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` A ` > a ` ` r
Tr V' > 1* \ s .|t ■}> ‘i * > ; v v 1' l * i?*'1> TK ^ T F#WrV' ^iL V V V<>a 'l ) * •1 I*H / *< rj X sL h” *- \V*» '» * fi r*..v 1*, i if e s l> ;t; , f > <f{- ^ t -> 1 ~i '« * i \j. i' 1 . HI 1 i 1 ‘v-,v ' " ■ ’ '»' V 'c ’ *■•s f % uf \f I ’ ’ f } i t - ^ m * V > 1 '" - V '' -1^ 'V |o Iy im i t. > Ir^ r * f: ■ “ -.fn v / , :. The | mistaken idea that Wyandotte Is a n hi jhealteful city. aod( that typhoid {ever Jn particular is almost epidetalo bare, received another bed jolt l p M | report]of City Physician 'f J.LaD^lqJs, preset ted at the city comPMW^° l o j o | Tuesday-evening. Is the t second su bmltted’tos the since,his appointment local bealth board J a s t||$ r io |^ |||ii covert I .the month*,: of &CP<jom|cT*j6 ■Octet* liv During that fMrtq%|ip4Nfi| footed \ » hooMB h'ovipg with diseases ‘Hian>eroo»| ttf «>|b|6B| health y a v follows Tube* juloals,.. ........ Pneaa foots. * ................ Meoin jitls ........ . — t gear 16i fever......... ••• .-.‘dfiLS:*•*' Typha|<f (ever.. ; j O f l be above, there we deaths I two from tubercph from bsufogltis. The ptbjfclft ^ ered,J l winding ell o fthe fyphoidfa scarlet [fever and pneuraonli ■■• At Ihe date of the report, . , .b a t 11;.'cases of cootaglo«Sidisdases?In {be cl t , aeven typhold aod lodr ecarr lea fetar. Of the seven ty p h o ltfc a i^ three iire recent. One hons i was to b* dUcinfsjeted Wednesday, and another a --law di jrs later. -V •. ■: r.A ftjw weeks ago, there; was some apprel ieosloo oof the part ,of(tM pd,b* lie th at scarlet fever w ^gStM ttg/ie ' foot ho & butthe record s h < ^ t|i|'M ff t f . ■ . Cywi jrere well handled. « Thje {Jiur; P N ^ > - easee tbw in the city are widely h i —oDs on Fifth street, avenue ndrtfi^oMfoo S up^ophM i vard, b o d 'o e e n n ^ d ic ^ si^ . , U r fsidor^ of-the sc^ret|ever#lW i .? . .' i tion, i »_the feet that,' with It" ■“ oil: *M of th elS c a sef W to m ^ ttA w to e ^ 'g lr1' Durtha the past tptatl not J tv tr j J t X lY Y A H D O T T E , M IC H ., F B IP i.lf* N O V EM B ER B i „ At A.meeting of the clty cooimUslpn held on Tuesday evening, the announce J* i . ’-fment was made that a new manufactur JOo Wednesday evening Prosecuting ing cohcern Will begin’businesslh WyAttptney Shepherd: with severaldeputy atfdotte. I t lif The Hologen Products sheriffs, visited Wjjandoite'ln a limous Ccf., " of whose Iboatd o | dlr^ctora ine. j accompanied iby a motor truck. ThhOias A. fifison, the'1 Wizard,* Is; They had secrefiyjmade plaus for this chairman, and comes without bonus dr jbeigbhorlv. call; fast, week, vrhep a municipal favors of any kind- y The mlttfbn o f tbet rirosecutor's offic s came ' wl|j be located a t tb& work's'c ‘ here' andssecfiued a list of all i he slot & S s h ’'hfapufactortn: maebioes in kcjwiT; with their:exact of 'the latter concern location and all details.. beftafg^niBtd^n the ^operations of the new’ * Wednesday n|fajht thepicking wagcom pari^ / f |i e Peposylrtfnla company paratively easyijjalthough a few |>wners erect* a plant for the new{wiu8try of machines got wise and hi4> their wopert: gambling paraphernalia. ip ^Twelve r f - r — - machines ------lines were confiscated r Of k*r#,jioclndiDg g number of penhy m« fmpoH'! chines, and h pn tp the. motor Sr 1T he: question of slaughtering 'inside the city Hmit|s, and the general sanitary conditioc of local m eat markets, came Up for ( icussioi^ again at the weekly meeting of the city commission on Tuesday evening. Commissioner of Public Safety Amiot, who $Jj°wed his adaptability by perforxningil(be:dt^ties of clerk la tt^ab sen ce,o f Mr. Suilivad brought t So ufdttec before the meeting He sugge ited th at' m of the. local deal ers might, jbe brought^around to favor one genei al slaughter house outslde the city lim it), for the use, of all.* add sug gested that local m eat purveyors be aBked to meet with the commissldners at the regular session oext week. ’ This suggestion w a s h e d npoil.favi tiuck. .)::r Wkild the limousine was standing lb apd the butcherd ’w ill, h<> Ft l ■ " ‘ Tv‘ P i. x x x m tlan ,T. J. Cahglois tlVe| leave of absence frhm Nov. 7 .9, to go ou bis auu iai deer lfl % » .; ? . UoffldU; wal uambd til the dotlfls of <^ity phj siciau dui }le absbnca. ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 The sum o f I1.71&05 received from is county freaaurer Was placed In the lootinyeot fund, gaud (.^warrant for f46S lit was, prdere|it dravm In favor of the board of educatlob as ita share of t|h» tax collected i i rrevious, Previous, wsuifu actfpn j iu In iwtuuniiiuii anthoriziog the iu» borrowing of 14,000 tb j ay off aolQafc ityewt paving bond: was rescinded J and^t icided to] le t, tl ie Wyanqdtt’e bank1'.carry: tbs bond Uotii rther notice. , The 'si o'rni Water baslm provided for tbp sopth Biddle pavin ; plans wete hanged to Stewart basins. -i ;tr ill Yesterday iJ 1| , M-t ' ^ *1 & /■« ^ " V Is Alwayaa BH8C0PAL b '¥ CHUBC1 RgfV. DUNJftNQ IDLB. B. ID., PA8TOU, ■ D«poi;tory (or Yoor | | ...... , RDO S • -3?* a At’In'* AG i-i - i W o rn jYi it A r* Repau AW.N, Both Phones. 4* 1 •- ^ lit t S' i storing:: a nd : f -" , 1 JA 4 ' h tir % «W ra iT |fii* 't* t^ Bstimaiia fttruisbedonaUclasseeof 1work. -: Phone 189.J DjlPlum S t :) ' •ir-.'f-,- ' >:-4!, •• . V f..- ' -NA ’ 4 WVAN( ? .. - M la • Strong. Snf. and OonwmtM CORNER OF BIDDLE r i m > '\ \\ . KCR 4 4 ■ • Ob' Saturday, boif 98. hatweim|C#ast«. nut and—First, and Vine and 1[flth, a number of Hair R* Puyva Ficde -------'"FiMyermsaib »return to thie off ce aod recelyb t sward; i ' J U t » I "i,*' 0:00 P ai Epfvorth Leai |ub. -r M f 1 Easiness of (loot of thw clty hall, someoii|e(oot a tebd. j ■- u ^ .fcy, 7:00 P. M Evening Woribipi sen Bail* t|re and let the,widd out. The Entire petition for sidewalks Tuesday, i rty then’ boarded the motor traepe for sltfe ofSiipond street frtu Superior ^ 6 p. m. Epwmh. league literary boulevard to Walnut street; (rap refbr- ,n^e 0!f e trip baob to Detroit f Wedii jssdiy, skeeper tefnaedthe bflcert red to Co umlssloner Schroeder. Obe i 7:«0 p , si. Praf r Service* admission without i search wadrant. Stanley Bey me asked for sod,/-was A M. ••Tne Sfilrliual Seusss.” The officers aocotumodatlogly w««| out gtven peri ulsalou tb chaage the location IP. M. **A Man|y, Quality. Courage.' and fgqt the warrant* and lateritmrted aWaffbUr uacbfnps frok the ill u Other machipeii wet% plckadlni 'thp river* and wben Detroli’w|ts i ed tfie number totaled 19, Sheriff Qastoh had nothing t id o i r • .u.|.. with theaeizuresl 4tty Commissioner Chall^ogerv ls allye to the dangers attendant upon automobils apeediugon Biddle avenue, Ifydu tp see charact add urged at Tuesday tilght’a sesaioni >*£ ** qpstrated in your boy while Istill off the city commission that! some dras ience, see to it under1 parental inf uence, ‘ should betaken to make it Ecmatic habit of that he forms a systematic women and children ob the saving money, and if you w ant a •ngbfare of the town. commlsstonera Were of tho guarantee]of honesty in him, teach inlon,' Mayor Marr suggeatibi; The 91 oars tal Mdipatt In the|chicahim the value of a ;good habit. . t wonld. be a good idaa to deputize go reliability ., non lest passed worth Mo one .is too :podr to acquire the some earner fp f w motorcycle, who: through Wyahd >tt<' Wedoesdaj "savings kabiL ■$1 w ith us will, do I lag. H ay reported horrible rbads it tbrougb'^hlp a id on the it^ttAcfrom To! uimijv wwcftHy j j' I ] if ]■ There fe te oujiy Ihree^ichigtiu cars othe oobtest.. " 4\ ‘I* C O H U U i* C IA I. . SAVX-KIS 8 AI s< .J u M -. ?r*P .J--.*':f : - V. * ‘* U * rf'* A I V f k ;? ^ » J , b^ >•/j «■j ■ “> 'v^ -Of<*■'• t r i ~ V v i-d- i -.A <£-> r J r f0 * f f A W ^ ' N , 1 IV ^ b Vm’",) *'i-'?'• 1' * 1 •!? j ^ For From^jt, Safe, Reliable Haul ^rs- hereabouts have their annual pilgrimages tjo ■ Micbigkn. f On 1 londay a party incio B. Viseland, Samuel T. - He CUy .Cbrk John L 1SalUvau.'V^lllam Pardo, fchdries Trites. WllilamlMexiW . Thomas lafi for ?-;cott«. in Luctf county. 85 miles]frdm Sage. They 1jive rooted a log house In thewoods M headquarters,' and all. rtlth - the ext option of the e|ty fclerk, who Aiwiu.tfib Vfill be itorne in two weeks, w ll» ®e®dla for thejtoouth. Frank Marf S^tpects 10 ilnthij party on Nov. 15.; 5 j Flra 1pbief Charles Milspauglb, Ja 1 Barber Jand Fred Holme* of Detrdit wilt leijre on N ow 8 forifbelr annual „ ..deer hujit. * | *N. A j Mans and^Burleigb Keyw of ’Treptoi s leave the latter. jpart of this Week o 1 their twelfth annual: trip to the woo Ss n q M vnnuu*, Jacob; DintQowini BaranowakH n Hensjan Qhandt, Charles [ Twork, Louis Sjcb&fef ebd n Schafer'were tb> a.... party Sebaatiin . . . . . ______ „ Which, left on i londay for the uppek'penlsIiUia. -Dr. T] J. Langlois leave# next Toe#* -<'rning. fpr the greionde ofthe day- m 82d annual Turtle ke club,', ob 00 his faU :83d anbaal > .-5 Whenever you1j? jare but, thi|r»k We are njever out o f the most desirapie lines M writing papers, f f p w c o m i n g all the iwliile. JUrtb sty es "now h<ire. 'Prices-' are low-, and assortment! is ' almost5 i f rt "l / 1 ' ' i J BBOTPSBBOO: tseday evening the monthly] of the Brotherhood was bej .attendance.. Twot .newe received and the asb§t loam followed. - The i|ed of a piano itud ma by the Misses .Boyer pod a by Measrs; Davis. Calderwood, andMcCkm^ii j Facts \0 ‘ 40W gfi? potmmmt ■ ^ . grsatly enjoyed by1, all present. D r.: Pence occupied one of 1 / the mosi ;important chnrebea in Detroit and hit interest in th e: HTyandbtto Brotherl jood im comihg to sppak to M um h h i a v n f t J a p h i m M H n v ifd A n iis fri' t * . “them r r -.1 * A & I o fte a v y linen fiaper, a f*1' % 1 ! A %' F / V ' t i ? ‘ ,r u '•'V 1 . J ^ 4** I a.*'*, ' M , \ tv „* 'll' | r/ 1 ^ 1 V, »il -1r r 4V ,13,1 l 1 rl>\ * t ' ¥. ■ itacobomyinl rnnss shouldbet ^oniy fron lita first cost, bot i ‘^ipoli tofr' *J' L" li ' ' O m trland w n *f p p tm i^> {k ri | - f yk <7 U^AL Fh r i» W t ■*' n f - v- A y r -' l ltv*' V. *. t ' Ty </ i 1 V.* 4sT ^ 1 - ./i t • V. ■ 1*h . i t Uk>- im w t J --: IVs *; t M iT w ^r i* k$fOth •UpV ’i A' «*J*M f ! v f r*-0 4^ i. -r? i r’C'1 -».,*{ i. . 4* ‘ l S \ ’A* fi/A^ 4m * i, t * HP14( 'H •1r Hi m I- paper a n ^ to to tlo p a .^ • •• • . ,,'v < - # l a n t l n i t T R A C T S, plain facts, afe often hard M je ll w ill out hdrting some-, ■gMMWNaSM, • r* body’s feel n gs. 1 ^ - .] 1 .fB ut,hsagents lor G^lartdiStoveiB and Ranges, we have l^o ^esire t o ! ««m* do that—no qna rrel with; any Mall ^ m ^ a n S Order Stove Omcern or Catalog **“ ' ”.... ' House. '#* tsaie ‘• *T I ■ . a' We do not say this selfishly. We only aakl hat yon investigate Garlands before yon boy* That's all. We ire glad to rest the matter 00 your judgment then^-when yOu lee onir latest style Gajrlmds for every purpose to a iit ^oar fa to re /t me. A bearty vote of thanks was -tteadien d to Dr. Pence tor bis ex*. Refreshments >-la ? obftent' address. of the oenuniMee trera th«a ner ved. i ’I J o jBio-Where You Can See WhatYouGe^At HOME and 48 envelope* At 35c. Nevv v for whom we have facta jrortb Considering It is stove fer you ajre thinking of buy* —pralctlcal, profitable facts whenever Ing any kind df a stove range: | ^ those w ho comca in all f v 1f* ^ \ if p iper aiui 50 envelope* for 35c k S ■ 1r r * : >* s (Intfc - 50d tp $ f i50 a box* ' kt / , ^ , ™. Victory Lawn * > ^ ^ Bowbeer and J:- W. 0 Carson lembbra of a bunting party .to the north next Mojuday, Mclnefney BLOCK. M■ ■ .i- STOVE f A Few of Our Lines V V L a y w n S tt F .1 We arel headquarters for ev-j erything that goes Wif|r!etationery. Pen?, pe CiJs, inks, wucHage, crayon, erasers, €^tct !ff[there (s any hihg neW| . Fire ms^f^ncey. . 4r :ypu se|ek highest fiuality ifor 1 s nialiest .prieerVbu’II“ftntif- it -r 1 ' 1 CaS on in the rinarket, we ‘ j w ■r > nt,' » t J1'-? +p>»«to1 vs •i* .- folly examine# thereldfajHaand Jjrand them to be correct and recommend . /• O lfM U tW M M U n Wyandotte, Mio i.;0 c t.8 1 ,1811 Mffloo of jibe city commto •toil, the honorable] mayor, CharlM plm , presiding P rosent—Com. Amlot, >Challenger, Qai laer, Marr, Schroeder * Apaeat—None. ijovad by Com. Clallengerand sup ported by Com. Gtrtn tf tb it., fwe dispense with the rei dingi of the jour nal}! the same stand approved as re •araed. ) Cpneorred in by il b following vote: T#a4—Com. AmiotJ Challenger, Gart ner]} Marr, Scbroedef—5. Mays—None. Cpmmanicationa and petitions. , A:- petition from fitanley Boyma rSquettting the permission of transferring his {place of baeinesftfrom No. 98 Pine str » t to No. 47 Biddle sVenae north, wa* read and referred to Com. Amiot. Reports frbmotbeif officers. Obunty treaaarer. j.,, Jstatement from the county treasure er abowlo a . baianpe of 11718.63 doe tfie city efW yandotte was n and V r fervid to Com. Challenger. ! !lty physician. i >. ! statement trow}the city {physician! shahnmg tbedlalnfectioois pt twedty reaHRmies in eases of diseases .danger?: on«! tM public, health was read and'referndw t ConmAmioi fllitj^ad Accounts] dills and account^ werd read and re ferred to the reepepive Icommission er*: Che commission thin took a recess. Reconvening. 1 I i , Cm reconvening tbbJolioWlng answer edJo li call: ■ .■ . : (’ Present—Com. • Atooiot, Challenger, Gartner, Marr, Schroeder—5. •None. ' 1 from commissioners i Safety. i . Wyandotte, Mich.. Clot. 81, 1911. t o the oily Commission of the'city of Wyandotte. ! f - ■i i ... Gentlemen:— i Tbe undersigned tp whom was referr ed lithe- petition of Stanley Boyma to fe r tile plaee ofbualM N*r report that I jhave Carefi . amfioed the matter and recommend as follows: that Stanley j.Boyma be granted privilege to traosfer. pis onslnesi according to bis oetitlon upon exaouu ioflmnotner bond in manner prescribed st No. I70,runblloActa Is pemliion 8, Act] pled: nod itbajllbp. -eMr, , , hereby ''ibetfp^ed' ! a *i ^n-the' treasnret fpr the aeyer iroyed b llk r " Cprl F. Schroeder, f- - Com. Streets and Se Supported by Com. Challenge!. Concurred lb by the following Vw>. 1 Jfe*S— Com. Amlot, . Ghallleimer, Gartner, Marr, Schroeder—5. ja Nays—None. , ..." ?3 Resolution. By Com: Schroeder.' \ .Wyandotte, Mich.. Get. 18.1911. Resolved be the. dty/oommiuidp of foe pi . .. water Bldilli . Stbart inlets. ; ' ' "•-i v M . ■>] I -move the adoption of the .foregoing resolution.1 ; * « ; C*rl F. Schroeder. Com. Streets and Sewers. Supported by'Com. Challenger. : r ■Concurred in, by the following vote: t Yeas—Com. /Amlot, Challenger, Gart ner, Marr, Schroeder—5. : Nays—Non*. ^ r !■ i.|Byf Com. Challenger. . :ott«, Mlob:, OCt. 81,1911, Resolved hV jtbe! city cp'mmiBsion of the city of Wyandotte that as the Wy andotte Savings bank was found tope the holder ofqtpe Oak street paviog bond ip amount of four thousand (MOOO.po) dollars relatlvp to which a resolution' was passed at the meeting of October 24, 1911. authorizing the mayor and city olerk to bot-row the amount to take up said bond,1]that paid: resolution' be annulled and that the said bank bel authorized] to carry the bond untii farther notice. , . . , I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. , • ! ■ ■ .. !> ; T. E. Challenger, i ' : Com. ‘Finance and Bevenne. Supported by Com. Gartner. Concurred |n by the following vote: Yeac^fCom^ Amlot, Challenger, Gartner, Marr. Schroeden-r8. i Naysr-None, r Moved by Com. : Challenger and supported by Commissioner Schroeder that we do now adjontot ,' -: ' Concurred in’ by the following vote; Yeas—Com.. Amiot, CbglJenges, Gart ner, Marr, SpbroMler—8. ' ' r Nays—None. X" h I R S. AMIOT, 1 . . Clerk Pro Tem. ' F R E E I F FT F A I I ^ V nr U*iW BfW -tfr««SM NW SlpiiM jVSItta IW HtdlelM Wl H M spanS W e' are so positive that our remedy Will permanently relieve constipation, no matter bow cbronic lt may be, that we offer to fnrnlsh the medicine at onr exnense should It fail to produce satis ., I ( move that the regofhgj report be footory reraltf;' lit is worse than uselesp to attempt to adopted. onto constipation with cathartic drags, 7 ' ' f"H. 8: Amlot, !; Com. Public Safety, Laxatives or cathartics do much harm. They cause a reaction, Irritate, and fibpportedl^r OomrCbalieoger. jocnrred in tty the following vote: weaken the bowels and tend to make saa—Com. .Amlot, Challenger,.Gort- constipation , more ehroulo. Besides, their nse beodmes a habit fhat is dang Marr, Srforoeder—5. ’ ■.