17000 islands of imagination
17000 islands of imagination
17,000 ISLANDS OF IMAGINATION Indonesia as Guest of Honour, Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 Book Market Opportunities in INDONESIA credit to petabudaya.belajar.kemdikbud.go.id Thomas Nung Atasana Borobudur Agency – IKAPI INDONESIA – Area & Population 16th largest area in the world 4th largest population in the world AREA INDONESIA 1,904,600 km2 POPULATION 255 million (2015 estimate) Java (including Jakarta) 6.8% 57.5% Sumatra 25.2% 21.3% Kalimantan 28.5% 5.8% Sulawesi 9.9% 7.3% Papua 21.8% 1.5% Jakarta 0.034% 662 km2 3.9% 10.1 million INDONESIA – Islands & Languages NUMBER OF ISLANDS • 13,466 during high tide (only 930 inhabited) (17,508 during low tide, including sandbars and reefs) Distribution channels are mostly concentrated in major cities and towns LANGUAGES • 726 living local languages, with 1 official language: Indonesian aka Bahasa Indonesia Most books printed in Indonesia are written in Indonesian. English is firstly introduced either at 4th grade of elementary school or 1st grade of junior high school INDONESIA – Demography & Religious Adherence Productive age of 15 – 64 = 66.52% = demographic bonus AGE MALE FEMALE TOTAL RELIGIOUS ADHERENCE % (RELIGIOUS ADHERENCE) 0 - 14 13.91% 13.43% 27.34% Muslim 87 15 - 64 33.43% 33.09% 66.52% Christian 7 2.70% 3.44% 6.14% Catholic 3 50.04% 49.96% 100.00% Other 3 > 64 INDONESIA – Education, Literacy, Library PRIMARY & SECONDARY EDUCATION • > 54 million students for > 252,000 schools TERTIARY EDUCATION • > 5 million students for > 4,300 universities ENROLMENT RATE • 94% for primary education, 75% for secondary education, 27% for tertiary education LITERACY • 93% (male = 95%, female = 91%) India = 74%, Brazil = 90% LIBRARY • 1 national library, approx. 2,600 public libraries, > 25,000 school libraries, numerous community libraries INDONESIA – e-Literacy Internet, Social Media, Blog INTERNET • Approx. 83.7 million users (33% population), via PCs, cellular phones, laptops, notebooks, “internet kiosks” 58% aged between 12 and 34, online 5 hours by laptops or PCs and 2 hours by mobile devices Around 46 million smart phones in 2014 FACEBOOK • Approx. 62 million users (2nd largest after United States) TWITTER • Approx. 30 million users BLOG • More than 5 million bloggers INDONESIA – Economy 16th biggest economies in the world Largest economy in South East Asia GDP • US$915 billion (2015 estimate by IMF) Real GDP growth • 2014: 5.2%, 2015: 5.5% (estimate) On the production side, the highest growth – 10.02% – achieved by information and communication businesses GDP per capita • US$3,630 Rising Middle-Class and Affluent Consumers • 74 million in 2013 and will double by 2020 with an increase of 8 million to 9 million each year (approx. 90 million in 2015) Book Sales • General book sales (excluding schoolbooks) is approx. US$300 million or 0.033% of the GDP BOOK DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Bookstore: books & stationeries Declining, now approx. 700 active outlets CATEGORY COMPANY OUTLET Nationwide Chain Bookstore (from Sumatra to Papua) Toko Buku Gramedia Keep on expanding 110 Chain Bookstores (mostly in Java) Toko Gunung Agung Togamas Tisera Paperclip 32 20 13 10 Independent Bookstores Intermedia, Gratia, Promex, etc. – Distributors BukuKita, Solusi Distribusi, Gramedia Merchandising, etc. – Direct Selling Gramedia Direct Selling, Mizan Dian Semesta, etc. – Book Counters at Supermarkets Carrefour Giant, Lottemart, Ramayana, etc. 87 – ONLINE RETAILERS ONLINE BOOKSTORES Nationwide via JNE, TIKI & PT POS Indonesia shipping carriers • • • • • • • • • • Bukabuku.com Kutukutubuku.com Bukupedia.com Bukukita.com Bukuhemat.com Inibuku.com Qstore.tv Gramediaonline.com Mizanstore.com & online retailers of other major publishers ONLINE STORES Fast growing online businesses, reaching US$2.7 billion in transactions Online stores that also sell books: • • • • • Kaskus.co.id Lazada.co.id Blibli.com Tokopedia.com Bukalapak.com BOOK IMPORTERS & ENGLISH BOOKSTORES Imported book distributors: • UNIBOOKS INDONESIA mostly from North America, Europe & UK • SINAR STAR BOOKS primarily from the US, UK, Europe & Japan English bookstores: • PERIPLUS 45 retail outlets in Java, Bali, Lombok, Kalimantan and Sumatra, located at airports and shopping malls • KINOKUNIYA (+ Japanese books) 4 stores at large malls in Jakarta • BOOKS & BEYOND (formerly: TIMES BOOKSTORE) 36 stores in Java, Bali, Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Sumatra • AKSARA 4 stores in Jakarta Imported books’ counters: 33 stores of TOKO BUKU GRAMEDIA Online: OPENTROLLEY BOOKSTORE INDONESIA BOOK PUBLISHERS & NEW TITLES Source: Indonesia National Library from data of requirement for ISBNs ACTIVE BOOK PUBLISHERS (2013-2014) ISLANDS Java (Jakarta: 404) TOTAL 1,053 Sumatra 67 Kalimantan 17 Sulawesi 25 