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profilo aziendale company profile profilo aziendale company profile
FATTORI DI SUCCESSO FACTORS SUCCESS La prima garanzia di qualità dei nostri prodotti è il made in Italy. Tutti i componenti, dalla terra alle vernici, dai colori alle decalcomanie, sono prodotti in Italia, tutti di altissima qualità. Questa è la nostra strategia aziendale ed è la scelta vincente che ha permesso alle Ceramiche San Marco di crescere costantemente e di affermarsi nei mercati di tutto il mondo. Migliorare costantemente il prodotto e sperimentare nuove linee e forme nel rispetto della tradizione, è l’antica e irrinunciabile filosofia della nostra azienda. The basic quality guarantee of our products is that they are made in Italy. All the components, from the clay to the glaze, the colours and decals are produced in Italy, all of the highest quality. It is our corporate strategy and the our winning choice that have enabled Ceramiche San Marco to grow steadily and successfully in the global market. Constant product development and innovation are at the heart of our corporate philosophy. PROFILO AZIENDALE COMPANY PROFILE MERCATI MARKETS Produciamo ceramiche dal 1895, da quando Giuseppe Dal Prà fondò a Nove l’azienda di famiglia. Nel 1944 il figlio Luigi, nel frattempo succeduto al padre, diede alla fabbrica l’attuale nome. Nel secondo dopoguerra, fino agli anni ’90, la Ceramiche San Marco è mirabilmente diretta da Giselda Dal Pra’, figlia di Luigi. Oggi, giunta alla quarta generazione, l’azienda è amministrata da Giuseppe e Angela Nosadini, che curano personalmente la progettazione e il design delle nuve collezioni, dosando sapientemente esperienza, creatività, abilità tecnica e qualità dei materiali. La conoscenza del settore, la grande passione, la continuità nella ricerca e la consuetudine con musei, gallerie, fiere, danno alle Ceramiche San Marco un valore aggiunto di raffinatezza ed eleganza. La terra diventa oggetti d’arte, vasi, cachepots, servizi da tavola, vassoi, lampade, idee regalo, che l’azienda esporta in tutto il mondo, ricevendo consensi e apprezzamenti per la grazia del dipinto-a-mano, per la cura dei dettagli, per la densità del colore, per la qualità delle decalcomanie... Our company has been manufacturing ceramics since 1895, when Giuseppe Dal Prà founded the family business in Nove. In 1944, his son Luigi, who took over the business from his father, gave the factory its present name Ceramiche San Marco. After World War II, until the 1990’s, Ceramiche San Marco was run by Giselda Dal Prà, Luigi’s daughter. Today, the manufactory is managed by the fourth generation, Giuseppe and Angela Nosadini, who personally supervise the planning and design of new collections, taking advantage of their experience, creativity, technical expertise and high quality materials. Knowledge of the market, and continuous research and innovation together with long-standing relationships with museums and galleries and regular participation in trade shows, add to the value and refined elegance of Ceramiche San Marco products. Clay is turned into art in the production of vases, plant pots, tableware, trays, lamps, gifts and decorations. All the products are well-known and appreciated all over the world for their elaborate handpainted details, beautiful colours and the quality of the decalcs... I prodotti delle Ceramiche San Marco concorrono ad arredare e ad arricchire residenze e alberghi tra i più prestigiosi