\*y M . •1 ' -None. i^ eroni. " nstipatien fo caused by e weakness a]nd muscles 'of tbe large ji Wyandotte, Mil ib., Oct. filvifill. ilun. To expect perma the city comp}issicmt b< the city aoent relief von must therefore tone op yandotte. and strengthen these organs and re B,| undm lgnid iito Whom was re- store them fo healthier activity. i the report of Ur. T. J. Lanpois, :■ We want! yon to try Rexall Orderlies Physician, am i his requeap for on our recommendation. They are of absence fiom Novembeii 7th, exceedingly pleasant to take, being . to December 9n f{ 1911, both inelo> eaten like' candy, and are ideal for Dr. N. % Lana>ois to act in his children, delicate persona, and old folks, i respectfully r indrt that we have as welti aa for the robnst :They] act illy examined ‘ftne matter and re- dlrect|y on the nerves and mnscles of end as follows: that the report be the bowels. They apparently have s ~ and that sidth leave of absence neutral action on other associate organs inted and that [Dr. N . T. Langlois or glfnds. They do not purge, cause mtbcnized to a d as city physician excessive looseness, opr create any ioconvenience whatever. They may be ig auch absence i ! Dove that the foregoing report be taken at any time, dlay or night. They will positively relieve chronic or habituai constipation. If not of surgical H. S. Amiot. Coiu. variety, end tbe myriads of associate ain. Pub! Put ic Safety Supported by Com. Gartn >r. or dependent chronic ailments, if taken acurred in by the following vote: with regularity for a reasonable length kllenger, Gsrt- of time. 12 tablets, 10 cents: 88 tablets, YSas—Com. Amiot, Cbal 25cents; 80 tablets, 50 cents. Solid In ner,||Marr. Schroeder—5. Nays—None. Wyandotte only ajt,. our store—The Finance anct Revedue, Rexall stqrel Dorrauce & Garrison, {[Wyandotte, Mh h.,* Oct. 81, 1911. three stores, Wyandotte and Treoltou. TO the city commission of the city of Backache, Headache. Nervousness Wyfodotte. Gentlemen< , and rheumatism, both In men and Tab undersigned Jto whom wlas re. women: ir- mean kidney . . trouble. D& not ferrdd the report ol the county trees allow It to progress beyond the ch urerjdated September, 80th, 1911, show of medicine but stop ‘Hi promptly lit’ ........ log a balance, in t in oity’s favor of! Foley Kidney Pills. They regulate aevedtesn hundred a id eighteen dollars action of the urinary organs. Tpi and fSixty-dve cents (11718 05) a action, quiok qof * in results." For talje bv fally i report that I tave carefully ex- ail druggists. amiped the matter add recommend that tbe imount be placed la th e contingent fund] and that the i lotion of tbe cowmlMtoner of Hnanoi and revenue In atrtMtlog the city oli irk to drew a war, Tant for tour hundtt d and sixty-eight dolldrs and fortv-nit b cents (9468.49) iu ‘ iv o r o f the board of education the Sum jdue said board be and] is hereby Confirmed. ,1 i I efove that the foregoing repbrt be adopted. T. E. Challenger, Com. Finance and Revenue. 1 Supported by Cotb, Gartner, Coicurred in by tie folfowtogVote: Yais—Com. Amiot, Challenger, Gart ner. Marr. Scbrodder—5. , Nats—None. Pn >llo Safety. f _ Wyandotte, Mich , Get..81. 1911 . To itbe oity commi isiouiof tbe city o 1 Wya tdotte. Gentlemen whom was r # The undersigned -ferrei | the bills of _____ ; .8 8 08 Abe schoffert... . . . . «q,0(J T, J. Langloia, 34. ~ t,we have case* Redpectfully rei d bills and fotfod folly examined the recqmmend font them to be correct said Ifills be paid. I ncnve that tbe Port he adopt led and that dreil a warMut henmr Instructed on toe treasurer to ■vfoe several ap prov<d bills. . {i■ - com 8di ported by Com: man who had to leave fata offioa and was expecting a caller to pay him soma money left thla notice On hie door: “I have gono out tor ha an hour. Wlll -bf back soon. HaV been gone twenty already.'* 3 mfowtee _ It -Boston Transcript. f It la not necessary for any dsrvout person to wait until the ehurofa la dfeestpW ehed before he goeq out'info the wilderness to found a new church., The world la wide, and tbe opporiuntttes are boundless for eny one Who wished to begin’ Ml over again. dent bi F<j>rd village, sus talned Injnriea by being. tnrown from a andotte-TrSntba electric iien at, Shprtly alter 10 o’clock Sat irjlay>ilight.] With a companion, Resume gained afoothold oq; a, northbound <ar, standing on the cofopreksed air t« ofe'. with bis band graspihg itbe, windov. Ha failed to notice a car comti g Irmu foe op posite dirdctioln on the same s|^e that he was ocdjupylufe, and .wn i struck and. thrown to the pavement None^of the wheels touched hi* body, but be suffer ed a fracture.of. tbe skull, and died a few, minutes later, after being carried to Emergency hospital, three blocks *w* h ‘ . ■ _The dead man leaves a widow, fond im jlifehildren, hismofoer, sirs. Theresa ■SP<lfc^iet thrae bjrotbejs, R ismie, Nellis and Arthur Resume, apd/ bree sisters, Mrs. .Agues McQuade; Mrs. Hattie Rosh|ow and Miss Jennie 1 leaume. He was electflciao^f Ford vi) age Fnperqi^pervliMa were held .at- St FranCls jfivler’s church ioEcorse on day merPing, and the remains burled in fop Rcorse cemetsty. • Justice Tdr^ngo held at inquest last V night, to W ly f , B ft ause it is foe ori| £nal rooStii f mat lie in the best equi >ped factor; i in t |e world^rmade; >y mbit w k » hwv| been making a> d studying roo jng for twenty-sn yjears^ T b ; JParaffine. Paint !k>: of 5lkn Francisco and Chicago | Ma thoid is made to give sati faction—and does, no matter where it if Use L Fb art: i Bros. Co.,WyaiidotteJibh. j Jo Have fo e Rest W ater in Blichigan) BTEIFlEAlf-BEGi; fANN of Howa: -d Steinmau The foarrla add Miss Eli ibeth Beget Ban was soledtnized afcSt, fphn's chur folsstSaiur-; day afternoonl at 4 o’clock, Rev. A Schmid performing the ceremony. They were attended ))? Miss Eve! rn8teinma<i, t^ndedpyMjsa] foe grodm'a sifter: and Cbi rles Scbafer. RA LO ; bride worf a gdwn of )lue silk and Pi carried bridal rosfo* and fo e brides-1 WetjutduBy maid .wore wbifosUk and| carried car or flqlrat pieces short uoHce.G nations: imb and peticct ,; Folloi|ting:tbe edremoni) a reception Fe execute mdersforAlI was held at the home o ! the bride's I W E D D IN G A N D RECEPTI fitter, Mrs. Emma Walkei, 69 Orchard dccoiitions with promptness. street. Mv. and jtirsi Steinmfo will .. ;J you i q a lover d flofal « make their home fo Wyah lotts. drop in sad ;vieW Out, dhpUy. tensh enesstnay auepfifo you. / J. Ei Psrker, 8CB1 No loth f o , Ft, k . M m rrre Bgtith, Ark,, bays that fat bad takan u .v Ploi ht—Cor. Secood aod RopUr Stt. i many kinds qf kidney aedicinA but Bell Phone J2]8I did not get betjter until he took Foley! Home ]’hone 187 X Kidney rills.: No matter ! dw long youy' have bad kidney tumble, yon will quick and penpabent benent by the use of Foley ''Kldqey Fills. Btart taking them now. Fqr safo by aii dragglsts. W -M d RE W w X t e r , i - AATT - R PRICES *«*»*»**«v ■••• •• ••«•••••••*•»• i I I S fr o p lk i- S t s, S ORD1NANOETmprovide for foe salaries of , certaii appointive^ appointive A fin d fe e t a b o t t t e o r officers o ftb e city of.Wyai dottel lottei ■ /' ' Seotfon'l. ,,___city physician shall rerelva afar,annual1 nr.annual' salary salary} of „ pne . bun dred fifty dollars, ollars, provii“ led-‘ that city commi ion may provide additional, compeosatf A for disiulectionb audf fumigations and iq cases jof epidemics ' Iga (1 of daugerous, communicable diseases Tbe 'members of tbe board o f poor directors shall each recei ve as salary tbe sum of twenty five dollars peryeaf. Sectibo 2. . This ordlnani j • r- **;-'*••• 1 to be urgent and necessary for immediate preservation of the pub The Greatest oiwfn Bem edj peace,: health and safety: and shi. take effect and be in force from and after ' its passage land publication ?as 4 provided by law.1]■ Sore Throat, Cdldl , ii Throaty . iCHARLES uioiu-i Ldn Far (miter than ot Attest: { j Mayor. J ohn L. Sullivan,! kiuc costs one-third as muCt City CJqrk. j'.,., ’^.44w2 Pou ounce bottles, 25c, large A n ORDINANCE to a: ind sections size, 8Qc| f * one and two pf ao -dinance On Every Bottle Guaranteed titled,' “To provide for a Board of Health antf to. prescribe the powers and duties thereof/* ;i:' *v d r : a . “ l 7 " m a r t i n The city of Wyandotte 01 .atos:. G en eral P r a c tic e That sections ona and tt ‘o of an ordO b stetrics. D isea ses oil C hild) eii inance entitled, “Tqprovid for a Board prescri' the powers of Health and to presci omo« O ver W |U d o i j « dkrluii Bank _ duties thereof,” * - be ■- at landed so as aub Office, 188 it. Ueatdeuce lfi S« Telephon to read aft follows: I Section 1. The effy co; imissiofierr, including the mayor, togei ier with the DH . 0 . S ' lytlolau. shall be aod are hereby city physicist constituted nted a Board of Health»in and P e n t ; for the city of Wyandotte, with tbe powers aod duties hereinafter presorlb 12 B iddle Ayem ed. &majority of foem abail constitute quorum for the! transaction <ff busi p i 1one 28-J Hon ness '-j i . I Section 9, ' Meetings shall be beidwt such ttmssasj shall‘be provided by law, and tbb city physician, the mayor, or any two members of the board may call a| meeting any lasting at ai . t me. The mayor tGEON shall preside, but In foe absence of the PHYSICIAN AND M. isyot, the city physician shall preside, (i10:00 li.OOA me, Ori^iokflUovm < diOO aoo h. S, an the city clerk sbajli be clerk of said mu ftoo 7:00dP. M. nftnl. and: Kiift ih ill kltflnl board, shall kftep] rfldmlAt* regular mlniiiM minutes of their proceedings I’d] books to be pro* Office olver Wyandotte ivlngs Bank vided for that express nnrnn»« . Fin it and Oak Sts, W Y A N DOTTE, MICH. ~ i i t v ■4 Phones 153. m1fi? 'r tJ."PT Olbiie Pint*Rtd $pi H IN T S ! W A R N IN G S ) Mayor. l^o Live a Life Worth tiv i DR. N. G . BOW BE DENTIST. OoU MkLritot In PonMlaln f t r k ^ M i | OFFlOlE , 116 B ID D L E A l owl r e m in d e r s J !! « N A B U R N IN G S U B J E C T 'Old King Cole; [ .... ■ : Was, A Merry Old Soul], A Merry Old Sodt Was H e! If Ally* To Day v, . ■ .He 'i., Coughs hd Cold! Attest:' SJOHN L Sullivan, Ho man is so Hoiia *• hei who City Clerk. his, own vices, and eees tbetn in Someone elae. A word to the w iie Is eufoefoat, Which axaddius why a . lawyer wUl talk a fury for half a day. I ‘ -X_ Is much belt erf than Iroh' miai eldurablefoan sub1ujtar ibj every wa; ■j A | ^ to all other brands £i roofing. . Would Burn Oilr Coal A nd Even. Merr!«*r B e ! ’ B u rr Onr M And Me Merry i Branch OHicet A. | FO R YOUR .ONGEYRR, lewelrv Store, 123 Oak St. W here you will /find a most complete stock of D rills r " i , Medicines. i . ■ ' \‘T " ‘ ■| Patent I ' f ' i ! Medicines 1 i Sold at .i Out Rate . i Prices:..I . ( i -i ■' '..j' (- Prescriptions accurately corn- ! pounded at the lowest, posdblev cost. i ; ' ' ■,} * A complete stock of School^, . " 0' ■f VU V/ \h Tv i w ifii- - O' & ■4p" .r________ Bw V i n o t ^ W i i i I 1-V s I - I [ v d J ' fJ}i ' i__ t t \ J P roof * JpRTi UNG m4 rJ ftv nks stomach’ taju b li ai . weeks ago it g p ta o B a d llu id to gfvo work. I had tried v«ri6iifi medt* wfthjbnt relief. and w aafinally try VtooL A f |^ tfiktog U^e , t h ottii I wpe g m U r beneflted. Am now'on the thta(IT>ott|a and i to resume work. Axn rapidly ga Id weight and strength.” lEdw, Nje- % 1N J : th < a p e d w by; PrW'M jl j SmieoB 0 t - f T. f•-i\' made-to the oonditiooe bearinx. date tbe fourof » . . teenth 7 in tbe veer of our LArd, one tt dred ana eight, -madeh? V ityqfWnmdotte, Weyae Bllen , county; «n, to Jane Reintaen, of : ■ynaoounty. state ef . eto recorded in the of. aoedeji U®— T. -* —Li. county of; We state ofMii 1. D. IMS, ninth day of: inthdeyi 0. theaatd mortc*sennTmor ■“ on; Ida B.. Reintaen, of the *“» Wayno oounty. stnte of tO WDI MlchisSn. f tba last.wifi and taetn, • meat of lltcen, deoeaaed, tq Ida B< : "elotneo John Oeorsa Heintsen and txen, on the te Both dajr ef.-' recordedtin thaottee of , >. A. ». W rc*l*t«r of _ in and tor i deno.i dn tho day of June, A. D. 1L... on page 348. and wharaliber srofntort] dcC*uHl-bee|b( ein the payment of the iennukl into: said mortgage sod said pSynaont has been in arream for theperiodof one year, {for whicl default said asslgnaafind trustM of aatd hroi gagee hereby exercises her loti7srjintea in aid mortgage end declares inctnu earn »f said mortgage and el! intereat!thereon to be nowdue and *b«re*. there is noWclaimed to bo rprin. pal and interest the.aum of ■*“ end ' D 0110.00) dollars, and^ ' of.twe: y. five dollars, provided . . aertsasa. < 110 . .suitor proceedinsa at ttah instituted tad to recover the money' said n» gage or any part thereof; fcfore,,by irtue of tho power ofeale Jit reld 1 ortgsge. and the statute in suen case made ana provided, notice la hereby given tbatj on Tuesday; the 19th day of fiecember, A D.I :19i|< at twelve o'clock noon, stud* . ard time, on said day 1 Shall sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder at the southerly Congress Street entrance of the Wayne county building (llbat being tbe building In which tbe circuit court for aatd countyof Wayne-is held) the. premises described In said mortgage or sufHciqnt thereof to isatisfy said indebtedness, cost and eXpenaeS of aale, also any sum or sums that shall (be paid on or beforesaid sale by the el undersigned, for taxes and insurance to protect tbe interests ip said premises deeoribedln sakl mortgage with tnteiteat thereon at ihe raie'df' »lx paycent pet aandm. payable eeml annually, itogether wfitn an-attorney fee of twouty-ilvo dollars provided fod in said mortgage. Said prentlstajU-e dcecribed as followa, to wit: AU . that, oertitnplece, qr parcel of laud situated iu ItbS city of Wyandotte, Wayne county, state of Michigan, known and deacrlbed as followsi Lot number eleven (H) of block number on* hundred and six GW of the recorded edpUdof tbe dty'of Wya ' itoWi Mworqlng -to tl Wayne Ida B ^ m n n i, Trtatee of Mortgagee. ; >.kpooMirr oeokorr, : ! J tor trustee. 119Biddle avenu*, W; - -mO B T G A G E SA L E \ . Default having been made in the eoudltta fa mortgage, bearingdatejh*Srytday»U£ in- toe year of our Lord one thousand nit dnfne.mada by Albert Beanaaai SiUt Reaume, of the village of ty. State of Minb« ' slntxen qf the township of /.____ ty. Mtimigan. which mortgage is ■__ the ofloe of the register or deed* for .uuty ot Wayiie, and stme Of I lited<‘ on.page 143,'tbe taid mortgage 'been itaen'otta* f, nfidhW^ . drip xecutrik tbe last will and testament of Jiao* 7 l, to IdaB. Reintaen, tn (eihtian. of John elntxen and James Ft..,, Mdtadsea. on the aofh dv of June. A ^ end recoi in the oflloe eodsrin d for Wayne county, Michigan; Uih dajy OfJulyvA. D. »10 and record. *" .iber 97of| orlgagee, on pagatiMB,{ntid wbe wit of'f inbimpnl and a * interest .and' wfaetoaa ___| 'able pnsald mortgage there is now dub and at the date of |this notice Jbiriudtagprinctpel and interest and taxes and Insurance, the sftm of five bundled and ninety five ttsaSDO) dollars, The Hipplest Men. fCMANlCJI LCHAIR FAN. The hgppimt /fkin .may ay not'bo nok'b he [and, looking T 1)-' _ ad: the farthest Whose fame j ms had 1 at’ lervds to ^ ’f / ranged j , ^ j ’ 'T "K««p t©l*|copeg here? Make Fan Revcdyej. s come to bo Nop he whose vftirit has j " t« i, sir," {(replied the t Th^re ;are[ several -kind." of chaty The word of pi ophecy ”<m 'changB”; ^w'sed some]: man. ;-v \ x ••• fans^Ibut almolt if n o t' to all* of } The happiest nuu i pisy hot be crowned »to.WeSSa. vT'Tbe'iium npdded and thfe salesman l' Iwt “Is th e m pnrativd auve m medicinal eaicuw fye-. eie-f .>,„m „ of thci kort t ‘,hem [ are waves n - .Nop have &sc iptre In his clutch, "tioon tetnrned with a spy gfasa, of the cods' liyerff, comWhed « N[oi Own a slngl» foot of ground,; "Here's t h e . beat f m the atreingtheaipg propertiea of invented h i,eyi,, ._ ' Vfot 'over be n iplauded much. the place; contained in Vinol which tonic iron i tion with a .rocking gi i h--'< ./ ' ' I"The fetraosifer looked at t^se glass to makes it so successful in restoring to. be an ipipro l^ie happtest mt n way not posses' Jhmtn&i a, n o bent, then-he blurted: . perfect Igeqtloa and at the same ™ m.;j JThft' reyo|vij A graft or pull of any klpd •'"Jthat’f a Ijne thing tp put clothes t(me it' bullis firf the tired, overhe head of tfie, pe Igfttlhg 'to, To him art may jbe meaninglees. to ,ta n ’* it? Do you take me {for k worked [and itudown system. ^ or W eddingfi/Fu air by means u f -A,ci L^d metaV He may be'w itless, unrefined; - burlesque acjtress? — X^uDfstown Try a bottfe of vinol with the un lie s or any g t. Running dowi hack; of; The happiest m ay may never sway Telegram. derstanding that your money will he bli is fc' delving s’ (ft whidjh i iiny tim e, phone Within the gll led halls of State, returned if lb does not help you. ts WtthRO.'