April 21, 2015
April 21, 2015
Board of Directors Board Meeting Packet April 21, 2015 Clerk of the Board ALLEN PULIDO (510) 544-2020 PH (510) 569-1417 FAX MEMO to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT East Bay Regional Park District Board of Directors WHITNEY DOTSON President - Ward 1 DOUG SIDEN Vice President - Ward 4 The Regular Session of the APRIL 21, 2015 Board Meeting is scheduled to commence at 2:00 p.m. at the EBRPD Administration Building, 2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland BEVERLY LANE Treasurer - Ward 6 DENNIS WAESPI Secretary - Ward 3 DIANE BURGIS Respectfully submitted, Ward 7 JOHN SUTTER Ward 2 AYN WIESKAMP Ward 5 ROBERT E. DOYLE General Manager P.O. Box 5381 2950 Peralta Oaks Court Oakland, CA 94605-0381 (888) 327-2757 MAIN (510) 633-0460 TDD (510) 635-5502 FAX www.ebparks.org 2 ROBERT E. DOYLE General Manager AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 21, 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT 12:45 p.m. ROLL CALL (Board Conference Room) PUBLIC COMMENTS CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Gov’t Code § 54957.6 Agency Negotiator: Employee Organizations: Unrepresented Employees: Robert E. Doyle, Dave Collins, Jim O’Connor, Sukari Beshears AFSCME Local 2428 Managers and Confidentials B. Public Employee: Gov’t Code § 54957 - Clerk of the Board C. Conference with Legal Counsel: 1. 2:00 p.m. Claim of Katie Stone, et al. OPEN SESSION (Board Room) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. APPROVAL OF AGENDA B. PUBLIC COMMENTS The Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District will hold a regular meeting at the District’s Administration Building, 2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland, CA, commencing at 12:45 p.m. for Closed Session and 2:00 p.m. for Open Session on Tuesday, April 21, 2015. Agenda for the meeting is listed adjacent. Times for agenda items are approximate only and are subject to change during the meeting. If you wish to speak on matters not on the agenda, you may do so under Public Comments at either the beginning or end of the agenda. If you wish to testify on an item on the agenda, please complete a speaker’s form and submit it to the Clerk of the Board. A copy of the background materials concerning these agenda items, including any material that may have been submitted less than 72 hours before the meeting, is available for inspection on the District’s website (www.ebparks.org), the Administrative Building reception desk, and at the meeting. Agendas for Board Committee Meetings are available to the public upon request. If you wish to be placed on the mailing list to receive future agendas for a specific Board Committee, please call the Clerk of the Board’s Office at (510) 5442020. District facilities and meetings comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If special accommodations are needed for you to participate, please contact the Clerk of the Board as soon as possible, but preferably at least three working days prior to the meeting. 3 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Approval of District Check Listing for the Period of March 9, 2015 to March 22, 2015 (Auker/Doyle) (Resolution) (No Cost) Approval of the Minutes for the Board Meeting of March 17, 2015 (Pulido) (No Cost) Authorization to Negotiate with Various Property Owners (Musbach/Nisbet) (Resolution) (No Cost) Authorization to Enter into a Professional Services Contract with 2M Associates to Prepare a Convenience Camping Pilot Program (Patterson/O’Connor) (Resolution) (Budgeted Funds) Authorization to Enter into an Access Easement and Emergency Vehicle and Maintenance Access Agreement with John T. Roddy and Donna M. Roddy, Trustees of the Roddy Trust dated August 2, 2010: Deer Valley Regional Park (Musbach/Nisbet) (Resolution) (No Cost) Authorization to Amend the Consulting Contract and Encumber Additional Funds to Expand the Scope of Consulting Services for Site Electrical and Telecommunications Design Coordination: Coyote Hills Regional Park (Townsend/Nisbet) (Resolution) (Budgeted Funds) Approval of the Appointment of Ms. Olivia Sanwong to the Park Advisory Committee (Pfuehler) (Resolution) (No Cost) Resolution to Support the East County Emergency Fire Response and Prevention Assessment (Doyle/Victor) (Resolution) (No Cost) Approval of Resolution Initiating Proceedings and Ordering Filing of Annual Report for Alameda County/Contra Costa County Regional Trails Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District (Two-County LLD) (Auker/Collins) (Resolution) (No Cost) Approval of Resolution Initiating Proceedings and Ordering Filing of Annual Report for East Contra Costa County Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District (ECCC LLD) (Auker/Collins) 2:30 pm. 4 2. (Resolution) (No Cost) ACQUISITION, STEWARDSHIP & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION a. Alameda County Board of Supervisors to Oppose the Adoption of the Statement of Overriding Considerations and to Support the Decommissioning and Repowering of the Altamont Winds Inc. Project: Brushy Peak Regional Preserve (Victor/Nisbet) (Resolution) (No Cost) b. Authorization to Amend Contract for Professional Services with Questa Engineering Corporation; and to Appropriate and Transfer Funds and Accept a Bid from San Rafael Rock Quarry, Inc. for Construction of Albany Beach Shoreline (Neck) Restoration and Public Access Project Phase 1: McLaughlin Eastshore State Park (Barton/Nisbet) (Resolution) (Budget Change) c. 3:15 p.m. 3. Lake Chabot Campus Modernization Project Update: Lake Chabot Regional Park (Barton/Nisbet) (No Action/Receive Update) BOARD AND STAFF REPORTS a. Actions Taken by Other Jurisdictions Affecting the Park District (Doyle) 3:30 p.m. 4. GENERAL MANAGER’S COMMENTS 3:55 p.m. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM CLOSED SESSION 4:00 p.m. 6. BOARD COMMENTS 4:30 p.m. 7. WORKSHOP TO REVIEW DISTRICT PRIORITIES FOR CAPITOL HILL MEETINGS The Board will meet to review priority topics for discussion during meetings with Congressional representatives on Capitol Hill scheduled from April 27 – 30, 2015. 5:00 p.m. D. ADJOURNMENT 5 CONSENT CALENDAR 6 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 7, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approval of District Check Listing for the Period of March 9, 2015 Through March 22, 2015 (Auker/Doyle) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board of Directors approve the Check Listing for the period of March 9, 2015 through March 22, 2015. Per Resolution No. 1992-1-40, adopted by the Board on January 21, 1992, a copy of the Check Listing has been provided to the Board Treasurer for review. A copy of the Check Listing has also been provided to the Clerk of the Board, and will become a part of the Official District Records. 7 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO.: 2015 – 04 – April 21, 2015 APPROVAL OF DISTRICT CHECK LISTING FOR THE PERIOD OF MARCH 9, 2015 THROUGH MARCH 22, 2015 WHEREAS, District Resolution No. 1992 – 1 - 40, adopted by the Board of Directors on January 21, 1992, requires that a listing of District checks be provided to the Board Treasurer for review; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District hereby approves the check listing for the period of March 9, 2015 through March 22, 2015; Moved by Director , seconded by Director day of April, 2015 by the following vote: FOR: AGAINST: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 8 , and adopted this 21st AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR b. Approval of the Minutes for the Board Meeting of March 17, 2015 (Pulido) 9 Unapproved Minutes Board Meeting of March 17, 2015 The Board Meeting, which was held on March 17, 2015 at the EBRPD Administrative Building, 2950 Peralta Oaks Court, Oakland CA 94605 was called to order at 12:35 p.m. by Board President Whitney Dotson. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Whitney Dotson, President Doug Siden, Vice President Dennis Waespi, Secretary John Sutter Ayn Wieskamp Diane Burgis Directors Absent: Beverly Lane, Treasurer PUBLIC COMMENTS: Pete Volin, Frank Burton, and Ed Bennett (Mr. Bennett representing the Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club) addressed the Board to express their opposition to the continued operation of the Chabot Gun Club. They stated that previous studies show lead leaching into Lake Chabot, and that the Board should also consider the issue that the SF Gun Club is facing in terms of the high cost of clean-up to remove lead contamination accumulated through years of operation. It was pointed out that the District’s applicable EIR was done in 1984 and is probably no longer applicable. District Counsel Carol Victor assured the speakers that all discussions will take place in public meetings, properly noticed, before any action on this item is taken up by the Board. At this time, the Board of Directors met in Closed Session to discuss those items outlined on the agenda. The Open Session of the Board Meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by President Dotson. Staff Present: A. Dave Collins (Acting GM), Jim O’Connor, Debra Auker, Bob Nisbet, Mark Ruppenthal, Carol Victor, Kristina Kelchner, Mimi Waluch, Mark Ragatz, Kelly Barrington, Liz Musbach, Jeff Rasmussen, Ira Bletz, Sukari Beshears, Matt Graul, Anne Kassebaum, Carolyn Jones, Mona Koh, Dave Zuckermann, Sara Rieck, Erich Pfuehler, Kim fisher, APPROVAL OF AGENDA By motion of Director Siden, and seconded by Director Lane, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Agenda. Directors Present: Directors Absent: B. Whitney Dotson, Beverly Lane, John Sutter, Ayn Wieskamp, Diane Burgis, Dennis Waespi. None. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Ed Bennett, representing Citizens for Eastshore Parks (CESP) commented on the proposed construction of a service yard at the Brickyard area, adding that he recently attended a presentation by District staff at the 10 Unapproved Minutes Board Meeting of March 17, 2015 Berkeley Parks and Waterfront Commission meeting and was pleased to see some progress has been made with the site plan. He stated that CESP had concerns regarding the placement of a proposed service center – what exactly is it and where it will be located. Mr. Bennett suggested that it be located south of the present ballfield along the frontage road as it will provide better access. He added that the placement of a visitor center is also important. Mr. Jesse Lane suggested that the District adopt a “drone permit process” to allow members of the public to operate drones in the parks, stating that he has sent letters on this suggestion to the Board previously. He added that without a permit process, he is concerned that individuals may likely camouflage themselves and just hide from District staff. Mr. Lane added that a permit process will generate income, and any film footage taken may benefit the District as well. Members of the Tri City Horsemen’s Association addressed the Board to offer a proposal to put a horse arena at Pt. Pinole Regional Park. They advised that they have the funds to operate and maintain an arena, and will be a willing partner in its management and operation. They added that they have met with John Hitchen, Park Supervisor as well as park staff who are supportive of the idea. They said that there is no other arena available in the west county area. In response to a question from Director Sutter, they stated that the arena would be approximately 150 feet x 250 feet in size, and while bleachers will not be needed, an announcer’s booth will be necessary plus parking for 20 – 25 trucks. A member of the Livestock Emergency Rescue Team also stated that having a horse arena will allow them to have another location to evacuate livestock in an emergency. Micheal Mejia expressed thanks on behalf of mountain bikers who are very happy with the recent trail development in the Crocket Hills area for the bicycle community, adding that it helps him and his bicycle group in their quest to rebuild the relationship between the District and the bicycle community. C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR By motion of Director Lane and seconded by Director Burgis, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar: Directors Present: Directors Absent: Whitney Dotson, Beverly Lane, John Sutter, Ayn Wieskamp, Diane Burgis, Dennis Waespi. None. a. Approval of District Check Listing for the Period of February 2, 2015 to February 15, 2015 Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 067 (attached) b. Approval of the Minutes for the Board Meetings of February 17, 2015 and March 3, 2015 c. Authorization to Negotiate with Various Property Owners Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 068 (attached) d. Authorization to Transfer 2015 Board Contingency Funds for the Placement and Maintenance of Three Temporary Chemical Toilets at Stanford Staging Area: Mission Peak Regional Preserve Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 069 (attached) 11 Unapproved Minutes Board Meeting of March 17, 2015 12 e. Authorization to Accept the Bid and Execute a Contract for Fiberized Slurry Seal and Striping and Transfer Funds between Project Funds: Anthony Chabot Regional Park Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 070 (attached) f. Authorization to Purchase Six Mowers and Three Gator Utility Vehicles Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 