r 37th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Marchi6,i974 DS Araw ng Davao P-2 Ateneo de Davao University LIBRARIES *32027000001 gST bi lihhah L i "t L0 i> L a0 Map of DAVAO CITY t •« .o jnno ova ■BMen?;'6veiiins Message We extend our warm greetings to the people of Davao City on the occasion of its 37th anniversary, ODDH □□□d! Its residents can take deserving pride in its achievements and that renewed efforts will he made to make Davao the premiere metropolis of Mindanao, With this go oij^-^eetings and best wishes. lELDA ROMUALDEZ MARCOS 1974 MALACANAN PALACE MANILA IfJfirnr ! * iw' ^ I '■iLe rjc/vi Message Message Let me extend my warm greetings to die people of Davao City on the occasion of their 37th anniversary this March 16. it is heartening to note that the city, under the enlightened leadership of Mayor Luis T. Santos, has programmed different activities for a meaningful anniversary celebration with more substance in keeping as it is with the New Society's reform program. Indeed, we should make this occasion more auspicous and meaningful by wor mg more zealously for the good of our community in particular and for the progress and peac^^^^^'^^^"^' Davao City is one city in the Philippines that every Filipino should be proud of. It was carved out from the frontiers and wilderness that was Mindanao by people coming from different regions in the Philippines. What the Davawenos had done is an example of how people of diverse regional traditions and culture could work together for common goals in an atmosphere of cooperation and brotherhood. Davao City is a monument of love, tolerance and unity. It is a shining 3/ways will be our pledge to our people example of the best in the Filipino. Congratulations to the leadership of the city and its constituents on the helping them at all levels to attain occasion of their celebration of the 37th Anniversary of "Araw Ng Dabaw." Indeed, the celebration should be an occasion for Davawenos to pause ^^^^rtgthen your commitment for a better tomorrow under the aegis of the New Order. in thanksgiving to the Great Provider for the bounties that the land has given them unfailingly through the years. March 12. 1974 DIRECTOR EDUARDO R. SOLIMAN,JR. Bureau of Local Governments A. RONO iscretary, DLGCD '-y ^ - ■ ■■ L. Message Davao — b t significant event that may not yet be known to many iov as they 'believe should all 37th Dabawenyos a rightful pride and celebrate theirgive City's Foundation Day sense is theofranking of 30 as the country's regional capital. ''epres Ahead past and^facognition of the sum total of our achievements in the the natin^^ ^ P^'asent. Indeed it would not be presumptuous to assume that as fh ^r would not meet with difficulties in choosing Davao regional seat in Southern Mindanao. For at 37, ^arminn^r.r\ 't ^"^^^^f^clly the prime City of Southern Philippines, the Dav°o O-f "f education and culture. Dabawenwnc rnetropolis with a future — and it remains for us, Davao City is a big challenge to its leaders and people. Rushed by circum stances to metropolis growth, the city faces a number of problems that will surely-test the talent. Imagination and the town's technocrats from all sectors started to put up extension officers in — education, business, civic organiza tion, youth, city and national govern ments, tourism, foreign affairs, barrio the city, including plants and factories. affairs, the city council arKl mass As a consequence, the city perked up media — and formed the Davao City Development Advisory Council. Foundation Day today. As we celebrate its 37th and plains, it has lured droves of gratitude to the various segments work together and^h 3 springboard towa d^^ forward, and as we have always done, year's Araw Ng Dabaw Celebration will be of the cZny, Davao City — worthy of the name "Regional migrants from all over the country — from as far North as Luzon to as far South as Sulu. Brave and adventurous, these peo ple have