May 15, 2016
T H E Sunday Vigil: Saturday 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:30-4:15 p.m. C H U R C H O F SAINT ANSELM 12969 Chillicothe Road Chesterland, Ohio ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesday 8:30 a.m.—8:30 p.m. Wednesday 8:30 p.m. PARISH OFFICE Web Site: email: [email protected] Phone: 440-729-9575 Fax: 440-729-9103 SAINT ANSELM CATHOLIC SCHOOL Early Childhood Education (Preschool) - Grade 8 Web Site: Phone: 440-729-7806 Fax: 440-729-3524 PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION (PSR) Grades 1 - 5: Saturday: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Grades 6 - 8: Sunday: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Phone: 440-729-0481 (during PSR hours) 440-729-9575 (all other times) WELCOME We are glad you are here. If you would like to join the parish, please call the parish office. If you are not Catholic and have questions or would MINISTRY TO THE SICK We regularly visit the homebound, the hospitalized and minister to the terminally ill. Please contact the parish office so that we may help. BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS, SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Please call the parish office. STAFF Fr. Thomas M. Sweany, Pastor Phone: 440-729-5123 Fr. Stephen M. Spisak, Parochial Vicar Phone: 440-729-5124 Deacon Bob Kovach Deacon Donald E. Sill Miss Joan Agresta, Principal Phone: 440-729-7806, Ext. 325 Mrs. Jean Fitzgerald, Pastoral Associate, RCIA Phone: 440-729-5130 Phone: 440-729-5120 Mr. Eric Charmley and Mrs. Theresa Charmley, Youth Ministers Phone: 440-533-5943 Mr. David Fuller, Coordinator of Liturgical Music Phone: 440-729-5122 PENTECOST SUNDAY May 15, 2016 THE FULLNESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The church wakes up to an amazing message this morning. Look around and see who has been called. Listen to the voices of those who proclaim Jesus is Lord. You’ll find no race of people left out; you’ll find no language on earth unfit to proclaim the glory of God. We call Pentecost Sunday the “birthday of the church.” In many ways, the church is still being born. Only when we all know the peace Jesus offered in today’s Gospel will we really know the fullness of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul assures us in today’s second reading that “all of us have been given to drink of the one Spirit.” When we look around in the church we should see everyone. But we don’t. Not yet. What is holding us back from fully embracing the one Body of Christ? When will we see Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. THE CHURCH OF SAINT ANSELM MISSION STATEMENT We are a Roman Catholic family of believers committed to following Jesus by welcoming, celebrating, caring, evangelizing and growing in His image. THE ORDER OF MASS PENTECOST SUNDAY GATHERING HYMN _____THE LITURGY of THE WORD_____ PENITENTIAL ACT (A) (CONFITEOR) I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, (striking their breast, all say) through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. PENITENTIAL ACT (B) Priest: Have mercy on us, O Lord. People: For we have sinned against you. Priest: Show us, O Lord, your mercy. People: And grant us your salvation. GLORIA Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; , have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. PSALM LORD, SEND OUT YOUR SPIRIT, AND RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Owen Alstott © 1977, 1990 OCP. Used with permission. All rights reserved. LicenSing 601922 THE APOSTLES’ CREED I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, (Bow) who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen. UNIVERSAL PRAYER OFFERTORY PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS HOLY, HOLY, HOLY _____THE COMMUNION RITE_____ THE LORD’S PRAYER RITE OF PEACE LAMB OF GOD COMMUNION HYMN BREAD OF LIFE _____THE CONCLUDING RITE_____ BLESSING AND DISMISSAL SENDING HYMN ONE SPIRIT, ONE CHURCH NOTES FROM FATHER TOM…… Happy Pentecost Sunday. Today we celebrate the birthday of the Church, the day when the Spirit came down on the disciples to enable them to continue the mission of Jesus. I always think it is important to realize that