Back Matter - Seismological Research Letters
Back Matter - Seismological Research Letters
Membership Roster Seismological Society of America Suite 201 Plaza Professional Building El Cerrito, C A 94530 Phone (510) 525-5474 Fax (510) 525-7204 [email protected] H O N O R A R Y MEMBERS Keiiti Aki David M. Boore Hiroo Kanamori Waverly J. Person William U. Stauder Clarence R. Allen James N. Brune Leon Knopoff Jon R. Peterson Karl V. Steinbrugge John A. Blume Adam Dziewonski Thomas V. McEvilly Frank Press Lynn R. Sykes Gilbert A. BoUinger Harry T. Halverson Jack E. Oliver James C. Savage Robert E. Wallace Bruce A. Bolt George W. Housner CORPORATE MEMBERS Bechtel Corporation Exxon Production Research Co. Refraction Technology, Inc. Attn: Joe Litehiser PO Box 193965 San Francisco, CA 94119 (415) 768-7145 Fax (415) 768-4898 Dr. P. M. Shah P.O. Box 2189 Houston, TX 77252-2189 (713) 966-3024 Paul Passmore 2626 Lombardy Lane, Suite 105 Dallas, TX 75220 (214) 353-0609 Fax (214) 353-9659 Dames & Moore Atm: Lani Onecescu 10755 Sanden Drive Dallas, TX 75238-1336 (214) 221-0000 x7618 Fax (214) 343-4400 Geotech Instruments LLC Arm: James V. Hengesh 221 Main Street, Ste 600 San Francisco, CA 94105 Degenkolb Engineers Wess Murdough 225 Bush Street Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 392-6952 Fax (415) 981-3157 Kinemetrics, Inc. Ogie Kuraica, Sales Manager 222 Vista Avenue Pasadena, CA 91107 (626) 795-2220 Fax (626) 795-0868 Digital Technology Associates Atm: Steve Pauly 1330-A Galaxy Way Concord, CA 94520 (925) 682-2508 (925) 682-2072 Risk Engineering, Inc. Robin K. McGuire 4155 Darley Avenue, Suite A Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 499-3000 Fax (303) 499-4850 Pacific Gas & Electric Company Lloyd Cluff Geoscience Dept., MC N4C P.O. Box 770000 San Francisco, CA 94177 (415) 973-2791 Fax (415) 973-5778 URS Greiner Woodward-Clyde Federal Services Atm: Yoshi Moriwaki 2020 E. First Street, Ste 400 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 835-6886 Fax (714) 667-7147 Western Geophysical Company Atm: Mr. Rick Workman P.O. Box 2469 Houston, TX 77252-2469 Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/0ctober1999 607 Date after name indicates year of election. The ID number is to be used with all correspondence with the Society, for meeting registration, and for purchase of society publications. Honorary Members are indicated by H, Life Members are indicated by L, Members are indicated by M, and Student Members are indicated by S. The addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and roster represent the record of the society as of July 1, 1999. E-mail addresses may be broken anywhere if they are too long to fit on one line; please note that there are no spaces in actual e-mail addresses. The membership roster is also available to SSA members at A 861-022, fax: 44-1635-872-351, e-maiL: [email protected] ABE, Katsuyuki(M; 1979; ID# 10447), Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Yayoi 11-I Bunkyo-Ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-38122111x5706, fax: 81-3-5689-4468, e-maiL: [email protected] ADNAN, Az[an Bin (S; 1998; ID# 16325), Univ Tekno[ogi MaLaysia,Fac of Civil Engineering, Karung Berkunci 791, 80990 Johor Bahru, MALAYSIA,(607)557-6160x3195,fax: 607-5566157, e-maiL: aze[[email protected] ABE, Mamoru (M; 1965; ID# 10448), Tohoku University, Dept of Geoscience& TechnoLogy, FacuLtyof Engineering,Sendal 980, JAPAN, (81)22-217-7400, fax: 81-22-217-7400 AGNEW, James D. (M; 1979; ID# 10992), CDMG/ SMIP, 801 K Street, MS 13-35, Sacramento,CA, 95814-3531, (916) 323-4282, fax: (916) 3237778, e-maiL: [email protected] ABELSON, PhiLip H. (M; 1957; ID# 11140), Deputy Editor Science, AAAS, 1200 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20005, (202)326-6641 AGRAWAL, P. N. (L; 1966; ID# 10355), University of Roorkee, Dept of Earthquake Engineering, Roorkee 247 667, INDIA, (91)13-327-2349x228, fax: 91-13-327-3560 ABERCROMBIE,RachelE. (M; 1992; ID# 15422), Harvard University, Dept of Earth & PLanetary Science, 20 Oxford Street, Cambridge,MA, 02138, (617)495-9604, fax: 617-495-0635, e-maiL: abercrombie@seismoLogy, AGRAWAL, RameshC. (L; 1977; ID# 10356), University of Roorkee, EarthquakeEngineering Dept, Roorkee247 667, INDIA, (91)13-327-3640, fax: 91-13-327-3560 ABERS, Geoffrey (M; 1991; ID# 15206), Boston University, Department of Earth Sciences,685 CommonweaLthAvenue, Boston, MA, 02215, (617) 353-2616, fax: (617) 353-3290, e-maiL: [email protected] AGUIRRE-GONZALEZ, Jorge (S; 1993; ID# 15519), Disaster PreventionRes Inst, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611, JAPAN,(81) 774-33-5866, fax: (81) 774-33-5866, e-maiL: [email protected] ABRAHAMSON,Norman (M; 1981; ID# 12232), 152 DracenaAve, Piedmont, CA, 94611-3903, (510) 428-9823, fax: (510) 428-9824, e-maiL: [email protected] AHERN, Tim (M; 1990; ID# 13766), IRIS Data ManagementCenter,1408 NE45th Street, SeattLe, WA, 98105, (206)547-0393, fax: 206-547-1093, e-maiL: [email protected] ABRAMOVICH, Igor A. (M; 1996; ID# 16175), PMDScientific Inc, 105F West DudLeytownRoad, BLoomfield, CT, 06002, (860)760-6088, fax: 860769-6091 AHO, John L. (M; 1976; ID# 12454), Ch2MHILL, 301 N. Northern Lights BLvdSte 601, Anchorage, AK, 99503, (907)278-2551, fax: 907-277-9736, e-maiL: [email protected] ABRAMOVICl, FLavian(M; 1968; ID# 10390), TeL Aviv University,School of MathematicalSciences, Ramat Aviv, TeLAviv, ISRAEL,(3)640-8704, emaiL: [email protected] AHORNER, Ludwig (M; 1997; ID# 16884), AtbertEinstein-Strasse 1, 51429 BergischGLadbach, GERMANY,(49)220-498-1171, fax: 49-220-4981173 ADAMS, David Atexndr (M; 1993; ID# 15697), MaxweLLTechnoLogies,8888 BaLboaAvenue,San Diego, CA, 92123, (619)496-4115, e-maiL: dadams@maxweLLcom AKAMATSU,Junpei (M; 1991; ID# 13506), Kyoto University, Disaster PreventionRes Institute, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611, JAPAN,(81)774-384286, fax: 81-774-38-4281, e-maiL: [email protected] ADAMS, Herbert G. (M; 1991; ID# 15114), CaLiforniaState University, Dept of GeoLogicaL Sciences, Northridge, CA, 91330-8266, (818)8852575, e-maiL: [email protected] ADAMS,John (M; 1994; ID# 13229), GeoLogical Survey of Canada, NatL Earthquake Hazards Program, 1 ObservatoryCrescent, Ottawa, ON, KIA OY3,CANADA,(613)995-5519, fax: 613-9928836, e-maiL: [email protected] ADAMS, Robin D. (M; 1965; ID# 10177), IngLewood Cottage, Hungerford Road, Kintbury, Hungerford RG179TD, UK-ENGLAND,(44)1635- AKE, Jon P. (M; 1985; ID# 11781), 14361 WYaLe P!.ace, Lakewood, CO, 80228, (303)989-6012 AKI, Keiiti (H; 1963; ID# 11846), Obs Du Piton de La FouMise, 14 RN3 27 Eme Km, 97418 La PLaine Des Cafres, La Union, FRANCE,e-maiL: [email protected] AKI"AR, Mustafa (M; 1993; ID# 15510), Yer BiLimLeri Bo[, Mam Tubitak Pk:21, 41470 Gebze KocaeLi, TURKEY,(90)190-412-300, fax: 90-190412-309 AL-AMRI, AbduLlahM.S. (M; 1991; ID# 14113), King Saud University, Dept of GeoLogy,PO Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, SAUDIARABIA,(966) 1467-6348, fax: (966) 1-467-3662, e-maiL: [email protected] AL-EClABI, GhassanI. (M; 1991; ID# 11459), Washington University, Dept of Earth & PLanetary Science, Campus Box 1169, St Louis, MO, 631304899, (314) 935-627, fax: (314) 935-7361 AL-SHABI, SuLtan FaLeh(M; 1996; ID# 16543), King Saud University,SeismoLogicaL-GeoLogicaL Observatory, PO Box 2454, Riyadh 11451, SAUDI ARABIA, fax: (966) 1-467-6345, e-mail: [email protected] .sa AL-SIIUKRI, HaydarJ. (M; 1991; ID# 13528), University of Arkansas, Dept of Earth Sciences, 2801 S. University Avenue,LittLe Rock, AR, 72204, (501)569-8164, e-maiL: [email protected] ALARCON, Enrique(M; 1977; ID# 13056), ETS Ingenieros IndustriaL, Dept de Estructuras,Jose Gutierrez Abasca[2, 28006 Madrid,SPAIN, (34)1336-3021, fax: 34-1-336-3004, e-maiL: a[[email protected] ALBERT, DonaLdG. (M; 1980; ID# 10971), POBox 720, Norwich,VT, 05055, (603)646-4459, fax: 603-646-4397, e-maiL: [email protected][ ALEX, Carmen M. (S; 1997; ID# 16871), University of CaLifornia,A232 Earth & Marine Sciences BLdg., 1156 High St., Santa Cruz, CA, 95064-1077, (408)459-4089, fax: 408-459-3074, e-maiL: [email protected] ALGEBMISSEN,S. T. (M; 1957; ID# 11642), 800 MeadowRun,GoLden,CO,80403, (303) 674-2990, fax: 303-674-8183 ALGUACIL, A. Gerardo (M; 1989; ID# 13192), Observatorio de Cartuja, Universidadde Granada, 18071 Granada,SPAIN, (34)58-243-557, fax: 3458-160-907, e-maiL: [email protected] ALLEN, CLarenceR. (H; 1955; ID# 11893), CaLifornia Institute of TechnoLogy,252-21 SeismoLogicaLLab, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626) 395-6904, fax: (626) 564-0715, e-maiL: [email protected] ALONSO, Luis 3. (M; 1995; ID# 16338), CaL[eDos 2-4, CoL De[ VatLe, Mexico DF 03230, MEXICO, (52)5-524-8697, fax: 52-5-524-9277, e-maiL: [email protected] ALPTEKIN, Omer (M; 1974; ID# 10850), IstanbuL Universitesi,Jeofizik MuhendisLigiBoLumu,34850 AvciLar, Istanbu[, TURKEY,(90)212-591- 608 Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 3873x144, fax: 90-212-591-1997, e-mail: [email protected] ALSAKER, ALfred (M; 1990; ID# 13757), Margrethesv 19, N-4320 Hommersak, NORWAY, (47)51-843159, fax: 47-51-843045, e-mail: [email protected] AMBEH,William B. (M; 1991; ID# 13967), Univ of the West Indies, Seismic ResearchUnit, St. Augustine,TRINIDAD& TOBAGO,(809)662-4659, fax: 809-663-9293 AMBRASEYS, Nicols N. (M; 1957; ID# 10178), Imperial College, Civil EngineeringDept, London SW7 2BU, UK - ENGLAND,(+44)171-594-6059, fax: +44-171-594-6053, e-mail: [email protected] ANDERSON, Peter C. (M; 1988; ID# 13109), 17440 RingeLDrive,MorganHill, CA, 95037, (408) 778-2818, fax: (408) 779-6879, e-mail: pacificgeo@aoLcom ARROWSMII"H, Ramon (M; 1995; ID# 14300), Arizona State University,Dept of Geology,Tempe, AZ, 85287-8102, (602)965-3541, fax: 602-9658102, e-mail: [email protected] ANDO, Masataka(M; 1975; ID# 10453), Disaster Prevention Res Inst, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto 611, JAPAN,(81)774-33-5796, fax: 81-774-330726, e-mail: [email protected] ASANUMA,Hiroshi (M; 1998; ID# 17045), Tohoku University, Dept of Geoscience& Technology, Faculty of Engineering,Sendai 980-77, JAPAN, (81)22-217-7399, fax: 81-22-217-7399, [email protected], e-maih [email protected] ANDREWS, DudleyJoe (M; 1973; ID# 12057), US GeologicalSurvey,MS977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5606, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] ANGELONI, Pauto(M; 1997; ID# 16852), Ismes Spa, Via Pastrengo9, 24068 Seriate BG, ITALY, (39)35-307-111, fax: 39-35-302-999 AMMANN,Walter J. (M; 1986; ID# 12524), Swiss Federal Institute, Snow and AvalancheResearch, FtueLastr 11, CH-726O-Davas,SWITZERLAND, (41)81-417-0232, fax: 4181-417-02110, e-mail: [email protected] ANNAKA, Tadashi(M; 1979; ID# 10454), 4-402, Mihama 5-chome, Urayasu-shi,Chiba, JAPAN, (81)3-5818-7602, fax: B1-3-5818-7608, e-mail: [email protected] AMMON,Chuck(M; 1985; ID# 11078), Saint Louis University, Earth & AtmosphericScience Dept, 3507 LacLedeAvenue,Saint Louis, MO, 63103, (314) 977-3197, fax: (314) 977-3117, e-mail: [email protected] ANOOSHEHPOOR,Rasoo[(M; 1992; ID# 13228), SeismologicalLaboratory MS 174, University of Nevada, 1664 N Virginia Street, Reno, NV, 895570141, (775) 784-1617, fax: (775) 784-1766, email: [email protected] ANAGNOSTOPOULOS,Stavros (M; 1996; ID# 16461), University of Patras, Dept of Civil Engineering, 26500 Patras, GREECE,(30)61-997630, fax: 30-61-997-552, e-mail: [email protected] ANSAL, AtilLaM. (M; 1991; ID# 15262), IstanbuL TechnicalUniversity,Civil EngineeringFaculty, Ayazaga, Istanbu[, TURKEY,(90)212-285-3702, fax: 90-212-285-6006, e-mail: [email protected] ANANDAKRISHNAN, Sridhar (M; 1995; ID# 16252), University of ALabama, Box 870338, Tuscatoosa,AL, 35487-0338, (205)348-0997, fax: 205-348-0812, e-mail: [email protected] ANSORGE,Joerg (M; 1965; ID# 10838), GeophysicsInstitute, Fed Inst of Technology,ETH Hoenggerberg, CH 8093 Zurich, SWITZERLAND, (41)1-633-2622, fax: 41-1-633-1065, e-mail: [email protected], ANARGYROS,ALexandris(S; 1997; ID# 16874), 24 Evrou Str, HaLaLndri15234, GREECE ANAXAGORAS,Elenas(M; 1998; ID# 17241), Pavlou Mela 9, Gr-64200 HrisoupoLis,GREECE, (30)5-417-9626, fax: 30-5-412-6943, e-mail: [email protected] ANDERSON,DaleN. (M; 1999; ID# 17399), Pacific Northwest NatL Lab, 2400 Stevens Boulevard, PO Box 999 MS K5-12, Rich[and,WA, 99352, (509) 375-3695, fax: (509) 375-2604, e-mail: daLe.anderson@pnLgov ANDERSON, Greg J. (S; 1991; ID# 14101), University of California, Inst of Geophysics& PLanetaryPhysics, La JoLLa,CA, 92093-0225, (619) 534-1877, fax: (619) 534-5332, e-mail: [email protected] ANDERSON, Helen (M; 1984; ID# 10744), Min of Research Science & Technology,Chief Scientific Advisor, Box 5336, Wellington, NEWZEALAND, (64) 4-472-6400, fax: (64) 4-471-1284, e-mail: [email protected] ANDERSON,John G. (M; 1970; ID# 11966), University of Nevada, MackaySchool of Mines, Seismological Lab, MS 174, Reno, NV, 895570141, (775)784-4265, fax: 775-784-1833/4165, e-mail: [email protected] ANTOLIK, MichaelS. (M; 1996; ID# 16426), Harvard University,20 OxfordStreet, Cambridge, MA, 02138, (617)495-9604, fax: 617-495-0635, e-mail: [email protected] AOI, Shin (M; 1993; ID# 15520), Nail Res Inst Earth Sci & DisasterPrevntn, 2nd Eq Precursor Lab, Eq Res s 3-I Tenoudai,Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN,(81)298-51-1611x437,fax: 81-298-51-5656, e-mail: [email protected] AOKI, Harumi (M; 1964; ID# I0455), 1-512-1008 Moritakahigashi, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya463, JAPAN, (81)52-771-3987, fax: 81-52-782-4425 ARABASZ,WalterJ. (M; 1974; ID# 11732), University of Utah, Geology& GeophysicsDept, 135 South 1460 East Rm 705, Salt Lake City, UT, 84112-0111, (801)581-7410, fax: 801-585-5585, e-mail: [email protected] ARCHULETA,RalphJ. (M; 1974; ID# 12032), University of California, Dept of Geological Sciences, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-9630, (805) 893-8441, fax: (805) 893-8649, e-mail: [email protected] AMDOTrIR,Thora(M; 1992; ID# 14065), Icelandic MeteorologicalOffice, IS-150 Reykjavik, ICELAND, (354)1-560-0600, fax: 354-1-5528121, e-mail: [email protected] ASCH, Gunter (M; 1995; ID# 16109), MenzeLstrasse10, D-12157 Berlin, GERMANY, (49)30-855-3722, fax: 49-30-8560-0654, e-mail: [email protected] ASMIS, Harold W. (M; 1982; ID# 10059), Ontario Hydro - H12B15, 700 University Avenue,Toronto ON, MSG lX6, CANADA,(416) 592-7379, fax: (416) 592-5322, e-mail: [email protected] ASPINALL, William (M; 1977; ID# 10180), 5 Woodside CLose,Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 IJQ, UK - ENGLAND,(44)1494-672-746, fax: 44-1494671-239, e-mail: wiUy@aspina[[ ASSUMPCAO,Marce[oSousa (M; 1975; ID# lOO5O), IAG - Univ of Sao PauLo,Depto de Geofisica, POBox 3386, Sao PauLoSP 01060-970, BRAZIL, (55)11-818-4755, fax: 55-11-818-5034, e-mail: [email protected] ASTER,RichardC. (M; 1987; ID# 12804), NMInst of Mining & Technology,Earth & Environmental Science Dept, 801 Leroy PLace,Socorro, NM, 87801-4796, (505) 835-5924, fax: (505) 8356436, e-mail: [email protected] ASTIZ, Luciana (M; 1981; ID# 11895), 3455 Wellesley Avenue, San Diego, CA, 92122-2338, (619) 534-8202, e-mail: [[email protected] ATAKAN, Kuvvet(M; 1997; ID# 16866), University of Bergen, Inst of Solid Earth Physics, ALLegt41, N-5007 Bergen, NORWAY,(47)55-583413, fax: 47-55-589-669, e-marl: [email protected] ATKINSON, Gai[ M. (M; 1981; ID# 10060), 324 Mclean Avenue, Arnprior ON, ON, K7S 3T2, CANADA, (613) 623-3240, fax: (613) 623-3240, e-mail: [email protected] ATWATER, Brian (M; 1999; ID# 14303), US Geological Survey, University of Washington, Box 351310, Seattle, WA, 98195-1310, (206)5532927, fax: 206-553-8350, e-mail: [email protected] AUGELLO, Anthony (M; 1995; ID# 16333), 15 Boston Street, Malden, MA, 02148, (781) 3223572 AVAR, Bahd Burcin (S; 1999; ID# 17345), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Civil & Environmental Engr Dept, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV, 89154-4015, (702)895-4314, fax: 702-895-3936, e-mail: [email protected] AYERS, A. Wayne (M; 1991; ID# 14306), PO Box 9174, Sacramento, CA, 95818, (916) 797-3024, Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 609 fax: (916) 323-1434, e-maiL: [email protected] B BAAG, Chang-Cob(M; 1981; ID# 12386), SeouL National University, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, Seou[ 151-742, SOUTHKOREA,(82)2-880-6735, fax: 82-2-871-3269, e-mail: [email protected] BALDWIN, Richard E. (M; 1989; ID# 13611), GeoLogicaLSurveyof Canada, PacificGeoscience Centre, 9860 WSaanich Road, Box 6000, Sidney BC, V8L 4B2, CANADA,(250)363-6740, fax: 250363-6565, e-maiL: [email protected] BANK, CarL-Georg(S; 1996; ID# 16625), University of British Co[umbia, Dept of Earth & Ocean Sciences,2219 Main MALL,VancouverBC, V6T IZ4, CANADA,(604) 822-2267, fax: (604) 822-6047, e-maih [email protected] BACHE, ThomasC. (M; 1974; ID# 11986), SAIC, 10210 CampusPoint Drive,San Diego,CA, 92121, (619) 458-2531, fax: (610) 458-4993, e-mail: [email protected] BARAZANGI, Muawia (M; 1968; ID# 11093), CorneLLUniversity, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, Snee HALL,Ithaca, NY, 14853, (607)255-641], fax: 607-254-4780, e-maiL: [email protected][Ledu BACHRACH,Ran (M; ]999; ID# 17414), Michigan State University,Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences,East Lansing, MI, 48824, (517)355-4629, fax: (517353-8787, e-maiL: [email protected][ BARBA, SaLvatore(S; 1996; ID# 16587), Via Giacinto PuLLino7, 00154 Roma, ITALY,(39)65186-0362, fax: 39-6-504-]181, e-mail: [email protected] BACKUS, George E., (M; 1949; ID# 11967), University of CaLifornia,IGPPA-025, ScrippsInst Oceanography, La Jol[a, CA, 92093, (619) 5342468, fax: (619) 534-5332, e-maiL: [email protected] BARD, Pierre-Y.(M; 1987; ID# 12639), 18 Chemin S'2ean, La Tronche38700, FRANCE,(33)476-628061, fax: 33-476-828-101, e-maiL: [email protected] BADAL, `lose I. (M; 1979; ID# 10810), Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultadde Ciencias, Dep Fisica TeoricaGeofisica, 50009 Zaragoza, SPAIN, (34) 76 76 1139, fax: 34-76 76 1140, emaiL: [email protected] BAGWELL, `loyce B. (M; 1994; ID# 11256), 127 Sycamore Drive, Summerville,SC, 29485, (843)873-5043, fax: 843-863-8088, e-maiL: [email protected] BAHER, ShirLeyA. (S; 1997; ID# 16917), University of CaLifornia,Dept of Earth & SpaceSci - GeologyBLdg,595 CircLeDrive East, Los AngeLes, CA, 90024, (310) 825-3021, e-maiL: [email protected] BAISCH, Stefan (S; 1997; ID# 16963), Feldsieperstrasse99, D-44809 Bochum,GERMANY, (49)234-700-7574, e-maiL: [email protected] BAKER, Calum (M; 1990; ID# 13783), University of KeeLe, Dept of Earth Sciences, Ctr for Induced Seismic Response, Staffrdshire ST5 5BG, UKENGLAND, (44)782-712-631, fax: 44-782-584115, e-maiL: [email protected] BAKER, GLenn E. (M; 1994; ID# 13072), MaxweLL TechnoLogies, 8888 BaLboaAve, San Diego, CA, 92123-1506, (619) 576-7720, fax: (6]9) 5767710, e-maiL: eLi@maxweLLcom BAKUN, WiLLiamH. (M; 1966; ID# 12060), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad, MS977, MenLo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4793, fax: (650) 329-5]63, e-maiL: [email protected] BALer, Robert S. (M; 1991; ID# 13976), New MexicoTech, PetroLeumRecoveryRes Center, PO Box 2474, Soccoro, NM, 87801, (505)835-5305, fax: 505-835-6031, e-maiL: ba[[email protected] 610 BARKER,Jeffrey (M; 1979; ID# 11877), State Univ of NewYork Binghamton, Dept of GeoLogical Sciences, PO Box 6000, Binghamton, NY, 139026000, (607)777-2522,fax: 607-777-2288,e-maiL: [email protected] BARKER,TerranceG. (M; ]997; ID# 11958), HNC Software Inc, 5930 CornerstoneCourt West, San Diego, CA, 92121, (619)799-8240, e-mail: [email protected] BARNEICH,John A. (M; 1982; ID# 12015), 2451 Heliotrope Drive, SantaAna, CA, 92706, (714) 835-6886, fax: (714) 667-7147, e-mail: [email protected] BARNHARDT,WaLterA. (M; 1999; ID# 17395), US GeoLogicaLSurvey,345 MiddLefieLdRoad, MenLo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-5181, fax: 650-3295190, e-maiL: [email protected] BAROSH, Patrick,l. (M; 1986; ID# 10898), 35 Potter Street, Concord,MA, 01742, (978) 3691906, fax: (978) 369-1906 BARRIENTOS, Sergio E. (M; 1990; ID# 12886), Vienna InteMtiona[ Centre, PO Box 1250, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA,(43)I-21345-6189, e-maiL: [email protected] BARROW, Herbert (M; 1998; ID# 17041), 3841 WoodLawnAve N, SeattLe,WA, 98]03, (206)5454490, e-mail: [email protected] BARSTOW,Noel (M; ]995; ID# 13377), Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory,SeismoLogyDept, Palisades, NY, 10964, (914) 365-8477, fax: 914365-8]50, e-maiL: [email protected][ BARTAL,Yair (M; 1998; ID# 17169), Soreq NucLearResearchCenter, National Data Center, Yavne81800, ISRAEL,(972)8-943-4527, fax: 9728-943-4171, e-maiL:[email protected] BARZILAI, Aaron (S; ]996; ID# 16370), Stanford University, MechanicalEngrDept Design Division, Terman Engineering551, Stanford, CA, 943054021, (650)725-9447, fax: 650-723-352, e-maiL: [email protected] BASKA, DavidA. (S; 1998; ID# 17239), University of Washington, Civil Engineering-SGEMProgram, Box 352700, Seattle, WA, 98195-2700, (206)5436778, e-mail: [email protected] BASSREI, Amin (M; 1992; ID# 15343), Caixa Postal 1001, 40001-970 SaLvadorBA,BRAZIL, (55)71-2370408, fax: 55-71-2473004, e-mai|: [email protected] BATLLO-ORTIZ,3osep (M; 1986; ID# 12601), EU Ciences EmpresariaLsDr Manya, Cami B Crta Simpatica, 5, 43500 Tortosa, SPAIN, (34)77-441144, fax: 34-77-442-868, e-maiL: [email protected] BAUMBACH, Michael (M; 1992; ID# 15368), TelegrafenbergA6, 14473 Potsdam, GERMANY, (49)331-288-11288, fax: 49-331-288-1529, emaiL: [email protected] BAUMGARDT,DougLasR. (M; 1976; ID# 11200), EnscoInc, 5400 Port RoyalRoad, SpringfieLd,VA, 22151, (703)321-9000, fax: 703-321-4609, emaiL: [email protected] BAUMGARTNER,Gerhard (M; 1976; ID# 10839), Baster& Hofmann ConsLtEngrs, Forchstrasse395, 8029 Zurich, SWITZERLAND,(41) 1-387-1122, fax: (41) 1-387-1100, e-maiL: [email protected] BAUSCH, DougLasB. (M; 1989; ID# 13608), 1345 West RomneyAvenue, FLagstaff, AZ, 86001, (520)523-7196, fax: 520-523-9220, e-maiL: [email protected] BAWDEN, GeraLd(M; 1997; ID# 16939), US GeoLogicaLSurvey,345 MiddLefieLdRoad, MS977, MenLoPark,CA, 94025-3591, (650)329-5729, fax: 650-329-5763, e-maiL: [email protected] BAZZURRO, Pao[o (M; 1998; ID# 17118), 1447 FuLton Street, San Francisco,CA, 94117-1417, (415) 421-1690, fax: (415) 421-1692, e-mail: [email protected] BEAVERS,.lames E. (M; 1974; ID# 11299), Univ of Illinois Mid-America Eq CLF,1241-A Newmark Laboratory MC 250, 205 North MathewsAvenue, Urbana, IL, 61801, (217)244-4671, fax: 217-333382], e-mai[: [email protected] BECK,James L. (M; 1976; ID# 11896), CaLifornia Institute of TechnoLogy,Deptof Civil Engineering, MC 104-44, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626) 3964132, fax: (626) 568-2719, e-maiL: [email protected] BECKER,Ann M. (M; 1983; ID# 12170), 3037 S. PLateau Drive, SaLtLake City, UT, 84109, (801)484-7831, e-mail: [email protected] BECKWITH, George H. (M; 1975; ID# 11745), 35 E. Lamar Rd., Phoenix, AZ, 85012, (602) 2726848, e-maiL: GHBeckwith@aoLcom BE6NAUD, Michael (M; 1998; ID# 17258), Marine Biology Res Institute, PO Box 628, Moss Landing, CA, 95039, (831)775-1809, fax: 831-775-1620, e-mail: [email protected] SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 BELL, Alan (M; 1996; ID# 16724), ENSCO,Inc, 5400 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA, 22151, (703) 321-4531, fax: (703) 321-4609, e-mail: abeL[ BERGLOF,William R. (M; 1989; ID# 13682), Universityof Maryland,Asian Division,Unit 5060, Box 0100, APOAP, 96328-0100, (81)425-313032, fax: 81-425-31-3032, e-mail: [email protected] BELL, John W. (M; 1980; ID# 11801), University of Nevada, NV Bureau Mines & Geology MS 178, 1644 N Virginia Street, Reno, NV, 89503, (775) 784-1939, fax: (775) 784-1709, e-mail: [email protected] BERKLAND,JamesO. (M; 1986; ID# 12470), 1175 Chauvet Road, Box 1926, GLenEllen,CA, 95442, (707) 935-6639, fax: (707) 935-6639, e-mail: syzygyjob@aoLcom BELTAS, Perik[is (S; 1994; ID# 15836), 3050 Los Prados Street, Apt 8, San Mateo, CA, 94403, (650)522-8772, e-mail: be[[email protected] BEML, ALberto(M; 1991; ID# 15131), Ferrer Del Rio 14, 28028 Madrid,SPAIN, (34)1-361-7292, fax: 34-1-361-2290 BEN-ZION, Yehuda(M; 1995; ID# 12701), Universityof Southern California, Dept of Earth Sciences, Los Angeles, CA, 90089-0740, (213) 740-6106, fax: (213) 740-8801, e-mail: [email protected] BEMRD, Miche[[e(M; 1999; ID# 17354), Weston GeophysicalCorp, 325 West Main Street, Northboro, MA, 01532, (508)393-4600, fax: 508393-7674, e-mail: [email protected] BENAVIDEZ-SOSA,ALberto(M; 1995; ID# 13626), FranciscoSolano Antuna, 2960 A 702, 11300 Montevideo, URUGUAY,(598)2-908-2575, fax: 598-2-908-2575, e-mail: [email protected] BEROZA,GregoryC. (M; 1985; ID# 10934), Stanford University, Dept of Geophysics,Mail Code2215, Stanford, CA, 94305-2215, (650) 7234958, fax: (650) 725-7344, e-mail: [email protected] BENDER,Erik (M; 1996; ID# 16590), OrangeCoast College, Dept of Geology, 2701 FairviewRoad, Costa Mesa, CA, 92626, (714) 432-5669, e-maih [email protected] BERRILL, John B. (M; 1982; ID# 10745), Universityof Canterbury, Christchurch1, NEW ZEALAND,(64)3-3642-381, fax: 64-3-3642-705, e-mail: berriL[ BENDIMERAD,M. Fouad (M; 1996; ID# 16341), Risk ManagementSystems Inc, 149 Commonwealth Drive, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 617-6500, e-mail: fouadb@risk BESANA,G[endaM. (S; 1996; ID# 16743), GGRDD PHIVOLCS,3rd FLoorPHIVOLCSB[dg, CPGarcia Ave UP Di[iman, QuezonCity, PHILIPPINES BENOIT,John P. (S; 1994; ID# 15924), 41 Corte Encanto, Danville, CA, 94526, (925)842-3798, fax: 925-842-0125, e-mail: [email protected] BETrENHOUSE,Thomas (S; 1999; ID# 17379), 1752 BLueCourseDrive,State College, PA, 16801, (814)861-3546, [email protected],e-mail: [email protected] BENT,Allison L. (M; 1985; ID# 11897), Geological Surveyof Canada, I ObservatoryCrescent,Ottawa, ON, KIA OY3,CANADA,(613)995-8852, fax: 613992-8836, e-mail: [email protected] BHATIACHARYA,3oydeep (M; 1998; ID# 15845), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 EastAvenue,L-206 T-1456, Livermore,CA, 94550, e-maih [email protected].[LnLgov BENZ, HarleyM. (M; 1990; ID# 13411), US GeologicalSurvey, DenverFederalCenter MS967, Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8593, fax: 303-273-8600, e-mail: [email protected] BIANCO, Francesca(M; 1997; ID# 16802), OsservatorioVesuvianoNapo[i, Via Manzoni249, 80123 NapoLi,ITALY,(39)81-583-2111, fax: 3981-575-4239, e-mail." [email protected] BERBERIAN, Manuel (M; 1993; ID# 15481), Najarian AssociatesInc, One Industrial WayWest, Suite E, Eatontown, NJ, 07721-2255, (732)3890220, fax: 732-389-8546, e-mail: [email protected] BIASI, GLennP. (M; 1991; ID# 15248), 2040 King EdwardCourt, Reno, NV, 89503-2308, (775)7844576, fax: 775-784-4165, e-mail: [email protected] BERESNEV,Igor A. (M; 1990; ID# 13924), Iowa State University,Geological& Atmospheric Sciences Dept, 253 Science I, Ames, IA, 500113212, (515) 294-7529, fax: (515) 294-6049, emarl: [email protected] BERGE, Patricia A. (M; 1985; ID# 12208), LawrenceLivermore Nat[ Lab, MS L-201, PO Box 808, Livermore, CA, 94551-0808, (925) 4234829, fax: (925) 423-1057, e-malE [email protected][ BERGER,Jonathan (M; 1973; ID# 11968), Universityof California, IGPPA-025, La Jot[a, CA, 92093, (619) 534-2889, fax: (619) 534-6354, email."[email protected] BIELAK, Jacobo (M; 1977; ID# 11102), Carnegie Mellon University, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engr, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, (412)268-2958, fax: 412-268-7813, e-mail: [email protected] BIELEFELD, Richard J. (M; 1963; ID# 12448), 4538 LakeWashington B[vd, Kirkland, WA, 98033, (206)828-3162, fax: 206-451-1442 BILEK, Susan(S; 1996; ID# 16689), Universityof California, Earth & MarineSciences B[dg A232, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064-1077, (831) 459-4426, fax: (831) 459-3074, e-mail: [email protected] BILHAM, RogerG. (M; 1976; ID# 11031), Universityof Colorado, Dept of Geological Sciences, CampusBox 250, Boulder, CO, 80309- 0250, (303) 492-6189, fax: (303) 492-1149, email: [email protected] BILLINGTON,Se[ena(M; 1976; ID# 11701), 2890 Emerson Avenue, Boulder, CO, 80303, (303)4948624, e-mail: [email protected] BISWAS, Nirendra N. (M; 1968; ID# 12462), GeophysicalInstitute, University of ALaska, College, AK, 99701, (907)474-7373, e-marl: [email protected][ BLACK, Bill (M; 1998; ID# 17119), Utah Geological Survey, 1594 W North Temple, Ste 3110, Box 146100, Salt Lake City, UT, 841146100, (801)537-3381 BLAs Michael E. (M; 1960; ID# 11170), 1515 NuuanuAvenueQT31, Honolulu, HI, 968173720, (808)532-6423, fax: 808-532-5576, e-marl: michae[.b[[email protected] BLAKE, ThomasE (M; 1985; ID# 11927), Certified EngineerngGeologist,4568 Via Grande,Thousand Oaks, CA, 91320-6712, (805) 650-7000, fax: (805) 650-7010, e-mail: [email protected] BLANCK, Eugene Lou (M; 1980; ID# 11995), 370 Weymouth Street, Cambria, CA, 93428-2332, (805) 927-4316, fax: (805) 927-4316, e-marl: [email protected] BLANDFORD, Robert R. (M; 1974; ID# 11204), AFTAC/CSS,Suite 1450, 1300 North 17th Street, Arlington, VA, 22209, (703)247-7856, fax: 702243-5379, e-mail: [email protected] BLANPIED, Michael L. (M; 1999; ID# 17338), US Geological Survey,345 MiddLefie[dRoad, MS 977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-4969, fax: 650329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] BLUM G, Efren (M; 1979; ID# 10174), PO Box 0901-4090, Guayaquil,ECUADOR,(593)4-400-033 BLUME, John A. (H; 1935; ID# 12142), 85 EL Cerrito Avenue, HilLsborough,CA, 94010, (650)343-5585 BOATWRIGHT,John (M; 1984; ID# 12061), US Geological Survey MS977, 345 MiddtefieLd Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5609, e-mail: [email protected] BOCK, Guenter (M; 1973; ID# 10007), GeoForchungsentrum, Te[egrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, GERMANY,(49)331-288-1212, fax: 49331-288-1277, e-maih [email protected] BOGAERT, Barbara (M; 1997; ID# 13722), US Geoogica[ Survey, Box 25046 MS 966, Denver Federal Center, Denver,CO, 80225, e-maih [email protected] BOHNENSTIEHL, De[WayneR. (S; 1997; ID# 16948), Lamont-DohertyEarth Observatory, Columbia University, BOx 1000, Palisades, NY, 10964, e-mail: de[@[[ BOK, KyungJai (M; 1996; ID# 16359), Korea Nat[ University of Education, Dept of Earth Sciences, Kangnae s Chungbuk363-791, SOUTH KOREA,(82)431-230-3742, fax: 82-431-2327176, e-mail: [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 611 7002-554 Evora, PORTUGAL,(351)6-674-4616/7/ 8, fax: 351-6-622-306, e-mail: [email protected] BRADSHAW,Jason A. (S; 1999; ID# 17416), Universityof Washington, 1020 E. DennyWay,Apt 15, Seattle, WA, 98122, e-mail: [email protected] BOLLINGER,Gilbert A. (H; 1962; ID# 11230), PO Box 806, Buffalo, WY, 82834-0806, (307)6849613, e-mail: [email protected] BORMANN, Peter (M; 1993; ID# 15686), GeoForschungsZentrumPotsdam,Telegrafenberg E-428, Aufgabenbereich2, D-14473 Potsdam, GERMANY,(49)331-288-1202, fax: 49-331-2881293, e-mail: [email protected] BRADY, A. Gerald (M; 1970; ID# 12065), Applied TechnologyCouncil, 555 TwinDolphin Drive,Suite 550, RedwoodCity, CA, 94065, (650)595-1542, fax: 650-593-2320, e-mail: gbrady@atcounciLorg BOLT, BruceA., (HONE; 1963; ID# 12290), University of California, Dept of Geology 8, Geophysics, BerkeleySeismologyLab 385 McCone Hall, Berkeley, CA, 94720, (510)642-7030, fax: 510-845-4816, e-mail: [email protected] BOSCIIINI, I[eana M. (S; 1991; ID# 15234), Apartado 106-1350, San Sebastian,San Jose, COSTARICA, (506)220-6279, fax: 506-220-8212, e-mail: [email protected] BRAGA, Antonio Carlos M (M; 1998; ID# 17091), Factory Mutual System, 333 City Blvd West, Suite 1500, PO Box 5409, Orange, CA, 92863, (714)704-6357, fax: 714-978-8041, e-mail: antonio.braga@factory-mutuaLcom BOLER, Frances(M; 1986; ID# 12471), 1205 Albion Road, Boulder, CO, 80303, (303) 4978051, fax: (303) 497-8028, e-mail: [email protected] BOLTON, Harold (M; 1996; ID# 16729), PO Box 1330, Tijeras, NM, 87059, (505)446-5646, fax: 505-846-6973, e-mail: [email protected] BONGIOVANNI, Giovanni (M; 1991; ID# 15086), Via Roma 94, 67069 Tagliacozzo,ITALY,(39)63048-3705, fax: 39-6-3048-4872, e-mail: [email protected] BOSL, William J. (S; 1996; ID# 16620), 240 Arroyo HondoCircle,Tracy,CA, 95376, (209) 8356062, e-mail: [email protected] BOSTROM,R. C., (M; 1970; ID# 12423), Univ of Washington, Box 351310 UNWashington,400015 NEAvenue,Seattle, WA, 98195, fax: (206) 5433836, e-mail: bostromrc@aoLcom BONILLA, Luis Fabian (S; 1996; ID# 16423), University of California, Institute for Crustal Studies, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, (805) 8938231, e-mail: [email protected] BOTr,JacqueLineD. (M; 1991; ID# 14159), British Geological Survey, MurchisonHouse,West Mains Road, EdinburghEHg 3LA, UK-SCOTLAND, (44)131-650-0224, fax: 44-131-667-1877, email: [email protected] BONILLA, ManuelG. (M; 1961; ID# 12062), 4127 Wilkie Court, Palo Alto, CA, 94306-4151, (650) 493-8474, e-mail: mgbonitLa@aoLcom BOU-RABEE, Firyal (M; 1989; ID# 13200), University of Kuwait, Dept of Geology, 13060 Safat, KUWAIT,fax: (965)531-9191 BONJER, Klaus-Peter(M; 1973; ID# 10289), Univ of Karlsruhe,GeophysikalischesInstitut, Hertzstrasse 16, 76187 Karlsruhe,GERMANY, (49)721-608-4558, fax: 721-71173, e-mail: [email protected] BOUCHON, Michel (M; 1978; ID# 10244), IRIGM, BP 53X, Grenoble 38041, FRANCE,fax: 33-76-5144-22, e-mail: [email protected] BONNER,Jessie L. (M; 1994; ID# 15910), Southern MethodistUniversity, Dept of Geological Sciences, Dallas,TX, 75275, (214) 768-3313, fax: (214) 768-2701, e-mail: bonner@[ BONNIN, Jean (M; 1995; ID# 16334), IGP/ULP, 5 Rue ReneDescartes, F-67084Strasbourg, FRANCE, (33)38-841-6368, fax: 33-38-841-6477, e-mail: [email protected] BOORE, David M. (H; 1971; ID# 12063), US GeologicalSurvey,345 MiddLefieldRoad, MS977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-5616, fax: 650329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] BOOTH, David C. (M; 1995; ID# 16286), British Geological Survey, Murchison House,West Mains Road, EdinburghEHg 3LA, UK-SCOTLAND, (44)131-667-1000, fax: 44-131-667-1877, email: [email protected] BORCHARDT,Glenn (M; 1995; ID# 13252), Soil Tectonics, PO Box 5335, Berkeley, CA, 94705, (510) 654-1619, fax: 815-327-5331, e-mail: [email protected] BORCHERDT,Roger D. (M; 1967; ID# 12064), US Geological Survey, MS 977 OEVE,345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5619, email: [email protected] BORGES,Jose FeMndo(S; 1999; ID# 17369), Universidade de Evora, Dept Fisica, Apartado 94, 612 BOWERS, David (M; 1995; ID# 16225), AWE Blacknest, Brimpton, Reading RG74RS, UKENGLAND,(44)1189-826126, fax: 44-1189815328, e-mail: [email protected] BOWMAN, David D. (S; 1997; ID# 16765), University of Southern California, Dept of Earth Sciences, 3651 UniversityAvenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90089-0740, (213) 740-7174, fax: (213) 7408801, e-mail: [email protected] BOWMAN,J. Roger (M; 1979; ID# 10008), Science Applications Int Corp, Centerfor Seismic Studies, 1300 N. 17th Street Suite 1450, Arlington, VA, 22209, (703)276-7900, fax: 703243-8950, e-marl: [email protected] BOYD, Thomas M (M; 1989; ID# 12912), Dept of Geophysics,ColoradoSchoolof Mines,Golden,CO, 80401, (303)273-3522, e-mail: [email protected] BOYER,Douglas (M; 1998; ID# 17120), GEI ConsultantsInc, 6950 S PotomacStreet Ste 200, Englewood, CO, 80112, (303)662-0100 BOZORGNIA,Yousef(M; 1989; ID# 13207), lOOg Bermuda Drive, Concord,CA, 94518, (650) 6887119, fax: (650) 328-3094, e-mail: [email protected] BRADLEY,Christopher R. (M; 1999; ID# 17398), Los Alamos Nat[ Laboratory, EES-5,MS-F665,Los Alamos, NM, 87545, (505)665-6713, fax: 505665-3681, e-mail: cbradley@lanLgov BRAILE, LawrenceW. (M; 1972; ID# 11366), Purdue University, Earth & Atmos ScienceDept, 1397 Civil Engineering,West Lafayette, IN, 47907-1397, (765)494-5979, fax: 765-496-1210, e-mail: [email protected] BRANDOW, Gregg E. (M; 1972; ID# 11813), Brandow & Johnston Associates, 1660 West 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90017, (213) 484-8950, fax: 213-483-5550, e-mail: [email protected] BRAUGHT, GeneJ. (M; 1957; ID# 11451), 14838 Sinks Road, Florissant, MO, 63034-1715 BRAY,Jonathan (M; 1991; ID# 15083), University of California, 440 Davis Hall MC 1710, Berkeley, CA, 94720-1710, (510) 643-9843?, fax: (510) 643-7476, e-mail: [email protected] BRAZIER, Richard A. (M; 1995; ID# 16019), PO Box 132, Madisonburg, PA, 16852-0132, (814)349-4494, e-mail: [email protected] BREHM, Daniel J. (M; 1996; ID# 16487), 134 West Copper Sage Circle, The Woodlands, TX, 77381, (713)935-6156, fax: 713-973-3340, email: [email protected] BRENNER, Peter (M; 1996; ID# 16344), Rosenstrasse 8, CH-8570 Weinfelden, SWITZERLAND, (49) 1-385-2593, fax: (41) 71622-3203, e-mail: [email protected] BREW, Graham E. (S; 1996; ID# 16360), CornelL University, Snee Hall, Ithaca, NY, 14853, (607)255-5552, fax: 607-254-4780, e-mail: [email protected] BRILLINGER, David R. (M; 1981; ID# 12291), University of California, Statistics Department, Berkeley, CA, 94720-3860, (510) 642-0611, fax: (510) 642-7892, e-mail: [email protected] BRITrON, James M. (S; 1999; ID# 17334), 7 Summerhil[ Street, Stoneham, MA, 02180-1927, (781)438-7118, e-mail: [email protected] BROCHER, Thomas M. (M; 1998; ID# 12066), US Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, MS 977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-4737, fax: 650329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] BRODSKY, Emily (S; 1999; ID# 17351), Catif Inst of Technology, Seismological Lab, MC 252-21, Pasadena, CA, 91125, (626)395-6971, fax: 626564-0715, e-mail: [email protected] SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 BROGAN, George E. (M; 1970; ID# 12013), 18004 Skypark Circle, Irvine, CA, 92614, (949) 2521951, e-mail: gebrogan@ao[.com BROWIIT, C. W. A. (M; 1971; ID# 15714), British Geological Survey,GLobalSeismology Unit, Murchison House, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3LA, UK-SCOTLAND,(44) 31-667-1000, fax: (44) 31-662-0216, e-mail: [email protected] BUFE, CharlesG. (M; 1963; ID# 11007), US GeologicalSurvey,MS967, DFC,Box 25046, Denver,CO,80225, (303)273-8413, fax: 303-2738450, e-mail: [email protected] BUFFINTON, Philip G. (M; 1954; ID# 11436), 210 Imperial Drive, BLoomington,IL, 61701 BROWN, Amy (M; 1996; ID# 16462), 46 Central Avenue, S Croydon VIC 3136, AUSTRALIA,(61)039725-0523, e-mail: [email protected] BUFORN, E[isa(M; 1991; ID# 13562), Universidad Comp[utense,Facu[tadde Fisicas,DptoGeofisicaY Meteoro[ogia, 28040 Madrid, SPAIN, (34)91-3944400, fax: 34-91-394-4398, e-mail: [email protected] BROWN, Ethan D. (M; 1985; ID# 11734), SAIC, 10260 CampusPoint Drive, San Diego,CA, 92121, (619) 458-2676, fax: (619) 458-4993, e-mail: [email protected] BULAND, Ray(M; 1973; ID# 11661), US GeologicalSurvey,MS967-DenverFed Ctr, Box 25046, Denver,s 80225, (303) 273-8414, fax: (303) 273-8450, e-mail: bu[[email protected] BROWN, Ian R. (M; 1981; ID# 10746), PO Box 24 147, Wellington, NEWZEALAND,(64)4-471-1464, fax: 64-4-471-1745, e-mail: [email protected] BUNGUM, Hi[mar (M; 1969; ID# 10763), NORSAR, PO Box 51, N-2007 KjeLLer,NORWAY,(47)63-805934, fax: 47-63-818-719, e-mail: [email protected] BROWN, Raymon L. (M; 1989; ID# 13165), Oklahoma GeologicalSurvey,826 SchulzeRoad, Norman, OK, 73071-4842, (405) 325-3031, fax: (405) 325-7069, e-mail: [email protected] BROWN, Robert D.