Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary: The St. Mary School Office:
Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary: The St. Mary School Office:
January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgy Schedule Saturday:…………………....5:30pm English 7:00pm Spanish Sunday:……...8am, 9:30 am, & 11am English 12:30 pm in Spanish Daily: …………….As published in bulletin Mass in the Extraordinary Form… Fourth Sunday of the month at 5pm For information 910-891-1972 Sacraments Baptism: Preparation prior to baptism is required. Parents should contact the Parish Office for details. Confirmation: Please contact the Faith Formation Office for more information. Reconciliation: 4:00–4:45 pm Saturdays or by appointment. Weddings: Contact the Pastor as soon as possible to set the wedding date and begin marriage preparation; preferably at least 3 months before your wedding. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements. R.C.I.A.–Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: Saturday: 9:00-10:00 am; RCIA Room, 1st Floor, Tileston Center Education The Saint Mary School: Grades Pre-K–8. The oldest Catholic School in North Carolina now celebrating 146 years of education. Accredited by SACS-CASI. Faith Formation: K–High School (Communion-Confirmation) Sunday: 11:00 am—Noon September to May Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary: 412 Ann Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Tel. 910-762-5491 Fax 910-762-9664 Monday–Friday: 9am–4pm The St. Mary School Office: 217 South Fourth Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Tel. 910-762-5491 ext. 140 Fax 910-772-8034 Monday–Friday: 8am–3pm Pastor, Very Reverend Robert J. Kus…………………………………………… ext. 111 RCIA/Social Ministries, Sister Isaac Koenig, S.U……………………………… ext. 135 Director of Religious Education, Mr. John Walsh……………………………… ext. 114 Director of Youth Ministry, Ms. Amy Preusser ……………………………….. ext. 117 Director of Hispanic Ministries, Ms. Norma Rivera……………………………. ext. 122 Business Manager, Ms. Sharon Marren…………………………………………. ext. 158 Wedding and Missions Coordinator, Ms. Simone Amato…………………….. ext. 129 Development Director, Ms. JoAnn Daley………………………………………. ext. 110 Parish Secretary, Ms. Simone Amato…………………………………………. ext. 113 Bulletin Editor, Ms. Sandy O'Leary……………………… [email protected] Campus Director, Mr. Phil Davis……………………………………………….. ext. 115 Organist/Director of Music, Ms. Sara Bryant…………………………………… ext. 118 St. Mary Parish Bookstore………………………………………………………. ext. 159 The Upper Room 1871 Event Coordinator, Ms. Victoria Hudson….……..910-538-9885 St. Mary School Principal, Ms. Joyce Price…………………………………….. ext. 153 St. Mary School Administrative Assistant, Ms. Susan Linn……………………. ext. 140 CEPI De Santa María: Spanish Adult School, Tileston Gym Annex 2nd Floor 910-619-0898 910-762-5491, ext. 138 St. Mary Adult School: Art and ESL. Call office for times and dates. Children, Youth & Young Adults Nursery: 6 months–5 years Sunday: 9:30 Mass. St. Mary School Lower Building Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos: Friday: 7:00 pm. Hispanic Ministry room, 1st Floor Tileston Center Social Outreach St. Mary/Tileston Outreach: Monday–Thursday 8:30-11:30am St. Mary Health Center: (Dental and Medical) Tileston Gym Annex - Lower Floor Walk-ins Welcome For Appointment, call: 763-8163 2 Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – January 30 and January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgies and Paraliturgies Including Mass Intentions Pastor’s Corner My Dear Friends, This week, we celebrate Catholic Schools Week in the United States. During this week, we honor all those who teach in our Catholic Schools and, of course, the students who attend these schools. We are very proud of the faculty and students of St. Mary Catholic School. Since its founding in the 19th Century, St. Mary Catholic School has been producing students very well prepared to go on to excel in high school, colleges, and universities. In addition to a solid academic base, however, students in Catholic schools also receive a firm foundation in basic values. During Catholic Schools Week, our School has many special events planned. This week you’ll also notice that the Good Shepherd is back and filling up his sheepfold with new sheep! Each sheep represents one of the young people who has celebrated their First Reconciliation at the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary. Saturday, January 30 5:30 pm Mass — † Mary Kokorda Offered by Art and Patricia Patrignelli 7:00 pm Mass — Parishioners of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary Sunday, January 31 8:00 am Mass — † Margaret Prior Terry Offered by Pat and Mark Varno 9:30 am Mass — † David Chaffins Offered by The Oehling Family 11:00 am Mass — † Deaceased Members of the Russo and Sabatino Families 12:30 pm Mass — Parishioners of our Sister Parish in Honduras Monday, February 1 7:30 am Mass — † Gene Doyle Offered by Frances and Frank Bindewald Tuesday, February 2 7:30 am Mass — † Ann Leadem Offered by Arlene Fishburn Wednesday, February 3 7:30 am Communion Service Thursday, February 4 7:30 am Mass — † Gene Doyle Offered by Pete