del mondo, e partecipano a qualificare spazi di vita e di lavoro, come musei, atelier di alta moda, grandi magazzini, aree pubbliche delle principali città del mondo. Da Roma a Milano, da New York, ad Atlanta, a San Francisco, da Mosca a San Pietroburgo, da Dubai a Abu Dahbi, numerosi sono i luoghi e gli edifici diventati per le Ceramiche San Marco una grande e importante vetrina internazionale. Our products decorate many of the most prestigious homes and hotels around the world and contribute to a pleasant atmosphere at places of work such as museums, high fashion studios, department stores and public halls of major cities in the world. From Rome to Milan, from New York to Atlanta and San Francisco, from Moscow to St. Petersburg, from Dubai to Abu Dhabi, there are plenty of places and buildings that have become an important international showcase for Ceramiche San Marco. PROGETTI PROJECTS Oltre alle proprie collezioni e ai propri prodotti, le Ceramiche San Marco offrono un valido e consolidato servizio di consulenza e progettazione, che accompagna la clientela dallo studio del prodotto, delle forme e del design, fino alla realizzazione di pezzi unici, esclusivi e personalizzati, anche su commissione. In addition to its collections and products, Ceramiche San Marco offers valuable and long - established consulting and design. We assist the clients from the product plan, form and design to the realization of the unique, exclusive and personalized pieces, also on commission. Contattateci telefonicamente, inviateci un fax o una email; visitate il nostro sito internet o venite a trovarci. Riceviamo i nostri clienti, gli ospiti e i visitatori presso il nostro showroom a Nove e il nostro stand al Macef di Milano, da sempre graditi punti d’incontro. Please call us or send us an e-mail; visit our website or come and see us. We are always pleased to meet our customers, guests and visitors in our showroom in Nove and at our stand at Macef Exhibition in Milan. P. 3 “HOLLAND” “CAPRI” COLLECTION COLLECTION Lampada grande / Large Lamp Art. 12200 / 42 h cm Paralume / Shade 30 h x 55 cm Lampada media / Medium Lamp Art. 12201 / 37 h cm Paralume / Shade 28 h x 50 cm Lampada piccola / Small Lamp Art. 12202 / 31 h cm Paralume / Shade 23 h x 40 cm Lampada 2 MS / Lamp 2 MS Art. 11536 / 34 h cm Paralume / Shade 28 h x 50 cm Centrotavola/ Centertable Art. 10142 / 46 x 30 x 13 h cm Centrotavola/ Centertable Art. 10143 / 40 x 24 x 12,5 h cm Vaso/ Vase Art. 15891 / 29 x 24 x 32 h cm Lampada piccola / Small Lamp Art. 11537 / 28 h cm Paralume / Shade 24 h x 40 cm Cachepot/ Cachepot Art. 15893 / 31 x 25 x 20 h cm Scatola/ Box Art. 15894 / 15 x 15 x 18,5 h cm Lampada 1 MS / Lamp 1MS Art. 11535 / 40 h cm Paralume / Shade 30 h x 55 cm Bolo ovale/ Oval planter Art. 15892 / 35 x 27 x 15 h cm Cachepot / Cachepot Art. 14931 / 20 x 20 x 18 h cm Insalatiera qd./ Sq. serving bowl Art. 15239 / 31 x 31 x 12 h cm Vaschetta rett. / Rect. Planter Art. 14932 / 27 x 19 x 15 h cm Vaso / Vase Art. 14930 / 22 x 22 x 30 h cm Insalatiera qd. / Sq. salad bowl Art. 15678 / 27 x 27 x 8 h cm Piatto portata qd./ Sq. serving plate Art. 15237 / 35 x 35 cm Piatto qd./ Sq. Plate Art. 15236 / 27 x 27 cm Piatto qd./ Sq. Plate Art. 15235 / 21 x 21 cm 4 Ciotolina qd./ Sq. Cereal bowl Art. 15238 / 18 x 18 x 8 h cm Piatto portata qd. / Sq. serving plate Art. 15677 / 32 x 32 cm Vassoio rett. / Rect. tray Art. 10144 / 30 x 20 cm Vassoietto rett. / Rect. tray Art. 12741 / 19 x 15 cm 5 “BRIGHTON” Lampada 1 MS / Lamp 1 MS Art. 11360 / h 36 cm Paralume / Shade 30 h x 55 cm COLLECTION Lampada 2 MS / Lamp 2 MS Art. 11361 / h 29 cm Paralume / Shade 26 h x 45 cm Lampada 3 MS / Lamp 3 MS Art. 11362 / h 24 cm Paralume / Shade 21 h x 35 cm Lampada 4 MS / Lamp 4 MS Art. 11363 / h 20 cm Paralume / Shade 17 h x 30 cm Lampada / Lamp Art. 16250 / 30 x 23 x 30 h cm Paralume / Shade 30 h x 55 cm Cachepot medio / Md. Cachepot Art. 10532 / 30 x 26 h cm Centrotavola / Centertable Art. 16254 / 40 x 32 x 9 h cm Cachepot grande / Lg. Cachepot Art. 10531 / 36 x 32 h cm Portaombrelli ovale / Ov. Umbrella stand Art. 12210 / 29 x 20 x 51 h cm Vaso / Vase Art. 16251 / 30 x 23 x 30 h cm Cachepot / Cachepot Art. 16252 / 28 x 21 x 17 h cm Cachepot picc. / Sm. Cachepot Art. 10533 / 23 x 18 h cm Bolo ovale / Oval planter Art. 16253 / 42 x 30 x 14 h cm Centrotavola rett. / Rect. centertable Art. 16727 / 37 x 25 x 8 cm Piatto rett. portata / Rect. plate Art. 16725 / 42 x 29 cm Vassoietto rett. / Rect. plate Art. 16726 / 30 x 18 cm 6 Vaso medio / Md. vase Art. 11630 / 26 x 31 h cm Vaso grande / Lg. vase Art. 11629 / 22 x 39 h cm Vaso piccolo / Sm. vase Art. 11631 / 26 x 24 h cm 7 PORTAOMBRELLI CACHEPOT “BOLLE COLORATE” COLLECTION COLORI: Disponibili nei colori nero bianco bordeaux Nero cappuccino blu Giallo verde turchese grigio Blù Grigio Beige Verdone Bordeaux 12210 PORTAOMBRELLI OVALE Oval umbrella stand cm. 30 x 21 x 52h. 11541 PORTAOMBRELLI TONDO Round umbrella stand cm. Ø25 x 52h. Lampada grande / Lg. Lamp Art. 16118 / 27 x 23 x h 25,5 cm Paralume / Shade 27 x 34 x 45 cm Lampada piccola / Sm. Lamp Art. 16120 / 21 x 17 x h 19 cm Paralume / Shade 20 x 28 x 33 cm 11443 CACHEPOT GRANDE Large cachepot cm. Ø37 x 32h. 11444 CACHEPOT MEDIO Medium cachepot cm. Ø30 x 25h. 11445 CACHEPOT PICCOLO Small cachepot cm. Ø25 x 29h. Insalatiera / Salad bowl Art. 16115 / 32 x h 15 cm Insalatiera piccola / Sm. salad bowl Art. 16116 / 22 x h 10 cm 10531 Paio posate / Pair Art. 16795 / 29 x 4 cm CACHEPOT GRANDE Large cachepot cm. Ø36 x 32h. 10532 CACHEPOT MEDIO Medium cachepot cm. Ø30 x 26h. 8 10533 CACHEPOT PICCOLO Small cachepot cm. Ø23 x 18h. 9 “TINTE UNITE” COLLECTION COLORI: nero bianco panna bordeaux cappuccino blu verde turchese grigio Lampada piccola / Sm. Lamp Art. 16757 / 13 x 23 h cm 10 Lampada 1 MS / Lamp 1 MS Art. 11360 / h 36 cm Paralume / Shade 55 x 30 h cm Lampada 1 MS / Lamp 1 MS Art. 11535 / h 40 cm Paralume / Shade 55 x 30 h cm Lampada 2 MS / Lamp 2 MS Art. 11361 / h 29 cm Paralume / Shade 45 x 26 h cm Lampada 2 MS / Lamp 2 MS Art. 11536 / h 34 cm Paralume / Shade 50 x 28 h cm Lampada 3 MS / Lamp 3 MS Art. 11362 / h 24 cm Paralume / Shade 35 x 21 h cm Lampada 3 MS / Lamp 3 MS Art. 11537 / h 28 cm Paralume / Shade 40 x 23 h cm Lampada 4 MS / Lamp 4 MS Art. 11363 / h 20 cm Paralume / Shade 30 x 17 h cm Lampada 4 MS / Lamp 4 MS Art. 11538 / h 22 cm Paralume / Shade 35 x 21 h cm Lampada grande / Lg. Lamp Art. 16755 / 21 x 39 h cm Lampada grande / Lg. Lamp Art. 7707 / h 36 cm Paralume / Shade 55 x 30 h cm Lampada media / Md. Lamp Art. 7708 / h 29 cm Paralume / Shade 45 x 26 h cm Lampada media / Md. Lamp Art. 16756 / 16 x 32 h cm Lampada piccola / Sm. Lamp Art. 7709 / h 24 cm Paralume / Shade 35 x 21 h cm 11 “DRESSAGE” Centrotavola rett./ Rect. centertable Art. 16727 / 37 x 25 x 8 h cm COLLECTION Lampada 1 MS/ Lamp 1 MS Art. 11360 / h 36 cm Paralume / Shade 30 h x 55 cm Lampada 2 MS/ Lamp 2 MS Art. 11361 / h 29 cm Paralume / Shade 26 h x 45 cm Piatto