Huda Mosque, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta Rp20.000.000 16. 31 Desember 2014 Desember 31, 2014 Bantuan dana sarana ibadah berupa pembangunan MCK Mushollah Baiturrahmah, Cilodong, Depok Donation of worship facility through the construction of MCK Mushollah Baiturrahmah, Cilodong, Depok Rp30.000.000 Jumlah Total 1. 21 Desember 2014 December 21, 2014 Rp7.500.000 6. Environmental Conservation Aid Kepedulian SUCOFINDO terhadap kelestarian lingkungan hidup diwujudkan melalui kegiatan pembangunan kebun raya dan hutan kota di Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat. Total alokasi dana untuk program pelestarian alam ini mencapai Rp84.000.000 pada tahun 2014. Waktu Pelaksanaan Date of Implementation Rp5.000.000 Rp312.500.000 6. Bantuan Pelestarian Alam No Rp30.000.000 SUCOFINDO’s concern towards natural environment conservation has been implemented by participating in activities such as botanical garden and city forest development in Kuningan Regency, West Java. The total amount of funds allocated for this environmental conservation program reached Rp84,000,000 in 2014. Program / Kegiatan Program / Activity Jumlah Dana Total Funding Bantuan untuk pembangunan kebun raya dan Hutan Kota Di Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat Donation for botanical garden and city forest development in Kuningan Regency, West Java Rp84.000.000 Jumlah Total Rp84.000.000 280 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report 7. Bantuan Sosial Kemasyarakatan Dalam Rangka Pengentasan Kemiskinan Perhatian Perusahaan terhadap kondisi sosial kemasyarakatan sekitar sebagai wujud kepedulian, total yang dikeluarkan sepanjang tahun 2014 adalah sebesar Rp178.960.000 7. Humanitarian Aid for Poverty Alleviation As a sign of the Company’s concern towards the social conditions faced by the surrounding community, the total amount of funds for social donations in 2014 amounted to Rp178,960,000. Program / Kegiatan Program / Activity Jumlah Dana Total Funding No Waktu Pelaksanaan Date of Implementation 1. 12 Mei 2014 dan 10 Juni 2014 May 12, 2014 and June 10, 2014 Kegiatan berbagi sembako yang berlokasi di Masjid Al Hakim PT SUCOFINDO, Jln Raya Pasar Minggu, Jkt Selatan periode Mei & Juni Donation of staple food items at PT SUCOFINDO’s Al-Hakim Mosque, Jln Raya Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, for the May and June period Rp40.000.000 2. 1 Juli 2014 July 1, 2014 Kegiatan Pasar Murah BUMN Kal-Bar dalam Menyambut Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1435 H tahun 2014 di Kota Pontianak West Kalimantan SOE Bargain Market in commemoration of Eid-ul Fitr 1435 H, 2014, in Pontianak Rp18.960.000 3. 7 Juli 2014 July 7, 2014 Pemberian Ta’jil dan buka puasa bersama di Majelis Ta’lim PT SUCOFINDO Kantor Pusat, Jln Raya Pasar Minggu Kav 34, Jakarta Selatan. Ramadan fast breaking at PT SUCOFINDO Head Office’s Majelis Ta’lim at Jln Raya Pasar Minggu Lot 34, South Jakarta. Rp15.000.000 4. 11 Juli 2014 July 11, 2014 Pemberian paket santunan anak yatim di DKM Asy-Syifaa, Tambun Selatan Orphan relief packages distribution at DKM Asy-Syifaa, South Tambun Rp5.000.000 5. 12 Agustus 2014 August 12, 2014 Kegiatan berbagi sembako periode Agustus di PT Sucocindo Kantor Pusat, Jln Raya Pasar Minggu Kav 34, Jakarta Selatan. Donation of staple food items for the August period at PT SUCOFINDO’s Head Office, Jln Raya Pasar Minggu Lot 34, South Jakarta Rp20.000.000 6. 18 September 2014 September 18, 2014 Kegiatan berbagi sembako periode September di PT SUCOFINDO SBU Laboratorium Cibitung. Donation of staple food items for the September period PT SUCOFINDO’s SBU Laboratory, Cibitung Rp20.000.000 7. 28 Oktober 2014 October 28, 2014 Kegiatan berbagi sembako periode Oktober di PT Sucocindo Kantor Pusat, Jln Raya Pasar Minggu Kav 34, Jakarta Selatan. Donation of staple food items for the October period at PT SUCOFINDO’s Head Office, Jln Raya Pasar Minggu Lot 34, South Jakarta Rp20.000.000 8. 27 November 2014 November 27, 2014 Kegiatan berbagi sembako periode November di PT Sucocindo Kantor Pusat, Jln Raya Pasar Minggu Kav 34, Jakarta Selatan. Donation of staple food items for the November period at PT SUCOFINDO’s Head Office, Jln Raya Pasar Minggu Lot 34, South Jakarta Rp20.000.000 9. 23 Desember 2014 December 23, 2014 Kegiatan berbagi sembako periode Desember di PT Sucocindo Kantor Pusat, Jln Raya Pasar Minggu Kav 34, Jakarta Selatan Donation of staple food items for the December period at PT SUCOFINDO’s Head Office, Jln Raya Pasar Minggu Lot 34, South Jakarta Rp20.000.000 Jumlah Total Rp178.960.000 Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan / corporate social and environmental responsibility 281 PEMENUHAN TANGGUNGJAWAB KEPADA PRODUK DAN KONSUMEN Fulfillment of Product and Consumer Responsibility Komitmen SUCOFINDO untuk memberikan layanan yang bermanfaat dan tepat guna bagi setiap pelanggan didukung dengan adanya tenaga-tenaga ahli yang andal dan kompeten serta laboratorium pengujian terakreditasi, dan fasilitas penunjang lainnya. SUCOFINDO menjamin kualitas pelayanan kepada setiap pelanggan melalui penerapan sistem manajemen berskala nasional dan internasional. SUCOFINDO commitment to provide beneficial and effective services for all customers is supported by the availability of reliable and competent experts and accredited testing laboratories, along with other supporting facilities. SUCOFINDO has ensured the quality of its services to all customers through the implementation of a national and international management system. Fasilitas yang diberikan kepada pelanggan mencakup jaminan kualitas produk, bantuan pelaksanaan kerja, sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (SMK3), dan kegiatan pendukung perdagangan. Melalui berbagai layanan ini, SUCOFINDO membantu pelanggan menjamin kualitas dan keamanan produknya dalam mengurangi risiko dan memenuhi harapan pelanggan. Facilities provided to customers include guarantee of product quality, assistance in conducted work, occupational health and safety management system (SMK3), and supporting trade activities. Through these various services, SUCOFINDO has supported the customers by ensuring the quality and safety of its products in reducing risks and fulfilling expectations from customers. PUSAT LAYANAN PELANGGAN CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER SUCOFINDO menyediakan sarana untuk melayani pelanggan, dalam menampung dan memberikan alternatif solusi atas pengaduan dari pelanggan maupun masyarakat. Pengaduan tersebut dapat berupa keluhan, pertanyaan, kritik, saran dan juga permintaan informasi yang berkaitan tentang produk serta hal-hal lainnya. Sarana layanan pelanggan yang disediakan meliputi: SUCOFINDO provides a dedicated medium to service customers in containing and giving alternative solutions towards reports from customers and the public. Reports can take the form of complaints, questions, criticisms, suggestions, and request for information on products and other matters. Media available for customer service can be found as follows: GWæW`_^ ]çcZ^X!]çcZ^X VZ \ç^d_b `ecçd Vç^ pelayanan di cabang Telephone number of the Head Office and branch offices / service points FebçdWæW\db_^Z\W]çZæ.Uecd_]Wb"cWbfZUW4ceU_Ä^V_" 9æWUdb_^ZU ]çZæ W!]çZæ. Uecd_]Wb"cWbfZUW4ceU_Ä^V_" Setiap pengaduan yang disampaikan pelanggan dan masyarakat, selanjutnya akan ditindaklanjuti Perusahaan. All reports filed by customers and the public will then be followed up by the Company. 282 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report PEMENUHAN TANGGUNG JAWAB TERHADAP KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA Fulfillment of Occupational Health and Safety Responsibility PENERAPAN SISTEM MANAJEMEN KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA (SMK3) IMPLEMENTATION OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMK3) SMK3 perusahaan mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Nomor 5 Tahun 1996 tentang Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja yang telah disempurnakan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 50 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3). Peraturan ini mengatur sistem manajemen perusahaan dalam pengendalian risiko kegiatan kerja, termasuk pencegahan kecelakaan kerja dan penyakit akibat kerja. Peraturan ini diharapkan membantu terciptanya tempat kerja yang aman, efisien, dan produktif. The Company’s SMK3 conforms to Minister of Labor Regulation 50 / 2012 regarding the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3). The regulation contained provisions on the management system of corporations in controlling risks found in work activities, including preventing work accidents and illnesses. The regulation is expected to support the creation of a safe, efficient and productive workplace. SUCOFINDO berkomitmen untuk menciptakan kondisi dan tempat kerja yang aman, nyaman, selamat serta ramah bagi lingkungan. Penerapan praktik-praktik terbaik Keselamatan, keamanan dan kesehatan kerja, guna mendukung penciptaan kondisi kerja aman dan sehat bagi setiap pekerja, juga komitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang ramah lingkungan. SUCOFINDO