Whatever you did for the least among you, you did for Me.
Whatever you did for the least among you, you did for Me.
April 23-24, 2016 THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PARTNER PARISHES OF IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, ST. JOHN AND ST. RITA Pennsylvania Charitable Trusts “The Catholic Community of Connellsville” Office: 116 South Second Street 724-628-6840 Fax: 724-628-0838 www.connellsvillecatholicchurches.org Whatever you did for the least among you, you did for Me. Sacramental & Pastoral Information Baptism: Call the Parish Office at least 3 months in advance to arrange and schedule from the Parishes' available dates. Marriage: Contact the Parish Office at least 6 months before the tentative date is set. Communion to the Sick: Any sick or homebound parishioner desiring home Communion should notify the Parish Office. RCIA: If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith or interested in becoming a Catholic, please contact the Parish Office. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Membership: If you are not receiving your church envelopes, your membership might need updated. Please contact the Parish Office. Cemetery Information: All questions about cemetery lots and deeds should be directed to Lou Ann Lauffer, x101, at the Parish Office. If you have concerns with the cemetery grounds, please call Dave Panzella at 724-323-5365. Bulletin Deadline: Information must be received at the Parish Office or emailed to [email protected] by noon on Monday. St. Vincent DePaul: Call 724-562-3341 if you or someone you know is in need of assistance. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Pastoral Staff - how may we serve you? FR. ROBERT T. LUBIC Pastor [email protected] FR. DANIEL ULISHNEY Parochial Vicar [email protected] SR. MARY AGNES KIRSCH, SC Archivist/Head Sacristan [email protected] SR. DONNA MULLIGAN, SC Director of Pastoral Ministry [email protected] MARY SAMPEY KEVIN BARRY Director of Faith Formation Youth & Young Adult Minister [email protected] [email protected] LOU ANN LAUFFER Parish Manager [email protected] LISA ANDURSKY Administrative Assistant to the Pastor [email protected] KAREN TWEARDY Parish Secretary DAVID HERTZNELL [email protected] Facilities Manager DAVID PANZELLA Cemetery Care Cell # 724-323-5365 Office Hours MON - THU 8:30am-noon & 1-4pm FRI 8:30am-1pm (front office only) ST. RITA OF CASCIA Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm 6:00pm St. Rita I.C. Sunday: 8:00am 9:30am 11:30am St. Rita I.C. St. John Daily Mass: See bulletin for location Confession: 5:15-5:45pm at I.C. & by appointment Stewardship of Treasure SUN, APR 17, 2016 Sunday, April 24, 2016 F IFTH S UNDAY OF E ASTER IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Adult .................................. $4,573.00 Children ...................................... 4.00 Loose Collection ................... 318.63 Maintenance ............................. 92.00 Total: ........................ $4,987.63 Acts 14:21-27 Cemetery ............................. $661.00 Easter ....................................... $30.00 ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ST. RITA Adult .................................. $3,560.00 Children ...................................... 3.00 Loose Collection ................1,425.05 Maintenance ............................... 5.00 Total: ........................ $4,993.05 Cemetery ............................. $631.00 ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ST. JOHN Adult .................................. $2,751.00 Loose Collection ................... 284.00 Maintenance ............................. 10.00 Total: ........................ $3,045.00 Cemetery ............................. $467.00 Good Friday/Holy Land ....... $10.00 DIOCESAN LENTEN APPEAL current to 4/18/16 Target I.C. $34,936 S.R. $34,052 S.J. $16,541 Pledged % $47,670 136% $39,045 115% $20,986 127% We need MONEY COUNTERS (especially for St. John), for our weekly collections. If you could work one or two MON mornings each month right after 8am Mass, that would be great! Please call the parish office at 724-628-6840 if you can serve your church in this way. REMINDER: Mass requests are still being taken for the rest of 2016. the apostles exhorted the new believers to remain firm in their faith. Hardships are not just normal. Hardships are necessary, they say. Words of Encouragement To help out, Paul and Barnabas Everyone needs a little encourage- appointed elders for each community. ment now and then. When you are They also gathered the community hired or chosen for some special to pray and fast at the time these elders were appointed. With work, you feel excited about the new responsibility. In time, though, organization, prayer, and sacrifice, Paul and Barnabas strengthened the work becomes challenging. You