m - Buchanan District Library


m - Buchanan District Library
u c h a n a n
' -m
I -.-'
e c o r d
• ' 1"~ —-
500 MEN’S
T O T T I S T G r - :E £ O I -.:fc v C B S ■V
From 85.00 to 810.00. ] '
T E R M S, S t .5 0 P E R YEAR
OFFICE—In Record Building,OakStreet
Business Directory*
They’ re havin' proti'actcd m eotin's d o w n ’ t the
village all Oils w eek,
A n ' a ll the Meth’ dist.brethi-eu are called upon
to speak;
An’ lots a’ hollerin’ “ g lo ry !” an’ singin’ hymns
is done,
A n ' old an’ young folks both are havin’ a heap
o ’ fun.
SERVICES are held every Sabbath, at IQ:30
0 o’ clock a . st., at the Church, o f the “ Larger
dope also,. Sabbath School services immediatey after the morning meeting. Rrayer and coufer,.iee meeting every Thursday evening, A cordial
1 svitatiou is extended to all.
W e should like to have every one
glance at our prices fo r Domestics.
Y o u can save money, whether yon
C . Q. F.—Buchanan. Lodge H o. T5 holds ita
1 , regular meeting, at Odd Fellows H all, on,
each Tuesday evening.
Hi * A . M.—Buchanan Lodge H o. 65 holds a
0 . regular meetingVConday eveniugon orbefore
th e f a ll m oon in each month.
b u y from ns or not.
OF H.—Buchanan Grange H o 40 meets on
• the second and fourth Saturday o f each
nonth, at 2 o'clock r . at.
Five cases of Fruit of the Loom, 4-4
bleached, at $}£ cents.
Five cases Lonsdale, 4-4 bleached, at S34'
Five cases Iliil’s, 4-4 bleached, at S cents.
Another good make at ?H cents*
Another good make at 7 cents.
Another good make at 6 cents.
The best Unbleached Muslin ever sold
for 5 cents.
A O.U. W.—Buchanan Lodge H o. 9S holdslts
A . renlar meeting the 1st audSd Tuesday even­
in g o f eaeh month.
.1 A . R. -W in . Pcrrott P ost N o.22. Regular
iJT« meeting on the first and third Saturday
vetting o f each mouth. Visiting comrades atrays welcom e.
tTTOM AH'S RELIEF CORPS,Wuv .Perrott P ost
VV Ho. SI. Meetings held regularly, in Grange
Rail, flrst and third Saturday o f each mouth.
So I dropped in last evenin' terhear the parson
The new on e that is spreadin' religion fu r ’ s ’ t
’ll reach;
An’ words o ' sense an’ wisdom I cnlkciiate lie
giv e
That, pu t iu practice, couldn't fait ter help us
all ter live.
F o r instance, he was sayin' that the L o r d He
loved ns all, _
An’ cou ldn 't bear ter see the weakest, poorest
sinner fa ll;
A n ’ h e m a d e h o l d a t l a s t t e r s a y , r i g h t in t h e
d e a c o n 's f a c e ,
“Unless the devil's in your heart’ he ain’t in
A w orld -b ea ter
A beautifu l quality a t O ff cen ts.
\ s o m b think,” says he, “ the d ev il lives inter a
p a c k o ’ cards,
Oriheatrcs, o r ballroom s they claim h is best
But e iW n ever teehed you ontel you ent that
Y ob neeuYt fear but in the gam e y o u 'll keep
the imfific track.
Peppe- ill R at &}-£ cents.
Sheeting and Pillow Case Muslin just as
low in proportion.
~ R s T UEXDERSOH & BRADLEY, Physicians
100 pieces o f Men’s Shirting at OK cents;
aad Surgeons. O flicein Opera House Block.
Residence Ho so Front St., one door West o f Perry same as is usually sold for S and 9 cents.
300 pieces o f Pink Prints at 3 cents.
Fox's. Calls answered all boars o f day o r night.
One iiways in the office. R. Henderson and W . J.
Others at 5 cents.
. .
Plain Turkey Red Prints, good quality,
L. BAILEY, Homeopathic Physician and at 4 cents.
500 pieces of Standard Shirting Prints,
, Surgeon. Uifice and residence in Imhott's
block, Buclilttisa^ Mich.
almost all black dots and figures, at 4 cents.
Five eases Standard Indigo Blues, nice,
M. WILSOS, Dentist. Office, first door north
handsome styles, at 5 cents.
* o f tae Bank. CUarg-e reasonable and satisBeautiful styles in Manchester Cashmere
action guaranteed.
at O1* and 7 cents, mostly black grounds
S. MEAD, Manufacturer o f Lumber. Ous
and white figures.
__ , ton Suaii.g promptly aiteuded to on short
I0O pieces of Standard Dress Styles in
tolici*. Eachaeau. Mick.
Ginghams, at 0 L cents.
I I . 31. B r o d r i c l c , 3 1 . 1 ).
IQ,000 Stare A Bags a t 191-2 cents.
Graduate o f the St, I.onis, Mo., Homoeopathic
, Office and residence first door south
Rough Bros. Wagon Works.
“ A n ’ e f y e never cotton t - r the Evil One on tel
Ye step inside \show-room ter see a p la y done
H e w on ’ t com e there an’ giab y e an’ m ake y e
fall from grace—
Unless the devil’s in you r heart, he ain’tin a n y
College, and Slemlser o f the Royal College o f
Puysn iaas o f Ontario. Diseases o f Women and
eai'hirsn a specialtv.
ofihe over Treat .t Godfrey’s hardware store.
isesiuentt-;iu John Graham's house, Frout street.
.1 Dav or night calls promptly attended to.
W e have the goods.
pleases us m ore than to have people
com e and get samples and compare.
Rose & Ellsworth,
H a v in g r e c e n tly erected an
Im proved B ric k
T ilin g
S o u th B e n d , In d .
I a m n o w p r e p a re d t o furn ish th e
through, my work toniay? I feel miserable, head,
achy, tired, pain in my hack, my food won’t digest,
my whole body seems out o f order. W e answer
that it is no wonder you srein such a broken down
condition, and you will keep getting worse unless
Voucancure your LIVER. This important organ
isontof order and yon must cure it by promptly
using those never f&iIingiS9E^&2SaSSBa
Dr. C. McLane’sCelebrated Liver Pills.
They"will restore 70a and giro vigor and health to
roar whole system, making you strong and well.
Duly25 cents a box, and they maysave your life*
&skyourdruggist forthe genuine
D r . O . M o Z i A K ^ B ’S
FLEMING B R O S ., Pittsburgh, P a.
E S y L o o k o u tfo r C o u n te r fe its m ad e i n S t
u seI
V 0 R T ^ 0 I J S H t e e t h .e
.... .
L u l s r a M S M A law and Abstract Office,
th e m a rk e t affords. ARC
rangingin size from two to cightinchee.
J. li.
ISy'Calland see my brick and. getprices
Tw ice Daily tin e ot Steamers Between
Benton Harbor, S i Joseph and Chicago.
fo r m a l
Sc C o l l e g i a t e
Benton Harbor, M idi.
S C H O O L .
FROM §1.25 UP.
K E P H A R T ’S
in f a llib le •$-
And, fo r the quality, they are cheaper
than yon can buy at any other yard
in the State.
W e mean this, em­
phatically. A large lo t o f H em lock
piece stuff fo r sale at retail, at whole­
3 tcl?mg Pile
* Cure
Pries, 5Gc. & $1, Postpaid
sale prices.
HENRY KEPHART, Pharmacist,
T or Sale by M . S . B A R M O R G .
A specially.
J.F.SfiliTH&Cfi.lkier3or“EILEEEANS,” ST.LGl]IS M0-
farms only.
O r fk q y o f Y ou r friei^S*
Use tiie S3SAF,T.,Sizo (40little TJcnnsto the
bottle). They aiie the most convenient.
S i a l t i . o l o 4oa* a l l A g e s .
ffyfoe o f iiltlicg size, 25c. p er JBottle.
£ S N 3 6 fS9 etxLAAiuilciJfbricts-. (coppersorslamps).
0 large or small sums, atlow rates, on improveo
IK S fiS i
T o ca ro Biliousness, Sick H eadache, Consti­
pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take
the safe and certain, rem edy,
S S S Y T I-S ’ S
In any maimer, from a large stock,
at prices that d efy competition.
Review term fo r Teachers and others will com­
mence July 7th, and close August 15th.
Daily classes lit all branches fo r First, Second
and Third Grade Certificates.
Course in Physical and Chemical Experiments
for public schools.
Course in Book-Keeping, especially adapted fo r
public schools.
Course in Kindergarting with actual work.
Tuition:—S3 per term o f 6 Weeks. Board, §2
per week. Room, 2a cts. per week.
G. J . EDUCOMBE, A .S L , Ph- D.
tv-:- •
M I C H .,
W ishes to call the attention o f the
readers o f the R ecord to the fact
that he is prepared to supply all con­
templating building or using
Tiie new and eleg-mt steel side-wheel steamer
Leave Benton Harbor at 1 p. in. and St. -Joseph
at 1:00 p. m,. daily.
Leave Benton Harbor at S p. m« and St. Joseph
at 10 a, m. daily, except Sunday.
Leave Chicago, from dock foot or IVabash .\ve.,
daily at P:3n a. m . and 9:30 p. m. Also h-ave
Chicago on extra trips everv Saturday at ll :20 p.
in , and Sundays at 10 a. m .'
Boat tickets can he secured o f your R. R . agent.
Freight and Passenger ra’ es lower than all rail.
Try this new lake and rail route, and enjoy the
luxury of a lake ride one the finest steamers afloat
on the western lakes.
J. II. GRAHAM, Pres.
J. S. MORTOH, Secy, and Treas,
jV X X /fC .S ,
H E N R Y B L O E G IT T .
Br. J. T.
Would inform the citizens of Buchanan andsnrronndingcountry that all who want his
Made Or endorsed by himself, can obtain them at
any o f the
Buchanan Drug Stores*
Y o n C an
S& LIVE R !____
_ _
The fact th at K idney
disease m ay n ot be sus­
pected because it Jias
no sym ptom s o f certain
character a s its own, should b e an
incentive to the e x e r c is e o f g rea t ca re
that th e disease b e not fastened upon
you before y o u know it_ I f your system
is run dow n without any apparent dis­
ease,you will b e safe If
you suspect the Kid­
neys and begin prom pt
treatment w ith th e her­
bal Guaranteed Suc­
$ 1,00 A BOTTLE, six FOR 165. TRY IT TO-DAV
!E ^ I E 3 3 D
B lood Purifier*
an? c h H e s
Cancers, Hum ors, Sores, U lcers, Swellings,
Tu m ors, Abscesses, B lood Poisonings Salt
Rheum , Catarrh, Erysipelas, Rheumatism,
and a ll B lo o d and Skin Diseases.
P rice , St p e r Pint Bottle, o r 6 Bottles fo r SR
I lb . can Solid Extract S3-50J . 51. LOOSE RED CLOVER CO„
Detroit, H ich.
For salejby W. H . K EELER.
S o u th B e n d , In d .
Their prices are away down this Spring,
and will please you. They will be unusu­
ally low during March, and right now is a
splendid time to secure some of the best
bargains of the season. W e have some­
thing like 2,000 pairs of Ladles’ and Men’s
Shoes, good styles and regular sizes that we
T W IT O HTtn s u r e g r i p
U S i IX b U i 1 steel Tackle Block must close out and they must go (every
HALF THE COST of hoisting saved to pair)-this month, if we lose money on them.
Storekeepers, Butchers, Farmers, Ma­
We are selling splend id Kid Button Shoes
chinists, Bnilders, Contractors and at 82.00; other dealers will charge yon
OTHERS, Admitted to be the greatest
improvements E VER made in tackle 82.75 and §3.00 for shoes notso good. You
blocks Freight prepaid. Write for
will find our prices on all the best wearing
shoes proportionately low.
W e have been selling shoes since 1852 to
Estab. 1352.10 Brash St., Detroit,Mich the people of Northern Indiana, and of
Berrien county, Mich., and this year we
One o f the
expect to sell to more of them than during
escopea i n _________
the world. Ourfacilitiesare any previous year. W e have the Shoes and
troequalAl,and:tointroduceour they will he sold at Rock bottom prices.
toONE£EB$Osrineach,locality., Come in and see iis,as we can positively save
osobove. OnlytbosewhoWrite yon money.
tousaE oncecanroaho suraof:
returnisto showtrar. goodd to
those\yhocall—your neighbors:
aadthosearounayou; Tliebe*
pgtan!n? ofthi* advertisement
teov/othesinall end.of theteleaeepeh ThefliUowiascatgivestheappearanceoCitredocedto.
D.H. Baker &Bro.,
S o u th B e n d , Ind.
N, E.
Always look for our advertise­
ment in every issue of the R e c o r d . We
propose to keep you posted, regardingthe
prices o f shoes.
Lots m ore he s a id ; h ut them 'ere words struck
m e as 'b o u t the best.
E f w e can keep h im ontn ns, no matter-fer the
Ef we live pnrean’ sweet, an’ clean, an’ strong
ter run onr race,
T i l keep the devil from ourliearts, an’ he won’ t
have n o place.
—Zou'mille Courier-journal.
“ E f you've Jived np ter the present tim e an’
h e p ’ a good, pu re heart,
A n ’ never give him any show, he can’ t now git
a start;
E f in th e game o ’ life right's trumps, a n 'y o u
h ave h eld the ace,
The devil hain’t been in y o u r heart, an’ , theretore, bain’t n o place, ’’
Sick Deadkche and relievo all tho troubles io d *
dent to a bilious Btatoof tho systom,such aJ9
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress alter
eating. Bain in the Side, &c. While their moat
remarkable success has been shown in coring
Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver BIOS am
equallyvfiluableinCoiistipaUon, curingandpieventing thiaannoyingcomplaint.TvUtlotheyalso
llvecandregulatethebowels. Evenif theyonly
\Bufferfromthisdistressingcomplaint; butfortuuatolytheirgoodnessdoes notondhQrotandthoso
TrhooncQtrythemwill find thesolittlopillsvalu*
fOilalngomanywaysthat they will not bo wil^lis^todowithout them. Buta£terollsich heaiL
(lathobane of eomany lives thatterola where
tvomakecmrgreat boast. Our pillseuroitwhila
■i others do not.
Carter’s Xfittls Llvor Fills are very small and
very easyto take. One ortvv’o pills malioa doco.
They ore strictly vegetableand do not gripe or
•purge, butby theirgentleaction pleaseail who
use them. Invial3at25cents; tivoforSl. 89sl
t>ydraggistaevegfWheibi or sentfaymaiL
C A R TER M EDICINE C O ., New Y o rk .
Ofeveryfiescrlptlon ,atth
to give satigfstcion
Years ago, when I was a young man
with only the shadow o f a mustache
upon my upper lip, an incident occur­
red which I never recall, even at this
late day, without a shudder;
Early in the fall o f 1S61 my father,
Judge B -----, who was president o f the
old Scioto bank, where I was making
myself useful until the college term
commenced, summoned me to his pri­
vate office.
“ George.” said he, “ 1 find that we
will need an extra fifty thousand dol­
lars to-morrow when the bank opens.
H ow, it is necessary that Some one
shall start immediately for Columbus,
and it will take a brisk pair o f horses
to make it before the bank closes. Let
me see,” said he, taking out an oldfashioned watch and glancing at it,
“ twenty-five miles in a little more than
three hours. Y o u can do it with Dick
and Dolly, can’ t you ?”
f eeing that I hesitated, he contin­
“ H o one need know anything about
this money. I must have it,” he re­
peated, emphatically, “and it is safest
to send you.”
F or some inexplicable reason I dis­
liked to do it, though I would not fo r
any consideration have had my father
know how I felt about it. ‘ ■Certainly,
I will go, father,” I replied, but there
was something so unnatural in the
tone o f my voice that my father gaye
me a searching look and turned to his
desk.. revolving, as I thought, some
other scheme, Which I ardently hoped
would let me out o f the job. The time
was short and dispatch necessary.
Turning sharply about he said in a de­
cided tone, which was meant to settle
the matter at once:—
“ There is no other way.
Y ou will
have to go. Make your preparations as
speedily as jaossible, and when you are
ready stop at the bank for papers and
It was no use to argue the poin t; my
father’s word was law, so I went out
hastily, gave orders to Black Zip for
the horses, made a little change in my
garments, snatched a mouthful o f the
lunch my mother had set out for me,
and was back at the bank for my
father’s orders in just twenty minutes.
Y ou ’ll do,” was his satisfied expres­
sion, as he gave m e his instructions.
H e walked back to the buggy with me
and looked the whole rig over.
“ Y ou r harness is strong, buggy new,
horses thoroughbred and in excellent
condition,” h e remarked, more to him­
self than to me; and then, in. a low
voice, as he stepped hack and bentnvesf
the fron t wheel, “ did you take the
“ Y es,” I answered, laughing, “ but I
shall have small need o f them,” though
as I said it there were misgivings at
my heart.
- I couldn’t account fo r the feelings
that possessed me, though, o f course, I
understood that there was great re­
sponsibility connected with the care
o f so large a sum.
In those days the money I .was ex­
pected to bring back was a large sum,
and its loss would seriously cripple the
Scioto Y allev bank, though it was real­
ly good fo r many times that amount.
This bank had claims on nearly all the
crops, o r at least a large share o f them,
that were raised in this great fertile
valley o f the Scioto, known as the Pick­
away plains. It was early in the sea­
son, and the golden stream had not yet
begun to flow in. The great corn fields
were still standing, and the droves of
hogs and cattle were yet fattening in
the pasture. Then, again, I was little
more than a boy, not yet twenty. The
outlines o f my first feeble mustache
were far fainter than I was w illing to
This was the first time my
father had ever placed so great a re­
sponsibility upon me.
I appreciated
the honor, and was anxious to show
him that his confidence bad ' not been
misplaced. But, in spite o f all this,
misgivings would arise.
Giving the ponies the rein, we had
soon passed the limits o f the little town,
follow ing the old stage road to the
capital o f the State.
This road ran
through a lovely country, just then
giving promise o f an abundant har­
vest. Occasional glimpses o f the Scioto
river added to the beauty o f the scen­
ery, Father had at that tim e been
talking o f giving me a farm, so that I
could settle into farm ing and stockraising, like the Benicks o f the valley,
only h e did not propose to start me
with a Kenick fortune, but, haying the
same blood in my veins as they did, I
have no doubt he thought the fortune
would come in time.
A t heart he
planned f o r the respectability and
broad acres that m y mother always
argued should belong to any individu­
al with the blue blood o f the F . F . V .’s
running in his veins.
' I was jd st ambitious enough to be­
lieve- that something better than a
peaceful farmer's life w as in store for
..me. TJp to that time I had never known
the luxury o f want, and had someho
com e to the conclusion that the world
owed me a living, and that a bounti­
fu l supply o f this world’s goods would
await my command as long as the ne­
cessity existed.
During fh is ride I determined not to
accept the g ift o f the. farm i f o n e o f the
provisions was that I should reside
there when- my college days were over.
I had little idea that afternoon but
that, when I actually wanted to begin
the serious affairs o f life, the sesame
would be ready that would lift me into
any position o f honor or trust wherever
m y father’s name was known.
world was all before me, and with a
boy’s enthusiasm I longed to go out and
win tne laurels that I was sure I could
grasp easier than another.
With these self-conscious and satis­
fied thoughts, through which an occa­
sional glimpse o f a little blonde fairy
appeared, I reached my destination,
left my horses at the hotel and stepped
over to the bank just twenty minutes
before it closed.
My business was with the president,
and 1 was ushered into his room. c My
errand was soon made known, and I
was Informed that the money would
be ready lor me at exactly four o’clock,
and that a trusty messenger should de­
liver it at my room at the hotel at that
I took my departure, spoke for a
room and then went over to spend the
intervening time with, my old room­
mate, .Jack Bro wster.
W e were talking about old college
friends and incidents of- college life in
which we had both figured. Y ou see,
Jack and I hadn’t seen each other for
a month, and we had to go over the
old college scenes just as hoys will
every tim e we m et
Glad as 1 was to
see Jack and hear him talk, that money
kept running in my head. I never for­
got it for a moment. A t the appoint­
ed time I was in my room.
Old Mr.
Plummer, fo r many years cashier o f
the bank, with his customary prompt­
ness, satchel in hand (appeared at the
door. He entered my room, but before
he said a word took the key from the
outside and locked the door.
drawing his chair very close to mine
he proceeded to exhort me to return
home immediately.
“ You are too much o f a boy to be
trusted w ith such a large sum o f money
after dark, anyhow,” he urged, looking
at me from head to foot.
“ My father knows best, sir,” I retort­
ed, in as cutting a tone as I could com­
mand. That imputation o f youth nettied me almost beyond endurance.