071 (attached) g. Authorization to Appropriate General Fund EBMUD/JPA Restricted Funds and Amend the 2014 and 2015 Budgets Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 072 (attached) h. Authorization to Establish the Classification, Unit Designation and Salary Range for Management Analyst; Retitle Revenue and Administration Manager to Business Services Manager and Establish the Salary Range; Retitle Interpretive Services Manager and Recreation Services Manager to Regional Interpretive and Recreation Services Manager and Establish the Salary Range; and Amend the 2015 Budget: Operations Division Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 073 (attached) i. Authorization to Upgrade 2.0 FTE Administrative Aide Positions to Administrative Analyst I; Increase the Hours of the Following Three Part-time Positions to Full-time: 0.83 FTE Construction Inspector, 0.50 FTE Office Assistant and 0.53 FTE Secretary; and Amend the 2015 Budget: Acquisition, Stewardship & Development Division Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 074 (attached) j. Authorization to Execute Contracts for Appraisal Services with Andrew C. Plaine & Associates, Paul Rowan, ASA, and Smyers & Krauss Appraisal, LLC: Acquisition, Stewardship & Development Division Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 075 (attached) k. Authorization to Enter into a Lease Agreement with the Department of the Army Under Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC): East Bay Gateway Regional Shoreline Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 076 (attached) l. Authorization to Accept the Bid and Award a Contract for the Tidewater Entry Modification to Bay Construction Company: Martin Luther King, Jr. Regional Shoreline Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 077 (attached) m. Authorization to Transfer and Appropriate Coyote Hills Special Revenue Funds for Service Yard and Utility Connections: Coyote Hills Regional Park Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 078 (attached) n. Authorization to Purchase Brocade Switches and Installation Service from Lilien Systems, Inc. Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 079 (attached) o. Authorization to Sponsor the 2015 Bay Area Open Space Council’s 25th Anniversary Event and Conference on May 13 - 14, 2015 Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 080 (attached) Unapproved Minutes Board Meeting of March 17, 2015 2. p. Authorization to Execute a Contract with NBS to Provide Professional Administration Services for Community Facilities District (CFD) Formation and Assessment District Engineering Services Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 081 (attached) q. Acceptance of the East Bay Regional Park District Investment Report for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2014 Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 082 (attached) r. Authorization to Establish a Liaison Committee with the City of Alameda Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 083 (attached) LEGAL AND OPERATIONS DIVISIONS a. Authorization to Rename “Willow Park Public Golf Course” to “Redwood Canyon Public Golf Course” Resolution No. 2015 – 03 - 084 (attached) By motion of Director Waespi, and seconded by Director Siden, the Board voted unanimously to approve item C-2-a Directors Present: Directors Absent: Whitney Dotson, Beverly Lane, John Sutter, Ayn Wieskamp, Diane Burgis, Dennis Waespi. None. District Counsel Carol Victor provided a brief background on this item, stating that a group composed of two Board members and staff and others met and extensively discussed the various options for renaming the golf course. She added that while the normal procedure for renaming District venues would be for staff to go to the Board Executive Committee and the Park Advisory Committee before the full Board, the time constraints presented by the agreement with the former operators called for going directly to the full Board. 3. BOARD AND STAFF REPORTS a. Actions Taken by Other Jurisdictions Affecting the Park District Acting GM Dave Collins discussed those items listed on the staff report. He also mentioned that a total of five (5) portable toilets have been installed at Mission Peak - 3 at the Stanford Staging area and 2 at the Ohlone College side. Director Wieskamp expressed her appreciation as these additions will greatly reduce the lines for park users. 4. GENERAL MANAGER’S COMMENTS Mona Koh, Community Relations Manager, provided a brief presentation on the 2015 Community Relations Plan, stating that it will be used to inform and engage residents on District highlights and will include progress on the work/projects financed via Measures CC and WW, various partnership such as with Kaiser Permanente and the UCSF Beniof Children’s Hospital, and focus activities such as the Healthy Parks Healthy People initiative. 13 Unapproved Minutes Board Meeting of March 17, 2015 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM CLOSED SESSION District Counsel Carol Victor announced that in Closed Session, the Board, via a vote of 6-0 with Director Lane absent, approved settlement of a condemnation proceeding entitled EBRPD v. Louie et al, in the amount of $495,000 to acquire an approximately 6 mile segment of a recreational trail and emergency and maintenance access as part of the Bay Area Ridge Trail. 6. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS a. b. 7. Executive Committee Finance Committee (02-12-2015) (01-28-2015) (Dotson) (Lane) BOARD COMMENTS Director Wieskamp reported on meetings attended. Director Wieskamp • Attended the groundbreaking of the water park in Dublin; • Attended the District’s Supervisors Academy graduation; • Attended meetings of the Board Executive Committee and the Alameda County Lafco; • Attended the Elected Women’s meeting in Danville; • Attended the Board field trip on March 16; • Will be attending the opening of the new trail in Livermore; • Will be interviewing a potential PAC appointee. Director Burgis reported on meetings attended. Director Burgis • Attended the Board Operations and Legislative committee meetings; • Attended meetings with Save Mount Diablo and the East Contra Costa Habitat Conservancy; • Had a tour of District parks; • Attended the Board field trip as well as the CPRS conference in Sacramento; • Attended the City of Antioch Chamber of Commerce Gala event; • Met with members of the District union leadership this morning. Director Lane reported on meetings attended. Director Lane • Attended the Executive Committee meeting on behalf of Director Siden; • Attended the Contra Costa County Mayors conference in Martinez; • Attended the Elected Women’s meeting in Danville; • Hiked Morgan Territory and Mount Diablo; • With Brian Holt and other staff, toured the future regional park at CNWS; • Attended the Board field trip on March 16; • Regarding the various plans for expansion, asked staff for an update and next steps. AGM for Operations Jim O’Connor stated that there will be discussions at the AGM level for a process, with Acting GM Collins adding that there will be relevant discussions at the upcoming Board workshops; • Extended her appreciation to GM Doyle and Land Acquisition Manager Liz Musbach for attending the San Ramon Open Space Advisory Committee meeting; • Spoke about numerous activities in looking at accesses to Las Trampas – Alamo side/Westminster property, Povda property, Elworthy, Faria and also the western access from Moraga. Director Siden reported on meetings attended. Director Siden • On March 6 attended the ABAG State of the Region symposium; • Attended the meeting on the renaming of Willow Park Public Golf Course; • Attended the CPRS Annual Conference in Sacramento; 14 Unapproved Minutes Board Meeting of March 17, 2015 • • • • • Attended the March 16 San Leandro Creek Alliance meeting as well as the Board field trip; Will conduct his regular coffee appreciation meetings for staff at MLK, Jr. Regional Shoreline and Oyster Bay and Crab Cove staff this week; Will attend the Operations Committee meeting; Will attend Councilmember Reid’s breakfast meeting this Saturday; Will be attending the Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame event, Bay Nature Magazine dinner event, the Board workshop on March 23, the Alameda County CSDA annual dinner event on March 26, and the Alameda Eggsscramble on March 28. Director Sutter reported on meetings attended. Director Sutter • Regarding drones, suggested that staff investigate the topic since the District will be confronted with this issue, such as with model airplanes before; • Attended the Supervisors Academy graduation; • Attended the Alameda County Mayors conference in Oakland wherein Mayor Schaaf was a speaker; • Attended the March 16 field trip; • Attended the Measure DD advisory committee meeting on March 16 wherein there was a discussion of the Bay Trail, and the problems in having it completed in Oakland; • Attended a meeting of a new organization called the Oakland Parks and Recreation Foundation, which is a merger of Friends of Oakland Parks and another group whose mission is to work on parks and its maintenance; • Spoke at Leadership Oakland conference called Transportation and the Environment. Director Waespi reported on meetings attended. Director Waespi • Invited to the Meet the Candidates Night as the EBRPD representative, wherein he gave a brief talk on what the District is about and its goal for the coming years; • Attended the Willow Park Naming committee meeting; • Attended the March 16 Board field trip; • Attended the Supervisors Academy graduation event; • Attended the CPRS conference in Sacramento, where he attended various educational sessions. Director Dotson reported on meetings attended. Director Dotson • Attended the Board field trip on March 16; • Spoke about a March 4 SFChronicle article on San Joaquin Delta and the move by legislators to designate it as a National Heritage Area. D. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 pm by Board President Dotson. Respectfully submitted: Allen Pulido Clerk of the Board 15 Page Left Blank Intentionally AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR c. Authorization to Negotiate with Various Property Owners (Musbach/Nisbet) RECOMMENDATION The General Manager recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager and the Assistant General Manager, Acquisition, Stewardship & Development Division, to negotiate with: APN/ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNER PARK/TRAIL 204-140-018 825 Wirthman Lane, Clayton Kenneth J. and Debra L. Owen Morgan Territory Regional Preserve 189-140-018 and 189-150-011 Skycrest Drive, Walnut Creek Golden Rain Foundation of Walnut Creek, Trustee Calaveras Ridge Trail 238-210-001 238-210-002; 238-210-003; 238-210-004; 238-210-005; 238-210-006; 238-210-007; 238-210-008; 238-210-009 and 238-220- 001 Lucas Ranch Road, Lafayette City of Lafayette Calaveras Ridge Trail 001-011-021-1 Armstrong Road, Byron Ricci Joseph Campos and Michelle Ann Campos, or their successor(s), as Trustees of the Campos Family Living Trust, and David Fitzpatrick Byron Vernal Pools Regional Preserve Contra Costa County 16 REVENUE/COST Items of cost, terms or conditions of any option are subject to negotiation and would be presented to the Board for formal approval at a later date. BACKGROUND The proposed resolution for this item is in direct response to the Brown Act. According to District Counsel, "The Board may meet in Closed (Executive) Session prior to or during negotiations to give instructions to its negotiator regarding the price and terms of payment for the purchase or the lease of the property only after it has identified the parcels of concern, and has identified the people with whom this negotiator may negotiate in open session." ALTERNATIVES No alternatives are recommended. 