Colonial Bear Fare - Colonial Newfoundland Club


Colonial Bear Fare - Colonial Newfoundland Club
Colonial Bear Fare
A Quarterly Newsletter of the Colonial Newfoundland Club
Issue no. 102 - Spring 2013
Newf Scoops
In Memoriam
New CNC Membership Applicants
Newbie Newfs of the CNC
Rescue Redux
Golden Retreat for Canines
2013 NCA National Specialty Obedience Titles
2013 NCA National Specialty BOB Confirmation Judging
Peggy Darling’s Pumpkin Dog Biscuits
“It’s Fiesta Time!”
Spring Fun Day 2013
2012 Williamsburg Chamber of Commerce Christmas
Parade Award
2013 CNC Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
About Bear Fare
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
WA Old Bay Sonic Wave NJP,OAP,CDX , WRD3, DD,TDD
earned his OAP on March 16th and his TDD on March 23rd,
qualifying him for his Working Achievement title .
His pal, Beacon, (WA TopShelfs Eye of the Storm
was Sonar’s enthusiastic teammate for that TDD.
Submitted by Christie Smith ,
Chief Treat Dispenser
On behalf of the NCA, I want to thank Colonial Newfoundland Club for donating
a great basket for raffle at this year's National Specialty. Fourteen clubs provided
baskets which were on display all week in the Hospitality area.
There was a huge response among members in purchasing raffle tickets and the
event was a great success in raising money in support of NCA charities.
Please express our gratitude to members of your club who donated items for your
basket. Without the generous support of individuals from our Regional Clubs, this
great event would not be possible. We really appreciate everyone's generosity.
Gayle Littlefield
Acting Chairman 2013 Regional Baskets
President Southeastern Newfoundland Club
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
O.A.R. Fund
(Otis Aid to Rescue)
Lezli and Bennett Alford
have established
and funded
“In honor of our beloved Otis
whose love, courage and devotion
will always shine within us
and forever inspire us
to assist other Newfies in need.”
“Otis Alford”
October 24, 2006 – December 10, 2011
Lezli and Otis
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
Presented to the Board of Directors for Preliminary Approval
March 20, 2013
Jennifer Mosca-Benckest & Ed Benckest
Lutherville, MD 21093
Jim & Anne French
Charlottesville, VA 22911
Presented to the Board of Directors for Preliminary Approval
April 17, 2013
Robert & Anne Blaicher
Hamilton, VA 20158
Carole & Al Fricke
Hummelstown, PA 17036
Heather & Patrick “Tommy” Garritty
Springfield, VA 22150
Presented to the Board of Directors for Preliminary Approval
May 15, 2013
Maria & Engelbert Caintic
Fairfax, VA 22031
Gayle & Andrew Debenham
Manchester, MD 21102
Kaitlin Freerks & Daryl Lockamy
Reston, VA 20190
Amy Hartzler & Michael Quattrone
Washington, DC 20002
Kate & Scott Jauch
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Trina Murphy, DVM
Radford, VA 24141
J. Michael & Gail A. Weise
Vienna, VA 22181
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
Sharon and Kevin
long term members,
finally got a new
Blue Heaven's Lady
of the
Sea Cliffs
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
My wife Diana and I have a six
month old, female, Newf puppy
and are new members to the MidAtlantic Newf club. Here is a
picture of our Bailey.
Kind Regards,
Mike and Diana Brown
Welcome to the CNC,
Puffin and Bailey!
Issue 102
Spring 2013
We have been so sad since we lost our dear Finders Keepers to cancer in
August. He was a wonderful playful boy and Clare has been very lonely. So
we increased our home by four feet.
His name is Mr Max and he is 3 year old black Newfy rescue from a
private adoption from Virginia. He is a big guy and Clare loves to run and
play with him. He is gentle, loving and fun-a real Newfy. We will enjoy
having our club friends meet Max as we come to some of the picnics and
Williamsburg too. Max is going to be Santa Paws greeter at the hotel.
