June 2016 - Center United Methodist Church
June 2016 - Center United Methodist Church
Center United Methodist Church P. O. Box 179 • Welcome, NC 27374 • 186 Center Church Road www.centermethodistwelcome.org Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pillsbury, Pastor JUNE 2016 CHURCH STAFF Pastor Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pillsbury Office: 731-6616 Home: 731-8208 Cell: 239- 7041 [email protected] Assistant Pastor Rev. Edward L. Evans, Jr. Home: 764-5242 [email protected] Youth/Young Adult Minister Dr. Hunter Duncan Home: 336-414-8728 [email protected] Music Director Wini Hinkle Home: 731-6237 [email protected] Boy Scout Director Jeff McCrary Cell: 336-407-9649 [email protected] Administrative Assistant Joyce Rector 731-6616 [email protected] E-News [email protected] or [email protected] please note e-mail changes for ALL ENEWS UPDATES!!! JUNE THOUGHTS FROM THE PASTOR . . . Cheering for One Another These Eight Years “Encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing” (1 Thess. 5:11). My dear Father often said to me, “Steve, remember to lift up in love each person you have contact with, as our Lord loves you.” My dear Pop, a United Methodist pastor, a holy and loving man was our Church’s and community’s Cheering Section. He was always encouraging, always looking for the goodness in every person, always “watching over his flock in love.” He was a man who believed in “Cheering for one another.” I believe it is significant that the early Methodist Church membership met in small groups for the purpose of “watching over each other in love,” while hoping “to encourage each member to find a closeness to walk in Christ in the world.” What they were really doing was “Cheering for one another.” Most of us can say that we “encourage one another and build up one another.” We Cheer for each other! We have cheered for each other in the grand successes we have accomplished these eight years. We cheered together for all the 50 plus infants that were baptized, the 60 Confirmands that came into membership, these new Christians what would give us hope for the future. We cheered for the 55 Saints that went onto heaven, giving us a model for how we might live our lives for Jesus. We cheered the arrival of approximately 175 new members that joined our Christian family. We cheered together when we started two new Sunday School Classes, participated in 25 Holy Marriages, saw first-hand our children’s and youth ministries double in size. We cheered for our graduates, our growing women’s and men’s groups, for our expanding senior ministries and children’s and adult music ministries. We cheered for each other as our new CenTered Worship Service took on new life. We cheered as one family when we paid off the debt on Christian Fellowship Center and purchased of our new Mini bus. We cheered for each other in every ministry and mission success. And we cheered for each other in all our personal family successes. Over these last eight years I had a front row seat, seeing each and every one of you at some time or place cheering and building up one another. Human beings often forget that we were created in Jesus’ loving image to “build up and encourage one another,” never to cut down, never to slander another person’s name, never to do anything unseemly or what might be considered destructive to “one another.” We were created to “Cheer One Another.” The Apostle Paul says that as Christians that our minds and efforts should be on fulfilling God’s7goals and to keep our minds on the High Calling of Jesus Christ among us. Christians are never to yield to lesser goals. We were created to be community that is 6 to team4up as family to accomplish great things for our Lord. I want - to thank you for cheering on and encouraging Divie and me these eight years, eight years 5 of grand success that we took on together. As we move onto Trinity UMC, I will continue to be your Cheering Section and I pray that each of our friends at Center 6 might think and act in order to bring honor and glory to our Lord – JUST AS YOU 0 NOW ARE DOING. 