here - Diocese of Orlando
here - Diocese of Orlando
WORKSHOP HANDBOOK 1 of 40 SATURDAY SEP. 19 REGISTRATION Please visit for all registration information Starting this year, registration is done online! After purchasing individual or group tickets on the “Eventbrite” website, each participant will have full control over their own workshop selections through an online program called “Sched.” We hope the new registration process will be easy to follow. If you need any assistance during registration or the workshop selection process, please call us 407-246-4910 (English) or 407-246-4931 (Español). Please visit for all registration information FAITH FORMATION DAY SCHEDULE 07:30 AM – 08:00 AM 07:30 AM – 08:45 AM 07:30 AM – 08:45 AM 09:00 AM – 10:15 AM 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM 11:45 AM – 12:45 PM 01:00 PM – 02:00 PM 02:15 PM – 03:15 PM 03:30 PM – 03:50 PM Mass (optional) Continental Breakfast & Expo Registration General Session (Liturgy/Address) Learning Session A Learning Session B OR Lunch I Learning Session C OR Lunch II Learning Session D General Session (Liturgy/Closing) KEYNOTE 9:00AM-10:15AM Disciples in Action: Family. Parish. Faith. Key Note Discipleship is a way of being, a discipline that is born with baptism, cultivated by the family, nourished within a parish community in ways that enkindle faith. Today's catechists/ministers must actively engage, form, and harmonize the faithful to be the light of Christ in the world. Speakers Rev. Alfonso Cely Parroquial Administrator, St Ann Catholic Church Fr. Alfonso Cely is the parochial administrator of St. Ann’s in Haines City. A native of Colombia, Fr. Alfonso was formed in his priesthood by the Dominicans and swore an oath of allegiance to Bishop Noonan to serve the Diocese of Orlando permanently during a ceremony of incardination that took place in March 2015. His service to the church has included Vice-principal of a K-12 Dominican Academy in Colombia, Director for Religious for the Archdiocese of Bogotá, Associate Pastor at Blessed Trinity Parish in Ocala, and Associate Pastor and Steward for Faith Formation at St. Mary Magdalen Parish. He is an extremely talented and engaging preacher, on fire with spreading the Good News! Venue - HS Gymnasium 2 of 40 SESSION A 10:30AM-11:30AM Accompanying Families in the Joy of the Gospel Session A Identify practical ways to take a family perspective in faith formation that highlights parents’ essential role in making disciples, inspired by Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium. Speakers Lauri Przybysz speaker, RCL Benziger Lauri Przybysz, DMin, is a Catholic Family Life Minister. She offers formation experiences, inspiration for mission, and program materials for Catechists, Parish Ministers, and Parents in the areas of Family Faith, Spirituality, Marriage Enrichment, Healthy Relationships, Ecumenical Families, Missionary Discipleship across the lifespan. She has a Doctor of Ministry from the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, a Master of Arts in Theology from St. Mary’s Seminary and University Ecumenical Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, and a Master of Science in Religious Education from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Venue - Room 304 Bishop Borders Building Achieving the Quantum Leap 4 fold growth in Adult Faith Formation Session A Every parish has a challenge to inspire parishioners to learn more about their faith and share with others. Generally a relatively small number of parishioners actively are gowning in their faith, so by default most Catholics are formed by our culture. This presentation will lay out a simple but powerfully dynamic plan to increase the quality and quantity of people growing in their faith at your parish. Speakers Julie Musselman Regional Manage, Lighthouse Catholic Media Julie Musselman is a Catholic wife and mother of 6. She has been answering the call for the New Evangelization for the last 8 years as the Regional Manager for Lighthouse Catholic Media. She is a blogger and speaker and is currently working on her first book, "A Catholic Home Journal." Her website is Venue - Room 619 Valenzuela Building Being a Catechist: Sharing the Joy of the Gospel Session A As Christians we are called to share the Gospel with others and to do so with joy. This workshop will look at Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) and examine it message for us who work in ministry. Speakers Daniel Mullhall Director of Professional Development, RCL Benziger DANIEL S. MULHALL is a catechist, writer, catechetical consultant, noted national speaker. He currently serves as Director of Professional Development for RCL Benziger. Mr. Mulhall graduated from Bellarmine College (now a university) with a BA in political sciences. Since then he has earned a Master of Arts in Theology from Catholic University and a Master of Arts in Adult Christian Community Development from Regis University. In 2008, the National Association of Parish Catechetical Leaders recognized Mr. Mulhall’s contributions in catechesis with the Emmaus Award. In 2012 his book Let the Lord Build the House: 8 Steps to Successful Pastoral Planning was published by Twenty Third Publications. Venue - Room 610 Bishop Dorsey Building 3 of 40 Being Catholic in a Secular Society Session A Apologetics for hot-topic issues Speakers Rev. Josh Swallows Parochial Vicar, Annunciation Catholic Church Father Joshua Swallows was ordained for the Diocese of Orlando by Bishop John Noonan on May 23rd, 2015. He is a parochial vicar at Annunciation Catholic Church in Altamonte Springs, FL. Venue - Room 607 Bishop Dorsey Building CHỨC NĂNG TRUYỀN THỐNG VĂN HÓA GIA ĐÌNH TRONG VIỆC ĐÀO TẠO ĐỨC TIN Session A "Gia đình Kitô Giáo là nơi con cái tiếp nhận lời rao giảng đầu tiên về đức tin." (GLHTCG 1666). Việc bảo tồn giá trị truyền thống và văn hóa gia đình cần được quan tâm trong việc hội nhập văn hóa cũng như việc đào tạo đức tin. "The Christian home is the place where children receive first proclamation of the faith." (CCC 1666). The preservation of traditional values and culture of the family holds a great importance to the integration and to the faith formation. Speakers Deacon Nuoc Dang Permanent Deacon, St. Joseph and St. Philip Phan Van Minh Parishes Ordained to the permanent deacon on Mar. 02, 1991. Ministry to the Vietnamese Community of St. Joseph Winter Haven and the St. Philip Phan Van Minh Parish Venue - Room 102 Loretta Hall Disciples et l'arbre généalogique Session A Relation entre l'individu et l'arbre généalogique, l'arbre généalogique et l'adoption divine, role du disciple dans l'éducation de l'individu (arbre généalogique). Guérir l'arbre généalogique par le pardon, par le sacrement du pardon, par l'eucharistie, les mystères du seigneur, par le sang du Christ, le Nom de notre Dieu, la Croix du Christ, la Vierge Marie, Saint Michel Archange... Speakers Lolia Mondesir Lolia fait partie du Renouveau Charismatique depuis 1982 - membre fondateur du groupe de la Louange (New York) et du Groupe Maranatha (FL) - Conférencier à différents congrès charismatiques. Venue - Room 604 Bishop Dorsey Building Discípulos e Missionários - Desafios da Evangelização no Mundo de Hoje Session A Num mundo em constante transformação, como fazer com que a mensagem de Jesus seja apresentada sempre de um modo atual, numa linguagem onde os fiéis possam compreender e se relacionar com o Evangelho que é sempre atual. Speakers Rev. Horecio Carlos Anklan, C.S Pastor, Resurrection Catholic Church Fr. Horecio Carlos Anklan, CS, was born in Brazil where he joined the Scalabrinian Congregation. He had his Theology studies in the Philippines, where he lived for five years. He was ordained in 1997 and since then have been working in different parishes and missions in the United States. He was assigned as Pastor of Resurrection Catholic Church in Winter Garden just about one year ago. Prior to that he was pastor in Delray Beach, FL, and director of Brazilian Ministry in the Archdiocese of Miami. In the Diocese of Orlando, besides being a pastor He works also with the Portuguese speaking ministry. Venue - Room 311 Bishop Grady Building 4 of 40 Family Faith Sharing With Adolescents: Let's Do This! Session A We know that families are the first and primary catechists for children but how do we make it happen? It can be especially hard during the adolescent years. But don't despair- you can do this! We will explore and practice, yes practice, ways to connect family, faith, and everyday life. Speakers Mary Blucker Youth Minister, Ascension Catholic Community Mary Blucker has been a Youth Minister at Ascension Catholic Community in Melbourne, Florida, for six years but has been a seventh and eighth grade catechist for many more. She has a heart for all youth, especially middle schoolers and her favorite ways to catechize and evangelize youth are VBS and service. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio and a Masters in Pastoral Studies degree from Loyola University, New Orleans. Mary and her husband Rick have been married for 37 years and have two grown sons. Venue - Room 105 Loretta Hall Global discipleship, Solidarity and Mission: Session A Today our world is connected more than ever through commerce, media, and travel. With the growing numbers of migrants and refugees fleeing conflict and violence, the global church is in the forefront of our dioceses and parishes. How can this interconnectedness inform our understanding of solidarity in the Catholic tradition? How do we safeguard the dignity of the stranger in our midst? This session will examine the theological underpinnings behind our call to solidarity, and offer practical ways parish communities can pray, learn, and act on the challenge of global discipleship, as a way to evangelize and live our faith more fully. Speakers Chris West CRS For the past eleven years, Chris West has worked with dioceses throughout the U.S., offering workshops around understanding global solidarity, and trainings which build the capacity of Catholics to engage effectively in global solidarity. These include theological understandings of solidarity, as well as practical skills and formation for living it out personally and through the social mission of the church. His trainings help people to understand how our voice can effectively shape more just policies that impact the poor overseas, e.g. reforming trade, foreign assistance, food aid, migration, the extractive industries and others.Prior to joining CRS, West worked as a community organizer in northern Colorado with the Pacific Institute for Community Organization. He holds a BA in Human Services from Virginia Wesleyan College and a Masters Degree in Political Communication, from the Johns Hopkins University. Venue - Room 110 Loretta Hall I Was Imprisioned and You Visited Me... Session A Jesus' approach to the corporal works of mercy, as highlighted by Matthew's Gospel, echoes the great commandment to love God and neighbor. The implications are profound -- especially with regard to prison and jail ministry among the incarcerated and their families. Come and explore perspectives on Matthew's Gospel, review the Church's teaching on capital punishment, and share the experiences of one priest's efforts to dedicate himself to the least among us. Speakers Rev. Leo Hodges Pastor, St Andrew Catholic Church Father Leo Hodges is a priest of the Diocese of Orlando and a longtime advocate for the poor and suffering. He has worked in prison and jail ministry for many years. He is currently pastor of the Parish of Saint Andrew in Orlando. And is known for his engaging storytelling and thought provoking reflection. Venue - Room 611 Bishop Dorsey Building 5 of 40 Introducción a la Lectio Divina Session A Aprenderá la belleza de la Lectio Divina, una forma antigua que ha desarrollado la iglesia y que ayuda a tener una experiencia de Dios por medio del método de los 5 pasos. Conozca todos los fundamentos y como le puede ayudar en su hogar y familia. Speakers Rev. Esaú García Pastor, Holy Cross Catholic Church P. Esaú N. García fue ordenado sacerdote en el año 1987 por el Papa Juan Pablo II. STL de la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana. Es párroco de la Parroquia Holy Cross desde el año 2003. Venue - St Charles Hall Linking music with prayer Session A Linking music with prayer: Music is one of the means of expression that most deeply penetrates the heart during prayer. As catechists, we take advantage of the richness that music provides. How should we choose appropriate music for various forms of prayer? This workshop will focus on the importance of deepening the experience of prayer with children, youth and adults by knowing how to use appropriate music with prayer. Speakers Lydia Britton Director of Liturgy & Music, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church Lydia has been married for 25+ years and is the mother of (4) children, one of which is a Seminarian of the Diocese of Orlando. She is currently the Director of Liturgy & Music for St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Kissimmee, Florida since 1997. In 2007, for a period of four years, she also served as Director of Liturgy for St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church in Avalon Park, Florida where she helped the newly formed community develop their Liturgical Ministries. She was commissioned by the Diocese of Orlando in 2007 as an Ecclesial Lay Liturgical Minister. She has served as a bilingual Instructor of the Foundations of Liturgy courses for the Lay Minister Formation program. Currently, she serves as a bilingual instructor for the Office of Evangelization and Family Life and is an instructor for ‘La Academia Inmaculada Concepcion’ a program of the Hispanic Ministries Office with a focus on the spiritual development and formation of the laity on a parish level. A liturgical musician, she provides liturgical music for various liturgical events within her diocese including the Knights of Columbus Annual Conventions, spiritual retreats and bilingual masses. Lydia is also enjoys teaching and working with the youth. Lydia’s interests are centered on the role of the liturgical minister, the development of liturgical ministers, the composition and function of the worship space, and the spiritual development of the community. Bishop John Noonan has appointed Lydia Britton as the new Chair for the Orlando Diocesan Music Committee. Lydia succeeds Aaron Kohl who has served as chair since 2010. The Diocesan Music Committee also serves as the local NPM Chapter for the Diocese of Orlando. Venue - Room 517 Bishop Dorsey Building Living For Tomorrow in a Today World Session A Why should we educate our parish communities on the issues of consumption and ecological stewardship as stated by Pope Francis in Laudato Si? Because lifestyle choices and conversion are at the heart of living in a sustainable world and are the core of safeguarding human life and human dignity. This session will provide tools for raising the visibility of stewardship locally and globally, while giving practical applications for the intergenerational community. Speakers Stephanie Bosse CRS Program Coordinator, Diocese of Orlando Stephanie Bosse has been with the Office of Advocacy and Justice since September 2006 and was commissioned as CRS "Fair Trade Ambassador" in October of 2007. She currently works throughout the Diocese of Orlando helping with all areas of Catholic Relief Services including, advocacy, programming, relief efforts and more. Her work focuses on the poorest of the poor and the different opportunities we have here in the US to work for a more just world for those most at risk and suffering. She has been a contributor to the Florida Catholic newspaper regarding CRS issues on Fair Trade and is also co-creator of a youth and young adult retreat on Catholic Social Teaching and fair trade entitled "Just Like You" and a youth assembly for fair trade. Since 2012 Stephanie has also been acting as a Consultant for CRS Fair Trade and is currently working part-time for the CRS Helping Hands program. . Venue - Room 109 Loretta Hall 6 of 40 Mary and Joseph as Models of Lectio Divina Praying the Word with the Holy Family Session A Caretakers of the Word, together Mary and Joseph personify lectio divina as a dialogical lifestyle. Their ways of responding to God’s call reveal both different and shared tendencies, thereby shedding light on the ways women and men practice lectio. We will reflect upon how they model fidelity to God’s word in light of the vocations and charisms of femininity and masculinity. Contrasting Scripture-inspired identity with secular ideologies, we will differentiate Mary and Joseph from contemporary models of gender identity and relations. The Holy Family bridges traditional spirituality and contemporary sensibilities, and is a rich storehouse of inspiration and guidance for wrestling with the Word in our daily lives. They are particularly relevant as the Church discerns the role of the family during the 2014 synod. Speakers Karl A. Schultz Director, Genesis Personal Development Center Karl A. Schultz is the director of Genesis Personal Development Center in Daytona Beach: (386) 323-3808. He is an author (thirteen books), speaker, and retreat leader on personal and organizational development and biblical spirituality, particularly the practice and application of lectio divina to such topics as: men’s and women’s issues and family spirituality; potential fulfillment and wellness; gender communications and conflict resolution; time and stress management; mating, marriage, and sexuality; journaling and personal growth; theology of the body; the teachings of Blessed Pope Paul VI. Schultz has presented programs in church, retreat, corporate, hospital, hospice, and convention environments throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. He has discussed his work on numerous television and radio programs, including several