Brgy. Sinalongan
Brgy. Sinalongan
BARANGAY SINALONGAN Historical Background The name of Barangay Sinalongan came from the term “Salon” or sap of pili tree which is flammable. The residents of the used salong to make a lighting device called ”kurukod”. Salong is wrapped in anahaw leaf, lighted and brought along to light the way when one travels at night. In addition, it is also used to provide light for fishing at the river of Asid, which is nearby. “Sinalongan” literally means the Pili tree where “Salong” came from. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 1 GEOGRAPHICAL PROFILE Geographic Location Barangay Sinalongan is bounded by barangay Usab in North, Barangay Cagay in South, Municipality of Mobo in East and Barangay Malinta in West. Ma s ba te Pa s s Figure 1: Map of Barangay Sinalongan Land Area Barangay Sinalongan has a total land area of 1,165.7252 hectares representing 6.2% of the total land area of the City which is 18,789.23 hectares. Barangay Sinalongan is an upland barangay which is composed of 7 puroks. Political Subdivision The barangay is divided into seven puroks. The Puroks are named Purok 1 as Centro, Purok 2 Arangeta, Purok 3 Lumayang, Purok 4 Kurot, Purok 5 Naipit, Purok 6 Palanog, Purok 7 Tambanugao. Purok 1 serves as the center of the barangay where infrastructure facilities such as the barangay hall and school are situated. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile Barangay Sinalongan Facade 2 Natural Characteristics: Physiography and Slope Barangay Bolo shared the city’s general terrain of a surface configuration ranging from slightly undulating to rolling and from hilly to mountainous. The slope of the barangay presents most of 3-8% gently sloping to undulating, and 18-30% rolling to moderately steep. Small area of the barangay has a 30-50% steep slope. Soil The soil type of the barangay is divided into two classes namely Himayangan sandy clay loam (615) and Ubay Clay (173). The Himayangan type is contiguous to Ubay soils which have practically similar parents materials, vegetable cover and relief. It is a surface soil, light brown to gray, poor coarse granular, gravely sandy clay loam.It is poor in organic matter and is separated by a diffused and wavy boundary from the lower layer. The upper subsoil is dark brown to grayish brown, poor coarse granular to blocky clay loam. Slightly plastic and sticky when wet and slightly compact, cloddy and brittle when dry. Easily penetrated by roots. Diffused and wavy boundary from the lower layer. Hydrogeology The barangay has rivers, creeks and streams which can be found in Purok 2 Arangeta and passes through other puroks. In fact 74% of the total Barangay Water Tank households depend on this rivers and streams as their main source of water. Natural Resources The forest resources are found mainly on the rugged slopes of the barangay. Some important commercial forest trees in the area are narra, acacia, gemilina, ipil-ipil, etc. Unfortunately, some areas were denuded for barangay road widening, opening of road and occupation of houses. There are areas being reforested and protected. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 3 Land Use The barangay is essentially an agricultural community devoting 66% of its land use to agriculture covering 778 hectares as reflected in Table 1. Other uses include Government (33 %) and Residential (0.22%). Because of the recent developmental programs of the city government such as farm to market road, electrification, water system development, better access to social services and agriculture intensification, the residents opted to stay in the barangay. Thus, residential use is seen to increase in the coming years. Table 1 Land Use Barangay Sinalongan Land Use Residential Commercial Government Agricultural Pasture Land Fish Pond Area/Has 2.5398 0.0000 385.5889 777.5965 0.0000 % Share All land uses 1,165.7252 100.00 0.22 0.00 33.08 66.70 0.00 0.00 Source: CLUP, 2002 Land Use Brgy Sinalongan 0% 0% 33% 67% Residential Commercial Government Agricultural Pasture Land Fish Pond Figure 2 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 4 Land Use Potentials A large portion of land is suitable for agricultural activities. It is being utilized for planting vegetable crops like eggplant, beans, okra, squash, camote tops, etc., which provides daily sustenance for families and additional livelihood. There are portions potential for forestry and fruit-bearing trees plantation. Residential use is also seen to increase in the coming years. Recent developmental programs of the city government such as farm to market road, electrification, water system development, social services and agriculture intensification are factors considered by the residents in staying. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 5 DEMOGRAPHY Population Size, Number of Households, Population Growth As of 2005, the total population of Barangay Sinalongan stands at 998 with male dominating the populace of 531 and 467 female. There are 208 households in the barangay. Purok 1 has the highest number of households which is 77. Average annual population growth rate is 4.329% in 1995-2000 and projected to increase in 2010. Table 2 Number of Households by Purok Barangay Sinalongan PurokName Purok 1 Purok 2 Purok 3 Purok 4 Purok 5 Purok 6 TOTAL Total HH’s Total Population Per Purok Total Population Male Total Population Female 77 32 13 33 26 27 208 354 131 76 154 141 142 998 174 74 49 87 73 74 531 180 57 27 67 68 68 467 Source: CBMS, 2005 The age distribution of the barangay is dominated by 10 years old and above totaling to 669, and 333 are in the age bracket of 6-16 years. This shows that the age profile of the barrio shows a very young population. Table 3 Age Distribution Barangay Sinalongan Age Breakdown Infants Birth (less than 1 yr old) Children 0-5 yrs old Children 6-12 yrs old HH members 13-16 yrs old HH members 6-16 yrs old HH member 10 yrs old and above HH members of the labor force HH members 60 years old and above Total Population 25 201 230 103 333 669 260 44 Source: CBMS, 2005 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 6 Age Breakdown Brgy Sinalongan 260 44 25 201 230 103 669 333 Infants Birth (less than 1 yr old) Children 0-5 yrs old Children 6-12 yrs old HH members 13-16 yrs old HH members 6-16 yrs old HH member 10 yrs old and above HH members of the labor force HH members 60 years old and above Figure 3 Population Density Population density of Barangay Sinalongan is 85.6 persons per square kilometer in 2005. It is projected to increase Projected population density is 71 persons per square kilometers in 2010. (Source: City Development Strategies). The factors contributing to this increasing trend are the urban populace migrating to rural areas like barangay Sinalongan due to land constraints and high price of land. Fertility: Child-Woman Ratio Fertility rate refers to the number of children that the average woman will have in her lifetime. A total fertility rate of 1.05% or children aged 0-4 to women of reproductive age (15-49 years old) child to woman ratio. This data indicate that it has a relatively higher fertility rate as compared to urban barangays and some rural barangays. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 7 INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITIES Roads Road is critical to development since it facilitates the mobility of products and people in the area and specifically promotes economic activity. Barangay Sinalongan is linked by a provincial road connecting Barangay Malinta and other adjacent barangays. The barangay road entering in barangay Sinalongan was regraveled and continually upgraded. Improvement of farm-to-market road leads to efficient delivery of their produce farm goods to the poblacion and also the Barangay Road going to Sinalongan effective delivery of social services from poblacion to the barangay. Seemingly, the utilization of their land for some infrastructures, not just road but also institutional and small commercial structures would bring about improvement of the socioeconomic status of the barangay. Within the barangay, roads are rough and some parts are graveled. Concrete pathways are commonly present in the barangay which links its puroks and sitios. In Purok 1, which serves as the center of the barangay, there is a pathway connecting it from the elementary school. Drainage and Sewerage Drainage and sewerage are practically non-existent. Natural drains from rain flow directly to the open canals which can cause soil erosion especially in upland barrios. Drains from household consumption also go directly to open canals causing water flow displacement. Drainage System Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 8 Other Infrastructures Other infrastructures present are Barangay Hall, Plaza, Elementary School, Health Center and Day Care Center. These are all concentrated at Purok Centro of the barangay. The barangay hall serves as the seat of government in barangay level Sessions and meetings are conducted here with all the council of the barangay. The plaza is also located at Purok 2. Fiesta celebration, sports competition and dance ball is usually celebrated here. It also serves as recreational area of the children and basketball court for the youth. Table 4 Other Infrastructures Barangay Sinalongan INFRASTRUCTURE Barangay Hall PUROK Purok Centro DESCRIPTION -concrete -area (6.20mX4.00m=24.80sq.m) Barangay Plaza and Purok Centro Court -2 goals for repair -area(23.50mX19.00m=446.50sq.m) -Concrete stage (5.70mX2.70m= 15.39sq.m) Church or Chapel Purok Centro -concrete -area (6.20mX8.00m=49.60sq.m) Day Care Purok Centro -concrete -area (3.8mX5.95m=22.61sq.m) Elementary School Purok Centro Health Center Purok Centro -concrete -area Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 9 (6.35mX4.75m=30.16sq.m) Waiting Shed Purok Centro - 2 sheds - area 2.70mX2.00m=5.40sq.m - area 2.9mX3.10m=8.99sq.m Streetlights Purok Centro - 3 sets for repair Market -light materials -area (5.80mX4.35m=25.23sq.m) Source: Office of the Barangay Captain,2006 Water Rivers and streams are the major water source of almost 108 households in the barangay