August 25, 1881 - Buchanan District Library


August 25, 1881 - Buchanan District Library
I hare opened a Furniture R epair Shop in
— BY—
and am prepared to do all work in thatltae
on short notice.
J O H N " Gr. H O L M E S .
Billiard Table Hepairin g
----- AND—
te r m s :—S 1 .5 0 p e r Y ea r.
A ll Kurds of Job Work
I f PICS-—l a Uaeord B ntt& ss,
A Man in -a M illin ery Store.
there Av as any danger o f a battle, al­
though we had heard that the long­
H A Y D E N R E A , manufacturer and dealer in
She had mildly hinted that she didn’t
T h e r e was a y o u n g g ir l fr o m B o rd e a u x ,'
haired chief had been sent after us. care to go to church again until she
. Light and Heavy Harness, Saddles, R obes,
Blankets, Dusters, Nets, W hips, Trunks, Satchels, W ith c o r n s o n h e r little p in k teau x ,
o f our runners went back on our had her summer bonnet, but at the
Brushes and C om bs. N o dry goods or groceries.
trail, fo r what purpose I do not know. mention o f 'bonnet he turned around
T O- O. F-—Buchanan. L odge N o. IS holds lta
T h e tears ru n l i k e ra in
OUGH BROS., Wholesale and Retail dealers in
1 . Tegular meeting, at Odd Fellows Hall, o n each
N . M URPH Y, Fashionable Barber and Hair
One came hack and repbrted that,an and belched o u t:
Toesday evening.
- Dresser. Ladles’ and Children’s hair cutting Downithe b r id g e o t h e r d e lica te n en u x.
army o f white soldiers was coming, and
a specialty. Front st., opposite Dnubar House.
“Bonnet! ’Noiher neAV bonnet! Why
H e r lo v e r —a y o u th fr o m C o lo g n e —
he had no more than reported rvhen an­ don’t you go doAvn and buy out every
A . SL—Snm mit L odge N o . 193 holds aregF &. risx
Fled widely and le ft her alogne,
m eeting ATonday eventagon o r before the
IN C COLLAR P A D CO., sole proprietors and
other runner came in with the same infernal bonnet foundry on Woodward
OOD & SAMSON, dealers in Shelf and Heavy
m u m oon in each month.
manufacturers o f Cnrtis’ Patent Z in c Collar
W h en h e fo u n d th a t h e r fe e t
Hardware, Stoves,,Tinware, Paints, Oils,Glass,
story, and also told us that the com­ Avenue, and done Avith it!”
P ad, Buchanan. F or sale b y dealers everywhere.
'TV £ A - 3L—BnchsnanLodge N o. 6Sholds a regmand had divided, and that one party
“1 haven’t had hut one this spring,”
JP » nlar meeting Fridar evening o n o r before the
"VT J . SLATER, manufacturer o f Wagons, Car-" W ith n e v e r a w o r d h e h a d flogne.
was going around to attack us on the she meekly protested. '
toll m oon in each month.
i \ . riages, Buggies, Sleighs, £ c . Repairing at­
tended to prom ptly. Front street.
“ One! W hy, you’ve had forty.”
O F H.—Bnchanan Grange 2?o. 40 meets on
A s s h in in g a n d n e a t as a p y n n ,
the camp o f tlie Uncapapas tribe. ’ The
RAN K MERSON, proprietor o l Central M eat
“ Only one, my dearw and I can show
the second, and fourth Saturday o f each month,
t u :R M E R S £ MANUFACTURERS BA N K , BnMarket. Cash paid for all kinds o f liv e sto c k
H e lo o k e d a t h e r tea u x .
shots neither raised nor'fell. (Here be you the hill.”
s t 2 o 'd o c k ? .x .‘
_ cchanan, Mich. A ll business entrusted to this
and produce. South side Front street.
T h e s o u rc e o f h e r w eattx,
Bank will receive prom pt and personal attention.
indicated that the whites commenced
“ Well, that cost forty or fifty dollars.”
a G . Tw—Buchanan X odge K o . S5S holds Its
W m . Pears, P res.; Geo. H . Richards, V ice P res.;
A n d in d u lg e d i n a g ra tified g ryn n .
firing at about four hundred yards dis­
• regular m eeting on. each 3fonday evening.
“ Oh, no. The bill is only nineteen
A . F . R oss, Cashier.
H e p re s cr ib e d f o r th is m a id fr o m B ord ea u x ,
side F ront street, Tremont block.
e . T . r . O F BCCHA2ffA^r hold s its Tegular
EORGE CHURCHILL, Contractor and Build­
slowly, to give the women and children
A nd c u r e d a ll h e r litt le p in k t e a u x ;
“Nineteen dollars! Well, that’s an
» m eeting at the Presbyterian Church, on b ach
er, and dealer in Lumber, Lath and Shingles.
time to go to a place o f safety. Other outrageous SAvindle!”
A n d n o w it is said
Tuesday at 3 F - 3 f.
F ront street, Bnchanan, M ich.
Indians got our horses. By that time
T h e y t o o w ill b e w aid,
“ It is a very plain bonnet,” she re­
RS. F R AN C W H ITM AN, Agent for V ictor
A n d from sorrow an d g r ie f find r e p e a u x .
we had warriors enough to turn upon marked, “ and it was only for spring.”
H . BOB, dealer in Watches, ClociB, Jewelry,
Sewing Machines. Attachments, oil and need­
. Books, Mnsic, Stationery, & c. Spemaltymade
les famished for all machines. In Bradley’ s P ho­T h e sw eet-scen ted y o u t h from C olog n e,
“H ow much will a summer hat cost ?”
ot repairing. Comer Front &Main streets.
3L PLTRPTO K. Attorney and Counsellor at
hill and started hack to camp. Then he asked, after reading doAvn to the
tograph rooms, Front st.
"Who le ft h e r se v e r e ly a lo g n e .
• X&w and S olicitor in Chancery. Office over
the second hand o f white warriors end of a column.
the Bank, Buchanan, "Mich.
W h en lie first h e a r d th e new s
came. W e did not know "who was their
and Headstones o f all designs and kinds o f
Tfis m in d h e d id lew s
“ Well, I ’ll try to get along with ten
A S B IP E R & W O K TH ISG TO S, Attorneys
J- S. Beistle. A n d flitted f r o m life w ith a .g r o g n e .
chief, hut we supposed it was Custer’s or tAvelve dollars, but you------■
and Coonselors s t Law, and S ohotors in Cban»
eery. Collections m ade and proceeds promptly
—B. S Bartlett'
Y . YOORHEES. manufacturer o f F m it and
“ Ten or twelve demons 1” he yelled,
. Clocks, K an os, fo r sale cheap. Tremont
remitted. Office over Kinyon’s Store, Buchanan.
ing at long range (indicating nearly a as he half rose up. “I tell you it’s an
• Flour Barrels- Special attention to custom
building. Bnchanan.
work. C om er W est and Main streets.
mile). VVe had then all our warriors outrageous swindle, and no one hut an
and horses. There were eighty warri­ idiot would submit. They tack the
TVAVTD E . H K M A N , Attorney an d Counselor
T7" P IE R S O N . W agon and Carriage Painting
Fort Yates fDakOta) Correspondence o f the CinM
J J at Law. and SoKcitocin Chancery. Collections
l\ . executed neatly, a t reasonable prices for cash.
ors in my band. A ll the Sioux were price on because they think yon don’t
cinuati Commercial,
made and proceeds promptly remitted. Office In
Give m e a call. Day's Avenno.
there from every tribe. W e had war­ know bran from broom-sticks.”
Bough's block, Buchanan,A lich .
17T K G E R T £ M ARBLE, proprietors o f Indian
Reserve Mill. Custom grinding a specialty.
riors plenty as the leaves on the trees.
O. HAM ILTON, M ilk Dairy. Delivers Milk
“ Then you go down Avith me and
A E O R G E P . EDW ARDS, Attorney and ConnSatisfaction guaranteed. Portage street.
. In all parts o f the corporation daily Resi­
Ohr camp was as long as from the fort make the purchase.”
I X aeUor at Law. Office, corner "Main and Second
Streets. Kiles, H ich.
OUGH & PEABS, Proprietors o f Bnchanar
T w o S iou x A ccou nts o f tlie A nnihi­ to the lower end of our cam p'here
“Egad! I Avill! I ’ll go this very day,
and Bnral "Mills. Custom and Merchant grind
HAS. W . SMITH, proprietor o f Livery, Feed
(more than two and a half miles). Sit­ and i f I don’t buy a better bonnet for
o iG e
H A L L Attorney and Counsellor
tag o f all kinds. Bnchanan, M ich. '
lation o f H is Force.
and Sale Stable, opposite Dnnbar House, B u -.
1 a t Lav
ting Bull and Crazy Horse were the four dollars than you have ever had
L aw and S olicitor in Chancery, Buchanan,
chanan, Mich.
M ichigan.
great chiefs of tlie-figlit. Sitting Bull
There lias been a great desire to hear did not himself fight, hut lie gave or­ for ten dollars, I ’ll eat shingles!”
ACOB F . H A H N , Undertaker. A full and com
That afternoon they entered a mil­
plete assortment o f Caskets and Colliiit con
the Indian account of the Custer fight. ders. W e turned against the second
BA K E S S & C O , dealers In Furniture, Picstantly on hand. Bnrial Robes a specialty.
linery store in company, and the old
A ll these liostiles were in it. Capt. party. The great body of our war­
. tares, Frames, i c . Bepairtag promptly done.
gent had the look of a man who was
Maln street; Bnchanan.
S. BOB B . AT. D., Physician and Surgeon.
A . K E L SE Y , manufacturer o f Artificia
Howe, who is highly regarded by the riors came together in their front, and
bound to Avin i f it broke a leg.
• Office in S . S. B odd & Son's drug store* Res­
. Limbs, Buchanan, Mich.
we rushed our horses on them. A t the
idence on Bay’s Avenue, east side* Buchanan,
LACK £ SCHBAY, manufacturers o f and deal­
“ My Avife AA'ants a bonnet,” he began,
ers iu Furniture aud Organa. Factory near the
o f the Ogallallas, and recognized by the same time warriors rode out on each
H . TALBOT, Machinist. Engines, Threshing
as he got settled down on a stool.
river bridge; Bnchanan.
B . J . X . R O B , Physician and Surgeon. Propri­
• and Agricultural Machines repaired. Cider Indians as a great warrior, had prom­
etor o f Roe’ s Throat Balsam. Office, in R oe's
“Very Avell. About what price?”
mill Screws,"Saw Arbors, £ c ., made to order. Shop
ised to give, him an account o f the fight, till they were surrounded. When they
block, ot^r Severson’ s drug store, Buohanan, X ich .
m Chicago street.
“Say from four to six dollars.”
and invited me to hear it. I took pen­ saw that they were surrounded they
R . ROSS PT. P IE R C E , Phvslcian and Surgeon.
\ T CATHCART. Photographs, Ferreotypes, Oil
“Yes, sir. Here is one for four dol­
AM ES CASE, Florist, keeps all kinds o f Flower
Office o v e r W a ite JhVTooSs’ store, Buchanan,
dismounted. They tried to hold on to lars. It is for a kitchen girl on Six­
.1 1 . Printings; Lidia In k Pastel, and Photo-Cray­
and Vegetable Plants for sale. Good plants at
ons. Main street, Bnchanan, Mich.
consent, noted it down. I have it al­ their horses, hut as we pressed closer
low prices. One m ile north o f Buchanan.
most word for word as translated hy they let go their horses. W e crowded teenth street, and I call it an elegant
1L I*.AT. B A KER, Phvsician and Surgeon. Kight
B . BRADLEY, Photographer. Constantly
thing for the money.”
D calls promptly attended to. Office oferK injon's
. adding all the latest improvements in the art.
them toward our main camp and killed
. South Bend Chilled Plows, and repairs for the interpreter, but I regret exceeding­
“I—I guess we don’t Avant one for
ftore, Buchanan, Mich.
Second door east o f Post-office.
ly that tlie interpreter aid not give me them all. They kept in order and
Kalamazoo, Oliver and Three Rivers Plows. Also,
four dollars,” he muttered, as a chill
W , SLOCUM, H om eopathic Physician and
fought like brave warriors as long as lieAA1" up his spine.
ol Front and Portage streets, Buchanan.
• Surgeon. Buchanan, M ich. Office at resi­
use a great many gestures and signs, they had a man left. Our camp was
dence, com er Main and T hird streets.
“It’s Arery cheap, I assure you, and
MOS EVAN S, Graincr, Painter and Paper
and the interpreters tell me that it is on Greasy Grass river. (Little Big
URCH £ M O W R R T do all kinds o f machine
the colors are very popular Avith kitch­
Hanger, Buchanan, Mich. Good work at low
h T R S . E . F . A ^ B E R S O ^ T ,X .B . Office andreavery
blacksmithfns. A lso manntactnre the Tloss"
Horn.) When we charged every chief en girls, but here is one for six dollars.”
JsL idence, P ortage
Buchanan. M ich. Office
side "bar buggy; p isto n s, £ c , to order. Shop on
substance of what they say.
gave the cry, ‘Hi-yi-yi.’ (Here Grow
hours from 2 to 4 p . x . B iseases o f women and
Portage street, one door north o f foundry.
“Ali| that is more like it! N ow I call
children m ade a sp ecialty. Patients hoarded while
“IVe were in camp near the Little Chief gave -us the cry in a high pro­
T O H N W EISGERBER, manufacturer Of Lumber.
that handsome.”
under treatment i f desired. THU attend calls in
R . BOYCE, Blacksmith. Horse shoring at
the village o r country.
“So it is, sir. That is for a second. the old price o f $3.50. Shop first door south of Oak street.
homes, and an Indian went- back on it is a command to all the warriors to
Dunbar House, Day's Avenue.
girl oi\ Winder street, and she certainly
J . SM ITH . IT. B . I respectfully request m y
the trail to look for them. W e {lid not watch the chief and follow his actions.)
has good taste. It is the cheapest bon­
• friends to m ake their calls early in the morn­
know that the white warriors were Then every chief rushed his horse on
ing. when the nature o f the case w ill Dermic. B y B R IC K M A N U F A C T U R E R S.
net I have made for a year.”
s o d oing w ill he able to give the case m ore prompt
coming after us. Some scouts or men the white soldiers, and all our warriors
“ Yes—ahem —no doubt!” gasped tlie
attention than otherwise m ight he possible. Spec­
E N R Y BLODUETT.mannfactnrerof Building,
in advance o f the warriors saw the In­ did the same, every one whipping an­
ial attention given to Surgical operations. Resi­
W ell and Pavement Brick. Y ardiu Mansfield's
old gent, as reel streaks began to color
dian looking for tlie horses, and ran other’s horse. There was great hurry
dence, co m e r B av's A venue and Chicago St.
addition, Bnchanan.
his neck and chin. “A nd what’s the
after him and tried to kill him to keep and confusion in the fight. No one
B . F U LLE R £ C O , manufacturers o f conprice of this one?”
RS. X A A R X A B U T TO N . M idwife an dX nrse.
. Crete, house, w ell and cistern brick. Day's
him from bringing us word, but he ran chief was above another in that fight.
, A ll calls prom ptly attended. Front Street,
“ That? That is sold to a barber’s
avenue, Bnchanan.
Buchanan, M ich.
faster than they and came into camp It was not more than half an hour af­
and told us that the white warriors ter the long-haired chief attacked us Avife for eight dollars, hut I could get
you up the mate to it if you Avant.”
T A IL O R S .
were coming. I was asleep in my lodge before he and all his men were dead.
“Barber’s AA’ife—aliem—eight dollars
at flie time. The sun was about noon Then we went hack for tlie first party.
OHS FENDER, Fashionable Tailor. W ork ex3 L WELSOX, Bentist. Office, first door north
— and this one?”
(pointing with his finger.) I heard the W e fired at them until the sun went
& o f the Bank. Charges reasonable and satisFront Street, Bnchanan,. Mich
“Well, I made tlie price very low on
b e fio a guaranteed.
alarm and I did not believe it. I thought down.
W e surrounded them and that one, as it is for a seamstress who
TREN BETH . Merchant Tailor. The latest
G . MAXSir iE L D , Operative Dentist. A ll work
watched them all night, and at daylight always buys o f me. I only charged
. styles in Cloths, Cassimores and Suitings
• done at the low est living prices and warranted
it was possible that any white men we fought them again. W ekilledmany lier twelve dollars for that.”
always on hand. A ll workwarranted. Bnchanan,
to g ite satisfaction. R oom s over JSnyon's store.
Carriages. Buggies, SleigHs. & o .
M ich.
would attack us so strong as we were. o f them. Then a chief from the Un“Seamstress, ell ?”
W e had in our camp the Cheyennes, eapapas called our men off. H e told
“ Yes. She goes out fo r seventy-five
Arrapahoes, and seven different tribes them those men had been punished cents per day, and o f course she can’t
o f the Teton Sioux— a countless num­ enough; that they were fighting under _ afford any better than this.”
E A V E S £ C O , dealers In Clothing, Hats,
ber. Although I did not believe it was orders, that We had killed the great'
Caps and Gents* Fam ishing Goods. Front
Old Whetstone Avas as red as a straw­
street, Ba chanan, W h
a tine alarm, I lost no time in getting leader and his men in the fight the day berry hy this time, and it was only by
ready. When 1 got my gun and came before, and Ave should let the rest go a tremendous effort o f will that he
J- i f . BERN ARD, Proprietor.
out of my lodge the attack had begun home. Sitting Bull gaAre this order. could repress a “gosh dam it!”
in that part o f the camp where Sitting He said: ‘This is not my doings nor
“ You wouldn’t care to look at this
Bull and the Uncapapas were. The these men’s. They are fighting because sixteen dollar bonnet, as it is for a me­
Central Block; Front S t , Buchanan.
Indians held their ground to give the they were commanded to fight. W e chanic’s Avife,” softly remarked the
women aud children time to get out of have killed their leader. L et them go.’ milliner.
ATTE £ "WOODS, dealers in Boots, Shoes &
Bobbers. South side Front street, Buchanan.
the way. By this time the herders I call on the Great Spirit to witness
“No—ahem—perhaps not,” he grunt­
J. C. V aiTEj . K. WOODS.
were driving in the horses, and as I what I say. W e did not want to fight. ed.
was nearly at the further end of the Long Hair sent us word that he Avas
M. POAYERS. A E hinds o f aroik made to or“But this one at twenty dollars might
der, and particular attentionpaid to repairingcamp I ordered my men to catch their coming to fight us, and Ave had to de­ possibly do,” she went on, “ although
Also, ready-made Boots on hand and warranted.
horses and mount. But there was fend ourselves and our Avives and chil­ your Avife’s position in society Avould
F . STRONG. A ll kinds o f B oots and Shoes
much confusion. The women and chil­ dren. I f this command had not been only permit her to Avear it for second
Are at home six days in every week, where they will be pleased
• m ade to order, and repairing done cheap for
dren were trying to catch their horses given Ave could have cut Reno’s com­ -best. Just Avait and I’ll show you some­
■*ash,sndsatisfaction guaranteed."Op.Bongh block.
- to show their many customers and friends the
and get out o f the way, and my men mand to pieces, as Ave did Custer’s. thing for twenty-five dollars which
were hurrying to go and help those N o warrior knew Custer in the fight. Avill charm you.”
that were fighting. When the fighters W e did not knoAv him, dead or alive.
“I won’t! I ’ll he hanged if I wait a
saw that the women and children were When the lisrlit Avas 0Arer the chiefs minute!” he exclaimed as he rose up.
3I. FULTON & CO.— Call at theDonhle Store
• o f T . i t . Fulton & Co., Bnchanan, Mich.. to
safe, they fell back. By this time my gaA_e orders to look for the long-haired “I don’t fe e l. very well, and I’ve also
m r goods cheap.
people went to help them, and the less chief among the dead, but no chief agreed to meet a man at the City H all
P . £ C. C. H IGH , dealers in Dry Goods, Fan
able warriors and women caught horses with long hair could be found.” (Cus­ . at three o’clock. Martha, you go ahead
. c r Goods, W all Paper, Curtains and Fixtures.
and got them ready, and we drove the ter had his hair cut short before start­ and pick out a bonnet.”
Front street; Buchanan, "Stir-h
first- attacking party back, and that ing on this march.)
“ One for—for—for—four dollars,”
e r r i e n c o u n t y c o -o p e r a t iv e a s s o ­
party retreated to a high hill. Then I
CroAv King said that if Reno had she whispered.
c i a t i o n , dealers in D ry Goods, Groceries, Protold
-----O F ----held out until Custer came, and then
•".sions, Notions; Boots £ Shoes, A c , Bnchanan.
“Four be-hangs! W ho said anything
in pursuit, for fear of falling into an fought as Custer did, they AA’ould have about four dollars? I f you can make
ambush. By this time all the warriors Avhipped the Indiaus. The Indians one for twenty dollars do you, I ’d take
G R O CE R IE S, &C.
in our camp were mounted and ready Avouhl then have been compelled to di- it; .but i f yon look better in one for
for fight, and then we were attacked A'ide to protect their Avornen and chil­ tAventy-fiA'e dollars, yon can have it
on the other side by another party. dren, and the Avhites would lnwe had sent up. W hat I was scolding about
They came on us like a thunderbolt. I the advantage. He expressed great this morning Avas the shape o f your
ORE; B R O S , dealers i n Groceries, Crock­
ery, Glassware and Bakery Goods. D a y s Block,
never before nor since saw men so admiration for the bravery o f Custer bonnet—not the cost. I still hold that
t street, Bnchanan, Mich.
brave and fearless as those white war­ and his men, and said that the fight the shapes are outrageous; but you’ve
C- NASH ; dealer in Fam ily Groceries and
riors. W e retreated until our men got impressed the Indians that the whites got to have One all the same.”
. Pitm sions, Stone and W ooden W are. Comet
all together, and then we Charged upon were their superiors, and it would be
o f Front & Oak streets, Buchanan, Mich.
