BACF (Page 1)


BACF (Page 1)
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Publisher: Robert Stringfellow
[email protected]
Nashville Christian Family ® exists to provide Christians and the community at large
with ways to strengthen and grow as a part of the Middle Tennessee Christian Family. This
local monthly publication is designed to promote positive living by sharing with readers of all
ages relevant and timely news and information related to health, faith, parenting, youth,
finances, Christian entertainment, missions, church leaders, and much more.
Editor: Raymonda Jaggers
Contributing Writers:
Brian Burke
Ashley McMackin
Perry Coghlan
Ronnie McBrayer
Mark Cornelius
David Pridmore
Tammy Daughtry
Barbara Rucker
Ellen Diederich
Wendy Schreiber
Stacy Dunn
Reba Stanley
Ted Gleason
Steve Stride, PhD
Stacy Jagger
Laurie Stroud
Charlie Kaser
Trey Talley
Greg Ketteman, EdD
Scott Lehman
Jason Lindsey
Art Direction: Hope Chastain, Hbc Designs
Sales & Marketing: Robert Stringfellow
Printer: Franklin Web Printing
Cover Photo Credit:
“Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the
morning were the sixth day.” Genesis 1:31 (NKJV)
“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and
night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22 (NKJV)
Courtesy Southern Women’s Show
Nashville Christian Family is published monthly by
Clarion Concepts, P.O. Box 463, Spring Hill, TN
37174. The phone number is 615-815-8765.
E-mail [email protected]. The fax num®
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by The Christian Family Publication, Inc.
Unless otherwise noted, scripture taken from the Holy
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1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of
International Bible Society.
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For me, September is one of a couple of “transitional” months during the year. It may be for
you as well.
The kids are back in school, Labor Day signals the end of summer vacations, daylight time is
growing shorter and another football season is getting underway. Yes, autumn and fall are in
the air. One reason that I love this time of year is the beautiful changing of colors of the foliage
on trees and plants that will begin toward the end of the month. To me, this serves as a strong
reminder and example of the awesome and incomprehensible power of God through His creation and order of the universe and this earth that we inhabit.
During fall and autumn I try to give thanks to God daily, not only for the literal beauty of the
world we live in, but for Him blessing me by allowing me to enjoy His creation with all of my
Sometimes I tend to take for granted the beauty of creation. Maybe you do also. If that is the
case, during the next few weeks, please make a special effort with yourself and your family to
simply slow down and take time to enjoy the “beauty of creation” and give thanks to God, the
creator of it all. Also, with your family, read in entirety Genesis 1 and Psalm 104.
Enjoy and appreciate what the Lord has made.
“O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of
Your possessions...” Psalm 104:24 (NKJV)
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September 2013
Volume 5, Number 2
3 From the Publisher
7 Parent with a Purpose
• Time Moves On – Use It Wisely With Your Children
Grandparents Day is September 8
and Kay Robertson (second from left)
shares how the influence of her
grandmother shaped her faith and
her passion for cooking the meals she
is so well known for on the A&E reality show, Duck Dynasty, page 14.
17 Sports in Christianity
21 Keep The Faith
Should Your Child Attend a
Christian College?
17 Is Sports Your “God?”
19 Tailgate Time
21 Keep On Keeping On
Fall Family
8 Family Matters
• Nurture Your Family Bonds
9 Mission Makers
• Meet a 101 Year Old Lady
10 Teachable Moments
• Christianity and God’s Favor Is Not a Competition
11 Youth News
• Back To School Tips For Teens
11 The Single Life
• If Children of a Divorce Are In Your Family –
Listen and Learn
12 Body & Soul
• Don’t Worry – Be Happy – Laugh and Relieve Stress
• The Inevitable
18 Life Matters
• How Will Tenneseans Respond?
18 Faith at Work
• Do “Good Guys” Go to Heaven?
19 Money Matters
• From the Desk of Dave Ramsey
20 Kid’s Korner
• Kids Get Connected With the Bible Using
Simple Science Experiments
• Keep Close Tabs On the “Messages” Your Child Is Getting
21 Healthy Living
• Great Tips For Family Life and Diet
22 In His Grip
• Are You Living Precisely For Christ?
23 Faith Under Fire
• As Believers, We Live in Very Troubled Times
23 Hassle Free Zone
• “It” Will Catch Up With You
24 The Great Commission
• Turn the Other Cheek No Matter What –
Keep On Witnessing
25 Fellowship of Christian Athletes
• Meet the New Director of FCA of Greater Nashiville
25 Plan for Salvation
26 Calendar
26 Advertising Directory
September 2013 5
Helping Your Child Search For a College
…Without Losing Their Religion
A source of anxiety for many high school seniors and their parents is the
decision about where to go to college. Many Christian families struggle
over whether to choose a religiously affiliated school or a secular one.
Some Christian parents demand that their children choose Christian
schools, while others don’t make it a stipulation. Finances, most always, are
another determining factor. Some opt for the lower costs of in-state schools
or may accept scholarship opportunities. It is definitely a pervasive decision that involves taking many things into consideration.
The positive side of this dilemma is that it is not a decision that has
to be made overnight. Regardless what type of school that is being
looked into, starting the decision making
process early will help avoid a panicked
senior year. Applications should
be sent in months before graduation, so it is not wise to wait until
senior year to get serious about
college. “The earlier you can gain
a perspective on the choices that
are out there, the better.” says
Emily Joyce of Franklin, TN. She and her
husband, Paul, often incorporate visits to college
campuses during their vacations with their two
children. Having started these visits well before
middle school, Emily admits that there have been
times when the biggest draw has been visiting a
school that has a sports team or a stadium the children were interested in. That’s fine with the Joyces.
They believe the point is to get accustomed to seeing college campuses and to start thinking about the decision that they will one
day face. After all, unless commuting, it will be home for a few years.
If considering a religious school, the choice should be narrowed to how
much religious integration you are looking for. This will vary with each
school. Some wear the name, but no longer adhere to any moral or religious training for students. Others integrate it into all aspects of campus
life. Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Tennessee has long had the
motto, “teaching how to live and how to make a living,” indicating that the
students will receive more than just training for the business world.
Your visits to campuses of interest will allow you to determine quite quickly
how much emphasis is placed on moral standards. It is a good idea to plan
a trip that will allow you to be at the school while classes are in session, but
seeing weekend life is critical also. This will give you a time to notice many
details you can’t get from a pamphlet or commercial. For example, “Is there
a dress code?” “Is there any restraint between males and females in public
areas?” “Are there separate dorms for males and females?” Colleges and
universities vary widely on what is acceptable on campus. “Christian
schools” will have the most regulations; most will even have enforced curfews. State schools will be much more lax, but will still have some rules.
6 Nashville Christian Family
However, private schools, not religiously affiliated, will generally be
extremely liberal with what is allowed.
While every college doesn’t offer every field of study, it is important to find
a school that offers the training desired as well as one that is accredited.
Choosing a Christian university that does not offer a prospective student’s
field of study is probably not going to be the best thing. Helping your
emerging adult investigate where he can thrive spiritually and academically
should be the goal. An accredited school must meet certain standards that ensure a quality education. If a student transfers from
an unaccredited school, credits may not be accepted by another
college. These types of colleges often don’t have the respect in
the business world and may hinder
employment opportunities.
If a school with no religious ties is
chosen, it is important to determine if there will be a nearby place
to worship with others. Find out if
there are any private groups that
hold Bible studies, etc. It can allow
for bonding quickly with others that
have similar morals. With binge drinking parties
and lewd activities so common on many campuses,
it is important to establish relationships with those
that have higher standards. Depending on the school,
professors may be anti-Christian, even looking for
opportunities to discredit the Bible. However, some
Christian college students believe the environment gives
them an opportunity to be the salt of the world and the light of the earth. It
can be an exceptional opportunity for them to teach those they meet.
Others may not be ready to do this, or the temptations of participating in
worldly behavior may be too much for them to turn down.
Money will no doubt be part of your planning. Many schools allow students to work on campus with payment going toward tuition. Colleges will
often help you with applying for financial aid if needed.
Choosing a college is just one of the many choices we help our children
make along the way. It is important for kids to know that their parents
went before the Lord in prayer about all of life’s great decisions. Hopefully,
they themselves are spending significant time in prayer and desiring God’s
help. If they have learned this, they are already on the path to success. The
fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (James 5:16)
— Wendy Schreiber
Wendy is a freelance writer who resides in Franklin with her husband and
two children.
Hear the Clock
“What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”
James 4:14
A few years ago I read an article by a writer whose stuff I have been reading for
over 30 years. He has had a profound impact upon my life and thinking these
many years. Of the many, many, many books and articles I have read one regularly comes to mind. It is the article from which I got the title to this post.
On of this writer’s favorite one-liners was “procrastination kills!” He’s
right. My sixty years of life have attested to the truth of that admonishment, time and time again. It kills opportunities. It kills relationships. It
kills businesses. It kills the present for a hoped for but not
guaranteed future time and opportunity.
