please pray for the sick
please pray for the sick
Page 1 SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturdays: Msgr. Ryan Hall - 4 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Eves of Holy Days: Msgr. Ryan Hall - 4 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. First Friday: Church - 5:45 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. First Saturday: Church - 7:45 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Also by appointment CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE The Church provides certain times and preparation for weddings. Please contact the Rectory at least six months in advance to begin the process. REGISTRATION Every family and person within the parish is encouraged to register with the Parish. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. In July and August Baptism will be celebrated at 12:30 p.m. A required Baptism preparation meeting for parents meets on the first Monday of the month at 8:00 p.m. Godparents are welcome. Please register in advance for the class and Baptism. Godparent Pre-Requisites: Godparents must be practicing Catholics in good standing, 16 years of age or older, Baptized and Confirmed Catholic. ON BECOMING A CATHOLIC Those seeking information about the Catholic Faith are invited to contact Fr. McCartney at the Rectory at 6212222. CARE OF THE SICK Please notify the Rectory and Human Concerns Ministries if there is anyone seriously ill so that we can provide spiritual care. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Baby Jack Rosemarie Bonavita Dan Brophy Edna Careri Thomas Dagnelli Phyllis DeVita John Paul DiNonno John Ferrigno George Gaeta Jeremy Hogan Eddie Holahan Anne Krukowski Frank Krukowski Manuel Labindao Keri Line Mary Loftus Mary Mahoney Richard Malon Tom McCormack Dieter Nagel Victoria Oxer Maria Ponzini Edna Reilly Doreen Rotondo Anna Sambucci Vincent Scalavino Margaret Serringer Richard Serringer William Sympson IV Joseph Velotti, Sr. James Williams Mary Wybaillie THE MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK THE MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, January 24: THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 a.m. People of the Parish 9:00 a.m. Gennaro Barrasso by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barrasso Angelo Bellissimo by Nardine Family Rick Mink by Jim Maloney 11:00 a.m. Rose Della Ratta by Daughter Kathy & Angelo Grande 12:15 p.m. Philip & Catherine Tranchina by Dolores & Jerome Trimboli Monday, January 25: The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle 9:00 a.m. Helen & James O’Hara by Dolores & Richard O’Hara Tuesday, January 26: Saints Timothy & Titus, Bishops 9:00 a.m. Pat Perretta - 1st Anniversary Wednesday, January 27: Weekday 9:00 a.m. Joseph Gunther by Alice & Chris Gunther Thursday, January 28: Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church 9:00 a.m. Norma Lucarelli by Michael Lucarelli Friday, January 29: Weekday 9:00 a.m. Jose Gonzalez, Sr. by Elaine & Patrick Brea Saturday, January 30: Weekday 5:00 p.m. Angelo DeVito by Margaret DeVito & Family Rev. Joseph McGoldrick by The Boisi Family Gloria & Tom Van Degna by Family Joseph P. Whalen by The Govoni Family Sunday, January 31: FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 a.m. People of the Parish 9:00 a.m. Dr. Jordan Crovatin by a Friend Gerard Daley by Carol Daley & Family Dr. Lawrence Stone by his Family Franco Vezza - 1st Anniversary by his Family 11:00 a.m. William E. Logan by St. Mary’s Choir 12:15 p.m. William Young - 1st Anniversary Page 2 FOSTERING STEWARDSHIP AS A WAY OF LIFE READINGS FOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 2016 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 or 12:12-14, 27 Gospel: Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21 FOCUS: We are called to use the unique gifts and talents that God has given us to further the work and mission of the Church. Today’s reading from the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians reminds us that, by virtue of our baptism, we are members of Christ’s body. We have a sacred duty and solemn obligation to use the unique gifts and talents God has given us to further the work and mission of the Church. Mindful of this, let us share our gifts generously so many others might come to know Jesus. LITURGY OF THE WORD: The first reading tells of how those Israelites who returned from exile in Babylon to live