17 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO.: 2015 – 04 April 21, 2015 AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE WITH VARIOUS PROPERTY OWNERS WHEREAS, Government Code Section 54956.8 requires that prior to or during the negotiations concerning the acquisition of real property, the Board of Directors in closed session may give instructions to its negotiator regarding the price and terms of payment of such property; and WHEREAS, prior to the closed session, the legislative body of the local agency shall hold an open and public session in which it identifies the real property or real properties which the negotiations may concern, and the person or persons with whom its negotiator may negotiate; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District hereby approves the authorization to negotiate as presented to the Board of Directors on April 21, 2015; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager and the Assistant General Manager, Acquisition, Stewardship & Development Division, are hereby authorized by the Board of Directors on behalf of the East Bay Regional Park District and in its name to negotiate the price and terms of payment of the following parcels of real property: APN/ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNER PARK/TRAIL 204-140-018 825 Wirthman Lane, Clayton Kenneth J. and Debra L. Owen Morgan Territory Regional Preserve 189-140-018 and 189-150-011 Skycrest Drive, Walnut Creek Golden Rain Foundation of Walnut Creek, Trustee Calaveras Ridge Trail 238-210-001 238-210-002; 238-210-003; 238-210-004; 238-210-005; 238-210-006; 238-210-007; 238-210-008; 238-210-009 and 238-220-001 Lucas Ranch Road, Lafayette City of Lafayette Calaveras Ridge Trail Contra Costa County 18 001-011-021-1 Armstrong Road, Byron Ricci Joseph Campos and Michelle Ann Campos, or their successor(s), as Trustees of the Campos Family Living Trust, and David Fitzpatrick Byron Vernal Pools Regional Preserve Moved by Director , seconded by Director adopted this 21st day of April, 2015, by the following vote: , and FOR: AGAINST: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 19 AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE Acquisition, Stewardship & Development Division t:\bstone\mxd projects\A2N\ 2015\A2N-April 21-2015.mxd I-8 0 Date: April 21, 2015 # H wy 4 Concord Brentwood I-680 I-580 Richmond Hwy 24 Berkeley Walnut Creek I-8 0 2 3 MT. DIABLO STATE PARK I-80 Oakland 1 4 I-5 80 I-68 0 CO N T RA C OSTA ALA M E DA I- 580 I-88 San Francisco Bay 0 Hw y Legend 92 Freeways 0 5 y8 Miles CONTRA COSTA COUNTY 1 Park/Trail: Owner: APN: Location: Morgan Territory Regional Preserve Kenneth J. and Debra L. Owen 204-140-018 825 Wirthman Lane, Clayton 3 Park/Trail: Owner: APN: Location: Calaveras Ridge Trail City of Lafayette 238-210-001 through -009 and 238-220-001 Lucas Ranch Road, Lafayette 2 Park/Trail: Owner: Calaveras Ridge Trail Golden Rain Foundation of Walnut Creek, Trustee 189-140-018 and 189-150-011 Skycrest Drive, Walnut Creek 4 Park/Trail: Owner: Byron Vernal Pools Regional Preserve Ricci Joseph Campos and Michelle Ann Campos, or their successor(s), as Trustees of the Campos Family Living Trust, and David Fitzpatrick 001-011-021-1 Armstrong Road, Byron APN: Location: 20 Fremont Hw ² County Boundary 4 EBRPD Lands APN: Location: Page Left Blank Intentionally AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR d. Authorization to Enter into a Professional Services Contract with 2M Associates to Prepare a Convenience Camping Pilot Program (Patterson/O’Connor) RECOMMENDATION The General Manager and the Board Operations Committee (by unanimous vote at its April 16, 2015 meeting) recommend that the Board of Directors authorize entering into a sole source professional services contract with 2M Associates in the amount of $28,388 to prepare a Convenience Camping Pilot Program. REVENUE/COST Funding for a Professional Services Contract to conduct a pilot program using the priority list for the Updated Camping Program report was appropriated in the 2015 Budget in the Assistant General Manager, Operation’s account 101-5010-000-6191. Cost for this contract will not exceed $30,000. BACKGROUND In July 2014, 2M Associates provided recommendations for potential camping program enhancements, including both facility and service improvements with estimated costs and revenue potential for the recommendations. The finished product, the Camping Program Update, details current camping trends, new or recent changes in camping technologies, facilities and services, and camping industry best practices in the region, state and nation. The Camping Program Update will guide the overall camping program in the future and has identified opportunities throughout the District to expand camping facilities and services in order to fulfill the potential of camping facilities throughout the District. In order to assure continued improvement of camping facilities and services to meet community needs, staff would like to enter into a sole source Professional Services Contract with 2M Associates to prepare a pilot program for a convenience camping site in the District. Using their extensive knowledge of the current conditions of District parks, the Camping Program Update, and camping opportunities throughout the country, 2M Associates will create a pilot program project and report for one camping location using the most efficient method of developing convenience camping in the District. The report will determine revenue generation and the 21 infrastructure necessary for this type of camping, provide an estimate of capital improvement costs, and the feasibility of long-term operations and management and maintenance of such an operation. Results from this program should enable the District to establish an effective process to develop convenience camping as well as assure continued improvement of camping activities and developments. Staff recommends acceptance of the 2M Associates proposal for the preparation of a pilot program for a convenience camping site in the District. 2M Associates is uniquely qualified to perform this work due to their professional expertise and their existing knowledge as creators of the District’s Updated Camping Program. District Counsel has reviewed the justification and has approved this as a sole source contract. ALTERNATIVES No alternatives are recommended. 22 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO.: 2015 – 04 April 21, 2015 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH 2M ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE A CONVENIENCE CAMPING PILOT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the East Bay Regional Park District desires to continue improvement of camping facilities and services to meet community needs; and WHEREAS, the District’s Updated Camping Program proposed several options for Convenience Camping sites in the District; and WHEREAS, 2M Associates is uniquely qualified to perform this work due to their professional expertise and their existing knowledge of District parks and as creators of the District’s Updated Camping Program; and WHEREAS, staff requested and received funding for a pilot program in the 2015 Budget; and WHEREAS, District Counsel has reviewed the justification and has approved this as a sole source contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District hereby authorizes a sole source Professional Services contract with 2M Associates in an amount not to exceed $30,000 from account Assistant General Manager, Operations 101-5010-000-6191 to prepare a pilot program for a convenience camping site in the District; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the General Manager is hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the District and in its name, to execute and deliver such documents and to do such acts as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to accomplish the intentions of this resolution. Moved by Director , seconded by Director 21st day of April, 2015 by the following vote: , and adopted this FOR: AGAINST: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 23 Page Left Blank Intentionally AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR e. Authorization to Enter into an Access Easement and Emergency Vehicle and Maintenance Access Agreement with John T. Roddy and Donna M. Roddy, Trustees of the Roddy Trust dated August 2, 2010: Deer Valley Regional Park (Musbach/Nisbet) RECOMMENDATION The General Manager recommends that the Board of Directors authorize entering into an Access Easement and Emergency Vehicle and Maintenance Access (“EVMA”) Agreement with John T. Roddy and Donna M. Roddy, Trustees of the Roddy Trust dated August 2, 2010 (“Roddy’s”). The subject easement agreement will provide the Roddy’s with recordable access to their golf club inholding within the District’s Roddy Ranch property, and District staff with a valuable shortcut through the private golf club parking lot for patrol, operation and maintenance of surrounding parkland. REVENUE/COST There is no direct expense other than staff time associated with the proposed Access Easement and EVMA Agreement. Over $9,000 of previously transferred and appropriated Measure WW acquisition funding remains available in project account Roddy Ranch/Deer Valley Acquisition (CIP 234800WP19) and is more than sufficient to fund the staff time associated with this action. BACKGROUND The District’s Board of Directors authorized staff to negotiate for the purchase of Roddy Ranch by three resolutions over 14 years, reflecting ownership changes over that period of time (Resolution No. 2000-03-59 on March 21, 2000, Resolution No. 2013-04-058 on April 2, 2013, and Resolution No. 2014-05-098 on May 6, 2014). By Resolution No. 2013-06-129, dated June 18, 2013, the Board authorized staff to enter into an option agreement for the purchase of Roddy Ranch by which the District is contractually obligated to grant the subject access easement. The Board authorized exercising the option and purchasing the property in partnership with the East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy by Resolution No. 201406-162, dated June 17, 2014. 24 Tour Way off Deer Valley Road, over which the subject easement runs, provides the sole vehicular access for the Roddy’s 230-acre inholding, The Golf Club at Roddy Ranch. The District acquired the underlying fee title to the road as part of its July 2014 purchase of the surrounding 1,885.2-acre Roddy Ranch property. Per the terms of the subject agreement, the District will grant the Roddy’s a perpetual, non-exclusive 50-foot wide access and maintenance easement over Tour Way. The Roddy’s will be responsible for the road’s maintenance and repair, including its drainage features consisting of ditches and culverts. Any proposed alterations or improvements to the road will require the District’s review and written approval. Although not required by the 2013 option and purchase agreement, the Roddy’s have generously agreed to grant the District a no-cost perpetual, non-exclusive 15 to 30-foot wide EVMA easement through the Golf Club’s parking lot. The EVMA easement provides a shortcut for staff between Deer Valley Road and Chadbourne Road, important access roads for patrolling, operating and maintaining Roddy Ranch. Roddy Ranch is a keystone acquisition for the District’s future Deer Valley Regional Park and Black Diamond Mines to Round Valley Regional Trail, both envisioned in the 2013 Master Plan. There are four private property inholdings within the boundaries of Roddy Ranch: (1) The Golf Club at Roddy Ranch, consisting of about 230 acres; (2) two parcels owned by the Roddy’s totaling 40 acres; as well as (3 and 4) two additional parcels owned by Ennes and McCauley Investments, respectively, totaling 240 acres. Deer Valley, a major geographic feature of Roddy Ranch, traverses the property in a northwest-southwest direction, and is flanked by prominent ridgelines on both sides. Roddy Ranch is home to several threatened and/or endangered species observed on the property including the California tiger salamander and California redlegged frog. Because the Roddy Ranch property has not yet been declared dedicated parkland, conveyance of the subject easement by the District to the Roddy’s is exempt from the requirements of Section 5540.5 of the Public Resources Code, including a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors and the required finding that the value of the property being acquired is equal to or greater than the value of the property being conveyed. This conveyance is also Categorically Exempt from environmental documentation requirements under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15325 of the State CEQA Guidelines that exempts the acquisition, sale, or other transfer of land in order to preserve and restore natural conditions, and preserve lands for open space or park purposes. ALTERNATIVES None are recommended. 25 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO.: 2015 – 04 – April 21, 2015 AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AN ACCESS EASEMENT AND EMERGENCY VEHICLE AND MAINTENANCE ACCESS AGREEMENT WITH JOHN T. RODDY AND DONNA M. RODDY, TRUSTEES OF THE RODDY TRUST DATED AUGUST 2, 2010: DEER VALLEY REGIONAL PARK WHEREAS, by Resolution Nos. 2000-03-59, 2013-04-058 and 2014-05-098, approved on March 21, 2000, April 2, 2013 and May 6, 2014, respectively, the Board of Directors authorized negotiations with the Roddy Ranch owners of record at the time in furtherance of developing the future Deer Valley Regional Park; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 2013-06-129, approved on June 18, 2013, the Board authorized staff to enter into an option agreement for the purchase of Roddy Ranch by which the District is contractually obligated to grant an easement over Tour Way, the only vehicular access road to the Roddy’s 230-acre The Golf Club at Roddy Ranch, for the benefit of the inholding; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 2014-06-162, approved on June 17, 2014, the Board authorized exercising the option and purchasing the property in partnership with the East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy; and WHEREAS, staff has negotiated an easement agreement with the Roddy’s whereby the District will grant the Roddy’s a 50-foot wide access and maintenance easement over Tour Way for the benefit of The Golf Club at Roddy Ranch, and the Roddy’s will grant the District a 15 to 30-foot wide EVMA easement through the private golf course parking lot to facilitate Park staff’s patrol, operation and maintenance of Roddy Ranch; and WHEREAS, the proposed easement conveyance is exempt from the requirements of Section 5540.5 of the Public Resources Code as the affected District land has not been designated as dedicated public open space; and WHEREAS, under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) and the District’s Environmental Review Manual, this action by the Board of Directors is Categorically Exempt and therefore not