Newsletter - Henlow Church of England Academy


Newsletter - Henlow Church of England Academy
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
Henlow C of E Academy
Issue 19 | 27th May 2016
Dear Parents and Carers,
As dawn broke on Friday 1st May it was clear that the warm spell had ended just as our fun run day arrived. I would
like to extend my thanks to all of the parents and family friends who braved the cold alongside the staff and PTA as
pupils dashed around the course for an hour. I must give special mention to the PTA who volunteer many hours to
make this event possible and also continue into the night at the disco. This year many year 4 pupils joined us and we
look forward to seeing them again as working together days and step up day arrive. The atmosphere created was one
of enjoyment and the money raised will be of real benefit to pupils in the near future.
The weather also featured prominently when our girls’ football team gave everything they had to win 1-0 in the pouring
rain against Etonbury in the final of the County Cup. To get to this stage they beat Alameda 9-0 and Lincroft 2-0.
Ayesha Brown’s report features later in the newsletter and I am looking forward to celebrating with team at lunch
time today.
Towards the end of the newsletter several pages are devoted to advertising events taking place as part of our 40th
celebrations. We hope many of you will join us as we enjoy reflecting on our school in a range of different ways. These
events begin with a presentation by former Headteacher Ray Payne on 16th June at 7 o clock. The open afternoon
on 9th July beginning at 1 o clock will encourage a walk down memory lane for all those connected with the school.
There will be an opportunity to buy signed copies of ‘Celebrating Forty Years’ but both events are free to attend.
Tickets (£25.00) are still available for the Grand Social Evening on Saturday 9th July as we round off celebrations with
lie music and a BBQ.
Pupils are celebrating in style on 17th July with a special assembly in the morning. In the assembly all five headteachers
of Henlow Middle School and the Bishop of St Albans will be present. The afternoon includes a picnic and parade
through Henlow in costumes chosen from the decades!
Caren Earp | Headteacher
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
PTA Money
A thank you to the PTA for the money we requested. We have used it for the
3 CGP revision books in year 6.
Esme Frankland & Amy-Rose Cooper
27th May 2016
What’s coming up...
6th June
My Money Week
9th June
Working together Day
- Raynsford and All Saints
14th June
Working together Day
- Langford and Meppershall
15th June
Working together Day
– Derwent and out of area
Extra art
17th June
40th Celebrations
22nd June
Mufti day for Summer Fayre
E2BN Conference
23rd June
E2BN Conference
24th June
Summer Fayre and
Football Competition
Esme & Amy Year 6 Pupils had the amazing opportunity to perform at Her
Majesty’s Theatre in London’s West End on Sunday 3rd April. They both
attend Stagecoach a Theatre Arts School in Letchworth, Stagecoach have
over 600 schools nationwide and just 16 schools were invited to perform
on one of the most prestigious stages in London. Stagecoach Theatre Arts
teach the children all aspects of performing arts from singing, drama and
dance. The girls had a busy schedule attending every Saturday for 3 1/2
hours with some extra rehearsals to be “show ready!”
It was a very long day but fuelled with excitement, weary eyed at 5.45 and
a coach ride later they arrived in London at 8.30am. They rehearsed all day
along with the other schools for a showcase at 7.30pm. They performed
‘Back to the 80’s’ along with other schools performing ‘Viva La Diva’,
‘Rock of Ages’, ‘Dickensian Melody’, ‘Celebration Sisterhood’ and so many
more! It was a truly fantastic, fabulous showcase of talent. Then all loaded
onto the coach at 11.00pm, needless to say the journey home was a very
quiet one!
It doesn’t end there for either girls both Esme and Amy have been offered
roles in Peter Pan performed by Rare Productions at the Gordon Craig
Theatre for 4 shows in May. Esme is “Curly” a lost kid which she is extremely
excited about - 14 weeks if rehearsals for 3hrs. Amy-Rose has a role in The
Railway Children currently showing at the Kings Cross Theatre, a brand new
purpose built venue with a real train track!