He was waxing eloquent about procrastination and
began to describe the time in his life where “the
light came on.” It was in his early twenties. He
described it this way: “I began to hear the clock
ticking.” (The author is now in his seventies.) He
went on to admonish the reader to listen for the ticking of the clock because all of us only have a certain,
measured number of “ticks” in our life. There will come
the time, he wrote, when we start the countdown of the last
ten of them: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…then eternity.
Unlike the author I did not begin to hear the “ticking” of the clock
until much later in life. I can say though, when it becomes clear in your mind, and
central in your life, you begin to think and rethink how you spend your time. You
begin to reevaluate outlook about relationships (and hopefully) change for the better. As the parent of six adult children I can tell you how easily I can fill myself with
regret about the misspent time and wasted opportunities I now see, in hindsight, in
my life. A regret that can become paralyzing, except for the hope and promise of the
Gospel. For years now I have admonished our children,“live in such a way that
your life won’t be filled with regrets when you get older.” I wish someone had told
me that very early in my life and brought me to understand what it means.
Parents, childhood is NOT a dress rehearsal. You don’t get “do-overs.” You don’t get
two chances to shape and influence your child(ren) so that they come to love truth,
beauty, and goodness. You don’t have unlimited time and opportunities to show
them how to “…love justice, do mercy, and walk humbly before your God.” Listen
for the sound of “the clock ticking.” Hear the sound of the countdown to the end of
your life and theirs. Teach them to value good relationships, love laughter, forgive
quickly, put away bitterness, and confess their sins and faults to others.
Don’t let the cuteness of your child distract or deter you from the training you must
do. Enjoy the cuteness but keep the sound of the clock ticking in mind. It is true, as
folks will say often with warning in their voice,“they grow up quickly.” Don’t procrastinate. Spend lots of time with them. Make it a habit so that you become, very
early in their life, the most important influence in their life, in both word and deed.
Don’t procrastinate. Tick-tock, hear the clock.
— Perry Coghlan
Perry is a husband for over 42 years, father to six, grandfather to 18, and with
his wife Patsy, co-founder of Spring Hill Academy, a Christian and Classical
school, in Spring Hill, TN.
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September 2013 7
Oxytocin: The Key to
Intimate Bonding for Couples
A recent family gathering reminded me of the importance of intimate bonding. That
gathering took place when my family and I enjoyed a wonderful three-week vacation on the west coast. In addition to seeing many exciting tourist sights (the Grand
Canyon, Hoover Dam, the Painted Dessert, Carlsbad Caverns, lava flows in New
Mexico, Disneyland, Sea World, the famous San Diego Zoo, and—even—Smoky
Bear’s gravesite and museum), we also enjoyed seeing other relatives along the way.
One family gathering at TGI Fridays is most memorable. My relatives like to hug
and show lots of affection, and this gathering was in no short supply of both. As we
said our good-byes, I felt so full and contented, and those feelings were not simply
the result of the fabulous meal we had consumed. I knew exactly why I felt such
peace because I had spent months researching the impact of oxytocin (OT).
OT, a neuropeptide that has been called the “cuddle hormone,” has been associated
with attachment, specifically in mother-infant bonding behaviors and monogamous
couple bonding behaviors. Bonding behavior is closely tied to sexuality, the capacity
to have intimate and erotic experiences and responses within and while in a meaningful and satisfying relationship. Medical practitioners realize the importance of
flesh-to-flesh connections, so doctors place a newborn on the chest of the mother.
Physical contact is a piece of the bonding ritual that impacts the infant relationally,
forming bonds with others and setting the stage for secure attachment, beginning
with mother and proliferating to connections with loved ones. This community of
love is the fabric and foundation of loving trust that allows the infant to feel safe with
his or her mother and others in the world.
Less obvious is the bonding that takes
place when loving touch is in place. OT
galvanizes the bond between two people
and produces positive feelings about self
and increases trust in the moment, laying
the foundation for trust and fidelity in
monogamous couples. When OT levels
are high for couples, they experience an increase in eye gaze, greater recognition of
positive characteristics in one’s partner, and stronger feelings of contentment. OT is
produced at high levels when hugs, massage, sexual arousal, or orgasm take place
with someone with whom a long-term monogamous relational bond exists. Here is
the most important part: Research has shown that OT is critical to the bonding
process; therefore, couples should take steps to intentionally increase OT levels in
order to enhance positive interactions.
Couples can take simple steps can to increase their OT levels. Kissing intimately for
about 20 seconds before and after work is a great way to stay connected (and, please,
do not time your kisses!). Hug twice a week for at least 2 minutes. Hold hands on a
regular basis and remember to do so when you are having discussions—even when
having a heated argument. Getting really mad is difficult to do when you are holding
hands and looking into one another’s eyes. Make it a point to incorporate sensuous
massage into the bonding repertoire. It is quite relaxing and provides a huge boost to
OT production. Certainly these suggestions are not the only ways to increase bonding through physical touch, but for some these may be helpful as starting points..
— Steve Stride, PhD
Associate Professor, Graduate Counseling Program, Trevecca Nazarene University
Dr. Stride, a licensed psychologist in the state of Tennessee, works with couples to
enhance emotional and sexual intimacy within their marriages. His office is located in
Mount Juliet. He can be contacted at [email protected] or
8 Nashville Christian Family
An Amazing Experience
I met a 110-year old woman. She had beautiful shoulder-length silver hair, tan skin
and a twinkle in her hazel eyes. Without a cane or eyeglasses, she walked into the
free health clinic at the edge of the Amazon Basin with her 78-year old daughter.
Joining an American medical mission team sponsored by e3 Partners of Dallas,
there were doctors, dentists and nurses. Some provided health care, nutrition talks,
prayer, water filtration systems and others were good with the kids. I fit into the latter category.
In the land of fiery red butterflies and cobalt blue hummingbirds the size of robins,
children appeared from all directions the moment we inflated beach balls and
tossed them into the Amazon sky. When coloring books and crayons were dispersed, they brought their pictures over for approval just like American children. I
smiled and said,“Muy bonita” to a 7-year-old girl who returned to me five times.
Precious. Our interpreters knew the game Simon Says, or Simondei Says as they call
it and took pleasure in telling us what to do. Everyone quickly learned Duck, Duck
Goose and enjoyed laughing at the over-50 kids running around the circle. Humor
and making fun is universal no matter what language.
We provided reading glasses to hundreds in need. One woman was overjoyed to
see again and offered me a gold ring with a lovely pink stone. Initially I wanted to
refuse it, but my interpreter informed me this would be an insult. It was a token of
appreciation. I received the gift. We both cried.
Daily we used
Inspired by the
Rubik’s Cube, an
e3 staffer came up
with the idea to
share the story of
Jesus’ death and
resurrection in
pictures on an
ever-changing cube. When I shared the story of the Gospel with the 110-year old
woman, she told the interpreter she knew who Jesus was. I told him to reply,
“Everyone knows who Jesus is, that’s not the question. Do you have a personal relationship with Him?” She fell silent. Then we asked,“If you died tomorrow, answer
why God would let you into heaven?” She admitted: “I’m not sure.” I told her that
salvation is a free gift, we cannot earn it. And yet like any gift, it must be received.
All gifts are to be opened and enjoyed. Within minutes she prayed to receive forgiveness of her sins and Jesus as her Savior. Precious.
.S ..News
ews & WWORLD
I asked the interpreter to inquire of her diet as I wanted to look that good at 110!
She told him their diet is limited to what is available in the small mountain village:
chicken, rice, eggs, bananas and cacao which is the purest form of chocolate. All my
favorite foods, I’m good. The truth is we may not have another 60 years here. The
Bible reads that no man knows the day or hour and also that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. That means near. That trip was three summers ago before the living
Savior rocked my world by transplanting me to Nashville.“For the day of the
LORD is near in the valley of decision.” (Joel 3:14)
— Ellen Diederich
Ellen is a free lance writer of articles, children’s books, devotionals and songs. She is on
staff with CBN-700 Club Nashville. Ellen enjoys speaking to groups to motivate them
to share their faith. September 2013 9
Seeing Stars
On the wall of my childhood Sunday
School class was a giant, gridlined poster
board that looked sort of like an Excel
spreadsheet. There was a place for each
child’s name, and then all of these
vacant boxes running to the right,
eager to be filled with shining gold
stars. Did you bring an offering? Put
a gilded check in the box! Are you staying for worship? A trophy is yours.
Read your Bible every day this week? Another
star blesses you from heaven.
I always had a shining wall full of stars, hungry
as I was for that elusive divine and adult
approval; and I sometimes led the class. But then there was Philip Johns, my
most fierce competitor. He was a religious machine. I could only beat him a
few months out of each year, and in my daily prayers I had to often repent for
wishing he would get struck with the flu, chickenpox, or leprosy – anything –
so that he would be sidelined just long enough for me to squeak out the winning margin.
It was that simple: Complete a religious assignment and get a star. Those with more
stars were more dedicated, more spiritual, more committed, and obviously more
beloved by God. Those with fewer stars, well, their faithfulness was suspect at best.
When we engrain a competitive spirit into faith – a culture of public shame and
reward – is it any wonder we end up with some really faith damaged adults?
