Newsletter March 2016 - Cayce United Methodist Church
Newsletter March 2016 - Cayce United Methodist Church
MARCH 2016 Pastor’s Reflections… Cayce United Methodist Church 1600 12th Street, Cayce, SC 29033-3104 Phone: (803)794-3200 Fax (803)794-6191 Email : [email protected] Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Staff Rev. Joseph R. James, Jr. Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Joe Cal Watson Pastoral Assistant [email protected] Mrs. Cynthia Hutchison Administrative Assistant [email protected] Mr. Cal Atwood Financial Secretary [email protected] Mr. Craig Coelho Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Camille Jones Organist If you are a fan of youtube videos, you may have seen the video entitled, “Wolves Change Rivers.” This video is about the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park and the subsequent changes that have occurred to that ecosystem. It is a fascinating video of how the wolves change the habits of the animals in Yellowstone and how the different behaviors of the animals affected the plant life and soil, and thereby the river running through Yellowstone. As compelling a story as “Wolves Change Rivers” is for ecology, it speaks to our personal lives as well as our work together as a church in the community and the world. The video reminds us that in small ways, we can affect big change in the immediate world around us. For instance, the backpack buddies ministry that we share with Harvest Hope and Davis School allows us to feed children over the weekends during the school year. Children perform better academically when they have a consistent nutrition; could we be equipping children to move beyond the cycle of poverty with these inexpensive and timely meals? Or, think about a guest parking place in front of the church on Sunday morning; how many times have potential visitors passed Cayce UMC by on Sunday morning for lack of a visible, available parking place? How will the visitors who park there, become regular attenders and members and soon enhance our ministry as a church as they experience the love and saving grace of Christ? In your own personal life, what are the small things within your control that you can change and soon witness the ripples of transformation roll across the people and the places around you? Perhaps it may start with the change of your attitude or even your outlook. It may cost you little or nothing but the change that happens further out is beyond measure. If the introduction of wolves in a place changes the landscape, how can you change how you relate to your family, friends, church and community that can make the world a better place? Peace, Joseph Kathryn Williams Hand Bell Choir Director Mary Alice Coker Nursery Coordinator Rev. Sam Harmon Pastor Emeritus NEEDED FOR GOD’S HELPING HANDS MARCH Crakers & Cereal FAITH IN ACTION What does it mean to truly care for someone? As life goes on, it can get difficult. We face hard decisions or tough times. When you’re younger, it may be something as small or trivial as not having a date for the school dance. As people get older, the situations get tougher. Whether it is making it on your own in the world, relationship struggles, failed marriages, or the loss of a close family member or friend, the list goes on and on. These situations we find ourselves in can be daunting. When you were in those situations, did you have people to lean on? I like to call these people “my support team.” These are the people that no matter how not-so-great life may be at the moment they are there for you. How did these people act? What did they do? Did they listen to you or just be with you in that moment? Would they help in any way they could, even with little things like going to run errands or cooking? It’s always good to have that support team on hand, but there will come a time in everyone’s life where these people will be a necessity. If it has not happened yet, don’t worry it will. And sometimes there will be times where you will be part of someone else’s support team. It’s just the facts of life. You’re not different than anyone else. We all face challenges and hard times. The Gospel never promises that we will have a nice, perfect life without any troubles, temptations, or hard times. Honestly, it actually guarantees that we WILL have hard times. This life is not easy, by any means. Jesus was here. He lived a human life and felt all of the roller coaster emotions we will go through during our lifetimes. As Christians, our hope is not in this world though. We are living for something and someone that is far greater and so much better than anything this world could ever offer us. That is where our hope is, the strength to carry on even when we feel like giving up, the love we have for others, and where we get our joy. Christ is our everything. The hard times are not fun by any means, but