Week beginning 27th June
Year 6 Activity Week
28th June
Year 5 Kentwell Hall trip
30th June
Sportability Summer Games
8th July
Step Up Day
8th July
Year 7 Walk to Kingfisher
12th & 13th July
End of Year Parent’s Evening
15th July
Year 8 Valediction
18th July
Sports Day
21st July
Year Group Trips
22nd July
End of Term
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
Regional Boccia Finals
On Monday 25th April, 3 pupils, Hannah Cooper, Michael Woolfit and Daniel White went to the Herbert Leon Academy
in Milton Keynes to take part in the Lord’s Taverners Regional Boccia Finals. It was a fantastic competition, with
teams coming from as far as Reading and Woking. We were competing in two competitions that were being run
simultaneously, the county finals and the regional finals. We played some fantastic Boccia games. When all the pool
matches were played, Henlow qualified for the 5th/6th place game. This game was very exciting; we had already won
the first match against the team we were playing. It was a very close game, with Henlow winning by 1 ball. Henlow
finished in 5th place in the regional finals and each received a lovely medal. In the County final, Henlow finished in
3rd place, winning fantastic bronze medals. It was a brilliant day, with two medals each. Well done to Hannah, Michael
and Daniel.
Kurling Competition at the Bunyan Centre, Bedford
On Wednesday 27th April, 12 pupils, Edi Johnson, Aylesha Couzens, Leo Armstrong, Freddie Hefford, Hannah Cooper,
Freddie Marshall Moore, Jamie Briscoe, Tyler Izzard, Taylor Hawes, Adam Hamilton, Josh Wright and Kirsty Woodman
took part in a Kurling competition at the Bunyan Centre, Bedford. The pupils were in three teams of four players. It
was a fantastic afternoon, with eighteen teams taking part. Henlow A; Hannah, Freddie MM, Kirsty and Adam finished
the competition in great 8th place. Henlow A; Leo, Freddie H, Edi and Aylesha finished in a brilliant 3rd place and
Henlow A; Josh, Tyler, Taylor and Jamie finished in a fantastic joint 1st place. Hannah Cooper also received a special
Values Award for Self Belief. Well done to all that took part.
TeeBall Competition
On Friday 13th May, 8 pupils, Freddie Hefford, Jamie Briscoe, George Digby, Ethan Howard, Roby Nocera, Thomas
Lawrence, Aaron Gumley and Harry Rose went to
Biddenham Upper School to take part in a TeeBall
competition. It was a fantastic morning of exciting
TeeBall matches. Henlow were unbeaten in all three of
their pool matches and qualified for the final where they
met Arnold Academy, who were also unbeaten. It was
a very close match with Arnold narrowly winning by 10
points. It was a great morning, with all pupils playing
brilliantly and Henlow finishing in a fantastic 2nd place
out of 8 teams. Thomas Lawrence was awarded a special
Values award for Respect. Well done to all that took part.
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
Science News
Girls Football - CouTeeBall Competition
We have had an exciting time in Science since our last report.
National Science Week was celebrated with style!
The week started off with our inaugural Science Fair where groups of our pupils were joined by year 4 students from
Clifton in presenting projects of their choice. They ably explained and demonstrated what they had been investigating.
At the end of the evening, prizes were presented to the winning teams and we all enjoyed some whizz bang chemistry
demonstrations on the theme of colour. A fantastic celebration of Science at Henlow Academy!
Winnners included:
- Joseph Smy in Year 6 for his cloud in a bottle
- Katelyn Butcher in Year 6 for her lava lamps
- Georgina Kelly and Ella Atkinson for their crystal growing
- Tabby and Aylesha Brown and Paris Musgrove in Year 8 for their inverse spherification project.
Year 5 were inspired by our visiting speaker, Mr Phil Williams,
who spoke about our impact on our world and got us all thinking
about sustainable living. Students engaged in thinking about
their own impact on the environment and a select group have
decided to set up a young environmentalists club in school as a
result. Year 5- you are welcome to join up and get involved!
