017_The Lady and the Banyan Tree
017_The Lady and the Banyan Tree
The Lady and the Banyan Tree: Civil-Law Change in Indonesia by Daniel S. Lev In 1960 the blindfolded lady with scales was replaced as Indonesia's symbol of justice by a stylized banyan tree, inscribed with the Javanese word Pengajoman-protection and succor.' It was generally agreed that the new symbolism struck a true note, despite cynical comment in private on the real deterioration of justice since the end of the revolution (1945-1950). The satisfaction may have been mainly esthetic, but substituting the Asian banyan tree for the European lady did reflect the concern of Indonesian leaders to return to their own traditions. It also represented a quickening of the process of transformation of the heritage of Dutch colonial law into Indonesian law. This was an awesome heritage, born of a plural legal order almost as intricate as the colonial society which it served. Colonial public policy in the Netherlands-Indies recognized the existence of distinct population groups: Europeans, Indonesians, Chinese, and other 'foreign orientals', mostly Arabs. There were two separate secular judicial structures, one for Indonesians and one for Europeans. All population groups were subject to the same criminal code, promulgated in 1914, but according to two different procedural codes. In civil matters Indonesians followed the adat (customary) law, which itself varied from area to area of the great archipelago. European civil law was provided in copies of the originally Napolenic Dutch ·American Journal of Comparative Law. 282 (1965-66). Reproduced with the permission of the publishers. DANIEL S. Lev is Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley. Research for this article was done during a brief trip to Indonesia in late 1964. I. The late Minister of Justice Sahardjo was responsible for the change. See decision of the Minister of Justice, Dec. 6, 1960, Tambahan Lembaran Negara (Collected Statutes, Elucidatidhs) no. 2349. This awe-inspiring banyan tree, in whose entangled flYing roots great spirits nestle, has always been symbolically significant in Java. It is said that in ancient times petitioners in the Central Javanese Kingdoms had only to sit beneath the banyan tree before the kraton (palace) to force the Sultan to take notice of their demands for Justice. In the present case, the banyan tree is explicitly a paternalistic symbol, signifying a world-view quite different from that which demands an objective and mechanical weighing of disparate interests and points of view. The same ideological concern prompted the Ministry of Justice to replace the term 'jail' with 'socializing institution' (Lembaga Bemacjarakatanj-e-es yet mainly of terminological significance. The change of symbols is reminiscent of a story, with slightly different overtones, about lit German town which ordered a new statute of the lady of justice during a time of social distress. When it came. the townspeople opened the crate to find that the lady's blindfold was gone and her eyes were open. 86 An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Law , civil and commercial codes. In the criminal law Chinese and Arabs w~re considered to be assimilated to Indonesians, in the commercial law to Europeans, and in the rest of the civil law partly to Europeans but with important family laVII exceptions." Interest in simplifying this labyrinth had grown stronger in the last years of the colony, but it was during the Japanese occupation (I942-1945) that major steps were taken towards unification of the legal system. At that time the dual court structure was replaced by a single three instance hierarchy (Islamic courts aside) which still obtains, and the various procedural codes gave way to one instrument, the Revised Indonesian Regulation (H .I.R.) for all population groups. But when sovereigny was transferred at the end of 1949, the plural civil law based on racial criteria remained, and the European civil code was the chief symbol of invidious distinction. Despite continual demands thereafter for new 'national' law-the opposite of colonial law-it was not until thirteen years later that anything was done about this. A new civil code had not appeared, but in 1963, during a period of ideological favor, the old civil code was abolished by Supreme Court fiat. This startling move raises many interesting questions. What, for example, is to replace the code? What are the immediate consequences for civil-law transactions? What are the sources of new civil law ? What role can the courts play in filling the apparent gap? The present article will deal with these problems insofar as they illustrate the difficulties of legal change in a former colony. My discussion is developed around major issues 'law myths', as they are called in the conclusion-that have been carried over from the colony. Among these are: (1) legal pluralism versus unification, (2) codified law versus judge-made law, and (3) the sancitity of the customary (adat) law versus the need to introduce new legal concepts. For a century these questions have been debated among Dutch jurists, between them and Indonesians, and among Indonesian law leaders themselves. They were decided one way in the colony and are decided another way now. UNIFICATION AND THE FALL OF THE CIVIL CODE Earlier in this century the best legal minds associated with the Indies took part in the debate over unification. One point of view, held among others by Nederburgh, favored a unified civil code for all population groups. Nederburgh's reasons in sum were that Indonesians had already begun to come into contact with modern commercial activities, and that the process ought to be pushed along. Against this position, van Vollenhoven in Leiden and ter Haar in the colony led the successful argument that the different social and cultural norms of diverse groups demanded distinct law for each." In the 1920's a unified civil code draft was rejected, and the colonial government embarked on a programme of extensive research into the adat law. Unlike the French, who did not doubt the superiority of their civilization and law over that of their colonies, Dutch legal scholars took a more relativistic position. In theory at least, they argued that all legal systems were equal. Kollewijn defended this view most eloquently, and it was he 2. On the prewar legal system soc the works cited in Lev, "The Supreme Court and Adat Inheritance Law in Indonesia," 11 ACJL (1962/2) 205, and "~.I,e Politics of Judicial Development in Indonesia;' VJI Comparative Studies in Society and History (1965/2) 173. The Lady and the Banyan Tree: Civil-Law Change in Indonesia 87 Who did "most to develop the wondrous system of colonial conflicts law.! Predicated upon equal recognition of disparate legal systems within the same territorial borders, Kollewijn's approach incorperated highly sophisticated techniques for applying rules from one or other, or a combination of the social-legal orders in force. The major difficulty with the proposition of legal equality was that it had little to do with social reality. There was no question in the Indies but that the European colonial elite was superior in position, and that the great majoritity of Indonesian 'natives' was social1y, economically, and educationally inferior. And despite the claims of legal scholars, this was reflected in the law. The written European codes represented this higher ~ondition, the adat law-an object of research for Dutch and later Indonesian 'Indologists'-the lower and undeveloped. In between were various social, and legal, gradations. Thus the Chinese, economic middlemen of the colony, were of higher status than Indonesians and their social sights were aimed towards the position of the Dutch elite, Subject to the commercial code since the nineteenth century, in 1919 the Chinese were brought almost completely under the provisions of the civil code too, largely as a concession to their social ambitions." It is not surprising that the leaders of independent Indonesia inherited a predilection for written codes, which symbolized both superior social status and 'modernity.' In the colony Indonesian lawyers, however devoted to van Vol1enhoven and ter Harr, were nevertheless often closer to the views of the less popular Nederburgh. Their interest in adat law was 3. Vollenhoven argued against both unification and codification of Indonesian law. He was not unalterably opposed to either. however. and ne himself essayed a draft, Adat-wetboekje voor heel Indie (1925). But he insisted tnis must be a slow work. following upon along and careful study of the adat law. For the history of Dutch policy towards the adat law, see Suporno and Djokosoetono, Senjarah Politik Hukum Adat, 2 vols. (1951). 4. See the collection of articles by Kollewijn, Intergentiel Recht (1955), for the Dutch anti-acculturation view. The articles, "Jntergentiel Recht in Algerije," and "Conflicts of Western and Non-Western Law." present stimulating critiq ues of the French assimilation policy. 5. The Japanese were accorded European law status in the Indies early in this century. This and the new surge of Chinese nationalism encouraged Indonesian Chinese to demand the same. The Chinese had been subject to the European law of property and commerce in Java and Madura since 185S, on the Dutch view that the Chinese (and other foreign orientals) had come to Indonesia primarily as trading groups. In 1919 the Chinese were made generally subject to the civil code, including family law, though certain special articles were created for both family law and the kongsi business organizations. Thereafter, Chinese customary law was no longer needed. But the Chinese did not uniformally obey the new prestigeful rules of the civil codemonogamy, for example. On this see the learned and informative speech by Ko Tjay Singh, "Kodifikasi dan Unifikasi Hukum Perdata dan Dagang" (Codification and.Unification of the Civil and Commercial law. 1958). Other "foreign orientals," notably the Arabs were brought under the non-family law provisions of the civil code in 1925; their family law, Islamic law for Arabs, was considered customary. Christian Indonesians also enjoyed somewhat higher social staus than Moslem Indonesians and were provided with their own civil registry. Most Moslem Indonesians had no civil registry, their family law matters being handled by local Islamic officials. See generally Carpentier Alting Grondslagender Rechtsbedeeling in Nederlandsch-Indie (1926) and Suporno, Sistim Hukum di Indonesia (1957). At present, in a total population of about 100 million, there are approximately three million Chinese in Indonesia, of whom many are Christians. Christian Indonesians are found in small concentrations on all the major islands. The majorit~Moslems, of whom a large proportion from Central and East Java are only nominally Moslem, make up about 90% of the population. 