Aug and Sept 2016
Aug and Sept 2016
THE CLAYPOLE GROT]P OF YILLAGES CLAYPOLE, DRY DODDINGTON, FENTON, STUBTON, WESTBOROUGH NEWSLETTHR August & September Z}rc LOCAL INFORMATION CLAYFOLE Rector: Revd Sonia Barron, The Rector of The Claypole Benefice, Rural Dean of Loveden Deanery. The New Rectory,6 Rectory Lane, Claypole, Newark NG23 58H.01 636 6267?0 [email protected] Churchwardens: John Padley, The Cottage, SchoolLane, 0163S 626510 Robert Prabuki,62 Main ttreet, Claypole.01636 626947 [email protected] Parish Council Clerk: Cathy Clarke, 16 Tinsley Ctose 01636 626663 claypolepcclerk@bti Parish Council r,vebeite: Claypole C of E School: 01636 626268 claypole Brownies-for info contact Brown owl, Emily McKee on 01636 62695s Glaypole Guide Leader: Jodie Stevens 01636 O2Tg11 Claypole Spodsground-cricket, football, hard play-Cathy Ctarke 01636 626663 School Hall- contact Claypole School 01636 626268 Claypole Village Hall bookings: Graham Briggs on Ot97L63t6?A or vil [email protected] DRY DODDINGTON Churchwarden:Alex Maniurka 01400 2AZZ1} Parish Council Clerk: Wendy MeCallin, Clensey House 01400 2}ZOO1 [email protected] Yillage Hall bookings: Mary summerfietd - 01400 292746 or 07866 174677 Neighbourhood Watch Go.ordinator: Mike Hine, Hazeiwood, Manor House Lane. 0 1 400 282690 email- [email protected] sruBToN churchwardens: John D M Rase, Menteith, stubton 01636 626361 Parish Council Clerk: Gilly Witson 01636 626392 village Hall bookings: Rob rhornton 01636 626340 e: [email protected] wEsrBoRouGH churchwardens: John Lawrence, sandalwood. Town street 01400 281850 Mavis Arnold, Holmes Farm, Long Bennington NG23 sEB 01400 281282 village Hall Bookings: vic Kerr01400 2s1363 or [email protected] lleighbourhood watch co-ordinator: Ken Renshaw, The Hcllies, Long Lane 01400 281791Mobile 07885 S1AB70 FENTON Ghurchwardens: Libby Mason, corner cottage, Main street, Fenton 01636 627178 chairman of Parish Meeting, John ccoke Tel: 01636 626glg DoGToRs: LoNc BENNINGTON suRGERy 01400 291zzo - rpt prescriptions 282992 CAYTHORPE SURGERY O14OO 272215 L.l"V.E.S. Dick Loynes 01 400 2A23gT [email protected] PoLlcE non-emergency no. 101 Long Bennington police office Te|.01400 281852 lf you ring 999 state "Lincolnshire police" or your HG postcode will get the Nottingharn force and delay any response! A Letter frsrn your Editor Hi ali, Whether it's long sunny days or sharp showers and thunderstorms that you prefer, a typical British summer has it covereei. For most of us there's always the expectation that $umr'ler will be filiecj with long, hot. lazy days and sunshine from dawn to dusk. The anticipation of trips io the beach and getting the barbeque out can almoi:t be better than the real thingl Alas it's usually more often showers than sunshine and ihis year is shaping up to be no different. Not surprisingli; the forecasts are predicting summer to be changeable and unsettled.. . That said, it hasn't stopped many of us getting out to take part in our locai village events over the last few mr:nths from fetes, to Queen's birthday parties, to ihe Open Gardens event and I ha';e been struck by the vibrant sense of comnrunity spir"it and pride, shining examples of involvemen'i and commitments shared across the generations. ln fact, it is astouncjing how many hours are put into all soris of community groups and activiiies in our vil[ages each week, inrproving every aspect of village life, and quite often with little recognition. I wouid therefore like to dedicate this page to allthe hard working volunteers that have helped our l,iliages become great places to live, work and visit and look fonruard to many more events and making neli"r acquaintancesl Have a great rest of ihe summer. {3 ?-5* W ;dqel M i,4.a-A*da, lnfo for OCTOBER EDITION by 12th September please to Miranda at [email protected] Frorn Rcr,. S*rria Barroii have ber.:n n:ary changcsthat havr: affected rs nattonaliy iri cne rvay r:t' ailother orrer llte past iew weeks: the EU referendrrrl and the Bfexit vote, tha iher* r.iigr-iation olthr Prime M!nister, erd tlre labour !eadershlp 5trll88ie. There changes are sel lo have iar reaching efiects personally, localiy and l-lowever the Archbishops of Canterbury and York proposed a rnotion at ths General Synod in july calling us: "fo urffe in th* mmrnan task *f building a gsner*#s efid farwerd loaking d7#ntrt/! r*ntributing io hurnan ila*rishing araund the warld, and enrourage a!! rnernb*rs af tke Chur"ctt a{ #xgland ta play their part acffrrely in partnersltip witts *v*ryan* in tivil S*ciety in pursuii *{ tl'tis task"* And that includes all of us in the Claypoie Benefice. We all have a eontribution we can rnake hy being genercus, welcoming, supportive and ercouraging to each other * part!cularly those whose future is uncertain following the vcte. This uncertainty could be because