parish magazine - Warbleton Parish Church
parish magazine - Warbleton Parish Church
Parish Magazine October 2016 50p Warbleton Dallington Bodle Street Green DIRECTORY Rector The Rev’d Marc Lloyd...................................................01435 830421 [email protected] Jeremy Cooke................................................................01435 830883 Lay Reader WARBLETON Churchwardens PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Deanery Synod Representatives Organist Captain of the Bell Tower Sunday Club Youth Fellowship (TCWNN) Visiting Team Parish Magazine Editor Parish Magazine Distribution & Subscription Advertising Coordinator Bibles Reading Notes & Church Bookstall Jennifer Gill....................................................................01323 833001 Jonathan Austin .......................................................... 01435 830280 [email protected] Judith Hemsley ........................................................... 01435 830481 [email protected] Tony Welford ................................................................ 01435 812514 Vivian Bowern .............................................................. 01435 830204 David Cleverley .............................................................01435 812870 Barbara Cooke ............................................................ 01435 830883 Jan Leeves ................................................................... 01435 830803 Jane Atherden ............................................................ 07923 488762 Tony Welford ............................................................... 01435 812514 Helen Bowern ............................................................. 01435 830204 Wendy Greaves............................................................ 01435 830588 Colette Parsons ........................................................... 01435 830439 [email protected] Lucy Rees ..................................................................... 01435 830404 Meryl Clark .................................................................. 01435 831691 [email protected] Vivian Bowern................................................................01435 830204 BODLE STREET GREEN Churchwardens PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Deanery Synod Representatives Organist Church Flowers & Cleaning Parish Magazine Distribution & Subscription Mary Gibson ................................................................ 01323 833554 Charles Harding ........................................................... 01323 833254 Mary Williamson ......................................................... 01323 832509 Bryan Gibson ............................................................... 01323 833554 Jeanne Archer ............................................................ 01323 832055 Bryan Gibson ............................................................... 01323 833554 Bryan Gibson ............................................................... 01323 833554 Margaret Harding ....................................................... 01323 833254 Jeanne Archer ............................................................ 01323 832055 DALLINGTON Churchwardens Deanery Synod Representatives Bell Ringers PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer PCC Assistant Treasurer Parish Magazine Distribution & Subscription Wendy Miers..................................................................01424 838259 Angela Keeley................................................................01435 830520 John Steel.......................................................................01435 830811 Bobbie Steel...................................................................01435 830811 John Steel.......................................................................01435 830811 Bobbie Steel...................................................................01435 830811 Michael De St. Croix.....................................................01424 838492 Douglas Sewell..............................................................01435 830304 Roz Welfare....................................................................01435 830276 [email protected] For BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS, CONFIRMATIONS, HOUSE COMMUNIONS, VISITS and FUNERALS Please ring Marc Lloyd. Social Clubs etc. see page 27. 2 From The Rectory In this article I shall tell you why you must be mad not to be in church on Sunday. Sort of. Of course if you’re not a Christian believer, I don’t expect you to come to church. You are always most welcome, but I could see why you might rather not. I hope you’ll read on and see why you might like to join us. But if you call yourself a Christian, I must say I really can’t understand where you would rather be. Now, you might choose a different church for whatever reason. I would be sad about that, but I get that you might seek out the kind of music or preaching or children’s work you like. I think it’s a huge shame to drive past the parish church, but I could understand it. Frankly, in some circumstances I might even do it myself. But what I can’t understand is calling yourself a Christian and failing to go to church on a Sunday at all – at least most of the time. Sure, now and then you might be ill. Sometimes there will be something urgent and important to do, of course. If you are an A&E doctor or one of your animals falls into a ditch, of course you might have to miss church. But you wouldn’t want to. Why? Let me offer two reasons. First, because church is meeting with your brothers and sisters in Christ. We are family and families get together. Failing to go to church is like belonging to a family but never turning up to the Sunday lunch mum and dad put on. You miss out. And your family misses out. We need one another. And a big part of the purpose of church is to encourage and help one another. Unless we are at the same local fellowship most weeks, it’s very hard for us to love and serve each other in the way the New Testament requires. But it’s not just that. Going to church is something very human, but it is also something superhuman. It is more than any mere club or mutual support society. The second, and in fact the primary, reason why we go to church is to meet with God himself. Yes, God is everywhere. God does not live in the church building, sure. But the gathering of the people of God around the Word of God is where our Lord has promised to be with us in a special way to bless us. He speaks his Word to us. We speak to him together and sing his praises. When we receive the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion we receive Christ by faith in our hearts in a unique manner. And there is no such thing (ideally) as a solitary Communion service. As we meet together, God renews his commitment to us and we renew our commitment to him. We’re equipped for his service in the week ahead. The amazing teaching of the New Testament is that each Sunday (“Lord’s Day”) service is a mini outpost of heaven itself. God comes to us, which makes church heaven on earth. Our fellowship is not only amongst ourselves but with all the saints in glory (the Christian believers who have gone before us down the centuries), with the angels and with the church here on earth around the world. Or perhaps better, to put it the other way around, in our worship we “Lift Up Our Hearts” such that by the power of the Holy Spirit our service takes place in heaven itself. Warbleton or Bodle Street Green or Dallington churches are gathered up into the throne room of heaven for an hour or so each Sunday. And we would be mad to want to miss that. It might not always seem the glitziest show on earth, but it is literally heavenly. Or so we believe by faith, if not always by sight. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. The Rev’d Marc Lloyd Page33 THE STORES THE DUNN VILLAGE HALL RUSHLAKE GREEN RUSHLAKE GREEN A central and convenient venue for functions of all types. Well equipped, clean and bright. Grocery & Provisions Full Off Licence Phone 01435 830381 Call Denise Bailey 01435 831565 Regular Deliveries and Personal Attention Pauline Clifford 01435 408425 or WARBLETON HOUSING ASSOCIATION LIMITED CLYDE YOUNG WEALTH MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT SENIOR LIVING AT RUSHLAKE GREEN Single and Double occupancy flats for local independent Senior Aged persons. For details and application form write to: A – Z REPAIRS The Secretary, Osborne House, Rushlake Green TN21 9QL (est.1990) LL C A RGE O N CHA T OU A wealth of expertise on your doorstep NO CALL OUT CHARGE We provide an experienced wealth management service and offer specialist advice in a wide range of areas including: • Investment planning • Retirement planning • Inheritance Tax planning For further details contact Clyde Young on: Tel: 01435 872978 Sunnybank House, High Street, Mayfield, East Sussex, TN20 6AA Email: [email protected] Website: Public Address Systems A – Z (est.REPAIRS 1990) COLIN PEPPER From J.C Austin Tel: 01435 863833 Mobile:07771 646 249 COLIN PEPPER Tel: 01435 • Mobile:07771 646 249 Repairs863833 to all makes of washing machines Shows, meetings etc Indoors and Outdoors dishwashers, electric cookers, tumble dryers etc. Repairs to all makes of washing machines Parts supplied and fitted guaranteed for one year dishwashers, electric cookers, tumble dryers etc. Parts supplied and fitted guaranteed for one year 01435 830280 07768 643549 [email protected] RED~FERN LAWN MOWING AND GARDEN SERVICES Also Hedge cutting > strimming/brush cutting > leaf clearance Minor household repairs > indoors & outdoors Pressure washing patios > decking > paths Fence & shed repairs > preserving Enquiries: Ian Redfern > 01323 831611 > 07514 909714 Email > [email protected] Fully insured/references 4 Warbleton Parish Church Diary Sanctuary Guild Flowers for October 2016 15th and 22nd 29th Mrs Davis and Mrs Kirby Mrs Ramsay Smith and Mrs Christieson Joint Men’s and Ladies’ Breakfasts on Saturday 1st October There will be Men’s and Ladies’ breakfasts at 08.30 am at White Birch Farm. We join together after breakfast to hear Sir Paul Coleridge of the Marriage Foundation talk on ‘Family Trouble’. All Age Family Service Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday 2nd October at 11.00 am You are invited to bring gifts of food to the church service which will be distributed to those living in the Parish. The service is followed by a Bring & Share Lunch in the Dunn Village Hall, Rushlake Green. Little Warblers Toddlers’ Group This group meet on Tuesdays in the Church Rooms from 10.00 to 11.30 am during term time. Come and join in the fun and meet new friends. Toys, crafts, drinks, cakes, snacks, songs and a Bible Story. £1 per family. The Club With No Name A club for 10 to 15 year olds meets every Tuesday evening from 7.15 until 9.00 pm, during term time, in the Church Rooms. Please contact Tony Welford (01435 812514) for details . Prayer First on Wednesday 5th October Join us at 8.00 pm at the Rectory for a time of prayer for our parish, its ministry, its people – young and not so young – and for our mission links. Prayer is vital in our Church Community. The Sussex Gospel Partnership Annual Conference on Saturday 8th October From 10 am to 4 pm, the conference is at The King’s Centre, Burgess Hill with the theme of ‘The Church as God’s New Community’. The main Speaker is Graham Beynon, minister of Grace Church Cambridge, and Director of Free Church Training at Oakhill Theological College, London. There is a programme for pre-school to Year 11 children. For bookings and further details please contact : Lunch for Rwanda on Saturday 8th October at The Brickwall Hotel, Sedlescombe Bishop Ken Barham gives notification of this occasion which will also include an auction. Tickets £26. Anyone can make a bid on-line ([email protected]) or by phone, but the final bid must be at the luncheon. Astronomy Evening on Saturday 8th October at 7.00 to 9.00 pm, Warbleton Church. With a short Christian talk entitled ‘He also made the stars’ by Rev’d Rich Owen, Senior Pastor of Worthing Tabernacle. Rich’s parents are atheist scientists, but a good few moons ago he became a Christian. He studied space science at university. Greg Smye-Rumsby will be there again with his telescopes. Hot soup, a bread roll and drinks will be provided. The event is free of charge, but donations are welcome . The Warblings Community Choir After their successful launch during the Little Arts Festival, the community choir sessions are up and running again in the Church Rooms. Please see page 11 for future meeting dates and a great article by Gail Welford , Any Questions? Evening on Saturday 15th October at 7.30 pm An opportunity to come and ask any questions of Marc and Jeremy, however simple or challenging. Or just come and listen if you prefer. Questions can be given to Marc in advance on 01435 830421, emailed to [email protected] or asked on the night. 7.30 pm in the Church Rooms, Warbleton. Coffee and biscuits provided. All welcome. Gift Day on Sunday 16th October Our annual Gift Day provides the opportunity for all members of the Church family to make a special offering to God as a thanksgiving for blessings received during the past year. We depend on this generosity and sacrificial giving, together with the year round committed support of our faithful congregations, to pay the running expenses of the Church locally, in particular to contribute towards the costs of the ministry. Please support us generously once again. Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance on Sunday 16th October A service for those who have lost loved ones will be held at 3.00 pm in the Church, followed by tea in the Church Rooms. 5 5 Page Nikki & Gary Welcome Diners & Drinkers Alike Classic Home Cooked Food Served Tues-Sat Lunch & Dinner Sunday 12-3 Traditional Roasts PLUMBING & HEATING ADRIAN HODNETT Stunning Views All aspects of plumbing undertaken No call out charge. Free quotations No VAT charged Fantastic Log Fire Tel: 01435 830 866 Mobile: 07751 539 423 01435 830636 FREEHOUSE WATERMILL MEADOW SHEPHERD’S HUT RUSHLAKE GREEN Luxury shepherd’s hut accommodation set in a peaceful wild flower meadow 0755 717 5284 For more information: [email protected] Watermill Meadow Shepherd’s Hut 18112 PJ COLE ADVERT 01/09/2015 09:42 Page 1 Suttons Groundcare 3 cesspit emptying 3 high pressure jetting 3 24 hour emergency service SHRUB PRUNING HEDGE CUTTING CLEARANCE TURFING PAVING WALLS SOUTHERN LTD LIQUID WASTE MANAGEMENT 0800 731 9221 @PJColeSouthern [email protected] DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FULLY INSURED TEL: 01323 741112 MOB: 07730 013 683 The Oast House, Hole Farm, Bodle Street Green, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 4QJ 6 3 klargester servicing & other treatment plant services 3 drain & sewer cleansing & repair 3 installation of new sewage treatment plants 3 new soakaways & drainage pipes Mission Support for October CARE CARE, supported by us last year for the first time, continues to be deeply involved in the political life of this country, focusing on moral and ethical issues which affect us all. It campaigns particularly on issues of human dignity, family life and the protection of the most vulnerable in our society. In the past months advocacy and research have been carried out in the areas of human trafficking, bioethics, sexual exploitation, Internet gambling, concerns about internet safety, religious freedom and many other issues. Recent activities include urgent proper provision for refugee children throughout Europe, many