We are so happy to have Max in our family and we have already taken him to
the ocean for his first vacation only 10 days after arriving to live with us. He
liked the hotel and even the elevator.
Here is a picture of us at the beach to share. I wish you all a happy
healthy summer and enjoy your Newfies.
Peggy, Ron, Clarebear and Mr. Max
Welcome to the CNC,
Mr. Max!
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
I know Oliver has been in Bear Fare
before but he just completed his first SPCA
Walk for Animals.
Here is a picture
of him at that event
and he will do his Walk for Arthritis
Foundation soon!
Oliver was rescued in 2011
He is currently 3 years old
Thanks-- Gina Stanford
" "
Bear Fare needs your own dog pictures and stories! Please send us your: Good Dog on the
Bed, Laziest Dog in the World, One Hot Dog, Best Buddy Dog, Therapy Dog, Showiest Dog,
Goofy Dog, Guilty Dog, Pensive Dog….and any other pictures you find endearing,
ridiculous and well, “Just so…Newfie!”
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
Found Friends and a Two-and- Half Shaggy Dog Story
by Steve Thomas, CNC Member"
“Preaching to the Choir,” said my pastor,” is an interesting, instructive exercise - but
possibly not the best use of my time!” But then, the following month, his Choir
Director shed her husband and ‘took up’ with one of her tenors, or, perhaps a bass.
Who, unfortunately, already had a wife and kids of his own.
Justifying the keeping of Newfoundlands in a Newfoundland Club news letter,
to fellow Newfoundland owners may be the definition of “preaching to the choir,” but,
as the good reverend discovered, it may not be such a waste of time after all.
And, since there are surely as many reasons for keeping dogs as for going to church, a
position statement is in order.
I do not train Newfoundlands, breed them, show them, draft with them or
rescue waterlogged sailors, virgins or small children. I just enjoy living with them.
They are superb companions – hardly ever complaining, save when the food bowl is
late or the water bucket and toilet are dry. Their occasional stray tuft of hair simply
points out where a spot of judicious vacuuming is needed. And, the rare drool spots
add an interesting texture and counterpoint to otherwise drab walls.
They eat about the same as my two, now-flown sons – have never raised my
auto insurance a cent and have never, never come in at 2:00 AM with rowdy friends.
For empty nesters, I highly recommend a Newf or two. For those still raising their
brood I also recommend one. A large, hairy beast that lies about the place doing
nothing constructive and which requires daily walks provides excellent training for the
children. They may grow up and take a government job or find their place in the
academe. What better preparation?
Our current pack of companions consists of
one bronze male, one black bitch and a giant
Lab/Dane mix who suffers from Newfoundland
Delusions. Wags and Angel, the legit Newfs, are both
eight years old. Nemo, the Wannabee, is
approximately eighteen months old. All are rescues –
Wags from Maryland –Angel from Ansted, West
Virginia and Nemo, the Wannabe, from Logan, West
Wags, the bronze, was a product of the
Holland-Grahn pipeline in 2007, a well-known path
for many of us. Angel was another Holland product.
She and her mate were in an untenable situation in
Ansted, West Virginia. Her mate, Coal, went on to a
club member who was into drafting. But, Angel at
eighty-five pounds, was hardly a candidate. She had
some other problems, mostly cosmetic, and just hung
around the place until she integrated into the family.
The last and latest of our gang is Nemo. He is, strictly speaking, not 100%
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
Newfoundland. I know – We’re purists and not supposed to mess around with
“…trashy, mongrel cross breeds,” but Nemo is black, has the face and tail of a
Newfoundland, is larger, rather taller, than Wags or Angel; most importantly, he thinks
he’s a Newfoundland.
How he came to us started with an e-mail from CNC Rescue. “There’s a Newf
in the Logan County (WV) dog pound. He’s on borrowed time. Go get him!”
A Clarion Call to action - and I respond; “Andrew is my name – Saving
Newfoundlands is my game!”