the ccmpany they wr:rk for has projects which rely on LU import and export, or maybe the staff with the expertise needed are from within the tU or simply because their business is dependent on customers from tU countries. lt may be that many o{ us going on holiday this 5umme r will feel the financial effects of the wcak pound. Change is never easy but as we know it is 3* inevitable part of oiir lives - growing up. growing cid, mr:ving on. There will be char:ges af a different kind fr:r many children ard young people frorn our villages as theV go to primary scheol for the first time, move {rom prlmary tc secandary srhool *r rnoving on to further cr higher education. Change can be scary and make us anxious but we can aiso choose tc embrace the challenges it brings and see it as an opportunitY rather than an obstacle. God, give me grace to atcept with serenitv the things that cannot be changed, Ccurage ta change ihe things which should be rhar:ged, and the Wiscia*r ti: distinguish the cne frorn the sther. lime, Ar.epting hardship as a oathway to peace Taking, as Jesus dld, This slnful world as !t is, Not as I would have it, Trusting that You will make alithings right, tf I surrender to Your 5o that I may be reasonably happy in this !ife, And supremely happy with You forever in the next" Liuing one daY at a t!me, fnioYing cne rnom€nt at a Amen. Sonia wii1, B-rom the Farish Register Baptisms: 19.6.16 Thomas Benjarnin N,rcon - Claypole 3.7.16 Anabelia iane Laud - Stubton 3.7.16Isaac Jacob trtavenscroft - Cialpole Weddings: & Louise Madeleine Bowyer - Claypole 25.6.16.Toshua David Pearce & Sophie Alice Pykett - Claypole 25.6.i6 Deat Alan Summerfield & Enima Cook - Dry Doddington 2"7.16l-uke Michael Hawkins & Natalie Rebecca Durham- Westborough 9.7 "16 Neville Thomas Amold & Carla Louise Briggs - Dry Doddington 18,6.16 Gary Paul Sliarp Funerals: Eileen Sylvia Fatchett (99) 11th July at St Peter's, Claypole Margaret (Meg] tohnson f*mity wouid like ta thank everyone who ottended Meg's funeral, for the many carcis, messsges snd donations received for Kidney Resesrch f.350.35. Also to Rev Sonia Barron for her prayers and support. The For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals etc., please contact tf'le Rector: The Rev'd Sonia Barron, 6 Rectory Lane, CIaypole. NG23 sBH 01636 62672A e*rna ii rectorclaypoleS@g m ai L com 6 KEEP CALM AND SUPPORT YOUR CHUTCH Thc cirur"ches af the Claypole Benefiee need yaur help and suppcrt financially anrJ physicaily ta keep the buiiclings sait: and welconring fr-rr the whcle con:munitr; to errjoy for regular worship and those family occasicns * baptisnrs, weddings an* funerals. took ffir mCIre informatisn eorning in September Thanks ,.. to ailwho helped at Westborough village fete on Sunday 1Oth of Juiy. We nad a gc;oo turnoul and everyone seemeC to enjcy themselves, Thank yoL.i to thcse who Drought alcng their vintage tractors, classic cars and motorcycles; alsc tc all uti:i: helped tr, set rp enci ciear ,.:p aiteru",arr1s, it was ,ieri' fiiucir appreciaieci f han k yr:u. h e.+f*,t-r. l--li all. In July goodbya to se'rne of our older Brswnies : Slivia, t.r:cy ond Esme. We wish them lots of luck ond fun in their" new ndve.ntures. We also bid o fond {arewe}l to our ycunq helper l/regan, we. s*rcJ who hns done o briiiiont 3ob for the lost 6 nranths" Any other giris wonting to volunteer as pnrt of their boE award can conlcct rne be{arz Septernber to arrange helpinq out" V/e welcamed tw* ne.w Brownias rn.lo our paek in Juiy. Alicio and Elie and look f rrlvai"d to mere naw Brownies in Septemhe,r". I-f yau are irrtzreste.d in c place f or yot:r daughter, log youi. int* *n the Girlguiding website" We meet en Monday eorenings; from 6pm tij 7.30pm at the Vilioge Hal!. . Hcve c gre,ct Summerl Brswn Owl Lmve Where YOU Live t"lpdate Hopefuliy n-ranv of ycru vlill ira,;e rictjr:ed ihat lhe viilage hall grounds are continuing to be renewed and revitalised. The f.rnds raised fror. the operi garders and scarecrow ti"aii mean $iat iuriher rr'rc'k can be done to imprrove ti':e grounds fc;r the benefit of the community e.g" Brownies have arready macie a siarr cn pianting mainrai,ing the smalr ivithin the children's play area at the hail. There are pians to redesrgri the area oi grourrd in front uf rhe hall (cur.entiy covered with wcodchip and membrane 1o suppress weeds) tcl nrake it bright. colourful. iow maintenance anr:l inviiing ic visitors. There wil! be updates in the parish mag as other ihinqs flor,^"rerbed proGress. Tne village hail and ils grouncis sit in the centre of our village arrd it is viewed r"egularly i:y rnost people at some pr:int riurin-q their riairy rives and a!so by visit'rs who drive thr"ough tne viilage. Ttre thing which tras srruck me the most over the past 12 monrlrs as ihe garceri has errolved, is