mostly in all puroks except in Purok 1 which have a water source from community water system, shared by 75 households. Community water system is being developed in other puroks. Communal faucet Table 5 Inventory of Water Facility Barangay Sinalongan Type of Water Facility Household per Purok Community Water System shared Community Water System owned Deep well shared Deep well owned Artesian Well shared Artesian Well owned Dug/Shallow well owned Dug/Shallow well shared River, stream, lake Total Household served Purok1 77 Purok 2 32 Household Served Purok Purok Purok 3 4 5 13 33 26 72 5 1 2 5 27 32 24 13 Purok 7 27 Total 208 80 27 108 Source: CBMS, 2005 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 10 Access to safe water has always been a major concern of the barangay. Though all of the households have access to water, 78% of these don’t have access to water which is safe for drinking purposes. These are the households with water source from rivers and streams which is considered unsafe because it is open to contamination from human and animal activities. In purok 7, all households don’t have access to safe water. Table 6 Access to Safe Water Barangay Sinalongan Purok Name Total Households Purok 1 Purok 2 Purok 3 Purok 4 Purok 5 Purok 7 Total 77 32 13 33 26 27 208 HH without access to safe water 5 27 13 32 24 27 108 Proportion of Households without access to safe water 6% 84% 100% 96% 92% 100% 74% Source: CBMS, 2005 Electricity Electricity from the barangay is served by MASELCO (Masbate Electric Cooperative). Out of 208 households, only 34 or 16% have access to electricity. These households are mainly located at Purok 1. Generator sets also serves as the power source of some households. Traditional light source from lamps using kerosene is used mainly in the barangay. Table 7 Inventory of Electricity Barangay Sinalongan Purok Source of Electricity Purok 1 MASELCO Generator Set __ KVA Generator Set __ KVA Generator Set __ KVA MASELCO Generator Set __ KVA MASELCO Generator Set __ KVA MASELCO Generator Set __ KVA 2 Purok 2 Purok 3 Purok 4 Purok 5 Purok 6 Total Unit Household with electricity 33 Household without electricity 44 32 13 32 1 26 34 27 174 Source: CBMS, 2006 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 11 Transportation The barangay can be reached trough any mode of land transportation. Tricycles and motorcycles are commonly used by the residents for fast and easy access. Table 8 Mode of Transportation Barangay Sinalongan Mode of Transportation Tricycle Motorcycle Multicab Jeepney Number 5 2 Schedule of Travel Daily Daily 1 Daily Source: CBMS, 2006 Communications The available communication facilities are VHF hand-held radio and satellite phone powered by Smartlink provided by the city for the barangay captain. Globe and Smart, however, signals for both can be availed in the elevated portion of the barangay. Cemetery/Burial Grounds Barangay Sinalongan has no burial grounds. Some residents prefer to bury their dead on their vacant lot while others to bury in the nearest barangay with cemetery like Barangay Malinta. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 12 ENVIRONMENTAL PROFILE Solid Waste As an upland barangay, wastes are primarily composed of biodegradable, non biodegradable and agricultural wastes. There are no establishments such as factories that could produce hazardous wastes. Biodegradable wastes mainly came from domestic garbage such as food wastes and papers. This is dumped through burning in their backyard pits and composting. Non biodegradable wastes such as plastics, cans and bottles also came from household consumption. The residents usually reuse the plastics from mineral water and bottles. These are being used as water containers or other useful materials. Cans are used as flower pots or other decorative and functional materials. Agricultural wastes comprises only of dried leaves, coconut and corn husks and palay grains. Fertilizer wastes are considered very minimal. Storage and Collection The garbage management of the barangay is practiced through burning of biodegradable wastes and recycling. Garbage burned in the barangay Composting and recycling is commonly practiced by the residents because garbage collection services of the city cannot reach the upland barangay. Initiatives are being taken by the people on how to manage their garbage. Forest Areas The forest resources are found mainly on the rugged slopes of the barangay. Some important commercial forest trees in the area are narra, acacia, gemilina, ipil-ipil, etc. Unfortunately, some areas were denuded for barangay road widening, opening of road and occupation of houses. There are areas being reforested and protected. A river and creeks likewise are present in Purok 2 Arangeta. Forest area Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 13 POVERTY PROFILE Table 9 CBMS Summary of Indicators Area of Concern Indicator Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile Number Proportion Rank 14 Health Nutrition Shelter Water & Sanitation Education Income Employment Peace and Order 1. Proportion of children 0-5 years old who died. 2. Proportion of women who died due to pregnancy related-cause. 