settled on the land like West LUIS T. SANTOS City Mayor March, 1974 a number of industrial firms has tourists that fly to the city every day? Are the factories polluting the rivers, ^t)d today's planners, the brawns and the brains ^ merce. cant government lands? Where shall the factories be allowed to operate? Where are they to house the droves of that have made ■ recruited and enlisted the services of erstwhile frontier city into a modern metropolis. Because of its strategic location, favorable weather and fertile valleys of our society th of roads to facilitate inter-town com to life. People work In farm factories and shops. Consequently, problems inherent of an expanding city began to pile up. Where shall the city government relo cate the migrants who settled on va creativity of its constituents, particu larly its leadership, In transforming the And so, recognizing this need, he can dock. They constructed a network Attracted by the boom of business, stress on this point because to me this development ^avao toda Moving Davao City from shoulder of Mt. Apo seas and atmosphere? How can the city expand without upsetting the eco logical balance? This council is primarily concerned with city development planning. Speci fically, it assists the city mayor in defining and assessing problem areas, formulating policies, planning out guidelines to carry out effectively the various services of the city. Headed by Mayor Luis T. Santos who is its honorary chairman and Dean Cesar H. Concio, as chairman, the council has come up with the following projects: These are only some of the prob 1. improvement of the city's public ern frontiersman of old America, armed with nothing but a strong will lems that the city at present faces. The markets, particularly Bankerohan, and question now is how does the city and determination. They pushed back respond to these problems? How does Agdao Public Markets; 2. construction of a modern abat toir and cold store for meat to im the forests and built a city that will it intend to solve these problems be fulfill their dreams for a good and fore they become unsurmountable? Davao City is luckier than other cities of its class in the sense that it has abundant life. These hardy people cleared the val leys and planted them to all sorts of crops — coconut, bananas, rice, oranges and other fruits. They built an airport where international planes can land, harbors where inter-oceans ships a development-oriented leader at the top. A man of experience and vision, the city mayor knows that the prob lems of his city can only be solved through proper planning. prove distribution of meat supply in the city; 3. implementation of the long-de layed waterworks construction proj ects; 4. reclamation of foreshore areas to build real estate needed in the city's piers, industrial and commercial sites. COlLEGELIDWftV ATE/JPO uc OAVAO I - public parks, city government building complex arxi other public uses; 5. mechanization of tax collection billing and posting of accounts to in crease efficiency; 6. updating zoning ordinance of the city to make the same compli mentary to the over-all social and eco nomic development program; 7. in-depth study of the relocation program to resettle squatters in gov ernment real estates so that the af fected families will receive government assistance and; 8. preparation of a long-range so cial and economic development plan which is calculated to maximize the use of material and human resources In attaining objectives within the context of the national, social and economic development program. Clean, tidy street Considered one of the most ex citing projects of the Council, how men as far as attending to the cleanli ness task of the city is concerned. ever, is the New Town resort which is going to be built at the foot of Mt. The women street sweepers go to Apo. A smaller version of Baguio and Tagaytay cities, the Mountain Town work even before office workers are Resort