how peopie,s perception of lhe hall ano its grounds are also g.aduaily chancing forfire better. ri,s besn lavely to hear all the positive feedback of ho,r,i the garden's transformation anc renewal is helping people feel irplifted ancj therefore potentially lrappier when they walk or Crive past. Bearing ihis discovery in mind haci an ideai I believe as a commirnity we can pull together and start to r-aise funds tr_r tackle the urqent and esseniiai maintenance tc rhe exte*or facade of ihe viilage hair. t/t'e have a irnique anu poientialiy beauiifL;l hall which is ir rje:speraie need oi our care to renew ancj reslore it to its foi"mer gicry and unfortrrnateiy this wili ail cost rnoney. Tne viliage hall is a registered charity and althcugh the viilage halltean,r have been workirrg harrj i.o irnprove the rnternai fabric of the hall and its facilities for- the henefit of our con.:mur':iiy, lhere is slrll a mountain to climi: to put the hearr back irita the builclrng which sits al the centre of our village. -this i"vhere is I ihirk u1s can start io i"lake a real difference, CAN YCU HELP h,IE MAKE A START? like io produce a calencar for christrnas and also a series of greetinqs carcs to he sold ',reai-ror.rnrj the pr"oiit frr:m which v,,,ill go towards iackli,:rg scare oi lhe rs.ri;eS e.q ;"eg:aii-ilsr and repainting barCe hoards. l'r-i 1S Do you have any of the following skills? . r r 'r Photographic or painted/printed images and sketches which can be reproduced and used for the calendar or cards e.g. of wildlife, loeal $cenes, animals, birds, flowers, gardens etc. Graphic design/layout skills Technicalexpertise Printing - can you print the calendars or cards for a competitive rate? Distribution - can you stock or take orders of the calendars and cards to sell? Give me a call or send me an email if you can help in any way........lots of people doing a little can make a huge difference! Laurice Mob 07801 399155 or [email protected]"uk Heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in and attended the CLAYPOLE OPEN GARDENS AND SCARECROW TRAIL ON SUNDAY 3rd JULY. Another great result this year as we raised f880 for community projects. Special thanks for all the background help and support from lots of people within the community ia long list so hopefully you know who you are) for: Opening their gardens; supplying straw for scarecrows; making scarecrows; allowing scarecrows to be placed in front gardens; baking cakes to sell; supplying plants and chutneys to sell; running stalls and serving tea and cakes; and generally helping where needed. Thanks to all of you this was another successful and fun event enjoyed by our community......Well Done! A special mention also to Doolittle's animal sanctuary for ioining in with the event. lf you didn't get a chance to visit the sanctuary on the day, do pay them a visit and help support what they are doing for the animals in their care. With thanks and gratitude to all, Laa*it* 11 elaypole VEllage Meeting Open to all Claypole residents Wednesday 7 September 73A til 8.30 pm at the Village Hall South Kesteven District Council is reviewing its Local Plan to meet government housingtarsets. rts initiatsussestions coutd increar" t"h e S iZg of Claypole by 40Yo, The Parish Council has protested about the shameful lack of publicity and time given for the consultation that was open for just 4 weeks, and has challenged the basis of the recommendations affecting Claypole. It is important that all residents have their say. The Parish Council has arranged this meeting to inform residents of what is proposed and to give you an opportunity to comment. The SKDC consultation can be found at http:/ k/CHttpHandler.ashx?id= 18443&p=g The Parish Council's preliminary response can be viewed on the Claypole PC website or on Facebook. Copies of both will be available at the meeting. !J W*sth*r*ffiglh H *rvmst & Fl*wer f*stivm I ffi L rHiryi#Jffi S"*fipm .d|# bstwesm 3-flCI and G*ras *nd joirr u* fnr =*nd*ri*h*u and c*kes! Ffurv*s{ F*etiv*} $+rvie+ $axday 25th S.S&p*r t4 Cloypole Villoge Hsll Sun llth Sept, 12-4pm: Bouncaabout Afternosn Seeing as it roined for the Queen's 90th Birthdoy Farty, we've re-booked another Bounceobout inflatobles event. Ice creoms, lollies ond refreshrnents ovoilable. f,,5 per child for o bounce-til-you-drop ticket. Thu 15th Sept, l0:30am-Zpm: Crofty Cuppo Club Tec, coke ond cord-making - or you con join us cnd bring your own project to work on. €,5 per person. REGULAR EVENTS/CLUBS tlllondoy,9:30-11omr Claypole Play Circla (ferm-time only). €Z per fomily. Pqrants, grondporenis, corer$ - @vetyone welcome! Tuesdoy, 7-8:30pm: Bingo Night Friday. T:30-9:30pm: Whist Club €2.50 to play, eve?yon welcome! Soturday, 8:30-9:30sm: Slim ond Tona exercise closs, €5 Tf there Gre ohy other octivifies you ore interasted in, or