subject to preparation and processing of environmental documentation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District hereby authorizes staff to enter into the Access Easement and Emergency Vehicle and Maintenance Access Agreement; to grant a 50-foot wide non-exclusive access and maintenance easement over Tour Way, The Golf Club at Roddy Ranch’s access road; and to accept a 15 to 30-foot wide EVMA easement through the Golf Club’s parking lot to facilitate Park staff’s patrol, operation and maintenance of Roddy Ranch; and 26 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager is hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the District and in its name, to execute and deliver such documents and to do such acts as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to accomplish the intentions of this resolution. Moved by Director , seconded by Director adopted this 21st day of April, 2015 by the following vote: and FOR: AGAINST: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 27 Regional Park District Acquisition, Stewardship & Development Division March 10, 2015 t:/bstone/mxd projects/land acq/ de_Roddy Ranch Esmts 03-2015.mxd DEER VALLEY REGIONAL PARK EBRPD; formerly Roddy Ranch, aka Roddy Owner LLC Access and Maintenance Easement (EBRPD to Roddy) Parking Lot EVMA Easement (Roddy to EBRPD) 0 250 EBRPD (Roddy Ranch) Golf Course EV E 500 M A Esm Ac t Feet 1,500 1,000 ent ay W r Tou Smith Trust ce s Parking Lot s a n d M ai n t e na e nc m ase ´ Potter Trust Deer Valley Rd East Bay Balfour EBRPD (Roddy Ranch) Vicinity Map Black Diamond Deer Valley Clayton Ranch Deer Valley Marsh Creek State Park Sources: USGS, ESRI, TANA, AND, Copyright:© 2009 ESRI 28 Chadbourne Rd Disclaimer: Boundary and property lines shown on this map do not represent a boundary or property line survey. The East Bay Regional Park district makes no representation QUARRY as to the accuracy of said property lines (or any other lines), and no liability is assumed by reason of reliance thereon. LAKES Use of this map for other than its intended purpose requires the written consent of EBRPD. Page Left Blank Intentionally AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR f. Authorization to Amend the Consulting Contract and Encumber Additional Funds to Expand the Scope of Consulting Services for Site Electrical and Telecommunications Design Coordination: Coyote Hills Regional Park (Townsend/Nisbet) RECOMMENDATION The General Manager recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the amendment of an existing contract for services for electrical engineering consulting from CES Engineering, Inc., Grass Valley, California for services to support development of the Dumbarton Quarry Regional Recreation Area at Coyote Hills Regional Park in a total amount not to exceed $50,000. REVENUE/COST EXISTING SOURCE OF FUNDS Current Approved Capital Project Budget – Dumbarton Quarry Project No. 149300 $ 620,000 Encumbrances and Expenditures to Date 141,236 Funds Available $ 478,764 PROPOSED USE OF FUNDS Amended Electrical Consulting Services Contract with CES Engineering, Inc., Grass Valley, CA Balance Remaining 40,800 $ 437,964 This project is currently funded with $620,000 from tipping fee revenue. BACKGROUND The District is working with Dumbarton Quarry Associates (DQA) to develop a Regional Recreation Area and associated facilities at the former Dumbarton Quarry site adjacent to Coyote Hills Regional Park. While the agreement with DQA calls for the delivery to the 29 District of a “turnkey” facility, significant consulting assistance is required by the District to ensure the completed facility will meet both the District’s and the public’s needs. Staff initially accepted a proposal from electrical engineering firm CES Engineering, Inc., Grass Valley, CA, in the amount of $9,200, for the development of site lighting plans, to be incorporated into plans that DQA was preparing for City permit submittal. The original scope of work included meeting with staff to determine site lighting and control needs, making recommendations for lighting fixture options, that follow District standards and meet current California Energy Compliance, then developing photometric plans for staff review and City submittal. The ongoing coordination of the project design with DQA has revealed several technical electrical decisions that need to be carefully considered to ensure that the final campground design is functional and meets the short and long term goals of the District. Therefore, staff is proposing amendment of the current scope of work to include reviewing all of the site electrical design and installation. While this was not envisioned for the first contract, this company now has the full background on the project and therefore going out to RFP at this time would extend the time to complete the task and could delay completion of the project. This amendment to the CES Engineering, Inc. consultant contract, for an amount not to exceed an additional $40,800, will expand the scope of services to include development of plans and specifications in coordination with the District’s telecommunications consultant and with (DQA) consultants, working on both joint utility trench design and electrical distribution network. This work is necessary to ensure sufficient electrical service for the park that meets the District’s operational and maintenance needs, and minimizes operating costs, for both the current and future park development. Staff proposes that funds be set aside for electrical consultant services from CES, with a total contract amount not to exceed $50,000. These funds should cover any and all required electrical design and plan revisions requested by the City and or PG&E during the iterative plan review and approval process. ALTERNATIVES No alternatives are recommended. 30 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO.: 2015 – 04 April 21, 2015 AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND THE CONSULTING CONTRACT AND ENCUMBER ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO EXPAND THE SCOPE OF CONSULTING SERVICES FOR SITE ELECTRICAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS DESIGN COORDINATION: COYOTE HILLS REGIONAL PARK WHEREAS, this amendment to the CES Engineering, Inc. consultant contract would expand the scope of services to include the development of plans and specifications in coordination with EBRPD telecommunications consultant and with (DQA) consultants, working on both joint trench design and electrical distribution, including plan review and additional consultant meetings with staff; and WHEREAS, Project No. 149300 (Dumbarton Quarry Transition) has existing, appropriated funds that can be encumbered for this amended scope of work; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District hereby authorizes an amendment to contract and encumbrance of additional funds of $40,800 for electrical engineering consulting services from CES Engineering, Inc., for a total amount not to exceed $50,000 from Project Account No. 149300 (Dumbarton Quarry Transition); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager is hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the District and in its name, to execute and deliver such documents and to do such acts as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to accomplish the intentions of this resolution. Moved by Director , seconded by Director st adopted this 21 day of April, 2015, by the following vote: , and FOR: AGAINST: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 31 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR g. Approval of the Appointment of Olivia Sanwong to the Park Advisory Committee (Pfuehler) RECOMMENDATION The General Manager recommends that the Board of Directors approve the appointment of Ms. Olivia Sanwong, a nominee of Director Ayn Wieskamp, to the Park Advisory Committee. REVENUE/COST There is no cost associated with this action. BACKGROUND Ms. Olivia Sanwong is a resident of Pleasanton and is employed at Thermo Fisher Scientific. She holds an MBA from The Simmons School of Management in Boston, MA and a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from University of California, Los Angeles. She is currently on the Pleasanton Economic Vitality Committee and is a member of Congressman Swalwell’s Women’s Advisory Committee. Ms. Sanwong’s primary interest is to promote and recommend policies that preserve natural resources and wildlife habitats as a means to protect biodiversity, air quality, and public health. Board approval would also authorize Olivia Sanwong to serve her first two-year term. The term will expire in December 31, 2016. ALTERNATIVE No alternatives are recommended. 32 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO.: 2015 – 04 April 21, 2015 APPROVAL OF THE APPOINTMENT OF OLIVIA SANWONG TO THE PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, Olivia Sanwong, has been nominated to the Park Advisory Committee by Director Ayn Wieskamp; and WHEREAS, Ms. Sanwong is a resident of Pleasanton and actively employed at Thermo Fisher Scientific; and WHEREAS, Ms. Sanwong is on the Pleasanton Economic Vitality Committee and is a member of Congressman Swalwell’s Women’s Advisory Committee, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District hereby appoints Olivia Sanwong to the Park Advisory Committee for their first twoyear terms which commence January 1, 2015 and expire on December 31, 2016; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the General Manager is hereby directed, on behalf of the District and in its name, to execute and deliver such documents and to do such acts as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to accomplish the intentions of this resolution. Moved by Director , seconded by Director 21rst day of April, 2015 by the following vote: , and adopted this FOR: AGAINST: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 33 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR h. Resolution to Support the East County Emergency Fire Response and Prevention Assessment (Doyle/Victor) RECOMMENDATION The General Manager recommends that the Board of Directors support the East County Emergency Fire Response and Prevention Assessment levied by the East Contra Costa Fire Protection District (“ECCFD”). REVENUE/COST The cost of the assessment is approximately $2,545.78 per year. The assessment is for a period of five years with no annual increase. There is no specific funding to pay for this assessment in the 2015 Budget; it is therefore recommended that it be paid from the Chief of Operations General Fund, Services budget. Operations may seek a base budget adjustment for the 2016 budget, to cover the cost into the future. BACKGROUND The East Contra Costa Fire Protection District (“ECCFPD”) is proposing to levy a fire suppression assessment on properties within the district’s boundaries. The assessment revenues will enable ECCFPD to support fire suppression and fire prevention services and response times for fire emergency calls, and avoid additional permanent fire station closures and firefighter layoffs. The assessment will generate revenue for ECCFPD to operate five fire stations with 48 operational personnel and two administrative personnel, along with funding Cal Fire staff at the Sunshine Station beyond the state-supported fire season. The assessment is based upon the proportionate special benefit received over and above the general benefit conferred upon the public at large. Only parcels that receive direct special benefit are assessed, and each parcel is assessed in proportion to the estimated benefit received. As currently proposed, the annual fee is approximately $2,545.78, with 25 Park District-parcels identified and subject to assessment. The assessment covers Round Valley Regional Park, Big Break Regional Shoreline, and Black Diamond Mines Regional Park. If approved, the assessment will be levied in the 2015/2016 tax year. 1 34 The ballots are due before 10:00 a.m. on April 27, 2015. This item was brought to the Board Legislative Committee for consideration on April 17, 2015. Staff will verbally advise the Board of the Committee’s vote on this item. ALTERNATIVES The East Bay Regional Park District could chose to cast a “No” vote; however, this is not recommended because the District relies on ECCFPD to respond to fire and related emergencies at our properties in East Contra Costa County. 