Discover Northville
Discover Northville
Discover Northville • March 2016 • 3 WELCOME ADVERTISERS Boating on the Huron River. JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Artist Michael McNamara paints a landscape of downtown while under the shade of Northville Town Square. Tom Holzer Ford.................................2 Northville Collision ............................3 Our Lady of Victory ...........................5 Golden Key Realty .............................7 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church...............9 Northville Vision Clinic....................11 The Bee’s Knees ................................13 Kelly & Kelly, P.C...............................13 L.J. Toomajanian, DDS ....................15 Mike Miller Building Co. ................15 Community Financial ......................17 Scores Hair Cuts ................................19 Pizza Cutter .......................................19 Tipping Point Theatre.....................19 Northville Dermatology .................21 The Village Workshop....................23 Davis Auto Care ...............................24 STEVE FECHT The Short on Words poetry and short story event, sponsored by Preservation Dental, in conjunction with the Arts & Acts festival, is a hit. Discover the Northville Community he city of Northville and Northville Township form the Northville community. The area offers residents the benefits of small town living and a beautiful countryside. Visitors will appreciate all the attention spent on details. The city of Northville has retained its Victorian charm and offers a quaint downtown district, which has a wide selection of specialty clothing stores, restaurants, specialty shops, galleries, theaters, restaurants – many locally owned. Enjoy old-fashioned street lamps, benches and preserved landmarks. The Northville community is dedicat- T 4 • Discover Northville • March 2016 ed to providing a captivating, attractive place to live, work and visit. It maintains its Victorian heritage with stately Victorian-era architecture and well-kept older homes built before the 1930s in its Historic District. You will also find the surrounding areas to have some of the finest architecture examples available today. This year’s directory also provides information about the local schools and maps to help you find the nearest community parks in Northville. Keep this handy section nearby. Whether you’re looking for the basic necessities or simply something to do, you’re sure to find it here. Welcome to Northville! JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Connie and Al Qualman stroll through downtown Northville on East Main during the holidays. DISCOVER ... Community calendar .......................5 City of Northville................................6 Northville Township .........................9 County, state and federal government ......................................13 Northville schools ............................16 Groups and organizations ............18 DISCOVER NORTHVILLE EVENTS Mark your calendars! Northville has events happening throughout the year. Here is a quick look at some festivals, social outings and school programs. Come and join in on the fun. Dates are subject to change, go to and www.twp.north to confirm events. A NIGHT FOR NORTHVILLE Date/Location: 7-11 p.m., March 12, VisTa Tech Center at Schoolcraft College Details: A Fundraiser to support Northville school programs and projects. The 21-and-older evening will feature delicious hors d’oeuvres from Schoolcraft’s culinary artists, video horse racing, $1,000 prize raffle, silent auction & cash bar. Tickets are $50/includes $20 funny money for betting. For more information, visit http:// www.northville FIRST FRIDAY EXPERIENCE Time/Dates: First Friday of each month, January through December – NCBA SPRING FLING CRAFT SHOW Date/Location: March 18-19 – Community Center Contact: Handcrafters Unlimited, 734-459-0050 EGGS-STRAVAGANZA Time/date/Location: 10 a.m. to noon, March 26, Maybury State Park Details: The Friends of Maybury are hosting the annual event. Contact: 248-349-8390 MAYBURY FARM OPENING DAY Time/date/location: 10 a.m. April 2, Maybury Farm, 50165 Eight Mile Road, Northville Details: Operated by the Northville Community Foundation Contact: 248-374-0200 STATE OF COMMUNITY LUNCH Time/Date/Location: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. April 20, Schoolcraft College Vis Ta Tech Cente Contact: Northville Chamber, 248-349-7640 GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT Date/Location: Held in April and November, NCBA downtown merchants NHS SPRING MUSICAL Date/Location: The Little Mermaid, April 21-23, Northville High School Theater Contact: 248-344-8420 Eight Mile Details: A day long festival at Maybury Farm, operated by the Northville Community Foundation RELAY FOR LIFE WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE MICHIGAN WOMEN IN THE CHAUTAUQUA COMMUNITY Time/Date/Location: Noon May 26, Ford Field, 700 Baseline Road Details: American Cancer Society fundraiser Time/Date/Location: 7 p.m. April 27, Mill Race Village, Old School Church, 215 Griswold St. MEMORIAL DAY PARADE FARMERS MARKET Time/Dates/Location: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. each Thursday, May through October, Northville Downs parking lot at the northwest corner of Seven Mile and Sheldon Road Contact: Northville Chamber, 248-349-7640 FLOWER SALE Time/Dates/Location: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 27; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 28, downtown Northville Contact: Northville Chamber, 248-349-7640 Time/Date/Location: 10 a.m. May 30, downtown Northville Contact: VFW, 248-348-1490 ROUGE RIVER RESCUE Time/Date/Location: 9 a.m. to noon May 21, Mill Race Village Contact: 248-348-1845 VICTORY RUN Date/Location: June 6, Our Lady of Victory Church Contact: Michele Fras 248-2646232 SUNDAYS AT MILL RACE VILLAGE Time/Dates/Location: 1-4 p.m. June 7 through Oct. 18, docents on FARM FEST Time/Date/Location: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 21, Maybury Farm, 50165 See EVENTS, Page 19 Discover Northville • March 2016 • 5 DISCOVER THE CITY OF NORTHVLLE The city of Northville is a distinctive community of approximately 6,500 residents located on the western fringe of the Detroit area. The city was incorporated as a village in 1867 and as a city in 1955. The 2.2-square-mile city is equally divided between Wayne and Oakland counties and is about 30 minutes from downtown Detroit and 25 minutes from downtown Ann Arbor. The Northville area is known for its rolling hills and attractive countryside. The city retains a small-town atmosphere with stately Victorian-era architecture in its historic district and well-kept older homes built before the 1930s. The housing mixture includes single-family residences, condominiums and multi-family complexes. A walk to downtown boasts of