EWTN programs. He has filmed DVD interviews on lectio divina with four bishops that are available on DVD and CD. His teaching series on lectio divina and the Holy Family aired on EWTN in 2014. In 1990, Schultz developed a workshop and method of therapy entitled "Job therapy" based on lectio divina that was approved by the Pa. Nurses Assoc. for R.N. continuing education units. In 1995, Schultz dialogued with Dr. Warren Farrell in an audiotape program entitled Men, Women, and Spirituality. He dialogued with author and retired professor Dr. Cornelius Murphy on his book "Beyond Feminism: Towards a Dialogue on Differences." Venue - Room 606 Bishop Dorsey Building Mercy, Presence, and Hospitality: Pillars of Francis, Bishop of Rome, and Jesus of Nazareth Session A Pope Francis brings a warm smile and humble state to his affairs. The pillars of his ministry echo Jesus’ own approach to people. In this workshop we will examine the importance of mercy, presence, and hospitality in today’s Church from the lens of Jesus and the Holy Father. Speakers Rev. Glenn Charest Parochial Administrator, Holy Spirit Parish Fr. Glenn Charest is the parochial administrator of Holy Spirit Parish in Lake Wales and has been a priest of the Diocese of Orlando for 38 years. He was ordained by Bishop Grady. He spent seven years serving the Diocese of Richmond. Previous to Holy Spirit, Fr. Glenn was working for five years in St. Margaret Mary at Winter Park, FL. He also worked in the business world which gives him a unique perspective on people and ministry. Venue - Room 302 Bishop Border Building Modelos de Inclusión Familiar: Papás activos en la catequesis! Session A La catequesis sin Ia familia no es catequesis. ¿Tienes en tu parroquia el dilema de cómo integrar a los padres de familia en Ia catequesis? Aquí recibirás algunos modelos estratégicos para poder incluir a los padres de familia activamente en Ia catequesis. La inclusión familiar es un reto diario que se tiene en todas las parroquias, aun así, existen modelos eficaces de acuerdo a tu contexto para poder involucrarlos. Los padres de familia buscan el beneficio y Ia utilidad de una catequesis que no sólo educa, sino que evangeliza y es relevante para sus vidas cotidianas. Con este taller aprenderás las diferentes opciones y prototipos para integrar exitosamente a los padres. Speakers Gerardo "Lalo" Salazar Director Asociado - Formación de Catequistas y Liderazgo Catequético Hispano, Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston México-americano, originario de Los Ángeles, California y San Luis Potosí, México. Casado por 12 años con Nancy y padre de 5 hijos (Camille de 4 años, Paola de 3 años, Chiara de 2 años, Matías tendría 1 y Gianna recién nacida). Hijo de padres campesinos migrantes y de familia muy numerosa con 13 hermanos. Su madre lo consagró desde muy temprana edad a San Gerardo cuyo nombre significa “Espada de Dios” y a la Virgen del Carmen. Tiene una Licenciatura en Periodismo y Comunicaciones, una Maestría en Teología y Ministerio y actualmente está cursando su Doctorado en Ministerio Hispano. Es catequista y músico. Su pasión es la evangelización y formación en los medios de comunicación. Es el Director Asociado para la formación de catequistas y líderes catequéticos hispanos en la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston en Texas. Su proceso de conversión comenzó en mayo del 2007 a los pies del Santuario Nacional de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves en Belleville, Illinois. Venue - Room 308 Bishop Grady Building 7 of 40 My Prayer: "Lord, Send Me..." Session A It's too easy to get tied up in every day needs: our own and those others. Am I being called/sent to a mew way of service for the Lord? Without (too much!) fear, I pray: "Send me!" Speakers Sister Kathleen Power Associate Director for Vocations, Diocese of Orlando Sister Kathleen is a Sister of St. Joseph of St. Augustine, Florida whose ministries include spiritual direction, retreat direction, and teaching. She is the Associate Director for Vocations for the Diocese of Orlando, FL and travel throughout the diocese meeting young people and supporting our seminarians. Venue - Room 609 Bishop Dorsey Building Planificación de la lección Session A Debido a que la Catequesis es una educación en la fe de niños, jóvenes y adultos, que incluye especialmente la enseñanza de la Doctrina Cristiana, dada generalmente de una manera natural y sistemática, a fin de iniciar los oyentes en la plenitud cristiana, es necesario seguir una serie de pasos o componentes que forman lo que se llama lección. Nuestro desempeño como catequistas exige una planificación que incluye un plan de lección. Aquí recibirá herramientas básicas e ideas útiles para preparar su próxima presentación durante la clase de Catecismo utilizando un plan de lección. La planificación de una lección ofrece una oportunidad para que el profesor de Catecismo sea capaz de demostrar y hacer un seguimiento de los conocimientos y competencias adquiridas a lo largo de la formación en la fe de sus estudiantes. Los estudiantes seleccionan un símbolo o artefactos producidos como resultado de su programa de Catequismo que servirá como la pieza central de una actividad culminante la cual se discutirán y se reflexionaran en la clase sobre cómo los artefactos demuestran su competencia en los resultados del programa. Speakers Nelson Matthew Assocaite Director, Diocese of Orlando Mission Office Nelson Matthew is Associate Director of the Mission Office in the Diocese of Orlando; He has served as an operation Assistant Director in our Sister Diocese in San Juan de La Maguana in the Dominican Republic. He has 15 years of teaching experience which he has accumulated from teaching in many different prestige schools such as: Lake Highland Preparatory School in Orlando, Roswell High School in Atlanta, GA., and Father Lopez Catholic High School in Daytona Beach. He is an expert in lesson planning and he is working on his Educational Leadership Master at American College of Education Dallas, TX. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Foreign Language Education from Georgia State University and holds a Gifted Certification from the State of Florida. Before he goes to bed he asked himself, what can I do better tomorrow for my students? Venue - Room 600 Bishop Dorsey Building RCIA Session A This workshop will provide an overview of the themes and skills needed to work with the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Catechists with at least some experience would benefit from this workshop. We will discuss topics such as: liturgical catechesis; tools and skills; and, working with scripture. Speakers Isabel C. Fernandez Director of Faith Formation, Holy Redeemer Catholic Church Isabel Caridad Fernandez, PhD. is currently the Dir. of Faith Formation at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Kissimmee, Florida and an instructor for various diocesan programs which help certify catechists and Catholic school teachers. She is also a trainer with TeamRCIA. Isabel received a doctorate in Theology from the University of Dayton. Venue - Room 608 Bishop Dorsey Building 8 of 40 Sacred Scripture, Sacred Surprises: Using the Bible to Help Engage the Imagination of our Youth Session A Children are fascinated by drama, super heroes, and reality TV. Learn how to help them focus their imaginations on our sacred texts by engaging them in the stories of our faith heroes & teaching them how to pray with and play with the Bible. Speakers Marie Gallo-Lethcoe Consultant, Director of Mission Effectiveness and Teacher, Sadlier Company and Fr. Lopez Catholic High School Marie Gallo-Lethcoe is a wife and mother who has worked for the Diocese of Orlando for the past 30 years. Currently, she is the Director of Mission Effectiveness and teacher at Father Lopez Catholic High School in Daytona Beach, Florida. Marie is also a consultant for the William H. Sadlier Company and a facilitator for the Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation at the University of Dayton. Marie is a well-known speaker throughout the Diocese of Orlando and has done retreats and presentations throughout the country. She has a Masters Degree in Theology with a concentration in Scripture from the University of Dayton. Venue - Room 307 Bishop Grady Building Social Media for Evangelization Session A Every day we are bombarded with excessive amounts of information. Most of the information demands our attention and action. Social Media sites have become instant outlets for information, and the unique way each one operates can be overwhelming to understand. As a Church we have an amazing message to share on Social Media, but where do we start? Understanding your audience, identifying which Social Media outlet responds better for your audience, and what to say to start that conversation are key factors for a successful outcome. In this presentation we will go over some of the most popular Social Media sites, will do an overview of the characteristics of each, and will present some examples on how can better apply their benefits to share the Good News of your parish, your ministry and ultimately how can they be better used to Evangelize. Speakers Marjorie Durante Director of Buena Nueva FM, Diocese of Orlando Marjorie Durante is the director of Buena Nueva FM, the diocese of Orlando radio ministry. She has served in that position since 2006. She is a member of the Catholic Radio Association and has attended workshops at the national Catholic Media Conference on radio and podcasting. She produces and hosts Conversando, a news/talk radio show that airs 8am to 10 am, Monday thru Friday on Buena Nueva. She has a master’s degree in communications from Sacred Heart University in San Juan and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix. She has a bachelor’s degree in TV and radio production. Prior to joining the diocese, she worked as associate producer for a children’s syndicated television program. She is married and has two children and is a parishioner of Holy Family Parish. Venue - Room 506 Bishop Dorsey Building Stewardship: A Disciple's Response Session A The fundamental building-block of all spirituality is understanding that our time, talent, and treasure come from God (i.e. all that we have and all that we are). So our natural response is to develop and share these gifts and to return them to God through others. In this workshop, we will explore the principles of stewardship and look at ways to apply them in your personal and parish lives. Good stewardship creates Christian community. Come and see how it can transform you, your family, and your parish. Speakers Rev. Patrick Sheedy Pastor, Blessed Trinity Catholic Church Fr. Patrick J. Sheedy was ordained priest on June 13th, 1965. He is the pastor of Blessed Trinity Catholic Church in Ocala, FL. Venue - Room 309 Bishop Grady Building 9 of 40 Teaching the Miracles of Christ Session A Jesus’ miracles are use in every textbook series. Would you like to be able to present the miracles so that both children and adults are able to grasp the miracles’ significance and perceive the Gospel truth? This workshop, which is design those teaching grades 4 up and RCIA, will provide the catechist with these tools. Speakers Gloria Reinhardt-Majerus Catechetical Consultant / Presenter, Our Sunday Visitor Gloria Reinhardt Majerus received her Master's in Religious Studies from Boston College. She has worked in Religious Education at the parish, school and diocesan levels. Her positions have included: Associate Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Wilmington, DE; Diocesan Coordinator of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Richmond, VA; Religion Department Chairperson for a Catholic High School; Director of Religious Education in three parishes, Pastoral Associate, Director of Adult Faith Formation, Campus Minister, Human Sexuality trainer and Retreat Director. Gloria participated in the Echoes of Faith project co-authored “The Person of the Catechist” and was a contributing author for the first module “Getting Started”. She has given workshops and keynote presentations throughout the country. Presently Gloria is a Catechetical Consultant/presenter for Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division. Venue - Room 411 Bishop Grady Building The Five- Step Lesson Plan: A Framework for Developing Lesson Plans for Catechists Session A This presentation will provide participants with a basic understanding and schema for lesson planning; includes handouts and examples. Speakers Dr. Jacquelyn Flanigan Associate Superintendent for the Office of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Orlando Dr. Flanigan is the current Associate Superintendent for the Office of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Orlando. She holds a Bachelor’s from Indiana University and Master’s in Curriculum & Instruction and Doctorate in Education from the University of Central Florida. Venue - Room 617 Bishop Dorsey Building The law of the Church: symbol of unity and humility Session A Speakers Rev. Joseph Bellerive, JCD Pastor and Adjutant Judicial Vicar, St. Mary of the Lakes Catholic Church Rev. Joseph Bellerive, JCD is a priest from the diocese of Orlando, Florida. He received his seminary training at the “Grand Séminaire” of Montreal, Canada. Then, he entered the “Palais Universitaire of Strasbourg for his theological formation. He also received his Canon Law degrees at the “Faculté Jean Monet” of Paris XI and at the “Institut Catholique de Paris”, in Paris, France. He is the Adjutant Judicial Vicar at the Tribunal in the Diocese of Orlando and the Pastor at St. Mary of the Lakes Catholic Church in Eustis, FL Venue - Room 618 Bishop Dorsey Building The Mentally Healthy Minister, Balancing Mind, Body and Spirit Session A We speak so often of Mental Illness that we may forget what good mental health looks like. The workshop will give you insight into what you are doing well and what you may want to work on. Come and laugh and learn as Ms. Peckham shares her wit and wisdom for living a well balanced life filled with faith, family and fun. Speakers Heidi Peckham, LMHC Heidi Peckham, LMHC is a life long Catholic and a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Her many titles included Director of Parenting Education at BETA Center, Inc., Director of the Family Life Office for the Diocese of Orlando as well as Secretary for Pastoral Ministries for this diocese. Her favorite title is "Nana". Heidi has been giving workshops in Central Florida for more that 35 years and is much sought after for her down to earth take on holiness and family life. Her good humor keeps people asking for more and her continued studies keeps us updated and informed. Venue - Room 412 Bishop Dorsey Building 10 of 40 They Meant Well: Teaching a Century of Christian Crusades Session A The four major Crusades (1095-1204), like nearly every event in Medieval Christendom, have a complicated genesis. While it is popular to write them off as misguided Christian jihads (and indeed, there are elements of this), the Crusades are indicative of a renewal of faith, demographic shifts within Europe, the effects of the Islamic march westward and sheer adventurism. The Crusades tell us much about the piety and religious practices of the medieval age, the growing secular power of popes, relations with the Orthodox Greek Church and Byzantium, the spirituality of pilgrimage, and the scandals and excesses of the campaigns, notably the Fourth, which would affect the morale and practice of the Church for years to come. Major sources are drawn from Thomas Asbridge, The First Crusade (2004); and Jonathan Phillips, The Fourth Crusade and the Sack of Constantinople (2004). This program includes as one of its goals the ability to respond truthfully to questions, and in particular hostile ones, about this very controversial age of Catholic Christianity. Speakers Thomas J. Burns, MA, LMHC DCCP Instructor, Diocese of Orlando In addition to teaching in the DCCP Program of the Diocese of Orlando, I have presented at the annual NCEA Conventions since 2004. I am a licensed psychotherapist in the State of Florida. I enjoy blogging daily on "The Catechist Cafe" at and reviewing theology books on Amazon. I take great pleasure in assisting Catholic adults, and particularly church ministers and educators, develop a passion for theology and religious studies. Venue - Room 303 Bishop Borders Building Viviendo por el Futuro en un Mundo Enfocado en el Hoy Mismo: Session A ¿Por qué debemos formar a nuestras comunidades parroquiales sobre asuntos de consumismo y cuidado ecológico como indica el Papa Francisco en su carta encíclica Laudato Si? Porque las decisiones sobre el estilo de vida y conversión son la esencia de vivir en un mundo sostenible y un mundo que salvaguarda la vida y dignidad humana. Esta sesión ofrecerá herramientas para realzar la presencia de una administración responsable de la tierra a nivel local y global, mientras contempla ideas prácticas para engendrar una comunidad intergeneracional. Speakers Deacon Fred Molina I was ordained a Deacon in 1999 in the Diocese of Rockville Centre in Long Island, New York. I'm married to Grace going on forty years, a father of three, a grandfather of four. Retired Senior Computer Analyst from the U. S. Postal Service. I have been involved with the RCIA program, Religious Instructions to children, an Annulment Advocate, Bible Study Groups, Charismatic Renewal, speak both English and Spanish, Pre-Cana coordinator, Baptism Prep-classes, and CRS Global Fellowship. I have recently helped form the Diocese of Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force which I'm one of the coordinators. Venue - Room 103 Loretta Hall What do we actually mean when we say the Bible Is "True?" Session A To explore the way the Bible came to be and the concept of Biblical Truth. Speakers Rev. Robert Mitchell Pastor, St Luke Catholic