5 Your pastor and friend, and cheering section, d STEVE o n a Our Hummingbird is “flying to another nest”! Soar high, our dear friend. DIVIE’S CORNER FOR JUNE In Love with Thanksgiving “Cast your bread upon the waters for thou shall find it after many days.” Eccl. 11:1 My dear Church Family, I never dreamed I would ever be moving just before my 94th birthday in August, and after eight years from people and a Church I have loved so dearly. Moving is exhausting physically, wrenching emotionally and very difficult to comprehend spiritually. I have been part of fifteen Churches in my life, counting my home Church right up to Center Church. Each Church relationship and fellowship has refined and nurtured my spiritual journey, but none more than here at Center Church. This spiritual journey I have been traveling here has been with and among remarkably, interesting, vital, and deeply spiritual individuals. As these years together have passed I have associated with the "cream of the spiritual crop," Once again, I am leaving gracious, loving, people who have been like family, and I mean, spiritual family, which is like none other. But this time leaving is much more difficult because I have been so much at home here. I have become part of the life of this church. I have watched, observed, and admired those of you who have been so faithful in ministry, are devoted to God, have carefully carried responsibility, worked hard and long, have ministered to the needs of the people of this Church and community. And I know so many of you, so well. In eight years our paths have crossed again and again, we have shared joys, laughter, pain and sorrow. We are part of each other's lives. Even when limitations kept us moving in different circles, we were still aware of each ones individual calling. We were united as we prayed for each other. Now it is time for me to say, “Thank you.” My heart is here. God knows what has been accomplished. It is God who brings the increase. I have been changed during my sojourn here. I have become more aware of how short this journey is and how little time there is to serve. Times are changing. People whom I have loved in this Church have gone ahead from this life and I can still feel the touch of their hand on mine, each Sunday at the close of worship. And now the love keeps pouring in, returning "in three fold," as God promised, if you cast your bread upon the water it will return after many days. Your personal touch, your individual way of expressing love is overwhelming. You have helped lift the sadness of leaving and reminded us that although we make a physical move, we will savor and keep the love and fellowship of the years we have walked together in love always, praying for each other. Although I cannot call you by name here, I do in my heart as I write, as I pray. My spirit will always be with you. With love, in gratitude, and prayer, always, Divie The United Methodist Men Greetings again from The United Methodist Men! The United Methodist Men met on Sunday, May 1, 2016 for their monthly meeting. Approximately 17 members were in attendance, and Dustin Hobbs took over as our new president. At this time we would like to thank Dennis Johnson for his years of enthusiastic service as our former president, and wish Pastor Steve and Divie well on their new assignment. Plans were finalized for our Sportsmen’s Banquet which was held on May 13, 2016. At this writing the banquet was deemed a success with over 150 people in attendance. We also made plans for our annual Graduate Breakfast which will be held on Sunday morning, June 5, 2016. More announcements will be made later for this event. June 5, 2016 will also be our last meeting until we start back again on Sunday morning, August 7, 2016 at 7:30 AM. As always we invite all men of the church to become a part of our vibrant organization at any time. “Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone.” –Zechariah 10:1 NIV Rick Griffin reporting May 22, 2016 Center United Methodist Women Tuesday, May 10, 2016 In attendance: Debbie Williams, Lisa Bates, Reida Snyder, Audrey Wagner, Marcia Craver, Karen Koontz, Karen Tysinger, Wini Hinkle, Anita Scott, Molly Long, Kim Craver, Marlene Wood, Glenda Stabler, Tammy Broadway, Lucinda Black, Johnsie Wallace, Libby Leonard, Steve Pillsbury, Faye Sambleson, Deana Tiller, Elizabeth Baker, Danielle Herron, visitors: Taylor Williams, Tess McCrary. What a wonderful evening we had at our May social. It was held at Reida Snyder’s home and we were blessed with absolutely gorgeous weather! The food was spectacular, the setting was beautiful and the hospitality delightful! Debbie opened with prayer and talked about how we can turn a negative into a positive just by how we look at things. Karen shared our devotion using our “The Faith Muscle” as our guide. Her rendition of exercise was funny yet so very true of how it relates to our “faith muscle”. Reida Snyder shared that our account balance is $4,873. We discussed ways to spend and will decide where funds should go at our June meeting. Our Spiritual Growth conference at Lake Junaluska is June 10th and 11th. Libby Leonard and her sister will be in attendance along with Debbie. All are welcome to attend. Please contact Debbie if you are interested. Molly reported that Threads of Love would meet on Tuesday to make baby blankets. The UMCOR school bags that were made and the supplies were greatly appreciated and will be taken to the storage space in Mooresville by Gary Brinkley. Thanks Gary!!!! A few of our ladies made a trip to Grayson Creek and played Bingo with the residents. A wonderful time was had by all so much so that our ladies are planning another visit. Thank you to Kim Craver, Marlene Wood, Libby Leonard and Glenda Stabler. UMW is scheduled for Sunday June 19th, which also is Father’s Day. We will plan more at our June meeting. Our time together is always so very special. We thank our host again, Reida for her great hospitality. Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Center United Methodist Church Administrative Board Meeting 30 members were present. Mike Craver called the meeting to order. He opened the meeting with scripture and prayer. The minutes were read with a correction being made of the joint service on May 22 beginning at 10:45 a.m. not 11:00 a.m. The minutes were approved. Treasurer, Marlene Wood, went over the financial report for April. It will be filed for audit. Old business: Mike Craver reported that two people showed up for the cleanup day. Gary Brinkley spoke for the Trustees. He reported that the fellowship hall has been stabilized but we are currently not cleared to use it. Also, at this time, we do not know how much the cost will be to correct the structure. Mike thanked all those who helped in the deconstruction of the building. Their work saved us a considerable amount of money. Tina Fulcher, VBS director, reported she has most of the items purchased for decorating. They will begin working on this soon. Donald Hamilton, Staff Parish chair, reported that tomorrow night, Pastor Franklin will be here at 7:00 p.m. for a meet-and-greet. Mike said that the board met last week to discuss the going away meal for Steve. The board voted for it to be catered and we needed to decide where the money is coming from. Doug Meredith responded that he has reservations for us to fund the meal with money from our budget. Willie Everhart said that at our last meeting it was voted for us to pay for the meal and all we needed to do was to decide where the money would come from. J.C. Johnson made a motion to increase the miscellaneous line item by $3,300 and take it from the general fund. Pat Simmons made a second. The motion carried. Donald said that they are still planning to meet with Duff Michael and Jeff Mendenhall. He also stated that Wini Hinkle does have a copy of her job description. In addition, it was reported that the young adults are meeting in small groups on Wednesday evenings. Steve Pillsbury addressed the tri-fold pamphlet Jeff Mendenhall found and mentioned at our last meeting. They searched the pews and found no others. Committee Reports: Pat Simmons reported for Council on Ministries which met today at 5:00. *Youth will be attending Spiritus from August 12 – 14. *Live Wires (Sr. Adults) have no plans after June. *Worship committee is currently working to secure a speaker for Homecoming. *Jam Kids will begin meeting every third Sunday beginning in August. *VBS is moving along on schedule. Molly Long, parsonage committee chair, reported her committee is meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 