have a great 2008! - Troy Maryville St. Jacob Chamber of Commerce
have a great 2008! - Troy Maryville St. Jacob Chamber of Commerce
JANUARY, 2008, Editor: Dawn Mushill BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Thursday, January 10 5-6:30 p.m. Pizza Man The Fountains of Troy Assisted Living Residence 39 Dorothy Drive, Troy, IL. (618) 667-1342 ANDERSON HOSTS DECEMBER EVENT If you missed the December Business After Hours, you missed an event full of food, hospitality and fun. The Warren Billhartz Cancer Center at Anderson Hospital hosted the December, 2007, Chamber Business After Hours. The staff at Anderson Hospital served as hosts, tour guides and provided an unbelievable buffet. There are no words to describe the facility. They took great care in every detail when building it. The next Business After Hours will take place on Thursday, January 10, at Pizza Man in Troy, Illinois. Dennis and Cheryl Chandler hope that you will be able to make this event. HAVE A GREAT 2008! IMPORTANT JANUARY DATES 1 New Year’s Day (Chamber Office Closed) 10 Chamber Board Meeting (noon) 10 Business After Hours (Pizza Man) 10 Deadline for new resident packet items 25 Deadline for Chamber newsletter New Chamber Members For December Huffman Law Offices Mark Porter Green Tree Audio & Video WELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBERS! CHAMBER BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Lisa Zabawa, First National Bank/Troy (President) Pat Peverly, Anderson Hospital (Vice President) Carol Porter, TheBANK of Edwardsville (Treasurer) Norris Brase, Brase Construction (Secretary) DIRECTORS Joyce Virgin, City of Troy Roger Alons, Troy VFW Huffman Law Offices, P.C. Margie Huffman 2225 North Center Maryville, IL 62062 618-344-9330 618-344-9903 (Fax) [email protected] huffmanlawoffices.com GreenTree Audio & Video Andy Schreiber St. Jacob, IL 62281 618-644-4020 [email protected] www.greentree.com Mike Yates, Truck Centers Inc. Matt Williams, NuWay Dennis Chandler, Pizza Man Scott Wiesehan, Scott’s Custom Edging Renee Robertson, Renee’s Gourmet Catering Tim Greenfield, Tri-Township Park Victoria Hart, Tri-Township Library IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Linda Manley, Edward Jones Investments Mark F. Porter DMD Mark Porter 212 East Market Troy, IL 62294 618-667-6101 618-667-8099 (Fax) [email protected] AMBASSADORS Evy Storm, Collinsville Building and Loan CJ Stiles, TheBANK of Edwardsville Sharon Shelton, FrameMakers Leigh Lewis, Triad School Disrict Richard Jones, Washington Kettle Corn Mae Grapperhaus, Times-Tribune KNOW THE LAWS If you own a business, you need to know about the new smoke-free laws in Illinois. For detailed information, visit: Cathy Hart, H&R Block Sandra Prince, Four Season Flowers and Gifts Beth Sheldon, Moonlight Computing Andrea Shaw www.smokefreeillinois.net EXEX-OFFICIOS Mayor Tom Caraker, Troy ENTER TO WIN Dave’s Jo-2-Go: Enter each visit to win a $250 Bunn Grinder - Drawing Jan 2 (winning number will be posted on their Reader Board Jan 3) Mayor Ray Muniz, St. Jacob Mayor Larry Gulledge, Maryville CHAMBER STAFF Dawn Mushill, Executive Director Diana Stogsdill, Administrative Assistant Michael Monken, Webmaster Troy/Maryville Area Chamber of Commerce 647 E. US Highway 40 Troy, IL 62294 (618) 667-7750 Time and Temp (618) 667-8769 (phone) (888) 667-8769 (toll free) (618) 667-8759 (fax) www.troycoc.com [email protected] [email protected] 2 JOIN FBCM FOR THEIR EVENTS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MARYVILLE HOSTS EVENTS IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY Life University Winter Quarter: Begins Wednesday, January 9 Strengthen your family, your marriage, and your spiritual life through interactive classes designed with you in mind! Life University is an incredible opportunity to seek and learn God’s will for your life, no matter how long you have been a believer. We offer dynamic classes in personal Christian growth, evangelism, parenting, marriage, and Bible study. God desires for believers to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus. Life U is an awesome tool to help all of us work toward this life-long goal! God has called our church to equip the saints for the work of the ministry- we offer Life U courses year-round designed to enrich the spiritual lives of adults. Some courses have a small book fee, but most are free. Activities are also offered for preschoolers, children, and middle school, high school, and college students. Childcare is provided. Booklets with full class descriptions and more info about Life U are available in the church office (667-8221) or online @ www.FBMaryville.org. FBCM is located at 7110 State Route 162, Maryville. The following classes are being offered during the winter quarter: • How to Really Parent Your Teenager ~ Grief Share • Strength for the Journey: A Biblical Perspective on Discouragement and Depression ~ The Book of Acts • Getting Our House in Order: A Study of Practical Finances ~ Understanding the Cults • Sharing Jesus Without Fear/The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus ~ Exodus ______________________________________________________ Disciple Now (DNow) Student/Youth Conference: January 30, February 1-3, 2008 Kick Off: January 30 DNow Weekend: February 1-3 Featuring Sevenglory in Concert and Guest Speaker Ed Newton It’s not just another weekend- Disciple Now is an experience that will change your life from the inside out! Spend a weekend learning about God with new friends, old friends, and the best youth leaders in the world in the comfort