NAA Newsletter
NAA Newsletter
Thursday, October 1 5, 2 015 at 1 1:05:18 A M Eastern Daylight Time Subject: NAA October 2015 Newsle2er Date: Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 11:04:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Linda Rinearson NAA Newsletter October 2015 NAA New Members Show October 3 - December 19, 2015 Reception: Saturday, October 17, 2:00-4:00pm Special Guest Lecture: Anne Lilly Wednesday October 21st 7:00 - 8:30 pm at the Newton Free Library CALENDAR October 1: Thurs 7:00 pm NAA Board meeting New Art Center 8: Thurs 7:30 -‐ 9:00 pm NAA Demo Senior Ctr 345 Walnut, Newtonville Alain Picard Pastel / Landscapes Demonstration Thursday October 8th 7:30 - 9:00 pm Alain Picard Pastel, Landscape The Painterly Landscape: Alain will demonstrate a painterly approach to the landscape using reference photographs. He'll cover how to Page 1 of 9 Pastel / Landscapes 17: Sat - Reception 24:00 New Member Show Avery Crossing 18: Sun 3 - 5:00 pm at Myra's Critique FULL 21: Wed 7:00 - 8:30 pm Anne Lilly Lecture Newton Free Library November 5: Thurs 7:00 pm NAA Board meeting New Art Center 12: Thurs 7:30 - 9:00 pm NAA Demo Senior Ctr 345 Walnut, Newtonville Jill Pottle - oil Glass and Reflections 15: Sun 3 - 5:00 pm at Myra's Critique FULL photographs. He'll cover how to create a thumbnail blueprint for your painting, how to use an under-painting for both speed and dynamism, and mass in the big shapes of darks, middles and lights to stay loose and fresh. He will reveal how to refine the painting without losing the freshness, sharing a set of critical questions we must ask ourselves to ensure that we don't overwork our paintings while bringing them to a finish. Bio: Alain Picard earned a BA in illustration from Western CT State University and went on to study at the Art Student's League in New York City. Picard cites Sargent, Degas, and Sorolla among his artistic influences. A love of light and beauty are immediately apparent in his pastel and oil paintings. Alain's work has been featured in she Artist's Magazine and The Pastel Journal. He's garnered top awards throughout the Northeast and is a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America as well as the Connecticut Pastel Society where he served as President from 2012-2014. In 2004, The Artist's Magazine highlighted Alain as one of 20 contemporary artists "On the Rise". You can find more information about Alain on his website Alain's first book, "Pastel Basics," was published in 2013, followed by a series of instructional DVD's in pastel. His newest book, "Mastering Pastel," was released on April 29, 2015. Alain lives with his wife and two sons in Southbury, Connecticut. Special Guest Lecture Anne Lilly Lecture Complexities of Interaction NEW MEMBERS Brown, Eugenia Wednesday October 21 7:00 - 8:30 pm Newton Free Library Comerford, B.J. Cosky, Nick Javorsky, Donna Fratto DEMO SCHEDULE Kinetic sculptor Anne Lilly uses carefully engineered motion to shift and 2015-2016 2015 8 October Alain Picard Pastel, Landscape manipulate our perceptions of time, space and energy. Her ordered and precisely constructed interactive sculptures move in strikingly organic, fluid and mesmeric ways. Employing opposing modalities -- analytical and intuitive, rational and emotional -- Lilly's sculptures elicit new connections between the physical space outside ourselves and our own perceptual, psychological domain. They are usually fabricated in machined stainless steel, and require the viewer's touch to initiate movement: pressing clinical qualities against the sensuous response of each piece. Page 2 of 9 12 November Jill Pottle Oil 10 December Barbara Trachtenberg Photo Journaling Lilly will talk about her work and its three-way interactivity between the viewer, the work, and the space of encounter. She will explore some of the sources informing the work and its development, issues of skill and craftsmanship, and the roles of planning and experimentation in her process. 2016 14 January Dawn Evans Scaltreto Watercolor Painting Metal Objects 11 February Will Kirkpatrick Oil 10 March Sarah Kahn Collage Part II 14 April Bonnie Lerner Gelli Plates/Printing without a Press Bio In 2013, Lilly received the Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation Grant 12 May Award for Lifetime Achievement. She was a 2015 Massachusetts Cultural Kurt Neumann Council Finalist in Sculpture, 2014 visiting artist at MIT, 2012 artist-inFraming for Home & residence at the Art Institute of Boston, and was awarded the 2011 Blanche Exhibition E. Colman Grant. Lilly studied engineeringat Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and holds a Bachelor of Architecture, magna cum laude, from