Maluku 2 Papua 2 Nusa Tenggara 9 Bali 16 GRAND TOTAL ANNUAL NEW TITLES (2012-2014) 1,191 2012 23,323 new titles 2013 36,624 new titles 2014 44,327 new titles LARGEST PUBLISHERS Association: IKAPI – Indonesian Publishers Association 1,317 members, 40% general publishers & 60% schoolbook publishers Kompas Gramedia Group • Gramedia Pustaka Utama • Elex Media Komputindo • Bhuana Ilmu Populer • Grasindo • Penerbit Buku Kompas • Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia Mizan Group • Mizan Pustaka • Noura Books • Bentang • • • • • • • • • • • • Erlangga Penebar Swadaya Agromedia Pustaka Rosdakarya Tiga Serangkai Bumi Aksara Kesaint Blanc Serambi Ilmu Semesta Zikrul Hakim Bestari Kanisius Femina Republika Penerbit UNIVERSITY PRESSES Association: APPTI – Indonesian University Presses Association • • • • • • • • • • • • • • There are more than 200 university presses, such as: IPB PRESS – Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Bogor UI PRESS – University of Indonesia, Jakarta GAMA PRESS – Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta PENERBIT UNIVERSITAS ATMA JAYA – Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta PENERBIT UNIVERSITAS SANATA DHARMA – Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta PENERBIT ITB – Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung AIRLANGGA UNIVERSITY PRESS – Airlangga University, Surabaya ITS PRESS – Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya UB PRESS – Brawijaya University, Malang BADAN PENERBIT UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO – Diponegoro University, Semarang UNSRI PRESS – Sriwijaya University, Palembang LEPHAS – Hasanuddin University, Makassar UNLAM PRESS – Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin UNCEN PRESS – Cenderawasih University, Jayapura LITERARY AGENCIES * Only 3 literary agencies in Indonesia so far * Most Indonesian publishers deal with overseas publishers or literary agents directly, and only recently some of them have started using the services of the 3 literary agencies available * Indonesian authors also submit their manuscripts directly to publishers 1. MAXIMA CREATIVE AGENCY • Since 2004, representing quite a number of publishers from North America, UK and Europe 2. TUTTLE-MORI AGENCY CO., LTD. – INDONESIA • Since 2010, a branch of Tuttle-Mori Thailand, representing around 20 foreign publishers 3. BOROBUDUR AGENCY – IKAPI • Since 2013, representing and facilitating Indonesian publishers and authors to market their copyrights overseas E-BOOKS • Nowadays large publishers and university presses publish ebooks, along with the print books, and some sell the e-books via their e-bookstores, such as <> Gramediana for Kompas Gramedia publishers’ e-books (approx. 9,000 titles, and will add with 3,000 new titles soon) <> Lumos Mizanstore for Mizan Pustaka publishers’ ebooks (approx. 1,060 titles) <> e-Rosda for Rosdakarya publisher’s e-books (200 titles) • The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture provides free school e-books for primary and secondary education (1,331 textbooks) • The estimated number of e-books published in Indonesia is less than 2% of print books • Most users prefer tablets and smart phones in Android, iOS or Windows platforms to read e-books to e-reader devices like Kindle and Nook. Scoop is popular e-reader app in Indonesia PRICING SYSTEM, AVERAGE PRINT RUN, BESTSELLER CRITERIA & REFERENCE Pricing System: • Cover price of e-books is generally 75% of print books • Discount for bookstores and distributors: 45% - 55% (mostly returnable), discount for e-bookstores: 50% • Tax = 10% x (cover price - discount) on any genres except schoolbooks, textbooks and religious books • Royalty for translated print books: 6% - 8% of cover price, for translated e-books: 25% of net receipts Average print run: • 3,000 copies (up to 5,000 for children’s picture books) Bestseller criteria: • 6,000 up to 10,000 copies sold in one year Bestseller list reference for translation: • New York Times, Publishers Weekly, Amazon.com SEGMENTS – Top Ten Genres Source: TOKO BUKU GRAMEDIA, Nationwide Chain Bookstore RANK GENRES 2013 GENRES 2014 UNIT SALES UNIT SALES in million in million 1 Children’s Books 10.95 Children’s Books 10.14 2 Religion & Spirituality 3.76 Schoolbooks 3.43 3 Fiction & Literature 3.68 Religion & Spirituality 3.42 4 Schoolbooks 3.58 Fiction & Literature 3.26 5 Reference & Dictionary 2.02 Reference & Dictionary 1.69 6 Business & Economics 1.01 Business & Economics 0.95 7 Motivation & Self-Help 0.96 Motivation & Self-Help 0.82 8 Social Sciences 0.81 Psychology 0.75 9 Cookbooks 0.81 Social Sciences 0.72 10 Computing & Internet 0.75 Cookbooks 0.67 BESTSELLING TRANSLATED NOVELS TITLES • • • • • • Inferno The Da Vinci Code A Game of Thrones Adultery The Alchemist The Cuckoo’s Calling • Used to be a bestseller: Life (by Yann Martel – Canadian) SERIES & AUTHORS • Harlequin Romance Series (Harlequin Enterprises, Canada) of Pi • • • • • • • • • Sherlock Holmes Series Agatha Christie Dan Brown Stephen King Shopaholic Series Sophie Kinsella Paulo Coelho James Patterson Haruki Murakami BESTSELLING TRANSLATED CHILDREN’S & YOUNG ADULT BOOKS TITLES • • • • • Frozen (storybook) Toy Story The Fault in Our Stars Paper Towns Totto-chan SERIES & AUTHORS • • • • • • • • • Harry Potter Series The Divergent Series Disney Comics & Picture Books John Green The Twilight Saga The Hunger Games Trilogy Naruto Series (manga) Detective Conan Series (manga) The Adventures of Tintin Series BESTSELLING TRANSLATED NON-FICTION TITLES SERIES & AUTHORS • Hero • The Secret • Wreck This Journal (by Keri Smith, • Chicken Soup for the Soul Series (Montreal-Contacts, Canadian) • The Everything Store • Why “A” Students Work for “C” Students • Good to Great • Marketing Management • The Miracle of Enzyme • Disney English-Indonesian Dictionary • Used to be a bestseller: Visual Dictionary: Indonesian-English (QA International, Canada), Canada) • • • • • • • • Rich Dad, Poor Dad Series Robert T. Kiyosaki Rhonda Byrne John Maxwell Philip Kotler Chris Anderson Dale Carnegie Karen Amstrong LICENSING, RIGHTS NEGOTIATIONS Visit Indonesia Rights Fair 2015: 2nd – 6th September • Most large Indonesian publishing companies that do trade books and mass market paperbacks still count on translation – especially world best sellers – around 40% to 60% of their titles • Foreign publishers can do both ways, dealing with Indonesian publishers directly and through the 3 literary agencies • Translators for French– Indonesian are limited and with higher fees The following terms are open to negotiate between both parties: • Initial print runs vary, depending on genres (children’s books and novels: 3,000 - 5,000; non-fiction: 2,000 - 4,000) and the popularity of the titles; initial print runs and reprints are generally in paperback • Royalty rate: 6% - 8% for print books based on cover price and 25% for e-books calculated on net receipts • Advance royalty payment : 20% - 30% of estimated royalty payment for the initial print run • Courtesy copies for publicity and promotion purposes: 150 - 300 • Period of agreement: 5 years EXPORTING • Exporting print books to Indonesia is promising: There are 2 active book importers Growing English bookstores and English book counters as well as online retailers Rising middle-class and affluent consumers • Printing books in Asian countries have a shipping advantage; and Indonesia has a number of reputable printing houses, such as Kapasari, Indonesia Printer and Percetakan Gramedia • Making use of the Indonesian POD facilities for paperbacks is also an option to cut shipping cost CO-PUBLISHING • • • • Though uncommon, co-publishing schemes could be attractive to the Indonesian publishers, if: The contents of the work have prospective selling points for the Indonesian market – not necessarily the world bestseller Supported with well-prepared marketing plans Funded with reasonable shares accepted by both parties: production cost and revenue sharing are preferable, while profit sharing is more complicated to carry on Both parties are prepared for mutual trust and long lasting cooperation HIRING TALENTED COMIC ARTISTS There are a number of talented comic artists in Indonesia, either working individually or under arts studios, with excellent service to produce comics and graphic novels for international market – including Indonesia – such as • CARAVAN STUDIO with various comic artists specialize in (Western) comics, graphic novels and manga International clients: Marvel, Mattel, Penguin, Lucasfilm, Archaia, Blizzard Entertainment, Little, Brown and Company • CENDANA ART MEDIA (comic publisher) with comic artists of AKADEMI SAMALI (comic artists community) specialize in graphic novels and comics • APRIYADI KUSBIANTORO (Mr.) professional comic artist International clients: Dark Horse Comics, Don Lawrence Collection CARAVAN STUDIO * Cover from re:ON Comics * The Keeper illustration CENDANA ART MEDIA * Cover of ENJAH graphic novel * Sample of inside pages of ENJAH APRIYADI KUSBIANTORO * Cover of BHARATA YUDHA comic * Sample of illustration QUESTION & ANSWER Please type your question in the Q & A panel. Thomas Nung Atasana International Rights Director Borobudur Agency IKAPI Building Jl. Kalipasir No. 32 Jakarta Pusat 10330 Indonesia [email protected] www.borobuduragency.com Thank you Please fill out an evaluation To watch videos of our previous webinars, visit www.livrescanadabooks.com/webinars We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund at Canadian Heritage Nous reconnaissons l’appui financier du gouvernement du Canada par l’entremise du Fonds du livre du Canada de Patrimoine canadien
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