old-fashioned street lamps, benches, specialty shops, galleries, theaters, restaurants, businesses and preserved landmarks. CITY HALL 215 W. Main St. Open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday 248-349-1300 CITY COUNCIL Mayor Ken Roth 248-489-4100 Mayor Pro Tem James Allen 248-349-0559 Council members Nancy Darga 248-380-6820 Sam Ekong 248-388-7903 Marilyn Price 248-347-8895 CITY ADMINISTRATION City Manager Patrick Sullivan 248-449-9905 [email protected] Finance Director and Treasurer Sandi Wiktorowski 248-449-9912 [email protected] City Clerk Dianne Massa 248-349-1300 [email protected] Public Works Director STEVE FECHT Former Northville Mayor Chris Johnson is presented Oct. 7, 2015, with the Northville Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year Award at Genitti’s Hole-In-The-Wall. James Gallogly 248-449-9930 [email protected] Chief Building Official Craig Strong 248-449-9902 [email protected] Fire Chief Stephen Ott 248-449-9920 [email protected] Police Chief Michael Carlson 248-449-9922 [email protected] DDA Director Lori Ward 248-349-0345 [email protected] Parks and Recreation Director Jason Spiller 248-449-9941 [email protected] Youth Assistance Director Sue Campbell 248-344-1618 [email protected] Assessor Karolynn Pargo 248-449-9901 [email protected] Senior Adult Services Coordinator Suzie Johnson 248-349-4140 [email protected] CITY SERVICES Fire department 6 • Discover Northville • March 2016 (non-emergency) 248-449-9920 Police (non-emergency) 248-349-5100 Public works 248-449-9930 Building 248-449-9902 Housing 248-349-8030 Finance 248-449-9907 Taxes/assessing 248-449-9901 Parks and Rec 248-349-0203 Senior programs 248-349-4140 Youth assistance 248-344-1618 DDA 248-349-0345 CITY COMMISSIONS Arts Commission Meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Art House, 215 W. Cady St. (248-3440497) Members: Chairperson Sue Taylor, Vice Chairperson Linda Liedel, Secretary Elizabeth S. Oliver, Treasurer Mark Kassa, Ellen Bennett, Lesa Buckland, Jennifer Helner, Joanne Bandoni-Menhart, , Nancy Darga (council liaison). Beautification Commission Meets the first Monday of each month at 8 a.m. at city hall, 215 W. Main St. (248-348-1733) Members: Chairperson Diane Pittaway, Tomiko Aoki, Doug Bingham, Nada Golinski, Sally Hayes, Nachiko Hirato, Linda Lestock, Julie Mantay, Jacque Martin-Downs, Callista Milroy, Liliana Miyahara, Donna Moak, Theresa Snyder, Janet Young. Board of Review Meets March, July and December at city hall, 215 W. Main St. (248449-9902) Members: Maureen Ryan, Janice Cantelon, David Bolitho Board of Zoning Appeals Meets the first Wednesday of each month, 7:30 p.m. at city hall, 215 W. Main St. (248-449-9902) Members: Chairperson Rolland Stapleton, Vice Chairperson Dominic Silvestri, Secretary James J. Bress, Ryan McKindles, Patti Mullen, David Marold, Jay Wendt (Planning Commission Member), John Callahan, Michelle Aniol Building Authority Meets as needed at city hall, 215 W. Main St. (248-449-9905) Members: Troy Gorman, DPW Director/Engineer James Gallogly, City Manager Patrick Sullivan Construction Appeals Board Meets as needed at city hall, 215 W. Main St. (248-449-9930) Members: Architect John Argenta, Contractor Donald Hansen Downtown Development Authority Meets the third Tuesday of each month at 8 a.m. at city hall, 215 W. Main St. (248-349-0345) Members: Mayor Ken Roth, Chairperson Gregory Presley, Treasurer Carolann Ayers, Margene Buckhave, John Casey, Lynda Heaton, James R. Long, Shawn Riley, Mary Starring Economic Development Corp. Meets as needed at city hall, 215 W. Main St. (248-449-9905) Members: Dr. Wm. Demray, Alfred C. Qualman, Sam Ekong (council liaison), City Manager Patrick Sullivan Election Commission Meets as need at city hall, 215 W. Main St. (248-349-1300) Members: Clerk Dianne Massa, Robert Marzano, James C. Allen (Councilmember) Historic District Commission Meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at city hall, 215 W. Main St. (248-449-9902) See CITY, Page 14 Discover Northville • March 2016 • 7 DISCOVER THE CITY OF NORTHVILLE SCHOOLS GOVERNMENT OFFICES RECREATION 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Northville Public Schools Administration 501 W. Main Street Hillside Middle School 775 N. Center Street Cooke School 21200 Taft Road Amerman Elementary 857 N. Center Street Transportation Building 504 W. Eight Mile Road Our Lady of Victory 132 Orchard Drive St. Paul’s Lutheran 201 Elm Street 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Discover Northville • March 2016 Municipal Building 215 W. Main Street Community Senior Center 303 W. Main Street Public Library 212 W. Cady Street Post Office 200 S. Wing Street Parks & Rec offices 700 W. Baseline Road Ford Field Park 151 N. Griswold Street Fish Hatchery Park 641 Fairbrook Cabbagetown Park Carpenter and Baseline Road Maplewood Park Maplewood and Hill streets Cady Street Dog Park 215 W. Cady Street Mill Race Historical Village 215 Griswold Street DISCOVER NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP The Charter Township of Northville is a vibrant, safe and attractive community. Northville Township was established in 1898 and became a charter township in 1985. What was once a quaint farming region is today a thriving residential and business community. Throughout Northville Township, signs of the community’s rural heritage still exist, including rambling farm houses on unpaved roads, traditional neighborhoods and an open landscape. Today, Northville Township’s master plan allows for planned growth that preserves wooded areas and open space and protects waterways. Township Offices 44405 Six Mile Road Northville, MI 48168 248-348-5800 Board of Trustees Supervisor Robert R. Nix II 248-348-5800, ext. 10489 [email protected] Term expires Nov. 20, 2016 Clerk Sue A. Hillebrand 248-348-5800, ext. 10491 [email protected] Term expires Nov. 20, 2016 Treasurer Marjorie F. Banner 248-348-5810 [email protected] Term expires Nov. 20, 2016 Trustee Marv Gans 248-348-5800 [email protected] Term expires Nov. 20, 2016 Trustee Symantha Heath 248-348-5800 [email protected] Term expires Nov. 20, 2016 Trustee Mindy Herrmann 248-348-5800 [email protected] Term expires Nov. 20, 2016 Trustee Fred Shadko 248-348-5800 [email protected] Term expires Nov. 20, 2016 ADMINISTRATORS Township Manager Chip Snider 248-348-5800, ext. 10493 [email protected] Finance Director Marina Neumaier 248-348-5810, ext. 10490 [email protected] Director of Public Services Thomas A. Casari 248-348-5820, ext. 10495 [email protected] Director of Public Safety John E. Werth 248-349-9400 [email protected] Director of Community Development Jennifer Frey 248-348-5800, ext. 10487 [email protected] Parks and Recreation Director Jason D. Spiller 248-349-0203 [email protected] Youth Assistance Director Sue Campbell 248-344-1618 [email protected] PUBLIC SERVICES Water & Sewer Dept. 248-348-5820 Building Dept. 