perhops you would like to set up a club, please let us know. Discounted hire rotes are avoilable for regular H bookings. ;l* ;:filll#i;royporevi,oseHo, 16 il.r:me join the fun at CLAYPOLI COTFTT & TODDLTRS we meet Friday nrornings between 9am and 11am (term time onlyi in claypole SrhocL haiL. Entry round the Lrack. v/e er:courage noi only nruns arr<J dacis but also g;'andparrnts, childmineiers, nannics anc other cai-ers io rciil r"rs wirh your ur':der-lives icr a tr:n and welc.onring morning which inciudes coffee, crafl & play as welt as snack tin:e {for tlre children and aduitsil m Hffiook I':fffi''ii:::i::ff" 'q ._,,* # o*; *-*ff y'lt<tttintt Fla*'er Testitrtl *t fill *ql*zs thurdt. Tent*tt Orlaber ?l,t{}, *-m - 4"Dd.pen I -(e r t, i * e is e qi * a i n q rt t ! 0 {) {} a tx r+ ! t i it t Zr.J.r:t {-{}A,,t } tE'lart 17t* t-)<:teb*r ?7-{.}{}. *m .* *.**-p*z +tiu Sktz iotJz { }l * r uzs t * .: " " .t, &fghr reii-es&:tee:rfr t* - 7e s t i L, a s ,' ;l =#= re Tree <zd^rais*i** bat dsnatian* gratefxll*S re**t*sd go tow*,rits lr?apr.e$&rft*?rr* l" ** *l*# *xr*r dfl.. *f - O, to {.*r*.''t;}.r-:" :. . t.t *laypole ffmrish Council A letter frorn SKDC has been rereiverj about devojLrtion. tt gtates'As you mir_rht tre aware SKDC, along with nine cther councils in Greater Lirrcolnshire, ir consulting on a propo3ai tc esiablish a Mayora! ComLrine Authority. lf this prr:posal goes forward, some powei's and resoui'ces will be transferred fron: Government to Lincolnshire. '[his process is called devolution" We would like to invite iocal i"esidenis, organisaticns and bi-isinesses to tai<e pari !n this consuiiation. A notice has beerr displayeci on the PC noiicc boarrj on how to have your say" Alternaiive iy. visit www.lincolnshire.gcv.ukigreaterlincs fcr mnre info. ihe p(- recently of some issues cr:ncerning noise around the viliage late in the evenings. lt is quite possible that people may i:e going aliout their business without realising that their activities are hai,ring an impact on their neighboi:ri. Could we thereforc ask that you consider those around you, especially in the evenings and ciuring the werkend, As lur-nmer appraachel we ali enjoy sitting outside anrj enjo'7ing our gardens. Piease do your bil to ensurc ciaypoie remains a oeacl:itil piace to - Anti-sociai be haviour-it has corne to the notice cf live" - There have aisa been instances of inconsiderate and iilegai parking withiir tl;t viliage and espeiiaiiy around the school. I'he locai pCSO has been informed and'"viil be making spct checks on this situation through the conring monihs. - overgrown hedges and trer:s- please ensure that your hedge and trees do no'r obstrL;ct the footpath, piease cut anv averhanging branches back to ensure the iull width of footpalhs is avarlable tc users. - community park- work:s progressing weiion this pro.ject and 7- options have heen considered for the dralnage, levelling, seecing ete of the spods pilches. Acce:s to the newfield via ihe giebe land and widening of the footpath at the side of the children's play area are the cLrrrent main areas of wclrk. The nert PC nreeting will be on Monday Sth september at 7.00pm in the viliage hall with the publrc fcrum at 6.45prn, /rlthough the re is no mee ting during August ple.ase dri ncl iresitaie tr,, contact n1c on any cauncii business. 19. 80's PARTY The classic 80's disco is back in CLAYPOLE Saturday 15 October 2S16 7.30pm till midnight All your favourits 80's funes, danciag & bar. Tickets f 10 including foad. Everyone welcorne. Text F A77gg 884040 or visit acebook. com/groups/C laypolePTA DRY trODDINGTOIU HAftVEST SUPPER FRIDAY 3OT+i SEPTEMBER 7.G'S FOR 7.30 PM in the Village Hall Tickets f8"50 Bar*uailable Numbsrg llmited to 8O marimuri Cmffi Lyn& lcpes 0Ii*I[l8dBt7 SfiirtryKelrm$m8filg8 Mike tline1tt400 tgrogo fd ticl€t3 The Good Neighbours $cheme . 1 ,.rnotiie r inonlh aud a chairci: tci mect up u,ith ,I fiir'nt1s, l -. i t;4!'r,ri \i< 8.1 lund eat '|B.e:dc.. t i If v*u are not f*nliliar *'ith Good hleighhours .-,".{", I .-:j:* 15irVt,,/* *{l,',! "1.iaii. :. ! N +l' {:.l.!,3, nr- - -' i., i. :urr.1 *njoy a ch;rl. rvhrle iilurkinq tearcol'tc* r:ake. \\jhat crrrrid bc lrctter ritan ttiat] i.: then please conle along to the nexf coll'ce rnorning and join us for trralcoll'e* and cake :lli for Sl {ereept when somefhing dili*rcllt going on) while mai<ing ncrv li"iends. Tlie vcnlres amd tintcs of the cofl"ee momings iire aii foilo,lv: l'ri August 1\,'lru:aishcal tlrv l}rddingrun - -tjf::ffha11gq ii):Oii ta 11:.i0 join us flrr tca,'cof iec and cake ir lr';r1fii:a1. lla-r:k to a l1 for vcir_iitea,cofTcc and c:rkc in surnc re al!_r' p[e asall surrornidings 1i)'1' lvion 19rl'seplcnrber- strrhron vrllagr tunri ruiser lbr Mat:rnilien i{iill- i0..1fl ro I2:f.)0, triis is \\/r:ckresilay 19ri' October - \\,'estburuugh Villagc }{ail .!oir: ur today iirr tea ci:r{i'ee arii ,cake - ri iil.10 to l2:(}{} In Itst, lrye raisrd {:?