MyMaths My Maths is a great tool to help you revise or get a better understanding of Maths. To access the website, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to 2. You can ignore the MyMaths homepage and login using the following details highlighted in the box below: Login: dyffryn Password: rectangle 3. You then need to login into your individual portal using the login details assigned to you on the previous page: 4. Once you have logged into your portal, your current tasks will appear in a list. As you can see below, Counting 1 has been assigned to you and you have 7 days in which to do it. You select the task by clicking on it and at the bottom two options will appear. You can either tackle the homework straight away or follow a tutorial and do some revision first. 5. Each task is split up into to two parts: Q1 and Q2. Once you have attempted all the questions on each part, you can press Markit to see how many you have got correct. 6. Once you have finished the two questions, a message will appear asking you to click Checkout. This button can be found on the left hand side of the page. You must click this to save your results. 7. You can then close the window down and return to the tab you were using earlier on your portal page. 8. The tasks page should not show the homework you have just completed if you saved the results as shown above. To access those results, you can press MyResults on the left hand side of the page to view your previous tasks. 9. Your results are listed on the MyResults page with a face and a colour representing how well you have done. You can also rate the homework so that your teacher knows how confident you feel about it. 10. To use MyMaths for revision, you need to click on the tabs at the top of the page when you first log in at step 3. You can then select a topic and press the revise first button to follow a tutorial before testing yourself by completing a task which tests you on the topic you have just learned about.