Board of Studies 92-95, uploaded on 2013-06-04
Board of Studies 92-95, uploaded on 2013-06-04
Department of Anaesthesiology J. N. Medical College'AMU, Aligarh Dated: 12.12.2012 Miiutes of thp Meetine No .95 An Ordinary meeting of ihe Board of Studieswas held on ' Date z L7.11.2012 Time : 12.00noon J.N.Medical College,AMU Aligarh Venue : P. G. SeminarRoom, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, The following membersattendedthe meeting. JNMC (AssignedMember) Dept.of Orthopaedics, l. Prof.MohamnadZahid,Chairman, 2. Prof.M. MasoodHusainSiddiqi 3. Prof.S.Bano (In chair) 4. Prof.ShahlaHaleem 5 Prof.Abdul Quadir Professor 6. Dr. (Mrs.)Shaheen N. Jamil,Associate Professor 7. Dr. SyedMoiedAhmed,Associate 8. Dr. QaziEhsanAli, AssociateProfessor 9. Dr. HammadUsmani,AssistantProfessor 10.Dr. Abu Nadeem,AssistantProfessor I I. Dr. SyedHussainAmir, AssistantProfessor 12.Dr. ObaidAhmedSiddiqui,AssistantProfessor 13,Dr.Md. NesarAhmad,SeniorResident 14.Dr.BikramjitDas,SeniorResident 15.Dr. Mohammad NaseemJawed,SeniorResident Resident 16.Dr.NaziaTauheed,'Senior Resident 17.Dr, Vishwanath Senior Kumar, 18.Dr. Mohammad Sarfraz,SeniorResident l9 Dr ZaidSaghirAhmad,SeniorResident 20. Dr.AnjaliChauhan, SeniorResident 21. Dr. RishabhGautam.SeniorResident confirmed. Item No-l Theminutesof the ordinarymeetingof Boardof StudiesNo. 94 dated27.08.2012were - I of M.D. (Anaesth) batchadmittedin June2012wereallocated Supervisors Item No-2: Thejunior residents for Thesis. & Co-supervisors S.No. Candidate l. Dr.ManazirAthar Superryisor Prof.M.M.H.Siddiqi Co sunqrvisor Dr. SyedMoiedAhmed AssociateProfessor, Dept.of Anaesthesiology 2. Dr. Ankur Varshney Prof. S. Bano 3. Dr. NigarBari Prof.ShahlaHaleem 4. Dr.Muazzam Hasan Dr. ShahinN. Jamil Dept of Anaesthesiology AssociateProfessor, 5. Dr. KashmiriDoley Dr. SyedMoiedAhmed Dept of Anaesthesiology Professor, Associate 6. Dr. SarfarazAhmad Dr. Qazi EhsanAli 7. Dr. Arthi A Dr. Hammad Usmani Dept.of Anaesthesiology AssociateProfessor, \,. Dept.ofAnaesthesiology AssistantProfessor, 1. Dr. Mohammad Khalid - -Associate Professor, Dept.ofRadiology 2. Dr. Abdul Qayyum, AssistantProfessor, Dcpt of Orthopaedics Cont.......2 -2Item No- 3: The Thesistopic for M.n. lanaesth)batchadmittedin July 2072wercconsidered and approvedasdetailedbelow. I. NAME OF CANDIDATE BATCH ADMITTED NAME OF SUPERVISOR NAME OF CO-SUPERVISOR TOPIC 2. NAME OF CANDIDATE BATCH ADMITTED NAME OF SUPERVISOR TOPIC 3. NAME OF CANDIDATE BATCH ADMITTED NAME OF SUPERVISOR TOPIC 4 . NAME OF CANDIDATE BATCH ADMITTED NAME OF SI.JPERVISOR TOPIC 5. NAME OF CANDIDATE BATCH ADMITTED NAME OF SUPERVISOR TOPIC 6. NAME OF CANDIDATE BATCHADMITTED NAME OF SUPERVISOR TOPIC DR. MANAZIR ATHAR 2012 PROF.M.M.H.SIDDTQI professor, DR. SYED MOIED AHMED, Associate Dept. ofAnacsthesiotogy A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN LEVOBUPIVACAINE0.5% AND ROPIVACAINEO.75OA IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING SPINAL ANAESTHESIAFOR LOWER LIMB ORTHOPAEDICSURGERY DR. ANKUR VARSHNEY 20t2 PROF.S.BANO DEXMEDETOMIDINE AS AN ADJUVANT TO