A n d w hen he got out doors and
them. I called to my men, ‘This is a their destruction to keep on fighting around the comer, he struck the air
£ W . W . SMITH, dealers in Staple and Fancy
them. Both lie and L ow Dog said they Avith his cane and yelled":
. Groceries, Provisions and Crockery. Central
block, foot o f Main el. Buchanan. Mich.
ed our men, and that no man should did not feel that they Avould be blamed
“I f a man had played that on me,
fall back, every man whipped another for the Custer fight or its results. It I’d hunt him to his natroAv grave!”—
-ANDman’s horse and w e rushed right upon Avas war; they Avere attacked; Custer D etroit F ree Press.
them. A s w e . rushed upon them the tried to kill them; they killed him.
A . P A L M E R , Notary Public, Fire and Life
white warriors dismounted to fire, hut Crow K ing said he had two brothers
. Insurance ana. R eal 'Estate Agent. Repre­
they did very poor shooting. They killed in the fight; that from thirty to
sents ten o f th e oldest and best Companies in the
United States. O ffice-ftith D .E .H in m sn .
held their horses’ reins on one arm fifty Indians were killed, and a much
, August IS.—Leo Hart­
while they were shooting, but their larger number who Avere Avounded died
E . PLIM PTON, Notarv Public, Conveyancer
mann, the Russian nihilist, appeared in
. andlnsnrance Agent. Represents Lancsshier
horses were so frightened that they afterward.
o f England, Fire Association and American o f Phil­
the superior court clerk’s office this
pulled the men all around, and a great
adelphia. Office with E . M . Plimpton.
morning, and, renouncing his allegi­
many o f their shots went up in the air
OHN G . HOLMES, Fire Insnrance ana Real
ance to the emperor o f Russia, filed a
Estate Agent. R eptesentsutae o f the best In­
declaration of his intention to become
riors stood their ground bravely, and
surance Companies in the country- Record office.
It was Sunday evening. Angelica a citizen of the United States.
none o f them made any attempt to es­
In the in ter vie av Hartmann said: “I
T A A B M E E S 'M U T U A L F I R E IN SU RAN CE A S cape or get away. A fter all, hut a few had invited’ her best young man to the
evening meal. Everything had passed am only in fear of kidnapping, and be­
JD SOCIATION o f Berrien County. Only farm
of them, were k illed; I captured two
risks taken.
War. H a s Lett, Sec'y, Buchanan.
off harmoniously until Angelica’ s sev­ lieve that I can best avoid it hy giving
o f their horses. Then the. wise men
en years old brother broke the blissful my quarters, intentions and movements
and chiefs o f our nation gave out to
silence by exclaiming:
the greatest publicity. I have been
our people not to mutilate the dead
“ Oh, ma! yer ougliter seen Mr. Light­ constantly shadowed since I came here,
white chief, for he was a brave war­
VT HAM ILTON , Auctioneer. W ill attend to all
ed the other night, when he called to and from the numerous attempts made
i_Y• business in m y line promptly, at reasonable
rior and died a brave man, and his re­
prices. Give m e a call. Address, Bnchanan, Mich.
take A ngie to the d rill; he looked so to dispose of me in London and Paris,
mains should he respected. Then I
nice sittin’ ’long side of her with his I do not doubt that some, such course
T E Y I LOGAN , Anctioneer. A ll buslnes will
turned round and went to help light
L i receive prom pt attention, at reasonable priceshas been thought of, for i am positive
the other white warriors who had re­
Post Office address. Bnchanan.
“Ered!” screamed the maiden.Avhose that T cannot be extradited by any in­
treated to a high hill on the east side
face began to assume the color'of a ternational arrangement. It is aco f the river. (This was Reno’s com­
Avell-done crab, quickly placing her knoAvledged that in my attempt on the
mand.) I don’ t know whether any
hand over the boy’s mouth.
life of the Czar I did not seek the mur­
T V B . X . S. DODD & SON, Practical Druggista.
white men of Guster’s force were taken
“Y er ougliter seen him,” continued der o f the man Alexander Romanoff, I
JJ Fine perfnmea and useful toilet articles. Pieprisoners. "When I got hack" to our
acriptions a specialty.
camp they were all dead. Everything the persistent informant, after gaining sought only the destruction o f this vi­
his breath, and the embarrassed girl’s tal exponent o f wrong principle. This
E . B A L L E N G E E ,
was in confusion all the time o f the
hand was removed; “ he had his arm—” is proved by the fact that while an at­
R a n t and Main Streets. Bnchanan. Mrch.
“Ereddie,” shouted the mother,’ as in tempt at murder is punished by the
not know who killed him. W e did not
frantic attempts to reach the boy’s au­ Russian government with penal servi­
TV w ]
know till the fight was over that he
was the white chief. W e had no idea ricular appendage she upset the con­ tude not exceeding fifteen years, one
Stationery, A c , south side o f Front street.
the white warriors were coming tents of the full teapot in Mr. Light- made upon the life of the Czar is inev­
N otary Public & Conveyancer.
ed’s lap, making numerous Russian itable death. This recognizes a politi­
the runner came in and told us.
Avar maps over his neAV lavender pant­ ca l complexity o f crime. Even if in
MoueynoUected and promptly remitted. Beal Sa*
I do not say that Reno was a coward.
U te Agent. Makes out Pension Papers as naual.that railroad explosion many persons'
U N B A R H O U SE , Bnchanan, Mich. A . B .
Tenthonaaod dollars to loan, in gome to salt, at 8 Watches,
C I o c k s , Silver H e fought well, hut our men were
Sabin, proprietor. First-class in ever respect.
“I was just goin’ to say,” the half had been killed and wounded, this as­
fighting to save their women and chil­
per cent^onfiTeyeaiB’ time.
hoy pleaded, between a cry pect o f affairs would have remained
49 " 0 £Bce in Boagb’ Bblock, corner o f Front and
W are, Books, Stationery, dren, and drove them hack. I f Reno frightened
to inftinjyfn
Oak Street!, Bnchanan H ick .
and liis warriors had fought as Custer and an injured whine, “ he had his unaltered. Y e t facts prove that no
one was wounded, so you see that I
Musical Instruments,
and his warriors fought, the battle
“ Y ou hoy!” thundered the father, seek an asylum in this country as a
H OU SE, Berrien Springs, Mich. Otis
might have been against us. N o white ■
Sheet Music, &c.
Reed, Proprietor. G ood Livery in connection
“ away to the woodshed!”
right. In this view I am supported by
man or Indian ever fought as bravely
with the house.
A nd the boy Made for the nearest Wendell Phillips, V ictor Hugo, SwinasjGuster and his men. The next day
exit, exclaiming as he waltzed out, “I teu, and other men of intelligence and
we fought Reno and his forces again
only goin’ to say Mr. Lighted had judgment. I want to mold popular
and killed many o f them. Then the
clothes on, and I leave it to sentiment in favor of the nihilists. I
8. P . B - D U N N IN G, Reliable Mffliner. Alchiefs said these men had been pun­ him if he didn’t.” •
r O
d l
r O
f l s
want to'show the people of this coun­
____ ways something new to show customers. Par­
lors, M ain sL, Buchanan, M ich.
A n d the hoy was permitted to re­ try what the condition of Russia really
------AT----merciful, and we let them go. Then
turn, and the remainder o f the meal is. In no civilized country o f the
-a r R S . M -F R A M E , Fashionable Milliner. The
we heard that another force was com­
PEL latest styles always on hand. One door east oi
was spent in explanation from the fam­
ing up the river to fight us (Gen. Ter­ ily in regard to the dumber of times world is Russia so little understood as
Post-office, Buchanan, M lch.
in the United States. H ow do I pro­
ry’s command), and w e started to fight
Freddie had to be talked to for using pose to gain this end? By lectures,
A tten tion P a id to Collection and
__S . L O U D E BUNKER, Fashionable MDliher
___ Latest styles constantly o n hand. One door
his fingers for a ladle.
articles, newspapers, any means that
, C onveyancing.
counseled that we had fought enough
north o f Bank, Main S t , Bnchanan, Mich.
are offered. The moral support, and
SSES CONANThaTe opened a new stock of
possibly the material, that sympathy
H ow to M ind a B aby.
tacked, and we went hack and took
___yMHHhery Goode. W e ask the ladies o f B n­
Office i n R ou g h ’s B lo c k ,
chanan to sfre na a call. Main street. Bnchanan.
First, a man must needs have one to m il give the popular movement in
our: women and children and went
Buohanan. M ichigan.
to take care of. It isn’t every one that Russia may have its weight on those
G t
. Having heard L ow Dog’s story of is fortunate enough to have one, and who are struggling and watching-and
the fight I concluded I would try and ’ when he does his w ife is always want­ waiting for the end which must some
Prudence Plants, that Necessity
__ JUJU "WILSON, Fashionahle Dress and
get an account from other chiefs, and ing to run over to the neighbor’s only time come. That endis a constitution­
M ay Reap.
f R Cloak
t i Maker. Parlor*, Roe’s hlodk, upstairs,
al Republican government in Russia,
going with an interpreter to the In ­ five minutes.
Bnchanan, M id i.
Cor. Front and M ain Sts.
P rom five to nine dollars w ill secure
“ John, take good care o f the child the people in po wer, authority vested
dian camp, approached Chief Gaul first.
_________ ATW OOD, Fashionable Dress and
in the hands-of a chamber o f deputies
a certificate to r one thousand dollars in
H e Said i f he knew anything he would until I return.”
C2oak Maker- Cutting and Siting a specialty.
elected directly from the people, czargood reliable com panies. The .great
1s t door north o f bank; Main st.
feature in this plan is econom y, always
She is scarcely out o f sight When the dom and slavery at once abolished, and
-a r E S . F . R . M ICHAEL, C loak and Dress Maker.
givin g relief to those in need, each
woihen catoh tlie homes, and took no luckless babe opens its eye, and its the progress and development o f the
J lL AB workwflJ’receiTepromptattenHcm. Prices
•reasonable. Com er Detroit and Third ats.
member being h is ow n treasurer,- and
Other part. I f he thought'I believed’ . mouth also, and emits a yell. Y ou tim- great country in the foremost xafik o f
beeping his m oney u n til assessed f o r a S la k e B e t t e r
that, he mistook his man, and X shall id ly jift the cherub, and sing an oper- the great republics. That is .what we
loss b y death, w h ile in ordinary Insur­
try him again. Rain-in-the-Face refus­ -a tic a ir ; he does not appreciate it, but want.
H A IR W O R K .
ance Companies the p olicy holder m ust
ed to talk. I then called on Crow King, yells the louder. Y ou try to bribe him
pay a n n u a lly Targe sums in excess o f
a chief o f the Uncapapas, Sitting Bull’s with bits o f sugar; not a bit o f use, he
■arRS. M A R Y B L A C K ; dealer in' Human Hate
The Lebanon Shakers number 350,
i u . A ll kinds o f Hair W ork dona to order, Stout
tribe, and a imted warrior. H e has "a" spits it out. Y ou get wrathy and shake
the actual cost o f the insurance.
street, aersnth door e a a to f bank.
good face,’ and wields" great influence - him. H e stops a second and you ven­ two-thirds o f whom axe wom en and
Reliable and energetic Agents want­
-with leBS tael and labor than any other apparatus
L . E E ID R E , manuCsctnrer o f Switches,
over the Indians. - H e is-one o f the few ture another, when, good heavens! he girls, and their property is valued at
ed. None other need apply to
W ill condense Sorghum, Juice or M aple sap tast­
Curia, PuBk and all kinds o f hair w ork to on
chiefs who, speak well o f Sitting Bull. sets up such a roar that the passers-by $1,500,000. Members relinquish all
ter. Bi
know n form aktag Jelly from svreet cider. Thou­
A fter some little'talk he came up to look up in astonishment,- when in rush­
B uchanan,
sands in use. Bend’ lor descriptive circulars o f
f.M r f . M cE W E N ; dealer in Hunfan Hair.
es your w ife, snatches the child from claim s on retiring from the communi­
B errien Co., M ich.
the fort and gave me his story.
Evaporators, Cane Mills &c.
Agents Wanted.
C u r i a , n a d e t o e r d s r / R o cm i
Office in R ecord B uilding. *‘W e ’ were in camp, not thinking your willing arms, and Stills it by magic. ty.
V T . F A jK M M A H I N E C O ., Bellows Falls, VL
Business Directory.
Easiness Directory.
A grape vine at Cajon, Cal., has
hom e five tons o f fruit, breaking down
the oak tree on which the Adne climbs.
The. London World expresses the
opinion that Englishmen don’t know
how to treat a woman decently. The embroderies o f the hangings in
the drawing-room o f Vanderbilt’s hut
on F ifth avenue, will cost $ 10,000.
Americans are said to have spent
over $8,000,000 in France last year.for
Avorks of art, engraving andbooks.
The death rate o f Paris rose fifty
per cent, this summer on account of
the heat.
The Postmaster-general stirs the lo­
cal postmasters op for their failure to
properly cancel stamps.
A new ear mark for hogs is known
as the -‘Whittaker under-crop,” and
can he used alike on white or black
pigs.I t is said that physicians regard the
bodies o f persons Avho have died of
hydrophobia with even more terror
than they do small-pox patients.
It is said" that Edison holds between
$1,000,000 and $5,000,000 worth of
stock in the various companies formed
to introduce his incandescent light.
Britons growl at the quarter o f a
million o f dollars they pay annually,
in one way or another, to the son of
tlie duke o f Wellington.
A man in Accom ac county, Va., is
the father o f nineteen children—-“ eight
pairs and three aces,” as the local
papers expresses it.
They enforce the laAvs so strictly iu
Verm ont that the man.who disposed
of a small pond Avas arresting for poolselling.
S. P. & C. G. H IG H
Largest and Best Selected Stock
The standing armies o f Europenumber over 2,100.000 men.
James Gordon Bennett has an in­
come or $800,000 a year.
The total value o f exports from this
country for the seven months ending
July 31 was $S2,707,346 in the same
time in 18S0.
The prisoners in Philadelphia jail
are supplied with fans.
Bob Ingersoll says that the State
prison is full of “only children.” I f
you have only one child borrow an­
One Price A le to Every Customer.
Jewelry* BoiMirs
John C. Dick,
LOWEST f/f/C £S.
done to order. Y our patronage ie solicited
9 0 .
A petition is in circulation in Carrolson, 111., asking that the sale of
cider he forbidden.
A bedstead factory at London, Tenn.,
turned out 75,000 bedsteads last year
and w ill make 125,000.
A m u n jifD
A N ew Y ork tramp goes around
Avith a long reed, and when he finds
any m ilk behind anybody’s grating he
puts in the reed and drinks his fill.
In excavating at the Lord Lom e
mine at Gold Hill, Nev., at a depth of
300 feet there Avere found in a stratum
of clay live worms about three-quarters
o f an inch long.
Cork trees are being successfully
raised in Georgia.
The cork on some
o f them is already thick enough to use.
I t is supposed these trees can he
successfully raised in most o f the
Southern States.
This kind o f sorroAv has rested heav­
ily on John Colbert, o f Etowah, Ala.
H e began to get married when he was
fourteen years old, and now at fifty,
has lost three wives, twenty-two chil­
dren, one arm and thirty horses H e
thinks it is rather hard to lose so many
A Swedish miner at Houdzdale,- Pa.,
went berrying recently, and his dead
body was afterwards found among the
mountains. I t is supposed he was atattacked and killed hy rattlesnakes, as
many o f them Avere feeding upon his
remains, which was discovered only
after a sharp fight with.the reptiles.
The Chinese commissioner Avhose re­
port caused the recall of the Chinese
students from this country, is convinc­
ed that he made a hasty report, drew
erroneous conclusions, made wrong
recommendations, and would like to
undo it all i f he could.
A little boy was asked i f he kneAv
where the wicked finally went to. H e
answered: “ They practice law here a
spell and then go to the legislature.”
It was a painful operation for that
hoy to sit down for a few days.—H art­
fo rd Post.
A Brazilian paper speaks of a negro
Avho died there recently aged 130, and
o f several other persons who reached
remarkable ages; and attributes this
longevity principally to the fact that
the men and womdn referred to Avere
Tlie mother of the James banditti
avrs a six-foot Kentucky woman, de­
scribed by those Avho knew her as a
regular snorter, who drove her hus­
band out of the house twenty-fine
years ago, and brought up her hoys to
suit herself.
Jay Cooke is taking measures to
provide for the comfortable life of
Mrs. Sarah Marshall, a woman now in
the almshouse, who became destitute
and consequently insane hy his fail­
ure in 1873.
The FrenchrAmerican Journal goes
back to the history o f the days of early
immigration to America to find that,
when you come right down to it, Gar­
field and Guiteau are couBins. That
makes the crime all the worse.
Temperance people in "W"ashington are
finding fault withthejadministration of
brandy to the President, but as a ta­
blespoonful o f liquor lasts him two
days, the Presidential spree cannot he
a very boisterous one.
O f the salt product o f the-United
States in 1880, Michigan produced 41%
per cent, o f tbe whole. In 1860 M ich­
igan’s share was 2 per cent., and the
amount o f this product in ISSb was
nearly equal to that o f a ll the States
in 1860.
Traveler—-“H ow do you brokersm atage to undersell the railroad compa­
nies?” Scalper—“Veil, you. see v e
don’t got so much expenses. Dose
railroad feller has to keep dp the roll­
in’ stock an’ pay the hands. ‘W e don’t.
It’s all clear profit w it nsl” (
The September Scribner, i t is an­
nounced. w ill have a "wide range
o f subjects, embracing war rem­
iniscences, natural history, winter
sport, pictorial and decorative art,
housekeeping, politics, oriental travel,
biographical history, the drama, fiction,
fun, poetry, current literature. &nd pro­
gress in practical invention.
N o t a year ago, a little girl caught
hold in play o f one of the sails o f a
large wind-mill. She Ruled to let go
in time, and Avascarried up and around,
through one complete revolution of
o f the sails. A n account o f this true
incident, Avith two fine illustrations by
Mehlig, is to be given in the Septem­
ber St. Nicholas.
In 1847 Millard Film ore was] can­
didate fo r comptroller o f NeAV York,
Avhen $20,000 was raised to defeat him,
the money being given to tbe Hon.
Ezekiel Mclntosb, the incumbent and
rival candidate, Avith instructions to
put it in the bank in his oavu name
and never make the matter pnblic. H e
placed the $20,000 in hank as request­
ed, and was immediately taken sick
and died. *The money fell tq_bis wid­
ow, and Mr. Filmore, who. was elected
comptroller, subsequently marriedMrs.
McIntosh, and the money contributed
for his defeat helped to swell the pos­
session of the newly wedded pair.
U ncle E sek ’s "Wisdom.
Silence is a hard opinion to beat.
N o man is envious o f what he can
equal or even imitate.
Most successes spring up, Phoenix­
like, from the ashes o f some failure.
Good breeding is a letter of credit all
over the Avorld.
The man who can distinguish be­
tween good advice and poor does not .
need either.
N ext to silence comes brevity—the
wise man’s strength and the fool’s ref­
The .most cunning o f all egotists is
the man who never speaks well o f him­
There is a great deal o f modesty in
this world Avliicli Avill gaze at almost
anything—provided it can he seen
through a crack.
A man o f true genius is generally as
simple as a child, and as unconscious
o f his power as an elephant.
The man xvho is always ready to
take chances Avill very .probably take
his last one in the alms house. ’
It is well to give heed to your doubts
for they are very often the daAvnings
o f truth.
Bigotry k n o A v s o f hut one way to
reach heaven, while faith k n o w s o f a
Man is a two-legged, eccentric ani­
mal that deals in politics, religion and
general merchandise.
I t requires Avisdom to he able, and it
requires honesty to he Avilling to call
things hy their right names.
A L ittle Dane’s Long Journey.
A little hoy about eight years o f age
got on a Niagara street car Thursday
evening, hut as he spoke a foreign lan­
guage it could not he ascertained where
Ms destination was. H e had a through
ticket to Sioux City,'B. T., a^achel fu ll
o f food, and a big coffee pot. N ot
knowing what to do with tbe young
traveler, he Avas handed 0Arer to Ser­
geant Kemp, xvho kept him at the sta­
tion house for the night. Yesterday
morning he xvas taken to the Postmas­
ter’s office, xvhen it was learned through
an interpreter that the lad’s name was
Christian Andrew Larsen, and that his
parents resided at Hjorning, Denmark.
H e is on his way to his uncle, Chris­
tian Larsen, who resides at Danville,
Dakota. H e said that hehadbeen well
treated on his journey, and had had
plenty to eat. Besides food he had $3
in money. It seems that on reaching
this city he got astray, and, seeing a
street car, he got on it, thinking it
would take him to his destination.—
Buffalo Express.
Japan’s National F low er.
The cherry blossom is the national
flower o f Japan, as the rose is o f Eng­
land, the lily o f France, the thistle of
Scotland, and the shamrock o f Ireland.
On the milkado’s flags, pages, and car­
riages, and. on the soldiers’ caps and
uniforms, you w ill see the open chrys­
anthemum. But the flower o f the peo­
ple and the nation is the flower o f the
blossoming cherry tree. The Japanese
cultivate all over Japan the sakugra
tree, which is VcJusd»—Oiuy for the~ >
beauty o f its blossoms. From an en­
tire tree you could not get ripe cher­
ries enough to make, a p ie; but the
blossoms are massed together on the
houghs like clouds, and the blooms are
often as large as a rose. Picnics in
Japan are called “going to see the
flowers.” In June millions o f people
go out to sing and sport and laugh and
play under the cherry trees, or to
catch “ the snow showers that do n o t . _
fall from the skies.”
Some people be­
come so enchanted w ith the lovely
blossoms as to even worship the fa­
mous old trees.
The Coldest Spot.on Earth.