Church Until recently Pastor of St. Ann, Haines City. Currently at St. Luke, Barefoot Bay. Ordained in 1973. Working in the Diocese since 1992. Born in England and grew up in Dublin. Venue - Room 616 Bishop Dorsey Building 11 of 40 What do we do at Mass? Session A How well do you understand the significance of all that we do when we gather to pray, along with your role as a member of the Body of Christ? Let’s take a thoughtful and insightful ‘walk” through the celebration of the Eucharist. Speakers Sandra Dooley Sandra Dooley is a retired liturgy director and former director of the Office for Worship in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. She currently lives in Winter Park, FL with her husband. Sandy teaches and facilitates a variety of liturgy workshops in the diocese of Orlando. She is the author of A Guide to Catholic Weddings: Q & A for Couples, soon to be published by Liturgy Training Publications. Venue - Room 306 Bishop Grady Building “Yo soy el pan de la vida”, la Eucaristía: centro y culmen de la vida cristiana. Session A La liturgia eucarística es el corazón de nuestra fe. En este taller profundizaremos en el conocimiento de las partes de la misa, su significado, y como la Liturgia de la Iglesia nos ayuda para que descubramos a Jesús, "Pan bajado del cielo", alimento que fortalece para que seamos verdaderos: “Discípulos en Acción.” Speakers Rev. Tomás Hurtado Associate Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church El Padre Tomás Hurtado realizó sus estudios filosóficos en el Seminario “San Carlos y San Ambrosio” en La Habana, Cuba. Terminó su Bachillerato Teológico en la “Universidad Pontificia de México”, regresó a su país y fue ordenado diácono y sacerdote en la diócesis de Santa Clara. En el año 2005 se le conceden las facultades diocesanas y sirve desde ese entonces en nuestra diócesis de Orlando. Ha sido Pastor Asociado de las parroquias Santa Catalina de Siena en Kissimmee, San Juan María Vianney en Orlando y desde el año 2011 a la fecha, en San FrancisVenue - St Charles Chapel 12 of 40 SESSION B 11:45AM-12:45PM Lunch Break - Option 1 Lunch Break - Option 1 This is your first lunch option on September 19th. Be sure to either choose this or Option 2 in Session C. Venue - High School Cafeteria A Life of Love: Living the Paschal Mystery Session B A life of discipleship is a life of love. It calls us to take up our cross and to give of ourselves out of love. Each day is filled with the need to die to ourselves so that we can be opened to the new life that Christ gives. The Paschal Mystery, the mystery of our faith, invites us to open ourselves to the grace that is being offered in these moments and in the sacraments as we join our offering to that of Christ’s. This workshop will explore how to teach this great mystery to our children in developmentally appropriate ways. Speakers Sabrina Magnuson Associate Publisher, Our Sunday Visitor Sabrina Magnuson comes with a wide range of expertise and experience in catechesis for over twenty years. She has been in catechetical publishing since 2000. Before that Sabrina served on the staff of the USCCB’s Committee on Education and was a founding staff member to the Bishops’ Subcommittee on the Catechism. Her feet-on-the-ground experience involves many ministries including catechist, RCIA team member, liturgical ministry trainer, VBS team member, consultant to national Catholic ministry organizations, and an advisor to Bishop Noonan’s Committee of Catholic Communications. Sabrina is currently Associate Publisher at Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum. She holds a Master of Arts in Liturgical Studies from the Catholic University of America. Sabrina and her husband Erik are the parents of three boys who constantly remind them of the need for faith and prayer. They are members of Most Precious Blood Catholic Church in Oviedo. Venue - Room 302 Bishop Border Building A Saintly Personality Session B If God created us all in His image, then why are we all so different? We will learn about the different personality styles and how they interact with each other. First we will identify our own style and then discuss how to work with other styles to create a harmonious environment in our ministry and in our homes. Speakers Denise Kriscunas Director of Faith Formation, Blessed Sacrament Denise is the Director of Faith Formation and Liturgy at Blessed Sacrament Parish, Clermont. She is a graduate from Loyola University New Orleans and has over 20 years’ experience as a trainer with Walt Disney World. She is currently facilitating the Loyola LIM program and several DCCP classes. Venue - Room 517 Bishop Dorsey Building 13 of 40 Administración de la Sala de Clases Session B Los maestros eficientes tienen aulas que son consistentes. A los estudiantes no les gustan las sorpresas, gritos, o el desorden ni la desorganización. A los estudiantes les gusta un aula donde saben lo que está sucediendo o se lleva a cabo. Del mismo modo, a las personas les gusta saber lo que está sucediendo en unas vacaciones, participar en una producción teatral, o asistir a una convención. Esta es la razón por la cual las agencias de viajes preparan un itinerario. Sucesivamente, así como el director de una escena trabaja en el guion, y el organizador de convenciones proporciona un programa. Los maestros eficientes tienen planes de gestión del aula, o lecciones, listas antes del primer día de clases o antes de que los estudiantes entren en el salón de clase. Las lecciones organizadas deben de tener un tiempo máximo para implementar las lecciones para un mejor aprendizaje. Speakers Nelson Matthew Assocaite Director, Diocese of Orlando Mission Office Nelson Matthew is Associate Director of the Mission Office in the Diocese of Orlando; He has served as an operation Assistant Director in our Sister Diocese in San Juan de La Maguana in the Dominican Republic. He has 15 years of teaching experience which he has accumulated from teaching in many different prestige schools such as: Lake Highland Preparatory School in Orlando, Roswell High School in Atlanta, GA., and Father Lopez Catholic High School in Daytona Beach. He is an expert in lesson planning and he is working on his Educational Leadership Master at American College of Education Dallas, TX. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Foreign Language Education from Georgia State University and holds a Gifted Certification from the State of Florida. Before he goes to bed he asked himself, what can I do better tomorrow for my students? Venue - Room 611 Bishop Dorsey Building Autism in a Typical Classroom: Best Practices Methods and Strategies Session B Approximately 1 in every 68 births is a child with autism. Many of these children are entering the Catholic school systems for its strong teaching and overall safe and predictable structure. Deacon Sutton, a Clinical and School Psychologist will outline what autism is and is not while providing best practice strategies and methods of identifying and working with these children in a typical classroom, particularly the more difficult to recognize higher functioning children. He will review methods to help address and manage classroom melt-downs, and stimming, methods to routinely shape in and utilize desired replacement behaviors in typical classrooms. Speakers Deacon Lawrence R. Sutton, PhD Director of Pre-Theology Formation, St. Vincent Seminary Lawrence R. Sutton, Ph.D. is a Deacon in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. He is employed as the Director of Pre-Theology Formation at St. Vincent Seminary as well as a Psychologist for Wesley Spectrum Services. He is the former Psychologist/Manager of the Western Region Office of Bureau of Autism in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He earned his doctoral degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 1980 and has been licensed as a psychologist since 1983.As a Deacon, he developed and has run a Sacramental preparation and religious education program for children/adolescents touched by autism in the Diocese over the past eleven years at the Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church. His primary work over the past fourteen years has been with children and adults touched by autism and worked with Venue - Room 104 Loretta Hall Catechists as Faithful Witnesses Session B Catechists are called to give personal witness to their faith. This presentation will look at what it means to give witness to the Gospel and how it affects our ministry. Speakers Daniel Mullhall Director of Professional Development, RCL Benziger DANIEL S. MULHALL is a catechist, writer, catechetical consultant, noted national speaker. He currently serves as Director of Professional Development for RCL Benziger. Mr. Mulhall graduated from Bellarmine College (now a university) with a BA in political sciences. Since then he has earned a Master of Arts in Theology from Catholic University and a Master of Arts in Adult Christian Community Development from Regis University. In 2008, the National Association of Parish Catechetical Leaders recognized Mr. Mulhall’s contributions in catechesis with the Emmaus Award. In 2012 his book Let the Lord Build the House: 8 Steps to Successful Pastoral Planning was published by Twenty Third Publications. Venue - Room 610 Bishop Dorsey Building 14 of 40 Challenges of the Christian Families Today Session B Modern society convey many challenges and trials which defies the life of the sacraments of the Christian families. This workshop intend to unfold the reality of these challenges, which appears as normal but in reality they contradict and defy our Catholic Faith. Speakers Deacon Felix and Digna Montañez Deacon and Social Worker, Pastoral Ministers, St. Augustine Catholic Church Deacon Felix Montañez and his wife Digna, Clinical Social Worker, has been married for 31 years. Deacon Felix was ordained in the Diocese of Orlando by Bishop Thomas Wenski on June 2007. He offers ministerial services at St. Augustine Parish in Casselberry. They were both commissioned as Pastoral Ministers by the Lay Ministry Office of the Diocese of Orlando in May 2003. Deacon Felix completed his Clinical Pastoral Education at the Orlando Health and is certified by the Association of Professional Conservative Chaplains. He works as a Chaplain for Vitas Hospice and offers volunteer services to the Orange County Sheriff Department since 2007. Digna completed her Masters’ Degree at University of Central Florida and she offers her services as a Counselor and Therapist to individuals, couples and families at Dreamline Counseling Services. Deacon Felix and Digna are Auxiliaries and Members of the Advisory Board of Renovación Conyugal, an Association of the Faithful which is dedicated to support and enrich marriage couples in the Diocese of Orlando since 2003. Venue - Room 412 Bishop Dorsey Buiding El amor es la misión de la familia plenamente viva: La familia cristiana como base y fundamento de la vida divina y de la Iglesia Session B Este taller presenta a la familia cristiana como imagen de la Iglesia y de la vida divina. Invita a ver a la familia como base y fundamento para entender nuestra relación con Dios y con los demás. Padres de familia, educadores, catequistas, religiosos y párrocos son invitados a considerar qué significa entender nuestro concepto de la familia en la vida de la Iglesia. Speakers Dr Francisco Castillo Senior Editor and Multicultural Specialist, RCL Benziger Dr. Francisco Castillo, worked for 13 years as a Catholic educator and Campus Minister. He is a member of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States, and a member of the National Hispanic Institute of Liturgy. His professional interests include Catholic Social Doctrine, liturgical and theological aesthetics, liberation theology, U.S. Hispanic/Latino(a) theology, comparative religion, religion and film and cultural identity. He is also a writer and poet, his first book of poetry is titled Mis Primeros Poemas. Venue - Room 606 Bishop Dorsey Building El catequista “Spanglish”: me puchó, me tochó y se wachó Session B El catequista hispano tiene un reto eclesial y social al tener que enfrentarse a múltiples culturas en su movilidad. ¿No es acaso un choque cultural al que debemos de enfrentarnos cuando llegamos a este país? No solo eso, el hispano tiene un mosaico de identidades que no le podemos enfrascar en un solo molde. Este taller le ayudará a encontrar los valores de Ia biculturalidad y capacidad de poder, ser competente frente a las demás culturas, reconociendo que Ia universalidad de nuestra Iglesia Católica tiene precisamente ese matiz intercultural. Speakers Gerardo "Lalo" Salazar Director Asociado - Formación de Catequistas y Liderazgo Catequético Hispano, Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston México-americano, originario de Los Ángeles, California y San Luis Potosí, México. Está casado por 12 años con Nancy y es padre de 5 hijos (Camille de 4 años, Paola de 3 años, Chiara de 2 años, Matías tendría 1 y Gianna recién nacida). Hijo de padres campesinos migrantes y de familia muy numerosa con 13 hermanos. Su madre lo consagró desde muy temprana edad a San Gerardo cuyo nombre significa “Espada de Dios” y a la Virgen del Carmen. Tiene una Licenciatura en Periodismo y Comunicaciones, una Maestría en Teología y Ministerio y actualmente está cursando su Doctorado en Ministerio Hispano. Es catequista y músico. Su pasión es la evangelización y formación en los medios de comunicación. Es el Director Asociado para la formación de catequistas y líderes catequéticos hispanos en la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston en Texas. Su proceso de conversión comenzó en mayo del 2007 a los pies del Santuario Nacional de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves en Belleville, Illinois. Venue - Room 308 Bishop Grady Building 15 of 40 El Matrimonio Fundamento de la Iglesia y la sociedad Session B Speakers Juan Carlos Hernández Juan Carlos Hernández, nació en Honduras y emigró a Nueva York a los 16 años donde residió por 19 años junto con su familia. En la ciudad de Nueva York se graduó de Bachillerato en Arquitectura de la Universidad de City College. Luego obtuvo una Maestría en Formación Religiosa para Adultos en la Universidad Jesuita de Fordham. Del año 1992 a 1994 fue Sub-coordinador y luego fue coordinador de los jóvenes hispanos de la Renovación Carismática Católica de la Diócesis de Nueva York. De 1994 al 2003 se desempeñó como miembro de la facultad del Instituto Bíblico y de Formación Pastoral donde impartió cursos de Historia de la Iglesia, Eclesiología, Sacramentos, Biblia, Cristología, Mariología, Justicia Social de la Iglesia. En ese mismo tiempo participó e impartió talleres, vigilias, conferencias y retiros para la Renovación Católica Hispana de Nueva York. En el año 2004 Juan Carlos se muda junto con su esposa de 17 años y sus dos hijas a la ciudad de Winter Garden y a su nueva parroquia de la Resurrección, donde ese mismo año comienza a impartir clases sobre la Biblia y formación Bautismal a la comunidad hispana. A nivel diocesano contribuyó a formar el ministerio de evangelización Filli Domini. Del 2006 al 2008 es nombrado coordinador de la formación religiosa de la Renovación Católica Hispana de Orlando. En el 2007 pasó a ser miembro de la facultad de formación pastoral de la oficina de asuntos Hispanos. En el 2009 es nombrado coordinador de la campaña por la vida durante la cuaresma. En este momento continúa impartiendo clases de Biblia en su parroquia y predicando en diferentes círculos de oración de la Renovación Carismática Católica. Venue - Room 109 Loretta Hall Faith, Family & Forgiveness: Living, Teaching, and Praying Reconciliation Session B Many people find it difficult to forgive. Yet this is what Jesus asks of all Christians. Teach children a deeper meaning of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and celebrate forgiveness by exploring how to live the sacrament in our daily lives. This workshop is designed to share practical information for all catechists, not just those preparing students for the sacramental celebration. Speakers Marie Gallo-Lethcoe Consultant, Director of Mission Effectiveness and Teacher, Sadlier Company and Fr. Lopez Catholic High School Marie Gallo-Lethcoe is a wife and mother who has worked for the Diocese of Orlando for the past 30 years. Currently, she is the Director of Mission Effectiveness and teacher at Father Lopez Catholic High School in Daytona Beach, Florida. Marie is also a consultant for the William H. Sadlier Company and a facilitator for the Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation at the University of Dayton. Marie is a well-known speaker throughout the Diocese of Orlando and has done retreats and presentations throughout the country. She has a Masters Degree in Theology with a concentration in Scripture from the University of Dayton. Venue - Room 609 Bishop Dorsey Building I am a Catechist. Now what...? Session B The workshop will provide resources, classroom management strategies, lesson plan guidelines, etc...that can be used to help make any Faith Formation session successful. The strategies and techniques shared will provide a foundation for making Religious Education engaging and interactive, while providing the content necessary for students to embrace their faith. Speakers Jayme Hartmann Principal, Good Shepherd Catholic School Jayme Hartmann is in her sixth year as the Principal of Good Shepherd Catholic School. Jayme has fifteen years of experience as a school administrator as well as eight years of teaching upper elementary and middle school students. She participates in a variety of educational committees for the Diocese of Orlando, and has a passion for Catholic education. Her experience with making instruction engaging and interactive with audiences of a variety of ages, makes her a resource for anyone wanting to be a successful Catechist. Venue - Room 102 Loretta Hall 16 