Science club ran every day, with activities including: blowing
giant bubbles, growing crystal gardens and making periscopes.
It was fantastic to see lots of pupils from all year groups working
together on different projects. Don’t forget, Science club
happens every Monday!
Year 7 enjoyed a visit to The Science Museum where they were able to explore many different scientific displays and
take part in a Science show full of exciting demonstrations.
Year 5 have recently been studying life cycles in their Science lessons and as part of their learning they have followed
the development of caterpillars into butterflies. We have enjoyed watching the tiny caterpillars grow and change. The
butterflies were released just before half term. Our next life cycle observation is hatching eggs and we look forward
to meeting our chicks after half term.
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
A huge thank you to the amazing year 8 helper team who led a Science Wow day at Langford Lower school on 23rd
May. They worked very hard supporting the younger students all day and in many cases, took the lead in the different
sessions. They have all received a Headteacher award for their outstanding efforts and for being ambassadors for
Henlow Academy.
- Chloe Bimson 8AC
- Jack Marsh 8AC
- Emily Mawson 8AC
- Tyana Down 8GU
- Lauren Jando 8GU
- Ayesha Brown 8GU
- Christian Child 8GU
- Owen Hicks 8GU
- Samuel Mercer
- Jess Caramiello 8MB
- Emma Metcalfe
- Will Farmer 8MB
- Lana Carter 8SW
- Brook Yardley 8SW
- Abi Quinlan 8SW
- Poppy Soden 8SW
- Tabby Brown
- Paris Musgrove
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
PE News
Girls Football - County Cup Winners!
On Wednesday 18th of May the
year 7 and 8 girls’ football team
became County Champions when
they beat Etonbury 1-0 in the final.
The goal was scored from a corner
by Tabitha Brown halfway through
the second half. All of the players
did fantastically, especially Lauren
Mercer who is only in year 6 and
played in the Year 7 and 8 team.
Obviously a huge thank you to the
P.E staff for helping us get this far! It
was a brilliant game to watch (I was
injured and so unfortunately couldn’t
play in the final but I played in the
other games) and many parents and
teachers came to support the team
even in the pouring rain!
Well done girls!
Cricket Results
- Year 8 beat Marston Vale. Marston Vale scored 45 for 4 off 12 overs, Henlow scored 46 for 2 off 9 overs.
- Year 8 beat Woodlands. Woodlands scored 36 for 9 off 11 overs, Henlow scored 37 for 3 off 8 overs.
- Year 7 beat Holywell. Holywell scored 42 for 2 off 12 overs, Henlow scored 43 for 1 off 6 overs.
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
Fun Run
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
40th Anniversary
As part of our numerous activities to celebrate the School’s 40th Anniversary, there are a few major events taking
place in June/July and the publication of a very special book telling the story of the School’s forty year history. Further
details follow.
Evening History Presentation: “The Story of Henlow’s Schools”
This is planned for Thursday 16th June (7.00pm – 8.00pm) in the Hall. The presentation will summarise the history
of developments across the last two hundred years, with changes in society, the role of the Church, changes in
education and political impact; and within this context tell the 190 year story of the schools within Henlow village.
Our former Headteacher, Ray Payne, will be presenting this evening.
Open Afternoon: Saturday 9th July (1.00pm – 4.00pm)
Past and Present Pupils, Parents, Staff and Governors are all invited to visit the school on Saturday 9th July.
They will be able to view the school, walk around the classrooms and look at a selection of displays and memorabilia
in the Hall.
During the course of the afternoon there will be a special flypast by a Lancaster Bomber, a member of the World War
2 Memorial Flight Team.
Grand Social Evening: Saturday 9th July (7.00pm – 11.30pm)
There will be a grand social evening for adults to come together and celebrate the School’s 40th Anniversary. Tickets
for the event are on sale now, priced at £25 each, and order forms can be accessed via our website, or by contacting
the school office.