is committed to producing secure, comfortable, safe, and environmentally-friendly working conditions and workplaces. Implementation of best practices in occupational health, safety and security are intended to create safe and healthy working conditions for all employees and display the Company’s commitment towards creating an environmentally-friendly work environment. SUCOFINDO terus berupaya meningkatkan safety awareness pegawai dengan acuan pada peraturan yang berlaku mengenai SMK3. SUCOFINDO berhasil mencapai angka kecelakaan kerja nihil (zero accident) dan meningkatkan kinerja K3 melalui perolehan sertifikasi SMK3 untuk 25 cabang. Di samping itu, dua unit kerja SUCOFINDO juga telah mendapatkan sertifikasi OHSAS 18001: 2007. Dalam rangka menciptakan keamanan dan kenyamanan lingkungan hidup, SUCOFINDO juga menerapkan SNI ISO 14001:2004 di satu unit kerja cabang. SUCOFINDO telah mencanangkan penerapan secara bertahap di unit kerja cabang lainnya. Komitmen SUCOFINDO dalam pemenuhan standar SMK3 dituangkan pula dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama antara Perusahaan dengan Serikat Pekerja SUCOFINDO, yang mengatur mengenai hak perlindungan atas keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, moral dan kesusilaan, dan perlakuan yang sesuai dengan harkat dan martabat manusia. SUCOFINDO juga konsisten menerapkan Pedoman Etika dan Tata Perilaku Perusahaan dalam upaya menjadikan keamanan, keselamatan, kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan sebagai bagian dari budaya kerja seluruh Insan SUCOFINDO. SUCOFINDO continuously endeavors to increase safety awareness of employees, using regulations in effect on SMK3 as reference. SUCOFINDO was able to achieve a zero accident rate and improve OHS performance through SMK3 certification for 25 branches. Moreover, two SUCOFINDO work units also obtained certification in OHSAS 18001: 2007. In order to create a safe and comfortable environment, SUCOFINDO also implemented SNI ISO 14001:2004 at one branch office. SUCOFINDO’s commitment in the fulfillment of SMK3 standards have been contained within the Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) between the Company and SUCOFINDO’s Labor Union, regulating the rights to protection of occupational health and safety, moral and norms, and fair treatment with consideration towards human worth and dignity. SUCOFINDO has also consistently implemented the Code of Business Ethics and Conduct in its efforts to make occupational health, safety, security and the environment part of all SUCOFINDO personnel’s work culture. Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan / corporate social and environmental responsibility 283 STRUKTUR SMK3 SMK3 STRUCTURE Tanggung jawab SMK3 oleh kepala unit kerja yang ada di cabang maupun kantor pusat, yang dipimpin oleh kepala cabang / kepala UP, struktur organisasi SMK3 ada di masing-masing kantor cabang dan pusat. Kemudian kantor cabang berkoordinasi dan menyampaikan pelaporan audit internal / eksternal SMK3 serta implementasi SMK3 ke Divisi Sistem Manajemen, GCG, dan Risiko. Responsibility over SMK3 falls on the head of work units in the Head Office and branch offices, headed by Branch / Service Unit Heads. The organizational structure for SMK3 can be found in each respective office, both the Head Office and branch offices. Branch offices will then coordinate and submit internal / external audit reports on SMK3 and SMK3 implementation to the System Management, GCG and Risk Division. PENERAPAN SISTEM MANAJEMEN IMPLEMENTATION OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Penerapan sistem manajemen dilakukan untuk menegakkan prinsip-prinsip GCG, sekaligus memenuhi persyaratan Kriteria Penilaian Kinerja Unggul (KPKU). Sistem manajemen dilaksanakan secara profesional guna menghasilkan jasa berkualitas tinggi dengan daya saing kuat. Management systems are implemented to uphold principles of GCG and fulfill requirements within the Excellent Performance Assessment Criteria (KPKU). Management systems implemented professionally are intended to produce high quality services with strong competitive abilities. Saat ini, SUCOFINDO telah menerapkan: As of this moment, SUCOFINDO has implemented: 1. 1. ISO 9001: 2008 on Quality Management System 2. ISO / IEC 17020: 2012 mengenai Akreditasi Lembaga Inspeksi; 2. ISO / IEC 17020: 2012 on Inspection Body Accreditation 3. ISO 14001: 2004 mengenai Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan; 3. ISO 14001: 2004 on Environmental Management System; 4. OHSAS 18001: 2007 mengenai Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja; 4. OHSAS 18001: 2007 on Occupational Health and Safety Management System 5. ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 mengenai Syarat-syarat Umum Kompetensi Laboratorium Pengujian dan Kalibrasi; 5. ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 on Standard Requirements of Competence in Testing and Calibration Laboratories 6. PP 50 / 2012 mengenai Sistem Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja; Manajemen 6. Company Regulation 50 / 2012 regarding the Occupational Health and Safety Management System 7. Penilaian Kinerja Unggul berdasarkan Surat Kementerian BUMN No. S-08 / S.MBU / 2013 tanggal 16 Januari 2013 (KPKU). 7. Assessment of KPKU based on Minister of SOE Letter No. S-08 / S.MBU / 2013 issued January 16, 2013. 8. 5S / 5R mengenai manajemen ‘house keeping’ 8. 5S / 5R in management housekeeping SUCOFINDO juga telah meraih: SUCOFINDO has also achieved: 1. 1. ISO 9001: 2008 mengenai Sistem Manajemen Mutu; Sertifikasi ISO 9001: 2008 yang diterapkan di kantor pusat dan 66 unit kerja (cabang dan unit pelayanan). Certification in ISO 9001: 2008 implemented at the head office and 66 work units (branch offices and service units). 2. Sertifikasi SNI ISO / IEC 17020: 1999 diterapkan di kantor pusat dan 7 unit kerja cabang, termasuk unit pelayanan. 2. Certification in SNI ISO / IEC 17020: 1999 implemented at the head office and 7 branch offices, including service units. 3. Sertifikasi SNI ISO 14001: 2004 diterapkan di 1 unit kerja cabang. 3. Certification in SNI ISO 14001: 2004 implemented in 1 branch office. 4. Sertifikasi OHSAS 18001: 2007 diterapkan di 1 unit kerja dan 1 unit pelayanan. 4. Certification in OHSAS 18001: 2007 implemented in 1 work unit and 1 service unit. 5. Sertifikasi ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 di 25 unit kerja cabang. 5. Certification in ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 implemented in 25 branch offices. 6. SMK3 diterapkan di 25 unit kerja cabang. 6. SMK3 implemented in 25 branch offices. 7. Standar Badan Karantina Departemen Pertanian diterapkan di 9 unit kerja cabang dan 1 unit pelayanan. 7. Department of Agriculture Quarantine Body Standards implemented in 9 branch offices and 1 service unit. 8. 5R (Ringkas, Rapi, Resik, Rawat, Rajin) diterapkan di seluruh unit kerja. 8. 5R in all work units. 9. KPKU diterapkan di tingkat korporat. 9. KPKU implemented at corporate level. 284 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report JAMINAN KESEHATAN KARYAWAN EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE SUCOFINDO menaruh perhatian lebih pada kesehatan insan SUCOFINDO. Setiap pegawai SUCOFINDO memperoleh jaminan kesehatan berupa rawat inap dan rawat jalan. Setiap tahunnya, pegawai berusia 45 tahun ke atas serta pegawai dengan posisi pekerjaan tertentu yang dinilai berisiko mendapatkan fasilitas general check up. Jaminan pemeliharaan kesehatan ini tercantum dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama antara Perusahaan dengan Serikat Pekerja SUCOFINDO. SUCOFINDO pays additional attention to the health of SUCOFINDO personnel. All SUCOFINDO personnel receive health insurance for both inpatient and outpatient care. Each year, employees 45 years of age and above and employees in certain job positions with high risks are entitled to a general checkup. Health insurance has been dictated within the Collective Employment Agreement (CEA) between the Company and SUCOFINDO’s Labor Union. Selama tahun 2014, Perusahaan telah mengalokasikan biaya kesehatan sebesar Rp47.289.991.208. In 2014, the Company has allocated health funds amounting to Rp47,289,991,208. Secara umum biaya tersebut digunakan untuk pengelolaan kesehatan kerja, meliputi peningkatan kesehatan (promotif), sosialisasi pencegahan (preventif), pengobatan (kuratif), pemulihan kesehatan (rehabilitatif) serta perlindungan (protektif). In general, the funds were used for occupational health management, which includes efforts in health improvement (promotive), prevention socialization (preventive), treatment (curative), recovery (rehabilitative) and protection (protective). Pengelolaan Kesehatan Kerja 2014 Bagi Pekerja Occupational Health Management for Employees in 2014 Kelompok Kegiatan Group of Activity Biaya Cost Bentuk Kegiatan Form of Activity (IDR) Peningkatan Kesehatan (Promotif) Health Improvement (Promotive) Rp5.716.615.744 Olah Raga Sports Rekreasi Recreation Pencegahan (Preventif) Prevention (Preventive) Rp1.718.845.172 Pemeriksaan Rutin secara berkala (Medical Check Up) Routine Medical Checkup Pengobatan (Kuratif) Treatment (Curative) Rp3.656.072.981 Rawat Jalan, Penyediaan Klinik Dikantor Outpatient Care, Office Clinic Pemulihan (Rehabilitatif) Recovery (Rehabilitative) Rp36.198.457.311 Rawat Inap sesuai dengan Rumah Sakit Rujukan Inpatient Care at Referred Hospital Jumlah Total Rp47.289.991.208 Referensi Peraturan BAPEPAM-LK No. X.K.6 BAPEPAM / LK Regulation No. X.K.6 Cross Reference 369 REFERENSI PERATURAN BAPEPAMLK NO. X.K.6 BAPEPAM-LK Regulation No. X.K.6 Reference Kriteria Criteria Penjelasan Description Hal Page I. Umum General 1. