PROGRAM - Marywood University
PROGRAM - Marywood University
SENIOR PROGRAM LIFELONG LE ARNING INSTITUTE FALL CLASS AND TRIP SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER 2015 L I F E LO N G L E A R N I N G I N ST I T U T E SENIOR PROGRAM Fall Class and Trip Schedule for September – December 2015 Check out the New Semester! Join us for light refreshments and information about our upcoming classes and trips. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2015 • 7 P.M. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life • McGowan Room Marywood University • 570-348-6292 Lifelong Learning Institute Senior Program Membership $25 PER SEMESTER Membership entitles you to discounts on classes. CLASS OFFERINGS, FALL 2015 THOMAS JEFFERSON Thomas Jefferson – lawyer, legislator, diplomat, Secretary of State, Vice President, and President who also filled the roles of son, brother, husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Learn about the complete man: the man who, while creating history, still filled various personal roles, including single father. Learn it all from the person who was closest to him – his wife, Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson. Gina Aleo Monday, September 14 • 6 – 7:30 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Members: $25 Non-members: $45 HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH The history of the Catholic Church is fascinating. The Catholic Church is the longest-enduring institution in the world. Beginning with the first Christians and continuing in our present day, the Church has been planted in every nation on earth. Come learn about the local history of the Church and how it reflects the institution as a whole. Monsignor will draw upon his extensive studies in achieving his Licentiate of Sacred Theology and his Doctor of Canon Law to teach this class. Monsignor John Lewis, JCD Tuesdays, September 15 and 22 • 10 – 11:30 a.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room C Member: $30 Non-member: $50 THE KINGDOM OF GOD IN OUR MIDST: BEYOND RELIGION WITH JESUS LEADING THE WAY Becoming mature mystics involves some solid theology, some developmental psychology, and some social concerns that keep us grounded in the current incarnate world. We recognize this mature mysticism in some celebrities and public figures who turn history, art, music ,and politics in new and unimaginable directions. Carl Jung once said, “It is to the mystics that we owe what is best in humanity.” Evil today seems more gigantic than ever – a real Goliath from the Old Testament. David’s mystical frame of reference changed everything: “He’s so big. How can I miss?” Soren Kierkegaard said, “We live life forward but we understand it backward.” We will try to do that in two 90-minute sessions, learning from mystics whose deep spirituality has not only endured but has inspired many contemporary visionary reformers from Meister Eckhart to the Binguines, Adrienne Rich, Nelson Mandela, Dorothee Soelle, Otto Rank, Dorothy Stang, Karl Marx , Serge LaTouche, and many more. Sister Jacquelyn Donohue, I.H.M. Wednesdays, September 16 and 23 • 10 – 11: 30 a.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room C Members: $30 Non-members: $50 1 THE PALESTINE/ISRAEL CONFLICT (PART II, PART I NOT A PREREQUISITE ) First Class: Palestine, Israel, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Hundred Year History Q & A Second Class: Peace Through Non-Violence Q & A The Class will screen excerpts from several award-winning documentaries on the joint grass roots efforts of Israelis and Palestinians to peacefully end the occupation and work toward a just settlement. Dominic Saadi holds a master’s degree in Middle East History from the University of Massachusetts and the University of Pennsylvania, and a Certificate on Arab Cultural Studies from the American University in Cairo. Dominic Saadi Mondays, September 21 and 28 • 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Members: $30 Non-members: $50 LAURA L. BARRY, AUTHOR The author of The Center of Me will be here to have a very healthy, robust, and productive discussion. In her newly published inspirational manual for the soul, author Laura Barry addresses the palpable human yearning for the unseen essentials in life of joy, love, peace, and happiness. The Center of Me: The Journey to Finding Your Inner Coach affirms that all human beings can achieve the essential elements of a fulfilling life. Anecdotes, humor, and thoughtful exercises address the pervasive critic inside each of us and allow readers to experience the concepts taught in The Center of Me rather than merely intellectualize them. Participants are encouraged to read the book prior to coming to class in order to have a more engaging discussion. Available on Amazon. Books will also be for sale at class time. Laura Barry Thursday, September 24 • 1:00 – 3:00p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room C Members: $15 Non-members: $35 TOUR JEFF D’ANGELO’S DESIGN GROUP Come visit the area’s only “Prop Shop” to make events unique and unforgettable. See how its more than 5000 props and over 75 themes