Back Matter - Seismological Research Letters


Back Matter - Seismological Research Letters
Membership Roster
Seismological Society of America
Suite 201, Plaza Professional Building
El Cerrito, CA 94530
Phone: (510)525-5474
Fax: 510-525-7204
[email protected]
Keiiti Aki
George W. Housner
Jon 1L Peterson
Clarence R. Allen
Hiroo Kanamori
Frank Press
John A. Blume
Leon Knopoff
William U. Stauder
Gilbert A. Bollinger
Jack E. Oliver
Karl V. Steinbrugge
Harry T. Halverson
Waverly J. Person
Robert E. Wallace
Bechtel Corporation
Attn: Joe Litehiser
PO Box 193965
San Francisco, CA 94119
Fax: 415-768-4955
Dames & Moore
Atm: C.B. Crouse
2025 First Avenue, Ste 400
Seattle, WA 98121
(206) 728-0744
Degenkolb Engineers
Wess Murdough
350 Sansome Street, Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94104
Fax: 415-981-3157
Digital Technology Associates
Arm: Steve Pauly
1330-A Galaxy Way
Concord, CA 94520
Exxon Production Research Co
Dr. P.M. Shah
PO Box 2189
Houston, TX 77252-2189
Kinemetrics Inc
A. Mark Sereci, President
222 Vista Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91107
Fax: 818-795-0868
Risk Engineering, Inc
Robin K. McGuire
4155 Darley Avenue, Suite A
Boulder, CO 80303
Teledyne-Brown Engr, Geotech
Attn: Tom Trosper, Marketing Director
10755 Sanden Drive
Dallas, TX 75238-1366
Fax: 214-343-4400
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Geosciences Dept Library
PO Box 770000 Mail Code N4C
San Francisco, CA 94177
(415) 973-2791
Fax: 415-973-5778
Western Geophysical Company
Atm: Mr. Rick Workman
PO Box 2469
Houston, TX 77252-2469
Refraction Technology; Inc
Paul Passmore
2626 Lombardy Lane, Suite 105
Dallas, TX 75220
Fax: 214-353-9659
Woodward-Clyde Consultants
Atm: Yoshi Moriwaki
2020 E. First Street, Ste 400
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Fax: 714-667-7147
94 Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number5 September/0ctober1996
Date after name indicates year of election. The ID number is to be used with all correspondence with the society, for meeting
registration, and for purchase of society publications. Honorary Members are indicated by H, Life Member are indicated by
L, Member are indicated by M, and Student Members are indicated by S. The addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and
roster represent the record of the society as of July 1, 1996. E-mail addresses may be broken anywhere if they are too long to
fit on one line; please note that there are no spaces in actual e-mail addresses.
ADNAN,Az[anBin, (S; 1995; ID# 16325), 60 East
32nd Street Apt 212, Chicago,IL, 60616,
(312)225-6724, E-mail: adnaaz[@minna.acc.iit
ABDULLAH, Shafkit, (S; 1995; ID# 16218), University of Leeds, Dept of Earth Sciences, Leeds
LS2 93T, UK - ENGLAND,Fax: (44)113-233-5256,
E-mail: [email protected]
ABE, Katsuyuki, (M; 1979; ID# 10447), Earthquake ResearchInstitute, University of Tokyo,
Yayoi 1-I-1 Bunkyo-Ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN,(81)33812-2111x5706, Fax: 81-3-5689-4468, E-mail:
[email protected]
ABE, Mamoru, (M; 1965; ID# 10448), Dept of
Resources Engineering,Faculty of Engineering,
Tohoku University,Sendal 980, JAPAN, (81)22222-1800, Fax: 81-22-222-2114
ABELSON,Philip H., (M; 1957; ID# 11140), Deputy Editor Science, AAAS, 1333 H Street NW,
Washington, DC, 20005, (202)326-6641
ABERCROMBIE,RachelE., (M; 1992; ID# 15422),
Inst of Geological& NuclearSciences,KeLburnRes
Ctr 32 SalamancaRoad, POBox 1320, Wellington,
NEWZEALAND,(64)4-473-8208, Fax: 64-4-4710977, E-mail: [email protected]
ABERS,Geoffrey, (M; 1991; ID# 15206), Department of Geology, 120 LindLeyHall, University of
Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 66045-2124
ABRAHAMSON,Norman, (M; 1981; ID# 12232),
5319 CaminoALto Mira, Castro Valley,CA, 94546,
(510)582-9017, Fax: 510-582-4025, E-mail:
ABRAMOVICH,Igor A., (M; 1996; ID# 16175),
PMDScientific Inc, 139A West Dudley[ownRd,
BLoomfield, CT, 06002, (860)760-6088, Fax:860769-6091, E-mail: [email protected]
ABRAMOVICI,FLavian,(M; 1968; ID# 10390), Tel
Aviv University,Schoolof MathematicalSciences,
Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, ISRAEL,(3)640-8704
ADAMS, DavidALexander,(S; 1993; ID# 15697),
Universityof SouthernCaUfornia, Dept of Geological Sciences,Los Angeles,CA, 90089-0740,
(213)740-7174, E-mail: [email protected]
ADAMS, Herbert G., (M; 1991; ID# 15114), Dept
of GeologicalSciences,CaUforniaState University,
Northridge, CA, 91330-8266, (818)885-2575
ADAMS,3ohn, (M; 1994; ID# 13229), Geological
Survey of Canada,Geophys Division, 10bservatoni Crescent,Ottawa, ON, KIA OY3, CANADA,
(613)995-5519, Fax: 613-9g2-8836, E-mail:
[email protected]
ADAMS, Robin D., (M; 1965; ID# 10177), Intnatt
SeismologicalCentre, Pipers Lane, Thatcham,
NewburyRG94NS, UK-ENGLAND,(44)1635-861022, Fax:44-1635-872-351
AGNEW,James D., (M; 1979; ID# 10992), Woodward-CLydeFedSvc TRWPhaseII, 101 Convention
Center Drive,Ste P-282, MailStop 423, Las Vegas,
NV, 89109, (702)794-1853, Fax: 702-794-5378,
E-mail: [email protected]
AGRAWAL,P. N., (L; 1966; ID# 10355), University
of Roorkee, Dept of Earthquake Engineering,206/
2 Saraswati Kunj, Roorkee 247 667, INDIA,
AGRAWAL,RameshC., (L; 1977; ID# 10356), University of Roorkee, EarthquakeEngineeringDept,
Roorkee 247 667, INDIA, (91)13-327-3640, Fax:
91-13-327-3560, E-mail: quake%[email protected] (at[n: prof r.c. agrawa[)
AGUILAR,Jorge A., (S; 1995; ID# 16305), Av
Coyoacan 1625 Dept 139, Col DeLVaLLe,Mexico
City, 03100, MEXICO,(52)5-524-6914, Fax: 52-5382-3998, E-mail:[email protected]
AGUIRREGARCIA,ALbertoC., (M; 1993; ID#
15547), c/Toronto, 9, 04720 AguaduLce,ALmeda,
SPAIN, (34)50-340-516, E-mail: [email protected]
15519), DisasterPrevention Res Ins[, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611, JAPAN,(81)77433-5866, Fax:(81)77-433-5866
AHERN,Tim, (M; 1990; ID# 13766), IRIS Data
ManagementCenter,1408 NE45th Street, Seattle,
WA, 98105, (206)547-0393, Fax: 206-547-1093,
E-mail: [email protected]
AL-SHABI, Sultan Fateh, (M; 1996; ID# 16543),
King Saud Univ, Seismological fieo[ogica[ Observatory, PO Box 2454, Riyadh 11451, SAUDI ARABIA, Fax: 966-1-467-6345, E-mail:
AL-SHUKRI, Haydar J., (M; 1991; ID# 13528),
ENSCOInc, 445 Pineda Court, Melbourne, FL,
32940, (407)254-4122, Fax: 407-254-3293, Email: [email protected]
AL-TARAZI, EID A., (M; 1993; ID# 15501),
Hashemite University, Dept of Earth & Environmental Sci, PO Box 150459, 13115 Zarqa,30RDAN, (962)985-436, 962-842-700, Fax: 962-843864, E-mail:
ALAMRI, AbduLLahM.S., (M; 1991; ID# 14113),
Dept of Geology, King Saud Univ, PO Box 2455,
Riyadh 11451, SAUDIARABIA, (966)1-467-6348
ALARCON, Enrique, (M; 1977; ID# 13056), Dept
de Estructuras, ETSIngenierosIndustrial, Jose
Gutierrez Abasca[ 2, 28006 Madrid, SPAIN, (34)1336-3021, Fax: 34-1-336-3004, E-mail:
[email protected]
ALBERT,DonaldG,, (M; 1980; ID# 10971), POBox
720, Norwich, VT, 05055, (603)646-4459, Fax:
603-646-4278, E-mail: [email protected][
ALEXANDER,She[ton S., (M; 1970; ID# 11113),
Penn State University, 503 Deike Btdg, University
Park, PA, 16802, (814)863-7246, Fax:814-8632001, E-mail: [email protected]
ALFARO,Celso,(M, 1987; ID# 12968), 10a. Av Sur
#107, Santa Ana, EL SALVADOR,(503)40-01-34
AHO, John L., (M; 1976; ID# 12454), Ch2M Hill,
301 N. Northern Lights BLvdSte 601, Anchorage,
AK, 99503, (907)278-2551, Fax: 907-277-9736
ALGERMISSEN,S. T., (M; 1957; ID# 11642), EQE
International Inc., 2942 Evergreen Parkway,Ste
302, Evergreen,CO, 80439, (303)674-2990, Fax:
303-674-8183, E-mail: sta@eqe, corn
AKAMATSU,Junpei,(M; 1991;ID# 13506), Disaster Preven~onRes Inst, Kyoto University,
Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611, JAPAN,(81)77-4323111, Fax:81-77-433-0963
ALGUACIL, A. Gerardo, (M; 1989; ID# 13192),
Observatodo de Cartuja, Universidadde Granada,
18071 Granada, SPAIN, (34)58-201-033, Fax: 3458-290-908, E-mail: [email protected]
AKI, Keiiti, (H; 1963; ID# 11846), Observatoire
Du Piton de La Fournaise,14 RN3 27 Eme Km,
97418 La Ptaine Des Cafres, La Union, FRANCE
ALLEN, C~rence R., (H; 1955;ID# 11893), CaSfornia Inst ofTechno[og~ 252-21 Seismo~gicaL
Lab, Pasadena,CA, 91125,(818)395-6904, Fax:
AKTAR,Mustafa, (M; 1993; ID# 15510), Yer BiLim[eri BoL MamTubitak Pk:21, 41470 GebzeKocae[i,
TURKEY,(90)190-412-300, Fax: 90-190-412-309
AL-EQABI,GhassanI., (M; 1991; ID# 11459),
Washington University, Dept of Earth & PLanetary
Science, CampusBox 1169, St Louis, MO, 631304899, (314)935-627, Fax: 314-935-7361
AL-HUSSEINI, MoujahedI., (M; 1973; ID#
15707), PO Box 20393, Manama, BAHRAIN,
(973)214881, Fax: 973-532-437
ALLEN, Courtney, (M; 1995; ID# 16322), 1510
Fountain Spring Drive, Danville,CA, 94526,
ALLEN, Dewitt C., (M; 1960; ID# 12236), 1076
Via Madrid, Livermore,CA, 94550, (510)447-6096
ALONSO, Luis 3, (M; 1995; ID# 16338), Calle Dos
2-4, Col DeL Valle, Mexico DF 03230, MEXICO,
(52)5-524-8697, Fax: 52-5-524-9277, E-mail:
compuserve 74174, 1634
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October 1996
ALPTEKIN, Omer, (M; 1974; ID# 10850), IstanbuL
Universitesi,Jeofizik MuhendisLigiBotumu,34850
AvciLar, Istanbu[, TURKEY,(90)-216-591-3873,
Fax: 90-216-591-1997
ALSAKER,ALfred,(M; 1990; ID# 13757), Margrethesv 19, N-4320 Hommersak, NORWAY,(47)51535-535, Fax:47-51-524-333, E-mail:
AMBEH, Wi[liam B., (M; 1991; ID# 13967), Univ
of the West Indies, Seismic Research Unit, St.
Augustine,TRINIDAD& TOBAGO,(809)662-4659,
Fax: 809-663-9293
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-5606, Fax:415320-5163, E-mail: [email protected]
ASAD, Abu M., (S; 1994; ID# 15856), University
of Nevada,SeismologicalLab, Reno, NV, 89557,
ANGELL,Michael, (M; 1996; ID# 14296), Geoma-
ASCH, 6unter, (M; 1995; ID# 16109), GeoFors-
trix Consultants, 100 PineStreet lOth FLoor,San
Francisco, CA, 94111, (415)434-9400
chuugsZentrum Potsdam,TeLegraphenbergA6, D
14473 Potsdam, GERMANY,(49)331-8877 207,
Fax: 49-331-8877 533, E-mail: [email protected]
ANNAKA, Tadashi, (M; 1979; ID# 10454), Tokyo
Electric PowerSvc Co Ltd, Seismic Engineering
Dept, 1-4 Uchisaiwai-Cho2 Chome,Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, JAPAN, (81)3-5818-7602, Fax:81-3-58187608
ASMIS, Harold, (M; 1982; ID# 10059), Ontario
Hydro - H12B15, 700 UniversityAvenue,Toronto
ON, M5G lX6, CANADA,(416)592-7379, Fax:416592-5322, E-mail: [email protected]
ANOOSHEHPOOR,RasooL,(M; 1992; ID# 13228),
Univ of NevadaReno, SeismologicalLab, Reno,
NV, 89557, (702)784-1617, Fax: 702-784-1766,
E-mail: rasoo[
ASPINALL, William, (M; 1977; ID# 10180), 5
Woodside Close, Beaconsfield,Bucks HP9 1JQ, UK
- ENGLAND,(44)1494-672-746, Fax:44-1494671-239, E-mail: [email protected]
AMIRBEKIAN, Rouben V., (S; 1991; ID# 15249),
University of California, 301 Earth Sciences Bldg,
Berkeley, CA, 94720, (510)642-6994, Fax: 510643-5811, E-mail: [email protected][
ANSAL, Ati[[a M., (M; 1991; ID# 15262), IstanbuL
TechnicalUniversity,s EngineeringFaculty,
Ayazaga,Istanbu|, TURKEY,(90)1-212-285-3702,
Fax: 90-1-212-285-6587, E-mail: inansa[
ASTER,Richards (M; 1987; ID# 12804), Dept of
Geoscience, New MexicoInst Mining & Tech,
Socorro, NM, 87801, (505)835-5925, Fax:505835-6436, E-mail: [email protected]
AMMANN,WalterJ., (M; 1986; ID# 12524), Swiss
Federal Institute, Snowand AvalancheResearch,
F[ue[astr 11, CH-7260-Davas,SWITZERLAND,
(41)81-417-0232, Fax: 41-81-417-0211
ANSEL, VaLerie, (M; 1991; ID# 15087), Inst de
Physiquedu GLobe, 5 rue Descartes,67084 Strasbourg CX, FRANCE,(33)88-416-378, Fax: 33-88616-747
AMMON, Chuck, (M; 1985; ID# 11078), St Louis
University, Earth & Atmospheric Science Dept,
3507 Ladede Avenue,Saint Louis, MO, 63103,
(314)658-63103, E-mail: [email protected]
ANSORGE,Joerg, (M; 1965; ID# 10838), Geo-
AMBRASEYS,NicoLsN., (M; 1957; ID# 10178),
Imperial College, Civil EngineeringDept, London
SW7 2BU, UK-ENGLAND,(44)71-589-5111, Fax:
ANAGNOSTOPOULOS,Stavros, (M; 1996; ID#
physics Institute, Fed Inst of Technology,ETH
Hoenggerberg, CH 8093 Zurich, SWITZERLAND,
(41)1-633-2622, Fax: 41-1-633-1065, E-mail
[email protected]
16461), University of Patras, Dept of Civil Engineering, 26500 Patras, GREECE,(30)61-997-630,
Fax: 30-61-997-552, E-mail: [email protected]
ANTOLIK, MichaelS., (S; 1996; ID# 16426), Univ
of California Berkeley,475 McConeHal[, Berkeley,
CA, 94720-4760, (510)642-3977, Fax: 510-6435811, E-mail: [email protected]
ANANDAKRISRNAN,Sridhar, (M; 1995; ID#
16252), PennsylvaniaState University, 248 Deike
BLdg, University Park, PA, 16802-2711, (814)8657124, Fax: 814-865-3191, E-mail:
[email protected]
AOI, Shin, (S; 1993; ID# 15520), Kyoto University, Disaster PreventionRes Institute, Gokasho,
Uji City, Kyoto 611, JAPAN,(81)77-433-5866,
Fax: 81-77-433-5866, E-mail.:[email protected]
ANDERSON,Desideria,(M; 1992; ID# 15449),
442-14 Lively Avenue, Lancaster, CA, 93536,
ANDERSON,GregJ-, (S; 1991; ID# 14101), Univ
of California - San Diego, Inst of Geophysics&
P[anetary Physics, La JoLLa,CA, 92093-0225,
(614)534-6150, Fax: 614-534-5332, E-mail: [email protected]
ANDERSON,Helen, (M; 1984; ID# 10744), University of Otago, Earth & OceanSciences
Research, Campus, Box 56, Dunedin, NEW
ZEALAND,(64)3-479-7477, Fax: 64-3-479-7586,
E-mail: helen@[ nz
ANDERSON,John G., (M; 1970; ID# 11966), University of Nevada, SeismologicalLaboratory,
MackaySch of Mines, Reno, NV, 89557, (702)7844265, Fax: 702-784-1766, E-mai[:
[email protected]
ANDERSON,PeterC., (M; 1988; ID# 13109),
17440 RingeLDrive, Morgan Hilt, CA, 95037,
ANDREWS, DudleyJoe, (M; 1973; ID# 12057), US
GeologicalSurvey, MS977, 345 MiddtefieLdRoad,
ASTIZ, Luciana, (M; 1981; ID# 11895), 3455
WeL[esteyAvenue, San Diego,CA, 92122-2338,
(619)534-8202, E-mail: [[email protected]
ATKINSON,Gall M., (M; 1981; ID# 10060), 324
Mclean Avenue,Arnprior ON, K7S 3T2, CANADA,
(613)623-3240, Fax: 613-623-3240, E-mail:
[email protected][
AUGELLO,Anthony, (S; 1995; ID# 16333), Univ of
California, Dept of Civil Engineering,440 Davis
Hal[, Berkeley,CA, 94720, (510)642-9005, E-mail:
auge[[[email protected]
AY, Erkan, (S; 1996; ID# 16395), DokuzEytut University, Muh Fakuhesi,Jeofizik Muh, 35100
Bornova-Izmie, TURKEY,(90)232-388-7873, Email: [email protected]
AYERS,A. Wayne, (M; 1991; ID# 14306), 8315
Sunrise Blvd Apt 515, Citrus Heights, CA, 9561,
(916)721-1861, E-mail: [email protected]
ARABASZ,Walter J., (M; 1974; ID# 11732), University of Utah, Dept of Geology& Geophysics,
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112-1183, (801)581-6274,
Fax: 801-585-5585, E-mail: [email protected]
ARCHAMBEAU,C. B., (M; 1987; ID# 12508), Univ
of Colorado, Deptof Geophysics,CampusBox 583,
Boulder, CO, 80302, (303)492-5643, Fax: 303492-2458,
ARCHULETA,RalphJ., (M; 1974; ID# 12032),
Univ of Ca[ifornia, Dept of GeologicalSciences,
Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-9630, (805)893-4477,
Fax: 805-893-2314, E-mail:
[email protected]
ARMSTRONG,BaxterH., (M; 1989; ID# 13679),
4339 MirandaAvenue, Pa[oALto, CA, 94306,
ARROWSMITH,Ramon,(M; 1995; IDff 14300),
Arizona State University,Deptof Geology,Tempe,
AZ, 85287-8102, (602)965-3541, Fax:602-9658102, E-mai[: [email protected]
BAA6, Chang-Eob, (M; 1981; ID# 12386), Seoul
National University, Dept of GeologicalSciences,
Seoul 151-742, SOUTHKOREA,(82)2-880-6735,
Fax: 82-2-871-3269, E-mail: baagce@krsnucci
BACHE, Thomas s (M; 1974; ID# 11986), SAIC,
10210 CampusPoint Drive, San Diego,CA, 92121,
(619)458-2531, Fax: 619-458-4993, E-mail:
[email protected]
BACKUS,GeorgeE., (M; 1949; ID# 11967), IGPP A-025, Scnpps Inst of Oceanography,Univ of CaLifornia San Diego, La Jo[[a, CA, 92093, (619)5342468, Fax: 619-534-5332, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BADAL, Jose I., (M; 1979; IDff 10810), Universidad de Zaragoza,Facu[tad de Ciencias, Dep
Fisica Teorica Geoflsica, 50009 Zaragoza,SPAIN,
(34)76 76 1139, Fax: 34-76 76 1140, E-mail:
96 SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
isades, NY, 10964, (914) 365-8477, Fax:914-3658150, E-marl: barstow@[
BAGWELL, Joyce B., (M; 1994; ID# 11256), 127
Sycamore Drive, SummerviL[e,SC, 29485,
(803)873-5043, Fax: 803-863-7533,
BECKER,Ann M., (M; 1983; ID# 12170), Woodward CLydeFederalServices, 6925 Union ParkCenter, Ste 110, Midva[e,UT, 84047, (801)561-0447,
Fax: 801-561-0448, E-maiL:[email protected]
BAILEY, AILenD., (M; 1991; ID# 15143), BaiLey
Scientific, 420 MoLLCourt, Sonoma, CA, 945766706, (707)939-1344,
BARZILAI, Aaron, (S; 1996; ID# 16370), Stanford
University, MechanicalEngrDept Design Division,
Terman Engineering551, Stanford, CA, 943054021, (415)725-9447, Fax:415-723-352, E-maiL:
BAKER, Ca[urn, (M; 1990; ID# 13783), University
of KeeLe,Dept of GeoLogy,Ctr for Induced Seismic
Response, Staffrdshire ST5 5BG, UK - ENGLAND,
(44)782-712-631, Fax: (44)782-584-115, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BASHAM,P.W., (M; 1963; ID# 10062), GeoLogicaL
Surveyof Canada,GeophysicsDivision EMR, 1
ObservatoryCrescent,Ottawa ON, KIA OY3,CANADA, (613)995-0904
BELL, John W., (M; 1980; ID# 11801), Nevada
Bureau Mines& GeoLogy,University of Nevada,
Reno, NV, 89557, (702)784-1939, Fax: 702-7841709, E-maiL:jbeL[
BAKER, GLenn E., (S; 1994; ID# 13072), Univ of
CaLifornia San Diego, IGPP-SIO, A-025, La Jo[la,
CA, 92037, (619)534-1750
BASSREI, Amin, (M; 1992; ID# 15343), Caixa
Postal 1001, 40001-970 SaLvadorBA, BRAZIL,
(55)71-2370408, Fax: 55-71-2473004, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BELTAS,Perik[is, (S; 1994; ID# 15836), Univ of
Southern CaLifornia,Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences,
Los AngeLes,CA, 90089-6754, (213)740-6754, EmaiL: be[[email protected]
BAKUN, WiLLiam H., (M; 1966; ID# 12060), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey MS 977, 345 Midd[efieLd Road,
MenLo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4793, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BATAILLE,K[aus, (M; 1990; ID# 13917), Martin
de Zamora4965 Apt 148, Santiago, CHILE, E-maiL:
k.bataiL[[email protected][
BALCH, Robert S., (S; 1991; ID# 13976), New
Mexico Tech, Geophysics Dept, PO Box 2474C/S,
Soccoro, NM, 87801, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BATLLO-ORTIZ,Josep, (M; 1986; ID# 12601),
Observatoriode L'Ebre,E-43520 Roquetes,SPAIN,
(34)77-500-511, Fax: 34-77-504-660, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BEN-ZION, Yehuda, (M; 1995; ID# 12701), Dept
of Earth Sciences, University of Southern CaLifornia, Los AngeLes,CA, 90089-0740, (213)7406106, Fax: 213-740-8801, E-maiL: [email protected]
BALDWIN, Richard E., (M; 1989; ID# 13611),
Pacific Geoscience Center, 9860 West Saanich
Road, Box 6000, Sidney BC, VSL 4B2, CANADA,
(604)363-6740, Fax: 604-363-6565, E-maiL: [email protected]
BATrIS,James,(M; 1973; ID# 10895), CPIM, PhiLLips Laboratory,29 RandoLphRoad, HanscomAFB,
MA, 01731-3010, (617)377-3078, Fax: 617-3778261, E-maiL:[email protected][
BANFILL, Robert, (M; 1994; ID# 14038), 2 Boston Harbor PLace, PO Box 410205, Big Water, UT,
84741-2205, (801)675-5827, Fax: 801-675-5820
BARAZANGI, Muawia, (M; 1968; ID# 11093),
Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, SNEEHa[[, Come[[
University, Ithaca, NY, 14853, (607)255-6411,
Fax: 607-254-4780, E-maiL: [email protected]
BAUMBACH,MichaeL,(M; 1992; ID# 15368),
Te[egrafenberg A6, 14473 Potsdam, GERMANY,
BAUMGARDT,DougLasR., (M; 1976; ID# 11200),
EnscoInc, 5400 Port RoyalRoad,SpringfieLd,VA,
22151, (703)321-9000, Fax: 703-321-7759, EmaiL: [email protected]
BAUMGARTNER,Gerhard, (M; 1976; ID# 10839),
Bas[er & HofmannConsLtEngrs, Forchstrasse395,
8029 Zurich,SWITZERLAND, (41)1-387-1122, Fax:
BARD, Pierre-Y, (M; 1987; ID# 12639), 18
Chemin S'Jean, La Tronche 38700, FRANCE,
(33)76-514-487, Fax: 33-76-514-422, E-maiL:
BARKER, Jeffrey, (M; 1979; ID# 11877), Dept of
GeoLogicaLSciences, State University of New York,
PO Box 6000, Binghamton, NY, 13902-6000,
(607)777-2522, Fax: 607-777-2288, EmaiL:[email protected]
BARNEICH, John A., (M; 1982; ID# 12015), 2451
HeLiotrope Drive, Santa Ana, CA, 92706,
(714)835-6886, Fax: 714-667-7147
BAROSH, Patrick J., (M; 1986; ID# 10898), 35
Potter Street, Concord, MA, 01742, (508)3691906, Fax: 508-369-1906
BARR, Jennifer A., (M; 1995; ID# 16288), Westward Construction & ConsuLting, 5768 Paradise
Drive, Corte Madera, CA, 94925
BARRIENTOS, Sergio E., (M; 1990; ID# 12886),
Universidad de ChiLe, Depto de Geofisica, CasiL[a
2777, Santiago, CHILE, (56)2-678-4295, Fax: 562-696-8686, E-maiL: [email protected][e.c[
BARSTOW, Noel (M; 1995; ID# 13377), Lamont
Doherty Earth Observatory, SeismoLogy Dept, PaL-
BAUSCH,DougLasB., (M; 1989; ID# 13608), 1345
W. RomneyAve., FLagstaff, AZ, 86001, (520)5237196, Fax: 520-523-9220, E-maiL:
[email protected]|
BAZAREWSKY,MichaelC., (S; 1992; ID# 15461),
New MexicoInst of TechnoLogy,PO Box 2892 C/S,
Socorro, NM, 87801, (505)835-5691, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BEAR, Lorie, (S; 1996; ID# 16424), Indiana University, 1005 East lOth Street, BLoomington,IN,
BEAVERS,James E., (M; 1974; ID# 11299), MS
TechnoLogyInc, 118 RidgewayCenter, Oak Ridge,
TN, 37830, (615)483-0895, Fax: 615-482-5396
BECK,JamesL., (M; 1976; ID# 11896), Mail Code
104-44, Ca[ifInstitute of TechnoLogy,Pasadena,
CA, 91125, (818)395-4132, Fax:818-568-2719
BECK, Susan L., (M; 1983; ID# 11373), Univ of
Arizona, Deptof Geosciences,GouLdSimpson B[dg
#377, Tucson,AZ, 85721, (520)621-8628, Fax:
520-621-2672, E-maiL: [email protected]
BECKWITH, George H., (M; 1975; ID# 11745),
Agra Earth & Environment, 3232 W. Virginia Avenue, Phoenix,AZ, 85009, (602)272-6848
BENAVIDEZ-SOSA,ALberto, (M; 1995; ID#
13626), FranciscoSolano Antuna, 2960 A 702,
11300 Montevideo,URUGUAY,(598)2-982-575, EmaiL: [email protected]
BENDIMERAD,M. Fouad, (M; 1996; ID# 16341),
RMSInc, 149 CommonweaLthDrive, MenLoPark,
CA, 94025, (415)617-6500, E-maiL:fouadb@risk
BENNETT,Hugh F., (M; 1964; ID# 11380), Michigan State University, Dept of GeoLogicaLScience,
East Lansing, MI, 48824-1115, (517)355-4635,
Fax: 517-353-8787
BENNETT,TheronJ., (M; 1969; ID# 11186),
12613 Say[ersCreek Lane, Herndon,VA, 22070,
(703)476-5197, E-maiL: [email protected]
BENOIT,John, (S; 1994; ID# 15924), University
of Ataska, GeophysInst-903 Koyukuk Drive, PO
Box 757320, Fairbanks, AK, 99775-5618,
(907)474-7375, Fax: 907-474-5618
BENT,ALUsonL., (M; 1985; ID# 11897), Geophysics Division, EMR,I ObservatoryCrescent,Ottawa,
ON, KIA OY3,CANADA,(613)995-8852, Fax:613992-8836, E-maiL: [email protected]
BENZ, HarLeyM., (M; 1990; ID# 13411), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, Box 25046, MS 966, Denver,s
80225, (303)273-8593
BERBERIAN, ManueL,(M; 1993; ID# 15481),
Najadan AssociatesInc, One Industrial Way West,
Eatontown, NJ, 07724, (908)389-0220, Fax: 908389-8546
BERCKHEMER,Hans, (M; 1963; ID# I0285), Univ
Frankfurt, Inst MeteoroLogy& Geophysics,Fe[dbergastrasse 47, 60323 Frankfurt Main, GERMANY
BERESNEV,Igor A., (M; 1990; ID# 13924), 2935
Richmond Road, Apt 604, Ottawa, ON, K2B 8C9,
CANADA, (613)829-6452, Fax: 613-829-6452, EmaiL: [email protected]
BERG, Ed, (M; 1963; ID# 12387), University of
Hawaii, GeoLogy& GeophyscisDept, 2525 Correa
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October1996
Rd, HonoLulu,HI, 96822, (808)956-6514, Fax:
BERG,Joseph W., Jr., (M; 1953; ID# 11152), 3319
Dauphine Drive, FaLLsChurch,VA, 22042,
BILLINGTON, Selena, (M; 1976; ID# 11701), 2890
Emerson Ave, Denver,CO,80303, (303)494-8624,
E-mail: [email protected]
SW7 2BU, UK- ENGLAND,(44)171-594-5984, Fax:
44-171-225-2716, E-maiL:[email protected]
BISWAS, Nirendra N., (M; 1968; ID# 12462), Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, CoLLege,
AK, 99701, (907)474-7373
BONAMASSA,OrnetLa,(M; 1986; ID# 12472), University of CaLiforniaSanta Cruz, Earth Science
Board, Santa Cruz,CA, 95064, (408)459-4426,
Fax: 408-459-2127, E-maiL:orne[[[email protected]
BLACKFORD, Michael E., (M; 1960; ID# 11170),
91-270 Fort Weaver Road, Ewa Beach, HI, 96706,
(808)689-8207, Fax: 808-689-4543, E-maih
ccmaiLblackford, michael
BONGIOVANNI,Giovanni, (M; 1991; ID# 15086),
Via Roma, 94, 67069 Tag[ia Cozzo,ITALY,(39)6446-6853, Fax:39-6-446-6579
BLAKE, Thomas F., (M; 1985; ID# 11927), Certified EngineerngGeoLogist,759 PaseoMontecito,
Newbury Park, CA, 91320, (805)650-7000, Fax:
805-650-7010, E-maiL:[email protected]
BONILLA, Luis Fabian, (S; 1996; ID# 16423),
Univ of CaLiforniaSanta Barbara, Institute for
Crusta| Studies, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106,
(805)893-8231, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BERGE, Patricia A., (M; 1985; ID# 12208),
Lawrence Livermore NatLLab, PO Box 808, MS L201, Livermore, CA, 94550, (510)423-4829, Fax:
510-423-1057, E-maiL: [email protected]
BERGER,Jonathan, (M; 1973; ID# 11968), Univ
of CaLiforniaSan Diego, IGPPA-025, La Jolla, CA,
92093, (619)534-2889
BERGER, PhiSp R., (M; 1950; ID# 11099),
GeoSonicslnc, Box 779, War~ndate, PA, 15095,
(412)935-1655, Fax: 412-934-2999
BERGLOF,William R., (M; 1989; ID# 13682), University of MaryLand,Asian Division, Unit 5060,
Box 0100, APO AP, 96328-0100, (81)42-5461849, Fax: 81-42-546-1849, E-mail: [email protected][
BERGMAN, Eric A., (M; 1978; ID# 10918), GLobaL
SeismoLogicalServices,601 16th Street, Ste C390,
Golden, CO, 80401, (303)278-4089, Fax:303278-4089, E-maiL: [email protected]
BERKLAND,James 0., (M; 1986;ID# 12470),
14927 East HiL~ Drive, San Jose, CA, 95127,
BEML, ALberto, (M; 1991; ID# 15131), Ferrer De[
Rio 14, 28028 Madrid, SPAIN, (34)1-361-7292,
Fax: 34-1-361-2290
BEROZA,GregoryC., (M; 1985; ID# 10934), Stanford University, Dept of Geophysics,Stanford, CA,
94305-2215, (415)723-4958, Fax:415-725-7344,
E-maiL: [email protected]
BERRILL, John B., (M; 1982; ID# 10745), University of Canterbury,Christchurch1, NEWZEALAND,
(64)3-364-2381, Fax: 64-3-364-2705, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BERRY, Michael 3, (M; 1963; ID# 10064), 1732
Needham's Side Road, Woodlawn ON, KOA3MO,
CANADA,E-maiL: [email protected]
BIASI, Glenn P., (M; 1991; ID# 15248), 2040 King
Edward Court, Reno, NV, 89503-2308, (702)7844576, Fax: 702-7784-1766, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BIELAK, Jacobo, (M; 1977; ID# 11102), Carnegie
Melton University, Dept of Civil Engineering,
SchenLeyPark, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, (412)2682958, Fax: 412-268-7813, E-maiL:
bie[[email protected]
BIELEFELD, Richard J., (M; 1963; ID# 12448),
4538 Lake Washington Blvd, Kirkland, WA, 98033,
(206)828-3162, Fax: 206-451-1442
BILHAM, RogerG., (M; 1976; ID# 11031), University of Colorado, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences,
Campus Box 250, Boulder, CO, 80309-0250,
(303)492-6189, Fax: 303-492-1149, E-mail: [email protected]
BLANCK, Lou, (M; 1980; ID# 11995), 370 Weymouth Street, Cambria,CA, 93428, (805)9274316, Fax: 805-543-0397
BLANDFORD, Robert R., (M; 1974; ID# 11204),
AFTAC/CSS,Suite 1450, 1300 North 17th Street,
ArLington, VA, 22209, (703)276-7900, E-mail:
[email protected]
BLOCH, Se[wyn, (M; 1966; ID# 15723), PO Box
33098, 3eppestown, TVL 2043, SOUTHAFRICA,
BLUM G, Efren, (M; 1979; ID# 10174), PO Box 0901-4090, GuayaquiL ECUADOR,400033
BLUME, 3ohn A., (H; 1935; ID# 12142), 85 ELs
rito Avenue, HiLLsborough,CA, 94010, (415)3435585
BOCK, Guenter, (M; 1973; ID# 10007), GeoForchungsentrum, TeLegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, GERMANY,(49)331-887-7279, Fax: 49-331887-7533, E-maiL: [email protected]
BODIN, Paul (M; 1987; ID# 12674), CERI,University of Memphis,CampusBox 449, Memphis,TN,
38152, E-mail: [email protected][
BOITNOI'r, Greg, (M; 1991; ID# 15201), New
EngLand Research, 76 O[cott Drive, White River
Junction, VT, 05001, (802)296-2401, Fax: 802296-8333
BOK, KyungJai, (M; 1996; ID# 16359), KoreaNat[
University of Education, Dept of Earth Sciences,
KangnaeCheongwon,Chungbuk363-791, SOUTH
KOREA,(82)431-230-3742, Fax:82-431-2327176
BOLER, Frances, (M; 1986; ID# 12471), 1205
ALbion Road, BouLder,CO, 80303, (303)2360777X744, Fax: 303-236-0828, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BOLLINGER, GiLbertA., (H; 1962; ID# 11230), PO
Box 806, BuffaLo, WY, 82834-0806, (307)6849613
BOLT, BruceA., (M; 1963; ID# 12290), Seismographic Station, 475 EarthSciencesB[dg, University of CaLifornia, BerkeLey,CA, 94720, 510-6427030, Fax: 510-643-9980
BONILLA, ManuelG., (M; 1961; ID# 12062), US
GeoLogicalSurvey,MS 977, 345 Midd[efle[dRoad,
MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (415)329-5615
BONJER, K[aus P., (M; 1973; ID# 10289), Univ of
KarLsruhe, GeophysikaUschesInstitut,
Hertzstrasse 16, 76187 Karlsruhe, GERMANY,
(49)721-608-4558, Fax: 721-71173
BONNER, Jessie L., (S; 1994; ID# 15910), Southern Methodist University, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, DaLLas,TX, 75275, (214)768-3429, Fax:
214-768-2701, E-maiL: bonner@[
BONNIN, Jean, (g; 1995; ID# 16334), IGP/ULP, 5
Rue Rene Descartes, F-67084 Strasbourg, FRANCE,
(33)8-841-6368, Fax: 33-8-841-6477, E-maiL:
BOORE, David M., (M; 1971; ID# 12063), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad, MS 977,
MenLo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-5616, Fax: 415329-5163, E-maiL: [email protected]
BOOTH, David C., (M; 1995; 1D# 16286), British
Geological Survey, Murchison House, West Mains
Road, Edinburgh EH9 3LA, UK-SCOTLAND,
(44)131-667-1000, Fax: 44-131-667-1877, EmaiL: [email protected]
BORAN, Michael (M; 1988; ID# 13110), 10725
Wet[worth Avenue, Los AngeLes,CA, 90024,
(310)475-1872, Fax: 310-441-9973
BORCHARDT,GLenn, (M; 1995; ID# 13252), Soil
Tectonics, PO Box 5335, BerkeLey,CA, 94705,
(510)654-1619, Fax: 510-654-4551
BORCHERDT,Roger D., (M; 1967; ID# 12064), US
GeologicaL Survey, MS 977 OEVE,345 Midd[efie[d
Road, MenLo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-5619
BORGER, David, (M; 1977; ID# 12375), 7012
Kingsmi[[ Way, Citrus Heights, CA, 95610,
(916)323-5312, Fax: 916-324-0793, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BORMANN, Peter, (M; 1993; ID# 15686), GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Te[egrafenberg A34,
Aufgabenbereich 5, D-14473 Potsdam, GERMANY,
(49)331-288-1523, Fax: 49-331-288-1527, EmaiL: [email protected]
BOMMER,JuLian J., (M; 1992; ID# 15322), Imperial CoLLege,Dept of Civil Engineering, London
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October1996
BOSCHINI, ILeana H., (S; 1991; ID# 15234),
Apartado 106-1350, San Sebastian, San Jose,
COSTARIZA, (506)220-7741, Fax: 506-231-4744,
E-maiL: [email protected]
BREBING, DaLeR., (M; 1996; ID# 16128), Sandia
National Labs, MS 0979, Org 5704, ALbuquerque,
NM, 87185-0979, (505)844-9084, Fax: 505-2985314, E-maiL:[email protected]
BOSTROM,R. C., (M; 1970; IO# 12423), Univ of
Washington, Dept of GeoLogicaLScience,SeattLe,
WA, 98105
BRENNER, Peter, (M; 1996; ID# 16344), Rosenstrasse 8, CH-8570 WeinfeLden,SWITZERLAND,
(49)1-385-2593, Fax: 49-1-385-2425
BOTT,Jacque[ine D., (M; 1991; ID# 14159),
Woodward-CLyde Federal Services, 500 12th St,
Suite 100, OakLand, CA, 94607, (510)874-3268,
E-maiL:[email protected]
BREW, Graham E., (S; 1996; ID# 16360), CorneLL
University, Snee HALL,Ithaca, NY, 14853,
(607)255-7472, Fax: 607-254-4780, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BOU-RABEE, FiryaL, (M; 1989; ID# 13200), University of Kuwait, Dept of GeoLogy,13060 Safat,
KUWAIT, Fax: (965)531-9191
BREWER,StephenI., (M; 1986; ID# 12566), s
University of Memphis, Memphis,TN, 38152,
(901)678-2007, Fax: 901-323-2857, E-mail:
[email protected]
BOUCHON, MicheL, (M; 1978; ID# 10244), IRIGM,
BP 53X, GrenobLe38041, FRANCE,Fax: 33-76-5144-22, E-maiL: [email protected]
BOWERS, David, (M; 1995; ID# 16225), AWE
Blacknest, Brimpton, Reading RG74RS, UKENGLAND,(44)17-34 82-6257, E-mail: [email protected]
BRILLINGER, David R., (M; 1981; ID# 12291),
Statistics Department, Universityof CaLifornia,
BerkeLey,CA, 94720, (510)642-0611, Fax: 510642-7892, E-maiL: [email protected]
BROCKMAN, StanLey R., (M; 1974; ID# 11646),
11715 West 33rd PLace,Wheatridge, CO, 80033,
BOWMAN,J. Roger, (M; 1979; ID# 10008), Science AppLicationsInt s
Centerfor Seismic
Studies, 1300 N. 17th Street Suite 1450, ArLington, VA, 22209, (703)276-7900, Fax: 703-2438950
(303)273-8560, Fax: 303-273-8600, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BROGAN,GeorgeE., (M; 1970; ID# 12013), 2081
BusinessCenterDrive, Ste 218, Irvine, CA, 92715,
(714)662-4442, Fax: 714-662-3144
BRUMBAUGH, DavidS., (M; 1970; ID# 11755),
Northern Arizona University, Dept of GeoLogy,AZ
Earthquake Info Ctr, PO Box 4099, FLagstaff, AZ,
86011-4099, (520)523-7191, Fax: 520-523-9220,
E-maiL: [email protected]
BRUNE,James N., (M; 1962; ID# 11969), University of Nevada, SeismoLogicaLLaboratory, Mackay
Schoolof Mines,Reno,NV, 89557, (702)784-4974
BRUNEITI, Gino, (M; 1991; ID# 14140), Factory
Mutual Engr Assn, 5650 Yong Street, Ste 1404,
North York, ON, M2M 4G3, CANADA, (416)7338180, Fax: 416-733-9056
BRYAN, CaroL, (M; 1991; ID# 13981), Institute of
GeoLogicaLand NucLearSciences, Private Bag
2000, Taupo, NEW ZEALAND, (64)7-374-8211,
Fax: 64-7-374-8199, E-maiL: [email protected]
BUCHANAN, Sarah K., (S; 1995; ID# 16263), Univ
of Edinburgh, Dept of GeoLogy& Geophysics,West
Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK-SCOTLAND,
(44)131-650-5917, Fax: 44-131-668-3184, EmaiL: [email protected]
BUESSELBERG,Thorsten, (S; 1995; ID# 16027),
SteeLer Strasse 114, 45139 Essen, GERMANY,
BUFE, CharLesG., (N; 1963; ID# 11007), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, Box 25046, MS967, Denver Federal
Center, Denver, CO, 80225, (303)273-8413, Fax:
303-273-8450, E-maiL: cbufe@g[
BOYD,Thomas N, (M; 1989; ID# 12912), Dept of
Geophysics,CoLoradoSchoolof Mines,GoLden,CO,
80401, (303)273-3522, E-maiL:
BROWITr, C. W.A., (M; 1971; ID# 15714), GLobaL
SeismoLogyUnit, MurchisonHouse,Westmains Rd,
Edinburgh 9, UK-SCOTLAND,(44)31-667-1000,
Fax: 44-31-667-1877
BOZORGNIA,Yousef, (M; 1989; ID# 13207), 1009
Bermuda Drive, Concord, CA, 94518
BROWN, Amy, (S; 1996; ID# 16462), 46 Central
Avenue, S Croydon VIC 3136, AUSTRALIA,(61)039725-0523, E-maiL: [email protected]
BUFORN, E[isa, (M; 1991; ID# 13562), Universidad Comptutense, FacuLtadC Fisicas, Dept de
Geofisica, 28040 Madrid, SPAIN, (34)1-394-4400,
Fax: 34-1-394-4398, E-maiL: [email protected]
BROWN, Ethan D., (M; 1985; ID# 11734), SAIs
10260 CampusPoint Drive,San Diego,CA, 92121,
(619)458-2676, Fax: (619) 458-4993, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BULAND, Ray, (M; 1973; ID# 11661), US GeoLogicaL Survey, MS 967, Box 25046, Denver Federal
Center, Denver, CO, 80225, (303)273-8414, Fax:
303-273-8450, E-maiL: [email protected]
BROWN, Ian R., (M; 1981; ID# 10746), PO Box 24
147, WetUngton, NEWZEALAND,(64)4-471-1464,
Fax: 64-4-471-1745, E-maiL: [email protected]
BUNGUM, Hi[mar, (M; 1969; ID# 10763), NORSAR,
PO Box 51, N-2007 KjeLLer, NORWAY,(47)63-817121, Fax: 47-63-818-719, E-maiL: [email protected]
BRANDOW, Gregg E., (M; 1972; ID# 11813), Brandow & Johnston Associates, 1660 West 3rd Street,
Los AngeLes,CA, 90017, (213)484-8950
BROWN, Paul Larry, (M; 1995; ID# 16290), 1200
SW Frazier Avenue, Topeka, KS, 66604-1740,
(913)228-9317, Fax: 913-228-9407
BUREAU, GiLtesJ., (M; 1979; ID# 12274), 140
WiLdwood Avenue, Piedmont, CA, 94610,
BRATr,Steven R., (M; 1986; ID# 12502), NucLear
Treaty Program Office, 1901 North MooreSt, Ste
609, ArLington, MA, 22209, (707)812-8244 X
0984, Fax: 703-696-2203, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BROWN, R. James, (M; 1973; ID# 10067), PGS
Reservoir Services AS, PO Box 354, N-1324
Lysaker, NORWAY,(47)67-52-6500, Fax:47-67-526506, E-maiL:jimb@os[
BRADY,A. GeraLd, (M; 1970; ID# 12065), 735
Desoto Drive, Pa[oALto, CA, 94303, (415)3272917, Fax:415-617-8604, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BRAILE, Lawrence W., (M; 1972; ID# 11366), Purdue University, Earth & Atmos Science Dept, 1397
Civil Engineering, West Lafayette, IN, 479071397, (317)494-5979, Fax: 317-496-1210, EmaiL: [email protected]
BRAUGHT, G J., (M; 1957; ID# 11451), 14838
Sinks Road, Ftorissant, MO, 63034
BROWN, Raymon L., (M; 1989; ID# 13165), 826
Schulze Road, Norman, OK, 73071-4842,
(405)325-3031, Fax: 405-325-7069
BROWN, Robert D., (M; 1970; ID# 11410), 600
Leon Drive, Barrington, IL, 60010, (708)8254474, Fax: 708-698-5925
BRAY,Jonathan, (M; 1991; ID# 15083), Univ of
CaLifornia, Dept of Civil Engineering,440 Davis
HaLL,BerkeLey,CA, 94720, (510)642-1262, Fax:
BRAZIER, Richard A., (S; 1995; ID# 16019), PO
Box 113, Nittheim, PA, 16802, (814)349-4494
BUFFINTON, PhiLipG., (M; 1954; ID# 11436), 210
Imperial Drive, BLoomington, IL, 61701
BROWN, Robert D., (M; 1968; ID# 12067), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey, MS 977, 345 Midd[efieLdRoad,
MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (415)329-5620, Fax: 415329-5163, E-maiL: [email protected]
BURGESS, Danny N., (M; 1993; ID# 15542), 1530
PameLaCrest, Red[ands, CA, 92373, (909)3071176, Fax: 909-307-0636, E-maiL: dnburgess@ao[.com
BURGMANN, RoLand,(M; 1991; ID# 14358), Univ
of CaUfornia, Dept of GeoLogy, Davis, CA, 95616,
Fax: 916-752-0951", E-maiL: burgmann@geo[
BURKE, Jack, (M; 1993; ID# 15758), 10766
Labrador Place, Riverside, CA, 92503, (714) 3805367, Fax: (714) 380-5959,
BURKE, Kenneth B., (N; 1998; ID# 13298), Univ
of New Brunswick, Dept of GeoLogy, Brunswick,
SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
Fredericton NB, E3B 5A3, CANADA, (506)4534804, Fax: 506-453-5055, E-mail: [email protected]
BURTON, PaulW., (M; 1976; ID# 15715), Univ of
East Anglia, SchooLof EnvironmentalScience,
Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK-ENGLAND,(44)1603-592982, Fax:44-1603-507-719, E-maih [email protected]
BUTLER,Rhett, (M; 1974; ID# 12388), IRIS, 1616
N. Fort Myer Drive #1050, Arlington, VA, 22209,
(703)524-6222, Fax: 703-527-7256, E-maiL:
[email protected]
BYERS,William G., (M; 1994; ID# 15880), 8202
Alden Lane, Lenexa, KS, 66215, (913)551-4070,
Fax: 913-551-4099
CABOR-MARKUSIC,Snjezana, (M; 1988; ID#
13177), MirosLavaMagdalenica5, 10090 Zagreb,
CALDERWOOD,Arthur, (S; 1991; ID# 14123),
Univ of British CoLumbia,Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, 6339 Stores Road, VancouverBC, V6T 2B4,
CANADA,(604)822-2449, Fax: 604-822-6088, EmaiL: [email protected],
CALLAHAM, John M., (M; 1995; ID# 16258),
1100 Lake Hearn Drive Ste 200, AtLanta, GA,
30342-1523, (404)705-9500, Fax:404-705-9400
CALVERT,AlexanderScott, (S; 1996; ID# 16357),
Corne[LUniversity,Snee Hall, Ithaca, NY, 148531504, (607)255-2900, Fax: 607-254-4780, EmaiL: [email protected]
CAMACHOA., Eduardo, (M; 1988; ID# 13065),
Apartado 87-2050, Panama7, PANAMA,(507)637703, Fax: 507-63-7671
CAMPANELLA,Antoinette, (M; 1987; ID# 12676),
1217 North Livingston Street, ArLington, VA,
22205, (703)426-5197, Fax: 703-476-8546, EmaiL: [email protected]
CAMPBELL, Douglas D., (M; 1991; ID# 15079),
DoLmageCampbelLLtd, 1055 W. HastingsStreet
Ste 1970, VancouverBC, V6E 2E9, CANADA,
(604)681-2345, Fax: 604-681-3545
CAMPBELL, KennethW., (M; 1973; ID# 11716),
EQEEngineering,6555 Olympus Drive, Evergreen,
CO, 80439-5311, (303)674-2990, Fax: 303-6748183, E-maih [email protected],com
CANAS,Jose A., (M; 1975; ID# 10811), Univ
PoLitecnica De Catalunya,ETSICCP,C/o GranCapitan, S/n(mod. D-2), BarceLona08034, SPAIN,
(34)3-401-6884, Fax:34-3-401-6504, E-maih
[email protected]
CANAVERO,FLavio,(M; 1984; ID# 10405),
Po[itecnicodi Torino, Dipt Di ELettronica,Corso
Duca Degti Abruzzi 24, 1-10129 Torino, ITALY,
CAO,Tianquing,(M; 1990; ID# 13759), Ca[if Div
Mines & Geology,Strong Motion Instrument Progrm, 801 K Street, MS 13-35, Sacramento,CA,
95814-3531, (916)323-7967, Fax: 916-323-7778
CAPACETE,Jose L., (M; 1969; ID# 10884), W-2
Loma ALta, Garden HiLLs,Guaynabo,PR, 00966,
(809)792-0904, Fax:809-781-8918
CAPUT(},MicheLe,(M; 1978; ID# 11617), Dipart
Fisica Univ, Piazza[eA. Moro 2, Rome00185,
ITALY,(39)6-4991-4200, Fax:39-6-6495-7697
CARABAJAL,ClaudiaC., (S; 1990; ID# 13715),
SUNYBinghamton, GeoLogyDept, Binghamton,
NY, 13901, (607)777-2288, Fax:607-777-2288,
E-maiL: [email protected]
CARDWELL, RichardK., (M; 1975; ID# 12316), 31
Oak TrailCourt, ALamo,CA, 94507, (510)842-0653
CAREY,Debra, (M; 1991; ID# 14548), 105 Hopeco
Road, PLeasantHiLl, CA, 94523
CARNONA,Juan S., (M; 1991; ID# 15108), Univ
Nacionalde San Juan, Inst de Investigaciones
Antisismicas, Avda LibertadorSan Martin 1290,
5400 San Juan, ARGENTINA,(54)64-228-123,
Fax: 54-64-213-672
CARR, Dorthe, (M; 1990; ID# 13731), Sandia
NationalLaboratories, Org 9236; MS0655, POBox
5800, ALbuquerque,NM, 87185-0655, (505)8449459, Fax: 505-844-5321, E-mail: [email protected]
16432), Inst Geografico NacionaL,Observatorio
Geofico de ToLedo,Apartado446, 45080 ToLedo,
SPAIN, (34)925-254-349, Fax: 34-925-221-261
CARTER,Jerry A., (M; 1985; ID# 11071), Center
for SeismicStudies, 1300 North 17th Street,
ArLington, VA, 22209, (703)276-7900, Fax:703243-8950, E-mail: [email protected]
CASKEY,John, (S; 1994; ID# 15920), University
of Nevada, Ctr for NeotectonicStudies, MS 169,
MackaySchool of Mines, Reno, NV, 89557-0135,
92143-4843, (52)61-744-501, Fax: 52-61-744933, E-mail: rau[
CECIL, David K., (M; 1968; ID# 12010), Factory
Mutual Engineering, 333 City BouLevardWest,
Suite 1500, Orange, CA, 92613-5409, (714)6344888, Fax: 714-978-8041
CERVENu VlastisLav, (M; 1989; ID# 13653),
Charles University, Inst of Geophysics, Ke Karlovu
3, 121 16 Praha 2, CZECHREPUBLIC,(42)2-21911215, Fax: 42-2-299-272, E-maiL:[email protected]
CE-I'E,Alpan, (M; 1973; ID# 10292), Ruhr University, Inst of Geophysics, 44780 Bochum, GERMANY, Fax: 49-70-94-181
CHAEL, Eric P., (M; 1979; ID# 11765), SandiaLaboratories, MS 0655, P.O. Box 5800, ALbuquerque,
NM, 87185-0655, (505)844-4533, Fax: 505-8445321, E-mail: [email protected]
CHAGNON,3. Y., (M; 1991; ID# 15120), 778 Francois-Arteau, Ste-Foy, PQ, GlV 367, CANADA,
(418)656-7246, Fax: 418-656-7339, E-maiL:
CHAMPLIN, Gregg, (M; 1995; ID# 16247), New
Hampshire Office of Emergency Mgt, 107 Pleasant
Street, Concord, NH, 03301, (603)271-2231, Fax:
CHAN, Slew Hung, (M; 1963; ID# 10010), 48 MeLissa Street, DonvaLeVIC 3111, AUSTRALIA,
CIIAN, Winston, (M; 1996; ID# 11143), MuLtimax,
Inc, 1441 McCormick Dr, Largo, MD, 20774,
(301)925-8222, Fax: 301-925-2956, E-maiL:[email protected][
CHANDLER, Philip B., (M; 1974; ID# I1860),
2615 North MarquetteDrive,Topanga,CA, 90290,
CHANDRA, Umesh, (L; 1965; ID# 11238), 706
Gretchen Lane, Greensboro, NC, 27410, (910)2927853
CHANEY, RonaLdC., (M; 1976; ID# 12353), HumboLdt State University, Environmental Res & Engr
Dept, Arcata, CA, 95521, (707)677-3671, Fax:
CHANG, Chien-Shin, (S; 1995; ID# 16243), Central Weather Bureau(Seis Ctr), 64 Kung-Yuan
Road, Taipei 10039, TAIWAN ROC, (886)2-3691165, Fax: 886-2-369-1178, E-maiL: [email protected]
CAMPBELL,Kerry3, (M; 1992; ID# 15445), 2931
Cotton Stock Drive, Sugartand, TX, 77479,
(713)778-5528, Fax: 713-778-5573, E-maiL:
[email protected]
CASSIDY,John F., (M; 1996; ID# 13279), GeoLogical Survey of Canada, PO Box 6000, Sidney, BC,
CHANG, Chin-Yung, (M; 1977; ID# 12261), Geomatrix Consultants, 100 Pine Street, Suite 1000,
San Francisco, CA, 94111, (415)434-9400, Fax:
CAMPILLO, MicheL,(M; 1991; ID# 13885), LGIT
IRIGM, BP 53X, Grenoble38041, FRANCE,(33)76514-504, Fax:33-76-514-422, E-marl: [email protected]
CASTRO,GonzatoV., (M; 1972; ID# 10901), c/o
GEl ConsultantsInc, 1021 Main Street, Winchester, MA, 01890, (617)721-4000, Fax:617-7214073,
CHANG, Susan, (S; 1993; ID# 15696), University
of California, Oept of Civil Engineering, 440 Davis
Hall, BerkeLey, CA, 94720, (510)642-1262, Fax:
510-642-7476, E-maiL: [email protected]
CANALES, Luis L., (M; 1973; ID# 10186), 651
Bering Drive, Apt 806, Houston, TX, 77057
CASTRO,RauLR., (M; 1984; ID# 10713), CICESE,
Sismo[ogia, PO Box 434843, San Diego,CA,
CHANG, Tao-Ming, (S; 1992; ID# 15367), Earth &
Atmos Science Dept, St. Louis University, 3507
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
Laclede Avenue#302, St. Louis, MO, 63103, Email: changt@s[ueas.s[
CHAPIN, MichaelS., (M; 1988; ID# 13053), Carroll, Chapin& Areva|oInc, 9484 ChesapeakeDrive
Ste 801, San Diego, CA, 92123, (619)467-4900,
Fax: 619-467-4909
CHAPMAN, C. H., (M; 1970; ID# 10187), Sch[umberger CambridgeResearch, High Cross, Madingty
Road, Cambridge,CB30EL, UK-ENGLAND,
(44)223-315-576, Fax: 44-223-61-473, E-mail:
[email protected]
CHEN,Yuan-Hsing, (S; 1996; ID# 16400), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Dept of Earth & Environmental Science, Troy, NY, 12180, (518)2766477, E-mail.:[email protected]
CHERRY,Sheldon, (M; 1962; ID# 10076), Univ of
BriUsh Columbia,Civil EngineeringDept, Vancouver BC, V6T lW5, CANADA,(604)822-2602, Fax:
604-822-6901, E-mail: [email protected]
CHESIRE,BdanM., (M; 1991; ID# 13972), 6848
East 45th St~et, Tucson,AZ, 85730-2214,
(520)794-9901, E-mail: ooc8680@
ginia Polytechnic& St Univ, Dept of Geological
Sciences,4044 Derring Hall, Blacksburg, VA,
24061, (540)231-5036, Fax: (540)231-3386, Email: [email protected]
CHAI"rER3EE,DaUa,(S; 1996; ID# 16451), University of Alaska, GeophysicalInstitute, Fairbanks,
AK, 99709, (907)474-7309, E-mail:
da[[email protected]
CHIOU, Shyh-3eng,(M; 1984; ID# 11454), Geomatrix Consultants, 100 Pine Street, lOth F[oor,
San Francisco,CA, 94111, (415)434-3400, Fax:
CHAVEZ-PEREZ,Sergio, (S; 1987; ID# 12494),
CHIU, Hung-Chie,(M; 1988; ID# 13121), Academia Sin[ca, Earth Sciences, PO Box 1-55, Nankang, Taipei,TAIWANROC,(886)2-783-9910, Fax:
886-2-783-9811, E-mail: [email protected]
Univ of Nevada, MackaySchool of Mines, Seismological Lab, Reno, NV, 89557-0141, (702)7844251, Fax:702-784-1766, E-mail: [email protected]
CHELAPATI,C. V., (M; 1964; ID# 11873), California State University,Continuing EngineeringEducation, 250 Ba[[flower Blvd, FNDN255, Long
Beach, CA, 90840, (213)985-5363, Fax: 213-9855489
CHEN, Chau-Huei,(M; 1991; ID# 14271), Nat[
Chung-ChengUniversity,Institute of Seismology,
Fax: 886-5-27 20807, E-mail:
[email protected]
CHEN, Kou-Cheng,(M; 1991; ID# 15148), Inst of
CHOY,3ose, (M; 1977; ID# 10866), Deptde Fisica,
FacuLtadde Ciencias,Universidadde Los Andes,
Merida, VENEZUELA,(58)74-442-076, Fax: 74401-286, E-mail: [email protected]
ILUnois, Dept of Geology, 245 Natural History
Bldg, 1301 W. GreenStreet, Urbana, IL, 61801,
(217)333-2744, Fax: 217-244-4996, E-maih
[email protected]
CHEN, Xiaofei, (M; 1990; ID# 13776), Dept of
GeologicalScience, Univ of Southern California,
Los Angeles,CA, 90089-0740, (213)740-7174,
Fax: 213-740-8801, E-mail: [email protected]
CICHOWICZ, Arthur, (M; 1996; ID# 13523), Univ
of Witwatersrand, BPI Geophysics,Private Bag 3,
Wits 2050, SOUTHAFRICA,Fax: 27-51-339-7367,
E-mail: [email protected]
CIPAR, 3ohn, (M; 1972; ID# 10894), 16 Algonquin Road, Acton, MA, 01720, (617)377-3746,
Fax: 617-377-2707, E-mail: [email protected][
CLAERBOUT,,Ion E, (M; 1968; ID# 12199), Stanford University,GeophysicsDept, Stanford, CA,
94305, (415)723-3717, Fax:415-723-0683, Email: [email protected]
CHOY,Geo~e L.,(M; 1970;ID# 11663), US6eoLogicaLSuwe~MS967, BranchG[obaLSeismo[og~
Box 25046 DFC,DenvehCO, 80225, (303)2361506
CHEN,Wang-Ping, (M; 1975; ID# 11440), Univ
CICERONE, Robert D., (M; 1987; ID# 10904), 19
GreenwoodAvenue, Dedham, MA, 02026,
(617)326-7729, E-maih cicerone@er!