“Yeah!” said my General Manager. “And Stephen is your middle name, and if
memory serves he didn’t do so terribly well. One more hairy beast around this place
and I can guarantee you a stoning - - personally!”
Not one to be deterred when a Newf is in need, I summoned Number One Son,
threw a mat in the back of the family sedan and headed for Logan, West Virginia.
If you wish to experience the trip in the comfort of your own home, rent the movie
Deliverance and run it backwards.
I may not be Bert Reynolds, but now I know what happened to his hair!
The place is at the very head of a hollow maybe two miles off the hard road. But
that’s a long way in human years. It was is run by a couple of fellows, “Bo and Luke,”
or maybe “Lum and Abner” (but that really dates me!) so Bo and Luke it will have to
I will not dwell on the boys. After all, this is a dog story. I will simply mention, in
passing, that Bo’s damp T-shirt was artfully accented by sugar sprinkles from frosted
donuts, and Luke could heel a chaw from cheek to cheek without missing a stroke.
When Nemo was presented –tall, skinny, hairless save for his face and his great
fan tail, my son said, “That’s the funkiest looking dog I’ve ever seen!”
To which I responded, “The Duke Brothers there don’t look much like doctoral
candidates either. Let’s get the dog in the car and back to civilization!”
Which we did - Washed the dog - Shampooed the car - Changed clothes - Hung a new
air freshener next to the baby shoes and took Her Majesty out to dinner with the car
windows open.
Now, gentle reader, since we have Nemo safely rescued from euthanasia,
cheerfully soiling my carpets and acclimatizing himself to air conditioning, forced air
heat, four walls and two squares a day, I will digress to explore the doggie dynamic he
has entered.
Wags, the bronze dog, has been the grand
patriarch of the manor for some five years. He has
seen the occasional rescue come and go. Each
spending a month or so, mostly in the kennel has
hardly ever disturbed his naps under the breakfast
table. If not there, he could be found posturing by the
fireplace, or on a nearby couch, his Leonine head
and mane attentive to the comings and goings of we
mere mortals, serfs of his domain. Life was good for
His Ozymandian majesty.
But then, a year or so ago, a fly buzzed into
his ointment – a worm appeared in his perfect Eden.
And Angel was her name. She is a veritable Jezebel
" of a Newfoundland. Like “Our Gal Sunday” of radio
fame. Angel was “...a simple girl from a small mining
town trying to find happiness in the estate of a titled nobleman. Ansted definitely
qualifies as a small mining town – and while our three bedroom suburban is a step or
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
two south of an English country house, it is a few rungs up from Angel’s former singlewide trailer stuck on a “strip scar”. She set about taking charge with passion and a
Weighing a mere eighty-eight pounds, she dispossessed one-hundred- forty
pounds of Wags from his fireside couch. His breakfast nook nap site became her
fainting couch, and all his former chew toys became hers, by default - parsimoniously
doled out as rewards for proper and respectful behavior
It may not have been the end of Wags World – but it was damn close to it! He went
from King Henry to Prince Phillip, overnight. There was a new sheriff in town, and she
was no lady!
Then, into this dynamic comes Nemo. He is a rowdy adolescent, perhaps
eighteen months old. He sees Angel not as the matriarch, but a rather chubby,
longhaired littermate. And a girl, no less.
Angel is somewhat confused. She’s not getting the respect she rightfully deserves. This
fellow is some sort of overgrown (two inches taller
than she) upstart puppy ,badly in need of maternal
How this drama will play out has yet to be
determined. Needless to say, the wrestling matches
seem interminable. Chairs and end tables seem selfmotile, and the antique china cabinet seems blessed
with feline nine lives.
There is hardly a dull moment, save when
something has mysteriously slipped from the kitchen
counter and all three give us that “Wasn’t me, must
have been him!” hangdog look. Such is my life with
two and a half Newfoundlands.
Back in the 19th Century, an American
humorist, Josh Billings said, “Newfoundland dogs
are good to save children from drowning. But you
must have a pond of water handy and a child, or else
there will be no profit in boarding a
Were he with us today, I would have a serious bone to pick with Mr. Billings.
