GWTA 1 September 2009 Touring News
GWTA 1 September 2009 Touring News
GWTA 1 September 2009 Touring News GWTA 2 September 2009 Touring News Touring News September 2009 Volume XXIII, No.9 (USPS-011-789) Advertisers On the Cover: Add-On...........................................................................29 AIM.................................................................................21 Americade.......................................................................17 ARAI Helmets................................................................36 Big Bike Parts...................................................................6 Cartier.............................................................................21 Chrome Crazy.................................................................21 Lawrenceville Honda...................................................... 11 Leesure Lite...................................................................... 5 Markel American Insurance Company.............................7 Motel 6............................................................................31 RAM Mounting Systems..................................................2 Neosho............................................................................12 Powerlet..........................................................................31 RoadRUNNER................................................................31 ThEngraver.....................................................................25 Tour King........................................................................21 The 2009 Living Logo photo was taken during Gold Rush XXII in Lexington, KY on the beautiful grounds of the Keeneland Thoroughbred racetrack. Departments Chairman of the Board........................................ 8 Education & Retention........................................ 4 Executive Director.............................................. 6 Family of the Year............................................. 17 Helping Hands.................................................. 17 Rider Education...........................................28-29 GWTA Resource Center Board of Directors Election Ballot...................................8 Classified Ads.................................................................21 Gold Rush XXIII Registration........................................20 GWTA Business Members................................................5 GWTA Membership Application....................................10 Living Logo Order Information......................................19 Region A RaveNRide.................................................32-33 In Every Issue Chapter Listings...........................................22-25 Cross-Eyed Crossroads................................34-35 Honda Tech..................................................30-31 Rides & Rallies Across the Regions............26-27 Welcome New Members..................................... 5 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm GWTA National Office P.O. Box 42403 Indianapolis, IN 46242 800-960-4982 (317)243-6822 [email protected] [email protected] Features Along the Road................................................. 16 Region C Feature.........................................18-19 RV Education 101............................................... 9 Contributions and photos... are welcomed but not guaranteed to be published, whether solicited or unsolicited. All articles must be typewritten and e-mailed or provided on disk with program specified. Contributions become the property of GWTA and will not be returned to source. Reprints authorized when full credit is given. All articles subject to revision without notice and may be edited for content and language. GWTA, Editor and Publisher alike are not responsible for validity of content of the advertising copy in the magazine. Photos used in the magazine cannot be returned. The magazine is printed in the United States of America. Send articles, photos & changes to: Touring News Magazine, 2415 Director’s Row Suite K Indianapolis, IN 46241 Email: [email protected] Canadian Members: Beginning April 1, 2009 an additional payment of $40 USD is required annually in order to receive Touring News Magazine. This additional fee exclusively covers the extra postage required to mail Touring News to Canada. Touring News is published monthly for Gold Wing Touring Association (GWTA) in the United States of America. The known office of publication is GWTA, 2415 Director’s Row, Suite K, Indianapolis, IN 46241. $39 of the annual membership dues go toward a one-year subscription to GWTA’s Touring News Magazine; however, the subscription cannot be deducted from dues. Postmaster: Send address changes to: GWTA, P.O. Box 42403, Indianapolis, IN 46242-0403. Periodicals Postage Paid in Indianapolis, Indiana and at additional mailing offices. GWTA 3 September 2009 Touring News When we were at Goldrush in July, we had an opportunity to talk with lots of members – both seasoned and still wet behind the ears. We love the opportunity to get new perspectives, and to also build on the knowledge and experience of members who have been in GWTA since the early years. From our tenured members, the conversations nearly always veered to the way things were when they were first getting active, and how they have lost touch with many members over the years. From the newer members, our conversations were about the programs we have today, how things work, and how things could be improved. We heard from one member at one of our seminars, however, that said something that really stuck with me. He mentioned that, while retention of our membership is certainly important, in the long run, recruiting is where our association will see the most growth. I thought about that all the way home. He is absolutely right! We know that members will leave GWTA, and for a variety of reasons. Perhaps their interests have changed and now they are more active in camping, or quilting, or Tinker-Toy competitions. We all have different interests and hobbies, and they change over time. We also know that, because our interests change, there are new people every day that are looking at getting into touring on a motorcycle. What are you doing to be prepared to talk about GWTA to prospective members? It is, indeed, up to each one of us to find other motorcyclists who are looking for something like GWTA, and just haven’t heard about us. (Perish the thought!!!) Recruiting does not have to be a major effort. There are lots of things that you can do that take just a few minutes to prepare. Here’s a list of a few things to think about: 1. Always carry GWTA membership applications with you. We have them in the trunk of the motorcycles, of course, but we have some in our four-wheeled vehicles too. 2. Carry a business card with your GWTA chapter and contact information. When you are out and about running errands and spot a motorcycle that you don’t recognize as belonging to the club, write a quick invitation to the next club gathering on the back of the card and tuck it somewhere on the dash of the bike. The worst that will happen is that they will throw it away. GWTA 3. Consider creating a chapter logo, deciding on a color, and having all chapter members wear like polo or t-shirts at all meetings, dinner runs or other gatherings. If not a chapter shirt, consider a vest, hat, or some other identifier that has the GWTA logo prominently displayed. This is great free advertising for your chapter and the organization. 4. Post the chapter information and an open invitation on a bulletin board at the local motorcycle shop. Perhaps you can work with the shop so that they are willing to put promotional materials about GWTA and the chapter in the trunk of any new motorcycle they sell. Can’t hurt to ask! Actually, why limit it to motorcycle shops – post them on bulletin boards at work, too. 5. Participate in local events as a group – with the chapter colors, of course! Maybe there’s a parade in a nearby small town, or a car and motorcycle show being hosted by a local dealer. While this idea may take a little more effort to coordinate, it should prove to be lots of fun for you as well as the rest of the folks who came to see the event. 6. When hosting a fun run, post your flyers all around town, and talk to any non-GWTA members who show up about this wonderful organization. There are certainly many, many more methods. Have a website with your chapter information – many folks search the Internet for motorcycle clubs in their area. Our chapter has picked up several wonderful new members that way. If no one in your chapter has the skills, perhaps someone knows someone who does. Perhaps your chapter schedules a day in the springtime or early summer for a motorcycle show, or even a simple ‘show and shine.’ There are many businesses that would be willing to cordon off a section of their parking lot for your bikes, at no charge, because it brings in business through their doors, too. The point is, while there is a range of things to do for recruiting, from low-cost, simple things up to projects that take planning, time and effort to conduct – recruiting is something, just like retention, which needs attention. Be sure to take time at chapter meetings to talk about recruiting efforts. Celebrate when new members join your chapter. Encourage all chapter members to be good-will ambassadors for your chapter, and to actively recruit new friends. Share your successful strategies with other chapters, too! Better yet, write an article for the Touring News! We look forward to meeting the new recruits at the next GWTA event! Until next time, Carol and Mike Brush Natl Education and Retention Directors 4 September 2009 Touring News State City AL AL AL AL AL AR AZ AZ CA CA IA IN ME ME MI MI MI MI NE NE Mobile Mobile Spanish Fort Semmes Theodore Mountain Home Cordes Lakes Phoenix Fresno Dunnigan Des Moines LaPorte W. Baldwin Gloucester Pleasant Lake Jackson Plainwell Otsego Pawnee City Holdrege Last Name Jones Gaston Shaddix Kriksey Sumerlin Goodin-Shimp Scott Crowe Fairbourn Crisman Johnson Utpatel Archer Plapis Fowle Nees Wakefield Krueger Luedders Hite First Name State City Woody & Sandy Wayne & Betty Ron & Rachel Charles & Charlene David & Rita Ruth A. Robert & Coleen Howard & Christina Bob & Rita Edward Stephen “Eric” Doug & Patsy Goodin Andrew & Lois John & Linda Jerry Floyd Charlie & Susan Joel NE OH OK ON ON ON ON OR PA TX WA WA WA WA WA WA WI WI Donald & Jayme Reed Last Name Pool Ladow Slamans Downing Tkach Lee Lewis Wilgus Yarian McCauley Olson Wadsworth Tyni Blair Greenwood Galland Smith Perkins First Name Terry L. & Carol Babb Robert (Tom) & Mary Robert D. Evan Daniel & Roberta Mark Perry & Judy Steve & Maryann Dennis & Karen Gregor Kelly & Grace Chet & Paula Christa & Chilie Tim & Terri Christopher & Ruth David & Peggy Jay & Tami Joel & Carrie Randy Richard Add On Accessories AIM Americade ARAI Helmets Baker Built Air Wings Big Bike Parts Chrome Crazy Superstore CIMA International Everett Powersports GWTA Blair Russells Point Hominy Richmond Hill Mississauga Aurora Keswick Beaverton Tionesta Texarkana Graham Ft. Lewis Des Moines Oak Harbor Oak Harbor Vancouver Appleton Cornell Markel American Insurance Co. Neosho Fiberglass Road Runner Magazine Lees-ure Lite Popup Tent Trailers Now selling motorcycle accessories & hitches! Sleep anywhere, in comfort! Set up in 6 seconds - optional add a room - screen room - rear storage awnings air conditioning kit and more! For information or a brochure call free 1-800-660-0933 Shipping all over America [email protected] Call for nearest distributor 5 September 2009 Touring News EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Bruce & Linda Keenon P.O. Box 348, Huntington, IN 46750 (260) 358-0851 Fax (260) 356-3392 [email protected] The World is on Twitter are You???? follow us on twitter at We are also working on being more accessible via other social networking sites as well as through our own website, Not only does a social medium allow us to connect with members and prospective members on a more personal level, it allows GWTA to view posts from other members about a particular opportunity, product or company that GWTA might want to get involved in to help its membership. I invite you to share your expertise and offerings of information on the web with GWTA. Although GWTA seems to be weathering the poor economic climate, GWTA should still be proactive and get involved in new forms of communication to help bolster our association and get its name out in cyberspace. As a chapter, you might consider forming a group on facebook and setting up a twitter account to alert members about special last minute rides or other information. These are just a few ways in which our association can grow and continue to seek its mission of having fun and building memories. We are also going to strive to change the look of Touring News in the upcoming months to make it more appealing to all motorcyclists, but that will be another article in the near future. With all of this said I feel like a dinosaur that either has to change or turn into “sludge”. I’ll be looking for you on facebook… I am fortunate enough to have children who are very “new world” literate. They facebook, twitter, myspace, flickr, etc. Did I mention that they text each other from only a few feet away on holidays while I sit and talk with them. I wonder what they say to each other. I can remember when my father, who was a service manager for Otis elevator, would want me off of the phone so he could catch incoming emergency calls. I wish I could have twittered. On the other hand, I have not gotten with it in this day and age. It is so hard for me to understand how they (the family) have the time to do all the things they do on these social networks. I still want to ride and enjoy the serenity that riding allows me to have. This brings me to GWTA. The current state of our economy is forcing our generation into these social