/Ahet a h p e ed gear ng under He may not drar.a princess pay . H ohto 12-B . iL J L .. i- i: -'A- at. i mThere Are two gearings, a Donancc Sfc G&ititoa, Drok£tsf*2 Nor oyer ming e with the great. ., ; For Sunday or ?ht calls [ phone H om ihee^S-J. 7/ 1 Wyandotte md^lircnton, Mich. ~ ~ The happiest man may never try t R N E U E to O R F JUSTICE TO THE AMERICAN'"'* To solvp the itellar mystepleft; lOto-lll Biddle Ave. N . . v MILLIONAIRE. |H « may h o tb e iffected by ' j a a t l l i v ' ‘ xv-Sl The American J.millionaire may The dally won. iere that he seek; have his faults, but the excitable per The happiest man may linger where sona |who rail at him. because be pays r A babbling girt, with, little sense, big sums for old mastiers when they Is choosing from the bill of 'tare come lip Iteij sale abroad do him an le What she adll.»at: at bis expense. Justice. , .Lord Ifinsdowne could bays [—3. E. Kiser, lni|the ChlcagO Recoi'd. glven hls fjkaous, Rembrandt. “The Mill” to tne National] Gallery If 7he WITH , s; ® A GWtj had seen fit 'But when he aaked D r . K i n g ’s Since Thpu baal given all that wo 1300,000 for It he evijdlen^y had an ■/y,:. possess—- .............. .... , eye to westward., His price" Was The golden wu rid; dawn, noon \aildj e w D is c o y s ir higher than a RHtish int-cpUector' or starry nig it ; the National Treaeun^wouid^ be Ultely This present' pour; far memories to1pay. if i the Rembrandt painting Is IofdeUght to remain Iln England [the ownpr has Tbe tjjfrlll of hople; the Joy of lov0*|l arranged that some one most pay him caress— f '/ f s s much as an unnabed American Full just that we| remember nnd;con4 \9 ihilltonatre bids. : Evidently .the '■ fuss' ilAjre the picture was inot offered ito the trustees The jdory yfj Thy works, Thy eom bdredr of the Nations! Gallery until a fdk wondrous knight, "tee, my YWijiw iin ln W n ,VJ sign; hid wag sought Europe w ill winding ] shaft and clutch 7and a Imperfect .thou |h we stand before r o |.jB ]q lflm a z n l "And how Ibout switches?" not he. swept clean of its cherished ratchet, the la s t named operated b ; , Thy eight- :V(: ; '/ 1 toHrioBi works of art how ln jprivat^ hapde rock arm s pivoted In one of the rock flash; within tpe dark, a nothingI ■’ j • - j ; • • > ? » R u t t s # , ' 189 BIDDLE AVE-1 NORTH,u Ehrope offers them for sale uni' th e chair.4 As the/, chair rocks “Dilate on th e tact that we hare -fiega.’.^c t MICH. the highest bidder. It has as mpeh d ‘ the vratdhet is moved lone been entertain bd by Newport society,” (,A. ! 7 1 1*v *,.. ■,r St feer from the greed of Its own pro t d turns the gearing whlc i In I Add though somh build for Thee a adjvtscd the a tffragettte leader. perdfes.//’the'* driving Shaft and | ‘ kingly shrine ,rWhy abouia we do tbaf? Ours fa prietors i as from the wealth of Amert^an purohasers. I lf the some they the fah revolve. When the [And othprs sing to Thee g perfect a worthy cauap” s 1 :ks baekjn ard the ratche i is 1 know. Hot a worthy{cause ia«J$ a s k a l for their- Rpmbnindta or song* ... . . ..‘..j'. - S o lic ito r In O h a n o etf V'elalquezea or GainUhoroaglui’ were in th e ppp islte direction add And aU ages render, in their art tn it alongaidl olP.a fashionable ta/tjjj ioAMsairD ttoLUMmom. moderate enough for the British pub hole m ov^nent Is reversed. tribute to the (lory that is Thine; Ofltap^aaS.OverPlrptCoiaiaeroIsland gevlns lic to raise by sobscrtptlon or for the 8teady c«rrent of a ir is kept Bank. Still deign, O God, to whom all' wv*wr»nTTE wlcw. Government to ..dvaoce, the rich g- aa the chair is moving! thing! bel- mg. . tii -jrbankers and captains of [industry .of To tdke, the gift l b r i n g s con this country would- capture fewer J e r e o iia h t^ e n n a n , trite heatt prizes. It Is not-because. American -Thomas XL j leilly in Ave: Maria. A ttorn ey an d Counw !llor-at«Lan [BREAKFAST. . millionaires are recklees^lh th e , usa w t An d o t t e , klO H *•'•1 > ’ Grahefralt of ttjofr wealth but .because members iFenjIMIm Fortitude. -Nhledded Whqat [ Thp Mil]t of/this British 5nobility ask Such exInsuranca—Eire,1 Life, Accident anr Ndw ladies as' Pol Icemen serve. Plain Omelet Heslto., fitf lorbltent prices for their^ famlly heirAnd manage uf )tor cars, ' an attorney lee of twenty-fl ve (Sp 00) doIUoa,' 'opovers ' ; ../ ' Fostum looms that England 4a called '‘on to ‘ led for is !:j|U m o itg a g e /a j^ n o s u l|o r [And Sirkbip ladle)i have the nerve LUNCHEON.' ' mjourn the. ksS of gre^t qiasterptecem Tp add among;] he stars, Or ? Chebse and Rice ,;</;/■ of v+New York ^ o rld , While patriot iai leB bravely sisek power M akie contained In said mor Fredeh ‘Fried .Potadoea ,:']. ■vl-.-. ■ .... , ................................ . ... andthh aUdfil*in auchmsetnjadcmidpfo' To show us no v and then » is hewbyglvcthjtodOnTpeadsy, the 1 m. TO CATCH A MONKEY TRY THESE Thai they can bald;' parades and of Kowember: A; D. l9U;at^uveo’el< , owed Frunea; ; Coco* RULES. m standard- time, on said day. t shail seUat speak n iHe-auction to' the. hlghast bidder at the The .Filipinos catch monkeys' in a Aa handily as tpon. torly CMagressstreet entrsneo of the Wnjlne Cream of Potato Soup very funny why. Monkeys are very ty tmUdinS (that betnc ibe ibuUdlng ;fei toMfih tl>f MtfifillMtaflftfof fftfqdiNvmy Mock Fried Oysters fond of the meat of coooanuts.' They But If-a heroine you'd see is ||«1d)^e]^miM^eMoHbed fnBmmorUrNg^ AsparagUf on Toast are. vpry lazy, though; about gnawlhg entmereof to satisfy said C^troe,;surpas}ing7might. ■ and a 1 • indebtedorao, .. ....dnaa-W* I Boiled Rlee/ ' f cost and‘ sxpentes of*sale, through the outer bark, And will only Amid the scenes, whence man1‘would stitas thriatahall be paid on or bell Waldorf 8alad J j the underslgsed for taxes and do so when very hungry. The init fflee^., protert the |intfcre*ta In tbe pro A^|fe Dumping * " 1 Coffep plno takes advantage of this- greed said nuwtoge. together with an attc A. creature van. ifilsbed quite, . of tweutytwa dollarscovenanted tor the hnd indolenc > by cutting a - email rH- Go ■where ;thg-} Christmas tumult id piemtsea are described safollows, tofh t v f r opening through the Shell, Just large All that certain pleoe or parcel of land situate Sounds , Abe—HoW |01d you I id being to the vUlaSe of rosd, wayae county, enough lot Mr. Monkey’s long, thin So constant and so loud; ichigan; and :more particularly described.sa step? j ‘ (■ hand to penetrate, says the “Philips Make the lnyalld'a Tray Attractl rj. Behold the lady <n her rounds MAKES NEW flCRfiEfttj 9F TIM; Qabe—Well;. you Bee I; have 'two pines Monthly.” When he ones gets Thehe.^- im ekeuse tor offending Among the sho iplng crowd! It tour dealer haatrt |t iee j t ner Bdw. Co^ atepiBisierv. Martin’*Giocerj, or C. U. tie a :e. - r Inside he gets his b^hd full of delici the sidk Khrsbn’s sensitive teste by an -Washington Star. thence ranOing. east along the lands ofGeorge ous dainty meat, apd hla hand is na untidy oc^^ unappetizing tray. Ol ten '“erry. deoeaaed, twenty fivefeet tbemm norih Nor plan Design, turally wider wheh In. this act than the cnbricions appetite which mnsi be >n a direct line to St. Joba etreet, dienee west ' ,j '\Ralvers.' Little Sigrfd was born in America, when It was thrust . through, the cepxe4 by every] endeavor files at long St. John street twenty-five feet, thence: We are rovers rovers we; !■[ ,outb in a direct line to the place ofbeginning, of Norwegian l jarentajj says Harper’s opening. Finding ble hand will not Sight df a'sloppT lfidcheon tray v4th being D«ir a parjt’of lot number thirty' (SO) of the 'We are wkto ererp from -birth. Mag&xlne. ibdivision ; of privaterolalm numbered one lat to your nationality, come out, the monkey shatters,vit^i llquldgj apHled oh .saucer and nap kin WitK ihdred* and. twelve (119), according to the tub- . Sailing down tie trackless sea, -Slgrid?" asi the teacher. Slgrid scolds, and plainly shows hta indlgna^ and ,lbld» massed In cpnfusslon. A . Jvlsioti mode by'tbe commissioners appointed) Faring o'er t le (paths of earth. tossed her fll ten braids. “I'm an tie food: and, that of the daihttid makeoonpernlng thebelrsofAntolneLabadle. very tlpn at-the way he had .bejen trapped, deceased. ;.■. -- -1 . , ... - ■ American of torwegl*n design,” she lied- August nttoflWl. but never thinking; of loosening his est s mid be the rol®: *1 fresh papWe are rovers/j-oversl all. '' i saJdt prouder. l ;' , I da B. H s i a t c n ; " . :h time the ^ h y is brought ip; kin oi hold on the cocoanut meat and with Trustee of Mortgagee. Children of the- wind and sun,! when everyth! ig else tafia a floppy laid at the <me s de, Am K, WqnDBirirv, drawing his hand as easily, as l^e; piit PCrh Ia| ndrvons mpSUation and female To the vagrant spirit tbrall i' ,; Attorney for Trustee. , ! ■, iln 1WP. rythin'g ice cold, steaming hot It, in. The-e he stands, ah pngry hion* and BjisIttess Oddreas IlS Biddle avenue, Wyandotte. isknesses they are the supreme Till our sandk of time are run. Ilcious. CfSiam"jjrflfdIdt-jhH he Mis. Wlggs—“She Is enormously key, untjl the native Wh^ se t th e and l«h I3wl3 iedyt as ttouaanda ^ive testified. R wealthy. poufi on cereals, but served fyoj i a idcoqhenut tra|p. cornea- and; takes - Urn JR KIDNEY,_LI> E R A N D w e are rovers, rovers each, tcher. T ittle cooked deliem led Mrs. BU jga-^ee. Shi was an captive, Uny ... , __ rT O -V G E SALS. < ( \ l , i? j i i 1 8T O M A C H T R O U R L E tsoe'er oiir land and napa, Default bav.tiigbeen mode to toe conditions of twice as tempting if covei is only Wife; yo« know.”—pick. V will •ring. a mortgage hearlugdate the elgbloento day of it Is” the best tnedlclnk ever sold HfritorB Of all« la speech, iff just before serving.: ' ,,: the rear lorooi r Lord ouwtfctasand nine - »nof From ii -l(i\ig, jils| pf remarkable and flirted >y..8hou1d-'the tray he ,4et)| .in \ ] pyer Adroggiat's coulter. d arSjj•even, ar. mfeda'by EUenMaher, ef ' Yet kt heart, i it heart the sam e.; trod Bhife Had Him. , jtity ■ e 0ty of Wyandotte, widely uJtferefat things, In whlch Ben them ] lid’s range of risl«m ;7 nen{ the _. . yandottc; Wayne county, state of ^ ' J , y I The Girl—”Whet*a yourjoplnkm of! Miehignn, to lane Heintsen; ef toe township of jamin Franklin .was '‘fflst,’'. .a few ”ic«e. ’ Waiile coumy, Mwigsn. wblch mort* finished. " A smslT tal^e; (|ui|though rovj >re. rovers still, mehl women who Imitate men?]’ W oodruff, jAitsro „ ge ls recorded In the fiffinaor the register cf pertaining to literary dtstlncfton are aide [e igodr will. be found a gjl est .W HGWito far leld.we roam, , Couhty of Wsyne, . _ deed*-in and for the county ot Wayne; and state ^ The Man—"They’re Idiots t ’ as follows: He was the 'fthit to found convei iesewifon of the §>rohaw n__ . oourt lor said ofMichigan, Onthe twenty aeoooa day of July; ir»y OjIl this the tray ,.t ml -U feetth e thrill The Glrl-^ iTben the imitetkm Abate. courtroom /kij.D. I 9 t i n Liber 3CAof mortgages on paj fW«ime,hald)*hthe be pf ptto a literary newspaper in America, the be before brought ■lqto the twenty, ol itrOlL on tbe RiecW entjr,thlrdiuay t vG f UiV’Uiutopr call—and home! wucceasful/*—Toledo Blade. lortgage having been assigned first editor] as distinguished tronf- the room id liquids ;poured into /cup dr year oho 1/ *bousand mnrtfS] B !Re4. non; of (no tnwnahfo of Moor tisft: " t -V'rClinton Scollard. in. neMnt, Henry 8 y.aAkfeMichigan, executrix of toe 1. no cou K.......... ............ newsgathefer. lie wad thVflrfet to gTass om g'ism all pitcher, aI Jane Ian*-, tfslalaan . ALacea, ss<■ and testament ;ol Hefntzen. di . rffhrobalfcfetoth)"' Illustrate a newspaper, Hp was' the Jittlet fitters make a v a s t deal, o ’ da B. HeinUen. trustee of John h: \ Her l avenge. ,, f ^, Adolp^Bulstor^'trutSo^litoi estate. Bav-^ Helntsen ajd Jam^s Francis Hetotxen.tieo: on first to fopnd a lltei ry Club in Am- ‘ilRfere! to the invalid, hardy as his He was apt for v Oman’s suffrige, he | i§ reoisKic to <this eonrt hikSnal account ah 'iday of.June; A.D. 1910, and recordedln to. • 7 erica—In. ‘his taai< bclety; ; the app re of the { register of deeds In and for waym ... . , _ _ _ of deeds • Ifi and for may be In- hormahtlmes. ! had statec- o', tr and 6’er, , tbot-toe twenty-first day/ el i--— • on the tath day of June, It (so)_ Mtohlgan, ■!.- j 'r- . ) ftt .-4' ;i-“ V l / / Junto. He was the first Aihferidan • ■■■.k ^ i ..., *. -V f.: - vl; at ten lo'oloOkjln the l«»wort. ttud .mjjnrded in Hiker N of morti ,And he told his vlfe with vigor she im 0 m, benPRolptedlo* examining to/ «Ne347,|andiwtierefus d efk u U b u b en n : writer to gain recognition iIn the world/ ClutAvomeh Attack Mpfhprhooc • icould go to clubs fio<more: \ t o ftb e semi annua' ini _____ of literature, htfi autobiography being its....... " ' TheIclubwomen of Minhesbta have Further, there sh >uld be no bahnera |ge, and said payment h-a been Ii -ks [toe -period of one Jeer, for-whiel still widely read add regarded a^ a a liveij organ called the Courant. j |n . tn thfe Wyanand no sashiiB ’round the place. aaslgnbe and trustee o f taid m ort classic. He whs the ftrpt American an e<tttoria| It 1tells women wiat And a bunch of yellow ribbon he ited'andcirou ly exercises her option granted li d deol»rcs-tto> prtoctp * humorist. Be wgs tbe first to Issue they n|&y tiifn their hands to wiecj h |!W|-IHITLHBBT.■ would call a gore disgrace. id ol I arrearages 6j |a humorous periodical.jhla “Poor all otler Avenues of employrnimt now due and payable, an. w fe v , Richard’s Almanaickf' being. the earl afe AOSedi to thdm. “If ;ron So she stayed a t home one morning,-)! r Register. iest and the most popular comto can’t Irsetice medicine/’ runs' ,b as he thought,, to weep or pouL attorne; rx ■w twenty-flv» dollars provided for to almanac ever issued. editorl|l, “if you can’t be a drugg ,st, [But a little After luncheon she decided irtgiwto.'aod nosuti o r proceeding at l*w _ been lnaiirotaa toretoverthemoncyeectt: to gar out, if you ]dan*t| be a registered nurse] i: -aid.mojrtgaie « any part thereof, m . A commercial traveler drtvlnfe Ifrortl you can’t be an undertaker if ; ob i And-of couyse he lisd to help her, and,. .ifore/M vlri'ie-ojl the powfr of sale containW yandotte Tittiti Table. to snld luortytKe feud tbe statute'In sneb town to] toltoirn thorough thei pine, t|toe. whods can’t be'-Ia lawyer, If you can’t sue! town tkljro Welti plcturg him, ainc|k!, i vC Wyandotte (Oak Btj .deObd/pitmdrd. notice la Mtfey given to n. m.; of Farida saw h drove of emaciated ceed ns g teadher, if you can't bo a [ There Were Votes tor Women [buttons 0:B6 , *. ,m., s /,WHU.W(;]Sl).(lay of Deoemoer, A. 1105 p, m.. il at two) ire o’cfoCk noon staudard tlme, razorback hogs'rushing wildly, from or, M you can’t h 4 a coo! c—! -twenty-eo^i h—dovsto hejr back? hyefy OmintMeato < «:« p. m, daVklukbali :*e>i h t public onctlob ‘ rtyto 11:40 urjytostr tree to.tree., HeJtalted at the If you tall tn aji of thhse-things, way, ‘. " ’V' —/iprana w . ffheldion. tbe southerly Congrma Oak St.) lor -naoto».^-SfiD •Vue county building or a “(cracker’s bchne, | and asked a you c&n ho married and become - a riy to m IJO.m.. and every in which the' circuit to. aed h of hOurlstoS#, woman in h sunbopnet 'what was the mother. Y«|u (don't have t o 'have' g t h e 'asne. t*.betdl the n fU a.ni. I / it "Wlut hatrej certlkcajte for ,|nk^|«nd[ no Individ ml ipattfr with fth^ sWine. “Well; yob ■fivn;:»nt ton!:/';,,, country?” i> offlrially lAfiuire'into your fitai ss. , ....,^oe’to to .. . around aud fiming.” fee,”1the woman ejxplfiined, “my old l-Qh. Just the pdopm1,, believe in liberty ( nd, man is deaf and dpmo.fand whpn, he v Weighed' tW jcj:hunBrto-jPtotadto-; fishing gnd lying.' r tia wanted to call the bogs to their we insist [on jmur liberty. to brag around. o into Hie wpHd fn bondage to swUl he learned them to come when4 -W hy 6m you I'he tapped Ion dhe[ of the'trees. - K- disease or detocldve mentality; to toHusband| j.worked- sRi right _ when they ftrstjgdt' feetove training ,0r ; inade^ste, |s ^{! want me to* with yoot [You ow them woodpeckers to moral.oblkpi^r hr r eednont^ * * ' Wt»ed,bktnow I detest she makln’ the poof, thingsfritn theln pendence; to[,p0rrow and shame Wife—“Oh. approached M > t i * r- V W. I S troit United Lines 111 i 'i r ■h A •n ^ 1 ! -til -;J i I, ijjl 4 -4 i s> * •» . E9fTABUgHI t f jjy ik ] 4 *‘ \*'-> b r i* t $ lA Q m Y * * **■ ■t Um' Wjandotuk •Moodckua 1 r ia l P ap e* r ttB e O ity . , « . So v 4 » W ^ fo^thdtope^ofi Cafi(an4f^MN ’ Boifi to Mr. and Mi I. M ttlcte a girl j^xby attenjdli _ TheConc The jpopcordia Tom gjpW>ple*s Moiety Charles "WBlkenbaot^ who died left *“ hive * ' ............. iixtltatfday. will a meeting nil SMnrtiy. )* | •VHf R. Brcrtvne left oh Wednesday of Manly If eyere and Jilt* I rare mettled marrle in Data ItU at Week! , were W W iWlWiMin* tin lodge, A. A, 8. R., will work 8VU her bf years id the Ml M. degree next Hondnynight. ■J- ' ’.ts /.-I,'-; AlhjW Llddle of I ioffalo, & Y.,i» ice ot the JEtarts Bros, Co. visiting John 6 . Lidd le, jr., tb! m.into on Thutaday night of rhc|[monthiy mektii g mf[ the b . by tha removal of an entire I education w ill be hell injthe city hall aaahof a window. Nothing of tonight. ' | ' A ■» months eld; so a ef Mr. end Mrs value wgs taken.. Lonlsi! Damont of Eig ith street diedon ly*were away on Tn^sM on^y. ' „ [ some one broke jin to Th^ American Exp rest Co. opens an KedrAe on Poplar officers the Wyandotte Savings bank M orlS frotn asmall bank add a .parse. * v', ‘ Edward 1 Perry o ft Port and1 Miss ^ 11."r-c V,' Lee of Sagina r will on N |v.-8. ' j. «i. communlcat 170,'Mo Mt|> Charles Moxsc n and l|r s. Fired No, v -j, ■.•'•1*4v;* Cleaner are visiting in the borthernpart ¥ of the state. / < ■ Mijk. Charles Denman; returned to Belicflue, Saturday, a her. a visit w th Wyandotte relatives. Thp Methodist Bro .herhood will be entertain^’»L£he pari onage on Thurs day ;jWenlog.Vj§ov. 9. John Goodwin has bought the jresldencia property owned jy James Dooley, on B|ddle ayeuug, non h. 4 jfblue .rook timd 11 -e bird shoot (will be tfeld at (Thomas Ihronillardv hotel in I&owe this afternoon. ; II A Ion ha* peon. bori to Mr, and Mr#. Arthur McGonagie t >f Port Arthur,' O nt| formerly of thlfc slty. ! moat practically tsatfal Mod, Lie ‘Petraisk i left Monday for “ rdssttncd silverware. We are T.,- al er a visit with' examplea ln the ' idfriendkt are. * O liv e r hollow ihooie e ta * * y « t antu next Monday, ^account teamer#* meeting at J ietroit.1 ^ iisa Mabel Chanubei lalnj gave ahapd kerchief shower last I ridly ev#«rftqf in honor of Miss Lobiae. 