Vol 8, No 1O October 1994 Editor, I(atherine Wilcox 857-27 16 ALLEGAN'S OLD REGENT THEATRE Thursday, October 10, 1994 7:3O prn Old Regent Theatre 21 I Trowbridge, Allegan change your calendars. This month's DAY. The Allegan County Historic.al ginia Mizner, president of the society, atre and about the county's historical street to the county historical musetlrn society general rneeting will be on TrrrJRSSociety will host us for a joint rneeting. Virwill tell us about this historic old Regent Thesociety. A-fter our meeting we will cross the for refreshrnents. See back page for rnap. If you would like a ride, meet at the Weathervane Shopping Center at 6:30 prn. If you would like to eat at the new waterfront restaurant in town, Reflections of the water, (3'1o water st) let Kay Krause know so she can give the restaurant a nose count (8524510). If you would like to carpool to the restaurant, meet at the Weathervane at 5:3O. JIM SIIERIDAN PASSES I-,ocal historian and Society mernber Jirn Sheridan died in September and we will rniss hirn. Jirn's grandfather vr'as a lighthouse keeper and his father was the light keeper at the Michigan City lighthouse, where Jirn was born. The farnily rnoved to Saugatuck shortly after his birth and his father tended the Saugatuck lighthouse until 1915. ffe u'as a high school principal in Michigan's upper peninsula and he retired here in l9?1. He was the firsr chairrnan of the Saugatuck Historic District Comrnission. Jirn and his wife Catherine are charter mernbers of the Society. In the early years Jirn would have a front row seat. He could be counted. on to set the historical record straight and to add an anecdote or two. Jirn's lively participation and presence in the Society assisted in attracting others who were interested in knowing rnore or sharing historical inforrnation about the cornmunity. Jirn is well known for his book, Saugatuck Through the Years I93O-19EO, now out-of-print. As a young boy, Jirn read a column in old Comtnercial Records called, "Saugatuck in Early Tirnes." He found it the most interesting feature of the paper because it gave hirn a fascinating, rnental picture of what Saugatuck was like in the days gone by. In his rnind's eye, he lived those days again. That is precisely the contribution he rnade to docurnenting the history of the area in his very readable book. We're sorry he's gone and we're grateful for his contribution to the historic record. Jirn's farniiv narned the Society as a recipient of rnemorial gifts. WTIO'S w.HO AND WTIAT'S 1^IIIAT As reported earlier, all Society and Museurn jobs are available. Aside frorn the elected offic.ers of the Society, $'ho rvill cornplete their terrn through April, any job rnay be assumed now. Specificaliy, rve know that our longtime treasurer Oren Sherrnan will be passing the ledgers and l{ay Krause will be stepping down frorn the Museurn Volunteer would Cornrnittee. I(atherine'Wilcox like to be replaced on the Oral History Comrnittee or she could be pursuaded to continue if there was a co-chair to carrli sorne of the load. Todd Oleson was entitled to wear the firelnan's hat as Fire Chief and he says its too rnuch fun to hog. Joan Philtips has served as hospitality coordinator (she sets up hosts for the general and board rneetings) for forer.er and thinks this rvould be a fun iob for a newcorner. NEu/SLETTER NE\I/S If you No "Hex" in I(leinheksel. counted 6 or rnore typos in the last nev/sletter, the editor wants you on the tearn. We need a proofreader who could be available on the first Tuesdav of the rnonth. Production Executive Needed. Once the newsletters are printed and addressed, they need to be collated, folded, stuck shut, sta-rnped, and rnailed - a no-brainer for sorneone who has the tirne- Call Itatherine Wilcox (857 -2716)Ttranks to Joan Phillips for getting this newsletter in the rnail. How about rnaking a one year participation pledge for 1995? The following is a partial list of jobs to choose frorn. SOCIETY OFFICERS President - Todd Oleson Vice President - Bob Johnson Treasurer - Oren Sherrnan Secretary - Ben Ebling At Large - I{ay Krause - Joan Phillips - I(atherine Wilcox COMMITTEES