rett. portata/ Rect. serving plate Art. 16725 / 42 x 29 cm Lampada 3 MS/ Lamp 3 MS Art. 11362 / h 24 cm Paralume / Shade 21 h x 35 cm Lampada 4 MS/ Lamp 4 MS Art. 11363 / h 20 cm Paralume / Shade 17 h x 30 cm Vassoietto rett./ Rect. plate Art. 16726 / 30 x 18 cm Cornice/ Photo frame Art. 16740 / 29 x 24 cm Scatola tonda/ Rd. box Art. 10148 / 16 x 9 cm Cachepot 1 MS / Cachepot 1 MS Art. 11443 / 32 h x 37 cm Vassoio rett./ Rect. tray Art. 10144 / 30 x 20 cm Vaso / Vase Art. 11631 / 26 x 24 cm Vassoietto rett./ Rect. tray Art. 12741 / 19 x 15 cm Vaso / Vase Art. 11630 / 26 x 31 cm Cachepot 2 MS / Cachepot 2 MS Art. 11444 / 25 h x 31 cm Cachepot 3 MS / Cachepot 3 MS Art. 11445 / 20 h x 24 cm 12 13 “VINTAGE” “PIROFILE” COLLECTION COLLECTION Lampada gr./ Lg. Lamp Art. 7707 / h 36 cm Paralume / Shade 30 h x 55 cm Pirofila tonda/ Baking Dish Art. 16762 / 30 x 6 h cm Lampada md./ Md. Lamp Art. 7708 / h 29 cm Paralume / Shade 26 h x 45 cm Lampada picc./ Sm. Lamp Art. 7709 / h 24 cm Paralume / Shade 21 h x 35 cm Pirofila rett./ Baking Dish Art. 16764 / 37 x 22 x 6 h cm Scatola tonda / Rd. Box Art. 10148 / 9 h x 16 cm Pirofila ovale/ Baking Dish Art. 16763 / 39 x 22 x 6 h cm Vassoio rett. / Rect. tray Art. 10144 / 30 x 20 cm Pirofila ovale/ Oval Baking Dish Art. 16766 / 18 x 13 x 3 h cm Pirofila rett./ Rect. Baking Dish Art. 16767 / 25 x 10 x 4 h cm Cachepot qd. 2 MS / Sq. cachepot MS Art. 12334 / 15 x 15 x 14 h cm Vaso / Vase Art. 12336 / 18 x 18 x 27 h cm Cachepot qd. 1 MS / Sq. Cachepot 1 MS Art. 12333 / 20 x 20 x 18 h cm Pirofila rett./ Rect. Baking Dish Art. 16768 / 22 x 12 x 4 h cm Planter ov. 1 MS / Oval planter 1 MS Art. 12821 / 34 x 25 x 19 h cm 14 Planter ov. 2 MS / Oval planter 2 MS Art. 12822 / 32 x 20 x 15 h cm Vaso / Vase Art. 11631 / 26 x 24 h cm Pirofila ovale/ Oval Baking Dish Art. 16765 / 17 x 11 x 5 h cm 15 16 17 ORCHIDEE Portaombrelli td./ Rd. umbrellastand Art.11541/ 50 h x 28 cm COLLECTION Cachepot 3MS/ Cachepot 3MS Art.10533 / 18 h x 23 cm Cachepot 5MS/ Cachepot 5MS Art.10535 13 h x 15,5 cm Planter ov.1MS/ Ov.planter 1MS Art.14769/ 23 h x 48 x 32 cm Cachepot/ Cachepot Art.14767/ 16 h x 25 x 21 cm Cachepot 1MS/ Cachepot 1MS Art.10531/ 32 h x 36 cm Cachepot 2MS/ Cachepot 2MS Art.10532 / 26 h x 30 cm Lampada c/paralume/ Lamp w/shade Art.14771/ 36 cm Vaso/ Vase Art.14768/ 30 h x 26 x 17 cm P. 4 18 Planter ov.2MS/ Ov.planter 2MS Art.14770/ 17 h x 34 x 27 cm Paralume ovale/ Oval shade 27 h x 34 x 45 cm Bolo ov.1MS/ Ov.planter 1MS Art.12821/ 19 h x 34 x 25 cm Bolo ov.3MS/ Ov.planter 3MS Art.12823/ 12 h x 23 x 14 cm Scatola tonda/ Art.14758/ 18 h x 13 cm Bolo ov.2MS/ Ov.planter 2MS Art.12822/ 15 h x 32 x 20 cm P. 7 19 Insalatiera ov.picc./ Oval sm.salad bowl Art.16338/ 08 h x 29 x 25 cm “CAMELIE” COLLECTION Piatto ovale/ Oval plate Art.16340/ 21 x 24 cm Piatto fondo/ Soup plate Art.16342/ 24 x 21 cm Piatto piano/ Dinner plarte Art.16339/ 29 x 24 cm Ciotolina ovale/ Cereal bowl Art.16341/ 20 x 18 cm Piatto ovale/ Oval plate Art.16340/ 21 x 24 cm Piatto piano/ Dinner plarte Art.16339/ 29 x 24 cm Ciotolina ovale/ Cereal bowl Art.16341/ 20 x 18 cm Piatto ov.portata/ Lg.oval plate Art.16337/ 42 x 36 cm Alzata ovale/ Oval compote Art.16335/ 16 h x 42 x 36 cm P. 20 20 Insalatiera ovale/ Oval salad bowl Art.16336/ 10 h x 42 x 32 cm P. 21 21 DI CAMPO” FIORI DI“FIORI CAMPO COLLECTION COLLECTION Lampada picc./ Sm.lamp Art.11361/ h 29 cm Paralume/ Shade 26 h x 45 cm 22 P. 18 Lampada picc./ Sm.lamp Art.11362/ 24 cm h Lampada Extra