we are not just a group of followers of the Lord, but we are a group of followers of the Lord empowered by the Spirit. So happy birthday Church. Today is also May 15, the middle of 4:30 pm Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Sunday Masses 8:00 am 10:00 am Noon 6:00 pm LifeTeen Monday thru Thursday 7:30 am Friday 8:30 am Weekday Masses Monday thru Friday 6:30 am 9:00 am Saturday 8:15 am Saturday 3:30 - 4:15 pm Confessions Monday 7:15-7:45 pm Saturday 3:30-4:15 pm 440-729-9575 Information 440-461-0066 † PENTECOST SUNDAY May 15, 2016 IS COMING SOON. And as the song says, “soon, and very soon.” The What can you do to help? First, volunteer. We need set-up help starting on Saturday, May 21 and continuing on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. We need help all during the Festival. And, we need helpers after the Festival, Tuesday May 31. We can use help evenings and we can use help during the day. up. Bring children and grandchildren. Buy lunch or supper or both right here. Third, buy raffle tickets. Once we have sold enough tickets to pay for the prizes, we get 100% of every dollar turned in after that. This is our 44th Festival. It is a significant event each year not only The eighth grade of Saint Anselm We wish them all the best as they move on to high school. The whole school will be out before the Festival. The State of Ohio changed requirements from number of days of instruction to number of hours of instruction. So with slightly longer days, we end up with slightly fewer days. I think it is good because as May continues, learning seems more difficult each day. SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI CHURCH THE CHURCH OF SAINT ANSELM Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26 Monday, May 16 Sr. John Maron Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday, May 17 7:30 a.m. William J. O’Brien Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37 Wednesday, May 18 7:30 a.m. Diane Landis St. John I Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40 Thursday, May 19 7:30 a.m. William Dornback Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50 Friday, May 20 8:30 a.m. Pat and Sherri Wascovich St. Bernardine of Siena Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12 A Prayer to the Spirit Spirit of Jesus, poured out in flames of fire upon your disciples on the day of Pentecost, we pray to you: set afire the hearts of your faithful so that they will announce in all the languages of the world the wonders of the salvation of God. —From Come, Lord Jesus by Lucien Deiss, CSSP, copyright © 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss. Published by World Library Publications. p.182 † THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 Saturday, May 21, 2016 4:30 p.m. Helen Hollesh Celebrant: Father Sweany Sunday, May 22, 2016 8:00 a.m. People of the Parish 9:30 a.m. Celebrant’s Intention 11:30 a.m. Celebrant’s Intention Celebrant: Father Sweany Celebrant: Father Spisak Celebrant: Father Spisak PENTECOST SUNDAY Gifts for Service Reading I Acts 2:1–11 Descent of the Holy Spirit Reading II 1 Corinthians 12:3–7, 12–13 Many gifts, one Spirit and the analogy of the body. Gospel John 20:19–23 Appearance to the disciples. “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord.” (1 Corinthians 12:4–5) Adult: What gifts of service have you received from the Holy Spirit and how well are you using them right now? Youth: Ponder the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, wisdom, understanding, right judgment, courage, knowledge, reverence, wonder and awe. Which of these do you already practice or do you need to start practicing? NOTES FROM SR. NOEL MARRA, OSU…. As the Spring time unfolds, it reminds us of the on-going manifestations of God’s love in our lives. How do we nurture our children’s (and our) spirituality, that is, their relationship with God? Young children are in awe of all that surrounds them. Can you picture a little child squatting watching an ant carrying food on the sidewalk? Or a child’s excitement of seeing a butterfly up close and personal? The question is...How do we nurture awe which is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit? It