networks. This, in turn, is forcing GWTA into these social networks to seek and entertain you, the member, and obtain information. Our organization needs new ways to engage current members, attract new members, and continue to have fun bonding together as a family. With social media outlets like facebook and twitter steadily gaining momentum and media attention now is the perfect time for GWTA to expand its horizons and take part in the social media revolutions. We are embracing the many different forms of social media in order to make ourselves more accessible to our members and prospective members. Currently you can join us on facebook, just look for the GWTA-Motorcycle Touring Association group. Or, GWTA Ride Safe, The Keenons 6 September 2009 Touring News GWTA 7 September 2009 Touring News As fall approaches and the weather is going to change make sure that your motorcycles have been serviced and the rubber on the ground is in the best shape to handle wet and slippery roads. I was unable to attend Gold Rush due to many factors and Charles Horner was acting chair for the meeting, (a decision made at the last minute), so I will ask him to write a report of the Board meeting and try to insert it in next month’s magazine. I hope this message finds all is well in your homes. Take Care, Ed Davis, COB 2009 Board of Directors Election Official Ballot GWTA 8 September 2009 Touring News Is your Tire Pressure Gauge Accurate? years, but advancements in digital technology have improved on that standard. Analog dial gauges are about as accurate as the quality pencil type gauges. In numerous tests comparing different type gauges digital gauges were the most accurate tested. We often talk about the importance of checking the inflation pressure in tires, but is your tire pressure gauge giving you accurate information? As a Maintenance Warrant Officer in the Army, I was responsible for tool calibration programs. Certain tools required regular calibration to ensure accuracy. I use a quality tire pressure gauge, but realized that after several years of using this gauge I have never had it checked for accuracy. Many of the really inexpensive gauges ($5) you can purchase can’t be calibrated, and if the reading is inaccurate the gauge is worthless. This is why you should spend a little more ($15-$25) and get a quality pressure gauge that can be calibrated. I am a real believer in the old saying; you get what you pay for. If you have any doubt about the accuracy of your tire pressure gauge there are a couple things you can do to check it. 1) You can check the air pressure in a tire with the gauge in question and then check the same tire with another gauge. If there is a significant difference in the readings (4 or more psi) between the two gauges one or both gauges may be inaccurate. If both gauges read within 1 to 2 psi of each other the gauges are more than likely accurate. 2) If you want a more precise method for checking the accuracy take the gauge to a local tire dealer or fleet truck maintenance facility and ask them to check it using a master gauge. A master gauge is a gauge that is certified to be accurate. But I caution you there are lots of tire dealers who don’t have their own tire pressure gauges calibrated. Note: Don’t depend on pressure gauges at gas stations to be accurate. These are usually abused and neglected, raising concern over accuracy. There are several different types of pressure gauges available on the market. One important thing to keep in mind is the pressure the gauge is rated for. Most automobile tires are inflated to around 32 psi, so a 0 to 60 psi gauge is sufficient. On the other hand some motorhome and truck tires are inflated to 100 or more psi. It is important, for accuracy and to prevent damage to the gauge, that you get the right gauge for the job. A general rule of thumb is to find a gauge that can read double what the inflation pressure is set at. This isn’t always possible especially with tires inflated to 100 psi, so find a gauge rated for high pressure, like 160 psi. Regardless of the type of gauge you choose there are high quality and low quality gauges available. Buying a cheap digital gauge would be the same as buying a cheap pencil type gauge. Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to tire pressure gauges. 1) Spend a few more dollars and get a quality pressure gauge. 2) If the gauge will be used for checking dual wheels on a motorhome the chuck end of the gauge should have a dual foot design to make the job much easier. 3) Always select a gauge rated higher than the inflation pressure of the tires you are checking. Applying more pressure than the gauge is rated for can damage the gauge and affect the accuracy. If you over-pressure a gauge have it tested for accuracy. 4) Try not to drop or jar the gauge. Store the gauge in some type of protective covering or case and in an area where it won’t be hit or damaged. 5) Periodically have the gauge tested for accuracy. At a minimum compare it to another quality gauge to see if both read the same, or close to the same pressure. 6) Most importantly, once you purchase a quality pressure gauge use it on a regular basis to check your tires. Remember, properly inflated tires are safer, extend the life of the tires, improve fuel efficiency and lessen the chance of unexpected and premature tire failure. Mark Polk Mark Polk is the owner of RV Education 101. RV Education 101 is a North Carolina based company that produces professional training videos, DVDs and e-books on how to use and maintain your RV. Possibly the most common type of pressure gauge is the plunge or pencil type. Some of these are calibrated and some of the cheaper ones are not. As a general rule a common plunge type gauge you would purchase will be accurate to + or – 3 psi when it is new. The accuracy of these type gauges are also affected by temperature, humidity and altitude. Like everything else these days’ things are switching from analog to digital. Analog tire pressure gauges were the standard for many GWTA 9 September 2009 Touring News Hi all and welcome to September! Region “A” Rally is over and those that attended had a great time. Chili, Ice Cream, Water slides, Wineries, Carousels, good friends and plenty of relaxing time. September is when the kids go back to school so be extra careful when you’re out there driving to & from work, breakfast meetings, etc. Those precious bundles of joy could just be the next generation of motorcycle riders. And for those in northern Washington check those yellow buses, it could be your Regional Directors behind the wheel of one of them. Gold Rush 23… Mark your calendars for July 19th – 22nd, 2010 in Billings, MT. Yep, that’s right GR 23 will be right back here in our back yards. Different venue this time as we will be located in the downtown area with two new host hotels. The Crowne Plaza for $92.00 a night and the Best Western across the street for $82.00 a night. Watch the National website for the rally registration form to be out soon with the Hotel codes for the discounted prices. Let’s show everyone out there that REGION “A” is the best. We’re also trying to come up with something for Region “A” members to wear so we can be easily identified by others. If you have any ideas let us know. Final numbers for 2009 Raffle tickets are out and again we want to thank all of you that helped us in selling the tickets this year. We set a goal of 8,000 tickets and we sold… drum roll please… 9,299… What a bunch of terrific members you are! WA-Chapter G won the Pizza feed, again; WA-Chapter Z was the first chapter to return money to us; OR-Chapter A one member took it upon himself to sell over 1,000 tickets, Thank You Don Coons. We’ll be sending out individual Chapter results to the State Directors soon. Remember, to get out there and support the other Chapters in your area & Region. Ride and be safe… and until we meet again ‘Keep Your Ducks in a Row’. JR & Lindy GWTA Membership Application ___ NEW ___RENEWAL: Mem # ___________ Mail completed form to: Memberships: 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years GWTA Membership Services Individual $45 $90 $120 P.O. Box 42403 Family $55 $110 $150 Indianapolis, IN 46242-0403 Toll Free: 1-800-960-4982 Ph: 317-243-6822 Last _______________________ First _______________________ Fax: 317-243-6833 Last _______________________ First _______________________ Email: [email protected] Last _______________________ First _______________________ For the Blue Line (toll-free help Last _______________________ First _______________________ service), the services I can provide Last _______________________ First _______________________ are as follows: Last _______________________ First _______________________ ___ A - Bike/Trailer Pickup Mailing Address__________________________________________ ___B - Phone Calls City ______________State/Province ______ Zip/Postal __________ ___C - Tent Space Home Ph. ___________________ Work Ph. ___________________ ___D - Lodging Email __________________________________________________ ___E - Tools Membership dues: $ __________ for __________ years. ___I/we cannot offer services for I would also like to make a donation of $ _____ to Helping Hands. the Blue Line. Please assign me to chapter ____ Total $ _________ (Please make checks payable to GWTA) in the state/province of _________. The following information must be filled out if paying by credit card: VISA/MC/AMEX _________________________________________ Recruiting credit to_______________ Exp. Date __________ CVV2 (3 or 4 digit code on back) _________ Membership # ___________________ Billing Address _____________________ Billing Zip ____________ Note: $39 of annual membership dues inAuthorized Signature _____________________________________ cludes a one-year subscription to GWTA’s PLEASE NOTE: All funds must be payable in U.S. Funds only. DO NOT SEND CASH. GWTA 10 Touring News magazine. Subscription cannot be deducted from dues.Updated 7/2009 September 2009 Touring News Normally we would say that the riding season is winding down but having a late summer in our neck of the woods fortunately gives us more riding days. Speaking of which… as you read this article, I will probably be on the homeward leg of my annual Mexico to Canada ride called The Three Flags Classic. This time I had a couple of our chapter members accompany me which even makes it a more enjoyable ride. This is also the time when most students return to their studies in hopes of expanding their minds and increasing their knowledge in the world around them. I would remiss if I did not continue to state that we as motorcycle riders should follow our children’s lead and remember to take the time to educate ourselves as well. Keep your riding mind and body sharp and attend an experienced rider course and/or continue to have parking lot practice. Maintaining or even improving your motorcycle skills is always valuable and beneficial and could mean the difference between a smooth turn through a tight corner or having to pick your bike up out of a tight corner. September is usually the time of the year for chapters to start laying out their plans for next year’s rides and events schedule. We’re asking for all chapters in Region B to make sure you send us your 2010 schedule once finalized. We’d like to assist you in increasing attendance at your event by publicizing it in Touring News and the quarterly Region B Buzz. We can also help to ensure that your event gets posted to the state and/or national website. Some of the upcoming events that we have located on various websites include Nor Cal Chapter B’s “Waves to Wines Bike-athon” on September 12th and 13th. This event allows our members the opportunity to assist bicyclists from all over as they participate GWTA in a charitable event as they ride their bikes throughout the beautiful Sonoma wine country. So Cal will be holding their State Picnic in Tehachapi from September 18th-20th. If you can’t make it for the whole weekend, come join them at the picnic which will be held on the 20th and enter your best chili for a prize. Looking ahead in October, make sure you put on your calendar Ride for Kids to be held on the 4th. This event is especially meaningful to Ralphie as it will be held for the first time at her place of employment, Solano Community College. She tells me that she’s got quite a few employees to pitch in and volunteer and by all accounts, a large crowd of riders and participants are due to be in attendance. The following weekend is Nor Cal’s Chapter L with their Taylor Tavern Chicken BBQ Fundraiser; sounds yummy! Nor Cal’s Fall Fiesta and State Staff Meeting will again be held at the Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds on the 16th-18th. Not only is this a time for good camping fun but all the 2010 activities and events are planned for the state calendar. Also, on the calendar is So Cal’s CD’s Meeting on October 24th followed by So Cal’s Chapter W’s Annual Pumpkin Run on the 25th. This is So Cal’s yearly planning event as well. So as you can see, Region B continues to be very busy. As Region B is still afforded the good riding weather this time of year and you just happen to be in the area, please feel free to give us a call, drop us an email and we’d love for you to come and visit and ride with us. In Friendship, Steve & Ralphie Andrus 11 September 2009 Touring News Where has the summer gone? It seems like just last week I was getting the bike ready for a year of riding. I have done so many things and have had so much fun, to tell you the truth I am not ready for the winter months to come. Here in Nebraska winter can show up at any given time from the end of September until February. The friendships I have made are just one of the many reasons I enjoy belonging to GWTA. Just because the bike is put away does not mean I have to stop enjoying the company and the friendship of people in my club. There are so many activities to enjoy during the off season with my friends. We still have our