i Foreworded of the Director First of all, let us thanks to Allah SWT
i Foreworded of the Director First of all, let us thanks to Allah SWT
Foreworded of the Director First of all, let us thanks to Allah SWT who give us a mercy so that we can meet here in this place to join an international seminar and workshop on ―Early Childhood Education for a better nation.‖ Based on the act number 20, 2003 about national educational system. Education can be held through three ways, which is formal, non-formal, and informal education that all of them have the same role to educate Indonesia. The role of non-formal and informal education is giving the educational service to all the indonesian community in which of the specific condition they can not attend the formal education one. Therefore, the non-fomal and informal are become as in order to fulfil the need of life long learning. The importance of early childhood, non-formal, and informal education (PAUDNI) also stated through the rule of the ministery of education and culture number 1, 2012 about organization and Work of the ministery of education and culture Article 196 and 197. Early childhood education reflects stimulations that are needed by children. However, these stimulations should involve thoughtful consideration in order to achieve the desired growth and developmental level. Studies suggested that the development of early childhood has been significant and strategic investment to uplift manpower and human resources. This is based on the belief that early childhood education stimulates growth and development to prepare children at the learning stage that in turn could affect positively their productivity when they are adult. From historical point of view, Early Childhood Education or Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) in Indonesia that covers children between 0 to 6 years of age has been nationally regarded as a government program since 2002. Yet, the public response has been excellent and within this period the number of raw participation rate or Angka Partisipasi Kasar (APK-PAUD) has reached 15.3 million (53.6%). Nowadays, PAUD has become ―National Public Movement‖, where the program has been a common discussion topic among people, especially the importance of eary childhood education to their children. However, there are several prevalent obstacles that hinders the effort to diversivy the opportunity, access, and enhance the quaity of PAUD in Indonesia. These challenges need to be addressed utilizing crative yet innovative way of thinking. Those challenges are: 1. The large number of children who have no access to early childhood education (PAUD). 2. Learning infrastructure and physical facility that are limited partly due to lack of creativity of the teachers in creating and developing learning resources and utilizing cultural and natural potential. 3. Teachers’ competencies have been an issues as some of them might not posses adequate early childhood background or have not undertaken relevant training related to concept and practical implementation of PAUD. 4. The big gap of raw participation rate (APK) between PAUD participants in cities and rural areas. To address above challenges, the government has set continuous and sustainable target. In 2004, it was recorded that the number of new established PAUD was 12.7 million (27%) and in 2008 the number increased to 15.1 million (50.6%). It was predicted that in 2009 the number should have had reached 15.3 million (53.6%). Depart from those figures, the government has set for the next 5 years the new established PAUD is expected to reach 21.3 million (72.6%). i In comparison with other countries in terms of model and type of early childhood education, Indonesia presents its unique features and characteristics. In developed countries, early childhood education is usually implemented in Kindergarten/playgroup and day care. In Indonesia, PAUD has four unique types: 1. Taman Kanak-Kanak (Kindergarten) 2. Kelompok Bermain (Play Group) 3. Taman Penitipan Anak (Day Care) 4. PAUD sejenis (Similar with Play Group) Within those four types of PAUD children are not only provided with intellectual and emotional quotient, aesthethic and social, but also opportunities to develop spiritual quotient through three approaches: olah pikir, olah rasa, dan olah raga. Added to that, there is also education and monitoring of health and nutrition of the children. Thus, PAUD in Indonesia utilises "Holistic dan Integrative" approach. Thus, the availability of qualified and professional teachers and teaching staff in early childhood education (PTK PAUD) is unavoidably required. The issues evolved around availability include qualification, competency, certificate programs, professional development, appreciation and protection toward PTK PAUD. Considering te complexity of challenges, we need strategic plan to address the increasing demand of PTK PAUD. The needs of PTK PAUD can be seen from the availability, qualification gap, and competencies of PAUD service delivery. This is due to the importance of the successful role of educators in nurturing, nursing, protection, and education to optimise the connection of born-made brain cells. PAUD educators are professional personnel that making plan, running, and evaluating the learning process as well as giving counselling, caring, and protecting the children. Therefore, PAUD educators can held their responsibilities after completing the competence and qualification. Government has regulation over the standard of PAUD educator’s qualification which is based on the Act of the department No. 16, 2007 and No. 58, 2009. There are three levels of PAUD educators, such as pengasuh, pendamping dan guru with their different qualifications and competencies. Based on its competencies, each level has different responsibilities in doing their jobs as PAUD educators. Early childhood educators, particularly from non-formal level are highly varied from its competencies and qualifcations. Although sometimes the educators background are only from elementary or junior high school; but, some of them also have better educational background such as diploma and bachelor degree although its major is not really relevant with early childhood field. On the other hand, the fact reveals that PAUD educators sometimes held their duties over its responsibilities. As we can find PAUD teacher who just graduated from elementary school act as the main teacher in the related school. Based on the illustration above, it is need an effort that all PAUD educators’ duties and responsibilities are to be standardized based on its qualification and competencies. As a result, a directorate of development for early childhood, non-formal, and informal education personnel (Dit. PPTK PAUDNI), Directorate General of Early Childhood, Nonformal and Informal Education (Ditjen. PAUDNI) has a job to held and coordinate the policy that help to facilitate the application of standard technique in term of educator and the personnel who work for early childhood through the specific mission of Dit. PPTK PAUDNI which give wider access, increase the the quality of PTK PAUDNI, and give a ii support to increase the quality assurance to be relevant with the need of the society. To increase the the quality of educators and its service, government held some programs and activities to stimulate the profesionalism of educators of PTK PAUD. In line with that issue, government have done some programs which focus on the mission of PTK PAUD such as: a) Professional development through the increase of competence PTK PAUD that include: the teacher of kindergarten, playgroup (TK/KB/TPA/SPS), the school principle, and all the personnel who run the early childhood education. In order to maintain the quality and increase the competence of PTK PAUD, in fact government in cooporation with organization who interested in giving the supervision towad the PTK PAUD, such as profession organization, NGO and academicion from universities. b) The directorate of PPTK PAUDNI runs some strategies to increase the quality of educator for PAUDNI for instance by giving scholarship for PTK PAUDNI, financial support to someone who is taking bachelor degree in early childhood education (PAUD); master in the field of PAUD, credits transfer program (the government is now in cooperation with 2 universities: Universitas Negeri Malang and Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta). Afterward, the government will develop the program to increase the qualification though the cooperation with the department of early childhood of Universitas Terbuka and the department of Psychology of Universitas Indonesia. c) To increase the welfare and acknowledgement of early childhood educators who have dedication and good achievement, the government give the financial support, and incentive toward them as well as appreciation that usually known as Jambore PTK PAUDNI. d) Creating a training handbook for various different levels for all early childhood educators. This handbook is as an answer of the ACT about standard of competence that all educators should have. On the other hand, we from the government also aware that we still need some efforts to make it perfect in term of creating higly qualified educators for early childhood, that finally can produce a high qualified generaion as well in the future. Once again, I just wanna let you know that all programs that held by out directorate can not run well without the help of all of you especially the universities. Therefore, we hope that we can make an intensive cooporation to increase the quality of early childhood educators in the future. Dr. Nugaan Yulia Wardhani Siregar, M.Psi A Director of Development for Early Childhood, Non-formal, and Informal Education Personnel iii Foreword: Early childhood education for a better nation There is no doubt that the education of the young, since the prehistoric to the modern age, either in a religious or secular point of view, is the very concern of humankind. No tradition and great civilization over on Earth idealizes and promotes children’s ignorance or suffering. Traditionally, children are much desired for they are regarded as the vehicle of social, economic, and cultural reproduction of a family, society and even a nation. As such, so we learn people take every effort in order to provide their offspring the best education and training. It is this spirit that in the beginning of this century has given light and power to those who gathered in Jomtien Thailand (1990) and later in Dakar Senegal (2000) light and power to declare Education for All(World Education Forum, 2000). Our common belief says that education is both the window and channel which connect our young to values, good characters, knowledge, and skills necessary for their future life, when they turn into adults and take over the roles we, adults, are now playing. The formula is therefore simple: the sooner our children exposed to education the sooner they will be ready for that transition. But, what does ―sooner‖ mean? Many have emphasized the importance of primary education—started commonly when a child reaches his/her seventh or eighth years of age. But research findings say that the first eight years of life, the early childhood phase, is the ―golden age‖ for overall individual development. It is the most progressive period for children to develop (Brewer, 2007). So, ―eight is too late‖, says Evans(2006), to start growing up our ―future leaders‖ and therefore specific education program for children prior to their formal schooling is undeniable. Now, literally abundant reports have suggested the benefits of preschool program, not only for the development of our children but also its positive impacts on the national economy of the country. Those who attended such program were reported to have no significant emotional disturbance during their adolescence and needed not necessary counseling services. They are also reported to perform better at school and behave in socially more acceptable manner—in short they are good citizens. In short, as an Indonesian report says, children are an essential capital for nation. Young children participation in the preschool program at the same time also provided their mothers opportunities to work outside the home, and through so doing increased their family incomes as well as the amount of the tax they had to pay—the very revenue for the state to finance their national development agenda. Thus, preschool education, as Noble (2005) says is ―the best economic development tool‖, and therefore an undeniable ―investment for a better life‖ according to World Bank (2006). Beneath all praises and expectations for early childhood program, however, a series of questions are waiting for discussion. If preschool program is really the way for creating good citizens, and therefore a better future, what characteristics that make it so? What does and should it offer to our children, so they become good citizens? On the other hand, if we have to believe that teachers are traditionally one of the critical elements in education, so, what characteristics, philosophies, knowledge, and skills that might give them power to bring our young to that good end. Consequently what kind of training, preparation, and professional development that might enables them to meet that expectation. Following EFA declaration, countless policies on early childhood education were set up. The Indonesian government for example put it as one of its major agendas in the iv amendment of its education bill in 2003, followed by a seemingly radical reform of its national curriculum. In some parts of the world, however, early childhood education has gained its strong position and recognition long time before the declaration was signed. EFA was declared in light of the common spirit to create a better world through education. And considering the position of early childhood education as one of EFA’s frameworks of action, it is important for the practitioners, academics, researchers, and policymakers in this field to learn with and from each other by sharing their practices and experience in general. In light of this spirit, Semarang State University Department of Early Childhood Teacher Education proudly presented the First Semarang Early Childhood Research and Education Talks (SECRET) in the form of a workshop and an international seminar from 25 to 26 May 2012. More than 250 people participated in the program, to whom our deepest thanks have to go. The forum is expected to be an open learning space to enrich and improve the early childhood professions’ contribution and relevance to the achievement of ―creating a better future‖ agenda. The program was of course impossible to succeed without the support of our international and national colleagues as well as the organizing committee member. For this reason, as the Program Chair I do thank Professor JoceNuttall of the Australian Catholic University and Professor Yu Wei Lin of National Taiwan Normal University. They both presented seminal papers on the way early childhood teacher professional development is done in Australia, New Zealand, and Taiwan. One day before, in the workshop, NoanFrenoux a Canadian teacher of Green School Bali and his partner, SuciRatriWardhani, presented the way nature-based learning is conducted. Their presentation was accompanied by our Singaporean colleague’s, Ms. Tan Beng Luan, presentation of her Creative O’Precshool Bay experience of character building amongst the young children. There is no better words to describe them other than ―they are great, inspiring educators‖, who made the forum lively and meaningful. Above all, we also thank our colleagues who have spent their time to write supporting papers for the seminar. We are happy to finally publish their papers together with those of our international colleagues through this proceeding. Another point I want to make is that the program would not be possible to happen without the tremendous support of IbuLitaLatiana who was the Director of Semarang State University Department of Early Childhood Teacher Education at the time when the forum was conducted. SECRET was held just some months before she finished her term as the Director. We hope to hold SECRET biennially, for which IbuLita has paved the way for us. References Brewer, J. A. (2007). Introduction to Early Childhood Education: Preschool through Primary Grade. Boston, New York, and San Francisco: Pearson Allyn and Bacon. Evans, M. (2006). Characterizations of Citizenship Education Pedagogy in Canada and England: Implications for Teacher Education. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 2(1), 40 - 54. Noble, R. (2005). The Best Economic Development Tool. Business and Economic Review, (April-June 2005), 3-6. Retrieved from http://edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/kinder1resources/documents/EarlyChildhood.pdf World Bank. (2006). Early Childhood Education and Development: An Investment for A Better Life. Jakarta: The World Bank, Royal Embassy of Netherlands Jakarta, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia. v World Education Forum. (2000). The Dakar Framework for Action Education for All U. P. Barry & K. Brun (Eds.), Retrieved from http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001211/121147e.pdf Ali Formen Program Chair vi Tabel of Content Foreword of the Director i Foreword of the Program Chair iv Table of Content vii 1. The Paths to Early Childhood Teacher Professional Development: New Zealand And Australia Experiences Joce Nuttall 1 2. Early Childhood Teacher Preparation In Taiwan Yu-wei Lin 7 3. Promoting Good Character In Young Children Through Curriculum Design – An 22 Experience of Creative O Preschoolers’ Bay Tan Ben Luan 22 4. Nature Knows Best Enhancing Education For Young Children Through Nature Best Learning Noan Fresnouck, Suci Ratri Wardhani 27 5. Some notes on the notions of children and childhood in Indonesia 29 in reference to Javanese culture Ali Formen 6. Family-Based Character Education Khoiriyah 41 7. Developing Children’s Character Through Islamic Guidance and Counselling Developmentin the Family Setting Anwar Sutoyo 48 8. Reading Readiness of Kindergarten Students at Taqwa Mosque East Jakarta Delfi Eliza 54 9. The Benefits of Early Childhood Education For Children Development Desni Yuniarni 61 10. An Analyzing Of Students’ Emotional Intellegence Fadillah 69 vii 11. Character Building for Young Children Based on the values of cultural universality of Indonesia Dadan Suryana 75 12. Benefits Of Early Childhood Education For Personal Development And Children Social Awalya 82 13. Management Activities in Early Childhood Education Institutions Rakimahwati 91 14. Knowing the Characteristics Behaviour of Early Childhren Zulminiati 100 15. Developing Intrapersonal Intelligence Through Technique "Make-Believe Play" In Order To Make Characterized Early Age Children Nina Kurniah 105 16. Application Affection and Softness in Learning Process in Kindergarten Farida Mayar 113 17. Reformulating the Role of Educators In Ict Era M. Miftah 117 18. Verbal Language Method Application In Effort Of Increasing The Communicating Capability of Hearing-Impaired Child of Early Age From 6-7 Years Old Ni Luh Putri 124 19. Character Education Model for Early Chilhood Based on E-Learning and Culture Of Java Rafika Bayu Kusumandari 129 20. Early childhood reading learning based on Information technology Yulsyofriend 138 21. Leadership Challenges Of Early Childhood Institutions Nugroho 158 22. Social Studies Introduces ―Good Citizen‖ Since Kidergarten Sukasih 164 viii 23. The Values Approach of Character Education to Enhance Early Childhood Educator’s Competency Rahma Hasibuan 171 24. Character Formation of Early Age Children Based on ―Baiti Jannati‖ (My Home Is My Heaven) Dahliart 177 25. Toward Critical Educational Technology For Early Childhood Education Edi Subkhan 184 26. Developing Creative Mind For Toddler To Sharpen Special Visual Intellectual By Drawing Diana 193 27. Dance Arts Education For children’s character building Atip Nurharini 199 28. Building Nation Through Character Education Based Ethics Masitah 206 29. Developing Early Childhood’s Character Through Javanese Traditional Game Yuli Kurniawati Sugiyo Pranoto 216 30. Character Education Since Early Childhood In Family Samsiah 222 31. Parent’s and Teacher’s View Of Gender Stereotype Rina Windiarti 227 32. Identification and Intervention Program In Children with Communication Disorders Wulan Adiarti 233 33. Enhancing Creativity of Children Through Music Activity Neneng Tasu’ah 239 34. Building Character Through Moral Conservation Since Early Years Sugiyo 249 35. Character Education Model in Early Age Children Sawa Suryana and Lita Latiana 257 ix 36. The Influence of Manipulative Toys To Math Learning Outcomes Of 6-7 Years Old Children (An Eksperimen In 1th Class Of Teluk Pucung Asri Viii Elementary School In Bekasi) Pupung Puspa Ardini 271 37. Kidpreneur an Early Effort of Planting Entrepreneurship In Children to Embrace the Future Prasetyo Ari Bowo 276 38. Minangkabau Traditional Games For Early Childhood ―Tumbuak-tumbuak Lanang‖ Nenny Mahyuddin 281 39. Growing Role of Teachers in Independence Children Age 2-4 years Yaswinda 291 40. Building of Early Childhood Character Through Authoritative Parenting In Kindergarten Izzati 298 41. The Importance of Music Experience as an Early Age Children in Early Character Formation of a Better Nation Indonesia Eka Andaryani Titi 303 42. Building Character Through Early Age Children Dance Art Education Ika Ratnaningrum 309 43. Curricullum of Early Childhood Education (Efforts of Development the Early Childhood Character Educational) Edi Waluyo 316 44. Role of teachers in coping with children in Deviant behavior kindergarten Nurhafizah 320 45. Development Motor Skills on Early Childhood Education (Early Childhood) Delrefi. D 327 46. Individual Differences in Early Childhood Multicultural Education Ratih Kusumawardani 335 47. Active Learning For Fine Motor Development Courses In Early Childhood Faculty Of Teaching And Education, Bengkulu University Sri Saparahayuningsih 339 x 48. Improving Profesionalism Of Ecd Educator Through Teacher Certification In Position Norman Syam 343 49. Development Of The Religion Values And Morality Of Childhood Education (Paud) Yulidesni 348 50. Information and Communication Technology as an Effort to Develop Professional Teacher in Learning at Kindergarten Hardjono 358 xi THE PATHS TO EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA EXPERIENCES Joce Nuttall Principal Research Fellow, Faculty of Education [email protected] Abstract In this presentation I will share information and insights about early childhood teacher professional development in Australia and New Zealand. I begin with three questions: What is professional development? Where does early childhood professional development occur? And what are the challenges facing early childhood teacher development in Australia and New Zealand? These are important questions because there is research evidence that suggests ongoing teacher development increases the quality of early childhood services and improves later educational outcomes for children. This research has been used in some countries (including New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Australia) to increase funding and policy support for early childhood services. But this increased support brings further questions, which form the second part of my presentation: What are the most effective approaches to early childhood teacher development? Are there approaches to professional development that are particularly appropriate for early childhood teachers? And, finally, what might be some useful directions for researching professional development in early childhood education? I will present findings from recent research projects in Australia and New Zealand that are attempting to answer these questions. I will argue that it is important to pay attention to issues of teacher development at a number of levels including government policy, organisational change, and the learning of individual teachers, because the changes resulting from effective teacher development can be seen at each of these levels. Introduction: development? What is teacher Researchers have typically thought of teacher development in three phases: preservice learning; the induction phase (usually the first two-to-five years of teaching); and post-induction continuing professional learning. Various writers have described this slightly differently, but all essentially see teacher learning as a positive progression from novice to expert. However, recent work has begun to challenge this rather simplistic view of teachers learning in a direct progression across time. As Reid (2011) has recently suggested, some teachers may never reach the status of expert; indeed, most teachers may not progress beyond what we might call proficiency. In his 1979 book ‗Fifteen Thousand Hours‘, Rutter argues that, when we set out to be teachers, we all think we know what teaching looks like. This is because, during the fifteen thousand hours they spent in school, children arenot only learning butclosely observing what teachers do. Lortie(1975/2002) has called this ‗the apprenticeship of observation‘. But what can‘tbe seen whenwe simply observe teaching is its enormous complexity. Another problem with just observing teaching is that, the more expert the teacher, the easier they make it look. Which leads finally to the working definition of teacher development used in this paper: the capacity to engage in increasingly sophisticated ways with the complexity of teaching. 1 The purposes of teacher professional development However, to be able to define teacher development is not enough; we need to know what teacher development is for.There is no greater privilege or more pleasurable work than helping children learn, and teachers are powerful contributors to children‘s early and ongoing learning. But these areclaimsabout how children learn, and how children learn is not the only motivation for investigating teacher development. Research into teacher development must also be driven by the belief that teachers are entitled to learn in their own right. Australian Catholic University is founded on a commitment to the fundamental dignity of the human person. Part of what it is to be human is to continue to learn across the lifespan and for many, perhaps even most, adults work is one of the ways in which people figure out who they are and what they know.This means it is important to resist the idea that the purpose of teacher development is solelyto foster children‘s development. Over the last decade this assumption has grown as human capital theory has gained increasing traction in early childhood education policy. Human capital theory takes the economic principles of risk, investment and return and applies them to the development of future citizens. It views young children not so much as citizens with rights, but as future contributors to local and global economies. Education ceases to be an entitlement and becomes a strategy for the management of future risk, particularly as national populations age. This leadspoliticiansto focus on early childhood participationas an investment in the future. Children who don‘t participate in early childhood services are positioned not as a risk to themselves, but a risk to the economy.It is true that early childhood education is about the future person as 2 well as the present citizen. However, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child makes it clear that young children have the right to learn and develop where they are now. By treating teacher development solelyas a technology to grow human capital and avoid future risk, the rights of teachers to develop in and of themselvesare also eroded.This is a challenge that can be bridged by asking the question that underpins every branch of philosophy: what is the nature of a good life? Arguments about future risk are popular with politicians and that‘s understandable, but the need remains to bridge the space between teachers and children. The tools with which we build this bridge are a sense of our own humanity and a desire for a better life for children now, not by being frightened of thefuture. Principles for effective teacher development in early childhood education My starting pointin this next section is a recent review of the literature on effective collaborative professional learning in schools,conducted by Lorraine Beveridge at the University of Newcastle. Beveridge‘s work is particularly concerned with sustainable models of professional learning or, as she terms it, ‗What makes learning ‗stick‘‘ (Beveridge, 2011). One reason for drawing on Beveridge‘s review is that it allows us to pose the question of whether the principles for effective teacher development in schools also apply to early childhood settings. No doubt some of them do, but the distinctive cultural norms and expectations of early childhood education mean the early childhood field also has to develop its own principles for fostering ongoing teacher development. In thelater part of this paperIoffer some thoughts about what these additional or alternative principles might be. Note that this section is not aboutmodels of professional development; models don‘t matter as much the principles that underpin the models. Principle #1: Context matters Context matters in multiple ways, from the management expectations on staff through to the wider community context, because context provides multiple affordances, as well as constraints, on what learning is possible for teachers. Principle #2: Teachers need to have a sense of responsibility and accountability for children’s learning The best teachers are highly intentional, yet early childhood educators have never been held accountable for children‘s learning at the level expected of schools. Nevertheless, teachers in early childhood should have a well-developed sense of responsibility for whether the children in their care progress developmentally. Principle #3: Teachers need to perceive that the professional development program will make a difference Even where there is rich support for teacher development, the professional development program itself, whatever the methodology that is being used, has to be worthwhile. Teachers everywhere are time-poor and arewilling critics of professional development programs. Unless teachers perceive that the program will make a difference to themselves and to the children they teach, it‘s likely to have limited value. Furthermore, it is difficult to show a direct relationship between teacher development and children‘s learning because this involves evaluating two orders of learning: first, what and how the teachers are learning and, second, what and how the children are learning; then, researchers have to show that one actually causes the other. However, as a starting point,it seems that our professional development programs should at leastmake teachers not just knowledgeable but more intentional. Principle #4: Sustainable development takes time teacher Mitchell and Cubey, in their 2003 review of effective professional development in ECE, argued that two years is the minimumcommitment necessaryto sustain long-term change through professional development. This demands long-term commitment from management, as well as staff, to see programs through; this, in turn, demands long-term funding. Mitchell and Cubey also argued that, for early childhood professional development to have an impact on teaching, outside facilitation was important, possibly because of this next principle. Principle #5: A culture of questioning, curiosity, learning and collaboration is essential One of the limitations on professional development that‘s often identified, particularly in long-day childcare, is staff turnover. In a recent three-year curriculum renewal project with the Lady Gowrie Child Centre in Melbourne, there were 17 teachers involved at the start of the project. At the end of the project, there were still 17 teachers involved, but only one of these teachers had been there since the beginning of the project. This would seem to be a limiting factor but, because of the prevailing culture of curiosity and collaboration, the project was able to keep moving with only the occasional need to review progress. This was because new staff members were both selected on the 3 basis of their own learning dispositions and effectively acculturated into expectations of ongoing development as soon as they started working in the centre. Principle #6: Leadership matters One of the findings of Beveridge‘s (op. cit.) review was that the effectiveness of professional development programs in schools was enhanced when the principal took an active part. Early childhood services tend to have a flatter hierarchy than in schools, and leadersare usually enthusiastic participants in professional development opportunities alongside their teams. Through the 1990s there was a strong emphasis on leadership development in early childhood in New Zealand because of the demands being made on centres to lift their approach to governance and management. This was in response to new funding models, to the Revised Statement of Desirable Objectives and Practices(Ministry of Education, 1996a), and to other forms of regulation. But this was leadership with an emphasis on structures and hierarchies, people management, and developingpolicies. Today the emphasis is shifting topedagogical leadership;that is, leadership that guides others to develop how they teach. Principle #7: There need to be opportunities to question core beliefs and shift teacher dispositions However, the development of pedagogical leadership is risky work. One of the reasons why the involvement of leaders is important is that leaders can provide powerful models of willingness to learn, to admit that they don‘t know the answer, and to re-think beliefs and practices they have long held dear. Several of the centre leadersin one of my present research projectshave expressed anxiety that they don‘t have all the answers when their teams question them about 4 Australia‘s newEarly Years Learning Framework (DEEWR, 2009). Instead of saying, ―I don‘t know‖, they‘re learning to say, ―That‘s a terrific question. Let‘s figure it out together‖, and use the questions raised by their teams as a stimulus for everyone‘s development, including their own. Principle #8: Teacher development needs to cohere with institutional and wider plans One of the limitations of much of the professional development available in early childhood in New Zealand during the last twenty years is that its content was dictated by overarching government policy. This saw an enormous amount of work directed at understandings of TeWhāriki (Ministry of Education, 1996b) and particularly of narrative assessment through Kei Tua o tePae(Ministry of Education, 2004). But other innovations might have been possible if centres and professional developers had had a freer hand in determining the content of professional development at the centre level. Nevertheless, it is important that there is some coherence between the goals and values of institutions and the learning intentions of their staff. So far, Beveridge‘s work had identified some principles that seem to apply to sustainable professional development in schools and possibly to early childhood. I now propose some additional principles that I think need to be foregrounded in ECE. Proposed ECE Principle #1: Effective professional development is always relational Learning is not an individual phenomenon; it is fundamentally relational. First, good professional development enhances the relationship teachers have with themselves as learners, becauseit challenges and stimulates; second, it fosters relationships with colleagues as co-constructors of learning; and third,good professional developers show respect for participantsthrough personal contact and generous hospitality. Proposed ECE Principle #2: Effective professional development changes systems as well as individuals Historically, programs of professional development have viewed the individual as their target. Instead, the early childhood field needs to begin thinking about centres as systems in their own right, each with their own cultural norms and values. Individual learning is still important, but this learning is most effective if it‘s in collaboration with likeminded colleagues who are prepared to think at a systems level.By constantly questioning together what they exist to do in early childhood education, teachers contribute to the dignity and flourishing of the human person, both for the children and families with whom they work, and for themselves and their colleagues. Proposed ECE Principle #3: Effective professional development pays attention to culture and diversity How effectiveness is determined depends in large part on how it is measured, and what counts as effective teaching and learning differs within and between cultural groups. What counts as successful teaching in a rural kindergarten isn‘t necessarily the same as what counts as successful teaching in the centre of a large city, so why shouldn‘t professional development programs also use different measures of what counts as success?Paying attention to difference isn‘t easy but it does have the potential to be a hallmark of effective professional development. Proposed ECE Principle #4: Effective professional development makes us better teachers Our work is to optimise learning. This means that changing knowledge, beliefs and dispositions are a necessary but not sufficient outcome of professional development. The best professional development changes how teachers teach.And the best professional development enhances the joy learners experience when they get better at whatever they set out to do. Conclusion I began by arguing that teachers have the right to learn and grow for their own sake. I also argued that the mark of professional growth is the capacity to engage in increasingly sophisticated ways with the complexity of teaching. But what I didn‘t touch on, and haven‘t included in my principles,is the question of motivation. Ultimately, I do think it‘s the children and families that motivate us, not only learning for our own sake. Without the learner, there is no teacher. Many, if not most, of us entered the teaching profession because of our desire to contribute to the lives of others and our joy in engaging with children. As teachers, we are charged with changing other people. This is an awesome and ethical responsibility and explains, for me, the sacredness of teaching. The responsibility of changing others brings with it the responsibility to be prepared to change ourselves along the way. References Beveridge, L. (2011, July). The sustainability of collaborative professional learning in primary schools. Paper presented to the annual conference of the Australian Teacher Education 5 Association, Australia, 3-6 July. Melbourne, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. (2009). Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Author. Lortie, D. C. (1975/2002).Schoolteacher: A sociological study. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Ministry of Education. (1996a). Revised statement of desirable objectives and practices (DOPs) for chartered early childhood services in New Zealand. The New Zealand Gazette, 3 October. Ministry of Education. (1996b). Tewhāriki. He whārikimātaurangamōngāmokopu na o Aotearoa: Early childhood curriculum. Wellington: Learning Media. Ministry of Education. (2004). Kei tua o tepae. Assessment for learning: Early childhood exemplars. Wellington: Learning Media. Mitchell, L., &Cubey, P. (2003). Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children‘s learning in early childhood settings: Best evidence synthesis. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Education. Reid, J-A. (2011, July).A practice turn for teacher education?Keynote presentation to the annual conference of the Australian Teacher Education Association, Melbourne, Australia, 3-6 July. Rutter, M. (1979).Fifteen thousand hours: Secondary schools and their effects on children. London: Open Books. 6 EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER PREPARATION IN TAIWAN Yu-wei Lin National Taiwan Normal University Department of Human Development & Family Studies Abstract This paper explores early childhood teacher preparation in Taiwan, especially focuses on the preparation of kindergarten teachers. It first reviews the history of early childhood teacher preparation in China and in Taiwan, then presents its current status and identifies some of the pressing problems in teacher preparation programs. Finally, suggestions for improving the preparation early childhood teachers is presented. Key words: early childhood education, teacher preparation (training), kindergarten The Preparation of Early Childhood Teachers in Taiwan Introduction Early childhood education has developed at a rapid pace in recent years in Taiwan, especially during the past decade. The Ministry of Education (1996) notes that there were 570 kindergartens in Taiwan in 1970, compared to 2,581 kindergartens in 1996; 91,984 kindergartners in 1970, compared to 240,368 in 1996; and 7,344 kindergarten teachers in 1970, compared to 16,129 in 1996 (Ministry of Education, 1996). Thus, the recent growth in kindergarten education in Taiwan has been exponential. In Taiwan, early childhood education is considered education before elementary school. There are a variety of early childhood programs, including kindergartens, nursery schools, and day care centers. Of these, kindergartens and nursery schools are the most popular. The kindergarten is an educational institution that serves children between the ages of four and six. The nursery school is considered a social welfare institution that serves children from one month of age through age six. According to Early Childhood Education Act (1981) and Child Welfare Act (1973, revised 1993), kindergartens emphasize education, and nursery schools emphasize care. A distinction is also made in Taiwan among early childhood practitioners. Kindergarten practitioners are called ―teachers‖. Those who work in the nursery schools and day care centers are called ―caregivers‖. Before the Regulations and Qualifications of Child Welfare Professionals is passed in 1995, practitioners who are qualified to teach kindergarten can teach in nursery school and day care centers, right now, it is not true any more. This paper will focus on the preparation of early childhood teachers, especially in pre-service preparation programs (including nursery school caregivers and kindergarten teachers). It will first briefly review the history of early childhood teacher preparation in China and in Taiwan, then present its current status, identifying some of the pressing problems in teacher preparation program. Finally, suggestions for improving the preparation of early childhood teachers will be discussed. A Brief History Early childhood teacher preparation in Taiwan is an outgrowth of early childhood teacher preparation in 7 China before 1949. Tracing its history to the beginning of the twentieth century can help understand the current situation (Lin & Spodek. 1992). Early childhood teacher preparation in China The history of early childhood teacher preparation begins about ninety years ago. In 1903, the Imperial Chinese government established ―Enlightenment Centers‖ for children ages three to seven. This was the formal beginning of early childhood education in China. The enlightenment centers, designed to help family education, had a curriculum which included play, nursery songs, stories, and handicraft activities. Because women were not enrolled in schools at that time, the caregivers in these centers learned to teach by reading books about childhood education (Wang, 1977). One enlightenment center was established in 1903 in Beijing along with a caregiver normal school--the earliest early childhood teacher preparation institution. The normal school provided a five-year training program. The original teachers in the enlightenment center were brought from Japan, as were the curriculum, teaching methods and material. At about this time, a group of Japanese kindergarten teachers were brought to Hubei Province in China to establish kindergartens for 4- to 6-year-old children and to train Chinese kindergarten teachers. Later, caregiver training centers were established in Shanghai, and Wuxi (Yuan, 1948; Chang, 1933). In 1907, Wu Zu-zhe, a Chinese educator who went to Japan to study kindergarten education, returned to establish a caregiver learning center in Shanghai. She offered courses in child psychology and early childhood education to 36 students (Wang, 1980). That same year, the government established guidelines for four-year Girls‗ Normal Schools, reflecting a new concern for women‘s education. During this 8 period, Froebelian kindergarten were also established in China by American missionaries. In 1912, when the Republic of China was founded, the government created a Ministry of Education and established a public education system. According to the Teacher Education Law and Primary School Organization of 1912, girls‗ normal schools and primary schools should establish enlightenment centers. In addition, girls‘ normal schools should include caregiver training programs. In 1916, the word ―kindergarten‖ first appeared in the Education Law. After World War I, John Dewey and Bertrand Russell lectured in China and had a significant influence on Chinese‘s educational reform. In 1922, the Ministry of Education promulgated a ―New Educational System‖. The enlightenment centers were renamed ―kindergartens.‖ In 1923, the first public early childhood education departments were established in Nanjing Girls‗ Normal School and Denjing Girls‘ Normal Schools. In 1926, the Teacher Education Law proclaimed that every normal school should create a two-year early childhood education program. From that time, early childhood education programs, rather than caregiver training programs, became the primary form of early childhood teacher preparation. The caregiver training that remained was delegated to in-service activities in nursery schools and child care centers (Wang, 1977). Within a few years, many normal schools established early childhood education department. Four universities-Yangjing University, Jinling Women‗s University, Qilu University and Huaxi University--created early childhood education courses in their home economic and sociology department in 1930. This was the first time that universities offered early childhood education courses. A standard teacher training curriculum was established by the Ministry of Education in 1935 (Ko, 1974). In 1940, Chen He-qin, a progressive educator, who had studied in the United States from 1914-1919, had established five experimental schools and kindergartens in Nanjing . He also founded an Experimental Early Childhood Education Normal School in Jingxi. This became a national early childhood normal school in 1943 (Hwang, 1976). In 1945, the Jiangxi school was merged with the Nanchang Women‗s Normal School and was moved to Shanghai (Chung, 1979, 1981). During this period, Chang Hsuehmen, another famous early childhood educator, was principal of the Benjing Preschool Education Normal School. That school stressed the relation of theory to practice, the importance of teaching skills, independent thinking for kindergarten teachers, and their involvement in the social life of the community. Early childhood teacher preparation in Taiwan The first early childhood education department in Taiwan which trained kindergarten teachers was founded in Taipei Girls‗ Normal School in 1946. This department enrolled junior high school graduates and provided a three-year training program (Hwang, 1976). Tainai Provincial Normal School and Kaohsiung Girls‘ Normal School followed that example. After the Kuomintang government moved to Taiwan in 1950, the Taipei Day Care Center established an apprenticeship program. This type of apprenticeship teacher training continued until 1961. Although the Ministry of Education revised the standard teacher training curriculum in 1952, the preparation of early childhood teachers was not given much attention during this period. In 1955, the Department of Education of the Taiwan Provincial Government ordered the Tainan Provincial Normal School to close down the early childhood education department in order to train more elementary school teachers. Kaohsiung Girls‗ Normal School followed this example in the next year. In 1960, owing to the change from normal schools to normal junior colleges and the improvement of elementary education, the government proclaimed that the normal junior colleges do away with early childhood education departments. By 1965, early childhood education departments no longer existed in Taiwan (Ko, 1974). From then until 1983, early childhood teachers were prepared through in-service education, offered in evening and summer classes for kindergarten teachers who lacked certification. (During this period, elementary school teachers are qualified to become kindergarten teachers, though the reverse was not true). The quality of early childhood education declined during these years because of the absence of professional preparation and commitment in kindergarten teachers. Owing to the high proportion of working women and changes in social and family life in Taiwan, the need for early childhood education institutions increased. With the increase in kindergartens and nursery schools, the Government found it necessary to again establish programs to prepare kindergarten teachers. In 1983, the Ministry of Education approved two-year early childhood education programs) in four normal junior colleges--Taipei Municipal Normal Junior College, Taipei Provincial Normal Junior College, Taichung Provincial Normal Junior College and Chia-I Provincial Normal Junior College. High school or vocational school graduates were recruited for this program. Two years later, the other five normal junior colleges in Taiwan also established two-year early childhood education departments. Since then, the preparation of early childhood teachers has 9 formally been a part of the teacher education system and pre-service education has been emphasized. The Department of Social Welfare of the Taiwan Provincial Government began to offered short-term training programs to prepare caregivers in nursery school in 1955. Then, some high schools and vocational schools established programs to prepare caregivers in nursery school, but their graduates can not teach in kindergarten. Right now, there are some universities or colleges prepare caregivers of nursery schools such as the Department of Applied Sciences in Fu-Jang University and Shu-Chein University; the Departments of Youth and Children Welfare in the Chinese Culture University, and in Jing-Yi University and so on. There are also more than thirty-five vocational schools and senior high schools with child care departments in Taiwan which offer three-year training programs. Graduates of these programs are qualified to become caregivers in nursery school, but are not qualified to become kindergarten teachers. In 1981, the government passed the Early Childhood Education Act (Ministry of Education, 1981) , the most important law for early childhood education in Taiwan. For the first time early childhood education was given a legitimate place in the educational system. Two years after the passage of that law, the Guidelines for the Selection and Certification of Early childhood Teachers and Directors (Ministry of Education, 1983) were issued. As a way to upgrade the quality of early childhood teachers, the government established criteria for qualified kindergarten teachers. It also did away with the role of assistant teachers inkindergartens. Evening and summer session in-service teacher training programs gradually ceased between 19851987. The normal junior colleges became teachers colleges in 1987, and recruited senior high school graduates. Prior to this 10 time, they had recruited junior high school graduates and provided five-year teacher training programs. The graduates of these programs now are provided four-year training programs and now earn bachelor‘s degree. They can become elementary school or early childhood teachers. By now, early childhood education departments however, only offered twoyear training programs. These programs consist of at least 90 credits of study. Students who were graduated from these departments were qualified only as kindergarten or nursery school teachers. In order to improve the quality of early childhood teachers, the government established four-year early childhood teachers training programs (the department of early childhood education in 1990. Taipei Municipal Teachers College was the first college to establish such program. Two years later, other teachers colleges follow these example. In 1994, the government passed the Teacher Education Act (Ministry of Education, 1994), teacher preparation programs becomes multiple. According to the Act, any universities or colleges that plan to establish educational programs in different levels (secondary school education, elementary school education, early childhood education, or special education) can submit their applications to the Ministry of Education . The Council of Teacher Education in the Ministry of Education will examine the application. Having been approved by the Council, the universities and colleges can start preparing their teacher training programs and recruit students who plan to be (high school, elementary school, or kindergarten) teachers to take extra teacher education program courses. According to the Act, it is required to take more than 26 credits to become prospective qualified early childhood teachers (see Table 1, 26 Credits of Pre-school Teacher Training Program). In addition, from 1994, the graduates of universities or colleges need to have a one-year internship. After having completed this internship, they can finally become teachers. Table 1 26 Credits of Pre -school Teacher Training Program Subjects Credits Basic professional courses Children‗s language Children‗s literature Children ‗s play and physical activities Children‘s nutrition Children‗s natural science and mathematics Children‗s sociology Children‗s arts Children‗s music Foundations of Teacher Education Children‗s development and care Special children‗s education The professional ethics of early childhood practitioners ` 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2~3 2 3 Methods and Curriculum The introduction of early childhood education Early childhood education curriculum design Observation of children‗s behavior Kindergarten‗s administration Teaching environmental design for young children Application and design of teaching materials Parent education Guidance of children‗s behavior Practice Teaching materials and methods Student teaching 2~3 2~3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Required credits in this field 4~6 2~4 4~6 6~8 4~6 4 Elective courses 6 6 TOTAL In summary, during the past 50 years, early childhood teachers in Taiwan were originally prepared in pre-service 26 training programs. This preparation changed as only in-service programs became available. More recently, pre- 11 service training program has again been established. Originally, pre-service teacher preparation was limited to three-year training programs in normal schools. Later, kindergarten teachers were prepared in two-year programs in normal junior colleges and teachers colleges. Then, fouryear programs (the department of early childhood education) in teachers colleges are established. Now, early childhood teachers can be prepared not only in nine teachers colleges but also in other colleges or universities that having provided 26 credits of pre-school teacher training program. While these changes have occurred to meet the current need for kindergarten teachers and to improve their preparation, there are still problems in these training programs. In the following section, the current status and pressing problems in the preparation of early childhood teachers in Taiwan will be discussed. The Current Scene of Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Children between the ages of four and six are educated in kindergartens in Taiwan today. These kindergartens are primarily private establishments, although increasingly kindergartens are being established as part of county or city elementary schools. According to the Bureau of Statistics of the Ministry of Education (1996), three times as many children are enrolled in private kindergartens and preschools as in public school kindergartens. Nearly ninety percent of the private kindergartens are independent of any elementary school affiliation, while 97% of the public school kindergartens are affiliated with public elementary schools.Right now, there are nine teachers colleges and five universities (colleges) that prepare kindergarten teachers in Taiwan. The typical four-year normal teachers college program (the department of early childhood education) consists of at least 148 credits. This is divided into 52 credits of general education, including history, language, philosophy, science; and 96 credits of professional courses. The professional courses include 26 credits of educational foundations, 18 credits of curriculum and methods, 10 credits of practice, and 42 credits of elective courses. The total hours of this four-year programs is 196 (Table 2). Before the Teacher Education Act (Ministry of Education, 1994) was passed in 1994, nine teachers colleges are the only institutions to prepare early childhood teachers. Table 2 Four-year Early Childhood Education Program in Teachers Colleges Subjects Credits Totals 56 Required credits 36 General Education elective credits 20 Foundations of Teacher Education required courses: Educational psychology Principles of teaching 2 Educational philosophy 2 required credits 30 Teaching methods and materials of children‗s language 2 elective credits 10 Teaching methods and materials of children‗s social 2 sciences 4 Teaching methods and materials of children‗s play and physical education 2 12 Teaching methods and materials of children‗s health hygiene Teaching methods and materials of children‗s arts Practices (including field experience and student teaching) 2 2 10 10 electives courses Professional courses required courses: Introduction of early childhood education Children‗s development and care Early childhood education curriculum design Observation of children‗s behavior Kindergarten‗s administration Parent education History of early childhood education Children‗s nutrition Introduction of special education 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 elective courses: Children‗s language Children‗s literature Children ‗s play and physical activities Children‗s natural science and mathematics Children‗s sociology Children‗s arts Children‗s music The professional ethics of early childhood practitioner Guidance of children‗s behavior Children‗s welfare The classics on early childhood education Audio-visual education Sex education in early childhood education Nursery rhymes Comparative early childhood education Family education Kindergarten‗s accreditation Children‗s folks Case study Computer education in kindergarten Classroom management in kindergarten Children‗s drama Play therapy Art therapy 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 required credits 20 elective credits 32 13 Independent study Regulations of early childhood education Supervision on early childhood education Total According to the Standards for Establishing Teacher Preparation Programsin the Universities (Ministry of Education, 1995), 26 credits in pre-school teacher training program are required. Until now, there are five universities and colleges have formally established this program. This professional program is divided into 20 credits of compulsory (required) courses and 6 credits of elective course. The former consists of 4-6 credits of general education, 2-4 credits of basic educational foundation courses, 4-6 credits of curriculum and methods, and 6-8 credits of practice. The universities and colleges can independently design their 6 credits of elective courses. According to the Early Childhood Act (1981) and the Guidelines for the Selection and Certification of Early Childhood Teachers and Directors (1983), graduates of early childhood education programs in teacher colleges, of programs related to early childhood education in other colleges or universities, of senior high schools who have taken twenty credits of early childhood education courses in government-designated school, or persons who had a kindergarten certificate prior to the Early Childhood Education Act can all be kindergarten teachers. According to the Act (1981) and Guidelines (1983) above, although several universities and colleges have programs related to early childhood education, such as home economics, social work, or child welfare, their graduates were not allowed to become kindergarten teachers. The Ministry of Education (1983) stated that ―those departments which are related to the early childhood education in colleges and universities‖ 14 2 2 148 noted in the guidelines refers to other programs in normal teachers college and in education departments in normal universities, rather than in department with programs related to early childhood education in other institutions of higher education. Thus, graduates of general colleges or universities could not become kindergarten teachers at that time. The situation has changed however. According to the Teacher Education Act (Ministry of Education, 1994) and Guidelines for Qualification and Interns of Kindergarten, Elementary School and Secondary School Teachers(Ministry of Education, 1995), graduates of general colleges or universities who have taken 26 credits in a pre-school teacher training program can become kindergarten teachers. In order to upgrade the quality of early childhood education and to solve the problem of a kindergarten teachers shortage, there is one other way to prepare early childhood teachers right now. Nine teachers colleges provide one -year postbaccalaureate pre-school teacher preparation)(it‗s evening program) to graduates of general colleges and universities who are willing to become kindergarten teachers. They need to take at least 26 credits of early childhood education courses. After completing this program, as same as graduates in teachers colleges and in general universities or colleges, they still need to have a one-year internship in order to receive teacher certificate. Most public kindergartens in Taiwan are currently affiliated with elementary schools. The teachers in these public school kindergartens receive higher salaries, higher employment benefits, and better working conditions than do teachers in private kindergartens. Most early childhood teachers in Taiwan are women. Although the government allowed men to enter early childhood education programs in 1985, until now only a few men have enrolled. Unfortunately, few of them became kindergarten teachers upon graduation. Current Issues of Early Childhood Teacher Preparation Currently there are a number of issues related to the preparation of early childhood teachers in Taiwan that need to be resolved. Among the most pressing are the following: Insufficient good-quality early childhood institutions for prospective teachers to intern Before Teacher Education Act (1994) has been passed, the graduates of early childhood education departments in teachers colleges could certainly become kindergarten teachers. They would receive teacher certificate and would teach in kindergartens, not in nursery schools. This is not true any more. According to the Teacher Education Act (Ministry of Education, 1994) and Guidelines for Qualification and Interns of Kindergarten, Elementary School and Secondary School Teachers (Ministry of Education, 1995), the graduates of early childhood education department in nine teachers colleges, of pre-school teacher training program in general colleges and universities, and of one -year postbaccalaureate pre-school teacher preparation in teachers colleges may not immediately become kindergarten teachers, they still need a one-year internship in kindergarten. After having successfully completing their internship, they can formally become kindergarten teachers. Giving prospective teachers one more year to experience actual classroom practice is a good idea to fully prepare more competent kindergarten teachers, but presently, the mentor system is not well established in Taiwan. According to the survey, half of kindergarten teachers are not qualified and only a few kindergartens are considered to be good-quality institutions (Lin, 1994). This one-year internship is assumed to allow prospective teachers to learn more about teaching, to construct their knowledge, skills and personal professional theories and understandings about teaching and learning. They still need help in this critical period, so having competent, experienced kindergarten teachers to help them is very important. But in fact there are not enough qualified mentors in kindergartens to help these prospective teachers in their internship. This issue needs to be resolved immediately, because there will be almost one thousand graduates of early childhood education programs next year (1998) who will need internships in order to qualify for the kindergarten teacher certificate. The other issue is that all graduates of early childhood teacher preparation programs have their intern only in kindergarten. However, not all the graduates of these programs teach in kindergarten; some work in nursery schools or day care centers; and some work in related fields such as children‗s book stores, or children‘s libraries. Providing diverse internship settings would allow the prospective teachers to know more about different early childhood education institution, so they can make an appropriate career choice for their future. Difference in standard for kindergarten teachers and nursery school caregivers Kindergartens and nursery schools are both popular in Taiwan. The former serves children from ages four to six, while the 15 latter serves children from on month to six years of age. The two programs are regulated by different agencies-kindergarten by the local educational authority, nursery schools by a social welfare agency--and their staff requirements are different. Before 1997, a caregiver must have a high school or vocational school diploma with at least three months of child care training, but according to the Training Programs and Regulations, Certifications of Child Welfare Professionals(Ministry of Interior, 1997) the graduates of child care programs or programs related to child care in high school or vocational schools can only become assistant caregivers. The graduates of child welfare programs in universities or colleges, of programs related to child welfare in colleges or universities, of colleges or universities with at least 350 hours child care courses in governmentdesigned school, or persons who passed National Examination for Professional and Technicians and received child care professional training can all be caregivers. As noted above, we can understand that the preparation of caregivers in nursery schools and teachers in kindergarten is different. Before 1997, individuals who qualified to teach in kindergarten were also qualified to teach in nursery schools, the reverse was not true, but this has changed. Right now, these two programs follow different regulations and use different standards to recruit staff. Whether nursery schools and kindergartens, which both serve children from age 4 to six, should be supervised by the same agency or should have the same requirements is an issue that needs to be debated. The shortage of kindergarten teachers There are a number of factors which contribute to the current shortage of early childhood teachers in Taiwan. Many early childhood teachers do not remain in 16 teaching. High teacher turnover and short tenure are characteristics of the early childhood field. Low salaries, few employment benefits, poor working conditions, heavy workloads, and no opportunity for career enhancement are some of the reasons for this high turnover. According to one survey, of the 20.549 qualified kindergarten teachers in Taiwan, only about 8,700 are currently teaching. The annual turnover rate is 57.7% (Tsai, 1989). A second factor contributing to the shortage of kindergarten teachers is the rapid increase in the number of programs for young children. The number of early childhood programs, including kindergarten, nursery school, day care center for young children doubles every year in Taiwan (Provincial Taipei Teachers College, 1989). However, only about 500 qualified, prospective kindergarten teachers are graduated each year. With the establishment of new children‗s programs, the need for professionally trained teachers increases. The number of early childhood teachers prepared each year is not sufficient to staff these expanding programs. As a result, the need for kindergarten teachers is outstripping the supply. The issue of how to provide qualified kindergarten teachers for the existing and evolving programs remained unresolved. Discussion and Suggestions The history of early childhood education in China is relatively short and its history in Taiwan is even shorter. The development of kindergartens has been impressive as has been the development of early childhood teacher education. As the Republic of China moved to Taiwan in 1949, there began a forty-eight year period of development when the island went from a rural province to an urbanized, industrialized country. Modern educational institutions, including kindergartens, which has a short history in China, had to be reestablished all over again as Taiwan went from a developing area to a developed one. The problems that are found in the field are not unlike those found in other developed nations. The preparation of early childhood and elementary teachers in the United States moved from normal schools to normal colleges to multipurpose colleges and universities some time ago. England, Australia and Israel have more recently moved the preparation of early childhood and primary school teachers to universities. All such developments involve some degree of dislocation that will probably be experienced as teacher preparation in Taiwan continues the process. In the United States and in other countries a similar distinction is made in the standards established for nursery schools and kindergartens, especially when kindergartens are part of the public school system. Higher salaries, greater benefits and better working conditions for teachers in the public school systems as compared with teachers in private schools also seem to exist in other countries. These differences parallel differences in the preparation of teachers in these types of institutions and in the requirements for their employment. The problems of early childhood teacher preparation in Taiwan can be better understood when seen in the context of international developments in the field. Out of the experience of early childhood teacher education, and understanding of current condition, a number of suggestions can be made for improving the preparation of early childhood teacher in Taiwan. There are some clear-cut signs that such improvement will be forthcoming. During the past ten years, the Ministry of Education has begun to pay increasing attention to the preparation of the early childhood teachers. For example, fouryear early childhood education programs, pre-school teacher training programs, and post-baccalaureate pre-school teacher preparation programs have been established for kindergarten teachers, and there is increasing recruitment for these programs. In order to improve the quality of kindergarten teachers quickly, other reforms are necessary. These reforms should include the following: Establishing a suitable mentor system According to the Teacher Education Act (1994), the graduates of early childhood department in teachers colleges, of pre-school teacher training program in general colleges and universities, and of one-year evening post-baccalaureate preschool teacher preparation program in teachers colleges can not certainly become certified kindergarten teachers. If they expect to be kindergarten teachers, they still need to have a one-year internship in kindergarten in order to receive kindergarten teacher certificate. The prospective teachers need to teach in one certified kindergarten with experienced mentor‗s guidance. Unfortunately, right now, in Taiwan the mentor system is not well established in other educational institutions, not to mention in early childhood education. According to research (Bullough, 1989; Chiang, 1995), the first-year teacher would encounter a lot of problems, such as human relationship, teaching skills, classroom management and parent education. They do need help from experienced teachers or from university professors. This one-year interns is assumed to provide prospective teachers to learn more about teaching in the actual teaching setting. It is really a critical period for the prospective teachers to know about teaching, so providing them competent, experienced mentors is greatly important. 17 In order to upgrade the quality of kindergarten education, the Ministry of Education needs to emphasize the early childhood education accreditation, and recruits more responsible early childhood specialists in educational bureaus to supervise kindergarten and help kindergarten teachers modify and improve their practice. If there have enough competent kindergarten teachers in kindergarten, the prospective teachers will receive help in their teaching practice, and finally become formal, competent teachers after their internship. The local educational bureaus can also provide inservice training programs to kindergarten teachers, and encourage good-quality kindergartens to provide opportunities for the prospective teachers. The government can also sign a long-term cooperative contract with good kindergartens. In order for that to be the case, providing economic support, and providing guidance training programs for these kindergarten teachers is necessary too. Establishing a flexible certification system At present, not only graduates of early childhood education department in normal teachers colleges in Taiwan are qualified to teach kindergarten, but also graduates of general universities or colleges can qualify as kindergarten teacher if they have taken 26 credits in pre-school teacher training program. After the Teacher Education Act (1994) was passed, teacher preparation programs become multiple. This allows qualified college and universities graduates to become kindergarten teachers. This should strengthen kindergarten education at the same time that it opens up alternative preparation, a move that could help relieve the kindergarten teacher shortage. Right now there are some alternative certification programs to admit persons with at least a bachelor degree and with a 18 commitment to kindergarten education. One-year evening post-baccalaureate preschool teacher preparation program is provided to them. After having completed at least 26 credits of early childhood education courses, they need to have oneyear internship in kindergarten, then they can receive the kindergarten teacher certificate. In order to maintain and improve the quality of early childhood education, admission to such alternative programs should be done with care and the courses that are offered to individuals in such a program should be comparable to those in regular early childhood teacher education programs in teachers colleges. Establishing the commonality between the standards of kindergarten teachers and nursery school caregivers As noted above, there is different regulations in kindergarten and nursery schools. Revising the related regulation about the standard of kindergarten teachers and nursery school caregivers for the children from age 4 to six is needed. This would require that the education and social welfare institutions compromise and create a common standard for early childhood practitioners who serve children of the same age. This not a simple matter and depends on economic as well as pedagogic issues. Nursery school caregivers, who have lower qualifications, also receive lower salaries. It would not be reasonable to have kindergarten teachers meet the lower qualifications of the nursery school. If nursery school teachers to be expected to meet the same qualifications as kindergarten teaches, then they ought to be paid the same, with salaries comparable to those in public school kindergarten. It is suggested that kindergartens serve the children from age 4 to 6, and nursery schools serve children from one month to four years of age. This is still an issue that needs to be solved. Improving the salaries and benefits for kindergarten teacher and establishing professional career lattice Because of low salaries, poor working conditions, and heavy workload, the turnover among kindergarten teachers is very high (Lin, 1994; Tsai, 1989). Many prospective teachers do not consider early childhood education as a long-term career choice, and teachers leave their jobs. Increasing salaries and benefits, creating a career ladder, providing good working condition benefits, and reasonable workload, offering further in-service training or advanced education, and benefits are needed. Fortunately, the government is establishing more public kindergartens which are affiliated with elementary schools and serve children of 5 years of age. Teachers in these public school kindergartens receive higher salaries and higher employment benefits. In order to upgrade the quality of early childhood professionals, establishing the lattice of early childhood professional development is necessary. A conceptual framework of early childhood professional development must set high standards for professional performance and distinguish the specialized skills and knowledge of the early childhood profession from those of other professions. The idea of establishing a career lattice system is allowing kindergarten teachers to move through stages to higher levels of professionalism. A career lattice would provide for the multiple roles and settings within the early childhood profession, each allowing for steps of greater preparation tied to increased responsibility and compensation within that role-setting, and allows for movement across roles. Each strand of the lattice is interconnected; all strands are a part of the larger entity (the early childhood profession). Kindergarten classroom teachers should be able to qualify for positions as supervisors and teachers educators if they received advanced degree. This is possible when opportunities for advanced study in the field of early child education are available. Right now, there are few universities which provide advanced degree programs, such as the Division of Early Childhood Education in Graduate Institute of Home Economic in National Taiwan Normal University, and the Graduate Institute of Youth, Children Welfare in Chinese Culture University. Fortunately, in 1998 the Ministry of Education approves the other Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Education in National HsinChu Teachers College, but it still only has limited number. Most early childhood teachers are seeking advanced education in other countries. Conclusion This paper presented the history of early childhood teacher preparation in Taiwan. From the discussion above, we can understand that during the past 50 years, early childhood teachers were originally prepared in pre-service training programs, then became in-service training. More recently, pre-service training program has again been established. Originally, there was only three-year preservice teacher preparation in normal schools. Later, early childhood teachers were prepared in two-year programs in normal junior colleges and teachers colleges. Then, four-year programs (the department of early childhood education) in teachers colleges were established. Now, early childhood teachers can be prepared not only in teachers colleges but also in general colleges or universities that having established pre-school teacher training program. In a word, there becomes multiple ways to prepare early childhood teachers right now. Insufficient good-quality early childhood institutions for prospective teachers to have interns, difference in standard for kindergarten teachers and 19 nursery school caregivers, and shortage of kindergarten teachers are considered as pressing issues in the preparation of early childhood teachers. Some suggestions are provided to improve the quality of early childhood teachers: establishing a flexible certification system, establishing a suitable mentor system, establishing the commonality between the standards of kindergarten teachers and nursery school caregivers, and improving the salaries and benefits for kindergarten teachers and establishing professional career lattice. Early childhood teacher preparation is a relatively new field in Taiwan, and its history is relatively short. Although there are some problems in the current situation, we believe these problems can be solved in the future. Solutions, however, will require the cooperation of government officials and early childhood educators. It will also require increased economic and human resources. As Taiwan moves into greater parity with western developed countries, we believe that the education establishment will realize the importance of early childhood education as the foundation of children‗s educational development and will work to create the necessary improvement. References Bullough, R. V. Jr. (1989). First-year teacher--A case study. NewYork: Teachers College. Chang, H. M. (1933). New early childhood education. Peking: Children Books. (in Chinese) Chiang, L. L. (1995).The professional development of first-year teacher--A Case study. Taipei: Psychology Publisher. (in Chinese) Ching, H. C. 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Investigation of early childhood teachers„ turnover in Taiwan. Taipei: Provincial Taipei Teachers College. (in Chinese) Wang, F. C. (1977). The history of Chinese education (15th Ed.). Taipei: Chen-Chon Books. (in Chinese) Wang, C. C. (1980). Early childhood education (8th Ed.). Taichung: Provincial Taichung Normal Junior College. (in Chinese) Yuan, A. (1948). Perspective of early childhood education in China, Journal of Education, 33(1), 24. (in Chinese) 21 PROMOTING GOOD CHARACTER IN YOUNG CHILDREN THROUGH CURRICULUM DESIGN - AN EXPERIENCE OF CREATIVE O PRESCHOOLERS’ BAY Tan Ben Luan Founder and Principal In Creative O Prescholeers` Bay, Singapore Abstract Character is the inward motivation to do what is right - whatever the cost. We believe that every child has the potential to acquire positive values such as attentiveness, obedience, truthfulness, sincerity, diligence and responsibility. The Creative O Preschoolers Bay was one of the preschoolers in Singapore who has big concern on Character Building Through Curriculum. Located within the premises of the company Creative Technology (www.creaf.com), Creative O Preschoolers' Bay is a childcare center managed by a professional team of preschool and arts educators. We believe that ―Children learn best when they have the interest to learn‖ and that wanting to learn is from the child‘s innate. Kindergarten one and two use Project Approach to engage children in initiation, participation, exploration, team work and creativity. We will share some of our experiences on children activities that promote good character building in young children. with the ministry of community, youth, Introduction Creative O Preschoolers bay were and sports. established in 1998. Located within the The schools area and classroom type is of premises of the company Creative open concept. It does not have full height Technology (www.creaf.com) Singapore, separator between classroom age groups. Creative O Preschoolers' Bay is a These age groups are in the same single childcare center managed by a large room, only separated with cabinets professional team of preschool and arts and containers and cardboards. Despite the educators. Our school is around 1450 sqm many age groups in the same large room, (Square meter) wide. The schools current children can still focus on their activities capacity is 200 kids with 24 teachers and because they have their own projects to 11 supporting staf, we also have four part finish.The following table contains time arts teacher from the arts community. classification of age groups with details on Creative O Preschollers bay was registered number of classes and number of teachers of each group. Age Level Number of Number of Teachers Classes 3 years old Playgroup 2 4 English language teachers 2 Chinese language teachers 2 Teacher assistants 4 years old Nursery 3 3 English language teachers 5 years old Kindergarten 1 3 6 years old Kindergarten 2 3 22 3 Chinese language teachers 2 Teacher assistants 3 English language teachers 3 Chinese language teachers 3 English language teachers 3 Chinese language teachers In Creative O, we continue working on Project Approach for the kindergarten level. We believe that ―Children learn best when they have the interest to learn‖ and that wanting to learn is from the child‘s innate. Indeed, year 2005 proved to be a fruitful year for our little ones, as they learnt to initiate, participate, explore and create works that were related to the topics concerned. For the K2 level, the projects embarked were ―King‖, ―Zoo‖, ―Camping‖ and ―Primary School‖. According to that, Our Mission Statement strives to : • provide a stimulating learning environment; • cultivate basic values; • develop the different intelligences essential for a child's development; • help children life through knowing life, observation, and practice • nurture the ability to think creatively, imaginatively, analytically; • encourage confidence and individuality • inculcate an appreciation and opennes for culture and arts; • awake childrens care and respect for the environment To achieve the aforementioned goals we began by promoting good character building in young children through curriculum. A. Discussion Ministry Of Education, Singapore discribe There are four outcomes relating to character building. Character building starts from ―knowing thyself‖ — building self-awareness and self management, to enable the individual to achieve his or her full potential. Building on this, to ―knowing others‖ — to be socially aware and to interact well with others, and nurture positive relationships. In dealing with others, we need to focus on ―doing the right things‖ — to apply moral reasoning and take responsibility in decision making, and have the integrity to stand by our values. Finally, in the face of individual, community or national challenges, individuals need to demonstrate resilience. This emphasis on character building is part of our effort in the holistic development of our pupils. While we continue to help our pupils acquire knowledge and skills, the best that our pupils can acquire is self-confidence, determination, resilience, a sense of responsibility and the ability to work with others. These are the qualities and dispositions that will equip them to succeed for life. As for citizenship education, there are also four outcomes. Firstly, our pupils should grow up to be loyal citizens, with a strong sense of belonging to Singapore and a strong sense of national identity, committed to the well-being, defence and security of our nation. Secondly, they should show care and concern for others, and be willing to contribute actively to improve the lives of others. Thirdly, in our multi-racial society, our pupils need to be socio-culturally sensitive and do their part to promote social cohesion and harmony. Finally, our pupils must have the ability to reflect on and respond to community, national and global issues, and to make informed and responsible decisions. According to that, we also believe good citizens starts at preschool-character education at early age. In fact, mostly parents agree with that statement, but the reality showed they also forced and pushed children to become what they think necessary for the children. Ex : spelling many many words, writing, home work, test or examine, more and more knowledge. Honore (2009) explain the bad affect in under pressure education culture of hyper-parenting. ―With so much anxiety, are we not in danger of losing something precious from family life and the process of growing up? We discover 23 how a new movement is encouraging us to slow down and trust our instincts, finding a natural balance between doing too much and too little.‖ In our vision education included three main area such as knowledege, skills, and attitude is about behave with people, work, environment. Education is about nurturing the whole child. Education means developing the child morally, intellectually, physically, socially and aesthetically. Related with Ministry of Education statements, The outcomes of education, Confidence, Independent learner (active, thinking, creativity, problem-solve), Responsible (moral), Caring (moral). Promoting good character in young children need aways to develop. Our concern in character building is about daily programes. we want our children in the school years to enjoy observing, exploring and discovering the world. To develop a thinking nation and life-long learners, we need to nurture children from the start, to learn to think and to think to learn. No educational programme is complete without a strong emphasis on values. No man is an island. Children have to learn to interact with others and to be aware of their own feelings and needs, as well as the feelings and needs of others. Children need to feel confident and comfortable about engaging in new learning experiences, and it begin by building good character. Ministry Of Education Singapore on Kindergarten Curriculum Framework describe desired outcomes of preschools education comprise : 1. Know what is right and what is wrong 2. Be willing to share and take turns with others 3. Be able to relate to others 4. Be curious and able to explore 5. Be able to listen and speak with understanding 24 6. Be comfortable and happy with themselves 7. Have developed physical coordination and healthy habits 8. Love their families, friends, teachers and school Concern with those all statements learning outcomes, we create developmentally appropriate activities for young children in character building. B. Method 1. Project and camping The camp is part of our Preparation Programme began in 2000, to help strengthen the children‘s social skills and prepare them for study life in primary school. At the camp, the children were given opportunities to put knowledge and social skills into practice. 28 children from the K2 class went with teachers and volunteers to St John‘s Island for a 2night/3-day exploration. This year‘s programme emphasized on children‘s autonomy. The children were asked to decide what they would like to do in the camp, what they would like to have for meals, what rules they would like to observe and so on. The children‘s active involvement in the planning process was very different from the previous two camps which had more teachers‘ involvement in the planning.. The camp provided a real situation for the children to apply their knowledge and practice coping with new environment and working with friends. To conclude the learning experience, the children did a presentation for parents by showing photographs with captions, models of St John‘s Island and their pictorial diaries. Our camping abilities are : Discuss, analyse, negociate, investigate, report, Plan, organise decision making, problem-solve Autonomy, responsibility Confidence Team work Caring , helpful Apply knowledge & experience 2. Grandparents project Grandparents are important to children in so many ways. They have patience and time when parents are often busy. They have stories to tell and interesting games to play. They are also good for treats and spoiling, which we all need from time to time. Our children also enthusiastic when they have a time together with grandparents at school. They would love to : Bring out the food Our school always has a breakfast or special snack with the grandparents. Invitations are sent home inviting the special grandparent to the function. What we do is have the grandparent join us for morning assembly then come back to our room for a special donut and orange juice snack where we have more activities planned. I have seen schools invite grandparents to lunch as well. Art Nothing makes a grandparent feel more special then leaving with a special token of love made by their grandchildren. Here are some ideas to get you started. Bookmark Have the kids stamp their thumb in an ink pad. Then let them make thumb prints on a strip of construction paper for a bookmark. Take a permanent marker and draw legs to make a bug. Allow the kids to place flower stickers on and write the phrase, "Thumbody Loves You!" at the top. Laminate and every time they open their books they will be reminded of your little preschooler. Handprints Have each child place their handprint on a sheet of construction paper. Ask the grandparent to do the same. Place a picture of both of them in the center and laminate. Music time Have the children sing a special song for their grandparents. There are several online. Here are a few that we have done over the years. 3. Daily Encounters It mean identify qualities in a teacher in relation to character building. This programe include Teacher as a model courtesy, respect, care, firmness and fairness etc. Situation learning dealing with people and circumstances, take challenges etc. also Reading picture books, children literature. We begin this activity by identify situation in the class that can be used for discussion. 4. Birthday Celebration Celebration means basic human values such as honesty, caring, responsibility, respect, endurance, diligence, confidence and independence will be introduced in all programmes. Guide Children to discuss and think (4 years old and above) 1. Who matters to you when growing up? 2. What can you do when you are a 3. year older? 4. Why do you eat healthy food? 5. How to share your birthday joy with 6. friends? In birthday celebration we guide children Make a promise or a commitment - help to do house work - sleep early - eat by oneself and so on 5. Charity Act It is best to inculculate the "meaning of charity" from a young 25 age through direct involvement. In Creative O Preschoolers' Bay, our children are given such opportunity to learn more about helping peopl who are in need. Began on August 2000, children had their Charity Fair at the Bay. More than 120 parents and staff of Creative Technology came to support the event. They were impressed by the art and craft items designed and made by the children, as well as amazed by children manning the stalls. Items the were sold included cards, accessories, collage, painted bottles, arranged flowers, notice boards, photo-frames, book marks, gift boxes, diaries etc. Some parents and staff of Creative Technology also contributed home-made goodies for sale at the fair. The children manages to raise $2500 from the sale. The senior management of Creative Technology pledged a dollar for dollar and the total amount raised was $8650. One way to improve this program is by monthly visit to old folks home. C. Conclusion Education in our frame is include knowledege, skills, and attitude is about behave with people, work, environment. Education is about nurturing the whole child. Education means developing the child morally, intellectually, physically, socially and aesthetically. We all know that every child has a spark. We have the duty to kindle that spark in all our children, through love, care and encouragement. The early childhood years are now well-recognised for having great influence on how an individual thinks and behaves, through his school years and as an adult. Whether our children become selfmotivated learners, and face the world with confidence, depends to a good degree on the stimulation, guidance and nurturing 26 they receive early in life. Our preschool educators therefore play a critical role. If learning is perceived to be both fun and enjoyable, it would help set the child on a journey of life-long learning, and we also believe sucessful life-long learning depends on young children being given opportunities to develop personal and social skills indeed character building. D. References 1. Brewer, Ann Jo. Introduction To Early Childhood Education Preschool Through Primary Grades. USA : Pearson, 2007. 2. Honore, Carl. Under Pressure Rescuing Our Children From The Culture Of The Hyper Parenting. USA : Harpercollins, 2009. 3. Ministry Of Education Singapore. Nurturing Early Learners : A Framework For A Kindergarten Curriculun In Singapore. Singapore : Preschool Education Unit. NATURE KNOWS BESTENHANCING EDUCATION FOR YOUNG CHILDREN THROUGH NATURE BEST LEARNING Noan Fresnouck Suci Ratri Wardhani Green School Teacher, Bali Introduction At first, science was a part of human life. Humans learn from nature and the environment. They live in the nature not with the wild nature. They learn how to defend and to maintain themselves from nature. Learning for humans is one way to help themselves, so that they can live and evolve in the natural environment. As a human being, a child is a unique individual which can also learn to be able to defend himself in a variety of things when in a new environment. Children learn by their sensory motor to be aware of things around them. It is expected that they may have a sense of having, protecting and caring for the environment. But the reality of the matter is the children as learner in preschool institutions are often learning about science without a relationship with nature. The goal is solely to make children become better industrial society. The learning that children get only focus on developing intellectual property without having a sense of concern for the natural environment. It is become homework for teacher; how to instill love for the natural environment, so that children can learn and explore various potential that exists within him in the natural environment. Discussion The natural environment can be a solution so that children can learn to be able to grow the full potential to the optimum. Children with a variety of different characteristics to one another has learning patterns are very unique as well. In introducing the natural environment to the child, the teacher can do this by: 1. Inquisitive Child's curiosity is very high is the basis for the teacher to be able to bring them to nature. Never been to forbid children to satisfy their curiosity, although it was considered a danger to adults. But as an adult, the teacher can facilitate the child's curiosity well. Thus, the children no longer feel "curious" and was satisfied with what was described by his teacher. 2. Tactile Preschoolers learn through sensorimotornya. From curiosity they always have the desire to be touched from what he saw. Through this touch children can learn many things that were not previously known. With a touch too young to feel the things that happen in their environment. 3. Fun For children all the things in the environment is new, so what they do is something that is exciting and fun for them. Berajak from where teachers can grab their attention with fun things to bring children learn about the natural environment. For children the natural environment is a place of freedom and fun. And all activities involving children with the natural environment is a fun learning process 4. Engaging All parties who are within the child, such as parents, teachers, and the community around the need to be involved in introducing children to the natural environment. At school the teacher's role as a facilitator of children is very 27 important for children to develop children's ability to recognize and learn from the natural environment. Teachers and children are involved in activities either sourced or how children can take advantage of the natural environment in the teaching-learning process. 5. Interactive Children are expected to have a dominant role in memnfaatkan natural environment as a source of learning. Teacher as facilitator to facilitate the child's curiosity well. So intraksi between children and teachers alike can learn from imbalance to the natural environment. Children also actively seeking diharpkan various interesting things with a teacher while studying the natural environment. As a teacher, there are five things that can help teachers to create lesson plans with the natural environment according to his age, among others. Teachers can create questions related to 28 SOME NOTES ON THE NOTIONS OF CHILDREN AND CHILDHOOD IN INDONESIA IN REFERENCE TO JAVANESE CULTURE Ali Formen Department of Early Childhood Teacher Education Semarang State University Background As a part of the signatories of the Jomtien‘s commitment of Education for All (EFA), and later the Dakar Declaration of the EFA framework for action, Indonesia has recently introduced early childhood education into its national education programs. The state parties of the Declaration claim that young children service is an inseparable component of the campaign for universal, basic education— shown through their commitment to put the expansion of preschool service as the first plan of action. In Indonesia, the commitment has been translated into an article on early childhood education in the new education regulation, namely the Act No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System (Undang-Undang RI No. 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, especially Article 1: 14 and Article 28). Yet, this does not mean that prior to 2003 preschool service was absent from the landscapes of the Indonesian national education. In fact, it might date back to the past imperial era of the country. In addition, prior to the enactment of the bill, the country previously legislated some legal frameworks and/or ratified several international commitments regarding children. Any change, as transition, is difficult and even sometime harmful. In one hand, there must be demands and needs for some, if not many, necessary adjustments and adaptations of values and practices that have established for long time. Concomitantly, there must be inevitable encounter with new, imported values and practices. For the context of Indonesia, it seems, the needs to be listed might be literally endless. Since even though the policy is not the first experience for the country, and in fact it has inherited a long-established tradition of early childhood education, yet its new policy is basically driven by the modern propositions of children/childhood instead of the country local teachings on children and childhood. Not only are they modern but also Western-minded or ―Eurocentric‖, to use Soto and Swadener‘s (2002) language. In short, they might be openly different from, if not contradictive to, the Indonesian perception and wisdoms of children and childhood. Departing from the above landscapes, the present paper aims to scrutinize the notions of children/childhood shared within the context of Indonesian society. A core hypothesis this paper assumes is that the way children and childhood perceived constitutes the way they are treated. This assumption is derived from, amongst others, the classical work of Philipe Ariès, Centuries of Childhood—which is praised as a brilliant attempt in demonstrating the ―idea of modern childhood‖ (Brown, 1967) and accepted as ―the first general history of childhood‖ (Archard, 1993, p. 15). Ariès (1973)1 claims that before the invention of the modern idea of Ariès’ work Centuries of Childhood was published for the first time in 1960. Yet not until 1967, when Brown wrote an article on Ariès’ thoughts on education, was the book published in Australia. Six years after Brown’s work, in 1973, the book then was published in Australia— and this is the version to which the author refers this paper. 1 29 childhood—that is childhood as a unique, separated stage of life—children were simply portrayed as the ―little men‖ (p. 31). Other, recent work might be listed here is Mindy Blaise‘s Playing It Straight (Routledge, 2005). In this book Blaise criticizes the developmental approach to early childhood education/studies as having failed to put the issue of social justice as ―an integral part of ―good‖ early childhood practice (p. 7). With respect to the need for creating education as a site for campaigning the social equity and justice, the developmentalist paradigm is no longer compatible. In response, she offers gender and queer analysis to approach the field. Ariès and Blaise‘s works demonstrate that childhood studies/education is not an immune field to what Gage (1989) termed some two decades ago as the ―paradigm wars‖. This has been apparent since when, in response to Ariès, Archard (1993) wrote a thesis on children/childhood contradictive to that of his predecessor. He argues that the idea of childhood is neither the monopoly nor the novel invention of modern society. Indeed, it exists in ―all societies at all times‖ (p. 23), yet it has been seen differently across cultures, considering that each cultural group has its unique framework and ―paradigm‖ to construct its own ―childhood‖. This dispute, if not war, as Soto & Swadener (2002) indicate, seems to continue to emerge. It is in one hand an inevitable consequence of the development of new insights and approaches within the social studies, which permeates the childhood studies; on the other hand, it is a resistance to the arrogance of the universality claim of a certain, dominant paradigm. Bringing the paradigm war theory into the landscapes of the Indonesian children service, this paper assumes that there would be disputes and agreements between the local ideas of 30 children/childhood against those of the modern ideas. Before moving on to these issues, however, this paper will first clarify what it means by the ―local‖ and ―modern‖ ideas of children/childhood. Such clarification is important with respect to the following reasons. First, the multicultural nature of Indonesia necessitates a certain degree of confidence that a unique culture this paper explores is representative to portrait the Indonesian context in general. Secondly, the diversity of frameworks and actors involved in the modern discourses of childhood necessitates the existence of the dominant actors and perspectives. By the ―local‖ this paper refers to the cultural and religious artifacts in which the issues of childhood/children are addressed. The inclusion of both cultural and religious artifacts in this study is due to their significance for the Indonesian context of this study. More specifically, this paper takes Java and Islam as the point of departure. The use of Java as a cultural sample refers to the fact that this ethnic and cultural system is assumed as the most influential in the dynamics of the contemporary Indonesia. The same logic is also for the use of Islam: that Indonesia is the biggest Moslem country in the world. More importantly, even though Indonesia is not a theocratic state, yet since the late 1990s there has been a growing regional demand to Islamize the state. Thus, Java and Islam are used due to their formal and informal responsibilities for the most Indonesian policies. By the ―modern‖ this paper refers to the images of children/childhood held within the policy documents or other related texts. This may include, for example, documents or legal product either by the Indonesian government or international agencies. In practice, this paper aims to map the disputes and agreements between the images of childhood/children hold by the Javanese and Islamic artifacts and that of the modern agencies‘ documents. Specifically the following questions will be discussed throughout this paper. How are children/childhood perceived within the Javanese and Moslem artifacts?What are the aspects of both the Javanese and Islamic artifacts that are in conflict against the modern artifacts over the images of children/childhood?Are there any possible, intermediary media to bridge the competing ideas on children in Indonesia? In attempt to answer these questions, this paper will first briefly map the practice of children education in Indonesia, the characteristics of Javanese culture and the basic teachings of Islam. Early Childhood Education in Indonesia As it happens in many countries, children service in Indonesia is not the monopoly of the education sector. Indeed, as Anning (2006) says, and even tough the education authorities attempt to hold the whole services, still, it is a ―patchwork‖ of some related actors. As Unesco (2005, p. 10) reports, there at least seven governmental bodies in charge of children education and care services in Indonesia, i.e. Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Health, Ministry for Women Empowerment, Ministry of Home Affairs, and National Family Planning Coordination Board. Even the MONE has two different bodies in charge of the service: the SubDirectorate of Kindergarten and the Directorate for Early Childhood Education. The latter coordinates nonkindergarten services. In addition, just very recently, the government established the Indonesian Commission for Child Protection. The existing ―religious-secular‖ differentiation of the Indonesian education system has formally divided early childhood services into two different lanes. The first lane is the religious, ―Islamic‖ institutions coordinated by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, and the other, ―secular‖, ―non-Islamic‖ ones, are under the coordination of the Ministry of National Education.2 The most common form of children centers in Indonesia for both lanes is kindergarten (Taman Kanak Kanak, TK). Most Islamic children centers, however, use Arabic names: Raudhatul Athfal or Bustanul Athfal (RA/BA)—both have the same meaning ―children‘s garden‖, kindergarten. Other forms of children centers found in Indonesia include playgroup (Kelompok Bermain, KB), and childcare center (Tempat Penitipan Anak, TPA). The MOSW and MONE share responsibilities in the administration of these services, the former is responsible for the supervision whilst the later is in charge of the ―contents‖ services such as the curriculum for playgroups activities and development guideline for care centers. Playgroups may be found both in rural and urban areas—in the most cases they share the same place with kindergarten and are run as the lower grade prior to the kindergarten years. Childcare centers, on the other hand, are rarely found in rural areas. This might understandably refer to fact that mothers in the rural areas are less likely to access the public sectors, the common 2 I personally do not agree with the use of “Islamic” and “secular” since the term “Islamic” seems to necessitate a binary opposition: that “this” center is Islamic (good) others are “un-Islamic” (evil). The term “secular” education is even more controversial for it might be misunderstood as a group of education institutions promoting the ideas of secularism. This categorization, indeed, has nothing to do with such assumption, and in fact religious teachings a re taught in the secular lanes. In short, such differentiation is used in this paper in its very instrumental aim, for no other terms seem suitable as well as commonly used by most studies on the Indonesian education. 31 assumption that ―maternal employment is a major reason for using supplemental child care‖ (Atkinson, 1994). Java and the culture of Java Java is considered as the Indonesia‘s most important island. Other than its being of the most densely populated island within the archipelago, at the same time it is politically and economically the heart of Indonesia. Since the country independence in 1945, five out its six presidents are Javanese. Politically speaking, its supremacy is evident for example through the growing demand for a combination of Javanese and nonJavanese in the package of president and vice-president candidacy. The island is currently divided into six provinces, namely West Java, Jakarta Capital Territory, Banten, Central Java, East Java, and the Special Province of Yogyakarta. Data taken from the Indonesian Bureau of Statistics (www.bps.go.id) says that until 2000 the total population of these regions constitutes more than half of the national population. To define the truly ―Javanese‖ people, however, is a challenging, difficult task, and there need to be some ―necessary clarifications‖ (Magnis-Suseno, 1997, p. 9). To live in Java does not necessarily mean to be a Javanese. People of West Java, Banten, and part of East Java, indeed, do not speak the same language with that of people in Central Java and Yogyakarta—factually they are not Javanese. Accordingly, a group of people speaking the same Javanese language and live in the axis of Javanese culture, namely Central Java and Yogyakarta, are not necessarily the ―bearer of the Javanese culture‖. To set a limit for this study, therefore, this paper adopts the idea of ―Javanese culture‖ or ―Javanism‖ (kejawen) employed by Magnis-Suseno (1997), which is the practices extracted from ―a two-thousand year long process of 32 integration of Buddhist, Hindu, and Islamic elements‖ (p. 10). This syncretism is the social category, which is termed as ―abangan‖ variant by Clifford Geertz more than three decades ago in his The Religion of Java(1960, p. 5). Yet, with respect to the harsh criticisms against Geertz‘s categorization of Javanese society within contemporary Indonesian studies (Kim, 1996), this paper will not employ the term abangan. Studies into the Javanese culture, either by the foreign or Javanese scholars, have for long time identified two key elements that constitute its uniqueness compared to others, which are the principle of rukun and hormat(H. Geertz, 1961; Magnis-Suseno & Reksosusilo, 1983; Magnis-Suseno, 1997). The idea of ―rukun‖ simply means ―harmony‖, whilst ―hormat‖ means ―respect‖. However, in his English edition of Etika Jawa MagnisSuseno (1997, p. 42) tends to use ―conflict avoidance principle‖ as the synonym of ―rukun‖ instead of ―the principle of social harmony‖. He argues that the underlying idea within the rukun principle is the avoidance of ―all conduct which might upset the social harmony‖. In addition to these basic natures, in her study of three different cultural groups in Indonesia, Chandra (2004) found that the Javanese culture is also characterized by the sense of communalism, which views the importance of group over oneself, and the feudalist worldview. Moreover, she says that the Javanese people tend to be fatalistic to face the life whilst at the same time perceive it as ―a series of events full of miseries‖. Last but not least, the Javanese seems to tend to look backward in terms of their time orientation with only a slight orientation of ―presentism‖ and almost no sense of future. With these teachings, then Javanese people are expected to be andap asor (low profile) toward others, especially those who hold higher position. They are also taught to ―be content‖ in dealing with themselves and their surroundings and try not to be different from others or the existing mainstream. Considering the above pictures one might find that Javanese culture is the very stronghold of feudalism. Some feminist studies have even accused it as the part of repressive perpetuators of patriarchal ideologies. And especially prior and after ―Reformasi 1998‖, as shown by Robertson-Snape (1999) it has been accused of being the drive of the socalled KKN (korupsi-kolusi-nepotisme, corruption-collusion-nepotism). Yet, compared to others in Asia, still, it is amongst the greatest ones, writes MagnisSuseno (1984, p. 1). He said that over for two thousand years history, it has been flooded by myriad of strange values, yet it was neither isolated nor swept away. Sometime in the fourteenth century, Islam came into the island thenseized its kingdoms. Yet the new religion made Java neither stunted nor perished, indeed, Java has convincingly indigenized it and eventually shape a new variant, which is the ―Javanese Islam‖ according to Woodward (2001). The Voices of Children within the Javanese Artifacts Children or ―anak‖ in Java is a general term commonly used to refer to one‘s descendant. Thus, the idea of ―child/children‖ in Java does not link directly to the idea of certain stage of life. The Javanese also has the term ―bocah‖ which is specifically use to refer to a ―kid‖. Thus, when the word ―bocah‖ is used to refer to an adult or a group of adult, it almost certainly has a negative intention or impoliteness. With regard to the sociological suggestion that ―language influences the way people of the same culture perceive reality‖ (Kammeyer, Ritzer, & Yetman, 1990, p. 73), Javanese words and expression regarding children/childhood, therefore, are rich sources to reveal the living views on children in Java. Expression such as “Kowe iku isih bocah, ora kena…” (You still too young, you shouldn‘t/mustn‘t…), indicates that children and even young generation are viewed to be ―incompetent‖, ―incomplete‖ creatures. In her ethnography, Hildred Geertz (1961, p. 104) records a typical Javanese expression of upset: “Kowe baji, during ilang pupuk lumpujangmu, wani karo wong tuwamu!—You infant, you still have you pupuk lumpujang; how dare you oppose your elders‖. 3 This of course does not mean that adults are allowed to oppose their parent. With the pervasive influence of Javanese language on the national language, this expression now is also known in Bahasa Indonesia, which is ―anak bau kencur‖—you smell kencur. It is used more or less in the same way with the Geertz‘s finding. This section aims to provide a more detailed discussion of the Javanese images and notions of/on children. However, since the term ―notion‖ and ―image‖ might cover a huge range of issues surrounding children/childhood, this study will focus the discussion on the three main issues, namely; (1) the values of children in Javanese culture; (2) the range of childhood; and, (3) issues regarding the practices of children education. The values of children in Javanese culture In java, writes Hildred Geertz in 1961, ―children are much wanted and 3 This ethnography was written using the old Indonesian spelling system; currently the word baji must be spelled bayi, as the word lumpujang must be lumpuyang. Pupuk lumpujang is a mixture of some herbs and usually put on mbun-bunan (fontanel) of a Javanese newborn during its first days. Kencur is one of the herbs from which pupuklumpuyang is made. 33 enjoyed‖ (p. 83). Gerrtz‘s finding was then affirmed by a Javanese-origin scholar Koentjaraningrat (1985, p. 100). He says that not only are children much desired amongst the Javanese families, at the same time they are believed to ―give an atmosphere of warmth (anget) to the family‖. Moreover, the Javanese families also believe that ―if there is warmth in the family there is a calm and peace in the heart (tentrem)‖. It is not a surprise therefore that infertility is regarded as a source of unhappiness for a family. When the national program of Keluarga Berencana (Family Planning, birth control) has not been accepted in Indonesia, and life has not been as economically hard as the present time, it was not uncommon to find people saying ―banyak anak banyak rejeki‖ meaning ―many children, much fortune‖ which is to some extent could be understood too as the more children you have the richer you will be (Jellinek & Kiefer, 2002). Nowadays, however, even though many still hold this belief only a few of them practice it. Yet, the value of children as the medium of family‘s economic prosperity, however, continues to exist within the Javanese families. The above description clearly shows, at least, two fundamental values of children shared amongst Javanese family. The first, which is extracted from Geertz and Koentjaranigrat studies, might be formulated as the emotional value of children. The second value of children, derived from the notion of banyak anak banyak rejeki, is the economic value of children. The emotional values of children lay on the belief that their presence, as mentioned previously, will provide a family warmth and stability. The warmth the children give to family for example is documented in the cross-cultural study by Suckow & Klaus (2002) on the value of children of six different countries. Most of 34 Javanese couples believe that the presence of children in their life brings about reason to not get into conflict. Children therefore act as a compensation for the potentially disputing couple. The emotional value of children in Javanese family is also clear in the recent study of Andajani-Sutjahjo, Manderson, & Astbury (2007). With respect to the Javanese belief that life is a series of misery, this study clearly portraits the children role as the source of psychological consolation. The authors, for example record the following remark by a typical Javanese lady: Before I had the baby I felt sad and sometimes cried. After having him, I do not feel sad anymore. Now I just have arguments with my husband, not a big deal. Last time the fight was about money. There is a belief that children bring rejeki(luck), isn‘t there? Now I feel that our life is better. Studies into the economic values of children in Java has been done so far, for example, by Nag, White, & Peet (1978) who did their research in the rural areas of Yogyakarta and compared with the highland villages in Nepal. This study found that children in Java children have started to do some jobs since their early years, from around the age of 6 to 8. The types of the job the Javanese children involved include the household maintenance and activities, which are directly productive. During their early years, the rural Javanese boys and girls have spent almost 4 hours per day working for their family. Their working activities include both unpaid, household maintenance activities and activities which are directly productive for the family‘s economy; nevertheless, most of their working hours are for the household maintenance activities. The boys seem to do more economically productive activities, whilst the girls did more domestic chores. Nevertheless, the girls seem to be earlier, compared to boys, in terms of their involvement in the directly paid jobs. The researchers assume that this is related to fact that the boys attend the school service more than their female siblings—a practice resulted from the Javanese preference of boys to girls. Yet, a report by Megawangi (1997) affirms that there is an strong growing tendency that boys and girl are equally desired amongst Javanese family. The economic values of children, is currently changing from the family‘s agents to the family economic burden. This situation is clearly shown the in the following story of Mimin, a pseudonym of a Javanese lady, narrated by Jellinek & Kiefer (2002): Mimin loved being surrounded by children. She had twelve, of whom nine survived, and she struggled to provide for them. Three of Mimin's children died of cholera. She had taken each to the hospital, but without money, they were not treated. From an early age, each child was taught to be responsible. Some sold newspapers, or shined shoes to add to the family's income. Each child, even if they worked, had to go to school. Her view—many children, much fortune ('banyak anak, banyak rejeki')—was typical of Indonesians at that time. Other form of economic value of children in Java is related to the parent‘s old-age security. The practice of sending elderly people to nursing house does not exist in the Javanese society. It is even considered to be a taboo. The economic value of children related to old-age security system in Javanese families has been clearly revealed for example in the study of Clifford Geertz (1960), Hildred Geertz (1961), Koentjaraningrat (1985) and Nag et al. (1978). Hildred Geertz (p. 83) notes, most Javanese think that ―Even if you are very rich, the kind of care your children give you cannot be bought‖. According to Koentjaraningrat (p. 100) this is because the Javanese ―feels more secure and bolder the more people he has about him‖. Certainly, this is something has to do with the spirit of communalism, as one of the Javanese axioms says ―mangan ora mangan kumpul‖ (either we can eat or not the most important is we gather). The range of childhood Even though the Javanese word for ―child‖, anak, does not directly link to a specific range of age, yet the idea of the range of childhood has already existed. The ethnography of Geertz (1961) found that Javanese society perceive their children under seven as ―durung djawa‖ (currently people tend to express it as ―durung njawani‖), means that they have ―not yet Javanese‖—even though hereditarily they are Javanese. The idea of ―durung djawa‖ indicates two important issues. Firstly, the age of seven is viewed as the transition phase to be a slightly competent individual. It is not difficult to find out a mother advising her son that if he was seven years old, it means he is responsible of his own bad deeds. The age of seven is viewed as the transition to the stage of ngerti dosa (applicable of sins). This idea might be borrowed from the Islamic 35 tradition—as it is reported, once the Prophet allowed parents to beat their seven-year old children in case they are reluctant to perform prayers. Yet whether or not the Javanese has adopted Islamic teachings in this matter, it needs further studies to confirm. Even the idea of sin in Islam is related to the idea of legal maturity (mukallaf), which is based on the individual bio-physical maturity. Thus, if the stage ―durung njawani‖ is to be the base for childhood range, it means that childhood in Java ends at the age of six or seven. The second crucial issue is that childhood is not only a biological or chronological matter. Rather, it involves the external, psychological and cultural factors, which is the process of selfinternalization of the Javanese teachings in general (Magnis-Suseno, 1997). Indeed, within the idea of ―durung djawa‖ lays the notion that a child is an ―incompetent‖, ―incomplete‖ creature. Even though practically this idea is not wrong yet there might be endless consequences of this belief. Seeing that children are incompetent is at the same time means that children are voiceless being. Consequently they have neither specific needs to be fulfilled nor rights to be deserved. Javanese ideas of children education The ultimate goal of Javanese children education and developemnt, as Geertz (1961) and Koentjaraningrat (1985) indicate, it seems, is to guide children to fully internalize the Javanese teachings and politeness (njawani). Ruslan Abdulgani, (1974), shares his childhood experience, which is typically Javanese families‘ expectation over their children, as follows: Mother also asked that, after we were grown up and independent, we children remember to be sing Jowo, 36 which translates roughly as "Javanese in thought" or simply "truly Javanese." By giving us a number of examples, Mother made clear that "sing Jowo" meant being polite, friendly and open towards others, cooperative, helpful, and so forth. All this was especially important when it came to the relationship between children and their parents, and in this regard "sing Jowo" also meant to be helpful to parents, to support them when they were no longer able to do so themselves, and to give them tender loving care. I often heard my mother discussing with some of her friends the sad stories of certain children they knew who, although they had risen in society and were doing well, paid no attention to their parents. They were called ndak Jowo, which literally meant "not Javanese." The same term was often used by kampung people in a somewhat different sense, meaning "crazy" (gila) or "cracked" (sinting). The story of Abdulgani points out two important things within the practice of Javanese education: the ―contents‖ of education and children‘s ―position‖ within the family. The contents of education in Java, more or less, are equal to families or parents‘ expectation over their children, which is mostly the expectation of to be ―sing Jowo‖. It is expectation about what means to be good (njawani) children, which is according to the Abdulgani‘s language means ―being polite, friendly and open towards others, cooperative, helpful‖ to others not less importantly to the parent. In this sense, the content of Javanese education is seemingly more cultural and ethical in nature instead of personal or intellectual. It is more cultural since none in what Abdulgani lists resembles the voice of children as person. In a slightly different language Farver & Wimbarti (1995) state that the children education and bearing in general emphasizes more on the emotional development. Education is aimed to push children to learn to be rukun (harmonious, and consequently conflict avoidant); to maintain the state of slamet (order); to be manut (obedient), and, to develop the attitude of tepaselira (empathy). In line with these contents, thus children‘s own voices are seemingly less acknowledged. Children are viewed as a small cultural being, part of the cultural and social machine of the Javanese culture. Yet, the relationship between the part and the whole is seemingly not equal, since children have to subject to their surroundings‘ expectation. Closing remark: tensions in the Indonesian discourse of childhood Along with the Javanese values of children, there have been also in Indonesia the values shared amongst the government bodies. This paper defines the latter as the official discourses of children. These values of children have been translated into some regulations or other legal products. These may include some regulation and acts such as the Act No. 20 of 1999 on the Enactment of the ILO Convention No. 138 Concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment (UU No. 20 tahun 1999 tentang Pengesahan Konvensi ILO No. 138 Mengenai Usia Minimum untuk Diperbolehkan Bekerja), the Act No. 23 of 2002 on Children Protection (UndangUndang RI No. 23 tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak). Also, the Act No. 20 of 2003 on the National System of Education (Undang-Undang RI Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional) including its there-under regulation of the Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 on the Standards of the National Education (Pemerintah No. 