“ Tut, tut, boy,” he replied, in an im­
patient tone. “ Tell your father that
lie should have known better than to
have sent you here alone for such a
sum o f money.”
Just then, through the thin partition,
I heard a chair move. 1 thought noth­
in g o f it at the time, hut it came viv­
idly to m y mind during that long ride
t laughed at Mr. Plummer’s fears,
told him o f my pistols and thorough­
bred horses—sw ift as the wind, that
we called “ the ponies.”
Bidding me to get some stalwart
friend to accompany me back, which I
partly promised to do, the good old
gentleman departed with a good many
expressions o f concern.
Looking to the fastenings o f the
doors and windows, and finding them
secure, I went out to find some one to
ride back with m e; but first I went
back to see the condition o f my horses.
A s I approached the stalls a tall, slend­
er man was looking at them and evi­
dently questioning the groom.
a great admirer o f horseflesh, myself,
the incident had uo significance to me
at that moment, though I remembered
it keenly enough afterward.
I could
see plainly enough that it would not do
for my horses to start on the homeward
route o f twenty-five miles before seven
o’clock. But what did that matter? I
had teen over the route dozens o f times
and knew eyery part of it.
A s luck would have it, not one o f my
friends could be induced to accompany
me on my homeward journey: A good
deal o f time was spent in this vain
A t a quarter o f seven o’clock exact­
ly, I was once more inside o f my light
covered buggy, with the reins o f the
ponies” in m y hands and the precious
satchel in the box under my seat.
The weather had changed a good bit
since I left home. Dark leaden clouds
obscured the sky, and threatened rain
at any m om ent The thought o f a long
ride through the mud and rain was not
especially enlivening under the circum­
The horses knew the way as well as
I did, and settled down to a good round
They were fine travellers and
might easily take me home in the same
time that they had come.
I was too
fond o f them to urge them unnecessa­
rily. They had done w ell in the morn­
ing. and an hour or so made little differ­
ence on the journey home. I slackened
their pace to cne I felt sure they could
keep for hours, and settled back in the
buggy to take the ride as comfortable
as possible,
I was soon accustomed to the dark­
ness. though I couldn’ t help wishing
that the money was safe in the hank
vaults, or that the Columbus coach
had happened to pass over this road
that night a few hours later than its
usual time, or that some o f the hoys
had found time to accompany me on
the homeward trip. I never remem­
ber to have had just such lonely feel­
ings at any time o f my life. 1 had suc­
ceeded in shaking them off, and by the
time the first sixteen miles were passed
was quite in my usual frame o f mind.
I was nearing a long, covered bridge,
in a remarkably lonely place. There
were no farmhouses in the immediate
The long, low structure looked black
as Erebus, as the horses eniered the
north end.
I instinctively felt for my pistols and
placed them on the seat beside me. I
grasped my whip and wound the reins
tightly about my hands. Just ahead
in the south the clouds had broken
aw ay; it was only a little patch, but
that much cheered me. W e had clear­
ed two-thirds o f the bridge at a rather
brisk trot, when I saw tw o figures at
the other end o f the bridge; just dimly
that natch o f blue sky showed them to
1 was no coward, but the sight
o f those two men and the thought of
the money in the box under m e sent
cold chills over me.
My mind was made up to first try
the mettle o f my horses and then my
pistols, for I was well armed. The
horses, by a dexterous movement o f
my whip and a word or to, had gradu­
ally gained in speed. They instinct­
ively gathered up the bits and were
pulling bard upon the Teins.
I felt
that they were ready for the emergency
and would do their best.
Ten feet
more would tell the story. The figures
ahead bad moved out aud were no
longer trying to bide in the darkness.
They were ready to spring at the horses’
beads. A sharp, stinging cut with the
whip upon the flanks o f both horses—
they gaye one masterly bound and the
bridge was cleared. The man . at the
left: made such a desperate lunge at
Dick’s bridle that he lost his footing,
and as he went down I recognized the
tall man I had seen in the stable at
Columbus. Y e s, down he went, and
the wheels o f the carriage passed over
him,, I t swung to one side and then
gaye a lurch to the other,'sending me
six inches from where £ bad been sit­
ting on the seat, probably saving my
The other villain hoping to maim the
horses or kill me, fired twice in quick
succession, one ball passing through
the back o f the buggy three inches
from my head and exactly where I
should have been but for that fortu­
nate lurch o f the buggy which bad
moved me from my seat. ■ The whole
thing was done in one-tenth the time
it takes to tell about it.
The best speed my fast horses ever
made was on that, eventful night.
Whether the robbers'followed or not I
never knew. - My thoroughbreds went
like the wind, and in an incredibly
short time 1 halted at the bank,"where
my father awaited me, and delivered
into safekeeping the treasure with
which I had been intrusted.
When it
was once off my hands I told my father
of the experiences of the night and
how? near I had come to losing the
money and, possibly, my life. .
A few days later, through my fath­
er’s instrumentality and my own, the
tall stranger was arrested and found
to be the tall highwayman, Tom W il­
He had occupied the room next
mine at the hotel, and being on the
alert, had heard enough o f Mr. Plummer’s°talk to understand that I was to
carry home a large sum o f money and
had laid his plans accordingly. Think­
ing me a boy he imagined my capture
easy, and it would have been, no doubt,
had the two men seized the horses at
% e entrance to the bridge before I
was aware o f the danger and planned
to escape it. •
S poiled Children.
When parents, by an injudicious sys­
tem o f training, allow their children to
become obnoxious to all within sound
o f their voices, they must not be sur­
prised i f pdople openly regard them as
nuisances. .A lady who had recently
recovered from nervous prostration
and who was entertained during her
travels home by a -two-year-old child
Who had been given a tea bell to amuse
himself with, could certainly be excus­
ed if she had said, at the end o f that
journey. “ I-, detest children.” During
every waking moment o f that tw o
days’ jou rn ey tbaji b oy ja n g l e d that
bell, till she amhqvery one else in the
drawing-room car \vas nearly insane
with the noise.
In this case, as in
others o f a kindred nature, the mother
o f the child was more to blame than
the youthful disturber o f the. peace.
“ Oh, let him have the ball—or whistle
— or drum—anything to keep him
quiet!” says indulgent mamma when
her darling cries for what should be
the unattainable. W e have all met the
mothers w ho say no and mean yes.
“Ho, Bevis, you cannot have any more
berries,” cries Mrs. Sparhawk, “ not
one!” “ I had seven, five, free,” pleaded
Bevis, plaintively.
“ I want a hunnerd.” “ You have had already more
than five hundred,you little gourmand.”
“ Peese, peese!” said Bevis, holding out
his plate with both hands.
“ Bevis,”
demanded his mother, “ when I say no,
do I mean it?”
“Ho,” replied Bevis,
boldly, “ you say no. and deu vou say
‘don’thoover.’ and den I go an’ d o it.”
Mrs. Sparhawk laughed heartily. “ What
will the child say next ?” she asked.
“ Colonel, do give him some berries; he
certainly deserves them." A n d thus a
premium is put on disobedience and
When American mothers
recognize their duty to respect the
rights o f every one with whom they
come in contact, to keep their children
quiet and orderly, except in times and
places when and where they have a
right to noisy play, children will be no
longer considered nuisances.
remedy seems to lie exclusively with
mothers, for strangely
enough in Germany, France, England
and other countries there seems to be
no such trouble as we experience.
.H e W o n H is JBet.
A saucy story is told at woman’s ex­
Tw o club men engaged in a
controversy as to the general nature of
feminine conversation. One maintained
that dress was the uppermost theme
when women talked together.
other, while admitting that the sub­
ject o f personal adornment to some ex­
tent engrossed the female mind, Con­
tended that when among themselves
they conversed on other and more in­
tellectual topics as well,
The discus­
sionwaxed warm,and as neither would
give in, it Was agreed to submit the
matter to the ladies themselves in this
w ay: The two club members were to
go out on the street and listen as close­
ly as courtesy would permit to the con­
versation o f the first three groups com­
posed exclusively o f ladies which pass­
ed. T o make the matter more inter­
esting, each gentleman* backed his
opinion by a bet o f five dollars. Then
they went out on the street, and this
is what happened: T w o ladies came
by, earnestly talking.
One said: “ I
was in a quandary, so I just bought a
black and white* gingham!”
ladies next appeared and the gentle­
men distinguished, “ Joe’s bonnet didn’ t
suit her complexion at all.” “ A re you
satisfied ?” asked the man on the side
o f dress o f his opponent. “ Ho,” was
the reply. “ Wait till we hear what
the next say.”
F our ladies were the
“ next,” and as they came within ear­
shot this is what was heard: “I bought
it at—” mentioning a well known
store. The champion o f woman’s in­
tellectual conversation paid over his
five dollars without a murmur.
Knew He W a s Right.
Father Jenks is a man who i “ so de­
sirous o f being considered infallible
that he will suffer great inconvenience
rather than relinquish that claim.
“H e’d rather have his own way than
eat when be is hungry.” says his wife,
who, after long years of contention
and finally yielding, lias learned to
know him wellH ot long ago Farmer Jenks injured
one o f his fingers so severely that he
was obliged to leave his work and go
home to have it dressed.
“ I tell you wbat. Jane;” said he-'to
his w ife, “ that finger’ll have to come
o ff.”
“ Ho, ’twon’t either; father,” said she,
soothingingly. “ I’ve seen plenty o f
hurts worse than that.”
“ Jane, I tell you ’tw ill! Don’ t you
s’pose £ know what to expect o f my
own finger?”
The dispute ran high, and as usual
the husband bad the last word.
Days went on, and the finger grew
worse rather than better, until at last
it reached such a state that the doctor
was called. H e had not been in the
room fifteen minutes when Father
Jenks summoned his wife.
“ Jane” said he, “ come here, come
right here! What do you s’pose he
“ Well, I guess- hy the way you’re
smilin’ he says it’s all right,” she said,
also beginning to smile, in relief. “ I
must say I am glad! Y ou r fore finger
-and on the right hand!. It didn’t seem
to me I could he reconciled if it really
had to come off—”
: “ But that’s j.ustit,” interrupted her
husband, still smiling it triumph, and
looking at her with sparkling eyes.
“It’s got to come off, and I told you
. '
N U M B E R 30.
B est V a lu e s in B e n ie n C ou n ty.
The suits from 88.00 to 810.00 are all wool
and fast colon.
A B ird B oardin g House.
Biding along sixth avenue o f a sur­
face car while in Hew Y ork, my atten­
tion was attracted hy a sign which
read: “Birds Boarded Here.”
Disembarking from the car, I enter­
ed the establishment ia which the din
or bird music was somewhat distract­
ing. A middle aged woman seemed to
he the presiding genius o f the place,
and to her I addressed some inquiries:
“Do you board birds here?”
“ That’s what the sign outside says ;
and you can see for yourself we ain’t
lacking for canaries,” replied the wo­
man, dryly.
“ Most o f them belonging to other
people, I suppose?”
“ Yes, we only have about a dozen o f
our ow n . Y ou see, when folks go.
away in the summer to the seaside, or
to the mountains and shut up their
houses, they have to get somebody to
take care of their birds while they are
gone. That’s the reason we are in this
business. My husband—he’s sick with
rheumatism—he calls this the Canary
“ How many feathered -guests have
you at present ?”
“ Over four hundred. Some of them
belong} to pretty rich and high-toned
people, too. One o f the' Vauderbilts, I
don’ t know which one, patronizes us,
and that bird there in that blue cover­
ed cage belongs to one o f the big guns
o f W all street. Folks are so particu­
lar about their birds. Some wants us
to feed their pets with black seed, and
some want white, and others want it
mixed. One man told us to give his
bird a fresh piece o f cuttlefish every
morning. There’s a woman who would
have us give hers cold tea, instead Of
water, which she said made it coarse.
Then some people give their birds the
queerest names. D o you see that big
necked canary who is asleep ou h is
perch ? W ell his name is Jack the
Ripper. This one over in the corner is
called Mary. This little beauty’s name
is Kathleen Mavourneen. The people
she belongs to have gone to Europe.
In the back room is a bird named
Santa Claus—h e is so old!”
“ W hat are your charges?”
“Oh, that depends on how long we
keep a bird, bow mnek he eats, and
bow much care b e is. W e e usually
charge from tw o to six dollars, and
sometimes eight dollars a month. W e
have charged more than that to rich
folks that put on airs.” —JSx.
One T h in g at a Tim e.
Early in life I learned from a Very
simple incident a wholesome lesson,
and one which has since been o f incal­
culable benefi t to me.
When I was between twelve and
fourteen years old my father broke up
a new field on his farm, and planted it
with potatoes, and when the plants
were tw o or three inches high, h e sent
me to hoe. The ground ot that piece
was hard to till; it was matted with
grass roots and sprinkled with stones.
I hoed the first row, and stopped to
take a general look at the task before
me. Grass as high as the potatoes was
everywhere, and looking at the whole
from any point it seemed to he a solid
mass. I had the work to do all alone,
and as I stood staring at the broad
reach o f weedy soli, I felt a good mind
not to do anything further then with it.
Just that minute I happened to look
down at the h ill nearest my feet. The
grass didn’t seem ju st quite as thick
and I said to myself, I can hoe this
one well enough.
When it was done another thought
came to help m e; I shan’t have to hoe
but one hill at a time, at any rate.
Arid so I went to the next and.next.
But here I stopped again and looked
over the field. That gave me another
thought, too. I could hoe every hill
as I came to i t ; it was only looking
away off to all the hills that made the
whole seem impossible.
‘T won’t look at it!” I said; and
L pulled my hat over my eyes SO I
could see nothing but the spot where
my hoe had to dig. In the course o f
time 1 had gone over the whole field,
looking only at the hill in hand, and
my work was done.
I learned a lesson, tugging away at
those grass Toots which 1 never forgot.
It was to look ligh t down at the one
thing to be done now, and not hinder
and discourage myself by looking at
the things I haven’t come to. I ’ ve
been working ever since that sum­
mer at the bill nearest my feet, and I
have found it the easiest way to get a
hard task accomplished, as it is the
true way to prepare a field for the har­
Good Taste,
“ You may name this hoy, Mary, only
you must call him John,” said a. man
to his wife, when their fifth child was
two or three weeks old.
The father had had his ow n way
with the other four, and it was no
more than fair that he should consult
his wife’s taste for once. It is a pleas­
ure to see husbands thus considerate.
Here is a similar instance:
A n elderly couple entered a dry
goods store the other day. H e was
tail and slim, and she was round and
“M y w ife and I have eome to do
some shopping,” he said to the clerk.
“My wife wants a new dress to take
home with her.”
“A L !”
“Just show her what you have. Let
her select whatever she wants.”
“What line o f goods will you have,
madam ?” asked the clerk.
“ Oh, something in silk,” her husband
answered for her.
The clerk took down a roll o f bright
colored patterns.
“ H ow does that please you, mad­
am ?” asked the clerk.
“ H o that is too bright,” the husband
again answered.
~‘*How do you like this, madam ?” ask­
ed the clerk displaying another roll.
“Ho, my w ife doesn’t like.that. It’s
too dark,” said the husband.
Again and again the clerk dis­
played his wares before them, always
appealing to the taste o f the wife, and
being answered by the husband.
“ Well, I guess this p.ece will do.
Wrap it up,” said the old gentleman at
The purchase was made and they
left the store. W hen they were on
the street the old gentleman said to
his wife:
“ That is a nice piece o f goods you
selected, Mary.”
A look o f quiet humor stole into the
old lady’s face, hut she merely answer­
ed in a quiet tone:
“ Do you think so, John ?”
Neater Dresg Shoes, $2.
To he found only at
V aluable P oin ts B y a P lum ber.
“I f you want a point or.tw o about
cleaning waist pipes without sending
for a plumber,” said a retired member
o f the fraternity to a H ew Y o rk Tele­
gram reporter, w ho was complaining
o f the trials o f chouse ownership, just
listen to me. I f I were still in -the
business I would not give away what
I am going to tell you now. but a s I
am out o f it I do not see why I may
not help a friend. One o f the most
frequent and trying annoyances,” he
continued, “ is the obstruction to the
free, quick outlet o f the waste water
o f the wash basin, the hath tub and
kitchen sipk. This is caused by the
accumulation o f small bits o f refuse
material paper, rags, meat bone, ojr
grease, which check and finally stop
the outflow o f the waste, and the
plumber is called to remdve the stop­
page with his force pump. Sometimes
this is accomplished, but often tbs
pipe has to be cut, and there is great
inconvenience and: expense.. Just
before retiring at night, pour into the
clogged pipe enough liquid soda lye to
fill the ‘trap’, as it is called—or
lied— the
bent part o f the pipe just below the
outlet. Be sure that no water runs
into it until the next morning. During
the night the lye will convert .all the
offal into soft soap, and the first cur­
rent of water in the morning will
wash it away and leave the pipe as
clan as new. See? This is practical
chemistry, yet few chemists would
ever think of it.”
A Hindoo Prophecy.
A strange story is now being circu­
lated in India about a gold plate with
inscription npon it in the Tam il aud
Telegu languages, which is said to
have fallen from heaven. The Hindoo
Patriot gives the following version
o f it :
“A plate made of the finest gold, con­
taining the following inscription, fell
from heaven and found in the temple
grounds at Benares by the person who
saw it fall.
The inscription is as fol­
‘From the month o f June, 1890, God
himself will rule the Emperor o f Hindoostan, incarnating himself in a hu­
man form. From that time forward
there will be justice all over the world,
and the munis [sages] w ill be worship­
ped by the people. A ll the diseases o f
men will be cured, dogB will walk and
talk as men do, and man, whOBe life is
now established at 70 years, will in
the future have it extended to 125
W hat M rs. Grundy Says.
That fo r domestic hom e life the girl
o f the period has no use whatever.
That there is never any malaria
around a place that anvbody has to
That the slangy girl usually officiates
as bridesmaid until she is “ long over
That the business man is wisest w ho
dismisses all his clerks who frequent
That in these degenerate days some
authors are praised much more than
their books.
That the fashionable physician very
often has far more celebrity than pro­
fessional skill.
That too many modern colleges give
too much physical and not enough
mental education.
That one o f these days the real .{“old
family servant” will be exhnbitsd at
the dime museum.
That if it was not fo r the Americans
the shop and hotel keepers o f Paris
would be having a had season.
That a little money and a little pa­
tience go a long way at the shops ju st
now.—N . Y . M ail and, E xpress.
Common Experience.
Did you ever act as mediator in.a
quarrel without incurring the dislike
of one or both of the principals ? Did
you ever meet a man who didn’t
want to talk about himself just
when you wanted to talk About your­
self? Did you ever want to bor­
row money when everybody else didn’t
seem to be just as bad off as you were?
Did you. ever know a woman who
thought her husband the smartest
man on earth who wasn’t a happy wo­
man ? Did yen over know a man who
was afraid to do his duty whom any­
one bad respect for? Did you over
perform a kind action in your life
without feeling the better for it ? Did
you ever do anything mean without
feeling’that you had killed something
good in your soul by doing it? Did
you ever have anybody tell yon an un­
welcome truth about yourself without
hating him for it?
Bagley:—‘I understand your wife is
sick.’ Bailey:—‘Y es; she hasn’t spok­
en a word for three days.’ Bagley:—
‘By gracious! She must be a pretty
sick woman!’
A M iracle o f the Nineteenth Cen­
tu ry .
Owing to a bad state o f the blood, I
have been afflicted with rheumatism
fo r the past twenty years, and have
used crutches fo r ten years. I have
expended large sums o f money for
remedies recommended to me, and
from using powerful liniments to get
a little sleep, my hip and knee had
lost nearly all strength. W hen 1 com­
menced to take Hibbard’s Rheumatic
Syrup I could not take one step with­
out the aid o f a cane, or turn myself
in bed without assistance. £ can n ow
move with perfect ease, and -walk
without my cane from my bouse to. pay
office every day. I am relieved from a
terrible affliction, and wisb I might
herald to all afflicted with rheumatism
and other blood diseases, the merits o f
this wonderful medicine.
. S .S . Conover ,
A gt. Northwestern Mutual L ife Insur­
ance Co., Manistee, Mich.
Prepared only by The Charles W right
Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich. For.
sale by all druggists.
Dr. Farr, the celebrated scholar, was
once preaching in the country parish
o f another clergyman, and as was his
habit, used very learned language. The M is-F lora A. Jones.
rector afterward -said to him : “ They
Many thanks for your photo re­
could not understand you,” “Hon- ceived’h ist week. Have placed it on
sense,” said Dr. Parr; “l am sure there the show case, and find customers for
was nothing in m y sermon which they “Bli-sh o f Hoses” are pleased toseeyuu.
could not comprehend.”