248-348-5830 Finance/Treasury 248-348-5810 Fire Dept. 45745 Six Mile 248-348-5807 Planning Dept. 248-348-5800 Police Dept. 41600 Six Mile 248-349-9400 COMMISSIONS Economic Development Corp. and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority: Meets on the fourth Monday, meetings are held quarterly (unless otherwise noted) at 7 p.m., Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Members: Chairperson Michael S. Hale, Marvin Gans, Judith Costi- See TOWNSHIP, Page 10 Discover Northville • March 2016 • 9 DISCOVER NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP TOWNSHIP Continued from Page 9 gan, Joe Hige, Joseph Vig, Bill Wehrle, Janice Wilkiemeyer, Joseph M. Xuereb, Mike Nolta Historic District Commission: Meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m., Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Membership: Marjorie Banner, Bill Sivy, Carol Poenisch, John Palmer, Richard Allen, Fred Shadko, Joe Oldenburg, John Colling, Debra Johnson Parks and Recreation Commission: Meets 6:30 p.m. the fourth Wednesday in January, March, May, July, September and November. Call 248-349-0203 for meeting locations. Members: Recreation Director Jason Spiller City members: Mayor Ken Roth, Councilmember Nancy Darga Township members: Township Supervisor/Chairperson Robert Nix, Trustee Marjorie Banner, Trustee Mindy Hermann School district member: Adam Phelps Beautification Commission: The purpose of the Commission is to preserve and enhance the beauty of the Northville Township through public education and informational programs. The volunteers on the commission do this through recognition of outstanding beautification efforts of private and public facilities and businesses, the coordination of plantings in public spaces, and programs that encourage the conservation of the environment, tree planting, anti-littering campaigns and the implementation of green initiatives. Planning Commission: Meets the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Members: Richard Allen, George McCarthy, Fred Shadko, Kent Anderson, Lisa Anderson, Tim Zawodny, Eric Lark Zoning Board of Appeals: Meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Members: Symantha Heath, Brian Doren, Paul Slatin, Carla Testani, Joseph LoPiccolo, Lisa Anderson, Paul Smith JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Mary Jo Blasius helps to spruce up the gardens at the Northville Township Municpal Building. Blasius joined about a dozen other volunteers of the Northville Beautification Committee and the Northville Garden Club in the effort. COMMUNITY Rouge River Watershed The Rouge Watershed is approximately 483 square miles and includes 48 municipalities in three counties, spans a population of 1.5 million people and is more than 50 percent urbanized. There are more than 400 lakes, impoundments and ponds in the watershed. Northville Township would like all of its residents to be aware of the natural features we have in the Township. This includes the Rouge River and Johnson Creek. Protecting these waterways from contamination is a job that belongs to all residents. Rouge Rescue in Northville Township provides residents with an opportunity to connect with these waterways. Community Services Comcast 734-459-7300 WOW 800-848-2278 Chamber of Commerce 248-3497640 35th District Court 734-459-4740 Electrical service 800-477-4747 Gas service 800-477-5050 Library 248-349-3020 Recycling/compost 248-437-8600 10 • Discover Northville • March 2016 Secretary of State 888-767-6424 Duncan Disposal Systems, Inc. 248-437-8600 [email protected] SERVICES Police Department Director of Public Safety: John E. Werth 41600 Six Mile Road Non-emergencies: 248-349-9400 Emergency: 9-1-1 Mission Statement: The Northville Township Police Department is committed to making our community the best place possible to live and work. We accomplish this by forming partnerships with our citizens and businesses. While enforcement of the law is an important tool in providing public safety services to Northville Township, we believe that it is essential that we have an organizational philosophy, which emphasizes the prevention of crime. This includes solving problems, which breed crime and detract from the quality of life in our community. Fire Department Fire Chief/Deputy Director of Fire Service: Richard Marinucci 45745 Six Mile Road Non-emergencies: 248-348-5807 Emergency: 9-1-1 The Northville Township Fire Department continues to strive toward professional development and is committed to providing the best level of public service available. The fire department is licensed to provide advanced life support (ALS), and its members are paramedics. This is a comprehensive service that includes response and transport for those requiring the service. The Department continually trains it personnel in all aspects of the fire service which includes firefighting, fire prevention, EMS, and special rescue. The training involves the maintenance of existing skills and the development of emerging competencies to address changing emergencies. For fire departments to be most effective they must respond with the best people, trained properly and continually, with the tools needed in the moments that matter. Due to an increase in population, run volume, and overall township growth, the fire department is committed to elevating its level of service in all areas of emergency response. Discover Northville • March 2016 • 11 DISCOVER NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS GOVERNMENT OFFICES RECREATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Meads Mill Middle School 16700 Franklin Road Moraine Elementary 46811 Eight Mile Road Silver Springs Elementary 19801 Silver Spring Drive Winchester Elementary 16141 Winchester Drive Thorton Creek Elementary 46180 Nine Mile Road Ridge Wood Elementary 49775 Six Mile Road Northville High School 45700 Six Mile Road Northville Christian 41355 Six Mile Road 12 • Discover Northville • March 2016 Municipal offices 44405 Six Mile Road Water & Sewer Facility 16225 Beck Road Fire Headquarters 45745 Six Mile Road Department of Public Safety 41600 Six Mile Road Maybury State Park 20145 Beck Road Thayer’s Corners Nature Area 8250 Napier Road Northville Community Park 15801 Beck Road Fish Hatchery Park 641 Fairbrook Millennium Park 45769 Six Mile Road Henningsen Park 41600 Six Mile Road DISCOVER YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE L. Brooks Patterson 248-858-0480 Term ends Dec. 31, 2016 CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS Lisa Brown 248-858-0581 Term ends Dec. 31, 2016 PROSECUTOR Jessica Cooper 248-858-0656 Term ends Dec. 31, 2016 TREASURER Andy Meisner 248-858-0611 Term ends Dec. 31, 2016 SHERIFF Michael Bouchard 248-858-5000 Term ends Dec. 31, 2016 WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER Jim Nash 248-858-0958 Term ends Dec. 31, 2016 OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS District 2 Robert Hoffman, R-Highland 248-858-0100 [email protected] District 6 Eileen Kowall, R-White Lake 248-425-9708 [email protected] District 7: Christine A. Long, R-Commerce Township 248-787-6247 [email protected] District 8: Philip J. Weipert, R-South Lyon 248-858-0100 [email protected] District 9: Hugh Crawford, R-Novi 248-349-5079 [email protected] WAYNE COUNTY EXECUTIVE Warren C. Evans 313-224-0286 Term ends December 2018 COUNTY CLERK Cathy Garrett 313-224-6262 Term ends December 2016 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Kym L. Worthy 313-224-5777 Term ends December 2016 SHERIFF Benny Napoleon 313-224-2222 Tern ends December 2016 TREASURER WAYNE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 8TH DISTRICT Dianne Web (D) Redford Township, part of Livonia, and Dearborn Heights 313-224-0930 [email protected] 9TH DISTRICT Terri Marecki (R) City and Township of Northville, and most of Livonia 313-224-0946 [email protected] 10TH DISTRICT Richard P. Hathaway 313-224-5990 Term ends December 2016 Joe Barone (R) City and township of Plymouth, and Canton Township 313-224-0882 [email protected] REGISTER OF DEEDS 11TH DISTRICT Bernard J. Youngblood 313-224-5854 Term ends December, 2016 Abdul Haidous (D) Wayne, Belleville, south part of Westland, Sumpter, Van Buren and Huron Townships, Romulus 313-224-0944 See OFFICIALS, Page 15 Discover Northville • March 2016 • 13 DISCOVER THE CITY OF NORTHVLLE CITY Continued from Page 6 Members: Chairperson James C. Allen, Vice Chairperson Joseph Hoffman, David Field, Thomas Gudritz, Mario Tartaglia, Chuck Murdock, Architect John P. Argenta Housing Commission Meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m., Allen Terrace, 401 High St. (248-349-8030) Members: Director Sherry Necelis, President Genie Nehs, Vice President Alan Deneau, Nancy Catallo, Lou Ronayne, Roger Schultz, Sam Ekong (council liaison) Liquor License Review Meets as needed at city hall, 215 W. Main St. (248-449-9905) Members: Mayor Pro Tem James C. Allen, Councilmember Marilyn Price, John Buckland Northville Senior Advisory Commission Meets the third Thursday of the month at 1 p.m., Senior Community Center, 303 W. Main St. (248349-4140) Members: Senior Services Coordinator Suzie Johnson, Recreation Director Jason Spiller City members: Jerry Mittman, Lesa Buckland, Andrea Murdock, Marilyn Price (city council liason) Township members: Richard Brown, Richard Henningsen, Robert Lipmyer, Mindy Herrmann (township board liaison), Jim Mazurek (Northville School Board) Parks and Recreation Commission Meets 6:30 p.m. the fourth Wednesday in January, March, May, July, September and November. Call 248-349-0203 for meeting locations. Members: Recreation Director Jason Spiller City members: Mayor Ken Roth, Councilmember Nancy Darga Township members: Township Supervisor/Chairperson Robert Nix, Trustee Marjorie Banner, Trustee Mindy Hermann School district member: Adam Phelps Planning Commission Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., city hall, 215 W. Main St. (248-4499902) Members: Chairperson Jay Wendt, Vice Chair Steven J. Kirk, David L. Mielock, Carol Maise, Christopher Miller, Matthew Mowers, Marc Russell, Anne M. Smith, Jeffrey Snyder, Planning Consultant Don Wortman, James Allen (council liaison) Youth Assistance Meets 8 a.m. on the second Tuesday of every month, Northville Township Hall, 44405 W. Six Mile Road (248-344-1618) Commission staff: Director Sue Campbell City members: Michelle Fecht, Suzanne Lynn, Chuck Murdock, Marilyn Price (council liaison) Township members: Libby Smith, Sandra Larson, Amy Knoth, Symantha Heath (township liaison) Northville School District: Deanna Barash NORTHVILLE DISTRICT LIBRARY 212 W. Cady St. 248-349-3020 Serving the residents of both the city of Northville and Northville Township, the library offers more than 150,000 items for checkout. The Library also offers a collection of subscription databases, e-books and other online material paid for by the Northville District Library or by the Michigan Electronic Library. Programs for people of all ages help the community learn and grow. The library supplies 19 public computers with Internet access and Microsoft Office software – Word, Excel and Powerpoint. There is free Wi-Fi throughout the building. The Library Board of Trustees members include: Chairperson Alan Somershoe, Vice Chairperson Mike Defrancesco, Secretary Robert Sochacki, Treasurer Jean Hansen, Trustees Paul Snyder, Joe Corriveau and Jim Morche. HISTORIC MILL RACE VILLAGE Mill Race Village is a 12-acre collection of 19th century buildings all rescued and moved from other locations in and around Northville. The village is operated by the Northville Historical Society. It is located adjacent to the Mill Pond along the Upper Rouge River on the west side of Griswold Street, north of Main Street, in downtown Northville. The village grounds are open dawn to dusk seven days a week. The buildings are open 1-4 p.m. each Sunday from mid-June through mid-October. Volunteer docents are in each building to 14 • Discover Northville • March 2016 share its history and describe what life was like in the 19th century. J.M. Mead General store is also open during these hours. There are live demonstrations at the Hirsch Blacksmith Shoppe and the Weavers Cottage. The Archives are open each Monday and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Included in the collection are books, yearbooks, maps, historic photos, cemetery records and documents pertaining to Northville history, as well as back issues of the Mill Race Quarterly. A microfilm reader/printer is available for use with microfilm of The Northville Record (1869-present) and census records from 1820-1920 (Northville, Novi and Plymouth areas). The business office, located at the Cady Inn, is open Monday through Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The church and village grounds are rented out for weddings or other special parties or events. For detailed information about special programs or renting the facilities, call the office at 248-348-1845, email to [email protected] or go to The Mill Race Board or Directors includes: President Leanie Bayly, Vice President Ed Gabrys, Treasurer Tom Gudritz, Secretary Bill Stockhausen, and Directors Danielle Blasko. Jim Bone, Suzy Bone, Dan Bowen, Tom Gudritz, Jan Purtell. Traci Sincock and Bob Sochacki. NORTHVILLE ART HOUSE The Northville Art House is located at 215 W. Cady Street in historic downtown Northville and is celebrating 10 years of providing art enrichment and education to the community through classes, art shows and public art. Winter and spring art classes and workshops are available online for children, teens and adults at Register early as classes fill quickly. Art House hours are noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, noon to 4 p.m. Saturday and 1-9 p.m. first Friday only; 248-344-0497. Visit the Art House