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan). Not less importantly is the President Decree No. 23 of 2003 on the Establishment of the Indonesian Commission for Children Protection. Central to this official value is the modern idea of childhood, which is based on the principle of clear separation between childhood and adulthood (Archard, 1993, p. 31). In addition, the state‘s value of children is based on the instrumental rationality, which sees children as an economic agent. The Indonesian government, as do other governments of the world, believes that children an potential citizens, and therefore, young children education is considered to be an ―investment for a better life‖ (Chang et al., 2006), or even the best ―economic development tool‖ (Noble, 2005; Gutama, 2006). At a glance, the Indonesian official values of children parallel—if not shares the same idea with—that of the Javanese one: that is children as the either short or long term economic investment. The difference is only on the scale of the benefits expected from the children. However, a deep look into these two discourses will find at least two differences and tensions that may be list as follows. Firstly, in the heart of the government documents are the notions that children are not only an economic development tools, but also a unique creature holding a set of specific natures and rights to deserve. On the other hand, the rights of children are less acknowledged in the Javanese culture. Children merely are taught to serve others, to follow the mainstream. Secondly, the government documents are built on the notion of individual freedom, whilst the Javanese 37 value of children is based on the principle of social harmony. Bringing these two contradictive principles into practice will find a totally difference approach to children; one will emphasize creativity, self-independence, whilst the other emphasizes the dominance of adult over young children. There need further study as well as serious, more systematic effort to better understand such contradicting values. 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FAMILY-BASED CHARACTER EDUCATION Khoiriyah University of Muhammadiyah Jember. Abstract The individual character is someone‘s original identity life, which distinguishes him from others. A good character of a person indicates him a good person. When a community consists of good persons, it becomes ideal community. The individual character is drawn trough the education, and the first major influential education begins from early childhood in the family. So, the best character education is which based on the family, related to the pattern of parenting used by the parents. There are three kinds of parenting: permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative. According to the character education the pattern of authoritative is better than the two others, which make the children grow as an independent person but remain under the parent‘s control. Keywords: character, education, family Background The family is the smallest unit of society which individuals live and interact one each other. As every individual (child) first getting to know the world is from the family and hence the family becomes a miniature world. Parents as the primary controller among the family have an important role in determining the pattern and colors of life for all individuals of the family members, especially children. In other words, the quality and character of these individuals formed primarily through family contact with parental control. Everyone gets his early education through the family, the education that focuses on the basic needs of the very simple daily life, related to health, cleanliness, and comfort. Along with the condition, character education and good habits building with values measurement can be done. The values are based on traditions, norms, and religion or belief. Through the family the parents are preparing for their children being able to live well and become the next generation for their parents and families. Basically every parent desires their children grow and develop to be healthy, intelligent, and well behaved. Children who grow and develop healthy and intelligent, and well behaved in their daily lives, they will be superior and strong to face many challenges in the future. In order to prepare them to face future challenges well, there should be efforts done by parents or family, because good next generation will not exist by themselves. They need a social environment deliberately created for it, which allows the children potency to grow optimally so they become more healthful, intelligent and well behaved. To reach the desires and hopes, there are some things must be observed and performed by the family or parents, which is related to social and psychological or spiritual aspects of the individuals. Related to physical aspects (health, food, shelter, etc.) and spiritual ones (religious, moral, intellectual, educational, etc.), the mentioned items should be concerned, mainly due to changes of social values are character building or moral education. 41 The Concept of Character Education Moral development or character education is an ongoing process and should last for lifetime. The children will grow in a characterized personality if they grow in an environment of characterized as well. Thus, the nature of every child can be developed optimally. Qualified characters need to be established and nurtured from early childhood, as it is a critical period for building a person's character. The failure of character building in someone‘s early age will cause troubled personal future in his adult life. (Megawangi, 2009: 21). Akhmad Sudrajat (2010) states that the character education a system of character values building for the students, includes the components of knowledge, awareness or desire, and action to implement the values, toward the Almighty God, himself, others, and social environment to be perfect individual. For the character education in schools, all components of stakeholders should be involved, including the components of education itself, namely the content of curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, quality relationships, handling or management subjects, school management, the activities implementation or co-curricular activities, infrastructure empowerment, financing, and all social ethics and the school environment. (http://akhmadsudrajat.wordpress.com/201 0/08/20/pendidikan-karakter-). The word "character" belongs to Karen Bohlin as quoted by Megawangi (2009: 23) derived from Greek words charassein means carve to form a pattern. The word character is synonymous with "nature". The word Nature means "the inner nature that affect the thoughts and behavior; manners; basic nature". Thus the character or nature in this sense relates to human beings as having an inner dimension more than the physical dimension from the birth. In the 42 inner dimension the mind, behavior, manner, and basic human nature is determined by the character or personality traits. The word "karakter" in Bahasa Indonesia also adapted from the word "character" which means "a combination of special circumstances to a person or a place that makes it different from others", as mentioned in the Cambridge Dictionary Online: the particular combination of qualities in a person or place That makes them different from others.(http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dic tionary/british/character_1). It means that the character is a distinctive manner or the nature of a person, which makes it markedly different from others. The distinctive character and qualities that can be displayed in speech, attitude, and deed. As quoted from Thomas Lickona by Megawangi (2009: 102), a character contained of three parts which are interrelated with each other, i.e. moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral behavior. Good character consists of knowing the good, loving or desiring the good, and good acting. Moreover, it can be said that the character or the manner is related to a set of attitudes, behaviors, motivations, and skills. With the character someone can apply the value of kindness in the form of action or good behavior, and therefore called the "man of character" or "noble character". Conversely, people who are dishonest, cruel, greedy, and such behavior, he is called "uncharacterized" or "having bad character". The noble individual is who has a noble character that reflected in his potential that comes with the noble and positive values. Within the noble individual there are noble and positive values, such as: self-confident, rational, critical, analytical, creative, innovative, independent, healthy life, responsible, patient, cautious, trustworthy, honest, keeping promises, fair, humble, helpful, forgiving, loyal, hard working, diligent, persistent, thorough, initiative, discipline, anticipation, initiative, visionary, enthusiastic, dynamic, efficient, dedicative, productive , friendly, aesthetic, and so on. Characterized individual or superior individual is who constantly strive to realize and do good thing and the best, in relation to the Almighty God, themselves, others, society, environment, nation, country, and all mankind to optimize the inherent potential with awareness and good motivation. Dimensions of Character Education The developed values in the character education in Indonesia according to Zubaedi (2011: 73) derived from four sources: namely religion, the philosophy of Pancasila, the national culture, and the national educational goals. a. Religious Values Indonesian society is well known as a religious society, whose the various matters of their life are often based on religious values or beliefs. So any character education must be based on norms and values embedded in religion and belief. b. Values of Pancasila Pancasila is the foundation of the ideals of the Indonesian people life, which there are values that govern political life, legal, economic, social, cultural, and art. Character education aimed for preparing the students to become citizens who have ability, willingness, and applying the values contained in Pancasila for the citizen life. c. Cultural Values That no one lives among his society that is having not relation to the social culture. The cultural values are one of the foundations of social life and mutual communication between members of the society, and thus cultural values become important. The character education introduce the students to appreciate the noble values that are parts of the community life. d. National Education Goals In Act No. 20 of 2003 on The National Education System, stated that the purpose of national education is, as mentioned in Article 3, regarding the function and purpose: "The function of the National Education is to develop ability and skills and form the character and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed to improve the potential of learners in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, becoming democratic citizens, and responsible ". The goal of the national education is a formula that must be achieved, and the quality belongs to every Indonesian citizen, by developing potential through kinds and ranks of education. Furthermore, from the sources of these values can be identified a number of values in the character education (Zubaedi, 2011: 74-75) to achieve a good life, as follows: 1. Religiosity or religious life, is the attitude and behavior that obedient to implement the teachings of religion professed and believed, tolerate or appreciate and be able to live in harmony with other faith followers. 2. Honesty, the attitudes and behavior based on an effort to make ourselves as a trustworthy person in words and actions. 3. Tolerance, the attitudes and actions that respect the person or others despite differences in religious background, ethnicity, class, customs, views, streams, and other primordial backgrounds. 4. Discipline, namely attitudes and actions that demonstrate the behavior 43 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. of an orderly and obedient to the rules and regulations. Spirit, the attitudes and actions that show seriousness in dealing with various problems and obstacles, and seek problem solving. Creativity, thoughts, attitudes, and actions to find a new way of what was existing to reach something better. Independence, the attitudes and actions that do not allow ourselves depended on others in solving a problem or deal with the tasks. Democratic, the thoughts, attitudes, and actions that respect the rights of individuals who live together in social society. Nationalism, the attitudes and actions based on an awareness to put the interests of the nation and the country beyond self-interest, group, or class. Patriotism, the attitudes and actions that reflect the willingness and loyalty to nation and state. Care, which reflects the attitudes and actions alignments to something good in relation to social and natural environment. Responsibility, the attitudes and actions that reflect an awareness that all words and actions which appear to be followed by consideration of the rights of both in the presence of fellow human beings and in the presence of God. Family Role in the Character Education Family is the closest environment of every individual, as well as for children where the parents are their firstly teachers. In this case the family is the main support character education for children. It is suitable to statement of a prominent Egyptian poet, Ahmad Syauqi, which states that "the mother is like a school, if you prepare her well means you prepare the presence of a good nation". (http://www.ebnmasr.net/ forum / 44 t1080.html). In his other statement he mentioned that "the existence of a nation can be measured from the morality, if they lose their morality means the nation has gone". (http://ejabat.google.com/ ejabat / thread? Tid = 70a594fbb58695ba). The family plays a major role in the character education as institution to educate, nurture and socialize the children, develop their ability to participate well in the social life. The family becomes the basis of character education. From the family, from early age the children learn and recognize the concept of good and bad, appropriate and inappropriate, right and wrong. That is, from the family, individual know and learn values, norms, morals, and ethics. The values trusted will be reflected in the character, so from the family the character education process should begin. The education in this family will determine how far a child will be more mature, committed to the norms or certain moral values, and determine how he has awareness and sensitivity to the environment. In a family, father and mother as the core subjects play the most important role. With the role of father and mother the children are expected to learn and to know about love, so that the nuclear family becomes a school of love or a place to learn true love and compassion, as such Ahmad Syauqi‘s statement. Family-based character education will achieve success or get failure determined by pattern of parenting as applied by the parents for their children. Similarly, the success of character education for the children depends on how the parents take an approach of parenting. John W. Santrock (2007: 133) mentioned that in the moral development of children related to the quality of relationship and attachment between parent and children. A secure attachment may place a child in a positive path for the purpose of socialization of parents and family values. There are three patterns of parenting applied by parents in the education of the family, namely: permissive parenting, authoritarian parenting, and authoritative parenting. As quoted from http://organisasi.org, which can be described as follows: 1. Permissive Parenting Permissive parenting is a type of pattern of parenting in which parents are loose, giving liberty, not really caring to the child. There is no guidance from the parents, or parental control and supervision is lacking. So whatever the child do, is always allowed and condoned by the parents. For example, children do not go to school, doing a lot of immorality, promiscuity negative, materialistic attitudes, and so forth. In this pattern, the child becomes in a dominant position. Usually the pattern of such parenting is caused by the condition of the parents who are too busy with work, or other matters that eventually make the parents forget to educate and nurture the children well. In this way the needs of the child only fulfilled with material or property only, and how the child will grow up and develop into anything is depended to the child. The Child cared with such pattern of parenting will develop to be child with lack of attention, feeling no means, inferior, bad, having poor social skills, poor self-control, less respect for others, and so on, weather in young or early age or in adult, which finally he does not know the rules and social norms, and has no sense of responsibility. 2. Authoritarian Parenting Authoritarian parenting is the pattern of parenting that coercive, harsh, and stiff. Parents make several rules rigid and must be followed by the child without considering the child‘s feelings or condition. The parents will be angry and express emotionally if the child doing something not in accordance with the wishes of the parents. In this pattern the dominant power is in the parents‘ side. The Child is recognized as if he does not have a choice. The parents‘ control of the child is very tight. If a child commits an offense or not comply with the provisions made by the parents then the child will receive a mental or physical punishment. The punishment will be given to the child so that he is obedient and disciplined and respect his parents. The child who grows like this way usually is not happy, feel paranoid, or is always in fear, easily upset and depressed, happy to be outdoors, hate their parents, and others. The child under the care of the authoritarian parenting will be quiet, timid and do not believe in themselves. But behind this condition, it is sometimes with the authoritarian parenting the child can be more independent, can be fit to his parents‘ expectation, more disciplined, and having more responsibility in his life. 3. Authoritative Parenting Authoritative parenting is the pattern of care where the parents give their child the freedom to be creative and explore different things according to the ability of child, with either the control or supervision of their parents. The pattern of this parenting is a suited way and better method to be applied by parents to their children. Authoritative parenting will always appreciate the individuality, but still emphasizes the need for rules and regulation. They are very confident in their parenting and appreciate the decisions made by the child, interest and opinions and personality differences of the children. The parents who practiced this model will give love to their children but remain firm in keeping the rules. They also will give a light punishment but in a warm situation 45 and a relationship of mutual support. They explain all the actions and punishment that they do. The children who are cared in such pattern will feel so calm and comfortable. They will come to understand that they are loved but at the same time to understand what expected by the parents. So the children from an early age will become more independent, able to control themselves, usually to be firm. The children growing up with an authoritative pattern of parenting will be a cheerful, fun, creative, intelligent, confident and open to parents, respect and honor to their parents, not being stress and depression, getting well success, and appreciated by their social environment. In the family, the existence of a mother emotionally and psychologically is closer to her child. Therefore the mother should be able to play good role as model for her child either in spoken, attitude, and action. As the statement "Mother is like a school", so in this character building the mother plays a big role. While the existence of the father as the head of household also must be capable of being a good role model. Because the father who is involved with his children early will affect the development potential of the child, whether cognitive, affective, and motor, and even improve a better ability more than other children. The closeness with the father of course also affects the child's character building. For the children, the existence of mother and father is as a figure or role model who will always be imitated by children. Therefore, mother and father should be able to show their attitude, actions, and words of good that can be a good example for children, giving the good parenting and provide for the fair. With the proper role of the parents in educating and nurturing children, the children will grow and develop in a good 46 and optimal development. With good parenting the child will grow into a characterized child, identify his identity, so that the child develop into a good personality. Conclusion The character is an identity of each individual that distinguish one apart from others. A good man is one with the character or the noble spirit. Good of society or nation is if the community or nation is made up of people who have a noble character. Instead the community or nation is considered bad if the individuals of them are people with a bad character. The most ideal character building is if expressed in terms of character development or education from an early childhood, when children are just beginning to grow and develop. Growth and development of children is ideal if they get attention from their immediate environment, the appropriate form of parenting. Family is first and foremost environment known by the children, so in the family the children know character and personality which are formed, and will affect the children‘s future development. Such is the role of parents in building the character and the child development. Therefore the best option for the parents then is to adopt an authoritative parenting which treated in a balanced way for children, not a pattern of abusive parenting (authoritarian) or permissive one. With the prism of current state, it's the time for the parents to make over the role to develop character and give an opportunity to grow optimally so that the child becomes qualified generation. The qualified children in the present is an asset for the future of the family, community, and nation. References Aqib, Zainal dan Sujak. 2011. Panduan & Aplikasi Pendidikan Karakter. Bandung: Yrama Widya. Barnawi dan M. Arifin. 2012. Strategi dan Kebijakan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Karakter. Yogyakarta: Arruzz Media. Gunawan, Heri. 2012. Pendidikan Karakter Konsep dan Implementasi. Bandung: Alfabeta. Megawangi, Ratna. 2009. Pendidikan Karakter Solusi yang Tepat untuk Membangun Bangsa. Cimanggis: Indonesia Heritage Foundation. Santrock, John W. 2007. Perkembangan Anak. Jakarta: Erlangga. Undang-Undang RI Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Zubaedi. 2011. Desain Pendidikan Karakter Konsepsi dan Aplikasinya dalam Lembaga Pendidikan. Jakarta: Kencana Predana Media Group. http://akhmadsudrajat.wordpress.c om/2010/08/20/pendidikankarakterhttp://dictionary.cambridge.org/di ctionary/british/character_1 http://ejabat.google.com/ejabat/thr ead?tid=70a594fbb58695ba http://organisasi.org http://www.ebnmasr.net/forum/t10 80.html 47 DEVELOPING CHILDREN’S CHARACTERTHROUGH ISLAMIC GUIDANCE ANDCOUNSELLING DEVELOPMENTIN THEFAMILY SETTING Anwar Sutoyo Lecturer of Guidance Councelling of Postgraduate Program of Semarang State University Abstract In line with developments in information technology, there is the tendency of characters such as polite, friendly, polite, religious, and like to work together (mutual aid) to be dwindling. The opposite behaviors like rude, cruel, violent, unlawful, hostility between the groups (ethnic, village, school, college, even among the faculty) are becoming increasingly prominent. This phenomenon indicates that the character of this nation is declining. This is possible because it treats the scenes of violence and asocial behavior that appears through the electronic media that can be viewed and copied at any time. On the other hand, the role of family in helping the development of children‘s potency is very important because the family (father-mother) is the important place and area in which the children were born and raised, from where children learn to develop a conscience and emotions, and in which children learn about the environment and interact in ways appropriate. Although the role of family is so important, but not all families are able to perform that role well. It may be caused by a mistake in choosing a potential husband or wife, providing for the family, educating children, crisis, and lack of parental supervision. Looking at the weaknesses of the above, for the idea of prevention—in packaging development guidance and counseling –that might be done by the family in helping develop the potential of biological, psychological, social and faith of a child, the family can grow and develop optimally the children into individual noble character as expected the nation, according to age level and also in line with the will of his Creator, Allah the Almighty. Key words: Developing Children‟s Character, Islamic Guidance and Counselling, Family Setting Background of the Problem The family is the foundation stone for the establishment of physical, spiritual and faith of a child. The family (fathermother) formed a human candidate that was born and raised. In a family environment a child learns to recognize names of objects and people around him, and how to interact with all truely. From the family a child can learn to develop a conscience and his emotions. From the family environment a child is also taught to know God and worship Him, through the example and advice of parents and family members in everyday life. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that the 48 family is part of the key of success for the life of a child in the future. Although the role of family is important, but not all families understand and are able to perform that role well, it is possible because (1) a mistake in choosing a future husband or wife, the result is not obtained as expected offspring, (2) providing for an error in the family, the children grew up with food/drinks that are not kosher, as a result children tend to think bad, (3) errors in educating or choosing a place of education for children, as a result of a potential child cannot develop optimally, (4) a model of family crisis, especially those parents, as a result of children would not have a handle or reference to the right to develop themselves, and (5) lack of parental supervision leads children grow without a clear direction because they are confused blindly by what is happening in the neighborhood. Observing the mistakes of the implementation guidance in the family and its possible consequences as indicated above, the ideas presented in this paper— in packaging development guidance and counseling—might be done by the family in helping develop the potential, biological, psychological, social and faithful children. With the hope that they can grow and develop optimally match the age and also in line with the will of his Creator. This paper was prepared with the base principles of psychology and religion. Psychology and religion are important that can guide humans as the creation of Allah the Almighty. God is certainly more aware of strengths and weaknesses. God is certainly more aware of existing potentials in humans and how to develop it properly, and God certainly knows better the problems faced by humans and how best to solve them. Psychological theories can be used to understand humans and also to understand the verses of the Quran. Good Character and Behaviour Good character is generally seen as a moral character and good behavior in living this life. Individual whose behavior does not correspond to the values of social policies is seen as virtuous character. The lack of manners on the behavior of a person causes the person to be seen as abnormal because of his behavior incompatible with the surrounding environment. Therefore, people who do not have a good character tends to be shunned by their families and surrounding communities. In the Islamic perspective, character is identical with the "morality", the person who has a good character is seen as a good people and the person who has a bad character viewed as a bad people. Equations on both relate to a person's behavior that causes a person's behavior is deemed good or bad. The difference is the source of good or bad judgment, the character comes from customs, culture, social norms and laws of the community, being the source of moral norms are religious values. Judging from the consequences, people tend to be more virtuous character is received by the surrounding environment. People who do not do that will get social punishment because of the out of favor, not reprimanded, to the left unchecked, even they could be jailed. Being a good character people is acceptable to God as "worship", and for those who are not good character can cause him hated by God and get a reprimand or punishment from God. Good moral character is important for the lives of individuals in society and in the presence of his Lord. Both can be taught within the family, schools, and communities through learning, training, and example of the neighborhood since the child is still an early age. Both also include a very similar words, actions, thoughts, attitudes, feelings, desires, and the work of a person. Therefore, in assessing a person's character whether is is virtuous or not, good character or not can also be seen on the good character coverage, whether in some aspect of that is in conformity or not with the norms of the reference. Development ofGuidanceandCounselling-Islami InBlocher(1974: 6-7)—who wrotea book entitled"Developmental Counseling" -a formula thatis not foundintactonthe development ofguidanceandcounseling, butthe core 49 ofthe development ofguidanceandcounselingwas found to beaneffort tohelp individualsachieveindependence(humanfre edom),fullyaware ofyourself, andhavethe properwaysto respond toenvironmental influences. Schmidt(1999: 31)formulatesunderstandingdevelopmental guidanceand counselingas ……. activities and services that are designed to help student focus on the attainment of knowledge and skills for developing healthy life goals and acquiring the behaviors to reach these goals. Sometimes these activities are delivered in large or small group guidance sessions appropriate for all student, and other times they are designed specially for targed audiences in small group counseling sessions. From the above formula can be understood that the development of guidance and counseling is a service or activity that is designed to help individuals develop the knowledge and skills to achieve a healthy life and have the proper behavior to reach that goal. Sometimes this activity is done in the form of small or large group guidance in accordance with the conditions of students, and on another occasion is performed in small groups. In the perspective of Islamic guidance and counseling, guidance and counseling of Islamic development is defined as "efforts to help individuals in developing potential—physical, spiritual, and faith—by empowering the faith, reason, and the willingness of the favors of Allah the Almighty. The study to implement the guidance of Allah and His Messenger is naturally exists in individuals that develop in accordance with the true and solid guidance of Allah". 50 From the above formula it appears that the development of Islamic guidance and counseling is the activity that is "helping", because it helps individuals to live according to God's direction (straight path) that can save them. Because the position of counselor to be helpful, then the consequences of individuals who have to actively learn to understand and implement the guidance as well as Islam (Al-Quran and the Sunnah of His Messenger). In the end it is expected that individuals survive and gain true happiness in the world and the hereafter, rather than the misery and squalor in the world and the hereafter. A person who helps the counselor is a believer who has a deep understanding and obeying God's guidance 2 . Assistance is primarily shaped encouragement and assistance 3 in understanding and the practice of Islamic law. By understanding and the practice of Islamic law that is expected of all the potential that God gave the individual may develop optimally. Finally, individuals are expected to be a servant of God as muttaqin mukhlasin, mukhsisnin, and mutawakkilin; the farthest from the temptations of Satan, furthest from the action ma'siat, and sincerely carry out the worship of God. Individuals who assisted the man—not an animal after death, no longer the responsibility of the individual— is seen as a "servant of God" that must always be submissive and obedient to Him. Man was created not just for fun, but there are commands that must be done and the restrictions that should be shunned, and there are rules to be obeyed. Therefore, through guidance activities, individual need to introduce who he really is, and rules must be obeyed and the ban should be shunned, and they must be responsible to what they did while living in the world. In learning to understand oneselves, to understand the rules to obey God, they often fail, so they need special help so-called "counseling". The direction taken is towards the development of nature or potential includes the potential of faith in it, physically, spiritually and nafs. From this formula can be understood that the encouragement and assistance to learn is intended to gradually develop the individual to be able to return to nature and at the same time to develop the nature which God gave him. From the above formula it appears that the Islamic guidance and counseling development is not merely "developmental" but also "clinical". The meaning in counseling Quranic religious values (Al-Quran) is not only used as a reference for the development of nature but also a reference in solving the problems faced by individuals. The Islamic guidance and counseling development is not just oriented to traditional counseling, but more than it is the potential for more development in accordance with the guidance of Allah, the Almighty. There is some scholarly opinions about the purpose of nature, they are words are written in the letter ar-Rum verse 30. Some argue that (1) nature in question is the belief in the oneness of Allah the Almighty. God has implanted in every human being4 . (2) the nature of truth and acceptance of individual stability in the uptake, (3) nature as the creation of a state or condition contained in man which makes it potentially—through the nature of it—being able to know God and His Laws, and (4) nature as elements and systems which Allah bestowed upon every creature. In this paper the question is the elements of nature are as a given and the system of God to every human being, it includes elements of physical, spiritual, and nafs; in which the nature of "faith in God" to his core. The potential of faith is seen as "core" because if one's faith has grown and functioning properly, then the other potentials (physical, spiritual, and nafs) will develop and function well too. Therefore in this paper the discussion is focused on developing the nature of faith. Short-term goals achieved through the guidance are that individuals understand and comply with the guidance of the Quran. With the achievement of short-term it is expected that mentored individuals have true faith, and gradually improve the quality of obedience to Allah, who appeared in the form of obedience to God's laws in a vertical relationship with God (hablum minallah) and horizontal relationship with fellow humans (hablum minannas). In conducting a relationship with God and with man, there is God's guidance that must be met, that is the character (Ahlaq). Long-term goals achieved through the development of Islamic Guidance and Counceling is individuals who are mentored could gradually develop into a personal kaffah, namely individuals who are smart and well obey God ('pious and Salih), which in turn could live happily in the world and the hereafter. In helping develop the individual nature, which is used as the main reference handbook, is the "Guide to God" is a book of Holy Quran and the Sunnah of His Messenger. The choice of "Guide to God" as the main reference for the consideration, that: (1) God is the Creator of man, He is certainly more aware of human‘s strengths and weaknesses, and to manage the strengths and weaknesses. He created the guide in the form of the Holy Book and the Sunnah of His Messenger, (2) God created human beings with all its potential. It should be certainly more aware of the purpose and benefits. Allah knows best how your way to develop and make it work, (3) the purpose of Allah created human beings is as the caliph and to worship Him and the worship should be conducted in accordance with God's guidance. If human behavior is guided by 51 God's guidance, then there goes the value of his worship, and (4) scientifically it is recognized that the Holly Book has the absolute, universal truth value and applies it throughout the ages; if counseling refers to the values contained in the Holly Book and the Sunnah, it is believed the the result can be more optimal. However, the Quranic counseling is not prohibited to use reference from science, to the extent not in conflict with the religious beliefs. Human Characteristics According to Al-Quran Basing on the verses of the Quran and statements of the Prophet, it is found that there is a few "characteristics" that distinguish humans with other creatures; the characteristics are: 1. God created human beings composed of two elements that cannot be separated from one another, the physical elements and the divine spirit (mind and spirit) (The Quran, 38: 7). Physical is the biological aspects of being prepared as a spiritual place. Spiritual element is not contained in the creature type of the jinn, demons, and animals. With the spiritual, man is able to know God, feeling fine and noble berakhlaq. 2. Humans since the origin of events come with a "nature religion" that recognizes the oneness of Allah and submits to Him (Quran, 30: 30). 3. God created human beings that are equipped with a mind, which allows humans able to distinguish between right and wrong. 4. Allah has created human beings with feelings that allow humans to know things that are hidden and subtle. 5. Humans cannot know with certainty what they earned tomorrow or what they earned, yet they were obliged to seek. 6. Allah has created human beings with a conscience (fu'ad) and "qalb‖, unlike other types of animals that only come 52 with hearing and vision. The heart allows humans to think outside the senses and the details. Then they drive to a general nature, and in turn generate the laws of a general nature and thorough. 7. There is a place to stay for people born before the father and the coccyx after birth of the earth until settlement deadline, there is also a storage place before the birth is in the womb and after birth to the world and then die and the storage is in the grave before heading to the life in heaven or hell. 8. To every individual there are two angels who always follow by turns in front and behind, they keep the commandments of God. Humans are not fully able to control and maintain themselves because not a few things that is beyond their means. There many good things that people expect, but it proves detrimental to his own. Man's knowledge of himself is also limited. 9. People have been always watched by two angels who keep records of what was done, whether good or bad deeds. Note that later will be offered to men in the day then in the form of a charity record book. Each individual will find out later what was once done and neglected during the life of the world. 10. Each individual will get a reward for what he did, for individual who fears God, and he was able to control his desires, then his place is in heaven. If there are individuals who are being sent to hell, it is because of their own actions, each individual who commits sin is borne alone and consequently cannot be charged to other individuals. Conclusion and Suggestions Based on the above presentation, it can be concluded that (1) the development of character is not only started since early childhood, but early away from it can be started from choosing a potential husband or wife, the husband or the wife‘s true faith, a descendant of a good, knowledgeable and good (pious) personal (2) that "the quality of seeds of the child" (sperm cells and egg cells) must be good, then all family members must be fed with lawful property both substance and way of getting it, (3) The main supervisor is the person parents, and then supported by family members who live at home or close to the child, (4) things you can do as mentors (both parents) to help developing character are: to (a) implanting true (aqeedah) with all its consequences, (b) help the child understand his religious guidance, (c) helping the child implement the teachings of the religion of the little things to major things that the appropriate level of development, (d) each family member should get used to behave the guidance of religion in daily life so exemplary son, and (e) pray that the child would become a child of the 'pious and righteous. (5) media that can be used are the parents and family members as models, peers, the stories in the Holy Book, and the films that carry a moral message according to the level of child development, and (6) the ultimate goal to be achieved is potential for physical, spiritual, and faith of child that can be developed optimally and ultimately, so the child is expected to obtain true happiness in the world and the hereafter. The conclusions on the main recommend are (1) to those who are married; feed children with substance and good luck lawful process, because the food is raw "human potential", the food also affects the mind and behavior of the direction of someone good or bad according to quality of food he eats, make yourself and all family members good role models, get used to edify each other in the family for good business, and provide adequate support for the development of potential physical, spiritual, nafs, and the faith of a child's needs and developmental level. (2) for young people, who are ready getting married, should pick a potential husband or wife whose faith is true, a descendant of a kind, knowledgeable, and his personal good (pious). It is considered important because parents are the primary supervisor and the first for the child, if one or both parents do not have these requirements is very likely he had difficulty in guiding children. References Al-Quran dan Terjemahnya, Khadim alHaramain asy-Syarifain Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia. Al-Jurjawi, Syaikh ‗Ali Ahmad. (2003). Hikmah & Falsafah di Balik Penetapan Syari‟at. (Alih bahasa : Yusuf Burhanuddin). Bandung : Pustaka Hidayah Anwar Sutoyo, (2009). Bimbingan dan Konseling Islami : Teori & Praktik. Semarang :Widya Karya. Blochler, D.H (1974). Developmental Counseling. New York : John Wiley & Sons Hamka, (1984), Tafisir Al Azhar, Juz I – XXX . Jakarta.: Pustaka Panjimas. Myrick, R.D. (1993). Developmental Guidance and Counseling. Minneapolis : Educational Media Corporation Santrock, J.W. (2002). Life-Span Development : Perkembangan Masa Hidup (alih bahasa : Ahmad Chusyairi dan Juda Damanik). Jakarta : Erlangga Schmidt, J.J. (1999). Counseling in School. Boston : Allyn & Bacon Shihab, M.Q. (2000). Wawasan Al-Quran. Tafsir Maudhu‟I atas PelbagaiPersoalan Umat, Juz IXV . Bandung : Mizan. ---------,. (2002). Tafsir Al-Misbah : Pesan, Kesan, dan Keserasian Al- 53 Quran.Juz I- XV Jakarta : Lentera Hati. 54 READING READINESS OF KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS AT TAQWA MOSQUE EAST JAKARTA Delfi Eliza PG-PAUD Padang State University Abstract This research is aimed at finding the relationship of visual and auditory perception Between towards reading readiness of the second year student of Kindergarten.This research was conducted at the East Jakarta Kindergarten At Taqwa. The samples of the research consisted of 30 students were selected by who using simple random sampling technique was used at this research. The data were collected by using visual and auditory perception test and reading readiness test. The data of the study were analyzed by Applying multiple regression and correlation techniques. The Research Findings That show: there is a significant correlation between visual perception towards reading readiness of the second years of At Taqwa Kindergarten student, East Jakarta. There is a significant correlations between both visual perception and auditory perception towards reading readiness of the second years student of the East Jakarta Kindergarten At Taqwa. Background Preschool education is a form of formal education. As formal education institutions, the main task of kindergarten (TK) is preparing to introduce children to a variety of knowledge, attitudes, behavior, and intellectual skills to be able to adapt to the actual learning activities in elementary school (PP no. 27 th 1990). The meaning is to introduce basic knowledge in children's learning readiness and forming attitudes, behavior and intellectual skills. In the implementation of early childhood education aims to develop all potential of children as a basis for further education. World Declaration on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand in 1990) states that all children have the right to get learning needs, in line with the UNESCO education for children of early age aims to lay the foundations of learning how to learn is to learn. In accordance with the paradigm of education is to learn the four pillars of education for learning; learning to learn, learning to do, learn to become your own self (learning to be) and learn to life together. While the action framework of education for all (Dakar, Senegal in 2000) have agreed on goals such as achieving 50% improvement in levels of adult illiterate on 2015. Based on government‘s regulations, curriculum and educational paradigms, Kindergarten is an educational institution that develops pre-academic or pre-scholastic that stimulate children's early ability to later be adapted to real learning. However, reading and writing are not the main task of kindergarten but the task is to prepare pre-scholastic or preacademic. Development of basic skills in kindergarten includes some aspects. one of them is the development of language skills. Development of language skills in kindergarten implemented by developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skill. Surely the experts interpret the reading readiness as a predisposition to get the reading readiness of children learning to read not only depends on intelligence, physical maturity or maturity of muscle and nerve, but also depends on hearing, vision capabilities, the printed media habits and knowledge to know the letters. 55 Reading is not a primary goal in kindergarten but it is done through learning by playing approach.. By doing this approach it is expected kindergarten students are ready and mature to read. Learning basic reading, writing and arithmetic in kindergarten is integrated in the basic skills development program. Accordance with circulars Director General of the Primary and Secondary education 6205/C/DS/1999 Ministry of National Education dated July 27, 1999, the skills of reading, writing and arithmetic are not the main goal in Kindergarten, but the learning readiness in reading, writing and arithmetic to do while playing. This line of thought as they are not always consistent and aply in kindergarten educational practices in Indonesia. This may be due to shift of responsibility between elementary school‘s teacher and kindergarten‘s teacher. Either overtly or covertly, so that many primary schools are proposed test requirements for entry into primary school by using the concept of academic, especially reading and writing. As a result not uncommon in kindergarten, no longer a park playground and befriend a lot, but converted to "school of kindergarten" within the meaning educate children at an early stage. In order to meet the developmental needs and the child sensitive to aspects of reading and writing can be organized and developed through various forms of the game. Piaget in Maxim (1989) says that the play can improve children's cognitive development, physical ability, social interaction and emotional. Based on the theory presented above are best developed reading readiness through the usage of various media to playing, so children are expected to be ready and able for reading later. This is consistent with the constructivist view that children are able to construct their own knowledge and understanding of concepts through the 56 child's self-chosen activity through play. Solehuddin (2000:9) argues that this approach emphasizes the development in terms of attitude, reading interests, skills in the learning process, to explore interests, creativity and experience in solving the problem directly. Efforts presenting learning materials are packaged in an integrated and not separated from the context of the child's life. Reading Readiness The importance of determining the child's readiness to learn for the future acquisition of learning, called maturation of readiness as Havighurst says it "time to teach" or teachable moment (Hurlock 1988). According to him the time or the time being taught (learning) has arrived. Teaching effort is wasted when it's done before and will produce satisfactory results when performed in the "right moment". Meanwhile, according to Thorndike a figure on which the study of psychology is the sensory impression of association with the impulse to act, then one of the law is the law of readiness (Law of Readiness), that is the tendency to act, ready to act. So that, reading readiness or readiness to read the level of maturity began learning to read. Reading is an activity to translate the symbols or letters, into words or sentences that have meaning for individuals. Purpose of reading is being able to understand what is read The initial stage of readiness to read, covers the skills children are usually held before the formal learning to read. To find out the names of letters, children learn that spoken words are composed of separate sounds and that letters to represent sounds. Research on reading readiness has been conducted since 1925 by the National Committee on Reading published a reference on reading readiness. From the research resulted in two different terms regarding the readiness of children to read (Teale & Sulzby, 1986). While one group believes that reading readiness is the result of maturity ("nature"), the other group thinks that the appropriate experience can accelerate the readiness ("nurture"). These different perspectives based on different philosophies characterized by research on child development in early life. The reading readiness from the perspective of "Nature" of the dominant theories of the 1920s until the 1950s, the view that reading readiness is the result of biological maturity. From this perspective, it is believed that the mental processes necessary for reading will extend automatically at a specific time period (Teale & Sulzby, 1986). Therefore, educators and parents are encouraged to delay reading instruction until children reach a certain age. While reading readiness from the perspective of "nurture" during the 1950's and 1960's the dominant theory of switching from reading readiness as the level of maturity to the reading readiness as a product of experience. Saxon argues that when children have appropriate experience, readiness to read them will be accelerated. Readiness to read an entry in behavior was a man in learning to read. Initial capabilities have given the child prior learning and readiness to accept the new teaching materials in a learning process. Read from the stream of cognitive readiness, Ausibel stated: "One of the most important factor influencing learning is what learners already know," so the child can adjust to the learning task. In other words, reading readiness means to adjust the child with the learning task. Reading readiness is not the time period in which children move from the behavior of non-reading to early reading. Reading readiness for children is to treat it as a transition period. According to Clay (1979) view of the transitional state of readiness to read the idea that children gradually changed from nonreader to early readers. Vygoutsky and Piaget said that mental functions are learned through social relationships. Children learn how to appreciate what is happening around him. Treating children and take in everything that happened and combine them with the knowledge he already has the structure (zone proximal of development). According to Piaget the child's particular developmental stage may only make a certain intellectual effort as well, is a vain attempt to give an abstract experience of the preoperational stage of concrete. Piaget did not believe that the development of maturation as a natural course and more likely to argue that children learn through interaction with the world (Morrow 1987). Within the family is usually the parent has provided a variety of media play as the story books, word cards letters, numbers, taking children to read stories together, listening to stories, and invite children to visit the library, take your child to store all this book is how to get children in reading readiness environment. Morrow said in Akhadiah various studies conclude that verbal interaction that occurs between parents and children when reading a story give a major influence on the development of reading skills of children. Morrow (1993) also suggested that interest or concern of the children to the book will be faster when they are read a story The family environment plays an important role in providing the experience of reading readiness in children, there are several other factors that can affect children in developing reading readiness. Furthermore Tampubolon (1991) says that reading readiness is the level of maturity is a child, which allows it to learn to read without any negative consequences. Maturity as used here includes physical maturity, mental, linguistic (language) and social. Meanwhile, according to Mayesky, 57 preparedness experience and other factors, such as physical readiness, readiness understanding, cognitive readiness, readiness language, affective readiness also influence the readiness to read So reading readiness in children in addition to depending on the level of maturity, environmental, physical, cognitive and affective, also affects a child's readiness in reading So reading readiness in children in addition to depending on the level of maturity, environmental, physical, cognitive and affective, also affects a child's readiness in reading. In other words the children will reach or achieve certain levels of physical, mental, emotional maturity to benefit learning to read. Therefore, reading readiness in fact, in the best sense as a useful time to start learning. So in reading readiness plan and let the environment take into account the maturity of the child background. How we view and assess reading readiness, plan early reading experiences, and interact with children during the teaching will build a solid bridge between the interests, backgrounds, and skills as well as a variety of children's early confusion that is often experienced during learning. The early stages of reading readiness skills typically include some children mastered, before getting a formal teaching. According to Clay, et all, Reading readiness skills are some of the skills needed someone to learn. Such as awareness about phonemics, teaching someone to be able to use the books properly, use a pencil correctly, understand and interpret the illustration of the image, familiar forms, understand the principles of the alphabet (Morrow. 1993). While focusing on the reading readiness of nurturing (maturity), suggesting that skills associated with reading readiness, including auditory 58 discrimination, the ability to identify and distinguish between similar sounds, rhyming words, and sounds of letters; visual discrimination, including the introduction of color, shape, and letter identification; left to right eye progression and visual skills of the motor .. Stevenson et.all (Lovitt 1989) states that there are four verbal tasks related to reading are: 1) mentions the letters and match uppercase and lowercase letters, 2) visual-auditory association, 3) Reversal of children match the two or three-letter combinations are presented in the correct order and reverse, 4) categorization, children categorize groups of three words. Furthermore Richek said that the ability to recognize the letters of the generic skills that predict the success of children in reading. Based on opinion above ,it can be concluded that, reading readiness is the level of maturity of a child to learn to read without any negative side effects, which are influenced by various factors. Which includes some of the skills, the awareness of phonemic which include: the ability to recognize and name letters of the alphabet, recognize and distinguish the sounds of letters, introducing a concept of a book well, using a pencil correctly, understand and interpret the illustration of the image, familiar forms, understand the principles of the alphabet. Method The research method used in this research is survey with co relational method. This technique is one type of research used to determine the relationship between two variables in population variables. In the analysis involving three independent variables: the capability of visual / spatial, auditory discrimination ability, the ability cognitive, was the dependent variable is the ability to read of kindergarten students Results of the Research Overall results of this study provide information according to the theories put forward as the basis of reasoning, because the two predictor variables studied had significant relationship criterion variables. Guided by the results of inferential statistical analysis indicated that of the three research hypotheses are tested empirically, it was rejected Ho and accept H1. This means that all three hypotheses are having a positive correlation. For more details, the discussion of each hypothesis can be described as follows: A. Visual perception of the relationship between the variables (X1) with Reading Readiness (Y) Based on calculations from empirical data obtained in the study of visual perception of the value obtained an average score of 36.00 and standard deviation = 4.64, meaning that the scores are relatively good visual perception. The good visual perception scores kindergarten At-Taqwa Mosque B is supported by the learning activities provided by teachers in accordance with the child's development, supported by facilities and infrastructure play in kindergarten At-Taqwa Mosque or in the child‘s home . This finding is supported by Morrow (1993) states that include visual ability to understand the direction (left to right eye progression), recognize similarities and differences, identify colors, shapes, words, have the ability to see, and demonstrate the ability of a sense perception of figureground, it is useful to develop the reading readiness. Based on calculations, can be explained that the strength of the relationship between visual perception in reading readiness shown by simple linear regression equation Y = 24.180 + X1 0510, at 95% confidence level. Of these equations can provide information that increases when the visual perception of the reading readiness of the unit will increase by 0.510 to 24.180 constants. This suggests that the better the visual perception of the readiness of children read better, too. B. Auditory perception of the relationship between the variables (X2) with Reading Readiness (Y) Based on calculations from empirical data obtained in studies of auditory perception of the value obtained an average score of 18.17 and standard deviation = 3.39, meaning that the auditory perception of relative value score is high. The high score of auditory perception of this suggests that auditory perception is a significant factor in developing reading readiness. Durell and Murphy stated, "Although there are many factors that combine to determine the success of children learning to read, it is clear that the ability to pay attention to the separate sounds in spoken words is very important" (Heilman; 45) C. Visual perception of the relationship between the variables (X1) and Auditory (X2) In Together with Reading Readiness (Y) Based on calculations, can be explained that the strength of the relationship between visual perception in reading readiness shown by multiple linear regression equation Y = 34.470 + 0.460 X1. X2 + 0.465 at 95% confidence level. Of these equations can provide information that on average each one unit increase or decrease in visual and auditory perception score (X2) will be followed by an increase of 0.460 and 0.465 readiness to read. In accordance with the theory has been advanced visual perception and auditory perception are factors that affect the readiness of kindergarten children to read. Although there are other factors that affect the readiness of kindergarten children to 59 read. However this may be an important element in improving the readiness of kindergarten children to read. Conclusion 1. Visual perception (X1) and positively related to reading readiness shown by the correlation coefficient ry1= 0.490 and coefficient of determination. = r2y1=244. This means that 24.40% variable visual perception of variables contributing to reading readiness. So to improve the reading readiness of visual perception needs to be improved kindergartner. 2. Auditory perception (X2) and positively related to reading readiness shown by the correlation coefficient of ry2. = 0.389 and the coefficient of determination r2y2 = 0.151. This means that 24.40% variable auditory perception of variables contributing to reading readiness. It is necessary to improve the reading readiness kindergarten auditory perception enhanced. 3. Of the three variables of the study, obtained a positive relationship between visual and auditory perception together with the reading readiness of kindergarten children. This is demonstrated by the correlation coefficient R = 0.550 and coefficient of R2 = 0.303 determinant. This means that 30.30% variable visual and auditory perception together to contribute to the readiness of kindergarten children to read. So to improve the reading readiness needs to be improved visual and auditory perception kindergarten. Implications. Efforts to improve visual perception can be done to give attention and stimulation to children, with various activities, among others; Knowing that there are various shapes of objects around 60 the child and recognize text. Introduce the difference of words and letters. Knowing the direction; orientation left-right, topdown, front-back, Moreover, it can be done by observing, sort of events, according to the sequence of events. While for the efforts to improve auditory perception through activities such as: 1. Listening to a variety of speech sounds of nature, animals and variousobjects. 2. Alliteration play, playing with words that sound the same beginning or end. 3. Raising awareness, in this case the child can categorize various words and letter sounds. 4. Teaching kids poetry and rhymes, this will give a feeling of happy, understanding the natural language to children and developing a feeling sensitive to the sounds of language. References Department of National Education. Competence standards Education Nursery school and Raudatul RA (2003) Jakarta. Ministry of Education. Games Reading and Writing in Kindergarten (2000) Jakarta. Ministry of Education. Department of Education and Culture. Instructions of Teaching and Learning Activities Preschool (1988) Jakarta.Depdikbud. Heilman, Arthur W. Principles of Teaching Reading Practises Fifth Edition (1981) Columbus. Charles Merrill Publishing Company. 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Wolfgang, MaryE.SchoolforYoungChildren( 1992)Boston.AllinandBaconZahle r, Kathy ATwenty(50)How toLeadChildrenToJoy ofReading(2001)Jakarta.PrestasiLi brary 61 THE BENEFITS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT Desni Yuniarni Lecture in Teachers Training -Education for Young Learnerof FKIP Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak Abstract Children in early age based on Ministry Regulation number 58 in 2009 are the children who are 0-6 of ages. Deborah Stipek as it was quoted by Lawrence E. Shapiro said that children in early age have the highest passion to be succeeded in learning every single thing (Lawrence E. Shapiro, 2004). It means the children can be taught to do everything and they have highest confident eventhough it is bad in result even seems impossible. By this thing, Maria Montessori suggested that at that time all the children get what she calls as absorbent mind. Montessori‘s ideas which stated in that book are outstanding. One of her ideas is the power of children‘s brain in chatch everything then they will mastery faster and joyfully (Montessori, 2008). Therefore, children in early age are in the Golden Ages. This golden period only get once in a life time. It becomes a key of potential development and children intellegence for future. Children in early age in Golden Ages need to get stimulation optimally. Education to them is the important thing for optimalitation their Golden Ages development, particularly in this globalization era Introduction One of the thought challenges for education world in this globalization is how to provide Indonesian people who are smart, excellent and competence. By such things we will be able to build up relationship and compete in global level. To provide kinds of such people, we need a good education for children in early age. It is very important as the pioneer for improving education quality in Indonesia. Education given to the children in early age should be matched with their requirement and steps of children development which can stimulate their growth optimally. Playing is essential necessary for children. When they are doing a game, they are learning basicly. Education for children in early age must be kinds of learning and playing. Combining both of them in a treatment is a creative penetration. There should be effective media which able to unite the 62 recreation and playing dimension with learning dimension. Learning while playing will touch children conciousness and raise their learning spirit stage by stage. Forming the positive habit such as singing, memorizing, exercising, imagining, and being creative will make children more happier and get development optimally. This is fully responsibility of family and education institute. The education institute should care with the aspects of children development. According to the laws number 20 in year 2003 about National Education System tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional section 1 number 14 states that Education for Young Learner is an effort of educating which focused to children since they are born until they are six on ages that is provided through giving of education stimulated to support development and growth of physical and spiritual in order to make children have a supplies to get further education.Education for young learner at this time has not got a standard which is being a minimum reference in holding an education for young learner in education line formally and informally. Therefore, to give a quality services as needed by the children development and growth, it is necessary to form a standard in Education for Young Learner. Standard of Education for Young Learner is an integral part of National Standard of Education as stated in Government Regulation Number 19 in year 2005 about National Standard of Education which was formed by considering the characters of holding the Education for Young Learner. They are consisting of four groups, as in: (1) Standard of Developing Attaintment; (2) Standard for teacher; (3) Standar for process, content, and scoring; and (4) Standar for tools and equipments, managing, and funding. Standard of Developing Attaintment consists of principle of developing and growth of children in early age since they are born until six of ages. Level of attaintment which is reached is a potentioal actualizing all the developing aspects that is expected can be reached by them in every single their developing steps, not an academic level. Teachers‘ Standard (teacher, supervisor, and caretaker) have a qualifications and requirement of competencies. Standard for content, process, and scoring consist of planning, implementing, and programe scoring which is applied integrally as the children necessary. Standard for tools and equipments, managing, and funding manage the facilities requirements, mangement, and funding in order to make it run well. In this case, we focus on standard of children developing attaintment. In this part has a development side that should be paid our in attention in giving the education for young learner, such as: (1) moral and religion value, (2) motoric (soft and hard motoric), (3) cognitive, (4) language, (5) social emotion, where the level of developing attatainment of each child is different based on the age of them. The Importance Of Education For Young Learner Education for young learner become the best solution to feed them with the ability in developing and improving their talent. The purpose of education implementing for young learners is provide the education services, untuk anak usia dini adalah menyediakan pelayanan pendidikan, children nutrient and health holistically and optimizing the children development based on their talent which apply while playing. According to Jamal Ma‘ruf Asmani (2010), in detail, the purpose of education implementing for young learners as follows: 1. Improving belief in religion 2. Improving good behavior in living 3. Developing socialism and emotional sensitivity 4. Improving the discipline through behavior forming 5. Developing ability in language and communication 6. Improving knowledge and experience through thinking ability 7. Developing soft motoric connection and creativity in skill and art 8. Improving hard motoric in physical ability Beside, giving education in early age has the benefits such as: a. They get knowledge Playgroup as one of the educational unit will teach the student based on age development, mentally, realigion and morally matched with method and material for teaching them everything. b. Children can learning while they are playing 63 1. 2. 3. 4. 64 Playing is a activity with or without tools, produce information, giving pleasure and develop children imajination (Anggani Sudono, 2006). Playing for a child has a big role in stimulate all of his developing aspects. Playing will serve students in facing their social environment. According to Ali Nugraha and Yeni Rachmawati (2008), habit which can be developed through playing such as: Social attitude Playing pushes children to improve the pattern in egocentrism thinking. In children playing situation will be ―demanded‖ to consider a paradigm of their mates so that the pattern in egocentrism thinking will be less. In such condition, they learn to work together. They will have a chance to postpone their own satisfying for a while, in example when they are waiting the turn to get involve in playing. They also being motivated to share, compete in fair way, win or loose fairly, keep their right and care to others rights. More over, they will learn the meaning of team work and team spirit. Learn to communicate To play well with others, children should understand and being understandable by their friends. This will push them how to build up the good communication, social relationship, and how to face and solve the problems arise in that relationship. Learn to organize While playing with others, they will learn how to deal with the ―organization‖. How they should deviding ―role‖ among them, such as who will be a teacher and the student. Respect to others and the differences Playing may provide the children to develop their empathy. While in a stage, a child for example is not only act as the star, but also mind and feeling of the star. Role playing helps the children to build well understanding to others, more tolerant, also able to accept every single diverse they meet. 5. Respect in harmony and democrachy When they world wider and chance to interact more often and various they will realize in meaning of social role, friendship, need to have a relationship and diplomation in communicate with others. Children will not take their friend‘s toy intentionally because they know the consequences such as he will be left behind by others even being an enemy for them. Benefits of Playing It has many benefits: a. Cencoric motoric development While playing, motoric activities are a big component which used by children and palying actively is important for developing muscle function. b. Intellegence development Children deal with exploration to everything which state in their environment, especially recognizing the colour, pattern, size, texture, and defining object. While playing they will treat themselves to solve the problems. c. Social development. Social development is signed by the ability to interact with the environment. Playing with others will help them to develop social interaction and learn to solve the problems arise of it. They learn to interact with their friend, understand what the spoken mate says, and learn about social values in group. d. Creativity development Ability to create something and provide it to the real object or aother activities they do. e. Awareness development f. They will develop their skill in managing behavior. Children will learn to know their skill and compare it with others along with testing the skill by trying new role and capture the effect of this behavior for others. Children learn about right or wrong from their environment, especially from parents and teacher. They will get a chance to apply the values in order to make them being accepted in their environment and to be adaptable with the existing rules in the group. They will learn to take a responsibility of what they do The Benefits of Teaching Children Through Playing There are some benefits in teaching children through playing (Malahayati and Anita Hairunnisa, 2009): a. No more command and prohibition wordsCommand and prohibition method will make children get trauma. Beside, they do not get the reason why they cannot do something, because command and prohibition sometimes do not tell them about the reason why they can‘t do certain things. Therefore, the prohibition and command do not stimulate children‘s ability to think logically. They are not taught about cause-effect. Pattern of prohibition and command make the children will obey the rule only when they are supervised, not because they know exactly the meaning of any good things for them or not. Command and prohibition will obstruct the form of positive values in children. Learning while playing will make children able to internalize positive values of themselves and their environment joyfully and compulsively. b. Create an enjoyable moment In playing time, children will feel so relax. They do it happily without realize any positives things which are put by teacher and parents during the process of playing. According to cognitive psychologist, human brain will process the information faster and better while the self atmosphere is happy. For children, playing is their world. When they are playing, they will feel the happiness. The happiness founded by them while playing is the best time for teacher and parents to feed all the positive values to them. Because at that time children will be easier to get it from their environment. c. Feed the positive values for children unconciousnessly Doctrine to dhildren is not a good way to feed the positive values. Parents who close with their children and play with them more often will be easier to feed them instead of the parents who rare in having time to play with their children. Parents can give the advice while their children play, where the children feel that they do it by themselves. Feed a moral value to the child unconsciously will make the process of their understanding about morality faster. Pattern of Playing Through playing which doing by the children, we can get the capture of development steps and abilty for children. The pattern of playing can be as social interaction, play with a tool and play with dramatical socio. 1. Social interaction There are levels of social interaction based on age and children social development. Development of this playing level will expand the development of social skill which had by children. Patmonodewo (1995:86) said about five levels in social interaction, such as: a. Playing solitaire 65 Children will play in one room. They do not disturb each other and get focus on their own game. It would seems like there is a child who is enjoying his doll and the rest also play their own things such as puzzle or robot. b. Playing as the observer In this step, they start to pay attention to others who are playing in the same room although he is playing his own doll. As long as a child plays as the observer, he seems passive beside he is observing his friends and also observing what they are playing and about the result. He is could be talking with his mother or playing a beam. Meanwhile, in this step he often to take a look and observe his friends who really enjoying their dolls. c. Parallel playing Some of children are playing with the same doll in same room, but what they are doing is not similar and unconnected each other. If there is a child leaves the arena, the others keep on their track. In play group we often see the children bunch up in sand area. Each of them is busy with their imagination and their ideas. There are some of them making a cake and the other make a tower made from sand. Beside, there are children who make a pattern. Each of them really enjoy such moment and doing it independently. While one of them already finished with his game and move to other area, the rest of them do not get affect and keep on their track. d. Assosiative playing It is a game which consists of some of children inside but it has not organized well. Every child does not get the specific role, so 66 that if there is a child who do not follow the rule, the game keeps running. e. Cooperative interaction Cooperative interaction is done in group. Every child has a chance to get the purpose of the game. In example, they do the activities in market where there is a child being a buyer and other as the seller. If one of them gets out of the game, it should be stopped. The other game is fortress game. It is where the game consists of two group which has similar member in number. Each group should work together and arrange the strategy to defeat its enemy. Beside, they should be able to keep the fortress safe from the enemy attack. If one of them gets out from the game, it means the game should be stopped because the member is not balance. 2. Playing with object Piaget in Soemiarti Patmonodewo (2000:106) said that there are some of laying types with the objects and also cover the game in practical way, playing a symbol and a game of the rules.Game in practical way is a game which the player doing some of possibility in exploring the object using. For example the children play with cards. There are several possibilities in playing it. Those cards could be put in stand way become a fence of wall. Children play the cards in symbolic way. In this case, said that the children play a symbolic game. In this game, children will use their imagination. This game could be use stone which is formed to be a tower. A game can be played with the rule made by them. How they run the game is depend on their experiences. As mature as a child means he will be able to use the tool in symbolic game and run the game well based on the rules. 3. Playing dramatical-socio There are some components that can be attention in dramatical-socio game: a. Playing by imitating. The children pretend to be the persons around them by imitating their habit and their spoken. b. Pretending game as an object. Children do the movement and imitate the voice based on the proper object. In example, they pretend to be a car. They run and sounding the sound of car. c. Role play by imitating the movement. Such as play to imitate the conversation between teacher and student or between parents and the children. d. Persistence. They do it at least in ten minutes. e. Interaction. At least there are two people in an interaction. f. Verbal communication. In every part, there should be a verbal interaction among the actors. Playing dramatical-socio is important to improve the creativity, intelligence development, and social skill. Not all the children have the experience in playing dramaticalsocio. Therefore, it is expected to environment orund the children can give such experiences to them. Children can train their independence By entering children to school, they will interact with fellows and teacher. It will train their ability to interact with others. Moreover, they will their own activities such as drawing, eating their meal, fit the shoes, etc. Knowing self talent The talent of children will be difficult to recognize if they only stay at home. By attending the class, they will get a chance to do many activities and any different things. Based on those activities we will recognize their talent. Create the social awarenes Children can be trained to get tollerance, share with friends, wait their chance to do the activity, and other things that they do not deal with at home. Discussion Eventhough the education for young learners have the strategies in function to prepare their future, the existence of education for young learner still have many obstacles. There are some obstacles in education development for young learners, such as: 1. Government The government still not focus in provide establishment of the institution which focus on education for young learners. It can bee seen from the fund which still highest to build up the institution focus on education for young learners and get less birocration facililties. They also have no intention in motivating people who get involve in education to support and build the playgroup. 2. Parental awarenes Parental awareness to make their children involve in playgroup still low. Most of parents still think that children in early age have not been ready for studying in school. It is not necessary for their children, based on what the parents think. 3. Teacher It is an institute of education which is expensive for the lower people. They think so many times to enter their children in education for young learners. They also think that it is not necessary because the teacher only 67 teach their children singing and playing. 4. Funding It is become one of the problems in build up the playgroup. Such problem also makes this education only provided for the rich people. 5. Tools and equipments The less of tools and equipments in learning for children in early age will cause the less of stimulation which is given by teacher at school. It will make the aspect of children development is not maximum. Conclusion Children in early age will develop optimally by stimulation given by the parents and teacher. Many benefits can be got by the children if they get education in their early age. Those benefits such as: (1) children will get much knowledge at school; (2) they can learning while playing; (3) they can do their activities in school; (4) they will show the talent because they have so many chances given to them in every single thing they do in school; (5) improving their social awarenes, such as tollerance, share with others, waiting the turn, discipline, obey the rules, etc Meanwhile, the existence of education for young learners still has many obstacles, such as: (1) the government has not supported the existence of the institution which focus on education for young learners. It can bee seen from the fund which still highest to build up the institution focus on education for young learners and get less birocration facililties. They also have no intention in motivating people who get involve in education to support and build the playgroup; (2) Parental awareness to make their children involve in playgroup still low. Most of parents still think that children in early age have not been ready for studying in school. It is not necessary for their 68 children, based on what the parents think; (3) lack of teacher who has got degree in education for young learners. It is an institute of education which is expensive for the lower people. They think so many times to enter their children in education for young learners. They also think that it is not necessary because the teacher only teach their children singing and playing; (4) funding become one of the problems in build up the playgroup. Such problem also makes this education only provided for the rich people; (5) The less of tools and equipments in learning for children in early age will cause the less of stimulation which is given by teacher at school. It will make the aspect of children development is not maximum. Those problems can be solved by these treatments: (1) maximizing the government role so they can be a facilitator and dynamisator in playgroup development in Indonesia. If there is an institution or peole that want to build up the playgroup, the government should be proactive. Guiding and supporting intensively for making them spirit in building such institution for young learners. Government has a strong legitimation in playing the role because it connects with administration process according to the formality of institution; (2) need socialization intensively to oung learners and also the benefits that can be got by the children if they go to school. Parents should be given the complete and proper information about the golden age of of children in education, the ability of young learners which is outstanding in getting the knowledge in their environment, curriculum in playgroup, learning process, goals of learning, teaching method, professional teacher, facilities, well equipments and tools in playgroup which can support the development of young learners optimally; (3) government needs to give the information about how importance the young learners being taught by the professional teacher, in this case about the level of education in university focused on education for young learners that can be taught the children according to the characters of the children itself. Parents also should have the awareness to support and push their children to continue the further education in university that has the majoring in education for young learners; (4) government is expected can gives the financial support for the founder and developer of playgroup, so it can be the professional institution which is like by many people; (5) there is a financial support from the government which is expected able to facilitate the lack of facilities which needed by the institution of education for young learners. Those problems above should be solved immediately in order to make the generation of Indonesian youth who has good quality and has competencies to compete with the foreigners. Shapiro, Lawrance E. (2003). Mengajarkan Emosional Intelligence pada Anak. Jakarta: Gramedia. Sudono, Anggani. (2006). Sumber Belajar dan Alat Permainan. Jakarta: Grasindo. Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Reference s Asmani, Jamal Ma‘mur. 2010. Buku Pintar Playgroup. Jogyakarta: Penerbit Biru. Crain, William. (2007). Teori Perkembangan; Konsep dan Aplikasi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Montessori. (2008). Maria The Absorbent Mind. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Malahayati dan Hairunnisa, Anita. (2009). Ibu Cerdas Anak Pintar. Depok: Rumah Ide. Nugraha, Ali dan Rachmawati, Yeni (2008). Metode Pengembangan Sosial Emosional. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka. Patmonodewo, S. (2000). Pendidikan Anak Prasekolah. Jakarta: Depdikbud. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan 69 AN ANALYZING OF STUDENTS’ EMOTIONALINTELLEGENCE (A Study to the Second Grade Students of PG-PAUD in Academic Year 2011/2012) Fadillah Abstract This research entitled ―An Analyzing of Students‘ Emotional Intellegence in PG-PAUD‖, who are going to be a teacher for education for young learners. This is important to build up the characters that should be had to deal with the education world, especially as the teacher for young learners. Beside, the result of analyzing the emotional intelligence will be a reference to do the emotional intelligence development. By using the instrument taken from DR. Baron Reuven, (Makmun Mubayidh, 2006) it has got around 54,5 % of students who has got the highest score in EQ. It has the positive meaning because the higehest score in EQ will color all their personal and social in living with others along with living as the teacher. The rest is about 45,5 %, of students still need a training continually and also they have many aspects that should be improved to make the emotional running consistently and properly. From ten cases which have been offered to students, it‘s only two cases that can be solved well. The rest shows about the unbalance emotional. According to both instruments, emotional intelligence for students especially connects with real-life moral dilemmas still need a training regularly. Emotional intelligence training which being a part in improving a good moral need process of choosing, prizing dan behaving (Raths et.al. ,1966) which guide someone to take the decision about the value. Emotional intelligence training through learning needs a lecture that cares about. The appreciation shown by holding the discussion because it will guide to understanding, empathy or respect (Noddings, 2003; Owens & Ennis, 2005); and being a role model (Noddings, 2002; Chen, 2009). Colleague as the place for getting knowledge is the condusive environment for distributing the appreciation by integrating the value of learning in subject matter for improving the emotional intelligence. This case should be explicited in order to make students‘ emotion run properly according to the norm and custom which exist in citizen Introduction Intelligence and succeeded for common people often considered as not a special thing. But for the expert of human intellegence, those cases are outstanding because smart student in school or campus with the good score or GPK must have not to be a success people who give the benefits in civilization. According to Daniel Goleman (Pasiak, 2002), intelligence only gives about 5 – 10 percent in succeed. The rest are combination of various factors which one of them is emotional intellengence. Students of PG-PAUD are the candidates prepared to be a teacher who 70 takes the responsibility in teaching for young learners. Therefore, they not only need the intelligencequestion (IQ), but also the emotional question (EQ), and spiritual question (SQ). Harmony of emotional such as empathy; selfmotivation, self-controlling, and team work should be had in order to give a proper education for young learners. By mastering number of subjects received in campus will make them a good teacher for young learners, and able to know the potential intelligence and the essential of a good behave in each child, especially children in early age because in this time development of a child running optimally. Therefore, most of people call it thegolden age. Graphic below shows those things: Graphic taken from Dr.Erman Syamsuddin, (2012) 71 Discussion By using the instrument taken from DR.Baron Reuven (Makmun Mubayidh, 2006), the researcher recorded the characters had by the candidate of students in PG-PAUD FKIP Untan, which the result can be used for figuring the emotional health. From 44 students, the highest score in EQ is 54,5 %. It has the positive meaning because the higehest score in EQ will color all their personal and social in living with others along with living as the teacher. Some of them got 43,2 %, means though their understanding in EQ is good but need guiding continually in order to make them better. Beside, the rest got 2,3 %, means has many things should be improved in order to make it proper and suitable. As its translation, thanks to God there are not students in lower score in EQ which shows the problem in emotional, wheter in personal life or in relationship with others. Emotional intelligence had by the students also measured by the attitude while facing the condition in life which is analyzed from case to case offered to students, such as: 1. While facing an urgent situation, it has around 77,3 % of students have the highest awarenes in taking the urgent case, in example pay attention the guideline gein by and so on. 2. In a team work, it has around 25 % of students able to show the ability of: knowing the possibilities which may happen in working place, able to handle the situation by giving the emotional response, and able to explain the successful in working in front of other people without any underestimate to the rest. 3. While working at trading center, it has about 54,7% of students able to show their empathy and able to feel what the customer feel too. This will make the customer feel calm. They tell everything clearly, especially about 72 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. the complaint, so they will know exactly what the customer wants. Impolite spoken or kinds of self assisstence will cause the customer angrier. While doing the assignment, it has around 36,3 % of students give the good answer, by finishing it with a good planning as the material for solving the problems and reach the long terms goal. In leading the meeting of an organization which deal with the equality and refusing discrimination, it has around 34,1 % of students choosed the best way to provide the condition respect to pluralism by announcing to the audiences that this organization do not allow the practical cross by principle of equality. While working as the share holder, only 18,2 % of students gave the correct answers. They were optimistic and handy. Those characters really help to solve the problems faced by trying the new trics and strategies. Faced the careless driver on the road, only 13,6 % of students can accepted. The rest were being angry. Imagined about the serious conflict happens between husband and wife. The best way to solve it by taking a rest for about twenty minutes, after that run the conflict again, but no one agree with such case. Lead a group of work which still stand under the problems of work. The best way to solve it is arranging the schedule to have a meeting outside the company for motivating the employee to know each other. But it only has 9 % of students has such oppinion. To lead other people well, it needs the highest emotional, especially if the leader has a willing that all the member in a group give and show the best achievement they got. But it has only 27,3 % of students. Based on both instruments, emotional intelligence for students especially connects with real-life moral dilemmas still need a training regularly. Emotional intelligence training which being a part in improving a good moral need process of choosing,prizing dan behaving (Raths et.al. ,1966) which guide someone to take the decision about the value. Simon et.al. (1972) said that every single way could be applied in order to make the students realize about belief that they are respected and activize them to face kinds of various values. Because the approach of explanation in value not only gives the emphasizing for correct or wrong answer, but also it gives the awareness for students about the value they choosen. Eventhough Fraenkel (1977) said that there is no best value from others. But Higgins (1995) opposite the statement by said that ‗we will get difficulties to apply a set of certain value to them if all of the value is considered as relative‘. The students have a chance to determine their choice according to explanation and their appreciation to the value they believe. Therefore, the main important thing is the role model given by lecture which can be applied by the students, beside the approach of value explanation to give such awareness. Emotional intelligence training through learning need a lecture that “Care‖ as Noddings said. ‗The mastering in a lesson will be improved if it is taught by the kindness lecturer‘ (Noddings, 1984, 2003). The kindness which is shown by opening the discussion session will get into the well understanding, empathy and respectful ( Noddings, 2003; Owens & Ennis, 2005); and be the role model (Noddings, 2002; Chen, 2009). Noblit (1993) said, through the kindness will grow the social intelligence along with the emotional intelligence. But, Kohn (2003) reminded that the kindness for children does not mean always give the complement because it will have no meaning for children if it is given at any time. Conclusion In general, emotional intelligence (EQ) is the accumulation of various intelligence and ability which is evaluated partially for the longer time and need the regularly training. Training through learning which received by the students is one of the forms of value and character education by training the emotional intelligence which integrated with the subject matter. This integrating expect the involvement all of us to form and apply the vision and mission based on understandable value and applied with fully responsibility by all of us. To make it happens, need a professional lecturer and he pays much of attention on it, translate the vision and mission in subject he is taught. Beside, the students‘ involvement actively will be shown by the moral engagement. It will make the students able to obey all of the rules arranged by the campus. Such thing will guide the students to make all the good things and feel it as the necessary thing in life. By supporting all the people in doing good things, it is expected to born the generation that having the kindness and sincere soul as the purpose of the national education. The goal of national education itself is provide the law abiding citizen and having the best moral inside. Colleague as the place for getting knowledge is the condusive environment for distributing the appreciation by integrating the value of learning in subject matter for improving the emotional intelligence. This case should be explicited in order to make students‘ emotion run properly according to the norm and custom which exist in citizen. By considering this life that make number of parents being busy to feed their family or make the parents have no chance 73 to see and teach the emotional control to their children. This case makes a colleague being a place to learn how to improve the emotional intelligence. Through several situations, learning inside the class or social interaction outside will give the knowledge how to improve the emotional intelligence. Basicly, the students will find the moral dilemma in their life. By interaction that happens in campus, it will have possibilities for students to develop themselves so they will get easier thing to reach the prizing step. The students will grow become confident persons and appreciate their ability. Beside, they will respect to the lecturer who has big efforts to make them smart, respect their parents which feeded them and respect to all of their action to the environment. For the further will get them into the behave which appear to them. In this case, campus can be the front liner which can be counted as the provider of condusive environment to create the honest generation, having big empathy, and act correctly according to the best role model. The importance of having the emotional intelligence in life pushes the habit which implementing and showing that the students acquire the value taught by the lecturer. It also will guide them to know the better things and loving it along with apply everything which is learnt. Moreover, they also can learn from the mistakes they did at the past time. Reference s Jumsai Na-Ayudhya,A-O. 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Rasyidin W. ,(2007), Filsafat Pendidikan , dalam Ali M., dkk., ( Penyunting),Ilmu dan Aplikasi Pendidikan :Hand Book. Bandung Pedagogiana Press 75 CHARACTER BUILDING FOR YOUNG CHILDREN BASED ON THE VALUES OF CULTURAL UNIVERSALITY OF INDONESIA Dadan Suryana Lecturer of Teacher Education Early Childhood Education State University of Padang [email protected] Abstract Early childhood education to serve children in developing aspects of the development potential. Potential to be one of main goals of character development early childhood education is very important. Character education in Indonesia is supported by the cultural values contained in it. Universality of cultural values embbodied in the character of indonesian cultur is the values of the behavior, manners, behavior, speech, unity and mutual assistance which is based on the religious values. Character of early childhood education through applied learning that is packed in the form of the game, and learn while playing. Character education directly modeled by teachers and adults who have an environtment. Character of early childhood education in Indonesia is very rich with cultures that are owned by the people of Indonesia. Indonesia culture complete with traditional games positive instructional character for early childhood in Indonesia. Keyword: Character building, early childhood, universality, cultural values Introduction The formation of character and temperament or personality of the nation's very important, even urgent and absolute. It stands to reason. Why is absolutely necessary? Because of the ongoing crisis that has swept the nation and our country up to now there is no solution clearly and firmly, more in the form of discourse as if the nation were invited in a dream world. Dealing with various problems and challenges, the current national education bear a multidimensional role. In contrast to the role of education in developed countries, which are essentially more limited transfer of knowledge, the role of national education in Indonesia bear a heavier burden of Education serve not only a means of knowledge transfer alone, still more broadly as acculturation (enkulturisasi) which of course the most important thing and that acculturation is 76 the formation of character and temperament (nation and character building), which in turn is crucial to nation building, or in more popular language to reconstruction and nation states are more advanced and civilized. Therefore, education reform is absolutely necessary to establish the character or the character of a nation, even an urgent need. Reform of national life in a nutshell, in essence aims to build a better Indonesia and Authentically Genuinely democratic and civilized, so it really becomes a new civil Indonesia, cohesive (integrated). In addition, the role of national education with various levels and the track is the most strategic means for nurturing, encouraging and developing democratic citizens and have the politeness (civility) ability, skills, ethos and motivation and active participation, is the most basic traits and characteristics of an Indonesian civil society. Do not let what happened instead of violence that regenerates like brawl, teenagers are falling prey to the life of drugs, crime, promiscuity, and so forth. Character education is now a pressing need in the national education system. Indonesia was the nation's character started to get run over by Western culture. The virtues of deprivation that exist due to the weakness of the nation's cultural values in the nation, and the formation of character must begin at an early age. In this paper we discuss about whom early childhood, how the views of experts on early childhood education, the nature of cultural values which are universally used as the basis in forming the character of the nation. Review of The Theory of Learning in The Formation of Character Various theories of learning related to the emphasis on environmental influences and the influence of innate potential. Innate potential. Potential is usually the possibility of general ability. A person is born genetically with an organ called the general ability (intelligence) that originates from the brain. If the structure has been determined in biological brain, brain functioning is strongly influenced by interactions with the environment. Behaviorism was studied by behavioral changes that occur through the process of stimulus and response is mechanical. Therefore the environment in a systematic, orderly and planned to give effect (stimulus) is good so that humans react to stimuli and respond accordingly. Behaviorism is the stream flow is believed that human beings learn primarily due to environmental influences. Two well-known figure in Behaviorism who pioneered the theory and have differences in explaining the process of learning is Pavlov's talk about the required stimulus (conditioning reflex) to give the expected response by the environment in accordance with the demands of the environment (conditioned reflex) hereinafter referred to as classical conditioning, The second is a somewhat different stance Skinner with Pavlov.Skinner assumes that human behavior can be observed directly, the consequences of previous actions. If unpleasant consequences then it will repeat again. Consequences of such is the power of the repeater (reinforcement) to do it again. This theory is known as operant conditioning. Learning is the result (a consequence, the power of the repeater) of an act which brings the act back. When the act was pleasing. (If someone was hungry and then feeding and satiety, then the next if hungry he will eat (positive reinforcement. Conversely, if the result is not enjoyable (example: if too full), then it would not be compelled to done again (negative reinforcement). (Slavin 1986:155) Constructivism different learning theories according to behaviorism, which is one view of cognitive psychology. Bootzin said that learning is a building (to construct) knowledge itself, once understood, digested and an act of a person (from within). In the act of learning as an important lesson, but rather how to use our mental equipment to control what we learn. Knowledge is recreated and built from within a person through experience, observation, digestion (digest) and understanding. An experience in Klien process resulting in a Relatively permanent change in behavior can not be explained by That temporary states, maturation or innate tendence.Klein is Behavioristic although influenced by phenomenology and refers to experiential learning, needs to be called a humanistic orientation. It means that learning does not occur simply because of the maturity of the course (tendences innate, that is a genetic factor), but also because the placement experience is ekstensial. According Semiawan that 77 psychology study oriented humanistic approach is influenced by the presence of individual freedom that is based on the potential talents and interests to develop a focus on behavior and responsibility of his own choice. (Semiawan 2007:24) Learning is fundamental to humans and is a process that will not cease. Learning is a continuous process that changes the learner in different ways. Learning is different from instinct, because, according to psychology, among others, an instinct, learned behavior and characterize the response of members of certain species. Tendency or disposition to respond in certain ways that are characteristic of members of certain species. A series of complex and coordinated activities that are commonly found in certain species, which occur during the stimulation condition, the condition of the drive (drive), and certain developmental conditions. Trends have not been studied and is hypothesized to function as an innate driving force behind human behavior is complex. Nature of the Formation of CharacterBased Local Culture Proverb says it takes a village to raise a child, dibutuhakn entire village for development of the child. We as adults are well aware of the importance of introducing a variety of science as knowledge for early childhood and also the surrounding environment to provide supplies for the benefit of the life of a child's later life. Early childhood education needs, especially culturally diverse environment that can support the growth and perkembangnnya. Culture is important in the life of the nation forward. Huntington clearly states that the source of conflict in the future no longer be ideological or economic, but the issues surrounding culture. (Lemke 2008) Various international experts, among others, Francis Fukuyama, 78 Lawrance Harrison, Robert Kaplan, Seymour Martin Lipset, Obert Putnam, Thomas Sowell, and Samuel P Hutington agreed that the key to the success of a country is determined by the extent to which a State has a culture that is conducive to progress. Cultural factors are reflected by the values and behavior of people is often referred to as "social capital". (Fancis Fukuyama 2000: 25-26). The concept of social capital was first introduced by Francis Fukuyama describing cultural traits that have an edge over the competition that exists today is not a competition between the ideological system, but competition between countries that have high trust society. Countries that have high social capital is in the show with the behavior of people who each have a high sense of togetherness and a sense of trust either vertical or horizontal. High social capital and sense of conflict that lace can make a country can move forward. He likens the trust as a lubricating grease to be an existing group or organization that can work effectively. This will affect the confidence level and determine whether a country can lose or win in global competition. Victory will only be achieved if individuals uphold a sense of community, loyalty, honesty, and trust in carrying out its obligations. Culture as something abstract, will be different when expressed in the form of art, music, literature, fashion, asristektur, food, sports, machinery and other things that would be characteristic of a society. (Wiiliam Cockerham 1995:96). Through a culture of people living in the group will develop a life with meaning and common understanding about themselves. This of course can be observed in their daily lives, such as what foods they eat, how where they take shelter, how to model their clothes, and socialize in the way they care for and educate their children to someday be able to be part of a responsible member of the groupresponsibility. Kymlicka try to explain the concept of culture in the context of the modern world as a form of social life associated with a variety of fields such as education, media, economy, government, and so forth. He uses the term "Societal Culture" which covers the behavior of groups, ranging from youth gangs to the global civilization of Societal Culture refers to the institutional linkages and activities shared. Culture is not just share in the values of shared vocabulary but also in social life. (Kymlicka 1995:76) Thomas Lickona, character education expert from Courtland University reveals that there are ten of our time to watch. If a nation already has the tenth sign, it means being towards the brink of collapse. The signs in question are: Increasing violence among teenagers, membudayanya dishonesty, fanaticism against the group (peer-group) in the violence; lack of respect to parents and teachers, the blurring of moral good and evil; use bad language , increasing selfdestructive behaviors like drug use, alcohol, and sex, decreased work ethos, a sense of mutual suspicion and lack of awareness among fellow. Is the tenth sign of the Indonesian nation is almost perfect. (Lickona 1992: 12-22) Universality of Cultural Values of Indonesia Indonesian culture is rooted in the social structure of a highly moralistic with distinctive characteristics. Such a social structure is the result of growth in the dialectic of social systems and cultural systems of several generations ago. At a certain stage of development, the dialectic of growth that had set the figure of a clear structural and able to mobilize public participation in the direction of progress, and then give a separate identity for the people of Indonesia. Characteristic of the social structure of Indonesia relating to values and the central concept of truth that is overlooked and held in high esteem among the people. Assessed the quality of one's appearance in terms of this central concept. Values such as self-esteem, dignity, glory pendiriant firm, loyalty, piety, courage, achievements, vast pergaualan, and sincerity into the personal characteristics in the community. Religion as a guide of life, can not be understood as a mere moral teachings, but religion has a sub-sub system that serves to maintain the continuity of religious teachings, such as the existence of God, man, nature, and religion itself. This is what the value system, rather religious value system. When the value of religion to form the background of cultural identity, which will come to the surface is a religious culture and religion put in a position that can not be abandoned. In life, people attach great importance to Indonesia of identity, family, religion, and protect its assets. (Abdulah Adnan 2006) When the values of Islam had penetrated and dominated the entire fairy community life, comes the phrase that the mutual keterpautan very closely and are not interchangeable between traditional off Indonesia that has been shaped by the teachings of Islam with the laws which are then tested developed by humans. The process was later formed a united Indonesia customary law in public life and is a separate system in Indonesia culture at large. Judging from the past, there are 5 (five) conditions and the unique cultural characteristics scraping Indonesia, namely: (1) the period before Islam came to Indonesia, (2) the period after Islam arrived in Indonesia and the Sultanate of Indonesia, (4) the period the colonial period, and (4) during the period of independence, and (5) Recency period of peace in Indonesia. Based on the earlier period, the unique characteristics and 79 culture of Indonesia among the more prominent is the union of Islamic law into the traditional culture of Indonesia. This condition can be seen that of the seven elements of culture (cultural universal) is expressed by Koentjaraningrat equipment and human life, livelihood or economic system, social system, language, art, knowledge and religious systems) in Indonesia mesyarakat it refers to the value systemand behaviors that rely on the teachings of Islam. This is then transformed into a unique cultural characteristics and Indonesia who then diindentikkan with the native culture of Indonesia. (Smith Hilly 1997:14) 1. The value of Religion and Belief Islam presents the rules of life, in which a human guide can maintain a balance between rights and obligations, tried, and the race of life for the sake of the pleasure of Allah swt mencapaii. The presence of Islam as the guide of life, bringing the reliability of the Indonesian community in undergoing the process of civilization, because it is based on a review of history, more than 13 centuries ago, the people of Indonesia have been familiar with the teachings of Islam and put it in their lives. Originally within the sangatl long, the people of Indonesia have been advanced by Islam at their disposal but when the process advances and setbacks that occur one after another as the nature of the laws to the present imbalance is visible from all sides of life which he had masyaraka Indonesia tread era of modernization. Differences in the intensity of religious observance role in running the show the difference in viscosity between the religious values of the area and other areas. Thus in a variety of social analysis emerged the notion, that the society residing in urban areas is often blamed as the people who have been influenced by foreign cultures, to those who are deemed 80 perkampunganlah still preserve religious values, only they are considered to always have the time to pray congregation to the mosque, and they are considered to preserve the culture through the teachings of Islam in any pengaplikasinn upaca which they held customary at any time. One of our suspicion is the busy man's subsistence is multisectoral, rapid flow of information and technology at this time to be a strong factor to shift the values of religion in the cultural fabric of Indonesian society. However, when cultures met his greeting, and a variety of sentence pronunciation like Insha Allah, Astaghfirullah, O Allah, Subhan was still part of community life. 2. Value of Education Learning culture of Indonesia as a culture, then we can say that culture can educate the community to meet its goal, namely to do good and avoid evil, and educate the public so that his life useful to others. Cultural values are the conceptions which live in the natural mind of most people, about things that they see great value in life, and because it usually serves as the ultimate guide for human behavior. Indonesian culture that teaches that every person studying, trying to hard working, diligent, and patient, others are not willing to educate the public to be powerful nation in the lives that were increasingly severe. So is the advice to be patient, sincere, honest and obedient to the teachings of religion, He will give birth to the Muslims as a people virtuous and praiseworthy. Educational value in this culture can also be seen from the teachings contained in the traditional life, as an expression of the message the old folks in living life to the generation that will face the challenge, that: we are all to put something with a function, so what is the purpose and aspired to achieve well, and with ta wakkal to God. 3. Values of brotherhood Lives hang in the community, who care for one another, has created a close bond between each individual rnasing, so that the Indonesia phrases that describe themselves as brothers, be a very strong adhesive element to them, and this expression is a major capital even though they encounter in overseas though. Cultural expressions of brotherhood in Indonesia means having an emotional closeness that is realized through mutual assistance lifestyle, half-bear, hard and happy to be shared without regard to the relative close proximity, the distant ones, and those who are not domiciled in Indonesia, but Indonesia has, then all members of the fraternity system.\ 4. Value of Democracy The arrival of Islam also brought the concept of democracy itself. Democracy in Islam is more entrenched in the culture of deliberation to reach a consensus that democracy in AlQuran syawwara verbalized. Evolving democratic culture is a culture of deliberation to reach kemiifakatan. Habits of deliberation undertaken by Rasululah saw a reference of the scholars and traditional leaders of Indonesia in its leadership. Deliberation cultural cohesiveness and culture that gave birth to a single word in a typical step in the process of democratization of society, where there will always be a process of deliberation before malaksanakan an activity together. 5. Ethical values Further development of the culture is the value of ethics, that is how a person applies and against whom and what he has to deal thus, is a society of rules to be obeyed, if he wants to say people are polite and "civilized". These criteria can be perceived importance of ethics in assessing a person's character, so that person can be said to be good. Once this value is also used as a standard for the people of Indonesia in determining who can be a leader for them. Culture fart in front of people crowded a reflection of the less ethical, thus lowering a person in front of people. So is the meyepak heel in front of people, and nudging the person next to the fraudulent and malicious acts in Indonesia and custom views contrary to the value of politeness was, and people were not a leader. 6. Aesthetic value Cultural tendency is to display the beauty of life, whether it is expressed through the beauty of sound, language, gestures, building architecture, as well as used clothing.Culture of Indonesia, in principle, it is rich in beauty expressed through buildings and religious customs, dances, games, food and so on, where a beauty that is displayed does not escape from the traditional philosophy itself. 7. The value of peace a. Indonesia indigenous culture, full of zeal to the values of peace, as ever manifested in people's lives. The procession of people's lives and interactions Indonesia played in reciprocal communication function values into a single bond Mosque cultural resources, among others: a. Islamic Aqeedah (hablum minallah). unity and cohesion (dominant hablum nas). b. communal (please help and silaturrahmi / rambateerata / togetherness). c. ketauladanan leader. d. panut the imam (leader). 81 e. honest, behaved. f. ashamed of himself, shame on the family / self-esteem g. confidence / pride dignity (proud kaom). h. intelligent and proud of his work. i. pacifist (forgiving). References Abdullah Adnan. NilaiPositif dan Negatif dalam Kebudayaan Indonesia, Institut Kebudayaan Indonesia. Banda Indonesia. 2006 Badruzzaman Ismail, Mesjid dan Adat Meunasah Sebagai Sumber Energi Budaya Indonesia, Penerbit Majelis Pendidikan Daerah, Percetakan Gua Hira‘, Banda Indonesia, 2002 Cathy Malley. National Network for Child Care. Avalaible at: http://www.nncc.org/child.dev.ht ml Carol Seefeldt & Nita Barbour. Early Childhood Education. (New Jersey: PrenticeHall.1998) Darni M.Daud dan Agussabti, Meneropong Budaya Masyarakat Indonesia, Membangun Msyarakat Indonesia 2020, Banda Indonesia. 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Educational Psychology, Theory and Practice (Allyn and Bacon A divion of Paramout Publishing. 