1 iennlng, *</£■■■' ,Vfl! Mjlss Kate Cadsret returned 8a||f*i day from ^a'visit of several the northern part of t| in state. Uhls semester abor * a collec^l )h of OSoO for foreign tulth b, ..as ahoi in ’hy the report of Supt. H- 3. Daley. 1o a foot ball gam S last Satohlaj afternoon, the Wyant otte Rlph-apwifti losfto Birmingham Hi [h, 5 toff. he civil servicei ixaminatloh *■■»*: j 111 mail carriers, h ild in Wyandpb Saturday. brought out 14 candidate*; , 'the V. $. side of tiie Dorceartotety w i|i have a home hiked sale Presbyterian ohnrch.p irlore <^o p Millie 8. hive. No. 305, L O M .| will give a pedr> party att M. B. A. ball on Mondiy evenldgcNov. g_ j ... I J; ;I T H E C IT Y . ’ t ■JSJ At.- # r> U i .■ - * » „ S r *I . . ■ V- N&v. 18. The . Ladles’ 'Aid. so clety of 'the Con*. _ itional'obnrch wii meet -with Mrs. 'CjfW. Jones on Wednesday afternoon o^inext week. |B. M. ilBrowna of R ichestek came to M(yandotte last Saturday to Imake his b|me.^*ith bis sou, p .V . Browne, on Oirange street. ’ (The sapper sod sajle to be given by tljie 'Ladles’ Aid sooic ty in the Meth odist church has been postponed from 11 Nbv. 19 to Nov. 86. Tb« liMlle,’ A.i.lllarr at th . Con,re ^lonai church will meet with Miss §i|rab Thomas. 896 B1 Idle avenue on nfxt Tuesday evenings ;.. IMr. and Mrs. John Ratfboit, Whose marriage was perforu ed lh Detroit oo Wedneeday of last wee u hark returned ftltom their wedding tti l ' . tin . Maude Rettburg of BtldwinilHe, hY., former rnident, returned home; Is week after a visit i if several weeks th Mrs. Martha Bebrook. r Mrs. Selah Bandefsoi i and son EMiott, Fort have returta d after aevarai k s,visit with frier ds in ] ty and other eastern iolnte' h|A coffee wilt be gi ren Wedneeday .y nlng, Nov. 8, by tl ie young people r: ' the Coogragational church at tpe me of MIm ’FtoreDOs Taber, ’'The Colonial otuh.irilt give au la 1 •Mial rtatlBiliB nmrtv (il Apfuiltft^iift^ aw w w ■ • g w - v cr* T .v » r , '7 ’t „ w w ? t -.^fttaMday aveofog NdM \ ffoif ■ . 0O S # » ;, ' u 1 ■vvr . •-.'Tf}i . - • 'A .yi ,1'>r: r , * i 1t fr\ . i n i ': ' a r '' *’»v w i n r? ' A ' > M -■4*j A \[ T > vB J. -v•ir•>-i W S " L— ijfra. James Dooley of Saginaw was in jibe city this week, at the borne ot he# parents, Mr. ant Mrs. M. Dlrutn m |nd. C .. E. Neuendorf bis purchased the undertaking business from U, Neuen dorf & Son, and will taka luifued^te oh|rge.-, . I ' yt. h ’ Irs. Arthur Baisley will give a coffee fot thfe benefit of St. Stephen’s i Epis^ si church on Tbuisday afternoon, Ndv. 16. ■» ■ -v The Toung Ladies’ sodality of. St.,t Jc^wpb’k charch will gi ve apedr i party im A rbdter hall on W elnesdaye enlagf t-' I ‘a V/ ‘r-A’-A ■ %rT. A i i ir~ *T(i; v A >.4 .■:-: 'i-y, 1 :" i I * • / if ri.nf.-- e announce a visiting seasop for the styli loving men of this city-r-at, thi$ store. Qome to ledlrn—to inspect the ney stylesi and patterns we now have^ 0^1 display^ 1 | fjall suits and overcoat^ are here; r a stock unqualifiedly the largest and best e^er shovyni hereabouts; it icomprises the pick and dream of all the creations of n v^i i t i i e 1House of Kupperiheimer ■those .master craftsmen' whose nam e'on a garment stands for the, best o f all that is I good inclothes. \ ■t ■ I •» . 1- • . ' i l *•„ \t II ■; . • I j r • . - . ..j ( At "J ■ 1t ll pee1 diversity vi of siyte style and I Here you’ you ,111 see a cjivcrsny aiiu fabrij:s muiix. such as has never -1--------- in this section; vvorsteds; tweedy,, homespuns; serges before been- shown a remarkable showing all priced in reasonable conformity to worth. Here you’ ll find that. ;^ti$fying service irt selection that certainty of style— of fit and of fabric. 1 You are i earnestly r^tte^Cjd one of irspection. A-.-0A • -ts- . . •• V. V > t% ■ ' m eans / s' to pay this store a visit ■if ohly _ ,1 X jg |f Thk HowedTPogipwhiwjar f \l 1 « ” HII ' - hose snug fitting 1 :. > * r $ lo to $30. argesi: and best; i» pick from, too., M ,;- I ( hoicest: it Bit¥Xx i i|V, v \f 1 X "iT. At . 1 1 i w p g 11 ‘•’A 1‘‘jAUjfj, 1 >* J 3 1t } >5t j \j , ‘If '( t l V t* / "i i O I•j , / Y«, IA -i r^t ■«— v-£» I l u ^ fK v , -i ti iMte Hk ' /h t A*** f’ rij' ; A# ■l '»Lv 4 rrV'f ^ ,. u,1f*j >h 14 .<1 ”' '♦ t>r,i , a 2 $ jL .•1> S' M \ r.’lr.A: U ' &’’’ , , A i J ^1 ** > f 1 4f }^V' v’1^' ■i*. M g yandotte to ’ r f‘ *v, 1jf %r fI ^ iV ;5& o r SyiT!5; * . !* •• j( , 1 V I ................... ... 4f J, 4 * , la s e n e , .I-* • s ia n , u;rt ia, regular $1.50, now 7;;c yd in. Bla,ck all silk'Taffeta, “ ( 1.00, 75-ffoc yd > x . 1 v w - i’” ■• 'V V v Unsurpassed values for the sm allest Jk prices. W e hhve them in’so thany di|ferenbcolors you 6ught toriiakeiyour selection nqw before the decidedly ^exclusive patterns are 7spld. Very beautiful, indeed, for scarfs and eventng gqwns, OVEFlCOATS, $7.50 to I , Receive the Ipenefit . ' cl )M-■\ I l You’ll find b ire the widest range of Good Clothes, which j. J] means that we ean suit and fit eyerybody, at a surprisingly reasonable £rico. 1,. -r zr 4 \ >r 1 v J» 4 -■ f; r -l k Silk and Cotton Mixture, “ . irtant price conc e s s i o n s from anufacturers. In every case 1-, mers < i I A U i*>i enough of this vfcriise. Antfagain the news vvill stif enthuiiasm; The most astonishing values $his year in sillds and cbtton M , y.1T>-dl s t-r v^l v1 ' ,t(i ’i v .| - 1 M l s , * 4 ff . > ........ f..... ^s / - *i| :-V? II I H 5* *' f* » - j v- 1 nt • » ♦*, , t r^ A l 1 11, ' ' r yt'i-k- A Largest | Clothing Stock gin Wyandotte., W Y A N D O T fE Both Phon «* * i m “ ■ i J. E .Smith will bold his Annual ( Is-; j»yo£ .eh! * llo*ers end plants iom> w ev«n|iig and Sdnday Lady ffonrwlll bd especially favored with an merlean Ileant? robe. '«? ' [Twenty fouDg ladies of St John’ eburcb bare ofoanizcda Mndchenel" Tbe Detroit Journal., which is con. •ttti will a |si,t the Maenueruhorsl 1 siantly "scoopiug” its contemporaries concert to jbsi given in tbe near futur on news that never pans out. discovers for the baa jfti of the church;?that1E. W Vnight hnssold SMK) acres of ■ Justice Malocb imposed a fine of Imarsb land at the head of Grosse lie, or 60 days fn fcichael Ott of h'lat R o: land t b i t , ‘white Mr Voight refuses to fonod guiJv of assault and battery t found gqiJiy disclose the identity of tbe pnrcha;e;r, bis wlfe.vMAs Mike couldn't .prddn "it is wpll understood that either;the tbe cash, hd> Went op to the woiiks 1 Michigan Alkali (Jo. or some of the! .v . - . , « ti j Ford family, which owns |.he great! tors. CaiDliue Wood, public sch works, are the purchasers.” teaeber, is [recovering from ah ope^ , Following op this very (definite lion perform |prenil e, the Journal 'enlarges upon the Detroit, bn | Will not be able to resu use lo which tbe pjurckuse will be pat. her school Julies for several weeks The lam! will be fitted la "with the salt Nbrmani Haokett, starribg in “Safian refuse from) the Michigan Alkali plants, Sanderson' laf the Lyceum this wei just as the Suiray (Go.; is filling in Zug Isa nephesiof Capt. .fobn Sunder!and island ” | ] , . , ■'at this city , The play was dramatj;: ed And then, as sonde skeptical minds .1,by Kirk Alexander, a former Grd 196 rmight question the practicability pf lie boy. . conveying, economically, this refuse .flames Begone, charged with shootin foseph ’ L<ooax waived examinat > across a whde ex pansa^of 'water, the Journal explains that vit Will probably itefore Jusjice Torango of Ford *Saturday a jid was bound over to % be forced ,over by hydraulic pressure: iircuit con ;t for trial. He furnisliei I k through a -large submerged pipe.” Or, itjinay be carted over in airships. 1,000 bait fond for bis appearance. i Then, having disposed of tbe refuse, Stewart kdairaod Miss Tillie quirt naturally the reporter’s Faber hart, both iformsr Wyandotte yo ting g/idraon to bridges'and street cars. >pte. wsre, mSrried in Detroit list 181 "It is looked on [as a certainty that turday aifornoon. Bev. T. W. Qr« FF-dfieTords will now take a baud in the rforine.J, [he cedemony, at the pars^’I1", long^plannod bridge building from of , T» iemacle Methodist chu r :h Wyandotte 10 the/upper end of the de couple ,1*111 reside In Detroit ? J island, and be leaders in the opening The free labile night school will 01pen of Grosse lie1 to further real estate movument attld Settled eqt. It Is said the High I school on Oak street n<j: that IbA first usp of foe bead qf the londay e reninfg. with 8ppt. !H Islej, Ubailee Miller and Ernesti Stl 1 if land,'When reclaimed.. will be for ift initrnctiws. Sessions' will be h< l rekrtencss, but ample ' reservations will lorn ley. Wednesday and Tbufri beheld for salt wells, as more ai<e need ed to snpply the main shore works. ling ^ front 7 to 0 ofcloak, sta The same suit beds as found,nndtor the tie laitMand extend 'under the river a t Thb Hkifotu has received a c jpy the ibland. It is not thought therei will t» fifth aifsnal report of tfae ,Wayk be additional plant building on thp >unfy roa<l commissioners, a Isliio'd,. although that-may come In tlmd, [the aid | off pictures and te: for tbe Balt can be pumped over vlendid Teinlhs accomplished Ji through submerged pipes.” ; rovleg tb j» pabltc highways 01:1 onoiy. Tt to report Is gotten . op ■ , Sure. But tbe improvements ere not Imlrable ibtope, and mast prove,.[of to end there. ‘ The total Ford iorestfterest to jpvery one interested ln[ lx it meut will run Ihto btwdreds of tboli1sands of dollars,: There is first the ir roads, , | Wllin hr, Wll son of Memphis^ Teni 1 pnrebase oi the 800 scree of mfrshlttnd, lressed the m sn Tbep s djjke of morle than >18.000 feet wss t i r have t ____t(fo 1______ religion! forward movementxfnj 110 water frontage, upwards of 6,000 feet nt either, side icVthe island, will be built* 1st <burcb fast. Snnday ail possibly of coofoete, and tbe fikUpg will was jjinttble [to be pi be » forge work iu itself." . . 1 1taken b y Dri Henjderi foUnlvi lity of Mlchifoin, ilo lingthe astor of the chnrdh. J e, delivered ’« stirring »fo*' 1OB • c ir o f ttfosfoects.” fh? F PA t jk f ' 1 /1 > 1 J 1' ? Shoes __ Ufa I • Right N o w ! 1 Ctiildren’s F eli Shapes j* , W A L K -O V E R Shoe&^in all the new toes, patterns and leathery for F a ll an d Winter wear arc on exhibition in our store rigfc t pow. Com^ in and see them. You"!! bp glad ydu did. i j J— t u For Mon and Women A J ^ | 1^ 7 r r : ' ! . : , ’j B e p a .........— npt J KJ v H' 1 • t J t J* .> Gray value5qfc. lrbe p OING 1 , y1 1.. J Ahtyne Bird Bell pbbne 101 L. oi fotfo*** 81 l®,g 0 .<IB' , J ; ■ rt iFyaadoftsP, ^ M JANDA %L l Mlfun f i d ndl i3. ; L i 1 -7 t 1 0 1 2 41j<V i , j, M ^ Is* N l ^ i.{ r* ^ ' V^. r-tV i V. * r " >li J . j 1I , 1 *'4 f I ki Corner '} Theatre • r ,, mmi V ■ fi v ( andPjrtStocfcAwocbitfoo HALL * ' ,~ each e a c i ohe one loft of Blsnlcets, v r e g u la r piriee 98c. I? V AnnSill ktow ot the Bed Bli nkets, A A A each one lot oi regular U 5 rC* 75c Bed.Blankets. t|, ’■ / \ Vt, } Balked A t Cold Steel 1,,, ^ --- r p , ----- <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- j- - - - - - - - T- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- --- 1--- -- - - 7]- - - 1 , 1 OME GEjT Y< To famished front ro rent—A rent-A nicely meaty m M 00) ilMdi tout # oq 00 Vat t K^i h\ j *’ of. ibe B#t Blooded Poullry h t country wiU be seeo at. the Annual Show in ! land sonlh of foe pord1pnrehasejang next sonlh 800 afces of, solid land. Thli immense area sflll be gradually^tm proved do tt uolfonjrl residence plan io d it is efrettifir pfWlfoted. that ttltei yK V rE POSTOFFICE ?4S3aSS^S^.' | ‘ f Ladies’ Milrmerly triced s= r cH pros wouldn’t let a ---------off ' said H « ,£ly. Bttotttm, Ohio, •‘•I ■HH^gh %■ horrible ulcer hsd been th. plftfioe of life for tpur years In " 1' :4 I cetosTbls part of the foil :nd will beuisdi % psrl 0f the klty of W andotfo" 11. f M each all Children’sAHats formerly priqed up for 500- $3.50, $4 . -i v jbf Children’s ts, value 25c A -1 ; ,r , \ *‘ , v i 't¥ ; & * 1 - ■ jtt k r Vf ^ Wyandotte, MfcMga»;>' V1* % "r? >‘ ^ » rm ^ S l p s p•' ■* s ^ i v f ji ill 4 § l^ s e p m : |, ,n , IU !» .1 ,..^ .. | , , , . Thn mate came, down and Joiaed he planted his flst In hie solar plekus ound for _Hongkong ftff wtlh Impotent rage. TM open had sftp. of Bath, iioum....... 1, i with a force that sent him reeling add and back to an American port oil djs- finished* theft. dftner andfot d lighted them charge. | A* tor' you, yoql were Jvery their pipes. i ■*’He told me a message to hi* gasping, momentarily deprived of •be mu, jkijm , <breath against the quarter bltt. ed to herpfeet, "did r w u likely shanghaied to take the W ee ‘‘How much per man," ftmanded lawyi r ” he said. < "Your lawyer?” Queried the captain,' '‘Lay hfft here, one man, to the the ahi^ s u n k r of somet fellow that Jumped.i * Yjou’re Howard, as he took stocl of the No,” rhe .answered, taki&« no s&lioftaan, 1 can see tttal salt. !, tftUall- ■group, ’•‘4o.;Wf^*d(l9Wi’fe W f t ovlr* squinting , suspicously at Howard, wheel,” called the mate, then, turning Got a’ lawyer,, ................................. ••to "Howard, ' he.......................... said, softiy and fttense- b h arms; “you didn't hit 1m^ w put me have you? ocman sluga a budep mate unless he’s 'poorer: those “I said my brother, sir. He's a ly: But I aimed right , at heti.* drunk. And you’re dead, setter." < •ashore?"' , ’<', / ^ r ^ . v V 1 V- i l ' “Juftp. Jump quick.” girl’s big eye i opened wide ln ' {’Sober now. r Klftifopfid. I suppose - Derlsl velau ftteran riw ere tfotm. ': plum ier on Third avenue." But the captain was "III give yft»v.a thousan 1 apiece. ,"Tl;e bottle went overboard, any and doubt;; ! j \ ?•* K you mean. What's the chance of getHoward mounted the house. Here how',/ captain.’.’' said the mate. - : ■• ting ashore?" \ “That to a hy " safd Howard, By MORGAN ROBERTSON Qot' wae too mooch," sa d.ri Ger“H >H of a rich) mad, you are—you a rafted platform, w<m a chance tlftt lng into the eyes, "that ahot' "None. We'll [tow out when the tug comes. We’ve' gpt the canvas man. ^!'I dO it.^Biinesmf to a ploog and your lawyer and (your plumber." he couM.be seen and heard on board heroes ihe bcWs. But, Mabel; do nearly hejnt/’ .v. ' hh:> '* of ‘* tobacco. ”When ri“ you want '* me be- He ding Howard from him and went his yacht, and he could not yet'asslml- know what you are? You a re a. Ceprrid^ tow. hr B«i. B.! H*mt*oo ) aft; imt the mate looked him up and f tto h 6 4 W te^ ^ u ^ Thecaptaft, Udder-the te l v A p d 'sojian't W e i 5 “Can’t {l go back In the ftgTI > v «lnjK} ) , “Look’ herd,mate,'"'said the cheat *»w®seriouslyand thoughtfully, tor red In the face with rage, followed likely to bd hftged.7<k electro "Yes, Ijr the skipper'll let youl Try oivneif' seriously. “I .fcriow; how -you a moment; them as though satisfied HowHiTd to the top of the houpe, and or Imprisonsd tor life. But*' 1 that on, |ust. once, if you lik e /’ his 'conclusions,. 5^ •feel, hnd 1 ybu can!-back'up- wim ^ ltk> [hia conclusions,, said: ■..^ttakp-'-d, man came running act to foe Jwheel. W e -” "Where ft. he—ail?” She slipped off & ring land handed civil and quiet, and now held by the mate. T he‘second . “NettUer 'do^f." she i .. K.„ . „ „ v v w tc u ttIIU "Better Wait tUI he’s bad bis dlhyopr propositfOh; but 'W e’ve Slgiftd the bust o{ i t Be answered. It fo him.;, He pocketed it, and they old, and you may mate came, too, but. at the sign of the ';i v ; ■. --f ■ * wdre helned her hor ' ne/, and you've bad jruu.a. yours. Then may-; »>»»«.. articles, »>and what you'ask la mutiny; weire silent unUl he had? had! helped '*»■»« 1(.«u mt^-- dc> what! you’re told MUU ft* « JM M Vi U U l A H lright.” ilK U l’ ” J 't T 7 l r of. the . an ™to ande escorted D •. e peher ■ ...... . taink beUer of L i« out all ! mate's raised hand, forbore to-Join ' lja <m{ tor .1».» be y°u'n it. ; Musteir Mutinfy means certain Jail; and if a .Wcome out a11 r*«htWondering :kt the mate's, words, the conflict ' /•: f T" hei* en he W d V ^>“1 ‘1 will send * up bere and «et ’e y door. Jh Then said: get your Whack,' ivhack;' betbrje betbre man .ft ft killed, even on out qu#:aide, It is oji your letters and gilts to-morrow, to-morrow. . 11 3sggone. o n e.” . countrids, or somd- and, iMmebow, glad to escape so light- i '“Quickstep, ahoy!” came a voice yoii , ;. • . f hanging in all countries, ly, H ©ward Joined the men lighting through the megaphone-...................... a voice with idbel Good-bv if :; | Howaru looked at tlie dinner, and ftes . ............................... , Mabel. Good-by."” anp body, bpdy, 'kve ’j^ve been aft in .these the .packets There was no relentine- in her man. shook hla head. He went out on deck and knoty both side*. T aie my addut tie coils as the tqg went ahead, the strange, woody, yet clarion a l a r tope m lo ck ii _ * anri tvmunfod tv,#, tAnirnittmt fA.nAnntiA ytee: sin^ work1hftxdf stnd Jijojp Th®ft li6.' 