will, however, be very much up from bed. Dally, they work reli better planned. giously until the last hours of the The area is designed as a tourist destination point with all the conve niences and comforts of a modern" town to satisfy international tourist standards. The place's uniqueness and natural beauty, however, is to be pre served while variety of tourist attrac afternoon. tions are introduced. To provide direction for develop ment the Zoning Ordinance and Devel opment Plan was reviewed and revised. The expanded development plan of the city identifies land uses, givino special consideration to ecological balance in the drive for industrializa tion and higher standards of living The Zoning Ordinance, in addition provided the Mindanao Development Authority plan for a lOQ-hectare in dustrial zone to be set up at Sasa the city's inter-ocean port. The area is'fast being occupied by various industries ranging from wood processing plants oil extraction mills, glue and resin plants to deactivated carbon plant and many other others. Peace and order was very much improved with local and national gov ernments cooperation boosted by re sources from the»USAID. The national government established the Regional At first, only a handful of women were hired for the. job, but as they proved their efficiency many more were hired. To date, there are more than 140 women sweepers assigned in City Hall Police Academy at Mintal to upgrade wrote 75% of the cost of the study personnel quality. The city hired more policemen thus reducing the per capita which amounted to P350.000. ratio of policemen to citizens. Equip ment grants from the USAID like vehi waterworks system for the city which shall be functional for the projected cles and modern police equipment requirement till the year 2000. Fund helped attain increased efficiency. Administrative reforms were also quality, the council ordered the Tech tions, implementation and eventual completion of the Wilson-Montgomery plan. The city appropriated the sum of The city government also recog- nlzes the problem of water supply, he present water supply system is of e pre-war construction designed to ^61^6 only 50.000 inhabitants. To meet this problem, the council decided Women applicants are strictly screened by a committee headed by Mrs. Catalina G. Santos before they "if Davao City is kept clean, it's because of the women street sweep ers," Bulletin's Teodoro Valencia once observed in his column. Not only the Bulletin's columnist noticed it. An American tourist in Davao also commented: "I like Davao for Its fresh air, scenic spots, nice bridge time lapses between negotia Center in Davao City to serve its auto the neighboring cities and provinces. A Tidy City nical panel to study and implement an Interim plan as a stop-gap measure to mation needs and extend services to ing the cleanliness of the parks and other government buildings. ing will come from the USAID loan the efficiency of public administra National Computer Center will soon establish a Regional Computer Service Davao — grant at minimum interest. program which promises to Increase tion, gained national attention. The the streets aside from those maintain The study envisions a PI62 million Meanwhile, to relieve the acute water shortage and Improve water effected The City's computerization I people and clean streets." Davao City is getting popular for two reasons, first, it is the largest city Pi.3 million to be supplemented by a P2 million loan for the DBP to finance In the world in terms of land area and second it is the only city in the Philip the project. The project is expected to be in operation soon. pines with women pitching in for the men in street cleaning. are hired. Mrs. Santos coordinates with Mrs. Santos talks on beautification, various government and private agen cies in the citywide facelifting pro gram, in her capacity as chairman of Green Revolution the beautification drive two years back. She