There is plenty to compete for and against in this world. But Christianity is not one
of those things. Spiritual formation is not a competition. Faith is not – or at least it
should not be – an instrument to humiliate those who just “can’t measure up.”
And then there are those of us who “won” the religious game, we who earned
our bounteous gold stars with pride. We are committed – let there be no mistake about that – but committed to what, exactly? Obligation? Checklists? To
the fawning cheers of the spectators? To seeing our name high and lifted up in
heavenly constellations?
Our religious efforts and activities to please, praise, or placate God can become the
very things that actually distract us from God. For if Christian faith becomes a
work-based, blood-sweat-and-tears, incentive-driven, reward-acquisition staircase
that compensates the winners and shames the losers, then the focus is placed on us
and our rivals, not upon Christ.
— Ronnie McBrayer
Ronnie is a syndicated columnist, speaker, and author of multiple books. You can read
more and receive regular e-columns in your inbox at
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10 Nashville Christian Family
Caught in the Middle -
Wisdom from Kids after Divorce
“Since age 7 I have been the one to call and ask about child support and get my
other parent to help pay for soccer,” recounts Lee, a 15 year old teen who is living
between two homes. His parents divorced when he was five but he has been their
communicator and messenger for the last eight years.“I wish my parents would
take care of their own conversations instead of making me do their job.” Lee is frustrated because of the stress and anger his parents continue to carry and therefore
they do not speak to each other. Researchers call this type
of co-parenting “Dissolved Duos” who do not have any
interaction or communication. Unfortunately, the outcome is that the children do the work their biological
parents should do.
Sarah recounts,“Every time my parents are in the same
space they are rude and disrespectful to each other; this
makes me feel insecure and worried – I wish they would
stop acting so childish. My mom only tells me negative
details about my dad and my dad is really negative about
my mom's husband, my step dad. I feel stuck in the middle
and I continually feel like I am in a war zone!” This type of
co-parenting is categorized as “Fiery Foes” and it expressed
by divorced parents who take every opportunity to lash out at each
other, even at the expense of the children.
Children of divorced parents need to have the freedom to love both biological parents and to not be the go-between regarding child support or financial decisions.
Kids need to be allowed to be kids. Communication between co-parents is the
responsibility of the adults involved. The ideal co-parenting category is
“Cooperative Colleagues” - this is defined as biological parents who are like coCEOs of a business, two people who have a deep commitment to a positive outcome and have to communicate often. Some suggestions on how function as
“Cooperative Colleagues” include:
1. Do not discuss co-parenting information at the hand-off / transition times
when kids are present
2. Set a monthly time to meet in public and discuss co-parenting concerns
3. Utilize email for communicating details, asking questions, discussing schedules
of the children
4. Enlist a 3rd party to help with the meetings: a mediator, counselor, pastor,
trusted friend
5. Express gratitude, ask questions, assume the best, ask about motives
(don't assume)
Co-parenting is a complex process and requires a mature and intentional
focus to protect kids after divorce. Co-parenting well is the key to raising
healthy and stable children who will grow up and have every chance to thrive
in their young adult years.
— Tammy Daughtry, MMFT
Tammy is Founder of Co-parenting International and author of “Co-parenting Works! Helping Your Children Thrive After Divorce” (HarperCollins
2011). Free information is available on the website for divorced and
remarried parents. Nashville area classes are held at the YMCA for single and remarried parents.
Back to School Checklist
Summer is over, and it is back to school time again. Important choices will
be made this year. Your future is on the line. People around you will be
changed by what you say and do. As you get back to school make sure that
you are living like you should. Here are a few points to keep in mind:
Choose friends wisely. You will become like the people that you
hang around. It is impossible not to. Look beyond the “popular”
people as the only friends that you can have. Most of the time they are
popular for the wrong reasons. Find friends that will strengthen your
character, hold you accountable, resisting sin, and actively living for Christ.
Don’t think that you have to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. There is
so much pressure to have a special someone that many teenagers act
like it would be impossible to live without one. Don’t believe the lie. In
fact most people are better off without a boyfriend/girlfriend during these
years of development. A boyfriend/girlfriend can greatly hinder a young
person’s development as a person. Instead of throwing all of your time at
one relationship, that in the end want last, spend your time making great
friendships with girls and guys. Friendships last a lot longer than
Treat all teachers with respect. There is never an excuse to do so.
Your teachers are in a place of authority, and as a Christian we have
been commanded to respect those in authority. You may disagree with the
teacher’s personality, style, or teaching techniques however, there is no reason to let your difference of opinion cause you to disrespect them.
No one has cooties! They may be different, but they were also made
by God. In school you are surrounded by a huge variety of people.
It is easy to think that only those whom dress like, act like, and speak like
you are the “right” kind of people. However, realize that people are different. This does not mean that they are worth less than you are or somehow
less human. They were made and designed by the very God who made
you as well, so treat them as such.
Don’t spend your day comparing yourself to others. This is a huge
waste of time. Instead, be the best you that you possibly can. All
people have strengths and weakness, however, we usually think that we are
the only ones that have weaknesses, and that certain people we know are
just perfect. This is simply not true.
Live for Christ! Life is not all about you. You were designed by
God, saved by Christ, to live for Him! This is so contradictory to
the way the majority of people at your school will live. Most people make
every choice based on what is popular or if it makes them feel good.
However, we as Christians have been called to a much higher way of living.
We know that this life is very temporary and that in the end the only thing
that matters is Christ. Analyze your life daily to see if you are living for
Him or for yourself.
“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above,
where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things
that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Col. 3:1-2).
— Trey Talley
September 2013 11
The Inevitable
“He will yet fill your mouth with
Laughter” Job 8:21
One of the best ways to reduce
stress is to keep your sense of
humor. It’s taken me quite a
few years to learn to laugh at
myself, but it’s freeing and
allows me to be human and not
“major in the minors.” My grandmother used to say “Find the joy
in all you do and remember that
laughter and humor keeps you young and feisty.” Don’t panic….don’t
over react and don’t use unnecessary force. If you do people will avoid
you. Happy people get more done than their oh-so-serious counterparts.
Actually being joyful can make you laugh all the way to the bank. It confirms your love of people.
Would you rather buy a car from a stressed-out, verbally abusive salesman
or someone whose company you enjoy? Would you rather work with
someone with passion who is congenial or moaning and groaning about
what ought to be done! “A cheerful heart is good medicine.” (Proverbs
Keep in mind two things when it comes to humor. 1. Make sure your
humor is at no one else’s expense. 2. Avoid jokes about things others
might be sensitive about. Weight, bad hairdos, cheating husbands might
make some people laugh, but to others it’s not funny.
It’s always wise to let the joke be on you. Make sure your personality can
handle your humor; you know you’re not going to offend anyone. “There is
a time for everything: a time to weep and a time to laugh.” (Ecc 3:1) Every
relationship, every path you cross, every conversation you have can ultimately be used by God to further His purposes. Whether it be at work, at
home or play, always keep these things in mind. This is one positive way
to “enjoy Life’s journey.”
— Barbara Rucker
As an actress and model for over two decades, Barbara’s career
covered all media from radio & TV talk show host, magazine
covers, 10 years in soap operas, and spokesperson for thousands
of commercials. Her children, daughter Taylor, 26 and son,
Logan 24, are her greatest achievement. .Barbara is a Mary
Kay beauty consultant and loves enriching women’s lives!
Recently my husband and I experienced a change in our lives…again.
Another child got married and left the
nest. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy
that our children have found the mate
the Lord has for them. But I’m slowly
realizing one day this house will be free
of our children and it will be a lot of
alone time for me and my husband.
This wonderful event has made me
think about how we women go
through many changes in our lives. As
little girls we grow into big girls and
experience different changes .During our teens we usually decide what we
want to be in life and go after it, then it’s off to work. If we marry we go from
living the single life to sharing every part of our life with another; next big
change, motherhood. We’re constantly caring for; looking after a little person
that has our hearts in the palm of their tiny little hand. In a short five years
that little person starts school and we have to adjust to their new world. Too
soon it’s time for college and we have to prepare ourselves for them being
totally out of the house, until summer rolls around. Suddenly it happens, our
child moves out for real for all time.
I’ve watched my husband of thirty years experience some changes but not as
many as I feel I have. Yes he changed from being a bachelor to a husband and
then a father, but his role of primary provider has never changed. With additions, subtractions and situations of our family, he continues his job as before,
and plans to do so until retirement, whereas my responsibilities seem to keep
changing. Different phases in our children’s lives haven’t affected him like they
have me. I’m sure it has something to do with the way men and women are
wired differently. For us women, there are yet more changes coming our way,
physical and emotional. Yes, there have been changes for my husband as well;
mostly the physical. I truly hope I do not offend any male readers, if so, I
humbly apologize. I’m just calling this ballgame as I see it from my seat.
So what is a gal to do? For us women to not continue to experience change is
for us to no longer live life, for life is full of twists and turns some good,
some…not so much, but change is inevitable. The good news is; there is help;
Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. [or
changes]. That help comes from the one who never changes, our Heavenly
Father. All we have to do is call on him. He likes it when we take our ‘changes’
to Him, after all He is the only one who can deal with them correctly.
So, fasten your safety belts gals, for new changes are coming.