calls for our honoring that in the child and not squelching it as we are distracted by busy schedules of our own. *Here are some suggestions: 1. Create an environment that will help to strengthen awareness: quiet moments, unstructured play and time for music and art. 2. Foster the use of imagination and creativity. LET YOUR LOVE OF JESUS 3. Follow your child’s interest and joy. HELP POWER OUR MISSION 4. Play together. Get out of your routine. We will have a follow-up appeal on the weekend of 5. Don’t allow yourself to become so overworked May 21-22. Any new, increased or additional gift to that you miss shared moments of wonder. Catholic Charities at next weekend Masses will be MATCHED, up to $100,000.00. For additional Keep these in mind as you experience the new information about the Catholic Charities Appeal, season. Know the importance of sacred images e.g. contact Karen Joyce at 800-869-6525, Extension 1910 statues of Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the saints. They are part of our Catholic tradition. We do not adore or at [email protected]. the statues but value the lives of these women and men who prayed and lived virtuously. Follow up is offered to parish members who participated in the April evening with Sr. Dion related Take a little tour of your home. Are there sacred to females in prison. Join us on May 16 from 7:30- pictures and books throughout your home reminding 8:30 p.m. in the Hospitality Room. the family of what we believe as Catholics? Do you have a cross or crosses in your home? A small holy MINISTERS TO THE BEREAVED Bereavement Ministry takes different forms at St. water font for blessings? Anselm, including meeting with families to hear their stories and assist them in planning funeral liturgies for their families. If you are an empathetic Catholic Christian, and can offer an hour to the grieving, join us on May 16 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. The session is in the office building in the Pentecost Room. Call Jean Fitzgerald for information: 440-729-9130. COLLECTIONS May 8……………………………...…$12,874.65 Online giving Offertory……………… $ 5,455.00 Online giving Education & Develop… $ 2,555.00 Support-a-student $ 410.00 Can you make time to visit a shrine? The environment is very conducive to nurturing wonder. Take time to pray together as family both in and out of church. Let’s give thanks to God for all that is wonder-full! *Suggestions from Loyola Press Publishing THE CHURCH OF SAINT ANSELM CHESTERLAND, OHIO 44th Annual ST. ANSELM FESTIVAL MAY 26 – 29, 2016 Calling all volunteers! We need your help! You can sign up in two different ways, after church in the Baptistery or online at The entertainment line-up has a little bit for everyone! The Benjaminz, The Big 5 Band Show, The Geauga County Fair Band, The Boys Are Back, The Pop Tarts, Disco Inferno, Jungle Terry and Flower Clown will join us! Joey Tomsick and the JTOs will play at our Polka Mass and Senior Day event. New this year is Tony Rio and the Relentless, The Rainbow Safety Squad and Loretta Paganini School of Cooking! $10,000 Drawing - We need your help to be successful! Buying or selling the Cash Raffle tickets is critical to the financial success of the Wedding Banns SUNDAY PRESCHOOL May 22 will be the last session for Sunday Preschool. There will be no summer sessions. LITURGY OF THE WORD Sessions will continue throughout the summer. Memorial Day Weekend we will not have a session. YOUNG OF HEART will meet on May 20 at noon in the Hospitality Room. We will be entertained by “Steppin’ Out” with their great music. A 3-day trip has been planned to the Finger Lakes in New York. Included is the Belhurst Castle, the Corning Museum of Glass, the Willard Memorial Chapel, Sonnenberg Gardens and Mansion, a scenic lake cruise and much more. Cost is $399 ($408 for non-members). Call Nancy for more information, 729-9684. A trip to Canada is planned for September 18-25. We will be going to Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City and Niagara Falls. A passport is needed. Cost is $1,425 pp. Call Nancy for more information. Gerry and John Peck Celebrating 50 years of marriage. II Silvia Ianiro and Robert Boyd ST. ANSELM