*.?(} f*r tht lVillorv Foundation, a big thank l'ou i{} rou all for the hclp and support. 1i'\'eru necd any heip.11r., plcasr get i1 toucir witli L-inda lJrury on 016ir'r70704 Future dates rvili bc listed in the c,-rttti nr:. Pai"rtli Macazi iics 23 Time fmr samething differentl Do you have 3 hours a week to spend absorbed by bocks or pre iorred items, fcr r"r.rrkir.lg as part r:f a te;rnr, rneeting lovely Ueople and doing some ihing clrariiy to help the people of Newarki Why rrot volunteer at one of the Salvation ;\rmy charit"v shops @ The i'recinct in BalrJerl-oi r. : look aror-ind bctl"r shops. Frce parkir:g. {hai to ihe volunteers and (hopefully) pick up an application fornr. Con:e and have Ooen 9.3o ^ ,l.,sa luesday to Friclay. Wine Flagons * Saturdav. Clcserj l'londa-y. - Free to a good home h{v naure is []]rlis Kug]rt. In the past mv husban<1 & I usecl lo make irome- n:iide rrrine. 1{r;u,eveL, ilut, to :ige anci disabiiitv lr'e are 1to longer abk: to tarrv illl rnrrkir g i t. {'ul'cntl_\, it'e li:'.r'e r I flagons o{ finishcd,,r'ines {r'iirirrus irLiit anil t'lorr'ci' rarieties) r",1 arcund a gallon each. Phis e i:nlptr-1u11 size flagoirs anil : et"rrirty half size tlagotrs. T'he r,l ine neecis tlnal -cr,l)hr-)ning aird bottlitrg. Are -l'ou intertrstcri in$ the lr.'ine anct tlagons? 1\re rlo nol lr'arrt :r;nthing for it. just a good nelr, hornc" !)i ease t:Lr nlact Chris a t c arolus. cava iers I (r9 gma il. con-r AA L'+ The Green Page Need a good chuck-cut? Getting rid of stuff? Dan't just bin it! PIANO FREE TO A GOOD HOME It has been recently tuned and warks well but doesn't fit in the house aryrnore. Must be collected, I carnot deliver. I can be contacted on 07425t35791. Regards Mark Hobbs The Salvation Army Gharity shop @ The Precinct in Balderton are always looking for pre-loved quality clothes, handbags, shoes, jewellery, childiens toys & bric a brack. No electricals, bicycle helments or child's car seats. Thank you. The Salvation Army bookshop @ The Precinct in Balderton are looking for books for all age ranges, including current teaching aids, jigsaws, games, GD',s, DVD',s & vinyl records. customers Say that this is the best book shop in the region. where else can you buy a paperback for 50p? Unsold books go to an lnternational reading charity or are pulped for egg boxes etc. No book goes to landfill! Allthe proceeds from sales in the shops go directly to the Army supporting local peoPle in Newark. Please donate & buY! WEA exlurse trt l,*ng Benningt** Vitl*p H*ll Merry M*nks and Pious Friar* Lif* in a mediaev*l monastery 'ith !*an Townsendl our tocal hi$tcrien "l'he gr*d, the ha*l and ttre dant:right trglr,! Titere trrtff$ a lot goirrg onl dir:ure :rnd find *r.rt mor*... D*t'/time l'htrrsdav l:3*prn - 3:CI{}prn ? mcetir*gsfrom Gth $ct*bcr ?tli.5 l"ee f52.{X} Further details ft+rn Miis P Hennett trn tll636 6Y135* in thr 1{E* ("ftIrll\i Brt*hur+ availshle f,r*rn iilrrrrrir:s 1:rs ;i,fu nmlunl iuc rl "rvea"trrg. uk/o nlirre ON'T FORGET: NEXT DEADLINE lS 12TH SEPTEMBER FOR THE OCTOBER EDITION Letters or articles: please note that, like all newspapers, u,re require your name and address to establish bona fides. However, we will not divulge your details if asked not to. We cannot publish anonymous material. Advertising is on yearly conffacts starting in January, and the Editor does not deal with this. Please ask her for details of who to contact. Allthe information given in this magazine is prouided in good faith and as such, the Newsletter and the Editor disclaim all responsibility to any inaccuracies, irrespective ofthe reasons or cause. 27 rfis ninr*fmsfiire x a**b-f t#Richar} III Society re $aturday $th A*gu*t ?.St}pm i{ary ex6{*it* il*m* umra mcds u*rfir No**nghe$t yrm* n m*}6r c*sgrs pmducing ahbastsr lryur€$, attnr plecee erdtornbE" JBE{I N{S&r@E their hietory and, uqlrg doflsfiBitsrf artfunm sr$ ims*e*, sfiifiise *l*El fIE B{rft d flic}srd tB may trnm'm*e* g*e- k Erscqre Esr3eEftc and yEsft t|le Enhp sftd $fft{ -$frrr" To be held at I{arroufiy Lar,te lt{p*rffisi, thureh Sorrununity Sentre kthflH. fi&At0FY Tle*ek SS,m * **vf,ns* too*lng fs Er*ntlal kuludss irafuoftae *nd c*k* fle*s **crd *s*@ Tft€ * BhEW r'de *@d Brfid6F, pry*bB to ff&*Isd lll Eoch{y tirs*tt*m &*adr, ta h*aurcsl liftteeldoir f*rHr+ld Hro,u*€ Fsrm fri4r* L**e. Bexiby l*8, Lificslfl- Lltt,l Xeleptxln-eHnquilie*; srstz 70*a0' 28 luternet of things. . .. [{.