of whom have inadequate living conditions and care. They have also been concerned over newly proposed pre-natal techniques for screening for Down's syndrome. MP Fiona Bruce has commented, "Along with many other colleagues here in Parliament I would commend CARE for the quality of their briefings." CARE's unique Leadership Programme has been running for twenty years. Its aim is to equip Christian graduates with ideas of integrity and excellence, as they begin their working lives. Voluntary placements, working alongside MPs, media organisations and other NGOs gives the graduates an insight into how Christians in leadership can really make a difference. "My year with CARE Leadership Programme was fantastic ...... an opportunity to capture some of the CARE vision." Please join us in praying for the work of CARE this month. One Christian leader has said, "I have been tremendously impressed with the courageous love and compassion CARE brings to areas of social justice and compassion..... CARE is a ministry that your church should be involved with." Helen Bowen MANY THANKS to those who helped with and prayed for our Ventures Summer camp at Danehill and for the Epic Explorers Holiday Club. 26 eleven to fourteen year olds enjoyed a fun, safe week away and learnt about the good news of the Lord Jesus from the life of King David. The Holiday Club had 17 primary school age children joining us to explore Adventure Island whilst thinking about the message of Mark's gospel amidst craft, music and games. Dates for next summer will be arranged in due course, we trust. COFFEE AND COMPANY Thank you to all who supported the special event for the Air Ambulance Service. We raised over £170 on the day and were able to send the Service £250. On Thursday 13th October we will be raising funds for the Friends of Eastbourne Hospital, with the usual Raffle, Cakes, Produce and Bring & Buy. Coffee will be served on Thursdays throughout October, Do come and join us for a chat. From 10.00 am to 12 noon in the Community Room, Osborne House, Rushlake Green Page7 7 PLC NEW & USED CAR SALES WINDMILL HILL GARAGE B.P. & N.K. RODEMARK WINDMILL HILL NR. HAILSHAM BN27 4RX Rushlake Green’s own Amateur Dramatic Society. PLAYS - MUSICALS – THEATRE SUPPERS For further information please access our website: or contact Anita Gunn on 01435 873226 Heathfield Ironmongers Ltd SERVICE & REPAIRS Tel: Herstmonceux 833311 You are invited to visit or 108 High Street, Heathfield Tel: Heathfield 862626 * National gathering 2nd to 5th October 2015 * Or contact Laurence Keeley : Ironmongery - Tools - Paint DIY Plumbing - Calor Gas Haberdashery - Cookware Fothergill Seeds and Garden Accessories [email protected] We offer a wide range of competitively priced goods County Coach Works Ltd Independent Car Body Repair Specialist Est’d 1986 Panel Beating and Respraying Plastic Bumper Repairs Tel: 01323 440 846 Email: [email protected] Unit 2, Northfield Business Park Lower Dicker, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 4BZ & Accessories Ltd Express Car Punnetts Town Community Primary School (Incorporating Little Punnetts Pre-School) A delightful village school offering a nurturing learning environment for children aged between 2-11 years old. We offer a caring family ethos with a strong emphasis on the Creative Arts. Our aim is for children to achieve highly as individuals, whilst receiving the shared expertise from working in federation with Broad Oak and Dallington Schools. In partnership, we learn and grow together For further information please visit or telephone 01435 830361 8 RUSHLAKE GREEN W.I. Welcome to your local W.I. Our speakers cover a huge variety of topics and we get involved in a variety of social occasions and money-raising activities, all of which are very well attended. We don’t sing Jerusalem but we do have some excellent jam and preserve makers and some very good cooks whose wares are tasted regularly. WI provides many opportunities to learn new crafts and skills and also engages in debates and actions on many public affairs. We are a happy group and members find friendship and support when they need it. We meet on the fourth Thursday of each month in the Dunn Village hall at 7.30 pm. (August is a holiday and in December we meet on the second Thursday). Our next meeting is on Thursday 27th October at 7.30 pm Keep an eye open for our posters in The Stores, Rushlake Green for details of our meetings. For any further details please contact Judy (President) on 01435 812589 or Margaret (Secretary) on 01435 830560. DUNN VILLAGE HALL We all enjoyed being part of the Little Arts Festival this year and during the ten days we raised over £900 with our catering and bar. Many thanks to everyone who participated in any of the events held in the Dunn Village Hall for your kind support. PLC The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2016 Margaret Harding, as the Poppy Appeal Organiser for Warbleton, Rushlake Green and Bodle Street Green, welcomes all volunteers who previously, now, and in the future, wish to collect for The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2016. Door to Door collections (and boxes for Pubs, Village shop and Churches) take place from 29th October to the nearest day to Armistice Day (11th) - up until Sunday 12th November. If you are able to volunteer, please email Margaret asap on [email protected] or leave a telephone message on 01323 833254. Margaret will deliver collecting boxes, poppy trays and I.D.badges for all volunteers a few days before 29th October to regular and new volunteers and will provide maps showing the routes for your patch. The wonderful efforts of last year meant that our collecting area of Warbleton and Bodle Street Green made us second to Polegate in collecting the most we could in Wealden/ East Sussex. Congratulations to everyone for your efforts and huge gratitude to all the people in this area who are so generous in donating to the RBL Poppy Appeal. Margaret Harding Page 9 9 HOLLYWOOD TREE Beestons Farm Holiday Cottages S U R G E RY N.P.T.C. Qualified For All Private and Commercial Tree Work FELLING SHAPING PRUNING CROWN REDUCTION & LIFTING STUMP REMOVAL SHRUB PRUNING HEDGE TRIMMING PUBLIC LIABILITY COVER DO YOU HAVE ANY PRE-1960’s Clothes tucked away in your attic? I am looking for Ladies Clothes & Accessories to buy TEL: 01323 831 777 MOB: 07730 013 683 (or I can make a contribution to Church Funds) Telephone: Shuna Harwood The Oast House, Hole farm, Bodle Street Green, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 4QJ E-Mail Hollywood [email protected] 01435 883394 or 07831 258582 Mark’s Mower Ser�ices Do you need some help with your computer? Garden Machiner� & Small Engine Ser�icing & Repairs Wickers Yard Vines Cross Road Horam E.Sussex TN21 0HB Tel: 01435 813145 Email: [email protected] Mob: 07525 179115 Website: .....then call Sue Roach for PC and/or Apple tuition. I will help you to …. • • • I train at all levels from the beginner to the more advanced user. Tel: 01435 867052 Mobile: 07831 134864 Email: [email protected] WILL WRITING SERVICE Osteopathy can be beneficial for a wide range of ailments including: Back, neck and shoulder pain Trapped nerves Muscle spasm/tension Repetitive strain Arthritic pain Send emails and access the Internet Download and print your digital photographs Use your IPad or other tablet …… …………and much more Usual fee per Will £95 plus VAT Frozen shoulders Pregnancy related pain Sports injuries Headaches of musculoskeletal origin Free Wills Brochure Available on request (Lasting Powers of Attorney from £235 + VAT) In addition to the above, both of our Osteopaths have further training in the following specialist fields: CATHERINE HEARNE B.Sc (Hons), MSc Animal Manipulation : Animals - Cats, dogs and horses Tel (01323) 460395 NICOLA LEONARD B.Ost : Paediatrics - From newborn through to teens and into adulthood Pregnancy and Post Partum Barry & Co Solicitors If you would like to know more or have any questions about whether we can help you, then please call for an informal chat on 01435 868623 Bay Terrace, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex BN24 6EE 10 The Warblings Community Choir The new community choir has developed beyond initial expectations. With The Little Arts Festival as what seemed at first to be an unlikely goal, Kerry Evenden (Head of Music at Heathfield Community College) agreed to be our musical director, dates were set for rehearsals and all we needed was a choir – and an audience! Some key members of the Warbleton congregation agreed to give it a try, posters and flyers were given out to attract a wider group and those who came to the first rehearsal were really positive and our numbers grew, mainly through word of mouth and because we were enjoying it. For those of us who lacked confidence when singing, Kerry was 100% supportive and encouraging and we were able to listen, sing, laugh, ask questions and move on to the next song. The concert was daunting as we had just 6 rehearsals, but we brought family and friends and advertised as widely as we could, also using The Little Arts Festival publicity machine. The atmosphere in the Church was very encouraging and the audience seemed to enjoy our singing. Kerry was pleased with us! The choir is made up of a range of ages and, following the concert, a variety of people expressed an interest in joining. It is very informal and we could probably do with a few more men, so do come along to see if it is for you. Some of our members were unable to sing at the concert as they were on holiday, others joined at the last minute. We started again on 14th September at 7.30 pm in the Church Rooms and plan to meet fortnightly after that. The dates for the rest of the year are 12th October, 19th October, 9th November, 23rd November and 7th December. Further dates will be advertised as they are arranged. Please contact Gail Welford (01435 812514) or [email protected] for further details. PARISH FILM NIGHT Saturday 19th November 2016 at 7.00 pm The Mission (Certificate PG; running time approx. 120 minutes.) Starring Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons. A sweeping and visually resplendent powerful action epic set in 18th century South America which won Best Film at Cannes, Academy Awards and Golden Globes. With very short introduction and epilogue and an opportunity for discussion. 7.00 pm for a 7.30 pm start in the Barn at The Old Rectory, Dallington (behind St. Giles’ churchyard). Drinks and nibbles provided. The event is free of charge but donations are welcome. Please contact Charlotte Maclean for more details (01435 830862) Page11 11 We Can Help You! Freelance Bookkeeper/Administrator Reliable and organised bookkeeper /office administrator with excellent computer skills available to provide professional administrative support for small businesses and home offices. References available. Experienced and reliable help available for cleaning, ironing, dog walking, house sitting, feeding pets during holidays, etc. Most tasks considered! Very reasonable rates. Regular, occasional or one off. For a no-obligation chat, contact Sarah White on 01424 775191 or for more information References available. Call: Jo on 01435 830 806 or Fyonna on 01435 830 376 Lime Cross Nursery Herstmonceux SPECIALIST GROWERS OF THE WIDEST RANGE OF QUALITY GARDEN PLANTS Also a good selection of House and Conservatory Plants, Bedding Plants, Peat, Composts, etc. H.T.A. gift tokens sold and exchanged Tel: 01323 833229 Fax: 01323 833944 A. J. KING Sussex Fruit Trees GARDEN MAINTENANCE GRASS & HEDGE CUTTING FENCING & PAVING EXTERNAL PAINTING Telephone: 07745 379 526 Hook Farm, Vines Cross, TN21 9EN. Wide Range of Fruit Trees for Sale Pruning, planting & orchard design available TELEPHONE 01323 831599 TIMBER BUILDINGS TIMBER & FENCING SUPPLIES MOBILE FIELD SHELTERS • STABLES • SHEDS WORKSHOPS • GARAGES • LOG CABINS GARDEN OFFICES • CLASSROOMS BESPOKE TIMBER BUILDINGS PANELS • CLOSEBOARD • PALISADE TIMBER ROUNDS • POSTS • RAILS • ALL GATES DECKING • ELECTRIC FENCING • CHAIN LINK NETTING • IRONMONGERY • STEEL POSTS AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! Massive stocks of quality timber & fencing products at the best prices Visit our display centres at Horam and Merriments, Hurst Green Call our friendly sales team on: 01435 813 535 email: [email protected] | web: Open: Mon-Fri 7:30am - 5:00pm | Sat 8:00am - 12 noon DOWNSVIEW YARD, NORTH CORNER, HORAM TN21 9HJ Call our friendly sales team on: 01435 813 535 email: [email protected] | web: Open: Mon-Fri 7:30am - 5:00pm | Sat 8:00am - 12 noon DOWNSVIEW YARD, NORTH CORNER, HORAM TN21 9HJ 12 St. Giles Church, Dallington The services Sunday 2nd Sunday 9th Sunday 16th Sunday 23rd Sunday 30th for October will be : 11.00 am Service Of The Word 6.30 pm Harvest Festival and Supper 11.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Holy Communion with the Rev’d. Stuart Baker NOVEMBER Sunday 6th 11.00 am Service Of The Word On Tuesdays in school term time there is a service of Holy Communion at 8.15 am. Dallington Parish and Village news St. Giles Discussion Evening On Thursday 6th October at 7.00 pm, I am organising an informal discussion group to be held in Dallington Old School Hall. It is a St Giles event but all are welcome to join us. The topic will be ‘What does it mean to know, love and follow Jesus?’ There will be an open, informal discussion and investigation. The evening will begin at 7.00 pm with an interval at 7.45 pm for refreshments (wine and soft drinks). The discussion will recommence at 8.15 pm and the evening is expected to draw to a close by 9.00 pm. Further details are available from Michael on 01424 838492. Michael De St.Croix Dallington Annual Cricket Match This was rescheduled from earlier in the summer but, despite the best efforts of Douglas and his Portuguese seaweed the weather, once again, turned wet and windy. Some play, however, between the showers, was enjoyed by players and spectators alike as was the condition of the field, and here thanks are due to the dedicated band of greens men. A good number gathered to watch the players and to enjoy the cricket tea. Dallington Flower Club The Flower Club will meet again on Thursday 6th October at 2.00 pm in the Old school Hall. The theme for the arrangements will be ‘A Celebration’. Mobile Library The Mobile library will be in the Village Street on Tuesday 11th October from 2.20 to 2.50 pm. Dallington WI Each August we hold a Planning Meeting, the idea being that all of the members have an opportunity to say which topics they would like to hear from the Speakers. We have a number of talented local people and members always ask that space is made for these friends before we fill the rest of the available meetings. This year we were guests of Mary Moore who welcomed us into her garden on a lovely day and, over tea and cakes, the ideas flowed freely. Now our secretary, Mary Marsh, will do her best to book the chosen subjects. The autumn time for our meetings is 2.15 pm. All are welcome to join us on the third Thursday of each month. Bobbie Steel Opera came to Dallington in August. For the second year in a row the Friends of St Giles got together for a very festive evening and a showing of Mozart’s Cosi fan Tutte. This production was from Glyndebourne, directed by Nicholas Hytner, with the orchestra the Age of Enlightenment. The music was beautiful as was the scenery, Glyndebourne at its best. This year supper was served in the interval in the barn as it was not the warmest night in August! We all had a marvellous time and raised over £600. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, Dallington now has a beautiful noticeboard on the church triangle on the Street. Here’s hoping that in 2017 we will be picnicking outside again looking over towards Glyndebourne! Charlotte Maclean A big THANK YOU to Angela Keeley, our retiring Dallington correspondent, for her prompt and interesting items each month. Ed Page 1313 SERVICES IN OCTOBER 2016 Warbleton Parish Church Sunday 2nd 11.00 am 3.00 pm Monday 3rd 10.00 am Harvest All Age Family Service followed by bring & share lunch in Dunn Village Hall, Rushlake Green Service at the Cross, Padgham Corner followed by tea in Bodle Street Green Village Hall Sunday 9th 11.00 am Sunday 16th 9.30 am Gift Day 11.00 am 3.00 pm Short Said Service of Holy Communion led by Rev’d Geoff France Osborne House Community Room, Rushlake Green Morning Worship with Holy Communion and children’s Sunday Club Morning Prayer (BCP) Morning Worship and children’s Sunday Club A service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance followed by tea Sunday 23th 11.00 am Holy Communion and children’s Sunday Club (Bible Sunday) Sunday 30th 11.00 am Morning Worship and children’s Sunday Club NOVEMBER Sunday 6th 11.00 am All Age Family Service On Mondays from 9.00 to 9.20 am there is normally a short service of Morning Prayer in the Osborne House Community Room except on 24th October. St John’s, Bodle Street Green Sunday 2nd 9.30 am 3.00 pm Morning Worship with Holy Communion Service at the Cross, Padgham Corner Sunday 9th 9.30 am Family Service Sunday 16th 9.30 am Morning Worship with Holy Communion Sunday 23rd 9.30 am Morning Prayer Sunday 30th 9.30 am Matins (BCP) with Rev’d Geoff France 9.30 am Morning Worship with Holy Communion NOVEMBER Sunday 6th St Giles Dallington Sunday 2nd 11.00 am Thursday 6th 7.00 pm Sunday 9th 6.30 pm Sunday 16th 11.00 am Sunday 23rd 9.30 am Sunday 30th 11.00 am Service Of The Word Discussion evening, Old School Hall Harvest Festival and Supper Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy communion with Rev’d. Stuart Baker NOVEMBER Sunday 6th 11.00 am Service Of The Word On Tuesdays in school term time there is a service of Holy Communion at 8.15 am. Page14 14 Three Villages October Calendar Saturday 1st Race Night, Bodle Street Green Village Hall 7.00 for 7.30 pm Monday 3rd Short Mat Bowls, Bodle Street Green Village Hall Thursday 6th Coffee & Company, Osborne House Community Rooms Thursday 6th Dallington Flower Club, Old School Hall Thursday 6th Discussion Evening, Dallington Old School Hall Saturday 8th WDHPS, Garden Visit to Great Comp Monday 10th Warbleton and District History Group (DVH) Monday 10th Folk Club, White Horse Inn, Bodle Street Green 8.30 pm Tuesday 11th Bodle Street Green W.I 2.30 pm Tuesday 11th Mobile Library Dallington Village Hall Mobile Library Bodle Street Green Thursday 13th Coffee & Company, Osborne House Community Rooms (Friends of Eastbourne Hospital) Monday 17th Villages Lunch Club Bodle Street Village Hall 11.30 to 2.30 pm Tuesday 18th Bodle Street Green Gardening Club AGM 7.00 for 7.30 pm Thursday 20th Coffee & Company, Osborne House Community Rooms Thursday 20th Dallington WI, Old School Hall 2.15 pm Thursday 20th Warbleton Parish Council Meeting, BSG Village Hall 7.00 pm Monday 24th Folk Club, White Horse Inn, Bodle Street Green 8.30 pm Thursday 27th Coffee & Company, Osborne House Community Rooms Thursday 27th Rushlake Green WI, Dunn Village Hall Friday 28th Film Club, Bodle Street Green Village Hall 7.00 for 7.30 pm Saturday 29th French Evening, Bodle Street Green Village Hall 7.00 for 7.30 pm 7.30 pm 10.00 to 12.00 noon 2.00 pm 7.00 to 9.00 pm Coach departs 9.45 am 7.30 for 8.00 pm 2.20 to 2.50 pm 3.50 to 4.15 pm 10.00 to 12.00 noon 10.00 to 12.00 noon 10.00 to 12.00 noon 7.30 pm EDITOR’S NOTE: November 2016 Magazine Please send your magazine articles, notices and any other contributions by 7th October to Colette Parsons, Tel: 01435 830439 e-mail: [email protected] We welcome new contributors, particularly from local clubs and societies. Page 1515 Mobile: 07951 279022 e-mail: [email protected] web: Home Care in Eastbourne and Wealden Caremark (Eastbourne and Wealden) is a Home Care provider, offering care and support services to people within their own homes. We offer many services, these being anything from pop in calls to make sure you haven't forgotten to take your medication, help with personal care, companionship, domestic task's, respite care, shopping and we can also provide 24 hour live in care. Our office is situated in Herstmonceux, East Sussex. 01323 849 019 email : [email protected] West End, Herstmonceux, East Sussex BN27 4NN THE VILLAGE HALL Batcheller Monkhouse Local knowledge at that stands out BODLE STREET GREEN Available for Weddings, Receptions, Parties, etc. at very reasonable rates Estate Agency Rural Asset Management •Residential •Lettings •Equestrian •Farms & Land •Valuations •Estate & Farm Management •Planning & Development •Environment & Grants •Tax Planning •Telecommunications For further information, please contact: Contact Ros Billinghurst on 01323 832 062 or 07771 787 800 Matthew Braxton BSc | Partner Robert Batcheller | Consultant [email protected] [email protected] 01424 775577 01424 775577 Battle •Haywards Heath •Pulborough •Tunbridge Wells •London 16 St John the Evangelist Bodle Street Green Service at the Cross Sunday 2nd October at 3.00 pm. A reminder, the Annual Service at the Cross near Padgham Corner will be held at 3.00 pm on Sunday 2nd October followed by tea in the Village Hall courtesy of the W.I. Everyone welcome. Remembrance Services There will be a short ‘Act of Remembrance’ at the War Memorial in the Churchyard starting at 10.55 am on Friday 11th November including the two-minute silence at 11.00 am. Our main Remembrance Service will start in the Church at 10.50 am on Sunday 13th November with a procession to the War Memorial for the Act of Remembrance at 11.00 am, after which the service will continue in Church. This service will be conducted by The Reverend Geoff France. Everyone is welcome at both services with more details to follow in next month’s Parish magazine. The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2016 Margaret Harding, as the Poppy Appeal Organiser for Warbleton, Rushlake Green and Bodle Street Green, welcomes all volunteers who previously, now, and in the future, wish to collect for The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2016. Door to Door collections (and boxes for Pubs, Village shop and Churches) take place from 29th October to the nearest day to Armistice Day (11th) - up until Sunday 12th November. If you are able to volunteer, please email Margaret asap on [email protected] or leave a telephone message on 01323 833254. Margaret will deliver collecting boxes, poppy trays and I.D.badges for all volunteers a few days before 29th October to regular and new volunteers and will provide maps showing the routes for your patch. The wonderful efforts of last year meant that our collecting area of Warbleton and Bodle Street Green made us second to Polegate in collecting the most we could in Wealden/ East Sussex. Congratulations to everyone for your efforts and huge gratitude to all the people in this area who are so generous in donating to the RBL Poppy Appeal. Margaret Harding Page 17 17 Heathfield Funeral Service YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT FAMILY FUNERAL DIRECTORS A caring and personal service by a family owned company. We can assist in supporting you with your arrangements. Hailsham Road, Heathfield East Sussex TN21 8AE 01435 862648 (24 hrs) [email protected] S.B.G Computers of East Sussex Charlotte Nathan BACP Accredited Counsellor 01435 863316 01323 887997 A FAMILY BUSINESS EST.1999 SUPPORTING AND SERVICING ALL YOUR PC NEEDS Are you feeling low, stressed, confused, bereaved