in Jerusalem joined together in renewing their commitment to be faithful to God and his commandments. The second reading reminds us that we are parts and members of the one body of Christ. Today’s Gospel recalls the beginnings of Jesus’ public ministry. PARISH SACRIFICIAL GIVING The US Bishops’ pastoral on stewardship reinforces today’s reading from 1 Corinthians: “Because its individual members do collectively make up the body of Christ, that body’s health and well-being are the responsibility of the members--the personal responsibility of each of us. We all are stewards of the Church.” Parish Sacrificial Giving Summary Thank you for your continued sacrificial gifts to St. Mary’s. Christmas Offertory to Date Christmas Offertory Last Year $46,835.00** $55,116.00** Sunday Offertory ~ January 16/17 Same Week Last Year $7,251.00* $5,991.00* Mass Attendance ~ January 16/17 Same Week Last Year 798 620 * Does not include Faith Direct ** Includes Faith Direct Readings for next week, January 31, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19; 1 Corinthians 12:31C13:13 or 13:4-13; Luke 4:21-30 Celebrants for the Weekend of January 30/31 From Liturgical Commission Publishing, Lansing, MI Celebrants* PRAYING FOR PEACE IN THE NEW YEAR CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER GROUPS St. Mary’s Convent Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. Saturdays at 3:00 p.m. Please join us whenever you are able. ALL ARE WELCOME Lectors Sat 5:00 Fr. McCartney C. Banta Sun. 7:30 Fr. McCartney R. Botensten 9:00 Fr. McCartney Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Altar Servers J. Mozer M. Mozer K. Ditrano N. Ditrano B. O’Hara P. Kirk A. Lafaire M. Braun 11:00 Fr. Lauder S. Tansiongco D. Tansiongco Volunteer 12:15 Fr. Lauder M.G. Donaldson L. Nassiri Volunteer C. Christophe Information: Sister Marie Danaher -625-5737 *subject to last minute changes Page 3 THE PASTOR’S PAGE My dear people of St. Mary’s, The Pastor’s Page was on hiatus for the last two weeks as I, and several parishioners, made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. As with my first trip, it is almost impossible to describe in words. We traveled with a total of 204 pilgrims, some eighty percent from the United States, and the rest from other countries around the world. (I do not know why, but I have often noticed that Texans and Australians are always disproportionally represented on pilgrimage trips!) In my homily at Mass on the first night, I stressed to all of the participants that this trip was not their idea, even if they thought it was. By definition a pilgrimage is something God calls us to. It is a way He has chosen to bestow upon us some particular grace He has reserved just for us. So many people came up to me throughout the course of the pilgrimage to say that that one fact, the idea that they were called, helped them to keep the whole trip in perspective. So often, upon returning, people will ask you what was your favorite part of the pilgrimage. That question is really almost impossible to answer. Instead, a pilgrimage is more a series of special moments distributed throughout an extraordinary journey. It may come late one night in a conference room of the hotel as half a dozen priests hear confessions for the pilgrims. It may be a moment on a long walk to a holy site where a pilgrim takes you aside to ask for counsel or advice, or just to share what the pilgrimage has meant to them. Certainly for me one of the highlights was being able to celebrate Mass on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, and then to travel to the actual site of Jesus’ baptism at the River Jordan on the same Feastday. There among the bulrushes, I was privileged to lead the people in the renewal of their baptismal promises. It was very moving to stand there on the banks of that ancient river at that historic site where St. John the Baptist conducted his ministry. There at that very spot he baptized so many, including his cousin, our Savior. I had a branch from an olive tree with me and, upon completing the renewal, I was able to dip the branch in the waters of the Jordan and sprinkle the people with it. Then, as some of the group led the others in singing a hymn at the water’s edge, an idea suddenly came to me. I began to pull the small olive leaves off the branch one by one and give them to the assembled crowd. While everyone continued singing, the throng moved in closely