doubt your ability to continue. the disciples. The vision of success fades. If you have helped someone in the Possibly, everything is all right. When enthusiasm wears down and hard work steps up, it is normal to wonder about success. In this situation, perhaps all someone needs is a little encouragement. At one point in their missionary journey, the apostles Paul and Barnabas retraced their steps. They went back to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch. They met again with the disciples they had formed, and Scripture Readings for This Week MON: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 TUE: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a WED: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 THU: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 FRI: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 SAT: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 SUN: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29 past, this may be a good time to offer additional encouragement. Ask how it is going. Provide direction if you can. Pray. Fast. Give encouragement to those whose strength may be weakening. It is necessary to undergo hardships to enter the reign of God. Written by Paul Turner. Copyright © 2009, Resource Publications, Inc., 888-273-7782, www.rpinet.com. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from Lectionary Bulletin Inserts, Year C: First and Second Readings. MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE SOLEMNITY OF THE ASCENSION A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION VIGIL - WED, MAY 4 6:00pm at St. John HOLY DAY - THU, MAY 5 8:00am at I.C. 10:00am at Geibel 12:10pm at St. Rita Altar flowers at I.C. this weekend are in memory of deceased members of I.C. Christian Mothers, given by the current I.C. Christian Mothers. Training for Weddings, Funerals, and Thurifers, APR 30, at 10am, at St. Rita. at home Throughout the Scriptures, we see Jesus caring for the sick, touching them and healing them. The church today continues this ministry to its people as they encounter illness and struggles by sharing the Sacrament of the Sick. Through this sacrament, Jesus’ healing touch is extended to people by anointing them with oil on the forehead and hands in the name of the Lord. Our Catholic Community will celebrate this sacrament communally at a special anointing Mass THIS TUE, APR 26, at 11am. If you are planning to have surgery, experience health problems or face the challenges of aging, you are invited to this celebration which will also be followed by a light luncheon and a presentation on a topic that no one likes to talk about, but which everyone needs to know – we’ll hear Carla Colello, LCSWM, CCM, a home care and hospice counselor, share her wisdom on “Navigating End of Life Issues”. While suffering and illness of body or spirit can be overwhelming, the grace of this sacrament can be a source of strength, courage and hope. If you are unable to attend this service and wish to receive the sacrament at home, please call to arrange to have the priest come to you. For further information, please call Fr. Daniel or Sr. Donna at 724-628-6840. All altar servers are invited to a training on how to serve weddings and funerals and how to be thurifers (incense bearers). Stipends are offered for those who serve weddings and also typically for funerals. Come and learn how to serve these two Liturgies and how to give God the glory and honor due His name. If you would like to come, please contact Fr. Dan or Kevin Barry. Connellsville Catholic Community Children's Choir will rehearse at 11am, SAT, APR 30, in Conn-Area Catholic. The choir will also sing for Conn-Area Catholic’s Family Liturgy and Sixth-Grade Appreciation at 7pm, WED, APR 27, at St. John and for the First Communion Mass at noon SUN, MAY 1, at I.C. All 3-6 graders are eligible for membership. In addition, junior and senior high school students may join as cantors and leaders of song. Visit the parish website, connellsvillecatholicchurches.org, for more info and a registration form by clicking on "Forms and Documents" on the home page. Ladies from St. John and I.C. will be preparing pieroghi on TUEs, MAY 3 - JUN 28, beginning at 8:30am in Moravek Hall, for the Summer Festival to be held on AUG 6 and 7. Any help would be greatly appreciated, whether it be volunteering your time or making a monetary donation to help defray food costs. Cash or checks (payable to St. John) should be marked IC/St. John Summer Festival Food Donation and placed in the collection basket or dropped off at the parish office. The Youth Ministry Teams, along with adult leaders, will meet APR 24 in the Upper Room, at 6pm for a planning meeting. All youth leaders are asked to be there. Additionally, any youth 7th-12th grade are welcome to come and help plan for the upcoming summer. One main topic will be a possible high school retreat. All input is welcome and appreciated! We hope to see you there! Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Annunciata #260 will meet TUE, APR 26 at 6pm in Bucci Hall. Rosary and meeting to follow. Open to all women age 18 and older. For info, please call 724-628-7553. World Youth Day, JUL 24-AUG 3, Krakow, Poland, for young adults 18 and older. Anyone interested in going, should contact Kevin Barry ASAP. Cost is $3,499 plus a $350 registration fee. World Youth Day-Stateside!, will be JUL 30-31 in Lancaster, PA. Eighth graders through college seniors are invited to participate. This event is joined by technology to the World Youth Day vigil and concluding Eucharistic celebration presided over by Pope Francis in Krakow, Poland. It is supported by opportunities for prayer, fellowship, and the sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist. Scheduled performers include Jackie Francois, Ceili Rain, and more. Greensburg Diocese’s Office for Evangelization and Faith Formation is sponsoring a trip to Lancaster Catholic High School and the Clipper Magazine Stadium there. Bishop Malesic will celebrate the closing Mass. To register, visit www.dioceseofgreensburg.org. Bridget Andursky, Scott Aronhalt, Irene Augustine, Maureen & Stephen Austen, Beatrice Babura, Janice Bailey, Al Balow, Heather Bardin, Elizabeth Bartholomai, Maya Bennett, Marissa Bercik, Seth Beveridge, Anise Black, Devin Braddock, Brian, Divinia Calinao, Bob Camilli, Margaret Carbonara, Kay Caringola, Cecil Casini, Gene Cavalier, Anthony Cecchini, Jean Gallo-Ciscon, Thomas Cline, David Coldren, Dominec Costabile, Gloria Cross, Tim Cumberland, Frank Decker, Debbie Del Sordo, Irene Denne, Lavonne Dillinger, Suzanne Dooley, Tom Duncan, Melody Dynes, Ronald Egnot, Emily Ernesty, Michael Farris, Joe Fierschnaller, Sandra Fletcher, Charlotte Frankhouser and Family, Cameron Frame, Sr. Raphael Frank, Loretta Fronek, Roianne Gailey, Christopher Galik, Thomas W. Galley, Jr., Robert Gallo, Sr., Machaela Garlowich, F. Thomas Giambattista, Barry Glotfelty, Catherine Goron, Michael Grego, Ronald Grego, Carla Hager, Keith Hager, Kevin Hager, Garrin Haggerty, Arthur Hall, Betty Hall, Jim Haney, Kimberly Taylor Harkins, Nancy Heinbaugh, Paul Helinsky, Frederick Helms, Kathy Herbert, Alexia Herchko, Angela Hill, Dennis Hinton, Jason Hofius, Arlene Honeycutt, Jay Honeycutt, Patty & David Hough, Barry S. Huey, Dominic Ianello, Theresa Jaworski, Brittany Johnson, Donnie Johnston, Kevin Jones, David & Susan Kanter, Karen, Larry Kennison, Lora Keslar, Lorraine Kinnick, Judie Kosisko, Trish Koval, Kelly Kowats, Toni Cellurale-Kuhlman, John Kuzyck, Bernadine Lafko, Susan Lake, Beth Ann Wisniewski-Lee, Veronica Lepianka, Rebecca Lessman, Sean Lewandowski, Michaelene Lint, Maryann Lloyd, Justin Loncala, Savannah Longanecker, Jeffrey Madarish, Joseph Majoris, Margaret Majoris, Marie Martin, Bret Martucci, Barbara Mascarelli, Robert Mazurik, Regina Mayolo, Jean McCormick, Bob McFadden, Dave McMullan, Hunter Meese, Kayia Miller, Nancy Miller, Henry Molinaro, Sr., Terri Molinaro, Cathi Mongell, Kimberly Morrell, Irene Nakles, Judy Nardone, Micheline Natale, John Orazi, Sr., Yolanda Pallow, Beatrice Parenti, Jean Peperak, John Pessamato III, Tom Pierce, Frank Pilla, Daniel Piper, Velda Plesz, Gemma Premus, James Price, Marisa Primozic, William Radlosky, Maryann Reid, Freda Rennick, Jeannette Roley, Ellen Romanko, Terry Rose, Mark Rosenthal, Terry Ross, Carmie Rozell, Ronald Rozell, Jacob Rugg, John Rulli, John Salatino, Lorelai Santangelo, Parker Scarry, Betty Schott, Theresa Schott, Brennan Sechrist, Lisa Sezawick, Ray Shamberger, Gen Sherwood, Mary Catherine Shipley, Helen Shuder, Lester Shultz, Sr., Jeff Sigado, Erin Sigwalt, Robert Skowronek, Gunnar Skrobacz, Kendal Skrobacz, Eric Smearman, Betty Smith, Dennis Soisson, Marian Soldano, Sonya Spaw, Heather Spennati, Charles Spicola, Patricia Stout, Bill Swan, Sharon Tajc, James Thompson, Diane Tomasko, Michael Tomasko, Michelle Tweardy, Cindy Vinoski, David Voda, David Voda, Jr., Denise Voda, Carol Ward, Melvin Washington, Henry Whipkey, Arthur Wilson, Barbara Wisilosky, Bernie Wolfe, Mary Yauger. Liturgical Ministers’ Evenings of Reflection. In the near future, Fr. Daniel will be hosting a series of evenings of reflection for liturgical ministers… an opportunity to give thanks to God for the gift of our ministry and to grow and deepen our own spiritual lives as well as the bonds of friendship. Please watch the bulletin for updates! What Are Your Gifts? Our faith comes alive through service and we glorify God by using our gifts. We are looking for additional liturgical ministers in all of our parishes (lectors, altar servers, and, especially Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion). Please prayerfully consider your gifts