0 0 0 0 2 1 10 4. Proportion of households who are squatters. 2 1 10 5. Proportion of households with makeshift housing. 0 0 128 61 151 72 51 22 65 63 158 76 124 60 107 51 7 2.7 0 0 3. Proportion of children 0-5 years old who are moderately and severely underweight. 6. Proportion of households without access to safe water. 7. Proportion of households without access to sanitary toilet facilities. 8. Proportion of children 6-12 years old not in elementary. 9. Proportion of children 13-16 years old not in high school. 10. Proportion of households with income less than the poverty threshold. 11. Proportion of households with income less than the food threshold. 12. Proportion of households who eat less than three meals a day. 13. Unemployment Rate 14. Proportion of household members victimized by crime. 11 11 11 4 2 7 3 1 5 6 8 9 Source: CBMS,2005 The result of CBMS showed the top five area of concern for the Minimum Basic Needs of Barangay Sinalongan comprising of: 1) 158 or 76% have income below poverty threshold level 2) 151 or 72.6% of the households have no sanitary toilet facilities 3) 65 or 63% of the children aged 13-16 years old are not attending high school 4.) 128 or 61.5% of the households have no access to safe water 5) 107 or 51.4% of the households have income below food threshold level. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 15 Summary of Issues/Concerns and Challenges 1. On proportion of households with income below poverty threshold Almost 76% of the households have income below poverty threshold level. Insufficient livelihood opportunities and attitude problem limits the residents in improving the quality of their lives. Thus, better economic alternatives are being introduced through the program of cooperative development, livelihood assistance, pre and post harvest facilities distribution and skills training development. Encourage potential product development which is abundant in the barangay such as coconut and bamboo. Skills training on automotive, welding, electronics and driving Sessions on character development Promote and encourage small scale business or enterprise Provision of livelihood /capital assistance As an agricultural community, provision of pre and post harvest facilities will of great help to the farmers. Introduce new farm technologies Encourage backyard raising of farm animals 2. On proportion of households without sanitary toilet Out of 208 households, 151 or 63% have no sanitary toilet. This posts a critical concern in the barangay. It may pose health and environment hazard to the community because improper waste disposal will bring several diseases to the populace. Every year the city government distributes steel bars, cement and toilet bowls for the construction of sanitary toilet. However, some are indifferent towards the program. The Barangay council together with the midwife and health workers must intensify the monitoring of the construction of sanitary toilet to the recipients of the materials from the city government. Conduct IEC on the importance of sanitary toilet The barangay can also allocate funds for the construction of common septic tanks. 3. On proportion of children 13-16 years old not in high school Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 16 Of 103 numbers of children aged 13-16 years old, 65 or 63% are not attending high school. This is composed of 21 female and 44 male. Poverty and accessibility are the top reasons why they are not in high school. That’s why, the City Government has intensified its campaign on Literacy Program under the Alternative Learning System of the City Dep Ed. The city government provides the needs of the literacy class in all the barangays. This includes the books, pencils, papers and notebooks of the participating class while the city Dep Ed provides the manpower and technical assistance from teachers to conduct literacy class. Provide livelihood programs so that parents can afford to send their children to school. Improve the accessibility to the secondary school. Encourage out of school youths to participate in the ALS. 4. On proportion of households with no access to safe water. Out of 208 households, 128 or 62% have no access to safe water. Households with no access are located in Purok 2 to Purok 7 which have a water source form rivers and streams only which is considered unsafe because it is easily contaminated. Only Purok 1 has better access from Communal water system shared by 72 households. Construction of Level II water project (communal faucet) that will cover all the puroks. Regular chlorination of open dug wells as well as deep and shallow wells. Regular monitoring of water sources 5. On proportion of households who experienced food shortage There are 107 or 51% of the households in the barangay who experienced food shortage. This may account to the number one problem of the barangay which is poverty. Encourage backyard gardening for vegetables Provide livelihood or capital assistance to the identified households Other social concerns that should be given priority: The health center should be equipped with health facilities and records of the midwives must be updated to provide better health services Employment Supplemental feeding must be given to households with malnourished member. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 17 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 18 TOP 1 MBN: 79% Households With Income Below Poverty Threshold Figure 4 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 19 TOP 2 MBN: 73% Households With No Access To Sanitary Toilet Figure 5 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 20 TOP 3 MBN: 63% Households With Members (13-16years old) Not in high School Figure 6 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 21 TOP 4 MBN: 61% Households With Income Below Food Threshold Figure 7 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 22 SOCIAL PROFILE The programs of the city government are geared towards poverty reduction. Developmental social programs and projects are being developed to provide quality education, better health care, security, and empowering all sectors of the society. Education The greatest challenge of the Department of Education with the LGU is to provide quality education among Sinalongan Elementary School children in elementary and secondary level. It may seem elusive but it can be achieved through provision of programs and projects anchored on academic excellence and education for all. Sinalongan Elementary School is the only primary school in the barangay. It caters to children 6-12 years old. However, there are children 13 years old and above who still attend to elementary school. The distance of the school and poverty remains the main reasons why there are school aged children don’t go to school. Sinalongan Elementary School is located at Purok Centro. It is complemented with 1:1 teacher classroom ratio and teacher-pupil ratio is1:32. Cohort survival rate is 86% and participation rate of 93%. Other performance indicator is found in the table below. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 23 Table 10 Performance Indicators Sinalongan Elementary School Performance Indicators Rate Participation Rate Retention Rate Cohort Survival Rate Transition Rate Repetition Rate Promotion Rate Completion Rate Graduation Rate Dropout Rate Achievement Rate 90% 87% 94% 98% 90% 95% 94% 91% 0% 60.02% Source: DepEd,2006 Table 11 Number of Enrollees Sinalongan Elementary School Grade I II III IV V VI TOTAL Number of Enrollees 2006-2007 65 50 40 40 30 30 255 Source: City DepEd, 2006 The facilities of the school such as classrooms are concrete though some needs repair and improvement. The whole area of the school also needs beautification. Library, laboratory, sports facilities, school clinic and industrial arts which are important to the total development of the children are lacking. There is a need to establish these necessary facilities in order for the school children to have a complete appreciation in educational system and will help them in improving their educational condition. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile School Playground 24 Table 12 Inventory of School Facilities Barangay Sinalongan School Facilities Library/Reading Room Laboratory Sports Facilities School Clinic Comfort Rooms School Canteen Auditorium Admin. Office Industrial Arts, Agriculture & H.E. room With Without X X X X X X X X x Source: City DepEd, 2006 Table 13 Inventory of School Classrooms and Construction Materials Used A. Delos Reyes Elem. School Barangay Sinalongan Grade I II III IV V VI Type of Classroom/Building TEEP TEEP TEEP Marcos Type Marcos Type Marcos Type Construction Materials Used 4 4 4 3 3 3 Type 1 – Nipa and Wood Type 2 – Wood with protective fire new front Source: City DepEd, 2006 Condition New Newly repaired Newly Repaired Needs Repair Needs Repair Needs Repair Type 3 – Masonry and Wood Type 4 – Steel, iron, concrete and masonry Table 14 Number of Teachers and Classroom per School and Level A. Delos Reyes Elementary School Barangay Sinalongan School/Level No. of Teachers I II III IV V VI TOTAL 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 No. of Classrooms 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 Source: City DepEd, 2006 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 25 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 26 PLAYGROUND GATE TEEP BLDG. Figure 8 SINALONGAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BRGY. SINALONGAN FLAGPOLE TEEP BLDG. WAITING SHED WATER TANK STAGE MARCOS TYPE BLDG. Literacy Literacy Program is spearheaded by the City Government in partnership with the City Dep Ed. The city government provides the needs of the literacy class in all the barangays. This includes th e books, pencils, papers and notebooks of the participating class while the city Dep Ed provides the manpower and technical assistance from teachers to conduct literacy class. The barangay is considered to have a high literacy rate of 90%.This implies that most residents have the