}S] In an intemet seconri there are 54,gAV google searches; 7,252 tweets; 125,4A6 you tube video views;Z,510,018 ernails sent and 729 photos posted on instagram. Ncr r,vonder we need trroadband, but not all of this traffic is generated in Claypole! The recent and briiliant Claypole Open Gardens ard Scarecrow Trail (thanks to Latrice and team) seemed to attract a lot of interest and made me think about other rnodel making opportunities beyond rnaking scarecrows. Amongst the highlights of a visit to Windsor Castle is Queen Nlary's Dolls' House, the largest, most beautitul and most famous dolls' ho,;se in the world. Built for Queen Mary by the leading British architect Sir Edwin Lutyens betwecn 1921 and i924, this most magical of residences is a perfect replica in miniature of an aristocratic home. The house is fiiied with thousands of objects rnade by leading artists, designers aud cratlsmen, nearly all on the tiny scale of 1:12. see https:l/w'ww.royalcollection"nrg.ulcvisitiwindsorcastle/what-to-see-anddo/queen-marys-doll s -house Morgan Spence, a student from Kilbarchan, Scotland. recreated some of cinema's most farnous scenes as part of a animated film collaboration with renowned Lego artist waruen Elsmore. Each short scene took up to two hours to film. F-cr some of the classic movies see https:llxnn w.buzzfeed.corr"*ryangrimley/classic-film-scenes-meticulously- recreated-inJego of the great attractions on Scarecrorry Trail was the steam train operated in his garden b_v Andrem, Sewell on Doddingtan Lane. On a sliphtiy grande scale is one of Hamburg's most popular tourist siglits - a CIne 30 gigairtic r:rodel railway next tc an incredibly realistic ariniature airpoft. The aiq:*rt terminal is camplete with tiny people, rnoving jet bridges and aircra{l parked at the gates. And these airliners actually laxi across the field to a rurway before taking off and "flying" away through a hole ir: the wali, returting to lai:d at the other e:rd of the roor:r. The airport, rvhich opeued in 2011 after six years olccnstructiot, is a jaw*droppitg sight to beh*1d. E-rery.liring from the iraggage cartsi to the taxi rank outside the tem*nal is created in exhausiing detail, eveu down to thc engine sorinds tliat match each of the 45 mini-planes. see http://www.cnct.con'r/pictureslr.vorlds*largest-n:*de 1-airport-pictures/ The largest rnodel railway isn't in Claypolc hor.vevcr hut in Hamburg. see http:/lwww.miniatur-u,underl* Far brilliant paper art and sculptures see http l/rvww.peiercallrsen.comlindex.html : http //cal vi n:richo : 1l s. cam/ http /ili sanil s sonal1. com,hom e.lrtml : http ://www.di anabeltratherrera. ccml Enjoy, ald if you have come across any i:tteresting links to share please gct in touch" Robert Frabucki i1 {IAYPGLI FiRST RESF'ON DERS TIVHS GRCIUP rE t: Claypole LIVES 6roup of First Respcnders serves the vitrlages of Claypole, Stubton, Fenton, Dry Doddington, and Westborough & Fernrsocd Since the last edition of the Parish Magaz!n* we have held our Annual General Meeting under the watchful eye ol our Begional LIVES officer Neil Chadwick who makes sure we are behaving r:u rselvesl We had reports from the Coordinalor {that's me * and still isl}, the Treasurer Lyrida Loynes and our very own Trainer Ann Vooght. We certainly co*ld not contiaue witlout the commitment of bath Lynda and Ann who both make sure in their diffei-ent ways that we are fit for purpose. Lynda was able to report that tl.ranks to lhe generosity of so many iocal businesses and individuals we are in a slrong finarrcial position; a big "thank you" to everyone who has supported us in the last year. &*n rep*rteci that she was pleased t* say lhat all our Responders passed their requaiification examination in January and she was delighted with the support she had received from everyone to enable that to happen. We *eld our election sf office holders and they were *ick Loynes {me} as Coordinator, Lynda Loynes as Treasurer and Ann Vooght as Trainer. Whilst'+re wei'e all prepared and happy to carry on we would all willingly stand down for new blooei. So if anycae reading this ariicle fancies a go please get in touch I And finally as they say I gave my report which started by sayi*g a big thank you to every*ile whc supperts us in lhs villages particularly Stubion Viliage Hall Cornmittee and Jane Ford who has heiped sc much over the ysars during her eriitorship of the :*..-: . :.:-.**...,.'-'"'- -,* *-:,": ,:** ":,-,:.,.,-,.-*;.