of a FBCM host home. DNow is for those in grades 6-12. For more information or to sign up, please contact Pastor Paul Byrd @ 667-8221 x106 or check out our website- www.FBMaryville.org. FBCM is located at 7110 State Route 162, Maryville. LETTER FROM THE EDITOR We have put away Santa’s House for another year and have pulled out the Mardi Gras decorations. The 18th Annual Troy/Maryville Area Chamber of Commerce will host their Auction on Friday, February 22. If you have never attended this event, we encourage you to come and join in the fun. There are multiple opportunities for bidding and to meet other people who are part of the Chamber. The Chamber strives to be a resource for your business. The profit made from the Auction will help us continue to bring those resources directly to you. One of the Chamber’s goals is to continue to bring free benefits to our members. Things like attendance to Business After Hours, hosting Business After Hours, items/ads in the newsletter, items placed into new resident packets, etc. It is because of the money made at the Chamber Auction and the Chamber Golf Scramble that we can keep providing these items for free. For the Auction, we hope that you will consider purchasing tickets, making a donation or placing an advertisement in the program book. This year we are proud of the many accomplishments that we have made — becoming the Troy/Maryville Area Chamber of Commerce, expanding our website, increasing our membership, implementing the member-to-member discount cards, posting our newsletter online, upgrading e-news (and expanding the distribution to over 1,100) and so much more. The new year brings opportunity to work more closely with the Chamber. Stop by and visit us. We are always here for you or just a phone call away. Dawn Mushill, Executive Director 3 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE JANUARY BENEFITS! Barbara Wheeler, Ind. Cons. #511904 (618) 667-7855 [email protected]; www.pamperedchef.biz/barbspckitchen 4 CHAMBER CONNECTION BE PREPARED! BEFORE OLD MAN WINTER KNOCKS ON YOUR DOOR Prepare for the Elements and Protect Your Home From Damage Is your home winter-proofed? By preparing for winter storms and the deep freeze ahead of time, you can avoid winter related disasters from wreaking havoc on the home front. Damage caused by heavy snow, bitter cold, ice buildups and powerful winds accounts for a high percentage of homeowners insurance claims. In fact, the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) reports that: • Winter storms accounted for 7.8 percent of catastrophe losses from 1986-2005 • Losses averaged more than $1 billion a year over that same period. • The average claim for water damage and freezing is $5,095 But before the thermometer drops, you can take simple steps to safeguard your home from winter’s wrath and head off a cold weather catastrophe. “It’s hard to start thinking about winter while temperatures remain well above freezing,” said Allstate Insurance agent Mike Farinella. “But now is the time to plan ahead and take care of all the things in and around your home you wish you had done when the weather was still nice. Making the effort now to winter-proof your home may save a lot of time, money and aguish down the road.” To prepare for winter, Allstate and the I.I.I. offer the following tips: OUTSIDE YOUR HOME • Clean out gutters. Remove leaves, sticks and other debris from gutters, so melting snow and ice can flow freely. This can prevent ice damming—a condition where water is unable to drain through the gutters and instead seeps into the house causing water to drip from the ceiling and walls. • Install gutter guards. Available in most hardware and home stores, “gutter guards” prevent debris from entering the gutter and interfering with the flow of water away from the house and into the ground. • Trim trees and remove dead branches. Ice, snow and wind can cause weak trees or branches to break, causing damage to your home or car, as well as injury to people on your property. • Repair steps and handrails. This may prevent someone from falling and being seriously injured. Broken stairs and banisters can become lethal when covered with snow and ice. • Seal cracks in holes in outside walls and foundations. Use caulking to protect water pipes and make sure that skylights and other roof openings have proper weather stripping to prevent snowmelt from seeping in. INSIDE YOUR HOME • Keep the house warm. Set the thermostat for at least 65 degrees, since the temperature inside the walls, where the pipes are located, is substantially colder—a lower temperature will not keep the pipes from freezing. • Add extra insulation to attics, basements and crawl spaces. If too much heat escapes through the attic, it can cause snow or ice to melt on the roof. Water can then re-freeze, causing more snow and ice to build up. This can result in a collapsed roof, and can contribute to ice damming. Ideally, the attic should be five to ten degrees warmer than the outside air. Wellinsulated basements and crawl spaces will also help protect pipes from freezing. You may also consider insulating unfinished rooms such as garages to keep pipes from freezing. • Have the heating system serviced. Furnaces, boilers and chimneys should be serviced at least once a year to prevent fire and smoke damage. • Check pipes. Look closely for cracks and leaks and have the pipes repaired immediately. Wrap exposed pipes with pipe insulation or heating tape. Allow your faucets to drip lukewarm water to minimize the chances of a pipe freeze. If you plan to travel