maintains regular dialogue the local cleanliness and beautification vrith civic leaders, heads of schools and committee of Davao City. Of course, the women cleaning religious organizations and even plain citizens for support on the beautifica force Is only a part of the over-all tion projects in their respective zones, cleanliness and beautification program, but already, it Is becoming an institu tion in the city, with the sweepers unknowingly teaching the city popu Including those in the rural districts. lace the value of cleanliness. Mrs. Santos believes that, slowly, cleanliness and sanitation habits will Among the places, recently organized by the city's first lady are the districts of Toril and Calinan, where beautifica tion committee members were ap pointed for purposes,of coordination and responsibility. The idea which is European in con be inculcated In the minds of every cept came about only during Mayor one, until we shall have developed Luis Santos' term.,The city mayor and so with his wife, Mrs. Catalina Santos, among ourselves real discipline. in the rural districts, aside from die commissioned to undertake a easibility study. The USAID under full development of the famous Davao believes that women do better than Mrs. Santos is still very much in thehelm of the work since she started 0"^ a total solution. The Wilson-MontQomery consulting firm of New York Davao City, Exotic City i. Aside from this, a plan is being formulated to develop the mini parks Magsaysay and Rizal Parks. Davao - Exotic, idyllic for its pearls. 5. The Talomo Beach — It is a wide stretch of white and sandy beach. Only a few minutes ride from the city. 6.Calinan — In this place the tourist will enjoy the beauty of the falls and the sulphur springs. 7. Mt. Apo National Park — This is Davao City is a must to see. A a 500-hectare reservation which the modern city by any standard, it has all the facilities to make the tourist's city government will soon develop Into sojourn comfortable and satisfactory. a resort town. Other attractions are the industrial Unlike other cities in the Philip firms and farms located within the city pines Davao City also offers rustic and or environs. Among these attractions idyllic scenery that the metropolite are: will delight in. 1. Lapanday Banana Plantations — Influenced by varied cultures such These are hundreds of hectares of as Spanish, American, Chinese and Moslem, the city looks exotic and banana plantations the produce of which are exported to -lapan and other colorful. In short it is a city where con countries. trasts harmonize. Only an hour and thirty minutes from Manila by jet, the city has one of the most modern airports in the Philip pines. Soon, it will be opened as an international airport. Accomodations are available In the city. It offers some of the country's most luxurious hotels. Among the well- known hotels are the Insurlar Hotel.the Apo View Hotel, Imperial Hotel and Maguindanao Hotel, the latest addi tion. 2. Bacnotan Cement Factory — Here one can observe how cement is manufactured. 3. Sta. Clara Plywood Factory — Exportable plywood is manufactured in this factory. 4. Alcantara Plywood Factory — Exports quality plywood. 5. Pepsi-Cola Plant 6. Firestone Davao City is a cosmopolitan im munity. It is the melting pot of all ethnic cultures in the country. One is Hotel, Modern Hotel, Molave Inn and Guino-o Hotel. These hotels offer all the facilities that the best in Manila can trians in the streets, and he will surely Davao City has several and varied attractions for the tourist or visitor It has everything to offer to either the in-door or out-door man. Among the more famous places in the city are: 1. The Shrine of the Infant Jesus of < ? Bago Inigo Farms Other good hotels are Men Seng offer. Ifc met with a contagious smile of pedes eve a new acquaintance in a coffee shop. The people are simply marvelous, ^much so that one could have a king's speak, in this queen city of Marrakesh Night Club ^he South. No tourist will feel robbed of his precious savings or of his holiday being Maguindanao Hotel ost. For Davao City |s a tourist's ha- Prague - This a private park owned by leact^'^ the wife of the Mayor of the city. Mrs. Catalina Santos. The Shrine is a mecca Pine ® heaven on earth at for devotees to the miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague. 2. Bago Ihigo Farms — These farms are famed for its fish ponds and waterways. 