sm.lamp Art.11363/ 20 cm h Paralume/ Shade 21 h x 35 cm Paralume/ Shade 17 h x 30 cm P. 26 Lampada md./ Md.lamp Art.12201/ h 37 cm Lampada picc./ Sm.lamp Art.12202/ h 31 cm Paralume/ Shade 28 h x 50 cm Paralume/ Shade 23 h x 40 cm Vaso md./ Md.vase Art.8036/ 29 h x 23 cm Vaso picc./ Sm.vase Art.8037/ 19 h x 17 cm 23 Boletto/ Cereal bowl Art.15238/ 08 h x 18 x 18 cm Piatto piano/ Dinner plate Art.15236/ 27 x 27 cm Cachepot qd./ Sq.cachepot Art.12461/ 18 h x 19 x 19 cm Piatto qd.portata/ Sq.serving plate Art.15237/ 35 x 35 cm Piatto 21cm/ Salad plate Art.15235/ 21 x 21 cm Piatto qd.portata/ Sq.serving Insalatiera qd./ Sq.salad bowlplate Art.15237/ Art.15239/ 35 12 hx x3531cm x 31 cm Insalatiera qd./ Sq.salad bowl Art.15239/ 12 h x 31 x 31 cm Vaso/ Vase Art.12460/ 27 h x 19 x 19 cm Scatola tonda/ Round box Art.10148/ 09 h x 16 cm Cachepot qd./ Sq.cachepot Art.12462/ 14 h x 15 x 15 cm P. 28 24 Antipastiera ovale/ Oval serving plate Art.15241/ 06 h x 42 x 13 cm P. 30 25 SECRET Cachepot qd.2MS/ Sq.cachepot 2MS Art.12681/ 14 h x 16 cm COLLECTION Vaso/ Vase Art.14768/ 30 h x 26 x 17 cm Lampada/ Lamp Art.14771/ 36 h cm Lampada gr./ Lg.lamp Art.7707/ 36 h cm Paralume/ Shade 30 h x 55 cm Paralume/ Shade 27 x 34 x 45 Vaso/ Vase Art.14768/ 30 h x 26 x 17 cm Cachepot qd./ Sq.cachepot Art.16416/ 20 h x 16 x 16 cm Scatola tonda/round box Art.14758/ 13 x 16 cm Cachepot/ Cachepot Art.14767/ 16 h x 25 x 21 cm Planter 2MS/ Planter 2MS Art.14770/ 26 h x 32 cm P. 32 26 Planter 1MS/ Planter 1MS Art.14769/ 36 h x 25 cm Lampada picc./ Sm.lamp Art.7709/ 24 h cm Paralume/ Shade 21 h x 35 cm Lampada md./ Md.lamp Art.7708/ 29 h cm Paralume/ Shade 26 h x 45 cm P. 33 27 MADAGASCAR COLLECTION Lampada 1MS/ Lamp 1MS Art.11535/ h 40 cm Paralume/ Shade 30 h x 55 cm Cachepot 1MS/ Cachepot 1MS Art.10531/ 32 h x 36 cm Cachepot 2MS/ Cachepot 2MS Art.10532/ 26 h X 30 cm Cachepot 5MS/ Cachepot 5MS Art.10535/ 13 h x 15,5 cm Cachepot 3MS/ Cachepot 3MS Art.10533/ 18 h x 23 cm Lampada 2MS/ Lamp 2MS Art.11536/ h 34 cm Paralume/ Shade 28 h x 50 cm Bolo ov.1MS/ Ov.planter 1MS Art.12821/ 19 h x 34 x 25 cm Bolo ov.3MS/ Ov.planter 3MS Art.12823/ h x 23 x 3MS 14 cm Bolo ov.3MS/12 Ov.planter Art.12823/ 12 h x 23 x 14 cm Lampada 3MS/ Lamp 3MS Art.11537/ h 28 cm Paralume/ Shade 23 h x 40 cm P. 36 28 Lampada 4MS/ Lamp 4MS Art.11538/ h 22 cm Paralume/ Shade 21 h x 35 cm P. 37 Bolo ov.2MS/ Ov.planter 2MS Bolo ov.2MS/15 Ov.planter Art.12822/ h x 32 x 2MS 20 cm Art.12822/ 15 h x 32 x 20 cm 29 Insalatiera rett./ Rett.salad bowl Art.14921/ 32 x 23 cm Piatto portata rett./ Lg.rett.plate Art.14920/ 36 x 27 cm Centrotavola ov.picc./ Sm.ov.centertable Art.10143/ 12,5 h x 40 x 24 cm Centrotavola Lg.ov.centertable Art.10142/ 13 h x 46 x 30 cm Sottopiatto/ Sitting plate Art.8040/32cm Scatola ov./ Oval box Art.10572/ 09 h x 12 x 17 cm Boletto qd./ Sq.cereal bowl Art.14924/ 14 x 14 cm Piatto portata rett./ Lg.rett.plate Art.14920/ 36 x 27 cm Insalatiera rett./ Rett.salad bowl Art.14921/ 32 x 23 cm Piatto portata/ Serving plate Art.SM04/ 46 cm Portapane rett./ Rett.bread plate Art.14916/ 38 X 16 cm Piatto frutta rett./ Rett.salad plate Art.14923/ 24 x 17 cm Vassoietto rett./ rett.tray Art.12741/ 19 x 15 cm P. 39 30 P. 38 Piatto frutta/ Salad plate Art.14923/ 24 x 17 cm Piatto frutta/ Salad plate Art.14923/ 24 x 17 cm 31 CACHEPOT COLLECTION P. 24 32 Cachepot qd./ Sq.cachepot Art.16415/ 13 x 13 x 13 h cm 33 Uovo 1MS dec./ Egg1MS Art.8030/ 23 cm h “LE UOVA” Uovo 2MS dec./ Egg 2MS Art.8031/ 14 cm h