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar dan dianjurkan menyajikan juga dalam Bahasa Inggris In good and correct Indonesian, it is recommended to present the report as well in English v 2. Dengan kualitas yang baik dan menggunakan jenis dan ukuran huruf yang mudah dibaca Is printed with good quality using readable font type and size v 3. Ditampilkan di website perusahaan Is published in the Company’s website v 4. Wajib dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah dibaca. gambar, grafik, tabel dan diagram disajikan dengan mencantumkan judul dan / atau keterangan yang jelas Should be easy to read. pictures, graphs, tables and charts are presented with a clear caption and / or explanation. v II. Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting Financial Highlights 1. Ikhtisar data keuangan penting disajikan dalam bentuk perbandingan selama 3 (tiga) tahun buku atau sejak memulai usahanya jika perusahaan tersebut menjalankan kegiatan usahanya selama kurang dari 3 (tiga) tahun Financial information is presented in a comparative form over a period of 3 (three) financial years or since the commencement of business if the company has been running its business activities for less than 3 (three) years Informasi memuat antara lain: 1. Pendapatan 2. Laba bruto 3. Laba (rugi) 4. Jumlah laba (rugi) yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk dan kepentingan non pengendali 5. Total laba (rugi) komprehensif 6. Jumlah laba (rugi) komprehensif yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk dan kepentingan non pengendali 7. Laba (rugi) per saham 8. Jumlah aset 9. Jumlah liabilitas 10. Jumlah ekuitas 11. Rasio laba (rugi) terhadap jumlah aset 12. Rasio laba (rugi) terhadap ekuitas 13. Rasio laba (rugi) terhadap pendapatan 14. Rasio lancar 15. Rasio liabilitas terhadap ekuitas 16. Rasio liabilitas terhadap jumlah aset; dan 17. Informasi dan rasio keuangan lainnya yang relevan dengan perusahaan dan jenis industrinya The information includes: 1. Revenues 2. Gross Profit 3. Income (Loss) 4. Total income (loss) attributable to owners of the parent entity and non controlling interest 5. Total comprehensive income (loss) 6. Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to owners of the parent entity and non controlling interest 7. Income (loss) per share 8. Total asset 9. Total liability 10. Total equity 11. Income (loss) ratio to the total asset 12. Income (loss) ratio to the equity 13. Income (loss) ratio to the revenues 14. Current ratio 15. Liability ratio to the equity 16. Liability ratio to the total asset and 17. Other information and financial ratios relevant to the company and its industry 12 - 17 370 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Kriteria Criteria Penjelasan Description Hal Page 2. Memuat informasi mengenai saham yang diterbitkan Informasi memuat antara lain: untuk setiap masa triwulan dalam 2 (dua) tahun buku 1. Tanggal pelaksanaan aksi korporasi terakhir ( jika ada) 2. Rasio stock split, reverse stock, dividen saham, saham bonus, dan penurunan nilai saham The annual report must include information regarding 3. Jumlah saham beredar sebelum dan sesudah aksi the shares issued for each quarter in the period of 2 korporasi dan (two) financial years (if any) 4. Harga saham sebelum dan sesudah aksi korporasi Information includes: 1. The implementation date of corporate action 2. Ratio of stock split, reverse stock, share dividend, bonus share, and stock value dilution 3. The number of outstanding share before and after corporate action and 4. The share price, before and after corporate action N/A 3. Dalam hal terjadi aksi korporasi, seperti pemecahan Informasi memuat antara lain: saham (stock split), penggabungan saham (reverse 1. Tanggal pelaksanaan aksi korporasi stock), dividen saham, saham bonus, dan penurunan 2. Rasio stock split, reverse stock, dividen saham, saham nilai nominal saham, maka informasi harga saham bonus, dan penurunan nilai saham sebagaimana dimaksud dalam angka 2), wajib 3. Jumlah saham beredar sebelum dan sesudah aksi ditambahkan korporasi dan 4. Harga saham sebelum dan sesudah aksi korporasi In case of corporate actions such as stock split, reverse stock, stock dividend, bonus stocks, and stock value Information includes: dilution; the information about stock price as stipulated 1. The implementation date of corporate action in point 2), should be added in the report 2. Ratio of stock split, reverse stock, share dividend, bonus share, and stock value dilution 3. The number of outstanding share before and after corporate action and 4. The share price, before and after corporate action 61 4. Dalam hal perdagangan saham perusahaan dihentikan sementara (suspension) dalam tahun buku, maka laporan tahunan wajib memuat penjelasan mengenai alasan penghentian sementara tersebut In terms of stock trading suspension during the year, the annual report must include an explanation of the reason for the suspension N/A 5. Dalam hal penghentian sementara sebagaimana dimaksud dalam angka 4) masih berlangsung hingga tanggal penerbitan laporan tahunan, maka Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik wajib menjelaskan pula tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan perusahaan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut In terms of suspension as stipulated in point (4) still being imposed until the date of annual report issuance, the Issuer or Public Company must also explain the actions of the company to resolve the issue N/A III. Laporan Kepada Pemegang Saham Report To The Shareholders 1. Laporan Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners’ Report Informasi memuat antara lain: 1. Penilaian terhadap kinerja Direksi mengenai pengelolaan perusahaan 2. Pandangan atas prospek usaha perusahaan yang disusun oleh Direksi 3. Perubahan komposisi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan alasan perubahannya ( jika ada) dan 4. Komite-komite yang berada dibawah pengawasan Dewan Komisaris Includes the following items: 1. Assessment on the performance of the Board of Directors in managing the company 2. Assessment on the prospects of the company’s business as established by the Board of Directors 3. Change in the composition of members of the Board of Commissioner and the reason of its change (if any) and 4. Committees under the supervisions of the Board of Commissioners 22 - 27 Referensi Peraturan BAPEPAM-LK No. X.K.6 BAPEPAM Kriteria Criteria 2. Laporan Direksi Informasi memuat antara lain: Board of Directors’ Report / LK Regulation No. X.K.6 Cross Reference Penjelasan Description 371 Hal Page 1. Kinerja perusahaan, yang mencakup antara lain kebijakan strategis, perbandingan antara hasil yang dicapai dengan yang ditargetkan, dan kendalakendala yang dihadapi perusahaan 2. Gambaran tentang prospek usaha 3. Penerapan tata kelola perusahaan dan 4. Perubahan komposisi anggota Direksi dan alasan perubahannya ( jika ada) Includes the following items: 1. The company’s performance encompassing among others, strategic policies, comparison between achievement of results and targets and challenges faced by the company 2. Business prospects 3. Implementation of Good Corporate Governance by the company 4. Changes in the composition of the Board of Directors (if any) 30-35 1. Profil Perusahaan Company Profile Informasi memuat antara lain: Nama, alamat, nomor telepon, nomor faksimile, alamat surat eletronik (e-mail), dan laman (website) perusahaan dan / atau kantor cabang atau kantor perwakilan, yang memungkinkan masyarakat dapat memperoleh informasi mengenai perusahaan Information includes the following items: Name, address, telephone, facsimile, email, and website, and / or branch office or representative office, so that the public can obtain information about the company 46-47 2. Riwayat singkat perusahaan Brief history of the company Mencakup antara lain: tanggal / tahun pendirian, nama dan perubahan nama Perusahaan ( jika ada) Includes among others: date / year of establishment, name of the company and change in the company name, if any 48-53 3. Kegiatan Usaha Line of Business Uraian mengenai antara lain: 1. Kegiatan usaha yang dijalankan perusahaan menurut Anggaran Dasar terakhir dan 2. Jenis produk dan / atau jasa yang dihasilkan Description includes: 1. The line of business as stated in the last Articles of Association and 2. Type of products and / or services produced 54-60 4. Struktur Organisasi Perusahaan Organization Structure Dalam bentuk bagan, paling kurang sampai dengan struktur satu tingkat di bawah Direksi, disertai dengan nama dan jabatan In the form of a chart, at least until one level