WINTER 2012 BUYMART January 15-18, 2012 (move-in January 15) AGENT REGISTRATION PACKAGE Sheraton Vancouver Airport 7551 Westminster Highway, Richmond, B.C. WHAT’S NEW Show Name – To keep it simple, we’ve decided to change the name to the season and year that the show is currently taking place, hence Winter 2012 Buymart. Venue - This winter’s show is going back to Richmond – the Sheraton Vancouver Airport (formerly The Best Western). Parking – Complimentary parking is available. More information will be sent closer to the show. Booth Prices – In addition to the exhibitor hotel rooms, booth space is available in the Minoru Grand Ballroom, Westminster Salon, Cedarbridge room and Foyer areas. Costs for booth vary depending on booth size. Please see the floor plan on pages 5-6 for more information as well as page 8 for booth costs. Cheque Discount - We are pleased to bring back the 5% discount for payment by cheque – on your payment page (page 11) just total your expenses, deduct 5% and then add the tax – cheques must be received with your application to exhibit and no discount will apply if the cheque is returned NSF and must be replaced. Note your registration and cheque payment must be received by December 2 in order to be eligible for the discount. Retailer Prizes – This show, we are offering 2 draws for retailers as an incentive to attend the show and place orders: 1. Retailers who pre-register before Dec 15, 2011 and attend the show can be eligible to win of the following prizes: 1st PRIZE: $500 2nd PRIZE: $300 3rd PRIZE: $150 2. Draw for retailers who submit orders to agents at the show at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport. If one of your customers completes an order at the show, you will be asked to sign a voucher to verify this transaction. That voucher will then be placed into a draw to win one of the prizes below. The draw will take place after the show. 1st PRIZE: $1,000 2nd PRIZE: $500 3rd PRIZE: $250 2 Retailer Transportation Subsidy - This winter we’re increasing the transportation subsidy for retailers to encourage them to attend the show. Retailers who drive to the show from outside the Lower Mainland (east of Abbotsford) will be offered up to a $100 reimbursement, those who take the ferry will be offered up to a $150 reimbursement and those who fly will be offered up to a $200 reimbursement. Retailers will need to provide receipts showing they have incurred expenses to come to the Show. Only one subsidy per company can be claimed. GENERAL INFORMATION Move-in Date: Show Hours: Move-out Date: Sunday, January 15 Monday, January 16 Tuesday, January 17 Wednesday, January 18 Wednesday, January 18 11:00am onwards 9:00am – 6:00pm 9:00am – 6:00pm 9:00am – 5:00pm 5:00pm onwards For the respect of other Agents & Retailers, tear down will only take place after 5:00pm on Wednesday, January 18. There will be a fine for Agents who teardown prior to this time. BOOTH INFORMATION Booth Assignment Please note that booths assignments are grouped according to the goods that the agents represent. Agents carrying similar products will be grouped together. To assist with the booth allocation, please update your online profile before. Booth assignments are not based on seniority. Booth fee includes: Electrical supply of 750 watt (one standard power outlet plug per booth). It is strongly suggested that you bring your own surge protected power bar. 8’ high back draping 3’ high side draping The exhibit area and exhibitor hotel rooms will be carpeted Complimentary wireless internet access Please note: Any equipment, such as tables, chairs, lighting, clothing racks or booth carpeting, is not supplied and can be brought by the individual or ordered and paid directly to Levy Show Services (see forms attached at the back of this package). Surrounding common areas and aisles will be cleaned by on-site housekeeping, but Agents are responsible for keeping their own booth areas free of debris. 3 PAYMENT & REFUNDS Payment: Due upon registration. Booths will not be allocated without receipt of full payment to BCSRA. Confirmation of booth space will be sent along with your invoice. Any agent owing money from previous shows will not be allowed to register until past payment has been received. Cancellations: Refunds of 50% until December 16, 2011. No refunds will be processed after this date. ON-SITE INFORMATION Parking & Directions: Complimentary parking is available in designated pre-blocked area. Shipping & Receiving: Please contact the show services provider, Levy Show Services, to coordinate your shipments: Tom Benmore Event Manager, Levy Show Services [email protected] Ph: 604 277 1726 Fax: 604 277 1736 Restrictions: Stickers are not permitted outside of agents’ booths. Damage to BCSRA signs and facility property will be charged to the agent carrying the sticker line. BCSRA Agent signs are the property of the BCSRA. Accommodations: Please see Page 16 for hotel information. Please be sure to book your room by 4 p.m. on December 22, 2011 to guarantee the set room rate. Insurance: Agents wishing to insure their goods and/or equipment against theft, damage by fire, accident or loss of any kind should do so at their own expense. 4 Floor plan: All applications and payment are due by December 2, 2011. Booth allocation & invoices will be sent out shortly thereafter and the final floor plan will be available on the BCSRA website after this time. The floor plan is below and on the next page. Note that this is not for the purpose of choosing a booth. Booth allocation will be done by the BCSRA Board shortly after the registration deadline. We will try to accommodate as many requests as we can. Cedarbridge (Ceiling height 10’ 6”) H Westminster Salon (Ceiling height 10‘ 6”) Minoru Grand Ballroom (Ceiling height 10‘ 6”) 5 Exhibitor Hotel Rooms (Rooms 99-131) Room 108 To Exhibitor Hotel Rooms 6 REGISTRATION FORM Please send by email, fax or mail pages 7-14, along with payment, to be received no later than Dec. 2, 2011. Our mailing address is Attn. Michelle Gock, Venue West, Suite 100- 873 Beatty Street, Vancouver BC, V6B 2M6. Our Fax number is 604.681.2503. IMPORTANT: Visit the BCSRA Web site, www.bcsra.ca and make sure that your profile and agent lines information are correct and complete. THE SHOW DIRECTORY WILL BE PRINTED FROM THE PROFILE INFORMATION ON THE BCSRA WEBSITE, SO PLEASE MAKE SURE IT’S ACCURATE!! Agency Name: _____________________________________________________________ Contact Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ BC: ________ Postal Code: __________________ Telephone: ____________________ Fax: __________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________ List of Members Attending Show (for name badges) _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ 7 Room Booth Size Sq Ft Number Booth Cost Minoru Grand Ballroom 8’ x 10’ 80 $400.00 Minoru Grand Ballroom 6’ x 10’ 60 $300.00 Minoru Grand Ballroom Foyer (2 booths only) 8’ x 10’ 80 $400.00 Minoru Grand Ballroom Foyer 4’ x 10’ 40 $200.00 Westminster Salon 8’ x 10’ 80 $400.00 Cedarbridge 8’ x 10’ 80 $400.00 Cedarbridge 6’ x 10’ 60 $300.00 Westminster Salon & Cedarbridge Foyer 4’ x 8’ 32 $160.00 Westminster Salon & Cedarbridge Foyer (1 booth only) 4’ x 10’ 40 $200.00 Exhibitor Hotel Room n/a 222 $600.00 Exhibitor Double Size Room (Room 108) n/a 792* $1,500.00 Total Cost TOTAL BOOTH COST (transfer to Fee Summary page) $ *total square footage of the room Booth Requests/Comments: ______________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT: All exhibitor hotel rooms include the furniture in the table below. If you would like to remove furniture, note there is a cost to do so. Please indicate which furniture you would like removed by checking the appropriate space and tallying the removal cost. Unless you let us know otherwise, we will ask the hotel to remove the bed. Furniture Removal Cost if requesting removal Total Cost Sofa (Room 108 Only) $85.00 Drawer Stand $40.00 Writing desk including desk lamp $55.00 Television $45.00 Night Stand $35.00 Easy Chair $35.00 Side table $25.00 Office chair $20.00 Floor lamp $20.00 Table lamp $20.00 Fridge $35.00 