88 An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Law not nearly so great as that of their Dutch Professors. But their ',iew of-tne adat was ambivalent: on the one hand adat law connoted something primitive; and although it also applied to the Indonesian elite, yet the latter usually perceived the adat as being peculiarly of the rakjat, the great mass of people of the villages and urban kampongs who were to be guided and protected but not particularly heeded. On the other hand, adat law was distinctly Indonesian, which for nationalists was of great importance. In contrast with the colonial emphasis on order, stability, and varietyfelt by Indonesians to be based on a divide and rule policy-the central political theme of independence understandably became integration of the diverse groups and islands of the archipelago into one united state. After 1950 the legal system came under attack not only as colonial, but also as divisive and discriminatory. The main result at first was clear change in Indonesian public policy. From the time of the revolution. new legislation made no distinction between population groups, and officially, though certainly not socially the only differentiation admitted was that between citizens and non-citizens". Moreover, although the constitution of 1950 like those of 1945 and 1949, provided for the continuation in force of all existing laws, it also urged the government to codify the law, and it strongly implied that the new codes should be unified." No striking progress was made during the early years of independence, however, in either codification or unification. The civil and commercial codes in particular continued to be enforced even though they served the legal interests chiefly of the Chinese and other minority groups. Thus Book I of the civil code, on marriage and divorce, and part of Book II on inheritance, applied mainly to European and Chinese family law matters, for which special intsitutions were also maintained: i.e, the civil registry (burgerlijken stand, jatatan sipil] for Europeans, Chinese. and Indonesians assimilated to European law, and the office in charge of orphans' estates (weeskamer, bola; 6. 7. This in itself caused considerable difficulty, for many Chinese held Chinese citizenship Following a tense conflict over the matter between Indonesia and the People's Republic of China in 1959, the two states worked out the implementation of a prior agreement on overseas Chinese citizens in Indonesia. See David Mozingo, "The Sino-Indonesian Dual Nationality Treaty," 1/10 Asian Survey (1961) 25. Legislation discriminating against the Chinese was of course a practical exception to the nondistinction policy. This has been disputed, however. Sec Supomo, "The Future of Adat Law in the Reconstruction of Indonesia", in Thayer, cd., Southeast Asia in the Coming World (1953) 217; Soewandi, Sekitar Kodifikasi Hukum Nasional di Indonesia (1955); Utrecht, Pengantar dalam Hukum Indonesia (5th ed. 1959) 218-219; and Ko Tjay Sing, Kodifikasi, 15-17. The argument over whether the 1950constitution intended unification as well as codification turned on interpretations of arts. 25 (2) and 102. Soewandi, 12, suggested that the use of the term 'population groups' (golongall rakjal) in art. 25 was a slip of the pen caused by the nearness in time of the drafters to the colonial period and the idea of 'bevolkingsgroepep'. Ko Tjay Sing, in a precise analysis, argued that if the drafters had not intended unification. I,hey would have said so in art. 102, applying to the judiciary, but they did not. My own view is that unification was intended, but even so the idea that different groups should have different law remained with most lawyers. Ko Tjay Sing, though in general agreement with unification, noted that this would take a very long time in those areas of family and land law where social differences give rise to varying concepts of legal relationships. For this reason he proposed unification in commercial law first, as had others, but on the convincing analysis that legal traffic between different groups was heaviest in commerce and least in family law. Supreme Court president. Wirjono Prodjodikoro, said in 1958 that codification did not necessarily mean unification, though his views appear to have changed somewhat since. Sekitar Kodifikasi Hukum Perdjandja'n di Indonesia (On the Codification of Contracts Law in Indonesia) supplement to 7-8 Madjallah Hukum (1958) 2. The Lady and the Banyan Tree: Civil-Law Change in Indonesia 89 harta peninggalan], Book III established European-type land rights, the most important of which was that of eigendom, an individual property right much stronger than adat land rights. The remaisder of the civil code and the commercial code applied largely to Europeans, most of whom left when Dutch enterprises were taken over by the government in 1957, and to the Chinese as commercial classes. The major qualification of this was that Indonesians involved in commerce were considered to have voluntarily submitted to .the apposite European law ofcontracts, agency, and negotiable instruments." Otherwise, for the most part, the civil law of Indonesians was adat law, and this it remained in the independent state. Quite apart from the constitutional maintenance of existing legislation, , most Indonesian judges, advocates, and other servants of the law were inclined to operate the legal system as they knew it, even when it began to break down. The admitted mutability of the unwritten adat law permitted the Supreme Court freedom to move deliberately towards unification of the diverse adat rules of family law, but this had to do with unity within only a single legal system." To unify all the legal systems was another problem, one in which the colonial concept of different law for different peoples had great influence. Not only was the civil code maintained, but the courts continued to polish colonial conflicts rules. An example of this, given here to illustrate the uses and pitfalls of conflicts law for legal development, is a decision of the first instance court of Djakarta in 1956. This court ruled that a purchase contract between two Indonesians from different adat law areas was subject to the civil code, because (I) the purchase involved two trucks to be used for public transport, thus for all population groups, and (2) the contract was made in Djakarta, where the civil code was assumed normally to apply to such transactions in modern commerce. to It was also assumed by the court that trucks are unknown to the adat law. Although such decisions might advantageously extend the application of the civil code, the danger was very great of bewildering variety-by city, area, and the subject matter of commercial contracts.'! This could hardly promote legal unity. Outside of the courts, colonial law was under constant ideological attack, but this produced no consensus on new Indonesian law. And there was considerable dissent on the need for unification, primarily among the Chinese. The latter would have preferred to maintain the colonial legal system intact. For as the Indonesian elite had succeeded to the political Colonial legislation provided for special Indonesian firms (Indonesische Maatschappij op Aandeelen. IMA) which were simple and inexpensive to establish. It is significant that after independence most Indonesian enterpreneurs preferred to set up the more complicated corporations of the civil and commercial codes. These offered not only commercial benefits but also the prestige of modern world enter wise. See Ko Tjay Sing, Kodiftkasi , 21. On the IMA see also Adil, Pernbaharuan Hukum Perdata Ki ta (The Renovation of Our Civil Law, 1955,) 116ff. 9. Lev, "The Supreme Court and Adat Inheritance Law in Indonesia," cited supra note 2. 10. Hukum (Law Journal, 1957/1-2) 137, also in Gouw Giok Siong, Himpunan Keputusan-Keputusan Hukum Antar-golongan (Cases in Conflicts Law, 1959) 114. II. See Ko Tjay Sing, Kodifikasi, 19-20, for an interesting comment on this case and on the usefulness of conflicts law in general in Indonesia. He pointed out that: .....since the decision of the court was based on two factors, that is, the object of the contract and the place where it was made-s-In a big city-l ask myself what law musttbe considered to apply if that truck sale took place between a Balinese and a West Sumatran in Wonosobo, a city which is not cosmopolitan and where the sale of a truck between two Indonesians is perhaps not the exception." 