2 35 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO.: 2015-04April 21, 2015 RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT THE EAST COUNTY EMERGENCY FIRE RESPONSE AND PREVENTION ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, the East Contra Costa Fire Protection District (‘ECCFD”) is proposing to levy a fire suppression assessment on properties within the District’s boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Park District relies on ECCFD to respond to fire and related emergencies at our property in East Contra Costa County including Round Valley Regional Park, Big Break Regional Shoreline, and Black Diamond Mines Regional Park; and WHEREAS, if the fee is approved, the revenues will enable ECCFD to support fire suppression and prevention services and response times for fire emergency calls, and avoid additional permanent fire station closures and firefighter layoffs; and WHEREAS, as currently proposed, the annual fee is approximately $2,545.78 for a period of five years, with 25 Park District-owed total parcels identified and subject to assessments; and WHEREAS, the District has received ballots which requests a response of either “YES” or “NO”; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District hereby determine that ballots representing District-owned properties shall be cast with a vote of “YES” and authorizes that the expense will be recorded in the Chief of Operations General Fund services budget 101-5110-000-6931 (taxes and assessments); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager is hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the District and its name, to execute and deliver such documents and to do such acts as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to accomplish the intention of this resolution. Moved by Director , seconded by Director adopted this 21ST day of April, 2015, by the following vote: FOR: AGAINST: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 3 36 , and AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR l. Approval of Resolution Initiating Proceedings and Ordering Filing of Annual Report for Alameda County/Contra Costa County Regional Trails Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District (Two-County LLD) ______________________________________(Auker/Collins) RECOMMENDATION The General Manager recommends that the Board of Directors approve the attached Resolution: Initiating proceedings for the 2015/2016 fiscal year operation of the Alameda/Contra Costa County Regional Trails Landscaping and Lighting District (Two-County LLD), including the related Zones of Benefit (ZB): ZB-1 (Five Canyons), ZB-2 (Dublin Hills), ZB-3 (Walpert Ridge), ZB-4 (San Ramon Hills), ZB-5 (Stone Valley), and ZB-6 (Gateway Valley/Sibley Volcanic); Appointing NBS as Engineer of Work for the Two-County LLD; and Instructing NBS to prepare an Engineer’s Report for the operation of Two County LLD for fiscal year 2015/2016. REVENUE/COST The costs of operating the Two County LLD are paid from assessment revenues. Since the inception of Two County LLD, costs associated with regional trail maintenance and support has exceeded assessment revenues collected. In 2015, total appropriations budgeted in the Two County LLD Fund are $4,059,320, with budgeted revenues of $3,968,000. The total 2015 appropriations for the District’s six zones of benefit is $132,310. assessment revenue budget is $125,400 and $1,500 from interest earnings. Total 37 BACKGROUND The District’s regional trail system enjoys widespread citizen appreciation and support throughout its Two County jurisdiction. Various funding sources are available for the acquisition of regional trails. However, regional trail maintenance and operations are funded solely through property assessments and the General Fund. In 1993 the Alameda County/Contra Costa County Landscaping and Lighting District (Two County LLD) was formed by the Board of Directors. It was determined that the formation of a special assessment district provided an equitable funding source to finance the cost of the regional trails within the LLD by the property owners within the LLD. The assessment rate of $5.44 per equivalent dwelling unit was authorized and has remained unchanged over the years. In 1995 Multi-unit parcels were added to the assessment at $2.72 per unit. Last year there were 354,440.5 Alameda County plus 294,954.5 Contra Costa County parcels. Additionally, there are 196,803 assessable multi-family residential parcels in Alameda County and 74,396 in Contra Costa County. Subsequent to the formation of, and within the boundaries of Two County LLD, Zones of Benefit were developed to address specific trail maintenance priorities for certain development projects, including the following: Five Canyons Zone of Benefit (ZB-1), in Castro Valley, was established in 1994 and currently includes 1,089 assessable units, which were assessed $40.67* each. Dublin Hills Zone of Benefit (ZB-2), in the City of Dublin, was established in 1996 and currently includes 484 assessable units, which were assessed $29.43* each. Walpert Ridge Zone of Benefit (ZB-3), in the City of Hayward, was established in 1998 and currently includes 376 assessable units, which were assessed $131.23* each. San Ramon Hills Zone of Benefit (ZB-4), in the City of San Ramon, was established in 1999 and currently includes 140 units, which are assessed $36.79* each. Stone Valley Zone of Benefit (ZB-5), near Las Trampas Regional Wilderness Area, was established in 2006 and currently includes 39 assessable units, which are assessed $153.09* each. Gateway Valley/Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve Zone of Benefit (ZB-6), near the City of Orinda, was established in 2007 and currently includes 72 assessable units, which are assessed $91.07* each. *2014/15 assessment rates In 1996, in accordance with the provisions of Proposition 218, the continuation of the assessment rate and services provided by Two County LLD was approved (78.5% in favor) by the voters of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. Continuation of this assessment requires the Board of Directors annually to initiate a statutory process to sustain the Two County LLD operation and the Zones of Benefit for the next fiscal year (7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016). The District has a contract with the engineering firm NBS to prepare the Engineer’s Report and to provide 38 administration services (Resolution No. 2011-2-035). Accordingly, the Board of Directors is currently requested to: 1. Approve the attached Resolution which initiates the Two County LLD process for fiscal year 2015/2016; 2. Appoint NBS as Engineer of Work; 3. Instruct NBS to prepare an Engineer's Report for FY 2015/2016 (7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016). ALTERNATIVES No alternatives are recommended. 39 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 2015 – 4 April 21, 2015 APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCEEDINGS AND ORDERING FILING OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR ALAMEDA COUNTY/CONTRA COSTA COUNTY REGIONAL TRAILS LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (Pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) WHEREAS, the East Bay Regional Park District (District) Board of Directors formed the Alameda County/Contra Costa County Regional Trails Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District (Two County LLD) on June 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Two County LLD will complete its fiscal year of operation on June 30, 2015; and WHEREAS, the requirement for the operation and maintenance of the District’s regional trails system within the Two County boundaries continues to exist for the 2015/2016 fiscal year (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016); and WHEREAS, the District, in operating the Two County LLD, has taken effective action to implement the work program as defined in the 2015/2016 fiscal year Engineer's Report; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District hereby: 1. Designates NBS as the Engineer of Work for the Alameda County/Contra Costa County Regional Trails Landscaping and Lighting Assessment; 2. Directs NBS to file an annual Engineer's Report in accordance with the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; 3. Adopts this resolution pursuant to Section 22622 of the Streets & Highways Code of the State of California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the General Manager and the Chief Financial Officer are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the District and in its name, to execute and deliver such documents and to do such acts as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to accomplish the intentions of this resolution. Moved by Director , seconded by Director adopted this 21st day of April, 2015 by the following vote: FOR: AGAINST: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 40 and AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 1. CONSENT CALENDAR j. Approval of Resolution Initiating Proceedings and Ordering Filing of Annual Report for East Contra Costa County Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District (ECCC LLD) (Auker/Collins) RECOMMENDATION The General Manager recommends that the Board of Directors approve the attached Resolution: Initiating proceedings for the 2015/2016 fiscal year operation of the East Contra Costa County Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District (ECCC LLD); Appointing NBS as Engineer of Work for the Two-County LLD; and Instructing NBS to prepare an Engineer’s Report for the operation of ECCC LLD for fiscal year 2015/2016. REVENUE/COST All costs of operating the ECCC LLD are paid from assessment and interest revenues. In 2015, total appropriations for operations and maintenance in the ECCC LLD Fund are $586,880. Budgeted revenue is $670,300. BACKGROUND When the East Contra Costa County area was annexed to the Park District in 1981, the annexation occurred without corresponding redistribution of tax revenues to the Park District. The East Contra Costa County Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District was formed on December 17, 1991 to address this issue and provide funding for operation and maintenance of regional parks, open space and trail operation in East Contra Costa County. The assessment rate of $19.70 per equivalent dwelling unit (and lower rates for multiple living units) was authorized and has remained unchanged over the years. Last year there were 36,972 total units (single family, two or more residential units, multiple living units, living units in hotels and mobile home parks) subject to the assessment. 41 In 1996, in accordance with the provisions of Proposition 218, the continuation of the assessment rate and services provided by ECCC LLD was approved (67.8% in favor) by the voters of East Contra Costa County. Continuation of this assessment requires the Board of Directors annually to initiate a statutory process to sustain the ECCC LLD operation for the next fiscal year (7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015). The District has a contract with the engineering firm NBS to prepare the Engineer’s Report and to provide administration services (Resolution No. 2011-2-035). Accordingly, the Board of Directors is currently requested to: 1. Approve the attached Resolution which initiates the ECCC LLD process for fiscal year 2015/2016; 2. Appoint NBS as Engineer of Work; 3. Instruct NBS to prepare an Engineer's Report for FY 2015/2016 (7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016). ALTERNATIVES No alternatives are recommended. 42 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 2015-4 April 21, 2015 APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCEEDINGS AND ORDERING FILING OF ANNUAL REPORT FOR EAST CONTRA COSTA COUNTY LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (Pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) WHEREAS, the East Bay Regional Park District (District) Board of Directors formed the East Contra Costa County Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District (ECCC LLD) on December 17, 1991: and WHEREAS, the ECCC LLD will complete its fiscal year of operation on June 30, 2015; and WHEREAS, the requirement for the operation and maintenance of the District’s regional trails system within the ECCC LLD boundaries continues to exist for the 2015/2016 fiscal year (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016); and WHEREAS, the District, in operating the ECCC LLD, has taken effective action to implement the work program as defined in the 2015/2016 fiscal year Engineer's Report; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District hereby: 1. Designates NBS as the Engineer of Work for the East Contra Costa County Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District; 2. Directs NBS to file an annual Engineer's Report in accordance with the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; 3. Adopts this resolution pursuant to Section 22622 of the Streets & Highways Code of the State of California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the General Manager and the Chief Financial Officer are hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the District and in its name, to execute and deliver such documents and to do such acts as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to accomplish the intentions of this resolution. Moved by Director , seconded by Director adopted this 21st day of April, 2015 by the following vote: FOR: AGAINST: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: , and 43 ACQUISITION, STEWARDSHIP & DEVELOPMENT 44 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 2. ACQUISITION, STEWARDSHIP & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION a. Resolution Urging the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to Reconsider and Deny the Appeal of Altamont Winds Inc. (“AWI”) for the Extension of the Conditional Use Permits through 2018, and also Urging the Board of Supervisors to Deny Adoption of a Statement of Overriding Considerations and to Support the Decommissioning and Repowering of the AWI Project as Required by Existing Permits: Brushy Peak Regional Preserve (Victor/Nisbet) RECOMMENDATION The General Manager recommends that the Board of Directors approve a resolution urging the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to 1) reconsider and