CHOUET,BeMrd,(M; 1985; ID# 12070), US Geological Survey,OEVE,345 MiddtefleLdRoad, MS
977, MenloPark,CA, 94025, (415)329-4796, Fax:
415-329-5143, E-mail:
[email protected]
CHEN, 3inbo, (S; 1995; ID# 16022), Univ of
Southern California,South Science117; EarthSciences, University Park Campus, Los Angeles,CA,
90089-0740, (213)740-6754, Fax: 213-740-8801
of Nevada, Dept of Civil Engineering,Reno, NV,
89557, (702)784-4317, E-mail: [email protected]
University of Memphis, Memphis,TN, 38152,
(901)678-4824, E-mail: [email protected]
CLAASSEN,,lohn, (M; 1996; ID# 15428), Sandia
CHEN, How-We[, (M; 1991; ID# 15254), Nat[
Chung ChengUniversity,Ins[ of Seismology,
Ming-Hsing, Chia-yi 75080, TAIWANROC,Fax:
886-5-272-0411, E-maih [email protected]
CHEN,Qingbin, (S; 1994; ID# 15905), University
CHUNG,,len-Kuang, (M; 1991; ID# 15252), Central Weather Bureau,Seismo[ogia[ObservationCtr,
64, KungYuan Road, Taipei, TAIWANROC,(886)2349-1163, Fax: 886-2-349-1178, E-mail:
[email protected]
CHIU, 3er-Ming, (M; 1977; ID# 11310), CERI,University of Memphis, Memphis,TN, 38152,
(901)678-?007, Fax:901-678-4734, E-mail:
[email protected]
CHOWDHURY,Dipak K., (M; 1986; ID# 11358),
Dept of Geosciences,Indiana University, Purdue
Univ at Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN, 46805,
(219)485-4479, Fax: 219-481-6250, E-mail:
[email protected]
Earth SciencesAcademia Sinica, PO Box 1-55,
Nankang, Taipei 115, TAIWANROC,(886)2-7839910, Fax:886-2-783-9371, E-mail:
[email protected]
CHULICK, 3ohn A., (M; 1983; ID# 11261), 5239
FernyCreek Lane, Acworth, GA, 30101-2560,
(404)421-3322, Fax: 404-421-3486
CHUNG,Wai-Ying, (M; 1980; ID# 11543), CERI,
CHIN, Byau-Heng,(M; 1990; ID# 13784), Univ of
Southern CaUfornia, Dept of Earth Sciences,University Park,Science117, Los Angeles,CA,
90089-0740, (213)740-7174, Fax:213-740-8801,
E-maih [email protected]
CHAPMAN,Martin C., (M; 1980; ID# 11229), Vir-
Hammond, IN, 46323-2094, (219)989-2624, Email: chuUcgs@pucaL
CHRISTENSEN,DouglasH., (M; 1980; ID# 11371),
GeophysicalInsUtute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK, 99775-7320, (907)474-7426, E-mail:
[email protected]
CHRISTIAN,3ohn T., (M; 1971; ID# 10945), 23
FredanaRoad,Waban, MA, 02168, (617)5892060, Fax: 611-589-2596
CHU, Hsueh-Hsin,(M; 1995; ID# 16224), Project
Engineer,18809 SherbournePlace, Rowland
Heights, CA, 91748, (909)796-0544, Fax: 909796-7675
CHULICK,Gan]S., (M; 1991; IO# 14178), Purdue
UniversityCa|ument, Deptof Chemistny& Physics,
National Labs, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque,NM,
87185-0655, (505)844-6685, Fax:505-844-5321,
E-mai|: [email protected]
CLARK, Bruce R., (M; 1981; ID# 12019), Leighton
& Associates, Inc, 17781 Cowan,Irvine, CA,
92714, (714)250-1421, Fax: 714-250-1114
CLARK, Malcolm M., (M; 1972; ID# 12071), US
GeologicalSurvey, MS 977, 345 MiddlefietdRoad,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025-3591, (415)329-5624,
Fax: 415-329-5163, E-mail: [email protected]
CLARK, PeterW., (M; 1995; ID# 16323), Earthquake Engr ResearchCenter, University of California, 1301 South 46th Street BLdg451, Richmond,
CA, 94804, (510)231-9519, Fax: 510-231-5696,
E-maih [email protected]
CLARK,RogerA., (M; 1985; ID# 10188), The University - Leeds, Dept of Earth Sciences,Leeds LS2
gJT, UK - ENGLAND,(44)113-233-5221, Fax: 44113-233-5259, E-mail: roger@earth.|
CLARK, Rona[dW., (M; 1995; ID# 16310), 12915
Alton SquareSte 117, Herndon,VA, 22070-5802,
(703)471-7226, E-mail: [email protected]
CLARKE,Timothy 3, (M; 1991; ID# 15266), New
MexicoTech, Dept of Earth & Envirnmenta[Science, Socorro, NM, 87801, (505)897-7402, Email: [email protected]
CLAUTER, Dean A., (M; 1983; ID# 11275), 8 Colonial Way, Indian Harbour Beach, FL, 32937-4305,
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5
September/October 1996
(407)494-5263, Fax: 407-494-2274, E-maiL: cLauter@
CLEVER,CaroL,(M; 1994; ID# 15861), 26130 Narbonne Ave#103, Lomita, CA, 90717-2929,
(310)375-5753, Fax: 310-326-3133, E-maiL:
c[[email protected]
CLINE, Michael W., (M; 1994; ID# 15889), N,1DOT
Geodetic Survey CN600, 1035 Parkway Avenue,
Trenton, N.1, 08625, (609)530-5654, E-maiL:
[email protected]
CLUFF, LLoydS., (M; 1964; ID# 12176), 33 Mountain Spring Avenue, San Francisco,CA, 94114,
(415)973-2791, Fax: 415-973-5778
CLYMER,RichardW., (M; 1979; ID# 12295), Seismographic Stations, 475 Earth ScienceBuilding,
University of CaLifornia, BerkeLey,CA, 94720,
(510)486-7314, Fax: 510-486-5686, E-maiL:
[email protected]
COCCO,Massimo, (M; 1986; ID# 12476), Istituto
Naziona[eGeoflsica, Via di Vigna Murata 605,
00143 Rome, ITALY,(39)6-518-60401, Fax: 39-6504-1181, E-maiL: [email protected]
COCHRANE,StanLey,(M; 1992; ID# 15315), Swiss
ReinsusranceCompany, Mythenquai50/60, Ch8022 Zurich,SWITZERLAND,(41)1-285-2121, Fax:
COGBILL, ALLenH., (M; 1991; ID# 14020), Los
ALamos Nat[ Lab, Group EES-3, MS C335, Los ALamos, NM, 87545, (505)667-1049, Fax: 505-6653681, E-maiL: ahc@LanLgov
COOPER, Anne V., (M; 1993; ID# 15700), 13153
East Honeybee Street, Moorpark, CA, 93021,
(805)523-9748, E-maiL:[email protected]
CRAIL, 3oe, (M; 1995; ID# 15998), Western
Mutual Insurance Company, 525 Broadway, Santa
Monica, CA, 90401, (310)394-4054
COOPER, Patricia A., (M; 1976; ID# 12383), University of Hawaii-GraduateDivision, SpaLdingHaLL
353, 2540 Mai[e Way, HonoLuLu,HI, 96822,
(808)956-4254, Fax: 808-956-9797, E-maiL:
CRAMER,Chris H., (M; 1974; ID# 12363), Calif
Div of Mines & GeoLogy,801 K Street, MS 12-31,
Sacramento, CA, 95814-3531, (916)324-7299
CRAMPIN, Stuart, (M; 1963; ID# 15716), Univ of
Edinburgh, Grant Inst, Dept of GeoLogy& Geophysics, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 33W,
UK-SCOTLAND,(44)31-650-4908, Fax: 44-31-6683184, E-maiL: [email protected]
COPPERSMITH,Kevin3. (M; 1982; ID# 12151),
Geomatrix ConsuLtants,I00 PineStreet Suite
1000, San Francisco,CA, 94111, (415)434-9400,
Fax: 415-434-1365, E-mail: [email protected]
CRANSWICK, Edward, (g; 1985; ID# 12074), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey, MS 966 Room 336, Bos 25046
- Denver Fed Center, Denver, CO, 80225,
(303)273-8609, Fax: 303-273-8600, E-maiL: [email protected]
CORBEl'r, Edward3, (S; 1976; ID# 11803), PO
Box 8720, University Station, Reno, NV, 895078720, (702)853-8055, E-maiL:[email protected]
CREAMER, Fred, (M; 1991; ID# 15233), 2389
White Spruce Lane, WoodLand Park, CO, 808637901, (303)492-5520, E-maiL:[email protected]
COOPER, Thomas W., (M; 1991; ID# 14778), T.W.
Cooper Inc, Box 4253, Torrance,CA, 90510,
CORKE, Tony, (M; 1996; ID# 16551), 32 Torbay
Street, Mac[eod 3085, AUSTRALIA,(61)3-94350110,
CORMIER,Vernon F., (M; 1971; ID# I0936), University of Connecticut, Dept of GeoLogy& Geophysics, Box U-45, Room 207, Storrs, CT,062682045, (203)486-4434, Fax:203-486-1383, EmaiL: cormier@er[ or [email protected]
C. A[[in, (M; 1966; ID# 12073), 110
Coquito Way, Portota VaLLey,CA, 94028, (415)8548053
COHEE, Brian P., (S; 1986; ID# 12582), Univ of
Washington, GeophysicsProgram, Box 351650,
SeattLe,WA, 98195-1650, (206)6~5-3398, E-maiL:
[email protected],edu
COROMINAS,Rafae[, (M; 1995; ID# 16329), Benigno E Rojas 154, Santo Domingo, DOMINICAN
REPUBLIC,(809)567-2747, Fax:809-541-8871
COLE, David A., Jr., (M; 1976; ID# 12455), c/o
Dow[ Engineering,4040 B Street, Anchorage,AK,
99503, (907)562-2000
CORREIG,Antoni M., (M; 1975; ID# 10813),
DGDGPGeoflsica/Fac Fiscia,Marti Franques1, E08028 BarceLona,SPAIN,(34)3-402-1199, Fax:
34-3-402-1133, E-maiL:[email protected]
COLLINS, David Stephen, (S; 1996; ID# 16351),
KeeLeUniversity, Dept of Earth Sciences,Staffordshre ST5 5BG, UK-ENGLAND,(44)1-782-712-631,
E-maiL: ggd12@kee[
COLLINS, Kevin R., (M; 1995; ID# 16291), University of Michigan, 2374 GG Brown BLdg, 2350
Hayward, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-2125, (313)7645617, Fax: 313-764-4292, E-maiL:
[email protected]
COMARTIN,Craig D., (M; 1991; ID# 15153), 7683
Andrea Avenue,Stockton, CA, 95207, (209)4721221, Fax: 209-472-7294, E-maiL:[email protected]
COMBS,Jim, (M; 1971; ID# 12215), Geo HiLls
Associates, 27790 Edgerton Road, Los ALtos HiLLs,
CA, 94022, (415)941-5480
COMER,Robert P., (M; 1978; ID# 10900), TASC
Inc, 55 Walkers Brook Drive, Reading,MA, 01867,
(617)942-2000, Fax: 617-942-7100, E-maiL:
[email protected]
COOK, Kenneth L., (M; 1954; ID# 11736), 1778
Nevada Street, SaLt Lake City, UT, 84108-3042
RODRI(]UEZ, ALfonso, (M; 1985; ID#
10823), Universidad de MaLaga,ETSIngenieros
Industria[es, PLazaELEjido, s/n, 29013 MaLaga,
SPAIN, E-maiL: a[[email protected]
COSTANTINO,Car[3, (M; 1992; ID# 15345), City
CoLLegeof New York, Deptof Civil Engineering,
New York, NY, 10031, (212)650-8003, Fax: 212690-6965,
conoN, WiLLiam R., (M; 1977; ID# 12330), 330
ViLLage Lane, Los Gatos, CA, 95030, (408)3545542,
COX, Doak C., (M; 1947; ID# 12389), 1929 KakeLa
Drive, HonoLuLu,HI, 96822, (808)949-7893,
COYLE,3ohn M., (M; 1992; ID# 14409), 3ohn
Coy~ & Associates, 334 State Stree~ Suite106,
Los A~os, CA, 94022, (415)961-9980
CRAIG, Mitchel.l., (M; 1986; ID# 12557), Chevron
E&P Company, 6001 BotLingerCanyonRoad, Room
B1320, San Ramon, CA, 94583-0937, (510)8420809, Fax: 510-842-0160, E-maiL: [email protected]
CRONE, Anthony 3, (M; 1986; ID# 11689), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey, MS 966, Box 25046, Room 416
DFC, Denver, CO, 80225-0046, (303)273-8591,
Fax: 303-273-8600, E-maiL: crone@g[
CROSBY,3o K., (M; 1972; ID# 12132), PO Box
4220, Mountain View, CA, 94040, (415)969-3268,
Fax: 415-969-3345
CROSSON, Robert S., (M; 1966; ID# 12433), University of Washington, Geophysics, Box 351650,
SeattLe, WA, 98195-1650, (206)543-6505, Fax:
206-543-0489, E-maiL: [email protected]
CROTWELL, Henry P., (S; 1996; ID# 16437), University of South CaroLina, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, EWSC502, CoLumbia,SC, 29208, (803)7778986, Fax: 803-777-6610, E-maiL: crotwe[[
CROUSE, C. B., (M; 1975; ID# 12006), Dames and
Moore, 500 Market PLaceTower, 2025 First Avenue, SeattLe, WA, 98121, (206)728-0744, Fax:
CRUMB, Marvin, (M; 1996; ID# 16130), Terra
TechnoLogyCorp., 3854 148th Avenue NE, Redmond, WA, 98052-5373, (206)883-7300, Fax:
206-882-1412, E-mail: [email protected]
CULLEN, 3ames H., (M; 1984; ID# 12322), 1090
Bodega Avenue, PetaLuma, CA, 94952, (707)7626279
CURRIE, CharLes, (M; 1993; ID# 15750), Turboglen ,]ourna[ Section, 1752 North Kirsten Lee
Drive, West[ake ViLLage,CA, 91361, (818) 5971878, Fax: (818) 597-9831,
D'SILVA, Anthony, (S; 1994; ID# 15853), University of Wisconsin, Dept of GeoLogy& Geophysics,
1215 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI, 53706,
(608)262-4912, E-maiL: tony@geo[
102 Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October1996
DAHLEN, FrancisA., (M; 1971; ID# 10999), GeoLogy & GeophysScience Dept, Guyot Hat[, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 08540, (609)2584130, Fax: 609-258-1274
DEALBA, PedroA., (M; 1975; ID# 10966), 303
Washington Street, Dover, NH, 03920, (603)8621428, Fax: 603-862-2364
Fax: 510-643-5264, E-maiL:[email protected][
DE'VANE,,l. F., (M; 1954; ID# 10950), Weston
Observatory,Weston, MA, 02193, (617)552-3640,
Fax: 617-552-2462, E-maiL: [email protected]
DAHROUG,Said Mohmoud,(M; 1995; ID# 16191),
Cairo University, FacuLtyof Science, Dept of Geoscience, Giza, EGYPT,(20)2-628-884
DEANGELIS,CharLesA., (M; 1984; ID# 10906),
Factory MutualEngr Corp, 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpke, Norwood, MA, 02062, (617)2554781, Fax:617-7621-9375
DAINIY,Anton M., (M; 1970; ID# 10937), PhilLips
Lab (USAF)/GPE,29 RandoLphRoad, Hanscom
AFB, MA, 01731-3010, (617)377-2665, Fax:617377-2707, E-maiL: [email protected]
DEICHMANN, NichoLas,(M; 1991; ID# 14048),
Stuh[enstr 28, CH-8123 Ebmatingen,SWITZERLAND, (41)1-633-2621, Fax:41-1-633-1065, EmaiL: [email protected]
DEWBERRY,Shawn R., (S; 1991; ID# 15268), University of Washington, GeophysicsProgram, Box
351650, SeattLe, WA, 98195-1650, (206)6851707, Fax: 206-543-0489, E-maiL:[email protected]
DALY,Jack, (M; 1996; ID# 16420), Sargent&
Lundy, 55 East MonroeStreet Room 25D14, Chicago, It, 60603, (312)269-6135, Fax:312-2697290
DEL PEZZO, Edoardo, (M; 1984; ID# 10408), Via
Riviera di Chiaia 281, Napo[i 80121, ITALY,
(39)89-822-287, Fax: 39-89-953-804, E-maiL:
de[[email protected]
DEWEY,James W., (M; 1962; ID# 11665), USGeoLogicaLSurvey, Box 25046 MS967, DenverFederal
Center, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8419, Fax:
303-273-8450, E-maiL:[email protected]
DARGUSH,AndreaS., (M; 1988; ID# 13042), NatL
Ctr for Eq Engr Research,SUNYBuffaLo, 107 Red
Jacket QuadrangLe,BuffaLo, NY, 14261, (716)6453391, Fax: 716-645-3399
DELANEY,PauL,(M; 1991; ID# 14067), US GeoLogicaLSurvey,2255 N. Gemini Drive, FLagstaff,
AZ, 86001, (520)556-7270, Fax: 520-556-7169,
E-maiL: [email protected]
DHINGRA,Ashok K., (M; 1977; ID# 11892), Montgomery Watson, PO Box 7009, Pasadena,CA,
91109-7009, (818)568-6150, Fax: 818-568-6101
DARRAGH,Robert B., (M; 1983; ID# 12270), 2120
Fortuna Court, Davis, CA, 95616, (916)322-3105,
Fax: 916-323-7778
DELITSYNE,LeonidL., (S; 1992; ID# 15332), University of Wisconsin, 1215 W. DaytonStreet, Madison, WI, 53706, (608)262-9269, Fax: 608-2620693
OI SILVESTRO,LaureL,(M; 1991; ID# 14435),
Geomatrix ConsuLtants,100 Pine Street lOth
FLoor,San Francisco,CA, 94111, (415)434-9400,
Fax: 415-434-1365, E-maiL: Ldisi[[email protected]
DELSEMME,Jacques, (L; 1980; ID# 12332), University of CaLifornia,ComputerCenter, Communications BuiLding,Santa Cruz, CA, 95064, E-maiL:
[email protected]
DICKINSON,StanLeyK., (M; 1995; ID# 15973),
Sentinel OaksTrace, 20178 Forest Farm Lane, Ashburn, VA, 22011, (202)767-4964, Fax: 202-4047496, E-maiL:[email protected][
DENG,Jishu, (S; 1994; ID# 15899), LamontDoherty Earth Observatory,CoLumbiaUniversity,
PaLisades, NY, 10964, (914)365-8886
DIMENT,WiLLiamH., (M; 1956; ID# 11666), 1822
Arapahoe Street, GoLden,CO, 80401-1853,
(303)273-8571, Fax: 303-273-8600
DENGLER,Lori, (M; 1992; ID# 15464), HumboLdt
State University,GeoLogyDepartment, Arcata, CA,
95521, (707)826-3115, Fax: 707-826-5241, EmaiL: deng[[email protected]
DIXON,James P., (M; 1986; ID# 12480), Virginia
PoLytechnicInst& SU, 4044 Derring Hat[, BLacksburg, VA, 24060, (703)231-7009, Fax: 703-2313386, E-maiL:[email protected]
DENHAM, David, (M; 1967; ID# 10012), 8 Brand
Street, Hughes,CanberraACT2605, AUSTRALIA,
(61)62-499-267, Fax: 61-62-499-986, E-maih
[email protected]
DMOWSKA, Renata, (M; 1981; ID# I0914), Harvard University, Div of AppLiedSciences, Pierce
HatE,Cambridge,MA, 02138, (617)495-3452, Fax:
617-495-9837, E-maiL: [email protected]
DARROW,Arthur C., (M; 1979; ID# 12431), Dames
& Moore,5425 Ho[UsterAvenue,Suite 160, Santa
Barbara, CA, 93111, (805)683-0200, Fax:805683-0201
DATrA,SubhenduK., (M; 1986; ID# 12481), Univ
of Co[oradro, Dept of MechanicalEngineering,
Campus Box 427, BouLder,CO, 80309-0427,
(303)492-0287, Fax: 301-903-6594, E-maiL:
[email protected][
DAVIS, Craig A., (S; 1995; ID# 16300), 27017
Vista Encantada Drive, VaLencia,CA, 91354,
(805)297-1215, Fax: (213)367-3792, E-maiL:
[email protected], edy
DAVIS, PaulM., (M; 1987; ID# 12925), Univ of
CaLifornia, Dept of Earth & SpaceSciences, Los
AngeLes,CA, 90024, (213)206-6459, E-maiL:
DAVIS, Scott D., (M; 1983; ID# 11628), USGSCERI, University of Memphis, Memphis,TN,
38152, (901)678-3363, Fax:901-323-2857, EmaiL: [email protected]
DAWSON,Phi[, (M; 1984; ID# 12052), USGeoLogicaLSurvey, MS 977, 345 MiddLefie[dRoad, MenLo
Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4751, E-maiL:[email protected]
DAY,Steven M., (M; 1979; ID# 11959), San Diego
State University, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences,San
Diego, CA, 92182, (619)594-5586, Fax:619-5944372, E-maiL: [email protected]
DE3USTOALPANES,Jose L., (M; 1973; ID#
I0818), Universidadde Sevit[a, Dept de Mecanica
de MediosContinuous,Reina Mercedes,2, Sevi[[a
12, SPAIN, (34)54-556-589, Fax:34-54-556-534,
DE SOUZA,Jorge Luis, (S; 1994; ID# 15832), St
Louis University, Dept of Earth & AtmosphericSciences, 3507 Lac[edeAvenue,St Louis, MO,63103,
E-maiL:[email protected]
DENIS, CarLo,(M; 1972; ID# 10045), 23, rue
Saint-Maur, B-4000 liege, BELGIUM,(32)41-526197, Fax:32-41-527-474, E-maiL:
[email protected]
DENISON, Frank E., (M; 1991; ID# 14175), 867
Hartg[en Avenue,West[ake ViLlage, CA, 91361,
(818)889-7806, Fax: 805-379-4623
DENNY,Marvin D., (M; 1976; ID# 12237), 106
GreenwichCourt, San Ramon,CA, 94583-2800,
(510)422-3919, Fax: 510-423-4077, E-maiL:
DEPOLO,Craig M., (M; 1988; ID# 13010), 2630
Trentham Way, RenD, NV, 89509, (702)784-6691
DEPOLO, Diane, (M; 1985; ID# 11800), 2630
Trentham Way, RenD, NV, 89509, (702)784-4976,
Fax: 702-784-1766, E-mail:
[email protected]
DERKIUREGHIAN,Armen, (M; 1977; ID# 12296),
Univ of CaLifornia,Dept of Civil Engineering,725
Davis Hat[, BerkeLey,CA, 94720, (510)642-2469,
DOBER,MarkC., (S; 1995; ID# 16234), University
of TexasAt ELPaso, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, EL
Paso, TX, 79968, (915)747-5501, E-maiL:
[email protected]
DODGE, DougA., (S; 1993; ID# 14147), Stanford
University, Dept of Geophysics,Stanford, CA,
94305, (415)725-6072, E-maiL: dodge@pangea
DOLL, CharLesG., Jr., (M; 1996; ID# 16133), Mass
Inst of TechnoLogy,Earth ResourcesLab, 42 Carteton Street, Cambridge, MA, 02142, (617)2537863, Fax: 617-253-6385, E-maiL:
DOMINGUEZ,Jose, (M; 1987; ID# 12677), E S
Ingenieros Industria[es, Bib[ioteca, Av Reina Mercedes S/N, 41012 Sevi[ta, SPAIN, (34)5-4556999, Fax: 34-5-455-6997,
DONG, Weimin, (M; 1991; ID# 15228), Risk Management Software Inc, 149 CommonweaLthDrive,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025-1133, (415)617-6500,
Fax: 415-617-6565
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October 1996 103
DONOVAN, NeviLLeC., (M; 1967; ID# 12172),
Dames & Moore, 221 Main Street Suite 600, San
Francisco, CA, 94105, (415)896-5858, Fax: 415882-9261, E-mail,:sfo/[email protected]
DORBATH, Louis, (M; 1986; ID# 10780), 6 rue des
Veaux, 67000 Strasbourg, FRANCE,(33)88-416396, E-maiL:l,[email protected]
DORMAN, H. James, (M; 1953; ID# 11612), 142
Wal,nut Creek Road, Cordova,TN, 38018,
(901)678-2007, Fax: 901-323-2857
DORMAN, LeRoyM., (M, 1968; ID# 11970),
Scripps Ins[ of Oceanography,Grd A-015, Univ of
Cal,iforniaSan Diego, La JoL[a, CA, 92093-0215,
(619)543-2406, Fax: 619-534-6849
DOSER, DianeI., (M; 1980; ID# 11637), Univ of
Texas ELPaso, Dept of GeologicalSciences, EL
Paso, TX, 79968, (915)747-5851, Fax: 915-7475073, E-mail,: [email protected]
DOST, Bernard, (M; 1994; ID# 15972), Zaagmo[en
52, 3962 GB, Wijk Bij Duurstede, NETHERLANDS,
(31)343-577-124, Fax: 31-343-577-948, E-maiL:
[email protected][
DOUGHERTY,Martin E., (M; 1995; ID# 16236),
Boise State University,MG206G,Boise, ID, 83725,
(208)385-4003, Fax: 208-385-4061, E-maiL:
[email protected]
DOUGLAS, Bruce M., (M; 1969; ID# 11798), Box
8121, Univ Station, RenD,NV, 89507, (702)7476787
DOWNIE, A[istair L., (M; 1985; ID# 11601),
14215 Highcroft Drive, Houston, TX, 77077,
(713)630-3933, E-maiL: [email protected]
DRAKE, Lawrence, (M; 1966; ID# 10013), Observatorio San CaLixto,Casi[l,a12656, La Paz,
BOLIVIA, (591)2-356-098, Fax: 591-376-805, EmaiL: l,[email protected]
DRAVINSKI,Marijan, (M; 1979; ID# 11808), Univ
of Southern Ca[ifornia, Dept of MechanicaLEngineering, University Park Ohe 430, Los AngeLes,
CA, 90007, (213)740-0493, Fax: 213-740-8071,
E-mail,: dravinsk@tes[
DREGER, DougLasS., (M; 1990; ID# 13744), Univ
of CaLifornia,SeismographicStation, Rm 475
McCone HAL[,BerkeLey,CA, 94720, (510)6423977, Fax: 510-643-5811
DRICKER,II,ya, (S; 1995; ID# 16277), 2334 16th
Street, Troy, NY, 12180, (518)273-5292, E-maiL:
il,[email protected]
DRYSDALE,Janet A., (M; 1995; ID# 13289), 126
Ossington Avenue,Ottawa ON, KIS 3B8, CANADA,
Fax: 613-992-8836
DU BERGER,Reynatd, (M; ; ID# 10085), Sciences
de LaTerre, Universite du Quebec, 555 Bou[ de
t'Universite, Chicoutimi PQ, GTH 2BI, CANADA,
(418)545-5395, Fax:418-545-5012
DUPZYK,Isabel,l,eA., (M; 1971; ID# 12238), 4179
Stanford Way, Livermore, CA, 94550, (510)4476397
DUREK, JosephJ., Jr., (M; 1991; ID# 15147),
University of Cal,ifornia,SeismographicStation,
475 McConeHal,{,Berkel,ey,CA, 94720, (510)6425333, Fax: 510-643-5811, E-maiL:
[email protected]
DURRANI, Bashir A.,(M; 1995;ID# 15417), UniversityofTexas E[Paso, Dept of GeoLogical,Sciences, ELPaso,TX, 79968-0555, (915)747-5669,
Fax: 915-747-5073
DUSTMAN,Mark, (S; 1993; ID# 15747), St Louis
University, Earth & AtmosphericSciences Dept,
3507 LacLedeAvenue,St. Louis, MO, 63103,
(314)977-3130, E-maiL:dustman@s[
DWIGGINS, David PauL,(M; 1996; ID# 16445),
University of Memphis,CERI,Memphis,TN,
38152, (901)678-4902, Fax:901-678-4734, EmaiL: [email protected]
DWYER,John J., (M; 1986; ID# 12489), Law Environmental,Services, 750 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA, 17111, (717) 561-1633, Fax: 717-5612833
DZIEWONSKI, Adam, (M; 1968; ID# 10915), Harvard University, Dept of Geol,ogy,Cambridge, MA,
02138, (617)495-2510, Fax:617-495-8839
EARLE, Paul,S., (S; 1993; ID# 15689), Univ of Cal,ifornia San Diego, IGPPA-0225, La Jol.[a, CA,
92093-0225, (619)534-8813, Fax: 619-534-5332
EATON,Jerry P., (M; 1951; ID# 12076), US Geol,ogica[ Survey, MS 977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad,
MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (415)329-4790
EBEL, John E., (M; 1976; ID# 10951), Weston
Observatory, Boston CoLLege,381 ConcordRoad,
Weston, MA, 02193, (617)552-8300, Fax: 617552-8388, E-maiL:[email protected]
12184), Earth & OceanSciencesResearch, P.O.
Box 56, Dunedin, NEWZEALAND,(64)4-473-8208,
Fax: 64-4-471-0977, E-maiL:
[email protected]
ECKHOFF,OscarB., (M; 1983; ID# 11325), POBox
277, Picayune,MS, 39466, (601)688-4540
javik, ICELAND,(354)I-694-816, E-maiL:
[email protected]
EKSTROM,Goran, (M; 1985; ID# 10916), Harvard
University, Earth & PLanetaryScience Dept, 20
Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA, 02138, (617)4968276, Fax: 617-495-8839, E-maiL:[email protected]
EL-ISA, Zuhair H., (M; 1975; ID# 10701), University of Jordan, Dept of Geol,ogy& MineraLogy,
Amman, JORDAN,(962)6-844-265, Fax:6-832318
ELLIOTT,R. T., (M; 1986; ID# 11437), State Farm
Insurance, Fire Buil,ding8N, 112 EastWashington
Street, Bloomington, IL, 61701, (309)766-7973,
Fax: 309-766-4498
ELLIOTI',WiLLiam,(M; 1991; ID# 15073), PortLand
Water Bureau, 1120 SW 5th Avenue,6th FLoor,
Portl,and, OR, 97204-1926, (503)823-7486, Fax:
ELLSWORTH,WiLLiamL., (M; 1973; ID# 12077),
US GeoLogicalSurvey, MS 977, 345 MiddLefieLd
Road, Menl,oPark, CA, 94025, (415)329-4784,
Fax: 415-329-5163, E-mail.:
[email protected]
ELSESSER,Eric, (M; 1963; ID# 12165), ForeLt/Elsesser EngineersInc, 160 Pine Street, 6th FLoor,
San Francisco,CA, 94111, (415)837-0700, Fax:
EMTER, Dieter, (M; 1973; ID# 10294), BLackForest Observatory(BFO), ObservatoriumSchiLtach,
Heubach 206, D-77709 Wol,fach,GERMANY
ENDO, Ell,lotT., (M; 1976; ID# 12443), USGeol,ogica[ Survey,5400 MacArthurBLvd,Vancouver,WA,
98661, (206)696-7907, Fax: 206-696-7866, EmaiL: [email protected]
ENGDAHL, E. R., (M; 1963; ID# 11667), US Geo[ogica[ Survey,MS967, Box 25046, DenverFederal
Center, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8422, Fax:
303-273-8450, E-mail.:
ENGELL-SORENSEN,Lisbeth, (M; 1995; ID#
10764), University of Bergen, Inst of SoLid Earth
Physics, Al,l,egaten41, 5007 Bergen, NORWAY,
(47)5-521-2628, Fax: 47-5-532-0009, E-maiL: [email protected]
EDINGER,PeterH., (M; 1995; ID# 16321), Mueser
Rutl,edgeConsuLtingEngrs,708 ThirdAvenue,New
York, NY, 10017, (212)490-7110, Fax: 212-9535626
ERDIK, Mustafa, (M; 1976; ID# 10854), Bogazici
University, KandiLLiObser & Eq Res Inst, Dept
Earthquake Engineering,81220 CngtkyIstanb[,
TURKEY,(90)216-332-6560, Fax:90-216-3321711, E-mail.: [email protected]
EGAN,John A., (M; I978; ID# 12152), Geomatrix
Consul,tan[s, 100 PineStreet Suite 1000, San
Francisco, CA, 94111, (415)434-9400, Fax:415434-1365
ERGIN, Kazim, (M; 1943; ID# I0855), ITU Kampusu, MadenFakuttesi, Ayazaga80626, Istanbut,
EGGERT,Dona[d L., (M; 1996; ID# 16475), Indiana GeoLogical.Survey,611 N. WaLnutGrove,
BLoomington, IN, 47405-2208, (812)855-1366,
Fax: 812-855-2862, E-maiL:[email protected]
ERGIN, Mehmet, (S; 1995; ID# 16222), IstanbuL
Tech University,Tubitak HRC, Dept of Earth Sciences, PO Box 21, 41470 Gebze, Kocael,i,TURKEY,
(90)262-641-2300, Fax: 90-262-641-2309, Email.: [email protected]
EINARSSON,PALL,(M; 1971; ID# 10351), Science
Institute, University of Icel,and, Dunhagi3, Reyk-
SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
ERKEL, ALbert A., (M; 1978; ID# 11843), 9200
Sunset BLvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90069, (213)2788133, Fax: 213-278-3017
ESPINOSAARANDA, Juan Manuel, (M; 1995; ID#
16254), Anaxagoras814, Cot Narvarte, DeLeg
Benito Juarez, 03020 MexicoCity, MEXICO,(52)5687-4542, Fax: 52-5-669-2512, E-mail:
[email protected]
ESTABROOK,Charles, (M; 1987; ID# 12660), GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, TeLegrafenbergA6,
14473 Potsdam, GERMANY,(49)331-887-7280,
Fax: 49-331-887-7533, E-mail: [email protected]
ESTES, KentR., (S; 1995; ID# 16296), 779 CalLe
CarrilLo,San Dimas,CA, 91773
ESTILL, Robert, (M; 1991; ID# 15117), UNOCAL,
14141 SouthwestFreeway,Sugar[and,TX, 77478
EVA,CLaudio,(M; 1973; ID# 10414), UnivGenova
- SezioneGeofisica, Dipt Scienze Della Terra, PLzo
DeLScienzeCso Europa 26, T-16132 Genova,
EVANS,3. Russell, (M; 1977; ID# 15717), British
GeologicalSurvey, Murchison House/West Mains
Rd, Edinburgh EH9 3LA, UK-SCOTLAND,(44)131667-1000, Fax: 44-131-668-4140, E-mail: [email protected]
EVANS,John R., (M; 1976; ID# 12078), USGeoLogical Survey,MS 977, 345 MiddLefieldRoad,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4753, Fax:415329-5163, E-mail: [email protected]
FACCIOLI, Ezio, (M; 1974; ID# 10415), Dipartimento Ing Strutturale, PoLitecnico, Piazza L Da
Vinci 32, 20133 MiLano,ITALY,(39)2-2399-4337,
Fax: 39-2-2399-4220
FAIRBANKS,Tom, (M; 1993; ID# 15418), MS
D443, Los ALamosNatLLab, Los ALamos, NM,
87545, (505) 665-4159, Fax: (505) 667-8487, Emai[: [email protected]
FAN, Guangwei, (M; 1991; ID# 13988), University
of California,Santa Cruz, Dept. of Earth Sciences,
Santa Cruz,CA, 95064, 408-459-4426, Fax: 408459-2127, E-mail: [email protected]
FAROUQ,FadLutlah,(M; 1961; ID# 15705), Geophysical Consultant, PO Box 50891, Jeddah
21533, SAUDIARABIA, Fax: 966-2-653-4097
FAVALI, Pao[o, (M; 1985; ID# 10432), Istituto
NazionaLeGeofisica, Via Di Vigna Murata, 605,
00143 Rome, ITALY,(39)6-5186-0428, Fax: 39-6504-1181, E-mail: [email protected]
FEBRER,Jose Miguet, (M; 1994; ID# 15814), Cerrito 1248, 1010 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA,(54)1812-6313, Fax: 54-1-902-2824
FEHLER,Michael (M; 1978; ID# 11773), 1029 Big
Ruck Loop, Los ALamos, NM, 87544, (505)6671925, Fax: 505-667-8487, E-mail:
[email protected]
FELCH, Roger N., (M; 1991; ID# 15140), PO Box
158, IdLedaLe,CO, 80453, (303)674-6477
FENTON,CLark,(M; 1993; ID# 15534), WoodwardCLydeFederalServices, 500 12th StreetSuite 100,
Oakland, CA, 94607, (510)874-1775, Fax:510874-3268, E-mail: [email protected]
FLATrE, Stanley M., (M; 1989; ID# 13647), University of California, Earth Sciences Dept, Santa
Cruz, CA, 95064, (408)459-2090, Fax:408-4592127, E-mail: [email protected]
FLETCHER,G. Louis, (M; 1971; ID# 11998), 1350
South "E" Street, PO Box 5906, San Bernadino,
CA, 92412, (714)824-2200
FERGUSON,John F., (M; 1976; ID# 11539), Univ
of TexasDallas, Dept of Geosciences, Box 688 FO
2-1, Richardson,TX, 75080, (214)690-2410, Fax:
214-690-2537, E-mail: [email protected]
FLETCHER,Jon B., (M; 1972; ID# 12210), 827 La
Jennifer Way, Pato ALto, CA, 94306, (415)3295628
FERTIG,Jurgen, (M; 1994; ID# 15844), Technische Univ CtausthaL,Institute Fur Geophysik,
ArnoLd-Sommerfeld-Strabe1, D-3867Bs
Z, Germany
FLORES,Roderick A., (S; 1992; ID# 15459), 7303
Montgomery BLvdNE, APT B39, ALbuquerque,NM,
87109, (505)888-3197
FEn', John D., (M; 1963; ID# 11993), LaCoste&
Romberg GravtyMeters, 4807 SpicewoodSprings
RoadSte 2, Austin, TX, 78759-8404, (512)3460077, Fax:512-346-0088
FOGLEMAN, Kent A., (M; 1976; ID# 12079), US
GeologicalSurvey, MS 977, 345 MiddLefie[dRoad,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4745, Fax:415329-5143, E-mail: [email protected]
FIEGEL, Gregg, (M; 1994; ID# 15917), Calif Polytechnic State Univeristy, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engr,San Luis Obispo, CA, 93407,
(805)756-1307, E-mail: [email protected]
FOLLOWILL, Fred E., (M; 1962; ID# 12239), Univ
of California, LawrenceLivermore NatLLab, L-205,
PO Box 808, Livermore, CA, 94550, (510)4223920, Fax: 510-422-3925, E-mail:
FIELD, EdwardH., (M; 1989; ID# 13666), University of Southern California, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Los Angeles,CA, 90089-0740, (213) 7407088, Fax: (213) 740-0011, E-mail:
[email protected]
FORREST,Michael, (S; 1994;ID# 15863), 17341
La Mesa Lane, Hun~ngton Beach, CA, 92647,
FILSON,John R., (M; 1965; ID# 11190), 2300
FoxfireCourt, Reston,VA, 22091, (703)648-6785,
Fax: 703-648-6908, E-mail: [email protected]
FINN, CarolA., (M; 1991; ID# 14122), 710 Brookside Drive, Indialantic, FL, 32903, (407)4944217, Fax:407-494-2274, E-mail: [email protected]
FIRBAS, Petr,(M; 1993; ID# 15473), MasarykUniversity Brno, Inst of Physicsof the Earth, Jecna
29a, 612 46 Brno, CZECHREPUBLIC,(42)5-7264341, Fax:42-5-773-225, E-mail: [email protected]
FISCHER,J. A., (M; 1962; ID# 10996), c/o FEES
Inc, 129 LongviewTerrace, MeyersviLLe,NJ,
07933, (201)221-5332, Fax: 201-221-0406
FISCHER, Karen M., (M; 1990; ID# 13778), Brown
University, Dept of Geological Sciences, Brown
University, Providence,RI, 02912, (401)863-1360
FISCHER, PeterJ., (M; 1995; ID# 15969), PO Box
4725, Whittier, CA, 90607, (310)945-7607, Fax:
FIX, James E., (M; 1966; ID# 11540), James E Fix
& Associates,2505 Valley Forge, Richardson,TX,
75080, (214)690-6195, Fax: 214-690-6195, Email: [email protected]
FLANAGAN,Megan P., (M; 1991; ID# 14124),
Univ of CaliforniaSan Diego, IGPP-0225,Scripps
Inst of Oceanography,9500 Gilman Drive, La
Jo[La, CA, 92093-0225, (619)534-8202, Fax:619534-5332, E-mail [email protected]
FORSYTH,Donald W., (M; 1974; ID# 10962),
Brown University, Dept of GeologicalScience,
Providence, RI, 02912, (401)863-1699, Fax: 401863-2058, E-mail: [email protected]
FOUCH,MatthewJ., (S; 1995; ID# 16239), Brown
University, Dept of GeologicalSciences,Box 1846,
Providence, RI, 02912, (401)863-1965, Fax: 401863-2058, E-mail: [email protected]
FOWLER,James C., (M; 1991; ID# 15210), 517
Third Street, Annapolis, MD, 21403, (410)2634451, Fax: 703-527-7256, E-mail:[email protected]
FOXALL, Bill, (M; 1980; ID# 12312), 323 Coleman
Drive, San RafaeL,CA, 94912, (510)486-5837,
Fax: 510-486-4159, E-mail: [email protected]
FRANCIS, D. J., (M; 1995; ID# 16215), University
of Leeds, Dept of Earth Sciences, Leeds LS2 9JT,
UK-ENGLAND,(44)1132-233-5224, E-mail: [email protected]
FRANKE,Mathias,(M; 1992; ID# 15442), INTEVEP
SA, TEIG/2, Apartado Postal 76343, Caracas
1070A, VENEZUELA,(58)32-308-017, Fax: 58-32307-765, E-mail: [email protected]
FRANKEL, Arthur, (M; 1978; ID# 12080), US GeoLogical Survey, Box 25046 MS966, DenverFederal
Center, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8556, Fax:
303-273-8600, E-mail: [email protected]
FRECHET,Julien, (M; 1994; ID# 15860), 22 ALLee
Du Pre BLanc,38240 Meylan, FRANCE,(33)7-6514957, Fax: 33-7-651-4422, E-mail: [email protected]
FREEMAN, Sigmund A., (M; 1966; ID# 12271),
Wiss Janney Elstner & Assoc, 2200 Powe[[ Street
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996 105
Suite 925, EmenjviLLe,CA, 94608, (510)428-2907,
Fax: 510-428-0456,
FREI, Peter, (M; 1990; ID# 13735), Kirchweg14,
8553 HuettLingen,SWITZERLAND,(41)54-652630, Fax: 52-2124-442
FREYMUELLER,Jeffrey T., (M; 1994; IO# 15800),
Univ of ALaska, GeophysicalInstitute, PO Box
757320, Fairbanks, AK, 99775-7320, (907)4747286, Fax: 907-474-5618, E-maiL:
[email protected]
FURLONG,Kevin, (M; 1991; 10# 14502), PennsyLvania State University,Geophysics439 Deike
B[dg, University Park, PA, 16802, (814)863-0567,
Fax: 814-865-3191, [email protected]
FURUMOTO, Muneyoshi, (M; 1991; ID# 15093),
Dept of Earth Sciences, KanazawaUniversity,
Kakuma, Kanazawa920-11, JAPAN, (81)76-2645733, Fax: 81-76-264-5746, E-maiL: [email protected]
FRIEDMAN, Don G., (M; 1972; ID# 10974), 99
KnoLLwoodRoad, Newington, CT, 06111,
FURUMURA, Mitsuko, (M; 1993; ID# 15551), Hokkaido University, Dept of Geophysics,NIO W8
Kita-ku, Sapporo 060, JAPAN,(81)11-7162111x2762, Fax:81-11-746-2715, E-maiL: [email protected]
FRITZ, Otto, (M; 1995; ID# 16178), Los ALamos
National Laboratory, Mail Stop M984, PO Box
1663, Los ALamos, NM, 87545
FROHLICH, CLiff, (M; 1974; ID# 11621), University of TexasAustin, Institute for Geophysics,
8701 Mopac BouLevard,Austin, TX, 78159,
(512)471-0460, E-maiL: [email protected],
FROSCH, Robert A., (M; 1963; ID# 11370), 416
Commonwea~h Avenue, #605, Boston, MA,
FRYER,GerardJ., (M; 1972; ID# 12391), Univ of
Hawaii - Manoa, Hawaii Inst of Geophysics&
PLanetoLogy, HonoLuLu,HI, 96822, (808)9567875, Fax:808-956-3188, E-maiL:[email protected]
FUIS, Gary, (M; 1978; ID# 12081), US GeoLogicaL
Survey, MS 977 EarthquakeStudiesOffice, 345
MiddiefieLd Road, MenLoPark, CA, 94025,
FUJII, Yoichiro, (M; 1981; ID# 10478), Nippo
Sokuryo Sekkei Co Ltd, 1-8-7 Kodai, Miyamae-ku,
Kawasaki 216, JAPAN, (81)44-866-3211, Fax: 8144-857-7205,
FU3INAWA, Yukio, (N; 1986; ID# 12610),
National ResearchInstitute Japan, Earth Science
& Disaster Prevention, Tennodai,Tsukuba305,
JAPAN, (81)298-51-1611, Fax: 81-298-56-2795
FUJITA, Kazuya,(M; 1976; ID# 11382), Michigan
State University, Dept of GeoLogy, East Lansing,
MI, 48824, (517)355-0142, Fax: 517-353-8787,
E-maiL: [email protected],
GAHERTY,James B., (M; 1989; ID# 13662), Mass
Inst of TechnoLogy,54-512, Cambridge,MA,
02139, (617)253-6299, Fax:617-253-1699, EmaiL: [email protected]
GAITLEY,ThomasA., (M; 1995; ID# 13630),
ALtendateInsuranceCo, 1301 Atwood Avenue,
Johnston, RI, 02919, (401)275-3000, Fax:401275-3029
GALANOPOULOS, Angetos G., (M; 1970; ID#
10335), 25 Academy Street, 10671 Athens,
Cruz, CA, 95064, (408)459-5139, Fax:408-4592127, E-maiL:[email protected]
GASPARINI, CaLvino,(M; 1985; ID# 10416), Via
Det Castani 82, 00172 Roma, ITALY,(39)6-4210208, Fax: 39-6-421-9040
GATH, ELdon, (S; 1995; ID# 16278), 2683 N Vista
BLuff Road, Orange, CA, 92667, (714)637-5885, EmaiL: [email protected]
GAULON, R, (M; 1972; ID# 10257), 21 Avenue
Pierre BrossoLette, 92160 Antony, FRANCE,(33)14427-4781, Fax: 33-1-4427-3894, E-maiL: gau[[email protected]
GAZDIK, Simon, (M; 1989; ID# 13172), 3906 39th
Avenue, OakLand,CA, 94619, (510)559-5690, Fax:
510-559-5777, E-maiL: [email protected]
GAZETAS,George, (M; 1989; ID# 13628), 36 AsimakopouLou Str, A Paraskevi15342, GREECE,
(30)1-600-2500, Fax:30-1-600-8578 90-76, EmaiL: [email protected]
GE, Maochen, (M; 1991; ID# 14230), 1079 KeLLy
Lake Road, SusburyON, P3E 5P5, CANADA
GE, Xiaobin B., (S; 1991; ID# 15230), 1171 N.