(M; 1970;ID# 11410), 600 Leon Drive, Bardngton, IL, 60010,(708)8254474, fax:708-698-5925 BROWN, Robert D. (M; 1968; ID# 12067), US GeologicalSurvey,MS 977,345 MiddLefieLdRoad, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5620, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-maih [email protected] BRUDZINSKI, Mike (S; 1996; ID# 16723), University of ILLinois,Geology Dept 245 Natural History B[dg, 1301 GreenStreet, Urbana, IL, 61801, (217)337-4317, e-mail: [email protected] BRUNE,,]ames N. (H; 1962; ID# 11969), University of Nevada,SeismologicalLab, MS 174, 1664 North Virginia Street, Reno, NV, 895570141, (775) 784-4974, e-mai[: [email protected] BUROICK, LawrenceJ. (M; 1998; ID# 11891), 2780 ArdmoreRoad, San Marino,CA, 91108, (626)441-2309 BUREAU,Gi[[esJ. (M; 1979; ID# 12274), 140 Wildwood Avenue,Piedmont,CA, 94610, (510)896-5858, e-mail: gi[[[email protected] BURGMANN, Roland (M; 1991; ID# 14358), Universityof California, Dept of Geology & Geophysics,SeismoLab, 385 McConeHail, Berkeley, CA, 94720-4760, (510) 643-4806, fax: (510) 643-5811, e-mail: [email protected] BURKE, KennethB. (M; 1998; ID# 13298), 378 Oxford Street, FrederictonNB, E3B 2W7, CANADA, (506)450-3166, fax: 506-453-5055, e-mail: [email protected] BURTON,PaulW. (M; 1976; ID# 15715), Univ of East Ang[ia, Schoolof EnvironmentalScience, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK-ENGLAND,(44)1603-592982, fax: 44-1603-507-719, e-mail: [email protected] BRUNETTI,Gino (M; 1991; ID# 14140), Factory Mutual EngrAssn, 5650 Yong Street, Ste 1404, North York ON, M2M 4G3, CANADA,(416)7338180, fax: 416-733-9056, e-mail: gino.brunetti@factory-mutua[.com BUTLER, Rhett (M; 1974; ID# 12388), IRIS, 1200 New York AvenueNW Suite 800, Washington, DC, 20005, (202)682-2220, fax: 202-682-2444, email: [email protected] BRUSCA, Joe (M; 1996; ID# 16690), 1827 'E' Street, Rio Linda, CA, 95673-5222, (916) 9914830, e-mail: [email protected] BYERS, William G. (M; 1994; ID# 15880), 8202 ALden Lane, Lenexa, KS, 66215, (913) 551-4070, fax: (913) 551-4099 BRYAN, Carol(M; 1991; ID# 13981), Institute of Geological and NuclearSciences, Private Bag 2000, Taupo, NEWZEALAND,(64)7-374-8211, fax: 64-7-374-8199, e-mail: [email protected] C BUCKNAM, Robert C. (M; 1999; ID# 12698), US GeologicalSurveyMS967, POBox 25046, Denver, CO,80225, (303)273-8566, fax: 303-273-8600, email: [email protected] BUESSELBERG,Thorsten (M; 1995; ID# 16027), Steeler Strasse 114, 45139 Essen, GERMANY, (49)1201-127-1142 CABOR-MARKUSIC,Snjezana (M; 1988; ID# 13177), Miros[ava MagdaLenica5, 10090 Zagreb, CROATIA,e-mail: [email protected] CAKIR, Recep(S; 1999; ID# 17333), Penn State University,439 Deike Building, University Park, PA, 16802, (814)865-3622, fax: 814-863-7823, email: [email protected] CALLAHAM,John M. (M; 1995; ID# 16258), 1100 Lake Hearn DriveSte 200, Atlanta, GA, 303421523, (404) 705-9500, fax: (404) 705-9400, email: caL[aham+at[nvLc/ [email protected] CALVERT,ALexanderScott (S; 1996; ID# 16357), Come[[ University, Snee Hall, Ithaca, NY, 148531504, (607)255-2900, fax: 607-254-4780, e-mail: ca[vert@geo[ogy.corneL[.edu CAMACHO A., Eduardo (M; 1988; ID# 13065), Apartado 87-2050, Panama 7, PANAMA,(507)637703, fax: 507-63-7671, e-mail: [email protected] CAMERLYNCK,Christian (M; 1997; ID# 17001), Univ Pierre Et Marie Curie, Dip Geophysique App[iquee T 15-25, 4 PLace,lussieu, 75252 Paris Cdx 5, FRANCE,(33)1-4427-4823, ce-mai[: camer[ CAMPBELL, KennethW. (M; 1973; ID# 11716), EQEInteMtional, 6555 South OLympusDrive, Evergreen, CO, 80439-5311, (303)674-2423, fax: 303-670-9576, e-mail: kwceqe@aoLcom CAMPBELL, Kerry3. (M; 1992; ID# 15445), 2931 Cotton Stock Drive, Sugarland, TX, 77479, (713) 778-5528, fax: (713) 778-5573, e-mail: geofizman@earth[ CAMPILLO, Michel (M; 1991; ID# 13885), LGIT IRIGM, BP 53X, Grenoble 38041, FRANCE,(33)76514-504, fax: 33-76-514-422, e-maih [email protected] CANALES, Luis L. (M; 1973; ID# 10186), 651 Bering Drive#1203, Houston, TX, 77057, (713) 964-6027, fax: (713) 964-6200, e-mail: [uis.cana[[email protected] CANAS,Jose A. (M; 1975; ID# 10811), Univ Potitecnica De Catatunya, ETSICCP,C/o Gran Capitan, S/n(mod. D-2), Barcelona08034, SPAIN, (34)3-401-6884, fax: 34-3-401-6504, e-mail: [email protected] CAO,Tianquing (M; lggo; ID# 13759), Ca[if Div Mines & Geology,Strong Motion Instrumnt Progrm, 801 K Street, MS 13-35, Sacramento, CA, 95814-3531, (916)323-7967, fax: 916-323-7778 CAPACETE,Jose L. (M; 1969; ID# 10884), PO Box 11508, San Juan, PR, OO922,(809)Tg2-ogo4, fax: 809-781-8918 CAPUTO, Miche[e (M; 1978; ID# 11617), Univ Deg[i Studi Di Roma'La Sapienza', Ist Naz Di Fisica Nucleate, PiazzaLeA Moro Z, Rome00185, ITALY, (39) 6-4991-4200, fax: (39) 6-446-3158, e-mai[: CAREY,Debra (M; 1991; ID# 14548), 105 Hopeco Road, PLeasantHit[, CA, 94523 CARLO, Oebra L. (S; 1996; ID# 16697), University of California, A232 Earth & Marine Sciences, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064-1077, (831) 459-4426, e-mail: [email protected] CARMONA,Juan S. (M; 1991; ID# 15108), Univ Naciona[ de San Juan, Inst de Investigaciones Antisismicas, Avda Libertador San Martin 1290, Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October 1999 613 5400 San 3uan, ARGENTINA,(54)264-422-8123, fax: 54-264-421-3672, e-maiL: CARR, Bradley3. (M; 1997; ID# 17026), 115 E Maiden Lane, Oak Ridge, TN, 37830, (423) 2414411, fax: (423) 574-7420, e-maih carrbj@ornLgov CARR, Dorthe (M; 1990; ID# 13731), Sandia National Laboratories, Org 9236; MS0655, POBox 5800, Albuquerque,NM, 87185-0655, (505)8449459, fax: 505-844-5321, e-maiL: [email protected] CARRILLO, Miguel (M; 1997; ID# 16818), Universidad Naciona[Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Geotogia, CA Universitaria, Coyoacan,04510 MexicoCity, MEXICO,(52)5-5506644, e-mail: [email protected] CARTER,3erry A. (M; 1985; ID# 11071), 330 GLenburn Road, Clarks Green, PA, 18411, e-maiL: [email protected] CARVER, David L. (M; 1998; ID# 16199), US Geological SurveyGeologic HazardsTeam, MS 966, Denver FederalCenter, Box 25046, Denver, CO, 80225, (303) 273-8552, fax: (303) 273-8600, e-maih [email protected] CARVER,GaryA. (M; Igg9; ID# 13250), Humboldt State University, PO Box 52, Kodiak, AK, 99615, (907)487-4551, fax: 907-487-4002, e-maiL: wooak@PTIA[aska,com CASKEY,John (M; 1994; ID# 15920), University of Nevada, Ctr for NeotectonicStudies, MS 169, Mackay School of Mines, Reno, NV, 89557-0135, (775) 329-8134, e-mail: [email protected] CASSIDY,John E(M; 1996; ID# 13279), Geological Surveyof Canada, PacificGeoscience Centre, 9860 W Saanich Road, Box 6000, Sidney BC, V8L 4B2, CANADA,(604)363-6500, fax: 604363-6565, e-maiL: [email protected] CASTALDI, Andrew (M; 1997; ID# 16803), Swiss Re America Corp, 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY, 10169-3142, (212)907-8607, fax: 212-907-8820 CASTLE,3ohn C. (S; 1998; ID# 17160), University of Washington, GeophysicsProgram, Box 351650, SeattLe, WA, 98195, (206)543-6626, fax: 206543-0489, e-maih [email protected] CASTRO,GonzaLoV. (M; 1972; ID# I0901), c/o GEI ConsultantsInc, 1021 Main Street, Winchester, HA, 01890-1970, (781) 721-4000, fax: (781) 721-4073, e-mail: gcastro@geiconsu||ants.tom CASTRO,Rau[ R. (M; 1984; ID# 10713), CICESE, Sismotogia, PO Box 434843, San Diego, CA, 92143-4843, (52)61-744-501, fax: 52-61-744933, e-mail: [email protected] CATCHINGS,RufusD. (M; 1996; ID# 15379), US GeolotogicatSurvey,345 MiddLefietdRoadMS977, MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4749, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-maiL: [email protected] 614 CA'n'ANEO,Marco(M; 1998; ID# 17081), University of Genova,DISTER,Viale BenedettoXV 3, 16132 Genova,ITALY,(39)10-353-8088, fax: 39-10-353-2169, e-maiL: [email protected] CECIL, David K. (M; 1968; ID# 12010), Factory MutuaLEngineering,333 City BouLevardWestSte 1500, Orange,CA, 92868-2924, (714) 634-4888, fax: 714-978-8041, e-maih [email protected] CERVENY,VtastisLav(M; 1989; ID# 13653), Charles University, Inst of Geophysics, Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Praha 2, CZECHREPUBLIC,(42)-2-21911215, fax: 42-2-299-272, e-maih [email protected] CHAEL, Eric P. (M; 1979; ID# 11765), Sandia Laboratories, MS0655, POBox 5800, ALbuquerque,NM, 87185-0655, (505)844-4533, fax: 505-844-5321, e-mail: [email protected] CHAMEAU,3ean-Lou (M; 1991; ID# 15121), Georgia Institute of Technology,CoLlegeof Engineering, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0360, (404) 894-2201, fax: (404) 894-2278, e-mail: [email protected] CHAMPLIN, Gregg (M; 1995; ID# 16247), New HampshireOffice of EmergencyMgt, 107 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH, 03301, (603)271-2231, fax: 603-225-7341, e-maiL: [email protected] CHAN, Winston (M; 1996; ID# 11143), Multimax, Inc, 1441 McCormick Dr, Largo, MD, 20774, (301) 925-8222, fax: (301) 925-2956, e-maiL: [email protected] CHANDLER, Philip B. (M; 1974; ID# 11860), 2615 North Marquette Drive,Topanga,CA, 90290, (213)620-6091 CHANEY,Mtd C. (M; 1976; ID# 12353), Humboldt State University, EnvironmentalRes & EngrDept, Arcata, CA, 95521, (707) 826-4992, fax: (707) 826-3616, e-maiL: [email protected] CHANG,Chien-Hsin (S; 1995; ID# 16243), Central Weather Bureau(SeisCtr), 64 Kung-YuanRoad, Taipei 10039, TAIWANROC,(886)2-349-1165, fax: 886-2-349-1178, e-maiL: [email protected] CHANG, Chin-Yung(M; 1977; ID# 12261), Geomatrix Consultants,100 PineStreet Suite 1000, San Francisco,CA, 94111, (415)743-7016, fax: (415)434-1365, e-maiL: [email protected] (801)583-1712, fax: 801-585-5585, e-maiL: [email protected] s MichaelS. (M; 1988; ID# 13053), Geocon Inc, 6960 FLandersDrive, San Diego, CA, 92121, (619)558-6900, fax: 619-558-6159, emaiL: [email protected] CHAPMAN,Chris H. (M; 1970; ID# 10187), Schtumberger Cambridge Research, High Cross, MadingLyRoad, Cambridge,CB30EL, UK ENGLAND,(44)223-315-576, fax: 44-223-61-473, e-maiL: [email protected] CHAPMAN,Martin C. (M; 1980; ID# 11229), Virginia PoLytechnic& St Univ, Dept of GeoLogicaL Sciences, 4044 Derring HaLL,B[acksburg, VA, 24061, (540)231-5036, fax: (540)231-3386, emaiL: [email protected][ CHATrER3EE, Da[ia (S; 1996; ID# 16451), 3939 Bidwe/L Dr Apt 518, Fremont, CA, 94538-2352, emaiL: [email protected] CHAUDHARY, B. D. (M; 1998; ID# 17149), 121 MohaLia Chaudharian, Hisar 125001, INDIA, (91)73-721-4461 CHAVEZ-PEREZ,Sergio (M; 1987; ID# 12494), Shetland #348, CoL CosmopoLita, Det AzcapotzaLco, Mexico City, DF 02670, MEXICO, (52)5-567-8261, fax: 52-5-567-8285, e-maiL: [email protected] CHELAPATI, C. V., (M; 1964; ID# 11873), 7398 Center Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA, 92647, (714)903-6761, e-mail: [email protected] s Tamaz(M; 1998; ID# 17274), Inst of Geophysics,One A[exidzeSt, Tbi[isi 380093, GEORGIA CHEN, How-Wei (M; 1991; ID# 15254), Nat| Chung ChengUniversity,Inst of SeismoLogy, Ming-Hsing, 621, Chia-yi 75080, TAIWANROC, fax: 886-5-272-0411, e-maiL: [email protected] s 3inbo (S; 1995; ID# 16022), Univ of Southern CaLifornia,South Science 117; Earth Sciences, University Park Campus, Los AngeLes, CA, 90089-0740, (213)740-6754, fax: 213-7408801, e-maiL:[email protected] CHEN, Kou-Cheng(M; 1991; ID# 15148), Academia Sinica, Inst of Earth Sciences, PO Box 1-55 Nankang,Taipei 115, TAIWANROC,(886)2783-9910, fax: 886-2-783-9371, e-maiL: [email protected] CHANG,Susan(M; 1993; ID# 15696), Shannon& Wilson Inc, 400 North 34th Street, Ste 100, PO Box 300303, SeattLe,WA,98103, (206)632-8020, fax: 206-633-6777, e-marl: [email protected] CHEN, Rui (M; 1997; ID# 17027), Southwest Research Institute, Ctr for NucLearWaste Reg AnaLyses,6220 Cu|ebra Road, San Antonio, TX, 78228, (210) 522-5152, fax: (210) 522-6081, emaiL: [email protected] CHANG,Tao-Ming(M; 1992; ID# 15367), Academia Sinica, Inst of Earth Science, POBox 155 Nankang,Taipei 11529, TAIWANROC,e-maiL: [email protected] CHEN, Sheng-Zao(S; 1997; ID# 16841), CarLeton University, Dept of Earth Sciences,Ottawa ON, KIS 5B6, CANADA,(613) 520-2600 x1850, fax: (613) 736-0425, e-maiL: [email protected] CHANG,Wu-Lung (S; 1997; ID# 17005), 721 Medical PLaza,SaLtLakeCity, UT, 84112, CHEN, Wang-Ping (M; 1975; ID# 11440), University of ILLinois,GeoLogyDept 245 Natural History Btdg, 1301 W. GreenStreet, Urbana, IL, SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October1999 61801, (217) 333-2744, fax: (217) 244-4996, emarl: [email protected] fax: (617) 244-0816, e-maiL: [email protected] 94114, (415)973-2791, fax: 415-973-5778, emaiL: [email protected] CHEN,Xiaofei (M; 1990; ID# 13776), Peking University, Dept of Geophysics, Beijing 100871, CHINA PRC,(86)10-6275-3668, fax: 86-10-62754294, e-maih [email protected] CHU, Hsueh-Hsin(M; 1995; ID# 16224), Project Engineer, 18809 SherbournePlace, RowLand Heights, CA, 91748, (909)796-0544, fax: 909796-7675, e-maiL: supersoi[@aoLcom CLYMER, RichardW. (M; 1979; ID# 12295), 937 Pomona Avenue,ALbany,CA, 94706, (510)4867314, fax: 510-643-5811, e-maih [email protected] CHEN,Xiuqi (S; 1999; ID# 17407), Georgia Institute of TechnoLogy,Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Atlanta, GA, 30332, (404)894-2861, fax: 404-894-5638, e-malt: [email protected] CHULICK, GaryS. (M; 1991; ID# 14178), Purdue UniversityCalumet, Dept of Chemistry& Physics, Hammond, IN, 46323-2094, (219) 989-2624 COCCO,Massimo (M; 1986; ID# 12476), Istituto Nazionale Geofisica, Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Rome, ITALY,(39)6-5186-0401, fax: 39-6504-1181, e-maiL: [email protected] CHEN,Yuan-Hsing(S; 1996; ID# 16400), RensseLaerPolytechnicInstitute, Dept of Earth & EnvironmentaLScience, Troy, NY, 12180, (518)276-6477 CHERRY,Sheldon, (M; 1962; ID# 10076), Univ of British Columbia, Civil EngineeringDept, VancouverBC, V6T lW5, CANADA,(604) 8222602, fax: (604) 822-6901, e-maiL: [email protected] CHIOU, Shyh-Jeng(M; 1984; ID# 11454), Geomatrix Consultants, 100 Pine Street Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA, 94111, (415)743-7130, fax: (415)434-1365, e-maih [email protected] CHIU, Hung-Chie(M; 1988; ID# 13121), PO Box 1-55, Nankang, Taipei, TAIWANROC,(886)2-7839910, fax: 886-2-783-9871, e-maih [email protected] CHIU, Jer-Ming (M; 1977; ID# 11310), The Universityof Memphis, CERI,Campus Box 526590, Memphis, TN, 38152-6590, (901)6782007, fax: 901-678-4734, e-maih [email protected] CHOUET,BeMrd (M; 1985; ID# 12070), US GeologicalSurvey - OEVE,345 MiddLefieldRoad, MS977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4796, fax: (650) 329-5143, e-maiL: [email protected] CHOWDHURY, Dipak K. (M; 1986; ID# 11358), Indiana University, Dept of Geosciences, Purdue Univ at Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN, 46805, (219)481-6250, fax: 219-481-6880, e-maiL: [email protected] CHOY,George L. (M; 1970; ID# 11663), US GeologicalSurvey, DenverFederalCenter MS967, Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8424, fax: 303-273-8450, e-maih choy@crgdmai[ CHOY,Jose (M; 1977; ID# 10866), Univ de Los Andes, Dept de Fisica, Facu[tad de Ciencias, Merida, VENEZUELA,(58)74-442-076, fax: 58-74401-286, e-maih [email protected] CHRISTENSEN,DougLasH. (M; 1980; ID# 11371), GeophysicalInsUtute, University of ALaska, Fairbanks, AK, 99775-7320, (907)474-7426, emaiL: [email protected][ CHRISTIAN,John T. (M; 1971; ID# 10946), John T. Christian, Consu[Ung Engineer,23 Fredana Road, Waban, MA, 02468-1103, (617) 244-0760, CHULICK,John A. (M; 1983; ID# 11261), 5239 FerryCreekLane,Acworth,GA,30102-2560, (404) 421-3322, fax: (404) 421-3486, e-maiL: jchu[[email protected] CHUNG,3en-Kuang(M; 1991; ID# 15252), Central Weather Bureau,SeismoLogia[ObservationCtr, 64, Kung Yuan Road,Taipei, TAIWANROC,(886) 22349-1166, fax: (886) 2-2349-1178, e-maiL: [email protected] CHUNG, Wai-Ying (M; 1980; ID# 11543), CERI, University of Memphis, Memphis,TN, 38152, (901)678-4824, e-maih [email protected] CICERONE,Robert D. (M; 1987; ID# I0904), 19 GreenwoodAvenue,Dedham, MA, 02026, (781) 326-7729, e-maiL: [email protected] CIPAR,John (M; 1972; ID# 10894), 16 ALgonquin Road, Acton, MA, 01720, (781) 377-3746, fax: (781) 377-2707, e-maih [email protected][ CLAASSEN,,lohn (M; 1996; ID# 15428), Sandia National Labs, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque,NM, 87185-0655, (505)844-6685, fax: 505-844-5321, e-maih [email protected] CLARK, BruceR. (M; 1981; ID# 12019), Leighton & Associates,Inc, 17781 Cowan,Irvine, CA, 92614-6103, (949) 250-1421, fax: (949) 2501114, e-maiL: [email protected] CLARK, RogerA. (M; 1985; ID# 10188), The University - Leeds, Schoolof Earth Sciences, Leeds LS2 9,1T,UK-ENGLAND,(44)113-233-5221, fax: 44-113-233-5259, e-maih [email protected] CLAUTER,DeanA. (M; 1983; ID# 11275), HQ AFTAC/TTR,1030 HighwayAIA, Patrick AFB, FL, 32925-3002, (407)494-5266, fax: 407-494-2274, e-maiL: clauter@ray[ CLEVER,Carol(M; 1994; ID# 15861), 26130 NarbonneAvenueApt103, Lomita, CA, 907172929, (310)375-5753,fax: 310-326-3133,e-maih c[[email protected] CLINE, Michael W. (M; 1994; ID# 15889), NJDOT GeodeUc SurveyCN600, 1035 Parkway Avenue, Trenton, NJ, 08618-2309, (609)530-5654, e-mai[: [email protected], CLINTON,John (S; 1998; ID# 17295), Ca[if Inst of Technology,Civil Engineering,104-44, Pasadena, CA, 91106, (626)844-6719, e-maih jc[[email protected][ CLUFF, Lloyd S. (M; 1964; ID# 12176), 33 Mountain Spring Avenue, San Francisco, CA, COCHRANE,StanLey(M; 1992; ID# 15315), Swiss ReinsuranceCompany, Mythenquai50/60, Ch8022 Zurich, SWITZERLAND,(41)1-285-3315, fax: 41-1-285-2407, e-maiL: stan[[email protected] COGBILL, ALLenH. (M; 1991; ID# 14020), Los A[amos NatLLab, MSC335, PO Box 1663, Los A[amos, NM, 87545, (505)667-1049, fax: 505667-4739, e-maiL: ahc@lanLgov COLLINS, Kevin R. (M; 1995; ID# 16291), University of Michigan, 2374 GG Brown B[dg, 2350 Hayward,Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-2125, (734) 764-5617, fax: (734) 764-4292, e-maiL: [email protected] COMARTIN,Craig D. (M; 1991; ID# 15153), 7683 Andrea Avenue,Stockton, CA, 95207, (209)4721221, fax: 209-472-7294, ce-maih [email protected] COMBS,Jim (M; 1971; ID# 12215), Geo HiLls Associates, 2395 Catamaran Dr., Reno, NV, 895095731, (775) 827-1960, fax: (775) 827-1960, email: jimjeany@ix, COMER, Robert P. (M; 1978; ID# 10900), 106 Riverdale Road, Concord, NA, 01742, (978) 2620669, fax: (978) 262-0700, e-maih rpcomer@a[ COOK, Mid W. (M; 1995; ID# 16310), 12915 Alton Square Apt 117, Herndon,VA, 20170-5802, (703)476-5197, e-maiL: [email protected] COOPER, Anne V. (M; 1993; ID# 15700), 13153 East Honeybee Street, Moorpark, CA, 93021, (805)523-9748, e-mail: [email protected] COOPER, Patricia A. (M; 1976; ID# 12383), University of Hawaii At Manoa, Bachman Hall 105, 2444 DoLeStreet, HonoluLu, HI, 96822, (808)956-4566, fax: 808-956-9797, e-maih [email protected] COOPER,ThomasW. (M; 1991; ID# 14778), T.W. Cooper Inc, Box 4253, Torrance,CA, 90510, (310) 328-1180, fax: (310) 329-5161, e-maiL: twcoopinc@aoLcom COPPERSMITH, Kevin3. (M; 1982; ID# 12151), GeomatrixConsultants,2101 WebsterStreet, 12th Floor, OakLand,CA, 94612, (510)663-4100, fax: 510-663-4141, e-maih [email protected] CORBEl'r, Edward3. (S; 1976; ID# 11803), POBox 8720, University Station, Reno, NV, 89507-8720, (775) 853-8055, e-maih [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 615 CORMIER,Vernon F. (M; 1971; ID# 10936), University of Connecticut, Dept of Geology & Geophysics, 354 MansfieldRoad, U-45, Storrs, CT, 06268-2045, (860) 486-1391, fax: (860) 4861383, e-mail: [email protected] CORNELL, C. ALlin (M; 1966; ID# 12073), 110 Coquito Way, PortoLaValley, CA, 94028, (650) 854-8053, fax: (650) 854-8075, e-mail: [email protected] COROMINAS,Rafael (M; 1995; ID# 16329), Benigno E Rojas 154, Santo Domingo, DOMINICANREPUBLIC,(809)567-2747, fax: 809541-8871 CORREIG, Antoni M. (M; 1975; ID# 10813), Universidad de Barcelona, Dept Astronomie & MeteoroLogia, Marti Franques1, E-OBO28 Barcelona, SPAIN, (34)3-402-1199, fax: 34-3402-1133, e-mail: [email protected] CORZRODRIQUEZ,ALfonso(M; 1985; ID# 10823), Universidad de Malaga, ETSIngenieros IndustriaLes, PLazaELEjido, s/n, 29013 Malaga, SPAIN, e-mail: [email protected] COSTANTINO,Carl J. (M; 1992; ID# 15345), 4 Rockingham Road, Spring Valley, NY, 10977, (212)650-8003, fax: 212-690-6965, e-mail: [email protected] COTA,Joseph (M; 1998; ID# 17069), 6634 VaLjean Avenue, Van Nuys, CA, 91406, (818)785-5128, fax: 818-785-1548, e-mail: [email protected] COl'rON, Fabrice (M; 1997; ID# 16882), IPSN, Centre D'Etude Nucleaire, BP 6, 92265 Fontenay Aux Roses, FRANCE,(33)1-4654-7683, fax: 33-14654-8130, e-mail: [email protected] COl-tON, William R. (M; 1977; ID# 12330), Cotton, Shires, & Associates, Inc., 330 Village Lane, Los Gatos, CA, 95030, (408)354-5542, email: [[email protected] COURBOULEX, Francoise(M; 1998; ID# 16616), UMRGeosciencesAzur, CNRS,250 Av Einstein, 06560 VaLbonne,FRANCE,(33)4-9294-2610, email: [email protected] COX, Doak C. (M; 1947; ID# 12389), 1929 Kaketa Drive, Honolulu, HI, 96822, (808)949-7893, email: [email protected] (303)273-8609, fax: 303-273-8600, e-mail: [email protected] CREAGER,Kenneth C. (M; 1997; ID# 13244), University of Washington, GeophysicsProgram, Box 351650, Seattle, WA, 98195, (206)685-2803, fax: 206-543-0489, e-mail: [email protected] CRONE,AnthonyJ. (M; 1986; ID# 11689), US GeologicalSurvey,MS966, DenverFederalCenter Room 423, Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225-0046, (303)273-8591, fax: 303-273-8600, e-mail: [email protected] CROSBY,30 K. (M, 1972; ID# 12132), PO Box 4220, MountainView, CA, 94040, (650) 9693268, fax: (650) 969-3345 CROSSON,Robert S. (M; 1966; ID# 12433), Universityof Washington,GeophysicsAK-50, Box 351650, Seattle, WA, 98195-1650, (206)5436505, fax: 206-543-0489, e-mail: [email protected] CROTWELL, H. Philip (S; 1996; ID# 16437), University of South Carolina, Dept of Geological Sciences, EWSC502, Columbia,SC, 29208, (803) 777-8986, fax: (803) 777-0906, e-mail: [email protected] CROUSE,C. B. (M; 1975; ID# 12006), Damesand Moore, 500 Market P[aceTower,2025 First Avenue,Seattle, WA, 98121, (206) 728-0744, fax: (817) 727-3350, e-mail: [email protected] CRUMB, Marvin (M; 1996; ID# 16130), Terra TechnologyCorp, 14909 NE40th Street, Redmond, WA, 98052-5326, (206)883-7300, fax: 206-882-1412, e-mail: [email protected] CULLEN,James H. (M; 1984; ID# 12322), M CuLlenInstruments, 1090 BodegaAvenue, Peta[uma, CA, 94952, (707)762-6279, fax: 707778-8060, e-mail: [email protected] CURCHIN,John M. (M; 1998; ID# 17036), 1110 Jersey Street, Denver,CO, 80220, e-mail: [email protected] CURRIE,Charles(M; 1993; ID# 15750), Turboglen JouM[ Section, 1752 North Kirsten Lee Drive, WestLakeVillage, CA, 91361, (818) 597-1878,fax: (818) 597-9831 COYLE,John M. (M; 1992; ID# 14409), John CoyLe& Associates, 334 State Street, Suite 106," Los ALtos,CA, 94022, (650) 961-9980 D CRAMER,ChrisH. (M; 1974; ID# 12363), Ca[if Div of Mines & Geology, 801 K Street, MS 12-31, Sacramento, CA, 95814-3531, (916)324-7299 DAHLEN, FrancisA. (M; 1971; ID# 10999), Princeton University, Dept of Geosciences,Guyot Hall, Princeton, NJ, 08544, (609)258-4130, fax: 609-258-1274, e-mail: [email protected] CRAMPIN,Stuart (M; 1963; ID# 15716), Univ of Edinburgh, Grant Inst, Dept of Geology & Geophysics, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK-SCOTLAND,(44)31-650-4908, fax: 4431-668-3184, e-mail: [email protected] DAINTY,Anton M. (M; 1970; ID# 10937), Defense Threat ReductionAgency,45045 Aviation Drive, DuLLes,VA, 20166-7517, (703)810-4198, fax: 703-810-4159 CRANSWICK, Edward (M; 1985; ID# 12074), US GeologicalSurveyGeologicHazardsTeam, MS966 Room 336 DFC,POBox 25046, Denver,CO,80225, DALY,,lack (M; 1996; ID# 16420), Sargent& Lundy, 55 East MonroeStreet Room 25D14, Chicago, IL, 60603, (312)269-6135, fax: 312269-7290 DARGUSH, Andrea S. (M; 1988; ID# 13042), NatL Ctr for Eq Engr Research,SUNYBuffalo, 107 Red Jacket Quad, Buffalo, NY, 14261-0025, (716)6453391, fax: 716-645-3399, e-marl: [email protected] DARRAGH,Robert B. (M; 1983; ID# 12270), 2120 FortunaCourt, Davis,CA, 95616, (530) 753-9044, e-mail: [email protected] DARROW,Arthur C. (M; 1979; ID# 12431), Dames & Moore, 911 WiLshire BLvd,#700,Los Angeles, CA, 90017, (213)996-2200, fax: 213-996-2212, e-mail: [email protected] DAITA, SubhenduK. (M; 1986; ID# 12481), Univ of CoLoradro, Dept of MechanicalEngineering, Campus Box 427, Boulder, CO, 80309-0427, (303)492-0287, fax: (303) 492-3498, e-maih [email protected] DAUDT,Carl R. (M; 1987; ID# 12637), 6691 Shady Ridge Cove, Bartlett, TN, 38135, (901)678-4855, fax: 901-678-4734, e-mail: [email protected] DAVIDSON, Mark E. (S; 1997; ID# 16769), 2312 Happy Hollow Road, West Lafayette, IN, 479061729, (765)463-6775, e-maih [email protected] DAVIDSON,Xan (S; 1997; ID# 16770), 2312 Happy Hollow Rd, W. Lafayette,IN, 47906, e-mail: [email protected] DAVIS, Craig A. (S; 1995; ID# 16300), 27017 Vista EncantadaDrive, Valencia,CA, 91354, (661) 297-1215, fax: (213) 367-3792, e-mail: [email protected] DAVIS, PaulM. (M; 1987; ID# 12925), University of California, Geology BLdg, Earth & SpaceSci Dept, 595 Circle Drive East, Los Angeles,CA, 90024, (213)206-6459, e-mail: [email protected] DAWSON, Phil (M; 1984; ID# 12052), US GeologicalSurvey, MS 977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4751, e-mail: [email protected] DAWSON, Timothy E. (S; 1996; ID# 16721), San Diego State University, Dept of Geological Sciences, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA, 92182-1020, (619)594-1381, fax: 619-594-4372, e-marl: [email protected] DAY,Steven M. (M; 1979; ID# 11959), San Diego State University, Dept of GeologicalSciences,San Diego, CA, 92182, (619)594-5586, fax: 619-5944372, e-mail: [email protected] DE LONG, Virginia (S; 1999; ID# 17461), 820 AzaleaStreet, Ripon, CA, 95366, (209) 599-6792, e-mail: tahnya@aoLcom DE SOUI.A, Jorge Luis (M; 1994; ID# 15832), Observatorio Naciona[, Dept de Geofisica,R: Ga[ Jose Cristino 77 - Sao Cristovao, 20921-400 Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL,e-mail: [email protected] DEALBA, PedroA. (M; 1975; ID# 10966), 303 Washington Street, Dover, NH, 03820-3629, 616 SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October1999 (603)862-1428, fax: 603-862-2364, e-mail: [email protected] DER,ZoLtanA. (M; 1998; ID# 12691), ENSCOInc, 5400 Port RoyalRoad, Springfield, VA, 221512301, (703)321-4620, fax: 703-321-4609 DEANGELIS, Charles A. (M; 1984; ID# 10906), Factory Mutual Engr Corp, 1151 BostonProvidence Turnpke, PO Box 9102, Norwood, MA, 02062, (781) 255-4781, fax: 781-762-9375, email: charLes.deange|is@factory-mutuaLcom DEICHMANN, Nicholas(M; 1991; ID# 14048), Stuhtenstrasse28, CH-8123 Ebmatingen, SWITZERLAND,(41)1-633-2621, fax: 41-1-6331065, e-mail: [email protected] DEVANE,3. E, (M; 1954; ID# 10950), Weston Observatory, Boston College, 381 Concord Road, Weston, MA, 02493, (617)552-3640, fax: 617552-2462, e-mail: [email protected] DEWEY,JamesW. (M; 1962; ID# 11665), US GeologicalSurvey,DenverFederalCenter, MS966, Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225-0046, (303)2738419, fax: 303-273-8450, e-mail: [email protected] DOLL, CharlesG., Jr. (M; 1996; ID# 16133), Mass Inst of Technology, Earth ResourcesLab, 42 Carteton Street, Cambridge, MA, 02142, (617)253-7863, fax: 617-253-6385, e-mail: [email protected] DOMINGUEZ,Jose (M; 1987; ID# 12677), E S Ingenieros IndustriaLes,Bibtioteca, Av Reina Mercedes S/N, 41012 Sevitla, SPAIN, (34)5-4556999, fax: 34-5-455-6997, e-mail: [email protected] DONG, Weimin (M; 1991; ID# 15228), Risk ManagementSoftware Inc, 149 Commonwealth Drive, Menlo Park, CA, 94025-1133, (650)6176500, fax: 650-617-6490, e-maih [email protected] DEL PEZZO,Edoardo(M; 1984; ID# 10408), Via Riviera di Chiaia 281, NapoLi80121, ITALY, (39)89-965-287, fax: 39-89-953-804, e-mail: [email protected] DEWEY,Thomas(M; 1998; ID# 17150), 24045 MoretLa,Murrieta, CA, 92562, (909)698-3962, email: [email protected] DELANEY,Paul (M; 1991; ID# 14067), US GeologicalSurvey, 2255 N. Gemini Drive, FLagstaff, AZ, 86001, (520)556-7270, fax: 520556-7169, e-mail: [email protected] DI SILVESTRO,Laurel (M; 1991; ID# 14435), Risk ManagementSolutions, 149 Commonwealth Dr, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)617-6480, fax: 650617-6565, e-mail: [email protected] DELANO,Sara M. (S; 1996; ID# 16626), 154 South Zang Way, Lakewood, CO, 80228-1922, (406)582-8641 DIAO, Gui-Ling(M; 1991; ID# 15264), SeismologicalBureau of, Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang Hebei, CHINA PRC DELSEMME,Jacques (L; 1980; ID# 12332), University of California, Communications& TechnologyServices, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064, (831) 459-2642, e-mail: [email protected] DICKINSON,Tammy(M; 1998; ID# 17271), National ResearchCouncil,2101 Constitution Ave NW, Ste372, Washington, DC, 20418, (202)3342744, fax: 202-334-1377, e-mail: [email protected] DORMAN, H. James (M; 1953; ID# 11612), 142 Walnut Creek Road, Cordova;TN, 38018, (901) 678-2007, fax: (901) 678-4734, e-mail: [email protected] DENG,3ishu (M; 1994; ID# 15899), CaLifInst of Technology,SeismologicalLab 252-21, Pasadena, CA, 91125, (626)395-6948, fax: 626-564-0715, e-mail: [email protected] DIETZ, Lynn D. (M; 1987; ID# 12661), US GeologicalSurvey,345 MiddLefietdRoad, MS977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-5520, fax: 650329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] DORMAN, LeRoyM. (M; 1968; ID# 11970), Univ of CaliforniaSan Diego,Grd A-015, Scripps Inst of Oceanography, La JotLa, CA, 92093-0215, (619)543-2406, fax: 619-534-6849, e-mail: [email protected] DENGLER,Lori (M; 1992; ID# 15464), Humboldt State University,GeologyDepartment, Arcata, CA, 95521, (707)826-3115, fax: 707-826-5241, email: [email protected] DIMENT,William H., (M; 1956; ID# 11666), 1822 ArapahoeStreet, Golden, CO, 80401-1853, (303) 273-8571, fax: 303-273-8600, e-mail: [email protected] DOSER,DianeI. (M; 1980; ID# 11637), University of Texas,Dept of GeologicalSciences, ELPaso,TX, 79968-0555, (915) 747-5851, fax: (915) 7475073, e-mail: [email protected] DENIS, Carlo (M; 1972; ID# 10045), 23, rue SaintMaur, B-4000 Liege, BELGIUM,(32-4) 254-75-33, fax: (32-4) 254-75-11, e-mail: [email protected],be DIMITRIOU, Petros P. (M; 1997; ID# 17023), ITSAK,POBox 53 Finikas,GR-55102Thessatoniki, GREECE,(30)31-476-6081, fax: 30-31-476-6085, e-mail: [email protected] DOST, BeMrd(M; 1994; ID# 15972), Zaagmoten 52, 3962 GB, Wijk Bij Duurstede, NETHERLANDS, (31)343-577-124, e-mail: [email protected][ DENISON, Frank E. (M; 1991; ID# 14175), 867 HartgLen Avenue,WestLakeVillage, CA, 91361, (818) 889-7806, fax: (805) 379-4623, e-mail: [email protected] DING, Gang (S; 1998; ID# 15596), 15719 TetLey Street #3D, Hacienda Heights, CA, 91745, (626) 281-0792, e-mail: [email protected] DOUGHERTY,Martin E. (M; 1995; ID# 16236), 331 Orlando BLvd,Indiatantic, FL, 32903, (407)9512583, fax: 407-676-1628, e-mail: [email protected] DIXON, JamesP. (M; 1986; ID# 12480), 445 Pineda Court, Melbourne,FL, 32940, (321) 2596491, e-maih [email protected] DOUGLAS, Bruce M. (M; 1969; ID# 11798), University Station, Box 8121, RenD,NV, 89507, (775) 747-6787, e-mail: [email protected] DMOWSKA,Renata (M; 1981; ID# 10914), Harvard University, DEAS- Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA, 02138, (617)495-3452, fax: 617-495-9837, e-mail: [email protected] DRAKE, Lawrence(M; 1966; ID# 10013), Observatorio San CaLixto,Casitta 12656, La Paz, BOLIVIA, (591)2-356-098, fax: 591-376-805, email: [email protected] DENNY,Marvin D. (M; 1976; ID# 12237), 106 GreenwichCourt, San Ramon, CA, 94583-2800, (925) 422-3919, fax: (925) 423-4077, e-mail: dennyl@ttnLgov DEPOLO,Craig M. (M; 1988; ID# 13010), 2630 Trentham Way, RenD, NV, 89509, (775) 784-6691, fax: 775-784-1709, e-mail: [email protected] DEPOLO, Diane (M; 1985; ID# 11800), 2630 Trentham Way, RenD, NV, 89509, (775)784-4976, fax: 775-784-1833, e-mail: [email protected] DER KIUREGHIAN,Armen (M; 1977; ID# 12296), Universityof California, Dept of Civil Engineering SEMMGrp, 721 Davis Halt MC 1710, Berkeley,CA, 94720, (510)642-2469, fax: 510-643-5264, email: [email protected] DOBER,MarkC. (M; 1995; ID# 16234), URS GreinerWoodward-CLydeFed Svcs, Seismic Hazards Branch, 500 12th Street Suite 200, Oakland, CA, 94607, (510)874-3085, e-mail: [email protected] DODGE, DougA. (M; 1993; ID# 14147), Lawrence l_ivermoreNatt Lab, L-206, 7000 East Ave, Livermore, CA, 94550-9900, (925) 424-4631, email: [email protected] DONOVAN, NevilleC. (M; 1967; ID# 12172), Dames & Moore, 221 Main Street Suite 600, San Francisco, CA, 94105, (415)456-5858, e-mail: nevitted@pacbetLnet DORBATH,Louis (M; 1986; ID# 10780), 6 rue des Veaux, 67000 Strasbourg, FRANCE,(33)3-88-41 6396, fax: 33-3-88-61-6747, e-mail: [email protected] DRAVINSKI, Marijan (M; 1979; ID# 11808), Univ of Southern California, Dept of Mechanical Engineering,3650 McCtintockAve, Room430, Los Angeles, CA, 90089-1453, (213)740-0493, fax: 213-740-8071, e-mail: [email protected] DREGER, Douglas S. (M; 1990; ID# 13744), University of California, Berkeley Seismological Lab, 301 McConeHall, Berkeley, CA, 94720, (510) 642-3977, fax: (510) 643-5811, e-mail: dreger@seismo, Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October 1999 617 DRYSDALE,Janet A. (M; 1995; ID# 13289), 126 Ossington Avenue,Ottawa ON, KIS 3B8, CANADA, (613) 992-0249, fax: (613) 992-8836, e-mail[: [email protected] DU BERGER,Reynald(M; ; ID# 10085), Universite Du Quebec,Sciencesde |a Terre, 555 Bout[de ['Universite, Chicoutimi PQ, G7H 2B1, CANADA, (418) 545-5395, fax: (418) 545-5012, e-maih [email protected] DU, Wen-Xuan(S; 1998; ID# 17162), Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, 201C Seismology Bldg, Palisades,NY, 10964, (914)305-8401, fax: 914-305-8150, e-mail: [email protected] DUBA, Roger L. (M; 1997; ID# 14447), 2802 Las Gal[inas Ave, San Rafaet[, CA, 94903-1429, (415)479-6758, e-mail: [email protected] DUEKER, Ken (M; 1999; ID# 17123), Univ of Colorado, Dept of Geology, Boulder, CO, 80309, (303)735-4994, e-maih [email protected] DUPZYK,Isabelle A. (M; 1971; ID# 12238), 4179 Stanford Way, Livermore, CA, 94550, (925) 4476397, e-mail: isamay@pacbelLnet DUREK, Joseph J. (M; 1991; ID# 15147), SRI InteMtional, MS 408-62, 333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 859-3031, e-mail: [email protected] DZHAFAROV,A. D. (M; 1998; ID# 17079), PO Box 2083, Wet[kom, SOUTHAFRICA,(27) 57-91291111, fax: (27) 57-912-2652 DZIEWONSKI, Adam (H; 1968; ID# 10915), Harvard University, Dept of Geology, Cambridge, MA, 02138, (617) 495-2510, fax: (617) 4950635, e-mail: [email protected] E EATON,Jerry P. (M; 1951; ID# 12076), US GeologicalSurvey, MS 977,345 Midd[efieldRoad, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4790, e-mail: [email protected] EBEL,John E. (M; 1976; ID# 10951), Weston Observatory, Boston College, 381 Concord Road, Weston, MA, 02493, (617)552-8300, fax: 617552-8388, e-mail[: ebe[ EBERHART-PHILLIPS,Donna M. (M; 1979; ID# 12184), Institute of Geological& Nuclear Sciences, Private Bag 1930, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND,(64) 3-477-4050, fax: (64) 3-4775235, e-mail: [email protected] ECKHOFF,OscarB. (M; 19B3; ID# 11325), POBox 277, Picayune,MS, 39466, (601)688-4540 EDINGER, Peter H. (M; 1995; ID# 16321), Mueser Rut[ledgeConsulting Engrs, 708 Third Avenue, New York, NY, 10017, (212)490-7110, fax: 212953-5626, e-mail: muesereng@aoLcom EGAN, John A. (M; 1978; ID# 12152), Geomatrix Consultants, 100 Pine Street Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA, 94111, (415)434-9400, fax: 415434-1365, e-mail[: [email protected] EINARSSON, Pat[t[(M; 1971; ID# 10351), University of Iceland, ScienceInstitute, Dunhagi 3, Reykjavik, ICELAND,(354)525-4816, fax: 354552-8801, e-mail: [email protected] EISENBERG,Alfredo (M; 1986; ID# 10141), Univ de Chile, Depto de Geoflsica,Casilla 2777, Santiago, CHILE, (56)2-696-6563, fax: 56-2-2256099, e-maih [email protected] EKSTROM,Goran (M; 1985; ID# 10916), Harvard University, Earth & PlanetaryScience Dept, 20 Oxford Street, Cambridge,MA, 02138, (617) 4968276, fax: (617) 495-8839, e-mail: ekstrom@eps, EL-ISA, Zuhair H. (M; 1975; ID# 10701), University of Jordan, Bept of Geology& Mineralogy, Amman, JORDAN,(962)6-844-265, fax: 962-6-832-318 ELLIOTT, R. T. (M; 1986; ID# 11437), State Farm Insurance, Fire Building 8N, 112 EastWashington Street, Bloomington, IL, 61701, (309)766-7973, fax: 309-766-4498 ELLIOI"r, William (M; 1991; ID# 15073), Portland Water Bureau, 1120 SW5th Avenue,6th Floor, Portland, OR, 97204-1926, (503)823-7486, fax: 503-823-4500, e-mail: [email protected]|and.or,us ELLSWORTH,William L. (M; 1973; ID# 12077), US Geological Survey, MS 977, 345 Middt[efie[dRoad, Ment[o Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-4784, fax: 650329-5163, e-maih [email protected] ELSESSER,Eric (M; 1963; ID# 12165), Forel~ E~esserEnginee~ Inc, 160 PineStreet, 6th Floo~ San Francisco,CA, 94111,(415)837-0700, fax: 415-837-0800 ELWOOD, Ken (S; 1999; ID# 17326), 1565 Santa Clara Street, Richmond,CA, 94804, (510)5285282, e-mail: et[[email protected] EMTER,Dieter (M; 1973; ID# 10294), Black Forest Observatory (BFO), ObservatoriumSchiltach, Heubach 206, D-77709Wolfach, GERMANY, (49)7836-2151, fax: 49-7836-7650 ENDO, Elliot T. (M; 1976; ID# 12443), US Geological Survey, 5400 MacArthurBlvd, Vancouver, WA, 98661, (817) 696-7891, fax: (817) 696-7866, e-mail: [email protected] ENGDAHL, Eric R. (M; 1963; ID# 11667), Univ of Colorado, Dept of Physics,CampusBox 390, Boulder, CO, 80309-0390, (303)735-4853, fax: 303-492-7935, e-mail: engdaht[@temond.cot[ ERGIN, Mehmet (S; 1995; ID# 16222), Istanbul Tech University,Tubitak MRC,Dept of Earth Sciences, PO Box 21, 41470 Gebze, Kocae[i, IURKEY, (90)262-641-2300, fax: 90-262-6412309, e-mail: [email protected] ERGUNAY,Oktay (M; 1998; ID# 17107), Ministry of PublicWorks and Settlement, Genera[Director of Disasters Affairs, PO Box 763, Kizilay,Ankara, TURKEY,(90) 312-287-8345, e-mail: [email protected] ERKEL, Albert A. (M; 1978; ID# 11843), 501 Cold Stream Court, Roseville, CA, 95747-8137, (916)771-5187, fax: 916-771-2031, e-maih ESPINOSAARANDA,3uan Manuel(M; 1995; ID# 16254), Anaxagoras814, CoilNarvarte, De[leg Benito Juarez, 03020 MexicoCity, MEXICO,(52) 5687-4542, fax: (52) 5-669-2512, e-mail: [email protected] ESI'ABROOK, Charles (M; 1987; ID# 12660), GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Tet[egrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, GERMANY,(49)331-288-1243, fax: 49-331-288-1277, e-maih [email protected] ESTILL, Robert (M; 1991; ID# 15117), UNOCAL, 14141 Southwest Freeway, Sugarland, TX, 77478 ETrEHADI, Armin (M; 1999; ID# 17462), C/o A. Ghandi, American Export, Bt[dg68, JFK Airport, Jamaica, NY, 11430, (98)21-258-3723, fax: 9821-258-3723, e-maih aettkhari@hotmaiLcom EVA, Ct[audio(M; 1973; ID# 10414), Univ Genova - Sezione Geofisica, Dipt Scienze Della Terra, Plzo De[ Scienze Cso Europa 26, T-16132 Genova, ITALY, (39) 10-35-371, e-mail: [email protected] EVANS, J. Russell (M; 1977; ID# 15717), British Geological Survey, Murchison House/q/VestMains Rd, Edinburgh EH9 3LA, UK-SCOTLAND,(44)131667-1000, fax: 44-131-668-4140, e-mail: [email protected] EVANS, Oohn R. (M; Ig76; ID# 12078), US Geological Survey, MS 977, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4753, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] F FACCIOLI, Ezio (M; 1974; ID# 10415), Dipartimento Ing Strutturale, Politecnico, Piazza L Oa Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, ITALY, (39)0223994337, fax: 39-0223994220, e-mail: facciot[[email protected] ENGELL-SORENSEN, Lisbeth (M; 1995; ID# 10764), Wolffsgt 3, 5006 Bergen, NORWAY,(47)5532-4675, e-mail: [[email protected] FAIRBANKS, Tom (M; 1993; IO# 15418), Los Alamos Natl Lab, MS D443, PO Box 1663, Los A[amos, NM, 87545, (505) 665-4159, fax: (505) 567-8487, e-mail[: [email protected] ERDIK, Mustafa (M; 1976; ID# 10854), Bogazici University, Kandilt[iObser& Eq Res Inst, Dept Earthquake Engineering,81220 CnglkyIstanbl, TURKEY,(90)216-332-6560, fax: 90-216-3080163, e-mail: [email protected] FAN, Guang-Wei (M; 1991; ID# 13988), University of California, Dept Earth Sciences Earth Sciences Bldg, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064, (831) 459-4426, fax: (831) 459-2127, e-mail.: [email protected] 618 Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 FAROUQ, FadtulLah(M; 1961; ID# 15705), GeophysicalConsultant, PO Box 50891, Jeddah 21533, SAUDIARABIA, fax: 9662-653-4097 FAVALI, PaoLo(M; 1985; ID# 10432), Istituto Naziona[eGeofisica, Via Di Vigna Murata, 605, 00143 Rome, ITALY,(39)6-5186-0341, fax: 39-65186-0338, e-mail: [email protected]& [email protected] FEBRER,,lose Migue[ (M; 1994; ID# 15814), s 1248, 1010 BuenosAires, ARGENTINA, (54)1-812-6313, fax: 54-1-902-2824, e-mail: [email protected] FEHLER,Michael(M; 1978; ID# 11773), 1029 Big Ruck Loop, Los ALamos, NM, 87544, (505)6671925, fax: 505-667-8487, e-mail: fehLer@seismo5.