Like the mistaken parson with whom we began this tale, Mr. Billings could not be
farther off his mark. I have survived the last twenty-five years without pond, pool or
child, and still have found great profit joy and affection from my Newfoundland
Nobody can fully understand the meaning of love unless he’s owned by a dog.
A dog can show you more honest affection with a flick of his tail
than a man can gather through a lifetime of handshakes.
- Gene Hill
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
•  14$comfortable$bedrooms$.$
•  Large$windows$and$doors$to$private$outdoor$run.$
•  OnAsite,$private,$pool$for$fun$or$exercise.$
•  Located$on$our$wooded$and$landscaped$personal$
•  Someone$onAsite$all$day/everyday.$
•  Flexible$drop$off$and$pick$up$.mes$
[email protected]
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
2013 N C A
Newfoundland Club of America 2013 National Specialty
Obedience Titles achieved by CNC Members
Congratulations to Karin and Adam Bystol and to Debra Wigal
and to Erin Murphy and John O'Neill
Judge - Mr. James J. Ham
1 179.5 O14 Bear N Mind's Rock The Boat Baby.
(Donna Campbell)
2 172 O11 Old Bay's Here At Last. (Karin Bystol & Adam Bystol & Cindy Flowers)
JUDGE-Mrs. Sharon Ann Redmer
1 194.5 O18 Ebb Tide's Nauset Light RN. (Ms. Joan Greenwald)
2 185 O28 GCH Mermaids Pride First Time Offender. (Debra Wigal)
3 172 O19 CH Top Shelfs Tequila Rose (Sabrina Moore & Debra Wigal).
JUDGE-Mrs. Sharon Ann Redmer
1 195 O39 GCH Top Shelfs Funnel Cloud CD RA WD DD3 TDD. (Melanie Reynnells &
Debra Wigal)
2 173.5 O40 Hycove's Moutain Mystic CD. (Robyn Gallacher)
JUDGE-Mr. James J. Ham
1 198 (O66) Ebb Tide's Nauset Light RN. (Ms. Joan Greenwald)
2 193.5 O67 CH SaltyDog's Ready Willing And Able. (Lori D. Littleford & Jon Pearson)
3 190 O63 Midnite Bay's Martini Maeve. (Erin K. Murphy & John R. O'Neill)
4 183.5 (O61) CoBar's Favor-Right Girl. (Connie Younggreen & Barry Younggreen)
JUDGE-Mrs. Sharon Ann Redmer
1 177.5 O73 CH Allegiance's Bright Prospect CDX RAE2. (Lawren Coulam & Robert Kinney)
2 167.5 (O71) Midnite Bay's Martini Maeve. (Erin K. Murphy & John R. O'Neill)
3 145 (O72) CH Nautica's Snowy River CD RE. (Susan M. Kerby)
4 119 O75 CH Haytee's On Fire At Snowdrift CDX RA NJP NAP (Cherilyn Hoerman & Mike &
Wendy Hayman)
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
Newfoundland Club of America 2013 National Specialty
Best of Breed Conformation Judging
Congratulations to CNC Members Chris and Dwight Gorsuch and to Debra Wigal
for their dogs’ placements.
Best of Breed
372 CH Pouch Cove's Seabrook Enough Said. WS32685201. 12-03-2009. Breeders,
Peggy Helming. By CH Seabrook's Best Man At Pouch Cove & Pouch Cove Engages The Spirit. Bitch.
Kathy Griffin & Peggy Helming. Agent Laura King
Best of Winners
192 Pouch Cove's Southwind Edge Of Glory. WS38494501. 07-17-2011. Breeders,
Peggy Helming & Robin Seaman. By CH Pouch Cove's Walk Tall Cayuga & CH Pouch Cove's Southwind
Sentiment. Peggy Helming & Robin L. Seaman.