Sandia Avenue, La Puente,CA, 91746, (310)8259084, Fax: 310-825-2779, E-maiL:
[email protected]
GALLAGHER,John N., (M; 1969; ID# 11519),
7509 East 53rd Street, Tulsa, OK, 74145,
GEE, Lind S., (M; 1991; ID# 14016), Seismographic Station, 475 Earth SciencesBLdg,Univ of
CaLifornia, BerkeLey,CA, 94720, (510)643-9449,
Fax: 510-643-5811, E-maiL:[
GAO, Liping, (M; 1991; ID# 15253), LamontDoherty Earth Observatory, CoLumbiaUniversity,
PaLisades, NY, 10964, (914)365-8603, Fax: 914365-8150, E-maiL: [email protected]
GEIST, Eric, (M; 1996; ID# 16473), US GeoLogicaL
Survey,345 MiddLefle[dRoadMS999, MenLoPark,
CA, 94025, (415)354-3172, Fax:415-354-3191,
E-maiL: [email protected]
GAO, Shangxing, (M; 1994; ID# 15895), Univ of
CaLifornia Los AngeLes, Dept of Earth & Space Sciences, Los AngeLes, CA, 90024-1567, (310)8253123, Fax: 310-825-2779
GELLER, Robert, (M; 1974; ID# 10483), Tokyo
University, Earth & PLanetaryPhysicsDept, Fac of
Science, Hongo-Bunkyo-Ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN,
(81)3-5800-6973, Fax: 81-3-38183247, E-maiL:
[email protected]
GARBIN, H. DougLas, (M; 1986; ID# 12608), Sandia National Laboratories, Division 9311, PO Box
5800, ALbuquerque, NM, 87185, (505)844-5452
GARCES,MiLton A., (M; 1996; ID# 16393), Uni of
ALaska, 903 Koyukuk Drive, PO Box 757320, Fairbanks, AK, 99775-7320, (907)474-1877, Fax:
907-474-5618, E-maiL: [email protected]
FUJIWARA, Hiroyuki, (M; 1990; ID# 13734), Natl
Res Ctr Disaster Prevention,Science& TechnoLogy
Agency, Tennodi 3-I, TsukubaCity, Ibaraki 305,
JAPAN, (81)51-0298-1611, Fax:81-51-0298-1622
GARCIA, Ana Campos, (M; 1996; ID# 16403),
CaLLe22 #4-70 Apto 4B, Pereiro-RisaraLda,COLOMBIA, (57)63-251-378
FUKUSHIMA,Yoshimitsu, (S; 1989; ID# 13174),
Oksaki ResInst ShimizuCorp, FukokuSeimei BLdg,
2-2-2 Uchisaiwai-cho,Chiyoda-kuTokyo, JAPAN,
(81)3-3508-8101, Fax: 81-3-3508-2196, E-mail:
y=f%athena.ori.shimz.cojp@ komaba.c.u.-tokyo
GARCIA-FERNANDEZ,Mariano,(M; 1991; IDff
15220), CSIC- 'Jaume ALmera',Inst of EarthSciences, Marti I FranquesS/n, E-08028 BarceLona,
SPAIN, (34)3-490-0552, Fax:34-3-411-0012, EmaiL: [email protected]
FUKUYAMA,Eiichi, (M; 1987; ID# 12646), Natt
Res Ctr for Disaster Prevention, Science& Technology Agency, 3-1 TennodaiTsukuba, Ibaraki
305, JAPAN,(81)2-9851-1611, Fax: 81-2-98515658, E-marl: [email protected]
GARDNER,3ohn K., (M; 1964; ID# 11881), 965
,lane PLace,Pasadena,CA,91105, (310)825-3123,
E-maiL:[email protected]
GARNERO,Edward3., (M; 1995; ID# 12563), University of CaLifornia,Institute of Tectonics,Santa
GENDZWILL, Don 3., (M; 1995; ID# 13326), University of Saskatchewan,GeoLogyDept, 114 Science PLace,Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5E2, CANADA,
(306)966-5693, E-maiL:
[email protected]
GERDTS,Michael E., (M; 1992; ID# 15334),
Johnson & Higgins, 345 CaLiforniaStreet, San
Francisco, CA, 94104, (415)296-3470, Fax: 415981-2096
15142), IntL Inst Eq Engr & SeismoLogy,PO Box
19395/3913, Tehran,IRAN, (98)21-275-484, Fax:
GHAHRAMAN,Vahe'G., (M; 1991; ID# 14272), 20
RaLph Piteri Terrace,Apt 38, Watertown, MA,
02172, (617)373-5931, Fax: 617-373-4419, EmaiL: [email protected]
GHANAAT, Yusof, (M; 1991; ID# 14771), Quest
Structures, 3 ALtarinda Road, Suite 203, Orinda,
106 SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
CA, 94563, (510)253-3555, Fax: 510-253-3525,
E-mail: yusofg@aoLcom
GIBBS, James F., (M; 1972; ID# 12082), USGeological Survey,345 Middlefie|dRoad, Menlo Park,
CA, 94025, (415)329-5631
GIBSON, Gary, (M; 1979; ID# 10015), RMITUniversity, SeismologyResearchCenter, Plenty Road,
Bundoora VIC 3083, AUSTRALIA,(61)3-94682468, Fax:61-3-9467-6184, E-maih
[email protected]
GIBSON, Richard L., Jr., (M; 1991; ID# 15221),
MassInst of Technology,Earth ResourcesLab Rm
E34-462, 42 Carleton Street, Cambridge, MA,
02142, (617)253-9429, Fax:617-253-6385, Email: [email protected]
GLASSMOYER,Gary, (M; 1985; ID# 12083), US
GeologicalSurvey,MS977, 345 Middlefield Road,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025
GLICK, Da~d C.,(M; 1982;ID# 12133), 1900
Wya~Drive Suite1, Santa C~ra, CA, 95054,
GLOWACKA,Ewa,(M; 1993;ID# 15505), CICESE,
PO Box 434843, San~ego, CA, g2073-4843,
(52)61-744-501x2531, Fax: 52-61-744-933, Email: [email protected]
GLUZBAND, Roberta, (M; 1995; ID# 16232),
23525 ArUngton Avenue #111, Torrance, CA,
90501, (310)530-8840, E-mail:
[email protected]
GIESECKE,Alberto, (M; 1995; ID# 10779), Apartado 14-0363, Lima, PERU,(51)1-433-6750, Email: [email protected]
GOES,SaskiaB., (M; 1994; IDff 15806), Univ of
Michigan, Dept of GeologicalSciences, 2534 CC
Little Building, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, (313)7647385, Fax:313-768-4690, E-maih
[email protected]
GILBERT, Freeman, (M; 1959; ID# 11971), IGPP,
A-0225, ScrippsInst of Oceanography,Univ of
California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, 92093,
(619)534-2470, Fax: 619-534-5332, E-maih [email protected]
GOKALP, Huseyin,(S; 1993; ID# 15553), Karadeniz TechnicalUniversity,Departmentof Geophysics, 61080 Trabzon,TURKEY,E-mail:
[email protected],/F7afa@trjtu
GILBERT, HershJ., (S; 1996; ID# 16456), 772
MarionStreet, Denver,CO,80218, (303)832-4051,
E-mail: [email protected]
GOLOSTEIN,Peter, (M; 1985; ID# 12034),
Lawrence Uvermore National Lab, PO Box 808 L205, Livermore, CA, 94551, (510)423-1231, Fax:
510-423-4077, E-mail: peterg@ltnLgov
GILLARD, Dominique, (M; 1987; ID# 12966),
Dept of GeophysicalSciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 08544, (609)258-2953, Email: [email protected]
GOLESORKHI,Ramin, (M; 1991; ID# 15272), 31
Kilkenny Place,Alameda,CA, 94501, (510)769-
GILPIN, Lawrence M., (M; 1991; ID# 14519), 1
Chanticleer Lane, Mill Valley, CA, 94941,
(415)383-8543, Fax: 415-383-8543, E-maih
[email protected]
GOMBERG,Joan S., (M; 1987; ID# 12981), CERIUSGS,Universityof Memphis, Memphis,TN,
38152, (901)678-4858, Fax: 901-678-4734, Email: [email protected]
GINER-CATURLA,Jose Juan, (M; 1993; ID#
15688), Univ de Alicante, Dept Cienciasde La
Tierra, AP Correos 99, 03080 Alicante, SPAIN,
(34)6-5go-3400X3056, Fax: 34-6-590-3552, Email: [email protected]
GINTER, David, (M; 1996; ID# 14521), Pacific
Soils EngineeringInc, 10653 ProgressWay, PO
Box 2249, Cypress, CA, 90630, (714)220-0770,
Fax: 714-220-9589
GIVEN, Douglas D., (M; 1987; ID# 12626), US
Geological Survey, 525 South Wilson Street, Pasadena, CA, 91106, (818)583-7812, Fax:818-5837827, E-mail: [email protected][
GIVEN, Holly K., (M; 1980; ID# 11901), Univ of
CaUforniaSan Diego,IGPPA-0225, ScrippsInst of
Oceanography, La JoUa, CA, 92093, (619)5342031, Fax:619-534-6354, E-mail:
[email protected]
GLADWIN, MichaelT., (M; 1993; ID# 15605),
CSIRO,PO Box 883, KeninsleQLO4069, AUSTRALIA, Fax: (61)7-212-4455, E-mail: m.g[[email protected]
GLASS, Charles E., (M; 1971; ID# 11750), Univ of
Arizona, Dept Mining & Geol Engr, College of Engineering Mines, Tucson, AZ, 85721, (520)621-6062
GOMEZ-GONZALEZ,Juan Martin, (S; 1996; ID#
15608), Inst de PhysiqueDu Globe de Paris, Dept
de Sismologie,4 PlaceJussieu - BP 89, 75252
Paris CX05, FRANCE,(33)1-4427-2470, Fax:33-14427-3894, E-mail: [email protected]
GON30, Bong, (M; 1995; ID# 13975), Chonju
National University,Dept of Geology, Chonju 560756, KOREASOUTH,(652)70-3395, Fax: 652-703399
15811), CICESE,Earth Science Division, PO Box
434843, San Diego, CA, 92143-4843, (52)61-745050, Fax: 52-61-744-933
GONZALEZ-GARCIA,Javier, (M; 1991; ID#
15239), CICESE,Earth Sciences Division, PO Box
434-4843, San Diego, CA, 92143, (52)61-744503, Fax: 52-61-744-933, [email protected]
GOTO,Noritoshi, (M; 1974; I0# 10486), Muroran
Inst of Technology,Dept of Computer Science&
System Engr,27-1 Mizumoto-Cho,Muroran050,
JAPAN, Fax:81-14-347-3193
GOUIN, Pierre, (M; 1955; ID# 10070), Jean-deBrebeuf College, 3200 Ste-CatherineRoad, Mont-
real PQ, H3T 1CI, CANADA,(514)342-1320, Fax:
GOUPILLAUD, Pierre L., (M; 1958; ID# 11953),
13681 MercadoDrive, De[ Mar, CA, 92014,
GRAINGER, Gerald S., (M; 1995; ID# 16127),
Southern Co ServicesInc, PO Box 2625, Birmingham, AL, 35202, (205)870-6888, Fax: 205-8020356
G~IZER, Vladimer, (M; 1994; ID# 15893), CaUf
Div of Minesand Geology, Office of Strong MoUon
Studies, 801 K Street, MS 13-35, Sacramento, CA,
95814-7778, (916)445-4764, Fax: 916-323-7778
GRANDORI, Giuseppe, (M; 1985; ID# 10417),
Po[itecnico da Milano, Dipart Ingegneria Strutturale, PiazzaLeonardo Da Vinci, 32 Milano, ITALY,
(39)2-2399-4336, Fax: 39-2-2399-4220
GRANT,Lisa B., (M; 1993; ID# 15748), Chapman
University, Div of NaturalScience,333 N. GLassell,
Orange, CA, 92666, (714) 744-7697, Fax: 714532-6048, E-mail: [email protected]
GRANT,W. Paul, (M; 1979; ID# 12595), Shannon
& Wilson Inc, POBox 300303, Seattle, WA, 981039703, (206)632-8020, Fax: 206-638-6777
GRASSO,J. R., (M; 1990; ID# 13894), Le Village,
38112 Meaudre,FRANCE,(33)76-514-517, Fax:
33-76-514-422, E-mail: [email protected]
GRAVES,RobertW., (M; 1991; ID# 13979), Woodward-ClydeFederalServices, 566 El DoradoStreet,
Suite 100, Pasadena,CA, 91101, (818)449-7650,
Fax: 818-449-3536, E-maih [email protected]
GREEN, Robert K,, (M; 1978; ID# 12263), 85
Shuey Drive, Moraga, CA, 94556, (510)874-3036,
Fax: 510-874-3268, E-maih [email protected]
GREEN,Rodleigh, (M; 1967; ID# 15725), BPI Geophysics, University of Witwatersrand, Private Bag
3, Powits 2050, SOUTHAFRICA,(27)716-2458,
Fax: 27-339-7367
GREENFIELD,Roy J., (M; 1966; ID# 11112), 600
McKeeStreet, State College, PA, 16801,
GREENHALGH,StewartA., (M; 1977; ID# 10016),
FUnders Univ of South Australia, School of Earth
Sciences, Bedford Park 5042, AUSTRALIA,(61)08275-2020
GREGERSEN,Soren, (M; 1971; ID# 10233),
Geodaetisk-Seismisk AfdeUng, Kort-og Matrikelstyrlsen, Rentemestervej8, DK-2400Copenhagen,
DENMARK,(45)3587-5050, Fax:45-3587-5054, Email: [email protected]
GREGOR,Nick, (M; 1990; ID# 13762), 911 Lexington Avenue,Apt. g, El Cerrito, CA, 94530,
(510)559-9422, E-mail: [email protected]
GRESTA,Stefano, (M; 1996; ID# 16448), Catania
University, Istituto Di Geologiae Geofisica,Corso
Italia 55, 95129 Catania, ITALY,(39)95-7195709, Fax: 39-95-719-5728, E-mail:
[email protected]
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October 1996
GROSS, RichardA., (M; 1995; ID# 15994), Industrial Risk Insurers, 85 Woodland Street, Hartford,
CT, 06102-5010, (203)520-7416, Fax: 203-5495780
GROSS, Susanna3., (M; 1986; ID# 12678), 1121
Monroe Drive Apt C, BouLder,CO, 80303-2112,
(303)492-6089, Fax: 303-492-1149, E-maiL:
[email protected][ (interne[)
GULKAN, Polar, (M; 1968; ID# I0858), KeLebek
Sok 6/5, GaziosmanPasa06700, Ankara,TURKEY,
(90)312-210-1324, Fax: 90-312-210-1262, Email: [email protected]
GUPTA, Harsh K., (L; 1976; ID# 10362), Nat[ Geophysical ResearchInstitute, Director, Hyderabad
500-0007, INDIA, (91)850-141-5, Fax: 91-854164
GUPTA, Indra N., (M; 1972; ID# 11219), Multimax, Inc., 1441 McCormick Drive, Largo, MD,
20774, (301)925-8222, Fax:301-925-2956, EmaiL: [email protected]
GURALP,C. M., (M; 1991; ID# 13921), GuralpSystems Limited, 3 Midas House, CaUevaPark, A[dermaston, Reading RG74QW, UK-ENGLAND,
(44)734-819-056, Fax:44-734-819-943
GURPINAR,Aybars, (M; 1985; ID# 10046), IAEA,
PO Box 200, A-1400 Vienna,AUSTRIA,(43)12060-22671, Fax:43-1-2060-20607, E-maiL:
[email protected]
GURROLA, Harold, (M; 1996; ID# 13919), Texas
Tech University, Dept of Geosciences, Box 41053,
Lubbock, TX, 79409-4105, (806)742-3299, Fax:
806-742-0100, E-maih [email protected]
GUTOWSKI, Paul R., (M; 1979; ID# 11510),
Amoco Production Research, PO Box 3385, Tulsa,
OK, 74102, (918)660-3146, E-maih
[email protected]
GUZMAN, Ricardo, (M; 1991; ID# 14006), 3375
Parkgate Court, Richmond,CA, 94806
GUZMAN-SPEZIALE, Marco, (M; 1982; ID#
11787), UNAM,Instituto de Geofisica, s
Universitaria, 04510 Mexico DF, MEXICO,(52)5622-4126, Fax: 52-5-616-2547, E-maih
GWIE, David S., (S; 1995; ID# 16306), 301 SW
LincoLnStreet Apt 911, Portland, OR, 97201, EmaiL: [email protected]
dena, CA, 91125, (818)395-2106, Fax: 818-5640715
HAGEDORN,Dan N., (M; 1988; ID# 13031), 1506
Torthay PLace,Rich[and,WA, 99352, (509)3753658, Fax: (509) 375-3641, E-mail:
[email protected]
HAGIWARA,T., (M; 1952; ID# 10487), 3-24-3
Nishigahara, Kita-ku, Tokyo,JAPAN,(81)3-2952217, Fax:81-3-295-1996
HAINES, ALanJ., (M; 1995; ID# 13175), Inst of
GeoLogicaLand NuclearSciences, PO Box 1320,
WelLington, NEWZEALAND,(64)4-473-8208, Fax:
64-4-471-0977, E-maiL:[email protected]
HALBOUTY,MichetA,(M; 1964;ID# 11585),The
HatboutyCenter, 5100WestheimerRoad, Houston, TX, 77027, (713)622-1130, Fax: 713-6225360
HALES, A. L., (L; 1947; ID# 10017), Australian
National University, ResearchSchool of Earth Sciences, PO Box 4, CanberraACT2600, AUSTRALIA
HALL, WiLliamJ., (M; 1965; ID# 11442), University of l[[inois, 2106 NewmarkCivil EngrLab, 205
N MathewsAvenue,Urbana,IL, 6180% (217)3333927, Fax: 217-356-0683, E-maih [email protected]
HALLDORSSON, Benedikt,(S; 1995; ID# 16185),
Hro[fsskalavor B, 170 Seltjarnarnes,ICELAND,
(354)561-2306, E-maih [email protected]
HALLER, Kathleen M., (M; 1995; ID# 16235), US
GeologicalSurvey, POBox 25046 MS966, Denver,
s 80225, (303)273-8616, Fax:303-273-8600,
E-maih [email protected]
HALVERSON, Harry T., (H; 1964; ID# 12744),
2220 DubLinDrive NW, Olympia,WA, 98502,
HAMADA, Kazuo, (M; 1970; ID# 10488), NIEDNatl ResearchInstitute, EarthSci & Disaster Prevention, Tsukuba-shi305, JAPAN,(81)29-8511611, Fax:81-29-854-0629, E-maiL:
[email protected]
HAMAGUCHI, H., (M; 1974; ID# 10489), Tohoku
University, Obs Ctr for Prediction, Earthquakes&
Volcanic Eruptions, Sendai980, JAPAN,(81)22225-1950, Fax:81-22-264-3292
HAMMOND,William R., (M; 1990; ID# 13738), US
Geological Survey,GeophysicalInstitute - Univ
Alaska, PO Box 757320, Fairbanks,AK, 997757320, (907)474-5161, Fax: 907-474-5618, Email: [email protected]
HANDELMAN, MichaelW., (M; 1980; ID# 11810),
The AerospaceCorp M8-112, PO Box 92957, Los
AngeLes, CA, 90009, (213)336-3195, Fax: 213336-7055
HANKA, Winfried, (M; 1982; ID# 10301), Geoforschungszentrum, Te[egraphenbergA 6, D-14473
Potsdam, GERMANY,(49)311-288-1273, Fax: 49311-288-1277, E-mail: [email protected]
HANKS, ThomasC., (M; 1971; ID# 12084), US
GeoLogicalSurvey, MS 977, 345 Midd[efield Rd,
MenLo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-5634
HANNON, Willard J., Jr., (M; 1961; ID# 12240),
309 Pearl Drive, Livermore, CA, 94550, (510)4223921
HANSEN,RogerA., (M; 1977; ID# 11669), University of Alaska-Fairbanks, GeophysicalInstitute,
Fairbanks, AK, 99775-7320
HANSON, Helmer E, (M; 1969; ID# 11942), 4070
WiLkinson Ave, Studio City, CA, 91604, (818)7622068
HANSON,Jeff, (S; 1994; ID# 15818), Unive~ity
of CaSfornia-SanDiego, IGPP/SlO-0225,LaJolla,
CA, 92093-0225, (619)534-9643, Fax: 619-5345332
HANSON, Kathryn, (M; 1991; ID# 14556), Geomatrix ConsuLtants,212 EastJames Street, Ely, MN,
55731, (218)365-2123, E-maiL: mci:dhanson3613900
HARB, Jacques N., (S; 1994; ID# 15847), 3400
Coffee Road, Apt 231, Modesto, CA, 95355,
(209)492-9010, Fax: 209-529-9279, E-maiL:
HARDEBECK,Jeanne, (S; 1996; ID# 16402), Ca[if
Ins[ of Technology,SeismologicalLab 252-21,
Pasadena,CA, 91125, (818)395-6971, E-maih
j[[email protected]
HARDER, LesSeE, Jn, (M; 1991; ID# 15185),
3510 Creekwood Ddve, RockSn, CA, 95677,
NARJES, Hans-Peter,(M; 1980; ID# 10302), Ruhr
Univ, Inst GeophysikGebaudeNA3/165, Postfach
10 21 48, Bochum 1, GERMANY,Fax:49-234-7094181, E-maiL:harjes@geophysik,ruhr-univ.
HAMBURGER,MichaelW., (M; 1985; ID# 11362),
Indiana University, Dept of Geo[ogka[ Sciences,
1005 EastTenthStreet, Bloomington,IN, 47405,
(812)855-2934, Fax:812-855-7899, E-maiL:[email protected]
HAASE, Jennifer S., (M; 1993; ID# 15667), Calif
Inst of Technology,SeismologicalLab, MC252-21,
Pasadena, CA, 91125, Fax: 33-93-76-6818,
HAMILTON, Robert M., (M; 1967; ID# 11192), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey, 922 NationalCenter, Reston,
VA, 22092, (703)648-6550, Fax: 703-648-6908
HADJIAN, A. H., (M; 1980; ID# 11840), Defense
NucLear Fac Safety Board, 625 Indiana Ave NW,
Suite 700, Washington, DC, 20004, (202)2086586, Fax: 202-208-6518
HAMMON,Stratton 0., (M; 1956; ID# 11329), 30
River Hilt Road, LouisvilLe,KY, 40207, (502)8971516
HARKRIDER, David G., (M; 1960; ID# 11902), PL/
CPE Phillips Lab, 29 Randolph Road B[dg 1102E,
Hanscomb AFB, MA, 01731-3010, E-maih
[email protected][
HAMMOND, Steve, (S; 1996; ID# 16362), 5847
FaLon Way, San Jose, CA, 95123, (408)365-9830,
E-maiL: [email protected]
HARMSEN, Stephen C., (M; 1983; ID# 11714),
2105 Arapahoe Street, GoLden, CO, 80401-2236,
HAFNER, Katrin, (M; 1994; ID# 15804), Ca[if Inst
of TechnoLogy,SeismologicalLab, 252-21, Pasa-
HARJONO,Hery, (M; 1991; ID# 15265), Pus[itbarg
Geoteknologi-LIPl, J[. Cisitu 21/154D, Bandung
40135, INDONESIA,(62)22-250-3654, Fax: 6222-250-4593, E-maih harjono@geotek.[
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October1996
(303)273-8567, Fax: 303-273-8600, E-maiL:
[email protected]
(81)29-864-1111, Fax: 29-864-2655, E-maiL:
[email protected],mc
HAROUN, Medhat A., (M; 1984; ID# 12023), Univerity of CaLifornia,~vi[ EngineeringDepartmen~ CA, g2717,(714)856-5016, Fax:714-7252117
HASTING,Michael A., (S; 1996; ID# 16408), 1336
West WiLlow, Ridgecrest, CA, 93555, (619)9394055, E-maiL: [email protected]
HAUl(, Teresa, (M; 1991; ID# 13812), Lawrence
Livermore Nat[ Lab, L-205, POBox808, Livermore,
CA, 94551, (510)423-7332, Fax: 510-423-4077,
E-maiL: haukl@LLnLgov
HARPSTER,Robert E., (M; 1972; ID# 12278),
5735 BuenaVista Avene, OakLand,CA, 946082120, (510)843-4361, Fax: 510-794-7844
HARRIS,.lames B., (M; 1991; ID# 14142), Millsaps CoLLege,Dept of Geology, 1701 North State
Street, ,lackson, MS, 39210, (601)974-1343, Fax:
HARRIS,Jerry M., (M; 1995; ID# 13548), Stanford
University, 321 MitcheLLBuiLding,Stanford, CA,
94305-2032, (415)723-0496, Fax: 415-725-2032
HARRIS, Ruth A., (M; 1987; ID# 12671), USGeological SurveyMS 977, 345 MiddLefleLdRoad,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4842, E-maiL."
[email protected]
HARRISON, Date B., (M; 1995; ID# 16299), Associated Engineering(B.C.)Ltd., 8927 McLareyAvenue, BLackCreek BC, vgJ 1A3, CANADA,(604)3378630, Fax:604-337-8825
HART, EarlW., (M; 1985; ID# 12314), 6 Vista
Court, torte Madera, CA, 94925, (415)904-7728,
Fax: 415-904-7715
HART, PembrokeJ., (M; 1953; ID# 11153), 3252
0 Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20007, (202)3373367
HARTSE,Hans E., (M; 1990; ID# 13907), 691 E.
Zia Road,Santa Fe, NM, 87505, (505)665-8495,
E-maiL: [email protected]
HARTZELL,Stephen H., (M; 1976; ID# 11903), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey, Box 25046 MS 966, Room431,
Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO, 80225,
(303)273-8572, Fax: 303-273-8600, E-maih hartzeL[@gLdrtv,
HARVEY,Danny,(M; 1991; ID# 14136), University
of CoLorado, PhysicsDepartment, CampusBox
390, BouLder,CO, 80309, (303)494-0158, Fax:
HASEGAWA,Akira, (M; 1981; ID# 10491), Tohoku
University, FacuLtyof Science, Obs Ctr Earthquake
Prediction, Sendai 980, JAPAN, (81)22-225-1950,
Fax: 81-22-674-3292, E-maiL: haseg-
[email protected]
HAUKSSON,Egit[, (M; 1977; ID# 11848), California Inst of Technology,SeismoLogicaLLab, MC
252-21, Pasadena,CA, 91125, (818)395-6954,
Fax: 818-564-0715, E-maiL: [email protected]
HAUSE, ALan D., (M; 1995;ID# 15987),Factory
MutuaLEngnAssn, 1855 GatewayB~d Suite 700,
Conco~, CA, 94524, (510)676-1900, Fax: 510676-2159
HAVSKOV,`lens, (M; 1979; ID# 10765), Universitetet I Bergen,JordskjeLvstasjonen, ALLegaten
41, N-5007 Bergen,NORWAY,(47)5-140-098, Fax:
HAWKINS, Fred E,(M; 1993;ID# 15538), Bureau
of RecLama~on, D-8330, PO Box 25007, Denve5
CO, 80225-0007, (303)236-3520, Fax: 303-2369071
HAWKINS, Hershe[G., (M; 1975; ID# 11949),
Southern Ca[if Edison GO-3, 2131 Walnut Grove
Avenue, Rosemead,CA, 91770, (818)302-8753,
Fax: 818-302-8747
HAWMAN, Robert B., (M; 1992; ID# 14259), University of Georgia, Dept of GeoLogy,Athens,GA,
30602, (706)542-2398, Fax: 706-542-2425
HAYASHI, Moritaka, (M; 1974; ID# 10492), 505,
Doki-cho Higashi 5 Chome, Marugame, Kagawa
163, JAPAN
HAYMAN, Robin B., (M; 1990; ID# 10092), Nanometrics Inc, 250 Herzberg Road, KanataON, K2K
2A1, CANADA,(613)592-6776, Fax:613-5925929
HAYNER,MichaelJ., (M; 1992; ID# 15491), Centerior Energy,6200 Oaktree BLvd.,Independence,
OH, 44131, (216)259-3737, Fax: 216-259-2010
HAYWARD, Chris, (M; 1991; ID# 15257), 6154
VeLasco, DaLLas,TX, 75214, (214)768-3031, Fax:
214-768-4291, E-mail: [email protected]
HEATON, WiLLiam R., (M; 1996; ID# 16387), Factory Mutual Engineering, 655 Engineering Drive
Ste 300, Norcross, GA, 30092, Fax: 770-448-9068,
E-mail:/g-wi[[ia m/I-srh/s=heato n/
O@[email protected][.com
HEELAN, Patrfck A., (L; 1950; ID# 11058), Georgetown University, Dept of PhiLosophy234 N
North BLdg, 37th & "0" Streets NW, Washington,
DE, 20057, (202)687-5222, Fax: 202-687-8039,
E-maiL: [email protected]
HEINRICH, RossR., (M; 1937; ID# 11457), 21
Larkin Lane, St Louis, NO, 63128, (314)892-3505
HEIZER, Lisa A., (S; 1991; ID# 14576), 12540
BricketLia, San Diego, CA, 92129-3702, (619)5945673, Fax: 619-594-4372, E-maiL:
[email protected]
HELFFRICH,George, (M; 1992; ID# 15487), Univ
of BristoL, Dept of Geology,WilLs Memorial BLdg
Queens Road, Bristol BS8 1R,l, UK-ENGLAND,
(44)272-303-773, Fax:44-272-253-385
HELLE, Hans B., (M; 1985; ID# I0766), Heiane
103, N-5090 Nyborg, NORWAY,(47)55-996-866,
Fax: 47-55-996-970, E-maiL:
[email protected]
HELLWEG, Margaret, (M; 1990; ID# 13763), 57
OverhiLtRoad,Orinda, CA, 94563-3122, (415)3295647, Fax: 415-329-5163, E-maiL: [email protected]
HELMBERGER,DonaldV., (M; 1969; ID# 11905),
CaLifornia Inst of TechnoLogy,SeismoLogicaLLab,
Pasadena, CA, 91125, (818)356-6998, E-maiL:
[email protected]
HENDRAJAYA, LiLik, (M; 1981; ID# 10376), Bandung Inst of TechnoLogy-ITB,Dept of Physics,JL
Ganesha 10, Bandung,INDONESIA,Fax: 62-22434413
HENDRICKSON,WiLLiam,(M; 1993; ID# 15687),
DYK PrestressedTanks, PO Box 696, ELCajon, CA,
92022-0696, (619)440-8181
HENDRIX, Eric D., (M; 1994; ID# 15881), Mission
GeoscienceInc, 1000 Quail Street, Newport
Beach, CA, 92660, (714)955-9086
HENKE,Wanda, (M; 1991; ID# 15115), 7 Wyndam
Court, LutherviLLe,MD, 21093, (401)252-4474,
Fax: (401) 252-4474
HENSON, Harvey, (S; 1996; ID# 16428), 403 N.
Division Street, CarterviLte,IL, 62918, (618)4537385, Fax: 618-453-7393, E-maiL: [email protected]
HASEGAWA,HenryS., (M; 1965; ID# i0091),
4936 Brodys PLace,Nanaimo, BC, VgT 5Y3, CANADA, (604)755-1845
HEARN,ThomasM., (M; 1979; ID# 11090), New
MexicoState University,PhysicsDept, Box 30001,
Dept 3D, Las Cruces, NM, 88003, (505)646-5076,
Fax: 505-646-1934
HASEMI,Akiko, (M; 1986; ID# 10499), Yamagata
University, Dept of Earth Science, 1-4-12
Kojirakawa Machi Yamagata-Shi,Yamagata990,
JAPAN, (81)2-3631-1421, Fax: 81-2-3624-7550,
E-maiL: [email protected]
HEATH, EdwardG., (M; 1991; ID# 14770), 123
ApoLena, Newport Beach, CA, 92662, (818)7999755, Fax:818-289-5946,
HENYEY,Thomas L., (M; 1991; ID# 14070), Univ
of Southern CaLifornia,Dept of GeoLogicaLScience, Los AngeLes,CA, 90089-0740, (213)7405832, Fax: 213-740-0011
HEATON,Thomas H., (L; 1977; ID# 11904), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey,525 South Wilson Avenue, Pasadena, CA, 91106, (818)583-7814, Fax: 818-5837827, E-maiL: [email protected]
HERAK, Marijan, (M; 1983; ID# 10876), Brescenskoga 11, 41000 Zagreb, CROATIA
HASHIMOTO, Manabu, (M; 1991; ID# 13454),
GeographicalSurveyInstitute, Crustal Dynamics
Dept, Kitasato-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN,
HENSON, Ivan, (M; 1996; ID# 16418), MuLtimax,
1845 CanterburyDrive, India[antic, FL, 32903
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October 1996
HERRAIZ, Miguel, (M; 1996; ID# 14212), Nunez
de Balboa 56 4-D, 28001 Madrid, SPAIN, (36)1394-4398, E-maih [email protected]
5 Matsuyama, Chime790, JAPAN,(81)89-9247111, Fax: 81-89-923-2545, E-maih
[email protected]
HERRERA,Mario G.V., (S; 1994; ID# 15929), 11
CaLLe"A" 11-63 Zona 5, Jardines de La Asuncion
GuatemaLa, GuatemaLaCity, GUATEMALA,(47)63817-121, Fax:47-63-818-719, E-maiL:
[email protected]
HO, CarLtonL., (M; 1986;ID# 12486), Washington
State University,Civil & EnvironmentalEngrDept,
PuLLman,WA, 99164-2910, (509)335-3721, Fax:
509-335-7632, E-maih [email protected]
HERRIN, Eugene,(M; 1956; ID# 11553), DaLlas
SeismoLogicaLObservatory, Southern Methodist
University, Dallas, TX, 75275, (214)692-2760
HERRINGTON,Preston, (M; 1992; ID# 15416),
Sandia NationaLLabs, Dept 9236, MS0655, Albuquerque, NM, 87185-0655, (505)844-9495, Fax:
505-844-5321, E-maih [email protected]
HERRMANN,Robert B., (M; 1967; ID# 11461), St.
Louis University, Dept of Earth & AtmosphericScience, 3507 LaCLedeAvenue,St Louis, MO, 63103,
(314)977-3120, Fax: 314-977-3117, E-maiL:
[email protected]
HIGASHI, Sadanori, (M; 1995; ID# 15562), Central ResearchInstitute, ELectricPowerIndustry,
Abiko 1646 Abiko, Chiba 270-11, JAPAN, (81)47182-1181, Fax:81-47-184-2941, E-maih
[email protected]
HILDEBRAND,John, (M; 1991; ID# 15113), Univ
of CaLiforniaSan Diego, $10 - Mail Code0205, La
Jo[|a, CA, 92093, (619)534-4069, Fax: 619-5346849, [email protected]
HOBBS, StephanieL., (M; 1994; ID# 15849), 155
East 55th Street Suite 5C, New York, NY, 10022,
(212)832-8227, Fax: 212-832-8250
HOFFMAN, David, (M; 1996; ID# 16376), Missouri
Dept of Natural Resources,MissouriGeoLogical
Survey, PO Box 250, RoUa,MO, 65402, (573)3682144, Fax: 573-368-2115
HOFMANN, Renner B., (M; 1956; ID# 11486),
8426 HeraLdry,San Antonio, TX, 78250-5308,
HOUSNER, George W., (H; 1943; ID# 11874),
4084 Chevy Chase Drive, La Canada, CA, 91011,
HOLM, RichardA., (M; 1992; ID# 12217), Cecil
WELLsJr & AsscsInc, 2031 PioneerCourt, Suite
12, San MateD,CA, 94403, (415)345-3554, Fax:
HOWELL, B. E, Jr., (M; 1947; ID# 11114), Penn
State University,406 Deike BLdg,UniversityPark,
PA, 16802, (814)865-6821
HONEGGER,Doug[as G., (M; 1983; ID# 11857),
1728 Date Avenue, Torrance, CA, 90503,
HIRSHORN, Barry,(M; 1987; ID# 12656), US Geological Survey, MS 977, 345 MiddLefieldRoad,
MenLo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4735, E-maih
[email protected],
HISADA, Yoshiaki, (M; 1988; ID# 13145),
Kogakuin University, Dept of Architecture, NishiShinjuku 1-24-2, Tokyo 163-91, JAPAN, (81)33342-1211x2726, Fax: 81-3-3340-0149, E-mail:
[email protected]
HIYOSHI, Takahiro, (S; 1995; ID# 16242), Ehime
University, Dept of Earth Sciences, Bunkyo-cho2-
HOUSE, Leigh, (M; 1985; ID# 11774), 1440 45th
Street, Los Alamos, NM, 87544, (505)667-1912,
Fax: 505-667-8487, E-maih
[email protected]
HOLLIS, EdwardP., (M; 1936; ID# 12085), 501
Portota Road, PO Box 8105, Portola ValLey,CA,
94028, (415)424-4367
HILL, David P., (M; 1960; ID# 12212), 3794 Redwood Circle, PaLoALto, CA, 94306, (415)3294795, Fax:415-329-5163, E-maiL:
[email protected]
HIRATA, Kenji, (M; 1994; ID# 15908), Japan
Marine Science& Tech Err, DeepSea Research,
Natushima-cho 2-15, Yokosuka 237 Kangawa,
JAPAN, (81)46-866-3822x418, Fax:81-46-866-
HOUGH, Susan E., (M; 1984; ID# 11973), US GeoLogicaLSurvey, 525 S. Wilson Avenue, Pasadena,
CA, 91106, (818)583-7224, Fax: 818-583-7827,
E-maiL: [email protected]
HOKE,John H., (M; 1957; ID# 15706), c/o Post
Office Porto Cervo, CostaSmeraLda07020, Sardinia, ITALY
HILEMAN, James A., (M; 1964; ID# 11337), BatteLLe, 2000 RandoLphRoad SE Ste 105, ALbuquerque, NM, 87106-7267
HIRASAWA, Tomowo, (M; 1964; ID# 10494),
Tohoku University, Observatory Ctr for Earthquake
Prediction, Sendal980, JAPAN,(81)22-223-7087,
Fax: 81-22-264-3292
HOSKINS,J. WaLte~ (M; lggl;ID# 15070), Hoskins Enginee~Inc., 501 S. BascemAvenu~ San
Jose, CA, 95128, (408)971-7800, Fax:408-9712340,
HOUSEMAN,GregoryA., (M; 1991; ID# 15317),
Monash University, Dept of Earth Sciences,CLayton VIC 3168, AUSTRALIA,(61)3-405-4895, Fax:
61-3-905-4903, E-maih [email protected]
HOLT,William E., (M; 1989; ID# 13268), NewYork
State University, Dept of Earth & SpaceSciences,
Stony Brook, NY, 11794-2100, (516)632-8215,
Fax: 516-632-8240, E-maih
who[[email protected]
HINZEN, KLausG., (M; 1982; ID# 10303), Erdbebenstation Bensberg, Vinzenz-PaLotti Strasse 26,
51429 Bergisch-Gladbach,GERMANY,(49)22-0481343, Fax: 49-22-048-5043
HORTON,Stephen, (M; 1988; ID# 13043), Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,Seismology, Palisades, NY, 10964, Fax: 914-359-5215, E-maiL:
HOPPER,Ma~amt G.,(M; 1969;ID# 11712), PO
Box 1106, GoLden,CO, 80402,(303)236-1606,
Fax: 303-273-8600
HORASAN,Gunduz,(M; 1987; ID# 12931), Kayasultan Sok 72 B-g, AydoganlarAp, KozyatagiIstanbu[, TURKEY
HOREIS,ALanR., (M; 1995; ID# 16307), ALanHoreis Structural Engineers,128D Civic DriveSuite
200, WaLnutCreek, CA, 94596, (510)935-8001,
Fax: 510-935-1315
HORI, Naohito, (M; 1990;ID# 12746),Kokushikan Uni~ FacuLtyof Engineering,4-28-I Setagaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154, JAPAN,(81)35481-3286, Fax:81-3-5481-3253
HORITA,Jun,(M; 1980;ID# I0500), Mark Rand
Company Ltd, Mi~uboshi BWg 6-1-5 Nogata,
Nakano-ku, Tokyo 165, JAPAN,(81)3-339-3130,
Fax: 81-3-339-6995,
HORNER, Robert B., (M; 1973; ID# 10095), GeoL
SurveyCanada, PacificGeoscienceCentre, 9860
West Saanich Road, Box 6000, SidneyBC, V8L
4B2, CANADA,(604)363-6432, Fax:604-3636565, E-maih [email protected]
SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5
HRADILEK, PeterJ., (M; 1977; ID# 11290), US
Bureau of RecLamation, Unit 3500, Box 16, APO
AA, 34030-3500, (55)61-226-4536, Fax: 55-61225-9564
HRON, Frantisek, (M; 1975; ID# 10096), University of ALberta, Dept of Physics, EdmontonAB,
T6G 2.31, CANADA,(403)492-3984, Fax:403-4924256, E-maiL: userfmth@vaLmts
HSU, Vinde[[, (M; 1981; ID# 11494), HQAFTAC/
TT, 1030 S. HighwayAIA, Patrick AFB, FL, 329253002, (407)494-2251, Fax:407-494-2274, EmaiL: [email protected]
HUANG, Bor-Shouh, (M; 1990; ID# 13764), Academia Sinica, Institute of Earth Sciences,PO Box
1-55 Nankang, Taipei, TAIWANROC,886-2-7839899x323, Fax: 886-2-783-9871, E-maih
[email protected]
HUANG, Moh-Oiann,(M; 1982; ID# 12372), Catif
Division Mines & GeoLogy,Office Strong Motion
Studies, 801 K Street, MS 13-35, Sacramento,CA,
95814-3531, (916)322-9304, Fax: 916-323-7778
HUANG, Weishi, (M; 1991; I0# 13281), DukeUniversity, Dept of GeoLogy,Box 90227, Durham,NC,
27708, (919)684-6258, Fax: 919-684-5833, EmaiL: [email protected]
HUDNUT, Kenneth W., (M; 1985; ID# 11035), US
Geo[Survey, 525 South WiLsonAvenue,Pasadena,
CA, 91106, (818)583-7232, Fax:818-583-7827,
E-mail: [email protected][
HUDSON, DonaLd E., (M; 1958; ID# 11906), CaLifornia Inst of TechnoLogy,Dept of Civil Engineering, Pasadena, CA, 91125, (818)356-4125, Fax:
HUGHES, Anthony A., (M; 1970; ID# 10192),
International SeismologyCenter,Thatcham, Newbury Bks RG134NS,UK - ENGLAND,(44)63-561022, Fax:44-63-572-351
HUMPHREY,.lames R., (M; 1992; ID# 14611),
Lahontan GeoScienceInc, 21380 Castle Peak
Road, Reno, NV, 89511-7119, (702)847-7255,
Fax: 702-847-7266, E-maih [email protected]
HUNT, Joe B., (M; 1995; ID# 14612), 186 WhippoorwiU Drive, Oak Ridge, TN, 37830, (615)4831432, Fax: 615-574-3118
HUO, Jun-Rong, (M; 1996; ID# 16425), CERI-University of Memphis, 3890 Central Avenue, Memphis, TN, 38152, (901)678-4951, Fax: 901-6784734, E-maih [email protected]
HURST, KennethJ., (M; 1983; ID# 11036), Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, MC 238-625, 4800 Oak
Grove Drive, Pasadena,CA, 91109, (818)3546637, Fax:818-393-4965, E-maih
[email protected]
HURUKAWA,Nobuo, (M; 1995; ID# 13425), International Inst of Seismology& Eq Engr, Bldg
ResearchInstitute, I Tatehara,Tsukuba-shi,Ibaraki-ken, JAPAN,(81)29-864-6754, Fax: 81-29864-6777, E-maih [email protected]
tado 2145, 18080 Granada,SPAIN, (34)58-243556, Fax:34-58-160-907, E-mail:
[email protected]
IBRAHIM, A. K., (M; 1964; ID# 11160), US
Nuclear RegulatoryComm, MST7C6,Washington,
DC, 20555, (301)415-6651, Fax: 301-415-5397,
E-maih [email protected]
IBRAHIM, Gunawan,(M; 1991; ID# 15171), Inst
of TechnologyBandung,Geophysics& Meteorology Dept,JalanGanesa10, Bandung,INDONESIA,
ICHINOSE, Gene,(S; 1994; ID# 15912), 2244
GreensbraeDrive,Sparks, NV, 89431, (702)3550592
IDRISS, I. M., (M; 1968; ID# 12016), University
of California, Dept of Civil & EnvironmentalEngr,
Davis, CA, 95616, (916)752-5403, Fax:916-7581104, E-maih [email protected]
IGLESIAS,Jesus,(M; 1991; ID# 15095), Clemente
Orozco 18, Mexico03710 DF, MEXICO,(52)5-7244285, Fax: 52-5-382-3998, E-maih
[email protected]
IHMLE, Pierre,(M; 1994; ID# 15807), Institut de
Physiquedu Globe, Dept de Sismologie,4, Place
3ussieu, 75252 Paris, FRANCE,(33)1-4427-2471,
Fax: 33-1-4427-3894
HUSEBYE, EysteinS., (M; 1963; ID# 10767), IFJ,
Allegaten 41, N-5OO7Bergen, NORWAY,(47)55213-402, Fax:47-55-320-009, E-maih
eystein. husebye@ifjf,ui
IIDA, Kumizi,(M; 1961; ID# 10504), 1-39
Higashiyama,Motomachi Chikusa-Ku, Nagoya,
JAPAN, (81)52-781-2317
HUSHMAND, Behnam, (M; 1987; ID# 12990),
HushmandAssociates, Geotech, Environmental&
Earthquake Engr, 17748 Skypark Circle, Ste 230,
Irvine, CA, 92714, (714)474-2335, Fax: 714-4748558
IIDA, Masahiro,(M; 1986; ID# 10505), University
of Tokyo, EarthquakeResearchInstitute, 1-1-1,
Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN,81-3-38122111(5779), Fax:81-3-3816-1159, E-mail:
[email protected]
HUTCHENSON,Kevin D., (M; 1980; ID# 11278),
Ensco Inc, 445 PinedaCourt, Melbourne, FL,
32940, E-maih [email protected]
[email protected]
IIZUKA, Susumu,(M; 1984; IDff 10506), Tokai
UniversityOrido, Facultyof MarineScienceTech,
(818)395-4213, Fax: 818-568-2719, E-mail:
[email protected]
IRIKURA, Kojiro, (M; 1984; ID# 10512), Kyoto
University, Disaster Prevention Res Inst, Uji,
Kyoto 611, JAPAN, (81)77-433-5866, Fax: 81-77433-5866
ISHIBASHI, Katsuhiko, (M; 1991; ID# 13462),
Int[ Inst Seismology& Earthquake Engr, 1 Tatehara, Tsukuba305, JAPAN,(81)29-8642-151, Fax:
81-29-8642-989, E-mail: [email protected]
ISHIDA, Mizuho, (M; 1993; ID# 15527), Natt
ResearchInstitute for Earth Science& Disaster
Prevention, 3-I Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi,Ibarakiken 305, JAPAN, (81)29-851-1611, Fax: 29-8515658
ISHII, Hiroshi, (M; 1987; ID# 12647), University
of Tokyo, Earthquake Res Institute, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-3813-9426, E-maih
[email protected]
ISBIKAWA, Yuzo, (M; 1983; ID# 10513), Meteorolgogica[ Res Institute, Seismological& Volcanological Dept, 1-1 Nagamine,Tsukuba,Ibaraki 305,
JAPAN, (81)29-851-7111, Fax:81-29-851-2730,
E-maih [email protected]
ISRAELSSON,Hans, (M; 1970; ID# 11206), Center
for SeismicStudies, 1300 North 17th Street,
Arlington, VA, 22209, (703)276-7900, E-mail:
[email protected]
ITO, Hisao, (M; 1985; ID# 10515), GeologicalSurvey of Japan, 1-1-3 Higashi, Yatabe,Ibaraki 305,
JAPAN, (81)29-854-3757, Fax: 81-29-854-3533,
E-maih [email protected] p
ITO, Kiyoshi, (M; 1973; ID# I0516), Kyoto University, DisasterPreventionResInst, Uji, Kyoto, 611,
JAPAN, (81)77-432-0850, Fax: 77-432-0850, Email: [email protected]
IVAN, MarianE, (M; 1993; ID# 15691), University
of Bucharest,GeophysicalDept, Str TraianVuia 6,
Bucharest OP 37, ROMANIA,(40)1-211-3120
IMOTO,Masajiro, (M; 1986; ID# 10510), National
ResearchInstitute Japan, Earth Science& Disaster Prevention,Tennodai3-I Tsukuba-shi,Ibaraki-Ken 305, JAPAN,(81)29-851-1611, Fax: 8129-851-5658,
IVANCIC, Ines, (M; 1995; ID# 16251), Itica 144,
10000 Zagreb, CROATIA,(385)1-570-524, E-mail:
[email protected]
HUITON, Kate, (M; 1977; ID# 11907), Calif Inst of
Technology,SeismologicalLab, MC 252-21, Pasadena, CA, 91125, (818)356-6959
INDRAWAN, Zacheus, (M; 1991; ID# 15099), UKI
ResearchInstitute, EarthquakeEngrResInstitute,
3l Mayjen,Sutoyo,Cawang,Jakarta 13630, INDONESIA, Fax: 62-21-739-2835
IWASAKI, Yoshinori,(M; 1991; ID# 15078), Osaka
Soil Test Lab, Geo-ResearchInstitute, 1-3-1-23,
Nishihonmachi, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550, JAPAN,
(81)6-536-1739, Fax: 81-6-536-1741
HWANG, Howard H., (M; 1991; ID# 14104), 2438
Oak Trait Drive, Germantown,TN, 38139,
(901)678-4830, Fax: (901)678-4734, E-maih
[email protected]
INGATE,ShaneF., (M; 1995; ID# 10920), Science
Horizons, 7590 Fay Avenue,Suite 501, La Jolla,
CA, 92037-4849, (619)456-2441
INOUE, Ryosuke,(M; 1978; ID# 10511), Ibaraki
Nakanarusawa-Cho,Hitachi-Shi, Ibaraki-Ken 316,
.IAPAN,(81)29-438-5167, Fax:81-29-435-8146
IWATA,Tomotaka, (M; 1986; ID# 10517), Disaster
Prevention Res Inst, Kyoto University,Gokasho,
Uji, Kyoto 611, 3APAN,(81)774-32-3111, Fax:
774-33-5866, E-mail: iwata@egmdpri01.