Bench Stool $20.00 TOTAL FURNITURE REMOVAL COST (transfer to Fee Summary page) $ 8 ADVERTISING The Show Book lists the many Agents involved in the show, along with their products and contact details. Ad space is allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Every retailer attending the show receives this booklet. If buying ad space, please complete this page. Space Size Cost 1/2 Page (black & white) Full Page (black & white) 1st Page (black & white)* Inside Front cover (colour)* Inside back cover (colour)* Outside back cover (colour)* Logo shading on appointments page (black & white) Logo shading on agency page (black & white) Full page ad beside appointments page (black & white) Back of page with tabs/full page (black & white) Bookmark both sides (black & white) Bookmark both sides, (colour) 4.75” wide x 3.875” tall (no bleed) 4.75” wide x 8” tall (no bleed) 4.75” wide x 8” tall (no bleed) 4.75” wide x 8” tall (no bleed) 4.75” wide x 8” tall (no bleed) 4.75” wide x 8” tall (no bleed) Qty Total Cost $140.00 $220.00 $230.00 $250.00 $250.00 $275.00 $80.00 $55.00 4.75” wide x 8” tall (no bleed) $230.00 4.75” wide x 8” tall (no bleed) 1 3/4"x 9 1/2” 1 3/4"x 9 1/2” $260.00 $700.00 $1020.00 TOTAL AD COST (transfer to Fee Summary page) $ *only one spot available – allocated on a first come, first serve basis. If you selected an ad placement that only has one spot available, please indicate your 1 st and 2nd choice of ad space in case your first choice is not available. NAME OF ADVERTISER: _____________________________ 1st CHOICE OF AD SPACE: ____________________________ 2nd CHOICE OF AD SPACE: ___________________________ Advertisement Special! Purchase space for 2 ads, deduct $20.00 from the price of each ad. Purchase space for 3 ads, deduct $30.00 from the price of each ad. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUPPLYING ARTWORK FOR THE SHOW BOOK: Please refer to the size of the ad purchased for specific dimensions. All artwork must be supplied print-ready as: A high resolution file including .pdf, .tif, .eps, or Indesign file (including fonts and supporting artwork) All artwork must be at 300 dpi and 100% actual size. We accept artwork on DVD, CD or Zip Disk or via email at [email protected] Print-Ready Artwork deadline is December 13, 2011. 9 EXAMPLE OF THE SHOWBOOK Cover Page Showbook List of Product Lines Represented Agency Listings 10 FEE SUMMARY Booth Cost (see p 8) $ Furniture Removal Cost (see p 8) $ Show Fee $ Advertising in Show Book (see p 9) $ 2012 Membership Dues ($105.00) for renewing members. $XXXXXXX 450.00 New Members pay $258.75 join fee plus $105.00 yearly membership dues (see p 12) $XXXXXXX Subtotal $ 5% Discount if paying by cheque only* (option to pay by cheque only if form and payment is received by December 2, 2011). Late registrants must pay by credit card. -$ Subtotal (to calculate HST based on this amount) $ 12% HST (please calculate) $ Total $ [ ] I AM ENCLOSING A CHEQUE FOR: $ _______________ *5% discount for payment by cheque – on your payment just total your expenses, deduct 5% and then add the tax – cheques must be received with your application to exhibit and no discount will apply if the cheque is returned NSF and must be replaced. [ ] PLEASE CHARGE MY CREDIT CARD: [ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa Credit Card Number: ________________________________________________ Expiry Date (MM/YY): __________________ CVD # (3 digits on back of card): ________ Name of Cardholder: ________________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________________ Payment MUST accompany this form; otherwise it will not be processed and booths will not be allocated. TO SEND IN YOUR REGISTRATION: If paying by credit card please fax to: (604) 681-2503 – or mail to address below. If paying by cheque, please make cheque payable to B.C.S.R.A and mail to: BCSRA c/o Venue West Conference Services Suite 100 – 873 Beatty Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 2M6 11 NEW MEMBER APPLICATION PLEASE FILL IN THIS APPLICATION ONLY IF YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER OF THE BCSRA Please type or print: Name of Agency: _________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ Postal Code: _________________________ Telephone: __________________________ Fax: ________________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________________________________________ Name of Principal Contact: __________________________________________________ How long have you traveled the Province of B.C.?________________________________ Lines Represented: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Three References (i.e. retailers you have been doing business with for the last 6 months) 1. Name: ____________________________Phone: ______________________________ 2. Name: ____________________________Phone: ______________________________ 3. Name: ____________________________Phone: ______________________________ Signature of Representative: ______________________________ Date:_________________ 12 SHOW RULES & REGULATIONS * Signed form must be submitted with show application Agency Name: __________________________________ * All members must bring to the attention of the Rules & Regulations Committee any violation of rules by any member. In signing the Market Rules & Regulations, association members and staff agree: 1. SHOW FEES: To pay all show fees and fines prior to the Buymart (including membership dues for the current year). 2. To remain at the market for the entire duration of the show. 3. Not to solicit buyers in the corridors, elevators, lobby or other areas of the market. Models and staff are not permitted to wear samples with hang tags outside these garments, outside the confines of the showroom floor. 4. To register and set up at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport at the prescribed move in time for each Buymart. 5. To register all complaints to the Committee and not directly to the convention centre. 6. Not to swap booths with others, thereby upsetting the schedule and program. 7. IDENTIFICATION BADGES: To wear name badges at all times during the market. To have no individual in any booth without a B.C.S.R.A. identification tag during market hours. 8. To exhibit only those lines which are registered and fees paid in full. 9. To give courteous reception and allow entry to their booths at any time during the market of an authorized B.C.S.R.A. Agent or Board member. 10. To not hold mass entertainment events during the market or 48 hours prior to the market, unless having prior approval from the show committee. 11. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: To attend the AGM (at least one member per agency). 12. To competitors being barred from each other’s booths unless invited. 13. BOOTH SIGNS: To use booth signs furnished by B.C.S.R.A. The sign is the property of B.C.S.R.A. No sign changes will be made without authorization. No signs are permitted in the aisles. Signs will be uniform for all participants. If a sign is damaged or defaced, the cost of the sign will be billed to the agent/sales representative. 14. ALCOHOL: To not serve alcoholic beverages during the market business hours. Participants should adhere to market decorum and conduct themselves in a professional business like and ethical manner during the course of the market. 15. SMOKING: To note that smoking is not permitted indoors at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport. 16. ADVERTISING: To not display samples, posters, banners or any other form of advertising outside their booth space. 17. To refer all press inquiries to a BCSRA Board executive who will be the official spokesperson for B.C.S.R.A. 18. To accept full responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arriving out of injury or damage to exhibitor’s displays, equipment and other property brought upon the premises of the convention centre and shall indemnify and hold harmless their employees from any and such losses, damages and claims. 