[anLgov FENENBOCK, LoM (S; 1998; ID# 17167), 1950 WoodLyn Road, Pasadena, CA, 91107, (626)7983909, e-maiL: [email protected] FENTON,CLark(M; 1993; ID# 15534), WoodwardClyde FederalServices, 500 12th Street Suite 200, Oakland, CA, 94607, (510) 874-1775, Fax:(510) 874-3268, e-mail: clark [email protected] FERGUSON,John E(M; 1976; ID# 11539), Universityof Texas, Dept of Geosciences, 2601 N FLoyd Road, Richardson,TX, 75080, (214) 6902410, fax: (214) 690-2537, e-mail: [email protected] FERTIG,Jurgen (M; 1994; ID# 15844), Technische Univ Claustha[,Institute Fur Geophysik, ArnoldSommerfetd-Strabe 1, D-38678 Ctausthal-Z, GERMANY,e-maih [email protected] FEIT, John D. (M; 1963; ID# 11993), L & R Instruments, Inc, PO Box 5989, Incline Vi(Lage, NV, 89450-5989, e-mail: jdfincLine@aoLcom FIELD, Edward H. (M; 1989; ID# 13666), 196 Malcolm Drive, Pasadena,CA, 91105, (213) 7407088, Fax:(213) 740-0011, e-mail: [email protected] FILINA, Albina G. (M; 1998; ID# 17273), ALtaySayans Expedition, 3 Prospect Koptyga, Novosibirsk 630090, RUSSIA FILSON,John R. (M; 1965; ID# 11190), 2300 FoxfireCourt, Reston, VA, 20191-4605, (703)6486785, fax: 703-648-6717, e-mail: jfl[[email protected] FINN, CarolA. (M; 1991; ID# 14122), 710 Brookside Drive, India[antic, FL, 32903, (407)494-4217, fax: (407) 494-2274, e-mail: [email protected] FIRBAS, Petr (M; 1993; ID# 15473), Masaryk University Brno, Inst of Physicsof the Earth, ,lecna 29a, 612 46 Brno, CZECHREPUBLIC,(42) 5726-4341, fax: (42) 5-773-225, e-mail: [email protected] FISCHER,J. A. (M; 1962; ID# 10996), clio FEES Inc, 129 LongviewTerrace, Meyersvi[Le,N3, 07933, (201)221-5332, fax: 201-221-0406 FISCHER, Karen M. (M; 1990; ID# 13778), Brown University,Dept of GeologicalSciences,Box 1846, Providence, RI, 02912, (401)863-1360, e-maih [email protected] 44-113-233-5222, e-maih fra [email protected], uk FISHER, Michael A. (M; 1998; ID# 16671), US Geological Survey, 345 Midd[efie[d Road MS 999, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-5158, fax: 650329-5299, e-mail: [email protected] FRANKE, Mathias (M; 1992; ID# 15442), Kinemetrics Inc, 222 Vista Avenue, Pasadena,CA, 91107, (626) 795-2220, fax: (626) 769-3087, email: [email protected] FIX, James E. (M; 1966; ID# 11540), James E Fix & Associates,2505 Valley Forge, Richardson,TX, 75080, (972) 690-6195, fax: (972) 690-6195, email: [email protected] FRANKEL, Arthur D. (M; 1978; ID# 12080), US Geological SurveyGeologic HazardsTeam, Box 25046 MS966, DenverFederalCenter, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8556, fax: 303-273-8600, email: [email protected] FLANAGAN,Megan P. (M; 1991; ID# 14124), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, L-206 P.O. Box 808, BLdg. 1456, Room 1056, Livermore, CA, 94551, (925) 422-3945, fax: (925) 422-3118, e-maih flanaganS@llnLgov FRANKLIN, John P. (M; 1998; ID# 17086), Geosoits Inc, 5741 PalmerWay, Cartsbad, CA, 92008, (760) 438-3155, fax: (760) 931-0915, email: [email protected] FLETCHER,G. Louis (M; 1971; ID# 11g98), 1350 South E Street, PO Box 5906, San BeMrdino, CA, 92412, (909)824-2200, fax: (909) 387-9247, email: [[email protected] FRECHET,Julien (M; 1994; ID# 15860), 22 Allee Du Pre Blanc, 38240 Mey[an, FRANCE,(33) 476 828104, fax: (33) 476 828101, e-mail: frechet@[git.obs.ujf-g FLETCHER,Jon B. (M; 1972; ID# 12210), 827 La Jennifer Way, PaLoAlto, CA, 94306, (650) 3295628 FREDERIKSEN,Andrew (S; 1996; ID# 16708), Univ of British Columbia, Dept of Earth & Ocean Sciences, 2219 Main Mail, VancouverBC, V6T 174, CANADA,(604)822-2267, e-mail: [email protected] FOGLEMAN,Kent A. (M; 1976; ID# 12079), US GeologicalSurvey,MS977, 345 MiddtefieLdRoad, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4745, fax: (650) 329-5143, e-mail: [email protected] FREEMAN,Sigmund A. (M; 1966; ID# 12271), Wiss 3anney Elstner & Assoc, 2200 Powe[[Street Suite 925, Emeryvil[e,CA, 94608, (510) 4282907, fax: (510) 428-0456, e-mail: [email protected] FOLLOWILL, Fred E. (M; 1962; ID# 12239), Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab, MS 644, Applied Energy Technologies, 7000 East Avenue, Livermore, CA, 94551-0808, (925) 422-3920, fax: (925) 423-7914, e-mail: foLtowi[Ll@lLnLgov FREI, Peter (M; 1990; ID# 13735), Kirchweg 14, 8553 Huetflingen, SWITZERLAND,(41)52-7652630, fax: 52-2124-442, e-mail: [email protected] FONSECA,Joao FBD (M; 1996; ID# 16710), Inst Superior Tecnico, PhysicsDept - Geophysics Group, Av Rovisco Pais, I, 1096 Lisboa Cx, PORTUGAL,(351)1-841-7535, fax: 351-1-8419078, e-mail: [email protected] FREYMUELLER,Jeffrey T. (M; 1994; ID# 15800), Univ of ALaska,GeophysicalInstitute, PO Box 757320, Fairbanks, AK, 99775-7320, (907)4747286, fax: 907-474-5618, e-mail: [email protected] FORREST,Michael(M; 1994; ID# 15863), 17341 La MesaLane, Huntington Beach, CA, 92647, (714)847-7095 FRIEDMAN, Don G. (M; 1972; ID# 10974), 99 Knollwood Road, Newington, s 06111, (860)277-3488, fax: 860-277-3488 FORSYTII,DonaldW. (M; 1974; ID# 10962), Brown University,Dept of GeologicalSciences, 75 Waterman Street, Providence,RI, 02912-1846, (401)863-1699, fax: 401-863-2058, e-mail: [email protected] FROHLICH,CLiff(M; 1974; ID# 11621), University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics, 4412 Spicewood Springs Road Btdg 600, Austin, TX, 78759-8500, (512) 471-0460, e-mail: ctiff@utig,ig, FOUCH, Matthew J. (S; 1995; ID# 16239), Brown University, Dept of Geological Sciences, 324 Brook St, Box 1846, Providence, RI, 02912, (401) 863-1965, fax: 401-863-2058, e-mail: [email protected] FROLOVA,AlexandraG. (M; 1997; ID# 16915), Institute of Seismology, Mikrorayon Asanbay, 52/ 1, Bishkek 720060, KYRGYZSTAN FOWLER,JamesC. (M; 1991; ID# 15210), 510 Mesa, Soccoro, NM, 87801, (410) 263-4451, fax: 202-682-2444, e-mail: [email protected] FOXALL, Bill (M; 1980; ID# 12312), 323 Coleman Drive, San Rafae[, CA, 94901-1210, (925) 4243767, fax: (925) 422-1002, e-maih [email protected] FRANCIS, D. Jane (M; 1995; ID# 16215), Universityof Leeds, Dept of Earth Sciences,Leeds LS2 93T, UK-ENGLAND,(44)113-233-6627, fax: FROSCH, Robert A. (M; 1963; ID# 11370), 416 Commonwealth Avenue#605, Boston, MA, 022152811, (617)496-6120, fax: 617-495-8963, e-maih [email protected] FRYER, GerardJ. (M; 1972; ID# 12391), Univ of Hawaii - Manoa, Hawaii Inst of Geophysics & Planetology, Honolulu, HI, 96822, (808)9567875, fax: 808-956-3188, e-maih [email protected] FUIS, Gary (M; 1978; ID# 12081), US Geological Survey, MS977 EarthquakeStudies Office, 345 Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 619 MiddLefieLd Road, MenLo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4758, e-maih [email protected] FU,III, Yoichiro (M; 1981; ID# 10478), Nippo Co Ltd, 1-8-7 Kodai, Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki 2160007, JAPAN, (81)44-855-3211, fax: 81-44-8577205, e-maiL: [email protected] FUJINAWA, Yukio (M; 1986; ID# 12610), National Research Institute Japan, Earth Science & Disaster Prevention,Tennodai,Tsukuba 305, JAPAN, (81)298-51-1611, fax: 81-298-56-2795, e-maiL: [email protected] FUJITA, Kazuya(M; 1976; ID# 11382), Michigan State University, Dept of GeoLogy, East Lansing, MI, 48824, (517) 355-0142, fax: (517) 353-8787, e-maiL: [email protected] FU3IWARA, Hiroyuki (M; 1990; ID# 13734), Nat[ Res Inst Earth Sci & Disaster Prevention, 3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba,Ibaraki 305-0006, JAPAN, (81)298-58-1785, fax: 81-298-54-4941, e-maiL: [email protected] FUKUSHIMA, Yoshimitsu (S; 1989; ID# 13174), Ohsaki Res Inst Shimizu Corp, Fukoku Seimei BLdg, 2-2-2 Uchisaiwai-cho,Chiyoda-kuTokyo, JAPAN, (81)3-3508-8101, fax: 81-3-3508-2196, e-maiL: [email protected] FUKUYAMA, Eiichi (M; 1987; ID# 12646), Nail Res Ctr for Disaster Prevention, Science & TechnologyAgency, 3-1 TennodaiTsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0006, JAPAN, (81)2-9851-1611, fax: 81-2-9854-0629, e-maih [email protected] FURLONG, Kevin (M; 1991; ID# 14502), Penn State University, GeophysicsDept, 540 Deike BLdg, University Park, PA, 16802, (814) 8630567, fax: (814) 863-7823, e-maiL: [email protected] GALANOPOULOS,Ange[osG. (M; 1970; ID# 10335), 25 AcademyStreet, 10671 Athens, GREECE,(30)1-361-3042 GALLAGHER,John N. (M; 1969; ID# 11519), 7509 East 53rd Street, Tulsa,OK, 74145, (918) 6639573 GALLART,Josep (M; 1991; ID# 15127), Institute of Earth Sciences, Marti i Franquess/m, 08028 BarceLona, SPAIN, (34)93-409-5410, fax: 34-93411-0012, e-mail.."[email protected] GAO,StephenShangxing(M; 1994; ID# 15895), ArizonaState University,Dept of Geology,Tempe, AZ, 85287-1404, (602)965-0105, fax: 602-9658102, e-maih [email protected] GARBIN, H. DougLas(M; 1986; ID# 12608), Sandia NationaLLaboratories, Dept 9321, MS 1168, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque,NM, 87185, (505)845-7212, fax: 505-845-7244, e-mail: [email protected] GARCIA,Ana Campos(M; 1996; ID# 16403), Ca[re 22 #4-70 Apto 4B, Pereira-Risaratda,COLOMBIA, (57)63-354153, fax: 57-63-367159, e-maiL: [email protected] GARCIA-FEMNDEZ, Mariano(M; 1991; ID# 15220), s - 'Jaume ALmera',Inst de Cienciasde La Tierra, Lluis SoLeI SabarisS/n, E-08028 BarceLona,SPAIN, (34)93-409-5410, fax: 34-93411-0012, e-maiL: [email protected] GARDNER,John K. (M; 1964; ID# 11881), 965 Jane PLace,Pasadena,CA, 91105-3115, (310)8253123, e-maiL:[email protected] GARNERO,EdwardO. (M; 1995; ID# 12563), Arizona State University, Dept of GeoLogy,Box 871404, Tempe,AZ, 85287-1404, (480)965-7653, fax: 480-965-8102, e-maiL: [email protected] FURUMOTO,Muneyoshi(M; 1991; ID# 15093), Kanazawa University, Dept of Earth Sciences, Kakuma, Kanazawa920-11, JAPAN, (81)7-62645733, fax: 81-7-6264-5746, e-maih [email protected] GASKINS, Laurie (S; 1998; ID# 17076), 1650 Oxford Street Apt 2, BerkeLey,CA, 94709, (510)548-4312, e-maiL: lgaskins@udin k4. FURUMURA,Takashi (M; 1997; ID# 17009), Hokkaido University, Education, Midorigaoka 234-I, Iwamijawa 068 Hokkaido, JAPAN, (81)12632-0382, fax: (81) 126-32-0257, e-maiL: [email protected] GASPARINI,CaLvino(M; 1985; ID# 10416), Istituto NazionaLeDi Geofisica,Via Di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Roma,ITALY,(39)6-421-0208, fax: 39-6-421-9040, e-maiL: [email protected] G GATH, ELdon(M; 1995; ID# 16278), 12641 Panorama View, Santa Ana, CA, 92705, (714)2826122, e-maiL: [email protected] GAHERTY,James B. (M; 1989; ID# 13662), Georgia Institute of TechnoLogy,Schoolof Earth & Atmospheric Sciences,AtLanta, GA, 30332-0340, (404)894-1992, fax: 404-894-5638, e-maiL: [email protected] GAITLEY,ThomasA. (M; 1995; ID# 13630), 10 Grant Street, Needham, MA, 02192, (781) 4496243, e-maiL: [email protected] GAJARDO, Enrique (M; 1997; ID# 15602), CCS 2128, PO Box 025323-5323, Miami, FL, 33102, (582)283-2705, e-maiL." [email protected] 620 GAULON, R (M; 1972; ID# 10257), 19 Rue JeanJacques Rousseau,75001 Paris, FRANCE,(33)0142 33 5698, fax: 33-01 44 274781, e-mail: [email protected] GAZETAS,George (M; 1989; ID# 13628), 36 AsimakopouLouStr, A Paraskevi15342, GREECE, (30)1-600-2500, fax: 301-600-8578 90-76, emaiL: [email protected] GEE, Lind S. (M; 1991; ID# 14016), Universityof CaLifornia,BerkeLeySeismoLogicaLLaboratory,475 McConeHaLLMC4760, BerkeLey,CA, 94720-4760, (510)643-9449, fax: 510-643-5811, e-maih [email protected] GEIST, Eric (M; 1996; ID# %6473), US Geological Survey,345 MiddlefieLdRoadMS999, MenloPark, CA, 94025, (650) 354-3172, fax: (650) 354-3191, e-maih [email protected] GELLER, Robert (M; 1974; ID# 10483), Tokyo University, Earth & PLanetaryPhysicsDept, Hongo-Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113-0033, JAPAN, (81)3-5800-6973, fax: 81-3-3818-3247, e-maiL: [email protected] GENDZWILL, Don J. (M; 1995; ID# 13326), University of Saskatchewan, GeoLogyDept, 114 Science PLace,Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5E2, CANADA, (306)966-5693, e-maih [email protected] GERDTS, Michael E. (M; 1992; ID# 15334), 3&H Marsh & McLennan,One CaLiforniaStreet 5th FLoor, San Francisco, CA, 94111-5401, (415) 7438363, fax: (415) 743-8079, e-maiL: [email protected] GHAFORY-ASHTIANY, Mohsen (M; 1991; ID# 15142), IntL Inst Eq Engr& SeismoLogy,PO Box 19395/3913, Tehran,IRAN, (98)21-275-484, fax: 98-21-437-8732, e-maih [email protected] GHAHRAMAN,Vahe'G. (M; 1991; ID# 14272), 32 Warwick Road, Watertown, MA, 02172, (617)3735931, fax: 617-373-4419, e-maiL: [email protected] GHANAAT,Yusof (M; 1991; ID# 14771), Quest Structures, 3 ALtarinda Road, Suite 203, Orinda, CA, 94563, (925) 253-3555, fax: (925) 253-3525, e-maiL: yusofg@aoLcom GIARDINI, Domenico (M; 1997; ID# 15506), ETH Honggerberg, Institute of Geophysics,CH-8093 Zurich, SWITZERLAND,(44)1-633-2610or2605, fax: 44-1-633-1065, e-maih [email protected] GIBBS, James F. (M; 1972; ID# 12082), US GeoLogicalSurvey, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad, MenLo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5631, e-maih [email protected], GIBSON, Gary (M; 1979; ID# 10015), Seismology ResearchCenter,2 Park Drive, BundooraVIC 3083, AUSTRALIA,(61)3-9455-2011, fax: 61-3-94551940, e-maiL: [email protected] GIBSON, Richard L., Jr. (M; 1991; ID# 15221), TexasA&M University, Dept of Geology& Geophysics, CoLLegeStation, TX, 77843, (409)862-8653, fax: 409-845-6162, e-maiL: [email protected] GIESECKE,ALberto (M; 1995; ID# 10779), CaLLe General Cordova 190, Miraflores (Santa Cruz), Lima 18, PERU,(51) 1-433-6750, fax: 51-1-3321288, e-maih [email protected] GILBERT, Freeman (M; 1959; ID# 11971), Univ of CaLifornia San Diego, IGPP,0225, ScrippsInst of Oceanography, La JoLLa,CA, 92093-0225, (619)534-2470, fax: 619-534-5332, e-maiL: [email protected] GILBERT, HershJ. (S; 1996; ID# 16456), University of CoLorado,CIRES,CampusBox 399, Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 BouLder, CO, 80309, (303)735-4916, e-maiL: [email protected] 104, CorvaLLis,OR, 97331, (503)737-5214, emaiL: [email protected] GILLARD, Dominique (M; 1987; ID# 12966), 2131 Swift BouLevard, Houston, TX, 77030, (713) 8398704 GOLDSTEIN,Gisete Ruiz (M; 1996; ID# 16731), Universityof Memphis,Centerfor EarthquakeRes & Information, 3890 CentralAvenue, Memphis, TN, 38152-6590, (901)678-3363, fax: 901-6784734, e-maiL:[email protected] GILPIN, LauraA. (S; 1998; ID# 17163), 4332 ViLLa Drive Apt 12, Cincinnati, OH, 45242, (513) 7949297, e-marl: [email protected] GILPIN, LawrenceM. (M; 1991; ID# 14519), 1 ChanticLeerLane, Mitt VaLLey,CA, 94941, (415)383-8543, fax: 415-383-8543, e-maiL: gi[[email protected],edu GOLDSTEIN,Peter (M; 1985; ID# 12034), LawrenceLivermore National Lab, PO Box 808 L205, Livermore,CA, 94551, (925) 423-1231, fax: (925) 423-4077, e-maiL: [email protected] GRAIZER,VLadimir (M; 1994; ID# 15893), Division of Minesand GeoLogy,Office of Strong Motion Studies, 801 K Street, MS 13-35, Sacramento, CA, 95814-3531, (916) 327-1059, fax: (916) 323-7778, e-maiL: [email protected] GRANDORI, Giuseppe (M; 1985; ID# 10417), PoLitecnicoDi Mitano, Dipartimento Di Ingegneria Strutturate, PiazzaLeonardo Da Vinci 32, 20133 MiLano, ITALY,(39) 2-2399-4336, fax: (39) 22399-4220/4300 GOLESORKHI,Ramin (M; 1991; ID# 15272), 31 KitkennyPLace,ALameda,CA, 94502-7709, (510)769-0141, e-maiL: [email protected] GRANET,Michel (M; 1998; ID# 17048), Institut de PhysiqueDu GLobe,5, Rue Rene Descartes, 67084 Strasbourg CX, FRANCE,(33)3-8841-6493, fax: 33-3-8861-6747, e-maiL: [email protected] GOMBERG,,loan S. (M; 1987; ID# 12981), CERIUSGS,Universityof Memphis, Memphis, TN, 38152, (901)678-4858, fax: 901-678-4734, emaiL: [email protected] [email protected] GRANT, Lisa B. (M; 1993; ID# 15748), University of CaLifornia, EnvironmentalAnaLysis& Design Dept, 262 Social EcoLogyI, Irvine, CA, 926977070, (949)824-5491, fax: 949-824-2056, e-malt: [[email protected] GOMEZ-BEML,Atonso (M; 1997; ID# 15607), Fortuna 25-2, CoLIndustrial CP07800, MexicoDF, MEXICO,(52) 5-723-5858, fax: (52) 5-724-4285, e-malt: [email protected] GRANT,W. Paul (M; 1979; ID# 12595), HWA Geosciences, Inc., 19730 W. 64th Ave. Ste. 200, Lynnwood,WA, 98036, (425) 774-0106, fax: 425774-2714, e-mait: pgrant@hongwest,com GIROUX, BeMrd (S; 1999; ID# 17405), Ecote PoLytechnique, Dept CGM,CP 6079 Succ CentreVitte, Montreal PQ, H3C 3A7, CANADA,(514)3404711 or 4560, fax: 514-340-3970, e-maiL: [email protected] GOMEZ-GONZALEZ,Juan Martin (M; 1996; ID# 15608), CampusUNAM,Juriquilta, Inst de Geofisica - Cienciasde Tierra, Apdo Postal 1-742, Queretaro Qro 76001, MEXICO,(52)42-38-11-02, fax: 52-42 38-11-01, e-maiL: [email protected],mx GRASSO,,lean-Robert (M; 1990; ID# 13894), Le ViLLage,38250 San Nizier, FRANCE,(33)76-514517, fax: 33-76-51-4422, e-maiL: [email protected] GIVEN, DougLasD, (M; 1987; ID# 12626), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, 525 South WiLsonStreet, Pasadena,CA, 91106, (626) 583-7812, Fax:(626) 583-7827, e-maih [email protected] GONZALEZ-ESCOBAR,Mario (S; 1993; ID# 15811), CICESE,Earth Science Division, PO Box 434843, San Diego, CA, 92143-4843, (52)61-745050, fax: 52-61-744-933, e-maiL: [email protected] GIVEN, HoLLyK. (M; 1980; ID# 11901), CTBTO, Vienna InteMtionat Centre, PO Box 1250, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA,[email protected], e-maiL: [email protected] GONZALEZ-GARCIA,Javier (M; 1991; ID# 15239), CICESE,EarthSciences Division, PO Box 4344843, San Diego, CA, 92143, (52)667-44-503, fax: 52-667-44-933, e-maiL:[email protected] GLADWIN, MichaelT. (M; 1993; ID# 15605), CSIRO, PO Box 883, KenmoreQLD 4069, AUSTRALIA,fax: (61)7-212-4455, e-maiL: [email protected] GOODMAN,GeraLdS. (S; 1997; ID# 16840), 13674 Dectiff Drive, Whittier, CA, 90601-3816, (562-696-1028, e-maiL: [email protected] GLASSMOYER,Gary (M; 1985; ID# 12083), US GeoLogicaLSurvey,MS 977, 345 MiddtefietdRoad, MenLoPark, CA, 94025, e-maiL: g[[email protected] GOTO,Noritoshi (M; 1974; ID# 10486), Muroran Inst of TechnoLogy,Dept of Computer Science & System Engr,27-1 Mizumoto-Cho,Muroran 050, JAPAN,fax: 81-143-47-3374, e-malt: [email protected] GINER-CATURLA,,lose Juan (M; 1993; ID# 15688), Universidadde Aticante, Dept Cienciasde La Tierra, AP Correos 99, 03080 Aticante, SPAIN, (34)6-590-3400x3056, fax: 34-6-590-3552, emalt: [email protected] GINTER, David (M; 1996; ID# 14521), 27631 Durazno, MissionViejo, CA, 92692, (714) 8408286, fax: (714) 840-9796, e-maiL: nebtett@earthtink. net GIRDLER, R. W., (M; 1969; ID# 10191), 33 South Street, Durham DH1 4QP, UK-ENGLAND,(44) 191384-1847, e-mait: [email protected] GLOWACKA, Ewa (M; 1993; ID# 15505), s PO Box 434843, San Diego, CA, 92143-4843, (52)61-744-501x2531, fax: 52-61-750-559, emaiL: [email protected] GLUZBANO, Roberta (M; 1995; ID# 16232), 23525 Ar[ington Avenue Apt 111, Torrance, CA, 90501, (310)530-8840 GOKALP, Huseyin (S; 1993; ID# 15553), Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Geophysics, 61080 Trabzon, TURKEY,fax: (462) 325-7405 GOLDFINGER,Chris (M; 1992; ID# 14526), Oregon State University,COAS,OceanAdmin Btdg GoTrSCHAEMMER,ELLen(S; 1999; ID# 17466), Univ FridericianaKarLsruhe,GeophysicaLInstitute, Hertzstrafe 16 Bau 42, 76187 Karlsruhe, GERMANY,(49)721-608-4437, fax: 49-721-60871123, GOUIN, Pierre (M; 1955; ID# 10070), Jean-deBrebeuf CoLLege,3200 Ste-Catherine Road, MontreaL, PQ, H3T 1C1, CANADA,(514) 342-1320, fax: (514) 739-6846 GOUPILLAUD, Pierre L., (M; 1958; ID# 11953), 13681 MercadoDrive, Det Mar, CA, 92014, (619) 755-5588, fax: (619) 755-5454 GRAVES, Robert W. (M; 1991; ID# 13979), URS Greiner Woodward CLyde,566 ELDoradoStreet, Suite 100, Pasadena,CA, 91101-2560, (620) 4497650, fax: (626) 449-3536, e-maih [email protected] GREEN,Robert K. (M; 1978; ID# 12263), 85 Shuey Drive, Moraga, CA, 94556, (510)874-3036, fax: 510-874-3268, e-maiL: [email protected] GREENFIELD, Roy J. (M; 1966; ID# 11112), 600 McKeeStreet, State Cortege, PA, 16803-3628, (814)865-5723, fax: 814-863-7823, e-maiL: [email protected] GREENNALGN,Stewart A. (M; 1977; ID# 10016), University of AdeLaide,DougLasMawsonProfessor & Head of, Dept of GeoLogy& Geophysics, AdeLaideSA 5005, AUSTRALIA,(61)8-8303-4960, fax: 61-8-8303-4347, e-maiL: [email protected] GREGERSEN,Soren (M; 1971; ID# 10233), Kortog MatrikeLstyrisen,Rentemestervej 8, DK-2400 Copenhagen, DENMARK,(45)3587-5050, fax: 453587-5054, e-maiL: [email protected] GREGOR,Nick (M; 1990; ID# 13762), 1601 San Benito Street, Richmond,CA, 94804, (510) 5599422, fax: (510) 525-1335, e-maiL: [email protected] GRESTA,Stefano (M; 1996; ID# 16448), Catania University, Istituto di Geotogia e Geofisica,s ItaLia 55, 95129 Catania, ITALY,(39)95-7195709, fax: 39-95-719-5728, e-maiL: [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October 1999 621 GROSS, SusannaJ. (M; 1986; ID# 12678), 1121 Monroe Drive Apt E, Boulder, CO, 80303-2112, (303) 492-1039, fax: (303) 492-1149, e-mail: [email protected] HABLE, VoLkmarG. (M; 1996; ID# 16705), AzaLeenweg4, A-4040 Puchenau,AUSTRIA, (43)664-435-5099, fax: 43-512-580-30716, email: [email protected] GUATTERI,Mariagiovanna(S; 1996; ID# 16737), Stanford University, GeophysicsDept, Panama Mall, Stanford, CA, 94305-2215, (650) 723-6658, e-mail: [email protected] HADJIAN, A. H. (M; 1980; ID# 11840), Defense Nuclear Fac Safety Board, 625 Indiana Ave NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC, 20004, (202) 2086586, fax: (202) 208-6518, e-mail: [email protected] GULl(AN, PoLat(M; 1968; ID# 10858), KeLebek Sok 6/5, GaziosmanPasa,06700 Ankara, TURKEY, (90)312-210-1324, fax: 90-312-210-1262, email: [email protected] HAFNER, Katrin (M; 1994; ID# 15804), CaLifInst of Technology,SeismologicalLab, 252-21, Pasadena, CA, 91125, (626)395-2106, fax: 626564-0715, e-mail: [email protected] GUPTA,Anvpma (S; 1999; iD# 17420), Lamont Doherty Earth Obs, PO Box 1000, Palisades, NY, 10964-8000, (914)365-8463, Fax:914-365-8150, e-mail: [email protected] HAGIWARA, T. (M; 1952; ID# 10487), 3-24-3 Nishigahara, Kita-ku, Tokyo,JAPAN,(81)3-2952217, fax: 81-3-295-1996 6UPTA, Harsh K. (L; 1976; ID# 10362), Natl Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad 5000007, INDIA, (91)40-717-1124, fax: 91-40-7170491, e-mail: [email protected] HAINES, Alan J. (M; 1995; ID# 13175), But[ard Laboratories, Mading[eyRoad,CambridgeCB3 OEZ, UK-ENGLAND,(44)1223-337101, fax: 441223-360779, e-mail: [email protected] 6UPTA,Indra N. (M; 1972; ID# 11219), Muttimax, Inc, 1441 McCormick Drive, Largo, MD, 20774, (301)925-8222, fax: 301-925-2956, e-mail: [email protected] HAINES, R. (M; 1997; ID# 17030), Geotech Language Lab, 61 DownviewRoad, BognorRegis, W SussexP022 8JA, UK-ENGLAND,(44)12-43862730, fax: +44-1243-821-511 6URALP, C. M. (M; 1991; ID# 13921), GuraLp Systems Limited, 3 Midas House, Cat[eva Park, ALdermaston, Reading RG7 8EA, UK-ENGLAND, (44) 118-981-9056, fax: 44-118-981-9943, email: [email protected] HALBOUIY, Michel T. (M; 1964; ID# 11585), The HaLboutyCenter, 5100 WestheimerRoad, Houston, TX, 77056-5507, (713) 622-1130, fax: (713) 622-5360, e-mail: [email protected] 6URPINAR, Aybars (M; 1985; ID# 10046), IAEA, PO Box 200, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA,(43)-12060-22671, fax: 43-1-2060-20607, e-mail: [email protected] 6URROLA, Harold (M; 1996; ID# 13919), Texas Tech University, Dept of 6eosciences, Box 41053, Lubbock, TX, 79409-4105, (806) 742-3299, fax: (806) 742-0100, e-mail: [email protected] GUSEV,ALexanderA. (M; 1997; ID# 16777), Inst of Volcanic Geology, 9 Piip Blvd, 683006 PetroKamchatskii, RUSSIA 6UTDEUTSCH,Rudolf (M; 1965; ID# 10041), University of Vienna, Inst of Meteorology& Geophysics, UZA II, Nordbergstrafe 17, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA,(43)1-31-336-8226, fax: 43-131-336-775, e-mail: [email protected] GUZMAN-SPEZIALE,Marco(M; 1982; ID# 11787), UNAM- Ciudad Universitaria, Instituto de Geofisica, 04510 Mexico DF, MEXICO,(52)5-6224126, fax: 52-5-616-2547, e-mail: [email protected] HALES, PeterO. (M; 1999; ID# 17400), Weyerhaeuser, 5201 NorpointWay NE, Tacoma, WA, 98422, (253)924-2056, fax: 253-924-3862, e-maih [email protected] HALL, N. Timothy (M; 1990; ID# 13893), Geomatrix Consultants,100 PineStreet Suite 1000, San Francisco,CA, 94111, (415)434-9400, fax: 415-434-1365, e-mail: [email protected] HALL, William J., (M; 1965; ID# 11442), University of Illinois, 2106 NewmarkCivil Engr Lab, 205 N MathewsAvenue,Urbana, IL, 61801, (217) 333-3927, Fax: (217) 356-0683, e-mail: [email protected] HALLER, KathLeenM. (M; 1995; ID# 16235), US GeologicalSurvey, DenverFederalCenter MS966, PO Box 25046, Denver,CO,80225, (303)2738616, fax: 303-273-8600, e-mail: [email protected] HALVERSON,HarryT. (H; 1964; ID# 12744), 2220 NW Dublin Drive, Olympia,WA, 98502, (206)8668818 H HAASE,Jennifer S. (M; 1993; ID# 15667), ACRI Mech ApLi ELSci de L'Environ, 260 Route Du Pin Montard, BP 234, 06904 Sophia AntipoLis, FRANCE,(33)4-9296-7519, fax: 33-4-9395-8098, e-mail: [email protected] 622 HALES, A. L. (L; 1947; ID# 10017), Australian National University, ResearchSchoolof Earth Sciences, PO Box 4, CanberraACT2600, AUSTRALIA HAMADA, Kazuo(M; 1970; ID# 10488), Assocfor the Developmentof EarthquakePrediction, 1-518 Sarugakucho,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 101, JAPAN, (+81)3-3295-1502, fax: +81-3-3295-1508, email: [email protected] SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume 70, Number5 HAMAGUCHI, Hiroyuki (M; 1974; ID# 10489), Tohoku University,Obs Centerfor Prediction, Earthquakes & Volcanic Eruptions, Sendal 980, JAPAN, (81)22-225-1950, fax: 81-22-264-3292, e-mail: [email protected] HAMBURGER,MichaelW. (M; 1985; ID# 11362), Indiana University, Dept of GeologicalSciences, 1005 EastTenthStreet, B[oomington, IN, 47405, (812)855-2934, fax: 812-855-7899, e-maih [email protected] HAMILTON, Robert M. (M; 1967; ID# 11192), National Academyof Sciences,2101 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 20418, (703)6486550, fax: (202) 334-3362, e-mail: [email protected] HAMMOND,Steve (S; 1996; ID# 16362), 1620 PaLoSanto Drive, Campbell, CA, 95008-1515, (408) 365-9830 HAMMOND,William R. (M; 1990; ID# 13738), US Geological Survey,GeophysicalInstitute - Univ Alaska, PO Box 757320, Fairbanks,AK, 997757320, (907)474-5333, fax: 907-474-5618, e-malE [email protected] HAMPSON, David B. (M; 1996; ID# 16749), EQE InteMtiona[, 2942 Evergreen Parkway,Ste 302, Evergreen, CO, 80439, (303) 674-2990, e-mail: [email protected] HANDELMAN, MichaelW. (M; 1980; ID# 11810), The AerospaceCorp M1-113, PO Box 92957, Los Angeles, CA, 90009, (323) 336-3195, fax: (323) 336-7055, e-maih [email protected] HANKS, ThomasC. (M; 1971; ID# 12084), US Geological Survey, MS977, 345 MiddLefieLdRd, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-5634, fax: 650329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] HANNON, WiLtardJ., Jr. (M; 1961; ID# 12240), 309 Pearl Drive, Livermore, CA, 94550, (925) 4223921, e-mail: [email protected] HANSEN, RogerA. (M; 1977; ID# 11669), University of ALaska-Fairbanks,Geophysical Institute, PO Box 757320, Fairbanks,AK, 997757320, (907)474-5533, fax: 907-474-5618, e-mail: [email protected] HANSON,Jeff (M; 1994; ID# 15818), SAIC, MS A2, 10260 Campus Point Drive, San Diego, CA, 92121, (619)646-3343, fax: 619-458-4993, email: [email protected] HANSON, Kathryn (M; 1991; ID# 14556), GeomatrixConsultants,2101 WebsterStreet, 12th FLoor, Oakland, CA, 94612, (510)663-4100, fax: 510-663-4141, e-malE [email protected] HAO, Tzong-Ying(S; 1999; ID# 17381), 2727 ELLendaLePLace,Apt 17, Los Angeles,CA, 90007, (323)735-3203, fax: 323-735-3203, e-mail: [email protected] HARDEBECK,Jeanne (S; 1996; ID# 16402), CaLif Inst of Technology,SeismologicalLab 252-21, Pasadena, CA, 91125, (626)395-6971, e-mail: [email protected] September/October1999 HARDER, Leslie F., ,lr. (M; 1991; ID# 15185), 3510 Creekwood Drive, Rocklin, CA, 95677, (916)653-8055 Pred EQand Vo[ Eruptions, Aramaki-Aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendal 980-8578, ,iAPAN, (81)22-2251950, fax: 81-22-264-3292, e-mail: [email protected] HARDIN, Bur[ (M; 1999; ID# 14559), 78 Alta Vista Avenue,Mill Valley, CA, 94941, (415)3881281, fax: 415-388-1281 HARIADI, P.,l. Prih (M; 1999; ID# 17371), ,it Arief Rahkman, Hakim No 3, ,lakarta Pusat, INDONESIA, (62)21-315-6155, fax: 62-21-310-7788, e-mail: [email protected] HASEMI,Akiko (M; 1986; ID# 10499), Yamagata University, Dept of Earth Science, 1-4-12 Kojirakawa MachiYamagata-Shi,Yamagata 9908560, ,iAPAN,(81) 23-628-4651, fax: (81) 23628-4661, e-mail: [email protected] HAR.iES, Hans-Peter(M; 1980; ID# 10302), Inst GeophysikGebaude NA3/165, Ruhr University Bochum, 44780 Bochum, GERMANY,fax: 49-2347094181, e-maih [email protected] HASHIMOTO,Manabu(M; 1991; ID# 13454), Research Centerfor Earthquake Prediction, Disaster PreventionRes Ins[, Kyoto University, uji, Kyoto 611-0011, `IAPAN,(81)774-38-4191, fax: 81-774-38-4190, e-mail: [email protected] HARKRIDER, David G. (M; 1960; ID# 11902), 24 Martha's Point Rd., Concord, MA, 01742-4917, (978) 371-0123, fax: (617) 253-6385, e-maih [email protected] HASTING,MichaelA. (M; 1996; ID# 16408), Geothermal Program Office US Navy, 1336 West WiLlow, Ridgecrest, CA, 93555, (760) 939-4055, fax: 760-939-2449 HARMSEN,Stephen C. (M; 1983; ID# 11714), 2105 ArapahoeStreet, Golden, CO, 80401-2236, (303) 273-8567, fax: (303) 273-8600, e-mail: [email protected] HAUK, Teresa (M; 1991; ID# 13812), Lawrence Livermore Nat[ Lab, L-205, PO Box 808, Livermore, CA, 94551-0808, (925) 423-7332, fax: (925) 4234077, e-maih haukl@LLnLgov HAROUN, Medhat A. (M; 1984; ID# 12023), Civil EngineeringDepartment, University of California, Irvine, CA, 92697, (949) 824-5016, fax: (949) 824-2117, e-mail: [email protected] HAUKE, Birgit (M; 1997; ID# 16875), ERC Frankona Riickversicherungs- AG, Postfach 86 03 80, 81630 Munchen,GERMANY HARPSTER,Robert E. (M; 1972; ID# 12278), 5735 BuenaVista Avene, OakLand,CA, 94618-2120, (510)843-4361, fax: 510-794-7844 HARRIS,.lames B. (M; 1991; ID# 14142), Mi[Isaps College, Deptof GeoLogy,1701 North State Street, .lackson, MS, 39210, (601)974-1343, fax: 601974-1345, e-maih [email protected] HARRIS,James Mark (M; 1997; ID# 16853), Sandia NatLLabs, Dept 5736 - MS0655, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque,NM, 87185-0655, (505)8447355, fax: 505-844-5321, e-maih [email protected] HARRIS,Jerry M. (M; 1995; ID# 13548), Stanford University, Mitchell BuiLding321, 360 Panama Street, Stanford, CA, 94305-2032, (650) 7230496, fax: (650) 725-2032, e-maih [email protected] HARRIS, Ruth A. (M; 1987; ID# 12671), US GeologicalSurvey MS 977, 345 MiddlefieLdRoad, MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4842, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] HART, EarlW. (M; 1985; ID# 12314), 6 Vista Court, Corte Madera, CA, 94925, (415)924-0325, e-mail: ewhart@aoLcom HART, Pembroke,l. (M; 1953; ID# 11153), 2111 NW Wisconsin Avenue#501, Washington, DC, 20007, (202) 337-3367 HARTSE,HansE. (M; 1990; ID# 13907), 691 E. Zia Road, Santa Fe, NM, 87505, (505)665-8495, email: hartse@lanLgov HASEGAWA,Akira (M; 1981; ID# 10491), Tohoku University Graduate School of Science, Res Ctr for HAUKSSON, Egi[[ (M; 1977; ID# 11848), California Inst of Technology,SeismologicalLab MC 252-21, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626) 3956954, fax: (626) 564-0715, e-mail: [email protected][ HAUSE, Alan D. (M; 1995; ID# 15987), Factory Mutual EngrAssn, 1855 GatewayB[vd Suite 770, Concord, CA, 94520-8414, (925) 676-1900, fax: (925) 676-2159, e-maiL: a[[email protected] HAVSKOV,,lens (M; 1979; ID# 10765), Universitetet I Bergen, Jordskjelvstasjonen, A[legaten 41, N-5007 Bergen, NORWAY,(47)5140-098, fax: 47-5-320-009, e-mail: [email protected] HAWKINS, Fred E (M; 1993; ID# 15538), US Bureau of Reclamation, D-8330, PO Box 25007, Denver, CO, 80225-0007, (303)445-3172, fax: 303-445-6478, e-mail: [email protected] HAWMAN, Robert B. (M; 1992; ID# 14259), Universityof Georgia, Dept of Geology, 210 FieLd Street, Athens,GA, 30602, (706) 542-2398, fax: (706) 542-2425, e-maiL: [email protected] HAYASHI, Koichi (S; 1999; ID# 17335), 1105 MassachusettsAvenue,Apt 101:,Cambridge, MA, 02138, (617)547-6733, e-maiL: [email protected] HAYMAN, Robin B. (M; 1990; ID# 10092), Nanometrics Inc, 250 HerzbergRoad, Kanata ON, K2K 2A1, CANADA,(613)592-6776, fax: 613-5925929 HAYNER,Michael3. (M; 1992; ID# 15491), Centerior Energy,6200 Oaktree Blvd., Independence,OH, 44131-2562, (440) 259-3737, fax: (330) 384-5567, e-mail: [email protected] HAYWARD,Chris (M; 1991; ID# 15257), 6154 Ve[asco, Dallas,TX, 75214, (214) 768-3031, fax: (214) 768-4291, e-maiL: [email protected] HAZLER, Shannon(S; 1996; ID# 16619), 2915 Baseline RoadApt 230, Boulder, CO, 80303, (303)492-7530 HE, Jiang (S; 1997; ID# 16950), University of Memphis, CiviLEngineeringDepartment, Memphis, TN, 38152, e-maiL: [email protected] HEALY,,lohn H. (M; 1957; ID# 12211), 306 Diab[o Court, Pa[oAlto, CA, 94306, (650) 493-7940 HEARN, Thomas M. (M; 1979; ID# 11090), New Mexico State University, PhysicsDept, Dept 3D, Box 30001, Las Cruces, NM, 88003, (505) 6465076, fax: (505) 646-1934, e-maiL: [email protected] HEATON,Thomas H. (L; 1977; ID# 11904), California Inst of Technology,Mail Code 104-44, Pasadena, CA, 91125, (626)395-4232, fax: 626568-2719, e-maih [email protected] HEATON,William R. (M; 1996; ID# 16387), Factory Mutual InsuranceCompany, 655 Engineering Drive Ste 300, Norcross, GA, 30092, fax: (770) 448-9068, e-maiL: wi[liam, [email protected] HEELAN, Patrick A. (l; 1950; ID# 11058), Georgetown University, Dept of Philosophy234 N North B[dg, 37th & "0" Streets NW, Washington, DC, 20001-1258, (202)687-5222, fax: 202-6878039, e-mail: [email protected] HELFFRICH, George (M; 1992; ID# 15487), Univ of Bristol, Dept of Geology, WilLs Memorial BLdg Queens Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK-ENGLAND, (44)117954-5437, fax: 44-117-925-3385, e-maiL: [email protected] HELLWEG, Margaret (M; 1990; ID# 13763), 57 Overhil[ Road, Orinda, CA, 94563-3122, (925) 254-4970, e-maiL: [email protected] HELMBERGER, DonaLdV. (M; 1969; ID# 11905), SeismologicaLLaboratory 252-21, Ca[if Inst of Technology, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626) 3566998, e-maiL: [email protected] HELMSTEI"rER,Agnes (S; 1999; ID# 17415), LGIT Observatoire de GrenobLe,LGITIRIGM, BP 53x, Grenoble Vercors 38041, FRANCE,(33)4-76828039, fax: 33-4-7682-8101, e-mail: ahe[[email protected] HEMPHILL-HALEY,Mark A. (S; 1989; ID# 13665), University of Oregon, Dept of GeoLogicalSciences, Eugene, OR, 97405, (541)346-4653, fax: 541346-4692, e-maiL: [email protected] HENDRIX, Eric D. (M; 1994; ID# 15881), Mission Geoscience Inc, 1000 Quail Street, Newport Beach, CA, 92660, (949) 955-9086, fax: 949-9559088, e-maih [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October 1999 623 HENKE, Wanda (M; 1991; ID# 15115), 7 Wyndam Court, Luthervit[e, MD, 21093, (401) 252-4474, fax: (401) 252-4474, e-maiL: [email protected] HENNET,Criste[ G. (M; 1998; ID# 16374), IRIS, 1200 NW New York AvenueSte 800, Washington, DC, 20005, (202) 682-2220, e-maiL: christe[ ,lol,l,a, CA, 92093, (619)534-4069, fax: 619-5346849, e-mail.:jahil,[email protected] HILL, David P. (M; 1960; ID# 12212), 3794 Redwood CircLe,Pa[o ALto, CA, 94306, (650) 3294795, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-maiL: hi[l, HENSON, Ivan (M; 1996; ID# 16418), Mul,timax, 1845 Canterbury Drive, India[antic, FL, 32903, (407)726-1922, fax: 407-726-9923, e-mail,: ivan@mu[ HINZEN, K[ausG. (M; 1982; ID# 10303), Erdbebenstation Bensberg,Vinzenz-Pa[otti Strasse 26, 51429 Bergish-Gl,dbch,GERMANY,(49) 22-048-1343, fax: (49) 22-048-5043, e-maiL: hinzen@uni-koel, HENTON,Joseph Al,an (S; 1993; ID# 15613), University of Victoria, PacificGeoscienceCentre (GSs 9860 West SaanichRoad, Box 6000, Sidney BC, V8L 4B2, CANADA,(250)363-6404, fax: 250363-6565, e-mail,: [email protected] HIRASAWA,Tomowo(M; 1964; ID# 10494), Tohoku University, Obs Center Earthquake Prediction, Sendal980-8578, ,IAPAN,(81)22-2251950, fax: 81-22-264-3292, e-maiL: [email protected] HENYEY,Thomas L. (M; 1991; ID# 14070), Dept of Geol,ogica[Science, Univ of Southern CaLifornia, Los AngeLes,CA, 90089-0740, (213)740-5832, fax: 213-740-0011, e-maiL: [email protected] HIRATA, Kenji (M; 1994; ID# 15908), Japan Marine Science& TechCtr, DeepSea Research, Natushima-cho 2-15, Yokosuka237 Kangawa, JAPAN, (81)468-66-3811/1409, fax: 81-468-665541 HERAK, Marijan (M; 1983; ID# 10876), Brescenskoga 11, 10000 Zagreb, CROATIA, (+385)1-420-222, fax: +385-1-432-462, e-mail.: herak@o[ HIRAYAMA,Yoshiharu(M; 1998; ID# 17297), Hakusan Corporation, J Tower,7th FLoor,I-I, Nikko-cho, Fuchu-shi,Tokyo 183-0044, JAPAN, (81)42-333-0080, fax: 81-42-333-0096, e-maiL: [email protected] HOLM, RichardA. (M; 1992; ID# 12217), Cecil. Wel,l~Jr &Asscs Inc, 2031 PioneerCourt, Suite 12, San Mateo, CA, 94403, (650) 345-3554, fax: (650) 345-3885 HOLT, Wil,tiam E. (M; 1989; ID# 13268), State University of New York, Dept of Earth & Space Sciences, Stony Brook, NY, 11794-2100, (516) 632-8215, fax: (516) 632-8240, e-maiL: who[[email protected] HONEGGER, DougLasG. (M; 1983; ID# 11857), 2690 Shetland Pl,ace,Arroyo Grande, CA, 93420, (805)473-0856, fax: 805-473-0856, e-maiL: dghconsu[t@aol,.com HOPPER, MargaretG. (M; 1969; ID# 11712), PO Box 1106, Gol,den,CO, 80402, (303)236-1606, fax: 303-273-8600 HORASAN,Gunduz(M; 1987; ID# 12931), Kayasu[tanSok 72 B-9, Aydogan[arAp, KozyatagiIstanbul,, TURKEY,fax: 90-216 416 34 76, e-maiL: horasan@haml, HOREIS, Al,an R. (M; 1995; ID# 16307), ALan Horeis StructuraLEngineers, 128D Civic Drive Suite 200, WaLnutCreek, CA, 94596, (925) 9358001, fax: (925) 935-1315, e-maiL: arhsei@earth [i nk. net HERRAIZ, Migue[ (M; 1996; ID# 14212), Univ Comp[utense de Madrid, Dept de Geofisica Y Meteoro[ogia, Fac de CienciasFisicas, 28040 Madrid, SPAIN, (34)1-394-5190, fax: 34-1-3944398, e-maiL: [email protected] HIRSHORN, Barry (M; 1987; ID# 12656), NOAA/ NWS/PTWC,91-270 FortWeaverRoad, Ewa Beach, HI, 96706, (808) 689-8207 x302, fax: (808) 6894543, e-mail,: [email protected] HORI, Naohito (M; 1990; ID# 12746), Kokushikan University, FacuLtyof Engineering,4-28-1 Setagaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154, JAPAN,(81)35481-3286, fax: 81-3-5481-3253, e-maiL: [email protected] HERRIN, Eugene(M; 1956; ID# 11553), Southern Methodist University,GeoLogical,Science Dept Rm 210 Heray, 3225 Daniel Avenue, Dal,l,as,TX, 75275, (214) 692-2760, e-maiL: [email protected] HISADA,Yoshiaki(M; 1988; ID# 13145), Kogakuin University, Dept of Architecture, NishiShinjuku 1-24-2, Tokyo 163-91, JAPAN,(81)33342-1211x2726, fax: 81-3-3340-0149, e-maiL: [email protected] HORI, Sadaki (M; 1996; ID# 16707), National Research Institute, Earth Science& Disaster Prevention, 3-1 TennodaiTsukuba,Ibaraki 3050006, ,IAPAN,(81)29-851-1611, fax: 81-29-8515658, e-marl: [email protected] HERRINGTON, Preston (M; 1992; ID# 15416), Sandia National.Labs, Dept 5736, MS 0655, PO Box 5800, ALbuquerque,NM, 87185-0655, (505)844-9495, fax: 505-844-5321, e-mail,: [email protected] HIYOSHI, Takahiro (S; 1995; ID# 16242), Ehime University, Dept of EarthSciences,Bunkyo-cho25 Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8577, JAPAN,(81)89927-9623, fax: 81-89-927-9640, e-maiL: [email protected] HORIKAWA, Haruo (M; 1997; ID# 16867), GeoLogicaLSurveyof Japan, Higashi 1-1-3, Tsukuba Ibaragi 3058567, JAPAN,(81)298-543584, fax: 81-298-54-3533, e-maiL: [email protected] HERRMANN, Robert B. (M; 1967; ID# 11461), St. Louis University, Dept of Earth & Atmospheric Science, 3507 LaC[edeAvenue,St Louis, MO, 63103, (314) 977-3120, fax: (314) 977-3117, email,: [email protected][ HO, CarLtonL. (M; 1986; ID# 12486), Univ of Massachusetts, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engr, 139 Mars[on Hat[, Amherst, MA, 010035205, (413)545-9703,fax: 413-545-2840,e-maih [email protected] HORITA, Jun (M; 1980; ID# 10500), Geotech CompanyLtd, Docon-TsukisamuBl,dg, 4-9-5-27 Tsukisamu-Higashi, ToyohiraSapporo 062-0054, JAPAN, (81)11-854-2994, fax: 81-11-854-9841 HESTHOLM,Stig (S; 1997; ID# 17000), Rice University, Dept of GeoLogy& Geophysics, PO Box 1892, Houston,TX, 77005-1892, (713) 527-4880, fax: (713) 285-5214, e-maih [email protected] HOFFMAN,David (M; 1996; ID# 16376), Missouri Dept of Natural.Resources,Geol,ogica[Survey, PO Box 250, Rot[a, MO, 65401, (573) 368-2144, fax: (573) 368-2111, e-maiL: [email protected] HETLAND, Eric A. (S; 1997; ID# 16916), SUNY Binghamton, Dept of GeoLogical,Sciences, PO Box 6000, Binghamton, NY, 13902, (607)729-6964, fax: 607-729-6469, e-maiL: het[[email protected], HIGASHI, Sadanori (M; 1995; ID# 15562), Central Research Institute, El,ectricPowerIndustry, Abiko 1646 Abiko, Chiba 270-1194, JAPAN, (81)471-821181, fax: 81-471-84-2941, e-mail,: [email protected] HILDEBRAND,John (M; 1991; ID# 15113), Univ of CaLiforniaSan Diego, $10 - Mail Code 0205, La 624 HOFMANN, Renner B. (M; 1956; ID# 11486), 2629 TerraceDrive,SantaMaria,CA, 93455-1652, (805) 937-3360, e-maiL: [email protected] HORNER, Robert B. (M; 1973; ID# 10095), GeoLogicalSurveyof Canada, PacificGeoscience Centre, 9860 W Saanich Road, Box 6000, Sidney BC, V8L 4B2, CANADA,(250)363-6432, fax: 250363-6565, e-maiL: [email protected] HOSKINS,,l. WaLter(M; 1991; ID# 15070), Hoskins EngineersInc, 501 S. BascomAvenue, San Jose, CA, 95128, (408)971-7800, fax: 408971-2340, e-maiL: hoskins@va[ HOKE, John H., (M; 1957; ID# 15706), c/o Post Office Porto Cervo, CostaSmera[da07020, Sardinia, ITALY HOUGH, Susan E. (M; 1984; ID# 11973), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, 525 S. WiLson Avenue, Pasadena, CA, 91106, (626)583-7224, fax: 626583-7827, e-maiL: [email protected][ HOLLIS, Edward P. (M; 1936; ID# 12085), 501 Porto[a Road, PO Box 8105, Porto[a VaLley,CA, 94028, (650) 424-4367 HOUSE, Leigh (M; 1985; ID# 11774), 1440 45th Street, Los A[amos, NM, 87544, (505)667-1912, fax: 505-667-8487, e-maiL: house@[anLgov SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 HOUSEMAN,GregoryA. (M; 1991; ID# 15317), Dept Earth Sciences,Monash University, Clayton VIC 3168, AUSTRALIA,(61)3-405-4895, fax: 613-905-4903, e-maih [email protected] HOUSNER,GeorgeW. (H; 1943; ID# 11874), 4084 ChevyChaseDrive, La Canada,CA, 91011, (626)356-4226 HOWELL, Benjamin Franklin,Jr. (M; 1947; ID# 11114), Penn State University,406 Deike Building, University Park, PA, 16802, (814) 8656821 HRADILEK, Peter3. (M; 1977; ID# 11290), US Bureau of Reclamation, Unit 3500, Box 16, APO AA, 34030-3500, (55)61-226-4536, fax: 55-61225-9564, e-maih [email protected] HSU, VindeU(M; 1981; ID# 11494), HQAFTAC/TT, 1030 S. HighwayAIA, Patrick AFB, FL, 329253002, (407) 494-2251, fax: (407) 494-2274, email: [email protected] HUANG, Bor-Shouh (M; 1990; ID# 13764), Academia Sinica, Institute of Earth Sciences, PO Box 1-55 Nankang, Taipei, TAIWANROC,886-2783-9899x323, fax: 886-2-783-9871, e-maih [email protected] HUANG,Ching-Tung(M; 1997; ID# 16938), Ca[if Inst of Technology,Marl Code 104-44, Dept of Civil Engineering,Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626) 795-5982 HUANG, Huey-Chu(M; 1996; ID# 13277), Natl ChungChengUniversity,Inst of Seismology, 160, San-Hsing, Min-Hsing, Chia-Yi,TAIWANROC, (886)5-272-0411x6399, fax: 886-5-272-0807, email: [email protected] HUANG, Moh-Jiann(M; 1982; ID# 12372), Ca[if Division Mines& Geology, Office Strong Motion Studies, 801 K Street, MS 13-35, Sacramento,CA, 95814-3531, (916)322-9304, fax: 916-323-7778, e-maih [email protected] HUDNUT, KennethW. (M; 1985; ID# 11035), US GeologicalSurvey, 525 South Wilson Avenue, Pasadena,CA, 91106, (626) 583-7232, fax: (626) 583-7827, e-marl: [email protected] HUERTALOPEZ,Carlos I. (S; 1997; ID# 16964), 3374-E Lake Austin Blvd, Austin, TX, 78703, (512) 479-0090, e-maih huerta@alpha HUGHES,3onathan E (S; 1999; ID# 17357), Simon FraserUniversity, Dept of Bilogica[ Sciences &, Inst for QuateMryResearch, BuMby BC, V5A 1S6, CANADA,(604)291-4458, fax: 604291-3496, e-mail: [email protected] HUMPHREY,3ames R. (M; 1992; ID# 14611), Lahontan GeoScienceInc, 21380 Castle Peak Road, Reno, NV, 89511-7119, (775) 847-7255, fax: (775) 847-7266, e-maih [email protected] HUNT, R. 3oe (M; 1995; ID# 14612), 116 Channel Way, Clinton, TN, 37716, (423) 574-1979, fax: (423) 574-3118, e-maih huo@ornLgov HURSI", Kenneth3. (M; 1983; ID# 11036), Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MC 238-625, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena,CA, 91109, (818)3546637, fax: 818-393-4965, e-maih [email protected] ICHINOSE, GeneA. (S; 1994; ID# 15912), Seismological Laboratory MS 174, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, 89557-0141, (775) 784-4260, fax: (775) 784-1833, e-mail: [email protected] HURUKAWA,Nobuo(M; 1995; ID# 13425), Intnatl Inst of Seismology& Eq Engr, Building ResearchInstitute, 1 Tatehara,Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 3APAN,(81)298-64-6754, fax: 81298-64-6777, e-maih [email protected] IDRISS, I. M. (M; 1968; ID# 12016), PO Box 330, Davis, CA, 95617-0330, (530) 758-5739, fax: (530) 758-1104, e-maih [email protected] HUSEBYE,EysteinS. (M; 1963; ID# 10767), Univ of Bergen,Inst of Solid Earth Physics,AUegaten 41, N-5007Bergen,NORWAY,(47)55 58 3402, fax: 47-55 58 9669, e-maih [email protected] HUTCHENSON,Kevin D. (M; 1980; ID# 11278), 627 SugarwoodWay, Melbourne,FL, 32940, (407)494-6523, e-maih [email protected] HUTCHINGS,Lawrence(M; 1975; ID# 11079), LawrenceLivermoreNatl Lab, EarthSciencesDept, L-208, POBox 808, Livermore, CA, 94551-0808, (925) 423-0354, fax: (925) 422-3925, e-maih [email protected] HURON, Kate(M; 1977; ID# 11907), Calif Inst of Technology,SeismologicalLab, MC 252-21, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626) 356-6959, e-maih [email protected] HWANG, HowardH. (M; 1991; ID# 14104), 2438 Oak Trail Drive,Germantown, TN, 38139, (901)678-4830, fax: (901)678-4734, e-mail: [email protected] HYVONEN,TelLervo(M; 1996; ID# 16744), Universityof Helsinki,Institute of Seismology, PO Box 26, Fin-O0014HeLsinki, FINLAND,(358)97084-4433, fax: 358-9-7084-4430, e-maih lhyvonen@seismo, IACONA,Christina(M; 1997; ID# 16886), 154 East 29th Street, Apt 2E, New York, MY, 10016 IANNACCONE,Giovanni (M; 1985; ID# 10419), OsservatorioVesuviano,Via Manzoni 249, 80123 Napoli, ITALY,fax: 39-81-575-4239, e-maih [email protected] IBANEZ, 3esusM. (M; 1991; ID# 14211), Universidad de Granada, Inst Andaluzde Geofisica,Campusde Cartuja S/N, 18071 Granada, SPAIN,(34) 58-243-556, fax: (34) 58-160-907, email: [email protected] IBRAHIM,A. K. (M; 1964; ID# 11160), US Nuclear RegulatoryComm,MST7C6, 11545 RockvillePike, RockviUe, MD, 20852-2738, (301) 415-6651, fax: (301) 415-5397, e-mail: [email