SPINAL ANAESTHESIA FOR LOWER LIMB SURGERIES:A PROSPECTIVESTUDY OF TwO DIFFERENT DOSES DR.NIGAR BARI 20t2 PROF.SHAHLA HALEEM A PROSPECTIVE RANDOMIZEDSTUDYTO COMPAREAMBU LARYNGEALMASKANDAIR.QWITHI-LMAASA}I INTUBATION CONDUITFORFATIENTSUNDERGOING ELECTIVESURGERY DR. MUAZZAM HASAN 2012 professor, DR. SHAHIN NIKHAT JAMIL, Associate Dept. ofAnaesthesiology AN OBSERVATIONALSTUDY FOR EVALUATION OF SUPREME LMA IN PAEDIATRIC PATIENTS DR. KASHMIRI DOLEY 20t2 professor, DR. SYED MOIED AHMED, Associate Dept. ofAnaesthesiology A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN C.MAC AND AIRTRAQ LARYNGOSCOPES AS INTUBATING DEVICE DR. SARFARAZ AHMAD 2012 DR. QAZI EHSAN ALI, AssociateProfessor, Dept.of Anaesthesiology A PROSPECTIVERANDOMIZED STUDY TO COMPAREAND EVALUATE KING VISION VIDEO LARYNGOSCOPE,Mc COY LARYNGOSCOPEAND MACINTOSH LARYNGOSCOPEAS INTUBATING DEVICESIN ADULT PATIENTS Cont....3 -3- 7. NAME OF CANDIDATE BATCH ADMITTED : DR. ARTHI A z 20t2 NAME OF SUPERVISOR NAME OF CO-SUPERVISOR : DR. FIAMMAD USMANI, Assistantprofessor, Dcpt.of Anaesthesiorogy profcssor, : DR. MOHD. KHALID, Associate Dept. ofRadiotogy NAME OF CO-SUPERVISOR professor, : DR. ABDUL QAYYLM, Assistant Dept. oforrhopaedics : PULSED RADIOFREQUENCY NEUROMODULATION VERSUS LOCAL ANAESTHETIC. STERIOD NERVE BLOCKS OF LATERAL FEMORAL CUTANEOUS NERVEIN THE TREATMENTOFMERALGIA PARESTHETICA TOPIC AItl'Y OTHER ITEM: A proposalto increasethe teachingstaff of the Departmentof Anaesthesiology& Critical Care was discussed exhaustively.It was unanimouslydecidedby the membersto reconsiderthe request(which was recommended by ExecutiveCouncilheld on 29,09.2012 vide D.No. (C) /4300,dated:Og.ll.2Ol2\on the gound that the departments of Neurosurgery, PediatricSurgery& CardiothoracicSurgeryhavebeencreated recently.The departmentof Neurosurgeryis requestingto provideAnaesthesiafacilitiesall the six daysa week.OrthopaedicdeparfrnentwantsAnaesthesia servicessix daysa week insteadof five daysa weekand TraumaCentrewill be functionalvery soon.The muchcherished goalof anyteachingmedicalinstitutionis to achieveexcellencein clinical productivity, implementationof educationalpregramme,undertakes research work. It is not possibleto achievetheseobjectiveswith the existingstaff strength.Thereforeit rvas decidedthat additionalpostsof AssociateProfessor(03) AssistantProfessor(11) & SeniorResidents(ll) may be sanctionedto the Departrnentof Anaesthesiolory to meet the presentshortage& help to provide Anaesthesia servicesto Newly CreatedDepartments & IntensiveCareUnit. Themeetingendedwith a vote of thanksfrom theChair. W -_ (Prof.ShahlaHiGm,E. Chairman CHAlRMAf{ -.'.