-. y,--., -y i.l,- li.1 l,-o,..i oiii i" continuing ihe support of LiVtS. No one wiil be surprised to learn that having thanked aur wsnderlul Respon*ers, who are faniastic, I concluded by pleading fcr *ew Responders to coffie forrvardl Please ring or email me *ow - you will enjoy it, I pr"omise! Dick Loynes{aordinator 01400 282337 [email protected] 32 N eightrourheod Wateh M*ssage Barkiag Fraud TeleEhq$L $cam Please read this message and pass it on to anyone you feel may be at risk. The elderly a:rd vulnerabie are oftrn targeted by this scrt af scam, Therc is a currcnt popular telephone scam operating acress the rourtry, where a call is receivcd from someorle clalming to bc from the poiice, lrequently tire London Metropolitaa'Met'Police Forcc. Sometimes they claim to be fiom the bank. The caller will then lalk about frauduletrt activity on thc acconnt and that an investigatiou is nngoit:g. To enstlre that the accotult is not accessed the caller advises rhe victim to withdraw their mouey from {he bank fr:r colierctiotr by a poiice or bank representarive or will give details ibr a 'saf,c' account to transf"er the accouni balanc* inro. To give a false imprcssion thc cal1er v.riil r:ften asli the victirn to hang up and call either the police or the bank to culiirm the details and that it is nat a scam. Tlzis tvill giye the imrtression thut it is a genuitls cal! ancl siltrutior. Rui BEWARE. I'he telephane line will remain tonsected to the *riminal fcr seyeral rninutes, The only way to confirm the validity oithe call is to irse a differsnt phone. eg. if you are callcd on a laud line use a mobile irhone or a dift-erent iar:d line to contact yo*rbank on a namber frarn your statements. NllvllR use a number given by the caller" The scam relies *n the concern or wol"ry of keeping money safe- flanks u,ill nevel contact yau this rvay'but via a ietter or a rsquest that you go in to a local branch io discuss banking $latters. lfthey suspect traudglent activity on an acccuilt they r,vi11 freeze it to ensure that morrey renrains safc, just as the y would if you re ported your bank card lost or stolen. il $o No'I'completr any balking transactions which *rc reqaerted oycr ihe phafie that *re unexpected, 'Ihe pciice would never scnd someone to collect cash frc;-n a person,s hi;;r:e. This type of iraurl ivorks by geiling the victim to re*eaili silent and Eot contaci anyone about it. Il you have arry c.rneerns fbr yourseil or others contact the police r.,ia 1 C 1 . Seek advice ii'orn trusted {i1ends ar farnily. 'l'he more these scams are discussed openlrv the greater thc chance io stop them happening. 2Jl SLEAFORDIAN COACHES Sleafordian Coaches are pleased to announce that the Home to School Transport between Claypole and Sleaford is continuing. There was some uncertainty but we can now assure parents and students that transport will be available. Bus Passes are available for this route and there are various options available to pay for the passes. The price for an Annual Pass for the whole Academic Year 2A16-2OL7 from Claypole is f995 per.student. This discounted price is available if purchased by one transaction. Alternatively an Autumn Term Pass (Sept to Dec 2015) from Claypole is priced at f388.80; Spring Term Pass is f313.20 and Summer Term Pass is f324. We are also offering the opportunity to pay for the bus pass by nine Standing Order payments, these payments are made from 27th July 2016 to 27th March 2017. This payment is f 115.10 per month for the nine months specified. Please find attached a copy of the timetable. Ptease direct any queries to [email protected] or telephone Sleafordian Coaches on 01529 303333. $ats,; F{l/E. EELLS, CT.AYP(}LE F(}Fq. T},IE OVEFI Ss'& CHffil$Tfi#-{s L{JNCH FR,EE F}F{IZHS &f*{) ftAFFLE 35 th*wr .,,otiff I.#J*:i,rffiiu,e On Saturday ?nri luly, cur furrdraisiirg A-iterncon Tea in Dr,/ DoJding:ln viilage nril rarsed f L50. tc ev€ryone for their heip... On.iuly 12th Angela Plurnb gave a talk and siides abcut her trip i(r Svalbard, wiih fascin;:ting pictures of the seabirds, and r:specially siills and rnovies showing polar bear: bahaving naturally, Tnanks igncring the Lroaiload of tourrsts watching then. August 9th is fvlidsummer Madness at.Jans's house in Wcsti;crough il.Jm oi;wai'rj:, J,rrr, in ihc fun rn the lav,,n or indoors, weather dependrng. (Bring & Share focd & foiget 3i-rcut tire c;ior-,eil An ihe prcgrarr:me for those rlembers irvho are not or froirdav;irti strii''r'o,;id itxe ic afternoon/evening get togethei". We have a frere raffie, so f-rrir-.9 a pr"rze ,:r'i take a+.,a'7 ilxl-ra date on havi-. an rnother rnel On September 13th at Westborough, we'il hear aboui rho l.iational Pclrce Ar,j Corrvcy-:. Competition:A cjecoi-ated shce box. RAFFLE please fill the box v.rith items that would be r:scfr:l in 3rd worlrl roLintrles. 1l-r::e itiii be qoing cn rhc r onvr:ys anc lhe ;udginq is an the bax nat tlie itenls jncluded. On Sept 27th it's the Lovrden Group Meeting at Foston Village Hall Tie speaker ir Dawn Bllnden anct her iopic: "5ophistrcake", cakt-' traker io Ri-lr,;i1.,,. l.ji'n. 5l:c.r the bufiet anri e sti-ipi ol raffie trt'reii iL. trn ttctaber lith at Westborough we have an ilr-hnls* craft night witn jane '' Learn to .lcri.l ' {ompetitionr lra best one on tl-r. rrigii. RAf FL[ Daie for your Oiary: 'Ihursday October 20th 7.100,"r Open Meetirrg Di'7 Dc,JJrrgilir !nr. l-ra!'