3. The Nenita Stock Farms - Here, the tourist will see the exotic resthouse and the biggest swine farm in the m Come,see, *eei, Davao, Now! country. 4. The Aguinaldo Pearl Farm — Lo cated at Samal island, just half an hour ride from the city by boat, it Is famous Insular Hotel Po Llan Temple COi.LEC^" AIENfOa 4VAO Helping Hands, inc. The Helping Hands, Inc. Is a vo lunteer organization of concerned citi zens in the city of Davao. It is non stock, non-profit, non-sectarian and non-political. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: I. PROGRESS: The Helping Hands, Inc. shall undertake, through co operatives and manpower develop ment, the implementation of proven studies and projects geared towards the upliftment of the less fortunate of our people like the jeepney drivers, ambulant ven dors, fishermen and the land till wholesome involvement, the re storation and preservation of our BEAUTIFICATION: The rapid growth of the city of Davao and people's faith in themselves, faith the coming implementation of a in their government and faith in modernized Zonification Plan re quire an immediate, massive and sustained beautification and anti- stagnation, moral degeneration While these projects are supposed Atty. Ramon B. Beleno, Jr. and civil disobedience now afflict to be purely government concern, Cabeza Mayor ing a great mass of our people. the City of Davao, with its limited resources, cannot undertake it all Ili. CHARITY: The Helping Hands, inc. shall extend, in a limited scale, certain charitable and wel fare aids to the poor. It shall be more concerned how ever, in the opening up to new opportunities for the unfortunate, assistance for the weak and justice for the oppressed. IV. CULTURE: The Helping Hands, Inc. shall also undertake cultural and aesthetic reawakening and It shall spearhead therefore, the revival of lost arts and customs in goals and objectives. Helping Hands, Inc. Shall promote, through direct and pollution crash programs. order to strengthen our dwindling identity as a people but without prejudice however to the birth and development of new arts and culture caused by the fussion of native talents and foreign influ Council alone. To this end, the Helping BARANGAY DISTRICT A CABEZAS DE BARANGAY Hands, Inc. takes the initiative in contributing it's share by pledging its talents and man power behind Paz S. Garcia Barangay No. 2 Anthony Sasin Atty. Edipolo Sarabia Jose Mangahls ... Barangay No. 3 Barangay No. 4 Barangay No. 5 Dr. Constantino Sabandal . Conrado Labao Barangay No. 6 Barangay No. 7 Rudy Sevilla Angel Ancheta Barangay No. 8 Barangay No. 9 Perfecto Boncato Barangay No. 10 Miguel Garcia Barangay No. 11 Engr. Jose Sayson the projects. It shall also seek the cooperation and assistance of other concerned quarters in support to the proj ects. HELPING HANDS These ventures and other similar projects shall be undertaken in and Y 0 U Mauricio Martinez Barangay No. 12 Clasp then with the Helping Hands, Tomas Martinez Barangay No. 13 Atty. Pablo Lorenzo, Jr. and together, there will be more Dr. Jose Yap Barangay No. 14 Floro Castillo Barangay No. 15 Councilor Respicio Zafiro Atty. Eugenio Marfori-Celi Adolfo Arguna Barangay No. 16 Mr. Oscar Lopez Ponciano Guibelondo .... Barangay No. 17 Engr. Raul Sarenaa Francisco Apilado Barangay No. 18 Rev. Fr. Ben Benedlcto Teodora Castaheda Barangay No. 19 Mr. Jose T. Gellegani Oscar Lopez Barangay No. 20 Councilor Felicidad Santos Adolfo Arguna strength, more