and Joyce Spano Friday, February 5 8:30 am Mass — † Lorraine Ligammari Offered by Les and Pat Christensen Saturday, February 6 5:30 pm Mass — † Mary Kokorda Offered by Art and Patricia Patrignelli 7:00 pm Mass — Parishioners of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary Congratulations go to Fr. Steve Carlson and Fr. Doug Reed who have each been named as Chaplain to His Holiness with the title, Monsignor. Fr. Steve, former pastor of St. Mark in Wilmington, is now Pastor of St. Patrick in Fayetteville, and Fr. Doug is Pastor of St. Michael the Archangel in Cary. Sincerely yours in Christ, - Sunday, February 7 8:00 am Mass — † The Wolff Family Offered by Frank and Jeanne Bua 9:30 am Mass — † Gene Martin Offered by Sr. Isaac Koenig 11:00 am Mass — † Carl Cozzette Offered by Kathy and Jim Morrow 12:30 pm Mass — Parishioners of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary Father Bob ~ Stewardship of Treasure ~ December 13, 2015 Envelopes Mailed 1634 Envelopes Returned: 402 Offertory Budget Education 12/13/2015 $ 22,546.43 $ 22,500.00 $ 115.00 07/01/2015 to $ 447,813.52 $ 434,500.00 $ 18,904.23 Weekend Mass Schedule at a Glance Saturday Mass in English – 5:30 pm Saturday Mass in Spanish – 7:00 pm Sunday Mass in English – 8:00 am, 9:30 am and 11:00 am Sunday Mass in Spanish – 12:30 pm To schedule a Mass Intention, to donate the Altar Flowers, or for information on Baptism, please call the Parish Office at 762-5491. Readings for the Week of January 31 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7; Mk 5:1-20 Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50, 51; Mk 6:14-29 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – January 30 and January 31, 2016 Please Pray for Our Sick All names were removed on January 1. If you would like a name added or removed please email: [email protected] Gary Barton Alexandra Brigantti Crystal Cameron Jeremy Cook Michael DeStasio Brenda Grainger Junior Grainger Mark Groves Walter Hickey Doug Hill Judy Hill Nicole Hyden Bruce Jarvis Sr. Marion McGillicuddy George Mailloux Alison Maccherone Patty Morris Wendy Morris Warren Murphy Lael Neal Judy Norcross Kim Pierce Mary Razzano Vincent Rotolo Sue Smith Tom Stevenson Regina Stewart Centering Prayer—An hour of contemplating prayer and the Centering practice. Wednesdays from 1:00—2:00 pm. Contact: Joan Regan at 383-2804 or The Liturgy of the Hours—Monday - Thursday at 7:05 am. Everyone is invited and books are available as is instruction. St. Mary AAMEN Chapter—Chapter meetings are held Fourth Sunday of each month at 4:00 pm in the Tileston Center. Adoration—Thursday after the 7:30 am Mass for one hour. Starting January 7th—Thursday from 5:00 pm—8:00 pm and Friday after 8:30 am Mass until 1:00 pm. Contact Mary Friedrichs at 409-2579. Camillus Ministry —Brings communion to those who are unable to attend Mass. Ministry Co-Coordinators Barbara Russo ([email protected]); Tim Pflaum ([email protected]) or Eileen Mankin ([email protected]) Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors—Contact Stephanie Watts at 799-7623 or [email protected]. The Newcomer Welcome and Hospitality Ministry—needs your assistance to help our new members become part of our parish family. Young Families and Couples Group—meets last Sunday of each month after 9:30 Mass for light breakfast, discussion and crafts for the kids. Contact: Erin Buller—910-821-0123 or [email protected] or newcomer. Catholic Daughters Court 1036—Meets the Second Sunday of the month at 3:00 pm in the St. Mary School Cafeteria. Contact: JoAnne Shadroui, Regent—910-452-6351. St. Mary Nursery—Volunteers are needed to help staff our Sunday nursery during the 9:30 am mass. Contact: [email protected]. Music Ministries—Contact: Sara Bryant at 762-5491 ext. 118, or [email protected]. Knights of Columbus Council 1074—meets in the basement of the Tileston Center. Contact: [email protected] or St. Mary Altar Guild – Meets once a month at different restaurants around the area. Contact: Nancy Dasbach—(910) 264-9480. The Upper Room 1861—Victoria Hudson, Event Coordinator 910.538.9885, [email protected], National Catholic Schools Week 2016 will be held January 31 - February 6. The theme is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” St. Mary Catholic School will be open for tours on Sunday, January 31st and Wednesday, February 3rd from 10:00 am—2:00 pm. 3 The Week Ahead In Our Parish Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 am—4:00 pm Sunday, January 31 • Catholic Schools Week Begins—Open House from 10:00 am— 2:00 pm • NO Nursery—Available at the 9:30 am Mass in the St. Mary School Lower Building • English as a Second Language —10:45 am in Room T325 • Discipleship Youth Bible Study—11:00 am in the RCIA room in the Tileston Center • NO Faith Formation Classes—11:00 in the Tileston Center and St. Mary School • RICA in Spanish—11:00 am in Room T303 • Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—11:00 am in room T318 Monday, February 1 • Baptism Preparation Class—9:00 am and 7:00 pm in the Youth Room in the Tileston Center • First Reconciliation—7:00 pm in the Basilica • Choir Rehearsal—7:00 pm in the Basilica • Grupo De