SdtMt 20 II ON`I,iliUO St~DOIJlllS


SdtMt 20 II ON`I,iliUO St~DOIJlllS
Thursday, December 29, 2011 • Chronicle
SdtMt 20 II ON'I,iliUO St~DOIJlllS
Parents: Craig & Leslie
Attending Fanshawe Coli.
Program: Police Foun.
J essica Alcock
Parents: Tanya & Michael
Returned to WESS
Taylor Cundy
Nicole Collard
West Lome
Parents: Jon & Heather
Parents: Starr & Stephen
Parents: Greg & laurie
. Danis
Attending Wilfred Laurier At1ending St Jerome's Univ.
Program: Honour Arts
Returned to WESS
Program: Bach. of Music
Elorab Fangrad
Parents: John & Coleeo
Plans to attend Georgian
College 2012
Program: Grarphic
Kade Feere
Parents: Tim & Denise
Attending Lambton
Program: Massage
Rae Hale
West Lome
Parents: Ronna Hogland &
Ralph Hale
Attending Univ. of Guelph
Program: Applied Human
Mitch Kuska
West Lome
Pareuls: Linda & Robelt
Ryan Leys
West Lome
Parents: Sandra & Chris
Shawna MacDonald
Parents; Paul & Kim
Attending UWO Kings
Program: French
Hilary Heyboer
Ryan Ireland
Alejandro Hennings·
Parents: Ron & Luanne
Parents: Wayne & Kelly
Parenis: Dennis & Loaaine Heyboer
Attending Post Secondary Attending Univ. of Guelph
Attending Univ of Guelph· for2012
Program: Computer
Program: Horticulture
Robert Johnston
Parents: John & Ouistine
Attending Ryerson
Program: Civil
J asmine Prince
Parents: Charlotte Prince &
Paige Reno
West Lome
Parents: Diane Reno
Attending Univ. of Ottawa
Program: International
Development and
Andrea Roodzant
Parents: Ed & Patti
Roodzant and Karen
April Stallon
Ch loe Steele
Parents: Joe & Lisa Steele
Attending UWO, King's
Program: Criminology
Alex Nolan
Parents: Patrick &
Catherine Nolan
Attending Fanshawe
Program: Business
Micelle Simoes
West Lome
Parents: Maria & Alelino
Attending Fanshawe CoiL
Program: Nursing
Jason Curtis
Plans to attend Ryerson
Univ. 2012
Program: Fashion Design
Caitlin Simpson
Parents: Brian & Nancy
Attending University of
Program: Mathematics
Attending Brock
Program: Concurrent Ed.,
Child & Youth Studies
Kasey Kosikar
Parents: Roman & Kim
Attending Queens
Program: B.A. Law
Tyler Ross
Parents: Ron & Barl> Ross
Attending Georgian
Veraart & Bob Miller
Attending f1eming College Program: Civil
Program: Massage
Engineering Technology
Laura Szusz
Parents: Marlc & Brenda
Attending Georgian
Program: Int Design/
Attending Univ of Guelph
Program: Mechanical
Eng. Co-op Program
Returned lo WBSS
Thomas Rowe
lona Station
Parens: David & linda Rowe
Attending Sir Wilfred
Program: Honours
Kelsey Shaw
Pa1ns: Kyle & BelirdlRoyer Parents: Geoff Shaw; Anita
Attending UWQ.King's
& Gord Deeley
Plans to attend St. Clair
Program: Social Sciences College 2012
Program: Child & Youth
Parents: Jeny & Lise
Attending Fan.shawe
Program: Pre Health
Mau.r ltz VanZyl
Parents: Darlene &
Ferdinand VanZyl
Attending UWO
Program: Science,
Kassandra Royer
Iona Station
Emily Varga
Parents: Dana Varga;
Dan Varga
Attending Ryerson Univ.
Program: Bachelor
Science Nursing
Jesse Cllocllaert The Chronicle
WESS Hockey season starts
Wildcats lose to Central Elgin
Wildcat #45 Aaron Kuska, right, tries to run the football past the
opposing team during the game Nov. 3 between West BQin Secondary
School and Central Elgin. Central Elgin won 29-0.