monthly meetings and our dinner rides. Quite often many of us step up our activities with our own chapters during the winter months so that we can stay in touch. There are a lot of state events that are scheduled during the winter months. Just because the riding season has slowed down is no reason to quit enjoying your chapters company. I have seen several chapters organize chapter get together’s and invite other chapters to join them. My chapter always puts together a Christmas party and there are chapters in my area that do a Halloween Party and a New Years Eve Party. Just because the months are getting colder does not mean that we have to put away our GWTA Spirit. Because of changing times and the economy we are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. I have heard so many complain that it seems that our National GWTA is always asking for more money. The truth is if we in our chapters make a habit of involving all of our chapter members and making them feel welcome they will have fun and fun breeds fun. Is your chapter active? Do you try to involve all of your members? Many of us have the miss conception that it’s not my job. It is your job, nobody except yourself is responsible for your enjoyment of GWTA. If you are looking for someone to entertain you, you are going to be disappointed. Once you become involved with your friends and realize that they depend on you as much as you depend on them to have fun I think you will be amazed at just how many new friends you attract. That my friends is the answer to how we can help our organization grow and become stronger. Think of it this way, if you’re having fun with your chapter you will be more likely to invite other friends to join you. When more friends join you your chapter grows, when your chapter grows your state grows, when your state grows your region grows and then the national organization grows. With more members in our national organization we become more financially solvent with less money per member spent, but the most important aspect of this is with more members we have more friends to have fun with. If you are not having fun in your chapter you need to be asking why. Is it because you are not participating, or maybe your chapter is stuck in a rut? If you are not enjoying yourself you need to speak up at your next chapter meeting. If you are not enjoying yourself more than likely someone else is sharing the same concerns. Come to your chapter meeting prepared with ideas on what you can do to solve the problem and do not let others tell you we have tried that and it did not work. Just because it did not work once does not mean it will not work again. With new ideas and new enthusiasm you just might stumble upon a good idea. This is a member owned and run organization. In other words this is just like a democracy. Member owned and run does not mean that every member is going to get their way. We need to operate as a team in our chapters. The Chapter Director’s responsibility is to over see the management of your chapter and to see that the majority of your members’ needs are being met. You have a responsibility as a member in your chapter to voice your ideas and to contribute to discussions. You do not have a right to force your opinions on others. When decisions are made in our chapters we all must support our chapter and try to help make things work out. Not one of us has the right to not participate and then complain about the outcome. Only by getting involved with your chapter do you have the right to help your chapter become better. Our chapters and their members are the most important aspect of GWTA. You are the reason that GWTA exists. You are the fun! GWTA Region C Directors Rick and Kandie Hinrichs GWTA 12 September 2009 Touring News Those of you familiar with the Region E Rally will recall that it is always a riding rally. We have routes set up and copies are made available for those that choose to ride on their own. We also have 5 or 6 guided rides set up on Saturday. The reason for multiple rides, other than safety concerns of keeping the size of the group small, is to allow each individual to choose the ride that most closely matches the speed they desire to ride. Before the rides Kent Hott, MSF Instructor, offers us a short seminar on riding the twisties. We have many riders attend the rally that live in an area where curves are not in abundance as they are at our rally site. Before each ride begins there is a ride meeting. Each ride leader is an experienced rider and they choose their sweep rider and make this known to the group. This year Bob Anderson, MO State GWTA Director and close friend, agreed to lead the slow ride for us. His wife, Glen was to ride her trike as the sweep rider. Bob’s group stopped for a break and lunch in Cape Fair, MO. When they started out again Bob met a car head on just outside Cape Fair. The accident took the life of a close friend to many of us. Even in this time of great sorrow and grief our GWTA family pulled together to do what needed to be done. This made the rally, in all other respects, successful. Glen Anderson, Bob’s wife, sent us the following letter as an open communication to be shared with the GWTA family via Touring News. To My GWTA Family, As you all know, Bob Anderson was killed in a motorcycle accident on June 6. We were attending the Region E Rally in Eureka Springs, AR, and he was leading one of the rides. We still aren’t sure what happened and probably never will get a definite answer. Bob was doing what he loved to do, riding and enjoying the twisty roads. He also loved GWTA and firmly believed in the motto, Destination Friendship. As most of you know, he never met a stranger and would talk to anyone. He enjoyed being with the GWTA members and considered them all friends. He was a strong supporter of GWTA and our chapter and could be relied on to do what was necessary. He worked hard at being Missouri State Director and we both enjoyed that. He was always ready to lend a hand to help especially with tools or parts. The alternator that he carried on his bike has been in a few friends’ bike to get them where they were going. GWTA I just read Bruce Keenon’s article in the June Touring News. He mentioned that GWTA is a family. Bob often commented that we knew people all over the country because of GWTA. My family and I have definitely found that GWTA is our extended family. There are so many people to thank that it is overwhelming. We would like to thank Wiliferd and Charlotte Lair for dropping everything at the rally and coming to pick me up so I could get back to Eureka Springs. They then made a stop at my house on the way back from Region C Rally with a huge card and donations. To Chuck Stallings who rode my trike back to the campground for me. The members of my chapter who made sure I got home so that my girls would not have to come to pick me up, making sure that my trike and camper got home with me. To everyone at the Region E rally who gave me support and to those who packed and folded up the camper so that I wouldn’t have to do it. To everyone who sent cards, called, and sent donations in Bob’s name, my family and I send our heartfelt thank you. For those of you who rode in the procession to the gravesite, it was an incredible sight. I am told there were 42 bikes in that procession and I know Bob got a big kick out of it. We are blown away by the number of people who took time to do this. I was expecting members of Chapter N, but there were people from all over this area. There were so many kindnesses done, large and small; so many that I cannot even begin to list. There aren’t words that can express our gratitude that my family and I feel. Bob will be missed terribly but I know that my family and I have your love and support. We will keep this in our hearts during this difficult time. I will eventually get on my bike and ride again. I won’t see you at Gold Rush this year, but I will be thinking of you. My prayer is that God keep all of you safe and cover you with His blessings. In love and friendship, Glen Anderson, Audra and Tanya 13 September 2009 Touring News Many changes are happening in our great Region. First off Marie and I have become the new Region F Directors. We are excited about the position and look forward to all the new adventures. The second change in the Region is how we are growing. We have added more chapters in Michigan and we are looking ahead to adding others to the Region. The new chapters have written a little article about themselves to let you now how they are doing and what they are up to. They are excited and want to share it with you. Kelly Alton-Assistant Chapter Directors; Mackenzie Alton-Junior Officer; Colleen Snethkamp-Treasurer; John/Colleen SnethkampRider Education; Robert/Jody Janisse-Membership Enhancement; Larry/Carol Siniard-Chapter Pride and Special Projects; Ellen Farr-Sunshine Lady; Jim/Ellen Farr-Chapter Directors. As we sit here writing this article, we are reminiscing about all the great events and games that took place while at the State Rally. What a fantastic time had by all! A big THANKS to Norm and Sandy our State Directors for such an awesome job!! It was very relaxing, and while there we gained many new friends during the GWTA CHAPTER G long weekend. It was sad to leave. We had 5 bikes on our return AUSABLE RIVER RIDERS home. Wish we could have stayed a little longer, but we needed GRAYLING, MICHIGAN to get home so that we could unpack our camper and begin to pack our trailer for our The weather finally got warm enough for us snow next trip--The Gold Rush birds up here to hit the road and that is what we did. Back Rally in Kentucky. roads winding around, taking in all the beautiful northern scenery GWTA has turned out up to Mackinaw City. We stopped for dinner at the Key Hole Bar. to be everything we’d Love those famous burgers and ice cold drinks... MMMMM. After hoped it would be and a brief shopping spree (and I mean brief, Tom always says we can more. Chapter H-2 is come back later) we headed out this time along Lake Michigan, consistently growing in taking in the “Tunnel of Trees” which has got to be one of the numbers. We have so most beautiful roads up here in this neck of the woods, along much to look forward to into Harbor Springs, down into Petoskey and across more scenic with GWTA—we only country roads back to Grayling for a total of a 253 mile ride.. It wish we would have was a beautiful day. joined years ago. Tom and I would like to extend an open invitation to all you We will be to most of the Region F rallies and events, so folks if you are in our neck of the woods look us up... we would hopefully we’ll see you there. love to share our travels with you. Fall colors are an awesome Winging our dreams, time of year for “tunnel of trees”. Jim and Ellen Farr, Chapter Directors Ride Safe Tom & Peggy Gilbert, Chapter Directors GWTA CHAPTER J Wheels of Friendship Jackson, MI GWTA CHAPTER H2 Down River Wings Taylor, Michigan On 3/26/09 we PROUDLY became GWTA’s Chapter H-2 Downriver Wings. Our kickoff party turned out to be really great. We had almost 100 guests, which included many Chapters and Chapter Directors from GWTA and GWRRA. What an exciting time for all of us at H-2. One of the special highlights of the evening for us—Bruce Keenon was there. He spoke to us on what GWTA is all about. What a welcoming that was!! Well, some time has passed by since then, and we are still doing great!! We have been spending a lot of our time riding on some really great rides weekly (and sometimes more than once a week), and GWTA’s fun runs. Our staff consists of: Michael/ GWTA Things we’ve learned along the way… o never sneeze in a full face helmet o hail hurts o your happiness-your responsibility The Chapter members of Wheels of Friendship take the last one very seriously. Each member of GWTA Chapter J – Jackson, MI has stepped up to that responsibility. Our thriving Chapter is evident to that. Our webmaster, Artie Zinkan, has taken our Chapter website “over the top”. Go to GWTAMICHAPTERJ. COM. Artie devotes his knowledge and time to give us more than we knew we could have. Jeannie Reece stepped up to Newsletter Editor, and presents an informative and very enthusiastic newsletter every month. Even though we are a very new chapter this year, we already have a very successful Parking Lot Practice under 14 September 2009 Touring News our belts. Our Ride Educator Tiger Tacey devoted a Saturday to coaching us on “respecting the cones”. A majority of members are already signed up and participating in the GWTA Rider Ed Levels Program. We had an amazing Chapter Kick-Off Cook Out in June. We are very thankful for all the members of GWTA that attended, and wished us well in our new venture. We met some wonderful GWTA members and are looking forward to riding with, and getting to know them. In making a slide show for the kick-off, it became evident that this is a very active chapter. Just the pictures from events of the month of May filled the show! If that’s any indication of the level of involvement of the members of Chapter J, watch out!! We have our Ride Coordinators, Bob Tacey and Gordon Rudolph, and the many members that presented rides, to thank for keeping us so busy. The members are presented with a ride opportunity at least once a week and every weekend. While working on our flyer and logo for our Kick-Off, it became evident we have some artists in our midst. Trish Tacey presented an amazing logo for the Kick-off that was used on the flyer, the cake (both of which she designed and made) and Kick-off T-shirts. We hear rumblings there are more logo ideas rolling our way from the members. We can hardly wait! Our Goodies Guys, Don and Deb Lejeune, are keeping everyone in patches and pins for creating their vests and there may be matching hats for the ladies on the horizon. Also, words out, there may be a Chapter mascot soon. We’ve also had some very successful Chapter fundraisers. Luckily we have a very talented Treasurer in our midst. Chuck