“ Well,” said
The picture of your office came yes­
the rector. “I will call one o f them in, terday. It is indeed
business place,
and see if he understood the meaning though it looks cosy ^ ri ^lqssant, and.
o f the w ord ‘felicityi!i,So-h.e.-flalJefLjp„a 'from the stack -of//
laboring main, f t
A above your desk, Lr'
\m otto
yon tell
J o t tq be “Nothing *
ssle here is nr
the word
Ypr~ 4ti)nuut
the promotion o f His glory ? A re you, ishes; when evil enters, virtue goes out; hearts, but the sin is not in the com­
by H is help, working each day for Him when our handB are already filled, how ing, b u t’in the entertaining o f them.
Suppose I have Our will power cau banish them, and
and Him alone? Have you truly said, can Christ fill them ?
■ t i
“ Take my life and let it be consecrated, two glasses o f water: now I want to i f our w ill is God’s will it must banish
JO H N G . H O L M E S , E d ito r .
Lord, to tlio ? ”
Do you fu lly realize pour the contents o f the first glass into them. W e are under obligation to our­
the meaning o f that clause in our the second. But you say, “Y ou cannot.” selves only fo r the thought, but to God
, : -■
TH U R SD A Y . AU G U ST 21, 1800.
pledge, “ I promise Him that I will I want to do it, what hinders me? and man for the expression o f that
T o God, whether it be good Great Clearing
strive to do whatever He would like to “The second glass is already full, and thought.
Sale of
have me d o?” Stop! Think! W ien that o f the first would but be wasted or evil, to receive reward or punish­
Boots and Shoes,
Mrs Myla Pow ell died in South Bend
we pledge that do we not understand if you tried to pour it into another ment ; to man, because o f its good or
<4Y ou are right; but evil effect. I have often thought o f it,
it to mean complete consecration—an which is filled.”
Saturday morning, aged 106.
■ — -& .0? T I K I E —
entire surrender of ourselves to Him do you know there are hundreds o f and shall never forget the words of a
to be usfid as He sees fit— an utter Christians to-dav trying to do that ab­ kind friend and instructor on this very
The superintendent o f census lias
abandonment o f the w orld ? When we surd thing? Trying to pour the con­ subject: “ Of our unspoken words we
concluded that this country contains
solemnly pledged our lives to Him, we tents o f one glass into another already are master, but our spoken words are
If, as you say, words
Trying to grasp God's life and master o f us.”
did it with an understanding heart. filled.
01,000,000 o f people.
W e knew that he gave us all and asked light and still keeping their hands full will* come, firmly close the lips, know­
We want to reduce our large stock to
for all in return. lie spared n ot Him­ o f the evils o f this world. They want ing that they must be kept fo r Jesus, make room for Pall purchases, and in order
George Pullman, President o f the
self and how could we spare ourselyes? His gift, blit are unwilling to empty and never, never let spoken words be to do so we are feeing to make you some
- r*
Banish the thought, if Low Prices, for the next twenty days.
We determined to be generous in our their hands that they may receive it. your master.
Pullman Gar Co., was in Europe resurrender; meet H is boundless devotion Oh, may each one o f us drop every it be wrong, on its very arrival, and
. cently, and some one caught him un­
for us with houndless devotion to Him. thing, no matter how pleasing it may you w ill have no trouble in keeping
406 jail- Ladies’ Dongjj
awares and Knighted him. H e is now
Gladly and eagerly we gave up ou r be, and let God fill our hands as He sees from expressing it; think upon good
Kid Bitten, opera toe
Sir George Pullman.
things and the evil thoughts w ill not
wills and handed over the reins o f
commowsense last;
government to Him. Whatever there have i ot sufficient wisdom to do it come. A n d then, thank God! our in­
S3.50 golds; we are
make tlift price
fluence Will not be for the bad. B u t
is in ns we give it all. W e will shun aright.”
A Missouri Pacific express train was
§1,95 a pals,
L et us now look, for a few minutes, there is danger, in trying to keep from
everything that can separate us from
robbed in what is Known as Robber's
300 pair op. L
Him, His will is our w ill; His word to another part o f this consecration. the bad, of committing a greater sin in
•n, opera
t Dongolia KimThere is a cer­ keeping from the good. F o r every
cut, near Sedalia, Mo., Sunday morn­
our law. N ow that w e have done this, “Keep Thou my feet,”
and eom in oa ^ last; they
kept from” there is a corresponding
What deep peace is ours! Unspeakable tain homeliness about the idea which
.50 shoes;
ing, by seven men. They secured
are §3.00
kept for.”
Therefore, if we give our
jo y !
Sacrifices and services, which helps to make it leal. Our feet as well
e on then\
about 890,000 from the express com­
could not come within reach o f more as our hands were purchased by the lips to be “kept from” evil, we must
!m0u1 at S3.50 a
half-hearted consecration, are sweet to precious blood o f Christ. How then give them to be “ kept for” good.
r Ladi< ’s’ Dongolia
us. Freedoms, which others dare not can we give their service to the world ? they are kept for Christ’s serviee they
claim, are now not only our privilege, How can we help saying, “ Take them, must be used in His serviee, and what­
Kid '.aft011’ °Pe ia and comW hen yon drop your money into the
UKfelense last; 1 hey are 82.but our duty. What to them is lawful Dear Lord, and where Thou leafiest I ever H e would have us say we must
Louisiana lottery slot, you stand one
Q($Iioes; we wil Ltake §1.50
It is terrible how much less is
to us is unlawful. This is Christian will follow . Down into that dark^alley say,
pair for them.
chance in 07,003 o f winning. People
Endeavor consecration: but to those to alleviate the suffering o f com e done for Him than might be done, in
365 pair Ladi es’ Dongolia
w ho would gamble at chuck-a-luck or
. Oxford tie, tip andplaiu
not tell its blessedness,
i t is o f no bedside o f that invalid to whom Thy we are doing or saying is not* bad, we
% '
poker on such chances o f winning,
toe, opera and cc ninion sense
more use to argue with one who has word is so precious; out on the crowd­ are doing good in a certain way, and,
w ould be denominated fools.
but a taste o f it, than it was for the ed thoroughfare or the broad and quiet therefore, may be quite easy about it. •roods*feworth more money.
Jews to argue with the man wbq,said, streets; I ’ll work fo r Thee anywhere W e should think a man rather foolish ° gaTpair Ladies’ Kid toe slipbers, at 50c,
“ One thing I know, that whereas I was and everywhere, on ’y lead Thou me if he went on doing work which earn­
Monday w e received from Mendon a
$1. 00.
on.” When we see it In this light, how ed 5s. a week, when he might just as .;400 pair Men’s congress and lace, $1.25,
blind, now I see.”
circular addressed tg “Record News
The Lord Jesus does take th e life can we help but settle the dancing well do work in the same establish­ <51.50, §1.75.
Tapper,” calling for an Industrial Con­
that is given to Him, and keeps the difficulty or any other difficulty o f that ment and under the same master which ' 346 pair Men’s Calf, congress a ml lace,
gressional Convention o f Patrons o f
life that is intrusted to H im : but not sort without an instant o f hesitation ? would bring him in £5 a week. Bn-‘ §2.00, §2.35, §2.50.
400 Men’s Dongolia, congress and lace.
until the life is offered can we know H ow can we wend our way to the we would prounounce him shamefuVy
Industry, Grangers, Knights o f Labor,
the taking, and not until the life is in­ theater, without a feeling o f guilt, dishonest and dishonorable i f beac- §2.25, $2.50, §3.00.
Union Labor men, Greenbaokers and
204 pair Men’s Kangaroo, con ;ress and
trusted can we understand the keep­ knowing clearly that it is not o f Christ eepted such wages as £5, and y et/h ?sc
Prohibitions, to meet in Cassopolis
ing. A ll I can say is, “ O taste add see.” nor fo r Christ? A nd then, are we not to do work worth only 5s., excusing lace, §3.50, §4.00, §5.00. Sand S ewed.
300 pair Men’s plain shoes, §1.0( i, §1.25.
next, month. Thereading o f the circu­
“ But,” objects one o f my young friends, supremely happy when we bend our himself by saying that it was jvork all
Large line Boys, Youth’s, Mi sses’ and
lar reminds us o f Old times, when W il­
older Christians, still I do nob need to feeling and knowing tnat it is good for it. A re we not acting like this when Children’s Shoes cheap.
bur H . Clute and the Greenback party
Let us look on to the we take the lo wer standard', and spend
do that n o w ; and then I can’t just see us to be there.
Come and see us. We are givi ng aw ay
were on earth the first time. Judging
tire way to this sort o f thing.”
You time when we shall stand, not in His our strength in just making ourselves an Oil Painting 22x36 with fi 4X in ch gilt
from the tone o f the circular, it is the
d.) not need to do that now ? Listen! beloved sanctuary here, but before the agreeable and pleasant, creating a gen­ frame. Give us a look.
“ Be not deceived; God is not mocked: gates of the “ Heavenly Jerusalem,” eral good impression in favor o f re­
intention o f some one to have more
Remember the name and place.
and when our feet shall tread the ligion, Showing that we can be all
than two .candidates for eongressin
Shall he also reap. For he that soweth Streets o f the Holy City, no longer things to ail men, and that one who is
^ 3 ?
the field this trip.
to liis ilesh shall o f the flesh reap cor­ making our way over thorny paths, for supposed to he a citizen o f the' other
ruption; but he that soweth to the H e says, “ We shall walk with Him in world can be very well up in all that
What does it
Think of it, Christian En- concerns this w orld?
Spirit shall o f the Spirit reap life ever­ white.”
Report now cgmes from Washing­
lasting. A nd let us not weary in well deavorers, we shall then walk with profit us if we do make this favorable 1 2 ; W est Washington Street,
A re you not doubly glad that impression on an outsider, if vve go no
ton that the Senate intends to bury the
doing: for in due season we shall reap Him.
if we faint not. A s we nave, therefore, you have said, “ Take Thou my fe e t?” farther and do not use the influence
Lodge election bill, and that the two
A re you not satisfied that you will be gained in bringing him right inside the
Michigan Senators are among the op­
men, especially’ unto them who are of righly rewarded fo r promising to do fold, inside the only ark of safety?
position to the bill. W e have not had
the household o f faith.”
Y ou do not what H e wTould have you do ? “ What­ People are not converted by this sort
a campaign in fifteen years where the
/ '
need to do i hat now ? l a ; peal toyonr ever H e would® have me do.” Can that o f work; at any rateT never met or
Court was in sessioii here last week, past experience; are you satisfied with really mean that H e wants my intel­ heard o f on e; and, by personal exper­
question o f corrupt elections, ballot
lect, my will, my heart, my love, all? ience, l a m confident it cannot be. ■\rOTICE IslierebygiTen, that I, Charles A . Witte,
box stuffing, false counting and shot one day, and the legal fraternity was the other sort o f thinu'l W hat reward
1>| Drain Commissioner o f the Township of Ga­
W hat would you have it mean, I pray Work, work is what is wanted! “ Faith llon,
County of Berrien and State ot Michigan,
.guns at elections lias not taken a represented by Messrs. Bridgman,
W hat is move blessed to your­ without works is dead.” Give your lip s. will, on the aid day Of August, A, D. 1S!)0, at tile
the days, aud months and years that you ?
said township of Galien, at nine o'clock
prominent place m the compaigu talk, Hicks o f Benton Harbor, and Bacon o f have passed ? A re you n ot finding that self and God, than consecrated intel­ to be kept for God’s service and then in the in
forenoon o f that day, proceed to receive
the construction o f a certain Drain
you take (ess and less interest in spirit­
and each ease the Republicans have
as the “ J. S. Ingles Drain,” located and
ual things?
A re not worldly things the Weary and perplexing problems o f friend, who was not a Christian, hav­ known
promised that when they have control Sheeley case.
established in the said township of Galien, and
the world, and is directed to higher ing once said to me while talking on a
as foUows, to-wit: Beginning at Drain
The X^andalia road has regular trains more pleasing, more fascinating than and diviner things—things not o f man, religious subject, “ Well, you never described
again they would fix that business, or
commencing 2.95 chains east and to links south
they were a year ago?
A re you not
on west line o f section 2,town 8 south,
at least try hard to do so. They now now running on the extension from wearied with the tiresome sameness o f but o f God. When the mind becomes
talked to me and showed me how to be range 19 west,
in Galien Drain; thence south G° 00good.”
chains; thence sonth 72’ 00' east,1.50
your life ?
A re you spending your
have coutrol and those o f the party
chains- thence south 112.15’ Cast, J.97 chains:
hence sonth 20° 00' west, l.Si chains; total lengthj
who remain at home and do the voting and in order to accommodate the pas­ time and strength for naught? Take
the word o f any who has given himself motion o f God’s glory. Dear Christian ize that “kept for” in its real sense, or 13.00 chains. The above is to ) be a tile drain,
are expecting som ething to be done senger traffic at this place they have
inch. Said joh -will be let by sections or
to the Lord, that a life o f consecration Endeavorers, is this blessing yours ? Is w e would not hesitate to speak fo r 8divisions.
The sectiou at the outlet of the Drain
in correcting the evil complained of, erected a commodious station, with is a great deal better than he thought. it youm to know that what you learn Him and Him only. Not long ago I w
ill lie let first, and the remaining sections in their
in accordance with the diagram
Choose you this day whom you will
and they w ill not be satisfied to have
on file with the' other papers pertaining to
come be used by you for Jesus’ glory? to die, but it is a still more awful now
said Drains and bids will be made and received
this Congress adjourn without doing answers as waiting room , telegraph serve” with real, whole-hearted, ardent
I t is distressing to accordingly. Contracts will be made withtbe
A re you, day by day, using your powers, tiling to live.”
office and ticket office. This we are in­ service, and l ie will receive yon and increasing your knowledge fo r Jesus’ think o f death, but we shudder when lowest responsible bidder givingadcqnate Security
something toward correcting it.
you will find, as every truly consecra­
r the performance of the work, in a snm tobe
formed is only temporary, and as busi­ ted Christian has found, that H e is so sake?
H ave you dedicated to Him we think how many souls will be either fo
fixed by me. The date for the completion o f each
and the terms o f payment therefor, shall
good a Master, that you are fully satis­
B e r r i e n S p r i n g s E r a last week de­
announced at the time and place of ietiing.
that H e who made every power can saved there are many, oh, so many, be
f nrtber hereby given, that at the time
voted nearly a column to the interest
I f and place o f said letting said Drain, the assess­
Furthermore, I give use every power—memory, judgment, ready to think and act as you do.
W ith the magnificent M. C. depot want to go free.
made by me, will be subject to
Of O. W . Coolidge, o f Niles, as candi­
you the words o f the Good Master him­ imagination, quickness o f apprehension you perish in doing wrong, how many review.
date fo r Congress, to succeed Julius C. and the modern one on the Vandalia self, “ I f they obey and serve Him, they or insight; specialties o f musical, po­ are ready to follow you! Y oung man
Dated this 12th day o f August, A. D. 1S90.
Burrows, and the Benton H arbor Pal­ line, Galien can compete with the world shall spend their days in prosperity and etical, oratorical, or artistic faculty ; you were in the saloon the other day
Drain Com. o f the Tp. of Galien.
special tastes fo r reasoning, philosophy, A friend was seeking you and found
ladium in a column remarks that there
M y servants shall sing fo r jo y o f history, natural science or natural you there. I t w as his first entrance
Wheat is coming in quite rapidly.
-w ill be no change made in the Conheart.” “ A nd who, then, is willing to history—all these may begiven to Him, Into the horrible place, but it w ill not
Miss Minnie Parker', clerk in the consecrate his service this day unto, and used by Him.
Y o u led him there: ho
Whatever H e has be his last.
-gressman from the Fourth district this
Look at the
year. This, o f coarse, w ill he decided Post Office, has resigned her position, the Lord ?” L et us consider, for a short given us He can use, i f w e only let went because you did.
H im . A nd then, “ The Lord makes the probable future o f that man’s life, and
by a convention, later on, but i f any
give our lives to Him, we must neces­ most o f what is unreservedly surren­ can you help shuddering at your, in­
’ change be made, it will most likely not a few days before returning to her sarily devote each moment to H im : for dered to Him,” and the power o f our fluence and thinking i t is an awful
be to Mr. Coolidge.
The only fault
Y ou n g man, you use
life is made up of moments ju s t as intellects w ill increase in His hands, thing to liv e?
W e are pleased to see Mr. Chris. water is made up o f molecules; then a just the same as the “ loaves and fishes’
Turn, and* you will see an­
w e hear with Mr. Burrows is in bis
manner o f deciding who shall hold the W hite rapidly recovering from the consecrated life is made up o f conse­ were multiplied, i f we will only give other just behind you putting out his
-A L L KINDS OFthem to Him.
B ut what right have hand to receive the vile stuff. Stop, I
petty offices about the district, as he wound received on his foot by an ax, crated moments just as true and pure we at all, 1 w ould ask, to use our intel­ tell you, ere yonr influence over him is
seems to. have the faculty o f making so that now he only needs a cane in­ Now, We arrive at the conclusion that lects fo r ourselves?
H e purchased deadened.
Y oung lady, you Were ab­
there is no such thing as serving two them that they might be instruments sent from church; out for pleasure;
Some bitter enemy every tim e he stead o f a pair.
A m ong other improvements which masters: for moments cannot be di­ for His glory, and to Him they belong. d dn’ t mean anything bad by it, but
makes an appointment.
vided, Now, i f one moment be given Our wills also ought to be given to and went just to have a little fun. D o you
these be sufficient in number to ren­ Mr. John Babcock has placed on his
A consecrated Christ­ know that your absence was noted by
-DONE A N D to Christ and tlienext tw o to the devil, k ept b y Him.
der the candidacy o f Mr. Burro ws kazour life w ill not ho pure: for the one ian is a Christian whose w ill is.God’s several non-church goers, whose re­
rodaus, Is a question for the conven­ down last week. W e would like to pure moment will be corrupted by m ix­ will, whose way is God’s way. I t is marks will besomewhat like this, ‘ ‘She
And as impossible to conceive o f a person fo l­ isn’ t much o f a Christian after all, and ALL WORK GUARANTEED.
tion to carefully consider. Should the know when he expects to have it filled. ture with the tw o evil ones.
Jackson's meat market lias consumed the constituents are not pure, It fol­ lowing the commands o f liis own will I don’ t believe there is much to this
convention decide that a change be
lows that the composition is not pure. and yet leading a consecrated life. The religion. A t any rate, I ’ll not trouble
necessary, fo r this reason, for the safe­ in the neighborhood of 20 cattle in Having gone thus far, we are able to Lord says, “ He that hath Mv command­ myself about getting it, if it don’ t make
In Henderson’s room, Front sheet, first
ty o f the ticket, they w ill have a good about five weeks.
see, that if we give our moments to the ments and keepeth them, he i t is that a person any better.” But, oh, to look at door east of Trenheth's new building.
Mrs. Samuel Pen well has accepted Lord, we°hiust let Him use them : for loveth Me.” I f we do as w e desire we the other side: to know that they will
care to make a change fo r the better
how can He use a thing which is al­ do not keep God’s commandments; and follow you and you may lead them to
rather than the Worse. There can be a position in Mr. Tim Smith’s store,
ready occupied? A nd if n e uses them. if we do not keep H is commandments look away from the evils o f this world
no other reason fo r a change but to and began her duties on Monday morn­ I am confident they Will he pure. In we are not leading consecrated lives. and seek after heavenly things. H ow
satisfy the caprice and anger o f these ing.
looking over our past lives, I know A ll true surrender o f the will is based sweet to know that each one o f us may
First publication, Aug. 14,1899.
Mr. E. A . Blakeslee returned on that each one o f its can see so many, upon love and knowledge of, and con­ hear that “ Gome ye blessed o f my
TATE OF MICHIGAN, Second Judicial Cir­
disappointed office seekers, There are
Oh, may each one of Father,” If we only would!
cuit, in Chancery. Suit pending in the Circuit
What a
oh, so many misspent moments. Mo­ fidence in, God.