COLLECTION Scatola uovo 1MS/ Egg box 1MS Art.7990/ 17 X 28 h cm Uovo 3MS dec./ Egg 3MS Art.8032/ 11 cm h Scatola uovo 2MS/ Egg box 2MS Art.7991/ 13 x 18 h cm Uovo rotto 1MS/ Broken Egg Art.7993/ 8 x 19 cm h Uovo 1MS dec./ Egg1MS Art.8030/ cm 2MS/ h Uovo23rotto Broken Egg Art.7994/ 7 x 12 cm h Uovo 2MS dec./ Egg 2MS Art.8031/ 14 cm h Scatola uovo 3MS/ Egg box 3MS Art.7992/ 9 x 13 h cm Uovo 3MS dec./ Egg 3MS Art.8032/ 11 cm h Uovo rotto 1MS/ Broken Egg Art.7993/ 8 x 19 cm h Uovo rotto 2MS/ Broken Egg Art.7994/ 7 x 12 cm h Uovo rotto 2MS/ Broken egg 2MS Art.7994/ 7 x 12 h cm P. 42 Paio ovetti sale e pepe/ Eggs salt & pepper Art.7996/ 7 h cm 34 SM_ok_last_gen_2012_nuovo_senza_pagine.indd 42 35 07/02/12 00.43 LONDON COLLECTION Lampada/ Lamp Art.15890/ 30 x 24 x 36 h cm Paralume/ Shade 27 X 34 X 45 cm Lampada 1MS/ Lamp 1MS Art.11535/ h 40 cm Lampada 2MS/ Lamp 2MS Art.11536/ h 34 cm Paralume/ Shade 30 h x 55 cm Paralume/ Shade 28 h x 50 cm Vaso/ Vase Art.15891/ 29 x 24 x 32 h cm Scatola piccola/ Small box Art.15894/ 15 x 15 x 18,5 h cm Cachepot/ Cachepot Art.15893/ 31 x 25 x 20 h cm Planter ovale/ Oval planter Art.15892/ 35 x 27 x 15 h cm Centrotavola qd./ Sq. centertable Art.16271/ 26 x 26 x 08 h cm P. 50 36 Lampada 3MS/ Lamp 3MS Art.11537/ h 28 cm Lampada 4MS/ Lamp 4MS Art.11538/ h 22 cm Paralume/ Shade 23 h x 40 cm Paralume/ Shade 21 h x 35 cm Vassoietto rett./ Rett. tray Art.10144/ 30 x 20 cm Scatola tonda/ Round box Art.10148/ 16 x 09 h cm P. 51 37 SILVER&GOLD COLLECTION COLLECTION Candeliere 3 luci/ 3 Cand.candleholder Art.13660/ 33 x 39 h cm Insalatiera tonda/Round salad bowl Art.13758/ 30 x 09 cm h Alzatina tonda/ Round compote Art.13766/ 24 x 08 cm h Candeliere base qd/ Sq. base candlestick Art.13561/ 12 x 26 h cm Candeliere base td/ Rd base candlerstick Art.13090/ 14 x 33 h cm Vassoio/ Tray Art.13765/ 41 x 29 cm Piatto 29cm/ Charger plate 29cm Art.13760/ 29 cm Piatto piano 24cm/ Dinner plate 24cm Art.13761/ 24 cm Oro/ Gold Bianco/ White Oro/ Gold Bianco/ White P. 52 38 Alzata tonda 1MS/ Round compote 1MS Art.14947/ 28 x 24 h cm Centrotavola ov.2 manici/ Oval compote 2 h. Art.13837/ 32 x 14 x 19 h cm Piatto fondo 23 cm/ Soup plate 23 cm Art.13759/ 23 cm Boletto19 cm/ Cereal bowl 19 cm Art.13763/ 16 cm Piatto frutta/ Salad plate Art.13762/ 19 cm P. 53 39 SEICHELLES Piatto fondo/ Soup plate Art.16548/ 25 cm COLLECTION COLLECTION Alzata ov.Seichelles/ Ov.compote Seichelles Art.16544/ 36 x 29 x 22 cm Piatto frutta/ Salad plate Art.16540/ 21cm Piatto piano/ Dinner plate Art.16541/ 27cm Piatto ovale portata/ Large oval plate Art.16542/ 44 x 33 cm Centro Centro tavola tavola tondo/ tondo/ Centertable Centertable Art.16547/ Art.16547/ 7 h7xh42cm x 42cm Insalatiera ov.grande/ Lg.ov salad bowl Art.16543/ 35 X 25 X 17 h cm P. 60 40 Scatola/ Box Art.16545/ 19 x 16 x 16 h cm Insalatiera ov.picc./ Sm.ov salad bowl Art.16546/ 19 x 16 x 08 h cm P. 61 41 PRAGA Centrotavola td.Praga/ Praga rd.centertable Art.16514/ 30 x 14 h cm Bleu/ Bleu Verde/ Green Panna/ Cream COLLECTION COLLECTION Bleu/ Bleu Verde/ Green Crema/ Cream Scatola uovo Praga 1MS/ Praga 1MS Scatola uovo Praga 1MS/ Praga eggegg boxbox 1MS Art.16515/ x 16 h cm Art.16515/ 14 14 x 16 h cm Scatola uovo Praga 2MS/ Praga 2MS Scatola uovo Praga 2MS/ Praga eggegg boxbox 2MS Art.16516/ x 12 h cm Art.16516/ 0909 x 12 h cm Centrotavola td.Praga/ Praga rd.centertable Art.16514/ 30 x 14 h cm Panna/ Cream Piatto/ Plate Art.16513/ 26 cm P. 62 42 Cachepot Praga 1MS/ Praga cachepot 1MS Art.16510/ 23 