Chism has an extensive banking background and is doing a great job of keeping it all straight for us. There seems to be no end to the enthusiasm and ideas from this wonderful group of people that got together just to “ride with friends”. Our Chapter motto, by Linda Flavin is “Livin’ it, Lovin’ it, Ridin’ it”. Chapter J members are taking this to the extreme, and GWTA provides the atmosphere and camaraderie to broaden this enthusiasm. Hope to meet you all on the ride! Thank you all for the warm welcome to GWTA family. Keep the rubber side down, Tony & Anna Edwards, Chapter Directors Coming soon! Photos from the 2009 Region H Rally! Watch for the November issue for highlights from Region H! Region J Events CYCLEFEST 2009, September 4-7, 2009. West Montrose Family Camp Ground in the beautiful Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada. Banquet limited to the first 200 people registered. Registration includes, camping Fri, Sat, Sun for usnerviced grassy site, rally pin, bike and people field events, poker and ice cream runs, entertainment, campfire and snacks, banquet and awards ceremony, and door prizes. Contact Ian McDonald at [email protected] or 519-896-0299 for more info. GWTA Fall Fun Weekend, September 25-27, 2009. You will experience the north on the south shore of Lake Nipissing. Saturday at the Waltonian Inn Resort we have poker runs, guided ride, an auction, horseshoes and a dinner. Saturday evening after festivities the brave will have an opportunity to join in our secret ceremony on the beach with bonfire to become part of the Secret League of the Loon. Book now – accommodations limited to one hundred people. Fore more information visit the Region J Chapter NO – Nipissing Riders website at 15 September 2009 Touring News I had the pleasure of attending Gold Rush in Lexington, Kentucky this past summer and what a great time I had. I didn’t get to spend the entire week there, but I made a kind of short business trip out of it. I don’t get to all the Gold Rushes (one of those..... I’m retired and on a fixed income kind of things) the economy seems to be eating into everybody’s wallet lately. I did enjoy this Gold Rush because I made a distinct effort to participate in the business end of GWTA. I did find out that it takes a lot of effort by a lot of people to keep this organization running. The first day I pretty much spent the entire day in the board meeting just sitting there watching and listening. These folks were in that meeting from early morning till late afternoon conducting the necessary business of GWTA. If you think they are partying the day away behind closed doors, think again. I observed a lot and learned a lot. If you have never attended a board meeting I suggest you give it a shot next time the opportunity presents itself. You will be amazed. My first thought was that if I intended to complain about the board then I better have an idea of what goes on there. I was really impressed by the business-like approach and they make no decisions without keeping the best interests of GWTA in mind. Nuf’ said about the board. I think this may have been one of the best Gold Rush’s I have GWTA ever attended. It had a nice variety and number of vendors and you really couldn’t ask for a better location. If I wanted to grumble about anything, and I do, I guess it would be that whoever is responsible for finding a hotel that is undergoing renovations every time there is a Gold Rush..... Whoever that is, they are doing a fine job. There you go, I made a positive statement out of that. The trip out there was great. I rode out with friends and I think I can safely say we all had a good time. Oh, by the way, if you went to Lexington via I-64 and ran onto some bike parts lying in the road..... they belong to Norm Kirk. Things kind of kept falling off his bike and it got to the point that it became dangerous to ride behind him. These little sketches that I do for this article are usually first impressions. Maybe they aren’t of any particular location, but they are mostly accurate. Kentucky, as we all know, is horse country. I’m pretty sure that these purebreds live much better than I do and are taken better care of too. I like the long white fences and the clean and well kept acreages. The houses and barns are beautiful and the countryside is awesome. If you get a chance, visit the area. Oh, and by the way, they make some pretty good bourbon in Kentucky also........... 16 September 2009 Touring News We have had another busy month at the Larson house. Summer is in full swing as this article is being written and we are involved in many activities, including motorcycling, camping and Jeeping at the Sand Dunes. Summer has a lot to offer at our house and we spend a lot of time outdoors enjoying the warm weather. I talked about change last month. Fall weather will be only a month or so away when this article is printed and those of us in the north know what follows that. The thought of winter coming is not a pretty picture. As we move towards fall and wonder where the summer went, the kids will return to school. Teresa is already off to Alma College to begin her studies in Elementary Education. Following her high school band days, she has joined the Kiltie Marching Band at Alma for marching and concert performances as she continues to include music as part of her education and life experiences. It has been an adjustment at our house to not see Teresa on a daily basis. It’s hard to imagine the five month old infant you first met at Gold Rush IV (1991) in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho is off to college as a incoming freshman. Stacie will be a sophomore when she returns to Eaton Rapids High School. She has been to band camp this summer and will play in the Greyhound Marching Band this fall where they will participate in football pre-game and half time shows, marching competitions and parades. The nine month old child you first saw at Gold Rush VII (1994) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, will turn 16 in November and if she finishes her required driving time by then, she can get her drivers license. Besides mid week rides with our local chapter, we recently attended the Michigan State Rally. The temperatures were cooler than normal for the end of June; however the sunny skies and many activities made for a nice relaxed rally. We played games, ate, did some riding and had time to socialize. Like all rallies, our time together ended too soon and before we knew it three days had passed and we were on our way home. One of the best parts of the weekend was spending time with two very special people in GWTA, Jay and Mary Bolton. They came to the rally with some of their children, grandchildren and I believe even a great grandchild. It was so great to see them and have the opportunity to meet some of their family. We also had the opportunity to meet some more of the new members from Chapters H2 and J that came to life earlier this year here in Michigan. It is great to see these people becoming involved in GWTA and have the opportunity to participate with us as we continue to live out the Destination Friendship motto. We would like to express our thanks to Norm and Sandy Helfer and the many others who worked to provide the membership with another fun event. On behalf of our family, as I write this last article as the 2008 Family of the Year, I’d like to thank our many friends in GWTA for their friendship, love and support, not only during our time as Family of the Year, but throughout our entire time as members of GWTA. This is a special association and we enjoy participating where and when we can. As the outgoing Family of the Year, we would like to offer congratulations to Doug & Michelle Sullivan on becoming the 2009 Family of the Year. Eric Larson on behalf of the Larson family First things first, a very big “THANK YOU” to Di and Al Hennings for being the Helping Hand Directors for the last five years. They have done an outstanding job with Helping Hands! Just in case you do not know us, we have been members since 1992. While in Nebraska we were chapter directors and assistant state directors. In 1997 we moved to Tennessee where we have been chapter directors, state directors and were Region D Board Representatives. We are very familiar with Helping Hands. After our daughter, Adriane, had her accident we received funds from Helping Hands and we have also done several different things to help support Helping Hands. During Gold Rush in Sioux Falls, you may have met Dennis while he was raffling off a Craftsman tool kit. Just ask anyone in Region D about their Board Rep. being fined for indecent exposure by Judge Regina to help raise funds. Our goal is to promote Helping Hands and make sure we have the funds needed by our members. We are sure the members of GWTA will be generous with their support for Helping Hands and we will try to list all donations received in our future articles. GWTA 17 September 2009 Touring News REGION C RALLY 2009 When Wisconsin 2009 Region C Rally hostess Sherri Vonderheid appeared onstage during closing ceremonies, she said, “I had three goals for this rally: one, I wanted at least 225 rally registrations; two, I wanted rally goers out riding during the day; three, I wanted to be able to pass a healthy treasury balance to my successor.” It is a measure of the success of that rally that a few moments later she completed her thought by stating, “We achieved all three goals!” Buoyed by high spirits, the love of motorcycling, and fair weather, Region C of the Gold Wing Touring Association gathered 257 of its members June 12-14 at the Northern Wisconsin State Fairgrounds in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, for two full days of riding, relaxing, and reflection. It was one of the best-ever regional rallies. For riding there were over 1300 miles of routes spread out over five self-guided and four guided circuits. Vonderheid remarked, “I was happy to see only about a dozen attendees roaming around the fairgrounds in the middle of the day Friday because that meant everyone else was out riding.” Destinations included The Highground Veterans Memorial, The Ice Age Moraine Trail exhibit (with its miles and miles of pavement right next to the rivers), the Laura Ingalls-Wilder museum and homestead, the Eau Galle Cheese Factory, and lots and lots of Wisconsin dairy farm country. Stopping at the Hansen Hold Up overlook afforded one a 20 mile vista of river bottom agricultural territory. Ride participants gathered at the well-marked rally rendezvous areas and new Region C Education Director Marcus Bauduin did a great job making sure all the rides went out without incident. We tip our hats to all the Region C riders who took off for adventures in the Wisconsin north woods. GWTA In the relaxation department the rally offered up friendly competition in the Battle of the States, Dirty Bingo, a live auction, an ice cream eating contest, and a bike show. BOTS winners included Nebraska in the The Football Pass, Tug of War (which darned near killed both teams) over Illinois, and Pass the Sand (again over Illinois). Illinois did win the Balloon Shoot contest. Darrin Fleischmann defeated Holly Wood of Illinois in overtime in the ice cream eating contest, where Hannah Rose Sullivan took honors in the youth division. Rick Hinrichs won in the Custom bike show class, Steve Duff took honors in the Gold Wing stock division, Lynn Lovelien of Wisconsin won for non-Gold Wing bikes, Charlie Hicock won for best trike, and Rick Harvey of Iowa garnered the People’s Choice Award in the bike show. Of course, all this competition generated much-needed funds to keep important programs going. Jail ‘n’ Bail raised over $400 for Helping Hands in just two days. The live auction conducted by Dan Dolan raised a healthy amount for the general Region C treasury. And both the state of Wisconsin and Region C came up smiling when two 50/50 raffles produced over $500 for both Friday’s and Saturday’s winners. More “serious” friendly competition went on in the process of selecting a Region C Family of the Year. Doug, Michelle, and Hannah Rose Sullivan from Nebraska Chapter W emerged as our selection and will represent Region C at the upcoming Gold Rush and for the next 12 months. Judging by their activity at the rally, they will be tremendous as our FOY representative. Along the same lines is the Ron Brooks Award, given to the couple best exemplifying the spirit of GWTA at the Region C Rally. Barb and Tom Johnson were this year’s recipient. Congratulations to the Sullivans and the Johnsons! Non-competitive fun activities included a showing of “Wild Hogs” against a building wall Friday night. Rally staff popped popcorn for 18 September 2009 Touring News the movie buffs. Everyone roared at the hilarious escapades of four middle-aged “bikers” as we realized again just how funny that movie is. A static motorcycle light display (local budgetary issues ruled out the traditional moving light parade) was held in downtown Chippewa Falls the next evening. And for sure there was eating. The bike display was right across from an ice cream parlor and rally registration got you two meals—Saturday breakfast and supper—instead of just one. And the activities! Tours of nearby Leinenkugel’s Brewery were held, and a few visited Irvine Park and its zoo across the street. There was a casino to ride to along with convenient shopping just blocks away in Chippewa Falls’ small but healthy downtown district. Jereomy From held a web training session and Carol and Mike Brush spoke about member education. Saturday morning Betty Smith blessed dozens of motorcycles from Region C. But the 2009 Region C Rally was also a time for reflection. Missouri State Director Bob Anderson, a friend to many in Region C, was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident just a week prior. His family was remembered with an oversized sympathy card, a moment of silence, a ride in his honor, and a free-will memorial. Wisconsin’s first state