* J Artaesstes{ot$Y ":.,*X,rlt:Anru, nnetri' I r_- -l- Department of Anaesthesiology J. N. Medical College, AMU, Aligarh Minutes of Meeting No.94 Dated:27.09.2012 \rt ordinarrrrleetillg of the Boardof Studiesof Department of Anaesthesiology,was held. Dated: 27.08.2012 Time : 12.00noon venue: P'G'serninarRoom, Departmentof Anaesthesiology, J.N. Medicalcollege,AMu, Aligarh. Folloriing rnerrrbers attended the nteetin_e. l Prol Mohd' AshrafMalik,ChiefMedicalSuperintendent (Specialinvitee) 2. Prof. Mohd. MasoodHusainSiddiqi 3. prof. S. Bano 4. prof. SliahlaHaleem (hi Chair) 5. prof. Abdul euadir 6 D r S h a h c eN n . J a m i l .A s s o c i a tper o f e s s o r . l. Dr..Sr ed MoredAhmed.Associate professor 8. Dr. Qazi EhsanAli, Associateprofessor 9, Dr. HammadUsmani,Assistantprofessor 10. Dr. Abu Nadeern,Assistantprofessor I L Dr. SyedHussainAmir, Assistantprofessor l 2 D r . O h a i dA h r l e d S i d d i q u iA. s s i s t a nptr o f e s s o r l i . D r . \ l c l . N e s a rA h n r a dS . e n i o rR e s i d e n t 14. Dr..BikrarnjitDas,seniorResident 15. Dr. MohammadSarfaraz,SeniorResident 16. Dr. Zaid SaghirAhmad, SeniorResident 17.Dr. NaziaTauheed,senior Resident 1 8 .D r . A n . i a lC i h a u h a nS. e n i o R r esiderrt 1 9 .D r . I L i s l r a bGl ra u t a mS . enioR r esident v ' Item No'1' confirrnedthe minutesof ordinary Meeting of Board of StudiesNo. 93 dated: 16.02.12. \v Item No'2'Thefollowing supe'v-isors and co-supervisors areallocatedio post-graduate (MD) students admittedin Julv 2012. S.No. Ca_ndiclate ! \ Supervisor t. Dr. MauazirAthar 2. Dr. Ankur varshney 3. Dr.NigarBari I Dr' NlLrazzam llasan i Dr KaslrrniriDoley Dr. s.MoiedAhmad.Associate prof. Dept.of Anaesthesiologl 6' Dr' SarfarazAhrnad Dr. Qazi EhsanAli, Associateprof, Dept. of Anaesthesiology 7. Dr. Afthi A. Dr. HammadUsmani,Assistantprof, Dept.of Anaesthesiology 'fhe prof. M.M.H.Siddiqi,Dept. of Anaesthesiology prof. shahjahanBano,Dept. of Anaestrresiorogy Prof. ShahlaHaleem, Dept. of Anaesthesiology 'Prot-. Dr' Shahirr N.-lamil.Associate oept. of Anaesthesiolog; A l l o c a t i o l lo f C o - s t t p e r v i s o rws i l l b e d e c i c l e a c lt t h e t i n r eo f a l l o t n r e r to f t h e s i st o o i c s . a- Item No' 3:- RevisedSyllabusfor M.D. (Anaesthesiology) p.G. and Diploma in Anaesthesiologr uas alreadl'appl'oYed' ho$'everferv'minorchanges weredoneto furtherelaborate the svllabus ' by inclLrsion of Goals& objectr'esof syllabusand practicalaspect of syllabusforweb i,rr"r*"r.". ) I Item No' 4:- Narne of the Examiners& Moderators for M.D. (Anaesthesiology) examinationfor 2013 (January+ 'luly) were approvedand sent to controller of examinationAMU through Dean Facultyof Medicine.AMtl. undersealedcover(Appendix_I). Item No' 5 :- Nalrreof the Examiners& Moderators for P.G.Diplomain Anaesthesiology examination for 2013 (January+ July) were approvedand sent to controller of examinationAMU throughDean Facultyof MedicineAMU, undersealedcover(Appendix-Il). rtem No' 6:- Allocation of teachingto undergraduate MBBS and BDS stude'ts for the session20122013rvasconsidered and approved(Appenctix_Ill). Item No'7:- 'Annualreportof the department of Anaesthesiologl,for the year 20ll-12 wasapprovedby the membersof Boardof Studies'It hasbeensentto DeputyRegistrarGeneralsection,AMU through the Dean,Facultl of Medicine,AMU, vide D,No. 462lAnaesth./Annual Report,dated:26.03.2012. ,;i,: r; ?'l::l'.,;:,jl,;Tl":",::J;:"1 ffrffir;,ri,:J::T:::i,l::;l1,i,ffi _ EP/DS/216'dated 10.07.12,was presented