Store to find unique and affordable quality art and contemporary fine crafts by local artists ranging from jewelry to decorative art for the home. Sign up now for our classes and workshops for children, teens and adults. New classes are always beginning; Volunteers are the heart of the Art House – call if you’re interested in getting involved. One can also offer support through an annual membership which supports Art House activities and gives members a discount on store items and classes. Be a pART of it! COMMUNITY SERVICES Comcast 734-459-7300 WOW 800-848-2278 Chamber of Commerce 248-3497640 35th District Court 734-459-4740 Electrical service 800-477-4747 Gas service 800-477-5050 Library 248-349-3020 Recycling 800-796-9696 Secretary of State 888-767-6424 Waste Management 800-796-9696 Police Department 215 W. Main St. Non-emergencies: 248-349-5100 Community dispatch: 248-349-1234 Emergency: 9-1-1 The Police Department provides 24-hour police service as well as dispatching fire and emergency medical services. Currently, the authorized staffing level includes the police chief, captain, sergeants, police officers, detective and school crossing guards. The primary function of the department is patrol, which operates 24 hours a day. Officers are assigned to patrol, respond to calls of service, patrol the city in an effort to prevent crime, enforce traffic laws and enforce criminal laws and city ordinances. Fire Department 215 W. Main Street Non-emergencies: 248-449-9920 Emergency: 9-1-1 The Northville City Fire Department provides fire suppression, basic life support (BLS) EMS, fire prevention and inspection services and public education for the cities of Northville and Plymouth, Michigan, operating 11 pieces of apparatus out of three stations – one in Northville and two in Plymouth. The department is staffed by a full-time chief and 55 part-time and paid on-call firefighters and EMS responders. The Northville Plymouth Fire Advisory Board, consisting of elected and appointed officials from each city, provides input into the operation of the department. Between the two cities, the department serves an area of 4.5 square miles and a residential population of 15,000. The department responds to approximately 1600 calls for service each year. DISCOVER YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS OFFICIALS Continued from Page 13 [email protected] 12TH DISTRICT Richard LeBlanc Cities of Garden City, most of Westland, Inkster 313-224-8855 [email protected] STATE GOVERNMENT GOVERNOR Rick Snyder 517-373-3400 STATE SENATE District 15 Mike Kowall, R-White Lake Phone: 517-373-1758 District 14: Dave Robertson, R-Grand Blanc 517-373-1636 [email protected] STATE HOUSE Kurt Heise, R-Plymouth 517-373-3816 [email protected] District 38: Kathy Crawford, R-Novi 517-373-0827 [email protected] District 44: Jim Runestad, R-White Lake Twp. 517-373-2616 [email protected] FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SECRETARY OF STATE District 11: Dave Trott 202-225-8171 Ruth Johnson 888-767-6424 NORTH OAKLAND COUNTY PLUS 7090 Sashabaw Clarkston, MI 48348 WEST OAKLAND COUNTY PLUS 672 N. Milford Road Highland, MI 48357 SOUTHWEST OAKLAND COUNTY PLUS 31164 Beck Novi, MI 48377 248-624-2869 WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP U. S. SENATE Gary Peters, D-Michigan 313-226-6020 Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan 313-961-4330 U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 6001 Highland Road, Suite A, White Lake 48383 248-889-6800 SOUTH LYON 111 S. Lafayette, South Lyon 48178 248-437-4501 LYON TOWNSHIP 111 S. Lafayette, South Lyon 48178 248-437-4501 GREEN OAK TOWNSHIP 8650 W. Grand River Ave., Brighton 48116 810-227-3404 NORTHFIELD TOWNSHIP POST OFFICES 800-275-8777 9725 Main St., Whitmore Lake 48189 734-449-4982 VILLAGE OF MILFORD NOVI 1150 Atlantic St., Milford 48381 248-684-4915 24875 Novi Road, Novi 48376 248-349-3152 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP NORTHVILLE 376 Beach Farm Circle, Highland 48356 248-887-4722 200 S. Wing, Northville 48167 248-349-2062 COMMERCE TOWNSHIP 20401 Haggerty, Northville 48167 248-349-2700 995 N. Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake 48390 NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP District 20: Discover Northville • March 2016 • 15 DISCOVER NORTHVILLE-AREA SCHOOLS Northville Public Schools is a unique and dynamic family of institutions serving more than 7,000 K-12, preschool and special education students. The district is dedicated to providing and promoting comprehensive educational, social, and cultural opportunities that enable a global citizenry of all ages, interests and abilities to lead productive and enriched lives. The district operates six elementary schools, two middle schools, one high school and an Early Childhood and Extended Day Program. The district also operates a special education center program financed by the Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency and staffed by Northville educators. Northville Public Schools is accredited by the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement and its Early Childhood Education program is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The district’s commitment to excellence is evidenced in the Michigan Educational Assessment Program, Michigan Merit Exam, ACT, SAT and Advanced Placement performance where Northville students consistently score well above state and national averages. Northville High School and the district’s two middle schools are fully authorized as International Baccalaureate World Schools offering the Diploma and Middle Years Programs, and all six of the district’s elementary schools are fully engaged in the innovative The Leader in Me framework. The district also has been named three times to the AP District Honor Roll in recognition of increasing access to AP courses, while continuing a strong student performance on AP assessments. Northville Public Schools is also home to one of the largest and most successful vocal and instrumental music programs in the state; a comprehensive visual arts program with work recognized at the local, state and national level; and an athletic program that attracts more than 1,000 high school and 800 middle school student-athletes in 27 sports on 72 teams with a significant number of all-state, all-academic teams; and athletes. The district also offers a wide variety of extracurricular pursuits in areas including Robotics, Math Counts Science Olympiad, Academic Teams, DECA, Debate, Drama, Model UN, Rotary Interact and Yearbook that allow JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Northville High School students work together April 13 to make a tasty snack treat during the meeting of their Smiles for Students club (from left): Hannah Craig, Ryan Basista, Anthony Feldman, Erin Scott (standing) and Mario Silvestri. The club was originated by Northville student Camille