Best of Opposite Sex 291 GCH Sunvalley's Its As Simple As ABC. WS36046705. 11-05-2010.
Breeders, Lou Ann Lenner. By CH Bowater's Seas Of Dark & Sun Valley's Weather Girl. Dog. Brooke
Moore Beck & Karen Moore & Dee Adrian & Louann Lenner.
AKC Select 289 GCH Rosewood's Royal Flush. WS29648701. 03-03-2009. Breeders, Michelle Morris.
By CH Dream Time For Shadow's Eternity & CH Rosewood's Dancing On Sunshine. Dog. Michelle
Morris. Agent Karen Mammano
AKC Select 392 CH Top Shelf's One Nite Stand At Pouch Cove. WS34586705. 06-01-2010. Breeders,
Karin Marsick & Debra Wigal. By CH Pouch Cove's Head Of State & CH Top Shelf's Nobodys Fool. Bitch.
Peggy Helming. Agent Michelle Scott
NCA Select 293 GCH Pouch Cove's Shakespeare of Britestar. WS32122205. 10-10-2009. Breeders,
Sandee Davis & Peggy Helming. By CH Pouch Cove Bowater After Dark & Pouch Cove Britestar Swing
Vote. Dog. Jacquelin Hickey.
NCA Select 286 CH Bear N Mind's Liberty's Legacy. WS14981702. 08-17-2005. Breeders,
Christine & Dwight Gorsuch. By CH Sun Valley's Worth The Wait & CH Bear N Mind's Lady Liberty.
Christine & Dwight Gorsuch. Agent Karen Mammano
NCA Select 191 VN CH Top Shelf's Hit And Run CDX RE WRD DD2 TDD CGC. WS13133201. 0429-2005. Breeders, Debra Wigal. By CH Pouch Cove's Too Close To Call CD RN DD & Top Shelfs
Something Diffenent. Melanie Rynnells & Debra Wigal.
NCA Select 317 GCH Tempest's M.O. Quinsigamond RN CGC. WS28782607. 12-02-2008. Breeders,
Brenda Miele Soares & Dejah Petsch & Steven Petsch. By CH Tempest's Pouch Cove In The Black & CH
Tempest's Bella Donna CD. Dog. Susan L. Mendleson & Todd Bennett & Steven Petsch. Agent Karen
NCA Select 325 CH Mooncusser Sails With The Tide. WS32400702. 10-08-2009. Breeders, Suzanne
S. Jones. By CH Pouch Cove Bowater After Dark & CH Starr King Sails To Mooncusser. Dog. Suzanne S.
Jones. Agent Norman Grenier
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
NCA Select 329 GCH Heartsease King Of The Jungle. WS36977801. 05-27-2009. Breeders, M. Joan
Casler. By CH Threepond's Play It Again & CH Topmast's Lucy Maud Montgomery. Dog. Joan Casler &
Lynne Anderson. Agent Lisa Wright
NCA Select 336 GCH Timberknoll's Embrace The Journey RN. WS28642002. 11-18-2008. Breeders,
Benita Edds & Patti Sutherland & Evelyn Odfjell. By CH Council Cup's Star Of Kodiak Acres RN & CH
Kloofbear Over The Rainbow Timberknoll. Bitch. Sue L. Morton
NCA Select 348 GCH Windhaven She's The Real Cruz-Penelope. WS35055308. 06-22-2010. Breeders,
Laura Vande Ven. By CH Pouchcove Head Of State & CH Windhaven's Foxxxy Cleopatra. Bitch. Christine
Legg & Laura Vande Ven. Agent Taffe McFadden
NCA Select 364 Nakiska's 'N The Greatest Of These. WS38071702. 03-30-2011. Breeders, Ingrid & Chris
Lyden. By CH Pouch Cove's Seabrook New Man At Nakiska & GCH Nakiska's New Spirit. Bitch. Renee
Marquardt & Ingrid Lyden.