TAILGATE TREASURES FLEA MARKET, SATURDAY, JUNE 4TH Tailgate Treasures Flea Market – the Garage Sale on Wheels! Saturday, June 4th, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Anselm School Parking Lot in Chesterland. For more information contact Karen Valenti at 440-338-8230 or stop by the School Office for a registration form. 2016 ST. ANSELM FESTIVAL ALL DAY PASS PRE-SALE FORM ORDER EARLY AND SAVE $5 RIDE PASS PRE-SALE $15.00 All Day Pass (Noon – 11 p.m.) Save $5.00 Pre-sale price is $15 prior to May 20 (Save $5). At the Festival the cost is $20. Early Pass (Noon – 5 p.m.) $12 *Evening Pass (4 p.m. – 11 p.m.) $15 24 Tickets ~ $20 Single Ticket ~ $1 *For Thursday/Friday Evening Pass is 5 p.m.-11 p.m. Name_____________________________________ Address___________________________________ City, State, Zip______________________________ # of Passes____ x $15 = ________Total Make checks payable to St. Anselm Church. Order form and check may be mailed to The Church of St. Anselm Attention: Ride Pass Pre-Sale 12969 Chillicothe Rd. Chesterland 44026 or dropped off at the parish office by May 20th. Monday, May 16 6:30 p.m. Bereavement Ministers 7:30 p.m. Prison Ministry Tuesday, May 17 7:00 p.m. Scripture Sharing Wednesday, May 18 3:00 p.m. Rosary Making 8:30 p.m. Benediction Thursday, May 19 6:25 a.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Career Transition Friday, May 20 Noon Young of Heart Pentecost Hospitality Hospitality Pentecost Chapel Hospitality Resurrection Hospitality Articles for the May 29th Bulletin must be at the Parish Center by Wednesday, May 18, 2016. email to [email protected] Subject: Bulletin PRESCHOOL ENROLLMENT Saint Anselm Preschool Open registration continues! For more information or to schedule a tour please call 440-729-7806 FIRST STEP ANNULMENT PROGRAM The Church’s teachings on marriage, divorce, and remarriage are often misunderstood. The First Step program is offered to help everyone, especially those who have been divorced. Learn more about Catholic beliefs on marriage and how to submit an annulment case, if necessary. Representatives from the Ministry to the Divorced Office of the Department for Marriage and Family Ministry will also be present to explain their ministry to those who are divorced on Thursday, May 19th at St. Noel, 35200 Chardon Road, Willoughby, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The seminar is open to all without registration and usually lasts around 90 minutes. Tribunal staff are available to answer questions, both during the seminar and immediately afterwards. ST. ANSELM BASKETBALL CAMP May 31—June 3 This camp is for boys and girls in Grades 2-5 and will be held from 9 a.m. to noon and for children will be held at St. Anselm’s. To register go to For more information call 216-378-0932. HELPING RESCUE VILLAGE Please support our Silver Project. The 8th grade Girl Scout Troop 70714 is collecting fleece material and fleece blankets to be used in making Bring in that extra fleece now thru May 16th. Look for our boxes near the church and in the school hallway. Thank you from Keira Oyen, Theresa VanBurik, and Violet Giglio. 15TH ANNUAL ST. ANSELM VOLLEYBALL CAMP Powered by Force and Colleen Nero June 27—July 1 for incoming third to sixth graders from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The camp will take place at Saint Anselm School Gym for $125 which includes a camp shirt. Early Bird is $115 (good through June 1). Register online at SUMMER CAMP AT SAINT ANSELM SCHOOL Looking for something fun AND educational to do this summer? Well look no further. Join us right here at Saint Anselm School. Choose one or all of the 3 sessions offered S.T.E.M. Camp June 6-10 Reading and Exploration Camp June 27-July 3 Math and Art Camp July 18-22 Camp is offered to all students entering Kindergarten through 5th grade. Monday-Friday from 9:00 until 3:30. $175 per session. Hurry! Register now: Megan Galasky at 440-729-7806 or [email protected]. WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN THE SAINT ANSELM FAMILY If you would like to be a member of our parish, please complete this form, and place it in the collection basket or send it to the parish office and someone