May 29, 2016 - Mary Queen of Peace
May 29, 2016 - Mary Queen of Peace
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Mary Queen of Peace Parish A Catholic Community May 29, 2016 Mission Statement Closer to God, Closer to One Another We, the people of Mary Queen of Peace Church, are called by God to live in community as disciples. Through the sacraments, God nourishes and empowers us to follow the example of our namesake, Mary Queen of Peace. With the help of God’s love and grace, our mission is to build up the kingdom of God on earth, bringing our Community closer to the Lord and closer to one another as we worship together, educate and serve. Schedule of Services Sunday Masses 5:00 pm on Saturday 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am 2nd & 4th Sunday 5 pm Weekday Masses 6:45 and 8:00 am Saturday Mass 8:00 am Eucharistic Adoration First Monday, 8:30 am— 9:00 pm Third Monday, 8:30 am— 9:00 pm Marriage To be arranged with one of the parish priests as soon as the decision to marry has been made or at least six months before the wedding date. Perpetual Help Devotions Tuesday after 8 am Mass Baptism Sunday-12:00 pm with arrangement made by calling the Parish Office. Confession Saturday: 3:45 - 4:45 pm Anytime by calling the rectory. Preparation Class for Parents every first Tuesday at 7:00 pm. in the Parish Office 962-2311 Rectory - 676 W. Lockwood, 63119 Phone 314-962-2311 Website: School - 680 W. Lockwood, 63119 Phone 314-961-2891 Archdiocese of St. Louis website: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am -- 4:30 pm Bulletin Deadline: Tues. 12:00 pm Please arrange for keys, etc. before Sunday afternoon The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 Mary Queen of Peace - Webster Groves, Missouri Mary Queen of Peace Staff 314-962-2311 FAX: 314-968-9885 A NEW WEEK — FR. JOHN VIEN E-Mail for MQP From the beginning of my time as your Pastor six months ago, I have said again and again that the most important thing we do as a parish family is our celebration of the Sunday Eucharist. We are so blessed that we have many organizations and ministries and committees, a fine school and school of religion, and so many opportunities for faith formation, but without the Eucharist at the center of our parish life, those mean nothing. [email protected] Website: Pastor: Rev. John Rogers Vien [email protected] Part-time Assoc. Pastor: Rev. Aaron Nord [email protected] Deacons: Rev. Mr. Tom Mulvihill Rev. Mr. Joe Wientge Business Manager: Barb Schlanger Secretary: Madeline Kohr Website: Chandra Tripp Music Director: Marc Strathman Pastoral Associate: Mary Ann Zimmerman Administrative Assistant Heather O’Keefe Communications Coordinator MQP School & PSR 314-961-2891 FAX: 314--961-7469 Principal: Mrs. Amy Schroff Parish School of Religion Mrs. Donna Maurer Youth Ministry: Angela Fiordelisi Liturgy of the Word for Children: Denise Watkins Alicia Albus Parish Council: Angie Kimes Stewardship: Tim Brown Finance: Tony Right Home & School: Becky Lane Board of Education Patty Baxendale Athletics: Ryan Moore Page 2 We have the great opportunity this weekend to renew our dedication to the Eucharist as we celebrate the feast of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ. This feast combines the old feasts of Corpus Christi and the Most Precious Blood into one feast day that celebrates the great gift of the Eucharist, Christ’s body and blood, soul and divinity. On Holy Thursday, we remember the institution of the Eucharist by Jesus on the night before he died, but our joy at that gift seems overshadowed by the somberness of those days of Holy Week. So on this great feast we are filled with joy and gratitude at Christ’s continued presence in the Eucharist! This feast day should inspire all of us to re-evaluate our love, appreciation, and respect for the Eucharist. To that end, may I propose a few questions for our reflection at the beginning of this new week, an “examination of conscience”, if you will, about our attitude toward and participation in the Eucharist… Do you come to Mass every Sunday, or could your attendance be a little better? Do you make it a goal or priority to come to Mass on time, or are you a bit lax and often late? Do you fully, actively, and consciously participate in the Mass by praying, singing, and responding? Do you pick up your