ability to do simple reading and writing. Of the 669 total population of 10 years old and above, 10% are not literate. There are 70 individuals who are not able to do simple reading and writing. Of these 70, 24 are female and 46 are male. Table 15 Number of Persons Not Literate Barangay Sinalongan Not literate Purok Purok 1 Purok 2 Purok 3 Purok 4 Purok 5 Purok 6 Purok 7 Total Population of 10 years Old Above Total Percentage Literate 235 100 51 100 89 94 Male 11 5 11 9 5 5 Female 9 3 7 3 0 2 20 8 18 12 5 7 9 8 35 12 6 7 Male 106 48 21 45 40 50 Female 109 44 12 43 44 42 669 46 24 70 10% 310 294 Source: CBMS, 2005 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 27 Health Barangay Sinalongan has one concrete Barangay Health Center manned by one midwife, and four (4) barangay health workers assigned to monitor and conduct health services. The center serves as the place for consultation and caters to all the medical needs of the residents. The center’s facilities include bed, table and chairs, weighing scale, thermometer, sphygmomanometer and medicines. Health services such as Child Health Care, Maternal Care, Family Planning, Dental Health and special activities are being served in the center and being delivered by the city doctors, dentist and nurse twice a month to ensure that the residents in the barangay have easy access to health services. Major health problems are being treated at the poblacion where hospitals with adequate facilities are present. The leading causes of morbidity 1. Acute Respiratory Infection 2. Wounds all forms 3. Hypertension 4. Bronchitis 5. Diarrhea The leading causes of mortality 1. Gastric Ulcer 2. Pneumonia 3. Senility 4. Acute 5. Hypertension Malnourished children are very low in the barangay as reflected in the table below. Based on the CBMS conducted in all barangays in 2005, Sinalongan has a malnutrition rate of 2.3%. Supplemental feeding is continuously conducted in the barangay to monitor and prevent malnutrition incidence. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 28 Table 16 Malnutrition Rate Barangay Sinalongan Population of 0-5 Years Old Per Purok Purok Purok 1 Centro Purok 2 Arangeta Purok 3Lumayang Purok 4 Kurot Purok 5Naipit Purok 6 Palanog Purok 7 Tambanugao Total Male 38 12 9 23 14 15 Female 36 8 4 10 17 15 111 90 Number of Malnourished Children Per Purok Male Female 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total 1 Percentage 0 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 2 1.0 Source: CBMS, 2005 Health is likewise concerned with the use of contraceptive among couples in Barangay Sinalongan. With the population growing, there is a need to have an intensive advocacy on the use of family planning method. The City Health Office and the Social welfare Office conducts the family planning sessions in the barangay. Out of 174 couples in the barangay, only 39 are practicing family planning in different methods. Pills are commonly used by almost all the couples engaged in family planning. Table 17 Methods of Family Planning Barangay Sinalongan Family Planning Method Total Rhythm Method Mucus Body Temperature IUD Condom Diaphragm Pills Injectible Vasectomy Tubal Ligation Other (Withdrawal) Total Number of Couples Yes No 39 39 37 37 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Source: CBMS, 2005 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 29 Methods of Family Planning 0% 5% 0% 95% Rhythm Method Mucus Body Temperature IUD Condom Diaphragm Pills Injectible Vasectomy Tubal Ligation Other (Withdrawal) Figure 9 Problems on sanitary toilet have always been a major concern of almost all the barangays specifically the costal and upland area. The result of the recent survey proved that it is indeed a problem of barangay Sinalongan. As of 2005, out of 208 households, 151 or 63 % have no sanitary toilet. Table 18 Inventory of Sanitary Toilet Facilities Barangay Sinalongan Purok Purok 1 Purok 2 Purok 3 Purok 4 Purok 5 Purok 6 Purok 7 Total Number of Household Per Purok 77 32 13 33 26 27 Number of Household With Sanitary Toilet Facilities 49 3 0 1 2 2 Number of Household With no Sanitary Toilet Facilities 28 29 13 32 24 25 208 57 151 Percentage 36 91 100 97 92 93 72.0 Source: CBMS, 2005 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 30 Social Welfare Improved quality of social services is one of the major concerns of the city. It aims to provide all the essential needs of the people particularly to those who are underprivileged. Social services is geared to reach even the remotest barangay of the city. Services such as family counseling, gender and development, pre marriage counseling, day care services, senior citizens, and self employment assistance and emergency assistance is provided. The barangay has a concrete day care center which is located at Purok Centro. It serves as the venue for children’s early development and preparation for early education. Day Care center is the first step of every child’s formal educational requirement towards primary education. It provides basic learning for child’s comprehension, familiarity in schooling