Court fo r the County o f Berrien, in Chancery, on
but few districts in the United States Tuesday morning from his camping
ments which, had they been given to us so know, and love, and confide in blessing to know that He will use our 1he30tUday o f July, 1890, wherein Katie Monroe
whose representative is as prominent,
Jesus, would be blessed mementos Him, that our prayer may be, “ Take influence, if we only consecrate it to is Complainant ana Joel M. Monroe is Defendant.
i t satisfactorily appearing to this court, by
In the national or party councils as is expresses him self as highly delighted filling us with joy, instead o f sorrowful my w ill; Thou knowest it is T h in e: for Him, in such a manner that we will affidavit
on file, that the defendant; Joel M. Mon­
the representative from this district with the natural scenery about the remembrances wafting to us again and I promised to do whatever Thou ; never regret it. but the femembranee roe, is not a resident of this State, hilt resides at
in the State o f Blinois. On motion o f
again the sad refrain, “ W hat might sliouldst ask. Take m y heart, my love, o f which will be to us a lasting source O. W . Coolidge,
Solicitor for complainant, it is
and we cannot expect any new man to
my very s e lf: 1 would be all fo r Thee.” o f joy.
toe defendant, Joel M. Monroe, cause
Mr. H enry Hess and W ill Hall, o f
arise to that point without long serI
be entered herein within four
those moments with His own blessed
months from the date o f this order, and in case
vise. Mr. Burrows is the hest Con­ Three Oaks, mafle a short visit to our life an light, had we only said. “ Take man which ought to be really and truly faithful to the work intrusted to us. o f his appearance that he cause his answer to the
them. ”
“ W hat use can H e make o f consecrated to Christ it is our influence. L et us remember our vow to do what­ complainant’s b ill o f complaint to be filed, and a
gressman the Fourth district can have, village on Monday,
to he served on said complainant’ s
L et us copy thereof
Mr. Drew, surveyor, visited this mere moments,” do you ask ? I will H ow few o f us stop to thiuk what w ill ever H e would have us do.
and it is for the convention to decide
within twenty days after service on Wm
be the result o f this written or spoken daily renew our consecration, and daily osolicitor
f a copy o f said bill and notice o f this order; and
whether they consider him the most place on Tuesday, in consequence o f a history o f the Church, and see how word, or what effect will It have upon go forth with new strength and cour­ that in default thereof said bill be taken as con­
fessed by the said non-resident defendant. I t is
Y ou can, for a sliort time, buy the celebrated
available candidate.
often the greatest good and those things
further ordered; that within twenty days after the
hereof said complainant cause a notice o f
which had the mightiest influence on consider the subject o f human influ­ L et ns put our whole souls-into the date
order to be pnblised in the Bnchauau Record,
Our powers in that direction work and endeavor to fulfill our mis­ athis
Mr. Jay Jones is now running the the worldpwere the productions o f but ence.
newspaper printed, published and circulating
county, and: that such publication be con­
R ep u b lica n County’ Convention.
post-office, and is doing things up in a moment in the life o f some one of difficult to conceive how two persons
daily, hourly, yes each moment- “Pray tinued therein at least once a week for six weeks
in succession, or that he cause a copy of this older
The County Convention held in Ber­ grand style.
have been spent in the utterance o f a can meet and converse together with: without ceasing” and let our prayers to he served personally on said defendant at least
rien Springs, yesterday, was fu lly at­
In H a lf Russia Binding, for $1.50 per volume.
Mr. W m . Gaunt threshed at Mr. Se- few words or in the performance of a out exerting a mental influence. A n d be accompanied by our deeds. L et us twenty days before the time prescribed for his ap­
tended by all o f the several township bastey’s, near Dayton, SCO bushels o f kind act, or it m ay have been occupied every person who examines himself keep before ns the image o f the blessed pearance.
delegations, and was as enthusiastic Wheat and oats in six hours- I f any in recording some thought which has critically, will observe that, however Savior, that we may become more like Circuit Court Commissioner for Berrien Co., Mich.
book agent can ever offer you this chance, and I can
O. W. COOLIDGE, Complainant's Solicitor.
short his interview with another person
Then may the Lord bless each
and harmonious a convention as has machine has done better, trot out your since been o f much com fort to many a may have been, it has had an effect Him.
Last publication, Sept. 25,1S90.
one o f us and make us truly refined
onlv&ky^tO sets at these terms, when prices w ill be advanced.
weary soul.
I f we thought more o f
been held in Berrien county in a num­ report.
what would be the result o f the way upon him ; and that everything he and noble men and women,
Volum e now-on_.cmie.as a sample, at
------------ — —-----------ber o f years.
Our township sent a fu ll delegation we spend tfie moments o f life, we noticed in the manner, conversation,
E sta te o f A le x a n d er Lam b.
E. C. Griffin has on exhibition at
R osco D. D ix was selected as chair­ to Berrien on the 20th, to attend the would shudder at the responsibility
First publication July 14,1890.
in some degree, his conduct, and has
man, and F red A , W oodruff, o f Water­ County Convention fo r selection o f resting upon us. Only a moment! you changed, in some degree, his character. his store a mammoth tooth, found by
TATE OF MICHIGAN, Comity of Berrien,—ss.
just dranlc the first glass o f liquor,
o f the Probate Court for said
vliet, Secretary. The usual committees delegates to the Slate Convention.
young man, and though you cannot see This matter o f influence is not a thing the flam. The tooth is supposed to Joe County, held at the Probate ofllce, in the Village
on the ISth day Of August,
on Credentials, permanent organization
it. there surely awaits you a drunkard’s o f choice; we cannot evade or avoid from the jaw of a mastodon.—N iles in theyearone thousand
eight hundred and ninety.
, Judge of Probate.
grave. Only a m o m e n t! you lit your
and order o f business w ere appointed,
or Alexander Lamb,
•M O R T G A G E SA LE .
Consecrated In d iv id u a lity .
first cigar, and unconsciously you will
A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’ S S A L E ,
and after the n oon hoar reported, when
HE Sum o f three hundred tw o dollars and
form a habit disgraceful to yourself lim it, than there is o f setting a bound
On reading and filing the petition, duly verified,
the convention divided into represen­ Buchanan, Sunday ever ing, Aug* 10* 1S130, bv Miss and dishonorable to your God. A false­ to the far-vibrating sound-wayes, or
First publi cation J u ly31,1890.
ofM . A. Lamb, widow o f said deceased, praying
A M odel R a ilw a y .
that administration o f said estate may lie granted date o f this notice on a m ortgage m ade byTATE OF MICHIGAN, County Of Berrien, SB—
tative district conventions and select­ Charlotte Wilbur.]
hood, the work o f a moment, and you watching their flow through the invis­
The Burlington Route, C. B. & Q. R. to John T. Beckwith, or some other suitable per­
In the matter oithe estate o f Theodore L.
Decem ber 1st, ISSSj and record ed December
M y Dear Y oung F riends:—Did you: leave behind you a heart whose faith ible air. N ot a sentence that passes R., operates 7,000 miles o f road, with son.
Borden, deceased.
ed the follow ing delegates:
1st, 1888, in L ib e r-35 o f Mortgages, on page 538,
is hereby given, that in pursuance o f an
termini in Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, day of September next,at ten o’clock in the fore­ - in the office ofth o Register or Deeds o f Berrien order giranted
State. F irst Dist.—N .A .IIa m i.ton , ever ask yourselves the questions, why in God and man is forever shattered. deeds o f others.
the undersign ed, Lucius Hubbard,
N ot an act o f ours Omaha, Kansas City and Denver. F o r noon,
County, Michigan, which said mortgage was, Administratorto ot
ho assigned for .the heating of said petition,
you are in this world, what God’s will Only a onm ent! the cruel blow is given
the estate of said Theodore L.
St. Joseph; Thos. Mars, Berrien ;A 1. is respecting you, aud what His pur­ and a soul returns to its Maker. Oh, but what has its effects, for good or
and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all o n the twelfth day o f January, 1880, du ly as­ Borden, deceased, by the H on. J mlge o f Probate,
speed, safety, comfort, equipment, other persons interested in said estate, are re­ signed by said Conrad Scherer to W illiam II. fo
Berrien, Michigan, on the 29th
V incent, B enton; G. N . Parlceton, Oro­ pose is in bestowing upon you all the then, take heed, I bes ecli you ; make evil, upon some other person. Just as track, and efficient service it has no quired to appear at a session of said court, then to IVallou, and. said assignment was, on the said day o f July, A . D. 1890,
therem il he sold at public
We have this your .humble prayer, “ Take iny are our lives, so are the lives o f those equal. The Burlington gains new pat­ be holden at the Probate Office, in the village of twelfth day o f January, 185,9, duly recorded in vendue, to the highest bidder, at the northwest
n ok o; W . A . Baker, W atervliet; Thos. blessings that you enjoy?
the office o f said Register o f Deeds, in volume corner o f the premises, in the County o f Berrien,
Berrien Springs, and show cause, if any there be,
with wliom we associate.
Here is a rons but looses none.
why the prayer of the petitioner should not he 41 oi Mortgages, o n page 232. Pursuant there­ in said State, on Monday, the 15th dav o f Septem­
Clark, Pipestone; H orace Tabor,Sodus;
young man: ask him what led him to
fore to the pow er o f sale in said mortgage con­ ber, A. D. 1SII0, at one o ’clock in the afternoon o f
granted. And it is further ordered, that said peti­
but it is sufficiently plain that one o f am so weak.”
tioner give notice to the persons interested in said tained the premises therein described,'to-wU; that day (subject to all encumbrances »y mort­
M ilford Merwin, Royalton; John Lane, them is that we may be instruments in
A far off I hear the sweet refrain,
eBtnte, of the pendency of said petition, and the The sonth thirty-five (35) acres o f the southwest gage or otherwise existing at the time ol the death
Burlington Route.
L in coln ; C- -H. Farnnm. Hagar.
H is hands in saving perishing souls. “ Take mjr hands and let them move at it the fact that over five hundred
hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to quarter o f the southeast quarter o f section six of said deceased, or at the time o f sale, and also
he published in the Buchanan Becord, a news­ teen (16) in to wn five (5) south, o f range nine teen subject to the right o f dower and the homestead
Oh! if we prophesies have been literally and re­
State. Second Dist.—J. J. YanRiper, F or in 1 Timothy, 4 :10 we read, “ Take the impulse o f thy love,’’
west, except therefrom five (5) acres out of rights o f the widow of said deceased therein) the
“ The Burlington’s Number One” paper printed and circulated in said count}; three (19)
markably fulfilled? No. Was it that
the northeast corner thereof heretoiore convey­ following describedreal estate, to-wit:
succeSBive weeks previous to said day oi'heariug.
In the
N iles; W illard Teft, Chickaming; Wm.
y deed, being in Berrien County, State o f township o f Galien, Berrien county,Michigan,the
capable o f doing any moment, we would
trine; continue in them: fo r in doin
Michigan, will be sold a tp u b lic auction, a t the east half ofth c northeast quarter o f section
Judge ol'Probate.
Chamberlain, Three Oaks; W . I. Bab­ this thou slialb both save thyself and unhesitatingly say, “ Take them,” and No. Was it the wonders o f Calvary at 1 :00 p. m. and arrives at Denver at
front door o f the Court House in the village o f twenty-four (24); the southeast fractional quarter
East publication Sept. 4 ,1S90.
cock, N iles; E. A , Blakeslee, Galien; I. them that hear the.”
Berrien Springs, in said county, on
It was fo r this- not only “Take them,” but “Keep them,” and . the resurrection? No. W as it -6:80 p. m. the next day. Quicker time
of said section twenty-four (24); the Bouthwest
F rid a y , tito tw e n ty -fo u rth (24th) d ay quarter of the northeast quarter o f said section
M. Vincent, Buchanan; R. M. Goocl- purpose that Christ came into this Y o u think it a little strange to give the unearthly sublimity o f its doctrines than by any other route. Direct con­
twouty-four (24), being about 138 acres, all iu
and beauty o f its prospects?
No; nection with this /train from Peoria.
o f O ctob e r, 1 8 9 0 ,
township eight (s) south, range nineteen ( 19) west.
' win, Chickaming; C. C. Hodges, New . world, and lived, and died, and rose your hands to be kept ; you think your Well, what was it ?
He will answer Additional express' trains, making as
at one o'clock, in the afternoon, to entisry the
Terms made known ait time and place o r sale.
again, and was crowned King o f .Kings, judgment sufficient to guide t hem. But
amount due on said Mortgage, Together with the
Buffalo; Joel Gillette, Bertrand; E. L. and Lord o f Lords. I t should not then stop a minute and look at your hand. that he had not read the Bible and quick time as those o f any other road,
attorney fe e allowed by law mentioned therein,
Hamilton, Niles.
be thought, strange or a thing to be See how wonderfully It is made, how knew but little o f it, had heard but
Thirty-two acres, 4;i miles northwest of Bu­ and costs o f foreclosure.
Last publication Sepr. 11, .890.
•July24th, 1890.
Congressional. First Dist.— W. F. wondered at, that the business o f perfectly adapted to perform its func­ few sermons, but the holy life and St. Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs, chanan.. There is a flame bouse, ham anil out­
earnest pleading,talk o f a young man, Qmalia,' Cheyenne, Denver, Atchison, buildings on the. place. About.T acres in orchard.
Assignee ol' said Mortgage.
jSesseiy St. Joseph; J. K . P« McCulloch, c 1m?i stains on the earth is the salvation tions, how ingeniously connected with convinced him that there was some­ Kansas City, Huston aud all points Good windmiU.- Enquire on the premises.
Att’ y for Assignee.
o f souls through the Gospel, Is it n ot
* ... M R S . F R E D E R IK A A B E LE .
A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’ S S A L E .
Berrien;, C. M. Becraft, W atervliet; W. the chief thiDg for which we are placed Whether it is soft and white with an
thing in that man’s life lie did not pos­ W est,N orthwest and Southwest-23
‘ M .L ord , L in coln ; W . L . George, Ben­ here, and should it n ot be to us a very easy life, or hard and.strong from labor, sess, and showed him the need o f a
First publication July 24,1890,
Drain Letting.
Ah, dear friends, the
It does Savior’s help.
ton ; S; Handy, H agar; W . P . Iiarman. precious and glorious'end for Which to it is the Lord Jesus Christ’s.
PHA c t s a n d p h y s i c .
STATE OF MICHIGAN. I "VIOTICE isherebygiven, tbatl, William Brocens,
CotTNTr op Btsnnrsy, ( as’
Bearing upon this same line o f not belong to you at all; it is His. And: best commentary on the’Bible that the
Oronoko; Anson Lewis, Pipestone; C. live?
III Drain Commissioner o f the Township of Bu­
Important to women-—men.
In the matter oithe estate o f Phcbe Geyer, de­
thought are the words o f Rom, 14:12, He lias an added right to it, for be world has ever seen is a holy life!
chanan, County o f Berrien, State of- Michigan, ceased.
' - v^C. Bell. Sodus; Frank Stewart, Bain- “ So then every one o f us shall give ac­ purchased it that it might be an in ­ W hat if this young man’s life had been
Sick Headache.
w ilLonthelst day of September, A .D . 1890, at the
Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance o f an
count o f him self to G od "; aDd .Tames strument for His glory. Did you ever
L oose’ s R ed Clover P iles Core
o’clock in the forenoon o f that day, proceed to re­ of the CBtate of.aaid deceased, by the lion . Judge
ceive bids for the cleaning and deepening ol a o f Probate, for the County o f Berrien, on. 41io22d
- - Congressional.' Second D isk—E. L. 2 : 20, “ But wilt thou know, O vain man. think o f that b efore? H ave you really not been consecrat d to- the L ord ! sick headache, dyspepsia, indigestion,
certain Drain known as the “ Weesaw ana Bu­ day o f J uly, A. D. 1S90, there will be sold at public %
devoted to Ilim the use o f your hands?
constipation. 25c per box, 5 boxes for
Ham Iton; Nires; Wm. .II. Marston, that faith without works is dead ?*'
chanan No. 8 Drain, located and established in vendue, to the highest bidder, at the premises to
It is agrand thought that God has an Have you sincerely asked Him to take young people whose lives show that $1. F o r sale by Barmore.
the said township of Buchanan, and described as be sold, in the Coun ty of Berrien, in eaid State, o n
• Chickaming; Geo. W . Rough, Bertrand; individual work for-each one of ns to and keep them for H im self? I do not they walk in that straight and narrow
s, to-wU: Beginning at Boyle lake and Saturday, the Gth day of September, A. D. 1899, at
Y oung Staylate—Y es. Miss Edith, I
running to the Galien river, through sections 12 one o’clock in the afternoon o f that,day (subject to
W m , Sullivan, Lake; L . P . Alexander; d o; it is ours; and I believe that every mean to give you the impression that path which leads to eternal life. A s I
Said job will be let by sections or divi­ all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise ex­
always pay as I go. Edith—Indeed!
sions. The section at the outlet of the Drain will be isting at the time o f the death o f said deceased, or
Buchanan; T. A . Low ry, N iles; Geo. duty faithfully performed is a stepping we are always to be doing some defi­ said before, our very words are either Then I suppose you never pay ?
the remaining sections in their order at the time o f sale), the following described real
- - stream,in. accordance with the diai------ --------- - estate, to-wit: Tito southwest quarter o f the
W , Noble, Buchanan; Henry L . Hess, stone to other and greater opportuni­ nitely “ religious” work, as it is styled; therefore, to consecrate to H im and
iHibhard’s Rheumatic andXiver Fills. ■
ties. I believe it because God baa prom­ but that all w e do is to be always defi­
northeast quarter,and thonorth half o f t i e south
- Three Oaks; E. P. E ly,N iles ; Lycurgns ised i t and his promises are always nitely done for Him. W ith this thought for His serviee, the instruments of
............... . . ...............
Igly east quarter o f section nineteen (19), in town,
These Pills are scientifically com­
Contiacts will be made with tbelowest responsible seven (7) south,range seventeen (17) west, in Ber­
■ Jeffreys; Galien.
sure. “F o r whosoever hath, to him in mind, can we taks up tilings which
bidder giving adequate security fo r the perfotmple carry the idea that-hasty, foolish, ing pain po commonly follow ing the Repairing Gold Spectacles a Specialty. anceof tbe w ork,in a sum to be fixed by me. The rien county, Michigan.
- ’ Senatorial. First Dist.—Marion Nor- . shall be given, and he shall have more we know are not fo r Him and would
date for the completion o f such contract, and the
God will help us, and not be used by H im ? Cards,.for in­ or exaggerated words must and will use o f pills. They are adapted to both
terms o f payment therefor, Bhall be announced at
"ith rop , Bainbridge; F . R. Gilson, Ben- abundance,”
Sept. '4,1890.
Or. can we hold in our bands slip out, and they- cannot help it. But adults and children with- perfect safe­
guide us, and we may find and do each stance!
tbe time anti place o f lotting.
tont-.W . H . Merrill, B errien; W ilbnr day just what he would have ns do, if books o f such, a sort as we baye again I believe we can. First, such words ty. W e guarantee they have no equal in
Dated this 21st day o f Ansnst, A . D. 1890.
- f f l AV r i i p T l SALESMEN TO SELL MY
P ratt,H agarj Joseph Heiser, Lincoln; we only trust in Him,
Did you ever and again found by sad experience, should not have place in the heart, i f the cure of Sick H eadache, Constipa­
* I AA-Ia A J i A / f Nnraerv Stock. All goods Township Drain Com. o t Township o f Buchanan.
J Geo, € fr " '
''onokeg W . S. Tatmao<,, : think o f i t m tjiat light? Some work lead us farther and farther from Him ? it be truly consecrated to Christ. And. tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, and as an warranted firat-clase. Permanent, profitable-po­
one o f the Oldest and BeBt and f i l e C heapest
some soul would Books which fill our niinds with all second, i f such thoughts' and words appetizer, they excel any other prep­ sition for tbe right man. Cash paid weekly.
Mrs. Allen’s Parisian Face Bleach. fo
F lW '
'kjlyer, Royal ton;
W eek ly F a m ily S tory P a p e r in A m erica.
OulornMair Wash. Mamma Dura, tor devel­
'buy would npt be sorts o f evils and choke out whatever are not in the heart they will n o t bs aration.
N o experience necessary. Write for terms, giv­
Tong columns o f fascinating stories every week
" 5
; L. C. F yfe, S tj-fek
o f good there is.
T w o things cannot spoken. “B u t” you say, “ I am not re­
ing age and references..
Ilf«ous hair. Bang dressing. A ll good3vrhol£Salt Price.S2.0Q a year. -One y e a r o n ’trial t o Mew
subscribers, o n ly 8 1 . 0 0 . Scndntmnnforsample
word “its” only occurs once in
and retail. Sends cis. for illustrated circular.
using occupy the same place at the same sponsible for what I think.” Indeed, theThe
C. L . YATES & CO.', Nurserymen,
copy. Potter & Potter. PabUehcro, S® Hawlev st.
Fam ine o f fine hair goods. Mrs. R.AV.Allcn,
wholO o f the Bible. '
sir) Wood. Ar., DciTOit, Mich. Sold bg druggists. Boston. Mats.
AY* for tim ej when ligh t comes,, darkness yan- you are. Truly, thoughts w ill com e to
R6pnEE'rEB,N.Y. •
u c h a n a n
eco r d
dton, Niles T p.; R obert Allen, Niles
City; W m . Cantrell, Niles City ; Frank­
lin Gaudy. N ew Buffalo; S. F . Pinned,
Cfuckuming; B, D. Dennison, Galien ;
R . IT. Whipple, Lake; W m. C, Hall,
Three Oaks; W. M. Pierce, W eesaw;
Geo, Searls, Buchanan; Freeman
Franklin, Bertrand.