Alcohólicos Anónimos—8:00 – 9:30 pm en el gimnasio Tuesday, February 2 • First Reconciliation—7:00 pm in the Basilica • Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—7:00 pm in Room T318 Wednesday, February 3 • St. Mary School—Open House from 10:00 am—2:00 pm • Centering Prayer—1:00—2:00 pm • Women’s Contemplative Prayer—1:30 pm in Room T325 • Youth Ministry—6:00 pm Thursday, February 4 • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—following morning Mass for an hour and from 5:00 pm—8:00 pm in the Basilica • Divine Mercy Chaplet – 12:30 pm in the Chapel • Baptism Preparation Class (Hispanic) - 6:30 pm in Room T316 • St. Mary School Donor Appreciation Reception—6:30 pm in The Upper Room (Invitation only) • Renaissance Choir Rehearsal—7:30 pm—9:00 pm in the Music Office Friday, February 5 • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—following morning Mass until 1:00 pm • Hispanic Young Adult Group (El grupo de jóvenes adultos)7:00 pm in the Tileston Center • Grupo De Alcohólicos Anónimos - 8:00 – 9:30 pm en el gimnasio • Hispanic Prayer Group—7:30 pm Saturday, February 6 • RCIA—9:00 am in the Tileston Center • Gospel Choir Rehearsal—10:30 am in the Basilica • Diocesan Youth Board Meeting—11:00 am • Reconciliation—4:00 pm in the Basilica • Hispanic Children’s Ministry—5:00 pm Sunday, February 7 • Share Sunday—All Masses • Nursery—Available at the 9:30 am Mass in the St. Mary School Lower Building • English as a Second Language —10:45 am in Room T325 • Discipleship Youth Bible Study—11:00 am in the RCIA room in the Tileston Center • NO Faith Formation Classes—11:00 in the Tileston Center and St. Mary School • RICA in Spanish—11:00 am in Room T303 • Practica de la Banda Latina de Domingo—11:00 am in room T318 Please check with individual ministries for time/date changes or see the up-to-date parish calendar on the website: 4 Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – January 30 and January 31, 2016 Parish Happenings St. Mary Parish Bookstore—Located in the Tileston Center Tuesday - Friday - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Saturday - 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm 762-5491 (ext. 159) or [email protected] “A Stitch….A Prayer….The Touch of God” Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets monthly on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month in the Tileston Center. Call Noreen at 798-0055 for more information on this wonderful ministry. If you know of anyone who needs the warmth and comfort of a prayer shawl, call Noreen and she will make arrangements to get one to you. St. Mary's Young Families Group The St. Mary's Young Families group meets the last Sunday of each month in the school library on the 2nd floor of the Tileston Center directly across from the Upper Room. Our target audience is any family with at least one child 0-5 (your older children are also welcome, of course). We have even had people join us before their first is born. Whoever you are, you are welcome to join us! Columbarium and Memorial Garden We are pleased to report that since our introductory meeting in June, 55 families have reserved niches in the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary Columbarium and Memorial Garden. As stated in the presentation meetings, we need a minimum of 120 niches sold to begin construction of the gardens. During this holiday season, please give prayerful consideration to becoming a part of this historic project. If you have not had an opportunity to view the plan or if you would like more information, please contact JoAnn Daley at 910-762-5491, x110 or email [email protected]. Adoration The Basilica Shrine of St. Mary will now have Adoration on Thursday evenings from 5:00 pm till 8 pm and Fridays after Mass until 1:00 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to come and be with the Lord in this year of Mercy. To be apart of this ministry contact Mary Friedrichs at 409-2579 St. Mary School Yearbook We have a new (color!) yearbook company this year and a Publications class in the middle school which lets the kids take part in putting together our yearbook. We are very excited about creating a very special yearbook this year. Ad space is available. Please email [email protected] or call the school office for information. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Invitation to Apply to St. Mary Catholic School Have you ever considered sending your child to St. Mary School, but thought it might be too expensive? We can help you find a way. The State of North Carolina passed legislature this year to fund the Opportunity Scholarship Program for School Choice. That means that you can receive a grant of up to $4200 for the school year to help pay tuition. That’s over 70% of our Catholic tuition and fees at this time! Our superintendent has encouraged us to let you know that there is still money available from this program for the remainder of the school year, so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to place your child in our faith-based academic program that well prepares our graduates for high school and college success. There is a sheet of information in the