Roosters Tale November 2013


Roosters Tale November 2013
Bidwell Branch 110
State President
Region One Dir.
Richard Dettmer
Bob Roberts (Chico Br. 84)
Jim Kirks
Big Sir
Bill Jemison
Little Sir
Craig Lindquist
Assistant Secretaries
Assistant Treasurers
Dale Wilcox 895-9553
Ken Edson (HLM) 342-1251
Ed Matzdorff
Ted Raleigh 879-0751
Lacy Stalnaker 891-5683
Branch # 63 Big Sir – Gene Clements – 345-7236
Jack Feder
Ron Haney
Bill Cohea
Joe DiFalco
Dave Barnum
Michael Kobelt
Area 12 Gov.
Branch # 84 Big Sir – Delbert Siemsen – 345-4527
Volume XX, No. 11
A Nonprofit Organization for Retired Men
Promoting the Independence
and Dignity of Retirement
November 3, 2013
The next regular meeting of the Bidwell Branch 110, Sons In Retirement, will
be Monday, November 18th at Manzanita Place. The Executive Committee
meeting will begin at 9:30 AM, followed by the branch luncheon meeting at
11:30 AM.
Attendance Chairman
Norm Stump
Audit Committee
If you are an active member and unable to attend the luncheon meeting, you must call
Bob Ponath
Bob Burtman
Norm Stump (893-0767) no later than 1:00 PM on Thursday, November 14th.
Please give Norm your badge number and name. Your call helps us establish an
Robin Thompson
Ed Matzdorff
accurate count for lunch, as the Branch pays for the lunch if you don’t let us
know you can’t make it. You may also notify Norm by E-mail at
Ray Rolls
[email protected].
Gene Parker
Ken Jensen
Ken Edson (HLM)
Chaplain & Sunshine
November Luncheon Program
Dick Bergman
Otto Behunin, Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel
Fergie Ferguson
many different areas he was involved in during his 24
Ron Haney
years of service, which included: Vietnam, Thailand, Air War College, Space
Food Service Coordinator
Ken Jensen
and Missile Systems Los Angeles AFS.
Darrell Hands
Cap Porterfield
Rich Pascoe
Big Sir Message for November
Michael Kobelt
Thanks to all SIR veterans for your dedication and loyal
Don Lapedes
House Manager
KR Robertson
Larry Hildenbrand
Rocco Iannone
On the 11 th of November we cel ebrate Nati onal Veterans Day.
We honor all American veterans to let them know how deeply
Bill Bebensee
Maître D’
we appreciate the sacrifices they made to k eep our country free.
James Braziel
Joe Ellingson
Chuck Fullmer
In 1918, Armi stice Day was establ ished recognizing the end of
Keith Johnson
Leonard Whitegon
hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany. The name
Membership Committee
was officially changed in 1954 wh en President Eisenhower
Don Levensaler
Robin George
proclaimed November 11 th as Veteran s Day, an d called upon
Membership Roster
Americans everywhere to rededi cate themselves to the cause of
Ken Edson (HLM)
New Member Orientation
Craig Lindquist
Nominating Committee
Craig Lindquist
At the November S IR luncheon, Branch 110 will celebrate Veteran s Day. We
Joe Silbernagel
will have a special flag ceremon y, sing patriotic songs, and remember th e service
Dave Miller
Larry Hildenbrand
of our veterans. We exten d our thanks to all members of the Army, Mari ne
Ken Edson (HLM)
Corps, Navy, Ai r Force, and Coast Gu ard. Thank you all for your dedication and
Gene Parker
Piano Virtuoso
loyal service!