songbook and try to sing or learn the hymn, even if you don’t know it? Do you read the Sunday Scriptures ahead of time and try to take time to meditate on the Word of God? Do you know your fellow parishioners who sit by you week after week, or do you rush in and out of Church as fast as you can so as not to be bothered? Are you respectful and quiet so as not to disturb others who are praying before or after Mass? Do you allow your young children to disturb others or not act properly or reverently in Church? Do you come to Mass properly dressed, showing Christ and your fellow parishioners proper respect by not wearing what you would wear to the tennis court or swimming pool, or do you not give your appearance a second thought? Do you use your envelopes or contribute online for the support of your stewardship, or are you selfish with your stewardship? Do you remember to honor Christ and genuflect before the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle? Do you remember to fast for one hour before receiving Holy Communion? Do you reply “Amen” when the priest or minister says “The Body of Christ” or “The Blood of Christ”? Do you receive both the body and blood of the Lord, faithful to Christ’s command? Do you take time to pray after receiving Holy Communion, praising and thanking God for this gift and asking for his help? Do you take time for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament during the week, especially during our Eucharistic Adoration times on the first and third Mondays? Can your devotion to, knowledge of, participation in the Eucharist in any way be deeper, better, more? For each and every one of us, the answer to that final question is yes… and today is the day! Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar! The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 STEWARDSHIP-COLUMN RESPECT LIFE APOSTOLATE OUR GIFTS TO GOD AND PARISH Weekly Offertory Summary Last 4 Weeks’ Offertory 5-1 thru 5-22-16 Four Weeks’ Offertory Budget Surplus / (Deficit) $ 113,938 $ 132,000 ___________ $ (18,062) Last four weeks’ average $ 28,485 If you’re interested in enrolling with OSV Online Giving for ACH, credit / debit card, or with the EZ Giving credit / debit card option, please call Barb at the Parish Office, 962-2311. MEMORIAL DAY All parish offices will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30. If you have parish business, please take care of that on another day. Mass on Memorial Day will be at 8:00 am ONLY; please come as we remember and pray for those who gave their lives in service to our nation. There will be NO 6:45 am Mass on Memorial Day. Catholic Communications Campaign Prayerfully consider furthering Christ’s saving message with a donation to the Catholic Communications Campaign this weekend, May 28-29. With your generosity we can make the church’s communication efforts more vibrant as we help others encounter Jesus Christ and His Church. Please visit to get involved in spreading the Truth, through giving your email address, donating & following the archdiocese on social media. Your support of Spread the Truth, the collection for Catholic communications, will help parishes spread the Truth through Mass to the home-bound & help ministries like the St. Charles Lwanga Center spread the Truth & promote their Black ministry services, bringing urban youth closer to Christ in otherwise marginalized circumstances. GLENNON SUNDAY — JUNE 5, 2016 Archbishop Robert Carlson is chairman of the annual Glennon Sunday appeal, supporting the patients and families at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. This year, as we celebrate the 60th anniversary of SSM Health Cardinal Glennon opening its doors in June of 1956, we call on the Catholic community of Mary, Queen of Peace to give a gift at Mass on Glennon Sunday weekend, June 4-5 — “Where Faith and Healing Unite.” On behalf of the many children and families who will benefit from your gifts, thank you for your continued prayers for Cardinal Glennon kids. You can also make your gift online at A sincere thank you to all of you who stayed after Mass on May 15 for our MQP Respect Life Apostolate guest speaker, Jean Flannagan of “Our Lady’s Inn.” Your generous response with prayer, monetary gifts, and jewelry donations will help this haven for single mothers facing pregnancy compounded