6R&dIu)1j 6 givfSnto y dall m voice*. i he fa^v€ hOve 'jusiifullv ftanfully on on & a windtAss windlass tlist' that thethe qi megaphone and mounted the topgaltant forecastle net. She answered the good-by, and fojr a look aroupd. The ship wad an- at Hongkong. The skipper’ll give brakt, and when the anchor w^as up, “You have on board that ship a wdnt in. Howard dismissed his machine for c“ored Pn tb« •ftrsey ^lats. out Of the you every chapce to Jump, tor he’ll: pdtlei l and habited and held slack un* named J^bp Howard. Produce him at once, or f Will fire upon you. ' * The day tb|at Hardwick finished thti night,.and walked do«n the street ^ ck oi pa»sin^ cra^- Not a boat, guess becaifte.qf/the front kdu make, “ d Howiard Just caught a glimpse of la8t, of his tor th4 ftlobby pf| in ^ a . frame of mind he bad! never tug* or ftsh,nS sloop was within hail, th at there’s S ’ possible ca*e against ' aa£ outside th e lightship. the ^yellow-clad, figure holding the the new Wddhurst Hotel he reac&edjK ] kiJown* before- to ease it he stopped ’ iooked a« . taking stock of the him. But ltd agalpst a skipper’s nor he‘pe 1 haul ln- . He was .reconciled tdten |I bis hm vflttwnHnn Weggpbone; then ‘attention ■was his uburban home earlier than usiftl,]- \ atH he Brst cafe He fe lt better after fehlp and her fittings. She was a targe ture to give in to a man ’tore th e —because of th at big. long, strong arm meganhone: a *ew moments and at toe n l t c S e .Vessel, With thre ; masts, whose yards, mast. Add f t you raise a n / nore trou- o f the, c d p U in -b u t agam forced to taken by the wrathful sjkipper of the (but tooftired,; to think; | ftrsl! met him foyqusiy at tbe door. th j relief was till apparent, tfut sho^t- eev^n to’ a mast, rose upward iike ble there> j t chance th a t rou never J « W “ J J g l ^ d ° tlto m S l 0 *0 ' * ship, who- also paid ift attention, to the megaphone. J i “O George,” she said, ‘Tim so g ftd ' he Scanned___ Scanned!him- runga of huge 'adders. There y era .reach Hongkong.” i fte n t of Mabel and the m at* erdived. Whilee here here he “Damn ypur^ttepK and soul.' yqu * * three boats stowed upside down on I Howato again went o u t «tjd climbed . Wd Wda bulged i a little morp for ja you’re home early 1 There's a 'demdig#'^ self full length ln a mirror. iSffemi ‘ ^ S . and toe disgruntled second dog!” hef ftelowed. “You’ll rhlt mb, stration ln liat'trlmming to-night gt!J najte, she had judged him? Was be? the forward house, and a! small one, the forecast^ steps. No£ u craft of will youTj Now, take it.” , ithe ;WbmeijLS ftxchange,, He was an athlete, and! he saw) six right side up- in chocks, on the after any kind was near enough to balk But mate made vague threatspon ooasioca; house. These w e re ' certainly not be noticed that the ship wai sw inging"‘ but' on whole, titd first mate BUt Howard did not take It. His WilbAbe useful to me,’ and nt! may ftife ' feet of good looks and muscular de available^ and swimming in that winat her anchor, and th at the flood tid e \ tregftd u$m kftdl|y, and .the mein, Ilkschooling bad redhqed him to tbe Age ithq means ofbiijr saying a iotj ot nromwlif velopment. His eyes were blue, his ing him for his prowess, tutored him Of Stone, where Conflicts are decided on millinery bills.; Are try weather was out of the question, , was maklhg. HC went back to . th e hsjir fair and curly, his skin pink as 08 they could, iHowever, knowing by thp strongest beAk, or tooth, or Ito tak®;m®[m. dear??; men. |* \i J a girl's. Did these attributes consti except 4s a last resort ^’.fW eli^l am pretty tired, b u t T ^ p ^ p ; ; Lounging In the alley on the high “Can anybody;" he aaked moodily, nothing' of- routine work, and almost club, claw or brain. And strongest tute effeminacy?i ' uaele is aloft—thdugh not from fear I can keep aDake long e n < ftj^ ^ \g fi!;-' !’Effeminate! be banged,” he men poop aeck was a man'whom Howard “accommodate me with , a pencil, a —am i yet' able to steer and box the these attributes iti him was the bra he was .endowed with,' and he used you:'there-. Then i ’lli'go ol^pMito tally stormed. "I'm a man, if I’m thought might os tbe captain, and he piece of paper, and a bottle with a good cork.” They rummaged th'eir compass from hla yachting experience. It* waa the greatest battle of bis lift, studio apd hgve a nap, an^Aan r6utft|: aniything.” He went on [with her In decided to interview him. He went were ?’b® w.is kept af the wheel most of the were no*'brass knuckjes with at' the eft:hapgeTor k°n.” {•*,’. A S ' ; ; : dictment. Weak, lazy, ^elfish, fcfeart- aft and the man met him at toe steps, bunks and bags, and the articles 11 day, ind on lojokout through all of his “KCep down off tn(8 poop," 1ft satd. produced. Howard wrote; to contend, nothing but the apt' “You can hjave a godd lbpg.'Paip^-to®';;,' le^r. He was not so fortunate tin renight watches, pn dock. ^ A /;; grip of a giant; pud ^ie soon “What do you want?" i J !l , for 1 want to kst there about aevea» i biil-al. He hat. nevdkl worked beStanding at toe wheel and on look- fopnd that, by avoiding the last tneft, - and jrou needn’t call' tor ihe till h a lf" ' “I wan^ to see the captain. Are you J “Whoever finds this pleajse deliver caltse he bad never needed to. fteak > ■ to John H, ftatrmani 49 wjall street!, out li conducive to thought; and on was little to fear' from the first, There paht. ten. You’a a dear!”, j I • aiid lazy? Perhaps. Thlhgs had jeome the captain?” .this passage, out 'Howard i Went Into fts« a cleat space;, his skill at boxing |i ftromptly!4t seven p’ctock Hatdwlctol , "I'm the second-mate. Say ’sir’ to And receive 4 reward, to j him without effort. iHe had not ! solid,] searching, thought into himself' availed him;, he dodged, feinted, ad- saW his w^d melt. Ipto aj group pf eVen tried very hard to win her re- me when you ckws my hawse, or J'll , ‘ Dear Fairman: and ils sets, looking, of, course, for vanced, ___ __and____ _ gettingkjn ^ ^ ^ j women ^ ^at the _exchange. He rndde hla give you! worse than the mate did.’! j “Am shanghaied on board ship - retreated, pn gajrd. What he had received of It had ^ h|Fht: lt> I way o*yer ftTttm s tu lft, sod come easily. Selfish add heartless? l “So that was the mate. I 'suppfte {Quickstep, bound for Hongkong. Apfirst mgte'. I don’t. .............., : parently „„ no, escape. Will tfy get f r8V % ^ vf, and „v,. la^ , d. ^ k tenance of the skipper, and escaping, aelf^ln. It whs Very qjuiet IThere wga1 H* had not so considered himself. Tou mean the u.^v ? ent8^ed! ft®0 because he, naa by , qnftkr dontprtlohs,, his forceful >: no reason Why he Should houl^ not havw Np man had so Judged him. This care . to see either of you/" My bulsl- I this to you" by the tug. If fail, will *' i j throw bottle overboard. Reward bear- .ft*’ ne party^ then be^ause he Uad Little by little he tired him a fine nap. I[■. .] -j.- ■. ■< I w |« a woman's -verdict. , W as,she ness lsW 1th the captain.” And mine ft with you, you fourer literally, Fit out toy yacht 'with tolne 1 It, and Anally to hla mood and outp aD(j when be had him purple and I 'An then it; came to jhlm tjhat he bo4 He took'another drink, but vft ■ 0 . . ..1 _ t ■ •' ■ ^ ' . . . 1 . . rn < » f r t f V i l a m n n H . h i a t n i i o !•***»! a / e f l i ■ _ 'i ■ Tv. . T v no way of waking up at <the right time; The c]lock on the wrill was c a a ® of value^ Aaide from .the charge j and toe skipper reeled, too dazed and an alarm-clock, and his waluhr He strolled into Broadway, boarded The* second mate sprang down the stand, any expense John Howard.” , , ' of eflemainacjf he iould dot but admit ohoked wlu> rage ^ evefJ curae h,m. course, Would he of no Beftrlce. 1The -a (trolley car, and?., here found a Jplly *£epj* dnd waa at Howard before .p® Does thp tug coine aIon?slde?” he Hmt she was .rig h t that he htft been ( Howard was momentarily deterred in (Janitor, he knew., was never there r could dodge. But this fight bad dtftorrfy of slummers bound tor Chinau ~ ~ . i P in : the 7 eah- ,af-c a re le ss, selfish, and heart- the attack by the voice of the ruaft, i rifter six o’clock. ' |He*knew them arid went ftong, • n. W u,*»- The second mate had 4o asked ps be corked the npte less. And she had called him beautl-1 shouting: “Hey, Don’t fire that guA?” bottle. • i < bras^ knuckles, evidently, and Hop-: with only his 'Dutch courage” to Keep j r i t looked: as if he would have f t “Not likely. , She’ll keep clear and ful.;f He thought Of the two red scarp Walt a little ", Theft he tollowed With keep awake all, the evening toft* the him in spirits : Thic left hlm bef >re a aid'k flats were too heavy for hi With botjh eyes blackened, »4d throw us a heaving line,”! answered on bft face that he would ^arry to a second, blow, JuM as a toport rarig , sake of being on hand at hglf past ten. ’_v plkte of qhop suey, and, funable t b get his i tove, and hoped that toft J^dg- out, and the sk^per,. with closidg : uDuor in, the place, quit! the party to lb'44d streaming from his nose, the of: his advljser. mmit was overruledit . 1eyft, wentidoWft ;’;P'lJhmiftdfulAof - the | But Hardwick bari alwriys bepn n > “I’ve written to my lawyler. I may fidn it. fte wandered Oakt, stopping '«<#; broke away and ran to tbe main i man of respprees. Indeed.lMrs. Hold' . •' ,£ wa» a «ard Bcbool he was confusion following that shot, H o ^ swim for It. and I may ge'tithis bottle all one dingy dive after! another, and r g^ ng' Howard followed, wrenc aays that he can think qulcke1^ :?, t0‘ Wealthy, a yacht and horse 4nj sprang forward-v and stood oyer (wliik wlftt he absorbed rendered him ut- «dAway from him the belaying pin he aboard the tug, or I may j list drop i t ' l and to better effeot thaiij any other* overboard. Somebody’s l^oing , to ®wn«r . m®mber of more clubs than , him. but fche big skipper did not movie: tejrly trrerponsiblo. The last place be ^ l8e,zed- and knocked h,m doT sweat tor this.” J he cc uld name without effort, a petted. | “Overboard with you, sir,” eafMd man she evler knew. v A problem like )this is Just ihe sort of thing that puts remembered was In Cherry street. w,th And as ho 8aw Wln 8«u,rft' “Don’t make It yourself. And don’t kP°,1 good' catcu of metropolitan the mate, “Over yon go. They’re 'where bft evening ciothes made no ,pg «*» the deck there came 10 bif . let them see you toss the! bottle* “ ciety. he was now a shanghaied lowering a boat. Don’t make ’em fife i him- on his inettie, and seft hft brain to working (with a preclsjon and dtlittle sensation among Ithe loungers, tke ^.udgment of Mabel an4 the again. They sdnt that shot across j rectness that nearly always produce :a4d his next remembrtincef w*as of boratlon of the mate, which he had They want it back, and the tug cap- ?°f®^*a4t \h an^ f t a d®bp'a'ate*'Ahip wore p, a f4rmer, a soldier who could the bow, hut they’ll hit us with the results. w |king in a n .ow apartment lined refuted; though neither knew It. Yep, tain might accommodate hem," .);■ . ■■■■] ! • ■■ not “ Why, haven’t ! right to notify toy "■ aext- Tlmt fellow meaps business.’’; i He began! to look roun^l Nothing ; with bunks, in e of which he was beJ* as a tnan... j Intelligently, the Inferior of the mean Howard looked around. The whole lawyer?” - ‘V ! ■ <■ Ar lying—and 1< _g to! the proftne , ° b> ea83r' _ be 8a d to est itorelgnor of tne",crew. But he ship’s company was demoralized, for started any train of thought or offer* ■vj "Your rights won’t be considered. uts of men W.tooui. He was abppfd °® T r- , ■ wUl you be ed any useful suggestion until hft eye l^jp F ; [j] civil, and, tell |me where the captain The fact that you've got a lawyep, and learned a tew/things of value—to keep merchant sailors are not accustomed happened to Ilight upon fte stump of out cf tbe way of moving objects, an to gun fire. > T.';; fte possible chance of trouble, will e rolled out with ap involuntary to?” a candle on! the shelf ft the Utile A imat > or inanltnate, the minimum of was, squarely abreast. “He’s at dinner,” answered ithe vic make your life unsafe. M^n like you dCfeience Which hft different super- „„The yachjj in, for at the first movement! hjis : wash-room, jtt was only an inch long, ' ^ ,, , d ached. He was dressd, he learn- tim, thickly. "ITl piake you sweat fpr are dropped overboard on tlhese! ships. tors forward and aft required to satis- i »»d fte jftUow-clad flgur® ^ a8 ) 4nd after holding it in ills hand a .f Sing smalL you fool.” J but in tarry', greasy ragr. And this before we get to Hongkong. moment, Hardwick put it back on the , fy tt em; and he rripldly acquired an j po^ ing the megapkobe. "Turn to, coated the second mate appr >ciatfon of the dry, subtle humor ’T e . ” said Howard, emphasizldg re you to produce John shelf, went tcj> a drawer and took out the-bunk wsb a canvas bag jof other “ and a cap, which! he' appropr|l- the pronoun, “may pever getFto Honj- a t the forecastle door, ac|d Howard, of forecastle discourse, and an aca fresh candle—a whole oue this tim e.: --j?r ah511 I„ ? re igaln and ‘- ' Blip.ilng the bottle Into bft trousers quail dance with toe driep and genuine i Stepping out on deck tie found k W ” V^ F f t 7 , came vo1^ , Putting this In the candlestick and . r pW hats the m atter here, Mr. B< 1- pocket, went on deck with the. rest* reftn ament of face and voice that vessel—a large, square-rigged lighting it, Hardwick waitea till It had ug^ m«80phone. ndering on what he had heard, Tpe com< s"to the rougjftet of men under "Don’t Jlre.” answered toe mate. burned down far enough to leave •., t—at anchor, with men laloft bend- leV?” asked a stern voice behind “He’s coming.” j Then to Howard: square, end. Then he extinguished It, ,, the canvas. Near (the windlass, them, -and Howard turned to beho! d fiftt mate appeared, divided the mfen extreme physical suffering. to the original gangs, and sent them king upward and chiding the work- a man six foot six, if a n ’inch, WUh a In this frame of jmind he was ap “Now, .My Howard, jump. The boot and with a finis brash and some btyckv ^ ) ft to finish) bending toe lighter sails, prise d one rainy day by i the [glances wlfl pick you upf” paint, made topes hair llneB round the V after the gentle ■manner of the pair df shoulders like two coffee sacks, Howard, looking) square a t him, spw top of the candle, an eighth of an Inch was ‘a tali, truculent Individual- and arms as big as Howard’s legs. FA then scanned Howard quizzically, as P'nd gestures of his shipmates a t work ) apart—‘he measured the (distance cars*; S red beard, who;noticed 'How- gripped him by the collar and hejld though he thought better of hint since arou id the deck that something 'was a twinkle lfv his eye. he had thrashed hft brother officer. "I knew i at thei first you were all fulJv'W ith h|s'dividers. With blsi him at arm's’ length while he as he approached. coming up astern; and. on looking “Well,/1 guess you’d betiitenstay on hack, be beheld a sight that sot bis right, Mr. Howard.” said the officer,^ wafoh ft froriij of him, ue lighted the, ! , j:'Well,” he remarked quietly, “you peated the query. bilious-looking counter jumper! Have i "Scrapper aboard, .captain,” answer-) deck.- Colt up alt^this gear, fore and blod .tingling, He knew her—knew “and say—I; take f,it back, You’re sf cartdle again rind timed the burnftg) and fv ybu“. “canV, uo do- lU0 me when i 1 to the second line. It waa almost, exf every rope you see. , Coil each rope feve •j line, corner, and curve of that ' man, 3™ ydu turned out? Get dp aloft there, >ed ftr.' BelleW;’scrambling to his ft< i pet of his, and never since toft build- bavea t <1th® Knuckles. But Jump, or aetty five minutes. To confirm fthe lid help bend that topsail." j t "Nothing but a prize fight,er can stop on Its own pin. Howard answered respectfully—for ers liad delivered her had’she appe*^- j ,.£ 3 result, lie let the candl'e burn on rintil f Why should l?”, answered Howard me when) I get agoing, ,, Al ... ) itjdlgnantly. ‘‘What an I doing here, j “Licked you, 1 Judge,” said the c^pl so far had his natuticaj education ed »> beautiful in his eyes, She came } ^ Ht>W”r4' 1 ttp' tbe next line p as reriched. The reg ister this time also wfta fiye mfdutea, at»y bow?” ' 'ta in contemptuously. "Doq’t let lit progressed—and began the task. It charging along, taut and trig, black, . .... i. "What are you doing?" Queried toe happen too often. I t’s a had habit .fin took him pn hour, by which time a shin and jraceful. hen boWt lifting l Be ^ ppef uW “ °” ke/ ™lL look- anu Hard wick (put out thecendJe with, , at tbe »***»*• torm <*f ft® a satisfied grid. srjkte—for Howard soon learned hft a second mat)e. And you, too, pur m4n. large tug ;was Streaming up on the and piuitging, throwing s|ra y over her status. “You’re doing nothing at pres- I admire a good man, but not in f ty port quartejr, the men coming down, bridge and carrying a | “bon#ln-her- giant he had knocked out, then, c4llTaking thei dividers :again, Hard M and his round of the* deck had brought teeth" torpe feet high, with the black | ing out a general good-by to the men, wick measured four and three-eighths eiit, but, by Dawd, you’ll do something forecastle.” him to the port, fore rlggftg. Here smohe of forced draught pelching froft took the Ipap into :the sea/ It wasj a inches down |thp crihdle, arid there Pfetty soon. Lay alofti yqu dog.” } -Are you the captain ?’