8, 90 An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Law position of the Dutch, so had the Chinese, in many ways, succeeded to their economic and social position, and the law was at once the outstanding symbol and an important guarantee of that position. The economic strength of the Chinese hardly depended upon the law, but they regarded every serious attempt to reform and unify the legal system as a potential economic threat. Unification, moreover, would place them on an equal footing with Indonesians, possibly even subjecting them to certain principles of adat law, of which most Chinese were contemptuous. In discussing legal reforms, therefore, Chinese lawyers normally argued for an upward levelling of the legal system towards the civil code rather than a downward levelling, as some Indonesians demanded, towards adat law. Professor Gouw Giok Siong, one of Djakarta's most sophisticated advocates and a wellknown conflicts scholar, proposed in 1955 that the best candidates for unification were contracts and commercial law, but that such unification must accord with "concepts that are common to the world of international trade."12 Here the law would be levelled upwards away from adat; and barring discrimination, the Chinese would have little to fear from commercial competition. Indonesian lawyers agreed that the best prospect for early unification was in contracts and commercial law, but they frequently alluded to giving Indonesians legal protection from and advantages over Chinese cleverness and expertise. This was also and especially true of proposal for reform of land rights. In the fields of property and family relationships, most Chinese more or less bluntly disagreed with the unification views of such prominent Indonesian legal scholars as the late Professor Suporno.P The possibility of a new unified land law threatened the valuable eigendom rights of the civil code. Professor Gouw argued the necessity of certain strong property rights for purposes of industrial activity." This was true, but it naturally evaded the point of Indonesian objections to any rights enjoyed primarily by the Chinese. It also ignored the Indonesian elite's general ideological and traditional disdain of the kind of private enterprise, by any group at all, assumed by eigendom rights. If anything, Chinese resistance to unified family law was even stronger. Monogamous according to the civil code, though less so in fact, the Chinese strenously opposed any hint of a unified code that might be based on ad at law, which in large part followed the 12. Gouw Giok Siong, Pembaharuan Hukum di Indonesia (1955) 29-31. See also Kollewijn's comment on the need to unify commercial law after the revolution and to train more Indonesians in this field, "Enige Opmerkingen over de Gelding van het Indonesische Wetboek van koophandel na de Souvereiniteitsoverdracht,' in Intergentiel Recht, 230. 13. Gouw, for evample, admitted that racial discrimination was behind much of Dutch legal policy, but he denied that this was completely so in the case of civil law. He relied partly on the arguments of Vollenhoven and other Dutch scholars. Thus against Supomo's view (1947) that land law should be uniaed, Gouw offered the argument of Chabot that the elements of social change necessary for creation of a unified land were not yet present. "Chabot does not want to regard only the wishes of nationalleadecs; it is more important to heed social facts," Pernbaharuan, 31-48. 14. In this connection Gouw mentioned the 'verureemdingsverbod' of 1875, which forbade alienation of Indonesian-owned land to non-Indonesians. This caused difficulty after the revolution. for European law-based enterprises could not acquire land covered by Indonesian adat law. This problem was solved-for the State Industrial Bank, for example-by creating an extraordinary corporation (emergency law no. 21/1952) which could hold either European or adat land rights. Pembaharuan, 34. Gouw also called for abolition of the vervreemdJngsverbod because it was based on racial discriminatioD,47. This has come about, formally, at least, under the Agrarian Act of 1960. The Lady and the Banyan Tree: Civil-Law Change in Indonesia 91 ~Iamic rules of permissible polygamy and easy divorce. Unification of family law posed the gravest challenge to Chinese social status and group cohesion. But it was generally agreed by Indonesian and Chinese alike that here different groups did indeed require different law. Chinese fears to the contrary notwithstanding the commitment of Indonesians to codification and unification followed from two ideological arguments; that the existing civil law was based on a racial discrimination humiliating to Indonesians, and that unified law was essential to national integration. During this present phase of legal change, the former proposition has assumed precedence, for the anti-colonial momentum of ideological activity has not been matched except in the case of land law, by new ideas about the content of a modern Indonesian legal system. From 1950 through 1958 Indonesia's numerous cabinets had achieved little in the way of substantive legal reform, and the pressures of political conflict hardly allowed Parliament time to take up the matter seriously. Thereafter the situation changed, however, following a series of major breaks in the political continuity of post-revolutionary Indonesia. Under the combined pressure of the army, President Soekarno, and the threat of civil war, in 1957 Parliamentary government gave way to a more explicitly authoritarian form of government-guided democracy -led by Soekarno. In the same year Dutch-owned enterprises were taken over; in 1958 they were nationalized forming the basis of huge state firms. In July 1959 the parliamentary constitution of 1950 was replaced by the strong executive constitution of 1945, and at the same time, under Soekarno's leadership, a period of intense ideological activity began which has continued ever since. Older notions of law began to crumble as political control weakened and as ideological emphases were concentrated on national self-identity, national unity, and the continuing revolution. The rule of law (negara hukum) lost force as a symbol, giving way to the 'law of revolution' thumum revolusi'[. National ideological tenets were vague, however, and served mainly to justify the rule of an older generation elite and its allies. When the few guidelines to domestic policy were taken up, frequently under pressure from the powerful mass-based Communist party, the threat they posed to the class in power meant that an effort must be made to vitiate them. Consequently, new substantive law tended to become more hortatory and symbolic, as traditional law often is, but it lacked the force of either true consensus or determined administration." Nevertheless, there did appear new legislation that began to shatter the older colonial legal system and its traditions. The most important attack on racial distinctions in the law came with the new Agrarian Act and land reform of 1960.18 This interesting statute eliminated most of Book II IS. For a discussion of ideology as a source of law, see Lepaulle, "Reflections on the Sources of Law," "In Newman, ed., Essays in jurisprudence in Honour of Roscoe Pound (1962) 87. 16. Undang-Undang tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria (Law on Basic Agrarian Provisions) no. 5/1960, Lembaran Negara no. 104/1960. This and related legislation now fill two volumes compiled by Soedargo, PerundangUndangan Agaria Indonesia (1962). See also Selo Soernardjan, "Land Reform in Indonesia," 1/2 Asian Survey (1962) 23. The law provided for conversion of European land rights into the new rights. The Agrarian Act and the accompanying land reform are a good example of legislation which defines a soc",-I battle without settling it. It is in this sense like civil rights legislation in America; it represents only a beginning. The prime mover behind implementation of the land reform is;,theCommunist party, a major force for social change in Indonesia. The other parties, representing traditionally inclined Javanese Islamic and aristocratic land-owning groups, fiercely oppose the land reform while paying it lip service. 92 An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Law of the civil code and its extraordinary European land rights. In tleir place were created new land rights applicable to all population groups. These new rights, however, wer~ largely patterned on those in the civil code but were less strong and also subject to restrictions imposed by 'social function' (Art. 6). The drafters of the Agrarian Act asserted that it was based on adat law, but actually it took a major step towards obliteration of adat property rights, in part by declaring all land subject to the demands of national interest and the goal of national unity.!? The Act ignored specific adat rights, and although it permitted some administrative discretion in accordance with local adat law, its clear intention was to create a common land law for the entire country. From the point of view of legal change, the Agrarian Act served to break through the still persuasive notion, left over from the colonial period, that each population group required distinct law. Conversely, it strengthened the belief that unified law was possible in other fields. One of the compelling motives behind the Agrarian Act was to eliminate the privilege created by colonial law for Europeans and Chinese. The burden of the law was shifted to favor the Indonesian majority. Similarly. moving the focus of new unified law towards Indonesians was also a concern of the Eight Year Plan published in 1960. 18 In addition to calling early codification of commercial law, the Plan encouraged efforts to achieve greater legal homogeneity and proposed the elimination, inter alia, of (1) plural law (population) groups. (2) plural rechtssferen, i.e., distinct law areas, (3) dual nationality, and (4) 'dualism' in land rights. The Plan stressed the need to eradicate colonial laws and to develop national laws, so that "national culture would not be imposed upon by foreign culture." It also proposed that the civil registry and the weeskamer (guarantor of orphans' estates) should be extended to all Indonesians, not only the Chinese and other civil code groups. It There was hardly time for these proposals to be acted upon before the new 'revolutionary' approach took hold among national law leaders. President Soekarno had grown impatient with the conservative tendencies of law and lawyers, and at a Law Association conference in late 1961 he admonished his audience with a quote from Liebknecht: "One cannot make a revolution with lawyers. "20 The barb struck home, for by this time the law elite had begun to dedi ne along with the law itself, and many lawyers were concerned to find a place in the ideological sun. Not long afterwards Wirjono Prodjodikoro, president of the Supreme Court and a cabinet minister, stated that Soekarno's reference would be apt only if there were According to article 3, ..... the hak ulajat (basic village adat 'right of disposition' over land which its members have cultivated or claimed for reserve) and similar rights of adat law communities, so far as they still exist i:l fact, must be exercised in such a way as to accord with national and State interests, based on national unity and so as not to contradict laws and other regulations which are of higher order." The elucidation of this article notes, however, that for the first time tho hak ulajat is formally recognized,lSoedarga, 24. 