I t is in Siberia, and its name is
Werkhojansk. Here, i t is said, the
“ culminating point o f excessive cli­
mate in all the xvorld is reached.” In
other words, it is the pole o f the great­
est cold in tlie known northern hemis­
phere. The coldest recorded tempera­
ture ever observed in the highsst arc­
tic latitude, is that noted by Sir George
Nares at Floburg Beach, which xvas
74® below the zero of Faerenheit. F or
a long tim e it xvas supposed that Y a ­
kutsk, 300 miles distant from "Werkhojansk.xvas the coldest spot on earth.
The. soil of these places is frozen 380
feet' deep. The cold in these regions
often reaches S l ° below zero. I t is
pleasant to read about such places in
the torrid season w e are now passing
through.—Demorest’s M onthly.
A H in the Same Boat.
I t is painful to listen to a habitual
stutterer, yet the folloxving incident
must have been amusing. A gentle­
man with an impediment in his speech
called a waiter in a restaurant, “ Wew-waiter, gi-give me s-s-sbme r-roast bb-beef.” The waiter stammered in re­
ply, “ W-w-w-we ain't g-g-got a-ny.”
The gentlemen xvas highly enraged,
thinking the xvaiter was mocking him,
sprang up, intending to knock him
down, when the third person arrested
his arm and( cried, “D-d-d-o-h’t st-ttrikehim, he* st-st-t-t-tutters s-s-same
as w e d-do-do-do.”
T V lcfced f o r C le r g y m e n * '
“I believeit to be all w rong and even
wicked fo r clergymen or other public
men to be led into giving testim onials
to quack doctors or v ile stuffs called
m edicines! but when a really m eritori­
ous article, made o f valuable remedies
known to all, that all physicians use
and trust in. daily, w e should freely
commend it. I therefore cheerfully
and heartily commend H op Bitters fo r
the good they have done me and m y
friends, firm ly believing they have no
equal fo r fam ily use. I w ill n ot be
w ithout them.” .
Rev. —
, W ashington, D,C
T H U B SD A Y , AUGUST 2 5 ,1SS1.
Baraum’s show- Is in Chicago this
Indiana now has thirty-one companes n f Stale militia.
The growing o f cork trees is a new
industry that is showing evidence o f
being successful in Georgia.
There have been S2S cases o f small­
pox in Chicago since January l . Of
these 292 died.
The inmates o f the Chicago House
o f Correction have earned 840,000 for
that institution this year by their la­
Special Agent Bigelow, after a tour
o f investigation in the Dominion o f
Canada, found that one-third o f all the
mail sacks, and four-fifths o f all the
pouches used by the Canadian Post
Office Department belong to the Uni­
ted States. It is likely that the State
Department will make a demand on
Ganada for compensation for the use
o f the property. The pouches have
been used in many cases fo r over five
years, and, besides the local service,
are sent to England, Ireland, British
Columbia, and Manitoba.
Mn. K . H . H e n d e r s h o t , the drummar boy o f the Eappahannocfc, the first
to volunteer to cross the Bappaliannoek at the battle o f Fredericksburg,
in the answer to the call by General
Burnside, takes part in the exercises
of the reunion with lus life and drum.
The drum he has with him is the one
that he received as a present from
Horace Greeley, December l l , 1802.
A lady candidate is running fo r the
office o f County Superintendent o f
Schools, on the Democratic ticket in
Iow a County, W is.
A l i s t o f counties published by t h e
Detroit papers showing the population,
number o f acres o f land and assessed
valuation o f each, shows Berrien
county to contain 36,780 inhabitants,
352,489 acres o f land, and have a volu­
tion o f SIS,000,000. F o r Cass county
it shows 22,00S Inhabitants, 310,549
acres and a valuation o f S15,500,000.
F or T an Buren, 30,807 inhabitants,
3s4,0S4 acres and $14,000,000, and for
Kalamazoo 34,242 inhabitants, 349,793
acres and 823,000,000 valuation.
Henry "Wilson, by w ay o f a "Wash­
ington medium, promises that Mr. Gar­
field shall get well. A nd o f course that
settles it.
A fte r fifty-five days o f sickness in
the "White House the sanitary condi­
tions o f that structure are to be exam­
ined and all errors corrected.
A n organized strike among the rail­
road employes in Y ew Y ork is feared
will take place soon. Several tradesUnions are at the bottom o f the trouble.
A new Complication in the Christianey divorce case is the charge o f a
Washington druggist that he is an
abortionist. There is an immense
amount o f dirt in such cases.
T he Madam F ry Concert Company
o f Boston, under the auspices o f the
Good Templars, in Kinyon’s Hall, Sat­
urday evening, Aug., 27, 1881. The
clergy and press all over the land
speak o f them in the most flattering
terms. Four ladies and one gentleman
all play brass and string instruments,
and all sing. Do not fail to hear them,
and enjoy a rare musical treat. Tick­
ets on sale at J. H . Koe’s. Prices 25
and 35 cents.
A n e w comet has just been discov­
ered by a Galveston, Texas, astrono­
mer, that is plainly visible through the
telescope. I t is located within the
limits o f the constellation Ursa Major
The U . S. Treasury officials expect a
rapid flow o f gold to this country from
Europe very soon now. £400,000 in
gold'hullion was withdrawn from the
bank o f England fo r shipment to
America August 12.
The Chicago Fair Association will
hold a live stock and agricultural fair
fo r the Y oril. West, at tbe grounds o f
the Chicago driving park, September
12, IS, 14.15,16 and 17. Open to tbe
world. 850,000 in premiums are ot­
The doctors who have the President’s
case in charge are truly a cool set of
fellows. They have seen ‘‘no cause for
apprehension” every day since the
President was shot. They probably
believe there is no danger o f a man dy­
ing so long as lie breathes. There ap­
pears ts -V a great difference in people
about being satisfied with the progress
of this case.
D. B . M a n s f i e l d a n d w i f e
will occupy the pulpit of the Advent
Christian Church on Oak street next
Sunday. The Elder lias recently mar­
ried Mrs. Jennings, o f Rochester, Y .
Y „ and for several years pastor of the
Advent Christian Church o f that city.
Mrs. Mansfield is an interesting speak­
er. Everybody will want to see and
hear the Elder and his new wife, and
everybody is cordially invited.
E ld.
the fellow who played the
^wagon-tongue supporter swindle on a
number of Buchanan township farm­
ers, last spring, laid in jail in Paw Paw
a few weeks, charged with fraud, but
was discharged for want o f evidence.
The fact that So many do not read the
papers, explains why tbe likes o f Pratt
are so numerous. They do not go
where there are no suckers.
The Chinese commissioners deny that
the withdrawal o f the young China­
men who were sent here to be educat­
ed has any unfriendly significance, but
that the boys have been here a long
time, and the government thinks that
i f they are ever to be o f any use to
their own country it is about time. He
says it is probable that another lot will
be sent here in a short time.
I f reports are true, President Gar­
field will need all o f that subscription
fund raised for him among the Y ew
Y ork merchants. It is now current
that the doctors propose to charge 8100
per day, each, fo r their services, and
Dr. Agnew wants Si,000 for every time
he rides from Philadelphia to yTashington to visit th£ distinguished pa­
tient. Cash will be a very necessarjr
article when settling day comes.
The news from the President were
very discouraging Sunday, he having
passed a very restless night, and suf­
fered from a severe inflammation of
the perotid gland, and a weakness of
the stomach, that rendered it wholly
inactive. The report for Monday was
better, however, and he was able to re­
tain a small amount o f liquid nourish­
ment on his stomach. The doctors are
confident and silent by turns, and the
quietude o f the public changes inverse­
ly with that o f the doctors. The more
they are silent the less the people are
disposed to be. The patient still lacks
considerable o f being past danger.
Another freak o f Guiteau’s charac­
ter was shown by his attempt to mur­
der his guard, McGee, w ith a knife, o f
the kind known as the “ cb e e s e rm a d e
from a bit o f steel spring. The han­
dle made b y wrapping one end with
twine and cloth, and sharpened b y rub­
bing against the stone walls o f his cell.
I t is thought that this weapon was
left conceded in the cell by the prison­
e r who occupied it before Gniteau. A
hole was cut through the guard’s coat
to the skin. The object o f the prison­
er is as much, o f a mystery as is his as­
sault upon the President. His escape
could n ot possibly have been effected
had he succeeded in murdering McGee.
Some time ago, Joseph "Watts, who
claims to be Jesus Christ, Y o . 2, chased
a man named Chrisman all over Y ew berg township, using an old horse
pistol as a persuader. P o r this he was
jailed on a commitment from Justice
Blakey o f Jones X ing, and was turned
loose again by the prosecuting attor­
ney. The N ational Democrat says he
is again in the county bastile on a
charge o£ assault with intent to k ill;
teat he calls his fellow prisoners (twelve
in number) his apostles; that he proph­
esied that the prison walls w ill crumble
and le t him out, and that he has com­
menced suit, through his attorney, J. L .
Sturr, o f Yandalia, against th e prose­
cuting attorney. Sheriff Jones and Jus­
tice B lakey fo r false imprisonment
layin g damages at $ 1,000.—Dowagiac.
R ecord :
o f crithe, and open and equable legal
procedure. The surrender o f a man
politically hateful to an absolute gov­
ernment to be tried by its* military
officers, under any plea whatever, is a
proceeding that cannot he too carefully
guarded in a free country. This would
he the difficulty in the negotiation o f
an extradition treaty with Russia. Its
government is practically a govern­
ment o f terror, and we do not wish to
add to its horrors by helping it to se­
cure its victims who escape to other
1On the other hand, the horror o f tak­
ing the power o f life and death into
private and irresponsible hands is in
this country so profound and instinct­
ive that Hartmann has recoiled from
it, and gone over the border lest it
should prompt his surrender even with­
out the form o f law. His apprehen­
sion is heedless, hut that the public
mind revolts at his confession is unde­
niable. The event of the 2d o f July
has shown us the nature and the con­
sequences o f his doctrine and plan of
assassination. It involves the murder
o f innocent persons. Y o w while mur­
der cannot be prevented, it need not be
promoted. The Yihilist-.conspiracy of
assassination in Russia, like the Sep­
tember massacres in the French Revo­
lution, is the ghastly and natural fruit
o f despotism. They point the argu­
ment against absolutism. But they
strangely confuse our m inds'!f they
lead us to praise or to excuse Marat
and the terrorists. One crime does not
justify another. That the Czar sends
an innocent man to Siberia and silences
protest does not justify Hartmann in
murdering another innocent man at
Moscow as a warning to the Czar. I f
Charlotte Gorday takes her life in her
hand, and strikes Marat to the heart,
w e must admit that Marat’s hideous
crimes provoke such retaliation. But
i f we would praise a heroine’s deeds as
well as purpose, it is Jean D’Are, not
Charlotte Corday, that we recall.—
H arper’s Weekly.
Soat e o x e who evidently thinks there
is great need o f a new bridge across
the river between this place and Y iles
township, set the old one on fire last
Thursday evening. The fire was dis­
covered before it had progressed very
far, and was extinguished. I t may
be ‘ true that a new bridge is needed
there, and that a fire would he a quick
way to get one, yet that is also a good
way to get into State Prison.
Capt. ^Cook’s one cent fund now
jm yfSnls to over 8800. H e could af­
ford to slap a m ans month every day
in the year at this rate.
B em en
P ratt,
Spencer & B arnes , furniture man­
ufacturers o f Buchanan, are looking
for a new site whereon to erect new
and commodious quarters to meet their
increased business. Some of the idle
Capital in Dowagiac would be well in­
vested if put into such an enterprise.—
Dowagiac Times.
This enterprising firm have invested
in real estate enough to accommodate
their growing business, and like good
business men they are, will let good
enough alone, and will remain where
they are.
[Benton Harbor Palladium."!
Dr. Bostwick, of Y e w Troy, was a
soldier in the Mexican war, 34 years
ago. A few weeks ago lie received a
draf t for 824, it being fo r three months’
extra pay, voted at a recent session of
J epfy . the eight-montlis-old son of
Jeppy and Fanny Delano, the comedi­
ans, was buried at Y iles on Wednes­
day, the stricken parents having ar­
rived from Y e w Y ork the day previous.
It seems they almost had a prophecy
o f the sad event. One evening after
their usual appearance, as Fiinnie was
removing a cluster ring from her finfier, she said to her husband: “See,
one o f the diamonds are gone; w e
shall hear some had news.” The latter
with the tidings o f the babe’s illness
reached them very soon after, follow­
ed in a few hours by the “ death mes­
sage.”—E vening News.
I t is certainly a remarkable fact that
a. matt can state in the city o f Y ew
Y ork truly and openly that he has de­
liberately planned and accomplished
the murder o f innocent persons in Rus­
sia, and yet that he is entirely safe
from any other penalty than the mor­
al condemnation o f the community.
I t is a familiar legend that the Roman
law did not provide for the punish­
ment o f parricide, because it was in­
conceivable that such a crime would
be committed. The confession o f Hart­
mann, or o f the person who calls him­
self Hartmann, in Y e w Y ork apprises
us that there are flagrant cases of
crime which our laws and treaties do
not yet cover. Hartmann has commit­
ted no offense in this country, and we
have no treaty o f extradition with
Russia. I f , the Russian government
should furnish complete proof o f his
identity and o f his crime, and ask for
his arrest and surrender, there is no
legal ground upon which he could be
seized and returned. Happily no man
can be arrested in this country but by
the authority o f law, and the law does
riot cover this case.
A treaty o f extradition with Russia,
or with any purely despotic govern­
ment, would be a very delicate trans­
action. I t must protect perfectly the
right o f political asylum in this coun­
try, and prevent the surrender o f men
for political punishment under pretense
o f criminal trial. I t is evident that in
the negotiations for such a treaty the
whole question o f the criminality o f
the assassination o f despots would he
drawn into debate. Undoubtedly the
general judgment o f mankind does not
condemn Charlotte Corday equally with
W ilkes Booth. Y e tth e pleafor tyran­
nicide w hich Landor urges is equally
rejected b y that general judgment, be­
cause i t is as applicable to private as
to public wroiig, and virtually commits
the power over a man’s life to the dis­
cretion o f every one o f his neighbors.
“Nothing can excuse assassination,’"
says D ’Azeglio, “ because it is an act o f
treachery in execution o f a sentence
pronounced without trial b y an incom­
petent tribunal.” B ut a treaty o f crimi­
nal extradition between civilized St ates
assumes, first, perfect good faith, then
$ cojpn op cpnsent as to the character
The first three cornered elopement
on record took place in Battle Creek
last week. A young fellow ran away
with two gilds.
Reports from the eastern part of the
State show that the wheat crop there
is turning out better than was expects
e‘d before threshing.
T h e annual regatta o f the Hillsdale
Rowing Club is being held on Buwbese Lake, near that city, to-day and to­
The C row e Contingent.
The case o f Crowe at Peoria has been
fully discussed by the daily press, and
like that o f Hartmann, it reveals a
criminal offense with which our laws
do not deal. Crowe declares that he
manufactured the dynamite infernal
machine to explode in England, and by
Indiscriminate murder and terror to
help the cause o f Ireland. H e propos­
es to help that cause further by ruin­
ing. British commerce, to accomplish
which result he w ill cause machines to
be smuggled into trading vessels, to ex­
plode and sink them in due time. Hap­
pily this is a matter which can be
managed without great difficulty. The
shipping o f murderous material and
machines with felonious intent to coun­
tries With which we have treaty rela­
tions can be punished like any other
crime. The plan o f making America
the base o f assassination in Europe
will miscarry. There are no worse en­
emies o f liberty and the rights o f tbe
people everywhere than those who
would make this country the paradise
o f assassins. The Republican cause in
Europe fo r a half-century and inoreindeed, since the H oly Alliance that
followed the. ware o f Yapoleon— has
had no deadlier lnnderanee than its apparentidentification with assassination.
The conspiracies o f the Carbonari and
other similar leagues, so far as they
proposed violence, did not loosen the
chains o f despotism, but gave Republi­
canism a bad name.—H arper's Weekly.
Rev. Robert Watson, o f Dowagiac,
who settled in that vicinity, 45 years
ago as a missionary o f the methodist
church, died Thursday, aged 79 years.
Only five women in the United
States arp on record as bankers or
bank officers, and one o f these is in
Michigan. The cashier o f Bowne &
Combs’ bank at Middleville, Barry
county, is Miss Jennie Combs.
A man who was killed at Lawton re­
cently, by j nmping from a moving
train, is supposed to be an old “Indian”
doctor who has been perambulating
Cass county for some time. There was
nothing about liis body to identify him
Grand Rapids authorities are after
the owners o f public halls, churches
and other public buildings in that city,
for the strict enforcement o f the law
requiring alj doors o f such institutions
to open outward.
A ugust
Reading Notices.
I f you desire rosy' cheeks and a fair
complexion, purify the blood by the
use o f Baxter’s Mandrake Bitters.
P retty G ood.
Jno. Bacon, Laporte, Ind., writes:
Y o u r ‘Spring Blossom is all you crack­
ed it up to be. My dyspepsia lias all
vanished; why don’t you advertise it;
what allowance will you make if I take
a dozen bottles,(so that I could oblige
my friends occasionally?” Price 50
cents, trial bottles 10 cents.
" T r o y , O., March 10,1879.
Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O.:
Gentlemen—I have been afflicted
with rheumatism for more than four
years. I have employed physicians,
and-used several lands o f patent medi­
cines with no permanent relief. F i­
nally I was induced to make a trial of
your Rheumatic Cure, and I am happy
to say that I can pronounce myself
cured after using but one bottle. Re­
lief experienced after the first two or
three applications. Yours truly,
Elliot Miller, Bookseller and Stationer.
A man living 12 miles north o f Mid­
land brought the corpses o f his two
dead children to town on a load o f
hoop-poles, and the bodies were buried
at Midland. Who had a better right to
attend to liis own undertaking? •
At M t Clemens, Aug, IS, Frank
Moore went crow hunting early in the
morning and when he returned, liis
wife having finished lier breakfast was
kneeling saying her morning prayers.
A s he opened the door dragging the
gun behind him, the door swung shut,
hitting the hummer o f the gun which
was discharged, the whole charge lodg­
ing ill one o f liis wife’s legs.
Cole ’s Circus visited Pontiac last
Friday, and the Sharpers who accom­
panied the institution managed to pull
the wool over the eyes o f one of their old
and respected citizens to the tune of
Si,000, and then made him fool enough
to keep still until they could get out of
his way. The same game was played
in Lowell but a few cjavs before and
all Pontiac had a good chance to read
all about it.
The Ogemaw Herald says that one
o f Plummer’s workmen came in from
camp, Sunday, with a large piece o f
meat in liis throat that lie had attempt­
ed to swallow the day before. "When
lie attempted to drink water it came
out o f liis nose and be could eat noth­
ing. A fter some trouble, a-doctor suc­
ceeded in pushing the meat down into
the man’s stomach, and the poor fellow
was so much relieved he said he want­
ed to buy that “ramrod” o f the doctors.
Look Here!
P r o o f P o s itiv e .
W e have the most positive and con­
vincing proof that Thomas’ Electric
Oil is a most effectual specific for bod­
ily pain. In cases of rheumatism and
neuralgia it gives instant relief.
Singers and Public Speakers should
use Downs’ Elixir, as it removes hoarse­
ness and increases the power o f the
T r e n t o n , Y . J., Oct. 2 3 ,1 8 8 0 .
I have suffered for eight years with
Hay fever, during July, August and
September. In the beginning o f July,
this year, I resorted to Ely’s Cream
Balm, and have been entirely free
from the Fever since the first applica­
tion. 1 can recommend it as a cure.
E d w a r d C- H i l l m a m , at the Y e w Jer­
sey State Arsenal. Price 50 cents.
A Cough, Cold or Sore 'flu-oat should
be stopped. Neglect frequently results
in an incurable lung disease or Con­
sumption. Brown’s Bronchial Troche’s
are certain to give relief in Asthma,
Bronchitis, Coughs, Catarrh, Consump­
tive and Throat Disease. Eor eighty
years the Troches have been recom­
mend by physicians, and always give
perfect satisfaction. They are not
new or untried, but have been tested
by wide and constant use for nearly
an entire generation, they have at­
tained well-merited rank among the
few staple remedies of the age. Public
speakers and singers use them to
clear and strengthen the voice. Sold
at twenty-live cents a box everywhere.
i s M ie T i m e .
Don’t wait until you are nearly dead
and bed-ridden. Don’t wait until you
have found, to your sorrow, that min­
eral poisons and alcoholic stimulants,
bitters, etc., will only agravate diseas­
es o f the blood, kidneys and liver.
But now, before another day passes,
mitke haste to procure and use Dr
Guysott’s Y ellow Dock and Sarsapa­
rilla. It never fails to cure all blood
and skin diseases, all liver complaints
and urinary troubles.
T o T » « o A fflic t e d ,
Since the ntrodnetion ol Kellogg’s Co­
lumbian Oil it has made more permanent
cures and aivcti better satisfaction on Kid­
ney Complaints and Rheumatism than an}’
known remedy,
t . continued series o f Won
derrul cures in all climates has made it
Known as a safe anti reliable agent to em­
ploy against all aches and pains, which ate
the forerunne-s o f more serious disorders.
It nets speedily and surely; always relieving
suffering and often saving the. The protec­
tion it affords by its timely use on rheuma­
tism, kidney affection, and all aches and
pains, n onnds, cramping pains, cholera mor­
bus, diarrhoea, coughs, colds, catarrh, and
disorders among children, makes it an inval­
uable remedy to be kept always on hand in
every home. No person can afford to be
without it, and those who have once used it
never will. It is absolutely certain in its
remedial effects, and will always cure when
cures are possible.
Call at j). Weston’s and get a memorandum
book giving more full details o f the curative
properties o f this wonderful medicine.