or grieved? Would you like to talk to a Qualified Counsellor? Repairs Servicing Broadband set-up Charlotte Nathan offers Confidential Counselling at Horam Natural Therapy Centre, High Street, Horam iPad/iPod/iPhone repair Data recovery/ back-up No fees for first session – Home visits available Upgrades Wi-Fi 01435 830386 Christian and non-Christian clients welcome P e t Custom-built PC’s & laptops Networking Virus removal/protection No call-out fee For more information please phone Charlotte in confidence Call any time for a prompt friendly service Mac repair Personal tuition Free telephone advice Visit Us and Enjoy the Experience • Colourful Bedding Plants • Unique Shrubs & Trees • Soft Fruit - Vegetable Plants • Roses - Climbers - Perennials • Garden Sundries - Tools etc Inspiration/Advice a Rest A While in our Coffee Shop l s 18 Light Lunch • Homemade Cakes Monday-Saturday 9am-5.30pm, Sunday 10.30am-4.30pm Burwash Road, Broad Oak, Heathfield TN21 8XG 01435 884111 For Plants BODLE STREET GREEN VILLAGE HALL Race Night Saturday 1st October 2016 at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. A reminder to ‘Come to the Races’ in the Village Hall on Saturday 1st October. View all the excitement on the Big Screen with Races starting at 7.30 p.m. Tickets are £10.00 per person to include food with a Pay Bar available for beer, wine and soft drinks. Tickets are available from Mike Phillips (01435 830213), Geoff Holt (01323 833343) or Bryan Gibson (01323 833554). All proceeds in aid of the Village Hall Extension Fund. French Evening with DVD showing of ‘Gigi’ Saturday 29th October 2016 at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. You are invited to ‘Chez Shirley’ in the Salle de Village on the Rue de Chausses. Bodle Street’s answer to Chez Maxine’s to enjoy ‘An evening in Paris’. A 3-course supper will be served together with the showing of the 1958 classic ‘Gigi’ with Leslie Carron and Maurice Chevalier directed by Vincent Minnelli. 1900’s Parisienne fashions an optional extra! Tickets will be £15.00 per head and there will be a licenced bar for the sale of wines, beers and soft drinks. Tickets may be reserved by contacting: Bryan Gibson on 01323 833554 (email [email protected] ) or Geoff Holt on 01323 833343. Definitely an evening not to be missed. TOBS Pantomime – Cinderella Friday 9th and Saturday 10th December 2016 A traditional pantomime returns to Bodle Street Green with the Thespians of Bodle Street (TOBS) performing ‘Cinderella’. Sue Ralph has assembled a cast of well-known local personalities who are definitely ‘up for a laugh’. Evening performances on Friday 9th and Saturday 10th December at 7.30 pm, with a matinee at 2.30 pm on Saturday 10th December. Tickets will be £10.00 (adults) and £5.00 (children under 16) to include light refreshments in the interval. Licenced bar will be available for the purchase of wines, beers and soft drinks. Tickets available from Bryan Gibson (01323 833554, Sue Ralph (01323 832542) or Geoff Holt (01323 833343). Bryan Gibson Page 19 19 ATTWOOD BRIANS PRIVATE HIRE MOTOR SERVICES EXECUTIVE TRAVEL CAR REPAIRS, SERVICING FULL OR PART, TYRES,EXHAUSTS,BATTERIES, MOT PREPARATION, VEHICLE COLLECTION FREE QUOTES,CHEAP LABOUR RATES RING BILLY 07801563009/01323 833893 Airports – Docks -‐ Long Distance Travel Pre-‐booked Door to Door Chauffeur Service ATTWOOD FARM, BODLE STREET GREEN Tel: 07738 056 305 ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Email: [email protected] WORK SATURDAYS [email protected] QUALIFIED CHIROPODIST Linda M. Paddock Dip.Pod Med. MBChA. HPC Registered Chiropodist Home Visits by Appointment Herstmonceux (01323) 833262 SPECIALISTS IN Loft Conversions, Cut & Pitch Roofs, Timber Framed Building & Extensions. Purpose made Joinery, Staircases, Windows, Doors. Handmade and painted Kitchens & Bedroom Furniture fully fitted or supply only. We are a local firm who pride ourselves on a high standard of work. Call us to discuss your needs. Neil: 01323 832456 or 07712 104247 Brendan: 01323 833762 or 07708 012081 Attwood Farm, Bodle Street Green, BN27 4RA Tel: 01323 831 781 Email: [email protected] No job too small – Free Estimates – Fully insured. Will always leave work place clean and tidy 20 Bodle Street Green W.I At our meeting on Tuesday 11th October at 2.30 pm in the Village Hall, the speaker will be Louise Cave and her talk is entitled ‘Ballroom Blitz’, which sounds very exciting. Hopefully, we will also be able to admire our brand new kitchen extension. New members are always welcome. If you need further information do get in touch with Judy (President) on 01323 832491 or Anne (Secretary) on 01323 81278. Anne Doxat Bodle Street Green Film Club Our first film after the summer break was ‘Rams’, set in Iceland. A good number of enthusiastic members and guests arrived at the village hall on the night and we all seemed to muddle along without a kitchen quite happily. It helped considerably to have rather wonderful chocolate brownies made by Mary Williamson. The film was unusual, giving us a realistic portrayal of life in an area of Iceland where sheep farming dominates everyone’s life. After a slow start, a gripping story developed and we were also treated to some truly hilarious moments. The funniest for me was the delivery of an unconscious, drunk and semi-frozen man to hospital in the digger bucket of a tractor by his long suffering brother. How many of us I wonder, like me, thought that the driver was going to drop his violent and hostile brother over the bridge into those icy waters and have done with him at last? The end could not have been more different. Very moving and quite shockingly abrupt, it left us all to decide on their fate for ourselves- whilst at least knowing that their relationship was restored. I thought it was brilliant. As a footnote, an expert in our midst told me afterwards that scrapie, the illness that triggered the mass slaughter of sheep is not handled in this way universally. Apparently some countries manage the disease by allowing it to exist, under control, without destroying all the livestock. Which makes the story all the more tragic as it was possibly unnecessary. Next month we are off to the Amazon. See you there! Embrace of the Serpent Showing Friday 28th October 2016 The story of the relationship between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman and last survivor of his people, and two scientists who work together over the course of 40 years to search the Amazon for a sacred healing plant. Director: Ciro Guerra. Writers: Ciro Guerra, Theodor Koch-Grunberg. Duration 2hr 05mins. Doors open at 7.00 pm for coffee and cakes and the film starts at 7.30 pm. Guests welcome on the door, there is no need to book in advance. Caroline Thompson Page 2121 Contact:- [email protected] - (01323) 833433 Cowbeech, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4JE Visit our web site:- Alan D. Russell Carpenter/Joiner General Builder White House Three Cups, Heathfield East Sussex TN21 9PB 01435 831697 07931 771239 [email protected] A Fleet of Refrigerated Trailers and Refrigerated Vans for Hire to Satisfy Short & Long Term Requirements. Specialists in Design, Installation, Service, Repair & Routine Maintenance of Refrigeration Systems & Air Conditioning for Business needs. Contact:- [email protected] - (01323) 833433 Cowbeech, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4JE Visit our web site:- Cl i f f o r d Up h o l s t e r y A fleet of Refrigerated Trailers and Refrigerated Vans for Hire to Satisfy Short & Long Term Requirements. Specialists in Design, Installation, Service, Repair & Routine Maintenance of Refrigeration Systems & Air Conditioning for Business needs. Contact: [email protected] – (01323) 833433 Cowbeech, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 4JE Visit our web