and social interaction among other children. This stage specifically prepares the child for better understanding in acquiring knowledge. Thus, the Day Care Center serves a significant role in building the early appreciation of the importance of education among every child. The surroundings and atmosphere of the center largely contributes to the enthusiasm of children to go to the Day Care Center. The place must be conducive and encouraging because the children naturally need pampering in order to keep their attention. Among other services for social development are Children Protection and Youth Development, Women Empowerment and Family Strengthening, Support Program for Disabled Persons, Disaster Relief and Calamity Assistance and gender and development. There are 17 identified handicapped persons in Barangay Sinalongan and most of them are located at Purok 9. There are 17 identified types of disabilities present in the barangay and majority of the disabilities are blind and paralyzed leg and arm. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 31 Table 19 Number of Persons with Disabilities Barangay Sinalongan Population Number of PWD’s Purok 1 Centro 354 7 Purok 2 Arangeta Purok 3 Lumayang 131 3 76 1 Purok 4 Kurot 154 5 Blind, Half blind Purok 5 Naipit 141 1 Dwarf Purok Palanog Purok Tambanugao Total - - - 142 998 17 9 types of disability Purok Type of Disability Blind, Paralyzed leg and arm, Paralyzed, Deaf, Mental Impairment, Dwarfism Half blind, Hunch back, Deaf, Paralyzed Leg Paralyzed Leg Source:CBMS,2005 Housing Based on Community Based Monitoring System, there are no household in this barangay that belongs to squatter areas. It showed that most of the residents or 50% of the households owned their house and lot. Of 208 households, 53 or 25% owned their houses with free rent of lot with consent of the owner. Some are tenants to some farm lot owned by other families. There are 47 households who have free rent for both house and lot or they have permission to construct houses from the land owner. There are no households living in blighted areas or houses made from makeshift or salvaged materials. Houses in the barangay are usually made of semi concrete materials which are considered to last for at least five years and can withstand any calamity. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 32 Protective Services The barangay have 9 Barangay Police and 5 Five Barangay Unified Force assigned to maintain peace and order and control any untoward incidents within the area. They are equipped with facilities such as uniform in order to be identified, whistles, nightsticks and flashlights. There are no crime incidents in the barangay resulting to zero proportion of person victimized by crime. Table 20 Inventory of Barangay Police Personnel Barangay Sinalongan Purok Number of Barangay Police Assigned Purok 1 Purok 2 Purok 3 Purok 4 Purok 5 Purok 6 Purok 7 Total 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 Table 21 Inventory of Police Personnel Paraphernalia Barangay Sinalongan Paraphernalia Nightstick Flashlight Handcuffs Arnis Whistle (pito) Uniform Multicab Horse Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile Number 1 1 14 sets 1 33 Sports and Recreation The barangay plaza of the barangay is situated at Purok 1 Centro where celebration of fiesta and other barangay festivities such as sports competition, dance ball and other activities is held. It also serves as a venue for the residents to get together and playground for children because of its big area. Basketball game is the most popular use of the barangay plaza among the youths. Movie or video house and videoke are common among rural barangays for past time. Table 22 Inventory of Sports and Recreational Facilities Barangay Sinalongan Location Purok 1 Purok 2 Purok 3 Name of Facilities Present Basketball Court and Plaza, Movie house Number 1 1 Public 1 Type Private Condition Good 1 None None None Purok 4 Purok 5 None Purok 6 None Total Source: Office of the Barangay Captain, 2006 Barangay Plaza and Basketball Court Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile School Playground 34 RELIGION AND CULTURE Religion and Culture Barangay Sinalongan is celebrating its fiesta every 11th and 12th of May in honor of Patron Saint Labrador. It is observed with a week long celebration and celebrated through different activities such as sports competition, coronation nights for beauty queen and a dance ball which is popular among single men, women and teenagers. A cockfight is commonly practiced and being joined by other barangays which makes the fiesta more enjoyable. The people of barangay Sinalongan are predominantly Roman Catholic. A chapel is also present as place to perform their religious obligation. Other religions present are Baptist and Iglesia Ni Cristo. \ Table 23 Inventory of Religion Barangay Sinalongan Religion Roman Catholic Born Again Born Again Religious Center Chapel House of Worship House of Worship Location Religious Organization Purok Centro Purok Centro Purok Centro Source: Office of the Barangay Captain, 2006 