Combine the' choicest cathartic principles
in medicine, in proportions accurately ad­
justed to secure activity, certainty, and
uniformity of effect. T h ey are the result
of years o f careful study and practical ex­
periment, and are the m ost effectual rem­
edy y e t discovered for diseases caused, by
derangement o f th e stomach, liver, and
bowels, which require prompt and effectual
A y e r ’ s P il e s are specially
applicable to this class of diseases. T h ey
act directly on the digestive and assimi­
lative processes, and
restore regular
healthy action. Their extensive use by
physicians in their practice, and by all
civilized nations, is one o f tlie many
proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and
purgative medicine.
Being compounded of the concentrated
virtues of purely vegetable substances,
they are positively free from calomel or
"any injurious properties, an d can "be admin­
istered to children with perfect safety.
The Grand Trunk railroad carries
passengers from Chicago to Detroit for
82 each. *
A twenty-five pound cannon-ball has
been found four feet below the sur­
face, by some workmen in Detroit. A
relic o f the war of 1812.
The famous old crew at Hillsdale
will take part in the national regatta
at Washington next month, and are in
full training for the occasion now.
It is announced that General Grant
w ill be one o f the attractive features
o f the State fair to he held in Jackson
next month.
The Alpena people think it would be
a fine thing to have their city lighted
by electricity.
They are probably
right about it.
The lock boxes in the new post office
A lady has been elected to the hoard
at Jonesville are o f iron, with iroii
county school examiners in Calhoun
, doors and Y ale locks. That postmas. . .. , ,
and will serve during the term
I ter evidently knows what kind o f cus[ fo r which she was elected.
» tomers he lias to deal with.
Detroit......... Lv.
G,T. Junction....
Wayne Junction
Ann Arbor........
Grass Lake........
Battle Oreek.....
Deoatnr .— ......
New Buffalo......
Michigan O ity-.
N e w s D e p o t hw
T on sec a nice assortment o f
Fine Writing Paper
A specialty at the lowest prices.
Call ami see he ore yon huy.
G. R . H A LL ,
Post Offioe B uilding.
500,000 Acres L M H IU O
Por full particulars, which will be sent f u s e *ml>
O H A B L E m L . COLBT.
L a n d C o m n U a s t io u e r . H i l w a a k .e e , W i s .
V ft llfc iO g jf ir il Learn Telegraphy! Earn $40 to
I U U N q -MFIu N $100 a mouth. Graduates guar­
anteed paying oflicee. Address Valontine Eros.
Janesville, W is.
Wheatl Wheat! I
membranal diseases as this never-failing BALM,
and is universally acknowledged as being all that
is daim edforit. The application is easy and pleas­
ant, causing no pain, is soothing, and is fast superceding the use of powders, liquids and snuffs.
Price 50‘ cents. On receipt o f 60 cents, will mall a
package free. Send for circular, with full infor­
E L Y ’ S OREAM BALM CO., Owego, N .Y .
“ Merit Must Reap its Just Reward.”
Ot the many Catarrh and Hay Fever Remedies
we keep in stock none Of which our cus­
tomers speak more highly than o f E ly’s Cream
Balm Discovery. "We havonever handled a remedy
which has increased as rapidly In sales or that has
given such universal satisfaction.
115 Fulton Street, New York.
A t Wholesale in Detroit, Grand Rapids, M ihftukee, St, Paul.
D r ., M e rw in V E le c t r o -M a g n e t ic B a t t e r y .
t f>
to Bell an articlo en­
tirety new. $5 to $10
n day
iy profit. Sells at aiglit. Address A . C. Kelley,
Racine, V ia .
Advertisers sumac Ge(l- p-Rwe11&Co-
10 Spruce St., N civ York^caa learn the exact cost
o f auy proposed Hue o f A D V E R TISIN G iu Ameri­
can Newspapers. lO O -P o ^ e F a m p b l e t , 2 5 c .
First publication, June 23,1881.
C1TATE OF M ICH IGAN , County o f Berrien—sa.
In the matter o f the estate o f Henry Hanover,
Jackson Hanover and Mary Hanover, minora.
N otice ia hereby given, that in pursuance o f an
order granted to the undersigned, guargian o f the
estate o f said minors, by the Hon. Judge o f Probate 1
for the county o f Berrien, on the twelfth day o f
April, A . D . 3SSI, There will be sold at public ven­
due, to the highest bidder, at the premises, in the
County o f Berrien, in said State, on
Wednesday, the 1Otli day of August, A .D . 1881,
at 3 o 'clo ck iu the afternoon o f that day (subject to
all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise exist­
ing at the time o f said sale) the following described
real estate to-wit: The undivided three-eighths o f 1
the south half o f the south-east Quarter o f section
eleven (11) in town seven (7) south, range nineteen
(19) west, in Berrien County, Michigan.
Terms made known at sale.
Bated June 16, A . B . 1881.
Guardian o f said minors.
(L ast publication, Aug. 4. A . B.1881.)
A s m ade b y the m ost eminent, scholars o f England
and America. II> «lf t b e P r i c e o f < o r r e s n o iM lln ic K iifc H s h - d i t i o n . Large type,
ftnen super-calendered paper, elegant binding. A
separate -‘ C o n i p r o h i - n a i v e H i s t o r y o f t h e
B i b l e and its Translation,’ ’ a f a l l A c c o u n t o f
t h e N e w R e v i s i o n , giveh to subscribers.
B e s t chance for agents ever offered. Send
stamps for particulars o t o n c e .
T iie H e n r y B ill P abllsbln gr C s.. N o r ­
w ic h , C o n n .
Pro Sprine Water
A t any place in the
A6K H T4
T illage o f Buchanan
for 25 cents per 100
pounds, during the
M y ice is from pure
Mortgage Sale.
sum o f one thousand eight hundred and
spring water and clean.
forty-fonr dollars i6 claim ed to he dne at the
date ol this notice on a mortgage made by A lonzo
Marsh and Leah R . Marsh, his wife, o f the County
o f Berrien and State o f Michigan, to David Rough,
o f the eame place, now deceased, dated the 3d day
o f November, 1869, and recorded November eighth,
1869, in Liber “ Z ” o f Mortgages, on page seventynine, in the office o f the Register o f Deeds o f Ber­
rien County, Michigan. Pursuant, therefore, to
the power ol sale in said mortgage contained, the
premises therein described, to-wit: Commencing
at the north-west com er o f the north-east fraction­
al quarter o f section one (li, town eight (8) south,
range eighteen (18) west, in Berrien County, M ich­
igan, thence running east to the north-east com er
o l said quarter section, thence south one hundred
and one rods, thence w est to a point one hundred
and one rode south o f said north-west com er o f j
said quarter section, thence north to the place ot
beginning; excepting a strip two rods wide, run­
ning east and west through west part ol said land
to a spring, will be sold at public auction, at the
front door o f the Court Honse, in the village o f {
Berrien Springs, in said County, on
Tuesday, the 25th day of Octobefi 1881,
at one o’ clock in the altemoon, to satisfy the
amount dne on said mortgage, together with the
attorney’ s fee mentioned in said mortgage, a n d 11
other coBts or foreclosure.
Executors o f said David Rough, deceased.
D . £ . H ixxiax , A tt'y for sold Executors.
First publication July 7,1881.
CjTATE OF M ICH IGAN , Count)' o f Berrien, ss.
In the matter ot the estate ot A lhertE.Roundy,
N otice is hereby given, that In pursuance o f an
order granted to the undersigned, guardian o l the
estate o f said minor, by the Hon. Judge of.Prohate,
for the county o f Berrien, on the 25th day ol June,
A . D. 1881, there will he sold at public vCndue, to
the highest bidder, at the premises to he sold, in
the County o f Berrien, in said State, on
Friday, the 19th day of August, A. D. 1881,
at ten o’ clock in the forenoon o f that day, (subject
to all encumbrances b y mortgage or otherwise ex­
isting at the time o f the death o f said deceased, or
at the time o f the sale thereof, and also subject to
the right o f dower and the homeBtead rights o f the
widow o f Bold deceased therein) the following de­
scribed real estate, to-wit: L o t number five (5) in
the partition o f the real estate o f Henry Renherger,
late o f said county, deceased, and m ore particular­
ly described as being the Bonth twenty-eight (28)
acres o f the w est half o f the northeast quarter o f
section ten (10) in town eight (S) south, range
nineteen (19) west, in Berrien county, Michigan.
Terms made known at sale.
Dated the 1st day o f Jnly, 1881.
Guardian or said minor.
Lastpnblication, August 18,1881.
* 7 0 A W E E K . $12 a day at hom e easily made
<p I <5 Costly Outfit
" free. Address T bue & C o.
Angusta, Maine.
A/J. Carothers.
Would recpeetfully announce to the citizens
o f Buchanan and vicinity, that, having re­
turned from Chicago, where she haB heen re­
ceiving a. thorough course o f ins ruction in
the treatment o f diseases b y electricity, she
is prepared to give attention to all who may
need her services.
Piles, Rheumatism, Ner­
vous Debility, Headache,
A n d a ll sim ila r d iseases
Successfully Treated.
Special attention paid to
Fem ale Diseases.
Prompt A ttention Paid to A ll Cases.
F ron t tr e e t
A newly discovered cure for all Diseases of
Women. Send at once for hook giving full
information free. A ddress.
W . R. MERWIN, M. D ., Detroit, Mich.
S E E .
Bnahanau, Michigan
Pressed Brick
T I L I N G .
Having recently purchased an
Improved B rick and Tiling Machine,
I am now prepared to ihmish the
E V E R Y S O L D I E R disabled in line o f dnty
b y wound, disease, or injnry, is entitled topension.
P E N S I O N S IIV C B E A B E D .—Many are drawingiees than—Thousands o f Heins en­
titled to Pension and Bounty. R ejected caseB te<~
opened. Abandoned Cases finished. . Copies o f
L ost Discharges obtained. Claims o f every de­
scription prosecuted. P a t e n t s P r o c u r e d . —
with stamp,
H . S. B E R L I N &: C O ., A t t o r n e y s ,
Box 592.
orders with
John Morris.
f-n $ O f l per d ay at hom e. Samples worth $5
ip u hU y w U free. Address STDtBon & C o., Fortnd, Maine.
you to read their advertisement to be found
elsewhere iu this issue.
Hin &y O. Wear w orth Q. P. <£ T. A. %Chicago
B 'L xdtabd, Gen. M anager. D etroit.
Special I nducements are offered you
by the B urlington Route , I t w ill pay
abdomen on the-8th inst. by a piece of
lath, which was driven through his
bowels. The doctors^who were called,
finding .that one o f the intestines was
nearly severed, declared it a mortal
wound, and making the hoy as com­
fortable as possible, took him to his
house and left him' to die. Another
doctor with more nerve, if not more
skill, hearing of the case concluded
something m ight. he don6 for the boy,
and advised an operation. Tw o sur­
geons were called and after consulta­
tion, the wound in the abdomen was
opened, the lacerated end o f the intes­
tines were trimmed and then telescoped
together b y fine silver thread. The
wound was well cleansed, all the saw­
dust taken out and the abdomen
stttched up, both the muscle and the
skin. The young man had survived
tor several days, and was doing well
when last heard from.
"While gentle in their action, these P il l s
are the most thorough and searching cathar­
tic that can he employed, and never give
pain unless the bowels are inflamed, and
then their influence is healing. They stimu­
late the appetite and digestive organs; they
operate, to purify and enrich the blood, and
impart renewed health and vigor t o the
whole system.
Ann A rbor police do not allow the
boys to play, ball on Sundays, and the
boys feel awfully bad about it.
A y e r ’ s P ills are an effectual cure, for
C o n stip a tio n o r C o stive n e ss, I n d ig e s ­
tio n , D y s p e p s ia , L o s s o f A p p e tite ,
F o u l S to m a c h a n d B r e a t h , D iz z in e s s ,
H ead ach e, L oss o f M em o ry , N u m bn ess,
B ilio u s n e s s , J a u n d ic e , R h e u m a t is m ,
E r u p tio n s a n d S k in D is e a s e s , D r o p s y ,
T u m o r s , W o r m s , N e u r a lg ia , C o lic ,
G r ip e s , D ia rr h o e a , D y s e n te r y , G o u t ,
P ile s , D is o r d e r s o f th e L iv e r , and all
other diseases resulting fro m a disordered
state o f th e digestive apparatus.
Lov/ell, M ass.
D o n 't S e ll Y o u r W h e a t
716 A.M . 6 00
7 40
6 26
8 03
6 60
6 06
8 40
6 41
8 58
7 06
9 46
7 46
8 00 .
•Mail.! Accom. livening Local
Express. P bbb.
700 am 5 56 pm 8 SOp m 6 30a
8 46
5 45
6 42
7 61
6 20
8 20
7 05
6 41
6 59
9 04
7 48
7 20
10 38
9 60
8 32
10 20
9 00
1215am 942
11 60pm
10 38
11114 64 a a 245
6 26
1 62
12 42
• 542
2 29
1 68
8 63
7 27
7 40 .
3 53
8 08
6 61
8 54
7 30
Treat &
P repared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
rrafticiit :uul Analytical Chemists*
FA R M E R ,
2 40
4 40
6 00
6 23
6 38
6 02
6 36
6 60
A s a Dinner P ill they have no equal.
Mr. IV. H. Vanderbilt’s latest acqui­
The Kalamazoo county fair will be
sition is a paving-stone, the largest ever
at Schoolcraft September 27, 28,
quarried in any country, which is to be
placed on the walk in front o f his new 29 and 30, this year. The Society pre­
mansion in Fifth Avenue. " It-was tak­ sents a fine list o f premiums, and ought
en from a quarry at Barryville, Sulli­ to have, a good fair.
van County, Y e w York, and is twentyfive feet tw o inches long, fifteen feet
wide, and eight inches thick. There
A well-known Bridgeport man sent
was much difficulty in bringing it to his little son for a pound o f sugar to
the city. It was first rolled down a
a grocery store on a recent Sunday,
hill a distance of half a mile to the
the proprietor opened the door a
river bank, and then placed edgewise
in a canal-boat especially arranged to little crack, inspected the boy careful­
receive it. The canal-boat brought it ly, and when told what lie wanted
to the foot of "Vest Thirteenth Street
Rescued From Deutlt.
hesitated for a moment, and then said:
in this city, when it was taken Out by
W illiam J. Coughlin, o f Somerville, Hass,
one o f Delamater’s floating derricks,
says: “ In the /a ll o f 1876 I was taken with a
and placed upon the deck of the der
guess I’ll risk it; where’s your bottle?” violent bleeding o f the longs, followed bv a
severe cough. I was so weak at one time
rick. From Thirteenth Street the der­
that I could uot leave my bed. In the sumrick was towed to the foot o f V e st
A farmer near A n n Arbor sent the m tr o f 1877 I was admitted to the City Hos­
Fifty-first Street, where the stone was
lifted out-, and placed upon two trucks following postal card message to a pital. W hile there the doctors said I had a
built for the occasion, and capable o f merchant in that city: “Plese send hole in my left lung ns big as a half dollar.
I was so far gone at one time a report went
carrying thirty-five or forty tons. Six me by tbe first one comin this way, around that 1 was dead. I gave up hope,
teams of horses hauled it to its present
but a friend told me o f Dr. Win. Hall’s Bal­
resting place. The risk in handling |.*too pouns sliugor, a blackin brupli, five sam for the lungs. I got a bottle, when to
such a block o f stone is very great, as pouns coffey, ann sum small nails. my surprise and gratification, I commenced
a sudden jar or fall would be apt to My wife had a baby hast nite, and two to feel better, and to-day I feel in better I PROPOSE TO REM AIN IN TH E
break it. It was estimated that it padlocks.”
Could these latter be call­ spirits thau I have in tbe past three years.
“ I write this hopiug every one afflicted
would cost from 85,000 to 86,000 to
with Diseased Lungs will be induced to take
duplicate it.—Harper's Weekly.
A n editor in the interior of the Dr. W m . Hall’s Balsam for the lungs, and be
convinced that Consumption can be cured.
The Jackson county poor house pro-, State wrote a brief local avering that Sold b ,- druggists.
tects a man named Murphy who, sev­ “ the windows o f the church need wash­
eral years ago, was convicted of mur­ ing badly. They are too dirty for any
der, sentenced to State prison for life,
Buchanan Prices Current.
and was there eight years, during which use, and are a disgrace to Our village.”
Corrected every Wednesday by B.vrmohe B ros.
time facts came to light proving that
figures represent the prices paid by dealers,
at the time o f the murder he was more could not allow such a brilliant oppor­ These
unless otherwise specified.
than one hundred miles away. He tunity to pass by unimproved. The
P IL E S !
P IL E S !! P IL E S !!!
Wheat, per bushel....................................
1 16
was released, but broken in health and
A 8ure Cura Found at L a st No One Need
Flour, patent, per barrel, selling..............
7 00
demented in mind was unable to sup­
Flour, red, per barrel, selling....................
6 50
A sure cure for the Blind, Bleeding, Itch­
port himself, and the doors o f tbe coun­ wilted clean down into his boots when Clover Seed, per bushel............................ * 4 50
Timothy Seed, per bushel.........................
3 00
ing and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered
ty lionse were opeued to him. The lie discovered that the word “ windows” Cord, per bushel.............................
[email protected]
Patriot cries out on the injustice, and had been transformed to “ widows,” and Oats, per bushel ..........................................
25@30 by D r. W illiam s (.an Indian remedy), called
Bran, per ton, selling................................. * 13 30
Dr. W illiam s’ Indian Ointm ent A single
thinks the State should make ample
Pork, live, per hundred.............................
5 00
box has cured the worst chronic cases o f 25
provision for the victims o f such mis­ at last advices he was barricaded in Pork, dressed, per hundred.......................
6 00
takes. Murphy has been in the poor his sanctum endeavoring to explain Pork, mess, per pound..............................................13 and 30 years standing. N o one need suffer
five minutes after applying this wonderful
Heal, bolted, per hundred, selling..
1 50
house several years, and the Jackson the matter through the keyhole to a Com
Plaster, per barrel, Belling.........................
1 50
soothing medicine.
Lotions, Instruments,
people think that, as the poor fellow small army o f wild-eyed women dress, | Hay, tame, per ton.,....................... .........10 00@15 50 and Electuaries do more harm than good.
was convicted in another part o f the
W illiam s’ Ointment absorbs the tumors,
Salt, fine, per barrel, selling.....................
1 51
State, they ought not to bear all the ed in black and armed with clubs.— Salt, coarse, per barrel, se llin g .............
1 50
allays the intense itching (particularly at
Beans, per bushel— ................................. 3 35@2 50
burden o f liis support.—Lansing R e­
night, after getting warm in bed), acts as a
W ood, 18 inch, per cord....._____ ________1 25(01 50
poultice, gives instant and painless relief,
W ood, 4 feet, per cord................................ 3 50@4 00
per pound___ .-.............. ..............
and is prepared only for Piles, itching of
A n Ohio Girl's Foot.—A n Albany Butter,
Eggs, per d ozen -.............. .........................
the private parts, and nothing else.
Lfird, per pound .............. - .......................
ll@ 1 3
shoe factory has received a diagram of Tallow,
Bead what the Hon. J . M . Coffinlierry, of
per pound.................... ..................
a foot from a trustworthy correspond­ Honey, per pound......... .............................
Cleveland, says about Dr. W illiams’ Indian
It is now stated that Guiteau’s fath­ ent at Sandusky, Ohio. The girl placed Green Apples, per bu sh el............. ..........
. 6 P ile Ointment: “ I have used scores of pile
Chickens, per pound................ - ______ ...
cures, but it affords me pleasure to say that
er was once the President o f a “ wild her hare foot upon a sheet o f paper, Brick, per thousand, selling___________
7 00
Hides, green, per pound............................
I have never found anything which gave
cat” bank in Washtenaw county.
and a pencil mark was drawn close P e lts ............................ ...............................
such immediate and permanent relief as D r.
Tekonsha authorities have paid for around the outline. This foot, as Mackerel, N o 1, per pound, sellin g ____
8 W illiam s’ Indian Ointment.”
W hite F ish,per pound, selling___ _____
For sale by all druggists, or mailed on re­
1,050 woodchuck scalps since A pril i, shown around by the diagram is ex­ •Potatoes,
new.........____________ _______
M@60 ceipt o f price 511.00.
and are still in the business.
actly 17 inches long, 1% inches wide at
J A S . E . D A V I S & CO., W holesale Drug­
gists. Detroit, M ich., Agents.
Harper’s Weekly publishes a fine the widest part, and could take, a No.
portrait and biography o f ex-Governor 26 boot, though a No. 30 would be just MICHIGAN C E N T R A L RAILROAD.
Tor Catarrh,
IHay Fever, Cold in
the thing. The ta ll o f the fo o t is 19
the Head, &c., insert
Iwith little finger, a
A n eilgine factory is about to he es­ inches around, instep 1S>£ inches, and
article o f the Balm
T i m e T a b l e —M » y 9 . 1 8 8 0 .
n t o t h e nostrils;
tablished at Port Huron on a large
draw strong breaths
*Accom .
through the nose. It
will he absorbed,
mense pedal adorns the person of Miss Chicago....*...... JLv. 7 00A .M 3 40 P . M. 9 10P.M .
ts so;
Three Rivers is out o f debt, and socleansing, and heal­
&eDbiugton........ 7 50
Mary Wells, o f Sandusky, Ohio, whose Cake.................... 8 35
ing t h e diseased
10 40
are the churches located therein, and
weight in 160 pounds. She is hut 17 New Buffalo........ 960
6 26
all concerned are liagpy.
For Deafness,
6 40
years old, and her foot is liable to grow Three Oaks......... 10 03
Buchanan ............ 10 80
7 06
12 32 A . M
Adrian is figuring on having water some yet.
I particle into jF liack
Niles.................... 10 46
7 87
ot the car, m bbingin
Dowagiac..!.......... 1113
8 06
Decatur................ 11 39
- 1 8 88
1 32
hawton................ 11 65
8 62
Forest fires are still making consid­
Ernest Wesson, aged seventeen, em­ Kalamazoo..........
