RFE Geneva
RFE Geneva
RFE Geneva 1400Z – 2100Z / 09.04.2016 Briefing for ATC Welcome Briefing for ATC You are part of our controller Our goals for this event are: - group taking part in this RFE. having fun and a good time offering one of the best ATC services on IVAO for the RFE Geneva To call it in the end a success I really need you reading this Briefing for ATC from the begging to the end. Even you have a lower rating it is important to know what the Radar will have to do, for example. Because a pilot can ask everywhere and I want to have every controller on the same level of knowledge for this event. So take your time and read this. Kind regards, Matt Torti Swiss Events Department 1 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Contents Welcome page 1 Contents page 2 ATC Stations overview page 3 Mandatory Resources page 3 Geneva Ground page 4 - 5 Geneva Apron page 6 - 7 Geneva Tower page 8 -9 Geneva Departure page 10 Geneva Arrival page 11 - 12 Geneva Final page 13 Swiss Radar Lower & Higher page 14 - 15 Supervisor Position page 16 New squawk codes in CH page 17 Last important notes page 18 2 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC ATC Stations overview Name ICAO-Code Frequency Responsibility Geneva Ground LSGG_ GND 121.675 Mhz Deliveries and northern apron Geneva Apron LSGG_A_GND 121.850 Mhz Movements on southern apron Geneva Tower LSGG_TWR 118.700 Mhz Take-off, landing clearance, VFR Geneva Departure LSGG_DEP 119.525 Mhz Departing traffic Geneva Arrival LSGG_APP 136.250 Mhz Initial Approach Geneva Final LSGG_F_APP 120.300 Mhz Final Approach, ILS vectoring Swiss Radar LSAG_S_CTR 124.225 Mhz Lower Radar Sector SFC – FL240 Swiss Radar LSAG_L1_CTR 134.850 Mhz Higher Radar Sector FL250 - UNL movement Mandatory Resources The following files are for ATC ONLY. Do not share them outside of the controller team! You need to download them, without this files controlling during RFE Geneva is impossible! Sectorfile for RFE Geneva http://ivao.ch/downloads/public/sectorfiles/CH_Sector_File_1603.zip Charts for RFE Geneva http://rfe.ivao.ch/briefs/Charts_RFEGeneva.pdf 3 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 on Briefing for ATC Geneva Ground Login: LSGG_GND Frequency: 121.675 Mhz ATIS / ATC Position: Geneva Ground ATIS / METAR Station: LSGG ATIS / Take-off, Landing: 23, 23 or 05,05 depending on the weather ATIS / Transition Level: QNH > 0990 FL080, QNH =< 0990 FL090 ATIS / Transition Altitude: 7000ft ATIS / Remarks: LEAVE THIS EMPTY RESPONSIBILITY 4 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC BLUE AREA: Clearance and instructions ONLY / NO taxi taxi instructions YELLOW AREA: Clearance CLEARENCE Clearances are not off-block time) or you earlier, advise earliest 10 minutes give more than 10 minutes before TOBT (target slot time (it’s the same). If a pilot contacts him “XXXX, clearance is not yet available, call before your slot time”. Example clearance: Pilot – Geneva Ground Bonjour, Swiss 69 Kilo Charlie, Airbus A320 at Gate A5 with information I, ready to copy clearance to Zurich. ATC – Swiss 69 Kilo Charlie, Geneva Ground Bonjour, Info I correct, runway 23 to Zurich, KONIL4 Juliet departure, squawk 4201. Pilot – Cleared to Zurich, runway 23, KONIL4 Juliet departure, sqwk 4201, Swiss 69 Kilo Charlie ATC – Swiss 69 Kilo Charlie, read back correct / correct, report when fully ready for start and push. IMPORTANT: Transfer the pilot first to Apron when he is fully ready for push and start. If you see already a delay in your Delivery tool, advise the pilot about the new slot time and hand off him first to Apron at the new time (for example 10 minutes later). Pilot – Fully ready for start and push, Swiss 69 Kilo Charlie. ATC – Swiss 69 Kilo Charlie, roger for push and start, contact Apron on 121.850, bye! (Or if the aircraft is on the northern part you give the push and start clearance) Pilot – Apron on 121.850, bye, Swiss 69 Kilo Charlie. If there is anything you don’t know to answer or a special request of the pilot, please contact the Supervisor position who will be connected as “LSAS_SUP_CTR” 5 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Geneva Apron Login: LSGG_A_GND Frequency: 121.850 Mhz ATIS / ATC Position: Geneva Apron ATIS / METAR Station: LSGG ATIS / Take-off, Landing: 23, 23 or 05,05 depending on the weather ATIS / Transition Level: QNH > 0990 FL080, QNH =< 0990 FL090 ATIS / Transition Altitude: 7000ft ATIS / Remarks: LEAVE THIS EMPTY RESPONSIBILITY 6 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC YELLOW