Public consultation bulletin – Spring 2015 [pdf — 1 - Hydro
Public consultation bulletin – Spring 2015 [pdf — 1 - Hydro
Québec–New Hampshire Interconnection PUBLIC CONSULTATION • Spring 2015 The goal of this Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie project is to increase the energy interchange capacity between Québec and New England by building an interconnection to link Québec’s power grid with New Hampshire’s. Commissioning is scheduled for 2019. Connecting the grids The project involves the construction of a 320-kV direct-current transmission line, about 75 km long, in Québec. This line will be extended into the U.S.A. and will connect Des Cantons substation in Val-Joli to Franklin substation in southern New Hampshire. To supply the planned transmission line, equipment that converts alternating current to direct current will be added to Des Cantons substation. The existing perimeter of Des Cantons substation will not be modified. Line routes studied Study area characteristics From the starting point of the planned line at Des Cantons substation in Val-Joli to the Québec/New Hampshire border, the study area covers 571 km 2. The north and central sections of the study area are on agroforest land in the Appalachian plateau, while the south section extends to the White Mountain foothills. Population density is greater in the Appalachian plateau than in the border area. Environmental studies have shown that the least-impact solution consists in running the planned line along the existing 450-kV Des Cantons–New England line. However, since this line goes into Vermont, the planned line will have to move away from it in the south section order to reach the crossing Project in components point at the Québec/New Hampshire border. Study area The study area covers parts of three regional county municipalities (MRCs): Val-Saint-François, Haut-SaintFrançois and Coaticook. Within these MRCs, it crosses through the following municipalities: Val-Joli, Stoke, Ascot Corner, Cookshire-Eaton, Saint-Isidore-de-Clifton, Martinville, Sainte-Edwidge- de-Clifton, Saint-Malo, Saint-Venant-de-Paquette, East Hereford and Saint-Herménégilde. Proposed route The line route study therefore consists of Variants under study two parts: a first section where the line is Transmission substations lines parallel to the existing 450-kVand line, and a 120which kV # second section in a number of line 450being kV or 735studied. kV # route variants are These variants Boundaries lead to the border crossing point which Hydro-Québec has agreed Regional county municipality (MRC) or equivalent territory (TÉ) Pass on with its U.S. partner, Northern Municipality Transmission (NPT). # Cleveland, CT Main line routing criteria Poste de Weedon 72°0' Study area Windsor substation Windsor, V Li g Transmission substations and lines LE VAL-SAINT-FRANÇOIS (MRC) ne à Stoke, M 45 0 Monts Stoke Sa kV in Cleveland, CT 10 72°0' 257 Johnville Waterville, V Compton, M 45 0 aux Ri L viè ig rene à kV Mo e ook 206 ! U.S.A. 72°0'! 0 i ip p sa w 147 Johnville # ! Sa t in 143 214 Newport, M 212 Birchton LE HAUT-SAINT-FRANÇOIS 257 East (MRC) Hereford, M Sawyerville NEW HAMPSHIRE SaintHerménégilde, M Lac Martinville, M QUÉBEC R ivWallace ièr e Compton, M 253 Saint-Isidore-de-Clifton, M VERMONT 71°40' 200 km Bury, M Lac Sherbrooke AirportLindsay Mont Hereford Dixville, M U.S.A -F Cookshire- 253 Eaton, V Saint-Venant253 de-Paquette, M Sa 108 A ( # Saint-Malo, M ! Waterville, V Brunswick Nova Scotia Boston 251 substation re iè v10 Ri ! Ontario 108 251 206 is aux 45°0' Montréal Lac New Magog P.E.I. 251 # Coaticook M as SHERBROOKE (TÉ) s e Sainte-EdwidgeAscot Corner, de-Clifton, CT M 112 ço re # # um on iè Riv 45°20' MTM, zone 7, NAD83 7178_bu_hq_033_consult_150428a.mxd r viè Ri COATICOOK (MRC) Sherbrooke, V 141 Coaticook, V 10 km Chartierv n Saint-Isidore-de-Clifton, M ra Monts Stoke Ligne à 450 kV oatic re C 10 Québec Stanstead-Est, BarnstonM Québec Ouest, M LE HAUT-SAINT-FRANÇOIS (MRC) 216 Sawyerville Stoke, M Sa Riviè Lac Massawippi 5 212 71°40' LE VAL-SAINT-FRANÇOIS 253 (MRC) Martinville, M # # 0 Newport, M 45°20' i wi pp sa M as Birchton # Poste de Weedo # Des Cantons substation (735 kV) # # 143 • Optimize line design with a view to harmonious integration into the environment. Municipality 253 108 SaintClaude, M substation re Windsor, iè V 214 re • Avoid open spaces and sites offering # panoramic views. municipality (MRC) or Regional county equivalent territory (TÉ) Sherbrooke Airport iè Riv 45°20' 251 SHERBROOKE Val-Joli, M (TÉ) Windsor v10 Ri Bury, M CookshireEaton, V 112 Sherbrooke, V Lac Magog ! Ascot Corner, M um on 450 kV or 735 kV # e Sa 108 120 kV Boundaries r viè Ri • Avoid the highlands of the Mont Hereford massif. is #o # nç ra t-F # # • As much as possible, avoid sensitive elements such as farmland, sugar bush operations, exceptional forest ecosystems, habitats of special-status plant and animal species, wetlands and recreational or tourist sites. Riviè 2 Variants under study # # Des Cantons substation (735 kV) • Avoid siting near isolated homes and avoid village hubs. Proposed route 216 45°20' SaintClaude, M Val-Joli, M • Run the line along the existing 450-kV line wherever possible. Project components 71°40' 45°0' In developing the various routes studied, the following criteria