protected] IBRAHIM, Gunawan(M; 1991; ID# 15171), Inst of TechnologyBandung,Geophysics& Meteorology Dept, 3alan Ganesa 10, Bandung, INDONESIA,(62)022-701-661, fax: 62-021-4246703, e-maih [email protected] IGARASHI, Shunichi(M; 1998; ID# 17275), ME 1401, Oguradai 1-1, Inzaishi, Chiba 270-1356, 3APAN, e-marl: [email protected] IGEL, Heiner (M; 1997; ID# 17004), Inst Angewandte Und AllgemeineGeophysik, LudwigMaximilian Univ Muenchen,Theresienstrasse41, D-80333 Muenchen,GERMANY,(49)89-23944204, fax: 49-89-2394-4205, e-maih [email protected] IGLESIAS, ,lesus (M; 1991; ID# 15095), Primera Cerrada Del Pedrega[26, Barrio de Santa Catarina, Coyoacan, Mexico 04000 DF, MEXICO,(52)5-6584562, fax: 525-658-4562, e-maih [email protected] IIDA, Kumizi (M; 1961; ID# 10504), 1-39 Higashiyama, Motomachi Chikusa-Ku, Nagoya, JAPAN, (81)52-781-2317 IIDA, Masahiro(M; 1986; ID# 10505), Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, 1-1-1, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, 3APAN,(813)3812-2111x5779, fax: 81-3-5689-7265, e-maih [email protected] IIZUKJ~L, Susumu(M; 1984; ID# 10506), Facultyof Marine ScienceTech, Tokai University Orido, Shimizu-Shi, Shizuoka-ken,JAPAN IMOTO, Masajiro (M; 1986; ID# 10510), National Research Institute, Earth Science & Disaster Prevention, Tennodai3-1 Tsukuba-shi,IbarakiKen 305-0006, 3APAN, (81)298-51-1611, fax: 81298-51-5658, e-mail: [email protected] INGATE, Shane E (M; 1995; ID# 10920), Science Horizons, 470 Nautilus St., Suite 310, La 3oUa, CA, 92370, (619) 456-2441, fax: (619) 456-2441, e-mail: [email protected] INOUE, Ryosuke(M; 1978; ID# 10511), Ibaraki University, Construction EngineeringDept, 4-12-1 Nakanarusawa-Cho,Hitachi-Shi, Ibaraki-Ken 316, 3APAN, (81) 294-38-5167, fax: (81) 294-358146, e-mail: [email protected] IRFANOGLU,Ayhan (S; 1995; ID# 16200), California Institute of Technology,Dept of Civil Engineering, Mail Code 104-44, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626)395-4213, fax: 626-568-2719, email: [email protected] IRIKURA, Kojiro (M; 1984; ID# 10512), Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Res Inst, Uji, Kyoto 611, 3APAN, (81)774-33-5866, fax: 81774-33-5866, e-mail: [email protected] ISHIBASHI, Katsuhiko(M; 1991; ID# 13462), Kobe University, Dept of Earth & Planetary Sciences, 1-1 Rokkodai Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501, Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October 1999 625 JAPAN, (81)78-803-0579, fax: 81-78-803-0490, e-mail: [email protected] ISHIDA, Mizuho (M; 1993; ID# 15527), Natl Research Institute, Earth Science & Disaster Prevention, 3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi,Ibarakiken 305-0006, JAPAN, (81)29-851-1611, fax: 81298-54-0629, e-mail: [email protected] ISHIKAWA, Yuzo (M; 1983; ID# 10513), Meteorological Research Institute, Seismology& Volcanology Res Dept, 1-1 Nagamine,Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN, (81)298-53-8680, fax: 81298-51-3730, e-mail: [email protected] ISRAELSSON,Hans (M; 1970; ID# 11206), Center for Monitoring Research, 1300 North 17th Street, Arlington, VA, 22209, (703)276-7900, e-mail: [email protected] ITO, Hisao (M; 1985; ID# 10515), Geological Survey of Japan, 1-1-3 Higashi, Yatabe, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN, (81)298-54-3757, fax: 81-298-551298 ITO, Kiyoshi (M; 1973; ID# 10516), Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Res Inst, Uji, Kyoto, 611, JAPAN, (81)774-38-4231, fax: 77438-4231, e-mail: [email protected] IWASAKI, Yoshinori (M; 1991; ID# 15078), GeoResearchInstitute, 4-3-2 Itachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0012, JAPAN, (81)6-653-9976, fax: 81-6-6578-6255, e-maih [email protected] IWATA, Tomotaka (M; 1986; ID# 10517), Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, JAPAN, (81)77438-4057, fax: 81-7-7433-5866, e-mail: iwata@egmdpri01, IZUTANI, Yasuo (M; 1975; ID# 10519), Shinshu University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept of Civil Engineering, 500 Wakasato Nagano,JAPAN, (81)26-226-4101, fax: 81-26-223-4480, e-mail: [email protected] 3 3AANG,Sung-Joon (S; 1995; ID# 16233), Seou[ National University, Dept of GeologicalSciences, Kwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, SOUTHKOREA,(82)2872-2713, fax: 82-2-888-8696, e-maih [email protected] JACKSON, David D. (M; 1970; ID# 11818), University of California, Dept of Earth & Space Sciences, Southern CaLifEq Center, Los Angeles, CA, 90095-1567, (323) 825-0421, fax: (310) 8252779, e-mail: [email protected] JACKSON,James A. (M; 1978; ID# 10198), University of Cambridge, BulLardLaboratories, Madingley Rise Madingley Road, Cambridges OEZ,UK - ENGLAND,(44) 223-337-197, fax: (44) 223-60-779, e-mail: [email protected] JACOB, A.W. Brian (M; 1970; ID# 10389), Dublin Inst for AdvancedStudies, GeophysicsSection, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, IRELAND,(353)1-6621333, fax: 353-1-662-1477, e-mail: [email protected] 626 ,JACOB, KLausH. (M; 1965; ID# 11037), Lamont Doherty Earth Observatoryof ColumbiaUniversity, PO Box 1000, Palisades,NY, 10964, (914)3658440, fax: (914) 365-8150, e-mail: [email protected] ,IIH, Rong-Song(M; 1989; ID# 13652), 13492 Lake Shore Drive, Herndon, VA, 20171-3618, (703)325-2235, fax: 703-325-2684, e-mail: [email protected] 3ANKE, Norman (M; 1998; ID# 17105), 2670 Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento,CA, 95864-4933, (916)489-3312, e-maih [email protected] ]IN, Anshu (M; 1991; ID# 13323), Kyoto University, Res Center of Earthquake Prediction, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611, JAPAN,(81)7-74384196, fax: 81-7-7438-4190, e-mail: [email protected] 3ANUSAUSKAS, Paul (M; 1996; ID# 16373), Factory Mutual EngineeringAssc, 5757 Cavendish BLvd Suite 550, Cote St-Luc PQ, H4W 2WB, CANADA, (514)488-2511, fax: 514-488-7742, email: pauLjanusauskas@factory-mutuaLcorn 30, Namdae(S; 1997; ID# 16942), Seoul National University, Dept of GeologicalSciences, Kwanakgu, Seoul 151-742, SOUTHKOREA,(82)2-8722713, fax: 82-2-888-8696, e-mail: rin [email protected] 3AROSCH,HansS., (M; 1970; ID# 10392), Computer Center, WeizmannInstitute of Science, Rehovoth 76100, ISRAEL,fax: (972) 8-9344102, e-mail: [email protected][ JOHANSSON, Peder(M; 1987; ID# 12642), Nail Defence Res Establishment, Division 65, Hydroacoustics & Seismology,S-17290 Stockholm, SWEDEN,(46)8-706-3593, fax: 46-8706-3543 JAUME, Steven C. (M; 1991; ID# 15251), Univ of Queensland, Quakes, Dept of Earth Sciences, Brisbane Qld 4072, AUSTRALIA,(61) 7-33652176, fax: (61) 7-3365-7347, e-maih [email protected] JOHNSON, Anse[G. (M; 1972; ID# 12400), Portland State University,Geology Department, Portland, OR, 97207, (503)725-3381, fax: 503725-3025, e-mail: [email protected] 3AVETE, Donald E (M; 1991; ID# 14772), 5398 Belgrave PLace,Oakland,CA, 94618, (510)6550456, fax: 510-655-0600 JENKINS, Richard D. (M; 1990; ID# 13909), SAIC, MSA2-F, 10260 CampusPoint Drive, San Diego, CA, 92121, (619)458-2780, e-mail: [email protected] 3ENKS, Patrick 3. (M; 1989; ID# 13342), 62 Via Pamplona, Rnch Santa Margarita,CA, 92688, (949) 459-0869 3ENNEMANN,Vincent F. (L; 1948; ID# 11514), 203 Sunset Drive, Tulsa,OK, 74114, (918)5858485, fax: 918-585-9962 ,IENNINGS, PaulC. (M; 1964; ID# 11909), Ca[if Inst Of Technology,Civil EngineeringDept, 10444, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626)356-6336, fax: 626-449-9374, e-mail: [email protected] 3ERMIHOFF, Nicholas(M; 1998; ID# 17259), GISCO,7116 Bristol B[vd, Edina, MN, 55435, (612) 929-8000, fax: (612) 926-5498, e-maih [email protected] 3HA, Prakash s (M; 1990; ID# 13707), Natl Inst Rock Mechanics,ChampionReefs PO, KoLarGold Fields, KaMtaka 563-117, INDIA, (91)81-5360263, fax: 91-81-536-0937, e-maih [email protected] ,IIANG, Juen-Shi (S; 1996; ID# 16691), Central Weather Bureau, SeismologyCenter, 64 KungYuan Road, Taipei 10039, TAIWANROC,(886)2349-1168, fax: 886-2-349-1178, e-mail: [email protected] ]IAO, Wenjie (M; 1994; ID# 15793), CarnegieInst of Washington, GeophysicalLab, 5251 Broad Branch Road NW, Washington, DC, 20015-1305, (202)686-2410, fax: 202-686-2419, e-mail: [email protected] 30HNSON, Catherine(M; 1999; ID# 17348), IRIS, Education & Outreach Prg Mgr, 1200 New York AvenueSte 800, Washington, DC, 20005, (202)682-2220, fax: 202-682-2444, e-mail: [email protected] 3OHNSON, Douglas H. (M; 1992; ID# 15321), Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, PO Box 1000, Palisades, NY, 10964, (914)365-8896, fax: 914365-8150, e-mail: [email protected] JOHNSON, EdwardA. (M; 1991; ID# 15271), 127 Tower Road, Lincoln, MA, 01773-4402, (781) 8990950, fax: (617) 552-8388 JOHNSON, ,lean M. (M; 1993; ID# 15543), Shorter College, 94 Old Grassdate Rd, CartersvilLe, GA, 30121, (706) 291-2121, fax: (706) 236-1515, email: [email protected] 3OHNSON, Jeffrey A. (M; 1974; ID# 11937), 13028 Harwick Lane, San Diego, CA, 92130-3307, (619) 755-7606, fax: (619) 755-7606, e-mail: jalLenjohn@aoLcom JOHNSON, Jeffrey B. (S; 1998; ID# 17054), University of Washington, Geophysics Program 202 ATG Bldg, Box 351650, Seattle, WA, 981951650, (206)543-5255, e-mail: [email protected] 30HNSON, Joel E. (S; 1999; ID# 17417), Oregon State University, Dept of Geosciences, Corvallis, OR, 97331, (541)737-1227, fax: 541-758-8087 ,3OHNSON, Lane R. (M; 1963; ID# 12297), University of California, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, 475 McCone Hall MS 4760, Berkeley, CA, 94720-4760, (510)642-1275, fax: 510-6439980, e-mail: [rj@ccs.[bLgov 3OHNSON, Peggy A. (M; 1986; ID# 12594), US Geological Survey, 525 S. Wilson Avenue, Pasadena, CA, 91106-3212, (626)583-6748, fax: 626-583-7827, e-maih [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 JOHNSON, Samuel Y. (M; 1997; ID# 16648), U.S. Geological.Survey, Denver FederalCenter MS 966, Box 25046, Denver, CO, 80225, (303) 273-8608, fax: (303) 273-8600, e-marl: [email protected] JOST, MichaelL. (M; 1986; ID# 11462), Ruhr Universitaet Bochum,Geophysik,44780 Bochum, GERMANY,(49) 234-700-3276,fax: (49) 234-7094181, e-maiL:[email protected] KAMAE, Katsuhiro (M; 1997; ID# 16895), Kyoto University, ResearchReactor Institute, NodaKumatori-cho, Sennan-gun,Osaka 590-0494, JAPAN, (81)7-2451-2603, fax: 81-7-2451-2369, e-maiL: [email protected] p JOHNSON,Stephen H. (M; 1970; ID# 11517), 1802 Bl.ueSage Drive, Katy,TX, 77494, (281) 5563647, fax: (281) 366-5856, e-mail: [email protected] :IOSWIG, Manfred (M; 1988; ID# 13088), Goethestr 28, D-40237 DusseLdorf,GERMANY, (49)211-691-3972, fax: 49-211-691-4101, emaiL: [email protected] JOHNSTON,Arch C. (M; 1980; ID# I1312), Universityof Memphis,CERI,CampusBox 526590, Memphis,TN, 38152-6590, (901)6782007, fax: 901-678-4734, e-mail.: [email protected] JOYNER, WilLiam B. (M; 1958; ID# 12216), 472 Virginia Avenue,San Mateo, CA, 94402, (650) 329-5640, Fax:(650) 329-5163, e-maih [email protected] KAMIYA,Shin'ichiro (M; 1992; ID# 13460), Int[ Inst SeismoLogy& Earthquake Engr, BuiLding Research Institute, Tatehara 1, TsukubaCity, Ibaraki 305-0802, JAPAN, (81)298-642151x4703, fax: 81-298-64-6777, e-maiL: 30HNSTON, Ma[col.m (M; 1975; ID# 12087), US GeologicaLSurvey, MS977, 345 Midd[efie[dRoad, Menl.o Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4812, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-maiL: [email protected] JOHNSTON, Roy G. (M; 1954; ID# 11814), Brandow & Johnston Associates, 1660 West 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90017, (213)484-8950, fax: 213-483-5550, e-mail: bjaseLa@aoLcom JUN, Myung-Soon(M; 1991; ID# 15097), Korea Inst of GeoLogyMining & MineraLs,Geophys ResearchStation, PO Box 111, Yusung, Daedeok Daejeon, SOUTHKOREA,(82)42-868-3344, fax: 82-42-861-9720, e-maiL: jun [email protected] JUSTOALPANES,Jose L. (M; 1973; ID# 10818), Universidadde Sevi[La, Dept de Mecanicade MediosContinuous,ReinaMercedes,2, SeviUa12, SPAIN, (34)9-5455-6589, fax: 34-9-5455-6965, e-maiL: [email protected] JONES, ALan (M; 1991; ID# 15137), 3717 Wildwood Drive, EndweU, NY, 13760, (607)7772518, fax: 607-777-2288, e-mail.: [email protected] K JONES, Laura E. (M; 1991; ID# 15182), Los Alamos National Laboratory, Earth & Environmental.Sci Division, EES-5 MS-F665, Los Alamos, NM, 87545, (505)667-7135, Fax: 505665-3687, e-mai[: l.ejones@LanLgov KADAKAL, Ugur (S; 1995; ID# 15995), Northeastern University, Dept of Civil Engineering, 920 SneLlEngineeringCenter, Boston, MA, 02115, (617)373-2444, fax: 617373-4419, e-maiL: kadaka[ 3ONES, Luci[e M. (M; 1982; ID# 11912), US GeoLogical.Survey, 525 S Wilson Ave, Pasadena, CA, 91106, (626) 583-7817, fax: (626) 583-7827, e-maiL:[email protected] KAFKA, Alan L. (M; 1980; ID# I0943), 425 Main Street, #13B, Hudson, MA, 01749, (617)5523650, fax: 617-552-2462, e-maih [email protected] JONES, Robert H. (M; 1992; ID# 15434), CSM Associates, RosemanowesQuarry,HernisePenryn, CornwaU, UK-ENGLAND,fax: 44-1209-861-013, emaiL: [email protected] KAGAMI,Hiroshi(M; 1974; ID# 10523), Hokkaido University, Facultyof Engineering,Architectural Engr Dept, N13W8Sapporo060-8628, JAPAN, (81)11-706-6649, fax: 81-11-706-7839, e-mail: [email protected] JONES, T. A. (M; 1993; ID# 15522), 10604 Las Lunitas,Tujunga,CA, 91042, (818)352-2479, Fax: 818-353-2918, e-maiL: him@pacbelLnet JONES, Trevor(M; 1993; ID# 15694), AustraLian SeismologicalCtr, AustralianGeo[SurveyOrg,GPO Box 378, CanberraACT 2601, AUSTRALIA,(61)62499-559, fax: 61-6-2499-969, e-maiL: [email protected] JONGMANS, Denis (M; 1987; ID# 12738), Universite de Liege - LGIH, Sart Ti[man B19, B4000 Liege, BELGIUM,(32) 4-366-2035, fax: (32) 4-366-2817, e-maiL: djongmans@u[ JORDAN, Francisco (M; 1992;ID# 15498), 17822 Randall Avenue, Fontana, CA, 92335, (909)8882422 JORDAN,Thomas H. (M; 1983; ID# 10922), Mass Inst of TechnoLogy,MS 54-918, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, 02139, (617)253-3589, e-mail: [email protected] KAGAN,Yan (M; 1976; ID# 11819), University of California, Inst of Geophys& PLanetaryPhysics, 405 Hi[gard Avenue,Los AngeLes,CA, 900951567, (310)206-2503,fax: 310-206-3051, e-maiL: ykagan@uc[ KAGAWA,Takao(M; 1991; ID# 14274), HigashiYodogawa, 2-17-13-603 Higashi-Awaji,Osaka 533, JAPAN,(81)6-539-2975, fax: 81-6-5786254, e-maiL: [email protected] KAHLE, James E. (M; 1969; ID# 11861), 19767 Grandview Drive, Topanga, CA, 90290, (626)7913849, e-maiL: [email protected] KAISER, DietheLm(M; 1996; ID# 16440), Institute of Geosciences,Burgweg 11, D-07749 Jena, GERMANY,(49)3641-948666, fax: 49-3641948662, e-malE [email protected] KALOGERAS,Ioannis (M; 1996; ID# 16745), 1 KalomenopooulouStr, Neo Psihiko, GR 15451 Athens, GREECE,(30) 1-3490172, Fax: (30) 13490180, e-maiL:[email protected] KAMIYAMA,Makoto (M; 1992; ID# 15436), Tohoku Inst of TechnoLogy,Dept of CiviL Engineering, 35-1 Yagiyama Kasumicho,Sendal 982-8577, JAPAN, (81)2-229-1151, fax: 81-2229-8393, e-maih [email protected] KANAMORI, Hiroo (H; 1977; ID# 11913), CaLif Inst of TechnoLogy,SeismoLogicaLLab, MC252-21, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626)395-6914, fax: 626564-0715, e-maiL: [email protected] KANG, Daejin (S; 1999; ID# 17403), 447 W Clinton Avenue#1007, State College, PA, 16803, (814)865-3622, e-mail: [email protected] KANJO, Kenji (M; 1997; ID# 13444), 1-1 Nagamine, TsukubaCity, JAPAN, (81)29-8538669, fax: 81-29-851-3730, e-maiL: [email protected] KAO, Honn (M; 1991; ID# 14128), Academia Sinica, Inst of Earth Sciences, PO Box 1-55 Nankang, Taipei, TAIWANROC,(886)2-783-9910, fax: 886-2-783-9871, e-malt: KARNER,Stephen (S; 1997; ID# 16793), Mass Inst of Technology,Dept Earth & Planetary Science, 54-714, 77 MassachusettsAvenue, Cambridge, MA, 02139, (617)253-6375, fax: 617253-1699, e-maiL: [email protected] KASAHARA,Junzo (M; 1973; ID# 10536), Earthquake RsearchInstitute, University of Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi Bunkyo, Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)33812-2111, fax: 81-3-3812-1159, e-maiL: [email protected] KASAHARA, Keichi, (M; 1961; ID# 10537), Waseda University,Science & EngineeringRes Lab, 17 Kikui-cho Shinkjukuku, Tokyo 162, JAPAN, (81)3-3203-4339, fax: 81-3-3203-4339 KASALANATI,AmaMth (S; 1997; ID# 16790), New York State University Buffalo, Dept of Civil Engineering,212 KeLLerHall, Amherst, NY, 14260, (716)645-2114x2445, fax: 716-645-3733, e-maiL: [email protected][ KASAMEYER, Paul (M; 1998; ID# 15404), 692 Jefferson Avenue, Livermore, CA, 94550, (925)422-6487, e-maiL: kasameyer@UnLgov KATAYAMA,Ikuo (M; 1979; ID# 10539), Shohnancho, A-503 3-24 Ohtsuga-oka, HigashiKatsushika-gun, Chiba 277, JAPAN, (81)4-71932523, fax: 81-3-5818-7655, e-maiL: Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October 1999 627 KATO, Kenichi (M; 1991; IO# 14174), Kajima Corporation, Kobori ResearchCompLex,6-5-30 Akasaka Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8502, JAPAN, (81)3-5561-2425, fax: 81-3-5561-2431, e-maiL: [email protected] K~TO, Mamoru (S; 1990; ID# 13742), University of Tokyo, Earthquake ResearchInstitute, I-1-I Yayoi, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0032, JAPAN, (81)33812-9417, fax: 81-3-3812-9417, e-mail[: [email protected] KATO, Naoyuki (M; 1999; ID# 17459), Brown University, Dept of Geo[[ogica[[Sciences, Providence, RI, 02912- 184, (401)863-1103, fax: 401-863-2058, e-maiL: [email protected] KAUSEL, EdgarG. (M; 1970; ID# 10143), Universidad de Chit[e,Dept de GeologiaY Geofisica, Casi[[La2777 - B[[ancoEnca[[ada2085, Santiago, CHILE, (56)2-696-6563, fax: 56-2-6968686, e-maiL: ekause[[@dgf.uchi[[e.d KAUSEL, Eduardo(M; 1978; ID# 10923), Mass Inst of Techno[[ogy,77 MassachusettsAve, Room 1-271, Cambridge, MA, 02139-4307, (617)2535336, fax: 617-253-6044, e-mail: kause[ KAWAGUCHI, Masaaki (M; 1991; ID# 13918), Property & Casua[[tyIns Rating Org, 2-31-19, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0014, JAPAN, (81)35259-0835, fax: 81-3-5259-0873, e-maiL: [email protected] KAWASAKI,Ichiro (M; 1979; ID# 10541), Toyama University, Dept of Earth Sciences,Gofuku, Toyama City, Toyama-ken 930, JAPAN,fax: 81-76445-6647, e-maiL: [email protected] KAWASE, Hiroshi (M; 1987; ID# 12680), Kyushu Univ - Grad Sch Env Studies, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka812-8581, JAPAN, (81)92642-3331, fax: 81-9-2642-3363, e-mail[: [email protected] KAYEN, Robert E. (M; 1999; ID# 17396), US Geo[[ogica[[Survey,345 MiddLefieLdRoad, MenLo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-4195, fax: 650-3295411, e-maiL: [email protected] KEATON,Jeff (M; 1997; ID# 16143), AGRAEarth & Environmental[,130 Yucca Drive, Sedona, AZ, 86336-3222, (520)282-2706, fax: 520-204-5597, e-mail[: [email protected] KEERS, Henk (M; 1995; ID# 16240), University of California, Lawrence BerkeLeyLab, MS 90-1116, One CycLotronRoad, BerkeLey,CA, 94720, (510) 495-2788, fax: (510) 486-5686, e-maiL: henk@ccs.[[ KELLER, George Randy (M; 1969; ID# 11639), University of Texas, Dept of GeoLogical[Sciences, Ell Paso, TX, 79968-0555, (915) 747-5501, fax: (915) 747-5073, e-maiL: [email protected] KELSON, Keith (M; 1997; ID# 15413), Wm Lettis & AssociatesInc, 1777 Botetho Drive Ste 262, Wa[[nut Creek, CA, 94596-5041, (925) 256-6070, fax: (925) 256-6076, e-mail[: kelson@[[ KENNEI'r, Brian L.N. (M; 1974; ID# 10018), Australian National University, Res School[of 628 Earth Sciences,CanberraACT0200, AUSTRALIA, (61)62-494-621, fax: 61-62-572-737, e-maiL: [email protected] KENT,Russet[[(M; 1997; ID# 16894), 4 Rossmoyne Road, LancasterGA14SN,UK-ENGLAND,(44)15246-7584, fax: 44-15-246-0462, e-maiL: r.kent@[[ KERR, RichardA. (M; 1987; ID# 12682), Science, 1200 New York Avenue,NW, Washington, DC, 20005-3920, (202)326-6587, fax: 202-371-9227, e-mail[: [email protected] KERTAPATI, Engkon (M; 1995; ID# 10377), Jin Diponegoro 57, Bandung,WestJava, INDONESIA, (62)022-775-604, fax: 62-022-702-669, e-mail[: [email protected] KHALTURIN,VitallyI. (M; 1975; ID# 10802), Lamont DohertyEarth Observatory,PO Box 1000, 61 Route 9W, Palisades,NY, 10964, (914) 3658581, fax: (914) 365-8150, e-mail[: vkha[[tur@[[[[ KIEFER,John D. (M; 1996; ID# 16431), Kentucky GeoLogicalSurvey, Universityof Kentucky,226 Mining & Mineral[Resources,Lexington, KY, 40506-0107, (606)257-5500, fax: 606-257-1147, e-mail[: [email protected] KIJKO, Andrzej (M; 1981; ID# 10785), Councilfor GeoscienceGSSA,Geophysics:Seismo[[ogy,Private Bag X112, Pretoria 0004, SOUTHAFRICA,(27)12841-1201, fax: 27-12-841-1203/1221, e-maiL: [email protected] KIKUCHI, Masayauki (M; 1992; ID# 13541), Earthquake ResearchInstitute, Universityof Tokyo, 1-1-I Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-3818-4774, fax: 81-3-3818-4774, e-maiL: [email protected] KILB, Deborah L. (S; 1996; ID# 16547), 1641 Linden Avenue,Memphis,TN, 38104, (901)6784809, fax: 901-678-4734, e-maiL: ki[[[email protected] KIM, ChangWon (M; 1998; ID# 17164), PO Box 2248, Fu[[[erton,CA, 92837-2248, (562)947-4577, e-mail[: infinity@ hanirnai[[.com KIM, Char[[es(S; 1999; ID# 17365), PO Box 437, Cresski[[[, NJ, 07626, (201)871-8844, e-mail: charkgg@hotmai[.corn KIM, Dong-i[[(S; 1994; ID# 15941), Seou[ National University, Dept of Geological[Sciences, Kwazak-gu, Seou[ 151-742, SOUTHKOREA,(82)2872-2713, e-mail[: [email protected] KIM, Junkyoung (M; 1990; ID# 13748), Semyung University, Mineral[& EnergyResourcesEngrDept, Jecheon 390-230, Choong-BukDo, SOUTHKOREA, (82-443)649-1319, fax: 82-443-645-2111, email[: [email protected] KIM, Kyoung-tae (S; 1996; ID# 16736), State University of New York, Dept of Geo[[ogica[[ Sciences, PO Box 6000, Binghamton, NY, 139026000, e-maiL: [email protected] KIM, So Gu (M; 1992; ID# 15435), 306-1102 HyundaeA, Hugok ViLLage,ILsan, Goyangshi, Kyonggi-do 411-311, SOUTHKOREA,fax: 82-344911-4739, e-maiL: [email protected] KIM, Sung Kyun (M; 1996; ID# 16358), Chonnam National[University, Dept of Geo[[ogy,Co[[[egeof Natural Sciences, Kwangju 500-757, SOUTH KOREA,(82)62-520-7185, fax: 82-62-511-2135, e-maiL: [email protected] KIM, Won-Young(M; 1985; ID# 10831), Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory,SeismoLogy-GeoLogyTectonics, CoLumbiaUniversity, Palisades,NY, 10964, (914)359-2900, fax: 914-359-5215, emaiL: [email protected] KIM, Woohan (M; 1987; ID# 11622), Gyeomgsang Natl University, Dept of GeoLogy,Gazawa-dong Goo, Chimju 660, SOUTHKOREA,(82) 591-548331, fax: 82-591-56-0512, e-mail: [email protected] KIMBALL, Jeffrey K. (M; 1981; ID# 11173), 17636 Wheat Fatt Dr, Derwood, MD, 20855, (202) 586-1063, e-malt: [email protected] KIND, Rainer (M; 1970; ID# 10309), GeoForschungsZentrumPotsdam, TeLegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, GERMANY,(49)331-288-1240, fax: 49-331-288-1277, e-maiL: [email protected] KING, Jerry L. (M; 1979; ID# 12190), Science Applications Intl. Corp, 1180 TownCenter Drive, MSSUM 1/423, Las Vegas, NV, 89134, (702)2954897, fax: 702-295-4730, e-maiL: [email protected] KING, John E. (M; 1991; ID# 15118), PO Box 98344, Des Moines,WA, 98198-0344, (206) 8240905, fax: 425-637-2399, e-mail[: [email protected] KINOSHITA,Shigeo (M; 1990; ID# 13705), Nat[ Res Inst Earth Sci & Disaster Prevntn, 3-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi,Ibaraki-ken 305-0006, JAPAN, (81)298-511-611, fax: 81-298-515-658, e-mail[: [email protected] KINUGASA, Yoshihiro (M; 1978; ID# 10550), Geo[[ogicatSurveyJapan, 1-1-3 Higashi,Tsukuba, Ibaraki Pref 305, JAPAN, (81)298-54-3688, fax: 81-298-54-3748, e-maiL: [email protected] KIRATZI, Anastasia (M; 1985; ID# 10336), University of Thessa[[oniki,Geophysical[ Laboratory, GR54006ThessaLoniki,GREECE, (30)31-998-486, fax: 30-31-998-528, e-mail[: [email protected] KIRCHER,Char[[esA. (M; 1977; ID# 12138), 1169 Lime Avenue,Sunnyva[[e,CA, 94087, (650) 9698212, e-maiL: [email protected] KIREMIDJIAN, Anne S. (M; 1979; ID# 12201), Stanford University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Terman 238, Stanford, CA, 94305-4020, (650)723-4164, fax: 650-725-9755, e-mail[: [email protected] KIRKHAM, Robert M. (M; 1987; ID# 12737), PO Box 172, MonteVista, CO,81144, (719)852-5737, fax: 719-587-0139, e-maiL: [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October1999 KISIMOTO,Kiyoyuki (M; 1983; ID# 10552), GeoLogicaLSurveyof Japan, 1-1-3 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN, (81)2-9854-3597, fax: 81-2-9854-3533, e-mail: [email protected] KOMIYAMA,Hideaki (M; 1998; ID# 17161), JICA Expert, Han Sok 13/5, GOP06700, Ankara, TURKEY,(90) 312-447-2574, fax: (90) 312-4472590, e-maih [email protected] KISSLINGER,Carl (M; 1948; ID# 11702), CIRESUniv of Colorado, CampusBox 216, Boulder, CO, 80309, (303)492-6089, fax: 303-492-1149, email: [email protected] KONG, LauraS.L. (M; 1991; ID# 15190), Universityof Hawaii, Hawaii Inst Geophysics& PLanetoLogy,2525 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI, 96822, (808) 956-9542, fax: 808-956-3188, email: [email protected] KITCHEN, Charles (M; 1988; ID# 13084), 1534 Orcana Drive, Carson City, NV, 89701, (775) 8822513, e-mail: [email protected] KLEIN, FredW. (M; 1970; ID# 12089), US GeologicalSurvey,MS977,345 MiddlefieLdRoad, MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4794, e-mail: [email protected] KLIMKIEWICZ, GeorgeC. (M; 1981; ID# 10947), 1 Benjamin Road, Lexington, MA, 02173, (508) 393-4600, fax: (508) 393-7674, e-maiL: [email protected] KLOSKO, Eryn (S; 1999; ID# 17360), Northwestern Univaersity, Dept of Geological Sciences, Evanston, IL, 60208, (847)491-5379, fax: 847-491-8060, e-maih [email protected] KNAPMEYER,Martin (S; 1996; ID# 16701), Universitatsstrasse150 Na3/172, 44780 Bochum, GERMANY,(49)234-700-3277, e-maih [email protected] KNIGHT, Rebecca(S; 1994; ID# 15944), Universityof Memphis, Center for Earthquake Research and Info, 3890 Central Avenue, Memphis, TN, 38111-7622, (901) 678-2007, fax: 901-678-4734, e-maih [email protected] KNOPOFF,Leon (H; 1952; ID# 11820), Univ of CaLifornia, Inst of Geophysics, Los Angeles,CA, 90095-1567, (310)825-1885, fax: 310-206-3051, e-mail: [email protected] KONIG, Gert (M; 1991; ID# 15165), Konig Und Heunisch,Oskar-SommerStr 15-17, 60596 Frankurt Main,GERMANY,(49)69-630-0080, fax: 69-632-358 KONNO,Katsuaki(M; 1996; ID# 16470), Shibaura Inst of TechnoLogy,3-9-14 Shibaura, Minatoku, Tokyo 108, JAPAN, (81)3-5476-3046, fax: 81-35476-3166, e-maih [email protected] KONNO,Takaaki (M; 1997; ID# 16925), Kajima Corp, 6-5-30, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107, JAPAN, (81)3-5561-2111, fax: 81-3-5561-2345, e-maiL: [email protected] KOPERA,Juergen R. (M; 1994; ID# 15888), Fed Inst Geosciences& Natural Resources, BRG, StitLeweg 2, 30655 Hannover,GERMANY,(49)511643-2669, fax: 49-511-643-2868, e-maiL: j [email protected] KORN, Michael(M; 1987; ID# 12597), Univ of Leipzig, Inst Fur Geowissenschaften,TaLstr35, D04103 Leipzig,GERMANY,(49)41-716-5376, fax: 49-41-960-2176, e-maih [email protected] KOSUGA,Masahiro(M; 1988; ID# 13154), Hirosaki University, Earthquake& Volcano Observatory, Hirosaki Aomori 036, JAPAN, (81)17239-3652, fax: 81-1-7234-5325, e-maiL: [email protected] KNOWLES, Cyrus P. (M; 1996; ID# 16586), 1250 S. WashingtonStreet Apt 209, Alexandria,VA, 22314, (708)683-0122, fax: 708-683-7309, email: [email protected] KOUYOUMI)JIAN,Hratch (M; 1995; ID# 16337), Hratch Kouyoumdjian& Associates, 221 Main Street Suite 760, San Francisco,CA, 94105, (415)227-0700, fax: 415-227-0701, e-mail: [email protected] KNUEPFER, Peter L. (M; 1977; ID# 11080), Binghamton University,GeologicalSciencesDept, Binghamton, NY, 13902-6000, (607)777-2389, fax: 607-777-2288, e-maiL: [email protected] KOVACH,Robert L. (M; 1961; ID# 12202), Stanford UniversityGeophysicsDept, MitcheLL BuiLding,Stanford, CA, 94305-2215, (650) 7234827, fax: (650) 725-7344, e-mail: [email protected] KOCH, Karl (M; 1985; ID# 10310), BGR, Inst for Geosciences & Natural Resources, Stilteweg 2, D30655 Hannover,GERMANY,(49)511-643-3236, fax: 49-511-643-3663, e-mail: koch@sdac, KOYAMA,Junji (M; 1988; ID# 13153), Hokkaido University, Div of Earth & PlanetaryScience, Graduate Schoolof Science,Sapporo060, JAPAN, (81)11-706-3526, fax: 81-11-746-2715, e-mail: [email protected] KOKETSU, Kazuki (M; 1984; ID# 10561), Universityof Tokyo, Earthquake Research Institute, Yayoi 1-1-1 Bunkyo-Ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-3812-2111, fax: 81-3-3814-5489, e-maiL: [email protected] KOYANAGI,Stuart K. (M; 1990; ID# 13769), US GeologicalSurvey, MS967 Box 25046, Denver FederalCenter, Denver, CO, 80225, (303)2738500, fax: 303-273-8450, e-maih [email protected] KOLIAS, Basil (M; 1991; ID# 15104), DencoLtd, 16 KifissiasAve, 151 25 Maroussi,Athens, GREECE,fax: 30-1-685-4800, e-maih [email protected] KOZUCH,MichaelJ. (M; 1991; ID# 15219), 225 Country CLubDrive, San Francisco,CA, 94132, (415)564-0334, e-mail: [email protected] KRADOLFER,Urs (M; 1996; ID# 16361), Swiss SeismologicalService, ETH-Hoenggerberg,CH- 8093 Zurich, SWITZERLAND,(41)1-633-2656, fax: 41-1-633-1065, e-maiL: [email protected] KRAMER, Steven L. (M; 1991; ID# 15166), University of Washington, 201 More HaLLCivil Engineering, Box 352700, SeattLe, WA, 98195, (206) 685-2642, fax: (206) 685-3836, e-maiL: [email protected] KRESSE, FrankC. (M; 1972; ID# 12318), PO Box 1072, Bodega Bay, CA, 94923, (707) 875-3167, fax: (707) 875-2690, e-maiL: [email protected] KRINITZSKY, Ellis L. (M; 1972; ID# 11320), Waterways ExperimentStation GL, US Corps of Engineers,Vicksburg, MS, 39180, (601)634-3329, fax: 601-634-3139, e-maiL: [email protected] KROEGER,GLennC (M; 1999; IDff 13818), Trinity University, Dept of Geosciences,San Antonio, TX, 78212, (210)736-7607, fax: 210-736-8264, email: [email protected] KROMER,Richard P. (M; 1996; IO# 13316), Sandia National Labs, MS0655, PO Box 5800, ALbuquerque, NM, 87185-5800, (505)844-1005, fax: 505-844-5321, e-maiL: [email protected] KROPP,ALanL. (M; 1975; ID# 12280), ALanKropp & AssociatesInc, 2140 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA, 94704, (510)841-5095, fax: 510841-8357, e-mail: [email protected] KUBO, Tetsuo (M; 1975; IDff 10566), NagoyaInst of Technology,Dept of Architecture, Gokiso-machi Showa-ku, Nagoya466-8555, JAPAN,(81)52-7355508, fax: 81-52-735-5556, e-maiL: [email protected] KUBOTA, Susumu(M; 1965; ID# 10567), Assnfor Development of Eq Prediction, Chiyoda Company BLdg8F, Sarugaku-cho 1-5-18, Chiyoda-ku 1010064, JAPAN, (81)3-3295-5350, fax: 81-3-32951996, e-maiL: [email protected] KUDO, Kazuyoshi(M; 1973; ID# 10568), University of Tokyo, Earthquake Research Institute, 1-1-1 Yayoi Bunko-Ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN, fax: 81-3-5803-2697, e-maiL: [email protected] p KUGE, Keiko (M; 1988; ID# 13116), Kyoto University, Facultyof Science, Deptof Geophysics, Kyoto 606-8502, JAPAN, (81)75-753-3926, fax: 81-75-753-3714, e-maiL: [email protected] KULIG, Christopher (M; 1991; ID# 15290), Mass Inst of TechnoLogy,Lincoln Laboratory, 26 ConnotLyDrive, Groton, MA, 0%450, (978)4480213, e-mail: [email protected] KUMAMOTO,Takashi (M; 1994; ID# 15828), Tokyo Metropolitan University, Dept of GeographyFac of Science, Minami-Osawa1-1, Hachioji-City,Tokyo, 192-03, JAPAN,fax: 81-426-77-2589, e-maiL: [email protected] KUMAR, Ramachandran (S; 1999; IDff 17425), University of Victoria, 107, 1641 Mackenzie Avenue, Victoria Bs V8N 5NA, CANADA,(250) 472-4342, e-mail: [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 629 KUNG,Yu-Long (S; 1992; ID# 15458), 2156 Evans Court, Apt#101, Falls Church, VA, 22043, (703)761-7998, e-mail: [email protected] KURIBAYASNI, Eiichi (M; 1991; ID# 15077), Toyohashi Univ of Technology,Tempaku, Toyohashi441, JAPAN, (81) 532-47-0111, fax: (81) 532-44-6831, e-mail: [email protected] KUROISO,Akio (M; 1968; ID# 10571), 33 Akiyama, Momoyama-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto 6120834, JAPAN, (81)75-601-8595, fax: 81-75-6052039, e-maih [email protected] KUSUNOSE, Kinichiro (M; 1981; ID# 10572), Geological Surveyof Japan, 1-1-3 HigashiTsukuba,Ibaraki 305, JAPAN, (81)298-543783, fax: 81-298-54-3697, e-maih [email protected] p L LA ROCCA,Mario (S; 1999; ID# 17060), Universita di Salerno, Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Salvador Allende, 84081 Baronissi-SA,ITALY, (39)089-965-239, fax: 39-089-453-804, e-maih [[email protected] LACY,Michael E. (M; 1998; ID# 17093), 700 East Ash Lane #103, Euless, TX, 76039-5624, e-maih aumichael@aoLcom 3425-4945, fax: 33-1-3425-4904, e-mail: [a[[email protected] LAM, Ignatius P. (M; 1991; ID# 14126), Earth Mechanics, Inc, 17660 NewhopeStreet, Ste E, Fountain Valley, CA, 92708, (714)751-3826, fax: 714-751-3928 LAMANUZZI, Vic (M; 1979; ID# 11573), Exxon Production ResearchCo, PO Box 2189, Houston, TX, 77252-2189, (713) 431-4501, fax: 713-4316333, e-maih [email protected] LAMONTAGNE,Maurice (M; 1990; ID# 13930), Geological Surveyof Canada, 7 Observatory Crescent, Ottawa ON, KIA OY3,CANADA,(613) 995-0600, fax: (613) 992-8836, e-mail: [email protected] LANGONE, H. KathLeen(M; 1995; ID# 15966), 248 Winding Pond Road, PO Box 1390, Londonderry, NH, 03053-1390, (603) 421-1727, e-maih [email protected] LANGSTON,CharlesA. (M; 1975; ID# 11115), PennsylvaniaState University,Oept of Geosciences,440 DeikeBtdg, UniversityPark, PA, 16802, (814)865-0083, fax: 814-863-7823, email: [email protected] LAPAJNE,Janez K. (M; 1992; ID# 15331), GeophysicalSurveyof S[ovenia, Kersnikova3, 1000 Ljub[jana, SLOVENIA,(386)61-132-6284, fax: 386-61-132-7067, e-mail: [email protected] LAWSON, James E., Jr. (L; 1966; ID# 11503), Oklahoma Geo[ Survey Obs, NumberOne Observatory Lane, PO Box 8, Leonard,OK, 740430008, (918)366-4152, fax: 918-366-4152, e-maih ji m[[email protected] LAY, Thorne (M; 1979; ID# 11374), University of California, EarthSciencesDept, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064, (831) 459-3164, fax: (831) 459-2127, e-maih [email protected] LAZARTE,Carlos(M; 1994; ID# 15858), 820 Kains Avenue Apt 302, Albany, CA, 94706, (510)8743019, fax: 510-874-3268, e-mail: car[[email protected] LE BRAS,Mn (M; 1995; ID# 16253), SAIC(A), 10260 CampusPoint Drive,San Diego,CA, 92121, (619)458-2790, e-maih [email protected] LEARY, DennisJ. (M; 1986; ID# 10991), ConsuLting Engineer,102 Old Cow Pasture Lane, Kinnelon, NJ, 07405, (201)794-6900, fax: 201794-0366 LEAVY, Donald (M; 1994; ID# 15798), 3520 PLace de Roven, Trois Rivieres Ouest, PQ, G8Y 3PI, CANADA LEBLANC, Gabriel, (M; 1955; ID# 10890), 17 Byard Lane, Westboro, MA, 01581, (508) 3934600, e-maih [eb[[email protected] LARSON, Robert A. (M; 1995; ID# 16026), 6416 Woodley Avenue, #5, Van Nuys,CA, 91406, (626) 458-4923, e-mail: [email protected] LEBORGNE,Sebastien(M; 1997; ID# 16908), E'cole Normale Superieure, Laboratoire de Geologie, 24 Rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris Cdx 5, FRANCE,(33)1-4432-2217, fax: 33-1-4432-2200, e-mail: [email protected] LARSSON, Gunnar(M; 1972; ID# 10832), Solvia EngineeringAB, Ostra Ringvagen4, S-722-14 Vasteras, SWEDEN,(46)21-144-050, fax: 46-21188-890, e-mail: engineering@so[ LEE, Jimin (S; 1997; ID# 16940), Seou[ National University, Dept of GeologicalSciences,Seou[ 151-742, SOUTHKOREA,(82)2-872-2713, fax: 822-888-8696, e-mail: [email protected] LAGORIO, HenryJ. (M; 1971; ID# 12251), 10 Donald Drive,Orinda, CA, 94563, (925) 254-0257, e-mai[: hlagorio@uclink4. LASKE, Gabi (M; 1997; ID# 15829), Univ of California San Diego,IGPP,MC0225, 9500 Gilman Drive, La JoLLa,CA, 92093-0225, (619)534-8774, fax: 619-534-5332, e-maih [email protected] LEE, JohnsonK. (M; 1991; ID# 15116), Aon Risk Services, Inc., 707 Wilshire BLvd.Ste. 6000, Los Angeles, CA, 90017, (818)653-5145, fax: 818653-5299, e-maih jfirebuff@wor[ LAHR, John C. (M; 1971; ID# 12090), 1925 Foothill Road, Golden, CO, 80401-1718, (303)273-8596, fax: 303-273-8600, e-maih [[email protected] LASMANIS, Raymond (M; 1968; ID# 12441), WA Dept of Natural Resources,Div of Geology& Earth Resources, PO Box 47007, Olympia, WA, 985047007, (360)902-1450, fax: 360-902-1785 LEE, Jung Mo (M; 1986; ID# 12581), Kyungpook Natl University, Dept of Geology,Taegu 702-701, SOUTH KOREA,(82)53-950-6347, fax: 82-53-9505362, e-mail: [email protected] LAX,CarloGiovanni(M; 1997; ID# 16845), Studio Geotecnico Italiano SRL, Via Ripamonti, 89, 120139 Mitano, ITALY,(39)2-522-0141, fax: 39-2569-1845, e-mail: [email protected] LASOCKI, Stanislaw (M; 1998; ID# 17237), Mining & Metallurgy University,Dept of Geophysics, A[ Mickiewicza30, 30-059 Krakow, POLAND,(48)12-617-3811,fax: 48-12-633-2936, e-maih [email protected],p[ LEE, Kiehwa (M; 1988; ID# 13063), Seoul National University, Dept of GeologicalSciences, Seoul 151-742, SOUTHKOREA,(82)2-880-6731, fax: 82-2-871-3269,886-0543, e-mail: [email protected] LASTER,StanleyJ. (M; 1961; ID# 11555), 6918 Meadowcreek Drive, Dallas,TX, 75240-2711, (214) 951-3219, fax: (214) 951-2098. LEE, Michael(M; 1996; ID# 16754), 80-40 Lefferts Bird, Apt 3D, Kew Gardens, NY, 11415, (718)846-5774 LAUBSCHER,HansP., (M; 1960; ID# 10841), Wenkenstr 26, 4125 Riehen,SWITZERLAND,email: [[email protected] LEE, Richard C. (M; 1976; ID# 12286), PO Box 625, New Ellenton, SC, 29809, (803) 641-1485, email: richardO2.[[email protected] LAWSON, Alexander M. (M; 1992; ID# 15439), Bechtel Corporation, 1840 CommercenterCircle, San BeMrdino, CA, 92408, (909)890-0607, fax: 909-890-3527, e-mail: slawson@bechteLcom LEE, William H. K. (M; 1968; ID# 12092), 862 Richardson Court, Palo Alto, CA, 94303, (650) 494-3341, fax: (650) 858-2599, e-maih [email protected] LAFORGE,Roland (M; 1975; ID# 11707), US Bureau of Reclamation, D-8330 DenverFederal Center, PO Box 25007, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)445-3174, fax: 303-445-6478, e-mail: [email protected] LAGESON,David R. (M; 1998; ID# 17268), MontanaState University, Dept of Earth Sciences, Bozeman, MT, 59717, (406)994-6913, fax: 406994-6923, e-maih [[email protected] LAKEW JEMBERIE,Alemayhu (S; 1998; ID# 17090), St Louis University, Dept of Earth & Atmospheric Science, 3507 Laclede Avenue,St Louis, MO, 63103, fax: (314) 977-3117, e-maih [email protected] LALLA, DouglasJ. (M; 1981; ID# 12456), 5106 Wesleyan Drive, Anchorage,AK, 99508, (907)2714394, e-maih [[email protected] LALLEMANT,Siegfried J. (M; 1991; ID# 15259), Universite de Cergy Pontoise, Dept Des Sci de La Terre; CNRSESA7072, Av Du Parc8 Le CampusBat I, 95031 Cergy Pontoise Cdx, FRANCE,(33)1- 630 Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October 1999 LEEDS, David,l. (M; 1948; ID# 11831), 11972 ChaLonRoad, Los Angeles,CA, 90049, (310)4720282, fax: 310-472-0282, e-mail: [email protected] LEES,Jonathan M. (M; 1989; ID# 13187), Yale University, Dept of Geology& Geophysics,POBox 208109, New Haven, CT, 06520-8109, (203) 4326947, fax: 203-432-3134, e-mail: [email protected] LEGATOS,Nicholas A. (M; 1978; ID# 11057), PreLoad Inc, 839 Stewart Ave, Garden City, NY, 11530, (516)222-0550, fax: 516-222-0528, emaiL: [email protected] LEG6, Mark R. (M; 1975; ID# 11518), 5952 Brassie Circle, Huntington Beach, CA, 926492748, (323) 378-6254, fax: (213) 375-0663, email: mark.