1986) Solso. Robert L, Maclin M.Kimberly, Otto H Maclin, Cognitive Psychology, Pearson Education, Boston, 2005 Smith, Hilly., Indonesia: Art and Culture, Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur. 1997 Thomas Armstrong, Multiple Intelligences (California: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1995) Thomas Lickona, Educating Character: How Our Schools can Teach Respect and Responsibility (USA: Bantam Book, 1992) William Cockerham, The Global Society (USA: Mc-Graw Hill, 1995) Will Kymlicka, Multiculture Citizenship (USA: Oxford University Press, 1995) BENEFITS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION FOR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CHILDREN SOCIAL Awalya Guidance and Counseling and Education Management Abstract Early childhood is a new child is born until the age of 6 years. Determine the age of the formation of character and personality of children. Early Childhood Education, there are three forms of the lines: (1) formal education, (2) non-formal education, (3) informal education. Constraints early childhood are the knowledge and the readiness of parents to educate children is not well grounded in developmental psychology, which in the preferred activity of children, to educate the maximum. This problem is: how do the benefits of early childhood education for personal and social development of children? Erikson, explained the concept of personal and social development theory, developed a multilevel polarity. There are 8 (eight) stage of development. Every level, every person will experience a conflict / crisis as a turning point in development. The conflict centers on the development of psychological quality or failing to develop the quality. Theory of personal and social development in early childhood Erikson only up to 4 stages, namely: (1) Trust vs. Mistrust, (2) Autonomy vs. shame and doubt, (3) Initiative vs. Guilt (4) Industry vs. inferiority. Supported early childhood development benefits, it will be directed to build a feeling competent and confident in their skills. When switching to the middle and late childhood, then it will direct its energy towards the acquisition of knowledge, intellectual skills. A. Preliminary Early childhood education (early childhood) is the level of education prior to primary education which is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age six years through the provision of educational stimulus to promote the growth and physical and mental readiness of the child to have entered further education, which was held in formal, nonformal and informal. Early childhood education is one form of education that focuses on laying the foundation for growth, physical development (fine and gross motor coordination), intellect (the intellect, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence), socio-emotional (attitude and behavior as well as religious) language and communication, according to the uniqueness and the developmental stages through which early childhood. The main purpose of convening of early childhood education is to establish the quality of Indonesian children; the children grow and develop in accordance with the level of development that has an optimal readiness in entering primary education and living life in adulthood. Accompanying goal is to help prepare the child to achieve learning readiness (academic) at the school. Range of early childhood, according to Article 28 paragraph 1 of the National Education Law No.20/2003 is 0-6 years. Meanwhile, according to the scientific study of early childhood and family operate in some countries, early childhood implemented since the age of 0-8 years. Formulation of the problem of this paper is how the benefits of Early Childhood Education for Personal and Social Development of Children? 83 Benefits of Early Childhood Education for Personal and Social Development of Children 1. Early Childhood a. Definition of Early Childhood Early childhood is a new child is born until the age of 6 years. This age is an age that is crucial in the formation of character and personality of the child (Yuliani Sujiono Conscience, 2009: 7). Early age is the age at which children experience rapid growth and development. Early age called golden age (golden age). A balanced nutritious diet and an intensive stimulation are needed for growth and development. b. Nature of early childhood, Nature of early childhood, by Bredecam and Copple, Brener, and Kellough (Masitoh et al., 2005: 1:12 to 1:13) were as follows: (1) Children are unique, (2) Children express relatively spontaneous behavior, (3) children are active and energetic; (4) children's self-centered, (5) children have a strong curiosity and enthusiasm for many things, (6) children are explorative and adventurous, (7) children are particularly rich with fantasy; (8 ) children are easily frustrated; (9) children are not considered in the act; (10) children have short attention resources; (11) the children are learning the most potential; (12) children continued to show interest in friends. c. Principles of Early Childhood Development The principles of early childhood development in contrast to the principles of development of the final phase of childhood and beyond. The principles of early childhood development according to Bredekamp and Coople (Siti Aisyah et al., 2007: 1.17 to 1.23) is as follows. 84 1. Development of physical, social, emotional, and child cognitive interrelated and mutually influence each other. 2. Development of physical, emotional, social, linguistic, and cognitive development of children occurs in a particular sequence of relatively predictable 3. Developments took place in a range that varies between children and between the develop 4. ents of each function.Children's early experiences have a cumulative and delayed effects on child development. 5. Development occurs in the direction of an increasingly complex, specialized, organized and internalized. 6. Child development and learning occur and are influenced by social context of cultural diversity. 7. Children are active learners, who strive to build understanding about the surrounding environment of physical experience, social, and knowledge gained. 8. Development and learning is the interaction of biological maturation and the environment, both physical and social environment. 9. Play an important means for the development of social, emotional, and cognitive development of children described the children as well. 10. The development will accelerate if the child had the opportunity to practice acquired skills and experience the challenges of a higher level than the things that have been mastered. 11. Children have different modalities (some type of visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or combination of types of it) to find out something so that they can learn different things in the show are the things he knows. 12. The best conditions for children develop and learn in an appreciative community, meet their physical needs, and secure physical and physiological. up to six years old, such as TPA, Group Play, and other forms of equal . 4. Early childhood pathway informal education as a form of family education or environmental education organized by the training and development for children from birth (age three months) up to six years old. 2. Early Childhood Education Early Childhood Education is one form of education that focuses on laying the foundation to the growth and physical development (fine and gross motor coordination), intellect (the intellect, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, socio-emotional (attitudes and behavior and religion), language, and communication, according to the uniqueness and the developmental stages through which early childhood. As with any other education, early childhood level is the responsibility of governments, communities and parents. Early Childhood Education According to Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Early Childhood Education is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age six years through the provision of educational stimulus to promote the growth and physical and spiritual so that children have the readiness to enter further education. 1. Implementation of Early Childhood Education Early implementation of early childhood education is known that there are three forms of execution paths early childhood 2. Early childhood education that formal education is structured for children ages four years to six years as kindergarten (TK), Raudhatul RA (RA), and other forms of equals. 3. Non-formal early childhood education track, which is conducting education in a flexible learning program for children from birth (age three months) In Act No. 20 of 2003 mandated that education is a shared responsibility between Government, Society, and Parents. In terms of organization of early childhood today shows that more people play, in which educational institutions are built and maintained by the more numerous and diverse, reaching about 80 percent of which was built by the government while only 10 percent of existing institutions. Management education is a shared responsibility, education enrollment was in Indonesia at various levels of education is still low. Based on the Ministry of Education data collection in 2004, only about 15.6 percent of the 11.5 million children aged 4-6 years who attend kindergarten, while for children aged 0-3 years, only about 15.8 percent who moved early childhood services. These data indicate that an increase in participation rates compared to previous years. In 2002, 72 percent of Indonesian children aged zero to six years in Indonesia, early childhood education has not been touched, because the year was only 7.34 million or 28 percent of the 26.1 million children aged0-6 years of age who received education early. Most of them, namely 2.6million, get an education with access to primary school at earlier ages. As many as 2.5 million children received education in BKB, 2.1 million children attending kindergarten or Raudhatul Atfhal, and approximately 100,000 children in play groups. In contrast to some developed countries are looking at early childhood 85 development is a process of preparation for the empowerment of human resources is critical, so Early Childhood Education conducted a very intensive and very high attention. The reason is not because their parents work, but because the parents have an embedded understanding that at an early age children are the most ideal position to receive support to develop the personality and identity. With a good empowerment at an early age, children will be generated that the future is bright as they become adults are creative and have strong self-confidence. Early Childhood Education Early Childhood Education early childhood Constraints experienced in the organization of early childhood is the knowledge and the readiness of every parent to educate their children does not have it right. A mother in caring for their children, not grounded knowledge of child development, child psychology, the activities they like, and how best to educate children to the maximum, but only based on "tips" given, the local cultural habits and ways to educate raising a child. Sometimes that's due to ignorance, it is not uncommon, in some ways parents treat their children excessive force or by teaching things which really is not the time they receive so that it plunges the child's own Personal and Social Developments Personal and social developments in this paper develop the theory of Erikson. Erikson became famous for his efforts in developing a theory about the stages of human development pioneered by Freud. Erikson stated that human growth goes according to the epigenetic principle which states that human personality is running according to the eight stages. Development of human beings from one stage to the next stage is 86 determined by successor unsuccessful in taking the previous stage. The division of these stages is based on a certain period in human life: infants (0-1 years), toddlers (2-3years), pre-school (3-6 years), school age (7-12 years), adolescents (12 -18 years), youth (age 20-an), a middle-aged (late 20's and 50's), and seniors(ages 50's and so on). Erikson's theory of human development known as the theory of psycho-social development. Theory of psychosocial development is one of the best personality theories in psychology. As Sigmund Freud, Erikson believed that personality develops in a few levels. One of the important elements ofErikson's psychosocial theory are developmental levels of ego equations. Equation conscious ego is a feeling that we develop through social interaction. According to Erikson, development of the ego is always changing based on experience and new information that we get to interact with others. Erikson also believed that the ability to motivate attitudes and actions can help be a positive development, this is the reason why the theory of Erikson called the theory of psychosocial development. Erikson explains his theory through the concept of the polarity of the eight levels. There are 8 (eight) levels of development that will be traversed by man. His first book Childhood and Society (1950), which became one of the classic book in this field. As he continued clinical work with young children, Erikson developed the concept of crisis and sense of identity as an inevitable conflict in adolescence. The books of his work were: Young Man Luther (1958), Insight and Responsibility (1964), Identity (1968), Gandhi's Truth(1969): a win on the Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award and Vital Involvement in Old Age (1986). Erikson describes his theory through the concept of the polarity of the story. There are 8 (eight) levels of development that will be traversed by man. Interestingly that this level is not a gradualist‘s. Humans can rise to the level of the next even though he does not completed at previous levels. Each level in Erikson‘s theory relates to the ability in the areas of life. If the level handled properly, the person will feel good. If the level is not handled properly, the person will appear with a feeling of harmony. 1) Phase 1. Trust vs. Mistrust Occurs at 0 s / d 18 months The first level of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development occurs between birth to age one year and is the most basic level in life. Therefore highly dependent infants, the development of dependence and trust are based on the quality of caregivers to children. If the child succeeded in building trust, he will feel safe and secure in the world. Caregivers who are inconsistent, emotionally unavailable, or refused, to encourage feelings of self-confidence in children who are in foster care. Failure to develop trust will result in fear and belief that the world is inconsistent and cannot be guessed. 2) Phase 2. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt Occurred at the age of 18 months s / d 3 years The second level of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development occurs during early childhood and focuses on the development of self-control. Such as Freud, Erikson believed that the use of toilet training is a crucial part in this process. However, the reason is quite different from Freud Erikson. Erikson believes that learning to control one's body functions leads to a feeling of control and independence. Other important events include gaining more control over the selection of food, toys are preferred, and also the selection of clothing. Children who successfully pass this stage will feel secure and confident, while others were not enough and feel hesitant about yourself 3) Phase 3. Initiative (Initiative) vs. guilt (Guilt)Occurred at the age of 3 s / d of 5 years. a. During the preschool age began to show strength and will control the world through live games and other social interactions. They are more challenged in the face of wider social world, then the required active and purposeful behavior. b. Children who succeed in this stage feel capable and competent in leading others. There is an increasing sense of responsibility and initiative. c. Those who fail to reach this stage will feel guilt, feelings of doubt, and lack of initiative. Unpleasant feelings of guilt that can arise if the child is given the trust and made to feel very anxious. d. Erikson believes that most guilt can be replaced quickly by a sense of success. 4) Step 4. Industry vs. inferiority (persistent vs. inferiority)Occurs at 6 s / d of puberty. a. Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in the successes and abilities. b. Children are supported and directed by parents and teachers build feelings competent and confident with the skills they have. c. Children who receive little or no support from parents, teachers, or peers will doubt his ability to succeed. d. Initiatives that achieved previously motivated them to engage with new experiences. e. When switching to the middle and late childhood, they direct their energies toward mastery of knowledge and intellectual skills. 87 f. The problems that can arise in primary schools is the development of low self-esteem, feelings of competence and unproductive. g. Erikson believes that teachers have a special responsibility for the development of children's persistence. 5) Step 5. Identity versus identify confusion (identity vs. identity confusion) Occur in adolescence, the age of 10 s / d 20 years a. During his teens explore their independence and build a sense itself. b. Children are faced with the discovery of who they are, how they would be, and where they are headed in life (to the stage of maturity). c. Children have faced a lot of new roles and status as adults - work and romance, for example, parents should allow teens to explore many different roles and the way in a particular role. d. If teens exploring such roles with a healthy and positive way to be followed in life, positive identification will be achieved. e. If adolescent identities rejected by parents, if teens are not adequately explore the many roles, if a positive future path is not explained, then the identity confusion is rampant. f. But for those who receive adequate support for the personal exploration, sense of self, a sense of independence and control he will appear in this stage. g. For those who are not sure of the confidence and desire, will come a sense of insecurity and confusion of the self and its future 6) Step 6. Intimacy vs. isolation (intimacy vs. isolation)Occur during early adulthood (20s s / d 30 for the year) a. Erikson believes these stages is important, the phase one build a close relationship and are ready to commit to another person. 88 b. Those that succeed at this stage will develop a committed relationship and secure. c. Erikson believes that a strong personal identity is important to develop an intimate relationship. Research has shown that those who have little sense of self tend to have a shortage of commitment in a relationship and more frequent emotional isolation, loneliness and depression. d. If it fails, it will display a sense of alienation and distance in the interaction with people. 7) Step 7. Generativity vs. stagnation Occurred during the middle adulthood (40s s / d 50-year). a. During this period, they continued to build his life focusing on career and family. b. Those who succeed in this stage, it will feel that they contribute to the world with its participation in the home and community. c. Those who fail through this stage will feel unproductive and not involved in this world. 8) Step 8. Integrity vs. despair Occurred during late adulthood (60s years) a. During this phase tend to make a reflection on the past. b. Those who did not succeed in this phase, will feel that his life was useless and had a lot of regret. c. Individuals will feel bitterness and despair d. Those who successfully pass this stage, meaning it can reflect the successes and failures that have been experienced. e. This individual will achieve wisdom, even in the face of death In each level, Erikson believe everyone will experience the conflict / crisis was a turning point in development. Erikson argues, these conflicts are centered on the development of psychological quality or failing to develop the quality of it. During this period, increasing the potential for personal growth. So is the potential for failure. From the theory of Personal and Social Development of Early Childhood Erikson‘s theory is that it is appropriate in early childhood education only up to 4 stages. 1. Phase 1. Trust vs. Mistrust a. occurred at the age of 0 s / d 18 months b. From birth to age one year and is the most basic level in life. c. Depends on the care of infants d. If the child succeeded in building trust, he will feel safe and secure in the world 2. Phase 2. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt a. occurred at 18 months s / d 3 years b. Early childhood and focuses on the development of self-control. c. The use of toilet training is an important part d. Other important events include gaining more control over the selection of e. food, toys are preferred, and also the selection of clothing. f. Children who successfully pass this stage will feel secure and confident, g. While others were not enough and feel hesitant about yourself. 3. Phase 3. Initiative vs. guilt a. occurred at the age of 3 s / d 5 years b. The pre-school age starting to show the power and control the world through live games and other social interactions. Children who succeed in this stage feel capable and competent in leading others. There is an increasing sense of responsibility and initiative. c. Those who fail to reach this stage will feel guilt, feelings of doubt, and lack of initiative. d. Erikson believes that most guilt can be replaced quickly by a sense of success 4. Stage 4. Industry vs. inferiority a. Occurred at 6 s / d of puberty b. Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in the successes and abilities. c. Children who are supported and directed by parents and teachers to build feeling competent and confident with the skills they have. d. Children who receive little or no support from parents, teachers, or peers will doubt his ability to succeed. e. Initiatives achieved prior to motivate them to engage with new experiences. f. When switched to the middle and late childhood, they direct their energies toward the mastery of knowledge and intellectual skills. g. Problems that can arise in primary schools is the development of low self-esteem, feelings of competence and unproductive. h. Erikson believes that teachers have a special responsibility for the development of children's persistence. Erikson's theory shows that a phase of development will affect the subsequent development. Someone who can not pass through a stage with good effect on subsequent developments. It is as if to imply that the errors that occurred at some stage may not be corrected at a later stage. The question is whether human life there is no opportunity to learn for the second time?. This question is very interesting to think about it, especially 89 since the human essence of lifelong learning. Humans in general have always had desire to be the best. In the adult stage with a more mature concept of human thinking with the level of awareness about himself higher, humans are able to look back to try to correct the mistakes of the past into a better human future. Early Childhood Education is one form of education that focuses on laying the foundation to the growth and physical development (fine and gross motor coordination), intellect (the intellect, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence), socio-emotional (attitude and behavior as well as religious) language and communication, according to the uniqueness and the developmental stages through which early childhood. What is the difference in children who received early childhood education in a quality institution with a child who did not get early childhood education? According to Byrnes (winning the title Woman of the Year of Vitasoy in Australia) in early childhood education institutions are good, children will learn to become an independent person, strong sociable, confident, have a great curiosity, can take an idea, develop ideas, go to another school and ready to learn, quick to adapt, and eagerness to learn. Meanwhile, children who do not receive early childhood education will slow to accept anything. Children who do not receive appropriate early childhood education, would like a gasoline car that is not empty. Children who are educated early age appropriate to have a full tank, the engine will direct the way so he's in a new place. While children are not educated early age would have trouble starting the engine, would slow. Therefore, it is undeniable that the early childhood education is a fundamental and strategic human resource development. Once the importance of education is not surprising that many 90 countries are very big concern for education is up to the Indonesian government was providing free education to junior level Closing Character-Based Education as a national movement that started from the early childhood through college, the early childhood has an important factor in shaping the character of children. Besides forming the character of early childhood, early childhood is also beneficial to the development of personal and social development. Suggest to optimize early childhood development in personal and social development are as follows: 1. The need for educational equity, particularly at the level of formal and non formal early childhood so that all children in Indonesia aged 0-6 years in early childhood can feel formal and non formal. Educational equity in questions to multiply the formal and non formal early childhood institutions. 2. Need to optimize early childhood socialization about personal and social development of children. 3. It needs a curriculum that is operationally led to optimize the development of personal and social development. Curriculum should be tailored to the circumstances of eacheach area related to the diversity of different traditions in Indonesia. Reference s Aisyah, Siti dkk., 2007, Perkembangan dan Konsep dasar Pengembangan Anak usia Dini, (Penerbit Universiti Terbuka). Byrnes, Sandralyn, Australia‘s & International Teacher of the Year saat seminar kecil di acara Giggle Playgroup Day 2011, Gelaran Miniapolis & Giggle Management, Jumat, 11 Februari 2011. Clifford T. Morgan, et. Al, 1986, (Inggris) Introduction to Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc. P. 473. Dewi Rima Arfatiningsih, blog, elearning.unesa.ac.id/tag/apamakna-hakikat-ips-untuk-anakusia-dini http://www.haveford.edu/psych/dd avis/p1099/erikson.stages.htm/. "Erik Erikson, 1991, Psychoanalyst Who Reshaped Views of Human Growth, Dies", New York Times, 13 Maret 1994. George Boeree, 2008. (Indonesia) Personality Theories: Melacak Kepribadian Anda Bersama Psikolog Dunia, Yogyakarta: Prismasophie, Hal. 74-78. Jhon W. Santrock, Life-Span Development, University of Texas at Dallas, 1995 Mulyadi, Seto, 2011, Peran PAUD dalam Pendidikan, Pentingkah ? http://paudanakceria.wordpress.co m/tag/taman-kanak-kanak/ Old. S., Feldman, Human Development, Kencana Prenada Media Group, Jakarta, 2008. Sarlito W Sarwono, Berkenalan dengan Aliran-aliran dan Tokoh Psikologi, Bulan Bintang, Jakarta, 2002. Singgih D. Gunarsa, Dasar dan Teori Perkembangan Anak, Gunung Mulia, Jakarta, 1990 Sujiono, Yuliani Nurani, 2009, Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Jakarta: PT Indeks. Suryabrata, Sumadi, 2003, Psikologi Kepribadian, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta: Papalia. D.http://ardycupu.wordpress.com/ 2009/10/05/perbedaanpsikoanalisa-sigmund-freud-danerikson/.http://tiwipratiwi07.word press.com/2011/02/14/teoripsikoanalisis-freud-dan-erikson/ 91 MANAGEMENTACTIVITIESINEARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS Rakimahwati Lecturer at state University of Padang Abstract Early childhood educationis crucialto be implemented asthe basis for theformation ofhuman personalityespecially good character, noble manners, bright, cheerful, skilled, and devotedtoGod Almighty. Early childhood educationis not necessarily expensiveorthroughaspecificevent, butearly childhood educationcanbeginat homeorinfamily education. The development of childrenin the first yearis criticalanddetermines his/her qualityinthe future. Each of individualchildrenisdifferent, unique, andhas its own characteristicsaccording to thestages ofhis/her age. Therefore,early childhooddevelopment effortsshould beimplemented through games, due to playing is afun activityfor children, throughplaying;childrenhave the opportunitytoexplore,discover, express feelings,andbe creative. In addition,playingcanhelpchildrento know him/herself andwith whomtheylivesand the environmentwherethey livesorresides. Based on factsorempiricalstudythatcomes up a lotof questionssuch aswhyyoung childrenneedearly childhoodinstitution? Whattype of services providedbyearly childhoodinstitutionsfor young children? Whereearly childhoodinstitutionscan beestablished? Who isallowed tomanage theearly childhoodinstitution? How tomanageearly childhoodinstitutionsin accordancewiththe needs of childrenand thecontextin whichyoung childrenare or live? How todevelopthe management ofearly childhoodprogram? Then, many questions willariseinourminds. To be able tolearn, weneed tostudy thescope ofthe management ofearly childhoodinstitutions. In order to learn more about the management oftheseactivitiesinearly childhoodinstitutions, especially in nurseryandgardennurserycanbe clearly understood. The scope ofmanagementactivities inearly childhoodinstitutionsin particularplaygroup, nurserygardensandsimilarinstitutionsearly childhoodunits, such as postearly childhood, an integrated health post, community developmenttoddlersfamily, al-qur'an educationalgardens, parkspiouseducation, andfaithbuildingwillhave astrong footholdifyouunderstand thefoundations ofjuridical, philosophical, religious, andscientificbasis both empiricallyand theoretically. Keywords: management, activities, early childhoodinstitutions Discussion I. ManagementActivitiesinthe Nursery National developmentisessentiallycomplete Indonesianhuman development. Toachieve this goal, the government seeksto preparequalifiedyoung peoplewiththe basicconcepts of fostering growth and development of children in integrated and holistic, covering aspects of health education services, and nutrition is 92 directed towards the realization of the improvement or advancement and child survival. The studyof earlychildhood education as the effortaimed atfosteringearly childhood0-6 years oldinaspects of health, nutrition, andpsychosocial(cognitive, social, emotional) conductedbyan integrativeenvironment (family, schools, institutions, andchild care, as well aspeers). This integrativecoachingisveryimportantbecaus e itwill affectgreatly tothedevelopment of the children. Playgroups as an indispensablepresencein an effortto help to lay thefoundationanddevelopment ofmultimulti-potentional intelligenceonevery childin the form ofknowledge, skills, and attitudesbeforechildren enterfurthereducation. In addition, the group also played a phenomenon of a society that provides services in early childhood education as a necessity driven by the increasing dynamics of life in a modern society. The Governmentisexpectingthe participation ofcommunitiesin improving theserviceorganization ofthe nurseryin accordancewith the needs oflocal communities.Government also supportin the form ofstimulusfunding, equipmentdonations of educational games, andtraining fortutorsoreducatorsinearly childhoodeducation, nurserygardens, andother similarunits ofearly childhood education. This isaseriousform ofgovernment attentionto improve the quality offuturegrowth and development ofearly childhoodin Indonesia. A. The Foundations of Play GroupManagementActivities 1. Understandingtoddlers(infant of three years old) National Association for Education of Young Learners (NAEYC)definesearly childhoodas aneducationalserviceto 8yearoldsforfullorhalfdayactivitiesathomeoroutsidethe institution (Carol Seefelt & Nita Barbour, 1998: 13). The Association of American Educators, based in the age range defined by the development of research in the field of child developmental psychology indicates that there is a predictable pattern associated with the development that occurred during the first 8 years of a child's life. NAEYCalso servesas an agency thatprovides guidancein maintaininga quality of early childhoodprogramthat isappropriateto developmental levelandindividualuniqueness. The distribution of the age range based on the uniqueness of the rate of growth and development of early childhood in Indonesia, are listed in the curriculum and learning outcomes of early childhood is as follows: a. period of -12 months of age born b. the 'toddler' or toddlers or infants aged three years c. the pre-school ages 3-6 years old d. the initial class of elementary age 6-8 years (Ministry of Education, curriculum of early childhood learning outcomes, 2002:1) 2. The concept of Play Group Play group is a forum for business development with emphasis on child welfare activities and play a pre-school education for children younger than 3 years old to enter elementary education (early childhood Directorate, 2006). Besides, play group is a form of early childhood education in non-formal education channels (Non-formal early childhood) education programs as well as the welfare program for children from birth to 6 years old. Early childhoodis a figureof individualswhoare undergoinga process ofrapidandfundamentaldevelopmentsinthe next life. Early childhoodin the range08years (NAEYC, 1992). Children08yearsduringthisperiodof rapidexperienceinhumanlifespandevelopm ent(Berk, 1992). Early childhood, especially on thelevel ofplaygroupfocusedonlaying thefoundationto thephysicalgrowth andmotordevelopment; bothgross motorandfine motor skills, intelligent, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual 93 intelligence, language and communication in accordance with the uniqueness and the developmental stages through which early childhood (http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/education), andvice versaactivities providedmust conform tothe development and needsof eachchild. In fact, most parents andeducatorsare notaware of thetremendouspotentialheld byearly childhood. The condition wascaused by thelimitations ofparents andeducatorsfor knowledgeandinformation relating to thecare and protectionof young children. The limitationsultimatelyresulted inmultipotential andmulti-intelligence possessed bythe childcan not developoptimally. B. The Objectivesin the Group Management Activities The general objectivein the managementof activitiesat playgroupisprovidingearly childhoodplaygroup2-4 yearsinaccordanceto the constitution of republic Indonesia1945lawNo.20of 2003 onnational education systemsChapterIIArticle 3, namely―Functioningof nationaleducationto developskillsandform thecharacterandcivilization ofthe nation's dignityin the context ofthe intellectual life ofthe nation, aimed atdevelopingthe potential ofhumanlearnersto becomeafaithful and devotedto GodAlmighty, good manners, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, andbe a citizenof a democratic andresponsible‖ (Law No.20 of IndonesianRepublicin 2003). Special-purposemanagement ofactivitiesinplaygroupisprovidingearly childhoodservicesin2-4 yearsatplaygroupas follows: 1. developed the religious life as early as possible so that children have a moral and virtuous character 94 2. developed self-reliance so that children can serve themselves / self in everyday life 3. developed language skills so that children are able to communicate actively and passively with the environment 4. developed cognitive so that children have the cognitive ability to connect knowledge and experience already possessed by them. 5. developed creativity so that children become creative, smooth, flexible, and has a spontaneity in spoken and thought 6. developed a feeling or emotion that children are able to control emotions and pro-social behavior and can show a reasonable reaction 7. developed social skills that children are able to think and to develop pro-social skills naturally and can increase sensitivity to the social life 8. developed skills so that children can develop fine motor skills in working out their hand 9. developed a child's body in order to develop gross motor skills in working out the body for growth and health 10. improved the process of child development in order to form a reasonably qualified human resources at an early age by learning through playing 11. improved the managementactivities anddevelopa systematic, holistic, andintegrative C. Approach in the Management of Activities in the Playgroup There are three principle approaches in the management of activities at playgroup. The following is an explanation of these three principles. 1. The Principles ofEarly Childhood Education a. oriented to thechildren‘s needsdevelopmentactivitiesshouldalwa b. c. d. e. f. g. h. ys beaimed at thefulfillment ofthe individualchild's development. Everychildis aunique individualsoeachchildhasdifferentneed sstimulation. developmentactivitiescarried outthroughplay. Playis an approachin managingthe development ofchildren. Playing activitiescarried outby applyingthe methods, strategies, tools, and themedialearnthat stimulatechildrento explore,discoveranduse theobjectsaround him/her. stimulatethe emergence ofcreativityandinnovative thinkingcreativityandinnovative thinkingis reflectedthroughthe variousactivities thatmake childreninterested, focused, serious, andthe concentrationuntila childcan producesomething new provide an environment thatsupports thedevelopment process environmentmust be createdto bea safe, comfortable, supportive,interestingandfun forchildrenduringtheirplay develop thelife skillsof children life skillsgearedtohelpchildrenbecome independent, disciplined, able to socialize, andhave thebasic skillsthat are useful forlater life using avariety ofsourcesandmediadevelopmentin the environmentaround the child implemented in stageswith reference to theprinciples ofchild development stimulation of education covering all aspects of development. The stimulation of holistic education includes all aspects of child development. When a child is actually doing something he/she is developing his/her intelligence. 2. The Principle of Child Development a.Childrenwilllearn best whentheir physical needsmet andfeelsafeandcomfortablein its environment b. Childbeginsto learncontinuouslyfrombuildingan understanding ofsomething, explore the environment, to reinventthe concept tosomethingcapable of makingsomething worthwhile c. Childrenlearnfromsocialinteractionwith adults andwith peersin their environment d. Child'sinterest andperseverancewillmotivate their learning e. Childdevelopmentand learning stylesshouldbe consideredas anindividualdifference f. Childrenlearnfrom simpleto complex,fromconcretetoabstract, frommovementtoverbal, andfrom personal tothesocial. 3. The principle of education in the play is learning through play a. Every child is unique. They growth and development of skills needs, desires, experiences, and came from different family backgrounds b. Children aged 2-6 years is a child who likes to play. For children, playing is a way of learning. Therefore, playing activities should facilitate diversity in a fun way of learning, volunteering, and caring about the environment c. Educatorwho servedin theplay activitiesareeducators whohave the willingnessandability toeducate, understand thechild, willing to developthe potential ofchildren, full ofaffection andwarmth, andwilling toplaywithchildren. II. The Management of Child care center 95 A. The Main Concept of the Management of Child care center Childcarecenteris thevehicle forthe careof socialwelfarethat servesas asurrogatefamilyfora certaintimefor the parentswho was unableordo nothave timeto servethe needsof their children.In addition,childcarecenteris alsoreferred to asa vehicle forfosteringeducationandwelfare of childrenwhoserve assurrogatefamiliesfora period of timeforparentsunableordo nothave enough timeto care forchildren due to their job or other reasons. The child‘s age from birth toprimary educationby enteringagolden periodof growthanddevelopmentas well asthe critical periodin human lifethatwilldetermine thefurtherdevelopment of thechild. This is the right time growing up child and develops their physical skill, language, social-emotional, self concept, moral, and religion values. The efforts to developthe full potentialrequirea clearmanagementandactivitiesaimedspecifi callyatchildcarecenter. Children are also part of the present and future owners where they will continue the survival of this nation. Child is an asset of families, communities, and nations so that should get the care, custody, and physical development, mental, spiritual, social and optimally from the outset. Based on the constitution No 4 in 1979 states that all parents are theprincipalandfirsteducators who responsible for therealization ofchild welfare, physical, mental, spiritual, and social. This is triggeredby theeconomic conditionsdo notallowthe familyto hireananny. Therefore, there was an institution thatreplacesthe function ofcareandeducation for thechildrenwhile the parentswork. The need forchildcare centeris increasingly importantbecause ofthe presence ofthese institutionscanhelp parentsshape the personality, the cultivation of religious values, norms, manners, character, intelligence, tolerance, ethics, andaestheticsin the child. 2. The LicensingofChildCareCenter Licensingas alegalchildcare centeris requiredas a form ofprofessionalrecognitionandtheconstructi on effort. Childcarecenterlicensingfunctionsas follows i. form of service quality in child care center j. provide protection to children k. as the accountability of the implementation in the works in accordance with the regulations. 3. The FormandCharacter ofChildCareCenter There arethreetypes ofchildcare centerbased onthe shapeand characterthat is a. childcare center for full day care, around 9 hours b. childcare center for half day care, around 5 hours c. childcare center for incidental day care, around 1 or 2 hours, usually incidental in shopping center 4. B. The Main Concept of Child Care Center 1. Child Care Center as basic needs The basic need forchildcare centerstartsfromthe awarenessof the importance ofparentalcareandearly educationinthe lower middleclass family. 96 The Implementation of ChildCareCenter The organization of child care centers provides integrated services in the areas of nutrition, health, and psychosocial to children ages birth to six years. Welfare services at this time according to law No. 4 of 1979 on the welfare of children is defined as social welfarethatis intendedtoguarantee thewelfare ofchildren, especiallythe basic needs ofchildren. Socialservicesfunctionsprovided: a. preventionisto avoidyoung childrenfromthe socialenvironmentthat hasmany obstacles thatwillcause theunmetneeds of childrenis moreoptimal b. developmentthatenhancethe ability ofyoung childrenaccordingto developmental level andability ofthe social environmentin the process ofcare giving c. rehabilitationisto healandminimize theimpact ofvariousforms ofneglectexperienced bychildren under fiveand simultaneouslysolve theproblems experienced bythe child's socialenvironmentand restore thepositionandrole ofchildren and thesocial environmentin thelife of its people d. protectionisto preventvariousforms ofinsecurityin infantsandchildrento besocialenvironmentcan lead toneglectand problems inthe environment e. supportthat issupportingthe efforts madebyother sectorsin preventing andsolvingproblems andimproving the welfare ofchildren under fiveandtheir social environment The shape ofthe organizationand the services providedthroughchildcarecentersare as follows a. Social service; is given in various programs especially in social, adaptation, integration, gaining aims and pattern that is applied by parents such as social service, story reading, cognitive, and psychomotor. b. care servicesprovidedin the form ofcareandguidance c. health services tohealth promotion, treatment, health consultations, and health care d. bothconsultingservicesandcounselingp sychologyand healthto the childthrough thefamily(parentsandchildrenof kin) e. referral servicesthatreceiveandsendchildrenfro mother social serviceneedsof childrenandfamilies f. information services, namely the promotionand delivery of informationto the public aboutchildren's services, includingthe children's library, a means ofeducation /trainingandresearch g. children must mastery sixcompetenciesafter attending achildcarecenteractivitiesinthe following; 1) Moralandreligious values, for example; canworship, know andbelieve inGod's creationandlove of neighbor 2) Physicalmotor skills, e.g.managementskills, including bodymovementsthat controlbody movement, gross and fine motor, also receive sensor motor stimulus 3) Language, for example; using passive language when learning 4) Cognitive, e.g. thinking logically, critical, giving reasons, solving problems, and finding causal-comparative relations 5) Social-emotional, example; knowing and understanding natural environment, social, and culture in order to develop self concept, positive thinking, and control emotion 6) Art, example; children know much about rhyme, tone, sound, clapping hand, also appreciate all creativity results 5. TheChildCareCenterinthe Future 97 Legalityandrecognition ofchildcareservicesis increasinglyclearcentershould be in linewiththe increasingquality ofservicein the administration ofchildcarecenteritself. b. can develop family roles especially family education and welfare 1. The Significance ofChildCareCenter Management for Children a. can develop the religious life in general as early as possible so that children have a moral and virtuous character b. can develop self-reliance so that children can serve themselves or be independent in daily life c. can develop linguistics intelligence in order to communicate both passive and active towards many people in their environment d. can develop logical intelligence so the children are able to correlate the background knowledge that they have e. can develop visual-spatial in order to make all children become creative, flexible, and act spontaneously f. can develop emotional intelligence in order to be able to adapt in environment surround g. can develop social intelligence that is interpersonal intelligence in society at large h. can develop bodily kinesthetic especially gymnastic and motor skill i. can develop naturalist intelligence and problem solving towards their environment j. can develop child‘s growth optimally in order to improve qualified human sources in the future start from early childhood a. giving motivation to the society that complex welfare service are really essential especially (health, nutrient, psycho-social, religion, and education) start from early childhood till 3 years old in order to understood their personal concept and environment holistically 2. The Significance ofChildCareCenter Management for Parents a. can develop child‘s growth optimally in order to improve qualified human sources in the future start from early childhood 98 3. The Significance ofChildCareCenter Management for Society D.The Approaches ofChildCareCenter Management Activities Basically the approaches of child care center management activities as same as in play group that consist 3 basic principle as follows 1. The Principles ofEarly Childhood Education a. oriented to thechildren‘s needs developmentactivitiesshouldalways beaimed at thefulfillment ofthe individualchild's development. Everychildis aunique individualsoeachchildhasdifferentneed sstimulation. b. developmentactivitiescarried outthroughplay. Playis an approachin managingthe development ofchildren. Playing activitiescarried outby applyingthe methods, strategies, tools, and themedialearnthat stimulatechildrento explore,discoveranduse theobjectsaround him/her. c. Stimulatethe emergence ofcreativityandinnovative thinking creativityandinnovative thinkingis reflectedthroughthe variousactivities thatmake childreninterested, focused, serious, andthe concentrationuntila childcan producesomething new d. Provide an environment thatsupports thedevelopment processenvironmentmust be createdto bea safe, comfortable, supportive,interestingandfun forchildrenduringtheirplay e. develop thelife skillsof children life skillsgearedtohelpchildrenbecome independent, disciplined, able to socialize, andhave thebasic skillsthat are useful forlater life f. using avariety ofsourcesandmediadevelopmentin the environmentaround the child g. implemented in stageswith reference to theprinciples ofchild development h. stimulation of education covering all aspects of development. The stimulation of holistic education includes all aspects of child development. When a child is actually doing something he/she is developing his/her intelligence. 2. The Principle of Child Development a. Childrenwilllearn best whentheir physical needsmet andfeelsafeandcomfortablein its environment b. Childbeginsto learncontinuouslyfrombuildingan understanding ofsomething, explore the environment, to reinventthe concept tosomethingcapable of makingsomething worthwhile c. Childrenlearnfromsocialinteractionwit hadults andwith peersin their environment d. Child'sinterest andperseverancewillmotivate their learning e. Childdevelopmentand learning stylesshouldbe consideredas anindividualdifference f. Childrenlearnfrom simpleto complex,fromconcretetoabstract, frommovementtoverbal, andfrom personal tothesocial. 3. The basicphilosophy of educationin theplay group Tocreatea qualityearly childhood, advanced, independent, democratic, andachievement,theplay groupis based on thephilosophyof educationisdefinedasforging, sharpening, compassionandcare.The followingis an explanation a. Forging Forgingis the effort madetorealizeandenhance thephysicalquality ofthe childthrough the efforts ofhealth care, improving the quality ofnutrition, regular exercise, andphysical educationso that childrenhave thecharacteristic values are:physicalstrength,agility, endurance,anddiscipline.The efforts madetoachievethese characteristicsincludethe following 1)Sports Exerciseaimed atimproving the healthandphysical fitnessas well as supportingthe establishment ofdiscipline, responsibility, hard work, endurance, andsportsmanship. In addition, exercise alsoaimedtoimprove the performance ofbothnational and international levelthat couldevokea sense ofnational pride. Implementationis done throughthe provision ofsports facilities and infrastructuresareadequatein theplaygroupandalsoenhancethe knowledgeandskillsof thesportforyoung children. 2) Health Health in early childhood aimed at raising awareness of healthy living for educators, families, and loved ones. Efforts to improve child health will be improved including through the prevention and eradication of communicable diseases, environmental 99 health, nutrition, clean water, maternal and child health counseling, and provision of adequate health infrastructure in the playgroup and at home. 3)Nutrition Improving the quality of nutrition intended for young children can grow and develop naturally and continuously pursued. The program is pursued through the provision of healthy and nutritious food that is high, and the provision of adequate facilities and infrastructure within the playgroup and at home, as well as a variety of counseling/ providing information for early childhood nutrition to parents and the community around the child. b. Sharpening Sharpeningis intendedforyoung childrenhave a conditionthat developsin an optimalintellectual, healthy, andquality. This can be donewitheducationthroughvariousprogr amsof activitiesin theplaygrouparedesignedandplannedas possibleso that it canhelpchildrendevelop thepotential, interests, talents, appreciation, perception, andintellectualcreativityon an ongoing basisandpurpose. c. Compassion and care Compassionandcareis basically acompanionandprotection ofyoung children.compassionis also anefforttorealizeandensure thefulfillment ofthe needs of children, right tosurvival,emancipation, growth and developmentrights, the right to be protectedagainstinfluencesthat can harmthe growthanddevelopment of children, such asharassment andexploration. Moreover,compassionis also anadvanceddevelopmenteffortthat prioritizesdevelopmenteffortscontinued 100 togive priority tothe principle ofbest interests of thechild, realizingthe rights of childrentoparticipate fullyandutilization oftheirleisure timeusefully. KNOWING THE CHARACTERISTICS BEHAVIOUR OFEARLY CHILDHREN Zulminiati Lecturer at State University of Padang Abstract In essence, the development ofearly childrenbehaviorfollows thestagesthrough whicheveryindividu.Kecepatandevelopment of everychildis different,so theformation ofdifferent characteristicspula. Achild cango fasterprogresscompared toapeerfriends, whileothersin the fieldis slower.This is whatled to the developmentof eachchild is unique., but basicallythere arecertaincharacteristicsthat characterizetheir behaviorateach stage. Behavioral characteristics ofearly childhoodis the formation ofa number ofpositivebehaviors, through aprocess oflearningin education, withchildrento cultivateawarenessof himselfto maturityandtheDAPTkedewasaan.Halobtainedthroughobservation, keteladanandansocialinteraction. Behavior thatdevelopsin early childhoodamong whichis, self-concept, self-centered, empathy, problem solving, physical /movement, thoughtandlanguage. A. Introduction Play is the hallmark of early childhood activities, almost all of their activities involve playing. Play in the early period not only without meaning, because it is through play children learn. Learn about many things, including studying the physical device itself memamfaatkan, learn to know the meaning of friends, learned to communicate with the same verbal language with the language of the neighborhood, and learn to behave in accordance with the procedures of control rules. Play while you learn and learn as you play a phrase that sums up the characteristics of physical activity and early childhood mental. Elizabeth Hurlock, said that early period was a period of golden (golden age) in child development manusia.Anak had an amazing leap of progress, not only physically advances such as running, jumping and flexible to use your fingers too emotional and not a baby sosial.Anak Again, he is an "I" who is beginning the process of searching dirinya.Anak human embryo has become an increasingly clever, but because of the increase "intelligence", then the child is now becoming increasingly difficult diatur.Ia began to realize that he is a man of independent, then-I want to show to her, saying "no" is the way children are most apt to oppose the will of the people lain.Perkembangan child starts looking for independence and their peers. Children have a variety of motor skill, able to organize the inputs to address the problem to an end. Children also get richer emotions he felt and expressed, as well as attached in love with someone close dengannya.Anak feel what he feels, what he can do and what he can not do. Children also have the language skills, perbendaraan word that dominated the child is able to communicate his wishes, so the child begins to smoothly communicate with people around him. In essence, the development of the child's behavior following the steps taken by each individual, although the speed of different child-beda.Laju different development allows for the different characteristics between a child with a lainnya.Seorang children can go faster than my friends peers in one area, while in others it is more lambat.Karena, the development of each child is unique. Although every child is 101 unique, has a different speed of development, but basically there are certain characteristics that color the child's behavior for each stage. Early childhood behavioral characteristics seen in the selfconcept begins to develop, in addition to coloring too egocentric behavior. Learn to empathize, there is a curiosity, imagination, solve problems, physical effects and the development of thinking and language development of children's behavior. B. Discussion 1. Characteristics Behavior of Early Children Education Characteristics of each individual is different, because each individual is a unity of body and mind to manifest itself fully in its uniqueness (Ali and Asrori, 2011). Uniqueness and individual differences are also influenced by innate factors and lngkungan owned by each of the individual differences individu.Dengan The implications and imperatives of each educational services provided in accordance with the essence and nature manusia.Manusia created unique, different from each other and each individual has different characteristics of individual premises which an individual lainnya.Perbedaan nature is natural. Various aspects of developing the individual through a variety of ways, resulting in changes of varying individual characteristics. Kitayama and Cohren, 2010, said the strong influence of human culture padapembentukan in aspects of cognition, perception, memory, emotions, behavior, taste and personality. Canfield and Wells, 1975 explaining the success in the academic field is determined by whether or not the successful conduct of education, especially regarding the concept diri.Thoha, 2008 said human behavior is as a function of the interaction between the individual and the environment. 102 Pai, 1993 said regarding the behavior of human qualities, such as, self-esteem and believe diri.Perilaku is the result of learning. Because behavior is the result of learning to bring some consequences. First, efforts should be made terrencana, systematic and aims to establish a positive attitude. Second, efforts should be based on the synthesis and lead to the integrity of the individual. Third, the formation of behavior associated with the academic field, as determined by the behavior of academic success. Children who behave positively, like, open to criticism and willing to accept the changes will succeed in academic learning. Bandura says, one child behave based on a model that he lihat.Kemudian Vaugham and Hogg, 1995 said the establishment of the child's behavior will be effective, if they are given the opportunity to participate and explore and express dang develop ideas in a warm, friendly and enthusiastic. Some of the above description it can be concluded that early childhood karakteristi behavior is the formation of a number of positive behavior through learning outcomes in education. Education to establish early childhood behavior requires methods and strategies, in which there is experience, example, and the interaction sosial.Model and the chosen strategy puts the growth of awareness of children about him towards maturity and adulthood. 2. Some Aspects of the Development of Early Age Be havior of Children a. Growth of Self Concept Early in the life of the child to feel that the self and the environment together, but in his understanding of life berlahan berkembang. Anak realize that he is different with others, he began to recognize him as the "I" and has a range of feelings to himself. Along with an understanding of the differences in identity, children are also beginning to realize that another party has an identity sendiri.Anak also been aware of the different roles. b. Egocentric Although the children realize that other people have their own feelings, but egocentric child is still strong. Strong egocentric behavior will also affect children at bermain.Hal can be seen, where the children play with other children with no interaction, children are reluctant to lend, or otherwise refused to return the toy pinjamannya.Perilaku paves the conflict or dispute in play activities bersama.Piaget told how to think children are selfish is considered correct what he thinks, although not correspond to reality. c. Overflow of Curiosity Naturally, early childhood have a great curiosity to know besar.Rasa in various fields, including the sexual field. The child asked the baby where it came from and sebagainya.Menurut Sigmund Freud, a psychoanalyst said the child will form a bond with the parents of the other sex berbada. Children prempuan close to his father, while the boy close to her mother. Children begin to understand gender differences and feel the sense of being a boy and a girl. d. The rich world of imagination Early childhood behavior is heavily influenced by imajinasi.Ia still difficult to distinguish between a child's imagination with realitas.Seperti busy telling "experience" is actually just a fantasy, because children can not distinguish between reality and fantasy. Delusion may lead to an illogical fear, anxiety. But imagination also has an important function in life anak.Imajinasi is a tool to explore the world, a tool for experimenting with the experience and feelings anak.Khayalan usually give birth to imaginary friends or imaginary friend for anak.Seperti see children talking themselves, in fact the child is talking to imajinernya.Hal friends can freely pour out his feelings, when upset, scolded, and so on, children can let go of tension. So the rich imagination of children in everyday life is a reflection of the child's development and imagination will gradually shrink as the child's growing understanding of reality. e. Considering Learning Pain Early childhood interest in peers began to grow, and be able to choose friends dekatnya.Anak began to enter the associative play. It can be seen the child involved in play groups with his friend, anakmeningkat socialization skills, although still modest level. Children begin to develop empathy, he began to feel what is perceived by others. Child's awareness of the feelings of others is part of the development of the ability to separate between himself and others. Awareness of the nature or the world around, so that the child is interested in the environment. Children will try to adjust their behavior to be accepted in its environment. If previously to be reactive and spontaneous child, the child finally able to "see" the result will tindakannya.Karenanya children carefully and weigh the result of his actions. f. Problem Solving. In line with the increased understanding of reality, the child's ability to solve problems started kelihatan.Anak express wishes and feelings of joy, joy, and not in a way acceptable to the environment. Children have started to read the facial expressions of others, so the child can respond with either, because the children already know which one is right danmana, and feelings of internal muncul.Kontrol malupun is easy to get along with your child in sebayanya.Umumnya child is able to enter the stage play cooperative, children are 103 able to cooperate with temannya.seperti; listen and respond tepat.Akhirnya children can be emotionally self-contained, ready to enter the environment and adjust their behavior to the broader standards of behavior. 3. Physical influences, Cognition and Language Behavior Against From early childhood karakteristi above, it is clear that at an early age is an important period for children's development selanjutnya.Menurut Sigmund Freud "the first five years of experience of one's life really define mental health and ability to adapt in later life". Indeed the development of the child's behavior does not stand alone, but in line with the development of other aspects of the physical, cognitive and language development. a. Physical Development Increasing children's physical abilities will affect children's behavior, he was able to fend for himself or independent, even give help to people lain.Karena that sometimes your child refuses help, because kids want to do sendiri.Meningkatnya physical abilities of children by encouraging the increased mobility of the child, so children almost never silent. always wanted to move on to see and experience many hal.Montessori said physical movement / motor will make the child direct the meaning of freedom and make the children become more calm, happy and feel satisfaction. b. Development of Thinking. In the early preschool years, children begin to develop an understanding of the ability perpikir logical, but still limited. While curiosity overwhelming, this will result in the child's behavior. For example, kids are 104 so annoying because it always asking this and oitu, but difficult given the understanding that sesuai.Ferrari (2010) said that knowledge and cognition can develop well in a contextual experience, specific and situsiasional then Montessori viewed education as a means to provide assistance to the life of one child in the child's developmental process anak.Ikutilah mind, that by following the development of children, teachers can adjust teaching methods, curriculum and children well. c. The development of Languages. Child's vocabulary is meningkatpada early age, language development is very important in the lives of children selanjutnya.Anak be able to communicate better, to express wishes verbally. That is why children need peers, so that children can melatif vocabulary by playing along with temannya.Montessori said the importance of language development in children is that he is better able to express feelings and himself. Anonymous said then physical / motor and language will support the establishment of the whole personality of the child. Conclusion 1. Development of early childhood behavior follow the stages through which every individu.Kecepatan every child is different, so the formation of different karakteristikyang pula.Seorang children can go faster progress than their peers, while in other areas more lambat.Hal is what causes the development of every child is unique. 2. Karakteristi early childhood behavior is the formation of a number of positihf behavior through learning outcomes in education to develop awareness of children about him sticks ripeness and maturity, gained through experience, example, and social interaction. 3. Behavior that develops in early childhood include, self-concept, selfcentered, empathy, problem solving, movement / physical way of thinking and language. References Ali dan Asrori (2011). Psikologi Remaja Perkembangan Peserta Didik. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara Ferrari, Michel dan Ljiljana Vuletic edc.(2010).Developmental Relations mong Mind, Brain and Education. London : Springe. Izzaty, Rita Eka (2005) Mengenali Permasalahan Perkembangan Anak Usia TK, Jakarta: Depdiknas. Jaipaul.L. Roopnarine dan James E.Johnson,2011.Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini: dalam berbagai pendekatan, Jakarta: Kencana Premada Media Group. Putra, Nus dan Dwi LestariNinim (2011).Penelitian Kualitatif PAUD, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Thoha ,Miftah (2008). Perilaku Organisasi Konsep dan Aplikasi, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persad. 105 DEVELOPING INTRAPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE THROUGH TECHNIQUE "MAKE-BELIEVE PLAY" IN ORDER TO MAKE CHARACTERIZED EARLY AGE CHILDREN Nina Kurniah FKIP University of Bengkulu [email protected] Abstract This study aimstodevelopintrapersonalintelligencein realizingthecharacterized early childhood, throughthe technique of "Make-believeplay" inlearning, meanwhile, the focusof the problem ishow to optimize theintrapersonalintelligenceinlearning by usingthesetechniques. This study is aClassAction Research(Classroom ActionResearch), followed by smallexperiments toseethe effectiveness ofactions taken. Subjectswere 24children aged5-6 years old ingroupB, in thekindergartenAl-Muhajirin BengkuluCity. Selected activitiesin developingthe character isthe technique of "make-believe play" in theclassroom. The research dataobtainedwere processed usinga percentage. The analysis showedthattheapplication of"make-believe play" inlearning, itcandevelopintrapersonalintelligencein an effortto make characterizedearly childhood. Key words: Intrapersonal intelligence, technique “make-believe play” and character Intrapersonal Intelligence Develop Through Technique "Make-Believe Play"Early Children In Making Character Introduction Develop character education in early childhood is an effort that is appropriate and essential to lay the foundation for further growth and development, therefore the Government has given serious attention to include it explicitly in a separate article (Article 28), Law System Education No. 20 of 2003, whereas in Article 1, point 14 stated that "A development effort aimed at children from birth to age 6 years through educational stimulus to promote the growth and physical and mental readiness of the child to have entered the educational more information. This is a manifestation of that has been mandated by the 1945 Constitution, the nation's intellectual life. The Birth of Law. 20 of 2003 also complements a No. Constitution. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection which is also 106 confirmed al that every child has the right to education and learning in the context of personal development and level of intelligence in accordance with the interests and talents (article 9, paragraph 1). Intelligence of children have a high ability to help deal with the problems experienced in his life. Actually, intelligence has been owned by a child from birth and need to be developed through a variety of stimulation provided continuously until adulthood, as it will provide great benefits for the children themselves in the next life in everyday society. In line with this, comes a new theory of Howard Gardner on multiple intellegences the view that children have multiple intelligences, which include (linguistic, visual spatial, logicalmathematical, kinesthetic, natural, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, and spiritual). The theory has been aware of how many each child has a real chance to be great according to his field. Furthermore Gardner suggests that intelligence is (1) the ability to solve the problem: (2) the ability to generate new problems to be solved, (3) the ability to create something or pay tribute to someone (htt: www. Infed.org / thinkers / gardner.htm, downloaded on May 3, 2012). What matters now is "How to develop intelligence efforts in Optimal early childhood.? In this study focuses on intrapersonal intelligence, because intelligence is closely related to the character development of the child's personality, in line with the program being promoted by the Government at every level of education in Indonesia. Moreover, as we witnessed a phenomenon that occurs frequently in Indonesia, which showed low intrapersonal intelligence has, among others: the fragility of social solidarity between the members, mutual suspicion, no respect, no trust, no discipline, no responsibility, selfish individual interests above the interests of the people. Conflic occurred between tribes, races and religions. conflic between students, between communities, and so on. More ironic is the moral and religious values are not used as a guide in everyday life. The fact also shows as well informed through the daily newspapers compass (10 July 2010) and television media, that sexual abuse in early childhood, whether committed by children under the age of adulthood, or by adults themselves even by their own parents. early children have dared to parents, so parents physically abused such as ironing, and burn it, eventually died, and many other cases. Facing the future of early childhood as the next generation of development in various aspects, and so protected from the violence of the outside (external) of the children, is also needed to develop the character of learning is primarily concerned with moral values and religious values in themselves (internal ) since early childhood. The results of observations of the author on one of the Kindergarten(Almuhajirin) in the city of Bengkulu, obtained information that already exists for the development of intelligence efforts, but the teachers feel difficulty in choosing appropriate methods or techniques and fun activities for teaching learning, due to the limited ability of teachers to develop play activities appropriate to their level of development and grow early childhood at any age service, therefore teachers feel the need for assistance / donations innovative thinking, particularly in determining the activities of play in early childhood as an effort to develop intellect and character formation of the child, to realize the environmental quality of graduates in kindergarten al-muhajirin better. On the basis of anxiety experienced by these teachers, this study focuses on the formulation of the problem: "How to develop intrapersonal intelligence in teaching learning to realize the character in early childhood through make-believe play techniques"? The choice of make-believe play as one of the solutions in developing intrapersonal intelligence to realize the character in early childhood, because it is based on theories proposed by Piaget and Smilansky in Dockett and Fleer (1999:59-60) on the stages of play in early childhood, asserts that the techniques make-believe play or dramatic play called also very important in developing social skills and emotional, cognitive, and intellectual creativity of children, also further stated that with the play activities of children can develop the ability to solve problems, study shows the role that can be received an Environmental social skills, honest, responsible, able to adjust with peers, social groups in society in accordance with the values or norms. 107 Methods The method used in this study is action research methods class (classroom action research) model John Elliot. Classroom action research is research that is reflective to perform certain actions, in order to improve and or enhance the practices of professional learning in the classroom. Nc. Niff. (1992) suggested that a class action research goal is to enhance or improve the practice of learning to be more effective. In Handbook in Research and Education, suggested that action research aims "to develop new skills or new approaches and solve problems with direct application to the classroom or world setting". In this study, an improved system of learning is related to the application of make-believe play in the classroom, which is used by teachers to develop intrapersonal intelligence to realize that characterized early childhood, kindergarten in Al-muhajirin Bengkulu City. Once research is completed action, followed by testing the effectiveness of the field through a simple experiment using a model of "One-Group Pretest-posttest design". The subject of this study were children of kindergarten Al-muhajirin in the age range is more or less 5-6 years. in group B, totaling 24 children. While the role of researcher acted as the design of actions, the instructor in preparing the learning scenario, set to be used in the assessment of learning, as an observer in the implementation of the action. In addition, researchers assisted by two teachers as an observer, to help observe the interaction between children in the learning process during the procedure, as inputs for subsequent learning process. sources in this study are: the ability of teachers in designing and implementing learning by applying the technique makebelieve play, children in learning activities to develop intrapersonal intelligence, according to the indicators to be achieved 108 by each child in learning, and assessment used to measure target. Analisisis technique is done as a whole, is quantitative on learning outcomes were processed and analyzed descriptively using percentages, while the qualitative about the learning process were analyzed inductively with the "flow analysis" (Borg and Gall, 1989:26-27). Of both types of analysis (quantitative and qualitative) will be integrated to produce meaningful conclusions. Results and Discussion The experiment was conducted in 2010-2011 school year, beginning with the pretest / initial assessment prior to implementation of the action, then the implementation of action for two cycles and every cycle, each consisting of three meetings. Intrapersonal intelligence indicators were observed in each cycle is self-confident, independent, following the agreed rules, discipline, courtesy, show a sense of caring and responsibility. While the techniques make-bilieve play performed by children playing there are three titles are: "I like school", "boarding school girl" and "defenders of the nation and my religion." 1. The results of the initial assessment Before being implemented action research, first conducted the initial assessment of the child's intrapersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence obtained the result that the child is still relatively low, it is envisaged based on the average of the three assessors (P1 = 1.40, P2 = 1.42, P3 = 1.43). Based reliabilitas antartater, describing the third rater consistency is high (rxx = 0.965). 2. Description of the First cycle Based on intervention measures in cycle 1, the following are the results of each indicator intrapersonal intelligence, which suggests that Intrapersonal intelligence. Capability, can learning is implemented by using makebe seen in the following table: believe play, to develop early childhood Tables. 1 The observation of Intrapersonal intelligence in learning the technique of make-believe play in Cycle 1 Intrapersonal Respondents intelligenceaspects criteria Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3 F % F % F % Confidence andindependence Good 2 8 4 17 6 25 Enough 8 33 12 50 13 54 Less 14 59 8 33 5 21 Following Good 2 8 4 17 6 25 thedisciplinaryrules agreed Enough 8 33 12 50 13 54 Less 14 59 8 33 5 21 Courtesypoliteinaction Good 6 25 7 29 10 42 Enough 14 58 15 63 12 50 Less 4 17 2 8 2 8 Responsible Good 10 42 12 50 13 54 Enough 12 50 10 42 9 38 Less 2 8 2 8 2 8 Show hisconcern Good 2 8 4 17 6 25 Enough 8 33 12 50 13 54 Less 14 59 8 33 5 21 Based on the above table, can be explained that learning to use the technique of makebelieve play children can develop intrapersonal intelligence. This can be seen from the observation that the learning activity at a meeting, to aspects of selfconfidence, independence, and discipline to follow the rules indicate the similarity of achieving the criteria of "good", as much as 8%, at a meeting of 2 increased to 17%, and at the meeting to 3 increased to 25% of all children in the classroom. Furthermore, as many as 33% of children who reach the criteria of "sufficient" at the meeting 1. At the meeting of 2 increased to 50% and at a meeting of 3 increased to 54%. As for the aspectCourtesypoliteinaction in the first act at the meeting, children who reach the criteria of "good", as much as 25%, at a meeting of 2 to 29%, and the act of 3 increased to 42% of all children in the classroom. Furthermore, as many as 58% of children who reach the criteria of "enough" in the first meeting, the meeting of 2 to 63% while at the confluence of three children who reach the criteria of " enough " 50%. Responsibility aspects, shows that children achieve well at meeting 1 reached 42%, meeting 2, meeting 50% and 3 reached 54%, while for the aspects of a sense of concern at the meeting of 1 indicates either 8%, 2 meeting, to 17% and at the meeting of 3 increased to 25%. At each end of the meeting on the first cycle, was held to discuss the reflection with kolabolator weaknesses encountered during the observation and produce recommendations that will be followed up / repaired at a second meeting, and so on, until the end. 3. Description of the Second Cycle 109 Observations on two cycles, can be 110 presented in the following table: Tables. 2 Observations Intrapersonal intelligence in learning the technique of make-believe play in Cycle 2 Intrapersonal intelligenceaspects Confidence andindependence Following thedisciplinaryrules agreed Courtesypoliteinaction responsible Show hisconcern criteria Good Enough Less Good Enough Less Good Enough Less Good Enough Less Good Enough Less Based on the above table, can be explained that learning to use the techniques make-believe play children can develop intrapersonal intelligence. It can be seen from the observation of learning activities, to aspects of self-confidence, independence, and discipline to follow the rules indicate the similarity of achieving the criteria of "good", as much as 42%, at a meeting of 2 increased to 50%, and 57% and at the meeting to 3 increased to 54% and 63% of the total children in the classroom. Furthermore, for the courtesy aspect of the act, showing the results as much as 58% of children received either criterion, the first meeting, and meetings 2 to 63% of childen get a good criterion. For the aspect of responsibility, the child who gets good at meeting criteria 1, 58% to 3% in the second meeting and the meeting to 3, to aspects show his concern the fisr meeting showed either 42%, meeting 2, to 57% and at a meeting 3 increased to 63%. Meeting 1 F 10 12 2 10 12 2 14 8 2 14 8 2 10 12 2 % 42 50 8 42 50 8 58 34 8 58 34 8 42 50 8 Respondents Meeting 2 F % 12 50 10 42 2 8 13 57 11 43 1 15 63 8 34 1 4 15 63 8 34 1 4 13 57 11 43 1 P Meeting 3 F % 13 54 9 38 2 8 15 63 9 37 15 63 9 37 15 63 9 37 15 63 9 37 - 4. The final assessment After completion of the action research activities in the two cycles, then held postes / final assessment with the results showed that intrapersonal intelligence of children classified as "good", it is reflected from the average of the three assessors, namely: (P1 = 2.73, P2 = 2, 72, and P3 = 2.72), based on the calculation of reliability between raiter, describing the third rater consistency rating of high (rxx '= 0.996). Thus it can be informed that the average increase children's learning outcomes, after using the make technique beliaeve play in early childhood learning. 5. The effectiveness of the action (From Mean Difference) From the results of action research that has been noted above, testing the effectiveness of the action. Efektitivitas result of actions carried out by testing the mean differences (t-test) between the 111 results of the initial assessment prior to implementation of the action, with a final assessment after the act of learning by using the make technique beliaeve play, to develop intrapersonal intelligence, obtained by t-test calculation results of the observation scale of intrapersonal intelligence in the child's learning by using the make technique beliaeve play, which is at a significance level of 0.05 (95% confidence level) and the degrees of freedom (df) 23, obtained t count (-15.40) whereas t-table with the the same significance and df, obtained 2.068 t-table. There is a significant mean difference between before and after done actions in the learning, the aspect of self-confidence and independence, following the agreed rules, discipline, Courtesypoliteinaction, showing a sense of caring and responsibility. The following is a presentation between the increase in the initial assessment with the final assessment, which is displayed in the histogram below: Kecerdasan Intrapersonal (Kel.Action) Hasil Pengamatan 35 30 25 Pretest 20 Siklus 1 15 Siklus 2 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Responden Figure 1: Histogram increase Intrapersonal intelligence in children with learning using the technique "make beliaeve play" Visualization above shows an increase of the whole subject of research, the development of intrapersonal intelligence. The improvements from one child to another, according to its potential, and support from various parties in the child's environment. 6. Factors that support and hinder the learning by using the make beliaeveplay technique. Based on the results of the implementation of measures and analysis in both quantitative and qualitative, can be put forward supporting factors and constraints in implementing the learning by using the make beliaeve play, in an effort to develop an early chilhdren intrapersonal intelligence, kindergarten in Al-Muhajirin Bengkulu City that : 112 a. Supporting Factor Internal factors of children, namely (1) The ability, anthusiasm, high curiosity of children as research subjects in the study, can be observed from the start to the second meeting, children who are always proposed to implementation the make beliaeve play techniques (2) sense of fun and interest son of figures which will be played (3) The spirit of children to play is quite high, so the techniques makebeliaeve play as if they were playing, when in fact learned. (4) Children class B3 (the study) included children who "active, creative, and spirit". External factors (1) The support of the Head of kindergarten places conducive to research, and active participation of teachers in particular kolabolator 1 and 2 are accompanied during the study from start to finish (2) Good cooperation and harmony among the teachers with the researcher, so the advice and input to support the implementation of learning (3) high motivation and spirit of kolabolator 1 and 2 to improve the quality of learning, so learning is always eager to make innovation by supporting the intervention action. (4) support and cooperation of parents of children with a pretty good school, and give full attention to their children's education in accord with school programs. b. Inhibitors Factor Factors which have obstructed the implementation of learning by using the make beliaeve play are (1) The limited time available to implement the curriculum demands and expectations of parents, so learning to use these techniques, carried out only certain times only. (2) Limitations of the required means and media in learning. Conclusions and Recomendations Based processing, analisis, and discussion of research findings in advance, in general it can be concluded that the "make-beliaeve techniques can develop intelligence Intrapersonal play in early childhood kindergarten in al-muhajirin city of Bengkulu, as depicted on the outcomes of learning as an instructional (instructional effects) in terms of confidence and independence, following the agreed rules, discipline, Courtesypoliteinaction,Show hisconcern and responsibility, which is as much as 63% of all children in the class to learn the results obtained with the criteria of "good", and 37 % reached the criteria of "Enough" Furthermore, the study of the impact naturnal (naturn effects) in the intrapersonal dimension, can be displayed in the daily activities at school, such as awareness and knowledge about themselves, patiently waiting their turn,defendent, and may determine their own choices. There are several factors both for and inhibit the implementation of learning, both internally and externally. Suggestions based on this research in particular to teachers kindergarten make-believe play that the techniques appropriate alternative techniques to develop intrapersonal intelligence in early childhood efforts to create a character. References Catron, Carol E., & Alen, Jan., Early Childhood Curriculum A. Creative-play Modell., second edition, Merill, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersel Columbus, Ohio, 1999. Chesler Mark and Robert Fox, RolePlaying Method s in the Classroom, Chicago: Science Research Associates, Inc., 1966. Depdiknas, Kurikulum 2004, Standar Kompetensi Taman Kanakkanak dan Raudhatul athfal, Jakarta : Depdiknas, 2004 Elliot, J., Action Research for Education Change, Milton Keynes, Philadelphia : Open University Press, 1993 Gagne, Robert, M., dan Leslie J. Briggs and Walter W. 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APPLICATIONAFFECTION AND SOFTNESS INLEARNING PROCESS IN KINDERGARTEN Farida Mayar Lecturer PGPAUD FIP UNP Abstract Affection and tenderness of affection and tenderness that is indispensable to the realization that conducive learning and fun for children of kindergarten (hereafter TK), thus giving greater possibility in the development of all the potential that a kindergartner. But the reality of love and tenderness are still low by teachers in the learning process is optimal. Based on the above conclusion can be put forward suggestions to between another kindergarten teacher in order to add insight, knowledge, understanding, and skills to apply the affection and tenderness in the process of learning and training seminars. To institutions such as LPTK advised to give more supplies to teachers and prospective teachers about the techniques of interpersonal relationships special affection and tenderness over the deepening of the psychology of learning materials on kindergarten children. A. Preliminary In an attempt to glorify the human through the learning process carried out in this educational staff, teachers who have a qualification aspececial professional, intellectual and moral integrity so high that teachers have sufficient capital to children through the learning. Learning is essentially an effort to form a human disposition through means use of materials chosen for something excellence. Teachers provide learning thing that matters to children, and children took this meaning in a particular situation social. Therefore, teachers must be able to develop the learning process. Development of the learning process in kindergarten (TK) as the learning process at other levels of education, teachers can do, among others, by applying the affection and tenderness in the learning process. Attitude of the above application may only be realized when teachers appreciate the potential as a live answering, namely develop optimum potential of children with developmental tasks in accordance with the characteristics of children in kindergarten and in accordance with humanity. Kindergarten age is the age of 4-6 years of age that contains a golden age for the physical and mental development of children. At this time a very sensitive child receives all the influence exerted by the environment. Children at an early age may be analogous to not care whether the water is dirty or clean. Therefore, the TK was an influential time for children's development in the future. Success through the international children in this period became the foundation for the child's future success. Child's development efforts, especially the kindergarten children by parents, teachers and related parties will be more successful if accompanied by the outward appearance of an insight into the development and the development of the child through education. Education, especially through the learning process are essentially efforts to provide assistance and services for students. In order for these services change the behavior of children towards optimal personal growth, then that service should be tailored to the nature and the nature and characteristics of learners, in this case the child in kindergarten. Relationships of teachers and learners in the learning 115 process that is expected is that in which human elements involved and tenderness affection. Relations educators do not occur randomly, but to grow and develop through unrevealed affection and tenderness which is one element in it high touch relationship between educator and child. In many cases it can be seen that the relationship between the two sides would lead to a situation which is contrary to the objective meaning educators themselves, as occurs rudeness, hatred and anger of teachers in the process learning. It is very possible due to lack of understanding of the Characteristics of kindergarten teachers are understanding and knowledge of educators about the application of fiber affection and tenderness is still low, which in turn lead to the fate of one child and less or even not appreciate the human values that have children, therefore, understanding educators about the love and tenderness as well as its application in the process of learning in kindergarten is necessary. B. Discussion 1. Application of affection and tenderness in the learning process. Educators are expected to be able to color the lesson with a sense of affection and tenderness which is the remedy the atmosphere in the relationship between educators and kindergarten children. Affection and tenderness in Prayitno (2002) as contained in the Working Group, the development of science teachers (2005) is an attitude, treatment and communication educators to students based on socio-emotional relationships are close and familiar open, sensitive, constructive and permissive nature of development. Basis and this relationship is love and carring to focus all geared to the interests and happiness of the students in 116 accordance with the principles of humanistic. The characteristics of the humanistic education according to Paterson (Pyayitno, 2008), among others: (1) to talk with honest and candid, do not hide your feelings and not blaming others and take responsibility for feeling it, (2) to share opinions openly , and (3) does not make students fear but respect. Love according Prayitno (2008) is the radiance of love of one person to another, or to any subject that you want the person who wants to love his beloved subjects are in a happy condition. While tenderness is a remedy for the operationalization of the flavor and attitude of love is an affectionate irony is realized through arrogance, denial, denial, resistance, anger and such antagonistic. Prayitno (2005) also suggested that with affection and tenderness close relationship between educators and learners will happen and productive. Affection and tenderness which is owned by the educator will promote the establishment of communication attitude and treatment of children based on socioemotional relationships with a basic love relationship carring. Teachers can realize the love and tenderness through various forms. With regard to the form and the affection and tenderness. Hasan (2005) states that the affection and tenderness can be realized through sincerity, appreciation and understanding of sara empathetic toward learners as a person. Hali's, all can not be achieved through violence, anger, arrogance, hypocrisy, or in activities directly or indirectly, covertly come true, to the detriment or difficult learners in the learning process. Kindergarten teachers are very noble task, namely to stimulate and develop the potential emergence of intelligence. Therefore, a kindergarten educators need to understand the characteristics of learners, Herawati (2005) describes as follows: (1) children are not miniature adults, (2) the child is still growing up stage, (3) every child is unique, ( 4) the world is the world's children play, (5) children do not know the correct one, (6) any valuable work of students, (7) give every child needs a sense of affection, (8) security, (9) every child is a researcher and inventor. Interaction in the learning process is something that interpersonal relationships to develop into a pattern of cooperation is both necessary requirements as follows: (1) the attitude of trust, (2) sportsmanship and (3) being open in communication (Sulo et al, 2005). with the attitude of trust, sportsmanship and will open relationship or interaction leads to learning that fosters mutual respect, respect that will ultimately lead to the emergence of affection or educators and children in learning. Uhbiyati (2001) suggested that the attitude of love and tenderness is admirable, and as his opponent is the attitude of hatred and anger, stubborn and mean stone. The stubborn attitude of hatred is as dank Natijah (fruit) of anger, while the affection and tenderness is the result of embedded noble character. This attitude needs to be applied by educators in providing education and learning in kindergarten children because as a model of the implant daily habituation days.In connection with the foregoing Made (2000) reveals that education should be able to build a conscience, where educators must contain affectionate tenderness and self-control, if the students with love and tenderness he would love others also. Application of affection and tenderness in the learning process is currently in kindergarten Based on the above description of the affection and tenderness noted that the application of love and tenderness in the process of learning in kindergarten is needed in the development potential of children through a fun learning process based on the principle of playing while learning and learn to play. However, the reality on the ground is still evolving phenomenon implement instructional practices that are less affectionate and tenderness. This condition is indicated by, among others, there are still attitudes that tend to show educators comonication poor, angry and injustice against children in kindergarten. Conditions of application of the affection and tenderness which was lacking at the top, of course, result in a less conducive learning and fun for children. This is of course very evolve the optimum condition is caused less by LPTK correlation Education or related institutions that have not. fully paying attention to education, especially kindergarten education has to provide knowledge about interpersonal relationships in the learning process well in kindergarten. Based on the above explanation about love and tenderness above can be stated that the application of love and tenderness in the process of learning in kindergarten is needed in the development potential of children through a fun learning process based on the principle of playing while learning and learn while playing. So however, the reality was still a lot of growing phenomenon implement instructional practices that are less affectionate and tenderness. These conditions, among others, indicated by the attitudes are still many educators who are likely to show anger, injustice, denial, and sometimes there bahhkan educators who are less happy to kindergarten children. Conditions of application of the affection and tenderness which was lacking at the top, of course, lead to less learning and please conducive for 117 kindergarten children. This of course is very detrimental to children in kindergarten, because of its potential can not be unfurled by as optimal possible. Conditions with the role LPTK and institutions that have not fully paying attention to prospective teachers, especially kindergarten teachers with supply knowledge of interpersonal relations in the learning process as well. B. Conclusion From the above description may concluded that affection and tenderness of affection and tenderness that is indispensable to the realization that conducive learning and fun for children in kindergarten, so as to give greater enable in the development of all the potential of the child. But the reality of love and tenderness has not been implemented by teachers in the learning process is optimal. Based on the above conclusion can be put forward suggestions to between another kindergarten teacher in order to add insight, knowledge, understanding, and skills to apply the affection and tenderness in the process of learning and training seminars. To institutions such as LPTK advised to give more supplies to teachers and prospective teachers about the techniques of interpersonal relationships of affection and tenderness special deepening of the material through the international psychology of learning about a kindergartner. References Hartati, Netti. , 2005. Early Childhood Education. New York: UNRI Uhbiyati, and Ahmadi Abu Nur. Of 2001. Science Education. New York: Reneka Notices Pidarta, Made. Of 2002. Educational foundation. New York: Reneka Notices 118 Education Development Working Group Scholarly Mat. , 2005. Map of Scientific Education. Jakarta: Ministry of Higher Education Prayitno. Of 2002. Relations Education. Jakarta: Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry --------- 2005. The figure of Scientific Education. Padang: FIP UNP Hasan Tholib. , 2005. Basics of Education. New York: Press Studia Lasulo Tirtaharja S.L and Umar. 2005. Introduction Education. New York: Rineka Notices REFORMULATING THE ROLE OF EDUCATORS IN ICT ERA M. Miftah Balai Pengembangan Multimedia Pendidikan Kemdikbud, email: [email protected] Abstract Contribution or support of information technology toward education technology is necessarily needed to reach the learners wherever they are. Besides, it also functions to serve most learners who haven‘t got the chances to learn, to accomplish the need of learning in order to keep abreast of the changing times, and to improve efficiencies and effectiveness of learning and academic services. This article aims at reformulating roles and functions of educators in the era of information and communication technology (ICT). This article discusses: (1) the changing of academic advising services through ICT; (2) the ICT-based academic guidelines and advising system; (3) the advantages and weaknesses of academic advising through on-line model; (4) the ICTbased academic advising roles and services; (5) the ICT-based academic advising ethic. Keywords: reformulate, educators, ICT, guidance. A. Introduction The development of information technology gives the real impacts towards the process of academic advising and services to university students. Academic advising services is not only conducted through face to face meeting, but also through various communication and information media like telephone, internet, chat rooms, or videos which are known as cyber counseling. Information technology which is mostly used in academic advising services is internet. Through internet services, the filling of KRS can be done without meeting the academic advisors face to face. Academic advising through internet certainly gives the positive and negative impacts. The positive one is students can do the advising process quickly and easily and the process of academic advising can be done anywhere as long as the internet media is available. On the other hand, it creates the diminishing of student and academic advisor‘s meeting which makes the completion of academic problems and the control of students‘ behavior get more difficult. Academic advising services process through internet or on-line system has been widely applied in many schools or universities. This system gives easiness in storingdata, information search, and recovering data. The easiness found in this on- line academic system does not imply that it has no weaknesses. Some of the weaknesses are: personal data can be hijacked by other students and any hijackers can delete and change the value, randomize the programs, or tuck the bully programs since the academic information system is not protected and updated. To avoid the misuse of advising facilities through internet, it‘s necessary to reformulate the role of academic advisors. Reformulating roles needs the system which involves academic advisor and it‘s officially regulated. One important thing to control in on-line academic service system is academic ethic. In this case, though students get the freedom to conduct academic advising through internet, the involvement of academic advisor is still 119 needed in the term of academic document legalization and agreement. Therefore, reformulating the role of educators in ICT (information and communication technology) era is extremely important and needed by schools or universities since it gives the following benefits; it can give the change on advising services through technology, it can be the ICT-based advising system and academic guideline, it gives the advantages and weaknesses on academic counseling through on-line model, and it gives the efficiency through ICT-based academic advising services. B. Discussion 1. The Changing of Academic Advising Services through ICT Since computer entered the world of education, learning technology experienced the rapid change. Technology helps human works to be more practical and easy. Almost all works in education Before Face to face communication Limited time and space Learning sources are text books. Two-way interaction Close system, only the concerned person who knows Simple planning and evaluation Lecturers always monitor students‘ learning progress and help their difficulties Teacher oriented 120 world can be helped by computer, starting from storing and retrieving documents to displaying them. Nowadays, computer is not only used to create documents, but also used as a very fast and cheap information media. Through sophisticated data based system, computer can display data and information which is needed through various ways of retrieving. This data based system is later used to serve many kinds of needs, like academic advising service process. The changing of academic advising system can also change the interaction between students and lecturers. Independent students assume that the presence of lectures is no longer necessary since information and learning sources can be obtained from other sources. Some of the changes symptoms which can be observed before and after information technology entered the world of education are as the following: After Long distance communication Unlimited time and space Learning sources are text books and electronics ones. Interaction is not always the case Open system, other person can see this More complex planning and evaluation Lecturers cannot monitor and help the students Subject oriented Expectation Flexible, it may integrate between the two of them. Unlimited, but it still refers to the norms and ethics prevailed. Learning sources depends on contextual matters. Combination for both two-way interaction and one-way report. Protecting the secure of the system which can‘t be misused by others. Holistic planning, evaluation is conducted based on standard Lectures are expected to monitor students‘ learning progress and help their difficulties Adjusting the needs According to Senn J (2004), information technology refers to items variation width and ability which is used to result, to save, and to spread data and information as the knowledge obtained by universe. Then, it is further explained that there are six functions of information technology, they are: to capture, to process, to generate, to store/relieve, and to transmit. Academic advising uses the function of information technology to capture students‘ data, and to process, to store, to deliver, and to generate those filled data. 2. ICT-based Advising System and Academic Guideline The use of internet technology in academic advising service system is relatively a new system. According to Bloom, academic advising process which uses electronic devices to communicate (cyber-counseling) is a practical advising and the delivery of information occurs as counselor or advisor and student are in separated place or remote location, but it‘s still under controlled. Cyber-counseling consists of two forms, electronic mail (email) and dynamic website. Advisor and student can communicate one another through email service or fill the data form via internet. The messages or problems discussed by the advisor can be delivered though they are separated in faraway places. The message through this electronic media is needed especially for data transmission (Morrisay, M. 1977). The changing of academic advising system from the traditional one (face to face meeting) to the modern one (on-line system) needs some adjustment. Academic advisor as the person involved within the system is required to master the update academic advising technology before giving academic service to students. Even so, not all academic advisors pay serious attention to the new system and sometimes they get confused with the sudden change of technology. Therefore, the changing of academic advising system requires the readiness of academic advisors so that they can take a part in developing new technology. Academic advising process through internet opens an opportunity for students to leave their academic advisors. Science and academic information in internet is generally far more complete than those provided by academic advisors. Likewise in guardianship process, students‘ data has been recorded by computer and that is why the printed and legalized data by the academic advisor is no longer needed. Here is the importance of reformulating the role of academic advisors in academic service process. Academic advising regulation through internet becomes a very interesting issue. Some of the questions found are as the following: (1) Who will guarantee the advising result through internet?; (2) Has the advising system been considered thoroughly?; (3) Do the academics believe to accept the result of academic advising from internet?; (4) If there is a mistake on filling the data and suggestion, is there anyone who will evaluate and remind it?; (5) Can the internet become the save channeling messages?; (6) If cybercounseling facilities are not available, where will the students and lectures can access the message?; (7) Can the academic advisors differ when someone uses him to be the other user or to fill others‘ data?; (8) Anticipation towards predator-typed who tends to use the internet to gain benefits from the advised-students or to deceive the advisor (Law, M.B., 2001). Due to some questions which usually appeared when academic advising done through on-line internet, it requires a traditional assistance. The on-line academic advising through internet must fulfill some ethic requirements. Therefore, academic advising system needs to look 121 back to the ethic and some academic requirements which are officially prevailed. This information should be known by students so they will understand the limit of academic advising authority through internet. Academic advisors and students should make an agreement on other system of academic advising instead of using internet. Students and lecturers must know the opportunities of failed technology to happen and they should be able to solve the problems. 3. The strengths and weaknesses of academic consultation by online model The most often academic consultation done by internet is in supervising and learning process. In supervising process, Study Plan Card (SPC) can be performed in internet network whereever we are by opening the related university website. Secret codes (PIN) given by the students after paying tuition are used for opening SPC form page. In this sense, the students must consult with their academic supervisors before filling the SPC. The SPC is approved by them then given to the subdevision of education to get validation in the form of stamp. Unfortunately, through the internet most students do not do this kind of validation procedure. The uses of internet in communication between lecturers and students or in other communities definitely have strengths and weaknesse. Tavani (2004) states that we can learn positive and negative efects in using online way: (1) students have strength to choose their own community, but it can reduce a chance to be face-to-face between them and the lecturers; (2) students can present although the location is far away to interract regularly in the same community, but there is no tolerance in physical community; (3) internet tends to give 122 individual freedom and enhance social and politic fragmentation (Tavani, H.T. 2004). According to Bambang Warsita (2011), the use of learning service using internet can make it easier to get data, send news, etc. Also, he explains that there is much internet application facility, so it can support academical needs (Bambang Warsita, 2011). In academic supervising, the most often thing happening is that if there are similar identities (students‘ name, course code), computer will provide similar data when calling is done. It even occurs although from different users. It is suggested for the students who have the same name to add other identities, such as students‘ number, study program, etc to prevent incorrect data and important information possessed by the students. 4. The Role and Services of ICT-Based Academic Consultation The final aims of education in school/university are assisting students to grow to be good-personality-human, to be able to do their work in society professionally, and to have good manner and qualified scientific competence. Therefore, it needs a condusive climate, a healthy academic society life, to attain the aims. Lecturers/academic supervisors have essential roles in academic life of univeristy. As one of instrumental input, academic supervisors can influence any students‘ activities. However, this condition never happens if there is no intensive communication between them and students. Although some of them have been represented by the computer, their presence is still required to encourage the students‘ interest as the subject of both active and creative learning. Amien (1995) states that to creat competent graduates lecturers are called for: a. Being aware of the functions of the academic staffs as the facilitator in teaching learning process as well as helping the students‘ life. b. Being able to develope self-ability and continously to excellence (focus on excellence) c. Performing supervising and training to the students according to their roles and functions as academic staffs. Therefore, educators are called for their sincerity and dedication. According to Amien (1995), there are some things needed to establish ideal academic society. They are: (a) healthy, harmonious, and good relationship between members in academic society environment; (b) healthy academic norms which are harmonious with norms in the society; (c) every member in academic society (students, college students, teachers, lecturers, employees) must understand, appreciate, and practice their roles comprehensively. An Academic Supervisor (AS) is a teacher who is permanent, appointed, or assigned to supervise the students‘ assignments. The supervising aims for assisting students to develop their competence so that they get optimum results and finish their study as they expected. Academic supervisors‘ main role is to help the students when they study in campus. This position is irreplaceable by anyone else. There are some essential roles possessed by academic supervisors. According to academic regulations, there are some duties conducted by academic supervisors as follows. a. They must advice and help them to behave as well-educated students in developing academic independence according to their field. b. They are responsible for adding study load taken in the beginning of every semester by the students to fill the SPC as well as for giving enough explanation on courses taking decision. c. They have to monitor and advice the students during the semester. Besides, they must help them solve their problems whether is academic-related or non-academic-related which are predicted to be able to bother their effort to reach their good performance. If the students have no interest, they must consult with the supervisors to find solution. The supervisors must even call them if needed. d. In the end of every semester, the academic supervisors should determine or decide whether the students can attend final examination. According to the mentioned academic supervisors‘ duties description above, it is very obvious that not all academic services can be conducted by internet network (online). The students still definitely need their academic supervisors to help them. The academic supervisors are still required until the students finish their study. Their interraction can be arranged by good cooperation. Regulations from academic supervisors in any universities make them have comprehensive job to help the students. However, most supervisors can only help the students in legalizing the students‘ SPC. When it is completed by computers, they think they that they are not needed anymore. Actually, academic supervisors do not only give signature on the SPC in every semester. They actually have more important job, helping the students to finish their study fast. In fact, the academic supervisors have been so busy. Therefore, supervising activities can be assisted by information technology (internet). In this sense, they must provide their time for students and arrange it with them not only in SPC filling. Supervising activities, including some suggestions needed for the students or Faculty/Study Program, can be reported to head of Faculty/Study Program. Function reformulation and academic supervisors‘ role can be gradually 123 managed, starting from narrow scope (contact regulations between supervisors and students) to wide scope in study program, faculty, and university level. 5. ICT-Based Academic Supervisors’ Ethics Ethics are directed standard and someone‘s moral behavior which are expected to be followed up. Personal ethics are in term of daily activitiy in personal life. In academic supervising services, there is a range between ethics behavior and legal one. Ethics behavior refers to expected one, while legal behavior refers to charged one. A behavior may be legal but not ethic or it may be ethic but illegal. Students‘ ethics in academic supervising is obeying prevailing academic regulations. ICT uses (e.g.: phone, sms, e-nail, facebook, etc) are conducted after a collective agreement between lecturers and students. In far scale communication, students must employ polite words. They must be able to choose the right time to phone and send text message. There are some lecturers‘ ethics in giving academic supervising. They are: (a) having high moral and personality integrity as well as having big responsibility towards this nation, (b) possessing exemplary behavior and being able to be honest, objective, energetic, responsible for, and avoiding impolite words and behavior, and (c) having clannish and sense of togetherness towards all academics as well as administration staff. In addition to the mentioned ethics, lecturers are expected to help ICTbased academic supervising services. In this sense, academic supervisors should have e-mail which can be informed to their students. Moreover, they should also use available academic information. 124 C. Conclusion and Suggestion Academic supervising using ICT needs to be supported because it is appropriate with the future technology development. Supervising services using internet has showed positive results, faster, and more effective. Internet communication definitely saves time because lecturers must not meet students directly. Also, the students get information in wider range. However, academic supervising using ICT needs to be guided by traditional way. It is so because some problems encountered by the students must be overcomed by meeting directly. The academic supervisors‘ ask is not only in gicing signature on (SPC) but also being charged to give consulation in nonacademic case to help the students. Thus, reformulation of educators in ICT era must consider some following aspects: a) advantages that will be gained by the lecturers and students to develop quality; b) infrastructure development cost and tools and software availability; c) operational and maintainance cost; d) good human resources to develop and manage learning network and system; e) effisience and effectiveness of academic services. References Amien, 1995. Proses belajar mengajar di perguruan tinggi. IKIP Yogyakarta Bambang Warsita, 2011. Landasan teori dan teknologi informasi dalam pengembangan teknologi pembelajaran, Jakarta: Teknodik. Law, M. B., 2001. Cybercounseling Characteristics and Barriers for Use in School Counseling Programs. Cybercounseling RD. Morrissey, M., 1997. NBCC webcounseling standards unleash intense debate. C T Online. American Counseling Association website: http://www.counseling.org/ctonline/ Purbo, Onno W., 1996, Internet untuk dunia pendidikan, makalah, bandung: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Rosemarie, H. S., 2001. Ethics and regulations of cybercounseling. ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Student Services http://www.ericdigests.org/20013/ethics.htm Senn, J., 2004. Information technology: principles, practices, opportunities, 3rd. Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Tavani, H. T., 2004. Ethics and technology: ethical issues in an age of international communication technology. USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 125 VERBAL LANGUAGE METHOD APPLICATION IN EFFORT OF INCREASING THE COMMUNICATING CAPABILITY OF HEARING-IMPAIRED CHILD OF EARLY AGE FROM 6-7 YEARS OLD (Action Research in PoyowaBesar Primary School of Special Needs of Poyowa, Kotamobagu City, North Sulawesi) Ni Luh Putri Abstract This research aims to increase communicating capability of hearing-impaired child of early age through verbal language method. This research was implemented at PoyowaBesar Primary School of Special Needs at Kotamobagu City. The research method used in this research was action research. Conclusion of this research result was that there was increase of communicating capability on two hearing-impaired children researched at cycle I it obtained outcome percentage of 10 %, at cycle II it obtained 20%, and at cycle III there was 80%. Based on that analysis result data, it says that percentage of preliminary research from cycle I, to cycle II and cycle III underwent the increase. Key words: Verbal Language Method, Communicating Capability and Hearing-Impaired Child of Early Age. Introduction Background of Problem To train the communicating capability through oral (lip) language is preliminary activity or basic provided by teacher. Communicating capability is an obsolute demand that must be mastered properly by a learner, it is in effort of training the communicating capability that teachers themselves find rather basic difficulties. Based on observation done in PoyowaBesarschool of special need in Kotamobagu City, it was in fact hearingimpaired child classified as mild, some of them after passing through preparatory class, in the beginning are not having well commnicating capability. After it was searched furthermore and attempted to observe from used approach of teaching thus new teachers applied oral lanuage communication (oral communication) with numerous techniques. According to Crittwright and Ward, one of approached usable to train hearing-impaired child in communication is oral language method (oral communication). (19898:34). 126 Method application of oral communication, in fact is not yet purely implemented and sometimes mingled with a beckoning language method. Oral (lip) language method is not yet ever applied, oral language methode has contribution to the communicating capability for hearingimpaired child. Observing that symptom, it will attempt to apply oral communication (oral language). This method will be seen from its contribution toward communicating capability increase, is oral language method applied can have contribution to communicating capability for mildly hearing-impaired child. It is necessary to take learning service individually for hearing-impaired child, namely the service is supposed to refer to existence and needs of hearingimpaired child can be seated as effort to maximize remainder of his or her hearing and his or her communicating capability that is an instrument in effort of developing talent and capability that he has. Problem Identification Based on background of problem having been described, it resulted in identified problems that will be observed and given with treatment through research,namely: 1. Teaching method used by teacher in training of communicating capability of mildly hearing-impaired child by using oral (lip) language method and not yet ever implemented separately. 2. Hearing-impaired child after passing through preparatory class and attending or primary first grade, has no communicating capability. Problem limitation In accordance with background and problem identification having been described, thus it is necessary to do problem limitation that will be researched. This research will only limit a problem on the the communicating capability increase for mildly hearing-impaired child of primary first grade. Problem Formulation Based on background of problem, problem identification and problem limitation that will be observed and given with treatment through this research, namely ―How to increase the communicaitng capability of mildly hearing-impaired child through oral (lip) language method ? Use of Research 1. Theoritically Through this research it is expected that this research result present certain reference in effort of studying teaching patern commensurate with mildly hearing-impaired child. 2. Practically This research result is expected to present certain contribution for teachers in implementation of teaching practices and for university student conducting teaching practices. Theoritical Study A. Oral Communication Method Oral communication method is method of oral utterance, meaning that hearing-impaired child receives message through the oral utterance. For hearingimpaired child, someone‘s pronounciation is hard to understand, since a lot of pronounciation is not explicitly expressed or exposed orally (through a lip). Hearing-impaired child must know how the location and forms of speech instrument are, when one of sound instruments is pronounced by speaker. There are some speech organ not visible by the eyes in pronouncing lingual sound for instance: (1) lip location, velum, invisible sound membrane, (2) small alteration of mouth muscles takes effect on sound pending alteration. A small alteration, if we pronounce a word such as nail (paku) and palu (hammer), (3) There is lingual sound pronounced by same lip form, such as difference between b and p is caused by sound membrane. Difference between m and b is caused by velum movement. Velum and sound membrane are not visible. On speech exercise at the classroom of hearing-impaired child, the speech exercise shall be accompanied with lip-reading exercise, there are some directions of lip-reading exercise as follows: (1) speaking with face on same height with a child‘s face, (2) it is suggested that speaker faces toward the light so that his or her face is more clearly visible, (3) it is suggested to look at the face of speaker, (4) speaking clearly and strongly, but don‘t move lip excessively and don‘t yell. In teaching practice, oral (lip) language method uses a word global method. Instance of word global teaching is as follows: (1). In front of the teacher for 127 instance there were four books known familiarly by learner. First step, teacher said ―which one was book‖ (it can be coupled with normal sign, the two hands on the next), then a child was called, teacher held finger of child and guided finger of child to show the intended book. It was the children trained to show an object that they read with a name. Second step, teacher said which was the book and the children themselves showed that book. (2) Tecacher showed picture of ―car‖ and child must seek another card with the same picture located at one of places in the cllassroom. The longer the time the sooner the card was shown and at the end they were told ―to seek the car‖. (3) In front of the class there were table and chair. Children were asked to place something on the table, ―put the dress on the chair‖. In this teaching, one more emphasized was global method, but if there is difficulty faced by hearing-impaired child is necessary to provide with exercise of syllable. B. Basic concept of hearing-impairment 1. Meaning of Hearing-Impairment According to Hallahandan Kaufman, hearing-disability is a general term showing hearingdifficulty including overall difficulty from the mild to the serious, classified as deaf and lack of hearing. Smith defines that someone is supposed to categorize as deaf if he or she undergoes hearing damage fin serious/heavy level so that his or her hearing does not function. Meanwhile person lack of hearing according to Smith is he or she undergoes hearing damage but his hearing instrument still functions. From the above interpretation it concludes that inability of hearing in all sound tone intensity or sound. This situation is usually called as total deafness or condition of not hearing at 128 all or dysfunction of hearing instrument even though with hearing aid or without hearing aid. It can be categorized as deaf. Meanwhile condition of not hearing is only on certain intensity from sound or tone. Situation like this can be categorized as lack of hearing or deaf partly. This means there is remainder hearing, since his or her hearing instrument still functions although with or without hearing aid. This can be categorized as lack of hearing. 