by Dr Syed Moied Ahmed. Associateprofessor.. rvl.rou,as appro'edas pro-qramlne co-ordinatorunanimously. The salientfeaturesol ahd discussedin detail. professorA. euadir suggestedthat the name ol Diplornain Intensivecare" may be cha'ged to ,,post-pG Diploma in Inter: and acceptedby the members. Facurty members of the departmentr Puhnonarl'Medici'ewill also be allowedto persue this courseprovicled timeaftertakirrgreqLrisite leavefrotn theirparentdepartment withoLrt any financialobligationon the parr of depafttnertt of Anaesthesiology. Prof, M. Ashraf Malik (specialinvitee)highly appreciared and recotrtnetrded the course' However, after dealing each aspectthoroughly the mlmbers unanimously ,,,i,,. , approvedthe courseand passedit. $i.1t11i ' ' r''' ;'l Anv other item:I)r Sled Moiccl'{hnied.AssociateProfessor. mentioned that he would like to organrzea rvorkshop.rr "MechanicalVentilationand ABG Analysis".The program will be predonrinantly focusedon the basic atd advanced mechanical ventilation targeting the resident doctors ar specialties. Dr HammadUsma'i, Assistantprof-essor, would rike to organizea Syrnpos c h r o n i cB a c l i P a i r lo n ? 2 n dD e c ' 2 0 1 2 T h e r n eo f w h i c h d would be ,,evidenceb a s e dm a n a g e m e not l " chronicback pain"'Theresource personsforthe saidprogramme areas follorvs:l. Dr. RarnpasLrpLrleti. centretbr pairr'lanagement,KY. usA.2. Prof.Ashok Saxena,Universitycollege,rrr,1.oi."lt;'#, , :. and GTB Hospital,NervDelhi. 3. Prof. G.p. Dureja, pain DirecrorDelhi ManagementCentre,NervDelhi. ,,,,.i.i :. '' ',' The rneetingended with a vote of thanks from the chair. - ,.[ t ' , ' I l.-u.Y' , . ' ; . : l l ' t ' o r .S l l a h l al - l a i e e m ) L ltalrntan ' &* r'.", Dqrit ct,:einffirr.rl$Uy .p.8th l-, ,{k* Department of Anaesthesiology J. N. Medical College,AMU, Aligarh Dated:16.02.2012 Minutes of the Meetine No .93 An Ordinarymeetingof the Board of Studiesof Departmentof Anaesthesiologywas held. Date z 13.02.2012 Time : 12.30PM Venue : P. G. SeminarRoom, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, J.N. Medical College,AMU Aligarh. The following membersattendedthe meeting, l. 2. Prof.M. MasoodHusainSiddiqi Prof. S. Bano 3. Prof. Baljeet Singh, Headof Dept.of Anaesthesia & Critical Care,cB PantHospitat,New Delhi(Cooptedmember) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, I 1. 12. 13, 14. 15, 16, 17. Prof.Mohd.Zahid,Dept.of ortho. surgery,JNMC Prof.ShahlaHaleem, Dr. (Mrs) Shaheen N. Jamil,Assoc.Prof. Dr. QaziEhsanAli, Assoc.Prof. Dr. HammadUsmani,Assist.Prof Dr. Abu Nadeem,Assist.Prof Dr. SyedHussainAmir, Assist.Prof Dr. FarahNasreen,Assist.Prof. Dr. Mohd.NesarAhmad,SeniorResident Dr. MozammilShafi,SeniorResident' Dr. Mohd.SabihulIslam,SeniorResident Dr. BhawaniShankarVtjay, SeniorResident Dr. RehmanHyder,SeniorResident Dr. Dr. BikramiitDas.SeniorResident (Inchair) (Assignedmerfiber) Item No- I: Theminutesof themeetingof Boardof Studies. No. 90 :( ordinarymeeting)dated03.10.2011, No. 91 :( specialmeeting) dated05.11.201 I and No. 92 :( specialmeeting) dated30.01.2012wereconfirmed, Item