* asked he 'listened to top Jovial badinage call her funnel, arid on, her bridge a feat i short riwim to the!opcoming boat; hft made a m ark ; ' • • .He pqunced upon Howard, but was, ard. stUI at arm ’s length, ed back and forth between the cap ure not put foere by h lr builders; a men . .. gathered .. him In, and pulled babk suddenly shot back by the Impulse i “Yes.” Sfn^e It was then twenty uilnutes gangway, past seven, and be wanted to be waked Howard’s flst. Arising from toe 1 “I came aft to she you, sir, hut tain of the ship apd top captain of vlck us secondary gun, ftich as Is oar- . “ i rled by scouft and torpedo craft, i Be-.! A t the gangway the first rngte wel- a t quarter past ten,- he allojwed ick with a furious Iftprecatftn, pe was stopped by your second mate! I the tug. "Not much change of sympathy slde fois gun stood a flgure in a long, . °°™ed blin‘ i five periods of five minutes e4cb, plunged his band Into his pocket and have been drugged arid kidriaped-r•Withdrew It brass-shod3 then thejdpm- ftftjaghDlOd, the men call.it. .il Wduld from that fellow,” he muttered as he yelk w oilskin coat And sou’wester, I Well, .Mr. Spilth, you came, didn’t an eighth,of ap Inch for each lieriod, i With a Bawj which form ed'part .of: b4t was renewed. Howard fought cool- like to get ashore. I am not a sailor, lifted hft head over) the rail and look Iand near at hand, base' down on-the J®n ? said HOward, fringing his ed. The crew of the tug stood for deck, a large megaphone, a new feat h4nd. "Where’4 the capftin?” the studio “prppertles’F he made a cut Intelligently, and wfth all the skill and did not Shipin this craft.”’ I “Very ill In his berth, Mr. Howard.” in the candle' atr the place be lfod acquired In his athletic training; hut , 'Can’t help that.; You were Jput ward, one ot them holding a coiled ure, like'the gun. "Til? What’s toe matter? Anything; marked, sawing just half-way through, Tire captain appeared on deck, and, skill and , intelligence! are of little aboard, as one of a crew I bargalried heaving line, and aboard foe ship the, i ■' i avail against'brass knuckles. A4 ac- for, and here you stay. I’ll makls a men were flocking forward >at the; loun glng against the after ttousa, In serious?’’ till he reached .the wick. t "Nothing but nerves, I think, sft. mate’s behest to where a large hawseri spected the yacht through his glasses. ftdental slip on the smooth deck gave- sailorlof you, all right.” In this cutl he tied (a light cotton tile mate an opening, arid he laid 6p«pn j “i i will make It worth your while, lay on the foie hatch with its end] The first mate Joined him, in d . they 004 to worrying over the con$e- string, the other end of- which passed How ard's' cheek bone,t Then, dazed captain. I 'am independent of inopey passed olver tpe bows and back ph-l exet ringed comments. Howard, drench— quencee of stopping a ship on foe high over the back! of a chair. From that , he suspended the tid pan that be , apd whirling, he reejelyed another considerations, and can stand a good der the UeadgCrir. As foe tug cafte ed jy the rain ,!chilled and achlnf ,e®“ and broke down.” abreast od the fore rigging, Howard i, foom bis long tries a t the discrepancy "B it I'm ^responsible. You got my washes his btjushes in, and in the pari blow which made a tvjo-lnch gasht in4 gum to be put of this fix.” i i v he placed tw^ large Iron spoons and hjw forehead, and wept down with I "No, I’ve heard these yarns before, mounted the rail, steadied himself by between the compass course and the bottle message, didn’t you?” darkening senses; but with the lasrtjj! The papers are full of them. EVer(y the lanyard, and carefully tossed the] lubfcer’s-polnt, and looked Howard in ; “Yep, Bir; Mr. ftairman got it, arid a dipper. i; : ' ■ . , . ■ flickering donsclousues heard the!, time a man]has to explain his sudlden bottle.. It struck the coll of heavy j the face, but said nothing. The cap- referred the m atter to us. He exThe only thing required-was sqm* •Words of his conqueror^ standing over disappearance he layB it onto spine , heaving line held by the man and drop- ' tain however, looked at the comjpass: Plained the situation to toe skipper thing to hold jjfte candle firmly, i ThS b|m : [ j I (ship ghanghaing him. I can’t delay ped on tqe| rail without breaking! Then j just as foe yacht had drawn within abd me—plracy .cm the bigh seas. H° barrell of anjjpld musket from a? Wallt, “Thought you Were f a man, didn’t 'to g e f another man. T tft tug’ll! be it rolled ajong it and'seemed doubtful j hail ng distance,o and berated him: 04® but a seaman can appreciate trophy servedj the purpose. The cap- * which way to. .fall. ■. * j soundly. ( But foe near proximity of w^at that means. I weakened my- die was wedgi|d flrmlydnto the muzzle, ybu? Well, you're not, curse you.” I down Soon.” ! ' ) “Catch | foat bottle and) deliver toe j that iong. rifled gun had wrought a self, sir, when it came to- the pinch.” the stoqk watt lashed vertically to thri 1 ( When Howard canje !to he Was J "I will pay for tk e |shlj>’s delay;, *1 psychological change In Hriward, He * “You weakened. Then who lftd back of a tftalr. The caudle wris ’. •gain to bis bunk, with Bis head tied - guarantee to satisfy your owners. I message l|s it, he called.) One of jthe 'men sprang toward It, | forgot - that.: he was a shanghaied, oJftTg®?' in cloths.-and men w eft 'flocking have tlft money. I ata well known in lighted, and Hjardwick was soon heace- -; but tt elujded his fingers; by an Inch jtors shed, and. conquered victim of cir-• “A. passenger we , brought along, fully snortng.lj v f tto the forecastle. HS roftridj out'and t-Wall bttpet: Please Investigate.” . | cutraftoce, and remembered ttoft he alr» A friend ,of yours, I think.” i sa t upon a chest, but fts)s impjiedlateft, ‘T here’s >no time; Aland, another •n d !fell qjverboard. At seventMh mlnulfes past ten bijs “Come down out that,” roared th e ' owned toatblg. fast yacht on theqbar* , | “Where ft he?” asked Howard, naked to vacate it hy (the owner, and thing, I don’t believe you. You’re not wakenedl by aU^ unearthly brifti-* , ffom toe forecristla deck, ter, that" every man ons board of, her looking around. . . ak there wqre no other dmpty ^chesta t a sktlor. J can see; but wealthy men mate frdm clatter of tinware. For a roopent Was An his (pay toll, and that, dollar , "Dovfm In the rifteij cabin, sir." “What’s iji that bottle?" i i o f septs W. toe^jrtace, crawked back doPIt ship, dnknlk or sober.f be waa too dsaed to realise where h e r ; “Message to my lawyer; If! you wsAt) for dollar, rihe .was' worto'i-itufta Mflto the buhk'tn puU ; if together. | “i admit 1 was drunk, and wanderwas- o :ir what And happened, but When • the irihlp. ?lAt times, such:.foougbto-ed\toe companion, and stumbled over v in to k n o w a p a w e re d Howard, sullenly, ;“ You pat a|> - *• stlff fight, ed Into k strarige neighborhood. !But are helpful. / ' ' a fong, yellow oilskin coat dripping he bad hoA,owner, a s hq my clothea a&q money were taken. I I as be | wiatebed bis bottle bobbing xdpehed for hft the beef nmj. dreased >m , these rags by ! toe •stern on fte tide. The wbtrllnk henv* I '“ rou go straight to the devlT" he its hare of molfthye .on hft veftet *®“nd- “ 1 attr*cted toe ens vered. *1rm about through steer- cabin carpet Seated a* toe tafte, ! S 2 n d - on the tao r. “Bok.- w hatk the ' ihleves. lf ydu will take the tfouble, lag line jroft the| tpg nttotoied'll ^ ftg for you." Then he hailed too with head bowed.was aflgure crown- through, and ip overturned tin pan on 'I -«iMt TbeMR d* yon m th e enq.” ' :; cafitato.!!yoa will not put ,site to ttls mate’s abentlon, however,1 and ; he ” OA wjto-n jonm f '•ou’wfttor. But It ,:^ ofloor.-V j]H*wart MJt1M M sltohing wounds Inconvenience.” •i,;.t jbujtled biftself with the passing out of yattit ' ■■■• . j1' ^ ■ '» When he fold...Mrtt;.:Harf’irick:[ft|t racht ahoy come alongside, rind ' .wria not a hartooninue picture—foot dluoaffh Ihe h u d w e A f; ,■ '4 ! | '‘*Ooj frirward.' ' Tlndps Atl;* >-v> ' ; ' ' tori; toftlfte. But the captain came tlnl: thft ship If they prevent me lea*' figure, and (rice, efid headgear; The . he had ftven ift,:,riftde' and tftte& l “Brass knuoUes. t’s fthat you 1 The captain shook him a little. Just ranhlng forward, as Howard climbed ftg her.” , ..Mu’westtf.dfd;;riot eecuiflttlng. and alarm-clock fo]'fiftiriri,::[ftinntft,|' «!*- YouTl know b«tt< r n rtt Urns.” ’ Enough to make bft npek nrmckft] and i . \ t “W b*tr "thundered toe. pagtelC correct, adovnfog ths quivering head' • "A meftage to—". Howard ,w«o be ^ “Perhaps. lAiiiwt« to that kind gdatiy pitobed' him. »iray. «|T scrapping. Whak y« thftl and , ftfose'tfom to*, neck about JftM Met ing shnkejn vlgoroualjr, arid gpod Jutop dnrvlng bwft toot might; fist . "furi; of'Jn Idftiritaklng and emtapelng In ne':tomrifthw* he lid not launch It Howard. dftiK hysterteo. And Hownrd on^r crinUfed *?lng’ { ,r 5 one T ° W **• “ w ^ broofl brick disappearing . ment wag j v ■difBcult-p-but^ , ^ ■; j-ped hft wheej, agprang' • .duohed « f t ’ eftjawwed ] I got here? I don’t.’1 i • In the forward coriapantoa of toe cabln, | ^a«wrttowi jnf bft^jMkftpfj. In d bufUroi too/ dipftdn had torilftriA * m MeRod W gl' Mat 'X .lffllld ftl saim JTttoM Mtmhtns the to* * ' W P f t ftY b l W h ^ i T h l “ craft;” said r ; e tailo r‘ he- ^and th . second iia tes cltmbtng seUOT would ttoo Kwanll h ftii 1 ■ ■ ' T !” T h ^wtbfphi, “ft to* ^ ' . . % ^ & p ^ e ^ , . t o « a i v e n t. torwnid. f u r- i S i ^ S S E t , ! 1 1 ^ f ‘'I! V • ’ ;.s l'" J, ’VW'F*^ , , , - I •/- g M M p g H M H IM H n A REVERSION TO TYPE HARDWICK’S C iiio a fe- lv■\ ! i j |f 1 t * t If l It'-- ~-' -n 1 1 r» *1 Runaway -Couplet F« dm .Germany Go Soutliem Negroes Who Baffle a n U J t T k " , »ta* rn„™ a w S c ie n c e M y s tlS e d b y M a n y o f the mpat, fresh from' the frying-pan! cult o r expenslve to r each, the British I . IJlCSC JyiarVeiS. O ftfn .W ith S atan . r ip tied serveu as a niter through Capital occupiea todi.y precisely the , . —— J*'which tl}e d e a r fat and gravy D E FE N C E a« » T e " :‘ E S C A P E S FRO M D EA TH. pSWeeA;*: Good juices drip down on his hip and leg in M ETH O D S o f Mu jiftuiUon with Vie* o riqin , o f Ap p e n d ic it is clustering' staiacties., This oleagi fflons this side of this Twe«d lj t tye A Stab Wound or Bullet In the Heart “ ^mtiKurrasy-Re- i nous torina^foh te soon broken up- Experience*! Wi|h the Eyi) One ‘Thatt daya^ of our gresi-maadfathe and No Longer Itteart* Certain Death-— Word Coined in 1886 By a Boston Phyifraiii Home. Make: Camp ^Meeting frantic—Re'•: ffredlrfffWidmotherB,!' ".sayp;' ondon however, a id ? diffused -> and ; rubber A Man With a'BpllOt in Hla Heart r' . -' -V' ; . ' 'I ; alclan. - ^ . ? .? suits in Everyday Life of Belief in ■f’ru^fl The case* •|i at ,%ve, |;ot in evenly into hi* scanty apnarel'by,-rit Still Alive. ( The wordj appendicitis was coined TT— - 4 ting down, rolling otter, crossing Vis- • the Personal beviL ' tb thd- dewapapers 4 |e onlyy-siray ex It has been.said , yoften . since- alatth- in 1886 by iDr. Reginald F / lFItn,: a tenetret L tb nlfeof the state of ; legs while Testing on Ipgs. * c 4 mak ng In parts of tile South among some dtopl^s of ptactle^ which is going *w Arnold’s day .that miracles do (io sto n physician. He says hie Invent-^ Ignorance/ bricerning hospi.all shirt and trousers water-tlgjit a:;:/." of the negroes the, chief religious r®SDHdriy. and they have<mly got not happen. W hether that is so or ed ,Jt to suit his purpose of calling >... a- 'i . . -}-*• v. . __.• tnAM trf i d r ways It Wljlch L ief: bomd shiny.1 Hia trousers in particular bav> there ttvo by aevA accident, because the brides satisfaction Is in thejdevll. Through stay ta ope 'of, them, I long, tty become so adhesive .with the mire * or bridegrooms hap Den do be dls- i U°I Jn strict- sene.e. is.CBrtalnl^ not .attention to lnflannnatlon of the apout the great agricultural ■ regions, d# because oth- d 80 ^ ^ popular sense. There atio j pendlx as ain o|bject, of direct treat - 1 ten- every o h e re o n , an who is fat and resin that pine-needles! tl'i ■ the cotton fleldB of the “low giioun's tinguished personages,’ected with ’ ’1 men and^ women,- going m eat. *Betpre *Befj>re that that time time the, the, names names hg forward: h fe a rs q d d re a d £<| flakes and fibres -of bark, hair, ir.'; i »u,ua about “ uuul their , ,meat. remote from all touch 'of progress, *r c|tcumstancea bod*icted' nubiletheit at- I i rk today who arti livlns miracles-*- f UBed had npt g|ven the aopehdx ita stay. i - "y| scales and t minute grains of quart?, even the rural delivery man.] there1 hiarrtages hav^ attracted a*- -t gy * g aw* , g y s , g x g d g |a i x'gs ■ -■ ^ ad EnglkniL I and w<unew wbo 8e«m to haT^ ! self the d»<tredit belonging tp tt‘ as : Jt Is a t all toeaible ' talk witty hornblende, Ac., feathers, Beed. w'lig negrpes who have moulded, to te” tJ*on *n 9 e , an^ a e friend who. 1a s b e e n tp the pari —moth and butterfly wings—legs -nr. • lar hospital yeti are ljj^%o to. but antennae of innumerable tnsu’ts ojnot spreap >ti e n »*f; broadcast even- whole insects, such as the smal t you a rs -to b ^'operated upon or beetles, moths and mosquitoes, wub (possible to make exhaustive j studies cad trying a ,r« ft.cure away ttpm flower petals, pollen dual and, lude> d. of'African devil worship handed d.iwn 1*eutod^c youths.and maidens to this Welsh, tooiintalns and there 'jta a of the disease. . Ev«?n ypt. however, nu^r There are many cases where bits of all plants,' apluiala and nm> from parent to child by the dim light and marry them, off in ac- schoolmaster ln Bdinbtirgty still living, the physicians hay they donjt know tltnta’hhve beet overwhelmed with erals of ttye region, adhere to tlror? of many a slave cabin fire. “ " ' ^ P ^ c e witty the E M lah ^ when- - to iell the kjtory qf a sudden* descont. what is the function of the appendix. were, symijathe i l ;calls end other No kindlier, gentler being exists, ev*r i,,sI ca^»e- i f Impediment" of a?'thousaud feet down Ben Nevis. The causes tyre hetter understood.; and are safely ipbeddea; to tl U, Lentiona anil th<| [nerves bud V, be than th6 8authet*p wgrof of th$ bacis difneult for them to Join-: Theke are miracles, indeed! _ , Fflr a timej everybody was blaming [tiieted by a.long i btygtore a/iyti. ng though far from being a naturalist! ’it blocks; but the beauties of th|' ietftltogether in holy matrfmotiy *" v But even more mlracniouk—if com grape seeds.: That theory lips been mild beidone for Ithe-'dJsfasfe., This collects fragmentary specimens 'e. cal abstractions J n the? Sermon on ^h®‘f OWB Country, antes a great den 1 Of valuable time everything and become.? richer tb.u the Mount are as' ntuch o v ^ hip bead _ The®f “Sent* adverllse Yegnlany ip parison' in such ^ca»-f‘S be possible— exploded. •Foreign bodies, such a^ . . who was pins, sdeds, ^tones, bullets and holies id does no good, Make your plans he knows../ His specimens I are kept., today as they .utere in\ the %v«urjijOf the^.Oerman nfwspap?rk,:!callityg ttye was. the escape >of a lad tat/tnajoi-Uy s ^reftilly and qute ilyvKo you will do- jassably fresh too j>y tlie parity of his imported forebears' * Rigtiti otib- attention «f thp amii -otis I '1 eutpn to driving a borae and cart when the a n i - • are llot f0un<i i„ the :ho air and the reslViy, bltmlnjrrp . mal bolted toward th e ritfton Hlspcn j 0f cases. 1 i ' n a, calm stalje. ness for righteduvneHS !»a)te l« be- , e p i n tl e s which e:;ist in Knghind sion bridgb'and-junliped into a |gully } .,(U 1,000 rubles ut Johns Hopkins Mas-t nurses and;doctors desire thjjs beds Into which, they: are ipieyttcx yond his ken. He must! hkve smuv- ' tor »>-thg conmibiul knots expeditious cm;«npat tents ,to !bra»g old and *oflt -Man Is; a microcosm; a t hfass <j'i: thing tangible, ‘ something lie can ,y aft« OTJ ivasonable terflts. Snm- of , 200 feet deep. The Injrs'e w;ls lUHed. Hospital foreign ibodies were found in shepherd Is, or rather his troiiee.s. and it,he cart . smashed to-atomd? but , -only four, l}n many cases the coitigSitgowns. You iwill see the grasp and-cling t.o emotitMidHyi-.; even .'^r®*11 hav^ .fjheir pgenti in Germany to am i>f this when jrOu are .absolutory ■These precious overalls are hove-, if fearfully, much as tborfe Ravage' PU9b tlu* btysiness and catch tytistom- the boy-dropped into the. brunches of . ten^s of 'th e ‘;appendix resemble fruit elptcss, for stare hi Is out. of. piu»e taken off and nobody knows how o<i foreifathprs ibowft-d dawn itt an'ecs- tr® on commissio^i. mich-,;.ll.ke the a treie and was rescued, the worse stones ’’but they are really oigamq j t m atter and salts. bout attired and s leering bod:. - Thi they are, thoujgh one may guess b, tacy of terror before the g)luting laxties who * foutdd far Hcens’es ’ at only jfor a few sciatches. ‘ } Another repiarllahle ca*e Is tliat.of [ violent exertion and - bloiws are, Wet- and, softer t: it gown rfte ir o.