of 40 Keeping the Faith in College and Beyond Session B "I lost my faith in college" is an all too familiar phrase. This workshop on Catholic Campus Ministry will look at how and why we evangelize to college age students and the immediate need to equip our young adults for college. Speakers Rick Grinstead Youth Minister and Campus Minister, St. Peter Catholic Church and Stetson University Rick Grinstead is a local Youth Minister at Saint Peter Parish in DeLand and Campus Minister at Stetson University. He has served as the Catholic Campus Minister at Stetson since 2007 and has been serving in youth ministry since 1997. Rick is a nationally known speaker and presenter and has a passion for College Ministry. Venue - Room 619 Valenzuela Building La foi est un acte d' appropriation et de restitution Session B Le disciple, celui qui est à l' école de Jésus Christ est un homme (une femme) de foi. Il est un juste qui vit (vivant) de sa foi (Rm1,17), non pas de ses oeuvres (Jn6,29). Il ne se contente pas d'une simple adhésion impersonnelle à Jésus et à son message de grâce. Il cherche à rencontrer Jésus et à "posséder" ce qu' il confesse. Il s'approprie les vérités de foi et les défend comme si elles étaient siennes. Il ne retient pas la vérité captive (Rm1, 18). Il ne s'auto glorifie pas (Jn5,44). Il n'usurpe pas les droits de Dieu (Mt23, 8-10). Au contraire il se désarme, il se dépouille, il tente le coup d'audace dans l'abandon et la confiance (Is30,15). Speakers Père Gaetan L. Boursiquot Directeur du Ministère Haitien, Diocèse d'Orlando Père Gaétan Boursiquot, prêtre depuis 34 ans, s' est spécialisé en liturgie à Rome. Il fut Doyen et Recteur du Grand Séminaire. Il est depuis 9 ans Directeur de l' Apostolat Haitien du Diocèse d'Orlando. Père Boursiquot est un passionné de la "Parole de Dieu". Venue - Room 309 Bishop Grady Building Medios Sociales para la Evangelización Session B Cada día somos bombardeados con una cantidad inmensa de información. La mayoría de la información requiere nuestra atención y en muchos casos, rápida acción. Las redes sociales se han convertido en lugares para encontrar información de inmediato, y la forma particular en que cada una de estas redes funciona, puede resultar abrumadora. Como Iglesia tenemos el mejor mensaje para compartir a través de las redes sociales, pero, ¿por dónde comenzamos? Entender su audiencia, identificar las redes sociales que responden mejor a su audiencia, y qué comunicar para comenzar una conversación, son factores importantes para tener un resultado positivo. En esta presentación tendremos la oportunidad de revisar algunas de las redes sociales más populares; haremos un repaso de las características de cada una de ellas y presentaremos algunos ejemplos de las maneras más efectivas en que se pueden utilizar para la Evangelización. Speakers Marjorie Durante Director of Buena Nueva FM, Diocese of Orlando Marjorie Durante is the director of Buena Nueva FM, the diocese of Orlando radio ministry. She has served in that position since 2006. She is a member of the Catholic Radio Association and has attended workshops at the national Catholic Media Conference on radio and podcasting. She produces and hosts Conversando, a news/talk radio show that airs 8am to 10 am, Monday thru Friday on Buena Nueva. She has a master’s degree in communications from Sacred Heart University in San Juan and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix. She has a bachelor’s degree in TV and radio production. Prior to joining the diocese, she worked as associate producer for a children’s syndicated television program. She is married and has two children and is a parishioner of Holy Family Parish. Venue - Room 506 Bishop Dorsey Building 17 of 40 Parables, Stories, Illustrations, and Techniques That Engage the Soul and Capture the Heart Session B Catechesis is an art that must engage the mind, heart, and soul of the apprenticing disciple. Learn technique for preaching, teaching, and witness that captivate the imagination of the learner in innumerable ways. Explore effective means for relaying the gospel message and preaching the good news in the catechetical setting and in daily living. Speakers Rev. Thomas Coonery Pastor, St. Peter Catholic Church Father Tom Connery is a priest of the Diocese of Orlando and serves as the pastor of Saint Peter Parish in DeLand. Father Tom is known for his passionate preaching and story-telling and for his ability to motivate parishioners to service. His parish is very active in numerous social justice initiatives and outreach. Venue - Room 105 Loretta Hall Personal Energy Management A Catholic Approach to Time and Stress Management Session B We are asked to do more with less than ever before. Technology has added to as well as eased our burdens. The profanation of the Sabbath increases and expands, with disastrous consequences. Personal dignity, marriage, and the family are under assault. The Church has addressed the imbalances and excesses of modern life from a moral and spiritual perspective, but less so from a practical and developmental perspective. Many Catholics uncritically accept secular perspectives on time and stress management and potential fulfillment. We need solid human and religious input to grow and survive in today's chaotic and demanding environment. We will provide this through the Personal Energy Management model and personal organizer. Speakers Karl A. Schultz Director, Genesis Personal Development Center Karl A. Schultz is the director of Genesis Personal Development Center in Daytona Beach: (386) 323-3808. He is an author (thirteen books), speaker, and retreat leader on personal and organizational development and biblical spirituality, particularly the practice and application of lectio divina to such topics as: men’s and women’s issues and family spirituality; potential fulfillment and wellness; gender communications and conflict resolution; time and stress management; mating, marriage, and sexuality; journaling and personal growth; theology of the body; the teachings of Blessed Pope Paul VI. Schultz has presented programs in church, retreat, corporate, hospital, hospice, and convention environments throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. He has discussed his work on numerous television and radio programs, including several EWTN programs. He has filmed DVD interviews on lectio divina with four bishops that are available on DVD and CD. His teaching series on lectio divina and the Holy Family aired on EWTN in 2014. In 1990, Schultz developed a workshop and method of therapy entitled "Job therapy" based on lectio divina that was approved by the Pa. Nurses Assoc. for R.N. continuing education units. In 1995, Schultz dialogued with Dr. Warren Farrell in an audiotape program entitled Men, Women, and Spirituality. He dialogued with author and retired professor Dr. Cornelius Murphy on his book "Beyond Feminism: Towards a Dialogue on Differences." Venue - Room 311 Bishop Grady Building Praying with Children through the Liturgical Year Session B This workshop will give you ideas and resources for praying with children throughout the liturgical year. Speakers Sandra Dooley Sandra Dooley is a retired liturgy director and former director of the Office for Worship in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. She currently lives in Winter Park, FL with her husband. Sandy teaches and facilitates a variety of liturgy workshops in the diocese of Orlando. She is the author of A Guide to Catholic Weddings: Q & A for Couples, soon to be published by Liturgy Training Publications. Venue - Room 607 Bishop Dorsey Building 18 of 40 Promote a Culture of Spirituality via a Liturgical Classroom Environment Session B Teachers of religious education create a culture of spirituality in the classroom through environment, ritual, customs, sacraments, and personal exaple. Participants will consier creative practices to incorporate these elements through the liturgical seasons. Practical, free resources will be shared. Speakers Sister Patricia McCormick Consultant, IHM Formative Support for Parents and Teachers Dr. Patricia M. McCormack, IHM is a national formation education consultant who focuses on the whole-person development of children. Her practical experience in education includes both classroom and administration experience at the elementary, secondary, and college levels. Her style of public speaking reflects research with parents, children and teachers. In addition to a bachelor's degree in theology and sociology and a master's degree in K-8 education, she holds a doctorate in private school administration. Currently, Dr. McCormack is director of the IHM Office of Formative Support for Parents and Teachers, Arlington, VA. She is the author of the "Parent Partnership Handbook" feature of Today's Catholic Teacher magazine, numerous articles, and several books. Venue - Room 303 Bishop Borders Building ¿Qué es en verdad una anulación del matrimonio? Session B Este taller explorará los cánones 1061, 1083-1110 para clarificar el sentido del proceso de anulación del matrimonio y las implicaciones pastorales de este proceso. Speakers Rev. José Bautista Pastor, St. Catherine of Siena Nacido en Colombia, cursó estudios de Filosofía en el Seminario Menor de Miami, St John Vianney, Teología en la Universidad Católica de Lovaina, Bélgica, donde obtuvo su Maestría en Estudios Religiosos y Licenciatura en Derecho Canónico. Fue Ordenado para la Diócesis de Orlando en 1991. Sirvió como vicario parroquial en la Parroquia de San Pablo en Daytona Beach, Nuestra Señora de Lourdes en Melbourne y San Francisco de Asís en Apopka. Ocupó el cargo de Director del Ministerio Hispano Diocesano del 2002 al 2006 y de Juez eclesiástico del 2000 at 2006. Desde el 10 de junio de 2003 ejerce como párroco de Santa Catalina de Siena. Venue - Room 113 Loretta Hall Reaching the Adolescent: Engaging the 'Me' Group Session B Reaching the adolescent explores the specific needs of the adolescent, the “me”-focused age that often results in resistance. Session will explore strategies and discuss adolescent development to make reaching this special group more rewarding. Speakers Dr. Jacquelyn Flanigan Associate Superintendent for the Office of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Orlando Dr. Flanigan is the current Associate Superintendent for the Office of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Orlando. She holds a Bachelor’s from Indiana University and Master’s in Curriculum & Instruction and Doctorate in Education from the University of Central Florida. Venue - Room 617 Bishop Dorsey Building 19 of 40 RICA--¿Que? Session B Un taller explorando los temas de formación en la catequesis para iniciación cristiana de adultos. Servirá el taller para catequistas con alguna experiencia ya con RICA. Este taller será un recorrido de los temas más claves para la formación de catequistas: la liturgia como catequesis; herramientas y destrezas; trabajando con las Escrituras. Speakers Isabel C. Fernandez Director of Faith Formation, Holy Redeemer Catholic Church Isabel Caridad Fernandez, PhD. is currently the Dir. of Faith Formation at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Kissimmee, Florida and an instructor for various diocesan programs which help certify catechists and Catholic school teachers. She is also a trainer with TeamRCIA. Isabel received a doctorate in Theology from the University of Dayton. Venue - Room 307 Bishop Grady Building Rite of Marriage: Pastoral Challenges and Best Practices Session B This session will offer an overview of the various options available in preparing the celebration of the Rite of Marriage. Possibilities for adaptation and the selection of texts will be examined as well as pastoral challenges associated with the selection of rite for a given circumstance. Please note that the new English translation of the second Latin typical edition that was voted upon and accepted by the USCCB general assembly has been submitted and awaits recognition from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in Rome. If the Holy See approves a new English translation prior to the date of this workshop it will be reviewed and commented upon. Speakers Rev. Bob Webster Pastor, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Fr. Webster was ordained priest on May 31st, 1986 . He is the pastor of Blessed Sacrament since January 2008. Venue - Room 608 Bishop Dorsey Building The End or the Beginning? Session B Bringing Confirmation and the other Sacraments to life for teens through popular movie clips and other multimedia. Plus getting them excited about church life beyond Confirmation! Speakers Sal Solo Sal Solo has carved out a special niche in Catholic youth ministry using the MTV language of music, video, and interaction to teach the Catholic faith in a way that words alone cannot. A former UK rock star, he has performed in more than forty countries. He has served as keynoter, emcee, facilitator, and/or planner at hundreds of youth events, including more than 100 diocesan youth rallies and countless parishes, schools, and conferences, making full use of all forms of multimedia. Sal is committed to mentoring, resourcing, and encouraging Catholic teens to be all that God made them to be. He was youth keynoter at Orlando Festival of Faith in 2009 and is one of the top Mega Workshop speakers at NCYC. Venue - Media Center The Richness of the Parables of Christ Session B The Parables were a definite part of Jesus’ teaching style. From an early age we all know these stories, but how do you discover the parables real meaning so as to be better able to share it with others? This workshop, which is design those teaching grades 4 up and RCIA, will provide the catechist with these tools. Speakers Gloria Reinhardt-Majerus Catechetical Consultant / Presenter, Our Sunday Visitor Gloria Reinhardt Majerus received her Master's in Religious Studies from Boston College. She has worked in Religious Education at the parish, school and diocesan levels. Her positions have included: Associate Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Wilmington, DE; Diocesan Coordinator of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Richmond, VA; Religion Department Chairperson for a Catholic High School; Director of Religious Education in three parishes, Pastoral Associate, Director of Adult Faith Formation, Campus Minister, Human Sexuality trainer and Retreat Director. Gloria participated in the Echoes of Faith project co-authored “The Person of the Catechist” and was a contributing author for the first module “Getting Started”. She has given workshops and keynote presentations throughout the country. Presently Gloria is a Catechetical Consultant/presenter for Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division. Venue - Room 306 Bishop Grady Building 20 of 40 The Works of Mercy: Family-Style Session B As the Year of Mercy opens, explore ways to inspire families to put God’s mercy into practice and build a culture of peace in the home, parish, and wider society. Speakers Lauri Przybysz speaker, RCL Benziger Lauri Przybysz, DMin, is a Catholic Family Life Minister. She offers formation experiences, inspiration for mission, and program materials for Catechists, Parish Ministers, and Parents in the areas of Family Faith, Spirituality, Marriage Enrichment, Healthy Relationships, Ecumenical Families, Missionary Discipleship across the lifespan. She has a Doctor of Ministry from the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, a Master of Arts in Theology from St. Mary’s Seminary and University Ecumenical Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, and a Master of Science in Religious Education from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Venue - Room 304 Bishop Borders Building Uniendo la música con la oración: Session B Uniendo la música con la oración: La música es uno de los medios de expresión que más penetra el corazón durante la oración. Como catequistas debemos de aprovechar la riqueza que la música ofrece. ¿Cómo se selecciona música apropiada para las varias formas de oración? Este taller se enfocará en la importancia de profundizar en la experiencia de oración con niños, jóvenes y adultos en el contenido, de cómo usar música apropiada en la oración Speakers Lydia Britton Director of Liturgy & Music, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church Lydia ha estado casado por 25 años y es la madre de los niños (4), uno del cual es un seminarista de la diócesis de Orlando. Actualmente es la Directora de liturgia y música de St Catherine de Siena Catholic Church en Kissimmee, Florida desde 1997. En 2007, durante un período de cuatro años, también trabajó como Director de liturgia de la parroquia St. Maximilian Kolbe en Avalon Park, Florida, donde ayudó a la comunidad recién formada desarrollar sus ministerios litúrgicos. En el año 2007 se graduó del programa de formación de Ministros Laicos de la diócesis de Orlando. Se ha desempeñado como instructora bilingüe de los cursos de fundamentos de la liturgia para el programa de formación de ministerios para laicos. Actualmente, sirve como un instructor bilingüe para la oficina de Evangelización y la Vida Familiar y es un instructor de 'La Academia Inmaculada Concepción' una programa de la oficina del ministerio hispano con un enfoque en el desarrollo espiritual y la formación de los laicos a nivel parroquial. Lydia como músico litúrgico, proporciona música litúrgica para diversos actos litúrgicos dentro de la diócesis, incluyendo las convenciones anuales de caballeros de Colón, retiros espirituales y misas bilingües. Disfruta enseñar y trabajar con los jóvenes. La principal pasión e interés de Lydia están centradas en el papel del Ministro litúrgico, el desarrollo de ministros litúrgicos, la composición y función del espacio de culto y el desarrollo espiritual de la comunidad. Recientemente el Obispo John Noonan ha nombrado Lydia Britton como nuevo Presidente de la Comisión