1. Classification of Hearing-Impaired Child. Classification of hearingimpaired child based on hearing capability loss level of people‘s speech is grouped into 5 groups namely: (a) very mild condition of 27-40db namely difficulty of hearing far sounds, (b) mild condition of 41-55db namely understanding of speech language, (c) moderate condition of 50-70db namely condition of only hearing from near distance, (d) heavy/severe condition of 71-90db namely condition of only hearing very near distance, (e) extreme condition of over 91db or deafness namely awareness probability of exisitng sound or tone or vibration. Based on the afoementioned description, which said that hearingimpaired child has hearing capability loss started from lack of hearing to deafness. However in this research researched is mildly hearing-impaired child. Method of Research A. Objective of Research This research is aimed at increasing communicating capability of hearing-impaired child through verbal language method. B. Place and Time of Research Research is done at PoyowaBesar Primary School of Kotamobagu City, North Sulawesi C. Method of Research Method of research used in research is action research. Design of Research This Action Research uses working procedure developed by Kemmes and Taggard (1998) namely spiral cycle. Spiral cycle intended is one activity cycle encompassing steps of each cycle, namely (1) planning, (2) action and observation and (3) reflection, furthermore it takes replanning that is a basic to solve further problem. Role and Position of Researcher in Research Role and position of researcher in this reseach as a designer as well as research executor. Researcher will design and execute action as well as observe action implementation, record important things used as improvement for nect cycles. Position of researcher in this research serves as active participant in conduct of observation. D. Subject Involved in Research This subject of research is hearing-impaired student of primary first grade from PoyowaBesar Primary School of Special Need at Kotamobagu City. This subject of research amounts to 5 (five) children of mildly hearing-impairment. Reason used to select this subject of research is that hearing-impaired student unable to communicate sufficiently, and teaching approach used by teacher in training of mildly hearing-impaired child‘s communicating capability, mainly approach with the usage of verbal language method not yet ever done purely. Participant in Research Participant in this research is principal and teacher of primary first grade from PoyowaBesar Primary School of Special Need at Kotamobagu City. E. Data and Data Source However data in this research is quantitative data, this data is obtained from assessment test, done in amount of two times preliminary test and final test. Meanwhile qualitative data is data describing learning process obtained through observation. F. Data Collecting Technique Data collcting technique in this research is observation, assessment, field notes, and documentary analysis. Result Of Research A. Description of Research Result Based on result of pre-research, data was obtained that the two hearingimpaired children showing communicating capability was still difficult or still low. From percentage ratio of communicating capability on pre-research with data of cycle I there occurred increase of hearingimpaired child‘s communicating capability of 10% after action was done namely by exercising to read letter, read word, and short sentence. The result showed that hearing-impaired child underwent difficulty of communicating, it meant that this increase was not too significant. Based on research result obtained, researcher would optimize the communicating capability increase by exercising or drilling speech instrument of hearingimpaired child in order to read or pronounce the letter, word and short sentence by using verbal language method. Based on the result, researcher would continue the research by performing the cycle II to obtain the communicating capability increase of hearing-impaired child to become more optimal again, since results of increase percentage obtained does not yet undergo significant increase. From research data of cycle II it obtained increase result of 80%. Based on result obtained at this research of cycle III, teacher research ended this research up to cycle III. 129 B. Research Data Analysis Preliminary research mplementation of cycle I on communicating capability of hearingimpaired child did not undergo significant increase. This means that hearing-impaired child was not able to read or pronounce letter, word, and sentence properly. At cycle II, children capability in reading letter, word, and simple sentence underwent increase of only 20%. Cycle II was necessary to conduct since hearingimpaired child did not undergo significant increase, it means that child is still necessary to practice or drill again. At cycle III the two hearing-impaired children researched underwent increase. This was seen from indicator of communicating capability undergoing increase at cycle III. This means that communicating capability of the two hearing-impaired children increased. Conclusion, Implication And Suggestion A. Conclusion Based on data analysis result on the preliminary research, there is increase of the communicating on two hearingimpaired children researched at cycle I it obtains percentage result of 10%, at cycle II of 20%, and at cycle III of 80%. Based on that analysis result data, it is said that percentage from preliminary research from cyle I, to cycle II and cycle III undergoes the increase. C. Research Data Analysis This research is said to be successful if there is increase in the communicating capability of hearingimpaired child from the preliminary research result. Based on data analysis result at cycle I with increase percentage of 10%. This analysis result is assessed as not yet optimal, thus action at cycle II needs to continue. Data analysis result of cycle II obtains increase of 20%. It means that hearing-impaired child‘s communicating capability of hearing-impaired childis not yet optimal, Based on analysis result of cycle II, it wis necessary to do action of cycle II. The result is analyzed at cycle III thus it obtains increase of 80%, it means that there occurs communicating capability increase from cycle I, cycle II and cycle III of 50%. Based on percentage result of cycle III, teacher and researcher decides to discontinue this research due to the increase having been commensurate with target expected. C. Suggestion In accordance with conclusion of this research result, it comes up with the following suggestions: 1. For teacher. Teachers are supposed to take the meaning of this research result in effort of attempting to apply verbal language methods more systematically and programmed in practice or drill of mentally hearingimpaired child‘s communicating capability. 2. For parent, they are supposed to pay attention deeply on practice or drill of their children in the sense of always asking the children to communicate by using verbal language. 3. For researcher. It is necessary to do further research at different places with subjects having the characteristic in common, by re-adapting the material taught so that it is commensurate with student‘s preliminary capability. 130 B. Implication 1. Application of verbal language method can increase communicating capability for mildly hearing children. 2. To increase the communicating capability of hearing-impaired child in pronounciation or reading of letter, word, sentence needs to do repetitively so that it obtains result expected. CHARACTER EDUCATION MODEL FOR EARLY CHILHOOD BASED ON E-LEARNING AND CULTURE OF JAVA Rafika Bayu Kusumandari Educational Technology Department Abstract Character education will be more meaningful if carried out since early childhood. This is because early childhood education is the foundation of the character formation of children. In the implementation of early childhood character education tailored to the characteristics of each school and the emphasis of each agency arrangements for early childhood education, culture-based Java. Javanese culture needs to be introduced early on to avoid losing out to erode the culture that goes along with globalization. In addition, Java is promoting cultural etiquette and manners are very suitable for the character formation of children's early childhood. Key words :Character Education, Early Chilhood A. Introduction Character building is an effort to mandate the embodiment of Pancasila and 1945 Constitution against the backdrop of the reality of a growing national problem today, such as disorientation values of Pancasila; limitations of integrated policy tools in realizing the values of Pancasila; shifting of ethical values in the life of the nation and state; waning awareness of national cultural values; threat of national disintegration, and the weakening of national independence (Parent Book Character Development The National Policy 2010-2025). To support the realization of the ideals of character development as mandated by the Pancasila and 1945 Constitution as well as address the current problems of nationality, the government made the development of character as one of the priority programs of national development in which the characters are placed education as the foundation for national development vision, namely "realize the noble, moral, ethical, cultured, and civilized by the philosophy of Pancasila." In order to further strengthen the implementation of character education has been identified 18 values derived from religion, Pancasila, cultural, and national education goals, namely: (1) Religious, (2) honest, (3) tolerance, (4) Discipline, (5) Hard work, (6) Creative, (7) Independent, (8) Democratic, (9) Curiosity, (10) The spirit of nationality, (11) Love the country, (12) Rewarding Achievement, (13) Friendly / Communicative , (14) Love of Peace, (15) Joy of Reading, (16) Care for the Environment, (17) Social Care, & (18) Responsibility (Curriculum Center. Development and Character Education Culture & People: Guidelines for Schools. 2009:9 - 10). Although there have been 18 forming the national character, but the educational unit to determine its development priorities in a way to continue the preconditions are reinforced with a priority value of 18 values above. In its implementation, the number and type of the selected character will certainly be different from one area or one school to another. It depends on the interests and condition of each educational unit. Among the various values that are developed, the implementation can be started from the essential, simple, and easily implemented in accordance with the conditions of each school / area, which is clean, neat, 131 comfortable, disciplined, polite and courteous. Character education will be more meaningful if carried out since early childhood. This is because early childhood education is the foundation of the character formation of children. In the implementation of early childhood character education tailored to the characteristics of each school and the emphasis of each agency arrangements for early childhood education, culture-based Java. Javanese culture needs to be introduced early on to avoid losing out to erode the culture that goes along with globalization. In addition, Java is promoting cultural etiquette and manners are very suitable for the character formation of children's early childhood. B. The Character Development of National Policy Character education has indeed become a major issue of education, in addition to being a part of the process of forming the child's morals, character education is also expected to be a major foundation in the success of Indonesia Gold 2025. Kemdiknas own neighborhood, character education became the focus of education at all levels of education are cultivated. Character development is a basic human needs in the state and nation. Since the beginning of independence, Indonesia was determined to make the character development of the nation as an important and integral part of national development. Recognizing the current condition of the community character, the government took the initiative to mainstream the development of the nation's character. This was reflected in the National Long Term Development Plan of 2005-2025, which put the character education as the first mission of the eight missions in order to realize the vision of national development. On many 132 occasions the President of the Republic of Indonesia also expressed the importance of character development (character building), because we want to build a human being a certain character, virtuous manners and good behavior. The Character Development of National Policy was developed as the implementation of the mandate of the National Long Term Development Plan of 2005-2025 and the implementation of directives as well as the President of the Republic of Indonesia. The National Policy on Character Development is organized jointly by the various ministries, agencies and NGOs related, among other national scouts and National Identity Foundation. In preparing the National Policy also explore input from experts, practitioners, community leaders, religious leaders, humanists, and those who have concern for the development of the nation's character. For it has made a national workshop on January 14, 2010, attended by over 200 experts, practitioners, observers and followed by discussions and other gatherings in various parts of Indonesia. In addition, also conducted in-depth study in several schools and educational institutions that have pioneered the character education with its variations. The Character Development of National Policy is intended as a guide in designing, developing, and implementing the National Action Plan (NAP) Character Development Nation by encouraging the active participation of the various components of the nation. C. Main Design Character Education Kemdiknas Character education is actually not new. Since the beginning of independence, the old order, the new order, and the reforms already carried out with the names and different forms. But as recent events have shown that optimal results, as evidenced by the social phenomena that show behavior that is not characterized as mentioned above. The Law. 20 of 2003 on the education system Naional has affirmed that "the National Education functions to develop skills and form the character and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing the potential of learners in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, have a certain noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable. "But it seems that educational efforts undertaken by the institution and other institutions have not fully direct supervisors and comprehensive attention on efforts to achieve national education goals . In the midst of anxieties that plague the various components of the nation, in fact there are several educational institutions or schools that have implemented character education successfully with a model that they developed on their own.These are the best practices in the implementation of character education in Indonesia. However, it is certainly not enough, because of ongoing sporadic or partial influence nationally and not so great. Therefore there should be a national movement of character education systemically programmed and integrated. D. The purpose, function and Media of Education Character Character education at its core the aim to form a tough, competitive, noble, moral, tolerant, worked together, patriotic spirit, developing a dynamic, oriented science and technology are all animated by faith and piety to God Almighty on Pancasila.Function of character education (1) develop the basic potential to be good, think good, and good behavior, (2) strengthen and build a multicultural nation of behavior, (3) improving the competitive civilization in the association world.Character education through various media that include family, educational units, civil society, political society, government, business, and the mass media. E. Forming Character values Education units have actually been to develop and implement a characterforming values through the operational program of each educational unit. This is a precondition of character education in the educational unit to the next at this time by 18 amplified the results of empirical studies Curriculum Center. Precondition value (the existing values) is, among others, piety, clean, neat, convenient, and courteous. In order to further strengthen the implementation of character education has been identified 18 values derived from religion, Pancasila, cultural, and national education goals, namely: (1) Religious, (2) honest, (3) tolerance, (4) Discipline, (5) Hard work, (6) Creative, (7) Independent, (8) Democratic, (9) Curiosity, (10) The spirit of nationality, (11) Love the country, (12) Rewarding Achievement, (13) Friendly / Communicative , (14) Love of Peace, (15) Joy of Reading, (16) Care for the Environment, (17) Social Care, & (18) Responsibility (Curriculum Center. Development and Character Education Culture & People: Guidelines for Schools. 2009:9 - 10). Although there have been 18 forming the national character, but the educational unit to determine its development priorities in a way to continue the preconditions are reinforced with a priority value of 18 values above. In its implementation, the number and type of the selected character will certainly be different from one area or one school to another. It depends on the interests and condition of each educational unit. Among the various values that are developed, the implementation can be started from the 133 essential, simple, and easily implemented in accordance with the conditions of each school / area, which is clean, neat, comfortable, disciplined, polite and courteous. F. Character Education Strategy Detailed strategy is explained as follows: 1) Stream Top Down Lane / first flow more initiatives taken by the Government / Ministry of Education and supported synergistically by local government in this province and district education office / town. In this stream of government are carried out using the five strategies are coherent, ie: a) Socialization This activity aims to build a collective consciousness about the importance of character education in the scope / national level, collective motion and declaration of character education for all. b) Development of regulation To continue to accelerate and the grounding of the National Movement of Character Education, Ministry of Education moves to consolidate ourselves in the internal level to make efforts in developing the regulations to provide strong legal protection for the implementation of policies, programs and character education activities. c) Development Capacity Ministry of National Education will be comprehensive and massive efforts of capacity building of character education resources. Need to put up a training system for character education stakeholders who will be the leading actor in developing character values. d) Implementation and co-operation Ministry of National Education to synergize the various matters related 134 to the implementation of character education in the scope of the main tasks, functions, and target the main unit. e) Monitoring and evaluation Comprehensive manner the Ministry of National Education will conduct monitorilng and evaluation focused on the roles, responsibilities, and functions and objectives of each unit of work in both the Main Unit and the Office of Education District / City, and other educational stakeholders. Monitoring and evaluation plays an important role in controlling and controlling the implementation of character education in each work unit. f) Stream Bottom up Development on track / level (stream) is expected from the initiative coming from the education unit. The government provides technical assistance to schools that have developed and implement character education in accordance with the typical school environment. g) Stream Revitalization Program On line / third level, revive the educational programs of activities in which the characters are generally found in many extracurricular activities that already exist and are loaded with character values. G. Model Learning in early childhood programs Learning is defined as a deliberate attempt by educators to support students learning activities. In general, the key points of learning in early childhood include: 1. Learning, playing, singing. In this case study prepared by developing the essence of play 2. Learn life skills. Social skills is a skill that one has to dare to face the problems of life and natural life with no feeling depressed, then proactively and creatively seek and find solutions to the solution (MONE, 2002). 3. Learning from concrete objects. At an early age children in the sensory motor stage to pre-operational and children learn best from real objects 4. Integrated learning. Learning is based on the subjects but integrated with themes based on specific (thematic). Selected basic themes of everyday life events experienced, for example: water, sand, animals, sky, rain, etc.. The basic theme can be developed into a subtheme, the theme is developed into a fountain of water, river water, drinking water, sea water, rain water. With regard to learning in kindergarten, a model of the learning program is a model pembejaran the contents of various programs and learning activities that use a variety of methods. The literature review found there are 2 models of the learning program for early age children, namely: 1. Model Cooperative Learning (Cooperative Learning) This model is intended to allow educators to become facilitators in the learning activities and can help students become independent learners (Halpern, 2005).Besides believed to increase the academic achievement of students, this model is also an alternative to the traditional model of teaching that includes instruction on a wide range of educators (Siegel, 2005). During the cooperative learning model, children are actively involved with other children and learning materials.Successful implementation of this model is the activity or program must be planned, organized, and structured with tasks related to the purpose of learning (Halpern, 2005). As for some form of this model are: a. Discussion in pairs to exchange thoughts. b. Collect a lot of information in a short time by dividing the groups of students. c. Play a role (role playing), children act out social skills. d. Playing with the search for traces (maze or maps). 2. Social cognitive learning model (Cognitive-social learning model) The purpose of this model is to improve the social skills of children with social cognitive learning strategies are effective in providing the opportunity for children to practice social behaviors in a variety of social contexts. At each study session, there are three social skills are introduced (with explanations, opinions of children, and non-verbal expression that is displayed when the social skills appear). The model is divided into five learning sessions are ongoing with different situations presented. The first session, in situations when a child wants to play with other children. The second session, how they can convey an idea or activity desired.The third session, the children dibelajarkan how a positive attitude and their peers. The fourth session, the children dibelajarkan how he could share his toys with other children. Sessions and five children dbelajarkan how they can solve the problem And the fifth session dbelajarkan children how they can solve problems in various situations of conflict. The purpose of the first session is on helping the child to take the initiative in establishing a positive social interaction with peers.Sessions while the other is to keep the child can maintain positive social relationships with peers. H. Early Childhood Education (Early Childhood) According to UNESCO Early childhood education is defined as the 135 period from birth to 8 years old. A time of remarkable brain development, these years lay the foundation for subsequent learning. Early childhood education is defined periods of life from birth to age 8 years, at a decisive time and in the developing child's brain, these years are the foundation in the early stages of learning. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) explains that this phase is a very vulnerable age in which human life from birth to age 8 years. (Http://en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Early_childhood_education). Ojala in Harkonen (1985, 14; 1993, 14) defines early childhood education as an inter-active process in the sphere of life at home, day care and preschool That is purposefully aimed at an all-encompassing personality development of Between the age from 0 to 6 years. Care, education and teaching in early childhood education are integrated into one functional entity. Early childhood education Ojala defined as an interactive process in good environment in the home, garden care and pre school which aims to develop the personality between the ages of 0 to 6 years. While practically Ojala (1978: 308) explains that early childhood education as a practical science activities where the activities carried out before the pre-school age. In this case the pre-school is a part of early childhood education. The goal of early childhood education is to develop all aspects of child development, in addition to education and teaching in education and basic needs of children. This stage should be able to prepare children with soft and mature into school age. Ojala underlined that in early childhood education should be based on the theory and the theory must be seen in the field. Some theories of child development are used such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Froebel and Ki Hajar Dewantara. Froebel was one of the early childhood education is the first inventor of 136 the concept of kindergarten or Newbie (http://www.faqs.org/childhood/FaGr/Froebel-Friedrich-Wilhelm-August1782-1852.html) . Some thoughts brought about by Froebel are: 1. The curriculum of the underlying process child's play. 2. The game is instruktivistik. 3. Aspects which are developed in the learning process is mind, matter and immanent. 4. The concept of unity, diversity and individuality. 5. Play is a representation of a private activity that comes from inner necessity or internal needs of the child. 6. Education will be more effective if a synergy or a combination of school and home. Froebel wrote a book in 1884 Mother's Songs, Games and Stories which aims to help the mothers to be more effective in caring for infants or children in order to create a better society. Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934) was one of the early childhood education in the middle of the century that brought sosiocultural theory that suggests that "how cultures, values, beliefs, customs and skills of social group is transmitted to the next generation." (Berk 2003:26). culture consisting of values, beliefs, customs and skills possessed by the community group is transmitted to the next generation, in this social interaction in the form of an interactive dialogue on children is needed in establishing patterns of thinking and behaving. Here are some thoughts expressed by Lev Vygotsky: a. Language is one medium that has an important role in the mental development of children. The concept introduced is the private speech or selftalk, this condition occurs when children face many challenges, most children do private speech to manage the plans, referrals or evaluate their own behavior (Badrova and Burns 1996:6). b. According to this theory every stage of the mental processes that produce other mental processes in child development, first processed in the child and then share with others (intersubjective) and then internalized within the child and used independently in communicating with others. c. Another theory is the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). ZPD is the area between the stages of child development and child development stages of the unconditioned. Behavior without the intervention of an independent child and the child's behavior in conditioning with a wide variety of games can increase children's potential in an optimal, because by supporting and providing support to help the growth of children playing. d. Of the ZPD theory then was born the concept of scaffolding or foothold at present by Donovan and Smolkin (Verenikina) which suggests that the concept of scaffolding is influenced by the theory of the ZPD Vygotsky. Scaffolding or foothold play an attempt by teachers to be able to condition the environment to encourage the development of children and see the talents in order to develop optimally. The concept of scaffolding is based on Vygotsky's statement that the awareness of children is strongly influenced by the interaction of children around the world, their development can not be separated from social and cultural life, therefore, educators strive to create an environment that can encourage the development of the child. Character to another early childhood is Laura E Berk, said the concept of early childhood as a science, practical and multidisciplinary science. Berk suggested that the fundamentals that affect children's development consists of several stages, namely the biological basis, during prenatal development and birth. Babies learn a lot about motor skills and the ability to perceive. Berk suggests that there are some aspects of child development among the physical, cognitive and language, personality, social, and moral development. There are several elements that influence the development of the child the family, media, peers and school. Tillman (2004) developed an educational learning living values and Programme (LVEP). This program invites students to think about yourself, others and the values in a way related. The program provides the experience to build confidence and creativity, potential and talents of every citizen to do reflexion. Learning process, imagining, dialogue, communicate, be creative, make a post, express themselves through art, play with the values being taught to be a character yag firmly entrenched in the child's personality. In this process will evolve skills self, social and emotional development. Coles (2003) developed the concept of moral intelligence that turned the moral imagination is our ability to grow slowly to reflect on what is right and wrong. Moral intelligence of children is largely determined by family, class, ethnicity, society, mass media and schools. Coles lot about the process of moral is through language, cooperation, there are early in the introduction of the child through nonverbal language. I. E-Learning E-learning is one of information technology that popular in Indonesia. Elearning is a generic term for all technologically supported learning using an array of teaching and learning tools as phone bridging, audio and videotapes, 137 teleconferencing, satellite transmissions, and the more recognized web-based training or computer aided instruction also commonly referred to as online courses (Soekartawi, 2003) E-learning or learning by online is learning that to do by supporting technology such as telephone, audio, videotape, satelit transmission or computer. Now, computer became tool of learning, that we call computer based learning (CBL) or computer assisted learning (CAL). From the first era, computer became media of education, so computer that became popular for student. Computer has many variation technic of learning. After technology of learning more develop that became two resources ie : technology-based learning and technology-based web-learning. Technology based-learning has two principals, such as audio information technologies (audio tape, radio, voice mail, telephone ) and video information technologies (video tape, nideo text, video messaging). Technology based weblearning is a data information technologies (bulletin board, internet, email, telecollaboration). Characteristic e-learning ie: 1. Using teknologi elektronik; teacher and student, student and student or teacher and teacher can communicate very easy; 2. Using self learning materials that saving in the computer, so teacher and student access the material every where, every time; 3. Schedule of learning, curriculum, result of study and everything that connected with educational administration can see every time in the computer. Using technology of computer will be more useful and help the teacher in the learning to make the student more interactive in the class. 138 J. Conclusion Character building is an effort to mandate the embodiment of Pancasila and 1945 Constitution against the backdrop of the reality of a growing national problem today, such as disorientation values of Pancasila; limitations of integrated policy tools in realizing the values of Pancasila; shifting of ethical values in the life of the nation and state; waning awareness of national cultural values; threat of national disintegration, and the weakening of national independence. References Berk, L. E. (2003). Child Development. Sith Edition. USA: Illinois State University. Borba, Michele. 2008. Membangun Kecerdasan Moral : Tujuh Kebajikan Utama Agar Anak Bermoral Tinggi. Terjemahan. Oleh Lina Jusur. Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Burhan, Bungin. 2001. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif: Aktualisasi Metodologi ke Arah Ragam Varian Kontemporer. Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada Depdiknas. 2004. Pengembangan Karakter Sekolah. Jakarta : Depdiknas RI Doni Koesoema. A. 2007. 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Pusat Kurikulum. (2009). Pengembangan dan Pendidikan Budaya dan Karak ter Bangsa: Pedoman Sekolah (hal. 9‐10). Jaka rta. Nasution. 1980. Metode Penelitian Naturalistik Kualitatif. Bandung : Tarsito Suryabrata, Sumadi. 1990. Metodologi Penelitian (Cetakan Kelima). Jakarta : Rajawali Tillman Diane (2004). Living Values Acivities for Children Ages 8-14. Jakarta Grasindo. 139 EARLY CHILDHOOD READING LEARNING BASED ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Yulsyofriend [email protected] Department Of Teacher Education Early Childhood Education The Faculty of Education State University of Padang Abstract Aspects of early childhood development can be stimulated by providing learning activities that attract multi-media and methods. The research was conducted in kindergarten Earth Limaumanis Padang VI aims to determine the reading level of development as one part of the learning aspects of language development through multi-media computer. Learning to read children stimulated with software compact disc reading programs. The research method uses a class room with two action research cycles, each cycle of the three meetings. The results of this study demonstrate the effectiveness of the development of children with significant reading through the analysis of the data indicated an increase in the attitude of children who read well and good 92.5%. Increase in the child's well read and well 87.5%. This means that in general the development of learning to read the child has reached the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). Therefore, this assessment is stopped until the second cycle at the meeting of 4, because of the thoroughness of learning to read at least in the development of children has been reached. Title: Learning, Reading, Information Technology Preliminary Children aged 4-6 years were part of early childhood are at a range of birth to 6 years of age. At this age the terminology referred to as preschoolers. Development of intelligence in this period increased from 50% to 80%. In addition, based on the results of research / studies conducted by the Center for Curriculum, Balitbang Education in 2003 showed that in almost all aspects of the development of children entering kindergarten have higher ability than the children who are entering kindergarten in the first grade elementary school. Data repetition rate of 2001/2002 to 10.85% for class I, class II by 6.68%, 5.48% for class III, class IV at 4.28, 2.92% for class V and class IV of 0.42%. The data illustrate that the repetition rate in Grade I and II are higher than other classes (Depdiknas, 2003). 140 It is estimated that children who repeat classes are children who do not enter preschool education before entering elementary school. They are children who have not prepared and not prepared by her parents to enter elementary school. The existence of large differences between the pattern of education in schools and in homes that do not cause children to enter kindergarten education (preschool) suffered a surprise strike on schools and their school or not able to adjust so it can not develop optimally. This shows the importance of developing the full potential of preschool children. Early childhood education is very essential for children's development. It is based on the reasons that early age is a fundamental phase of child development and learning, learning and development is a continuous process; demands of the future will increasingly competitive lead generation, and the demands of other noneducational (change of life patterns and attitudes in society ). The nature ofEarly Childhood Early childhood education is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age six years through the provision of educational stimulus to promote the growth and physical and mental readiness of the child to have to enter further education (Depdiknas, 2003:16). Early childhood education, according to Anwar (2004:2), is education that serves to assist the growth and physical development. and psychological development of students who performed in or outside the family. Early childhood education not only function is to provide learning experiences for children, but also to optimize the development potential of children. Boundaries used by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) in is meant by "Early Childhood" is a child from birth until the age of 6 years (Patmonodewo, 2003: 43). According Patmonodewo is a preschool child is those aged between 3-6 years. They usually follow the preschool program. In Indonesia, generally following a Child Care program (ages 3-5 years) and playgroups (age 3), whereas at the age of 4-6 years they usually follow the kindergarten program. Things that are important in the early years of early childhood among others: (1) Children aged 3 years had to learn to play and talk, (2) Children ages 3 to 4 years had a great curiosity, because it's freedom and opportunity to observe, move and carry out exploration activities and the environment need to be given, (3) Children aged 2 to 6 years old are to identify themselves and the world that surrounds it. Therefore, introducing proper name, the names of the people around him, as the parts of the body, the names of things at home, in the yard, at school, it is appropriate at this age, (4) The character of the child is formed through the activities and learning over a period of 3-6 years of age, children engaged actively and frequently follow the impulses of his heart, at this time a good time to develop a child's character (Theo and Martin, 2004: 22). ReadingItselfforEarly Childhood Many recent studies show that children can be taught to read before he reaches school age. Durkin (1996: 196) has conducted research on the effects of early reading in children. He concluded that no negative effects on children of early reading. Children who have been taught to read before entering primary school are generally more advanced in school than children who did not get to read early. Steinberg (1982:214-215) argues that there are at least four advantages of teaching of early reading in terms of teaching and learning process: (1) learn to read early this satisfy the curiosity of children, (2) familiar and informal situations at home and in the KB or in kindergarten is a factor conducive for children to learn, (3) children's early childhood in general sense and can be set, (4) an early age children learn easily and quickly. Reading abilityisvitalowned subsidiaries. Purpose of readingistoget the informationin question includefactsandinformationaboutdaily eventstohigh-levelinformation, readingto broadenandenhanceknowledge. Learning Media Understanding the media leads to something that brought / forward information (messages) between the source (its message) and the recipient. Are all forms of media and channels that can be used in a process of presenting information (AECT Task Force, 1977:162) (in Latuheru, 1988:11). Robert Heinich et 141 al (1985:6) suggests the definition of the medium as something that carries information between the source and receiver of information. Still from the same viewpoint, Kemp and Dayton (1985:3), suggests that the role of media in the communication process is as a sender (transfer) that transmits messages from the sender to the receiver of the message or information. Jerold Kemp (1986) in Private (2004:1.4) suggests several factors that are characteristic of the media, among others: a. ability to present images (presentation) b. factor size: large or small c. factor color: black and white or color d. factor of motion: stationary or moving e. language factor: a written or oral f. factor of the relationship between image and sound: the picture only, sound only, or a combination of picture and sound. In addition, Jerold Kemp and Diane K. Dayton (in private, 2004:1.5) suggests the classification of media types as follows: a. print media; b. display media (media displayed); c. overhead transparency; d. sound recordings; e. sound slides and film strips; f. multi-image presentation; g. video and film; h. computer based learning. The termmediaherein terms ofusage, as well as thebenefitsandspecial functionin activities/learning process, thenusedthemedium of learning. Instructional mediaarealltools(aids) orobjects thatare usedinteaching and learning activities, with theintenttoconveya message(information) learningfromthe source(teacher orother source) to the recipient(in this case studystudentsorresidents). Messages(information) isconveyedthrough themedia, in the formorcontent ofteaching materialsmustbereceived by thereceiver of the message(the students), byusing oneor acombination oftheirsensory organs. Evenbetter ifallsensing 142 devicesthathavereceivedthe messagecanbedelivered(Latuheru, 1988:13). In general, the presence of emerging media because of the limitations of words, time, space, and size. Added also that the media serves as a means of learning that is able to convey the message as well as make the receiver understand the message in the message body. Of some of the above explanations of learning media, it can be concluded that the media is a tool of learning, a variety of components or materials used in teaching and learning activities to deliver a message from its message to the recipient receives the message receiver to facilitate the concept. Function and Role of Learning Media Media presence as a medium of learning between teacher as the sender and recipient information must be communicative, especially for the visualization object. In learning science, especially relating to the concept of the universe more visually prominent, so that if one only knew the word that represents an object, but does not know the object is called verbalisme. Each feature according to the characteristics of the media have a child. Selection of appropriate media to the characteristics of children will better help the success of teachers in learning. In detail, the media function allows children to see objects that exist but are difficult to see with the naked eye through the medium of drawing, photograph, slide, and the like cause kids get a real picture (Degeng, 1999:19). According to Gerlach and Ely (in Arsyad, 2002:11) characterize a viable educational media used in the study are as follows: 1. Fixative (fixative property) Learning Media has the ability to record, store, preserve, and reconstruct an event / object. 2. Manipulative (manipulative property) Events that took days can be served to children within two or three minutes with a shooting technique time-lapse recording. 3. Distributive (distributive property) Allows objects to be transported through an integrated display and simultaneously object can describe the same condition in children with the same stimulus relative experience of the event. From the above explanation, concluded that the use of instructional media is media that is capable of displaying a series of events actually happened in a long time and can be presented in a short time and an event described should be capable of transferring the actual state, so it does not cause the verbalisme. Teaching and learning process can work well if the child interacts with all the tools senses. Teachers have tried to portray the stimulus that can be processed with a variety of senses. The more sensing devices used to receive and process information, the greater the likelihood that information is understandable and can be maintained in the memory of the child. Children are expected to be able to receive and absorb with ease and good messages in the material presented. Involvement of children in learning activities is very important, because of the kind described by Edgar Dale (in Sadiman, et al,2003:7-8) in the classification according to the experience level of the most concrete to most abstract, in which participation, observation, and direct experience provide an enormous influence on the learning experience the child receives. Submission of a concept to be conveyed to the child's best if the concept requires that the child is directly involved in it when compared with the concept that only involve the child to observe. Based on the above, then the use of instructional media is expected to provide a more concrete learning experiences to children, and can enhance the learning activity of children in the media as an example of an interactive computer learning. Theory ofMediaDevelopment Development of electronic communications, bringing major changes in education. One thing to avoid is the assumption that the position of teachers will be replaced by electronic devices. In the presence of electronic communication, increase the importance of teacher attendance. The changing role of teachers and teacher functions associated with the attempt to solve one problem, namely education, (1) to relieve classroom teachers of the many routine activities, (2) equip teachers with the techniques of the highest quality of skills, (3) development of representation class with an emphasis on personal service as much as possible in each subject, (4) develop teaching selected based on the ability of individual children. From the above explanation about the new role of teachers in education is expected to improve the quality of education, making use of various instructional media will replace the couple of the instructional function of the teacher (Sulaeman, 1988:24-25). Development ofinstructional mediabasedonthreemodels, namely the development ofproceduralmodels, conceptualmodelsandtheoreticalmodels. Proceduralmodelis a model thatis descriptive, whichoutlinesthe stepsthat must befollowed toproducethe product. Conceptual modelthat isboth analyticalmodelthatspecifies thecomponents ofthe product to bedevelopedas well aslinkagesbetween components. While thetheoreticalmodelsis amodel thatshows the relationshipbetween thechangeof events. 143 Based onthe foregoing, the development ofcomputer-assisted interactivemediadevelopedto follow theprocedural modelingoftheASSURE, where the steps to be followed by a descriptive nature that consists of six steps, namely the analysis of child characteristics, goal setting, selection of media and materials, use of materials, inclusion of children to be active in learning, evaluation / revision. While the conceptual model of the development of computer-aided media follows the theory of learning proposed by Gagne behavior that is learned by man can be adjusted and modified to develop certain forms of behavior in a person, or enhance capabilities, or change his behavior (Nasution, 1988: 131), so instructional media are developed based on "Programmed Instruction". In connection with the use of "Programmed Instruction" as a concept developed by the media, the theory of learning appropriate to the character of "Programmed Instruction" is the theory of learned associations, states that the relationship between stimulus and response. The relationship will be stronger if often repeated and the correct response was given praise or other means that provide a sense of satisfaction and pleasure (Nasution, 1988: 132). ComputerMedia When this computeris no longera luxury,this toolhas beenusedinvariousfieldsof workas well as inthe field ofeducation. At firstcomputersusedinschoolsto supportthe smoothworkof administrationby utilizing thesoftwareMicrosoftword, excelandaccess. Withthe inclusionof ICTmaterialsin thenewcurriculum, the role ofcomputersas amajor component inhavinga very important positionas oneof learningmedia. Quoteof thecurriculumformulti-media computerlearningactivities. 144 By using the Information and Communications Technology appropriately and optimally to obtain and process information in learning activities, work, and other activities so that children can be creative, to develop imaginative attitude, develop the ability to selfexploration, and easily adapt to new developments in the environment. Through Activities Computer learning multi-media children are expected to be involved in rapid changes in the lives of the additions and changes experienced in the use of diverse information and communication technology products. Using Information and Communication Technology tools to search, explore, analyze, and exchange information efficiently and effectively. By using Information and Communication Technology, the child will quickly get ideas and experience from various backgrounds. The addition of the ability of the child because of the use of Information Communication Technology will develop an attitude of initiative and independent learning skills, so the child can decide and consider themselves when and where the use of ICT appropriately and optimally, including the implications of the present and the future. Information and Communication Technology includes two aspects, namely Information and Communications Technology. Information Technology, covering all matters relating to process, use as a tool, manipulation, and management information. Communication technology is everything related to the use of assistive devices to process and transfer data from one device to another. Because of this, Information Technology and Communication Technology is an integral counterpart containing the broader sense of all activities associated with the processing, manipulation, management, and transfer of information between media. ResearchMethodology This studyusesactionresearchapproachare being made toimprove thereading skillsof kindergartenchildren. Actionin this study islearningto usecomputerinformationtechnologymedia multimediain improving thereading skillsof children.Proceduresimplementedin this studywas developedbased onthe following stages: 1. Planning: This stage ofthe process of draftingthe actionthat describeswhat,why, when, where, by whom, andhowthese actions will beperformed. 2. Implement theaction; Atthisstage, the draftstrategyandimplementationscenari osapplied. The draftacthas been"trained" to the performer ofthe action(the teacher) tobeappliedintheappropriatescenario. 3. Conductobservationsorobservations; stage isrunning concurrentlyat the time ofexecution ofthe action. Observations madeatthe timethe actionis running, sotheytake placein the same time. Atthis stage, the researchersdidcollectdata throughobservationand record allthe things thathappenedduringexecution ofthe action takes place. Datacollectionwasperformedby using theformatof observation/assessmenthas been prepared. 4. DoingReflection: This stage isintendedfora thorough reviewactions taken, based ondata alreadycollected, andthen perform theevaluationin order torefinethe nextaction. Reflectionincludesanalysis, synthesis, andevaluation ofthe results ofobservations on theaction taken. Ifthere is aproblemandthe process of reflection, it isdonethrough areview processthatincludesthe followingactions: re-planning, re- action, andrepeatedobservationthatthe problemsencountered can beresolved. Implementation of the research carried out in the form of a repetitive cycle, in which there are four main stages of activity as described above. Implementation ofresearch beganwiththe firstcycleandconsistsof fouractivities. If the known location of the successes and obstacles and actions undertaken in the first cycle, teachers and researchers to determine the design for the second cycle. Activity in the second cycle may be the same activity with the previous activities when directed to repeat the success, to convince or confirm the results. Activities undertaken in the second cycle has a range of additional improvements from the previous action is shown to overcome many obstacles / difficulties found in the first cycle. Cycle of activities carried out are shown in the drawings as follows: 145 problems the plan of action - I the plan of action - I reflexion - I observation/ Collection data -I cycle - I New problem, Permasalahan baru, resulthasil , efleksi reflexion SIKLUS cycle - II - II if the problem unresolved The studywas conductedwith the involvement ofsubjects: one group of childreninkindergartenEarthVILimaumani sPadang. To implement theactionsincluded2 (two) Kindergartenteachersinkindergartenis concerned. The data will beanalyzed in the studyinclude thetype ofqualitative data. Qualitative datain the form ofinformation obtainedthrough observationandinterviews. Sources of datain this study includechildrenandkindergartenteachersLi maumanisVIEarthPadanginvolved inresearch activities The research datawere collectedusingan instrumentconsistingofobservation andinterviewguidelines. Activityobservedin this 146 The plan of action - II Reflexion Refleksi - -III The plan of action - II Observation / collection Data - II to be continued into the next cycle studyintendedtocollectdata directlyrelated tothe following information: (1)The conditionof thebackgroundresearchobjective; and(2)Description ofthe processon theimplementation ofthe action taken;and (3)Description oflearning outcomesisan increase inconfidence.Interviews were conductedtorevealtheinformationdirectly fromteachersandchildrenin connectionwith the actionsimplemented. The data obtained in this study included observations and interviews about the actions undertaken. The data obtained when analyzed through the following process steps: 1. Streamlining the process of data reduction is done through editing, focusing, and abstracting the raw data into meaningful information. In the reduction process, the data obtained through observations and interviews are classified by category as follows: (1) The factors supporting the action, (2) factors that inhibit the action and (3) The idea to revise the action in the next cycle. 2. Presentation of the data is display data more simply whether in the form of a table or chart and narrative exposure in order to discover practical steps to improve the actions undertaken. Inference-making process that is the gist of the presentation of data that have been organized in the form of a brief statement that contains a broader sense. Inferences in this case directed to uncover the basic principles that can be used as a basis for improvement action. Research Findings and Discussion The results of the implementation of the 1 cycle, it has not reached the minimum completeness criteria (KKM), the indicator is not yet achieved that already described above, the researcher continued his research at the second cycle executed as many as four meetings the 1 meeting on 18 May 2011, two meetings on 20 may 2011, third meeting on 23 may 2011 and the fourth meeting on 25 may 2011 a. Plan The stages in the second cycle with the cycle of research I made arrangements with the learning software reading program activities. In order to achieve better results, then the process of implementation of learning activities are further enhanced by providing additional tools and use the environment, using the methods of the field trip, which brought the child to Lake Singkarak. Location is done reading software program activities. By bringing the child directly to nature, is expected to be optimal development of learning to read. b. Action Implementation of the second cycle performed more mature preparation for action in the second cycle is better than I cycle and the child can achieve thoroughness in learning. Researchers make learning more interesting plans and guide children who are still having trouble. To fix and maintain the success already achieved in cycle I, then the implementation of the second cycle is created as follows: 1. Makelearningmore interestingplanswithactivitiesthat further establishthe child's motivationin learning activities, learningto readchildrenimprovedwith the addition ofmediaandintroduce children tonatureas described above. 2. More carefulin supervisingchildren who are stillin trouble. a.Preliminary Best regards, prayers, singing PhysicalActivity Teachersdoapperception The teacherdemonstrates there-reading softwareprogramactivities b. Core The teacherintroducesthechildrenle arningcomputer The teachergivesmotivation to thechildrenin amulti-media computer The teacherintroducesthechildrenth at the developmentof informationtechnologyandgro wing veryrapidly. Children'sactivitiesprogramsof twareto readtheplayinteractivegamesin troduceletters and 147 wordsthatare equippedwithgamesand picturesof interest,while alsostudying theWordprogramby typingon the keyboard. c. Cover Activitiescovera follow-upofthe coreactivities ofthechildrenwere invited to playa simplegamethat is intheinteractivecomputerprogramc ompec disk. Table Y No 1 Results of the ObservationProcess ImprovementinChildren'sReadingProgramActivitiesreadingsoftwar e 1CycleIImeeting The field was observed BS B C K KS N % F % f % f % f % f % Observer the activities 5 31,2 7 43,7 4 25 - - 16 100 of a software program to read 2 Identifying reading program software activities 4 25 6 37,5 5 31,2 1 6,2 - - 16 100 3 Classify shapes, colors, and size in a software program to read 3 18,7 8 50 5 31,2 - - - 16 100 4 Summing up the result of the software program to read Communicate the results of the software program to read 3 18,7 9 56,2 3 18,7 1 6,2 - - 16 100 3 18,7 7 43,7 5 31,2 1 6,2 - - 16 100 22,5 46,3 27,5 3,7 - - 5 Number The process of reading the result of an increase of 22.5% indicates that a very good value, good-value 46.3%, 27.5% are fairly valued, which is worth approximately 3.7% and 0% are worth less 148 - once. It can be concluded that the observation is enough, enough to identify, classify enough, concluded quite as well as communicate enough. Table 1 Results of Observations ofIncreasingActivityAttitudesinChildren'sReadingProgramreadings oftware 1CycleIImeeting The field was Excellent Good Enough Less One N % observed less f % f % f % f % f % Curious 3 18,7 9 56,2 4 25 - - 16 100 2 Cooperation 3 18,7 8 50 5 31,2 - - - - 16 100 3 Persistence 4 25 7 43,7 4 25 1 6,2 - - 16 100 4 Caution 3 18,7 9 56,2 4 25 - - - - 16 100 5 Critical and creative 3 18,7 7 43,7 5 31,2 1 6,2 - - 16 100 2,5 - - Y No Number 19,9 49,9 The result of an increase in reading attitude showed that 19.9% is well worth it all, well worth 49.9%, 27.7% are fairly valued, which is worth approximately 2.5% and 0% are worth less 27,7 once. It can be concluded that curiosity is enough, enough cooperation, perseverance enough, careful enough and creative and critical enough. 149 Table Results of the ObservationProcess ImprovementinChildren'sReadingProgramActivitiesreadingsoftwar e 2CycleIImeeting Y No The field was BS B C K KS N % observed F % f % f % f % f % 1 Observer the 7 43,7 6 37,5 3 18,7 - - 16 100 activities of a software program to read 2 Identifying reading 6 37,5 7 43,7 3 18,7 - - 16 100 program software activities 3 Classify shapes, colors, and size in a software program to read 3 18,7 8 50 5 31,2 - - - - 16 100 4 Summing up the result of the software program to read Communicate the results of the software program to read 5 31,2 8 50 3 18,7 - - - - 16 100 4 25 7 43,7 5 31,2 - - - - 16 100 - - - - 5 Number 31,3 The process of reading the result of the increase shows that 31.3% is very good value, well worth the 45%, 23.7% are worth enough, which is worth approximately 0% and 0% are worth less 150 45 23,7 once. It can be concluded that the observation well, identifying the good, better classify, infer both good and communicate well. Table 1 Results of Observations ofIncreasingActivityAttitudesinChildren'sReadingProgramreadings oftware 2CycleIImeeting The field was Excellent Good Enough Less One N % observed less f % f % f % f % f % Curious 5 31,2 9 56,2 2 12,5 - - 16 100 2 Cooperation 4 25 8 50 4 25 - - - - 16 100 3 Persistence 6 37,5 7 43,7 3 18,7 - - - - 16 100 4 Caution 4 25 8 50 4 25 - - - - 16 100 5 Critical and creative 4 25 7 43,7 5 31,2 - - - - 16 100 - - - - Y No Number 28,7 48,7 The result of an increase in reading attitude showed that 28.7% is well worth it all, well worth 48.7%, 22.6% are worth enough, which is worth approximately 0% and 0% are worth less 22,6 once. It can be concluded that either curiosity, good cooperation, good persistence, careful and critical and creative well is also good. 151 Table Results of the ObservationProcess ImprovementinChildren'sReadingProgramActivitiesreadingsoftwar e 3CycleIImeeting Y No The field was observed BS B C K KS N % F % f % f % f % f % 1 Observer the activities 9 56,2 5 31,2 2 12,5 - - 16 100 of a software program to read 2 Identifying reading program software activities 6 37,5 7 43,7 3 18,7 - - - - 16 100 3 Classify shapes, colors, and size in a software program to read 7 43,7 5 31,2 4 25 - - - - 16 100 4 Summing up the result 5 of the software program to read Communicate the 6 results of the software program to read 31,2 8 50 3 18,7 - - - - 16 100 37,5 7 43,7 3 18,7 - - - - 16 100 - - - - 5 Number 41,3 The process of reading the result of the increase shows that 41.3% is very good value, well worth the 40%, 18.7% are worth enough, which is worth approximately 0% and 0% are worth less 152 40 18,7 once. It can be concluded that the observation well, identifying the good, better classify, infer both good and communicate well. Table Y No 1 Results of Observations ofIncreasingActivityAttitudesinChildren'sReadingProgramreadingsoftware 3CycleIImeeting The field was Excellent Good Enough Less One less N % observed f % f % f % f % f % Curious 9 56,2 5 31,2 2 12, 16 100 5 2 Cooperation 5 31,2 7 43,7 4 25 - - - - 16 100 3 Persistence 6 37,5 7 43,7 3 18, 7 - - - - 16 100 4 Caution 7 43,7 5 31,2 4 25 - - - - 16 100 5 Critical and creative 7 43,7 6 37,5 3 18, 7 - - - - 16 100 - - - - Number 42,5 37,5 The result of an increase in reading attitude showed that 42.5 is well worth it all, well worth 37.5%, 20% are worth enough, which is worth approximately 0% . 20 and 0% are worth less once. It can be concluded that either curiosity, good cooperation, good persistence, careful and critical and creative well is also good 153 Table Results of the ObservationProcess ImprovementinChildren'sReadingProgramActivitiesreadingsoftwar e 4CycleIImeeting Y No The field was BS B C K KS N % observed F % f % f % f % f % 1 Observer the 12 75 3 18,7 1 6,2 - - - 16 100 activities of a software program to read 2 Identifying reading 8 50 5 31,2 3 18,7 - - - 16 100 program software activities 3 Classify shapes, colors, and size in a software program to read 4 Summing up the 9 result of the software program to read Communicate the 10 results of the software program to read 5 Number 6 37,5 7 43,7 3 18,7 - - - - 16 100 56,2 5 31,2 2 12,5 - - - - 16 100 62,5 5 31,2 1 6,2 - - - - 16 100 - - - - 56,3 The process of reading the result of the increase shows that 56.3% is very good value, good-value 31.2%, 12.5% are worth enough, which is worth approximately 0% and 0% are worth less once. It can be concluded that the 154 31,2 12,5 observation is very good, very good to identify, classify very well, to conclude such a deep well and communicate well is very good. Table 1 Results of Observations ofIncreasingActivityAttitudesinChildren'sReadingProgramreadings oftware 4CycleIImeeting The field was Excellent Good Enough Less One N % observed less f % f % f % f % f % Curious 10 62,5 5 31,2 1 6,2 - - 16 100 2 Cooperation 12 75 4 25 - - - - - - 16 100 3 Persistence 11 68,7 4 25 1 6,2 - - - - 16 100 4 Caution 6 37,5 8 50 2 12,5 - - - - 16 100 5 Critical and creative 9 56,2 5 31,2 2 12,5 - - - - 16 100 - - - Y No Number 60 The result of an increase in reading attitude showed that 60% is very good value, good-value 32.5%, 7.5% of value enough, which is worth approximately 0% and 0% are worth less once. It can be concluded that curiosity is very good, very good cooperation, persistence is very good, very good careful and critical and creative thinking is also very good. The recapitulation result of meeting 1 increased capacity of children in attitude is worth reading enough , an 32,5 7,5 increase in the process of reading also worth enough . At the meeting of two increase in attitude is valued both , read an increase in the process of reading is valued both . 3 at the meeting of an increase in attitude is valued both , read an increase in the process of reading also worth of good . At a meeting of the attitude of 4 worth very good read the process is worth reading also very well . To be able to see more " he explained the increase in learning cycle II read a child at this can be viewed on a graph 3 as follows : 155 60 50 excellent 40 good 30 Enough Less 20 One less 10 0 1 2 Graph 3: The development of children's Reading Learning Through multi-media computer after Execution Cycle II From the description above seen clearly that the development of children's reading learning can be optimized with multi-media computers, where the percentage of children who achieve good range values once and either already exceeded the criteria of minimal complete expected. Below is a description of the results of an interview of a child after the execution of a cycle: Table 4. The format of an interview of the child No Question Answer 1 how do you feel when 13 children answered happy learning to read with a , then his percentage 81,2 % software program ? 3 children respond to mediocrity, then the percentage is 18.7% 2 3 156 You try to tell me about a reading software program activities have you done do you have difficulty in performing the activities of the software program read ? Reason Because it's fun reading software program clothes wet, slippery 12 children answer can tell me, then the percentage is 74% 4 people replied to the less able child, then the percentage is 25% Easy to remember and easy to understand 10 children answered no then the percentage is 62.5% 6 children answer the usual mediocrity, then the percentage is 37.5% easy to do easy to understand often fell afraid of swimming Forget, difficult to understand Based on the results of interviews the child above, can be taken the conclusion that software program to read for lots of fun, this is visible from the percentage obtained i.e. 13 children answer pleased with percentage of 81.2% and 3 children answer the mediocre with the percentage of 18.7%. Who can retell about the activities that have been carried out with the number of children 12 people 75%, while the less able retelling there are 4 children with a percentage of 25%. Who do not have difficulty in reading software program activities there are 10 children with 62.5% and the percentage that responded to the mediocrity that 6 children with percentage of 37.5% Data Analysis Analyze the results of the observation According to R. Sugiyono Mangunwiyoto (2007: 37) explained that% u201Ctabel frequency distribution is a tool to present statistical data and column-shaped lanes, which contained figures that can be painted or portray an aura of variable frequency division or who becomes the object of research‖. The Data were analyzed in percentages using the formula as follows: P = F x 100 % N Description: P % : the percentage of the activity F: the frequency of the activity performed of the child N: the number of students Whereas to determine the activity according to Arikunto (2007: 65) increased child then the child learning activity interpretation is as follows 1. 81 % - 100 % : excellent 2. 61 % - 80 % : good 3. 41 % - 60 % : enough 4. 21 % - 40 % : less 5. 0 % - 20 % : one less Discussions Based on the results of research which has been described in the analysis of cycle about the optimization of the development of learning II read a child through multi-media computer in kindergarten Earth VI Limaumanis Padang city needs to clarify the discussion of this research study. 1. Increasing the skills of children's Reading Attitude The results showed that the activities of the research software program to improve reading ability of children in children's reading attitude skills to equip children with the scientists who have a good attitude, attitude, attitude like honest, critical attitude of humility, the attitude is not easily discouraged, the attitude of openness to criticism and tested, the attitude of respecting and accepting input, attitudes are based and the facts, sufficient data and passion want to know the height 2. Improvement of the skills of a child reading process After observing the results of research that the multi media computers can improve your child's reading skills i.e. the child process to do the observation using all her senses to various equipment and supplies computer. Kids also trained to know the equipment and supplies multimedia computer parts, observe, give a name parts, as well as its functionality. Then the son of doing the classification, namely practicing pegging hardware (hardware) and software (software) based on certain characteristics. Children follow the procedure turn the computer, playing computer programs and turn off the computer. Then the child learns to conclude, in this process the child was given an opportunity for skilled and trained to provide conclusions and 157 analyses according to the language of the children. Then the child is trying to communicate, in the communication involves what is thought of as well as explain, describe and tell stories. Based on the results of action research cycle I and cycle II can pin down the success of the program activities reads in optimizing software development learning read children as follows: 1. Improvement of the process of reading the very kind of 21.7% increased to 56.3% in cycle II, at the cycle I have children once good value range of 3 people while in cycle II 9, an increase in IE 6 children. 2. Improved attitudes read well from 16.3% increase to 60% at the end of the cycle II. On the cycle I had the child good value range once two people while in cycle II 9, an increase in IE 7 children. 3. Increase in the process of reading less on a cycle i 2.5 % down on a cycle ii into 0 % . I have a child in the cycle of its range of less value one person while in ii there is no cycle 4. As for the less once in reading attitudes decreased 2.5% in cycle II to 0%. In cycle I, the children have a range value is less then 1 person, while in cycle II does not exist. Based on the recapitulation table II cycle then it can be seen that an increase in reading attitudes are once good boy and good 92.5%. Improvement of the process of reading the child well and kind of 87.5%. This means that in general the development of learning read children has reached minimum completenesscriteria (KKM). Therefore, this assessment was halted until cycle II at a meeting 4, due to the minimal development learning 158 complete in reading children had already been achieved. Conclusion Learning activities development read son is able to lay aside strategy learning applied by teachers and media and methods support against any learning . Media uses has become absolute necessity that used , research proves learning that stimulates vision and hearing integrally will make easy child in learning . Activities development read child easier applied to use media that is both technology in this is media computer . Media computer are now to be need , so are children in developing reading ability . Literacy child more easily in using media computer supported with software reading ability . This research implicates early childhood education in the world , which is as one of the literacy alternative the development of children through the computer . 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Jakarta: Grasindo 159 LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES OF EARLY CHILDHOOD INSTITUTIONS Nugroho Curriculum and Educational Technology Department, Education Faculty, State Semarang University Abstract Early childhood education is a priority of education development in Ministry of Education. Breakthroughs are made to improve Gross Participation Number of early childhood education is 58% this year and expected to reach 75% by 2015. Nowadays, in society early childhood institutions are growing rapidly, but if we look closer there will be found the gap between the growths of quantity than quality. It‘s caused by three things. First, the leadership capacity of early childhood is in low level. Second, human resources and qualified early childhood teacher competencies are not good enough. Third, accountability and governance of early childhood is still low. It is recommended that the government should do these following things: 1. Conducting periodic training of early childhood management; 2. Managerial supervision to the management of early childhood; 3. Facilitate the implementation of professional learning community (PLC) for early childhood teachers; 4. Accelerate the improvement of qualification and competence of early childhood teachers. Key words: Gross Participation Number of early childhood education, PLC, Accountability a. Introduction Early childhood become top priority in Strategic Planning of Ministry Education, it is because of organizers state‘s awareness that early education is crucial for the future of the younger generation. In the past early childhood is managed by volunteers such as members of the Bhayangkari, Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana, Muslimat NU, and other early childhood established by the government. For last ten years early childhood flourish like mushrooms in the rainy season, especially since the government diligently giving various types of block grant. Although early childhood growth is quite phenomenal in fact there has not yet been able to reach all children early in the whole areas. Dirjen PAUDNI Ministry of Education Freyani Hawadi Lydia (2012) stated that the new PAUDNI services can reach 15 million children of early age from 30 million children who should get early 160 childhood services. She said it was not easy to achieve targeted gross participation number of early childhood education 75 percent in 2015. Meanwhile, according to the data of Balitbang Education Ministry (2009), for children aged 5-6 years which is around 8,14 million children, only about 2,63 million children (or about 32,36%) who obtained education services in kindergarten. Those who get the chance to get early childhood education, generally come from mid-upper class of families in urban areas. This also shows that children from poor families and rural children do not get a chance early childhood education proportionately. On the other hand the disparity between the early childhoods services in rural and urban areas are very large which is around 3,2%. Early childhood in the city is shown by the more luxurious facilities than in rural areas. The rapid growth of early childhood has not been matched by the quality of implementation. Indeed there is the management of early childhood actually managed nicely, neat and professional; generally early childhood education became a part of business. On the other hand, early childhoods that established the volunteers are still largely managed by amateurs. Similarly, the availability of infrastructure facilities (indoor APE - APE outdoor), and no less important is the availability of learning generic menu. Early childhood teacher education qualification / kindergarten is only 12,55% qualified as S1 (undergraduate), 477.039 are still qualified as high school graduate or equivalent; the rest is still qualified D2, D3 is also not a specialized education (Maj, 2008). Since there are so many varied qualifications, early childhood education personnel need serious attention. Therefore, the Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards is formulated by considering the characteristics of the organization of early childhood. Early childhood standards consist of four groups, there are: (1) The standard level of achievement of development, (2) Standards of educators and educational personnel, (3) Standard content, process, and assessment, and (4) The standard of facilities and infrastructure, management, and financing. From the scattered data above and considering the expectations of the government and the people on the importance of qualified early childhood services so it needs a strong and inspiring leaderships of early childhood education. Through strong leadership and inspiring, it is expected fundamental problems of early childhood education can be resolved so it can bring early childhood become learning organization that can make innovations as demanded by the progress of time. b. Problem Numerous of fundamental problems that have to be solved by strengthening the honest and inspiring leadership capabilities include the following: 1. The rapid growth in early childhood institutions have not been accompanied by the leadership capacity that allows the strengthening of institutional capacity of accountable and dynamic according to changing demands 2. The rapid growth in early childhood institutions have not been coupled with the availability of the civil / professional teachers. 3. The rapid growth in early childhood institutions still less dynamic in the mean itis not accompanied by the ability to manage changes in line with public demands for quality service. c. Discussion 1. Leader & Leadership Leader is a person who has the skills and strengths, especially in one area so he can influence other people to get together to perform certain activities for the achievement of one or more goals. Leader is a person who has the skills and strengths in one area or more, so he was able to influence others to do certain activities to achieve some goals (Kartini Kartono, 1994: 181). Wahjosumidjo (2001) argues that in order to be a good school leaders, principals must: (a) fair, (b) able to give suggestions (suggesting), (c) support the achievement of objectives (Supplying objectives), (d) serve as a catalyst (e) creates a sense of security (Providing security), (f) may be representative of the organization (representing), (g) could be a source of inspiration (inspiring), and (h) would appreciate (praising). The essence of the leader's job is: a. critical awareness to colleagues that they 161 are one team, so evokes loyalty as a team is important; b. educating his colleagues and left tacit knowledge to his colleagues, c. giving advices and suggestions relating to good-bad option, to solve problems and set a vision for the future; d. becoming role model in building professional discipline in performing their duties; e. motivate members (peers) to always show commitment in working, showing that optimal performance in any condition. Leadership is the ability to influence a group to achieve goals (Robbins, 2002). Leadership is a set of abilities and personality traits, including the authority to serve as a means in order to convince them that leads to willing and able to carry out tasks assigned to him willingly, eagerly, no inner joy, and voluntary. Leadership is an activity to influence the behavior of others so that they would be directed to achieve specific goals. Based on the above limits will require strong leadership and inspirational early childhood so as to achieve: strengthening the capacity of early childhood; accountable leadership; increase continuous professionalism, and managing changes. 2. Institutional Capacity Strengthening early childhood Referring to the Ministry Regulation No. 58 of 2009 is quite clear profile of the desired ideal early childhood institution that the government is able to realize: (1) The standard level of developing achievement, (2) Standards of educators and educational personnel, (3) Standard content, process, and assessment, and (4) The standard of facilities and infrastructure, management, and financing. Based on the current condition, it‘s not easy for early childhood institution to be able to deliver those completely. It needs strong leadership to strengthen the institutional capacity of early childhood education. 162 PAUDNI organizing principles are easy, cheap, and qualified but in practice the quality is often less of a concern. To achieve it leadership is needed which has the personal characteristics as follows: 1. Integrity (honest, trustworthy), he must be a person of honesty and trust to really promote early childhood institutions, not just for personal gain, 2. Compassion (sincere), children who are in early childhood institutions is innocent children, so they should be treated as genuine, do not be exploited, 3. Commitment. Leading early childhood should act according to your words and actions, can be trusted and trusting others, 4. Confidence. A good leader has the personal characteristics that can be trusted; by his teachers, parents and community partners, 5. Cognizance. One of the strengths of leadership is knowledge. This means that early childhood leader should be understood correctly about various things related to early childhood world. Unethical if he only plays a role as a demanding boss financiers as well as understand how to organize profit without understanding how to run early childhood institution properly, 6. Communication, a good leader could deliver a clear message to the organization, on the other hand it also is required to become critical listeners of its members. 7. Self-efficacy. The leader is a role model, therefore he must have the confidence to be able to bring the progress of early childhood institutions, if he shows little doubt his self-efficacy so it will affect the members working motivation. If leadership is the ability of a leader to influence and mobilize others to work together to achieve a group goal then a number of those personalities is the reason why others (members) will receive direction and be influenced of their leader. 3. Accountability and Governance One of the successful leadership key is a basic trust. Without the trust leadership can‘t work effectively. To build trust needs accountability. Accountability is the obligation to provide accountability and explain the organization's performance and actions to the user community (user) so it can build a solid trust. School accountability is the accumulation of the overall implementation of the main tasks and functions of schools that need to be delivered to the public / stakeholders. Accountability of school performance is a manifestation of the school's obligation to account for the success / failure of the school plan in achieving objectives and targets set through periodic accountability tool. In this context it is early childhood leadership of the party responsible for ensuring the realization of accountability. In the perspective of sustainable quality improvement, it must be accounted for the accountability of early childhood leadership can be divided into six regions as follows: Accountability policies, namely accountability for policy choices that will be implemented, including how the transparency of policy making. Accountability of performance (product / quality accountability), including the accountability associated with school achievement of institutional goals, Accountability process, the accountability associated with the processes, procedures, rules, regulations, guidelines, and so on, intended to oversee the process in fairness. Financial accountability (honesty) or often called (financial accountability), the accountability associated with the income and expenditure of money (cash in and cash out). Often the term is also used for cost accountability is the accountability category. Accountability in the monitoring and evaluation of program planning and implementation Accountability in creating a follow-up planning to the quality improvement (QA) To realize the accountability need good management conditions. Good management needs to consider at least three major factors namely: 1. have a foothold regulatory or legal basis of a comprehensive and up to date; 2. the real condition of organizational capability; 3. community dynamics. Good governance is able to synergize the objective of the above three conditions are proportionately. 4. Continuing Competence Enhancement Since there are some lack of qualifications and competence of early childhood teachers, it is necessary programmatic efforts of early childhood leadership to initiate sustainable quality improvement. Main agenda for the sustainable quality of early childhood teachers are: First, an increase in S1 early childhood qualifications as mandated by law teachers and lecturers; Second, the increase in early childhood teacher competence; Third, form a community of learners (professional learning community). Here is a description of the three programs that must be considered by the leaders of early childhood: a. Improvement of qualification. Early childhood leaders have always tried to encourage and facilitate an increase in qualified early childhood teachers who are in the environment agency. In 163 increasing this qualification should be able to ensure the leader in early childhood educators and educational institutions (LPTK) where his teachers to continue their studies. It is important to direct teachers to continue their studies in early childhood qualified and recommended LPTK PMPTK DG. Today many LPTK have no competence and expertise in the field of early childhood but dare to open the early childhood programs. b. Increased competencies. Proved that the increase in qualifying diploma is not necessarily accompanied by an increase in professional competence. Leaders of early childhood should create creative breakthroughs to facilitate the improvement of professional competence of teachers such as sending early childhood teachers to take workshops, training, and internships or conduct periodic IHT (in-house training) in their respective schools. Leaders who are able to drive and find opportunities to early childhood teachers to get training and workshops that can enhance the professionalism of its work. The results Burchinal, Roberts, Nabors & Bryant, 1998; Phillipsen, Burchinal, Howes and Cryer, 1999; suggests that early childhood teachers who received training from the beginning and workshops often prove to be better able to manage - to implement a variety of early childhood programs compared with those who from the beginning less get training opportunities and workshops. Furthermore, L Eva Essa (2003) states that a good early childhood teachers are those who do not often go out or moved around the workplace. The high turnover of teacher or move in and out is bad for children development. About the importance of 164 quality early childhood teacher's role is also confirmed by the Ministry of Education and Early Childhood Development, International Education Division (2010) which states that encourage and facilitate the early childhood teachers to stay focused in the mastery of teaching competence is urgent that should be a priority in the management of early childhood institutions . If these conditions are implemented in Indonesia it is the classic problem of who bears the cost of training. Therefore, not all early childhood institutions have the financial ability to send their teachers through various training programs. On the other hand, early childhood teachers' personal ability to independently allocate the cost of training is also very little chance considering their average salary was minimal. This means that it took the intervention from the government to facilitate early childhood teachers improve their professional skills through training held periodically on government financing. c. Facilitating the formation of the PLC (Professional Learning Community). The term professional learning community has become quite commonplace in education circles. The term describes a collegial group of WHO are united in their commitment to an outcome. The professional learning community for not only urgent but also improving competencies teachers urgently needed for the student learning quality. In the case of education, the commitment would be to student learning. The community engages in a variety of activities Including sharing a vision, working and learning collaboratively, visiting and observing other classrooms, and participating in shared decision making. The benefits of professional learning community to educators and students include reduced isolation of teachers, better informed and committed teachers, and academic gains for students. The professional learning community is seen as a powerful staff-development approach and a potent strategy for school change and improvement. 5. Change Management Along with the ongoing information revolution that is rapidly changing lives through the bulkhead and national boundaries. It brings a consequence that the importance of awareness of each organization to realize that change is a necessity that cannot be avoided. Organizations that do not have the collective consciousness of all its members that the change is a certain, they will be left behind, unable to give satisfaction to the consumer, and eventually he will die abandoned its customers. Leadership challenge is how to build early childhood critical awareness of its members to design changes, implement changes and oversee changes to succeed. Changes are not "forced" because of the regulations, or because of "complaints" from people. Visionary leadership can design and manage change. Changes sought by early childhood institutions are changing towards the optimization of the quality culture, organizations health, a learning organization towards a more effective organizational performance and dynamic. In the perspective of strategic management review, change management is an organizational change strategy that aims to make updates to the organization's ability to have high performance. Management of change in principle is a strategy to ensure the existence of the organization. To be able to make changes, the organization must be flexible in many aspects, the aspects (1) individual, (2) technology, (3) employment, and (4) leadership. Organizations need to seek how to make change happen, building on the experience of success and failure in organizational change and provide practical insights to the process of change. d. Recommendation Based on theoretical studies and empirical observations as described above it is recommended that the following matters: 1. Government (cq Director General PAUDNI) needs to carry out a variety of management and governance training for early childhood leaders and managers. This is meant in the future, leaders of early childhood have a high ability in: strengthening the capacity of early childhood; lead and be accountable for managing early childhood; enhance sustainable professionalism, managing change. 2. Government (cq Director General PAUDNI) must conduct periodic managerial supervision in each early childhood institution; this can be done with the help of the education and cultural departments in each districts and towns 3. Early childhood leaders must work in collaboration with the Department of Education and Cultural should facilitate the formation of the PLC (professional learning community) early childhood teachers. 4. The early childhood teachers should actively improve their professional skills through various scientific forums, especially utilizing the presence of PLC. 165 SOCIAL STUDIES INTRODUCES “GOOD CITIZEN” SINCE KIDERGARTEN Sukasih Faculty of Tarbiyah, IAIN Walisongo Abstract Social studies aims to shape good citizen from kindergarten until grade 12. Social studies are taught since kindergarten so that students have habit of good citizen‘s attitude and can applicate it in school, home, and society. The function of social studies as a criterion to select the content of social studies learning material. Its function is hoped to be able to prepare the students to have social moral, awareness, participation, problem solving, and social innovation. Social studies are taught in kindergarten so that students can become good citizens who can notice their environment and have together‘s responsibility. Early childhood in kindergarten is hoped to get development achievement to be able to describe kid‘s growth and development in certain age period. The development of students having social studies is an integration of introducing and guiding in understanding good citizen‘s value. To get optimal good citizen‘s development, it is needed a entire, consistent and integrated stimulation through habitude. Introduction Problem Background Law number 20 , 2003 about National Education System article 1 number 14 states that Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a development effort for child from child‘s birth until six years old which is done through giving education stimulation to help child‘s growth and development in physic and spiritual so that child has preparation for the next education. In its development, society has shown their concern toward early childhood education, nurture, and protection for 0 – 6 years old with some services suitable with their condition and capability, through formal and informal education. Some of kindergarten‘s formal and informal education service still consider that school is just for fun so that they have not applied proper learning curriculum, even they give social studies with good citizen is clearly never done. ECE standard is an integral part from national education standard as 166 mandated in government regulation number 19, 2005 about National Education Standard which is formulated by considering the characteristics of operating ECE. The standard of achieving development contains rule of early childhood‘s growth and development from birth until 6 years old. The achieved good citizen development is whole development actualization‘s aspects which is hoped to be able to get by the kindergarten‘s students in every development stage, not a academic skill achievement level. The standard of social studies‘s content, process, and assessment includes planning, executing, and assessing program intergrately done sutable with kindergarten students‘ necessity. Social studies in kindergarten to help early childhood achieve proper good citizen development level must be well organized. There is still ECE / kindergarten institution which does not have insurer in charge of planning, executing, and implementing good citizens in learning social studies. Problem Formulation How kindergarten education teaches social studies by implementing good citizens to the students. Keywords Good Citizen, Kindergarten Social Studies, Discussion Social studies can be taught since kindergarten. The purpose is good citizen is the first material which must be introduced to kindergarten‘s students. Introducing good citizens through habitude in kindergarten‘s social studies learning will be easy to shape child to be a good citizen. Therefore, in this discussion, I will discuss social studies and kindergarten. Social Studies Its purpose is discussed on fundamental social studies. In addition, the role and function of social studies support to achieve good citizen, and its scopes are as follows: Social studies are synthetic between education knowledge, humanity, social science, and nature science. The teaching through internalizes social science which is simplified. Social studies is the teaching program on social science discipline which is done through learningteaching process since kindergarten until high school. The special characteristics of social studies can be described as an integration or synthetic from some intraceptive knowledge discipline and extraceptive knowledge. Muhammad Nu‘man Somantri in the first HISPIPSIISPI in Bandung, 1989 argued that one of the main characteristic of social studies is cooperation education science and social studies for education, namely a set of ability to choose material from social science and humanity for education, organizing and reciting education material scientifically and pshychologically for education, also have the result of social studies. The basic of social studies and education knowledge is often used to be exchanged, also the difference between social studies and education knowledge can be related with combination for education urgency. Social studies are combination between social science and education knowledge, is presented and organized scientifically for education urgency of pre-school until high school. The relationship of social science and social studies have a system to put social science as key concept. Related to basic concept of social studies, Gross, R of the disciplines is .E.,etal (1978:88) argued that : ―A knowledge of the disciplines is important to round out our knowledge of social studies‖. Social science is paid attention for a source to fill social science. The basic characteristic of social science includes characteristic, reach, and important for social studies structure. Kindergarten‘s social studies structure is more simple and not theoretic. The general idea of social science have challenge and support to keep experience and social science through social studies. Social studies‘ idea believes that social studies are social science which is chosen to be used as social studies material. The basic of social studies to prepare society or citizen having the ability of production, communication, distribution, politic, literature, pay attention on religious value in ritual worship and muamalah. The task of social studies is suitable with the general idea of social studies, is hoped to be able to develop in balance between intelligence and social skill so that human resource can be renewed (renewable human resources). Kindergarten students who have recognized good citizen, they will be good citizens easily. 167 Educational theory which is used to teach and learn social science. Stimulus relation and response between students and teachers in learning-teaching process of social studies is developed by education knowledge. Robinson, P, and Kirman, JM. (1986:24) argued that : ―The third source of educational theory that has had an impact on history teaching has been Benyamin Blooms work. He and his associates developed the powerful idea of hierarchy of cognitive skills.‖. Education knowledge is placed in social studies to prepare curriculum material, method of teaching-learning strategy, guidance, exercises, and students‘ role. The teaching-learning process of social science is prepared by social studies teacher. Kindergarten teachers teach social studies by focusing on the method of executing social science factually / practically become good citizen through habitude. Philosophical foundation of social studies becomes the basic perception of a social studies teacher in gaining the purpose an material which should be given in effort of learning process which should be developed. Social studies in Indonesian education context is aiming to developed social life. Bromeld Theodore (1965:39): ―The recontructionist wishes to transform education into a powerful means for social change toward word civilization.‖ The purpose which will be gained by social studies and reconstructionist philosophy is the quality of social studies‘ learningteaching process so that it can be useful for students to be practiced in social life. Kindergarten students having social studies is hoped to become funny and pleasant good citizens in their environment. Society members who are success in society reflect democratic and humanist citizen. Shaver. JP. (1941:7), Barr RD (1977:25) : Parker. W, and Jarolimek, J. (1984:6) ; Woolever, R and Scott, K.P. (1988:11) : ―Each view holds that the 168 central purpose of social studies education is to develop good citizen.‖ Social studies is to make a good citizen. Society members becomes good citizens is preceded by learning social studies in kindergarten and in school. Social studies in school trains students to become good citizens. Social studies in kindergarten introduces good citizens so that students can behave humanist and democratic and can be said as good citizen in early childhood in society. The characteristic of kindergarten students is prepared through social studies. Kindergarten students‘ quality can be identified as good citizen. Social studies in kindergarten develops humanist and rational early childhood, participate in school and home, in society, can develop freedom. Social studies in kindergarten by introducing good citizen is hoped to be able to give positive influence toward skill, knowledge, values and kindergarten students‘ behavior that has good citizen attitude. Function of Social Studies Clarity of social studies framework is described in a concept. The concept contains social studies. Function of social studies is hoped to prepare students to have social awareness, moral, participation, and can solve social problems, and social innovation. Social studies concept is curriculum component essence which become social studies‘ function. The students who are given social moral concept in learning social studies to form good citizen personality so that they can choose, decide good and right attitude and behavior. The decision of using it and the belief of social moral in kindergarten can be taken by holding an agreement with the students to be good citizen and implement it in the school, home, society. Indonesian society relates social moral with Pancasila moral belief and idea including 1945 values. The teaching of social moral requests the birth of young generation having an amount of prepation of standard positive values as a foundation and life barometer. Parker, W. and Jarolimak, J. (1984:24) ; ―In whatever ways our values lead us to define wholesome peers and moral upbringing these desire for our children are rooted in the fundamental belief that early learning makes a critical difference in a person‘ adult life.‖ Moral education which rooted in fundamental truth is values guidance, The education process of Pancasila moral is directed to the development of students‘ moral with Pancasila values since kindergarten until college.‘ The students are prepared with social studies to live in society who is always be good Citizen. Social awareness of students is always never stable, that is depends on the condition and stimulus and also condition of mental and physic themselves. Shaver, J.P. (1991:6): ―The organization of the NCSS reflected a growing awarenesss on the part of teachers and curriculum developers that history alone was not an adequate ppreparation for citizenship in an increasingly complex, urban, industrial society.‖ The role of kindergarten increases social awareness of students so that they can become good citizen by developing moral values which is hoped through social studies. The experience of social participation can done by kindergarten interactively. Heterogen social environment of kindergarten is more comprehensive to realize social participation soul. Parker W., and Jaromelik, J. (1989:3): ―In participation experience, students are provide opportunity to apply, extend, and examine the knowledge, skill, and value they have developed ―Social participation program in kinedergarten is made through curriculum for the students in society activities project, so that the students can study social participation in kindergarten to develop good citizen. Complex behavior make kindergarten students can participate in social. Hare, R, and secord, P.F. (1973:35): ―In complex behavior such as social behavior‖ Kindergarten develops social behavior through process develops habitude to become good citizen. The kindergarten students‘ skill of problem solving is a social studies program which is taught everyday by introducing and implementing good citizen. Parker, W and Jaromelik, J (1984:39): ― the critical question put now to the readers is, what is happening in your classroom, your school, your district, and your state others should know about and which if they know aabout it, would help build public and professional anthuasiasm for the social studies?‖ creates kindergarten students can solve problems by training habitude so that they can do by themselves. The exercise which is usual trained in kindergarten‘s social studies make the students to solve social problems or their own problems so that they can appears as good citizen. The students‘ critical thinking, as social studies‘ tradition which is developed with some creativities in social innovation. Hartonian, M. (1992:161): ―Although these district and innovation curriculum models are primarily concerned with enriching students‘ abilities in science, mathematics, and technology. The actual development of these model involves a wider range of disciplines.‖ Social studies gives innovation concept to enrich students‘ skill in creativity as good citizens: Kindergarten‘s thinking pattern is habitually trained to innovate, so that they can be creative. Social studies program is prepared to study to become good citizen 169 continuously, it can be executed in kindergarten, so that kindergarten students getting social studies are hoped to become good citizens. Kindergarten teacher has role to teach social studies so that they can become good citizen early. Kindergarten Pre-school period develops and last since infant until 5 or 6 years. During this phase, early childhood can study social studies in kindergarten. Kindergarten students having social studies can introduce and implement good citizen in school, home, and society. They also can develops some skills related their readiness to go school and use the periods during some hours to play with their friends. Some process which influences students‘ soul by giving social studies which introduces good citizen in kindergarten so that the development of early childhood in kindergarten can be integrated as truly human and as good citizen. The development of kindergarten students having social studies can get affective, and cognitive developments. The Affective Development of Kindergarten Students The affective development is a development basic of human. Ericson creates the theory of affective development which consists of several steps. The students at anatomy level is proud of their skill and they wants to do many things, one of it behave as good citizen. Kindergarten teachers should realize that every student needs to do the things by themselves. Kindergarten students having social studies will develops their feeling that they become good citizens. If kindergarten teacher who teaches social studies and guide early childhood are not patient, they make the students become ashamed feeling and doubt. And it is not good citizen‘s 170 characteristic. The work of kindergarten students which is always mocked by teachers, it means that the teachers have put the over ashamed feeling and doubt so that the students can not control themselves to become good citizen. If autonomy development is left by kindergarten students. They will experience difficulties to get autonomy good citizen in their teenager hood and mature hood. Oppositely, the students who can pass this period with a balance, and also can manage their ashamed feeling and doubt with autonomous, so that they are ready to face the next life cycles Early childhood in initiatives period have mastered their body and movement. Erik.H. argued that: child‘s initiative can more support and add if the parents can give good response toward the child‘s wish to free in doing motoric‘s activities by themselves. Kindergarten teacher giving social studies by introducing good citizen,. This thing is same with the students‘ capability uses language and fantasy activities as activities. Social dimensions in this period is regulated by giving freedom and chance to have initiative so that soul initiative will develop fast to be good citizen. The Cognitive Development Kindergarten Students of Social studies teaching with good citizens must be planned perfectly which is suitable with the development of kindergarten‘s students. Jean Piaget argued that the cognitive development runs regularly and orderly based on the age development. Child‘s process reaches mature-liked thinking who becomes good citizens can be done through several development stages. Pre-operational stage at 2 years old until 7 years old, the child‘s development can develop fast: language symbols of early childhood can be used to show good citizen with real practice to become good citizen. Kindergarten students usually take summary from half of good citizen introduction when social studies happens. Intellectual activity in motorsensory stage covers the symptom accepted by directly through sense. When kindergarten students reach mature and get skill of good citizen. They apply it in real activity. Kindergarten students starts relationship between friends and another person and can fulfill the regulation which is determined after social studies with good citizen introduction which is implemented. The failure of becoming good citizen in kindergarten students will arise disappointment for individu, the rejection by society and diificulty for the next task. Some of development task arising in early childhood of kindergarten is the success of teaching social studies which introduces good citizen will give happiness and the way for the next tasks to become good citizen. Social Studies in Kindergarten Social studies program in kindergarten educates early childhood holistically. It can be used in introducing good citizen and practicing it. NCSS (1989 : 251): ―Social studies is basic subject of the K-12 curriculum that (1) derives its goals from the nature of citizenship in a democratic society that is closely linked to other nations and peoples of the world; (2) draws its contents primarily from history, the social sciences, and in some respects, from the humanities and science ; and (3) is taught in ways that reflect an awareness of the personal, social and cultural experience and developmental level of learners.‖ Social studies are taught from kindergarten until high school of grade 12. Therefore, kindergarten gives social studies by introducing good citizen so that they can have democratic attitude, and humanist. Kindergarten is one of education services for early childhood which has function to help placing the basic toward the development of humanist attitude and democratic which is needed for the students in having adaptation with the environment and for the growth and the next development so that they are ready to become good citizens who are able to enter the next education, it is elementary school. Wesly stated that ―The social studies are the social sciences simplified for pedagogical purpose.‖ The teaching way of kindergarten is different from high school, because social sciences in kindergarten is in the form of participation and interaction on player centre by training good citizen attitude. Social studies is needed in every school level from formal an informal, inside or outside school. Lybarger (1992:187): ―Historians of social studies ought to examine other forms of social education that took place outside of schools, settle house, charity worker, neighborhood,, social and political organizations, immigrant aid associations, reform groups, and churches and synagogues did education work, much of it with adult. In adding advantageous skill, the students need social studies curriculum for every segments. The positive effect of social studies curriculum has aims to prepare the students to be able to study continuously in school surrounding the society. Kindergarten teaches social studies by introducing good citizen, guiding, and practicing it so that the habitude of good citizen in kindergarten is to prepare early childhood to become good citizen. Conclusion The habitude of good citizen in kindergarten with social studies toward early childhood to help the growth and 171 development both in physic and spiritual so that the students have preparation to enter basic education and the next stage. Kindergarten students needs guidance, implementation of good citizen in the form of responsibility and social participation to help another people, able to solve problems for themselves and their friends or another people and they can be creative or make creation. Kindergarten teacher teaches social studies and guiding early childhood to become good citizen. Non formal kindergarten is one of education services for early childhood which has function to help placing basics toward the humanist and democratic development which is needed for the students. Social studies are needed in every school level from formal and non formal or formal and non formal school in preparing good citizen. Social studies program in kindergarten is prepared to study to become good citizen concretely for kindergarten students. References Barr, R O etac (1977) Defening one social studies. Virginia : NCSS. Bramela Theodore (1965) Education Aspower USA : Holt Rine hart ant Winston, Inc. Gross, RE etall (1978) Social Studies for our Times. USA : Hospor androw. Harre, R and Secord, PF (1973) The explanation of social Behavior. USA : Little Pied,Adams and Co. Hartonian, m (1992) The Social studies and Project 2061 : An Opportunity For Harmony, Journal The Social Studies, 83(u). Lybarger, M .B (1991) The Historio gropy of social Studies, Retrospect, and Prospert intoNCSS (1991) Hand Book of Researchon Social Studies Teaching and Learning.New York : NCSS macmillan Publishing 172 Company Bandura A. (1969) Principles ofBehavior modification Muhammad Numan Sumantri (2001) menggagas Pembaharuan Pendidikan Ips.Bandung : Remaja Rosda Karya. NCSS (1979) Curriculum Guideliness. Washington DC : NCSS. Parker W. and Jarolimek J (1984) Citizenship and The Critical Role of the Social Studies ―Buletin NCSS (72). Robinson P. and Kirman Jm. (1986) From Monopoly to Dominance into NCSS (1986) SocialStudies and Social Sciences A. Fifty year Derspoctive Washington, DC. Ne wark StreetN.W. Shaver J. P (1995) Hand Book of Research on Social Studies Theaching and Learning. New York: NCSS macmillan Publishing Componi. Wesly, S. (1958) Teaching Social Studies in High School. Boston : Dc. HealtWoo lever. R and Scatt . KD. THE VALUES APPROACH OF CHARACTER EDUCATION TO ENHANCE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATOR’S COMPETENCY Rahma Hasibuan Abstract Character education is intended to cover the whole nature of the behavior, habits, interests, abilities, talents, potential, values, and mindsets. Achieving the intention of character building there must be a strategy character education. Strategy character education is the establishment of the steps or procedures, methods and techniques in an effort to improve the character of early childhood educators. The strategy is based on the approach, principles, methods and techniques. This strategy is integration of character education values in the learning activities/parenting. It can be done by developing a character education values both in the substance of the material and process development activities. Key word: Value Approach, Character Education Introduction In the early life, Childs learn from the closet person in their life. They are parent (in family environment) and educator or teacher (in student learning environment) as the closet basis for absorbing knowledge. What willbe nurturedinchildhoodwillreapthe fruit in theirfutureadulthood. Forparents andteachersarealso requiredtobe agood modelforchildren andcan bestimulatedfrom an early agethrough thedevelopmentof character educationfor childrenage-appropriatechild development. Developmentof character educationisa conscious efforttoimprove, increase the overallbehaviorthat includescustoms, values, potential, abilities, talentsandminds. Charactereducationisintendedtocoverthe wholenature ofthe behavior, habits, interests, abilities, talents, potential, values , and mindsetsthat humans have. Basically, humansarebornin theworldhave beenequipped witha consciencethat containthe noble values andarebelieved the existence and thetruth. These valuesare universal,applicablethroughout the world. For example in thephilosophy ofJavais knownproverb"Ajining diri gumantung ana ing lathi, ajining raga gumantung saka busana, ajinging awak gumantung saka tumindak ‖, which means that selfregard dependson thespeech, dress code, andbehavior. Baliis also knownin thecommunityconceptof character education"Tri Hita Karana", namelythe threebasicgroundingin coachingandcharactereducationin children, whichguides the childin relation toman and God, man and man, man andthe environment. Everyregionmust havethe charactervaluesthat can beunderlayeveryday life. It shows that all thepeoplein the world havethe similar values. The value is thehonesty, openness, compassion, loveof peace, helping each otherand so forth. It showsthat Godhas beenequippingdispositionin every personwiththe samevalues. Thevalues inherentin the conscience, ifthose values are violatedwilllead tofeelings of anxietyand uneasy. It isbecause they do notcorrespondwith a conscience. Everyone willfeelcalm when doin accordancewithnature. For example,someonewill be happywhen they canhelpsomeone else, someonewillfeelrelievedwhen they tell the 173 truth, cheat. andsomeonewillfeeluneasyifthey A personwho has characteris a personwhohasa distinctivepersonalityorcharacterthat is appearedin their behavior. It is reflected in everyday life. They areknowingthegood, thinkingthegood, thegoodfeeling, andactingthegood. Character educationis the responsibility offamilies, schools, andcommunities. These values are in fact implicitly contained in the character education as follows: 1. Character education that comes from the heart are faithful and pious, religious, honest, trustworthy, fair, orderly, law-abiding, responsible, empathetic, willing to take risks, never give up, self-sacrificing, and patriotic spirit. 2. Character education that comes from the thought are intelligent, critical, creative, innovative, curious, productive, science and technology oriented, and reflective. 3. Character education that comes from sports / kinesthetic are clean, healthy, sporty, tough, reliable, resilient, friendly, cooperative, determinative, competitive, upbeat, and persistent. 4. Education if the character that comes from feeling and intention are humanity, willing to share a mutual respect, mutual cooperation, togetherness, friendly, respectful, tolerant, nationalist, caring, cosmopolitan (worldwide), giving priority to public interest, patriotism (patriotism), proudly using language and Indonesian products, dynamic, hard work, and work professionally. The termeducationis oftenidentified with thecharacters that stand outin a personorpersonality. Oxforddictionarydefinescharacter educationas: 1) the mentalandmoralqualitiesthat are 174 characteristic ofa person, 2) one'strue nature. Meanwhile, according toKamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia(2008)charactereducationispsych ological, moralorcharacterthatdistinguishes one personfrom another. AccordingKartadinata(In Pusbangprodik, 2011)the nature ofcharacter educationis aprocess ofeducationthat educatesbehavior, moralistsand courteous, which is realizedbythem directlyorindirectly involvedin educationasteachers, learners, education managers, educationadministrators, educationalplanners, educational researchers, educationalenvironment(parents, communities, governments, organizations, etc. Suyanto(2011)suggestedthat thecharacteristhinkingandbehavingthat is characteristic ofeachindividualtoliveandwork, both withinthe family, community, nation and state. Individuals have thegood characteristicsis individualsthatcanmakedecisionsandbe readyto account foranyconsequences ofthe decisionshemade.Character educationis an education, whichinvolvesreasoning(cognitive), affective(feeling), andaction. Charactereducationis aninvestmentsystemof valuestoeducators, learners, and educationboth formal, nonformaland informalcomponentsincludeknowledge, awarenessorvolition, andaction toimplementthe values, both to theAlmighty God, ourselves, others, environment, andnationhoodtobe fully human. Translationwill be describedbelowthe valuesof character education, among others: Honesty can be defined as the act of expressing feelings, thoughts, and actions that in fact both are positive, or negative; beneficial or detrimental. Honesty is based on responsibility and the belief that the universe and social life following the laws of cause and effect follow the rational. Intelligence is a person's ability to understand a phenomenon is true, accurate and fast. Someone is called smart if they can catch a variety of symptoms with the right perception in a short time. Therefore, it can be conclude that the indicator of intelligent include: 1. Receptive to stimulus. 2. Appropriately capture the stimulus, can sort out the main part, the supporters, and an important part of a symptom. 3. Quickly respond to the symptoms correctly. (Astuti, 2011) Tough involves physical endurance. The indicator of toughness is showed resistance both physically and mentally. Physical endurance is the ability to perform physical movement in a relatively long period of time. Mental toughness is the ability to withstand the pressures that are psychic from the social environment in its efforts to achieve the goal. Thus the indicator toughness can be described as follows: 1.Physical endurance 2.Mental Resilience 3.Consistency (Astuti, 2011) Concern is the embodiment of the attitude of someone who showed great concern to a person, object, or a phenomenon. Concern is the continuation of the attitude of sympathy, and empathy. Sympathy refers to a person's positive attention on an object, phenomenon, and someone. However, empathy is the ability to appreciate a phenomenon or the ability to feel what others feel. Concern is the practice of sympathy and empathy. B. Discussion 1. Objectives and Functions of Character Education a. Character Education Objectives Character education aims to develop the values that shape the nation character is Pancasila, include the following. 1) Developing the potential of students in order to be goodhearted man, think well, and behave well. 2) Building nation based on character Pancasila. 3) Developing the potential of citizens in order to have an attitude of confidence, proud of his country and love the nation and mankind. b. Character Education Function The function of Character education as follows. 1) Building the life of a multicultural nation, 2) Building the intelligent of civilization, cultured noble, and able to contribute to the development of the life of mankind; develop the basic potential to be very good, good minded, and well behaved and a good example. 3) Developing the attitude of a peace-loving citizens, creative, independent, and able to coexist with other nations in harmony. 2. Strategy Character Education Strategy character education is the establishment of the steps or procedures, methods and techniques in an effort to improve the character of early childhood educators. The strategy is based on the approach, principles, methods and techniques as follows: a. Approach 1) Persuasive Approach Persuasive approach is approach process to change attitudes that made 175 taking into account the moral aspects, emotional and rational. Moral exhortation is explanations that touch aspects of faith. Emotional appeal concerns on the intriguing aspects of feelings. Rational appeal concerns on the aspects of logical reasoning. 2) Normative Educational Normative educative process of education is a breath of religious values, legal, social, and culture that is multicultural. These values are transformed based Patrap Tri Loka, Ing Ngarso Tulodho Sung, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa, Tut Wuri Handayani (Ki Hajar Dewantara). (1) the first Patrap means, through exemplary educators in behavior, attitude in providing an example through good actions that are expected to be role models for students, for example, the value of discipline (present before the students), cleanliness, tidiness, compassion, decency, caring, honest, hard working and confident. (2) The second Patrap educators cultivate the values of character education. There are a number of values of character education which basically boils down though the liver, by the sense / intention, by thought, and sports. Habituation is planting the values resulting in the internalization process on the learner. For example, a clean and healthy lifestyle, discipline, respect for elders and love for a younger, making the slogan which is expected to foster the spirit and character. (3) The third Patrap means that educators act as a spur and encouragement to students in developing noble character. This is human nature as the potential for independence. 3) Power Strategies (power) The use of authority in accordance with the mandate carried an amplifier for the formation of character. In certain cases, the third approach is complementary to both the above approaches. Throughout the first and or second approach is congested, Power 176 strategy (force) put in place. Intervention is a form of activity that was developed to create an atmosphere of learning that can be the formation of character by applying a structured activity. For example canteen honesty, tolerance of frustration in the form of group games, delay gratification. b. The principles of Character Education Principles of competence building activities that need to be considered by the planners, implementers, and other stakeholders are as follows. 1) Material Needs Analysis Based on the results. 2) Planned and Systematic. 