by addiction, unemployment, and single parenting. Sincere gratitude to our Stewardship Committee who provided all the fixins’ to enjoy yet another Hospitality Sunday! Our parish Respect Life Apostolate (RLA) will enjoy a summer respite. For more information of the programs Archdiocesan RLA offers throughout the summer, please visit and/or Tweets by @ProLifeSTL. The Respect Life Apostolate (RLA) promotes the Catholic Church’s teachings on respect for and legal protection of every human life from conception to natural death by coordinating educational, spiritual, pastoral, and public policy advocacy efforts with particular focus on those issues in the culture that threaten life -- abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and unethical advances in scientific technology. Please continue to live the message of hope through your loving kindness and pray to build our parish RLA Committee stronger in leadership and members, to spread the Gospel of Life. Update Membership Information Does our MQP database have YOUR family membership record correct? Here’s a chance to update YOUR record for our annual Guide Book & Directory (if you haven’t already done so). It is time for us to update our database with any changes, additions, or deletions that may have occurred in YOUR family over the past year. Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Do you want your record published? If you have not already informed the Parish Office about changes to your record, please let us know now so that the info in the Guide Book & Directory is correct. Thank you for your help! From our MQP Music Director Thank you all who came and supported the final concert of the MQP concert series this past weekend. It was a beautiful concert. My goal for next year is to get more of you, our congregation, to come out to support these concerts. We have an almost perfect acoustical space and we are trying to get beautiful music to resonate within it. Now we just need the ears of the MQP faithful to hear it. This will be my last post for the summer. Please be looking in your mailboxes at the end of the summer for a request for your support of the Friends of Music Program. Cantate Domino! Marc — [email protected] Page 3 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Interested in Youth Group? Contact Youth Minister: Angela Fiordelisi Email: [email protected] Please let us know if you‘d like to be added to the email list to receive updated info, reminders, & event info. Follow us for updated information and reminders: Facebook: mqpyouthministry Twitter: @mqpyouth Instagram: @mqpyouthministry MQP Youth Ministry strives to lead teens closer to Christ. We are committed to providing experiences, relationships, and opportunities for the teens of our parish to encounter Christ. Life Teen Youth Group All high school teens invited and welcome. Mass - 5PM; Life Night 6-7:30PM in the Lubeley Room (2nd & 4th week of month) Youth Ministry upcoming summer events: June 2 -- Outdoor Movie at MQP June 12 -- Life Night: Minute To Win It June 12-17 -- Project Life Service Retreat June 26 -- Life Night: Color Wars June 30 -- Outdoor Movie at Holy Redeemer July 10 -- Life Night: Adoration July 15-17 -- Steubenville Conference July 24 -- Life Night: Senior Send-Off August 14 -- Life Night: Extreme Game Night August 28 -- Life Night: Fall Kick-Off Tuesday Mornings: Join us for 8:00 Mass & breakfast CONVERSATIONS ON RACE & DIFFERENCE Fontbonne University, Aquinas Institute of Theology, and the Theology & Life Institute are co-sponsoring a series of conversations to promote a deeper understanding of race and difference in our community, particularly our Catholic community. The program will run for five consecutive Mondays beginning June 22 and continuing through July 20 from 6:30 to 8:30pm in the Arnold Memorial Center of Fontbonne’s Medaille Hall. Each program will begin with the airing of an episode of the acclaimed PBS series “Eyes on the Prize.” A facilitator will then offer several discussion questions to prompt dialogue and conversation among groups made up of representatives from predominantly white, blended, and AfricanAmerican parishes. MQP has been invited to send a group of parishioners for these conversations, and especially in light of the recent cancelled CYC kindergarten baseball game kerfuffle, this