-p ,their thickness and concentric struc image or Mumho- .limibo, rttrliose•tdihervi1 fp*Op*hS® •ChnP?w>n.s in a man named Wells. This man has causes of the disease',far ipdre oftesx jj^tefulit will be;Ip tire wc.iry %v.>irl- ture. Instead of w earing thin the hapd dripped woes and disaster,; thq 1 *Je days wheivMr .We let. senior, was jriiad eydry rib broken a«S* ^v?ry fla-’ than Is/generally supposed. A long j^who may hqyeffo-have her pat wear thick, and/ Jn ., th »ir stratil.es right to man, the-lMt to wojraam i&ytMred for life second time. (i ger biipkeii. He has buen" buried un- bicycle rid^! a leap froth ’a -street tlon have no small geol Dgic-al s:fniUen t» changed several times u dev I Like children, these negroes.delight , issue .hooks pamiPbletsl- nnty [remember one weatywoman wbo,satt cance|—John Muir in the Atlantic in being frightened; .the shqd&er of 1 taflets describing, mure or less ac- der a heavy f^JI^ of rocl: and: aluipsf. car, an tyour] of .‘swimming, -Exposure suffocated by ihe heavy fall, ottgrav- to cold, a'lilow of the fist, 4 kick, a < thrrjugh tfee-pjesiotp of her ‘con vales-; Monthly. - - ■ ; -* fear is as. wine TP them, ]the belief im turately. the English It w. and exlilain- el.. His .skull has'been, split opet by it fall, a bruise o r any one of a faun- t eenee’:thkeading,p ink and blue rilian ever present Bend a tonic. It is* a all- the formalities In con blasting accident, antLVhe has been ’d red other applications of force niay \FAT OR LEAN. hons.tbropgh the w ading, that adorn belief among them that.i 'eve’y tln}e section with an English marriage. To etruck oA the beadi^wiro fl^Bfck. 'He, ; bring about 't|he disease.-- ,| . - Death and sin run rhyme with thin yer opens er do,’ dar’s dc deblde er *tyow how carefully every detail is ed her ejequisite nightgowns and she declared 'she intended to give . them Fplt, fair and .forty. Ancient Egyptian standin* waitin' fpr yer," thus bring- f oueht out, there is anong the stdek bffB fallen 3? feet,, and fractured his , 'According [to the Boston Herald, ■ skulL and has btyen crushed between pins are the most common and most to her worst enemjy as spun as she Marled the EJastern custom of fatten- ing the terrible person Into .intimate Ira^ of one .of tie mptrei active loaded trucks. He 1* now in a casu- dangerous lofjthe foreign substances., ipg brjldes for .the bridal ceremony association with their daily life. Like ^ theise firms a Jeajlet -ffiving in ,| yrfft'krell. -- ' ^| - , alty <ward as the result ^of anothgc •p or 8mall, Aeavy objects, like buimaking them fit for hours anC *The thing, that gave me the most accident. - butivsyfi happy, confident lets and for: all pointed bodies the ap<tomfort|ids?de froip my small <luck. ays |at a: time in a bath of chick't: th at he was horn for a long life and a pendi^.is a sort: of trap .- These for- * rasteboAfti biox in which 1 kept Coup, drinking chicken fat . by tbe : .etgn bodies may be directy causes of h9 sdM llbetC ngtngs.U was the de-, ^owlful, witty durra or millet por settlement—well authenticated! among *fte POTtfety before join ing their hands fiaturai death. Oi* consider the thrilling Vivid n a r the disease. ' lieajiess, until- the present ttyero—o f unregetyerate ones caught | lfrevocabiy together .sith^t^e proper bght of my life, for r could help my* ridge. rative of a boyonetted Russian soldier . o f 4,028 autopsies performled a t thn to stamps, kjiifei paper, pins, scientific epdch,j was abhorred as a tip in darkness and borne swif.ly away tyeeponses. / / t *' 1 1 change a b it <$t fdticy work, reproach, ratjher! than held as §. merit- to) eternal flames:by the b fttiik e W ! Th« rea8«n of all tKU is easjf to mu in one of tb’c Matychurian, field hos- Boston c ity .1 Johns 'Hopkins and M ef.Jetters, needles and ja as it now if? 'Pharaoh's lean, lankyr vdnts of tbe arch flehd. Among them .tyerstand. The tying pi tbe rnatrlmom pttala. ,fi should have had. thelittle*- Rhode island hosjtyttals there were 88 . en and one other things that hays Line or cows were never held up as Tom Walker's? adventure is no mere -Ijai knot in Germany In a much, mere Jap ,dong; for 1/ I had not slipped and cases in which' acute Inflammatory ’ dropped hy rifle," he told the doctor, disease of tbe Vermiform appendixhabit of rolliipg off the bed models of beauty and butchery. legend. : lengthy and troublesome business "It seemed hours before be probbed CAU8ed death.] directly or indirectly, jDott’t leave homty without a sharp Cassius, with tyls ! lean aijid hungry Brpry darky .before Ke«. can feel 1* England, janty. to do ft surre me, to d '11 watched the bayonet creep- About 68 per cent, Wer© malels. About. dlfp and plenty }of pencils. Oqe look, Wa« an actual asfobiatlajn of himself free frioirf this Imminent -pt*tl°usiy is very mujeh more dlffl {tired woman used |io lie in hed add leanness with riotousness and wlcked- clut*fli-—-his form of the doctrine of ult. r'llm told that from the flrst Ihg flown to mty inch by lnch—dowti- 48 ;per cent, of the dptyths occurred cry from sheer venation over ttye nes*. FaL aweaty, melancholy.:Ham-. original sin—must meet and person- fllcial Hot ideation to he completion .down/ down.’ I remember noticing 4 in-.- the second and third decades of'" i 1‘ 1 knife1purchased ;lp ja hurry and absb- let cuxaed and swore, saying, " 0 Oily "rassle wid’* thq greai .adversary,! t the ceremony ttye uBiral time; don-i birthmark i»u the beast's chin. Then nfe. in some of the cases the symptoms', lately worthless.- 'Of course the nurse that, this too/ too polity flesh) ’ Would Not wreatle figut^vely In ; metytal’ ,rimed in going throu ft the necessary came the prod, and 1 screamed. My whole bpdy from throat to hips f«lt pf apppUdlcttls were not discovered1 „ sharpened her pencifr occasionally Imelt."! . Brummel busted < Oeptleman conflict witty hity,own weaknesses but formalities is f bout six, wetyks. divTrotf^her - letters foo, but It Is •jOeorge's soul with “Who's |o u r fat in fierce and actual struggle' With the ,nd ppt^u he anything f -om that up to sizzling with ; molten mfetal. That until after detyth. The larger percenlastod for hours' Then, the bayonet tage of: cases 1among men and boya ^delightful to scribble>.^»ff a few friends?" And police and ;a r tvtelv^'. mere, si a( ementsibfi pie gave a wriggle, ahd 1 felt it was alive-, tg explained planailbly as beigg-due toJ ' "t The ““..............................#fef Send incarnate., * ' lines to 'ttto home folks without aid. cers have had to give up ity de ~ air ^arrleS are', not sir flic le it bu^hawi to These contests, in which the devil i suppi^ited &y Ider tl icatlon patyers and biting me on the other side. Of, the greater liability to egpbsure! to T , |T hese things may j'seeqa like trifles and sometimes kill themselvboj,on act ^ always; goes to thp; mat. form -ttye ex my body. Yet I could-not keep my injury and thje g r^ e r'te n d e n c y to , pnd oihfr documents vhen you' are well, rout h broken pen- I count of their fat killing their jobs ---j hlch are care periences which the negro, new reeyes off the Jap’s bifthtaafk.-', Jt and- ertors In diet. and4a>parL»pertyap8.'to aj- and a worthlooty- knife are 'eortye And fat hens are sold to, market for teased by hla- own pfowegs from tne looked Into,, dtynly seemed to awelt out of his face,, the excessive juse of tobacco and the s ban datlonal caltunftles to the woman , ^ ^ fwr ao „ ve ^ come frU t thraldom of Satin, toves to recount A 1'h® on^ - tormality that ppesejnts and, look life a balloooi It seemed consequent digestijire disturbances. st on her back. - J - a t the “meetln’s" amid tyobs and.’ejac- 4ny difflculfy at an to n foreign bride yeara hefor^ he took the bayonet out too tat ones: ‘ The explatyatioai given for thd rel’? And that; remfnt me of the choice \ ulatlohs i of admiration from ' the And bridegroom coming to England to of me. When he did I ctyuld feel atlve exemption of negroes is 'that?' f.#of a hospital. Some women latmr un- i m ,.’ r h i„aw„ Trt bune conducted n Jbreathless congregation, (^ftentl.nes be married Is a fifteen, laya residence the blood gushing out of m^, and I their diet Is simple. They take a «>e delusion tljrat they are ^ ......................... e nnrestrlcted aale when some Imaginative ,riegr° , has In the district prior fo the ceremony, knew I was a dead man." . great deal of; outdoor exercise^ and i!T ' <? or^ a p'H>lly I # "so o tM n g syrups’" and other baby caught the fanev, of blk bea-Urs with P»t it la not much tyf a difficulty1 tty = But .he wan net a dead; man. The they are free 1from digestive dlsturV>° RO„ 1medicines; wiih which ignorant mo the tajc ct his uncatyny duel the feality, there being little risk In ityak- bayohet had not touched a single bances,'■says ' Kelly,. fn th e John’s frsh good institution Ih a near-by city^ , t^ n t te ,r betpless offspring defeated devil refuses to: stai* nut an'1 toff, ®false .statement on tbe- polut. vltgl spot, and he recovered. Hopklns Hospital where one negeo ia j:Don't do». ft if you vplue yg«r life. Of } An^ . „„ , c £ . tl„atinn nf refurndv again to the atytack, .thus a If jvhlle it can alwgys be got over by a : A fracture of the spine kills most admitted! for every fonr white men, -4 cdfuxaef Otdlng new food for tile vletor’a elo- typecial license when the parties tyre people but here, as in other cases, Only one! negro'is operated on for air* Ibom quench: 1 i / ij ? ’ anxious that everything shall he dtyne miracles sometimes happen, as In the tyendlcltis to twelve .white mert. The weapon used for .defeating fh« ! Regularly and dp tyrtt grudge the tjec case of ty Whitby ratltoad worker. who J . Lennander has called appendicitis feptfebf even the b e t home. No uidt- i “ Zi Z Tu enemy of mankind’is usually tjie 1m- essary expenditure. | w4s received into tlw hospital after, a family disease, and many other phy^ ecT #you;have to er bndmixe sevmreiy J ? V ‘ ge“e"a^ ,,!hll< 'ptyament of labor with which-the'hal‘1- | i 1 am told that it ti becoming a a severe tall,, his spine being so frac siclans huve been struck py the oc ^ e r w s r d go to the Jiest su rg ^ r1 ^ ! DartIceps and lh® ing darkly is most skillful, (hulks ! j*omrrion occurrence for a p4lr q( tier, tured that the surgeons regarded, bis currence of (fjie disease iti members c a n flnd. for hospi‘flap are l ^ e i ^ - I S thump Ikiln Into [insensibility with' a '!»»» lovers tty dlsappen- for a wtyek condftlon ak hopeless. 4 surgical ,op- of the same faimlly. Oup has report-> l f kfe ___ and __ bTokW^p MatyOn^nox, head of a rolling pity/ washerwomen testify how . tytid return to their Idel ghted filcuds iffive tbaty funerk.... ...... ^ | , f eratlon was t i n p o s % l M a h i v e , how-' three cases In three successive chtldren the endJ of ttyat‘ tjlme with ttye lan.JMtnea. Very oftenn rkomen r-.„r«. insist .sk* ilvkt 1, sW’oforlun? ori , n? for . - . ... near .. BaUittyby1 "deg lmash tylsibalft hi wld ier lit* *' “* ,v'" !?ia» fa m llr phyRlr ian m mt perform morte’ also denounced the :’sooth ng flatiron,,!Aand Joe, an tyxpert atpbailt- tiouncemenf that they h ive been, ityar- ever,; did th e mysterious /work which ^ generations of|t a family. A father,: baffled science; and a ftyw-'raontlis af- 1 twvo. sons' and two daughters |wer» . .j ' and declared th a t (medhird syrups,"-and that oneThint {the opcrattom^BO Piajtter-i-what 'ean 1be i| BVrnns Ing dtfsvii! cornstalks, told how'1"Ah fled In London, and)up giie who sjees ferwatyd the -mart left ttye ward cured, affected In another family. [ id. but: he can ntyt have the »ur- of the babies ttyat.cOme under his care met de debble one dark night down by |he frequency of the agent’s’ advertise :the only iMgn of his ctitymlty being; j Disorders of digestion havhj' ther ■gre'vicym4tof jj-heiriuse. .?.<?■ '/geqns skill de hurylti’ groun’ a n 'a h cut his th ’oat jnents in the Oennad papers will flea that he carried'his head stiffly1, and * most Important] Influence In detetyminL|ave -your.- family In tbe \ kept flitty’ y w h ./ter yeato’«wif mah / cohh jtafe to believe it. : hent somewhat forward, , / f ing an acute attack, of appendicitis,” . H would be ihteresflng to trace the / ; rhpnds possible and then do not retard knife.” >• . ro- ■■ . ;; 1 The heart is a-vital organ, few says KellyJ -1 : 1 Progress of fashion in England from; jigtyur redbiery by fretitmg ubout things. Minnis 4 a s a long arnH*d negro ytyars ago a stab, or bullet In the i The size; of tlhe appendix varies actb^tyays of King Alfred, whetn conn, Why' November is So Caljed I’flfj-your rribther or koine -other reiawhose ’cradle, of afll-1; the 'reapers in faeart /would have meant death. To- cording to' age 4nd to persons Its meroe having extended the arts atyd :;.tjye undertakes thq care of yppr ^tydford county, could cut the wid?st Nbvember was called by- the anci day surgery. tells a different story length averages from three to throe .Jtw too',Fhne you are away It ls qulte sciences'rand. Opened up cOnttolcntton Swath through thd-Tlpe wheat. After :nt Saxons the wint mniat. or wrind1 9 o tte x6onths ago a ypupg glrj was ..and a halfInches. 1The” appendix of > li^tbly things- will -move alcyog smooth- with ttye: rest of .the> w orlddaeh be much manoeuvring witty? the devil nonth, on account of t re gales '’(hen accidentally shot In^ the hearjt Dr I the man Is slightly large if than thatf no don't worry, -jpbey directions gin to grow rich, and wom*Mto stud' who sbemed ‘loth to get -into close irevaient.^ It; Was alsty, named the Mapteuffel chloroformed his patient, 0f t h e ,woman. v 1 j the a r t ’of dress. For some /penturie: keep your mind hopefully on the protylmltV/^o the lristy laborers. Min Hot monat, dr blood fnontlji, ffom 'pnd after a marvelous surgical opera- I The growth is Irreghlar hnfl urn {future. In thebe d a p when medlifal England set her oWn fashions: in nls>one uay invtyltyled hijm Into a he ancient practice pf tityen slaugh- tton he . forced out -the /btytiet, wltii J.certain.- There/ is 4 record of opp ap- ' :science tyaa made Vsi ich. rapid strides deed, Ity WbuULikppear Ithat it was no:, •table.:J e«|rner«i^^tim • In an empty :ering cattlei tor the ' r'inter provls hts fingers! and aewed up the wound, j peudlx more than a foot long. Be‘-ithere.Ts llftle, tp flea: i unless it be de- until after Uie Fsgnchfrevolutlon th9v stall, add. swintylijrg' wide wiib bln} Iosls, It is’ said that the-1Rottyan, 4nd. the gti|l left .the hospital cured., J tween the ages;tyf JO and 30 it readies’ ; “ tajy. ?To« wtU flnd 'many -enjoyable Parisians began, w- set the fashion to* favorite implement fpr the lower part- Jenators wished’ to name t' month 1 A. alnllltyr shooting accident hap- ith largest size, Jthough some observers things about your stjay In the hospi Englisb ^woraen. Oncexppre the sign?, of hf8‘ unsuspecting antagonist—"de rfter Tiberius, as uio iths bad ai- iptyned to a [man named Meyer, who Is make the perloty fronrl 20 to 461 It.ua*> seem to jfl^ht to a gtow tyebble didn’ know Ah’s sech er good -qady been named after -luilv tal, but wtyen the da] , comes to be dls- of the timesiseeity. i' is (|!ae- a ' marvel pf Vitality t o . most of the ually - decrehBek la size as a person fed ypa.-w^ll want wings’ to fly ink desire In'this con ^ to originate man vfif de Cradle."1Minnis explained )ar and Angutytns,, but, (he HrttptyEO'f. clinic* of Europe. The bulled lodged grows old, but' in [some cases it h a i which tboujr 5nie^>-HHda 'Rlchmbnc. v —succeeded in amlputaHtfg, Satin’X ike Canutf, felt that t was ptlssi- In, ttye man’s heart and ho walks been found [fulll siztyd in, the aged. i own models—a dealtfe /' ietydlng London Anna are happily. In ?■ IfgS or? a* Minnis himself [related, "Ah to have too much flntt“ryland about London with 1^ there yet, after The, width of the appendix v aries position ^ to i enaourage.- The (Jentit cut off tyofe bln. lalga; aty, er biff ’used, remarking, drily "What Wjll t o iuteWai • Etlquefte ftyr Girts. ■ j lutervap o,f qf two and a- half nau years. years much [less than; the length, the Com? plecede tail ec^ pr p r a^ iau wld! wi,«i em." em.: • * voa ou ao.. do. com conscript fatheiu If you h.*yc r f l w e Vraty ho bleeding* after I was mon width being that of a goose quill. f It Is not considfjVed very gotyd woman. The! pi-esiding eldtyr of the meeting 43 Caesars? i ■.? ■ . -e : :'v' elg>t’‘"he fells, his friends. "It is a But there are tybnormalities1In. width, . taste to insist on pacing such trlflihg ; ^ riddle. Tlie doctors cannon tell why afi tn length. Itipoltyts in dlffet'ent,dir uanars as omnibus fan e when out wlkh - "Farmers," says a ctyntettyporury declared this encounter apochryphal f .‘‘should be trained like la vyers." May and sept Mipnls forth again to seek ■S.vpIrlendiR',. especially'one’s setylor* ections at different times, and a chart I did not « e ” Advertising GoethO •' Works.1 Another personified miracle mattes of its .various /positions is a/ flgurn Of course It tnay tiippen that a girl the saints preserve us from '‘farmer: new adventures,;no* allowing him,-the bae for escort a you ig maty who has trained that way!. Suppose the farm1 glory of vfetofy; which ruling was Twdntjr years ago a German pub- tyjs homc^ W Gulsbortyugh In Yorkshire, shaped ;approximately like A "daddy <^ !