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 35 ECONOMIC PROFILE Agriculture Barangay Sinalongan has a vast tract of agricultural land and abundant supply of farm laborers. It has a prime agricultural land for fruits, rice, corn, coconut and pastureland. The major crops produced are corn, coconut, root crops, fruit trees and vegetables. There are 237 local farmers within the barangay which copra, rice and corn are the major crops produced. Cornfield Rootcrops has the highest area devoted for crop production. It is also the highest in terms of annual production of 750 metric tons. A total of 47 carabaos were distributed to farmers which are of great help in tilling the lands. Vegetables produced by the barangay are beans, eggplants, okra, and Ampalaya. Farmer plowing the field using his carabao Table 24 Crop Production 2006 Barangay Sinalongan Crops Production/year Rice Irrigated 75 Rainfed 330 Upland 1000 Corn 2800 Rootcrops 270 Vegetables 30 Fruit Trees 105 Coconut 200 Others Source: City Agriculture Office, 2006 Table 25 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 36 Inventory of Livestock/Poultry Barangay Sinalongan Livestock Cattle Carabao Pig Horse Goat Chicken Duck No. of Heads 0 200 100 0 100 150 15 Source: City Agriculture Office, 2006 Table 26 Inventory of Farm Machineries and Post Harvest Facilities Barangay Sinalongan Farm Machineries No. and Ownership Owned by Privately Barangay/Coop Owned Drier Thresher Tractor Warehouse Rice/Corn Mill Farm Reservoir Irrigation Vargas Plow Carabao Sprayer Source: City Agriculture Office, 2006 Trade and Commerce Tradable products of this barangay are rootcrops and vegetables. These agricultural products are traded to the poblacion during “saud”. Sari-sari stores abound within the barangay. Furniture making especially bamboo crafts is known as a promising craft making in Barangay Drying tamarind Sinalongan. Because of abundant source of bamboo, some residents developed a skill in bamboo craft such as bags, furnitures and decorative materials. They get orders from different parts of the city. Others are being sold during market day at the poblacion. There are 30 small business within the barangay. These are usually small variety stores mostly located at Purok 1 Centro and Purok 2 Arangeta. There are 26 households engaged in wholesale and retail of dry goods and different kinds of merchandise. Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 37 LOCAL GOVERNANCE Hon. Zaldy Tumbaga Barangay Captain Barangay Officials and Personnel Barangay Officials 2002-2006 Zaldy A. Tumbaga Danilo T. Francisco Sanny C. Tenorio Elorde E. Cortes, Sr. Thelma A. Cortes Juan T. Buri, Sr. Elmo C. Bantayan Nelson D. Tumbaga Christopher V. Eser Ariel B, Medina Eduardo V. Zaragoza - Barangay Captain - Barangay Kagawad - do - do - do - do - do - do - SK Chairman - Barangay Secretary - Barangay Treasurer Table 27 List of Barangay Captains for the last 20 Years Barangay Sinalongan Names Zaldy A. Tumbaga Term 1997 to Present Source: Office of the Barangay Captain,2006 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 38 FINANCIAL PROFILE The total revenue of Barangay Sinalongan is increasing for the last 3 years. Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) contributes the bulk of their revenue. Expenditures of the barangay is attributed mainly on personnel services except in 2005 which is the maintenance and other operational expenses (MOOE). Table 28 Total Revenue for the Last Three Years Barangay Sinalongan Item IRA Real Property Tax Operation and Service Income Business Taxes and Licenses Miscellaneous Income Aids and Grants and Subsidies Total 2004 471,278.00 6,623.00 0.00 2005 506,466.00 18,639.56 0.00 2006 611,303.00 5,793.44 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 478.38 10,000.00 252.82 100,000.00 336.28 100,000.00 488,379.38 625,358.38 719,438.72 Source: City Budget Office, 2006 Table 29 Total Expenditure Barangay Sinalongan Item Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operational Expenses Capital Outlay Total 2004 244,940.00 175,922,73 2005 187,440.00 247,160.47 2006 263,200.00 175,572.45 104,792.00 525,654.73 174,594.00 609,194.47 165,318.00 606,096.45 Source: City Budget Office, 2006 Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 39 Table 30 20% Annual Development Plan Barangay Sinalongan (2004) Name of Project Acquisition of lot Carabao dispersal Grouted riprap Const. of plaza fence (SK) Location Amount 0.00 50,000.00 24,420.00 25,372.00 Status Amount 44,000.00 9,385.00 93,600.00 27,609.00 Status Amount 32,087.85 9,994.00 9,872.15 36,600.00 Status Table 31 20% Annual Development Plan Barangay Sinalongan (2005) Name of Project Street lights Rehab. stage 1 unit trycle Cons of plaza fence SK Location Source: City Budget Office Table 32 20% Annual Development Plan Barangay Sinalongan (2006) Name of Project Repair of Barangay Health Center Medicine Installation of water supply HRD Location Source: City Budget Office Barangay Sinalongan 2005-2006 Socio-Economic Profile 40
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