or be away from home for an extended period of time, have someone check pipes and the temperature in your home on a regular basis. Turn the water off and/or have the water system drained by a professional to keep pipes from freezing. • Install an emergency pressure release valve in your plumbing system. This will protect against the increased pressure caused by freezing pipes and can help prevent your pipes from bursting. • Make sure that smoke and fire alarms are working properly. Residential fires increase in the winter, so it is important to protect your family with working alarm systems. Also, consider installing a carbon dioxide detector, since a well sealed home can trap this toxic gas. • Learn how to shut the water off and know where your pipes are located. If your pipes freeze, time is of the essence. The quicker you can shut off the water or direct your plumber to the problem, the better chance you have to prevent pipes from bursting. To learn more about preventing burst pipes, ice dams, and other winter safety tips, contact Allstate agent Mike Farinella at 618344-3600 . 5 JOB OPPORTUNITIES Anderson Hospital (www.andersonhospital.org) Chief Development Officer Hospital Chaplain Cardiology Tech CCT (IMU) CCT (ICU/IMU) (ICU/IMU (2) Clerk/Temp. – Express Care Clerk – Pt. Registration C.N.A./ Nurse Ext (TRC) C.N.A./ Nurse Ext (3rd Medical) ER Tech (2) C.O.T.A. (Rehab Services) (2) Housekeeper Dietary – Food Service Worker Lab Assistant (2) MRI Technologist – Radiology Medical Asst. - Surgery OT (Rehab Services) PT (Rehab Services) (3) PTA/Early Inter (Rehab Services) PTA (Rehab Services) (2) RNs (2nd Surgical X 2/ 3rd Medical) Radiology – Tech. Asst. Radiology – Radiology Tech. Respiratory Care – Tech. RNs (ER) (2) RN – 2nd Surgical (2) RN – 3rd Medical RN - Surgery RN – ICU/IMU (3) RN – TRC RN-Labor – OB RN postpartum - OB Scrub Tech (OR) (3) SLP (Rehab Services) (2) SLP/Early Inter (Rehab Services) Sleep Lab Tech Unit Assist- N/E (OB) (2) Unit Secretary (ICU/IMU) Central Illinois Community Blood Center Phlebotomists (Springfield, IL) LPN’s and RN’s (Springfield, IL) US Bank (usbank.com) Business banking Officer 1 (Fairview Heights) Cracker Barrel Kitchen Help Waiters (part-time) Waitresses (part-time) Gateway Center Part-time facility Worker Gateway Regional Medical Center (www.gatewayregional.net) Assistant Chief Financial Officer Unit Clerk HIM Supervisor Financial Counselor Patient Registration Manager Home Health RN Home Health Supervisor/Charge RN ICU/CCU RN Med/Surg. CNA/PCT Med/Surg. RN Nursing Home/ SNF RN L&D RN x 2 Step Down RN Physical Therapist (PT) Hollywood Tan Apply in person at our 10 locations Nu Way (nuwayinc.com) Sales Rental Showroom Sales Office Warehouse Parts/Service Estimating/Drafting Information Systems Thouvenot, Wade, and Moerchen, Inc. (twm-inc.com) Corporate Office : Swansea, IL Structural Bridge Engineer Transportation MicroStation/GEOPAK CAD Technician St. Louis Branch Office Branch Manager Waterloo Branch Office Structural Bridge Engineer 6 SWIC Americorps Field Coordinator/ Training and Development ATS Drivers Community Services Coordinator/ Evening Supervisor Financial Aid/Registration Specialist Geography Instructor Head Volleyball Coach Part-Time Instructors Part-Time Instructors: Construction Management and Industrial mechanics/Machining Part-Time Instructors: Math & Science Division Philosophy (Logic) Instructors Physical Fitness Specialist Registration Clerk Speech Communication Instructor Student Testing Assessment Assistant Title III Activity Coordinator/ Curriculum Specialist Elmwood Nursing & Healthcare RN LPN CAN Regions Bank Full-Time Teller (Troy) Full-Time Teller (Belleville) Full-Time Teller (Fairview Heights) PT 2nd Shift Proof Operator (Belleville) Branch Business Banker (Belleville) X2 Part-Time Teller (Collinsville) Part-Time Teller (Belleville) X2 Part-Time Financial Services Specialist (Belleville) PT 2nd Shift Proof Operator (Belleville) X3 Trust NRRE Property Manager IV (Belleville) Part-Time Teller (Fairview Heights) Mortgage Loan Originator (Belleville) Private Banking Sales Manager (Belleville) Visit www.troycoc.com For more job opportunities CHAMBER CONNECTION FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDS YOUR FUTURE Scott Credit Union (scu.org) Branch Manager Caseyville Part-Time Teller Collinsville Part-Time Teller Collinsville Head Teller Collinsville Part-Time Financial Services Representative Collinsville Saturday Financial Service Representative East Belleville Part-Time Financial Services Representative Edwardsville Saturday Financial Service Representative Fairview Heights Head Teller Fairview Heights Assistant Head Teller Fairview Heights Part-Time Teller Financial Advisor Floating Saturday Financial Service Representative Highland Part-Time Teller Highland Saturday Financial Service Representative O’Fallon Part-Time Teller Telephone Operations Member Service Representative Troy Branch Manager Troy Head Teller Troy Part Time Teller Waterloo Head Teller SAFB Part Time Teller FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MARYVILLE Student/Girl’s Ministry Assistant The Student Ministry is looking for a person to serve approximately 32 hours/week working with our Minister to Students. The qualified applicant would need to have good office skills as well as the ability to assist in planning and developing our Girl’s Ministry. If you are interested, please fill out an application in the church office or contact Pastor Paul Byrd @ 667-8221 x106. Intern Needed- Publicity, Marketing, or Advertising FBCM