and I was surrounded by a sea of outstretched hands. As I placed leaf after leaf in the palms of the pilgrims, those hands were withdrawn and replaced by others, outstretched and seeking. The thought came to me that this must have been a very vivid recreation of what Jesus saw every day throughout His public ministry. As He passed through that land, He must have been daily surrounded by an immense throng, all reaching to Him with outstretched and imploring hands. That was one moment of an extraordinary pilgrimage I will never forget. I am very grateful to Fr. Edsel Delfin, who assisted us here last summer, for taking such good care of the parish and all of you during the two weeks I was away. Before my departure, I asked for your prayers for me and for all the pilgrims on our journey; I thank you on behalf of all those who made the pilgrimage. And please know that you were with us in our prayers every step of the way. I will speak to you more about that next week. —Fr. McCartney Page 4 St. Mary’s Church Financial Report - September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015 Revenue Regular Collections (Including Sundays, Christmas and Easter) $543,721 Fund Raising $ 32,046 Parish Programs (Religious Education, Outreach) $ 32,534 Auxiliary Revenue (School, Convent Rent, Catholic Ministries Appeal Rebate) $154,327 Special Collections on Behalf of Others $ 27,533 Non-Operating Revenue (Interest on Bank Accounts) $ Total Revenue 973 $791,134 Expenditures Salaries. Liturgy and Music Ministry Payments $245,290 Fringe Benefits (Medical, Retirement Fund) $ 89,756 Parish Programs (Religious Education, Outreach) $ 33,085 Subsidy to Regional School (15% Of Our Regular Collection) $ 65,126 Office Expenses & Printing $ 38,551 Auxiliary Expenditures Diocesan Assessment - 8% of our Regular Collections Sent To Rockville Centre for the Running of the Chancery Office, Donations to Charity, Missalettes & Liturgical Expenses, LI Catholic and Insurance Premiums Sent to the Diocese) $168,622 Rectory Household Expenses $ Special Collections on Behalf of Others $ 27,433 Utilities & Maintenance $ 93,764 Capital Expenditures (Parish Center rezoning project, Rectory repairs) $ 19,417 3,775 Total Expenditures $784,819 Excess Revenue Over Expenditures $ 6,315 A Summary of the Sacraments Celebrated at St. Mary’s Church - September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015 Baptisms 41 First Communions 36 Confirmations 37 Marriages 10 Funeral Masses & Services 35 Page 5 This year members of the Order of Preachers, the Dominicans, celebrate the 800th anniversary of their founding. St. Dominic de Guzman produced one of the great reforms in the history of the church, which continues to this day among friars, nuns, sisters and laity. We are blessed to have the Dominican Sisters of Amityville living in our convent and contributing to the life of our parish. Please take one of the commemorative prayer cards you will find at the doors of the church and hall this weekend, to celebrate the 800th Jubilee of the Order of St. Dominic in the Church. REMEMBERING THOSE WHO SERVE Lord, hold these men and women in your loving hands and protect them as they protect us and bless them for their selfforgetting acts. We pray for peace in our world and an end to war. Amen. MAJ Sean M. Case COL Daniel Friend 2LT Brendan Echausse LT Christian R. Foschi SK1 John D. Klick PVT Steven Hyyti CAPT David Jacobs P.F.C. Michael P. Lanciki CAPT Eric W. Lipp LCpl Caitlin Lyons LT Dennis Mackin LCpl Tommy Mozer SGT Julio Ortiz II LCpl Jonathan Peres SSGT Jonathan Porto PVT Michael Starczewski RCT Luke Whitting RCT Jordan J. Williams MASS INTENTIONS Weekday Mass Intentions are available for February and March. Please call the Rectory Office at 621-2222 if you wish to arrange for Masses. NEWS FROM ALL SAINTS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL You are cordially invited to join us next Sunday, January 31st for Open House at All Saints Regional Catholic School 235 Glen Street Glen Cove 10:00am to 1:00 pm come visit our classrooms, meet our teachers, see our beautiful artwork displayed throughout the school and enjoy some refreshments. We look forward to seeing you there. Page 6 What When • 300 plus members $100 each subscription • Open to all St.Mary’s parishioners, friends & family FIVE Prizes awarded • monthly: 4th $25 1st $200 5th $10 2nd $100 3rd $50 How • Fill out and Submit application form below - OR – - Print out, fill in and submit the application from the website : • Grand Prize at year end: $1,000 • Enroll March 10, 2016 • First Monthly Drawing: March 27, 2016 • Grand Prize date : March 12 , 2017 fill out, attach check and mail Name ______________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________ Email ________________________@______________._____ Phone____________________ Number Request: From 1 to 999. Existing members can keep current number or request new one Number Choice: 1st _____ or 2nd _____ or (Circle) Auto Pick or existing 2015/2016 number Membership $100 for one year. Checks made payable to St Mary’s 300 Club Place check & card in collection basket or mail to St Mary’s 300 Club, Church of St Mary, 110 Bryant Avenue Roslyn, New York 11576 (Do not mail Cash. Must be handed to 300 Club Committee Member) Page 7 COURTESY ANNOUNCEMENTS ST. FRANCIS HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Anyone interested in joining our team of volunteers please contact Kim Arlotta Director of Volunteer Services 516 562-6106 FAMILY, MARRIAGE AND INDIVIDUAL THERAPY Family, marriage and individual therapy, provided by New York State licensed therapists including therapists who specialize in Substance and Chemical Abuse, Anxiety Disorders and Behavioral Disorders, are available to our parishioners at 147 other parishes. This program, under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has been conducted in the diocese for the past 41 years for the convenience of parishioners. It is provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies, including Medicare, are honored. For confidential information and appointments, please call Dr. Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling Center at (631) 243-2503 or go to our website at: TELEVISED MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND - Each week through television, Passionist Communications brings The Sunday Mass to the sick and homebound. It can be seen in the New York area (Long Island) on WLNY - Ch. 10 or 55 at 9:00 AM on Sunday; WNYW - Ch. 5 at 5:30 AM on Sunday. Closed captioning is available for each Mass. In addition to this Mass schedule The Sunday Mass is now airing on ABC from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. each Sunday morning. For information consult the website at A SPECIAL ST. PATRICK’S CELEBRATION WITH ANDY COONEY & PHIL COULTER IN CONCERT Dominican Village, a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Saint Dominic in Amityville, will host a benefit concert in the NYCB Theatre in Westbury on Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. CELTIC CROSSINGS in Concert will feature “Irish America’s favorite son” Andy Cooney and Ireland’s legendary songwriter and performer Phil Coulter, accompanied by the Irish Pops Ensemble, Hibernian Festival Singers and special guest Geraldine Branagan. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Married Couples! Are you looking for the perfect Valentine’s Gift? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Just might be what you are looking for. The original and still the best communication weekend for married couples. Proceeds of this event will benefit Dominican Village, a not-for-profit, non-sectarian Independent and Assisted Living Retirement Community in Amityville, NY. February 12-14, 2016 at the Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore, NY. Tickets for this joyful, magical “Celtic Spirit” concert can be purchased directly through Dominican Village or Tickets are now on sale for $69.50 or $54.50. Space is limited. For more information about the weekends or to apply, call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our web site at For more information please call Dominican Village at 631 842-6618. The next weekend on Long Island is scheduled for Page 8 Dear Padre & Membership PARISH REGISTRATION REQUEST I/we would like to register in the parish of St. Mary’s. Please send me a Parish Census to complete so I can become a parishioner of St. Mary’s. Please send my Census to: NAME:_______________________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ PHONE:_____________________________________________ Please return to the Rectory Office or place in the collection basket.
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Please notify the Rectory and Human Concerns Ministries
if there is anyone seriously ill so that we can provide
spiritual care.