below the Board of Directors, along with names and titles 62-63 5. Visi dan Misi Perusahaan Vision and Mission Uraian mengenai antara lain: 1. Visi dan misi Perusahaan 2. Keterangan bahwa visi dan misi tersebut telah disetujui Direksi / Dewan Komisaris Description includes: 1. Company’s vision and mission 2. A statement that vision and mission has been approved by the Board of Directors / Board of Commissioners IV. Profil Perusahaan Company Profile 42 372 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Kriteria Criteria Penjelasan Description Hal Page 6. Profil Dewan Komisaris Profile of the Board of Commissioners Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Nama 2. Riwayat jabatan, pengalaman kerja yang dimiliki, dan dasar hukum penunjukkan pertama kali pada Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, sebagaimana dicantumkan dalam berita acara keputusan RUPS 3. Riwayat pendidikan 4. Penjelasan singkat mengenai jenis pelatihan dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi Dewan Komisaris yang telah diikuti dalam tahun buku ( jika ada) dan 5. Pengungkapan hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Komisaris lainnya, serta pemegang saham ( jika ada) Description includes: 1. Name 2. Position history, work experience, and legal basis for the first appointment in publicly listed companies, as set out in the minutes of GMS decisions 3. Education history 4. A brief description of the type of trainings attended in order to improve the competency of the Board of Commissioners during the year (if any) and 5. Disclosure of affiliated relations with other members of the Board of Director and Board of Commissioners, as well as shareholder (if any) 28-29 7. Profil Direksi Profile of the Board of Directors Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Nama dan uraian singkat tentang tugas dan fungsi yang dilaksanakan 2. Riwayat jabatan, pengalaman kerja yang dimiliki, dan dasar hukum penunjukkan pertama kali pada Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, sebagaimana dicantumkan dalam berita acara keputusan RUPS 3. Riwayat pendidikan 4. Penjelasan singkat mengenai jenis pelatihan dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi Direksi yang telah diikuti dalam tahun buku ( jika ada) dan 5. Pengungkapan hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota Direksi lainnya dan pemegang saham ( jika ada) Description includes: 1. Name and brief description regarding the duty and function performed 2. Position history, work experience, and legal basis for the first appointment in publicly listed companies, as set out in the minutes of GMS decisions 3. Education history 4. A brief description of the type of training attended in order to improve the competence of the Board of Commissioners in the financial year (if any) and 5. Disclosure of affiliated relations with other members of the Board of Director and shareholder (if any) 36-37 8. Perubahan susunan Dewan Komisaris dan / atau Direksi yang terjadi setelah tahun buku berakhir sampai dengan batas waktu penyampaian laporan tahunan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam angka 1 huruf a, maka susunan yang dicantumkan dalam laporan tahunan adalah susunan Dewan Komisaris dan / atau Direksi yang terakhir dan sebelumnya Change in the composition of the Board of Commissioners and / or Board of Directors after the end of financial year until the time limit of submission of annual report as stipulated in point 1 letter a, the composition published in the annual report is of the last composition and previous Board of Commissioners and / or Board of Director 27, 35 Referensi Peraturan BAPEPAM-LK No. X.K.6 BAPEPAM Kriteria Criteria 9. Jumlah karyawan dan deskripsi pengembangan kompetensinya dalam tahun buku misalnya, aspek pendidikan dan pelatihan karyawan yang telah dilakukan Number of employee and description of competency development for the year including implementation of employee education and training programs / LK Regulation No. X.K.6 Cross Reference Penjelasan Description Informasi memuat antara lain: 1. Jumlah karyawan untuk masing-masing level organisasi 2. Jumlah karyawan untuk masing-masing tingkat pendidikan 3. Pengembangan kompetensi yang telah diakukan dengan mencermikan adanya persamaan kesempatan kepada seluruh karyawan 4. Biaya yang telah dikeluarkan Information includes: 1. Number of employee for each organization level 2. Number of employee for each education level 3. Competency development that has been done by reflecting the equality of opportunity to all employees 4. Incurred costs 373 Hal Page 46, 83-87 10. Uraian tentang nama pemegang saham dan persentase Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Pemegang saham yang memiliki 5% (lima perseratus) kepemilikannya pada akhir tahun buku atau lebih saham Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Description of the name of shareholder and the percentage of its ownership at the end of financial year 2. Komisaris dan Direktur yang memiliki saham Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dan 3. Kelompok pemegang saham masyarakat, yaitu kelompok pemegang saham yang masing-masing memiliki kurang dari 5% (lima perseratus) saham Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik Description includes following items: 1. Shareholder who own 5% (five) or more of issuer shares or Public Company 2. Commissioner and Director who own issuer shares or Public Company and 3. The category of public shareholders who each own less than 5% of the shares and percentage of their ownership 69 11. Informasi mengenai pemegang saham utama dan pengendali Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, sampai kepada pemilik individu, yang disajikan dalam bentuk skema atau diagram Information regarding major shareholder and issuer or public company, both directly or indirectly, which presented in form of scheme or chart 69 12. Entitas anak, perusahaan asosiasi, perusahaan Uraian mengenai antara lain: ventura 1. Nama entitas anak / asosiasi 2. Persentase kepemilikan saham Subsidiaries, associated company, joint venture 3. Keterangan tentang bidang usaha entitas anak atau entitas asosiasi 4. Keterangan status operasi entitas anak entitas asosiasi (telah beroperasi atau belum beroperasi) 5. Informasi mengenai alamat entitas anak Description includes following items: 1. Name of the subsidiaries / associations 2. Percentage of share ownership 3. Information of the line of business of subsidiaries or associations 4. Information of subsidiaries and associations operational status (has operated or has not operated yet) 5. Information regarding the address of subsidiaries 13. Kronologis pencatatan saham dan perubahan jumlah saham dari awal pencatatan hingga akhir tahun buku serta nama Bursa Efek dimana saham perusahaan dicatatkan ( jika ada) Share listing chronology and change in the number of shares from initial listing to the end of financial year and name of exchange(s) where the shares are listed (if any Mencakup antara lain: 1. Kronologis pencatatan saham 2. Jenis tindakan korporasi (corporate action) yang menyebabkan perubahan jumlah saham 3. Perubahan jumlah saham dari awal pencatatan sampai akhir tahun buku 4. Nama bursa dimana saham perusahaan dicatatkan Includes the following items: 1. Share listing chronology 2. Corporate actions affecting total number of shares 3. Change in the total number of shares from initial listing to the end of the financial year 4. Name of exchange(s) where the shares are listed 70-72 61 374 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Kriteria Criteria Penjelasan Description 14. Kronologis pencatatan Efek lainnya dan peringkat Efek Mencakup antara lain: ( jika ada) 1. Kronologis pencatatan Efek lainnya 2. Jenis tindakan korporasi (corporate action) yang Listing chronology of the other securities and securities menyebabkan perubahan jumlah Efek lainnya rating (if any 3. Perubahan jumlah Efek lainnya dari awal pencatatan sampai dengan akhir tahun buku 4. Nama bursa dimana Efek lainnya perusahaan dicatatkan 5. Peringkat Efek Includes the following items: 1. Listing chronology of other securities 2. Corporate actions affecting total number of other securities 3. Changes in the total number of other securities from initial listing to the end of the fiscal year 4. Name of exchange(s) where the other securities are listed 5. Securities rating Hal Page 61 15.Nama dan alamat perusahaan pemeringkat Efek ( jika ada) Name and address of the Rating Agency (if any) 61 16. Nama dan alamat lembaga dan / atau profesi penunjang pasar modal. Terhadap profesi penunjang pasar modal yang memberikan jasa secara berkala kepada Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, wajib diungkapkan informasi mengenai jasa yang diberikan, fee, dan periode penugasan yang telah dilakukan Names and addresses of capital market agencies and professionals. For the supporting capital market agency that provides service regularly to the Issuers or Public Company, the information regarding the service, fee, and period of duty must be disclosed. 