AREA: Taxi instructions ONLY / NO clearances TAXI INSTRUCTIONS You are the men and responsible for the main apron and all its movements, this includes: - Pushback and start-up clearances Taxi instructions to active runway Taxi instructions to parking gates There is no phraseology! special phraseology needed, just use the standard RUNWAY 23 ACTIVE: Normal taxi instructions for departures are via INNER and LINK 5 and A, for arrivals via OUTER and one of the LINK to a gate RUNWAY 05 ACTIVE: Normal taxi instructions for departures are via INNER and LINK 1 and G, for arrivals via OUTER and one of the LINK to a gate 7 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Give always arrivals priority! If you see there arrival within the next 2 minutes and you have in pushback request and its better having first the gate, tell the push-back pilot that he is getting a minutes due to inbound rolling traffic. is coming in a its gate area a arrival at its short delay of 2 If there is anything you don’t know to answer or a special request of the pilot, please contact the Supervisor position who will be connected as “LSAS_SUP_CTR” 8 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Geneva Tower Login: LSGG_TWR Frequency: 118.700 Mhz ATIS / ATC Position: Geneva Tower ATIS / METAR Station: LSGG ATIS / Take-off, Landing: 23, 23 or 05,05 depending on the weather ATIS / Transition Level: QNH > 0990 FL080, QNH =< 0990 FL090 ATIS / Transition Altitude: 7000ft ATIS / Remarks: LEAVE THIS EMPTY RESPONSIBILITY RUNWAY 23 / 05 Concrete RUNWAY 23 / 05 Grass CTR Geneva, GND – 4000ft You are responsible for every departure and arrival. Runway 23 / 05 Concrete is only available for aircrafts with a slot. If an aircraft has no slots only Runway 23 / 05 Grass is available (usually used by VFR). Be familiar with VFR procedures, we are expecting some VFR traffic, here you have VFR charts for Geneva: AD Info: http://www.delta-fox-fox.ch/cd/Full/LS_ADINFO_0000_LSGG.pdf APPX: fox.ch/cd/Full/LS_ADINFO_0000_LSGG_APPX.pdf http://www.delta-fox- AREA Arrival: fox.ch/cd/Chart/LS_ADINFO_0000_LSGG_AREA_A.pdf http://www.delta-fox- AREA Departure: fox.ch/cd/Chart/LS_ADINFO_0000_LSGG_AREA_D.pdf http://www.delta-fox- Visual Approach: fox.ch/cd/Chart/LS_ADINFO_0000_LSGG_VAC_A.pdf http://www.delta-fox- 9 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Visual Departure: fox.ch/cd/Chart/LS_ADINFO_0000_LSGG_VAC_D.pdf http://www.delta-fox- Heli Departure: fox.ch/cd/Chart/LS_ADINFO_0000_LSGG_HEL_D.pdf http://www.delta-fox- Out or inbound routings are assigned by Tower, not by Ground or Apron, they only give taxi instructions to the holding point. Give same priority to VFR with slot then IFR. If you see that an aircraft has already a huge delay, try to give him priority! Try to avoid go around due to slow line up traffic or traffic which is not ready. You can ask always traffic at the holding point: XXXX are you fully ready for departure? If he agrees you can fit him in the arriving sequence. Never give take off clearance when the aircraft has its transponder standby, in this case when he lined up you may ask him to set his transponder on! First after this you can give him take off clearance. Traffic information are mandatory. Especially between VFR-IFR but also between IFR-IFR. Runway 23 intersection B departures are possible and by pilot request. If you have for example waiting 2 aircraft at A and one very delayed is coming to you on OUTER you may suggest him B and you can let him take off before the other two at A. Try to find here the best mix between delay, traffic flow and fairness to everyone. If there is a go around it will be transferred to Geneva Arrival, NOT Departure! If there is anything you don’t know to answer or a special request of the pilot, please contact the Supervisor position who will be connected as “LSAS_SUP_CTR” 10 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Geneva Departure Login: LSGG_DEP Frequency: 119.525 Mhz ATIS / ATC Position: Geneva Departure ATIS / METAR Station: LSGG ATIS / Take-off, Landing: 23, 23 or 05,05 depending on the weather ATIS / Transition Level: QNH > 0990 FL080, QNH =< 0990 FL090 ATIS / Transition Altitude: 7000ft ATIS / Remarks: LEAVE THIS EMPTY RESPONSIBILITY TMA Geneva for departure, 4000ft – FL150 Every departure is coming on your frequency. Often IVAO controllers say that departure is a boring position, but don’t forget: you are a Radar controller on this position and you need to be very carefully with your instructions! Departure routings and arrival