— Reba Stanley
Reba lives with her husband of 30 years in Brentwood, TN. She is
a mother of four, a Christian fiction romance author, a professional artist and a work in process of her Heavenly Father. For more
information visit her website:
12 Nashville Christian Family
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September 2013 13
Called to Cook
oking. She m
for her
ksgiving just
Kay is best
en Jep
Duck Dyna
ie. I have se
eet potato p
one of
at least six
eat a whole
... that’s just
sons. “I’ve
n Willie eat
pie. I’ve see
at they like.”
l things
those specia
ay Robertson, matriarch of the popular A&E television show Duck
Dynasty, says fall family time at the home of the Duck
Commander is all about, “Hunting, eating, and watching footballin that order.” Robertson says, “The men hunt, then we have a huge lunch
and watch football together,” adding that it is during this time of year that
she draws upon and is often most thankful for her gift of cooking encouraged by her grandmother and later her husband Phil’s mother.
“I consider cooking a real gift from God,” says Robertson. “It’s a passion of
mine, and my grandmother helped put it in my heart. As a little girl I
would sit in the kitchen with her and do the rolling pin and when I wasn’t,
I would be looking at all the cookbooks.” Robertson spent much of her
childhood with her grandmother while her parents ran the family grocery store in Ida, La. “I even cooked
with her for the different shifts at the store. Men came in and ate at a certain time and the women came in and ate at a certain time,”
remembers Robertson who also credits her grandmother as her biggest faith influence.
Robertson says her faith, nurtured by her grandmother, sustained her when her children were young and her marriage to Phil seemed to be
falling apart. In Phil’s book, Happy, Happy, Happy (Howard Books) she shares, “My grandmother told me that it’s one man and one woman
for life and that your marriage is worth fighting for. We had a few hard and bumpy years, but prayer, patience and some suffering and
hope- plus remembering an old lady’s words- were what got me through the difficult times.” Robertson says during those difficult times God
taught her the hardest lesson she has ever had to learn: patience. She adds that God brought her a great blessing through it, seeing her husband come to know Christ and change his life. “Our lives were so much better when that change came,” remembers Kay. She and Phil celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary on the season premiere of their television show.
Robertson believes it is her calling to pass on what her grandmother did to her- a strong faith in Christ and a love
for cooking. “I am trying to do my best to teach the grandkids cooking. Any time I have a rolling pin, they want to
be a part of that,” she chuckles. And Robertson says her favorite family time is on Sundays at White’s Ferry Road
Church of Christ in West Monroe, La. She and husband Phil, all four of their sons, and their sons’ families attend
church together. . “Every single one of them goes to church with us, every one, and that is a joy to me,” says
Robertson. Often Phil heads to the church first. “He wants to get there to open the doors I always say,” and then
Kay follows with grandkids who have slept over the night before. Robertson admits church has changed with the
The Robertson family has published two books with Howard fame of the television show. “We have a lot of guests to visit to
Books/Simon and Schuster and Miss Kay will author a third, see us and that’s fine because I say, ‘If they want to follow us to
releasing November 5, entitled, Miss Kay’s Duck Commander the church building, they couldn’t be in a better place. They are
Kitchen: Faith, Family and Food.
going to hear a good lesson. I’m kind of thrilled.”
14 Nashville Christian Family
Courtesy: Howard
Books, Imprint of
Simon & Schuster
To keep her faith first, Robertson leads a weekly Bible study called “Muffins for Moms.” “It’s
been a joy to my life to be able to keep up with my women’s group. Several women have
come to Christ through the group, and I’m thrilled about that.” In spite of a filming schedule
that changes weekly, Robertson rarely misses. The group of about 20 women wait for the
show’s filming schedule to be released and then determine which day of the week they will
meet. “We rotate days according to when I’m off and I have an assistant or two that take the
lead when there is a week I don’t have a free day.”
Courtesy: Howard Books, Imprint of
Simon & Schuster
When it comes to the influence Miss Kay hopes to have on others- especially her children Phil and Kay Robertson (center) with th
eir four sons (L to R)
Jep, Alan, Jase and W
illie. The couple still
and grandchildren- she says it boils down to consistency and being willing to admit your
lives full time in
the same home the bo
mistakes. “Number one, be consistent with every- there and I don’t wa ys grew up in. “I have many memories
nt to lose them,” says
Kay. “We are in
our same house and
thing you do. Number two, I’m really big about
the table you see on
television is the
table we eat on ever
y day.”
admitting my mistakes, letting them know I’m not
perfect. I’ve learned some hard lessons from doing some things
wrong. My motto here is to always learn from it, grow from it, and move on.”
— Laurie Stroud
Kay and Phil Robertson in the early years with
oldest sons Alan and Jase.
September 13-15
PSALM 42:1
September 2013 15
an early start pays off!
It’s time to start signing up
for both teaching and tutoring
for the fall semester!
16 Nashville Christian Family
American Idol? The Christian and Sports
While we may admire those who dedicate themselves
to being the best in any chosen field, we must ask,
“What good is it is a man gains the whole world, but
loses his eternal soul.” How many of us aspire to reach
that same level of excellence in Bible knowledge,
Christian disciplines, or in serving hurting and needy
people? How many of us encourage our children to
aspire to this rather than sports achievements?
In our culture, answering questions about the
Christian’s involvement in sports requires wisdom and
courage – refusing to engage mindlessly in what the
dominant culture dictates, and instead thoughtfully
pursuing single-minded obedience to God’s claim on
our lives. When we perceive that bowing to cultural
expectations is wrong, we must be prepared to take a
courageous (and unpopular) stand.
Honest answers to questions about Christians in sports
will, no doubt, create discomfort, guilt, and uncertainty.
This is because genuine and purposeful engagement of
Christians with culture is always spiritual warfare. Still,
the questions and related Scripture passages that follow
are intended as food for thoughtful Christians regarding their involvement in sports. They are intended to
be literal and straightforward to allow for honest consideration. As the reader will see in these questions,
moving “toward a Christian view of sports” is not easy,
but those who apply Christian principles to their
involvement in sports will be rewarded in kind.
While it is clear the Bible does not explicitly condemn
sports or involvement in sports, the biblical principles
posed are helpful as individuals consider how to submit to an obedient and loving relationship with Jesus
Christ as Lord.
Does physical exercise acknowledge and properly
value the body as “the temple of the Holy Ghost?” Is
sports competition a way to “glorify God in your
• “What? Do you not know that your body is the temple
of the Holy Spirit . . ?” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
Does sports participation qualify as, “doing whatever
we do to the glory of God?” Can we really participate
in sports “heartily as unto the Lord,”“in His name,”
and not “as unto men?” • “Whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do all
to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).
• “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the
name of the Lord Jesus . . . ” (Colossians 3:17, 23).
Can one truly “love the Lord his God with all his
heart, soul, and might” and be totally abandoned to
the pursuit of anything other than that? If so, does
that include sports?”
• “Jesus said to him, you shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your
mind. This is the first and great commandment”
(Matthew 22:37-38).
Is the command to “let the mind of Jesus be in us”
compatible with a winning sports ethos?
• “Let nothing be done through selfishness or empty
conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you
regard one other more important than himself . . . . ”
(Philippians 2:3-8).
Who are we serving when we devote ourselves to
sports? Are we “seeking first His kingdom”?
• “No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate
the one, and love the other or he will hold to the one and
despise the other. You can’t serve God and riches.”
(Matthew 6:24).
• “But seek first the kingdom of God . . . ” (Matthew 6:33).
What does our involvement with sports prove about
our affections? Is our spending for sports proof of
our allegiance to God and to His kingdom?
• “If have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking those
things which are above, where Christ is seated on the
right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on
things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3:1-2).
Is our involvement in sports part of “walking circumspectly?” Are we “redeeming the time” in evil days as
we devote time, energy, and resources to sports?
• “Be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as
wise, making the most of your time . . . ” (Ephesians
In our devotion to sports, are we “minding earthly
things” or is our “conversation in heaven” as we “look
for our Savior?”
• “For many walk … [as] enemies of the cross of Christ:
Whose end is destruction, whose god is their appetite,
whose glory is in their shame, and who set their minds on
earthly things. . . . ” (Philippians 3:18-21).
Do we participate in sports because we are not content with godliness? How do sports promote “following after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience,
• “But godliness with contentment is great gain . . . ” (1
Timothy 6:6-12).
As we participate in sports, are we focusing our
minds on “things that are true, honest, just, pure, of
good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy?”
• “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is of
good repute; if there is any excellence and if anything
worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things”
(Philippians 4:8).
Former Indianapolis Colts’ Head Coach Tony Dungy
wrote in the epilogue of his book, Quiet Strength,
about his faith and sports in his own life:
“I love coaching football, and winning a Super Bowl
was a goal I’ve had for a long time. But it has never
been my purpose in life. My purpose in life is simply
to glorify God. We have to be careful that we don’t let
the pursuit of our life’s goals, no matter how important they seem, cause us to lose sight of our purpose.”