is in need of a college intern studying public relations, marketing, or advertising. Interns must have strong writing and verbal communication skills. Experience with Adobe InDesign is a plus but is not required. Hours are flexible and subject to school requirements if you are earning class credit. Applications are available in the church office. This position is unpaid. For more info, contact Erin Westfall @ 667-8221 x113 or [email protected]. Building & Grounds Manager FBCM has a full time Building & Grounds Manager position open. Applicants must have the ability to perform numerous functions in maintenance and repair of the building. For more info, please contact Robert Cunningham @ 667-8221 x114 . ENTHUSIASM FOR RELIV NUTRITION IS CONTAGIOUS These days, Paula Kipp of Staunton, Illinois, can actually get out on the court and play basketball with her children, something the working mother of three would never have dreamed of before Reliv. “We’d get home in the evening and tryt to get through as best we could,” she recalls. “Then we’d flop into bed so we could get up and do it all over again the next day. Now, with Reliv, I get up early every morning and stay up late.” Four years ago, Paula didn’t think she or anyone else in her family needed Reliv, but a co-worker’s enthusiasm for the products was contagious. She gave Reliv a try and soon had her family also using the nutrition. In addition to more energy, Paula got relief from allergies and the tingling aches in her arms. She’s lost 25 pounds on the Slimplicity* Weight Loss System and is well on her way to losing more. The kids are also faring well, especially in school. Daughter Hannah is better able to focus and concentrate in class and son A.J.’s behavior improved once he started on the products. “They can see a difference when they don’t take their shakes,” she says. “They know what this nutrition does for them.” 7 ARE YOU AN ASPIRING ENTREPRENEUR? SWIC OFFERS COURSES FOR ASPIRING ENTREPRENEURS Beginning in January, Southwestern Illinois College is once again offering an entrepreneur certificate program for anyone thinking about starting a business. Taught by experienced business professionals, the program consists of three courses of one credit hour each designed to be completed in one semester. All classes meet from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays. · MGMT 201, Entrepreneur Basics – Jan. 14 to Feb. 20 Wendy Smith, who recently opened Irma’s Café in O’Fallon, will help students understand the personal risks involved with starting a business, the methods for evaluating sales potential, forms of ownership and how to protect business ideas. · MGMT 203, Business Plan Basics – Feb. 25 to April 2 This course will provide an overview of a basic business plan. Key topics will include competitive analysis, financial projections and start-up costs. To complete the course, students will write a business plan for a small start-up operation. · MGMT 202, Entrepreneur: Year One – April 7 to May 14 O’Fallon entrepreneur Wendy Smith will explain the important details start-up operations need to address the first year. Topics include employee-management issues, plans for hiring and training employees, financial management and the need for marketing plans for the second year and beyond. For information, contact Program Coordinator Sue Taylor at [email protected] or 618-235-2700, ext. 5434. To register, call 800-222-5131, ext. 5455. TROY UMC ELECTRONICS DRIVE Troy UCM Audio Visual Team is asking for donations of any and all televisions, camcorders, DVD players, computers, computer peripherals, and any cables. Bring all items to the church office during office hours or to the audio/visual team in the Family Life Center on Sunday mornings. For more information, contact Sharie at 667-6241 ext. 411. TIME AND TEMPERATURE 667-7750 MEMBER-TO-MEMBER DISCOUNT CARDS Remember, you can add, change or delete your discount any time. Do you want to know what your current discount is? Visit www.troycoc.com or call the Chamber office at 667-8769. You may e-mail any changes to [email protected]. PRINTER FOR SALE Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 632C. Compatible with Windows 95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, and XP. Installation CDs are included. $20. Call Andy between 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday at 667-3111 if interested. 8 CHAMBER CONNECTION ARE YOU SMARTER THAN ... TRIAD ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUb (TABC) TRIVIA NIGHT The Triad Athletic Booster Club is gearing up for our annual Trivia Night that will be held on Friday, January 11, 2008. The TABC provides financial support to both Triad Middle and Triad High School Athletics. Your donation has the potential to touch many athletes in several sports at both the Middle and High School levels. Recent projects the TABC has either partially or entirely funded include but are not limited to weight room equipment and improvements at both the High School and Middle School, new bleachers at the middle school gymnasium, replacement of middle school baseball dugouts, softball and baseball field improvements, Knights Central (High School Multi-purpose building between the baseball fields and tennis courts), new bleachers for football, baseball, softball and soccer fields at the high school, and the new electronic billboard in front of the high school. One of the biggest parts of the success of our Trivia Night is the income derived from our silent auction items. The continued success of this fundraiser depends heavily on the generosity of the people and businesses in our community…people like YOU, businesses like your. No donation is too big or too small. Examples are gift certificates, sporting event tickets, merchandise of EVERY kind. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to TABC for our upcoming Trivia Night. We eagerly await your call requesting that we stop by to pick up your generous and much appreciated donation. Please contact Robin Sims at 667-4989 or Melanie Eader at 667-2269 with any questions you may have or to make pick-up arrangements. If you prefer you can mail your donation in care of Robin Sims, 2717 Posey Lane, Troy, IL 62294 With sincere appreciation, Robin Sims & Melanie Eader, Triad Athletic Booster Club DEADLINE FOR NEXT NEWSLETTER: JANUARY 25 Remember, all articles, ads, pictures, etc. are free. Take advantage of this great way to advertise your business. Read by millions (okay, maybe not millions, but hundreds). 9 GRMC REACHES CONTRACT AGREEMENT GATEWAY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER REACHES CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH UHC Gateway Regional Medical Center (GRMC) and United Healthcare (UHC) reached a contract agreement that will allow UHC subscribers to receive uninterrupted healthcare services from GRMC. After negotiations were finalized, Gateway Regional Medical Center, the Edwardsville Ambulatory Surgery Center, and the physician practices remain participating providers in the United Healthcare networks. “We recognize that it is our patients with United Healthcare insurance who ultimately benefit the most from this contract agreement,” said Damon Brown, GRMC’s interim Chief Executive Officer. “Gateway Regional Medical Center is committed to providing quality services to our community, and that will always be our main focus.” Payments from insurers allow GRMC to serve the community: to pay nurses' salaries, buy supplies and medication, run operating rooms, provide diagnostic scans and many other procedures patients expect from a medical center. Members of the community, including local employers, contacted GRMC and UHC to express their concerns about the contract negotiations. “I am pleased to learn that GRMC and UHC reached an agreement,” said Rosemarie Brown, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce of Southwestern Madison County. “GRMC provides essential services to our community and as a major employer, the payroll and taxes generated by this hospital represent a vital component of our local economy.” For individuals who have questions or concerns regarding the GRMC and UHC agreement, Gateway Regional has a dedicated information line with staff available to offer assistance, 866-404-5804. Gateway Regional Medical Center is a 408 bed hospital with a 90 bed Behavioral Health unit. Located in Granite City, GRMC and its predecessors have served their community for over 100 years. With a medical staff of over 220 physicians, Gateway provides a very broad range of services, including emergency services, home health and hospice, occupational health, and women and newborn services. For more information about Gateway Regional Medical Center, call (618) 798-3000. VISIT THE CHAMBER WEBSITE www.troycoc.com 10 CHAMBER CONNECTION HAVE A GREAT JANUARY! STEVE LYNN TAKES HELM OF SWIC PARAMEDIC PROGRAM Steve Lynn of Highland has been appointed part-time coordinator of the Paramedic program at Southwestern Illinois College. SWIC Photo by Linda Gass-Burgess Steve Lynn of Highland has been appointed part-time coordinator of the Paramedic program at Southwestern Illinois College. As coordinator, his duties include organizing class offerings, managing instructors, advising students who wish to pursue a career in emergency medical services, managing equipment, monitoring budgetary expenses, and developing new classes. Lynn earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology in 1996 from the University of Central Arkansas in Conway, Ark.; an Associate in Applied Science degree in Physical Therapy Assistant from then Belleville Area College in 1998. Currently, Lynn is working on a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. He also holds certificates from the Illinois State Fire Marshall in Firefighter II, Firefighter III, Firefighter Apparatus Engineer, Hazard Material Operations Certification, Vehicle and Roadway Rescue, Instructor I and Instructor II. Lynn, a native of Troy, is a member of the International Association of Firefighters and National Association of EMS Educators. “I believe strongly in education and continuing education,” he said. “The position was presented to me and I felt maybe I could have a positive affect on the community in this role.” Lynn and his wife, Kristina, have two daughters: Jordan and Victoria. For more information about the Paramedic program, call Lynn at 618-235-2700, ext. 5343, or toll free at 800-222-5131, ext. 5343. 18th ANNUAL AUCTION Brought to you by the: TROY/MARYVILLE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Celebration date: Friday, February 22, 2008 Celebration time: 5:00 p.m. (doors open) Krewe serves buffet: 6:30 p.m.— p.m.