deny the appeal of AWI for extension of AWI’s conditional use permits, 2) deny adoption of a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and 3) support the decommissioning and repowering of the AWI’s project as required by its existing permits. REVENUE/COST The adoption of a resolution will not result in any additional costs to the Park District. BACKGROUND This matter arises from a permit application by AWI for continued operation of 828 older generation wind turbines near Brushy Peak Regional Preserve through 2018. Without the extension, the permits would expire on October 31, 2015, and all of the wind turbines would be decommissioned. The East Alameda County Board of Zoning Adjustment (“EBZA”) voted to reject AWI’s requested extension, but AWI appealed and on March 24, 2015, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors voted, 3-2, to overturn the EBZA decision thereby allowing AWI to continue operations for an additional three years. The Alameda County Board of Supervisors’ action to approve the project is not final and may be reconsidered because the Board has not adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations as required by CEQA. Staff recommends that the Park 1 45 District Board of Directors adopt a resolution urging the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to reconsider the appeal, deny the project, and deny adoption of a Statement of Overriding Considerations for AWI’s permit extension project. The Park District has had a long-term interest in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (“APWRA”) and its impacts on the visual and natural resources of eastern Alameda County. The Park District has invested nearly $10 million in acquiring and developing Brushy Peak Regional Preserve and its surrounding area, which includes receipt of significant grant funds from the Altamont Landfill Open Space Fund. Brushy Peak Regional Preserve is a significant wildlife corridor, supports protected special status species, is a popular recreational amenity, and provides important visual and open space resources. Brushy Peak Regional Preserve is also archeologically significant. It is part of a regional complex of cultural resources and is recognized as a sacred site for Native American communities. The Park District’s land acquisitions in the APWRA were made, in part, to protect habitat and with the goal of ensuring that wind turbines are decommissioned or repowered as appropriate to protect the long-term health and viability of avian species in the region. No older generation wind turbines are currently operating on any Park District lands. In fact, the Park District has been at the forefront of on-going scientific studies of avian mortality related to wind turbines and has received funding from and worked closely with the California Energy Commission, California Attorney General, Golden Gate Audubon, and major wind energy companies in the responsible siting of wind turbines. In 2005, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors demonstrated leadership in responsible wind energy development by adopting a Resolution imposing conditions on wind operators in the APWRA that required phased decommissioning of older model wind turbines. AWI declined to participate in the 2005 APWRA plan and instead has twice requested extension of its permits to continue operating older generation wind turbines. AWI’s permits were already extended once, in 2013, and the current extension request comes at a time when other wind companies in the APWRA are already repowering with new wind turbines that result in fewer avian fatalities and higher energy output. The Environmental Impact Report prepared for the previous permit extensions (“2013 EIR”) evaluated four alternatives, including Alternative #3 that would have approved extension of the permits with no phased decommissioning through 2018. This alternative was rejected by Alameda County due to the additional number of avian fatalities, including four focal raptor species associated with the three additional years of operation. AWI’s current request is essentially the same project as the 2013 EIR Alternative #3, which was previously evaluated and rejected as infeasible. The environmental analysis prepared for the current extension request does not present any new or different information to support an opposite finding by Alameda County now. The APWRA Scientific Review Committee (“SRC”) reviewed AWI’s current permit extension request prior to consideration by the EBZA. The SRC is a five member panel of wildlife biologists and experts appointed by wind farm permittees, the environmental community, Alameda County Planning Department, State of California, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2 46 The purpose of the SRC is to provide independent review and expertise on research and study related to wind energy production and avian mortality. The SRC concluded that the project would result in a substantial increase in avian mortality, that the proposed mitigation was uncertain, and that the projected impact of the project was underestimated in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (“2015 SEIR”). Additionally, the SRC determined that the proposed application was inconsistent with efforts to reduce avian mortality in the APWRA and recommended that the project not be approved. On February 2, 2015, the EBZA voted to certify the 2015 SEIR for AWI’s proposed project, but denied the request to extend the Conditional Use Permit. The EBZA found that no substantial evidence was presented to show that no repowering project or other wind power project will move forward should the extension application be denied, nor had substantial evidence been provided that there would be a loss of jobs as a result of disapproval of the application sufficient to outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental risks of the project. Following the EBZA’s decision, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service submitted comments urging Alameda County to not extend the permits beyond 2015 based on their assessment that the project would result in non-permitted, on-going take of golden eagles, and that the level of estimated take will have a negative effect on the local-area population of golden eagles. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also commented on AWI’s lack of cooperation, noting that despite AWI’s stated commitments to do so, AWI has never submitted either an Eagle Conservation Plan or an application for an Eagle Take Permit. The California Attorney General’s Office also commented in opposition to AWI’s appeal and recommended denial of any extension of AWI’s permits that would allow continued operation of the existing wind turbines. The appeal by AWI was also opposed by the Audubon Society and Sierra Club based on avian impacts and concerns with the adequacy of the environmental review undertaken for the extensions. The Park District has previously commented that the environmental analysis prepared for the permit extension seriously underestimates bird fatality rates that will result from the project by double counting for the winter shutdown, and fails to incorporate the best science as presented in the most recent and comprehensive Avian Monitoring Report for the years 2005-2012 (ICF International 2014). The current science shows that the mortality rate for golden eagles in the APWRA is unsustainable and thus represents a population sink for this species in the twocounty area. In addition, the Park District commented that the 2015 SEIR fails to evaluate visual impacts on protected ridgelines and publically accessible parklands, including Brushy Peak Regional Preserve. The Alameda County General Plan’s East County Area Plan states that the County shall preserve major visually sensitive ridgelines including those surrounding Brushy Peak Regional Preserve. The existing old generation turbines require several times more individual wind turbines to generate the same electricity as new wind turbines. Thus, the extension of the permits and further delay of decommissioning will result in the extension of the current visual intrusion and visual impacts on the protected ridgelines as shown in Exhibit A. Permitting AWI to continue to operate old wind turbines ignores the science developed by 3 47 Alameda County, the Park District, and others within the APWRA, and will result in ongoing visual impacts, increased avian mortality, and would be contrary to the spirit of the broadly supported APWRA plan for environmentally responsible wind energy development. Staff recommends the Park District Board of Directors adopt the attached resolution urging the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to reconsider the appeal, deny AWI’s project, and reject the Statement of Overriding Considerations. ALTERNATIVES None are recommended. ATTACHMENT Exhibit A: Map 4 48 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 2015-04April 21, 2015 RESOLUTION URGING THE ALAMEDA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO RECONSIDER AND DENY THE APPEAL OF ALTAMONT WINDS INC. (“AWI”) FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS THROUGH 2018, AND ALSO URGING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO DENY ADOPTION OF A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS AND TO SUPPORT THE DECOMMISSIONING AND REPOWERING OF THE AWI PROJECT AS REQUIRED BY EXISTING PERMITS: BRUSHY PEAK REGIONAL PRESERVE WHEREAS, the East Bay Regional Park District (“Park District”) operates a network of large open space parks that preserve open space, protect wildlife corridors, and offer outdoor recreation to millions of Alameda County and Contra Costa County residents; and WHEREAS, AWI operates 828 older-generation wind turbines on an approximately 14,000 acre portion of the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (“APWRA”) adjacent to the Park District’s Brushy Peak Regional Preserve in eastern Alameda County (Map attached as Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, the Park District has invested nearly $10 million in acquiring and developing Brushy Peak Regional Preserve and its surrounding area, which includes receipt of significant grant funds from the Altamont Landfill Open Space Fund; and WHEREAS, Brushy Peak Regional Preserve provides important visual and open space resources, is a significant wildlife corridor, supports protected special status species, and is a popular recreational amenity; and WHEREAS, Brushy Peak Regional Preserve is also archeologically significant. It is part of a regional complex of cultural resources and is recognized as a sacred site for Native Americans; and WHEREAS, the Alameda County General Plan states that the County shall preserve major visually sensitive ridgelines, including those surrounding Brushy Peak Regional Preserve; and WHEREAS, the Park District is at the forefront of on-going scientific studies of avian mortality related to wind turbines and has received funding from and worked closely with the California Energy Commission, California Attorney General, Golden Gate Audubon, and major wind energy companies in the responsible siting of wind turbines; and WHEREAS, the Park District supports decommissioning and repowering when done in an environmentally sensitive manner in which wind turbines are sited to minimize impacts to 1 49 avian species and visual impacts to natural areas; and WHEREAS, no legacy or older model wind turbines currently operate on any Park District lands; and WHEREAS, in 2005, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors demonstrated leadership in responsible wind energy development by adopting a Resolution imposing conditions on wind operators in the APWRA that required phased decommissioning of older model wind turbines; and WHEREAS, in 2013, AWI requested modification to the phased decommissioning and the East Alameda County Board of Zoning Adjustment (“EBZA”) adopted Resolution Z-13-36 allowing AWI to continue operating its older model wind turbines until October 31, 2015; and WHEREAS, the EBZA, as part of its adoption of Resolution Z-13-36, adopted an Environmental Impact Report (“2013 EIR”) that evaluated impacts of continued operation through October 2018, and rejected the alternative as infeasible due to the additional number of avian fatalities that would result from three additional years of operation; and WHEREAS, in 2014, AWI again requested modification to the conditions approved in 2013 to allow continued operation of the older-generation turbines through October 2018; and WHEREAS, a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (“2015 SEIR”) was prepared evaluating the impacts of the continued operation of the older-generation wind turbines through October 2018, and found that the project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts on special status avian species; and WHEREAS, the 2015 SEIR did not include additional or different information from the alternative analysis contained in the 2013 EIR regarding the impacts of extending the permits to allow the continued operation of older generation wind turbines through 2018; and WHEREAS, on December 11, 2014, the APWRA Scientific Review Committee, a five member panel of experts appointed to provide independent review of wind energy proposals, determined the project could not be supported because avian impacts were underestimated and the approval would be inconsistent with other efforts