No- II: Topicof Thesisto the followingstudents of M.D (Anaesth.) batchadmiuedin 2011 (une-sept)wereallocated. gavea powerpointpresentation The PG residents of theirProtocol. Thetopicswerediscussed in detailandvaluablesuggestions wereincorporated. Cont 2 -2- L Name of Candidate, Dateof Admission Name of Supervisor Name of Co-supervisor Topic 2. Nameof Candidate Dateof Admission Nameof Supervisor Nameof Co-supervisor Topic 3 . Nameof Candidate Dateof Admission Nameof Supervisor Topic 4. Nameof Candidate Dateof Admission Nameof Supervisor Topic 5 . Nameof Candidate Dateof Admission Nameof Supervisor Topic 6 . Nameof Candidate Dateof Admission Nameof Supervisor Topic : Dr. Erum Ozair : 0 6.09.201I : Prof. M.M.H.Siddiqi, oept.of Anaesthesiology, JNMC Dr. Qazi Ehsan Ali,, Dept.of,Anaesthesiology, JNMC A comparativeevaluationof Dexmedetomidineand fentanylto attenuatepressorresponseduring Laryngoscopy and endotrachealintubation. Dr. NadeenRaza 06.09.20rr Prof. S. Bano, Dept.of Anaesthesiology, JNMC prof.,Dept. :Dr. SyedMoied Ahmed,Assoc. ofrAnaesthesiology, JNMC : A comparativestudy between McGrath and Airtraq Laryngoscopeas indubating device. : Dr. Md. Nishat Akhtar : 30.06.2011 Prof. Abdul Quadir,Dept. ofAnaesthesiology, JNMC Comparisonof block charactersticsand Haemodynamic changesbetweenRopivacaine and Ropivacaine with Fentanyl in Patientsundergoing Spinal Anaesthesiafor lower limb OrthopaedicSurgery Dr. Arijit Samanta 02.07.20r I prof.,Dept.of Anaesthesiology, Dr. ShahirfN. Jamil, Assoc. JNMC An observational studyof the AirfaqrM Guidedintubation in paediatricpatients. Dr. Dharmendra Kumar 30.06.2011 prof, Dept.of Anaesthesiology, : Dr. Syed Moied Ahmed, Assoc. JNMC The relationshipbetweenthe central& peripheralvenous pressureafterpassiveleg raise,applicationof pEEp and tissuepressureA Prospectiveobservationalstudy. Dr. Shaista Jamil 30.06.201l prof.,Dept. Dr. Qazi EhsanAli, Assoc. ofAnaesthesiology, JNMC Efficacy of Dexmedetomidineas an adjuvant to Bupivacaine in PNS guidedsupra-clavicularBrachial plexus block. Cont 3 Name of Candidate Dateof Admission Name of Supervisor Name of Co-suPervisor Topic . : Dr. RoshanAndleeb : 30.06.2011 JNMC : Dr. Hammad Usmani,Assist' Prof', Dept' of Anaesthesiology' Surgerv'JNMC : (i). Dr. Nayyar Asif,essoc. Prof' Dept'oforthopaedic (ii). Dr. Shaheen, Assist.Prof'Dept of obst & GvnacJNMC : Conventionalradiofrequencythermocoagulationversus in puft.a radiofrequencyne*o*odulation of ganglion Impar 1 ihronic non-oncologicalperinealpain' Dept' of Clinic, ittir rruav witl be conduited in the Pain Anaesthesiology,JNMC, AMU Aligarh' Anv otherltem: of AnaesthesiaTechnologyin the The membersof Board of studies had approvedstarting o meetingheldon 30.01.2012. & or technicianwork in operationtheater,a more that sinceboth Anaesthesia Now it is suggested & Diplomain Endoscopy' degteecoursemaybe evolvedby combiningDoTM, DAA comprehensive institutesin India and in our Medicalcollege on the patternof degreecoursesrun by variousother e.g'MedicalLab Technology' + Microbiology+Biochemistry) also(Pathology