County Committee.—John Hamilton,
Niles Tp.; W . II, Stroop isfc ward, L.
A , Duncan 2d ward, W . M, Hutton ad
ward, J . J. YanRiper 4th ward, 11. C.
Platt 5th ward, Niles City; J. Y . Phil­
lips, N ew B uffalo; J. C. Morgan, Chieam ing; F . C. Simpson, Galien; D. IL
Whipple, L a k e; F . F . Sovereign, Three
Oaks; II. B. Terrill, W eesaw; John
Graham, Buchanan; Geo. A . Corel!,
Bertrand; E. N . Matron, Bainbrklge;
Thos. Mars, Berrien; M. J* Vincent,
Benton: E. L . Kingslond, Hagar; John
Lane, L in coln ; R. D. Dix, Oronoko;
Anson Lewis, Pipestone; R. D. Colyei’,
Royal ton: R. M. Hogue, Sodas; N. A .
Hamilton, St. Joseph; W . A , Baker,
The committee Selected as delegates
at large:
L. A . Duncan to the State
Convention; and R. IX D ix to the Con­
A . N . W oodruff introduced a resolu­
tio n endorsing the candidacy o f Hon.
Thomas Mars fo r Lieutenant Governor,
and requesting the delegates to the
State Convention to use every honor­
able endeavor to secure his nomination.
Mr. N . M. Lord, o f Lincoln, intro­
duced the follow ing resolution, which
was enthusiastically adopted by a
rising vote:
Ihm lnrt, That we, Republicans in
con vention assembled, endorse the a c­
tion of our Congressman, lion . J. C.Burrows, and hereby express our ap­
preciation o f his services.
A meeting of the County Committee
was held immediately alter the ad­
journment o f the convention, and an
organization effected by the selection
o f the following officers:
Rosco I).
Dix, Chairman; II. L. Potter, Secretary;
Thomas Mars, Treasurer. Executive
Committee, E. L . Kingsland, N. A.
Hamilton, M. J. Vincent, John Hamil­
ton, Geo. A.*CoxelI.
refs' Sale Room
The next time you come to Buchanan,
bring along your feet and have them
fitted with a pair o f our elegant
so noted for ease and comfort. There
is nothing made to equal them.
and Jeweler.
Good ones for little money, and want
to sell them.
In frame building next east o f Bedden
block, Front Street.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Buchanans Mich.
B uchanan
R ecord.
T H U R S D A Y , AU G U ST 21, 1890.
Batered at the Post-office at Buchanan, Mich.,
as second-class matter.
T his place was treated t o just enough
rain fo r an aggravation, Sunday morn­
ing. Barely enough to lay the dust
and cool the atmosphere.
B ast week w e mentioned th a t Mrs.
Ella Morse died a t the hom e o f her
mother in this plape, when w e should
have said daughter.
A tarantula measuring over fou r
inches across was found in a bunch o f
bananas* in Benton Harbor, Friday,
and slaughtered.
Has moved into Ms new brick building
on Front street, fo o t o f Day’s ave.,
and has the largest stock o f new
For Gentlemen’s Wear,
to be found in Berrien county at the
lowest living prices fo r good work.
W e publish this week the lecture
delivered by Miss Charlotte Wilbur, in
tbe Christian church, Sunday evening
o f last week.
P ainter s have made a great change
in the appearance o f Dr. R oe’s block,
and are now at work on E . J . Roe’s
building* the old U nion block.
Miss A n n a E stes left Tuesday
morning fo r Phoenix, Arizona, where
she has been engaged as a teacher for
the Coming year.
Miss G r a c e H o l l o w a y , o f LaPorte
county* has been visiting her young
Buchanan friends, and While here was
tbe guest o f Miss Daisy Richards.
now arriving, o f which
M r . F r e d W ag n er and family, o f
Pullman, who have been visiting at
Mrs. Wagner’s in the bend Of river, re­
turned to their home yesterday.
I d Inspection is
Buchanan Markets.
Corrected weekly by Bishop & Kent.
Hay—So @ 8S per ton.
Butter— l'21jC .
Salt, retail—$ 1.00
Flour—$4.40 © $3.00 per bbl., retail.
Live poultry—.7c.
Wheat,— 9Se.
Oats -;?0c.
Beans— [email protected].
Live Hogs—$3.23.
R epublican C ounty Convention.
A Republican County Convention,
for the nomination o f candidates fo r
county offices and fo r tbe transaction
o f such other ousmes a- may properly
ecme before the convention, will he
held at Bi m en springs
W EDM F n D A I h i 1 T, IT, 1SS)0,
al H o clock a m.
Tlie everal townships, and wards o f
the city o f Miles, will be entitled to
representation in such convention,
based on the Gubernatorial vote o f
ISbs. as follow s:
n i i n o t*.
f ir s t
No Delegates
Baintoitlgc.................. ....36 9 ,..........
. . . . . . . . . tl
R enton....................... ...1320............... ............. 33
Berrien...................... ....4 1 8 ............... .............12
Hasar......................... ,...229............................... 7
L in co ln ..,.................. ....40 7 ................ ..............11
Oronolto...................... ....5 8 0 ................._____ -17
Rovalton...........................271.................. ..............8
S o d a s ..,...,,.............___ 275........... .. ..............8
Pipestane........................393............................. II
St, Joseph.................. ....935.......... .
....... .
Niles township.......... ...,4 °3 .................. ..............11
Niles City, 1st Ward.. ..,.203................. ...............6
2(1 *• .___ 213................. .
....2 4 1 ...............
4th <5 _....240............... ............ 7
............. U
5th « . ....193....... .
Galien..... .................. ....338.............. ..............10
Lake....................... . ....378................................ 11
Three Oaks................ ....123....... .......... ............ ,12
Weesaw................ ... ....833.................. ............ .10
Buchanan.................. ....S t l .................. ..............23
Bertrand.................... ....323....... ...........
T otal..................... .,10430.................. ............ 298
By Order of the Committee.
L. A . DUNCAN, Chairman.
T , L. WILKINSON, Secretary.
L ist o f letters remaining uncalled
for in the post-office at Buchanan,
Mich., fo r the week ending Aug. 12, ’90:
J oust Gr a h a m , r . M.
T h e o d o r e W o o d i x , o f t h is p la c e , i s
v e r y s ic k w ith a lo w ty p e o f fe v e r .
went Monday,
for a few weeks in Minnesota.
M is s M a b e l F
r e n c ii
Isaac M addox
i s n o w o n t h e pern
S io n r o l l .
----- ------ "d-**------------ „
is a b o y at Sime Swartz’s,
born Monday morning.
W . A . K e e l e r , o f South Bend, w a s
calling on his friends here, Monday.
S c h o o l b o o k advertisements are in
order. Dodd & Son have one this week.
M r , J ohn S u r r a n ; o f Warren, lnfl.,
is visiting his sister, Mrs. J . F . Light,
in this place.
M r . A . C. P a l m e r * o f Berrien Cen­
tre, will teach the F air Plain school
during the next seven months.
C. B i s h o p was at home over
Sunday, returning M onday t o Battle
Greek, accompanied by Mrs. K ent.
----------- » • ---------------M is s K i t t d e F o x is visiting the
fam ily o f her uncle, W . II. F ox , at
Sturgis, this week.
H o d . S t r o n g , the popular shoe man
o f St. Joseph, w a s visiting, his 2 004
Buchanan friends, yesterday.
W . M . C a s s e l l and daughter*
o f St. Louis, M o., are visiting Geo,
Hanley and fam ily, o f this place.
M rs . A n n ie G l o v e r left, Monday,
fo r a visit o f a few weeks in Cleveland,
W allace
R il e y
returned, last
evening, from: his visit to Lockport,
H ew York.
M r s . G e o . A n d e r s o n and Mrs. C. E.
W h ite went, this morning, fo r a visit,
to Madison and Painsville, Ohio.
M rs. A dams has been held to an­
swer the charge o f forgery, in the Cir­
cuit CourM n South Bend.
^ o t l i e b C o n r a d t , o f this township*
has been granted a pension o f $0 per
iontik f rom A pril 1, 18S6. Secured
/thT0ug«vhe agency o f A lex. Emery.
T h e N il
ownship Democrats w ill
meet in cai
at the office o f C. L .
Barron, in H it
ext Saturday, at 2
p .m -
Miss E d i t h Y o t n
w h o h as been
visiting friends at
u a n d o th e r
places, the past two
s, retu rn ed
h a s re h
: the Oak stre^ ™ 6
is making prepaintriA*
r field o f labor.
MR. Chas. Sa w y e r moved his fami­
ly to a stock farm near LaPorte, yes­
terday, where he has secured a position
as manager of the stock.
R ev . J. F . A d a ir , o f Ohio, will
preach in the Oak street Advent church
Sunday morning and evening. A ll
are cordially invited to hear him.
T he Niles Star says: “Elmer Cauffman threshed l.GOljo bushels o f wheat
Monday, on the W m . H oag farm, be­
tween T o’clock and sundown—sun­
down in China,”
T he job o f printing election tickets
will not go to tbe local printing offices
this fall. The State printing office at
Lansing will have a monopoly ou that
W e had a little more rain Monday.
There was a quite heavy storm a short
distance north o f town, but baerly
enough to dampen the dust in tbe cen­
tral part o f town.
The Straw Trust. A s a result o f the meeting o f farm­
ers held in G. A . R. Hall, in Kiles, they
adopted the following, which the Star
says was signed by nearly COO farm ers:
W e, the undersigned, hereby agree,
to enter into the following compact,
and in consideration o f the mutual
covenants, stipulations* and agree­
ments herein contained and signed, do
A number o f former residents o f 1 respectively, strictly, and honorably
Pennsylvania, now residing here, at­ agree to be hound thereby, for the pur­
pose o f our mutual protection, advan­
tended the “ Snyder County Picnic”, at tage and benefit:
Elkhart, last Saturday, and report hav­
1. That we are farmers and produc­
ing an excellent time. They estimate, ers, and residents o f Berrien county,
2. That this compact and agreement
the attendance at 10,000 people.
shall be, and continue, in force for one
Beistle Bros, o f this place sang fpr year from the date thereof.
3. That we will not, during the life­
---------- -— time o f this agreement, sell, assign,
transfer or deliver* directly or indirect­
T h e r e Wat a threshing machi
at Frank Jerrue’s. south-east o f Galien, \ ly, straw o f a n y . kind grown, raised,
or harvested, on our respec­
Saturday. Charles Moore had his ma­ produced
tivelands* farms or tenements, whether
chine upon the grounds and b a d . owned, held under lease or rental, or
threshed the bulk o f one rick when/ worked, on shares, to any person or
fire caught in the one on the opposite persons whomsoever, or to any compa­
ny, co-partnership or coiporation, or
side o f the machine, and burned it arid
their o r either o f their agents, ser­
the butt o f the one they were wording vants or employes, to be used for man­
ufacturing or merchantable purposes,
at, and not for a less price, than TWO
DO LLA R S per ton. at the premises,
Marriage Licenses.
o r FO UR D OLLARS per ton delivered.
f John W. Moss, Niles,
4. F o r a violation o f any o f the fore­
j Hyclia Yaughn,
going agreements, the party so offend­
( William E. Wyman, St. Joseph.
ing shall forfeit and pay, on demand,
iiud j Jessie M, Lewis,
to the other parties hereto, or to sucli
person or persons as may be designat­
* .'n, j Frederick Stetlci', Pittsburg, Pa,
i ( Ida Inghny, St. Joseph.
ed by the parties . hereto, fo r each and
every violation, as liquidated damages,
CharlesKoadwalcl, St. Joseph.
the sum o f Ten Dollars.
1 uo | Elizabeth Shearer, Bainbridge.
5. The proceeds o f such fines and
( James Shelden, Three Oaks.
damages shall he applied in the pay­
iiUU l Lena Ghatterson, “
ment o f the expenses necessary to the
Sclmeek, Stevensville.
110 ’ . ( Carle
carrying out o f the objects and pur­
1 <■
poses o f this agreement, and as direct­
M r . J , E. French. w h oh as been off
duty several months on account o f
tw o attacks o f typhoid fever, went
East in June and returned Saturday,
yery much improved by the cool
breezes o f Lake Ontario, and expects
to resume his work with the Econo­
mist plow company, soon.
The next aunual encampment o f the
G. A . R .is to be held in Detroit. A m ong
Other business done in Boston, was the
adoption o f a resolution asking congress
to order the removal o f the remains o f
Gen.Grant from K ew Y o rk to Arlington
cemetery in Washington. A lso asking
congress to prohibit the display o f the
stars and bars on any occasion.
B U C H A N A N ,
to handle th is P low . M ade in
either Steel o r chilled Iron.
M IC H .
A lso f a ll lin e o f S T E E L m id
C H IL L E O W A K H O re P L O W S .
Handles so
easy any small
Boy who can
drive a team,
can do strictly
with it.
Drink Tycoon Tea. Chew “Frank’s
T ak e N otice, Soldiers.
Div D. S. Armer, U. S. Pension A t­ Choice” finecut. The best goods in tlie
torney, Indianapolis, Indiana, will be market, at
at the residence o f Mrs. Geo. Scott, on
D uncan ’s store is the place to buy
Oalc street, Buchanan, Michigan, A ug­ Gauze Vests, Tlie best in town for
ust l§ to 23 inst. to write claims for only iQc.
/ 7
soldiers. A ll are invited to call,
A sk for tbe Eiffel Black Hose, they
A large assortment o f new Fall Dress will not crock, at
Goods awaiting your inspection. Call
B O Y LE & B A K E R ’S.
and see them,
A n Organ for rent.
I am always ready to make you the
Lowest Prices, quality considered, o,
W e make tbe lowest price,
/ "tS. P. H IG H , 1 ■
B O Y L E & B A K E R.
F oe S a l e .-—I have a 4-horse power
Don’t forget that I still sell Pianos
engine and boiler, upright, in good re­ and Organs. I f you contemplate buy­
pair, for sale cheap. May be seen by ing either, see me before buying.
calling at this office,
J. G. H olmes.
H ow is the time to buy Dishes, as we
Miss Elmira Burrus is prepared to do
are closing them out to make room to
dress-making in the latest styles and
put in Hardware.
give good work. Call at her home on
.Day’s Avenue, near the depot.
Go straight to S. P. H igh 's, the Fail'
Buy a Mason^&^Handitt-Qrgan o f j .
and Square place to buy.
' '
G. IIOL3IES, and get the very Best there
Get A l . H u n t ’s prices before buying
is made.
"LKew F all Dress Goods now on sale,
at way down prices, at
C entral
A ny one wishing Hardware will do
well to ball at BISHOP & K E H T’S. C
A good Organ for $50.
Try Calumet Baking Power, at &
T R E A T BRO S. & COl
Every style o f Stationery at B a r first door east o f post-office.'
m o r e ’s ,
F O R S A L E — A good Winchester
Rifle, 22 Caliber, Rim fire long or
short. I t lias been used but little.
Price $12. F or further particulars
Buchanan, Mich.
B o x Paper.rind Tablets, at
A n d everybody wlio w ill come to buy, besides
and all School Supplies,
St. Joseph Valley Railway.
On and after Monday,’ May IS, 1S90, trains will
run ns follows:
ja. m.;p. in,
Leave Berrien S ittin gs....___ ! 0:50; G:20
Arrive Buchanan*............... ,,j 7:40; 7:10
Leave Buchanan..............
ItO-tO; S:10
Arrive Berrien Springs............ ill: 00| 9:00
Repairing Promptly Attended to.
3(1 Door Xortli of Bant, Main St.
Don’t you forget it. I have the best
Underwear in town.
S. P. H IG H y ^
Bargains in Lawns and light Summer
Goods, at
B O Y L E & B A K E R ’S.*]
B U C h a n a n , M iC fla
P LO W .
It does the work in bard ground. The best is the cheapest.
s Try one.
Tablets, Papeteris, Envelopes,
M r s . B e r r i o k is selling Millinery at ments, broom movement, $8 quality, for
$ 1. '
cost the balance of the season.
Oh, you’ll get the goods as long as they
A desirable House and L ot for sale. last! The sale will commence Friday, Aug.
Good location .and house in good re­ 1 st, and-continue during the month, rain or
shine. So,
pair. Enquire o f
H . B. D u n c a n ’ s is the place to get
Silk Umbrellas.
Go to II. B. D u n c a n ’ s for anything
you want. H e can please you in price
and quality. ■
The best W hitq Shirt to be found
for 50c, at
H . B. D U N C A N ’S. ^
Save Money by getting Al.
Prices before purchasing
Upliolstering a Specialty.
To oiu-j-eustomers during August- Geo.
Wyman » Co. want to move into their* new
quarters with new goods, and will close
out everything. They have a price. We
propose to give our customers one grand
benefit, which will include goods in every
department, lor the month of August,
Now don’t say you did not have a chance.
I recommend the Daisy Zinc Pad In
This sale will be what you would ealla stun­
preference to all others.
They are al­ ner. May be some lots will be closed out
ways satisfactory.
before the month is out; if they are you will
get no more of them -at the price, for we
shall sell them for less than they cost to
Take your Watch, Clock and Jewel­ make.
ry Repairing to H . E. LoUGn and have
KoecWin’s French Satteens 13K cents,
worth So cts.
it done right.
Arnold’s French Zephyr Gingham, 4-4 ,
J a k e B a k e r has the largeststock of
15c., worth 85c.
Leather F ly Nets in Buchanan, and
Arnold’s French Zephyr Gingham, %
is selling them cheap. H e Keeps n o wide, 1234 cts.
“ Cheap John” goods.
Printed India Sillcs, 123< cts; Surah
Silks, 25 cts; Gvos Grain’ Silks, 25 Cts;
Goods cheap for cash, at
Faille Fraincaise Silks, 25 cts; Ithodonia’s
25 ets. All the abOA'c silks are worth 75c
to § 1 .00.
Ladies, LooJi H ere! Have you seen
24-inch Sill: Plush, 50 els.
our D ongolaK id Button Shoes for only
Black Gros Grain Silk 50c, worth $1.00.
75 cent all-wool Tennis Flannel, 37j4c.
$1.50, at J. I m it o f f ’ s ? I f not, call be­
75 cent quality, wool Nappee, 35 cents.
fore buying.
American made, cotton warp Alpaca,
Any one wanting line or common Cashmere and Brocades for 10 cts, worth
Suits, fine or common Pants, domestic up to 25 cts.
$4, $5 and $6 quality Black Cliaiitilln
Flannel Shirts, and In fact anything in
Lace financings for §3. Other laces, 2c, 5c,
our line, please call and examine our 10 and 25 cents.
new line, received Aug. 12th, at
$2 Swiss Flouneings for §1. Half dollar
Edgings, 25 ets.
„ W E A V E R & CO’S.
12Yi cent Ginghams, S cents; 10 cent
- Everything in Furniture line, at
Ginghams, 5 cents; printed Chaffins, 2 cts;
A L : H U N T ’S ./ American Sattines, 3-4. 5 cts; 7-8, 6>£ cts.
Boys’, Misses’ and Children's fast black
Everything in School Books,' Slates.
Tablets, Etc., at
BARM ORE’S. £ stockings, 5 to SJ4 Inch, 50e quality, 2 pair
for 25 cents.
Ladies, our Fall Dress Goods are
50 cent Black Silk Mitts, 25 cents.
Men’s Seamless Half llose, 4 for 35 cts.
coming in daily.
Come and look at
II. B. DU NCAN./ ft Imported. 2 for 25 cents.
One lot of Efifu Corsets made for affirm
New Dress Goods for Fall, a f
that failed before the goods were deli vered,
worth—well, they look as though they were
B O Y LE & B A K E R'S.
worth $1 per pair, our price will be 39 cts.
Try M organ & Co.’s 50 cent Tea. It
Our line 5-frame Body Brussels, $1 grade
will do you good.
for 59 cts, One line all wool extra supers',
N ew G oods. Lots o f N ew Goods 45 cts.
this week, at
S. P. H IGH ’S. /4> A lot of Lace Curtains, worth $ 1 , for 50
„ > x cts. Xier
rier paur.
pair. A $10 lot of Chinol Portievs
Remember, school commences Sept. for $5 per pair.
1st, and that you can get your full sup­
Carpet Sweepers made of natural wood,
ply o f Books, at
BARM ORE’S.y bird’s eye maple, with all modern improve­
O h iM y! how good that home-made
Bread is. Try it.
I f you want a nice fitting Corset, go
H , B. D U NCAN ’S, j f .
;s Drug and Book
FRED McOMBER, Gcn'l Manager.
■' Don’t have your spectacles botched
up with soft solder. Take them t o H.
E . L o u e n ’s and have them repaired
My stock o f Millinery for sale cheap.
Plymouth Rock Eggs for hatching.
Pncilic Express, No. 9..... ............ ........4:30 A .M .