routings are often crossing in Geneva. So it makes sense to NOT give a direct climb to FL150 for departures. Often there are restrictions needed like first FL100, due to traffic, or a heading or a direct. Here you need a very good and close coordination with Geneva Arrival to avoid conflicts!! If you see a pilot is not able to follow his cleared route, advise surrounding stations and act to help the pilot getting back on his cleared route. There is nothing worse than during peak times a lost aircraft in the airspace. It is your airspace and you are responsible for it, don’t tell me the pilot was not able! ;) With short and kind words even a newbie is able to fly easy headings and altitudes! Hand-off the traffic latest 1000ft before its level off altitude which is in Geneva FL150. So latest FL140 hand off, a bit earlier starting from FL120 is perfect! 11 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC If there is anything you don’t know to answer or a special request of the pilot, raise your hand or wave to the supervisor position and the supervisor will come to you to help you! Geneva Arrival Login: LSGG_APP Frequency: 136.250 Mhz ATIS / ATC Position: Geneva Arrival ATIS / METAR Station: LSGG ATIS / Take-off, Landing: 23, 23 or 05,05 depending on the weather ATIS / Transition Level: QNH > 0990 FL080, QNH =< 0990 FL090 ATIS / Transition Altitude: 7000ft ATIS / Remarks: LEAVE THIS EMPTY RESPONSIBILITY TMA Geneva for arrival, FL150 – 4000ft. Every arrival is coming to your frequency. The main task is to get all the traffic sequenced on the ILS. The biggest problem we often have on IVAO is that the sequencing is not working 100%. Here I give you the best hint and if you follow this a perfect sequencing should be not a problem: Speed restrictions! Use it, keep the traffic on slow speed, then you have more time to react. Always try to have 100% control on every aircraft in your sector! Extending downwind. In Geneva we have the option that if the ATC does not advises for the final turn the pilot must autonomously extend the downwind. Unfortunately we have often here on IVAO pilots who are not able to understand this. It is mandatory for you if you wish to extend the traffic the downwind to advise it with, continue on present heading or better to give the downwind heading, even he is flying it already! 12 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Holdings. Check the RNAV arrival charts to see where are the holdings. Usually try to avoid holdings, but sometimes if not possible you need to assign a holding. Try to use only the published. Individual holdings should not be given! If you see a pilot is unable to fly a holding, in this case you may give him delay vectors or instructions, based on the published holding to hold (inbound heading, leg time, left or right, speed, altitude). During high traffic times Final will be online. Usually you transfer the traffic after the fixes PETAL for runway 23 or BELKA for runway 05 but not higher than 7000ft! A high and good communication with final is needed to ensure all the traffic flow goes well! This two stations are the most difficult to be controlled station, so it will be only given to experienced members. If you don’t see yourself in the schedule, don’t worry. Control as often you can on IVAO on this position to earn experience and during the next big event you will be the Arrival or Final controller! In Geneva you don’t need to clear all traffic from 7000ft on the ILS, it is allowed to descend the traffic down to 4000ft (watch out mountains!!) and clear them on the ILS before PETAL or BELKA out of 4000ft. Try to use as a good separation something between 3 and 5 miles for final. If you see that there are some departures ahead, make the gap bigger to ensure that enough time for a departure is given. A good communication is here needed with Tower controller. On the final part you should reduce the traffic down to 140kts / 150kts if you have lot of traffic to minimize the go around problem! You can add on hand off to the Tower something like keep speed until 4 miles final! If there is anything you don’t know to answer or a special request of the pilot, please contact the Supervisor position who will be connected as “LSAS_SUP_CTR” 13 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Geneva Final Login: LSGG_F_APP Frequency: 120.300 Mhz ATIS / ATC Position: Geneva Final ATIS / METAR Station: LSGG ATIS / Take-off, Landing: 23, 23 or 05,05 depending on the weather ATIS / Transition Level: QNH > 0990 FL080, QNH =< 0990 