director and former Ron Brooks Award winner Ted Grindall passed away April 23. He was memorialized with a picture collage, a eulogy by Jeryl Vonderheid with Ted’s family in the audience, a ride in his honor, and a free-will donation to Ride For Kids in Ted’s name. Activities at Region C rallies change with the locale and times, but it was the tried-and-true combination of friendship and camaraderie that made the rally special. The Region C Rally is actually a reunion. It’s a time to laugh, joke, talk motorcycling, and get caught up again with each other’s lives. There’s almost never enough time to visit adequately with everyone, but that’s the way it is when lots of good friends meet each other. Rally activities come and go, but Destination Friendship remains. Trying to thank those that deserve it would take a long time. However, we mention Region C Director Rick Hinrichs for emceeing the entire affair. Many thanks go to Jenny Lipe and Randy Nelson, who immediately preceded Hinrichs as region directors and got the Chippewa Falls rally ball rolling. And, it would be hard to top the efforts of Wisconsin State Directors Sherri and Jeryl Vonderheid. Their staff did a lot, but they took care of countless things, both major and minor, and answered endless questions, all while dealing with Sherri’s health issues and surgeries. However, as Hinrichs said more than once during the three-day event, it’s the members that make GWTA and it’s the 257 rally participants that made the 2009 Region C Rally the gem that it was. Order your copy of the 2009 Living Logo for only $5! Contact the office at 800-960-4982. Dear Bruce & Linda Keenon, I thought I would share this peaceful peom this lady wrote about me who lives in Seligman, MO. I have made 3 or 4 trips back to visit her and she rode with me when I was there, and you can see she was watching as we rode. Wayne Smith Yuba City, CA Region C rocks! What makes him ride is seldom seen, It’s not as obvious as it may seem, It’s the road, you see, That differs him from you and me. This road is a way of life A way to freedom beyond the strife. The road is the teacher of this traveling man, The road is freedom in his balancing hand. For wisdom comes with each passing mile, One does not ride long, without adopting its style. I watch him This motorcycle man, As mile passes into mile and year into year. And as time goes by, I begin to see, That it’s the love of the road that sets him free. May God ride with him wherever he goes. This I hope He knows. Submitted by, Darrell Broten GWTA I watch him This motorcycle man, As he rides the wind about the land. by Beverly Willis Seligman, MO 19 September 2009 Touring News Gold Rush XXIII: July 19-22, 2010 Billings, MT HOST HOTEL - Crowne Plaza Hotel: 27 N. 27th Street, Billings, MT 59101 406-252-7400; $92 per night mention Group Code GA312930 / Wash 0 Best Western ClockTower Inn: 2511 1st Ave North, Billings, MT 59101; 406-259-5511 Reservations 800-628-9081; $81 per night plus tax. Boothill Inn & Suites: 242 E. Airport Rd, Billings, MT 59105 406-245-2000; $79 per night plus tax. Dude Rancher Lodge: 415 N. 29th St., Billings, MT 59101; 800-221-3302; $69 per night plus tax. Circle appropriate codes after name: A=Adult, C=Under 16, R=Rider, P=Passenger. Use name wanted on ID Name ( A C R P )__________________________Name ( A C R P ) __________________________ Name ( A C R P )__________________________Name ( A C R P ) __________________________ Address_______________________City_____________State/Province_____ Zip/Postal_________ GWTA Chapter/St./Pr._______________ Membership #__________ Other Affiliation______________ E-mail_________________________Will you use: Motel Campground Other $50 $60 $15 $12 GWTA MEMBER Registration before 3/1/2010 NON MEMBER Registration Welcome Dinner; Sunday, July 18th Gold Rush XXIII T-Shirts x x x = $ = $ = $ x = $ free x = $ Total $ Children under 16 free (not eligible for drawing) Welcome Dinner will be Sunday, July 18th at the Crowne Plaza (Host Hotel). Time TBA. T-shirt Pre-order GR XXIII Pre Order T-shirts Qty Size SM MD LG XL 2XL 3XL 4XL Visa/Mastercard/Amex #_________________________________________Expiration Date_______ Billing Address____________________________Billing Zip Code __________CVV2 Code_______ Cardholder Signature______________________________________________________________ Make checks and money orders, US funds, payable to: GWTA REFUNDS MUST BE RECEIVED IN WRITING BEFORE JULY 1, 2010. NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED WITHOUT WRITTEN NOTICE. CONFIRMATION POSTCARDS WILL BE MAILED FOR ALL REGISTRATIONS RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE. IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED A CONFIRMATION POSTCARD CONTACT THE OFFICE BEFORE THE NEXT CUT OFF DATE!! PLEASE NOTE: CONFIRMATION EMAILS FROM ONLINE ORDERS ARE NOT SENT FROM THE OFFICE AND DO NOT CONFIRM THAT YOUR REGISTRATION WAS RECEIVED & PROCESSED. 1-800-960-GWTA (4982) GWTA 20 September 2009 Touring News FOR SALE · 2005 Gold Wing, Black Cherry, 1800 cc, 22K miles, Garmin street pilot 2720 GPS, MP3 player, CB, AM/FM radio, Driver back rest, hand grips, Fog lights, tall windshield/vent, highway pegs, trailer hitch, luggage rack, new Avon tires, excellent condition/never down, one owner, synthetic oil—$15,495. · 2000 Valkyrie Interstate with 2006 Motor Trike conversion, red/black, Ultimate Valkyrie seat with driver back rest, fog lights, highway pegs, hand grips, air horn, CB, AM/FM radio with intercom, rear speakers, tall windshield, trailer hitch, dream catcher graphics by Mountain Man, 58K miles, modulating head lamp & brake lights, new Avon front tire, excellent condition, one owner, synthetic oil, —$17,950. · Star Light motorcycle trailer, independent suspension, black, cooler holder, swivel tongue, hub caps, one owner, excellent condition—$985. 2007 CAR*MATE motorcycle hauler, 7’ X 16’ 700 HD series, white, dual axial, floor ties and front wheel guides, roof vent, interior lights, side door with full length latch, rear loading ramp counter balanced, one owner, like new—$4,695. All manuals and accessories supplied with each item. Contact Dallas Craig 540 798-8254 or [email protected] · Do you have anything (motorcycle or camping related) that you would like to sell? Have you been looking for something? Let us know and we’ll run your ad for FREE as a GWTA member. GWTA 21 September 2009 Touring News ALABAMA (A) Wings Over Dixie Mobile TBA Ron & Rachel Shaddix (251) 625-4789 [email protected] ALASKA JR Phillips (360) 387-3523 ARIZONA (F) F Troop (P) Lost Dutchman Wings Steve Andrus Mesa Bob Howell Prescott Valley Jack Scott ARKANSAS (E) Red River Riders Searcy Arthur Parsons Arthur Churchill (707) 429-9547 (602) 615-2459 [email protected] (928) 775-2152 [email protected] (501) 268-1179 [email protected] (501) 279-0823 [email protected] CALIFORNIA-NORTHERN Dennis Therien (A) Grapestompers Stockton Jim Jackson (B) Redwood Wings Sonoma Tom Garske, Jr. (E) Yosemite Wings Clovis John Reynolds (F) River City Wings Rancho Cordova Steve & Katie Bezanson (J) Delta Wings Antioch Richard McMillan (L) ClearlakeRoad Riders Nice Lynn Hollenback (O) Shascade Wings Redding Les Long (P) Diablo Valley Wings Concord Harry Davis (R) Monterey Bay Wings Santa Cruz Doug Green (S) Gold Country Riders Paradise Bob Merrick (T) Tri-County Travelers Marysville Dennis Rogers (V) Woodland Roadrunners Woodland John Hunrath (X) Lassen Riders Los Molinos Terry Owen (Z) Golden Gate Wings San Bruno Donald Tolbert, Jr. (530) 877-4279 (209) 951-4427 (707) 933-9799 (559) 323-9807 (209) 745-5020 (925) 234-4352 (707) 263-7101 (530) 365-8107 (925) 686-3774 (831) 338-6804 (530) 872-0883 (530) 682-0529 (916) 682-0734 (530) 384-1407 (650) 952-7240 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CALIFORNIA-SOUTHERN Archie James (I) Tri-Valley Wings Covina Sandie & David Fuller (J) Desert Roadrunners Yucca Valley Peter Bryant (L) Antelope Valley Wings Lancaster Gary Biddy (O) Channel Islands Wings Ventura Charles Burton (Q) SLO Wings San Luis Obispo Dale Smith (W) Victor Valley Wings Victorville Larry Marcum (760) 220-8240 (626) 335-4793 (909 941-9668 (818) 352-1777 (805) 647-7382 (805) 458-0271 (760) 221-9653 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] COLORADO (A) Front Range Gold Longmont (T) Trail Ridge Riders Windsor Dan & Linda McKelvey (970) 686-0430 [email protected] Jim & Glenda Boggess (303) 772-3755 [email protected] Don & Joyce White (970) 834-0706 [email protected] CONNECTICUT (M) Mid-State Navigators Meriden (V) Valley Riders Shelton John Griswold David Laliberte Joe Delnicky (860) 635-5979 [email protected] (860) 628-7363 [email protected] (203) 888-6443 [email protected] DELAWARE Phil Rueger (860) 824-0005 FLORIDA & GEORGIA TBA HAWAII Steve Andrus (A) Big Island Buds Hawaii Nat’l Park Fred Fogel (707) 429-9547 (808) 265-1659 [email protected] IDAHO (A) Southwest Idaho Wings Boise Chuck Hall Mike Sherman (208) 898-9040 [email protected] (208) 452-3481 [email protected] ILLINOIS (A) Central Illinois Wings Buckley (B) Riverbend Riders Troy (C) Windy City Wings Chicago (F) Fun Troop Riders Waterman (G) Lincoln Land Gold Wheels Woodridge (H) River City Riders Moline (P) Southern Pride Mt. Vernon Jack & Joyce May Marvin Young Deb Brem Mark Busse Art Eichelberger Leo Prentice Brian Lees Tom Smithpeters (309) 797-7919 (815) 457-2667 (618) 538-7511 (773) 764-0421 (815) 264-3271 (630) 971-8861 (309) 786-7220 (618) 242-9701 GWTA 22 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] September 2009 Touring News INDIANA (H) Hoosier Heartland Wings Elwood (P) Presidential Wings Huntington (Z) Wings ‘N More Knox John & Marilla Jager Barb & Sam Baker Jack Miller Bill Lutz (260) 635-1236 [email protected] (765) 724-9107 [email protected] (574) 643-2545 (574) 772-7000 [email protected] IOWA (A) Gold Wing Aces Burlington (H) Friendship Riders of Iowa Des Moines (I) Polk County Wings Des Moines (J) Nodaway River Eagles Essex (L) Loess Hills Riders Council Bluffs (P) Nishna Valley Wings Glenwood Don Thomason William Warth Steve Patton Dennis Irvin Jay Liniger Barry Frum Yvonna Allen (641) 493-2053 (319) 367-5119 (515) 278-9051 (515) 287-5466 (712) 303-0524 (712) 545-3028 (712) 825-3008 KANSAS (A) Air Capital Wings Wichita (B) East Kansas Tour Riders Kansas City (C) Western Kansas Wings Dodge City (E) “Kansas Chapter E” Salina (L) Leavenworth Tour Riders Leavenworth (S) Wheatland Tour Riders Olathe (T) Prairie Trail Riders Topeka Roger & Glory Scholl Donna Felix John English Monte Harder Bob Campbell Rodger Dittemore Craig Kelsey Bob & Sally Gast (316) 778-1380 (316) 773-2598 (913) 871-1489 (620) 225-7052 (785) 823-1546 (913) 727-1953 (913) 268-4329 (785) 249-8737 KENTUCKY (B) Kentucky Cruisers Bardstown (P) Pulaski Christian Motorcyclists Somerset (Q) Kentucky Roadrunners Shepherdsville Ben Crowe Donald Avis Gary Hampton Alan Bybee (606) 382-5479 (502) 348-2884 [email protected] (606) 676-8184 [email protected] (502) 375-3202 [email protected] MAINE (A) Sunshine Riders Sebago Phil Rueger (860) 824-0005 Al Doyon & Jeff Carson (207) 854-4061 [email protected] MASSACHUSETTS Phil Rueger (860) 824-0005 MICHIGAN (A) Capital Area Wings Lansing (C) Cereal City Wings Battle Creek (E) Wings of Eagles Kalamazoo (G) Ausable River Riders Grayling (H) Livingston Wings Brighton (H-2) Downriver Wings Taylor (J) Wheels of Friendship Parma (K) Grand Valley Wings Grand Rapids (N) North Woods Wings Greenville (W) West Michigan Roadrunners Otsego Norm & Sandy Helfer Vickie Hammond Richard Thayer Keith & Diane Diller Tom & Peggy Gilbert Ron Klann Jim Farr Tony Edwards Amy Campbell Randy Treynor Joel Krueger (517) 694-4665 (517) 646-7314 (269) 758-3219 (269) 665-9839 (989) 344-6891 (810) 231-6747 (313) 291-5855 (517) 795-6401 (269) 623-8725 (616) 794-2777 (269) 377-9928 MINNESOTA (F) Minnesota F Troop Hinckley Rick Hinrichs Kenneth Beal (402) 578-2368 [email protected] (320) 384-6678 [email protected] MISSISSIPPI Larry & Michele Abramson (901) 262-0140 [email protected] MISSOURI (L) Lake Country Riders Springfield (N) K.C. Tour Riders Platte City Glen Anderson (816) 587-9536 Steve Short (417) 759-7565 [email protected] Philip & Barbara Konzak (816) 792-9647 [email protected] MONTANA JR Phillips NEBRASKA (A) Heartland Wings Omaha (B) Great Plains Riders Bellevue (C) Husker Wings Lincoln (E) Platte Valley Wings North Platte (G) Spirit of Friendship Wings Omaha (M) Monarch Wings Papillion (W) Frenchman Valley Riders Wauneta (Z) Country Wings Blair Dave Willenborg (402) 679-7940 Kim & Becky Johnston (402) 896-9717 [email protected] Michael Reinert (402) 293-9560 Eldon Ogorzolka (402) 489-5549 [email protected] Dale & Deb Kleewein (308) 532-6859 [email protected] Bill & Jean Pierce (402) 571-8741 [email protected] Barb Mills (402) 253-2780 [email protected] Doug & Michelle Sullivan(308) 387-4669 [email protected] Peggy Hakanson (402) 659-0686 [email protected] GWTA 23 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (360) 387-3523 September 2009 Touring News NEVADA (C) Silver State Riders Las Vegas (E) Vegas Valley Wings Las Vegas Steve Andrus Randie & Janet Buss Jim Henry (707) 429-9547 (702) 645-7537 [email protected] (702) 649-3304 [email protected] NEW HAMPSHIRE Phil Rueger (860) 824-0005 NEW JERSEY & NEW YORK NEW MEXICO (A) New Mexico SunRunners Alamogordo NORTH CAROLINA (R2) N.C. Rebel Riders Fayetteville Phil Rueger Steve Andrus John Gilsdorf TBA Clifford Hopkins (860) 824-0005 (707) 429-9547 (575) 491-0994 [email protected] NORTH DAKOTA (H.R.) Rough Riders Mandan Keith LaCoe Keith LaCoe (701) 391-2864 (701) 391-2864 [email protected] OHIO (B) Top of Ohio Wings Bellefontaine (E) Enchanted Wings Toledo (G) Gone With the Wings Youngstown (H) Hi-way Cruisers Madison Kris Rogers Tim Harman Don Price TBA Charles Jewett (989) 770-3933 (937) 599-4441 [email protected] (419) 693-1778 OKLAHOMA (X) Oklahoma’s First Hominy Ray McGrew Bill Simpson (918) 358-2680 [email protected] (918) 387-2979 [email protected] OREGON (A) Rogue Valley Wings Grants Pass (B) Cascade