to reduce avian mortality in the APWRA; and WHEREAS, on February 2, 2015, the EBZA voted to reject AWI’s requested modifications to AWI’s permits finding that the proposed Statement of Overriding Considerations did not meet the requirements of Section 15093 of the CEQA Guidelines in that it did not identify economic, legal, social, technological, or other benefits of the project that outweigh its unavoidable adverse environmental risks, or that are supported by substantial evidence in the record; and WHEREAS, AWI appealed the denial of the requested permit modifications; and 2 50 WHEREAS, on March 24, 2015, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors heard AWI’s appeal and voted, 3-2, to overturn the EBZA decision thereby allowing AWI to continue operation of the older generation wind turbines through October 2018; and WHEREAS, the Alameda Board of Supervisors’ action to approve the permit extension project is not final and may be reconsidered because the Board has not adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations as required by CEQA; and WHEREAS, the 2015 SEIR seriously underestimates bird fatality rates that will result from the project by inappropriately double counting for the winter shutdown, and fails to incorporate the best science as presented in the most recent and comprehensive Avian Monitoring Report for the years 2005-2012 (ICF International 2014). The current science shows that the mortality rate for golden eagles in the APWRA is unsustainable and thus represents a population sink for this species in the two-county area; and WHEREAS, visual impacts on protected ridgelines and publically accessible parklands, including Brushy Peak Regional Preserve were not adequately evaluated and the project would continue the current visual intrusion and visual impacts on protected ridgelines; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service forcefully urged that the AWI’s permit be denied based on AWI’s history of non-cooperation and based on substantial scientific data demonstrating the significant impacts on protected and special status birds from the project; and WHEREAS, the California Attorney General also urged denial of the permit; and WHEREAS, the Park District urges the Board of Supervisors to continue to provide leadership on clean energy by reconsidering the appeal and denying AWI’s project and reaffirming the Board of Supervisors’ stated commitment to decommissioning; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District hereby adopts a resolution urging that Alameda County Board of Supervisors to reconsider and deny the appeal of Altamont Winds Inc. for the extension of the Conditional Use Permits, and also urging the board of supervisors to deny adoption of a Statement of Overriding Considerations for the project and support the decommissioning and repowering of the Altamont Winds Inc. project as required by existing permits. Moved by Director , seconded by Director adopted this 21st day of April 2015, by the following vote: , and FOR: AGAINST: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 3 51 4WD Road 4WD Road 4WD Road co Vas Brushy Peak Regional Preserve EBRPD Brushy Peak Regional Preserve LARPD ## Dyer Dyer ## 4WD Acquisition, Stewardship & Development Division April 14, 2015 t:/bstone/mxd proj/land acq/bp_turbines 04_2015.mxd 52 d Ro a BRUSHY PEAK REGIONAL PRESERVE Location of Wind Turbines ¯ 0 500 1,000 Feet 2,000 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2014 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 2. ACQUISITION, STEWARDSHIP & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION b. Authorization to Amend Contract for Professional Services with Questa Engineering Corporation; and to Appropriate and Transfer Funds and Accept a Bid from San Rafael Rock Quarry, Inc. for Construction of Albany Beach Shoreline (Neck) Restoration and Public Access Project Phase 1: McLaughlin Eastshore State Park Barton/Nisbet) RECOMMENDATION The General Manager recommends the Board of Directors take the following actions: 1) Authorize an increase of $249,518 to the Questa Engineering Corporation (“Questa”) contract for construction support and environmental compliance for Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project Phase I. 2) Transfer and appropriate funds from the following accounts to Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project, Project No 571500: a. $780,000 from Designated for Development Measure WW Eastshore State Park Funds; b. $392,684 from Designated for Acquisition Measure WW Eastshore State Park Funds (from CIP 229900 WW00); and c. $392,685 from Measure CC for Eastshore State Park (CC Project #8) into Project account Restore Albany Beach (571500MCCT) 3) Accept the base bid of San Rafael Rock Quarry, Inc., San Rafael, California, in the amount of $2,633,473, and set aside a construction contingency in the amount of $395,021; $24,000 for contract administration; and $150,000 for post construction permit compliance, totaling $3,202,494 for the construction of Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project Phase I, located at McLaughlin Eastshore State Park. REVENUE/COST Including the recommended encumbrances outlined below, the total cost to complete Phase 1 53 will be $4,190,755, which is below the original $4.3 million estimated budget for the project. This action will encumber $3,452,012 for delivery of Phase 1 as follows: a. $249,518 for design support and environmental compliance (increasing the Questa contract amount from $405,992 to $655,510) b. $3,052,494 for construction, contingency and administration c. $150,000 for post construction permit compliance. Revenue/Expense Brief Budgeted To Date Expended To Date Available $3,143,086 $1,256,442 $1,886,644 Funds Needed to Complete Phase 1 Funding Gap (Available Less Funds Needed) $3,452,012 ($1,565,369) Proposed Funding Sources WW Eastshore Development WW Eastshore Acquisition CC Eastshore Total $780,000 $392,684 $392,685 $1,565,369 Expenditures to date include completion of a feasibility study, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and permitting, design and engineering for Phase I. An additional $1,565,369 is required to proceed with construction of Phase 1. Staff recommends using a combination of Measure WW Eastshore Development, Measure WW Eastshore Acquisition, and Measure CC Eastshore funds to complete the first phase of the project (see proposed transfer of funds below). Total cost for all three phases of the project is estimated at $12.4 million with preconstruction costs for all three phases at approximately $635,000; Phase I at $4.3 million; Phase II at $3.7 million and Phase III at $3.8 million. This estimate is inclusive of total project costs minus legal fees and property acquisition. Staff has secured $5.5 million in grant funding for the project $250,000 for preconstruction costs; $2.2 million for Phase I; $1.3 million for Phase II; and $1.8 million for Phase III. Several of these grants are in the grant contracting process and are not yet budgeted or reflected in the revenue/cost summary below: EXISTING SOURCE OF FUNDS Capital Development Project Account Restore Albany Beach (571500) $3,143,086 Expended/Encumbered to Date TOTAL AVAILABLE 54 1,256,442 $1,886,644 PROPOSED TRANSFER AND OR APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS TRANSFER/APPROPRIATE FROM: Designated for Development Measure WW29 Eastshore State Park Funds Designated for Acquisition Measure WX29 Eastshore State Park Funds (CIP 229900 WW00) Measure CC for Eastshore State Park (CC Project #8) TOTAL TRANSFER TRANSFER TO: Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project No. 571500 TOTAL AVAILABLE AFTER TRANSFER $780,000 392,684 392,685 $1,565,369 $1,886,643 $3,452,012 PROPOSED USE OF FUNDS Proposed Construction Contract Base Bid $2,633,473 Construction Contingency 395,021 Contract administration 24,000 Post Construction Permit Compliance 150,000 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $3,202,494 Contract for Services – Questa Engineering Corporation $ 249,518 CONSULTING TOTAL $ 249,518 TOTAL $3,452,012 BACKGROUND The project is being constructed in three phases. Phase I, the subject of this Board action, will reconstruct 1,800 linear feet of shoreline on the south side of Albany Neck to protect water quality and preserve and enhance public access. Currently, wave action along the south Neck is eroding the landfill and the access route connecting Albany Beach to Albany Bulb into San Francisco Bay. The project will convert the old landfill access route into an ADA accessible trail with native coastal prairie landscaping strips. Phase I shoreline work implements living shoreline principles identified in the San Francisco Bay Sub-tidal Habitat Goals Report. These features include bird roosting islands, tide pools, a small pebble beach and an oyster shell reef. These features not only boost the ecological value of the site for fish and shorebirds, but also enhance shoreline protection and resiliency. Following this Board action, construction of Phase 1 can begin in June 2015 and be completed by December 2015. Phase II will expand and restore the beach and dunes and construct public access amenities such as parking and restrooms. Phase III will complete the San Francisco Bay Trail from Buchanan Street to Gilman Street. Phases II and III are on hold until required property is acquired and CEQA judicial review and supplemental CEQA work is completed. 55 The project plans and specifications have been through the District’s competitive bidding process. The Notice to Bidders for this project was published on February 19, 2015 in the newspaper the District uses for this purpose and made available at thirteen (13) builders exchanges and on E-Bid board, with seven (7) firms submitting responsible bids on Thursday, March 26, 2015. The basis for determination of low bid for this project is the aggregate amount of the bidder’s base bid: NAME OF BIDDER TOTAL BASE BID San Rafael Rock Quarry, Inc. $2,633,473 Innovative Construction Solutions $2,744,877 Gordon N. Ball, Inc. $2,796,815 CF Contracting Inc. $2,906,860 Maggoria & Ghilotti, Inc. $3,265,265 Granite Rock Company $3,292,606 Hanford ARC $3,684,989 DISTRICT ESTIMATE: $2,600,000 (Base Bid Only) CEQA Phase 1 of the proposed project is within the scope of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project and is proposed to be constructed consistent with the mitigation measures identified in the EIR. As indicated in the CEQA findings, which were adopted by the Board of Directors on November 20, 2012, by Board Resolution No. 2012-11-285, potentially significant impacts identified for the project can be mitigated to a less than significant level. ALTERNATIVES No alternatives are recommended. 56 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 2015 – 04 April 21, 2015 AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND THE CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH QUESTA ENGINEERING CORPORATION: MCLAUGHLIN EASTSHORE STATE PARK WHEREAS, an operating agreement with the California Department of Parks and Recreation establishes the Park District’s partnership with the State for the design and development of McLaughlin Eastshore State Park, according to the adopted Eastshore State Park General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Eastshore State Park General Plan sets forth guidelines for habitat restoration and public access improvements at Albany Beach; and WHEREAS, the Park District is in need of professional services to implement habitat restoration and public access improvements at Albany Beach; and WHEREAS, Resolution 2012-05-122 and change order #2 ($6,000) establish the current contract amount of $405,992 (P22283) for CEQA, design/engineering, geotechnical, and permitting services; and WHEREAS, Questa Engineering is the designer and engineer of record and is providing additional professional services for design support and environmental compliance during project construction; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District hereby authorizes and directs the General Manager on behalf of the Park District to increase the contract with Questa Engineering by $249,518 to provide professional services for the Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project Phase I; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the General Manager is hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the Park District and in its name, to execute and deliver such documents and to do such acts as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to accomplish the intentions of this resolution. Moved by Director , and seconded by Director adopted this 21st day of April, 2015 by the following vote: , and FOR: AGAINST: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 57 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO.: 2015-04April 21, 2015 AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER AND OR APPROPRIATE FUNDS AND ACCEPT A BID FROM SAN RAFAEL ROCK QUARRY, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ALBANY BEACH RESTORATION AND PUBLIC ACCESS PROJECT PHASE 1: MCLAUGHLIN EASTSHORE STATE PARK WHEREAS, an operating agreement with the California Department of Parks and Recreation establishes the District’s partnership with the State for the design and development of McLaughlin Eastshore State Park, according to the adopted Eastshore State Park General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Eastshore State Park General Plan sets forth guidelines for habitat restoration and public access improvements at Albany Beach; and WHEREAS, the Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project Phase 1 (“Project”) will repair/reconstruct the shoreline, enhance habitat, restore and enhance trail accessibility at south Albany neck; and WHEREAS, the District advertised for bids for construction of the Project at the terminus of Buchanan Street, McLaughlin Eastshore State Park, Albany California and received seven (7) responsible bids; and WHEREAS, San Rafael Rock Quarry, Inc., San Rafael, California was the lowest responsible bidder; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the East Bay Regional Park District authorize the Budget Change form attached hereto, which will transfer $780,000 from Designated for Development Measure WW Eastshore State Park Funds, $392,684 from Designated for Acquisition Measure WW Eastshore State Park Funds (from CIP 229900 WW00) to 571500WX29, and appropriate $392,685 from Measure CC for Eastshore State Park (CC Project #8), Fund 226, into Project account Restore Albany Beach (571500) and accept the base bid of San Rafael Rock Quarry, Inc., San Rafael, California, in the amount of $2,633,473 and set aside $395,021 as a construction contingency, $24,000 for contract administration, and $150,000 for post construction permit compliance, for a total amount of $3,202,494 in Project No. 571500; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager is hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the District and in its name, to execute and deliver such documents and such acts as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to accomplish the intentions of this resolution. 