IANNACCONE, Giovanni, (M; 1985; ID# 10419),
Universita Di Napoli, Dipt di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Largo San Marcellino 10, 80138 Napoli,
ITALY,Fax:39-81-5527631, E-maih
[email protected]
IRELAND, R. Charles,(S; 1996; ID# 16368), 1731
Oxford Road,Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, 48236,
(313)884-8926, E-mail: [email protected]
HUTCHINGS,Lawrence, (M; 1975; ID# 11079),
LawrenceLivermoreNatl Lab, EarthSciencesDept,
L-208, PO Box 808, Livermore, CA, 94550,
(510)423-0354, Fax: 510-422-3925
IBANEZ, Jesus M., (M; 1991; ID# 14211), Universidad de Granada,Inst Andaluzde Geofisica,Apar-
IRFANOGLU,Ayhan, (S; 1995; ID# 16200), California Institute of Technology,Dept of Civil Engineering, MailCode 104-44, Pasadena,CA, 91125,
IYER, H. Mahadeva, (M; 1961; ID# 12086), 697
Gilbert Avenue, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)3294756, Fax: 415-329-5163, E-maih
[email protected]
IZUTANI, Yasuo, (M; 1975; ID# 10519), Shinshu
University, Fac of Engineering, Oept of Civil Engineering, 500 Wakasato Nagano, 3APAN, (81)26226-4101, Fax: 81-26-228-4295, E-maih
[email protected]
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October 1996
JENNEMANN, Vincent F., (L; 1948; ID# 11514),
203 Sunset Drive, Tulsa,OK, 74114, (918)5858485, Fax: 918-585-9962
;]AANG, Sung-Joon, (S; 1995; ID# 16233), Seoul
National University, Dept of GeologicalSciences,
Kwanak-gu, SeouL151-742, SOUTHKOREA,(82)2872-2713
JACKSON, David D., (M; 1970; ID# 11818), UCLA/
SCEC,Dept of Earth & SpaceSciences, Los AngeLes,CA, 90095-1567, (213)825-0421, Fax: 310825-2779, E-mail: [email protected]
JACKSON,James A., (M; 1978; ID# 10198), University of Cambridge, Bullard Laboratories, Mading[ey RiseMadingLeyRoad, CambridgeCB30EZ, UK
- ENGLAND,(44)223-337-197, Fax:44-223-60779, E-mail:[email protected]
JACKSON, Marie D., (M; 1992; ID# 13349), US
Geological Survey, 2255 N. Gemini Drive, Flagstaff, AZ, 86001, (520)556-7186, Fax: 520-5567169, E-mail: [email protected]
JACKSON,Suzette M., (M; 1985; ID# 11722),
1602 SviskonWay, Idaho FALls,ID, 83402,
(208)526-4293, Fax: 208-526-0875, E-maih
~IACOB,A.W. Brian, (M; 1970; ID# 10389), Dublin
Inst for Advanced Studies, GeophysicsSection, 5
Merrion Square, Dublin 2, IRELAND,(353)1-6621333, Fax: 353-1-662-1477
JACOB, K[aus H., (M; 1965; ID# 11037), Lamont
Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University,
Palisades, NY, 10964, (914)359-2900 x440, Fax:
(914) 365-8150, E-mail: jacob@[
JANUSAUSKAS,Paul, (M; 1996; ID# 16373), Factory Mutual EngineeringAssc, 5757 Cavendish
BLvdSuite 550, Cote St-Luc PQ, H4W 2WB, CANADA, (514)488-2511, Fax: 514-488-7742
;]AROSCH, HansS., (M; 1970; ID# i0392), Weizmann Institute of Science, Computer Center,
Rehovoth 76100, ISRAEL
;]ARVIS, Philip A., (M; 1993; ID# 15698), Japan
Marine Science& TechCenter, DeepSea Research
Dept, 2-15 Natsushima,Yokosuka237, JAPAN, Email: [email protected]
;]AUME,Steven C., (M; 1991; ID# 15251), Univ of
Nevada Reno, SeismologicalLab. MS 174, Mackay
School of Mines, Reno, NV, 89557-0141,
(702)784-4576, Fax: 702-784-1766, E-mail:
[email protected]
JAVETE, Donald F., (M; 1991; ID# 14772), 5398
BeLgravePLace,Oakland, CA, 94618, (510)8395129
JENKINS, Richard D., (M; 1990; ID# 13909),
SAIC, 10260 Campus Point Drive, MSA2-F, San
Diego, CA, 92121, (619)458-2780, E-mail:
[email protected]
;]ENKS, Patrick J., (M; 1989; ID# 13342), 62~a
Pamplona, Ranch Santa Margarita, CA, 92688,
JENNINGS, PauLC.,(M; 1964;ID# 11909), CaSfornia Inst of TechnoLog~CiviLEngineeringDept
104-44, Pasadena,CA, 91125,(818)356-6336,
Fax: 818-449-9374
;]EPSEN, David, (M; 1991; ID# 14247), Australian
GeologicalSurveyOrg, AustralianSeismological
Center, GPOBox 378, CanberraACT2601, AUSTRALIA, (61)6-248-996, Fax:61-6-249-969, E-mail:
JHA, PrakashC., (M; 1990; ID# 13707), NatLInst
Rock Mechanics,ChampionReefs PO, KoLarGold
Fields, KaMtaka 563-117, INDIA, (91)81-5360263, Fax: (91)81-536-0937
JIAO, Wenjie, (S; 1994; ID# 15793), Universityof
Arizona, Dept of Geosiences,Bldg 77, Tucson,AZ,
85721, (602)621-3348, Fax:602-621-3348, Email: [email protected]
;]IH, Rong-Song, (M; 1989; ID# 13652), 13492
Lake Shore Drive, Herndon, VA, 22071
Arbor, MI, 48109-1063, (313)763-4069, Fax: 313763-4690, E-mail: [email protected]
JOHNSON,Jeffrey A., (M; 1974; ID# 11937),
13082 Caminito Pointe De[ Mar, De[ Mar, CA,
92014-3853, (619)755-7606, Fax: 619-755-7606
JOHNSON, Lane R., (M; 1963; ID# 12297), University of California, Dept of Geology & Geophysics, Berkeley,CA, 94720, (510)642-1275, Fax:
510-643-9980, E-mail: [[email protected]
JOHNSON, Leonard E., (M; 1970; ID# 11157),
National Science Foundation, Earth Sciences Division Rm 785, 4201 Wilson BLvd,Arlington, VA,
22230, (703)306-1559, Fax: 703-306-0382, Email: [email protected]
JOHNSON, PaulA., (M; 1983; ID# 11778), Los
Alamos National Laboratory, ESS4 MS D443, Los
Alamos, NM, 87545, (505)667-8936, Fax: 505667-8487, E-mail:[email protected][,gov
JOHNSON, PeggyA., (S; 1986; ID# 12594),
Lawrence BerkeleyLaboratory, Earth Science Div
Bldg 50E, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA, 94720,
(510)642-8504, Fax: 510-643-5811, E-maih
[email protected]
JIN, Anshu, (M; 1991; ID# 13323), Univ of Southern California, Dept of GeologicalSciences, Los
Angeles, CA, 90089-0741, (213)740-7088, Fax:
JOHNSON, Stephen H., (M; 1970;ID# 11517),
1802 BLueSage Drive, Katy, TX, 77494, (713)5563647
JOHANNISSON, Eva, (M; 1982; ID# 10830), Nail
Defence Res Establishment, Directorate, Hydroacoustics & Seismology,S-17290Stockholm, SWEDEN, (46)8-706-3120, Fax:46-8-706-3075
JOHNSTON,Arch C., (M; 1980; ID# 11312), CERI,
University of Memphis, Memphis,TN, 38152,
(901)678-2007, Fax: 901-678-4734, E-mail:
[email protected]
JOHANSSON, Peder, (M; 1987; ID# 12642), Natl
Defence Res Establishment, Division65, Hydroacoustics & Seismology,S-17290 Stockholm, SWEDEN, (46)8-706-3593, Fax:46-8-706-3543
JOHNSTON,Janet C., (M; 1983; ID# 10921), 44th
Street, Plum Island, Newbury,MA, 01951, 44-71409-4505, Fax: 71-402-9618, E-mail:
jj [email protected][
JOHNSON, Anse[ G., (M; 1972; ID# 12400), PortLand State University,GeologyDepartment, PortLand, OR, 97207, (503)725-3022, Fax: 503-7253025
JOHNSTON, Malcolm, (M; 1975; ID# 12087), US
GeologicalSurvey, MS977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415) 329-4812, Fax:
415-329-5163, E-mail: [email protected]
JOHNSON, Carl E., (M; 1974; ID# 11911), University of Hawaii At HiLo,GeologyDept, 523 W. lanikauta Street, HiLo, HI, 96720, (808)933-3641,
Fax: 808-935-6228
JOHNSTON,Roy G., (M; 1954; ID# 11814), Brandow & JohnstonAssociates, 1660 West3rd Street,
Los Angeles,CA, 90017, (213)484-8950
JOHNSON, DavidA., (M; 1990; ID# 13729), 204
FalLeyStreet, Rich[and,WA, 99352, (206)2349395, E-mail: daj653@rLgov
3ONES, ALan, (M; 1991; ID# 15137), 3717 Wildwood Drive, EndweLL,NY, 13760, (607)777-2518,
Fax: 607-777-2288, E-mail:[email protected]
JOHNSON, DouglasH., (M; 1992; ID# 15321),
Lamont-Doherty EarthObservatory,ColumbiaUniversity, Palisades,NY, 10964, (914)359-2900,
Fax: 914-359-5215, E-mail: [email protected]
JONES, Laura, (S; 1991; ID# 15182), California
Inst of Technology,SeismologicalLab MC252-21,
Pasadena,CA, 91125, (818)356-6971, Fax:818564-0715, E-mail: [[email protected]
JOHNSON, EdwardA., (M; 1991; IDif 15271), 127
Tower Road, Lincoln, MA, 01773-4402, (617)8990950, Fax: 617-552-8388
Dynamic Isolation SystemsInc, 3470 Mt Diab[o
Blvd Suite A200, Lafayette, CA, 94549, (510)2831166, Fax: (510)283-4307
JOHNSON, GayleS., (M; 1991; ID# 15236), EQE
International 44 MontgomeryStreet, Ste 3200,
San Francisco, CA, 94104, (415)989-2000, Fax:
415-362-0130, E-mail: [email protected]
JONES, Lucile M., (M; 1982; ID# 11912), USGeo-
;]ONES, LindsayR., (M; 1982; ID# 12285),
Logical Survey,SeismologyLaboratory, California
Inst of Technology,Pasadena,CA, 91125,
(818)583-7817, Fax: 818-583-7827, E-malE
[email protected]
JOHNSON,Jean M., (S; 1993; ID# 15543), University of Michigan, 1006 CCLittle B[dg, Ann
112 Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
3ONES, Robert H., (M; 1992; ID# 15434), CSM
Associates, RosemanowesQuarry, HernisePenryn,
CornwaLL,UK - ENGLAND,Fax:44-209-861-013
3ONES, T. A., (S; 1993; ID# 15522), 10604 Las
Lunitas,Tujunga,CA, 91042, (818)352-247g, Fax:
818-353-2918, E-maiL:[email protected]
3ONES,Trevor, (M; 1993; ID# 15694), Australian
GeoLogicaLSurveyOrg, AustraLianSeismoLogicaL
Ctr, GPOBox 378, CanberraACT2601, AUSTRALIA,
(61)6-2499-559, Fax: 61-6-2499-969
30NGMANS, Denis, (M; 1987; ID# 12738), Route
de B[egny4, 4573 Mortier, BELGIUM,(32)41-562216
KAFKA, ALanL., (M; 1980; ID# 10943), Boston
CoLLege,Deptof GeoLogy& Geophysics,Chestnut,
MA, 02167, (617)552-3650, Fax: 617-552-2462,
E-mail: [email protected]
KAGAMI, Hiroshi, (M; 1974; ID# 10523), Hokkaido University,FacuLtyof Engineering,Architectural Engr Dept, N12W8Sapporo060, JAPAN,
(81)11-706-6649, Fax:81-11-706-7839, E-maih
[email protected]
KAGAN, Yan,(M; 1976; ID# 11819), University of
CaLifornia,Inst of Geophys& PLanetaryPhysics,
Los AngeLes,CA, 90095-1567, (213)825-3123,
Fax: 213-206-3051, E-maih
[email protected]
30RDAN, F~ncisco,(M;1992;ID# 15498),17822
RandaHAvenue, Fontana, CA, 92335, (909)8882422
KAGAWA,Takao, (M; 1991; ID# 14274), HigashiYodogawa, 2-17-13-603 Higashi-Awaji,Osaka
533, JAPAN,(81)6-539-2975, Fax:81-6-5361739, E-mail: [email protected]
-IORDAN,Thomas H., (M; 1983; ID# 10922), Mass
Inst of TechnoLogy,EarthAtmos & PLanetarySci
Dept, MC54-518, MassInst of TechnoLogy,Cambridge, MA, 02139, (617)253-3589
FAHLE, James E., (M; 1969; ID# 11861), 19767
GrandviewDrive,Topanga,CA, 90290, (310)4552583
JOSEPHSON,Cart, (M; 1995; ID# 16309), ~osephson-Werdowiatz & Assc Inc, 6370 Lusk Blvd Suite
F200, San Diego, CA, 92121, (619)558-2181, Fax:
619-558-2188, E-maihjosephsonC@aoLcom
30ST, MichaelL., (M; 1980; ID# 11462), RuhrUniversitaet Bochum, Geophysik,44780 Bochum,
GERMANY,(49)234-700-3276, Fax: 49-234-2094181, E-mail: [email protected]
30SWIG, Manfred, (M; 1988; ID# 13088), Goethestr 28, D-40237 DusseLdorf,GERMANY,(49)211691-3872, Fax: 49-211-691-4101
JOTIKASTHIRA, Mongnuj, (M; 1986; ID# 12475),
Asst Chief Frgn Procurment Div, EGATKruai, Bang
Kruai, Nonthaburi 11000, THAILAND
30YNER, WilLiam B., (M; 1958; ID# 12216), 472
Virginia Avenue,San Mateo, CA, 94402,
(415)329-5640, Fax: 415-329-5163
3UN, Myung-Soon,(M; 1991; ID# 15097), Korea
Inst of GeoLogyMining & MineraLs,Geophys
ResearchStation, PO Box 111, Yusung,Daedeok
Daejeon, KOREA,(82)42-868-3344, Fax:82-42861-9720, E-maiL:[email protected]
-IUNGBLUT,WaLterL., (M; 1983; ID# 11792), US
GeoLogicalSurvey, 2665 N. Air-Fresno Dr, Suite
106, Fresno, CA, 93727-1548, (209)456-6145,
Fax: 209-456-6149, [email protected]
FADAKAL, Ugur, (S; 1995; Ib# 15995), Northeastern University, Dept of Civil Engineering,920
Snell EngineeringCenter, Boston, MA, 02115,
(617)373-2444, Fax: 617-373-4419
KADINSKY-CADE, Katharine, (M; 1983; ID#
10938), PL/GPEH, HanscomAFB, MA, 01731,
(617)377-3746, Fax: 617-377-2707, E-mail: [email protected]
KAISER, Diethetm, (M; 1996; ID# 16440), Gummerdamm 6, D-30926Seelze,GERMANY,(49)51379-4586, Fax:49-51-376-675
KAMIYA,Shinichiro, (M; 1992; ID# 13460),
National ResearchInstitute for, Earth Science&
Disaster Prevention,3-1 Tennodai,Tsukuba305,
JAPAN, (81)298-51-1611, E-maih
[email protected]
FAMIYAMA,Makoto, (M; 1992; ID# 15436),
TohokuInst of Technology,Dept of Civil Engineering, 35-1 YagiyamaKasumicho,Sendai 982,
JAPAN, (81)2-229-1151, Fax:81-2-229-8393, Email: [email protected]
KANAMORI, Hiroo, (H; 1977; ID# 11913), Calif
Inst of Technology,SeismoLogicaLLab, ME252-21,
Pasadena,CA, 91125, (818)395-6914, Fax:818564-0715, E-maiL: [email protected]
KANASEWICH, ErnestR., (M; 1991; ID# 10098),
Universityof ALberta, Dept of Physics,412 Avadh
Bhatia PhysicsLab, Edmonton AB, TGG231, CANADA, (403)492-4127, Fax:403-492-0714, E-maiL:
[email protected],ca
FANG, Daejin, (S; 1996; ID# 16457), PennsyLvania State University, Dept of Geosciences,409
Deike Btdg, University Park, PA, 16802, E-maih
[email protected]
KAO, Honn, (M; 1991; ID# 14128), AcademiaSinica, Inst of EarthSciences,POBox 1-55 Nankang,
Taipei, TAIWANROC,(886)2-783-9910, Fax:8862-783-9871, E-maih [email protected]
KARABULUT,Hayruttah, (S; 1991; IDff 14112),
2200 WaterviewParkway, Building 16 Apt 1622,
Richardson, TX, 75080
KARAGEORGI,Eteni D., (M; 1982; ID# 12283),
1951 HopkinsStreet, Berkeley,CA, 94707,
(510)486-7314, Fax: 510-486-5686, E-marl:
[email protected]
KASAHARA,3unzo, (M; 1973; ID# 10536), Earthquake RsearchInstitute, Universityof Tokyo, 1-1-
1 Yayoi Bunkyo,Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-38122111, Fax:81-3-3812-1159, E-maiL:
[email protected]
KASAHARA, Keichi, (M; 1961; ID# 10537),
Waseda University,Science& EngineeringRes
Lab, 17 Kikui-choShinkjukuku,Tokyo 162, JAPAN,
(81)3-3203-4339, Fax: 81-3-3203-4339
KATAYAMA,Ikuo, (M; 1979; ID# 10539), A-503,
3-24 Ohtsuga-oka, Shohnan-cho,Higashi-Katsushika-gun,s
277, JAPAN,(81)471-93-2523
(Common), E-maih [email protected]
KATO,Kenichi, (M; 1991; ID# 14174), Kajima Corporation, Kobori ResearchCompLex,6-5-30
Akasak Minato-ku,Tokyo 107, JAPAN, (81)35561-2111, Fax: 81-3-5561-2431
KATO,Mamoru, (S; 1990; ID# 13742), Kyoto University, Deptof Geophysics,Kyoto 606-01, JAPAN,
E-maih [email protected]
KATZ, Lewis, (M; 1972; ID# 11731), 3521 Westwood Drive, Salt Lake City, UT, 84109, (801)2724957
KAUSEL, EdgarG., (M; 1970; ID# 10143), Universidad de Chile, Dept de Geologia Y Geofisica,
Casilla 2777 - Blanco Encalada 2085, Santiago,
CHILE, (56)2-696-6563, Fax: 56-2-696-8686, EmaiL: [email protected][
KAUSEL, Eduardo, (M; 1978; ID# 10923), Mass
Inst of Technology,Dept of Civil Engineering,
Room 1-271, Cambridge, MA, 02139, (617)2535336, Fax: 617-253-6044, E-maih [email protected]
KAVERINA,A. N., (M; 1995; ID# 16202), IntL Inst
Earthquake Prediction & Math Geophys,VarshavskoyeSh 79/2, Moscow113556 RF, RUSSIA,
(7)95-119-2020, Fax: 7-95-310-7032
KAWAGUClII,Masaaki,(M; 1991; ID# 13918), Fire
& MarineIns Rating Assn, 7 KandaMitoshiro cho,
Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 101, JAPAN,(81)3-5259-0835,
Fax: 81-3-5259-0873
KAWASAKI,Ichiro, (M; 1979; ID# 10541), Toyama
University, Dept of Earth Sciences,Gofuku,
Toyama City, Toyama-ken 930, JAPAN, Fax: 81764-41-2972, E-maiL: [email protected]
KAWASE, Hiroshi, (M; 1987; ID# 12680), ORI
Fukoku 27F, 2-2-2 Uchisaiwai-cho,Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100, JAPAN, (81)3-3508-8101, Fax: 81-33508-2196, E-maih [email protected]
KAYANO,Ichiro, (M; 1962; ID# 10542), 7-15 Mitsuzawa Naka-cho, Kanagawa-ku,Yokohama,
JAPAN, (81)45-322-7813
KEERS, Henk, (S; 1995; IDff 16240), Princeton
University, Dept of GeologicaLSciences, Princeton, NJ, 08544, (609)258-1505, E-mail:
[email protected]
KELLER, George Randy, (M; 1969; ID# 11639),
University of TexasAt ELPaso, Dept of GeoLogicaL
Sciences, ELPaso,TX, 79968, (915)747-5501, Fax:
915-147-5073, E-maih [email protected]
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996 113
KELLY, Kenneth R., (M; 1972; ID# 11505), Amoco
Production Company, PO Box 591, TuLsa,OK,
74100, (918)660-3828
angshi, Kyonggi-do411-310, SOUTHKOREA,Fax:
KEMERAIT, RobertC., (M; 1975; ID# 11279),
ENSCOInc, 445 PinedaCourt, MeLbourne,FL,
32940, (407)254-4122, Fax:407-254-3293
KIM, Sung Kyun,(M; 1996; ID# 16358), Chonnam
National University, Deptof GeoLogy,CoLLegeof
Natural Sciences, Kwangju500-757, SOUTH
KOREA,(82)62-520-71B5, Fax: 82-62-511-2135
KENNEll', Brian L.N., (M; 1974; ID# 10018), AustraLian National University, Res School of Earth
Sciences,CanberraACT0200, AUSTRALIA,(61)62494-621, Fax: 61-62-572-737, E-maiL:
[email protected]
KIM, Won-Young,(M; 1985; ID# 10831), Lamont
Doherty Earth Observatory,SeismoLogy-GeoLogyTectonics, CoLumbiaUniversity,PaLisades,NY,
10964, (914)359-2900, Fax:914-359-5215, EmaiL: [email protected][
KERR, RichardA., (M; 1987; ID# 12682), Science,
KIM, Woohan, (M;,1987; ID# 11622), Gyeomgsang NatLUnive~ity, DeptofGeoLog~ Gazawadong Goo, Chimju 660, SOUTHKOREA,(82)59154-8331, Fax:82-591-56-0512
1333 H Street NW, Washington, DC, 20005,
(202)326-6587, Fax: 202-371-9227, E-maiL:
[email protected]
KERTAPATI, Engkon, (M; 1995; ID# 10377), GeoLogicaLResearch& DeveLopmentCtr, Jtn Diponegoro $7, Bandung,INDONESIA,(62)22-775-604,
Fax: 62-22-702-669, E-maiL:
[email protected]
KESSLER, David E.,(M; 1980;ID# 12358), Ca5f
Dept of Water Resources, Room 204-10, Eq Engineedng, PO Box 942836, SacMmento, CA, 94236O001,(916)653-6150, Fax:916-653-6077
KIMBALL, Jeffrey K., (M; 1981; ID# 11173), US
Dept of Energy,Office of Engineering& Operation
Supprt, DP-12 - E-136A/GTN,Washington, DC,
20545, (202)586-1063
KIND, Rainer, (M; 1970; ID# 10309), GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, TeLegrafenbergA6, D14473 Potsdam, GERMANY,(49)331-288-1210,
Fax: 49-331-288-1277, E-maiL: [email protected]
KHALTURIN, VitaLyI., (M; 1975; ID# 10802),
Larnont Doherty Earth Observatory, PaLisades,NY,
10964, (914)365-8581, Fax: 914-365-8150
KING, Chi-Yu, (M; 1968; ID# 12088), USGeoLogicaL Survey, MS977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad, MenLo
Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4838, Fax:415-3295163, E-maiL:[email protected]
KIEFER,John D., (M; 1996; ID# 16431), Kentucky
GeoLogicaLSurvey, University of Kentucky, 226
Mining & Mineral Resources,Lexington, KY,
40506-0107, (606)257-5500, Fax:606-257-1147,
E-maiL: [email protected]
KING, GeoffreyC., (M; 1967; ID# 10203), IPG de
Strasbourg, Tour 24, Boite 89, 4 PlaceJussieu,
75252 Paris, Cedex05,FRANCE,(33)1-44-27-2429, Fax: (33)1-44-27-24-40
KIJKO, Andrzej, (M; 1981; ID# 10785), Councilfor
Bag X112, Pretoria 0004, SOUTHAFRICA,(27)12841-1201, Fax: 27-12-841-1203/1221, E-maiL:
[email protected]
KIRCHER,CharLesA., (M; 1977; ID# 12138), 1169
Lime Avenue,SunnyvaLe,CA, 94087, (415)969-
KING, Hobart, (M; 1995; ID# 16017), MansfieLd
University,Dept of Geography& GeoLogy,205
Be[knap HALL,MansfieLd,PA, 16933, (717)6624615
KIREMIDJIAN, Anne S., (M; 1979; ID# 12201),
Stanford University, 238 TermanEngineeringCenter, Stanford, CA, 94305-4020, (415)723-4164,
Fax: 415-725-9755, E-maiL:[email protected]
KIRKHAM, Robert M., (M; 1987; ID# 12737), PO
Box 172, Monte Vista, CO, 81144, (719)852-5737
KISIMOTO,Kiyoyuki, (M; 1983; ID# 10552), GeoLogicaLSurveyof Japan, 1-1-3 Higashi, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki 305, JAPAN, (81)2-9854-3597, Fax:81-29854-3533, E-maiL: [email protected]
KISSLING, Edi, (M; 1990; ID# 13713), ETH-Hoenggerberg, Institute of Geophysics,s
Zurich, SWITZERLAND,(41)1-633-2605, Fax:41-1633-1055, E-maiL: [email protected]
KISSLINGER,Car[, (M; 1948; ID# 11702), CIRESUniv of CoLorado,Campus Box 216, BouLder,CO,
80309, (303)492-6089, Fax: 303-492-1149, EmaiL: [email protected]
KITCHEN, CharLes,(M; 1988; ID# 13084), 1534
Orcana Drive, CarsonCity, NV, 89701, (702)8822513
KLEIN, FredW., (M; 1970; ID# 12089), USGeoLogicaL Survey,MS 977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad, Menlo
Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4794, E-maiL:
[email protected]
KLIMKIEWICZ,GeorgeC., (M; 1981; ID# 10947),
1 Benjamin Road, Lexington, MA, 02173,
(508)898-0771, Fax: 508-366-9197
KNIGHT, Rebecca, (S; 1994; ID# 15944), New
MexicoInst TechnoLogy,Box 2193 C/S, Socorro,
NM, 87801, (505)835-5691, E-maiL:
KIKKERT, Daniel, (S; 1995; ID# 16228), 975
South 700 East, Sa[t Lake City, UT, 84105,
(801)534-0442, Fax: 801-581-7065, E-mail: dkikkert@
KING, Jerry L., (M; 1979; ID# 12190), Science
AppLicationsIntL Corp, 101 ConventionCenter
Drive, M/S TesJ/423, Las Vegas, NV, 89109,
(702)295-4897, Fax: 702-295-4730, E-maiL:
[email protected]
KNOPOFF, Leon, (H; 1952; ID# 11820), Univ of
Ca[ifornia, Inst of Geophysics, Los AngeLes,CA,
90024, (310)825-1885, Fax: 310-206-3051, EmaiL: [email protected]
KIKUCHI, Masayauki, (M; 1992; ID# 13541),
Yokohama City University, Dept of Physics, 22-2
Seto, Kanazawa-ku,Yokohama236, JAPAN,
(81)45-787-2160, Fax: 81-45-787-2160, E-maiL:
[email protected]
KING, John E., (M; 1991; ID# 15118), Factory
MutualEngrAssn,10900NE4th Street, Suite700,
PO Box 96077, BeLLevue,WA, 98009-9677, (206)
454-3931, Fax: (206) 637-2399, E-maiL: [email protected]
KNUEPFER, Peter L., (M; 1977; ID# 11080), New
York State University, GeoLogicaLSciences Dept,
Binghamton, NY, 13902-6000, (607)777-2389,
Fax: 607-777-2288, E-maiL: [email protected]
KILB, Deborah L., (S; 1996; ID# 16547), 1641
Linden Avenue, Memphis, TN, 38104, (901)6784809, Fax: 901-678-4734, E-maiL:
[email protected]
KINOSHITA, Shigeo, (M; 1990; ID# 13705), NatL
ResearchInstitute, EarthSci & DisasterPrevntion,
3-1 TennodaiTsukubaCity, Ibaraki-ken 305,
JAPAN, (81)298-511-611, Fax: 298-515658
KOCH, KarL,(M; 1985; ID# 10310), BGR,Inst for
Geosciences& Natural Resources,StitLeweg2, D30655 Hannover,GERMANY,(49)511-643-3236,
Fax: 49-511-643-3663, E-maiL: [email protected]
KIM, Dong-it, (S; 1994; ID# 15941), SeouL
Nationa[ University, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences,
Kwazak-gu, Seou[ 151-742, SOUTHKOREA,(82)2872-2713, E-maiL: [email protected]
KINUGASA, Yoshihiro,(M; 1978; ID# 10550),
Geo[ogica|SurveyJapan, 1-1-3 Higashi,Tsukuba,
Ibaraki Pref 305, JAPAN,(81)298-54-3688, Fax:
81-298-54-3748, E-maiL:[email protected]
KIM, 3unkyoung, (M; 1990; ID# 13748), Semyung
University, Mineral& EnergyResourcesEngr Dept,
aecheon 390-230, Choong-BukDo, SOUTHKOREA,
KIRATZI, Anastasia, (M; 1985; ID# 10336), University of Thessa[oniki,GeophysicalLaboratory,
Fax: 31-998-528, E-maiL:
[email protected]
KIM, So Gu, (M; 1992; ID# 15435), 306-1102
HyundaeA Hugok ViLLage,I[san New Town, Goy-
KOESTER,Stephan, (M; 1993; ID# 15690), PL/
GPE, 29 RandoLphRoad, HanscomAFB, MA,
01731-3010, (617)377-2652, Fax:617-377-2707,
E-maiL: [email protected][
KOFFI, Rector, (S; 1996; ID# 16427), Southern
ILLinois University, Dept of GeoLogy,SIU-C, Carbonda[e, It, 62901, (618)453-7385, Fax: 618453-7393
SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
KOKETSU,Kazuki, (M; 1984; ID# 10561), Earthquake ResearchInstitute, The University of Tokyo,
Yayoi 1-1-I Bunkyo-Ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN,(81)33812-2111, Fax: 81-3-3814-5489, E-mail:
[email protected]
KOLIAS, Basil, (M; 1991; ID# 15104), DencoLtd,
16 KifissiasAve, 151 25 Maroussi,Athens,
GREECE,Fax: 30-1-685-4800
KONG, LauraS. L., (M; 1991; ID# 15190), USGS
Hawaiian Volcano Obs., PO Box 51, Hawaii Nat[
Park, HI, 96718, (808) 967-8831, Fax: 808-9678890, E-mail: [email protected]
KONIG, Gert, (M; 1991; ID# 15165), Konig Und
Heunisch,Oskar-Sommer Str 15-17, 60596
Frankurt Main, GERMANY,(49)69-630-0080, Fax:
KONKLER,Jonathan L., (M; 1980; ID# 11815),
ARCOA~ska Inc, 700 G Street, PO Box 100360,
Ancho~ge, AK, 99510, (907)265-1317, Fax: 907265-1657
KONNO, Katsuaki, (M; 1996; ID# 16470), Shibaura Inst of Technology,3-9-14 Shibaura, Minatoku, Tokyo 108, JAPAN, (81)3-5476-3046, Fax:
81-3-5476-3166, E-mail: [email protected]
KOPER, Keith D., (S; 1996; ID# 16458), Washington University, 732 Pennsylvania,St. Louis, NO,
63130, (314)935-6619, E-mail:
[email protected]
KOPERA,Jurgen R., (S; 1994; ID# 15888), Univ of
Frankfurt, Inst fr MeteoroLogie n Geophysik, Fetdbergstr 47, 60323 Frankfurt, GERMANY,(49)697982-3730, Fax: 49-69-798-3280
KORN, Michael, (M; 1987; ID# 12597), Univ of
Leipzig, Inst fur Geowissenschaften,TaLstr35, D04103 Leipzig, GERMANY,(49)41-716-5376, Fax:
49-41-960-2176, E-mail: [email protected]
KOSUGA, Masahiro, (N; 1988; ID# 13154), Hirosaki University, Earthquake & Volcano Observatory, Hirosaki Aomori 036, JAPAN, (81)17-2345325, Fax: 81-17-233-6000, E-mail:
[email protected]
KOU]OUMDJIAN, Hratch, (M; 1995; ID# 16337),
Hratch Koujoumdjian & Associates, 221 Main
Street Suite 760, San Francisco, CA, 94105,
(415)227-0700, Fax:415-227-0701, E-mail: hkassoc@ao[.com
KOVACH,Robert L., (M; 1961; ID# 12202), Stanford University,GeophysicsDepartment, Stanford,
CA, 94305, (415)723-4827, Fax: 415-725-7344,
E-mail: [email protected]
KOYAMA,Junji, (M; 1988; ID# 13153), Hokkaido
University, Div of Earth & PlanetaryScience,Graduate School of Science, Sapporo 060, JAPAN,
(81)11-706-3526, Fax: 81-11-746-2715, E-mail:
KOYANAGI,Stuart K., (M; 1990; ID# 13769), US
GeologicalSurvey, MS 967 Box 25046, Denver
Federal Center, Denver, CO, 80225, (303)273-
8500, Fax: 303-273-8450, E-maiL: [email protected]
ton, NY, 13902, (607)777-2519, E-mail:
[email protected]
KOZUCH, MichaelJ., (M; 1991; ID# 15219), C/o
225 CountryC[ub Drive,San Francisco,CA, 94132,
(415)564-0334, E-mail: [email protected]
KURIBAYASHI, Eiichi, (M; 1991; ID# 15077), Toyohashi University of Technology,Tempaku, Toyohashi 441, JAPAN, (81)53-247-0111, Fax: 81-53248-2830
KRADOLFER,Urs, (M; 1996; ID# 16361), Swiss
SeismologicalService, ETH-Hoenggerberg,CH8093 Zurich,SWITZERLAND,(41)1-635-2656, Fax:
41-1-633-1065, E-mail: [email protected]
KUROISO, Akio, (M; 1968; ID# 10571), 33
Akiyama, Momoyama-cho,Fushimi-ku,Kyoto 612,
JAPAN, (81)75-601-8595, Fax:81-75-605-1882
KRAMER,Steven L., (M; 1991; ID# 15166), University of Washington, 265 Wilson Hal[, FX-IO,PO
Box 382-634, Seattle, WA, 98195, (206)6852642, Fax: 206-685-3836
KRESSE,FrankC., (M; 1972; ID# 12318), PO Box
1072, BodegaBay, CA, 94923, (707) 875-3167,
Fax: (707) 875-2952
KRINITZSI(Y,E. L., (M; 1972; ID# 11320), Waterways ExperimentStation GL, US Corps of Engineers,Vicksburg,MS, 39180, (601)634-3329, Fax:
KRONER, Richard P., (M; 1996; ID# 13316), Sandia NationalLabs, PO Box 5800, MS0655, ALbuquerque, NM, 87185-5800, (505)844-1005, Fax:
505-298-3073, E-mail: [email protected]
KROPP,Alan L., (M; 1975; ID# 12280), ALan
Kropp & AssociatesInc, 2140 Shattuck Avenue,
Berkeley, CA, 94704, (510)841-5095, Fax: 510841-8357
KUBO, Tetsuo,(M; 1975; ID# 10566), Nagoya
Institute of Technology,Dept of Architecture,
Gokiso-machi Showa-ku, Nagoya466, JAPAN,
(81)52-735-5508, Fax:81-52-735-5556, E-mail:
[email protected]
KUBOTA,Susumu,(M; 1965; ID# 10567), Meteorological Observatory,Sapporo District, Chuo-ku
N2, W18 Sapporo-shi060, JAPAN,(81)11-6112605
KUDO, Kazuyoshi,(M; 1973; ID# 10568), University of Tokyo, EarthquakeResearchInstitute, 1-I1 Yayoi Bunko-Ku, Tokyo 113, JAPAN, Fax: 81-35803-2697, E-mail: [email protected]
KUGE, Keiko, (M; 1988; ID# 13116), Kyoto University, Facultyof Science, Dept of Geophysics,
Kyoto 606-01, JAPAN, (81)75-753-3926, Fax: 8175-711-1809, E-real[: [email protected]
KULIG, Christopher, (M; 1991; ID# 15290), 26
ConnoLLyDrive,Groton, MA, 01450, (508)4480213
KUNAMOTO,Takashi,(S; 1994; ID# 15828), Tokyo
Metropolitan University, Dept of Geography,
Minami-Osawa1-I, Hachioji-City,Tokyo, 192-03,
JAPAN, Fax:81-426-77-2589, E-mail:
[email protected]
KUMAR, Sanjeev,(S; 1995; ID# 16297), 12625 "D'
Sauterne Drive,St Louis, MO, 63146
KUNG,Yu-Long, (S; 1992; ID# 15458), State University of NewYork, Dept of Geology, Bingham-
KUSUNOSE, Kinichiro, (M; 1981; ID# 10572),
GeologicalSurveyof Japan, 1-1-3 HigashiYatabe,
Ibaraki 305, JAPAN, (81)29-854-3783, Fax: 8129-854-3533, E-mail: [email protected]
LAFORGE, Roland, (M; 1975; ID# 11707), 16525
W. 51st Avenue, Golden, CO, 80403, (303)2711280, Fax: 303-236-9127, E-mail:
[email protected]
LAFOUNIAIN, Lester, (M; 1995; ID# 16084), New
CureInc, 2550 GreenwoodAvenue,MontereyPark,
CA, 91755, (213)720-9775
LAGORIO, Henry J., (M; 1971; ID# 12251), 10
DonaLd Drive, Orinda, CA, 94563, (202)254-7593
LAHR, John C., (M; 1971; ID# 12090), PO Box
83245, Fairbanks,AK, 99708, (907)474-7997,
Fax: (907)474-5618, E-mail:
[email protected]
LALLA, DouglasJ., (M; 1981; ID# 12456), 5106
Wesleyan Drive, Anchorage,AK, 99508, (907)2714394
LALLEMANT,Siegfried, (M; 1991; ID# 15259),
Laboratoire de GeoLogieENS,24 Rue Lhomond,
75231 ParisCedex05, FRANCE,(33)1-4329-1225,
Fax: 33-1-4331-6754
I.AM, Ignatius P., (M; 1991; ID# 14126), Earth
Mechanics,Inc, 17660 NewhopeStreet, Ste E,
Fountain Valley, CA, 92708, (714)751-3826, Fax:
LANANUZZI, Vic, (M; 1979; ID# 11573), Exxon
Exploration Company, PO Box 4778, Houston, TX,
77210-4778, (713)423-7002, Fax: 713-423-7761
LAMONTAGNE, Maurice, (M; 1990; ID# 13930),
Geological Surveyof Canada, I ObservatoryCrescent, Ottawa ON, KIA OY3,CANADA,(613)9950600, Fax: 613-992-8836, E-mail: [email protected]
LANDNEIER, PhitLip, (M; 1992; ID# 15440), PO
Box 3000-304, Pahrump, NV, 89041, (702)7279219
LANGER, CharLeyJ., (M; 1962; ID# 11697), PO
Box 2354, HaiLey,ID, 83333-2354
LANGONE, H. KathLeen, (M; 1995; ID# 15966),
169 Winterwood Driver, PO Box 1390, Londonderry, NH, 03053-1390, (603)432-3246, EmaiL: [[email protected]
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5
September/October 1996
LANGSTON,CharlesA., (M; 1975; ID# 11115),
PennsyLvaniaState University, Dept of Geosciences, 440 Deike BLdg, University Park, PA,
16802, (814)865-0083, Fax: 814-863-7823, Email: [email protected]
LAPAJNE,Janez K., (M; 1992; ID# 15331), Geophysical SurveyRepubUcof SLovenia, Kersnikova
3, 1000 Ljubtjana, SLOVENIA,(38)61-312-929,
Fax: 38-61-127-067
LARSON, Robert A., (M; 1995; ID# 16026), 6416
WoodLeyAvenue,Apt 5, Van Nuys,CA, 91406,
(818)458-4923, E-mail: [email protected]
LARSSON,Gunnar, (M; 1972; ID# 10832), SoLvia
EngineeringAB, Ostra Ringvagen4, S-722-14
Vasteras, SWEDEN,(46)21-144-050, Fax: 46-21188-890, E-mail: [email protected]
LASHKARI, Bahman, (M; 1991; ID# 15181), 79
Ptacitas Avenue,Atherton, CA, 94027, (415)3697414, Fax:415-397-5209
LASMANIS, Raymond, (M; 1968; ID# 12441), WA
Dept of Natural Resources, Div of Geology& Earth
Resources, PO Box 47007, 1111 Washington,
Olympia, WA, 98504-7007, (360)902-1450, Fax:
LASTER,StanleyJ., (M; 1961; ID# 11555), 6918
Meadowcreek Drive, Dallas,TX, 75240-2711,
(214)951-3219, Fax: 214-951-2098,E-mail:
[email protected]
LAUBSCHER, Hans P., (M; 1960; ID# 10841),
Wenkenstrasse 26, 4125 Riehen, SWITZERLAND
LAWSON, ALexanderM., (M; 1992; ID# 15439),
120A PalosVerdes BLvd, RedondoBeach, CA,
90277, (310)807-2116, Fax: 310-807-2194
LAWSON, James E., Jr., (L; 1966; ID# 11503),
OklahomaGeotSurvey Obs, NumberOne Observatory Lane, PO Box 8, Leonard, OK, 74043-0008,
(918)366-4152, Fax: 918-366-4152, E-mail:
[email protected]
LAY,Thorne,(M; 1979; ID# 11374), University of
California, Earth Sciences Board, Santa Cruz,CA,
95064, (408)459-3164, Fax:408-459-2127, Email: thorne@earthsci,
LAIARTE,Carlos, (S; 1994; ID# 15858), 1092 6th
Street, Albany,CA, 94710, (510)642-9005, Fax:
510-642-7476, E-mail: [email protected]
LE BRAS,Ronan,(M; 1995; ID# 16253), SAIC(A),
10260 CampusPoint Drive, San Diego, CA, 92121,
(619)458-2790, E-maih [email protected]
LEARY, DennisJ., (M; 1986; ID# 10991), Langan
EngineeringAssc Inc, River Drive Center 2, ELmwood Park, NJ, 07407, (201)794-6900, Fax: 201794-0366
LEAVY, Donald, (M; ; ID# 15798), 3520 PLacede
Roen, Trois RivieresQuest, PQ, G8P 3P1, CANADA
LEBLANC, Gabriel, (M; 1955; ID# 10890), 17
Byard Lane, Westboro, MA, 01581, (508)8980706, Fax: 508-366-9197
LEE, Johnson K.,(M; 1991;ID# 15116), ALexander&ALexanderof CA, 55 S. LakeAvenueSuite
500, Pasadena,CA, 91101-2602,(818)653-5145,
Fax: 818-653-5299
LEE, 3ung Mo, (M; 1986; ID# 12581), OYOCorporation USA,9777 W. Gulf Bank Road,Ste 5, Houston, TX, 77040, (713)849-5824, Fax:713-849491
LEE, Kiehwa, (M; 1988; ID# 13063), Seou[
National University, Dept of GeologicalSciences,
SeouL151-742, KOREASOUTH,(82)02-880-6731,
Fax: "82-02-871-3269
LEE, Kin W., (M; 1986; ID# 12265), 2210 Goldenrod Lane,San Ramon,CA, 94583, (510)442-7473,
Fax: 510-442-7673
LEE, RichardC.,(M; 1976; ID# 12286), PO Box
1455, Aiken, SC, 29802,(803)725-4859
LEE, Terry, (M; 1972; ID# 10019), GPOBox 1984,
Canberra Act 2601, AUSTRALIA
LEE, WiLUamH. K., (M; 1968; ID# 12092), 862
Richardson Court, PaloALto, CA, 94303,
(415)494-3341, Fax: 415-858-2599, E-mail:
[email protected]
LEEDS, ALanR., (M; 1973; ID# 11867), Chevron
Petroleum Technology,PO Box 42832, Houston,
TX, 77242, (713)596-2462, Fax: 713-596-3009,
E-mail: [email protected]
LEEDS, David 2., (M; 1948; ID# 11831), 11972
ChaLonRoad, Los Angeles, CA, 90049, (213)4720282
LEES,Jonathan M., (M; 1989; ID# 13187), Yale
University, KUneLab, Geology& GeophysicsDept,
PO Box 6666, New Haven, CT, 06511-8130,
(203)432-3114, Fax: 203-432-6947, E-mail:
[email protected][
LEFEVRE, L Victoria, (M; 1980; ID# 11914), 23
West Sixth Street, Corning, NY, 14830, (607)9366932
LEGATOS,NicholasA., (M; 1978; ID# 11057), Preload Inc, 839 Stewart Ave, GardenCity, NY,
11530, (516)222-0550, Fax: 516-222-0528
LEGG, Mark R., (M; 1975; ID# 11518), 5952
Brassie Circle, Huntington Beach,CA, 926492748, (213)378-6254, Fax:213-375-0663, Email: [email protected]
LEGGERI,Maurizio, (M; 1986; ID# 12485), Archstudio, Via F Baracca 175, 85100 Potenza,ITALY,
(39)971-470-020, Fax:39-971-470-021, E-mail:
[email protected]
LEITE, LourenitdoW.B., (M; 1986; ID# 10053),
Universidade FederalDo Para,Centro De Geociencias, CP1611, 66000 BetemPara, BRAZIL,(55)91229-5438, Fax: 55-gl-229-9677
LEITNER, Beate, (S; 1994; ID# 15865), 23093
Alnea Highway, PhiLomath,OR, 97370, (541)7372064, Fax: 541-737-2064, E-mail: [email protected]
LELY, Sara, (S; 1995; ID# 14688), Pima Community College, PO Box 43731, Tucson, AZ, 85733,
LEMMER, Robert E., (M; 1995; ID# 14689), 811
North Polk, Little Rock, AR, 72205, (501)6630673, Fax: 501-682-0611, E-mail: [email protected]
LEONARD, Gideon, (M; 1986; ID# 11141), Israel
AECScienceOffice, 3514 International Drive NW,
Washington, DC, 20008, (202)364-5652
LERNER-LAM,Arthur L., (M; 1985; ID# 11040),
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University, Palisades, NY, 10964, (914)365-8356,
Fax: 914-365-8150, E-mail: [email protected]
LESMANA,Hidayat, (M; 1975; ID# 10379), Kebon
Kacang 2/45A, 3akarta-Pusat, INDONESIA,
(62)21-531-0011, Fax: 62-21-531-0013
LESTER, Fredrick W., (M; 1981; ID# 12093), US
GeologicalSurvey,MS 977, 345 MiddLefleLdRoad,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4747, Fax:415329-5163
LETrIS, Wi[Uam R., (M; 1990; ID# 13723), Lettis
Associates, 1777 Bote[ho DriveSuite 262, Walnut
Creek, CA, 94596-5041, (510)256-6070, Fax: 510256-6076
LETZ, Horst, (M; 1991; ID# 13974), Geophysical
Observatory, PO Box 323, Port Moresby, PAPUA
LEVANDER,Alan R.,(M; 1977; ID# 11574), PO
Box 1892, Houston, TX, 77251-1892,(713)5276064, Fax: 713-285-5214
LEVINE, Edward N., (M; 1962; ID# 10893), 770
SalisburyStreet, Ste 426, Worcester, MA, 01609,
(508)753-0820, Fax: 508-753-1583
LEVISN, Murray,(M; 1969; ID# 12191), EarthSystems Consultants,47853 Warm Springs BLvd, Fremont, CA, 94539-7400, (510)353-0320, Fax: 510353-0344
LEW, Marshall, (M; 1987; ID# 12666), Law/Crandaft Inc, 200 Citadel Drive, Los Angeles,CA,
90040-1554, (213)889-5300, Fax:213-889-5398,
E-mail: [email protected]
LEWKOWICZ,James F., (M; 1996; ID# 15389),
USAFPhillips Lab, 29 RandolphRd., Hanscom
AFB, MA, 01731-3010
LI, Chengping, (S; 1993; ID# 15767), Univ of
Southern California,Science117, UniversityPark,
Los Angeles, CA, 90089-0740, (213)740-7174,
Fax: 213-740-8801, E-maih [email protected]
LI, Li, (S; 1991; ID# 15162), University of
Nevada, Seismo Lab MS 174, MackaySchool of
Mines, Reno, NV, 89557, (702)784-4260, E-mail:
[email protected]
LI, Qin-Zu, (M; 1986; ID# 10151), Seismological
Bureau of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang Hebei,
116 SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
LI, Yingping, (M; 1991; ID# 13515), MassInstitute of Technology,Dept of Earth Atmos & Plan