site: Professional upholsterer with over 25 years experience in modern & traditional upholstery methods. Based in Fairlight, East Sussex r r r r r r Reupholstery & recovering Cushion making Bespoke furniture Repairs & modifications Headboards & plywood curtain pelmets Upholstery tuition Call 07943 008 739 / Email [email protected] for a quote or to discuss your requirements. MANOR PHARMACY TH Iqbal, M.R.Pharms COUNSELLOR/PSYCHOTHERAPIST ALSO WORKING AS A MACMILLAN COUNSELLOR OVER 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE HORAM, E. SUSSEX I OFFER LONG OR SHORT TERM COUNSELLING FOR BOTH ADULTS AND CHILDREN, OFFERING A SAFE, NONJUDGEMENTAL AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE. WORKING WITH ISSUES INCLUDING: DEPRESSION, STRESS, ANXIETY, LOSS & BEREAVEMENT, RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS, EATING DISORDERS AND ABUSE… I WORK FROM MY HOME IN WHITESMITH. I ALSO OFFER VISITS IN YOUR OWN HOME. Tel: Horam Road 01435 812528 NOW OPEN Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.00 - 1.00 / 2.15 - 6.00 Wednesday 9.00 - 1.00 / 2.15 - 6.00 and Saturday 9.00 - 1.00 / 2.15 - 5.00 TRISTAN NEVILLE SUE HEWES (HND) REGISTERED MEMBER OF THE BACP 01825 872 488 07776 091 258 Lawn Maintenance, Mowing and Fencing Tel: 01323 651 804 Mob: 07920 760 983 [email protected] Stephen’s Garden Services Stephen’s Garden Services “Need a hand with your garden” “Need a hand with your garden” Lawn mowing and general maintenance. Lawn mowing and general maintenance. Open Every Saturday 10am-4pm Red House Farm, Bodle Street Green, BN274QY [email protected] 07769289480 No too Job small too small ! No Job ! Tel: 01435 862 654 Tel: 01435 862 654 Mobile: 07484 669 164 Mobile: 07484 669 164 22 BODLE STREET GREEN GARDENING CLUB Please come to our AGM on Tuesday 18th October in the Village Hall. There will be refreshments from 7.00 pm and the AGM starts at 7.30 pm, followed by a tour through the Northwest Passage (in the footsteps of Franklin) with Steve and Mary Williamson. This is a chance to renew subscriptions for next year and of course we look forward to welcoming new members. On Tuesday 15th November at 7.30 pm we have a talk on ‘The Women’s Land Army’ by Ian Everest in the Village Hall. Mary Williamson Bodle Street Green Short Mat Bowls Club Bodle Street Green Short Mat Bowls Club would like to welcome new members-no experience necessary. We are a friendly club, meeting at Bodle Street Green Village Hall on Mondays at 7.30 pm. All the equipment and instruction needed will be supplied and refreshments provided. The new season starts on Monday 3rd October 2016 at 7.30 pm. For further details please contact Henry on 01323 442296 THE WARTLING AND HERSTMONCEUX LOCAL HISTORY GROUP present our LOCAL HISTORY EXHIBITION SATURDAY 15th OCTOBER 2016 The Horseshoe Inn, Windmill Hill 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm WARTLING, BOREHAM STREET, WINDMILL HILL, BODLE STREET GREEN, COWBEECH, HERSTMONCEUX, MAGHAM DOWN, NINFIELD, HOOE, PEVENSEY, WESTHAM, HANKHAM, PEVENSEY BAY, PEVENSEY LEVELS, RAF WARTLING AND RAF PEVENSEY, NORMANS BAY, LITTLE COMMON, and COODEN Entry £4.00 (under 16 free) Over 400 old photographs, documents & maps, family history, local crafts, books, postcards, bar and refreshments. Alan Brown Page 23 23 If you would like to advertise here, please contact Meryl Clark on [email protected] D F SERVICES Agricultural/Forestry Contracting All types of work considered including paddock and garden fencing “no job too small” SEASONED LOGS & KINDLING – ALL YEAR ROUND Fully insured for all work undertaken Telephone David on 07885 414862 Moonwood Carpentry And Joinery Hailsham Funeral Service S.A.I.F. The Family business with the personal service available to any area. Over 20 years experience Free estimates Home visits by request Qualified and Insured 11 Station Road, Hailsham Tel: 01323 440909 01323 832983 07958 638270 Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans Available [email protected] Steven Procter GRAHAM LONG Interior & Exterior Work Free Estimates NVQ City & Guilds Qualified & Insured Member of the British Traditional Molecatchers Register Painting & Decorating Master Molecatcher Fully Insured Domestic and Agricultural 07810 554148 BUILDERS Conservatories Extensions Garages / Patios Garden Walls 07795 226296 – Daytime 01435 865370 – Evening 01435 812157 B. GRANT & SONS CARPENTERS Purpose-made Joinery Loft Conversions Fitted Kitchens FREE ESTIMATES & ADVICE DECORATORS Inside & Outside BUILDING LOCALLY SINCE 1972 01323 833 453 / 07798 613 027 24 25 Ad Index – WArbleton, dAllIngton And bodle Street (AS At 6th July 2016) SERVICE NAME Beestons Farm Holiday Cottages Experience Sussex – Farm Stay Accommodation Warbleton Housing (Osborne House) Watermill Meadow Shepherd’s Hut Amateur Dramatics Village Players Rushlake Green Appliance Repairs A – Z Repairs Architect Lusted Design Attwood Motor Services County Coach Works ECPA (Express Car Parts & Accessories) Automotive Services RLG Tyres Simon Turner Motor Services Simon Turner Refrigeration Services Ltd Windmill Hill Garage Brass Band Warbleton Brass Band Alan Russell, carpenter/joiner Angears Builders B Grant & Sons, builders/carpenters/decorators Builders, Carpenters, Moonwood Carpentry & Joinery Decorators Paul Farrant, painter and decorator Post and Hobden Carpentry & Joinery Steven Procter, painting and decorating Business Support Telham Training Ltd, Book-keeping/Admin SBG Computers, servicing and repair Computers Sue Roach, PC/Apple tuition Attwood Farm Nursery Education Little Punnetts Pre-School Punnetts Town Community Primary School Estate Agency Batcheller Monkhouse Financial Clyde Young C W Memorials C Waterhouse and Sons Funeral & Mason Services Hailsham Funeral Service Heathfield Funeral Service A J King, Garden Maintenance D F Services, Agricultural / Forestry Contracting Hollywood Tree Surgery Mark’s Mower Services, Servicing and Repairs Garden and Tree Services Michael Salvage, Tree Surgeon Red-Fern, Lawn Mowing and Garden Services Stephen’s Garden Services Suttons Groundcare PAGE 10 6 4 6 8 4 16 20 8 8 Back 26 22 8 Back 22 Back 24 24 6 20 24 12 18 10 20 8 8 16 4 26 Back 24 18 12 24 10 10 12 4 22 6 SERVICE NAME Garden and Tree Services Tristan Neville, Lawn Maintenance, Mowing, and Fencing PAGE 22 Bodle Street Green Village Hall Hall for Hire Dallington Village Hall 16 Back Dunn Village Hall Health and Beauty 4 Charlotte Nathan, Counsellor 18 Heathfield Osteopaths 10 Linda Paddock, Chiropodist 20 Mill Hair Salon Studio Lotte Berk 4 Back Sue Hewes, Counsellor / Psychotherapist 22 Candlelight Care 18 Caremark 16 Home Help Services Jo and Fyonna, Home Helpers 12 Information Website Campaign For Change Oil Tank Services Southern Tank & Boiler Services Home Care Providers Pest Control Go Pest 8 6 Back Graham Long, Molecatcher 24 Plumbing and Heating Adrian Hodnett Pub / Restaurant The Black Duck, Warbleton 6 Public Address Systems J C Austin 4 Roys Plumbing Services 6 Back Heathfield Ironmongers Retail Outlets 8 Lime Cross Nursery – Garden Centre 12 Manor Pharmacy 22 NFF Timber & Fencing Supplies 12 NFF Timber Buildings 12 Petals – Garden Centre 18 Sterling Farm Shop 22 Sussex Fruit Trees 12 The Stores 4 Taxi Services Brian’s Private Hire Transport Andy Vater Transport & Removals Upholsterer Clifford Upholstery 22 Vintage Clothing Shuna Harwood 10 Waste Removal Wheelwright Will Writing 20 Back P J Cole Southern Ltd 6 Phoenix Liquid Waste 18 Douglas Andrews 10 Barry & Co Solicitors 10 SIMON TURNER MOTOR SERVICES MOTOR ENGINEERS COWBEECH, HAILSHAM SERVICING AND REPAIR FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS, VANS & MOTORHOMES CLASS 4 & 7 MOT TESTING STATION DISCOUNT EXHAUST, TYRE & BATTERIES AIR CONDITIONING SPECIALIST FAULT DIAGNOSIS COURTESY CARS AVAILABLE TEL: 01323 833321 FAX: 01323 833090 E-MAIL: [email protected] C W Memorials Ltd. YOUR LOCAL FAMILY MEMORIAL MASONS High Street, Burwash, East Sussex, TN19 7ET Tel: 01435 882219 Email: [email protected] 26 6 Barry & Co Solicitors SOCIAL CLUBS, SOCIETIES ETC. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Local Rep: Mrs P. Heal ............................................................................... 01323 833195 AMATEUR DRAMATIC SOCIETY (The Village Players, Rushlake Green) Chairman: Clyde Young ............................................................................................................... 01435 830059 Membership Secretary: Jane Uren .......................................................................................... 01435 863640 BILLIARDS CLUB DALLINGTON Old School. Dennis White ...................................................................... 01424 772624 BOOK CLUB DALLINGTON Marion Pilbeam ................................................................................................. 01435 830761 CHRISTIAN AID Hon. Sec. Brian Dodd ......................................................................................................... 01825 890318 COFFEE & COMPANY RUSHLAKE GREEN Pauline Clifford ........................................................................ 01435 408425 DALLINGTON AMATEUR DRAMATIC SOCIETY Roy Iremonger ............................................................... 01323 832627 DALLINGTON VILLAGE HALL Bookings: Mrs. Karen Gillingham .............................................................. 07941 847750 DUNN VILLAGE HALL Hon. Sec. Mrs. P. Radcliffe ......................................................................................................... 01435 830360 Bookings: Mrs. Denise Bailey ................................................................................................... 01435 831565 FILM CLUB BODLE STREET GREEN Caroline Thompson [email protected] ......... 01323 833921 FLOWER CLUB DALLINGTON Pam Fuller ..................................................................................................... 01435 830682 GARDENING CLUB (BSG) Hon. Sec. Mrs. M. Williamson .......................................................................... 01323 832509 HEALTH VISITOR BODLE STREET Sue Stevenson ...................................................................................... 01353 840851 HISTORY GROUP DALLINGTON Angela Keeley .......................................................................................... 01435 830520 HISTORY GROUP WARBLETON Hon. Sec. Jonathan Austin [email protected] ................... 01435 830280 HOUSING ASSOCIATION Hon. Sec. Mr. R. Robinson ................................................................................. 01435 830921 NATIONAL FARMERS UNION & MUTUAL INSURANCE Sec. Rebecca Lingham .................................. 01825 763578 PARISH COUNCIL CLERK Mrs. Marion Smith .............................................................................................. 01435 831653 POETRY GROUP DALLINGTON Marion Pilbeam.......................................................................................... 01435 830761 POTTERY CLUB Susie Ramsay Smith ............................................................................................................ 01435 810390 LITTLE PUNNETTS TOWN PRE-SCHOOL Toni Wheatley ........................................................................... 01435 831515 RAINBOWS Jennifer Abel ............................................................................................................................... 01435 830277 SAMARITANS ....................................................................................................................................................0845 7909090 THE REST Roy and Barbara Lovett ................................................................................................................ 01435 882241 TIDDLERS & TODDLERS Julie Cattel-Killick ................................................................................................. 01435 830260 VILLAGE HALL BODLE STREET Hon. Sec. G. R. Holt ..................................................................................................................... 01323 833343 Bookings: Ros Billinghurst ......................................................................................................... 01323 832062 VILLAGES LUNCHEON CLUB Mrs. P. Petrides ............................................................................................. 01323 833146 WARBLETON BRASS BAND Musical Director: Mrs Sian Buss [email protected] ..................................................... 01273 493469 WARBLETON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Membership Secretary Mrs Margaret McCarthy ............. 01435 830560 WARBLETON HORT. & POULTRY SOC. Chairman: Mrs. Wendy Greaves................................................ 01435 830588 WEALDEN TALKING NEWS.............................................................................................................................01435 864868 WI BODLE STREET President. Judy Swan ................................................................................................... 01323 832491 WI DALLINGTON Bobbie Steel ....................................................................................................................... 01435 830811 WI RUSHLAKE GREEN Secretary: Margaret McCarthy ............................................................................. 01435 830560 YFC HEATHFIELD Mike Clark...........................................................................................................................01435 830227 27 All makes of Tyres, Batteries and 4x4 Tyre Specialist ANDY VATER TRANSPORT SUPPLIERS OF ALL TYPES OF AGGREGATES TRADE AND PUBLIC ENQUIRIES WELCOME Durrants Farm, Rushlake Green, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 9QB Workshop: 01435 830664 Mobile: 07710 372672 Presented by Chris Wells ANDY VATER REMOVALS REMOVALS, HAULAGE STORAGE & SELF STORAGE 01435 863774 07885 852769 Suppliers of leading makes of tyres for – Cars / ATV / Garden Machinery & Tractor tyres & tubes ANGEARS YOUR LOCAL BUILDERS FULL PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE Dallington EXPERIENCED SKILLED TRADESMEN Village Hall Availableforhire afternoons/evenings Extensions Patios Loft Conversions Roofing Brickwork Exterior Decorating Using Fast, Efficient Airless Spray System • All Associated Works i.e. Plumbing Heating, Plastering Bathrooms, Kitchens, Etc. • • • • • • 01323 833684 Mobile 07860 492843 Contact: 01435 831563 C. Waterhouse & Sons YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT FAMILY FUNERAL DIRECTORS High Street, Burwash, East Sussex, TN19 7ET email: [email protected] 24 Hour Service—Please call Warbleton Parish Mag Ad 50x90 2008 (01435) 882219 waspsflies wasps 4/12/07 20:19 commercial domestic& & commercial ••domestic contracts service contracts flies••••service unmarkedvehicles vehicles unmarked fleas fleas beescockroaches bees cockroaches rabbits rabbits seniorcitizen citizenconcessions concessions ••senior rats moths rats moths go pest birds birdsants ants fast, effective, reliable fast, effective, reliablesame sameday dayservice service mice bedbugs mice bedbugs squirrels squirrels National Pest Technicians Association 01323 01323 811011 811011 [email protected] e: e: [email protected] pepperham, ripe pepperham,rioe lewes, sussex bn86aw 6aw lewes,sussex bn8 Page 1 WARBLETON BRASS BAND Bookings & New Players [email protected] Tel. 01273 493469
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Diana Francis, Clerk
Heathfield and Waldron Parish Council
73 High Street, Heathfield, East Sussex
TN21 8HU
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