The West Elgin Secondary School Boys hockey team had
their first game of the season Nov. 24 at home against
Parkside C.l. The WESS team's only goal of the game was
scored by Alex Kirschner, on an assist from Ryan Frizzell
and David Vergeer. Parkside won 4-1 . The WESS Boys next
home game will be Dec. 6 against Glencoe District High
WESS students sharpen their skills with dedicated hockey class
Jesse Cnockaert
The Chronicle
:November 24 1.0111
Those who love hockey, love it a lot
This is the first year West Elgin Secondary School has offered a dedicated
hockey class, which started in September. While an ordinary Phys Ed class
covers many different sports, this specialty class for Gr. 12 students is just
hockey, hockey, and more hockey.
WESS students are out on the ice at
the West Elgin Arena three times a week,
where they practice skating, puck handling and other hockey skills. In school
the students learn about the history of
hockey, great players and great teams.
There's also a health and nutrition
component, so students learn about
proper diets and workout programs.
"The kids all love it; said Rob Tait,
WESS coach and instructor. "You have
to make school attractive to kids for
them to be interested. It's a great
learning tool for them."
Tait said he'd been encouraging the
school to adopt this specialty hockey
course for about the last two years.
Finally, WESS decided to give it a try.
"Skating is the biggest thing that
improves," said Tait. "When they're on
the ice all the time, obviously they're
going to improve a lot"
Grade 12 student Nolan Collard plays
hockey as a goalie for b'o th the high )
school hockey team and West Lorne
minor hockey. None the less, he joined
the hockey class to keep his hockey
skills sharp.
"It's a great thing in a small community. We all play hockey," said Collard.
"It's a great chance to do better:•
The WESS hockey class welcomes
students of all skill levels, from players
just learning how to skate, to the future
OHL draftees.
Grade 12 student Madison Redman
says that her puck shooting and left
footed stops have both improved since
she took this class.
"The beauty of this course is you have
so many skill levels," said Redman.
student Jess
Small does
some puck
handling during
hockey class
at the West
Elgin Arena.
This is the first
year WESS
has offered
a specialty
hockey class for
Gr. 12 students.
..... ~ The Ctronicle
West Bgln Senior Boys Volleyball
team swept Par1<side with decisive
wins Nov. 3. West Elgin's strong
striking and solid defense shut
down Par1<slde 25-1 0, 25-5 and 2518. These wins advance the West
Elgin Senior Boys volleyball team
further Into the playoffs.
Jr. Girls win
against Glencoe
WESS Jr. Gir1s basketball team player M
SloetJes (1.) runs around an Arthur~
Viking during a home game Oct 25 The
WESS Jr. Gil1s won 32-12 with Courtney
Simpson leading the scorers with 8 points.
The Final league game was Oct 31 at
~ and the WESS girts won over Glencoe
DtstJ:ict H.S. 32-16 with Jocius and Simpson
lead1ng with seven points each.
...... c.c..rt The Olralicle
Sr. Girls beat Vikings
The WESS senior girls basketball team
finished the regular season games with a win
over Arthur Voaden on Oct 25 with a final
SCOO: of 30-~. leadinq scorer was MJ Miller
(L) ~ 10 points. Botl1 the senior and junior '
girls Will be heading to WOSSAA.
-West Elgin Secondary School Wildcat sports
Cheryl Pllkey
The Chronicle
This is the first year in inany that the
Wildcat basketball teams have represented the South Division at WOSSAA!
WESS Senior boys vOlleyball team beat
Junior girls baske tball saw a loss to
the East·Elgin Eagles in the quarter final Parkside Nov. 4 in playoff play. Parkside
match Nov. 8 after blanking Parkside Nov. C.l. won 36-9. The Junior girls are now
3 3-0 in the preliminary round. They were preparing for WOSSAA today.
off to WoodstockCJ. Nov.lOforthesemiThe senior Wildcats finished playoffs
finals, where they lost three games to two. Nov. 4 with a loss to Central Elgin. They
will also be traveling to North Middlesex
today for WOSSAA. Go WllDCATS Go!!
Wildcat football season came to a
close with a loss to Central Elgin Novem-
Coming Soon!!! Girls HOCKEY, Girls
season s all begin soon! League games
start as early as November 29th.