Robin Nichols
Joe Navarro
Your Big Sir, Bill Jemison
Bob Weckerle
Program Committee
Frank Pangburn
Leonard Whitegon
Mel McLaughlin
Roger Calloway
Jere Guernsey
Salad Bar, Pork Spareribs, Au Gratin Potatoes,
Roosters Cage
Fresh Vegetable Medley, Fresh Rolls and Apple Pie
Joe Silbernagel
Don Phillips
Dave Miller
Supper Club
Wood Working
Song Leaders
Clif Gates
Bill Gebhardt
Tom Marks
Ken Jensen
Craig Lindquist
Cec Nielsen
Joe DiFalco
Web Master
Special Events
Keith Johnson
Carl Waters
Joe DiFalco
Lacy Stalnaker
Dave Barnum
Don Phillips
Jerry Hightower
New E-mail? Want The Roosters Tale via E-mail?
Send an E-mail message to Ken Edson at [email protected].
Volume XX, No. 11 – Page 2
November 3, 2013
SIR Happenings: The Summer 2013 i ssue of SIR Happenings 219 (two one nine) is now available for
downloading from the SIR website:
Opportunities to serve: Branch 110 is still looking for a Little Sir for 2014. If you would like to
volunteer, or if you know someone who will make a great Li ttle Sir, please contact Craig Lindquist.
This is a wonderful opportunity to become i nvolved in your branch administration, and to make a
contribution to the continued success of the branch.
We are also looking for an assistant travel chairman to assist Tom Marks. 2014 wi ll be Tom’s last
year as travel chairman, and he is willing to provide training and assistance for his successor
throughout 2014. If you would like to fill this very important position, please contact Tom Mark s or
Craig Lindquist.
Jim Braziel, the 2014 Program Commi ttee chairman, needs at least two more members on his
committee. Jim wants to concentrate on educational programs, an d entertaining programs, an d would
appreciate having new and diverse ideas presented for new programs. If you have ideas to share,
please contact Jim.
If your birthday is in November – Come to the November 18th SIR luncheon meeting ready to be treated. We
will designate special tables for the Birthday Boys. Please sit at a Birthday table. We will have an additional
treat for you on your birthday. Birthdays will be noted on your SIR name badges. If you see a Birthday Boy at
the meeting, give him a warm birthday greeting!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Mike Musgrave
Dave Barnum
Nov 02
Nov 04
Tom Marks
Ken Lawson
Nov 07
Nov 13
Bill Messick
Neil Schwertman
Nov 17
Nov 17
Dick Roach
Nov 06
Wayne Chapman
Nov 17
Paul Matthews
Nov 22
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Bill Stewart
Nov 25
Happy Birthday
From the Bridge Chair
We need more players to keep this activity viable! If you enjoy playing Bridge, please
join us and share the fun! We meet at 2750 S ierra Sunrise Terrace, Ch ico (AKA The
Lodge) every Thursday starting at 12:30 PM ( come early and play a few “fun” hands).
We play “Chicago” Bridge, playing four hands and the winners move on to the next
table and change partners. We are a very i nformal group. Come an d join us. Call
Robin Thompson (343-2953) for information and directions.
“Mexican Train” Dominoes
On October 10 th we had 14 people for lunch, and 11 players for
Dominoes at three tables. The winners for the day were: Verda Lee,
Maggie Navarro and Marilyn Gebhardt.
We meet at th e Red Lobster f or lunch ($15.00) and Dominoes on the
second Thursday of each month from 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Lu nch is
served at 12:00 n oon, and the games start as soon as we finish lunch.
Soft drinks and coffee are served al l afternoon at no extra charge.
We always welcome new players and would like to have more people join us to share the
fun. For information about Dominoes, please call “Fergie” Ferguson (342-6459) or Ron Haney (8948393).
Volume XX, No. 11 – Page 3
November 3, 2013
Golf News for November
CORRECTION: The second November tournament will be on November 25th.
December tournaments will be on the 2nd and the 9th at Bidwell starting at 9:00 AM.
Results of October Tournaments
October 7, 2013
A Flight
Dave Barnum
Chuck Hodel
Craig Fellner
Closest to Pin #4:
Tournament at Bidwell Golf Course.