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
Pastoral Matters
I have been working at Henlow in my role as Pastoral and Intervention Leader for over a term now. During this
time I have been working with children across all 4 year groups. Student feedback suggests pupils are benefiting and
engaging with our interventions.
Children might be referred by a parent/carer or member of school staff to work with me on a range of key areas
including building self-esteem, confidence and resilience as well as friendship and social skills.
Liaison with parents/carers, staff and other supporting agencies also builds a holistic network to support our pupils.
As well as working directly with children we can signpost to useful groups and refer to outside agencies, where
necessary. Details below are for:
SNAP (Special Needs Action Panel)
SNAP are a pro- active forum for parents and carers who focus on raising standards of Social Care, Education and
Health in Central Bedfordshire.
Telephone: 07984 545044
Email: [email protected]
Family Lives
Designed to help anyone caring for a child.
Free 24/7 Helpline: 0808 800 2222
Skype: see
Email: [email protected]
Live Chat:
Local Support: support
If you have contact for groups you have used and are happy to share, please send me details and we may be able
(anonymously) to publicise via the Newsletter.
Carol Price
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01462 818721
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
Free School Meals
Free School Meals - Are you Entitled?
If you would like to find out if you are entitled for your child to receive Free School Meals, please contact Customer
Services at Central Bedfordshire on 0300 300 8306. Further information can be found through the following link
The qualifying benefits to receive free school meals are:
* Income Support
* Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
* Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
* Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
* The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
* Child Tax Credit (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit, and your annual gross income does not
exceed £16,190 as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs)
* Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
* Universal Credit (during the initial roll-out of this benefit)
Please be advised that you can only apply for Free School Meals through Central Bedfordshire. Henlow Academy
cannot process the application.
Is your Child using their entitlement to Free School Meals?
If your child is already receiving Free School Meals, please remind them that they are entitled to ask for school dinners
in the morning – registered through the squid account in form time. This will automatically be available for them.
Please be aware that the process for using the squid account during lunch times is exactly the same for children using
free school meals or paying for school meals.
Pupils Eligible for Pupil Premium Funding
Letters have been recently been sent out to all parents / carers of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding.
The forms contain information as to individualised entitlements. Please ensure this form is returned. If you have
not received this letter please contact the office or Miss Sylvester (Progress Leader - Pupil Premium) directly on
[email protected].
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
Henlow Academy Clubs - Summer Term 2016
Breakfast Club
From 8am
Breakfast Club
From 8am
Breakfast Club
From 8am
Breakfast Club
From 8am
Breakfast Club
From 8am
Access Club
ICT Room
12:25 - 12:50pm
Art Club
Art Room
12:55 - 1:20pm
Access Club
ICT Room
12:25 - 12:50pm
Access Club
ICT Room
12:55 - 1:20pm
KS3 Basketball
12:25 - 12:55pm
KS3 Basketball
12:25 - 2:55pm
Brass Club
12:25 - 12:55pm
KS3 Football
12:25 - 12:55pm
Chess Club
Room 8
12:25 - 12:55pm
Boys Vocal Group
Music Room
12:25 - 12:55pm
Debating Club
12:45 - 1:15pm
KS2 Dance Club
12:25 - 12:55pm
History Club
All Years
12:25 - 12:55pm
KS3 Crest Club
Lab 1
12:25 - 12:55pm
Cross Country
12:25 - 12:55pm