Chronicle • Thursday, December 1, 2011
WESS Jr. girls win WOSSAA
Bronze I
The juniors lost their first game at WOSSAA in
a very tight battle 28 - 21 to North Middlesex.
The juniors then won their second game to earn
WOSSAA bronze by beati!lg Mitchell 30 -20. This
is the first medal at WOSSAA for The WESS girts
basketball teams in over 10 years.
Front row (l-R): Mallori Sloetjes, Emily Miller,
Courtney Simpson, Mikayta Pelcz, Lydia Jocius
(manager). Top row (l-R): Shelby Sloetjes,
Kassi Mems, Emily Jocius, Jessica Feere, Alex
Ojankovlc, Peter Jocius (coach), Danny Kajan
(assistant coach).
· The WESS Senior Boys volleyball team competed .against the London Christian
Pioneers Nov. 17. The boys won the first game 25-20 and the second game 25-20.
Game three was close, but they won 26-24. West Bgin got the first point In all three
games. The WESS senior boys have returned home with WOSSAA Goktl Top Row
(l-R): Mr. Welch, Dylan Clar1<, Julian Kovacs, Michael Lewinsky, Aldan Roos, Matt
Hooghiem and Tyler Hull. Bottom row (l-R): Jason Ambrose, Rob Roos, and Ryan
The Senior boys went on to OFSAA. Anishing second after round robin play, the
Wildcats lost a close match with Quinte Christian in the quarter finals. Qulnte
Christian went on to capture the gold medal.
On Nov. 16, WESS students wore black
"upstander" t-shirts to show their support
for Anti-Bullying Week, Nov. 14-18.
Students also wore pink, in support of
The Sea of Pink, another anti-bullying
campaign. Students are encouraged
to not be "bystanders", but to instead
be "upstanders", and take a proactive
approach to stop bullying.
Froio the Principal's Pen
Richard Plncombe
WESS Principal
, December 1, 2011
We have friends who leave for Florida everywinter.Theydon't
like the snow and the ice or temperature so they leave. I like the
change of seasons as we move into more home time with our
families, tobogganing, skating, hot chocolate, crisp walks in the
cold watching your breath as you move. I can't say I look forward to shoveling the driveway for the 8th time but I look forward to winter nonetheless.
Learning at West Elgin Secondary School happens inside the
classroom as well as in the hallways and everywhere else. I have
had the pleasure of talking with a number ofstudents who want.
to make a difference to other kids and who have taken a pledge
to end bullying in and around our school. We now have the
~pstander program, which asks kids to stand up and actively
mtervene when they see bullying in our classrooms, hallways
and in downtown West Lome. I am proud of these students who
genuinely want to make the world that is West Elgin a better
place for everyone.
At West FJgin, every student will improve their ability to read,
write, speak. and listen. Every Wednesday, all of our Grade 10
students write a practice piece for the literacy test On Thursdays, our staffgives their own time to mark the pieces, add specific feedback for improvement, and hand the pieces back to the
classroom teacher. The students are then expected to correct
their work. This is all part of a plan from last year that the staff
created and·implemented which led to an 11% rise in the success rate for our students on the Ontario Secondary SchoolliteracyTest 'Ihisyem; Ms. CampbeU, Ms. Thibert, andMs.McLagan are spearheading the campaign and have added 15 minutes I
of free reading time at the beginning of every day in
NovembeJ: Bravo.
Learning also requires that we look after the basic needs of
our s tudents. We have a breakfast program that runs every
morning, every school day, for every student 1f any conununity
.members are interested in donating foodstuffs or money to our
program, please feel free. As weU, if anyon e has library books
from West Elgin that you would like to send back to their home,
feel free to drop them off at our main office.
There are so many events happening that it is hard to
pick. Our art class will be painting windows downtown in West
Lome on Nov. 17. The music program just finished hosting a
~up from Iitherland High School in liverpool, England Our
girls~ teams are h~ding to WOSSA. Congratulations
to all the girls and to Mr. KaJan and MJ: Jocius. Great job. The
football team bad a great year and thanks to all the coaches as
well: MJ: Hessel, Mr. Bums, MJ: Burke, and MI: Wilkinson. The
Boys VoUeyball teams have had great seasons and we thank MI:
VanDyk and Mr. Welch. We wish the boys our best wishes as
they head to Manitoulin Island for OFSAA. The Christinas
Canned Food drive is being planned, so look for students at your
door on Wednesday, Dec. 14. Thank-you for your donations.