entry of the Basilica which invites you to contact the school office for further information. Rediscover Catholicism Have you started reading your free copy of Matthew Kelly’s book Rediscover Catholicism yet? (If you did not receive a copy and would like one, please contact the office.) In Chapter five, he asks us to consider how we are responding to our innate calling to holiness. “In every age, there are a small number of men and women who are prepared to turn their backs on popular culture and personal gain to embrace heroically the life Jesus outlines in the Gospels. These people fashion Catholicism in to a lifestyle, they listen attentively to the voice of God in their lives, and they passionately pursue their personal adventure of salvation. As a result, they capture the attention and the imaginations of everyone who crosses their path. Paradoxically, the modern world tends to pity these people, because it believes they are missing out on something. Never feel sorry for them. These men and women are the happiest people who ever lived.” (64) Sign up today for e-News Alerts directly to your inbox Send an email to [email protected]. Put E-News and your name in the subject line OR complete a yellow card found in the back of the church and return to the Parish Office or the collection basket! E-News Alerts contain ONLY information about events and activities of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary. Your contact information will not be sold or shared with any outside or third party. You may unsubscribe at any time. Please include the following information: Last Name: _____________________________________ First Name(s): __________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Email address(es):________________________________ Nursery and Faith Formation Schedule Catholic Schools Week Begins on Sunday, January 31st. There will be no Faith Formation and the Nursery will not be open that day. You are invited to take a tour of St. Mary Catholic School from 10:00 am—2:00 pm. 5 Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – January 30 and January 31, 2016 One Cup of Tea Tickets are now available for our third annual “One Cup of Tea” fundraiser on Saturday March 12, 2016. Proceeds benefit the healthcare needs of our sister parish in rural Honduras. This year’s tea is inspired by “Downton Abbey,” and is sure to be a fabulous afternoon. There will be live music, entertainment, raffles, a silent auction, fine teas and finger foods, and a keepsake gift for each attendee. The event has sold out both years, so be sure to order your ticket soon! Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule (February 10, 2016) 8:30 am Mass with distribution of ashes—English 12:10 pm Mass with distribution of ashes—English 5:30 pm Mass with distribution of ashes—English 7:00 pm Mass with distribution of ashes—Spanish Fr. Bob’s New Journal is Available Fr. Bob’s latest book - Serving God By Serving Others: Journal of a Parish Priest - 2011 – is now available on and in the St. Mary Bookstore & Gift Shop. March 12, 2016—The Upper Room 1871 2:00—4:00 pm – doors open at 1:30 If you are unable to attend, but would like to support the cause, please consider purchasing a ticket that can be donated for media coverage of the event in order to further promote both the cause and the event! Visit for more information and to purchase tickets. LOOKIN’ FOR A LITTLE LUCK O’ THE IRISH? The Ancient Order of Hibernians of Wilmington will be selling raffle tickets for a 7 day/6 night vacation for FOUR to Ireland beginning the weekend of January 16/17. This trip includes round-trip airfare to Shannon, a rental vehicle, B & B lodging and 4 days of golf OR for nongolfers, $250 per person (a total of $1000). You must travel between September and May following the drawing and trip is not redeemable for cash. Drawing will be held March 12, 2016, at the Hibernian luncheon following the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Tickets are $100 each and only 150 tickets will be sold. The net proceeds will benefit AOH charities and the Catholic Schools in Wilmington. Last year we were able to give each school a donation toward their tuition assistance programs. If by March 8, 2016, a threshold of 100 tickets sold has not been reached, the drawing will revert to a 50/50. Final date for tickets sales is March 10. If interested, get your ticket early. Last year we sold out about 10 days before the drawing, so don't be disappointed!! Questions? / Ticket Orders Contact: Chris Smith: 910-9319555 or Jim O'Reilly: 910-399-6053 Checks for $100 made payable to AOH, Div. 1 can be mailed to: Rich Coyle 1004 Plumleaf Ct. Leland, NC 28451 Please include your phone number on your check Your Second to Last Chapter Is Available! Paul Wilkes, noted American Catholic author and member of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary, has published a very inspirational book, Your Second to Last Chapter. It is an incredible gem for all of us who are in our so-called “retirement years” yet are up for new and exciting challenges. As Paul says, “Your Second to Last Chapter is a time when you are at the peak of your powers — wise in years, brimming with experience, ready to take on fresh new challenges. Wilkes shows how to match your passion and abilities with human needs in new ways that will use your talents to fullest and provide you the deepest personal satisfaction possible.” This book is available on and in the St. Mary Parish Bookstore & Gift Shop. Office of Faith Formation and Youth Ministries John Walsh, Directory of Religious Education— (ext. 114) [email protected] Amy Preusser, Director of Youth Ministry— (ext. 117) [email protected] Sunday, January 31 No Faith Formation or Nursery Dates for First Reconciliation: February 1st, 2nd, 8th and 9th—7:00 pm in the Basilica. If you have not chosen a date, please contact John Walsh as soon as possible. Soup and Stations of the Cross Soup and bread dinners will be served from 6:15 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. in the school cafeteria, followed by Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m. in the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary. • • • • • • February 12—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by Social Ministry February 19—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by the Gospel Choir and AAMEN February 26—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by the Catholic Daughters March 4—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by the Knights of Columbus March 11—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by the RCIA, RCIC and Confirmation Youth March 18—Soup and Stations of the Cross hosted by the St. Mary Hispanic Ministries – Stations of the Cross will be read in Spanish. Around the Area Worldwide Marriage Encounter The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are February 5-7, 2016 in Asheville, NC and April 29-May 1, 2016 in Chapel Hill, NC. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at [email protected] or 704-3152144. St. Mark Grief Support Ministry A new 6-week session began on January 25th at 1:00 pm at St. Mark Catholic Chruch. Contact Lori Tufts at 319-7426. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – January 30 and January 31, 2016 Year of Mercy Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has announced the Church throughout the world will observe an Extraordinary Jubilee Holy Year of Mercy. The Corporal Works of Mercy are found in the teachings of Jesus and give us a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise. For the next seven weeks, we will highlight a Corporal Work of Mercy. After each work of mercy there will be suggestions and words of advice for living them out in our daily lives. Visit the Sick: Those who are sick are often forgotten or avoided. In spite of their illness, these individuals still have much to offer to those who take the time to visit and comfort them. • • • • • Give blood Spend time volunteering at a nursing home – Get creative and make use of your talents (e.g. sing, read, paint, call Bingo, etc.)! Take time on a Saturday to stop and visit with an elderly neighbor. Offer to assist caregivers of chronically sick family members on a one-time or periodic basis. Give caregivers time off from their caregiving responsibilities so they can rest, complete personal chores, or enjoy a relaxing break. Next time you make a meal that can be easily frozen, make a double batch and give it to a family in your parish who has a sick loved one. See more at: Carolina Catholic—February Show In our first show, we chat with Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, Msgr. David Brockman, Diocesan Communications Director Billy Atwell, and others who attended the Rally and the March for Life; the Love my Life Rally attracted over 1,300 youth from our diocese, and the March for Life was attended by thousands of youth from across the country who join the 100,000+ marchers who come to DC annually to stand up for life and peacefully protest the Supreme Court's decision, Roe v. Wade. In our second show, we speak to Salud Hondu for the third year about its work in Reitoca, its upcoming fundraiser on March 12th (the Third Annual One Cup of Tea, an afternoon tea inspired by Downtown Abbey in the historic Upper Room 1871), and a ministry called, The Shoe that Grows, which provides adjustable, quality sandals that can grow over the years. These shows will air on Wilmington Catholic Radio on stations 91.7 FM, 93.1 FM, and 103.1 FM. Our first show from the Rally and the March for Life will air Saturday, January 30th and February 6th at 11 a.m. and Sunday, January 31st and February 7th at 6 p.m. The Salud Hondu show will air February 13th and February 20th at 11 a.m. and Sunday, February 14th and February 21st at 6 p.m. This show can also be heard on our website at English as a Second Language Offered by Cape Fear Community College Available for adults in the community at St. Mary. Morning Multilevel class with Jamie…...M-TH 9:30am-12:30pm Evening Multilevel class with Jenny.,,,..TU and TH 6:30-9:30pm The classroom is above the St. Mary Health Center. For more information, please contact Cindy at 910-362-7184. English as a second language Meets in the Tileston Center, on Sundays, from 10:30 am to 12:15 pm, from October to June. For information, please contact Sister Marion (910-251-3606) or Dé Corbett at 910-232-2745. Volunteer instructors are welcome. 