NCA Select 382 CH Top Shelf's Love Drunk. WS36368504. 12-09-2010. Breeders, Deb Wigal. By CH
Castanewfs Journey 2 Pouchcove & CH Topshelf's Booty Call. Bitch. Allyson Hurst & Deb Wigal &
Becky Reynnells.
Junior Showmanship - William Shelton
1 (11) GCH Fearless Bears In The Red. WS33543101. 11-03-2009. Breeder Els Wouters. By Joy To
The World For Shadows Eternity & Call Me Chablis De L'Etoile De Cyrice. NEWFOUNDLANDS.
Owner Debra Wigal & Els Wouters. Jr. Handler Miss Clare V Lane. 60302685001. C=386
1/BJH (14) Vini Vidi Vinci De Anmalamual. LOE1989076. 09-28-2010. Breeder Angel Maestro. By
Show De La Baie De Pempoul & Beecreek's Bestwishes Basaburua. NEWFOUNDLANDS. Owner Ximena
Moraga. Jr. Handler Valentina Bedos. 20369585007. C=91
2 (13) DarbyDale's Raise Your Glass. WS38704403. 05-20-2011. Breeder Carol Bergmann. By CH
Darby Dale's All That More & Darby Dale's Girl Talk. NEWFOUNDLANDS. Owner Wendy Aubert. Jr.
Handler Sydney Aubert. 1395816006 . C=210
3 (12) CH Amorosa's Veni Vedi Vici At Prairie Home. WS29217502. 12-17-2008. Breeder Peggy & John
Vivinetto & Ana Hubbard. By CH Council Cup's Some Like It Hot & CH Amorosa's Pocahontas CD RA.
NEWFOUNDLANDS. Owner Heidi Ball & Ana Hubbard. Jr. Handler Daniel Ball. 25003214006. C=133
1 (15) GCH HoneyLane's BeeCreek Mtn-To-Sea Stella. WS28999902. 10-05-2008. Breeder Kelli LePore.
By GCH Mtn-To-Sea's A Stitch In Time & CH Fairweather's Keen On Honeylane. NEWFOUNDLANDS.
Owner Becker Reep & Dionne Zick Reep & Ginny Graham & Kelli LePore. Jr. Handler Becker Reep.
32022398003. C=376
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
2 16 Keepsakes Sticky Business. WS24685702. 09-19-2007. Breeder Matt & Jean & Jessica Cobban &
Peggy Pack. By CH Cypress Bay Imat Cornerbrook & CH Keepsakes Extremes At Midnite Bay.
NEWFOUNDLANDS. Owner Matelyn & Jean Cobban & Jessica M. Cobban & Matt Cobban. Jr.
Handler Matelyn Cobban. 38609059003.
1 (17) GCH Beringstrait's Northshore Dragon Fly CGC. WS32148102. 08-12-2009. Breeder Kelly
Benedict & Claire Hernandez. By CH Council Cup's Star Of Kodiak Acres RN DD CGC TDT & CH
Northshore's Northern Light CGC. NEWFOUNDLANDS. Owner Claire Hernandez & Kaitlyn
Benedict. Jr. Handler Kaitlyn Benedict. 40013712003. C=330
2 (18) Sun Valley's Talk Of The Town At Marinella. WS41980601. 08-05-2012. Breeder Lou Ann
Lenner. By GCH Legacy's Sir Lucan Of Camelot & Numa's Who's That Girl At Sun Valley.
NEWFOUNDLANDS. Owner K Marangon & D. Marangon & N. Kramlich & L. Lenner. Jr. Handler
Hana Deiuri - Marangon. 54437265002. C=18
3 (20) Keepsakes Risky Business. WS35034302. 04-06-2010. Breeder Matt &Jean & Jessica &
Mattie Cobban. By CH Keepsakes Midnite Defender CD RN & Keepsakes Sticky Business.
4 19 Anchorbay Darbydale On The Move. WS23276004. 04-02-2007. Breeder Karen Moore &
Brooke Moore. By CH Fairweathers Keepsake At Darbydale & Steppin Out At Anchorbay.