from the parish will contact you. Name________________________________________ Address______________________________________ ____ I am interested in the marriage annulment process. Phone________________________ Zip__________________________ Carol Bruner Glorianne Camburako Justin Carbera Ebe Chamblin Jim Chipoletti Jan Cicchella Jerry Collette Jenny LaMarca Colitto Laurie Cook Richard Corrado Buddy Craven Rich D’Andrea Howard Dean Jeff DiFranco James H. DeSatnik Dorothy DiLillo Rocco DiLillo Ida DiMarco Jennie Drabik Leo Dunlevy Marilyn Dunlavey Debbie Edelman Matt Erwin Shirley Ewald Dan Fagan PRAY FOR THE SICK U.S. Active Military U. S. Veterans Dale Alexander Austyn Almasy Kathryn Angelone Betty Artino Keri Ash Emma Baker Charlie Bartzen Victor Bernot Brooke Bigley Deanna Blair Dee Bolt Nancy Boutellier Elaine Boyer Kenneth Brandes Joe Bright Bill Brooks Mary Jo Buehner Ron Buehner Kathleen Burton Kellie Burt Mary Lou Burton Dorothy Forister William Forister Coleen Gallagher Paul Gambrill Dale Garlock Maria Grassia Billy Grayson Therese Gregg Mary Hall Nancy Havener Bruce Hillier Charles Horvat Ryan Householder Julie Jaboni Helen Jeunnette Paul Jeunnette Mary Kenny Jack Kotheimer Diane Kovary Paul Kovary Francine Lamparty Michael Levan Pat Liebenauer Nick Loya Don Maglietta Jutta Manherz Mary Lee Maniche Abigail Martin Marilyn Martines Chi Chi Mastrangelo Francis Mavko Colleen McCurdy Bill McNally Marilyn Merlino Donald Mihelcic Eli Mihelcic Bill Molnar Lisa Morek Terri Morris Diana Mott Dominic Nastasi Jacob Nichols John Noonan Karen O’Donnell Jaci Pinkston Vince Pizzino Mary Potosky Andrew Rice Richard Ruppe Charlie Robinson Brady Ross Cetta Rypinski James Schill Patricia Serf Becky Slusarz Susan Smith Chuck Snider Renate Socha Emma Somers William Somers Clara Stenson Scott Strickland Bob Sullivan Jeanne Szczepanski Dana Teeter Nena Tejada Pat and Gordon Turske Laura Trusnik Chris Tyers Mary Varga Donna Veres Vicky Vlah Jerry Vogler Kathy Wanamaker Tom Zarzour For additions to the list or to have a name removed, please call 729-5111 and leave a message or email to [email protected] PRAYER FOR THE POOR SOULS IN PURGATORY Eternal rest grant unto them, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Please remember in your daily prayers these individuals, who have been and are called to the priesthood. Tuesday, May 17 ~ Deacon Kevin Klonowski Wednesday, May 18 ~ Deacon James Kulway Thursday May 19 ~ Deacon John Sunday, May 15 ~ Father Spisak Seminarians are at St. Mary Monday, May 16 ~ Deacon Andrew Hoover Friday, May 20 ~ Deacon Patrick Schultz Saturday, May 21 ~ God Bless Our New Priests “Providing the Finest Funeral Service” for over 55 years 440-442-5900 Owned and Operated by The Mario A. Fioritto Family Help Wanted: Caregivers Cherished Companions Home Care Agency “Let us be the caregivers, so you can be a daughter/son/husband/wife again.” ■ Home Care Personal Care ■ Recuperative Care ■ Alzheimer Care ■ Dementia Care ■ CALL FOR A FREE ASSESSMENT 440.221.3845 POWER LIFT RECLINERS Great Selection! 3806 Erie Street - Willoughby SAVE TIME AND MONEY LEARN HOW TO AVOID PROBATE Receive a FREE Good Deeds Checklist.. Contact: Mary Ruth Shumway (440) 279-1854 or [email protected] Cheryl A. Koncler (440) 279-1840 or [email protected] Geauga County Probate Court Community Service Project Judge Timothy Grendell, Presiding. No Tax Dollars were used for this Public Service Announcement MASON & HEALEY TOWING SERVICES INC. 24 Hour Towing Service (440) 729-2145 440-946-5559 PETITE | STANDARD BIG MAN SIZES IN-STOCK FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY For any questions call 440-337-4745 and ask for Leslie. ABATE FLORIST GREENHOUSES & LANDSCAPING 729-3616 CAVES ROAD SAK AUTOMOTIVE Complete Service & Tires for Your Car or Truck Honest, Reliable, Family Owned ASE Certified Complete Auto & Light Truck Service ASE Certified Family Owned & Operated 7820 Mayfield Rd., Chesterland Family Owned Chesterland, OH 44026 (440) 729-0999 • Parishioner 440-729-9181 • 440-729-4073 054150 St Anselm Church (B) Would you like a rewarding and gratifying job where you can be the difference in someone’s life? We are currently looking for caring, kind, dependable