de música Diocesano de Orlando. Venue - Room 600 Bishop Dorsey Building Ways to Pray From Your Heart Session B All of us long to connect with someone who can identify with our circumstances and share in our day to day life. Prayer is just that—a personal experience and intimate connection with our loving Heavenly Father. In this workshop you will experience ways to make your own prayer life more meaningful, so that you can share these techniques with your students. In using both traditional prayer and spontaneous prayer we will explore ways to help the young people understand the importance of prayer in their lives and ways to communicate with the Father. Once we learn to pray with our hearts and not our lips, we truly begin to have a conversation with God. Speakers Donna Cooper Consultant, OSV Donna Cooper has served in the ministry of Catechesis for over 35 years. During this time she taught grades 1-12, including Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. She was Coordinator of Youth Ministry and Faith Formation and served the Benedictine Community as Director of the Retreat Center at St. Leo Abbey. Donna is certified in Youth Ministry and Adolescent Catechesis through the Center of Ministry Development and studied under the Selesians for 2 years, receiving certification in Retreat Ministry. Currently, Donna is a Consultant for Our Sunday Visitor. Venue - St Charles Chapel 21 of 40 SESSION C 1:00PM-2:00PM Lunch Break - Option 2 Lunch Break - Option 2 This is your second lunch option on September 19th. Be sure to either choose this or Option 1 in Session B. Venue - High School Cafeteria Autism and Trauma: The need for good diagnostic and care in the design of treatment Session C Children with disabilities are often the victims of horrible or trauma-like events, and suffer more for they are often unable to describe what has occurred, or able to stop what is occurring or to seek help. This session will focus on the phenomena of Autism and Trauma, outlining how to identify it as well as to provide a description of emerging best practices to treat it. Speakers Deacon Lawrence R. Sutton, PhD Director of Pre-Theology Formation, St. Vincent Seminary Lawrence R. Sutton, Ph.D. is a Deacon in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. He is employed as the Director of Pre-Theology Formation at St. Vincent Seminary as well as a Psychologist for Wesley Spectrum Services. He is the former Psychologist/Manager of the Western Region Office of Bureau of Autism in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He earned his doctoral degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 1980 and has been licensed as a psychologist since 1983.As a Deacon, he developed and has run a Sacramental preparation and religious education program for children/adolescents touched by autism in the Diocese over the past eleven years at the Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church. His primary work over the past fourteen years has been with children and adults touched by autism and worked with those with other types of disabilities throughout his career. Venue - Room 104 Loretta Hall “Back Door” Evangelizing for “Parking Lot Parents” Session C Who are “Parking-Lot Parents?’’ Why do some parents rely on religious education programs to be the primary providers of faith formation for their children? What characterizes effective catechists? How can catechists engage and catechize parents? This presentation will provide practical, applicable, inspirational and compassionate insights for evangelizing through the “backdoor.’’ Speakers Sister Patricia McCormick Consultant, IHM Formative Support for Parents and Teachers Dr. Patricia M. McCormack, IHM is a national formation education consultant who focuses on the whole-person development of children. Her practical experience in education includes both classroom and administration experience at the elementary, secondary, and college levels. Her style of public speaking reflects research with parents, children and teachers. In addition to a bachelor's degree in theology and sociology and a master's degree in K-8 education, she holds a doctorate in private school administration. Currently, Dr. McCormack is director of the IHM Office of Formative Support for Parents and Teachers, Arlington, VA. She is the author of the "Parent Partnership Handbook" feature of Today's Catholic Teacher magazine, numerous articles, and several books. Venue - Room 303 Bishop Borders Building 22 of 40 Can I Say a Prayer for You? Session C We have a deep desire to help others. This workshop directs the desire to help others into prayer for one another and prayer with one another. You’ll learn that what Jesus is doing right now is interceding for us at the right hand of the Father. You’ll get to practice doing the same thing. This workshop assumes no special training, knowledge of the Bible, devout prayer life or supernatural experience. All that you need to bring is the desire to help others. Speakers Rev. David Scotchie Pastor, Most Precious Blood Catholic Church Fr. David Scotchie currently serves as pastor of Most Precious Blood Church in Oviedo. He was previously the founding pastor of Saint Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church. He has a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from the Aquinas Institute of Theology, a Master of Science in Management from UCF, and Master of Divinity and Master of Arts from St. Meinrad School of Theology. He was ordained in 1993 for the Diocese of Orlando. Venue - Room 311 Bishop Grady Building Catechizing in a Changing Culture Session C To catechize effectively we must know and love the people we serve. The changes in culture affects how we minister to people. This workshop will examine how culture affects our catechesis and what we can do to catechize more effectively in a changing culture. Speakers Daniel Mullhall Director of Professional Development, RCL Benziger DANIEL S. MULHALL is a catechist, writer, catechetical consultant, noted national speaker. He currently serves as Director of Professional Development for RCL Benziger. Mr. Mulhall graduated from Bellarmine College (now a university) with a BA in political sciences. Since then he has earned a Master of Arts in Theology from Catholic University and a Master of Arts in Adult Christian Community Development from Regis University. In 2008, the National Association of Parish Catechetical Leaders recognized Mr. Mulhall’s contributions in catechesis with the Emmaus Award. In 2012 his book Let the Lord Build the House: 8 Steps to Successful Pastoral Planning was published by Twenty Third Publications. Venue - Room 610 Bishop Dorsey Building Creating the Future: Prophetic Parenting Session C Nurture the evangelizing spirit in parents to pass on a vibrant, active faith in their children and to the larger faith community, in the context of the catechetical themes of the World Meeting of Families. Speakers Lauri Przybysz speaker, RCL Benziger Lauri Przybysz, DMin, is a Catholic Family Life Minister. She offers formation experiences, inspiration for mission, and program materials for Catechists, Parish Ministers, and Parents in the areas of Family Faith, Spirituality, Marriage Enrichment, Healthy Relationships, Ecumenical Families, Missionary Discipleship across the lifespan. She has a Doctor of Ministry from the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, a Master of Arts in Theology from St. Mary’s Seminary and University Ecumenical Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, and a Master of Science in Religious Education from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Venue - TBA 23 of 40 Desde el Aposento Alto hacia el Camino de Emaús, hacia los Hogares de Fe: Pequeñas Comunidades Cristianas y Discipulado de decisiones Session C Las Pequeñas Comunidades Cristianas están entre las formas más eficaces para hacer crecer y enriquecer la fe del pueblo. Ya sea basadas en la liturgia, centradas en la Biblia, o desarrolladas para mejorar la vida diaria, las Pequeñas Comunidades Cristianas tienen la capacidad de mejorar la vida de fe de cada parroquia, así como las de cada uno de sus miembros. Hace muchos años las parroquias de la costa este de nuestra diócesis formaron la Alianza Costa Espacial de Pequeñas Comunidades Cristianas y han estado apoyando efectivamente los hogares de fe en el camino de discipulado desde entonces. Grace Young liderará un panel de líderes de la Alianza para compartir sus experiencias. Contará con recursos en español incluyendo el Misal Dominical y Comentarios del Padre Tobin y prácticas eficaces con el objetivo de ayudar a desarrollar oportunidades para las Pequeñas Comunidades Cristianas a través de la Diócesis de Orlando. Speakers Grace Young Small Christian Communities, Our Saviour Catholic Church Grace Young pertenece a la Parroquia Our Saviour en Cocoa Beach. Ella fue uno de los primeros feligreses que se incorporó a la pequeña misión hace más de 60 años. Grace ha servido en la parroquia en distintos ministerios permitidos a una mujer laica. Nació en Costa Rica por lo que con frecuencia utiliza su lengua vernácula, el español, para el ministerio. Ella está enamorada de las pequeñas comunidades, fue la que inició el primer grupo hispano en la parroquia hace casi 20 años atrás y ha servido como instrumento para asegurar la traducción de todos los materiales. Venue - Room 506 Bishop Dorsey Building El mundo de la tecnología a disposición de su Ministerio. Gratis. Session C El uso de las plataformas web, aplicaciones mobiles que ayudan a mantener conectados a los miembros de su grupo y de las parroquias. Descubra el nuevo mundo de las apps y como estas son una gran utilidad hoy día. Speakers Tomas Evans Director of Hispanic Ministry, Diocese of Orlando Tomás Evans nació en Santiago de Chile es el actual Director del Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Orlando. En 2005 él se une a la Diócesis de Orlando y fundó el periódico católico El Clarín, que circulaba como un inserto de los medios seculares más importantes de la Florida central, llegando alcanzar más 50,000 copias llevando el mensaje de evangelización y las buenas noticas de la Iglesia. Se graduó en el año 2008 el ministerio eclesial de laicos de la diócesis. Un programa de formación intenso. Es catequista certificado desde el año 2009. Tomás está enamorado de la Lectio Divina como un método de oración con las Sagradas Escrituras. Le fascina compartir las experiencias con otros y le apasiona enseñar el sentido de la fe en el mundo moderno Bajo el liderazgo del obispo Noonan fundó a la Academia Inmaculada concepción la iniciativa de formación para adultos en español que ofrece continuar formación católica en un sistema de módulos. Desde el 2005 es el anfitrión y en personalidad del aire del programa institucional de Buena Nueva FM "Conversando", donde se analiza todo el acontecer, con un toque de alegría, sano sentido del humor. Junto a su esposa Beatriz ha compartido hace 26 años son los orgullosos padres de Geraldine y Christopher y ambos disfrutan de los momentos más hermosos de los nietos Isabella y Julian. Venue - Room 619 Valenzuela Building Engaging the Middle School Leaner Session C The session will discuss how to engage the middle school learner. Examples will include content, activities, discussion topics, etc... Because learning about our faith is often construed by a middle school learner as "boring", this session will provide ideas and examples of ways to make learning about our faith fun and meaningful for the middle school learner. To accomplish this, the session will discuss the learning and maturational differences between 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Speakers Kelly Hardisty , Good Shepherd Catholic School Kelly Hardisty has been teaching and engaging her middle school students in Middle School Religion classes at Good Shepherd Catholic School since 2006. She is the director of the Altar Serving Ministry at St. James Cathedral. She is a graduate of St. James Cathedral School, Bishop Moore Catholic High School and the University of Florida. Venue - Room 110 Loretta Hall 24 of 40 Families of Faith Begin At Home: Catechizing Parenting Skills from the Parish Session C Identify ways to support families better through ministry; explore good parenting techniques for different situations, settings, and family systems. Share ideas to help connect families to the parish and ways for the parish to engage and support families. Speakers Dave and Kay Nowak Kay and Dave have been married 39 years. In that time, they have been nurtured and groomed by many amazing mentors and programs. They started working with engaged couples in 1980 in the Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio. The Nowaks helped with the Cleveland Pre Cana program and were one of the couples selected for the first Cleveland Diocesan Evaluation of Marriage engaged couple mentoring program (similar to the FOCCUS process). In 1993, they began working as FOCCUS ministers here in the Diocese of Orlando. They spent seven years as part of the Marriage Encounter team in Central Florida and, in that time, served two years as area coordinators with Fr. Chris Hoffman for Worldwide Marriage Encounter of Central Florida. They have supported the Pre-Cana program for the Diocese of Orlando for the last ten years, a role they say helps to keep their mature relationship young at heart. Venue - Room 600 Bishop Dorsey Building Human Trafficking Session C Pope Francis has condemned human trafficking, calling it a crime against humanity, an open wound on the body of contemporary society, and a scourge upon the Body of Christ. Most people think of trafficking in the context of girls being abducted in a foreign country and then forced into prostitution. Although this does take place, the reality is that human trafficking is happening right here in our communities to our children. Human trafficking is modern-day slavery which involves the exploitation of persons for commercial sex or forced labor through corrosion, manipulation and threats – And Florida has the third highest reported cases in the United States. Come and learn more about human trafficking, the fight against this terrible sin, the warning signs, and how you can become involved in eliminating human trafficking. Speakers Deacon David Gray Director of Permanent Diaconate, Diocese of Orlando Deacon Dave was ordained a deacon on June 11, 2005 and is currently the Director of the Permanent Diaconate for the Diocese of Orlando. As the director, he is responsible for the diaconate community of more than 200 deacons, the diaconate formation program, and he is the Coordinator for the Ministry to the Incarcerated and the Fight Against Human Trafficking. Deacon Dave is assigned to the Cathedral of Saint James in downtown Orlando. Dave and his family have roots in Orlando Florida where they grew up – attending Catholic School at Saint Andrew parish in Pine Hills. Deacon Dave is married to his wife Christeen (Chris) of 41 years; they have two daughters both married and three grandchildren. Deacon Dave spent 20 years in the United States Air Force between 1974 and 1994 and worked in industry as an Accountant and Contracts/Procurement Manager before he became the Director of the Diaconate in 2008. Dave loves playing the guitar/ singing, woodworking, and spending time with the family. His ministries include scripture study, Sacramental Preparation, prison ministry, working with the homeless and visitations to the elderly or those who are sick. Venue - Room 617 Bishop Dorsey Building I'm leading a Prayer Service next week! What do I do now? Session C What do you do when you are called upon to lead a group of adults or children in public prayer? What are the qualities of a good presider? Come to this workshop for practical tips on how to lead others in prayer. Speakers Sandra Dooley Sandra Dooley is a retired liturgy director and former director of the Office for Worship in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. She currently lives in Winter Park, FL with her husband. Sandy teaches and facilitates a variety of liturgy workshops in the diocese of Orlando. She is the author of A Guide to Catholic Weddings: Q & A for Couples, soon to be published by Liturgy Training Publications. Venue - Room 306 Bishop Grady Building 25 of 40 L' Evangélisation, témoignage quotidien du vrai disciple Session C L'Evangélisation par la parole, les gestes, l'action, la réaction, le comportement, le témoignage quotidien du vrai disciple. Speakers Wilfrid J. Tilus Wilfrid J. Tilus est né à Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Parossien de Ste Catherine de Sienne, Kissimmee depuis 2005, il a co-présidé le Concile paroissial de Ste Catherine. Il est membre du comité des vocations et s'occupe aussi de la formation de la foi. Wilfrid est Ministre de communion, lecteur et membre de la chorale. Il vient d'achever sa deuxième année de formation comme diacre. Venue - Room 604 Bishop Dorsey Building La alegría evangélica: Repensar y re-imaginar la catequesis y la evangelización a la luz del pensamiento del Papa Francisco Session C Este taller se centra en los nuevos paradigmas de evangelización a la luz de las enseñanzas del Papa Francisco en sus cartas a los catequistas de Buenos Aires y del documento de Aparecida. Se explora el impacto que estos documentos han de tener en la catequesis. Esta nueva forma de catequesis y evangelización debe alcanzar a aquéllos que buscan un encuentro personal con Jesucristo. Este nuevo método hace hincapié en los aspectos comunitarios de la catequesis para proveer vivencias que reaviven la fe. Speakers Dr Francisco Castillo Senior Editor and Multicultural Specialist, RCL Benziger Dr. Francisco Castillo, worked for 13 years as a Catholic educator and Campus Minister. He is a member of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States, and a member of the National Hispanic Institute of Liturgy. His