3) Sustainable 4) Flexible 5) Adaptive 6) Situational 7) Consistent 8) CredibilityMethod of Character Education There are four methods of teaching character education that is inculcation of values, ideals, facilitation, and skills development (Zuchdi, 2008:45). inculcation value is the cultivation of the values indirectly, for example, develop values through the learning activities or care for younger children. Indeed the activities carried out for both early childhood in early childhood (kindergarten / KB or TPA) has been loaded with the planting of character values. However, educators or caregivers need to focus or emphasize what value will be invested. At this stage the ability of the new kid on the stage of knowing the good. Modeling is modeling to give the great facility opportunities to students in order to absorb knowing and model can be obtained either from the teacher / caregiver as well as from their peers. At this stage students are at the stage of loving the good. Skills development is an effort to improve education that has its characters to a higher level. It means that students have internalized the values in everyday life (the good acting). c. Character Education Technique 1) Techniques used in an effort to enhance character education for early childhood educators to enhance their competence to do the following: 1) Singing 2) Painting 3) Storytelling 4) Contemplation 5) Share 6) Relaxation 7) Suggestion 8) Role Playing 9) Method of Solving Problems (Problem Solving) 10) Method of Teaching 3. The values of Character Education in Planning Activities Early childhood educator is a professional educator in charge of planning, implementing the learning process, and assess learning outcomes, as well as coaching, nurturing and protection of students. Early childhood educators work in various types of educational services such as TK / RA, KB, TPA and other similar forms. Early childhood educators consist of teachers and assistant teachers and caregivers (Permen Diknas No. 53/2009). As a basic implementation of character education values in compiling lesson plans, early childhood educators pay attention to the competency of educators and learners. This needs to be done so that the development activities according to the ability of educators and is also in line with the developmental level of students. C.Conclusion Integration of character education values in the learning activities / parenting can be done by developing a character education values both in the substance of the material and activities development process. In preparing RKH, these values are implemented in RPP components, among others, on the basis of competence to include the value of the character to be implanted. On basic competencies, the indicators description is also included in the character education. For example, to develop the discipline, the teacher in the learning process not just use the lecture method, but also use a habituation and a sample or practice directly. Another example for developing empathy uses playing role teaching methods or simulation methods. The functions of learning are as an intermediary to convey the substance of the material, also has a great influence in shaping the image of an object. This means that learners can have a positive or negative perception of an object can be determined by the media of learning. Media not only can deliver the material, but can also be used as a medium to instill values. For the selection of instructional media should also consider the norms of religion, and social. For example, to increase the sense of nationalism, it must be more or model displays the work of Indonesia, rather than from other countries. Evaluation is a learning component that has a very important role for children to learn and reflect his ability. A good evaluation is an evaluation that is able to provide information to children about things that have been successfully achieved, and things are still to be accomplished children. The evaluation should cover all aspects of learning, namely cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. The good evaluation shall also contain the elements 177 of character education, for example the value of honesty, democracy, and discipline. The number of children in a class is relatively large, then the observation and recording of behavior only on the things that stand out. Recording can be done by making anecdotal notes. Reference s Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, 2010, Draf Gran Design Pendidikan Karakter, Edisi 23 Oktober 2010 Muchlas Samani, Hariyanto, 2011, Konsep Dan Model Pendidikan Karakter, Penerbit Rosda, Bandung Munir Abdullah, 2010, Pendidikan Karakter, Yogyakarta: Pt Pustaka Nsan Madani Permen Diknas Nomer 58/ 2009 Tentang Standar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomer 16/2007, Standar Kompetensi Guru Undang-Undang RI Nomer 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru Dan Dosen 178 CHARACTERFORMATION OFEARLYAGECHILDREN BASED ON “BAITI JANNATI” (MY HOME IS MY HEAVEN) Dahliart State University of Padang Introduction Children are amandatefrom Allah SWT to parents, soparentsmusteducatethemin accordancewith thecommandments of Allah as thecreator of universe. As a Moslem parents, they have to understand and realize the the importance of providing early education to children in accordance with the teachings of Islam. Because of the education given in childhood, its influence will be sharper and more lasting than the education provided after the adult. Arabic proverb gives the parable: "Learning in a small time is like carving in stone." Carving in the stone is very noticeable scar etched and durable. Pastoral care and proper education do from an early age to children and will be stock in the next life. We realize that the problem of care, educate, guide and growing children are often confused many parents, especially for those newly involved in the problem of household. In fact the Qur'an and Sunnah has outlined a complete real ground rules, even the practical details. This paper can be a reference to Muslim parents in the care, nurture, educate and raise her children, in accordance with Islamic teachings. Warning for Parents Rise and fall of the Islamic ummah is basically dependent on the understanding of religion and is closely related to the distance in making Muslims the Qur'an and Sunnah as a way of life, if close to the Qur'an and Sunnah and make it as Muslims undoubtedly guidance going forward, intelligent and prosperous physically and spiritually. Conversely, if more and more Muslims away from the Qur'an and Sunnah then retreatment that will be experienced. Because the Quran revealed by Allah SWT, which is made clear by the Sunnah of Rasul for the Muslims is a way of life that can bring us to the salvation of the world hereafter. Al-Quran is ahidayah (guidance)Furqan(distinguishing betweengoodandbad), bayan(explanation oflife), al-haq(eternal truth). The Qur'ancontainsinstructionsmoral; basiclawsin order tobuildthemostideallife; contains thehistory oftheanbiya, Auliyaandhukuma; alsothe story ofthedissidentsagainst thetruth; containsparablesthatinspiresthe human mind, andallkinds ofpoliciesforpenyelanggaraanwisdomof human life. Therefore, nurturing and education of children in accordance with the guidance of Islamic teachings for our children is a very central issue if we want to see a new generation of powerful, faithful, knowledgeable, good morals and be grateful. Only by understanding, appreciation, and practice of the Qur'an and Sunnah, a new generation of Muslims will be the ideal future generations Role of Parents of Childhood Education Parents should play a role in their children's education. Toddler period is the golden period of a child's growth, not only physical but also mental and social life. Wrong in grind down, wrong in compassion, and wrong in parenting will give bad consequences. Patterns of care that is right for little one will affect their lives later. Giving the right grind down, compassion, and parenting could influence 179 the character of children. Grind down is the stimulation provided. Asih is love given by parents. Parenting is the adequacy of food, clothing, shelter, and health, including education obtained by children. Educationof childrenshould bedonethroughthreeenvironments, namelyfamily, school, andorganization/community. Familyisthe centerof educationfirst and foremost. Sincethe emergence ofhumancivilizationuntilnow, the familyalwayshas a big influenceon thedevelopment ofa human child. VariousIslamicKnowledgeAccordingTo TheParents have givenToTheir children : 1) AlQur'anulKarim Allah SWTcreated human beingwitha perfectshape, one of theorganscontainedwithinthe humanselfis thebrain. Werealizethatthe brainconsistsofthe left hemisphere, right brainand midbrain. Each ofthesepartshasdifferent functions. The abilityto rememberitisa functionof themiddlecerebral hemisphere. Oneofthe virulence ofmidbrain, ifhe wasactive, withautomaticwillenhanceourmemory. Ifdo notbelieve, wehave heardorperhapsneverfindoutaboutImamBu khari. This topnotch ProphetMuhammad'shadithnarrators"fame " withher memory isincredible. Just imagine! Atthe ageof 18,ImamBukhari, inparticularhas beencollecting, selecting, and rearrangingthousands ofhadithof the Prophetwhichhe hadmemorized, not justtensbutthousands. Imagine! Onehadith, its stanza to 4up to 10verses. Obviously, forusitwas not easy. Butwhy, forImamBukhari, itispossibleandhas beenprovedto the world. Now, because of the strong memory of Imam Bukhariwecanenjoythe true hadith intrue 180 hadithBukharicollected. Parentsshould notgive upon the weak memory of children's perception, becausemanis createdwiththe potential, but takes"time", "training" toraise it into an excess. Growth and developmentbeginsfrom the infantbrainis still in thewomb(prenatal period), starting fromthefirst monthof pregnancy, whenbrainandspinal cordbegin toformintheembryo. Nodoubt, those children are more able thanadultstomemorizethe versesof the Qur'an andrepeat itagain. Therefore, a child's brainhas not beenpreoccupiedbyvariousproblemsandnot tothink about itseriously. Thus, the potentialto master, memorizeandrecallare verystrong. Memorizing theQur'anwillstrengthenlanguage skillsandpowerimpresionism withstyleandlanguage ofthe Qur'anonchildren's self-reference. However, thatneeds tobe consideredby theparentstonot too ambitiousforthe childrenmemorizing Qur‘an textsregardless oftheir understanding. Parentsalwaystriedto make themeaning ofthe versesintheir understanding closer withaneasyandeffectivemethod. For early childhood, let them to readthe Qur'anby listening tothe islamic songsbecausereadingthe Qur'an with Tartil method andthe islamic musicinfluences the neuron-neoron of humanbrain. Readings Qur'an with Tartil method which is reading correctly as general come from therhythmicpulseof man,thatheplays a major roleinbrain development, formation ofthe soul, characterand evenhuman flesh. Al-Quran is readwitharegularrhythmandtoneas well ashis verseisalsoarrangedon a regular basiswillimprove theintellectual, emotionalandspiritual. Research showsthatbabiesin the womb was givenstimuliwitharegularrhythmandtonein accordancewiththe pulseof man, hopefuly the childrenwilldevelop their emotionalintelligenceand their intelegencecomparedwithchildrenwhorarel ylisten tothe toneandrhythmregularseseuaiwiththe humanpulse. In addition, reading Qur‘an with Tartil method containing tone fluctuates composition between high tone and low tone which will stimulate brain development. Until the age of 4 years, child's brain will grow by 80%, and therefore early childhood 0-6 years should be stimulated by her parents with Islamic songs that tone and rhythm regularly in accordance with the human pulse and Quran texts. 2) Aqidah Parentsshouldteach childrenthat: a. Godisaloneandsinglenopartnerfor Him. b. He isAllah SWT notsimilartoanything. c. He isAllahSWT seeus, alwaysbe withuswhereverweare, alwayswatchinganddo notknow thedimensionsof space. d. MuhammadSAW is the rasul of Allahandthe leader ofthosewho passed, present, and future. e. The angelsare creatures ofAllahSWT. f. AlQur'anulKarimiskitabullahthatexpla ins, ropeties(religion), hisstrongandhisstraightpath. g. Later, there will beadaywhenall human beingwillbe returnedtoAllah SWT, theDay ofJudgement. h. In act thatAllah SWT hascreated manas acreaturewhois free toact. Allof the above statement shallbe adjustedbyageandchild development throughvariousmethodsand appropriate. 3) Ibadah Atthe toddler period, parents shouldintroduceandmotivatethe problemof ibadahaccordingtotheirage, such asablution', prayer, fastingandworshipaccording totheir developmentandifhehas reached theage ofsevenyears, parents mustteachthemthe problemsof worshipaccordingtotheirage, likewudu', prayerandfasting. Similarly, in teaching and encourage them to fasting. The best way of teaching the prayer, is by letting children to go to the mosque together. Then the child will learn the prayer in congregation there, so when he grows up will grow in him a sense of love towards the mosque. 4) Islamic Morals and Islamic Ethics We must educate our children morals, because the basic of religion is morality. 10 ways which are done by parents in influencing the soul and intellect of children: 1) Stay with Your Child and Be an Example for him. Rasulullah SAW ever accompanies children at all places. Sometimes he is accompanied Ibn Abbas walked, sometimes accompany the children and his nephew, Ja'far, and sometimes also accompany other people. Thus, Rasulullah SAW accompanied the children with no complaining and feeling smug, arrogant or dominating. This is accompanied by the right of children to adults so they can learn from them, educate him and improve his habit. 2) Fillthe Rights of theChild Aneducation experthasselectedthreewomenwhofollo w thearttrainingto become parents, andsaid tothem, "I'll giveyouthe name ofoneby the name ofHanan, whobothnamedSu'ad, andthethirdnamedLaila. Then, I'll ask yousomequestionsIwantanswersfromy 181 3) 4) 5) 6) 182 ou guys." Then, hestartedwiththisquestion: "If anyone of you preparebreakfastforher husband in the morning, suddenlythe phonerings, your son was crying, andpieces ofbreadthatyoupreparefor thehusbandon fire, andhecommented," When areyougoingto learnhow tobakebreadwithnomakefire?" Instill Happiness and Pleasure in His soul Instilling happiness and comfort in the child will make his talent stands out as perfect as possible. Prophet Muhammad had explained to us how to comfort the soul becomes a way to uncover talent and grow it. Try to Practice mode "Whoever did the first, then for him this and this"Basically, the phrase "Whoever did this first, then for him this and this" is an important means of stressing the urgency of instilling a competitive spirit that builds between the children and gave gifts to children who won until the child feel the pleasure and happiness. Each child will rush to devote all the strength and ability to achieve victory and prepare himself to practice and learn to question and reveal the knowledge. Thus, both parents can look up to the degree where her abilities, which in itself will also, uncovered a hidden strength in the child. Use the method "None that stop you to say it". Among the best motivation is memotovasi child to do good things, like buying books that are useful so that the child has a scientific library, which jointly developed along with its development. Develop Self Confidence Prophet before attending several methods in child develops self- confidence, which is meant for children to grow strong. Among these methods are: a. Strengthen the child's wishes. This can be done with accustom do two things: 1) To keep secret 2) To do fasting b. Developing social trust When children sit with adults, it will develop social confidence by itself. The children attended the Nabi SAW forum with his father. This was umar accompanied by his son when attending Nabi SAW forum. So parents should familiarize bring their children to attend such meetings organization, family gathering, walimatul urys, office, etc. c. Developing scientific belief This goal can be achieved through learning al Qur‘an, sunnah of the prophet, and his great sirah. So, with this meant the child can grow with an abundance of knowledge has brought the days of childhood. d. Developing confidence in economy and trade This target can be reached by familiarizing children make buying and selling, and walk around the market accompanied by both parents. 7) Use the method "He is the best for children" in react to it. Giving praise to children is to have an effective influence in his soul that is moving the feelings and senses, made hurried with great earnestness to improve behavior and deeds. As parents we should take an example from the Prophet, and praise our children with a balanced at the time and the right time. 8) Make It Like Virtue and Avoiding ugliness Advice and threats including natural way that can not be ignored by an educator, because every student needs to know the result of the type they behave and can distinguish good and bad. 9) Your Child Become familiar with Kindness Among the means of education is education with practice. That is, familiarize children with certain things that it becomes a habit itself, and do it without guidance. 10) Respon his tendency Among the methods are successful in many places not all of them are responding to trends and desires of the child so that he feels happy. That is because each time the child is smaller, he needs more fun things, and terpenuhui all her demands, because he began to feel the need for what he wanted. A. Parenting Types 1. How do you Minding Your daughter Son? All parents want to provide the best education for their child. This can be done in various ways, from caring for children since infants and toddlers, until choosing a school for children. In determining parenting, require extra attention because parenting role in the formation of personality. Childhood is a period of personality formation. 3-month-old infants already show characteristics, such as activity level, rentangatensi, adaptasibilitas on environmental changes, and mood. An infant may be active, easily distracted, and not easily soothed when upset. Other babies may be rather quiet, diligent in focusing attention on one activity, and easily silenced. From this criteria, your baby, including the characteristics which one? This is largely determined by factors of nature (genetic / heredity). The results showed that the genetic impairment is an important determinant in terms of temperament sociability, emotionality, and activity. In addition to genetic factors, personality is also influenced by environmental factors and one of which is parenting. 2. VariousTypes ofParenting There areseveraltypes ofparenting, of them are asfollows: a. Authoritative Type Parentswill receive anauthoritativetypeandinvolve thechildfully. Parentshaveahighdegreeof controlandrequiretheir childrento actat thelevel ofintellectualand social developmentaccording totheirageandability. However, theystillgivewarm, guidance, andtwo-way communication. Theyprovideexplanationsandreas onsforpunishmentandprohibition. Childrenofparentslikethiswillgro wintoan independent, selfassertive, friendlywithpeers, andwilling tocooperatewithparents. Childrenalsowillsucceedintellect uallyandsocially, enjoylife, andhave astrong motivationto move forward. b. Authoritarian type Parents arealwaysdemandingandauthorit ariantype ofcontrolsimplybecausepower, withoutwarmth, guidance, andtwo-way communication. Theycontrol and assessbehavior ofchildren withabsolutestandards. They valueobedience, respect fortheir power, andtradition. The kidswith parentslikethesetend 183 tohavethe competenceand responsibility , tend towithdrawsocially, anddo nothavethe attitudeof spontaneity. The daughterwilldependontheir parentsandhave nomotivationtomove forward.Boystend to bemoreaggressivethanthe other boys. c. Patient type Parents with patient type willreceive, responsive, a littleto givethe demandsontheir children. Childrenwill bemorepositivemoodandmoresho weditsvitalitythanchildrenofauth oritarianfamily. Parents who arepermissive will encouragechildren to becomeaggressiveandtend tolack confidence. d. No matter type Parents with no matter type aremoreconcerned activities for themselvesandwere not involvedwith theactivities oftheir children. They don‘t knowwheretheir children, what isbeingdone, andwho his friendswhileaway from home. They arenotinterestedineventsinschool children, rarelyconversewiththeir children, anddo notcare aboutthe opinion ofher children. From the fourtypes ofparenting, has conductedresearchstart fromfillingquestionnairestoa randomdesign analysis. The results are a type of authoritative parenting, qualitatively indicate significantdigitsandonlyquantitativelysho wthe numberof nonsignificant. From this itcanbe concludedthat thefamilywhomanaged toeducatetheir 184 childrenwith aresounding, the numbers are not yet adequate. So, familywhomanaged toeducatetheir childrenwithauthoritativeparentingcanbe regarded asasuccessfulfamily. Congratulations, for those of youwhohavebecomethe authoritativeparents. For thosewhohave not, there is no other choice but totry tolearnto beauthoritativeparents Success key Assisting Children In Character Formation To become a successful parent shall determine the appropriate manner and method. Educating children to become human character in accordance with the concepts of the Islamic religion, we must changes in her or his own character, because both parents are the figures of identification. As reminded by Ali ibn Abi Talib about the children that their birth to the age to come not for the times when we are today, so parents have to build his vision of life. They should be prepared with the education that form the soul, strengthen willpower, evokes the desire to do well and to forge a winning mental attitude to determine their future and face the future of the world. Parents will never be enough if only educating their brains is only to provide knowledge, information, or useless data (data smog). Children who are born to be delivered into the future to give weight to the earth as a servant of God Almighty that many prostrate to him. If he get world and everything in it his heart there is God Almighty. How many parents who feel has the best stock to include children in top schools, when in fact that happened because they were weakened soul never faced a challenge, support, encouragement and appreciation of the balance. The following item will be presented tips to become successful parents in the formation of character-based children ―Baiti Jannati‖ ( my house is my heaven): 1. Teach them the desire to act for the religion of Allah. Awaken the strong purpose in life, God willing, they will grow as people full of spirit, their intelligence will skyrocketed, and his talent will grow rapidly and well. They will get existential. The point on the sensitivity to feel, appreciate and understand the purpose of life on the belief of Allah SWT. 2. Encouraging them with love for their souls were moved to do great work is meaningful, rather than busying themselves with their own shortcomings. This means that parents should give appreciation and praise of the results and achievements obtained, not vice versa. 3. Parents should be able to provide immunizations for their children's souls by meghargai confidence to his entire question. 4. Choose qualified reading books are as the source of knowledge that can provide supplements to the development of intelligence. The qualified reading book is differing with interesting reading book. The qualified and interesting reading book is usefull for stimulating thoughts, feelings and imajination of children. 5. Building character is the responsibility of parents, because of strong character shaped by values that emphasize the cultivation of good and bad. The value is built through the appreciation and experience. Character development requires a model that makes the child imitate with pride and moved his soul to act in a positive direction. Strong character will tend to live in have its roots in themselves when it is started from an early age. Closing Finnaly, these are all the writer wants to express in this paper. The writer hopes these will be useful for the readers. Thank you. References Al-Quran and Hadith Adil Fathi 'Abd Allah, Know Your son is Key to Success in Educating,Translator Heri Purnomo, Pen.Mustaqim Jakarta, 2005 D.H. Pink, Digest of Ultimate Human Right Brain, Pen. Blue Book Jogjakarta, cet-1, 2010 Henry N. Siahaan, parents‟ Role in Educating Children, Pen. Angkasa Bandung, 1986 N. Lihin Chaniago, 8 Will Strange Strikes with Middle Brain, Pen. Shining Publishing Yogyakarta, cet 1 -, 2010 Maimunah Hasan, ECD (Early Childhood Education), Education Quality Management Complete Guide children to the Teachers and Parents, DIVA Jogjakarta Press, CET-1, 2009 Dahliarti, Coaching Model of ReligiousBased Early Childhood, (International Seminar Papers), Association of Counsellors Indonesian Cooperation with PD ABKIN West Sumatra, 2008 Mohammad Fauzi Adhim, Positive Parenting, The ways Islami Develop Positive Character in Your Child, Mizan, Bandung, cet 1, 2010 Muhammad Rashid Dimas, translator (Hj. Umma Farida), 25 How to influence the intellect Life & children‟s mind, Pustaka alKausar, Jakarta, cet 1, 1999 Early Childhood Education According to the Islamic view, the Indonesian Ulema Council Working with the Directorate of 185 Early Childhood Education Directorate General of Out of School Education and Youth Ministry of National Education TOWARD CRITICAL EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Edi Subkhan Curriculum and Educational Technology Department, Education Faculty, State Semarang University Abstract This article as a theoretical overview explains and introduces the basic concept of the critical perspective on educational technology for early childhood education, especially for the Indonesian audience. The critical perspective derived from the critical pedagogy notions is very important as a critical tool of analysis on examines the creating, using, and managing of the learning media and method for early childhood education. The critical analysis result would be the prominent consideration on educational technology activities (creating, using, managing) and the critical pedagogy notions itself become the reference paradigm and foundation for those activities. The subtantial objectives of the early childhood education from the critical pedagogy perspective are tend to bring the learning practice more democratic, emancipatory, dialogic, participatory, and transformative for the childs' cognitive, afective and psychomotoric development. The concern of the critical pedagogy for early childhood education is not insist to build the childs' critical consciousness, but to nurture the childs' need for critical inquiry, in this case the teachers position is important to develop and practicing the learning practice based on the critical pedagogy notions and also examine critically the early childhood education policy, its curriculum, and etc. Keywords: educational technology, critical pedagogy, early childhood, ICT-based learning media, and method. Introduction The recent development within our educational practice in Indonesia is the technologization, that is the massive use of the ICT-based learning media and method. It is not only the phenomenon on the elementary, secondary and higher education, but it emerge into early childhood educational practice. There are lots of various "educational technology" for early childhood education, in example multimedia learning compact disk (CD), educative games, and others. This trend 186 often leave behind the old and conventional media such as teaching aids, miniature, models, and others. The learning method which is follows the learning media also variously developed such as out bond learning, contextual learning-teaching, quantum learningteaching, constructivist learning approach and etc. But the emerging of the technology into education doesn't only have the positive "effects" to facilitate the learning practice, in other side it also have the negative effects as an obstacle for the learning objectives. Several cases below indicate those negative effects of the technology based learning practice on early childhood education. The most negative effects from the use of the ICT-based learning media come from its content that contain violence, negative ethnic, religion, and cultural stereotyped, biased understanding about gender and etc. The kind of the learning media in which have the tendency contain those negative materials is the learning media for individual learning activities, because it is lack of the others (teacher, parent) control. Differs from this kind of learning media is the learning media for colective-classroom learning activities, in which the teacher could control the content of the learning media before using it in front of the class. Another phenomenon on the ICT-based learning media is the inappropriate use of the ICT-based learning media for certain learning objectives, for example: the learning activities to exercise the afective childs' domain (social sensitivity, emphaty, sympathy, and etc) are based on the ICT-based learning media. Off course it would be more appropriate by using the contextual learning approach such as field trip, social project, observation, and etc, because the last bring the childs enter to the real social and cultural environment. Many inappropriate cases in the learning practice based on ICT are about the obsession to present the learning materials using the sophisticated digital technology, whereas the learning materials are more appropriate and good enough tobe learn by the childs in the sense of "learning by doing", contextual learning activities, and etc. So, it is important to reveal and conceive the negative side of the ICTbased learning media for early childhood education to avoid the inappropriate learning practice in which have a potentials as an obstacles for the learning objectives. It is also important to reveal the hidden curriculum in the kinds of cultures, values, ideologies, and knowledge productions beyond the official curriculum, because the early children also learn this kind of the hidden curriculum instead of the official one, and it would construct their way of thinking, attitude, and aspiration. In accordance with those needs and purposes, the critical analysis based on the critical perspective derived from the critical pedagogy traditions is important for early childhood education practice. A short introduction about critical pedagogy notions, especially for the early childhood education are mentioned below. Introducing Critical Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education The main concepts of the critical pedagogy is the perspective that education couldn't be separates from the social structure, culture, politic, economic, and ideology. Education is not neutral things, knowledge is always in relation with those social structures, at least education is the arena for the knowledges, cultures, values and ideologies struggle. This perspective employing the critical perspective from the critical social theories, especially based on the Marxian, neo-Marxian, postMarian, postmodern and others critical social theories. One of the leading critical educators on the critical pedagogy tradition is Paulo Freire, Ira Shor (1993: 24), on reviewing the Freire's ideas said: Education is not reducible to a mechanical method of instruction. Learning is not a quantity of information to be memorized or a package of skills to be transferred to students. Classrooms die as intellectual centers when they become delivery systems for lifeless bodies of knowledge, instead of transferring facts and 187 skills from teacher to students, a Freirean class invites students to think critically about subject matter, doctrines, the learning process itself, and their society. Freire's social pedagogy defines education as one place where the individual and society are constructed, a social action which can either empower or domesticate students. In the liberating classroom suggested by Freire's ideas, teacher pose problems derived from student life, social issues, and academic subjects, in a mutually created dialogue. In short, educational and learning practice tend to build students' critical consciousness and then moves toward social transformation in society (see also Topatimasang et.al., 2010). Social transformation means that critical pedagogy lead the learning and educational practice as a movement to acts against inequality, unjust, exploitation; addressing the educational and learning practices tobe more emancipatory or liberating from the colonization of knowledge and power (see also McLean, 2006). Its critical consciousness and social transformation orientations implies the learning methodology into action level, not only mastery the knowledge and skill which is irrelevance with the social reality. Because the social transformation is a milestone on pursuing the social justice and it begins from the individual transformation (critical consciousness), then it bring the learning practices should be contextual, humane, dialogic, critical, democratic and emancipatory (see Shor, 1993), in other words: into action level/phase (praxis). In accordance with those critical pedagogy principles, the early childhood education practices should be: (1) 188 nurturing and rising up the childs' need for critical inquiry, teach them to question what they learn and ―read‖; (2) nurturing the childs' social sensitivity, emphaty, ethic, aesthetics, through cultural, social, and sport activities; (3) build the childs' self identity and culture, brings them to the deep comprehension about theirself and their closest daily social and cultural reality toward their broadest milieu; (4) the learning process should uses the childs' language in which simple and easy tobe conceived by the children and appropriates with their language ability. At least, the four substantial objectives for early childhood education above based on the critical pedagogy perspective, but it doesn't mean avoid the technical acvhievement from the Ministry of Education (MoE) regulation number 58/2009 on standard of the early childhood education. Those subtantial objectives become the foundation and encompasing the technical achievement on the cognitive, afective, and psychomotoric dimensions such as communication skill, literacy, basic knowledge, emotional senses, physical health and etc from those MoE regulation number 58/2009. Afterwards, the subtantial objectives based on critical pedagogy for early childhood education above transform into several concepts, principles, ideas and praxis of the critical pedagogy methodological design. The appropriate learning practice refer on critical pedagogy are learning by doing, based on the real social and cultural phenomenon, bring the childreen on the social activities, doesn't have any distance with the society (except it have the dangerous potential for the childs), open up the space for the childs tho explore their need for inquiry through observation, touring, adventure, experiment, social project and etc. What I have mentioned previously is the ―contextual principle‖ to build the learning practice more responsible to the social reality in society, especially with the childs' milieu; moreover the contextual prinsiple uses the social, cultural, economic, and psychological childs' background as a primary consideration to formulate the learning process. Those methods above would nurturing the childs' critical inquiry and creativity at the early age. Besides that (see the subtantial objective number 2) the critical pedagogy practices for early childhood education also in the form of art and cultural works, sport, playing educative games and etc. Moreover, the learning environment should be safe for the children, healthy, nurturing the democratic, tolerance, and peace culture; anti-bullying and discrimination, and without gender, religion, ethnic, and cultural biased. One of the sources on explaining this learning approach is the documentary film "Jaga Bumimu, Jaga Selalu" by Sanggar Anak Alam (Salam, 2011), Yogyakarta. The teachers should position her/him self as a facilitator and friend for the childs, they should motivate the childs tobe brave on asking and answer the questions; the teachers shouldn't kill the childs' critical inquiry and creativity by punishment and wildly talk. In accordance with the explanations above, critical pedagogy for early childhood education doesn't tend to build the childs' critical consciousness, but only nurturing the childs' potential on critical consciousness by several methodological approach. This concern is good enough and precise for early childhood education, because in this phase children still on the early and basic cognitive, afective and psychomotoric development, so they don't have any abstract and high critical way of thinking yet. Moreover, the teacher become the prominent target on developing and operating the critical pedagogy notions to the critical consciousness and then social transformation (i.e. change the education/learning system, structural institutional system design, early childhood education policy, curriculum, learning media and method). The teachers with critical consciousness need a basic requirement in the form of critical paradigm derived from the critical social theory on education (especially in the sense of critical pedagogy). This analytical requirement is very important as a tool of analysis on examining the socio-cultural context of the educational practices and uses it as a primary consideration on designing, using, and managing the learning media and method. Moreover, based on the real facts of the early childhood education above, teacher especially should examine critically (1) the use of the ICT-based learning media for early childhood education, (2) the early childhood education policy, (3) its curriculum content and design, (4) the learning media and method suggestion by the MoE provisions, and furthermore (5) the power relations between the state, market, society, education, knowledge, culture, ideologies, and etc. The critical analysis result's is important to decide whether some of the learning media and method is appropriate or not for early childhood education in certain socio-cultural context based on the ethical practice and appropriate principle derived from the critical pedagogy notions. Critical Perspective on Educational Technology for Early Childhood Education Indonesian's early childhood education practice often concentrated and dominated by the learning technicalmethodologies side. It can be seen from the early childhood educators refer and follow rigidly and seriously to the 189 Ministry of Education (MoE) regulation number 58/2009 on standard of the early childhood education. Whereas this MoE regulation only focusing on the technicaloperational childs achievement on their learning practices, it doesn't contain the substantial objectives i.e. knowledge, values, cultures, and skills content. This phenomenon implies on the lack of the teachers' ability on formulating the curriculum design, lesson plan, and also on creating, using and managing the learning media and method, and at least doesn't consider to the subtantial sides of the learning practices i.e. the knowledge, values, cultures, ideologies, and life skills for the childs. When the early childhood educators don't have enough comprehension about the learning content, media and method, they whould designing the learning practice refer to the mainstream's early childhood education paradigm and practice. Whereas, not all of the general and mainstream of the early childhood education concepts and practices are appropriate for the childs. For example, in many case in several big city in Indonesia, there are lots of the early childhood learning activities tend to be more burdensome for the childs, i.e. pushing the early childs to read, write, learn arithmetic; moreover have a basic ability on foreign language (i.e. English, Arabic); the learning practice had been dominated by the teacher (teacher centered), lots of learning practices using the ICT-based learning media are inappropriate with the need of the children's psychological and physical development; doesn't open up the space for the childs to explore their imagination, creation and inovation; the learning practice doesn't bring the childs enter to the social and cultural activities outside the "classroom"; it also doesn't relates the learning practice by ICT with the real social activities in which whould 190 exercise the cognitive, afective and psychomotoric dimensions all at once. Therefore, it doesn't enough only refers and follows the existing and mainstream learning media and method, neither does on following rigidly to the MoE regulation number 58/2009 on standard of the early childhood education. If we only following the mainstream early childhood education paradigm and practice, it is similar to the ―social and cultural reproduction‖ phenomenon had been researching by Bourdieu & Passeron on higher education in France (1977). In this case, the critical perspective from critical pedagogy movement is important for the teachers who are involved in the early childhood learning practices (1) as a tools of critical analysis on examine the educational technology practice for early childhood education and (2) as a reference on creating, using and managing the learning media and method for early childhood education. Critical analysis is very important to conceive whether the learning media and method are appropriate or not, facilitate the learning objectives or not, is it in contradiction with the technical and subtantial aims of the critical pedagogy for early childhood education or not. In other words, the result of the critical analysis become the primary consideration to create, use and manage the learning media and method on learning practices, and several concepts from the critical pedagogy notions (see for example on McLaren & Leonard [eds.], 1993; Tilaar et al. [eds.], 2011) also become the references to create, use, and manage the learning media and method for early childhood education. The basic orientation of the educational technology discourse for early childhood educational practice from the critical perspective can be seen from the three central activities (creating, using, and managing) and two fields of the educational technology (media and method) as a field of studies. Those three central activities and two fields of educational technology are based on the recent educational technology's definition enacted by Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT, 2004) below: Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. (Januszewski & Molenda [eds.], 2008: 1) In short, the technological processes is the learning method dimension and the technological resources is the learning media and resources. All of the fields of studies based on the ethical practice and appropriateness as a basic principle on creating, using and managing the learning media and method for educational purposes. On the creating or designing dimension the teacher should create the learning media and method for early childhood education to facilitate its learning objectives beyond the technical achievement on the MoE regulation number 58/2009 toward the more substantial achievements—based on the critical pedagogy perspective. Therefore, by employing the critical pedagogy perspectives, the learning media should facilitate the childs need for inquiry, exercising their emphaty, sympathy, social sensitivity, senses, aesthetic, and ethics dimensions; laying the basic comprehension about their self and children's cultures. In accordance with the children's unique characteristics, the learning media design also should be interesting, simple, and enjoyable whether for classroom-collective or personal- individual learning activities. It should be preceded and followed by the social activities to exercise the child's critical inquiry and creativity, in this case the learning method—from the educational technology as a field of studies—should be direct to the more interesting, contextual, enjoyable, and constructivist i.e. playing educative games, sport, and art-cultural works. Challenge the childs to ask some questions, liberating the childs to ask and answer the questions are the method to nurture the childs' critical inquiry, in the same manner is the contextual learning activities which is lead the childs to enter the social environment is a way to explore their need for inquiry and critical thinking. This childs' critical consciousness potentian—in the notions of critical pedagogy notions—required the nurturing activities through the dialouge and contextual learning activities (i.e. questions and real social activities). Refers to critical pedagogy paradigm, the content of the contextualized learning media and method is come from the childs' socio-cultural, psychological, and the values. The first things should be learn by the early childs is something interrelated and conect with their self, lifeworld, and mileu, before invite the childs to learn something far with their daily life activities (i.e. nationality, citizenship, and etc). What I means by its content is come from the child's is: about creating the learning practice by accommodate and depart from the children's questions and need for inquiry, so the learning media should be designed to pursue those children's need. The childs' critical questions, emotional expressions, and aesthetic creations are not something should be avoid, conversely the teachers should pay much attention on those childs' expressions, and then use it as a primary consideration on creating the learning practice, lesson plan, and also 191 creating, using and managing the learning media and method. What I've write above is much about the "creating" dimension of the educational tchnology as a field of studies. Moreover on the practice of using the learning media and method, whether by design or by utilizing, either artificial or natural, the primary consideration is: could nurturing and exercising the childs' critical inquiry, creativity, innovation, emphaty, ethic, and aesthetic. Beside the learning practice should be dialogic and contextual, it should also be flexible, it means: the early learning design, lesson plan, and curriculum shouldn't be followed rigidly, on the contrary it should be flexible based on the learning need and actual reality in the learning practices. This flexible concept refers to the flexible curriculum design by James McKernan (2008) and Paulo Freire (2005) that the learning process based on the "process theory" should to flow along with the childs' learning rhythm in the learning practices, following the childs' critical questions being addressed and their need for inquiry being directed; in other side, based on the critical pedagogy notions by Paulo Freire, the learning design have tobe reactionary to the social, cultural, and political phenomenon in society, taking the existing childs' social, cultural, and psychological background as an important and the primary consideration to formulate the learning design. So, in this "using" dimension of the educational technology therefore should negotiate the the technical achievement (MoE regulation number 58/2009) and the substantial and essential one (derived from the critical pedagogy notions) on formulating the curriculum design and creating the learning media and method. Moreover, in the "managing" dimension, it is necessary the early childhood educators have an appropriate 192 managerial ability to manage the learning media and method, especially in the micro level (classroom, school). Several important issues—in accordance with critical pedagogy notions—become the primary consideration to decide whether one of the learning media and method are appropriate or not i.e. social justice, access, economic, ethnics, religion, and the appropriateness of the learning media and method with the childs' need for learning and socio-cultural context. The management of the learning media and method required the synergy and participation from all of the stakeholders in early childhood education i.e. teachers, administration staffs, headmasters, supervisors, parents, society, and government where the learning practice taking place. The orientation of the institutional management and learning practice in the sense of critical pedagogy notions refers to the democratic, emancipatory, participatory, and transformation principles (see several discussion on this basic principles on Freire, 2005; McLaren & Leonard [eds.], 1933). Therefore, the childs', teacher's, society's, and parent's voices are the primary—beside the theoretical— consideration on deciding the appropriate learning media and method for early childhood educational practices, in this case the democratic and participatory principles were works. Besides that, the managerial practice should emancipate the learning practices from the certain media and method hegemony, including emancipate from the inappropriate government educational policy and the dominant adult's perspective on early childhood education. At least, "transformation/change" should be the keywords of the managerial practice on pursuing the real changes on the individual (children, teacher) and social lifes (the "school", parent, family and society). Those three educational technology concentration (creating, using, managing) on learning media and method refering to the critical pedagogy notions for early childhood education actually based on the ethical practice and praxis dimension. In other side from the recent definition of the educational technology (AECT, 2004), the "study" dimension contain the research and evaluation on the creating, using, and managing of the learning media and method also need a serious attention. Because the result of the critical analysis on the educational technology—derived from the research and evaluation practice—is very important as a primary consideration on creating, using and managing the learning media and method for early childhood educational practices precisely. Thus, critical perspective from the critical pedagogy notions is not only become the foundations to create, use, and manage the learning media and method, but also become the basic paradigm on analysing the educational technology practice for early childhood education in general. Conclusion Critical pedagogy perspective on educational technology is not a mainstream paradigm among others in Indonesia (Subkhan, 2011), but it is important to examine the practices of educational technology critically. Several analysis on educational technology doesn't yield a deep, comprehensive, and critical perspective, so it implies the analysis tend tobe "business as usual" evaluation without critical perspective. This kind of analysis fail to explains about the negative sides of the recent trend in education (integration technology into education, especially ICT and other digital technology i.e. violence, stereotyped, and biased) and then brings the main perspective on educational technology only to the positive side (technopositivism). It also fails to reveal and conceive the power relation between the politic and educational practice, knowledge and politic, whereas it is the real facts in our daily educational practice that always in relation with politic, econonomic, cultural, social, values, and ideology, and this relation is often unequal and unjust. The main perspective on critical pedagogy challenges the teacher, parent, and others who're involved with early childhood educational practice to examine it critically, especially on the creating, using and managing (three educational technology main activities) of the ICTbased learning media and method. It is also important because the result of the critical analysis become the primary consideration on deciding wheter the learning media and method appropriate or not for the early childhood educational practices. In the end, the challenge is come from the teachers itself, do they want spend their time to learn about critical perspective derived from critical pedagogy notions for early childhood education? Actually several critical pedagogy's literature are heavy enough for the new reader, but off course there are several book on encountering the critical pedagogy ideas for the new reader such as the McLaren and Leonard (1993) in English and in Bahasa i.e. Tilaar et.al. (2011) and Topatimasang et al. (2010). However, if the early childhood education want to move toward a kind of educational practice—under the light of educational technology as a field of studies—which is (1) more democratic, emancipatory, participatory, and transformative; (2) underlying the solid and strong childs' cultures, values, and ideologies; (3) nurturing the childs' critical inquiry, creativity, innovation; and (4) exercising the childs' social sensitivity, emphaty, and 193 symphaty, the critical pedagogy paradigm is appropriate choice and necessary. References Bourdieu, P. & Passeron, J. (1977). Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture. London: Sage. Freire, P. (2005). Pedagogy of the Opressed: 30th Anniversary Edition. Trans. Myra Bergman Ramos. New York & London: Continuum. Januszewski, A & Molenda, M. (eds.). (2008). Educational Technology: A Definition with Commentary. New York & London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. McKernan, J. (2008). Curriculum and Imagination: Process Theory, Pedagogy and Action Research. London & New York: Routledge. McLaren, P. & Leonard, P. (eds.). (1993). Paulo Freire: A Critical Encounter. London & New York: Routledge. McLean, M. (2006). Pedagogy and the University: Critical Theory and Practice. London & New York: Continuum. Ministry of Education. (2009). Ministry of Education regulation number 58/2009 on Standard of the Early Childhood Education. Jakarta. Sanggar Anak Alam. (2011), "Jaga Bumimu, Jaga Selalu" documentary film. Yogyakarta. Shor, I. (1993). ―Education is Politics: Paulo Freire's Critical Pedagogy‖ in McLaren, P. & Leonard, P. (eds.). Paulo Freire: A Critical Encounter. London & New York: Routledge. Subkhan, E. (2011). "Pedagogik Kritis dalam Teknologi Pendidikan" in Tilaar, H.A.R., Paat, J.P. & Paat, 194 L. (eds.). Pedagogik Kritis: Perkembangan, Substansi, dan Perkembangannya di Indonesia. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Tilaar, H.A.R., Paat, J.P. & Paat, L. (eds.). (2011). Pedagogik Kritis: Perkembangan, Substansi, dan Perkembangannya di Indonesia. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Topatimasang, R., Rahardjo, T. & Fakih, M. (2010). Pendidikan Popular: Membangun Kesadaran Kritis. Yogyakarta: Insist Press. DEVELOPING CREATIVE MIND FOR TODDLER TO SHARPEN SPECIAL VISUAL INTELLECTUAL BY DRAWING Diana Lecturer of PGPAUD Semarang State University Abstract Creative Mind is a type of creativity. It can be shown from many kinds of multiple intelligences. The difference of children‘s talent is an example of multiplicity. There are eight kinds of multiple intelligences. One of it is special visual intellectual, which has close relation to the capability in visualizing someone‘s mind. Children usually think through visualization and picture in solving problem or finding out the answer. There is close relationship in creative mind and special visual intellectual which can be appreciated in drawing especially for toddler. One of toddler‘s ability which can be developed is art. Many education institutes has art corner which has function as a place to develop toddler‘s art ability; it is by drawing either two or three dimension. By developing creative mind, it is expected that toddler can express their feeling. So, by looking their drawing, the teacher is able to understand their feeling or vice versa. Even, the toddler is able to learn in understanding others‘ feeling through their drawing. Key Words: Creative mind, special visual intellectual, the art of drawing.Discussion Discussion Creativity and Creative Mind There is relationship between creativity and creative mind. Creativity is development, growth, self understanding, and changing or rehabilitation of someone‘s point of view. Up to now, creativity is an exclusive phenomenon. Based on the social need that is to be superior and succeed in outrival, it is needed to introduce art to the toddler because toddler psychological development is influenced by art. The world of art cannot keep away from the reality of life, also in the process of personal development children as a whole. For example the children draw sky and color it with pink. It is highly recommended on the educators both parents and teachers not to change the color. What if we are afraid of the concept on the children‘s thought that is not appropriate with the reality? While our entire life we never see pink sky. This is proof that children use their creative mind and imagination when they will color the sky he made. The act of trimming idea, replacing the imagination of the pink sky, seizing a crayon and then color it with blue is the beginning of taking away children‘s confidence which will lead to turn off children‘s creativity. Children‘s capability on creativity is often associated with art activities, such as: singing, dancing, drawing, and many more. Understanding creative meaning has wider significance. The definition of creativity is revealed by Drevdahl in Hurlock: Creativity is the ability of a person to produce composition, products, or notion of anything which is basically new and not previously known its creator. It can be an imaginative activity or the synthesis of the thought which summary is not only the result. It might 195 include formation of a new pattern and combining information from previous experience and transplantation of old relations to a new situation and formed new correlation. It has to have the specified objectives, not merely a fantasy, although the result is perfect and complete. It might be a product of art, literary, scientific, or procedural or methodological product. There are many popular definitions of creativity; eight of them are (Hurlock: 1995, 2-4): 1. The most popular creativity emphasize on making something new and different. Most people assume that creativity can be assessed through a result or anything which is created by someone. However, creativity is not always producing something which can be observed and valued. Creativity is regarded as a process - process producing something new, whether it is an idea or object in the form of the series of new product. 2. Creativity is a result of new creation and original by chance, as a child plays blocks of wood to build piles resembling a house and call it as house. So, if an artist is mixing color by any chance he discovers different red or green which is unusual than ordinary used, it can be said as ―original‖ 3. Creativity is everything created, always new and different from that has already existed and unique. That statement does not have much evidence recognized that creativity includes a combination idea from old products into the new products, but the old ones are the basis for a new one. Uniqueness is a personal achievement; however, it is not universal achievement. 196 4. Creativity is a unique mental process; a process which is done solely to produce something new, different, and original. 5. Creativity is often considered to be synonymous with high intelligence. This conviction is consolidated by the fact that people with very high intelligence usually called by ―genius‖. On the other hand, creativity is only one of intelligence aspect just like memory or reasoning. 6. Creativity is a splatter of genius that is inherited to someone and has no relation to learn or environment. It is stated that creative person is a concept. He does not play a role in his creative behavior, except to express a default feature in action which is not related to his experience and his own decision. 7. Creativity is generally considered to be synonymous with imagination and fantasy. Hence, it is a form of mental game. Goldner stated that creativity is ―regular brain activity, comprehensive, and imaginative toward an original outcome.‖So, creativity is more innovative than reproductive. 8. Popular creativity is that everyone usually divides into two big groups: ―follower‖ and ―creator‖. Follower/conformers do what is expected to them without disturbing or complicating others. Otherwise, creators give the original idea, different point of view, or different way to handle or face the problem. To give better explanation of creativity, here, will be shown some conclusions of creativity based on the experts (Utami Munandar, 1999): 1. ―Creativity is an ability to make new combination based on the existed data, information, and element. 2. Creativity (Think creatively or divergence) is an ability – based on an available data or information- to find out many possibilities problem solving which emphasize on quantity, usefulness, and answer diversity ―. 3. So, operational creativity can be formulated as ―an ability which is shown from fluency, flexibility, original thought, and elaborate (involving, enrich, specify) ideas‖ (Munandar, 1977). Toddlers can not solely think creative in a flash. Experience and training from the environment is needed to give stimulation and motivation to their point of view. Sometimes a simple drawing made by a toddleris neglected by both teacher and parents. It can be happened because toddler draws inappropriate picture (based on their age) when his creative mind appear. Their observation in environment can enrich his imagination and creativity in drawing. When teacher gives freedom in drawing in class, he can see the different between a student who has creative thinking and those who does not have it. Ordinary toddler will draw usual picture just as the teacher does day by day such as mountain, flowers, house which does have any variation. Otherwise, toddler who have creative mind will draw a picture based on their experience, even if they have to draw the same picture which is their teacher gave, he will add many variations on it. Toddler spacial visual intelligence Spacial visual intelligence is a part of Multiple Intelligence which consists of eighth kind of intelligence which has close relation to an ability to visualize picture in someone‘s mind. For toddlers, they usually think in the form of visualization and picture to solve problem or find out the answer. Program materials in curriculum which can be used to develop toddlers‘ spacial visual intelligence are: 1. Drawing and Painting For toddlers, drawing and painting is the most favorite activity since it can 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. be done wherever, whenever and having the lowest cost. The teacher needs to prepare the tools and then let toddlers draw or paint whatever they want or feel (happy, sad, glad) or whatever they imagine at that time. Let them do it freely. This activity train and stimulate toddlers‘ creativity as well as their imagination. Sketching Before drawing, toddlers usually sketch the picture first. Sketch is usually done by eighteen months children to express their self. This activity requires eyes and hands coordination. It is a step of drawing in order to develop toddlers‘ imagination and creativity. Sketch includes on one of a spacial visual intelligence. Singing, introducing and imagining a concept Art activities develop toddlers‘ thought. Through singing, toddlers recognize many concepts: hill, river, sky and mountain which will develop toddlers‘ spacial visual intelligence. Toddlers can describe nature which will be sung, so that it will increase toddlers‘ imagination. Making handicraft Another activity which can be used to increase toddlers‘ spacial visual intelligence is making handicraft. The most possible handicraft made by toddlers is using paper. Making handicraft requires toddlers ability in manipulating material. So that it can be used to increase toddlers‘ creativity and imagination. Instead, it will build toddlers confidence. Visiting various places Visual experience of children may enrich by invite them to the historic sites (museum), zoo, hiking, and give them picture book. Playing constructive and creative games 197 Some games such as building a construction can optimize development of visual spatial intelligence of children. The children may use tools of games. 7. Organizing and designing Carefulness of children to organizing and designing, can be sharpened by invite them to designing a room. This activity increases the children‘s confidence, that they think they are able to decide a decision. Visual spatial intelligence that is devoted in this discussion is drawing skills of early age. Children are expected can develop their imagination through image and streaks that they made. Children are stimulated to develop their drawing skills. They try to develop their drawing skills which do not follow the teacher‘s guide, but also give the variations of shape or pattern in the picture that been given by their teacher. Creative Mind of Drawing Art Activity in Early Age Childrenhood Art is one of the elements of the culture that the existence has been progressing in a very long period. Art is the result or work processes and human ideas involving the ability of skilled, creative, sensory sensitivity, the sensitivity of heart and mind to produce a work that has the impression of beauty, harmony, art and other valuable. (Sumanto, 2005) Learning of the art is also used as media of expression; children can express their feelings through drawing, singing, drama, and crafts. Children can express a sense of fun, happy, sad, and disappointed by the art objects such as paints, brush, clay, sand, and beams. These values of art are very good instilled from an early age, through the arrangement of objects in the room, children learn about the order and beauty. The progressing of the children in art start from knows nothing about art to 198 be able to express them through art. There are four phases development of children in art education, (Lansing, 1971; Britain, 1979; Schikedanz, 1983) as follows: 1. Manipulative phase Manipulative phase is beginning phase where the children start interesting in art. This phase begins since the children are two or three years old, art or work is the goal of the children involving in art activity but their desire to try tools which used in art education (paint, brush, music instrument, clay, etc.) 2. Recognizing pattern phase This phase evolve since the children are four years old, they begin show the pattern using art tools. They begin to make line, circle, or square. In music, they are starting show the rhythm although has not stable, and in crafts they make shapes from clay. 3. Symbolic phase At this phase the children are about four to five years, they has indicated shapes, pattern, and give them names. 4. Representative phase Age of children at this phase range from five to six years, they begin to match between what they were doing with the phenomenon that is though have not been able to draw in three dimensions. Art activities are related with the creativity and skills. Creativity is part of the production or work activities including fine arts (drawing). Work process which mean here is two dimensional visual art expression activities, and three dimensional visual art expression activity that can be practiced by the early childhood. One of the work processes of fine art in early childhood is drawing, is process making image by scratching (pencil or pen) on a flat surface. The result of this process is in the form of the arrangement of line elements. The difference with painting is the process of making the image by scraping and daubing color material such as paint, on the flat surface (canvas and board). In this case, the benchmark is no longer the process of work, but the technique in making them that contain the expression, emotion, creative ideas, and artistic taste from which to draw. Usually in a good Early Childhood Education (PAUD) institution are well equipped with the ―Art Center‖. It can be take place in class or design of the room itself. Art center is a place where the children play several of the games and learn art; they can also express their emotion by playing a role in accordance with what their wants. There are several tools or stuffs should be provided in Art Center: Visual Art 1. Crayons (large, medium, small size) 2. Pencil, various shapes and sizes 3. Dyes, watercolor, paste, powder paint various color 4. Paper and wood glue 5. Scissor 6. Clay 7. Several colored papers and marks 8. Manila paper, drawing books or papers 9. Newspaper and plastic for the base when the children work. 10. Brushes in several sizes Sculpture art or craft 1. Clay/ loam, colored clay, and wax 2. Play dough, paste, clay made from cassava flour 3. Papers, glue and beads Musical art 1. Tape, cassette, CD player, CD 2. Drum, wooden drums, pianica, harmonica, flute, piano, guitar, siter and ukulele 3. Several things that can make sounds like music instrument Play a role/ drama 1. Household appliances from either plastic or real 2. Various kinds of dolls 3. Secondhand clothes that suitable to be worn 4. Clothes that had not used 5. Cosmetics 6. Office stuffs that are not used but still worth taking The children is expected to interact with the environment, they are able to pour their imagination in form of pictures of their work by the existence of Art Center. Disclosure of children emotional feelings such as pleasure, sad, fear, or happy can be shown in form of image. Children may imagine and pour the feelings that he has experience all at once. This is what the teacher often forgets, when the children were playing and after that the teacher should watch what happen with the children. The teacher should never look at the work only, but also the expression of his feelings. Creative mind and children‘s imagination can be sharpened well, since the beginning of sharpening the intelligence was in early age, which includes Early Childhood Education. Creative mind ability in drawing activity in early childhood will be seen the difference when they was asked to make a free image according their imagination. They do not draw by copying the teacher‘s image, that happened for years in the past. Through the development of creative mind, the children are able to express their feelings in form of image. The teacher can read their feeling by seeing the picture that they made without they have to tell the teacher conversely. The children can learn to know people‘s feelings or their peer through their picture. Conclusion Creative mind is the creative thought power of the children for developing their visual spatial intelligence. The activity that may appreciate a creative mind of children is drawing art. This 199 activity is very liked by the children since they are able to develop shapes or patterns that have been shown by the teacher, or they are able to pour their imagination in form of visual image. One of the forms of the developing of visual spatial intelligence at early age is to use the creative mind of them. Creative mind do not simply for the adult, but also for children that have to be stimulated from early. Do not let the children to have a same thought with their peer, they have to give a special characteristic in their mind. This means in drawing art especially for early age. Let the children express freely in scraping an image, and give them color. References Anik Pamilu, 2008. Keajaiban Otak Kanan & Otak Kiri Anak . Potrobangasa : Pustaka Horizona. David Campbell,Ph.D, 1986. Mengembangkan Kreativitas. Jogyakarta : Penerbit Kanisius. John K & Nancy F, (2002). The Miracle of Mind Power for Children ‟Keajaiban Kekuatan Pikiran Anak‘. Yokyakarta : Garailmu. Sumanto, (2005). Pengembangan Kreativitas Seni Rupa Anak TK. Jakarta : Depdiknas. S.C. Utami Munandar. Mengembangkan Bakat dan Kreativitas Anak Sekolah. Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Widiasarana. Tut Sayoga, (2008). Creative Mind ‟Kekuatan Visualisasi‘. Jakarta : PT. Elex Media Komputindo. Yuliani Nurani Sujiono, (2004). Metode Pengembangan Kognitif. Jakarta : Penerbitan Universitas terbuka. 200 DANCE ARTS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN’S CHARACTER BUILDING Atip Nurharini PGSD Department, Faculty Of Education, Semarang State University atip.nurharini @ gmail.com Abstract The dance arts as a creation of human expressions in addition having its beauty value and ethics instillation, it also contains a useful meaning for the audience, actors, or observers. Dance arts evolve with the changing times, so that the function of dance arts is no longer as entertainment or spectacle but develops towards the direction of the educational activity. Function of dance arts education in early childhood contributes to build the children‘s character. Children‘s character building should be established at an early age to avoid new human moral crisis trends in developing countries. This moral crisis is a proof that the aspect of sense, character, and spiritual have not been built in the community. The phenomenon of moral crisis is characterized by the attitude of indifference toward others, selfishness, aggressive behavior, or high destructive behavior in a human. Dance arts education as a form of works of beauty, is assumed to be able to overcome the problems associated with the crisis of moral and civilized nations and the establishment of the nation‘s character. By introducing the dance arts education at early age to adulthood, an individual will be trained to be sensitive to the unity, harmony, refinement of manners, and taste. Dance activities will be built when someone is introduced either through formal and informal education. The dance arts education that was introduced starting from the path of early childhood through college, can grow even enhance the appreciation of aesthetic and ethic. From the appreciative activities it can apply character education in children. The results of the study are grounded on the concept of dance education that is the arts education that is based on the character that involves aspects of knowledge (cognitive), feeling, and action. Implementation of dance education in building the character of children is through the fourway consisting of: (1) guidance as a basis for building the character of the child, (2) educational material, (3) implementation of the method, and (4) implementation of the evaluation. Based on Thomas Lickona, without these three aspects, character education will be not effective and its implementation must be done systematically and sustainably. With character education, a child will be aesthetically and emotionally intelligent. Aesthetic and emotional intelligence is an important provision in preparing children to meet a bright future. The impact of aesthetic and moral intelligence is a person will be successful in dealing with all sorts of challenges, including academic, moral, people, even the global world challenges. Background of the Study In accordance with UU No 20 year 2003 on National Education System in Section 3, states that the national education serves to develop skills and build the character and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation. National education aims at developing the potential of students in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become democratic and responsible citizens. Based on the function and purpose of national education, it is clear that education at every level, must be organized systematically in order to achieve national education goals. 201 Achievement of national education goals related to formation of students‘ character in order to be able to compete, ethical, moral, polite and interact with the community. Educational efforts do not lead to culture isolation that held by our nation, let alone see the character of our multiculturalism culture. The term "multiculturalism" indicates the character of the nation's cultural diversity and makes it possible to live together, rather than build a sin qua non of what it means to live as a human being (Makedon, 1996:1). Even in this globalization era, so many moral crises spread in Indonesian society. Recently it is intensified and the spread of moral crisis to all society not only in the elderly, but also adults, teenagers and even in children. According to the analysis of social behavior, the phenomenon is one proof that the aspect of sense, character, and spiritual have not been built in the community. The phenomenon of moral crisis is characterized by the attitude of indifference toward others, selfishness, aggressive behavior, or high destructive behavior in a human. If the problem is the behavior of society that getting harsh, cruel and rude, so the efforts to smooth the sense, mind and behavior are very important to find a solution. The whole community, observers, scholars, and educators involved in the education world really need of a variety of education concept formulas that can integrate the aspects of intelligence of mind, and sense and also variety of ideas to implement it, so our education figured the character of the nation. Dance arts education as a form of works of beauty, is assumed to be able to overcome those problems. By introducing the dance arts education at early age to adulthood, an individual will be trained to be sensitive to the unity, harmony, refinement of manners, and taste. 202 Actually, the role of dance arts education not only to develop human capabilities in the field of aesthetics, but also play a role in developing skills in logic and ethics. Based on the analysis of the results obtained from the study of dance arts education experts, found an understanding that dance arts has a very strong role in the formation of character. This conclusion appears based on historical analysis and analysis of behavioral mechanisms. Dance arts have a strong influence on physical and mental of individuals and communities characters. Broadly speaking the role of dance arts in the formation of behavior is as a basic character building or in other words, dance arts act as a foundation in the formation of character, building a sense of moral, building behavior of justice, love, and tenderness. Dance arts education can provide a strong foundation for other social forms and mutual sensitivity to love, respect, and uphold the personality and humanity values. The dance art education has values that must be instilled and applied in the lives of learners. Habits in educational activities are the values that should be nurtured in an effort to foster creativity and appreciation of dance in the context of the introduction of aesthetics and ethics. Instillation of habits in dance arts education above led a concept that dance arts education is capable to build the nation into a human who active, creative, personable, high morals, a strong mental attitude, knowledgeable and skills, evolve toward self-reliance and responsible to the progress of his nation. Base of that concept, it makes dance arts education which is conducted since early childhood must have great contribution to the progress of the learners, which is based on the character of the nation. Statements of the Problem Based on the background of the study, can be identified such problems as the following process: 1. How does the process of dance arts education in building the character of the children? 2. Is the art of dance education is capable to build the character of the children! Discussion a. Arts in Education Arts in education reflects the various roles that can develop basic skills of students such as physical perceptual, intellectual, emotional, social, creativity, and aesthetic. The definition shows if the children are trained and supervised intensively and continuously, enter the soul of art into their life, it will always produce a maximum result. The results obtained are influenced by the creativity that supports high intellectual. The training and coaching can be started since the children were born until they are on the school. At the time the children begin their education at schools such as the elementary school, children are expected to acquire basic knowledge deemed essential for the preparation and adjustment to life in adulthood. Children are expected to learn about art of appreciation and love towards their works of art and the works of others. Their works can be created to train the children to a particular skills (Hurloc, 1979). The existence of these skills automatically entered the soul of art to other subjects such as art of counting (arithmetic), the art of writing (literature), planting flowers (biology), art of motion (dance), and the art of sound (music). Phenomenon indicates that the children can create, move, improve mental abilities and appreciate their works and others. b. The nature of value and education Zakiyah (1986:267) states that the value is a thing or set of beliefs or feelings are believed to be an identity that gives a specific pattern to the patterns of thoughts, feelings, attachment, and behavior. Meanwhile, Haryono (1996:93) states that the values are cherished thing that has meaning and truth which is maintained. Art education for children should always have values, whether it is moral values, cultural values, educational values and other values which of course will provide a positive influence on mental development of children. Whether a value is believed and upheld the truth then it will give patterns or distinctive identity in a society or group members. Indonesia is famous for its moral values, cultural values, religious values, the existence of that values must be maintained. One of the ways to keep these values can be done through education to the children continuously. A very effective way for early childhood education is a form of dance that was well-liked children and can not be separated from the life of childhood. c. Dance arts education The dance art is one of the beauty of motion of human body, rhythmic, and can be mean-spirited or that the art of dance is a beauty of form of the human parts that moves, rhythmic, and harmonicspirited (Bagong Kussudiardja, 2000:11). The statement above indicates that the form of the beauty includes: the form of the foot starting from the soles of the feet until the end of the upper thigh; form of the body from waist to shoulder; form of the arm or hand is composed of fingers, palms, wrists hand, forearm, upper arm and elbow; form of the neck and head. Then the motion is parts of the human body that has been formed, and then moved. Motion can be done individually or join together. After the parts of the 203 human body in form and in Motion, the form and motion must be rhythmic. Rhythm can be fast or slow. The meaning of spirit of dance is the form, motion, and rhythm that created by human spirit. Form and motion is to describe what is human‘s desire; so, it must be done by the ability to carry out the animating. As the perfection of the dance performance, there should be an element of harmony, that is the form, motion, rhythm, and spirit that is created by the power of harmony of human spirit, because harmony which creates to the beauty of a dance. The concept of dance arts education is oriented for children / students of dance arts education to fulfill the basic needs for children in order to actualize themselves (Salam, 2002:7). Dance arts education as a media of creative education conceptually aims to develop an appreciation of aesthetic and ethical aspects. Psychologically, in the dance arts education, especially in the creation of dance works have the admission towards the forms of one's personality works. Moreover, it also developed a form of creativity, because creativity is a unit of the potential that exists in human beings. With different levels, each human being basically has the potential to be creative. It goes without saying that the impact of the appreciation and creativity has an important role in determining the pattern of civilization or culture. From this point of view, creativity in dance arts education is not just potential, but it has become a value as a reference or benchmark in determining the status of human existence. Dance art education has a very high value for human development. It can be reviewed through the values in a dance, especially the value associated with the development of physical and spiritual. In physical development, the performance of a dance through rhythmical motion and harmony can regulate the rhythm of heart 204 development, the process of digestion, the functions of other parts of the body and strengthens specific muscles. It means that the art of dance as an expression of the human creation in addition to having its beauty and the instillations of ethics which contains a useful meaning for the audience, actors, or an observer. Creation of the art of dance is expressed through motion which must involve also the space and time. With the motion carried by the dancers would still need the calm capacity based on the needs of the motion. When the motion is more intense in the body of the dancer, the more power is needed, and vice versa when a dancer do not reveal the power of motion, then the less power is needed. The ability of each motion is related to the requirements of space and time. In space, something moving will go to a certain distance, and distance in a certain time is used by the speed of motion (Djelantik 1999:23). The structured motion, space, and time are called wiraga (body motion), wirama (rhythm and harmony), and wirasa (soul or spirit of dance). As stated by Hadi (2002:10) that the beauty of dance is not only the harmony of the composition or structure of motion (wiraga), with the rhythm of gamelan music only (wirama), but the whole expression must contain the purposes of dance meaning that performed which have a close relationship with personal experience, mental, and emotional equipment (wirasa). Also explained that the difference in the age group of children distinguishing the treatment that given to children, whether it covers the method and material. Of this fact led to the art of dance education for children to differentiate into two: a 1). Play Dance (dance to play) addressed to kindergarten children, and 2) Dance Performance (dance presentation) for elementary school children (Suprihatin, 1996:39). In the dance arts education in early childhood education is actually a form of dance as an activity prescribed for aesthetic and ethical appreciation development that fosters creative and imaginative activities of instilling the nation's cultural values. d. Implications Dance Lessons in Character Formation Children The fact shows that long ago until now, the art of dance is known to serve as a means of entertainment that are easy to get either people among the upper classes, middle, and bottom. But actually art of dance not only serves as an entertainment or complement of a sacred and spiritual event, more than that, the art of dance today may serve as an educational activity that can build the character of children, both physically and psychologically. Implementation of dance arts education in building the character of children is through the four-way consist of: (1) guidance as a basis for building the character of the children, (2) educational material, (3) (4) implementation of the method, and (5) implementation of the evaluation. Guidance as a basis for building the character of children through: (1) provision of a touch, (2) conditioning of relaxation, (3) train the expression of children, (4) train the creativity of children, (5) to train children to socialize, (6) to train children to take responsibility, (7) motivating the children; (8) develop the children's talents; (9) providing stimulation. The implementation of dance education for children cannot be separated from the material used as a educational activity. Dance arts education materials can build the character of the child consists of: imaginative dance materials, creative dance, and expressive dance materials that are excited in accordance with the age of the child's development. The application of the material is to avoid the difficulty, boredom in children, as well as build the character of the child. Children felt that the form of fun material and encouraging the children's attention is dance material in accordance with the character of the child, not bothersome and can be followed by a child with confidence and joy. This means that when the children were practicing dance, the children feel able to do so without any coercion or pressure from his coach. In order to make the material more easily memorized by the children, teachers deliberately give rhythm to suit the dance craze of children. Suppose that the use of the song from "Tasya" with the title of burung (birds), have bergembira (fun), naik kereta api (take the train), ayo bermain (let's play), or song lyrics are often sung by children and so on. The meaning of the imaginative dance material is a dance material in accordance with the imagination of children based on the experiences of children who has developing characteristics. The material of creative dance is a from fun dance form which consists of form a beautiful and funny music followed by the appropriate rhythm. Meanwhile, the material of expressive dance is in the form of fun material that contains a particular game. Usually this expressive dance raises the freedom of children expression. Their expression can be used by teacher as guidelines in creating a dance. The creation of expressive dance is determined by the condition and situation of children in following the dance activities. Expression of children actually expressed through dance motion. The expressive dance motion imitates various activities undertaken by children in their daily life. Meanwhile, the methods and evaluation in dance education and consists of: (1) method of imitation, (2) methods of play, (3) story-telling method, (4) 205 demonstration method (5) methods of exploration. Evaluation done by using observation on the ability of children's achievement and behavior, concern the development process of good behavior in the course of dancing activities. The children's character which is built through dance education as well as self-confidence, feelings of pride, intrepid nature, able to control emotions, able to hone refinement, can foster a sense of responsibility, able to foster a sense of self-contained, easy to interact with others, has good achievements, capable of developing the imagination, and become a creative child. Based on the research, also found that the implications for dance motion in building the character are: motion can bring the power of "The healing sound of dance" is the dance for health, peace, healing, referred to as the motion done by the body as a therapy in a dance activity. Even with a beautiful and expressive body motion not only to heal psychologically, but also to heal physically, such as high blood pressure and migraine. From the activities of body motion that appears from appreciative and imaginative activities naturally will build a child's intellectual ability, and building the personality of a child with a healthy soul in accordance with the norms of society, culture, nation, and even religion. Conclusion Education is one very important factor in somebody‘s life because through education people can increase the intelligence, skills, develop self-potential and can build a responsible person, intelligent and creative. Dance arts education is necessary to be introduced to the children from an early age to adulthood. The introduction of dance arts in the education activities have benefits for character building of children, such as: 1). As a development, a function 206 of dance arts education activities to develop skills and creativity of students in accordance with the potential, talents and interests, 2). Social, a function of dance arts education activities to develop the students a sense of social responsibility, respecting others and built a partnership based on the culture and identity high according to the character of the nation; 3). Recreational, a function to develop the relaxed atmosphere, encouraging and fun for children that support the development process that strongly support the efforts for the establishment of the quality of Indonesian human personality and character of the nation. Reference s Al Bagdadi, Abdurahman. 1991. Seni dalam Pandangan Islam. 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In accordance with Law No 20 of 2003 on National Education Systemin Section 3, states that the national education serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation. Aims of national education elicits potential learners to become, a human being faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic andresponsible. Based on the function and purpose of national education, it is clearthat education at every level, must be organized systematically in order to achieve that goal. Achievement of objectives related to the formation of student characterso as to compete, ethical, moral, polite and interact with the community Characters are the values of human behavior associated with the Almighty God, self, neighbor, neighborhood, and nationality embodied in the thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words, and actions based on religius norms, laws, manners, culture, and customs. Character education is an investment system the values of the character of the citizens of the school which includes the components ofknowledge, awareness or volition, and action to implement these values, both to the Almighty God (Almighty), ourselves, others, environment, nationality so a manperfect man. In character education inschools, all the components (stakeholders)should be involved, including the components of education itself. Keywords: Nation, Character Education, Ethics Introduction Indonesia reality reflected in the motto Unity is a gift of God Almighty is importantfrom an understanding that even one, these people really are different in somediversity. Historically, the unity and strong national unity of Indonesia is not bornsolely from the spirit of unity or oneness (single-ika), but the recognition of a plurality (plurality) and heterogeneity (diversity) as well as a willingness to respectthe plurality and heterogeneity (Arif, 2008 ). Diversity needs to be understood by citizens as a social construction of Indonesiaaspired to (imagined community), because the members of even the smallestnation will never know and do 208 not know most of the other members, will not face to face with them, maybe even never heard of them. Everything is a concept of political community when it is blown concept of a shadow of their time together at the same time the community was transformed into something that is looming inthe shadows of the building's image as a political community and want to unite all of which are within the limits of that similarity. On the other hand have a negative impact, because when the people of Indonesiado not know each other, not face to face with them nor they never heard of it oftenbecomes a trigger of conflict among social groups, which in turn, conflicts ofinter-community conflict it will give birth distabilitas security, socioeconomic,and social monisan (social disharmony) (Arif, 2008). The various conflicts that arise recently could be triggered by our inability to understand the difference. For example, we are disturbed by the diversity of religious conflicts, such as events in Parung Bogor, Jakarta, Bandung, Lombok, and the last in Cikeusik that cause loss of life, and until now have not found the settlement. Besides confronted with various conflicts, in the context of the life of our nation and state today, we are also faced with various crises such as a crisis of confidence, a crisis of leadership, cultural crisis, a crisis of ideals, especially the moral crisis (Kaelan, 2011). We are faced with the erosion of nationalism, weak law enforcement, corruption is more rampant with new faces, collusion and nepotism with the face of democracy, the primordial, the ethics of our political elite, especially the organizers of the countries today are very disappointed the people. To cite some examples, in the midst of life's difficultiesmany people today even the representatives of our people, eager to build the capitol whose value is just fantastic, previously also been realized that the House housing complex repairs claimed hundreds of billion dollars, new cars for ministers countries, the president of the discourse and salaries of state officials, and so forth. In television, we watched a member of the representative of the people that are processed in the courts because of corruption, still smiling and waving to the audience, giving the impression as if the offense was mediocre. Pulpit honorable representatives of our people, both in committee meetings, plenary and committee meetings characterized by burst of violent expression, sophist, screaming like a step on the screen in the arena, even yelling at each other in a very respectable forum, as if it were common. Spree to study abroad under the guise of an appeal to swallow a lot of costs, even as if the behavior does not have the responsibility is also shown by unscrupulous representatives of our people to a porn site when the opening plenary session of Parliament. Seeing the reality of the lives of today's nation and state, who were seized with a variety of crises, it becomes very important to realize the development ofcharacter-based ethics. Kakter nation building process can not be separated fromthe process of ethical education. In this case, ethics education is expected to be a vehicle for character development of the nation's dignity. Discussion a. The character of the Multicultural Society Indonesia Nation Indonesia consists of a large number of ethnic groups, cultures, religionsand each one is plural (plural), as well as heterogeneous (diverse).(Kusumohamidjojo, 2000:45). Plurality and heterogeneity of the reality reflected inthe principle of Unity in Diversity. Hefner (2007:16) illustrates the challenges Indonesia has a heritage and culturalpluralism (cultural pluralism) are more conspicuous, so it is seen as a ―classiclocus for the formation of new ― plural society‖. Indonesia pluralisticsociety can see from two unique characteristics, first horizontally, it is characterized by the fact of social units based on ethnicity, religion, customs, as well as regional differences and both are characterized by differingvertical-vertical difference between the layers upper and lower layers are quitesharp (Nasikun, 2007:33). However, the experience of Indonesia sice the early days of independence, especially during President Sukarno‘s Guided Democracy and the 209 New Order regime of President Suharto shows a strong tendency in politicsmonokulturalisme (Azra, 2006). Further Azra (2006) suggested that in politics, rather than imposed respect for diversity or multiculturalism), but the opposite is uniformity (monokulturalisme) on behalf of stability for development. The end of New Order centralization monokulturalisme force, in turn, has raisedewarness of the importance of understanding diversity, multiculturalism Indonesia. Indonesia New Building of the reform is a ―multicultural society developed from the consept of cultural pluralism with emphasis on the equality of cultures that exist within a society (Suparlan, 2005:98). Multicultural society carryng the spirit of peaceful coexistence (peaceful coexitence) the cultural differences that exist both individually and in groups and communities (Azra, 2006:154). Individuals in this case seen as arealection of social and cultural unity in which they belong. Thus, the style of the people of Indonesia that Unity is no longer the ethnic and cultural diversity, but diversity of cultures existing within Indonesi society. Lawrence A Blum (2001:16) a profesoor of philosophy at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst offers the following definition of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism includes an understanding, appreciation and assessment of one‘s culture as well as a respect for and curiosity about the culture of ethnic people all. It includes an assessment of the cultures of the others, not in the sense of approving all aspects of those cultures, but rather trying to see how an indigenous culture that can express the value of its own members. In the concept of multiculturalism included three sub-values. First, it confirms one‘s cultural identity, learning and assessing one‘s cultural heritage; 210 second, respected desire to understand and learn about (and from) the cultures in addition to its culture; third, assess, and was pleased with the differences of culture itself, whichlooked at the existence of cultural groups that differ in one‘s community as apositive good to be appreciated and maintained (Arif, 2008) As stated above, the potential for conflict in a multicultural society is quite large,because it's education that can build character a peace-loving citizens is absolutely necessary. Because without the ownership of these characters, it is difficult for the nation and the state in order to withstand the challenges, conflictsare born from the reality of diversity. In this case, education is the most important bridges to form the character of a multicultural society. Statement of Ellen G. White quoted Hidayatullah (2011) mentions that character development is the most important effort ever given toman. Character building is a remarkable goal of true education system. The statement provides reinforcement that character development can not be separated from education. Even Stiles (Hidayatullah, 2011) states that ‗Development can not be with the character immediately without systematicand programmatic efforts early on‖ When examined the function and purpose of national education as stated in Article 3 of the National Education System Law really comes down to the character of the nation's development efforts. In detail, the sound of the function and purpose of national education are: "National education system serves to develop skills and form thecharacter and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing the potential oflearners in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty,noble, healthy, knowledgeable, competent, creative, independent, andbecome citizens of a democratic and responsible "(Article 3 of the Law on National Education System). Configuring the characters in the context of the totality of the psychological and sociocultural can be grouped in the liver though (spiritual and emotional development), as if thinking ( intellectual development), sport and kinesthetic (physical and kinestetiv development), and if the sense and intention (affective and creativity developmnet) (Ministry of National Education, 2010). Though the liverwith respect to attitudes and feelings of confidence/faith produceshonest and responsible character. If the thought regarding the reasoning prosess to find and use knowledge critically, creatively, and produce innovative personalized smart. Exercise with respect to the process of perception, readiness, immitation, manipulation, and creation of new activities with the attitude of sportsmanship produce clean, healthy and attractive. If the sense and itention with respect to the will and creativity that is reflected in the concern, image and the creation of novelty generate awareness and creativity. In the context of a nation, the character interpreted as the values inherent in the primacy of the individual citizen and then manifest as a collective personality and identity of the nation (PP Muhammadiyah, 2009). Serves as the mental strength of character and ethics that drive a nation to realize the ideals of his nationality and displaying comparative advantages, competitive, and dynamic among other nations. Therefore, in this interpretation, Indonesia that man is a man with strong character who has the properties: religious, moderate, intelligent, and independent. The nature of religious life is characterized by the attitude and personality obedient worship, honest, trustworthy, generous, helping each other, and tolerant. Characterized by a moderate nature that are not radical attitudes and personalities are reflected in the middle between the individual and social, material and spiritual oriented, and able to live and co-operation in a plurality. Properties are characterized by the attitude of intelligent life and rational personality, love of science, open and forward-thinking. And independent attitude is characterized by an independent attitude to life and personality, discipline, thrift, respect for time, hard working, entrepreneurial, hard work, and has a high national love without losing the orientation of universal human values and relations between civilizations of nations. Indonesia to build a strong national character by Kaelan (2011) should be based on the philosophical basis of the nation. Nation of Indonesia has set the path of national and state on a 'khitoh' state, or the basic philosophy of the state filosofischegrondslag, the Pancasila. Therefore, the state political ethics as a prerequisite to form the bullet character was based on the basic values of Pancasila. Because as the state, filosofischegrondslag, Pancasila is not a preference, but it is an objective reality and the nation state of Indonesia, which has the basic legitimacy of juridical, philosophical, political, historical and cultural. On the other hand, addressing the various conflicts that arise, Budihardjo (2011) mentions that in a multicultural society that we must proclaim the power of love. Because this is in line with the development objectives of creating peace, health, welfare, and happiness, which he briefly became PHPH (peace, health, prosperity, happiness). Therefore, in a multicultural society requires several conditions as follows: trust (mutual trust), integrity (sincere, honest), tolerance 211 (suppleness, softness), and spirit to unite (the spirit to unite). b. Character Education Character is the way of thingking and behaving that is characteristic of each individual to live and work, both within the family, community, nation and state. Individuals who are the good characteristics of individuals who can make decisions and be ready to account for any consequences of the decisions he made. The formation of character is one the national education goals. Article of the National Education Law of 2003 states that among the national education goals is to develop the potential of learners to have the intellegence, personality noble character Character education is a plus character education, which involves the aspects of knowledge (cognitive), feeling (feeling), and action (action).By Thomas Lickona, without these three aspects, it will not be effective character education. With character education that is applied in a systematic and sustained, a child will be emotionally intelligent. Provision of emotional intelligence is important in preparing children to meet the future, because someone will be more easily and successfully deal with all kinds of life challenges, including challenges to succeed academically. There are nine pillars of character that comes from universal noble values, namely: first, the character of the love of God and all His creation, secondly, the independence and responsibility; third, honesty / trust, diplomatic; fourth, respectful and courteous; fifth, generous, Like mutual assistance and mutual cooperation / collaboration; sixth, confident and hard working; seventh, leadership and justice; eighth, good and humble, and; the ninth, the character of tolerance, peace and unity. 212 The nine pillars of character, it is taught systematically in the holistic education model using the method of knowing the good, the good feeling, and acting the good. Knowing the good can easily be taught because of cognitive knowledge only. After knowing the good must be grown feeling loving the good, ie, how to feel and love of virtue into engine that can make people always want to do something good. So that a growing awareness that, people want to make good behavior because he's in love with virtue behavior. Once accustomed to do good, the good acting then it turns into a habit. Basic education of this character, should be applied since childhood or commonly known to psychologists as the golden age (golden age), because it proved decisive age children's ability to develop their potential. The results showed that approximately 50% of the variability of adult intelligence have occurred when the child was 4 years old. The next 30% increase occurred at the age of 8 years, and 20% were in the middle or end of the second decade. From here, it is fitting for the character education begins in the family, which is the first environment for the growth of a child's character. Character education in a systematic process for some families it is very difficult to implement, especially for some older people who are trapped on a solid routine. Therefore, character education should also be given when children enter the school environment, especially since the play group and kindergarten. This is where the role of teachers, which in philosophy is called Java lan digugu imitated, at stake. Because the teacher is spearheading the class, which deal directly with learners. Based on research at Harvard University in the United States (Ibrahim Ali Akbar, 2000), it turns out a person's success is not determined solely by the knowledge and technical skills (hard skills), but more by the ability to manage ourselves and others (soft skills). This research suggests that success is determined only about 20 percent by the hard skills and the remaining 80 percent of the soft skills. Even the most successful people in the world can succeed because the more widely supported than the ability of hard skills soft skills. This suggests that the quality of education students are very important characters to be improved. Character education is an investment system the values of the character of the citizens of the school which includes the components of knowledge, awareness or volition, and action to implement these values, both to the Almighty God (Almighty), ourselves, others, environment, and nationality so that a man perfect man. In character education in schools, all the components (stakeholders) should be involved, including the components of education itself, namely the content of curriculum, learning and assessment, quality relationships, handling or management subjects, school management, the implementation of the activity or cocurricular activities , empowerment infrastructure, financing, and all citizens working ethos and the school environment. Impact of Character Education outlined the results of the study Dr.Marvin Berkowitz of the University of MissouriSt. Louis, showed an increase in motivation of school students in academic achievement in schools implementing character education. The classes are comprehensively engaged in character education showed a drastic decrease in negative behaviors that can hinder students' academic success. A book called Emotional Intelligence and School Success (Joseph Zins, et.al, 2001) compiled various studies about the positive effects of emotional intelligence for success in school children. It is said that there are a series of risk factors causing the failure of children in school. The risk factors mentioned were not located on the intelligence of the brain, but in character, namely self-confidence, ability to cooperate, social skills, ability to concentrate, a sense of empathy, and communication skills. This was in accordance with the opinion of Daniel Goleman on the success of someone in the community, 80 percent were influenced by emotional intelligence, and only 20 percent is determined by intelligence (IQ). Children who have problems in their emotional intelligence, will find it difficult to learn, socialize and can not control his emotions. Troubled children who can already be seen from the pre-school age, and if not addressed will be carried over to adulthood. Instead the youth of character will avoid the common problems faced by adolescents such as delinquency, fighting, drugs, alcohol, free sex, and so forth. c. Ethics For The CharacterDevelopment In the association community living, state to international levels in social life need a system that governs how human beings ought to get along.Regulatory system is to be mutually respectful relationships and known as manners, etiquette, protocol and others. Association guidelines mean nothing to safeguard the interests of each involved so that they are happy, calm, peaceful, without harming its interests are protected and assured that his actions being undertaken in accordance with the prevailing customs and not contrary to human rights generally. That is what underlies the growth of ethics in our society. Ethics concerns human relations with each other in an environment.History provides a very valuable lesson, what a difference, contradiction, and that's real 213 exchange of ideas that take us to the gates of freedom. Through much debate, we learn, how tolerance and openness of the Founders of this Republic in receiving the opinion, and criticism at the time. Through the exchange of ideas that we can also look at how strong the desire of the nation's leaders to unite in a single national identity, so that the differences are not an issue for them.Because of that character education should be extracted from the ground ideal rights Pancasila and the 1945 constitutional basis. History of Indonesia shows that in 1928, the pledge "Youth Pledge" affirms its determination to build Indonesia's national. They swore to the nation, landless water, and the language one is Indonesia. When choosing the form of an independent unitary state. Both of these historical events that indicate a need to reflect the existence of socio-political nature of such pluralism. History and socio-cultural reality is further strengthened through the symbol means "Unity in Diversity" in the symbol of Indonesia. From where to start dibelajarkannya character values of the nation, from informal education, and in parallel continue in formal and nonformal education. Ethics comes from the Greek word "ethos" which means a will or good habits that remain. According to Big Indonesian Dictionary of ethics / morality is the doctrine of good and bad about the actions, attitudes, obligations and so forth. According to K. Bertenes, ethics are the values or norms which became a handbook for a person to regulate his behavior. According O.P. Simorangkir: ethics or conduct as a way of behaving according to human in size and excellent value. Sidi Gajalba in the systematics of philosophy: ethics is a theory about the behavior of human actions in terms of good and bad, as far as can be determined 214 by reason. Burhanudin Salam: ethics is a branch of philosophy that talk about moral values and norms that determine human behavior in life. From the definition above, it was concluded that the teaching of ethics is good about the actions and behavior (morals). So, discuss ethics of human behavior is done consciously at the point of view of good and evil as a result of the assessment. Greatly influence the development of ethics in human life. Ethical orientation gives man how he lived his life through a series of everyday actions. That means the ethics of helping people to take a stand and act appropriately in this life. Ethics in the end help us to make decisions about what actions we need to do and yangpelru we understand together that ethics can be applied in all aspects of our lives or the side, so ethics can be divided into several sections according to the aspect or side of human life. Moral crises that have been presented above, allegedly occurred because of failure to build character education in a multicultural society.Hidayatullah mentions two causes failure of character education. First, the education system is less stressed but more emphasis on character development of intellectual development, such as educational evaluation system emphasizes cognitive / academic in national examinations.Second, the social conditions that do not support the development of good character (ethics / morals). Policy challenges and developments in education in Indonesia, according to Daoed Joesoef (2001: 197199), is the absence or lack of ethics in reasoning dihayatinya pemimpim among the nation's elite.Ethics arise from and are shaped by the awareness that all human beings, as individuals and collectively will live the rest of his life with other fellow beings on the face of the earth. This means that ethics does not require man to evade responsibility for konsekunsi of any act done in the present. Contained in the ethical imperative for humans to dare to address challenges unique to the human ability to anticipate, define values, and set priorities in an atmosphere of uncertainty so that future generations do not become the prey of a process that becomes increasingly out of control at times them at a later date. For the sake of the future development of the human remains, ethics must be part of ethics education. In the context of ethics education, ethics education related to the out put, the ideal human types who want a future in the form of the educational process. In this regard, we argue that the ideal human type required by the future of this nation is a man who has high spiritual intelligence. This of course requires that the ethics of the future orientation of our educational emphasis on the formation of spiritual intelligence. d. Conclucion Current challenges and the future is how we are able to put the strength of character education as a nation. Therefore, implementation of policy and characterbased education is very important and strategic in order to build this nation. This course also requires the support of institutions conducive political, social, and cultural nation. Education should be placed in the right position, especially when dealing with conflict based on race, ethnicity and religion. character education is not just a discourse but a reality of its implementation, not just words but action, not a symbol or slogan, but a smart keberpihak to build a civilized nation of Indonesia. The final message of this writing, provide the best service to Teachers and Education Personnel to realize a society of "civilized" that implements the noble values of the Indonesian nation. Habituation to behave courteously and peace is our resolve once refreksi of Free, Free. Ethics concerns human relations with each other in an environment.History provides a very valuable lesson, what a difference, contradiction, and that's real exchange of ideas that take us to the gates of freedom. Through much debate, we learn, how tolerance and openness of the Founders of this Republic in receiving the opinion, and criticism at the time. Through the exchange of ideas that we can also look at how strong the desire of the nation's leaders to unite in a single national identity, so that the differences are not an issue for them.Because of that character education should be extracted from the ground ideal rights Pancasila and the 1945 constitutional basis. History of Indonesia shows that in 1928, the pledge "Youth Pledge" affirms its determination to build Indonesia's national Therefore, implementation of policy and character-based ethics education becomes very important and strategic in order to build this nation. This course also requires the support of institutions conducive political, social, and cultural nation. Education should be placed in the right position, especially when dealing with conflict based on race, ethnicity and religion. Ethics-based character education is not just a discourse but a reality of its implementation, not just words but action, not a symbol or slogan, but a smart keberpihak to build civilized nation of Indonesia. The final message of this writing, provide the best service to Teachers and Education Personnel to realize a society of "civilized" that implements the noble values of the Indonesian nation. Habituation to behave courteously and peace is our resolve once refreksi of Free, Free 215 e.Suggestion Education is expected as a driving force to facilitate the development of character, so that community members have the awareness of national and state a harmonious and democratic society with due regard to the joints of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia Nagara (Homeland) and social norms in the society which has become the collective agreement.Character building is the duty of all parties, ranging from elements of the school (education), parents, and community environments. It is therefore necessary to build cooperation between schools (educational institutions) with parents and schools (educational institutions) with the environmental community. So that through such cooperation will not happen throw the responsibility of the authority to direct the character, both within schools, families, and communities. References Arif, D.B. (2008). ‖Kompetensi Kewarganegaraan untuk Pengembangan Masyarakat Multikultural Indonesia‖. Acta Civicus: Jurnal Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Vol. 1 (3) Oktober 2008. Arif, D.B. (2008). Pengembangan Warga Negara Multikultural Implikasinya Terhadap Kompetensi Kewarganegaraan. Tesis pada SPs UPI. Tidak diterbitkan. Azra, A. (2006). ―Pancasila dan Identitas Nasional Indonesia: Perspektif Multikulturalisme‖. Dalam Restorasi Pancasila: Mendamaikan Politik Identitas dan Modernitas. Bogor: Brighten Press. Blum, L.A. (2001). ―Antirasisme, Multikulturalisme, dan Komunitas Antar-Ras: Tiga Nilai yang Bersifat Mendidik bagi Sebuah 216 Masyarakat Multikultural‖. Dalam May, Larry, Shari CollinsChobanian, and Kai Wong (Eds). Etika Terapan I: Sebuah Pendekatan Multikultural. Terjemahan oleh Sinta Carolina dan Dadang Rusbiantoro. Yogyakarta: PT Tiara Wacana. Budihardjo, E. (2011). ―Mengembalikan Bangsa Indonesia yang Cinta Damai di Tengah Krisis Multidimensi: Suatu Pendekatan Budaya‖. 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The research employed a research and development approach. Two categories of subject were used for this research; direct subjects, consist of 2-4-age; and indirect subjects consisting of teacher and materials. These subjects were taken by means of purposive random sampling. The needed data were collected by means of interviews and literature reading. The analyses showed that subjects, both from student and teachers were highly enthusiastic playing those traditional games. These traditional games had simple rules, easy to apply especially for toddler. Besides, these traditional games had moral value to build toddler‘s character. This model has been effectively proven to build toddlers‘ characters successfully. Teachers actively reviewed the learning outcomes of the children and gave useful inputs for further development for them. Generally speaking, it can be infered that by using this model has resulted on the improvement of toddlers‘ characters which is indicated by self quality. Therefore, it is recommended that the socializations of this model should not do by school only, but also community members especially family. Keywords: early childhood‟s character, Javanese traditional game Introduction The education for children under six years old is crucial if compared to education in the next level, because the accomplishment of someone‘s life in the future has been prepared from the start. Most of education on early childhood gives attention to intellectuality and reasonable skill only. That kind of education will endanger the future especially in the modern era nowadays related with the technology sophistication. Recently, there are things that youngsters do leads to porn action and pornography. Beside, the practice of violence and bullying carried out by children nowadays can happen to any age. The character building and moral 218 education in early childhood began to neglect in our education field. In recent times the educators get busy of brain development than character building. Teacher emphasized the academic achievement only. The character building and education should be done early. It is expected that children will grow up to be mature and excellent, knowledgeable, have character and have noble personality. Finally, while students armed with knowledge and strong character then the child will be able to play an active role and readily accepted in many aspects of life. It is natural that the family as the main factor in educating a child character, but, a lot of children could not get character building from their parents due to their parents busy with their career, which is the reason why school play important role in develop the student‘s character building. Education through character building expected to give long term solution that leads to moral issues, ethic and academic as the concern and also reduces worries in our society. The values that developed in education should be the basis of the school curriculum that aims to develop student‘s character continuously and systematically. Curriculum that give emphasize to unification of cognitive development with the development of character through perspective taking, moral considerations, a mature decisionmaking, and knowledge about the moral. Javanese tradition that full of local wisdom in form of song, grammar, teachings, traditional ceremony culture, fairy tale or legends, literature in the form of fairy tale or folk story, old holy book, traditional games; good manner that teach through Javanese culture expected could be use as reference to improve youth character decrease in the mean time. Traditional games has been choose as one of the local wisdom as bridge to educate the early childhood students considering that early age is the stage of development which game playing as the way to transfer the education values. Recently, the traditional games existence has been move aside due to modern games that truly not come from our local wisdom as heritage. Most children do not know traditional games. Based on description above, formulation of the problem that I want to argued as follows: 1. How the character building model of early childhood students through traditional games? 