61 17. Penghargaan dan sertifikasi yang diterima perusahaan Informasi memuat antara lain: 1. Nama penghargaan dan atau sertifikat baik yang berskala nasional maupun internasional 2. Tahun perolehan dalam tahun buku terakhir ( jika ada) 3. Badan pemberi penghargaan dan atau sertifikat Awards and / or certifications received by the company 4. Masa berlaku (untuk sertifikasi) at both national and international levels during the year (if any) Information includes the following items: 1. Names of awards and / or certificates 2. Year awarded 3. Awarding or certifying authority or institution 4. Validity (for certificates) 66-67 V. Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen Management’s Discussion and Analysis 1. Tinjauan operasi per segmen operasi sesuai dengan Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Produksi, yang meliputi proses, kapasitas, dan jenis industri Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, antara lain perkembangannya mengenai 2. Pendapatan dan Review of operations per business segments in 3. Profitabilitas accordance with the type of industry or Public Company, Description includes the following items: includes 1. Production, including process, capacity, and its development 2. Revenues and 3. Profitability 99 - 133 2. Analisis kinerja keuangan komprehensif yang mencakup perbandingan kinerja keuangan dalam 2 (dua) tahun buku terakhir, penjelasan tentang penyebab adanya perubahan dan dampak perubahan tersebut, antara lain mengenai Comprehensive analysis of financial performance includes a comparison of the financial performance in the last 2 (two) years, explanation regarding the changes and impact of its changes, covering at least 143 - 145 3. Kemampuan membayar utang dengan menyajikan perhitungan rasio yang relevan Ability to pay debts by presenting relevant calculation ratio 1. Aset lancar, aset tidak lancar, dan total aset 2. Liabilitas jangka pendek, liabilitas jangka panjang, dan total liabilitas 3. Ekuitas 4. Pendapatan, beban, laba (rugi), pendapatan komprehensif lain, dan total laba (rugi) komprehensif; serta 5. Arus kas 1. Current asset, fixed asset, and total asset 2. Short term liabilities, long-term liabilities, and total liabilities 3. Equity 4. Revenues, expense, income (loss), other comprehensive revenues, and total comprehensive income (loss) and 5. Cash flow Penjelasan tentang : Kemampuan membayar utang, baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang Explanation of : Ability to pay debts, both short-term and long-term 143 Referensi Peraturan BAPEPAM-LK No. X.K.6 BAPEPAM Kriteria Criteria 4. Tingkat kolektibilitas piutang perusahaan dengan menyajikan perhitungan rasio yang relevan Receivables collectability level by presenting the relevant calculation ratio / LK Regulation No. X.K.6 Cross Reference Penjelasan Description Penjelasan tentang: Tingkat kolektibilitas piutang Explanation of: Collectability receivables level 375 Hal Page 145 5. Struktur permodalan dan kebijakan manajemen atas Penjelasan atas: 1. Struktur modal (capital structure) struktur permodalan tersebut Discussion of capital structure and capital structure 2. Kebijakan manajemen atas struktur modal (capital structure policy) policy Explanation of: 1. Capital structure 2. Capital structure policy 145 6. Bahasan mengenai ikatan yang material untuk investasi barang modal dengan penjelasan tentang tujuan dari ikatan tersebut, sumber dana yang diharapkan untuk memenuhi ikatan tersebut, mata uang yang menjadi denominasi, dan langkah-langkah yang direncanakan perusahaan untuk melindungi risiko dari posisi mata uang asing yang terkait Discussion of commitments for material capital expenditure with explanation of the purpose of its commitment, source fund expected to meet the commitment, currency, and planned actions to hedge against foreign currency risks Penjelasan tentang: 1. Tujuan dari ikatan tersebut 2. Sumber dana yang diharapkan untuk memenuhi ikatan-ikatan tersebut 3. Mata uang yang menjadi denominasi 4. Langkah-langkah yang direncanakan perusahaan untuk melindungi risiko dari posisi mata uang asing yang terkait Catatan: apabila perusahaan tidak mempunyai ikatan terkait investasi barang modal, agar diungkapkan Explanation of: 1. The purpose of the commitments 2. Expected sources of funds to honor the commitment 3. Currency 4. Planned actions to hedge against foreign currency risks Note: if the company has no commitments for capital expenditure, this should be stated 145 7. Informasi dan fakta material yang terjadi setelah tanggal laporan akuntan Material information and facts subsequent to the date of the accountant’s report Uraian kejadian penting setelah tanggal laporan akuntan termasuk dampaknya terhadap kinerja dan risiko usaha di masa mendatang Catatan: apabila tidak ada kejadian penting setelah tanggal laporan akuntan, agar diungkapkan Description of significant events after the date of the accountant’s report, including the effects on the company’s future performance and business risk Note: if there were no significant events subsequent to the date of the accountant’s report, this should be stated 145 8. Prospek usaha Business prospec Uraian mengenai prospek perusahaan dikaitkan dengan industri dan ekonomi secara umum disertai data pendukung kuantitatif dari sumber data yang layak dipercaya Description of the company’s prospects in relation to the industry and the economy in general, with supporting quantitative data from reliable sources 147 - 155 9. Perbandingan antara target / proyeksi pada awal tahun buku dengan hasil yang dicapai (realisasi), mengenai pendapatan, laba, struktur permodalan, atau lainnya yang dianggap penting bagi perusahaan Comparison between targets / projections at the beginning of financial year with the realization, regarding the revenues, profit, capital structure, or others that are considered important for the company 156 - 157 10.Target / proyeksi yang ingin dicapai perusahaan paling lama untuk satu tahun mendatang, mengenai pendapatan, laba (rugi), struktur modal, kebijakan dividen, atau lainnya yang dianggap penting bagi perusahaan Targets / projections set by the Company at least for the next one year, in terms of revenues, income (loss), capital structure, dividend policy, or others are considered important for the company 156 - 157 11. Aspek pemasaran atas produk dan jasa perusahaan, antara lain Marketing aspects of company’s products and services, includes Informasi memuat antara lain: 1. Strategi pemasaran dan 2. Pangsa pasar Information includes: 1. Marketing strategy and 2. Market share 158 - 163 376 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Kriteria Criteria Penjelasan Description Hal Page 12.Kebijakan dividen dan tanggal serta jumlah dividen per saham (kas dan / atau non kas) dan jumlah dividen per tahun yang diumumkan atau dibayar selama 2 (dua) tahun buku terakhir Dividend policy and the dates and total dividend per share (cash and / or non cash) and total dividend per year announced and paid for the last 2 (two) years Memuat uraian mengenai: 1. Jumlah dividen 2. Jumlah dividen per saham 3. Payout ratio Untuk masing-masing tahun Catatan: apabila tidak ada pembagian dividen, agar diungkapkan alasannya Includes the description of: 1. Total dividend 2. Total dividend per share 3. Payout ratio for each year Note: if no dividend was paid, state the reason 13.Realisasi penggunaan dana hasil penawaran umum The usage of the proceeds from the public offering Informasi memuat antara lain: 1. Dalam hal selama tahun buku, Emiten memiliki kewajiban menyampaikan laporan realisasi penggunaan dana, maka wajib diungkapkan realisasi penggunaan dana hasil penawaran umum secara kumulatif sampai dengan akhir tahun buku; dan 2. Dalam hal terdapat perubahan penggunaan dana sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Nomor X.K.4, maka Emiten wajib menjelaskan perubahan tersebut Information includes: 1. In case for financial year, Issuers has an obligation to report the realization of the use of funds, it must be disclosed realization of the use of funds and proceeds from cumulative public offering until the end of financial year and 2. In the event of changes in the use of funds as stipulated in Regulation Number X.K.4, then the Issuer must state the changes 14.Informasi material, antara lain mengenai investasi, ekspansi, divestasi, penggabungan / peleburan usaha, akuisisi, restrukturisasi utang / modal, transaksi afiliasi, dan transaksi yang mengandung benturan kepentingan, yang terjadi pada tahun buku ( jika ada) Material information, regarding investment, expansion, divestment, business merger / fusion, acquisition, restructuring of debt / capital, affiliated transaction, and material transactions involving a conflict of interest during the year (if any) Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Tanggal, nilai, dan obyek transaksi 2. Nama pihak yang bertransaksi 3. Sifat hubungan afiliasi ( jika ada) 4. Penjelasan mengenai kewajaran transaksi dan 5. Pemenuhan ketentuan terkait Description includes: 1. Date, value, and object of transaction 2. Name of party in transaction 3. Nature of the affiliation (if any) 4. Clarification of the fairness of the transaction 5. Compliance with related provisions 154 