6 Knights of Columbus Council 1074 Thank you to all who participated in the Knights of Columbus 1074 “Keep Christ in Christmas” poster contest. We received many wonderful posters. It was very hard to choose only three winners because in our eyes, you all are winners for taking the time to remind everyone the true, spiritual meaning of Christmas. Congratulations to our winners, Ethan TenBrink, Zoe Bos and Caroline Horne. Sister Isaac—Office of Social Ministry Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time—January 31, 2016 On this last weekend in January we listen to God's message from Paul's letter to the Corinthians. It is a selection that is frequently selected for a wedding is patient, kind etc. If we strive to live this message each day our lives would be filled with more peace and joy. It challenges us to respect the differences that are all around us and not to judge. Even Jesus was judged! Here at the Outreach we see no let up in serving our brothers and sisters. We are trying hard to size and organize the large amount of clothing that has been delivered to our doors, so we are asking our donors to either hold on to summer wear, or donate it to another organization. We can always use warm clothing, blankets and coats - at least for the next several weeks. During Catholic School Week our children are bringing in soap for washing dishes, and other types of detergents and cleaning agents such as paper-toweling and dish cloths. This is such a help to families since they need to spend their small amount of funds on food. It doesn't seem possible, but Lent is just a few weeks away. With 2016 being the Year of Mercy it seems appropriate to reflect on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. This is another way of living out Paul's message to us today. A good number of religious/spiritual writers have come out with material for the Year of Mercy, and we have selected a pamphlet on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy written by Bill Huebsch. For the season of Lent we are offering each week two sessions for those of you who would like to reflect on the works of Mercy with other members of our community. They will be one-hour in length on Wednesdays from 12:15-1:15 and on Fridays from 5:15pm6:15 p.m. If you would like to participate in the discussions please contact the Social Ministry Office so you can receive a copy of the booklet. (762-5491 x135) Jesus had some difficulty with people being upset with Him because of His openness to others not like them. Where do we stand when faced with people and ideas that don't fit into my categories? Special Need for the Week: Backpacks and Suitcases RCIA This week we are not meeting, but we have good material to reflect on the Sacraments from Father Bob's session and our book, This Is Our Faith. Next week we prepare for the Holy Season of Lent and the Rite of Election and Sending. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – January 30 and January 31, 2016 Celebrations January 22—24 7 Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule Weekend of February 6 and February 7 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time For Masses in English ~ Schedule does not show substitutions ~ In Memory Eucharistic Ministers Helene Andreini May 29, 1947 – January 17, 2016 Baptism Presentation in the Church Ushers Joshua Javier Ordaz-Santos Marisol García Christián Ramón Barrientos-Roja Altar Lectors Servers Avery Violet McCormick Gisselle Arrequín celebrated her Quinceañera at the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary on January 23, 2016. She is a member of the parish. Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 8:00 am Sunday 9:30 am Sunday 11:00 am D. Bryant J. Chandler M. Chandler R. Corriston K. Hartung H. Lowery K. Tosoni J. Cappellino M. Gittings R. Keegan L. Newton O. Niles Y. Sims A. Winkeler C. Burkhart L. Dezio J. Duffy C. Herdemian R. Mercorella A. Preusser L. Vacek J. Adams D. Linkfield J. Maurer T. Sosinski S. Squires P. Thompson R. Young A. Arcaro M. Arcaro E. Grace G. Moser C. Coco S. Fernando R. Bangert T. Smith M. Craddock J. Lowery P. Lowery J.P. Cantonwine S. Cantonwine S. Zagler S. Burkhart S. Coco S. Dettore E. Caldropoli S. Caldropoli R. Laraia T. Barton P. Lachance F. Bindewald F. Bindewald B. Herdemian H. Lange M. Flores J. Siler F. Bua F. Grant R. Keegan R. Jenski T. Longo A. DeVega H. Bielawa B. Ozment D. Keefe C. Mongelli T. Patton R. Lowney L. Franks J. Patton L. Dezio S. Frelke L. Johnson F. Romeo E. Burke N. Cahill M.Fedarko J. Prantil J. Newton P. Carey E. Molina F. DeMeza Lenten Reconciliation Services All Saints, Hampstead—Tuesday, February 16, 2016 7:00 pm Basilica Shrine of St. Mary—Thursday, February 18, 2016 10:30 am St. Mark, Wednesday, February 24, 2016 7:00 pm Sacred Heart, Whiteville—Wednesday, February 24, 2016 7:00 pm Sacred Heart, Southport—Thursday, February 25, 2016 7:00 pm St. Stanislaus, Castle Hayne—Tuesday, March 01, 2016 7:00 pm Immaculate Conception, Wednesday, March 02, 2016 7:00 pm St. Brendan the Navigator, Shallotte—Tuesday, March 08, 2016 11:00 am St. Joseph, Burgaw—Tuesday, March 08, 2016 7:00 pm St. Therese, Wrightsville Beach—Tuesday, March 08, 2016 7:00 pm Our Lady of the Snows, Elizabethtown—Wednesday, March 09, 2016 7:00 pm Mission Corner Arnulfo Unpacks New Lab Equipment in Reitoca In this photo, we see Arnulfo putting away new laboratory equipment for Clínica Santa María in Reitoca, FM, Honduras. 