and interests and whether the Lord may be inviting you into one of these (or any other) ministries. Often we feel a certain sense of unworthiness to minister before the parish community… this is normal. The truth is that God still calls and uses us! If you want to deepen your experience of the faith or are looking for a way to be personally involved in bringing Jesus to others when you come to Mass, please contact the parish office to begin the process! Our most sincere thanks to Patty Daniels, Debbie Mastowski and Sharon Tlumack, for their volunteer service to our parishes in laundering and taking care of our altar server robes. They have made sure all the robes were clean and bright for our Christmas and Easter celebrations. We are most grateful to them and all the individuals who work behind the scenes to help make our churches and services so beautiful! May God bless you abundantly! Coffee House, APR 29, Bucci Hall, 7-10pm. All young adults, 18 and graduated from high school to 39, are invited. Musicians, poets, singers, etc. are welcome. Come stop by for an evening of music, fun, and reflection. Can you imagine a world where communities of believers everywhere would support and encourage one another and be identified as Christians by the way they love each other. It would be a world with no tears, no death and mourning, no crying out in pain. “Behold, I make all things new,” we hear the Son of God say in Revelation 21:5. Is this world of John’s vision only imaginary? Are these faithful followers for whom Jesus prayed only a savior’s dream? How much closer can we come to this vision of a true Christian community in our lives today? MON, APR 25 8:00am St. Rita 8:30am St. Rita TUE, APR 26 8:00am St. John 11:00am St. Rita 6:30pm St. Rita WED, APR 27 8:00am St. Rita 8:30am St. Rita 7:00 pm St. John (Conn-Area Family Liuturgy) THU, APR 28 8:00am I.C. FRI, APR 29 8:00am St. Rita SAT, APR 30 4:00pm St. Rita 6:00pm I.C. SUN, MAY 1 8:00am St. Rita 9:30am I.C. 11:30am St. John 12:00pm I.C. ST. MARK, EVANGELIST Michael Malone (John, Lori, Johnny & Jimmy Malone) Divine Mercy Chaplet EASTER WEEKDAY Anna Marie Koleck (Sandy Paull & Joan Layko) Anointing Mass St. Anthony Novena EASTER WEEKDAY Jeanie Humbert & Parr & Sarko Families (Judy Forsythe) Adoration James, Marian & Jimmy Harvey (Daughter/Sister Barbara Ann) ST PETER CHANEL, PRIEST, MARTYR ST. LOUIS GRIGNION DE MONTFORT, PRIEST The Flynn Family (Jim & Betty) ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, VIRGIN, DR. OF THE CHURCH Amato & Filomena Prudente (Maggie Natale) ST. PIUS V, POPE Frank & Leona Forys (Daughters) James Haggerty, Sr. (Wife & Family) SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER James A. Harvey (Wife & Children) Maryagnes Falvo (Children & Families) Pro Populo First Communion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Diocesan Catholic Committee on Certificate in Pastoral Ministry Info Scouting for Boys will hold National Session, St. Joseph’s Church, Uniontown, Geibel Catholic’s Spring Auction Ga- Catholic Leadership Development MON, MAY 9 at 6pm. The Certificate la” will be SAT, APR 30, 5pm at the Training for Adult Scouters on SAT, MAY 7, in Pastoral Ministry program focuses on preparing people for ministry. Historic Summit Inn. The event at Our Lady of Grace Albanese Hall, To register for this session call Sherry will feature live and silent auctions, at 724-837-0901, x1240 or email gift basket raffles, tip boards, 50/50, Greensburg, 9am-3pm. delicious food and complementary drinks, plus live music by “Abacus Jones”. Special guest speaker will be Msgr. Larry Kulic, Vicar General for the Diocese of Greensburg. For tickets or more info, call Geibel Catholic at 724-628-5600, or email [email protected]. Greensburg Catholic Cemetery needs a grounds maintenance employee for summer work, MON-FRI, 8am-4pm. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and may apply by calling 724-834-3710. The $10 cost includes lunch and materials. The required registration is found on The Diocese of Greensburg website or by following this link: https://events. diocese ofgreensburg.org/EventRegistration/ RegisterAttendees.aspx?EventId=255 NOTE: Registration deadline is TUE, MAY 3. A minimum of three registrants is required, with a limit of ten. For questions: [email protected]. [email protected]. Applications for the program itself are now being accepted. Actual coursework and formation events will begin this Fall. Admission closes JUL 25. Please visit gbgvocations.org to learn more. Direct questions about lay ministry or the certificate program to Marsha Kable at 724-837-0901 or email [email protected]. Any questions about the permanent diaconate should be directed to [email protected]. choir?! (You know, because if you actually SING at Mass there must be something wrong with you and the only logical place