Range Riders Bend (M) Mountain Valley Riders Medford (P) Columbia Wings Portland (T) Trask Mountain Wings McMinnville Randi Kobernik Ken Krois Bill Rodgers Steve O’Dell Mike & Dana Speer Robert Dodson (541) 389-0343 (541) 474-1178 (541) 317-3953 (541) 479-8668 (503) 690-9783 (503) 472-9358 PENNSYLVANIA (B) Keystone Wings Oil City Bud & Karen Price Scott Dunkle (814) 797-5835 [email protected] (814) 516-9400 [email protected] SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA (C) Gold Wings Plus Rapid City (D) Sooland Goldwing Club Dell Rapids TBA Thomas Hilgemeier Diane Smith Pat Feuerhelm (605) 719-9419 (605) 342-7410 (605) 582-8707 TENNESSEE (A) Nashville Tour Riders Nashville Bryan Seery George Deskins (615) 216-5881 [email protected] (615) 653-1057 [email protected] TEXAS (B) Roaming Wings Bedford (E) The Eyes of Texas Garland (L) Lone Star Riders Cleveland (RR) The Road Rangers Texarkana (T) Texas Touring Riders Winnsboro (V) Ghost Riders of the Rio Grande Valley Harlingen Jerry Burford JJ Jean Jay Perkins Bruce Cain Tommy Dossey Ron Lawson Judith Emsley (936) 858-4696 (214) 882-5849 (972) 288-6848 (281) 450-2438 (903) 831-4686 (903) 439-9599 (956) 425-8928 UTAH Steve Andrus (707) 429-9547 VERMONT Phil Rueger (860) 824-0005 VIRGINIA (C) Looney Toon Riders Roanoke Paul Pillion Bud Atkinsnon (540) 537-9282 (540) 265-2986 WASHINGTON (A) Emerald City Wings Federal Way (B) Stilly Valley Wings Stanwood (C) Evergreen Wings Marysville (D) Northwest Wings Seattle (E) Lake Washington Gold Bellevue (G) Lilac City Wings Spokane Don Sims Becky & Paul Behan John Black Bruce & Barb Peterson Al “Cowboy” Mitchell Paul & Janet Kesler Lyle Polack (360) 856-5815 (206) 431-8996 (360) 793-0139 (425) 267-9443 (253) 538-4915 (253) 631-1710 (509) 239-4548 GWTA 24 (910) 867-2760 [email protected] (440) 428-5297 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] September 2009 Touring News WASHINGTON CONT’D (I) Island Wings (L) Smoking Mountain Riders (Q) The Q Crew (S) Skagit Valley Wings (U) Okanogan Valley Wings (V) Auburn Valley Wings (Y) Yakima Valley Wings (Z) Sequim Valley Wings Langley Longview Chehalis Mount Vernon Okanogan Federal Way Sunnyside Sequim John Van Every (360) 675-1240 Wil Ditton (253) 884-5644 Julie & Larry Weese (360) 736-5989 Brad Hill (360) 848-7771 Greg Bolinger (509) 923-2409 Steven & Cameron Gillit (253) 208-9275 Jon Hopwood (509) 965-3002 Mike & Linda Zmiarovich(360) 681-8085 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] WISCONSIN (GB) N.E.W. Riders Green Bay (Y) River Valley Riders Eau Claire Sherri Vonderheid Patrick Williams Darrell Broten (715) 839-9986 (920) 455-0244 [email protected] (715) 835-2012 [email protected] WYOMING JR Phillips (360) 387-3523 ALBERTA (B) Foothills Fhantoms Red Deer (C) Chinook Wings Calgary Murray Perrett Ken Wigmore Bob Pyle (403) 236-2138 [email protected] (403) 782-2593 [email protected] (403) 286-4798 BRITISH COLUMBIA (A) Harbour City Wings Nanaimo JR Phillips Dave Ferrero (360) 387-3523 (250) 753-7751 [email protected] NEW FOUNDLAND, NEW BRUNSWICK, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, NOVA SCOTIA Jim Anderson (905) 563-0003 ONTARIO DIVISION 1 (F) Ajax-Pickering Friendship Riders Pickering (G) Niagara Wings St. Catharines (M) Mississauga Wings Mississauga (N) Northumberland Wing Riders Port Hope (T) Toronto Wings Toronto (W) Waterloo Touring Wings Waterloo Jim Anderson Denis Kavanagh TBA Bob & Pam Beland John Milner (905) 563-0003 (905) 623-4973 (905)563-0003 (905) 866-7944 (905) 885-4254 Nedda Lash & Kevin Welch (416) 636-8395 Kevin Dyne (519) 653-7542 ONTARIO DIVISION 2 (H) Huronia Riders Penetang (K) York-Simcoe Riders Newmarket (NO) Nipissing Riders Redbridge (P) Liftlock Riders Peterborough (Z) Barrie Wingz Wasaga Beach Rick Moore Rose Moore John & Cheryl Lemaitre Mickey Sandula TBA Lee Thompson (705) 549-4065 (705) 549-4065 [email protected] (905) 895-1820 [email protected] (705) 663-2696 [email protected] ONTARIO DIVISION 3 (B) Ottawa Gold Wing Riders Ottawa (PS) 30,000 Island Riders Parry Sound (R) Renfrew County Ramblers Renfrew (S) Sudbury Gold Wings Sudbury Jim Anderson Dwight Buckland TBA TBA TBA (905) 563-0003 [email protected] (819) 778-0521 [email protected] (905) 563-0003 (905) 563-0003 (905) 563-0003 BUFFALO SOLDIERS CHAPTER LISTINGS Brooklyn Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club Abdul-Qaadir New Jersey Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club, Inc. Michael Wright GWTA 25 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (705) 429-3362 [email protected] (718) 490-6919 (732) 625-2432 September 2009 Touring News GWTA National events Gold Rush XXIII July 19-22, 2010. Billings, MT. Gold Rush XXIII will be held in Billings, MT in 2010. The host hotel is the Crowne Plaza. Please see the registration form in this issue of Touring News for hotel and rally information or contact the GWTA National Office at 800-960-4982. Region a A Washington State Wide Early 60’s Poker Run, September 11-12, 2009. The Washington State Wide early 60’s poker run will benefit the Chehalis Veterans Memorial Museum in conjunction with the Patriots Day weekend. Each chapter will organize and conduct its own event. Conduct the usual 50/50 drawing. Recommend $10 per person entering the Poker Run with 50% of the till going to the Museum and 50% to the winner. Support the Museum that supports the Veterans. Make checks payable to: Veterans Memorial Museum and mail to 100 Veterans Way, Chehalis, WA 98532. Contact Pete Slempa, [email protected], for additional information. Wings & Wheels Festival, October 3-4, 2009. East Wenatchee, WA. $15 registration fee (includes parade, poker run, games, Saturday night dinner, show & shine, and ride pin). $5 registration fee for PARADE ONLY. This fun filled family event features a Motorcycle Fest, Classic Car Show & an Airplane Fly-In. FREE musical entertainment for your listening pleasure. Davis Shows Carnival will be on hand for thrills & chills, a food & craft fair and FREE kids activities. Fuel up for the day at the Kiwanis Club breakfast for just $4 per person. Don’t miss the thrills of the “Ride and Glide Extreme Stunt Team”. Visit or call Dawn at 509-886-6108 for more info. Wing Washington 2009 Chapter “E”, January – October 2009. Wing WA is a photo journey of WA state. Take a picture of you and your bike at 37 sites throughout the state. Banquet, photo check-in, and prize drawing, Saturday October 10, 2009 at the Renton Community Center. You have a chance to win great prizes and benefit a very worthwhile charity, Eastside Domestic Violence, and their children’s Christmas wish tag program. To register visit or contact Jerry Weltner at 425-867-9704. Vampire Chili Bite, October 17, 2009. GWTA Chapter V, Auburn Valley Wings, invites you to the annual Vampire Chili Bite, chili social and blood drive at Hinshaws Motorcycle Store in Auburn, WA. Got a great chili or cornbread recipe? Bring it along to share! All bikes and clubs are welcome! Bloodmobile on site from 11:00am – 3:00pm. Contact 253-939-7164 for more information. REGION B Ride for Kids. Northern California. October 4, 2009. Please join us for a CHP escorted ride through the beautiful wine country and ranches of Suisun Valley. Our event this year has moved from Pleasanton and Woodland to Solano Community College, just north off of the 80 freeway. Registration begins at 7:30am and the ride starts promptly at 10:00am. We will have a light breakfast & lunch at the end of the ride for our Celebration of Life. For more info GWTA contact Jon Carlson at [email protected] or 925-998-1111. Phoenix Ride for Kids. Mesa, AZ. October 11, 2009. Come join us for a police escorted ride through the beautiful Tonto National Forrest. Registration opens at 8am and ride leaves sharply at 10. Minimum $35 per bike to join the fun. Light breakfast and box lunch provided at the celebration of life. For more info contact Paul Trinker 602-670-6271 or Dennis Draper 309-242-1955. Region C Honor the Fallen Motorcycle Ride, September 19, 2009. Weyerhaeuser, WI. Motorcycle ride & fundraiser to honor fallen soldier LCpl Andrew Matus. Proceeds go to the Andrew Matus Mechanical Engineering Scholarship Fund. Join us at Burdy’s Bar, Weyerhaeuser, WI for any of these events Pancake Breakfast 8:3011 am $5 per person; Ride Registration 8:30-11 am $10 per person, leave at 11:15 for a 100 mile ride with 2 stops. Return to Burdy’s Bar for supper & raffles, etc. Public is welcome to attend. Call Tim or Pam for more info at 715-532-4848. Fall Color Ride, October 4, 2009. Marshfield, WI. Fall Color Ride on the YellowStone Trail in and around Marshfield, WI. Registration begins Friday, October 2, 2pm – 11pm at Wildwood Park, 1800 South Central, (South Hwy 13), or Saturday, October 4, 8am – Noon, at Nutz Deep, 809 South Central Ave., Marshfield. Poker Run books and wristbands will be obtained at registration. Friday night kicks off with an Oktoberfest celebration with Oktoberfest brats and fixings. Micro-brewery taste testing, food, live music, and a poker run. Come for a fun filled weekend and enjoy the historic Yellowstone Trail ( and the beautiful Fall colors. Call 800-422-4541 for more information. Big Thunder Run, October 4, 2009. Batavia, IL. Big Thunder Run Poker Run helps those who fought for our freedom, America’s Veterans. All proceeds go to help Veterans and obtain accountability of all POW/MIA. Poker Run, Bike Show, Bike Raffle, Raffles, Live Music. Registration starts at 9am. Contact Kriss at 630-546-0270 for more info. Region D 5th Annual Raleigh Rumble, September 4-5, 2009, Raleigh, NC. The North Carolina chapter of Ton-Up, the Cape Fear chapter of the Brit Iron Rebels and the Incriminators Scooter Club would like to extend this invitation to join us and several other vintage motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world to the 5th Annual Modds vs. Rockers, Raleigh Rumble Bike Show & Rally. Location: Players Retreat – 105 Oberlin Rd., Raleigh, NC 27605. Call 919-755-9589 for more info or visit Thunder in the Smoky’s Rally, September 11 – 13, 2009, Maggie Valley, NC. Located in Maggie Valley, NC in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains, Thunder in the Smokies has much to offer from great roads to ride such as the Blue Ridge Parkway to the Cherohala Skyway and many more. Music concerts, tour ride, bike games, bike show, variety of vendors and much more! For pas event pics, directions, schedules, roads to ride & more check out www. Join us every Spring & Fall! 26 September 2009 Touring News Region E Eastern Kansas Tour Riders 2009 Land of Ahhh’s self guided tour. Register and complete a tour of KS sites by the end of November and receive a Land of Ahhh’s pin and tour bar in addition to the memories of great Land of Ahhh’s rides, roads, people, and places. For details and more information visit or email [email protected] or [email protected]. Keepin the Faith Biker Rally. September 5, 2009. Rogers, AR. AM & PM scenic motorcycle rides, bike show and games, festival foods, awesome door prizes, kids’ area and 35 vendors providing stuff like biker leather, patch sewing, tattoos, face painting, give aways, bike group info, and ministry. Hip live music as well as Christian ministry onstage throughout the day. Check www.keepinthefaithrally.tripod. com, [email protected] or call 479-254-0145 for info. Labor Day Oregon Ride. September 5-20, 2009. Colorado Chapter A. Contact Jim or Betty Hunzeker at 303-828-3815 or bucknbetty@ 9/11 Motorcycle Tribute Parade. September 12, 2009. Colorado Springs, CO. Ride registration 9am – 11am. $5 donation per person benefits United States Marine Corps Toys for Tots. Black armband for first 200 riders. Call 719-487-8005 for more info. Cheyenne’s Rally 3rd Annual. September 12, 2009. San Angelo, TX. 3rd Annual Cheyenne’s Rally benefiting Children’s Miracle Network in memory of 13 year old Cheyenne Fiveash. Motorcycle Run, show & games, live and silent auctions, food, live music, drawings, prizes, and tons of activities for the entire family. Run starts at Family Power Sports, Houston Harte Expwy in San Angelo, TX. 1st bike out 10am, last bike in 1pm. All other activities at Kirby Park & Pavilion at 1400 Edmund Blvd. in San Angelo. 