19. SHOW HOURS: To vacate the show on the date and time specified by the B.C.S.R.A. 20. To allow full power to the Show Committee to interpret and/or amend these rules and to make any additional rules and regulations which, in its discretion, shall be in the best interest of the market. 13 I do hereby agree to observe the above rules and agree to pay, without recourse or contention, any fine imposed upon me for any infractions of these rules, and not to exceed $300.00, or upon several convictions, expulsion from this and/or future Shows. Signature: Date: No application will be considered unless signed by the member. 14 DIRECTIONS AND TRANSPORTATION TO SHERATON VANCOUVER AIRPORT Driving Directions: From East Proceed west on Highway 91. Continue West on Alderbridge. Turn left on Minoru Boulevard. Turn right on Westminster Highway. Turn right into the hotel parking lot. From Vancouver International Airport Proceed east on Grant McConachie Way. Take the Richmond City Centre Exit. Proceed over the bridge. Turn right on No. 3 Road South. Turn right on Westminster Highway. Turn left into hotel parking lot. From the United States Proceed north on Highway 99. Continue west on Westminster Highway. Turn right into the hotel parking lot. From Vancouver Proceed south on Granville over the Arthur Lang Bridge. Continue south on Russ Baker Way. Turn left on Westminster Highway. Turn left into the hotel. 24 Hour Complimentary Hotel Shuttle Bus to the Sheraton Vancouver Airport The shuttle runs every half hour to and from the Hotel. Pickup from the airport is at 15 minutes past and 45 minutes past the hour. Departure from the hotel is on the hour and half past the hour. For more information, contact (604) 273-7878. 15 ACCOMMODATION AT THE SHERATON VANCOUVER AIRPORT We have set aside a room block with Sheraton Vancouver Airport. To ensure that you receive the guaranteed rate of $135 per night plus tax (Traditional King/Double) or $165 per night plus tax (Club King), please book by 4 p.m., Dec. 22, 2011. Please note that room cancellations are required by 4 p.m. on date of arrival. All Traditional rooms include: Equipped with high-speed internet at a cost ($10.95 per day + taxes) In-suite fridge, coffee maker, iron and ironing board Access to the fitness facility, outdoor whirlpool, and outdoor heated pool Club King Rooms include: Equipped with high-speed internet at a cost ($10.95 per day + taxes) In-suite fridge, coffee maker, iron and ironing board Access to the fitness facility, outdoor whirlpool, and outdoor heated pool Continental breakfast and evening hors d’oeuvres in the Club Lounge The Sheraton Club Level accommodations and an exclusive Club Lounge is a signature offering to the property, providing deluxe accommodations for business and leisure guests, as well as additional services and amenities. The three club floors offer a place where guests can be productive, catch up with friends, enjoy complimentary breakfast or help themselves to some afternoon snack. Please contact the hotel directly to book your room and mention that you have a group rate with the BC Sports Rep Association. Sheraton Vancouver Airport 7551 Westminster Highway Richmond, B.C. Phone: (604) 273-7878/1-800-325-3535 (Toll free number) 16 BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION SERVICE CONTRACTOR CONTACT: LEVY SHOW SERVICE INC. 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC V7A 4Z1 Tel: 604 277 1726 Fax: 604 277 1736 LOCATION: Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel 7551 Westminster Hwy. Richmond, BC V6X 1A3 EXHIBITOR MOVE-IN: Sunday, January 15, 2012 11:00 am – 6:00 pm EXHIBITION DATES: Monday, January 16, 2012 Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Wednesday, January 18, 2012 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 9:00 am – 6:00 pm 9:00 am – 5:00 pm EXHIBITOR MOVE-OUT: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm BOOTH EQUIPMENT: each 8' X 10' booth space comes with the following: ! 8' high drapery backwall – hunter green ! 3' high drapery sidewalls – hunter green ** Please note facility floor is carpeted** If you require additional furnishings or services please complete and return the appropriate enclosed order form(s). DISCOUNT PRICE DEADLINE: In order to receive the discount rates listed on the enclosed order forms, your PAID order is to be received by January 3, 2012. SHIPPING: If you require advance or on-site receiving for freight, or have other shipping questions, please review the Material Handling Order Form or contact our Material Handling Department at 1 888 681 9333, attn: Corey Crawford. We want you to have a successful show. If we can be of assistance, please call the Levy Show Service Exhibitor Services Department at 604 277 1726. HEAD OFFICE 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC Canada, V7A 4Z1 Fax: 604 277 1736 Telephone: 604 277 1726 Email: [email protected] BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 - 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC PAYMENT & CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORIZATION FORM COMPANY BOOTH NUMBER ADDRESS street PHONE city FAX state/province P/O Number AUTHORIZED CONTACT SIGNATURE zip/postal code E-MAIL AUTHORIZED CONTACT - PLEASE PRINT x country DATE All orders are regulated by LSS Payment Terms & Conditions as well as Material Handling Terms & Conditions. PAYMENT INFORMATION VISA EXPIRY DATE CHEQUE MASTERCARD ACCOUNT NUMBER CORPORATE PERSONAL CARDHOLDER’S BILLING ADDRESS CARDHOLDER’S SIGNATURE x city state/province zip/postal code country CARDHOLDER’S NAME - PLEASE PRINT Please complete the information requested and return payment in full with this form and your orders. You may choose to pay by credit card and/or bank cheque, however, we require your credit card authorization to be on file with LSS. For your convenience, this form will be used as your authorization to charge any additional amounts incurred by you or your show representative, including material handling and labour charges. CALCULATION OF ORDER FORMS TOTAL FROM EACH ORDER FORM Table, Chair & Carpet Rental Order Form .............................................................. Accessories Rental Order Form............................................................................... $ $ Furniture Rental Order Form.................................................................................... $ Gondola Special Rental Order Form........................................................................ $ Exhibit Booth Cleaning Order Form ......................................................................... $ Electrical & Lighting Order Form .............................................................................. $ Labour Order Form & Invoice .................................................................................. $ Material Handling Order Form ................................................................................. $ Other LSS Services ................................................................................................. $ FULL PAYMENT IN CANADIAN FUNDS $ To simplify payment, send one cheque payable to Levy Show Service Inc. for the entire amount or note the amount to be charged to your credit card. Charge my credit card in the amount of Cheque no. Dated in the amount of $ $ CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION 2012.cdr HEAD OFFICE 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC Canada, V7A 4Z1 Fax: 604 277 1736 Telephone: 604 277 1726 Email: [email protected] BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 - 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC TABLE, CHAIR, & CARPET RENTAL ORDER FORM & INVOICE TABLES CHAIRS Standard Total Qty. Discount Rate Rate Description TABLES 30” HEIGHT 4’ x 2’ Skirted 75.00 93.00 6’ x 2’ Skirted 75.00 93.00 8’ x 2’ Skirted 75.00 93.00 Fourth side of table skirted 33.00 43.00 56.00 73.00 8’ Unskirted table Blue Red Hunter Green 6’ 4’ Silver Burgundy White Standard Total Qty. Discount Rate Rate Description FABRIC SLED BASE CHAIR - GREY 39.00 50.00 FABRIC ARMCHAIR - GREY 73.00 93.00 10.00 17.00 62.00 80.00 FOLDING CHAIR Black TABLES 40” COUNTER HEIGHT PADDED BAR STOOL - BLACK 4’ x 2’ Skirted 102.00 133.00 6’ x 2’ Skirted 113.00 147.00 