A. F. Peacock, Local Agent.*O. W. R uogi.es G .P & T. A.
Don’f/forgefc- that M o r g a n & Co.
sell the best Groceries for the least
B O Y .
New and Second-Hand,
A regular 25c Goods you can select ~Miiil, No. 4 .■. . . . . . . . ...............................
10:03 A. M
- - - - -S
- c pM
o r r * i 5 r i l f T J r r n j 'C / 7 Kalamazoo Accommodation,No.
for lac, at
C H A R LIE iL L W l©./ ^AtlanticExpress,No. 10.................... 1:2;SA.M
T Ib iL X P T S - W E S T ? .
Plenty o f A lbert’s Black Hose, war­
ranted fast black, at
Kalamazoo Accommodation. No. 13
7:52 A , M.
Mail, No. 11,................................. .........4:30 P.M .
W e have F ast Black H ose from 10c
to 75c. L ook at ours.
J *y
W e w ill surprise you on the prices AYichi<san(FHeL
o f Dress Goods, at
j \) hia*teK0teBeflaict
rVftawtPrints.-5, ow
'For 15 cent Fast Black Hose, that
will not crock or stain the feet, go to>
S.P .H IG M ’S>
Kew and Second-hand* at
H . BIKKS’. 1]
Now is the time
to buy cheap.
St . J oseph river below the county
c a p it a ls becoming quite a health and
pleasure resort f o r Chicago people.
Quittj a number haveregularly spent,
tbelrf summers at the: Shaker farm /
and iat other places in the neighborhood.XA
S & large
i» r g hotel is n o w to be ereptedat T w in Springs fo r the accomjfrot
n oiNfus trade:
Overdrafts,...... ............... .................
U. S. Bonds.......... .......... . . . . _____
Come early while the’ stock is complete.
A Farmers’ Meeting.
li.fuly 18, '8tf. July 18, ’8T July iST’tittUuly >8, ’89rJnlv 18, MO
s 08,802 04 S 97,180 18 §129,©2 77 *151,517 46 1:3159,89633
3,04 09
1,222 43
461 50
28 99
2,284 SS
12,500 00
12,500 00
12,500 00 12,500 00 12,500 00
2,050 00
2,050 00
250 00
2.050 00
14,000 00 14,000 00
RealEetuta........ ..........................................
14,000 00
14,000 00 14,000 09
2,000 DO
3,513 45 y 2,740 51
Furniture and Fixtures,....... ...................
2,000 00
2,000 00
non 1)5 I 1.207 KS
745 79
Ji.vpouses and Taxes ............................ ..
543 90
1,098 69
1,507 82
Premi uni s.......................................
2,500 00
1,507 82
2,679 68
£62 50
ttedemption Fund................ .....................
562 50
562 50
562 50
562 50
31,045 23 16.406 57
Cash and Bue iloni Banks,.... . . » .......... .
52,134 19
13,567 61 | 15,630 38
I'o ta l.......... ................................................. 8126,38343 §149,035 85 1*176,65400 |*203,32492 8245,820 07
l o a n s . .... .. 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 : . ..............
Stock-Paid in.............. ............... . — __ S 5U,UUU 00 850,000.00 8 60,000 00 S 50,000 00 850,000 00
Snrpliis...................... ................ ................. 10,000 00 10,000 OC 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00
Undivided Prodts.......................................
2,288 55
3,224 94
2,511 29
3,639 07
4,336 01
Dividends Unpaid................ ...... ...............
420 00
120 00
120 00
120 00
Circulation........ .............. ...........: ___ ____
11,250 00 11,250 00 10,750 00 1 11,250 00 11,250 «0
Rediscounts .................... ............... .
2,500 00
D E PO SIT S.........................................
32,849 87 75,154 56 100,059 06 | 128^1585 170,114 OS
d.a. . ............................
S12(i,3S8 42 8149,035 83 8176,65400 I8203,324 92 8245,82007
Gents’ Furnishing Goods.
ed by the parties hereto. '
In witness thereof, the patties to this
A Democratic Caucus o f Buchanan agreement have hereto affixed their re­
township w ill be held at the Engine spective hands and seals, this Twentyhouse, at Buchanan, on Saturday. Aug. fourth Day of June, in the year o f our
23, at 3 o’clock p. m., for the purpose Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred
o f electing delegates to attend the and Kinety.
County Convention to be held at Ber­
The success o f this arrangement
rien Springs, Aug. 2 6 ,1SOO, which will may, in a degree, depend upon wheth­
elect delegates to the State and Con­
er the mills will continue to buy the
gressional Conventions. B y order o f
straw locally or ship in their supply.
F r a n k A . St r y k e r , !
J o s e p h P . B e i s t l e , [• C o m .
The meeting also formed a Farmer’s
C has. B l o d g e t t ,
Protective Association, the object o f
which is as stated in the preamble to
T h e north shore limited train, w h ich . constitution to “Protect the interests
passes this place about three o'clock in o f its members, and establish Such
the afternoon, ran through an open trade relations between consumers
switch over a short sidetrack, into the and its members as producers as shall
middle o f a freight train, and into the be equitable” , and adopted a constitu­
freight house, at Augusta, last F riday tion and by-laws to that end. Geo.
evening, Killing the engineer and fire­ W . Rough was elected president, Levi
man, instantly, and badly injuring a Sparks, vice president, O, C. Howe,
number o f passengers.
T h e boiler secretary and Geprgo A. Corell, treas­
burst when It struck the freight house. urer.
The train had fu ll right o f way and
The next meeting is to be held the
was going about fifty miles an hour.
second Saturday in October.
Arrangements have .been made for
holding a farmers’ piphie and camp­
K i l e s Cit y expects w ork to com­
meeting on the fairljtijoUnd at Benton
mence on their Michigan Central rail­
Harbor, Hichigah^vAugust 26, 27, 28
road improvements, soon. Niles is
and 29.
W hile this meeting% held under the
probably the most liberal station that
auspices o f the Berrien County Grange,
road lias.
it is intended to be for the benefit and
enjoyment .of all the f armers and their
Miss E m m a H a m l i n , who has been
families, arid for all other, well dispos­
ed persons. A ll are welcome except
yisitiug here the past three weeks, re­
tramps, peddlers and demagogues. The
turned Monday to Englewood, to ac­
buildings on the ground will afford,
company her people to Geneva Lake,
shelter fo r a great many people* and
there is plenty o f dry ground for
camping for such as choose to bring
tents. There is plenty o f good water,
The man Who has apples to sell this
A t the Republican Caucus held Sat­ and hot water will be furnished visit­
year is in luck.
It is not often that
afternoon, W". A - Palm er was ors fo r tea and coffee, free. Glean
red astrachans sell fo r S i per bushel
straw will also be furnished free fo r
chairman and J. G. Holmes, bedding.
in this market, but that is the price
secretary, and the follow ing delegates
Come with your baskets, come with
this year.
chosen to represent Buchanan town­ your tents, com e with four days pro­
visions, and above all things come de­
B y all reports it is hard to tell which ship in the County Convention: L . P . termined to make it a good and profit­
has enjoyed camp meeting, at Crystal Alexander, George Searls, W m . Bro- able meeting. Meals to a limited ex­
Springs, most, the human fam ily or ceus, G. W, Noble. Dr, Brodrick, John tent w ill be furnished at a reasonable
Hay and grain for horses will
the rattlesnakes. Both were present in Graham, John Hanover, Curtis Lamb* price.
Robt. H . Rogers, N . Hamilton, Alex. be furnished at market rates.
great numbers.
The W est Michigan railroad will
Emery* I . M . Vincent, Leroy H . Dodd* sell tickets to Benton Harbor and re­
W . A . Palmer, Salma Baruiofe, Ira turn at one and one-third fare, from
M r . L . T . E a s t m a n and fam ily, o f
Sparks, Frank Goodenough, W . N . points between K ew Buffalo and FennScott county, Kan., who have been vis­
Keeler, W m . Burrus, Ashlev Carlisle, ville. The Elkhart line will do the
iting Mrs, Eastman's parents, M r. and
same from Kiles and points north o f
J. G„ Holmes, John Shook, John Curtis. there.
Mrs. N. Hamilton, fo r several weeks,
A program o f exercises, mucli in
returned to their home yesterday.
T u e s d a y evening Charles Aiken and the nature o f a farmers’ institute, has
w ife were driving a horse and buggy been prepared, essays and discussions
M r s . M a r y S t r a w , Mrs. E , J . Gro­
along Broadway, when a small dog ran being prominent features. On Tues­
ver and Frances B row n w ent to Mar­ out and barked, scaring the horse. day afternoon, A u g . 2C, there will be
cellas, Saturday, to visit the fam ily o f W hen in fron t o f Chas. Zeller’s resi­ an address o f welcome by Col. L . M.
dence the buggy tipped .over throwing Ward, o f Benton Harbor, and response
Ora Remington. They return this af­ the occupants out, and the horse be­ by Hon. Thos. Mars, o f Berrien Centre,
com ing detached from the buggy ran and other exercises. Wednesday is
away. Mrs. A iken was quite severely Horticultural day, and essays and dis­
------- * * * ------------ \
T h e Rough Bros, who are running a bruised, and w ent into Mr, Zeller’s cussions w ill be on topics pertaining
In the afternoon
threshing maehing on Portage prairie residence* where a physician was sum­ to horticulture.
moned who found that the bones o f there w ill be an address by Hon. Perry
threshed 1343 bushels o f wheat last one arm ju st above the w rist were Mayo, o f Battle Creek.» Wednesday
Friday, and 133S Saturday* and are broken. She was n ot otherwise seri­ evening there w ill be a camp fire, to
which all old soldiers and ,sbns o f vet­
anxious t o hear from tw o better days’ ously injured.— CassopoUs Democrat.
Mr. and Mrs. Aiken are well known erans are particularly invited. Thurs­
here. It is the belief o f the R e c o r d day is young people’s day* and in the
forenoon- w ill be. a Djjmorest silver
that people who ride should be pre­ medal contest by the youngsters. In
W m . P e r r o t t R elief Corps cordially
invites the G. A. Rs., their families, pared to shoot every dog that runs into tlie afternoon there will be an address
by Jason Woodman, Esq,, o f Paw Paw,
aunts* uncles and: cousins to go oa t to the street to bark at passing teams, and and other exercisea. j Friday there will
South Clear lake for a picnic* Thurs­
be an address by Gpv. Luce, and other
exercises, f
day, A ug. 2S. Meet at J. Imhoff’s shoe
I t is stated on good authority that
„.Good music has been engaged for
store* at 9 o’clock a. ro.
wheat is selling at Buchanan and Day- the-jwhole meetiugi
ton fo r 97 cents a bushel, while at R . C . T h a y e r ,
M r s. M a g g ie M a r s ,
B e n t o n H a r b o r and St, Joseph
Kites only 93 cents are paid. A lso at A .W . S h e r w o o d , jG. F . C u n n i n g h a m ,
papers are abusing each other and Warren Station, just over the Indiana G. K . P a r k e t o n , jR. H . H o g u e ,
Executive Committee.
their respective towns* and imagine line, 97 cents is paid, and one farmer
was offered one dollar per bushel, and
their readers enjoyed such work. It could hold his wheat for six weeks.
is poor business, b y which no one A ll this may be true, but an explana­
tion might he offered. From Mr. W m.
Lacey, o f the Kites Milling Company,
H om e made Bread. Made from our
we learn the highest market price for
rKusco & Swift 's U ncle Tbm’aCab- wheat at Buchanan and Dayton is 92
L iquid Yeast. Try it.
in Company were in Benton Harbor cents; hut several buyers there have
Monday evening. 0 The w orst swindle been running each other for tw o days
Special price on our new Dress
that ever presented itself in the opera past, and they paid a little higher price.
This they cannot afford to do, for the Goods.
house in this place was R u jco &
Detroit market only allows 97 cents a
Swift’s,Uncle Tom ’s Cabin C m /
bushel.—N iles Star.
I sell the K ew Home, Domestic^
The first tw o sentences o f the above'
B ”, Favorite. Favorite A u ­
M r . G e o . S i m m o n s ancufam ilv.'are
tomatic, K ew H om e Oscillator fo r
visiting Mr. Simmons’ mother and er likely to he a good markeMhrhere
family, in this place, having driven but one buyer is in the field, as has manufacturing, German Polotype for
from their home, near Muskegon* with been the case with Niles Milling Co. shoemakers. A lso Oil* Needles* and
a horse and carriage. This is his first fo r some time, but .wAere several are Repairs o f all Machines* See me be­
visit here in twenty years.
in the field, a£ here, the top o f the fore buying."
W A L L A C E R IL E Y . ®
-------------* * * --------- --\
market is paid.
W e want you to know that we keep
School Books.
South Benders to St. Joseph, yesterday,
A n Illu strated S to ry ,
had the exquisite pleasure o f riding in
Come and see my F all Flannels.
Mr. H arold F . Sayles.Jthe evagelist, They are coming in.
freight cars, that is, all but Wiljfam
who has held tw o different series o f
Glover. H e didn’t ride that w g jj’ H e meetings in this place, will, on Tues­
w ill explain particulars* if' you ask day evening, Aug. 20tb, give, in Rough’s
Kew Dress Goods o f all kinds. The
opera house, the story o f his trip best 34-inch Flannels in town for 50c.
around the Orient.
H e w ill use one o f the powerful lime Look at them.
Tipi M. C. R. R. Co. will run a special
B O Y LE & B A K E R .
light stereopticons, throwing colossal
train to Kalamazoo on August 22* leav­ views on a large canvass* illustrating
Try the “A ngel F ood” , at
ing Buchanan-at 7 :32 a. in., and return­ the m ost magnificent, cities* edifices,
in g will leave Kalamazoo at 10 :15 p. m. scenery, industries, customs and social
Fare fo r the round trip one dollar. On life in the countries o f Greece, Turkey,
Syria, Palestine and Egypt, dwelling
59c Dress goods fo r only 37 ^ c ,
account o f Barnum’s show.
specially on scenes in B ible lands.
fold, at
A . F . P e a c o c k , Agent.
The follow ing are among some o f the
one hundred views to be shown:
L et us sell you your School outfit.c. 2J
T h e R e c o r d is in receipt o f a letter
from Mr. Herbert Sessions, who will be Turkish Mosque. Damascus, Sea of
Galilee, Jacob’s W ell, Dead Sea, Jeru­
remembered by those who were pupils salem* the Pyramids, Sphinx, etc.
K ew and complete line o f Cakes,
in Buchanan schools: twelve years ago
Mr, Sayles gives this exhibition to
as one o f the number, while his father Taise money to pay fo r his stereopticon
served as superintendent o f schools outfit, which is first-class, costing threeEverybody knows o r shonld know
hundred dollars. Admission, 23 cents;
here. H e is editor o f the Michigan: children, 15 cents. Tickets can he ob­ that we keep an immense stock o f Tab?
Copper Journal at Hancock, Michigan. tained at Morgan & Mead’s store.
lets o f all kinds.
Democratic Caucus.
M i s s e s Annie Treat and Lizzie Strauseiglit leave Chicago, Saturday, fo r
Champion, Marquette county, where
they have been engaged to teach the
coming school year. These * young
ladies are natives o f this place, gradu­
ates o f our high school, have taught
here with splendid success, and gradu­
ated together at Lhe State Normal at
Ypsilanti. That they will give entire
satisfaction In their new positions we
have not the least doubt, for tw o more
intelligent, upright, energetic girls
would be hard to find,
South Bend,.lnd.
Use that 25 cent Tea of B oardman
& Wehrle’ s. Their 50 cent Tea beats \ Open till 6 p. m., except Saturday
the world.
Note Books, &c., &c., go to
Barmore’s Drug Store.
The Bateman Fountain Pen, guar­
anteed equal to any in the market.
Price $1,50.
•* »■
C a rio u s T o r n a d o E ffects.
One of tlie occupants of the Good cot­
tage, near L ate Gcrvais, an elderly lady,
was. "very fond of taking care o f fowls,
and had raised nearly a lumdred cMokens and ducks. These were all killed by
the storm. The lady had also made a
nice lot of soft soap, of which she was
very proud. The soap had been left on
a hoard b y the side o f the honse, and o f
course was carried away b y the wind.
The occupants o f the house took refuge
in the cellar when the storm was seen
coming. A ll were more or less injured
and then: clothing tom from their bod­
ies. It was nearly half an hour before
ail were released, more dead than, alive.
The lady spoken o f washalf unconscious,
and the moment she was taken from the
cellar she took one glance at tlxework of
the tornado, threw up her hands and ex­
claimed,* “ Oh! where are m y ducks and
m y chickens, and where is m y nice soft
Her soft soap has .probably dissolved
in Lake Gervais, but the remains o f her
ducks and chickens Were found here and
there within a radius of a m ile Or more
from the house. The idea that a tornado
could pluck the feathers from a fowl as
clean as could the most accomplished
chefhas been laughed at, but some o f
the chickens aud ducks belonging to the
Good fam ily'w ere stripped o f every
feather. But that was not the onlyjcemarkable thing about them. Some” of
the chickens found nearly a mile from
thehouse had their necks stretched to a
remarkable length, the necks o f some, it
is said by those who saw them, being at
least a foot long. Another incident of
the storm is that one of the ladies who
took refuge in the cellar was almost
covered with oats, the sharp needles of
which penetrated her clothing and stuck
to the skin. The hnsband o f the lady
Vouches for this occurrence, and says
that it took nearly half an hour to re­
move the oats.—St. Paid Pioneer Press.
A S o lid ite sin T rain .
There has departed from this city a
solid train,loaded with resin, for the far
destination of Denver, Colo. The amount
of resin carried by the train, which con­
sisted o f a number o f cars, aggregated a
round million pounds, and the whole
amount was shipped by a firm in this
city t o a Colorado manufacturing estab­
lishment called the Colorado soap works,
in thethrivingcity o f Denver. W e have
more than once heard o f solid cotton
trains, and in the west it is quite the
fashion to run Solid grain trains, often
carrying one consignment; but a solid
resin train is something of a novelty. It
speaks, moreover, o f the opening up o f
new trade relations with a section of
country a few years back all but an un­
known laud to New Orleans enterprise.
Some months ago w e were able to record
the departure o f a train loaded with ma­
chinery fo r a beet sugar refinery in Ne­
braska.—N ew Orleans Picayune.
M arried H is X u rse .
A marriage rare iii the history of naHons was recently celebrated in the
“ Dreffaltigkeitskxrclien (Trinity church),
Berlin. A young Russian of a wealthy
and respectable family in the Baltic
provinces named Geiger married his
nurse. The "bride was 17 at the time she
nursed her future husband, who is now
20 years o f age. It appears that the
friends o f the latter are not exactly
pleased at Ms choice, but the youngman
declared that Ms affection for the pres­
ent partner of Ms joys and sorrows dates
a long way back. Finding it impossible
to overcome the prejudices o f Ms family
and being under age he fled to Ger­
many, where the civil and religions
forms o f the marriage celebration were
duly observed without let or hindrance.
—L ’Intransigeant.
'White Caps M ust Pay Damages.
Marion Kendall, a married m a n atIio
lived, at Elizaville, Ind., four years ago,
was taken out by White Caps one night,
rtied tea,post and beaten into insensibilit y flif^ r fe being despaired of for sev­
eral days. He became paralyzed from
the effects, and brought suit for $10,000
damages against five o f Ms assailants,
who were well respected citizens o f the
county. Judgment was given for $5,000.
The defendants spent money freely, and
finally carried the case to the supreme
court. A decision handed down from
that body affirms the judgment o f the
lower court.—Cor. Indianapolis Journal,
M odem Journalism.
Benevolent Gentleman (at Fashion
beach)—-Ton appear always alone, my
little man. Where is your papa and
Small Boy—I come alone. I'm tli’
summer resort correspondent o f Th’ New
-York Daily.
-J:gentleman—Yon? M y goodness! Do
you write articles for the newspapers?
Small Boy—Ah, there ain’t nothin’ to
do ’cept copy the names Off th* registers.
—Good News.
A Thrifty Government.
There is soon to be an examination in
Washington of candidates for the posi­
tion of Russian translator o f the war
department. The candidate is expected
to have command o f the Russian, Ger­
man, Italian and Spanish languages, of
letter writing and o f medical nomen­
clature; The salary is $1,000 a year. It
is a great tiling to be educated.—Detroit
Free Press.
Cure fo r I v y P oison in g.
Bathe the parts affected very freely
every three hours with sweet spirits of
niter until every trace o f the poison dis­
appears. I f the blisters are broken, so
that the niter can penetrate freely, a sin­
gle application is sometimes sufficient.
I have used tMs many times, and never
knewl| fail to effect a speedy cure.—
Financial Needs.