18. The Eight Year Over-all Development Plan, little of which has actually been executed, was drafted by the National Planning Council in 1959-60, and was thereafter discussed, amended, and passed by the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly (MPRS), the highest constitutional body under the 1945 Constitution. 19. Pp, 58G-S83, 915-910,4722-4724 of the MPRS edition of the plan. 20. Address to the opening session of the Persahi (Law Association) Congress in Jogjakarta, Nov. 26, 1961, in Hukum dan Masjarakat (Journal of La-n and Society. Nomor Kongress 1. 1961) 2. 17. The Lady and the Banyan Tree: Civil-Law Change in Indonesia 93 nOf\ such .,thing as 'revolutionary law." There followed a noticeable acceleration ofideological activity by law leaders, among them Wirjono and Minister of Justice Sahardjo. This appeared in the form of fierce but publicly muted debates on such basic principles' of ~he criminal law as nulla poena sine lege, in which some government officials took the position that the concept was outmoded and inconsistent with nadonal ideology." In this case, however, those who demanded more and not fewer guarantees in the criminal law won out, partly as the result of a reaction against the blatant maladministration of justice under a recently deposed Chief-Prosecutor, Mr. Gunawan. The major sally of the revolutionary approach to civil law came in May 1962. By this time the Institute of National Legal Development had 'begun tentative discussions about drafting a new civil code, but no real progress had been made." To speed the process of civil-law change, Minister of Justice Sahardjo made the remarkable proposal to the Institute that the civil and commercial codes should be directly abolished. He gained quick approval from Wirjono and a few other members of the official law establishment, but within the Institute and among judges and advocates generally there was notable hostility to Sahardjo's project. For not only would this put a further strain on the national sense of legal properiety, it would also enormously increase legal uncertainty. Judges protested that they would have nothing to guide them in their handling of civil law cases. But the proposal, at least as Wirjono explained it, was less radical than it seemed at first blush. Wirjono's reasoning was that most of the civil code had already been eliminated by new statutes on land and procedure. All that remained were Book I on personal law and Book IlIon contracts. To replace the latter, Wirjono had drafted a new truncated code, which will be discussed later in this article. The net effect of Sahardjo's idea, then would be to open Book I of the civil code to re-examination in the 21. "Djalan Pikiran tentang Hukum dalam suatu Revolusi" (Thoughts on Law in a Revolution) in III/I Varia Peradilan (Judicial Miscellany, 1963) 26. 22. See Imam Bardjo, "Departernent Kehakimam, Sumbangan Pikiran Kepada Konperensi," (Department of justice, Some Thoughts for the Conference) in 1/3 Madjalah Universitas Diponegoro (1963) at 85. The nulla poena issue was an important one at the national law seminar held in Jogjakarta in early 1963. Some of those who suggested that the principle was out of date took the position that a kind of unwritten adat crime existed, in the case of acts against the state, which required no prior statutory provision. The idea that every crime must be based on a prior law was said to be a product of 'liberal' thinking, but this point was countered by the defenders of the principle with the tactical argument that even the Soviet Union had seen fit to incorporate the rule in its law. The present Minister of Justice, Mr. Astrawinata, has been able to work out a compromise between the demands of ideology and the interests of accused persons that, in the law at least, has resulted in some improvement of criminal procedure. 23. The Institute of' National Legal Development (Lembaga Pembinaan Hukum NasionaI. LPHN) was first established in 1958 and, after a period of no activity, reconstituted in ]961. It has met once a month or once in two months since. Its members, numbering about twenty, were drawn from older law-traine civil servants, advocates, judges, and scholars. Susanto Tirtoprodjo, Wirjono Prodjodikoro's brother, was chairman until he fell ill in 1964. The Minister of Justice, Wirjono, and others frequently attended sessions of the LPHN as advisors. The LPHN has not accomplished a great deal, though it has produced various draft laws, partly because it is outside the center of political power. It has suffered, moreover, from the tendency of some of its members to continue such old, but stiIl alive, debates such as that over conflict between adat law and Islamic law. For a comment on the work of the Institute see Susanto Tirtoprodjo, "Lembaga Pembinaan Hukum dan ~asjarkat (Nomor Kongres 1) 221. 94 An Introduction to the Study of Comparative L a w light of modern developments in Chinese family law. Furthermore, the old civil code would not actually be abolished, but rather would be declared That is to valid only as a book describing the law of a particular say, on the same reasoning used with respect to adat law,the civil code rules would be regarded as the customary law of those to whom the code had formerly applied. According to Sahardjo and Wirjono, this would permit the courts freedom to bring the old code rules into line with the conditions of independent Indonesia. At the same time, Sahardjo broadened the dimensions of legal change by insisting that the adat law proper must also be adjusted to national ideology-the Pantjasilu, socialist society, and a just and prosperous order.26 In their arguments on the civil code, both Wirjono and Sahardjo placed their main emphasis on the point that the code was conceived within a discriminatory colonial policy.26 On September 5 , 1963, Wirjono issued a Supreme Court circular which declared the civil code no longer i n force; his accompanying statement expressed the ideological tenor of the move.27 Wirjono went on to list specific articles of the civil code which henceforth would be considered invalid. These are mentioned here to indicate the range and type of his objections to the old code.2a (1) arts. 108 and 110 on the competence of a wife to undertake legal acts and to go before a court without the permission or assistance 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Wirjono, “Keadaan Transisi dari Hukum Perdata Barat” (The Transition from Western Civil Law), a speech to the second Indonesian Council of Sciences Congress in 1963, 11/11-12 Varia Peradilan (1963) at 5. Wirjono did not agree with Sahardjo that the commercial code should go the way of the civil code. It should be pointed out that although Wirjono thought primarily in terms of declaring book I of the civil code invalid, book 111 also followed so long as his draft on contracts was not accepted-as it has not yet been. See also Sahardjo’s speech to the National Law Seminar in February 1963, III/2 Varia Peradilan (1963) 4. Ibicl. The Pantjasial is the five point ideological statement by Soekarno in 1945. Belief in the One God, Nationalism Internationalism, Social Justice, and Government of the People. Sahardjo also argued that this discrimination was in conflict with the 1945 constitution, and therefore that the civil code was automatically invalid. “...citizens of the Republic of Indonesia under the Constitution of 1945 are not divided into Europeans, Foreign Orientals, and Natives”. Ibid., 8. “From the beginning it has been felt strange that in Indonesia, even though now independent, many laws still apply which in character and object ...cannot be freed from the thinking of the colonialists ...who sought mainly to satisfy Dutch interests . ..In view of the fact that the Dutch colonialists drafted the civil code wholly in imitation of the Dutch civil code and, moreover that it was applied only to Dutchmen (and those assimilated to them) in Indonesia, therefore the question arose whether in independent Indonesia...it [was proper to regard the civil code as formally valid. ...Thus the idea occurred to consider the civil code not as law, but rather only as a document describing a part of the unwritten law...(On the basis of this view) the authorities, particularly judges, are freer to disregard various articles that are no longer in harmony with this period of Indonesian independence”. III/5 Varia Peradilan ( I 963) 108. The commercial code was not mentioned in the circular. There had been some discussion whether the civil code should bc rescinded by a law or by a Supreme Court order. The latter alternative was probably used, for the sake of flexibility but it raises questions about the powers of the Supreme Court. Ibid. 108-109. This was something of a compromise; opponents of the move had proposed that, instead of declaring the civil code invalid, the Supreme Court ought to indicate those articles which it considered no longer applicable. For longer comments on each of these articles, see Wirjono. “Keadaan Transisi”, 11/1-2 Varia Peradilan (1963) 7 and 14; and III/1 Varia Peradilan (1963) 25-26. The Lady and the Banyan Tree: Civil-Law Change in Indonesia 95 of her husband. Thus in this respect there is no longer any difference between al1 Indonesian citizens.