8’ x 2’ Skirted 126.00 164.00 37.00 48.00 65.00 85.00 DRAPE (Includes installation and removal) __________ lin. ft. of 3’ high drape Fourth side of table skirted 8’ Unskirted table Blue Red 6’ Silver 4’ White Black __________ lin. ft. of 8’ high drape Hunter Green CARPET SELECTIONS Discount Standard Rate Rate Description Size - 10 ft. X 10 ft. 109.00 143.00 10 ft. X 20 ft. 218.00 286.00 $6.50/ft Total Blue Red Hunter Green Burgundy COMPLEMENTS Quantity $9.10/ft $8.75/ft $12.25/ft Silver White Black (Also see Accessories Form) Description Discount Standard Rate Rate Total Rolling Coat Rack * order by December 30/11 ** no orders after Dec. 30/11 (no onsite orders) Other sizes in 10’ x 10’ increments only. Calculate sq. ft. X price per sq. ft. *47.00 n/a Waste basket 19.00 24.00 Tropical plants - 3’- 4’ 84.00 110.00 Potted flowers 48.00 64.00 Size _________ ft. x _________ ft. = ______________________ sq. ft. 1.09 1.43 Custom cut size. Calculate sq. ft. x price per sq. ft. Size _________ ft. x _________ ft. COST SUMMARY = ______________________ sq. ft. Blue Black Red Burgundy 2.75 3.60 Hunter Green Grey RATE ADJUSTMENT (OFFICE USE ONLY) 25% CANCELLATION FEE (OFFICE USE ONLY) SUBTOTAL A surcharge may be applied for damages incurred after installation. EXHIBITOR INFORMATION H.S.T. 12% TOTAL COMPANY CONTACT BOOTH# PLEASE REFER TO THE PAYMENT & CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORIZATION FORM **ORDERS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PAYMENT** STANDARD RATE will be applied to all orders not received and paid in full by January 3, 2012. We reserve the right to adjust orders calculated incorrectly. A 25% CANCELLATION FEE will be applied to all orders received and then cancelled. If full service has been provided then 100% of original fee will be applied. HST#R103315057 TABLE-CHAIR & CARPET .cdr Accessories ALUMINUM FOLDING LITERATURE RACK WIRE LITERATURE RACK (BLACK) WASTE BASKET BAR FRIDGE (COLOURS VARY) CHROME SIGN HOLDER COUNTER (WHITE OR BLACK) CHROME BAG HOLDER TABLE TOP PLEXI DRAW BOX (TABLE NOT INCLUDED) POP-UP BOOTH JEWELRY CASE (WHITE) SHOW CASE (WHITE) COAT TREE ALUMINUM EASEL FABRIC POSTER BOARD (HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL) HEAD OFFICE 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC Canada, V7A 4Z1 Fax: 604 277 1736 Telephone: 604 277 1726 Email: [email protected] BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 - 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC ACCESSORIES RENTAL ORDER FORM & INVOICE ACCESSORIES Description DISPLAY UNITS Standard Total Qty. Discount Rate Rate ALUMINUM EASEL Fits sign sizes: LEVY ALUMINUM FOLDING LITERATURE RACK 132.00 Standard Total Qty. Discount Rate Rate Description 173.00 64.00 84.00 69.00 90.00 492.00 645.00 174.00 228.00 22” x 28” 24” x 36” 28” x 44” (with clear plexi dividers) - double wide rack available please ask for rate CHROME SIGN HOLDER 22” x 28” WIRE LITERATURE RACK 20 pockets for 8.5” x 11” material 102.00 134.00 POP-UP BOOTH 8 ft. Fabric Panels Velcro compatible Light fixtures $95.00/per (set of two) Black FABRIC POSTER BOARD CHROME BAG HOLDER 57.00 75.00 4’ x 8’ grey fabric covered both sides Horizontal (shown) Vertical COUNTER UNITS COAT TREE WASTE BASKET 57.00 75.00 19.00 24.00 Standard Total Qty. Discount Rate Rate White White COUNTER 216.00 283.00 Sliding doors & storage shelf 20” x 40” x 40” tall Black Black 294.00 385.00 Lock ($20.00 each) Description JEWELRY CASE One shelf 280.00 367.00 291.00 381.00 270.00 354.00 20” x 40” x 40” tall Lock ($20.00 each) Lights ($20.00 each) 162.00 BAR FRIDGE SHOW CASE 212.00 Two shelves . 20” x 40” x 40” tall Lock ($20.00 each) Lights ($20.00 each) TABLE TOP PLEXI DRAW BOX 93.00 122.00 COMPUTER COUNTER White base - 20” x 28” x 40” tall 12” keyboard extension Sliding doors 12” x 12” x 12” tall Lock ($20.00 each) COST SUMMARY EXHIBITOR INFORMATION COMPANY CONTACT BOOTH# RATE ADJUSTMENT (OFFICE USE ONLY) 25% CANCELLATION FEE (OFFICE USE ONLY) SUBTOTAL H.S.T. 12% TOTAL PLEASE REFER TO THE PAYMENT & CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORIZATION FORM **ORDERS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PAYMENT** STANDARD RATE will be applied to all orders not received and paid in full by January 3, 2012. We reserve the right to adjust orders calculated incorrectly. A 25% CANCELLATION FEE will be applied to all orders received and then cancelled. If full service has been provided then 100% of original fee will be applied. HST#R103315057 ACCESSORIES 2012.cdr Furniture LEATHER SOFA (BLACK) LEATHER LOVESEAT (BLACK) LEATHER LOUNGE CHAIR (BLACK) PADDED HIGHBACK CHAIR (GREY) FABRIC STENO CHAIR (BLACK) LEATHER EXECUTIVE CHAIR (BLACK) FABRIC HIGHBACK SWIVEL STOOL (GREY) FOLDING CHAIR (BLACK) FABRIC SLED BASE CHAIR (GREY) PADDED BAR STOOL (BLACK) ROUND PEDESTAL TABLE (WHITE, BLACK OR OAK) WOOD COFFEE TABLES HEAD OFFICE 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC Canada, V7A 4Z1 Fax: 604 277 1736 Telephone: 604 277 1726 Email: [email protected] BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 - 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC FURNITURE RENTAL ORDER FORM & INVOICE ROUND PEDESTAL TABLES LOUNGE FURNITURE Standard Total Qty. Discount Rate Rate Description LEATHER SOFA BLACK 410.00 537.00 LOVESEAT BLACK 323.00 423.00 LOUNGE CHAIR BLACK 205.00 White FABRIC STENO CHAIR LEATHER EXECUTIVE CHAIR - BLACK Black Oak ROUND PEDESTAL TABLE 30” Diameter 269.00 17” Coffee Table Height - white 71.00 93.00 17” Coffee Table Height - black 82.00 107.00 117.00 153.00 27” Table Height - white 77.00 101.00 27” Table Height - black 88.00 115.00 130.00 170.00 40” Counter Height - white 82.00 107.00 40” Counter Height - black 96.00 126.00 142.00 186.00 143.00 187.00 17” Coffee Table Height - oak CHAIRS FABRIC ARMCHAIR - GREY Standard Total Qty. Discount Rate Rate Description 73.00 75.00 109.00 93.00 98.00 143.00 27” Table Height - oak 40” Counter Height - oak FABRIC HIGHBACK SWIVEL STOOL - GREY 130.00 170.00 WOOD COFFEE TABLE 48” x 24” x 16” high FOLDING CHAIR 10.00 WOOD END TABLE 17.00 107.00 140.00 22” x 20” x 19” high FABRIC SLED BASE CHAIR - GREY 39.00 50.00 EXHIBITOR INFORMATION COMPANY PADDED BAR STOOL - BLACK PADDED HIGH BACK STOOL 62.00 80.00 107.00 140.00 CONTACT BOOTH# COST SUMMARY RATE ADJUSTMENT (OFFICE USE ONLY) 25% CANCELLATION FEE (OFFICE USE ONLY) SUBTOTAL H.S.T. 12% TOTAL PLEASE REFER TO THE PAYMENT & CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORIZATION FORM **ORDERS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PAYMENT** STANDARD RATE will be applied to all orders not received and paid in full by January 3, 2012. We reserve the right to adjust orders calculated incorrectly. A 25% CANCELLATION FEE will be applied to all orders received and then cancelled. If full service has been provided then 100% of original fee will be applied. HST#R103315057 FURNITURE 2012.cdr HEAD OFFICE 11160 Silversmith Place Richmond, BC Canada, V7A 5E4 Fax: 604 277 1736 Telephone: 604 277 1726 Email: [email protected] BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 - 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC GONDOLA SPECIAL RENTAL ORDER FORM & INVOICE SHOW SPECIAL $210.00 (order by December 30, 2011, no later) Qty GONDOLA SPECIAL Discount $210.00 Standard n/a 8’ x 3’ Octanorm (Pegboard) Hooks not included. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS COST SUMMARY RATE ADJUSTMENT (OFFICE USE ONLY) 25% CANCELLATION FEE (OFFICE USE ONLY) SUBTOTAL EXHIBITOR INFORMATION H.S.T. 12% COMPANY TOTAL CONTACT BOOTH# PLEASE REFER TO THE PAYMENT & CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORIZATION FORM **ORDERS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PAYMENT** STANDARD RATE will be applied to all orders not received and paid in full by January 3, 2012. We reserve the right to adjust orders calculated incorrectly. A 25% CANCELLATION FEE will be applied to all orders received then cancelled. If full service has been provided then 100% of original fee will be applied. HST#R103315057 GONDOLA SPECIAL.cdr HEAD OFFICE 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC Canada, V7A 4Z1 Fax: 604 277 1736 Telephone: 604 277 1726 Email: [email protected] BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 - 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC EXHIBIT BOOTH CLEANING ORDER FORM & INVOICE SERVICES OUR SERVICES INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: EXHIBIT VACUUMING GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING EMPTYING OF WASTEBASKETS DISCOUNT RATE TOTAL SQUARE FEET OF BOOTH SPACE DAYS REQUIRED Prior To Show Opening After Second Day TOTAL After First Day After Third Day X $0.44 = X 100 Square Feet Minimum Order RATE Total Number of Days STANDARD RATE & ON-SITE ORDERS TOTAL SQUARE FEET OF BOOTH SPACE DAYS REQUIRED Prior To Show Opening After Second Day TOTAL After First Day After Third Day X $0.54 = X 100 Square Feet Minimum Order RATE Total Number of Days ADDITIONAL INFORMATION General vacuuming of the show floor aisles is provided, however, cleaning of your exhibit area is not included in your exhibit space rental. If you have any questions or need assistance with any items not listed, please contact our exhibits department. All carpets ordered from us are installed clean for your use. However, you may order cleaning services for debris created during set-up and show hours. A surcharge may be applied for any damage and or staining of exhibit space. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Please indicate on the lines below any special cleaning requests or instructions you may have. COST SUMMARY (OFFICE USE ONLY) 25% CANCELLATION FEE (OFFICE USE ONLY) SUBTOTAL EXHIBITOR INFORMATION H.S.T. 12% COMPANY CONTACT RATE ADJUSTMENT BOOTH# TOTAL PLEASE REFER TO THE PAYMENT & CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORIZATION FORM **ORDERS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PAYMENT** STANDARD RATE will be applied to all orders not received and paid in full by January 3, 2012. We reserve the right to adjust orders calculated incorrectly. A 25% CANCELLATION FEE will be applied to all orders received and then cancelled. If full service has been provided then 100% of original fee will be applied. HST#R103315057 CLEAN 2012.cdr HEAD OFFICE 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC Canada, V7A 4Z1 Fax: 604 277 1736 Telephone: 604 277 1726 Email: [email protected] BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 - 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING ORDER FORM & INVOICE ELECTRICAL SERVICE Description Quantity Discount Rate Standard Rate 115 Volt duplex outlet 750 Watts 7 ½ Amps 83.00 117.00 115 Volt duplex outlet 1500 Watts 15 Amps 104.00 145.00 208 Volt service single phase 15 Amps 193.00 271.00 208 Volt service single phase 20 Amps 214.00 300.00 208 Volt service single phase 30 Amps 238.00 333.00 40, 50, 60 Amps 362.00 506.00 208 Volt service three phase 15 Amps 259.00 363.00 208 Volt service three phase 20 Amps 338.00 472.00 208 Volt service three phase 30 Amps 422.00 591.00 208 Volt service three phase 60, 100, 200 Amps 500.00 700.00 208 Volt service single phase Tie in service, additional labour charge ½ hour minimum Total On Request LIGHTING SERVICE (Does NOT include electrical service) Double light unit (for drapery booths) two x 150 Watts 81.00 114.00 Armlight with 150 watt bulb (for hardwall booths) 78.00 110.00 Extension Cord 30.00 41.00 Power Bar 40.00 57.00 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS COST SUMMARY RATE ADJUSTMENT (OFFICE USE ONLY) 25% CANCELLATION FEE (OFFICE USE ONLY) EXHIBITOR INFORMATION SUBTOTAL COMPANY H.S.T. 12% CONTACT BOOTH# TOTAL PLEASE REFER TO THE PAYMENT & CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORIZATION FORM **ORDERS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PAYMENT** STANDARD RATE will be applied to all orders not received and paid in full by January 3, 2012. We reserve the right to adjust orders calculated incorrectly. A 25% CANCELLATION FEE will be applied to all orders received and then cancelled. If full service has been provided then 100% of original fee will be applied. HST#R103315057 ELEC 2012 .cdr HEAD OFFICE 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC Canada, V7A 4Z1 Fax: 604 277 1736 Telephone: 604 277 1726 Email: [email protected] BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 - 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC LABOUR ORDER FORM & INVOICE SUPERVISION SERVICES (Please indicate desired service) LEVY SHOW SERVICE INC. SUPERVISED MOVE IN MOVE OUT LEVY SHOW SERVICE INC. WILL SUPERVISE labour to unpack and install display before exhibitor arrival at show site and/or dismantle and pack display after show closing. A 25% ($35.00 minimum) Surcharge will be added to the labour rates below for this professional supervision. EXHIBITOR SUPERVISED MOVE IN MOVE OUT EXHIBITOR WILL SUPERVISE the labourers provided by Levy Show Service Inc. for the installation and/or dismantle of the exhibit. Supervisor’s name _________________________________________ Labour will be dispatched to your booth space at the time specified. Please ensure that your supervisor is present as hourly labour charges will begin at start time indicated below. LABOUR RATES REGULAR TIME 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday to Friday $81.00 per Hour OVER TIME 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday $110.00 per Hour DOUBLE TIME All other hours including Sundays and Statutory Holidays $141.00 per Hour ESTIMATED INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS minimum charge for labour is one (1) hour per REGULAR TIME _____ Labourers _____Hours $81.00 per Hour $__________ Total A labourer. Labour thereafter is charged in one-half (½) hour increments. Date Required OVER TIME _____ Labourers _____Hours $110.00 per Hour $__________ Total DOUBLE TIME _____ Labourers _____Hours $141.00 per Hour $__________ Total Start Time ESTIMATED DISMANTLE REQUIREMENTS REGULAR TIME _____ Labourers _____Hours $81.00 per Hour $__________ Total A minimum charge for labour is one (1) hour per labourer. Labour thereafter is charged in one-half (½) hour increments. Date Required OVER TIME _____ Labourers _____Hours $110.00 per Hour $__________ Total DOUBLE TIME _____ Labourers _____Hours $141.00 per Hour $__________ Total Start Time INBOUND FREIGHT INFORMATION Carrier Date Shipped Number of Pieces Weight Pro Number Arrival Date (Target) Loose Display Crated Display COST SUMMARY RATE ADJUSTMENT (OFFICE USE ONLY) CANCELLATION FEE (OFFICE USE ONLY) TOTAL ESTIMATED LABOUR Quantity of Ladders Required (Optional) SUPERVISION 25% ($35.00 min.) EXHIBITOR INFORMATION SUBTOTAL COMPANY H.S.T. 12% CONTACT BOOTH# TOTAL PLEASE REFER TO THE PAYMENT & CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORIZATION FORM **ORDERS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PAYMENT** TERMS & CONDITIONS Gratuities in any form, including cash, gifts or labour hours for work not actually performed are prohibited. We reserve the right to adjust orders calculated incorrectly. CANCELLATION FEE A one (1) hour “per person, per hour” charge will be applied for all canceled labour orders. HST #R103315057 LABOUR 2012.cdr DEFINITIONS “Levy Show Service Inc” (”LSS”), and any sub-contractors affiliated within the show. The term EXHIBITOR shall be construed within the meaning of this contract as the EXHIBITOR and/or its employees, agents, representatives, and/or any Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (E.A.C.). PAYMENT TERMS Full payment, including any applicable tax, is due in advance or at show site. All payments must be in CDN. or U.S. Funds and all cheques must be drawn on a Canadian or U.S. Bank. Orders received without advance payment or after the deadline date will incur additional [After Deadline] charges as indicated on each order form. All materials and equipment are on a rental basis for the duration of the show or event and remain the property of LSS except where specifically identified as a sale. All LSS rentals include delivery, installation and removal from EXHIBITOR’s booth. In case of cancellation, a one-hour “per person, per hour” charge will be applied to all labour orders that are not canceled in