[[email protected] LEGGERI, Maurizio (M; 1986; ID# 12485), Archstudio, Via F Baracca 175, 85100 Potenza, ITALY,(39)971-470-020, fax: 39-971-470-021 LEITE, LoureniLdoW.B. (M; 1986; ID# 10053), Universidade Federal Do Para, Dept De Geofisica, CP 1611, 66025-900 BeLemPara, BRAZIL,(55)91211-1671/1692, fax: 55-91-211-1693/1609 LEMMER,Robert E. (M; 1995; ID# 14689), 811 North Polk, Little Rock, AR, 72205, (501) 5693542, fax: (501) 569-3271, e-mail: [email protected] LEONARD, Gideon (M; 1986; ID# 11141), Israel AECScienceOffice, 3514 InteMtiona[ Drive NW, Washington, Ds 20008, (202)364-5652 LEONARD,Mark (M; 1997; ID# 16872), Australian Geological Survey, GPO Box 378, CanberraCity 2601, AUSTRALIA,(61) 6249-9357, fax: (61) 6249-9969, e-mail: [email protected] LERNER-LAMIArthur L. (M; 1985; ID# 11040), Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,61 Route 9W, PO Box 1000, Palisades, NY, 10964, (914)3658356, fax: 914-365-8150, e-mail: [[email protected] LESMANA, Hidayat (M; 1975; ID# 10379), Kebon Kacang 2/45A, Jakarta-Pusat, INDONESIA,(62) 21-531-0011, fax: (62) 21-531-0013, e-mail: [email protected] LE131S,William R. (M; 1990; ID# 13723), Lettis Associates, 1777 BoteLhoDriveSuite 262, Walnut Creek, CA, 94596-5041, (925)256-6070, fax: 925256-6076, e-mail: [[email protected] LETZ, Horst (M; 1991; ID# 13974), Geophysical Observatory, PO Box 323, Port Moresby, PAPUA NEW GUINEA, (+675)321-4500, fax: +675-3213976, e-mail: [email protected] LEVANDER,ALan R. (M; 1977; ID# 11574), Rice University, Geology & GeophysicsMS 126, 6100 Main Street, Houston, TX, 77005, (713) 5276064, fax: (713) 285-5214, e-rnaih [email protected] LEVIN, Boris (M; 1998; ID# 17080), Russian Foundation Basic Res, 32a Leninsky Prospect, Moscow117334, RUSSIA,(7)95-938-1795, fax: 795-938-1931, e-mail: [email protected] 61801, (217)333-6959, fax: 217-333-9464, email: [email protected] LEVIN, Vadim (M; 1999; ID# 16043), Yale University, Dept of Geologyand Geophysics, PO Box 208109, New Haven,CT, 06520-8109, (203)432-3279, fax: 203-432-3134, e-maih [email protected] LIN, Kuo-wan(S; 1995; ID# 16006), NM Inst of Mining & Technology,PO Box 2007 CS, Socorro, NM, 87801, (505)835-5691, e-mail: [email protected] LEVINE, EdwardN., (M; 1962; ID# 10893), 770 Salisbury Street, Ste 426, Worcester, MA, 01609, (508)753-0820, fax: 508-753-1583 LINDBLAD, William J. (M; 1991; ID# 14773), 6770 S.W. RaLeighwoodLane, Portland, OR, 97225-1923, (503)292-0321, fax: (503) 2925224, e-mail: [email protected] LEVISH,Murray,(M; 1969; ID# 12191), 1956 West Steele Lane,Apt#26, Santa Rosa, CA, 954032642, (707)578-8393, fax: 707-578-7767 LINDE, ALan~ (M; 1974;ID# 11144), Carnegie Inst of Washington, 5241 Broad BranchRoad, NW, Washington, DC, 20015,(202)686-4370X4394, fax: 202-364-8726, e-mail: [email protected] LEVSHIN, Anatoti (M; 1998; ID# 15391), Universityof Colorado,PhysicsDept, CampusBox 390, Boulder,CO, 80309, (303) 492-5912, fax: (303) 492-7935, e-mail: [[email protected] LINDH, ALLanG. (M; 1973; ID# 12053), 277 Molina Drive,Santa Cruz,CA, 95060-9457, (831) 457-8848, e-mail: [email protected] LEW, Marshall(M; 1987; ID# 12666), Law/ CrandaL[Inc, 200 Citadel Drive, Los Angeles, CA, 90040-1554, (323) 889-5300, fax: (323) 8895398, e-mail: [email protected] LEWKOWICZ,James F. (M; 1996; ID# 15389), Weston Geophysicals 325 West Main Street, Northborough, MA, 01532, (508) 393-4600, fax: 508-393-7674, e-mail: [email protected] LI, Chengping(S; 1993; ID# 15767), University Southern California, Dept of Earth Sciences, Science B13, University Park, Los Angeles,CA, 90089-0740, (213)740-5616, fax: 213-740-8801, e-mail: [email protected] LI, Qin-Zu(M; 1986; ID# 10151), Seismological Bureau of Hebei Province,ShijiazhuangHebei, CHINA PRC,e-maih [email protected] LI, Yingping (M; 1991; ID# 13515), Western Atlas InteMtionaL, 10205 Westheimer OB Ste 685, Houston, TX, 77042, (713) 972-6914, fax: (713) 972-4862, e-mail: [email protected] LI, YongGang(M; 1987; IO# 12970), Univ of Southern California, Dept of Earth Sciences, University Park, Los Angeles,CA, 90089-0740, (213)740-3556, fax: 213-740-8801, e-mail: [email protected] LIAN6, Wen-Tzong(S; 1997; ID# 16791), Academia Sinica, Inst of Earth Sciences, PO Box 1-55 Nankang,Taipei 115, TAIWANROs (886)2783-9910x508, e-mail: [email protected] LIENKAEMPER,3ames3, Jr. (M; 1978; ID# 12094), US GeologicalSurvey,MS 977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, e-mail: [email protected] LINDHOLM, Conrad D. (M; 1990; ID# 13706), NORSAR,PO Box 51, N-2007 KjetLer, NORWAY, 63817121, fax: 63818719, e-mail: [email protected] LINDQUIST, Kent (M; 1995; ID# 16226), University of ALaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, 903 Koyukuk Drive, Fairbanks,AK, 99775, (907)474-7309, fax: 907-474-5618, email: [email protected] LINDVALL, C. Eric (M; 1972;ID# 11935), Harza EngineeringCo., 15539 Bronco Drive, Santa CLarita, CA, 91351, (661) 251-3000, fax:(661) 251-5550 LINKER, Mark (M; 1996; ID# 16389), Applied Insurance Research,137 NewburyStreet, Boston, MA, 02116, (617)267-6645, fax: 617-267-8284, e-mail: [[email protected] LINVILLE, Andrew E (M; 1963; ID# 11556), Mobil Research & Development Corp, 13809 Rolling Hills Lane, Dallas, TX, 75240, (214) 235-0322 LIPPEY,Gerald (M; 1994; ID# 15869), The Lippey Company, 11340 W OLympicBLvd,Ste 222, Los Angeles, CA, 90064, (310)477-6716, fax: 310479-6271 LIPSHIE, Steven R. (M; 1997; ID# 16897), 5325 Whi~ett Avenue Apt 6, North HoL~wood, CA, 91607,(818)761-8518 LITEHISER,3oe J., Jr. (M; 1973; ID# 12178), 49 Parkwood Drive, DaLyCity, CA, 94015, (415) 7687145, tax: (415) 768-4898, e-mail: jjLitehi@bechteLcom LIg, David C. (M; 1962; ID# 11411), 340 East Oakdale Avenue, Lake Forest, IL, 60045, (708)234-3780 LIGORRIA, Juan P. (S; 1996; ID# 16444), Saint Louis University,Dept of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, 3507 LaCLedeAvenue,St. Louis, MO, 63103, (314) 977-3130, fax: (314) 977-3117, email: [[email protected] LIU, Hong (S; 1996; ID# 16394), 995 East Baseline Road Apt 1150, Tempe, AZ, 85283, (602)730-7776, e-mail: [email protected] LIN, Chu-Chieh,]. (S; 1997; ID# 16881), Universityof Illinois, 3119 NewmarkCivil Engr Lab, 205 North MathewAvenue, Urbana, IL, LIU, Hsi-Ping (M; 1990; ID# 13308), US Geological Survey, MS 977, Engr Seismology & Geology Branch, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5643, fax: (650) 3295163, e-mail: [[email protected] Seismological ResearchLetters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October1999 631 LIU, Kun-Sung(S; 1995; ID# 15390), Central Weather Bureau, SeismologicalCenter, 64 KungYuan Road, Taipei 10039, TAIWANROC,(886)2349-1172, fax: 886-2-349-1178, e-mail: [email protected] LlU, Lanbo (M; 1992; ID# 14694), University of Connecticut, Dept of Geology & Geophysics,354 Mansfield Road U-45, Storrs, CT, 06269-2045, (860)486-1388, fax: 860-486-1383, e-mail: [[email protected] LIU, Pengcheng(M; 1998; ID# 16070), University of California, Inst for CrustalStudies, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-1100, (805)893-4905, e-mail: [email protected] LIU, Wen David (M; 1986; ID# 12527), 100 May Court, FoLsom,CA, 95630, (916)366-0632, fax: 916-366-1501, e-maih [email protected] LOGATCHEV,Niko[ai (M; 1997; ID# 17019), Institute of the Earth'sCrust, LermontovaStr 128, Irkutsk 664 033, RUSSIA,(7)395-246-2900, email: [[email protected] LOH, Chin-Hsiung(M; 1986; ID# 12515), Nail Taiwan University, Dept of Civil Engineering, Taipei, TAIWANROC,(886) 2-363-1799, fax: (886) 2-362-5044, e-marl: [[email protected] LOMNITZ, Cinna (M; 1954; ID# 10716), Galeana 98/4, 01000 MexicoDF, MEXICO,(52)5-550-2618, fax: (52) 5-550-2486, e-mail: cinna@o[ LONG, LeLandT, (M; 1968; ID# 11267), Georgia Institute of Technology,School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Z21 Bobby Dodd Way, Atlanta, GA, 30332-0340, (404) 894-2860, fax: (404) 853-0232, e-mail: [[email protected] Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4763, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-maih [email protected] MACKEY,Kevin (S; 1995; IDff 16282), 444 W Cambourne, Ferndate, MI, 48220, (517) 3553436, e-mail: [email protected] LUNDGREN, Paul (M; 1985; ID# 11419), Jet Propulsion Laboratory,MS 183-501, 4800 Oak Grove Road, Pasadena,CA, 91109, (818)3541795, fax: 818-354-9476, e-mail: pau[ MADARIAGA,Raut (M; 1972; ID# 10267), 26 Avenue Du Maine, 75015 Paris, FRANCE,(33)14432-2216, fax: (33) 1-4432-2210, e-mail: [email protected] LUNEVA,MargaritaN. (M; 1997; ID# 16779), Inst of Tectonics,GeophysicsFar East Branch RAS,65 Kim-Yu-ChenStreet, 680000Khabarovsk,RUSSIA, (7)421-235-8221, e-maih [email protected] LUO, Zhuo Li (M; 1991; ID# 13282), Centerfor Analysis & Prediction,State Seismological Bureau-China, PO Box 166 Code 100036, Bejing, CHINA PRC,(82)1-5522-2320, fax: 82-1-55228604, e-maih [email protected] LUTZ, KimberLyA. (M; 1991; ID# 15152), 4333 Colombo Dr, SanJose, CA,95130, (408)241-0559, fax: 408-244-9667, e-mail: [email protected] LUZON-MARTINEZ, Francisco (M; 1997; ID# 16757), Universidadde ALmeria, Dept de Fisica Aplicada, CaL[e241 Adade San UrbanoS/n, 04120 Almeria, SPAIN, (34)950-215-106, fax: 34-950215-534, e-mail: [email protected] tYNNES, Christopher(M; 1986; ID# 12577), 306 Riding Ridge Road, Annapolis,MD, 21403-1652, (301) 614-5185, e-mail: [email protected], M LONG, Roger Eric (M; 1997; ID# 16786), Ivy House, s York Y061 4AD, UK-ENGLAND, (44)134-786-8385, fax: 44-134-786-8385 MA, Hong-Qing(M; 1987; ID# 12602), 13 ALston Street, Apt 2, Somerville, MA, 02143, (617)7766076, fax: 617-623-9680 LORD, ,lames (M; 1974; ID# 11858), 2401 Via Sonoma, PalosVerdes Estates, CA, 90274, (310)215-9650, fax: 310-215-9653, e-marl: [[email protected] MA, Kuo-Fong(M; 1991; ID# 14156), National Central University, Institute of Geophysics, Chung-Li 320-54, TAIWANROC,(886)-3-4262421, fax: 886-3-422-2044, e-maih [email protected] LOSE, Greg L. (M; 1992; ID# 15301), PO Box 7000-459, Redondo Beach, CA, 90277, e-maih [email protected] LOUIE, John N. (M; 1961; ID# 11915), University of Nevada,SeismologicalLab 174, 1667 N Virginia Street, Reno, NV, 89557-0141, (775) 784-4219, fax: (775) 784-1833, e-mail: [[email protected] LUBKOWSKI, Zygmunt(M; 1995; ID# 16255), Ove Arup & Partners, 13 Fitsroy Street, LondonWlP 6BQ, UK-ENGLAND,(44)171-465-3205, fax: 44171-465-2150, e-maih zygi.[[email protected] LUDWIN, Ruth Sara (M; 1983; ID# 12424), 8034 14th AvenueNE, Seattle, WA, 98115, (206) 5434292, fax: (206) 543-0489, e-maih [email protected] LUETGERT, James (M; 1983; ID# 12096), US Geological Survey, MS 977,345 MiddLefieldRoad, 632 MABEY, Matthew A, (M; 1991; ID# 13958), 830 North 970 East, Springvi[le,UT, 84663-1166, (801)378-5248, fax: 801-378-8143, e-mail: [email protected] MACDONALD,GordonJ. (M; 1963; ID# 11199), Director, IIASA, Sch[ossLaxenburg,A-2361 Laxenburg, AUSTRIA,(43)2236-807-402, fax: 432236-72-659, e-mail: [email protected] MACEIRA,Monica(S; 1997; ID# 16960), Saint Louis University, Earth& AtmosphericScience Dept, 3507 LacledeAvenue,St. Louis, MO,63103, (314) 977-3130, e-mail: [email protected] MACKENZIE, Graeme (S; 1997; ID# 17022), University of Leicester, Dept of Geology, University Road, LeicesterLE1 7RH, UK-ENGLAND, (44)116-252-3638, fax: 44-116-252-3918, email: gdml@[ MAECHLING,PhiEpJ. (M; 1996;ID# 16694), 2502 Ladoga Avenue, Long Beach, CA, 90815, (626) 395-3801, ~x:(626) 564-0715, e-maih [email protected] MAEDA, Naoki (M; 1987; ID# 12928), Kanto Gakuin University, Dept of BasicScience, Mutsu'ura4834, Kanazawa,Yokohama236, JAPAN, (81) 45-786-7102, fax: (81) 45-7848153, e-maih [email protected] MAGISTRATE,Harold (M; 1985; ID# 11916), San Diego State University, Dept of Geological Sciences, San Diego, CA, 92182, (619)594-6741, fax: 619-594-4372, e-mail: [email protected] MAGORIEN,D. Scott (M; 1995; ID# 15996), MagorienConsultants,17502 Cottonwood,Irvine, CA, 92612, (949) 642-4438 x3009, fax: (949) 642-4474, e-mail: [email protected] MAGUIRE, Peter K. (M; 1993; ID# 15536), University of Leicester, Department of Geology, University Road, Leicester tEl 7RH, UK ENGLAND,(44)116-252-3810, fax: 44-116-2523918, e-mail: pkm@[ MAHDYIAR,Mehrdad(M; 1991; ID# 13980), Applied InsuranceResearch, 137 NewburyStreet, Boston, MA, 02116, (617)267-6645, fax: 617267-8284, e-mail: [email protected] MAHER, Barbra (S; 1999; ID# 17426), Colorado Schoolof Mines, Dept of Geophysics,1500 Illinois Avenue, Golden, CO, 80401, (303)273-3488, fax: 303-273-3478, e-marl: [email protected] MAHRER, KennethD. (M; 1978; ID# 11528), Consultant, 7775 Parfet Street, Arvada, CO, 80005, (303)431-8356, fax: 303-431-7440, email: [email protected] MAI, Martin (S; 1997; ID# 16999), Stanford University, Dept of Geophysics,Stanford, CA, 94305-2215, (650)723-9316, e-maih [email protected] MA3CHRZAK, Michael(M; 1991; ID# 15111), KLeinfe[der, 7133 KoL{Center ParkwaySte 100, P[easanton,CA, 94566, (925)484-1700 x221, fax: 925-484-5838, e-mail mmajchrzak@k[einfe[ MAJER, ErnestL. (M; 1984; ID# 12299), University of California, LawrenceBerkeleyLab, Earth SciencesDivision MS90-1116, Berkeley,CA, 94720, (510)486-6709, fax: 510-486-5686, email: eLmajer@lbLgov MAKDISI, FaizI. (M; 1977; ID# 15708), 262 Birchwood Drive, Moraga, CA, 94556-2303, (415)434-9400, fax: 415-434-1365, e-mail: fmakdisi@geomatrix,corn Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October1999 MAKROPOULOS,K. (M; 1997; ID# 13537), Universityof Athens, Dept of Geophysics, PanepistimioupolisIlissia, Athens 157-84, GREECE,(30)1-724-3217, fax: 30-1-724-3217 MARTIN,Jay ,I. (M; 1992; ID# 15465), CHJ Incorporated, 1355 E. Cooley Drive Suite A, Cotton, CA, 92324, (949) 824-7210, fax: (949) 824-7209, e-mail: racerx6966@aoLcom MALAGNINI,Luca (S; 1991; ID# 14115), St Louis University, Dept of Earth & AtmosphericScience, 3507 Ladede Ave, St Louis, MO, 63103, (314) 454-9789, fax: (314) 977-3117, e-maih [[email protected] MARTIN,John A. (M; 1972; ID# 11838), J.A. Martin & Associates, 1212 S. FlowerStreet, Los Angeles, CA, 90015, (213)483-6490, fax: 213483-3084, e-mail: www.johnmartin MALAVE,Gustavo(M; 1995; ID# 16238), Intevep SA, Apartado Postal 76343, Caracas 1070A, VENEZUELA,(58)2-908-6960, fax: 58-2-9087765, e-rnai[: [email protected] MALIN, Peter E. (M; 1973; ID# 12040), Duke University, Div of Earth Science, PO Box 90235, Durham, NC, 27708-0253, (919)681-8889, fax: 919-684-5833, e-maih [email protected], MALONE,MichaelD. (M; 1998; ID# 14709), 1070 Lea Drive,San Rafae[,CA, 94903, (510)353-0320, e-mail: MALONE,Stephen D. (M; 1971; ID# 12425), Universityof Washington, GeophysicsAK-50, Box 351650, Seattle, WA, 98195, (206)685-3811, fax: 206-543-0489, e-mail: [email protected] MARTIN, RichardA., Or. (M; 1981; ID# 11708), Bureau of Reclamation, 27710 Jefferson Avenue Ste 201, Temecula,CA, 92590, (909)695-5310, fax: 909-695-5319, e-mail: rmartin@[ MARTINEZ-CRUZADO,Jose A. (M; 1991; ID# 15179), PO Box 2883, Mayaguez,PR, 00681, (787) 832-4040 x3401, fax: (787) 833-8260, emarl: [email protected] MASON,Mid G. (M; 1956; ID# 10207), Imperial College,T. H. HuxleySchool, LondonSW7 2BP,UK - ENGLAND,(44) 171-594-6422, fax: (44) 171594-6464, e-mail: [email protected] MASTERS,Guy (M; 1979; ID# 11975), IGPP 0225, Universityof California, La Jolla, CA, 92093-0225, (619)534-4122, fax: 619-534-5332, e-maih [email protected] MASTURYONO,Mastur (S; 1996; ID# 16371), 41 14th Street, 1st Floor, Troy, NY, 12180, (518)2745741, e-maih [email protected] MANGINO,Stephen G. (M; 1991; ID# 13290), Center for Monitoring Research, 1300 N 17th Street Suite 1450, Arlington, VA, 22209, (703)247-1824, fax: 703-243-8950, e-maih [email protected] MANUEL, Lance (M; 1994; ID# 15855), PO Box 390186, Mountain View, CA, 94039, (650)9641883, fax: 650-688-7231, e-maih [manuel@faiLcom MARCIANO, Eugene(M; 1991; ID# 15281), Malcolm Pirnie Inc, 104 Corporate Park Drive, Box 751, White Plains, NY, 10602-0751, (914)6412796, fax: 914-641-2455, e-maih [email protected] MARCUM,Dale R. (M; 1991; ID# 14715), William Cotton Associates, 330 Village Lane, Los Gatos, CA, 95030, (408)354-5542, fax: 408-354-1852, e-maih wcageo@aoLcom MARGARIS,Basil N. (M; 1987; ID# 12627), ITSAK -Inst of Engr Seismo[og & Eq Engr, Georgikis Scholis 46, PO Box 53 Finikas, GR 55102 Thessaloniki, GREECE,(30)31-476 -081-84, fax: 30-31-476-085, e-mail: [email protected] MARONE,ChrisJ, (M; 1989; ID# 13242), Mass Inst of Tech-54-724, 77 MassachusettsAve, Cambridge, MA, 02139, (617)253-4352, fax: 617253-1699, e-maih [email protected] MARRONE,,lames E. (M; 1977; ID# 12180), Bechtel Corporation, MS 50/5/D92, PO Box 193965, San Francisco,CA, 94119, (415)7687297, lax: 415-768-4955, e-maih jmarrone@bechteLcom MASUDA, Koji (M; 1994; ID# 15859), Geological Surveyof Japan, 1-1-3 Higashi, Tsukuba305, JAPAN, (81)298-54-3783, fax: 81-298-54-3533, e-mail: [email protected] MATASOVIC,Neven (M; 1995; ID# 16001), GeoSyntecConsultants,2100 Main Street, Suite 150, Huntington Beach, CA, 92648, (714)9690800, fax: 714-969-0820, e-maih [email protected] MATEKER,Emil3., Jr. (M; 1957; ID# 11582), 419 Hickory Post, Houston,TX, 77079, (281)497-3575 MATNEWSON,Stuart B. (M; 1994; ID# 15868), ICATManagers,2995 Wilderness Place,Suite 1NE, Boulder, CO, 80301, (303)447-1155, fax: 303447-1166, e-mail: [email protected] MATSU'URA,Mitsuhiro (M; 1989; ID# 13149), University of Tokyo, Dept of Earth & Planetary Physics, GrduateSchool of Science, lokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-3812-2111x4318, fax: 81-3-38183247, e-maih [email protected] MAITHEWS,Mar(<V. (N; 1999; ID# 17427), Walden Consulting, 143 Concord Road, Wayland, MA, 01778, (508)358-5063, e-maih [email protected] MAI'rSON,Peter(M; 1991; ID# 14100), 13 Linden Street, Great Neck, NY, 11021, 516-466-4558, email: [email protected] MARSAN, Pao[o (M; 1998; ID# 17073), Largo V. Bacigalupo 33/D, 00142 Rome, ITALY, (39)644442698, fax: 39-64466579, e-maih [email protected] MAVROEIDIS,George(S; 1998; ID# 17283), 4202 MoccasinTrail, Woodstock, GA, 20189, (770)5910121, e-mail: [email protected],gr MAYEDA, Kevin (M; 1991; ID# 13945), Lawrence Livermore Nat[ Lab, Dept of Earth SciencesL-205, PO Box 808, Livermore, CA, 94551-9900, (925) 423-5913, fax: (925) 423-4077, e-maih [email protected] MAYHEW, Michael A. (M; 1999; ID# 17350), National Science Foundation, Room 785, 4201 Wilson B[vd, Ar[ington, VA, 22230, (703)3061557, fax: 703-306-0382, e-maih [email protected] MCCABE,Steven L. (M; 1986; ID# 12479), University of Kansas, Dept of Civil Engineering, 2006 Learned Ha~[, Lawrence, KS, 66045-2225, (785) 864-3747, fax: (785) 864-3199, e-maih [email protected] MCCALPIN,,lames P. (M; 1995; ID# 14257), GeoHaz Consulting Inc, PO Box 1377, Estes Park, CO, 80517, (970)586-3217, fax: 970-577-0041, email: [email protected] MCCANN, Martin W. (M; 1978; ID# 12099), 241 Marmona Drive, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 473-9955, fax: (650) 473-9970, e-maih [email protected] MCCANN,William R. (M; 1974; ID# 11041), 6860 West 99th Avenue,Westminster, CO, B0021-5447, (303)439-8711, fax: 303-466-8674, e-mail: [email protected] MCCLURE,Cole R., Jr. (M; 1957; ID# 12054), 1091 Porto Marino Drive, San Carlos, CA, 94070, (650) 637-1754, MCCLURE,Frank E., (M; 1954; ID# 12252), 54 Sleepy Hollow Lane, Orinda, CA, 94563, (925)254-8231, fax: 925-254-4602 MCCONNELL, Robert K. (M; 1980; ID# 10949), Geophysics-SoftwareSystems, 14 StevensTerrace, Arlington, MA, 02174, (781)641-0605, fax: 781648-5807, e-mail: [email protected] MCCORMAs David (M; 1991; ID# 15192), GeologicalSurveyof Canada, I Observatory Crescent, Ottawa ON, KIA OY3,CANADA, (613)992-8766, fax: 613-992-8836, e-maih [email protected] MCCREERY,CharlesS. (M; 1987; ID# 12752), Pacific TsunamiWarning Center, 91-270 Fort Weaver Road, Ewa Beach, HI, 96706, (808)5326422, fax: 808-532-5576, e-mail: mccreery@ptwc, MCDONALD,Timothy (M; 1998; ID# 15400), Applied PhysicsInc, 8100 Mountain Road NE, Albuquerque,NM, 87110, (505)265-2464, e-maih [email protected] MCEVILLY,ThomasV. (H; 1957; ID# 12300), University of California, Dept of Geology & Geophysics, Berkeley,CA, 94720, (510)642-4494, fax: 510-643-5811, e-maih [email protected] MCGARR,Arthur (M; 1966; ID# 12100), US Geological Survey,Office of EarthquakeStudies, 345 Middlefield Road, MS 977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5645, fax: (650) 329-5163, email: [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October 1999 633 MCGINLEY,John R., Jr. (M; 1977; ID# 11507), PO Box 3405, TuLsa,OK, 74101, (918) 585-5853, emaiL: j [email protected] Geology, E[lensburg, WA, 98926, e-mail.: tim@geo[ MCGUIRE, Robin K., (M; 1978; ID# 11709), Risk EngineeringInc, 4155 DarleyAvenue,Ste A, Boulder, CO, 80303, (303)499-3000, fax: 303499-4850, e-mail: [email protected] MELLORS, Robert J. (M; 1988; ID# 13016), San Diego State University, Dept of Geological Sciences, 5500 CampanileDrive, San Diego, CA, 92182-1020, (619)594-3455, fax: 619-594-4372, e-mail: rme[lors@geo[ MCKENNA,Jason (S; 1996; ID# 16372), Southern Methodist University,Deptof GeoLogicaLSciences, DaLlas, lX, 75275, (214) 768-2750, fax: (214) 768-2701, e-mail: [email protected] MELONI, Fabio (M; 1998; ID# 17077), Via CoLLe Ferro No 74, 00012 Guidonia(RM),ITALY,(39) 64993-2850, fax: (39) 6-854-6429 MCKENZIE, Dan P. (L; 1968; ID# 10208), University of Cambridge, Bullard Laboratories, Madingley Rise, MadingleyRoad, CambridgeCB3 OEZ, UK-ENGLAND,e-maiL: [email protected] MCLAREN,Marcia (M; 1987; ID# 13012), Padfic Gas & ELectricCompany,GeosciencesDept, Mail Code N4C, PO Box 770000, San Francisco, CA, 94177, (415) 973-0543, fax: (415) 973-5778, emaiL: [email protected] MCLAUGHLIN, Keith L. (M; 1979; ID# 11220), Center for Monitoring Research, 1300 N. 17th Street Ste 1450, Arlington, VA, 22209, (703)2471826, fax: 703-243-8950, e-mail: [email protected] MCMECHAN,George (M; 1985; ID# 11541), University of Texas,Centerfor Lithospheric Studies, P.O. Box 830688, Richardson,TX, 750830688, (214) 883-2424, fax: (214) 883-2829, emaiL: mcmec@utda[[ MCNEILL, Robert L., (M; 1972; ID# 11759), 38 NichoLs HiLLDrive, Asheville, NC, 28804, (828) 658-8886, fax: (828) 645-8886, e-maiL: [email protected] MCNUTT,Stephen R. (M; 1983; ID# 12365), Universityof Alaska, AK VolcanoObs, Geophysical Inst, POBox 757320, Fairbanks,AK, 99775-7320, (907)474-7131, fax: 907-474-5618, e-mail: [email protected] MCPHERSON,Robert C. (M; 1979; ID# 12355), HumboLdt State University, Dept of GeoLogy, Arcata, CA, 95521, (707)826-5828, fax: 707-8265241, e-maiL: [email protected] MCRANEY,John K. (M; 1982; ID# 11850), Southern California EarthquakeCenter, Univ of Southern CaLifornia,3651 TrousdaleParkway, Los AngeLes, CA, 90089-0742, (213)740-5842, fax: 213-740-0011, e-mail: [email protected] MEANS,James D. (M; 1995; ID# 16266), 8976 Chestnut RoanWay, Alpine, CA, 91901, (619)4451149, e-mail: [email protected] MEDINA, Francisco(M; 1982; ID# 10144), POBox 191594, San Francisco,CA, 94119-1594, (510)654-4457, fax: 510-654-7810 MEIDOW, Hein (M; 1989; ID# 13685), Heiderweg 21B, 51149 Koeln, GERMANY,e-maiL: [email protected] MELBOURNE,Timothy I. (S; 1995; 10# 16229), Centra[ Washington University, Department of 634 MELTZER,Anne S (M; 1997; ID# 13823), Lehigh University, Earth & EnvironmentalScience Dept, 31 WiLLiamsDrive, Bethlehem, PA, 18015-3188, (610)758-3677, e-mail: [email protected] MEYER,Hansjurgen (M; 1995; ID# 13627), Univ Del Vatle - CampusMelendez,OSSO- Obs Sismlgco De[ Suroccidente, A Aereo 25 360, CaLl, COLOMBIA,(57)2-339-7222, fax: 57-2-331-3418, e-mail: [email protected] MEYER, Keith J. (M; 1976; ID# 12022), 10541 Treeline Court, Anchorage,AK, 99516, (907) 2731649, fax: (907) 273-1697, e-maiL: [email protected] MICHAEL, Andrew J. (M; 1988; ID# 13050), US Geological SurveyMS 977, 345 Midd[efield Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4777, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] MENDES,Stanley H. (M; 1965; ID# 12031), 3217 Lucinda Lane,Santa Barbara,CA, 93105, (805)682-2599, fax: 805-569-2661 MICHEL, Torsten (S; 1996; ID# 16643), Liebigstrasse4, D-61231 Bad Nauheim,GERMANY, (49)60-327-1194, fax: 49-60-327-1194, e-mail: tmiche1917@aoLcom MENDEZD, Sostenes (M; 1997; ID# 17018), UANL, Fac de Cienciasde La Tierra, CarrA Cerro Prieto KM 8, 67700 Linares NL, MEXICO,(52)82124-302, fax: 52-82-124-326, e-maiL: [email protected][,mx MICHELINI, ALberto (M; 1986; ID# 12301), Osservatorio GeofisicoSperimentale, POBox 2011 Opicina, 1-34016Trieste,ITALY,(39)40-214-0260, fax: 39-40-327-521, e-mai[: [email protected] MENDEZ,Andres(M; 1984; ID# 11976), AON Risk Technologies, 230 W Monroe,Ste 9000, Chicago, IL, 60606, (312)456-8637, fax: 312-456-8647, email: [email protected] MIDIS, Costas M. (M; 1996; ID# 16471), 7 AkaMniasStr, 115 26 Athens, GREECE,(30)1-9325839 MENDOZA, CarLos (M; 1977;ID# 11671), US GeotogicatSurve~ Denver FederalCenterMS 967, Box 25046, Denver, s 80225,(303)273-8409, fax: 303-273-8450 MEREMONTE,Mark E. (M; 1982; ID# 11713), US GeoLogicaLSurveyGeologicHazardsTeam, Denver Fed Center MS 966, Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8670, fax: 303-273-8600, emaiL: [email protected] MEREU,Robert F. (M; 1963; ID# 10105), Univ of Western Ontario, Dept of Earth Sciences,London ON, NGA 5B8, CANADA,(519)661-3605, fax: 519661-3198, e-mail: [email protected] MERGHELANI,Habib M. (M; 1985; ID# 15709), PO Box 535, ALkhobar31952, SAUDIARABIA, (966)3-857-5810, fax: 966-3-859-5386 MERRIAM,Martha (M; 1983; ID# 12357), 6855 Brooks Lane, Loomis, CA, 95650, (916) 652-7608, fax: (916) 227-7075 MERRITT,J. L. (M; 1977; ID# 11996), 13086 Oak Crest Drive, Yucaipa, CA, 92399-9762, (909)7979511, fax: 909-797-9511, e-mail: jmer13086~aoLcom MERZ, K. L. (M; 1975; ID# 11841), 8309 Stewart Avenue, Los Angeles,CA, 90045, (213)204-5050, fax: 213-202-6085 METAXIAN, Jean-PhiLippe(M; 1996; ID# 16404), Ouartier Saint Blaise, 84500 BoLLene,FRANCE,emaiL: [email protected] MEIZGER,Ann G. (M; 1986; ID# 11314), CERI, University of Memphis,Memphis,TN, 38152, (901)678-4947, fax: 901-678-4734, e-mail: metzger@ceri, MIDORIKAWA,Saburoh (M; 1976; ID# 10589), Tokyo Inst of TechnoLogy,Dept of Environmental Engineering, 4259 Nagatsuta Midori-Ku, Yokohama 226, JAPAN,(81)45-924-5602, fax: 8145-924-5574, e-mail: [email protected] MIKUMO, Takeshi (M; 1964; ID# 105gl), UNAM, Inst de Geofisica, Ciudad Universitaria Del Coyoacan, Mexico04510 DF, MEXICO,(52)5-6224127, fax: 52-5-550-2486, e-mail: [email protected] MILLEN, David W. (S; 1991; ID# 15202), 1008 S. HendersonStreet, BLoomington,IN, 47401-5969, (812)855-1476, e-maiL: [email protected] MILLER, Horace E(M; 1940;ID# 11748), 6010 North Canyon Ddve, Tucson,AZ, 85704, (520)297-4633 MILLER, Pnina (M; 1996; ID# 16732), 14049 BelRed Rd#13, BeLLevue,WA, 98007, (609)425-3731189, e-mail: [email protected] MILLS, Gareth (M; 1995; ID# 15971), 12116 Bradford, Granada HiLLs,CA, 91344, (818)3601970, fax: 818-832-1120, e-maih [email protected] MILLS, Joseph M., Jr. (M; 1973; ID# 11542), Seismotech Geophys/PetrophysExpLorationSvcs, 2107 OLympicDrive, LeagueCity,TX, 77573-4451, (281) 334-7905, fax: (281) 334-7905 MIN, Gyungsik (M; 1991; 10# 14035), TCNC, KAERI, Yusung, PO Box 105, DaeJeon,SOUTH KOREA,(82)42-868-8334, fax: 82-42-862-2619, e-mail: [email protected] SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 MINOEVALLI(JOST),Oznur(M; 1986; ID# 12599), HernerStr. 25, 44787 Bochum,GERMANY, (0049)23-468-5028, fax: 0049-23-468-5028, jemail: [email protected] MOLLAIOLI, Fabrizio(M; 1995; ID# 16335), Via Tiburtina 19, 00185 Roma, ITALY,(39)6-495806% fax: 39-6-488-4852, e-maih [email protected] MORRIS, Drew (M; 1997; ID# 16772), Spenard Geophysical, PO Box 240404, Anchorage, AK, 99524, (907) 248-9617, e-maih [email protected] MINSTER,J. BeMrd(M; 1985; ID# 11956), Scripps Inst of Oceanography,UCSan Diego A-025, La 3oLla, CA, 92093, (619)534-5650, fax: 619-5342902, e-maih [email protected] MONFRET,Tony(M; 1991; ID# 15094), Universidad de Chile, Dept de Geofisica,CasiLLa 2777, Santiago,CHILE, (56)2-678-4306, fax: 562 236 34 63, e-maih [email protected] MORRISSEY,Sean-ThomasT. (M; 1974; ID# 11465), GeophysicalInstrumentation Cons[t, 2212 Rule Avenue, Maryland Heights, MO, 630431423, (314) 977-3129, fax: (314) 977-3117, email: [email protected] MITCHELL, BrianJ. (M; 1963; ID# 11464), St. Louis University, Dept of Earth & Planetary Science, 3507 LaCledeAvenue,St Louis, MO, 63103, (314) 977-3123, fax: (314) 977-3117, email: [email protected] MONTAGNER,Jean-PaulP, (M; 1998; ID# 13396), Institut de PhysiqueDu Globe, Tour24 Case89, 4 PLaceJussieu, 75252 Paris CX05, FRANCE,(33)14427-4895, [email protected] MORROW,Guy (M; 1998; ID# 17147), Risk ManagementSolutions, 149 CommonwealthDrive, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)617-6625, fax: 650617-6602, e-maih [email protected] MONTANA, CarlosJ. (M; 1995; ID# 16028), Univ of Texas,P.O.Box 68408, El Paso, TX, 799689991, (915) 747-5501, fax: (915) 747-5073, email: [email protected] MOSCHOVIIIS, Mafia (M; 1999; ID# 17430), Winterthur Insurance, Risk Mgt/Insurance Risk Control, Gruezefeldstrasse41, 8401 Winterthur, SWITZERLAND,(41)52-261-8086, fax: 41-52-2615815, e-mail: [email protected] MITCHELL, Robert (S; 1997; ID# 16880), 1756 NW 57th Street Apt 9, Seattle, WA, 98107, (206)782-5523, e-mail: [email protected] MITSUZUKA,Takashi (M; 1977; ID# 10593), Chishitsu-KeisokuCo Ltd, 4-26-12 MinamiAoyama, Minato-Ku,Tokyo,JAPAN, (81)33-4094651, fax: 81-33-409-4654, e-mail: [email protected] MIYAKE, Hiroe (S; 1997; ID# 16971), Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Res Institute, Gokasho Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, JAPAN, (81)77433-5866, fax: 81-774-33-5866, e-mail: [email protected] MIYAMURA,Setumi, (M; 1952; ID# 10594), Systems & Data Res Inc, Fujimdai 3-25-3, Kunitachi-shi, Tokyo 186-0003, JAPAN, (81)42574-4536, fax: 81-42-574-4576, e-maih miyamura@sdr,cojp MIYASHITA,Kaoru (M; 1990; ID# 13463), Department of Earth Sciences,Ibaraki University, Bunkyo 2-1-1, Mito, 310, JAPAN, (81)29-2288395, fax: 81-29-228-8405, e-mail: [email protected] MIYATAKE,Takashi (M; 1980; ID# 10595), University of Tokyo, Earthquake Research Institute, Yayoi, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81) 3-3812-2111, fax: (81) 3-3816-1159, e-mail: MOCQUET,Antoine (M; 1994; ID# 15953), Lab de GeophysiqueEt Ptanetologie,UFR Des SciencesEt Techiques, 2 Rue de La Houssiniere,BP 92208, 44322 NantesCX03, FRANCE,(33) 2-40-374-956, fax: (33) 2-40-374-948, e-mail: mocquet@chimie, MOON,Wool[ M. (M; 1985; ID# 10108), Dept of Earth Sciences,Universityof Manitoba, Winnipeg MT, R3T 2N2, CANADA,(204)474-9833, fax: 204474-7623, e-mail: [email protected] MOONEY,Walter D. (M; 1974; ID# 12102), US GeologicalSurvey,345 Midd[efield Road, MS 977, Menlo Park,CA, 94025, (650) 329-4764, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] MOYA,CesarA. (S; 1998; ID# 17074), Aaron Moya, Apdo. 109, Turrialba, COSTARICA,e-maih [email protected] MORA, Peter (M; 1992; ID# 15377), University of Queensland, Deptof Earth Sciences, Brisbane 4072 Qld, AUSTRALIA,(61)7-365-2188, fax: 61-7365-1277, e-maih [email protected] MUALCHIN, LatLiana(M; 1968; ID# 12366), Ca[trans Engr Svc Ctr, MS 9 Earthquake Engr, PO Box 942-874, Sacramento, CA, 94274-0001, (916) 227-8735, fax: (916) 227-8898, e-mail: lal[[email protected] MORAN, DouglasE. (M; 1971; ID# 12017), 1371 Longmont Place,Santa Aria, CA, 92705, (714) 544-2215, fax: (714) 544-7395, e-mail: [email protected] MUELLER, Charles (M; 1978; ID# 12104), US GeologicalSurvey, DenverFed CenterMS966, Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225-0046, (303)273-8559, fax: 303-273-8600, e-maih mue[[[email protected] MORAN,Seth C. (M; 1989; ID# 13188), US GeologicalSurvey,Alaska Volcano Observatory, 4200 UniversityDrive, Anchorage,AK, 99508, (907)786-7462, fax: 907-786-7425, e-mail: [email protected] MORGENSTERN,Kai H. (M; 1997; ID# 16973), Uhlratherstrasse20, 53721 Siegburg, GERMANY, (49)22-416-8258, e-mail: [email protected] MORI, JamesJ. (M; 1980; ID# 11042), Kyoto University,DisasterPreventionResInst, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, JAPAN,e-mail: [email protected] MOCZO,Peter(M; 1996; ID# 14217), Stovak Academy of Sciences, GeophysicalInstitute, DubravskaCesta 9, 84228 Bratislava, SLOVAK REPUBLIC,(421) 7-5941-2901, fax: (421) 75477-5278, e-mail: [email protected] MORI, Shigeo (M; 1991; ID# 13493), Science & TechnologyAgency, Res & Devlpmnt Bureau, Eq Res Div, 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-8966, JAPAN,(81)3-3503-8167, fax: 81-33503-8169, e-malE [email protected].~p MOHAJER,A. A. (M; 1988; ID# 13099), Univ of Toronto ScarboroughCampus, Environmental Science Dept, 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough ON, MIC 1A4, CANADA,(416)250-0397, fax: 416250-5191, e-mail: [email protected] MORIWAKI,Yoshiharu(M; 1981; ID# 12014), 23105 Sonoita, MissionViejo, CA, 92691, (714)835-6886, fax: 714-667-7147 MOHAMMADIOUN,Bagher(M; 1997; ID# 16892), PO Box 7, WhaleyviLLe,MD, 21872, (410)6410349, fax: 410-641-2178, e-mail: RobinsWood@aoLcom MOTAZEDIAN,Dariush (S; 1998; ID# 17165), Carleton University, Earth Science Dept, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa ON, KIS 5B6, CANADA, (613)520-2600xB648, e-mail: [email protected] MOROZOV,Igor B. (M; 1995; ID# 16150), University of Wyoming, Dept of Geology & Geophysics, Laramie,WY, 82071-3006, (307)7663363, fax: 307-766-6679, e-mail: [email protected] MUELLER,Gerhard (M; 1971; ID# 10316), Inst of Met & Geophysics, Feldbergstrasse47, D-60323 Frankfurt, GERMANY,(49)69-798-23960, fax: 4969-798-23280, e-maih [email protected] MUELLER, Karl (M; 1997; ID# 16957), University of Colorado, Dept of GeologicalScience, Campus Box 250, Boulder, CO, 80309-0250, (303) 4927336, e-mail: [email protected] MUELLER, MichaelC. (M; 1981; ID# 11610), Amoco Exploration & Production Company, P.O. Box 3092, Houston, TX, 77253-3092, (281) 3662251, fax: (281) 366-5856, e-mail: [email protected] MUKERJI, Tapan (M; 1995; ID# 16285), Stanford University, Dept of Geophysics, Stanford, CA, 94305, (650) 723-0166, e-maih [email protected] MULOER,Taimi L. (M; 1999; ID# 17401), Geologica Surveyof Canada, PacificGeoscience Centre, 9860 W. SaanichRd, Box 6000, Sidney,BC, V8L 4B2, CANADA,(250)363-6436, fax: 250-3636565, e-mail: [email protected] MUNGUIA, Luis (M; 1976; ID# 11964), CICESE, Div de Cienciasde La Tierra, PO Box 434843, San Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 635 Diego, CA, 92143-4843, (52)61-744-501, fax: 5261-750-559, e-mail: [[email protected] MUNSEY, Jeff W. (M; 1985; ID# 11560), 628 GuLfwood Road, Knoxville, TN, 37923, (615)6324777, fax: 615-632-4581, e-maih [email protected] MUNSON, Clifford G. (M; 1990; ID# 13932), US Nuclear RegulatoryCommission, Mail Stop 07H15, Washington, DC, 20555-0001, (301)4152529, fax: 301-415-2444, e-maih [email protected] MURBACH, Monte (M; 1994; ID# 15943), 29270 NE Wind Song Lane, Newberg, OR, 97132-6661, (503)228-7718, fax. 503-228-7781, e-mail: mmurbach@aoLcom MURDOCK,James N. (M; 1962; ID# 11760), 611 Green Valley Drive SE, Albuquerque,NM, 87123, (505)299-5254 MURPHY,AndrewJ. (M; 1969; ID# 11167), 22309 Fitzgerald Drive, Laytonvil[e, MD, 20882, (301) 415-6010, fax: (301) 415-5074, e-mail: [email protected] MURPHY,John R. (M; 1968; ID# 11191), Maxwell Technologies, Inc., 11800 SunriseValley Drive Suite 1212, Reston, VA, 20191-5302, (703) 4765197, e-mail: [email protected] MURPHY, William (M; 1994; ID# 15890), University of Portsmouth, Dept of Geology BuMby Bldg, BuMby Road, Portsmouth P01 3QL, UKENGLAND, (44)1705-842-272, fax: 44-1705-842244, e-mail: [email protected] MURRAY, George F. (M; 1967; ID# 12352), 1636 Omaha St, Palm Harbor, FL, 34683-3543 MURRAY,Mark H. (M; 1993; ID# 15504), Stanford University, Dept of Geophysics, Mitchell Bldg, Stanford, CA, 94305-2215, (650)723-9594, fax: 650-725-7344, e-mail: [email protected] MURRI, Roberto (M; 1999; ID# 17463), V.La Indipendanza 180, 02100 Macetizata, ITALY, (39)733-279-111, fax: 39-733-279-1121, e-maih [email protected] MUSSON, Roger M.W. (M; 1996; ID# 16207), British GeologicalSurvey,West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3LA, UK-SCOTLAND,(44)131-6500205, fax: 44-131-667-1877, e-maih [email protected] MUu Lorraine (M; 1998; ID# 17102), 222 E. Huntington Drive, Ste 211-A, Monrovia, CA, 91016-3500, (026) 930-1200, fax: (626) 9301212 MUI"OH,Itaru (M; 1984; ID# 10600), Gifu Nat[ College of TechnoLgy,Shin-Sei-Cho,Motosu-Gun, Gifu-ken 501-04, JAPAN, (81)58-320-1419, fax: 81-58-320-1429, e-maih [email protected] MYERS, Stephen C. (M; 1995; ID# 16013), Lawrence Livermore Nat[ Lab Geophysics& Global Security Division, 7000 East Avenue, L205, Livermore, CA, 94551, (925) 422-5256, fax: (925) 423-4077, e-mail: myers30@l[nLgov 636 MYKKELIVEIT,Svein (M; 1983; ID# 10769), NFR/ NORSAR,PO Box 51, N-2007 Kjel[er, NORWAY, (+47)-6380 5900, fax: 47-63-818-719, e-maih [email protected] N NADEAU, Robert M. (M; 1990; ID# 13772), University of California, LawrenceBerkeleyNatl Lab, EarthSciencesDivisionMS50E, Berkeley,CA, 94720, (510)486-7312, fax: 510-486-5686, email: r_nadeau@lbLgov NAEIM, Farzad(M; 1986; ID# 12516), John A Martin & Associates, 1212 S. FlowerStreet, Los Angeles, CA, 90015-2123, (213)483-6490, fax: 213-483-3084, e-mail: [email protected] NAGAHASHI,Sumio(M; 1975; ID# 10601), Chiba Inst of Technology,Dept of Architecture, 2-17-1, Tsudanurna,NarashinoCity, Chiba Prefecture 2750016, JAPAN, (81)47-478-0491, fax: 81-47-4780499 NAGUMO, Hideki (M; 1997; ID# 16941), Nagoya University, Dept of Civil Engineering,Furo-cho, s Nagoya464-8603, JAPAN,(81) 52789-5499, fax: (81) 52-789-3738, e-mail: nagumo@civi[.nagoya-u.acjp NAGY, Walter C. (M; 1991; ID# 13403), SAIC, 10260 Campus Point Drive, MS12, San Diego, CA, 92121-1522, (619)458-2520, fax: 619-458-4993, e-mail: wa[[email protected] NAKAMURA, Hirokazu(M; 1996; ID# 16623), Japan EngrConsultantsCo Ltd, Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Dept, 33-11 Honcho, 5 Chome, Nakano-kuTokyo,JAPAN,(81)3-53855111, fax: 81-3-5385-8525, e-mail: [email protected] NAKAMURA, Mamoru(M; 1997; ID# 16946), University of Ryukyus,Dept of Physics& Earth Sciences, Senbaru, Nishihara-cho, Okinawa 9030213, JAPAN, (81)98-895-8571, fax: B1-98895-2414, e-maih mnaka@sd,u-ryukyu.acjp NAKAMURA,Yosio (M; 1961; ID# 11630), 6813 Bayridge Terrace, Austin, TX, 78759-4675, (512) 471-0428, fax: (512) 471-8844, e-mail: [email protected] NAKAMURA, Yutaka (M; 1986; ID# 10604), System & Data ResearchCo Lid, SDR Bldg 3-25-3 Fujimidai, Kunitachi-shi,Tokyo186-0003,JAPAN, (81)42-574-4536, fax: 81-42-574-4576, e-maih [email protected] NALBANT,SuLeymanS. (S; 1996; ID# 16739), Istanbu[ University,GeophysicsDept Engineering Fac, 34850 Avcitar, IstanbuL TURKEY,fax: (90)212-591-1997, e-maih [email protected] NARAHASHI, Hidemori (M; 1996; ID# 16412), KyushuSangyo University,2-3-1 Matsukadai, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka813-8503, JAPAN,(81)92673-5783, fax: 81-92-673-5094, e-maih [email protected] NASCIMENTO,Aderson E D. (S; 1998; ID# 17166), University of Edinburgh, Dept of Geology & Geophysics,Grant Institute, EdinburghEH9 33W, UK-SCOTLAND,(44)131-650-5916, fax: 44131-668-3184, e-maih [email protected] NASON, Robert D. (M; 1965; ID# 12181), 183 24th Ave, San Francisco,CA, 94121, (415)3879226 NATH, Sankar K. (M; 1996; ID# 16472), Indian Institute of Technology,Dept of Geology & Geophysics, Kharagpur721-302, INDIA, (91)3222-2221x4819, fax: 91-3-222-2303, e-mail: [email protected] NAVAP., E Alejandro(M; 1974; ID# 10717), CICESE,SeismologicalDept, PO Box 434843, San Diego, CA, 92143-4843, (52)61-744-501, fax: 5261-744-933, e-maih [email protected] NAVA, SusanJ. (M; 1984; ID# 11307), 2270 South 1900 East, Salt Lake City, UT, 84106, (801)581-6274, fax: (801) 585-5585, e-mail: [email protected] NAVARRO,Richard (M; 1974; ID# 11793), 3300 Grey Dolphin Drive, Las Vegas, NV, 89117, (902)295-1148 NAZARETH,Jutie J. (S; 1996; ID# 16556), California Inst of Technology,SeismologicalLab MC252-21, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626)395-6931, fax: 626-564-0715, e-mail: [email protected] NELSON,Alan R. (M; 1998; ID# 17087), US GeologicalSurvey,DenverFederalCenter, MS966, PO Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)2738592, e-maih [email protected] NELSON,W. John (M; 1997; ID# 16484), Illinois State GeologicalSurvey, 615 E Peabody, Champaign, IL, 61820, (217)244-2428, e-mail: [email protected] NEWMAN, Andrew(S; 1996; ID# 16696), 1847 Sheridan Road, Evanston,IL, 60208, (847)4915379, e-mail: [email protected] NGUYEN, Bao V. (M; 1981; ID# 11466), AFTAC/ TTR, 1030 S. HighwayAIA, Patrick AFB, FL, 32925-3002, (407)494-5263, fax: 407-494-2274, e-mail: [email protected] NI, Xiao-Xi (S; 1998; ID# 17238), 223 HarryS. Truman Drive #33, Largo, MD, 20774, e-mail: [email protected] NIAZI, Mansour,(M; 1962; ID# 12284), 925 Hilldale Avenue, Berkeley, CA, 94708, (510) 5271108, fax: (510) 527-1108, e-maih partowgote@aoLcom NIAZY, Adnan M. (M; 1972; ID# 15710), KACST, Dept of Astronomical& GeophysResearch,POBox 6086, Riyadh 11442, SAUDIARABIA, (966) 1488-5986, fax: (966) 1-488-3756, e-mail: [email protected] NICHOLL, John J., Jr. (M; 1980; ID# 11648), Woodward Clyde, PO Box 3758, Littleton, s Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October1999 80161, (303)740-2668, fax: 303-694-3946, email: john_nicholl@ 95062, (831) 423-7006, e-mail." jmnoLan@ao[.com Princeton, NJ, 08540, (609) 720-3191, fax: (609) 720-3599, e-maih [email protected] NICHOLSON, Craig (M; 1979; ID# 11193), Institute for Crustal Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-1100, (805)893-8384, fax: 805-893-8649, e-maih [email protected] NOLE'I', Guust(M; 1983; ID# 10736), Princeton University, Geology& GeophysSci Dept, Guyot Hall, Princeton,NJ, 08544, (609)258-4128, fax: 609-258-1274, e-mail: [email protected] ODOM, Robert I. (M; 1999; ID# 17349), Univ of Washington, Applied PhysicsLab & Geophysics, 1013 NE 40th Street, Seattle, WA, 98105, (206)685-3788, fax: 206-788-6548, e-maih [email protected] NIELSEN,John P. (M; 1996; ID# 16538), 768 Nela Lane, Los Altos, CA, 94022-1234, (650)948-4349, fax: (650) 948-4349 NORDQUIST,James E. (M; 1995; ID# 16308), Applied GeotechnicaLEngrConsltsInc, 600 West Sandy Parkway,Sandy, UT, 84070-6431, (801)566-6399, fax: 801-566-6493 NIEMI, Tina M. (M; 1995; ID# 14800), University of Missouri, Dept of Geosdences, 5100 RockhilL Road, KansasCity, MO, 64110, (816) 235-5342, fax: (816) 235-5535, e-mail: [email protected] NOVELO-CASANOVA,David A. (M; 1984; ID# 12394), Apartado Postal 103-135, Coyoacan 04800, Mexico DF, MEXICO,(52) 5-548-9938, fax: (52) 5-550-2486, e-maih [email protected] NIGBOR, Robert L. (M; 1990; ID# 13711), Agbabian Associates, 1111 South Arroyo Parkway Ste 470, Pasadena,CA, 91105, (626) 441-1060, fax: (626) 441-0757, e-mail: [email protected] NOWACK,RobertL. (M; 1977; ID# 11367), Purdue University, Dept of Earth & AtmosphericScience, 1397 Civil EngineeringBtdg, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, (765) 494-5978, fax: (765) 496-1210, email: [email protected] NIKOLAOU,AspasiaS. (S; 1995; ID# 16331), 360 Central ParkWest Apt lOL, New York, NY, 10025, (212)222-3561, fax: 716-645-3733, e-mail: [email protected] NIKOLAYEV,Alexei V. (M; 1974; ID# 13620), Inst of Physicsof the Earth, Academyof Sciences, B Gruzinskaya 10, MoscowD-242, RUSSIA,fax: 795-911-3028, e-mail: [email protected] NING, Ronnie(S; 1999; ID# 17408), Universityof Washington, GeophysicsProgram, Seattle, WA, 98195, (206)616-7190, e-maih [email protected] NISHENKO,Stuart (M; 1997; ID# 13867), FEMA/ Mitigation Directorate, 500 C Street SW, Washington, DC, 20472, (202)646-3945, fax: 202-646-2577, e-mail: [email protected] NISHI, Yuji (M; 1991; ID# 15128), Geological Surveyof Japan, 1-1-3 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8567, JAPAN, (81)298-54-3735, fax: 298520283, e-mail: [email protected] NISHIURA, Kihachiro (M; 1994; ID# 15936), 316-14 UeharaShibuya-ku,Tokyo 151, JAPAN, (81)3-3460-8686, fax: 81-3-3460-8686 NISHIZAWA, Osamu (M; 1997; ID# 17025), GeologicalSurveyof Japan, GeophysicsDept, 1-13 HigashiTsukuba, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN, (81)29854-3780, fax: 81-298-54-3533, e-mail: [email protected] NODA, Shigeru (M; 1980; ID# 10612), Tottori University, Dept of Social Systems Engr, 101 Minami 4-chome Koyama-cho,Tottori, JAPAN, (81)857-31-5307, fax: 81-857-31-0882, e-mail: [email protected] NOH, Myunghyun(M; 1993; ID# 15685), Korea Inst of NuclearSafety, Structural Sys & Site Evat Dept, POBox 114, YusongTaejon 305-600, SOUTH KOREA,(82)42-868-0479, fax: 82-42-861-2535, e-mail: [email protected] NOLAN, Jeffrey (M; 1993; ID# 14805), Nolan Associates, 331 Harrison Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA, NOWROOZI,A[i A. (M; 1963; ID# 11227), Old Dominion University,Deptof GeologicalSciences, TechnologyBLdgRoom 111, Norfolk, VA, 23529, (804)440-4301, fax: 804-855-4094, e-mail: [email protected] NUNEZ-CORNU, FranciscoJ. (M; 1991; ID# 14019), Universidadde Guadatajara, Ap Postal 96-B, PuertoVatLartaJatisco, MEXICO,(52)3-2810520, fax: 52-3-281-0520, e-mail: [email protected] NUR, Amos (M; 1999; ID# 17344), Stanford University, GeophysicsDepartment, Stanford, CA, 94305-2215, (650)723-9526, fax: 650-723-9526, e-mail: [email protected] NYBLADE,AndrewA. (M; 1992; ID# 15328), Penn State University, Dept of Geosciences,Deike Building, University Park, PA, 16802, (814)8638341, fax: 814-803-7823, e-mail: [email protected] NYMAN, Doug[asJ. (M; 1995; ID# 16320), D.J. Nyman & Associates, 12337 Jones Road, Suite 480, Houston,TX, 77070-2461, (281) 807-4758, fax: (281) 807-4759, e-mail: [email protected] 0 O's Daniel R. (L; 1981; ID# 11351), US Bureau of Reclamation, BLdg67, D-8330, 6th and Kipling, Denver,CO,80225-0007, (303)445-3176, fax: 