Obviously, some serious problems with the place sport
occupies in our culture exist with the apparent tacit
approval of the Church. Christian leaders must
acknowledge that, in many ways, sports have become
the new opiate of the people and the new American
civil religion, and we must set about to bring the principles of Scripture to bear on this problem. We must urge
believers to live wise and courageous lives, guided by
biblical truth and consciously taking captive every
thought to the obedience of Jesus Christ. — Dr. Greg Ketteman is Provost at Welch College in
Nashville, Tennessee. To read his work on sports in its
entirety, order Integrity: A Theological Journal, published
by the Commission for Theological Integrity: 877-7639222 or [email protected]
In sports, do we “bring into captivity every thought
to the obedience of Christ?” If so, how? If not, how
would this look for the Christian?
• “… Destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised
up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking into
every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2
Corinthians 10:5).
In sports, are we “lovers of pleasure more than lovers
of God?” Do sports lead us to a “form of godliness,
denying the power thereof?”
• “… In the last days difficult times will come. For men
will be lovers of themselves . . . lovers of pleasure rather
than lovers of God …” (2 Timothy 3:1-7).
September 2013 17
How Will Tennesseans Respond?
Because of a radical 4 to 1 ruling by the Tennessee Supreme Court in 2000, Tennessee
now boasts a broader right to abortion than that recognized by Roe v. Wade or the U.
S. Constitution. With this decision, the court changed the two hundred year old state
Constitution without the knowledge or consent of the people of Tennessee.
With this new found “right to abortion”, the court struck down basic commonsense protections that had been approved overwhelmingly by members of the
Tennessee General Assembly. These four justices took it upon themselves to rewrite
the laws regulating abortion in our state, and in an extreme power grab, greatly
restricted the ability of Tennessee voters to regulate abortion through their elected
representatives and senators.
The one dissenting voice on the court, Justice Mickey Barker, wrote in his opinion,
“Plainly stated, the effect of the Court’s holding today is to remove from the people all
power, except by constitutional amendment, to enact reasonable regulations of abortion…I believe that the Court has overstepped its authority with this decision.”
As a result of the ruling, Tennesseans can no longer enforce reasonable protections for
abortion-vulnerable women or unborn children. Currently, Tennessee has abortion
on demand with:
• NO informed consent for women and girls considering abortion.
• NO waiting period to ensure that no woman is pressured into a quick
abortion decision.
• NO hospitalization requirement for second trimester abortions.
• NO required inspection or regulation of abortion facilities to ensure that even
minimal health standards are being met.
The effect of the ruling has been far reaching. Since each of Tennessee’s eight border
states have active policies requiring informed
consent, waiting periods and regulation of abortion
facilities, Tennessee has quickly become a destination
in the southeast for those seeking unregulated abortions. In 2008, 23.7% of abortions
performed in Tennessee were on women residing in other states and, according to
a special report in The Tennessean, our state ranks fifth nationally in the number
of out of state abortions.
Since 2000, the primary goal of pro-life Tennesseans has been to overturn this wrong
court ruling through a Constitutional amendment and restore the ability of citizens
and elected officials to decide Tennessee’s abortion policies.
Formerly referred to as Senate Joint Resolution 127 (SJR 127), Amendment 1 has
been placed on the ballot for public vote in November 2014. Approval of the measure
by Tennessee voters would allow passage and enforcement of commonsense policies
designed to protect the health and safety of women and girls. Passage of Amendment
1 will put Tennesseans back in control of Tennessee policy. How will we respond?
For more information on Amendment 1, contact Yes on 1 at [email protected] or
go to
— Stacy Dunn
Stacy is Vice President of Tennessee Right to Life
Do “ Good Guys”
Go To
Most Christians agree that you have to be “saved” to go to heaven. This is pretty
widely accepted by the 32% of the world’s population who consider themselves
Christians, who also agree there are several steps involved in the process. We’re
human; we like steps and processes, right? However, God—who is much bigger than
the box we tend to put him in—sometimes does things a little differently than we
expect. For example:
A centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to
die. The centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking
him to come and heal his servant. When they came to Jesus, they pleaded
earnestly with him, “This man deserves to have you do this, because he loves
our nation and has built our synagogue.” So Jesus went with them.
He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him:
“Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my
roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say
the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under
authority, with soldiers under me. When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at
him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not
found such great faith even in Israel.” Then the men who had been sent
returned to the house and found the servant well. (Luke 7:1-10)
18 Nashville Christian Family
Apparently, the centurion was a really good guy. Though
he wasn’t Jewish, he loved the Jewish people and they loved him. So, when the centurion asked the Jewish elders to go to Jesus for help, they went. However, when Jesus
was almost there, the centurion sent some friends to stop Jesus from coming in, saying that he was not “worthy.” Obviously, having better manners than most of us, Jesus
didn’t ask “why?” or demand to enter.
What amazed Jesus was the centurion’s faith. Jesus told the crowd following him
that the centurion’s faith was greater than that of anyone in Israel, which would be
shocking statement considering all the Jewish leaders, disciples, and preacher-types
running around at that time. In fact, in the parallel verse from Matthew 8:5-13, Jesus
says that one day, people with this kind of faith would come from all over the world
and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at God’s kingdom banquet, while those
that expect to be at the banquet would be kicked out and quite confused at how this
could have happened.
Jesus healed the servant, impressed by the simple trust of a man who didn’t
have a clue about religious things. In addition to healing his servant, by grace, the
centurion became a part of God’s kingdom and an example for us all. As humans,
we want to know the “steps” to fix the challenges in our lives and in the lives of
others. In this passage, God shows that he can heal the body and the soul.
Perhaps we should learn to have the simple faith of the centurion, trusting that the
Father knows what he’s doing.
— David Pridmore
Dear Dave,
I have a townhouse I’m preparing to rent. Do you have any advice for evaluating
potential tenants?
— Chris
Dear Chris,
The first thing I’d do is pull a credit bureau report. I’m not really worried about their
credit score; I just want to see if they have a history of late or missed payments. Talk
to some local property management firms and see who they use to pull these
reports. I’d also recommend doing a background check on the potential renters.
Talk to the owner of the last place they rented as well as the one before. I advise this
because there are some dishonest landlords out there who will tell you that a bad
tenant is wonderful just to get them out of their property.
6Top Tailgate Tips
A lot of things, though, are simply common sense measures. Have them fill out an
application, which includes their income and a list of their debts. If they make
$2,000 a month and have $2,500 a month in debt payments, you don’t want them as
tenants. In this scenario, a smile and “I promise I can pay it” won’t work. Spend
some time just talking with them too. Really listen to what they say and how they
say it. Get a feel for what kind of people they are, and, if they have children, pay special attention to the kids. Are they well behaved, or do they run around and act like
a bunch of wild animals? If it’s the latter, then they’re going to tear up your house.
And guess what? If the parents can’t discipline their kids, there’s a good chance they
can’t discipline themselves either. You don’t want to get mixed up with that. People
who let kids run the household don’t make good tenants.
Finally, remember to trust your gut instincts. If you get a weird vibe from someone,
or if things just feel strange, don’t rent to them. Chances are, there’s a reason you
have those feelings.
— Dave
Dear Dave,
Should a budget change every month?
— Cindy
Dear Cindy,
Yes, it should. Your life changes every month, and your budget should reflect the ebb
and flow of your life.
Now, some things will stay the same. Your house payment or rent should fall into
this category. If you have a car payment, which I hope you don’t, that would be the
same too. There shouldn’t be a big difference in the amount you spend on food
most months though. You might spend more in this category during November
and December thanks to the holidays, but overall it should remain pretty steady.
U S!
Make A List
Every time I entertain at my house I always have a list of
everything that needs to be done from the centerpieces to
the food. The same thing can be done for a tailgate. You
don’t want to have a fabulous spread of delicious treats
and then realize you have no forks or napkins! Here are a few
essentials I always make sure to take: tablecloth, table, chairs,
paper goods, silverware, drinks, and of course food!
Limit your Hot Items
Make recipes that are great served cold or at room temperature. Having a dish that is best served piping hot isn’t the best idea.
cheese balls, dips, fruit tray’s, and mini sandwiches are all great options.
Purchase some of your items
One of my cooking hero’s is Ina Garten aka The Barefoot Contessa.
When she invites friends over for dinner she always recommends buying the bread or dessert from a local bakery instead of stressing out to
make everything yourself. So, choose a few of your “go-to” recipes and
tthen let your favorite caterer do the cooking for you.
Bring bottled water, sodas, and other beverages that don’t require cups
and ice. This will be easier for your guests and easier on you! Just be
sure to ice down your drinks at least 6 hours ahead of time.
The More the Merrier!
One of the things I love the most about tailgating is all the people you
get to see! So when you run into friends you want to be sure to have
plenty of food! Make more of fewer items rather than making a wide
variety. Look for recipes that are easy to double such as black bean salsa,
spinach dip, and brownies.
Show your Team Spirit!
Be sure to bring and wear items with your team colors! You can even
color coordinate your food!
— Ashley McMackin
The biggest fluctuation you may see is in your utilities. I heat my house with natural
gas, so the bill is much higher during the winter months. It’s just the opposite during
the summer. We burn electricity to run the air conditioner, so the electric bill is
higher in summer. This is part of the reason I urge people to do a budget on paper,
on purpose before the next month begins. You may look at the upcoming month
and realize the kids have soccer pictures scheduled. There may be a school trip
planned, or they may need back-to-school clothes and supplies.