Sci, EarthquakeRes Lab, E34-324,Cambridge,MA,
02139, (617)253-7796, Fax:617-253-6358, Email: [email protected]
LI, Yong, (S; 1991; ID# 14107), CERI, University
of Memphis, 3809 CentralAvenue, Memphis,TN,
38152, (901)678-4923
LI, Yong Gang, (M; 1987; ID# 12970), Univ of
Southern California, Dept of Earth Sciences, Los
Angeles, CA, 90089, (213) 740-3556, Fax: (213)
740-8801, E-mail: [email protected]
LIENERT,Barry R., (M; 1995; ID# 12921), Univ of
Hawaii, HIGP/SOEST,2525 s
Road, Honolulu,
HI, 96822, (808)956-7815, E-mail:
LIENKAEMPER,3ames3, Jr., (M; 1978; ID#
12094), US GeotogicatSurvey,MS 977, 345 MiddtefieLd Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025
LIGORRIA, Juan P., (M; 1996; ID# 16444), Saint
Louis University, Dept of Earth & AtmosphericSciences, 3507 LaCledeAvenue,St. Louis, MO,
63103, E-mail: [[email protected]
LIN, Kuo-wan, (S; 1995; ID# 16006), New Mexico
Tech, POBox 2007 CS,Socoorro, NM, 87801,
(505)835-5691, E-mail: [email protected]
LINDBER6, Carl M., (M; 1994; ID# 15841), 7977
Dumond Drive, Fontana, CA, 92336, (909)8298901, E-marl: [email protected]
LINDBLAD, William J., (M; 1991; ID# 14773),
6770 S.W. RaleighwoodLane, Portland, OR,
97225-1923, (503)292-0321, Fax: (503) 2925224, E-mail: w.Lindb[[email protected]
LINDE, ALan T., (M; 1974; ID# 11144), Carnegie
Inst of Washington, 5241 Broad BranchRoad,NW,
Washington, DC, 20015, (202)686-4370x4394,
Fax: 202-364-8726, E-mail: [email protected]
LINDHOLM, Conrad D., (M; 1990; ID# 13706),
NORSAR,PO Box 51, N-2007 Kjeller, NORWAY,
(47)6-381-7121, Fax:47-6-381-8719, E-mail:
[email protected]
LINDLEY, GrantT., (M; 1989; ID# 13654), University of California, Inst for Crustal Studies, Santa
Barbara, CA, 93106-1100, (805)893-8437, Fax:
805-893-8649, E-mail:
[email protected]
LINDQUIST, Kent, (S; 1995; ID# 16226), University of Alaska,GeophysicalInstitute, 903 Koyukuk
Drive, Fairbanks,AK, 99775, (907)474-7309, Fax:
907-474-5618, E-mail: [email protected]
LINDVALL,C. Enc,(M;lg72;ID# 11935), Undvat[
Richter & Associates, 825 Colorado B~d, Suite
114, Los Angeles, CA, 90041,(213)254-5257,
Fax: 213-254-2539
LINKER, Mark, (M; 1996; ID# 16389), Applied
Insurance Research, 137 Newbury Street, Barton,
MA, 02116, (617)267-6545, Fax: 617-267-8284
LINKLETTER,George0., (M; 1991; ID# 14774),
Environ Corporation,One Park Plaza, Suite 700,
Irvine, CA, 92714, (714)261-5151
LINVILLE, Andrew F., (M; 1963; ID# 11556),
Mobil Research& Development Corp, 13809 Rolling Hills Lane, Dallas, TX, 75240, (214)235-0322
LIPPEY,Gerald, (M; 1994; ID# 15869), The Lippey
Company, 11340 W Olympic BLvd, Ste 222, Los
Angeles, CA, 90064, (310)477-6716, Fax: 310479-6271
LITEHISER,Joe J., Jr., (M; 1973; ID# 12178), 49
Parkwood Drive, Daly City, CA, 94015, (415)7687145, Fax:415-768-4955, E-mail: [email protected]
LIU, DavidC., (M; 1962; ID# 11411), 340 East
Oakdale Avenue,Lake Forest, IL, 60045,
LIU, Hong, (S; 1996; ID# 16394), University of
California, Dept of Earth & SpaceSciences, Los
Angeles, CA, 90095-1567, (310)825-3123, Fax:
LIU, Hsi-Ping,(M; 1990; ID# 13308), US Geological Survey,MS977, EngrSeismology& Geology
Branch, 345 MiddlefieldRoad, Menlo Park, CA,
94025, (415)329-5643, Fax:415-329-5163, Email: [[email protected]
LIU, Kun-Sung,(S; 1995; ID# 15390), Central
Weather Bureau,SeismologicalCenter, 64 KungYuan Road,Taipei 10039, TAIWANROC,(886)2349-1172, Fax:886-2-349-1178, E-mail:
[email protected]
LIU, Lanbo, (M; 1992; ID# 14694), University of
Connecticut, Dept of Geology& Geophysics,354
Mansfield RoadU-45, Storrs, CT, 06269-2045,
(860)486-1388, Fax:860-486-1383, E-mail:
[[email protected]
LIU, Lijun, (S; 1995; ID# 16324), Uiversity of
Memphis, Civil EngineeringDept, Memphis, TN,
38152, (901)678-3288, E-mail: [[email protected]
LIU, Wen David, (M; 1986; ID# 12527), 100 May
Court, Folsom,CA, 95630, (916)366-0632, Fax:
LIU, Yun, (S; 1992; ID# 15354), British Geological Survey,MurchisonHouse, West Mains Road,
Edinburgh EH9 3LA, UK-SCOTLAND,(44)31-6671000 x209
LIU, Zuyuan,(S; 1992; ID# 14134), St. Louis University, Deptof Earth & Atmospheric Science,
3507 LacledeAvenue,St Louis, MO, 63103,
(314)977-3130, E-maih [email protected]
LOH, Chin-Hsiung,(M; 1986; ID# 12515), Natt
Taiwan University,Dept of Civil Engineering,
Taipei, TAIWANROC,(886)-2-363-1799, Fax:
(886)2-362-5044, E-mail:
[email protected]
LOMNITZ,Cinna, (M; 1954; ID# 10716), Ga[eana
98/4, 01000MexicoDF, MEXICO,(52)5-550-2618,
Fax: (525)550-2486, E-mail
[email protected]
LONG, Leland T., (M; 1968; ID# 11267), Georgia
Inst of Technotogy,Schoolof GeophysicalScience,
Atlanta, GA, 30332, (404)894-2860, Fax:404853-0232, E-maih [email protected]/
tim@[email protected]
LORD, James, (M; 1974; ID# 11858), 2401 Via
Sonoma, PalosVerdes Estates, CA, 90274,
(310)215-9650, Fax: 310-215-9653
LOSE, Greg L., (M; 1992; ID# 15301), PO Box
7000-459, Redondo Beach, CA, 90277
LOUIE, John N., (M; 1961; ID# 11915), Univ of
Nevada, SeismologicalLab 174, MackaySchoolof
Mines, Reno, NV, 89557-0141, (702)784-4219,
Fax: 702-784-1833, E-mail:
[[email protected]
LU, Zhong, (S; 1993; ID# 15785}, University of
Alaska, GeophysicalInstitute, Fairbanks,AK,
99775, (907)474-6171
LUBKOWSKI, Zygmunt, (M; 1995; ID# 16255),
Ove Arup & Partners, 13 Fitsroy Street, London
WIP 6BQ, UK-ENGLAND,(44)1-465-3205, Fax:4471-465-2121, E-maih [email protected]
LUDWIN, Ruth Sara, (M; 1983; ID# 12424), 8034
14th AvenueNE, Seattle, WA, 98115, (206)5434292, Fax: 206-543-0489, E-mail: [email protected]
LUETGERT,James, (M; 1983; ID# 12096), USGeoLogical Survey, MS977, 345 MiddLefietdRoad,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4763, Fax:415329-5163, E-mail: [email protected]
LUND, Fernando, (M; 1991; ID# 12690), Universidead de Chile, Departamento de Fisica, Casilta
487-3, Santiago, CHILE, (56)2-671-7367, Fax:562-671-2799, E-mail: [email protected]
LUNDGREN, Paul, (M; 1985; ID# 11419), Jet Proputsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Road, MS
183-501, Pasadena,CA, 91109, (818)354-1795,
E-mail: [email protected][,
LUO, Zhuo Li, (M; 1991; ID# 13282), Centerfor
Analysis & Prediction, State Seismological
Bureau-China, PO Box 166 Code 100036, Bejing,
CHINA - PRC,(82)1-5522-2320, Fax: 82-1-55228604
LUTZ, KimberlyA., (M; 1991; ID# 15152), 606
San ConradoTerraceApt 4, Sunnyvale,CA, 94086,
LYNNES,Christopher, (M; 1986; ID# 12577), 306
Riding Ridge Rd., Annapolis, MD, 21413, (301)
441-4286, E-mail: [[email protected]
MA, Hong-Qing,(M; 1987; ID# 12602), 13 ALston
Street, Apt 2, Somerville, MA, 02143, (617)7766076, Fax: 617-426-9294
MA, Kuo-Fong, (M; 1991; ID# 14156), National
Central University, Institute of Geophysics,
320-54, TAIWAN ROC, (886)-3-426-
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October 1996
2421, Fax:B86-3-422-2044, E-mai[:
[email protected]
(415)434-9400, Fax:415-434-1365, E-maiL:
Ange~s, CA, 90057,(213)483-6490, Fax: 213483-3050
MABEY, Matthew A., (M; 1991; ID# 13958),
21773 SW Kristin Court, ALoha,OR, 97006-7045,
(503)731-4100, Fax: 503-731-4066, E-maiL: [email protected]
MALAGNINI, Luca, (M; 1991; ID# 14115), Istituto NazionaLdi Geofisica,Via de Vigna Murata,
605, 00143 Rome, ITALY,(39)6-5186-0421, Fax:
39-6-504-1181, E-mail: [email protected]
MARTIN, Richard A., Jr., (M; 1981; ID# 11708),
US Bureauof RecLamation, 27710 Jefferson Avenue Ste 201, TemecuLa,CA, 92590, (909)6955310, Fax:909-695-5319
MACDONALD,Gordon J., (M; 1963; ID# 11199),
Director, IIASA, SchLossLaxenburg,A-2361 Laxenburg, AUSTRIA
MACGREGOR-SCO'n',Nan, (M; 1988; ID# 13108),
US GeoLogicaLSurvey, UAFGeophysicalInstitute,
903 Koyakuk Drive, Fairbanks,AK, 99775-7320,
(907)474-7320, Fax: 907-474-5618, E-mail:
[email protected]
MACKEY, Kevin, (S; 1995; ID# 16282), 444 W
Cambourne, FerndaLe,MI, 48220, (517)355-3436,
E-maiL: [email protected][
MACROPOULOS,K., (M; 1996; ID# 16390), University of Athens, Dept of Geophysics, PanepistimiopoLis ILissia, Athens 157 84, GREECE,(30)1724-3217, E-maiL: [email protected]
MADARIAGA,Rau[,(M; 1972; ID# 10267), Inst de
Physics Du GLobe,Box 89, 75252 ParisCX05,
FRANCE,(33)1-4427-4895, Fax:33-1-4427-3894,
E-maiL: [email protected]
MAEDA, Naoki, (M; 1987, ID# 12928), Kanto
Gakuin University, Dept of BasicScience,
Mutsu'ura 4834, Kanazawa,Yokohama 236,
JAPAN, (81)45-786-7102, Fax: 81-45-786-7098
MAGEE,Marian, (S; 1991; ID# 14706), Stanford
University, Dept of Geophysics,Stanford, CA,
94305, (415)723-4417, Fax:415-725-7344, EmaiL: [email protected]
MAGISTRALE,HaroLd, (M; 1985; ID# 11916), San
Diego State University, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, San Diego, CA, 92182, (619)594-6741,
Fax: 619-594-4372, E-maiL: [email protected]
MAGORIEN,D. Scott, (M; 1995; ID# 15996), Converse ConsuLtants,15245 ALton Parkway,Suite
100, Irvine, CA, 92718, (714)453-2880, Fax: 714453-2888
MAGUIRE, Peter K., (M; 1993; ID# 15536), University of Leicester, Dept of GeoLogy,University
Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK - ENGLAND,(44)533523-510, Fax:44-533-523-918
MALAVE,Gustavo, (M; 1995; ID# 16238), Intevep
SA, Apartado Postal 76343, Caracas1070A, VENEZUELA, (58)2-908-6960, Fax:58-2-908-7765, EmaiL: [email protected]
MALIN, PeterE., (M; 1973;ID# 12040), DukeUniversity, Dept of GeoLogy,PO Box 90253, Durham,
NC, 27706, (919)681-8889, Fax:919-684-5833,
E-maiL: [email protected]
MALONE,Stephen D., (M; 1971; ID# 12425), University of Washington,GeophysicsAK-50,SeattLe,
WA, 98195, (206)685-3811, Fax:206-543-0489,
E-maiL: [email protected]
MANGINO, Stephen G., (M; 1991; ID# 13290),
Cambridge University, BuLLardLabs Earth Science
Dept, MadinglyRise MadingLeyRoad,Cambridge
CB30E2, UK-ENGLAND,(44)223-337-195, E-maiL:
[email protected]
MANSINHA, Latu, (M; 1988; ID# 13058), Univ of
Western Ontario, Dept of Earth Sciences,London
ON, NGA 5B7, CANADA,(519)661-3145, Fax: 519661-3837, E-maiL:[email protected]
MANUEL, Lance, (M; 1994; ID# 15855), PO Box
390186, MountainView,CA, 94039, (415)9641883, Fax:415-969-6671, E-mai|:
[email protected]
15179), PO Box 1381, Mayaguez,PR, 00681,
(809)832-4040x3401, Fax: 809-833-8260
MASON, Rona[d G., (M; 1956; ID# 10207), Imperial CoLlege,GeoLogyDept, LondonSW7 2BP, UK ENGLAND,(44)171-594-6422, Fax:44-171-5746464, E-marl: [email protected]
MASTERS,Guy,(M; 1979; ID# 11975), Univ of CaLifornia San Diego, IGPP - A-025, La Jot[a, CA,
92093, (619)534-4122, Fax:619-534-5332, EmaiL: [email protected]
MASTURYONO,Mastur, (S; 1996; ID# 16371), 89
14th Street, Troy, NY, 12180, (518)274-5741, EmaiL: [email protected]
MASUDA, Koji, (M; 1994; ID# 15859), GeoLogicaL
Survey of Japan, I-I-3 Higashi,Tsukuba305,
JAPAN, (81)29-854-3783, Fax:81-29-854-3533,
E-maiL: [email protected]
MATASOVIC,Neven, (M; 1995; ID# 16001), GeoSyntec ConsuLtants,2100 Main Street, Suite 150,
Huntington Beach,CA, 92648, (714)969-0800,
Fax: 714-969-0820, E-maiL: nevenm+ahbchnvL%geosyntec@mcimai[.com
MATEKER,EmilJ., Jr., (M; 1957; ID# 11582), 419
Hickory Post, Houston,TX, 77079, (713)4973575,
MAO, Chao-Ting,(M; 1991; ID# 14769), Joint
EngineeringConsuLtants,5F, #6, Chung-Hsiao
West Road, Section 1, Taipei,TAIWANROC,
(886)02-388-8199, Fax:886-2-331-9493
MATHEWSON,Stuart B., (M; 1994; ID# 15868),
TiLLinghast-TowersPerin, 200 West Madison
Street, Chicago, IL, 60606-3414, (312)609-9486
MARCUM, DaLeR., (M; 1991; ID# 14715), WiLLiam
Cotton Associates, 330 ViLLageLane, Los Gatos,
CA, 95030, (408)354-5542, Fax: 408-354-1852,
E-maiL: wcageo@aoLcom
MATSU'URA,Mitsuhiro, (M; 1989; ID# 13149),
Univ of Tokyo, Dept of Earth & PLanetaryPhysics,
Grad Schoolof Science,Tokyo 113, JAPAN,(81)33812-2111x4318, Fax: 81-3-3818-3247, E-maiL:
[email protected]
MARGARIS, BasiLN., (M; 1987; ID# 12627),
ITSAK - Inst of Engr SeismoLogy& Earthquake
Engineering, GeorgikisScho[is46, PO Box 53, GR
55102 Finikas,Thessa[oniki,GREECE,(30)31-476
-814, Fax: 30-31 476 065
MATSUOKA,Masashi, (M; 1991; ID# 15247),
Tokyo Inst of TechnoLogy,Dept of Built Environment, 4259 Nagatsuta Midori-ku, Yokohama226,
JAPAN, (81)45-924-5602, Fax: 81-45-922-3840,
E-maiL: [email protected]
MAHDYIAR, Mehrdad, (M; 1991; ID# 13980),
11434 ALderCreek Road, Corona, CA, 91720,
(714)692-1443, Fax: 714-692-1443, E-maiL: [email protected]
MARONE,ChrisJ., (M; 1989; ID# 13242), Massachusetts Inst of TechnoLogy,EarthAtmos & PLanetary Sci Dept, MS 54-724, Cambridge,MA,
02139, (617)253-4352, Fax:617-253-1699, EmaiL: cjm@wester[
MA3CHRZAK, MichaeL,(M; 1991;ID# 15111),
Kteinfe[de5 7133 Ko[tCenter Parkwa~ Suite 100,
P[easanton, CA, 94566,(510)484-1700x221, Fax:
MARRONE,James E., (M; 1977; ID# 12180),
Bechtel Corporation, MS50/5/D4, PO Box
193965, San Francisco,CA, 94119, (415)7687297, Fax:415-768-4955
MA3ER, Ernest L., (M; 1984; ID# 12299), Univ of
CaLifornia, LawrenceBerkeLeyLab, BuiLding50E,
BerkeLey, CA, 94720, (510)486-6709
MARTIN, Jay J., (M; 1992; ID# 15465), CHJ
Incorporated, 1355 E. CooLeyDrive, Suite A, CoLton, CA, 92324, (714)824-7210, Fax: 714-8247209, E-maiL: racerx66@ao[.com69
MAYEDA, Kevin, (M; 1991; ID# 13945), Lawrence
Livermore Nat[ Lab, Dept of Earth Sciences L-205,
PO Box 808, Livermore, CA, 94551-9900,
(510)423-5913, Fax: 510-42-423-4077, E-maiL:
[email protected] gov
MARTIN,John A., (M; 1972; ID# 11838), J.A.
Martin & Associates, 1800 Wilshire Btvd, Los
MAYER-ROSA,Dieter, (M; 1969; ID# 10842), ETH
Honggerberg, CH-8093 Zurich, SWITZERLAND,
MAKDISI, Faiz I., (M; 1977; ID# 15708), 262
Birchwood Drive, Moraga, CA, 94556-2303,
MAI"rSON, Peter, (M; 1991; ID# 14100), 13 Linden
Street, Great Neck, NY, 11021, (718)997-3300,
Fax: 718-997-4103, E-maiL: [email protected];[email protected]
MAURER, Hansrudei, (M; 1991; ID# 15188),
Meisenweg 1, 8038 Zurich, SWITZERLAND,(41)1481-60-92, E-maiL: [email protected]
118 Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
(41)1-633-2602, Fax: 41-1-633-1065, E-mail:
[email protected]
MCCABE,Steven L., (M; 1986; ID# 12479), University of Kansas, Dept of Civil Engineering,2015
Learned Halt, Lawrence, KS, 66045-2225,
(913)864-3747, Fax: 913-864-3199, E-mail: [email protected]
MCKENZIE, Dan P., (L; 1968; ID# 10208), University of Cambridge, BullardLaboratories,Mading[ey
Rise, MadingleyRoad, CambridgeCB30EZ, UKENGLAND
MCLAREN,Marcia, (M; 1987; ID# 13012), Pacific
Gas& ElectricCompany,GeosciencesDept, POBox
770000 Mail CodeN4C,San Francisco,CA, 94177,
(415)973-0543, Fax:415-973-5778
MCCANN,Martin W., (M; 1978; ID# 12099), 241
Marmona Drive, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)9698212, Fax:415-969-6671
MCLAUGHLIN, Keith L., (M; 1979; ID# 11220), SCubed, PO Box 1620, La Jolla, CA, 92038-1620,
(619)587-8436, Fax: (619) 755-0474, E-maih
[email protected]
MCCARTHY,Paul D., (M; 1989; ID# 13341), 962
Montecito Drive, Los Angeles, CA, 90031,
MCCLURE,Cole R., Jr., (M; 1957; ID# 12054),
1091 Porto Marino Drive, San Carlos, CA, 94070,
MCCLURE, Frank E., (M; 1954; ID# 12252), 54
Sleepy Hollow Lane, Orinda, CA, 94563, (510)2548231, Fax: 510-254-4602
MCCONNELL, Robert K., (M; 1980; I0# 10949),
Geophysics-SoftwareSystems, 14 Stevens Terrace,
Arlington, MA, 02174, (617)641-0605, Fax: 617648-5807, E-maih [email protected]
MCCORMACK,David, (M; 1991; ID# 15192), AWE
Blacknest, Brimpton, Berkshire RG7 4RS, UKENGLAND, (44)734-825-193, Fax: 44-734-815328, E-mail: [email protected]
MCCREERY,Charles S., (M; 1987; ID# 12752),
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, 91-270 Fort
Weaver Road, Ewa Beach, HI, 96706, (808)5326422, Fax: 808-532-5576, E-mail: [email protected]
MCEVILLY,ThomasV., (M; 1957; ID# 12300), Univ
of California, Dept of Geology & Geophysics, Berkeley, CA, 94720, (510)642-4494, Fax: 510-4865686, E-mail: tvmcevi[[y@[
MCGARR,Arthur, (M; 1966; ID# 12100), US Geological Survey, Office of Earthquake Studies, 345
Midd[efle[d Road, MS 977, Menlo Park, CA, 94025,
(415)329-5645, Fax: 415-329-5163
MCGINLEY,John R., Jr., (M; 1977; ID# 11507),
PO Box 3405, Tulsa, OK, 74101, (918)585-5853
MCGUIRE, Robin K., (M, 1978; ID# 11709), Risk
Engineering Inc, 4155 Darley Avenue, Ste A, Boulder, CO, 80303, (303)499-3000, Fax: 303-4994850, E-mail: [email protected]
MCKENNA,Jason, (S; 1996; ID# 16372), Southern Methodist University, Dept of GeologicalSciences, Dallas, TX, 75275, (214)768-2750, Fax:
214-768-2701, E-marl:[email protected]
MEIDOW, Hein, (S; 1989; ID# 13685), N Hartmannstr 21, 51377 Leverkusen,GERMANY
MCLAREN,James P., (M; 1995; ID# 13267), 4600
Shoa[wood Avenue,Austin, TX, 78756-2919,
(512)323-3536, E-mail:[email protected]
MCCALPIN,,lames P., (M; 1995; ID# 14257), GeoHaz ConsultingInc, PO Box1377, Estes Park, CO,
80517, (970)586-3217, Fax: 970-586-3217, Email: [email protected]
MCCANN,William R., (M; 1974; ID# 11041), 3844
ShefieLd Drive, BroomfieLd, CO, 80020-5370,
(303)439-8711, Fax: 303-466-8674, E-mail:
Fax: 510-643-5811, E-mail [email protected][
MELLORS,RobertJ., (M; 1988; ID# 13016), Univ
of California San Diego, IGPPMail Code 0225,
Scripps Ins[ of Oceanography,La Jo[la, CA,
92093-0225, (619)534-4643, Fax:619-534-5332,
E-mail: [email protected]
MENDES, Stanley H., (M; 1965; ID# 12031), 3217
Lucinda Lane, Santa Barbara, CA, 93105,
(805)682-2599, Fax: 805-569-2661
MENDOZA,Carlos, (M; 1977; ID# 11671), US Geological Survey, MS 967, Box 25046 DFC,Denver,
CO, 80225, (303)273-8409, Fax:303-273-8450
MCMECHAN,George, (M; 1985; ID# 11541), Univ
of TexasDallas,Center LithosphericStudies, PO
Box 688, Richardson,TX, 75080, (214)883-2424,
Fax: 214-883-2829, E-mail: mcmec@utda[
MERATI,Widiadnyana, (M; 1995; ID# 16332),
3alan SangkuriangI-1, Bandung40135, INDONESIA, (62)22-250-1006, E-mail: widi@[
MCNALLY,KarenC., (M; 1974; ID# 12336), Univ
of CaUfornia,Santa Cruz, EarthScience Board,
Santa Cruz,CA, 95064, (408)459-4137, Fax:408459-2127
MEREMONTE,Mark E., (M; 1982; ID# 11713), US
GeologicalSurvey,MS966 Box 25046, Room428,
Denver FederalCenter, Denver, CO, 80225,
(303)273-8670, Fax: 303-273-8600, E-mail: [email protected]
MCNAMARA,Danie[E., (M; 1994; ID# 13206),
Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab, PO Box 808 L-202,
Livermore, CA, 94550, (510)423-6835, Fax: 510422-1002, E-mail: dmcnamara@[lnLgov
MCNEILL, Robert L., (M; 1972; ID# 11759), I0
Virginia Lane,Cu[lowhee,NC, 28723, (704)2935565, Fax: 704-293-5955
MEREU, R. F., (M; 1963; ID# 10105), Univ of
Western Ontario, Dept of Earth Sciences, Univ of
Western Ontario, LondonON, N6A 5B8, CANADA,
(519)661-3605, Fax: 519-661-3292
MERGHELANI, Habib M., (M; 1985; ID# 15709),
PO Box 535, A[khobar31952, SAUDIARABIA,
(966)3-857-5810, Fax: 966-3-859-5386
MCNUTr, Stephen R., (M; 1983; I0# 12365), Univ
of Alaska, VolcanoObservatoryGeophysicalInstitute, POBox 757320, Fairbanks,AK, 99775-7320,
(907)474-7131, Fax:907-474-5618, E-mail:
[email protected]
MERRIAM,Mar[ha, (M; 1983; ID# 12357), PO Box
573, Davis,CA, 95617-0573, (916)323-3636, Fax:
916-323-3700, E-mail: [email protected]
MCPHERSON,Robert C., (M; 1979; ID# 12355),
PO Box 51, Bayside,CA, 95524, (707)822-1463,
E-maih [email protected]
MERRITT,J. L., (M; 1977; ID# 11996), 13086 Oak
Crest Drive, Yucaipa, CA, 92399-9762, (714)3351337
MCRANEY,John K., (M; 1982; ID# 11850), Univ
of Southern California, Dept of GeologicalSciences, Los Angeles,CA, 90089-0740, (213)7405842, Fax: 213-740-0011, E-maih
[email protected]
MERZ, K. L., (M; 1975; ID# 11841), 8309 Stewart
Avenue, Los Angeles,CA, 90045, (213)204-5050,
Fax: 213-202-6085
MEANS,James D., (M; 1995; ID# 16266), 8976
Chestnut RoanWay,ALpine,CA, 91901, (619)4451149, E-mail:[email protected]
MEDINA, Francisco,(M; 1982; ID# 10144), PO
Box 191594, San Francisco,CA, 94119-1594,
(510)654-4457, Fax: 510-654-7810
MEEKS, H. Nelson,Sr., (M; 1992; ID# 15336),
UniversityTexasEl Paso, Dept of GeologicalSciences, E[ Paso,TX, 79968, (915)747-6817, Fax:
MEGAHED,AbdeLsamadM., (M; 1995; ID#
METAXIAN,Jean-Philippe,(M; 1996; ID# 16404),
San Ignacio y Humbott, CasiUa17-11-6596,
Quito, ECUADOR,(593)2-543-211, Fax: 593-2569-396, E-mail: [email protected]
METZGER,Ann G., (M; 1986; ID# 11314), CERI,
University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, 38152,
(901)678-4947, Fax: 901-678-4734, E-mail:
[email protected]
MEYER,Hansjurgen,(M; 1995; ID# 13627), Universidad de[ Val[e, Obs Sismo[ogico - OSSO,A
Aereo 25 360, Ca[i, COLOMBIA,(57)2-339-7272,
Fax: 57-2-331-3418, E-mail: [email protected][[
16190), He[wanObservatory,Seismological
Department, Helwan-Cairo,EGYPT
MEYER, Keith J., (M; 1976; ID# 12022), 10541
TreeUneCourt, Anchorage,AK, 99516
MEGNIN, CharlesH., (S; 1991; ID# 14117), 1517
A Mi[via, Berkeley, CA, 94709, (510)883-1380,
MEYER, Robert P., (M; 1960; ID# 11394), University of Wisconsin, Geophysics& Polar Res Ctr,
Weeks Hall, 1215 W Dayton Street, Madison, WI,
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
53706, (608)262-1698, Fax: 608-262-0693, Email: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
MICHAEL, AndrewJ., (M; 1988; ID# 13050), US
GeologicalSurvey, MS977, 345 Middtefield Road,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4777, Fax:415329-5163, E-mail:
MINO, Kazuo,(M; 1989; ID# 13345), Ritsumeikan
University, Fac of Science& Engineering,Kita-ku,
Kyoto 603, JAPAN
MICHAELS, Paul, (M; 1974; ID# 12235), 570 E
Braemere Road, Boise,ID, 83702, (208)385-1929,
E-mail: [email protected]
MICHELINI, ALberto, (M; 1986; ID# 12301), Inst
di Geodesia& Geofisica, Univ degLi Studi di Trieste, Via Weiss 4, 34100 Trieste, ITALY,(39)40676-2121, Fax: 39-40-575519, E-mail:
a[[email protected]
MINSTER,J. Bernard, (M; 1985; ID# 11956),
Scripps Inst of Oceanography,UCSan DiegoA025, La JoLLa,CA, 92093, (619)534-5650, Fax:
619-534-2902, E-mail:[email protected]
MITCHELL,Brian J., (M; 1963; ID# 11464), St.
Louis University, Dept of Earth & PlanetaryScience, 3507 LaCLedeAvenue,St Louis, MO, 63103,
(314)977-3123, Fax: 314-977-3117, E-mail:
mitche[[email protected][
MIDIS, CostasM., (M; 1996; ID# 16471), 7 AkaMnias Sir, 115 26 Athens,GREECE,(30)1-932-5839
MITRONOVAS,Walter, (M; 1978; ID# 11069), New
York St Education Dept, GeologicalSurveyCEC,
Albany, NY, 12230, (518)486-2014, Fax:518-4738496
MIDORIKAWA,Saburoh, (M; 1976; ID# 10589),
Tokyo Inst of Technology,Dept of Environmental
Engineering, 4259 Nagatsuta Midori-Ku, Yokohama 226, JAPAN, (81)45-924-5602, Fax:81-45922-3840
MITSUZUKA, Takashi, (M; 1977; ID# 10593),
Chishitsu-KeisokuCo Ltd, 4-26-12 MinamiAoyama, Minato-Ku, Tokyo,JAPAN, (81)3-4094651, Fax:81-3-409-4654
MIKADA, Hitoshi, (M; 1993; ID# 15511), Univ of
Tokyo, EarthquakeRes Institute, Volcano
Research Center, 1-1, Yayoi 1-chome, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-3812-2111X5767, Fax:
81-3-3812-6979, E-mail: [email protected]
MIKUMO, Takeshi, (M; 1964; ID# 10591), UNAM,
Inst de Geofisica, Ciudad Universitaria De[ Coyoacan, Mexico04510 DF, MEXICO,(52)5-622-4127,
Fax: 52-5-550-2486, E-mail:
[email protected]
MILLEN, DavidW., (S; 1991; ID# 15202), 1008 S.
HendersonStreet, Bloomington, IN, 47401-5969,
MILLER, Horace P., (M; 1940; ID# 11748), 6010
North Canyon Drive, Tucson,AZ, 85704,
MILLER, Richard, (M; 1996; ID# 16391), City of
Seattle, ETOEngineringTrans/Op684-8749, SeattLe Muni Bldg Room 510, Seattle, WA, 98104,
(206)684-5300, Fax: 206-684-8914, E-mail: [email protected]
MILLS, Gareth, (M; 1995; ID# 15971), 13738 Burbank BLvd,Apt 4, Van Nuys,CA, 91401, (818)9090473, Fax:818-909-7821, E-mail: [email protected]
MILLS, Joseph M., Jr., (M; 1973; ID# 11542),
Seismotech GeophysicaL/Petrophysica[Exploration Services, 2107 OLympicDrive, LeagueCity,
TX, 77573-4451, (713)334-7905, Fax: 713-3347905, E-mail:joemi[[email protected]
MIN, Gyungsik, (M; 1991; ID# 14035), TCNC,
KAERI,Yusung, PO Box 105, DaeJeon,SOUTH
KOREA,(82)42-868-8334, Fax: 82-42-862-2619,
E-mail: [email protected]
MINDEVALLI(3OST), Oznur, (M; 1986; ID#
12599), Hustadtring 141, 44801 Bochum, GERMANY,(49)234-705-665, Fax: 49-234-709-4131,
MONFREr,Tony, (M; 1991; ID# 15094), Universidad de Chile, Dept de Geofisica, Casilla 2777,
Santiago, CHILE, (56)2-678-4306, Fax: 56-2-2357008, E-mail: [email protected]
MONTANA,CarlosJ., (S; 1995; ID# 16028), Univ
of Texasat ELPaso, PO Box 408, El Paso,TX,
79968, (915)747-5501, Fax: 915-747-5073, Email: [email protected]
MOON,Wool[ M., (M; 1985; ID# 10108), University of Manitoba, Dept of Earth Sciences,Winnipeg MT, R3T2N2, CANADA,(204)474-9833, Fax:
204-261-7581, E-mail: [email protected]
MOONEY,Walter D., (M; 1974; ID# 12102), US
GeologicalSurvey,345 MiddlefieLdRoad, MS977,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4764, Fax:415329-5163, E-mail: [email protected]
MORA, Peter, (M; 1992; ID# 15377), Universityof
Queensland, Dept of Earth Sciences, Brisbane
4072 Qld, AUSTRALIA,(61)7-365-2188, Fax: 617-365-1277, E-mail: [email protected]
MIYAMURA, Setumi, (M; 1952; ID# 10594), Shimouma 6-44-21, Setagaya-ku,Tokyo 154, JAPAN
MORAN, Douglas E., (M; 1971; ID# 12017), 1371
Longmont Place, Santa Aria, CA, 92705,
MIYASHITA,Kaoru,(M; 1990; ID# 13463), Ibaraki
University, Dept of EarthSciences,Bunkyo2-1-1,
Mito, 310, JAPAN,(81)29-228-8395, Fax:81-29228-8405, E-maih [email protected]
MORI, James J., (M; 1980; ID# 11042), USGeological Survey, 525 S Wilson Avenue,Pasadena,
CA, 91106, (818)583-7821, Fax:818-583-7827,
E-mail: [email protected]
MIYATAKE,Takashi, (M; 1980; ID# 10595), University of Tokyo, Earthquake ResearchInstitute,
Yayoi Bunkyo,Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-38122111, Fax:81-3-3816-1159, E-mail:
[email protected]
MORI, Shigeo, (M; 1991; ID# 13493), Japan
MeteorologicalAgency, Planning Div, 1-3-40temachi, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100, JAPAN,(81)33212-8341x22267, Fax: 81-3-3212-2453, E-mail:
[email protected]
MOCQUET,Antoine, (M; 1994; ID# 15953), Laboratoire de Geophysiqueet Planetologie,UFR Des
Sciences et Techiques, 2 Rue de La Houssiniere,
44072 Nantes CX03, FRANCE,(33)40-374-956,
Fax: 33-40-374-948
MORIWAKI, Yoshiharu,(M; 1981; ID# 12014),
23105 Sonoita, MissionViejo, CA, 92691,
(714)835-6886, Fax: 714-667-7147
MOCZO,Peter, (M; 1996; ID# 14217), S[ovak
Academy of Sciences,GeophysicalInstitute,
DubravskaCesta, Bratis[ava,SLOVAKREPUBLIC
MOHAJER,A. A., (M; 1988; ID# 13099), Univ of
Toronto, EnvironmentalScienceScarborough
Campus,1265 Military Trail, Scarborough.ON,MIC
1A4, CANADA,(416)287-7202, Fax:416-2877204, E-mail: mohajer@[
MOK, Chin M., (M; 1989; ID# 13220), Geomatrix
Consultants,Inc, 100 PineStreet, lOth Floor,San
Francisco, CA, 94111, (415)434-9400, Fax: 510937-9381, E-mail: 593-7037@mcimaiLcom
MOKHTAR,Ta[a[A., (M; 1988; ID# 13133), King
AbdulazizUniversity,Facultyof EarthScience,PO
Box 1744, Jeddah 21441, SAUDIARABIA,(966)2695-2312, Fax: 966-2-695-2892
MOLLAIOLI, Fabrizio,(M; 1995; ID# 16335),
Tiburtina 19, 00185 Roma,ITALY,(39)6-4958061, Fax: 39-6-488-4852, E-mail:
MOROZOV,Igor B., (M; 1995; ID# 16150), University of Wyoming, Dept of Geology & Geophysics,
Laramie, WY, 82071-3006, (307)766-6227, Fax:
307-766-6679, E-mail: [email protected]
MORRISSEY,Sean T., (M; 1996; ID# 11465), Geophysical Instrumentation Cons[t, 2212 RuleAvenue, Maryland Heights, MO, 63043-1423,
(314)977-3129, Fax: 314-977-3117, E-mail:
[email protected]
MORTENSEN,Carl E., (M; 1981; ID# 12103), US
GeologicalSurvey, MS 977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4856
MUALCHIN, LaL[iana, (M; 1968; ID# 12366), CaLtrans, Engineering Srvc Cntr, Earthquake Engr, PO
Box 942-874, MS 9, Sacramento, CA, 94274-0001,
(916)327-8846, Fax: 916-445-0574
MUELLER, CharLes, (M; 1978; ID# 12104), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey, MS 966, Box 25046, Denver
Federal Center, Denver, CO, 80225-0046,
(303)273-8559, Fax: 303-273-8600, E-maih
[email protected]
MUELLER, Gerhard, (M; 1971; ID# 10316), Inst of
Met & Geophysics, Petdbergstrasse47, D-60323
120 SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
Frankfurt, GERMANY,(49)69-798-3960, Fax:4969-798-3280
AZ, 85721, (520)621-6820, Fax: 520-621-2672,
E-maiL: [email protected]
Diego, CA, 92143-4843, (52)61-744-501, Fax:5261-744-933
MUELLER,MichaelC., (M; 1981; ID# 11610),
Amoco ProductionCompany, PO Box 3092, Houston, IX, 77253, (713)366-2251, Fax: (713) 3665856, E-maiL:[email protected]
MYKKELWEIT,Svein, (M; 1983; ID# 10769), NFR/
NORSAR,POBox 51, N-2007 KjeLLer, NORWAY,
(47)63-817-121, Fax:47-63-818-719, E-maiL:
[email protected]
NAVA, Susan, (M; 1984; ID# 11307), 2270 South
1900 East, SaLt Lake City, UT, 84106, (801)5816274, Fax: (801) 585-5585, E-maiL:
[email protected]
MUELLER,Stephan, (M; 1963; ID# 10843), Frohburgstrasse 138, CH-8057 Zurich, SWITZERLAND,
(41)1-633-2610, Fax: 41-1-633-1065
NAVARRO, Richard, (M; 1974; IDff 11793), 3300
Grey Dolphin Drive, Las Vegas, NV, 89117,
MUKER,II,Tapan, (M; 1995; ID# 16285), Stanford
University, Dept of Geophysics,Stanford, CA,
94305, (415)723-0166, E-mail: [email protected]
NABELEK,John L., (M; 1978; ID# 10927), Oregon
State University,CoLLegeof Oceanography,CorvaLLis, OR, 97331, (503)737-2757, Fax: 503-7372064, E-maiL:[email protected]
NESSE,WiLLiam D., (M; 1993; ID# 15757), University of Northern CoLorado, Dept of Earth Sciences,
GreeLey, CO, 80639, (303) 351-2830, Fax: (303)
MUNGUIA, Luis, (M; 1976; ID# 11964), CICESE,
Div de Cienciasde la Tierra, PO Box 434843, San
Diego, CA, 92143-4843, (706)674-4501, Fax:
NADEAU,Robert M., (S; 1990; ID# 13772), Univ
of CaLifornia,LawrenceBerkeLeyNatl Lab, Earth
Sciences DivisionMS 5DE, BerkeLey,CA, 94720,
(510)486-7312, Fax: 510-486-5686, E-maiL:
NGBYEN, Bao V., (M; 1981; ID# 11466), HQ AFTAC/TTR,Patrick AFB, FL, 32925, (407)4942251, Fax: 407-494-2274, E-maiL:
[email protected]
MUNSEY,Jeff W., (M; 1985; ID# 11560), 628 GuLfwood Road,KnoxviLLe,TN, 37923, (615)632-4777,
Fax: 615-632-4581, E-maiL:[email protected]
MUNSON,CLifford G., (M; 1990; ID# 13932), US
NuclearRegulatoryCommission, Mail Stop 07H15, Washington, DC, 20555-0001, (301)4152529, Fax:301-415-2444, E-maiL: [email protected]
MURBACH,Monte, (M; 1994; ID# 15943), 29270
NE Wind Song Lane, Newberg,OR, 97132-6661,
(503)228-7718, Fax: 503-228-7718, E-maiL:
MURDOCK,James N., (M; 1962; ID# 11760), 611
Green VaLLeyDrive SE, ALbuquerque,NM, 87123,
MURPHY,AndrewJ., (M; 1969; ID# 11167),
22309 FitzgeraLdDrive, LaytonviLLe,MD, 20882,
(301)415-6010, Fax: 3012-415-5074, E-maiL:
MURPHY,John R., (M; 1968; ID# 11191), SCubed,Suite 1212, 11800 SunriseValLeyDrive,
Reston, VA, 22091, (703)476-5197, E-maiL: [email protected]
MURPHY,WilLiam, (M; 1994; ID# 15890), Bateson
HALL,The MaryRoseStreet, Portsmouth Hants P01
2BL, UK-ENGLAND,(44)705-755-075, Fax:44705-842-244, E-maiL: [email protected]
NAEIM, Farzad,(M; 1986; ID# 12516), John A
Martin & Associates, 1800 WiLshire BLvd, Los
AngeLes,CA, 90057, (213)483-6490, Fax: 213483-3084
NAGAHASHI,Sumio, (M; 1975; ID# 10601), Chiba
Inst of TechnoLogy,Dept of Architecture, 2-17-1,
Tsudanuma,NarashinoCity, s
JAPAN, (81)474-78-0491, Fax:81-474-78-0499
NAGY,WaLterC., (M; 1991; ID# 13403), SAIC,
10260 CampusPoint Drive, M/S 12, San Diego,
CA, 92110, (619)458-2520, Fax: 619-458-4993,
E-maiL: [email protected]
NAKAMURA,E. Yutaka, (M; 1986; ID# 10604),
RaiLwayTechnicalResearchInstitute, 2-8-38
Hikari-Cho, Kokubunji-Shi,Tokyo,JAPAN, (81)3425-73-7377, Fax: 81-3-425-73-7274, E-maiL:
[email protected]
NAKAMURA,Yosio, (M; 1961; ID# 11630), University of Texas,Institute for Geophysics,8701
Mopac BouLevard,Austin, IX, 78759-8345,
(512)471-0428, Fax: 512-471-8844, E-maiL:
[email protected](internet)
NAKANISlII, Keith K., (M; 1973; ID# 12241),
1644 FrankfurtWay, Livermore,CA, 94550,
(510)422-3923, Fax: 510-423-4077, E-maiL:
NARAHASHI,Hidemori, (M; 1996; ID# 16412),
MURRAY, George F., (M; 1967; ID# 12352), 1636
Omaha St, PaLmHarbor, FL, 34683-3543
KyushuSangyoUniversity, 2-3-1 Matsukadai,
Higashi-ku, Fukuoka813, JAPAN, (81)92-6735783, Fax:81-92-673-5699, E-maiL: [email protected]
MURRAY,Mark H., (M; 1993; ID# 15504), Stanford University Dept of Geogisics, MitcheLLBLdg,
Stanford, CA, 94305-2215, (415)723-9594, Fax:
415-725-7344, E-maiL: [email protected]
NASON, Robert D., (M; 1965; ID# 12181), 744
24th Avenue,San Francisco,CA, 94121,
MUTOH, Itaru, (M; 1984; ID# 10600), Gifu Natl
CoLLegeof TechnoLgy,Shin-Sei-Cho,Motosu-Gun,
Gifu-ken 501-04, JAPAN, (81)583-241-101, Fax:
81-583-232-709, E-maiL:
[email protected]
MYERS,Steve, (S; 1995; ID# 16013), University
of Arizona, Departmentof Geosciences,Tucson,
NATH,SankarK., (M; 1996; ID# 16472), Indian
Institute of Technology,Dept of Geology & Geophysics, Kharagpur721-302, INDIA, (91)3-2222221x4819, Fax: 91-3-222-2303, E-maiL:
[email protected]
NAVAP., Alejandro, (M; 1974; ID# 10717),
CICESE,SeismoLogicaLDept, PO Box 434843, San
NIAZI, Mansour, (M; 1962; ID# 12284), 925 HILLdale Avenue, BerkeLey,CA, 94708, (510)5271108, Fax: 510-527-1108
NIAZY, Adnan M., (M; 1972; ID# 15710), KACST,
Dept of Astronomical& GeophysResearch,POBox
6086, Riyadh11442, SAUDIARABIA, (966)1-4885986, Fax: 966-1-488-3756, E-mail:
[email protected]
NICHOLL, John J., Jr., (M; 1980; ID# 11648),
Woodward CLydeConsuLtants,4740 South Lipan,
EngLewood, CO, 80110, (303)740-2668, Fax: 303694-3946,
NICHOLSON,Craig, (M; 1979; ID# 11193), University of CaLifornia,Institute for CrustalStudies,
Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-1100, (805)893-8384,
Fax: 805-893-8649, E-maiL:
[email protected]
NIELSEN, John P., (M; 1996; ID# 16538), 768
Neta Lane, Los ALtos, CA, 94022-1234, (415)9484349
NIEMI, Tina M., (M; 1995; ID# 14800), Univ of
Missouri, Dept of Geosciences,5100 RockhiLL
Road, KansasCity, MO, 64110, (816)235-5342,
Fax: 816-235-5535, E-maiL: [email protected]
NIGBOR, Robert L., (M; 1990; ID# 13711), Agbabian Associates, I I I I South Arroyo ParkwaySte
470, Pasadena,CA, 91105, (818)441-1060, Fax:
818-441-0757, E-maiL: [email protected]
NII(OLAOU, AspasiaS., (S; 1995; ID# 16331),
SUNYAt BuffaLo, Dept of Civil Engineering,134
Ketter HALL,Amherst, NY, 14260, (716)6452114x2406, E-maiL: [email protected]
NIKOLAYEV,A. V., (M; 1974; ID# 13620), Inst of
Physicsof the Earth, Academyof Sciences, B Gruzinskaya 10, Moscow D-242, RUSSIA
NISHI, Yuji, (M; 1991; ID# 15128), GeoLogicaL
Survey of Japan, 1-1-3 Higashi,Tsukuba, Ibaraki
305, JAPAN, (81)29-854-3735, Fax: 29-852-0283,
E-maiL: [email protected]
NISHIMURA, Susumu, (M; 1988; ID# 13144),
Kyoto University, Dept of GeoLogy& MineraLogy,
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October 1996
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, JAPAN, (81)75-753-4154,
Fax: 81-75-753-4189,
Houston, IX, 77070-2461, (713)370-3393, Fax:
NISlIIURA, Kihachiro, (S; 1994; ID# 15936), 628
Carriage Hill Drive, Athens, OH, 45701, (614)5925837
NODA, Shigeru, (M; 1980; ID# 10612), Tottori
University, Dept of Social.Systems Engr, 101
Minami 4-chome Koyama-cho,Tottod, JAPAN,
(81)85-751-5507, Fax: 81-85-751-0882
NOH, Myunghyun,(M; 1993; ID# 15685), Korea
Power EngineeringCo Inc, Civil.& Structural.Engr
Dept, 360-9, Mabuk-Ri, Kusong-Myon,YonginGun, Kyunggi-Do499-910, KOREA
NOLAN, Jeffrey, (M; 1993; ID# 14805), Nol,an
Associates, 331 Harrison Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA,
95062, (408)423-7006, E-mail,:jmnol,an@aol,.com
NOLET,Guust, (M; 1983; ID# 10736), Princeton
University, Dept GeoLogy& Geophysical.Sci, Guyot
Hall,, Princeton, NJ, 08544, (609)258-4128, Fax:
609-258-1274, E-maih [email protected]
NORDQUIST,James E., (M; 1995; ID# 16308),
Applied Geotechnical,Engr ConsltsInc, 7109
South 185 WestSuite A, Midvale, UT, 84047,
(801)566-6399, Fax: 801-566-6493
NOTFORS, Carl D., (M; 1992; ID# 15338), Digicon
Geophysical.Ltd, Crompton Way, Manor Royal.