Building Inventory - Del I-anghorst Fire Chief - Todd Oleson Historian - Jirn Schrniechen Hospitality - Joan Phillips Membership - Joan Phillips Newsletter - I(atherine Wilcox Oral History - I(atherine Wilcox Prograrns - Bob Johnson Publicity - Jane Badarno COMMITTEES MUSEIJM Board Liaison - Todd Oleson Budget & Financing - Oren Sherman Chair - Jeff Wilcox Chief Engineer - Bob Johnson Collections - Bill I(emperrnan Exhibit Space - Caroline Evangelista Fundraising - Arlene Sherman Grant Writing - Ben Ebling Group Tours - Arlene Sherman Holiday Lights - Todd Oleson Rehab & Rernodeling - Dick Wright Store - Joan Phillips Volunteers - I{ay Krause T}IE CENTIJRY OF \\/OMEN Michigan Wornen's Historical Center & Hall of Farne in I-ansing chronicals the progress of Michigan wornen and rnarks the 75th anniversary of the 19th arnendrnent granting women the right to vote, For rnore info call (517)484-1880. \ ,",ffi1 '' /.;,i (i' -a '" /'' ,. .' r ;\.r -r" 7'7'.tt' /, (-r'l-' -.. t',4 i ;,'*at ;" z "'7t):, ,r,, r' ,) .'+: 90t6t lt^i'sePnoq , 'Od LI9 xo8 lrrrrog pcr.rorsrll sq?noq-pnr€nzg , N v f fi*r"a fi ptl lAt- DIRECTIONS GE]VERAI MEETING ro 3tr06L TO ALLEGAN AND RESTAI]RANT Take M 89/ M 40 into town. Remernber that Trowbridee is one way, so you'll have to go to Cutler or Hubbard ".rI go around the block. If you find yourself going over the bridge or going past the hospital, you've gone too far. The Old Regent Theatre is located at 211 Trowbridge, frorn the Catholic Church. across Reflections on the Water is at 34O Water St - next to Radio Shack and across frorn Mr B's Restaurant. they have a wide rnenu. bar and water view. - IVIIJSEI'I\'{ SABA DONATES TO MUSEUM -fhe Saugatuck Area Business Association held its annual meeting at the Museurn. Ttre Society was presented a $25O check for the Museurn by Rosemary Noonan. And this is not SABA's first donationSABA rnembers have been very supportive of the Museuin, putting posters in windows, donating gifts for the benefit ra{Ile, offering Museurn flyers to patrons and talking it up. It is this kind of support that is evidence that the Museum is wanted and needed in the comrnunity and that the cornrnunity is willing to support it. J - \ hIE\A/S \ MUSEIJM CLEAN-UP Jirn Schrneichen arranged a landscape clean-up pzrrty and enrolled a cr:ew of n onrnernbers, including a landscape designer. They worked all day to take out the dead bushes in the front and plan to work on the back. Looks MLICH better. MIJSEIJM TUCII'S E\rENT A SUCCESS In Septernber Tuck's of Saugatuck showcased its new line of "Departrnent 56" villages. Owner and Society rnernber Woody Ogle had a pig roast and raffled items to benefit the Museurn. Society mernbers staffed the parking lot, sold raffle tickets and assisted at the event- ft was a very successful day for Tuck's and Woody estirnates that he will be writing a check to the Society for anound $1,OOO. Way to go, Woody!!! LEBEN PRODUCTIONS PRODIJCES L,ocal video producers John and Marcia Leben, who gave us a heck of a break on making the Big Pavilion oral history docurnentary, recently donated a video to the high school. We were planning to donate one, so we really appreciate their donation and continued support for our video projects. 1995 We know we have engaged a person's irnagination when they say: "What you should have done..." If they care enough to tell us, we need to capture that energy and channel it toward the 1995 exhibit. When we ask "Would you be willing to work on that for the next exhibit?" some people will say "yes." There are loads of things we rnight have done better or di{ferently, but we need the ideas BBFORE the exhibit goes up and we need people who want to implernent their ideas. Call Je{T Wilcox (857-17O5). About the strongest criticisrn we've heard about the little theater is that the screen is too srnall. We purchased the largest TVI\/CR combination we could find and still be within our lirnited budget frorn the Allegan Foundation. There is plenty of roorn for a rear projection large screen, but it's nothing that rnoney can't solve. Is there anyone who would like to donate or spring for it? Call I{atherine Wilcox (8s7 -27 16).