-f (2) art. 284 (3) concerning the legitimation of a child born out of wedlock to an Indonesian woman. Thus "Iegitimation (by a European father) no longer results in breaking the legal connection between mother and child. so that here too there is no longer any difference among all Indonesian citizens. (Professor Kol1ewijn; as Wirjono himself pointed out, took the same position before the war that this rule was humiliating to Indonesians.) (3) art. 1682, which required that a testamentary gift must be accompanied by a notarial act. (4) art. 1579, which provides that a renter cannot terminate a rent agreement on grounds that he intends himself to use the thing rented, unless it is specifically allowed in the original terms of the agreement. (5) art. 1238, which provides that execution of a contract can be requested of a court only if this is preceded by a written demand for fulfilment to the defendant ... (6) art. 1460... which provides that the buyer of a good assumes the risk even though it has not yet been transferred. With the abolition of this article, each situation must now be examined to determine whether the risk for destruction of a good under contract for sale but not yet transferred should be divided between buyer and seller, and if so, in what proportions. (7) art. 1603 X(l-2), which discriminates between Europeans and nonEuropeans in connection with labor contracts. Items (2) and (7) above had been dead letters since the revolution. For the rest, the main point of interest is that the list is so short; and a large number of lawyers would not concur in Wirjono's invalidation of even some of these articles of the old code. For although judges and advocates might quickly agree that the civil code was objectionable because of its colonial origins, they had always found it difficult to indicate precisely what they would change in it. The reason clearly is that they were used to the principles of this code, whi~h they. studied in the law faculty. and no other principles had become readilly available. In theory, then the civil code became only a book setting forth the customary rules of another group, primarily the Chinese.s" But in practice the situation was not greatly transformed. Having little else to go on, most judges continued to apply the code articles-except for those in Wirjono's list, possibly -as they had been accustomed to doing. Other colonial statutes rescinded as early as the Japanese occupation had also continued. to influence the courts. Some judges, for example, frequently referred to the old code of European civil procedure iburgerlijke reclusvordering) for useful techniques unavailable in the H. I. R. procedural 29. There is an interesting parallel on this point with the position of Baperki, an organization which represents eirlzens of Chinese descent. In the running debate between Chinese who believe it is necessary to assimilate 10 Indonesian society and those who oppose assimilation, including Baperk i, the latter has argued that the Indonesian Chinese should be considered another national ethnic group. like the Javanese Sundanese, Minangkabaus, Bataks, Minahasans, Balinese, and so on. See Som'ci'!;, Peranakan Chinese Politics in Indonesia (1964). The difference of course is that the Chinese possess no particular territorial base as do the Indonesian ethnic groups. 96 An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Law statute. And the problems presented by the revocation of the civil code were far greater. Overworked and underpaid, judges did not have the time or the energy to fi"nd new rules, and they received little guidance from the Supreme Court:' The old civil code therefore remained a well-thumbed item in court libraries. What purpose was served, then, other than that of ideological bandwagoning on the part of the Jaw elite, by declaring the civil code invalid? Although it probably will not profoundly affect commercial law and contracts, it may, for one thing, unshackle a few extraordinary judges who would not otherwise have considered challenging the family law rules of the old civil code system. Late in 1964 there was a much discussed but then as yet undecided case in the Djakarta appellate court, in which a young and respected judge had determined to examine for himself whether the civil-law rules of adoption for Chinese were still relevant. This has aroused anxiety among some Chinese, who fear the uncertainty this might introduce into their family relations. For example, eldest sons might now demand sole inheritance rights under Chinese customary primogeniture rules, on the argument that these were never really superseded by the civil code bilateral order. Chinese family law, moreover might well be subjected to the same ideological tendencies in Supreme Court jurisprudence as have affected ad at family law rules. This could of course work towards unification of personal law across racial lines. But for the time being it seems likely that in most cases the civil code rules will continue to influence judicial opinion, in the same way that decades-old adat law research continues to determine lower court decisions. The fears of the Chinese that they will lose their superior legal status and that they may face a period of great legal insecurity are being realized in other ways in the drive towards unification. The dynamic Mr. Astrawinata, Sahardjo's successor as Minister of Justice, has opened an attack on civil law institutions felt to reflect the special status of the Chinese and other minority groups. In October 1964 he proposed that the weeskamer be abolished. Ministry of Justice officials prevailed upon him to restrict this move at first, as a pilot project, to the eastern islands of Indonesia. In the meantime the functions of that institution with respect to Chinese inheritance affairs will be transferred to the courts of first instance in the eastern region. It is not clear how much hardship this will cause, for Chinese family ties are still close enough to afford protection and security. But much also depends upon whether a new weeskamer will be created for the entire population; and the same applies to the civil registry, though this institution has not yet been seriously attacked. The cost of such projects, however, may be prohibitive for the immediate future. In any event, the extraordinary legal position of the Chinese has been greatly weakened. The formal casting off of the civil code, like the eviction of the lady with scales, has symbolized a break with the legal past. Colonial concepts of law have not yet disappeared; judges are still inclined to believe that different groups should have different law, and they still feel obliged to worry about the differences. But the framework of these concepts has begun to fall apart. Unification has made noticeable headway in every field but family law. And in considering the social bases of law, no other matter presents such difficult problems of legal unity as family relations, for this necessarily depends on the prevailing types of kinship system. Here unification cannot be accomplished by law but must follow from The Lady and the Banyan Tree: Civil-Law Change in Indonesia 97 soeial change in the direction of greater homogeneity. This has in fact begun at the upper levels of Indonesian society. But the intensity of inter-ethnic familial traffic (as Ko Tjay Sing has put it), though on the increase, is not yet so great as to demand the immediate attention of codifiers. For the time being moreover, it is to everyone's interest to let these matters stand as they are, for family law reform involves serious challenges to powerful Islamic sensitivities. One marriage bill, proposed in 1956 by a non-Islamic political party, fell because of this, Nevertheless, the principle of unification and the concern for national integration have gained so much ground that discussions of family law in the Institute of National Legal Development have touched on the possibility of encouraging, through the law, a more uniformly bilateral family structure. The Supreme Court will undoubtedly continue to move in this direction. As a result of these recent developments in the civil law, Indonesian conflicts law has begun to lose significance. The old conflicts rules may continue to be applied in some disputes between litigants from different adat law areas or between Chinese and Indonesians. But Supreme Court jurisprudence has already begun to blur the distinctions, and the generai trend towards legal unification may eventually wipe them out. The decline of the impressive structure of colonial conflicts theory was presaged by the overwhelming concern with national unity in post-revolutionary Indonesia. For once the divisive population policy of the colony came under attack, nothing could save the legal edifice built upon it. In a unfied legal system, to the extent that this comes about, there will be no need for conflicts laws. And in a melancholy comment on this, Professor Gouw has noted that Nederburgh's views on unification appear to be winning out after all those of Vollenhoven." CODIFICATION AND THE ROLE OF THE COURTS Indonesia's present state of political and economic flux poses the problem whether there should be a new civil code at all, and if so whether it ought to be broad and general or detailed. This also raises the question of the part to be played by the courts in civil-law development. There are two views of the connection between the courts and the work of codification. One is that all new laws must be brief and open-ended, permitting the courts to fill in the gaps as the situation develops. An extreme version of this view is held by Professor Djojodiguno of Gadjah Maha University, an adat law scholar who has argued, on analogy with commonlaw systems, that the written law ought to be done away with in favor of judicially developed customary law. Minister Sahardjo also believed that the time had come, "during this present period of beginning and transition", to forget about codes." Among judges, Wirjono Prodjodikoro and a few others have moved towards the view that the courts should handle more of the challenge of legal change. partly in order to assert the role of judges in the independent state. A majority of judges still remain bound by the concept of codes, however, and it was Wirjono who made the first attempt to draft a new statute on contracts. 