Estate, Crawl,eyWSussexRHIO 2QR,UK-ENGLAND,
(44)129-344-3000, Fax:44-129-344-3010, Email: [email protected]
NOVELO-CASANOVA, David A., (M; 1984; ID#
12394), Apartado Postal.103-135, Coyoacan
04800, Mexico DF, MEXICO,(52)5-548-9938, Fax:
NOVIKOVA, El,enaI., (S; 1991; ID# 14008), Univ
of Southern Cal,ifornia, KAP 210, Dept of Civi[
Engineering, Los Angel,es,CA, 90089-2531,
(213)740-0578, Fax: 213-744-1426, E-mail:
[email protected]
NOWACK, Robert L., (M; 1977; ID# 11367), Purdue University, Dept of Earth & Atmospheric Science, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, (317)494-5978,
Fax: 317-496-1210, E-maiL: [email protected]
NOWROOZI, Al,i A., (M; 1963; ID# 11227), Ol,d
Dominion University, Dept of Geological,Sciences,
Norfolk, VA, 23508-8512, (804)440-4301, Fax:
NUNEZ-CORNU, FranciscoJ., (M; 1991; ID#
14019), Gel,ati99-1001, Tacubaya, Mexico11850
DF, MEXICO,(52)5-515-5005, Fax: 52-5-515-5005
NYBLADE, AndrewA., (M; 1992; ID# 15328),
PennState University, Dept of Geosciences,Deike
BuiLding, University Park, PA, 16802, (814)8638341, Fax: 814-803-7823, E-mail,:
[email protected]
NYMAN, Dougl,asJ, (M; 1995; ID# 16320), D.J.
Nyman & Associates, 12402 Moorcreek Drive,
O'CONNELL, Daniel.R., (L; 1981; ID# 11351), US
Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Federal.Center,
Mail, Code D-8330, Denver, CO, 80225, (303)2364195, Fax: 303-236-9127, E-mail,: [email protected]
OCOLA, Leonidas, (M; 1964; ID# 10781), Av
Higuereta 577, Lima 33, PERU,(51)14-370-244,
Fax: 51-14-370-258
ODAR, Enver, (M; 1966; ID# 11022), Raytheon
Engrs & Constructors, 2 WorLdTradeCenter, 87th
Floor, New York, NY, I0048, (212)839-2275, Fax:
OFFICER,Charl,esB., Jr., (M; 1950; ID# 10965),
26 Occum Ridge Road, Hanover,NH, 03775
06ASAWARA, Hiroshi, (M; 1994; ID# 15900), Ritsumeikan University, Facultyof Science& Engr,
1916 Noji-cho, Kusatsu,Shiga525-77, JAPAN,
(81)77-561-2660, Fax:81-77-561-2661, E-mail:
[email protected]
06LESBY, David D., (S; 1995; ID# 16034), University of Cal,ifornia,Institute for Crustal.Studies,
Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, (805)893-8231, Email,: ogl,esby@crustal,
OHMACHI,Tatsuo, (M; 1991; ID# 13428), Tokyo
Institute of TechnoLogy,
Nagatsuta, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midoriku,Yokohama
227, JAPAN, (81)45-922-3840, Fax:81-45-9245605
OHTA, Yutaka, (M; 1970; ID# 10621), Yamaguchi
University, Engr Seismology& Eq Engineering,
Tokiwadai, Ube 755, JAPAN,(81)83-635-9988,
Fax: 81-83-635-9988,
OHTAKE, Masakazu, (M; 1966; ID# 10622),
Tohoku University,Geophysical.Inst, Fac of Science, Aramaki-Aoba, SendalCity,JAPAN,(81)22217-6531, Fax: 81-22-217-6531
OKAI)A, Hiroshi, (M; 1980; ID# 10623), Hokkaido
University, Dept of Geophysics,Kita 10 Nishi 8
Kita-ku, Sapporo060, JAPAN,(81)11-706-2758,
Fax: 81-11-746-2715
OKADA, Shigeyuki, (M; 1980; ID# 10624), Hokkaido University, Dept Architectural.Engineering,
Facul,tyof Engineering,Sapporo060, JAPAN,
(81)11-706-6254, Fax:81-11-706-7839
OKADA, Yoshimitsu, (M; 1991; ID# 15091), NIED
- Natl,ResearchInstitute, EarthSci & DisasterPrevention, Tennodai3-1, Tsukuba305, JAPAN,
(81)29-851-1611, Fax:81-29-851-5658, E-mail.:
[email protected]
OKAL, Emil,e A., (M; 1975; ID# 11421), Northwestern University, Dept of Geol,ogica[Sciences,
Evanston, IL, 60208, (708)491-3194, Fax: 708491-8060, E-mail: [email protected]
OKAMOTO,Taro, (M; 1988; ID# 13115), Tokyo
Inst of Technol,ogy,Dept of Earth & Pl,anetarySciences, 2-12-10okayama Meguro,Tokyo 152,
JAPAN, (81)3-5734-2717, Fax:81-3-5499-4093,
E-mail,: [email protected]
OKAMOTO,Yoshio, (M; 1991; ID# 15090), 45-20
Shiroyamadai, 2-Chome Hashimoto, Wakayama
648, JAPAN,(81)73-637-3082
OKAWA, huru, (M; 1994; ID# 15928), Bull,ring
ResearchInstitute, Ministry of Construction,Tatehara 1, Tsukuba,Ibaraki 305, JAPAN,(81)29-8646642, Fax: 81-29-864-6773
OKUBO, Paul,, (M; 1976; ID# 12106), US GeologicaL Survey, Hawaiian VoLcanoObservatory, Hawaii
National. Park, HI, 96718, (808)967-7328, Fax:
808-967-8890, E-mail,: pau[
OKUMURA, Koji, (M; 1991; ID# 13978), 1-1-3
Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, JAPAN, (81)29854-3694, Fax: 81-29-852-3461, E-mail,:
[email protected]
OLIPHANT, C. W., (M; 1947; ID# 11520), 4400
One Wil,liams Center, Tulsa, OK, 74172, (918)5847266
OLIVARES, Al,berto E., (M; 1960; ID# 10869), Av
Ubertador cruce con l,a Av LosJabil,l,os, Edif Junin
- Piso 13, Caracas, VENEZUELA,(58)2-749-040
OLIVER, Adol,phA., IIl, (M; 1970; ID# 12231),
Chabot Coll,ege,25555 Hespedan Blvd, Hayward,
CA, 94545, (510)786-6865,
OLIVER, HowardW., (M; 1995; ID# 12107), US
Geol,ogical,Survey, MS 989, 345 Middlefiel,dRoad,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-5301, Fax:415329-5110
OLIVER, Jack E., (H; 1950; ID# 11092), Cornel,l,
University, Dept of Geol,ogica[Sciences, Ithaca,
NY, 14850, (607)255-2377
OLSBORG, Edk, (M; 1995; ID# 14812), Base Geotechnical Inc, PO Box 749, Windsor, CA, 95492,
(707)838-0780, Fax: 707-838-4420
OLSEN, Bruce C., (M; 1975; ID# 12417), 1411
Fourth Avenue,Suite 1420, Seattl.e, WA, 98101,
OLSEN, Cl,ifford W., (M; 1969; ID# 12242), 3550
Pacific Avenue Apt 201, Livermore, CA, 94550,
(510)606-8682, Fax: 510-606-8682
OLSEN, Kenneth H., (M; 1969; ID# 11775), Gs
International., 1029 187th Pl,aceSW, Lynnwood,
WA, 98036, (206)776-7007, E-mail: [email protected]
OLSEN, Kim B., (M; 1991; ID# 14171), University
of s
Institute of Crustal.Studies, Barbara,
Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, (805)893-4905, Fax:
805-893-8649, E-mail,: [email protected]
OMOTE, Syun'itiro, (M; 1952; ID# 10626), 5-4113 Sendagi, Post Code 113, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo,
JAPAN, (81)3-821-4609
ONCESCU,Mihnea-Corne[iu, (M; 1995; ID#
16227), Hambacher Str 14, 76187 Karlsruhe, GER-
122 Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
MANY,(49)721-608-4507, Fax:49-721-711-73, EmaiL:
ONDA, Isao, (M; 1965; ID# 10627), GummaUniversity, FacuLtyof Engineering,Dept of Math &
Physics, Kirya Gumma,JAPAN
OPPENHEIMER,David H., (M; 1981; ID# 12109),
US GeoLogicaLSurvey, MS 977, 345 MiddLefie[d
Road, MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (415)329-4792,
Fax: (415) 329-5163, E-mai[:
ORCUTT,John A., (M; 1996; ID# 13575), Univ of
CaLiforniaSan Diego, ScrippsInst of Oceanography, IGPP(A-0225), La JoLLa,CA, 92093,
(619)534-2887, Fax: 619-534-2902
OSCHWALD,David M., (M; 1995; ID# 16110),
Bechtel Nevada, PO Box 98521, Las Vegas, NV,
89193-8521, (702)295-2991, Fax: 702-295-2937,
E-maiL: oschwa[[email protected]
OSTENNA, Dean, (M; 1983; ID# 11672), US
Bureau of Reclamation, D-8330, PO Box 25007,
Denver, CO, 80225, (303)236-4195
OTANI, Shunsuke,(M; 1968; ID# 10632), University of Tokyo, Dept of Architectural Engr, 7-3-I
Hongo Bunkyo-Ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-8122111, Fax:81-3-5689-4673, E-maiL:
[email protected]
OTT,WiLLiamR., (M, 1983; ID# 11347), HoLy
RosaryMission, Red CLoudSchooL,Pine Ridge,SD,
57770-0100, (402)280-2700, Fax:402-280-5590
OU, Gwo-Bin, (M; 1984; ID# 11468), NatLChung
Cheng University,Institute of SeismoLogy,MingHsiung, Chia-Yi,TAIWANROC,E-maiL:
[email protected]
PALMER, Stephen P., (M; 1990; ID# 13774), PO
Box 407, Litt[erock, WA, 98556-0407, 360-9021437, E-mai[: [email protected]
PARK, Yong-CheoL,(S; 1996; ID# 16537), Dongsan ViLLa401, Yangjae-dong, Seacho-Gu, Seou[
137-130, SOUTH KOREA,(82)2-375-1890
PAN, Tso-Chien,(M; 1991; ID# 15277), Nanyang
TechnoLogicaLUniversity,SchooLof CiviLEngineering, NanyangAvenue,Singapore639798, REPUBLIC OFSINGAPORE,(65)799-5285, Fax: 65-7910676, E-maiL:[email protected]
PARKE, David L., (M; 1991; ID# 15119), PO Box
953, Gait, CA, 95632, (209)745-9590
PANAGIOTOPOULOS,Dimitrios G., (M; 1987; ID#
12629), Universityof ThessaLoniki,Laboratoryof
Geophysics, GR-54006ThessaLoniki,GREECE,
(30)31-998-487, Fax: 30-31-998-528, E-maiL:
[email protected]
PAN/A, GiulianoF., (M; 1991; ID# 15207), Univ
DegLiStudi di Trieste, Dipt di ScienzeDeLlaTerra,
Via Weiss4, 34127 Trieste,ITALY,(39)40-676117, Fax:39-40-575-519, E-maiL:
[email protected]
PAPADIMIIRIOU,Eleftheria E., (M; 1987; ID#
12630), Univ of Thessatoniki, Laboratory of Geophysics, GR-54006ThessaLoniki,GREECE,(30)31992-887, Fax:30-31-992-886, E-maiL:eLpapadimi@o[
PAPADOPOULOS,G. A., (M; 1986; ID# 12525),
NationaLObservatoryof Athens, SeismoLogicaL
Institute, POBox 20048, GR 118-10-Athens,
GREECE,(30)I-363-7825, Fax:30-1-363-7825
PAPAGEORGIOU,Apostotos, (M; 1979; ID#
11067), Rensse[earPoLytechnicInst, Dept of CiviL
Engineering,Troy, NY, 12180-3590, (518)2766331, Fax: 518-276-4833
PAPAIOANNOU,Christos A., (S; 1979; ID#
10340), 88 Mitropo[eosStr, GR 54622 ThessaLoniki, GREECE,(30)31-214-551, Fax:30-31-214553, E-mail: papaioannou@o[
OWENS,ThomasJ., (M; 1981; ID# 11478), University of South CaroLina,Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences, CoLumbia,SC, 29208, (803)777-4530, Fax:
803-777-0906, E-maiL:[email protected][.scaro[
PAPANIKOLAS,Andrew, (S; 1995; ID# 16024),
757 North RickeyBLvd,Tucson,AZ, 85716,
(520)325-3631, Fax: 520-621-2672, E-maiL:
[email protected]
OZEL, Nurcan, (S; 1994; ID# 15962), Bogazid
University, KandiLLiObservatory& Earthquake
ResearchInst, 81220 CengeLkoy,IstanbuL,TURKEY
PAPASTAMATIOU,Dimitri, (M; 1974; ID# 10212),
DeLta Pi Associates,34 P[outarchouStreet, GR
151-22 Maroussi,GREECE,(30)1-778-5637, Fax:
PACHECO,Javier F., (M; 1985; ID# 11043), UNAM,
Instituto de Geofisica, De[ Coyoacan, 04510 Mexico DF, MEXICO,(52)5-622-4126, Fax: 52-5-6162547, E-maiL:[email protected]
PACOR,Francesca, (M; 1996; ID# 16414), ISMES
SPA, GeophysicalDept, Via Pastrengo9, 24068
Seriate BG, ITALY,(39)35-307-655, Fax: 39-35302-999, E-maiL: [email protected]
PADGETT,Deems, (M; 1993;ID# 15524), 284 S.
Over,ok Drive, San Ramon, CA, 94583,(510)
PAGE, Robert A., Jr., (M; 1962; ID# 12110), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey, MS977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad,
MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (415)329-4742, Fax:415329-5143, E-mai|: [email protected]
PAPAZACHOS,Costas B., (M; 1991; ID# 13568),
28 Patr Ioakeim Street, GR-54635ThesaLoniki,
GREECE,(30)31-201-739, Fax: 30-31-214-553, EmaiL: [email protected]
PAPOULIA,Joanna, (M; 1991; ID# 15089),
National Centrefor Marine Research(NCMR), 16604 He[Linikon,Athens,GREECE,(30)1-982-0212,
Fax: 30-1-983-3095,
PARK,Jeffrey J., (M; 1985; ID# 11003), YaLeUniversity, KLineLab Geo| & GeophysDept, PO Box
208109, New Haven,CT, 06520-8109, (203)4323172, Fax: 203-432-3134, E-maiL:
[email protected][
PARK, Minkyu,(S; 1995; ID# 16241), University
of Washington,AppLiedPhysicsLab, 1013 NE40th
Street, SeattLe,WA, 98105-6698, (206)685-7683,
Fax: 206-543-6785, E-maiL: minkyu(
PASSMORE,PauL,(M; 1990; ID# 14009), Refraction TechnoLogyInc, 2626 Lombardy LaneSuite
105, DaLLas,TX, 75220, (214)353-0609
PASYANOS,Michael E., (S; 1991; ID# 15245),
University of CaLifornia,SeismographicStations,
475 McConeHaLL,BerkeLey,CA, 94720, (510)6425333, Fax: (510) 643-5811, E-maiL:
[email protected]
PATANE,Domenico, (M; 1991; ID# 14223), Ist
Intnaz[ di VuLcano[ogia,CNR, PiazzaRoma 2, Catania SiciLy,ITALY,(39)95-435-801
PATNAIK,Gagan B., (M; 1993; ID# 15518),
Advanced GeocomputingTechnoLogies,PO Box
927477, San Diego, CA, 92192-7477, (619)5359046, Fax: 619-535-9046, E-maiL: [email protected]
PATRON,HowardJ., (M; 1982; ID# 12243), 1583
Wagoner Drive, Livermore, CA, 94550-5815, Fax:
510-4233-4077, E-maiL: [email protected][nLgov
PAULTRE, Patrick, (M; 1987; ID# 12965), Universite de Sherbrooke, Dept de Genie CiviL,Quebec,
PQ, JIK 2RI, CANADA,(819)821-7108, Fax:819921-7974
PAVLIN, Gregory B., (M; 1978; ID# 11178), 2063
Van TuyLPLace,FaLlsChurch,VA, 22043,
(703)237-3977, Fax: 703-237-8322
PAVLIS,Gary, (M; 1978; ID# 11364), Indiana University, Deptof GeoLogy,Bloomington, IN, 47405,
(812)335-5141, E-maiL: [email protected]
PAVONR., Victor M., (M; 1968; ID# 10718), PO
Box 74-A, s
SateLite, Edo De Mexico, MEXICO, (905)572-5571, Fax: 905-572-2979
PAYNE,Barton, (M; 1991; ID# 14270), Geocenter
Inc, 18121 Ammi TraiL,Houston,TX, 77060-1108,
(713)630-4172, Fax: 713-526-6570
PEARSON,David C., (M; 1992; ID# 15396), Los
Alamos National Lab, MaiLStop C335, Los Alamos,
NM, 87545, (505)667-3942, Fax: 505-667-4739,
E-maiL: cpearson@tanLgov
PECHMANN,James C., (M; 1982; ID# 11737),
Universityof Utah, Deptof GeoLogy& Geophysics,
Satt Lake City, UT, 84112-1183, (801)581-3858,
Fax: 801-585-5585, E-maiL:[email protected]
PET,Guangyu,(S; 1994; ID# 15904), Univ of California, Dept of Earth & SpaceSciences, Los AngeLes,CA, 90024, (310)206-1289, E-mai|:
PEKEVSKI, Lazo, (M; 1991; ID# 14003), Jurij
Gagarin 25/10, 91000 Skopje, MACEDONIA
PELTON,John R., (M; 1979; ID# 11727), Boise
State University, Dept of Geosciences, Boise, ID,
83725, (208)385-3640, Fax: 208-385-4061, EmaiL:[email protected]
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October 1996
PELZING, Roll, (M; 1981; ID# 10318), Geol
Landesamt NW, Postfach 1080, 47710 Krefeld,
GERMANY,(49)21-5189-7340, Fax: 49-21-51897505
PHINNEY, Robert A., (M; 1962; ID# 11001), Princeton University,Dept of Geology, Princeton, NJ,
08540, (609)258-4118, Fax:609-258-1274, Email,: [email protected]
POUPINET,Georges, (M; 1971; ID# 10271), LGIT/
IRIGM, BP53X, 38041 GrenobleCedex, FRANCE,
(33)76-514-922, Fax: 33-76-514-422, E-mail,:
[email protected]
PENNINGTON,Wayne D., (M; 1973; ID# 11653),
Michigan TechnoLogical.University, Dept of GeoLogic Engr, 1400 TownsendDrive, Houghton, MI,
49931-1295, (906)487-3573, Fax:906-487-3371,
E-mail: [email protected]
PICCOLI, Caro[e, (M; 1994; ID# 15850), 155 East
55th Street Suite 5C, NewYork, NY, 10022,
(212)832-8227, Fax: 212-832-8250
POWELL,Christine,(M; 1991; ID# 14169), Univof
North CaroLina,Dept of Geol,ogy,CB3315 Mitchell
Hal,l,, Chapel HilL, Ns 27599-3315, (919)9620705, Fax: 919-966-4519, E-mail,:
[email protected]
PENZIEN, Joseph, (M; 1955; ID# 12302), 800 Solano Drive, Lafayette, CA, 94549
PEPE, Donna M., (S; 1996; ID# 16422), 232
Wright Road, Danietson, CT, 06239, (860)7797787
PIHL, 3orgen, (M; 1981; ID# 12967), Trastbacken
11, S-16354 Spanga, SWEDEN,(46)8-706-3594,
Fax: 46-8-706-3543, E-maiL:[email protected]
PINKHAM, ClarksonW., (M; 1972; ID# 11842),
3276 GranvilleAvenue,Los Angeles,CA, 90066,
(213)382-2385, Fax: 213-382-6885
POWER, Maurice S., (M; 1979; ID# 12158), GeoPIRHONEN, Seppo E., (M; 1990; ID# 13790),
PERKINS, David M., (M; 1974; ID# 11698), Box
3152, Boulder, CO, 80307-3152, (303)273-8554,
Fax: 303-273-8600
Jakalatie 5D26, SF-00730 Helsinki, FINLAND,
(358)0-708-44413, Fax:358-0-708-44430, Email: [email protected]
PERL, Neff K., (M; 1976; ID# 11933), Applied TheonE Inc, 930 South La Brea Avenue, Los Angel,es,
CA, 90036, (213)857-5578
PITARKA,Arben, (S; 1995; ID# 16153), Kyota
University, DiesasterPreventionRes Institute,
Gokasho UJI, Kyoto 611, JAPAN,(81)77-4335866, Fax:81-77-433-5866, E-mail:
[email protected]
PERRIER,Guy, (M; 1970; ID# 10270), Universite
de Grenoble, IRIGM, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble
Cedex, FRANCE,(33)76-514-868, Fax: 33-76-514422, E-maiL: [email protected]
PERRY, SuzanneC., (S; 1991; ID# 15102), University of Oregon, Dept of GeologicalSciences Room
1272, Eugene,OR, 97403-1272, E-mail:
[email protected]
PERSON, Waver~ J.,(H; 1965;ID# 11673), US
GeologicaLSurveyNEIC, Box 25046 MS 967, Denver FederalCente~ Denve~CO, 80225, (303)2738430, Fax:303-273-8600
PESECKIS, Lynn L., (M; 1979; ID# 11063), 268
Haddock Hill Road, Old Chatham, NY, 12136,
(518)794-9578, Fax: 518-794-8956, E-maiL:
[email protected]
PETERSEN,Mark D., (M; 1991; ID# 15279), Ca[if
Div Mines8, Geology, Dept of Conservation,801 K
Street, MS 12-31, Sacramento, CA, 95814-3531,
(916)322-9317, Fax: 916-445-3334, E-mail,:
[email protected]
PETERSON,,Ion R., (H; 1961; ID# 11761), 29395
County Road M, Dol,ores,CO, 81323-5345
PETI% CaroLe,(S; 1995; ID# 16035), Labo~toim
de Geodynamique, Sous-Marine BP 48, 06230
Vil,~f~nce, FRANCE,(33)93-763-740, Fax: 33-93763-766
PEZESHK, Shahram, (M; 1996; ID# 16550), Univ
of Memphis, Dept of Civil. Engineering,Memphis,
TN, 38152, (901)678-4727, Fax: 901-678-3026,
E-mail: [email protected]
Pil-r, AndrewM., (M; 1967; ID# 12112), US Geological Survey,345 MiddlefieLdRoad, Menlo Park,
CA, 94025, (415)329-4755
POHLMAN,,lohn Cart, (M; 1980; ID# 11611),
Pohtman International.Inc., 4800 Sky Mountain
Circle, Reno, NV, 89503-9200, (702)787-1700,
Fax: 702-787-2200, E-maih pohLgroupl@aoLcom
POLLARD, Dwight D., (M; 1960; ID# 12042), PO
Box 770628, Eagle River,AK, 99577-0628,
(907)257-2741, Fax: 907-276-6847, E-mail:
auc[ima@alaska or auc[[email protected]
matrix Consultants, 100 Pine Street, Suite 1000,
San Francisco,CA, 94111, (415)434-9400, Fax:
PRATESI, Giovanni, (M; 1992; ID# 15365), Istituto GeoflsicaToscano,Via Mamngo49/A, 50047
PMto, ITALY,(39)57-423-O18, Fax: 39-57-4605871
PREECE,Vernon E., (M; 1970; ID# 11989), 2757
Coronado Avenue,San Diego, CA, 92154,
PRENTICE,Carol, (M; 1991; ID# 14850), USGeological,Survey,345 Middl,efiel,dRd, MS977, Menl,o
Park, CA, 94025, (415) 329-5690, Fax:(415) 3295143, E-mail,: cprentice@isdmnl,
PRESCOTT,William H., (M; 1975; ID# 12183), US
GeoLogicalSurvey,345 MiddLefieldRd, MS977,
MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (415)329-4860, Fax:415329-5163, E-maih [email protected]
POMEROY,PaulW., (M; 1956; ID# 11072), POBox
1195, Port Ewen,NY, 12466, (914)339-1715, Fax:
PRESGRAVE,BruceW., (M; 1975; ID# 11645), US
GeologicalSurvey, Nat[ EarthquakeInfo Ctr, Box
25046 MS967 DFC,Denver,s 80225, (303)2738461, Fax: 303-273-8450, E-maiL:[email protected]
PONCE,Lautaro, (M; 1976; ID# 10719), Centrode
665, Santiago, CHILE,(56)2-696-6563,
Fax: 56-2-696-8686, E-maih [email protected]
PRESS, Frank, (H; 1948; ID# 11154), Carnegie
InsUtutionWashington, 5241 Broad Branch Road
NW Rm173, Washington, DC, 20015, (202)3342100
POND, Eric C., (S; 1996; ID# 16441), Virginia
Potytech & State University, Dept of Civil Engineering, 111A Patton Hall, Blacksburg, VA,
24061-0105, (540)231-6753, Fax:540-231-7532,
E-maiL: [email protected]
PRIESTLEY,Keith, (L; 1978; ID# 11806), University of Cambridge, Bullard Labs, Earth Science
Dept, Madingl,eyRise MadingLeyRoad,Cambridge
CB30EZ, UK-ENGLAND,(44)223-333-400, Fax:
PONT[, Daniel,J., (M; 1992; ID# 13595), US Geol,ogical,Survey,345 MiddLefieLdRoad, Menlo Park,
CA, 94025, (415)329-5679, Fax:415-329-5143,
E-maiL: [email protected]
PRIVITERA, Eugenio, (M; 1993; ID# 15528), CNR,
Istituto Internaziona[ di Vul,canologia, Piazza
Roma 2, 95123 Catania, ITALY, (39)95-448-084,
Fax: 39-95-435-801, E-mail,: [email protected]
POPPLER, DavidW., (M; 1991; ID# 15129), 2367
Uttey Road, La Crescenta,CA, 91214
PROTHERO,Wil,l,iamA., Jr., (M; 1971; ID# 12035),
Univ of California, Geology Department, Santa
Barbara, CA, 93106, (805)687-1005
PEZZOPANE,Silvio K., (M; 1995; ID# 12725), US
GeoLogicalSurvey, 755 Parfet Street, Lakewood,
CO, 80215, (303)236-0516x279, Fax: 303-2365046, E-maih [email protected]
PORCELLA,RonaLdL.,(M; 1977;ID# 12113), US
Geol,ogical,Surve~2665 N Air Fmsno Drive,
StelOG, Fresno,CA, 93727-1548,(209)456-6140,
Fax: 209-456-6149
PHILLIPS, William Scott, (M; 1981; ID# 11776),
Los Alamos NationaLLab, MS D443, Los Atamos,
NM, 87544, (505)667-8106, Fax: 505-667-8487,
E-mail: phiUips@lanLgov
PORTER,LawrenceD., (M; 1971; ID# 12223), ALP
& Associates, PO Box 564, Al,amo,CA, 94507,
(510)837-8064, Fax: 510-837-8064, E-maih
[email protected]
POWER,John, (S; 1995; ID# 16246), Univ of
Alaska Fairbanks, GeophysicalInstitute, PO Box
757320, Fairbanks,AK, 99775-7320, (907)4745333, E-mail:[email protected]
PROI"rI-QUESADA,,lorge M., (M; 1989; 1D#
13287), Univ Naciona[de Costa Rica, Observatorio
VuLcano[ogicoy Sismo[ogico, Apartado 86-3000,
Heredia, COSTARTCA,(506)261-0781, Fax: 506261-0303, E-mail,:[email protected]
SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
PRUESS,TheodoreA., (M; 1996; ID# 16446),
1427 MissouriAvenue,St Louis, MO, 63104,
(314)726-1771, Fax: 314-726-5355
PRUGGER,Arnfinn E, (M; 1991; ID# 13325), 500
122 First AvenueSouth, Saskatoon SK, $7K-7G3,
CANADA,(306)933-8682, Fax: 306-933-8510
PRUSH,TheodoreW,, (S; 1995; ID# 16011),
17865 Caminito Pinero, Apt 148, San Diego, CA,
92128, (619)675-8119
PUGLIESE, Antonio, (M; 1991; ID# 13350), Via[e
America 111, 00144 Rome, ITALY,(39)6-5915500, Fax:39-5-5007-2044
pU-1ADES,LuisG., (M; 1991; ID# 15084), ETSIngenieros de Caminos, Gran Capitan s/n, Edificio D2, 08034 Barcelona,SPAIN, (34)3-401-7258, Fax:
PUJOL, Jose, (M; 1981; ID# 11315), EERI, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, 38152, (901)6784827, Fax: 901-323-2857, E-maih
[email protected]
PULLAMMANAPPALL,Sathish K., (M; 1991; ID#
14143), Rice University, Dept of Geology & Geophysics, MS 126, 6100 S. Main Street, Houston,
TX, 77005-1892, (713)527-4880, Fax: 713-2855214, E-maih [email protected]
RACINE,DavidP., (M; 1979; IO# 11280), Teledyne
Brown Engineering,PO Drawer372630, SatetUte
Beach, FL, 32937-0630, (305)773-1300
RAJENDRAN,KusaLa,(M; 1996, ID# 16411), Centre for EarthScienceStudies, Akku[an,Tribandrum
695 031, INDIA
PURCARU,George, (L; 1974; ID# 10319), Univ of
Frankfurt, Inst of Meteorology& Geophysics,Fe[dbergstrabe 47, 60323 Frankfurt-Main,GERMANY,
(49)69-748-140, Fax:49-69-789-3280, E-mail:
[email protected]
PYKE, Robert, (M; 1977; ID# 12287), TagaInc,
REISER,Laura, (S; 1991; ID# 14129), Washington
University, Dept of Earth & PlanetaryScience,
Campus Box 1169, St. Louis, MO, 63130-4899,
(314)935-4080, E-mail: [[email protected]
REITER, De[aine, (M; 1995; ID# 16429), USAF
RAMOS,Cesar,(M; 1995; ID# 15653), FUNVISIS,
ProLongacion[a[[e MARA,ELLlanito, Caracas,
VENEZUELA,(5B)2-257-9346, Fax: 58-2-257-9977
PhitUps Lab(GPE), 29 RandolphRoad, Hanscom
AFB, MA, 02172, (617)377-3923, Fax: 617-3772707, E-maih de[[email protected]
RAMOS-MARTINEZ,Jaime, (S; 1994; ID# 15654),
Univ of TexasAt Dallas, Centerfor Lithospheric
Studies, MSFA31, Richardson,TX, 75083-0688,
(214)883-2422, Fax: 214-883-2829
REITER, Leon, (M; 1969; ID# I1161), US Nuclear
Waste Tech ReviewBoard, 1100 Wilson Bird Suite
910, Arlington, VA, 22209, (703)235-4473, Fax:
703-235-4495, E-maih [[email protected]
RANDOLPH,B. G., (M; 1963; ID# 11651), 16444
REPIN, Dmitriv G., (S; 1996; ID# 16415), Indiana
University, GeoLogyDept, 1005 East lOth Street,
BLoomington, IN, 47405, (812)855-1008, Fax:
812-855-7899, E-mail: [email protected]
Bolsa ChicaStreet, Space84, Huntington Beach,
CA, 92649, (714)662-4141, Fax: 714-662-4049
RASMUSSEN,Gary S., (M; 1973; ID# 11999), Gary
S Rasmussen& Associates, PO Box 5488, San Bernardino, CA, 92412, (909)888-2422, E-mail:
[email protected]
RASMUSSEN,Norman H., (M; 1963; ID# 12451),
1630 OverLookDrive, Wenatchee, WA, 98801,
PULPAN, Hans, (M; 1980; ID# 12457), University
of Alaska, GeophysicalInstitute, Fairbanks,AK,
99775-0800, (907)474-7424, Fax:907-474-7290,
E-maiL: [email protected]
REINKE, Robert E., (M; 1981; ID# 11758), 1200
Rosemont NW, Albuquerque,NM, 87104-2174,
(505)846-5847, Fax: 505-846-9634, E-mail:
[email protected]
REVETrA, Frank, (M; 1991; ID# 13134), SUNYPotsdam, Dept of GeologicalSciences, Potsdam,
NY, 13676-2294, (315)267-2289, Fax: 315-2673170, E-mail: [email protected]
REYES,CesarA., (M; 1975; ID# 11965), CICESE,
PO Box 434843, San Ysidro, CA, 92143-4843,
(52)61-744-940, Fax: 52-61-744-933
RATCHKOVSKY,Natalia, (S; 1995; ID# 16295),
University of Alaska, GeophysicalInstitute, PO
Box 757320, Fairbanks, AK, 99775, (907)4747309, E-marl: [email protected]
RAU, Ruey-Juin,(S; 1990; ID# 13732), SUNY
Binghamton, Geology Department, Binghamton,
NY, 13902-6000, (607)770-1254, E-maih
[email protected]
RICHARDS, PaulG., (M; 1907; ID# 11044), Lament Doherty Earth Observato~, Columbia University, Palisades, NY, 10964, (914)365-8389, Fax:
914-365-8150, E-maih richards@[
RICHARDSON, Robert G., (M; 1975; ID# 10030),
PO Box 239, RosnyPark, Tasmania7018, AUSTRALIA, (61)02-338-324, Fax: 61-02-338-338
REAL,CharlesR., (M; 1972; ID# 12367), Ca[if Div
of Mines & Geology,801 K Street, MS 12-31, Sacramento, CA, 95814-3531, (916)323-8550, Fax:
RIERA,Jorge DanieL,(M; 1995; ID# 16259), LDEC,
Av NiLe Peqanha550 Ap302, CEP99035, Porto
Alegre, 125, BRAZIL,(55)512-331-3604
REASENBERG,PauLA., (M; 1981; ID# 12114), US
GeologicalSurvey,MS 977, 345 MiddtefleLdRoad,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-5002
RIKITAKE,Tsun~i,(M;1974;ID# 10636), 10-302
4-1 Sakurajosui, Setagaya Ku, Tokyo 156, JAPAN,
(81)3-329-1151, Fax:81-3-303-7544
RINEHART, Wilbur A., (g; 1961; IO# 11691), 379
Angler Court, Atlanta, GA, 30312-1068
OAMAR,Anthony,(M; 1968; ID# 12426), 109 NE
REBOLLAR,CecilioJ., (M; 1991; ID# 12719),
CICESE,PO Box 434843, San Diego, CA, 921434843, (52)61-744-933
59th Street, Seattle, WA, 98105-2716, (206)6857563, E-maiL:[email protected]
REEDER,John W., (M; 1978; ID# 12458), PO Box
1076 CarolLane,Suite 136, Lafayette, CA, 94549,
(510)283-6765, Fax: 510-283-7614
PYLE,David,(M; 1996; ID# 16399), 1012 Sullivan
Drive, White Bluff, TN, 37187, (615)797-4581
QUAAH,Amos 0., (M; 1980; ID~ i0213), Ghana
National Petroleum Corp, Private Mail Bag, Accra
North, GHANAWESTAFRI, (233)21-6596-6020
QUEEN,John H., (M; 1991; ID# 15154), Mass
Institute of Technology,Earthquake Res Lab, 42
[arleton St, Bldg E34-462,Cambridge,MA, 02142,
(617)253-7858, Fax: 617-253-6385, E-maih
[email protected]
QUITrMEYER,RichardC., (M; 1975; ID# 10994),
Woodward-Clyde Fed SvcsTRW Phase2, 101 Convention Center Drive, Ste P-110, Las Vegas, NV,
89109, (702)794-1864, Fax: 702-794-5378, EmaiL: [email protected]
772805, EagleRiver, AK, 99577-2805, (907)6960079, Fax:907 695-0078
REGAN,Janice, (M; 1985; ID# 11917), 29A Forester Crescent, Napean ON, K2H 8Y3, CANADA,
REGNIER,Marc, (M; 1994; ID# 15801), ORSTOM,
(678)222-68, Fax: 678-232-76, E-mail: [email protected]
REICHLE,MichaelS.,(M; 1975;ID# 11978), CaUf
Di~sion Nines & GeoLog~ 801K Street MS 12-31,
Sacramento, CA, 95814-3531, (916)323-8553,
Fax: 916-323-7778
RINGDAL, Frode, (M; 1989; ID# 12685), NTNF/
NORSAR, PO Box 51, N-2007 Kje[[er, NORWAY,
(47)6-81-7121, Fax: 47-6-81-8719
RIPPER, Ian D.,(M;1986;1D# 10741), Geophy~cal Observatory, Box 323, Po~ Moresb~ PAPUA
NEW GUINEA, (675)214-500, Fax: 675-213-976
RrrSEMA, A. R., (M; 1953; 10# 10737), BLauwkapelseweg 5, 3731 EA DeBilt, NETHERLANDS,
(31)30-2200-521, Fax: 31-30 2201-364, E-mail:
RIVERS, D. Wilmer, Jr., (M; 1979; ID# 11216),
3003 Farm Road, Alexandria, VA, 22302,
(703)549-4611, Fax: 703-925-2956, E-mail: [email protected]
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5
September/October 1996
RIX, GLennJ., (M; 1986; ID# 12596), Georgia
Institute Technology,School of Civil Engineering,
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0355, (404)894-2292, Fax:
404-894-2278, E-mail: [email protected]
RIZZO, Paut C., (M; 1968; ID# 11106), PaulC.
Rizzo Associates,300 Oxford Drive, MonroeviLLe,
PA, 15146-2343, (412)242-7900
ROBERTS, Peter M., (M; 1989; ID# 13686), 1351
Barranca Rd., Los ALamos, NM, 87544, (505)6671199, Fax: 505-667-8487, E-mail: [email protected]
(510)643-5690, Fax: 510-643-5811, E-mail: [email protected]
3109, (708)491-3411, Fax: 708-491-4133, Email: [email protected]
ROME,William, (M; 1991; ID# 14777), Santa
Monica BLdg& Safety Div, 5345 CampoRoad,
Woodland Hills, CA, 91364, (310)458-8355, Fax:
RUFF, Larry J, (M; 1980; ID# 11376), University
of Michigan, Dept of GeologicalSciences,1006 CC
Little Building, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, (313)7639301, Fax: 313-763-4690, E-mail:
[email protected]
ROMER, Spring, (S; 1995; ID# 16114), 807 N.
Sprigg Street Apt 5, CapeGiradeau,MO, 63701,
(314)651-1737, E-mail:
[email protected]
RUNDLE, John B., (M; 1981; ID# 11768), University of Colorado, CIRES, Boulder, CO, 80309
ROBERTS, Rachel, (S; 1992; ID# 15451), 1271
ALtaVista Drive,Vista, CA, 92084, (619)758-0103
ROMNEY,Cart E, (M; 1947; ID# 11217), 4105 Sulgrave Drive, ALexandria,VA, 22309, (703)2767900, Fax: 703-243-8950, E-mail: [email protected]
RUPPERT, Stanley, (M; 1991; ID# 14116),
Lawrence Livermore Lab, L-202, 7000 EastAvenue, Livermore, CA, 94550, (510)423-7552, Fax:
510-422-1002, E-mail: [email protected]
ROBERTSON,EugeneC., (M; 1963; ID# 11194),
US GeoLogicaLSurvey, MS 955 National Center,
Reston, VA, 22092, (703)648-6792, Fax: 703648-6908
ROClUEMORE,GLenn R., (M; 1987; ID# 12624), 7
Stonewood, Irvine, CA, 92714, (714)835-6886,
Fax: 714-667-7147
RUSH, Randy3., (M; 1992; ID# 15318), 127 Palm
Circle, Melbourne, FL, 32940-7204, (407)2552351
ROBINSON, Russell, (M; 1991; ID# 13358), Institute of Geological&, NuclearSciences, Box 1320,
Wellington, NEWZEALAND,(64)4-473-8208, Fax:
64-4-471-0977, E-mail: [email protected]
ROSCA, Anca-Cristina,(S; 1994; ID# 15790), New
MexicoState University, Dept of Physics, Box
30001, Dept 30, Las Cruces,NM, 88003-0001,
(505)646-4504, Fax: 505-646-1934, E-mail:
[email protected]
RUSSO,Charles M., (M; 1991; ID# 15229), 39 Tall
Oaks Drive, East Brunswick, NJ, 08816, (203)9737837, Fax: 203-973-7719
RODGERS,Arthur, (M; 1990; ID# 13719), University of California Earth Sciences Dept, Santa Cruz,
CA, 95064, (408)459-5143, Fax:408-459-3074,
E-mail: [email protected]
RODGERS,Peter W., (M; 1965; ID# 12244), 1530
Twinridge Road, Santa Barbara, CA, 93111,
(805)967-0025, Fax:805-g67-2156, E-mail: [email protected]
RODRIClUEZ,ALvin M., (M; 1995; ID# 16250),
Univ of Puerto Rico Mayaguez,PMB 553, Box
29030, Caguas, PR, 00725, (809)316-1436, Email: [email protected].