History Club
All Years
12:25 - 12:55pm
Guitar Club
12:25 - 1:20pm
KS2 Indoor Athletics
Gym (After Half Term)
12:25 - 12:55pm
KS3 Dance
12:55 - 1:20pm
Gardening Club
Science Lab
12:25 - 12:55pm
Mad Scientists
12:25 - 12:55pm
Gym Club
12:25 - 12:55pm
Recorder Club
12:25 - 12:55pm
KS3 Indoor Athletics
(After Half Term)
12:25 - 12:55pm
Year 6 Imagination Art
12:25 - 12:55pm
KS3 Netball
12:25 - 12:55pm
Reading Club
LS Room
12:25 - 12:55pm
& Card Club
12:45 - 1:15pm
KS2 Netball
12:25 - 12:55pm
Story Telling
12:55 - 1:20pm
KS2 Rugby
12:25 - 12:55pm
Rubik Cube Club
12:45 - 1:15pm
KS3 Social Enterprise
12:25 - 12:55pm
Young Voices
12:25 - 12:55pm
School Council
12:25 - 12:55pm
12:25 - 12:55pm
Year 8 Subbuteo
12:25 - 12:55pm
Young Voices
12:25 - 12:55pm
Girls Football
3:45 - 4:45pm
Archery (All Years)
3:45 - 5:00pm
Construction Club
3:45 - 5:00pm
Archery (All Years)
3:45 - 5:00pm
Girls Cricket
3:45 - 4:45pm
Girls Football
3:45 - 4:45pm
Competition Gym
(Invitation Only)
3:45 - 5:00pm
Gardening Club
Lab 1
3:45 - 4:30pm
KS3 Drama
3:45 - 5:00pm
KS3 Drama
(After Half Term)
3:45 - 4:45pm
Homework Club
3:45 - 4:45pm
KS2 Netball
3:45 - 4:45pm
Homework Club
3:45 - 4:45pm
KS3 Social Enterprise
3:45 - 5:00pm
KS3 Rugby
3:45 - 4:45pm
KS3 Netball
3:45 - 4:45pm
Staff Circuits
3:45 - 5:00pm
Music Room
3:45 - 4:20pm
Running Club
(Parental Permission
3:45 - 4:45pm
If you ever change your contact details, please fill in this form and return to the office
Child’s Name:
Home Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
We will be 40 years old!
This summer we will be celebrating our 40th birthday. Henlow VC Middle School opened in 1976
and we need your help to celebrate.
One of our projects is to make a display of past and present pupils - hopefully one from each of
the 40 years we have been open. We would like to hear about your achievements in life and see
what you looked like when you were at school. We also want to find the family who has had the
most number of close relatives attend our school. Or maybe you have a memory of a particular
event that you would like to share with us.
If you would like to take part, please send us the following information.
(Email is preferred; the contact details are at the bottom of the page.)
Your name now (and if it was different when at Henlow)
The dates you attended Henlow Middle/Academy
A photo of yourself when at Henlow Middle/Academy
A photo of yourself now
Brief details of your achievements since you left Henlow
Your contact details
If you think you have lots of close relatives that attended the school in the 40 years, please
let us have a list of the names, including maiden names and relationship to you and dates of
attendance. We already know of a family with 15 close relatives linked to the school, the first of
which started in 1976 and the 15th is in school at the moment.
If you have any memorable moments,
please let us have your name, contact details and memories!
[email protected]
40th Birthday
Henlow CE Academy
Church Road
SG16 6AN
Henlow Academy Newsletter | Issue 19
40 TH
Henlow CE Academy
In 2016 our School will celebrate its 40th Anniversary. We would like past and present pupils, staff,
parents and governors to join us in celebrating this special occasion. A number of activities and
events are being organised, which include:
‘Alice in Henlow Land’
‘The Story of Henlow’s Schools’
(slideshow and talk)
Special Assembly with the Bishop
of St Albans; Picnic Lunch; Village
Parade; Whole School Photograph
(1.00pm – 4.00pm) an invitation to
pupils, parents, staff and governors,
both past and present to visit and view
the School as it is now in 2016 (there
will be displays of photographs and
school memorabilia)
(7.00pm – 11.30pm) with a large
marquee, live band, licensed bar
and food (ticket price tbc)
There will also be an opportunity to purchase a copy of ‘Celebrating 40 Years’, a book telling the history of Henlow
Middle School, written by former Headteacher, Ray Payne. All proceeds will go towards School Funds.
Further information will be available on the School Website and from the Main Office in 2016.