can enhance the artistic details of the creation process. In addition to viewing the art collection, the group will also tour LaSalle Men’s clothing store to see the extensive antiques collection, featured on the hit History Channel show, American Pickers. Jeff D’Angelo Monday, October 5 • 10 – Noon D’Angelo Design, 631 Prospect Ave, Scranton, PA 18505 Members: $15 Non-members: $35 TAI CHI FIVE ELEMENT MEDICAL QIGONG Chinese Five Element Meditation for centering and balancing and harmonizing. This qigong meditation focuses on the five solid (Yin) organs of the body and their corresponding elements – Heart (Fire), Spleen (Earth), Lungs (Metal), Kidneys (Water) and Liver (Wood). These organs function a bit like batteries, and when we bring our awareness and energy to them, they help our Qi flow smoothly and bring harmony to mind, body and spirit. Rick Schmoyer Tuesdays, October 6, 13, 20, 27 and November 3 • 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Member: $50 Non-member: $70 2 THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD OF 1889 A flood like no other – a 35 foot high wall of water, mud, and debris headed for Johnstown at 40 miles an hour! Let me tell you the story. Come for the story and enjoy a delicious lunch that is included in the price. Robert Cummings Thursday, October 8 • 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Member: $30 Non-member: $50 ETHAN FROME During the winter of 1974, the Marywood cinematography club produced probably the best remembered of all of its 14 full length movies, Ethan Frome. Produced, filmed, and shown on the Marywood campus, the film is a time capsule back 41 years. Come and join Ethan, Xena, Matty, and the entire cast including Liz Kenny, Helen Leonard, Phillip Tama, Paul Jacobson, Mary Alice McGraw, Bill Mahan, and Ralph Bernardi in cameo roles. Dr. Thomas P. Dempsey will introduce the movie and will give some of the history and background of making the film. Dr. Thomas Dempsey Monday, October 12 • 7 – 9 p.m. Center for Natural and Health Sciences, Comerford Theater Member: $20 Non-member: $40 FALL SOUP! Chef Joseph will bring warm hearty ideas to your fall menu selection. A farm to table soup spiced up with chef’s passion for Italian cooking will be demonstrated. The cooking demonstration lab will be used so participants can see Chef Joe’s technique. Come join Joe Caputo, the chef and owner, Zuppa del Giorno, as he makes a delectable soup and gives tastings to all. Joe Caputo Tuesday, October 13 • 2 – 3:30p.m. O’Neill Center for Healthy Families, Room 238 Members: $30 Non-members: $50 THE PRINCIPALS OF CONSERVATIVE INVESTING The Principals of Conservative Investing is a comprehensive personal finance course designed for those preparing for retirement. The course walks you through the various considerations and your available options when planning for retirement. Curriculum addresses decisions such as asset allocation, income planning, tax issues, and pitfalls to avoid. Course content is based on recent academic research. You will receive financial tools and class presentation materials that address risk assessment, taxation, budgeting/saving, and estate planning. Christopher Scalese, MBA Thursdays, October 15 and 22 • 6:30 – 8 p.m. Liberal Arts Center, Room 112 Members: $25 Non-members: $45 A MEETING OF THE MYSTICS Come and meet two very different fourteenth-century women with very different spiritual lives. One, an anchorite who lived most of her life in a small cell attached to a church in Norwich, England. The other, a Norfolk woman who traveled on a pilgrimage as far as the Holy Land. One who describes God as Mother and Father; one who weeps uncontrollably at the thought of Christ’s suffering. This class will examine their lives and writings as well as the brief record of their actual meeting in Norwich. Erin Sadlack, PHD Wednesday, October 21 • 6:30 – 8 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room C Members: $20 Non-members: $40 3 No miniskirts after 40. Or long hair. Sleeveless after 50? Never! There are a lot of women who still believe in age-related fashion dictum, but in a world where everyone from nine to 90 wears jeans, what does “age appropriate” actually mean? The design professionals at Nada & Co. will host an event to help you dress for any age. We will meet at their beautiful store in Green Ridge. Learn from their signature good taste to figure out how to feel confident and make a beautiful statement. Nada Gilmartin Monday, October 26 • 1 – 2:30 p.m. Nada & Co., 1440 Capouse Ave, Scranton, Pa 18509 Members: $20 Non-members: $40 PART II: POST-IMPRESSIONISM ( PART I, NOT A PREREQUISITE) This presentation is a journey from Impressionism to Post- Impressionism...from “fleeting moments” to solidity, transparency, fluidity, and emotion. Political events, discoveries in the sciences and humanities, and technological advances were catalysts for new movements in the arts. Experience a visual journey from the art of the 19th century to the 20th century. Sr. Cor Immaculatum Heffernan, IHM Wednesday, October 28 • 1:30 – 3 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room C