ROSELUND, NeLs,(M; 1991; ID# 15138), RoseLund
Engineering Company, 8453 YarrowStreet, S. San
Gabriel, CA, 91770, (818)573-2441, Fax: 818573-2572
ROTH, Erich G., (M; 1996; ID# 16525), Washington University,732 PennsylvaniaAve,Saint Louis,
MO, 63130, (314)935-4228, Fax:314-725-7238,
E-mail: [email protected]
ROTH, Richard3, Jr., (M; 1991; ID# 14767),
18896 s
Street, FountainValley,CA, 92708,
(213)346-6134, Fax: 714-964-7814, E-maih
[email protected]
ROECKER, Steven W., (M; 1981; ID# 10929),
RensseLaerPolytechnicInstitute, Deptof Geology,
Troy, NY, 12180-3590, (518)276-6773, Fax: 518276-8627
ROTHMAN,Robert L., (M; 1965; ID# 11203), 8409
Stonewall Drive, Vienna, VA, 22180, (301)4153306, Fax: 301-415-2444, E-mail: [email protected]
ROELOFFS,Evelyn, (M; 1991; ID# 13071), US
Geological Survey, 5400 MacArthur BLvd, Vancouver, WA, 98661, (206)696-7912, E-mail: [email protected]
ROVELLI, Antonio, (M; 1983; ID# 10435), Ist
NazionaLeDi Geofisica,Via Vigna Murata605,
00143 Rome, ITALY,(39)6-518-601, Fax:39-65041181, E-mail: rovel[[email protected]
ROGERS,ALbert M., (M; 1973; ID# 11710), 17214
Rimrock Drive, Golden, CO, 80401, (303)6742990, Fax: 303-674-8183, E-mail: [email protected]
ROWE, Charlotte A., (M; 1992; ID# 14042), University of ALaska,GeophysicalInstitute, Fairbanks, AK, 99775-0800, (907)474-7472, Fax:
907-474-5618, E-mail: [email protected]
ROGERS,GarryC., (M; 1972; ID# 10117), Geological Surveyof Canada, Pacific GeoscienceCentre,
9860 West Saanich Road, Box 6000, Sidney, BC,
V8L 4B2, CANADA,(604)363-6450, Fax: 604-3636565, E-mail: [email protected]
RUBERTI, Rudy F., (M; 1996; ID# 16417), 1555
GLacierStreet, Simi Valley,CA, 93063, (805)5278421
ROGERS,ThomasH., (M; 1974; ID# 12267), 1520
E. AppalachianRoad, FLagstaff, AZ, 86004
RUDAJEV,Vladimir, (M; 1970; ID# 10168), Inst of
Rock Structure & Mechanics,V Holesovickach41,
18209 Prague8, CZECHREPUBLIC,(42)2-66410101, Fax:42-2-6641-0105
ROHAY,ALanC., (M; 1981; ID# 12452), 351 Cottonwood Drive, Rich[and,WA, 99352, (509)3726072, Fax: 509-372-6089, E-mail:
ROMANOWICZ,BarbaraA., (M; 1978; ID# 10273),
University of California, SeismographicStation,
475 Earth Sciences BLdg, Berkeley, CA, 94720,
RUDMAN, ALbertJ., (M; 1996; ID# 13837), Indiana University, Dept of GeologicalSciences,
BLoomington, IN, 47405, (812)855-7310, Fax:
812-855-7899, E-mail: [email protected]
RUI}NICKI, John W., (M; 1978; ID# 11422),
Northwestern University,Dept of Civil Engineering, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston,IL, 60208-
RUSSO, Ray, (M; 1991; ID# 15168), Universite de
Montpeltier II, Laboratoire de Tectonophysique,
PLace E. BataitLon, 34095 MontpelLier5, FRANCE,
(33)67-144-807, Fax: 33-67-143-603, E-mail:
RUTER, Horst, (M; 1983; ID# 10321), DMT-GeseLtLschaft fur Forschung und Prufung MbH, Inst
Lagerstatte, Herner Str 45, 44787 Bochum 1, GERMANY, (49)234-625-266, Fax: 49-234-625-606
RUI"rENER, Erik, (M; 1992; ID# 15450), Swiss
Seismological Service, ETH-Honggerberg,CH-8093
Zurich, SWITZERLAND,(41)1-377-2623, Fax: 411-371-2556
RUUO, Bent 0., (M; 1991; ID# 15255), University
of Bergen, Inst of Solid Earth Physics, Attegaten
41, N-5007 Bergen, NORWAY,(47)5-521-3424,
Fax: 47-5-532-0009, E-mail: BentO[[email protected]
RYABOY,VLadislav, (M; 1988; ID# 13176), 5603
Lone Oak Drive, Bethesda, MD, 20814, (703)2767900, Fax: 703-243-8950, E-mail:
[email protected]
RYALL, ALan S., Or., (M; 1957; ID# 11209), 1108
Megan Road, Livermore, CA, 94550, 510-4230491, Fax: 510-423-4077, E-mail:
[email protected] [.gov
RYDELEK, Paul A., (M; 1993; ID# 14069), CERI,
University of Memphis, 3890 Central Avenue,
Memphis, TN, 38152, (901) 678-4883, Fax: 901323-2857
RYLAND, Stephen L., (M; 1973; ID# 11882),
Rytand Associates Inc, PO Box 5806, Pasadena,
CA, 91117, (818)792-6163, Fax: 818-792-1226,
E-maih cis 72345.366
RYMER, Michael J , (M; 1979; ID# 12115), US
Geological Survey, MS 977, 345 Middtefietd Road,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-5649, Fax: 415329-5163, E-mail: [email protected]
SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
RYNN, John M., (M; 1969; ID# 10031), Centre for
Earthquake Research in Australia, PO Box 276,
IndooropiLy 4068 QLd, AUSTRALIA,(61)7-3742260, Fax: 61-7-878-1252
SANFORD,ALlanR., (M; 1957; ID# 11784), New
MexicoInst of Mining & Technology,Geoscience
Dept, Socorro, NM, 87801, (505)835-5212, Fax:
505-835-6436, E-mail: [email protected]
SANO, Osam,(M; 1987; ID# 12605), Yamaguchi
University, Facultyof Engineering, Ube 755,
JAPAN, (81)83-635-9447, Fax:81-83-635-9429,
E-mail: [email protected]
SABATIER,GerardC., (M; 1974; ID# 10276), Le
PradeL, Boite PostaLe36, 30110 La Grand Combe,
SABETrA, Fabio, (M; 1996; ID# 13359), Servizio
Sismicz NazionaLe,Via Curatone3, Rome00185,
ITALY,(39)6-446-985, Fax: 39-6-446-6579, Email: [email protected]
SAIKIA, Chandan K., (M; 1981; ID# 10945),
Woodward CLydeFederal Services, 566 ELDorado
Street, Suit 100, Pasadena,CA, 91109, (818)4497650, Fax: 818-449-3536, E-mail:
[email protected]
SAINTAMAND, Pierre, (M; 1954; ID# 12047),
1748 W. Las FLores,Ridgecrest, CA, 93555,
(619)375-0481, Fax: 619-446-2828
SAITO, Yukimasa, (M; 1961; ID# 10639), 13-28
SANTA, RickJ., (M; 1989; ID# 13346), 6023
Christopher Lane, Cincinnati, OH, 45233-4869,
(513)721-0601[, Fax: 513-721-009
SANTANA,GuiLLermo,(M; 1990; ID# 13726),
Apartado Postal592, 2150 Moravia, COSTARICA,
(506)207-5423, Fax: 506-240-5095, E-mail: [email protected]
SANTO, DouglasS., (M; 1993; ID# 15540), Converse EnvironmentalWest, 222 East Huntington
Drive Ste 211-A, Monrovia, CA, 91016-3500,
(818)930-1224, Fax: 818-7914912, E-mail:
[email protected]
SANTOYO,MigueLA., (S; 1991; ID# 15237), Wisconsin 77-302, col NapoLes03810, Mexico DF,
MEXICO,(52)5-634-4758, Fax: 52-5-606-1608, Email: [email protected]
Umemoto-Cho, Hyogo, Kobe 652, JAPAN
SAKAJIRI, Naomi, (M; 1988; ID# 13136), Hachinohe Inst of Technology,88-10obiraki Myo,
HachinoheCity, Aomori 031, JAPAN, (81)17-8253111, Fax:81-17-B25-0722, E-mail:
[email protected]
SAKAL, Richard D., (M; 1974; ID# 11950), 448
East Truman PLace,West Covina,CA, 91790,
SALMON, Michael, (M; 1991; ID# 14780), EQE
International, 18101Von KarmanAvenueSte 400,
Irvine, CA, 92715, (714)833-3303, Fax: 714-8333392, E-mail: [email protected]
SALVADOR,MarioJ., (S; 1991; ID# 15355), 313
Partock Road, Irmo, SC, 29063, E-mail: [email protected]
SARRIA,ALberto,(M; 1971; ID# 10163), Apartado
Aereo 029710, Bogota 1, COLOMBIA,(57)1-2815148, Fax: 1-284-1890
SASANI, Mehrdad, (S; 1995; ID# 16293), University of British Columbia, Civil EngineeringDept,
VancouverBE,V6T 1Z4, CANADA,(604)822-2379,
Fax: 604-822-6901, E-maih [email protected]
SASATANI,Tsutomu, (M; 1991; ID# 13430), Hokkaido University,Dept Geophysics Facultyof Science, NIOW8Kita-ku, Sapporo 060, JAPAN,
(81)11-706-2759, Fax:81-11-746-2715
SATAKE, Kenji, (M; 1987; ID# 12606), Geological
Surveyof Japan, SeismotectonicsSection,
Tsukuba305, JAPAN, (81)29-854-3640, Fax: 8129-852-3461, E-mail: [email protected]
SAMIEZAOE-YAZD,Mohammad R., (M; 1982; ID#
11472), PO Box 893, Evergreen,CO, 80439-0893,
(303)674-2990, E-mail: [email protected]
SATO,Tamao,(M; 1981; ID# 10643), Hirosaki University, Deptof EarthSciences,Facultyof Science,
Hirosaki 036, JAPAN,(81)17-236-2111x416, Fax:
B1-17-233-6000, E-mail: [email protected]
SAMS, Gay E., (M; 1975; ID# 11246), Law Engineering, Inc, Box 11297, Charlotte, NC, 28220,
(704)357-8600, Fax: 704-357-1622
SATO,Toshiaki,(M; 1995; ID# 16025), 3-99-1-408
Nisshin-cho,Omiya-shi,Saitama-ken 331, JAPAN,
(81)48-665-8629, E-mail: [email protected]
SAMUELSON, Robert K., (M; 1989; ID# 13347),
Dept 256, 4215 Winnetka Avenue N, New Hope,
MN, 55428, (612)582-2856
SAUNOERS,Paul N., (S; 1992; ID# 15483), Cambridge University, BuLlardLab Dept Earth Science,
MadingLeyRise, MadingLeyRoad, Cambridge, UKENGLAND, (44)223-37-182
FranciscoJ., (M; 1984; ID#
10723), UNAM- CiudadUniversitaria,Instituto de
Ingenieria, Apartado 70-472 Coyoacan,04510
Mexico DF, MEXICO,(52)5-622-3465, Fax: 52-5616-1514 or 2894
SANDERS,Chris, (M; ; ID# 11919), Arizona State
College, Department of Geology, Tempe, AZ,
85287-1404, (520)965-3071, Fax:520-965-8102,
E-mail: [email protected]
SAUTER, FranzF., (M; 1986; ID# 12518), Apartado 6260, 1000San Jose, COSTARICA
SAVAGE,JamesC., (M; 1960; ID# 12117), USGeoLogicalSurvey,345 MiddLefie[dRoad, MS977,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4813
SAVAGE,Martha K., (M; 1983; ID# 11395), Victoria University,Institute for Geophysics,Welling-
ton, Box 600, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND, E-mail:
[email protected]
SAVAGE,William U., (L; 1971; ID# 11876), 272
Santa Margarita Avenue, Menlo Park, CA, 94025,
SAVY,Jean, (M; 1978; ID# 12245), Lawrence Livermore NatL Lab, PO Box 808 (L-631), Livermom,
CA, 94550, (510)423-0196, Fax: 510-424-6889,
E-mail: jvsavy@tlnLgov
SAWADA, Munehisa,(M; 1991; ID# 13418), University of Tokyo, Earthquake ResearchInstitute,
1-1-1 Yayoi Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, JAPAN,(81)33812-2111, Fax: 81-3-3812-6979, E-mail:
[email protected]
SAWADA,Sumio, (M; 1991; ID# 14273), 1-144,
Gakuen-Daiwa-Cho,Nara 631, JAPAN, (81)74249-2713, E-mail: [email protected]
SAYER,Suzanne, (S; 1996; ID# 16454), Delaware
Geological Survey, Univ of Delaware, DGS Building, Newark, DE, 19716, (302)831-8257, Fax:
302-831-3579, E-mail: [email protected]
SAYERS,John A., (M; 1972; ID# 12011), 33471
CaLLeMiramar, San Juan Capistrano, CA, 92675,
(714)582-2144, Fax: 714-582-7140
SCAWTHORN,Charles,(M; 1978; ID# 12175), EQE
EngineeringInc, 44 MontgomeryStreet, San Francisco, CA, 94104, (415)989-2000, Fax:415-3975207
SCHAFT,David, (S; 1995; ID# 16279), Stanford
University, Dept of Geophysics,Mitchell Building,
Stanford, CA, 94305-2215, (415)497-5306, Email: [email protected]
SCHARNBERGER,Charles K., (M; 1984; ID#
11121), MiLLersviLLeUniversity, Earth Sciences
Dept, Mi[[ersvi[[e, PA, 17551, (717)872-3289,
Fax: 717-872-3985, E-mail: [email protected][
SCHEIDEGGER,Adrian E., (M; 1955; ID# 10042),
Inst Fuer Geophysik, Technische Hochschule, KarlspLatz 13, A-1040 Wien, AUSTRIA, Fax: (43)1504-4232, E-mail: [email protected]
SCNELL, Bruce A., (M; 1987; ID# 12935), ScheL[
Geological Consulting Co, 3765 Myrtle Ave., Long
Beach, CA, 90807, (213)595-9100
SCHERBAUM, Frank, (M; 1983; ID# 10322), Universitat Munchen, Inst F AlLgem U Angew Geophys, Theresienstr 41, D80333 Munchen,
GERMANY,(49)89-2394-4204, Fax: 49-89-23944205, E-mail: [email protected]
SCHERER, R., (M; 1988; ID# 13018), Technical
University Dresden, Inst fur Bauinformatik, Mommseustr. 13, D-01062 Dresden, GERMANY,
(49)727-608-2657, Fax: 49-727-693-075
SCHIFE Anshel J., (M; 1975; ID# 11369), 27750
Edgerton Road, Los ALtos Hills, CA, 94022,
(415)941-9233, E-mail: [email protected]
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October 1996
SCHLIITENHARDT,Jorg, (M; 1989; ID# 13150),
BundesanstaLtfur Geowissenschaftnund Rohstoffe, Postfach 510153, 30631 Hannover,GERMANY,(49)511-643-3132, Fax:49-511-643-2304,
E-maiL: [email protected]
SCHLUE,John W., (M; 1968; ID# 11785), New
Mexico Tech, Dept of Geosciences,Socorro, NM,
87801, (505)835-5426, Fax: 505-835-6436, EmaiL: [email protected]
SCHMID, Ben L., (M; 1963; ID# 11888), 203 PearL
Avenue, BaLboaIsLand, CA, 92662, (714)6736339, Fax: 714-673-6047
SCHMID, Stefan, (M; 1992; ID# 14103), Geo[ogisch-Pa[aontoLogisches,Institut der Universitat,
BernouLtistr32, CH-4056 BaseL,SWITZERLAND
SCHMIDT, Brad, (M; 1993; ID# 15525), 349 Cherry
Avenue, MenLo Park, CA, 94025-3303, (415)3271319, E-maiL: bschmidt@netcom
SCHNEIDER,John E, (M; 1980; ID# 11145), Aon
Risk TechnoLogies,230 W. MonroeSt., Chicago,IL,
60606, (312)456-8650, Fax:312-456-8647, Emarl: [email protected]
SCHOENBERG,Frederic R., (S; 1996; ID# 16430),
2510 BancroftWay, Apt 305, BerkeLey,CA, 947204760
SCHOLZ, Christopher H., (M; 1971, ID# 11045),
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory,CoLumbiaUniversity, PaLisades,NY, 10964, (914)359-2900,
Fax: 914-359-5215, E-maiL:[email protected]
SCHOOEC~ig C., (M; 1984;ID# 12192), EQE
Internationa[,Inc, 1411 Fourth Avenue,Suite
500, Seatt~, WA, 98101, (206)881-1807, Fax:
SCHRIVER,ALLison,(M; 1996; ID# 16298), Univof
New Brunswick, Dept of CiviLEngineering,PO Box
4400, Fredericton NB, E3B 5A3, CANADA,
(506)453-5122, Fax: 506-453-3568, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SCHUG, David L., (M; 1985; ID# 11984), Woodward CLydeConsuLtants, 1615 Murray Canyon Rd
Ste 1000, San Diego, CA, 92108-4324, (619)2949400, Fax: 619-293-7920
SCHULT, Frederick R., (M; 1979; ID# 11400), HQ
AFTAC/TrR,1030 S. HighwayAIA, PatrickAFB, FL,
32925-3002, (407)494-2251, Fax:407-494-2274,
E-maiL: [email protected]
SCHULTEoTHEIS,Hartwig, (S; 1991; ID# 15246),
ALhausstrasse25, D-42281 WuppertaL, GERMANY,
(49)202-702-021, Fax:49-234-709-4181, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SCHUSTER,Gerard T., (M; 1988; ID# 13062), University of Utah, Geophysics& GeoLogyDept, Room
713 Browning BLdg,SaLtLake City, UT, 84112,
SCHWAN,AnthonyV., (g; 1986; ID# 12519), A.V.
Schwan & Associates, 7000 E. Came[backRoad,
Suite 220, ScottsdaLe,AZ, 85251-1229, (602)2654331
Shinhassamu,Teine-ku, Sapporo006, JAPAN,
(81)11-681-2540, E-maiL:[email protected]
SEO, Kazuoh,(M; 1975; ID# 10652), TokyoInst of
SCHWARTZ, David P., (g; 1990; ID# 12887), US
TechnoLogy,Dept of BuiLdingEnvironment,4259
GeoLogicaLSurvey,345 MiddtefieLdRoad, MS977,
MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (415)329-5651, Fax:415- Nagatsuta Midori-Ku,Yokohama 226, JAPAN,
329-5163, E-maiL:[email protected] (81)45-924-5502, Fax:81-45-924-5502
SCHWARTZ, Susan Y., (M; 1985; ID# 11377), University of CaLifornia, CFRichter SeismoLogyLab,
Earth Sciences Board, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064,
(408)459-3133, Fax: 408-459-2127, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SCHWARTZKOPF,Donn, (M; 1992; ID# 15471),
25796 KeLLoggStreet, Loma Linda, CA, 92354,
SCHWEIG, EugeneS., III, (M; 1991; ID# 14173),
University of Memphis, USGS/CERI,Memphis,TN,
38152, (901)678-2007, Fax:901-678-4734, EmaiL: [email protected]
SCHWEITZER,Johannes,(M; 1983; ID# 10323),
Ruhr Universitat Bochum,Institut fur Geophysik,
D-44780 Bochum,GERMANY,(49)234-4700-3277,
Fax: 49-234-7094-181, E-maiL:[email protected]
SCRIVNER,Craig, (S; 1991; ID# 14160), Ca[ifInst
of TechnoLogy,SeismoLogicaLLab, MC252-21,
Pasadena, CA, 91125, (818)395-6974, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SEARCY,CheryL,(S; 1995; ID# 16245), Univ of
ALaskaGeophysicalInstitute, PO Box 757320,
Fairbanks, AK, 99775-7320, (907)474-5321, EmaiL: [email protected]
SEARS, RichardA., (M; 1980; ID# 11599), Overseas PLanning& Administration, 730 PLainwood
Drive, Houston, TX, 77079, (44)171-257-4178,
Fax: 44-171-257-4892
SEBER, Dogan, (S; 1988; ID# 13147), CorneL[University, Dept of GeoLogicaLSciences,Snee HALL,
Ithaca, NY, 14853, (607)255-3474, Fax:607-2544780, E-maiL:[email protected]
SEDLOCK, Richard, (M; 1992; ID# 14907), San
Jose State University, Dept of GeoLogy,San Jose,
CA, 95192-0102, (408)924-5020, Fax:408-9245053, E-maiL:sed[[email protected]
SEEBER,Leonardo,(M; 1977; ID# 11046), Lamont
Doherty Earth Observatory,CoLumbiaUniversity,
PaLisades, NY, 10964, (914)359-2900, Fax: 914365-8150, E-maiL:[email protected]
SEEKINS, Linda C., (M; 1993; ID# 15500), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey MS 977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad,
MenLo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-5661
SEGALL, PauL,(M; 1991; ID# 14066), Stanford
University, GeophysicsDepartment,Stanford, CA,
94305, (415)725-7241, E-maiL:[email protected]
SCHWAB, Fred, (M; 1969; ID# 11822), University
of CaLifornia,Institute of Geophysics, Los AngeLes, CA, 90024, (213)825-3123, Fax: 213-2063051, E-maiL: [email protected]
SEINO, Masaaki, (M; 1983; ID# 10646), 7-10-9-10
SEIDL, Dieter, (M; 1966; ID# 10324), CentraLSeismoLogicaLObs, Krankenhausstrasse1, 852 ErLangen, GERMANY,(49)91-312-5900
SEOUNG-I(YU, Lee, (S; 1994; ID# 15838), Mido
Apt 1-1010, 4395 Dandae-dong,Sujeong-gu
Song-Nam, Kyonggido,461-140, SOUTHKOREA
SERA,Kimihiro, (M; 1976; ID# 12049), Structcon,
1700 FuLtonStreet, Fresno,CA, 93721, (209)2667887, Fax: 209-266-5368
SERECI,A. Mark, (M; 1996; ID# 16367), Kinemetrics Inc, 222 Vista Avenue, Pasadena,CA, 91107,
(818)795-2220, Fax:818-795-0868, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SERENO,Thomas,l., (M; 1991; ID# 14250), SAIC,
10260 CampusPoint Drive, San Diego,CA, 92121,
(619)458-2593, Fax: 619-458-4993, E-maiL:
SERF& Laura, (M; 1989; ID# 13297), University
of New OrLeans,Dept of GeoLogy& Geophysics,
New OrLeans,LA, 70148, (504)286-6B01, Fax:
504-286-7396, E-maiL:[email protected]
SERRATO,Rocco, (M; 1991; ID# 15112), CaLif
Dept of BuiLding& Safety, 4095 OverLandAvenue,
CuLverCity, CA, 90232, (213)202-5806
SERVA, Lionetto, (M; 1991; ID# 10422), ANPADISP, NucLearSafety & HeaLth Protection, Via
VitaLiano Brancati 48, 00144 Roma, ITALY,(39)650-071, Fax: 39-6-501-3429
SEI"rERLAND, Mark, (M; 1995; ID# 16289), Setter[and and Associates, 1540 GravensteinHighway South, SebastopoL,CA, 95472, (707)8293800, Fax: 707-544-2413
SEWELL, Robert T., (M; 1996; ID# 12203), 705
DeLphi Drive, Lafayette, CO, 80026, (303)6652731, Fax: 303-665-2731, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SEXTON,John L., (M; 1971; ID# 11450), 15 TangLewood Drive, Herrin, IL, 62948, (618)453-3351
SHAH, HareshC., (M; 1975; ID# 12204), Stanford
University, Dept of CiviLEngineering,Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, 94305-4020, (415)7234125, Fax: 415-725-8662, E-maiL:[email protected]
SHAKAL, Anthony F., (M; 1975; ID# 12368),
Office of Strong Motion Studies, s
Mines 8, GeoLogy,801 K Street, MS 13-35, Sacramento, CA, 95814-3500, (916)322-3105, Fax:
916-323-7778, E-maiL:[email protected]
SHAMIR, Gadi, (M; 1994; ID# 15952), Inst for
PetroLeum Research,SeismoLogy, 1 Hamashir
Street, HoLon,ISRAEL,(972)3-557-6054, Fax:
972-3-550-2925, E-maiL:[email protected]
SHAPIRA, Avi, (M; 1983; ID# 10394), Inst of
PetroLeum Research, Dept of Geophysics, PO Box
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
2286, HoLon58122, ISRAEL,(972)3-805-112,
Fax: 972-3-802-925
SHARMA, Ram P., (M; 1969; ID# 12226), Morrison-Knudson EngineersInc, 180 HowardStreet,
San Francisco,CA, 94105, (415)442-7796, Fax:
SHARROCK,Dave, (M; 1995; ID# 16044), Oxford
University, Dept of Earth Sciences, Parks Road,
Oxford OXl 3PR, UK-ENGLAND,(44)31-650-8533,
E-mail: [email protected]
SHAW, Bruce, (M; 1995; ID# 14912), Lamont
Doherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University,
Palisades, NY, 10964, (805)893-8380, E-mail:
[email protected]
SHEA,GeraldJ.,(M; Ig91;ID# 11365), 5149 E[dridge Road, Term Haute, IN, 47802-8597,
SHEARER, Peter M., (M; 1982; ID# 11981), Univ
of CaliforniaSan Diego, IGPP0225, ScrippsInst of
Oceanography, La 3oLLa,CA, 92093, (619)5342260, Fax: 619-534-5332, E-mail:
[email protected]
SHEDLOCK, Kaye M., (M; 1980; ID# 10930), US
Geological Survey, MS 966 Box 25046 Room 432,
Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO, 80225,
(303)273-8571, Fax: 303-273-8600, E-mail: shedLock@g[
SHIEH, Chiou-Fen,(M; 1990; ID# 13931), Nat[
ChungChengUniversity,Inst of Seismology,ChiaYi, TAIWANROC,Fax:886-5-272-0807, E-mail:
[email protected]
SHIELDS, Gordon, (S; 1996; ID# 16476), University of Nevada, Mackay School of Mines, 174 Seismological Laboratory, Reno, NV, 89557, (702)7844263, Fax: 702-784-1766, E-mail: [email protected]
SHIFFLETr, Howard R., (M; 1980; ID# 12007),
6222 Kimber[yDrive, Huntington Beach, CA,
92647, (213)420-4448
SHIMA, Etsuzo, (M; 1954; ID# 10656), Chuo 521-12, Ota-Ku, Tokyo 143, JAPAN,(81)3-37517797
SHIMAZAKI, Kunihiko, (M; 1977; ID# 10657),
Earthquake ResearchInstitute, University of
Tokyo, YayoiI-1-I Bunkyo,Tokyo 113, JAPAN,
(81)3-3812-2111 x5694, Fax:81-3-5689-7236, Email: [email protected]
SHIN, 3in Soo, (S; 1993; ID# 15548), Seou[
National University, Dept of Geological Sciences,
Kwanak-gu, Seou[ 151-742, SOUTH KOREA
SHIN, Tzay-Chyn,(M; 1981; ID# I0155), Central
Weather Bureau,SeismologicalObservatoryCtr,
64, KungYuan Road, Taipei, TAIWANROC,Fax:
886-2-349-1178, E-mail: [email protected]
SHEEHAN, Anne E, (M; 1990; ID# 13690), CIRES,
Universityof Colorado, CampusBox 216, Boulder,
CO,80309, (303)492-1143, Fax: (303) 492-1149,
E-mail: [email protected]
SHINOZAKI,Yuzo, (M; 1987; ID# 12745), Kyoto
University, Dept of Architecture, Kyoto 606-01,
JAPAN, (81)75-753-5728, Fax:81-75-753-5748
SHEFFELS, Barbara, (M; 1991; ID# 15256), 9 East
Road, Way[and, MA, 01778, (508)358-5461
SHIRLEY,3ames H., (M; 1987; ID# 12976), PO
Box 169, Canoga Park, CA, 91305, (818)888-7631
SHEN, Yang, (M; 1995; ID# 16268), Woods Hole
OceanographicInstitute, Dept of Geology& Geophysics, Woods Hole, MA, 02543, (508)289-3320,
Fax: 508-457-2187, E-mail: yang@pon[
SHO:]A-TAHERI,,]afar, (M; 1974; ID# 12673),
Mashad University,Schoolof Sciences, Mashad,
IRAN, (98)51-39-728
SHEPHARD, R. B., (M; 1963; ID# 12517), New
Zealand Ministry of Works & Development, Services s
Ltd, PO Box 12-004, Wellington, NEW
SHEPHERD,John B., (M; 1971; ID# I0849), University of Lancaster, EnvironmentalScience Division, LancasterLA1 4YQ, UK-ENGLAND,(44)5246-5201-593898, Fax:44-5-245-93985, E-mail:
[email protected]
SHERBURNE,Roger W., (M; 1962; ID# 12369),
Ca[if Division Mines& Geology, 801 K Street, Mail
Stop 13-35, Sacramento, CA, 95814-3531,
(916)322-9308, Fax: 916-323-7778
SHI, Jinghua, (S; 1995; ID# 16000), LamontDoherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University,
Palisades, NY, 10964, (914)365-8460, Fax:914365-8150, E-mail:jinghua@[amont.Ldeo.coLumbia
SHIBATA,Heki, (M; 1972; ID# I0654), Yokohama
Nail University, Mech Engr & MaterialSci Dept,
Tokiwadai 156, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama240,
JAPAN, (81)45-335-1451, Fax: 81-45-331-6593
SIBOL, Matthew, (M; 1980; ID# 11231), ENSCO
Inc, 445 Pineda Court, Melbourne, FL, 32940,
(407) 254-4122, Fax: (407) 254-3293, E-mail:
[email protected]
SIBSON, Richard H., (M; 1982; ID# 12036), University of Otago, GeologyDepartment, POBox 56,
Dunedin, NEWZEALAND,(64)3-479-7520, Fax:
64-3-477-7527, E-mail: [email protected]
SICILIANI, Luigi Martino, (M; 1983; ID# 10429),
OsservatorioSismico 'A.Bina', Borgo XX Giugno
74, 06100 Perugia,ITALY,(39)7-534-060, Fax:
SlEH, KerryE., (M; 1976; ID# 11g20), Ca[if Inst of
Technology,SeismologicalLab Ms 252-21, Pasadena, CA, 91125, (818)395-6115, Fax: 818-5640715, E-mail: [email protected][
SILVA, WalterJ., Jr., (M; 1980; ID# 12281), 311
Pomona Avenue,ELCerrito, CA, 94530, (510)5282821, Fax: 510-528-2135
SILVER, ELiA., (M; 1971; ID# 12337), University
of California,Departmentof Earth Sciences,Santa
Cruz, CA, 95064, (408)459-2266, Fax: 408-4593074, E-mail: [email protected]
SILVER, PaulG., (M; 1985; ID# 11146), Carnegie
Inst of Washington, Dept of Terrestrial Magnetism, 5241 Broad Branch Road NW, Washington,
DC, 20015, (202)966-0863
SIMA, Hiromu, (M; 1963; ID# 10662), 2-12-29
Yoshida, Nagano-shi380, JAPAN, (81)26-2435368, Fax: 81-26-243-5368
SIMILA, GeraldW., (M; 1973; ID# 11930), California State University,Dept of Geology, Northridge,
CA, 91330, (818)885-3541
SIMMONS,Gene, (M; 1962; ID# 10931), HagerRichter GeoscienceInc, 8 Industrial Way DIO,
Salem, NH, 03079, (603)893-9944, Fax: 603-8938313
SIMON, Ruth B., (M; 1957; ID# 12275), 2599 W
40th Avenue,Apt A, Denver,CO, 80211-2109
SIMPSON, DavidW., (M; 1976; ID# 11047), IRIS,
1616 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 1050, Arlington,
VA, 22209, (703)524-6222, Fax: 703-527-7256
SIMPSON, Robert W., (M; 1992; ID# 13416), US
GeologicalSurvey, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad MS 977,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-4865
SINES,CLintonD., (M; 1994; ID# 15824), Route 2,
Box 293, Hayden Lake, ID, 83835, (208)7521117, Fax: 208-772-2543
SINESI, Regina E., (M; 1991; ID# 15213), Northeast Seismic ConsltsInc, 574 Hubbard Road,
Danielson, CT, 06239-3904, (203)779-2000
SINGN, Arvin, (S; 1996; ID# 16552), 15 BetuLa
Avenue, BundooraVic 3083, AUSTRALIA,(61)39467-6184, E-mail: [email protected]
SINrH, Jogeshwar P., (M; 1969; ID# 12320),
Geospectra, Div of J. KLeinfetderInc, 7133 Kol[
Center Parkway, Suite 100, P[easanton, CA,
94566, (510)484-1700, Fax: 510-484-2977
SINGH, Shri Krishna,(M; 1974; ID# 10724),
UNAM, Instituto de Geofisica, Ciudad Universita,
Mexico 04510 DF, MEXICO,(52)5-622-4127, Fax:
52-5-550-2486, E-mail:
[email protected]
SIPKIN, Stuart A., (M; 1982; ID# 11676), US GeoLogicalSurvey, Box 25046 MS967, Denver Federal
Center, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)273-8415, Fax:
303-273-8450, E-mail: [email protected]
SISTEM,2orge A., (M; 1993; ID# 15539), Guemes
1192 Norte, 5400 San Juan, ARGENTINA,(54)64213-672
SKINNER, James L., (M; 1991; ID# 15139), 2941
W. Paseo Bonito, Tucson, AZ, 85746, (520)8837237
SKIPP, Bryan, (M; 1991; ID# 14775), Soil
Mechanics Associates, Hogwood Lane, Finchampstead, Wokingham, Berks RG11 4QW, UKENGLAND, (44)73-432-8888, Fax: 44-73-4328383
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
SLACK, PhiLip,(M; 1996; ID# 16369), Woods Hole
OceanographicInst, Dept of GeoLogy& Geophysics, Woods HoLe,MA, 02543-1541, (508)2892942, Fax: 508-457-2187, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SLAD, GeorgeW., (S; 1994; ID# 15835), New Mexico Tech, C/S 2251 Geophysics,Socorro, NM,
SLEEMAN, Michael P., (S; 1989; ID# 13640), University of Nevada,Centerfor NeotectonicStudies,
MS 169, Reno, NV, 89557-0135, (702) 784-1764,
Fax: (702) 784-1382, E-marl: [email protected]
SLEMMONS, David B., (M; 1956; ID# 11797),
2905 Autumn HazeLane, Las Vegas, NV, 89117,
(702)363-4847, Fax: 702-363-6555
SLOSSON,3ames E., (M; 1972; ID# 11939), SLosson & Associates, 15500 Erwin Street Ste 1123,
Van Nuys,CA, 91411, (818)376-6540, Fax: 818376-6543
Suit 100, Pasadena,CA, 91101, (818)449-7650,
Fax: 818-449-3536, E-maiL: [email protected]
SOLOMON, Ernest, (M; 1977; ID# 12055), 27500
ELenaRoad, Los ALtos,CA, 94022, (415)948-3528
SMITH, Richard K., (M; 1960; ID# 11955), 1570
ViLLaCrest Drive, El Cajon, CA, 92021, (619)4426274
SOLOMON,Sean C., (M; 1969; ID# 10932), Carnegie Ins[ of Washington, Dept Terrestrial Magnetism, 5241 Broad Branch Road NW, Washington,
DC, 20015, (202)686-4444, Fax: 202-364-8726
SMITH, Robert B., (M; 1967; ID# 11739), University of Utah, Dept of Geophysics,SaLtLakeCity,
UT, 84112, (801)581-7129, Fax: 801-581-7065,
E-maiL: rbsmith@
SMITH,StevenW., (M; 1992; ID# 15454), POBox
151555, ArLington,TX, 76015
SMITH, Stewart W., (M; 1961; ID# 11210), 11855
HoLmes Point Road, Kirktand, WA, 98034,
(206)823-1893, Fax: 206-823-1893, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SMITH, ThomasA., (M; 1977; ID# 11591), 1044
Teresa Drive, Houston,TX, 77055, (713)4646188, Fax: 713-464-6440
SMALLEY, Robert, ,Ir., (M; 1983; ID# 11097),
CERI, University of Memphis, Memphis,TN,
38152, (901)678-2002
SMITH,Warwick D., (M; 1971; ID# 10757), Seismological Observatory,Inst Geo|ogicat& NucLear
Sci, PO Box 1320, WeLLington,NEWZEALAND,
(64)4-473-8208, Fax: 64-4-471-0977, E-mail:
[email protected]
SMIT, Patrick M., (S; 1992; ID# 15324), Swiss Fed
Inst of TechnoLogy,SwissSeismoLogicaLService,
CH-8093 Zurich, SWITZERLAND,(41)1-633-3243,
Fax: 41-1-377-2556, E-mail:
[email protected]
SMITHSON, Scott B., (M; 1992; ID# 13839), University of Wyoming, Dept of GeoLogy,Laramie,WY,
82070, (307)766-5280
SMITH, ALbertT., (L; 1974; ID# 12246), L-205
Lawrence Livermore Lab, PO Box 808, Livermore,
CA, 94550, (510)422-9739, Fax: 510-423-4077,
E-maiL: [email protected]
SMITH, DougLasV., (M; 1978; ID# 11334), 3712
WembLey Lane, Lexington, KY, 40515-1273,
SMITH, Eric L., (M; 1995; ID# 16249), Rogers/
Pacific, Inc, 15643 Sherman Way, Ste 410, Van
Nuys, CA, 91406, (818)781-2695, Fax: 818-7816542
SMITH, EuanG. C., (M; 1991; ID# 15080), Victoria
University, Inst of Geophysics,ResearchSchoolof
Sciences, PO Box 600, WeLLington, NEWZEALAND,
(64)4-472-1000, Fax: 64-4-495-5186, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SMITH, 3ay L., (H; 1971; ID# 11871), ,lay L Smith
Company Inc, 16650 Bur[ Lane, OccidentaL,CA,
95465, (707)876-3227, Fax: 707-876-3547
SMITH, Kenneth D., (M; 1985; ID# 11795), 145
Bisby Street, Reno, NV, 89512, (702)786-0340
SMITH, Merritt L., (S; 1995; ID# 16162), 1255 E.
Prince Road, Tucson,AZ, 85719-1836, (520)7487883, E-maiL: [email protected]
SMITH, Monte, (M; 1995; ID# 16294), Sargent
Engineers Inc, 320 West Bay Drive Suite 101,
O[yrnpia, WA, 98502, (360)943-3500, Fax: 360352-3581
SMITH, Nancy E, (M; 1991; ID# 13286), Woodward CLydeFederalServices, 566 ELDorado Street,
SMOLKA, Anselm, (M; 1991; ID# 15235),
Muenchener Rueckversicherungs,GesetLschaft,
Koeniginstr 107, D-80791Muenchen,GERMANY,
(49)89-3891-5294, Fax:49-89-3891-5696, EmaiL: 49457@ibmx400
SNELSON, Catherine M., (S; 1996; ID# 16356),
200 North Mesa HiLls Drive Apt 1210, ELPaso, TX,
79912, (915)581-8626, E-maiL: [email protected]
SNOKE,3. Arthur, (M; 1975; ID# 11232), Virginia
Poty Inst& State Univ, Dept of GeoLogicaLScience, B[acksburg,VA, 24061-0420, (703)2316028, Fax: 703-231-3386, E-mail:
[email protected]
SNYDER, David L., (M; 1995; ID# 15997), Rogers/
Pacific, 396 Civic Drive, PLeasantHiLt, CA, 94523,
(510)682-7601, Fax: 510-682-7605
SOBEL, PhyLLis,(M; 1973; ID# 11212), 6528 North
26th Road, ArLington, VA, 22213, (301)504-2738
SOBIE, MiLtonA., (M; 1970; ID# 11409), Sobie&
Associates Inc, 1200 Pratt Avenue,ELkGroveViLLage, IL, 60007, (708)437-7333, Fax:708-6406428
SODDU, Piertuigi, (M; 1990; ID# 13736), Largo V
BacigaLvpo 33/D, 00142 Roma, ITALY,Fax: 39-68482-2285
SOLARINO, Stefano, (S; 1996; ID# 16410), Univ
Degti Studi di Genova, Dipt Scienze DeLLaTerra,
Viate Benedetto XV 5, 16132 Genova, ITALY,
(39)10-353-8086, Fax: 39-10-353-8081, E-maiL:
SOMERVILLE, Paul G., (M; 1977; ID# 11878),
Woodward CLyde Federal Services, 566 ELDorado
Street, Suite 100, Pasadena, CA, 91101,
(818)449-7650, Fax: 818-449-3536, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SON6, Xi, (S; 1994; ID# 15919), Ca[if Ins[ of
TechnoLogy,SeismoLogicaLLab MC252-21, Pasadena, CA, 91125, (818)395-6974
SONG, Xiaodong, (S; 1991; ID# 14007), LamontDoherty Earth Observatory, CoLumbiaUniversity,
SeismoLogy, PaLisades, NY, 10964
SOROKA,William L., (M; 1995; ID# 16260), PO
Box 660619, DaLLas,TX, 75266-0619, (214)7279455, E-mail: [email protected]
SORRELLS,Gordon G., (M; 1994; ID# 15898),
Seismic DiagnosticsInc, 2714 CountryCLubParkway, GarLand,TX, 75043, (214)271-1131, Fax:
SOTO-CORDERO,LitLian, (S; 1995; ID# 16262),
Univ of CaLifornia, Earth Sciences Dept, Santa
Cruz, CA, 95064, (408)459-4426, E-maiL: [email protected]
SOUSA DE ASSUMPCAO,Marceto, (M; 1975; ID#
10050), IAG - Univ of Sao PauLo, Dept of Geoflsica, PO Box 9638, Sao PauLoSP 01065, BRAZIL,
(55)11-818-4755, Fax: 55-11-818-5034, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SOWERS, George F., (M; 1973; ID# 11262), Law
Companies Group, 114 Town Park Drive, Suite 250,
Kennesaw, GA, 30144, (770)421-3460, Fax: 770421-3580
SPEIDEL, David H., (M; 1996; ID# 16421), Queens
CoLLege, Dept of Geology, FLushing,NY, 11367,
(718)997-3353, Fax: 718-261-9524, E-maiL:
SPELLMAN, Howard A., (M; 1986; ID# 12521),
1236 Oakglen Avenue, Arcadia, CA, 91006,
(818)440-0800, Fax: 818-351-1060
SPENCE, WiLLiam,1., (M; 1963; ID# 11677), US
GeoLogical Survey, National Earthquake Infor Ctr,
MS 967 Box 25046 DFC, Denver, CO, 80225,
(303)273-8417, Fax: 303-273-8450, E-maiL:
SPILIOPOULOS, Spiro, (M; 1992; ID# 15470),
Austra[ian SeismoLogicaLCtr, GPO Box 378, Canberra 2601, AUSTRALIA,(61)6-249-9494, Fax:616-249-9769
SPRANGER, MichaeL, (M; 1995; ID# 16082),
BaumschuLenstrasse28, D-50226 Frechen, GERMANY, (49)223-462-886, Fax: 49-221-973-8593,
E-maiL: [email protected]
SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
SPRENKE,Kenneth F., (M; 1990; ID# 13947), University of Idaho, Dept of GeoLogy,Moscow,ID,
STEINER, EdwardA., (M; 1979; ID# 12021), 4
Capstone,InAne,CA, 92714, (714)250-1421, Fax:
714-250-1114, E-mail: [email protected]
SPRINGER, Donald L., (M; 1967; ID# 12247),
Lawrence Livermore Lab, PO Box 808, Livermore,
CA, 94550, (510)422-3520, Fax: 510-423-4077,
E-mail: [email protected]
STEPHEN,RaLphA., (M; 1983; ID# 10955), Woods
Hole OceanographicInst, Woods Hole, MA, 02543,
(508)548-1400x2583, E-maih
[email protected]
SPUDICH, Paul, (M; 1977; ID# 12120), US Geological Survey,MS 977, 345 Middlefietd Road,
Menlo Park, CA, 94025, (415)329-5654, Fax:415329-5163, E-mail: [email protected]
STEPHENS,Christopher,(M; 1973; ID# 12121), US
GeoLogicalSurvey,MS977, Office of Earthquake
Studies, 345 Middlefield Road, MenLoPark, CA,
94025, (415)329-4752, E-mail:
[email protected]
SPURR, David D., (M; 1995; ID# 16336), 16 Box
HilL, Khandallah, WeLlington 6004, NEWZEALAND,
(64)4-479-2690, Fax: 64-4-479-2690
STANLEY,Mark, (M; 1995; ID# 15968), 10 Brodia
Court, Martinez,CA, 94553, (510)946-1055, Fax:
STANLEY,William D., (M; 1996; ID# 14089), US
GeoLogicalSurvey, Box 25046 MS 964, Denver
FederalCenter, Denver, CO, 80225, (303)2361328, Fax:303-236-1425, E-maih
[email protected]
STAUDER,WilLiam U., (H; 1955; ID# 11456), 3601
LindeU, St. Louis, MO, 63108, (314)658-2588
STAVRAKAKIS,George, PhD, (M; 1991; ID#
14110), Kitheronos Str 38, 15234 Xa[andri, Athens, GREECE,(30)1-342-6005, Fax: (30)1-3426005
(702)784-1764, Fax: 702-784-1382, E-mail:
[email protected]
STOKOE,Kenneth H., (M; 1976; ID# 11623), University of Texas,Dept of Civil Engineering,Austin,
TX, 78712, (512)471-4929, Fax: 512-471-6548
STONEY,GaryF., (M; 1973; ID# 12012), 27391 Via
Caudaloso, MissionViejo, CA, 92692, (714)3804886, Fax: 714-455-9371
STRAEDE,Robert W., (M; 1982; ID# 11926),
23300 ClarendonStreet, Woodland HilLs, CA,
91367, (818)340-5836
STEPHENSON,Dale E., (M; 1991; ID# 13961), 810
WoodLand Drive, New Ellenton, SE, 29809,
(803)725-5217, Fax: 803-725-3272
STRATrON,James F., (M; 1996; ID# 16443), IlLinois Dept of NuclearSafety, RR4, Box 65, Charleston, It, 61920
STEPP,3. CarL,(M; 1961; ID# 12193), 6607 Cuesta
TraiL,Austin, TX, 78730, (512)338-0620, Fax:
512-795-9338, E-mail: [email protected]
STRAUCH,Wilfried, (M; 1993; ID# 15765), Apdo
5930, Managua, NICARAGUA,(505)-2-492 761,
Fax: 505-2-496-987, E-maih [email protected]
STEVENS,Anne E., (M; 1964; ID# 10121), 27 Carmichael Court, Kanata ON, K2K 1K1, CANADA,
(613)592-5006, E-maih [email protected]
STREAN, Bernard M., Jr., (M; 1970; ID# 11166),
6111 Colonial Terrace, Camp Springs, MD, 20748,
STEVENS,Jerry L., (M; 1979; ID# 11962), SCubed, PO Box 1620, La Jot[a, CA, 92038,
(619)587-8442, Fax: 619-795-0474, E-maih
[email protected] (internet)
STEVENSON,DonaLdA., (M; 1975; ID# 11496),
WSRC, BLdg735 11A, Box 616, Aiken, SC, 29802,
STREET,Ronatd L., (M; 1982; ID# 11331), 47
Woodbriar Court, Nicho[asviLLe,KY, 40356,
STREHLAU,3urgen, (S; 1976; ID# 10327), Christian-Albrechts University, Institute Fur Geophysik, D-24098 Kiel, GERMANY,(49)431-8803905, Fax: 49-431-880-4432, E-maiL:
[email protected]
STEAD, RichardJ., (M; 1985; ID# 11921), Center
STEWART,Gordon S., (M; 1979; ID# 11883),
Pacific GeophysicsInc, 170 South ChesterAvenue
Ste 20, Pasadena,CA, 91106, (818)792-9236
for SeismicStudies, 1300 N. 17th Street, Ste
1450, ArLington,VA, 22209-3871, (703)2767900, Fax: 703-243-8950, E-mail:
[email protected]
STECK,Lee K., (M; 1986; ID# 12037), Los Alamos
Natl Lab, EES4D443, Los A[amos, NM, 87545,
(505)665-3528, Fax: 505-667-8489
STEEPLES,Don W., (M; 1975; ID# 11482), University of Kansas,Dept of GeoLogy,l_indleyHaiL,
Lawrence, KS, 66045, (913)864-3965, Fax: 913864-5276
STEFANSSON,Ragnar, (M; 1991; ID# 10353), IceLandic Meteorological Office, Geophysical Division, Reykjavik, ICELAND, (354)1-600-600, Fax:
STEIOL,Jamison H., (M; 1991; ID# 13973), Univ
of CaUfornia,Santa Barbara, Institute for Crustal
Studies, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, (805)8934905, Fax:805-893-8649, E-mail:
[email protected]
STEWART,Ian C., (M; 1972; ID# 15711), Saudi
Aramco, Box 1352, Dhahran 31311, SAUDI ARABIA, (966)3-873-8518, Fax: 966-3-873-1020,
STEWART,Jonathan, (S; 1995; ID# 15985), University of CaLifornia,440 Davis HalL, BerkeLey,CA,
94720, (510)642-9005, Fax: 510-642-7476, Email: [email protected]
STEWART,SamuelW., (M; 1959; ID# 12187), 1111
Emerson Street, PaloAlto, CA, 94301, (415)3295515
STICKNEY,MichaeL,(M; 1977; ID# 11405), Montana BureauMines& Geology, MontanaCollegeof
TechnoLogy,1300 W. ParkSt., Butte, MT, 59701,
(406)496-4332, Fax:406-496-4451, E-maiL:
[email protected]
STUDENT,Heather, (S; 1996; ID# 16464), Virginia
Tech & State Univ, Dept of GeologicalSciences,
4044 Derring Hall, B[acksburg, VA, 24061-0420,
(540)231-7069, E-mail: [email protected]
STUMP, Brian W., (M; 1976; ID# 11544), 111
Maple Drive, Loa A[amos, NM, 87544, (505)6671004, Fax: 505-667-4739, E-mail:
STYLES,Peter, (M; 1994; ID# 15909), Univ of Liverpool Dept of Earth Sciences, Brownlow Street,
Liverpool L69 36X, UK-ENGLAND,(44)51-7945174, Fax: 44-51-794-5170, E-marl: [email protected]
SU, Guang Woei, (S; 1993; ID# 15749), PO Box
23-86, Taipei, TAIWAN ROC
SU, Sergio S., (M; 1960; ID# 12379), ManiLa
Observatory, UP PO Box 122, DiLiman,Quezon
City, PHILIPPINES,(63)99-94-17
STIERMAN,DonaldJ., (M; 1973; ID# 11339), University of ToLedo,Departmentof Geology,Toledo,
OH, 43606, (419)530-2046, Fax: 419-530-4421,
E-maiL: [email protected]
SUAREZ, Gerardo, (M; 1991; ID# 15096), UNAM,
Crdntn Investigacion Cientific, Apdo Postal 70172, 04510 Mexico DF, MEXICO,(52)5-550-6662,
Fax: 52)5-550-0904, E-maiL: [email protected]
STEIN,Seth, (M; 1976; ID# 11423), Northwestern
University, Deptof GeoLogicalSciences,Evanston,
IL, 60201, (708)491-5265, Fax:708-491-8060, Email: [email protected]
STIMPSON,Ian G., (M; 1985; ID# 10873), University of Keele, Dept of Earth Sciences, Keele
Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK-ENGLAND,(/+4)178258-3182, Fax:44-17-8271-5261, E-maiL:
[email protected]
SUCUOGLU, Haluk, (M; 1996; ID# 16453), Middle
East Technical University, Dept of Civil Engineering, 06531 Ankara, TURKEY,(90)4-2101000x2401, Fax: 90-4-210-1262
STEINBRUGGE, Karl V., (H; 1949; ID# 12227),
6851 Cutting Blvd, El Cerrito, CA, 94530,
STIRLING,MarkW., (S; 1994; ID# 15825), Univof
Nevada, Centerfor NeotectonicStudies, MS 169,
MackaySchoolof Mines, Reno, NV, 89557,
STEIM,3oseph, (M; 1991; ID# 15226), Quanterra,
Inc, 325 Ayer Road, Harvard, MA, 01451,
(508)772-4774, Fax: 508-772-4645
SUGIMURA, Yoshihiro, (M; 1996; ID# 16407),
Tohoku University, Faculty of Engineering, Aooba
Aramaki, Sendal 980, JAPAN, (81)22-217-7867,
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October 1996
Fax: 81-22-217-7869, E-mail:
[email protected]
Santa Barbara, CA, 93106, (805)961-3156, Fax:
805-893-2314, E-maiL: [email protected]
SUGITO, Masata, (M; 1980; ID# 10664), Gifu University, Dept of Civil Engineering,Yanagido1-1,
Gifu 501-11, JAPAN, (81)58-293-2420, Fax: 8158-230-1891, E-maiL: [email protected]
SYMONS, NeitL, (S; 1995; ID# 15967), University
of Washington, GeophysicsProgramAK-50, SeattLe, WA, 98195, (206)685-1707, E-mail: [email protected]
SUHADOLC, Peter, (M; 1991; ID# 15172), Istituto
Geodesia y Geofisica, Via Universita 7, 34100 Trieste, ITALY,(39)40-676-2122, Fax: 39-40-575519, E-mail: [email protected]
SUKMONO,Sigit, (M; 1996; ID# 16455), Inst of
TechnoLogyBandung, GeophysicalProgram Dept
of Geology,3L Ganesha 10, Bandung40132,
INDONESIA, (62)22-250-9167, Fax: 62-22-2509169, E-maiL:[email protected]
SUN, Jichun, (M; 1995; ID# 16205), Nanyang
TechnoLogicaLUniversity, School of Civil & Structural Engineering, NanyangAvenue,Singapore
639798, REPUBLICOFSINGAPORE,(65)799-4775,
Fax: 65-791-0676, E-mail: cjsun@ntuvax,
SURINACH, Emma, (M; 1991; ID# 15208), Univ of
BarceLona, Dept GDGP,FacoLtaGeologia, 08028
Barcelona, SPAIN, (34)3-402-1386, Fax: 34-3402-1340, E-mail: [email protected]
SUTTON,George H., (M; 1951; ID# 11073), 5 PeLican Court, PaLmyra,VA, 22963
SUZUKI, Sadaomi, (M; 1989; ID# 13727), Kyushu
University, Earth & PLanetarySci, Fac of ScienceHakozaki, Fukuoka812, JAPAN,(81)92-641-1101,
Fax: 92-632-2736, E-maiL:[email protected]
SWAIN, RobertJ., (M; 1962; ID# 11889), 16271
Typhoon Lane, Huntington Beach, CA, 92649,
(714)846-5578, Fax: 714-846-5668
SWAN, Frank H., (M; 1992; ID# 15482), 240 LaidLey Street, San Francisco, CA, 94131, (415)4349400, Fax:415-434-1365
SWANSON, Ann M., (M; 1986; ID# 11147), Patrecon, 4201 MassachusettsAve NW Ste 704C, Washington, DC, 20016
SWEENEY,Jerry J., (M; 1996; ID# 15673),
Lawrence Livermore Nat[ Lab L-208, PO Box 808,
Livermore, CA, 94550, (510)422-4917, Fax: 510422-3975, E-mail: sweeney@l[
SWENSON,Jennifer L., (S; 1994;ID# 15940),
1633 East Lester Avenue,Tucson, AZ, 85719,
(520)318-9644, E-mail:[email protected]
SYDNOR, Robert H., (L; 1982; ID# 12221), Calfornia Div Mines& Geo[og~ 801 K Street MaiLStop
12-31, Sac~mento, CA, 95814-3531,(916)3234399, Fax:916-445-3334
SYKES, Lynn R., (M; 1961; ID# 11048), Lamont
Doherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University,
PaLisades, NY, 10964, (914)365-8880, Fax: 914365-8150, E-mai[: sykes@[
SYLVESTER,Arthur G., (M; 1969; ID# 12038), University of California, Dept of GeologicalScience,
TABER, Harmon R., (M; 1967; ID# 12359), Taber
Consultants, 536 GalvestonStreet, WestSacramento, CA, 95691, (916)371-1690
TABER,J. John, (M; 1984; ID# 11049), Victoria
University, Institute of Geophysics,PO Box 600,
Wellington, NEWZEALAND,(64)4-472-1000, Fax:
64-4-495-5186, E-maiL:[email protected]
TAJIMA, Fumiko, (M; 1983; ID# 11631), University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics,8701
Mopac BLvd,Austin, TX, 78759-8345, (512)4710461, Fax: 512-471-8844, E-mail:
[email protected]
TAJIMI, Hiroshi, (M; 1991; ID# 15133), 1-9-14
Hamada-Yama, Suginami-ku,Tokyo 168, JAPAN,
TAKANO, Kiyoshi, (M; 1996; ID# 16463), Earthquake ResearchInstitute, Universityof Tokyo,
Yayoi 1-1-1 Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo113, JAPAN,(81)33814-5507, E-mail: [email protected]
TAKAYAMA,Mineo, (M; 1991; ID# 15184), Fukuoka Univ, 8-19-1 Nanakuma,3onan-ku, Fukuokashi, Fukuoka814-80, JAPAN,(81)92-871-6631,
Fax: (81)92-8643655, E-mail: [email protected]
TAKEMURA,Masayuki,(M; 1988; ID# 13155), 3550oya-cho, Hachioji-shi,Tokyo 192, JAPAN,
(81)3-5561-2438, Fax:81-3-5561-2431, E-mail:
[email protected]
TAKENAKA, Hiroshi, (M; 1995; ID# 16216),
Kyushu University, Dept of Earth & PlanetaryScience, Hakozaki 6-10-1, Fukuoka812-81, JAPAN,
(81)92-632-3720, Fax:81-92-632-3720, E-mail:
[email protected]
TAKEO,Minoru, (M; 1983;ID# 10667), Earthquake
ResearchInstitute, The Universityof Tokyo, I-1-1
Yayoi Bunkyo, Tokyo 113, JAPAN,(81)3-8122111, Fax: 81-3-816-1159, E-mail: [email protected]
TAKESHI, Ohnishi, (M; 1995; ID# 10490), Hanshin ConsuLtantCompany,Showa-Bldg2-5-24,
Nishihonmachi, Nishiku,Osaka550, JAPAN,81-6543-0204, Fax: 81-6-543-0253
TAKIZAWA, Haruo, (M; 1975; ID# 10668), Hokkaido University, FacuLtyof Engineering,N-13 W8 Kita-Ku, Sapporo Hokkaido060, JAPAN,(81)11716-2111x6231
TALWANI, Pradeep, (M; 1974; ID# 11252), University of South CaroLina,Dept of GeologicalSciences, CoLumbia,SC, 29208, (803)777-6449, Fax:
803-777-6610, E-maiL:[email protected][
TANAKA, Ai'ichiro, (M; 1987; ID# 13000), Kumamoto Inst of TechnoLogy,Dept of Structural Engineering, Ikeda 4-22-1, Kumamoto860, JAPAN,
(81)96-326-3111, Fax: 81-96-326-3000
TANAKA, Kazuo, (M; 1977; ID# 10669), Hirosaki
University, Dept of Earth Science, Bunkyo-Cho3
Hirosaki, Aomori 036, JAPAN,(81)0172-36-2111
x4215, Fax: 81-0172-33-2524
TANAKA, Torao, (M; 1974; ID# 10670), Kyoto
University, Disaster PreventionRes Inst, Gokasho
Uji, Kyoto-fu 611, JAPAN,(81)77-433-4720, Fax:
77-4324115, E-maiL:[email protected]
TANIGUCEI, Keisuke, (M; 1991; ID# 13503),
Kyoto Universityof Education, I Fukakusa-Fujinomori-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto 612, JAPAN,(81)75641-9281, Fax: (81)75-645-1734, E-mail: [email protected]
TANNER,WiLLiamF., (M; 1957; ID# 11271), Florida State University,GeoLogyDept, B-160, Ta[Lahassee, FL, 32306-3026, (904)644-3208
TARR, Arthur C., (M; 1968; ID# 11680), US Geological Survey, Box 25046 MS966, Room434,
Denver FederalCenter, Denver,CO, 80225,
(303)273-8570, Fax: 303-273-8600
TARVAINEN, Matti J., (M; 1991; ID# 13957),
Suonotkontie 6C 26, SF-O0630He[sinki, FINLAND,
(358)0-191-7263, Fax: 358-0-191-7288, E-maiL:
[email protected]
TATHAM,Robert H.,(M;1972;ID# 11592),Texaco
Inc, PO Box 770070, Houston,TX, 77215-0070,
(713)954-6027, Fax: 713-954-6113
TAYLOR,CMig E.,(M;1988;ID# 13052),5402 Via
DetVa[~,TorMnce, CA, 90505,(213)683-1560,
Fax: (213) 628-0015
TAYLOR,Jess, (M; 1994; ID# 15854), EQEInternational, 44 MontgomeryStreet Ste 3200, San
Francisco, CA, 94104, (415)989-2000
TAYLOR,Steven R., (M; 1976; ID# 12248), Los
A[amos Natl Lab, MS C335, Los Alamos, NM,
87545, (505)667-1007, E-maiL:[email protected]
TEIXEIRA,Stan, (M; 1995; ID# 16115), H.J. Brunnier Associates, 55 New MontgomeryStreet Ste
608, San Francisco, CA, 94105, (415)781-0370,
Fax: 415-541-7709
TEMPLE'TON,Mary E., (M; 1985; ID# 12307), CaLifornia State University, Dept of GeologicalSciences, Fullerton, CA, 92634-9480, (714)7732158, Fax: 714-449-7266, E-mail:
[email protected][[
TENG, Ta-Liang, (M; 1965; ID# 11809), University
of Southern CaLifornia, GeoLogicaLSciences Dept,
Los AngeLes, CA, 90089-0740, (213)740-5838,
Fax: 213-740-8801, E-maiL: [[email protected]
TEPEL, Robert E., (M; 1994; ID# 15848), Santa
CLaraValLeyWater District, 5750 ALmaden Expressway, San Jose, CA, 95118-3686, (405)927-0710
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
THENHAUS, Pau[C., (M; 1980;ID# 11681), 2805
W Oaklands Drive, SedaSa, CO, 80135, (303)2738559, Fax: 303-273-8600
THEODULIDIS, Nick, (M; 1986; ID# 12586), Inst
of EngrSeismology& Eq Engr, PO Box 53, GR55102 Finikas, Thessaloniki,GREECE,(30)31-476081x4, Fax: 30-31-476-085
TIE, An, (M; 1995; ID# 16244), 3003 Kammeyer
Lane, ChambLee,GA, 30341, (404)458-5013
TIFFr, Robert W., (M; 1978; ID# 11501), 13027
AstaLot Drive, Huntsvitte, AL, 35803, (205)7221204, E-maiL: [email protected],army.miL
THIEL, Charles C., Jr., (M; 1972; ID# 12277), 365
San Carlos Avenue, Piedmont, CA, 94611,
(510)652-8785, Fax: 510-601-1321
TILFORD,N. R., (M; 1992; ID# 15300), TexasA&M
University, Dept of Geology,CollegeStation, TX,
77843-3115, (409)845-9682, Fax:409-845-6162,
E-maih [email protected]
THIO, Hong Kie, (M; 1995; ID# 16212), 566 Eldorado Street, Pasadena,CA, 91101, (818)4497650, Fax: 818-449-3536, E-mail:
[email protected][
TILLSON, David D., (M; 1973; ID# 11741), Consuiting Geologist, 530 11th Avenue, SaLt Lake
City, UT, 84103, (801)363-4093, Fax: (303)4438626, E-maiL: [email protected]
THOMAS,George, (S; 1994; ID# 15942), University of Washington, Geophysics,Box 351650,
Seattle, WA, 98195-1650, (206)685-1705, Fax:
TINKER,Mark,(S; 1995; ID# 16012), 237 N. Boulder Terrace,Tucson,AZ, 85745, (520)623-0196,
E-maiL: [email protected]
TODOROVSKA,Marija I., (M; 1988; ID# 13140),
THOMAS,Robert P., (M; 1948; ID# 11239),
Library of Guilford College, 5800 West FriendLy
Avenue,Greenboro, NC, 27410, (602)837-0157
Univ of Southern CaLifornia,Dept of Civil Engineering, KAP210, Los AngeLes,CA, 90089-2531,
(213)740-0601, Fax: 213-744-1426
THOMPSON,GeorgeA., (M; 1955; ID# 12206),
Stanford University, GeophysicsDept, Stanford,
CA, 94305-2215, (415)723-3714, Fax: 415-7257344, E-maiL:[email protected]
TOKIMATSU,KoWi, (M; 1994;ID# 15887),Tokyo
Inst of TechnoLog~2-12-10-okayama, Meguroku, Tokyo 152, JAPAN,(81)3-5734-3160, Fax:813-5734-2925
THOMPSON,Steve, (S; 1995; ID# 16230), University of Washington, Dept of GeologicalSciences,
Box 351310, Seattle, WA, 98195-1310, (206)5431996, E-maiL:[email protected]
TOKSOZ,M. Nail, (M; 1987; ID# 12987), MassInst
of TechnoLogy,E34-440, Cambridge, MA, 02139,
(617)253-7852, Fax: 617-253-6385
THOMSON,Colin J., (M; 1985; ID# 10123),
QueensUniversity, Dept of GeologicalSciences,
Kingston ON, K7L 3N6, CANADA,(613)545-2597,
Fax: 613-545-6592, E-maih [email protected]
THORDARSON,Sigvaldi, (S; 1992; ID# 15353),
Universityof Leeds, Dept of Earth Sciences,Leeds
LS2 9JT, UK-ENGLAND,(44)532-335-256, Fax:44532-335-259, E-maih [email protected]
THRAINSSON, Hjortur, (S; 1991; ID# 15197),
Stanford University,J.A. Blume Earthquake Engr
Center, Dept of Civil Engineering,Stanford, CA,
94305-4020, (415)723-1009, Fax:415-725-9755,
E-mail: hjortu [email protected]
THURBER, Clifford H., (M; 1983; ID# 11060), University of Wisconsin, Dept of Geology & Geophysics, 1215 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI,
53706, (608)262-6027, Fax: 608-262-0693, EmaiL: [email protected]
TIAMPO, Kristy, (S; 1995; ID# 16112), 3985
Promontory Court, Boulder,CO, 80304, (303)5450098
TONOUCHI, Ke~i,(M; 1977;ID# 10680), Oyo Corporpo~tion, 4-2-6 Kudan-Kita,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo
102, JAPAN,(81)3-3234-0811, Fax: 81-3-32625169
TOPPOZADA,ToussonR.,(M; 1974;ID# 12370),
Calf DivisionMines& Geotog~ 801 K Street, MS
12-31, Sac~mento, CA, 95814-3531, (916)3626851, Fax:916-324-1396
TORKAMANI,MortezaA., (M; 1986; ID# 11109),
Universityof Pittsburgh,949 BenedamHALL,Pillsburgh, PA, 15261, (412)624-9881, Fax:412-6240135, E-maiL:[email protected]
TORO,GabrielR., (M; 1991; ID# 12734), Risk
EngineeringInc, 4155 DarLeyAvenueSuite A,
Boulder, CO, 80303, (303)499-3000, Fax: 303499-4850, E-maiL:[email protected]
TICHELAAR,Bart W., (M; 1986; ID# 12567), Lobelialaan 118, 2555 PL The Hague, NETHERLANDS,
(31)70-368-9246, Fax: 31-70-311-3110, E-maih
TREIMAN,Jerome A., (M; 1988; ID# 13173), CaLifornia Div Mines & Geology, 107 S Broadway
Room 1065, Los Angeles,CA, 90012, (213)6203560
TRIBBLE, DavidB., (M; 1988; ID# 13087), LoyoLa
Universityof Chicago,6525 North Sheridan Road,
Chicago, IL, 60626, (312)508-3534
TRIEP, Enrique, (S; 1991; ID# 15523), LamontDoherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University,
PaLisades,NY, 10964, (914)365-8463, Fax: 914365-8150, E-maiL:[email protected]
TRIFUNAC, Mihailo D., (M; 1970; ID# 11853),
Univ of Southern California, KAP 216D, Dept of
CiviL Engineering,Los Angeles, CA, 90089-2531,
(213)740-0570, Fax: 213-744-1426
TSAI, Chu-ChuanP., (M; 1991; ID# 15231), PO
Box 1-55, Nankang,Taipei 115, TAIWAN ROC,
(886)2-783-9910X316, Fax: 886-2-783-9871, Email: [email protected]
TSAI, Yi-Ben, (M; 1968; ID# 12346), 481 Patrick
Way, Los ALtos,CA, 94022, (415)973-2989, Fax:
TSELENTIS,G-Akis, (M; 1990; ID# 13788), University of Patras, Theoretical& Appl SeismoLogy
Lab, GeoLogyDept, 261 10 Patras, GREECE,Fax:
TSUBOI, Seiji, (M; 1985; ID# 10688), Earthquake
Research Institute, Tokyo University, Bunkyo,
Tokyo 113, JAPAN, (81)3-3812-2111x5807, Fax:
81-3-3816-1159, E-maiL:[email protected]
TSUKUDA, Eikichi, (M; 1991; ID# 14991), Geological Surveyof Japan, EnvironmentalGeology
Dept, 1-1-3 Higashi,Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305,
JAPAN, (81)29-854-3656, Fax: 81-29-855-1298,
E-maih [email protected]
TSUMURA, Kenshiro, (M; 1971; ID# 10689), Iidanishi 3-chome, 3-10-301, Yamagata-shi 990-23,
JAPAN, (81)236-33-4163
TOSHINAWA,Takumi, (M; 1988; ID# 13129),
TSUTSUMI,Hiroyuki, (S; 1995; ID# 16223), Kochi
University, Dept of GeoLogyFaculty of Science, 25-1 Akebono, Kochi 780, JAPAN
Tokyo Inst of Technology,Dept of Buidling Environment, 4259 Nagatsuta Machi Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi 226, JAPAN, (81)45-924-5607, Fax:8145-924-5601, E-maiL:[email protected]
TSUTSUMI, Ken, (M; 1970; ID# 10941), Tufts University, Anderson HalL, Medford, MA, 02155,
(617)627-3211, Fax: 617-381-3819
TOSIC, Milan, (M; 1975; ID# 10882), 27 Marta No
50/IIl, 11000 Belgrade,SERBIA
TIBULEAC,lleana M., (S; 1995; ID# 16272),
Southern Methodist University,Deptof Geological
Sciences, Dallas, TX, 75275-0395, (214)7681659, E-maiL:[email protected]
Bldg 104, CorvalLis, OR, 97331-5503, (503)7520771, Fax: 503-737-2064, E-mail:
[email protected]
TRALLI, DavidM., (M; 1980; ID# 12218), 1018 E.