As I have said so many times, West Elgin is a great school and
we have a ~at co~unity. It is the year of the 60th anniversary
and look for informaoon coming out regarding the event taking
place May 18, 2012. Tell your friends and join the celebration.
to assist with orga·
nizing the 60th
Reunion of WESS to
be held May 1~-19.
2012. For more 1nfor·
matlon contact: Joan
Miller 519-785·0917
e m a I I :
or Laurie Sura,
lauriesura 0
Next meeting Dec. 3,
1pm at Tasty Sweets
Cafe. West Lome
West Elgin Senior
targeted with
Six schools are targeted for closing by
administrators at the Thames Valley
District school board - including West
Elgin Senior Elementary School in West
In the annual Pupil Acconunodation
Report, Administration proposed the
cl~sure of West Elgin Senior Elementary
School (WESES), as well as two Tillsonburg schools, Maple Lane and Rolph
Street Public Schools, and three London schools, Sir George Ross Secondary School, Thames Secondary School,
and Lome Avenue PublicSchool.
Trustees received a report Nov. 29
which outlined a process to seek public
input, but there was no information
about specific closures.
Any decision to shut down a school
will come after much more work. And
the final decision iests with trustees.
"We're getting calls from parents saying, 'When is our school closing?' They
think the decision has been made," said
Bill 'fucker, director of education.
If West Elgin Senior Elementary
closes, its 178 Grade 7s and Ss would be
sent to Aldborough and
Dunwicb-Dutton schools.
The report says that potential additions and enhancements may be necessary at Aldborough and Dunwich-Dutton Public Schools.
Jesse Cnockaert The Chronicle
Bobcat Care Day
The annual Bobcat Care Day was held at Aldborough Public School, Rodney, on Dec. 21.
Aldborough students provided items for a rummage sale, bake and craft sale. Half of the
money raised by the sale is donated to the Garing Cupboard, and the other half goes to
Sleeping Children Around the World. Members of the West Elgin Secondary School Key Club
managed the sales and money. Grade 3 student McKayla Simpson-Vangeel (left) and grade
1 student Samantha Post, are..shown here making a purchase from WESS students Alex
Kirschner and Jesse Sheather. ·
Kelsie Kiss
WESS Junior
Girls beat St.
Joseph's C.H.
The West Elgin Secondary
School Junior Girl's Volleyball
team played Dec. 15, at
home against St Joseph's
Catholic High School. The
girls played five sets,
winning the first 25-11, the
second 25-20, the third 2511, the fourth 25-12, and
losing to St. Joe's in the
last set 16-14. Pictured is
Number 1, Ashley Monden,
and Number 6, Emily Miller,
both going in for the ball.
Jesse Cnocbert The Chronicle
Wildcats hunt down Rams
On Dec. 20, the WESS Wildcats played at home against
the St. Joseph's C.H.S. Rams in South East Boys
Hockey action. WESS number 22 Malcolm McWilliam
is shown here taking a shot against the Rams goalie.
The Wildcats were up two points at the end of the
first period, with a goal scored by Justin Delgado, on
an assist by Bryan Johnston and McKenzie Dick, and
another goal scored by Ryan Frizzel. The Wildcats
strengthened their lead with another goal in the third
period, also scorect by Frtzzel. The game ended with a
Wildcat victory of 3-0. The next game for the boys will
be Jan. 11 away against East Elgin.
SUbmlttlld 111 Carrie Ostrom
-Gold and Stiver for WESES Boys! After winning the sw Elgin Regional Gold medal
in late November, the West Elgin Senior Bementary SChool Boys volleyball team capped off their season by
finishing 2nd at the Thames Valley District School Board AAA Championships on Dec. 6.
AIOHT ROW {lying down) l-R: Kellar Uvingstone and Dawson Parker. MllOlE ROW (l-R): Robert Mcleod,
Patrick Acres, Bailee Moroney, and Drake Redmond. BACK ROW (l-R): Cody Parker (Assistant Coach), Jordan
McEachren, John Dunn, Brandon Sadecky, Marcus Bujanic, Robert Carter, and Ms. Ostrom·(Coach).