303-445-6478, e-mail: [email protected] OBUNE, EdwinDete (S; 1999; ID# 17435), 17050 Northup Way#14, Bellevue,WA, 98009, (425)3739467, e-marl: [email protected] OCOLA, Leonidas(M; 1964; ID# 10781), Av Higuereta 577, Lima 33, PERU,(51)14-370-244, fax: 14-370-258 ODAR, Enver(M; 1966; ID# 11022), Raytheon Engrs & Constructors,506 CarnegieCenter, Rte 1, OFFICER,CharlesB., Jr. (M; 1950; ID# 10965), 26 Occum Ridge Road, Hanover, NH, 03755 OGASAWARA,Hiroshi (M; 1994; ID# 15900), Ritsumeikan University,Facultyof Science& Engr, 1-1-1 Noji-Higashi, Kusatsu,Shiga 525-8577, JAPAN, (81) 775-61-2660, fax: (81) 775-612661, e-mail: [email protected] OGLESBY, David D. (S; 1995; ID# 16034), University of California-SantaBarbara, Institute for Crustal Studies, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, (805)893-8231, e-mail: [email protected] OHMACBI, Tatsuo (M; 1991; ID# 13428), Tokyo Institute of Technology,GraduateSchool at Nagatsuta, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midoriku, Yokohama 226, JAPAN, (81)45-922-3840, fax: 81-45-9245605, e-mail: [email protected] ONMI, Shiro (M; 1997; ID# 13450), Kyoto University, DisasterPreventionResInst, Gokasho, Uji 611, JAPAN, (81)774-38-4236, fax: 81-77438-4239, e-mail: [email protected] OHMINATO,Takao (M; 1998; ID# 17243), Geological Surveyof Japan, Geothermal Dept, 11-3 Higashi Tsukuba,Ibaraki 305-8567, JAPAN, (81)2-9854-3706, fax: 81-2-9854-3533, e-mail: [email protected] OHORI, Michihiro (M; 1996; ID# 16657), ObayashiCorporation, 4-640 Shimo-Kiyoto,Tokyo 204-0011, JAPAN, (81)42-495-1058, fax: 81-42495-0904, e-mail: [email protected] OHYA,Yutaka (M; 1970; ID# 10621), 3-908, Kamisawa, Midori-ku, Nagoya458-0014, JAPAN, (81)836-35-9988, fax: 81-836-35-9988, e-mail: [email protected] ONTAKE, Masakazu (M; 1966; ID# 10622), GeophysicalInst Fac of Scienc,Tohoku University, Aramaki-Aoba, SendalCity, 980-77, JAPAN, (81) 022-217-6531, fax: (81) 022-217-6531, e-mail: [email protected] OKADA, Hiroshi (M; 1980; ID# 10623), Kita 29 Nisahi 7, Kita-ku, Sapporo 001-0029, JAPAN, (81)11-716-6561, fax: 81-11-746-6561, e-mail: [email protected] OKADA, Shigeyuki (M; 1980; ID# 10624), Dept Architectural Engineering,Facultyof Engineering, Hokkaido University,Sapporo 060-8628, JAPAN, (81)11-706-6254, fax: 81-11-706-7839, e-maih [email protected] OKADA,Yoshimitsu(M; 1991; ID# 15091), NIEDNatL ResearchInstitute, Earth Sci & Disaster Prevention, Tennodai 3-1, Tsukuba305, JAPAN, (81)0298-51-1611, fax: 81-029B-51-5658, email: [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October 1999 637 OKAL, Emile A. (M; 1975; ID# 11421), Northwestern University, 1847 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL, 60208-2150, (847) 491-3194, fax: (847) 491-8060, e-mail: emi[[email protected] OI(AMOTO,Taro (M; 1988; ID# 13115), Institute of Crustal Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-1100, (661) 843-5471, fax: (805) 893-8649, e-mail: [email protected] OKAMOTO,Yoshio (M; 1991; ID# 15090), 45-20 Shiroyamadai, 2-Chome Hashimoto, Wakayama 648-0054, JAPAN, (81)0736-38-2027, fax: 810736-38-2027, e-mail: [email protected] OKAWA, Izuru (M; 1994; ID# 15928), Building Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, Tatehara 1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN, (81)298-64-6642, fax: 81-298-64-6773, e-mail: [email protected] OKUBO,Paul(M; 1976; ID# 12106), USGeological Survey, HawaiianVolcano Observatory, Hawaii National Park, HI, 96718, (808)967-7328, fax: 808-967-8890, e-mail: [email protected] OKUMA, Yuuki (M; 1999; ID# 17404), 348-102 Myohoji-Numeriishi,Suma-ku, Kobe Hyogo 6540121, JAPAN, (81)78-741-4032, e-mail." [email protected] OKUMURA,Koji (M; 1991; ID# 13978), Hiroshima University, Facultyof Letters, 1-2-3 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima739-8522, JAPAN, (81)824-24 6657, fax: 81-824-24 0320, e-maih [email protected] OLIG, SusanS. (M; 1997; ID# 15637), WoodwardCLydeFederalServices,500 12th Street Suite 200, Oakland, CA, 94607, (510)874-1729, fax: 510874-3268, e-mail: [email protected] OLIVARES,ALberto E. (M; 1960; ID# 10869), Av Libertador cruce con La, Av Los JabiLLos,Edif Junin - Piso 13, Caracas,VENEZUELA,(58)2-749040 OLIVER, Adolph A., III (M; 1970; ID# 12231), Chabot College, 25555 Hesperian BLvd, Hayward, CA, 94545, (510)786-6865 OLIVER, Jack E., (HONE;1950; ID# 11092), Corne[L University, Dept of GeologicalSciences, Ithaca, NY, 14853-0001, (607)255-2377, e-mail: [email protected] OLSBORG, Erik (M; 1995; ID# 14812), BACE Geotechnica[ Inc, Divsion of BrunsingAssc Inc, PO Box 749, Windsor, CA, 95492, (707)838-0780, fax: 707-838-4420, e-mail: o[[email protected] OLSEN, BruceC. (M; 1975; ID# 12417), 4151 SW FauntLeroyWay Ste 600, Seattle, WA, 981262672, (206) 938-9884, fax: (206) 938-9885 OLSEN, Clifford W., (M; 1969; ID# 12242), 4898 Wingate Drive, PLeasanton,CA, 94566-5525, (925)846-2343, fax: 925-846-2343 OLSEN, Kenneth H., (M; 1969; ID# 11775), GCS InteMtiona[, 1029 187th PLaceSW, Lynnwopd, 638 WA, 98036, (206)776-7007, e-mail: [email protected] OLSEN, Kim B. (M; 1991; ID# 14171), University of California, Institute for CrustalStudies, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, (805)893-7394, fax: 805893-8649, e-mail: [email protected] ONCESCU,Mihnea-Corne[iu(M; 1995; ID# 16227), TeledyneBrown Engineering,Geotech Instruments, 10755 SandenDrive, Dallas,TX, 75238-1366, (214) 221-0000 x7618, fax: (214) 343-4400, e-maih [[email protected] ONDA, Isao (M; 1965; ID# I0627), Gumma University, Facultyof Engineering,Deptof Math& Physics, Kirya Gumma,JAPAN OPPENHEIMER,DavidH. (M; 1981; ID# 12109), USGeologicalSurvey,MS977, 345 MiddLefieLd Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4792, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] ORCUTr,John A. (M; 1996; ID# 13575), University of California, Scripps Inst of Oceanography,IGPP(A-0225), La JolLa, CA, 92093, (619)534-2887, fax: 619-534-2902, email: jorcutt@igpp, ORGULU, Gonca (S; 1994; ID# 15792), Bogazici University, Kandilli Obs & EarthquakeRes Inst, CangeLkoy,Instanbul 81220, TURKEY,fax: 90216-308-3061, e-mail: [email protected] ORREY,Jeffrey (M; 1998; ID# 17135), Ojo Solutions, 2888 Bluff, Suite 400, Boulder,CO, 80301, (303) 938-1038, fax: (303) 443-8626, email: [email protected] ORTEGA, Roberto (S; 1997; ID# 16995), Saint Louis University, 3507 Lac[edaAvenue,St Louis, NO, 63103, (314) 977-3130, fax: (314) 977-3117, e-mail: [email protected] OSTENNA, Dean (M; 1983; ID# 11672), US Bureau of Reclamation, D-8330, PO Box 25007, Denver, s 80225, (303)236-4195X270, e-mail: [email protected] OTANI, Shunsuke(M; 1968; ID# 10632), Dept of Architectural Engr, Universityof Tokyo, 7-3-I Hongo Bunkyo-Ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN,(81)3-8122111, fax: 3-5689-4673, e-mail: [email protected] Sterling, VA, 20165, (703)404-8858, fax: 703404-9395, e-mail: [email protected] OWENS,ThomasO. (M; 1981; ID# 11478), Univ of South Carolina, Dept of GeologicalSciences, 701 Sumter Street Rm EWSC617, Columbia,SC, 29208, (803) 777-4530, fax: (803) 777-0906, e-mail: [email protected] P PACHECO,Javier E (M; 1985; ID# 11043), UNAM, InsUtuto de Geofisica, DeLCoyoacan,04510 Mexico DF, MEXICO,(52)5-622-4126, fax: 52-5616-2547, e-mail: javier@o[ PAGANO, William (S; 1998; ID# 17083), 268 Highland Road, North Haledon, NJ, 07508, (212)692-0098, fax: 212-692-0098 PAGE, Robert A., Jr. (M; 1962; ID# 12110), US GeologicalSurvey, MS 977, 345 MiddLefieldRoad, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, fax: 650-329-4736, email: [email protected] PALMEDE OSECHAS,Christi (M; 1997; ID# 16865), Apartado Postal 132, TrujiLLo3102-A, VENEZUELA,(58) 72-35086, fax: (58) 72-361726, e-mail: [email protected] PALMER, Stephen P. (M; 1990; ID# 13774), PO Box 407, LittLerock, WA, 98556-0407, (360) 9021437, fax: (360) 902-1785, e-mail: [email protected] PAN, Tso-Chien(M; 1991; ID# 15277), Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity, Schoolof Civil Engineering,NanyangAvenue,Singapore639798, REPUBLICOFSINGAPORE,(65)790-5285, fax: 65791-0676, e-mail: [email protected] PANAGIOTOPOULOS,Dimitrios G. (M; 1987; ID# 12629), Aristotle Univ of ThessaLoniki, GeophysicalLaboratory, GR-54006Thessa[oniki, GREECE,(30)31-998-487, fax: 30-31-998-528, email: [email protected] PANARETOS,John (M; 1998; ID# 17298), Athens Univ of Economics & Business,Statistics Dept, 76 Patision St, 10434 Athens, GREECE,(30)1-8210509, fax: 30-1-820-3231, e-mail: [email protected] 013", William R. (M; 1983; ID# 11347), Weston Observatory, Boston College, 381 Concord Road, Weston, MA, 02493-1340, (617)552-8300, fax: 617-552-8388, e-mail: [email protected] PANZA, GiuLianoE (M; 1991; ID# 15207), Univ DegLiStudi Di Trieste, Dipt Di ScienzeDellaTerra, Via Weiss4, 34127 Trieste, ITALY,(39) 40-676117, fax: (39) 40-6762111, e-mail: [email protected] OTrEMOLLER,Lars (S; 1998; ID# 17171), University of Bergen, Inst of Solid Earth Physics, AlLegaten41, Bergen, NORWAY,(47) 3-558-3453, fax: (47) 3-558-9669, e-mail: [email protected] PAPADIMITRIOU,Eleftheria E. (M; 1987; ID# 12630), Univ of Thessaloniki, Laboratoryof Geophysics, GR54006Thessa[oniki,GREECE, (30)31-998-488, fax: 30-31-998-528, e-mail: [email protected] OU, Gwo-Bin (M; 1984; ID# 11468), Nat[ Chung Cheng University,Institute of Seismology,MingHsiung, Chia-Yi,TAIWANROC,e-mail: [email protected] PAPADOPOULOS,GerassimosA. (M; 1986; ID# 12525), National Observatory of Athens, Seismological Institute, PO Box 20048, GR 11810 Athens, GREECE,(30) 1-3490165, fax: (30) 13490180, e-mail: [email protected] OUZOUNOV, Dimitar P. (M; 1996; ID# 16698), Individual Consultant,47312 GrandviewPlace, SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 PAPAGEORGIOU,Apostotos (M; 1979; ID# 11067), State University of New York, Civil Structural & Envirnmntl Engr Dept, Ketter Hall Room 220, Buffalo, NY, 14260-4300, (716)6452114, fax: 716-645-3733 PAPAIOANNOU,ChristosA. (S; 1979; ID# 10340), ITSAK, POBox 53 Foinikas,GR-55102 Thessa[oniki, GREECE,(30)31-476-081x84, fax: 30-31-476-085, e-mail: [email protected] PAPASTAMATIOU,Dimitri (M; 1974; ID# 10212), Delta Pi Associates,34 PloutarchouStreet, GR 15122 Maroussi,GREECE,(30) 1-772-1152, fax: (30) 1-772-1182, e-maih de[[email protected] PAPAZACHOS,Costas B. (M; 1991; ID# 13568), Institute of EngineeringSeismologyAnd Earthquake Engineering,P.O. Box 53, GR-55102, Foinikas, Thessaloniki,GREECE,(30)31-476-081, fax: 30-31-476-085, e-mail: [email protected] PAPOULIA,Joanna (M; 1991; ID# 15089), Natl Centre for Marine Research (NCMR), HeIUnikon, 16604 Athens, GREECE,(30)1-982 0212, fax: 301-983 3095, e-mail: [email protected] PARK,Jeffrey 3. (M; 1985; ID# 11003), Yale University, KLineLab Geology& GeophysDept, PO Box 208109, New Haven, CT, 06520-8109, (203)432-3172, fax: 203-432-3134, e-mail: [email protected] PARK,,li-uk (S; 1997; ID# 16911), Seou[ National University, Dept of GeologicalScience,San 56-1, Shinlim-Dong, Kwanak-Gu,Seou[ 151-742, SOUTH KOREA,(82)2-880-8172, fax: 82-2-886-0543, email: [email protected] PARK, Minkyu (M; 1995; ID# 16241), University of Queensland,QUAKES,Earth Sciences Dept, Brisbane QLD 4072, AUSTRALIA,(61)7-33653464, fax: 61-7-3365-7347, e-mail: [email protected] PARK, Sam-Keun (M; ; ID# 11082), Korea Meteorological Administration, Earthquake Division, 460-18 Shindaebang-Dong,Tongjak-Gu, Seoul 156-720, SOUTHKOREA,(82)2-841-7663, fax: 82-2-841-7664, e-mail: [email protected] PARK, Yong-Cheo[(S; 1996; ID# 16537), Dongsan Villa 401, Yangjae-dong, Seacho-Gu, Seoul 137130, SOUTHKOREA,(82)2-575-1890 PARKE, David L. (M; 1991; ID# 15119), 1 West Monte Drive, Woodland, CA, 95695-5209, (209)745-9590 PARSONS,Tom (M; 1997; ID# 16756), US Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, MS ggg, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 354-3102, fax: (650) 354-3191, e-maih [email protected] PASSMORE,Paul (M; 1990; ID# 14009), Refraction TechnologyInc, 2626 Lombardy Lane Suite 105, Dallas, TX, 75220, (214) 353-0609, email: [email protected] PASYANOS,Michael E. (M; 1991; ID# 15245), Lawrence Livermore National Lab, PO Box 808 L206, Livermore, CA, 94551, (925) 423-6835, fax: (925) 422-3118, e-mail: [email protected].[[ PATANE,Domenico(M; 1991; ID# 14223), Ist Intnazl di Vu[cano[ogia,CNR, PiazzaRoma 2, Catania Sicily,ITALY,(39) 95-435-801, fax: (39) 95-435-801, e-mail: [email protected] PATNAIK, GaganB. (M; 1993; ID# 15518), AdvancedGeocomputingTechnologies,PO Box 927477, San Diego, CA, 92192-7477, (619)5359046, fax: 619-535-9046, e-mail: [email protected] PATrELENA,Tracy (S; 1998; ID# 17253), 150 North GreenwoodAvenue #C, Pasedena, CA, 91107, (626) 793-3812, fax: (626) 793-3812, emarl: [email protected] PATRON,Howard3. (M; 1982; ID# 12243), 545 Totavi, Los A[amos, NM, 87544-5815, fax: (505)665-1310, e-marl: [email protected] PAVLIN, GregoryB. (M; 1978; ID# 11178), 2063 Van TuyLPlace, Falls Church,VA, 22043, (703)237-3977, fax: 703-237-8322 PAVLIS,GaryL. (M; 1978; ID# 11364), Indiana University, Dept of GeologicalSciences, 1005 lOth Street, Bloomington, IN, 47405, (812) 3355141, e-mail: [email protected] PAVLOV,Victor (M; 1997; ID# 17024), Kamchatka EMSD,GeophysicalService, g Piip Blvd, PetropavKamchatsky 683006, RUSSIA,(7)415-225-0510 PAWELEK,AdamS. (M; 1997; ID# 16998), Federal EnergyReg Commission,Staff Civil Engineer,230 S. DearbornStreet, Rm 3130, Chicago,IL, 60604, (312)353-528B, fax: 312-353-0109, e-marl: [email protected] PAYNE,Barton (M; 1991; ID# 14270), TexacoE & P TechnologyDept, PO Box 770070, Houston, TX, 77215-0070, (713) 630-4172, fax: (713) 5266570, e-mail: [email protected] PAYNE,Suzette Jackson (M; 1985; ID# 11722), 455 GuLlaneCircle, Idaho FALLS,ID, 83401, (208) 526-4293, fax: (208) 526-0875, e-mail: [email protected] PEARSON,DavidCraig (M; 1992; ID# 15396), Los Alamos NationalLab GeophysicsGroup, PO Box 1663, EES-3,MSC335, Los Alamos, NM, 87545, (505) 667-3942, fax: (505) 667-4739, e-mail: cpearson@lan[.gov PECHMANN,JamesC. (M; 1982; ID# 11737), Universityof Utah, Geology& GeophysicsDept Rm 705, 135 South 1460 East, Salt Lake City, UT, 84112-0111, (801)581-3858, fax: 801-585-5585, e-mail: [email protected] PEKEVSKI,Lazo (M; 1991; ID# 14003), Jurij Gagarin 25/10, 91000 Skopje, MACEDONIA,fax: 389-91-114-042, e-maih [[email protected] PELAEZMONTILLA,,lose Antonio (M; 1999; ID# 17378), Universidad de Jaen, C/Virgen de [a Cabeza 4, 23071 Jaen, SPAIN, (34)95-321-2343, fax: 34-95-321-2343, e-mail: [email protected] PELTON,3ohn R. (M; 1979; ID# 11727), Boise State University, Dept of Geosciences, Boise, ID, 83725, (208) 426-3640, fax: (208) 426-3888, email: [email protected] PELZING, Roll (M; 1981; ID# 10318), Geology Landesamt NW, Hulterkamp 60, 47807 Krefeld, GERMANY,(49)21-5189-7340, fax: 49-21-51897505, se-mail: [email protected] PENAHERRERA,Ricardo E (S; 1999; ID# 17364), Manuel Ma[o 1-2-3 Y Fco Estrel[a, Cuenca, ECUADOR,(593) 788-3528, e-maih [email protected] PENNINGTON,Wayne D. (M; 1973; ID# 11653), Michigan TechnologicalUniversity, Dept of Engr Geology, 1400 TownsendDrive, Houghton, MI, 49g31-1200, (906) 487-3573, fax: (906) 4873371, e-mail: [email protected] PENZIEN, Joseph (M; 1955; ID# 12302), 800 Solano Drive, Lafayette, CA, 94549 PEREZ-CAMPOS,Xyo[i (S; 1997; ID# 16839), Stanford University, Geophysics Dept, Mitchell Bldg, 397 Panama Mall, Stanford, CA, 943052215, (650)723-6658, fax: 650-725-7344, e-mail: [email protected] PERKINS, David M. (M; 1974; ID# 11698), Box 3152, Boulder, CO, 80307-3152, (303) 273-8554, fax: (303) 273-8600, e-mail: perkins@g[ PERKINS, William O. (M; 1997; ID# 16863), Shannon 8, Wilson Inc, 400 N 34th Street Suite 100, Seattle, WA, 98103, (206) 632-8020, fax: (206) 633-6777, e-mail: [email protected] PERL, Neil K. (M; 1976; ID# 11933), 10849 Topeka Drive, Northridge, CA, 91326-2358, (323) 857-5578 PERRIER,Guy (M; 1970; ID# 10270), Universite de Grenoble,IRIGM, BP 53, 38041 GrenobleCedex g, FRANCE,(33) 76-82 80 37, fax: (33) 76-82 81 01, e-maih [email protected] PERRUCCIO,Dominic A. (M; 1997; ID# 16933), 10 Beverly Lane, Peekski[[, NY, 10566, (914)7371164, e-maih [email protected] PERRY-HUSTON, Suzanne C. (S; 1991; ID# 15102), University of Oregon, Dept of Geological Science, PO Box 1272, Eugene,OR, 97403-1272, e-mail: [email protected] PERSON, Waverly J., (HONE; 1965; ID# 11673), 5489 Seneca Place, Boulder, CO, 80303, (303)273-8500, fax: (303) 273-8600, e-mail: [email protected] PESECKIS, Lynn L. (M; 1979; ID# 11063), 268 Haddock Hill Road, Old Chatham, NY, 12136, (518)794-9578, fax: 518-794-8956, e-maih peseckis@globa[ PETERSEN,Mark D. (M; 1991; ID# 15279), Ca[if Div Mines& Geology, Dept of Conservation,801 K Street, MS 12-31, Sacramento, CA, 95814-3531, (916)322-9317, fax: 916-445-3334, e-mail: [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October 1999 639 PETERSON,Jon R. (H; 1961; ID# 11761), 18 Puesta Del Sol, Cedar Crest, NM, 87008-9473, email: [email protected] PEZESHK,Shahram (M; 1996; ID# 16550), 5451 Shirlington Ave, Memphis, TN, 38115, (901)6784727, fax: 901-678-3026, e-maih [email protected] PEZZOPANE,Silvio K. (M; 1995; ID# 12725), US Geological Survey, MS 425, Box 25046, Federal Center, Denver, CO, 80225, (303)236-0516x279, fax: 303-236-5046, e-mail: [email protected] PHILLIPS, William Scott (M; 1981; ID# 11776), Los Alamos National Lab, MS C335, PO Box 1663, Los Alamos, NM, 87545, (505)667-8106, fax: 505667-8487, e-maih wsp@lanLgov PHINNEY, Robert A. (M; 1962; ID# 11001), Princeton University, Dept of Geosciences, Princeton, NJ, 08544-1003, (609)258-4118, fax: 609-258-1274, e-maih [email protected] PIHL, Jorgen (M; 1987; ID# 12967), Trastbacken 11, S-16354 Spanga, SWEDEN,(46)8-706-3594, fax: 46-8-706-3543, e-maih [email protected] PINKHAM, C[arkson W. (M; 1972; ID# 11842), S.B. BarnesAssociates, 2236 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 90057, (213)382-2385, fax: 213382-6885, e-mail: [email protected] PIRHONEN, Seppo E. (M; 1990; ID# 13790), 3akalatie 5D26, SF-00730 Helsinki, FINLAND, (358)0-708-44413, fax: 358-0-708-44430, email: [email protected] PISERCHIA, Pierre (M; 1998; ID# 17138), CEADASE-LDG,Bruyeres-Le-Chate[91680, FRANCE, (33)1-6926-6278, e-mail: piserchia@ldg, PITARKA,Arben (M; 1995; ID# 16153), URSGWC FederalServices, 566 El DoradoStreet Ste 100, Pasadena,CA, 91101-2560, (626) 449-7650, fax: (626) 449-3536, e-mail: [email protected] PITT, AndrewM. (M; 1967; ID# 12112), US Geological Survey,345 Middlefietd Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4755, e-maih pitt@a PLOTNIKOVA,Lilia M. (M; 1997; ID# 16887), Institute of Geology, Khodzhibaeva49, Tashkent 700041, UZBEKISTAN,(7)37-1233-1778 POLLITZ, Fred E (M; 1998; ID# 14068), Universityof California, Departmentof Geology, 1 ShieLdsAvenue, Davis, CA, 95616, fax: 530-7520951, e-maih [email protected] POND, Eric C. (M; 1996; ID# 16441), 6805 LaLucenaAve NE, ALbuquerque,NM, 87113-2807, (505)823-6575, e-maih [email protected] PONTI, Daniel J. (M; 1992; ID# 13595), US Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, MS 977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5679, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] PORCELLA,Mid L. (M; 1977; ID# 12113), US Geological Survey, 2665 N Air FresnoDrive, Stel06, Fresno,CA, 93727-1548, (559) 456-6140, fax: (559) 456-6149, e-mail: porcel[[email protected] PORTER,Lawrence D. (M; 1971; ID# 12223), Advanced Precision Graphics,340 Rutherford Drive, Danville, CA, 94526, (925) 837-8064, fax: (925) 837-0552, e-maih [email protected] POTTER,Robert M. (M; 1997; ID# 15401), 1448 Oakwood Loop, Los Alamos, NM, 87544 POUPINFr, Georges (M; 1971; ID# 10271), LGIT/ IRIGM, BP53X,38041 GrenobleCedex,FRANCE, (33)76-828-038, fax: 33-76-828-101, e-maih georges,[email protected] POWELL, Christine (M; 1991; ID# 14169), University of Memphis,CERI,CampusBox 526590, Memphis, TN, 38152-6590, (901) 6788455, fax: (901) 678-4734, e-mail: powe[L@ceri, POWER,John (S; 1995; ID# 16246), US Geological Survey,4200 UniversityDrive, Anchorage, AK, 99508, (907)474-5333, e-maih [email protected] POWER, MauriceS. (M; 1979; ID# 12158), Geomatrix Consultants,100 PineStreet, Suite 1000, San Francisco,CA, 94111, (415) 434-9400, fax: (415) 434-1365, e-maih [email protected] PRATESI,Giovanni(M; 1992; ID# 15365), Istituto Geogisica Toscano,Via Marengo4g/A, 50047 Prato, ITALY,(39)574-230-18, fax: 39-574-605871 PRAI"r, Thomas (M; 1999; ID# 17423), University of Washington, Schoolof Oceanography,Seattle, WA, 98195, (206)543-7358, fax: 206-543-6073, e-mail: [email protected] PREECE,Vernon E. (M; 1970;ID# 11989), 2757 Comnodo Avenue,San Diego,CA, 92154, (619)423-1462 PREJEAN,StephanieG. (S; 1999; ID# 17332), Stanford University, Dept of Geophysics,Mitchell Geophysics, 397 PanamaMall, Stanford, CA, 94305, (650)725-5831, fax: 650-725-7344, email: [email protected] PRENTICE,Carol (M; 1991; ID# 14850), US Geological Survey, 345 MiddLefieldRd, MS977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5690, fax: (650) 329-5143, e-maih [email protected] PRESCOTr,William H. (M; 1975; ID# 12183), US Geological Survey, 345 MiddlefieldRd, MS977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4860, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-maih [email protected] PRESGRAVE,Bruce W. (M; 1975; ID# 11645), US Geological Survey, MS 966, Nat[ EarthquakeInfo Ctr, Denver Fed Ctr, Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8461, fax: 303-273-8450, email: [email protected] PRESS,Frank(H; 1948; ID# 11154), CarnegieInst of Washington, 2500 Virginia Ave NW Ste 616 South, Washington, DC, 20037-1901, (202)3423938, fax: 202-342-2407, [email protected] PRESTON,Leiph (S; 1999; ID# 17342), University of Washington, GeophysicsProgram, Box 351650, Seattle, WA, 98195, (206)543-6626, fax: 206543-0489, e-mail: [email protected] PRIESTLEY, Keith (L; 1978; ID# 11806), University of Cambridge, Bul[ard Labs Earth Science Dept, Madingley Rise Madingley Road, Cambridge s UK-ENGLAND,(44)122-3333400, fax: 44-122-333-0779, e-mail: [email protected] PRIVITERA, Eugenio(M; 1993; ID# 15528), CNR, Istituto InteMzl di Vulcanologia, PiazzaRoma 2, 95123 Catania, ITALY,(39)95-448-084, fax: 3995-435-801, e-maih [email protected] PROTHERO,William A., Jr. (M; 1971; ID# 12035), University of California, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-9630, (805) 687-1005, e-maih [email protected] PROTrI-QUESADA,Jorge Marino (M; 1989; ID# 13287), UniversidadNacional,Obs Vulcanologico Y Sismologico, Apartado 2346-3000, Heredia, COSTARICA, (506)261-0781, fax: 506-261-0303, e-maih [email protected] PRUESS,TheodoreA. (M; 1996; ID# 16446), 1427 Missouri Avenue,St Louis, MO, 63104, (314) 7261771, fax: (314) 726-5355, e-mail: [email protected] PRUrGER, Arnfinn F. (M; 1991; ID# 13325), 500 122 First AvenueSouth, Saskatoon SK, S7K-763, CANADA,(306)933-8682, fax: 306-933-8510 PU6LIESE, Antonio (M; 1991; ID# 13350), ANPA, Viale America 111, 00144 Rome, ITALY,(39)6591-5500, fax: 39-6-5007-2044, e-mail: [email protected] PUJADES, Luis G. (M; 1991; ID# 15084), UPC Campus Nord Civil Engr School, Geotechnica[ Engr & Geosciences Dept, C/3ordi Giron 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, SPAIN, (34)93-401-7258, fax: 34-93401-6504, e-mail: [email protected] PUJOL, Jose (M; 1981; ID# 11315), 4291 CharLeswood, Memphis, TN, 38117, (901)6784827, fax: 901-323-2857, e-mail: [email protected] PULPAN, Hans (M; 1980; ID# 12467), University of Alaska, Geophysical Inst - 903 Koyokuk Dr, PO Box 757320, Fairbanks, AK, 99775-7320, (907)474-7424, fax: 907-474-7290, e-mail: [email protected][ PURCARU, George (L; 1974; ID# 10319), Univ of Frankfurt, Inst of Meteorology & Geophysics, Feldbergstrabe 47, 60323 Frankfurt-Main, GERMANY,(49)69-748-140, fax: 49-69-789-3280, e-mail: [email protected] kfu PUSPITO, Nanang T. (M; 1997; ID# 16893), Inst of Technology Bandung, Geophysics& Meteorology 640 Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 Dept, Ganesa 10, Bandung40132, INDONESIA, (62)22-250-0494, fax: 62-22-250-0494 BeMrdino, CA, 92412, (909)888-2422, e-mail: [email protected] PYKE, Robert (M; 1977; ID# 12287), Taga, Inc, 1076 Carol Lane, Suite 136, Lafayette, CA, 94549, (925) 283-6765, fax: (925) 283-7614, e-mail: [email protected] RATCHKOVSKY,Natalia (S; 1995; ID# 16295), Universityof Alaska, GeophysicalInstitute, PO Box 757320, Fairbanks,AK, 99775, (907)4747309, e-mail: [email protected] PYLE, David (M; 1996; ID# 16399), 1012 Sullivan Drive, White BLuff, TN, 37187, (615)797-4581, fax: 615-797-9301 RAU, Ruey-Juin(M; 1990; ID# 13732), 3F, 252 Tung-An Road,Tainan 701, TAIWANROC,(886)22783-9910x523, e-maih [email protected] Cl RAWLINSON, Nicholas(S; 1998; ID# 17037), Monash University,Dept of Earth Sciences, CLaytonVic 3168, AUSTRALIA,(61)3-9905-1530, e-maih [email protected] QAMAR, Anthony (M; 1968; ID# 12426), 109 NE 59th Street, Seattle, WA, 98105-2716, (206)6857563, e-maih [email protected] QUAAH, Amos O. (M; 1980; ID# 10213), Ghana National Petroleum Corp, Private Mail Bag, Accra North, GHANAWESTAFRI, (233)21-6596-6020 QUEEN,John H. (M; 1991; ID# 15154), Conoco Inc, PO Box 1267, PoncaCity, OK, 74602, (580)767-5015, e-mail: [email protected] QUITIMEYER,RichardC. (M; 1975; ID# 10994), URSGrenierWoodward-Clyde, 1180 TownCenter Drive, Las Vegas, NV, 89134-6363, (702) 2953551, fax: (702) 295-3554, e-mail: fichard [email protected] REAL,CharlesR. (M; 1972; ID# 12367), CaUfornia Division of Mines& Geology,SeniorSeismologist, 801 K Street, MS 12-31, Sacramento, CA, 958143531, (916)323-8550,fax: 916-445-3334, e-maih creaL@consrv, REASENBER6,PaulA. (M; 1981; ID# 12114), US GeologicalSurvey,MS977, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5002, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] REBOLLAR,Cecilio3. (M; 1991; ID# 12719), CICESE,PO Box 434843, San Diego, CA, 921434843, (52)61-750563,fax: 52-61-750559, e-maih [email protected] REGNIER,Marc(M; 1994; ID# 15801), ORSTOM, BP AS, Noumea, NEWCALEDONIA,(678)222-68, fax: 678-232-76, e-mail: [email protected] R RABINOWITZ, Nitzan (M; 1987; ID# 12803), GeophysicalInstitute of Israel, PO Box 2286, Holon, ISRAEL,(972) 8-943-4578, fax: (972) 8943-4315, [email protected],e-mail: [email protected] RAJENDRAN, Kusala (M; 1996; ID# 16411), Centre for Earth ScienceStudies, Akku[an, Trivandrum695 031, INDIA, fax: 91-471-442-280, e-maih [email protected] RAMOS, EmmanuelG. (M; 1996; ID# 16584), Philippine Ins] Vlcnlgy & Seismology, PhivoLcs BLdg, Carlos P. Garcia Ave, UP Campus, DiLiman, Quezon City, PHILIPPINES,(63)2-712-6113, fax: 63-2-712-4656, e-maih [email protected] RAMOS-MARTINEZ,3aime (S; 1994; ID# 15654), University of Texas,Centerfor Lithospheric Studies, MSFA31Box 830688, Richardson,TX, 75083-0688, (214)883-2422, Fax:214-883-2829, e-mail: [email protected] RANDOLPH, B. G. (M; 1963; ID# 11651), Space 84, 16444 BoLsaChicaStreet, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649, (714)444-5527, fax: 714-444-5560 RAPINE, Richard R, (S; 1997; ID# 16154), New MexicoState University, Dept of Physics, Box 30001 Dept 3D, Las Cruces,NM, 88003, (505)6464504, fax: 505-646-1934, e-mail: [email protected] RASMUSSEN,GaryS. (M; 1973; ID# 11999), Gary S Rasmussen8, Associates, PO Box 5488, San REICHLE, MichaelS. (M; 1975; ID# 11978), Calif DivisionMines& Geology,801 K Street MS 12-31, Sacramento, CA, 95814-3531, (916)323-8553, fax: 916-323-7778, e-maff: [email protected] REINKE, Robert E. (M; 1981; ID# 11758), 1200 NW Rosemont,ALbuquerque,NM, 87104-2174, (505) 846-5847, fax: 505-846-9634 REITER,De[aine(M; 1996; ID# 16429), Weston GeophysicalCorp, 325 W. MainStreet, Northboro, MA, 01532, (508) 393-4600, fax: 508-393-7674, e-maih [email protected] REITER,Leon (M; 1969; ID# 11161), US Nuclear Waste TechRev Brd, 2300 CLarendonBLvd,Ste 1300, Arlington, VA, 22201, (703)235-4473, fax: 703-235-4495, e-maih [email protected] RENDON, Herbert (M; 1995; ID# 15993), POBA InteMtiona[,Ste 100, POBox 02-5255, Miami, FL, 33102-5255, (58) 2-257-9346, fax: (58) 2-2579977, e-mail: [email protected] RE'YES,CesarA. (M; 1975; ID# 11965), CICESE,PO Box 434843, San Diego, CA, 92143-4843, (52)617-4-4940, fax: 52-6-617-4-4933, e-maih [email protected] REYES,Mauficio (M; 1993; ID# 15657), Paul Harris 10125, Las Condes, Santiago, CHILE, (56)2-2152460, fax: 56-2-2152460, e-mail: [email protected] RIBOI"rA, LuisC. (M; 1998; ID# 17285), Rua Profa Mafia Antonia Constanzio,126, Esplanada Mendes, Sao Roque, SP 18130-000, BRAZIL, (55)11-425-5087, fax: 55-11-3767-4083 RICHARDS,PaulG. (M; 1967; ID# 11044), Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Earth and Envrnmntl SciencesDept, ColumbiaUniversity, Palisades,NY, 10964, (914)365-8389, fax: 914-365-8150, email: [email protected] RICHARDSON,Robert G. (M; 1975; ID# 10030), PO Box 239, Rosny Park, Tasmania 7018, AUSTRALIA,(61) 3-6233-8324, fax: (61) 3-62338338 RIERA, Jorge Daniel (M; 1995; ID# 16259), LDEC, Av Nito Pecanha550 Ap302, CEP90470-000, Porto Alegre, 125, BRAZIL,(55)51-331-3604, email: [email protected] RIEVEN,Shirley A. (S; 1997; ID# 16943), Weston GeophysicalCorporation, 325 West Main Street, Northboro, MA, 01532-2117, (508) 393-4600, fax: (508) 393-7674, e-maih [email protected] RIKITAKE,Tsuneji (M; 1974; ID# 10636), 10-302 4-1 Sakurajosui, Setagaya Ku, Tokyo 156, JAPAN, (81) 3-304-6555, fax: 81-3-303-7544, e-mail: [email protected] RINARD, Bethany D. (S; 1997; ID# 16858), PO Box 54, Meridian, TX, 76665, (254) 968-9143, email: [email protected] RINEHART,Wilbur A., (M; 1961; ID# 11691), 600 30th Street, San Francisco, CA, 94131-2203, (415) 642-9746 RINGDAL, Frode (M; 1989; ID# 12685), NTNF/ NORSAR,PO Box 51, N-2007 Kjeller, NORWAY, (47)6-81-7121, fax: 47-6-81-8719, e-mail: [email protected] RIPPER, lan D. (M; 1986; ID# 10741), GeophysicalObservatory, Box 323, Port Moresby, PAPUANEWGUINEA,(675)214-500, fax: 6752]3-976 RITSEMA, A. R., (M; 1953; ID# 10737), Blauwkapelseweg5, 3731 EA DeBilt, NETHERLANDS,(31)30-2200-521, fax: 31-302201-364, e-maih telex%47096knmin[ REVENAUGH,Justin (M; 1999; ID# 17356), Universityof California-SantaCruz, Earth Sciences, SantaCruz,CA, 95064, (831)459-3055, fax: 831-459-3074, e-mail: [email protected] REVETrA, Frank (M; 1991; ID# 13134), SUNYPotsdam, Deptof GeologicalSciences, Potsdam, NY, 13676-2294, (315)267-2289, fax: 315-2673170, e-mail: [email protected] RITZWOLLER, Michael H. (M; 1997; ID# 16996), University of Colorado, Physics/Seismology, Campus Box 390, Boulder,CO, 80309-0390, (303) 492-7075, fax: (303) 492-7935, e-maih fitzwo|[email protected] RIVERS, D. Wilmer, Jr. (M; 1979; ID# 11216), 3003 Farm Road, Alexandria, VA, 22302, Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October1999 641 (703)549-4611, fax: 301-925-2956, e-maiL: [email protected] RIX, GLennJ. (M; 1986; ID# 12596), Georgia Institute of TechnoLogy,School of Civil Engineering, 790 AtLantic Drive, AtLanta, GA, 30332-0355, (404) 894-2292, fax: (404) 8942278, e-maiL: [email protected] RIZNITCHENKO,Oksana (M; 1998; ID# 17046), Inst of Physicsof the Earth, RAS,ULB Gruzinksaya 10, 123810 Moscow, RUSSIA,7-095-254-9072 RIZZO, PaulC. (M; 1968; ID# 11106), PaulC. Rizzo Associates, 105 MaLLBouLevard,Suite 270 East, MonroeviLLe,PA, 15146-2343, (412) 8569700, [dX: (412) 856-9749, e-maiL: [email protected] ROBERTSON,EugeneC., (M; 1963; ID# 11194), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, MS 955 National Center, 12201 SunriseValley Drive, Reston, VA, 20192, (703)648-6792, fax: 703-648-6717, e-rnai[: [email protected] ROBINSON, Russet[(M; 1991; ID# 13358), Inst of GeoLogical& NucLearSciences, PO Box 30368, WeLLington, NEWZEALAND,(64)4-570-4735, fax: 64-4-570-1440, e-maiL: [email protected] ROOGERS,Arthur J. (M; 1990; ID# 13719), Lawrence Livermore Nat[ Lab Geophysics& GLobaL Security Division, L-205, PO Box 808, Livermore, CA, 94551-0808, (925) 423-5018, fax: (925) 4220208, e-maiL: [email protected] RODGERS,Peter W., (M; 1965; ID# 12244), 1530 Twinridge Road, Santa Barbara, CA, 93111, (805)967-0025, fax: 805-967-2156, e-maiL: [email protected] ROECKER,Steven W. (M; 1981; ID# 10929), RensseLaerPoLytechnicInstitute, Deptof GeoLogy, Troy, NY, 12180-3590, (518) 276-6773, fax: (518) 276-8627, e-maiL: [email protected] ROELOFFS, EveLyn(M; 1991; ID# 13071), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, 5400 MacArthurB[vd, Vancouver, WA, 98661, (817) 696-7912, e-maiL: eve[[email protected], ROGERS,ALbertM. (M; 1973; ID# 11710), GeoRisk Associates, Inc, 17214 Rimrock Drive,GoLden,CO, 80401, (303)278-4736, fax: 303-278-4736 ROGERS,Garry C. (M; 1972; ID# 10117), GeoLogicaLSurveyof Canada, PacificGeoscience Centre, 9860 W Saanich Road, Box 6000, Sidney BC, V8L 4B2, CANADA,(250)363-6450, fax: 250363-6565, e-maiL: [email protected] ROGERS,John A. (M; 1998; ID# 14039), 921 Maddux Drive, Pa[oALto, CA, 94303, (650)4946192, e-maiL: [email protected] ROHAY, ALanC. (M; 1981; ID# 12452), 351 Cottonwood Drive, Rich[and, WA, 99352, (509)376-6925, fax: 509-376-5398, e-maiL: a[an.rohay@pnLgov ROLLET, Nadege (S; 1997; ID# 16792), Laboratoire de Geodynamique,Sous-MarineBP 48, 06230 ViL[efrance, FRANCE,(33)93-763-740, fax: 33-93-763-766 642 ROMACHO,Maria DoLores(M; 1984; ID# 16713), C/Soldado EspanoL8, 9B, 04004 ALmeria,SPAIN, (34)950-27-6130, fax: 34-950-21-5477/5284, emaiL: [email protected] ROMANOWICZ,BarbaraA. (M; 1978; ID# 10273), University of CaLifornia,BerkeLeySeismoLogicaL Laboratory, 475 McConeHaLLMS4760, BerkeLey, CA, 94720-4760, (510) 643-5690, fax: (510) 6435811, e-maiL: [email protected] ROMERO,Satome (S; 1999; ID# 17464), 4371 Winters ChapelRd, Apt 223, AtLanta, GA, 30360, (770)798-9017, fax: 404-894-2281, e-maiL: [email protected] ROMNEY,Carl F. (M; 1947; ID# 11217), 4105 Sutgrave Drive, ALexandria,VA, 22309, (703)2767900, fax: 703-243-8950, e-maiL: [email protected] ROSCA, Anca-Cristina(S; 1994; ID# 15790), New Mexico State University, Dept of Physics, Box 30001, Dept 3D, Las Cruces,NM, 88003-0001, (505) 646-4504, Fax: (505) 646-1934, e-maiL: [email protected] ROTH, RichardJ., Jr. (M; 1991; ID# 14767), 18896 CordataStreet, FountainVaLLey,CA, 92708, (213)346-6134, fax: 714-964-2896,e-maih [email protected] ROTHMAN,Robert L. (M; 1965; ID# 11203), 8409 StonewaLl Drive, Vienna,VA, 22180, (301)4153306, fax: 301-415-2444, e-maiL: [email protected] ROUMBAS, Demetrios (S; 1998; ID# 17289), City CoLLegeof New York, Deptof Civil Engineering, Convent Avenue& 138th Street, New York, NY, 10031, (212) 650-8015, fax: (212) 650-6965, emaiL: roum8553@cedlsO, ROVELLI, Antonio (M; 1983; ID# 10435), Ist NazionaLeDi Geofisica,Via Vigna Murata605, 00143 Rome,ITALY,(39)6-518-601, fax: 39-65041181, e-maiL: roveL[[email protected] ROWAN, Linda R. (M; 1997; ID# 13384), AAASScience, 1200 New York AvenueNW, Washingtin, DC, 20005, (202)326-6528, fax: 202-408-1256, e-maiL: [[email protected] ROWE, Brian D. (M; ; ID# 13968), 3820 D WiLLow Pass Road, Concord, CA, 94519 ROWE, CharLotteA. (S; 1992; ID# 14042), New MexicoInst of Mining & TechnoLogy,Deptof Earth & EnvironmentalScience,Socorro, NM, 87801, (505) 835-5691, Fax: (505) 835-6436, e-maiL: [email protected] RUBERTI, RudyF. (M; 1996; ID# 16417), 1555 GLacierStreet, Simi VaLLey,CA, 93063, (805) 5278421, e-maiL: [email protected] RUBIN, CharLie(M; 1997; ID# 16801), MassachusettsInst of TechnoLogy,Dept of Earth & Atmos Science, 54-1014, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, 02139 RUBINSTEIN,Justin (S; 1999; ID# 17339), 515 Ke[ton Ave Apt 312, Los AngeLes,CA, 90024, (310)208-2231, e-maiL:[email protected] RUDAJEV,VLadimir(M; 1970; ID# 10168), Inst of Rock Structure & Mechanics,V HoLesovickach41, 18209 Prague8, CZECHREPUBLIC,(42)2-66410101, fax: 42-2-6641-0105, e-maiL: [email protected] RUDMAN, ALbertJ. (M; 1996; ID# 13837), Indiana University, Dept of GeologicalSciences, 1005 E lOth Street, BLoomington,IN, 47405, (812)855-7310, fax: 812-855-7899, e-maiL: [email protected] RUI)NICKI, John W. (M; 1978; ID# 11422), Northwestern University, Dept of Civil Engineering, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston,IL, 60208-3109, (847)491-3411, fax: 847-491-4011, e-maiL: [email protected] RUEDA,Juan (M; 1996; ID# 16687), Instituto Geografico Naciona|, Cat|e GeneralIbanez de Ibero 3, 28003 Madrid, SPAIN, (34)1-535-0525, Fax: 34-1-597-9758, e-maiL:[email protected] RUFE LarryJ. (M; 1980; ID# 11376), University of Michigan, 1006 CCLittLe BuiLding, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, (734)763-9301, fax: 734-763-4690, e-maiL: [email protected] RUNDLE,John B. (M; 1981; ID# 11768), Universityof CoLorado,CIRES,BouLder,CO,80309, (303) 492-5743, fax: (303) 492-5070, e-maiL: [email protected] RUSH, RandyJ. (M; 1992; ID# 15318), 127 PaLm Circle, MeLbourne,FL, 32940-7204, (407)2552351 RUSSELL,Sara (S; 1999; ID# 17358), University of CaLifornia, Earth Sciences Board, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064, (831)459-4426, fax: 831-459-3074, e-maiL: sara@earthsci, RUSSO,CharlesM. (M; 1991; ID# 15229), 39 Tail Oaks Drive, East Brunswick, NJ, 08816, (203)9737837, fax: 203-973-7719 RUSSO, Ray (M; 1991; ID# 15168), Northwestern University, Deptof GeoLogicaLSciences,Evanston, IL, 60208, (847)491-7383, fax: 847-491-8060, emaiL: [email protected] RUTrENER, Erik (M; 1992; ID# 15450), Zurich Re, General Guisan-Quai26, CH-8022 Zurich, SWITZERLAND,(41)1-639-9027, fax: 41-1-6399053, e-maiL: erik@ruettener@ RUUD, Bent O. (M; 1991; ID# 15255), University of Bergen, Inst of Solid Earth Physics,A[Legaten 41, N-5007 Bergen, NORWAY,(47)5-521-3424, Fax: 47-5-532-0009, e-maiL: BentO[[email protected] RYABOY, V[adisLav(M; 1988; ID# 13176), 5603 Lone Oak Drive, Bethesda, MD, 20814, (703) 2767900, fax: (703) 243-8950, e-maiL: [email protected] RYALL, ALanS., Jr., (M; 1957; ID# 11209), 1108 Megan Road, Livermore,CA, 94550, (925)4230491, fax: 925-423-4077, e-mail.: ryaL[[.gov Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October1999 RYDELEK, Paul A. (M; 1993; ID# 14069), CERI, Universityof Memphis, 3890 Central Avenue, Memphis, TN, 38111-7622, (901) 678-4883, fax: (901) 323-2857, e-mail: [email protected] RYLAND,Stephen L. (M; 1973; ID# 11882), Rytand AssociatesInc, PO Box 5806, Pasadena, CA, 91117, (626)792-6163, fax: 626-792-1226, e-mail: cis 72345.366 RYMER,MichaelJ. (M; 1979; ID# 12115), US GeologicalSurvey, MS977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5649, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] Newport Beach, CA, 92660-2027, (949) 8333303, fax: (949) 833-3392, e-mail: [email protected] SALVADOR,MarioJ. (S; 1991; ID# 15355), 2577 NW42nd Avenue,CoconutCreek, FL, 33066, (803)777-4662, fax: 803-777-4061, e-mail: [email protected] SAMIEZADE-YAZD,MohammadR. (M; 1982; ID# 11472), AppliedInsuranceResearch, 137 NewburySt., Boston, MA, 02116, (617) 267-1417 x285, fax: (617) 267-8284, e-mail: [email protected] SAMUELSON,Robert K. (M; 1989; ID# 13347), Dept 256, 4215 Winnetka AvenueN, New Hope, MN, 55428, (612)315-2371 S SABEI'I'A, Fabio (M; 1996; ID# 13359), Servizio Sismico Nazionale,Via Curatone 3, Rome00185, ITALY,(39) 6-4444-2686, fax: (39) 6-446-6579, e-mail: [email protected] SADIGH, Khosrow(M; 1976; ID# 12159), Geomatrix Consultants, 100 Pine Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco,CA, 94111, (415) 434-9400, fax: (415) 434-1365, e-mail: [email protected] SAGIYA,Takeshi (M; 1999; ID# 17372), Crustal DynamicsLaboratory, GeographicalSurvey Institute, 1 Kitasato Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305 0811, JAPAN, (81)29-864-6939, fax: 81-29-864-2655, e-mail: [email protected] SAHIN, Sakir (S; 1998; ID# 17172), Zafer Mah Cennet(212), Cad No:3/1, Isparta 32200, TURKEY, (90)246-227-8053, fax: 90-246-237-0859, email: [email protected] SAIKIA, ChandanK. (M; 1981; ID# 10945), URSWCFederalServices, 566 El Dorado Street, Suite 100, Pasadena,CA, 91101, (626) 449-7650, fax: (626) 449-3536, e-mail: [email protected] SAINTAMAND, Pierre (M; 1954; ID# 12047), 1748 W. Las F[ores, Ridgecrest, CA, 93555, (760) 375-0481, fax: (760) 446-2828, e-mail: [email protected] SANCHEZ-SESMA,FranciscoJ. (M; 1984; ID# 10723), UNAM- CiudadUniversitaria,Instituto de Ingenieria, Apartado 70-472 Coyoacan,04510 Mexico DF, MEXICO,(52) 5-622-3465, fax: (52) 5616-1514, -2894, e-mail: [email protected] SANDVOL, Eric (M; 1998; ID# 15299), Cornet[ University, Deptof Geoscience,SneeHall, Ithaca, NY, 14850, (607)255-9434, fax: 607-254-4784, email: sandvo[ SANFORD,ALLanR. (M; 1957; ID# 11784), NM Inst of Mining & Technology,GeoscienceDept, Socorro, NM, 87801, (505)835-5212, fax: 505835-6436, e-mail: [email protected] SANO, Osam(M; 1987; ID# 12605), Yamaguchi University, Facultyof Engineering,Dept of Engineering, Ube 755, JAPAN, (81)836-35-9447, fax: 81-836-35-9429, e-mail: [email protected] SANTANA,6uiLLermo(M; 1990; ID# 13726), Apartado Postal 592, 2150 Moravia, COSTARICA, (506)240-5095, fax: 506-240-5095, e-mail: [email protected] SANTO,DouglasS. (M; 1993; ID# 15540), WiLLdan Associates, 12900 S. Crossroads Pkwy Ste 200, Industry, CA, 91746-3499, (562)908-6205, fax: 562-695-2120, e-mail: [email protected] SAITO,Yukimasa (M; 1961; ID# 10639), ParkCity A-1501, 6-Cho-me, Minatojima-Nakamachi,Chuoku, Kobe650, JAPAN, (678)304-1064 SANTOYO,Migue[A. (S; 1991; ID# 15237), UNAM Inst de Geofisica,Wisconsin 77-302 Col Napo[es, Benito Juarez, 03810 Mexico DF, MEXICO,(52)5563-4758, fax: 52-5-606-1608, e-mail: [email protected] SAKAJIRI, Naomi (M; 1988; ID# 13136), HachinoheInst of Technology,88-10obiraki Myo, HachinoheCity, Aomori 031, JAPAN, (81) 17-8253111, fax: (81) 17-825-0722, e-mail: [email protected] SARRIA,ALberto(M; 1971; ID# 10163), Apartado Aereo 029710, Bogota 1, COLOMBIA,(57) 1-2815148, fax: (57) 1-284-1890, e-mail: [email protected] SAKAL, Richard D. (M; 1974; ID# 11950), 448 EastTrumanPLace,West Covina,CA, 91790, (626) 918-3110 SALEM,R. Sammy(S; 1998; ID# 17151), Krazan& Associates, 215 W. Dakota Avenue,CLovis,CA, 93612, (559) 348-2200, fax: (559) 348-2201, email: awest@[ SALMON, MichaelW. (M; 1991; ID# 14780), EQE InteMtionaL, 4590 Macarthur B[vd, Ste 400, SASATANI,Tsutomu (M; 1991; ID# 13430), Hokkaido University,GraduateSchoolof Science, NIO W8 Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, JAPAN, (81)11-706-2759, fax: 81-11-746-2715, e-mail: [email protected] SATAKE,Kenji (M; 1987; ID# 12606), Geological Surveyof Japan, Earthquake ResearchDept, Tsukuba305-8567,JAPAN,(81)298-54-3640, fax: 81-298-52-3461, e-mail: [email protected] SAu Hiroaki (M; 1997; ID# 16949), Central Research Institute, ELectric Power Industry, 1646 Abiko, Abiko City, Chiba 270-11, JAPAN, (81)47182-1181, fax: 81-471-84-2941, e-mail: [email protected] ken SATO,Tamao (M; 1981; ID# 10643), Hirosaki University, Dept of Earth & EnvnmnflScience, Fac Science & Technology,Hirosaki Aomori, JAPAN, (81)172-39-3609, fax: 81-172-33-6000, e-mail: [email protected] SATO,Toshiaki (M; 1995; ID# 16025), 3-99-1-408 Nisshin-cho, Omiya-shi,Saitama-ken 331-0044, JAPAN, (81) 48-660-2365, e-mail: [email protected] SATOH,Toshimi (M; 1999; ID# 16382), Izumi Research Institute, ShimizuCorporation, 2-2-2 Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100, JAPAN, (81)3-3508-8957, fax: 81-3-3508-2196, e-mail: [email protected] SAUNDERS, Paul N. (S; 1992; ID# 15483), Weesperzide 21-II, 1091-ECAmsterdam, NETHERLANDS,(31)20-4688535, e-mail: pnsaunders@hotmaiLcom SAUTER, Franz F. (M; 1986; ID# 12518), Franz Sauter 8, AssociadosS.A., Apartado 6260, 1000 San Jose, COSTARICA,(506) 225-6733, fax: (506) 234-6866, e-mail: [email protected] SAVAGE,James C. (H; 1960; ID# 12117), US Geological Survey, 345 Midd[efieLdRoad, MS977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-4813, fax: 650329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] SAVAGE,Martha K. (M; 1983; ID# 11395), Victoria Univ Wellington, Institute for Geophysics, Box 600, Wellington, NEWZEALAND,(64)4-476-0039, fax: 64-4-495-5237, e-mail: [email protected] SAVAGE,William U. (L; 1971; ID# 11876), 272 Santa Margarita Avenue, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)973-3116, fax: 415-973-5778, [email protected], e-mail: [email protected] SAVY, Jean (M; 1978; ID# 12245), Lawrence Livermore NatLLab, L-203, PO Box 808, Livermore, CA, 94551, (925) 423-0196, fax: (925) 423-2163, e-mail: savyl@L[ SAWADA, Munehisa(M; 1991; ID# 13418), Centro NacionaLde Prevencionde Desastress, Av Detfin Madrigal No 665, Cot PedregaLde Santo Domingo Coyacan, MexicoCity DF04360, MEXICO,(52)5424-6100, fax: 52-5-606-1608, e-mail: [email protected] SAWADA, Sumio (M; 1991; ID# 14273), 1-144, Gakuen-Daiwa-Cho, Nara 631, JAPAN, (81)74249-2713, e-mail: [email protected] SAWYER, Thomas L. (M; 1991; ID# 14164), Piedment GeosciencesInc, 10235 Btackhawk Drive, Reno, NV, 89506, (775) 972-3234, e-mail: [email protected] SAYERS,John A. (M; 1972; ID# 12011), 33471 Ca[Le Miramar, San Juan Capistrano, CA, 92675, (949) 582-2144, fax: (949) 582-7140 Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 643 SCAWTHORN,Charles(M; 1978; ID# 12175), EQE InteMtional, 1111 BroadwaylOth FLoor,Oakland, CA, 94607, (510) 817-3153, fax: (510) 663-1046, e-maih [email protected] SCHAFF, David (S; 1995; ID# 16279), Stanford University, Dept of Geophysics,Mitchell Building, Stanford, CA, 94305-2215, (650) 723-6658, email: [email protected] SCHARNBERGER,Charles K. (M; 1984; ID# 11121), Nillersville University, Earth Sciences Dept, PO Box 1002, MiLlersville,PA, 17551, (717)872-3289, Fax: 717-871-4725, e-maih [email protected] SCHELL, BruceA. (M; 1987; ID# 12935), Schel[ Geological Consulting Co, 3775 Carmel Avenue, Irvine, CA, 92606, (949)653-2270, fax: 949-6537150, e-maih scheUbw@aoLcorn SCHERBAUM,Frank (M; 1983; ID# 10322), Inst Fur Geowissenschaften,Postfach 601553, 14415 Potsdam, GERMANY,(49)331-977-2681, fax: 49331-977-2087, e-mail: [email protected] SCHERER,R. (M; 1988; ID# 13018), Technical University Dresden, Inst Fur Bauinformatik, Mornmseustr 13, D-OlD62 Dresden, GERMANY, (49) 727-608-2657, fax: (49) 727-693-075, emaih [email protected] SCHIFF, AnsheLJ. (M; 1975; ID# 11369), 27750 Edgerton Road, Los Altos Hills, CA, 94022, (650) 941-9233, fax: 650-947-0748, e-rnaih [email protected] Chicago, IL, 60606, (312)456-8650, fax: 312456-8647, e-mail: [email protected] SCHOENBERG,FredericR. (M; 1996; ID# 16430), Univ Ca[ifornia Los Angeles,8130 Math-Science Bldg, Los Angeles, CA, 90095-1554, (310)7945193, fax: 310-472-3984, e-maih [email protected] SCHOLZ, Christopher H. (M; 1971; ID# 11045), Lamont Doherty Earth ObservatoryColumbia University, PO Box 1000, 61 Route9W, Palisades, NY, 10964, (914)359-2900, fax: 914-359-5215,email: scholz@lamont.