Members: $25 Non-members: $45 LEARNING TO LIVE IN THE MOMENT We all get advice to breath, relax, live in the moment, or meditate but are given very little instruction. Come learn some easy to use sensory awareness techniques that can help you build a meditation practice quickly and easily. No cushion or sitting cross legged required! We are biologically wired to meditate and have done it numerous times without even realizing we were doing it. This course will help you identify those moments and then tap into the same type of awareness on a daily basis. Learn the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of giving yourself permission to live in the moment. The process is so much easier than you think! Bernadette Kozlowski Thursdays, October 29 and November 5 • 1-2:30p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Members: $25 Non-members: $45 SOUTH PACIFIC Join Joe Michalczyk as he shares his experiences from his recent trip to the South Pacific. Watch his video of the sights, sounds, and people of Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji, plus the Great Barrier Reef, visits with the Aborigenes, and the magnificent city of Sydney with its famous Opera House. His tour featured extensive visits to both the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Both islands were used as sets for many films, such as The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Learn about the hot springs of Rotorua and the Maori people, as well as the famous Milford Sound and its fjords. A themed lunch will be included. Joe Michalczyk Wednesday, November 4 • 11 a.m. – 1:30p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Members: $30 Non-members: $50 HOLIDAY LUNCHEON Wednesday, December 9 Nazareth Student Center, Upper Main Dining Room | noon Members: $15 Non-members: $20 4 ! DRESSING FOR ALL AGES ! C O U R S E R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M & S U R V E Y Should you be unable to attend a course for which you register, please note that there is a no refund policy in place. Credit towards another course, however, will be issued to you. W AY S T O R E G I S T E R • In person by completing the form below and paying at the Swartz Center with cash, check, or credit card. • By mail with a check or credit card by filling and mailing the form below to Marywood University, Conference and Event Services, LLI Senior Program 2300 Adams Ave., Scranton, PA 18509 • Online at! REGISTRATION BEGINS AUGUST 20, 2015 Name__________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Home/Cell Phone (_____)_________________E-mail ________________________________ Please indicate number of participants in the courses. Please check cost. INDICATE # OF PARTICIPANTS ____Membership ____Thomas Jefferson ____History of the Catholic Church ____Kingdom of God ____Palestine/Israel Conflict ____Laura Barry, Author ____Tour Jeff D’Angelo’s Design ____Tai Chi ____Johnstown Flood ____Ethan Frome ____Fall Soup! ____Principals of Investing ____A Meeting of the Mystics ____Dressing for All Ages ____Post Impressionism ____Live in the Moment ____South Pacific ____Holiday Luncheon MEMBER q $25 = $_________ q $25 = $_________ q $30 = $_________ q $30 = $_________ q $30 = $_________ q $15 = $_________ q $15 = $_________ q $50 = $_________ q $30 = $_________ q $20 = $_________ q $30 = $_________ q $25 = $_________ q $20 = $_________ q $20 = $_________ q $25 = $_________ q $25 = $_________ q $30 = $_________ q $15 = $_________ NON-MEMBER q $45= $_________ q $50= $_________ q $50= $_________ q $50= $_________ q $35= $_________ q $35= $_________ q $70= $_________ q $50= $_________ q $40= $_________ q $50= $_________ q $45= $_________ q $40= $_________ q $40= $_________ q $45= $_________ q $45= $_________ q $50= $_________ q $20= $_________ $_________ $________ Member total NON-Member total TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $_________ INDICATE METHOD OF PAYMENT q Cash q Check (payable to Marywood University) q Charge to: q MasterCard q Visa q Discover Card # __________________________3-Digit Security Code _________ Exp. Date _____ Authorized Signature _____________________________________________________ 5 C O U R S E R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M & S U R V E Y, C O N T. Please take a minute to tell us what you think. Complete the following survey: What class offerings or topics would you like to see offered? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ What trips would you like to see offered? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL 570-348-6292. By participating in these courses, you consent to the University’s use of your image in photos taken throughout the program. To opt out of this consent, please contact Sue Reilly: [email protected] | 570-348-6292. 