FL090 ATIS / Transition Altitude: 7000ft ATIS / Remarks: LEAVE THIS EMPTY RESPONSIBILITY TMA Geneva for arrival, 7000ft – 4000ft Please read also the Geneva Arrival text. It fits 1 to 1 to your position. On Final position there is nothing more to say, you just simple give the last to final vectors usually. Important is here the downwind problem mentioned in the Arrival part. Keep an eye on this! Nothing more to add here, if you have any question ask! If there is anything you don’t know to answer or a special request of the pilot, please contact the Supervisor position who will be connected as “LSAS_SUP_CTR” 14 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Swiss Radar Lower & Higher Login: LSAG_S_CTR Frequency: 124.225 Mhz ATIS / ATC Position: Swiss Radar ATIS / METAR Station: NO ATIS / Take-off, Landing: NO ATIS / Transition Level: NO ATIS / Transition Altitude: NO ATIS / Remarks: LEAVE THIS EMPTY RESPONSIBILITY Swiss Radar airspace over Geneva FIR, FL160 – FL240 Departures should be assigned to the fasted way out of Geneva sector to have always a clear airspace! Arrivals have to be transferred to Arrival with a minimum separation of 10 miles! Lower is only possible with coordination. You also have to assign the STAR to the pilot. Short cuts are possible but only in good coordination with Arrival. Every airport in your airspace beside Geneva is under your control. This includes Sion, Les Eplatures, Payerne! A good filter setting it here the best way to have a clear picture of the situation. If there is anything you don’t know to answer or a special request of the pilot, please contact the Supervisor position who will be connected as “LSAS_SUP_CTR” 15 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Login: LSAG_L1_CTR Frequency: 134.850 Mhz ATIS / ATC Position: Swiss Radar ATIS / METAR Station: NO ATIS / Take-off, Landing: NO ATIS / Transition Level: NO ATIS / Transition Altitude: NO ATIS / Remarks: LEAVE THIS EMPTY RESPONSIBILITY Swiss Radar airspace over Geneva FIR, FL250 – UNL The main task on this position is to pre-sequence arrival traffic for Geneva and if neighbour sectors of Geneva are offline you may force act them way before the border! You will have also many crossing traffic, you are responsible for the starting at FL250. A good filter setting it here the best way to have a clear picture of the situation. If there is anything you don’t know to answer or a special request of the pilot, please contact the Supervisor position who will be connected as “LSAS_SUP_CTR” 16 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Supervisor Position This position will be logged in IVAN as Observer and it is a noncontrolling position. The active supervisor is responsible for the traffic management and is helping out on every request every other position. If there is anything you don’t know to answer or a special request of the pilot, please contact the Supervisor position who will be connected as “LSAS_SUP_CTR” Exactly this is what we wanted to have! On the Supervisor station will be the most experienced controller to help you in any issue! One of the main task will be non-booked aircrafts. Here the supervisor tries to assign a free slot. If there is no more slot the flight will be not allowed what means in the end no clearance or for arrival diverting to another airport. We cannot increase delays to booked flights due to non-booked flights! 17 © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC New squawk codes in CH When you listen often on LiveATC.net to real controllers you often hear that they sometimes assign the new squawk code 1000. This can be given and is well seen during our event, followed by this rules! Arrivals: - Every inbound from Italy gets squawk 1000. Every inbound without a squawk gets also 1000. Departure: - 18 Usually you give one of our squawk of our squawk range: 5701 – 5757 Squawk code 1000 can be given to following countries in the blue sector PA EUR-B: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, East of Spain: Barcelona and Baleares © Matt CH-EC 01.2016 Briefing for ATC Last important notes Labelling: Always label only the first 3 digits in a SID or STAR or any kind of Waypoint. Example: DIPIR5A is labelled as DIP5A, DIPIR is labelled as DIP etc. Some little things you should never forget during controlling at RFE Geneva: - 19 Be friendly Enjoy it Be serious Keep your transmissions short and precise If you don’t know something ask our Supervisor © Matt CH-EC 01.2016
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