12 33 P. M. 9 30
erable trouble in the north part of the ployed in the lath m ill at Campbell- Galesburg........... 12 63
Is receiving the endorsement ot the sufferer, the
3 20
Battle Creek........ 128
and physician. Never has an article o f
8 46
bo much m eritheen produced for the treatment o f
ville, near Alpena, was struck in the Marshall.............. 230
A lbion ......... .......
Grass Lake........
Ann Arbor...........
Wayne Junction..
Q,T. Junction
C a t h a r t ic P i l l s
C u r e d A f t e r t h e U se o f a S in g le B o tt le . .
the market affords.
ranging in size from two to right inches.
< iS T C a ll and see m y brick and g e t prices.
A fr e sh kHn i s n ow ready fo r use. Price $5 to
3$errten $o. Record.
T H U R SD A Y , A U G U ST 25,1881.
Euteredat the Post-Office, at Buchanan, Hich„ as
Second-Class Matter.
W e wish a ll our suhscrihers to b e particular to
notice the date against their nam es upon their pa­
p ers, and see that the a ccoun tis right- W ealways
give receipts fo r payments m ade on subscription
and this slip should correspond w ith th e last date
Iu y ou rreceip t,a n d denote th e tim e to which the
subscriber has paid. I f there is any m istake w e
wish to he notified at once. Mover wait m ore than
two v ^ k s fo r the date to hechauged afterpayment
is made.
Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps, Wow in Store,
Mens Suits from 36 to 46.
Childrens* from 4 to S Y ears Old*
The W alker B oot.
M il E lm er B eardsley came home
from Louisville, Ky., for'the reunion.
T h e stars and stripes are flying: to
the breeze in Buchanan to-day.
T h e r e is talk o f a paper-mill being
started in Dowagiac.
T h e price o f wheat appears to be on
the gradual rise.
T ickets to Kansas City are being
sold in South Bend fo r §7.75.
TnE weather' promises to lie most
favorable for the Teunion.
M r . T im Smith , o f Galien, made the
R ecord a pleasant call Tuesday.
E ld . J. H . B aton will preach in the
Old A dvent Church next Sunday,
m orning and evening.
“Boz.” —That Is the name o f a lively
little paper just started in B ay City,
X o . 2 o f which reached us Tuesday.
D on’ t fa il to see John Dillon to­
night. H e is a host in Ins, place and
he knows his place pretty well.
T h e largest crowd that every con­
gregated in Buchanan w d l be here to­
day and to-morrow.
J a c k M essler, the small pox pa­
tient at South Bend, died Sunday morn­
M r . a n d M rs. J. X . Stevens , of
I.eadville, Colo., were in Buchanan a
fe w davs last week.
T h e Edwardsbnrg steani-boat lias
been taken to South Bend, and will
ply on the river for pleasure purposes.
T h e railroads leading toward this
place carry passengers who attend the
reunion at greatly reduced rates.
T ins is the first time that Buchanan
has dressed up in her “fancy fix ups”
to receive company, for a long time.
T h e r e has been a general cleaning
up o f front yards, and getting read}'
.f o r company this week. ’TIs well.
T h e AYatervliet schools are to he
managed the com ing school year liy
Mr. Conkling, o f Xiles, and Miss Cora
Sherwood, o f Benton Harbor.
T h e Berrien Springs Methodist
church is out o f debt.— Sf. Joseph Re­
publican. "Who said so ?—Journal.
The St. Joseph Republican said so.
T h e St. Joseph T alley Railroad runs
three trains each, way each day o f the
reunion, and charge one fare for the
round trip, 40 cents.
E x -R epresentative M oulton, o f
Grand Rapids, is on the war path in
full paint fo r Greenhaekism among
the Saginaws.
T h e Dowagiac fair w ill he held Oct.
11,12,18 and 14. They always hat e
good fairs in Dowgiac, and there is no
reason that this should n ot be the same.
M r . J. S. T u t t l e o f X iles has a cen­
tury plant that w ill blossom in twentyfive years, i f he hasn’t forgotten the
date o f its origin.
T h e work o f placing th e steam en­
gine and boiler fo r propelling the ma­
chinery in R ough & Bears’ gristm ill
into position, is progressing finely.
M il P r a n k B row n Is to start to­
m orrow (Friday) forB reeport, H I, to
commence his season’s w ork w ith his
A t the Bhotographers’ Convention
held in X e w Y o r k recently, Mr. K B .
Ives, o f X iles, w as elected Tice-Bresxdent fo r Michigan.
M r . X . O. E a x sle k , o f Grand RapIds, slopped in this place Friday after­
noon while on M s w ay to Atlanta,
"We ate cake t o the good luck and
connubial happiness o f Prof. and Mrs.
J. F . Jordan. See communication in
another column.
T he new corporation well in St. Jo­
seph is to b e 66 feet deep and h ie 17
feet o f good, cold water-in it. They
w ill have to try agamSif they want to
beat the one in this place. _
* M rs. K inney , a respected citizen o f
X e w Carlisle, died Monday, after a
short period o f sickness. The funeral
was largely attended by citizens o f
Terre Coupee Prairie.
- T h e annual reunion o f the 5th and
22d Michigan Infantry, Mill be held in
Mt. Clemens, Aug. 31, next "Wednesday,
and that o f the 2d Michigan Infantry
at Jackson, September 22d.
L ost.—A Gliarm, letter “M.” o f gold
and hail- work. The finder will con­
fer a favor by leaving the same at this
office, or with the. owner, Mrs. J. X .
B ecause a company o f South Bend
people have been swimming in Bar­
ron Lake, the Mirror thinks that the
stuff Xiles people drink may properly
be termed Hoosier soup.
• R e v . J. S. H och, o f the German
church of Xiles, has^esigned his charge
in that place, and will he succeeded by
Rev. Fred. Walton, o f Frankfort. HI.
Rev. Iloeh has received a call to preach
in Michigan City.
W h il e dressing the Bresidents
wound Saturday evening, the catheter
was allowed to enter the -wound by its
own weight, and It reached the depth
o f 12 b,’ inches. Considerable o f a hole
there to heal yet.
F our times this year the grass lawns
have been made yellow by the dry
-weather. Rather more often than Is
usual for one summer in this part of
the world.
A. f i n e well o f good cool water furn­
ishes drink at the campground. A
stream is also kept constantly running
from the steam pump in Black & W il­
lard's engine room.
M e . A . A . WORTniNGTON returned
last Friday from his.trip to the Xortli
o f this State. -H e reports having had
any amount o f sport among the speck­
led trout o f that section.
T he B ecoud is issued a few hours
in advance o f the regular time this
week, in order to allow the printers to
take the benefit of the reunion exer­
L a t e potatoes are set down, as a
failure, unless rains are more regular
during the l;ist part o f the season than
they have been so far. About the same
story may be told of the corn crop.
W e are confident the musical entertaixuent to he given under the auspices
o f the Good Templars’ Lodge, in this
place Saturday evening, will be a good
T he Suuday school o f the Christian
Church went down the narrow gauge
railroad fo r an excursion~aud picnic
last Friday, and enjoyed a pheasant
time.T he May Graham once more has
full swings on the river tiaflic between
Berrien Springs and the Lake. The
Twilight did not Slav bv itSAVork with
very-great tenacity.
T he work o f the brick-layers is pro­
gressing well along into the second
story o f the new blacksmith shop at
Rough Bros. Wagon Works. When
completed this room will contain
forges for twenty-two blacksmiths.
T hose whose business it is to cater
to the wishes o f the hungry In Buchan­
an, have shown a commendable enter­
prise in -their preparation fo r the ac­
commodation o f the vast cro\vd of
people who are expected to visit Bu­
chanan fo r the reunion.
A mong the special attractions o f the
lim e. F ry Concert Company, advertis­
ed for this place Saturday evening, are
the Orchestra, the Cornet Band, the
Brass Quartette, and the String Quar­
tette, in all o f which the parts o f car­
ried bv ladies.
Th e thanks o f the vetenms and
commissary are due the farmer and
others who have so liberally donated
the provisions fo r the entertainment
o f the soldiers and sailors here during
the reunion.
T h e Berrien county temperance alli­
ance will hold its first quarterly meet­
ing at Xiles, commencing next Tues­
day, Aug. 26, to last three days. Dele­
gations from all Christian churches in
the county are Invited to be present
and take part.
T h e park ground lias been put in
fine condition for the encampment of
the veterans, and w e doubt i f they
found many finer camp grounds during
their service for Uncle Sam.
M r . Cassius T a n R ip e r expects to
start to-morrow (Friday) fo r A n n A r­
bor to commence Ms w ork fo r one or
more diplomas from the State Univer­
sity. H e w ill not bring them home
with him the first tim e he comes, how­
A f i r m o f fru it buyers, in which
William Lough plays a conspicuous
part, has commenced business in this
place, and appear to be handling a
a good amount o f fruit, such as muskmelons, pears, apples, etc.
T h e easily frightened ones arebecomIngscaredbecause they have not seen a
rainbow this year, and take it as an
omen o f evil. They needn’t be alarmed
on that- account, w e have seen tw o of
them at one tim e this summer.
T he Dowagiac F air Association is
making a sensible m ove b y offering
premiums fo r the girl who shall get up
the best dinner. A ll o f the yonng
men, old bachelors and widowers
should attend that fair and get ac­
quainted with the premium girl.
T h e Auten Post G. A . R. o f South
Bend, th e Chapman Post o f St. Joseph,
and the Thomas Post o f Benton Har­
bor attend the reunion here under
their several organizations.
Call st Gr e y Sb Scott’s and see the
^times'’ more,
ave made pre- stoelqof hooks on sale cheap.
on those peoAY?jlker Boots, at
upon them the
u d no man who has
J ohn M orris will enlarge his res­
the enterprise need taurant facilities for the reunion, so as
iult to him.
fropeed:—When the last lag- to accommodate 5,000 persons. Don’t
anger bad arrived, away we forget you can get a first-class meal at
ougliBros. saw m ill seemed to M orris’ fo r 25 cents.
i the. only regular stopping
Farmers don’t forget that B armore
rod there the train was halted to
£t an old gentleman put a sack of ap­ B ros, pay the Highest Prices in town
ples on board. It was promptly re­ for all kinds of Produce. Butter and
ceived by th e passengers and as Eggs a specialty.
promptly divided among tlie different
bars. A .note addressed to “Dear Ella”
fevas f o u n d . on the top, and when Dear for ladies from 10c to $1.25, at
iia,sees this article she may know by
r e s e n t s why she didn’t get her
al at Buchanan was a sur- . Misses and Children, at X O B LE ’S.
to tlie folks there as by
Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Reunion at
~a6ififj>'jCTsuifctewtftnflipg they expected
B ros., where they all smoke
no more than half a dozen people.
They rallied gallantly and soon all tlie nickel (5c) cigars.
hands were provided with dinner for
Go and see the New Prints at the
which St. Joe money was not good. A
hasty trip was then made by most of
our people to Rough Bros. Wagon Fac­
A ll new, just opened. Eancy line of
tory, an establishment which would do
the highest credit to any city in the light colored Hats, Eine AYorsted Suit­
land, and a few made a flying trip to ings, &c.
the works o f the Buchanan Manufac­
A nice line o f Suits for boys 4 to 12
turing Co., where immense quantities
o f furniture are turned out. But time years old, at
L adies , call upon Mrs. N . S. Welch
was relentless and, before any opportu­
nity had been given to look around the for “Buckeye Cookery,” the best book
tasty streets, or the minor-business es- for the kitchen in the market. N o
lablishmentts, we had to leave for
young housekeeper should be without
home. It was but a short meeting but
a few acquaintances were made which a copy, and old ones will not after see­
will help to cement the friendly feeling ing it.
which already exists between this place
A complete stock of all grades of
and the beautiful up-river villages.
Clothing, at *
The feasibility o f the Narrow Guage
was illustrated to our people and a be­
I f you or any o f your friends want a
lief was established that it should and -forty acre farm for a small pile of
will be extended to this place. Re­ money, twenty acres ready for wheat'
sponsible parties connected with the
Indianapolis Peru and Chicago road this fall, or if you want a first-class
were there and assured our people that 160 acres, worth $60 per acre for $35,
they w ill eagerly avail themselves of tell them to call at this office.
an opportunity to get a connection
South Bend and Defiance Yarns will
with the lake by building to Buchanan
j the moment the road is brought to St. he on sale at
Joseph. W ill this work be done? So
It keeps us busy tying up Sugars,
question Buchanan and Berrien; so ask as we sell them cheaper than any other
we all. Shall the great R. 11. boom,
which will rib the whole continent firm in town.
with its mighty spans, penetrate to un­
A ll persons wishing to buy Pianos
known places in remote mountains, and Organs should call on Mrs . T ravis .
.and reach into half civilized Mexico in
search of a golden fleece which may She will furnish you a better instru­
not be golden after all and we, who ment for the money than any other
k n o w the value of this little link let it
agent this side of Chicago.
get away from us because we are too
24w5 *
shiftless to gather a harvest already
Some dealers sav they pay more for
ripe? This remains to be seen aiidthe
gallant men who have started the road Butter than any others, hut we say
are ready to help it along. They are P ulton ’s, pays as much as any.
no fools and they know how they would
be benefited by the extension and they
Before buying Sugars, come and see
should not let us rest until this road is
price list. W e will not be undersold.
Among the Buchanan people to
whom we are indebted for favors and
Try Severson ’s Blackberry Cordial
courtesies were Wm. Pears, Sol. Rough,
AT R. Rough, A. F . Ross and Maj. fo r Cholera Infantum and all bowel
AYells. Several gentlemeu came to trouble.
Berrien with the excursion and hid us
W e have another large stock of
God speed on our homeward way.
cheap Teas coming, and as our Teas
are always good, come and.see them
- Annual School M eeting.
before purchasing elsewhere.
’ The annual School Meeting o f (grad­
ed and high) School District X o. one, o f
A full line o f remedies fo r diseases
the township o f Buchanan, for the elec­ peculiar to 'summer, on hand at the
tion o f tw7o Trustees, and for the trans­ Corner Drug Store.
action of such other business as may
AY. A . SEVERSON, Proprietor.
lawfully come before, will be held at
A new broom sweeps clean; try one
the old school house (so called) in said at H eifner ’s, cheaper than the cheap­
District, on Monday, the 5th day o f est.
September, A . D., lSSl, at 7% o’clock
R ough B ros, offer their stock of
in the afternoon.
Dated this 24th day o f August, lSSl. Pitch Porks at cost.
Just received. 20 dozen of those
L . P. A le xa n d e r , Director.
Adjustable Flexible Hip Corsets, at
F ulton ’ s only.
M r . Geo . B atch elor will sell a lot
o f personal farm property at public
auction, on his farm, on the river road,
in X iles township, one mile north of
the river bridge, on Saturday, Septem­
ber 3. lSSl.
A Dowagiac man has fully-determ­
ined that it is wicked to work on Sun­
day, and therefore proposes to enforce
the law on the managers o f Crystal
Springs camp-meeting for running
their show on Sunday. He. is getting
too nice fo r this life.
T rains on the St. Joseph Talley
railroad are being run during the re­
union as follow s: Going north, leave
Buchanan S A. m., 12:30 v. m., and 5 p.
3i. Returning, leave Berrien Springs
at 0 A. m ., 1:30 P. M., and 0 p. m .
A t the five mile bicycle -race at
Charlotte, Aug. 12, A . J. Edy, of Flint,
the State champion, made the distance
in 20 minutes and 36 seconds, taking
the first prize. The second prize was
awarded Mr. Barnard, of Xiles, third
to E. F. Woodcock, o f Lansing, and
fourth to Mr. Haas, o f Flint.
T he Annual School Meeting at which
it will he decided whether male or fe­
male teachers or both, shall be employ­
ed in the schools the coming year, after
they are all engaged and have com­
menced their work, will be held at the
old school house on Monday- evening,
Sept. 5th.
T he Excelsior Manufacturing Com­
pany are building a large warehouse
on their grounds, on Portage street,
for the storage o f their excelsior pack­
ing until ready for shipment. This
new establishment starts with a good
amount o f work and a promising busi­
M rs. E l l a Sampson started for a
two-months visit in Connecticut Tues­
day. She w ill he in Chicago a few
days, and w ill start from there, .taking
tlie benefit o f the through cheap rates
o f fare. Her brother, Mr. Prank Mer­
rill, will join her in Chicago, leaving
this place Thursday afternoon.
T h e Low ell Journal gives the fol­
lowing bit o f advice that is equally ap­
plicable in this vicinity:
“The best way to muzzle a dog is to
put the muzzle of a well-filled shot-gun
close to the dog’s head and pull the
trigger. I f the gun goes off tlie dog
L ost.—Somewhere between Spencer
& Barnes’ Furniture ’ factory and my
residence on Fourth street, the head
o f a Gold Guff Button, Goldstone Set­
ting. A reward will be paic\ for its
return to me, or it may be left at Rec­
ord office.
G. B. M olsberry .
Se v e r a l farmers have already ex­
pressed their disapproval of any such
movement as is contemplated by those
who are interesting themselves in a
firemen’s tournament in this place the
last tw o days o f September. W e are
still more convinced that such an ac­
tion by her citizens would be among
the worst things they could do for the
village of Buchanan.
C. Smith wishes to inform the public
that lie lias opened a harness shop m
the TR E H O XT building .and is prepar­
ed to do all kinds of work in that line.
H e employs none but first-class work­
men and uses the best material.
J ordan —Clayton . — A t the resi­
dence of tlie bride’s father, in Ply­
mouth, Mieli., Aug. 17, Mr. James F.
Jordan, o f Buchanan, to Miss Mary S.
Clayton, daughter o f Joseph S. Clayton,
the Rev. J. Estabxook officiating. The
young couple left in the afternoon train
for Detroit, followed by tlie hearty
congratulations of the many assembled
friends. They take a trip around the
akes before proceeding to Buchanan,
wlyjre the new home is to be establish­
A p a r t y from Xiles who are here
for the reunion, inform tlie R ecord
that the question o f car works in that
city is no longer a matter o f specula­
tion, hut that Tuesday a telegram from
the Wabash people was received, offer­
ing to start a car factory there, if a‘ do­
nation o f $ 6,000 and fifteen acres o f
land could he secured. This, our in­
formant says, was done in about eight
hours, the land being given outright
b y the Lacey’s, from their large lot
just north of theM . C .R .R . grounds. I f
the city o f X iles succeeds in getting
this establishment there it will be of
more value to them than all of the
county seats in the State. W e are
pleased to note that tlie citizens o f that
city are turning their attention in the
right direction after so long a time.
A t the funeral o f Fred Lyons, in
X iles on Thursday last, Ms father was
forcibly prevented from entering the
house to see the remains. Mr. Lyons
is divorced from his wife, and, while
the general sympathy has been with
Mrs. L., in this instance a wide spread
feeling prevails that the father might
have been allowed to look upon the
dead face o f his hoy. The gray-headed
man retired to the gateway convulsed
with grief and was surrounded with
condoling weeping persons, who could
not hut pity him in his anguish. Such
a scene was never before witnessed in
Xiles, and eyes unused to weep were
suffused with tears.—Evening News, g
There appears- to be tw o sides to
tMs story, the other one being rather
hard on the old man Lyons, and that
the son made a special request before
dying that Ms father should not be al­
lowed to attend the funeral.
Tlie Grange Store is going to have
a large stock of decoration goods for
the Reunion.
Cheapest and best Black Cashmere
in the world at
Sa y , have you seen those Shamrock
’ Smokes? I f not, try one, at
j A first-class stock o f Paints and Oils
' can he found at R ough B ros’ Hard­
A n y who take a liking to tlie Staples
walk and want some o f the work done,
can he accommodated by addressing
Henry Carney, A t Decatur, Michigan,
or can leave their orders a t this office,
and they w ill be forwarded. AYe are of
the opinion that this walk will he
adopted by the village on account o f
its cheapness and known durability
where it has been thoroughly tried.
A ny information regarding the walk
can he obtained by writing to any one
living in Battle Creek, where they use
no other kind.
H ills Corners , Aug. 23, is s i.
L a y in g the Corner Stone .—A t a
special meeting o f the Baptist Church
of Hills Cbrners held Aug. 22, 1SS1, it
was decided that on Sept. 1st, lSSl, at
tw o o’clock, p. m., tlie ceremony, con­
ducted by able speakers, of laying the
corner stone of the wall upon which
tlie new*I*4
0Baptist Church is to be errected, will take place. Follow ing the cer­
emony w ill be supper and in the even­
ing will he given an ice cream festival.
Rev. J. F . Bartmess has been invited to
address the young folks in the evening.
Special and general invitations have
been sent out to all surrounding points
and a good turn-out is expected. E v­
erybody is especially invited to be
present both during the afternoon and
evening exercises.
B y Order o f Committee.
What They Say About It.
A fter giving a very fine description
o f their visit up the river to Berrien
Springs, the St. Joseph Republican has
P r e s e n t .— Through the solicitation
the following concerning the visit of
o f Mrs. Franc Whitman, the ladies of
M r. E. M. P lim pton was quite bad­ the St. Joseph party that visited Bu­
M iss Cl a r a R eynolds , daughter o f this place bought a fine procession ly hurt Sunday afternoon by his horse
chanan, so far as the story interests
James Reynolds, o f Terre Coupee, In d , flag, w ith polished walnut staff and jumping and throwring Mm from Ms
and tlie St. Joseph Valley
has been quite sick, but Is n ow conva­ presented to the G. A . R . Post at this buggy, near the Holmes’ school-house.