100 percent of proceeds benefit the CMN. This event is now the 2nd largest fundraiser for CMN in this area. Join us for fun and to raise money for a wonderful cause. Call 325-949-6977 for more info. 2nd Annual GWTA Texas State Rally. September 18-20, 2009. Texas State Railroad, Rusk, Texas Campgrounds. This rally will offer a fun run, biker games, silent auction, door prizes, train rides, bike shows, food and bike vendors, self guided rides and new for this year, a geocaching game for those of you who utilize gps’s. Campsites are available for $10 per night with two bikes per campsite. RV/ Vendor sites will be available for $25 per night. Admission is $10 per person, fun run will be $5 per person and the geocaching will be $5 per person. GWTA Kansas Fall Campout. September 25-27, 2009. The GWTA Kansas Fall Campout will be held at the Canning Creek pavilion “S1” at Council Grove Lake located by Council Grove, KS. Several RV spots or tent spots around the pavilion are available for $5 per night, but you must call Roger at 316-312-1118 to reserve your spot. Hotel sleepers need to make your own reservations. Food cost is $8 per person. Friday evening meal, Saturday breakfast and Saturday evening meal are provided. Activities will include group events, campfire, gift shops, ice cream ride, group rides, 50/50, prizes and more. Pre-registration form is available at www.gwtaregione. and click on the menu option called “Rallies” or call Roger at 316-312-1118 for more information. Leavenworth Chapter “L” 17th Annual Fall Color Ride and Poker Run. October 4, 2009. Lansing, KS. Rain or Shine. Prizes, good ride, good food, good friendship!! For details see our website at or call Rodger at 913-727-1775. Sparks America Halloween Bash. October 22-25, 2009. Location: GWTA 346507 East 0990, Sparks, OK 74869. Contact Angie at 918-8662543 or visit for more info. REGION F GWTA Dinner Run September 12, 2009. Das Dutchman Essenhaus, Middlebury, IN. Contact Max & Pat Krueger for more information at 269-694-9746. Motorcycle Run & Pig Roast. September 12, 2009. Middletown, OH. 4th Annual Motorcycle Run & Pig Roast to benefit Abilities First. $25 rider/$30 couple includes: lunch (midway point), dinner, raffle, & live entertainment. Receive $5 discount if you pre-register. Available at Middletown Elks Lodge #257. Middletown Moose Pig Roast (Rain or Shine). Open to the public – 5:00pm. Admissions $10. Registration 1:00am – 12:00pm. Abilities First (parking lot) 4710 Timber Trail Drive Middletown, OH. Scenic Ride: 7 covered bridges of Preble County, OH (100 miles). The ride will end at the Elks Lodge, 6475 Trenton-Franklin Road (Pig Roast). Contact Connie at 513-423-9496 for more information. The Pink and Chrome - Ride for the Cure is an open motorcycle event to raise money for Susan G. Komen for the Cure of Greater Cincinnati. This is an 80 mile pledge ride, with awesome door prizes, club awards, entertainment, and some incredible awards and prize drawings! The ride is Saturday, October 3rd, 2009 in Dayton, Ohio. Registration begins at 9:00 am, with first bike out at 11:00 am, and the last bike in at 4:00 pm. Prizes and awards will be handed out starting at 4:30. This will be an 80 mile scenic ride, with plenty of “pit stops” and things to see along the way. The route will be posted the day of the ride, stay tuned for more information on the start and end locations and stops along the route! Bring as many of your friends and riding buddies as possible. This is going to be a GREAT ride! Contact Toni or Don Webb at [email protected]. GWTA Michigan Fall Color Tour. October 9-12, 2009. The 3rd annual combined chapter color tour will kick off in Gaylord this year to take advantage of the farther north, color enhanced beauty of the upper region of the Lower Peninsula. Different fun runs will be available for Saturday & Sunday, either guided or on your own. A buffet dinner is planned for Saturday evening at BJ’s Restaurant at 6:30pm. The buffet is $13.99 with prime rib, $29.99 with crab legs. Headquarters will be Alpine Lodge, located at exit 282 on I-75. Call 989-732-2431 for reservations. For questions about the Fall Color Tour, contact Ron or Bette Klann at 810-231-6747. REGION H Bikers for Babies, October 11, 2009. Mechanicsville, MD. This 45 mile police escorted ride will begin with an official line-up at 2:00pm on the ¼ mile race track and take you on a scenic ride through beautiful Southern Maryland when the fall foliage is at its peak. The ride will end at Apehangers Bar & Grill in Bel Alton, MD for a free after-ride party with all the trimmings, including a live band! All proceeds benefit the March of Dimes. Sunday October 11th at the Maryland International Raceway, 27861 Budds Creek Road, Mechanicsville, MD 20659. Registration begins at 10am. Come early and enjoy the races, vendors, deejay, and snack bar. Ride starts at 2:00pm. Registration fee $35 per rider ($60 rider & passenger). Contact Deanna at 703-824-0111 ext. 18 for more info. 27 Check out Region J events on Page 15! September 2009 Touring News Commitment: Cornelis Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Cecilia Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Steve Bezanson, Region B, CA, Chapter NF; Kathyrn Bezanson, Region B, CA, Chapter NF; Douglas Pawledge, Region B, CA, Chapter NS; Nancy Pawledge, Region B, CA, Chapter NS; Robert Merrick, Region B, CA, Chapter NS; Linda Merrick, Region B, CA, Chapter NS; Gary Hemingway, Region C, NE, Chapter G; Teresa Hemingway, Region C, NE, Chapter G; Chuck Chism, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Mj Allmond, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Robert S. Tacey, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Teresa Tacey, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Gordon Rudolph, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Ella May Rudolph, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Richard Fetterman, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Cheryl Fetterman, Region F, MI, Chapter J. Level I: Cornelis Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Cecilia Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Steve Bezanson, Region B, CA, Chapter NF; Kathyrn Bezanson, Region B, CA, Chapter NF; Douglas Pawledge, Region B, CA, Chapter NS; Nancy Pawledge, Region B, CA, Chapter NS; Robert Merrick, Region B, CA, Chapter NS; Linda Merrick, Region B, CA, Chapter NS; Gary Hemingway, Region C, NE, Chapter G; Teresa Hemingway, Region C, NE, Chapter G; Chuck Chism, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Mj Allmond, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Robert S. Tacey, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Teresa Tacey, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Gordon Rudolph, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Ella May Rudolph, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Richard Fetterman, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Cheryl Fetterman, Region F, MI, Chapter J. Level II: Sandy Svik, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Candy Craig, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Al (Cowboy) Mitchell, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Dale Smith, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Patrick Fitch, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Bill Tuff, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Sean Wilkie, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Dale Snipes, Region A, WA, Chapter G; Larry Barham, Region A, WA, Chapter G; Joseph Finley, Region A, WA, Chapter S; Paul J. Carmean, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Kathleen S. Carmean, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Cornelis Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Cecilia Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Gary Hemingway, Region C, NE, Chapter G; Teresa Hemingway, Region C, NE, Chapter G; Chuck Chism, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Mj Allmond, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Robert S. Tacey, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Teresa Tacey, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Gordon Rudolph, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Ella May Rudolph, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Richard Fetterman, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Cheryl Fetterman, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Harold E. Price, Region F, PA, Chapter B; Scott Dunkle, Region F, PA, Chapter B; Lori M. Norris, Region F, PA, Chapter B. Level III: Sandy Svik, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Candy Craig, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Al (Cowboy) Mitchell, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Dale Smith, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Patrick Fitch, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Bill Tuff, Region A, WA, Chapter D; GWTA Sean Wilkie, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Dale Snipes, Region A, WA, Chapter G; Larry Barham, Region A, WA, Chapter G; Joseph Finley, Region A, WA, Chapter S; Paul J. Carmean, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Kathleen S. Carmean, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Cornelis Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Cecilia Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Gary Hemingway, Region C, NE, Chapter G; Teresa Hemingway, Region C, NE, Chapter G; Chuck Chism, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Mj Allmond, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Robert S. Tacey, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Teresa Tacey, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Gordon Rudolph, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Ella May Rudolph, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Richard Fetterman, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Cheryl Fetterman, Region F, MI, Chapter J. Level IV: Sandy Svik, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Candy Craig, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Al (Cowboy) Mitchell, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Dale Smith, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Patrick Fitch, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Bill Tuff, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Sean Wilkie, Region A, WA, Chapter D; Dale Snipes, Region A, WA, Chapter G; Larry Barham, Region A, WA, Chapter G; Joseph Finley, Region A, WA, Chapter S; Paul J. Carmean, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Kathleen S. Carmean, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Cornelis Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Cecilia Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Gary Hemingway, Region C, NE, Chapter G; Teresa Hemingway, Region C, NE, Chapter G; Chuck Chism, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Mj Allmond, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Robert S. Tacey, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Teresa Tacey, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Gordon Rudolph, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Ella May Rudolph, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Richard Fetterman, Region F, MI, Chapter J; Cheryl Fetterman, Region F, MI, Chapter J. SRC: Paul J. Carmean, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Kathleen S. Carmean, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Cornelis Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Cecilia Eckerson, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Harold E. Price, Region F, PA, Chapter B; Scott Dunkle, Region F, PA, Chapter B; Lori M. Norris, Region F, PA, Chapter B. 10 yr. renewals: Paul J. Carmean, Region A, WA, Chapter Z; Kathleen S. Carmean, Region A, WA, Chapter Z. Hello to All of our GWTA Family The following is a plea for everyone to please wear that Safety gear at all times while riding. You can’t predict when that dog, kid, deer, or anything else is going to enter your path of travel. It could be right down the street or while traveling far from home. I guess that because of accepting the position of GWTA National RED we are more aware than ever before. Back in 1958, when I first started riding, Engineer Boots and Leather Jackets were the rage so I wore safety gear to look cool. Helmets weren’t thought of yet and I didn’t have a windshield but sunglasses completed the cool look. Besides, the helmet would have messed up my Duck Tail and Waterfall hair-do. Anyway, being more aware, and due to our NRED assignment, we receive too many accident reports not to mention newspaper articles getting our attention. Some are a relief to read when were told that the rider was wearing safety gear and was able to ride away. More of them say that the rider was not wearing safety gear and either suffered severe injury or death. The pictures really get our attention. Go to: and read what people who were in an accident have to say about safety gear. Judy wore her jacket when I wore a Tee shirt and we both wore ¾ helmets. Now we both wear jackets, gloves, boots, long pants 28 September 2009 Touring News and full face helmets. I have over 250,000 accident free miles riding a motorcycle and that only means, to me, that the odds are greater that an accident is in our future. I hope that’s not true but you can’t control every situation. Motorcycle riding is a dangerous sport so we are taking all the safety precautions available but still enjoying the ride. Actually, the ride is a little more comfortable knowing that we are wearing our safety gear. GWTA does not require you to wear safety gear except when you’re participating in the SRC Rider Education. It’s a choice only you can make. We want to talk to you and not about you so please consider always being safe. In friendship, Don and Judy Coons GWTA, NRED TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR RIDE . . . Quality Parts and Accessories for your 1975 to 2009 Wing Dear Bruce & Jennifer; First, thanks for the great time that we had in Lexington, Kentucky at Gold Rush XXII. As always, it was a great time and three quarters of our family really enjoyed it. As for the other one quarter of the family, well she would have enjoyed it had she been able to attend. Anyway, we are honored to have served as the 2008-2009 Family of the Year for GWTA. We were very surprised to hear from Jennifer a while back that the title of FOY came with a comp room for Gold Rush. For our family, this was great news however the lack of lodging or funds for lodging would not have stopped us from coming to Gold Rush. In light of the economic times, our family, who does have the financial means of attending Gold Rush, does not feel right about having a fully paid room given to us. I know the association works with a tight budget. I know many others who are working with tight budgets too. For the record, Chris and I are each taking six unpaid days off this summer between June and October. However, we still feel it is in the best interest of the association and the membership to make a donation to offset a portion of the room. Therefore, please find attached a check for $200.00 as a room donation. Thanks for all you do to keep GWTA the great motorcycle association that it is. Rear Trike Accessories Trike Apparel Sincerely, Eric Larson We would like to send out a big THANK YOU to everyone in GWTA for thinking of us and helping out after Jay’s accident en route to Gold Rush. We appreciate all of the get well cards and visits from our friends. We would especially like to thank Don & Kathy Thomason, Helping Hands, and Don & Kim Douthit for assisting with the bike and getting everyone together. We cannot thank everyone enough and are truly grateful for all of our GWTA friends. Sincerely, Jay & Sherry Lininger, Iowa Chapter J LED Multi-Colored Multi-Function Light Kit ® For a free catalog, free gift and the name of your nearest dealer Call 1-800-821-9861 Web Email [email protected] GWTA 29 September 2009 Touring News 1963 HONDA TECH COLUMNIST Randy Rundle American Honda, now with approximately 800 motorcycle dealers around the country, moves its corporate headquarters from Pico Boulevard to new offices in Gardena, California. Honda not only has to establish itself in the U.S. motorcycle market, it has to overcome the negative stereotype of motorcyclists. 