God uses them to grow us and most importantly to bring Him honor and glory. It may be hard to see how God could use something that is so hard and painful, but one day we may understand why or we may not, we just have to trust God. Now don’t get me wrong. This life is not completely full of sad, depressing moments. There are many beautiful moments in between that bring joy back into our lives, even if just for a moment. Allison’s Hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 2-4 pm Email: [email protected] Phone #: 803-794-3200 ext. 15 Contact by phone or email to set up an appointment. WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY NEWS Wednesday, March 2, 2016 5:30 pm Supper 6:00 pm Children’s Choir Ladies Exercise Class Hand Bell Practice Parent Talk class 6:45 pm Choir Practice in Sanctuary Menu To be announced Mark your calendar and plan to join the fun and fellowship! Parent Talk: The Nine Conversations to Have with Your Aging Loved Ones In this book by G. Scott Middleton, founder and former president and CEO of Agapé Senior, the changing role of millions of Americans is brought to light. People go from being care receivers to care providers of their aging loved ones. This is often a tough transition that entails possible conflict among family members and carries much responsibility on the caregiver. In this book, there are nine essential conversations people should have with their aging loved ones. Hope you join us for these important conversations we will all eventually have to address with our loved ones. Prayer List Hospitalized: Sam Lucas - Palmetto Richland At Home Members: Dot Buddin, Fr ances Gantt, Har old Gooding, Windy & Louise Hall, Ever ette Mills, Elisa Williams, Marilyn Warren, Owen Huff, Owen & Nettie Livingston. Members in Care Facilities: Kathr yn Bur kett, Char les Henr y, Sam Lucas, Lar r y Tomms, Har mon McCoy, J r ., Jane Fleet, Helen York, Mary Shedd, Shell Carmon, Noel Yobs, Delila Grambrell, Grace Norris, Narcie Shealy, Loretta McCall, Estelle Rhodes, Virginia Strickland, Lenora Moore. Other Members and Friends who need our prayers: Mona Saylor , Evelyn Coggins, J ohn & Mar y Bouknight, Roy Floyd, Mary Bramlett & Tricia Bramlett (friends of Christie Watts); Barbara Lee (Merle Saylor’s sister), June Turner (friend of Cindy Davis), Aulisio family (relatives of Cindy Davis), Martin Crotty (Lola & Kylie’s grandfather), Wayne Morris (Loy Miller’s brother-in-law), Pamela Floyd (Willie Floyd’s daughter -in-law) Cindy Young (friend of Steve & Jenny Wichmann), Jess Lohr (friend of Steve & Jenny Wichmann), Sandra Hicks ( friend of Steve & Jenny Wichmann). Members in Military: Adam Har r ington Names will remain on our Prayer List for one month. Please notify the church office at 794-3200 if your loved one’s name should remain on our Prayer List for a longer period. Thank you. CHILDREN’S NEWS SAVE THE DATE! VBS is coming July 17-21, 2016. We will be celebr ating Christmas in July! Our mission pr oject will be Oper ation Christmas Child. Our goal is for every child to pack a shoebox at our Happy Birthday Jesus Party on Thursday night. We have lots of opportunities to help through your prayers, your talents, your donations and your service. Please contact Lisa Fisher at 351-3392 or [email protected] if you would like to volunteer to help decorate, shepherd children, register children, assist with special activities or be one of our actors on Tuesday, July 18th. VBS Fundraiser and Spaghetti Lunch - Sunday March 6th Immediately following worship! Join us for food, fun and fellowship. Take-out plates will be available. Each month we will be collecting items needed for VBS and Operation Christmas Child. Your support is greatly appreciated as always! March VBS donations needed: Children’s t-shirts (Medium) Gently used sheets and tablecloths Rubber bands Operation Christmas Child donations for March: Pony tail holders Hair barrettes Head bands Flip flops Bandanas Socks Chap stick VBS FUNDRAISER Join us on Sunday, March 6th in Chamber’s Hall immediately following worship for delicious food, fun and fellowship. The menu for lunch will be spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and dessert. We will have to go plates available! All donations will be used to support our VBS ministry. GLOW IN THE DARK EGG HUNT Bring your children, grandchildren and be sure to invite your family, friends and neighbors to the Cayce UMC Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt on March 26 from 7-8:30 pm in Chamber s Hall. We will have snacks, cr afts, games, the Easter story, the Easter Bunny in our very own phot booth and of course our Glow in the Dark Egg Hunt. We have added obstacles and challenges this year for all ages. Don’t miss out on the fun! IMAGINE NO MALARIA SKEETER SKAMPER Join the Cayce Kidz Skeeter Squad in the Skeeter Skamper on April 9th