bothin job scopeof passoutsin privatesector.A candidatewho canassist Aim 1. To increase will be definitelyprefened' operationandAnaesthesia of threecourseswill study& train 2. Betterutilizationof infrastnrctureandfacilities.Students together. Techniques)' Anaesthesia is Medicarrechnology(operationTheater& Thenamesuggested The meetingendedwith vote of thanksfrom chair' Departmentof Anaesthesiology J.N. Medical College,AMU, Aligarh . Minutes of the Meeting No.92 . A specialmeetingof the Board of Studiesof the deparrment was held on 30.0l.Z0l2. Date 'l'ime : 30.01.201I : 12.00noon Venue : t'. G. SeminarRoom, Dept.of Anaesthesiology, J. N.Medical College,AMU Aligarh. 'l'hcfollowingmcmbersattendedthe meeting. I 2 Prof.ShahjahanBano (tn_chair) I)r Kirti N. SaxenaProf.& Head,Dept.of Anaesthesiology (co-optedmember) Maurana AzadMedicar corege,NewDerhi :1. prot-.ShahlaHaleem 4. Prof.Abdul euadir 5. Dr. (Mrs.)Shaheen N. Jamil.Associate Professor 6. Dr. Qazi EhsanAli, Associateprofessor 7. Dr. HammadUsmani, Assistantprofessor 8. Dr. SyedHussainAmir, Assistantprofessor 9. Dr. Abu Nadeem,Assistantprofessor 10,Dr. Obaid Ahmed Siddiqi, AssistantProfessor I l. Dr. FarahNasreen,Assistantprofessor 12.Dr. Md. NesarAhmad, SeniorResident 13.Dr. RuchiSaini,SeniorResident 14.Dr. Bikramjit Das, Senior Resident 15.Dr. Mozammil Shafi.SeniorResident l6 Dr BhawaniShankarVrjay, SeniorResident l7 I)r ltehmanHyder.SeniorResident Item No.0l: lo considerthe Xll Five year planproposal. 'l'he proposaltbr Xll t-iveYear Plan was discussed andapprovedunderthe tbllowing heads. (i) Plan proposalfor Department of Anaesthesiolosv. In this plan the membershave decidedto emphasizethe requirementfor teaching& non teaching staff andspacefor the departmentof Anaesthesiolgy. .fustification:The departmentof Anaesthesiology has not been given any'teachingor nonteachingpostduringthe last threeplans(l 5 years). While therehas been increasein the no. of surgeons,superspecialities and patient care services in the departmentlike Intensive care unit & pain clinic. DAA (paramedicalcourse) is also rrrrrninil tirrlast08 vears. {. lltc t'lcpallntcnt needsspacefbr tJndergraduate demonstration room (MCI recommendation). teacltct's'charttbcrs (separate for ladies& gents),a simulationlab and a storeroom,T'heexistrng spaceis inadequate& old. The building requiresfrequentrepair & renovationwhich has not beendonefbr vears. Contd.....2 2- Next on priority is upgradationof existingOTs and PACU (Postoperativerooms)in Hmergencv OTs. GynaeOTs.andSurgeryOT complex. Justification: Following is the record of casesoperatedduring last 5 yrs. under GA,/ RA. The no. of casesdone by surgeonsunder LlAarcnot included Year SOTs 2007 2008 2009 201 0 .6682 6625 6890 6874 6436 201r Gynae OTs EOTs Total 2200 2296 2147 1583 1634 t723 1895 1793 r046s l0sss 20r8 1859 r0760 r0787 10088 'I-he planis submitted to throughChiefMedicalSuperintendent, J.N.MedicalCollegeHospital. -'l'hereis needfor up gradation of PainClinicandAnaesthesia OPD.Theplanis submitted to