[ SCHUG, David L. (M; 1985; ID# 11984), Woodward CLydeConsu[tants, 1615 MurrayCanyon Rd Ste 1000, San Diego, CA, 92108-4324, (619)683-6174, fax: 619-293-7920, e-maih [email protected] SCHULT, Frederick R. (M; 1979; ID# 11400), HQ AFTAC/TTR,1030 S. HighwayAIA, PatrickAFB,FL, 32925-3002, (407)494-2251, fax: 407-494-2274, e-maih [email protected] SCHULTZ, Craig A. (M; 1997; ID# 16100), Lawrence Livermore Nat[ Lab Geophysics& GLobal Security Division, PO Box 808 L-205, Livermore, CA, 94551, (925) 422-5795, fax: (925) 423-4077, e-maih schu[tzg@l[nLgov SCHUTr, Derek L. (S; 1999; ID# 17359), University of Oregon, GeologicalScience Dept,1272 Univ Oregon, 125A CascadeHail, Eugene, OR, 97403-1272, (541) 346-4653, fax: 541-346-4692, e-maih [email protected] SCHLIITENHARDT,Jorg (M; 1989; ID# 13150), Bundesanstalt Fur Geowissenschaftn,Und Rohstoffe, Postfach 51 01 53, 30631 Hannover, GERMANY,(49)511-643-3132, fax: 49-511-6432304, e-mail: [email protected] SCHWAB, Fred (M; 1969; ID# 11822), University of California, Inst of Geophysics& Planetary Physics, 405 Hilgard Avenue,Los Angeles,CA, 90095-1567, (310)825-3123, fax: 310-206-3051, e-maih [email protected][ SCHLUE,John W. (M; 1968; ID# 11785), NM Inst of Mining & Technology,Eart& Environmental Science Dept, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM, 87801-4796, (505)835-5426, fax: 505-835-6436, e-mail: [email protected] SCHWARTZ, David P. (M; 1990; ID# 12887), US GeologicalSurvey,345 MiddlefieldRoad,MS977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5651, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] SCHMID, Ben L. (M; 1963; ID# 11888), 203 Pearl Avenue, Balboa Island, CA, 92662, (949) 6736339, fax: (949) 673-6047 SCHWARTZ,SusanY. (M; 1985; ID# 11377), University of California, CFRichterSeismology Lab, EarthSciencesBoard,Santa Cruz,CA, 95064, (831) 459-3133, fax: (831) 459-2127, e-mail: [email protected] SCHMID, Stefan (M; 1992; ID# 14103), Geo[ogisch-Palaontologisches,Institut der Universitat, Bernoullistr 32, CH-4056 Basel, SWITZERLAND SCHMIDT,David (S; 1998; ID# 17255), University of California, Dept of Geology and Geophysics, 301 NcConeHall, Berkeley, CA, 94720, (510) 6432161, fax: (510) 643-9980, e-maih [email protected] SCHNEIDER, Christopher (M; 1997; ID# 16902), ENSCO,Inc, APA Division, 5400 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA, 22151, (703)321-4419, fax: 703321-4609, e-maih [email protected] SCHNEIDER,John F. (M; 1980; ID# 11145), Impact Forecasting LLC, 230 W. Monroe Street, 644 SCHWARTZKOPF,Donn (M; 1992; ID# 15471), 25796 Kellogg Street, Loma Linda, CA, 92354, (909)796-4667, e-mail: [email protected] SCHWEIG, EugeneS., III (M; 1991; ID# 14173), US GeologicalSurvey, Univ of Memphis - CERI, 3894 Central Avenue, Memphis,TN, 38111, (901)678-2007, fax: 901-678-4897,e-mail: [email protected] SCHWEITZER,Johannes (M; 1983; ID# 10323), NORSAR,Granaveien 33, PO Box 51, N-2007 Kje[ler, NORWAY,(47)6-380-5940, fax: 47-6-3818719, e-mail: [email protected] SCOLNIK, William (M; 1997; ID# 16795), 55 Long Hill Road, Oakland, NJ, 07436, (201)405-1111, Fax: 201-405-1706, e-maih [email protected] SCORDILIS, Manolis (M; 1997; ID# 16829), Aristotle University, GeophysicalDepartment, BP 352-1, 540-06 Thessaloniki,GREECE,(30) 31214-551, fax: (30) 31-214-553, e-maih [email protected] SCRIVNER, Craig (M; 1991; ID# 14160), California Inst of Technology, Seismological Lab MC252-21, Pasadena, CA, 91125, (626)398-3003, e-mail: scrivner@alum SEARCY, Cheryl (M; 1995; ID# 16245), 13510 Sunshine Loop, Anchorage,AK, 99516, (907)4745321, e-maih [email protected] SEARS, Richard A. (M; 1980; ID# 11599), 730 P[ainwood Drive, Houston, TX, 77079, (281) 5443522, fax: (281) 544-4039, e-mail: [email protected] SEBRIER, Michel (M; 1998; ID# 17189), Univ de Paris - SUD, UMR Orsayterre, Geodynamiqe Interne, Bat 509, F-91405 OrsayCdx, FRANCE, (33)1-6915-6149, fax: 33-1-6019-1446, e-maih [email protected] SEDLOCK, Richard (M; 1992; ID# 14907), San Jose State University, Dept of Geology, 1 Washington Square, San Jose, CA, 95192-0102, (408)924-5020, fax: 408-924-5053, e-mail: [email protected] SEEBER, Leonardo (M; 1977; ID# 11046), 65 Cereus Way, New Paltz, NY, 12561, (914) 3658385, fax: (914) 365-8150, e-mail: [email protected] SEGALL, Paul (M; 1991; ID# 14066), Stanford University, GeophysicsDept, Mail Code2215, Stanford, CA, 94305, (650)725-7241, fax: 650725-7344, e-maih [email protected] SEIDL, Dieter (M; 1966; ID# 10324), Seismo!.ogisches Zentralobservatorium, Mozartstrasse 57, D-91052 Erlangen, GERMANY, (49) 9131-81040-99, fax: (49) 9131-81040-0 SEINO, Masaaki (M; 1983; ID# 10646), 7-10-9-10 Shinhassamu,Teine-ku, Sapporo 006, JAPAN, (81)11-681-2540, e-mail: [email protected] SENSENY,Paul E. (M; 1998; ID# 17084), Factory Mutual ResearchCorp, DirectorStructures Research, PO Box 9102, Norwood,MA, 020629102, (781)255-4950, fax: 781-255-4024,e-mail: paul.senseny@factory-mutuaLcorn SEO, Kazuoh(M; 1975; ID# 10652), TokyoInst of Technology, Dept of Built Environment,4259 Nagatsuta Midori-Ku, Yokohama 227, JAPAN, (81)45-924-5502, fax: 81-45-924-5502, e-maih [email protected] SERECI, A. Mark (M; 1996; ID# 16367), Kinemetrics Inc, 222 Vista Avenue,Pasadena,CA, 91107, (626)744-1456, fax: 626+9783, e-mail: [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 SERENO,ThomasJ. (M; 1991; ID# 14250), SAIC, 10260 CampusPoint Drive, San Diego,CA, 92121, (619)458-2593, fax: 619-458-4993, e-maih [email protected] SERPA,Laura (M; 1989; ID# 13297), Univ of New Orleans, Dept of Geology & Geophysics,100 Founders Drive, New Orleans, LA, 70148, (504)286-6801, fax: 504-286-7396, e-mail: [email protected] SERRATO,Rocco (M; 1991; ID# 15112), Dept of Building & Safety, 9770 CulverBoulevard,Culver City, CA, 90232, (310) 253-5800, fax: (310) 2535824 SEWELL, Robert T. (M; 1996; ID# 12203), 500 Orchard Drive, Louisville, CO, 80027-3251, (303) 665-2731, fax: 303-665-2731, e-marl: rtseweLl@aoLcom SEXTON,John L. (M; 1971; ID# 11450), 1309 TangLewood Drive, Herrin, IL, 62948, (618) 4533351, fax: (618) 453-7393, e-mail: [email protected] SHAH, HareshC. (M; 1975; ID# 12204), RMS,Inc, 149 Commonwealth Drive, Menl,oPark,CA, 94025, (650) 723-4125, fax: (650) 725-8662, e-mail: [email protected] SHAKAL, Anthony F. (M; 1975; ID# 12368), California Div Mines & Geology,Strong Motion Office, MS 13-35, 801 K Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814-3500, (916)322-3105, fax: 916-323-7778, e-mail: [email protected] SHAPIRA,Avi (M; 1983; ID# 10394), Geophysical Institute of Israel, I Ha'MashbirStreet, PO Box 2286, Holon 58122, ISRAEL,(972)3-557-6052, fax: 972-3-550-2925, e-mail.: [email protected], SHAW, Bruce (M; 1995; ID# 14912), Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University, P.O.Box 1000, 61 Route9W, Palisades,NY, 10964, e-mail,: [email protected] 874-6848, fax: (401) 874-6811, e-mail: yang@isl, Kung Yuan Road, Taipei, TAIWAN ROC,fax: 886-2349-1178, e-mail: [email protected] SHEN, Zhengkang(M; 1998; ID# 16629), Univ of California Los Angeles,3806 Geology, 595 Circl,e Drive, Los Angeles,CA, 90095-1567, (310)8259084, fax: 310-825-2779, e-mail: [email protected] SHINOZAKI, Yuzo (M; 1987; ID# 12745), Kyoto University, Dept of Architecture, Kyoto 606-01, JAPAN, (81) 75-753-5728, fax: (81) 75-7535778, e-marl: [email protected] SHEPHARD,R. B. (M; 1963; ID# 12517), Opus IntL Consultants (Pub 0365), PO Box 12-004, WeLl,ington, NEWZEALAND, (64)4-471-7000, fax: 64-4-711-397 SHERBURNE, RogerW. (M; 1962; ID# 12369), 9624 SnowberryWay, Orangevale, CA, 95662, (916)322-9308, fax: 916-323-7778 SHERROD,Brian (M; 1999; ID# 17355), Universityof Washington, Dept of Geological Sciences, Box 351310, Seattle, WA, 98195, (206)543-1912, e-maih [email protected] SHI, ,linghua (S; 1995; ID# 16000), LamontDoherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University, Palisades, NY, 10964, (914)365-8460, fax: 914365-8150, e-mail: [email protected], SHIBA, Yoshiaki(M; 1996; ID# 16706), Central. ResearchInstitute of, El,ectric PowerIndustry, 1646 Abiko, Abiko City, Chiba 270-1194, JAPAN, (81)471-82-1181, fax: 81-471-84-2941, e-mail: [email protected] SHIBATA, Heki (M; 1972; ID# 10654), Yokohama NatL University,Mech Engr& MaterialSci Dept, Tokiwadai 156, Hodogaya-ku,Yokohama 240, JAPAN, (81)45-335-1451, fax: 81-45-331-6593 SHIBAZAKI, Bunichiro(M; 1999; ID# 17343), MassachusettsInst of Technology,Dept of Earth & PLanetarySciences,B[dg 5 Room 722, Cambridge, MA, 02139, (617)253-3391, e-malE [email protected] SHEA, GeraldJ. (M; 1991; ID# 11365), 5149 Eldridge Road, Terre Haute, IN, 47802-8597, (812)299-9170, e-mail: [email protected] SHIEH, Chiou-Fen(M; 1990; ID# 13931), Natt ChungChengUniversity,Inst of Seismology,ChiaYi, TAIWANROC,fax: 886-5-272-0807, e-mail: [email protected] SHEARER, Peter M. (M; 1982; ID# 11981), University of California, ScrippsInst of Oceanography,IGPP0225, La JoLla, CA, 920930225, (619) 534-2260, fax: (619) 534-5332, email,: [email protected] SHIELDS, Gordon(S; 1996; IO# 16476), Universityof NevadaReno, MackaySchool.of Mines, Seismological.Laboratory/174, Reno, NV, 89557, (775) 784-4263, fax: (775) 784-1766, email: [email protected] SHEDLOCK, Kaye M. (M; 1980; ID# 10930), US Geological Survey, DFCMS 966,Room 432, Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8571, fax: 303-273-8600, e-maih shedl,ock@gl, SHIFFLEI'r, HowardR. (M; 1980; ID# 12007), 6222 KimberLyDrive, Huntington Beach,CA, 92647, (323) 420-4448 SHEEHAN,Anne E (M; 1990; ID# 13690), University of Colorado, Dept of Geological Sciences, CampusBox 399, Boulder,CO, 80309, (303)492-4597, fax: (303) 492-2606, e-mail: afs@mant[ SHEN, Yang (M; 1995; ID# 16268), University of Rhode Island, GraduateSchool of Oceanography, 29 Fish Road, Narragansett, RI, 02882, (401) SHIMA, Etsuzo(M; 1954; ID# 10656), Chuo5-2112, Ota-Ku,Tokyo 143-0024, JAPAN, (81)3-37517797, e-mail: [email protected] SHIMAZAKI, Kunihiko (M; 1977; ID# 10657), Universityof Tokyo, Earthquake Research Institute, Yayoi1-1-1 Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0032, JAPAN, (81)3-3812-2111x5694, fax: 81-3-56897236, e-mail,:[email protected] SHIN, Tzay-Chyn(M; 1981; ID# 10155), Central Weather Bureau,SeismologicalObservCtr, 64, SHIRLEY,,lames H. (M; 1987; ID# 12976), PO Box 169, Canoga Park, CA, 91305, (818)888-7631, fax: 818-347-9226, e-mail: jshirley@jpl,uvs.j pL SHOJA-TAHERI, ,]afar (M; 1974; ID# 12673), Mashad University, School of Sciences, Mashad, IRAN, (98)51-39-728 SIBOL, Matthew (M; 1980; ID# 11231), ENSCO Inc, US NatL Data Center, 445 Pineda Court, Mel,bourne,FL, 32940, (407) 254-4122, fax: (407) 254-3293, e-mail: [email protected] SIBSON, Richard H. (M; 1982; ID# 12036), University of Otago, Geology Department, PO Box 56, Dunedin, NEWZEALAND,(64)03-479-7520, fax: 64-03-479-7527, e-mail: [email protected] SIEH, KerryE. (M; 1976; ID# 11920), Catif Inst of Technology,SeismologicalLab, MC252-21, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626)395-6115, 6811, fax: 626-564-0715, e-mail: [email protected], SILVA, Walter J., Jr. (M; 1980; ID# 12281), 311 Pomona Avenue, El, Cerrito, CA, 94530, (510)5282821, fax: 510-528-2135, e-maiL: [email protected] SILVER, Eli A. (M; 1971; ID# 12337), Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064-1077, (831) 459-2266, fax: (831) 459-3074, e-mail: silver@ SILVER, Paul G. (M; 1985; ID# 11146), Carnegie Inst of Washington, Dept of Terrestria[ Magnetism, 5241 Broad Branch Road NW, Washington, DC, 20015, (202)686-4386, fax: 202-364-8726, e-mail: [email protected] SIMA, Hiromu (M; 1963; ID# 10662), 2-12-29 Yoshida, Nagano-shi 381-0043, JAPAN, (81)26243-5368, fax: 81-26-243-5368 SIMILA, Gerald W. (M; 1973; ID# 11930), California State University, Department of Geology, Northridge, CA, 91330, (818)885-3541, e-maih [email protected] SIMMONS, Gene (M; 1962; ID# 10931), HagerRichter Geoscience Inc, 8 Industrial Way DIO, Salem, NH, 03079, (603)893-9944, fax: 603-8938313, e-mail: [email protected] SIMMONS, Nathan (S; 1999; ID# 17421), Texas Tech University, Dept of Geosciences, Lubbock, TX, 79409-1053, (806)742-3299, fax: 806-7420100, e-mail: absol,[email protected] SIMON, Ruth B., (M; 1957; ID# 12275), 3777 W 26th Avenue Apt 219, Denver, CO, 80211-4089, (303) 561-3352 Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October 1999 645 SIMPSON, David W. (M; 1976; ID# 11047), IRIS, 1200 New York AvenueNW, Ste 800, Washington, DE, 20005, (202) 682-2220, fax: 202-682-2444, e-maiL: [email protected] SMITH, ALbertT. (L; 1974; ID# 12246), Lawrence Livermore Lab, L-205, POBox 808, Livermore,CA, 94551-0808, (925)422-9739, fax: 925-423-4077, e-maiL: smithat@LLNLgov Koeniginstr 107, D-80791Muenchen,GERMANY, (49)89-3891-5294, fax: 49-89-3891-5696, emaiL: [email protected] SIMPSON, Robert W. (M; 1992; ID# 13416), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, 345 MiddtefieLdRoad MS 977, MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4865, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-maiL: [email protected] SMITH, ALex3. (S; 1999;ID# 17410), University of Victoria, 8852 LangaraPLace,SidneyBC, V8L 5E7, CANADA,(250)363-6404, fax: 250-3636565, e-maiL: [email protected] SNELSON,CatherineM. (S; 1996; ID# 16356), University of Texas, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, 500 University, ELPaso, TX, 79968-0555, (915) 747-5501, fax: (915) 747-5073, e-maiL: [email protected] SINES, CLinton D. (M; 1994; ID# 15824), PhaethonGeophysical Route 2, Box 293, Hayden Lake, ID, 83835, (208)752-1117, fax: 208-5561587, e-maiL: [email protected] SINGER, HarveyA. (M; 1998; ID# 17050), George Mason University, School of Management, Enterprise HaLLMS 5F4, Fairfax,VA, 22030-4444, (703)993-1798, fax: 703-993-1809, e-maiL: [email protected] SINGH, Jogeshwar P. (M; 1969; ID# 12320), 3 P Singh & Associates, 23 Red Arrow Court, EL Sobrante, CA, 94803, (510)669-1400, fax: 510222-3691, e-maiL:jpsassoc@aoLcom SIPKIN, Stuart A. (M; 1982; ID# 11676), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, DenverFederalCenter MS967, Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8415, fax: 303-273-8450, e-maiL: [email protected] SMITH, DougLasV. (M; 1978; ID# 11334), 3712 Wemb[ey Lane, Lexington, KY, 40515-1273, (606)272-8014 SMITH, Eric L. (M; 1995; ID# 16249), Snyder& Smith Associates, Inc., 15643 ShermanWay, Ste 410, Van Nuys, CA, 91406, (818)781-2695, fax: 818-781-6542 SMITH, EuanG. C. (M; 1991; ID# 15080), Inst of Geophysics, Res Schoolof Sciences,Victoria Universityof WeLLington,POBox 600, WeLLington, NEWZEALAND,(64)4-495-5233x8411,fax: 64-4495-5186, e-maiL: [email protected] SMITH, 3ay L. (M; 1971; ID# 11871), 7635 Meadow Court, SebastopoL,CA, 95472-3348, (707) 876-3227, fax: (707) 876-3547, e-maiL: [email protected] SMITH, Kenneth D. (M; 1985; ID# 11795), 145 Bisby Street, Reno, NV, 89512, (775) 786-0340 SIROVICH, Uvio (M; 1997; ID# 13886), Osservatorio GeofisicoSperimentaLe,POBox 2011 (Opicina), 34016 Trieste, ITALY,(39)40-2140249, fax: 39-40-327-307, e-maiL: [email protected] SMITH, Nancy F. (M; 1991; ID# 13286), URSGWC Federal Services, 566 ELDorado Street Suite 100, Pasadena, CA, 91101-2560, (626) 449-7650, fax: (626) 449-3536, e-maiL: Nancy [email protected] SKINNER, 3ames L. (M; 1991; ID# 15139), 2941 W. PaseoBonito, Tucson, AZ, 85746, (520)8837237, e-maiL: [email protected] SMITH, Richard K. (M; 1960; ID# 11955), 1570 ViLLaCrest Drive, ELCajon,CA, 92021-3625, (619) 442-6274, fax: (619)401-0359 SKIPP, Bryan (M; 1991; ID# 14775), Soil MechanicsAssociates, Hogwood Lane, Finchampstead, Wokingham, Woknghm Brks RG114QW,UK - ENGLAND,(44)118 932 8888, fax: 44-118 932 8383, e-maiL: soft [email protected] SMITH, Robert B. (M; 1967; ID# 11739), University of Utah, Deptof Geophysics,SaLtLake City, UT, 84112, (801)581-7129, fax: 801-5817065, e-maiL: [email protected] SKOV,MichaelO. (M; 1997; ID# 16889), Centerfor Monitoring Research/SAIC,1300 N 17th Street, Ste 1450, Arlington, VA, 22209, (703)276-7900, fax: 703-243-8950, e-maiL: [email protected] SLACK, Philip (M; 1996; ID# 16369), PO Box 949, Botinas, CA, 94924, (415)453-8157, e-maiL: [email protected] SLEMMONS, David B., (M; 1956; ID# 11797), PO Box 81050, Las Vegas, NV, 89180, (702)3634847, fax: 702-363-6555, e-maiL: bsLemmons@aoLcom SLOSSON,James E. (M; 1972; ID# 11939), S[osson & Associates, 15500 Erwin Street Ste 1123, Van Nuys, CA, 91411, (818)376-6540, fax: 818-376-6543, e-maiL: sLidings@aoLcom SMALLEY,Robert, 3r. (M; 1983; ID# 11097), CERI, University of Memphis, CampusBox 526590, Memphis, TN, 38152-6590, (901) 678-4929, fax: (901) 678-4734, e-maiL: smaL[ey@ceri, 646 SMITH,Steven W. (M; 1992;ID# 15454), ARII, PC) Box 260888, PLano,TX, 75026-0888, (62-21)5236137, fax: 62-21-523-6017, e-mail: [email protected] SMITH, Stewart W., (M; 1961; ID# 11210), 11855 HoLmes Point Road, Kirk[and, WA, 98034, (206)B23-1893, fax: 206-823-1893, e-maiL: [email protected] SMITH, ThomasA. (M; 1977; ID# 11591), 1044 Teresa Drive, Houston,TX, 77055, (713) 4646188, fax: (713) 464-6440, e-maiL: [email protected] SMITH, Warwick D. (M; 1971; ID# 10757), Inst GeoLogicaL& NucLearScience, PO Box 30-368, Lower Hutt, NEWZEALAND,(64)4-570-4758, fax: 64-4-570-4600, e-maiL: [email protected] SMITHSON, Scott B. (M; 1992; ID# 13839), University of Wyoming, Dept of GeoLogy,Laramie, WY, 82071, (307)766-5280 SNOKE,J. Arthur (M; 1975; ID# 11232), Virginia Tech, Dept of GeoLogicSciences,4044 Derring Hat[, BLacksburg,VA, 24061-0420, (540)2316028, fax: 540-231-3386, e-maiL: [email protected] SNOWl)EN, Conor (S; 1997; ID# 17021), University of Edinburgh, Dept of GeoLogy& Geophysics, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EHg 33W, UK-SCOTLAND,(44)131-650-5917, e-maiL: [email protected] SNYDER, David L. (M; 1995; ID# 15997), Rogers/ Pacific, 15643 Sherman Way, Suite 410, Van Nuys, CA, 91406, (818) 781-2695, fax: (818) 781-6542, e-maiL: [email protected] SOBEL, PhyLLis(M; 1973; ID# 11212), 6528 North 26th Road, ArLington, VA, 22213, (301) 4156714, e-mail.: [email protected] SOBIE, MiLtonA. (M; 1970; ID# 11409), Sobie & Associates Inc, 1200 Pratt Avenue, ELkGrove ViLLage,IL, 60007, (847)437-7333, fax: 847-6406428 SODDU, PierLuigi (M; 1990; ID# 13736), Largo V Bacigalvpo 33/D, 00142 Roma, ITALY, (39)6-4466878, fax: 39-6-646-5979 SOLARINO, Stefano (S; 1996; ID# 16410), Univ Degti Studi Di 6enova, Dipt Scienze DeLLaTerra, ViaLe Benedetto XV 5, 16132 Genova, ITALY, (39)10-353-8086, fax: 39-10-353-8081, e-maiL: peter@dister, SOLOMON, Ernest (M; 1977; ID# 12055), 27500 Etena Road, Los ALtos, CA, 94022, (650) 9483528, e-maiL: [email protected] SOLOMON, Sean C. (M; 1969; ID# 10932), Carnegie Inst of Washington, Dept of Terrestrial Magnetism, 5241 Broad Branch Road NW, Washington, DC, 20015, (202)686-4444, fax: 202-364-8726, e-maiL: [email protected] SOMERVILLE, PauLG. (M; 1977; ID# 11878), URSGWCFederalServices, 566 ELDorado Street, Suite 100, Pasadena,CA, 91101-2560, (626) 4497650, fax: (626) 449-3536, e-maiL: Pau[[email protected] SONG, ~i-Seok (S; 1997; ID# 16898), 425-180 Taeyoung Apt 202-305, Bono-dong, Ahnsan-shi, Kyounggi-do, SOUTH KOREA,(82)345-407-4259, fax: 82-345-400-5830 SONG, Seok Goo (S; 1999; ID# 17433), SeouL National University, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, SeouL 151-742, SOUTH KOREA,(82)2-880-8172, fax: 82-2-886-0543, e-maiL: [email protected] SONG, Xiaodong (S; 1991; ID# 14007), LamontSMOLKA, Ansetm (M; 1991; ID# 15235), Doherty Earth Observatory, CoLumbia University, Muenchener Rueckversicherungs,Geseltschaft, Seismological Research Letters Volume 70, Number 5 September/October1999 Seismology, Palisades, NY, 10964, e-mail: [email protected] Box 25046, Denver, CO, 80225, (303) 273-8620, fax: (303) 273-8600, e-mail: [email protected] SORNETrE,Didier (M; 1996; ID# 16730), Univ of California Los Angeles, Inst of Geophysics& PLanetaryPhysics, Box 95-1567, Los Angeles,CA, 90095-1567, (310)825-2863, fax: 310-206-3051, e-mail: [email protected][ STAUDER,William U. (H; 1955; ID# 11456), 3601 Linde|L, St. Louis, MO, 63108, (314) 977-3078, fax: (314) 977-3079, e-mail: [email protected] SOROKA,William L. (M; 1995; ID# 16260), 16218 Indian Point Drive, Madisonvitte,LA, 70447-9652, (504)566-5942, fax: 504-566-5399, e-mail: [email protected] SORRELLS,Gordon G. (M; 1994; ID# 15898), Seismic Diagnostics, Inc., 2714 CountryCLub Parkway, Garland, TX, 75043, (972) 278-6601, fax: (972) 278-6601, e-mail: [email protected] SOUKUP, DarinJ. (S; 1999; ID# 17352), Univ of Washington, GeophysicsProgram, Seattle, WA, 98195-1650, (206)685-9188, fax: 206-685-4404, e-mail: [email protected] SPEIDEL, David H. (M; 1996; ID# 16421), Queens College, Dept of Geology, 65-30 Kissena Btvd, FLushing,NY, 11367-1597, (718)997-3323, fax: 718-997-3299, e-mail: [email protected] SPENCE,William J. (M; 1963; ID# 11677), US GeologicalSurvey, National EarthquakeInfor Ctr, PO Box 25046, MS 967, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8417, fax: 303-273-8450, e-mail: [email protected] SPILIOPOULOS,Spiro (M; 1992; ID# 15470), Australian SeismologicalCtr, GPO Box 378, Canberra 2601, AUSTRALIA,(61)6-249-9494, fax: 61-6-249-9769, e-mail: [email protected] SPRANGER,Michael (M; 1995; ID# 16082), Guntherstrasse44, 50996 Cologne, GERMANY, (49) 221-973-8913, fax: (49) 221-973-8593, email: [email protected] SPRINGER, Donald L. (M; 1967; ID# 12247), Lawrence Livermore Lab, PO Box 808, Uvermore, CA, 94550, (925) 422-3520, fax: (925) 423-4077, e-mail: [email protected] SPUDICH, Paul (M; 1977; ID# 12120), US GeologicalSurvey, MS 977,345 MiddtefieLdRoad, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-5654, fax: (650) 329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] SPURR, David D. (M; 1995; ID# 16336), 16 Box Hill, KhandaLLah,Wellington 6004, NEWZEALAND, (64)4-479-2690, fax: 64-4.-479-8090, e-mail: [email protected] SPYKERMAN,MarkS. (M; 1997; ID# 16935), 1024 W AvenueM4, PaLmdaLe,CA, 93551, (661) 9487538, fax: (661) 948-7963, e-mail: [email protected] STACY,Stephen M. (S; 1998; ID# 17257), 3602 Thornhi[[ Circle West, Lafayette, IN, 47905, (765)471-0274, e-mail: [email protected] STANLEY,William D. (M; 1996; ID# 14089), US Geological Survey, Denver FederalCenter MS 966, STAVRAKAKIS,George, PhD (M; 1991; ID# 14110), Kitheronos Str 38, 15234 XaLandri, Athens, GREECE,(30)1-342-6005, fax: (30)1-3426005 STEAD, Richard,l. (M; 1985; ID# 11921), Center for SeismicStudies, 1300 N. 17th Street, Ste 1450, Arlington, VA, 22209-3871, (703)2767900, fax: 703-243-8950, e-mail: [email protected] STECK,Lee K. (M; 1986; ID# 12037), Los ALamos Nat[ Lab, EES-3-MSC335, Los ALamos,NM, 87545, (505)665-3528, fax: 505-667-8489, e-mail: [email protected] Studies, 345 MiddLefieldRoad, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4752, fax: (425) 329-5143, email: [email protected] STEPHENSON,William 3. (M; 1998; ID# 17142), US GeologicalSurvey, HazardsTeam, MS966 DFC, Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8573, email: [email protected] STEPP,J. Carl (M; 1961; ID# 12193), Earthquake Hazards Solutions, 5879 ChimneyValley Road, HC 4 Box 151, BLanco,TX, 78606, (830)833-5446, fax: 830-833-5724, e-mail: [email protected] STEVENS,Jeffry L. (M; 1979; ID# 11962), Maxwell Technologies, 8888 Balboa Avenue,San Diego, CA, 92123-1506, (619)576-7749, fax: 619-6377411, e-mail: [email protected] STEVENSON,DonaldA. (M; 1975; ID# 11496), WSRC, BLdg735 11A, Box 616, Aiken, SC, 29802, (803) 725-3568, e-mail: [email protected] STEELE,William P. (M; 1999; ID# 17402), University of Washington, GeophysicsProgram, Seattle, WA, 98195-1650, (206)685-5880, fax: 206-543-0489, e-mail: [email protected] STEWART,GordonS. (M; 1979; ID# 11883), Pacific GeophysicsInc, 170 South ChesterAvenue Ste 20, Pasadena,CA, 91106, (626) 796-6836 STEEPLES,Don W. (M; 1975; ID# 11482), 2913 WestdaLe Road, Lawrence, KS, 66049, (913) 8643965, fax: (913) 864-5276, e-mail: [email protected] STEWART,Iain (M; 1996; ID# 16709), BruneL University, Dept of Geography& Earth Sciences, Borough Road,IsLeworthTW7 5DU, UK-ENGLAND, (44)181-891-8235, fax: 44-181-891-8237, email: [email protected] STEFANSSON,Ragnar(M; 1991; ID# 10353), Icelandic MeteorologicalOffice, Geophysical. Division, Reykjavik, ICELAND,(354) 1-600-600, fax: (354) 1-128-121, e-mail: [email protected] STEWART,Ian C. (M; 1972; ID# 15711), 44 Harrow Road, CollegePark SA 5069, AUSTRALIA,(61)88363-3635, fax: 61-8-8363-3635 STEIDL,3amison H. (M; 1991; ID# 13973), University of California, Institute for Crustal Studies, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, (805)8934905, fax: 805-893-8649, e-mail: [email protected] STEWART,Jonathan (M; 1995; ID# 15985), Civil & EnvironmentalEngr Dept, 5731-H Boetter Hall, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 900951593, (310)206-2990, fax: 310-206-2222, e-mail: [email protected] STEIM,,loseph (M; 1991; ID# 15226), Quanterra, Inc, 325 Ayer Road, Harvard, HA, 01451, (978) 772-4774, fax: (978) 772-4645, e-mail: [email protected] STICKNEY, Michael(M; 1977; ID# 11405), Montana Bureau Mines & Geology, MontanaTech of Univ of Montana, 1300 W. Park St., Butte, MT, 59701, (406)496-4332, fax: 406-496-4451, email: [email protected] STEIN, Seth (M; 1976; ID# 11423), Northwestern University, Dept of GeologicalSciences, 1847 Sheridan, Evanston,IL, 60208, (847)491-5265, fax: 847-491-8060, e-mail: [email protected] STIDHAM,Christiane(S; 1999; ID# 17341), 2817 Regent Street Apt B, Berkeley, CA, 94705, (510)644-1076, e-mail: stid [email protected] STEINBRUGGE,Karl V., (HONSP;1949; ID# 12227), 800 BLossomHills Road, L-336, Los Gatos, CA, 95032 STIERMAN, DonaldJ. (M; 1973; ID# 11339), University of Toledo, Department of Geology, 2801 West Bancroft, Toledo, OH, 43606, (419) 530-2860, fax: (419) 530-4421, e-mail: [email protected] STEINER, EdwardA. (M; 1979; ID# 12021), 28 Tennessee,Irvine, CA, 92606, (949) 250-1421, fax: (949) 250-1114 STENNER, Heidi (M; 1998; ID# 17141), US Geological Survey, 345 MiddlefieLdRoad, MS 977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-4801, fax: 650329-5163, e-mail: [email protected] STIMPSON,lan G. (M; 1985; ID# 10873), University of KeeLe,Dept of Earth Sciences, Keele Sffdsh ST55BG,UK-ENGLAND,(44)1782-583-182, fax: 44-1782-715-261, e-mail: [email protected] STEPHEN,RalphA. (M; 1983; ID# 10955), Woods Hole OceanographicInst, WoodsHole, MA, 02543, (508)289-2583, e-mail: [email protected] STIRLING, Mark W. (S; 1994; ID# 15825), Inst of Geological & Nuclear Science, Box 30-368, Lower Hurt, NEW ZEALAND,(64)4-570-4794, fax: 64-4570-1440, e-mail: [email protected] STEPHENS,Christopher(M; 1973; ID# 12121), US GeologicalSurvey,MS 977, Office of Earthquake STOKOE,Kenneth H. (M; 1976; ID# 11623), University of Texas,Dept of Civil Engineering, Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 647 Austin, TX, 78712, (512) 471-4929, fax: (512) 471-6548, e-mail: [email protected] 217-7867, fax: 81-22-217-7869, e-mail: [email protected] STONEY,Gary E(M; 1973; ID# 12012), 27391 Via Caudaloso, MissionViejo, CA, 92692, (949) 3804886, fax: (949) 455-9371 SUGITO,Masata (M; 1980; ID# 10664), Dept of Civil Engineering,Gifu University,Yanagido1-1, Gifu 501-11, JAPAN,(81)58-293-2420, fax: 8158-230-1891, e-maiL:[email protected] STRAEDE,Robert W. (M; 1982; ID# 11926), Seismic Alert, 23300 CLarendonStreet, WoodLand HiLls, CA, 91367, (818)340-5836 STRAND, Carl L. (M; 1997; ID# 16945), 1436 S. BentLeyAvenueApt 6, Los AngeLes,CA, 90025, (800)-978-7263, fax: 310-473-1366, e-mail: strandeart@aoLcom STRAUCN,WiLfried (M; 1993; ID# 15765), Apdo 5930, Managua,NICARAGUA,(505)-2-492 761, fax: 505-2-496-987, e-maih [email protected] STREAN, BeMrdM., Jr. (M; 1970; ID# 11166), 3515 PineTree Drive, Port Republic, MD, 20676, (301) 899-7598 STREET,MLd L. (M; 1982; ID# 11331), 47 Woodbriar Court, Nicholasville, KY, 40356, (606)257-4777 STREHLAU,Jurgen (S; 1976; ID# 10327), Christian-Albrechts University,Institute Fur Geowisswnschafter, D-24098 Kie[, GERMANY, (49)431-880-3905, fax: 49-431-880-4432, emaiL: [email protected] STRUTNERS,James R. (M; 1998; ID# 17267), 124 NE 5th Avenue, Canby, OR, 97013, (503)2637762, e-maih [email protected] STUDENT, Heather(M; 1996; ID# 16464), ENSCO Inc, 445 PinedaCourt, MeLbourne,FL, 32940, (407)254-4122, fax: 407-254-3293, e-maiL: [email protected] STUMP, Brian W. (M; 1976; ID# 11544), 1605 Pembroke Lane, McKinney,TX, 75070, fax: (214) 768-2701, e-mail: [email protected] SU, GuangWoei (M; 1993; ID# 15749), 34 ChungChie Rd., ShaLu,Taichung433, TAIWANROC,(8864)631 8652X502, fax: (886-4)631 9175, e-maih [email protected] SU, S.J., Sergio S. (M; 1960; ID# 12379), ManiLa Observatory, PO Box 122, UP Post Office, 1101 Quezon City, PHILIPPINES,(63)2-999-417, emaiL: [email protected] SUAREZ,Gerardo(M; 1991; ID# 15096), InteMtiona[ Monitoring System, Vienna InteMtional Centre, PO Box 1250, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA, (43)1-26030-6153, fax: 43-1-2134676153, e-maih [email protected] TAJIMA, Fumiko(M; 1983; ID# 11631), Berkeley SeismologicalLaboratory, Universityof CaLifornia, 475 McConeHAL[,BerkeLey,CA, 94720-4760, (510)642-1844, fax: 510-643-5811 SUNADOLC, Peter (M; 1991; ID# 15172), Univ Degti Studi Di Trieste, Dept of Earth Sciences,Via Weiss 1, I 34127 Trieste, ITALY,(39)040-6762122, fax: 39-040-676-2111, e-maiL: [email protected] TA,IIMI, Hiroshi (M; 1991; ID# 15133), 1-9-14 Hamada-Yama, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-0065, JAPAN, (81) 3-3306-3835 SURINAClI, Emma (M; 1991; ID# 15208), Univ of Barcelona, Dept GDGPFaco[ta GeoLogia,C/Marti Franques, S/n, 08028 BarceLona,SPAIN, (34)3402-1386, fax: 34-3-402-1340, e-maiL: [email protected] TAKAI, Nobuo(M; 1997; ID# 17011), Hokkaido University, Architectural Engr Dept, N13 W8 Kitaku, Sapporo Hokkaido 060, JAPAN,(81) 11-7066253, fax: (81) 11-706-7839, e-maih [email protected] SUZUKI, Sadaomi (M; 1989; ID# 13727), Kyushu University, Fac of Science-Hakozaki, Earth & PlanetaryScience Div, Fukuoka812-8581, JAPAN, (81)92-642-2678, fax: 81-92-642-2685, e-maih [email protected] TAKANAMI,Tetsuo(M; 1996; ID# 14150), Hokkaido University, Res Centerfor Earthquake Prediction, Fac of Science, NIO W8 Kita Ku, Sapporo 060, JAPAN, (81)11-708-2642, fax: 8111-746-7404, e-maih [email protected] SWAIN, RobertJ., (M; 1962; ID# 11889), 16271 Typhoon Lane, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649, (714) 846-5578, fax: (714) 846-5668, e-mail: bobandmarj@aoLcom TAKANO, Kiyoshi (M; 1996; ID# 16463), Earthquake ResearchInstitute, University of Tokyo, Yayoi 1-1-1 Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-3814-5507, fax: 81-3-3814-5507, e-mail: takano@eri, SWAN, FrankH. (M; 1992; ID# 15482), 240 LaidLeyStreet, San Francisco,CA, 94131, (415)434-9400, fax: 415-434-1365, e-maih [email protected] SWANSON, Peter L. (M; 1999; ID# 17424), NIOSH/SpokaneResearchLab,315 E Montgomery Avenue, Spokane, WA, 99207, (509)354-8072, fax: 509-354-8099, e-maiL: [email protected] SWENSON,JenniferL. (S; 1994; ID# 15940), 17106 West40th Avenue,Lynnwood,WA, 980377015, e-maiL: [email protected] SYDNOR, RobertH. (L; 1982; ID# 12221), California Div Mines & GeoLogy,4930 Huntridge Lane, FairOaks, CA, 95028-4823, (916)323-4399, fax: 916-445-3334, e-maiL: RHSydnor@aoLcom SYKES,Lynn R., (HONE;1961; ID# 11048), Lamont Doherty EarthObservatory, POBox 1000, 61 Route 9W, Palisades,NY, 10964, (914)3658880, fax: 914-365-8150, e-maih [email protected] SYLVESTER,Arthur G. (M; 1969; ID# 12038), Dept of GeoLogicaLScience, Universityof California, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, (805)961-3156, fax: 805-893-2314, e-maiL: [email protected] SYMONS,NelL[(M; 1995; ID# 15967), Sandia National Lab, SeismoLogy,POBox 5800, MS0750, Albuquerque, NM, 87185-0750, (505)844-5782, fax: 505-844-7354, e-maiL: [email protected] SUCUOGLU, Haluk (M; 1996; ID# 16453), MiddLe East TechnicalUniversity, Dept of Civil Engineering, Earthquake EngineeringResearch Center, 06531 Ankara, TURKEY,(90)4-210-1000 x2401, fax: 90-4-210-1262, e-maih [email protected] T SUGIMURA,Yoshihiro (M; 1996; ID# 16407), Tohoku University, FacuLtyof Engineering,Aoba Aramaki 06, Sendal 980-8579, JAPAN, (81)22- TABER, Harmon R. (M; 1967; ID# 12359), Taber Consultants, 3911 W Capitol Avenue,West Sacramento, CA, 95691-2116, (916)371-1690 648 TABER,J. John (M; 1984; ID# 11049), Institute of Geophysics,Victoria University, PO Box 600, WelLington, NEWZEALAND,(64)4-472-1000, fax: 64-4-495-5186, e-maiL:[email protected] TAKAYAMA,Mineo (M; 1991; ID# 15184), 8-19-1 Nanakuma, FukuokaUniv,Jonan-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka814-0180, JAPAN,(81)92-871-6631,fax: (81)92-8643655, e-mail: [email protected] TAKEMURA,Masayuki(M; 1988; ID# 13155), 3550oya-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192, JAPAN, (81)3-5561-2438, fax: 81-3-5561-2431, e-mail: [email protected] TAKENAKA,Hiroshi (M; 1995; ID# 16216), Kyushu University, Dept of Earth & Planetary Science, Hakozaki 6-10-1, Fukuoka812-81, JAPAN, (81)92-642-2679, fax: 81-92-642-2685, e-maiL: [email protected] TAKEO,Minoru(M; 1983; ID# 10667), Earthquake ResearchInstitute, The Universityof Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi Bunkyo, Tokyo 113, JAPAN,(81)3-38122111x5707, fax: 81-3-3816-1159, e-maih [email protected] TAKESIII,Ohnishi (M; 1995; ID# 10490), Hanshin Consultant Company,Showa-BLdg2-5-24, Nishihonmachi, Nishiku, Osaka 550, JAPAN, (81)6-543-0204, fax: 81-6-543-0253 TAKIZAWA, Haruo (M; 1975; ID# 10668), Hokkaido University,Facultyof Engineering,N-13 W-8 Kita-Ku,Sapporo Hokkaido060-8628, JAPAN, (81) 11-706-6231, fax: (81) 11-706-7124,e-maiL: [email protected] TALWANI, Pradeep (M; 1974; ID# 11252), University of South Carolina, Dept of GeoL Sciences EWSC-517,701 Sumter Street, CoEumbia, SC, 29208, (803)777-6449, fax: 803-777-6610, email: [email protected] SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/0ctober1999 TAN, Pha[kun (M; 1997; ID# 16846), 2105 S Waver~ Drive, Anaheim, CA, 92802, (714)8356886, fax: 714-667-7147 TANAKA,Ai'ichiro (M; 1987; ID# 13000), Kumamoto Inst of Technology, Dept of Structural Engineering,Ikeda 4-22-1, Kumamoto 860-0082, JAPAN, (81)96-326-3111, fax: 81-96-326-3000 TANAKA, Kazuo (M; 1977; ID# 10669), Dept of Earth Science, Hirosaki University, Bunkyo-Cho3 Hirosaki, Aomori 036, JAPAN, (81)0172-39-3608 x4215, fax: 81-0172-33-6000, e-maih [email protected] TANAKA,Satoru (M; 1996; ID# 16746), Tohoku UniversityGraduateSchool of Science, Obs Ctr Prediction Earthquakes& Volcano, Aramaki-AzaAoba, Aoba-ku, Sendal980-8578, JAPAN, (81)22225-1950, fax: 81-22-264-3292, e-maih [email protected] TANAKA,Torao (M; 1974; ID# 10670), Disaster Prevention Res Inst, Kyoto University, Gokasho Uji, Kyoto-fu 611, JAPAN, (81)774-38-4225, fax: 81-774-38-4239, e-maih [email protected] TANIGUCHI, Keisuke (M; 1991; IO# 13503), Kyoto Universityof Education, 1 Fukakusa-Fujinomoricho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto 612, JAPAN, (81)75-6448272, fax: (81)75-645-1734, e-maih taniguti@wsm[.kyokyo-u.acjp TANIOKA,Yuichiro (M; 1997; ID# 16842), MeteoroLogicaLResearchInstitute, 1-1 Nagamine Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN, (81)298-53-8677, fax: 81-298-51-3730, e-maih [email protected] TANNER,William E (M; 1957; ID# 11271), Florida State University,GeoLogyDept, Mail Code4100, TaLlahassee,FL, 32306-4100, (850) 644-3208, email: [email protected] TARR, Arthur C. (M; 1968; ID# 11680), US Geologica[Survey,DenverFede~[CenterMS966, Box 25046, Denve~CO, 80225, (303)273-8570, fax: 303-273-8600 TARVAINEN, Matti J. (M; 1991; ID# 13957), Suonotkontie 6C 26, SF-O0630Helsinki, FINLAND, (358)0-191-7263, fax: 358-0-191-7288, e-marl: tarva@seismo, TASSOULAS, John L. (M; 1998; ID# 17251), Universityof Texas, Dept of Civil Engineering, Austin, TX, 78712-1076, (512) 471-4553, e-mail: [email protected] TATHAM,Robert H. (M; 1972;ID# 11592),Texaco Inc, PO Box 770070, Houston, TX, 77215-0070, (713)954-6027, fax: 713-954-6113, e-maih [email protected] TAYLOR,Craig E. (M; 1988; ID# 13052), Natural Hazard Management, 5402 Via De[ Va[le, Torrance, CA, 90505, (310)791-0043, fax: 310-791-6684 TAYLOR,Jess (M; 1994; ID# 15854), 10 Rivoli Street, San Francisco,CA, 94117, (415)989-2000, fax: 415-495-7700 x139, e-maih [email protected] TAYLOR,Steven R. (M; 1976; ID# 12248), Los Alamos Natl Lab MSC335, PO Box 1663, Los Alamos, NM, 87545, (505) 667-1007, e-maih [email protected] TEMPLETON,Mary E. (M; 1985; ID# 12307), New MexicoTechnicalInstitute, IRIS Passcal InstrumentCenter,801 Leroy Place,Soccoro, NM, 87801, (505)835-5073, e-maih [email protected] TENG, Ta-l_iang(M; 1965; ID# 11809), University of SouthernCalifornia, Deptof EarthSciences,Los Angeles, CA, 90089-0740, (213)740-5838, fax: 213-740-0011, e-maiL: [[email protected] TEPEL, Robert E. (M; 1994; ID# 15848), Santa Clara ValLeyWater District, 5750 Almaden Expressway,San Jose, CA, 95118-3686, (408) 927-0710, fax: (408) 997-6932, e-maih bobtepeL@pacbel[,net THATCHER,Wayne (M; 1999; ID# 17434), US GeologicaLSurvey,345 Middlefield Road, MS977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-4810, fax: 650329-5163, e-maih [email protected] THENHAUS, Paul C. (M; 1980; ID# 11681), 2805 W Oak[ands Drive, Sedalia, s 80135, (303)6742990, fax: 303-674-8183, e-mail: 8then [email protected] THEODULIDIS, Nikos (M; 1986; ID# 12586), Inst of EngrSeismology& Eq Engr, PO Box 53, GR55102 Finikas,ThessaLoniki,GREECE,(30) 31476-081 x4, fax: (30) 31-476-085, e-mail: [email protected] THIEL, CharLesC., Jr. (M; 1972; ID# 12277), 365 San CarlosAvenue, Piedmont, CA, 94611, (510)652-8785, Fax: 510-601-1321 TRIO, Hong Kie (M; 1995; ID# 16212), URSGWC FederalServices, 566 ELDoradoStreet Ste I00, Pasadena,CA, 91101-2560, (626) 449-7650, fax: (626) 449-3536, e-maiL: [email protected] THOMAS,George(M; 1994; ID# 15942), NOAA/ PMEL,Bin C15700, Bldg 3, 7600 NESand Point Way, Seattle, WA, 98115-0070, (206)526-4422, fax: 206-526-6744, e-maih [email protected] THOMAS,Robert P. (M; 1948; ID# 11239), Guilford College, Library, 5800 West Friendly Avenue,Greensboro, NC, 27410 THOMPSON,GeorgeA. (M; 1955; ID# 12206), GeophysicsDept, MC 2215, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 94305-2215, (650) 