Virginia Tech. She has taught at MIT, Massachusetts College of Art, and the Monthly Thursday Demos Art Institute of Boston. In a project funded by the NEA, from 2005 to 2007 Refreshment at 7:00 pm she collaborated with the DeCordova Museum's education department to Demo begins at 7:30 pm develop and administer an annual institute for teachers, using kinetic Newton Senior Center sculpture to link the instruction of art and science in middle and high 345 Walnut Street, schools. Ms. Lilly is represented by Galerie Denise René in Paris, and Newtonville Rice/Polak Gallery in Provincetown, MA. Free & open to the public Sponsored by the NAA NEW MEMBER SHOW Please RSVP to Elyse at [email protected] Page 3 of 9 Member News Angela Fiori Congratulations! Annette Singer exhibited a one woman show at the Needham Free Library through September Annette also has an X-acto "T" Square & Mat Beveler which she would like to sell for $25 (currently selling for $55) plus a set of brushes + ink stick for Oriental painting. email her at [email protected] Anita Helen Cohen at Rockport Art Association Page 4 of 9 Exibitions Watercolors by Paul Alie, Jeanne Gugino, Libby Lowe & James Varnum Four NAA members have paintings at the New Art Center's satellite galleries in Newtonville through December. ~~~ Jeanne Gugino, Libby Lowe & James Varnum Are exhibiting at the Brookline Bank branch, at 323 Walnut Street in Newtonville ~~~ Paul Alie & James Varnum James and Paul are exhibiting at Freedman Healthcare headquarters, at 29 Cyprus. NAA Library Show Congratulations to our winners Lev Brown Stoned Flowers Molly & Henry Schoenberg Award Page 5 of 9 Marian Dioguardi Golden Light Buoys Dr. & Mrs. Leslie Russell Award James Varnum Fuchsia and Holly Gene Faucher Award Angela Fiori Clay Second Prize Gary Tucker Rainy Day in Newton Third Prize Page 6 of 9 NAA Library Show Honorable Mentions (Paintings below from Top Left Corner to Bottom) Mantel Illness 5.11, by Paul Alie In the Bamboo Grove, by Chang Woo Taub Dena's Pencils, by Amy McGregor-Radin The Rolling Stones, by Gail Hansen Golden Delicious, by Cyrus Whittier I Sew, by Carole Slattery You can have your own personal show at the Newton Free Library Here is the latest call for artists. NOTE: this is not an NAA show, but a wonderful opportunity though Newton's local public library. There has been a change in the schedule for selecting artists. That is why the Library's due date for this round is later than usual. NEW DUE DATE is: Friday, December 11, 2015 at 12 noon See more at Newton Library Exhibition Policy Page 7 of 9 Next Month's Demo Artist Jill Pottle Oils Tuesday Nov 12, 2015 - 7:30 Newton Senior Center NAA Leadership Roles NAA Leadership Roles The Newton Art Association is an organization of around 200 art enthusiasts and artists. We are run by a cooperative board of volunteers who take on roles in the NAA. * President - James Varnum, [email protected] * First Vice President - TBD * Treasurer - Richard James, [email protected] * Program Chair - Jeanne Gugino [email protected] * Membership - Jack Lifsitz, [email protected] Diana Kazmaier * Recording Secretary - Toby Reed, [email protected] * Communications - Vartus Varadian, [email protected] Newsletter - Linda Rinearson, [email protected] Snail Mail - Diana Kazmaier, 617-969-8360 * Special Projects - Linda Rinearson, [email protected] * Exhibit - Each exhibit is run by a different team of volunteers. Carole Slattery, [email protected] - Avery Crossings Bev Droz, [email protected] - Keyes Pharmacy Arlene Bandes, [email protected] Nancy DuVergne Smith - [email protected] Diana Kazmaier 617-969-8360 Page 8 of 9 Gene Mackles - [email protected] * Salons & Critiques - Myra Abelson, [email protected] * Scholarships - Nancy DuVergne Smith & James Varnum * Corresponding Secretary/Historian Jessica Mosher, [email protected] * Hospitality - Vartus Varadian (demos), [email protected] * Legal - Robert Gaynor, [email protected] * Board Members Emeritus Arlene Hecht Arlene Bandes Joan Pollard John Vaccaro Helen Cohen Please note: We are always looking for volunteers who would like to take on a task & learn more about art in Newton. Contact James Varnum [email protected]. Contacts Newsletter Editor: Linda Rinearson [email protected] Thank you for sending us your news! Questions or comments on the Newsletter? Or provide information to be include in our "Member News" for the next NAA Newsletter? Please e-mail Linda Rinearson at [email protected] or call 617-332-3780 Forward this email This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | About our service provider. Newton Art Association | | Newton | MA | 02459 Page 9 of 9
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