—8:30 p.m. Party location: Gateway Center/Collinsville Other information: Ticket information: inside brochure • • A variety of packages available: • • • • Mardi Gras Captain’s Table Mardi Gras Extravaganza Sponsor Mardi Gras Carnival Sponsor Mardi Gras Jester’s Sponsor Individual tickets available All night armbands for beer, wine and soda available All donations receive recognition at the event Tickets available at several outlets Bidding throughout the night Mardi Gras buffet More information to come in the mail! 11 GIVE BLOOD! SWIC TO OFFER WELDING CERTIFICATION CLASS AT SWGCC Southwestern Illinois College is offering a 13-week course to help prepare Welding Qualification & Certification Inspector candidates for the upcoming certification exam. The course, WLDT 256-060, Qualification & Certification Procedures for Welding Inspectors, will be offered at the Sam Wolf Granite City Campus, 4950 Maryville Road, from 9 a.m. to 12:40 p.m., Saturdays, from Jan. 12 through April 19 – ending approximately one week before the exam. Students will review the basics of welding processes; inspection reports; codes, standards and specifications; weld-joint preparation and discontinuities; and other topics pertinent to the qualifying exam. Also, the AWS D1.1 Code will be covered in its entirety. “This course is vital for those who want to confirm and review their skills and knowledge of the industry and welding techniques,” said Chuck Gulash, coordinator of SWIC's Welding Technology program. “Plus, this course helps enhance the welding profession in our region.” Cost for the course is $204 for in-district students, $579 for out-of-district students in Illinois, and $879 for out-ofstate students. There is an additional $15 lab fee. Book orders will be taken from an American Welding Society representative at the first class meeting, when students must be prepared to pay for them with cash or a check. You can register in person at the Belleville, Sam Wolf Granite City or Red Bud campuses or by telephone at 618-2352700, ext. 5455. Call toll free from Illinois at 800-222-5131, ext. 5455, or toll free from Missouri at 314-436-3218 or 314-436-7045. For more information about SWIC’s Welding Technology program, contact Gulash at 618-235-2700, ext. 5377 or Tracy Jungmann at ext. 5252. Call toll free in Illinois at 800-222-5131, ext. 5377 or 5252, and toll free in Missouri at 314-436-3218 or 314-436-7045. TJCASH TRAVEL IS MORE THAN A PRETTY TRAVEL FACE DOES YOUR VALENTINE WANT DOZENS OF ROSES A WEEKEND SPA & GOLF RETREAT (OR BOTH?) LET US HELP YOU RELAX WITH THE ONE YOU LOVE IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO SAY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14 WWW.TJCASHTRAVEL.COM ~ 618-960-0532 ~ [email protected] APEX PHYSICAL THERAPY DONATES TO TRIAD HIGH SCHOOL In support of Triad Knight Athletics, Apex Physical Therapy donated a check to the Triad Athletic Booster Club. Pictured above is Stefani Poletti, DPT of Apex Physical Therapy, presenting the donation to Lisa Barras, Treasurer and Jeff Faulkenberg, Assistant Principal and Athletic Director. 12 CHAMBER CONNECTION SANTA HOUSE IS HERE JANUARY BLOW-OUT SALE!! 10-50% OFF!! Fancy That! ~ Gifts Collectibles & Antiques!! ~ Also includes New and Vintage Furniture and Books! Out with the Old and in with the NEW!! Means GREAT SAVINGS!! For YOU!! Come enjoy browsing through our Nine-Room Shop! Open every day but Sunday – for your shopping pleasure!! ******************************************** Located in Maryville on Highway 159, just south of Hwy 162. 2915 North Center (Hwy 159) Mon. – Fri. 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. / Sat. 9 – 4 618-288-3491 IT’S FREE, WITH A CHANCE TO WIN They say some of the best things in life are free! Have you attended a Business After Hours event lately? The Chamber offers this benefit FREE to all Chamber members (and anyone in their business). As an added bonus, your name is put into a Chamber Jackpot drawing. If your name is drawn, you win the jackpot. A FREE PRESENTATION OF THE GEORGE E. MCCAMMON MEMORIAL DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER SERIES January 31, 2008 ~ 7:00 p.m. Through the presidential primaries in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida, the nation will voice positions that shape presidential campaign agendas and Dinesh D’Souza, who the New York Times named one of America’s most influential conservative thinkers, will visit McKendree. D’Souza is noted as a best-selling author and one of the nation’s most popular and acclaimed speakers for business and university audiences. D’Souza is a Robert and Karen Rishwain Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He has been called one of the “top young public-policy makers in the country” by Investor’s Business Daily. *Tickets for The George E. McCammon Memorial Distinguished Speaker Series must be picked up at Will Call at The Hett Box Office. The box office will open 90 minutes prior to all Distinguished Speaker Series events. Unclaimed tickets will be released 30 minutes prior to the event. For reservations, please contact The Hett Box Office at 618.537.6863. 13 ENJOY MARYVILLE! CONGRATULATIONS HYPE CREATIVE! Congratulations to Hype Creative on their new building. A ribbon cutting was held to celebrate the event. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AVAILABLE Looking for a particular type of business? Visit www.troycoc.com and click on the Business Directory. There you will find information on over 330 businesses, listed alphabetically or by type of business. While you are there, take a look at the information on your business. You can easily change it by e-mailing any changes to [email protected]. HAPPY NEW YEAR! REBUILDING TOGETHER MADISON COUNTY INC. TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday, January 5, 2008 Doors open at 6:30 p.m. – Trivia Starts at 7 p.m. The BPOE Elks Lodge 1063 4801 Maryville Road Granite City, IL 62040 8 Person Teams $120.00 per table Door prizes * 50/50 * Silent Auction Popcorn, Pretzels Beer & Soft Drinks Provided Feel free to bring your own snacks Call to reserve your table Brenda at the Rebuilding Together MADCO office (618) 876-4578 All proceeds to help make homes warm, safe and dry for our neighbors in need. 14 CHAMBER CONNECTION LET OFFICE PLUS DELIVER TO YOU! UPCOMING PROGRAMS FOR MARYVILLE COMMUNITY LIBRARY Story time every Saturday from 10:30-11:30. Teens @ the Library – Our 3rd meeting was held Tuesday, December 18th. We discussed our 2nd book, Rock Star, Superstar by Blake Nelson while enjoying some Chinese cuisine. The next book will be Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. If you would like to read this book, and discuss it with us at our next meeting, stop by the Maryville Community Library to join our group and receive a free copy of the book. Read it before our next meeting, which will be Tuesday, January 15th at 6:30. Teens at the December meeting chose tacos to eat and the book Upstate by Kalisha Buckhanon to read for the February meeting. Sign up by stopping by, calling the library at 618-288-3801, or e-mailing the library at [email protected]. Funding for this program was provided by an LSTA grant. Tumblebooks is available on the Maryville website at maryvillelibrary.org. Click on Tumblebooks under Children's Programs and Tumblebooks will read you a story. Business After Hours Thursday, January 10 5-6:30 p.m. Pizza Man Come Hungry!!! CHAMBER INTERN SEEKING POSITION Are you interested in hiring a web designer? The Chamber’s fall intern has graduated and is seeking employment. He has excellent website skills and can take your website from blah to WOW! Check out the Chamber’s website to see what he has done to spruce it up. For more information, contact the Chamber office at 667-8769. CHAMBER OFFICE SIGN GETS NEW LOOK Thanks to digitalartz, the Chamber sign took on a new look. Chris at digitalartz incorporated the new logo into a copper sign with a black background. The sign is the first thing people see when they walk into the Chamber office. If you are in need of signage, contact digitalartz at 651-1500. They also specialize in wrapping cars, promotional items, printing and much more. Give them a call. 15 PLEASE GIVE BLOOD! UPCOMING CICBC BLOOD DRIVES Date 1/3/2007 Blood Drive/Sponsor Greenville College Address 316 E. College Ave. City Greenville Time 12:00pm-5:00pm 1/8/2007 Memorial Hospital 4500 Memorial Dr Belleville 12:00pm-4:00pm 1/9/2007 St. Joseph's Hospital 1515 Main Street Highland 1:00pm-6:00pm 1/10/2007 2100 Madison Ave Granite City 9:00am-2:00pm 1/18/2007 Gateway Regional Medical Center Madison High School 600 Farrish Madison 9:00am-2:00pm 1/21/2007 Centreville Community City Hall Centreville 12:00pm-5:00pm 1/22/2007 Church of the Nazarene 1800 West Delmar Godfrey 3:00pm-7:00pm 1/23/2007 Anderson Hospital 68 State Rte. 162 Maryville 2:00pm-6:00pm 1/23/2007 East St. Louis High School 1005 State Street East St. Louis 8:00am-1:30pm 12846 Daiber Road Highland 3:00pm-7:00pm 4441 Industrial Dr Alton 1/25/2007 1/25/2007 Highland Hope United Methodist Church Cope Plastics time to be announced 1/29/2007 SIUE - Quad area Rte. 157 Edwardsville 10:00am-3:00pm 1/30/2007 SIUE - Quad area Rte. 157 Edwardsville 10:00am-3:00pm 1/30/2007 SWIC-Granite City Campus 4950 Maryville Road Granite City 10:00am-2:00pm 16 CHAMBER CONNECTION SANTA HOUSE 2008 Staffing the Santa House takes an army of volunteers. Our thanks to all who stepped in to assist at this year’s event: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Troy Downtown Revitalization Committee Volunteers: • Pat Peverly • Renee Robertson • Mae Grapperhaus • Lisa Zabawa • CJ Stiles • Evy Storm • Diana Stogsdill • • • • • • • Santa Volunteers: Matt Williams Richard Schmidt Jim Grapperhaus Jerry Lanahan Charlie Huelsmann Tim Greenfield Robbie Prince SANTA’S VISIT Children brought letters, cookies, gifts and more to greet Santa at his house at Spencer Park in downtown Troy. Our thanks to ADR for transporting the house to the final destination. 17 Triad National Honor Society Volunteers: Adam Lewis Alisa Richter Allison Throm Andrea Metcalf Ashley Meyer Brittany Becker Brooke Greeling Cassi Turner Chelsea Weider Dana Dalton Donny Emily Belt Ethan M Ethan Moore Hannah Schlemer Jeff Kelley Jenny Brown Julie Fults Kaley Kessel Kalia Mitchell Kate Ponder Katie Yann Kelsey Kamp Kelsey Underwood Kyle Ziegler Lauren B Lauren Kiklos Lauren McAllister Leslie Mifflinn Madie Murray Melanie Hein Melissa Bauer Melissa Brockmann Michaela Reid Michelle Dumoulin Nan Haines Peter Nikolai Sam Kueker Sandy Sara Meier Tori Tindell Tricia Barrett Trista Pierce Tyler Tyler Moore Victoria C. CHAMBER CONNECTION SO MUCH GOING ON THE LATEST BLAST OF WINTER WEATHER HAS THE AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD SERVICES CALLING ON DONORS Please check www.americanredcrossblood.org for updates Last week it was a winter blast of ice, this week, the Midwest is digging out from a snow storm. The snow over the weekend put a severe damper on the turnout to blood Together, we can save a life drives throughout the American Red Cross Missouri-Illinois Blood Services Region. For the second week in a row, the American Red Cross is asking eligible donors in areas not heavily impacted by the snow to make every effort possible to make it to a blood donation opportunity near them. With many schools having a short week because of the holidays, and many people thinking about travel plans, the Red Cross would like everyone to remember to take time to donate blood this week or sometime