professional interests include Catholic social doctrine, liturgical and theological aesthetics, liberation theology, U.S. Hispanic/Latino(a) theology, comparative religion, religion and film and cultural identity. He is also a writer and poet, his first book of poetry is titled Mis Primeros Poemas. Venue - Room 304 Bishop Borders Building La Familia en la Historia de la Iglesia Session C Speakers Juan Carlos Hernández Juan Carlos Hernández, nació en Honduras y emigró a Nueva York a los 16 años donde residió por 19 años junto con su familia. En la ciudad de Nueva York se graduó de Bachillerato en Arquitectura de la Universidad de City College. Luego obtuvo una Maestría en Formación Religiosa para Adultos en la Universidad Jesuita de Fordham. Del año 1992 a 1994 fue Sub-coordinador y luego fue coordinador de los jóvenes hispanos de la Renovación Católica Carismática de la Diócesis de Nueva York. De 1994 al 2003 se desempeñó como miembro de la facultad del Instituto Bíblico y de Formación Pastoral donde impartió cursos de Historia de la Iglesia, Eclesiología, Sacramentos, Biblia, Cristología, Mariología, Justicia Social de la Iglesia. En ese mismo tiempo participó e impartió talleres, vigilias, conferencias y retiros para la Renovación Católica Hispana de Nueva York. En el año 2004 Juan Carlos se muda junto con su esposa de 17 años y sus dos hijas a la ciudad de Winter Garden y a su nueva parroquia de la Resurrección, donde ese mismo año comienza a impartir clases sobre la Biblia y formación Bautismal a la comunidad hispana. A nivel Diocesano contribuyó a formar el ministerio de evangelización Filli Domini. Del 2006 al 2008 es nombrado coordinador de la formación religiosa de la Renovación Católica Hispana de Orlando. En el 2007 pasó a ser miembro de la facultad de formación pastoral de la oficina de asuntos Hispanos. En el 2009 es nombrado coordinador de la campaña por la vida durante la cuaresma. En este momento continúa impartiendo clases de Biblia en su parroquia y predicando en diferentes círculos de oración de la Renovación Carismática Católica. Venue - Room 109 Loretta Hall 26 of 40 Ministering to Adults Who Are Grieving Session C Understanding grief – the myths, variables, common reactions and symptoms of complicated grief. Identifying emotional, spiritual and physical effects and ways to support them in reconciling their needs. Speakers Sally Kopke, B.S. Sally Kopke, BS is a Mental Health Counselor and has served as Community Outreach Director for Baldwin-Fairchild since 1988. She offers a variety of educational seminars for professionals and the community at large as well as coordinates Baldwin's annual special events; ie Memorial Day Service, Christmas Candle Lights, Clergy Appreciation. Sally and her husband Vic have two grown children and reside in Winter Park. Venue - Room 102 Loretta Hall Modeling the Holy Family of Nazareth Session C This shall focus on identifying how each member of the Holy Family actively displayed discipleship in action as individuals, as family and as members of their faith community. It will mirror parental responsibilities and the responsibility of children toward mutual holistic growth and for the overall benefit of the family and the larger community of faith. Speakers Rev. Emmanuel Akalue Parochial Administrator, Coord. for the African Catholic Community, Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Father Emmanuel Akalue hails from Nigeria, West Africa. He is second in the line of 10 children. After completing the prerequisite studies for the priesthood, he was ordained a priest on August 20, 1994. He earned a Master’s Degree in Theology with specialization in Catechetics from the Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. He has served in several parishes of the Diocese of Orlando since 2004. Presently, he is the Parochial Administrator of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Palm Bay. He is also the Coordinator for the African Catholic Community in Orlando Diocese. Finally, Fr Emmanuel features weekly on Divine Mercy Radio – 920AM, Melbourne, where he tackles issues related to the New Evangelization and New Catholic Apologetics, toward rebuilding Christ’s Church by rebuilding the minds of God’s People with the Word of God. Venue - Room 618 Bishop Dorsey Building Pedagogía catequética: estilos de aprendizaje! Session C Enseñar Ia fe a otros requiere de un método. Jesús es el modele por excelencia como el gran Pedagogo de Ia fe. En este taller aprenderemos a partir de Ia Escritura y el modelo de Jesús a como compartir Ia fe y Ia enseñanza cristiana católica con los demás. Somos catequistas y requerimos de una metodología divina y humana para poder descubrir las maneras particulares bajos las cuales las demás personas aprenden en Ia catequesis. Speakers Gerardo "lalo" Salazar Director Associado - Formacion de Catequistas y Liderazgo Catequético Hispano, Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston México-americano, originario de Los Ángeles, California y San Luis Potosí, México. Está casado por 12 años con Nancy y es padre de 5 hijos (Camille de 4 años, Paola de 3 años, Chiara de 2 años, Matías tendría 1 y Gianna recién nacida). Hijo de padres campesinos migrantes y de familia muy numerosa con 13 hermanos. Su madre lo consagró desde muy temprana edad a San Gerardo cuyo nombre significa “Espada de Dios” y a la Virgen del Carmen. Tiene una Licenciatura en Periodismo y Comunicaciones, una Maestría en Teología y Ministerio y actualmente está cursando su Doctorado en Ministerio Hispano. Es catequista y músico. Su pasión es la evangelización y formación en los medios de comunicación. Es el Director Asociado para la formación de catequistas y líderes catequéticos hispanos en la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston en Texas. Su proceso de conversión comenzó en mayo del 2007 a los pies del Santuario Nacional de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves en Belleville, Illinois. Venue - Room 308 Bishop Grady Building 27 of 40 Philippians 4: The Essential Toolbox for any Catechist Session C How does a catechist create the ideal environment for their students? The answers are right at your fingertips! Join us as we break open Paul's letter to the Philippians and discover practical ways to create a classroom environment that is based on relational ministry and helps instill in every student a sense of sacredness. Speakers Marie Gallo-Lethcoe Consultant, Director of Mission Effectiveness and Teacher, Sadlier Company and Fr. Lopez Catholic High School Marie Gallo-Lethcoe is a wife and mother who has worked for the Diocese of Orlando for the past 30 years. Currently, she is the Director of Mission Effectiveness and teacher at Father Lopez Catholic High School in Daytona Beach, Florida. Marie is also a consultant for the William H. Sadlier Company and a facilitator for the Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation at the University of Dayton. Marie is a well-known speaker throughout the Diocese of Orlando and has done retreats and presentations throughout the country. She has a Masters Degree in Theology with a concentration in Scripture from the University of Dayton. Venue - Room 302 Bishop Border Building Preventing Burnout Session C Being a Disciple in Action is exciting and rewarding, however, the balance between work, personal, and family life can become difficult over time. This often leads to Ministry Burnout. We will discuss the differences between stress and burnout, how to recognize signs of burnout, and how to implement strategies to avoid and manage burnout. Speakers Regina Boyd, M.A., LMHC Father Lopez Catholic High School Regina Boyd is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. She has provided Home-Based Family Therapy and crisis intervention to youth struggling with mental illness. Regina currently works at Father Lopez Catholic High School providing emotional and behavioral assistance to the student body and their families. She also works in private practice. Regina is a LifeTeen alumna who is grateful for the youth ministers who impacted her life during high school. She currently volunteers as a Core Team member for the Youth Group at her parish and has been happily married for almost 6 years. Venue - Room 606 Bishop Dorsey Building Responding to the call of Welcoming the Stranger Session C Catholic Charities provides hope and opportunity to 175 refugees a year through the Refugee Resettlement Program. Learn more about the refugee communities who now call Orlando home and discover how your parish or ministry can become involved in responding to the gospel message of welcoming the stranger. Speakers Jennifer Powers Refugee Resettlement Coordinator, Catholic Charities of Central Florida For the past three years, Jennifer Powers has been the manager of the refugee resettlement program at Catholic Charities of Central Florida. She helps clients from around the world find a secure, permanent home in the Orlando area. She holds a Master's degree in Social Work from the University of Central Florida. As a member of Good Shepherd parish, she has been a extraordinary minister of holy communion. Her passion is working with kids in the Dominican Republic, where she has travelled on mission for the past 7 years. She is married and has two teenage children. Venue - Room 607 Bishop Dorsey Building 28 of 40 Retos de la Familia Cristina en el Mundo de Hoy Session C La sociedad moderna plantea desafíos los cuales retan la expresión de los sacramentos en las familias cristianas. A través de esta presentación se mostrara la realidad y el peligro que constituyen estos desafíos a nuestra Fe Católica. Speakers Deacon Felix and Digna Montañez Deacon and Social Worker, Pastoral Ministers, St. Augustine Catholic Church Deacon Felix Montañez and his wife Digna, Clinical Social Worker, has been married for 31 years. Deacon Felix was ordained in the Diocese of Orlando by Bishop Thomas Wenski on June 2007. He offers ministerial services at St. Augustine Parish in Casselberry. They were both commissioned as Pastoral Ministers by the Lay Ministry Office of the Diocese of Orlando in May 2003. Deacon Felix completed his Clinical Pastoral Education at the Orlando Health and is certified by the Association of Professional Conservative Chaplains. He works as a Chaplain for Vitas Hospice and offers volunteer services to the Orange County Sheriff Department since 2007. Digna completed her Masters’ Degree at University of Central Florida and she offers her services as a Counselor and Therapist to individuals, couples and families at Dreamline Counseling Services. Deacon Felix and Digna are Auxiliaries and Members of the Advisory Board of Renovación Conyugal, an Association of the Faithful which is dedicated to support and enrich marriage couples in the Diocese of Orlando since 2003. Venue - Room 412 Bishop Dorsey Buiding Sharing the Good News through Social Media Session C God is doing incredible things in and through your ministries. Discover ways in which you can utilize Social Media to share the good news of your ministry and evangelizing the community in the process. Discuss other avenues for evangelization through technology as well. Speakers Amanda Livermore Director of Mission Effectiveness, Bishop Moore Catholic High School Amanda Livermore is the Director of Mission Effectiveness for Bishop Moore Catholic High School. In this role, she identifies, enhances, and articulates the Catholic Identity of the school on campus and out within the community. She has worked for the Diocese of Orlando for ten years, serving in Campus Ministry, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, and with the Mission Office. Amanda has been married for 13 years and has two wonderful children, Isabel and Sammy. Venue - Room 608 Bishop Dorsey Building Teaching the Miracles of Christ Session C Jesus’ miracles are use in every textbook series. Would you like to be able to present the miracles so that both children and adults are able to grasp the miracles’ significance and perceive the Gospel truth? This workshop, which is design those teaching grades 4 up and RCIA, will provide the catechist with these tools. Speakers Gloria Reinhardt-Majerus Catechetical Consultant / Presenter, Our Sunday Visitor Gloria Reinhardt Majerus received her Master's in Religious Studies from Boston College. She has worked in Religious Education at the parish, school and diocesan levels. Her positions have included: Associate Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Wilmington, DE; Diocesan Coordinator of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Richmond, VA; Religion Department Chairperson for a Catholic High School; Director of Religious Education in three parishes, Pastoral Associate, Director of Adult Faith Formation, Campus Minister, Human Sexuality trainer and Retreat Director. Gloria participated in the Echoes of Faith project co-authored “The Person of the Catechist” and was a contributing author for the first module “Getting Started”. She has given workshops and keynote presentations throughout the country. Presently Gloria is a Catechetical Consultant/presenter for Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division. Venue - Room 307 Bishop Grady Building 29 of 40 Tráfico humano Session C ¿Qué es la Esclavitud de hoy en día? Diferencia entre “tráfico” y “trata” ¿Cuán prevaleciente es la esclavitud de hoy en día? ¿Dónde existe la esclavitud de hoy en día? ¿Podría ocurrir en Estados Unidos también? ¡La esclavitud existe en nuestro estado de la Florida! Esclavitud en nuestra comunidad Noticias recientes ¿Qué señales debemos observar? ¿Dónde llamar? ¿Por qué todavía existe la esclavitud? ¿Por qué debo preocuparme? ¿Qué puedo hacer? Prevención y compromiso activo ¡La trata de personas Trata para sexo Trata de menores para sexo Trata para trabajo forzado Servicio doméstico involuntario Trabajo forzado de niños La trata de personas se esconde detrás de diferentes máscaras ¿Qué podemos hacer? ¿Qué yo puedo hacer? Speakers Aurelio Maldonado Aurelio Maldonado, currently a Project Manager for Veterans Healthcare Administration, has more than 37 years of professional experience in Program/Project Management, Education including 22 plus years of active military service in the US Army. Aurelio holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Project Management from Colorado Technical University and is currently enrolled in a Master Level Project Management Certificate Program from Washington University. Aurelio’s significant previous positions of great trust and responsibility included serving as a Senior Enlisted Service Member, High School Teacher/Instructor, and Department of Defense Program/Project Management Coordinator. Aurelio’s has certifications in Program/Project Management, Contracting, and Adult Education. For the last six (6) years Aurelio has served the Florida Community through outreach retreats as part of the John XXIII Ministry under the Diocese of Orlando. Recently Aurelio completed the Florida Abolitionist Training Course and is part of the Diocese of Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force He is an active member of Most Precious Blood Catholic Church located in Oviedo Florida. He is married to Mrs. Maribel Maldonado (32 years) and they have two sons ages 31and 27, and a 4 year old Grandson. Venue - Room 113 Loretta Hall We Believe Session C What do we believe? Adolescent Catholics know their faith less than youth of any other major religion. Specially for this generation of visual learners, a dynamic and fresh approach, crammed with video clips and visuals that bring to life every word of the Creed and explain the basics of our faith. Speakers Sal Solo Sal Solo has carved out a special niche in Catholic youth ministry using the MTV language of music, video, and interaction to teach the Catholic faith in a way that words alone cannot. A former UK rock star, he has performed in more than forty countries. He has served as keynoter, emcee, facilitator, and/or planner at hundreds of youth events, including more than 100 diocesan youth rallies and countless parishes, schools, and conferences, making full use of all forms of multimedia. Sal is committed to mentoring, resourcing, and encouraging Catholic teens to be all that God made them to be. He was youth keynoter at Orlando Festival of Faith in 2009 and is one of the top Mega Workshop speakers at NCYC. Venue - Media Center 30 of 40 SESSION D 2:15PM-3:15PM “A Transformação missionária da Igreja” “Eu tenho um sonho”, do Papa Francisco Session D O Papa Francisco desafía todos os cristãos a “uma renovação eclesial inadiável”, e revela o seu sonho: “Sonho com uma opção missionária capaz de transformar tudo, para que os costumes, os estilos, os horários, a linguagem e toda a estrutura eclesial se tornem um canal proporcionado mais à evangelização do mundo atual que à autopreservação.” (A Alegría do Evangelho, N. 27) Speakers Rev. Vincenzo Ronchi, CS Parochial Vicar, Resurrection Catholic Church Fr Vincenzo Ronchi, CS is parochial vicar at Resurrection Catholic Church in Winter Garden.He was born in Italy. In 1984 he became a member of the Missionaries of St. Charles-Scalabrinians, missionaries for migrants.He did his theological studies at the Gregorian University in Rome and was ordained a priest in 1991.He has served Italian, Spanish and Portuguese speaking migrant communities in Canada, Colombia, and the US. Venue - Room 110 Loretta Hall Caring for Mother Earth: Ecological Education and Spirituality Session D Drawing on insights from St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology and Pope Francis’ first encyclical – Laudato Si –“ On the Environment”, we will explore and clarify essential principles for an intelligent and faith based conversation on the challenges facing us today as citizens of planet earth. We will conclude by praying the words of St. Francis’ famous Canticle of the creatures and Pope Francis’ prayers composed for the end