ChiefMedicalSuperinrendent. (Planattached) - l'hedept.plansto establish Simulationlab for teaching& trainingof post graduate& Undergraduate studentsin advancedtechniquesof Anaesthesia" critical care and Resuscitation. Theplanproposalis attachedin XII plan proposal. ( i i ) T h e i n t e n s i v e c a r e u n i t ( 8 + 4 b e d ) o f t h e J ' N . MedicalCollege.Hospitalhasbeenupgraded duringXI-Five Year plan and Rs. 100.00. lakhwassanctioned for equipments. Fromthis fundsix bedshavebeencommissioned and workingsinceJune20ll.Additionalequipments arerequiredto makethe remaining beds operational. A list of equipments approvedin the Board of Studiesmeeringhetdon 30.01.2012 is beingrecommended throughChief MedicalSuperintendenr, J.N. Medical' College. AMU. Aligarh.(PlanAnachedfor Non-pGResident)) (iii) l-hemembers of the Boardof Studieshaveunanimously decidedto recommend startingof B. Sc Anaesthesia Technolow.Theplanhasbeensubmitted to DeanFacukl,of Medicine videD.No.801/Anaesth./DAA/dated:3 1.01.201 2. (copyattached) Item No.02:Themembers of the Boardof Studies haverecommended increase in inrakein pC seatsfromexisting07 to 12 asfollows,basedon D.No.1987/FM,dated:17.01.2012. No. of PostgraduateTeacher Professors 04 Associate Professor 03 Assistant Professor 0l Thedepartment has10 PG diplomaseatJrecognized by MCI. No changeis recommended in no. of PGdiplomaseats. Themeetingendedwith vote of thanksfrom the Chair. (Prof=FBafid cLtlx}}tso* ryt ofAneesrhesiohgy Jt:i.4i,At*tu,Alirarh Encl: The XII Five Year Plan for the departmentis atcached. Department of Anaesthesiology J. N. Medical College,AMU, Aligarh Dated:16.02.2012 Minutes of the Meetine No .93 An Ordinary meeting of the Board of Studiesof Departmentof Anaesthesiologywas held. Date z 13.02.2012 Time : 12.30PM Venue : P. G. SeminarRoom, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, J.N. Medical College,AMU Aligarh. The following membersattendedthe meeting. -\-/ 1. 2. Prof.M. MasoodHusainSiddiqi Prof. S. Bano 3. Prof' Baljeet Singh, Headof Dept.of Anaesthesia & Critical Care,G.B,Pant Hospital,New Delhi(Cooptedmember) 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1l. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Prof. Mohd. zania,.oept.of ortho. Surgery,JNMC Prof. ShahlaHaleem, Dr. (Mrs) ShaheenN. Jamil, Dr. Qazi EhsanAli, Dr. HammadUsmani, (Inchair) (Assignedmember) Dr. Abu Nadeem,Assist. Prof Dr. SyedHussainAmir, Dr. FarahNasreen, Dr. Mohd. NesarAhmad, SeniorResident Dr. Mozammil Shafi, SeniorResident Dr. Mohd. SabihulIslam, SeniorResident Dr. Bhawani ShankarVrjay, SeniorResident Dr. RehmanHyder, SeniorResident Dr. Dr. Bikramjit Das, SeniorResident v: Item No- I: The minutesof the meetingof Board of Studies. No. qO :( ordinarymeeting)dated03.10.2011, No. 91 :( specialmeeting) dated05.11.2011 and No. 92 :( specialmeeting) dated30.01.2012were confirmed. Item No- II: Topicof Thesisto the followingstudents of M.D (Anaesth.) batchadmittedin 20l l were allocated. The PG residents gavea powerpointpresentation fiune-sept) of theirProtocol. Thetopicswerediscussed in detailandvaluablesuggestions