were taken into account: Mo e Sa um on A ! ( s Massawippi oa re C Saint-Malo, Mpartagés. Information for publics concerned by et services 206 Équipement Lacthe project. For any other use, contact Géomatique, Hydro-Québec Sainte-Edwidge- Lac Section with various routes Section where line is parallel to the 450-kV line For this section, two feasible routes and several variants for reaching the border crossing point were studied. The west and east routes leave the existing line corridor some 15 kilometres from the crossing point. The west route variants measure 23 km (west variant A) and 22 km (west variant B), but run along the 450-kV line for 4 km (west variant A) and 3 km (west variant B) of this distance. The new corridor that will have to be created for this route will measure approximately 15 km. The east International border variants are shorter (approximately 19 km) Regional county municipality (MRC) or but also run equivalent territory (TÉ)along boundarythe 450-kV line for a smaller distance. Municipal boundary From Des Cantons substation to the municipality of Saint-Malo, the line will run along the east side of the 450-kV line, except for a short segment as it leaves Des Cantons substation. In this area, there are two 450-kV line segments stretching over 4 km; one of these (the west segment) will be dismantled and the other converted to 320 kV. The future 320-kV line will then run parallel to the existing line. The option of running along the 450-kV line to the east was retained on the basis of technical and environmental criteria, including the number of homes located within the right-of-way of the future line. There are many more homes to the west of the existing line, including those at Ascot Corner and Johnville. Furthermore, the existing line runs through woodland over some 75% of its length, which will help integrate the future line into the landscape. The route crosses highways 216, 112, 108 and 206. Study area Proposed route Variants under study ¬ \ Proposed crossing point A ! ( 71°30' Ri vi èr e Sainte-Edwidgede-Clifton, CT COATICOOK (MRC) 206 au x Saumon Compton, M s Municipal boundary 450-kV transmission line Lac Lindsay A ! ( NEW HAMPSHIRE èr e 450-kV line 253 Ch. des Côtes Hydro-Québec Saint-Malo, M implements various mitigation Happy Corner measures to minimize the impacts of its new facilities. Measures such as the selection of the most 253 suitable types of towers Pittsburg " and careful tower siting are applied at the design stage. In this project, Saint-Venanttowers will de-Paquette, M be erected 9 -Rangby side when possible Ch. duside when the two lines are parallel, especially in open areas. Ha ll 251 tB ia n var East variant A Mo e e ¬ \ 9e Rang Stewartstown " 71°30' Mont Hereford We We s East Hereford, M Ea Information for publics concerned by the project. For any other use, contact Géomatique, Hydro-Québec Équipement et services partagés. k oo tic oa Saint-Herménégilde, " M West Stewartstown eC .d Ch VERMONT s st Ea e èr vi Ri ièr e Riv MTM, zone 7, NAD83 71°45' 7178_bu_hq_034_consult_sect_sud_150428a.mxd 251 Proposed crossing point (MRC) East Hereford, M Lac Wallace U.S.A. Saumon ¬ \ Mitigation measures COATICOOK 206 au x k oo tic oa 206 a We st v a We st v Coatico ok 4 km Variants under study 71°30' Ch. du 9e-Rang eC .d Ch ièr e Riv Mont Hereford Coaticook, V QUÉBEC Saint-Venantde-Paquette, M Sainte-Edwidgede-Clifton, CT ria ria nt B nt A 147 Proposed route Riv i Ri vi èr e COATICOOK (MRC) Study area èr e 450-kV line Mo e 71°45' 251 Saint-Herménégilde, M 147 Compton, M Dixville, M Ha ll 253 Riv i e èr vi Ri Project components 9e Rang 2 Regional county municipality (MRC) or equivalent territory (TÉ) boundary Saint-Malo, M 251 Coaticook, V 0 International border Lac Lindsay 206 45°0' The route will not be chosen until Hydrohas consulted the public. Project components Québec 45°0' 71°45' 450-kV transmission line 3 Tower type and right-of-way This will be the first 320-kV DC line built by Hydro-Québec, so a new family of steel towers will be used. The new towers will be designed to optimally integrate the planned line with the existing line. Guyed towers Guyed towers Public consultation on line routes Self-supporting towers For more information Self-supporting towers PylôneInfo-project et emprise types lorsque la ligne Line Ginette Cantin Information on the selected route General information DRAFT DESIGN Schedule Self-supporting towers Typical towers and rights-of-way when planned line is parallel to existing line Pylône et emprise types lorsque la ligne projetée est juxtaposée à la ligne existante Winter 2014–2015 Spring 2015 Summer 2015 PROJECT Permitting Construction Fall 2015 to spring 2017 2017-2019 Commissioning2019 projetée est juxtaposée à la ligne existante Advisor – Community Relations – Richelieu 1 877 653-1139 Direction – Affaires régionales et collectivités 705, boul. Clairevue, 1er étage Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (Québec) Pylône et emprise types lorsque la ligne J3V 6B6 projetée est juxtaposée à la ligne existante E-mail: [email protected] Ce document est également publié en français. This is a translation of the original French text. 2015E0370-A Printed on paper made in Québec from 100% postconsumer recycled fibre.
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