15.Perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perusahaan dan dampaknya terhadap laporan keuangan ( jika ada) Changes in the regulations that significantly affect the company and its impact on the financial report (if any) Uraian memuat antara lain: perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan dan dampaknya terhadap Perusahaan Catatan: apabila tidak terdapat perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berpengaruh signifikan, agar diungkapkan Description includes: changes in the regulations and their impact on the company Note: if there are no changes that have a significant impact, this should be stated 269 16.Perubahan kebijakan akuntansi, alasan dan dampaknya terhadap laporan keuangan ( jika ada) Changes in accounting policy, reasons and its impact on the financial report (if any) Uraian memuat antara lain: perubahan kebijakan akuntansi, alasan dan dampaknya terhadap laporan keuangan Description includes: changes in accounting policy, reasons and its impact on the financial report 146 N/A 146 - 147 VI. Tata Kelola Perusahaan (Corporate Governance) (Good Corporate Governance) 1. Uraian Dewan Komisaris Description of the Board of Commissioners Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Uraian pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris 2. Pengungkapan prosedur, dasar penetapan, dan besarnya remunerasi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan 3. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan dan pelaksanaannya, tentang frekuensi rapat Dewan Komisaris, termasuk rapat gabungan dengan Direksi, dan tingkat kehadiran anggota 4. Dewan Komisaris dalam rapat tersebut Description includes: 1. Description of the duty of the Board of Commissioners 2. Procedure disclosure, basis for determining, and the amount of remuneration of members of the Board of Commissioners and 3. Disclosure of company’s policy and its implementation, regarding the meeting frequency of the Board of Commissioners, includes joint meeting with the Board of Directors, and member’s attendance rate 4. Board of the Commissioners in the meeting 203 - 215 Referensi Peraturan BAPEPAM-LK No. X.K.6 BAPEPAM Kriteria Criteria / LK Regulation No. X.K.6 Cross Reference Penjelasan Description 377 Hal Page 2. Uraian Direksi Description of the Board of Directors Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Ruang lingkup pekerjaan dan tanggung jawab masingmasing Anggota Direksi 2. Pengungkapan prosedur, dasar penetapan, dan besarnya remunerasi anggota Direksi, serta hubungan antara remunerasi dengan kinerja perusahaan 3. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan dan pelaksanaannya, tentang frekuensi rapat Direksi, termasuk rapat gabungan dengan Dewan Komisaris, dan tingkat kehadiran anggota Direksi dalam rapat tersebut 4. Keputusan RUPS tahun sebelumnya dan realisasinya pada tahun buku, serta alasan dalam hal terdapat keputusan yang belum direalisasikan dan 5. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan tentang penilaian terhadap kinerja anggota Direksi ( jika ada) Description includes: 1. Scope of work and responsibilities of each member of the Board of Directors 2. Procedure disclosure, basis for determining, and the amount of remuneration of members of the Board of Directors, and relation between remuneration with company’s performance 3. Disclosure of company’s policy and its implementation, regarding frequency of Director’s meeting, includes joint meeting with the Board of Commissioners, and member’s attendance rate at the meetings 4. Decision of GMS previous year and realization in financial year, and its reasons in the event there is a decision that has not been realized; and 5. Disclosure of company’s policy regarding the assessment to the performance of members of the Board of Directors (if any) 216 - 227 3. Uraian Komite Audit Description of Audit Committee Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Nama 2. Riwayat jabatan, pengalaman kerja, dan dasar hukum penunjukkan 3. Riwayat pendidikan 4. Periode jabatan anggota Komite Audit 5. Pengungkapan independensi Komite Audit 6. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan dan pelaksanaannya, tentang frekuensi rapat Komite Audit dan tingkat kehadiran anggota Komite Audit dalam rapat tersebut 7. Uraian singkat pelaksanaan kegiatan Komite Audit pada tahun buku sesuai dengan yang dicantumkan dalam piagam (charter) Komite Audit Description includes: 1. Names 2. Positions, qualifications and work experience of the committee members 3. Education 4. Period of office of the members of Audit Committee 5. Disclosure of Audit Committee’s Independence 6. Disclosure of company’s policy and its implementation, regarding frequency of audit committee meetings and attendance rate 7. Brief report on activities of the audit committee in financial year specified accordance in the Audit Committee charter 228 - 236 378 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Kriteria Criteria Penjelasan Description Hal Page 4. Komite lain yang dimiliki Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dalam rangka mendukung fungsi dan tugas Direksi dan / atau Dewan Komisaris, seperti komite nominasi dan remunerasi Other committee to support the functions and duties of the Board of Directors and / or Board of Commissioners, such as nomination and remuneration committee Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Nama 2. Riwayat jabatan, pengalaman kerja yang dimiliki, dan dasar hukum penunjukkan 3. Riwayat pendidikan 4. Periode jabatan anggota komite 5. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan mengenai independensi komite 6. Uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab 7. Pengungkapan kebijakan perusahaan dan pelaksanaannya, tentang frekuensi rapat komite dan tingkat kehadiran anggota komite dalam rapat tersebut dan 8. Uraian singkat pelaksanaan kegiatan komite pada tahun buku Description includes: 1. Name 2. Brief CVs, work experience, and legal basis for the appointment 3. Education 4. Office period of the members of the committee 5. Disclosure of company’s policy regarding commitee’s Independence 6. Description of duties and responsibilities 7. Disclosure of company’s policy and its implementation regarding frequency of audit committee meetings and attendance rate 8. Brief of the implementation of committee’s activities in financial year 5. Uraian tugas dan fungsi sekretaris perusahaan Description of duties and function of Corporate’s Secretary Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Nama 2. Riwayat jabatan, pengalaman kerja yang dimiliki, dan dasar hukum penunjukkan 3. Riwayat pendidikan 4. Periode jabatan sekretaris perusahaan 5. Uraian singkat pelaksanaan tugas sekretaris perusahaan pada tahun buku Description includes: 1. Name; 2. Brief CV, work experience, and legal basis for appointment 3. Educational Background 4. Office period of the Corporate Secretary 5. Brief of the implementation of the duties of the Corporate Secretary in financial year 6. Uraian mengenai unit audit internal Description of the Internal Audit Unit Uraian meliputi antara lain: 246 - 250 1. Nama 2. Riwayat jabatan, pengalaman kerja yang dimiliki, dan dasar hukum penunjukkan 3. Kualifikasi atau sertifikasi sebagai profesi audit internal ( jika ada) 4. Struktur dan kedudukan unit audit internal 5. Tugas dan tanggung jawab unit audit internal sesuai dengan yang dicantumkan dalam piagam (charter) unit audit internal dan 6. Uraian singkat pelaksanaan tugas unit audit internal pada tahun buku Description includes: 1. Name 2. Brief CV, work experience, and the legal basis for appointment 3. Professional internal audit qualifications / certification (if any) 4. Structure or status of the Internal Audit Unit 5. Duties and responsibilities of Internal Audit Unit accordance listed in the charter of Internal Audit Unit; and 6. Brief of the implementation of the duties of the Internal Audit Unit during the year 7. Uraian mengenai sistem pengendalian interen (internal control) yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan Description of Internal Control System implemented by the Company Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Pengendalian keuangan dan operasional, serta kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya dan 2. Reviu atas efektivitas sistem pengendalian interen Description includes: 1. Financial and operational controlling, and compliance to other laws and regulation and 2. Review of the effectiveness of the internal control System 236 239 - 242 246 - 250 Referensi Peraturan BAPEPAM-LK No. X.K.6 BAPEPAM Kriteria Criteria / LK Regulation No. X.K.6 Cross Reference Penjelasan Description 8. Sistem manajemen risiko yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan Risk management system implemented by company Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Gambaran umum mengenai sistem manajemen risiko perusahaan 2. Jenis risiko dan cara pengelolaannya dan 3. Reviu atas efektivitas sistem manajemen risiko perusahaan Description includes: 1. Overview of the company’s risk management system 2. Type of risks and its management and 3. Review of the effectiveness of the risk management