MountainViewAvenue,GLendora,CA, 91740-2873
TRANFAGLIA,Giuseppe, (M; 1989; ID# 13643),
Via Pietro det Pezzo,54/C (Scala B), 84100 Salerno, ITALY,(39)06-8482-6135
TUCKER, Brian E., (M; 1972; ID# 12371), GeoHazards InternationaL, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, 94305-2215, (415)723-3599, Fax: 415-7233624
TUMARKIN, Alexei, (M; 1992; ID# 15372), University of California, Institute for Crustal Studies,
Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-1100, (805)893-8446,
Fax: 805-893-8649, E-mail:
[email protected]
TREHU, Anne, (M; 1983; ID# 10956), Oregon
State University,Collegeof Oceanography,Admin
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
TUMILAR, Steffie, (M; 1977; ID# 10382), JIN
Mataram I No 23, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta SeLatan, INDONESIA
UTSU, Tokuji, (M; 1961; ID# 10692), 9-5-18
Kitami, Setagayaku,Tokyo 157, JAPAN,(81)33488-2634
VENTURA,Carlos E., (M; 1995; ID# 16316), Univ
of British Columbia, Dept of Civil Engineering,
2324 Main Mall, VancouverBC, V6T 1Z4, CANADA,
(604)822-6946, Fax: 604-822-6901
TURCOnE, Donald L., (M; 1974; ID# 11098), Cornet[ University, Snee Ha[[, Ithaca, NY, 148531504, (607)255-7282, Fax: 607-254-4780
VERNON, Frank, (M; 1985; ID# 11982), Univ of
California San Diego, IGPP A-025, La Jot[a, CA,
92093, (619)534-5537, Fax: 619-534-6354, Email: [email protected]
TURCOTrE, F. Thomas, (M; 1957; ID# 12233), PO
Box 701, App[egate, CA, 95703, (916)878-1105
TURPENING, RogerM., (M; 1962; ID# 10940),
Mass Inst of Technology,Earth Research Lab, 42
CarLeton Street, Cambridge, MA, 02142,
(617)253-7850, Fax: 617-253-6385, E-mail:
[email protected] (arpa)
16416), GeologicalSurvey& Mines Dept, PO Box
9, Entebbe, UGANDA,Fax:256-42-20-364
TUI'fLE, Martitia P., (M; 1987; ID# 12650), Universitj/of Maryland, Geology Dept, College Park,
MD, 20742, (301)405-1311, Fax:301-314-9661,
E-mail: [email protected]
TYLER, Luke, (M; 1993; ID# 15683), Riverview
College Observatory, LaneCove, Lane CoveNSW
2966, AUSTRALIA,(61)2-882-8222
UDIAS, Agustin, (M; 1961; ID# 10826), Univ
Comptutense de Madrid, Fac de CienciasFisicas,
Catedra de Geofisica, 28040 Madrid,SPAIN, (34)1394-4390, Fax: 34-1-394-4398
UHRHAMMER,Robert, (M; 1973; ID# 12308),
Univ of California, SeismographicStations, 475
Earth Sciences BLdg, Berkeley,CA, 94720,
(510)642-3977, Fax: 510-643-5811, E-mail:
[email protected]
ULLOM, Beth, (M; 1991; ID# 15203), 351 21st
Street NW, Canton, OH, 44709, (216)454-6706
UM, Junho, (M; 1991; ID# 15204), Univ of California San Diego, Inst of Geophysics& PLanetary
Physics, La JoLLa,CA, 92093-0225, (619)5345223, Fax: 619-534-5332, E-mail:
[email protected]
VALDES-GONZALEZ,CarlosM., (M; 1985; IO#
12136), UNAM,Instituto De Geofisica, s
Universitaria, Coyoacan,Mexico04510 DF, MEXICO, Fax: 52-5-616-2547
VALENZUELAWONG, Raut,(S; 1991; ID# 15176),
Washington University,Deptof EPSC,CampusBox
1169, 1 BrookingsDr, St. Louis,NO, 63130-4899,
(314)935-4228, Fax: 314-935-7361, E-mail:
[email protected]
VETTER,Ute R., (M; 1981; ID# 11796), US Bureau
of Reclamation, DS 8330, Denver FederalCenter,
Denver, CO, 80225, (303)236-4195x 269, Fax:
(303) 236-9071, E-marl: [email protected]
VAN ARSDALE,Roy, (M; 1995; ID# 15484), University of Memphis, Dept of GeologicalSciences,
Memphis, TN, 38152, (901)678-4356, Fax: 901678-2178, E-mail: [email protected]
VIDALE, John, (M; 1984; ID# 11923), Univ of California Los Angeles, Earth & Space Sciences, Los
Angeles, CA, 90095-1567, (310)206-3935, Fax:
310-825-2779, E-mail: [email protected][
VAN DE VRUGT, Hans,Jr., (M; 1991; ID# 15273),
11277 Huntingride Circle, Santee, CA, 92071,
VILLASENOR H., Antonio, (M; 1992; ID# 15446),
US Geological Survey, Denver FederalCenter MS
967, Box 25046, Denver, CO, 80225, Fax: 303273-8450
VAN ECK, Tori[d, (M; 1995; ID# 13324), BeL[amystraat 33 Sis, 3514 Ek Utrecht, NETHERLANDS, (31)30-271-5579, Fax: 31-30-271-5579,
E-mail: [email protected]
VAN HOUTEN,Gary, (M; 1975; ID# 12323), Van
Houten ConsultantsInc, 1370 Industrial Avenue,
Suite A, PetaLuma,CA, 94952-6519, (707)7621132
VANDECAR,John C., (M; 1987; ID# 12667), Carnegie Institution, DTM,5241 Broad Branch Road
NW, Washington, Ds 20015-1305, (202)6864370, Fax: 202-364-8726, E-mail: [email protected]
VANMARCKE,Erik H., (M; 1980; ID# 11004), Princeton University,E-QuadRoom E311, Princeton,
NJ, 08544, (609)258-5896, Fax: 609-258-1270,
E-marl: erik [email protected]
VARGAS, Carlos Fuentes, (S; 1996; ID# 16439),
UNAM, Instituto de Geofisica,Depto Sismo[ogia,
Ciudad Universitaria,04510 MexicoCity, MEXICO,
(52) 5-622-4129, Fax: 52-5-550-24 85, E-mai|:
UMINO, Norihito, (M; 1993; ID# 15554), Tohoku
University, Obs Centerfor Prediction, Earthquake
& Volcanic Eruptions,Sendai980, JAPAN, (81)22225-1950, Fax: 22-264-3292, E-mail:
[email protected]
VARGO, Stephen J., (M; 1996; ID# 16549), 526
Deer Watch Road, BridgeviLte,PA, 15017,
(412)921-3402, Fax:412-921-3402, E-mail:
[email protected]
URAL, ErdemA., (M; 1996; ID# 16355), Factory
Mutura[ Research, 1151 Boston-ProvidenceTurnpike, PO Box 9102, Norwood, MA, 02062,
(617)255-4931, E-mail: [email protected]
VASEY,CatrionaJ, (S; 1994; ID# 15873), University of Keete, Dept of Geology,Newcastle-UnderLyme, Staffs ST5 5BG, UK-ENGLAND,(44)17-82712631, Fax:44-17-8258-4115, E-mail:
[email protected]
URBANClC, TheodoreI., (M; 1988; ID# 13125),
ESGCanadaInc, 253 OntarioStreet, KingstonON,
KTL 2Y4, CANADA,(613)548-8287, Fax: 613-5488917, E-mail: [email protected]
VEITH, KarlE, (M; 1966; ID# 11211), 10333 HickDry Forest Drive, Oakton, VA, 22124
USKI, Maria, (S; 1991; ID# 14235), University of
Hetsinki, Institute of Seismo[ogy, PO Box 26(TeoL[isuuskatu 23), SF-00014 HeLsinki, FINLAND,Email: [email protected]
VESSELY,RobertS., (S; 1991; ID# 15167), Civil &
Structural Engineering,743 PacificStreet Suite B,
San Luis Obispo, CA, 93401, (805)541-2003
VELASCO, Aaron A., (M; 1990; ID# 13787), SAIC,
10260 Campus Point Drive, San Diego, CA, 92121,
(619)458-2694, E-mail: ve[[email protected]
VILLAVERDE, Roberto, (M; 1986; ID# 12025),
Universityof California, Dept of Civil Engineering,
Irvine, CA, 92717, (714)824-5482, Fax: 714-8242117, E-mail: [email protected]
VILMANN, OLe,(M; 1992; ID# 15326), Odegaard
& DanneskioLd-Samsoe,Kroghsgade1, DK 2100
Copenhagen, DENMARK,(45)1-3526-6011, Fax:
VILOIIE, Jean-Pierre, (M; 1991; ID# 15081), Inst
de Physiquedu GLobe,Inst de Sismotogic,4 PLace
Jussieu, Paris 75252 Cedex5, FRANCE,(33)14427-3888, Fax: 33-1-4427-4694, E-mail:
[email protected]
VIRIEUX, Jean, (M; 1981; ID# 10280), CNRS,Inst
de Geodynamique, Rue A. Einstein, 06560 VaLbonne, FRANCE,(33)9395-4251, Fax: 33-93652717, E-mail: [email protected]
VLAHOVlC, Gordana, (S; 1995; ID# 15679), Univ
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Geology Dept, Campus Box 3315, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599, (919)9689528
VLASITY, John, (M; 1987; ID# 11306), Risk Engineering, 4155 Dartey Ave, Suite A, Boulder, CO,
80303, E-maih [email protected]
VOGEL, David, (M; 1996; IO# 16340), 14930 Ventufa BLvdSuite 230, Sherman Oaks, CA, 91403,
(818)382-1340, Fax: 818-382-1342
VOGFJORD, Kristin S., (M; 1986; ID# 11117),
Princeton University, 418A Guyot Hall, Princeton,
NJ, 08544, (609)258-1507, Fax: 609-258-1274,
E-mail: vogfjord@weaseL
VON HILLEBRANDT,Christa, (M; 1995; ID#
16256), Puerto Rico Seismic Network, PO Box
5000, Mayaguez, PR, 00681-5000, (809)8338433, Fax: 809-265-1684, E-mail: [email protected]
SeismologicalResearch Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October1996
VON SEGGERN,David, (M; 1993; ID# 15509), University of Nevada, SeismoLogicaLLab, MS 174,
Reno, NV, 89557, (702)784-4242, Fax: 702-7841833, E-maiL:[email protected]
VSEVOLOZHSKY,Gregory, (M; 1994; ID# 15799),
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, CoLumbiaUniversity, SeismoLogy114B Route 9 West, Pa[asades,
NY, 10964, (914)365-8422, Fax: 914-365-8150,
E-maiL: [email protected]
couver BC, V5T 1M5, CANADA,(604)879-0494,
Fax: 604-879-6522
WALTER,Edward3, (M; 1970; ID# 11342), 9241
WEAVER, CraigS., (M; 1973; ID# 12413), 15221
186th AvenueNE, WoodinviLLe,WA, 98072,
(206)553-0627, Fax: 206-553-8350, E-maiL:
[email protected]
Ravenna Rd, C-6, Twinsburg,OH, 44087,
(216)963-0550, Fax: 216-963-0533
WEBB, RichardA., (M; 1992; ID# 15359), 621
WALTER,Michael3ames, (M; 1996; ID# 16419),
9241 RavennaRoad, Suite C-6, Twinsburg,OH,
44087, (213)963-0540
WALTER,StephenR., (M; 1984; ID# 12126), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey,MS 977, 345 MiddtefieLdRoad,
MenLoPark,CA, 94025, (415)329-4748
WADIA-EASCEI"rl, Sara, (S; 1994; ID# 15901),
Stanford University, 2.A. Btume Eq Engr Center,
Dept of Civil Engineering, Stanford, CA, 943054020, (415)725-3918, Fax: 415-725-8662
WALTER,WiLLiam R., (M; 1987; ID# 12668),
Lawrence Livermore Nat[ Lab, L-205, PO Box 808,
Livermore, CA, 94550, (510)423-8777, E-maiL:
WAGNER, GregoryS., (M; 1985; ID# 11118), University of Colorado, PhysicsDepartment, Campus
Box 583, BouLder,CO, 80309-0583, (303)4925243, Fax:303-492-7935, E-maiL: [email protected]
WANG,Chien-Ying,(M; 1983; ID# 10156), NatL
Hawick Road, RaLeigh, NC, 27615, (919)8489979, E-maiL: [email protected]
WEBB, Terry H., (M; 1982; ID# 10759), Inst of
GeoLogicaL& NucLearScience, PO Box 1320, WeLLington, NEW ZEALAND, (64)4-473-8208, Fax: 644-471-0977, E-maiL [email protected]
WEDBERG,JoeL, (S; 1995; ID# 16265), 145 HurL-
WAGNER,3ean-3acques, (M; 1994; ID# 10846),
Cd'etude Des RisquesGeo|ogiques,Sciencesde La
Terre Univ, 13 Rue Des Haraichers, CH-1211 Geneve 4, SWITZERLAND,(41)22-402-6603, Fax:4122-320-5732
WAISMAN, Federico, (S; 1995; ID# 16287), CorneL[University, 413 HotUster HALL,Ithaca, NY,
14853, (607)255-3328, Fax: 607-255-4808, EmaiL: [email protected]
WAKABAYASHI,,]ohn, (M; 1993; ID# 15014),
1329 Sheridan Lane, Hayward, CA, 94544,
WALCK, MarianneC., (M; 1984; ID# 11770), Sandia National Labs, Org 6116, MS 0750, PO Box
5800, ALbuquerque,NM, 87185-0750, (505)8440121, Fax:505-844-7354, E-maiL: [email protected]
WALD, David3, (t,1; 1985; ID# 11749), USGeoLogicaLSurvey, 525 South WiLsonAvenue, Pasadena, CA, 91106, (818)583-7238, Fax:818-5837827, E-maiL:[email protected][
WALD, Lisa A., (M; 1988; ID# 12999), USGeoLogicaL Survey, 525 S. Wilson Avenue, Pasadena,CA,
91106, (818)583-7822, Fax:818-583-7827, EmaiL: [[email protected][
WALKER, DanielA., (M; 1964; ID# 12396), Tsunami MemorialInstitute, 59-530 Pupukea Rd,
Hateiwa, HI, 96712, (808)956-8767
Centra[ University, Dept of Geophysics,Chung-[i
32054, TAIWANROC,(886)3-422-7151, Fax:8863-422-2044, E-mai[: [email protected]
WEICHERT, Dieter H., (M; 1968; ID# 10134),
Pacific GeoscienceCentre, 9860 W Saanich Road,
Box 6000, Sidney BC, V8L 4B2, CANADA,
(604)363-6433, Fax: 604-363-6565, E-maiL:
[email protected]
WANG, 3een-Hwa, (M; 1980; ID# 10157), Academia Sinica,Inst of Earth Sciences,PO Box 1-55
Nanking, Taipei, TAIWANROC,(886)2-363-0214,
Fax: 886-2-362-9563, E-maiL:[email protected]
WELLS, DonaLdL., (M; 1989; ID# 13179), Geomatrix ConsuLtants,100 PineStreet, Suite 1000, San
Francisco, CA, 94111, (415)434-9400, Fax: 415434-1365, E-maiL: dwetLs+aservL%[email protected]
WANG,3in, (M; 1996; ID# 16047), Centerfor
Monitoring Research, 1300 N 17th Street Suite
1450, ArLington,VA, 22209, (703)247-1820, Fax:
703-243-8950, E-maiL:[email protected]
WELLS, Ray,(M; 1991; ID# 15028), US Geo|ogicaL
Survey MS975, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad, MenLoPark,
CA, 94025, (415)329-4933, Fax: 415-329-4936,
E-maiL: [email protected]
WANG, Yumei, (M; 1995; ID# 16113), 800 NEOregon Street Apt 28, PortLand,OR, 97232,
(503)731-4100, Fax: 503-731-4066
WEN, Kuo-Liang,(M; 1991; ID# 13259), Academia
WANG, Zhenming, (S; 1995; ID# 16193), B201
ShawneetownDrive, Lexington, KY, 40503,
(606)257-3016, E-maiL:[email protected]
WARD, Peter L., (M; 1965; ID# 12257), US GeoLogicaLSurvey,MS 977, 345 MiddLefieLdRoad,
MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (415)329-4736, Fax:415329-5163
WARD,Steven N., (M; 1977; ID# 12339), University of CaLifornia,CF Richter SeismoLogyLab,
Earth SciencesBoard, Santa Cruz,CA, 95064,
(408)459-2480, Fax:408-459-2127, E-maiL:
[email protected]
WARRICK, Richard E., (M; 1960; ID# 12194),
1808 MarkTwain, PaLoALto, CA, 94303, (415)3295656
WATANABE,Hikaru, (M; 1988; ID# 13054), Kyoto
WALLACE, Robert E., (H; 1964; ID# 12125), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey, MS977, 345 MiddLefietdRoad,
MenLoPark, CA, 94025, (415)329-5159, Fax:415329-5143, E-maiL [email protected]
UniversityNasahara,FacuLtyof Science,Centerfor
Earthquake Prediction, Takatsuki 569, 3APAN,
(81)7-2694-8848, Fax: 81-7-2692-3715
WALLIS, DougLasM., (M; 1987; ID# 13001), Cook
Pickering & DoyLeLtd, 141 East 7th Avenue,Van-
Sinica, Inst of Earth Sciences, PO Box 1-55, Nankang Taipei 115, TAIWANROC,(886)2-7839910X319, Fax: 886-2-783-9871, E-maiL:
[email protected]
WESLING, 3ohn, (M; 1994; ID# 15030), Geomatrix ConsuLtants,100 PineStreet, lOth FLoor,San
Francisco, CA, 94111, (415)434-9400, Fax: 415434-1365
WESNOUSKY,Steven G., (M; 1977; ID# 11924),
University of Nevada, Centerfor Neotectonic
Studies, MackaySchool of Mines, Reno, NV,
89557, (702)784-6067, Fax: 702-784-1382, EmaiL: [email protected]
WESSON,RobertL., (M; 1968; ID# 11198), US
GeoLogicaLSurvey, 959 NationalCenter, 12201
Sunrise VaLLeyDrive, Reston, VA, 22092,
(703)648-6665, Fax: 703-648-6617, E-maiL: [email protected]
WEST, Michael W., (M; 1980; ID# 11652), 520
Prospect Drive, CastLeRock, CO, 80104, (303)6886064, Fax: 303-688-0206, E-maiL:
[email protected]
WESTAWAY,Robert W., (M; 1987; ID# 12616), 16
WATSON,CharLesP., (M; 1996; ID# 16413),
WALLACE, Terry C., 3r., (M; 1977; ID# 11752),
University of Arizona, Dept of Geosciences, GouLd
Simpson BLdg#77, Tucson, AZ, 85721, (520)6214849, Fax: 520-621-2672, E-maiL: [email protected]
but Street Apt 304, Pasadena,CA, 91105,
(213)740-3550, Fax: 213-740-8801, E-maiL:
[email protected]
13860 RanchoVerde Drive, Reno, NV, 89511,
(702)852-0992, Fax: 702-852-3226, E-maiL:[email protected]
WEAR, Robert E, (M; 1990; ID# 13739), 55 Los
Cerros Avenue,WaLnut Creek, CA, 94598
NeviLLeSquare, Merryoaks, Durham DH1 3PY, UKENGLAND,(44)91-384-4502
WETMILLER, Robert 3., (M; 1991; ID# 12702),
GeoLogicaLSurvey of Canada, 1 Observatory Crescent, Ottawa ON, KIA OY3, CANADA, (613)9955548, Fax: 613-992-8836, E-maiL:
[email protected]
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5
September/October1996 135
WHEELER, MarLa,(M; 1986; ID# 12523), 2401
Walnut Avenue,Joplin, MO, 64804-1466,
WHEELER, RandattM., (M; 1985; ID# 11476),
2401 Walnut Ave, JopSn, MO, 64804-1466,
WHEELER, RussellL., (L; 1984; ID# 11684), US
Geological Survey, MS 966, Box 25046, Denver
Federal Center, Denver,CO, 80225, (303)2738589, Fax: 303-273-8600, E-maih [email protected]
WHITCOMB, James H., (M; 1974; ID# 11890),
National Science FoundaUon,4201 Wilson Blvd
Ste 785, Arlington, VA, 22230, (703)306-1556,
Fax: 703-306-0382, [email protected]
WHITE, Robert L., (M; 1995; ID# 16111), Bechtel
Nevada, PO Box 98521, Las Vegas, NV, 891938521, (702)295-2939, Fax: 702-295-2934, Email: [email protected]
WHITELAW, JuLie, (S; 1995; ID# 16018), Univ of
Texas ELPaso, Dept of GeologicalSciences, El
Paso, TX, 79968, (915)747-5501, Fax: 915-7475073, E-mail: [email protected]
WHITESIDE, Lowell, (S; 1992; ID# 15310), POBox
3141, ELDoradoSprings, CO, 80025, (303)4976477, Fax:303-447-6513, E-mail: [
WHITMAN, Dean, (M; 1991; ID# 14172), FLorida
International University, Dept of Geology, Miami,
FL, 33199, (305) 348-3089, Fax: (305) 348-3877,
E-malE [email protected]
WIEMER, Stefan, (S; 1991; ID# 15200), University of Alaska, GeophysicalInstitute, Fairbanks,
AK, 99775-0800, (907)474-5678, Fax: 907-4747290, E-maih or [email protected]
WIENS, DouglasA., (M; 1982; ID# 11458), Washington University,Dept Earth & PlanetaryScience,
Campus Box 1169, St. Louis, MO, 63130,
(314)935-6517, Fax: 314-935-7361, E-mail:
[email protected]
WIGGINS, John H.,(M; 1991;ID# 14566),3.H.
Wiggins Engineers,1650 S. PadficCoast Highway
Suite 311, Redondo Beach, CA, 90277, (213)3162257, Fax:213-316-2389
WIGGINS-GRANDISON, Margaret D., (M; 1989;
ID# 13609), Univ of the West Indies, The Earthquake Unit, MonaCampus, Kingston 7, JAMAICA
WI, (809)927-2586, Fax: 809-927-1640, E-mail:
[email protected]
WILLIAMS, John W., (M; 1976; ID# 12137), 1021
Crestview Drive, San Carlos, CA, 94070, (408)9245050, Fax: 408-924-5053, E-maih
j [email protected]
WILLIAMS, Michael F., (M; 1992; ID# 15448),
1510 Chillon Street, Arroyo Grande, CA, 93420,
(805)473-2166, Fax: 805-489-4370, E-maih
WILLIAMS, RichardT., (M; 1982; ID# 11253),
University of Tennessee,Dept of GeologicalSci-
ences, Knoxville, TN, 37996, (615)974-2366, Fax:
615-974-2368, E-mail: [email protected]
WILLIS, David E., (M; 1958; ID# 11835), Pecan
Grove PLantation,1311Woodfair Drive,Richmond,
TX, 77469-6650
WINKLER, Virgil, (M; 1968; ID# 10872), Prados
DeL Este, Apartado 80537, Caracas1080, VENEZUELA
WITHERS, Mitchell M., (S; 1993; ID# 15761), New
Mexico Tech Inst, Box 2316 C/S,Soccoro, NM,
87801, (505) 835-5691, E-maih
[email protected]
WONG, Ivan G., (M; 1973; ID# 12141), Woodward
Clyde FederalServices,500 12th StreetSuite 100,
Oakland, CA, 94607, (510)874-3014, Fax: 510874-3268
WONG, Teng-Fong, (M; 1977; ID# 11062), State
University NewYork, DeptEarth& SpaceSciences,
Stony Brook, NY, 11794, (516)632-8212, Fax:
516-632-8240, E-mail: [email protected]
WOO, Gordon, (M; 1986; ID# 12522), 94 Sheen
Park, Surrey, Richmond,TW9 1UP, UK-ENGLAND,
(44)81-948-3591, Fax:44-81-332-2182
WU, Hsin-Hung, (S; 1993; ID# 15517), National
Central University,Institute of Geophysics,
Chung-Li 32054, TAIWANROC
WU, Jianxin, (S; 1991; ID# 15304), New Mexico
State University, Dept of Physics,Las Cruces,NM,
88003-0001, (505)646-3946, E-mail:
[email protected]
WU, Li-Ru, (S; 1995; ID# 16261), University of
Illinois, 245 Natural History Building, 1301 West
Green Street, Urbana,IL, 61801, (217)333-2744,
Fax: 217-244-4496, E-maih
[email protected]
WU, Ru-Shan, (M; 1991; ID# 15173), University
of California, Earth Sciences Board, Santa Cruz,
CA, 95064, (408)459-5135, Fax:408-459-2127,
E-maih [email protected]
wg, Yih-Min, (S; 1995; ID# 16231), Central
Weather Bureau,SeismologicalCenter, 64 KungYuan Road, Taipai, TAIWANROC,(886)2-3491173, Fax: 886-2-349-1178, E-mail:
[email protected]
WUENSCHEL, PaulC.,(M; 1950;ID# 11100), 128
Madan Avenue,GLenshaw,PA, 15116,(412)4860307
WOOD, Chris, (M; 1985; ID# 11644), 11960
Spruce CanyonCircle, Golden,CO, 80403,
(303)236-8405, Fax: 303-236-9071, E-mail:
[email protected]
WYSESSION, Michael E., (L; 1987; ID# 12675),
Washington University, Dept of Earth & PLanetary
Science, Campus Box 1169 I Brookings Drive, St.
Louis, MO, 63130, (314)935-5625, E-maih
[email protected]
WOOD, Sharon L., (M; 1995; ID# 16292), University of Texas,3 J Pickle ResearchCampus, 10100
Burnet Road, Bldg 177, Austin, TX, 78758, Fax:
WYSS, Max, (M; 1968; ID# 11692), University of
Alaska, GeophysicalInstitute, Fairbanks,AK,
99775-0800, (907)474-7558, Fax:907-474-7290,
E-mail: [email protected]
WOODS, Bradley B., (M; 1995; ID# 13386), Woodward-CLydeFederalServices, 566 ELDoradoStreet
Ste 100, Pasadena,CA, 91101, (818)449-7650,
Fax: 818-449--3536, E-mail:
[email protected]
WOODWARD, RobertL., (M; 1979;ID# 11177), US
GeologicalSurvey, AlbuquerqueSeismological
Lab, Btdg 10002, Kirtland AFB East,Albuquerque,
NM, 87115-5000, (505)846-5646, Fax: 505-8466973, E-mail: [email protected]
WOOLERY, Ed, (S; 1995; ID# 16192), PO Box 14,
Irvine, KY, 40336, (606)257-3016, E-maih
[email protected]
XIE, Jiakang, (M; 1985; ID# I1471), Lamont
Doherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University,
Route 9W, Palisades,NY, 10964, (914)365-8553,
E-maih [email protected]
XIE, Xiao-Bi, (M; 1991; ID# 14053), 121 Grant
Street Apt 13, Santa Cruz, CA, 95062, (408)4593653, Fax:408-459-2127, E-mail: [email protected]
WRIGHT, Robert S., (M; 1996; ID# 16548), 1913
Victoria Drive, Santa Ana, CA, 92706-2511,
XU, Tong, (S; 1994; ID# 15891), Univ of Texas
Dallas, Centerfor LithosphericStudies, PO Box
830688 FA3.1, Richardson,TX, 75083-0688,
(214)690-2422, Fax: 214-883-2829, E-maih
[email protected]
WRIGHT, Thomas Lawton, (M; 1994; ID# 15054),
136 Jordan Avenue,San AnseLmo,CA, 94960,
(415)456-9244, E-maihttwright@crLcom
xg, Yingbiao, (S; 1996; ID# 16459), 6652 Washington AvenueApt 6, St. Louis, MO, 63130, Email: [email protected]
WU, Da-Lih, (M; 1974; ID# 12229),40867 Ondina
Place, Fremont, CA, 94539, (510)651-6123
WU, FrancisT., (M; 1965; ID# 11084), State University New York, Dept of GeologicalSciences,
Binghamton, NY, 13901, (607)777-2512, Fax:
607-777-2288, E-mail: [email protected]
YACOUB, Nazieh K., (M; 1974; ID# 11282), 532
Lanternback Island Drive, Satellite Beach, FL,
32937-4021, (407)773-6617
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October1996
YAGHOUBIAN,Jack, (N; 1972; ID# 11940), Quantech Systems, 14243 Greenl[eafStreet, Sherman
Oaks, CA, 91423, (818)907-9095, Fax: 818-907-
YEATS, RobertS., (M; 1976; ID# 12409), Oregon
State University,Dept of Geosciences,Corvallis,
OR, 97331, (503)737-1226, Fax: 503-737-1200
YEGIAN, M. K., (M; 1993; ID# 15782), NortheastYAMAGUCHI,Shochi, (M; 1991; ID# 15075), Shinano-Machi 20, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, JAPAN,
(81)3-3359-6151, Fax:81-3-3359-6155
ern University,Dept of Civil Engineering,Boston,
MA, 02115, (617)373-2445, Fax: 617-373-4419,
E-mail[: [email protected]
YAMAMOTO,Akio, (M; 1994; ID# 15911), OYO
Corporation, EarthquakeEngineeringDept, 2-2-19
Daitakubo, Urawa-shi, Saitama-ken 336, JAPAN,
(81)48-882-5374, Fax: 81-48-882-8386
YEPES, HugoA., (M; 1982; ID# 10176), Escuel[a
Po[itecnica National, Instituto Geoflsico, Apartado 17-01-2759, Quito, ECUADOR,(593)2-567847
YAMAMOTO,ShunFoku,(M; 1988; ID# 13146),
Waseda University,Soda Laboratory, Ohkubo 3-41 Shinjuku,Tokyo 169, JAPAN,(81)3-3203-4141,
Fax: 81-3-3200-2567, E-mail:
[email protected]
YILMAZTURK,A., (M; 1991; ID# 13996), Karad-
YAMANAKA,Hiroaki, (M; 1987; ID# 13011),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,Dept Environmental[ Physics& Engineering,4259 Nagatsuta,
Midori-ku, Yokohama Kangawa227, JAPAN, (81)45-924-5513, Fax: 81-45-924-5519, E-mail:
[email protected]
YAMASHINA, Ken'ichiro,(M; 1980; ID# 10698),
Earthquake ResearchInstitute, University of
Tokyo, Yayoi Bunkyo-Ku,Tokyo 113, JAPAN,
(81)3-3812-2111, Fax: 3-3812-6979
YAMAZAKI,Fumio, (M; 1995; ID# 16314), University of Tokyo, Inst of Industrial[Science, 7-22-1
Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, JAPAN, (81)33401-8142, Fax: 81-3-3408-2666, E-mail[:
[email protected]
YAMAZAKI, Kensuke, (M; 1977; ID# 10699),
Tokyo Gakugei University, Mathematics & Information Dept, Koganei, Tokyo 184, JAPAN, (81)34225-2111, Fax: 81-3-4225-4244, E-maih
[email protected]
YAMAZAKI,Yoshitaka, (M; 1988; ID# 13049), 677
Obadera, Sakai, Osaka 593, JAPAN, (81)722-970145, Fax:81-722-97-0145
YANEV, PeterI., (M; 1975; ID# 12161), EQEEngineering Inc, 44 MontgomeryStreet Ste 3200, San
Francisco, CA, 94104-4805, (415)495-5500
YANG, Chu-Yun,(S; 1995; ID# 16237), NatL
Chung-ChengUniversity,Institute of Seismology,
Chia-Yi,TAIWANROC,(886)5-272-0357, Fax:8865-272-0807
YANG,Xiaoning, (S; 1996; ID# 16170), Southern
Methodist University,Deptof Geological[Sciences,
3225 Daniel[Avenue, Dallas,TX, 75275, (214)7681659, Fax: 214-768-2701, E-mail[:
[email protected];
YANG,Xiaoping, (M; 1993; ID# 15529), SAIC,
Center for Monitoring Research, 1300 N. 17th
Street Suite 1450, Arlington, VA, 22209,
(703)276-7900, Fax: (703)243-8950, E-maih
[email protected]
eniz TechnicalUniversity, Departmentof Geophysics, 61080 Trabzon,TURKEY
YOKOI, Toshiaki, (M; 1993; ID# 15770), Akita
University, Mining Col[lege,Gakuen-cho 1-1,
Tegata, Akita 010, ,iAPAN,(81)18-8335261x2373, Fax:81-18-837-0402, E-mail:
[email protected]
YOMOGIDA,Kiyoshi, (M; 1987; ID# 12979),
Hiroshima University, Facultyof Science, Earth &
PLanetarySystems Dept, Higashi-Hiroshma 724,
,iAPAN, (81)82-424-7479, Fax: 81-82-424-0735,
E-mail: [email protected],
YOSHIOKA, Naoto, (M; 1988; ID# 13152), Yokohama City University,22-2 Seto Kanazawaku,
Yokohama 236, JAPAN,(81)45-787-2344, Fax:
81-45-787-2344, [email protected]
YOUNG, ChrisJ., (M; 1990; ID# 13855), Sandia
National[Laboratories,Org 6116, MS0750, POBox
5800, ALbuquerque,NM, 87185-5800
YOUNG,R. Paul,(M; 1991; ID# 14018), University
of KeeLe,AppliedSeismology& Rock Physics,Dept
of Earth Sciences,Staffordshire ST55BG,UKENGLAND,(44)17-8258-3180, Fax: 44-17-82711076, E-mail: r.p.young2keel[
YOUNG,TerenceK., (M; 1978; ID# 11565), Mobil
North Sea Lid, Mobil[Court, 3 ELementsInn, London WCJA2EB,UK-ENGLAND,(44)171-412-4000,
E-mail: tk-youngc/ounixmail@da[,mobiLcom
YOUNGS,Robert R., (M; 1982; ID# 12288), 1147
High Court, Berkeley,CA, 94708, (510)434-9400,
Fax: 510-434-1365
YU, Guang, (M; 1991; ID# 13946), San Diego
State University,Departmentof Geol[ogicaLSciences, San Diego,CA, 92182, (619)594-8699,
Fax: 619-594-4372, E-mail[:
[email protected]
YU, Guey-Kuen,(M; 1979; ID# 10159), National
Central University,Institute of Geophysics,
Chung-Li, TAIWANROs (886)3-422-7151, Fax: 3422-2417
YU, Yong,lae, (S; 1993; ID# 15549), Seoul[
National University,Dept of GeologicalSciences,
Kwanak-gu,Seoul[151-742, SOUTHKOREA
YANG, Yung-Tun,(S; 1990; ID# 13724), CERI,
University of Memphis, 3904 CentralAvenue,
Memphis, TN, 38152, (901)678-2007, E-mail:
ZADEH, Masoud,(M; 1995; ID# 16121), Aon Risk
Technologies, 230 W. MonroeStreet Suite 900,
Chicago, IL, 60606, (312)456-8640, Fax: 312456-8647, E-mail[: [email protected]
ZAHRADNIK,,lid, (M; 1995; ID# 14215), Charles
University, Dept of Geophysics,V HoLesovickach
2, 180 O0 Praha 8, CZECHREPUBLIC,(42)2-85762546, Fax: 42-2-8576-2555, E-mail[:
IANDT, George, (M; 1995; ID# 11077), Lawrence
Livermore Nat!. Lab, Earth Sciences L-202, Livermore, CA, 94550, (510)423-6835
ZAUROV,David,(M; 1995; ID# 16257), 1683 58Lh
Street Apt C1, Brookl[yn, NY, 11204, (718)2323730
ZENG, Yuehua, (M; 1995; ID# 16029), University
of NevadaSeismol[ogicaLLab, Reno, NV, 89557,
(702)784-4231, E-mail[: [email protected]
ZERVA,Aspasia,(M; 1983; ID# 11021), Drexel
University, Civil EngineersingDept, Phitadel[phia,
PA, 19104, (215)895-2340, Fax: 215-895-1363,
E-mail[: [email protected][.edu
CHANG,`liajun, (M; 1983; ID# 11925), University
of California, CFRichter Seismol[ogica[Lab, Santa
Cruz, CA, 95064, Fax: 408-459-3536, E-mail[:
[email protected]
CHANG,Yu-Shen,(M; 1994; ID# 15803), Univ of
California Santa Cruz, Inst of Tectonics, Santa
Cruz, CA, 95064, (408)459-3653, Fax: 408-4592127
ZHAO, Dapeng, (M; 1991; ID# 14130), Washington University, Dept of Earth & PLanetarySciences, CampusBox 1169; One Brookings Drive, St
Louis, MO, 63130-4899, (314)935-7372, Fax:
314-935-7361, E-mail[: [email protected]
ZHAO, Lian-She,(M; 1991; ID# 13997), University
of Texas,Inst of Geophysics, 8701 North MoPac
BLvd,Austin, TX, 78759, (512)471-0486, Fax:
512-471-8844, E-mail: [[email protected]
ZHOU, Ran, (S; 1995; ID# 16074), 14641 Montero
Drive, Austin, TX, 78728, (512)471-0470, Fax:
ZIVCIC, Ml[aden,(M; 1991; ID# 14017), Sl[ovenia
Observatory,Seismological[Survey, Pot Na GoLovec
25, S-61000 LjubUana, SLOVENIA,(386)61-211725, Fax: 386-61-1405-370, E-maih
ZOBACK,Mark D., (M; 1981; ID# 12131), Stanford
University, Dept of Geophysics,Stanford, CA,
94305, (415)725-9295, Fax: 415-725-7344, Email: [email protected]
ZOBIN, VyachesLavM., (M; 1994; ID# 15815),
Univerzidad de CoLima, Obzervatorio Vul[canol[ogico, Av Univerzsidad 333, s
Col[28030, MEXICO, (52)331-467-67, Fax: 52-331-430-06, Email: vzobin@vol[can.ucoLmx
Seismological Research Letters Volume67, Number 5 September/October 1996 137
ZOLLO, Atdo, (H; 1991; ID# 12923), Univ de
Napoti Fede~co II, Dipt de Geofisica e Vutcano[gia, 10 Largo S. Marcetlino, 80138 Naptes, ITALY,
(39)81-551-6166, Fax: 39-81-552-7631
ZUCCA, John J . (M; 1977; ID# 12249), Lawrence
Livermore Nat[ Lab, FO Box 808, Liverrnore, CA,
94550, (510)422-4895, Fax: 510-422-7315, Email: zucca2@llnLgov
Fax: 52-5-616-2547, E-marl:
ZUNIGA, FranciscoRamon, (M; 1987; [D# 12747),
UNAH, Inst de Geofisica, Ciudad Univ Coyoacan,
04510 Mexico City DF, REXICO,(52)5-622-4138,
ZWICK, Peter C., (S; 1989; I0# 13720), 66 gth
Street Apt 1, Troy, NY, 12180, (518)276-6475,
Fax: 518-276-8627, E-mail: [email protected]
Seismological Research Letters Volume 67, Number 5 September/October1996
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Steven G. Wesnousky, President
Vernon F. Cor~aier, Vice-President
Joe J. Litehiser, Secretary
Fred E. Followill, Treasurer
Walter J. Arabasz (1997)
Ralph J. Archuleta (1997)
Gail M. Atkimon (1999)
Kenneth W. Campbell (1998)
Kevin Coppersmith (1999)
Vernon F. Cormier (1997)
Steve Malone (1999)
Barbara A. Romanowicz (1998)
David P. Schwartz (1998)
Paul Spudich (1999)
Gerardo Suarez (1997)
Terry C. Wallace, J r. ( 1998)
~hfistine PoweR, Chair
Jer-Ming Chiu, Vice Chair
C_milM. Atkimon, Secretary
Waverly Person, Treasurer
John E. Ebel, Fifth Member
Vernon F. Corn,ier, Chair
Ken Campbell
LucRe M. Jones
Steven G. Wesnousky
John E. Ebel, ex officio
Mike FeWer, ex officio
Bechtel Corporation
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Geotech Instruments
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We.stem Geophysical Company
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