would be a great way for some in our parish to learn, listen, understand and grow in faith. If you are interested in participating in these conversations, please be in touch with Fr. John soon. Page 4 May 29, 2016 MONDAY, May 30, 2016 -- 8:00 A.M. -- Memorial Day (NO 6:45am Mass) Servers: L. Bush -- S. Fix —————————————————————————————–—–—— TUESDAY, May 31, 2016 -- 8:00 A.M. Servers: L. Bush -- S. Fix ———-—————————————————————–———————— WEDNESDAY, June 1, 2016 -- 8:00 A.M. Servers: J. Dolan -- J. Henry ——————————————————————–————–—–———-— THURSDAY, June 2, 2016 -- 8:00 A.M. Servers: J. Dolan -- J. Henry ——-————————————————–———————–—–————–— FRIDAY, June 3, 2016 -- 8:00 A.M. Servers: C. Stutte -- J.P. Torack ——————————————————————–—————-—––—–—— SATURDAY, June 4, 2016 -- 8:00 A.M. Servers: C. Stutte -- J.P. Torack 5:00 P.M. Servers: Lectors: Ministers: Hospitality: R. Flavin -- J. Combs -- A. Van Ness T. Milford -- M. Miller A. Brennan -- A. Poelker -- B. Rogers -- S.A. Ebanues K. Milford -- M. Sawyer -- J. Roesslein -- C. Lawhorn R. Weston -- N. Weston -- W. Brennan -- A. Brennan J. Igoe -- K. Wedding -- A. Beckman -- T. Milford -- T. Milford Cantor: ____________________________________________________________ SUNDAY, June 5, 2016 -- Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 A.M. Servers G. Finke -- S. Sullivan -- TJ Soriano Lectors: D. Arns -- M. Bufe Ministers: S. Maguire -- D. Boldt -- J. Boldt F. Bufe -- A. Finke 9:00 A.M. Servers: A. Bean -- O. Altomari -- C. Busch Lectors: T. Tlapek -- A. Bean Ministers: M.K. Smit -- C. Ryan -- M.E. Schukai -- J. Bright S. Doyle -- B. Monaco -- C. Hunt -- W. Bumbera Hospitality: T. Boeker -- B. Carpenter -- H. Telfair -- D. Schnieders T. Lane -- E. Wise -- B. Wise -- P. Welch -- C. Ryan Cantor: HOMEBOUND MINISTRY: C. Witte -- S. Ellis -- P. Brawer -- T. Albus 11:00 A.M. Servers: Lectors: Ministers: Hospitality: L. Auberry -- J. Bush -- L. Bush M. Sharpe -- M. VanRhein T. Mehan -- J. Schulte -- M. Campbell -- M. Fiordelisi C. Kennedy -- H. Sallee -- B. Viehmann -- T. Mullarkey M. Murch -- M. Campbell -- J. Schulte -- P. Maull C. Witte -- G. Mehan -- Guide Book & Directory Advertising Opportunity We are in the process of updating our annual Guide Book & Directory for the church. This book will contain everything pertinent to our church: the various ministries, organizations, committees, activities, functions & events plus a complete directory of all members. This book is being provided & directmailed to each family at no cost to our church; it is again being subsidized by local businesses that advertise. If you own or manage a business and would like to find out about advertising in our book, please call the Parish Office. Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show that 92.1% of families would rather patronize a Guide Book & Directory advertiser over a non-advertiser. It “will pay” to advertise in our new Guide Book & Directory. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 MAY/JUNE MEETINGS Preschool & Kindergarten: Registration for Preschool & Kindergarten classes is open. If you would like registration materials, please call the school office. Our Preschool will continue to serve 3 & 4 year olds (must be 3 or 4 by Aug.1, 2016) with full and part-time enrollment available. Kindergartners must be 5 by Aug. 1, 2016. Please call 314-9612891 if you have questions. Invitation to New Families: New students are always welcome at Mary, Queen of Peace School. If you would like to learn more about our school and schedule a tour, please contact our principal, Mrs. Amy Schroff, at 314-961-2891. We are proud of our strong academic and faith-filled program and would love to share it with you. June 3, 4, & 5 — SVDP Thrift Store truck will be on the back parking lot for your clothing and household item donations. The “hidden” blue SVDP collection box is also available and its location will soon be more accessible. Last item: if you want, you can also bring canned goods, boxed pasta items, cereals, etc. for the food barrel at the SVDP truck. Thank You in advance for your generosity!! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ON-LINE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! MQP presents, “CAVE QUEST: Following Jesus the Light of the World!” July 11-15, 2016, 9:30 am -- 12:30 pm Participants, age 3 (potty trained) thru children entering 4th grade; and volunteers (8th grade and up) can now register! **REGISTER ONLINE** Skip the paperwork and complete your REGISTRATION or Volunteer Interest Form online! Visit the link below or access the link from the MQP website: https:// *Please note: payment must still be made and sent via check/ cash to MQP or Karen Ward (421 Baker Ave 63119) Can you help? We are looking for: 1) parent volunteers who may be interested in shadowing our co-chairs to take over in the summer of 2017 2) teenage and parent volunteers to volunteer for the week of VBS and to help set up the week before 3) partially used or new cans of spray paint; AND empty paper towel tubes which can be left on the porch at 939 Joanna Avenue **Interested in volunteering, but have a child too young to attend? No worries! Childcare is available for children too young to attend this year’s VBS!** We have a Wish List set up for anyone interested in lending/ donating items to help defer the costs of our program. We thank you in advance for your generosity! Questions?? Want to help?? Please contact: Laura Boeker — [email protected] Suzanne Moore — [email protected] Sunday, May 29, 2016 — The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Catholic Communication Campaign collection Summer Break for Children’s Liturgy of the Word Summer Break for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Monday, May 30, 2016 — Memorial Day NO 6:45 AM Mass — Mass at 8:00 AM only Parish Offices are closed today Tuesday, May 31, 2016 8:30 am Youth Ministry meets for breakfast in the Msgr. O’Toole Room 9:00 am Quilting Group meets in the Msgr. Lubeley Room 10:00 am Rosary Group at Kay Kromm’s (727 S. Laclede Station Rd) 962-8663— all are welcome!) Wednesday, June 1, 2016 Thursday, June 2, 2016 7:00 pm Youth Group “Movie Night” on the parking lot 9:00 pm Rosary under the Portico Friday, June 3, 2016 St. Vincent de Paul truck accepting donations on parking lot 5:00 pm Wedding rehearsal in the Church 7:30 pm AA meeting in the Msgr. Lubeley Room Saturday, June 4, 2016 St. Vincent de Paul truck accepting donations on parking lot 8:30 am Pro-Life Rosary in the Church 11:00 am Wedding Ceremony in the Church 3:45 pm Confessions in the Church Collection for SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital Sunday, June 5, 2016 — Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Collection for SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital St. Vincent de Paul truck accepting donations on parking lot 9:45 am MQP School Retirement Party in the Cafeteria Alums, Parents, Parishioners and Friends There will be a Retirement Party hosted by the MQP Home & School honoring 3 of the MQP school staff: Martha Kearns - kindergarten teacher, Joyce Winkler school secretary, & Colleen Pijut - preschool teacher, after 9:00 Mass on Sunday, June 5th in the cafeteria. Come enjoy donuts & coffee and thank these women in person for their wonderful contributions to our school! IMPORTANT CYC RULES CHANGE! Starting the upcoming fall sports season, the CYC will require ALL children grades K-8 to have an ID card in order to participate in ANY game for EVERY sport. You are highly encouraged to get your cards as soon as possible due to this rule change, as demand will be high. For more information, please visit and Order ID cards here: MEN’S CLUB --SPECIAL APPEAL! In a typical calendar year, the Men’s Club collects dues from approximately 180 members in order to carry out the numerous philanthropic activities throughout the year. This past year we failed to send out reminders or second notices and dropped to only 104 payers thus far. We could use an infusion to cover current obligations and fall planning. Please check your records and if you have paid in the past but do not show a recent payment, submit $45, payable to MQP Men’s Club, to the parish office. You can also call Dan Fauska at 314-3075510 to check your status as well. God Bless You All. Page 5 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ As we celebrate the Memorial Day weekend, the Women’s League would like to thank all the brave men & women who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our nation. Please take time to pause & remember them & thank those currently serving our country. May 29, 2016 MQP BLOOD DRIVE 6-20-2016 3:30—7:30 