Tish, who wanted to bring socializing fun to students with cognitive disabilities. students to pursue their interests and explore various career paths. Career vocational training is also available to Northville High School students through the Livonia Career Technical Center. The opportunities for higher education are plentiful for Northville students, with numerous community colleges and four-year colleges and universities within commuting distance. For more information about Northville Public Schools, go to BOARD OF EDUCATION President Adam Phelps 313-461-5293 Vice President Cynthia L. Jankowski 248-348-1539 Secretary Roland Hwang 248-347-1663 Treasurer Matthew Wilk 248-349-5394 Trustee James Mazurek 248-347-3637 16 • Discover Northville • March 2016 Trustee Ann Kalass 248-465-9094 Trustee Sarah Prescott 734-812-5747 ADMINISTRATION Northville Public Schools 501 W. Main St. 248-344-3500 Fax: 248-344-3506 Superintendent Mary Kay Gallagher 248-344-3508 [email protected] Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services Deanna Barash 248-344-3520 [email protected] Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations Michael Zopf 248-344-3510 [email protected] Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources David Rodgers 248-344-3537 [email protected] Director of Special Services Nadine Harris 248-344-3530 [email protected] SCHOOLS Amerman Elementary School 847 N. Center St. Northville, MI 48167 248-465-2100 Principal: Dr. Deborah Madeja [email protected] Moraine Elementary School 46811 W. Eight Mile Road Northville, MI 48167 248-465-2150 Principal: Dr. Denise Bryan [email protected] Ridge Wood Elementary School 49775 Six Mile Road Northville, MI 48168 248-465-2200 Principal: Heather Bauer [email protected] Silver Springs Elementary School See SCHOOLS, Page 22 Discover Northville • March 2016 • 17 DISCOVER NORTHVILLE-AREA COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS ARTS AND CULTURE Beckridge Chorale 888-459-4887 The chorale consists of three ensembles – The BeckRidge Chorale, Village Voices and Cherry Hill Singers. Members are accepted by audition only. Northville Genealogical Society Serving Canton, Livonia, New Hudson, Novi, Plymouth, South Lyon, Walled Lake, Westland and Wixom ~mings Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month in the Carlos Meeting Room of the Northville District Library, 212 W. Cady Marquis Theatre 248-349-8110 The Marquis Theatre, a historic Northville landmark, is a Victorian building with nearly 80 years of history and tradition. Elegantly designed, it was originally built as an opera house and later presented vaudeville, featuring some of the finest acts of the time. During this era, Charlie Chaplin and Mary Pickford were among the many stars who appeared on the Marquis Theatre stage. Tipping Point Theatre 248-347-0003 Tipping Point Theatre has changed the landscape of downtown Northville since its doors opened in 2007. The Theatre is small and quaint, seating about 100 patrons, and it is very warm and welcoming. Genitti’s Dinner Theatre 248-349-0522 A landmark since 1971, Genitti’s originally started out as a meat and grocery store. Genitti’s is a one-stop source for all your entertainment needs. From lunch to dinner theater featuring the interactive comedy shows that Genitti’s has become known for, there is certainly something for everyone. BUSINESS Chamber of Commerce Executive Director: Jody Humphries 248-349-7640 The Northville Chamber of Commerce represents a cross-section of the community’s retailers, manufacturers and service providers and plays a crucial role in nurturing the JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Ladies of the Northville Garden Club work on tying red ribbons and wiring together pine cones for their annual holiday wreath sale in November. On Oct. 12, 2015, they gathered at the Cady Inn at Mill Race Village (from left): Jan Wilhelm, club president, Claire Kreber, Jan Heath-Morgan and Kathy Galarneau. community’s unique quality of life. Since its inception in 1964, the chamber has been the voice of area businesses. Downtown Development Authority 248-349-0345 Director: Lori Ward lori.ward@[email protected] The purpose of the DDA is to enhance the quality of life for the residents of the greater Northville area through economic and physical revitalization of the downtown business district. CIVIC GROUPS American Legion 248-349-1060 Civic Concern 248-344-1033 Northville Civic Concern is an all-volunteer organization whose purpose is to help those in need with food. The food is distributed from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. the second and fourth Friday of each month at the offices. Fraternal Order of Eagles AERIE 2504 248-349-2479 Lions Club 248-348-9075 The Northville Chapter of the Lions Club meets the second and fourth Monday of each month in the Cady Inn at the Mill Race Village, located on Griswold Avenue in the city of 18 • Discover Northville • March 2016 Northville. Masonic Lodge #186 F. & A.M. 248-349-0313 Northville Community Foundation 248-347-0200 The Northville Community Foundation was organized for the purpose of enhancing the community by promoting historical preservation, the arts, community education and cultural events. Northville Kiwanis Club The Northville Kiwanis Club meets at noon every other Wednesday at Rocky’s of Northville. Main Street League Email: [email protected] The Main Street League is a volunteer organization of women dedicated to helping advance the charitable needs within the Northville community. Northville Newcomers 248-344-2046 With the goal of promoting the community of Northville, Northville Newcomers offer support and friendship to new and existing residents of Northville and surrounding towns. Northville-Novi Association of University Women The American Association of University Women is a national organization promoting education and equity for all women and girls. It is a 100,000-member organization with more than 1,500 branches nationwide that lobbies and advocates education and equity. Northville Rotary Meets each Tuesday at First Presbyterian Church Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 32,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Northville Historical Society 248-348-1845 The Northville Historical Society is a nonprofit volunteer organization responsible for the financing and operation of Mill Race Village. All funding for the Village is a result of donations, grants, and Societysponsored events. Northville Woman’s Club 248-344-8235 [email protected] The Northville Woman’s Club, organized in 1892, is one of Northville’s oldest organizations and one of the oldest woman’s clubs in Michigan. The club maintains its original purpose of providing cultural and educational programs to its members. RECREATION Maybury State Park 248-349-8390 Maybury State Park contains almost 1,000 acres of gently rolling terrain, open