H e stopped by the road-side just be­
There was notMng to justify any
w ill appreciate the present.
yond the school-house, and wriienhe oh’s! or ah’s!! The affair-looked just
attempted to get into Ms buggy to like any other railway. It showed*
E ld . W h it e w ill preach his last ser­
D ogs made a raid on Fred. Andrews’
signs of having cost some money and
m on in Buchanan and fo r the present sheep Sunday night and succeeded in drive home, Ms horse jumped and
of- being able to accommodate some
conference year,-next Sunday morning wounding four o r five o f them, threw him to the ground, he alighting traffic. It is new, as yet, so lias every
at the M . E . Church.
other road been at some time. Its cars
and killing one. The dogs in this
and straining his arms quite badly. w ill have ample capacity, its locomo­
country are its saving element, in the
H e managed by the assistance o f aman tives sufficient power and, when it gets
Can n ot a fra it drying or canning es­ estimation o f their keepers.
who happened to be passing that way some ends, one to St. Joe., it w ill serve
its purpose in human affairs just the
tablishment he made a success in this
to go, to the house o f Mr. Enos Holfiies, same as any other railway. The pres­
T h e appearance now is that those
place as w ell as others. Such an en­
where he- had his wounds dressed and ent eventually will be but a link in an
terprise not only w orks -itself but who keep themselves warm b y a coal was brought to town. 'H e is pretty important system; but i t was about tlie
makes an opening fo r a great amount fire n est winter w ill pay dearly fo r it. sore, but no* serious result is antici­ hardest part o f the whole to build and
Coal is now quoted in Chicago at $7
it will-be pointed out as an evidence o f
o f outside labor in raising the materi­
the pluck o f 'twA little communities
@$S per ton, and is liable to advance
als *for it s supply. A building is al­
who were not afraid f o ' break ground
ready built for one here.
Additional locals: on second page.
fo r a work that Vvil! benefit them and,
Before buying your CARPETS don’t
fail to call on H owe & K in g ery and
see what they have to show you in this
line. They have over 100 different
styles and patterns to select from.
A first - class farm of 160 acres,
with good buildings and in a short dis­
tance from a good market on the Mich­
igan Central railroad, can be had at a
bargain at this office. X o better land
can be found in Berrien county outside
of the two prairies.
M essrs. T ourje and Ga v e l i . have
secured the contract of the park
grounds for the. purpose o f running
Shooting Galleries there during the
reunion, and those who wish to engage
in that business there, should see them
for terms.
Men’s Suits from 40 to 46; a big line
Boys, have you seen the X obbiest
Shoe in town at
Tea, X ew Teas, Choice Teas, at
When you come to Buchanan to the
Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Reunion do not
fail to call at the 99 Cent Store. Y ou
can buy anything you want and the
price is always the lowest. Just re­
ceived,' a lot of Gossamer Rubber
goods in ladies’ circulars and gents’
E arm for Sa l e .—80 acres, known
as the John Baker place, two miles
north of Avery Station.
C. G. Sh e r r il l .
The Superintendent of the Grange
Store has gone to Chicago to purchase
goods for the Soldiers and Sailors Re­
Y ou find good styles o f Pins, Ear­
rings and Chains in roll plated goods,
warranted, at
Look here, Jffiey will have the larg­
est arrival of new goods in town next
week, at .
A full line of building material may
be had o f
H OW E & K IN G E R Y ’S.
Call and see the X e w Style •Men’s
Shoes at
Buy Groceries at Smith ’ s, and save
Irish Trinimings
cheapest at
are foirnd^ the
A fine line o f Calf Boots, at
X O B LE ’S.
The Golden Legend Cigar scoops
them a ll; find them only at
Ladies, i f you want a nice Lace Tie,
call at
I f you want 50e Tobacco go to H eif­
Cant be heat, here nor else­
A splendid display o f Laces in all
varieties at tlie GRANGE STORE.
In Quantities to Suit Customers.
Flavoring Extracts
Of Superior Quality,
-A T -
Dill's Drw s u
Alabastine at
I liaye for sale a house and lot on
Fourth street.
Two-story house, a
good well and cistern, and other im­
provements, that can" he had for $475.
A lso two lots in Fulton’s addition, for
sale cheap.
$475 will buy a good house and lot
on Fourth street. Two story house, a
good well and cistern. Call at this
J ohn G. H olmes.
Tlie boss Cigar is the “ Happy Hour,”
found at
D issolution.—The firm of Treat &
Klingler having dissolved by mutual
consent, the business will be continued
by Treat & Redden, who will he ever
ready to wait upon all who may call at
the old Corner Grocery.
4 elegant Polenaise Patterns to ar­
rive at H ighs’ next week.
Flavoring Extracts a specialty at
DODD’S Drug Store.
Those who use Milk Bread get it at
Try a glass of Mead or Birch Beer,
at ■
Attention, farmers. AYe always pay
the highest price for produce, and sell
Groceries at Bed Rock Prices.
Call at the Double Store to buy
Goods cheap.
A large lot o f Ladies’ Dusters at
Call and see W. A . Palmer before you
Insure and get his prices. He will In­
sure you in the Old Continental of New
Y oik , and give you from six months
to five years time, without interest,
and Insure your stock against light­
ning anywhere within tw o miles of
your farm, and give a permit to use
steam threshers.
Gr a y & Scott have been receiving
more new goods; call and see.
The Dark Horse is ahead, stopped at
B armore B ro’ s ; a Cigar, I mean, only
Remember the large stock o f Goods
that must be sold at the Chicago
Cheap Store.
Fine Concert at M orris' Restaurant
every afternoon and Evening.
N ow is your tim e to get a nice pair
o f low tie or button Shoes; a new Stock
just received at
Shoe Store near Post Office.
Y ou will find the nicest Ice Cream
in town at
A t the 99 Cent Store we are selling
goods way downReady Mixed Paints, Stone Ochre,
&c„ at
A good assortment o f men’s and
boys Boots & Shoes at
10 gross o f Fruit Cans just arrived
Ice Cream by the dish, quart or gal­
lon at
Earthen Stew Pans, 1 and 1 gal­
lons. at
A nice lot o f choice, fancy candy, at
AYhere is the neatest place in town
to get a good meal? I go to H eifner ’s
every time.
When visiting Niles, i f you have any
old jewelry, takeitto J. Crocker Brown,
one door east of the Citizens’ National
Bank, with AY. G. Blish, and have it
worked over into new.
I have for sale houses and lots in
this place as follow s:
One on Portage street f o r ----- $600
near Front
Day’s avenue
___ 1,000
A n y of the above are cheap at the
price asked.
to find the cheapest place in town to
buy ladies and children’s Hats. Call
at M rs . F rame 's, opposite the Grange
Fishing Tackle of all kinds at
Best English Cliffstone Paris AYhite
E x t r a copies o f the R ecord may
always he found at the news depot in
the post office room.
3 lbs. Good Jap Tea for $1.00, at
A full line o f Fancy Goods just re­
ceived at the
M rs . F ram e has just received a new
stock o f Millinery Goods. Call and
see them.
H eifner ’ s is the only place in town,
or in fact in Berrien county, that the
Vienna’ and Cream Bread can be found
Call at T renbeth ’s tailoring rooms
for good work and nice fits.
Boots & Shoes at reduced prices,
away down fo r cash.
Did you see that immense stock o f
F ruit Jars just arrived at
Try the “Unicum,” best 5c cigar in
market, at W eston ’s Drug Store.
Eruit Jars for a million, at
Of course if you want Crockery or
Glassware, you will go to
S .& AY. W . SMITH’S.
Handsomest Curtain Goods with
Linen Lace for border, new thing, at
When’ you come to the Reunion, you
will just be surprised to see what a
Dinner you will get for the money, at
The Lawrence & Chapin Spring
Tooth Harrow is the best. F or sale
D o n ’ t T h r o w u p tlie S p o n g e .
AYlien suffering humanity mes enduring the horrors o f dyspepsia,
gestion, or nervous and general debili­
ty, they are too often inclined to throw
up the sponge and resign themselves
to fate. W e say, don’t do it. Take
Burdpck Blood Bitters tlie unfailing
remedy. Price $1.00, trial size 10 cents.
"W hen T h e r e ’s a 'W ill T h e r e ’ s a W a y .
A n y one who has the w ill to try
Thomas’ Electric Oil will surely find
the way to robust health, in cases of
bronchial affections, sore throat, pains,
etc. ; and as an internal remedy it is
H a y F ev er.
We all smoke the 5 Daisies for 25c,
found at
W e are selling piles o f Crockery and
Glassware at
O. S. T o u r j e qnd F. B. F o x , hairing
purchased the Tremont market o f I.
C. Stephens have refitted the same, and
will he found ready to wait upon their
customers with anything 'wanted in
their line. A full stock of fresh and
salt meats always on hand. Give them
a call.
Oil Blacking for Harness, and Leath­
er Polish for Buggy Tops, at
J. K. W oods is receiving new goods
almost every day. Call and see him.
D o n ’ t M a k e a M is ta k e ,
W hy w ill you use salves and lotions,
and other outward applications fo r
the cure o f skin diseases? The re­
lief thus obtained can only b e tempo­
rary. AVhy not strike at the root o f
all skin diseases by getting your blood
and liver in a healthy, vigorous condi­
tion ? This can only be done effective}
:ly and thoroughly b y the use o f Dr.
Guysott’s Y ellow D ock and Sarsapa­
Try AVeston’ s 40 cent Fine Cut.
Largest stock o f Silks, Satin and Rib­
bons in the county, at FULTON ’S.
Bargains in Crockery at the
To save money buy your Groceries
A. q n e e r N o t i o n .
Many people think it cheaper to buy
25 cent sizes o f a proprietary medicine’
But they make a mistake. F or in.
stance, Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of W ild
Cherry contains, about eight times the
quantity o f ordinary 25 -cent cough
balsams. Besides it takes a less quan­
tity o f Wistar’s Balsam to cure-a cold,
A single dose is often sufficient. F or
deep seated Colds and Consumption it
has proven itself to be th e best and
quickest cure ever discovered.
Ladies please call and examine those
new Hats just received at M rs.
F r a m e s ’ ; all the new styles in Tuscan
Another invoice of Netted Fringe,
A nd still they buy those Lawns.
Come and see them.
Lydia E. Piukham’s Vegetable Com­
pound, the great medicine for the cure
o f all female complaints, is the great­
est strengthener o f the back, stomach,
nerves, kidneys, urinary and genital
organs of men and women ever known"
Send for circulars to Lydia E. PinkhauL-Lynn, Mass.
ner ’s.
Tlie Grange Store sells good Jap
Tea 35 cents per pound.
I t iS' only- those diseases that are
chronic that Dr. V . Clarence Price
treats, 'and w e advise all who have /
such complaints to try him ; surely i f /
he had any natural ability, Ms long eX y
perience w ould, enable him to locate
diseases o f this class, and suggest the
means o f cure.
Dr. Price will make his next visit to
X iles, Bond House, on Saturday, the
27th o f August.
Ayer’s A gue Cure has saved thou­
sands o f lives in the malarial districts
o f this and other countries. I t is war­
ranted a certain and Speedy remedy,
and free from all harmful ingredients.
E ly’s Cream Balm for tlie cure of
Catarrh and H ayFever is having large
sales with me. 1 pronounce it the best
article I have ever sold for the treat­
ment of these diseases, and take pleas­
ure in recommending it to my patrons,
as I am from day to day hearing the
most favorable reports of its beneficial
effects. H enry B. Semple , Druggist,
Easton Pa. Price 50 cents.
K e e p I t o n H and.
X o Farmer or Teamster should b e _______
without Henry & Johnson’ s Axnjea
and Oil Liniment. It is invaluable in
cases o f hurts, either on man or beast.
.M oth ers! M o th e rs ! ! Mfothers i l I
A re you disturbed at night and
broke o f your rest by a sick child suf­
fering and crying with the excruciat­
ing pain o f cutting teeth ? I f so, go at
once and get a bottle o f Mrs. AYinslow’s Soothing Syrup. It w ifi relieve
the poor tittle sufferer immediately—
depend upon i t ; there is no mistake
about I t There is not a mother on
earth who has ever used it, who will
not tell you at once that it will regu­
late the bowels, and give rest to the
mother, and relief and health to the
child, operating like magic. I t is per­
fectly safe to use in all cases, and pleas­
ant to the taste, and is the prescrip­
tion o f one o f the oldest and best fe­
male physicians and nurses in the
United States. Sold everywhere. 25
cents a bottle.
F or Sale.—SO acres “number one”
land in Oronoko township.
proved, large barn, 40 by SO, good twostory house, good apple and pear orch­
ard and small fruits, one o f the best
wells in the county, good fences, and
the best o f stock water, w ill he sold at
a bargain. Call at this office.
Old, T r ie d , an d T r u e .
Remember Dr. Guysott’s Y ellow
Dock and Sarsaparilla is not a mew,
untried compound. I t has stood the
test o f forty years’ use, and has proven
itself to be the best vegetable com­
pound ever discoveredfor curing.scrof­
ula, syphilitic disorders, skin and
blood diseases, liver complaints, uri­
nary troubles: etc.
F o r X b ir f y Y e a r s .
F or thirty years Wistar’s Balsam of
AYild Cherry lias been kept for sale by
druggists generally, and in all that
time there has not been a single com­
plaint made, but on the countrary the
druggists and the people acknowledge
it to be the best remedy for the cure
o f Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Bron­
chitis, .Asthma, and all Lung Diseases.
Camp Rockers, 99c.
Camp Chairs, 99c.
Willow High Chairs, $1.39.
A t the 99 Cent Store.
German Baskets.
French Baskets,
American Baskets.
Finest stock of Baskets
ever shown in Buchan an, at 99 Cent Store.
Pint Cups, 4e.
10 Quart Pails, 19c.
Boilers, Copper Bottom, $1.33.
A t the 99 Cent Store.
Tinware of all kinds sold cheaper
than ever before in Buchanan.
Looking Glasses, 14x24, 99e.
13x22, SSc.
A t the 99 Cent Store.
Y o u ought to see H ighs new Corset;
a brand new tiling.
Remember that our X ew Goods were
bought cheap, for cash, and we Will
give our customers the benefit. •This
is a fact.
Alabastine in hulk or package, at
DODD’S Drug Store.
Go to H eifner ’s for the best Ice
Cream in town.
The best 50 cent tea in town at
Ice Cream this evening at
I have a full line o f Men’s and Boys’
Boots and Shoes,
Dolls, 5c.
Dolls, 10c.
Dolls, 15c.
A t tlie 99 Cent Store.
Bed Spreads, 55c.
Bed Spreads, $1.29.
Bed Spreads, $1.55.
A t the 99 Cent Store.
Ladies’ Gossamer Cloaks.
Gents Gossamer Coats.
The best quality and
lowest price.
Lots o f new Goods and new Bargains
at the 99 Cent Store, this week, consist­
ing o f Camp Rockers at' 99 cents,
H oiVe & K in gery Sell CARPETS. Chairs, Tables, etc., etc. Fine line o f
FLAG S and DECORATION Prints Ladies H its at 24c up. Fishers Silk
-Ties, Spanish Lace, etc., etc. ,
only at .
Please, call at the Grange Store
Our American Silk, takes the cake; sold last.week, found and see the new goofis that Rave aronly at
I rived.
--------------- —
the Signal Station. 3&.
Hoticing that the sides o£ the summit
'were strewed with hoards* beams, and
dgbrfsof all sorts? my guide, explained
that what I saw was the result of the.
great January gale which, had demol­
ished the large shed used as an engine'
house, scattering the loose fragments tar
and Wide. I begged him to give me his
recollection of it.
“ During the forenoon preceding the
gale we. observed nothing very wnuswal;
bnt the clouds kept sinking and sinking
until the summit was quite above them,
hate iu the afternoon my comrades, KerSergeant M —, came to where I _ was
lying abed sick, and said: ‘There is gi>ing to be the devil to pay, so I guess I'll
make everything sung.’
“ By nine in the evening the wind had
increased to one hundred miles an hour,
with heavy sleet. At midnight the ve­
locity of the storm was one hundred nr-d
twenty miles, and the exposed thermom­
eter recorded twenty degrees below zero.
With the stove red, we could hardly get
it above freezing inside the house. Water
froze within three feet of the fire—in fact,
where yon are now sitting.
“ A t'this time the noise outside was
deafening. Aboufcene o'clock the wind
rose to one hundred and fifty miles. It
was now Wowing a hurricane. The wind,
gathering up S i the loose Ice of the
mountain, dashed it against the house
with one continued roar. I lay wonder­
ing how long the building would stand
this when all at once came a crash.
M—shouted to me to get up. bnt I had
tumbled out in a hurry on hearing the
glass go. Yon see, I was dressed, to
keep myself warm in bed.
“ Onr" united efforts were hardly equal
to closing the storm shutters from the In­
side, bnt we finally succeeded, though
the light went out when the the wind
came in, and we worked in the dark.”
He rose to show me how the shutters,
of thick oak, were first secured b y an
iron bar, and secondly by strong wooden
buttons firmly screwed in the windowhcime.
“ W e had scarcely done this,” resumed
Doyle, “ and were shivering over the
fire, when a heavy grist of wind again
burst open the shutters, as easily as if
they had never heen fastened at all. We
sprang to onr feet After a hard tussle
we again secured the windows, by nail­
ing a cleat to the floor, against which one
end of a board was fixed, using the other
end as a lever. Ton nndertancL 2” I
nodded. “ Well, even then it was all we
could do to force the shutters back into
place. Bnt we did it. We had to
d o it
“ The rest of the night was passed in
momentary expectation that the building
would be blown into Tuekermau's, and
we with It At four o’clock iu the morn­
ing the wind registered one hundred and
eighty-six miles. It had shifted risen
from east to northeast Prom this time
it steadily fell to tea miles, at nine
o'clock This was the biggest blow ever
experienced on the mountain.
“ Suppose the house had gone, and the
hotel stood fast, could you have effected
an entrance into the hotel ?” I ask'd.
“ W e conld not have faced the gale.”
“ Xot for a hundred feet? not iu a mat­
ter of life aud death ?”
, “ Impossible. The wind would have
lilted us from our feet like bags o f wo-4.
We would have been dashed against the
rocks and .-.mashed like egg-sin Us,” was
the quiet reply.
“ And so for some hours you expected
to be swept Into eternity 5” ~
“ We did what we could. Each
wrapped himself in blaukets and quilts,
binding these tightly around him with
ropes, fir which were attached bars of
iron, so that if the house went by the
board we might stand a chance—a slim
one—of anchoring somewhere, some­
isomewhere, indeed!
When, on the following morning I
busied 1m self getting ready to go down
the mountain, I hearJ a profound sigh,
follow ed by some half audible words,
proceeding from the adjoining room.
These words rang in my ears all that
“ Ah. this terrible solitude!” —S. A.
in H arper# Jlapazine.
O n e p t t h e 3 I<h>x F a r a o u s i H a n k R o b ­
b e r ie s o n r ie e o r t l.
, When Jonathan Edwards was preach­
ing the doctrine of original sin in the
quiet and peaceful town of Northamp­
ton, Mass., says the Detroit Free
.Press, - he probably little dreamed,
iu spite of his doctrine, that in less than
a century and a half one of the most
skillful and daring robberies would be
committed in that town, forming “ a
celebrated case” in the auuals of crime,
throwing final suspicion upon the bank
managers, some of whose ancestors, iu
all probability, listened to the famous
New England divine.
The bank itself, a massive building,
is the receptacle of the surplus money
of the rich and thriving population m
the Connecticut valley. Individual se­
curities, trust funds, -cash, bonds, run­
ning up iuto tbe millions were deposit* d
in its solid vault. To unlock the onto*
door of the vault several keys are re­
quired, stud these keys were disiribuu *'
among as many bank officers. - Inside o
the bank also the obstacles to burglar*
seemed insuperable, th ere were two
iuner doors, each with its combination
of four sets of figures; there was a new
and solid safe with double doors, each
also with its combination o f four figures;
finally, a wat-chmau stationed within the
hank kept guard until after 4 o’clock
each morning. People believed in it,
as the Israelites believed in the ark of
the covenant. What, then, was the
consternation of this community when
one morning it was announced that se­
curities and cash, to the extent of a
million and a quarter dollars, had dis­
The originators of the daring rob­
beries were‘three famous “ cracksmen”
who had already succeeded in breaking
open several banks and plundering them
o f their riches. But, the bank-safe con­
structors getting ahead of them, they
persuaded Edson, one of the workmen
employed by the Herring Safe Company,
to Join the gang. I t soon after hap­
pened that the locks of the Northamp­
ton Bank were out of order and Edson
was sent to make the repairs. Intrust­
ed with the keys, he made false ones
from wax impressions and persuaded
the bank officials that it would be safer
to intrust all the combinations with the
cashier, Whittlesey.
All being in readiness, the robbers, at
1 o’clock iu the morniug, January, 1876,
visited Whittlesey’s house, bound and
terrorized him anti bis whole family, he
being ordered at the point of the pistol
to snvren.i.-r She numbers of the combi­
He give wrong numbers.
Bnt the thieves v-. re more cunning.
After taking dov.n the numbers aud pro­
ceeding to converse on other subjects,
they suddenly ordered him to repeat the
figures. He conld not recall them, and
was pounded, kicked and choked until
he furnished the correct ones. After the
watchman had left the bank at 4 o’clock
in the morning, the robbers proceeded
thither, opened the vaults, took away
the booty aud escaped from town.
It took twelve bom's to open the locks,
which the robbers had damaged, the
unsuspected Edson being employed for
the purpose. Search was made every­
where, including Northainpfou iiseif,
for the missing bonds. The sclioolhonse where the robbers had concealed
themselves, aud where they left their
lantern and remnauts of their luncheon,
was explored—all but the platform on
which the children stood at the black­
board. The bonds aud securities were
lying there while the searchers wore in
the 'room, but the robbers had. with
coloiv-d putty, hidden the sere'*- he idwhich they had disturbed, and no trace
of their proceedings was observable.
After the excitement was over, the
thieves returned one night and took
possession of their booty.
Edson, briug refused his share of the
plunder, turned Slate’s evidence aud
saw two of his confederates begin a
twenty-years’ sentence In Stat' prison.
Other members of the gang were arrest­
ed at the end of four years, and those
already in prison, with the hope of a
pardon, threatened to expose the whole
conspiracy unless the securities were
returned. All hut §150,000 were brought
back, and the prosecution was dropped.