courage, more faith and more meaning to citizenship involve Architect Ramon Basa BARANGAY DISTRICT C Engr. Jose M. Sayson Honorary Chairman MRS. CATALINA G.SANTOS President research, project EVALUATION Mrs. Ramos Judge Enrique B. Inting FEASIBILITY STUDY Engr. D. Alindada Danilo Mercado Pedrito Gallardo Barangay No. 21 Barangay No. 22 Macario de Claro Domingo Vergara Tomas Bacalla Barangay No. 23 Barangay No. 24 Barangay No. 25 JackRubillar Barangay No. 26 Benjamin Babao Marie Isabel Aboltiz TECHNICAL STAFF Crlsanto Navacllla Barangay No. 27 Maria Jayme Barangay No. 28 Atty. Ramon Beleno,,Jr. Engr. Vicente Garcia„Jr. Teodorico Tinio Pedro Lascano Barangay No. 29 Barangay No. 30 Engr. Santiago S. Paclibar Mrs. L. Coronei Arch. Pedro J, Sandoval Arch. Florencio Gavino 111 BARANGAY DISTRICT D FINANCE-WAYS & MEANS Mr. R. Beleno, Jr. Miss L. Teves VICE PRESIDENTS/PROJECTS Atty. Robillo, Progress MEMBERS: Rev. Fr. Miguel Ma. Varela, SJ. Consul Tseng-I-Chang mayor LUIS SANTOS COORDINATORS Dean CESAR H. CONCIO Chairman Mr. Nick Alcantara BARANGAY DISTRICT B Proposed Set-up Off Helping Hands, inc Atty. Arguna LUIST. SANTOS Honorary Chairman out its hand to. ..YOU. It may not do much but it will surely do something. And with you, it shall do a lot more. ment. Atty. Cayudong Barangay No. 1 The Helping Hands, Inc. reaches ences. CONSULTANTS Davao City Development Advisory Poblaclon, Davao City The absence of these basic values have cause the present economic growth among our people. cies or groups having the same Barangay Offfficiais God. ers along the countryside. joint partnership with the city government and such other agen V. & aims Nicomedes Dublin h PUBLIC RELATIONS Mrs. Inting, Faith Jess Torrento Atty. Arcangel, Character Mr. Romy Chan, Beauty CLERICAL, ACCOUNTING Mr. Panlilio, Culture Mrs. F. Gumia Miss Teves, Culture Mr. T. Simpliciano Mr. T. F. Paulo Barangay No. 31 Benito Tipace Barangay Herculano Borneo Barangay Crisostomo Sandoval .... Barangay Ligaya Vlctorlo . Barangay No. 32 No. 33 No. 34 No. 35 Ricardo Villa Nestor Gil Demetrio Alindada Pablo Rigor Engr. Iluminado Quinto Gerardo de la Vega Mariano Mata. Sr Rosita Taleon Barangay No. 36 Barangay No. 37 Lourdes Espiritu Paquito Trinidad Barangay No. 38 Barangay No. 39 Atty. Enrique Cayudong Jacinto Pacifico Barangay No. 40 Mrs. Fructuosa Gumia SECRETARIAT COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM & INVITATION Programme Committees March 16,1974 for Araw Ng Dabaw Rimbansang Awit March 16, 1974 DCHS Band Welcome Address Hon. Luis T. Santos Speech by the Guest Speaker EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES Hon. LUIST. SANTOS Honorary Chairman SUPT. PEDRO O. SANVICENTE A Mayor, Gty of Davao A Mis. Imelda R. Marcos y First lady of the Philippines Musical Number PGEA Choral Group Conferment of Awards Mis. Imelda R. Marcos (To be assisted by City Mayor & Mrs. Luis T.Santos) First Lady of the Philippines Induction of the Barangay Officers Over-ail Chairman Hon. Jose A. Rono Secretary ATTY. RAMON B. BELENO, JR. Dept. of Local Government & Community Development Vice-Chairman MRS. CATALINA G. SANTOS Recessional Mabuhay Ang Filipino Coordinator AWARDEES MAYOR LUIS T. SANTOS AWARD members Engr. Jose M, Sayson Engr. Salvador Francisco Engr. Santiago Paclibar Jr Mr. Maximino Assistido Mr. Adolfo Arguna Mr. Ansel mo Apayor Lt. Col. Rosendo Dacanay Mr. Valeriano Ipong Hon. Vicente E. Calanog Supt. Francisco E. Apilado Dr. Anselmo Ismael Supt. Felix Villarin Fiscal Alfredo Celi Atty. Nicolas Catiil Dr. Jose Salcedo V. Quimpo 1974 DATU BAGO AWARD FR. MIGUEL MA. VARELA S.J. March 15^16, 1974 March 15 honorary members Hon. Bienvenido O. Amora Hon. Benigno S. Bangoy Hon. Domingo Vidanes Hon. Felicidad C. Santos Hon. Victorlano Advincula Hon. Bonifacio Tamayo Hon. Pantaleon Pelayo, Jr. Hon. Gaudloso M. Tiongco Hon. Tomas Monteverde. Jr. Hon. Dominador Zuno. Jr. Hon. Valentin Banzon Hon. Antonio S. Castillo on. Zafiro Respicio "V- Oonzalo Latorilla Hon. Vicente Albay I~XIIUI It COMMITTEE OM r 6:30 — 7:20 p.m. Pangkat Kawayan Cultural Concert, Palaruang Lungsod ng Dabaw 7:20— 10:00 p.m. Coronation Night, "Mutya Ng Dabaw", Palaruang Lungsod Ng Dabaw MARCH 16 4:00 a.m. Rev. Fr. Reinerlo Tusoy . HURCH SERVICES Judge Dominador Zuno„Sr. " ■ ■ ■ .. Chairman DIANA around the city by all school bands 8:00 — 12:00 p.m. Sports Activities to be held simultaneously at: 1) Palaruang Lungsod Ng Dabaw 2) Magsaysay Park 3) City Hall 1:00 p.m. Assembly for the Parade (from the Magsaysay Park to the Rizal Park). 