system 9. Perkara penting yang dihadapi oleh Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, entitas anak, anggota Significant cases involving the Company, or Public Company, subsidiaries, or incumbent members of the Board of Commissioners and / or Board of Directors Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang sedang menjabat Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Pokok perkara / gugatan 2. Status penyelesaian perkara / gugatan dan 3. Pengaruhnya terhadap kondisi perusahaan. Description includes: 1. Subject of cases / claims 2. Settlement status of cases / claims 3. Effect on the company 10. Informasi tentang sanksi administratif yang dikenakan kepada Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, oleh otoritas pasar modal dan otoritas lainnya pada tahun buku terakhir ( jika ada) Information regarding administrative sanctions imposed on issuers or public companies, members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, by the capital market regulators and other authorities during the year 11. Informasi mengenai kode etik dan budaya perusahaan ( jika ada) Information regarding Corporate’s Code of Conduct and Culture (if any) Hal Page 253 - 259 269 N/A Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Pokok-pokok kode etik 2. Pokok-pokok budaya perusahaan (corporate culture) 3. Bentuk sosialisasi kode etik dan upaya penegakannya dan 4. Pengungkapan bahwa kode etik berlaku bagi Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, dan karyawan perusahaan Description includes: 1. Content of the code of conduct 2. Content of corporate culture 3. Dissemination of the code of conduct and efforts to enforce the code 4. Disclosure that the code of conduct is applicable to the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and corporate’s employee 174 - 199 N/A 12. Uraian mengenai program kepemilikan saham oleh karyawan dan / atau manajemen yang dilaksanakan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, antara lain jumlah, jangka waktu, persyaratan karyawan dan / atau manajemen yang berhak, serta harga exercise ( jika ada) Description regarding share ownership program by employee and / or management implemented by Issuer or Public Companies, such as total, period, requirements of eligible employees / management, exercise price as well (if any) 13. Uraian mengenai sistem pelaporan pelanggaran (whistleblowing system) di Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik yang dapat merugikan perusahaan maupun pemangku kepentingan ( jika ada) Description regarding whistleblowing system implemented in the Company to handle reports of misconduct or violation that could harm the Company or stakeholders (if any) 379 Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Cara penyampaian laporan pelanggaran 2. Perlindungan bagi pelapor 3. Penanganan pengaduan 4. Pihak yang mengelola pengaduan dan 5. Hasil dari penanganan pengaduan Description includes: 1. Method of reporting 2. Protection of the whistleblower 3. Handling of reports 4. Party that handles the reports 5. Outcome of the reports 261 - 262 380 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Kriteria Criteria Penjelasan Description Hal Page VII. Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility) Corporate Social Responsibility 1. Bahasan mengenai tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan meliputi kebijakan, jenis program, dan biaya yang dikeluarkan Discussion regarding corporate social responsibility including policy, type of program, costs incurred Uraian meliputi antara lain: 1. Lingkungan hidup, seperti penggunaan material dan energi yang ramah lingkungan dan dapat didaur ulang, sistem pengolahan limbah perusahaan, sertifikasi di bidang lingkungan yang dimiliki, dan lain-lain 2. Praktik ketenagakerjaan, kesehatan, dan keselamatan kerja, seperti kesetaraan gender dan kesempatan kerja, sarana dan keselamatan kerja, tingkat perpindahan (turnover) karyawan, tingkat kecelakaan kerja, pelatihan, dan lain-lain 3. Pengembangan sosial dan kemasyarakatan, seperti penggunaan tenaga kerja lokal, pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar perusahaan, perbaikan sarana dan prasarana sosial, bentuk donasi lainnya, dan lain-lain dan 4. Tanggung jawab produk, seperti kesehatan dan keselamatan konsumen, informasi produk, sarana, jumlah dan penanggulangan atas pengaduan konsumen, dan lain-lain Description includes: 1. Environment, such as the use of materials and friendly environmental energy and could be recycle, company’s waste management system, certificaion in environment, etc 2. E mployment practice, occupational safety and health, such as the equality of gender and work opportunity, facilities and safety, employee’s turnover rate, work incident rate, training, etc 3. Social and community development, such as the use of local worker, community empowerment around companies, improvement of social infrastructure, other form of donations, etc and 4. Products responsiblity, such as consumer safety and health, products information, infrastructure, the amount and countermeasures of consumer’s complaints, etc 270-284 N/A 2. Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik dapat mengungkapkan informasi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam angka 1) pada laporan tahunan atau laporan tersendiri yang disampaikan bersamaan dengan laporan tahunan kepada Bapepam dan LK, seperti laporan keberlanjutan (sustainability report) atau laporan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (corporate social responsibility report) Information referred to point (1) can be disclosed and submitted to Bapepam-LK in the Annual Report or separate report such as Sustainability Report or Corporate Social Responsibility Report. VIII. Laporan Keuangan Tahunan yang Telah Diaudit Audited onsolidated Financial Statements 1. Laporan Keuangan Tahunan yang dimuat dalam laporan tahunan wajib disusun sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia yang telah diaudit oleh Akuntan. Laporan keuangan dimaksud wajib memuat pernyataan mengenai pertanggungjawaban atas Laporan Keuangan sebagaimana diatur pada Peraturan Nomor VIII.G.11 atau Peraturan Nomor X.E.1 Annual Financial statements included in the Annual Report must be prepared in accordance with the accounting standards in Indonesia that have been audited by an Accountant. Financial statements must include a statement regarding the responsibility for the Financial Statements as stipulated in the Regulation No. VIII.G.11 or Regulation No. X.E.1 2. Surat Pernyataan Direksi tentang Tanggung Jawab Direksi atas Laporan Keuangan Statement Letter from the Board of Directors regarding the Board of Directors’ responsibility to the Financial Statements 3. Opini auditor independen atas laporan keuangan Opinion of Independent Auditor of Financial Statements v Kesesuaian dengan peraturan Bapepam-LK No.VIII.G.11 tentang Tanggung Jawab Direksi atas Laporan Keuangan Compliance with Bapepam regulation-LK No.VIII.G.11 regarding the Board of Director’s Responsibility of the Financial Statements 38-39, 302 305 Referensi Peraturan BAPEPAM-LK No. X.K.6 BAPEPAM Kriteria Criteria / LK Regulation No. X.K.6 Cross Reference Penjelasan Description 381 Hal Page 4. Deskripsi auditor independen di opini Description of Independent Auditor’s opinion Deskripsi memuat tentang: 1. Nama & tanda tangan 2. Tanggal Laporan Audit 3. No. ijin KAP dan nomor ijin Akuntan Publik Description includes: 1. Name & signature 2. Audit report date 3. License number of the Public Accountant Firm and license number of the Public Accountant 304-305 5. Laporan keuangan yang lengkap Full Financial Statements Memuat secara lengkap unsur-unsur laporan keuangan: 1. Laporan posisi keuangan (neraca) 2. Laporan laba rugi komprehensif 3. Laporan perubahan ekuitas 4. Laporan arus kas 5. Catatan atas laporan keuangan 6. Laporan posisi keuangan pada awal periode komparatif yang disajikan ketika entitas menerapkan suatu kebijakan akuntansi secara retrospektif atau membuat penyajian kembali pos pos laporan keuangan, atau ketika entitas mereklasifikasi pos-pos dalam laporan keuangannya ( jika relevan) Includes all elements of the Financial Statements: 1. Balance sheet 2. Comprehensive income statement 3. Report on changes in equity 4. Cash flow statement 5. Notes to the financial statement 6. Financial position at the beginning of the comparative periods presented if the company implemented an accounting policy retrospectively or restated an account in the financial statement, or if the company reclassified financial statement accounts (if relevant) 307-312 6. Pengungkapan dalam catatan atas laporan keuangan ketika entitas menerapkan suatu kebijakan akuntansi secara retrospektif atau membuat penyajian kembali pos-pos laporan keuangan, atau ketika entitas mereklasifikasi pos-pos dalam laporan keuangannya Disclosure in notes to the Financial Statement when the company applies an accounting policy retrospectively or restates an account in the financial statement or reclassifies an account in the financial statement Ada atau tidak ada pengungkapan sesuai dengan PSAK State whether or not there is disclosure according to SFAS