NEWFOUNDLANDS. Owner Paula S. Johnson & Mike Johnson & Mariah Huge. Jr. Handler Mariah
Huge. 31675605005.
Best Junior - 14 - Valentina Bedos
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
Peggy Darling’s Pumpkin Dog Biscuits
2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons dry milk
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 1/2 cups brown rice flour *
1 teaspoon dried parsley (optional)
Preheat oven to 350.
In large bowl, whisk together eggs and pumpkin to smooth. Stir in dry milk, sea salt, and dried parsley
(if using.) Add brown rice flour gradually, combining with spatula or hands to form a stiff, dry dough.
Turn out onto lightly floured surface (can use the brown rice flour) and if dough is still rough, briefly
knead and press to combine.
Roll dough between 1/4 – 1/2″ – depending on your dog’s chew preferences, – and use biscuit or
other shape cutter to punch shapes, gathering and re-rolling scraps as you go. Place shapes on cookie
sheet, no greasing or paper necessary. If desired, press fork pattern on biscuits before baking, a quick
up-and-down movement with fork, lightly pressing down halfway through dough. Bake 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and carefully turn biscuits over, then bake additional 20 minutes. Allow to cool
completely on rack before feeding to dog.
* Brown rice flour gives the biscuits crunch and promotes better dog digestion. Many dogs have touchy stomachs or
allergies, and do not, like many people I know, tolerate wheat.
Here is a Pumpkin Recipe that is healthy
for our dogs! I don't buy much of the store
treats at all anymore. This came from a
good friend and Newfy breeder.
Peggy, Clarebear and Mr. Max
of dog treats from China--they are killing our dogs!
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
“It’s Fiesta Time!”
“The Diaries of Lady Calza”
The CNC has been participating in an annual event called the Reston Pet Fiesta.
It is a big outdoor fair with many different types of pet related groups attending, and
offers many pet related items for sale. As usual, our Membership Chair and Rescue
Chair were in attendance to help people with Newf-related questions. This year’s event
was held May 4th and 5th, 2013. The significance of the dates did not escape me; the
event was billed as a “Fiesta” and it ran through the Cinqo de Mayo. The CNC was
present on Saturday, May 4th.
Calza and I went up the day before and stayed at a dog-friendly motel in
Manassas, as is our custom. This allowed us to get to the event nice and early. The
event started at 10:00AM and ran until 4:00PM.
The CNC was in Booth 6 this year, which made it a lot easier for Calza and me
to get to the Club’s booth. We just pulled up as
close as we could to the intersection nearest our
booth and hopped out with stuff that we brought
for the day’s event. Cookie Basham was nice
enough to come and show me where the nearest
parking area was located.
The event was truly a sight to behold, and our
Newfs were getting their share of attention. We
had many, many folks stop and ask questions.
Dave Rothschild did his typical nice job
spearheading the event. Other club members
helped handle Newf and CNC related questions.
I, of course took pictures.
I must say that fun was had by all. David
had his typical baby pool filled with ice for the
Newfs to enjoy. Ironically, a LEONBERGER
was the first dog to enjoy this feature. I ended up
taking a total of four dozen pictures, many of
which are either on the CNC Rescue Page on
Facebook or here in Bear Fare. Calza and I
would like to thank everybody who made this such a fun event!
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
D A Y – “T he Diaries of Lady Calza”
Good Time Was Had by All
The Spring Fun Day is a well-attended annual event in the CNC, and this year was no
exception. Spring Fun Day allows members and non members alike to get together and
socialize with their Newfs. This year’s event was held at Lake
Accotink Park in Springfield, Virginia, as it has been for the
past few years. Unlike many previous years, the 2013 event was
held on a Sunday, May19th. This proved to be a good choice,
as the day of the week served to help with the traffic around the
DC Beltway.