2. How far the effectivity character building of early childhood students through traditional games? Early Childhood Character Building The best character building started from early childhood. Lickona (1987) stated ―a child is only the locus where a responsible adults begin‖, that is why prepared a child is the best human investment strategy that sharply appropriate. Lickona (1987) define people who have a good character as a person which naturally response some situation morally-it manifested in the real life action through a good deed, honest, responsible, respect others and several noble characters. Others opinion by Lewis (2004) figure out several self quality reflected childhood character as caring, realized their community life, cooperative, fair, willing to forgive, to be honest, maintaining their relationship, respect others, have responsibility and put safety as priority. In line with the statement before, Lewis, LexmonandReeves(2009)definecharacter sinto three capability thatapplication, self regulation, andemphaty-attachment. Based on statement above, we could draw a conclusion, which is meant by the character building of early childhood students is developing the children ability to use their feelings, showed a good behave and caring attitude, realized their community life, cooperative, fair, willing to forgive, to be honest, maintaining their relationship, respect others, have responsibility and put safety as priority. Lickona (1987) stated that schools and family become the decisive factor of children character development. A school, through their teacher is a factor that influence children character building. School as the children second home, which is why the student‘s character 219 building become teacher responsibility beside their teaching responsibility. Milson and Mehlig (2002) stated the same things, that teacher is the important factor in student‘s character building development. The school program effectifity in order to build the character decided by teacher‘s commitment. Traditional Games Games defined as a way how to play. According to Hurlock (2003) play is any activity undertaken for the pleasure of it, without considering the final result. Play is voluntary and no coercion or pressure from outside or obligation. Piaget (Hurlock, 2003) explains that the play consists of a repeated response merely functional to fun. Another opinion expressed by Spencer (Monks et al, 2002) which states that the play is a possibility distribution for humans to remove the remnants of energy. Furthermore, according to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (2010) which is meant by ―traditional‖ is ―a culture that hereditary inherited‖. Related to the definition, which is meant by ―traditional game‖ is any form of games that exist since ancient times and inherited generation to generation. Traditional games basically are some playing activity with or without media which inherited and give somebody some pleasure and happiness. Traditional games are games that give relevant virtue and norms for children to understand and looking for balance in their life. Dharmamulya (1992) states that traditional games have elements of cultural value that can be learned by children, as follows: the value of pleasure or excitement, the value of freedom, a sense of friends, the value of democracy, the leadership, sense of responsibility, the value of togetherness and mutual help, the value of obedience, train competent in 220 numeracy, thinking skills training, the value of honesty and sportsmanship. Based on the explanation above, could be concluded that traditional Javanese games is the activity with or without media that use continuously inherited by Javanese community and has relevant virtue and norms that relevant to Javanese culture, also give pleasure and happiness for the children. Research Procedure The research procedure use research and development approach. Borg and Gall (1983) stated that research and development procedure are mencakup several steps as follow: first, gathering information: the process of arrange a conceptual model of early childhood character building development through intergrated traditional games in learning and further develop the model of initial product form design, and model a treatment test. The measurements were made during two times, pre-test and post-test. The treatment of giving traditional games held in the beginning of learning process. It started with preparing students to listen the teacher explanation and instruction about playing procedure. The next, students practice the game according to the teacher‘s instruction. At the evaluation, students will be ask several question to evaluate the understanding about contents of the traditional games and students lead by teacher will conclude the moral values and ethics contain in the games. The process will be lasted for @ 20 minutes and perfomed three times a week for a month. The last step is evaluation and revised the model, the next will be the product model realization. The evaluation of the character development model held through students daily behaviour observation did by the teacher based on the observation guidance which include ten qualities that reflect the children good character are caring attitude, realized their community life, cooperative, fair, willing to forgive, to be honest, maintaining their relationship, respect others, have responsibility and put safety as priority. The research subject is children in the age of 4-6 years old, 35 children, have no enough knowledge about traditional games. The subject determined using purposive sampling based on the consideration that LabSchool UNNES is an educational institution that are able to be the centre of science development through series of studies. The data collection technique is deep interview, observation and documentation. The instrument that uses to collect the basic data is the researcher itself, using the result of interview to gain the information according to the question problem.The checking of data validity done by fulfilled the credibility criteria, using triangulation (resources, method and theory). Data that has been gathered then analyzed using descriptive qualitative (Moleong, 2004). The descriptive analysis did by using data description to give meaning of all that happened naturally, objective, relevant. The analysis step of descriptive model data are as follow: (1) data description, (2) data reduction, (3) checking data validity, (4) data analysis and interpretation based on substantive theory. Result and Discussion Javanese local culture that full of local wisdom can be a learning source for the early childhood students. Several potency of Javanese local tradition that full of local wisdom are: traditional fairy tale, traditional song, traditional games. Based on the result of focus group discussion with the teacher and the research team, that traditional games have local wisdom that could embed to the early childhood students in order develop character building. Traditional games has been choose as the embodiment of local wisdom as the bridge to educate early childhood students through consideration that early childhood is the age to play so it can easily transfer the game values. The games that applied in learning process are: cublak-cublak suweng, uriuri, and engklek. Furthermore, based on the result of need assessment identification in the beginning of the research, showed that society local wisdom has been shift with modernization including the shifting traditional games into modern game such as online game, play station, etc. moral education in order to build character and good manner in early childhood students neglected in our education field. Education and implanting character value should be done early. It remains that one of early child development related to the ability divine right and wrong, good and bad, not to mention began to develop a conscience. The progress will be achieved by children with adult help. Based on the last discussion, the conceptual model of character development early childhood program which can be developed can be described as follows: the factor supporting the implementation of character development program is local wisdom, there are: traditional games, traditioanal song, traditional dances. But on the other hand there are factor of shifting traditional games with modern games. The alternative strategy to develop early childhood character building program is by arranged developing character program through traditonal games. Headmaster and teacher play an active role started from arrange PAUD program 221 annually and/or per semester, learning process and evaluation that any traditional games integrate on it. On the next step is the validity test for the concept of early childhood character building model, by the experts in pshycological field and PAUD through Focus Group discussion (FGD). Based on the analysis, we can see that the character value started to appear in most of students after giving traditional game treatment. It expected by giving concistence treatment continuously could build their character.The reason of this program is traditional games have culture value that could learned by students as follow: hapiness value, freedom, friendship, democracy, leadership, responsibility, togetherness and help each other, compliance value, train the competecies in mathematics, thinking skills training, honest value, and sportsmanship (Dharmamulya, 1992). The socialize process started on early childhood through games. Learning through playing makes students know cultural values and social norm that needed as guidance in social life and play role according to their social level they will face later. Childhood life is identical with playing, so the games unconsciously be use to determine their life path as well as forming his personality (Purwaningsih, 2006). The research intergrated in learning process. The indicator of the research based on the assessment of character development ‖good character‖ aspect. The assessment through games integrated on teaching learning observation in the area, teacher and students observation on separated place and time, and special note of the whole things that happened during teaching learning, both inside and outside of the class. 222 Conclusion Based on the aim and findings of the research, could be conclude as follows; that the javanese traditional games that integrated through teaching learning will be able to be learning method alternative inovation to develop ‖good character‖ in the early childhood students. The parents and community role are expected to involved in socialize the character building program through traditional games. Moreover, the manager and PAUD organizer could improve learning quality by utilize the environmental resources either in the form of material and non material, in this situation is local culture embodied in Javanese traditional games. References Borg, W.R. dan Gall, M.D. (1983). Educational Research: An Introduction. New York: Longman. Dharmamulya, S, dkk. (1992). Transformasi Nilai Budaya Melalui Permainan Anak DIY. Yogyakarta: Proyek P2NB. Lewis, Barbara, A. (2004). Character Building untuk Anak-anak. Batam: Karisma Publishing Group. Lexmond, J. & Reeves, R. (2009). Building Character. London : Lecturis, Eindhoven. Lickona, T. (1987). Moral stages and moralization : The Cognitive Development Approach. New York: HOH, Reehart & Winston. Milson, A.J. & Mehlig, L.M (2002). Elementary school teachers‘s sense of efficacy for character education. Journal of Eductional Research, 96(1), 47-54. Moleong, L. J. (2004). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Purwaningsih, E. (2006). Permainan Tradisional Anak : SalahSatu Khasanah Budaya yang Perlu Dilestarikan. Jantra, 1 (1), 40-46. Tim Penyusun Kamus PPPB. (1995). Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Edisi II. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. 223 CHARACTER EDUCATION SINCE EARLY CHILDHOOD IN FAMILY Samsiah [email protected] Abstract Children are the future investment that must be developed optimally without, the praper stimulus from their parents, which carried the potential for children from birth will not be able to develop optimally. Parents play an important role in Character Education because parents are child‘s first teachers and moral education. Education as a moral enterprise should play its role more serious, especially in character building. Character building helps to shape children attitudes and behaviors. Therefore, it is necessary to develop character education beginning from early age. As stated in law no 20 year 2003 on National Education System that the National Education Functions is developing the ability shaping the nation‘s character as well as the civilization of dignity in the framework of the intellectual life of nation (Depdiknas, 2003). But in reality was opposite. This phenomenon can be answered by optimizing the function of family, centering on the parents. The concept that early childhood education is the golden age. The role of parents in early childhood character building begin since the child is born, parents should be able to love and care for children in accordance with the characteristics and developments tasks. Parenting patterns greatly affect the character education in the family, as we all know the parenting that are usually applied in Indonesia are democratic, authoritarian and permissive parenting. One of them that is applied greatly affects the character education in the family. Baumrind developed 3 types of parenting style which are democratic parenting, authoritarian, and the last the permissive style. Eleanor Maccoby & John Martin (1983) added one type parenting style. Neglecting type (ignore). The neglecting type is showing low of mother‘s acceptance and the control of parents to child behavior (Bee & Boyd, 2007). Education in the family is the thing that is important to remember the early childhood family education is the largest potion of which will be embedded in the child. Keyword :early childhood, Character Education, Parents Introduction The Indonesian is facing moral decreasing in every life. Children are the next generation should be prepared to become a man of quality. …early childhood education is one of the construction effort that intendment for children from birth up to six years which is done through provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development. In early childhood character education should begin as early as possible. This related to a period of the golden age in early childhood. Parenting 224 style develops through informal learning experiences in the daily parenting practices (Simons, Ronal L, et al, 1992) Discussion Early childhood The definition of early childhood according to the NAEYC (The National Association For the Education of Young Children) is a child from birth up to eight years old (Patmonodewo, 2003). But in Indonesia, National education Law no. 20 year 2003 regarding National Education system stated that early childhood education is one of the construction effort that intendment for children from birth up to six years which is done through provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development of the mind and body so that my son has a readiness to enter the education ladder more information (Article 1 verse 14). Early childhood education aims to develop various competencies children from an early age as a preparation for life and can socialize with the environment. Associated with policy development, Early childhood education through educational institutions and informal non formal 2008 Enrollment in Rough (GER)Early childhood education (ECD) has only reached 50.62%, while the Ministry of Education strategic plan target was 53.90 % in 2009, whereas the millennium Development Goals target of 75% in 2015. According to Bronfenbrenner (Patmodewo, 2003) in ecological theory explained that the development of a child connected to the child‘s interaction with their environment continuously affect each other in a transactional way. Home environment is the first environment for early childhood. In early childhood character education should begin as early as possible. This related to period of the golden age in early childhood, where the development of brain neurons very rapidly if given the numerous and significant stimuli, for example to stimulate child‘s speech development, we can spend amount of time to talk with and read them a book. Piaget believed that children construct knowledge through interaction with their environment (Catron & Allen, 1999). Given the good of early childhood education is basic for subsequent educational good the early childhood education needs to be done optimally to future results, as the initial stock take further education is also optimal. Character Education Chambers Essential English Dictionary mentions that ―a person‘s character consists of the combination of qualities that make up their personality ― (Higgleton, et al,. 1995). Character comes from the Greek word charassein, which means ―to engrave‖ as on was table, a gemstone, or a metal surface. From that root evolved the meaning of character as a distinctive mark or sign, and from the meaning grew our conception of character as, in the words of Webster‘s New World Dictionary of the America Language, ―an individual‘s pattern of behavior…his moral constitution.‖(Bohlin, K.E., et al, 2000). Character education is the education to develop good habit in our daily life. This habit developed based on the awareness, conviction, sensitivity and the attitude of the person. Parents play an important role in Character education because family as the smallest social unit is the most important environmental education and the first, in the sense of family is the most responsible environmental educate their children for example the development of moral, cognitive, language, socio emotional, independence and physical ability. Dobbert and Winkler (1985) stated that the family is the dominant factor in effective and important. The role of families in the educational value is to support the process of identification, internalization, modeling, and reproduction directly from moral values to be invested as the orientation patterns of family life. (www.anneahira.com) Parents Character education in the early childhood can not be separated from the role of parents as agents for the 225 implementation of education in the family. Parenting pattern for parenting activities. This means the parents educate, guide and invest moral values to children. Parenting is also the attitude of parents interacting with their children. Attitudes of parents include how parents provide the rules, show affection and give their children the attention and response. Character education in a family have to be applied by parents well as a role model in terms of sincerity and love of giving education to their children by not being tied to formal education, but more instinctively and tradition. Parenting is a system that is applied to their children in caring for and educating to be independent. Suyoto, (1996) said that parenting refers to the ways in which parents applied in daily life in dealing with the child's reciprocal to establish and foster attitudes and behaviors that is expected by parents and society in order that the child be mature in time. WA Gerungan (2004) said that the family is the first group in human life, he declared himself as a social on the interaction with social groups. Meanwhile, according to Dewantara (1977) that the natural family is the best place to carry out education to the intelligence of manners (the formation of individual character and preparation for life in the community); it is the beginning of child‘s intellectual of this family. Forms of parenting 1. Democratic parenting Parenting democracy is ways to educate children who use the pattern of democratic leadership. Parenting prioritizes the interests of the child. Rights and obligations between parents and children are the same in terms of complementary, children are trained to be responsible. Hurlock (1999) said the democratic parenting can lead to good personal and social adjustments and produce 226 independence in thinking, actions and initiatives in the concept of a healthy selfconfidence which is reflected in active, open and spontaneous behavior. 2. Authoritarian parenting Authoritarian parenting is parenting that emphasizes parental supervision, or control that is shown to children to get obedience and compliance. Maurice Balson (1987) stated that parents who are authoritarian preserve the principal subordinates that are applied in relation to parents and children, the parents who decide the behavior of their children, parents are always in a position as an architect, give reward or punishment for his orders that obeyed. Nasution (1996) said that the authoritarian patterns use their power to achieve its objectives without much considering the consequences to children, particularly with the development of his personality. 3. Permissive parenting Permissive parenting style tends to give much freedom to their children and not giving enough control. This parenting system is not giving guidance, direction and advice to their child. According Wangmuba, permissive or spoiled parenting usually give a very loose supervision, providing the opportunity for children to do something without sufficient oversight of it. They tend not to reprimand or pay attention to the child if the child is in danger, and very little guidance given by them. Parenting styles according to Prasetyo (2003) need to pay attention to the principles of care include: 1) familiarity: warm, affectionate and always close from each other, 2) care; full attention, interest and sincerity of heart, 3) freedom; give child to be able to choose freely, apply and express an opinion without any hesitation, 4) self-reliance; direct, encourage and let the children to familiarize to do something gradually themselves so as to be independent, 5) discipline; the existence of clear rules so it can be observed, 6) emotional stability; do not show strain, attitude of anger or sadness, anxious, and easily offended, 7) realistic; oriented to reality, according to ability, to say honestly, openly, and do not seek excuses. The application of the parenting pattern in a family environment is largely determined by the role of parents. For, since the child is in the womb has in the care of the parents, and then the education in the family became a major cornerstone for the success of early childhood education. Developing character education in a family environment, children will experience what was experienced in the parenting process will determine the attitudes of individual behavior that is embedded in values education within the family. By Sauri (2010) there are several methods of values education in a family environment that is quite effective, which is as follows: 1. Habituation, Habituation method is suitable for application of value educational in home, in the implementation, in case of you want to be effective should be supported with the order that was made jointly between parents and children in home, in which habits formed in the family. The orders serve as a "guide" as well as a control in order the desired habit becomes a real culture in family interaction. 2. Example, this method is very important applied; exemplary begins from father‘s performance as a leader in the family environment. Attitudes, words and behaviors that manifest idealized as outlined in the order of the house will be successful if accompanied by example from parents 3. Reward and punishment. The spirit of a child who made a mistake, the parents immediately punished him hardly, but when he gets the achievement award they forget giving a reward, even though both have equal importance and must be in balance. Their children will learn to appreciate and be appreciated, to justice, and so on 4. Counsel, counsel will also be important due to certain things, sometimes for several things parents may not simply communicate by indirectly methods such as habituation. Certain moral messages as well as for the child at a certain age often requires a counsel Values education help children explore the values that exist in a family so that children can improve the quality of thoughts and feelings of the child to behave in an appropriate manner and acceptable in a family and social. For that reasons parents are expected to care that may develop a character education at the start by providing education on the environmental values of the family. Conclusion 1. Character education is very important in helping the children how to make a wise decision and act on them, helping them live a good life and give good contribute in society. 2. The role of parents in early childhood character building begin since the child was born, parents should be able to love and care for children in accordance with the characteristics and developments tasks 3. Parenting style develops through informal learning experiences in the daily parenting practices (Simons, Ronal L, et al, 1992) 4. Parents play a role by providing care that is democratic, provide opportunities for children to think, and 227 make decisions about moral values and responsible for his decision. References Balson, Maurice. 1987. Menjadi Orang Tua yang Baik. Jakarta ;BumiAksara Bee, Helen, Boyd, Denise.2007. The Developing Child, 11 th Edition, New York: Allyn& Bacon G. Gembong. Prasetyo. 2003. PolaPengasuhan Ideal. Jakarta : PT Alex Media Kumpotindo Gerungan. W.A. PsikologiSosial, Jakarta :Erosco, 2004 Hurlock. Elizabeth. 1999. PerkembanganAnakJilid II. Jakarta :Erlangga Ki HajarDewantara, Karya Ki HajarDewantara, 1977. Yogyakarta :MajelisLuhur Taman Siswa Patmonodewo(2003).PendidikanAnakPras ekolah, Jakarta :RinekaCipta S. Nasution, BerbagaiPendekatandalam Proses BelajardanMengajar, Jakarta :BumiAksara, 1995 Sauri, Sofyan. 2010. Pendidikannilai di lingkungankeluargadansekolah (makalah seminar nasional, 27 Mei 2010, Bandung) Simon, R L., et al, 1992, Gender Differences in the Intergenartional Transmission of Parenting Beliefs. Journal of Marriage and the Family . 54, (4), 823-836. Tersedia: Proquest Education Journal . (20 Juli 2006) Suyoto,PedomanPolaAsuhdalamKeluarga Sejahtera Usia 6-13 tahun, Jakarta : Kantor LingkunganHidup, 1996http:/wangmuba.com/2009/0 4/15/pengasuh-pola-asuhorangtua-terhadap-karakteristikanak 228 PARENT’S AND TEACHER’S VIEW OF GENDER STEREOTYPE Rina Windiarti Early Childhood Department Semarang State University Abstract The role of parents and teachers in changing gender stereotype may a new discussion in Indonesia. The socialication still limiited, thus this topic help inform public about the development, improvement, and how to change gender stereotype in early childhood. This study aimed to explore parents‘ and teachers‘ experiences, perceptions, and expectations regarding prevention and management of early childhood gender. The assessment can be done by each thing related to children at home or school e.g. toys, jobs, etc. Need times to socialize and overcome the stereotype for parents, teacher, and also the community around the children. This is necesarry for the development of the children to allow them thinking ―out of the box‖. Keywords Gender stereotype, children, parents, teachers, change Childhood is a golden age for an individual. It is called golden age because in during that period (0-5 years) he/she receives lots of information about anything. Their brain are like sponge which can absorb everything around them. In this age, parents, teachers, and society in general play an important role for their development. Adults‘ role in childrens‘ circumstance are able to be a teacher and guide them being an open minded person. Children are unique, as an adult we can not treat them as a little adult who can do everything as we said. Method of the approach is how we can mingle with them and be like them, feel what they feel, do like they do, and act like they act. These are challenging but provenly successful. When we become like them, they will trust us and closer to us, and those time are important to putting in the informations. For this reason, appropriate, good, and positive stimulation is of a great importance for our young children. Children learn about gender and develop their gendered identities through their interactions with others and through their experiences of positioning themselves within society and being positioned by others. Gender it self has several definitions, it usually refers to a set of characteristics that are considered to distinguish between male and female, reflect one's biological sex, or reflect one's gender identity. It is one's internal, personal sense of being a man or a woman (or a boy or girl). Gender role stereotyping occurs when a person is expected to enact a series of norms or behaviors based upon their sex. Children learn at a very early age what it means to be a boy or a girl in our society. It is difficult for a child to grow to adulthood without experiencing some form of gender bias or stereotyping, whether it be the expectation that boys are better than girls at math or the idea that only females can nurture children (Susan, 1997). As children grow and develop, the gender stereotypes they are exposed to at home are reinforced by other elements in their environment and are thus perpetuated throughout childhood and on into 229 adolescence(Martin, Wood, & Little, 1990). Reasons for gender stereotypes and segregation are including gender blindness, boys and girls themselves, parents, kidergarten teachers, school teachers and education counselors, traditional gender stereotypes and gender specific expectataions in society, the media, tv-programmes, and labour market (Sofie, 2012). Studies in Indonesia show that kindergarten teachers often have a very stereotypical approach towards girls and boys. They expect different things and treat boys and girls very differently. De Beauvoir wrote about how gender inequality begins from childhood in her section Lived Experience. Gender stereotypes exist and are being reinforced right from the beginning of a child‘s life. Introducing gender neutral activities, stories, toys and comments in interaction with children, sometimes much to the criticism of contemporaries who believe that girls and boys have to be brought up differently (Rachel Zeng, 2012). The moment a child is born, gender stereotyping takes place at full force. From the choice of colours when buying clothes for the newborn to toys when it comes to gift selection for the baby shower, gender plays a major factor. In fact, exposure to gender stereotypical models will become a consistent part of the child‘s life. Social learning theory proposes that examples provided by the existing same-sex models in the child‘s environment, along with the constant reinforcement on gender appropriate behaviour plays a huge part on the acquisition of sex-typed behaviours occurring during the pre-school years (Rubel et. al., 1988). The Cognitive-Developmental Theory formulated by Kohlberg (1966) on the other hand, suggests that children‘s understanding of gender develops in stages. Kohlberg believed that children do 230 not actively process gender information until they reach gender constancy which is the third developmental stage of theory that occurs when the child is between 5 to 7 (Sammons, 2009). Differing slightly from Kohlberg, gender schema theory introduced by Bem in 1981 explains that children develop a basic gender schema by the time they are about 2 and is able to associate themselves as females or males. This marks the beginning of the process whereby children begin to seek out information from their environments to help them understand ―maleness and femaleness‖ (Sammons, 2009). The more they pick up the ―contents of the society‘s gender schema, they learn which attributes are to be linked with their own sex and, hence with themselves‖ (Bem, 1981, p. 355). The information that surrounds the child and which the child internalizes comes to the child within the family arena through parent-child interactions, role modeling, reinforcement for desired behaviors, and parental approval or disapproval (Santrock, 1994). As children move into the larger world of friends and school, many of their ideas and beliefs are reinforced by those around them. A further reinforcement of acceptable and appropriate behavior is shown to children through the media, in particular, television. Through all these socialization agents, children learn gender stereotyped behavior. As children develop, these gender stereotypes become firmly entrenched beliefs and thus, are a part of the child's self concept. Parent-Child Interaction Being a parent is by no means an easy job. The Hollywood film Parenthood implies that childrearing means a lifetime of anxiety for parents and goes as far as to suggest that after so many centuries, somebody must have found the formula for turning children into happy and successful adults. This surely reflects the difficulty of the process in contemporary life. as adults who care about giving children equal opportunities to explore their world and develop to their fullest potential regardless of gender, we should bear in mind not to limit their potential by restricting them to ‗gender-appropriate‘ paths. In the UK and the USA there is a strong adherence to what Singer (1993) has termed ‗attachment pedagogy‘. This pedagogy is based on the belief that continuous and constant maternal care is necessary to ensure secure development, and secure emotional attachment is a prerequisite for learning. Where such maternal care is not possible (e.g. the mother goes to work), the next best thing is care in early childhood settings that is modelled on the mother–child relationship. From the time their children are babies, parents treat sons and daughters differently, dressing infants in gender specific colors, giving gender differentiated toys, and expecting different behavior from boys and girls (Thorne, 1993). One study indicates that parents have differential expectations of sons and daughters as early as 24 hours after birth (Rubin, Provenzano, & Luria, 1974). Parents teach with rewards and discipline. They might praise girls and punish or discourage boys for the same thing. That is one way to create gender stereotypes. For example: Mom might praise her daughter when she picks flowers for her, but she might be upset with her son for doing the same thing. Parents teach by spending time with their children. Children see what their parents do. Children learn when they try to imitate their parents. For example: Children who watch their father do the dishes many times may think that doing the dishes is a male activity. On the other hand, children in single-parent families see their mother or father doing all the chores. Those children usually learn that males and females can do similar tasks. Parents teach by telling their children what they expect from them. Parents may expect different things from their sons and daughters. That supports gender stereotypes. For example: Parents might expect their son to do well in math, and they expect their daughter to do well in arts and crafts. Parents teach by giving the children chores. Parents may give different chores to sons and daughters based on their gender. For example: Boys take out the garbage, and girls do the dishes. Parents teach through their comments. Parents might tell their children that only males or females do/say certain things. For example: Mom might say, ―I can‘t fix the car, that‘s your dad‘s job.‖ Children internalize parental messages regarding gender at an early age, with awareness of adult sex role differences being found in two-year-old children (Weinraub, Clemens, Sachloff, Ethridge, Gracely, & Myers, 1984). One study found that children at two and a half years of age use gender stereotypes in negotiating their world and are likely to generalize gender stereotypes to a variety of activities, objects, and occupations (Fagot, Leinbach, & O'Boyle, 1992; Cowan & Hoffman, 1986). Children even deny the reality of what they are seeing when it doesn't conform to their gender expectations (i.e., a child whose mother is a doctor stating that only men are doctors) (Sheldon, 1990). Parents encourage their sons and daughters to participate in sex-typed activities, including doll playing and engaging in housekeeping activities for girls and playing with trucks and engaging in sports activities for boys (Eccles, Jacobs, & Harold, 1990). A study of children's rooms has shown that girls' rooms have more pink, dolls, and 231 manipulative toys; boys' rooms have more blue, sports equipment, tools and vehicles (Pomerleau, Bolduc, Malcuit, & Cossette, 1990). Parental attitudes towards their children have a strong impact on the child's developing sense of self and selfesteem, with parental warmth and support being key factors for the child (Richards, Gitelson, Petersen, & Hartig, 1991). Meanwhile boys do not do as their told, behave very physically and accept that they can‘t concentrate for a long time, and place boys at the center of attention. To provide a variety of experiences for both girls and boys, teachers are encouraged to be vigilant that both girls and boys experience the sand table, water table, computer, crafts, and math centers. Educators’ Role The word of ‗educator‘ is more meaningful than ‗practitioner‘ it refer to all adults who work with young children. There are two main reasons for this. First, all of those who are working with very young children are involved in their education. Second, the introduction and widespread use of the term ‗practitioner‘ within the early years field has coincided with the introduction of initiatives intended to regulate and control this phase of education. While not advocating that the early years field should be free from scrutiny and accountability, it is important that those working within the early years field retain their sense of professionalism and purpose, while simultaneously retaining their ability to work flexibly and responsively. The word ‗practitioner‘ not only conceals the true nature of our work with young children, that of education in its widest sense, but also suggests that work within the early years field is essentially routine and mechanical. Using the word ‗educator‘ emphasizes what those working in the early years actually do. A teacher is someone who sees each child as a unique person and encourages individual talents and strengths. they makes a difference in each child's life and affects each family and the future of us all. Related to gender subjects, kindergarten teachers often; expect girls to be nice, good and do as they are told, perform twice as good as boys, and caring and considerate especially towards boys. The Importance to Change the Stereotype To avoid gender stereotype in the school or class, teacher and parents should engage each other to discuss about this problem. This is to reduce misaprehend between teachers and parents, and also anticipate conflicts in developing the children in school. It is important to change the stereotype approach towards girls and boys. The question are, how important it is and how to change it? Traditional gender roles limit children‘s opportunities to develop as individuals free from stereotypical expectations. Thus, stereotypes have a negative effect on gender equality in the remaining society which is gender segregation in choice of education, labour market, pay gap, etc. At home, parent can help the children live without stereotypical language by being sensitive to limiting language and being prepared to discuss what's wrong with it when parent encounter it from others. Some suggestions for parent to create an environment to reduce gender stereotyping include: Parent imply that men or girls should behave in different ways or own different things. Don't belittle "running like a girl" or call any child a "sissy." One of the lessons specifically addresses teasing about the appropriateness of activities, traits or possessions, countering with "There's no such thing as a girl's haircut." Be 232 careful with the words. When parent say something to their daughter, think about what will be said. Would parent say the same thing to their son? Try to say things that will help both boys and girls feel good. Say things that help them learn that they can do many things. Praise daughter and son for whatever they do well. Avoid directing children toward or away from particular toys or forms of play, especially imaginative play, as appropriate to their gender. Buy or make a toddler boy, the same as a girl, a rag doll that looks like him and can wear his outgrown baby clothes. Don't intervene when a little girl takes up the baseball bat. Make both earth-moving trucks and baking equipment available in the sandbox and let the children choose freely which to use and when to swap. Do not expect all boys or all girls to like the same things. Ask children what he likes and doesn‘t like. Let the sons play dress-up, house, and dolls sometimes. Let the daughters play with trucks, blocks, and sports activities sometimes. Also let them say that they don‘t like those things. Make positive statements about girls and boys. Say nice things about both genders. Let children be creative and make their own toys with boxes, art supplies, sheets, and other items. Be ready for them to say they do not want to do that at some ages. Boy-girl friendships may develop later. Especially as children grow old enough to truly help out around the house, keep the chores evenly spread and without regard to gender. Let each child be responsible for learning to make his own peanut-butter sandwich, or for her own patch of garden, at least until they've grown into more advanced versions of these chores and discovered their own preferences. Each child should make his or her own bed each day, and share equally, as appropriate to age rather than gender, in setting and clearing the table, doing dishes, and home repair and maintenance. Take an active role in selecting child's reading material and leave out books that explicitly reinforce gender stereotypes. Supervise TV watching, music and video games, and make it clear that making poor choices on the basis of gender stereotypes, in addition to other values, will result in loss of privileges. However, discuss with children why this story isn't very true to life or that movie sets a bad example. "Mailman" has largely given way to "letter carrier," but other gender-based terminology is persistent. parent can help the children live without stereotypical language by being sensitive to limiting language and being prepared to discuss what's wrong with it when parent encounter it from others. Refer to servers rather than waitresses, and don't make distinctions such as "lady doctor" or "male nurse." Talk about what people do rather than labeling them at all. Between 4 and 7 years of age, children realize that gender is stable, regardless of changing clothes or actions. Children also notice teachers' behaviors and further learn about what boys and girls can do. Some suggestions for teachers to create an environment to reduce gender stereotyping include: Monitor teacher‘s behaviour in various situations. (How do teacher handle emotional behavior, such as when a child cries? Do they treat boys and girls the same?) Recognize the abilities of all children without considering gender. 233 Encourage children's self-worth, regardless of the activities they select. (Are both boys and girls acknowledged for sitting quietly? Are both boys and girls recognized for playing in the 'housekeeping' area?) Foster gender equality by encouraging boys and girls to do the same activities. (Encourage both genders to build with blocks and engage in craft activities.) Expose children to models of people in non-traditional gender roles. As suggested by the Southern Poverty Law Center, program practices can be used to help reduce gender stereotyping. For instance: Avoid language that limits one gender or another from participating. Children learn what is expected of them from the language used by their role models. (Use gender-neutral labels, such as congressperson, mail carrier, flight attendant and firefighter.) When selecting books for the children, strive to balance the gender of the main characters. (Choose stories with male and female heroes and villains, or protagonists and antagonists.) As noted by Roberts and Hill, stories typically focus on male achievements and present characters in stereotypical roles that support stereotypes. Remember to discuss and acknowledge both male and female heroes in stories — both men and women can accomplish great things. References Glenda MacNaughton. Rethinking Gender in Early Childhood Education. Allen & Unwin. 2000. Naima Browne. Gender Equity in the Early Years. UK: McGraw-Hill Education. 2004. 234 Susan Grieshaber. Rethinking Parent and Child Conflict. New York: RoutledgeFalmer. 2004 Inyang A. Isong, et all. Parental Perspectives of Early Childhood Caries. Sage Journal. 2012 Isabelle D. Cherney, et all. The Effects of Stereotyped Toys and Gender on Play Assesment in Children Aged 18-47 months. Educational Physchology Vol. 23, No.1, 2003. Carfax Publishing. Davies, B. & Banks, C. 1992. The Gender Trap: A Feminist poststructuralist analysis of Primary School Children‘s talk about gender. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 24, 1-25. Rachel Zheng. Gender-stereotypes in the Early Years – Part 1. http://rachelzeng.wordpress.com/2 012/03/09/gender-stereotypes-inthe-early-years-part-1/ Sofie Carsten Nielsen. Gender and Stereotypes in Early Childhood. www.uem.gov.si/fileadmin/uem.g ov.si/pageuploads/PEUNielsenPre sentation.pdf Susan D. Witt. Parental Influence on Children's Socialization to Gender Roles. 1997. http://gozips.uakron.edu/~susan8/ parinf.htm(http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Gender_role) http://www.extension.purdue.edu/ providerparent/child%20growthdevelopment/influencesongender. htm,http://www.livestrong.com/art icle/537616-five-ways-parentscan-reduce-gender-stereotypinginchildren/http://extension.missouri. edu/hes/childcare/reducestereotyp e.htm IDENTIFICATION AND INTERVENTION PROGRAM IN CHILDREN WITH COMMUNICATION DISORDERS Wulan Adiarti Early Childhood Department Semarang State University Abstract Communication as one of the process of delivering messages or vital information is always related to one's language skills. Communication disorders experienced by children will affect the growth, development and the ability of the child, although not all aspects of growth, development and the ability of a person's behavior is determined by the ability of communication. Communication consists of speech and language. Both are often discussed at once, but each is different. Communication skills generally develop according to age. But there can also occur barriers that may be caused by hearing impairment, physical disability, developmental disorders, learning disabilities, pervasive developmental disorders, autism and behavioral disorders or emotional. Whoever the person both parents and teachers should realize that to be emphasized is the ability to communicate not only talk, but all aspects of communication. Aspects of communication including listening skills, ability to respond, how to communicate, ability to understand the words and the ability to pour the thought or idea. The discussion on the identification and intervention directed at two things that affect the smoothness of communication, such as impaired speech and language disorder. Introduction As social beings humans will always be associated with other human beings. Through the relationship, human meet their needs, both the physiological and psychological needs. Reciprocal and interplay relationship between related individuals called interaction. Soekanto further explained that the interaction will occur when fulfill two requirements, which is contact and communication. Contact point to a direct relationship between individual to individual, while the communication refers to the process of delivering a message from the communicator to the communicant done via a particular medium (Mulyono Abdurrahman, 1994: 153). Through communication human can convey ideas, desires, feelings in order to achieve something that it needs either verbally or non-verbal such as using symbols, signs, gestures, or sounds. The most effective way to communicate and the most dominant used by the community is a form of spoken or articulated language. By verbal communication human will be easily and promptly meet the desires or needs (Sardjono, 2005 in Somad, 2009). Messages in the communication conveyed through symbols. In general, a symbol of the message is divided into two parts, which is verbal and nonverbal. In the communication process (in this case using verbal cues), takes the individual's ability to capture and produce sound. Abdulrahman argued that in order for effective communication of information can take place there are four components of communication that must function properly, namely (1) vote, (2) articulation, (3) fluency, and (4) ability to speak. If one of those several components is not functioning properly, it may interference the communication (communication disorders). 235 According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) as quoted by Hallahan and Kauffman (1991) there are two types of communication disorders, which are (1) speech disturbance or mute (speech disorders) and (2) language impairment (language disorder). Speech disturbance or mute consists of three kinds; there are (a) voice disorder, (b) articulation disorder, and (c) fluency disorders. (Roger G. Powell and Dana Caseu, 2004: 3) In Indonesia, generally communication disorders known as mute. If it is looked from its function in communication, so speech is a tool to communicate. If it is viewed from its association with communication, then speech is only a part or component of communication, in addition to language skills, voice, and fluency are normal. Thus, if one of these components is compromised, such as impaired language skills (e.g. people with aphasia), then he can be said to have communication disorders. A child who has speech impairment which is covered in it (1) impaired speech in disaudia (speech disorders caused by the innate disability) or mute, (2) speech disorders of dyslogia (speech disorders caused by the mental disability), (3) speech disorders on dislosia, (4) speech disorders on disastria (speech disorders caused by central nerve dysfunction), and (5) speech disorders in dislalia (speech disorders caused by the speech organs is broken), then the child can be said have communication disorders. Similarly, the child who has voice disorders, such as the type aphonia (loss the sound and the ability to speech); and fluency of speech disorders, such as stuttering; then he also has communication disorders. Thus if mute is looked as a generic or general definition of communication disorders, it can be incorrect. The truth is a communication 236 disorder in which the generic definition includes mute, disturbances in language, and disruptions in fluency. In this paper, the discussion pointed on the identification and intervention directed at two things that affect the smoothness of communication, such as impaired speech and language disorder. Discussion A. Causes of Language and Speech Disorders Language and speech disorders are influenced by factors that vary, but generally will be explained below. 1. Congenital factors (internal) Internal factors consist of six kinds, which are (1) because of hearing loss (deaf), (2) mental disability, (3) central nervous or peripheral function disorders, (4) disruption or damage of articulation organs, (5) disorders of the respiratory system, and (6) due to autism. Deaf children, particularly those deaf from birth, will have difficulty in speaking, so they appears as the deaf – mute children. The term of the deaf – mute children is really not appropriate, because children with hearing impairment are not always mute, so do the mute children not always deaf. Thanks to advances in the field of speech therapy, many deaf children are able to speak. Nonetheless, hearing impairment or deaf may be the cause of communication disorders, especially if children are not getting a good speech therapy services. The children who have mental disability usually also have communication disorders. Although they may be capable of producing language sounds well, he often did not understand the meaning of the language sounds. As a result, they have impaired communication are not being unable to produce the sounds of language, but being unable to understand the meaning of the sounds of language. Nerve function disorders, both central and peripheral nerves, may cause communication disorders. Type of communication disorder of aphasia, expressive and receptive, is caused by a disturbance of central nervous function. Peripheral nerve disorders may cause the speech organs can not function properly that also causes interference with communication. Disturbance or damage of articulation organs such as cleft lip (harelip), cleft palate, larnings dysfunction, a resonance imbalance of the vocal cords may cause communication disorders. Effects and the damage of one or several articulation organs may cause the child is unable to produce language sounds perfect, or even damage the vocal cords may cause can not produce the sounds of language are not perfect. Autism children have communication disorders. The cause of autism itself has not been satisfactorily explained yet. Emotional disturbances can cause communication disorders. 2. Environmental factors (external) External factors consist of three kinds; there are (1) emotional distress, (2) the use of two languages within the family (bilingualism), and (3) an environment that does not support the child's speech development. Emotional distress is an imbalance between the mastery vocabulary with mind and feelings expressed by preschool children for example, can lead to emotional outbursts, which in turn lead to stuttering. So it is for people who are frightened, he may experience stuttering. Stuttering caused by emotional factors can be cured after the factors that give rise to emotion are removed. However, stuttering is caused by a disturbance of nerve function is often not related to emotional factors. Bilingual families in daily conversation can often make the children confuse so that may cause communication disorders. A system of phonology, morphology, and syntax in each language are different. The use of bilingual conversation will make the two systems of phonology, morphology, and syntax. As a result the child will have difficulty in using the form of two languages which may cause a communication disturbance. The social environment is closely related to child language development. Social environments that are less or not giving enough opportunities for children to establish communication through verbal language can lead to disruption of communication B. Some Characteristics of the Individuals Who Have Language and Speech Disorders Children who have language and speech disorders are generally classified into several groups, although the classification is not necessarily cover all the issues associated with it. Some analytical results associated with the characteristics of children who have speech and language disorders can be classified into the characteristics of cognitive and academic, social and emotional, and behavioral characteristics associated with. 1. Cognitive and Academic Characteristics Actually, it cannot be generalize the language and speech disorders based on cognitive and academic aspects. But, in general, those who have mental retardation have a speech and language disorders. Academically, those who have language and speech disorders in general affect their learning ability. This happens because in school, the communication is oral, so that children who have difficulties 237 with language and speech would have difficulty in understanding and exploration of what's on their mind. Some research indicates that children whom inaction speaks experiencing difficulty in reading. It can be seen from 85% of kindergarten children experiencing slowness to speak must obtain remediation in reading or special education. Some children can not pronounce the word they read because they can not distinguish the sound output to a word / letter. In addition, children who have speech and language impairments can not hear the rhythm of speech by either of what they read, thus reducing the understanding of what they read. 2. Social and Emotional Characteristics Many children with speech and language impairments have fight in social and emotional. First, they must be aware of their condition themselves and people conditions to talk to. It may be children who have speech and language disorders will be the target of derision of his friends. Children who have such disorders need help to restore confidence. Furthermore, children who are mocked by their friends usually will have difficulty in communicating, because when he pronounced the word wrong, then someone else would be difficult to understand. If he can not find the equation of unpronounceable word, then he will be very difficult to participate fully in the conversation. If this happens, the children with language and speech difficulties will withdrawal (isolation) from his friends. 3. Behavior Characteristics Children who can not express their desire through words, they usually indicate by their behavior. Children who communicate with the movement more often show that they had a speech and language disorders. 238 Solution A. Language and Speech Impaired Identification The procedure that used to assess the child's speech and language disorder conducted to determine the location and the lack of services that may be done to cure the disorder. a. Measurement of Speech Disorders Several assays which are used to determine speech disorders in children has been developed, among which are Goldman-Fristoe Test of articulation 2 (Goldman & Fristoe, 2000) and Fisher Logemann Test of Aticulation Competence (Fisher & Logemann, 1971). Although the test was used for a variety of needs, but an important one from both of these tests was to determine the articulation of language production errors produced by children. Actually, the formal tests do not provide good information about the child's speech enough, as they may be any differences between the material tests and with what children do every day. Therefore, it is better if the test is done by taking the kids to play and talk about the game. Irregularities/ errors in speech also become a tool to determine the physical structures that produce speech. They may examine the location of the teeth, the condition of the ceiling, and tongue movements. b. Measurement of Language Disorders To know a language disorder, the following items can be used as a guide, there are: 1. Receptive and expressive vocabulary 2. The ability to repeat the word, which is sometimes called find a word 3. Understand and process the sentence 4. Using the correct rules of language 5. Understand a story and another sentence. 6. The ability to produce language, whether through stories or participation in a conversation. Formally assay which used to determine speech disorders are the Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) (Carrow-Woolfolk, 1999), The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals 3 (CELF-3) (Semel, Wiig, & Secord, 1995), and The Test of Adolescent and Adult Language 3 (TOAL-3) (Hammill, Brown, Larsen, & Wiederholt, 1994). 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B. Intervention Children With Communication Disorders Through Communicating Partners Program One program that can be applied to improve the ability to communicate is a communicating partners program. In this program, the intervention done per stage of development of communication according to MacDonald. Thus, if a child shows the characteristics of indicator as stated in each phase, the program offers the recommended steps to help fix the flaws in these stages. Some of the principles of the approach to communicating partners are: 1. Every child learns and learns best by his own way, if he fails to learn, there is more responsibility on the adults' expectations rather than actual ability of the child. 2. Healing the child is not the goal, but the goal is to teach him to interact with his social environment now. 3. Many environmental conditions at home an in school influence individual to be social and communicative. 4. When environmental impact is removed, the child begins to socialize and communicate better. 5. Communication disorders are primarily the unsynchronized relationship, and therefore the treatment that needed is to 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. synchronize cognition, communication, emotion and motivation function between child and his partner. Each child learns to communicate or not communicate in any interaction. Improve communication is a dynamic process that involves not only the child himself but also his daily interaction partner. Parent-child play is fundamental in developing effective communication. Child should be socially interactive before he communicates regularly. Child has to be nonverbal communicative before his languages are useful in the relationship. Language itself is not enough; what is important is the use of communicative language. Certain interactive strategies have been identified as being important in supporting the communication development of child. Responsive approach to the child better than a directive approach. Intervention programs that educate and involve the parents have a wider effect than just their own professional work. Parents are proven to help children with communication disorders to become more social and communicative. References Abdulrahman, Mulyono, (1994), Pendidikan Luar Biasa umum, Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Dardjowidjojo, Soenjono, (2003), Psikolinguistik; Pengantar Pemahaman Bahasa Manusia, Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia 239 Friend, Marilyn Penovich, (2005), Special Education; Contemporary Perspectives for School Professional, USA: Pearson Education, Inc. Powel, Robert G. & Dana Caseau, (2004), Classroom Communication and Diversity; Enhancing Instructional Practice, USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Pubhlisers. Soekanto, Soerjono, (1990), Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar, Jakarta; Rajawali Press. Subyakto-Nababan, Sri Utari, (1992), Psikolinguistik; Suatu Pengantar, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama 240 ENHANCING CREATIVITY OF CHILDREN THROUGH MUSIC ACTIVITY Neneng Tasu’ah Early Childhood Department Semarang State University Abstract Creative is one of the potential of every individual. Creativity is also the potential of every individual and it is important to develop in an early age, because at this time the individual has a significant opportunity to develop their potential. Intellectual development of children aged four to six years, is experiencing an increase of 50% to 80%. This shows the importance of developing the full potential of children, one of creativity. With the development of creativity in early childhood, children have the opportunity fully to meet the needs of its own way of expression (both the benefits of cognitive development); can be a tool to balance the child's emotions so that the harmonious development of the personality of the child back (good for mental health benefits) and child will acquire skills to perceive, discriminate, proficiency that will lead and influence the fineness of his mind and character (both on the development of aesthetic benefits). Creativity can be developed through music. Early childhood penchant for music began to seem such a great it was to sing a particular song or follow the style of a singer on television. They are also more fun experimenting with the songs they heard. Do not be surprised if they could knock on a table or a spoon-fork to follow the rhythm of the music they heard. They are also an expert familiar with the tune ups and downs, following the track by moving the body or snap their fingers when they heard the favorite song. Through music, children will be able to develop a variety of cognitive intelligence, emotional, and kinesthetic. Music is closely related to cognitive intelligence. Some research suggests, the music associated with creative thinking and spatial skills of children. Preschool children who received music training and the ability to prime time dance show to learn about body parts and creativity.With music, the children develop their capacity optimally. Creating and playing music brings great satisfaction and joy of creative. It can help children develop the artistic vision and provide the appropriate means of self expression. Lamiah children in the habit of creative learning, and music is a good vehicle to explore the natural creativity in the creativity flexibility. Due to naturally stimulate their curiosity and sense of imagination. When children playing music, children will be challenged to create a composite tone, Rithmah, a new and unique poetry. This means that the music itself can hone the child's creativity. However, the ability to develop creative and there is no other way than to give him a chance to play music.Key Words: Creativity, Music activity Introduction Background Early childhood education is the education organized with the aim to facilitate the growth and development as a whole or an emphasis on developing all aspects of the personality of children from birth to six years. The Law of Republic number 20 year 2003 on national education systems, that early childhood education is a development effort aimed at children from the lair until the age of six years through the provision of educational stimulus to help the physical and spiritual 241 development so that children have the readiness to enter further education. Creative is one of the potential of every individual. Creativity is also the potential of every individual and it is important to develop in an early age, because at this time the individual has a significant opportunity to develop that potential. Intellectual development of children aged four to six years, is experiencing an increase of 50% to 80%. This shows the importance of developing the full potential of children, one of creativity. With the development of creativity in early childhood, children have the opportunity fully to meet the needs of its own way of expression (both the benefits of cognitive development); can be a tool to balance the child's emotions so that the harmonious development of the personality of the child back (good for mental health benefits) and child will acquire skills to perceive, discriminate, proficiency that will lead and influence the fineness of his mind and character (both on the development of aesthetic benefits). Creativity can be developed through music. Early childhood penchant for music began to seem such a great it was to sing a particular song or follow the style of a singer on television. They are also more fun experimenting with the songs they heard. Do not be surprised if they could knock on a table or a spoonfork to follow the rhythm of the music they heard. They are also an expert familiar with the tune ups and downs, following the track by moving the body or snap their fingers when they heard the favorite song. Through music, children will be able to develop a variety of cognitive intelligence, emotional, and kinesthetic. Music is closely related to cognitive intelligence. Some research suggests, the music associated with creative thinking and spatial skills of 242 children. Preschool children who received music training and the ability to prime time dance show to learn about body parts and creativity.With music, the children develop their capacity optimally. Based on the explanation we can see that play music for young children should be given in early ages to develop the creativity of music owned by the child so that the ability or the potential of music in children can be stimulated well and can be distributed in accordance with the talent possessed by the child. Discussion I. The Essence of Creativity A. Description Creativity Creativity is a term often used by experts from various perspectives. Creativity is one of the most important thing in life, because with the creation of people can manifest itself and selfrealization is one of the basic human needs. Rogers said creativity is the tendency to actualize itself, to realize the potential, the drive to develop into mature, the tendency to express and activate all the abilities of the organism. Then according Semiawan that creativity itself has a perspective that is original, unexpected, useful and adaptive to task constraints. This is supported by Santrock in his Life-Span Development said that creativity is the ability to think of something unique solution to the problems faced. Creativity is often associated with creativity in the arts. Horace B English and Ava C. English (1958) in defining Jujun creativity as the ability to create new modes of artistic expression. Also according to Reni Akbar and Hawadi revealed that creativity can be stimulated through the environment from an early age (normative years), and reveals how far the importance of creativity in the development of children. Based on the above notions can be synthesized that creativity is a tendency for self acltualize, realizing the potential, the drive to develop into mature, and creativity itself has a perspective of an original, unexpected, useful, and adaptable to the task constraints, the tendency to express and activate all the abilities of the organism, the ability to produce new and unusual ideas, and express and actualize themselves. B. Characteristics of Creativity The characteristics of creative children by Arief Rahman, creative child characteristics are as follows: 1. Their face were bright and dynamic, creative child who always appeared bright and dynamic face in the move, do not seem depressed, stressed or "cold" in the mix. Such child-like as though athletes. 2. Interest in areas ranging from music, subjects, political and etc, diverse interests and hobbies are also a sign that the child has good creativity, they are not only good at but also subjects like singing, sports, political discussions or other interests. 3. Often asked to weigh, weighing and difficult question answered by a teacher who has a child born out of creativity. But sometimes nature is rarely responded with creative things that could develop it better. 4. Have a big curiosity, or can be based on scientific explanation. The answer is plain from a teacher can be the basis for assessing teacher for students who have the creativity quite well, because they are usually quite satisfied if the answer is more scientific and able fully their curiosity. 5. Not limited to status. Sometimes the children are creative restrictions that they had students and our teachers are usually very thin, so when they started to ask, greet, and discuss with teachers or other more mature person is not a very feared. 6. Dare to take risks. Children who have a true joy when their actions, and they continued to rise if this is wrong, it which is one of the characteristics of creative children. 7. Have many alternatives to solve the problem. Do not get used to assess children in black and white in the face a problem, children will have many alternative creative in solving problems. 8. Not easily satisfied, almost always want to be perfect. If the work is not optimal they will continue to explore why this is not optimal.They will continue to explore why this is not optimal, and how to make the perfect results. 9. Dare to be different. Penchant to be different from others or make it into something different is a sign of a creative child. 10. Amused to explore the knowledge. Not the limited existing knowledge of the children in the creative will continue to explore the sources of existing knowledge. 11. Have original ideas. Another sign is the idea of creative students who are usually very original, sometimes unexpected ideas if they have anything like that. C. Factors Supporting Creativity Creativity can be performed in early childhood in the lives of children and look at the time of child's play. Will gradually be dispersed in other areas of life especially in the field of musical creativity. There are five factors that can be viewed as a variation in creativity in music by Reni Akbar and Hawadi as follows: 1. Gender factor. 2. Socio-economic status. 3. Order of birth. 4. Family size. 5. Urban and rural environments. 243 D. Improving Conditions Of Creativity Below are the conditions that can enhance creativity in children, namely: 1. Mental stimulation 2. Environmental Conditions 3. Role of Parents 4. Role of Teachers 5. Encouragement 6. Opportunity to Acquire Knowledge E. Activities Supporting Creativity in Early Childhood In addition to the creative environment, children also need a stimulate through the activities that can improve their creativity. This activity can be done with simple equipment at home / school, or with the preparation of a more mature again. The activities children can do, such as: a. Drawing and Painting To support the activities of children in painting and drawing, parents and teachers can do the following: Prepare the necessary equipment. Such as watercolors / oils, brushes, pencils, crayons, paper, etc. Do not forget, that equipment should be safe to put them. Let them draw what they want, do not be demonstrated in child images. Give space to draw and paint. Do not scold the child if the room is a mess when a studio. Give praise for all the pictures. Encourage children to talk about the pictures. Create a variety of activity so that children do not get bored, for example, drawing a finger, with a blown, mold etc.. After doing the activity, take the child back straightening equipment b. Crafts Crafts activities which involve more complicated than painting Because it 244 involves several activities such as planning, arranging, ripped, cut, and glue. From this activity children learn to design things, assembling things, develop imagination, concentration, and through the process. This activity will also help children learn to manage his emotions. To support the activities of children in handicrafts, parents and teachers can do the following: Prepare the necessary equipment, such as colored paper, scissors, rulers, glue, etc. Do not forget, that equipment should be safe to put them. Condition the room, do not let the children pick up material from the items that are not supposed to. For example: take a cloth of tablecloth mother, or take the paper out of paperwork father. Accompany them in this activity. Earlier, we must set an example in some activity. For example how to properly cut, glue, etc. After that we can "remove" them do it themselves. Usually the child will use the results made crafts, praise the results. If the gift that he gave to us, immediately use. Give thanks and praise. After doing the activity, take the child back straightening equipment. c . Music and Songs Children like to listen to music, moving their body when heard music, and play simple musical instruments (percussion, etc.). This activity include when the child made a knock on the objects around it. To support the development of creativity through music, parents can do: Sounds off music to children since the early Let them know if you also love music Tap your fingers on the table or clap to the rhythm of the song If we can play music, take the child to play with us. Encourage children to sing a songs with a simple rhythm, movement will help the children remember the song. Encourage children to make simple musical instruments from the leaves, cups, jars and other objects in the home d. Dance Give songs for children, then they will move to the rhythm of the song. Nod of the head, body twisted to the right and left, or jump a regular expression that occurs when a child listening to music.With dancing, children will learn to use his body to interpretation of music and express themselves, think of various different types of music, learned that music consists of high and low notes, listen carefully and pay attention to details, recognize rhythm, and move and breathe with the rhythm of siring. Parents can do several things to encourage creativity in dance: Encourage children to dance together Allow the child to express her dance, do not comment on the negative comments. Encourage children to dance to the songs vary from rock to the song "mellow". Give "instrument" for children to play while dancing. e. Role Playing In addition to imaginative, children are good imitators. They will expression many of the things they saw, heard and experienced. Not surprisingly, the child will portray these roles when playing. With imagination and experience they will create his own world. They can play a role by imitating the work of adults (doctors, police, etc.), expression the experience (vacation, school, etc.), his idol figures (Superman, Batman, etc.) or daily events (cooking, washing etc). Usually the boys will play in the world like to play their traditional cars, a fire extinguisher or a racer. While girls often play with a more "refined" as a mother, teacher, nurse or doctor. Of this activity, children will learn to tell stories, to understand the various roles that exist, understand the various concepts that exist (eg, about money, etc.), emotional problems, and also teach children to cooperate. In developing the creativity in role play, children will need parental role, such as: Provide the necessary equipment, such as dolls, toy cars or costume Helping children make play equipment, such as making ninja of gloves or make a crown for the princess. Come to play, such as parents when a child plays a role as a student teacher. Enhance knowledge of children, through stories, video or field experience. f. Story Telling Our nation is a nation of storyteller, we are accustomed to telling something that we experience in others. So is the kids, they love to talk about anything. What they see, feel, hear and experience will tell them. Tells of the activities children will learn to listen and absorb information, stringing words, learn to create and tell stories, but that children also learn to express what they felt and what they wanted. What can parents do? Telling the child. good story or a daily occurrence. The medium can be through books, family albums, dolls, or just a story. 245 Enrich children's story books, videos and experience. Provide media for the children to tell stories. May take the form of toys, dolls or books. Surface children talked with questions whose answer is not yes or no. Do not cut your child's story Allow children to mix imagination with actual events. g. Experimental "scientific" Children may not be able to think logically or evaluate something. But they have met the standards as a great scientist, they are a good observer and have a great curiosity. Of scientific experiments, children will learn to observe things carefully, distinguishing small differences, classify and categorize. Scientific experiment will teach the children to investigate a question of "why" to find the answer. To develop creativity in scientific experiments, parents and teachers can do: Starting from the events and phenomena that are around children.Eg insects in the garden or in a glass of water. Ensure equipment used is safe for children. Encourage children to find the answer to the question by answering questions with questions of children back. Parents and teachers should have a lot of reference to explain the phenomenon. h. Adventure Kids love with something new. Venturing out of the "safe zone" is an enjoyable experience for children. Be adventurous by camping, nature walk or just to take a child on the train or bus. With adventure, children will learn to understand the difference, knowing the world around it, and observe something 246 carefully. Children will also learn to ask others and seek other sources of information from various sources. Some things that can parents and teachers to take children is an adventure; Design to be fun and exciting adventure. Make the story will make the adventure more fun. Encourage children to ask questions and interact with others, such as asking the railroad machinist. Encourage children to seek information from sources around him, such as street signs or pictures. Encourage the child to observe phenomena that occur during the adventure. Encourage the child to tell his experience in the adventure. i. Cook During this time, people assume that cooking just for women. In addition, people still think that the kitchen is a dangerous area for children. Though cooking is one of the interesting and fun activities to develop the creativity of children. Cooking activities including mixing, measure the ingredients, make the dough, to decorate and serve the food. Cooking will make the children learn to be creative with food, follow simple commands, learn to quantify and measure, helping others, working with others, perform a process, and observing and attention to detail. Cooking also will make children proud of their work. To develop creativity in cooking, parents and teachers can do: Describe the process used to be done. Explain what kids can do. Make sure children do not use hazardous materials such as sharp knives or hot pans Enrich the existing menu Starting from simple activities, such as prepared salads. Encourage children to tidy up the items that have been used. j. Gardening Garden, a favorite place for children. In the garden children can learn, play and do dirty things (play ground, water, etc.). Gardening also does not mean the school or home must have a large yard, gardening can be done in the pot in the corner of the house. With gardening will learn to observe carefully, to learn the process and try new things. To develop the creativity of children to gardening, parents and teachers can do: Let your child when dirty, but do not forget to ask her to clean herself after the activity is completed. Encourage children to observe the existing processes, such as plant growth. Encourage children to observe what is there in the garden. For example, what plants and animals that exist. Give children the responsibility of managing his farm. In addition to the above activities, There are many other activities that can be done to improve and develop the creativity of children.The activities mentioned above can also complement each other, depending on the creation of parents and teachers to develop it. In addition to diperhatrikan by parents and teachers are planning aktivtas what will be done to develop kreatiivitas children. Essence of music A. Definition of Music David Ewen argues that music is a science and art of rhythmic combination of tunes, both vocal and instrumental, which includes melody and harmony as the expression of all things to express mainly the emotional aspects. Meanwhile, Dello Joio argues that if we know the music to expand their knowledge and views but also knows many other things outside of music. Introduction to the music will foster a sense of appreciation of the value of art, but be aware of other dimensions of reality that had been hidden. Furthermore, Adjie Poetra Esa believes that music is a sound basis, not only is morally normative, but also recognized the tune based on the calculation of physicists. Music is a communication tool which is of course influenced by the culture and the culture where growth and development of the music. In addition to music is a reflection of the society that gave birth to and develop the music. That is, music is a reflection of social life, the process of thinking, emotional development and behavior associated with it. Music is a reflection of the history of a particular society. This is similar to that expressed by Monty as saying that "music is the witness of human life and enjoy the music as well as the following narrative of the history of human life." Music is one medium of art expression, and the music reflects the cultural community of supporters. Music is the universal language of emotion, this opinion is supported by Jamalus who said that "the art of music is the universal language of emotion." Another case described by Monty in his book says that most people assume that music is a universal language, while others question the universality of this particular music simply because it accepted by a particular culture and can not be accepted by other cultures. According Mantlehood movement and music is in its totality, the properties of the music is rhythmic, melodic, harmonic, and it is a physical energy that soon declared themselves out in the formation of certain tones. Beside that, Aristotle argued that music is the outpouring of spiritual power and strength of forces drawing power that 247 comes from a sense of motion in a series of melodic, rhythmic sound. In the Oxford dictionary Student Encyclopedia, the music is arranged into a pattern of sounds that can be pleasant to our ears or communicate a feeling or mood. Music has rhythm, melody, and harmonies that give depth and allows the use of multiple instruments or sounds. Furthermore, Bernstein & Picker said that music is sound organized in time and has artistic value and can be used as a tool to express ideas and emotions of the composer to the audience. In Indonesian Dictionary (1990: 602) Music is science or art of crafting a tone or voice expressed, and the combination of temporal relationships to produce a composition (sound) which has a balance and cohesion, tone or sound that is structured in such a way that contains rhythms, songs and harmony (especially those that can produce the sounds of it). According Masduki, music is the product of human culture. The link between music and the human is always a focus of study because of the music culture is a product of conceptual (cognitive) and behavior (behavior) of society. Based on the above notions, music is an embodiment or manifestation of the creative life, one's feeling and intention in the form of a satisfying sound and rhythm. Art music is the universal language of emotion, and music can also evoke a human response. B. Forms of Music Learning Activities for Kids Good music activities for children will foster a love and appreciation for music. Tedjasaputra described some form of music that can be adequate for the activities for children of early age, including: singing, playing musical instruments, and the rhythm as the rhythm and tempo through clap hand, perform movements, dancing and berpantun. 248 Aisha et al, Solehuddin, Rahman and Mahmud also describes the music learning program can be grouped into several categories, as follows: 1. Singing 2. Listen 3. Rhythm 4. Play musical instruments Musical instruments are used for early childhood can use objects that were around the child, for example by using a plastic bottle filled with sand, gravel or water. Then each bottle, filled with such objects in a measure or a different size so that when struck will produce different sounds, it can also use bottles made of glass, due to the different bottles of the base material would produce a different sound as well. In addition to using plastic bottles and glass bottles can also use a pattern pat. Learning about musical creativity can use simple tools such as those described above. In addition, teachers can use other objects that can be used for playing music. The songs should be taught to children in accordance with the characteristics of child development, poetry used to be short and easily remembered by the children, besides the melody that is used must also comply with the child's voice range. Through four activities described above should be able to enhance creativity in music. In addition, musical activities should not only be done in schools but also at home. Parents should be music to stimulate creativity in children, so the musical creativity in children can develop optimally. Creativity Music Creativity in music activities aim to strengthen and develop the knowledge and skills of music that has been obtained, because the child is expected to learn music because it can stimulate creativity. Creativity in music is the ability to perform an action as a result of congenital and exercise in creating something new and unique. Ratmiatin revealed that the musical creativity of children is to give children the opportunity to dismantle and reconstruct the song, change and even add to the understanding and support pengembangkan creativity. Ratmiatin also added that the child can get an idea of the music through listening to music that is imagined and recalled the sound of music. To better understand the music, the child is not just memorize but need to do yourself is like trying to play a musical instrument. Playing a musical instrument can make you feel happy even be used as a hobby because it can relieve stress even for a moment forget the fatigue that is felt after a day of activities. To support the development of creativity through music, the musical activity needs to be applied in children. When children play music, they use various means to express ideas. Creating and playing music brings great satisfaction and joy of creative. It can help children develop the artistic vision and provide the appropriate means of self expression. Lamiah children in the habit of creative learning, and music is a good vehicle to explore the natural creativity in the expression of creativity flexibility. Due to naturally stimulate their curiosity and sense of imagination. By the time children music, children will be challenged to create a composite tone, rhythm, a new and unique poetry. This means that the music itself can hone the child's creativity. However, the ability to develop creative and there is no other way than to give him a chance to play music. Benefits of Music for Children During the period of infants to school age, children try to get a nuanced musical stimulation, because rhythm and timbre (musical colors) encourage children to make a move that will affect the overall motor development. Benefits include: Stimulation of memory Generate a sense of comfort Effects of hypnotics Entertaining Closing A. Conclusion Musical creativity of children is to give children the opportunity to dismantle and reconstruct the song, change and even add to the understanding and develope creativity. To support the development of creativity through music, the musical activity needs to be applied in children. When children play music, they use various means to express ideas. Someone said if the produces creative works such as original paintings, musical compositions and found a discovery. Creating and playing music brings great satisfaction and joy of creative. It can help children develop the artistic vision and provide the appropriate means of self expression. B. Suggestion Teachers should be able to provide the proper stimulus to the development of creativity in young children music can thrive. Musical instruments used should match the number of children, so that each child can use the instrument as the ongoing music lessons. In addition, teachers must work with parents in raising children musical creativity. Parents must play an active role in enhancing the creativity of their child music, one way to put children at a music school or facility and provide the proper 249 stimulus to the child so the child's creativity in the field of music can develop optimally. References Akbar, Reni & Hawadi. 2003. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak. Jakarta : Grasindo, 2003. Ayan, Jordan E. 1997. Bengkel Kreativitas. Bandung : Kaifa. Crist, William & Richard Delone. 1978. Introduction To Music. England: The Open University Press. Einon, Dorothy. 2002. Creative Child. Jakarta: Karisma. Fuad Afdhal, Ahmad. 2003. Ide Kretaif dari Kepemimpinan Hingga Motivasi. Jakarta : PT. Grasindo, 2003 Herr, Judy. 2007. Creative Resources for The Early Childhood Classroom. New York: Thomson. Jamalus. 1998. Panggilan Musik Melalui Pagelaran Musik. Jakarta: P2LPTK dan University. Kiong, Melly. 2010. Cara Kreatif Mendidik anak ala melly Kiong. Jakarta: Progressio Publishing. Mahayattika, Idzma dkk. 2009. Modul pelatihan guru kreatif. Bandung: Kidzsmile. Munandar, S.C.Utami. 1999. Kreativitas dan Keberbakatan (strategi mewujudkan potensi dan bakat). Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Rachmawati, Yeni & Euis Kurniati. 2010. Strategi Pengembangan Kreativitas Pada Anak . Jakarta : Kencana Prenada Media Group. Rogers, C.R. Toward. 1982. A Theory of Creativity (P.E Vernon ed). Creativty. Moddlesex: Penguin Books. Santrock, J.W. 2002. Life-Span Development (Perkembangan Masa Hidup) alih Bahasa Yuda 250 Damanik dan Achmad Chusairi. Jakarta : Erlangga. Schmidt, Laurel. 2002. Jalan Pintas Menjadi 7 Kali Lebih Cerdas. Bandung: Kaifa. Setiadarma, Monty P. 2002. Terapi Musik. Jakarta: Milenia Populer. Soeharto,M. 1992. Kamus Musik. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Widiasarana. Suriasumatri, Jujun S. 2005. Filsafat Ilmu Sebuah Pengantar Populer. Jakarta : Pustaka Sinar Harapan. Treelese, Jim. 2006. Read Aloud Hand Book. Bandung: Hikmah.repository.usu.ac.id/bitstr eam/123456789/23607/.../Chapter %20II.pdfhttp://aryani23.wordpres s.com/2011/03/16/pengertianmusik/http://cahisisolo.com/artikel /seni-musik/pengertian-senimusik.htmlhttp://carapedia.com/pe ngertian_definisi_musik_info2091 .html BUILDING CHARACTER THROUGH MORAL CONSERVATION SINCE EARLY YEARS Sugiyo Guidance and Counseling Department Faculty of Education Semarang State University [email protected] Abstract Moral education, in order to develop children‘s character, is involving all parties. Family as the main actors for the development of child‘s moral character, but many children do not get moral education from their parents, so that school as another part has large role in the development of the child's character. The values are developed in a basic education of the school curriculum aimed at developing a sustainable and systematic character. Curriculum that emphasize the integration of cognitive development and character development through perspective taking, moral judgment, decisions making, and self-knowledge of moral, is needed. Education and moral conservation through learning activities in schools based on local wisdom, which is developing the potential of the local culture such as traditional games, traditional songs, traditions and other arts. Traditional games can be integrated in curriculum as a manifestation of local knowledge, to educate young children since early years. Key words: character, moral conservation Introduction Most of education on early childhood gives attention to intellectuality and reasonable skill only. That kind of education will caused in effective generation. The future will be flooded with people with high knowledge but has a low moral quality. When this happens, the child will grow up as adult who has not "good character". This would cause a humanitarian disaster in the future. "Good or strong character" is the key to becoming a person having a high self-respect, respecting others, building positive relationships with others, have self-fulfillment and selfachievement that will lead to success in every area of life. The character building and education should be done early. The early years is often referred to as the golden year, because at this mas various children's ability to grow and develop very rapidly. Lickona (1987) defines the nature of the character as a person in response to a moral situation, which is manifested in concrete actions through good behavior, honesty, responsibility, respect for others and other noble characters. This notion is similar to those expressed by Aristoteles, that the character is closely related to the "habit". In the last years, unethical behavior committed by children has led to pornography and porno-action. Advanced technology that should be created to add insight instead resulted in low moral quality. Lately, many cases are often seen in daily life. Through newspapers or television encountered cases of children that speaks less polite, love to imitate scenes of violence. This condition is very poor considering the child's world should be a world filled with pleasure to develop themselves, which most of his time filled with 251 learning through a wide variety of games surrounding environment. Some of the practices of violence and persecution (bullying) is mostly done by children in today. Cases of bullying children increased. Hidayat said that the practice of bullying occurs in all range of age even in early years, some children recognize the practice of bullying since kindergarten and elementary school and continue until teenagers. Juwita (www.femina.co.id), social psychologist from University of Indonesia, said that the practice of bullying takes place among preschool children. In line with the above statement, Snyder (www.parentsguide.co.id) argues that the practice of bullying has occurred in kindergarten, and varied forms such as grabbing, hitting, or pushing his friend. The practice of violence is often in school despite the fact that bullying also occurs in places or public arena. Research by Craig, Pepler, and Atlas (2000) showed that bullying occurs not only in schools but also in the playground (playground). Many people still assume that the children who mocked, insulted, or even hit a delinquency is common and will disappear as a child grow older. People does not realize the impact on victims such as crying, having nightmare, becoming insecure, having low self esteem, psychological distress or depression, and even up to the suicide and suicide attempts, there is a feeling of resentment and become actors in the future. Snyder (www.parentsguide.co.id) adds the effect or impact not only on victims but also perpetrators, the perpetrators are becoming increasingly out of control and having anti-social behavior or other misbehavior. The practice of violence (bullying) is caused by many factors, Brotoseno (2008) stated that one of the factors that causes individuals to engage 252 in violence or bullying is low empathy, no tolerance and unable to understand the feelings of those who are persecuted. The lack of children's understanding of the self positive value. Children are missing some value of mutual respect, helping, empathy, honesty, and kindness often missing from children's personalities. In the case of bullying, children's moral quality is reduced (www.koranpendidikan.com). The cause of above cases is the lack of education of the parents or other adults around him. Parents and other adults do not give children a conservation of moral values through behavior and utterances containing moral values. According to Bandura, parents or adults behavior will be imitated by children. Moral education in order to build character and manners of early childhood began in the realm of our neglect. Education and the cultivation of moral values should be done early. This is considering that one of the tasks related to the development of children's moral development of children, that children are able to distinguish right from wrong, good and bad conscience began to develop (Hurlock, 2002). This task will be achieved by children with adult assistance. Furthermore, the early moral education is expected to be the basis of the character formation of children, which will culminate in a high moral quality. The hope children will grow up to be whole and perfect man, knowledgeable knowledge, noble character and personality. In the end, armed with science and high moral qualities, child will be able to take an active and readily accepted in many aspects of life. Early Childhood’s Character Development Character of a nation is an important aspect affecting the socioeconomic development. High quality character of the community will foster a strong desire to improve the quality of the nation. Character development is best if started at an early age. A phrase that is widely believed states "If we fail to be good at an early age, in adulthood we are becoming bad guy". Lickona says "a child is a body in which a responsible adult can be formed" Therefore, preparing the child is an appropriate human investment. Lickona (1987) defines the nature of the character as a response of person to a moral situation, which is manifested in concrete actions through good behavior, honesty, responsibility, respect for others and other noble characters. This notion is similar to those expressed by Aristoteles, that the character is closely related to the "habit" or habits that continue to be done. Habit of doing goods does not always guarantee that the man who had been accustomed to them consciously (cognition) but could not have meaning the importance of character values (valuing). For example, someone who used to tell the truth for fear of being punished, then this person could not understand the high moral values of honesty itself. Therefore, character education requires also the emotional aspects. Another opinion by Lewis (2004) which outlines a number of qualities that reflect character includes caring, conscious of living in community, cooperative, fair, willing to forgive, to be honest, maintaining relationships, respect for others, responsibility and give priority to safety. Not much different from the opinion of Lewis, Lexmon and Reeves (2009) define characters into three abilities (capability) are application, self regulation, and empathy-attachment. Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the reference to the character of early childhood is the child's ability to use feeling, attitude and behavior matter, conscious of living in community, cooperative, fair, willing to forgive, to be honest, maintaining relationships, respect for others, responsible and give priority to safety. Aspects of the character development Lewis (2004) outlines a number of qualities that reflect the character of children, and then these qualities will be used to measure the child's character. These include the quality of self-care, aware of life in community, cooperative, fairness, willing to forgive, honesty, maintaining relationships, respect for others, responsibility and give priority to safety. More specifically, Lewis outlines ten qualities as follows: 1). Care (caring), is about how children treat each other among fellow. Children show concern, be kind, sharing, helping and giving. Concerned not only for others but also cares about the environment around children. 2). Aware of life in community shows that the child be respectful of others, animals and objects around the child. This means obeying all the rules in the home, community, and school. In addition, children involved in making the rules at home or school, and served in the form of doing something meaningful for the community, home and school. 3). Willing to cooperate meant going to work or play in a peaceful, trying to do something together. Children who want to work together show calmness when facing a conflict with peers, not explosive, children want to speak from heart to heart, willing to listen to someone else who is speaking. 253 4). Fairness means doing good for others, treat others as a child would be treated. Trying to give everyone equal rights and opportunities that belongs to the child. Children are able to do justice would show attitude to share, take turns, and treat each with respect. 5). Willing to forgive others. Children do not try to retaliate when the child is bullied by his friends. 6). Honesty, means becoming the child self, and be trustworthy. Be genuine and becoming a child self also means being sincere that children do not lie. Being trustworthy means the child is able to count on others to do things according to promise. 7). Maintain meaningful relationships means having a good relationship. Children enjoy the activities carried out with family and friends but that does not mean children are not allowed to play alone. Children can do their own activities to get a better knowing of their self. 8). Respect for others means that the child is having self-respect and respecting others; respecting the differences; children are able to show "good manners" for example by saying thank you, excuse me, sorry; keep personal belongings and shared; caring of environment and other living things; and respect the rules and regulations. 9). Responsible means that children are able to make choices that are not in a hurry, the child aware of possible risks that may arise over the choice. 10). Priority to safety means the child free from injury or risks. Children know what things should be done in order to be free of hazards. Another opinion by Peterson and Skiba (2001), describes the character of the six domains of character, are: 254 trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Not much differentfromthe aboveopinion, LexmonandReeves(2009)definescharacter sinto threeabilities(capability) thatapplication, self regulation, andempthy-attachment. 1). Applicationis the abilityof childrentobe able tofocusononething. Children are able toconcentrate, disciplineandmotivate their selftokeep workinghardand diligent incompletingthe task. Applicationreferred to as the"locus of control" intermsof selfpsychology which asthe driving force. 2). Self-regulation means theabilitytoregulateemotionsincludeth e abilitytocontrolemotionsandresilience : the ability tofight and survive fromadversity, disappointment, conflictandsorrow. 3). Empathymeans thechild's ability toput their selfinsomeone else's point of view, andshow sensitivity ofotherperspectives. Based on statement the above, concludedthat theLewisopinionabout aspectsof early childhoodcharacteris moreappropriately usedtomeasure thequality ofthe child,which includescaring, aware of thelife ofthe community, to cooperate, fair, willing toforgiveothers,honesty, keepingrelationships, respect, responsibilityand give priority topersonal safety. It isbased on theconsiderationthat theaspectpresented byPetersonandSkibaandLexmonandReeve sbecamea partofwhat was developedbyLewis. Factors that influence early childhood’s character development Lexmon and Reeves (2009) states that there are three factors that can affect a child's character development. The first factors is the structural factors include socio-economic conditions of families, parental background, family structure, gender, ethnic/cultural, and other things around the child during the development of the child and may affect the child's development including government policy. The second factor is the style of parenting including warmth, responsiveness, control and discipline. The third factor is psychological vulnerability such as genetics, prenatal conditions and environmental factors, including the system of education received in school. Lickona (1998) states that the family and school to be decisive for the character development of children. School and teachers as factors that can affect a child's character development. School is a second home for children therefore the character development of children become the responsibilities of teachers. Milson and Mehlig (2002) stated similar things, that the teacher is an important factor for the development of a child's character. Effectiveness of school programs in order to build character is determined by the commitment of teachers. Building Character through Conservation of Moral Values The noble values of local wisdom are needed to deliver to children since early years. The preservation or the noble lineage also referred as conservation. Conservation is literally derived from the English "conservation" means the preservation or protection. The preservation is emphasizes on conservation of noble values. Moral conservation through education since early years is needed in order to build a new civilization for the next generation of Indonesia. Indonesia is known as a country with large population and the course conditions bring Indonesia into the target market for other countries. These condition, if not accompanied and offset by education and cultivation of moral values then can be predicted that situation will get worse in future. Educational efforts which deliver moral values are important to develop the character. This is involving all parties, start from nuclear family, school, community, until government. If among various elements of environment is not in harmony then the formation of character in children is not going to work well. Family, as the main factor, influences the development of moral character. School was second home for children where children began to enter the world of education but in character. The school through special program that develops the character is a form of education that could help develop ethical attitudes, and moral responsibility, to give love to the students and teach good character. It was an intentional and proactive effort of schools, communities and countries to fill the basic mindset of the students, the ethical values such as respect themselves and others, a sense of responsibility, integrity, and selfdiscipline. It is hoped it will provide long term solutions that lead to moral issues, ethics, and academia who are concerned and at the same time a growing concern in the community. Values developed should be the basis of the school curriculum goal. Curriculum that emphasizes not only on cognitive development but also character development includes the perspective taking, moral judgment, making decisions, and moral self-knowledge. Teaching moral value for young children is becoming the responsibility of educators in school settings. Rachman ("Stop Bullying", 2007, http://www.kr.co.id) states that educators currently busy with the accomplishments of the nature of brain development rather than character development. The teacher emphasizes only academic success in the 255 achievement. Teachers play a role in the education and moral cultivation of the child through a program of learning activities in schools. This may be done by presenting a variety of design programs based on local wisdom. Local knowledge (local wisdom) can be understood as local ideas that are thoughtful, full of wisdom, well worth the embedded and followed by members of the community.Gobyah ("Base", http://www.balipos.co.id) said that local knowledge (local genius) is a truth that has been steady in an area. Local knowledge is a blend of the sacred values of the word of God and the various values that exist. Local knowledge is formed as a local cultural superiority and geographical conditions in the broad sense. Local knowledge is a product of past cultures that should be continuously used as a handle on life. Even though the local value but the value contained in it is considered universal. During this time, the meaning of local knowledge is often equated with the local genius. In fact, the two terms have different meanings. Local knowledge is the knowledge (values) and cultural practices of a community while the local genius is the subject or actor/creator of the local culture. Sirtha ("Exploring the Wisdom", http://www.balipos.co.id) add other forms of local wisdom in society can be: values, norms, ethics, beliefs, customs, customary law, and special rules. The concept of local knowledge development can be done by developing the potential of local culture. Culture is an attitude, while attitude is a cultural resource. To be based culture with a good attitude, people need to combine idealism with realism which is essentially a combination of art and culture. Characteristic of the culture of each particular area (which is different from other regions) is the respect of local culture to become a local outstanding such 256 as traditional games, traditional songs, traditions and other arts. Widyonagoro (kbi.gemari.or.id) states that Javanese culture is local knowledge in the form of singing, the order of language, teaching, traditional ceremony, a fairy tale literature and folklore, ancient books, and traditional game; can be used as a tools to overcome the moral degradation caused by modernization. Manners are taught through customs of Java, is expected to be used as a reference to improve the nation's morale. Traditional games for example, can be used as an integrated curriculum as a manifestation of local knowledge to educate young children since early. Early year is a play period. This is becoming the reason that it will be effective to transfer values through game. At present, the existence of traditional games is displaced by the rise of the modern game which is not rooted in local culture as heritage. Children are not familiar with the traditional game. Though true, the game itself is a game traditionally played by children with simple tools without engine, contains the values and norms which useful for children to understand and find a balance of life. The word "game" comes from the word "play" which, among other means committing to have pleasure (Purwaningsih, 2006). Based on these terms, game should be able to create or cause of pleasure to the doer. The game is also interpreted as a way to play. According to Hurlock (2003) play is any activity undertaken for the pleasure of it, without considering the final result. Play is voluntary activity and having no pressure from outside or obligation. Piaget (Hurlock, 2003) explains that the play consists of a repeated response merely functional to fun. Another opinion expressed by Spencer (Monks et al, 2002) which states that the play is a possibility distribution for humans to remove the remnants of energy. Papalia et.al (2003) adds that play is children job, which contributed to all domains of development. Through play, children will be stimulated, will learn how to use his muscles and eye coordination with the movement, mastery of his body and acquire new capabilities. Furthermore, the meaning of "traditional" according to Big Indonesian Dictionary comes from the word "tradition" which means "hereditary customs that are still running". While the word "traditional" itself means "attitudes and ways of thinking and acting that is always sticking to the norms and customs that exist for generations". In line with the definition above, traditional games define as any game that has existed since immemorial time and are passed from generation to generation. Traditional game is essentially a play activity with or without equipment or media used for giving satisfaction and pleasure to children (Big Indonesian Dictionary, 1995). Traditional game is a game which contains of noble values and norms that are useful for children to understand and find a balance of life. World's children are often identified with the world of play is a very happy time for children. Of playing an early form of socialization process. Because children learn to recognize the play of cultural values and social norms are necessary as a guide for social interaction and play roles in accordance with the social standing that they will do. Synonymous with the lives of children playing, so it is not child's play can be used directly as a determinant of his life and his personality-forming (Purwaningsih, 2006). Conclusion Based on the above can be reiterated that the need for cultural conservation efforts in the education and cultivation of moral values early in the development of early childhood character. The hope the child will grow into a young generation of Indonesia more character, tough, honest and have integrity that is a reflection of national culture and act suave manners and daily life in the association. On the other hand, even a child will grow into young people who have a mental attitude and fighting spirit that upholds moral. The need for conservation of local culture, especially cultures that have great values and noble in the education and cultivation of moral values involving all parties, both the nuclear family, school, community, and government. The school through special education that develops the character is a form of education that could help develop ethical attitudes, and moral responsibility, to give love to the students to demonstrate and teach strong character. Values developed in the education should be the basis of the school curriculum aimed at developing a sustainable and systematic character of students. Teachers play a role in the education and moral cultivation of the child through a program of learning activities in schools. This may be done by presenting a variety of design programs based on local wisdom. Hope in the future, all forms of corruption, collusion, nepotism, bribery, broker cases, crime, and even acts of terrorism, the loss of the attitude of patience, and other social ills are no longer the headline of a newspaper in Indonesia References Brotoseno, I. (2008). StopBullying. blog.imanbrotoseno.com/?p=318 downloaded 27 February 2010. Clouse, B. 2001. Character education:Borrowing from the past to advance the future. Contemporary Education, 72 (1), 23-28). Craig, W.M., Pepler, D., & Atlas, R. (2000). Observations of bullying in 257 the playground and in the classroom. School Psychology International, 21 (1), 22-36. Gobyah, I.K. Berpijak pada Kearifan Lokal. http://www.balipos.co.id downloaded 4 March 2010. Hurlock, E.B. (2002). Psikologi perkembangan : Suatu Pendekatan Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan. Terjemahan oleh Isitiwidayanti dan Soedjarwo. Jakarta : Penerbit Erlangga. Hurlock. 2003. Perkembangan Anak Jilid 1. Jakarta : Penerbir Erlangga. Lexmond, J. & Reeves, R. (2009). Building Character. London : Lecturis, Eindhoven. Lickona, T. (1987). Moral stages and moralization : The Cognitive Development Approach. New York : HOH, Reehart & Winston. Lickona, T. (1998). Do parents make a difference in children‟s character development : What the Research Show. www.google.com downloaded 27 February 2010. Milson, A.J. & Mehlig, L.M (2002). Elementary school teachers‘s sense of efficacy for character education. Journal of Eductional Research, 96(1), 47-54 Monks., Knoer., Haditono. (2002). Psikologi Perkembangan. Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press. Papalia., Olds., & Feldmen. 2003. Human Development 9th . New York : McGraw-Hill. Purwaningsih, E. (2006). Permainan Tradisional Anak : Salah Satu Khasanah Budaya yang perlu dilestarikan. Jantra, 1 (1), 40-46. Sirtha, N. Menggali Kearifan Lokal untuk Ajeg Bali. http://www.balipos.co.id downloaded 3 March 2010. Snyder. (tanpa tahun). Si Kecil Galak di Sekolah. (tanpa tahun). www.parentsguide.co.id/dsp_conten 258 t.php?kat=5 downloaded 27 February 2010. Stop Bullying di sekolah. (2007) http://www.kr.co.id/web/detail.php? sid=169238&actmenu=39 downloaded 6 March 2010. Tim Penyusun Kamus PPPB. (1995). Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Edisi II. Jakarta : Balai Pustaka. CHARACTER EDUCATION MODEL IN EARLY AGE CHILDREN Sawa Suryana and Lita Latiana Lecturer FIP Semarang State Universitie Email: sawa [email protected] [email protected] Abstract Character education in addition to developing and strengthening personal potential and also filter out external influences which could ultimately shape the character of the students for the better. Efforts to establish this character solely conducted in educational institutions through a series of learning activities through a series of subjects and self-development activities conducted at the inside and outside of school. Habituation-refraction in everyday life also made, such as: religious attitude, honesty, discipline, tolerance, hard work, love peace, responsibility, of etc. These values would need to be fostered, which in turn can shape the character of individual learners which in turn is faces life of a nation. Hams in character education should always emphasize the importance of three components, namely good moral character or knowledge of moral knowing, moral feeling or sense of moral action and moral or immoral acts. This is necessary so that learners can understand, feel and do not run as well as virtues. Keywords: character education, early childhood care, early childhood institutions. Introduction Associated with efforts to create a character education as mandated in the National Long Term Development Plan (RPJPN) in 2005-2015, in which character education is placed as a foundation for national development vision, which is "to realize the noble, moral, ethical, cultural, and based on the philosophy of Pancasila civilized. ", which meant it was actually already contained in the function and purpose of national education, which is" National Education functions to develop and shape the character and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing the potential of students to be human a faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible "(Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System UUSPN). Thus, RPJPN and UUSPN a solid platform to implement operationally the nation's culture and character education as a priority program of the Ministry of National Education 2010-2014, as outlined in the National Action Plan for Character Education (2010): character education is mentioned as the value of education, cultivation of education character, moral education, character education that aims to develop learners ability to provide goodbad decisions, maintain a balk and what is good to realize that in everyday life with a vengeance. On that basis, character education is not simply to teach what is right and wrong, more than that, but education should be of good character involves various aspects of both aspects of "knowledge, attitude aspects, and aspects of behavior. In Indonesia the educational model characters can be described as flow of thought in chart 1. 259 F ITR A H MANUSIA D IC IPTA K A N S EB A GA I M A K HL U K SOSIAL YANG BERHARKAT DAN BERMATABA T PERMASALAHAN BANGSA DAN NEGARA 1. Disorientasidalamimplement asi nilai-nilaiPancasila. 2. Bergesernya nilai etikad a l a m keh i d upa nberbangsa dan bernegara. 3. Memudarnya kesadaranterhadap nilai-nilai budayabangsa. 4. Ancaman disintegrasibangsa 5. Melemahnyakemandirianbangsa. BANGSA BERKARAKTER RAN: POLHUKAM, KESRA, PEREKONOMIAN pembagunankar akter bangsa STRATEGI:1. Sosialisasi/Penyad aran2.Pendidikan3. Pemberdayaan4.Pe mbudayaan5.Kerja sama LINGKUNGANST RATEGIS Global, Regional, Nasional 1. Tangguh; 2. kompetitif; 3.berakhlak mulia;4. bermoral; 5.bertoleran; 6.b er g o t on gr oyon g ; 7 . berjiwa patriotik;8. berkembangdinamis ; 9.berorientasiIptek yangsemuanya dijiwaioleh IMTAQkepada TuhanYang Maha EsaberdasarkanPan casila. BANGSA YANGBE RA KH LA K MULIA,BE RM ORAL,BE RTE TI K A,BERBUDAYA D AN BERADABBERDAS ARKANPANCA SI L A KONSENSUS NASIONAL 1. PANCASILA 2. UUD 45 3. BhinekaTung gal Ika 4. NKRI Chart 1. Alur Pikir Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa And those of the flow chart I think the character development of the nation, education is one of the basic strategy of building character in their implementation must be coherent with some other strategy. The strategy includes namely socialization / awareness, education, empowerment, acculturation and co-operation of all components. Character development is done by a systematic and integrative approach by involving the family, educational units, governments, civil society, legislators, media, business, and industry (Parent Book Character Development, 2010). So the education unit is a critical component in the development of the characters that run together with systemic and integrative other. Those components are based on national consensus based on Pancasila, the 45 Constitution, motto Unity in Diversity and Homeland and also based on both global strategic environments, regional and nationwide. While the character of the nation's development objective is to establish the characters, which basically aims to form a nation with the following traits: strong, competitive, noble, moral, 260 tolerant, worked together, patriotic spirit, developing a dynamic, technologyoriented science and all animated by faith and piety to God Almighty on Pancasila. In character education Lickona (1992) emphasized the importance of the three components of good character (components of good character) that is moral or knowledge of moral knowing, moral feeling or sense of moral action and moral or immoral acts. This is necessary so that learners can understand, feel and do as well as virtues. (Ratna Megawangi: 2009) The same is expressed by Karen E. Bohlin, Deborah Farmer, and Kevin Ryan (2001) that form the character is to develop characters that are the habits of mind, heart, and action, which of the three (mind, heart, dun act) are interrelated. Character education that teaches only moral knowing, such as the curriculum is conducted in Indonesia in religious education, and Pancasila Moral Education, no one can guarantee the character, that is, those that fit between the thoughts, words, and actions (Fasli Jalal: 2011). Discussion 1. Character Education In character education Lickona (1992) emphasized the importance of the three components of good character (components of good character) that is moral or knowledge of moral knowing, moral feeling or sense of moral action and moral or immoral acts. This is necessary so that students are students able to understand, feel and do as well as virtues. (Ratna Megawangi: 2009) Moral Knowing is important to teach the terdin of six things: 1) moral awareness (moral consciousness), 2) knowing moral values (know the moral values), 3) perspective taking, 4) moral reasoning. 5) decision making and 6) selfknowledge. Moral Feeling is another aspect of the Hares implant in them which is a source of energy of human beings to act according to moral principles. There are six things that are emotional aspects that should be able to be felt by a person to become a man of character are: 1) conscience (conscience), 2) self-esteem (confidence), 3) empathy (feel the pain of others), 4) loving the good (love the truth). 5) self-control (able to control himself), and 6) humility (humility). Moral Action is how to make moral knowledge can be translated into real action action / moral action is the result (outcome) of the two components of the other characters. To understand what drives someone in a good deed (act morally) then it should be seen three other aspects of the characters are: 1) competence (competence). 