16, with the new pastor and his wife. She will have more to report at our next meeting. New Business Beth Leonard asked for use of the CFC for the Village Garden Club on Thursday, October 20. They will need to decorate on Wednesday, October 19 beginning around 1:00 p.m. (They have three members from our church in their club). Doug Meredith made a motion to allow the Village Garden Club to use the CFC for both dates. Molly Long made a second. The motion carried. Steve Pillsbury reported he had spoken to Pastor Keith Franklin as a goodwill gesture as soon as the changes were announced. In addition, Donald Hamilton and Eddie Evans also reached out to Pastor Franklin to welcome him to our church. Steve informed the board of a meeting he had last Monday with Pastor Franklin. He was very pleased with their meeting. Jeff Mendenhall requested a report from our Sunday School Superintendents (Tim & Debbie Williams) so that we can see what is working and what is not in this area of our church. Jeff feels we need a gage as to what is happening. Debbie said that they have spoken to Steve and Mike on this and they are working on gathering this information. With no further business, Steve dismissed us with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Mike Craver, Chair Lisa Bates, Secretary FUN DAY AT THE PARK FOR CHILDREN BIRTH TO 5TH GRADE SUNDAY, JUNE 5, FROM 2-4 PM AT LAKE THOM-A-LEX A fun day out to enjoy the playground, food, fun, sun, and fellowship for children birth to 5th grade. A sign-up sheet has been placed in Toddler room and in the sign-in room for Children’s Sunday School or you may contact [email protected]. Refreshments will be provided. All kids are encouraged to wear Hawaiian shirts and be ready to kick off the summer season. JOY KIDS - JUNE 12 MEETING - END OF SCHOOL YEAR CELEBRATION - 3 PM - CFC The JOY Kids will meet June 12, 2016, in the Christian Fellowship Center from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM to have an End of School Year Celebration. Please bring your swimsuits and towels for the fun time. SENIOR LIVE WIRES SASSY SUMMER FLING-JUNE 17 AT 6:00 PM-CFC The CUMC Senior Live Wires will have a Sassy Summer Fling in the Christian Fellowship Center on Friday, June 17, at 6:00 PM. We will have games and music. A salad bar, potato bar and fruit bar will be provided. Please bring your favorite dessert. Make plans now to come for the fun, food and fellowship. CHILDREN’S SUMMER MISSION PROJECT: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” – Psalm 34:8 (NIV) This summer the children will be doing an 11 week curriculum during Sunday School on how Bible lessons can relate to their favorite cereals. Each week, the children will be asked to bring a certain brand of cereal to donate to the “Greater Things Outreach Center” in Welcome. Here is a list of each week’s lesson for the children to start collecting the cereal. Not only can the children participate but our Church family can as well. Please contact Angie Leonard at 336.250.7033 with any questions. Thank you for all you do for our children! June 5: Lucky Charms Cereal June 12: Frosted Flakes Cereal June 19: Captain Crunch Cereal June 26: Cocoa Pebbles Cereal July 3: Trix Cereal July 10: Apple Jacks Cereal July 17: Cheerios Cereal July 24: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal July 31: Cocoa Puffs Cereal August 7: Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal August 14: Rice Krispies Cereal June 5 Acolyte Cross of Christ Bearer Bible Bearer Toddler Nursery Infant Nursery Ushers Greeters Children’s Time Children’s Church Flowers June 12 Acolyte Cross of Christ Bearer Bible Bearer Toddler Nursery Infant Nursery Ushers Greeters Children’s Time Children’s Church Flowers June 19 Acolyte Cross of Christ Bearer Bible Bearer Toddler Nursery Infant Nursery Ushers Greeters Children’s Time Children’s Church Flowers Conor Noel Amelia Brinkley Gracie Black John and Ashley Snyder Blake and Ashley Smith Elwood Blackmon (Head) Charles Kepley, Wyatt Kepley David Kesler, Leroy Kiger Butch and Marlene Wood Alan and Tammy Broadway Mary Sue Martin Wendy Talley Date Available Lauren Ball Lynlee Brinkley Connor Talley Joseph Talley Kimberly Chernutan Elwood Blackmon (Head) Chase