The lack of traffic would be a major plus for Calza and
me, as we had a busy day planned. Our normal dog friendly
hotel in Manassas was full, so Calza and I had to drive up from
Williamsburg the day of the event. This is not something that
we normally do. Moreover, Calza and I had to drive to
Pennsylvania AFTER Spring Fun Day ended. I happen to have
a relative in Pennsylvania who is in the last stages of life.
Calza and I had an uneventful trip to the event. We
were able to arrive in time to socialize with both humans and
canines. I was also able to get some pictures of the first boat
ride, which was fun to watch. Everybody seems to enjoy this
part of the event.
There were other fun activities in addition to the boat rides on Lake Accotink. A lively
game of “musical Newfs” was taking place when I got back from photographing the boat rides.
There was also a very interesting talk from a Canine Eye specialist. As usual, there were also
many, many door prizes. A wonderful lunch was also served.
I would like to thank Dave Rothschild and the other hard-working volunteers for putting on
another fun Spring Fun Day. –BRAD COLE
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
This is a picture of the plaque presented to the CNC for its
participation in the 2012 Williamsburg Christmas Parade in
Williamsburg, Virginia!
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
2 0 1 3 CNC B O A R D O F
President – Rosemary Miller
Vice-President – Chuck Basham
Treasurer – Judy Van Dyke
Recording Secretary – Dru Kappe
Corresponding Secretary – Dotty Hudson
Members-at-Large – Dwight Gorsuch,
Kathy Paxton, Andrea Westerfield
Awards - Kandy Adams
Education – Gina Stanford
Historian - Kathy Paxton
Hospitality – Chris Gorsuch
Membership - Judy Van Dyke
NCA Regional Club Committee Representative - Dotty Hudson
Newsletter Editor - Janet Phares
Policy - Kathy Paxton
Property - Don Sharkey
Publicity - Alice Harwell
Rescue – Donna McConn / Kathy Paxton
Sunshine – Chris Gorsuch
Supported Entries/Regionals Cindy Flowers…
VA Federation of Dog Clubs and Breeders Representative – Linda Lathrop
Ways and Means – Kathy Paxton
Web Site – Chuck Basham
Working Dog – Julia Sharkey
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
Issue 102
Spring 2013
Deadline date for submission
to the 2013 summer edition of Bear
Fare is July 30h. The newsletter will be
e-mailed/posted on the CNC website
as close as possible to August 15th.
All members are encouraged to
submit articles, Brags, news, pictures or
any “finds” they think will be of interest
to the membership. The easiest way to
send information is via e-mail, but
I will gladly accept files on CD and
through the USPS.
Please send all your contributions to:
E-mail: [email protected]
"USPS: Bear Fare
101 Madison Place
Staunton, VA 24401
Colonial Bear Fare
is a quarterly publication
of the Colonial
Newfoundland Club, Inc.
Articles and information are printed for
general interest and entertainment
value. The opinions and views of the
contributors do not necessarily
represent the opinions and views of the
Colonial Newfoundland Club, Inc., or
the Newfoundland Club of America.
Articles of a medical nature reflect the
opinion of the author. They do not
constitute an endorsement by the
Colonial Newfoundland Club, Inc., or
the Newfoundland Club of America.
Deadline dates for all submissions published in
Bear Fare are the LAST DAYS ofApril (Spring Issue) July (Summer Issue
Newf Scoops is free to members.
It covers wins/places, obedience legs, etc.,
at shows and trials, New Champions and
Title-Holding Newfs.
Please submit:
Dog’s full name
Name and date of show,
Win or Honor
Owner’s name(s)
Picture if possible
Baby Bear Boom is $5 for members.
Please submit:
Dam’s name, Sire’s name
Date litter is expected or whelped
Sex and color of pups
Contact information
CNC Colonial Bear Fare
In Memoriam is free to members.
Please submit:
Dog’s name, Date of birth (if known)
Date of loss, Owner’s name(s)
Accolade/Tribute and pictures if you
Acceptable paid advertising will be
included as space permits. The
advertising rate for CNC Members is
$20 for a full page and $10 for a half
Please make checks payable to the
Issue 102
Spring 2013