writing at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time. If services have already been provided at the time of cancellation 100% of original fee will be applied. It is the EXHIBITOR’S responsibility to advise LSS Exhibitor Services personnel of any problem with any order, and to check invoices for accuracy prior to the close of the exhibit. If EXHIBITOR is exempt from payment of sales tax, LSS requires a British Columbia or Federal tax exemption number. For EXHIBITORS, LSS requires 100% prepayment of advance orders, and any orders or services placed at show site must be paid at the show. For all others, should there be any pre-approved unpaid balance after the close of the show, terms will be net, due and payable in CANADA, upon receipt of invoice. In the event of any dispute between EXHIBITOR and LSS relative to any loss, damage, or claim, such EXHIBITOR shall not be entitled to and shall not withhold payment, or any partial payment, or any partial payment, due to LSS relative to any services, as an offset against the amount of any alleged loss or damage. Any claim against LSS shall be considered a separate transaction, and shall be resolved on its own merits. LSS reserves the right to charge EXHIBITOR for the difference between the EXHIBITOR’s estimate of charges and the actual charges incurred by the EXHIBITOR, or for any charges that LSS may be obligated to pay on behalf of the EXHIBITOR, including without limitation, any shipping charges. LABOUR PROVIDED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF LSS RESPONSIBILITIES LSS shall be responsible for the performance of labour provided under this option. LSS cannot assume responsibility for any acts of, or loss to, persons, parties and/or other contracting firms not under LSS’s direct supervision and control. In no event shall LSS be liable for loss or damage caused by delay in labour beginning work when EXHIBITOR requests labour to begin later than the start of the working day. LSS shall not be responsible for loss, delay or damage due to strike, lockouts, and/or work stoppages, or other causes beyond LSS’s reasonable control. INDEMNIFICATON LSS agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend EXHIBITOR from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, judgments, and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and investigation costs) for bodily injury, including any injury to LSS employees, or property damage arising out of work performed by labour provided by and supervised by LSS, except when EXHIBITOR exercises direction and/or control over the work being performed. LABOUR PROVIDED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF EXHIBITOR RESPONSIBILITIES EXHIBITOR shall be responsible for the performance of labour provided under this section. It is responsibility of EXHIBITOR to supervise labour secured through LSS in a reasonable manner as to prevent bodily injury and/or property damage and also to direct them to work in a manner that is in compliance with LSS Safe Work Rules and/or Federal, Province and Local ordinances, rules and/or regulations, including but not limited to Show or Facility Management Rules and/or Regulations. It is the responsibility of the EXHIBITOR to check in with the Service Desk to pick up labour, and to return to the Service Desk to release labour when the work is completed. CONDITIONS The terms and conditions set forth below become part of the contractual agreement between Levy Show Service Inc and you, the EXHIBITOR. Acceptance of said terms and conditions will be construed when any of the following conditions are met: ~ WHEN THE METHOD OF PAYMENT FORM IS SIGNED; OR ~ WHEN AN ORDER FOR LABOUR, SERVICES, AND/OR RENTAL EQUIPMENT IS PLACED BY AN EXHIBITOR WITH LEVY SHOW SERVICE INC.; OR ~ WHEN WORK IS PERFORMED ON BEHALF OF EXHIBITOR BY LABOUR SECURED THROUGH LEVY SHOW SERVICE INC. TERMS & PAY M E N T & L A B O U R INDEMNIFICATION EXHIBITOR agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend LSS from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, judgements, and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees and investigation costs) for bodily injury, including any injury to LSS employees, and/or property damage arising out of work performed by labor provided by LSS but supervised by EXHIBITOR. Further, EXHIBITOR’s indemnification of LSS includes any and all violations of Federal, Province or Local ordinances, “Show Regulations and/or Rules” as published and/or set forth by Facility or Show Management, and/or directing labour provided by LSS to work in a manner that violates any of the above rules, regulations, and/or ordinances. IMPORTANT PLEASE REFER TO LSS’s MATERIAL HANDLING TERMS AND CONDITIONS FORM AS THEY RELATE TO MATERIAL HANDLING SERVICES. CONTRACTUAL TERMS DEPEND ON THE NATURE OF SERVICES SECURED BY EXHIBITOR THROUGH LSS. TERMS & CONDITIONS MAY VARY FOR EACH TYPE OF SERVICE ORDERED THROUGH LSS. LABOUR TERMS CONDITIONS 2012.cdr HEAD OFFICE 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC Canada, V7A 4Z1 Fax: 604 277 1736 Telephone: 604 277 1726 Email: [email protected] BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 - 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC MATERIAL HANDLING ORDER FORM & INVOICE This form must be sent prior to shipping for your shipment to be off loaded and signed for at show-site. Shipments arriving at different dates or times will be billed individually and weights will not be consolidated. When recording weight, round up to the next one hundred (100)lbs. Example: 445 lbs = 500 lbs NOTE: for shipments requiring customs clearance, please see the Official Customs Broker information. ADVANCE RECEIVING Number of pieces Description (cartons, crates, pallets, etc.) EXAMPLE: 6 Total weight in lbs. - min. 200 lbs (round up to the next 100 lbs) E X A M P L E 800 LBS CRATES Rate $80.00/100 lbs Total charges $80.00 / 100 $ 640.00 FOR ADVANCE RECEIVING PLEASE HAVE YOUR SHIPMENTS SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION 3985 Still Creek Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 4E2 BETWEEN December 14, 2011 and January 11, 2012 SHOW-SITE RECEIVING Number of pieces Description (cartons, crates, pallets, etc.) Total weight in lbs. - min. 200 lbs (round up to the next 100 lbs) Rate $60.00/100 lbs Total charges PLEASE REFER TO YOUR EXHIBITOR MANUAL FOR SHOW-SITE DELIVERY DATES AND TIMES. PLEASE NOTE: Acceptance of Terms & Conditions will be construed when the Material Handling Service Agreement is signed; or when exhibitor’s materials are delivered to LSS’s warehouse or to a SHOW / EXPOSITION SITE for which Levy Show Service inc. is the official show contractor. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL If your shipment requires any special equipment or service to raise, or level during assembly, etc. prior arrangements must be made with Levy Show Service Inc.’s Material Handling Department at 604 277 1726. CARRIER (Please fill in name and other info.) COST SUMMARY EXHIBITOR INFORMATION (OFFICE USE ONLY) 25% CANCELLATION FEE (OFFICE USE ONLY) SUBTOTAL COMPANY CONTACT RATE ADJUSTMENT BOOTH# H.S.T. 12% TOTAL PLEASE REFER TO THE PAYMENT & CREDIT CARD CHARGE AUTHORIZATION FORM **ORDERS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PAYMENT** HST#R103315057 MATERIAL 3(other) - 2012.cdr HEAD OFFICE 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC Canada, V7A 4Z1 Fax: 604 277 1736 Telephone: 604 277 1726 Email: [email protected] BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 - 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS SHIPMENTS CAN BE SENT DIRECTLY TO THE SHOW-SITE ON MOVE-IN DAY, OR TO THE ADVANCE WAREHOUSE UP TO THIRTY DAYS PRIOR TO MOVE-IN. All freight shipped to the advance receiving warehouse must be properly crated, boxed, or stretch wrapped on pallets. ADVANCE RECEIVING For advance receiving, mail or fax the Material Handling Order Form & Invoice with pre-payment to LEVY SHOW SERVICE INC. Shipments sent collect WILL NOT be accepted. Advance receiving includes the following: -receiving your material at the warehouse up to thirty days in advance of the move-in day -delivering the shipment to your booth at the facility -removing empty crates from your booth to a designated storage area -returning your empty crates to your booth at the close of the show -loading your crates onto your designated carrier at the close of the show The material handling services provided by LEVY SHOW SERVICE INC. end with the close of the show. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to make appropriate arrangements with a carrier for shipping following the close of the show. Please make special note of the allotted move-out times and days, and confirm with your carrier that they are able to meet these allotted times. Please remove all old shipping labels and ensure that all freight destined for the advance warehouse is labeled with the following information: BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION - BOOTH NO. & COMPANY NAME 3985 Still Creek Avenue Burnaby, BC V5C 4E2 Shipments may be sent to the advance warehouse up to thirty days prior to the move-in day for the show. All shipments however, must be received at the warehouse a minimum of three business days in advance of the show move-in date. Shipments received less than three business days prior to the move-in day are subject to extra charges and delivery time will not be guaranteed. All shipments must be received at the advance warehouse between the hours of 08:00 and 16:00, Monday to Friday, no earlier than December 14, 2011 and no later than January 11, 2012. Shipments must include an official weight ticket or bill of lading. SHOW-SITE RECEIVING For show-site receiving, mail or fax the Material Handling Order Form & Invoice with pre-payment to LEVY SHOW SERVICE INC. Shipments sent collect WILL NOT be accepted. Show-site receiving includes the following: -receiving and signing for your shipment on your behalf -delivering the shipment to your booth at the facility -removing empty crates from your booth to a designated storage area -returning your empty crates to your booth at the close of the show -loading your crates onto your designated carrier at the close of the show MATERIAL 3A 2012.cdr HEAD OFFICE 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC Canada, V7A 4Z1 Fax: 604 277 1736 Telephone: 604 277 1726 Email: [email protected] SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 - 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC (CONT’D.) SHOW-SITE RECEIVING (CONT’D.) The material handling services provided by LEVY SHOW SERVICE INC. end with the close of the show. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to make appropriate arrangements with a carrier for shipping following the close of the show. Please make special note of the allotted move-out times and days, and confirm with your carrier that they are able to meet these allotted times. Please remove all old shipping labels and ensure that all freight destined for show-site receiving is labeled with the following information: BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIAITON - BOOTH NO. & COMPANY NAME Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel 7551 Westminster Hwy Richmond, BC V6X 1A3 PLEASE REFER TO YOUR EXHIBITOR MANUAL FOR SHOW-SITE DATES AND TIMES. Shipments must include an official weight ticket or bill of lading. LIMITS OF LIABILITY See Material Handling Terms & Conditions Sheet enclosed. MATERIAL 3A 2012.cdr 1. DEFINITIONS. “Levy Show Service Inc” (”LSS”), and any subcontractors affiliated within the show. 2. PACKAGING AND CRATES. LSS shall not be responsible for damage to loose, uncrated materials, padwrapped or shrinkwrapped materials, glass breakage, concealed damage, carpets in bags or poly, or materials improperly packed. In addition, LSS shall not be responsible for crates and packaging which are unsuitable for handling, in poor condition, or have prior damage. Crated and packaging should be of a design to adequately protect contents for handling by forklift and similar means. 3. 4. 5. 6. EMPTY CONTAINERS. Empty container labels will be available at the show site service desk. Affixing labels to the containers is the sole responsibility of EXHIBITOR or his representative. All previous labels must be removed or obliterated. LSS assumes no responsibility for: Error in the above procedures; Removal of containers with old empty labels & without LSS labels; or Improper information on empty labels. LSS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO CRATES AND CONTAINERS OR THEIR CONTENTS WHEN SAID ITEMS ARE IN EMPTY CONTAINER STORAGE. INBOUND SHIPMENT(S). Consistent with trade show industry practices, there may be a lapse of time between the delivery of shipment(s) to the booth and the arrival of EXHIBITOR or his representative, and during such time the materials will be left unattended. LSS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE, THEFT, OR DISAPPEARANCE OF EXHIBITOR’S MATERIALS AFTER SAME HAVE BEEN DELIVERED TO EXHIBTOR’S BOOTH AT SHOW SITE. LSS highly recommends the securing of security services for Facility or Show Management. If any employee of LSS or its subcontractors shall sign a delivery receipt, bill of lading or other document, we agree that LSS or its subcontractor will do so as the Exhibitor’s agent, and the Exhibitor accepts the responsibility thereof. OUTBOUND SHIPMENT(S). Consistent with trade show industry practices, there may be a lapse of time between the completions of packing and the actual pickup of materials from the booths for loading onto a carrier and during such time the materials will be left unattended. LSS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, DAMAGE, THEFT, OR DISAPPEARENCE OF EXHIBITOR’S MATERIALS BEFORE SAME HAVE BEEN PICKED UP FOR RELOADING AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE EVENT. LSS highly recommends the securing of security services from Facility or Show Management. All Material Handling Agreements submitted to LSS by EXHIBITOR will be checked at the time of pickup from booth and corrections will be made where discrepancies exist between the quantities of times listed by EXHIBITOR and the actual count of such items in the booth at the time of pickup. In order to expedite removal of materials from the show site, LSS shall have the authority to change designated carriers, if such carriers do not pick up on time. Where no disposition is made by the Exhibitor, materials will be routed by LSS at show site. LSS assumes no liability as a result of such re-routing or handling. LSS’S RESPONSIBILITIES. LSS shall be responsible only for those services which it directly provides. LSS assumes no responsibility for any persons, parties, or other contracting firms not under LSS’s direct supervision and control. LSS shall not be responsible for loss, delay, or damage due to strike, lockouts, work stoppages, natural elements, vandalism, acts of God, civil disturbances, power failure, explosion, acts of terrorism or war, other causes beyond LSS’s reasonable control, nor for ordinary wear & tear in the handling of materials. LSS and its subcontractors shall not be held liable for any damage incurred during the handling of equipment requiring special devices to properly load, place or reload unless advance notice has been given to LSS in time to obtain the proper equipment. 7. INSURANCE. It is understood that LSS is not an insurer. Insurance on exhibit materials, if any, shall be obtained by EXHIBITOR in amounts and for perils determined by EXHIBITOR. EXHIBITOR agrees to provide LSS with a release of subrogation to the extent of any insurance settlement received. 8. CLAIM(S) FOR LOSS. Claims for loss or damage must be submitted to Lss by the close of the show. No suit or action shall be brought against Lss or its subcontractors more than one year after the cause of action. A. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES MAY NOT BE WITHHELD. In the event of any dispute between the EXHIBITOR shall not be entitled to and shall not withhold payment, or any partial payment due to LSS for its services, as an offset against the amount of any alleged loss or damage. B. MAXIMUM RECOVERY. If found damaged LSS’s sole and exclusive MAXIMUM liability for loss or damage to EXHIBITOR’s materials and EXHIBITOR’s sole and exclusive remedy is limited to $.30 per pound article with a maximum liability of $50.00 per item, or $1,000.00 per shipment. 