x 20 h cm Cachepot Praga 3MS/ Praga cachepot 3MS Art.16512/ 17 x 13 h cm Cachepot Praga 2MS/ Praga cachepot 2MS Cachepot Praga 2MS/ Praga cachepot 2MS Art.16511/ 2020 x 17 h cm Art.16511/ x 17 h cm P. 63 43 LILY WHITE COLLECTION COLLECTION Lampada 1MS/ Lamp 1MS Art.11535/ 40 h cm Paralume/Shade 30 h x 55 cm Lampada 2MS/ Lamp 2MS Art.11536/ 34 h cm Paralume/ Shade 28 h x 50 cm Lampada 3MS/ Lamp 3MS Art.11537/ 28 h cm Paralume/ Shade 23 h x 40 cm Lampada/ Lamp Art.14771/ 36 h cm Paralume/ Shade 27 h x 34 x 45 cm Vaso/Vase Art.14768/ 30 h x 26 x 17 cm Planter 1MS/ Planter 1MS Art.14769/ 23 h x 48 x 32 cm Planter 2MS/ Planter 2MS Art.14770/ 17 h x 34 x 27 cm Cachepot/ Cachepot Art.14767/ 16 h x 25 x 21 cm Scatola tonda/ Art.14758/ 18 h x 13 cm Lampada 4MS/ Lamp 4MS Art.11538/ 22 h cm Paralume/ Shade 21 h x 35 cm P. 64 44 Vaso/ Vase Art.11629/ 39 h x 22 cm Vaso/ Vase Art.11630/ 31 h x 26 cm Vaso/ Vase Art.11631/ 24 h x 26 cm P. 65 45 VICTORIA “ANNA” COLLECTION COLLECTION “ANNA” COLLECTION Lampada 1MS / Lamp 1MS Art. 11535 / 40 h cm Paralume / Shade 30 h x 55 cm Lampada/ Lamp Art.15890/ 30 x 24 x 36 h cm Paralume/ Shade 27 x 34 x 45 cm Lampada 2MS / Lamp 2MS Art. 11536 / 34 h cm Paralume / Shade 28 h x 50 cm Vaso/ Vase Art.15891 29 x 24 x 32 h cm Lampada 3MS / Lamp 3MS Art. 11537 / 28 h cm Paralume / Shade 23 h x 40 cm Lampada 4MS / Lamp 4MS Art. 11538 / 22 h cm Paralume / Shade 21 h x 35 cm Cachepot Td. / Rd. Cachepot Art. 11443 / 32 h cm Art. 11444 / 25 h cm Art. 11445 / 20 h cm Centrotavola ov. / Ov. Centretable Art. 10142 / 46 x 30 x 12 h cm Art. 10143 / 39 x 25 x 10 h cm Vassoio Rt. / Rett. Tray P. 68 46 Bolo ovale/ Oval planter Art.15892/ 35 x 27 x 15 h cm Cachepot/ Cachepot Art.15893/ 31 x 25 x 20 h cm Scatola/ Box Art.15894/ 15 x 15 x 18,5 h cm Art. 16371 / 62 x 35 cm Art. 16372 / 51 x 33 cm Art. 16373 / 38 x 24 cm 47 “I SOTTOPIATTI” COLLECTION Sottopiatto/ Sitting plate Art 8040/ 32 cm Camelie Secret Isolabella Orchidee Lampada / Lamp Art. 14771 / 36 h cm Paralume / Shade 27 h x 34 x 45 cm Planter 1MS Art. 14769 / 25 x 36 h cm Scatola Td. / Rd. Box Art. 14758 / 13 x 16 h cm Sottopiatto/ Sitting plate Art 8040/ 32 cm Sottopiatto/ Sitting plate Art 8040/ 32 cm Iris Romance Edera Iris Costa A Costa Azzura Planter 2MS Art. 14770 / 32 x 26 h cm Cachepot Art. 14767 48 25 x 21 x 16 h cm Vaso / Vase Art. 14768 26 x 17 x 30 h cm P. 46 49 “SPRING” “ASIA” COLLECTION COLLECTION 11360 11361 16206 VASO Vase cm. 24 x 20 x 32h. 11362 16200 LAMPADA Lamp cm. 24 x 20 x 36h. PARALUME/shade cm. Ø50 16336 INSALATIERA Salad bowl 16338 cm. 42 x 32 x 10h. INSALATIERA PICCOLA Small salad bowl cm. 29 x 25 x 8 h. 12203 16337 PIATTO PORTATA Serving platter cm. 42 x 36 16342 8039 PIATTO FONDO Soup plate 24 x 21 16341 BOLETTO Small bowl cm. 20 x 18 12204 16340 PIATTO FRUTTA Salad plate 16339 PIATTO PIANO Dinner plate cm. 29 x 24 10142 16335 ALZATA OVALE GRANDE Large compote 10144 cm. 42 x 36 x 16h. 50 51 “ALLEGRIA” “ROMANCE” COLLECTION COLLECTION 15893 15892 CACHEPOT Cachepot BOLO OVALE Oval Planter cm. 35 x 27 x 15h. cm. 31 x 25 x 20h. 15894 SCATOLA Box cm. 15 x 15 x 18,5h. 7708 LAMPADA MD. / Md. Lamp 7707 cm. 29 h. LAMPADA GR. / Lg. Lamp PARALUME / Shade cm. 36 h. cm. Ø50 x 29h. PARALUME / Shade cm. Ø55 x 32h. 7709 LAMPADA PC. / Sm. Lamp cm. 24 h. PARALUME / Shade cm. Ø45 x 27h. 16271 CENTROTAVOLA QUADRATO squared centerpiece cm. 26 x 26 x 8h. 12850 15891 VASSOIO RETT. / Rect. Tray 15890 VASO Vase cm. 37 x 25 LAMPADA Lamp cm. 29 x 24 x 32h. cm. 24 x 