When it comes to a budget, there’s no easy out. Things change from month to
month, and you need to think, plan ahead, and itemize so your budget is an accurate reflection of your life!
— Dave Ramsey,
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He’s authored
four New York Times best-selling books:Financial Peace, More Than
Enough, The Total Money Makeover and EntreLeadership. The Dave Ramsey
Show is heard by more than 6 million listeners each week on more than 500
radio stations. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at
September 2013 19
Bowling Ball Nose-Basher
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
cause the 10 pound bowling ball to hit you in the face. Potential energy or
stored energy is at its greatest when you are holding the 10 pound bowling
ball to your nose. Once you let go, potential energy changes to kinetic
energy, or energy in motion.
10 Pound Bowling Ball
STEP 1: Securely attach the string to the 10 pound bowling ball.
STEP 2: Securely attached the string, with the bowling ball, to the ceiling.
STEP 3: Pull the 10 pound bowling ball to your nose. Let go! DO NOT push the
10 pound bowling ball, just let go. DO NOT move forward, stand still. If you push
the10 pound bowling ball or move forward the 10 pound bowling ball could hit
you in the face, causing injury. EXPLANATION
The swinging 10 pound bowling ball demonstrates the Conservation of
Energy. The total amount of energy the 10 pound bowling ball has, stays
the same, until you do something to change this energy. You can change
the amount of energy by pushing the 10 pound bowling ball. This would
Are you in control of what messages your child is receiving?
With the bombardment of media, sales and marketing savvy in today’s world, it is a
true challenge to raise and educate a child today to emulate Christian values and not
worldy values. When the world is showing a child through media messaging that
they are not popular if they do not own a specific product, not good enough if they
do not look a certain way as in the popular magazines or act the way they see other
teens on television - it is quite hard to compete for the attention of your child when
they are plugged into their IPhones, Kindles, IPads, Xbox or computer. How many commercials and jingles do you remember as a child? I bet there are at
least four that stick in your head. Everything from the Big Mac song to the Oscar
Meyer jingle “My bologna has a first name” is still kept and stored in our heads, just
20 Nashville Christian Family
This experiment took a lot of trust. You had to believe that the 10 pound
bowling ball would not hit you in the face, causing injury. In life, we can’t
always choose the situation we are in, but we can always trust that God will
guide us through anything.
— Jason Lindsey
Go to for
Beyond the Science Lab video
segments and more hands-on experiments.
as the magazine photos from Abercrombie and Fitch leave an image in
our children’s heads about how they should look to be acceptable and
popular. How can we keep our children on the right path with good values in a world that has an ever increasing speed of negative imagery and
the greed of sales.
With schools participating in co-marketing of products through vending
machines as well as selling rights to ads in school parking lots, it’s very difficult
to have a handle on what the “world” is trying to really sell your child. Sports and
other extracurriculars are also jumping on the bandwagon to sell advertising to help
pay for items. I believe that they next marketing trend to see will be new choir robes
for Glee that have sashes with sponsorship similar to NASCAR. How far are we willing to sell ourselves to allow our children to be influenced by corporations rather
than Christian concepts?
There are some schools of thought that a child should be exposed to everything and
allowed to try to decipher what they believe as well as the opposite spectrum which
selectively allows influences into their child’s life through parental control. As a
Christian we have to carefully guard and influence our children to exemplify good
character building values, so that when media messages come across our children
learn how to filter through the negative imagery and sales.
— Charlie Kaser
Author, photojournalist and public speaker - Charlie has spoken to numerous congregations regarding environmental stewardship and family values.
Many of us already know that excess refined sugar (found in sodas, candies, icings,
and packaged treats) can contribute to diabetes, excess weight and cardiovascular disease, and that complex carbohydrates found in vegetables, grains, and fruits are the
healthiest for us. But do we realize that the effects of sugar just contributed to the
world class tantrum our son just had? The crying meltdown our daughter had over
something seemingly so little?
Here are five healthy ideas to replace our sugar addictions with positive, natural sweeteners and behaviors that will satisfy our cravings and keep ourselves and our children
from harm.
Replace some of your children's “sweet” needs for affection. We
sometimes have a tendency in our culture to reward our children with sweets, just like
we have a tendency to reward them with “stuff”. The truth is, our children need our
presence and our engaged attention, or attunement, more than things or sweet treats.
Take the time to look at your child in the eye, give a sweet kiss on the cheek, hug them
and tell them how much you love them. Some days, that is all the “sweet” they need.
When you find that your children are having a
higher carb, higher sugar meal or treat, find a creative way to add protein to it. Adding
healthy proteins like nuts, chicken, beans, lentils, avocados, and fish to our children's
diets will help reduce the insulin response which will therefore reduce behavioral consequences.
“Say what?” These sugar alternatives are the latest
made from stevia, an herb found in Central and South America that is up to 40 times
sweeter than sugar but has zero calories and won't cause a jump in your blood sugar.
Both work well in coffee and tea or sprinkled over fruit, cereal, or yogurt.
Most store bought milks are high in sugars, except for this one. For those of us raised on sweet milk, it takes some getting used
to, but is highly recommended by nutritionists who are supporting families whose
children are sugar sensitive, especially those with soy and lactose allergies.
Family walks. After dinner games. Bedtime reading. Trips to the park. Five minutes of special play time. These are the memories our
children will remember. The ice cream shop does not have to be banned forever, but
leave these times for very special occasions, not a weekly event. Our dailies of special
family times can replace our children's need for the temporary “up” of tasty treats that
will ultimately harm them if overdone.
— Clinician Stacy Jagger, MMFT
Owner of Sunnybrook Counseling, offers counseling and psychotherapy services for
women, children, couples and families.
September 2013 21
Living a life of Precision
Years ago, before golf driving ranges became full service
ranges and both supplied balls and recovered them,
golfers had to bring their own range balls and hustle
down range to retrieve them. This was true for professional golfers as well. Needless to say, it could get quite
costly if you sprayed balls all over.
However, golfers like Arnold Palmer and Ben Hogan
used to send their caddy down range and shag balls like
an outfielder at baseball batting practice. Yep, you read that right. Ernest "Creamy"
Carolan, who caddied for both Palmer and Hogan (and others over his 50-year
career), carried a baseball glove with him to the driving range and caught fly golf
balls. This "target" not only required Palmer and Hogan to become extremely precise
with their ball striking, it enabled them to dial in with club yardages.
Their goal wasn't hitting fairways and greens, but hitting specific spots on each.
That’s playing precision golf. Most amateurs are content to land the ball anywhere in
the direction of the hole.
How would you describe the Christian life you’re living? Are you living with precision or are you content to hit it in the direction of walking with Jesus?
God wants us to shoot for precision and to pursue Him with excellence in all that we
do. Here are two complementary verses. "And whatever you do, whether in word or
deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus" (Colossians 3:17); and "So whether you
eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).
In the first, "word and deed" represent speaking and doing. In
other words, every cognitive action executed by a human is to
be done in the name of Jesus. In the second verse, the Apostle
Paul picks two of the absolutely most mundane activities in
which a human being can engage to represent that everything
is to be done with excellence that honors God.
But let’s look at these two verses as “shots” we’ve picked cleanly
off a fairway lie. The goal isn’t good shots; the shots lead to
something greater. But what? God looks on a life that is sacrificially pursuing excellence for the sake of His glory and sees it as worship.
If Jesus is infinitely more valuable than any other being or aspect of His creation,
then He is infinitely worthy of every ounce of worship the human heart and soul can
express. Worship isn't a style of Sunday service - as in contemporary or traditional.
True worship emanates from the heart and soul of a transformed life devastated by
the presence of Jesus. God is most pleased in man when every aspect within a man's
life is thrown into pursuing the excellence of God.
And that’s living life with precision.
— Scott Lehman
President of and contributor to the
Golfer's Bible (B&H Publishing). You can follow Scott on
twitter at or Facebook at
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22 Nashville Christian Family
My life simplified when I stopped thinking about being a
"U.S. Citizen", my "rights" and the evil people taking over
the country. Otherwise, I become distracted and
afraid. I now have more room for love in my heart
and more peace of mind. Recently, I heard a man named Phil Kendrick
testify about a particular woman. This
woman was called from a vision of Jesus to
minister to pimps and warlords in Africa.
She expects to be martyred. She couldn't
follow through, if she were worried about her
rights, evil people or their political agenda. Per Phil, "Everyone is Important" to God..Homosexuals, Pedophiles, Murderers,
Rapists, Warlords, Abortionist and even impatient people like me who cut in, up the
line of road traffic ahead of the patient people. Yes friends it's true.
Politics/Republican/Democrat/Conservative/Liberal doesn't get you knowing your
neighbor's name or caring about his problems. Kingdom-mindedness does!
I'm not saying some aren't called by God into politics, because they are and they will
make a difference. I'm just saying, for those who aren't called, hold the "Kingdom"
up higher, and try to stop worrying about whether the gays are taking over. If you
have a homosexual neighbor, find a way to serve him. Would it be too hard to have
him over for dinner (Jesus ate with sinners)?