8 Basilica Shrine of Saint Mary – January 30 and January 31, 2016 From the Principal Joyce M. Price "Let your light so shine..." Matthew 5:16 It looks like we escaped the worst of the storms as our roads were dry last Friday morning. If you didn't receive my Alert Call on Thursday evening, please let Mrs. Linn know as you may have changed a phone number since the beginning of school. When you update your information in RenWeb, it doesn't update the Blackboard Alert as they are two different companies. Registration - It is time to re-register your child or register any siblings. As I mentioned last week, we have few spaces in some of the grade levels. Open registration will begin on February 2nd. Opportunity Scholarships - This money is available from the State of N.C. for Kindergarten or 1st grade, even if you've been in our PreK or K. It is also available to students coming in from public schools. If you have questions about the guidelines, please call our office. FACTS Grant and Aid - If you need some assistance and qualify, there are other avenues for help. Please don't walk away from a Catholic education for your child before you explore these opportunities. Open Houses for St. Mary Catholic School Sunday, January 31st, 10:00—2:00 Wednesday, February 3rd, 10:00—2:00 Please tell your friends about us! Sports - Last Friday I recognized our girls' and boys' basketball teams. They have represented our school so well on the road this week with wins over schools that have much greater enrollments than that of our school. More importantly, they represent us well with excellent sportsmanship. Thank you to Mr. Kennedy (girls' coach) and Mr. Frelke (boys' coach) for all the time and effort that give to help our students be their best. Knights of Columbus Poster Contest I also recognized the 33 students who created posters with the theme of "Keeping Jesus in Christmas". The winners were announced this morning. Congratulations to Caroline Horne (7th), Zoe Bos (5th), and Ethan TenBrink (1st). They will receive certificates and a cash prize. Catholic Schools Week January 31st-February 5th You will find the calendar of events for CSW on our website. I look forward to seeing you all at the breakfasts, and the H.S.A. Meeting. St. Mary School will be a site for Girls on the run (GOTR) this spring for girls in the 3rd-5th grade. Your parent volunteer coaches will be Sara Burroughs and Bethann Morrison. Practices will be Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15-4:30 Practice will begin the week of February 29th. Registration will open February 1st. For more information about GOTR, ease visit: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Mary Athletics BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS: Playoffs will begin on Tuesday, February 2. An announcement will be made on our Facebook page next week regarding our opponents and the times of the games. SIGNUP GENIUS HELP FOR PLAYOFFS: We have over 100 parents who are Athletic Booster members. Please go to our SignUp Genius basketball volunteer site and sign up to help during playoffs. You can sign up for one game (1 hour) or as many as you would like. Please come, help our Boosters host the semi-finals and finals on February 4 and 8, and make the events run smoothly for all participating. Any questions, contact Mr. Viollis. ATHLETIC BOOSTER MEETING AND GOLF OUTING MEETING: The Booster board will be holding their general monthly meeting for all members at the beginning of February. Following the general meeting, Tom Kennedy, Chairman of this year's Golf Classic will be holding the first volunteer meeting for the event. If you can help, please come to this important meeting and talk to Tom. If you have any questions, please contact Tony Viollis or Tom Kennedy. SPIRIT WEAR: Our annual Spirit Pep Rally is coming soon. If you would like to purchase a t-shirt, hoodie, or knit beanie, we have some left from our first order. If you are interested, contact Tony Viollis, and he will help you with your purchase. SPRING SPORTS: As of now, we will be having a Boys Tennis Team. If you are in grades 6-8 and are interested in playing tennis this spring, please notify Mr. Viollis or Mrs. Moore. Plans for an Intramural Volleyball and Coed Golf Program will be introduced following the new gym floor installation. PURCHASING A PIECE OF HISTORY: In February, the beautiful, old, historic gym floor which has been used for a countless number events, and has been played on by an untold number of athletes, will be dismantled to make way for a new state-of-the-art floor. Those who have been a part of the history may like to have a piece of the floor to keep as a memory. If you are interested, please contact Mrs. JoAnn Daley. Yearbook We