. a Funciraising l'.light with locai histonan Je an Townserd soeakirig,:irout "\iJE' ii:e irue ;tcry :rf Ed,,r.rarci Vli I and Waliace iinrpsorr. painting f"'lorniilgs: Jane's ncxl iriday mornlngs 9.50'1.Ofi rrr $./'boro Viliage Hail :i'e 5 i;guit, 7 ;lnii Lren-io. Eiltrance 1.3 ir:ciudes Septenrber. r'O.rtober.4 Novernber. 2 December- {There may be sorne chariges iaiel Corit;ci ianeforfr.lrlherinio.,4nyonersyrelcome tocorneaior:gandsenilhatrt'sall aboutircl 1r:;i r:;.: kc i) 'fhe first visit is free, ano it is ii 5! Iar the riext visii, afier which we hcpe,Tou wiil join us. Visitor's fee 13,50. \{ie n^reel on ihe se ccnd Tuesday every mcnth at'l .10 p.rr. in either l'Jestircrcugh, Dry DoCi;ngton cr Are yau thinking of jainina? Or al eaming back? StubtcnHalls. lVeareafriendlyiot,andv:sitorsandnewmemilersareal,.\'alvweicr:me President: Jane Ford 014t'i0 2812C6 Secreta ry: Kat"hleer Thorras 01536 b26860 lV esttrorough anci D r3,- D*ttctifi - Llouncillors rnct gt*$ Fari sh Couneil l{ews -,vith LCC highrvays to discuss prioriiies aril action, Nervark Road i:e*t'the River Witham krridge is finally beirrg patched and then resurfaced next vear. Tor,r'r Sircgt in Westborough is on thc fi.rturc iist. Standing watsr on Long tsenningtot bridge is still being pursued. Please continue to repofi Frcthoies aud rc,ad problems to I-CC, either oriine or by telephoning01522 782Ai0: e.rery cail helps. -The Conniunity Bene{it Fund working group r:f 10 residents has n-ret and arc researching and costing differerrt options. Top priorities are Dry l)otldingtoil Yiilage ha1l and l)ry Doddingtot r,,iilaqe grcen improvemenrs. Tho next mectinq is in Augr,rst, piease coutact the clerk ifyou rvouid like tojoin the group and contribute. Nelnork Rail are proposing to close the pedestrian rail crcssing from Hougir Lane, Clal.Jrole u'ith appropriate footpath diversions. The Pansh Council feels that ri'aik-urg over a footbridge is a far safer option tbr pedes$ans than gr.rinq across the raihva'v iines. There are 3 current consuitations ycu rnight ivant tc comnient on: - Long Benningto* Fost Office relocating to Arnoid's bulchers. please support and use our looal Post Office see SKDC new Locai plan and the sites and sr:ttleineitr aliocations. Piease their *,eb or local press for detail. - Creatcr Lincs devolution. thc ccusultation is on the rvsb site congrarulaticrls to oul chairman, c11r Tom Amold on his raauiage to calla on 9 with best u'ishes Cllrs and residents" Jul-',. Congratulations ic Anthony Durhanr too rvho rvas co-optcd onto thc council. Your Cilrs are Toitt Arnoid. Sam Briges. "laire Ford, \ric Kerr. Dick Loyrres, Anthony.' Iliu'har.n and Aiex Maniurka. Tiie next Parish Couucil rnecting is Thursday E September ai Dry* Doddineton Villase hall at 7.30pur, all u,clcome. Pleasc contact the Cierk c.r a Cilr with any conceffrs or comments: WcnCy McCallin, Clerk {tel: 0140C 2E2001; email: [email protected]) :a Events Caiendar August Tue 9 Nottingham Alabastair Men & The Lost Tornb of Richard llt Midsomer Madness, Westborough Fr'i L9 Good Neigfrbours, Wheatsheaf, Dry Doddington Sat 6 September ivlon 5 Claypole Farish Councii Meeting, Claypole Weds 8 Claypole Village Meeting, Claypole Viltage ttall Thurs 8 W'boro & Dry llodd Parish C,:uncil Sun 11 Bounceabout Afternoon, Claypole \{ieds 14 Thurs i.5 Fundraising Quiz t\ight for Over 6G's Christrnas, Claypole Crafty Cuppa Club, Claypole l.4on 19 Good Neighbours, Stubton village Hall 24+25th Westborough Harvest & Flower Festival Fri 30 Harvest Supper Dry Dod - Dry Doddington October Sat B Harvest Supper ffboro Sat L5 80's Disco, Claypole \5-17 Autumn Flower Festival, AllSaints Church, Fenton Good Neighbours, Westborough Wed 19 November Thurs 3 W'boro & Dry Dodd Parish Council- Westborough Sat 5 Bonfire Night Wlboro Sat 26 Pantomime Wboro Decernber Sat 3 Christmas Ccffee morning, Dry Doddineton Sat 10 Over 60's Christmas Lunch, Claypole ?.9 sHrevstrffis FSffi &US{""$ST & $mr"g',ffiffiffiffire SUNDAY 7th AUGUST Stubton 9.00 am '10.30 am Ciaypole SUNDAY 14Ih AUGUST Westborough 9.30 am 10.30 am Dry Doddington Morning Prayer Holy Communion Holy Communion Family Service SUNDAY 21"1AUGUST 9.00 10.30 am am $tubton Claypole Holy Communion Family Service FRIDAY 26th AUGU$T 1.00 pm Wedding of: Adam James Roberts & Katie Ellen Jarvis Fenton SUNDAY 2SthAUGUST Dry Doddington 10.00 am Holy Communion SUI{DAY #h SEPTE$IIBER 9.00 10.30 ant am Stuhtcn Claypole SATURDAY,!OIh SEPTEMBER 12.15 pm Dry llodCington 1.00 pm Claypcle SUNDAY 1,!Ih SEPTEMBER 9.30 am Westborough 10.30 am Dry Doodingion St,,ND},Y 1 8IN SEPTEMBER 9.00 am Stubton 10.30 am Claypole Morning Prayer Cornmunion 1-loly Ydedding af: fdward Charles Whiting & Lucy lvlarie Hudscn Wedciing of: Andrew Cnristopher Walker & Grace Victoria Miiis l-ioly Communion Famiiy Service Holy Communion Fanrily Service & Bapfis,n of Hermione & Ruperl Mailow SUNDAY 25Ih SEPTEMBER 10.00 am Dry Doddington Holy Communion