9. JURISDICTION. THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE CONSTRUED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE PROVINCE OF BC WITHOUT GIVING EFFECT TO ITS CONFLICT OF LAWS RULES. EXCLUSIVE VENUE FOR ALL DISPUTES ARISING OUT OF OUR RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT SHALL RESIDE IN A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION IN VANCOUVER, BC. 10. INDEMNIFICATION. EXHIBITOR agrees to indemnify, forever hold harmless and defend LSS, its employees, directors, officers, and agents from and against any and all demands, claims, causes of action, fines, penalties, damages (including consequential), liability, judgements, and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees and investigation costs) on account of personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property or profits arising out of, or contributed to, by any of the following: - EXHIBITOR’s negligent supervision of any labour secured through LSS, or the negligent supervision of such labour by any of EXHIBITOR’s employees, agents, representative, customers, invitees and/or Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC). - EXHIBITOR’s negligence, willful misconduct, or deliberate act of EXHIBITOR’s employees, agents, representatives, customers, invitees and/or any Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) at the show or exposition to which this contract relates. - EXHIBITOR’s violation of CANADA or Local ordinances or the violation of Show Regulations and/or Rules as published and set forth by Facility and/or Show Management. - EXHIBITOR’s inclusion of illegal substances, hazardous materials or waste in any shipment placed with LSS and for the violation of the representations and warranties made regarding hazardous materials made on the front of this Agreement. 11. MISCELLANEOUS. EXHIBITOR, as a material part of the consideration LSS for material handling and transportation services, waives and releases all claims against LSS, its employees, agents, officers, and directors, with respect to all matters for which LSS has disclaimed liability pursuant to the provisions of this contract. The EXHIBITOR acknowledges that he or she has read this agreement, understands it and agrees to be bound by its terms, and further agrees that it is the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties. The invalidity or enforceability of any provision hereof shall not affect, modify, or impair the validity and enforceability of all provisions herein. MATERIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 2012.cdr CONDITIONS Acceptance of said terms and conditions will be constructed when any of the following conditions are met: ~ THE MATERIAL HANDLING ORDER FORM AND INVOICE IS SIGNED; OR ~ WHEN EXHIBITOR’S MATERIALS ARE DELIVERED TO LSS’S WAREHOUSE OR TO A SHOW/ EXPOSITION SITE FOR WHICH LEVY SHOW SERVICE INC. IS THE OFFICIAL SHOW CONTRACTORS; OR ~ WHEN AN ORDER FOR LABOUR AND/ OR RENTAL EQUIPMENT IS PLACED BY AN EXHIBITOR WITH LEVY SHOW SERVICE INC. TERMS & M AT E R I A L H A N D L I N G Customs Brokerage Events on the Move is proud to be the official Customs Broker for Levy Show Service Inc. Events on the Move makes your international shipping easy and stress-free. Our experienced team of customs knowledgeable staff will complete all of your customs documentation – ensuring top priority for customs clearance. Because Events on the Move specializes in the special events industry we understand the time sensitivity of your freight. Your event may qualify for special privileges made available by Canada Customs. These privileges can include clearing your shipment on-site – rather than at the border. We can also bring your goods in Duty and Tax free. We know you can’t afford to have your shipment stuck in customs. No matter where you are in the world, we’ll ensure your shipments move seamlessly into Canada and delivered right to your event. Our customs brokerage services include: • • • • • • • Recognizing your event with Canada Customs Application for Duty and Tax Free shipping as well as on-site customs clearances Consultation and advice for exhibitors and delegates to ensure a hassle free experience Working in conjunction with your selected carrier, we can streamline shipping into Canada Expedited Customs Clearance 24 hour 7 day support for your event On-site customer service to ensure your event move-in and move-out on time and without delay Official Partners with: and Official Supplier to: Your contact at Events on the Move is: Robyn Adams, Account Manager 604-647-0130 [email protected] Events on the Move……Everything should be this easy! www.eventsonthemove.com Shipping & Transportation Events on the Move is proud to be the official Shipping and Transportation partner for Levy Show Service Inc. When you ship with Events on the Move, you enjoy peace of mind, flexibility and cost savings. As a freight forwarder, Events on the Move has the flexibility to choose the best carrier to meet your needs. We have limitless options for shipping and will match you with the carrier that’s right for the job. We can move anything from anywhere in the world – whether it’s a small box that needs to be shipped overnight or a large crate that needs to travel around the globe. One of our reliable carriers is in your neighborhood and ready to pick up your shipment from any location. Choose one of our many flexible shipping options from overnight expedited service to an economical ground or ocean service. We complete all of the paperwork for you and will even complete your shipping labels – making it even easier to ship with us. We’ll safeguard your materials by making sure you have the opportunity to select adequate cargo insurance. Just pack up your shipment and give us a call. We’ll take care of the rest! Official Partners with: and Official Supplier to: Your contact at Events on the Move is: Robyn Adams, Account Manager 604-647-0130 [email protected] Events on the Move……Everything should be this easy! www.eventsonthemove.com BC SPORTS REP ASSOCIATION January 16 – 18, 2012 Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Richmond, BC Corporate image is paramount to achieving a successful tradeshow. At Levy Show Service Inc. we have a team of professional exhibit and design consultants to help you achieve this. Please find below a checklist that will guide you in planning your booth image. HELPING YOU LOOK YOUR BEST CHECKLIST: 1. PURPOSE OF PARTICIPATION Product / service promotion Presence Launch Special event 2. TARGET AUDIENCE Trade Public Invitation only 3. CORPORATE IMAGE Logos and signage Graphics / posters Corporate colours______ 4. STRUCTURAL RESTRICTIONS Special design/pavilion/upgrade Booth Dimension __ft x ft Height limit ________ft 5. BOOTH LAYOUT Lounge / bar area Discussion / meeting room Office, # of persons ______ Demonstration area Storeroom ft x ft Audio Visual equipment 6. TYPE OF BOOTH Pipe and Drape Booth Pop Up Display booth Custom design booth Hardwall system Booth 7. BOOTH FURNITURE Tables Banner stand Table Top display Bar table and stools Showcases Computers Carpet colour _________ 8. MARKETING Corporate Logos and signs Posters Corporate brochures Product brochures Interactive computer kiosk Product samples Giveaways Storage counters Meeting room table Sofa set Fridge Executive chairs Chairs Platform flooring 9. BOOTH DECORATION Plants and flowers Lighting Info / Reception counter Literature rack Coffee table Wastebasket Audio Visual equipment Carpet with foam padding 10. LABOUR # of labours needed ____ # of hours ______ Time required ________ Date required ________ Supervised labour 11. MATERIAL HANDLING Onsite Material Handling Advance Material Handling Customs & Transportation Please feel free to contact Mardene Wild at 604 277 1726 or [email protected] for any assistance you may require to ensure your event is successful.
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