30 x 36h. 12741 8040 VASSOIETTO RETT. Rect. Tray SOTTOPIATTO Underplate cm. 19 x 15 PARALUME/shade cm. Ø32 cm. Ø50 x 29h. CACHEPOT TONDO Rd. Cachepot 10530 cm. Ø40 x 44,5h. 12333 CACHEPOT 1ms. Cachepot 1ms. 52 cm. 20 x 18h. 12334 CACHEPOT 2ms. Cachepot 2ms. cm. 15 x 14h. 12335 VASCHETTA RETT. Rect. Planter cm. 26 x 16 x 14h. 12336 VASO Vase cm. 17 x 19 x 26h. 10142 10143 CENTROTAVOLA OVALE Oval Centrepiece CENTROTAVOLA OVALE Oval Centrepiece cm. Ø46 x 30 x 13h. cm. Ø40 x 25 x 10h. 10531 cm. Ø36 x 32h. 10532 cm. Ø30 x 26h. 10533 cm. Ø23 x 18h. 53 “NINFEA” “CAICOS” COLLECTION COLLECTION 11360 LAMPADA GR. / Lg. Lamp cm. 36h. 11362 PARALUM / Shade LAMPADA PICC. / Sm. Lamp cm. Ø55 x 32h. 14771 11361 LAMPADA Lamp LAMPADA MD. / Md. Lamp cm. 29h. cm. 24h. cm. 36h. PARALUME / Shade PARALUME / Shade VASO / Vase 14933 SCATOLA / Box cm. 11 x 11 x 21h. 54 cm. 22 x 22 x 30h. 14767 14931 14932 CACHEPOT / Cachepot VASCHETTA RETT. / Rect. Planter cm. 20 x 20 x 18h. cm. 26 x 17 x 30h. cm. Ø50 x 29h. 14770 14930 VASO Vase PARALUME/shade cm. Ø45 x 27h. cm. Ø35 x 20h. 14768 CACHEPOT cm. 25 x 21 x 16h. BOLO OVALE 2ms. Oval planter 2ms. cm. 34 x 27 x 17h. 14769 BOLO OVALE 1ms. Oval planter 1 ms. cm. 48 x 32 x 23h. cm. 27 x 19 x 15h. 55 “ENGLISH ROSE” “PARADISO” COLLECTION COLLECTION 11063 11535 11535 11536 11537 14930 11536 14931 14768 14933 14767 14769 14932 11064 14770 14758 10142 13279 15000 56 57 “VILLA D’ESTE” “DUCKS” COLLECTION COLLECTION 11537 11360 LAMPADA PICC. Sm. Lamp cm. 28h. PARALUME Shade 12677 cm. Ø40 x 24h. 11535 11361 LAMPADA GR. Lg. Lamp cm. 40h. 11536 PARALUM Shade LAMPADA MD. Md. Lamp cm. 34h. cm. Ø55 x 32h. 12680 12678 PARALUME Shade cm. Ø50 x 29h. 12681 12679 12460 VASO / Vase cm. 19 x 19 x 27h. 12462 12461 CACHEPOT GR, Lg. Cachepot 10148 CACHEPOT PICC Sm. Cachepot cm. 15 x 15 x 14h. cm. 19 x 19 x 18h. 58 59 “AUTUNNO” “PANSÈ” COLLECTION COLLECTION 11535 11536 11535 15755 11537 11536 11537 12460 10142 8039 10143 12461 11658 12462 15674 15677 8035 15756 15678 15676 8036 8037 15758 15757 8040 60 15675 61 “BALI” “GEMME BLU” COLLECTION COLLECTION 10630 11535 10631 10632 11060 11537 11062 11536 12336 11374 11376 12681 8030 12333 12335 8031 8032 62 12850 12334 63 “FLORENCE” “TOBAGO” COLLECTION COLLECTION 7707 11536 11061 7708 14771 14769 11062 14768 14930 11060 14770 14758 14931 14767 12053 8039 10144 14933 12741 64 65 “ISOLA BELLA” “LE PIANTINE” COLLECTION COLLECTION 16024 tulipani rosa 15704 ibisco rosa 16024 tulipani arancio 11443 7708 7707 7709 11444 14522 ibisco blu 16023 15706 mughetti 16019 11445 11629 11631 66 11630 14531 rose rosa 15002 violette 67 “CAVALLI” COLLECTION 7707 7708 11536 11537 11652 11443 7709 11653 10142 15079 10572 11444 11131 11445 12780 11132 12782 68 10142 69 “TOILE BEIGE” “TUSCANY” COLLECTION COLLECTION 14771 14769 14770 11125 14768 14767 11492 14766 11126 13662 15010 14765 15115 14760 14763 15011 14948 14947 15116 70 15118 15117 15012 71 “FIORE DI LOTO” “ROSE SAXE” COLLECTION COLLECTION 14494 15052 15055 15051 15708 15706 15056 15812 15054 15851 15050 15056 15813 15053 15055 15850 15853 15852 15057 14531 15058 14921 14920 14342 14343 14340 14922 14345 14344 14923 14347 14346 14924 72 14341 73 “I POSACENERI” COLLECTION 7723/R Posacenere con tacche 12741 Posacenere senza tacche Elefanti India Set 2 pz. Elefanti Tappeto Set 2 pz. Elefanti e Leopardo Safari Set 2 pz. Cammello Deli 1 pz. Cavallo Safari 1 pz. Cammello Safari 1 pz. Animali Africa Set 2 pz. 74
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