have a new (color!) yearbook company this year and a Publications class in the middle school which lets the kids take part in putting together our yearbook. We are very excited about creating a very special yearbook this year. Great photographs make a great yearbook. Please email your pictures to [email protected]. Buying ad space in the yearbook is a GREAT way to: Advertise your business and support the St. Mary School yearbook and keep costs down! Follow these simple steps: Choose an ad size: • business card size- $35 • quarter page- $50 • half page- $70 • full page- $125 We will create your ad page for you. Simply send us a business card or the business information. Your payment may be dropped at the school office in an envelope marked “Yearbook” by March 1st. Email Mrs. Pafford with any questions at: [email protected] JONATHAN S. LUDWIG DMD, PA Jeffrey B. Pupp, D.P.M. Kevin G. Bachman, D.P.M. 1423 S. 3rd St. • 763-1607 343-8889 Outdoor Patio Seating! Beautiful Dentistry With A Gentle Touch 910.791.9099 1602 Doctors Circle Wilmington, NC OPEN FOR BREAKFAST Daily at 6am Italian Gourmet Market 22 S. Front Street Join us After Mass Like a Good Neighbor State Farm Is There SUNDAY BREAKFAST BUFFET 9am-1pm Lynn Bullard (Between Market & Dock Streets) Open 7 Days (Sundays 12-6) FRESH PASTA - WINE - IMPORTS - GIFTS 910-362-0004 Agent 910-371-5965 THURSDAY TRIVIA - 8:30pm At Magnolia Greens in Leland FRIDAY LIVE MUSIC 3600 S. College Rd. Ste D SATURDAY LIVE MUSIC - 9pm Office: 910-791-6026 Fax: 910-452-0323 Res: 910-799-6952 NIGHTLY DRINK SPECIALS [email protected] Lynn & Susan Bullard - Parishioner 6821 Market St. Wilmington, NC Car + Home = Big Savings Pine Valley Shopping Center Corner of 17th & S. College Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 DUDEK CONSULTING, P.C. Robert A. Dudek,P.E. Parishioner (910) 762-1515 Structural Engineering an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Dine-In • Take-Out Delivery • Catering 910.686.7774 8211 Market St. Bring in your Bulletin and Receive 10% OFF A los patrocinadores que están en este boletín. Gracias a estos patrocinadores este boletín puede hacerse. Dueños de negocios interesados en anunciarse por favor llamen a J.S. Paluch al 1-800-432-3240 539880 Basilica Shrine of St. Mary (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 IMMIGRATION Abogada de Immigración FAMILY VISAS Visas de Familia Locally Owned Since 1850. TRADITIONAL BURIAL SERVICES CREMATION SERVICES BUSINESS VISAS Visas de Trabajo 910.762.7788 910.762.0850 Market Street Chapel – Valley Chapel – Hampstead Chapel 2014 Leader in Excellence – Best of Home Care Award! Senior Gems Certified Office Specializing in Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Services include but not limited to: • • • • • Companion Care Personal Care Meals Doctor Appointments Relationship Building 2954 North Kerr Avenue • Wilmington 910-383-0009 • 910-270-9344 • 910-251-8741 Broker/REALTOR® 1904 Eastwood Rd., Ste. 214 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-617-7380 [email protected] PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE SHERWOOD PAINTING Residential • Commercial Pressure Washing Repair PUSH TALK ........... Carlson Craft and Crane Retailer Wedding Invitations TIM MARTIN Bus. 910-231-4920 Wilmington, NC Kevin Donovan Present Ad At Time of Order for 10% Parishioner Discount Laminate • Carpet • LVT • Hardwood • Tile • Vinyl Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Errands & Transportation Medication Reminders Housekeeping Stimulating Activities Offering care 3 to 24 hours daily including live-in services Design/Sales/Installation • Providing All Your Flooring Needs Dr. Misael J. Otero, DDS • Dr. Lindsey E. Otero, DDS 14057 US Hwy 17, Ste. 120 • Hampstead, NC 28443 • • • • • 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Custom Stationery & Holiday Cards Greeting/Notecards, incl. local artists Gifts, Handmade Papers, Art Supplies, Fine Pens ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 313 N. Front St. Wilmington, NC In the Cotton Exchange TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 910-343-9033 *First Three Months COBLE WARD-SMITH FUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICE 3915 Oleander Dr. • Wilmington, NC 910/791-4444 If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation Established 1949 $1a Day! 1718 South 41 • Wilmington st 910-791-1471 Proudly Providing HVAC Services for St. Mary’s ntracts NO Long Term Co Atlantic Coast Wealth Management, LLC Richard J Schrum Parishioner CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ 321 N. Front St., Suite 305 Wilmington, NC 910-338-2875 office Retirement Planning Charitable Gifting Estate Planning Wealth Tranfer Securities offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA/SIPC CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! GAYE MOSEMAN, R. Ph. BOB MOSEMAN, Ph.D. KAREN DOWNING, PharmD 5235 South College Rd. Bring this ad to the pharmacy for a free gift! 539880 Basilica Shrine of St. Mary (A) (910) 798-0900 St. Mary Parishioners For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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