I had a "Christian" businessman tell me once that because of my seemingly radical
beliefs, he felt toward me as he did toward a friend of his, who had been delivered
from pornography. He said "I don't want to be seen around my friend for fear others
will think I have a pornography problem". He had literally told his friend to "never
flag him down in public". The shallowness of this is mind boggling. But this attitude among Christians is one of the root causes of America's disintegration...the lack
of love for the sinner. The Pharisees feared for their reputation too.
The enemy has hold of grass roots America not because of Twitter and
Facebook. The enemies grip stems from the void of love coming from Christians in
grass roots America. So the enemy comes with a flood to fill the void. The Holy
Spirit would be our helper to raise a standard of love against the flood. Our real
problem is with the Spirit and being fruitful and multiplying.
It completely shuts down the multiplication effect of love. Somehow
"sinners"...thieves, demoniacs, the sexually sinful, were attracted to Jesus (Mr.
Multiplication). Sinners want to see a heavy cross...a sacrificial cross of
love. Sacrifice takes the pharisaical agenda out of it for the sinner. Dying to oneself,
and finding a way, through the presence of the Holy Spirit, to love seemingly unloveable people in your grass roots neighborhood is where the true power is hidden!
Fear isn't my friend or yours. Love can be deeper than most, including me, know
and is a weapon far more powerful. May God bless the U.S. with more Kingdom
love from above through His people!
— Brian Burke
Christian Speaker/Founder of Lovestruction for Men. To receive Lovestruction For Men
email blast/blog address, email me at [email protected]
Catching Up
“Be sure your sins will find you out.” That’s
what the Good Book says, and my mother
quoted those words to me a lot while I
was growing up. In fact, she once
arranged for the public demonstration of
this proverb.
I was in the seventh grade, and someone was habitually stealing my lunch from my
classroom cubby. My mother complained, vigorously. Still, the thievery continued. So,
she then did something unexpected: She took matters into her own hands.
My mother made a sandwich combining dog food with that greasy potted meat
compost. Then she sweetened the deal with a nicely baked brownie, Ex-lax being the
main ingredient. The thought of my good Christian mother orchestrating and executing such a devious plan of revenge made my teenage heart leap with joy.
On the Day of Judgment I placed my lunch in its usual location and went to math
class. Later, when I returned to fetch it – to my sinister delight – it was gone. I nearly
hyperventilated with delight. I watched the absentee roll for the next several days,
and discovered that Dexter Wilkey missed three days in a row. When he finally
returned to school, he was still a little green around the gills. Obviously, mother and I
had our man.
How is it that our wrongdoings always float to the surface? Cheat on your taxes and
lo and behold that’s the one year you get audited. Cheat on your wife and that will be
the inopportune time she investigates the extra charges on your Visa card. Steal from
your boss and expect a pink slip. It might take a while to catch up with you, but
“catch up” is coming nonetheless.
Sure, some will get away with it – but not many. Call it sin, the inescapable justice of
the universe, karma, or bad juju – whatever.“It” has a way of catching up with you no
matter what. So what is the solution?
Wave the white flag of surrender. Stop skimming off the till. Stay faithful to your
spouse. Cut up a credit card. Be honest at work. Quit stealing little boys’ lunches
(Shame on you Dexter! I thought we were friends.).
It’s never too late to do the right thing. Never. Unless of course you’ve got that brownie shoved half-way down your throat already. If that’s the case, well, Godspeed. Your
sins have caught up with you after all.
— Ronnie McBrayer
Ronnie is a syndicated columnist, speaker, and author of multiple books. You can read
more and receive regular e-columns in your inbox at
September 2013 23
“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you
and falsely accuse you of all kinds of evil because of me.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who
were before you.”
Matthew 5:11-12
Lord, I have to admit, I should have expected this, but
I simply wasn’t prepared. You’ve warned me it would
happen and yet I think deep within my soul dwells a
sense of naivety – I didn’t want the possibility to exist.
I have discovered just how blind to the reality I’ve
Several days ago, I was leaving work and greeted a
person who works in another department. He is a
confessed agnostic at best, viewing Your existence as
only a possibility; defining Your character as
removed and isolated from the day-to-day events in
our lives. The concept of Your desiring interaction
with us has no meaning for him.
His history with Christianity is unpleasant and this wellread skeptic appears to spend a lot of time reading and
researching what he believes to be evidence of all religions’
ill effect on the world. Master, as You know, I’ve had numerous conversations with
this young man in the past and I’ve shared my testimony
with him, not pressing for conversion, but sharing, as best as
I’ve been able, how You have changed my life.
But on this particular day, the young man lashed out. “I believe You
Christians actually want the rest of us to go to this hell you say exists. He
went on to condemn me based not necessarily on my actions, but on what
he claimed were the insensitive acts of an unjust God: War, famine, earthquakes, poverty, and of course on the examples of those who have committed atrocities in Your name. He went on to pronounce me guilty by association with anyone who claimed their actions to be authorized by You. Some
issues he listed (the Crusades being an obvious lightning rod), I’ve had
struggles with as well.
I wanted to explain to him that I know, as often happens; righteous beginnings are frequently twisted into disastrous results through mankind perverting Your intentions and desire. I wanted to share mutual regret with
him, but at that moment, he stepped over the line, “I reject a Judeo
Christian God. I’m offended by you and your God who would allow such
cruelty to others.”
The anger in him towards me and You was palpable. I think at that moment
Adonai, I acquired a better appreciation for the persecution of the Jews and
martyrs of Christianity. I felt sadness for both my adversary and myself –
there would be no opportunity for exploring with one another, Your incredible loving kindness.
When the young man made his declaration, blaming the world's condition
on me and You, my God, I wanted also to blame someone! Was it him? Was
it those who have misrepresented You over the course of history.
Then a thought hit me. Am I indeed at fault? I need to be alert and honest
from the standpoint that I do engage in actions, speak words and frequently
leave things undone that adversely affect others. I don’t need to be guilty by
association – I’ve got my own baggage and regrets I can easily confess.
— Mark A. Cornelius.
Up to this point, It’s been me answering his questions. I
had a genuine hope that, in spite of whatever injury
from others he has experienced in the past, maybe,
just maybe I could show him how a true relationship
with You (as opposed to some ceremonial ritual or declaration)
can impact one individual.
Expires 09/15/13
24 Nashville Christian Family
Has something in the magazine or something you have discussed with
someone or some thoughts that you have had or something that you have
heard, brought you to a point of realizing that you want and need to know
Christ in the truest and personal sense?
If so, below is a simple outline for someone of any age who is not a
Believer to act on their desire to accept Jesus Christ into their heart as
their Savior.
God’s Plan of Salvation
God created us to honor and serve Him
Revelation 4:11: “You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and
power;For You created all things, And by Your will they exist[b] and were created
Each of us has sinned against God
Romans 3:10: As it is written, “There is none righteous, no, not on”
Romans3:23: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
The penalty for sin is eternal separation from God and Heaven
Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life
in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Good works cannot ever earn God’s forgiveness and Salvation
Titus 3:5: not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according
to His mercy He saved us.
God loves each of us
John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Jesus Christ died on the cross in our place, paying the penalty for our sin
Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we
were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Changing of the Guard
As Steve Robinson steps down after 40 years of service as the director of
Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Middle Tennessee, we are excited to
welcome Mark Wracher back home as his replacement.
Mark first came to Nashville from Ohio to play for the Vanderbilt
Commodores football team in 1982. He lettered all 4 years from 1982 to
1986 as quarterback for the Commodores. He was named Academic All
SEC in 1985 and 1986. While here he fell in love with the area. After graduation he stayed and worked as an Investment Advisor with J. C. Bradford and
Company. However, the call of the sports world was too great.
After one year in business he went back to school at VU to get a Master of
Education in Health Promotion and Education. He served as a Graduate
Assistant with the football team during this time. After obtaining his
Masters he took a position as Assistant Coach at Tennessee State
University for 2 years.
He left TSU after the ’93 season for Texas Southern to serve as Offensive
Coordinator. However, he didn’t go alone. He met a local girl from
Fairview. He and Stephanie Spicer were married in 1994 and moved to
Houston. While at Texas Southern God got hold of him through Coach
James West and Mark accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
His call to FCA came in 1998 as Area Director in Toledo, Ohio. From
Toledo he was called to Los Angeles in 2000 where he established FCA for
the first time. Campus ministries grew from 2 to 40 under his leadership.
In 2008 he became a Multi-Area director responsible for 3 counties in the
LA area. He also received his Masters of Divinity from King Seminary in
2005 while in LA. Then in September 2011 God called him to Atlanta, Ga.
to serve in a similar position.
In 2 years there he more than doubled the funds coming into FCA. He
grew staff from 1 representative to 5 representatives at Georgia Tech. He
restarted the Atlanta Inner City Ministry. Staff more than tripled under
his direction during the 2 years there.
In 2013, the Lord opened a door for he and Stephanie to move the family
back to the Nashville area. When Steve Robinson announced his retirement, Mark said, “It was like God was calling us back home.”