2:00 p.m. Start of the Parade (Magsaysay Park) .\tir\ne> Antnnin Martinez Mar+inii-T Judge Antonio .. Member 7:00 — 7:45 Judge Enrique B. Inting .. Member Holy Masses to be simultaneously 4:00 p.m. 1) Rizal Park, in front of city hall 2) Palaruang Lungsod ng Dabaw Program for the Araw ng Dabaw, Judge Gumersindo Arcilla . Member Mrs. Florentina Salvaleon Member Miss Lourdes Teves Member Member COMMITTEE ON WAYS-"iHu AND MEANS means Mrs. Anita Garcia Fil-Chinese Chamber of Commerce Davao City Chamber of Commerce Mrs. Valeriano Ipong Mrs. Ursulina Inting Chairman ^ 3) Magsaysay Park Note: All public officials 7:00 p.m. employees & residents of Davao City Cultural Concert by the Pangkat Kawayan, Rizal Park are requested to hear Mass in any of the three places Member ' '* * . member Rizal Park Atty. Dulthe Ranon, MC during Parade 7:50 a.m. Atty. Ramon B. Beteno, Jr., Flag Raising Ceremony MC Program after Parade Chairman Mrs. Fructuosa Gumia Co-Chairman Atty. Priscillo Inting Member Mr. Socrates Cessar Member Mrs. Maximino Assistido Member Mrs. Zosima Albay Member COMMITTEE ON RECEPTION Mr. Adolfo S. Arguna Mrs. Sol T. Carpio Mrs. Rosa Munda Chairman .. Co-Chairman Member Atty. David Mojica ., Miss Lynn Yuvienco Mrs. Socorro B. Greta Mr. Iluminado Macahlg Member Member Member Member COMMITTEE ON FLOATS, PARADE,STAGE, ARCHES, STREAMERS,LIGHT & SOUND SYSTEM Engr. Vicente Garcia„Jr Engr. Demetrio Allndada Lt. Col. Rosendo Dacanay Major Petronilo Cariaga Capt. Ceferino Taleon Mr. Pablo Rigor Arch. Florencio Gavino III Engr. Amado Banaglorioso Engr. Antonio Fuliga Chairman Co-Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Mr. Jesus Bautista Member Sked of Activities Mr. Rufino Ambrosio Hon. Nile P. Maskarino Mrs. Zorahaida Allndada COMMITTEE ON REFRESHMENTS Mrs. Leah Ferranco Mrs. Peria Veneracion Mrs. Ester Sasin Miss Esperanza Santos Dra. Ma. Luisa Dazon Mrs. Moonyeen Beleno Co-Chairman Member Member Member Member COMMITTEE ON SPORTS & CHILDREN'S GAMES Mr. Nestor Gil Atty. Enrique Cayudong Mr. David Adan Chairman Co-Chairman Member Atty. Cesar Europa Member Mr. Ernesto Tinio All Cabezas de Barangay Mr. Emerito Francisco Member Member Member COMMITTEE ON DIANA Mr. Enrique Panlilio Mrs. Angelina Sena I Chairman Co-Chairman All Public and Private Schools Member COMMITTEE ON TREE PLANTING Mr. Anselmo Apayor Dr. Anselmo Ismael Engr. Santiago Paclibar, Jr. . Chairman Co-Chairman Member Engr. Demetrio Alindada Member Mr. Pablo Rigor Member SMCttObiASL. Davao City Officials COMMITTEE ON DISTRICT & BARRIO PARTICIPATION Mr. Benjamin Babao Mr. Jesus Basuil Chairman Co-Chairman Mr. Ricardo Abando Mr. Antonio Colina Member Member Mr. Lorenzo Aranjuez Mr. Nemesio Depillo ..' Member Member Mr. Jose Lastimosa Mr. Jess Dureza Chairman Member Mr. Gil Abarico Mr. Cris Sapaula Member Member Mr. Ross Torres . .. . Victorio S. Advincula City Fiscal Co-Chairman Engr. Salvador Francisco Engr. Vicente Garcia, Jr. Mrs. Emerita Rodriguez Mr. Adolfo Arguna, Tomas A. Monteverde, Jr. Zafiro L. Respicio Specialist Asst to the City Mayor Atty. Gonzalo G. Latorilla Mr. Valeriano Ipong City Council Secretary City Auditor Cesar's Portrait . j- Arnolex Studio Engr. Iluminado Quinto OTHER OFFICIALS Chairman % Tiongco Co-Chairman ■ f^^f^ber Judge Enrique Intina ARAW NG DABAW AWARDS AV M r. Rufino Ambrosfo, Jr Engr. Jose Sayson Member City Engineer Hon. Vicente Calanog