2) Desire (will) and 3) custom (habit). The same is expressed by Karen E. Bohlin, Deborah Farmer, and Kevin Ryan (2001) that form the character is to develop characters that are the habits of mind, heart, and action, which of the three (mind, heart, and action) is another character who only teaches inside. Education moral knowing, such as the curriculum is conducted in Indonesia in religious education, and Pancasila Moral Education, no one can guarantee the character, that is, those that fit between the thoughts, words and actions. William Kilpatrick (1987), suggests that one cause of the inability of a person to behave well, are not cognitive teriatih to perform acts of virtue or morality (moral action). The characters in the conventional education and training required constant practice as stated by Joc Moline in Lickona (1992). Thomas Lickona defines the nature of the character as a person in response to a moral situation that given into action through good behavior, honesty, responsibility, respect for others and other noble characters. This notion is similar to those expressed by Aristotle (1987), that the character is closely related to the "habit" or habits that continue to be done. Illustrated that the character is like the "muscle", where "muscles" of the character will become mushy if not trained, and be strong and sturdy that is often used. As a bodybuilder who constantly practice to form the muscles, the "muscles" of the character will also be formed with a Atihan practices that would eventually become a habit (habit). According to Aristotle, a society whose culture does not pay attention to the importance of educating good habits, will be the people who are accustomed to bad habits. A habit can become instinctive response, be it good or bad habits. Character education is to educate a person to become accustomed to behaving well, so he becomes accustomed to and would feel guilty for not doing so. Someone who has been accustomed to bathe twice a day, will feel bad if he bathe only once a day. Good habits when it becomes automatic instinct, the person will feel bad if you do not do such a good habit. Similarly, bad habits, 261 which used to lie to someone who would feel no guilt in doing so. However, educating good habits is not enough. Someone who used to do good is not necessarily appreciate the importance of moral values (valuing). For example, a person does not steal because of the punitive sanctions, it is not necessarily uphold the values of honesty itself. It is therefore an important component that also should be noted on character education is to foster a sense of desire to do good (desiring the good). Desire to do good is derived from a love for doing good (loving the good). Aspect of love is what Piaget referred to as sources of energy can be effectively functioning knowledge of the moral, so they can make someone have a consistent character. If the spiritual perspective, foster a love of virtue is to facilitate that human nature is likely to be the sanctity of a flourish. This love will be the most effective internal control, reverse and external controls. As an example of the lack of influence of external control in shaping the character of a person is about cheating habits in the classroom. This fraudulent behavior can indeed be reduced by providing the following sanctions: a harder, seating arrangements, and tight control of the gum. As well as the level of corruption in countries with legal systems work well and do it consistently, is much lower than in countries such as weak legal system in Indonesia. But still, cheating behavior occurs, for example in the U.S. with financial manipulation in the Enron case, and many other companies, which posted trehwa external control, cannot create a human character. Because of their unwillingness to corruption due to fear of heavy penalties, not because they are honest. External control is important and necessary, to provide an environment to familiarize the public itondusif well behaved. 262 But the effect is stronger internal controls. As Hannya Berkowitz (1998) which says that the habit of doing good ti always guarantees that the man who had been accustomed to (cognition) to appreciate the importance of character values (valuing). For example, someone who used to tell the truth for fear it could have been punished this person not understand the high moral values of honesty itself. Therefore, character education requires also the emotional aspects. According to Lickona (1991), this component is called the "desiring thr good" or desire to do good. According to Samay (1986), fosters a love of the man of moral values is important because this aspect of love (emotion) is "the general supply of all behavior, Integrating the force of all knowledge and valuation" (p. 73 ). Or also known as a source of energy and moral functioning (Piaget, 1981) Piaget, J. (1981) .., Plato says that children should be provided with moral education so that they could 'tall in love with virtue and hate vice "(falling in love with virtue and hate munkar) ... The love that is the source of energy for humans to want to do good. Loving the good aspects of character education is the most difficult to teach, because it involves the emotions (Ica brain / Ian). Berkowitz (1998) divides these two aspects of emotion, the selfcensorship internal controls) as set forth above, and pro-social. Internal control is associated with feelings of guilt (feeling guilty) Jan shame (shame), where this control will prevent someone from Puruk behavior and there is always a desire to improve themselves. While pro-social aspect is related to the emotions that comes from seeing the difficulty. Or suffering of others, and is commonly referred to as a sense of empathy and sympathy. Although the moral aspect of feeling is difficult to be grown, unless it has been taught since childhood, but it can still be cultivated through education from kindergarten to higher education In the process of education of children should be able to generate commitment to the values of honesty: this bias through discussion, dialogue, which refers to the standard values of honesty, is more effective than external controls such as rules and sanctions. By raising awareness of the importance of behaving will arise a sense of love for the value of honesty, and this can be, internal controls over a sustained impact, while the external control will still make some people to cheat when there are gaps and opportunities. (Ratna Megawangi: 2009) If the internal controls and prosocial aspects have been embedded within the individual, then that person can be said as a man who lived his life just based on moral principles, or has become a man of bright mind. This is the wisdom that is not personally be affected by bad passions urge was in him, including the collective communal values that conflict with his conscience. Many say that guilt, shame, empathy and sympathy should be developed before children enter formal schooling. Moral emotions can grow in the first and second age of the child, in which Hoffman says that children ages 1 and 2 years old already have a sense of empathy for the troubles of others. Megawangi (2002) says that when children enter the formal school (kindergarten) children should already have a sense of guilt, shame, empathy, sympathy, pride and so forth, and the task is to better direct the school again so that children can always be loved goodness and hate rebellion. By therefore appropriate as stated by William Kilpatrick in Fasli Jalal (2010) explains that the educational process in educating early childhood should involve at least three aspects, "training of the reason, training of the will, and the training of the imagination ", which means similar to" know, or want to practice, and love ". Dideinisikan character education is the education to shape one's personality through character education, the results are seen in one's action, which is good behavior, honesty, responsibility, respect the rights of others, hard work, and so forth. Looking at the complexity of the educational process individual characters, then it's time to approach character education (including religious education may be) to be reviewed, so as to involve all of aspects of "knowing the good loving and desiring the good and the good acting" (Knowing, Loving, Wanting, and Working) simultaneously and continuously. The explanation may explain why the lessons of religion, Pancasila Moral Education, which since the 1st grade through university level is a mandatory subject in Indonesia, but does not give effect to human behavior Indonesia. It turned out that too much emphasis is knowing the good aspects of it (knowledge, cognitive), and involves almost no aspect of feeling and practice how to do it in everyday life. With character education is expected to be the solution to these failures. Therefore, Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF) has made a pioneering barn to create a character education using sustainable strategies in implementing the nine pillars of character that is the way to train children to "know, love. Want, and practice virtue." The method is by discussing, sharing, practicing all the time, singing, and playing By encouraging children to join our discussion, children accustomed to get. Curriculums dared to think and has been developed for pre-school level Primary School sisters system uses a competency-based evaluation that involves aspects of the character, so the teacher will be explicitly focused on the 263 purpose of how to shape the character of children. 2. Working out the role of the Education Unit Character In Early Childhood The role of the educational unit has been seen already developing and implementing the values forming the character through the operational program of each educational unit. This is a precondition of character education in the educational unit to the next at this time by 18 amplified the results of empirical studies Curriculum Center. The value is a precondition, among others, god-fearing, clean, tidy comfortable, and courteous. In order to further strengthen the implementation of character education has been identified 18 values derived from religion, Pancasila, Culture, and aim of National Education, namely: (1) Religious, (2) honest, (3) tolerance, (4) Discipline, (5) Work hard (6) Creative, (7) Independent, (8) Democratic, (9) Pain Want Know, (10) The spirit of nationality, (11) Love the country, (12) Rewarding Achievement, (13) Friendly / Communicative, (14) Love of Peace, (15) Joy of Reading, (16) Care for the Environment, (17) Care Social, & (18) Responsibility (Curriculum Center. Development and Character Education Culture & People: Guidelines for Schools. 2009:9-10). Although there have been 18 forming the national character, but the educational unit to determine its development priorities with the cam continues to be strengthened with some of the preconditions of prioritized values and values above 18. In its implementation, the number and type of the selected character will certainly vary from one institution to another one. It depends on the interests and condition of each educational unit. Among the various values of the characters are developed, the 264 implementation can be started from the essential, simple, and easily implemented in accordance with the conditions of each school, which is clean, neat, comfortable, disciplined, polite and courteous. For early childhood institutions that need to be developed should be the basic values that the content does not deviate from the level of achievement of the development of moral values and religion as it is implicit in the Government Regulation No. 58 Permendiknas Year 2009 and the Guidelines for Character Education and the Ministry of Research and Development Center for Curriculum and library in 2011. 3. Character Education in Early Childhood Early childhood education to meet international commitments on education for all, klosul first stated that, expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, ESPECIALLY for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children; even further in the sixth klosul stated overall educational program meets Hams aspects of quality as expressed, improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so That Recognized and measurable learning outcomes are Achieved by all, ESPECIALLY in literacy, Numeracy and skills essential *. In the first education for all, especially for young children has been implicated both developed and developing countries, but the compliance aspect of quality, and compliance sheerness essential life skills do not meet established standards. This could Mutt of the number of qualified teachers is only about 20%, so a lot of impact in the learning process, class handling cars, the assessment process and further more difficult to measure in almost all stages of education and hard putt to measure the essential life skills mastered by the participants learners in early childhood education. Meanwhile, learning technology products have been spread among other early childhood implementation using Beyond Center and Circle Time (BCCT) or use the Center's approach and circle with an emphasis on the theory put forward Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Theory emphasizes that every child has potential and talent that can be developed within the intended capabilities include the following: 1). Linguistic intelligence, 2). Logicalmathematical intelligence 3). Spatial Intelligence 4). Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence 5). Musical intelligence, 6), Interpersonal intelligence 7), intrapersonal intelligence, and 8). Naturalist intelligence. In the implementation of sexing up some problems in early childhood education is partially done and the results cannot be measured with a model and learning method that is, the more so many assumptions that have not been measured in comparison with that derived from the surrounding environment. By structuring a more imitation and import EXS learning methods, which are expected early childhood education valuing succeeded in creating the character of the learner rather skeptical to be realized. This objection is due only be taught by educators and the perception of its readiness to take into consideration the aspect of simplicity or more of Educators undersimplificated approach will only do one and eight of the most mastered the ability of intelligence and other abilities to ignore the selflearner who is not good at. The main objectives for early childhood education is to growing a potential students, because a number of demands instant as expected by the parents and the classroom setting factors are more concerned with the assessment, the low competence of teachers and educational staff, such as the theorized potential In contrast to the demands of an ideal character, in the daily early childhood faced with: Educators who feel the concepts without regard to its social psychological aspects of children, especially educators who faces the broken concept and socioeconomic backgrounds who face; education is not sustainable, where basil education obtained at the level of early childhood education is more oriented to learning a fun erased by a further burden the practice of children with a number of concepts. A number of media spectacle through TV and VCD that does not educate a greater emphasis on the Entertainment and violence under the guise of child interest and neglect of children's readiness to accept the view that display the wise; The ratio of teachers and students of higher education less the outpouring of attention can be given to students and more students to be aware of a teacher, that teacher is no longer possible notice of a person's character carefully. Addressing the phenomenon associated with the empirical conditions that occur, Megawangi (2004) argued that: Education is the character of long-term process that must begin early and be done gradually and continuously. Character education is not a straightforward instance of education, but takes steps to go through phases of stimulation and internalization process that will encourage the formation of behavioral explanations exactly. From Megawangi has provided an overview on the kits that form the human character it is necessary to stimulate continuous stimulation, and gradually according to the level of growth and development of each child. Model Character Education Early Childhood In accordance with the Stages 265 of Moral Development of Children as with any aspect of motor development, mental, social and anal that goes in stages and requires an approach that should be in accordance with the stages of child's age, character education provided to children also should pay attention to the stages of moral development of children. According to a psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, a person who avoids bad behavior because of fear of punishment is the lower moral level. But the highest moral level is when a person has a rational understanding of the universal moral principles to the survival of a system of society can be maintained, and this stage can be achieved only by adults. Thomas Lickona (1992) says that a person who upholds moral principles merely to maintain a social system of sociality, not necessarily have the highest moral level. According to him, could have a social system predispose individuals to behave badly (e.g. call for war to bomb other countries, although Harris killed many innocent people). Waiting Lickona (1992) that have a high moral level are those that can maintain the moral principles that respect human rights, though it should be opposed to a bad social system to achieve the highest moral level, some experts arrange the stages of moral development of individuals, that in fact each other are complementary. Character education both at home and at school Hams tailored to the stages of moral development of children so that the approach should be (appropria). Lickona (1992) formulated the theory of moral development of children by adopting the theories that have been developed previously by Kohlberg, William Damon, and Robert Selmon. There are six phases according to Kohlberg's moral development. ' "Meanwhile, according to Erik Erikson '" says there are 8 stages. By summarizing the theory of Thomas Lickona, with comes with the theory of Lawrence Kohlberg, 266 and others, these phases can be described as follows: Baby Phase: Building a Moral Foundation Kohlberg says that babies do not understand about moral amoral), so do not understand the meaning of good and bad. The role of parents in this phase is so large, because the moral foundation was formed in this phase. In the early days of baby‘s live, mother and child attachment is required. The results of the literature study conducted by Judith Schickedanz. has proved the positive influence of the history of the influence of psychological attachment to the child when the baby is very influential on a child's behavior at the next age. Children who have a strong psychological attachment to his mother to have a better nature, that is easy to get along, easy set up, have a high motivation to learn, enthusiastic about the activities at school, compared with children who as infants are less closely the relationship with his mother. (Judith Schickedanz: 1995) Besides Erikson said that the formation age of the baby is trust versus. Mistrust (believing the opponent does not believe). If the quality is good care (given love, attention, and stimulation of a good thing), then the confidence of children by people other than him will be formed, so that in later development, is Alcan believes it to others. Trust is important in inter-personal relationships in the community, and cause feelings of the children that this world is a safe and enjoyable. Phase 1: Thinking Egoseatris Lickona (1992) says that this egocentric phase thinking the revolves around the age of 4 years. While Kohlberg can be started at the age of 1 to 5 years. Meanwhile, according to Erikson phase 1. Till think egocentric point of 3 years of age, the term Ericson is the establishment of autonomy. At this time the children will do better if there is reward or praise, and fear of punishment if guilty. Children at this age are selfcentered, making it difficult to share toys with friends. By karma, good schools Hams set up more than a toy of the same type, so there is no conflict between his friends at school. At the age of 2 -3 years of a child who tends to selfish, then there is the tendency of parents or teachers often prohibit or yelled at the child. According to Erikson, children are banned and yelled too much will not be formed sense of independence, so the child becomes shy and insecure. Faced with these children is to give a gentle but firm guidance, and give clear reasons why an action is prohibited. According to Lickona, children aged 2-3 years can already be introduced to good manners, and good and bad deeds. At this age a bit unruly, so parents need patience. Lickona said other than selfish, happy child at this stage to break the rules, showing off din, and happy to impose its will sometimes done, the manipulative and lying. However, this phase the child can understand the rules of moral good / bad when it is taught. They want to behave well because they want to get a reward / praise and avoid punishment. They could also demonstrate a willingness to cooperate and Icasth unfortunately so far no conflicts with its interests. According to Lickona, character education to the children of this phase can be done by providing incentives to get children to behave well (for example, with honors), provide clear direction about how good deeds (for example, a child who will not hit his ball), giving the rule / sanctions are obvious (for example, children who shout vulgar will not be given the opportunity to draw on the board). This method is effective because the children in this egocentric phase according to the degree their interests would be met. PHASE 2: to obey without TERMS By Thomas Lickona, this phase ranges from 4.5 to 6 years of age, called the phase obey unconditionally. Children at this age are easy in and deal with, so they are easy to work on parent command or gum. The reason they want to obey because in order to avoid problems or penalties. But there are times when children this age still shows the behavior of the children first phase, which is very egocentric. This means that the children's moral development is not optimal. Lickona (1992) in Ratna Megawangi (2009) says that the hallmark of moral development of children between the assessments of this phase includes: Able to accept other people's views, but views are considered correct adult can respect the authority of parents assume that adults are omniscient and is easy to see that mischievous friend or against the rules. Happy to tell his friends that bad because they think adults are the only moral role models. They consider that a violation of the rules Hares punished and the good rewarded Hams. Although they think that they Hams abide by the rules, if there is no (one adult / teacher to see, they tend against. They do not understand why rules are made. According to Ratna Megawangi (2009): the content of character education can be provided in external control where teachers can teach authoritatively morally good or bad. They strongly believe that what the teacher says is true, and then the emphasis on the importance of good manners and courtesy will be very effectively done in this phase. But Lickona said that the character education approach Hams also provide opportunities for children to understand the reasons for reasons other than the authority of 267 teachers, but cannot see at higher levels. Therefore, it needs to be given its own perspective in educating children. Teach morals to children at this stage can be a tendency to use the principle of reciprocity they can negotiate to get a deal that is fair for them. But educators Hams give understanding to enable them to reach the next stage of moral development. Because if not, the kids just think the principle of reciprocity, or reply-reply to adulthood. Erikson supposes that during this age (6 years until the early pubertal) children at the stage of industry versus inferiority. If the previous stages of the child will feel happy to take the initiative to start something, the next stage of development is satisfied that the child will have completed the something. Erikson reminded that this age is the most critical age. Because if a parent or teacher can not instill a sense of industry (flavors are able to perform the task), children will be inferior (inferior) that will carry over to adulthood. Phase 3: Meeting the Expectations Environment (Peeroriented Morality) If the truth is determined by the previous phase of an authority figure. at this stage is determined by the environment according to Bronfenbrenner peers. Kohlberg called the phase of "anakbaik". Children in this phase to be accepted by his friends, so the action tends to be adjusted to what the environment dlharapkan by peers. At this time the children have understood the moral good and evil, but rather driven by the desire for a child to say good by the environment.( Hurlock : 1992) Thomas Lickona said that this period can take place at the age of 8.5 to 14 years. And he said, typical of moral development at this stage: o Want to get social rewards from other people that want to do something for 268 o o o o others to think that "I am a good person." Been able to understand the concept of 'golden rules ";" Hams memperlalcukan others as you expect others to treat you. " Can understand what is required of others, not merely thinking "what can I get". If they can put themselves in others, they can do good. Could accept the authority of parents and think "parents are wise and necessary to follow his advice". Can accept responsibility and do for the sake of his family, because they already have a perspective as a member of a group. Because of its orientation to gain acceptance dart their tend to feel less confident or feeling Wilk injunction (especially in the early days of puberty). Thus, in the aim may fall to negative things to gain acceptance and its peer group. Already started to have a conscience, but not yet stable, because it is easily affected by the outer environment especially with regard to self-concept to be received by the environment. Maintaining a good relationship with them by communicating, tuna as well as in solving the problem, and help them to find her identity. Phase 4: Want to Keep the Group of Oriented collective & Morality) In this phase the child feels that he has a duty to maintain the integrity of the group, the group loyalty to liability, so the interest groups has to above personal interests. If according to Kolhberg, this phase is referred to as the law-and-order stage, the children feel loyalty to the rules of the group was his duty to order and peace maintained. Kohlberg gave a higher stage and law-and-order stage, stage 5 is called social-contract stage (stages of social consensus), but essentially the same. The respect and abide by the rules prevailing in the community. The majority of adolescents aged 16-19 years is expected to be able to achieve this moral stages, namely adherence to the rules and code of ethics in society. Usually the person who has reached the stage it will respect the moral of his leader, and considered the leader is always right According to Lickona, moral level that can be achieved at this age youth: Believe that a good man is responsible for a role in the social system in which it resides parents and educators can help them to achieve the highest moral stage, which is sticking to moral principles that uphold human rights, although it must be contrary to the social system, Inviting those discussions that could brighten their conscience based on the principle respect and doing other duties as members of a system social. Call discuss moral issues faced by society, and encourage them to think how to make a positive contribution to the social system. Give them real experience in participation in the community (social work, make money themselves, help those who need it, learn to live independently outside of the house, Scouts, camping, etc.). Encourage them to think about his future. instill a bright future that can only be achieved with education, discipline, and hard work. Give them real experience in participation in the community (social keija, seeking his own money, helping people who need it, learn to live independently outside; scouts, camping, etc.). Encourage them to think about his future. Instill a bright future that can only be achieved with education, discipline, and hard work. Phase 5: Morality Not Favor (Objectively Oriented Morality) Kohlberg says this stage as the stage 6 called universal principles that are fully committed to universal moral principles "indiscriminately". If there is any conflict between the rules / groups that conflict with universal moral principles, then the person who has reached this stage of moral will cling to the moral principles universal, although Hams contrary to the group / community / government. If there is a conflict between laws / regulations with a conscience, they will obey what his conscience says, although it must bear the personal risk, because of its commitment to the belief in the equal rights of all people, regardless of fur. If Thomas Lickona said that this face can be achieved at the age of 20 years. Those who have reached this stage will refer to the moral conscience. Although the earlier stages of moral (is already good, even the rare adult who can reach this stage, but this stage does not reflect the highest moral quality. The highest moral level is when a person has a rational understanding of the universal moral principles to the survival of the entire system society can be maintained. Thomas Lickona (2003)says that someone who upholds moral principles merely to maintain a social system sociality, not necessarily have the highest moral level. According to him, could have social system effect individuals to be not good, although the reason is to maintain integrity of social systems. According to Lickona one who has the highest moral level are those that can maintain the moral principles that respect human rights, although Hams opposite social systems. man who has reached the stage of moral as this will not be easily provoked or influenced by the propaganda of its leaders, because awareness of conscience just sticking to moral principles that respect every human being, despite different social systems. 269 Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF) has compiled the three components mentioned Lickona characters into a series of values that should be taught to children, which include, namely: (a) the love of God and all His creation, (b) independence and accountability answer: (c) honesty / trust, wise; (d) respect and courtesy; (e) Generous, helpful, and mutual assistance; (f) self-confident, creative and hard working, (g) leadership and justice; ( h) the kind and humble, and (i) tolerance, peace and freedom. (Megawangi: 2004:94) On the other hand the category of value is based on the consideration that in effect the behavior of a person of character embodies the totality of the psychological function that covers all the potential of the human individual and cultural functions in the context of the totality of social interaction and last a lifetime. Configuring the characters in the context of the totality of the psychological and socio-cultural can be grouped into: if the heart, if thought, sports and kinesthetic, and if the sense and intention. All four psychosocial processes that have a coherent and holistic interconnectedness and complementary, as well as individual psychosocial process is conceptually a group of noble values that it contains a value that should be taught to students. Implementation of Character Education in Early Childhood Education Unit Education model is expected to be characters learning materials (lesson learns) for each educational unit. The following are examples of character education are to develop a model of cultural approaches. Principles and Approaches Culture and Character Development Nation Education In principle, the development of culture and nation character not included as a subject but is integrated into the subject, selfdevelopment, and school culture. Therefore, early childhood educators and 270 Education Unit to integrate the values developed in the culture and character education into the curriculum, syllabus, RKM, and early childhood. Learning principles used in the development of education character, getting learners to recognize and accept the value- cultural values and character as their own and take responsibility for his decision through the familiar stages of selection, assess options, determine the establishment, and then make a value in accordance with such confidence. With this principle, learners learn through the process of thinking, behaving, and doing. Three processes are intended to develop the skills of learners in doing social activities and encourages students to see themselves as social beings. Fasli Jalal (2011) suggested several principles that are used in the development of character education are as follows: .1) Sustainability; implies that the process of developing the values of character education is a long process, starting early and get students to complete and an educational unit. (2) Through all the themes study, development, and school culture requires that the process of developing characters values that go through each and every center of learning themes or areas of learning every day. (3). Values are not taught but developed; implies that mated value of culture and national character is not the usual materials, that is, the value is not used as subject matter set forth as it does when teaching a concept, theory, procedures, or facts as in religious subjects, the Indonesian language, Civics, Science, Social Studies, mathematics, physical education and health, art, and skill. Beginning with an introduction to understanding the value of teachers' guides developed by the learners to actively and effectively keeps the time .. This is done without the teacher told the students that they must be active, but the teachers plan learning activities that lead to active learners formulate questions, search for sources of information, and collect information from sources, process the information already possessed, reconstructs data, facts, or the value , presents the results of the reconstruction or development process, fostering cultural values and character in them through a variety of learning activities that occur in the classroom, school, and duties outside the school. Closing Character education in addition to developing and strengthening private potential also filter effect from outside which could ultimately shape the character of the students for the better. Efforts to establish this character is purely only in educational institutions through a series of learning activities through a series of subjects and self-development activities conducted at the inside and outside of school. These usuallity in everyday life also made, such as: religious, honest, disciplined, tolerant, hard work, love peace, responsibility, etc.. These values would need to be fostered, which in turn can form the personal character of learners who in turn is a reflection of life of a great nation. Culture and National Character education is not a subject that stands alone or is a value that is taught, but rather the effort to plant good values through subjects, self-development program and school culture. Similarly, selfdevelopment, such as school routines, spontaneous activity, exemplary, conditioning. Cultural planning and development of character this nation needs to be done by all stakeholders in the school together as a community educator in the school curriculum is applied to produce the next school culture. References Aristotle, ( 1987).,The Nichomachean Ethics ( I.E. Weldon, Trans) Albuquerque, NM: American Classical Colledge Press. Berk. L. E dan A Winsler, (1995). Scaffolding Children Learning : Vygotsky and Early Childhood Education,Washington DC, NAEYC, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, (1997). Garis Besar Program Kegiatan, Jakarta : Depkes RI. Hurlock, Elizabeth, B. 1992. Perkembangan Anak Jilid 1 dan 2. Jakarta : Erlangga Jalal,Fasli., (2011) Model Pendidikan Karakter,Disampaikan dalam pelatihan instruktur Anak usia Dini, Jakarta. Kemdiknas. (2010).Buku Induk Pembangunan Karakter. Jakarta. Kemdiknas. (2010). Desain Induk Pendidikan Karakter (hal. 8-9). Jakarta. Kemdiknas. (2010). Rencana Aksi Nasional Pendidikan Karakter. Jakarta. Kirlpaatrick, (1997) Experiments in Moral education. Paper presented in the Seventh International kongress of profesors World Academiy, Washington D., C, Novemver 24-29, 1997. Megawangi, Ratna, (2009),. Pendidikan Karakter, Indonesia Heritage Foundation, Jakarta Lickona, T. (1992).,Education For character Haw Our Schools Can Teach Respect and Responsibility: New York: Bantam Books. Lickona, T. E Shchaps, and C. Levis. (2003).,Eleven Principles of Effective Character , Washington D.C. Chharacter Education Partnership.. Pusat Kurikulum. (2009).Pengembangan dan Pendidikan Budaya dan 271 Karakter Bangsa:Pedoman Sekolah (hal. 9--10). Jakarta. Samay, S.A. (1996).,Affectivity : The Power Base of Moral Behavior, In G. Mc .Mclan, F E Elirod,. D.L.Schikdler, & J.A. ( eds), Act and agent : Philoshopival Foundation of Moral education and Character Development ( pp. 73-1.14) : New York: University Press Of Amerika. 272 THE INFLUENCE OF MANIPULATIVE TOYS TO MATH LEARNING OUTCOMES OF 6-7 YEARS OLD CHILDREN (AN EKSPERIMEN IN 1TH CLASS OF TELUK PUCUNG ASRI VIII ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN BEKASI) Pupung Puspa Ardini An Early Childhood Education Lecturer Of Gorontalo State University Abstract Mathematics is the based of knowledge that children will find everyday. The application of this science was unconsciously do every day even when playing. However, in educational institutions, especially schools, learning math become a scourge that is very difficult. Thus, the study was conducted aiming to obtain empirical data on the effect of manipulative toys of mathematics learning outcomes of children aged 6-7 years old. The method used in this study is to design experiments Randomized control group pretest-posttest. Data collection techniques using the techniques of written test with objective form fields. After doing analysis of data, the conclusion there are differences in mathematics learning outcomes of children who are given manipulative toys and without manipulative toys. Thus, therefore to enhance the mathematical learning of children aged 6-7 years old, educators need to provide a means of manipulative play in the classroom. Then the material is delivered with a child involving the active use of tools such games. Key words: the study of mathematics, manipulative toys, children aged 6 -7 year Introduction Mathematicsis a system ofquantitativethinkingthatis adevelopmentofthinking skills. Mathematicscan shapea personbecomemore disciplinedin your thinking, becausein it there isa systematicstepstosolve aproblem. Without realizing it, children will always encounter the mathematics everyday. Suchaspouringa glassof water, the childwilluse themathematical sciences, namelyan estimateorpredictwhichwilloccupya glassof water. Thusman can notescape themath. But the reality that exists in society, mathematics has always been a frightening specter. Mathematics lesson that is feared to be causing the child's learning outcomes has declined. This is caused by some unscrupulous educators who sometimes pay less attention to the development of student learner characteristics, which in this case is the early childhood. Thus, educators sometimes pay less attention to the stages that must be given a developmentally appropriate early childhood, especially children aged 6-7 years. At this age according to Piaget, cognitive stages children are still in pre-concrete operational stage. At this stage of the child still requires concrete objects and fun method of obtaining information about a concept. Educators do more for the transfer of information in the form of knowledge without regard to the understanding and the application in daily life as a stage of the process of children's cognitive domain that is being developed. Thus the cognitive development of children less than optimal. Besidesmathematicalmaterialdeliv ered onlyby usingthe lecture methodand doingthe questionsin writingonly,so 273 thatchildrenare lesseagerto learn. Implementationstrategiesvariedlearningan d funforchildrencan be donethroughplay. This is in accordancewith anyprinciples ofearly childhoodlearning, bylearningthrough play.This is so thechild'slong-termmemorycan bemore easily arousedtoreceiveandstore information. According toWoolfolk, informationwouldeasilybe absorbedif thesource of informationto the attention ofthe child. Therefore,researchers interested in studyingthe influence ofmanipulativetoysformathlearning outcomesof children aged6-7 years. Discuss A. MathematicsLearning Outcomes 1.Learning Outcomes According toAbdurrahman, the resultsobtained bystudyingtheability ofa personafter going through thelearning activities(1996:31). According toSudjana, learning outcomesareshownthe resultsafter alearning experience(2005:5). According toWaluyo, the results oflearningarelearningthe valuedetermined bythe assessmentormeasurement oflearninginthe learning processor aspecifictime(1997:20). Activitymeasurementwas carried outtomeasure thesuccess of thechildrenreceivingthe information whenteaching and learning activitiestake place. It can be concludedthatlearning outcomesarethe results obtainedafter thechildthroughthe learning experience. The resultswere determinedthroughmeasurement whenthe learning processtakes placeor aparticulartime. Learning outcomescan beinfluencedbyseveralfactorsboth internal and external. Internal factorsconsistofphysicalandpsychological. Physicalfactorsincludephysicalhealth. Psychological factorsincludeintelligence, 274 interests, talents, motivation, andmaturity. External factorsconsistof the curriculum, interactionwith teachers, environmental conditions areconduciveandeffective, and the community. Thesefactorsincludethechild's activity, the role ofthe media, friendshanging out, andforms ofcommunity lifein the environmentaround the child. 2.Mathematics According to Copeland, mathematics is a quantitative thinking as developing the ability to find, create, test, and generalize (1994:112). Mathematics is not only concerned with numbers, but it is a set of ideas and principles that can understand and relate to each other. According to Johnson and Myklebust in Abdurrahman, the symbolic language of mathematics is a practical function to express the quantitative relations and spatial (1996:217). According to Bakhtiar, mathematics is a language that represents a set of meanings of a series of statements to be conveyed (2004:188). Based onsomepreviousstatementscan be concludedthat, mathematicsis asymboliclanguagethatis aresultofthe development ofquantitativethinkingability todiscover, create, test, andgeneralizetoexpressquantitativerelation sandspatial. According to Burn and Lorton, mathematics for early childhood has three stages, including: (1) understanding the concept stage, (2) phase transition, (3) phase of the introduction of symbol number (2000:22). Understanding of the concept stage is the initial stage of the child to obtain information about mathematical concepts. At this stage of early childhood, particularly children aged 6-7 years will be introduced to mathematical concepts through concrete objects, because the cognitive stage of preoperational children are still concrete. At this stage of understanding the concept, the child will get to know eight-track mathematics, including numbers (arithmetic), patterns and functions, geometry, graph metrics, estimation, probability, and problem solving (2000:2). The second stage is the intermediate stage of understanding the concept with the introduction of the symbol number. At this stage students begin to connect the concrete objects with mathematical symbols. For example, there are two pictures of umbrellas are connected by two-digit symbol. The third stage is the stage number symbol. At this stage the children have started to use mathematical symbols and no longer using objects to make the concept concret. According to Marks, the delivery of material for early childhood mathematics should consider some basic principles, such as readiness to learn, inquiry and discovery, emphasis on the stages of learning math, comprehension, exercising regularly and periodically, a variety of activities, exercises that are rational, the application of ( 1988:26). Educators must consider the child's readiness to learn, that educators must be sensitive to children's readiness to receive the material. This relates to the characteristics of child development. any mathematical material to be presented must be adjusted to the characteristics of child development to match the capabilities of the child. The principle is the principle of investigation and discovery relating to the learning process. When children are involved active learning implemented in the process of investigation and discovery problem solving maths problems. The principle of emphasis on the stages of learning mathematics, is a principle that must be considered when drawing up the material gradually from the simple and basic to the more difficult and complex. The principle of understanding the principles for educators to always pay attention to the situation of children. attention to the child's level of understanding in more depth before proceeding to the next math materials. Principle of exercising regularly and periodically, and are rational, that is the principle for educators to always provide opportunities for children to practice solving math problems. Training provided should be appropriate to the material that has been given and in accordance with the stages of child development. The material is presented to the children's attention and is easily absorbed and settled in the child's longterm memory, then the material is delivered through a variety of activities such as using a game and do not forget the material obtained is applied in everyday life. 3.Mathematics Learning Outcomes Based on previous exposure to mathematical learning outcomes are the results obtained by the child after receiving the information or knowledge of mathematics (2006: 6). So that optimal results can then mathematics, mathematics learning outcomes can be measured using the cognitive classification, taxonomy model of bloom. This model includes six aspects, including: (1) remember / knowledge, (2) Comprehension, (3) application, (4) analysis, (5) evaluation, (6) creat (2004: 237). According Arikunto used to evaluate elementary school students only consists of three levels, namely knowledge, comprehension, and application. This is based on the taxonomic classification for the order shows that the more serious business (2006: 121). For example, for understanding, students can first remember or know the return (2005: 165). To measure the learning outcomes of 275 mathematics can be done through a written test techniques. B.ManipulativeToys Manipulationplay is aplayactivityby usingcertain toolsas a complementto fosterchildren's specialabilitiessuch asmathematical ability. ManipulativeaccordingTedjasaputrais an activityto use somethingskillfully. Something thatcanbe madeis treatedaccording tothe willand themindorthe imaginationof childrenwhodo(2001: 82). AccordingSudono, manipulativetoysaretoysthat can beusedtodevelopchildren's cognitive. Thesetoysconsistofalltoyswithsmallsizean dcan beplayed on a table(2000: 128). AccordingMontesori, "manipulative toysarethetoysillustrateConceptThatSucha slargeand small, hot cold, loud andsoft, and soon"Toolsmanipulativegameis a tool usedbychildrentoacquirea knowledge ofanunderstanding ofthe concept of learning(www. michelolaf.com, 2005, retrieved September 2010). Based onpreviousexposure, it can be manipulativeplaythingis asmall gameandis playedon a table thatcanbe usedtoobtaina conceptof knowledgeso as to developchildren's cognitiveandtrain studentsskill. Manipulativetoyshas severalfeatures, including: (1)meansthe gamecanstimulate studentsto activelyparticipatein the process ofplaying, (2)unstructuredtoyform, (3)toysmadehas a purposefora particulardevelopment(www.indosiar.com -news-htm, 2005, retrieved September 2010). Manipulative toys have some condition that the child is assured of safety and comfort when playing with these toys. These terms include, (1) can be used in a constructive way or that can be made in 276 various forms, (2) intended for children over the age of 1.5 years, and serves to develop the various aspects of development, (3) made of materials that are safe for children, not sharp and use a non-toxic paint, (4) the child is actively involved or do something (1992: 43). Some manipulative toys can be used to develop simple mathematical ideas for young children especially ages 6-7 years (1992: 18). Among them some toys, peg boards that can be used to convey the concept of arithmetic or numeracy and the introduction of simple statistics. In addition to the peg board game equipment that could be used to convey the concept of arithmetic is a set of beads as ronce. The beads can also help educators convey the concept of patterns and functions based on the pattern of colors or shapes, sizes concepts, the concept of estimation or forecast, and the concept of probability. Lego, blocks and puzzles, can be used by educators to develop the concept of geometry and mathematics problem solving (www.michelolaf.com, 2005, retrieved September 2010). C.Cognitive development of 6-7 YearOlds According to Piaget, children aged 6-7 years are in pre-operational stage of cognitive development of concrete (1996: 58). According to Hughes, children aged 6-7 years had some characteristics of cognitive development, including: (1) wholeheartedly devote attention and work that is intellectual, (2) imagination soar, (3) capable of performing the operation count to five, ( 4) can be demonstrated using one hand five, (5) can count to 30 (1993: 2). According to Hurlock, children aged 6-7 years have the characteristics of cognitive development, including: (1) is able to recognize numbers up to five hundred in stages, (2) recognize the value of the place, (3) has the ability to recognize the concepts in math concepts such as addition and subtraction, the concept of calculating the mixture, the concept of multiplication, and division, the concept of built space, broad concepts, the concept of time, (5) able to classify objects according to the story, (6) is able to play the puzzle (1999: 20). According to Armstrong, there are some characteristics of the cognitive development of children aged 6-7 years, including: (1) the child can calculate arithmetic problems quickly by rote, (2) enjoy the computer language Conclusion The results ofthis studyconcludedthat there aredifferences inmathematicslearning outcomesof children aged6-7 yearsareinthe process ofdelivery of contentusing amathmanipulativegameswithgamesthat do not usemanipulativetool. It appears thatmathematicscan be developedthroughactivelearningandfunto usetoolpermainan.Dalamthis,educatorssho uldenhancethe learningtechniquesare more varieduseof the game.Educatorsalsoneed toprepare fora gamedevicein accordancewith thematerial to bedelivered soright on target. Effectivenessof timeis also worth notingthatthe material presentedcan be furtheroptimizedandthoroughly.Thusmath ematicsmaybea funlessonandeagerly awaited byyoung children,particularly children aged6-7 years. References Abdurrahman, Mulyono. Pendidikan Bagi anak Berkesulitan Belajar. Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1996. Cohen, David. The Development of Play. London : Routledge, 1993. Copeland, W. Richard. How Children Learns Mathematics. New York : Mc Millan Publishing Co, Inc, 1994. Griffiths, Rose. Bermatematika Sambil Bermain. Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1992. Hughes, Fergus P. Children, Play, and Development. Massachusetts : Simon ang Schuster,Inc, 1993. Hurlock, Elizabeth B. Perkembangan Anak Jilid II. Jakarta : Erlangga, 1999. Jr, Philips John L. The Origins of Intellect Piagets Theory. San Fransisco : Freeman and Company, 1996. Marks, John L. Metode Pengajaran Matematika untuk Sekolah Dasar. Jakarta : Erlangga, 1988. Munandar, Utami S.C. kreativitas dan Keberbakatan. Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2004. Paige, Donald D, et.all. Elementary Mathematical Methods. Canada: John Wiley and sons,1992. Sudjana, Nana. Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2005. Sudono, Anggani. Sumber Belajar dan Alat Permainan. Jakarta : PT. Grasindo,2000. Sujiono, Yuliani Nurani. Kurikulum Alternatif Berbasis Kompetensi. Jakarta : Pusdiani Press, 2002. Tedjasaputra, Mayke S. Bermain, Mainan, dan Permainan. Jakarta : Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, 2001. Waluyo, H.Y. Penilaian Pencapaian Hasil Belajari. Jakarta : Karunika, 1997. Wortham, Sue C. Assesment in Early Childhood Education.New Jersey : Pearson, 2005 www.indosiar.com-news-htm, diunduh pada 25 September 2010 www.michelolaf.com, diunduh pada 25 September 2010. 277 Zulkifli. 278 Psikologi Perkembangan. Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 1992. KIDPRENEUR AN EARLY EFFORT OF PLANTING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN CHILDREN TO EMBRACE THE FUTURE Prasetyo Ari Bowo FE Unnes [email protected] Abstract Population growth measured geometrically will difficult to be matched by the growth of employment opportunities that grow arithmetically. There are plenty economic factors that cause it. To meet their needs often as a challenge filled with looking for a good job and high income. Indonesia with large population only has small number entrepreneur, according the report, the number of entrepreneur in Indonesia less than one percent, meanwhile the ideal number for a country is eight percent. This circumstance still far away from seven percent of average neighboring countries. Increasing number of entrepreneur will accelerate economic so that people can reduce dependency to job opportunity. Kidpreneur from the beginning to the children about self-employment to prepare them better when they are as adults to meet these economic challenges. Thus, the entrepreneurial is not only as an alternative but as a freedom in life to determine the way of managing their finance. Keywords: Entrepreneur, children, labor opportunities Preliminary The population of Indonesiais currently morethan 260million, the highestafterIndia, Chinaand the UnitedStates. The high populations willgreatlyacceleratethe growth ofpopulationis basednotjustarithmetically, but geometrically.With an averagegrowth ofsay 6percent per year, Indonesia willhave anewpopulation 15.6million. According to the Law of labor No. 13 of 2003 of Indonesia's population of working age who are in the 15-64 years old referred to the labor force. Indonesia currently has a workforce of about 120 million people. One of the most prominent population problem the high number of populations growing by geometric progression can not be followed by adequate growth in employment, so the emergence numbers of unemployment. Working age population who have been and are earnestly looking for work but have not gotten the job, known as open unemployment (open unemployment). According to BPS (Indonesia statistics organizations) open unemployment in February 2012 when it reached 6.56 percent. This number will continue to increase if not followed by employment growth and create new jobs. Based on exposure above it is not easy to overcome population and employment problems, it is necessary a proper development strategy and an adequate amount of investment to creates larger work opportunities for people. Dependence of labor on the existing employment opportunities will be higher when all the people of the same perception about a job as employee t in order to meet their needs. Thus, government is necessary to increase public interest and opportunities for larger entrepreneurship to reduce the dependence of the population in formal sector as well as providing new jobs for others, which in turn ultimately reduce the number of unemployed. Entrepreneurshipdefined asthe process ofidentifying, 279 developingandcreatinghis ownorganizationbyitself.Gartner(1988)say s thatthe differencebetweenselfemployment andentrepreneurshipisnotthecreation of theorganizationisonly donebyentrepreneurs, whileentrepreneursdo notopenit.People whoperformentrepreneurial activitiesknown as an entrepreneur. There are many definition ofentrepreneurshipthat includes not onlyeconomic,butalsoinvolvessocial and otheraspects. Entrepreneurial spirithasthe powerof innovation, motivation, initiativeandcreativityandstrongforher development. Recorded from 260 million population, Indonesia only has about 0,02 percent entrepreneurs of population (Minister for Economic Affairs, 2012). The ideal conditions for a country to achieve prosperity among entrepreneurs have at least 2 percent of the total population. While some neighboring countries achieve seven percent of entrepreneur. Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) said that it is necessary to encourage young workforce to become entrepreneurs rather than continue expecting to be employee. The statement reflects that more people are hoping to be employee, mostly to be a civil servant (PNS). Employee is considered more secure in the sense of risk compared become entrepreneurs. The lownumber ofentrepreneursinIndonesiacould not be separatedfrom matter that has not beena comprehensive understandingofentrepreneurship. Mostly people thought more like to be employee which is more comfort and without high risk. This couldbebased on the premisethatemployeesonlyneed torun aroutineproductionwithoutactually doinginnovationinresource managementincludingaccess tocapitaland 280 take a riskof aloss. Thus, the entrepreneurial spiritof goodplantingin early childrenforthe better nextgenerationworkforceprepared toreduce its dependenceon the availability ofjobs. The Issues presentedaboveis a matter ofpopulation, employment, economic, tounemploymentproblems are need attention, solutionandcan be solved bymany parties. There is something can be do to solve problems is tomake thebusiness opportunitiesto fulfill their needs.Entrepreneurship also providejobs forother people andprovide educationtoreduce relianceonformalsectoremployment. Planting entrepreneurship in earlychildren to get better understanding of managingfinancesnotonlyforconsumption activities but also can bedigestedby children to prepare maturity in future. Children whohave beenprovided with the abilityto managefinancesandtaughtbelieved tobe better preparedandbetter ableto face their future challenges. Thus we don‘t need to worryabout children.It's nevertooearly to start entrepreneur! Developing an entrepreneurial culture in children is an important factor supporting and believing them to be independent on her own in managing their finances as adults (Shupe, 2011). Children are believed to be more able to survive and develop their potential as adults when they have been introduced early on about money and its functions. It should be instilled early financial independence. Shupe said there are many obstacles to achieving financial independence that is fear, laziness, cynicism, bad habits and arrogance. Bad Attitudes for Children Financial Independence Cultivation of good character in children to achieve financial independence by planting not only do certain things, but also pay attention to things that should be avoided because resistance factor. The following are attitudes need to be avoided: Fear of finances. Fear of losing money is the biggest obstacle to achieving financial independence. This attitude needs to be eliminated earlier so that children brave to manage their finance. To get better understanding of the situation required an illustration, for example that many rich people who lost money but they still have money, mean while the poor do not lose money but they haven‘t much money. Which condition will be chosen by the child? Cynicism is an attitude that assumes there is positive things in the business so that forbids to enter into a business. Cynicism in a child results any doubt to success and will be a major obstacle to financial freedom. Arranging your child to be more optimistic in what they want to do. There is a few opportunities to reach better future, meanwhile cynicism tend to wake up more slowly so that they become one of the reasons being poor. Instillin childrenlazyis verybad culture, it iswrong perception thinking thatchildren will be happywhenwe always to meet their requests. Childwillbecomespoiledwithout good understanding ofthe business and manage their finance. When the child islazywillmakethemweakin problem solving, weakinchoose good or bad thing so that this is will notmake them to be creative. Arrogant attitude in childrenhave an impact onthem. They will get leastinformationfromothersandignoring important information for their financialmanagement. Thus, thechildrenmust be arranged to find information aboutthe things theydo notknow. Considering various matter that must be avoid to early childhood we expecting that children grows without inhibits attitudes and characters that significantly influence their abilities and independence of financial management. This is need a good accompaniment and also an appropriate model from their parents to format such characters that children fully understand the consequences. Build an Entrepreneurial Culture in Children Cultivation of entrepreneurial culture in children is not easy and simple, children need to be excited and rehearsed his consciousness associated with entrepreneurship. The following are the things that need to do in building an entrepreneurial culture in children: First, train the children to communicate with the firm as a habit. Most successful people have communicate to the firm. Second, increase the awareness of entrepreneurship by showing the various of business situations in the real world by bringing them to a place of business such as market or grocery store so they could see the activities and transactions motives. Third, to instill in children about hardworking whether children as rich people condition or not. We expecting children have a power of struggle to get their wants without having to be pampered in a way to meet all their needs. Fourth, give them experience to be entrepreneurs by engaging them in our business. This not only makes parents as a model demonstration, but also provide the opportunity for children to have another experience in the business and manage the finance. Fifth, train children about the other things outside of self-employment to complete their skills and to open their minds. Sixth, introduce them to a successful entrepreneur to get the information they do not know that entrepreneurial success can be giving out the inspiration for them. Seventh, to instill 281 in children so that able to take a wise decision. This can be do by providing an understanding of the difference between their wants and the needs so that bale to make priorities in fulfilling their needs. Efforts to instill the entrepreneurial spirit can also be through the establishment of a good attitude and self confidence in order to they are not shy to another people in social or business interaction. Parents provides some space as a place to bring up inspirations and ideas for children. When children are not meet their wants, they will thinking about the way to achieve their wants. The concept of entrepreneurship is not always oriented in the material things. Teach them the concept how to use money and other material, to instill them that money and another things was not the only one to achieve a happiness. Planting an understanding of the activity that produces something called productive or are rarely encountered. Children are able to think more creatively and productively to produce something, they tend to train their self to achieve certain benefits. Various efforts that have been previously described formatting good mentality for children in order to more able responds and also appreciates the successes and failures as well as the risk of business learning. Fields (2011) says that a research in 2007 and 2010 by the Kaufman Foundation indicates that children prefer to start at the beginning of business if they know any other entrepreneur. Forty percent of children between eight to seventeen years old states that they interested to start a business. Although they do not have as a model in business and as an entrepreneur, that is not an obstacle for them. Children have many advantages to understanding well entrepreneurship. They have a natural curiosity, enthusiasm and more over they have small experience makes them have more willingness to be 282 entrepreneurs. However, parents mostly provide an understanding that to meet challenge children have to achieve good jobs and high income to ensure their lives. Instead of provide understanding how to run a business and financial management well. Evolving paradigm for a job is often seen as become employees, workers and even executives in the company and also a civil servant to meet the needs, self actualization and imaging. People are much more tendency to see the status of the job and how much revenue received without looking deeper into how the process to achieve it all. Entrepreneurs have various demands of creativity and ability in the face of risks to be avoided with a variety of internal and external reasons, difficulty to access capital. Early establishment of entrepreneurship in children will be more able to prepare children to challenges the future. Children will be more creative, innovative, responsible, and mature in the act. In the future they will be young workforce more prepared and resilient in which not just rely on how many job opportunities available. On the other side of the competition it will reduces dependence on labor opportunities and also it is actually able to increase employment opportunities and further contribute to the others job seeker. In fact there are many examples of young entrepreneurs are able to independently where they do not depart from the large capital, but the persistence of collecting pieces of the experience of struggle and fail, fall and rise again so that they succeeded even beyond what has been imagined. Conclusion The successful cultivation of entrepreneurial spirit early requires support from many parties, especially parents. Parents can be a mentor, motivator and even as a good model for entrepreneurs. Business man needs a lot of more interaction to children to give pattern, understanding and sharing experiences and successes of their business processes. Government certainly has a large authority and opportunities to achieve the objectives of these ideas through a variety of policy and regulatory instruments. Increasing number of entrepreneurs shows the magnitude driving the economy. References Basrowi. 2012. Kewirausahaan: untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Ghalia Indonesia. David E. Rye. 1995. Tolls for Executives: The Vest Pocket Entrepreneur. Terjemahan. Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Fields, Jonathan. 2011. Awake at the Wheel. psychology today.com. Rhenald Kasali. 2012. Wirausaha Muda Mandiri: Kisah-kisah Inspiratif Anak-anak Muda Menemukan Masa Depan dari Hal-hal yang Diabaikan Banyak Orang (Part 2). Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Shane, S. 2003. A General Theory of Entrepreneurship.the Individualopportunity Nexus. USA: Edward Elgar. Suryana, 2003. Kewirausahaan, Pedoman Praktis, Kiat, dan Proses Menuju Sukses. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Wiratmo, Maskur. 1996. Pengantar Kewirausahaan. Yogyakarta: BPFE. 283 MINANGKABAU TRADITIONAL GAMES for EARLY CHILDHOOD “Tumbuak-tumbuak Lanang” Nenny Mahyuddin Lecturer PGPAUD FIP UNP Introduction A. Background Early childhood does not escape from the play. Play is a child's world. Many types of children's fun games, ranging from the game which can be train the muscles of the child, to train language, cognitive, and children's art. That game is still traditional with natural media, which means that the media is cheap, just make use of objects that are around the child, for example, stones, dead leaves, twigs, etc. There is also a media or gaming device for early childhood can be purchased at toy stores. The tools the game varied shapes and colors available. But lately early childhood children are more likely to like the game a more individualist, like playing games on the computer or games on line on internet, and so on. Even in one of the major cities in Sulawesi, the Makasar, the children have started to like the game-the game of electronic devices, such as PS (Play Station). This is a sign that the parents and early childhood educators must begin to introduce back traditional game typical of each region in order to make the kids early childhood today know and love the area through the game. Do not let the traditional games for early childhood it's extinct and living history. Besides, traditional games also have good superiority than game modern. Are early childhood can develop aspect social development emotional, grow feeling of being happy and can overcome problem, cooperation in team game, soul competition system great-souled if losin and remain humble if win (not arrogant) , creative in making use media that exist in 284 nature surrounding, and grateful against God. Because parents writer native of Sumatra west although writer born and raised in Jakarta. Hence writers took the went directly to west Sumatera to see a game played children an early age there. Possible problems will affect writer is a question to use language regions. Because since child writer was born and raised in Jakarta by parent and large family writer familiarized use language in colloquial speech, instead of using in dialect parents minang language. But writer understand the meaning of words local minang despite the few words native which are not intelligible writer. B. Culture minangkabau to be preserved. A culture of society minangkabau geographically and his reign nations minangkabau is a people who originates and reside in the west sumatera . In nations minangkabau it also called by the minangkabau. It is to know having no distinction meaning between minangkabau long with minangkabau intended above. The wider region of the Minangkabau region of West Sumatra Province. At that time, its territory includes: West Sumatra Province of Riau Province, and parts of the provinces of Jambi. In the outline of the Minangkabau area consists of two parts, namely, darek and rantau. Darek is the core area of the Minangkabau which consists of three areas, namely Luhak, Tanah Datar and Agam Luhak Luhak, Limapuluhkota. In the administrative region of West Sumatra Province the third area: Tanah Datar, Agam Regency, and Regency Fifty cities. Minangkabau people themselves refer to it by the term Luhak Nan Tigo (three Luhak). In the Minangkabau region Luhak Nan Tambo Tigo is termed Natural Minangkabau. According to Tambo Minangkabau and according to what the Minangkabau people believed until now, on this first Luhak Nan Tigo Minangkabau people ancestors first founded koto, Hillbilly, nagari, until it becomes Luhak Nan Tigo. Customary minangkabau in principle there are four kinds of having the nature of universal for the minangkabau , namely : a. “Adat nan sabana adat”, even all something that should have been should that and his righteousness is absolute , e.g. customary water drench, customary the fire burned , customary sick treated, and so on. Customary is natural traits or the act of nature absolute the truth. b, ―Adat nan teradat‖, is the customary of fact there is a distinction according to circumstances and situation there. In this term tradition is other the other of locusts other bottom of your other his fish. Thus the customary teradat of an area may no same with the customary teradat in another area in minangkabau, although they just bordering nagari course. c. “Adat nan diadatkan”, is a custom based on consensus according to the Groove and profane. After the consensus, will be a binding rule of life of every Member of society. d.‖Adat Istiadat‖ habits are all applicable in everyday life that have been traditionally applied and passed to the next generation. Minangkabau people named the Alam Minangkabau. Use words that contain natural meaning which is not with no incomparably. Nature for them is all, not just as a place of birth and place of death, place of living and growing, but also has philosophical meaning, as expressed in the Natural takambang so (Alam Takambang jadi guru). Therefore, teachings and their view of life in include pepatah, petitih, pituah, mamangan as well as others take expressions of the form, nature, and wildlife. When rendered in a simple can be taken to mean that the Minangkabau people learn from nature in the surroundings. In accordance with aphorism ―Dimana bumi dipijak disitu langit dijunjung‖. That is, the Minangkabau people famous for his adaptation of high and adjust to the environment in which they live. If you are in the Seacoast region of other people, then they should be able to blend in and animate yourself to learn the habits of local customs in order to create a harmony with the local citizens. Adat Minangkabau is very thick with rules that have been mutually agreed. These rules were made in detail for the benefit and convenience of living in the community. Different rules can be applied starting from the life of the son of man begins to man up and over. Examples of activities of eating together, if there are children eating together parents and family, they usually use hands without tools in the form of a spoon and fork. But generally the Minangkabau people eat using the fingers of his hand and usually if they will eat prepared also mixing bowl flush sinks with cloth lapnya. The rules, if there are younger people first finished eating, then he shouldn't wash his hands before the parent or senior people (people who are respected) who eat with it until it is finished eating. He had to wait for a parent or senior it completed its activities, then he may wash your hands into the bowl flush. C. Identity Game Name of game: Tumbuaktumbuak Lanang. Number of players: five children. Ages: 6-8 year old. Play: about 5-10 minutes of Media/Tools: hand of children. How to play: (1) children sit on 285 the floor to form a circle while making the arrangement of intermittent alternating hand arranged; hand another child while singing the verse below: ―tumbuaktumbuak lanang cawang likalika….Kucuak diateh kambang dibawah” (1) at the time the word ―kambang‖ is under, then hands that are most under developed his 1 hand; (2) sung again and so the verse completed a hand over hand Sung mansion was to be mansion as well. (3) So on until all hand flourish after all developing child's hand, (4) then her hand one does not come into play (i.e. head) Insert her index while saying: ―lah linteh‖ (already passed). Spoken many times and his friend who feels his hand touched the index group chairman last say: “alah‖ (already) in between the hands of his friends who've had to inflate the basic floor (hands down). (5) after that , the chairman of the group of versification mention the following : “Oi rang ladang Salang ladiang panjang Pamakuak ula gadang” (while making gestures to hit/movement cut towards the pile of hands expands earlier). (6) another friend trying to evade a blow the hand that will hit last (the term is ladiang gadang or a large knife). (7) if there are hands that devastated or caught were given punishment or dipingit chasing friends until May. (8) child who caught his hands alternately became the chairman of the group and began playing as the last. Review of the theory A. Theory of play 1. The nature of play and aspects of early childhood Deve lopment (6-8 years) The Charter of Children Right (1989). That every child in this world has the right to play (Bruce, 2005: 238). Education experts regard the play as an activity that has a practical value, meaning 286 play is used as a medium for improving certain skills and abilities of the child. Play is a bridge for the child from learning informally became formal. The importance of play activities for the development of children's abilities have been realized by experts such as Plato and Aristotle's philosophy. Aristotle argues that children need to be encouraged to play with what they diligent later in adulthood (Mayke S; 2001). Play is a child's principal activities. With children will gain knowledge and experience that help its development to prepare themselves in later life. Through the children's activities can achieve physical development, intellectual, emotional, social, and language. Play is not just a pleasure but also a requirement that inevitably must be fulfilled, because if not met by Maryam Webster R. Semiawan is a stage development function less well that will look later if the child is already a teenager (Maryam Webster. S; 2002). The game is important to the development of all aspects of child development. The activity associated with the game as a whole, not the child self in part, through the children's game as well as promote mastery-mastery of the skills to practice that directs physical development. Help in developing his creativity. Through the development of creativity and emotions of socializing the child events are also grown, such activity cycle is a healthy activity for children. Saralea revealed some of the principles of the game based on the children's playground behaviour at the time, among other things: the game was something fun, outside of everyday events, as a means of experiments of various things, is open without borders, game something active dynamic, not static, appeared as activities which are not limited by space and time (Saralea: 1920). The game is very important for every child all the time, have a social relationship and learning context spontaneous play activities as a medium, understand the world is better, expressive, as a means of communication to conduct approaches, revealing the feelings and messages. 2. The function of play. Furthermore Warner saw the function of play more broadly for the growth of children's physical, cognitive, developmental, language skills of psychological growth, emotional expression, and social skills (Warner; 2003, vii-x); (a) physical Growth, motor skills, become more flexible, such as running, jumping, climbing, rolling, spinning, etc. Fine motor skills increase, children become increasingly slimmer fingers and long, so that it can do aktivity like drawing, coloring, cutting out, buy his own food, put on your own shirts, tie the laces and brushing your teeth, coordination and balance. (b) cognitive development , namely skill thinking . When size, capacity and a special function brain child grows, the ability to think and solve the problem also increase dramatically. He would to think more logical, (c) skill language, when ability cognitive grow, he started to think symbolically through use language, (d) development of psychological namely understanding up--and when child grows physically and cognitive , he also will start aware of himself, (e) expression emotional, namely ability share the psychologically child has passed the react in a tearful manner and can express feelings, desire and volition with more precise, (e) social skills children will grows when he started associated with more people at home and at environment. 3. The purpose of playing The purpose of play according to the Stone is playing aiming for development of: 1. cognitive development. Play is one of the important efforts in the process of thinking which acts against the development of thought to enrich the minds of children, that is, a). Train the ability to face the reality, b) Consolidate finesse-finesse new mental, c) Serves to develop abstract thinking, d) developed a way to think divergent, e) Exercising creativity through play. Play provides many opportunities for children to make, create, and design when they build, f) pushes to troubleshoot through discovery (discovery), g) plays an important role to develop an explanation for something, h) can be used to test concepts and fix it while playing, i) Learning possibilities (probabilities) through repeated behavior, j) existence of a positive correlation between playing and memory, k) encourage language development, l) Enhance proficiency plan, m) Is a positive relationship between IQ score with social game plays and constructive. 2 . The development of sosial. a) learn to see of a point of view, b) the chance to apply the practice of being infinite, social patterns c) get kids interact socially. Children learning to face my emotions and behavior his playing friend. Conferring, they are learning settle disputes, righteousness and justice and competition. The point is that they learn how can, alongside each other, d) helps kids develop friendship. 3. The development of emotion. a) Media expression of thoughts and feelings, b) softens the reality-the reality of life, c) provides an opportunity to understand the self (self-awarness). 4. Physical development. a physical and motor Development). b) Play helps kids test the system balance with swinging, jumping, acrobatic, and so forth, c) provides an opportunity to see long distances, d) develops the perception, e) forms an opportunity to examine the body and best functions. 287 B. The role of the parent. Some parents that the writer observe and based on information from the head of the SD 04 Punggung Kasik, Padang Pariaman, West Sumatra in an area that, especially at the bottom of the Alang is also hometown parent writer, there are not so direct their children playing a traditional game. For example, parents in General as farmers, peasants, small traders, and there is also a profession as civil servants. Parents more likely to expect their children get performance in school and if the afternoon explore the children in surau or the mosque which is nearest to the abode of them. For people minangkabau, adat bersandikan syaraik, and syaraik basandikan kitabullah. It means, people are recognizing the importance of education especially religion for their children. C. Child's play The children were observed in this report are the children of TK Islam Nur Hidayah and SDN 04 Punggung Kasik, West Sumatra Padang Pariaman. Second place was chosen because on June 2, 2011 city of Padang was already off, whereas the author to do the observation time is very short. Alhamdulillah, primary schools and some private preschool located in the city of Padang Pariaman and not holiday so the author carries out observations with ease. On the implementation of activities and visits to the observation of TK Islam Nur Hidayah this author conveys intent and purpose for the observation and recording activities of Minangkabau traditional activity games to the head of kindergarten and teacher. They have known authors as local citizens and finally make an appointment in the next day to hold a recording/shooting traditional game activities. The head of the Islamic Kindergarten 04 Nur Hidayah is very 288 enthusiastic in responding to the request of the author, and even at that time also the kindergarten children are trained to do a group B game in the classroom, while the head of the SD suggest for the next day just to do the shooting for the maximum result. D. Peers Children who play in traditional games these are children kindergarten and child elementary school from 5-8 years. Children chosen to discharge game in TK group B, while in elementary is the class 1, 2 , and 3. They friends peer each other, have the kind physical motor and intelligence cognitive almost together so experiencing no difficulty in carrying out certain movements in traditional games minangkabau this and recite minstrelsy song game. Pc.1. Islamic Kindergarten children are drafting Guidance Nur hand intermittent rain and snow with the hands of another child (child directly trained by the school principal on the same day, Friday, June 3, 2011). through the evaluation process. Assessment is done to know the profile of child development as a whole. Pc.2. Children of ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 04 Punggung Kasik, Lubuk Alung, Padang Pariaman are doing traditional game while observed teachers out of the classroom. Discussion A. The benefits of play This traditional game provides benefits that are good for the development of intelligence, language, cognitive, motor and emotional early childhood. As for the breakdown is as follows: a) for the development of language, the child can recognize new vocabulary in song or verse song game. b) To cognitive development, child can figure out a workaround while playing. The child is also expected to figure out the strategy so that he wins, both groups and individuals. c) For motor development, children can train his muscles and agility moves in accordance with the rules of the game. d) To emotional development, the child can train control his emotions when playing with his friends, keep the compactness and cooperation, establish familiarity, a sense of joy and delight as he joked with friends. Assessment According to NAEYC (1991), assessment is the process of observing, recording, and collect various documentation of the work that has been done by the children and how they do it. The assessment is used as a basis for making a decision that will be made 1. Start the identification of early child development Choate (1992 in Nenny Mahyuddin, 2008) stated that the basic principles of assessment consists of ten points, namely: 1) arrangement with assessment must be efficient and based on a specific point. Curriculum based assessment should be very useful in determining academic skills well known or not. With information technology assessment, teachers can learn abilities introduced in explicit, reviewing, and put into practice. 2) Relationship assessment with the purposes of the curriculum. To implement technology assessment only when actual capabilities are being taught. 3) Priority capability assessment. When the core curriculum fails, then the new capabilities should be introduced. Prerequisite skills aimed at further capabilities. The ability to permit students to feel happy and excited, both in and outside of school. 4) only use the proper equipment and techniques. 5) Working through the capability later on the ability of the specific. 6) Analyze the whole error. 7 ) decided on a strategy for students used to do duty 8 ) confirmed discovery asesmen 9 ) and report record results asesmen 10 ) sustainably fix the asesmen While in paying attention to the things that must be paid attention to asesmen (judgment) to the son of an early age based on the that of 2004 , according to the Arnie Fajar (2005) is : 1) system learning complete mastery (learning) means students not allowed to perform work next before able to complete the job properly and good results . 2) using reference criteria (criterion referenced test) means teacher shall determine minimal standards attainment study result of the first in a particular period e.g. in one year) 289 Students who do not meet the must diremedial until students were reached established standard. 3) Sustainable Assessment. Means assessment done in a planned, phased, and continuously in order to obtain an overview of the development of student learning as a result of their learning activities. 4) Measure three domain/aspect for each individual student in a fairmanner is cognitive, psychomotor and affective. The teacher should explain the third realm is assessed to all students at the beginning of the semester, as each development/subjects have different weights closer to each domain being measured. The assessment is carried out in a fair manner towards the whole student by distinguish no background of social, economic, cultural, language and gender. 5) honest and objective. It means appraisement done in a transparent, students can count or appraise the outcome of learning own . The teacher determine appraisement ignominiously it is based on data and / value of observations in a given time period, for example, during the first semester. 2. Pre Test and Post Test a. Pre Test 1) Whether children ever do traditional games with friends? 2) How frequently do form the game boy at the time of play with friends? 3) Whether the child knows the 290 traditional game to suit the age of the child? 4) How the traditional form of the game known to have children? 5) Where are the location of traditional games are usually played out? b. Post tests. After carrying out this traditional game activities children early childhood who had previously never do traditional Minangkabau become festive game play with friends because the game Tumbuaktumbuak Lanang is done in a group. The organisers of education also had previously never made it as a core activity in the learning process, but after the arrival of the author of these activities also be something inspiring that we must return to the origin, meaning in the planning need to also consider aspects of learning the culture-rich region with moral values in order for learners to be the sublime can feel to have a national culture and loves when they got the chance to be in the country outside. 3. Observation tools THE FORMAT CHECKLIST PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Child 's name : Age child : The date : Time : Health condition : Description No. 1. The ability of the observed 2. Sitting cross-legged with crossed legs position for two minutes Running while carrying the ball 3. Creeping with variations 4. Rise up and stand up without help 5. Walk straight, tiptoe, raise your heels, sideways and forward, backward Run a straight, on tiptoe, pick up the heels, and so forth 6. Description: Good (G) could be without the help (scale of 3) Enough (E) can with the help of (scale of 2) Less (L) don 't want to do ( scale of 1) THE FORMAT CHECKLIST LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT G E Child 's name : Age child : The date : Time : Health condition L : Description No. 1. The ability of the observed 4. Give a reaction with the movement of the words spoken by the accompanied movement accordingly. Relating to a person of another by an adult imitation of sounds. Try to imitate the sound or voice according to the ability of children. Sing a song of children. 5. Singing while moving. 6. Singing in local languages. 2. 3. G E L 291 Description: Good (G) could be without the help (scale of 3) Enough (E) can with the help of (scale of 2) Less (L) don 't want to do ( scale of 1) 4. Elaboration At the moment the author comes to the location of the observation, the organisers of education does not introduce the traditional Minangkabau to game participant students because it is considered a game is always played. And in school children were allowed to shop in the break without anyone playing in the school yard, while some teachers just sitting in the Office/room teachers. After getting information from the author that the arrival of this writer in order to complete the final project course theories of early childhood Play and its application and explain that the importance of traditional games for early childhood and cultural preservation efforts of the Minangkabau area mainly on the type of game. We need support parents and teachers give occasion in early childhood in doing traditional games minangkabau in children good at home or at school or in place of the early childhood education, daycare that is in the park, play groups, kindergarten, and elementary school class of the beginning . For authors as academics, activities, observations on the institution administering early childhood education can provide illumination to the educational provider that such activities can provide a helpful and useful thing for the development of children's intelligence dimension in designing learning activities (lesson plan) in the Daily activities of the Unit (SKH) in kindergarten and a unit of lessons in Elementary School. 292 5. Optimizing child development In this traditional game development, dimensions that appear among other things the development of cognitive, motor, language, art, and social emotional development is integrated. Child language development occurs when a child is able to sing songs or rhymes when doing traditional games. In children who have never heard initially she only follow the verse of the song from teachers or peers, children follow is slowly and finally be able to memorize the song. From the dimension of cognitive development, in traditional game there is a logic element, when composing his order with another friend. This is a great step in learning mathematics series material in the theory of Piaget. From the development of the dimensions of the motor, early childhood in the development of a growing is training on the hands and the leg muscles. While the dimension of the art , the development in the form of a song that comes up is the region. And from the development of social dimension emotional, you get to know more close friends and knowing further character of his friends. References: AA. Navis. Alam Terkembang jadi Guru. Adat dan Kebudayaan Minangkabau.--- Jakarta. 1984. Brewer, Jo Ann, Introduction to Early Childhood Education, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2007 Dockett, Sue & Marilyn Fleer, Play and Pedagogy in Early Childhood, Bending the Rules, Sydney: Harcourt, 1999 Idrus Hakimy Dt. Rajo Penghulu. Pokokpokok Pengetahuan Adat Alam Minangkabau. Remaja Rosdakarya. Bandung. 2001. Mardjani Martani, dkk., Sejarah Pendidikan Daerah Sumatera Barat. Depdikbud RI. Jakarta. 1997. Mahyuddin, Nenny. Asesmen Anak Usia Dini. Padang: UNP Press, 2008. Santrock, John W., Life Span Development, Jakarta: Erlangga, 2002 Sudono, Anggani, Sumber Belajar dan Alat Permainan untuk Anak Usia Dini, Jakarta: Grasindo, 2000 ---Permainan Tradisional Minangkabau…. 293 GROWING ROLE OF TEACHERS IN INDEPENDENCE CHILDREN AGE 2-4 YEARS Yaswinda Lecturer, PG Department of early childhood State University of Padang Abstract Children need adults to help assess the limits of shame and doubt so that they become independent. If the definition of independence for adolescents and adults is the ability to take responsibility for what is done without burdening others, while for early childhood are the capabilities that are tailored to the task of development. The role of early childhood teachers, among others;(1)Planners, It is very important early childhood teacher to make curriculum plan must take steps independence of children aged 2-4 years. (2) Facilitators, As a facilitator, the teacher becomes the implementing learning by carrying out planned activities (3) Models In instill self-reliance in children, early childhood teachers must be able to serve as a model for children. Teacher who exemplifies the independence of the together with other children (4)Observers. Observation is carried out data collection tool to record / records in a systematic behavioral symptoms that appear. Key word : theacher. Independence children 2-4 years Background. Independence is one that must be owned life skills of adults and is one of their developmental tasks. However indepedence will not appear on its own without the guidance and good conditioning from childhood Fostering independence in early childhood is important for adults who are close to the child. Children need adults to help assess the limits of shame and doubt so that they become independent. Foster self-reliance is the responsibility of parents / families, teachers / school and community. According Simajuntak (2012) independence early childhood in contrast to the independence teenagers or adults. If the definition of independence for adolescents and adults is the ability to take responsibility for what is done without burdening others, while for early childhood are the capabilities that are tailored to the task of development. According to Erikson, independence /autonomy is also one of the important developmental tasks for young children 294 because it is the foundation for the tread subsequent developmental tasks. The developmental tasks for young children are learning to walk, learn to eat, practice speaking, coordination of body, feeling contact with the environment, understanding the formation and moral learning. If an early childhood development has been able to do the job, meaning he had qualified independence. To be personally independent, it takes a process or a business that started from doing simple tasks to finally be able to master the skills of the more complex or more challenging, requiring the mastery of motor and mental level is higher. Characteristics of Children Age 2-4 years The toddler period saw a shift from the reliance by the parents become more independent (self-reliance). Sroufe and his colleagues conclude that there are four main characteristics of the toddler (1 to 3 years), namely: (1) to independence (moving toward independence), (2) which includes the social growth of the objects that share the discovery with peers, ability for expression, and begin there the interaction with fellow toddler demonstrated by the preferred type of play is parallel play, (3) awareness of self and others (awareness of self and others): (1) emotional changes include feelings of senstif on rules, showing feelings of uncertainty and discomfort That the violation (deviation anxiety), began a selfconscious experience of emotion and shame. Autonomy versus shame and doubt is Erikson's psychological stages. This stage occurs in late infancy (late infancy) and the time to learn to walk (toddler). Once trust the nanny, the baby began to discover that his actions are his own actions. They assert their independence and realize his own. If the baby is restricted too much or punished too hard, they will develop a sense of shame and doubt. Similarly, Einon reveals the main characteristics of the child is 2 to 3 years of independence. Environment that is needed is an environment that supports their autonomy. Toddler-age children (1sampai 3 years) at the stage of rapid growth. They are in a very high motivation and curiosity are remarkable. They need toys that are safe and can be held to support their fine motor development. According to Rahayu and Maskouri (2011), aged 2-4 years was a fun time for children's development. He began self-sufficient and able to perform almost all activities that can be adults. His desire to try many things had become very attractive as a means of stimulation. Accompany the child in performing all its activities is still needed. Adults are expected to be pleasant and relaxed so that the children felt comfortable and willing to try new things that have not mastered. According Tombolun (2012), all the muscles of the hand and wrist of children who entered the age of 2 years will also move. In addition to improving their fine motor skills, it also supports physical and mental growth of children. For example, when going to arrange blocks into a building, then the child will be trained to think creatively in determining the shape of the building to be developed, is also associated with children's cognitive. General characteristics of children aged 3-4 years according to the Children's Resources International (CRI), (2000) is: vibrant, charming, and also rough. They are trying to understand their world. They continue to have difficulty distinguishing between fantasy and reality. They begin to understand that their actions have an impact and they begin to learn mebuat boundaries. That's why they can work together someday, but then turned into a regulator and penuntut.Anak age of three to four years developing a language quickly. They often talk to themselves when they want to solve problems in a single activity. They have great power, but a short concentration span, and often move from one activity to another activity. The game is social as well as they are usually parallel Measure of independence of children aged 2-3 years according to Yaswinda (2010) are: 1. Being able to scoop out their own food 2. Being able to pour their own drinks into the container 3. Begin to put on and take off my shoes 4. Begin to rub the butter into the bread 5. Being able to put on and remove socks 6. Able to open and close the purse or wallet resliting 7. Able mienyisir own hair According to Grolnick and Ryan in Salahuddin (2012) stages of self-reliance of children aged 2-4 years are: 1. Not dry during the day and could use the toilet themselves without having to be reminded 295 2. Eat more presentable 3. Can make their own toys 4. Wear and undress themselves with little assistance (clothing buckles, laces) 5. Can clean themselves and brush their teeth 6. Use language to express needs and wants 7. Under adult supervision, can follow the activities from start to finish. According to CRI (2000) children 2 years of independent skills are: 1. Removing clothing use bonds, easily removable 2. Anticipate and expressed the desire to go to the bathroom consistently 3. Hand washing, may still need help to efficiently use soap 4. Uses spoon, spilling little food 5. A drinking glass size for children 2 years According to CRI (2000) independent skills of children 2 years and 6 months were: 1. Wearing long-sleeved shirt with a little help 2. Drying hands with the help of others 3. To a small room with the help, can control the daytime According to CRI (2000) skills of independent child 3 years are: 1. Using napkins, cleaning food spills 2. Pouring water well 3. Feed themselves 4. Take your own drink from the source 5. Wear collared 6. Open and put a big button 7. Wear your own shoes 8. Trying to clean themselves during bowel movements 9. Wash hands without help alin 10. Opening and closing the valve itself 11. Understanding the faucet hot and cold faucets 296 The Importance of Independence Growing According to the dictionary Indonesia, independence is defined as a thing or situation can stand alone without relying on others. (Ministry of National Education, 2000). Independence of adults is different from the independence of children aged 2-4 years, because the independence of children aged 2-4 years diperiotaskan the skills to help a child or help him sendira such as eating, dressing and washing himself. Independence of early childhood is very important because it can be an important basis for continued job growth pengotimalan child at a later stage. Independence of children aged 2-4 years will support their readiness for the next stage of education is kindergarten. As previously disclosed Einon main characteristics of the child is 2 to 3 years of independence. Environment that is needed is an environment that supports their autonomy, because when they use the tool without the help of the game will make them happy. If the child has been able to perform tasks independent living skills tasks such as getting used to feed themselves and brush their teeth and do not dry during the day and could use the toilet without being reminded, of course, this makes the child confident. Then the task should independence growing since the age of 2-4 years old children. Failure of development of the child's independence in performing tasks in accordance with the stages will result in disruption of kemandiran in the developmental tasks at a more advanced age. According to Martini, a lot of benefits if the lessons on the independence given to early childhood. Not just theory, but rather invites the child to practice with simple concepts without having to wait for graduating high school or university graduation. Of course the result will be more effective and maximum if it is taught at an early age. According Wongso (2012), when removing them to the association, the kids will get to choose your own and solve the problem. Which is good for him will they take, digest, and then develop his own, and he applied as the material development of his life. Which ones should not be denied they took. Because it builds the child's independence to be something important. The role of early childhood teacher in Independence Growing. Teaching in a classroom of children aged 2-4 years need extra energy for demanding, the teacher be aware of the discovery of the child in learning. To be personally independent, a child also needs to have the opportunity to practice consistently doing things yourself or get used to their own duties in accordance with the stages of his age. For early childhood teachers was very important role in the cultivation of this independence. The role of early childhood teachers, among others; 1. Planners Plan activities that can foster independence children. It is very important early childhood teacher to make curriculum plan must take steps independence of children aged 2-4 years. The curriculum is structured with more emphasis on activities that support the independence of the child. The earlier the age of the child to practice independently in performing the tasks of development, expected values and skills of self-will more easily controlled and can be inculcated in children. Early childhood teachers should plan activities that support the independence of children at school and at home by making the programs / activities that involve parents. Often times it happens, the kids look independently at school, but at home he does not show the slightest independence because of parenting their parents at home. With a program that is designed such, parents are also involved observation sheet by filling in the child's independence at home, then, the child will try to consistently perform skills that support independence. Other activities to do at school for example by involving children and parents in the event cook and eat together (children and parents) in school. In addition to the curriculum, early childhood teachers should also plan for the school uniforms play design that fosters the independence of children with school clothes and a simple model can be used solely by children usia2-4 years. Pants or skirt elastic waist; dress with openings in the front - with the buttons stick, rope, big hooks, big-headed ritsliting; lid velcro shoes, short socks. 2. Facilitators As a facilitator, the teacher becomes the implementing learning by carrying out planned activities. Activities designed requires determination and patience of teachers to guide, teach and talk with children about the importance indepedence. Like, if the teacher has planned the curriculum so that children can feed themselves in the playground then ask the child to first tell the children that eating alone is more enjoyable and discuss the child's opinion about it would be more effective than the rule, especially when the command is not based on the grounds clear. Eventually the child will depend on Teacher command or prohibition. Early childhood teachers are expected to always say and show love, compassion and support to children aged 2-4 years who are in group play consistently so as to enhance the child's confidence in carrying out their independence. The things that teachers can do as a facilitator of planting children aged 2-4 297 years of independence, among others by providing a game that can strengthen the muscles of the hand, the activities carried out are playing with dolls. Dolls and doll clothes, puzzles, stacking blocks, blocks, hooks, small cars, cooking equipment, food, doctor supplies, small musical instruments - are examples of toys that give kids a chance to train fine motor skills. Teachers can also supply such toys, water, dough toys, real dough, seeds, clay, cloth-Kainan, and other materials that can manipulate by hand - dijumput, held, poured, diserok, squeezed, pinched, folded , engraved or written to use the fingertips very good to train the child's fine motor skills. Menyedikan tableware children so that children can feed themselves should be a concern early childhood teachers. Tableware can carry a child from home or from school provided snacks and drinks Try to arrange in such a way that children are interested and able to pick it up yourself. Cookies, for example, presented in an easy to handle size, put in place an affordable, unbreakable containers. Provide water in a dispenser-withoutheating or a small pot unbreakable in an easily visible and accessible. Facilities in schools should also be provided with respect to age and height of children. all children's favorite toys and objects stored in an affordable and easily opened and closed. Short drawers or shelves and boxes of light container lid is a toy that allows children to take and rearrange his toys without asking for teacher assistance is provided in peril wailing child's play. 3. Models In instill self-reliance in children, early childhood teachers must be able to serve as a model for children. Teacher who exemplifies the independence of the together with other children. Teachers not only as a guide, but is expected to be a 298 model of the planned activities. For example, in the activities of eating together, teachers can also share tasks with colleagues. Some teachers ate together guiding the children and some children eat. Often the authors look at the play, the teachers just observe and guide children to eat their lunch together, there is no teacher who had eaten so that children do not get a good model of how these self-feeding activity In instill self-reliance in children, avoid orders and ultimatums because it can make children feel they are always under the supervision of teachers and not have personal authority. Thus he will be more confident in themselves, and do not hesitate to try new things early childhood teacher should also be positive in children, such as praising, encouraging or giving a warm hug as a form of support for independent businesses who do children. The award to the efforts of children to be independent individual, regardless of whether at that time he was successful or not. With a growing sense of worth, the child will have the confidence that is needed in the subsequent growth process. No matter how dirty a child when she tried to feed themselves, the teacher should be patient to not react negatively to the child, such as criticizing or belittling the child. Opportunities for independent study can be given or the environment by giving teachers the freedom and confidence in children to perform development tasks. However, the teacher's role in supervising, guiding, directing and exemplary role models remain indispensable, so that children remain in conditions or circumstances which do not endanger safety. For children with an early age, exercise this independence can be achieved by involving children in practical activities of daily at home, such as training the children to take their own drinking water, to train the child to clean his own room, to train children to urinate yourself, to train children buy their own food, to train children to go up and down stairs alone, According Simanjuntak (2009) in addition to being positive and always in favor of children, the practice of selfsufficiency also needs to be taught to children through life skills materials with simple concepts. As an example: the child is taught to understand that all his belongings (shoes, toys, dolls, storybooks, etc.) is obtained because the parents work for Yamada income to be able to buy all he needs. Therefore, the need for a firm stand against child that is not all that she wants to be met at that time. It should be no time to wait or to teach the child to save first before buying anything. With such a concept, embedded in the child will appreciate the value of hard work for parents as well as learning to be personally independent. Academic material that can be said to be one of the many subjects that should be studied children. The main one is the child's skills to become an independent. Do not rush and too little force, because of toilet training is a process that requires time that is not the same on each child. Instead, teachers would have to pay attention to the readiness of the child. Because after all, the readiness of the child's toilet training the key to success. 4. Observers During the activity, the teacher acts as an observer. By observing these activities can be seen the development of children. Observation is carried out data collection tool to record / records in a systematic behavioral symptoms that appear. Basically observations can be made every time. However, to obtain a precise result (objective) observations need to be well planned, by determining the focus of observation.. Observations can be done using the observation sheet that has been equipped with indicators of child's independence and can also take the form of field notes. But to ease the task of early childhood teacher in observing children, whether children have showed independence or not, the observations using the observation sheet that comes with a better indicator of the child's independence to be the choice of teachers. By using daily observation sheet that lists the indicators of independence, the evaluation will be more easily implemented. Teachers will be easier to analyze where the child reaches indepedence, which have not been able to provide stimulation and then kemavli for children who have not achieved selfsufficiency indicators are implanted that day. References Depdiknas. 2006. Pedoman Penilaian di Taman Kanak Kanak. Jakarta : Direktorat Pembinaan Taman Kanak-Kanak dan SD. Dini P Daeng 1996, Metoda Mengajar di Taman Kanak -kanak, Jakarta, Dirjen Dikti Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Direktorat PAUD. 2006. Pedoman Penerapan Pendekatan “Beyond Centers and Circle Time” (BCCT) Dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Jakarta : Direktorat PAUD,Ditjen Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, Depdiknas Papalia E. Diane and Olds Wendkos Sally, 1995. Human Development. USA, McGraw Hill Book Company Puskur 2007. Kerangka Dasar Kurikulum Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Jakarta :Puskur Santrock, John W,1997. Life-Span Development. Brown & Benchmark. USA Sari Rahayu, S.Gz dan Alzena Masykouri. 2011. Mengasah Keterampilan Bergerak Anak Usia 2-4 Tahun. Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan 299 Pendidikan Anak Usia DiniDirektorat Jenderal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Nonformal dan Informal Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Sujiono, Yuliani Nurani. 2009. Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Jakarta:Indeks Yus Anita. 2005. Penilaian Perkembangan Belajar Anak di Taman KanakKanak. Jakarta: Depertemen Pendidikan http://www.andriewongso.com/arti kel/catatan_andrie_wongso/4752/ Pentingnya_Membangun_Kemand irian_Pada_Anakhttp://repository. upi.edu/operator/upload/s_pls_070 0848, 300 BUILDING OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CHARACTER THROUGH AUTHORITATIVE PARENTING IN KINDERGARTEN Izzati State University of Padang Abstract Character interpreted with mental health, mental health is a permanent condition that relative, dynamic, constantly moving, active may change from time to time. Someone who has a good level of mental health indicates a high confidence level, whereas someone who has a low level of mental health indicates instability mental. The style of life depends on human character. Authoritative parenting encourages the children to independent but still set limits and control over their action. Extensive verbal deliberation possible teachers show warm and affection to their studens. Authoritative parenting is associated with social competence of children. The use of authoritative parenting can be seen from the attitude of teachers in the learning process that is more oriented to children including encouraging children to do things independently with some extent. Comfortable learning process and treat students with compassion make a meaningful learning process and relationship between student and teacher are familiar. Therefore, the formation of character depends on parenting of teachers on learning process. Introduction The success of national development determined by the quality of human resources. The human resources is afundamental national asset and the main uncertainty factor for the development, so the quality of human resources must be improved continuously in accordance with the advancement of science and technology and the pace of national development. One of supporting the success of national development is by education (Djamarah, 2005:25) National education is education that is based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the state of Indonesia in 1945 is rooted in religious values, national culture and responsive to changing of times (according to the law on National Education System No.20 of 2003 about National Education Chapter 1 Section 2). The aim of education in school is to realize the student can effectively develop themselves to have spiritual power of religion, self control, personality, intelligence, noble character and skills that needed in community state and nation. According to the Law on National Education System No.20 of 2003 on NationalEducation Chapter 1 Section 1, reads: "Education is the conscious and delibera te effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that the students actively developing their potential to have the spiritual power of religion, self control, personality, intelli gence, noble character, as well as the necessary skills themselves, society, nation, and the State ". The general objective is used as the basis and guidline for the preparation of curriculum for all educational institutions, ranging from kindergarten to 301 university. National education should be able to ensure quity and educational opportunities, improving quality and relevance and efficiency of education management. To achieve national education goals, the government through Department of National Education has been pursuing various strategic measures through comprehensive assessments and evaluations from the center to the regions throughout Indonesia. As educational institutions, schools have contributed greatly to the considerable development of the individual (child). In the school environment, children experience the process of learning, whether in relation to aspects koqnitif, affective and psychomotor. The learning process is focused on achieving development of their students optimally. Kindergarten is an early childhood education in formak for children aged 4 – 6 years. Kindergarten education is very necessary for children aged 4 – 6 years before they enter elementary school. Through education in kindergarten is expected to language skills, creativity, intelligence, social awareness, skills, feelings and physical child thrive. All this will underpin further development so that after completing education in kindergarten, children through the provision of attitudes, knowledge and skills can get along in their environment and are ready to enter elementary school (Prianto, 2003:48) According to the Law on National Education System no.20 of 2003 on National Eduation chapter VI article 28, reads: ―Paragraph (1): Early childhood education was held before elementary school. Paragraph (2): early childhood education can be recognized through formal education,and/or 302 informal. Paragraph (3): early childhood education in the formal education such as kindrganten. Raudhatul athfal (RA) or other equivalent form‖. Kindergarten is the world of play for children. Therefore, education in kindergarten performed with playing techniques. By playing, many thing can be taught to children without burden them. Through play activities, we can observe the advantages, disadvantages, sportsmanship, social skills and attitudes of children toward friend, foe or older people. (Prianto, 2003:48) According to PP RI No.19 of 2005 on Education Standars Chapter IV article 19, are: ―The process of learning in the educational unit organized an interactive, fun, challenging, motivating student to participate actively and provide enough space for innovation, creativity and independence in accordance with their talents, interests, and physical and psychological development of students‖ Therefore, teachers are expected to create a condusive atmosphere and fun that children do not get bored learning in kindergarten. Teachres should give children the freedom to do various activities, learning atmosphere that is child‘s play will show spontaneity, showing her true personality both as individuals and as members of society. In addition, while learning to play, lear while playing can develop various aspects of child development. Character Development In the book of Mental Health, correlative study of Ibnu Qayyim thinking and modern psychology, the term meant a character similar to the levels of mental health, by Abdul Hamid Zahran and Chalik "mental health is a permanent condition that is relative, dynamic, constantly moving, active can vary from time to time. And someone who has a good level of mental health indicates a high confidence level, whereas someone who has a low level of mental health, indicating mental instability and doubt or soul from time to time. (Abdullah Aziz bin Abdullah Al-Ahmad, 42), Ibnu Qayyim himself, referred to mental health and happiness with the happiness of the soul it is a consequence guidance, while misery is the consequence of disobedience to the commandments of God. It is, as Ibnu Qayyim argues, that revelation is the lifeblood of the spirit, while spirit is the source of physical life, therefore a person who loses the spirit will lose a useful life of the world and the hereafter. Ki Hajar Dewantara, it's a character called "character", whichmeans (a). Blend of all that human nature is fixed, so that a particular sign to distinguish people from one another. (b). characters that occur because of basic development / talent that has been subject to the influence of teaching, namely the nature of education and teaching every child in the womb from the mother until puberty baligh. (c). basic character of biologically related to heredity andenvironment influence. (d) the character is a constant balance between the condition of a person with a deed birth. Unity between the two materialized into mannerism that distinguishes it from otherpeople. (e). character is a fixed balance between the principles of mysticism and deeds were born, it is good or bad temperament / character depends on the quality of psychotherapy.(f). human soul is a combination of creativity, feelingand intention, and the soul that causes the character's strength (Ki Hajar Dewantara, 407-410). Thus, the pattern of one's life depends on his character, on a certain character to bring people, to salvation and happiness of the soul, spirit and self. This happened on a straight striped character in faithand in certain others characters to bring people in difficult conditions, restless, tormented and lost. This happens when then characters straight in unlied faith. Nature of Education Kindergarten Ministry of Education (2004,2) state kindergarten education aims to help students develop a range of potential psychological and physical, including moral and religious values, social emotional,cognitive, language, physical / motor skills, independence and thearts to be ready to enter the elementary school. Sardja (1981, 24) adds that the purpose of organized kindergarten education is for children: (1) have basic properties as a good citizen, (2) helath and physical welfare and spiritual, and (3) have sufficient knowledge, skills, values and basic attitudes. Program of learning activities in the kindergarten education tailored to the stages of psychological development of children so that the objectives that have been launched can be achieved. Outlines of the Learning Activities Program described; ―Outlines of program activities Preeschool learning is a set of learning activities that are planned to be implemented in order to prepare and lay the foundations for the development of the students themselves further. These activities include the establishment of the behavior and development of basic skills that are tailored to the stages of child development (Department of Education, 1994, 3). 303 The learning process is central to the overall educational process with the teacher as the main stakeholders. Learning a lot of eventsrooted in the various views and concepts. Therefore, learning process can occur in various models, Marshal Bruce Joyce & Weil (in Uzer Usman, 2004, 11), argued 22 teaching models that are grouped into four areas: (1) process information, (2) development personally, (3) social interaction, and(4) modification of behavior. The process of learning in kindergarten involves the presence of teachers and students. There are several factors that affect the implementation of the learning process, including curriculum, management, infrastructure, neighborhood children, teachers etc. Pola Asuh Autoritatif (Authoritative Parenting) Santrock (2002) suggests authoritative parenting, the pattern of care that encourages children to be independent but still set limits and control over their action. Extensive verbal deliberation is possible, and the teachers show warmth and affection to the students. Authoritative parenting is associated with social competence of children. Parenting is more emphasis on the child's independence, Schaefer (2003) declared independence as the desire for power and control over their own actions and free from external control. Scahefer added that good teaching approach used is to increase the level of independent students with a gradual, give freedom to the students. For example, students should be given greater freedom in accordance with the age to take care of and manage their own problems, such as taking care of personal property, use of leisure, dress and decorate themselves. They also have to gave fewer restrictions such as time to sleep at night, and about the extent to which children can travel from home. 304 Haditono (2001) suggests an authoritative teacher might put his arm around the child in a good way and said, "You know you should not do that, let's talk how you can overcome this situation is better in the future." Children who have an authoritative teacher of socially competent, confident, and socially responsible. It can be concluded that authoritative parenting is the type of teachers who provide freedom and courage children to encourage independent but still provide the limits and controls on the behavior of children, can develop good communication to the child, being warm, providing adequate care and education and requires maturity and independence of children. So that the child will grow into a responsible child, has a social sense, may be friendly, able to work together with others, having self-confidence and selfreliant. The issue of teaching is not as simple as that considered by most people. It containts the meaning of responsibility, not just learning the children, but rather on instilling the concepts and values that will be useful to the lives of students at the next level of education and community environment. This responsibility is implemented through the learning process that involves interaction students and teachers through the game and the media that appeal to children learning to interact while learning. Teaching-learning process in question is a process-oriented learning students, so that what students gained from the learning process that teachers do something that really needs students so fun for the children. If you examine the teaching and learning in kindergarten, it should be implemented with great patience, patience, and creativity. The quality of teaching and learning in kindergarten should be making more actively involved in every activity lesson because it is more meaningful to children. Dynamics of teachers and students to be the key to successful teaching and learning process, so it is proper to apply parenting teacher who values individual differences, learning to carry out full of warmth, stimulating students to behave independently etc. In the other word, that the views of students that still oriented to the teacher and the material, then it's been replaced by the view-oriented students. That students are human beings who have the potential to be developed to be better than expected. Similarly, the implementation of teaching and learning, of course, is more oriented to students, so the learning process fun for students and meaningful to their lives. Fun learning the course, in conditions conducive to teaching and learning-oriented students, to appreciate individual differences, and stimulate the child to be independent. That is, parenting is applied to the teacher in teaching is most important. Parenting is the authoritative parenting, parenting that apply to independent students but still set limits and control his actions. Parenting is characterized by warmth and compassion to the students, so that parenting is associated with social competence of children Conclusion Ideal parenting applied by teachers in the learning process is authoritative parenting. Parenting is more emphasis on independent attitude and social competence in children. Schaefer (2003) which states that the authoritative parenting if applied early and supported by the application when children enter kindergarten it will foster independent attitude and to build a high social competence in children. The use of authoritative parenting can be seen from the attitude of teachers in the learning process that is more oriented to children, including encouraging children to do things independently with a certain limit. The learning process takes place with warmth, treating student with love, make the process of learning in kindergarten is more nuanced ―linear centre‖ and the relationship between students and teachers are familiar. Therefore, the authoritative parenting can shape the character of students is expected. References Depdikbud. 