B Flight
C Flight
68 Jim Braziel
65 Paul Brossoit
69 Don Cummings
65 Gene Parker
69 Leo Guillotte
68 Gene Rideout
Loy Watkins
68 Jake Dahl
Max Hahne
70 Bill Stewart
Cap Porterfield
Lloyd Vogel
Ray Spangler
D Flight
64 Ken Piercy
67 Stan Haley
1st – Craig Fellner, 2nd – Ray Navarro, 3rd – Paul Brossoit, 4th – Ken Jensen
October 21, 2013 “SHAMBLE” Tournament at Bidwell
Players picked best drive of group, played their own ball in from there to hole. Scores were 2 low net scores
using NCGA handicaps. 62 Sirs participated.
1 Place Team
2nd Place Team
3rd Place Team (Tie)
Jim Braziel
Frank Blizman
Les Perkins
Chuck Fullmer
Scott Donahoo
Skip Reager
Ken Piercy
Gary Pederson
Jack Schmidtke
Gene Rideout
Alan Stephenson
Hal Thommen
Total ….. 103
Total ….. 106
Total ….. 108
3rd Place Team (Tie) Net
Jim Beeghly
Dave Harris
Rich Nussbaum
Benny Sommer
Total ….. 108
Closest to Pin #4:
4th Place Team
Dave Cato
Jack Dahl
George Pashales
Loy Watkins
Total …..
1st – Dave Cato, 2nd – Ken Piercy, 3rd – Gene Brossoit, 4th – Lloyd Lee
and 5th – Ray Navarro
Hiking Group
On Thursday, October 17th, seven Sirs and one
guest enjoyed a hike in Bidwell Park. Pictured,
from left to right are Bill Jemison (110), Jim
Hertl (84), Vic Stockbridge (84), Mike Lazzaretto
(84), Rich Feierstein (110), guest Ken Gall and
Michael Kobelt (110). Not pictured is the
photographer, Rich Fish (84).
The November Hike will be on Tuesday, November 19th. We will
meet at 10:00 AM at the parking area by the Sycamore baseball field
in Lower Bidwell Park. This will be a leisurely walk to see the fall
colors in downtown Chico. Spouses and /or special others are invited
to this walk. We will go along 4th Street, left on Wall Street, right on
7 Street, to Broadway. We will stop for coffee at Tin Roof Bakery, or ice cream at Shuberts. We will then
continue on 7th Street, right on Salem Street, past the Stansbury House, left on First Street into the Chico State
Campus. Then take Memorial Way back to the park, cross Vallombrosa and the creek, then take the tunnel
under Mangrove back to the parking area.
The December hike will be in Upper Bidwell Park. We will explore the North Rim Trail. This is a "higher
impact" hike, so wear good hiking boots or shoes. Bring a walking stick(s) as we will be on uneven ground, with
an extended climb at the onset. Also, bring water, snacks, camera, binoculars and, of course, that prospective
member. Great views of Chico Creek and the canyon are in store on this 3 to 4 mile hike. We will meet at the
"Easter Cross" (Parking Lot "B") off of Upper Park Road, Tuesday December 17th at 9:00 A.M PST. (DST ends,
so later start.) Rain cancels.
Call me, Jim Hertl, (H) 897-0402, (C) 521-9967 or E-mail me at [email protected] if you have any
questions or plan to attend either of these events. Hope to see you there.
Volume XX, No. 11 – Page 4
November 3, 2013
Membership Report
We received three new applications in October from Turhon Murad and Bob
Browning sponsored by Jim Braziel, and Jerry Michaud sponsored by Joe DiFalco.
We look forward to these gentlemen joining our ranks.
Our current membership is now 240.
Keep thinking about friends, neighbors, or former workmates who might be
interested in SIR. Invite them to a meeting so they can see what SIR is all
about. Membership applications are always available at the membership table at the meeting or
you can call Don Levensaler at 891-1045 to get one via the postal service. Watch for the badge
number hidden in this Roosters Tale. If it is yours, you spot it … and make it known at the meeting
… your lunch will be free!