30. Gouw Giok Siong, Hukum Antragolongan (Conflicts Law. 2nd. ed. 1960) 184. "Compared with those of van Vollenhoven, it can be said that the views of Nederburgh have now become more actueal. What is odd about this is that Nederburgh was really a colonialist, while van Vollenhoven's sympathetic regard for the people and soeft:ty of Indonesia is well known. 31. Sahardjo speech to the National Law Seminar, 111/2 Varia Pcradilan (1963) 10. 98 An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Law The second view holds that not only must all law be written, but also that new codes and statutes should be as complete as possible. In part this view derives from conventional civil-law thinking. Its proponents point out that ifforced to wait for jurisprudence. Indonesia will be in the same position as the England of four or five centuries ago; why not draft codes from the start that incorporate all the refinements of moderen civil law? This implies considerable legal borrowing from abroad. however. and neglects the nationalistic impulse to create law that is specifically Indonesian. Those who favor complete codes also claim that general and undetailed codes will result in legal uncertainty; for there would be no uniformity of court decisions. A less explicit consideration in this argument is that. although jurisprudence might be an important source of legal development. Indonesian courts are inadequate to the job. Men with experience in the courts lack confidence in many judges. And procedural deficiencies being what they are, they fear that more confusion would result from dependence upon the judiciary than if there were precise codes. The idea that the courts should contribute to legal growth is not a new one in Indonesia. Unlike the case in most civil law countries. adat law theory in Indonesia allowed the judge a major role both in discovering adat rules and in recognizing legal change. Notwithstanding this, only a few judges have been creative in the post-revolutionary period even with respect to adat law. This is in part the result of a lapse of confidence, for not many present-day judges had served on pre-war courts, and younger judges, appointed soon after graduation, often lack both knowledge and experience. When judges were encouraged to be creative-to embrace the hukum revolusi-s-tne structure of evidence threatend to crumble. The Supreme Court had perceived changes in the adat law "on the knowledge of the court;" this formula began to be used by so many lower courts that Wirjono had to warn judges to support "their own knowledge" with more substantial evidence." The fact is that since independence most judges have tended to refer to whatever law is in the books, and the continental view of judicial function has given them support. This has exacerbated the gap between law inherited from the colony and the rapidly changing conditions of independent Indonesia. But judges themselves are still influenced by civilian theory, and they are skeptical that the courts can at present perform a moce dynamic role, so that many of them have also taken a position favouring codes in greater detail. Soemarno Wirjanto. formerly a first instance judge, has recently written of the difficulties faced by judges in times of revolutionary change and has argued that it is no longer possible to maintain the unwritten Law. For as every judge would seek his own path. the result would be choas." The hand of cassation, according to Soemarno, is not long enough to guide towards legal unity, and the Supreme Court is in any case too far from society to determine what are the new unwritten' rules of 32. 33. Circular of May 31, 1963. no. 1/1963, in III{6 Varia Peradilan (1964) 140. Soemarno P. Wirjanto. "Revolusi Sebagai Sumber Pembinaan Hukum Nasional (Revolution as a Source of National Legal D~velopment) in 111/6 Varia Peradilan (1964) 128. Before his retirement to become an advocate. Socmamo was well known for his precisely reasoned decisions and judicial technique. Indeed he was one of the few judges actually to read innovations into the law. Late in the revolution. for example, he ruled that the civil code right of eisendom-s-in this case o~er housing which was very scarce-'!'':!st be qualified by notion of '~cial function: FIrst instance court of Magelang, decision of Dec. II, 1950, in Madjallah Hukum (1951/1) 65; also mentioned in his article at 130-131. The Lady and the Banyan Tree: Civil-Law Change in Indonesia 99 • modern Indonesia." Contrary to the notion that the civil code should be abolished, therefore, Soemarno proposed that all of the old codes must be left in force until new ones were drafted. In considering what role the judiciary may play i.9 civil-law development, two other points deserve attention. One is that political conditions are too uncertain for the government to permit courts the freedom-and the control over policy, however limited-necessary for a truly creative role. The attempt to define an ideologically aceeptable position for the courts has been perplexing. Judges have been encouraged to review colonial legistation, but not that of the independent state. Thus, according to Minister Sahardjo : "It is true that the judge may not review legislationthat legislation originates from our own law makers. If it does not come from our own law-makers, then the judge must review it. "35 I n connection with this general problem of the place of the judiciary, one might ask whether the continental code system is not well suited to the authoritarian political structure likely to obtain in Indonesia for some time to come. For neither civilian concepts of the judicial role nor traditional Indonesian ideas about government recognize the courts as a major source of law. A second point concerns the attitudes of judges towards commercial law. There are few judges with wide interest and knowledge in this field, though none had prewar experience on the raden van justitie which dealt mainly with the European codes. But most older judges originated in an aristocracy that denigrated trade, at least among men, so that they have little sympathy for it. This distaste has only recently begun to disappear among young members of the prijaji (Javanese aristocracy) class. Similarly, in the case of younger judges even from a broader social group, lack of commercial experience or sensitivity is often combined with a hostility to commerce deriving partly from the very fact that they have chosen to join the government bureaucracy. The continued domination of private trade by the Chinese stiffens these attitudes. The end result appears less in the form of active antagonism than lack of interest in commercial cases. These factors, together with procedural inadequacies, slowness, and uncertainty of execution of judicial decisions, help to explain why both government and private enterprises have tended increasingly to stay away from the courts. Instead they much prefer private settlement of disputes. Or, when it is both necessary and possible, there is also a growing tendency to shun civil actions in favor of criminal prosecutions. Debtors notoriously prefer normal civil suits. which take very long, for they are left in control of their funds, while deferred payment is practically reduced by inflation. Therefore, a claimant or his advocate may persuade a friend in the police or public prosecution to take the debtor into custody, usually on charges of fraud. Faced with possible imprisonment, the debtor will ~ 34. Ibid., 138. The hand of cassation is, moreover shortened by the lack of jurisprudential journals-there is now only one-and the general poorness of communications between the capital and provinces. There are judges in the outer islands who are not completely familiar with decisions of the Supreme Court rendered two or three years ago. 35. Speech to the National Law ~eminar, 9. Wirjono added to judicial confusion when he proposed, in 1961, that acts in conflict with 'social justice and humanitarianism' should be considered violations of the unwritten law, even when no prior statute on the matter existed. He then said: "In facing acts of official bodies which seem rather ~xtraordinary and unusual, don't jump to the conclusion that those acts are not vai'fd because they are in conflict with the law". Hukum dan Masjarakat (Nornor Kongres I. 1961) at 44. 100 An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Law pay, if he can.3S This situation has led some advocates to comment that the law seems to be moving backwards towards a 'primitive' condition in which civil and criminal actions are not distinguished. In any event, the point is that the courts fire not being taken seriously as an instrument of control in commercia! conflict. For this reason as well as those mentioned above, the present role of the courts cannot be a creative one." This suggests, however, that the future usefulness of the courts for civil-law development may depend less on substantive than on adjective law. For only improved procedure and judicial administration will attract both private and commercial disputes to the courts-whether the present courts of general jurisdiction or, possibly, new administrative tribunals. In this way the judiciary might begin to construct a bridge between the law on the books and the real law of actual practice which has been growing since the revolution. THE SOURCES OF NEW CIVIL LAW In contrast with France, which within a few years of the revolution was prepared to codify the new principles of law in a gigantic revision of the legal system, Indonesia has been able to lay down new law only on an ad hoc basis. This in itself has produced a significant change in Indonesia's code structure. Of the original civil code, property and procedure provisions have already given way to unified statutes. Family law aside, the major civil-law vestige of the colonial heritage now consists of the commercial code, the bankruptcy law, and the contracts provisions (book III) of the formally defunct civil code. Whether or not Indonesia ultimately retains the code approach, it is unlikely that all these areas of law will soon be incorporated into a new single code of the continental type. Wirjono Prodjodikoro has limited his concern for a new civil code to a Draft Law 011 Contracts, to which some attention will be paid in the remaining discussion.P First published in 1961, the proposed draft is general and short, consisting of sixteen parts divided into a total of 93 articles. Wirjono has said that the brevity of his draft reflects the plain and modest character of the Indonesian people, and he has argued that any new code should contain a minimum of complexities and formalities difficult for common people to understand. Little is said in Wirjono's proposal about "associations generally and trade organizations particularily, because national legislation with respect to these has already begun to develop along 36. In January 1964 Wirjono issued a Supreme Court circular no. 2/1964, abolishing imprisonment for debt in articles 209-224 of the procedural code. IIJ/6 Voria Peradilan (1964) 139. This did not affect the practice described above in debt cases of prosecuting on charges of fraud. 