V 7. Perbandingan tingkat profitabilitas Comparison of profitability ratio Perbandingan laba (rugi) tahun berjalan dengan tahun sebelumnya Comparison of profit (loss) in the current and previous years 8. Laporan arus kas Cash flow report Memenuhi ketentuan sebagai berikut: 1. Pengelompokan dalam tiga kategori aktivitas: operasi, investasi, dan pendanaan 2. Penggunaan metode langsung (direct method) untuk melaporkan arus kas dari aktivitas operasi 3. Pemisahan penyajian antara penerimaan kas dan atau pengeluaran kas selama tahun berjalan pada aktivitas operasi, investasi dan pendanaan 4. Pengungkapan transaksi non kas dalam catatan laporan keuangan Should fulfill the following provisions: 1. Classification of activities into three categories: operating, investing and financing 2. Use of the direct method to report cash flow from operating activities 3. Separate presentation of cash income and / or expenditure in the current year from operating, investing and financing activities 4. Disclosure of non-cash activities in the notes to the financial statement 311-312 9. Ikhtisar kebijakan akuntansi Summary of accounting policy Meliputi sekurang-kurangnya: 1. Pernyataan kepatuhan terhadap SAK 2. Dasar pengukuran dan penyusunan laporan keuangan 3. Pengakuan pendapatan dan beban 4. Aset Tetap 5. Instrumen Keuangan Includes at least the following: 1. Statement of compliance with SFAS 2. Basis of measurement and presentation of the financial statement 3. Recognition of income and expense 4. Fixed assets 5. Financial instruments V N/A 382 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report Kriteria Criteria Penjelasan Description Hal Page 10. Pengungkapan transaksi pihak berelasi Disclosure of related party transactions Hal-hal yang diungkapkan antara lain: 1. Nama pihak berelasi, serta sifat dan hubungan dengan pihak berelasi 2. Nilai transaksi beserta persentasenya terhadap total pendapatan dan beban terkait 3. Jumlah saldo beserta persentasenya terhadap total aset atau liabilitas 4. Syarat dan ketentuan transaksi dengan pihak berelasi Items that must be disclosed: 1. Name(s) of related parties, and nature of relationship with related parties 2. Value of transactions and percentage of total related income and expense 3. Balance and percentage of total assets or liabilities 4. Terms and conditions of related party transactions 323-324, 333, 371 11. Pengungkapan yang berhubungan dengan Perpajakan Disclosures related to Taxation Hal-hal yang harus diungkapkan: 1. Penjelasan hubungan antara beban (penghasilan) pajak dan laba akuntansi 2. Rekonsiliasi fiskal dan perhitungan beban pajak kini 3. Pernyataan bahwa Laba Kena Pajak (LPK) hasil rekonsiliasi dijadikan dasar dalam pengisian SPT Tahunan PPh Badan 4. Rincian aset dan liabilitas pajak tangguhan yang diakui pada laporan posisi keuangan untuk setiap periode penyajian, dan jumlah beban (penghasilan) pajak tangguhan yang diakui pada laporan laba rugi apabila jumlah tersebut tidak terlihat dari jumlah asset atau liabilitas pajak tangguhan yang diakui pada laporan posisi keuangan 5. Pengungkapan ada atau tidak ada sengketa pajak Items that must be disclosed: 1. Explanation of the relationship between tax expense (income) and accounting profit 2. Reconciliation between fiscal and current tax assessment 3. Statement that the reconciled taxable profit is the basis for the annual corporate income tax return 4. Breakdown of deferred tax assets and liabilities recognized in the balance sheet for each period presented, and total deferred tax expense (income) recognized in the income statement if such amount is not shown in the total deferred tax assets or liabilities recognized in the financial statement 5. Disclosure of whether or not there are any tax disputes 329, 341345 Hal-hal yang harus diungkapkan: 1. Metode penyusutan yang digunakan 2. Uraian mengenai kebijakan akuntansi yang dipilih atara model nilai wajar dan model biaya 3. Metode dan asumsi signifikan yang digunakan dalam mengestimasi nilai wajar aset tetap (model revaluasi) atau pengungkapan nilai wajar aset tetap (model biaya) 4. Rekonsiliasi jumlah tercatat bruto dan akumulasi penyusutan aset tetap pada awal dan akhir periode dengan menunjukkan: penambahan, pengurangan, dan reklasifikasi Items that must be disclosed: 1. Depreciation method used 2. Explanation of whether fair value model or cost model have been adopted as accounting policy 3. Method and significant assumptions used in estimating the fair value of fixed assets (revaluation model) or disclosing the fair value of fixed assets (cost model) 4. Reconciliation of recorded gross amount and cumulative depreciation of fixed assets at the beginning and end of the period by showing addition, reduction and reclassification 327, 347349 12. Pengungkapan yang berhubungan dengan Aset Tetap Disclosure of Fixed Assets Referensi Peraturan BAPEPAM-LK No. X.K.6 BAPEPAM Kriteria Criteria / LK Regulation No. X.K.6 Cross Reference Penjelasan Description 383 Hal Page 13. Perkembangan Terakhir Standar Akuntansi Keuangan dan Peraturan Lainnya Recent developments in Financial Accounting Standards and Other Regulations Uraian mengenai SAK / peraturan yang telah diterbitkan tetapi belum berlaku efektif, yang belum diterapkan oleh perusahaan, dengan mengungkapkan: 1. Jenis dan tanggal efektif SAK / peraturan baru tersebut 2. Sifat dari perubahan yang belum berlaku efektif atau perubahan kebijakan akuntansi dan 3. Dampak penerapan awal SAK dan peraturan baru tersebut atas laporan keuangan Description of FAS / regulations that have been issued but are not yet effective, which have not been applied by the company, stating: 1. Type and effective date of the new FAS / regulations 2. Nature of the change that is not yet effective or the change in accounting policy and 3. Effect of initial application of the new AS and regulations on the Financial Statements 14. Pengungkapan yang berhubungan dengan Instrumen Keuangan Disclosure related to the Financial Instrument 374 – 378 Hal-hal yang harus diungkapkan: 1. Persyaratan, kondisi dan kebijakan akuntansi untuk setiap kelompok instrumen keuangan 2. Klasifikasi instrumen keuangan 3. Nilai wajar tiap kelompok instrumen keuangan 4. Penjelasan risiko yang terkait dengan instrument keuangan: risiko pasar, risiko kredit, dan risiko likuiditas 5. Tujuan dan kebijakan manajemen risiko keuangannya Items that must be disclosed: 1. Requirements, conditions and policies for each group of financial instruments 2. Classification of financial instruments 3. Fair value of each group of financial instruments 4. Explanation of the risks related to the financial instruments: market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk 5. Purpose and policy on financial risk management 15. Penerbitan laporan keuangan Publication of the Financial Statements Hal-hal yang diungkapkan antara lain: 1. Tanggal laporan keuangan diotorisasi untuk terbit dan 2. Pihak yang bertanggung jawab mengotorisasi laporan keuangan Items to be disclosed include: 1. Date of authorization for the publication of the Financial Statements and 2. Party responsible for authorizing the Financial Statements 321 267 IX. Tanda Tangan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Signature of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors Tanda Tangan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Signature of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors Memuat hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1. Tanda tangan dituangkan pada lembaran tersendiri 2. Pernyataan bahwa Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris bertanggung jawab penuh atas kebenaran isi laporan tahunan 3. Ditandatangani oleh seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris dan anggota Direksi dengan menyebutkan nama dan jabatannya 4. Penjelasan tertulis dalam surat tersendiri dari yang bersangkutan dalam hal terdapat anggota Dewan Komisaris atau Direksi yang tidak menandatangani laporan tahunan, atau penjalasan tertulis dalam surat tersendiri dari anggota yang lain dalam hal tidak terdapat penjelasan tertulis dari yang bersangkutan. Contains the following: 1. Signatures of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors are on a separate sheet 2. Statement that the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners are fully responsible to the truthfulness of the content of the Annual Report 3. Signed by all members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors by mentioning their names and positions 4. Written explanation in a separate letter from the concerned member in the event of not signing the Annual Report, or, written explanation in separate letter from other member in the event the concerned member did not provide written explanation 38 384 PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) / Laporan Tahunan 2014 Annual Report this page was intentionally left blank Assure Your Confidence ENHANCIN G YO UR CA PA CIT Y T OW AR D W O RL D BU SS IN ES S 2014 Laporan Tahunan Annual Report GRAHA SUCOFINDO 1st floor Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav. 34 Jakarta 12780 P. +62 21 7983666 ext. 1116, 1124 F. +62-21 7983888