wereincorporated. -2- l. Name of Candidate Date of Admission Name of Supervisor Name of Co-supervisor Topic 2. Name of Candidate Date of Admission Name of Supervisor Name of Co-supervisor Topic v v 3. Name of Candidate Date of Admission Name of Supervisor Topic Dr. Erum Ozair 06.09.2011 Prof. M.M.H.Siddiqi, Dept.of Anaesthesiology, JNMC Dr. Qazi Ehsan Ali, Assoc.Prof.,Dept.ofAnaesthesiology, JNMC A comparativeevaluation of Dexmedetomidineand fentanyl to attenuatepressorresponseduring Laryngoscopyand endotrachealintubation. Dr. NadeenRaza 06.09.2011 : Prof. S. Bano, Dept.of Anaesthesiology, JNMC :Dr. Syed Moied Ahmed, Assoc.Prof , Dept.of Anaesthesiology, JNMC A comparativestudy betweenMcGrath and Airtraq Laryngoscopeas indubatingdevice. Dr. Md. Nishat Akhtar 30.06.201r Prof. Abdul Quadir,Dept. ofAnaesthesiology, JNMC Comparisonof block charactersticsand Haemodynamic changesbetweenRopivacaine and Ropivacainewith Fentanylin PatientsundergoingSpinal Anaesthesiafor lower limb OrthopaedicSurgery 4. Name of Candidate Date of Admission Name of Supervisor Topic Dr. Arijit Samanta 02.07.2011 5. Name of Candidate Date of Admission Name of Supervisor Topic Dr. DharmendraKumar 30.06.2011 6. Name of Candidate Date of Admission Name of Supervisor Topic Dr. Shahin N. Jamil, Assoc.Prof, Dept.of Anaesthesiology, JNMC An observationalstudy of the AirtraqrM Guidedintubation in paediatricpatients. Dr. Syed Moied Ahmed, Assoc.Prof.,Dept.of Anaesthesiology, JNMC The relationship betweenthe central & peripheral venous pressureafterpassiveleg raise,applicationof PEEPand tissuepressure-A Prospectiveobservationalstudy. Dr. ShaistaJamil 30.06.20tr Dr. Qazi Ehsan Ali, Assoc.Prof.,Dept of Anaesthesiology, JNMC Efficacy of Dexmedetomidineas an adjuvant to Bupivacaine in PNS guidedsupra-clavicularBrachial plexus block. Cont 3 -3- 7. Name of Candidatb Date of Admission Name of Supervisor Name of Co-supervisor Topic Dr. RoshanAndleeb 30.06.2011 Dr. Hammad Usmani,Assist. prof Dept.of Anaesthesiology, , JNMC (i). Dr. Nayyar Asif,essoc. prof.Dept.ofOrthopaedic Surgery, JNMC (ii). Dr. Shaheen, Dept.of Obst.& Gynac.JNMC Anv other ltem: The membersof Board of Studieshad approvedstarting of AnaesthesiaTechnology in the meetingheld on 30.01.2012. Now it is suggestedthat since both Anaesthesi a & oT technicianwork in operationtheater,a more comprehensive degreecoursemay be evolvedby combiningDOTM, DAA & Diploma in Endoscopy, on the patternof degreecoursesrun by various other institutes in India and in our Medical College also (Pathology+ Microbiology+ Biochemistry)e.g.Medical Lab Technorogy. Aim 1' To increasejob scopeof passouts in private sector. A candidatewho can assistboth in operationand Anaesthesiawill be definitely preferred. 2' Betterutilization of infrastructureand facilities.Students of threecourseswill study & train together. The namesuggestedis B'Sc Medical Technology(operation The meeting endedwith vote of thanks from chair. (Pro Chairman 01{p,lRitlA,ns ri,-r;di of "&nee*lt"uasiotogy , l,l',J,,,\iiil.J, Atf$srh Theater& AnaesthesiaTechniques).