from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm as we walk to raise money to help end malaria! You can help by sponsoring one of our Skeeter Squad by donating per lap, buy a Skeeter Skamper t-shirt, donate items for the bake sale, come out and cheer us on as we walk! More information is coming….Remember, it only takes $10 to protect a family from malaria!!! UMW News March Altar Flower Delivery: Susanna Wesley March Mission Project: Nancy K. Per r y Childr en’s Shelter Items needed : Paper Products, Dish and Laundry Detergent, Febreeze Upcoming Events - Newswatch March 5 - Columbia District Day Apart Shady Grove UMC Family Life Center, Irmo Theme: “Created for Happiness” Registration: 8:45am; Program begins at 9:30 am March 31 - Executive meeting 5:00 pm April 29 & 30 - Spiritual Growth Retreat At Lake Junaluska Registration deadline is April 15 Forms available in tray next to UMW board Ongoing mission projects: Please continue to save stamps fr om cancelled envelopes, tr imming 1/4” ar ound them, if possible. Also, remember to save your drink tabs for Ronald McDonald House, feed the pink pig bank with change for Nancy K. Perry Children’s Shelter. All are collected by the drinking fountain outside Chambers Hall. Thanks for all your help with these projects. Remember to read the UMW Bulletin Boards! There is lots of information on these. Stay informed on UMW events and projects! CAYCE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN 2016 OFFICERS President : Vacant Vice President: Frankie Newman Secretary/Historian: Kathryn Joyner Treasurer: Linda Meetze Spiritual Growth: Connie Branham Education/Interpretation: Joyce Corn Membership/Nurture/Outreach: Bet Martin Social Action: Martha Park Communications Coordinator: Linda Edmonds Nominating Committee Chair: Evelyn Moss Morning Circle: Zollie Miles Josie Lowrimore Circle: B.J. Williams Susanna Wesley Circle: Cheryl Smith THANK YOU Dear Pastor Joseph, Pastor Joe Cal, and Church Family, Words cannot express how appreciative Owen, Marilyn and I am for all you have done for us since my fall on December 27th. The thoughts, prayers, cards, calls, food, etc. have been such a huge help, comfort and encouragement during this challenging time, and we have been touched beyond words. My recovery at home is still a challenging work in progress so please continue to keep us in your prayers. We are inching our way forward (Marilyn nicknamed us the “Inchworm Family”) and, with God’s help and the love and support of family and good friends like you, we can and will make it and look forward to better days ahead. Thanks so much again for everything. With much love, Nettie CAYCE CARES! Let’s remember our homebound members with a card and a note! A big Thank You to those of you who send cards. Thanks for adding a note of cheer to someone’s day, even when the recipient of your card does not know who you are or you do not know them very well! This is a good time to get to know them! *Please remember to visit our Shut-In bulletin board. HAPPY HEARTS LUNCHEON The first quarter luncheon will be held on Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 11:30 am in Chambers Hall. You must prepay and present a ticket at the door. Guest speaker will be Transitions Homeless Recovery Center. Come and enjoy Christian fellowship with us. NEW BIBLE STUDY Calling all Dr. Who enthusiasts! Coming soon a four week Bible sturdy “The Salvation of Dr. Who” There will be an organizational meeting on Thursday, March 3 at 7:00 pm in the conference room. Please notify the church office if you would like to be a part of this group. BOY SCOUTS The Age Level & Family Work Area has been working on starting up a Boy Scout troop here at Cayce UMC. There will be a meeting Sunday, March 20th at 3:00 pm if anyone is interested in helping form this troop. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church office. Holy Week Schedule (All Nightly services are at 7:00 p.m.) Sunday, March 20 - at Platt Springs UMC Monday, March 21 - at Shiloh UMC Tuesday, March 22 - at Trinity UMC Wednesday, March 23 - at Brookland UMC Thursday, March 24 - Maundy Thursday service at Cayce Saturday, March 26 - 7:00-8:30 - Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt Easter Sunday, March 27 - 7:00 a.m. - Sunrise Service (meet in Chambers Hall and process to the Sanctuary) 10:30 a.m. - Easter Worship Service 03/01 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/08 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/10 03/11 03/12 3/06 Rusty & Laura Rivers 03/21 Jason & Jennifer Lindsay 03/14 Brittain & Nikki Keisler 3/31 Ross & Carla Shealy 3/18 Hubert & Jane Smoak Windy Hall Bland Wilkerson III Stuart Ford Robert Varn Robin Lotsey Joseph Nester Elizabeth Meekins Rachel Siciliano Adam Keller Melba Branch Jody Varn Allen Wilkerson Clayton Thornton Lenora Moore Tony Mattox Sr. Austen Edmonds Bob Dennis 03/12 03/13 03/13 03/14 03/14 03/15 03/15 03/16 03/18 03/19 03/19 03/20 03/20 03/23 03/24 03/24 03/24 Lora Atwood Dot Nelson Jeremy Gould Dean Howard Kim Wilkerson Evelyn Newman Shawn Floyd Wayne Howard Jason Swartz Kayla Scurry Alexandra Key Kitty Bonner Megan Peebles Joe Brown Brennen Cully Kristi Jenisch Ansley Jenkinson 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/27 03/27 03/30 03/30 03/30 03/30 03/31 03/31 Skyler Peak Frances Gantt Annette Smith Lisa Fisher Clint Carter Jim Hancock Mary Shedd Lou Anne Oliva John Tjaarda Ann Byrd Mary Jean Neeley February 21, 2016 ATTENDANCE Sunday School………………..