1994. Learning Program in Kindergarten, Outlines of the Learning Activities Program. Jakarta: Depdikbud Dikdasmen. Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri. 2005. Teacher and Student on Education Interactive. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta. Haditono, Sri Rahayu. 2001. Psychology Development. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press Ki Hajar Dewantara. 1997. Education and Culture. Yogyakarta. Ministry of Education. 2004. Curriculum 2004 Competences Standard of Kindergarten and Raudhatul Athfal. Jakarta: Depdiknas. Prianto, Rose Mini A. 2003. Early Chilhood Attitude (Case and Problem Solving). Yogyakarta: Kanisius. Santrock, J.W. 2002. Life Span Development Jilid 1. (Translate Achmad Chusairi and Juda Damanik). Jakarta: Erlangga. Schaefer, Charles. 2003. How to educate the children effectively. Jakarta: Restu Agung. Law on National Education System No.20 of 2003 on National Education. Uzer Usman, Moh. 2004. To be Professional Teacher. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. 305 THE IMPORTANCE OF MUSIC EXPERIENCE AS AN EARLY AGE CHILDREN IN EARLY CHARACTER FORMATION OF A BETTER NATION INDONESIA Eka Andaryani Titi Abstract Learning the art of music is very important in shaping the character of children in the future. At the early age of 0-6 years is the golden age in which the brain develops very rapidly up to 80%. At that age the brain very quickly absorb and receive information without regard to good and bad. Therefore, it is important at the time the child is given something good and useful for the early formation of the next character in the children. Especially in the arts can be done by doing the musical experience. The character of children, especially young children are generally happy with things that are entertaining, unique, and easy to understand. One material that is taught in Early Childhood Education (early childhood) is to introduce children songs and folk songs owned by Indonesia. It aims to build character in children / students in the love of the homeland, a sense of culture and the desire to preserve the unique culture of Indonesia. To introduce the children songs and folk songs that exist in Indonesia on early PAUD one child can experience through music. One study conducted in Indonesia is the activity of early childhood music experience. There are some activities that can be done in the activities of the musical experience: music activities, activities of singing, playing musical activities, and events move to the music. Keywords: early childhood character, activities of the musical experience Introduction Indonesia needs of human resources in sufficient quantity and quality as the main supporter of the development. To meet the human resource, education has a crucial role. This is in accordance with Act No 20 of 2003 on National Education System in Article 3, which states that the national education serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation. National education aims at developing the potential of learners in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. Art for children is different from art to adults because of different physical and mental character. It is important to note, especially in assessing the work of 306 students, so that the creation of children is not measured according to the tastes and beauty of the adult criteria. Educational function of art in contrast to the function of art in professional work. Art for the education function as a medium to fulfill the functions of child development, both physically and mentally. Being in the professional work of art functioned to enhance their expertise in a professional capacity. In the implementation of arts learning in schools, creating learning experiences referred to as learning the art work. Was the experience of perception, see, and appreciate and understand the art of learning is called appreciation. Learning the art work contains two aspects of competence, namely: skills and creativity. Early childhood education is the foundation for further education should be done globally (overall: developing a whole child in all aspects, including aspects of the arts) commonly referred to as global Joyfull learning that includes learning, attractive learning and active learning. With a global learning all aspects of the present in children can thrive. Global learning is supposed to be implemented is not fully implemented. Education in Indonesia is more emphasis on the development and performance of the left hemisphere only. Aspects of the arts tend to be ignored. In fact, if one does not have a sense of belong to an art, then it will die your heart (hard to find), in other words would be a hard heart. The impact will be very fatal. That is why some people are atjudge or be labeled "smart" instead be "scum" (Indonesia rife with corruption cases). Aspects of early childhood art deserve the spotlight. Remember learning the art of music is very important in shaping the character of children in the future. At the early age of 0-6 years is the golden age in which the brain develops very rapidly up to 80%. At that age the brain very quickly absorb and receive information without regard to good and bad. Therefore, it is important at the time the child is given something good and useful for the early formation of the next character in the children. Especially in the arts can be done by doing the musical experience. Based on the above background, the authors are interested to discuss the activities of musical experience in early childhood as the initial formation of the nation's character. Discussion Education is an endless process that largely determines the character of the nation on the present and future, whether a nation will emerge as the winner or the loser is highly dependent on the quality education that can shape the character of the nation. In accordance with Law No 20 of 2003 on National Education System in Article 3, which states that the national education serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation. National education aims at developing the potential of learners in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. Based on the function and purpose of national education, it is clear that education at all levels, including early childhood education (early childhood) should be organized systematically in order to achieve that goal. This is related to the character formation of students so as to compete, ethical, moral, polite and interact with the community. Based on research at Harvard University in the United States (Ibrahim Ali Akbar, 2000), it turns out a person's success is not determined solely by the knowledge and technical skills (hard skills), but more by the ability to manage ourselves and others (soft skills). This research suggests that success is determined only about 20 percent by the hard skills and the remaining 80 percent of the soft skills. Even the most successful people in the world can succeed because the more widely supported than the ability of hard skills soft skills. This suggests that the quality of education students are very important characters to be improved. Characters are the values of human behavior associated with the Almighty God, self, neighbor, neighborhood, and nationality embodied in the thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words, and actions based on religious norms, laws, manners, culture , and customs. In general dictionary Indonesian language, character is character, character, psychological traits, morals or manners that distinguish one person from another. Character of the nation's culture is strongly influenced by the base of the nation. 307 Bushido Japan has a culture that emphasizes loyalty, high discipline, and unyielding spirit. Contiguity with the Muslim nations of Europe through Spain, Sicily, and the Crusades in the 11M century have shaped the character of Europeans into the learners so that they can explore and develop the work of science in medieval Muslim scholars, which led to their mastery of science and technology to the current high this. Early childhood has distinctive characteristics, both physical, psychological, social, moral and so on. Childhood is also the most important for all ages of life. Because childhood is the foundation and formation of the personality that will determine the next child's experience. So important is the age to understand the characteristics of early childhood to be absolute if you want to have a generation that is able to develop themselves optimally. The experiences of children at an early age will have a strong influence on later life. This experience will last a long time. Not even be eliminated, although it could be just covered. A time when there is stimulation of the fishing experience of life that had experienced the effect will appear again, although in different forms. Some things are important reasons to understand the characteristics of early childhood. Part of the reason may be described as follows: early age is the age of the most important stage of human development, because that age is the period laid the basis of personality structure that was built for a lifetime. It is therefore necessary that appropriate education and services. Early experience is important, because the initial basis is likely to persist and will influence the attitudes and behavior throughout his life, in addition to the initial base will quickly develop into a habit. It is therefore necessary giving a positive initial experience. Physical and mental 308 development have a tremendous pace, compared with all age. Even the age of 0-8 years experience 80% of brain development rather than later. Therefore it is necessary physical and mental stimulation. The character of children, especially young children are generally happy with things that are entertaining, unique, and easy to understand. One material that is taught in Early Childhood Education (early childhood) is to introduce children songs and folk songs owned by Indonesia. It aims to build character in children / students in the love of the homeland, a sense of culture and the desire to preserve the unique culture of Indonesia. To introduce the children songs and folk songs that exist in Indonesia on early PAUD any child could atunya through musical experience. Work experience is the appreciation of music through listening to a song, sing, play music, move to music, reading music, so that the children receive a thorough overview of the expression of the song. Experience music with the observation that conscious will leave treasury diverse musical elements in the memory of the child. In kindergarten competency skills are more focused on exploration experience to train the sensory and motor abilities, rather than make children proficient or expert. While creativity here include cognitive, affective, and psychomotor look of the product or process in the work and be busy themselves creatively (Semiawan, Jojo, 1990: 10). Conveyed the appreciation of learning is not limited to knowledge alone, but involves the experience of observation, experience, appreciate, enjoy and appreciate the art exercise activity directly. In learning the art of music in general early childhood learning approach there are three of them: an appreciation of learning models, models of creative learning and classical learning models. For the activities of early childhood music experience can use the learning model of appreciation, which the participants were introduced a wide range of songs through listening to the song, the singing, musical play activities, activities move to the music, reading music and music creativity activities. For early childhood reading music and music creativity activities have not been given because it is still quite difficult given by early childhood. Music activities. Learn to listen to music is to observe the use of musical elements that have been studied, the rhythm, melody, harmony, form or structure of the songs featured in the music produced by the sound of various musical instruments. The task of teachers is to help children to increase the sense of the beauty of his music by listening to a variety of quality music. There are two aspects that must be developed in listening to music: The quality of the music expression. Are happy, lively, vibrant, funny, sad, solemn, and a variety of expressions of feelings. Properties of the elements of music in the song. Examples of musical elements that are important to note that gradually is as follows: rhythm, related to the pulse, time signatures, and rhythmic patterns, melodies associated with the high tones, scales, motion tone and direction of motion of tone, harmony associated with the texture, interval , kadens, and chord progression, form related to the structure, repetition, song forms, expressions relating to tempo, dynamics, timbre, and tone production. The singing. The singing is a major activity in the teaching of music in Early Childhood Education (early childhood). In the singing students are guided by teachers to sing the song model. Choose a song that is well known models such as the rainbow children, cut the duck goose, parrot. Teachers can choose songs that are generally known and loved each area students. However, consider the language skills and ambitus (the voice) students. Teachers can also choose a new song that easily taught to students in a short time. Prior to the singing, determine the steps that are tailored to the tune of the children's voices. Do not start singing just to figure out the pitch track, because in this way can damage children's voices. Then we set the tempo or speed of the song that suits the song, which is in accordance with the atmosphere lively, happy, and happy. Determined after the pitch and tempo or speed then the teacher gives an example for the students sang a song then invited to sing the whole song together. If we teach a new song of unknown pupils do not forget to cite the entire song to be heard. Then set an example by parts that directly emulated by students. After the students mastered all the songs, then the whole song was sung. Songs of the model used to discuss the elements of music. This discussion should be done gradually by taking into account the terms and conditions of the order of the ability of a logical sequence of teaching materials, namely: the most basic element of music is rhythm as the subject, with a sub-sub subjects ranging from pulses, bars, and a variety of rhythm patterns . Next is the most important element in music, the melody moves in rhythm patterns, with the parts anyway. Once the elements of rhythm and melody elements then we can teach the elements of harmony because harmony is a chord or a combination of more than one tone is also moving in rhythm patterns. Elements of the form / structure of the songs are not bound to the terms of the order of the rhythm-melody-harmony, because bnetuk or song structures that we encounter on the songs from the model used phrases, words of songs, and the songs are simple. Similarly, the elements of expression, from the beginning of the content of 309 expression is to be known songs sung by the model. Musical play activities. Playing music using musical instruments commonly used in the classroom, provide expertise to enhance children's interest in learning music. The various instruments used in the classroom can be grouped into three categories, namely musical rhythm, melody instruments, and musical harmony. General basic steps such as playing music, the first we have to show the children how the sound of each instrument. Second, we must show how to hold and ring it. Teachers and their students can create a simple musical instruments to be used in classroom activities. For example, send some children to bring beksa bottles, or beverage cans. Ask them to ring the tools and ask for a response to the sound generated from the objects they carry. In the normal course of early childhood music playing, discussions began with the singing rhythm. Then followed by clapping by the song pulse model, followed by clapping by the song swing bars, hand gestures membirama song, then clapped in a variety of rhythm patterns in the strains biramanya. Activities move to the music. These activities are of two kinds, namely motion and the motion moved in the place. Various kinds of motion is done with the music that is played, well played and recorded the teacher. Can also be done from a combination of motion in a place with a motion switch. Activities move to the music is intended to plant, nurture, enhance, and strengthen the understanding and appreciation of musical elements to the children. The purpose of moving to the music which is to inculcate, foster, enhance and strengthen the understanding and appreciation of musical elements to the child. Undeniably there is always art around us. Arts education in Indonesia have also begun to be taught from AUD 310 education. Therefore, it is useful to use the arts to the development of children's intelligence and character formation of capital in Indonesia. Here are some of the benefits of early childhood learning the art of musical experience, especially in activities; children so much easier to absorb the input and advice provided, Sensitivity to nature for the better because it used to make something beautiful, give pleasure and can help young people learn skills need to be controlled, or something with their talents, to help children express their creativity and develop freely, children are able to control emotions, feeling sad or happy. Emotions that can be poured through the artwork they produce, imagination children can be developed through the work produced, building on the child's feelings and give a lot of creative art experiences, appreciation of the beauty of the child will grow and develop in him. If the sensitivity is already growing, children can produce good work, arts education can be a positive influence in terms of perceptions of children's emotions. (Source: Newspaper SINDO/Minggu-10 August 2008) Closing At the early age of 0-6 years, the brain develops very rapidly up to 80 percent. At the age of brains receive and absorb various kinds of information, do not look good and the bad. That period is when the child's physical, mental and spiritual, the child will begin to form. Because of this, many who call this period as the golden times of the child (golden age). The experiences of children at an early age will have a strong influence on later life. This experience will last a long time. Not even be eliminated, although it could be just covered. The character of children, especially young children are generally happy with things that are entertaining, unique, and easy to understand. One material that is taught in Early Childhood Education (early childhood) is to introduce children songs and folk songs owned by Indonesia. It aims to build character in children / students in the love of the homeland, a sense of culture and the desire to preserve the unique culture of Indonesia. To introduce the children songs and folk songs that exist in Indonesia on early UIA any child could atunya through musical experience. One study conducted in Indonesia is the activity of early childhood music experience. There are some activities that can be done in the activities of the musical experience: music activities, activities of singing, playing musical activities, and events move to the music. Of all activities performed on the musical experience of early childhood education (early childhood) are expected to be useful in forming the character of children in particular and Indonesia build national character in general. Benefits to be gained from the experience of musical activities in early childhood among others, easy to absorb the input and advice provided, Sensitivity to the better nature, to give pleasure and can help children learn various skills that need to be controlled, to help children express their creativity and develop freely , and is able to control emotions. References Bruse, Tina, 1987. Early Childhood Education, London : Holder & Stoughton. Chalil, Achjar. 2008. Pembentukan karakter Peserta Didik melalui Pendekatan Pembelajaran Berbasis Fitrah *) Agupena Jawa Tengah. http://agupenajateng.net/2009/02/ 13/Pembentukan-karakter-pesertadidik-melalui-pendekatan- pembelajaran-berbasis-fitrah (diunduh, 11/06/30) Dinas Kebudayaan, ( 1988 ), Pedoman Pendidikan Kesenian, Jakarta. Depdikbud,1994. Program Kegiatan Belajar Taman Kanak-Kanak. Depdiknas, 2003.Undang-undang No.20 tahun 2003. Sistem Pendidikan nasional. www.depdiknas.go.id Ebbeck, Marjory Ann, 1991. Early Childhood Education, Melbourne : Longman Cheshire. Hurlock, Elizabeth B. 1992. Perkembangan Anak, Jilid I dan Ikan Mas, Jakarta : Erlangga, Pamadhi, Hadjar. 2009. Pendidikan Seni di SD. Jakarta:Universitas terbuka Safrina, Rien. 2002. Pendidikan Seni Musik. Bandung: CV Maulana Soedarsono, (2002). Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia Di Era Globalisasi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Sholehuddin, M. 1997. Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Pra Sekolah, IKIP Bandung. Sri Hermawati Dwi Arini, dkk. Seni Budaya Jilid 1. Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Syah, Imam Hr. 2010. Pendidikan Seni Musik di SD. http://edukasi.kompasiana.com/20 10/12/30/pendidikan-seni-musikdi-sd/. (diunduh, 11/06/30) Widia Pekerti, dkk. (2005). Metode Pengembangan Seni TK. Jakarta : Universitas Terbuka. Sumber:http://gudangmakalah.blo gspot.com/2009/04/makalahkarakteristik-anak-usia-dini.html 311 BUILDING CHARACTER THROUGH EARLY AGE CHILDREN DANCE ART EDUCATION Ika Ratnaningrum UPP PGSD Unnes Tegal Abstract Character guidance should be given as early as possible during early childhood or also called kindergarten. Character building aims to establish and inculcate a good personality for children. To establish the whole and good personal can be done through the dance education in schools. Expected with learning dance, children who still like playing and thinking concrete will begin to apply what they do that they think. It also can make children to be themselves in a dance movement that they brought. Therefore, learning dance will form a good character or personality and to develop the Emotional Quotient (EQ) that contains some of aspects. With the builded of children good character and EQ, then the next generation will provide good benefits for the nation's life to come. Keywords: Dance Education, Character Building, Childhood Introduction Character is the key to individual success. From the results of research in the U.S. that 90 percent of cases that committed by children are caused by bad behaviour as irresponsible, dishonest, and bad interpersonal relationships. This also supported by other studies showing that 80 percent of the success of a person in society is determined by the emotional quotient. Emotional Quotient (EQ) by Lownfield in Kamaril (2001: 2-3), it‘s an educational dimention that can be found in the concept of art education, include the art of dance. Art education in general can develop skills such as basic human physical, perceptual, intelectual, emotional, social, and aesthetic creativity. Besides, art education can also develop children's emotional intelligence, as in the art education develop all forms of physical activities and the sense of beauty, as included in the activities of expression, to exploration, creation, and appreciation. The role of art education can help developing children‘s personality in the 312 building of character education. The role of dance education can empower people‘s emotion and it can be expressed through body movement. So, no wonder that the dance movements can represent a person's personality. The personality is one element of the building of a character. Art education, the art of dance, music, art, and drama at kindergarten is part of the process of whole individual building in accordance with the national education goals. The purpose of art education in kindergarten are not to build a skillful dancing or music student or in other words not to be an artist, but an appreciative and creative personal building through the experience of developing art. Art lessons could build the mindset of the students through an incultating of understanding , cultivating sense of beauty and sensitivity, and it‘s expected can build a noble character, creative, appreciative, sensitive, and have a sense of beauty human in accordance with the objectives of education in the future. Art education, should be based on the development of cognitive aspects (the ability of individuals to connect, assess and consider an event), affective (feelings) and psychomotor through activities by developing understanding, knowledge, psikomotor skills application, as well as other skills widely. Actually, art education is not compartmentalized (dance separates with dance, the art, and drama), but it can become an integral and complementary. When teachers teaching children to dance, must not be detached from a sense of musical, inspiration figure / particular expression brought, and it will be connected to the elements of art. According to Howard Gardner (2010), art education, especially dancing, is included the Multiple Intellegence the "Body Smart" (physical intelligence / kinesthetic). Basically, children like music and dancing. Dancing together can to hone a child's physical intelligence. Dancing requires a balance, the harmony of motion of the body, muscle‘s strength and flexibility. Not only the hands and feet but the body also moves. The art of dance in addition can stimulate fine motor and gross motor skills of children, in a dance movement contains some of the issues related to the character or personality. Therefore, it would not hurt a child is taught to dance and move to follow the music. Indirectly through dance can educate a child's character through the motion that was delivered. How to educate a child's character through dance, by giving or teaching dance with concrete moves. It is expected that children can easily memorize and easy to appreciate the appropriate role or a dance that was delivered. Discussion A. Children Characters Building The character building, is a process that long a lifetime. The children will grow be a character personality, if they also grow in an characterized environment. Thus, the nature of born saint every child can develop optimally. So, the are three parts which have an important role. Namely, family, school, and community. According Megawangi (2008), by creating a conducive environment. The children will grow into a characterizedpersonality if they can grow in an characterized environment, so that every sacred natural saint born child can develop optimally. So that, the founder and executive director of the Indonesia Heritage Foundation thinks that the role of family, school, and community is crucial. In the character building, there are three things last integrated, namely: 1. First, children understanding good and bad, knowing what action they should take, be able to give priority to the good stuff. 2. Second, children have a love of kindness, and hate the bad deeds. This love is a torch or a spirit to do good. For example, the child would not lie. '' Because it's a bad idea to lie, they do not want to do it for the love of virtue,''. 3. Third, children are able to do good, and accustomed to doing. Based on the third process above, come the nine pillars of character are important inculcated in children. They started from the love of God and the universe and its contents; responsibility, discipline, and self-independence, honesty; respect and courtesy; compassion, caring, and cooperation; confident, creative, hard work, and never give up; justice and leadership; good and humble; tolerance, love peace, and unity. Good character should be maintained. Then, how to inculcate character in children? Character education should begin when children are toddlers to teenagers. There are six critical phases, according to practitioners education Wiyono (2008), which passed by the child to grow up. 313 Parents and teachers should understand it as something normal. '' That child is in phase,''. Edy provide assistance to parents for marking and facing the developmental phases of children ranging from toddlers, preschool, school age, the age of junior high school, up to age of college. One important thing that should not be released in each phase, the use of praise for the behaviour, or changes in behaviour. These phases of childhood have characteristics: adaptative conflict, imitative, share, and refused to budge. Last third of this nature because the child wants to be accepted in the group. Parents‘ role is giving the opportunity to notice, try, and work together. The second is giving and aligning imitative behavior that tends to negative. The third is to providing supported to child to be able to share and yield. B. Dance education for Childhood The give art education will grow a variety of intelligence, especially kinesthetic intelligence, and learning to appreciate the cultural diversity of Indonesia through dance movement. " Dance education for childhood are less friendly in the public ear, especially for dance. In order to socialize this Dance education for Childhood, Childhood Education providers need to hold a child's art education program which concentrates the art of dance. The art of dance for childhood, in an effort to stimulate the ideas and the creativity of children. Because the art of dance is a form of positive action, it is necessary to be implemented become a local content on the organization of childhood curriculum. Besides the art of dance is also a means to share expression of feelings and emotion of children. Dance movement maintenance also stimulates the growth of children motor in aligning the power of thought in accordance with the level of childhood motor development. The purpose of dance 314 education in childhood administration, to introduce some of the national culture of Indonesia to their students, develop kinesthetic intelligence and aspects of the art. According to experts in the theory Sulistyo (2011), in childhood education there are three types of educational which is the sensorimotor play, development play, role play. The art of dance education included into the role play, the more precisely the role of macro play. Playing the role of the macro if the child plays a man beyond himself. Examples such as a chef in a chef dance, a butterfly in a butterflies dance, a pleasant farmer in the farmer dance and others. At certain stages of the child will continue to advance toward physical growth, mental and esthetic. In general, depended on the age and interests of each child in different art. But the reality is not so. In the approach to the art of dance there is the assumption that children are particularly involved in and gain control of the motor to the child art movement. Moving while making a voice by using a sense, though without a skill it‘s very important in the art experience. Similarly, if children is given the motivation to create motion based on observation of the favorite animals at home, it would be found different funny motions from one another. It is possible that will come a motion while making a voice or shout to express their observations. In the art experience children will meet the elements of dance art, so that the exploration of movement and rhythm is very meaningful for children esthetic development . Childhood has a quality of motion in accordance with the characteristics of children, which is quite aggressive and energetic. If it is developed and nurtured will make an invaluable asset. C. Characteristics of Childhood Dance The following is a characteristic of childhood dance movement : 1. Motion characteristics of childhood a. In general, motion characteristics in kindergarten they can do variety of imitative movement activities. If a teacher can show students an action that can be observed (observable), then the child will begin to reproduce imitative action until in the muscles level and demanded by the impulsive urge to imitate. In general the development of kindergarten children can perform moving activities as follows: a. Imitating, as the author has been said before in the dance creativity development effort that a child played imitating like they saw. The child can imitate the movements of television viewed either directly movements or done by others, based on themes and animals movements were observed. b. Manipulation, in this children's activities, they show various spontaneous movements of the object being observed. However, the child observation to the objects they will display a movement that just likes. According to Kamtini and Husni Wardhi Tanjung in his book, Playing Through Motion and Songs in kindergarten that can be said the overall characteristics of the physical movement of kindergarten children were: a. Is simple b. Are meaningful and themed, meaning that each movement contains a specific theme c. Children movement mimic the activities of parents everyday and also the people around them d. Children also imitate animal movements. children must pay attention to two things, namely, should pay attention to body part that can be trained from the characteristics or the characteristics of the child motion. A kindergarten teacher in arranging a dance for kindergarten d. Dance Variety 2. Characteristics of Kindergarten’s Dance There are several things to consider in order to provide appropriate dance with the characteristics of kindergarten children that there are some points to note are: a. Theme In general the kids always like what they had ever seen. From what they saw or unconsciously realized spontaneously, children will mimic the motions that correspond to what he had ever seen. From motions they have ever seen and observed by a child, it can be used as a theme. Themes that are generally liked by the kindergarten include animal behavior such as cats, dogs, birds, butterflies, ducks and others. Children also imitate human behavior such as: father, mother, doctors, engineers and others. b. Forms of Motion Form of motion in accordance with the characteristics of children's dance, in general, motions they do are not too difficult and very simple. Given the essentially kindergartner's imagination is high and creativity have a high as well. And other forms of motion are the usual motions form a lively, fast and seemed to describe their joy. c. Form of accompaniment Judging from the characteristics of a child who likes to move with joy and kindergarten usually like musical accompaniment to describe the pleasure and excitement. Especially the catchy children songs, for example: the song Kelinciku, Kebunku, Kupu-Kupu and others. 315 If a copyright dance movement work has been arranged as one child dance, then formed into a form of dance and a kind of dance that suits the characteristics and properties of a kindergartner who has the nature of joy or pleasure, a lively and simple motion, and the musical accompaniment is easily understood by children. D. Child Characters in Dance Dance movement skills is not the main goal but the development of various aspects of creativity in the student is orientation held in the learning process. The main purpose of the dance is to help grow and develop students' skills through dance to find a relationship between the body with all existence. The goal of Dance Art Education for Childhood itself is as follows: 1. Training child's motor physical, 2. Training the cognitive, affective development. 3. Training social, emotional, communication and language development. 4. Training their interests, talents, and creativity. 5. Inculcate the values of education or humanitarian values (esthetic sensitivity). 6. Preserving Indonesian Cultural. Kindergartner physical basic skills can be recognized from ability to move the balance, locomotor, speed, change the expression, technique, body control, energetic movement, and coordination the members of the body. Kindergnartner aesthetic basic skills is seen of its ability to unfold the beauty of dance in both the activity of dance creation and in dance activities. Kindergartner creative basic skills can be recognized from ability to make unique motions, different from their friends, even their ability to make a new motion, and speed to adjust to their 316 friends, when made a mistake at a time to dance. After learning the purpose of dance education above, then that goal will bring some character or personality of the child. Personality is usually judged by the attitudes and behavior. But the scientists found that the dance movements can also express one's personality. Scientists have found that a variety of personality can be revealed by one's dance moves performance. Research also shows that the dance floor (dance floor) is a perfect place to measure personality. According to Dr. Luck (2010), every person's body movement can be an indicator of personality type. Even though the robot motion can show personality. The study of 60 volunteers who have been selected from 900 people who do a personality test, here are some personalities revealed from a variety of dance movements (rock, techno, Latin, jazz, funk and pop), as follows: 1. Extroverted (open personality) People who have an open or extroverted personality will drive almost all the members of their body while dancing. They will also move with very energetic, and moving his head and arms with redundant. 2. Neurotic People with neurotic personalities usually have lots of complaining behavior, often looking for sympathy, caring and very sensitive, as if returning to childish behavior. People with these personalities will dance with a sharp movement and jerked his arms and legs. 3. Agreeable personality (fun personality) People with this personality tend to dance with a smooth motion, using the dance floor by moving the body with a swinging motion. 4. Open-minded (open minded) People with this personality tend to make the rhythmic movement up and down and not move too much. 5. People thoroughly Careful people moving around the dance floor more than anyone else. He also moved a greater distance than the other dancers. Learning the art of dance will also bring the emotional intelligence behavioral change process that associated with the children character. 1. According Kusumastuti (2009), there is some kind of children character growing up through dance art education is as follows: a. Having the sense of pride b. Having a brave nature c. Able to control emotion d. Able to hone refinement e. Able to nurture a sense of responsibility f. Able to nurture a sense of independence g. Easily interact with others h. Have a good achievement i. Able to develop imagination j. Being a creative child From some behavioral changes above, it can be applied properly cultivated by teachers to their students. Although through the art of dance media, it is expected to bring a good change for the child's personality and character. For children as the future generation should start early inculcated, to prepare mental and emotional for the challenges of living in the state and nation. Closing A. Conclusion Dance education can be a tool to share the talent of children through the motion. Dance movement will develop EQ and the good and intact personal or character building with the aim to prepare children early as the next generation in the life to come. Character building that can be gained from learning to dance is the having of a sense of pride, having a brave nature, able to control emotion, able to hone refinement, Able to foster a sense of responsibility, able to foster a sense of independence, easy to interact with others, have a good achievement, able to develop imagination and being a creative child. Additionally, it will build an extroverted personality of the child (open personality), neurotic, agreeable personality (pleasant personality), Open-minded (open minded) and become the ekstrovert people. B. Suggestion Based on the conclusions above, the suggestion would be aimed at parents, especially for childhood , kindergarten, Play Group and its equivalent school teacher. The advice that given to parents are to provide support to children in art activism, especially the art of dance. It can be done with including children in dance studio activities. For teachers, in order to provide a good direction and guidance in learning the art of dance to their students at the school. For the children themselves, in order to always have a passion to learn and develop their talents in art of dance. References Howard Gardner. Children's Character Building Tips. Posted by sekolahtaqifa in February 14, 2010 Kamaril, Cut. Of 2001. Concept Art Education Elementary-Junior HighLevel High School. Seminar and Workshop Papers of the National Art Education. 18 to 20 April 2001. Jakarta: Hotel Indonesia. Kusumastuti, Eni. Increased Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Quotion) Early Childhood Education Through Dance. Semarang: LIK volume 38, number 02, December 2009. 317 Geoff Luck of the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland, as reported by the Telegraph, Tuesday (16/11/2010). editor [at] detikhealth.com Megawangi, Ratna. in half-day seminar Building Character Children From Early Childhood, How Important? in Jakarta, May 3, 2008. http://beranda.blogsome.com/2008/ 02/07/membangun-karakteranak/trackback/ Sulistyo, Ari. Of 2011. Teaching guides and Educating Early Childhood. Depok: Millenia Press. Rike. Of 2011. Characteristics of dance ability and Early Childhood. www.gogle.com Susilo, Adi. Bernialai Cultural Education (Education Dance AUD). http://adisusilo.blogdetik.com Wiyono. , 2008. Children's Art in early childhood education. igustiarya @ gmail, com. 318 CURRICULLUM OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (Efforts of Development the Early Childhood Character Educational) Edi Waluyo Early Childhood Department Semarang State University Abstract Curriculum development in early childhood character, is a necessity and a challenge all at once. This is appropriate with the rule made by Educational Minister No. 58 of 2009, agencies are required to develop the curriculum as needed, but on the other side, not all early childhood education institutions are ready to develop the curriculum according to the needs and characteristics. Introduction Early childhood education is an important part to prepare human resource (HR) in the future and right education will be the basis for a child to enter further education. Early childhood is the golden era (golden age) for the intellectual development of each human being. According to the human brain development, the stage of brain development in early childhood is the most vital, reaching 80% of brain development. (Suyanto, 2003:1) Purpose of early childhood education is the achievement of child development which are healthy and optimal as well its readiness and variety of life skills that necessary for process development and further education. Because children are the future generations and society at the same time, the growth and development achieved by children must be in line with the values, norms and social expectations. (Curriculum, 2004:23) Developments and changes that occur in the life of society, nation and the state in Indonesia can not be separated from global influences, the development of science and technology, and arts and culture. These continuously require improvement of the educational curriculum includes a contextual curriculum refinement to create a society that is able to compete and adapt to changing times. (Sukmadinata, 2000: 34) Educators in demand to develop a curriculum implemented in the form of lesson plans as a form of the program in more detail. Lesson plans are drawn up as curriculum development and become more meaningful because it is growing and flexible. Development of early childhood education curriculum, adapted to existing circumstances, and evolving to achieve the competencies. So that educators can be creative in the implementation, to develop learning activities that suit the needs of children. Along to the global era, many people considered that the development of character education curriculum is necessary, it is an anticipation for rescue the students in order to recognize a wide range of their potential early on. The curriculum should look at what the community needs and predictive to the needs of the future. Developed curriculum should prepare students to have the skill to stock up to the challenge of time. According to these conditions need to look for effective solutions to give provisions through the curriculum implemented by educational institutions relating to character education. Thus the 319 institution will provide supplies to suit the needs of learners and the community. Discussion Early childhood curriculum development in accordance with the potential of the area very attractive to be implemented, due to anticipation of the era of globalization, to prepare students to master a wide range of skills. Therefore, the development activities of the early childhood curriculum should be handled by a professional, and have a solid foundation in education. Educators are required to be ready as a professional curriculum developer. This is in line with curriculum development today demands the ability of educators to become a professional curriculum developer. Because the curriculum is a vehicle for studying which is dynamic that needs to be planned, implemented and evaluated on an ongoing basis and according to sustainable development. (Sukmadinata, 2000:45) Nowadays, educators are required to be professional in handling all the problems of education. Do not let the educators as a developer and implementer of education can not even solve the problems of education itself. The main thing to be developed by the government is how to print the educators who are capable of transferring knowledge and at the same time as the curriculum developer. Due to the current curriculum requires educators to actively and creatively develop a curriculum that is taught. It may be said that the role of educator is very strategic, that is, as planners, implementers and evaluators of the curriculum. If the three roles are not well lived, of course, can not be a good educators and curriculum developers. (Hamalik 2004:12) This is the task of educational institutions to develop human potential and resources early on, to deliver 320 graduates who are ready to develop the potential of the region, so that policy of development can work together to support educational development. According to Permendikas number 58 years 2009 of early childhood education standards, providing full flexibility to each agency to develop a curriculum by watching the potential of the institutions and the area, so it will encourage institutions to be more creative and innovative. The curriculum is very in-depth study in accordance with the existing runway in the curriculum include the philosophical,sociological, technological and psychological of a society, which later gave birth to a concept thoroughly tested both conceptually and in implementation. (Sukmadinata, 2000:48) We remember that the society constantly changing, so curriculum is always changing, improving and renewing experience. For the advancement of science and technology should be developed according to the demands of the times and should be anticipated in the curriculum so that it needs the necessary evaluation tools that can measure all aspects learned during his education. (Puskur, 2007: 34) Often people see that the curriculum was limited to documents stored neatly in a cupboard or in a bookcase in his institution, and even the curriculum document into an antique, because teachers are afraid to touch and open it. This is what makes that the curriculum is static because it was never developed by educators in accordance with what is required by the students. Supporting factors whether it is succes or not the implementation of the curriculum in the field is influenced by the ability of educators to develop and implement curriculum. Curriculum development model in each of the educational unit to the consequences that educators should be a curriculum developer to be conveyed in any learning activity. (Sanjaya, 2009:23) Practice of curriculum development in early childhood education that develops the character of the ideal has not been performing well. This is because the teachers always follow the advice of the supervisor or waiting for orders. So that the character education curriculum for young children who should serve as a facilitator aspects of child development, it becomes less than the maximum because of the lack of role of educators in the development of a broader curriculum and in accordance with their respective educational institutions. In addition, the demands on early childhood education is very high, because parents want their children to be what parents want. So that parents often demand that their children at the educators are required to master a wide range of cognitive nature of knowledge. Whereas in early childhood, curriculum should provide the child care facilities development, so that students become what they want. Good curriculum development in early childhood, is to accommodate all the aspirations and inputs from various sources of information which is of course to educate and make children of character. This is a very good carrying capacity, so that the curriculum into a curriculum document is really needed in accordance with the development of children. Challenges of early childhood education increasingly heavy and increasingly developed. This relates to the demands of the people who always insist on early childhood education to align with the development and not obsolete. But this is often an obstacle for educators in curriculum development in the field because not accommodate all the aspirations of its people. School is a vehicle for formal education process. Schools are part of society, and therefore the school should be able to seek the preservation of the characteristics or peculiarities about the school environment or the area where the school is located. For realization of this effort, the school must provide educational programs that can provide insight to students about what the characteristics of local environment, whether in relation to natural conditions, social and cultural environment and the needs of the region. (Jalal, 2001: 35) In developing a curriculum that develops early childhood character education institutions required readiness of human resources, and material support. Each institution must have a team of curriculum developers who sought to develop curriculum that correspond to typical area, with a view to early childhood have a sense of devotion to the area and have the appropriate skills to local circumstances. It is necessary to design an education system that is able to create an atmosphere of fun and learning, stimulate and challenge learners to develop themselves optimally match the talents and abilities. Besides, it also gives freedom to the institutions to develop curriculum that are appropriate to its needs. Developments and changes that occur in the life of society, nation and the state can not be separated from global influences, the development of science, technology, arts and culture. Developments and changes require the continuous improvement of the education system including improving the curriculum to create a society that is able to compete and adapt to the changing times. Making plans to overall curriculum provides a comprehensive experience for every student of the material offered by educational institutions. Therefore, the material which 321 is offered do not give trouble, but provide additional valuable insight for the future. Planning concept of the material is very hard work, because it deals with material that is conceptualized as a form of child character to be obtained. So that the material must know and recognize sharply on the vary individual needs. So the role of educators is a creator to answer what is in the curriculum and change it according to the needs of students and institutions. Closing Curriculum development in early childhood is characterized by a curriculum development team composed of educators coorporating with various stakeholders, including parents, students, managers of institutions, communities and stakeholders. Development of early childhood education curriculum aims to develop a curriculum in accordance with the stages of early childhood development of character, considering its characteristics. References Fasli Jalal dan Dedi Supriadi 2001. Reformasi Pendidikan dalam Konteks Otonomi Daerah. Yogyakarta: Adicita Karyanusa Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, 2000. Pengembangan Kurikulum Teori dan Praktek . Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya Oemar Hamalik 2004. Inovasi Pendidikan (Perwujudan Dalam Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Bandung: YP Permindo Puskur, 2007. Standar Isi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Balitbang Sugeng Santoso, 2002. Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Jakarta: Citra Pendidikan Wina Sanjaya, 2009. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta 322 ROLE OF TEACHERS IN COPING WITH CHILDREN IN DEVIANT BEHAVIOR KINDERGARTEN Nurhafizah Padang State University Abstract Behavior vary from good behavior to the deviant behavior. This deviant behavior of children who need to get education from a teacher if the behavior is evolving toward better behavior. The attitude of the teacher as an educator is different in the face of a deviant child behavior. There are teachers who tolerate deviant behavior, by giving advice and motivation in various ways so that the child's behavior changed for the better. The teacher is a person who deserves the exemplary and imitated. Teachers should be able to provide examples of good and exemplary act on their students. But there is also a teacher in facing the child does not have an attitude of patience, do not respond to the child's behavior and does not provide motivation for children to change their behavior. Whereas the development of behavior is very important in shaping both habituation-conditioning in children. habituation to behave well is should be done at an early age as an initial foundation for the development of subsequent behavior of the children so that children have a positive character in the future. Kindergarten is an early childhood education can be a forum for the development of such behavior. Key words: The role of teachers, overcome, deviant behavior, kindergarten Introduction One of the missions of national education in addition to the intellectual life of the nation is the promotion of the dignity and character. Character education or formation of behavior is expected to bring to the implementation of the educational implications. Develop and disseminate science, technology and trying to use to improve their lives. Ansar (2005: 39) Educational basically aims to help individuals achieve optimal development according to its potential. Of course it's education began in the early days in early childhood. Children in early childhood was in the golden age period in which a child has a very high intelligence. At this time a child begins to be educated so that potential inborn it can develop optimally. To obtain the development potential of the parent to the child's education should start from small, Kartini expressed as (1995: 15), "Parents are a child's first educators and adult offspring by nature to bear responsibility for helping the growth and development of human children by educating". Based on the above quotation it is clear that efforts to develop individual potential is a major task to be implemented by educators such as teachers in formal educational institutions such as kindergarten. Kindergarten and early childhood institution is an institution to provide stimulus to help the child's development. Parents need institutions like kindergarten in helping the growth and development both physically and psychologically anaknnya. Educators or teachers in kindergarten also serves as the parent for the child, in other words the task is to educate teachers. Educate children properly means the totality of the potential to cultivate a natural child. The potential for physical child growth reasonably pursued through the fulfillment of the needs food, clothing and shelter by the child's parents. While the potential for spiritual development of 323 children appropriately pursued through business coaching intellectual, and moral sense. This is in accordance with the purpose of kindergarten according to the Ministry of Education (2004: 7) which is "to help students develop a range of potential psychic covering both moral and religious values, social, emotional, cognitive, language, physical / motor, independence, and art to be ready to enter basic education". These objectives will be realized by the teacher as an educator in kindergarten. A teacher should already have knowledge and understanding in how to educate children so that these objectives can be achieved, of course with the help of various parties in the field of early childhood education. Teachers in kindergarten serving as role models for students and teachers that is the attitude shown by all the teachers in their behavior would be an example for children. Children usually idolize people including a teacher who likes to be idolized by a child. Because in reality a lot of kids who idolized his teacher at school. Being a teacher should figure is the figure of a teacher who was liked by children and bring a child into a good direction. Education provided by a teacher with a sincere and loving will make children feel at ease, if the child already feels at ease and not feel compelled his soul delighted in teaching children. Each teacher has a different attitude or response of a single teacher with another teacher. There are teachers who implement such an attitude would listen to children, giving opportunities for children to ask, if the child made a mistake the teacher will take the actions that did not hurt the child. Teachers are rude to children will make the children become frightened. Do not want to listen to children and some have ignored the students as teachers are preoccupied with their own preoccupations so that a child 324 less attention. Based on the above explanation can be concluded that each teacher has ways of educating children. Deviant behavior or bad behavior in early childhood such as lying, like annoying friends and likes to break things at school and etc, common in children. Such behavior if left alone and not addressed or acted upon will be blown away by the child until the child grew up. In everyday life is often found that aggressive children can not stay always annoying friend who is learning, there are children who do not want to be friends moody and always accompanied by a parent at the school. Thus the teacher's role is indispensable in addressing the child's behavior. In order not to become a habit for children as adults last ago to educate children. Theory Study Erikson (in Nugraha, 2005: 53) children are being active and adaptive cruise control is always working for the environment. Childhood is a picture of the human person a place where good and evil grow and realize the true self in accordance with the stages of development.Growth and development that occurs in child physical motor skills, moral development (including personality, temperament and character), social, emotional, intellectual and language of children. Therefore, during the golden age (golden age) these children need attention through the stimulation of a good education so that the potential for children to develop optimally. Depdiknas (2004: 6) "Kindergarten as a form of early childhood education units in the formal education that organizes educational programs for children aged four to six years". Depdiknas (2004: 7) function of kindergarten education is as follows: a) Introduce legislation, instill discipline in children, b) Introduce children to the world around, c) Cultivate good attitudes and behavior, d) Develop the ability to communicate and socialize, e) Develop the skills and creativity of children, f) Preparing children to enter primary education. Thus, we can know that kindergarten is a unit in formal education that aims to help develop the potential and capabilities of early childhood education as a preparation for entering the base. Mashitoh (in Aisyah, 2007: 1.3) suggests that in learning activities in kindergarten priority to play while learning and learn while playing. Moeslichatoen (in Aisyah, 2007: 1.4) argues that: a) should provide educational situations that provide safety and unpleasant to the child, b) to form learning activities that can shape a child for good behavior, through habituation are manifest in daily activities , c) is the development of basic skills of children. Based on the above opinion can be said that the characteristics of learning in kindergarten it actually is through play. Through play children can recognize it and know things. Education provided through the form of the game will make the child more comfortable. Children will gain a meaningful learning because education is provided without any element of coercion to the child. Education in Nursery children always refer to the needs of children, according to child development and is done through play. As the nature of attitude Teacher Educators Colman (in Hanurawan, 2010: 64) suggests that the attitudes of a persistent pattern of evaluative responses about people, objects or issues. Baron and Byrne (in Hanurawan, 2010: 64) is a subjective assessment of one's attitude toward an attitude object. Thus it can be said that attitude is a response to emotions such as the attitude object, circumstance or situation, and so on. There is a positive response and there is a negative, there is a like or dislike and so on. Manstead and Strickland (in Hanurawan, 2010: 65), there are three components of attitude, namely: 1) The components of cognitive evaluative response, 2) the response of the evaluative component of attitude is the affective or emotional feelings associated with an attitude object, 3) Components of evaluative behavioral response of attitude is to behave in certain ways toward the attitude object. Based on the above explanation it can be concluded that the cognitive component means a person's mind about an object, the affective component includes feelings or emotions of anxiety, pity, hate, anger and so forth, behavioral components of attitudes tendency to behave in certain ways on the attitude object. These three components together is critical to the overall attitude in a person. Katz (in Hanurawan, 2010: 66) explains the function of attitude, there are four, namely: 1) self-adjustment function, 2) self-defense function and protective, 3) The function of the expression values that positive attitude helps the expression of one's basic values, showing off her image , 4) functions of knowledge means that the attitude of helping someone set the standard evaluation of something. In accordance with the above explanation it is clear that through a person's attitude can make the adjustment to anywhere and anytime as well as in new siatuasi. Attitude also serves as an effort in defending themselves from the dangers that would threaten to himself. Attitude is the mean value of expression through the attitude that one can show characteristics that make themselves different from others. Characteristic can be shown through his intelligence, good behavior and so on. Attitude also serves as a means of knowledge through the person's attitude 325 can have standardized on one thing and the state. Regulation of the Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia No. 59 Year 2009 on Early Childhood Education Standards clarify that: early childhood educators are professionals who are tasked to plan, implement the process of learning, and assessing learning outcomes, coaching, protection and care of students. Aisyah (2007: 3.9) "Teachers in public view is the one who carry out education in certain places". As educators, the task is basically to educate teachers, which helps students develop a personal, expand knowledge and provide guidance to the students. Johnshon and Medinnus (in Munandar, 1999: 69) suggests that the figure was Master who can inspire future leaders, the new generation, and children will affect the future of the world. Based on the above explanation it can be concluded that the importance of the role of teachers in helping children in school and also affects the child's future. Attention and encouragement of teachers influence the child to choose and consider in making a decision. Sjarkawi (2006: 34) A teacher may also provide character education to the children, "character education is an educational process aimed at developing values, attitudes and behaviors that emit noble or noble character". Teachers should be held responsible for any attitudes, behaviors and actions in order to foster the spirit and character of students. Wens Tanlain (in Aisyah, 2007: 3.10) suggests that teachers who are responsible for: a) Receive and comply with humanitarian values and norms, b) Shoulder the task with a free, brave, happy, and not a burden to him, c) Aware of the value relating to the actions and the consequences it brings, d) Respect for others, e) Wise and careful, devoted to God Almighty. Thus the teacher's responsibility as educators increasingly 326 clear that any attitude or behavior exhibited by a teacher can be in the spotlight and is considered by students as a teacher is a figure of a leader. As a teacher on duty to establish and build the personality of students. Aisyah (2007: 3.10) states that the duties of teachers, namely: a) task demanding profession of a teacher to develop appropriate professional development of science and technology, b) The duty of humanity, in which teachers must engage through social interaction with the public, c) The task of educating the community and teach people to become moral citizens Pancasila Indonesia. Duties and responsibilities of a teacher in an educational interaction is so heavy. In order to run this task should be a teacher must have skills in educating early childhood. Dewi (2005: 38) reveals that the "attitude of kindergarten teachers deal with children in trouble with a variety of ways. Teachers need to know the limits of what is reasonable behavior or have a problem ". For that teachers need to know the characteristics or symptoms of children with problems so that teachers can help children with problems in its development. As a teacher on duty to Establish and build the personality of students. Aisyah (2007: 3.10) states That the duties of teachers, namely: a) task demanding profession of a teacher to develop Appropriate professional development of science and technology, b) The duty of humanity, in the which teachers must engage through social interaction with the public, c) The task of Educating the community and teach people to Become Indonesia Pancasila moral citizens. Duties and responsibilities of a teacher in an educational interaction is so heavy. In order to run this task should be a teacher must have skills in Educating early childhood. Dewi (2005: 38) That reveals the "attitude of Newbie teachers deal with children in trouble with a variety of ways. Teachers need to know the limits of what is reasonable behavior or have a problem". For that teachers need to know the characteristics or symptoms of children with problems so teachers can help children That with problems in its development. Notwithstanding the nature of behavior Depdiknas (2003) that "the behavior of the individual responses or reactions to stimuli or the environment". Based on the opinion of the above it is clear that such behavior is all the activities of a person in a way to act against any stimulus that comes from within and from outside of the environment or whether it is an activity that can be observed or not observable. Prayitno (2006: 139) explains that "deviant behavior, especially related to personality disorders, is not the achievement of developmental tasks perfectly, especially concerning the ability and willingness of responsible social behavior". Deviant behavior can be said if such behavior could harm himself or others and violate the rules of the values and norms. Andi Mappiare (in Mudjiran, 2007: 150) is also called the behavior of deviant behavior or problem behavior. Thus we can conclude that aberrant behavior is a behavior that is contrary to the rules, values and norms, where the behavior can be detrimental to himself and others. So deviant behavior in early childhood can be interpreted as a bad behavior in children, reactions are manifested in the movement (position) and the statement that does not please others. Children also have the attitude and behavior, if the child is getting to know other people, children begin to show behavior. If the children have started to talk and walk the variety of behavior was beginning to look good and pleasant it is behavior that is annoying. Hasan (2009: 163) This behavior is formed due to hereditary factors, but the behavior could also be formed due to environmental factors or aberrant parenting. So-called deviant behavior or bad behavior in early childhood is reasonable as defined by Gichara (2006: 2) "bad behavior is part of the growth process of children into adulthood as long as it does not lead to a dangerous or criminal acts". Parents and teachers should look for appropriate ways in addressing the bad behavior of children. So the bad behavior in early childhood is one of the aspects of development that would be passed by each individual, but note also how the shape of such behavior. Behaviorism views of the flow (in Mudjiran, 2007: 150) This deviant behavior will occur if: a) A person faced with conflicts that are not able to cope, b) A person failed to find ways to adjust the fit for his behavior, c) A person learning about the ways that are not able to cope. So if a person is faced with a problem and could not finish it, and feel themselves were wrong, at this moment there deviant behavior. Personal characteristics of mentally healthy according to Maslow and Mittelman (in Mudjiran, 2007: 151) is as follows: a) Feeling safe and at ease, b) Having an emotional spontaneity and, c) Ability to assess themselves objectively and positively, d) have the drive and desire a healthy physical, e) have a good understanding of self, f) have a healthy living goals, g) have the ability to learn, h) the ability to meet the needs of the group, i) the existence of a healthy attitude towards the emancipation. In accordance with the explanation, it is always a healthy individual showing of convenience, can control the emotions, has a purpose in the future, able to survive in a group, as well as participate in kelompokonya. 327 Deviant behavior in early childhood according to Gichara (2006: 820) is as follows: 1) Lying, 2) Cheating in a game, 3) Theft, 4) Damage, 5) absent, 6) Fighting (hitting, pushing and teasing ), 7) Tantrums 8) Denying, 9) Biting, 10) Being coarse, 11) Speaking of rough (revealing dirty words), 12) Manja. Based on the opinion of the above then we can see some examples of bad behavior in early childhood is the case and carried out by children in this day and age. Gichara (2006: 21-33) there are several factors that cause bad behavior in children is as follows: 1) uncontrolled emotions, 2) social and family environment did not support such a feel different from the other (disability), sibling rivalry, mass media such as the spectacle of violence, fighting parents, 3) planting the wrong discipline include: irritability, antisocial, pressure at school and competence, 4) Not enough Nutrition. Mudjiran (2007: 153-155) factors that influence the occurrence of deviant behavior is as follows: 1) The factors that originate from within the child such as: the potential of low intelligence, learning adjustment is wrong, deviant behavior was a strengthening of environmental , did not find a figure or model that can be used as guidance in everyday life, children have obstacles in satisfying desires, 2) factors originating outside the child is: a family environment that does not educate the less control from parents, school environment that makes children less comfortable, the lack of active participation of communities in preventing violations, the violencethemed movies are watched by children, including cartoons, smackdown. Based on the opinions of the above, it can be concluded that many things can affect the occurrence of bad behavior in children is a factor that comes from within his own children, family and social environment around the child. Closing 328 Attitudes of teachers in the face of a deviant child behavior has a very important role. Because teachers are examples of models for children, especially kindergarten. As for the things that teachers can do to children in kindergarten include: 1. Giving Advice to teach good behavior in accordance with the teachings of the religion through activities such as story 1. Motivate children 2. Discipline or rules 3. Invites children to solve problems with both 4. Give an award to a child when behaving well. 5. Do not force the child in specific activities. References Depdiknas. 2006. Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Bandung: Citra Umbara. ________. 2004. Standar Kompetensi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Taman Kanak -Kanak Dan Raudathul Athfal. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum. Dewi, Rosmala. 2005. Berbagai Masalah Anak Taman Kanak -kanak. Jakarta. Depdiknas. Gichara, Jenny. 2006. Mengatasi Perilaku Buruk Anak. Jakarta: Kawan Pustaka. Hanurawan, Fattah. 2010. Psikologi Sosial Suatu Pengantar. Bandung. Remaja Rosdakarya. Hasan, Maimunah. 2009. Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Jogjakarta: Diva press. Mudjiran, dkk. 2007. Perkembangan Peserta Didik . Padang. UNP Press. Schaefer, Charles. 2003. Bagaimana Memebimbing Anak Secara Efektif. DKI: Anggota IKAPI Sjarkawi. 2006. Pembentukan Kepribadian Anak. Jakarta. Bumi Aksara. Sutadi, Rusda Koto. 2007. Permasalahan Anak Taman Kanak-Kanak. Depdikbud. Suyanto, Slamset. 2005. Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 329 DEVELOPMENT MOTOR SKILLS ON EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (EARLY CHILDHOOD) Delrefi. D Lecturer University Of Bengkulu Faculty Of Education Early Childhood Abstract Problems in this paper is, a lack of understanding of teachers about the basic knowledge in the physical domain motor, both in the development of fine motor and gross motor development, and it is acquired through observation and observation by the author on teachers of early childhood education (early childhood) in the implementation of physical development. And it is concluded that many teachers who ignore the basic techniques and body movement corridors in accordance with the anatomy and the maturity level of students. Of course if the physical development of motor skills (fine motor and gross motor skills) conducted without adequate knowledge about the motion of the motor, the basic body movement skills, and terminology in the understanding of anatomy and physiology for each of the teachers who engaged in physical education, the course will provide harm to the child's motor development and physical growth will damage, and what is expected of kinesthetic intelligence will be ignored. So in this paper is very important otherwise be understood and controlled by teachers or instructors matters relating to kinesiology and motor development of basic motor skills and the factors that need to be understood in the development of motor skills in early childhood education. Introduction Background Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System states that: 1). Early childhood education is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age six years through the provision of educational stimulus to promote the growth and physical and mental readiness to have children entering further education, 2). organized early childhood education prior to primary education, 3).Early childhood education is provided through formal education, non formal and / or informal; 4).Early childhood education in the form of formal education parkschool children (kindergarten), Raudatul Athfal (RA), or other equivalent form, 5).Early childhood education in the form of non-formal education channels play groups, (TPA) or other equivalent form, 6).Early childhood education into education or family education in the form 330 of informal education organized by the environment. The basis of the program could not be separated from the Dakar Declaration of 2000 (The Dakar Framework for Action Education for All), which one egg is intended to expand and improve the overall care and early childhood education. The Government started the implementation of early childhood education more broadly, namely at the peak of the commemoration of national Children's Day July 23, 2003 in Jakarta, and at times it has also officially launched the implementation of Early Childhood Education throughout Indonesia. As it looks now perceived tendency of widespread public interest in the management of early childhood education, especially in communities or groups who care about education. This can be seen from the news, websites and posts on the discussion of early childhood education. And of course discussions and activities in educational institutions is showing concern for early childhood education, especially educational institutions that have a program of study early childhood education (early childhood) Early childhood education programs PGPAUD is an institution should be responsible for developing and managing the demands of education in accordance with the trending development of national education goals that have a vision of "Insan Indonesia Intelligent and Competitive" with the mission of "Making Education a Insan Indonesia Able to Build an Intelligent and Competitive with the Fair , Quality, and Relevance to the Needs of the Global Community " Efforts of the program can be implemented through multiple intelligences as claimed Lazaer (2000) that multiple intelligences (multiple Inteligences) is a cutting-edge developments in the field of intelligensi that describe things related to the pathways used by humans to be smart. The plural is macam2 intelligence: 1).Verbal intelligence, 2).Intelligence mathematical logic, 3).Intelligence Intrapersonal, 4).Interpersonal 5).Naturalist intelligence, 6).Kinesthetic intelligence and body movement (bodily-kinestheti), 7).Music intelligence, 8).Visual-Spatial intelligence. Nothing that the eight intelligences kinesthetic intelligence is part of multiple intelligence related to the sensitivity and skill in controlling the coordination of body movements through gross and fine motor movement towards development of perfect body, as well as physical development aimed 1). Promotes physical harmony, spiritual, mental , With the ever growth and social development, 2). develop basic motor skills (gross motor development and fine motor), 3). instill values and positive attitude, and know kecerdasdan kinesthetic, and 4). develop the knowledge and habits needed to live healthy that leads to smarter kids. The problems that were found through field observations made in the early childhood teachers, and concluded a lack of understanding of teachers about the basic knowledge in the physical domain motor, both rough and smooth, especially the many teachers who ignore the basic techniques and body movement corridors in accordance with the anatomy and maturity level of students. If the physical development of motor skills (fine motor and gross motor skills) conducted without adequate knowledge and understanding of the physiology of the teachers who engaged in physical education, will certainly have a negative impact the development would damage the child's motor and physical growth, as well as what kinesthetic intelligence that would be expected from neglected. Contents section below will explain things that are important in physical development (fine motor and motorikkasar), which is about the development of basic motor and movement skills and the factors that are necessary for a teacher of motor development in early childhood education (early childhood) I. Motor Development and Skills Of Basic Motion and Some Factors To Be Understood By A Teacher A. Definition of Motor Motion Motor motion is a translation of said motor means "the basic mechanics that lead to a motion" motion (movement) is an activity that didasarai by the motor Mudjito et al (2008) frame the development of motor skills in physical education is supposed to be seen by teachers for educational purposes which leads to a physical). promotes physical harmony, spiritual, mental, social growth and development, b). develop basic motor 331 skills, c). inculcate positive values and attitudes and, d). develop the knowledge and habits needed to live healthy. Kinesthetic intelligence is the ability to align the mind with the body so that what the mind will be set out in the form of body movements are beautiful, creative and have meaning. This definition refers to in writing saying that ―…. Sebuah keselarasan antara fikiran dan tubuh, dimana fikiran dilatih untuk memanfaatkan tubuh sebagaimana mestinya dan tubuh dilatih untuk dapat merespon ekspresi kekuatan dari pikiran‖.Linda C et al (in Faruq, 2007) Develop kinesthetic intelligence can not be separated from the concept of learning motor skills ie body work in early childhood is the basic body movement skills. There are two types of motor skills: Gross (or large) motor skills involve the muscles bigger, including the arms and legs. Actions that require gross motor skills include walking, running, balance and coordination. When evaluating gross motor skills, including the factors that experts see the strength, muscle tone, quality and range of motion movements (gross motor). Fine (or small) motor skills involve the small muscles in the fingers, toes, eyes and other areas. Actions that require fine motor skills tend to be more complicated, such as drawing, writing, holding objects, throwing, and catching waves (fine motor) .. B. Body Basic Skills Management skills can be taught the basic body of the child from birth and naturally adapted to the growing maturity. And in early childhood play groups or the beginning of school children through the can through gymnastics and minor games. Help plan the work to divide the basic body management skills into three categories: locomotor, non locomotor and manipulation (Adam & Rahantoknam, 1988). Locomotor skills to move your body acts from one city to another and non-locomotor skills are actions taken in place and in particular does not move from one city to another. Manipulative skills are used to effect the object, good projection, receive or maintain it. Locomotor skills walk step Run slide jump Various objects can be selected as the theme locomotor teaching and use as an individual or a combination. Laban category movement analysis (flow, force, time and space) can provide direction and guidance to teachers. Some aspects that can be selected to develop a range of skills: 1. Using a foot in various ways (alternating with, one two, two one, just one) 332 skip hop creep roll gallop Plunge 2. Using parts of the body on the floor (roll, jump, glide) 3. Using a different space (low, above ground, in air) 4. Using various measures long 5. Using a different path 6. Using different speeds 7. Using a different power 8. Using cooperation and competition Non-locomotor skills Locomotor skills include the actions performed by the body in place, not specifically for the purpose of moving the body from one city to another. strec Buckli swiv Curl up Turn h e back Among the aspects that can be selected to develop a range of non-locomotor skills are; 1. Using body parts of different 2. With feet still or moving 3. Using a field or a different level of space 4. Using a different direction swiv ambus hinder Balanced el h 5. Using different levels 6. Using the road in a different individual 7. Using a different measure of movement 8. Using different speeds 9. Using a different power levels 10. Using different levels of flexibility 11. Using cooperation and competition Manipulative Skills Manipulas skills include the use of the object (ball hoop) and tools (bad, racquet) Manipulation Capt ure Sto p Brin g Co ntr oll Kic k Thr ow Pus h In general teaches manipulative skills using small objects or tools are also useful to develop the small muscles such as the fingers (fine motor) Some examples of aspects that can be taught is: 1. Throw under hand (standing, weight transfer, release the ball, the movement continued, the stronger hand). 2. Capture (see the ball, move the ball, open your fingers, place the heel of your palms together). 3. Bounce (let the ball fall, increasing the forces that drive the ball, watch him). 4. Using your fingers Draw the line (train using stationery such as charcoal or the like, to train to make a flat line, curved and angled right-angled left, zig-zag and various other patterns.) Sla p Hol d Pen cil Dra w Line s Fol d squee ze Arran ge 5. Construct (the Block, working in a sandbox using woodworking tools that need to be factor of safety education) 6. Use cooperation and competition C. Cognitive Factor Need to be Understood Thus there is some knowledge that needs to be understood by an early childhood teachers in the development of gross motor and fine motor skills, in order to avoid errors resulting from the growth of motor physical activity, the need to understand as it is written (Sugianto & Sudjarwo 1993): 1. Physical Development and Baby Movement Physical and developmental aspects of movement are two that can only be distinguished but not separated. 333 Development and physical growth so hopefully determine the physical ability to perform gerakan-motion. Kualitasfisiknya better, more baikpula development to master a wide range of motion. Baby's physical development and movement was a continuation and development that has occurred at the time the fetus is still inside the mother's womb. Therefore, before discussion of the physical development and movement of baby's development, needs to be discussed in advance of development before birth. Developments Before Birth Necessary to know the fetal development of sophisticated tools. The fetus was in the belly of his mother, because it is difficult to observe directly. A simple way to do this is by way of touching the mother's abdomen or through what is perceived. by the pregnant mother. This simple way of sophistication can be improved by using certain tools, such as stethoscope, electrocardiograph, or elektromiograf. More sophisticated tools such as scanning sonar. Changes in shape and proportions of the human body from the fetus to adulthood (source: Sugianto & Sudjarwo, 1993) the longer size will give effect in terms of increasing the strength needed to support the motion. While the maturity of the infant affect the possibility for control of certain forms of movement with increasing age. Process maturity is the element that gives the direction of the development pattern of motion, and determine the appearance of new behaviors specific to the din of children. Belajarmerupakan supporting element in Development of the motion During the first 2 years since the birth, babies have the ability to move dalarn development. The development of motor skills in line with the process of physical growth and maturity. Physical growth is characterized by the greater and 334 Physical Development Infancy is the period since the individual is born until age 1 or 2 years. Physical growth after birth is the continuation and growth whilst still in the womb. Saatsaat birth is a moment knitis for the baby to survive. Baby who had just lahirharus the face of changing environmental conditions, and environmental conditions in the mother's abdomen and into the natural conditions in the open Iingkungan. Physical growth of babies, both before birth and after birth will experience a further continuous change in shape and proportions of the size of body parts in line with the greater size and the length or height. Changes in shape and body proportions at each phase of development, as in the following figure: the process of perfecting mastery penilaku or barn movements that began in the child. Development of infants who will put forward the motion includes two kinds of development are: a. Development of the motion switch (Locomotion). b. The development of motion hold. c. Motion Switching Development NO 1 STAGE upper body postural control 2 Control of posture and activity throughout back bone without the help 3 4 Active efforts to move Movement move by crawling 5 Controls and postural coordination to walk At first the baby is only able to perform simple movements and performed weakly. Infants gradually develop movement skills in a particular pattern until he could walk. Shirley (1931) describes the five stages of development until the baby can berj alan. The fifth stage is illustrated in the table below: Development of the Motion Switch AGE (WEEKS) ACTIVITY Before 20 In prone possition Lifting the chin Lifting the chest Sitting lap 25 till 31 Rolling out laterally In the prone position can moving the legs as if skew Sitting alone for a while Standing with assistance 37 to 39.5 the knee forward or backward 42 to 47 Stand holding furniture Crawl Walking with guided Lifting the body tries to stand 62 to 64 Standing alone Walking alone 2. In the terminology of anatomy In this section a teacher needs to understand the terminology in anatomy to teach physical development (fine motor and gross motor) because knowledge of the human body in order to get the perfect result, in order to obtain an economical movements so as not to create something that is not expected or are not desirable in fostering kinesthetic intelligence. contained in the human body and its relationship bones found in the human body, about the nervous system and its relationship with other nerve and nerve fiber connection with the muscle fibers. For that the teachers or trainers in the development of body need to understand about: the types and kinds of muscle contraction based on origin of movement and insensionya, bone forms 335 include the motor and gross motor skills fine motor skills. 1. Gross motor movements of the body is using large muscles or most or all members of the body that are affected by the maturity of the child. 2. While the fine motor movements that use the small muscles of the body or part of certain members ang influenced by the opportunity to learn and practice Picture: the large muscles Images: a human skeleton Conclusions And Recommendations A. Conclusion Motor learning is a developmental control of the body through movement between the nervous system, muscle, brain, and spinal cord. Developments 336 Management skills can be taught the basic body of the child from birth and naturally adapted to the growing maturity. And in early childhood play groups or the beginning of school children through the can through gymnastics and minor games. Help plan the work to divide the basic body management skills into three categories: locomotor, non locomotor and manipulative. Activity and the activity is carried out with an interesting activity. There is some knowledge that needs to be understood by an early childhood teachers in the development of gross motor and fine motor skills, in order to avoid errors resulting from the growth of motor physical activity, which is necessary to understand such as: 1. Physical Development and Movement Baby 2. Terminology in anatomy Teachers and trainers need to understand the terminology in anatomy to teach physical development (fine motor and gross motor) for the purpose of knowledge about the human body in physical development is to get a perfect result, in order to obtain an economical movements so as not to cause something unexpected or unwanted in fostering kinesthetic intelligence. B. Advice 1. Motor development guidelines for early childhood programs S1 to the uniformity of views on the development of physical education or motor development which is currently more likely to be called kinesthetic intelligence. Especially the lines of principal importance in motor learning. 2. Government needs to bridge to the lecturers in the field of PG-PAUD childhood development a national vision to bring together scholars in the development of early childhood education. Being had been invited to the upgrading impressed related to PG-PAUD of early childhood programs. only certain people, and should be invited lecturers as well as the development of PG-PAUD in early childhood. Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. PPS UNJ. Rusli lutan, 1988. Belajar Keterampilan Motorik. P2LPTK. Sumantri, MS, M.Pd. Model Pengembangan Keterampilan Jasmani AUD. Jakarta: Depdiknas, Dirjen Dikti Samsudin. 2007. Pembelajaran Jasmani di Taman Kanak -Kanak. Jakarta : Litera. Sugianto & Sudjarwo, 1993. Perkembangan Dan Belajar Gerak. Depdikbud. Jakarta References Arma Abdulah, 1996. Pendidkan Jasmani Adaptif. Depdikbud. Jakarta Elizabeth B. Hurlock, 1995. Perkembangan Anak 1. Jakarta : Erlangga. Depdiknas, 2002. Acuan Menu Pembelajaran Pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Menu Pembelajaran Generik). Dirjen PLS dan Pemuda. Jakarta. Depdiknas.2002. Acuan Menu Pembelajaran Pada Tempat Penitipan Anak . Dirjen PLS dan Pemuda. 2004. Dirjen PLS dan Pemuda. Jakarta. Faruq Muhamad Muhyi. 2007. 100 Permainan Yang Mengasah Kecerdasan Kinestetik. Grasindo. Jakarta. Ian Adam & BE Rahantoknam, 1988. Pendidikan Jasmani Dengan Pendekatan Pemahaman. Dikdasman. Jakarta Martini Jamaris, M.SC.Ed, 2003. Perkembangan dan Pengembangan Anak Usia Taman Kanak-Kanak. Program 337 INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION Ratih Kusumawardani Lecturer at Early Childhood Education Programme (PG-PAUD) Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Banten Abstract This paper briefly emphasized the individual differences in multicultural education. The author limited her discussion on early childhood multicultural education. This article focused on how to introduce individual differences to early childhood through multicultural education. Keywords: individual differences, early childhood, multicultural education Introduction God creates human beings differ from one another. Different gender, ethnic, and nation to know one another and carry out their duties on earth. Think how flat the world when its filled with the same people. Differences make our life more colorful and dynamic. Indonesia known as a plural nation, that consist of various ethnic, culture, language, and religion. We see the differences everyday. Simply, we can see and feel that we – physically and mentally – are different from others. In one family, father, mother, brother, sister and other family members are totally different. Differences or diversity as it is a grace that make our live beautiful and colorful Individual differences are the the range of intraindividual and interindividual in the characterictics and physical attributes, abilities, interest, personality traits, learning experiences dan home environment experiences affecting behavior and development. Differences are unique and typical in each individual thus every individual is different from one another. Individual differences affect the process of education and learning. Similar education and learning stimulation did not generate the similar behavioral learning outcomes. Teacher as an educator should understand the invidual differences in 338 order to design a learning strategy that facilitate the differences to achieve an optimal development of each children. Discussion A. Individual Differences Diffferences or diversity are very important educational issues. Rotter in Vaughan believes that people differ regarding the amount of control they feel they have over the reinforcements and punishmnets they receive (Vaughan, 1995). Those two (reinforcements and punishments) will form the different individual. Adults and teachers must understand ―averages‖ and ―norms‖, therefore, but see children as individuals – see each child as a unique package of emotional, mental, and physical traits (Yellon & Weinstein, 1977). Social Class Gender Geographic Area INDIVIDUAL Nationality Racial Ethnic Group Religion Ability and Disability Figure 1. Multi Cultural and Individual Identity (James A.Banks, Multiethnic Education: Theory and Practice) Every child develop according to the developmental pattern untill they mature. Physically, some children at the same age, different in height, hair, eyes, or skin. Emotionally, some children are able to manage their emotion, some of them are unable. Some of them are easy to mingle, some of them are shy. Some of them are smart, some of them need more assistances. They are totally different in ethnic, culture, social class, language, gender, and even more, there are some children with special needs. B. Multicultural Education Banks in Woolfolk stated that Multicultural education is ―a field of study designed to increase educational equity for all students‖. Multicutural is one response to the increasing diversity of the school population as well as to the growing demand for equity for all groups (Woolfolk, 2007). Indonesia has plural society and multicultural education is the right approach to unite all the differences stated above. Multicultural education is more than a change in curriculum. To make education appropriate for all students, we must consider other dimension as well (Woolfolk, 2007). Banks in Woolfolk suggest that multicultural education has five dimensions, as shown in Figure 2 (Woolfolk, 2007). 339 Content Integration Using examples and content from a variety of cultures and groups to illustrate key concepts, principles, generalization, and theories in their subject area or discipline. An Equity Pedagogy Matching teaching styles to students learning styles in order to fcilitate tthe academic achievement of students from diverse racial, cultural, and social class group. The Knowledge Construction Process Helping students to understand how the implisit cultural assumptions within a discipline influence the ways that knowledge is constructed within it. Prejudice Reduction Identifying the characteristic of students‘ racial attitudes and determining how they can be modified by teaching. An Empowering School Culture and Social Structure Examining group and labeling practices, sport participation, and the interaction of the staff and the students across ethnic and racial lines to create a school culture that empower students from all groups. Figure 2. Bank‘s Dimension of Multicultural Education (James A.Banks, Cultural Diversity and Education; Foundations, Curriculum, and Teaching) C. Early Childhood Birth to 4 years is the golden age period for children because child‘s brain develop 50% at this age and 30% untill 8 years old. ―Golden Age‖ is the most critical period because If brain does not get good attention at this period, then broken in brain can not be repaired on next period. During this critical and sensitive period, brain is easy to be formed because it is very higly response on environment stimulus or children experiences. Children learn through experiencing, imitating, explorating, and eksperimenting their environment. Young children learn in and use a concrete environment. Therefore, teacher must design an appropriate environment, teaching strategies, and culture that will enrich and strengthen the children‘s knowledge. 340 D. The Application of Individual Differences in Early Childhood Multicultural Education in Indonesia Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is the official national motto of Indonesia. It is translated as ―Unity in Diversity‖. Indonesia consist of various ethnics, culture, language and religion. To unite the plural life, early childhood multicultural education is the first step to make it. The following is a strategy to form a multicultural class generally (Ormrod, 2008): 1. Understand your own cultural lens. 2. Enter the values, beliefs, and traditions of many cultures in the curriculum. 3. Work hard to erase stereotypes of childrenethnic. 4. Remember that some students may have some cultural connection 5. Enhance productive interaction among the various groups of racial and ethnic students 6. Enter theculturaldiversityinto the classroomculturallyhomogeneous. 7. Nurture democratic ideas Conclusion Indonesia is plural society, various ethnic, culture, language, and religion. Those differences can be unite through multicultural education which can be introduced early. Early childhood education is the first and the critical step introducing multicultural education. Individual differences is the issue related to multicultural education. The awareness of individual differences must be created by designing the right strategies on teaching and learning. Multicultural education is expected to resolve conflicts related to issues of individual differences. Multicultural education that is part of character education is expected to make Indonesian as a great nation with a difference. References Eggen, Paul & on Kauchak. (2007). Educational Psychology (Windows on Classroom). New Jersey: PearsonEducation, Inc. Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis. (2008). Psikologi Pendidikan Jilid 1. Jakarta: Erlangga. Vaughan, Graham M. (1995).Introduction to Social Psychology. Australia: Prentice Hall. Woolfolk, Anita. (2007). Educational Psychology. USA: Pearson Education, Inc. Yelon, Stephen L&Grace W.Weinstein. (1977).A Teacher‟s World: Psychology in the Classroom. McGraw Hill. 341 ACTIVE LEARNING FOR FINE MOTOR DEVELOPMENT COURSES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD FACULTY OF TEACHING AND EDUCATION, BENGKULU UNIVERSITY Sri Saparahayuningsih Problem Background Early childhood educators should reflect the personal and the noble ideal to have patience, patience, dexterity, skill, and realable ability to develop a variety of kids potentialities. To achieve these philosophical thoughts An undergraduate program for early chilhood children in Faculty of Teaching and Education, Bengkulu University, prepares students to take courses that are translated into the courses. One of the courses is fine motor skills development methodologies. This course aims to (a) equip students to have the knowledge, skills and attitude as a teacher in early childhood and give experiences to them in developing fine motor of early childhood children. The successful achievement of competence course is dependent on several aspects. One aspect that greatly affects is how a letures implement it in lecturing. The trend of today leacturing is still learning-centered with lecturing leacturer. Students are less actively involved in the learning process. As a result the level of student understanding of lecture material less than optimal. Besides, the media is rarely used in the learning process so that learning becomes dry and less meaningful. The problem is the low absorptive capacity of the students in their course material Fine Motor Development Method is caused by many interacting factors. One factor is the method adopted for giving it less opportunity and motivation for students to participate actively. Students expressed less brave or less dared to ask things that are poorly understood. Lecturers do not use that approach to enable students to be actively involved, 342 and are still a lack of media-based media multy Discussion As mandated by the National Education Standards (PP.No.19 of 2005 on National Education standards, article 19 paragraph 1), learning is organized in an interactive learning, inspiring, fun, challenging, motivating learners to actively participate and provide enough space for initiative, creativity, and independence in accordance with their talents, interests, and physical and psychological development of students. One approach that can be applied in learning as set forth in Regulation No. 19 5ahun 2009 is Active Learning. Active approach to learning or active learning has been tested by the DBE-2 in 10 college partners, to improve the quality of lectures at the college. Approach to active learning is intended to optimize the use of all the potential possessed by students, so that all students can achieve a satisfactory learning outcomes in accordance with the personal characteristics they have. In addition, active learning is also intended to keep the attention of students to remain focused on the learning process. Each student basically has tremendous potential to be developed. For that, a leaturer is expected to explore and develop the potential of every student, one way this can be taken is to manage learning which can provide opportunities for students to get involved and express all potential students, one of the strategies that can be applied is to learning active. Active learning is learning that emphasizes active students to experience for theirselve, discover, solve the problem found so that potential students develop optimally. Active engagement with social and physical environment as well as the idea that relates to real life will encourage students to think actively acquire new knowledge and combine it with the knowledge they already have. To facilitate active learning, teachers must use a variety of active strategies and contextual, involving mutual learning (cooperative learning) and accommodate differences in gender and learning styles of each student. It is beneficial to maximize the learner's ability to understand new things and be able to use the new information in their daily lives. The average student has a learning activity is very good = 28%; Good = 47%; Fair = 22%; Less = 3%. With details of understanding the concept of an average "good" (3.4); average student activities in the classification of "good" (3.75); cooperation within the group average in the classification of "good" (3.7). Table 1.The results of portfolio assessment by a team of DBE-2 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Item Cycle a classroom setting and the reasons for Lesson plan with an appropriate material The tool aids / teaching media materials Student Reflection on the implementation of teaching learning proceses Reflectioni Peer observation sheet of lectures which have been filled The work of students as a result of teaching learning proces assessment instruments and scoring for the topics covered in the lesson plan Reflections on teacher assessment instruments and scoring after use Overall comments from the assessment team DBE-2 is a lecturer has been planned (syllabus and lesoon plan ) and has been Incompetence 1 2 3 Competence 1 2 3 Very copmtence 1 2 3 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V implemented well, the lecturer is categorized as a very competent teacher. 343 How the results of student reflection on teaching and learning teachers, are as follows: Quetion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Are you learning to drive high-level thinking Are you learning to drive high-level thinking Is learning to encourage you to interact with faculty and interact with fellow students Is learning gives you the opportunity to mengunkapkan opinions or questions Is the learning relevant to real life Does the media make use of ICT-based learning Does the evaluation of learning undertaken comprehensive faculty regarding the process and learning outcomes as well as touches of intellectual aspect, attitude and skills Is learning to encourage you to study independently both individually and in groups Of the 32 students gave the PBM as a reflection of the above. From these results proved that by using active learning can improve the quality of learning. Quality of learning that will impact the quality of student learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes are not determined by scores in the form of numbers alone, but as the capabilities to give opinion, cooperation, expressing the idea. The successful implementation of active learning is very much determined the ability of teachers to plan the syllabus, lesson plan, media, evaluation, and methods. In the active learning approach, there are four main principles in the learning process that must be considered by the lecturers. First, the interaction process (students actively interact with leature, fellow students, multi-media, reference, environment etc.). Second, the communication process (students communicate their learning experiences with leacture and fellow students through the story, dialogue or through simulated role-play). Third, the process of reflection, (a student to think again about the significance of what they have learned, 344 Yes No Details V V V V V V V and what they've done). Fourth, the exploration process (students direct experience by engaging all their senses through observation, experiment, investigation and / or interviews). Conclusion From the results of the implementation of active learning in the subject of Fine Motor Development methods in early childhood, Faculry of teaching and education, Bengkulu University. Prodi has successfully proven to increase student activity in learning. During the learning process of interaction and communication between leacture and students, students with students, students with the media, students with the environment. In learning proces students experience a direct ivolvement, either physical and mental. Then the students were invited to reflect to see the advantages and disadvantages what they have done. References DBE-2, Meningkatkan Mutu Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi melalui ALFHE: Membangun Budaya Akademik Baru di Abad 21‖, Jakarta: DBE-2; 2010. DBE-2 Pembelajaran Atif untuk Perguruan Tinggi, Pedoman Untuk Fasilitator, Jakarta, DBE-2, 2010 DBE-2 Pembelajaran aktif di Sekolah dan Kunjungan Sekolah, Pedoman Untuk Fasilitator, Jakarta, DBE-2, 2010 PP.No.19 tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, pasal 19 ayat 1 345 IMPROVING PROFESIONALISMOF ECD EDUCATOR THROUGH TEACHER CERTIFICATION IN POSITION Norman Syam FKIP University of Bengkulu Abstract This paper discuss about the professionalism ECD educator in teacher certification. The problem that presented in this paper is ―does certification of ECD improof teacher‘s professionalism?‖ based on that phenomenon, so the purpose of this paper is to help ECD teacher and other educator to develop and to improof the professionalism. The improofment of professionalism will be followed by repairing management system and classes of carrier by calculating equitable remunirating, so that it can increase teacher and educator‘s dignity and welfare . Teacher sertification use as: to proof teacher‘s performance, to get the information/ data, as basic to graduate the teacher, to proof the recomendation for follow-up activities. The methodology that applied in teacher certification is the disclosure towards the past, present, and future experience. Key word: professionalism, early childhood, certification A. Background Several attempts professionalism development of teachers has been widely carried out either individually or as a group, as well as the efforts made by the government, such as Government Regulation no. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, Law no. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 16 Year 2007 on Standards of Academic Qualifications and Competencies Teachers, Government Regulation no. 18 Year 2007 on Certification of Teachers, so that the technical assistance guidelines for teachers is needed to ongoing professional development, as mandated in UUSPN Year 2003 article 1, paragraph 2; educators are professionals in charge of planning and implementing learning activities, assess learning outcomes , coaching and training as well as research and community service, particularly for educators at universities. Besides, the importance of teacher certification in the professional development of teachers, as revealed by 346 Suyanto (2003),the teacher certification program is one way that can be used to cut the chain that causes the poor quality of teachers. Teachers as a professional figure must have skills that work in harmony with the demands of the occupied areas of work, so they have clear authority in improving the quality of Indonesian society. B. Discussion a. Teachers Certification 1. Definition Certification comes from the word certification means diploma or official recognition of a person's competence to assume professional positions. When it is associated with the teaching profession, the certification can be interpreted as proof of teaching ability shows that the holder has the competence to teach the subjects, levels and forms of education such as that described in the certificate of competency (P3TK National Education Departement, 2003). From the description it can be said that the certification is the provision of a certificate of competency or certificate in recognition of a person's ability to do a job after graduation competency test. Certification for teachers is an effective way to determine the quality of teachers and increasing public confidence in school and teaching profession. Certification for teachers is an integrated system which includes the assessment of teacher performance management process to support professional career development opportunities. Teacher certification directed to create a climate and productivity-oriented work environment, merit (good reward for the achievement) and equitable, done systematically, and is intended for continuous teacher professional career (Sukamto, 2004). UUSPN No. 20, 2003 describes the scope of teacher certification; (1) skill competency field of study , (2) competency of understanding characteristic students, (3) educational learning competencies, and (4) development of professional competence and personality educators. Competency personality is necessary for a teacher because a teacher must act according to religious norms, an honest person, authoritative, shows the work ethic, responsibility and uphold the teaching profession. Competencies expected personality is contained in Permendiknas No. 16 of 2007 as follows: 1. Acting in accordance with the norms of religious, legal, social and national culture of Indonesia 2. Present themselves as personally honest, noble and a role model for students and community 3. Present yourself as a person of steady, stable, mature, wise, and authoritative 4. Demonstrate work ethic, high responsibility, a sense of pride to be a teacher and self-confidence 5. Uphold the teaching profession. Through certification activities, they can be knownwhether they are a good teacher or not seen from the results of an assessment of teacher performance, including personal competence skills. 2. Teachers Certification (Permendiknas No. 18 Year 2007)Chapter 1 1) Teacher certification in position is the process of in-service teacher education 2) Certification as described in paragraph (1) may be followed by in-service teacher who has had academic qualification degree (S1) or D IV 3) Certification for teachers in the position referred to in paragraph (1) organized by the college which holds procurement education program that is accredited and established by the Minister of National Education Article 2 1) Teacher certification in position carriedthrough the competency test, to obtain a certificate of educators 2) The competency test as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be in the form of portfolio assessment 3) Assessmentof portfolios as described in paragraph (2) is recognition of the professional experience of teachers in the form of an assessment towards the ability that documents described 4) In-service teachers who pass the portfolio assessment as referred to in paragraph (2) certified educator 5) In-service teachers who cannot pass the portfolio assessment may be: a. Conduct activities in order to complete the portfolio to receive a passing grade b. Attend the education and training of the teaching profession, which ended with exams 6) The test referred to in paragraph (5) letter (b) include paedagogik competence, personality, social, and professional 7) In-service teachers who graduate teacher education and professional 347 8) b. a. b. training as referred to in paragraph (5) letter (b) certified educator In-service teachers who have not passed the education and training of teaching profession as referred to in paragraph (5) letter (b) given the opportunity to retake the exam education and training materials that have not passed Professionalism of Teachers and Education Personnel Definition of profession In general, the profession can be defined: 1. Professionals means that someone who work by the expertise, skills, techniques and procedures based on intellect (Volmer & Mills, 1966, Cully, 1969) 2. Profession as a specialization of intellectual positions gained through study and training, aimed to create a skill, high-value jobs that demand those skills and job, loved by others, and he can do the job with the reward in the form of pay, wages, and salaries ( Sagala, 2000) Terms of professional teacher 1. Teachers should have a variety of skills, abilities, love their job, maintain the teacher code of ethics 2. Professional teachers always develop themselves towards their knowledge and deepen their expertise 3. Professional teachers must be diligent to read literature Terms of Teaching Profession(According to the National Education Association, 1948) a. Position involving intellectual activity b. Position which covers a special science 348 c. d. e. f. g. h. Position which requiresa long professional preparation Position which requires continuous training in office Position which promises career and a permanent membership Position which determine the standard (default) itself Position which more concerned about service above personal gain Position which has a strongand tight professional organization According to Ace Suryadi (2004) qualified teachers have at least four main requirements: a. The ability of a professional (professional capacity) b. Efforts of a professional (professional effort) c. The time devoted to professional activities (time devotion) d. Benefits for his work (professional rent) c. Principles of Professionalism (Act N0. 14 Year 2005 Chapter 7) 1) Having talent, enthusiasm, and idealism vocation 2) Having a commitment to improve the quality of education, faith, devotion and noble character 3) Having academic qualifications and educational background in accordance with its duties 4) Having responsibility for the execution of a professionality tasks 5) Earning income which is determined accordingto work performance 6) Having the opportunity to develop in a sustainable manner with the professionalism of lifelong learning 7) Having legal protection guarantees in carrying out professionalism duties 8) Having a professional organization that has the authority to regulate matters relating to the professionalism teacher‘s duty d. Ways to develop a professional teachers Developmentt of teachers professionalism is directed to the strengthening of teacher based on teacher competency standards (paedagogik, personality, social, and professional). Ways to develop profession can do by this, as follows: Publishing a. Training b. Lesson Study c. Advanced Studies The four competencies (paedagogik, personality, social, and professional) should be carried out continuously or ongoing in order to teacher professionalism is increasing. e. The characteristics of the increasing teachers professionalism Enhanment professionalism of teachers through a process that starts from the bottom and can be guided by experienced, expert, and skilled staff, who provide the following characteristics: 1. Allows participants to develop the skills of knowledge, experience and understanding and can be applied to the current role or career and future. 2. Based on the evidence about the practice of teaching. 3. Supported by coaching or monitoring by experienced peers, both from within the school itself or from outside. 4. Can be use classroom observations as a basis of teachers professional development. 5. Modeling is an effective teaching and learning strategies capitalization. 6. Reach curiosity continuously and ability salving problems in daily life at school. 7. Give impact on the process of continuous learning. 8. Evaluated and directed professional development activities on a continuous basis. C. Early Childhood Education It is a development effort aimed to children from birth to age six years through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and physical and spiritual development so that children have the readiness to enter further education (Law No. 20, 2003). Implementation of ECD (Early Child Development)One form of education focuses on basic towards growth and physical development (fine and gross motor coordination), intelligence, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, socio-emotional (attitude and behavior and religion), language, and communication, according to the uniqueness and developmental stages which have been through the early childhood. D. Conclusion From the description above it can be concluded as follows: 1. Teachers and educators are primarypillar for the implementation of quality education. 2. The professionalism of teachers is a vital component to ensure education quality in accordance with the demands of science and technology. 3. Certification of teachers is an effective way to improve teacher quality. 4. Certification of in-service teacher is the process of giving educator certificate in office administration. 349 5. Teacher professionalism can be developed through MGMP forums, seminars / workshops, publishing journals, training and further study. 6. Through certification,we can know which teachers are good and which are not good teachers through the assessment of the performance of teachers. 7. Increase the professionalism of teachers should be done at all levels including the Early Childhood Educator. References Ace Suryadi. 2004. Refleksi UUSPN dan Prospeknya Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Nasional, Makalah:Dialog Interaktif Nasional, LPM UNY. Mendiknas. 2007. Panduan Penyusunan Portofolio Sertifikasi Guru dalam Jabatan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Jakarta . 2007. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional RI No. 16 Tahun 2007 Tentang Standar Kualifikasi Akademik dan Kompetensi Guru. Dirjen Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta . 2007. Peraturan Menteri No. 18 Tahun 2007 Tentang Sertifikasi bagi Guru dalam Jabatan. Dirjen Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta Suyanto, 2003, Sertifikasi Profesi Guru: Jaminan Pengakuan sekaligus Ancaman, Makalah Seminar, Semarang: UNNES. Sudarwan Danim. 2006. Undang-undang No. 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen dan Kode Etik dan Sumpah Guru RI. Tim Antardep UU Guru dan Dosen Presiden RI. 2003. Undang RI No. 20 Tahun 2003Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (Sisdiknas). Citra Umbara, Bandung. (QS 2:45). From this it can be understood that prayer, without the persistence of effort cannot be a guarantee of fulfillment of expectations. There is also the promise of God that says: I let pray the prayer when he was begging to me (QS 2:186) "If he is begging for" is a requirement as well as a sign that there are hand-picked and look up to heaven, but he did not pray to Him. Sincere prayer certainly allowed by God. Let alone they who are the believer, an infidel, devils even though, prayer is also allowed by God (QS 15:37). Why children are not accustomed to pray at the start and end of an activity. First a parent if in home the children are not encouraged and taught to pray in every activity. It will be brought up at the school 350 and outside the home. Second, teachers who are less creative in following the teaching and learning activities in the classroom, in training the children to get used to pray before and after activity. If this thing is not trained then the childrenwill think prayer is not important. Third is the children's own self, because the children themselves have nature characteristic which is lazy and bored. This happens because the parents and teachers so that children think they can do activities without pray first. This is what makes the childrenup to adulthood are not accustom themselves to pray. If we let the problem to continue, then the children do not know what prayer is? Why would he pray? They will think it is just for fun, pray hard, tedious and difficult, so the children do not know the benefits of prayer. Prayer is begging or asking for something that is good to Allah, such as asking for the safety of life, kosher fortune, andfirm faith. We should pray to God every moment, because it will always be heard by him. (Http://organisasi.org/definisi doa.2006). Prayer is the language of call or requests something, while according to the term is begging a protection to God bybeing humble themselves and submit to Him. (Abyan, 2008:4) Purpose of prayer: ask Him to make our life always in the guidance of Almighty God, in order to survive from the world and hereafter, to express gratitude to Allah SWT and ask a protection of Allah from the accursed Satan. The benefit of prayer is a prayer to God, for get an esier way in all matters and provides protection in the taking of life. (Abyan, 2008:4) How do the prayer is started by reading basmalah, followed by hamdalah and salawat, raised both his hands and rubbed his hands on his face after the prayers, it should be accompanied with a solemn heart andfaith that it will be heard by God and it s