for you is with "them singing folk up ON HOLIDAY: It's about 11am Sunday there in the loft n'at".) morning. I just got back from a VERY I can't help imagining what a DIFFERENT full 9:30 Mass at Our Lady of Victory place our sports stadiums, arenas, Church in Happy Valley. Running a bit courts, fields would be if we brought to late (however, I WAS there before Mass them the same "enthusiasm" we bring to began!) I took a seat in the very last pew, the GREATEST event we will ever be which afforded me a WONDERFUL privileged to experience - the suffering, vantage point of the entire congregation. death, and Resurrection of God's very Son. An event that not only changed the entire Cosmos, but SHOULD transform every aspect of OUR lives as well. COVER PHOTO: Social media is oftbemoaned as a prime example of what is "wrong" with the digital world in which we now live. Rightly so I am sure most of us would agree! From gossipmongering, cyber bullying, withdrawal from relationships in the physical world, to the mere waste of time and Yesterday I went to Beaver Stadium with friends to attend PSU's Blue/White loss of productivity, social media can game. SO where do you suppose, dear certainly be seen as a force of evil. As reader, I encountered more enthusiasm always, however, we must avoid the temptation to "throw out the baby - in the midst of the celebration of the Sacred Mysteries by which we are made with the bathwater." There IS plenty sharers in the Lord Jesus Christ's triumph of good accomplished in that online world as well. I (WE) recently had the over DEATH itself or a completely meaningless football game between TWO opportunity to participate in one such squads from the SAME team (Hmmmm POSITIVE occurrence. … will Penn State win? Or will Penn Several years back a young Pakistani State? The suspense is KILLING me!) Catholic had been directed my way on Facebook. He passionately desired to emigrate to these United States with his wife and children. Quite UNDERSTANDABLY! Anyone who has paid one iota of attention to what's going on in the world these past years can't HELP but know the difficulties - often LIFE-THREATENING - Christians in that part of the world are facing. Sadly I have learned that it is an almost insurmountable task to help him in that endeavour. I Let me just say my rare excursions into envisioned our parishes being able to sponsor his family, bring them to the Jewel, "pew-land" are QUITE interesting. I and help them get on their feet in a new SHAMELESSLY make my presence known by participating actively and even land. Longtime residents of Connellsville (say it ain't SO!) DARING to sing (with my age and older should well remember the Vietnamese family that Immaculate real ENTHUSIASM which just makes matters all the worse)! Would you be- Conception sponsored in the 1970s lieve I have even been told in past such "boat people" era. (One of the daughters, excursions that maybe I should join the Tuyet, was in my class at Conn-Area for a year and all us of kids loved her kid brother, little Chang, whom we saw everyday at recess. The house we provided for them was next to our "playground" - the Immaculate Conception parking lot.) But alas and alack my vision was not meant to be. Eventually, however, this gentleman's wife also approached me on Facebook with an entirely different project. She had become very concerned about the plight of children who were unable, for financial reasons, to attend school. To that end she founded the organisation F.E.A.S.T. Pakistan ( Foundation for Education Awareness and Social Transformation). Each child assisted by F.E.A.S.T. is provided with; * Admission Fee * Tuition for 1 year * School Uniform - Pant, shirt, belt * School Shoes * Text books – 1 Set (All subjects) * Notebooks – 1 Set * Pen/Pencils – 1 Set * School Bag * Lunch box * Water bottle All for a mere $176! (The US dollar still goes A LONG way in some parts of the world.) As part of my personal Lenten observance of almsgiving I felt called to support a number of these children. I also thought that it would be a GREAT thing to do as a community. So EACH of our parishes is now making it possible for a child, otherwise unable, to attend school. The future of THREE children is now a lot brighter than it would have been thanks to YOU! Three may seem infinitesimal in comparison to the countless numbers in our world who are in dire need; but it's a start. We aren't going to change the world. But we CAN change the life of an individual. And if enough people decide to do THAT, the world WILL be changed!
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Aug. 7, 2016 - Connellsville Roman Catholic Churches
Membership: If you are not receiving your church envelopes, your
membership might need updated. Please contact the Parish Office.
Cemetery Information: All questions about cemetery lots and deeds