Non-Responsibility Notice: All activities arranged for or by Sons in Retirement, Incorporated and its
branches are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and their guests who desire to participate. Sons in
Retirement, Incorporated and its branches do not assume any responsibility for the well-being or safety of the
participants or their property in any matters pertaining to said activities.
SIR Chico Pinochle
On October 23rd we had 13 people for lunch and 11 players for pinochle. The winners of the
games were:
1st – Jane McDonald and Sharron Mathens TIED! A first!, 2nd – Verda Lee. Good food,
and some had good cards!
Holiday time is approaching and date changes need to be posted. The November fun will
be same time, same place, but on the 20th and December will be changed to the 18th.
Please mark your calendar. See you all then.
Except during the holidays, we meet at the Red Lobster for lunch ($15.00) and cards on the 4th Wednesday of
each month from 11:30 AM until about 4:00 PM. We would like people to come and join the group. Please
contact Joe Navarro (343-0832) if you would like to join in. If you are a regular and you can't be there ... give
Joe a call and let him know.
The Art of Piscatology
Pictured are Sirs Robin Thompson and Chuck Fullmer with a nice
catch on Eagle Lake.
Our members have fished several lakes this fall, and did very well.
Antelope Lake, Davis Lake and Bucks Lake all produced fish. We
will soon be planning next year’s adventures.
The group will continue meeting for breakfast to discuss potential
future fishing trips. If you like to fish join us for breakfast on the
3rd Thursday of each month at 7:45 A.M. at Country Waffles
Restaurant (corner of Cohasset Road and Rio Lindo Avenue).
Contact Bob Weckerle (891-6991) for more information.
Special Events –
“The most wonderful time of the year” is upon us and the SPECIAL
EVENTS COMMITTEE is excited to host our annual SIR 110
CHRISTMAS DINNER. We cordi ally invite you to join us for an evening
filled with holiday spirit including piano music by Mr. John Trenalone at
the keyboard an d a gourmet festive holiday dinner prepared by th e talented
Culinary Institute of America Executive Chef David Gomez at ROOTS
Wednesday, DECEMBER 11th
Social Time: 5:00 PM – Dinner Served: 6:00 PM
ENTRÉE CHOICES (indicate your choice of entrée(s) at the sign-up table)
Volume XX, No. 11 – Page 5
November 3, 2013
Special Events (Continued)
All Entrées served with Brown Rice or Mashed Potatoes and Honey Wheat Roll
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: B.Y.O. (Beer or Wine of your choice. Corkage Fee Waived)
COST PER PERSON: $28.00 (includes tax and tip)
Make your reservation now by calling DAVE BARNUM at 342-7832 or at our next regular SIR Luncheon
meeting on Monday, November 18th. Reservations after November18th should be made to Joe DiFalco at 8932171. (Instructions for payment will be addressed at that time.) The deadline for sign-ups is December 4th. If
you have questions, please call: Bill Jemison (345-8686) or Joe DiFalco (893-2171).
Sunshine Committee
Bob Scott is in the hospital recovering from a fall.
Branch 110 members wish him a speedy recovery.
The chaplain and head of the Sunshine Committee is Dick Bergman. He would appreciate being
informed about members who are hospitalized or ill. Please call Dick (342-5722) or send E-mail to
[email protected].
Supper Club – Holiday Cheers
The Supper Club will not be hosting a dinner in December, and the Supper Club Committee encourages
everyone to join them at the Christmas Dinner being hosted by the Special Events Committee, as described
above. The Supper Club will host a dinner in January, and information will be included in the December issue
of The Roosters Tale.
If you have any questions about the Supper Club, please call Clif Gates (345-3040), Jim Kirks (342-2179), Joe
DiFalco (893-2171) or Ed Ames (942-2995).
Travel to Parts Known and Unknown
Notice: Trip reservations are not confirmed until payment is received by the trip coordinator listed
for a particular trip.