Tut On No Frills,
This was accomplished at the expense
“ We ecu stive yon the K\->t of recom­ of the reputation of the bank officers,
mends.' said the landlady to the apj II- who were charged with compounding a
eaut for board. “ aud we alias requires felony in order to get possession of their
treasure. Iu many of its features it was
'em in return from onr lodgers. We're
first-class here, high-toned, ar.d none the most cunning and daring of schemes
others need apply. How. if you'll just in the history of crime.
squint your eye outer that air winder
T he man who takes his place in this
and take a look at them elothes a bangin’
world, whether to preach in a tabernacle,
on the lir.e in the back yard, you'll see I
ain't puttin’ on no frills.'—Bsookfy# Ba- sing in a coloseum, or build the waste
places, having a clear view of his work,
g ’c.
a settled conviction of duty—who be­
Among the attractions of the circuses lieves what- he asks others to believe,
and lives what he teaches—will find an,
iu Paris is that of putting women iu can­
open door to success.
nons and firing them off!. In this coun­
try the women do damage enough witlimt being loaded into cannons.
Profit in Black Walnuts.
The smartest Texan, and, in fact, the
smartest farmer, I have ever met, is old
verbal Etiquette.
Sim Graves, who lives on a 1,000-acre
There is a distinction between certain farm west of Waxahatchie, In Central
phrases, according to circumstances,
Texas. After Mr. Graves had shown me
which, when misused, become vulgar­
his cattle and cotton, he took me over to
isms. Tie give a few, taken from a see his woods.
London journal:
“ Well, what of it ? ” I said, as he
. The terms "ladies” and “ gentlemen”
pointed to a ten-acre forest.
become in themselves vulgarisms when
“ ‘ What of it?’ Why, them’s black
misapplied, and the improper application walnuts, sir.
Ten acres of ’em.
of the wrong term at the wrong time Planted ’em myself ten years ago. See,
makes all the difference in the world to they’re nine inches through. Good trees,
ears p ike: thus, calling a man a “'genh?”
man' wii.'-u he should be called a “ man,”
And sure enough there were ten
speak a.g of a man as a man when acres of hand-planted black-walnut
he should be milled a gentleman; or the trees. They stood about ‘ twelve feet
alluding to a lady as a woman when she apart, 200 to the acre— in all 2,000
should be alluded to as a lady; or the trees.
speaking of a woman as a lady when she
“ Well, how d ' 1 you get your money
should In* properly termed a woman.
back?” a asked.
Tact and a sense of the fitness of
“ Black walnuts are worth $2.50 a
things «Wide these points, there being bushel, ain’t they? I ’ll get 400 bushels
i .o i't.ved rule to go upon to determine
this year. That’s $1,000. A hundred
when a man is a man or when he is a dollars an acre is good rent for land
gentleman, aud though he is far ofiener worth $15 an acre, ain’t it ?”
!heo:ie than the other, he does
“ Well, what else?” I inquired, grow­
i,-.: tin.r-.-uy l«*e his attributes of agea- ing interested.
thui-sa. la common parlance, a tuau is_
“ The trees,” continued Mr. Graves,
id-i -.vs a man to a iaan. and never gen-' “ are growing an inch a year. When
•Ito a woman lie is occasionally a they are 20 years old they will be nine­
„i) •: aud ivcasijj ally a ge;.th-m.ii;: but a teen inches through. A black-walnut
man •-<
far term a woman a tree nineteen inches through is worth
v-oman than he wcr.i l term her a lady.
$25. My 2,000 trees teii years from
Wn.-xt a man makes use of a i adjective now will he worth $50,000, If I don’t
in sjasking of a lady he almost invariably want to cut them all, I can Cut half o(
o:.s!s u.-. aao, the term young lady gives them and then raise a bushel of walnuts
places as far as possible to the firm girL
to the tree—that is, get $2,500 a year
although it greatly depends upon the for the crop. Two hundred and fifty
amount of intimacy existing as to which dollars an acre is fair rent for $15 land,
term is employed. Now, to turn to the ain’t it Y'—L etter from San Antonio,
really tabooed words, “ stylish” and Texas*
‘ -genteel” are relegated to the showr- via, where they are very mnch used
H b hath a good judgment who doth
at home in each other’s company, al­
though considered decidedly vulgar not rely entirely upon his own.
when met with elsewhere. “ Stylish”
Wing bred in the show-room is the right
word ia the right place; bat it is hard
upon unfortunate “ genteel,” that, con­
veying in itself so mnch it should have
met with such a fate. “ Nice” bids fair
to follow in the footsteps of discarded
words; standing alone1as an adjectives
though passe, it still has its admirers,
but when to nice is added either “ aw­
fully” or ‘ Too,” then nice is altogether
out of favor.
“ Jolly” is well enough on the lips of a
schoolboy, to whom it now of right be­
longs—a right which no one. disputes;
bnt slang proper is and never can be
anything else than vulgar; and those
wllo delight in its use for the embellish­
ment of their speech to all intents and
purposes intend to be vulgar.
l o s s o f a p p e tit e jr a n B e a .b o w e ls c o s t iv e .
The word “ fellow,” however much in
P a i n i i i t h e H e a d .w lt lia d u ll se n s a tio n i n
Use it may be between men, sounds very
t h e b a c k p a r t, F a in u n d e r t&e a h o o ld e r objectionable from the lips of women;
b la d e , fu lln e s s a ft e r e a tin g , w i t h a d is in ­
c lin a t io n t o e x e r t io n o f b o d y o r m in d .
and some Women are given to the foolish
conceit of peaking of every man they
may happen to know as a “ dear fellow,"
l e c t e d s o m e d u t y ,w e a r in e s s , D iz z in e s s,
a “ charming fellow,” a “ handsome fel­
fla t t e r in g o f th e H ea rt, D o ts b e fo re th e
low,” a “ clever fellow.”
e y e s , Y e l l o w S k in , H e a d a c h e , .R estless­
n e s s at. n ig h t , h i g h l y c o lo r e d U r in e .
“ Beau” and “ belle” are terms now no
longer jn use; and for beau no equivalent
3 1 T H E S B W A S H IN G S A B E U N H E E D E D , *
has as yet been discovered, although the
TUTTS H U S are especially adapted to
“ beauty” has replaced the “ belle.”
such cases,one dose effects snchachange
Out of the nursery it is not customary
o f feelin gas to astonish th e sufferer.
T h e y ln e r e a s e t h e A p p e t it e , and cause the
for children to style their parents other
body to T a k e o n f t e n , thus the system Is
than'by the good old-fashioned reveren­
B otn i< faed ,an db y t h e ir fo n lc A c tS o n o n the
D ig e s t iv e U r t a n s . B e n i h i r S t o o I . are pro­
tial names of “ father and mother.”
duced. Price 2> cents. 3 5 M u r r a y S k . N .T ,
“ Papa” and “ mamma” are now nursery
names only, bnt “ pa” and. “ ma” those
nnpleasantabbreviations, arenowhappily
a O ib ssT
'quite out of date.
Dye. It
The courteous “ thank you” has ffia
Im parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously.
8old by Dr□ggiats.'orsent by express on receipted tl-.
measure replaced the nncourteous
O fflce, 3 3 Murray St., New York.
“ thanks,” and it is no longer considered
Sr. TGITS KAXCAL e f YaluM c Inforantim n i h
yery fine to make thin curt curtailment.
OwBU amtoti-em be s iI M FREE OB .ppUattlo*,#
---------- —
|hree cornered elopement
bk place in Battle Creek
£oung fellow ran away
- 'Washington.
S a t u r d a y , J u l y 30.
If You Want a First-class
Jno. Bacon, Laporte, Ind., writes
“Y our ‘Spring Blossom is all yon crack
ed it up to be. M y dyspepsia has al
vanished; why don’t you advertise it
what allowance will you make if I tab
a dozen bottles,,so that I could obligi
my friends occasionally?” Price 5
cents, trial bottles 10 cents.
C u r e d A f t e r t h e U se o f a S in g le E o t t le .
' T roy , O., March 10,1879.
Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, 0.:
Gentlemen—I- have been afflict)
with rheumatism for more than foui
years. I have employed physicians' _
and-used several lands o f patent m eili-j.jpl . J ffg J _
clnes with no permanent relief. Fi—..Cf55 ~ ,4? ^ ,
nally I was induced to make a trial ofrSHHSHHIBJ ‘'1
your Rheumatic Cure, and I am happ\
to say that I can pronounce myselt
cured after using but one bottle. Re-’
lief experienced after the first two o
three applications. Yours truly,
Elliot Miller, Bookseller and Stationer
P r o o f P o s itiv e .
W e have the most positive and con
vineing proof that Thomas’ Electri4®=====
Oil is a most effectual specific for bodfljT
ily pain. In cases o f rheumatism am'
neuralgia it gives instant relief.
is shown in the “ New Stvle,” aiders materially from the
.tor being driven often meet obstacles that cannot be overSingers and Public Speakers slioulfrickeaiid. In making the CHAPMAN W EL L all these
ii<!p D rtw n V ■RHvir n<%ik rp tn n vp «
antI ahead of the pipe, setting the pipe as fast ns
USe-UOWHS JltllXir, asiciemoves 110<irseioinside
p0intbut work with pipe open), thus by adding more
Hess ailCl increases the power o f t-llj depth can be'reached. After sufficient water has been
•« m e tubing or pipe drawn back until the screen is covered
N o. 1.
P osition o f S creen an d V a lv a l
in W ell.
3 6
. ~ 11
Cough, Cold or Sore Throat shoul,
M A C H I N I S T heAstopped.
Neglect frequently result
in an incurable lung disease or Co
sumption. Brown’s Bronchial Troche’
are certain to give relief in Asthms
Bronchitis, Coughs, Catarrh, Consum j
tive and Throat Disease. F or eigh
years the Troches have heen reco
mend by physicians, and always gi
perfect satisfaction. They are n
new or untried, but have been tesi
by wide and constant use for nearly
an entire generation, they have at­
tained well-merited rank among tliil
few staple remedies of the age. Public!
speakers and singers use them tc
clear and strengthen the voice. Sold
at twenty-five cents a box everywhere
B attle Creek, M ich iga n ,
Traction and Plain Engines
and Horse-Powers.
M ost Com plete T h resher F actory ? E s ta b lis h e d
In th e W orld*
N o w is t b e T im e ,
Don’t wait until you are nearly deai
and bed-ridden. Don’t wait until yo
have found, to your sorrow, that min­
eral poisons and alcoholic stimulants!
bitters, etc., will only agravate diseas-,
es of the blood, kidneys and liver;
But now, before another day passes,
nutke baste to procure and use Dr
Guysott’s Y ellow Dock and Sarsapa^j
rilla. It never fails to cure all blood]
and skin diseases, all liver complaints
and urinary troubles.
The Haskins Eneii1
S T E A M -P O W E R S E P A R A T O R S and
Complete Steam Outfits o f matchless qualities.
Finest T r a c t io n E n g in e s and P la in E n g in e s
ever seen in the American market
A multitude e f special features and tmj
fo r 1SSI. tosrether with superior qualities t.. —
..vtion and materials not dreamed o f by other makers.
Four sires o f Separators, from 6 to I S h o r se
capacity, fo r steam or horse poicer.
Two styles o f 44Mounted” Horse-Powers.
K f l t S A A A P e c t o f S e le c te d L u m b e r
) V v V ) V W (from three to six years atr-dried)
constantly on hand, from which is built the in­
comparable wood-work o f our machinery.
Strongest,inert durable,and efficient ever
made. $» 10> 1 3 H o r s e P o w e r .
Gardner Governor,7
U tica Steam Gaug
Engines, Threshing Machij
W ood Salving Machines, H<[
Powers, Mowing, Reaping ’
other Machines repaired.
Cider M ill Screws, Saw Arh;
&c.. &c., made to order.
Shaking, Pulleys, Hangi
Couplings and mill supplies j
nished on short notice.
Shop on' Chicago street, r
mill race.
T o T i> o A f f l i c t e d ,
Since tbe ntroduction ot Kellogg’s Co­
lumbian Oil it has made more permanenfj'A.
cures and riven better satisfaction on Kid-M-r
ney Complaints and Rbrumutism than any
known remedy.
t“ continued aeries o f Woc7^**
derful cures ill all climates lias made ilGE,
Known as a safe and reliable agent to em­
ploy against all aches aud pains, which air
the forerunne-s o f more serious disorders.
It acts speedily and surely^ always relieving
suffering and often saving file. The protec
lion it affords by its timely use on rheuma­
tism, kidney affection, and all aches ane
pains, wounds, cramping pains, cholera mor-!
bus, diarrhoea, coughs, colds, catarrh, au
disorders among children, makes it an inval
uable remedy to be kept always on band i
every home. N o person can afford to b'
without it, and those who have once used i
never wili. I t is absolutely certain in it:
remedial effects, and will always core whe
cures are possible.
Call at D. Weston’s and get a memorandum
book giving more full details o f the curativi
properties o f this wonderful medicine.
, Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A.
X . HAMILTON, Agent, Bnelianan, JIlcli.
Price 35c. 50c. and §1.00 per bottle.
For Sale Eveiywhero.
!Dr. Baxter’s Mandrake
it t e b
I Will cure Jaundice, Dyspepsia,
[Liver Complaints, Indigestion,
[and all diseases arising from Bil•ioiisness. Price 25 cts. per bottle.
For Sale Everywhere.
H E S S T &. J O H N S O N ’S
A R N I C A A N D O IL '
JFor .UTan an ti B e a st.
The most perfect liniment ever
|compounded. Price 25c. and 50c.
For Sale Everywhere.
If you are a man'
of business,weak­
ened by the strain of
your duties avoid
stimulants an d u s e
I l f yon are a
' man of let­
night work, to res­
tore brain nerve and
I waste, use H op B«
H o p B itte rs *
It you are yonnp and | ■suffering from any indiscretion or dissip&j I tion; if you ore marlied or single, old or I I young, suffering from
poor health or languish I I mg on a bed of sickness, rely on H o p | 1 B itte r s.
, Thousands die an­
Whoever y o n are, ■
nually f r o m some
whenever y o u feet f
[fo rm o f K i d n e y
that v o u r system l
> disease th a t m igh t
needs cleansing:, ton-%
I have been prevented
ing or stimulating-, I
~ j a t i m e l y use o f
without intoxica ting,
ta k e H o p
8 itte r e »
Have you dys-,
pepsia, kidney*
or urinary com­
o f the stomach,
boutds, blood ,
liver or nerves t
Y ou w i l l be
cured if you use
Hop Bitters
Sold by drug­
I f you are sim­
gists. Send for
ply w e a k and
low spirited,try
NEVER Circular.
iti f t m a y
sa v e your
l i f e * It has
Rttheiier, fi. T*
saved hun1
i Toronto, Ont.
. I
— ---------
t v i fCHtC^GO & NOfiTH-V CSTtKN RAILiXi
Chicago A North-W estf
| | «iS 0 T A
----- OF THE-----
I t is tlie sh o rt ancl "best rou te betw een Clijj
au d a ll p o in ts in isorth ern Illin o is. Iow n
icota, W y om in g , N ebraska. C aliforn ia , Ou{
A rizon a , Utah, C olora d o, Id ah o, M on ta n a
v a d a , a n d fo r
C o u ncil
B luffs,
D E N V E R , L E A D V I E E E , j]
Buchanan Prices
Corrected every Wednesday by B a r m o r e B hos .~
These figures represent the prices paid by dealeretW*
unless otherwise specified.
-y j
C edar R apids, Des M oines, C olum bu s, and all
P o in ts in the T erritories, a n d the W est. A lso,
fo r -Milwaukee, G reen R a y , Oshkosh, S h eb oy­
gan , M arquette, F o n d (in L a e , W atertow n ,
H ou g h ton . H een ah, M enaslia, St. P au l, M in n e­
ap olis, H u ron , V olg a, F argo, B ism a rck , W in o ­
n a, LaCrosse, O w atonna, au d a il p o in ts in
M innesota, D akota, W is co n sin an d tu e N orth ­
A t C ou n cil Bluffs th e T ra in s o f the C h icago &
N orth -W estern an d th e U. P - R ’y s d ep a rt from ,
a r r iv e at a n d u se th e sam e jo in t U nion-D epot .
A t C h icago, c lo s e co n n e ctio n s are m ad e
w ith th e L a k e S hore, M ich igan Central, Balti­
m o r e & Ohio, F t. W a y n e an d P e n n sy lv a n ia ,
a n d C h icag o & G ran d T ru n k R ’y s, a n d the
K a n k a k ee an d P a n H a n d le R outes.
C lose c o n n e ctio n s m ad e at J u n ction P oin ts.
I t is th e ONLY L IS E ru n n in g
Pullm an Hotel Dining Cars
Stands pre-eminent among the great Trunk lines of the
West for being tlio most direct, quickest, nnd safest line
connecting the great Metropolis, CHICAGO, and the
E a s t e r x , N o r t u -E a s t e k x , S o c t h e k x nnd S outh E a s t e r -,- l i v e s , which terminate there, with K a n s a s
from which
o o h x s e c ia l c e n t e r s
that penetrates the Continent from theMissooriRivcr
to the Pacific Slope. The
AND COUNCIL BLUFFS, CMcaio, M Island&Pacific Railway
P u llm a n S leepers o u a ll N ig h t T ra in s.
In s is t u p on T ic k e t A g en ts se llin g y o u T ick ­
ets v ia this r o a d . E x a m in e y o u r T ick e ts, a n d
refu se t o b u y i f t h e y d o n o t read o v e r the
C h icag o & N orth -w estern R ailw ay.
I f y o n wish th e R e s t T ra v e lin g A c co m m o d a ­
tio n s y o u w ill b u v y o u r tick ets b y this r o u te ,
A ll T ick e t A g en ts se ll T ick e ts b y this L in e .
liAEVIN HUC-HITT. 24 V. S. & Goa. Mane’r, Chicago.
Dr. U an e Fries
is the only lino from Chicago owning track, into Kansas,
or which, by its own road, reaches the points above
named. No TRANSFERS b y c a r r i a g e ! T s o m i s s i n g
c o n n e c t i o n s ! -iVo huddling in ill-ventilated or un­
clean cars, as every passenger is carried in roomy*
clean and ventilated coaches, upon F ast Express
D a y Cahs o f unrivaled magnificence, P u l l m a n
P a l a c e S l e e p i n g Cars, and our own world-famous
D i n i n g Cars, upon winch meals arc served o f un­
surpassed excellence, at the low rale o f S e v x n t t -t i y k
C e n t s e a c h , with ample time for healthful enjoyment.
Through Cars betweeh Chicago, Peoria, Milwaukee
and Missouri River poiots; and close connections at all
points o f intersection with other road&
We ticket (do not fo rg et rAi?) directly to every place
o f importance in Kansas, Nebraska, Black luus,
Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, California, Oregon,
Washington Territory* Colorado, Arizona and jSew
ah liberal arrangements regarding baggage as any
other line, and rates of fare always as low ns competi­
tors, who furnish but a tithe of the comfort
Dogs and tic k le o f sportsmen free.
Tickets, maps and fohh*r#» at aU principal ticket oulces
In the United States and Ourida.
I s n o t a V ib r a to r n o r an A p ron M achine*
s wonderfully simple and admirably perfect in its
separating’ qualities.
qualities. SSaavveess aallll
^ ana
___ separating
th e g ra in , a n d d e a n s it r e a d y fo r m a rk e t.
dumbly, is A
..ILUB easily,
CO,Uj |is
X9 constructed
beautifully, is tlie most economical, least ..
__ m
. ost s a t is fa c t o r y m achine iu
give, and
m a rk et. Will handle wet grain .as well as
C i t y , L x a v s x w o r t h , A t c h is o x , C o u n c il B l u f f s
and O m ah a , the
AJicePres't and Gen. Manager.
Gen. Tkt. and Pass’r Agt*
Miu more squarefe e t o f si....... 7 and clean in g sur.
....... machine
............ .......
ic ,_ and
ce than any other
. .. can n ot be
Ii s both over- nnii
and under-blast.
under-blast Our
C L O V E R H U L L I N G -A T T A C H M E N T u
sieio and very desirable, does the work rapidly andwell.
S E P A R A T O R S o f the*various sizes fitted fo r
Steam or Jlorse-Poicer, as desired.
_ T l i c E lw n r d , T h e Pitts* and , ‘ ~
T u c W o o d b u r y H o r s e -P o w e r s , j
as made b y us, are not surpassed by
any in the market.
For-woodorcoalfnel; hasaretum due boiler,making
it voify economical in fneL Its cylinder is 7x12.
"We also make tbo S tillw a te r N o . 1 2 , and the
M in n esota G ia n t F o r m Engines*
ing return flues, and fittedfor burning bu
or coal All these Engines are made and i
in the mostperfect manner. and T ra ctio n A __
m ents can be furnished ■tfith any o f them i
Sized. %=&“ For Price-List and Circulars, adi
m et with auprecedented success ia the treat­
m ent o f a ll
F ile s are frequently preceded by a sense o f
weignt in the hack, lom s and lower part o f the ab­
domen, cansing the patient to suppose he has some
affection o f the kidneys'or neighboring organs. A t
times symptons o f indigestion are present as flat­
ulency, uneasiness o f the stomach, &c. A moisture
like perspiration, producing a very disagreeable
itching, particularly at night alter getting warm in
bed, is a very common attendant. Internal, exter­
nal and Itching piles vield at once on the applica­
tion o fD r . Bosanko’ s File Remedy, which acts di­
rectly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tu­
mors, allaying the intense ltching, and affecting a
permanent cure where all other remedies have
failed. D o not delay until the drain on the system
produces permanent disability, hut try it and ha
cured. Price 50 cents. A sk your drnggist for it,
and when you cannot obtain it o f him, we will send
it, prepaid, on. receipt o f price. Address The Dr.
Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqaa, Ohio. Sol'd by W .
lie Barber
L IV E R .
Head, nerves, kidneys,'bladder, womb; and blood.