….……..…….….……...130 Sunday @10:30………………………….…………..…..156 CONTRIBUTIONS Weekly Budget Needs..…...............…………........$8,291.41 Received 2/21/2016….…...…...…………..............$6,364.00 Surplus/(Deficit)…….….......…………...............$(1,927.41) Year to Date Prorated Budget ........……….…….….$66,331.28 Year to Date Budget Giving…..…....…………...….$57,120.24 Surplus/(Deficit)………........……….......................$(9,211.04) Budget Received to Date……...................…….…..$57,120.24 Expenses to Date......…….....…………...…….……$54,869.31 Surplus/(Deficit).…….................................................$2,250.93 Special Offerings Anvil Fund………..……..…..…...……...….....…$145.00 Memorials/Honorariums………………………....$150.00 Flowers………………………………..…………..$32.00 Easter Lilies…………..…………………..……….$28.50 Parent Talk Book…………………………………$14.00 Cookbook………………………………………….$13.00 TOTAL…………....…...………..………….….$6746.50 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 4:00 Susanna Wesley Circle 6:00 Girl Scouts 7:00 SPRC 2 5:30 pm Supper 5:30 pm Handbells 6:00 pm Children’s Choir; Ladies Exercise Class, Adult Classes 6:45 pm Adult Choir 3 4 5 9 5:30 pm Supper 5:30 pm Handbells 6:00 pm Children’s Choir; Ladies Exercise Class, Adult Classes 6:45 pm Adult Choir 10 11 12 18 19 6 7 8 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 11:30 VBS Fundraiser Spaghetti Lunch 7:00 Josie Lowrimore Circle 10:30 Morning Circle 6:00 Shrove Tuesday 7:30 Trustees 13 14 15 16 17 6:00 Girl Scouts 7:00 Work Areas 5:30 pm Supper 5:30 pm Handbells 6:00 pm Children’s Choir; Ladies Exercise Class, Adult Classes 6:45 pm Adult Choir 11:30 Happy Hearts Luncheon 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 5:00 Cayce Kidz 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 9:30 am Sunday School/ 10:30 am Worship 5:00 Cayce Kidz 7:00 Holy Week Service Platt Springs UMC 7:00 Holy Week Service - Shiloh UMC 7:00 Holy Week Service - Trinity UMC 7:00 Holy Week Service Brookland UMC 7:00 Maundy Thursday Good Friday Church Office Closed 7 - 8:30 pm Easter Egg Hunt 27 28 29 30 31 5:00 UMW Executive Meeting Easter 7:00 am Sunrise Service 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Service CHILDREN’S CHURCH USHERS March 6 Judy Hutchinson Charles Hite Barney Lindley Robbie Stone Steve Tevepaugh March 13 Debbie McDonald David Bundrick Scott Newman Joe Brown Steve Tevepaugh March 20 Duane Johnson Roy Elrod Don McCurdy Jim Coelho Steve Tevepaugh March 27 Loy Miller John Tjaarda Allyson Smith Jeff Temples Steve Tevepaugh ACOLYTES March 6 No Children’s Church Children are encouraged to stay for communion March 6 Sara Ford GREETERS March 6 Joe Brown March 13 Jay Tyler Dufries March 13 No Volunteer March 20 Kiley Crotty March 20 Charles Hite Robbie Stone March 27 Nina Shealy March 27 PARAMENT TEAM March Zollie Miles/Bet Martin SANCTUARY ANGELS March Gloria Godley/Judy Pooser NURSERY VOLUNTEERS March 6 Sunday School Amber Dufries Worship Katty Hite, Ashley Hutchison March 13 Sunday School Christie Watts Worship Christie Watts Steve & Jody Vassey March 20 Sunday School Cathy Coker Worship Janie Elrod, Cathy Coker March 27 Sunday School Martha Park Worship Fay Collier, Anna Schafer March 13 Ages 3-5 Cynthia & Emily Hutchison Grades 1-3 Ashley Hutchison, Andy Tevepaugh March 20 Ages 3-5 Caroline Bridges, Nancy Boan Grades 1-3 Jody Vassey, Christie Watts March 27 Ages 3-5 Cathy Coker, Sabrina Coker Grades 1-3 Amber Dufries, Heather Ford, Courtney Hudson TRUSTEES OF THE MONTH March Larry Mitchell COMMUNION ASSISTANTS FOR MARCH Gloria Godley/Judy Pooser Jeff & Emily Temples LAY WORSHIP ASSISTANTS March 6 - Nina Shealy March 13 - John Frick March 20 - JW Hester March 27 - Emily Temples CAYCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1600 TWELFTH STREET CAYCE, SC 29033 PHONE (803) 794-3200 ** FAX (803) 794-6191 Email address [email protected] Web address: NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID COLUMBIA, SC PERMIT NO.1011 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NEWSLETTER DEADLINE MONDAY @ 9:00 AM Come, Worship with us! Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Scripture Readings: March 6 - Joshua 5: 9-12 March 13 - Isiah 43: 16-21 March 20 - Luke 19: 28-40 March 27 - Acts 10: 34-43
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