• >$een deputed to see :her Home aftier er should consider himself attorney held to be severe by the rest of the Usher' began to issue' a complete.col- at tbe toot! of the Cleveland hills. For long legs" spider. 1 r‘ ttye hospital'Of Ith» M at borne or reception. In such! a for the animal he wishes to eel) au<1 Church* member's, who believed- In tne ecttou of ;Goethe's let ers. Ttylrtv tow ard of ]30 years he has, been ttye In some places, *• it ..case .many a girl Wonders if sbe In honor bound tio tergiversate con. troth of the statement as firmly as lour volumes are now h type, ana It victim of tim terrible disease known Johns Hopkins jmedipal school, foil In IhmS as lupus. ]He has spffered 84 opera- stance, it lh the dustom to oxartylne the‘t-let , should allow hitu. to pay her cab or cernlng the same.—Louisville Courier Minnia himself. And that he .dld be-' s expected that the rest Of aw Journal. v Hero It there oan be! no doubt. 1 tern, which will fill 1 i 'railway fare. • 1 . m [• more vol- tiohs of otye sort pr another and is Lhe appendH Whenever , ilia ubdonmm They are an emotional race: these times, will appear within; four .years. still cheerful, tramping before five |s opened.'unless the condition of [|be As a rule she may, though if she "Batyon," soys a .contemporary, primitive negroes and. like all Such o’clock evtyry morning several I miles patient is such that the Inspection M doer of those considerate, nice girls, to his worn in the Ironstone mlflea, would be -an added danger. Of Sev dislike putting tJiemselves untyer "which a fortnight ago touched > re subject to Illusions! flashed on, tl>elr Habits of Desert Cactus; for which!] the Cleveland district is enty surgeons Who were canvassed by ] Obligation of eveil a trifling kltyd cord figure, shows ; signs of beeomihg oonsclcusne^s by an unbridled imag The flsHhooiC cactus Is literally d 'famous, atm takifig an active part In Kefty on the qutysllpn: "When the aba«y yrong man. alls may feel that more reasonable.”’! We will say this Inatlon. superheated by religious fev jab*v wdtyl4 prefer to pay for hersdlf. fo* bacon, that, though lrtypnlsive, it er. Nobody of Martin Luther’s days] compass in tbe desert. No matter bis "off” fajtyurs |n rellglottB and poiiti ,domen ,Is opened tor other causes hn<i ."]- But one has to rem amber ft Is vety-yt is always open to argument, if pro;, doubted that the groat*reformer badj how %iaring the rays may be that cal work of thi^' town In Which he the perfectly normal appendix is eas assailed the devil with an Ink bottle! ire reflected from the t oil in which lives. ‘.Til never say die." he? Is fond ily accessible>ts jit yourruJe to remove ihutalliating to a man ito be placed In erly approajched.t—London Globe. mtioh to the letters laattynjshment Iand it groW%r It. always tithe its head to of sayinff to bis, sympathizers; '"While it?” forty-four replied -against, and' such a position, and! I think a gprl Strange how! superstitious th< dismay,‘ Luther believed -It himself, the southward.. there’s UfC; there’s ;hope." ;. ■ the rest in favor of doing so. 1 i jahouM sabiriftce her oi [n arisbes to Mis . The result A ‘ canvass among r ^ a e n a e of aelf-reappct 1 Were she Ito abefoBCi/ were about sitting cross-leg and If Luther witty big ink bottle why troying Fleas. Obstacle to T f id*. fash a t the Mbrnan, I jtre in hasty, the ged- Among the remains pf ancle* > not Minnis with hfs disconcerting croA leaflet issued by ttye imperial many physiciann hs to whether the ap, die—each expert with l4s bwn weap a r t hdw ityanf; representations at--' jWdfl of h e r compeni pn would suHfer -entomologist of India says th a t' the pendix, whIl%8tHl in 4 nbrmal /CCjUdl-. One of ttye tyblpf qbflticICs to Am -tbeirai of a man, woman, god, demc; on?—Nejs York Sun. 1 ; to . wondering wondet Whal! the -cabmj erican trade' In - 'Lower (Mexk Sty)' best''manner of destroying fleas, with tlon. should [ to removed ad a pre that vortex. -k •} r ::n ^ , 'tlto ^h t of him; for men arty, 'there, or be^nt ajtting crtyek-Iegged ? flie ventive measure was th* nfmost unani- Dalltornla ts the |opg time takety In special reference fo, checking aepiftive than'wotnes to 'the oplnipn .raVag0B of plague, is free use of mous cobclnsioit that such a step la traospbrtatlon from Amjerican ttyade i UuMera in?Lapl«nd. of others, eveo their inferiors. We toid that Qod mnde man In crude o i l , tottyleriou, which eopslats, “atyaufd" "unjuitiflable.'’ or “withoutcenters. In Swedish Laptymd. can be seen His *'■wn linage, but woman i«a t seeil; ‘“ *“ of 80 [per. jeefli;-®* cf*>A® petroleum egtyuB®'*’ If apj^kdicuik should become attyro Lemon vbpolv |e Fie. to toel thel tyeceosity of impiirovl^r curious wotyden| stnuctttjrtys on a sin mixed wttii] 20 per cent of whale oil js< Church Built of Oi 1* Tree* gle polo; which' look Utyb a monster Soup '';TbIty Combination makes a frequent than ft Is 'now ihe 'qaesflon Juice aity rind of to e lemon, ohe hep i^iodWndty. * pigeon cote. These serve their puris a church Ut Santo Rosa. Cal feRF iritic i mltos frimfy 'tWfltjfwutor.: may well be rallied again. The mere hop sa**r, Tolk0 ^ «<^> hetytIn protoetlngH thty contents of pith a osiititig capacity cf 200, which ; add Is generally used a t 3 tydr cent entertainment Af the suggestion of man mody tells the tfut en, onty cop jnllk. tor* tol^appooB* wolves, and foxes. la bam entirely of timber out cf a solution. per cent It destroys the removal a* a prophylactlc meas- . floor.f Add laatiy the! whltee of the when bp U too lu y to th ib l up a lb orai ntay poesttyly he talked ae *vlcertainty. <. 1. M ]m 4 4 todnra; *• ' ..itog)e redwood tree. i-flmwirtth iI M v < • ‘ depce among ot ter thlngk. of the 1mminae tytrides wjhlch the tytMtud * tow•rd the dliease and the .knowledge of It hftvg taken lln the last hundred v < p , t- - l H h'l j ’. I * ” * J k ia. si,V t*r '3 1 Austria's e& j tl r 1/ fvn 1 / \ - / | . 1- ■ ■-! 1. [Hi | jM >\ f. K '1 f- P I Sr< A f - y.-. :v ‘y ’*", f ;•i ft M ■.*•' . ! t X ‘P M j M $$Bk •wr x^**i V4 v \ '' <E, m rl *i w? * S* Vr4> - — ■W5 --if : w f I t' Q ien the sand's n r 1 /(? . S. A. I *M, TrOntopfdealer In coal, lumber «i Id *11 building material. Fire vinsurance Leave ordfers a t Smith’* drug s t a r . I i - j t " ii j wlio’d like to acquire the distinctive a rthpt accompanies the wearing of custom- ilQr- • ed, clothe^, are denying them*‘ selves this coveted privilege because they, erroneously suppose the cost to be more than ready-mades, but pur Chicago tailors, ;■ . Mr*. ■-. and daughter, Virginia from sytisit at Dexter. -C. Ame ioe of Detroit Wgaintbwn do business I londay, 1 >| Mr. ac|d Mrs. Biobard [ jW^adf sod daughters Violet and [Nina spent Shutday with Renj ila SwkrtzTaLtlfdnii iy. Mr. an &tr*H Austin; were the guesti of relative! 14 N b l York city tor veral duys during ibej week) Mr. >an Mre R. (H Ingram! eoterlaiued Dejtroit relativ. ML* Mi a visit oil several Week* with relative; in California. Mrs J. Sme&toD aDd rWldren of Wy aadotte visited relatiVeHjbere Sunday. B E. Lambrecht of Derj|oif, formerly °f (his pface, .spent Sunday hei'ej with friends. [ ^ l >v . j. . Mrs. John Labadie pint! daughter. Edna of Marine City; afije visiting her mother, Sirs. M. Neff. J . t ' Mrs. h it tie F h eieo an d stjn. JaiineB visited r« latives at iWodijllueirei^hnday. Mr. and) Mrs. E. McFadden of Detroit -vpsot Sukday with their.parents, Mr. and Mrs |V. F. JihFadjdeio here. ' | Mrs. E|ward;BnlliMad and spn, Ed« ward, jfr fhave returned from a tu p up the lakes i with,-her boehapd, Ca^tjEd'v ard Sul livan.^ooitbcfstjeamertjha^fes £. Townsend. ' i . : cetfrmtiMT i John lle e of Detriiiti made a week R£,. ?Ri(U4 col e id visit lere with friends.'-. ■Two-Button Novelty Mrs. J tines Bailey, Br, Is on the sick | SoekiNo.742 l.'C. } ' ■J ' .i. i { Dtp Front I’he Gr Isse lie Pleasure dluh will give lancing party at the llrenton Casinol| t m evening- The Log Jahin orchestra Wyandotte have Seen engaged to furnish td music r\ JewettlR Barlow aW WilliamJenli anson, who have leased the Caotooi Aruiorv for six months, held an open ing of th^l: roller BKaling riak Thurs lay French D ry Cleaning w ith H ydraulic System , 26 Bide le evening, (which was welt attvndedJ Mrs. Tit M. Sherriff madh a business| . A ve.f Cor, Sycamore S t. Opposite M arx T h eatre trip to Wwanddtte 'I uejsday. Mr. and Mrs. Geof-ve Blajf t>f River W Y A N D O T T^, : j ', i MICHIGAN Rouge, viBiied the former's grandmoth ** i > I «r, lira Virginia Couu her here Sunday, The Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the M E ctjurch tnet Thuds day afternoon at the home of Mrs.'G E Strohjp. J C E B»ker, our pev- undertaker'ard family of Detroit, have moved into thi A MilljbinDy house pn WaShiugtop avenue , - Mr. and Mrs. JohnjFelder and sons, I ' JohD, jr.aand Frederick speot Wednes4| day in U Itroit It II $ The EpjWorih league of the Methodist | f 2 church held an et*j «yible social at.the J h->me of|M r an<l Mjrs. Tboluae Me- 1 * ''.'Greary, Front street; Tuesday)evening. Miss NioprGate. w^q baa hedn spend IUC IPMIUWVI UU)iV| UN M»W yeminerpvm iuvting the IWrauaer beret at the cial,, accompanied bf Mr ;Hp(iier|feal. left Monday for a visit at her bogie af ! ■ • ' Mh,' \ Cadillac. ! . Olareo so Hoy, employed at the D. U , i R car bi irns, bad bis gigbt arm- Injured i Sunday when 'a piece of a bPtgtiogl emery v beel flew and; struck himV H e| w |s take a to Emergeuoy hospital, Ford. 1 * - The Hiklloweeu social given la the] P-esbytedan oburch lparlors Mortday i evening was a succeSB financially *nd socially. , . A nujmher from iWyandotte| *bdl Grosse lie attended ftbe masquerade daociog party Saturddy eveniug la the Canton ijrmory. i ’ ' ' I ■ Miss (frace Bates of Detroit spent] Saturdaj here with relatilves and , friends. lMrs. kntony Gibb of Grosee lie bag I to Harper hospital, Detfult, | reiurned lArif. . «v I- • • *:•- • for treat meat. (I Mrs. dajttds Fielijliog [ bavi moved Igto thes Clee house, Front Street Chaptiter, No. 825, Order of (D Chaf ✓ Kastcrn Star, will bolId a regular mhetbsday evening. November 7 Memorial services wilt bo held, and&bej delegate]! to the Grand chapter, recent ly held jat Jkckson, qiil. present tbelr reports. -' All members are requested to party at her hoijae Iob 1 Grosse He. -be preset}1I ’ . H ere’s T o Y our Health. Tuesday evening. Mrs. 'iu G Holmes, [assisted by Mrs , ■■ ' • - ji.- . |# v \ : At a mags meeting held in the Metho WobberJ eotertaiDed tan guests , at din dist church. Wednesday evening, a A glass of Banner beer is good for n e r \oeidBy evening, t the nerves and many other disorders, large number of men listened to so inWedbfsday being M il Saiotsf day jlring address by Mr. AO H. Flbn of A mild stimulant that is alyfays bene uiurniug services were held here in etrclt in the, Interest of Men: and ficial and Invigorating; not* because it •both St.iTbomas Episcopal efaureb and {Relig on Movement. The meeting is beer alone, but because it Is good , i I — ** — 1— -Lof |F | Rev. was under the direction 4St. Joseph Catholic cblnrch. beer, and containing the phre essence Miss Grace Klee is qn the sick list.) f| Clemeint Ainge dnd Rev. R. D. HersheF of malt and hops, properly brewed,' I i,i L John; Toronzo, who was arrested matured an 1 bottled by Mahrx Brewing Tuesday night for disturbing the peace, Co under thorough sanitary conditions, church, will serve a otdckeqi pie sapper WRg „7ed *$l0 by j U8ti0e Bailey on which makes it a beveragb matchless mi t b e K E chapel T^uralay hvetolog. vVedkeSday afternoon. November 0, from six td gight [until all I , J in its whole someness. are served S ! I C A V SE S M U C H D IS E A S E Rev. R. Gi Hershet, ivbile j coming as Stomach TroablM and HowTo ftsilevo Thom down liiht Sunday* afjternooD on a D Wyandotte, Mich. 1 IJ Bi calf, hgd the misfortune to lost his edit case, which cqhtaioed the Pres-1 lead hyteriaoi* qommunionil silver service, f lions. An eminent phyglei PRE8BYTEEIAH CHURCH used that afternoon In the qhurch at 1that niuety-tive per cent of all the ilia E eorseJ It is hopefirithat the) person (of the human body have their origin in Rev. Alexander Urquhart, Ph.D.i'Pastor ta k in g tbe same. wHitfeturn the service J a disordered stomach. n, to Mr faershgy’ls residence her-, on I Our experience With Rexall DyspepTbint street, whevel no questions will J sia Tablets leads us to believe them to be -Services 10 a . si. and 7 r. M. 1 t a saski ked J [among the most dependable remedies r Sunday School 11:30 6e Christian Endeavor 0:15 r, m. Miss Thursday Eveniag service 7 p.| u, Moyer Morning, "The God of the Bible;’ ^ALAMj\200 C0RSET;C0i«PANY n, arei soothingjind healing jto the inflamThe /u Excliui.t Maher* Sacli m lti ll641 membranes of the: stomach. They evening. “ Who is ■thO broad minded hyterl*! church, held q bpiness meet-. jj rich In pepsin, one of the greatest man.’’ Repre& nt] Ihe highest standard of rtjlh ing fuel ay qvening. ■ di restive aids known to,medicine. The corset .manufacturing. Charming, ictive corsets that - are : cohgreoatiohal church m - -/ 400 K l Five First Class all Chicago Orchestral Entertainei Npvenjitttf Elda Ifile Elmer, New York Arthur Fisher, Interpreter, Play Smith Damron, The Putter Cm D. Stanley Shaw, March 15,1912. Get your tickets from any member of th !s«%IT Committee—Mrs. Fred Green, Mn. i Special rgte to School children. = r .*'1 B E G IN S (IT S ■; K s tiS 'w X U , CBa8 W. J okes, ffastpr. Mr afid Mrs B Residence 69 Che stoat street. Home having spent a oum , ,phoiie67-L. the home of hi* broth (ng service»at 10 o'clock., Sunbell, have returned jp «neir nome inianfA ooi 11:80.. Cbristiaa Endeavor aiqrth Dakota. uv - r \ j land u i promote nutrltiau. AS evjgening: se vloea 1. Mid-week Miss ItauraDaWka, f daughter o f Mr. [dence of , our alncerei faith In Rm»ll VSTednesdi j evening at t; Mia Tablets, we ask yob to try og thenle. "Mr. Christian Man, your challenge;” • evening, evening, e ta Hallonpen party at the jjo a e n tire eatlsfactlon.wewin wturo matt, w katof thonlght^V W ‘ Qamw M<U«fresbment8 MUjtbe money you .Mid us for them, were the faatnreaof the eVening. * IpUhouc quesUon or forroaHty. Tbi • -■-■ I. J’- -J.'V* . C^ - I °ent#' ■aL?,i^,!rSrS. 1 Miss iBeatribe Cook with fourteen of ber yoojng friends gavi a very enjoyahje j -— T” ' H «iw «|eo party g; her home dnl To ren t-8 room modern boose, for «roeee lie, Tuseday evjeuiog. ; fulshed Mtb bathi faeuace and eieotrlo H Ucy,.over| of ‘th e Mag* Jrqolre J l Mts, lwafd 9 * ------- WMn|poatp ffioe. mo)ht" retveryp ‘7' 9 .... |j; 9 - 3 ft V f v' 1 f I i 1 ' 5^V v ’> • - rl \ ^ s ‘ ’ 'I r| •*** *** ri - t Jb' x f 1 ft? ^ } A. ^ Sf I,* i j}, ", J > rli<ki*t A. i,y Rt " ■ ar£ fan oupfor theft excellence in fitting qualities ■ ' . .j., T e rra s R[eapouable. ea BRYAN iM ml l i l i t ' V. -i' from . ‘, -j Uflo^X:. T ele p h o nie-flouie e x' ■ ■I ■,.r* „ -i 1 m A. B ail fey’s S h o e D e - romc _______ thi for this Fam ply to -------0t>tai sec irity Ithat v* buying this “ * an unfai latest st wokmai foo:w6ai] der! theif • is world ami W hen you buy thfe Bj the Straight Line rRr’ the besjt made. hw' i»P TRENTO fm * ■fe.’Vth’' U Sih y*i Fu rther tuforwat ioil ,0tt ftjpbiicfl $1.00 ^ ( r: -v>.i1-’ \ S tu d e u ts o f th e School o f M usic h a v e re g u la r lessons certain F R E E ' A D Y A N T . y -arc du elu d ed E Jeilientary Classes iu iT h e o rj each w eek. $ 2 .5 0 , $ 3 -0 0 1 iiitti ” ■'■■■:' * rv U I W U I BEAUTY CORSET; 10 a . W—Morning service and ser1 v .w V i • ’.j -jaftp A M usical K in d e rg a rte n —F o r, ch(ldri): y e a rs o f age. E ach <;lass lim ited to six , \vh f to g iv e m u ch in d iv id u a l a tte n tio n . ! [ ; * ; # ty A good corset properly fitttjd becomes ah -unconscious part of- ihe. we^r srer • CHUROH HMf- w. a TRpaiAs, O.D.,fAnwi .ai *91* C O ., ECONOMICAL ? » , ' S tu d en ts sufficiently advanced jbaye tln LpHyj ;i ing to th e 8ebool Orebeatra, organised :for ' v P* |p ra c tic e in ensemble nutsic. j t > COMFOaTABLE sB m i a r jnu uvi tb . _ p f lp t, 4 y.ti Hi ’ j.-V '' ' ' AlV Branches of .Mimic T au g h t—fPittno,i ,'tr a a n d Bland Instrum ents. “p8®’*1ji 1'■■, BREWING: *■:'j“*iV ‘21st Year Septem ■ MARX is m School * i in $41 T- H tegD ish es’ j • M lsepska Miner, oiTDetroU, was the fo r Under the auspices of the Y . W . M* loal Hod, ixing Bowl, j& jz r * Is ’i . *m Room * Insi H - S . ,A _3V I A M IO T ^ 1 Franklin Fire s ! Fire Association .i , New Y rk Underwriters I • Commercial Union Ass'n Georgia Home Insurance Co. . Royal Exchange Association American Central Insurance Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. charge the same prices' that yqu must pay for any good store clothes, and about half jas much as for local tailored 'garments.' Select your woolhaveustake yoiur measure. [Today H. C Pi W« Represent the Following , Reliable Companies: . 'Ed. V. Price ens '7 •Jljv rv h \ il I A ^...!! H st li#