We each must accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior
Romans 10:9: that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe
in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:13: For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
To accept Christ into your heart and life, pray a simple prayer along these
lines - “Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sins. I
know that Jesus died for my sins and the sins of the world. Right now, I
ask Jesus into my heart and receive Him as my personal Savior. Forgive
me of my sins, thank you for saving me through the blood of Jesus. Please
Lord, help me live for you. In Jesus name, amen.”
Mark and Stephanie moved back this summer. They now reside in
Franklin with son Zach and daughter Reese. His first official day on the
job was August 5. We are excited to see what God is going to do in this
new chapter of FCA in Middle Tennessee.
— Ted Gleason
Ted is FCA Area Representative, 615-478-9238 / [email protected] /
September 2013 25
SEPTEMBER 2013 Calendar
can accommodate images projected through
a computer overhead projector. You will get
time to explain to the group what makes this
piece special and what it means to you or you
can explain about the techniques used or perhaps a deeper meaning for you. The event is
September 4th – October 9th
Divorce Recovery Program - 6:30– 8:00PM - open to the public and is free to attend and
will be held at the Williamson County Public
Held at Brentwood United Methodist
Library in Franklin. For more information,
Church. This course will offer support and
encouragement for adjusting to change and visit, or call (615)
life after divorce. The sessions will explore the 428-3845.
topics of coping with roller-coaster feelings,
learning to forgive, dealing with your ex and September 13 – 15
your children, dating after divorce, as well as Mother – Daughter Weekend - Deer Run
learning community resources that are avail- and Pillars Girls’ Ministry partner for an
unforgettable weekend for mothers and
able to you. Free child care is available with
daughters, ages 9 and up. (BOLD SENadvanced registration; please contact (615)
324-7256 for more information. Register and TENCE)Knit your hearts with unconditional
love, a fire for God's word, laughter and
pay the $30 fee online at
authentic worship. Choose sessions for your (click the
Divorce Recovery link on September 4th, then particular interests or stage in life such as
communication, dating dilemma, Mama
click Register). For more information or
scholarship assistance, call (615) 324-7256 or Drama, Holy Yoga, fashion modesty, body
image, and more. Free-time recreation choices
email [email protected].
include crafts, scavenger hunt, lake/beach
time, climbing tower, archery, hayrides,
September 10, 2013 – May 6, 2014
Heart Healthy Cooking Schools – 3:00 PM – stargazing, and campfires. Candace
“Healthy Southern Favorites” - Saint Thomas McDowell and Lana McNair, sisters and
Heart, the cardiac division of Saint Thomas founders of Agapetos Ministries and leaders
Health, is pleased to announce the 2013/2014 of Pillars Girls’ Ministry in Georgia, are the
event speakers. Both have a passion for sharFall/Spring schedule for its Heart Healthy
Cooking School events, a series of free cook- ing God’s word and excel in delivering His
ing demonstrations and tastings. Each month, word in a powerful and relevant way and
desire to guide moms in how to be strong
the class will have a different heart-healthy
Christian examples and disciple their daughtheme. Registered cardiac dietician, Kitty
ters to grow into godly women..
Fawaz, and executive chef, Johnathan
Wickersham, will lead the classes. Classes also Grandmothers, aunts, mentors, and leaders of
feature Saint Thomas Heart cardiac specialists girls are encouraged to attend. The package
price includes 2-night accommodations, 5
who will discuss the importance of healthy
meals, worship and speaker sessions, open rec,
eating in improving overall cardiac health.
The School presented by Saint Thomas Heart crafts, goody bag, and event t-shirt. Register at,
began in 1996 and has helped tens of thousands of Middle Tennesseans learn to prepare or call 615.794.2918 for more information.
easy, heart-healthy meals. Classes are free and
open to the public. Class size is limited to the September 19 -21st
first 75 registrants and will be held in the St. Hope Force International Disaster
ResponseTraining - Hope Force International
Thomas Hospital cafeteria located at 4220
Harding Road in Nashville. To register and for is a disaster response non-profit located in
Brentwood. Does news of tornadoes, hurria complete schedule, call 800-588-3270.
canes, floods and earthquakes stir you to want
to help those in need? Come join our ranks
September 13
and become a trained volunteer with Hope
Brown Bag Lunch Bunch - 11:00AM –
1:00PM - Bring your lunch and join us. This Force International. All skills are needed! This
month we will be doing one of our favorite training will be in Franklin . For further
lunch events. This month we are once again details contact Sue Duby at (615) 371-1271
doing "Artist Open Forum". Join us as we will or [email protected] and visit
be meeting on a special Friday the 13th. The
Artist Open Forum is where we are asking
attendees of our meeting to bring in a piece of September 24
artwork for a show and tell. This can be one Christian Women’s Job Corps Training – 6:30
PM - 8:00 PM General Training will be held
of their own pieces or one of your favorite
at CWJC Main Office in downtown Nashville.
pieces you collected from someone else. We
encourage people to bring the real art in but Men and women and children are making
strides educationally, in learning English, and
in learning to know Christ. Here are some
volunteer needs we have: Mentors - We have
new students coming this Fall. Needed this
fall: Nashville- Mentors, Tutors Monday or
Thursday evenings, Williamson CountyMentors, Childcare Tuesday or Thursday
evenings. Contact Sandy at 615-244-3669 or
email [email protected]
Tennessee Christian Chamber of Commerce
– 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM - Networking/Leads
Group Meetings held each month. First
Thursday is the Downtown Group which
meets at LifeWay Plaza. Second Thursday is
the Cool Springs/Williamson Group. Third
Thursday in Murfreesboro, meets at Sloan’s
Motorcycles on NW Broad Street and
Rivergate meets at Ryans Buffet in Madison.
Monthly Luncheon event is the last Tuesday
of each month at various the
Nashville area featuring an outstanding speaker. For more information about the Chamber
and events, visit
or email
[email protected].
Tennessee Right to Life Chapter: Meets the
1st Thursday monthly at 7 p.m. at Faith
Lutheran Church, 2640 Buckner Road,
Thompson's Station, Tn Tennessee Right to
Life is committed to effectively advocating the
protection of human life through educational
outreach, passage of protective legislation and
the development of an informed, active grassroots movement statewide. - [email protected] - 615298-LIFE(5433)
Every Friday Morning
CBL Roundtable – 6:45 AM – 8:15 AM –
CEO Fellowship is a non-profit, nondenominational organization of local
Christian business leaders. The focus of our
weekly meeting is to teach and equip these
leaders to operate and lead their respective
companies on these Biblical
principles. Each week we feature a guest
speaker from our local business community.
Meetings are held at Brentwood Baptist
Church, Wilson Hall, 7777 Concord
Rd, Brentwood, TN. For more information
please visit our website at or email us
at [email protected]
Advent Limousine –, 615-442-7651
Brentwood Academy –,
Deer Run Retreat Center -,
David W. Harr, DMD -, 615-776-2565
Hyundai of Cool Springs –,
M & M Tutoring –,
Molly Maid –, 615-656-4334
Nashville Coin & Currency -,
Saint Thomas Health -, 615-284-LIFE
Sign Solutions –, 615-346-1205
Lucky Ladd Farms –,
The Fish 94FM -, 615-367-2210
Legendary Computers –,
26 Nashville Christian Family
List Your Event!
If you have an event you
would like listed in the
Nashville Christian Family
Community Calendar
e-mail us at:
[email protected]
subject line-Calendar
Coming in
October 5
Deer Run Rider's Rally — Motorcycle Ride
to Raise Funds for Camper Scholarships –
7:00 am – 1:00pm. Enjoy a day of fellowship with Christian motorcycle riders on a
well-organized beautiful, scenic ride
through approximately 100 miles of middle Tennessee back roads plus support a
great cause. Funds from the ride, silent
auction, and event sponsors go to Deer
Run’s MISSION 42:1 Scholarship Fund to
provide camper scholarships for kids in
need. The day begins with breakfast at The
People’s Church (Mack Hatcher/Hwy 96 in
Franklin) and ends at Deer Run with
lunch, live music, silent auction, and drawings for rider prizes. See
s for details. No pre-registration is necessary; pay on the day of the
event. Questions or silent auction donations: call David Gibson at 615.566.0026.
Support us by supporting them.
SilverPointe Realty, Mike Newman –
www., 615-939-2890
Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home -, 615
TN Christian Chamber of Commerce –, 615-942-6731
TN Right To Life –
Tutoring Club –,
Franklin – 615-970-0525, Nolensville – 615-776-7054
Visiting Angels –, 615-646-1594,
Webn8 web design -, 888-827-5932
Welch College -, 615-884-5000
Baptist Hospital
Hickman Community Hospital
Hospital for Spinal Surgery
Middle Tennessee Medical Center
Saint Thomas Hospital
Everything is changing in healthcare right now and you need a partner you can depend on. A partner
who has the strength and stability to care for you through all stages of your life. That’s why Saint
Thomas Health is focused on one purpose – to keep the individuals and communities we serve healthy.
With one name and one voice we are creating a community of healing by making it easier to access
holistic, reverent care. We are stronger when we all work together.