Wildcats lose
to Stamp·eders
West Elgin's Rob Roos dives
for a ball Dec. 15 as the
Wildcats took on the Parkside
Stampeders in St. Thomas.
Parkside won 33-14.
S~ni9r Girls win three sets to two ·
Seruor Girt's Volleyball team played
The West 8~ Secondary School
Dec. 15. The girts played five sets, at.~~ agaenst St. ~'s-cathotic Hi!jl School on
18, as well as the
w_inning the
I~ .set With a score ot 15-13. Pictured is Courtney lamb, and N
' St Joe~ came back In the
tal<ing a dive for the ball Avery 1'1\m~~ atch
umber 4 Kristen Kovacs both
~•..,..uuno m
and a Well deserved victory!
the~~~~ng ~-and
Fitness professional from Rodney
visits WESS
Jesse Cnockaert
The Chronicle
On Jan. 18, Aric Sudicky, a fitness professional, magazine model and fitness
champion, returned to his former high
school to give students tips on proper diet
and training methods.
Sudickyis aformerWestElginSecondacy School (WFSS) student, originally from
Rodney. During his career, Sudicky has
appeared in many Canadian and International fitness magazines, co-produced and
hosted the fitness DVD uOptimum Fitness
& Nutrition" released in 2008, and last year
was named Canadian Fitness Professional
of the Year in Toronto. Sudicky currently
works as Director of Fitness and Nutrition
at Medpoint Health Care Centre in
On Jan. 18, Sudicky visited WESS
instructor Rob Tait and a class ofstudents
to explain that it's not enough to justwork
out; his knowledge ofhealthy lifestyles and
nutrition will keep him valuable as a
trainer after he's past his prime.
away from drugs, and to eat a hearty
breakfast. He explained that growing mus.cles need protein, and glucose helps to
fuel and repair muscle tissue as well
Sudicky recommended compound
exercises that work out multiple joints,
such as deadlifts, squats and lunges, as
opposed to exercises like biceps curls that
only exercise one part of your
Healthy Living
Aric Sudicky, originally from Rodney,
visited West Elgin Secondary School
on Jan. 18 to share his thoughts as a
fitness champion and trainer.
"Whateveryou need to keep
active, do it," said Sudicky. "It
comes down to Just eating
healthy and keeping moving;
"I'm always reading, training, making
myself better. It's not just the muscle;' said
Sudicky. "A lot of guys are just a six-pack.
I've worked really hard to brand myself as
more than that"
Sudicky encouraged the students to stay
letters to the editor
West Elgin Secondary School turns 60!
Dear WESS Alumni,
2012 marks the 60th. Anniversary of West Elgin Secondary
School. WESS has been, and
remains the heart of the West
Elgin community. Students,
teachers, coaches and staff have
developed memories in the classrooms and hallways, experienced
glory on the playing fields, and
made friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime.
WESS has experienced many
positive changes over the years
and now stands as a beacon of
modem learning to our current
and future students. Classrooms
with SMARTBOARDS, Data projectors, a Vrrtual Classroom,
"Clickers'; all contribute to WESS
being on the cutting edge of providing technology to our students, to aid in positive learning.
WESS continues to have many
championship sports teams,
bands, and individual student
successes. International field
trips to Europe to see history and
culture first hand are some of the
great opportunities that students
get to experience at WESS.
WESS spends over $50,000 in
annual travel costs for our extracurricular activities. The Thames
Valley District School Board is
reluctant to release money for the
expenses as a majority of the
schools in the Board are located
in urban areas. WESS needs help
in cont;inuing to offer the
extensive sports teams and extracurricular clubs to our current
and future students.
On the weekend of May 18- 19,
2012 WESS will be celebrating its
60th Anniversary. We invite you
all to this 2 day
event will consist of a Reception/
Coffee Bar and Open House at
WESSon Friday evening, along
with a Silent Auction which will
be underway both days. There
will be a Dinner/Dance on Saturday from 5pm -lam at the West
Elgin Arena. Other fun activities
are in the works!