6 T R I P O F F E R I N G S , FA L L 2 01 5 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 Philadelphia, PA Vatican Splendor Exhibit, $125 Experience 2,000 years of Vatican history! See over 200 works of art and historically significant objects that together form a great mosaic of the history of the Church and its impact on art, history, and culture. Vatican Splendors includes many artifacts which have never before left Vatican City. The collection, at the Franklin Institute is composed of Renaissance art along with work from the Baroque Period. The eleven galleries walk you through the history of Christianity focusing on the Catholic Church. An impressive focus in the exhibition is on the Basilica to which Michelangelo and Bernini were key contributors. A delicious late lunch will be at the legendary Moshulu, the world’s oldest and largest square rigged sailing vessel still afloat. 7:45 a.m. Bus departs Marywood Center for Athletics and Wellness 8: a.m. Pickup at Pittston Park and Ride 11 a.m. Check-in for tour 2:45 p.m. Late lunch at Moshulu 7 p.m. Approximate return to Marywood SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Manheim, PA Poe Evermore, Lunch and Show, $89 We will start with a visit to the Mt. Hope Winery. Since 1980, Mount Hope Estate & Winery, located in Northern Lancaster County, has produced award-winning wines for all occasions, even a line of berry wines, all from Pennsylvania grown fruit. Our knowledgeable hosts offer complimentary wine tastings that help you choose the perfect wine - for yourself or as a gift for a friend or family back. Next will be lunch and a show! Mount Hope’s annual Theater in the Mansion season kicks off with Poe Evermore, a wonderfully crafted performance of some of Edgar Allan Poe’s greatest works. Lunch will be in the newly remodeled Anchor & Mermaid Tavern. 8 a.m. Bus departs Marywood Center for Athletics and Wellness 8:15 a.m. Pickup at Pittston Park and Ride 10 a.m. Winery 11:30 p.m. Lunch 1 p.m. Show 4:30 p.m. Approximate return to Marywood FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 Philadelphia, PA Holiday Tour at Fairmont Park, $125 Each year, Fairmount Park dresses up in holiday finery for a month of joyful celebration. Decorated by various interior designers and garden clubs, the historic houses will delight visitors with festive adornments and stunning interiors. You will tour both Strawberry Mansion and Woodford Mansion. You will be treated to a delightful lunch on the East Balcony of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. You will also be given a ticket for the Audubon to Warhol audio tour of the museum! 8 a.m. Bus departs Marywood Center for Athletics and Wellness 8:15 a.m. Pickup at Pittston Park and Ride 11 a.m. House tours 1 p.m. Lunch 6 p.m. Approximate return to Marywood ! T R I P R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M Name__________________________________________________________________________ Address_ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Home/Cell Phone (_____)_____________________E-mail ________________________________ 7 THINGS TO DO ON CAMPUS, FALL 2015 JOIN THE MARYWOOD UNIVERSITY RECREATION ASSOCIATION Membership in the LLI entitles you to a discounted semi-annual membership to the fitness facilities. You can use the walking track, treadmills, and weight equipment, or sign up for a class. Call 348-6292 for details. ART AT MARYWOOD Go online to see the current exhibitions at the Mahady, Maslow, or Suraci Galleries w w w . m a r y w o o d . e d u /g a l l e r i e s AUDITING COLLEGE COURSES Pursue your interest in academics without the stress of exams. Call Sue Reilly at 570-348-6292 for details. TRIP REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS Please complete the registration form and mail with payment to: Around the World Travel • 326 R. Keystone Ave. • Peckville, PA 18452 For more information contact: Ms. Rosemary Yankovich • (570) 383-0544 • [email protected] T R I P R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M , C O N T. INDICATE METHOD OF PAYMENT: q Cash q Check (payable to Around the World Travel) q Charge to: q MasterCard q Visa q Discover Card # _________________________________3-Digit Security Code _________ Exp. Date ______ Authorized Signature _______________________________________________________________ INDICATE # OF PARTICIPANTS ___ Vatican Splendor Exhibit ___ Poe Evermore ___ Holiday Tour at Fairmont Park Fee: $125 Fee: $89 Fee: $125 Indicate # of Participants: ________ 8 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $__________ Marywood University, in accordance with applicable provisions of federal law, does not discriminate on grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in the administration of any of its educational programs or activities, including admission, or with respect to employment. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Patricia Dunleavy, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, Coordinator for Act 504 and Title IX, Marywood University, Scranton, PA 18509 1598. Phone: (570) 348-6220 or e-mail: [email protected]. Return Service Requested. Office of Conference and Event Services LLI, Senior Program 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania, 18509 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 474 Scranton, PA
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q Cash q Check (payable to Around the World Travel)
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