Love your lunch activity pack
Love your lunch activity pack
Win a Graze snackbox with 100 healthy snacks for your workplace! To raise awareness about the importance of having a lunch break, we’re launching our Love your Lunch campaign to celebrate Nutrition and Hydration Week (16-22 March). From now until 31 March, simply take a photo of you loving lunch with your colleagues and send it to us using the hashtag #loveyourlunch Twitter – @VirginCare Facebook – Email – [email protected] Did you know… • • • • Two out of five people skip lunch on a regular basis, with almost half of UK workers feeling their productivity levels plummet in the afternoon Taking a break, even if it’s only 15 to 20 minutes, is a proven way to sustain concentration and energy levels throughout the day A recent study found that your brain gets more of break by taking a walk in a green environment, like a park, than if you took a stroll in an urban environment filled with concrete Simply breathing in and out uses more than a pint of water a day. Without water, you would only expect to live for around one week How to love your lunch To make it more fun, here are some helpful suggestions on how to enjoy lunch together: • We’ve put together a short quiz of fun facts that you may not have known about nutrition and hydration. You’ll find the quiz sheet in the activity pack you received. The answers are on the bottom of this page, but try not to peek! • Give each person a “I’ve loved my lunch...” pledge sheet and think about one thing you can change after your lunch. Encourage each other to put up your pledge sheets and try to stick to it! For example, “Drink at least eight glasses of water a day”, or “Eat at least two portions of fruit and vegetables at lunchtime” • Where can your lunch take you? It’s tempting to eat those soggy sandwiches at your desk but moving away from your desk allows you the vital break from thinking about work. Do you have a local park or outdoor space you can really enjoy your lunch in? Last but not least, we hope you have fun loving your lunch. We can’t wait to see your photos! 1) Milkshake 2) Mixed greens 3) Scrambled eggs 4) Tuna fish 5) Leftovers 6) Lemonade 7) Side salad 8) Potatoes 9) H2O (Water) 1)Blueberries 2) False 3) 3 hours 4) Broccoli 5) Both! It’s also believed that nuns were forbidden to eat it at one time because it was thought to be so romantically potent, and French doctors supposedly used it to treat broken hearts 6) A, B, D, C, or B, A D, C. Barley and quinoa take first place, with around 3 grams of dietary fibre per serving (1/2 cup). 7)All of them 8)Courgette 9)Little sips regularly 10)All of them Love your lunch quiz Are you the perfect meal or a soggy sandwich? Test your knowledge against your colleagues with our nutrition and hydration themed lunch time quiz. You will need your thinking caps on for round 1 and then ‘say what you see’ in round 2. Round 1 – Trivia Q1. What fruit contains more antioxidants than any other fruits or vegetables? A) Watermelon B) Blueberries C) Raspberry D) Peach Q2. True or false: Brown sugar is more nutritious than white sugar? Q3. How many hours does it take for food to be broken down in the human stomach? A) 30 minutes B) 1 hour C) 2 hours D) 3 hours Q4. What vegetable contains twice the amount of vitamin C as an orange? A) Carrot B) Broccoli C) Sprouts D) Celery Q5. Chocolate was believed to be so powerful that at one time: A) Doctors used it to treat broken hearts B) Nuns were forbidden to eat it C) Both Q6. Grains high in fibre can help lower cholesterol and protect against some cancers. Rank the grains below in order of the highest fibre content to the lowest. A) Barley B) Quinoa C) Brown rice D) Oats Q7. Which of these are signs of dehydration? A) Feeling dizzy B) Tiredness C) Loss of strength D) All of them Q8. Which vegetable is zucchini better known as? A) Courgette B) Cucumber C) Avocado D) Green bean Q9. How should you drink your daily water intake? A) All at once B) Little sips regularly C) Big mouthfuls D) One litre, twice a day Q10. Vitamin C is important to help protect cells and keep them healthy but which of these foods will provide you with a source of vitamin C? A) Potatoes B) Orange juice C) Brussel sprouts D) All of them Round 2 – Dingbats Can you figure out the food or drink items being described in these pictures? How did you do? (Answers are printed on the bottom of your information leaflet) 0-3 Soggy sandwich – Your knowledge is as lacking as the nutritional content of a Turkey Twizzler, perhaps it may be worth checking out more information about nutrition and hydration at 4-7 Lunch time picnic – Well done, you have the essential ingredients to make a good nutritious lunch. 8 -10 – The perfect meal – You have a great knowledge of nutrition and hydration, a Michelin Star is on its way to you! FINAL PRINT Love_your_lunch_A3_poster_27.02.15_KL.pdf 1 3/4/2015 11:48:49 AM k, ee W n tio ra yd H nd a n io rit ut N te To celebra lunch we are getting together to love our at on what item ow kn ne yo er ev let to w lo be e bl ta Please use the share at our lunch. to ing ing br e ar u yo ink dr or od fo of Name: C M Y CM MY CY CMY K I’m bringing...