and personable individuals who desire to provide in-home care to the elderly. Tasks Include: Companionship and conversation • Meal preparation and planning • Light housekeeping • Personal care assistance (bathing, dressing, grooming) Interested applicants can apply online at MIRKO VOMBERGAR D.D.S., Inc. “We Cater to Cowards” Jefferson Park East Evening & Sat. Hrs. 6551 Wilson Mills Rd. 440-473-4746 Most Ins. Accepted Mayfield Village Emergencies Welcome Parishioner Complete Auto Service & Repair GEAUGA UNIBODY COLLISION REPAIR CENTER Including Classic Vehicles Warranty Authorized Service Family Owned & Operated 8833 Mayfield Rd., Chesterland 440-729-5350 “WE REPAIR WITH CARE” 11574 Chillicothe • Chesterland (440) 729-2691 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Gattozzi and Son Funeral Home Funeral Directors 12524 Chillicothe Rd. SIMS (440) 729-1906 Jay P. Jones Rose Marie Gattozzi Jerome W. Ritola ROOFING BUY YOUR ROOF – FROM A ROOFER! ANTHONY GENCARELLI OWNER – 23 YEARS EXP. 216-289-5700 1-800-688-7467 Charles Sims, Parishioner CALL DAY OR NIGHT 440-655-9666 FARMER IN THE DELI Fresh Produce Chesterland (Drug Mart Plaza) 440-729-8000 Holiday Fruit Baskets Party Trays Vegetable Trays Cookie Trays BERARDINELLI INC. Basement Waterproofing Sewer Repair & Installation M-F 10a-7p Sat 9a-6p, Sun 10a-3p Maintenance, Repairs & Remodels “SENIORS DISCOUNTS” Joseph C. Hollesh III OH Lic # 47306 (440) 478-1783 Masonry - Concrete ALL TYPES Bonded - Insured Deli Market Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Arriving Daily • Deli Features Boar’s Head Meats 12613 Chillicothe Road Fresh Baked Italian Breads Open Year Round 440-256-CARS 7920 Chardon Rd., Kirtland LUIGI GET THE MO$T FOR YOUR ROOFING DOLLAR! with LAMPSON Euclid, Ohio Nicholas M. Gattozzi Thomas J. Drockton D.D.S. General Dentist - St. Anselm Alumni Providing Family & Cosmetic Dental Services 440-729-6133 216-752-8888 OFFICE 216-481-0709 5825 Landerbrook Dr. Mayfield Heights, OH Suite 222 NOLAN MAINTENANCE Call Toni Wesen at Mayer Insurance 216-645-9008 PLUMBING • HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING Residential • Commercial 8386 Mayfield Road Chesterland, OH 44026 [email protected] Licensed • Bonded • Insured Parishioner (440) 729-7302 ALAN SUHY YOUR HOME SOLD OR I’LL BUY IT FOR CASH Parishioner [email protected] Mega Million Dollar Producer (440) 585-9300 (440) 479-6130 CELL 2810 Bishop Rd. • Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 Angelo J. Marrali Mega Million Dollar Producer 440-974-7846 [email protected] Digital Printing • Signs Banners • Vehicle Graphics Design Viewpoints, Inc. Bob & Faye Morgan • Parishioners 10295 Wye Road • 440-729-2810 • 440-286-1334 [email protected] Angie Electric Inc. Commercial • Residential Backup Generators Jim Angie, President • Parishioner Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 12996 Dorothy Dr. Chesterland, Ohio 44026 216-906-5414 • [email protected] CST 2117990-70 10% Discount Compliments of (440) 569-1217 Day or Night 054150 St Anselm Church (A) WE CAN HELP! WE HAVE ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS. KOCSIS INSURANCE LICENSED • MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS, MEDICARE ADVANTAGE, PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, LIFE & LTC FOR A FREE, NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION, CALL For Seniors and Veterans Call an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA TURNING 65? MEDICARE QUESTIONS? Book your next special event with us at one of our beautiful venues! **Showers, Communions, Birthdays, Graduation Parties** ---------------------------------------Fowler’s Mill Golf Course 440.729.7569 Legend Lake Golf Club 440.285.3110 St. Denis Golf Club 440.285.2183 CLE GOLF Properties “Caregivers With Character” DAILY LIVING ASSISTANCE UP TO 24-HOUR CARE AFFORDABLE RATES “LOCAL CATHOLIC DIRECTORS” www.visitingangels/neohio 440.974.0869 440-781-4361 EMAIL: [email protected] 30 Year Parishioner Jim’s Plumbing 216-240-2714 JIM WALLACE Emergency Repairs Drains Cleared Call Day or Night Senior Savings For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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