Leonard, Dyke Leonard, Jimmy Leonard, Kenneth Leonard Van and Rita Wood Dean and Martha Slabach Margaret Story Tina Fulcher Christine Brinkley Alayna Evans Mycah Kepley Zachary Gordon Dawn Essick Joe and Kathy Craver Elwood Blackmon (Head) Mike Leonard, Tad Leonard, Tony Leonard, Rod Loflin Jimmy and Brenda Leonard Kevin and Kim Chernutan Molly Long Sarah Williams Phyllis Leonard All events are listed on the calendar. Formal announcements must be given to the church office. Ongoing events will be listed as scheduled unless changes are given to the church office. JULY NEWSLETTER DEADLINE MONDAY, JUNE 20 - 12:00 PM June 26 Acolyte Will Anderson Cross of Christ Bearer Colby Adkins Bible Bearer Graylin Snyder Toddler Nursery Mitzi Tesh Infant Nursery Rodney and Sarah Williams Ushers Elwood Blackmon (Head) Steve Long, Jason Martin, Jeff McCrary, Jeff Mendenhall Greeters Mardie Broadway & June Smith Laverne Leonard & Libby Leonard Children’s Time Samantha Evans Children’s Church Ruby Combs Flowers Mardie Broadway Thank you so much for the prayers, cards and meal you provided while we were going through this difficult time. We really appreciate all you have done for us. Sincerely, The Family of J. C. Laws DON’T FORGET TO FILL IN YOUR IMPORTANT DATES FOR FLOWERS ON OUR ALTAR! 2016 Calendar has a lot of blank spaces! Please fill in the Sundays you will be putting flowers on the Altar. The information for the Sunday bulletin should be given to Joyce Rector by email ([email protected]), by note or by phone (7316616) the week before the flowers are to be placed in the church. DAILY E-NEWS UPDATES Please check e-news for updates on joys, concerns, and announcements. If you do not receive daily e-news, please contact Henrietta Hayes to be added at [email protected] or [email protected]. JUNE, 2016 Sunday 5 UMM Graduation Breakfast (CFC) 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship-Graduation 2-4 PM Children’s Fun Day (Lake Thom-A-Lex) 4 PM Youth Council (Youth Room) 6:00 PM Youth (CFC) 12 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship-Baptism 3-5 PM JOY Kids (CFC) 6 PM Admin. Board Meeting (Friendship S. S. Class ) 6 PM Youth (CFC) Monday 6 7 PM Boy Scouts 13 7 PM Boy Scouts Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 6:30 PM Youth (CFC) 6:30 PM Bible Study (CFC) 12-9 PM Welcome Civitans (CFC) 3-9 PM Relay for Life Dream Team (CFC) All Day for set up for Graduation Dinner 6-9 PM Meal (CFC) 7 8 9 10 11 12:00 Chamber of Commerce (CFC) 6:30 PM Youth (CFC) 6:30 PM Bible Study (CFC) 14 15 16 17 18 7 PM UMW (CFC) WEEK 0F JUNE 13-19 6:00 PM Children’s Ministry Com. (Children’s Sign In Room) 6:30 PM Youth (CFC) 4-10 PM Senior Live Wires Sassy Summer Fling 6 PM Meal for Senior Live Wires (CFC) 2-6 PM Feeding the Homeless Shelter (CFC-Kitchen) ANNUAL CONFERENCE 19 FATHER’S DAY 20 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship-UMW and Sunday School Promotion Sunday 7 PM Boy Scouts 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship-Communion 6 PM Youth (CFC) 7 PM Boy Scouts 3-9 PM Pickin’ & Grinnin’ Set Up & Practice (CFC) 6.:30 PM Youth 6:30 PM Bible Study (CFC) 3-6 PM P & G Setup (CFC) 6 PM Hot Dog Supper (CFC) 7 PM Pickin’ & Grinnin’(CFC) 24 25 6.:30 PM Youth (CFC) 6:30 PM Bible Study (CFC) NEWSLETTER DEADLINE MISSION OFFERING First Sunday – Community Mission Offering Second Sunday - Macaroni & Cheese and Sugar Offering Third & Fourth Sundays - Breakfast Cereal for Greater Things Outreach Center Fifth Sunday – Crisis Ministry Cash Offering CENTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P.O. BOX 179 WELCOME, NC 27374 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID WELCOME, NC 27374 PERMIT #22 Address Service Requested Pickin’ & Grinnin’ at Center Come join us for an evening of Pickin’ & Grinnin’ in the Christian Fellowship Center on Thursday, June 30, at 7:00 PM A Hotdog Meal will be sold for $5 starting at 6:00pm The Offering this month will be given to: Hospice of Davidson County
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May 2016 - Center United Methodist Church
Rev. Dr. Stephen W. Pillsbury
Office: 731-6616
Home: 731-8208
Cell: 239- 7041
[email protected]
Assistant Pastor
Rev. Edward L. Evans, Jr.
Home: 764-5242