58 Moved by Director , seconded by Director approved this 21st day of April, 2015, by the following vote: , and FOR: AGAINST: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 59 Albany Beach Restoration and Public Access Project 60 EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT BUDGET CHANGE FORM NEW APPROPRIATIONS Appropriate from General Fund X From New Revenues BUDGET TRANSFERS X Between Funds X Between Projects DECREASE BUDGET ACCOUNT Account Name: Expense: Capital- LandDistrict Wide-Acquisition-Designated Land Acquisition-Measure WW Undesignated AMOUNT INCREASE BUDGET ACCOUNT Account Name: Expense: OTAEnvironmental Programs-EastshoreAlbany Beach Restoration-Measure WWEastshore Acquisition Allocation AreaServices Account: 333-6330-000-7010 / 229900WW00-100 Account: 336-6350-423-6191 / 571500 $392,684.00 WX29-009 Account Name: Expense: OTAEnvironmental Programs-EastshoreAlbany Beach Restoration-Measure WWEastshore Development Allocation AreaServices Account: 336-6350-423-6191 / 571500 WP29-009 Account Name: Expense: OTAEnvironmental Programs-EastshoreAlbany Beach Restoration-Measure CC Funds-Services Account Name: Expense: Measure CC Fund-Non-Departmental-District WideTransfer Out Account: 226-9110-000-9980 Account Name: Expense: Capital FundNon-Departmental-District Wide-Transfer Out Account: 336-6350-423-6191 / 571500 MCCT-009 TRANSFERS BETWEEN FUNDS Account Name: TRANSFER IN: OTA Fund-Non-Departmental-District WideTransfer In $392,685.00 Account: 336-9110-000-3980 Account Name: TRANSFER IN: OTA Fund-Non-Departmental-District WideTransfer In AMOUNT $392,684.00 $ 780,000.00 $ 392,685 $ 392,685.00 $ 392,684.00 Account: 336-9110-000-3980 Account: 333-9110-000-9980 $ 392,684.00 REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY: As being presented at the Board of Directors meeting on April 21, 2015 the General Manager recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the appropriation of $780,000 Measure WW Bond funds from the Eastshore Development Allocation Area; transfer and appropriate $392,684 from the Eastshore Acquisition Allocation Area; and transfer and appropriate $392,685 from the Measure CC Fund, reducing the funds available for CC Project Line #8. The transfers will augment the $3,145,085.86 budget that currently exists in project 571500 that will all be used to restore the Albany Beach. T:\BOARDCLK\BOARD MATERIAL\2015\7 - April 21, 2015\C-2-b LAND Albany Beach Restoration Proj 571500 Phase I adj Budget Change 61 As approved at the Board of Directors Meeting on: Date: 4/21/2015 Board of Directors Resolution Number: 2015-04 Date: Posted By: Signature T:\BOARDCLK\BOARD MATERIAL\2015\7 - April 21, 2015\C-2-b LAND Albany Beach Restoration Proj 571500 Phase I adj Budget Change 62 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 2. ACQUISITION, STEWARDSHIP & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION c. Lake Chabot Campus Modernization Project Update: Lake Chabot Regional Park (Barton/Nisbet) At its meeting on March 12, 2015, the Board Executive Committee (“Committee”) reviewed work in-progress plans and architectural renderings for the Lake Chabot Campus Modernization Project. The project includes reconstruction of the Public Safety Headquarters, Chabot Service Yard, and South County Corporation Yard (“SCCY”) Equipment Shop. Feedback on the work in-progress was positive and a unanimous recommendation was provided to advance the concepts to more detailed design. The Committee also provided feedback that buildings should incorporate design elements that tie them together, such as similar colors, materials and/or artistic features, and include “green” design and alternative energy capabilities where appropriate. Staff will update the Board of Directors on the project status and present materials that will be included with a formal land use/planning application with Alameda County. 63 BOARD AND STAFF REPORTS 64 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 3. BOARD AND STAFF REPORTS a. Actions Taken By Other Jurisdictions Affecting the Park District (Doyle) Oakland City Council – Coliseum Area Specific Plan On Tuesday, March 31st, the Oakland City Council unanimously voted to adopt the Coliseum Area Specific Plan and adopt the associated Environmental Impact Report. The Coliseum Area Specific Plan proposes a range of General Plan and zoning code changes to facilitate redevelopment of the Coliseum area. The specific plan envisions a number of scenarios depending on which sports teams the City is successful in retaining and represents a preferred vision for redevelopment and economic revitalization of the area to include up to three new sports and entertainment facilities; 8 million square feet of research, office, light industrial and retail space; and over 5,000 residential units. The plan would also include over 20 acres of open space, parks, and restored habitats including lands along Damon Slough. The Coliseum Area Specific Plan includes the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum site and lands west of I-880 north of Hegenberger Road including the Oakland Airport Edgewater Business Park and a portion of the Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline. Original proposals called for rezoning of the District’s 8-acre Edgewater Seasonal Wetland within Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline to a Coliseum District zone that would permit development of a sports venue or associated retail and commercial space. The District worked with the City of Oakland to ensure the Edgewater Seasonal Wetland was rezoned to Open Space in the adopted plan. Additionally, the plan would rezone significant portions of San Leandro Bay, including Arrowhead Marsh, from Heavy Industrial to Open Space. 65 GM COMMENTS 66 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT Tuesday, April 21, 2015 C. BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD 4. GENERAL MANAGER’S COMMENTS STAFF PRESENTATION Human Resources Manager Sukari Beshears and Human Resources Analyst Bismarck Blanco will present on the expansion of Human Resources’ outreach efforts to keep the District current and relevant by communicating to diverse audiences through technology. GM COMMENTS Public Safety From February 20 to March 19, 2015 the Public Safety Division handled 624 service calls and 478 total incidents. Highlights are included below. Police There were 37 arrests made throughout the District for a variety of felony and misdemeanor offenses, including DUI, weapons possession, drug possession, violation of court restraining orders, disorderly conduct, public intoxication, and indecent exposure. Officers also issued 235 citations for Ordinance 38, vehicle code, and parking violations. Officers handled 250 field interviews (contacts without citations or arrests) and contacted 13 people on probation or parole to conduct compliance checks. Anthony Chabot: On March 8, an officer was dispatched to the campground for a report of a person wandering around and disturbing campers. The subject was intoxicated and had a loaded weapon in his tent. He was arrested for the weapon violation and transported to jail without incident. Bay Point Wetlands: On March 7, an officer responded to the report of two people arguing in the parking lot. The woman was intoxicated and arrested for disorderly conduct. The man was interviewed and released at the scene. Briones: On February 21, an officer responded to the report of a park user with a dog off leash and not under voice control. The park user was cited for the Ordinance 38 violation. Crown Beach: On February 21, officers responded to a group with a bonfire on the beach. The fire was extinguished and the subjects were cited. 67 Garin: On March 8, officers responded to the report of a saddled horse without a rider. The horse was determined to have run away from a stable and was returned. Lake Chabot: On March 15, officers and park staff responded to the report of a child at the marina who was separated from his parents. The parents and child were reunited without incident. Lone Tree Point: On March 6, an officer was dispatched to the report of an intoxicated person. The officer located the subject who was holding a bottle of whiskey, yelling, and visibly agitated. She was arrested for disorderly conduct and transported to jail without incident. Out of Park in Martinez: On February 20, an officer was patrolling the area and witnessed a vehicle driving erratically, crossing over the double yellow lines. The driver was interviewed and found to have methamphetamine, marijuana, hash oil, and a smoking pipe in his car. He was cited and released on scene for possession of a controlled substance and possession of narcotics paraphernalia. Point Pinole: On February 23, an officer and medical personnel responded to the report of a person who fell off his bicycle several times and sustained injuries to his face. The subject was under the influence of alcohol and transported to the hospital for treatment. Redwood: On March 15, an officer and medical personnel responded to the report of a bicycle accident with injuries. The mountain bike rider had fallen off his bike and was transported to the hospital for treatment. Tilden: On March 8, officers and medical personnel responded to the report of a bicycle accident. The bicyclist collided with a pedestrian on the Nimitz Trail and the cyclist was transported to the hospital for treatment of minor injuries. On March 18, a sergeant contacted the occupants of a vehicle for a curfew violation. The driver had a suspended license and was cited. The car was towed and impounded. Wildcat Canyon: On February 21, an officer, Eagle 7, Richmond Police, and medical personnel responded to the report of an intoxicated person urinating in the park. The subject was taken to the hospital for medical treatment. Fire Operations Fire Response On March 14, Fire Unit 5681 responded to a report of an unattended campfire on the East Ridge Trail. Engine 5681 staff found and extinguished a small, illegal, un-contained campfire in Redwood Park. 68 Medical/Accident/Injury Firefighters responded to one medical emergency and six personal injuries in the District. Special Services On February 20, Engine 5661 staff conducted a Fire Safety in the Home presentation at Giggles Pre-School in Oakland. Fire Training Fire training was conducted on March 2 - 6 and March 17 - 19. Training was held for Companies A, B, C, and D. Topics included Vehicle Fire, Structure Fire, Hazmat First Responder Operations, Leadership 180, and a Wildland Readiness Drill. Fire Management District-wide Anthony Chabot: Crews continued the Anthony Chabot Campground eucalyptus sucker ladder-fuel reduction project. Tilden Park: Crews continued the Tilden Park–Wildcat Canyon Road Wildland Fuels Reduction and Risk Tree Removal project. Lifeguard Service On February 21, staff held its second pre-test workshop for potential seasonal lifeguards at Roberts Pool. From February 25 through March 13, staff conducted several seasonal lifeguard recruitments at high school swim meets throughout the Bay Area. On February 28, staff partnered with Boy Scouts of America to provide a CPR/First Aid class for over 40 families. On March 7, staff participated in Cosumnes Community Service District’s Aquatic Leadership Development Program near Elk Grove. From March 10 through March 13, staff participated in the California Parks and Recreation Society Annual Conference and Expo in Sacramento. Aquatics Manager Pete Dequincy gave presentations on in-service training, discipline, staff benchmarks, and submersion protocols. 69 NEWSCLIPS 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88