415 Court Street Clay Center, KS 67435 (785) 632-3450 Fax: (785) 632-6154 [email protected] American Honda 50th Anniversary Timeline 06/04/2009 -Torrance, Calif. - 1959 1968 On June 11, American Honda Motor Co, Inc. is incorporated as the first overseas subsidiary of Honda Motor Co., Ltd., just eleven years after the company’s inception as a small motorcycle manufacturer in Japan. A handful of associates led by 39-year-old Kihachiro Kawashima begin signing up U.S. motorcycle dealers, working out of a small storefront office at 4077 Pico Boulevard in Los Angeles, California. The Honda 50 (Super Cub), Dream and Benly motorcycles are the first Honda products sold in the U.S. First-year sales amounted to just over 1,700 units. 1962 Honda begins selling power equipment products in the U.S. Its first product is the F-190 tiller followed by the E-300 and E-40 portable generators in 1964. American Honda launches the memorable 12-year ad campaign, “You meet the nicest people on a Honda” to create a new image of fun and friendly motorcycling with U.S. consumers. Advertisements appeared on billboards and in many of America’s most prestigious magazines of the day, and, in 1965, the company aired two 90-second commercials during the Academy Awards. GWTA American Honda sells its one-millionth motorcycle in the U.S. 1969 American Honda sells a handful of its first automobile, the diminutive N600 sedan, in Hawaii in 1969 followed by the start of sales in the continental U.S. in 1970. The N600 carries a manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of $1,275 Honda begins market research and new model development activities in America with the establishment of Honda Research California (later Honda R&D Americas, Inc.) in the company’s Gardena, California, headquarters. Honda introduces the GL1100 “Gold Wing” igniting U.S. motorcycle riders passion for long-distance cruising 1977 Honda announces plan to produce products in America, starting with motorcycles, but with a plan to add automobiles in the future. Honda of America Mfg., Inc. is formally established in February 1978. 30 September 2009 Touring News 1979 On September 10, Honda of America Mfg. begins production of the Honda CR250M Elsinore motorcycle at the Marysville Motorcycle Plant in Marysville, Ohio, making Honda the first Japanese automaker to produce products of any kind in America. Within days of the start of motorcycle production, Honda decides to go ahead with plans for a new automobile factory in Ohio. 1980 Honda breaks ground on a new $250 million auto plant in Marysville, Ohio. 1984 On August 6, Honda Power Equipment Mfg., Inc., begins assembling Honda lawnmowers at a new plant in Swepsonville, NC. The plant steadily expands its capacity to more than 340,000 lawnmowers and 2 million general-purpose engines annually. 1985 On July 22, the Anna Engine Plant (AEP) in Anna, Ohio, begins production of Gold Wing engines. AEP would build its first automobile engine in September 1986 and goes on to become Honda’s highest volume engine plant in the world with an annual production capacity of 1.2 million units (in 2008). 1989 Honda company co-founder, Soichiro Honda, becomes the first leader of a Japanese automaker inducted into the U.S. Automotive Hall of Fame. 1998 Honda of South Carolina Mfg, Inc. opens a new 330,000-squarefoot plant for the production of Honda Four Trax all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). The company would add a second plant for production of Honda AquaTrax personal watercraft in 2002. 2003 American Honda cumulative product sales, including automobiles, powersports and power equipment products, surpass the 50-millionunit mark, including more than 20-million automobiles. 2007 Honda introduces the world’s first production motorcycle with an available rider airbag system, on the 2008 Honda Gold Wing. GWTA 31 September 2009 Touring News Everyone is invited to take part in RaveNRide 2009! The following tours are currently available: “Region A Tour 1” and “Region A Tour 2”. Simply request a tour card from the Region A director. Participants have from April 1, 2009 through October 31, 2009 to visit each business or chapter listed on the card. A sticker will be placed at each location visited and once the card is completed, turn it in to the National Office for a chance to win a $1,000 prize which will be awarded in December 2009! It’s that simple. More info on each location is available at or Region A Tour #1 Chet’s Honda 17 H St. SW, Quincy, WA 98848 509-787-3617; Empire Cycle & Powersports 7807, E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99212 509-892-6368 GWTA Washington Chapter E Lake Washington Gold meets at Denny’s: 2233 148th Ave. NE, Bellevue, WA 98007 253-631-1710; GWTA Washington Chapter V Auburn Valley Wings meets at Trotter’s Restaurant: 825 Harvey Road, Auburn, WA 98002 253-208-9867; Hinshaw’s Motorcycle Store 1611 West Valley Hwy So., Auburn, WA 98001 253-939-7164; Onthree Trike Conversions 1725 - 268th Ave. N.E., Redmond, WA 98053 425-836-0373; Renton Motorcycle Mall 3701 East Valley Rd., Renton, WA 98057 425-226-4320; GWTA Road House Cycles 1640 E. Schnidmiller Ave., Post Falls, ID 83854 208-457-1150; 32 September 2009 Touring News Region A Tour #2 Everett Powersports 215 SW Everett Mall Way, Everett, WA 98204 425-347-4545; Gerry Andal’s 27021 - 102nd Ave. NW, Stanwood, WA 98292 360-629-6569; GWTA Washington Chapter C Evergreen Wings meets at Everett Eagles: 1216 Broadway, Everett, WA 98201 253-538-4915; GWTA Washington Chapter S Skagit Valley Wings meets at Cranberry Tree Restaurant: 2030 Freeway Drive, Mt. Vernon, WA 360-630-1780; Lifestyles Honda 3302 Cedardale Rd., Mt. Vernon, WA 98274 360-416-3950; Timber Creek Grill Buffet 9211 E. Montgomery Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-892-6390 Westside Motorsports 4201 S. Grove Road, Spokane, WA 99224 509-747-1862; Wingman Enterprises 5663 - A N.E. 105th Ave., Portland, OR 97220 503-257-4141; If you are interested in having a RaveNRide tour in your region, contact your region director to find out how you can help set one up ! GWTA 33 September 2009 Touring News Spirit of Friendship Wings, NE-G, Know How To Grow Membership growth is critical to the success of the Gold Wing Touring Association (GWTA). The Spirit of Friendship Wings, Chapter G of Nebraska, Region C, have consistently had the best growth of all the Chapters in the GWTA. For the 11-month period of July, 2008, until June, 2009, they have grown by 18 members – the best in our entire organization. In order to explore what this phenomenal Chapter does to get this kind of success, Touring News interviewed their Chapter Director, Bill Pierce. Touring News: Bill, please tell us about the Spirit of Friendship Wings, and how you’ve grown like you have in the past 11 months. Bill Pierce: Our Chapter is a great group of people who get together to ride and have fun. As far as our growth goes, it’s nothing complicated. We like to meet people who ride, and invite them to join us. For example, when I’m at our local Honda dealer I leave my Chapter business card on the saddle of bikes I see there. Many of them call me. I tell them we have dinner rides on Tuesday nights and some planned weekend rides. If that sounds good, we’d love to have you join us. I know it works not just for me, but for other Chapter members too. One of our members recently saw a guy with a motorcycle shirt on, started talking to him, asked if he belonged to a riding group (which he didn’t), and invited him to go ride with us. He joined our chapter. It was that simple. TN: Do you have any particular Recruiting Program that you use? BP: Well, no, not really. Just individual members talking to people we see. Just last week I was at the grocery store. When I came out to the parking lot, a couple road up on a Goldwing. I struck up a conversation and asked them if they ride with a group, and they said, “We’ve thought GWTA about it because we get tired of riding alone”. I gave them my GWTA card, got his business card and e-mailed them copies of our newsletter and ride schedule It’s mostly word of mouth, but we have inherited GWTA members who transferred to our Chapter because of timing – they liked our meeting night better than their other Chapter, or discovered that we might be closer after a move, or they rode with us and thought we were a better fit for them. But, mainly, we grow by word of mouth. TN: What is the best thing you do to attract and keep members? BP: I think the thing that keeps members is getting them involved soon. I, myself, am a good example. I joined the Spirit of Friendship Wings in February, and was elected CD in July. <Laughs> We recently put on our first big event as a Chapter – a Lime Run – and about 75% of our whole Chapter of 60+ members were involved in some way. We all had a great time! I think everybody likes to be asked to help do something. Then they feel closer to the other members and a bigger part of the Chapter. Getting folks active as soon as possible has been very good for us. TN: What happens if I join Spirit of Friendship Wings? How do you integrate new members? BP: As soon as someone joins, we get their contact information, and send them our latest newsletter and ride schedule. We also introduce them to our other members, to make sure they feel like a welcome addition to our Chapter. We make a special effort to invite new members to go on our planned and informal rides. We also encourage them to come to the monthly meeting because it is their chapter and their views are important. We tried doing a written survey of our member’s interests but only got three replies. So having their input at meetings is needed. 34 September 2009 Touring News TN: Do you have any Special Events that Spirit of Friendship Wings put on? BP: We recently put on what we called a “Lime Run” Fun Run. This was the first time we’ve done something like this in a long time. It was something new. We wanted to do something different. Believe me, we had some questions about doing it. “What if nobody shows up?” “What if too many people show up?” “How will we know how much food we’ll need?” It was one of our newer members who came up with the idea of working with a fellow called “The Pancake Man”. This approach had not been used by any other chapters in the area. It eliminated our concern about having the right amount of food. He knew what he was doing, was entertaining, and supplied everything. We sold tickets for breakfast to people not going on the run and tickets with breakfast and the run. He kept track of how many meals he served and we paid him for them. We had very little risk with maximum flexibility. It worked out great! We had about 100 people, and raised about $500 for our charities. TN: How do you communicate with your members? BP: We have a newsletter that is e-mailed to the members and it is put on the Nebraska GWTA web site. Of course, we do have a small number without email, and I send it to them. So email is our primary means, but we also do some phone calls for our informal rides. TN: What advice would you have for a new or small Chapter just getting started? GWTA BP: That’s a challenge. You need people who are willing to really get involved, and are committed to the program. Folks who love riding, and aren’t afraid to expend some energy to make things happen and be willing to reach out to others to invite them to ride with you. I remember the first week I bought my bike. There I am in a parking lot, and up rides Dave Willenborg. He says, “That’s Eldon Ogorzolka’s bike”, and I said, “No it’s not! I just bought it, so it’s mine!” We talked for a few minutes, and he asked if I ride with any group. After I said I didn’t, he invited me to join the Spirit of Friendship Wings. It wasn’t long before I’m having a blast and enjoying everything we’re doing. When we’re having fun, it’s easy to want to share it. A new Chapter really needs to find some folks willing to put themselves out there like Dave did when he rode up and talked to me. It takes some passion about GWTA. TN: Is there anything about our GWTA program you wish was different? BP: You know, I can’t really think of anything. We have so much fun as a Chapter, I don’t really bother with much else. Almost everyone I’ve ever met from GWTA have just been great folks to know and ride with. I can’t make it to as many events as I’d like to, but what I have done, I’ve enjoyed. It’s always great to meet and ride with people who love to have fun like the folks in GWTA. In my opinion, the program sells itself, and all I have to do is invite people to go riding with us, and they do. They join the GWTA family! 35 September 2009 Touring News Very few riders who’ve worn one of these can ever be as happy in anything else. And all the reasons why are here: NEW Corsair -5 Arai’s advanced state-of-the-art helmet, with a host of rider-relevant features and innovations. Shown: Aluminum Silver color GWTA For a copy of Arai’s new 32-page color catalog plus an Arai sticker pak, please send $4.00 in cash or stamps ($5.00 U.S. Currency if outside the U.S.) to Arai Americas, Inc., Dept. AD09VRY, P.O. Box 9435, Daytona, FL 32120. Specifications subject to change without notice. ©2009 Arai Helmets. Arai is the Official Helmet Sponsor of The Official Helmet of the Daytona 200. 36 September 2009 Touring News
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