meadow, mature forest, a variety of wildlife and abundant wildflowers. The park gives people an opportunity to get involved in outdoor recreation activities in a state park setting. Friends of Maybury State Park The mission of the Friends of Maybury State Park is to enhance the public’s experience at Maybury State Park. The group is made up of volunteers who are dedicated to supporting and promoting recreational, natural, educational and interpretive activities within the park. See GROUPS, Page 21 DISCOVER NORTHVILLE EVENTS BUY MICHIGAN NOW FESTIVAL EVENTS Date/Location: June 8-13, 218 W. Dunlap Contact: 248-348-1845 Date/Location: Aug. 5-7, downtown Northville Details: The Buy Michigan Now Festival will celebrate its sixth anniversary in downtown Northville. The family-friendly festival will once again showcase a wide variety of Michigan businesses, products, entertainers and educational opportunities. For more information, visit KONA RUN FORD FIELD FESTIVAL Continued from Page 5 site Contact: 248-348-1845 HISTORICAL SOCIETY GARAGE SALE Date/Location: June 13, downtown Northville Contact: Kona Running Co., 248-345-6168 Time/Dates/Location: Noon to 10 p.m. Aug 19-20, Ford Field Contact: Northville Chamber 248-349-7640 TUNES ON TUESDAY KIDS CONCERTS MAYBURY FARM HARVEST FESTIVAL Date/Location: June 15 through Aug. 24, Town Square Contact: Northville Parks and Rec., 248-349-0203 NORTHVILLE SUMMER CARNIVAL Date/Location: June 18-21, Northville Downs Contact: Northville Chamber 248-349-7640 ARTS AND ACTS Date: June 19-21 including Art in the Sun Contact: Northville Arts Commission, 248-344-0497 NORTHVILLE CHAMBER GOLF OUTING Date/Location: June 15, Links of Novi Golf Course Contact: Northville Chamber, 248-349-7640 JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Prielipp Farms’ Mark Prielipp begins to stack and put away crates used to display pumpkins at the Northville Farmers Market. The market will re-open the first Thursday of May 2016 at the lot across the street from Northville Downs. Time/Date: Noon to 5 p.m. Sept. 17 Contact: Northville Community Foundation, 248-374-0200 HERITAGE FESTIVAL MILL RACE 4TH OF JULY ACTIVITIES Time/Date/Location: July 4, after the parade, Mill Race Village Contact: 248-348-1845 SIDEWALK SALES Time/Dates/Location: 10 a.m. July 17 and 18 NCBA downtown merchants Date/Location: Sept. 16-18, downtown Northville See EVENTS, Page 20 FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERTS Time/Dates/Location: 7 p.m. July 1 through Aug. 26, Northville Town Square Contact: Northville Parks and Rec., 248-349-0203 CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE Dates/Location: July 29 to July 31, Inn at St. John’s Contact: Concours D’Elegance 248-643-8645 INDEPENDENCE PARADE Time/Date/Location: 10 a.m. July 4 downtown Northville Contact: Northville Community Foundation, 248-374-0200 Discover Northville • March 2016 • 19 DISCOVER NORTHVILLE EVENTS EVENTS Continued from Page 19 Details: Experience art, history and romance of the 1800s amid Northville’s historic downtown district, plus new and events and activities for kids and families. TOUR DE VILLE BIKE RIDE Date/Location: Sept. 24, Northville Downs Contact: Northville Rotary Club, NHS HOMECOMING PARADE AND FOOTBALL GAME Date/Location: Sept. 30, Tom Holzer Stadium Contact: NHS 248-344-8420 4TH ANNUAL SKELETONS ARE ALIVE LAUNCH PARTY Date/Location: TBD, downtown Northville Contact: Northville DDA 248-349-0345 FALL FAIR CRAFT SHOW Date/Location: Oct. 6-8, Community Center Contact: Handcrafters Unlimited, 734-459-0050 TOM BEAUDOIN Preservation Dental took the Best Holiday Spirit award during the 2015 Northville Holiday Lighted Parade. CEMETERY WALK HOLIDAY HOME TOUR Date: October TBD Contact: Northville Historical Society 248-3481845 Time/Dates/Location: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 13-14 Contact: Northville Community Foundation 248-374-0200 THE GREAT PUMPKINFEST HOLIDAY LIGHTED PARADE Time/Date/Location: noon to 5 p.m. Oct. 22, Maybury Farm Contact: Northville Community Foundation 248-374-0200 Time/Date/Location: 6:30 p.m. Nov. 20 Contact: Northville Chamber, 248-349-7640 GREENS MARKET WEEKEND STREETS OF TREATS Dates/Location: TBD, November Contact: Northville Chamber, 248-349-7640 Date/Location: October TBD, downtown Northville Contact: Chamber of Commerce, 248-349-7640 CHRISTMAS IN THE VILLAGE Time/Date/Location: Noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 20, downtown Northville Contact: Mill Race Village, 248-348-1845 HOLIDAY HOME TOUR Time/Date/Location: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Nov. 18, -19Northville Details: The annual Holiday Home, sponsored by the Northville Community Foundation. Tickets are sold in advance at Gardenviews, Chamber of Commerce and the NCF office, 248-374-0200 SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY Date: TBD Contact: Northville DDA 248-349-0345 TINSEL AND TREASURES HOLIDAY MARKET HOLIDAY LIGHTED PARADE Time/Date/Location: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Nov. 18, downtown Northville Details: The annual Holiday Lighted Parade through the streets of downtown Northville. To register, contact the Northville Chamber of Commerce at JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Date/Location: TBD, Mill Race Village Contact: Northville Parks and Rec., 248-349-0203 Nancy Bourgeois checks out some of the decorated efforts at the Northville Community Center’s Festival of Trees. Organizations from Northville and Northville Township decorated Christmas trees that were on display at the center through the holiday season. HALLOWEEN AND COMMUNITY TRICK OR TREATING GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT TRICK OR TREAT TRAIL Date/Location: TBD 20 • Discover Northville • March 2016 Date/Location: Nov. 11, NCBA downtown merchants Date/Location: Dec. 9-11, Community Center Contact: Handcrafters Unlimited, 734-459-0050 CHRISTMAS TEA Time/Date/Location: 1-3:30 p.m. Dec.10, Mill Race Village, 215 Griswold Street Details: For tickets, contact the Northville Historical Society 248-348-1845 NORTHVILLE NITE FAMILY NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY Date: Dec. 31 Contact: Northville Parks and Recreation, 248349-0203 GROUPS GROUPS Continued from Page 18 Northville Parks and Recreation 248-349-0203 The Parks and Recreation Department operates two indoor facilities. The Recreation Center at Hillside features an L-shaped indoor swimming pool with lap lanes, able to accommodate up to 125 people, two full-sized gymnasiums, numerous multi-purpose meeting/classrooms and fitness rooms. The Community Senior Center, located at 303 W. Main, offers a beautiful banquet room and kitchen, cozy living room with fireplace, numerous multi-purpose meeting rooms and gymnasium with bleachers. There are 12 park facilities in the city and township. Northville Swim Club 248-349-6670 Northville Swim Club is a small, private