723-3714, fax: (650) 725-7344, e-mail: [email protected] THOMSON,ColinJ. (M; 1985; ID# 10123), Deptof GeologicalSciences,QueensUniversity, Kingston ON, K7L 3N6, CANADA,(613)545-2597, fax: 613545-6592, e-maih [email protected] THRAINSSON,Hjortur (S; 1991; ID# 15197), Stanford University,J.A. Blume Earthquake Engr Center, Dept of Civil Engineering,Stanford, CA, 94305-4020, (650)723-1009, fax: 650-725-9755, e-maiL: [email protected] THURBER, Clifford H. (M; 1983; ID# 11060), University of Wisconsin, Dept of GeoLogy& Geophysics, 1215 West Dayton Street, Madison, Wl, 53706, (608)262-6027, fax: 608-262-0693, e-maiL: [email protected] TIAMPO, Kristy (S; 1995; ID# 16112), 3142 5th Street, BouLder,CO,80304-2504, (303)545-0098, e-maih [email protected] TIBULEAC, I[eana M. (S; 1995; ID# 16272), Southern Methodist University,Deptof Geological Sciences, Dallas, TX, 75205-0395, (214) 7681659, e-maiL: [email protected] TIE, An (M; 1995; ID# 16244), 3003 Kammeyer Lane, Chamblee, GA, 30341, (770)421-3397, fax: 770-421-3486, e-maih [email protected] TIFFT, Robert W. (M; 1978; ID# 11501), 13027 Astalot Drive, HuntsviLLe,AL, 35803, (256) 9558609, e-mail: [email protected] TILMANN, Frederik (S; 1996; ID# 16624), Univ of Cambridge, BuUard Labs Dept of Earth Sciences, Madingley Rise, CambridgeCB30EZ, UKENGLAND,(44)122-333-7182, fax: 44-122-3360779, e-maih [email protected] TINKER, Mark (M; 1995; ID# 16012), 116 Tequesta Harbor Drive, Merritt Island, FL, 32952, (407)868-0288, fax: 407-868-0303, e-mail: [email protected] TOADER, Vlad (S; 1997; ID# 16913), 1624 Lakewood Avenue, Lakewood,OH, 44107, (216) 226-8526, e-marl: [email protected] TODA, Shinji (M; 1996; ID# 16644), Central Research Institute, Electric PowerIndustry, 1646 Abiko, Abiko-shi, Chiba-ken 270-11, JAPAN, (81)471-82-1181, fax: 81-471-83-3182, e-maiL: [email protected] TODOROVSKA, Marija I. (M; 1988; ID# 13140), Univ of Southern CaLifornia,CiviLEngr Dept KAP 216A, 3620 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90089-2531, (213)740-0601, fax: 213-744-1426, e-maiL: [email protected] TOKIMATSU, Kohji (M; 1994; ID# 15887), Tokyo Inst of Technology,2-12-10-okayama, Meguroku, Tokyo 152, JAPAN, (81)3-5734-3160, fax: 813-5734-2925, e-maiL: [email protected] TOKSOZ, M. Nail (M; 1987; ID# 12987), MassInst of Technology, Earth Resources Lab E34-440, 42 Carlton Street, Cambridge, MA, 02139, (617) 2537852, fax: (617) 253-6385, e-mail: [email protected] TOLIS, Stavros V. (M; 1999; ID# 17367), EDAFOS Ltd, Yperidoy9, 10558 Athens, GREECE,(30) 1322-252, fax: 30-1-324-1607, e-maiL: [email protected] TONOUCHI, Keiji (M; 1977; ID# 10680), Oyo Corporporation, 4-2-6 Kudan-Kita,Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, JAPAN, (81)3-3234-0811, fax: 81-33262-5169, e-maiL: [email protected] TOPPOZADA, ToussonR. (M; 1974; ID# 12370), Ca[if Division Mines & Geology,801 K Street, MS Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 649 12-31, Sacramento, CA, 95814-3531, (916)3229309, fax: 916-445-3334, e-maiL: [email protected] TOPRAK,Se[cuk (S; 1996; ID# 16585), US GeoLogicaLSurvey MS 977, 345 Midd[efie[d Road, MenLo Park, CA, 94025-3561 TORKAMANI,Morteza A. (M; 1986; ID# 11109), University of Pittsburgh, 949 Benedam HALL, Pittsburgh, PA, 15261, (412)624-9881, fax: 412- 624-0135, e-mail: [email protected] TORO,Gabriel R., (M; 1991; ID# 12734), Risk EngineeringInc, 4155 Dar|eyAvenueSuite A, BouLder, CO, 80303, (303)499-3000, fax: 303499-4850, e-maiL: [email protected] TOSHINAWA,Takumi (M; 1988; ID# 13129), Tokyo Inst of Technology,Dept of BuiLdingEnvironment, 4259 Nagatsuta Machi Midod-ku, Yokohama-shi 226-8502, JAPAN, (81)45-924-5607, fax: 81-45924-5601, e-maiL: [email protected] TOSIC, MiLanB. (M; 1975; ID# 10882), 27 Marta No 50/III, 11000 BeLgrade,SERBIA,e-maiL: [email protected] TRANFAGLIA,Giuseppe (M; 1989; ID# 13643), Via Pietro deL Pezzo, 54/C (ScaLa B), 84100 SaLerno,ITALY,(39) 81-551-7766, fax: (39) 81552-7294, e-maiL: [email protected] TREIMAN,Jerome A. (M; 1988; ID# 13173), CaLifornia Div Mines & Geo!.ogy, 107 S Broadway Room 1065, Los AngeLes,CA, 90012, (213)6203560, e-maiL:[email protected] TREML, MarkusW. (S; 1999; ID# 17465), University of KarLsruhe,GeophysicalInstitute, Hertzstrabe 16 Bau 42, 76187 Karlsruhe, GERMANY,(44)721-608-4437, fax: (49-721-60871173, e-maiL: [email protected] TRIEP, Endque (M; 1991; ID# 15523), CasiLLa DeCorreo No 42, 5400 San Juan, ARGENTINA, (54)264-421-1700x428, fax: 54-264-4200-2989, e-maiL: [email protected] TRIFU, Cezar-Ioan (M; 1997; ID# 16664), EngineeringSeismoLogyGroup Canada, 1 Hyperion Court, Kingston, ON, K7K 7G3,CANADA, (613)548-8287x24, fax: 613-548-8917, e-maiL: [email protected] TRIFUNAC,MihaiLoD. (M; 1970; ID# 11853), Univ of Southern CaLifornia, Dept of Civil Engineering, KAP216D MC2531, Los AngeLes,CA, 90089-2531, (213) 740-0570, fax: (213) 744-1426, e-maiL: [email protected] TROOST,Kathy Goetz (S; 1999; ID# 17361), University of Washington, Dept of GeoLogicaL Sciences, Box 351310, SeattLe, WA, 98195, (206)616-9769, fax: 206-543-3836, e-maiL: [email protected] TSAI, Chu-ChuanP. (M; 1991; ID# 15231), POBox 1-55, Nankang,Taipei 115, TAIWANROC,(886)2783-9910X316, fax: 886-2-783-9871, e-maiL: [email protected] TSAI, Yi-Ben (M; 1968; ID# 12346), 481 Patrick Way, Los ALtos, CA, 94022, (650)917-8802, fax: 650-917-8738, e-maiE [email protected] TUII'LE, Martitia P. (M; 1987; ID# 12650), University of MaryLand,GeoLogyDept, CoLLege Park, MD, 20742, (301) 405-1311, fax: (301) 3149661, e-maiL: [email protected] TSELENTIS,G-Akis (M; 1990; ID# 13788), University of Patras, Theoretical& App[ SeismoLogy Lab, GeoLogyDept, 261 10 Patras, GREECE,fax: 30-61-690-639, e-maiL: [email protected] TWESIGOMWE, Ezra M. (M; 1997; ID# 16885), Makereie University, PhysicsDepartment, PO Box 7062, Kampata, UGANDA,(256) 41-531-498, fax: (256) 41-531-061, e-maiL: [email protected] TSUBOI, Seiji (M; 1985; ID# ~.0688), National Defense Academy, Dept of Geoscience,1-10-20 Hashirimizu, Yokosuka Kanagawa239-8686, JAPAN, (81)468-41-3810X3296, fax: 81-468-445902, e-maiL: [email protected] TYTGAT,Guy (M; 1999; ID# 15392), ALaska TSUKUDA, Eikichi (M; 1991; ID# 14991), GeoLogicaLSurveyof Japan, Environmental GeoLogy Dept, 1-1-3 Higashi,Tsukuba,Ibaraki 305, JAPAN,(81)298-54-3656, fax: 81-298-551298, e-maiL: [email protected] TSUMURA, Kenshiro(M; 1971; ID# 10689), Gadenkoto Morinomachi1-408,Asumigaoka4-39, Midori-ku, s 267-0066, JAPAN,e-maiL: [email protected] TSURUGA,Kayoko (M; 1999; ID# 17374), Tono GeoscienceCenter,JNC, 959-31 Jorini, Izumi, Toki, Gifu 509-5102, JAPAN,(81)572-53-0211, fax: 81-572-55-0180, e-maiL: [email protected] TSUTSUMI, Hiroyuki (M; 1995; ID# 16223), Dept of Geophysics,Kyoto University,Kyoto606-8502, JAPAN, (81) 75-753-3943, fax: (81) 75-7534291, e-maiL: [email protected] TSUTSUMI, Ken (M; 1970; ID# 10941), Tufts University, Anderson Ha[[ 113, 200 CoUegeAve, Medford, MA, 02155, (617) 627-3211, fax: (617) 627-3994 TUCKER, Brian E. (M; 1972; ID# 12371), GeoHazardsInteMtionaL,200 Town& Country ViLLage, Pa[oALto, CA, 94301, (650) 614-9050, fax: (650) 614-9051, e-maiL:[email protected] TUMARKIN,A[exei (M; 1992; ID# 15372), Institute for Crustal Studies, Universityof CaLifornia, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-1100, (805)893-8446, fax: 805-893-8649, e-mail.: a[[email protected] TURCOll'E, DonaLdL. (M; 1974; ID# 11098), CorneL[University,Snee HALL,Ithaca, NY, 148531504, (607)255-7282,fax: 607-254-4780,e-maiL: turcotte@geo[ogy.corneLLedu TURCOll'E, F. Thomas, (M; 1957; ID# 12233), PO Box 701, AppLegate, CA, 95703, (530) 878-1105 TURPENING, Roger M. (M; 1962; ID# 10940), Earth ResourcesLab, MassInst of TechnoLogy,42 Car[eton Street, Cambridge,MA, 02142, (617)253-7850, fax: 617-253-6385, e-maiL: [email protected] VoLcanoObservatory,GeophysicalInstitute Univ of ALaska, 903 Koyukuk Drive, Fairbanks, AK, 99775-7320, (907)474-7274, fax: 907-474-5618, e-maiL: [email protected] U UDIAS, Agustin (M; 1961; ID# 10826), Universidad Comp!.Otensede Madrid, Fac de Ciencias Fisicas, Catedra de Geofisica, 28040 Madrid, SPAIN, (34)1-394-4390, fax: 34-1-3944398, e-maiL: [email protected] UHRHAMMER,Robert (M; 1973; ID# 12308), University of CaLifornia, BerkeLeySeismoLogicaL Lab, 475 McConeHALL,BerkeLey,CA, 94720-4760, (510) 642-3977, fax: (510) 643-5811, e-maiL: [email protected] UMAKOSlII, Kodo (M; 1997; ID# 16972), Nagasaki University, FacuLtyof Environmental Studies, Nagasaki 852-8521, JAPAN, (81)95-8436397, fax: 81-95-843-6397, e-maiL: [email protected] UMINO, Norihito (M; 1993; ID# 15554), Obs Center for Prediction, Erthquake& VoLcanic Eruptions, Tohoku University,Sendal 980-8578, JAPAN, (81)22-225-1950, fax: 22-264-3292, emaiL: [email protected] UNDERWOOD,Deborah(S; 1998; ID# 17044), 181 De[ Medio #212, MountainView,CA, 94040, (650)948-8906, e-maiL: [email protected] URBANCIC, TheodoreI. (M; 1988; ID# 13125), ESGCanadaInc, 1 HyperionCourt, Kingston ON, KTK 7G3, CANADA,(613)548-8287, fax: 613-5488917, e-mail.: [email protected] UTAMA,Widya (S; 1998; ID# 17053), University Paris Vll, Inst de PhysDu GLobe/LabGeomateria[, 4 PLaceJussieu, 95005 Paris, FRANCE,(33)14427-2488, fax: 33-1-4427-2487, e-maiL: [email protected] UTKUCU, Murat (S; 1998; ID# 17047), University of Istanbu[, EngineeringFaciLity, Dept of Geophysical Engineering,Istanbut/Avcutar 34859, TURKEY,(90)212-591-1998, fax: 90-212591-1997, e-maiL: [email protected] UTSU, Tokuji (M; 1961; ID# 10692), 9-5-18 Kitami, Setagayaku, Tokyo 157-0067, JAPAN, (81)33-488-2634 TURYOMURUGYENDO,Gadi (M; 1996; ID# 16416), Geo!.ogical.Survey& Mines Dept, PO Box g, Entebbe, UGANDA,fax: 256-42-20-364 650 SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 V A[amos, NM, 87545, (505) 665-8037, e-mail: [email protected][.gov (925)423-8281, fax: 925-422-1002, e-mail: vincent7@LLnLgov VALDES-GONZALEI,CarlosM. (M; 1985; ID# 12136), UNAMCiudad Universitaria, Instituto de Geofisica, Coyoacan, Mexico04510 DF, MEXICO, (52)5-622-4126, fax: 52-5-616-2547, e-mail: [email protected] VELASQUEZ, Monique (S; 1998; ID# 17145), University of Texas, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, ELPaso, TX, 79968, (915)747-5501, e-mail: [email protected] VIRIEUX, Jean (M; 1981; ID# 10280), 17, RueL[e des Lernes, Haul Sartouse, 06560 Va[bonne, FRANCE,'(33)4-9294-2651, fax: 33-4-9294-2610, e-mail: [email protected] VENTURA,CarlosE. (M; 1995; ID# 16316), Univ of British Columbia, Dept of Civil Engineering, 2324 Main Mall,VancouverBC, V6T IZ4, CANADA, (604)822-6946, fax: 604-822-6901, e-mail: [email protected] VLAHOVIC, Gordana (S; 1995; ID# 15679), Univ of North Carofina, Geology Dept, Campus Box 3315, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599, (919)968-9528, email: [email protected] VALENZUELAWONG, Rau[(M; 1991; ID# 15176), Inst Geofisica-UNAM,Circ Investigacion S/n, 04510 Mexico, DF, MEXICO,(52)5-622-4138, fax: 52-5-616-2547, e-mail: rauL@o[ VAN ARSDALE,Roy (M; 1995; ID# 15484), 8872 Farmoor Road, Germantown,TN, 38139, (901) 678-4356, fax: (901) 678-2178, e-mail: [email protected] VAN DE VRUGT,Hans,Jr. (M; 1991; ID# 15273), 11277 Huntingdde Circle, Santee, CA, 92071, (619)670-6806, e-mail: [email protected] VAN DERVINK, Gregory(M; 1996; ID# 16727), IRIS, Directorof PLanningSte 800, 1200 NewYork Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20005, (202)6822220, fax: 202-682-2444, e-mail: [email protected] VAN ECK, Tori[d (M; 1995; ID# 13324), BeLLamystraat 33 Bis, 3514 Ek Utrecht, NETHERLANDS,(31)30-271-5579, fax: 31-30-2715579, e-maih [email protected][ VAN HOUTEN,Gary (M; 1975; ID# 12323), Van Houten ConsultantsInc, PO Box 922, Peta[uma, CA, 94953-0922, (707)762-1132 VAN WAGONER,Tom (S; 1999; ID# 17406), University of Washington, GeophysicsAK-50, Seattle, WA, 98195-1650 VAN ZWOL, Jason (M; 1999; ID# 17325), Bay Area Geotechnica[Group, 950 Industrial Avenue, Pa[o Alto, CA, 94303-4911, (650)852-9133, fax: 650-852-9138 VANDECAR,3ohn C. (M; 1987; ID# 12667), Nature, 968 National PressBLdg,Washington, DC, 20045-1938, (44)171-843-4545, fax: 44-171843-4596, e-mail: [email protected] VARGAS3, CarlosAlberto (S; 1999; ID# 17363), Aven 12 Octubre #15-47, Ingeominas, MonitaLes, COLOMBIA,e-mail: cavj@hotmaiLcom VARGAS,Carlos Fuentes (S; 1996; ID# 1643g), UNAM- Instituto de Geofisica, Depto SismoLogia, CiucladUniversitafia, 04510 MexicoCity, MEXICO, (52) 5-622-4129, fax: 52-5-550-24 85, e-mail: [email protected] VEITH, Karl E (M; 1966; ID# 11211), 10333 Hickory Forest Drive, Oakton, VA, 22124, (703)281-4824 VERDONCK, David(M; 1991; ID# 15209), Charleston Southern University, 9200 University Btvd, POBox 118087, Charleston,SC, 294238087, (843) 863-8085 VERNON, Frank L (M; 1985; ID# 11982), IGPP A-025, University of California, La OoLLa,CA, 92093, (619) 534-5537, fax: (619) 534-6354, email: [email protected] VESSELY, D. Andrew (M; 1997; ID# 16838), Cornforth Consultants, 10250 SW Greenburg Road Ste 111, Portland, OR, 97223, (503)452-1100, fax: 503-452-1528, e-marl: [email protected] VETTER, Ute R. (M; 1981; ID# 11796), US Bureau of Reclamation, DS8330, Denver Fed s BLdg67, PO Box 25007, Denver, s 80225, (303)4453179, fax: 303-445-6478, e-mail: [email protected] VIDAL-VILLEGAS,Antonio (S; 1991; ID# 14114), CICESE, PO Box 434843, San Diego, CA, 92143, (52)61-744-501x265-54, fax: 52-61-75-05-59, email: vida[[email protected] VIDALE, John (M; 1984; ID# 11923), Univ of CaLifornia Los AngeLes, Earth & Space Sciences, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los AngeLes, CA, 900951567, (310)206-3935, fax: 310-825-2779, e-mail: [email protected] VIENKHOU, Outhay(M; 1997; ID# 16760), Kinemetdcs Inc, 222 Vista Avenue, Pasadena,CA, 91107, (626) 795-2220, fax: (626) 795-0868, email: [email protected] VILLAGOMEZ,RommeL(S; 1997; ID# 16951), St Louis University,Earth & Atmos Science Dept, 3507 LadedeAvenue,St. Louis, MO,63103, (314) 977-330, e-mail: [email protected] VILLASENORH., Antonio (M; 1992; ID# 15446), US GeologicalSurvey, Denver FederalCenter MS 966, Box 25046, Denver,CO,80225, fax: 303-2738450, e-mail: [email protected] VILLAVERDE, Roberto (M; 1986; ID# 12025), Univ of CaliforniaIrvine, Dept of Civil Engineering,Irvine, CA, 92697, (949) 824-5482, fax: (949) 824-2117, e-mail: [email protected] VLASITY,John, (M; 1987; ID# 11306), Risk Engineering, 4155 DarLeyAve, Suite A, Boulder, CO, 80303, e-mail: [email protected] VOGEL, David (M; 1996; ID# 16340), 14930 Ventura B[vdSuite 230, ShermanOaks, CA, 91403, (818)382-1340, fax: 818-382-1342 VOGFJORD,KristinS. (M; 1986; ID# 11117), ORKUSTOFNUN,Nail EnergyAuthority, Grensasvegi 9, 108 Reykjavik, ICELAND,(354)I569-6000, fax: 354-1-568-8896, e-mail: [email protected] VON HARTMANN,Hartwig (M; 1996; ID# 16748), Tannenhohe31, 38678 Clausthat-ZeLLerfeLd, GERMANY,(49) 53-2372-2163, fax: (49) 53-23722320, e-mail: [email protected] VON HILLEBRANDT-ANDRADE,Christa (M; 1995; ID# 16256), University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Seismic Network, Box 9017 Co[LegeStation, Mayaguez, PR, 00681-9017, (787)833-8433, fax: 787-265-1684, e-mail: [email protected] VON SEGGERN,David (M; 1993; ID# 15509), University of Nevada, SeismologicalLab MS 174, 1664 N Virginia Street, Reno, NV, 89557, (775) 784-4242, fax: (775) 784-4165, e-maih [email protected] VOULGARIS, Nicholas (M; 1997; ID# 16831), Tombazi 4 Strasse, ChaLandri15232, Athens, GREECE,(30)1-724-3217, e-marl: [email protected] W WAGGONER,John T. (M; 1997; ID# 16784), Woodward CLydeConsultants, 2020 E First St, Suite 400, Santa Aria, CA, 92705, (714) 8356886, fax: 714-667-7147, e-mai[: [email protected] WAGNER,Jean-Jacques (M; 1994; ID# 10846), Cd'etude Des RisquesGeologiques,Sciencesde La Terre Univ, 13 Rue Des Maraichers,CH-1211 Geneve4, SWITZERLAND,(41) 22-402-6603, fax: (41) 22-320-5732, e-mail: [email protected] VELA, JuLioCesar (M; 1997; ID# 16909), Geo Engineers Inc, 7504 SW Bridgeport Road, Portland, OR, 97224, (503)603-6680, Fax: 503620-5940, e-marl: [email protected] VILOI'rE, Jean-Pierre(M; 1991; ID# 15081), Inst de PhysiqueDuGLobe,Inst de SismoLogic,4 PLace 3ussieu, Paris75252 Cedex5, FRANCE,(33)14427-3888, fax: 33-1-4427-4694, e-mai[: [email protected] WAKABAYASHI,3ohn (M; 1993; ID# 15014), 1329 Sheridan Lane, Hayward, CA, 94544, (510)887-1796, fax: 510-887-2389, e-mail: wako@tdLcom VELASCO,Aaron A. (M; 1990; ID# 13787), Los A[amos Nat[ Lab, MSC-335, PO Box 1663, Los VINCENT, Paul(S; 1997; ID# 16896), 1809 MeadowGlen Drive, Livermore, CO, 94550, WALCK, MarianneC. (M; 1984; ID# 11770), Sandia National Labs, Org 6116, MS0750, POBox Seismological ResearchLetters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 651 5800, ALbuquerque,NM, 87185-0750, (505)8440121, fax: 505-844-7354, e-mail: [email protected] WALD, DavidJ. (M; 1985; ID# 11749), US Geological Survey, 525 South Wilson Avenue, Pasadena, CA, 91106, (626)583-7238, fax: 626583-7827, e-maih [email protected] WALD, Lisa A. (M; 1988; ID# 12999), US Geological Survey, 525 S. Wilson Avenue, Pasadena,CA, 91106, (626) 583-7822, fax: (626) 583-7827, e-mail: [email protected] WALDHAUSER,Felix (M; 1998; ID# 17146), US Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road MS 977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650)329-5611, e-mail: [email protected] WALKER, Daniel A., (M; 1964; ID# 12396), Tsunami MemorialInstitute, 59-530 Pupukea Rd, HaLeiwa, HI, 96712, (808)956-8767 WANG, Kelin (M; 1999; ID# 17397), Geological Survey of Canada, PacificGeoscienceCentre, Sidney BE, V8L 4B2, CANADA,(250)363-6429, fax: 250-363-6565, e-mail: [email protected] WANG, Tan Kin (M; 1996; ID# 16711), Nat[ Taiwan Ocean University,Inst of Applied Geophysics, Keelung20224, TAIWANROC,(886)2462-2192x6502, fax: 886-2-462-5038, e-mail: b0208( WANG, Zhenming (M; 1995; ID# 16193), Oregon Dept Geology & Minrl Industries,800 NE Oregon Street #28, Ste g65, Portland,OR, 97232, (503)731-4100, fax: 503-731-4066, e-mail: [email protected] WARD, PeterL. (M; 1965; ID# 12257), PO Box 4875, Jackson, WY, 83001, e-marl: [email protected], WALLACE, Robert E. (H; 1964; ID# 12125), 3201 Plumas Street Apt 390, Reno, NV, 89509, (775) 825-8521 WARD,Steven N. (M; 1977; ID# 12339), Institute of Tectonics, Earth 8, MarineSciencesBuilding, University of California,Santa Cruz,CA, 95064, (831) 459-2480, fax: (831) 459-2127, e-mail: ward@up[ WALLACE, Terry C., Jr. (M; 1977; ID# 11752), University of Arizona, Dept of Geosciences,Gould Simpson B[dg #77, Tucson,AZ, 85721, (520) 6214849, fax: (520) 621-2672, e-mail: [email protected] WARRICK, RichardE., (M; 1960; ID# 12194), 1808 MarkTwain,PaLoAlto, CA, 94303, (650)3295656 WALLIS, Douglas M. (M; 1987; ID# 13001), c/o Cook Picketing & Doyle Ltd, 141 East 7th Avenue, VancouverBE, VST1M5, CANADA,(604)879-0494, fax: 604-879-6522, e-mail: [email protected] WALSH, Timothy (M; 1999; ID# 15021), Washington Dept Natural Res, Div of Geology& Earth Resources,Olympia, WA, 98504-7007, (360)902-1432, fax: 360-902-1785, e-mail: [email protected] WALTER, EdwardJ. (M; 1970; ID# 11342), 9241 Ravenna Rd #C-6, Twinsburg,OH, 44087, (216) 963-0550, fax: (216) 963-0533 WALTER, MichaelJames (M; 1996; ID# 16419), 9241 RavennaRoadSuite C-6, Twinsburg,OH, 44087, (216) 963-0540 WALTER, William R. (M; 1987; ID# 12668), Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab, Geophys& GLobal Security Div, L-205, PO Box 808, Livermore, CA, 94551-0808, (925) 423-8777, e-mail: bwalter@llnLgov WANG, Chien-Ying(M; 1983; ID# I0156), Nat[ Central University, Dept of Geophysics,Chung-[i 32054, TAIWANROC,(886)3-422-7151, Fax:8863-422-2044, e-mail: [email protected] WANG, Jeen-Hwa (M; 1980; ID# 10157), Academia Sinica, Inst of Earth Sciences, PO Box 1-55 Nanking, Taipei, TAIWANROC,(886)2-3630214, Fax: 886-2-362-9563, e-mail: j [email protected] WANG, Jin (M; 1996; ID# 16047), Center for Monitoring Research, 1300 N 17th Street Suite 1450, Arlington, VA, 22209, (703)247-1820, fax: 703-243-8950, e-mail: [email protected] 652 WARTMAN,Joseph(S; 1998; ID# 17040), 1619 Walnut Street Apt D, Berkeley,CA, 94709, (510)649-1773, e-mail: [email protected] WATSON, Charles P. (M; 1996; ID# 16413), Adv Geologic Exptoration/SeismoWatch, 13860 Rancho Verde Drive, PO Box 18012, Reno, NV, 89511, (775) 852-0992, fax: (775) 852-3226, email: [email protected] WEAR, Robert E (M; 1990; ID# 13739), 55 Los Cerros Avenue, Walnut Creek, CA, 94598, (925)933-4226 WEAVER,CraigS. (M; 1973; ID# 12413), 15221 186th AvenueNE, Woodinvil[e,WA, 98072, (817) 553-0627, fax: (817) 553-8350, e-maih [email protected] WEBB, RichardA. (M; 1992; ID# 15359), 621 Hawick Road, Raleigh, NC, 27615, (919) 8489979 WEBB, Spahr C. (M; 1996; ID# 16095), Univ of Ca[if San Diego,$10 MailCode0205, 9500 Gilman Drive, La JolLa, CA, 92093-0205, (619)534-1844, fax: 619-534-6849, e-maih [email protected] WEBB, Terry H. (M; 1982; ID# 10759), Inst of Geological & NuclearScience, PO Box 30-368, Lower Hutt, NEWZEALAND,(64) 4-570-4869, fax: (64) 4-570-1440, e-mail: terry.webb( WEDBERG,Joel (S; 1995; ID# 16265), 145 Hurlbut Street Apt 305, Pasadena,CA, 91105, (213)740-7174, fax: 213-740-8801, e-maih [email protected] WEICHERT, Dieter H., (M; 1968; ID# 10134), GeologicalSurveyof Canada,PacificGeoscience Centre, 9860 W Saanich Road, Box 6000, Sidney BC, V8L 482, CANADA, (604)363-6433, fax: 604363-6565, e-mail: [email protected] WEISSNER,Edward(M; 1996; ID# 16589), Everest ReinsuranceCompany, Westgate Corp Ctr 477 MartinsvilleRoad, POBox 830, Liberty Corner,NJ, 07938-0830, (908)604-3158, fax: 908-604-3494 WELLS, Donald L. (M; 1989; ID# 13179), Geomatrix Consultants,2101 WebsterStreet 12th Floor, Oakland, CA, 94612, (510)663-4178, fax: 510-663-4141, e-maih [email protected] WELLS, Ray E. (M; 1991; ID# 15028), US GeologicalSurvey,345 MiddLefieldRoad, MS975, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 329-4933, fax: (650) 329-4936, e-mail: rwe[[email protected] WEN, Kuo-Liang(M; 1991; ID# 13259), Academia Sinica, Inst of Earth Sciences, PO Box 1-55, Nankang Taipei 115, TAIWANROC,(886)2-7839910X319, fax: 886-2-783-9871, e-maih [email protected] WENZEL, Friedemann (M; 1996; ID# 16576), University of KarLsruhe,GeophysicalInstitute, Hertzstrasse 16, Karlsruhe76187, GERMANY,(49) 721-608-4431, fax: (49) 721-711-73, e-maih fwenze[ WESLING,John (M; 1994; ID# 15030), Geomatrix Consultants, 100 Pine Street, lOth Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94111, (415)434-9400, fax: 415434-1365, e-mail: [email protected] WESNOUSKY,Steven G. (M; 1977; ID# 11924), University of Nevada, Reno, Centerfor Neotectonic Studies, MackaySchool of Mines, Reno, NV, 89557, (775) 784-6067, fax: (775) 784-1382, e-mail: [email protected] WESSON, RobertL. (M; 1968; ID# 11198), US GeologicalSurvey, Denver FederalCenter MS966, Box 25046, Denver,CO, 80225-0046, (303)2738524, fax: 303-273-8600, e-mail: [email protected] WEST, Michael W. (M; 1980; ID# 11652), 520 Prospect Drive, Castle Rock, CO, 80104, (303)6886064, fax: 303-688-0206, e-mail: [email protected] WEST, MichaelE. (S; 1997; IDff 17020), LamontDoherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University, Route 9W, Palisades,NY, 10964-8000, e-mail: [email protected] WEST, Michael P. (M; 1998; ID# 17075), Western Geophysical, (Pty 954-Angota), 455 London Road, Isleworth TW7-5AB, UK-ENGLAND,e-malE WESTAWAY, Robert W. (M; 1987; ID# 12616), 16 Neville Square, Merryoaks, Durham DH1 3PY, UKENGLAND, (44) 91-384-4502, e-mail: [email protected] WETMILLER, Robert J. (M; 1991; ID# 12702), Geological Survey of Canada, 1 Observatory Crescent, Ottawa ON, K1A OY3, CANADA, (613)995-5548, fax: 613-992-8836, e-maih [email protected] SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 WHEELER, Maria (M; 1986; ID# 12523), 2401 Walnut Avenue, Joplin, MO, 64804-1466, (417) 624-0164 WILLIS, David E., (M; ; ID# 11835), PecanGrove PLantation, 1311 Woodfair Drive, Richmond,TX, 77469-6650, (281) 341-9218 WRIGHT, Thomas Lawton (M; 1994; ID# 15054), 136 Jordan Avenue, San Anselmo, CA, 94960, (415)456-9244, e-mail: tLwright@crLcom WHEELER, Randall M. (M; 1985; ID# 11476), 2401 Walnut Avenue, Joplin, MO, 64804-1466, (417) 624-0164 WILLSE, Peter,l.G. (M; 1998; ID# 17089), Industrial Risk Insurers, 85 Woodland Street, Hartford, CT, 06102-5010, (860)520-6016, fax: 860-520-6135, e-mail: [email protected] WU, Chien-fu (S; 1996; ID# 16693), Central Weather Bureau,SeismologyCenter,64 KungYuan Road, Taipei 10039, TAIWANROC,(866)2-3491181, fax: 866-2-349-1178, e-mail: [email protected] WINDELER, DonaldS., Jr. (M; 1997; ID# 16794), Risk ManagementSolutions, 149 Commonwealth Drive, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (650) 617-6500, fax: (650) 617-6602, e-mail: [email protected] WU, Chiun-Lin (S; 1997; ID# 16864), 1205 W Main St Apt 2B, Urbana, IL, 61801, (217)3678676, e-mail: [email protected] WHEELER, Russell L., (LE; 1984; ID# 11684), US Geological Survey, Denver FederalCenter,MS 966, PO Box 25046, Denver, CO, 80225, (303)2738589, fax: 303-273-8600, e-maih wheeler@ghtmaiL WHITCOMB, James H. (M; 1974; ID# 11890), NaUona[ Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd Ste 785, Ar[ington, VA, 22230, (703)306-1556, fax: 703-306-0382, e-mail: [email protected] WHITE, Robert L. (M; 1995; ID# 16111), Bechtel Nevada, PO Box 98521, NLV 075, Las Vegas, NV, 89193-8521, (702)295-2939, fax: 702-295-2934, e-mail: [email protected] WHITESIDE, Lowell (S; 1992; ID# 15310), PO Box 3141, El Dorado Springs, CO, 80025, (303)4976477, fax: 303-447-6513, e-mail: [email protected] WlSSMANN, KordJ. (M; 1997; ID# 16529), Shannon& Wilson Inc, 11500 Olive Blvd Ste 276, St Louis, MO, 63141-7126, (314)872-8170, fax: 314-872-8178 WITHERS,Mitchell M. (M; 1993; ID# 15761), Univ of Memphis,CERI,3904CentralAvenue,Memphis, TN, 38152, (901)678-4940, fax: 901-678-4734, e-mail: [email protected] WITMER, Mike (M; 1997; ID# 16798), Arkwright, 10500 NE 8th Street Ste 1202, Bellevue,WA, 98004-4332, (817) 455-3187, fax: (206) 4537674, e-mail: [email protected] WHITMAN, Dean (M; 1991; ID# 14172), FLorida InteMtiona[ University, Dept of Geology, 11200 SW 8th St, Miami, FL, 33199, (305) 348-3089, fax: (305) 348-3877, e-mail: [email protected] WOESSNER,Jochen (S; 1999; ID# 17377), EngLestrasse 14/Ap. 23, 76131 KarLsruhe, GERMANY,(49)721-966-4283, e-mail: [email protected] WHITNEY, John W. (M; 1997; ID# 17003), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, FederalCenter MS 425, Denver, CO, 80225, (303)236-0516 x275, fax: 303-2365046, e-maiL:[email protected] WONG, Ivan G. (M; 1973; ID# 12141), Woodward CLydeFederalServices,500 12th Street Suite 100, Oakland, CA, 94607, (510)874-3014, fax: 510874-3268, e-mail: [email protected] WIENS, DouglasA. (M; 1982; ID# 11458), Washington University, Dept Earth & Planetary Science, 1 Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, 63130, (314)935-6517, fax: 314-935-7361, e-maih [email protected] WONG, Teng-Fong(M; 1977; ID# 11062), New York State University, Dept of Geosciences,Stony Brook, NY, 11794-2100, (516)632-8212, fax: 516632-8240, e-mail: [email protected] WIGGINS, John H. (M; 1991; ID# 14566), J.H. Wiggins Engineers,1650 S. PacificCoastHighway, Ste 311, Redondo Beach, CA, 90277, (310)3162257, fax: 310-316-2389, e-mail: [email protected] WIGGINS-GRANDISON, Margaret D. (M; 1989; ID# 13609), Univ of the West Indies, The Earthquake Unit, Mona Campus, Kingston 7, JAMAICAWI, (809)927-2586, fax: 876-977-3575, e-mail: [email protected] WILLEMANN, Raymond,l. (M; 1982; ID# 11824), InteMtional SeismologicalCentre, PipersLane, Thatcham, Berkshire RG194NS, UK-ENGLAND, (44)1635-861-022, fax: 44-1635-872-351, email: [email protected] WILLIAMS, John W. (M; 1976; ID# 12137), 1021 Crestview Drive,San Carlos, CA, 94070, (408)9245050, fax: 408-924-5053, e-maih [email protected] WILLIAMS, Michael F. (M; 1992; ID# 15448), 1510 Chilton Street, Arroyo Grande,CA, 93420, (805)473-2166, fax: 805-489-4370, e-mail: mikLwillms@aoLcom WOO, Gordon (M; 1986; ID# 12522), EQE InteMtional, 94 Sheen Park, Richmond,SurryTW9 1UP, UK-ENGLAND,(44)81-948-3591, fax: 44-81332-2182, e-mail: [email protected] WOOD, Chris (M; 1985; ID# 11644), 11960Spruce Canyon Circle,Golden, CO, 80403, (303)2368405, fax: 303-236-9071, e-mail: [email protected] WOOD, Sharon L. (M; 1995; ID# 16292), University of Texas,O3 Pickle ResearchCampus, 10100 BurnerRoad, BLdg177, Austin, TX, 78758, (512) 471-7298, fax: (512) 471-1944, e-mail: [email protected] WOODS, Bradley B. (M; 1995; ID# 13386), URSGWCFederalServices, 566 ELDoradoStreet Ste 100, Pasadena,CA, 911012560, (626) 449-7650, fax: (626) 449-3536, e-maih [email protected] WOOLERY,Ed (M; 1995; ID# 16192), Universtyof Kentucky, KentuckyGeologicalSurvey,228 Mining & MineralRes BLdg, Lexington, KY, 40506-0107, (606)257-5500, fax: 606-257-1147, e-mail: [email protected] WU, Da-Lih (M; 1974; ID# 12229), 40867 Ondina PLace, Fremont, CA, 94539, (510)651-6123 WU, FrancisT. (M; 1965; ID# 11084), SUNY Binghamton, Dept of GeologicalScience, Binghamton, NY, 13901, (607)777-2512, fax: 607-777-2288, e-mail: [email protected] WU, Hsin-Hung (S; 1993; ID# 15517), Institute of Geophysics,NationalCentralUniversity,ChungLi 32054, TAIWANROs WU, Ru-Shan(M; 1991; ID# 15173), University of California, Earth Sciences Dept Earth Science Bldg, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064, (831) 459-5135, fax: (831) 459-2423, e-mail: [email protected] WU, Shen-Chyun(M; 1997; ID# 16036), 50 Linden Drive, Basking Ridge, N,I, 07920, (303) 661-9762 WU, Yih-Min (S; 1995; ID# 16231), Central Weather Bureau,SeismologicalCenter, 64 KungYuan Road, Taipei, TAIWANROC,(886)2-23491167, fax: 886-2-2349-1178, e-maih [[email protected] WUENSCHEL, PaulC. (M; 1950; ID# 11100), 128 Marian Avenue,Glenshaw,PA, 15116, (412)4860307 WYSESSION, MichaelE., (LE; 1987; ID# 12675), Washington University,Dept of Earth & Planetary Science, CampusBox 1169 1 Brookings Dr, St. Louis, MO, 63130, (314)935-5625, e-mail: [email protected] WYSS, Max (M; 1968; ID# 11692), Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, 903 Koyukuk Drive, Fairbanks,AK, 99775-0800, (907)4747558, fax: 907-474-7290, e-mail: [email protected] X XIE, Jiakang (M; 1985; ID# 11471), Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, 61 Route 9 W, PO Box 1000, Palisades,NY, 10964-1000, (914) 3658553, fax: (914) 365-8150, e-mail: [email protected] XIE, Xiao-Bi (M; 1991; ID# 14053), University of California Inst of Tectonics, Earth & Marine Sciences Bldg, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064, (831) 459-5094, fax: (831) 459-2423, email: [email protected] Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 653 XIONG, Ying (S; 1997; ID# 16759), 3215 Moss Oak Drive, DoraviL[e,GA, 30340, (404) 651-1369, e-maiL: [email protected] YAMAZAKI,Yoshitaka (M; 1988; ID# 13049), 677 Obadera, Sakai, Osaka 590-0153, JAPAN, (81)722-93-7148, fax: 81-722-93-7148 5823-2358, e-maiL: [email protected] XU, Fei (S; 1998; ID# 17113), Univ of CaLifornia Los AngeLes,Earth & SpaceScience Dept, 405 HiLgard Avenue, Los AngeLes,CA, 90095, (313)825-3179, e-maiL: [email protected] YANEV, PeterI. (M; 1975; ID# 12161), EQE EngineeringInc, 1111 Broadway,lOth FLoor, OakLand,CA, 94607-3100, (510)817-3100, fax: 510-663-1050, e-maiL: [email protected] YOSHIMOTO,Kazuo(M; 1997; ID# 16758), Tohoku University, Dept of Geophysics,Grad SchLof Science, Aoba-ku, Sendai,980-8578,JAPAN, (81)22-217-6533, fax: 81-22-217-6783, e-maiL: [email protected] XU, Yingbiao (S; 1996; ID# 16459), 605 LeLand Avenue #503, St. Louis, MO, 63130-3228, (314) 935-6619, e-maiL: [email protected] YANG,Chu-Yun(S; 1995; ID# 16237), NatLChungCheng University,Institute of SeismoLogy,ChiaYi, TAIWANROC,(886) 5-272-0357, fax: (886) 5272-0807 YOUNG, Christopher3. (M; 1990; ID# 13855), Sandia NationaLLaboratories, Org 6116, MS0750, PO Box 5800, ALbuquerque,NM, 87185-5800, (505) 844-8329, e-maiL: [email protected] Y YANG, Xiaoning (M; 1996; ID# 16170), Los ALamosNationalLaboratory, EES-5,MSD44~I,Los ALamos, NM, 87545, (505)667-7532, fax: 505667-8487, e-maiL: xyang@Lan[.gov YOUNG,R. Paul(M; 1991; ID# 14018), University of Liverpool Department of Earth Sciences,,lane Herdman Laboratories, Brown[owStreet, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK-ENGLAND,(44) 151-5146, fax: (44-) 151-5170, e-maiL: [email protected] YACOUB, Nazieh K. (M; 1974; ID# 11282), 532 Lanternback IsLand Drive, Sate[rite Beach, FL, 32937-4021, (407)773-6617, e-maiL: [email protected] YAGHOUBIAN,Jack (M; 1972; ID# 11940), Quantech Systems, POBox 55684, ShermanOaks, CA, 91413, (818)907-9095, fax: 818-907-1305, e-maiL: quantechsys@wor[ YALCINKAYA, Esref(S; 1997; ID# 17029), University of IstanbuL, EngineeringFacuLty,Dept of GeophysicalEngineering,IstanbuLMayciLar 34850, TURKEY,(902)1-2591-1998, fax: 902-I2591-1997, e-maiL: eya[[email protected] YAMAGUCHI,Shoichi (M; 1991; ID# 15075), Shinano-Machi 20, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, JAPAN, (81)3-3359-6151, fax: 81-3-3359-6155, e-maiL: shoichi_,[email protected] YAMAMOTO,Akio (M; 1994; ID# 15911), Oyo Corporation, Oyo TechnicalCenter, 2-61-5 Torocho, Omiya, Saitama 330, JAPAN, (81) 48-6679141, fax: 81-48-667-9250, e-maiL: [email protected] YAMANAKA,Hiroaki (M; 1987; ID# 13011), Tokyo Institute of TechnoLogy,Dept Environmental Physics & Engineering,4259 Nagatsuta, Midoriku, YokohamaKangawa227, JAPAN, (81)-45-9245513, fax: 81-45-924-5519, e-maiL: [email protected] YAMANAKA,Tohru (M; 1997; ID# 16890), 2-14-22505 Kiba Koto, Tokyo 135, JAPAN, (81)3-37467097, e-maiL: [email protected] YAMASHINA, Ken'ichiro (M; 1980; ID# 10698), Earthquake ResearchInstitute, University of Tokyo, Yayoi Bunkyo-Ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-3812-2111, fax: 81-3-38161159 YAMAZAKI, Fumio (M; 1995; ID# 16314), University of Tokyo, Inst of Industrial Science, 722-I Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, JAPAN, (81)3-3401-8142, fax: 81-3-3408-2666, e-maiL: [email protected] YAMAZAKI,Kensuke(M; 1977; ID# 10699), Tokyo Gakugei University,Mathematics & Informatics Dept, Koganei,Tokyo 184-8501, JAPAN, (81)42329-7473, fax: 81-423-24-1832, e-maiL: [email protected] 654 YANG,Xiaoping (M; 1993; ID# 15529), SAIC, Center for Monitoring Research, 1300 N. 17th Street Suite 1450, ArLington,VA, 22209, (703)276-7900, fax: (703)243-8950, e-maiL: [email protected] YATES,Ben (M; 1997; ID# 16965), Universityof Texas,Inst for Geophysics,4412 Spicewood Springs Road,Austin, IX, 78759, (512) 471-0492, fax: (512) 471-8844, e-maiL: [email protected] YEATS,Robert S. (M; 1976; ID# 12409), Oregon State University, Departmentof Geosciences, Earth ConsuLtantsInteMtionaL,CorvaLLis,OR, 97331, (503) 737-1226, fax: (503) 737-1200, emaiL: [email protected] YEGIAN, M. K. (M; 1993; ID# 15782), Northeastern University, Dept of CiviL Engineering,Boston, MA, 02115, (617)373-2445, fax: 617-373-4419, e-maiL: [email protected] YEPES, Hugo A. (M; 1982; ID# 10176), EscueLa Potitecnica NationaL,Instituto Geofisico, Apartado 17-01-2759, Quito, ECUADOR,(593)2567-847 YOKOI,Toshiaki (M; 1993; ID# 15770), IntL Inst SeismoLogy& Eq Engineering,BLdgResearch Institute, Tachihara1, Tsukuba305, JAPAN, (81)298-64-6756, fax: 81-298-64-6777, e-maiL: [email protected] YOKOYAMA,Masayoshi(M; 1996; ID# 16622), 18-5 HongouSeya-ku,YokohamaCity 246, JAPAN, (81)45-303-4926, fax: 81-45-303-5130, e-maiL: [email protected] YOMOGIDA,Kiyoshi (M; 1987; ID# 12979), Hokkaido University, Div of Earth & Ptanetary Sciences, North 10 West B Kita-ku, Sapporo0600810, JAPAN,(81)11-706-2758x70,fax: 81-11746-2715, e-maiL:[email protected] YO0, SeungChuL(S; 1996; ID# 16621), 1400 Martin Street Apt 1017, State CoLLege,PA, 168033052, (814)861-5108, e-maiL: [email protected] YOSHIDA, Nozomu (M; 1999; ID# 17347), Sato Kogyo Co Ltd, Engr ResearchInstitute, Nihonbashi-Honcho4-12-20, Chuo-ku,Tokyo 103-8639, JAPAN,(81)3-5823-2350, fax: 81-3- YOUNGS, Robert R. (M; 1982; ID# 12288), 1147 High Court, BerkeLey,CA, 94708, (510) 434-9400, fax: (510) 434-1365, e-maiL: [email protected] YU, Guey-Kuen(M; 1979; ID# 10159), Institute of Geophysics,NationalCentraLUniversity,Chung-Li, TAIWANROE,(886)3-422-7159, fax: 3-422-2044, e-maiL: [email protected] YU, Ting-To (M; 1997; ID# 16843), NationaL Cheng Kung University, SateLLiteGeoinformatics Research Ctr, 1 University Road, Taipei,TAIWAN ROC,(886) 6-2383399 X310, fax: (886) 62099733, e-maiL: [email protected] Z ZACHER, E. G. (M; 1997; ID# 16958), H.J. Brunnier Associates, 55 New MontgomeryStreet Ste 608, San Francisco,CA, 94105, (415)7810370, fax: 415-541-7709, e-maiL: [email protected] ZADEH, Masoud (M; 1995; ID# 16121), K2 TechnoLogiesInc, Risk Engineering,4000 Moorpark AvenueSte 215, San Jose, CA, 95117, (408) 249-8800, fax: 408-249-9020, e-maiL [email protected] ZAHRADNIK,3iri (M; 1995; ID# 14215), CharLes University, Dept of Geophysics,V HoLesovickach 2, 180 O0 Praha 8, CZECHREPUBLIC,(42)2-5762191, fax: 42-2-576-2555, e-maiL: [email protected] ZAUROV, David (M; 1995; ID# 16257), 97-05 Horace Harding Expy#17DD, CoM, NY, 113684106, (718)232-3730 ZELT,CoLinA. (M; 1999; ID# 12890), Rice University, Dept of Geophysics, Houston,TX, 77251-1892, (703)527-4757, fax: 703-285-5214, e-maiL: cze[[email protected] ZENG, Yuehua(M; 1995; ID# 16029), University of Nevada, SeismoLogicaLLaboratory MS 174, Reno, NV, 89557-0141, (775) 784-4231, e-maiL: [email protected] ZERVA, Aspasia (M; 1983; ID# 11021), DrexeL University, Civil EngineeringDept, 3141 Chestnut Street, Phitade[phia, PA, 19104, (215)895-2340, SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October1999 fax: 215-895-1363, e-maih [email protected] CorvaLLis,OR, 97331-5503, (541)737-5214, fax: 541-737-2064, e-maiL: [email protected] ZHAN6, 3iajun (M; 1983; ID# 11925), University of California, Earth & MarineScience BLdgA232, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064, fax: (831) 459-3536, e-maiL:[email protected] ZINN, Erik (M; 1998; ID# 15068), 2231 40th Avenue,SantaCruz,CA, 95062, (831) 464-2467, e-mai|: [email protected] ZHANG, Yunfeng (S; 1998; ID# 17088), Ca[ifInst of TechnoLogy, MS 104-44, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (626)792-6886, fax: 626-792-6886, e-mai[: [email protected] ZIVCIC, MLaden(N; 1991; ID# 14017), S[ovenia Observatory,SeismoLogicaLSurvey,Pot NaGotovec 25, S-61000 Ljubtjana, SLOVENIA,(386)61-1863145, fax: 386-61-140-5370, e-maiL: [email protected] ZHAO, Dapeng(M; 1991; ID# 14130), Ehime University,Departmentof Earth Sciences, Matsuyama790, JAPAN, (81)89-927-9652, fax: 81-89-927-9640, e-maih [email protected] ZHOU, Rongmao(S; 1998; ID# 17284), Southern MethodistUniversity,Deptof GeoLogicaLSciences, DaLLas,TX, 75275-0395, (214) 362-2959, e-mail: [email protected] ZHOU, Yongdong (S; 1999; ID# 17431), Oregon State University, 104 Ocean Admin BLdg, ZOBACK,MarkD. (M; 1981; ID# 12131), Stanford University,GeophysDept, Mitchell Btdg Rm 359, 360 PanamaStreet, Stanford, CA, 94305-2215, (650)725-9295, fax: 650-725-7344, e-maiL: [email protected] ZOBIN, VyacheslavM. (M; 1994; ID# 15815), Universidadde s Observatorio Vutcanot6gico, Av. 25 de Jutio 965, Colima,COL., 28045, MEXICO,(52) 331-35085, fax: (52) 33135085, e-maih [email protected] ZOLFAGHARI,MohammadR. (M; 1997; ID# 16900), Applied Insurance Research,23 Alie Street, E1 8DS London, UK-ENGLAND,(44)71488-6210, fax: 44-71-488-6211, e-maih [email protected] ZOLLO, A[do (M; 1991; ID# 12923), Univ Di NapoLi"FedericoII', Dipartimento Di Scienze Fisiche, MostraD'OLtremarePad 16, 80125 Naples, ITALY, (39)81-725-3307, fax: (39)81-725-3449, e-maih aldo.zol[[email protected] ZUCCA, John J. (M; 1977; ID# 12249), Lawrence Livermore NatL Lab, PO Box 808, Livermore, CA, 94551-0808, (925) 422-4895, fax: (925) 4227315, e-mail.: zucca2@ttnLgov ZUNIGA, Francisco Ramon (M; 1987; ID# 12747), UNAM, Inst de Geofisica, Ciudad Univ Coyoacan, 04510 Mexico City DF, MEXICO,(52)5-622-4138, fax: 52-5-616-2547, e-maih ramon@o[ ZWICK, Peter C. (S; 1989; ID# 13720), 1574 Parkview Drive Apt 22, Bainbridge IsLand, WA, 98110-2318 Seismological Research Letters Volume70, Number 5 September/October 1999 655 PERMISSION TO REPRODUCEMATERIALFROM SRL Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or for the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by the Seismological Society of America provided that the appropriate fee of $3 per copy is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center, ISSN 0895-0695, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone (978) 750-8400. 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Atkinson, Vice-President Joe J. Litehiser, Secretary David von Seggern, Treasurer SSA BOARDOF DIRECTORS Norman A. Abrahamnson (2002) Charles J. Ammon (2000) Gall M. Atkinson (2002) Vernon E Cormier (2000) Ruth A. Harris (2000) Susan E. Hough (2001) Steve Malone (2002) David P. Schwartz (2001) Paul G. Silver (2001) Paul G. Somerville (2001) Paul Spudich (2002) Gerardo Suarez (2000) EASTERN SECTIONOF SSA, EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE Jer-Ming Chiu, Chair Gail M. Atldnson, Vice Chair Maurice Lamontagne, Secretary Waverly Person, Treasurer Christine Powell, Fifth Member SSA PUBLICATIONSCOMMITTEE Vernon E Cormier, Chair Ruth A. Harris Steve Malone Paul Spudich Terry C. Wallace, Jr., ex officio John E. Ebel, ex officio Mike Fehler, ex officio CORPORATEMEMBERS, SEISMOLOGICALSOCIETYOF AMERICA Bechtel Corporation P.O. Box 193965 San Francisco, California 94119 Dames and Moore 221 Main Street Suite 500 San Francisco, California 94105 Degenkolb Engineers 350 Sansome Street Suite 900 San Francisco, California 94104 Digital Technology Associates Steve Pauly 1330-A Galaxy Way Concord, California 94520 Exxon Production Research Co. E M. Shah EO. Box 2189 Houston, Texas 77252-2189 Geotech Instruments Attn.: Lani Oncescu 10755 Sanden Dr. Dallas, Texas 75238-1366 Kinemetrics Inc. Ogie Kuraica 222 Vista Avenue Pasadena, California 91107 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Lloyd S. Cluff Geosciences Department One California Street San Francisco, California 94106 Refraction Technology 2626 Lombardy Lane, Suite 105 Dallas, Texas 75220 Risk Engineering, Inc. Robin K. McGuire 4155 Darley Avenue, Suite A Boulder, Colorado 30303 Western Geophysical Company Rick Workman EO. Box 2469 Houston, Texas 77252-2469 Woodward Clyde Federal Services Yoshi Moriwaki 2020 E. First Street, Suite 400 Santa Ana, California 92705
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