Mr. Pedro O. Sanvicente Mr. Ricardo Abando Supt. of City Schools Davao City Development Officer City Judge Dr. Jose Yap ... ff Member Mrs. Rosita Dan'go ! Member Actg. Chairman, Davao City Hon. Gumersindo Arcilla City Judge Water District (Dept. of Local Govt. and Chairman Rev Sister Asumpta David City Agriculturist City Assessor Member Commit City Veterinarian Mr. Anselmo Apayor Atty. Nicolas Catlil Asst. City Council Secretary Mrs. Zorhaida Alindada City Librarian Dr. Anselmo C. Ismael Member PICTORIALS City Electrician Private Secretary Valentino C. Banzon Mr. Flor Tungpalan Mrs. Emerita Rodrigu'^ez^"''^^^ Chief, Fire Department Acting City Secretary Antonio S. Castillo GENERAL SERVICES Chairman Chief of Police Col. Rosendo Dacanay Atty. Ramon Be+encp, Jr. Bonifacio M. Tamayo Masfcarino Vice Member Mr. Romulo Asegurado Col. Isidro Q. Gatmaitan Pantaleon V. Pelayo, Jr. Dominador R. Zuno, Jr. Member Engr. Salvador Francisco Engr. Ramon Ang Espina Engr. Santiago Paclibar Public Service Officer Hon. Alfredo Celi Benigno B. Bangoy Member Engr. Jose M. Mrs. Fructuosa Gumia Hon. Napoleon Nidea City Judge Felicidad C. Santos Bienvenido O. Amora Member Mr. Rey de Villa Mr. Porfirio Reyes .... ] CITY COUNCILORS Domingo R. Vidanes Co-Chairman Mr. Casicn Arkoncel Mr. Bahn Guinomla Vice-Mayor Vicente M. Albay Member COMMITTEE ON PUBLICITY CORNELIO P. MASKARINO City Mayor Gaudioso M. Tiongco !!!!!!!!'. Member Atty. Jacinto Rubillar, Jr Mr. JessTorento Mayor Santos LUIST. SANTOS I Hon. Enrique B. Inting Dr. Jose Salcedo Quimpo City Judge City Health Officer Community Deveioppnent) Member Mr. Pacifico L. Arcena5^.°'^'*^''^EE ON PRIZES Mr. Carlos Mellete Chairman Mr. Nemesio Depillo Mr. Mequias Mahipos Co-Chairman Mr. Julito Morta V Member Member Member Councilor Vicente M^^All^y^^ BEAUTY CO CONTEST Mrs. Ligaya Victorio ... Councilor Dominador Zufio^ Jr Miss Lyn Yuvienco ... ] ' Atty. Lirlo Joquino .... ' Chairman Co-Chairman Member Member Member XI Vidanes Amora Bangoy Pelayo, Jr. Tamayo Banzon Castillo Monteverde, Jr. Zuno, Jr. Santos Prov. Commander, Col. Rafael V. Jor*^ SECURITY Col. Isidro Q. Gatmaitan ...... Atty. Agustin C. Garcia Chairman Co-Chairman Member Atty. Paul Arcangel .. Mrs. Zorahaida Alindada Mr. Vicente Nida . . . , SECRETARIAT Chairman Co-Chairman Member Advincula Respicio Industrial Firms-Tourist Attractions Mutya Ng Dabaini Who will be Mutya '74? Pepsi Cola Firestone Lyn Yuvienco Mutya Ng Dabaw 1973 Maureen V. Hilario Mutya 1972 I •SVHU. f S I SANTA CLARA BLyyVOO USIPHIL Sta. Clara Plywood Genette Ledesma Elsa Roldan 3rd Mutya 2nd Mutya Ng Dabaw MUTYA NG DABAW BOARD OF JUDGES I Pacific Banking Bacnotan Cement 1^'. Rachel Arkoncel Salgado 1st Mutya DATU BAGO AWARD BOARD OF TRUSTEES Director Eduardo SoUman Justice Antonio Barredo Mrs. Julie Daza Chairman Member Member Engr. Vicente C. Garcia, Jr Chairman Judge Enrique B. Inting Jud^ Vicente Cusi Member Member Mr, Ferdinand Villar Dean Cesar Concio Member Member Dr. Jose Yap Member Rev. Sister Asumpta David Member Mrs. Rosita Dango Member riT-^ Mayor & Mrs. Ramon D. Bagatsing Mayor & Mrs. Nemesio I. Yabut Manila MakatI, Rlzal l^ayor & Mrs. Norberto S. Amoranto Mayor & Mrs. Eulogio Borres Quezon City Cebu City L Mayor & Mrs. Antonio Acharon Mayor & Mrs. Pablo Cuneta General Santos City Pasay City Gov. & Mrs. Nonito D. Llanos, Sr. ^ Mrs. J. Antonio C. Leviste oatangas Davao Del Sur i Gov. & Mrs. Verulo C. Boiser Davao Del Norte Mayor & Mrs. Marcial Samson Caloocan City Mayor & Mrs. Luis Lardizabal °aguio City- Mayor & Mrs. Marcelo Barba Toledo City ] t : ' ■ ■ 1 Ot UVaO 1 t /ERTICAL i -iLt D'Garden L.R. Villar Recording Davao City A mini paradise of music, dance sports and lovely now people. Manila Apo Golf Link \l £o Indian Community Davao City Wide and ever-green - - the finest in the Philippines. Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague. A private park of the Santoses.
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