of the encyclical. Speakers Rev. A. Giles Schinelli, T.O.R. Pastoral Administrator, San Pedro Center Giles was born and raised in Queens, one of the five boroughs of New York City. He joined the Third Order Regular Franciscans in 1960, professed first vows in 1962, final vows in 1965 and was ordained a priest in 1970. He was educated at the Franciscan Preparatory Seminary in Hollidaysburg, Pa. and at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. There he was awarded a B.A. in Philosophy, a S.T.B. in Theology and a Masters (S.T.L. equivalent) in Theology. He did further graduate studies at CUA in Biology and at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, In. (Liturgy and Theology) and as St. Bonaventure University in Olean, N.Y. (Franciscan Studies). He has taught at both the secondary and college levels, including at James Barry-Robinson High School in Norfolk, Va., Cathedral High School in St. Cloud Minn., Saint Francis University, Loretto Pa. (where, in addition to teaching undergrads, he was Director of the Master’s Degree in Pastoral Ministry Program (1983-1986)) and St. Bonaventure University in Olean N.Y. Giles served in formation and leadership in his religious community: as Director of Novices, Director of Post Novitiate formation and as Minister Provincial. He served twice as Vicar for Religious for the diocese of Altoona Johnstown, Pa. Most recently, he has served as pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish in Altoona, Pa. (1996-2000) and at the Church of St. Gerard in Brooklyn Park, Minn. (2002-2010). He has been a member of Spiritual Directors International for its 20-year history and active in guiding retreats, parish missions and adult faith formation programs. He is also active in the Franciscan community, having served as President of the Franciscan Federation (1994-95) and now as a member of the Federation’s Commission of Charism Services. Currently, he serves, with four other friars, at the San Pedro Center, a Spiritual Development Center for the Diocese of Orlando, Fla. He serves there as a Pastoral Administrator and minister of the local fraternity. Venue - Room 303 Bishop Borders Building 31 of 40 Catholic Signs and Symbols: Relevant, Relational, and Sacred Session D Sign and symbols are the ordinary way we “speak” about the most profound experiences of our lives. Helping families integrate our faith’s symbols and sacramentals into their daily lives is essential. It will help them to deepen their relationship with Christ, strengthen their Catholic identity, and connect them more closely to the liturgy. This workshop will explore the meaning of the primary symbols of the Catholic faith and provide some practical insights into bridging liturgy, catechesis, and family life. Speakers Sabrina Magnuson Associate Publisher, Our Sunday Visitor Sabrina Magnuson comes with a wide range of expertise and experience in catechesis for over twenty years. She has been in catechetical publishing since 2000. Before that Sabrina served on the staff of the USCCB’s Committee on Education and was a founding staff member to the Bishops’ Subcommittee on the Catechism. Her feet-on-the-ground experience involves many ministries including catechist, RCIA team member, liturgical ministry trainer, VBS team member, consultant to national Catholic ministry organizations, and an advisor to Bishop Noonan’s Committee of Catholic Communications. Sabrina is currently Associate Publisher at Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum. She holds a Master of Arts in Liturgical Studies from the Catholic University of America. Sabrina and her husband Erik are the parents of three boys who constantly remind them of the need for faith and prayer. They are members of Most Precious Blood Catholic Church in Oviedo. Venue - Room 302 Bishop Border Building Communities of Salt and Light and Parish Social Ministry Session D We are baptized as a community of faith that supports and promotes the dignity of every person. Through the model of Parish Social Ministry, church communities can integrate the social mission of the Church into every ministry of service, prayer and faith formation. This session will explain how to develop a plan of action to recruit and train disciples Speakers Sabrina Burton-Schultz, Director of Life Ministries, Diocese of St. Petersburg Mrs. Sabrina Burton-Schultz is the Director of the diocesan Office of Life Ministry. This office leads respect life efforts, supervises public policy advocacy, educates for life, peace and justice, and helps Catholics in the Diocese of St. Petersburg engage in Ministries of Mercy. She holds a B.A. in Religious Studies and Psychology from Saint Leo University and a M.A. in Pastoral Ministry from Boston College. She has also earned certificates in Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry from the Center for Ministry Development. Sabrina has been employed in the Diocese of St. Petersburg since 1995. She also serves as the Diocesan Director for Catholic Relief Services and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Venue - Room 616 Bishop Dorsey Building ¿Comó llegó la Biblia hasta nosotros? Session D ¿Quién escogió los libros que fueron incluidos? ¿Qué criterios usaron? ¿Se han añadido o excluido libros a través de la historia? ¿Cuánto tardó en recopilarse toda la Biblia? ¿Estarían los cristianos de los primeros cuatro siglos sin Biblia? Speakers Deacon Jorge García Deacon, Good Shepherd Catholic Chucrch Deacon Jorge García was born to Jorge Luis García García and Igna Carrasquillo on September 29, 1967 and is a native of San Juan, Puerto Rico. He is married to his beautiful wife Monica Marie Garcia who was also born in Puerto Rico on June 16, 1971 whom he met while living in Puerto Rico. Together, they have three children; Emanuel, Valeria and Veronica. At an early age, Deacon Jorge was introduced to the faith by his mother. He attended high school at the American Military Academy. Later, he enrolled at Sacred Heart University with a basketball scholarship and obtained a degree in business administration. In 1992, Deacon Jorge and his wife of more than 22 years married and moved to Orlando. They both have been in ministry since 1999 serving at Good Shepherd in various capacities. Deacon Jorge and Monica completed the Foundations for Lay Ministry Program now known as CLEM and the same year was accepted to pursue diaconal formation after an invitation from Fr. Brian Sheridan, MS. On the 21st day of April he was conferred the degree of Master of Arts in Theology from Saint Leo University. On June 29th 2013, he was ordained by Bishop John Noonan as a Permanent Deacon to serve the Diocese of Orlando. Deacon Jorge currently works as a business manager for Central Florida Investments. Venue - Room 412 Bishop Dorsey Buliding 32 of 40 Companioning with Grieving Children and Teens Session D Focuses on a child’s understanding of death and common responses to grief from a developmental perspective. Identifies ways to support children and teens throughout the grieving process. Speakers Sally Kopke, B.S. Sally Kopke, BS is a Mental Health Counselor and has served as Community Outreach Director for Baldwin-Fairchild since 1988. She offers a variety of educational seminars for professionals and the community at large as well as coordinates Baldwin's annual special events; ie Memorial Day Service, Christmas Candle Lights, Clergy Appreciation. Sally and her husband Vic have two grown children and reside in Winter Park. Venue - Room 102 Loretta Hall Comprehensive Immigration Reform Session D The workshop will cover some basic immigration terminology leading to a discussion of a diocesan wide plan to address the immigration status of over 120,000 undocumented individuals within our diocese should Comprehensive Immigration Reform become a reality. Speakers Noemi Guzmán Immigration Program Coordinator, Catholic Charities of Central Florida Mrs. Noemi Guzman is the Immigration and Refugee Services Program Manager at Catholic Charities of Central Florida, Inc. She holds a Bachelor’s in Science/ Microbiology from the University of Puerto Rico. She is a Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) Fully-Accredited Representative that provides oversight and supervision of all immigration related contracts, specialized programs and immigration staff made up of both Attorneys and BIA Accredited Representatives. She has been providing services at Catholic Charities since September 2001, with over 13 years of experience in Immigration Law. The programs serve over 3,000 individuals of diverse ethnicity per year with cases ranging from relative petitions to removal defense as well as group processing for naturalization applicants. She also provides training and immigration related group presentations within the Diocese of Orlando. Venue - Room 609 Bishop Dorsey Building Comunidades de Sal y Luz y el Ministerio Social Parroquial: Session D Somos bautizados como comunidad de fe que defiende y promueve la dignidad de cada persona. Mediante el modelo de Ministerio Social Parroquial, comunidades dentro de la iglesia integran la misión social de la Iglesia en cada ministerio o servicio, liturgia y formación en la fe. Esta sesión explica cómo desarrollar un plan de acción para reclutar y forma a discípulos. Speakers William Farrand Relationship Manager, CRS Bill Farrand initially joined Catholic Relief Services in 1997 as a Microfinance Technical Advisor, later served as Director of CRS Peru’s microfinance programs and, subsequently, was transferred to Bolivia as CRS Country Representative from 2001 to 2005. Most recently, Bill worked as Regional Director for the Central Florida office of Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Orlando and as Operations Manager for the Small Enterprise Education and Promotion Network in Washington, DC, before returning to CRS as Relationship Manager for Diversity Outreach based in Florida. Bill is fluent in Spanish. Venue - Room 506 Bishop Dorsey Building 33 of 40 De l'institutionnel au mystique Session D La paroisse est une unité territoriale d' un Diocèse, un espace géographique déterminé ou des disciples de Jésus Christ s'y trouvant, partageant la foi catholique, et sous la guidance d'un prêtre, habituellement curé, comme une grande famille, mettent leur foi en action, se rassemblent, écoutent la Parole de Dieu, prient, célèbrent les sacrements vivent la communion fraternelle, interagissent, au moment opportun, au niveau civil, politique, social et économique. Mais la paroisse, lieu d'actualisation et de manifestation du royaume de Dieu, n'est que figure, l'ombre des réalités à venir (Col2,17). Le disciple de Jésus Christ est appelé: concitoyen des saints (Ep2,19). Il aspire à une patrie meilleure (Hb11,16). Sa vie est désormais cachée avec le Christ en Dieu (Col3,3). Il est un étranger et voyageur sur la terre (Hb11,13). Il se sait en tension entre la "Jérusalem actuelle" et celle d'en haut (Ga4, 25-26). Speakers Père Gaetan L. Boursiquot Directeur du Ministère Haitien, Diocèse d'Orlando Père Gaétan Boursiquot, prêtre depuis 34 ans, s' est spécialisé en liturgie à Rome. Il fut Doyen et Recteur du Grand Séminaire. Il est depuis 9 ans Directeur de l' Apostolat Haitien du Diocèse d'Orlando. Père Boursiquot est un passionné de la "Parole de Dieu". Venue - Room 309 Bishop Grady Building Emmaus: The Hidden Pearl of Great Price Jesus--Evangelizing and Catechizing Like Jesus Did Session D In this session we will explore the story of Emmaus and how Jesus gave us a model of evangelization and catechizing that is so effective and has so withstood the test of time, that it has been imitated over and over again--even secular models have discovered its efficacy when it comes to adult learning models. Jesus' own method of catechesis can be used in every parish ministry--even with youth, teens and children. It is a conversioncentered model of catechesis par excellence. Speakers Mary Birmingham Director of Liturgy & Music, Ascension Catholic Church Mary Birmingham is the Director of Liturgy and Music at Ascension Parish in Melbourne, Florida. Mary has a Master's degree in Liturgy and Theology from St. John’s University in Collegeville, MN. She is also a former team member of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. Mary has presented workshops in the area of liturgy, initiation, sacramental and liturgical catechesis. She is also the author of Word and Worship Workbook series [Paulist Press] and Year Round Catechumenate (LTP), Faith, Life and Creed, pastoral, Formed in Faith, Confirming Adult Catholics WLP and Purified and Enlightened-RCIA Sessions for Lent. Venue - Room 607 Bishop Dorsey Building From Teacher of Religion to Maker of Disciples Session D Is our goal to teach religion? Or is our goal to make disciples? At this workshop, let's find out together. Speakers Dan McGowan Director of Faith Formation, Church of the Resurrection Dan McGowan currently serves as the Director of Faith Formation at the Church of the Resurrection in Lakeland, FL. Dan has more than 25 years of experience in this role through his service at several parishes. Dan graduated from Fordham University with a MA in Religious Education. Venue - Room 618 Bishop Dorsey Building 34 of 40 From the Upper Room to the Road to Emmaus, to Households of Faith: Small Christian Communities and Discipleship-making Session D Small Christian Communities are among the most-effective ways to grow and enrich people’s faith. Whether liturgically-based, scripturally-focused, or thematically-developed SCC’s have the ability to enhance every parish’s faith life as well as the individual lives of its members. Parishes on the eastern seaboard of our diocese formed the Space Coast Alliance for Small Christian Communities many years ago and have been effectively supporting households of faith in the journey of discipleship ever since. Laura Dodson will facilitate a panel of Alliance leaders in sharing their experience, resources, and effective practices with the aim of growing Small Christian Communities opportunities throughout the Diocese of Orlando. Speakers Laura Dodson Laura Dodson is a longtime member of Ascension Parish in Melbourne and a passionate advocate for Small Christian Community ministry. She has seen the impact of SCC’s on parish life and on individuals and families. As a catechist, and chief collaborator in the Space Coast Alliance for Small Christian Communities, Laura (with her leadership team) brings expertise, experience, and encouragement. Laura holds Master's degrees in English Literature and Pastoral Ministry, a certificate in Formative Spirituality and writes for our Catholic media. Venue - Room 620 Bishop Dorsey Building Fulfilling my family’s vocation as a Domestic Church Session D Each family has a vocation. Just like the larger Church family (the macrocosm), the individual family (the microcosm) is called to evangelize. To evangelize is to bring the good news into all aspects of the society: Inviting Jesus into our undertakings. The goal here is to challenge the participants to strive to transform their families into models of Christian families truly based on Gospel values. Speakers Rev. Emmanuel Akalue Parochial Administrator, Coord. for the African Catholic Community, Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Father Emmanuel Akalue hails from Nigeria, West Africa. He is second in the line of 10 children. After completing the prerequisite studies for the priesthood, he was ordained a priest on August 20, 1994. He earned a Master’s Degree in Theology with specialization in Catechetics from the Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. He has served in several parishes of the Diocese of Orlando since 2004. Presently, he is the Parochial Administrator of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Palm Bay. He is also the Coordinator for the African Catholic Community in Orlando Diocese. Finally, Fr Emmanuel features weekly on Divine Mercy Radio – 920AM, Melbourne, where he tackles issues related to the New Evangelization and New Catholic Apologetics, toward rebuilding Christ’s Church by rebuilding the minds of God’s People with the Word of God. Venue - Room 611 Bishop Dorsey Building Goldmine: Teaching the Resurrection Narratives Session D The Easter narratives of the Four Evangelists give us a remarkable catechetical enrichment: an opportunity to observe the unique vision of Jesus the Christ in four remarkably distinct accounts of empty tomb discoveries and appearances of Jesus. From Mark’s barebones narrative, which ends with the women at the tomb fleeing in terror, to St. John’s powerful Easter accounts which place the Resurrection, Ascension, and Pentecost all on the same day, the participants will come away with a stronger sense of each Gospel writer’s theology of Jesus as well as a sense of the development of the Christian Church. Participants will receive working outlines for their own reading, teaching, and presentations. Speakers Thomas J. Burns, MA, LMHC DCCP Instructor, Diocese of Orlando In addition to teaching in the DCCP Program of the Diocese of Orlando, I have presented at the annual NCEA Conventions since 2004. I am a licensed psychotherapist in the State of Florida. I enjoy blogging daily on "The Catechist Cafe" at and reviewing theology books on Amazon. I take great pleasure in assisting Catholic adults, and particularly church ministers and educators, develop a passion for theology and religious studies. Venue - Room 604 Bishop Dorsey Building 35 of 40 How to Be *Fit* for Ministry Session D What does fitness have to do with the spiritual life? A lot! Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit so honoring your body is a way of honoring God. The Diocese of Orlando has developed a new app “Faith Fit,” that is unique because it seeks to promote the health of body, mind and soul. Learn how to use the app in your daily life and also as part of your ministry. Plus, learn how the pope’s new encyclical is encouraging each of us to take greater care of our health as a way to show gratitude for the gifts that God has bestowed upon us. This presentation will be multi-media and interactive so bring you smart phones and tablets. Plus, healthy snacks are included! Speakers Liz Wilson Communication Manager, Diocese of Orlando Liz Wilson has been with the Diocese of Orlando for 8 years and has served in the Communications Office since 2012. In her role as Communications Manager, Liz uses new technologies and social media to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. She received her degree in English from Florida State University. Liz attends Annunciation Parish in Altamonte Springs with her husband and 9-month old baby girl. Venue - Room 605 Bishop Dorsey Building How to Welcome and Include Children with Autism in the Church: A Universal Call to Meaningfully Prepare and Include All of God's Children Session D As a Church, we are concerned that all of our families, especially those with children with autism and/or developmental disabilities are welcomed into our faith communities. Deacon Sutton will present a program on catechesis for faith formation and sacramental preparation that was created, field tested, and produced to prepare children wand teens with autism and/or developmental disabilities to enter our Church as prepared as they are able, when they are confirmed. This unique program features Teen Faith Mentors working with the child and teens with autism and other developmental disabilities - the importance of good (and safe) Catholic teen role models will be illustrated. Speakers Deacon Lawrence R. Sutton, PhD Director of Pre-Theology Formation, St. Vincent Seminary Lawrence R. Sutton, Ph.D. is a Deacon in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. He is employed as the Director of Pre-Theology Formation at St. Vincent Seminary as well as a Psychologist for Wesley Spectrum Services. He is the former Psychologist/Manager of the Western Region Office of Bureau of Autism in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He earned his doctoral degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 1980 and has been licensed as a psychologist since 1983.As a Deacon, he developed and has run a Sacramental preparation and religious education program for children/adolescents touched by autism in the Diocese over the past eleven years at the Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church. His primary work over the past fourteen years has been with children and adults touched by autism and worked with Venue - Room 104 Loretta Hall Human Ecology: The Starting Point for a Discussion on Human Dignity and Good Stewardship Session D The greatly anticipated encyclical of Pope Francis, Laudato Si, (Praised Be) raises the visibility of the human person, especially the poor, as a responsibility we all share in maintaining relationships of solidarity with one another and with all of the created universe. Our Catholic social tradition reminds us that we are called to ongoing personal, economic and ecological conversion. Speakers Deborah Stafford Shearer Director of Advocacy and Justice, Diocese of Orlando Deborah currently serves as the Director of Advocacy and Justice for the Diocese of Orlando. For 24 years she has engaged Catholics around the diocese encouraging them to act on their baptismal commitment to social mission and transformation. She has a Master's degree in Education from the University of Central Florida. Venue - Room 306 Bishop Grady Building 36 of 40 Implicaciones Pastorales sobre el sacramento del Matrimonio en el Derecho Canónico Session D Este taller explorará las implicaciones pastorales de los cánones 1055-1060 del Derecho Canónico particularmente en lo que refiere a la vivencia de estas leyes en la vida diaria de la pareja en cuanto a lo que se comprometen delante de Dios y lo que espera la Iglesia que cumplan en su vida de casados. Speakers Rev. José Bautista Pastor, St. Catherine of Siena Nacido en Colombia, cursó estudios de Filosofía en el Seminario Menor de Miami, St John Vianney, Teología en la Universidad Católica de Lovaina, Bélgica, donde obtuvo su Maestría en Estudios Religiosos y Licenciatura en Derecho Canónico. Fue Ordenado para la Diócesis de Orlando en 1991. Sirvió como vicario parroquial en la Parroquia de San Pablo en Daytona Beach, Nuestra Señora de Lourdes en Melbourne y San Francisco de Asís en Apopka. Ocupó el cargo de Director del Ministerio Hispano Diocesano del 2002 al 2006 y de Juez eclesiástico del 2000 at 2006. Desde el 10 de junio de 2003 ejerce como párroco de Santa Catalina de Siena. Venue - Room 113 Loretta Hall Inviting to the Sacrament of Reconciliation Session D Pope Francis and the Year of Mercy: A Call To Reconciliation The Holy Father has called the Church to a year of mercy to foster understanding, instill compassion, and create an environment of reconciliation in our world. Contemplate some of Pope Francis' encyclical teachings that call us to act with mercy and as agents of reconciliation. Examine the history of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and how to integrate these concepts into group prayer. This session will be valuable to catechists and pastoral care ministers alike. Speakers Daniel Ensell Head of the Theology Dept. and Campus Minister, Melbourne Central Catholic High School Daniel Ensell is the head of the Theology Department and Campus Minister at Melbourne Central Catholic High School. He has a B.A. in Theology from Brescia University and an M.A. in Religious Education from Fordham University. Venue - Room 606 Bishop Dorsey Building La Nueva Terra Incognita en la Nueva Evangelización: Alcanzar a los habitantes de los continentes digitales Session D Al explorar documentos de la Iglesia desde el Concilio Vaticano II hasta las más recientes declaraciones papales, este taller trata de entablar una conversación con párrocos, catequistas, maestros y ministros laicos para explorar: • Cómo la Iglesia busca ser más intencional en la tecnología que utiliza• Cómo debe la Iglesia utilizar los nuevos medios sociales de comunicación al servicio de la catequesis y de la evangelización• Cómo la Iglesia debe presentar, celebrar y transmitir la fe a través de los medios• Cómo incorporar la oración, devociones y ritos en formatos digitales Speakers Dr Francisco Castillo Senior Editor and Multicultural Specialist, RCL Benziger Dr. Francisco Castillo, worked for 13 years as a Catholic educator and Campus Minister. He is a member of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States, and a member of the National Hispanic Institute of Liturgy. His professional interests include Catholic social doctrine, liturgical and theological aesthetics, liberation theology, U.S. Hispanic/Latino(a) theology, comparative religion, religion and film and cultural identity. He is also a writer and poet, his first book of poetry is titled Mis Primeros Poemas. Venue - Room 304 Bishop Borders Building 37 of 40 La Sagrada Familia: modelo de evangelización y fidelidad a Dios Session D Speakers Juan Carlos Hernández Juan Carlos Hernández, nació en Honduras y emigró a Nueva York a los 16 años donde residió por 19 años junto con su familia. En la ciudad de Nueva York se graduó de Bachillerato en Arquitectura de la Universidad de City College. Luego obtuvo una maestría en Formación Religiosa para Adultos en la Universidad Jesuita de Fordham. Del año 1992 a 1994 fue Sub-coordinador y luego fue coordinador de los jóvenes hispanos de la Renovación Carismática Católica de la Diócesis de Nueva York. De 1994 al 2003 se desempeñó como miembro de la facultad del Instituto Bíblico y de Formación Pastoral donde impartió cursos de Historia de la Iglesia, Eclesiología, Sacramentos, Biblia, Cristología, Mariología, Justicia Social de la Iglesia. En ese mismo tiempo participó e impartió talleres, vigilias, conferencias y retiros para la Renovación Católica Hispana de Nueva York. En el año 2004 Juan Carlos se muda junto con su esposa de 17 años y sus dos hijas a la ciudad de Winter Garden y a su nueva parroquia de la Resurrección, donde ese mismo año comienza a impartir clases sobre la Biblia y formación Bautismal a la comunidad hispana. A nivel Diocesano contribuyó a formar el ministerio de evangelización Filli Domini. Del 2006 al 2008 es nombrado coordinador de la formación religiosa de la Renovación Católica Hispana de Orlando. En el 2007 pasó a ser miembro de la facultad de formación pastoral de la oficina de asuntos Hispanos. En el 2009 es nombrado coordinador de la campaña por la vida durante la cuaresma. En este momento continúa impartiendo clases de Biblia en su parroquia y predicando en diferentes círculos de oración de la Renovación Carismática Católica. Venue - Room 109 Loretta Hall LIFE Plus: It's a Partnership with Parents Session D Participate in activities, have some fun and learn how the Cathedral parish consistently pulls in a "full house" for LIFE Plus training. LIFE Plus can support parishes in helping their families connect to the World Meeting on Families and Pope Francis' visit to the USA in September. Activities emphasize parents as the primary educators of their children and their membership in their domestic church. Speakers Rene Jones and Mary Jane Sevick Director of Religious Education and Educational Consultant, St. James Cathedral Renee Jones: Catechetical Leader at St. James Cathedral, Orlando. 15 years of experience in family-based catechesis. Coordinator of intergenerational preparation for sacraments. Mary Jane Sevick: 35 years of catechetical experience at St. James Cathedral, Orlando. Retired educator and administrator for OCPS. Educational consultant and curriculum developer. Venue - Room 308 Bishop Grady Building Mary and the Saints, Mirror and Models Session D Mary and the Saints, like a mirror, reflect God. They model our response to God. Bring the story of your patron saint to share. Learn church teaching of Mary, both traditional and modern. "Mary is a woman who loves. How could it be otherwise?" - Pope Benedict XVI, God Is Love--Deus Caritas Est: Encyclical Letter Speakers Rev. David Scotchie Pastor, Most Precious Blood Catholic Church Fr. David Scotchie currently serves as pastor of Most Precious Blood Church in Oviedo. He was previously the founding pastor of Saint Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church. He has a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from the Aquinas Institute of Theology, a Master of Science in Management from UCF, and Master of Divinity and Master of Arts from St. Meinrad School of Theology. He was ordained in 1993 for the Diocese of Orlando. Venue - Room 311 Bishop Grady Building 38 of 40 MiPod Speak Session D In recent years, the Internet has changed the way we live and the way we talk. Many adults fear the dangers of the Internet, or even use of technology in general, and many teens are simply unaware of the danger zones. With the use videos, illustrations, and songs, this session is GUARANTEED to navigate the tech world of the 21st century in a new and interactive way, and explore where our faith fits in. Speakers Sal Solo Sal Solo has carved out a special niche in Catholic youth ministry using the MTV language of music, video, and interaction to teach the Catholic faith in a way that words alone cannot. A former UK rock star, he has performed in more than forty countries. He has served as keynoter, emcee, facilitator, and/or planner at hundreds of youth events, including more than 100 diocesan youth rallies and countless parishes, schools, and conferences, making full use of all forms of multimedia. Sal is committed to mentoring, resourcing, and encouraging Catholic teens to be all that God made them to be. He was youth keynoter at Orlando Festival of Faith in 2009 and is one of the top Mega Workshop speakers at NCYC. Venue - Media Center Prácticas de Lectio Divina Session D Ejercicios de lectura, meditación, oración, contemplación y acción basados en la Lectio Divina que le ayudará a entender más profundamente las Sagradas Escrituras. Speakers Rev. Esau García Pastor, Holy Cross Catholic Church P. Esaú N. García fue ordenado sacerdote en el año 1987 por el Papa Juan Pablo II. STL de la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana. Es párroco de la Parroquia Holy Cross desde el año 2003. Venue - St Charles Hall Prayer and Worship with Adolescents Session D "Prayer is the habit of being in the presence of the thrice-holy God and in communion with Him." CCC #2565 How can we effectively connect adolescents with their God both within our gathering times and outside of them? This workshop will give practical ways of praying with middle and high school aged youth, and encouraging them to pray well when they are not within our four walls. Speakers Maggie McGowan Director of Youth Ministry, Church of the Resurrection Maggie McGowan is a veteran Youth Minister with over 25 years of experience. She is currently serving at Resurrection Catholic Church and School in Lakeland, FL. Maggie is married, has three sons, and the new pride of her life is her granddaughter Eloise. Venue - Room 617 Bishop Dorsey Building Retreats, Reflections, and Righteous Fun... Practical Practices for a Vibrant Youth Ministry Session D The course will offer participants easy to use ideas to enhance youth ministry in today's world. Speakers Rick Grinstead Youth Minister and Campus Minister, St. Peter Catholic Church and Stetson University Rick Grinstead is a local Youth Minister at Saint Peter Parish in DeLand and Campus Minister at Stetson University. He has served as the Catholic Campus Minister at Stetson since 2007 and has been serving in youth ministry since 1997. Rick is a nationally known speaker and presenter and has a passion for College Ministry. Venue - Room 619 Valenzuela Building 39 of 40 Roots and Wings - Teens transitioning into young adulthood Session D This workshop focuses on ministry to those who are transitioning from high school into college/young adulthood. Participants will explore trends in this 'age of indifference" and discuss ways to inspire teens to a more meaningful adulthood. Speakers Amanda Livermore Director of Mission Effectiveness, Bishop Moore Catholic High School Amanda Livermore is the Director of Mission Effectiveness for Bishop Moore Catholic High School. In this role, she identifies, enhances, and articulates the Catholic Identity of the school on campus and out within the community. She has worked for the Diocese of Orlando for ten years, serving in Campus Ministry, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, and with the Mission Office. Amanda has been married for 13 years and has two wonderful children, Isabel and Sammy. Venue - Room 600 Bishop Dorsey Building What’s your purpose? How to create a Personal Mission Statement Session D A mission statement is a brief, succinct and focused statement of purpose. Jesus’ left us with the mission to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, care for the sick and visit the imprisoned. What is your role in this mission? Just as organizations have mission statements that provide direction, individuals also must have a personal mission statement. In this workshop we will discuss how to develop a personal mission statement that can be used to initiate, evaluate, and refine all of life’s activities. Speakers Denise Kriscunas Director of Faith Formation, Blessed Sacramet Denise is the Director of Faith Formation and Liturgy at Blessed Sacrament Parish, Clermont. She is a graduate from Loyola University New Orleans and has over 20 years’ experience as a trainer with Walt Disney World. She is currently facilitating the Loyola LIM program and several DCCP classes. Venue - Room 411 Bishop Grady Building Why Do We Have to Learn This? - Making the Case for Context when Referencing Scripture Session D The question for “why” one should learn a particular subject is asked by every child at one point in his or her lifetime. There are several reasons for why she or he may ask, but at its core, the question is asked when a child fails to see the significance of the subject for their lives. When dealing with the subject of Scripture, the answer to the question must go beyond devotional reasons. We will explore real life examples of Scripture being used and abused, how this is potentially dangerous (both religiously and secularly), and why proper context is key to the Church’s mission. Speakers Michael Geelan Theology Teacher, Bishop Moore Catholic High School Michael Geelan holds a Masters of Arts in Theological Studies from the University of Dayton and has been employed as a Theology teacher at Bishop Moore Catholic High School for 11 years. He has utilized digital technology to collaborate with Catholic schools in Australia in a project entitled “Global Church Project” and is a three time winner of the Diocese of Orlando’s “Light of Faith” award. He has also served as an instructor in the Diocesan Catechist Certification Program (DCCP) for the past 7 years. Venue - Teal Twin Lab Bishop Dorsey Building Young Adults: Engaging Millennials in their Faith Session D Discussion on the mission and purpose of young adult ministry and how to engage young adults besieged by the current culture. Speakers Kimmy Zeiler Director of Youth Ministry, Diocese of Orlando Kimberly (Kimmy) Zeiler is an alumna of both the University of Central Florida and Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. At Franciscan University, she received an MA in Theology and worked as a full time Residence Director/Campus Minister. As a Residence Director, Kimmy lived with 185 college students, intentionally discipled 5-10 student leaders per year, assisted with the formation of numerous other student workers/volunteers, and was a first-responder to various crises. Kimmy hopes to share her lived experience in young adult ministry to provide a practical discussion on engaging millenials in their faith. Venue - Room 307 Bishop Grady Building 40 of 40