family swim club with a limited membership. Visit the club’s website for a membership application. Country Garden Club of Northville Meets at 11:30 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month, September through June, at the Cady Inn at Mill Race Village The club’s 40-plus members range from patio gardeners to farmers, “newbies” to advanced master gardeners. New members are welcome who share goals in promoting horticultural interests and education through fellowship and community service. Gardeners of Northville-Novi Membership is open to all men and women from Northville and surrounding areas. The “NO-NOs” consist of gardeners in all levels of learning from novice to master gardeners. SENIOR SERVICES Northville Senior Adult Services The Senior Adult Services Division of the Parks and Recreation Department provides numerous resources, including healthy lifestyles programming transportation, social events, instructional classes and referral services. A monthly newsletter provides up-to-date information on activities, programs and events. Senior Adult Services is located in the Northville Community Senior Center, 303 W. Main, and can be reached at 248-349-4140 or [email protected]. Northville Senior Community Center [email protected] Office hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday The program’s mission: To provide opportunities, new experiences and advocacy to all older adults in the area, promoting dignity, personal growth, health, friendship, independence and improving their quality of life. JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Northville Parks and Recreation Director Jason Spiller (left) helps serve a holiday luncheon fare Dec. 9, 2015, at the Northville Community Center. About 100 seniors enjoyed a hot lunch, musical entertainment and good conversation. Discover Northville • March 2016 • 21 DISCOVER NORTHVILLE-AREA SCHOOLS agement and communication; management and taxation. At the Novi campus, students can complete the bachelor of accountancy degree or a bachelor of business administration with majors in: accounting processes; general business, finance, management, and marketing. Graduate students can earn the master of science in finance and the master of science in management degrees. Courses are also offered toward the Master of Science in professional accountancy. SCHOOLS Continued from Page 16 19801 Silver Springs Drive Northville, MI 48167 248-465-2300 Principal: Katie Booth [email protected] Thornton Creek Elementary School 46180 Nine Mile Road Novi, MI 48374 248-465-2350 Principal: Jennifer Bennett [email protected] Winchester Elementary School 16141 Winchester Drive Northville, MI 48168 248-465-2400 Principal: Kelly Lindsay [email protected] Hillside Middle School 775 N. Center St. Northville, MI 48167 248-344-3600 Principal: James Cracraft [email protected] Meads Mill Middle School 16700 Franklin Road Northville, MI 48168 248-344-3700 Principal: Brad O’Neill [email protected] Northville High School 45700 Six Mile Road Northville, MI 48168 Main Office: 248-344-3800 Athletics: 248-344-3960 Attendance: 248-344-3999 Principal: Tony Koski [email protected] Cooke School Special Education Program 21200 Taft Road Northville, MI 48167 248-344-3550 Supervisor: Jennifer Bugar [email protected] Early Childhood Center 49775 Six Mile Road Northville, MI 48168 248-465-2550 Program Coordinator: Eileen Freeman [email protected] COLLEGES Schoolcraft College 18600 Haggerty Road Livonia, MI 48152 PRIVATE SCHOOLS JOHN HEIDER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Northville Main Street League’s Lauren Romeo (right) checks out the clothing and shoe donations gathered by a trio of Hillside Middle School students (from left): Riley Jordan, Kyle McCaskill and Shelby Ogle. Their teacher, Paul Tripp helped to organize the young ladies’ philanthropic effort. The clothes and shoes will be given to needy families served by Northville Civic Concern. 734-462-4400 Schoolcraft College is a full-service community college offering associate degrees, pre-associate certificates and the equivalent of the first two years at a four-year university. The campus is located in Livonia on Haggerty Road, between Six and Seven Mile roads. Schoolcraft College offers classes, certificate programs and associate degrees in more than 70 different majors. Some programs are designed to lead directly to employment and others are a natural fit for students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university. Classes are offered in a variety of formats including traditional lecture and lab sessions, online courses,Open Entry/Open Exit and hybrid to meet the needs of nearly every student. The Continuing Education and Professional Development department offers courses and programs that foster personal enrichment, professional growth, and personal health and fitness. Classes are available online and on-campus, with course lengths varying from one day to several weeks, including evenings and weekends. Some programs prepare the learner for employment and lead to a professional certificate or credential. Walsh College-Novi Campus 22 • Discover Northville • March 2016 41500 Gardenbrook Road Novi, MI 48375-1313 248-349-5454 The Walsh College-Novi Campus serves the residents and students of western Oakland and Wayne counties. The Novi Campus is a technologyenriched facility that operates as a full service campus with 35,000 square feet of classrooms, open computer labs, a library, bookstore, student lounge and meeting space. The Novi Campus is located north of 11 Mile Road, south of I-96 and west of Meadowbrook Road on Gardenbrook Road. The following services are available to students at the high-tech Novi campus: Admissions/Advising: both new and currently enrolled Walsh College undergraduate and graduate students may meet with a counselor at the Novi campus. Call 248-349-5454. Walsh College offers the following degrees: master’s of business administration; bachelor of accountancy; bachelor of business administration with majors in computer information systems, finance, general business, management and marketing; master of science in professional accountancy, finance, information man- Detroit Catholic Central High School 27225 Wixom Road Novi, MI 48374-1119 248-596-3810 Grades 9-12 Franklin Road Christian School 40800 W. 13 Mile Road Novi, MI 48377 248-668-7100 Grades: K-12 Northville Christian School 41355 Six Mile Road Northville, MI 48168 248-348-9031 Northville-Novi Montessori Center 23835 Novi Road Novi, MI 48375 248-348-3033 Novi Christian School 45301 W. 11 Mile Road Novi, MI 48374 248-349-9441 Grades: Preschool-12 Our Lady of Victory 132 Orchard Drive Northville, MI 48167 248-349-3610 St. Catherine of Siena Academy 28200 Napier Road Wixom, MI 48393 248-946-4848 St. Paul Lutheran School 201 Elm St. Northville, MI 48167 248-349-3146
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