before the end of the month. In addition to giving the gift of life, all presenting donors in December will receive a complimentary vintage long-sleeve t-shirt when they donate at a participating blood drive or donation center. “Snow and ice are expected during December and January in the Midwest,” said David A. Chumley, CEO of the MissouriIllinois Region. “As a Region we try to ramp up our efforts this time of year to ensure there is enough blood available for the regular day-to-day needs as well as any emergency situation that may happen over the holidays.” The mission of the American Red Cross is to make sure there is an adequate and safe blood supply in times of need. During times like this the true spirit of being a Red Cross donor is displayed by the public rolling up their sleeves and helping someone they may never meet. Thank you in advance to anyone who attempts to give during this critical time of year. Thank you also to the Red Cross staff for braving the elements and bringing in the blood to help patients in need. O negative is the most critically needed blood type right now, as the forecast calls for the O negative supply to fall further now that the holidays are here. O negative donors are considered universal because their blood can be given to anyone, regardless of blood type. However, when there is no time to determine a patient’s blood type, O negative is used. For more information on cancellations, the blood supply, or to see a picture of the vintage t-shirt, please visit www.americanredcrossblood.org, or call 1-800-GIVE LIFE (1-800-448-3543) to find a blood donation opportunity near you. 18 CHAMBER CONNECTION TAKE THE TEST! Test your employment eligibility knowledge. Take the True/False quiz below, then read the tips. Contact Express Personnel Services to find out more about employment eligibility and other human resource issues. 1. I must keep copies of the documents employees provide me when completing the I-9 process. 2. I can require a newly hired employee to use a specific employment authorization document. 3. I don’t have to complete I-9 Forms for workers sent to me from a staffing company. 4. We must periodically follow up to make sure I-9 documentation is still valid. 5. I can accept documents not listed on the back of the Form I-9. 6. Employees are not required to provide a Social Security number on the Form I-9. QUIZ ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS Compare your answers with the correct ones below to learn what is true and false regarding employment eligibility. 1. I must keep copies of the documents employees provide me when completing the I-9 process. False: You are not required to make copies of the documents employees present to you; however, you can do so ONLY for immigration law compliance. Just make sure you keep any copied documents attached to the form they support and keep the Form I-9 filed separate from all other personnel files (this helps protect you from discrimination claims based on national origin, race, age, and immigration status). 2. I can require a newly hired employee to use a specific employment authorization document. False: You can only tell employees that they must provide you with a document(s) listed on the back of the Form I-9. You cannot tell them which document they can use off the list. Also, you should never require more documentation than needed. 3. I don’t have to complete I-9 Forms for workers sent to me from a staffing company. True/False: If the workers are sent to you on a temporary or evaluation hire basis, you are not required to have the employee complete a Form I-9 unless you take them on your payroll. However, you should ensure that the staffing company you are using is checking the identity and work authorization by requiring a Form I-9 for all workers sent to you. If you use a staffing firm for a direct hire placement, you must make sure you have the new employee complete the Form (this also applies when you put an evaluation hire employee on your payroll). 4. We must periodically follow up to make sure I-9 documentation is still valid. False/True: Typically all you need to do is verify work authorization and identity once. However, if your new hire is a foreign national whose work authorization has an expiration date, you will need to re-verify their employment eligibility prior to the expiration date. They can either supply a new work authorization or a document showing that the original work authorization has been extended. 5. I can accept documents not listed on the back of the Form I-9. False: You can only allow employees to use documents listed on the back of the Form I-9. Since recent amendments removed five documents from the list, it is important that you verify you are using the correct Form. 6. Employees are not required to provide a Social Security number on the Form I-9. True: Employers can no longer require employees to provide a Social Security number on the Form I-9. There is an exception if the employer is participating in the E-Verify Program since it requires a Social Security number for the employment eligibility verification process. Marc Voegele, Express Personnel Services 618-288-8011 19 CHAMBER CONNECTION PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Troy, IL 62294 Permit No. 36 647 E. Hwy 40 Troy, Illinois 62294 618-667-8769 TRIAD WORD OF THE MONTH Cooperation PRIVATE PARTY ROOM FOR ALL OCCASIONS 2 Schiber Court 288-5701 Member FDIC Sharon Shelton 527 Troy Plaza Troy, IL 618-667-1959 20 Mobile: 618-610-3252
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