'* -
Mr. Citiman (who has taken board on
a farm)—Is there a bank anywhere near
Farmer Catchum—No, sir. W e ain’t
never had no use fer banks in tMs sec­
tion. You see, this is the first season
any of us. has kept summer hoarders.—
New York Weekly.
T h e JSoys G o A rm e d .
It is but $ short time ago that a professor in one o f the leading colleges o f San
Francisco slapped the face o f arich bank­
er who had published a long and bitter
attack upon his-(the professor's) venera­
ble father, a djyine o f great eminence
and fame. The professor was at once
shot down, although he was entirely un­
armed, and had informed Ms adversary
o f the fact. Yet the ju ry declared that
it was a case of justifiable homicide, and
the accused left the court without a stain
on Ms character.
Even the children, aping their elders,
carry pistols and knives with the utmost
nonchalance'and a few weeks ago, when
the principal o f one of the public schools
had occasion to administer some much
needed corporal punishment to a lad of
12, the young rascal drew a huge re­
volver on the head master, and the serv­
ices of the cMef of police had to be called
in for the purpose of disarming Mm.
A t the request o f the terrified princi­
pal the police subjected all the pupils
present to apersoual search and examina­
tion, with the result that thirty-five re­
volvers of all sizes, from the “ Colt navy
revolver” to the “ 22 caliber popgun,” be­
sides a dozen knives of murderous ap­
pearance, were seized and confiscated,—
St. Louis Post Dispatch.
W h a t. D u d es Can D o .
Young John Jacob Astor,. the greatest
match in America, is down here, and is
going around under the chaperonage of
•that social Wellington, Mrs. Paran Ste­
vens. H e is generally reported to be a
nice boy, with that strong vein qf good
sense that characterizes most o f Ms fam­
ily. But these young gentlemen, brought
np on Fioard’s suppers and Klunder’s
Sowers, have a good deal o f American
■tit in them after all. One night last
week a small sloop wentUshdre on the
rocks at the foot of the cliff. Although
the wind was blowing half a gale, and
dinners were in progress at several o f the
cliff cottages, a flock of young fellows in
evening dress appeared and worked like
Trojans getting people ashore. That
seems to- be the way with the gilded
youth everywhere. Under the varnish
of affectation and imitation comes the
real stuff—manliness and courage.—
Newport Cor. Boston Transcript.
A B it o f J litls m a s w r jradnosS,
It has been charged upon the sister re­
publics south of us that they are unduly
given to the bloody delights o f civil and
internal warfare. TMs seems to be the
characteristic o f all the American na­
tionalities without exception, with the
great republic at the head o f the list. A
passion fo r internecine war has become
the common heritage o f all the Ameri­
can republics. It was once thought that
tMs vice wife confined: to the tropics, but
the bloody infection has seized upon the
people front the frozen promontory of
Gape Horn to the wMte belt of the Can­
adian snows, aud civil war w ill soon be­
come as characteristic o f the people of
our north temperate zone as o f those
who live under the vertical sun of the
equator. The United States is not likely
to shine as an arbitrator and pacificator
of the internal or international troubles
of its weaker neighbor republics.—New
Orleans Picayune.
A M odern E n och A rd en .
Thirty years ago William Henry Par­
ker, a seaman, sailed for Quebec. Oa
the return voyage he was lost overboard
and reported as drowned. The other
day he turned up at Greenwich search­
ing for Ms wife. He had been picked
up b y a Portuguese vessel aud carried to
South America,where he had hc-en forced
to become a pirate. He was engaged in
blockade running during the American
civil war, and had since been to the gold
fields, where he hacl made Ms fortune.
His wife, wlio had married again and
was the mother o f a large family, recogMzed Mm instantly. *Like Ms prototype,
tbe laureate’s Enoch Arden, he was de­
sirous to cause as little trouble as possi­
ble.—London Tit Bits.
tV D ig B u ild in g: fu r M aapiis.
The new masonic temple in Chicago
is to have eighteen stories, and the roof
will be 24Q feet from the pavement. The
ground dimensions null be 170 by 114
feet. The structure will be built princi­
pally Of steel. What tbe exterior facing
w ill be is not yet decided. It may be
terra cotta, stone or special brick made
for tins particular building. In any case
the exterior will be but a fire proofing,
not bearing any part of the weight of
the building.—Philadelphia Ledger.
According.to,Professor E. James, coloreflythe earth has but a little more than
a twelvemonth to stand. Professor
James is a cMropodist with an interna­
tional reputation. He has traveled much
and removed corns and bunions from
the crowned heads o f Europe, so to
speak. In Ms Odd spells he turns Ms
mind loose on prophecy, and after a
careful study o f the stars he is compelled
to fix Aug. 31,1891, as the grand shakedown and windup of the universe.
Some firms in America spend annually
great sums on pictures outside cigarette
packets. One firm paid out §400,000 to
the lithographers last year for artistic
work. Another spent $430,000, wMle
other firms reported payments of $375,000, $330,000 and §300,000 for the same
The newspapers are now trying to
find the man who spent the most days in
rebel prisons dtiring the late war. So
far as heard from yet Mr; E. W . "Ware,
of Bangor, is ahead, ho having suffered
600 days in Charleston, Columbia, Char­
lotte, Raleigh, Goldsboro and Greens­
boro prisons.
One o f the_largest forests in the world
stands on ice. It is situated between
Ural and the Okhotsk sea. A well was
recently dug in tMs region, when it was
found that at a depth o f 116 meters the
ground was still frozen.
Mary Queen of Scots’ marriage con­
tract with Francis H of France is to be
sold b y auction shortly in London. It
is a quaint old manuscript o f nine folio
where tume is jjeuerai mourning over tne
decadence of French manners.— Ex­
t o s t C a ste.
Some o f the U gh caste Hindus of Bom­
bay have got themselves into trouble by
dining at a social gathering with two
ladies, one of whom was Dr. Emma
Ryder, the other the well known re­
former, Pundita Ramabai, wlio will he
remembered as a recent visitor to this
country. The priests have brought the
offending gentlemen to trial and pro­
nounced sentence against them. For
eating a simple meal with ladies in the
open day these iiolluted Hindus must
“ change their sacred thread,” go through
a process of purgation, “ bathe in some
sacred tank orriver,” and do other ridicu­
lous and inconvenient tilings.—Chicago
Aw Author W lio Prefers Trousers.
Mine. Dieulafoy, the well known Per­
sian arcUeologist, who lias just brought
out a novel o f the time of Darius n , has
hec’ome so accustomed to the greater
convenience of masculine attire in her
joumeyings aud excavations with her
husband that she seldom abandons it,
and even in Paris rides her home like a
man. Her ability is so great that she is
pardoned her eccentricities with com­
mendable graeiousuess.—Harper’s Bazar.
A F a ir Sympathizer.
Miss Brownebeane (of Boston)—Dread­
fully warm, Mr. Phortpitte! Is it so in
your city?
Mr. Phortpitte—It is. Very hot and
fearfully dry. Vegetation simply burn­
ing up.
Miss B. (earnestly)—So very sorry!
That will he very bad for the steel and
glass plants that grow in Pittsburg.—
Pittsburg Bulletin.
The schooner Ivfary Anderson has
sailed from San Francisco in tho hope of
finding the §2,000,000 lost years ago
When the Brother Jonathan went down
with all on hoard. Nobody knows
where the vessel sunk, but a skipper of
the Pacific thinks the good luck Which
follows the name of Mary Anderson
mav locate the lost treasure.
The Mstorian Bancroft is often seen in
a carriage on Bellevue avenue at New­
port. He looks old and. broken, and.
though his mind is reasonably clear Ms
bodily vigor is gone. His niece usually
accompanies Mm when he drives, out;
Mr. Paul Gifford has discovered a ter­
rific explosive which makes no report.
Any explosive whiclrpromises a noiseless
Fourth of July should be encouraged.
Hints to Fisncjnicm ,— - ■ "
Themosjrsyiffiuifrfcal pole doesn’t al­
ways catch the most fish.
Always fish in muddy water. Turtles
and small “ catties” are sure to bite at
such a lime.
When fly fishing carry in your hat no
less than one dozen flies. TMs is .always
an indication o f being an experienced
Never use a net when using a fly pole.
When a bass is hooked attempt to haul
him out as though he were a small Sunfish. I f you use a net yon might possi­
bly catch Mm and destroy the tale of
“ the big one you hooked, but which es­
Fish with a pole as thick as a man’s
arm. use a mason's cord, the largest hook
manufactured and tie a ten pound weight
to the end of the line. The weight makes
a big “ sphrsk” when cast into the water
and may attract the attention o f the
For good fishing always select a
“ stougli” away from the creek, and an­
chor your line firmly. Fish might bite
at the bait and destroy it if it were sub­
merged in the Brandywine.
Never go •fishin’.”—West Chester
A N ew O ccupation.
The latest occupation open to women
is that of lamp carex*. I don’t know if
that’s what the ladies who take care of
lamps call themselves, but that’s what
they really are. There are two in the
city now, or there will he two during
the winter. Tkev are “ reduced gentle­
women,'5and each morning they visit a
number of houses and clean, fill and
“ fix” the various fine lamps set before
them. The average servant can do noth­
ing with a lamp but spoil it ; but these
ladies don their aprons and rubber
gloves, clean the outside andiuside of the
lamps, see that the wicks are in good oi’dei% fill the lamps and leave them so that
even the stupidest servant cannot pre­
vent them from burning well. ^
They have studied lamps, know the
light kinds and sizes of wicks, know
whether- colza oil is needed in one kind
o f lamps and “ starlight” in another,
and altogether they take away from the
ownei's a great deal o f the care wMch
the management o f the rediscovered and
much multiplied lamps brings upon
Acres or Pie.
The Grand Army boys without doubt
were feted to their heart’s content, and
a New England feast is incomplete
Without pie.
Two hundred thousand visitors swoop­
ed ‘f nwn upon Its and all ate pie—no,
nor all, hnt let ns say 150,000 tested its
dainty merits. That means at the least
estimate 100,000 pies a day, for while
some revel in their delights at every
meal more rest content with a tooth­
some triangle at but one gastronomic
round. The bakers of the city were
alive to their opportunity. They felt
Diitfllv T ra iiiin jj u t Sea.
that the credit o f the city and their own
When the Prim: Freuerik collided with
future well being wc-re at stake. Two
the English shipMarpessaoa June 25 the
centuries and a half of an unbroken line
commander of a detachment of Dutch
o f pie eaters looked down upon. them.
colonial- force- winch happened to be on
The figures sure amusing. Four apples
board immediately ordered the assembly
make a pie; About a pound o f other in­
sounded, and the men fell in oa the deck
gredients; as Hour, sugar, bird, spices
litre clockwork in the face of certain loss
and elbow grease, complete the struct­
to the sMp. Then- conduct was an in­
ure^ A good 73 per cent, o f all the pies
valuable example to the passengers and
consumed were apple pies, and right on
crow, for, although the entire company
them rests the goodly spectacle in its
were then transferred to the boats with
full sublimity. For 75.000 pies a day,
perfect quiet and dispatch, the Prinz
or 450,000 for the week, 4,509 barrels o f
Freuerik went down as the last boat left
apples were required.
her side. She carried with her six Dutch
A ll the boys in Boston could hardly
privates and an officer* who doubtless
steal the supples in one day. even i f the
had been overwhelmed by the waters
old man was away at camp meeting and
rushing Li at the point of collision.—*
the dog was dead. A barrel o f flour
CUcago lit raid.
furnishes crust enough for 300 pies. Of
T h e Red: Cross S ociety.
flour alone 1,500 barrels were required.
A day’s product of one of our largest re­
Senator Sherman has introduced in
fineries was used to sweeten the vast ag­
the senate a till to incorporate the Red
gregation. This on the apple pies alone.
Cross society, with Clara Barton, George
Kennan and other well known persons
.There Is another way to look at it. Pies
are about a foot in diameter. Every one
as incorporators. The purpose o f this
knows that this is a little less than threesociety, briefly stated, is to mitigate dis­
quarters o f a square foot. The next ob­
tress in the emergencies of war and
vious step In the figuring leads to 353,- peace. This mission o f humanity and
250 square feet. Nearly COO.feet square,
charity has been amply justified on
or about one-third again as'large as many occasions, and nowhere more notaeither o f the ball grounds—all carpeted,, j b l y than in the appalling calamity at
'Wotastpwn, in tMs state. Valuable as
with pie.—Boston Record.
the Bed <2r6ss society has proven in tho
Captured Sword to D e Returned.
past as a volunteer auxiliary of the govCol. Samuel A . Moore, o f New Britain, 'emmental departments its future in an
to Whom the Confederate officer Col.
incorporated form should show an in­
John Fite surrendered his sword at the
creased measure o f usefulness.—Phila­
battle of Gettysburg, wishes now to re­
delphia Record.
turn the sword to its former owner as
K illed I>y a Performing Leopard.
a token o f good will and brotherhood.
A t the palace o f Bangkok the- other
He has authorized Mr. J. W . Parson,
“ his drummer hoy” (as the colonel calls day a performing leopard was brought
in for the amusement of one o f the
him), to ascertain i f such an ex-officer of
a Tennessee regiment is still living and young Siamese princes. In one princess
retinue was a young girl o f abont 14
can be communicated with. Mr. Par­
years of age. The leopard jumped on
son has written a letter of inquiry to
her breast. It was merely in play, said
The Nashville American, asking them
.to publish it, aud to request the same o f -the animal’s care taker, who begged her
not to he frightened, but in another mo­
other Tennessee papers* The Nashville
American, commenting upon Mr. Par­ ment the leopard had seized the girl by
tho throat, and she died in right of the
son’s letter, says: “ Neither Judge Fite
nor Ms friends have any doubt that he horrified spectators, who fled in panic.—
London News.
is the person sought in the letter and
Will write Col. Moore.” TMs is certainly
The mayor q$ Newport, Mont., de­
au exceedingly graceful act on the part
of Col. Moore, and is worthy o f the Ugli­ clared some new baths open. He then
withdrew,, and. throwing aside his robes
est commendation.—Hartford Courant.
of Office reappeared beforethelarge gath­
ering o f ladies and gentlemen in a bath­
Street Cur Manners lit FranceThe liog claims even the historically ing suit- Plunging into the water he
polite France fo r Ms own. A t a discus­ swam the full length of the bath, and
sion b y tlio town council of Havre upon Ms example was followed by several
the regulations for city car lines-one town councilors and policemen.
member complained that in these days
A family by the name o f Moore, living
men sitting in a car never thought of
giving their places to women, even six miles west of Columbus, Ind,, has a
though the latter might have to stand peculiar and distinguishing family mark
outside on the platforms in the rain. H e running through three generations. At
a reurnon held recently it whs learned
moved the adoption o f a bylaw empow­
ering conductors to compel men seated that out o f twenty-seven persons, who
in the interior to surrender their1 places represented the three generations, nine­
to women ontside. Several other coun­ teen had six toes on each foot.
cillors gallantly supported the motion,
diaries Fisher, the veteran actor, has
but the majority concluded that the
retired from the stage, and has gone
temper o f the age would not'permit any
down to his birthplace in Suffolk, Eng­
such social revolution. The
land, to end his days. He is 75 years of
excited c onsiderable attention
age. He played in “ A s You Like It”
lur m e ,ast time in Lonuonj'his part. Be­
ing that of the aged Adam.
A Story o f • Cave.
Exploration just made of a cavern on
Do not wear a white lawn full-dress the Stewart farm, about two miles from
tie. with every day apparel unless you Barnassus, Armstrong county, has re­
are a professional man, as, fpr instance, vealed subterranean passages of a some­
a college professor or clergyman, and do what remarkable character. The en­
not mind being .thought pedantic. If trance is a perpendicular opernng about
you do yon take the chance o f being 20 feet in depth. A t the bottom the
place had"the appearance o f 4 n inverted
thought “ out” o f ordinary neckwear;
cone, with about one-third o f the apex
One reason of Senator Plumb’s great and part of the ride cut off, and measur­
popularity in his state is that he answers ing about 24 feet at the base. The walls
every letter ho receives. His mail is are of a dark gray color, rather smooth.
larger than that of any other senator, From here a corridor about 4 feet wide
and he employs three typewriters to at­ and 3 feet high leads for several yards
to a room where the light reveals a scene
tend to it.
of grandeur. Stalagmites'and stalactites
The largest catch o f codfish received are in profusion, andin shapes and forms
at Gloucester, Mass., this season lias- to almost equal those of the Mammoth
just been brought in by the schooner cave.
Mystery. It weighs 320,000 pounds;
The chamber is about 65 feet long by
In h ib itio n B a th e rs,
SOfeet wide, and the furthest end termi­
nates in a deep pool- of water. This
The number o f cxMbition bathers who
pond is perhaps 15 feet wide. The wa­
hang their clothes on a Mckory limb, but
ter is pure as crystal. No living tMng
don’t go near the water, is daily on the
was seen by the explorers except a pecul­
increase, and during a walk along the
iarly striped crustacean animal about 1
beach at A tU -iic City one can readily
pick oiit hundreds of young girls and inch in length, resembling a crab, but of
a dullyellowish color. The temperature
even mature dames arrayed in the mqst
attractive and costly bathing robes Who registered about 59 degs. Iu one comer
of the first cavern were found a few
don’t even wet tlieir dainty feet in the
specimens of arrow heads aud an iron
surf, hut prefer to gayly trip in groups
along the strand or gracefully recline on knife, hut nothing else to denote that a
human being had ever entered before.
the warm sands.
Further than the pool exploration was
They, as a rule,wear collars and, cuffs,
jaunty little caps, neat slippers, and are not made. A complete investigation
invariably tight laced. They are as care­ Will he undertaken by persons Who have
ful o f details in donning this beach cos­ secured the land.—PhiladelpMa Press.
tume as if they were dressing for a ball,
Slie Wanted a Prescription.
and certainly appear far more captivat­
ing. These fair and frolicsome visitors
One of our Belfast girls has gotten the
are known as exhibition bathers, but they idea into her head that she would like to
he married. She broached the matter to
don’t bathe.
A new fad among this particular class her father and he promptly thrashed her.
is to go carriage riding in their brief at­ The next thing she did was to start out
tire, and it is a familiar sight on the ave­ to find a lawyer and get his assistance in
nues -daily to see a bevy of pretty'girls the matter. But b y mistake she got into
clad in handsome surf costumes urging a, doctor’s office, and thinking him an
along a weary beach steed, and evident­ analyzer of the law unburdened her
ly enjoying the diversion.—Cor. Phila­ troubles to him. The doctor, thinking
her a patient, for some time listened to
delphia Times.
her tale of woe.
R aines T h a t O vercam e a H of.el C lerk .
Finally the truth dawned upon Mm
Among the many thousands of proper that it was a lawyer she wanted, and ha
names annually written, more or less told her of her mistake. Then she light­
legibly—usually less—v.*,on the register ed on him with her tongue, and said lie
of a hotel like the Grand Pacific, pretty had deceived her and drawn her whole
much every known combination of let­ Story maliciously, and that she would
ters- is found. Hotel clerks become not only have a lawyer to assist her to
hardened, and greet Mr. Buck and Mr.
get married, hut to send the doctor to
Cluck and Mr. Duck with equal affabil­ prison, and with all tlie scorn of her sex
ity. But Paul Gores, of tlie Grand Pa­ she swept out of the office; But it is
cific, ran up against a combination the safe to say she will be married by and
other day that laid him out.
by.—Belfast (Me.) Age.
The two Japanese produce and stock
exchange commissioners who are stop­
A Western Union Fixture.
ping there walked up to the desk and
One of the gentlemen who were most
asked if any one had called on them seriously affected by the Western Union
during their brief absence. They had fire, in the way of personal inconven­
registered before Gores came on duty ience, was Mr. Finnegan, who has guard­
and he did not know them.
ed the portals of the operating room Of
“ Let’s see; what’s the name?” he asked the establishment for more years than
some persons care to own up to. Thou­
“ Oh, go way,” said one.
sands of operators know and appreciate
“ Oh, no,” remarked the other.