October 18 – 25, 2014 (Dates Changed)
San Francisco cruise to Ensenada, San Diego, Long Beach, Catalina
(optional) and Santa Barbara. Includes round trip transportation to and
from San Francisco, all fees, port charges, transfer and stevedore tips. Cost is
$1,178 to $1,827 PPDO. Send to Tom Marks (342-1441).
Other Branch Travel
February 23 – 26, 2014
Branch 63 – Palm Springs – Four outstanding performances, USO SHOW OF BOB
FOLLIES. Home pick up, round trip air transportation, three nights at the Comfort Inn,
three breakfasts and two dinners, all taxes and tips. Price is $1,235 PPDO. Call Don
Foster (566-1218) for more information.
Ray Rolls, Editor
975 East Avenue PMB 179
Chico, CA 95926-1308
Volume XX, No. 11 – Page 6
November 3, 2013
Wood Working Group: We met twice in October. Roger Calloway made progress on the butcher blocks he’s making.
Bill Jemison worked on a push stick for the woodworking group. Craig Lindquist made progress on the two oak mantle
clocks with some help from Michael Kobelt and Bill Gebhardt. One will be donated to our SIR Branch 110 to celebrate its
30th anniversary, and will be given away in a drawing. Materials for the clock were paid for with funds the group earned
from the plaque project for CSU, Chico.
At the left is
Roger doing
some finishing
carving on a
butcher block.
At the right is the
Wood Tip
Wood Tip: Here’s a way to use your bevel-gauge to check if your table saw blade is parallel to the miter slot. Take the
blade out of the bevel gauge and the washer off the bottom of the saw’s miter-gauge bar, and mount the blade to the bar, as
shown in the drawing above. Raise the table saw blade fully and set the bevel-gauge blade so that its point is touching one
saw tooth near the back of the slot. Then rotate the saw blade by hand so that the same tooth is near the front of the slot.
By sliding the bar/bevel blade assembly forward to that tooth, you can quickly see how much you need to adjust the blade
to make it parallel.
Visit the Group: We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. For more information
call Bill Gebhardt at 879-0429 or Craig Lindquist at 898-8483.
Editor’s Note: The deadline for submittal of information to be included in the December issue of The
Roosters Tale is Friday, November 29, 2013 (the day after Thanksgiving).
SIR Branch No. 110 Web Site:
Bidwell Branch No. 110 History
Past Big Sirs
Bob Johnson 1983-84 (Deceased)
Leonard Lloyd 1985
Fred Hotes 1986 (HLM, PAG, PRD, Deceased)
Fred Whipple 1987 (Deceased)
Lloyd Jones 1988 (PAG, PRD, Deceased)
Cal Sanders 1989 (Deceased)
Bill Geha 1990 (Deceased)
Don Cloud 1991
Gene Parker 1992 (PAG, PRD)
Larry Keown 1993 (Deceased)
Guy Besnard 1994 (Sr HLM) (Deceased)
Ben Laplante 1995
Bob Coy 1996 (Deceased)
Jack Lutz 1997 (HLM)
Fred Reith 1998 (Deceased)
Honorary Life Members
Tony Fasolino 1999
Stew McLay 2000
Bob Purvis 2001
Ken Edson 2002 (HLM, PAG, PRD)
Robert Ponath 2003
Dave Bisson 2004 (Deceased)
Ken Jensen 2005
Pete Lashmett 2006 (Deceased)
Bill Bebensee 2007
Jim Kirks 2008
Carl Waters 2009
Don Wilson 2010 (Deceased)
Skip Reager 2011
Mel McLaughlin 2012
1994 Reg Thom (Deceased)
1994 Fred Hotes (Deceased)
1995 Bob Bruner (Deceased)
1996 Charlie Howard (Deceased)
1997 Ellworth Faris (Deceased)
2001 Guy Besnard (Deceased)
2003 Mac Martin (Deceased)
2005 Jack Lutz
2005 Bob Scott
2009 Ken Edson
2009 Len Whitegon