37. Cf. Brederncicr, "Law as an Integrative Mechanism", in Even, Law and Sociology (1962) 72. Bredemeier notes, in a discussion of law and social pattern maintenance, that the courts can serve the function of conflict resolution only if people are motivated to come to the law for protection of their interests. They must feel that the law will give them justice. "It is thus in the offer of justice that the legal system makes its major output, in exchange for the input of motivations to accept the courts as a problem-solving structure". 82. 38. Rantjangan Undang-Undang Hukurn Perdjandjian, in Hukum dan Masjarakat (Nornor Kongres I. 1961) IDS. Wirjono agrees with the trend in Europe that commercial and civil codes should be combined. But this draft deals mainly in principles. The draft became the basis of discussions of the civil code in thl Institute of National Legal Development. where it came under considerable attack. The Lady and the Banyan Tree: Civil-Law Change in Indonesia 101 it§ own path.'?" At least three explicit sources of law are evident in Wirjono's approach to contracts. The first is adat law. A second is tite national or local sense of justice. And the third is the 'internationality' of some legal rules. To a greater or lesser extent. each of these consistently appears not only in Wirjono's writings but also in general discussions among both lawyers and laymen. Everywhere In his draft Wirjono attempted to find some basis in adat law, even where he admittedly took over a concept from the old civil code.t" It has been mentioned that many Indonesian leaders regard the adat as an unadulterated expression of the Indonesian character. The major excep'tions are the Chinese and those devoted Moslems who view adat law as being antagonistic to Islamic law. Under the continuing influence of van Vollenhoven and ter Harr, the adat law is honored even, and increasingly, in the breach. It has in fact been greatly eroded in both legislation and jurisprudence. And there are leaders who will say that the adat should be maintained only where it does not obstruct national development; for it also represents the 'feudal' side of the anti-colonialism-anti-feudalism banner. But judges particularly have become accustomed to claiming a myriad of virtues in the name of adat law. It is often the case that ajudge will interpret a rule according to his own judgment, or according to various pressures, and then simply assert this interpretation to be the adat.!' There have been two distinct types of approach to adat as a source of law. The late Supreme Court judge, Malikoel Adil, took the view that the civil law needs of modern Indonesian society could be served by borrowing from the European civil codes, so long as this did not violate particular adat (or Indonesian) sensitivities. Adil thus used ad at law as a test for the quite flexible sense of tnjustice.t» For example, he noted that although adat law might not recognize a statute of limitations, yet the latter was necessary and useful and would not excite popular indignation.P In contrast with this view, the other approach regards adat as a positive-and the mainsource of law. It does not object to borrowing rules from the European codes, but rationalizes this by a theory of reception as one source of adat law: that is, a rule may be taken over which has been in force long enough to have been accepted by the people as ad at law. Wirjono has long accepted this second view, and he, therefore, argued that a new statute on contracts should not incorporate concepts unknown 39. Ibid., 138. Wirjono also excluded labor law from his draft, for in this field considerable unified legislation had appeared since the revolution. In comparison with Wirjono's brief draft, book III of the original civil code had 631 articles. 40. Ibid., 108. In his introduction to the draft, Wirjono commented that" ... my choice (between adat law"and the civil code as a source) is the Adat Law. This is only proper, for in principle it is the Adat law which must become the basis of any law applicable to all the people". He then noted that this was tho principle embraced in the Agrarian Act, but, as has been mentioned, this was in word alone. Similarly, there is much in Wirjono's draft that is said to be based on adat law, but in fact is extracted from civil code ideas. Indeed, the very framework of the draft is to some extent patterned on the ~ivil code. When Wirjono explicitly uses a civil code rule-e-e.e. art. 1331 whieh reduces the contractual responsibility of minors and mental incompetents-he maintains either that adat law contains the same principle or that the principle is not forbidden by adat law. 41. Soemarno Wirjanto, cited supra, note 33, at 138. 42. Adil, Pllnbaharuan Hukum Perdata Kita, passim. 43. Ibid., 43. 102 An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Law to adat law. Among these, for example, Wirjono supposed that the ada! law does not recognize consensual contracts, only real contracts, so that a right over a good may. be created only upon actual transfer. He also assumed that adat does not distinguish between movable and immovable property, but only between land and property which is not land. Furthermore, according to Wirjono, there is no adat law distinction between rights in rem and in personam-against which it has been objected that this lack would wreck havoc with concepts of industrial property rights.':' On all of these points some. adat law scholars have taken issue with Wirjono, and those less interested in adat have protested that his approach must impose serious restrictions on legal development. Although this view of ad at as the basis of new law does contain escape hatches, it is in fact very confining. Adat law principles are explicit only in a few fields, mainly of the order of family law, land, and harvest transactions. There are many predominantly urban modes of legal activity in which the adat has never applied, because they were begun by the Dutch and pre-empted by Dutch law; indeed, most national leaders still conceive adat law as being most appropriate to village life. It is indicative that discussions of civil-commercial law problems which start with an adat law approach frequently rely on examples of minor private transactions involving houses, yards, crops, and land, not of the more complicated questions of commercial venture. Reference to adat as a positive source is partly motivated by ideological considerations, the very term 'adat' serving to legitimize new law. This is a necessary function, but inherent in it is the danger that the primary goal of new law may shift from the rationalization of economic structure and practice and become, rather, the justification of the law itself. Discussions of adat also tend to slip back into the context of colonial history. They recall the struggle to gain formal acceptance of the adat law, and they excite the opposition of Islam, against whose expansion adat historically served as a symbol. I'his permits the colonial legal experience to establish the horizons of present day discussions, as a few lawyers have objected. There is an inclination to think in terms of adat law or the civil code, but not in terms of a useful mixture of the two or a purposeful excursion into the Swiss or other modern codes. The colonial experience is to some extent also the origin of the 'senseof-justice' approach to law, which Wirjono often refers to in his draft on contracts. This is the notion that the law-maker must somehow discover the sense of justice of the whole people before framing a rule. It is possible that this idea might develop in the direction of a concept of equity, but otherwise it is either misleading or frustrating. For the Dutch, true outsiders, the problem of satisfying indigenous feelings a'bout justice was a great one, when they were actually concerned. A huge gap also exists between the way of life and outlook of the Indonesian elite and the majority of people. But in the independent state, national leaders will in any case create new law without closely heading the popular sense of justice, unless this is articulated politically in the form of powerful demands or protests. Nevertheless, Indonesian law leaders do feel this problem, which derives 44. Wirjono, Rantjangan, 108-113. Wirjono also argued that adat law does not recognize the distinction made in the civil code between verbindtenissen-s-e: general concept of obligations arising out of statutes or contracts-and overeenkomst, specific contractual agreement. The Lady and the Banyan Tree: Civil-Law Change in Indonesia 103 n~t only from the sharp separation of elite and non-elite common to the new states, but also from the colonial legal tradition. Unlike adat law or the sense of justice, the ~oncept of 'internationality' is a more straight forward source of law. This ~s a rubric that can be used with as much facility as natural law to justify imports of foreign law. In Indonesia it has thus far rationalized the retention of most of the colonial criminal code and the commercial code. Wirjono has said, for example. that the commercial code is international. not national, in character and that Indonesia must conform to international standards of trade and commerce.t! The criterion of internationality is free of ideological overtones and nuances of the colonial relationship; and at the same time it makes available-as Schlesinger has pointed out-the whole fund of modern worldwide legal development. 