Mr. Finnegan. When the operating
Gores was dazed until he discovered room was destroyed by the fire lie had to
that the gentlemen's names were Ogowa seek new headquarters, and he estab­
and Ono.—Chicago Tribune.
lished himself in a chair at the head of
the stairs leading to the fourth floor of
Electric Cars in Brooklyn.
the building. There lie sat and held
One o f the features of Brooklyn life sweet discourse with many persons toil­
among people to whom tlie expenditure ing up the ascent and blessing the mem­
of small sums is a matter of jealous in­ ory of the elevators. But Ms new sur­
terest is a trip on the new electric car roundings were not congenial. “ Some­
wMch has been put on a road that runs times,” said Mr. Finnegan in a burst of
to Fort Hamilton. There is an odd mix­ confidence, “ it seems to me as if I didn’t
ture of heavy browed scientific men and know where I was with all the coming
picnic parties On the car during the morn­ and going.”—New York Times.
ing inns. The scientific men talk elec­
tricity until the air is bine, and the ex­
T reasu res in M ain e.
cursionists eat peanuts and wonder what
It is reported from Maine that buried
makes the car go. Not infrequently ' among tlie clam, shells at Cundy’s harbor
crowds of heavy financiers from New tlie Pejepscot Historical society recently
York are to be found swooping np and found some rare and suggestive remind­
down on the car, observing its work ers of prehistoric times. Bones of tbe
with beetled brows. One of the engineers, deer, porpoise, beaver, fox, woodchuck
in speaking o f it the other day, said that and some smaller carnivorous animals,
he had been questioned so much about birds of several lands, including a well
electricity that he had come to the con­ preserved specimen of the wing bone of
clusion that very few people knew any­ the great auk, now wholly extinct, Were
thing about it,:—New York Sun.
picked up. Fragments o f pottery were
numerous, as well as chips of stone brok­
A Mastodon's Bone Found.
en off in the manufacture of stone imple­
A big bone was unearthed by work­ ments. Of implements half a dozen per­
men m excavating, for-the east channel fect and some broken ones were discov­
span of the new bridge being constructed ered. Only one piece of worked bone oc­
by the Wheeling Bridge company. The curred—a broken awl. •— Philadelphia
bone was found thorougHy imbedded in Ledger.
blue clay at the bottoih o f the excava­
R a v in g C razy.
tion fifteen feet deep ancr^ully eight feet
W itn ess—A n’ then Mr. Sims, thar,
below the depth of the river. The exca­
vation is but a short distance from the ’lowed he was a rooster, an’ strapped on
river, and is soil that had prona|jly been a tin bill an’ went to pickin’ corn with
the cMclcens.
undisturbed for ages. The piece of
Probate Judge—Probably the extreme
bone, wMcli is apparently not complete
b y some tw o or three feet in length, is heat made Mm a little flighty. He’ll
fully 25 inches in diameter at its great­ come out of it all right, I reckon.
Witness—Next day he wandered out
est bulk, a foot through at the more naiA
row parts and about 24 feet long.— ^on the street an’ told every new comer
*^ie met that this town wa'n’t boomin’,
Wheeling (W . Va.) Register.
AVJiy E uTniah W a s T ak en .
An extraordinary case, is now pending
at Mandalay. Two foresters seek to
bring a pauper suit to revive, for their
own benefit and that of other foresters,
a judgment of the Hlootdaw or council
of Burmese ministers, pronounced in
1885, fining the Bombay and Burmah
Trading corporation nearly two million
and a half o f rupees for the benefit of
the king. The government of India con­
sidered the action of the Hlootdaw such
a gross violation of justice that it was
the immediate cause o f the invasion and
annexation o f upper Bumiali.—Cor.
London Times.
From the German.
Visitor (to mine host)—Yon seem to
have the bines.
Host—Yes, and I’ve got good reason
for it. You know t l « old ruin on the
hill back o f the hotel is haunted, and lots
o f tourists put up here at this hotel just
to see the ghost. Now what does the
specter do hut strike me for aii increase
o f wages, and I’m already giving more
than he could earn anywhere else.—
Texas Siftings.
A Freak o f Nature.
A young lady walking along a mount­
ain path near Altoona, Pa., observed a
w ild blackberry bush with a large bunch
of cockle burrs growing upon one o f its
branches. The burrs were healthy and
perfect in every particular, as was also
the branch of the bush to which they
were attached. Here is an opening for
some scientific figuring.—St. Louis Re­
Miss Summit—Did you have a good
time at Long Branch?
Dashaway—Exceedingly. Indeed, I
had a hard time to get away.
Miss Summit—No baggage, I presume?
—Clothier and Furnisher.
Righteous Indignation.
First Mosquito—W hy did you bite
that fellow so wickedly a moment ago?
Second Mosqnito—He just sprung that
chestnut about blue blood in the mos­
quito’s veins.—Munsey’s Weekly.
It is reported that a telephone line is
about to be constructed between Reikjavik and Hanefiord, Iceland. It will
be the most northerly one in the world.
1 A Queen’s Body Pickled.
The body o f the Queen o f Corea, who
died June 4, is still kept in brine, the
process c f embalming being unknown to
the people o f that far off land. The
body will be kept four or five months,
according to the custom o f the country,
and then interred with much pomp and
Gen. Hastings, of Pennsylvania, who
is spoken of for director general.of the
World’s fair, is said to be a noble speci­
men o f manhood—tall, broad shouldered
and deep chested. He first became
known in political life by his speech
nominating Sherman at the CMcago con­
vention. __________ _______
M . 'Constans has refused to allow a
real Spanish hull fight to be held at a
fete in aid o f the Martinique sufferers.
The Italian authorities have less good
feeling, for thenext corrida (the fifth),
to be held at Naples, is under the special
patronage of a benevolent society.
f o r I n f a n . t s a n d C foifiS irai»_
“ C a sto rla Is so w ell adapted to children th at 1
t recommend it a s superior to an y prescription I
Inu nrotom e.’’
H . A . A b ch sb , M. D .,
111 S o , O xford S t , Brooklyn, N . T . I]
2 5
ON A p p l ic a t io n
f y j G em uLLY
M e r o m M/yvumeTLirvtfts
Represented by CHA©. REARS, Buchanan-
Superior to tmy other manufactured for the cure o f Billions aud Nervous Dis
orders, including Wind and Pain in Hie Stomach, .Sick Headache, Fullness aud
Swelling after meals. Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Scurvy, Scrofula, Pimples,
Eruptions on the Skin, General Debility, Irregularity of the Bowels, etc. Price
$1.00 per bottle. Six bottles ©5.
B q .
g u ^ q p s
G itq E ,
m a n
116 South M ichigan. Street.
It has permanently cured thottsaxds
o f Cases pronounced b y doctors hope­
less. I f you have premonitory symp­
toms, such as Cough, Difficulty o f
Breathing, :&c.,*don’ t delay, but use
immediately. B y Druggists. 25 cents.
B y Usi?is M m B.WFtiSLEY;S
Sure cure l o r . Rheumatism, Ear Tooth and Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago
Cramps. Cramp Colic, Diphtheria, Sprains, Bruises and all Pains. Price ©1.00
per bottle. Six bottles ©5.
® l i f f rs
IN D .. U. S- A .
Follow OiREcttaffS Closely-
fA M & M
L A N D ”
Tlie must Extensive
Pone B i:cd
in the W orld.
N e w importations
constantly arriving:;
unequalled c o l l e c
Hoik ; superior qual
ity; choicest breed
Dg; opportunity o l comparing different breeds.
Iirced ers and Im p orters o f
French Drafts,
English Shires,
Belgian Drafts,
French Coachers.
Cleveland Bays,
* Hackneys,
Standard Bred T r o lto s
Carriage Horses,
Saddle Horses,
Welsh Ponies,
Iceland Ponies,
Shetland ! onjcF,
Devon Cattle,
A l so , D e a l e r s in R e a l E s ia t e .
o?l»er E sta b lish m en t 5i» th e "WorTfl
offers .such A d van a g s to th e
P u rch aser.
Terms easy.
Visitors welcome
CorrcMioadence Solicited. Circulars tree.
Springhoro, Crawford Co., Pa.
In clu d in g : m a in lin e s , b r a n c h e s a n d e x te n s io n s E a s t a n d W e s t o f th e
M is s o u r i R iv e r . T h e D ir e c t R o u te to a n d fr o m C h ic a g o , J o lie t, O tta w a ,
P e o r ia , L a S a lle , M o lin e , R o c k Is la n d , in IL L IN O IS —D a v e n p o rt, M u s c a tin e ,
O ttu m w a , G s k a lo o s a , D e s M o in e s, W in te r s e t, A u d u b o n , H a rla n , a n d C o u n cil
B lu ffs , in IO W A —M in n e a p o lis a n d S t. P a u l, in M IN N E S O T A — W a te r to w n
* *.tlvt 'I II f
JC VaIaV }
VJQ'.tA W w—-J . A—
tl i*
A t il l LA
C re e k , K in g fish e r, F o r t R e n o , in th e I N D I A N T E R R IT O R Y —and. C o lo ra d o
S p r in g s , D e n v e r, P u e b lo , in C O L O R A D O . F R E E R e c lin in g C h a ir C a rs to
v a s t a r e a s o f rich , fa r th in g 'a n d g ra zin g ' la n d s , a ffo rd in g th e b e s t fa c ilitie s
o f in te r c o m m u n ic a tio n t o a ll to w n s a n d d r ie s e a s t a n d w e s t, n o r th w e s t
a n d so u th w e s t o f C h ic a g o , a n d P a c ific a n d tr a n s o c e a n ic S e a p o rts.
K B A C N IF S C E N T V E S T 1 S U L E
Y U A S iS S ,
L e a d in g a ll c o m p e tito r s in sp le n d o r o f e q u ip m e n t, c o o l, w e ll v e n tila te d , a n d
fr e e fr o m d u s t.
T h ro u g h C o a c h e s , P u llm a n S le e p e r s , F R E E R e c lin in g
C h a ir C a rs, a n d (e a s t o f M isso u r i R iver) D in in g C a rs D a ily b e tw e e n C h ic a g o ,
D e s M o in e s, C o u n c il B lu irs; a n d O m a h a , w ith F r e e R e c lin in g C h a ir C a r to
N o rth P la tte , N e b ., a n d b e tw e e n C h ic a g o a n d C o lo ra d o S p r in g s, D e n v e r,
a n d P u e b lo , v i a S t. J o s e p h , o r K a n s a s C ity a n d T o p e k a . S p le n d id D in in g
H o te ls (fa m is h in g m e a ls a t s e a s o n a b le h o u rs) w e s t o f M isso u r i R iv e r .
C a lifo rn ia E x c u r s io n s d a ily , w ith C H O IC E O F R O U T E S t o a n d fr o m S a lt
u rn s, a n d S c e n ic G ra n d e u rs o f C o lo ra d o .
Tlie B oy Spake the Truth
V IA T H E A L B E R T L E A R O U T E ,
S o lid E x p re ss T ra in s d a ily b e tw e e n C h ic a g o a n d M in n e a p o lis a n d S t. P a u l,
w ith T H R O U G H R e c lin in g C h a ir G a rs (FR E E ) t o a n d fr o m th o s e p o in ts and.
K a n s a s C ity , T h ro u g h C h a ir C a r a n d S le e p e r b e tw e e n P e o r ia , S p ir it L a k e ,
a n d S io u x F a lls , v ia R o c k Is la n d . T b e F a v o r ite L in e t o P ip e s to n e , W a t e r to w n , S io u x F a lls , a n d th e S u m m e r R e s o r ts a n d H u n tin g a n d 'F is h in g
G ro u n d s o f th e N o r th w e s t.
T H E S H O R T L IN E V I A S E N E C A A N D K A N K A K E E o ffe r s fa c ilitie s t o
’ tr a v e l b e tw e e n C in c in n a ti, In d ia n a p o lis , L a fa y e tte , a n d C o u n c il B lu frs, S t.
J o se p h , A tc h is o n , L e a v e n w o r th , K a n s a s C ity , M in n e a p o lis, a n d S t. P a u l.
F o r T ic k e ts , M a p s, F o ld e r s , o r d e s ir e d in fo rm a tio n , a p p l^ to : a n y T ic k e t
a tte s o r C a n a d a , o r a d d r e s s
O ffice in th e U n ite c fs ta
General Manager.
C H IC A G O , IL L .
ISS& Sfriid L
t o o l d Watchfi
.Worth ® I O C . ---- --- -Iw atchin ll»e world*
'tlmekeeper.Warnmted heavy,
~\sOLID GOLD hunting; coses*
lgn ;h Indies* and gent’s sizes,
Fwith tvorks nud c a s e s of
. jquarvalue. ONE PEBSONin
each locality eon secure one
togelher with our large
4 v a lu a fr h J in c o fH o u s e h o la
___ P & 9 m n lC 8 . TBbiso samples,as well
*88 the watch, are f r c e ^ S A jl
need do is to show w butw c send you to those
friends and neighbors and those about y ou -th a ta lw a £ *««*«»
i___ . . . j . a . . . .
r/trvMN i«hannnc<inlNtil|
Gen*! Ticket & *Viss. Agent.
you Know a ri, it you wouiu jiku ivjtw
•’j “
earn from $ 2 5 0 to O ttO per week and upwards. Address,
Stinson «Ss C o .. S o x 6 1 3 , P o r tla n d , M a in e .
FOB, T H E 3E S 7
I! You Slave
BRONCHITIS jThroat Affecticn
SCROFULA I‘Wasting cf S’lesh
"When X say Cues X do tiofcmeanmerely tc
stop them fo r a tim e, and then have them re*
turn again. I siEAlt A R ADICAL CURE.
X have m ade th e disease o f
A life-long Btndy. I WARRANT m yxem eay to
C uke the worst cases. Because others have
laUeii is no reasonfor not nov.-receivinc acui eSend at once fo r a treatise and a F e e s B ottle
o f m y I nfallible R e m ed y . Give Express
and Post Office. It costs yon nothing fo r a
trial, and it w ill cure you. Addree3
Du. HU2JPHKEYS’ SM2CIFICSere sclentiftp-allyand
carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many
years in prlvatepracticewithsuccess,smaXorovcr
thirtyyearsiisetfby tliepeople. Every single i5pe- .
elite is a special cure for tho disease named.
These Specifics cure without dragging, purjp
ing or reducing the system, and are in fact and
deedthesovercisn rem ed ies o fth e W o r ld ,
u sr oprniNCrPAiinos.
1 F e v e rs, Congestion, inflammation.., .125
a W o rm s, Worm Fever, Worm Colic-- .'-|5
8 C ry in s C o lic , or Tcethtag of Infants .~ Q
4 D ia rr h e a , of Children or Adults.»., ,2 5
5 D y sen tery , Gripiue-Bilimis Colic.... .icS
6 C h o lera M o rb u s, Vomiting.......... .2 5
9 C ou gh s, Gold. Bromffiitte..— . . . . . . . .2 5
8 N e u ra lg ia , Toothache. Eaceache.... .2 5
B H ead ach ea , StckHeadache. Vertigo .2 5
!.» D ysn ep sitt, Bilious s t o m a c l i . . 2 5
1 3 S u p p ressed or P a in fu l P e rio d s. .~ 5
1 2 W h ite s , too Profuse Periods......... . ,2 5
I S C rou p , Cough, DilHeultBreathing.... .2 5
1 4 Salt lth c u m , Xtyslpelas.Bruptloas. .2 5
a 5 R h e n m a tism , BhetraatlcPttos.,.. .2 5
19s i'j;v e r and
Chills. lualaria----- .5 0
I. 9 F ile s , Sited, or B le e d in g ........---.-- .e #
I B C a ta r rh , hcfhienra, CmdintheHead ,5 0
2 0 W h o o p in g C o n gh , ViolentCoueL^- .5 0
2 4 General l»cl)iiity,PhysicalWcnknem .5 0
8 ? Iiid n e y ?U se a se ............................. .-iw !
g a H iseu sea oftheH cart|P fllpitaficail«0O
Sold by Druggists, or sentpostpaia onreceipt
o f priceT Dn. MUHPintEvs’ Maxpal, a f t pages)
richly hound la cloth and gold, mallea
H um phreys* 3IedfcineOo.iQ9Fnte-mi^£^2
"lil.it are combir^cl the fin­
est medk&nical skill,
most useful
and practical
elements, and
all known ad­
vantages that
make a sew­
ing machine
desirable to
sell or use.
E L O R E D G E RfSFG. C<0>.
factory and Wholesale Office, BeMdere, 21
Or a n y D ia c a o tch ere th e T h r o a t a n il T.ttngs
tire Infla m ed ,. l a r h o f S tren g th o r hervm
lo u t' a', l/oit can he r e litv a l tu u l C ured b y
IVahasU A v e ., C h ica g o ,
SO JirrsfuZ S tr e e t, N civ Ynrrt*
E s t a b l is h e d 1 8 /7 .
A tliircl of a century
'T P S
) WOODWORK:cg ) ( s f AffAe-HMEfitS®J
cS B S l
ST.tOUIS.M0. U.fc’l M j S J h a □ALLA5.TE'/.
\Vith H y p o p h o s p il'te s .
P A L A T A B L E A S M IL K .
W A L L A C E R IL E Y , Agent.
./isle f o r Stott*# E tn n ’nlon, and. le t n o
jr ta n a tlo n o r so lic ita tio n in d u ce f/ou to
a ccep t a sufatftute,'
Sold b y all Druggists.
gC O T T & B O W NErC h ofn l8t8 |N .Y .
Will be at Niles, M ich, Bond House, on Tuesday, the 22i of July.
Smartfellow (anxious to poke fun at
an old maid)—Ket me see. It’s a lon g
time since we met last, is it not, Miss
Miss Antique—
very long time.
How well that suite o f clothes lias hung
together,—New York Weekly.
Uotv’s Tills?
fa ?
135 C hicago A v e ., E v a k s t o s . I l l ,
We offer One Hundred Dollars "re­
ward for any case that can not be cure!
by taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. C H E N EY & CO., Proprietor.
Toledo. O.
W e, the undersigned, have known F .
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be­
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions, and financially
able.to carry out any obligations made
by tlieir firm.
W est & Truax, Wholesale- Druggists,
Toledo. Ohio.
Walding. Kinnan &M arvin, Wholesale
'Druggists, Toledo Ohio.
E. II. Van Iloesen, Cashier Toledo Na­
tional Bank, Toledo, Ohio.
H all’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter­
nally, -acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces o f the system.
P.ice, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
'■ y - E J k l R . S
X)TbZ. 2T. E3- S K F A T K ® ,
T h e H e ir to F ab u lou s W e a lth .
•* g »
W ithout injurious lmmHAftHnp
This extensive experience with thousands o f
patients enables me to cure every curable case.
Those atllictedwith diseases o f the Lungs,Throat,
Heart. Liver. Kidneys, Kerycs. Brain, or suffering
from Rheumatism, Henralpia, Debility, Youthful
Indiscretions, Cancers, Old Sores, Tumors, Fits,
any Chronic Ailment, are invited to call and examiuc my record o f oases c u r e d , when hope of
cure has been abandoned. Candid in my exam­
inations, reasonable in my charges, and never
encourage without a surety of Bnccess.
R a y m o n d , F eb. 28, IS8S.
Dr. F . D. Ilrewer .-—I received your last box of
medicine all right. I tbiuk I am much better
tban I was a week ago. I commenced to gain
Btrength as soon aB I got tbe chills and fever brok­
en np. I don’ t have those nervous spells any
more. I don’ t cough aud raise as much as I did;
■want I do raise looks pretty bad, but n o blood,
just clear corruption. I have not vomited up my
food lor about a week. My victuals begiu to taste
manual. I have a splendid appetite.
Mrs , a . F . B erdan, Raymond, Dak,
Baroh E. de Rothschild, of Palis, is
the onlyson o f Baron Alphonse de Roths­
child, het^d of the Parisian branch of the
qkers. He is tall, blond, fine
l about 23 years of age. Having finished his university course he is
spending a few years in travel. For the
past five memths he lias been seeing
America.—Washington Post.
Tourist (to b oy fishing)—How many
fish have yon caughtkmy man?
Boy— Oh,c I couldn’freount ’em!
Tourist—Why, you haven’t caught
any, you little vagabond! .
B oy—That’s why I c a n ’CS-count ’em.
—New York Ledger.
Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Eructation,
a nte worms, gives sleep, aud promotes difjestion,
T he Centaur Company, 57 Hurray Street, N. Y,
^Spectators (in one voice)—Ravin’ crazy l
A trou gh S u it;
C a sto r la cures Colic, Constipation,
Mrs* Allen’* Golden HalrWasha
D IS C O V E R Y .
Only Oenniue System o f Memory Traloiiig.
Four ISeoks Learned in one reading*
■ Mind wandering- cored.
Every child and adult greatly benefited.
Great inducements to Correspondence Q|e«tqejL
Parisian. Face Bleach/ Momma Dura, Tor
uevelopingthebu&t. Rusma, forremoviag
cuperllutiushnir. ltangdrcsaJng. All goods »
tyhoicsalcaiul retail. Send3 cLBlampfor
illustrated circular. Full tine of iincualr
W . AJ£JSN%219 JV<iGDWitD AV,.DEraOIT. Pflrmhhydiwj^lKn .
and progressive impre
resented in THE L5/
of STOVES a n d /4N
The line e m /es an
variety of E./uES’ ^'°°
and H eatin' tOves for
soft c o a l / ™ 1T h e y / a! nio<3eJs c
m o d e /VeCOnftruc£ioi»i
ever?°Wn re<3u*rement c
fo/ ich tbey are intendee
■USS $ s p e a IE , 1