We are asking for your help
with our event. A monetary sponsorship (cheques payable to: West
Elgin Re-union Fund) or a donation of items for our Silent Auction would go a long way with
helping these programs to con"tinue for our students of today
and for the future. We are also
looking for more volunteers to
assist with the event. For m ore
information on the re-union and
how you can help, contact Laurie
Sura, 519-785-0091 or go to the
web-site we are developing at You will find
registration information there, as
Thank you for considering our
request, and we look forward to
seeing you .there!
-West Bgin Secondary School
60th Anniversary Committee
Fri ay & Satur ay May 18 & 19, 2012
Friday, May 18th 7PM - 10PM - Open House at WESS
Saturday, May 19th 5PM-1AM Dinner/Donee at West Lorne Arena
'lent A dian Fund-raiser with proceeds to Sports & Arts/Music at WESS
Only $30 per person for the weekend!
Space is limited for the dinner/donee so register early
Silent Auction donations gratefully accepted. Please contact:
Ruleen Lilley at 519-762-3423 or [email protected]
Go to !he web-site www. for more information on how to register
or contod Laurie Sura 519·785-0091 or [email protected]
Applications are being accepted for French
Immersion for the 2012-2013 school year for
students entering Senior Kindergarten or Grade 1.
Eligibility Requirements for September 2012:
• Students entering French Immersion Senior Kindergarten must
be five years old by December 31,2012.
• Students entering Grade 1 French Immersion must be
six years old by December 31, 2012.
• When registering your child, you must produce proof
of age and address. (birth or baptismal certificate, r(!9istration of birth or
passport. copy of lease agreement or utility bill).
Registrations are now being accepted for Senior Kindergarten and
Grade 1. Contact Centennial Central P.S., Arva at S19-66Q-8193 or
Colborne St. P.S., Strathroy at 519-245-2044.
The registration deadline is February 10, 2012
Please visit for a list of French Immersion
Parent Night Information sessions by school.
Joyce Bennett
Bill Tucker
Director of Education
Monday, Jan. 23- Friday, Feb. 10,2012
ffer~We ~ ...
@if f(J ~clt(J(Jl
Thames Valley'sEarly Years Learning Program is
designed to help your child acquire the skills
necessary to begin a lifetime of successful learning.
Now is the time to find out the facts and to register
your child for September 2012.
Thames Valley elementary schools have set aside January 23 to
February 10 to familiarize you with our kindergarten program and
discuss your child's learning needs. Please call your home school to
make an appointment. Registration for admission to SK/Grade 1
French Immersion programs will also take place at this time.
Eligibility Requirements for September 2012:
• Your child must be four years old by December 31,2012
for Junior Kindergarten enrolment.
• Your child must be five years old by December 31, 2012
for Senior Kindergarten enrolment.
• When registering your child, you must produce proof
of age and address.
(birth or baptismal certificate, registration of birth or passport, copy of lease
agreement or utility bill).
Be sure to ask for a copy of ffeteWe
f" ~
Thames Valley's parent information guide that outlines the
exciting teaming experiences that your child will have at school.
([;o... @Iff
Joyce Bennett
Bill Tucker
Director of Education
WESS VS East Elgin
West Elgin Secondary School (WESS) played against East Elgin at
home Jan. 17 in South East Boys Hockey. Julian Kovacs made the
only goal for the WESS team, but by the end of the game East Elgin
Atom Game
lhe West Lome Comets, Atom Division started things off with the
first game of the OMHA playoffs Jan. 22 at the West Elgin Arena.
Comet Ryan Long (right) is shown tlylng to steal the puck from one·
·of the East Lambton Eagles. East Lambton scored in the second and
third period, ending the game with a score of 2-o.
Midget Division
Tyler Hull Oeft) of the West Lome Comets, Midget Division tries
to keep the puck away during the game against East lambton in
the OMHA Playoffs held in West Lome Jan. 22. East Lambton won
o-4. lhe Comets, Bantam Division also lost to East Lambton 5-{),
but West Lome's Peewee team managed a win with a final score
of 7-5 over East Lambton.
Wildcats outscore Arthur Voaden
West Elgin's Stephen Carter (14) bats away a shot by Arttlur
Voaden's Matt Sprague during the Wildcats' 51-30 victory Jan.
17 In 1VRA South senior boys basektball play In St. Thomas.