PM MQP CAFETERIA Make an appointment at or call Trish Goldberg 540-3305 Remember: every 2 seconds someone needs blood; 1 in 10 people entering the hospital needs blood; 1 donation may help save 3 lives; 6 donations can ensure 1 patient has enough blood for heart surgery; 20 donations can help 1 burn victim OUR LITTLE HAVEN 23RD ANNUAL CARD PARTY Our Little Haven — caring for children, mind, body and soul. Please join us on Wednesday, June 8, 9:00am to 2:00pm at Chaminade’s Atrium Your gift of $35 includes valet parking, luncheon, raffles, and pot of gold. Bring your cards and games of your choice. Fun for all. Call Dixie at 314-965-9055 for more info and for reservations — hope to see you there! Golf Tournament Our Lady of Guadalupe in Ferguson is the sister parish of our MQP St. Vincent De Paul organization. They will hold a golf tournament on Sat, June 4, at Normandie Golf Club. The parish relies on this tournament each year to help provide a quality education for the children of its parish & maintain the parish’s aging buildings. The fee for an individual golfer is only $100. Please support our sister parish by participating in this fun event. You can also lend your support by purchasing a hole sponsorship for only $150 or making a donation of any amount. For more info, contact Sr. Cathy Doherty 314522-9264; or Don Costello at 314389-2662; or MQP parishioner Bill O’Neill at 314-345-7009. Page 6 Soccer Mini-Camp These 2 hour mini-camps run for 4 days and are packed with fun. Our advanced soccer training methods include individual technique training, i.e. passing, dribbling, receiving and shooting; plus group tactics using small-sided games. Our excellent staff of coaches-to-player ratio is approximately 1:10. #6 MQP Parish Soccer Camp July 25-28, 6-8 PM Boys or Girls, ages 5-14 $80 per player St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish Fields 1420 S. Sappington Rd. 63126 On-line application available at with convenient & secure online credit card payment via PayPal, or by check. MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, May 29, 2016 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ READINGS: Genesis 14:18-20 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Luke 9:11b-17 7:30 am People of Our Parish 9:00 am Len Witte 11:00 am Mattie Mae Gleason MONDAY, May 30, 2016 -- Memorial Day READINGS: 2 Peter 1:2-7 Mark 12:1-12 NO 6:45 MASS TODAY 8:00 am Sid Mudd Family TUESDAY, May 31, 2016 The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary READINGS: Zephaniah 3:14-18a OR Romans 12:9-16 Luke 1:39-56 6:45 am Sp. Intention of Sr. Annaleah, MC 8:00 am Sp. Intention of Amy Eschelbach WEDNESDAY, June 1, 2016 Saint Justin, Martyr READINGS: 2 Timothy 1:1-3, 6-12 Mark 12:18-27 6:45 am Bill and Margaret Cudmore 8:00 am Norbert Althoff THURSDAY, June 2, 2016 Saints Marcellinus & Peter, Martyrs READINGS: 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Mark 12:28-34 6:45 am Poor Souls 8:00 am Gary Stegmann FRIDAY, June 3, 2016 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus READINGS: Ezra 34:11-16 Romans 5:5b-11 Luke 15:3-7 6:45 am Sp. Intention of Sr. Stellinda, MC 8:00 am Special Intention of Lisa Heintz SATURDAY, June 4, 2016 Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary READINGS: 2 Timothy 4:1-8 Luke 2:41-51 8:00 am Peggy James 10:00 am Vernon Schmidt We pray for the repose of the souls of all the Faithful Departed. May God welcome them home, fill them with peace and bless all those who mourn their loss. SUNDAY, June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time READINGS: 1 Kings 17:17-24 Galatians 1:11-19 Luke 7:11-17 7:30 am Bud Althoff 9:00 am Jackie Harris 11:00 am People of Our Parish The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Church name & address: Mary Queen of Peace #000478 676 W. Lockwood St. Louis, MO. 63119 Contact person: Madeline Kohr 314-962-2311 So ware: Win 7 pub 2010 AA-X Date of publica on: May 29, 2016 Number of pages transmi ed: Cover + 5 text pages + this page = 7 (2 ad pages) Delivery day & me: Thursday by noon Special instruc ons: Weekly bulle ns — 700 -- this is a change as of 3-1-2015. FedEx shipping address: Mary Queen of Peace #000478 676 W. Lockwood St. Louis, MO. 63119 Special delivery instruc ons (if any): FedEx tracking e-mail: NONE mqpoffi[email protected] May 29, 2016