Affections o f the urinary organs, gravel, scrofula,
rheumatism, Catarrh, asthma,DronChit!s,dyspepsia,
■ *
D r. Price’ s reputation has been acquired candid,
honest dealing and years o f snccessinl practice.
M y practice, not one o f experiment, bnt founded
on tne laws o f Natnre, with years o f experience and
evidence to sustain it, does not tear down, make
s ic k to make-well; no harsh treatment, no trifling,
T r e m o n t B u ild in g :,
no flattering. W e know the canse and the remedy
needed, no guess work, bu t knowledge gained b !
years o f experience in the treatment o f ChronicdiS
B U C H A N A N , * M IC H IG A N .
easeB exclusively; u o encouragement withott a
prospect. Gandidin onr opinion, reasonable in
our charges, claim not to know everything, or to
W hen e’er you wish an easy shave,
cure everybody, but do d a im to reason and common
A s good as a B arber e v e r gave,
sense. W ejn v ite the sick, no matter what their
Just call on m e at m y saloon,
. A t m o r n o r ev e, o r b u s y n o o n .
ailment, to call, investigate before thev abandon
M y s h o p is n ea t, m y tow els cle a n ,
hope, make interrogation and decide forthemselves.
M y R a z o rs sh arp a n d S cissors'k een 1
I t will cost nothing, as consultation ia free. Visits
A n d a ll m y a r t a n d s k ill ca n d o ,
|made regularly. .
I f yp n ’l l ju s t c a ll T U ilo f o r y o n .
Dr. V. Clarence P rice can b e consulted at Niles,
Bond S ou se, Saturday the 27th o f Augnst. A t
Remember, a sharp razor and a lig h t hand
Laporte, Ind., Myers House, on Saturday, the SOth
o f July, and ou Saturday-the 24th o f September.
ta k etk e cake.
Patients vgUl address all letters to Dr. V . Clarence
E“ I,c'-MS;S!Stara<is.
Price, W auketan, B l., w it h s t a n d
.Stillwater, Mine*
Chancery Notice.
TATE OF M ICHIGAN—The Circuit Court lor
the County o f Berrica.—In Chancery.
Second Judicial circuit ol Michigan.
M . Ella Riley, Complainant, vs. GeorgeH. Riley,
I t satisfactorily appearing to this Court that the
defendant, George li. Riley, is a non-resident oi
this State, on m otion of E . M. Plimpton, com­
plainant’s Solicitor, it is Ordered that George H.
Riley, t ie Defendant in this suit, canse hiB appear­
ance in this cause to be entered within three months
from the date o f this order, and that in case o f his
appearance he cause his answer to the complain­
ant’s bill to be filed and a copy thereof to he served
on the complainant’s Solicitor within twenty days
after service o f a copy o f said bill and notice of
this order, and in default thereof that said bill be
taken as confessed by the Baid defendant, George
H. Rilov. A nd It is iurther ordered, that within
twenty da5-s the said complainant cause a notice
of this order to b e pnblishedin the Berrien County
Record, a newspaper published weekly at Buchan­
an, in said County, and that said notice be pub­
lished at least once in each week for six (6) weeks
in succession, or that she cause a copy o f this or­
der to he personally served on said George H. Riley,
defendant at least twenty days before the time
prescribed herein for his appearance.
Dated Ju ly 5, A . D. 1881.
A N D R E W J . SMITH, Circuit Judge.
E , M . P ujitton , Complainant’s Solicitor.
Chronic Diseases S
business now before the pnblic. Y on
can make money faster at work for
____________ ns than at anything else. Capital not
required. W e will start yon. $12 a day and-up
wards made at home b y tlie industrious. M en, w o
men, boyB and girls wanted everywhere to work for
ns. N ow is the time. Y ou can devote your whole
time to the work, or only your spare moments. N o
other business will pay yon nearly as.well. N o one
willing to work can fail to make enormous pay by
engaging at once. Costly Ontfit and terms free. A
great opportunity form okingmoney easily and hon­
orably, AddreaB T rue & C o., Angosto-Me. 20y
■ Special I nducements are offered you
by thfl BURLINGTON B oute. . It Will pay
•you to read their advertisement to be found
elsewhere iu this issue.
;2 ? ” Xn oth er line run s T h ree T hrough Pas-,
‘hirer Trains Daily be tw e e n C hicago, D es
M 'luvs, Council Bluffs, Omaha, L in coln . Sit
Joseph. A tch ison , Topelca and K ansas City
Direct con n ection s f o r all p oin ts in Kansas,
Xi’timskti, Colorado. W yom in g. M ontana, N e­
vada. New M exico, A rizon a , Idaho, O regon and
C alif .n ra .
T he Shortest, Speediest and Most C om forta­
ble ;< -ote v ia H annibal t o F ort S cott. Denison,
I) dlas. H ou ston , A ustin. San A n to n io , Galves­
ton aud all points in T exas.
T h e unciiuaieil inducem ents offered by this,- to T ravelers and T ourists, are as fo llo w s:
i’!i“ celebrated Pullm an UO-wlieel) P alace
-M eeting Cars, run on ly on 1his Line. C., B. &
J. Palace Drawing-Hooni Oars, with H orton’ s
lieelining chairs. N o extra tlia rge for*Scnts
in ib flittin g Chairs. T he fa m ou s C-. It. & 0Palaee Ilining Cars. G org e o u s S m ok in g Curs
fitted wit It Elegant Tlirii-Tktcked Rattan Re­
volv in g ( hairs for (lie e x clu siv e use o f firsfc'lass p issengers.
S teel T ra ck and Silt e iio r E quipm ent, com ­
bined with their G reat T hrough Car A rra n g e­
m ent. m akes i his, a b o v e all ot here, the fa v o rite
R o u te to the South, South-W est, and the F ar
W est.
T ry it, and y ou will find travelin g a lu xu ry
instead o f a d iscom fort.
T h rou g h T ick e ts v ia this C elebrated L in e
f o r sale a t all offices i n the U nited States and
A ll in fo rm a tio n -about R ates o f F are. S leep­
in g Car A ccom m od ation s, T im e T ables, Ac..
w ill b e c h e e r fu lly g iv e n b y a p p lyin g t o
G en eral P a sse n g e r Agent., C hicago
T. J . P O T T E R ,
G en eral M an a ger, Chicaeo-
my surprise and g ratifica tion , I com m en ced ^ q^-araxtee flint j( will cure nuy case. Accept no substitute
and to-day I fe e l in bettegist does not happen to have it send to ns and we will for
to feel better, aud
pirits than I have in the past thiee years.
“ I write this liopiug every one afflicted;
with Diseased Langs will be induced to take
Dr. W m . Hall’s Balsam for the lungs, and be
convinced that Consumption can be cured.
Sold b,- druggists.
E Q U IP P E D ! a n d h e n c e the
/ ; ( U L IJS TG TO JST H O U T B .
R e s c u e d F r o m D ea th .
William J. Coughlin, o f Somerville, Mass.1
says: “ In the tail o f 1876 I was taken with a
violent bleeding o f the lungs, followed by a
severe cough. I was so weak at one time,
that I could not leave my bed. Iu the sum
mi r o f 1 8 7 7 1 was admitted to the City Hos-j T v i r t - n v i n v
pital. W hile there the doctors said I had a, 1
hole in my left lung as big as a half dollar.!
I was so far gone at one time a report went C :lln r r ll l t w i n IIot C u r e .
around tuat I was dead. I gave up hope,_____________________
but a friend told me o f Dr. W ra. Hall’s Bal- A . T. Stewart & C o., Chicago, 111., writes:—Gentlemen
sam for the lungs. I got a bottle, when t o f ^ ^ j l ^ Catarrh Cure. It has
[ Is a sure cure'for Coughs, Colds,
j Whooping-Cough, and all Lung
|Diseases, when taken in season.
People die o f consumption simp*
jly because of neglect, when the
Itimely use of this remedy would
|have cured them at once.
F i f t y - o n e y e a r s of conIstant use proves the fact that no
j cough remedj- has . stood the test
|like I t o w n s * JEl i x i r .
5 C LO SED .
Battle Creek. Mlchlsaw
IN. H.
Near Post-Office.
Hay fever, during July, August anWarrnulinq, in any case, PLENTY OP WATER or ho
■September. In the beginning o f Juha full line o f
P ip y , W e ll F ix t u r e s , W in d
this year, I resorted to E ly’s Orenrl<iiess or ca"_0l>me ln.voflk-e.
Balm, and have been entirely fre B e n d , I n d . .
from the Fever since the first applies,
tion. 1 can recommend it as a curf
E dw ard C. H illm Am , at the N ew Jei
sey State Arsenal. Price 50 cents.
J e :°
' id
ungcr, Fig. g, attached to w ood rods, is inserted a s n tJ .
nxni^wmnvT XT t
o o io e A k " and ?cphuiger,'’ Fig. 2 and 3, are brass bodies with hard
A ltE N T O N , JN. J ., U C t. 2 6 , 1 8 8 0 . q handle, remove the top o f the pump, pull the ^plunger,”
have Suffered for eight years witjugou top o f ground. -Repair and return them and your
as at E, P ig. 1, the “ check,” P.g. 3, is placed ft’
Attach the rod to pump handle and you have A
rubber halls, making them durable and non-eft,
and with a grab p ullthe “ check,” then use a
pump is new. The “ cheek” aud “ plunger” b
Having the exclusive right, for this county I
P A Y . 1 have for sale a few counties in Soutlj.
M ills , F a r m I m p le m e n t s , E n g in e s ,
O ne X b a t JKust b e G o t R i d o f to In .
Rare C o e d H e a lt h .
P re tty G ood.
2 5 CENTS P E R F A IR .
South Bend.
-------- j
R ead ing N otices.
W ill place on sale, and continue the
sale, until they are all disposed of, 263
doz. Balbriggan Hose, consisting o f 3
or 4 different qualities, worth 50,60 and
75c. a pair. The entire lot will he sold
fo r the remarkably low price o f
t u q r '-r u n i C t
“ —
I f you desire rosy cheeks and a fail
complexion, purify the blood by th<
use o f Baxter’s Mandrake Bitters.
item pfirt o f the
clop there
To give the people an idea o f the
worth o f these goods we will quote
three different grades:
SS doz. o f this lot are very fine, reg­
ular made, extra long, light weight
Hose, and would look cheap at 50 cts.
a pair.
96 doz. are the same in quality with
a French toe and silk clocked. This
grade has heen made a specialty o f in
this place for 60 cents per pair.
78 doz. are extra long, extra heavy,
and are regular made. A fair price for
this number would be 75p a pair.
It is needless fo r us to say that these
goods will be found just as represent­
ed, fo r in all the years that we have
been in business we have never adver­
tised an article that has not been shown
at the price advertised.
For Sale or Trade.
good buildings, good well,
and other improvements, within
one mile o f M. C. R. R. depot.
A lso, 160 acres o f timbered land,
ncw.buHdings and steam saw mill, that will cut
8,000 to 22,000 feet per day. W ill sell one or both
at a reasonable price, or will trade both lor an im­
proved farm. Enquire o f or address RECORD,
Bnelianan, Mich.
Drain Commissioner’s Notice.
IVTOTICE is hereby given that the Drain ComiS missioner of the township o f Buchanan and
County o f Berrien, will on the ,8th day o f August,
1881, let to the lowest responsible bidders the
clearing out o f ditch N o. 1 in said township, as
ordered, commencing with partition No. 5, on the
premises o f David Dutton in section tbirty-fonr
at nine o'clock in the forenoon o f said day.
yated this 22d day o f July, 18S1.
Drain Commissioner o f Buchanan Township.
(o y sn m o r r is ’ r e st a u b a m t ,)
For all Female Complaints.
This preparation, as Its name signifies, consists of
Vegetable Properties that are harmless to the most del*
Jcate invalid. Upon one trial the merits o f this Com­
pound will be recognized, as relief Is immediate;
when Itsnsois continued, in ninety-nine
in a him.
dred, a permanent cureis effected^iathousands will tea*
tlfy. On account ofItsprovenmerits,itisto-dayro*
commended and prescribed by the best physicians in
tbe country.
It will cure entirely the worst form o f filin g
of tho uterus, Leucorrhcea, lrregnlar and painful
Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and
Ulceration, Floodings, all Displacements and the con­
sequent spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to
the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors
from thonteroslnan early stags o f development. The
tendency to cancerous humors there is checked very
speedily by its use.
In fact it has proved to be the great­
est and best remedy that has ever been discover­
ed. It permeates every portion o f the system, and gives
new lifeandvigor. It removes folntness,flatolency, de­
stroys allcraving for stimulants, and relieves weakness
ot the stomach
Itcures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration,
General Debility# Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi­
gestion. That feeling o f bearing down,
wright and backache, is always permanently cured by
Its use. It wiUat all times, and under all circumstan
ces, act in harmony with the law that gprcrna tbt
The greatest part ot the disease that
afflicts civilized mankind during the
winter months is unquestionably due to
the fact that all fresb air is carefully ex­
cluded during the night hours, and
sometimes with the coming of winter
the windows are securely fastened and
not opened until spring. Many people
seem to think the house is sufficiently
ventilated if the windows of the sleep­
ing rooms are left open for a few min­
utes during the day, but almost every­
body is convinced that night air is in­
jurious to health. In this connection,
Dr. Felix L . Oswald says in the Fopular
Science Monthly :
“ Beware of the nigbt wind; be jure
and close your windows after dark 3” J i
other words, beware of Uod’s free air;
be sttre and infect your lungs witn U.e
stagnant, azotized aud offensive n'm
phero of your bedroom. Iu otliera. .:ii-,
beware Of the rock spring; sia-i, to
sewerage. Is night air injurious? m
tliere a single tenable iireUxt lo na-.i
an idea ? Binet the day of ercaaon :u.a
air has been breathed with impunity l>y
millions of different animals—tender,
delicate creatures, some of them—fawns,
lambs and young birds.
The moist
night air of the tropical forests isbreathed
with impunity by onr next relatives,
the anthropoid
-thesame apes that
soon perish with msumption in the
close though generally well-warmed at­
mosphere of our Northern menageries.
Thousands of soldiers, hunters and lum­
bermen sleep every night in tents and
open sheds without the least injurious
consequences; men in the last stage of
consumption have recovered by adopt­
ing a semi-savage mode of lie, and
camping out doors in all but the stonn- /
lest nights. Is it the draught that you *
fear, or the-contrast ot temperature?
Blacksmiths and railroad conductors
eem to thrive under such influences.
Draught? Have you never seen boys
skating in the teetli of a snow-storm at
the rate Df fifteen miles an hour ? “ They
counteract the effect of the cold air by
vigorous exercise.” Is there no other
way of keeping warm? Does the north
wind damage the fine lady sitting
motionless in her sleigh, or the pilot and
helmsman of a storm-tossed vessel? It
cannot be the inclemency of the golden
air, for, even in sweltering summer
nights, the sweet south wind, blessedly
all creatures that draw the breath of lue,
brings no relief to the victim of acro­
phobia. There is uo doubt that families
who have freed themselves from the
curse of that supers titiou can live out
and out healthier in the heart of a great
city than its slaves on the airiest high­
land of the Southern Apennines.
In a tolerable location the air of a
three-room cottage can be kept pure
"nough without any tome ventilators or
any other expensive contrivance. Open
your windows; in very cold weather mr
the bedrooms in daytiipe and the others
at night. In larger houses the kitchen,
parlor and dining-room should be thor­
oughly ventilated every night, also iu \
* daytime at convenient intervals, during
the temporary absence of the occupants.
To save foul air for the sake of its warmth
is poor economy; experim. ms would
shew that the difference in fuel amounts
only to a trifle auyhow. Ten or twelve
pounds of coal a day ough t not to weigh
against the direct gain in comfort and
the prospective, unspeakable gain iu
health. Breathing the same air over
and over again means to feed the organ­
ism on the excretions of our own lungs,
on air surcharged with noxious gases
and almost depleted of the life-sustain­
ing principle. Azotized air uttects tlie
lungs as the substitution of t xcrements
for nourishing food would affect our di­
gestive organs; corruption sets iu; pul­
monary phthisis is, iu fact, a process of
Ho ventilatory contrivance can con pare with the simple plan of oj-in ug a
window; in wet uights a “ rain snniiei ’
(a blind with large, overlapping Im..-)
will keep a room both airy aud dry. In
every bedroom one of the upper windows
should be kept open night an-1 day, i. xcept in storms accompanied with nun,
or with a degree of cold exi-eeuiog iu
degs. Fahrenheit. In warm siuna.«-r
nights open every window in the l ;-o
and every door, connecting the bc-uio «n
with die adjoining apai tmeuts. Civm s
a thorough draught. Bel ore we cun hope
to fight consumption with auy chsuce of
success we have got tc. get rid of tlie
night-air superstition. Like the dread
of cold water, raw fruit, etc., itis found-,
ed on that mistrust of our instincts
which we owe to our anti-natural rel igion. It is probably the most proiitic
single cause of impaired health, even
among the civilized nations of our e u - __
lightened age, though its absurdity^fcaffl
vals the grossest delusions of the witch­
craft era. The subjection of holy reason
to hearsays could hardly go further.
F lowers sweeten tfie air, rejoice tlie
eye, link ns w ith nature and-innocence,
and are som ething to love*
A Pretty German Custom.
There is a beautiful custom among the
Germans of having chorals played from
the church towers at regular hours of
the day. It is said they first- derived
the idea from the Arabs, who at certain
hours of the day and night are called to
prayers b y the long wailing cry ot the
muezzins from the minarets "of tlie
mosques. When I first heard this music
in Stuttgart, coming as it appeared to
me from heaven, I was puzzled m know
its object and the sources v. i
-.2 it
came. I gazed above and an.nua in-1,
hut I failed to detect its source. The
beautiful melody, softened by ui-iau.-e,
was floating in the air. J t was like tne
invisible heavenly choir tl at em uj tured
S t Cecelia, A few days Afterward, iia .pening to be in the same lieighb-j: in.<ri,
and at the same hour of the day, J was
For Sidney Complaints o f either sex this compound
more fortunate in my d.seo..ri, s. 1
Is unsurpassed.
again heard the mimic from rin.,.-,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
pealing notes coming to me ir -m s->i-ri
Is prepared &t233and 235Westem Avenue, Lynn, Mass.
far distance like the strains of a t-lum-ii
Price $L0Q. Six bottles for fiSAL 8ent by tnaq in the
organ. Hear me was the Stii's,
form o f pfTls, also in the form o f Lozenges, on receipt
an old church built in 1308, wim-u ims
o f price, $1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. PINKHAM
freriy answers all letters o f inquiry. Send for pam­
attached to it an immense o.-iagtiu to.,fi­
phlet. Address as above Mention this paper.
rming up to a height ol nearly x 0
No family shouldbe without LYDIA E. PINKHAM*
feet. Encircling this near t:.e L;< is
LIVER PILLS. They core Constipatkm, Biliousness
a balcony, on which I at last esjn.d
andTorpidlty o f tho Idver. 25cents per box.
the- authors of the strange music.
MORRISON, PLU M M ER & CO., Chicago, 111.
Several men with brass inslmuieuis
were perched on that giddy height pmVing sacred music. When they hud fin­
ished one piece they moved ro 'Another
position ou the balcony and played u o.f-ferent tune. Four selections in ail were
played, one toward each point of tho
compiles. On making inquiries all. rward I found that this playing from the
church tower had been in practice for
more than 100 years. A German la<ly,
“ once upon a time,” belonging to one
of the noble families, bequeathed a ••nia
of money, the income of which was ever
after to be devoted to paying the ex­
penses of this religious observance. The
A fu ll line ol
clause,in her will stated that'chorals or
C A S K E T S & CO FFSN S selections of sacred music were to he
C onstan tly on. h a n d , o r m ade, to o rd e r.
played from this church .tower twice a
day, punctually every morning at the
Burial R o b e s a Specialty. rising
of the sun, and also fromhalf part
11 to 12 at noon. The musicians for
their services ore paid 2 marks (50 cents)
a day eaoh—a mark for the morning and
F u rn ish ed to aU o r d e r in g , o n sh o rt n o t ic e
a mark for the noon service—which, for
walking up and down that long flight of
To NervouB Sufferers.—Tho Great Hu- steps, in addition to playing several
ropeanJRemedy.—Dr. J. B . Simpson's pieces of churoh music, is a small enough
remuneration. Chorals are also played
from another of the - church towers in
It is a positive cure lor Spermatorrhea, Seminal
Weakness, Im uoteucv and all diseases resultiD ;
Stuttgart b y a brass band, and alsolroiov
from Sell'-Abuse,
ohurch towers in Hudwigsbnrg, Bossenas Mental Anxistein, Friederichshafen, near Stnttgart,
ety.Loss o f Mem
ory, P a i n s in
and in others of the very old German
Back or side,and
cities and towns.—Springfield Repub­
|_ leadtoConBomp
tion, I n s a n i t y
& an early crave.
The S p e c l f i c _
M edicine is beinjg u e .„ ___
Pamphlets aunt tree to ail. W rite for them and
get fUUparticuIars. P rice, Specific, $1.00 per pack­
age. or six packages for $5.00. Address all orders to
N o. 108Main S t.,B u ffa lo ,N .T .
F or sale'by W . A . Severson..
-Shaving, p a ir Cutting, Shampooing;
in First-Class Style.
fft A rt a week in your own town Terms and S5
|J)UU outfit free. Address H, H
" iliE T T & Co.,
Portland, Maine,
C a r e d o f D rin kin g*.
“ A. young friend o f mine was cured
o f an unsatiablethirst for liquor, which
had so prostrated him that he was un­
able to do any business. H e was en­
tirely cured by the use o f H op Bitters.
I t allayed all that burning thirst; It
took -away the appetite for liquor;
made his nerves steady, and he has re­
mained a sober and steady man for
m ore than tw o years, and has n o desire
to return to h is cups. I know, o f a
number o f others that have been cured
o f drinking b y it.”—From a leading B .
R. Official, Chicago, HI.