48 Finally, something must be said of a source of law that is seldom mentioned in Indonesia: the living law of actual practice. Without attempting an essay on this point. one may suggest the existence of two only slightly related systems of law. a formal one and a real one. The latter operates within the economy through an intricate network of personal and family relationships, bribes. pay-offs. and innumerable ad hoc deals. Although these are hopelessly condemnable from a formal point of view, they keep the system moving at an inefficient but fair pace. Corruption here serves a positive function, and to a limited degree it is even advantageously institutionalized, as when the size of bribes is more or less fixed for similar operations. The future shape of the Indonesian economy is not yet clear. Since 1957 the dominant trend has been towards an as yet malfunctioning state capitalism or socialism, but private enterprise may gain ground as the government finds it more difficult to manage the economy and as younger members of the elite become interested in the private sector. Whatever may eventually happen, at present neither state nor private business pay a great deal of attention to the statutes. Their economic survival is better guaranteed by interlocking ties of family and mutual interest than by a formal legal system that is unenforceable. For the time being, the law-maker cannot hope to make legal sense out of this situation. It is difficult to build codes around the existing state 45. Ibid.,138. t· ••. these rules or... the commercial code are, in my opinion, international in character and therefore would best be taken over in toto in our future national law". Wirjono has felt, however. that the colonial bankruptcy law should be declared invalid along with the civil code. But in this he deferred to the opinion of his colleague on the Supreme Court, Prof. Sukardono, who believed that it should be maintained in force. See Sukardono's discussion, "Apakah Peraturan Pailisemen Mai Ferlu 1" (Is the Bankruptcy Law Still Necessary 'l) in Hukum dan Mr.sjarakat (Nornor Kongres 1 1961) SI. Sukardono not only accepted the law but sought to improve it within its own terms partly on the basis of recent developments in bankruptcy law in Europe and even in neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. 46. Schlesinger, "The General Principles of Contract Law", in World Peace Through Law-The Athens World Conference (1964) 779. "Many legal systems expressly refer to the general principles' of law as a p:imary or subsidiary source of Jaw. A statutory (of non-statutory) reference of this kind can be of particular significance in a new country faced with the task of creating its own system of law. The judges and legislators of such a country sometimes are disinclined to follow the model of a sing.J~ older nation; but they will always try to inform themselves of the multinational common core of civilized law-provided materials for the study of this common core are available". 782. 104 An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Law industries and trading companies, because their practices are unclear, inconsistent, and often underhanded. Nor does government policy give adequate guidance. To base new.law on the private economy is out of the question, both for ideological reasons and because the practices of private firms are not admissible either. Consequently, it is unlikely that an effective new civil code will appear for years to come. New statutes now appear in massive confusion, and the most that can be done is codification in the American sense. Meanwhile the legislators, if they are eventually to succeed. will be compelled continually to examine policy and administrative adjustments in the field of commerce and, as well, the interplay of the state and private economies as they make their own informal arrangements. CONCLUSION The present period of legal development in Indonesia is roughly similar to that of the droit intermediaire of the French revolution; it is primarily concerned with transforming major principles of public law and political institution. 17 But unlike the French revolution, the effective principles of the Indonesian revolution are, on balance, still negative, and the social class in control is neither new nor radically inspired. Recent ideological ferment has been mainly directed towards extirpation of the influences of the colonial past. It expresses anger at the humiliation fo colonial domination, and at the same time demands true independence, self respect, dignity and a role in the world.:" These emotions also influence the law. There are contradictory urges to create a legal system that is unquestionably Indonesian on the one hand, yet 'modern' and internationally acceptable on the other. The legal profession is divided between those who lean towards an ideological approach, the hukum revolusi, and those who try to maintain the older symbols of their vocation. But both groups remain partially immersed in the world of colonial law in which they were brought up and in which, to some extent, law students continue to be trained. The course of legal development since the revolution, however, has began to break down the law myths of the colony in favor of the new 47. 48. See Deak and Rheinstein, "The Development of French and German Law", quoted in Schlesinger, Comparative Law (2nd. ed. 1959) 169-170. Comparisons like this one, between the two revolutions, can be very useful. once the basic social differences are defined, in developing hypotheses about revolution and legal change. In this case, an essential difference is that the French revolution was creative and radical, .moving away from tradition under the drive not only of a new intellectualism but also of a relatively new and powerful middle class. Indonesia, on the other hand, is falling back, in this generation, on a set of traditional social and political arrangements behind the leadership of an older elite which came to political maturity under the colonial regime. While Indonesian ideology appears radical, the acute social establishment is decidedly conservative, though it is now under pressure both from the Communist party and from younger people with postrevolutionary educations and fewer ties to the past. To return to the opening comment in this article. the banyan tree is at once a symbolic rejection of Dutch principles of justice and an appeal to a much older pre-Dutch tradition. Yet it also represents elements of 19th-20th Century socialist ideology. On the post-colonial outlook, see Harris, Independence and After 1962; Shils, "The Fortunes of Constitutional Government in the Political Development of the New States", in Hallowell, ed., Development: for What'? (1964). On Indonesia after the revolution, see Kahin, "Indonesia", in Kahin, ed., Major Governments of Asia (2nd. ed. 1963); Feith, The Decline of Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia (1962) and "Indonesia's Political Symbols and Their Wielders". in'XVI/I World Politics (1963) 79. The Land and the Banyan Tree: Civil-Law Change in Indonesia 105 myths of the independent state. 'Myth' is used here in the sense of symbols oflegitimacy which, for all the loose thinking and hypocrisy they often conceal, are nevertheless major bonds of social, political economic, and therefore legal life.4Il In the law these beliefs determine whether there shall be code or common law systems, strong or weak courts, many procedural guarantees or few, strong property rights or none. Deriving from cultural and historical traditions, they are learned in the home and in the schools and, yarticularly for our purposes, in the law schools. The rea transformation of the legal systems of former colonies depends largely on the formation of new ideals which will impel the law in fundamentally different directions from those of the colony. In one sense, this change begins the moment sovereignty is transferred, for the new political elite is not completely new. Its members use the language of the colonial elite, they have adopted many of its social attitudes, and, above all, they have been educated in the ideas of the colonial mothercountry. On the surface, independence movements in Asia and Africa have been articulated in the same terms of liberty, equality, and self-determination found in European ideologicallexions. Similarly, colonial legal systems continue to operate (also, usually, on the surface) through the transfers of sovereignty and on into independence. And the ideas behind these legal systems are maintained tenaciously until they are displaced by new motions. In Indonesia the outstanding change thus far has been that from legal diversity to legal unity. Others are rapidly evolving. The problem of legal reform in Indonesia and other new states, is not one simply of creating new laws applicable to private and public interactions whose characteristics are well known. The effort is vastly complicated by countless uncertainties in the actual civil relations of a changing society, by the compulsion to accommodate ideological factors, and by the need to make adjustments for the inadequacies of a judicial establishment which inevitably declines under the pressume of political insecurity. And finally there must be a break through from the inherited legal predilections of the colony towards those of the independent state. 49. See Arnold, the Symbols of Government (1935) for an examination of the significance 'tIf American political and social symbol. Also Pekelis, "Legal Techniques and Political Ideologies", 41 Mich. Law Review (1942-43) 665.