full paper - Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
full paper - Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Performance Under Controlled Conditions of the Interceptor VG-2 Radar Detector Detector Adrian K. Lund Scott Schmidt Mark Freedman Anthony C. Preuss Michael A. Ciccone June 1990 c I E I F FETY ABSTRACT The Interceptor VG-2 is a device developed to detect the use of radar detectors in moving vehicles. In extensive off-highway tests, the Interceptor VG-2, or radar detector detector (ROD), responded to all of 13 commercially available radar detectors. Although there was considerable variation in the distance at which different radar detectors first evoked a response from the ROD, the pattern of response was consistent across detectors: a gradually increasing intensity of response as radar detectors approached the RODs, followed by an almost immediate cessation of response as the radar detectors passed beyond the RODs. The response pattern was replicated for three different vehicles (small plastic-body car, typical mid-size car, and large straight truck) and for different closing speeds. The response of the RODs was also shown to be directional, so that radar detectors approaching from the direction opposite the aim of the RODs produced only brief, much weaker responses as they passed. The RODs were unaffected by the operation of radar speed-measuring devices, and they were not detectable by approaching radar detectors. The RODs were subject to interference from each other unless separated by at least 100 feet. There was also some interference when a two-way radio microphone was activated within a couple of feet, but the interference was brief and the pattern produced by the interference was unlike the response produced by passing radar detectors. Based on the off-highway testing, a protocol was developed for assessing radar detector use in traffic and tested using three vehicles with radar detectors turned on or off according to a predetennined, random schedule. With the ROD, vehicles with operating radar detectors were positively identified in 82 percent of the tests, and incorrectly identified as not having a detector only one percent of the time. In 17 percent of the tests with an operating radar detector, a signal was recieved but the signal could not be attributed positively to the test vehicle. Vehicles without operating detectors were identified correctly as not having detectors in 61 percent of the tests and incorrectly as having detectors in five percent of the tests. In the remaining 34 percent of tests without an operating detector, a detennination about radar detector use in the test vehicle could not be made. INTRODUCTION Excessive speed is a major factor in crash losses. It contributes to both crash causation and to the severity of crashes,l and enforcement of spee'd limits is an important element in an overall strategy to reduce highway deaths and injuries. Police radar is one of the primary tools for enforcing speed limit laws, but the proliferation of radar detectors, which are receivers that allow motorists to detect police radar before their speed can be measured, diminishes its effectiveness?,3 To date, studies of radar detector use and enforcement of radar detector laws in the three jurisdictions with these laws (Connecticut, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.) have been limited by the lack of an easy method for determining radar detector use in moving vehicles. Most information about radar detector use in traffic has been obtained from indirect measures, such as observed braking and/or sudden speed reductions when passing vehicles are exposed to police radar.2,3 Direct observations of radar detectors in vehicles have been reported,4 but these cover only visually obvious detectors and are particularly suspect in jurisdictions that do not allow the use of radar detectors where they may be concealed. Clearly, both research and enforcement efforts would benefit from improved identification of radar detector use. Recently, Technisonic Industries of Mississauga, Ontario has developed an electronic device that offers a direct method for assessing radar detector use in moving vehicles. All superheterodyne radar detectors use an internally generated microwave signal to enhance their ability to detect police radar; this signal is broadcast by the radar detectors, and the Technisonic Industries device, the Interceptor VG-2, is tuned to detect that characteristic signal. Thus, the Interceptor VG-2 is designed to detect radar detectors in much the same manner as radar detectors detect police radar. When the Interceptor VG-2 is near an operating radar detector, it responds with both an audible tone and a visual display (a series of 10 light emitting diodes, or LEDs) that is proportional to the microwave energy it receives from the detector. Figure 1 shows a photograph of the actual unit and a diagram with a short explanation of the various controls and displays. Since 1988, the Ontario Provincial Police have been using this device to enforce an Ontario law banning the use of radar detectors; during the first 30 hours of use in the London, Ontario area, they reported that they confiscated 50 radar detectors. s Ten of the Interceptor VG-2 devices, termed "radar detector detectors" (RODs), were obtained for study. The purpose was to assess the sensitivity of the RODs, including their susceptibility to interference from other possible sources of microwave radiation, and to assess their ability to discriminate in actual traffic among vehicles known to have or not to have radar detectors. The first This work was supported by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. 2 round of testing was conducted at an off-highway site where the sensitivity of the RDDs could be tested under isolated conditions free of uncontrolled sources of microwave radiation. The on-highway testing was conducted under controlled conditions on a stretch of rural interstate highway. This paper reports the results of both sets of tests. OFF-HIGHWAY TESTING The purpose of the off-highway testing was to detennine whether the RDDs could detect a wide variety of commercial radar detectors, at what range detection occurs, and whether there were any performance differences under various ambient conditions and when installed in a variety of vehicles. The testing was conducted at a nearly deserted airport near West Point, Virginia. The airport was originally built for defense purposes during World War II with a total of 18,000 feet of concrete runways. It is now used by small aircraft and is without tower control. This location was selected because the ROD signal reception would not be influenced by stray signals from nearby highways or other sources. The closest source of microwave radiation outside of CB and aircraft communications was a remote VHF OMNI Range Radio (VOR) located 4.4 miles away. RDD Sensitivity The first objective of the off-highway tests was to detennine the sensitivity of the RDDs, or their ability to detect the signals of commercially available radar detectors. These tests were conducted using 13 popular radar detector models shown in Table 1. All 13 of these radar detectors activated the RDDs at close range, as did three additional radar detectors that were purchased too late for inclusion in this testing (Table 1). The main series of sensitivity tests were performed on a 5,000-foot runway with an observation vehicle, a large passenger van, stationed at the zero foot mark. A 4,000 foot range was marked off in front of the van in 500-foot (or smaller) increments (Figure 2). As a target vehicle approached the van with a radar detector in operation, notations were made of the response of the RDDs at each incremental distance. For the first set of tests, the target vehicle was a small, plasticbody sports car (pontiac Fiero), and the radar detector was always mounted in the same location, near the roof line (attached to the sunvisor or to the windshield) and aligned parallel to the longitudinal center line of the target vehicle (Figure 3). The 10 RDDs were mounted on a board fastened to the observation vehicle's instrument panel, with the antennas aligned parallel to the longitudinal center line of the observation van (Figure 4). 3 The manufacturer recommends that the sensitivity dial of the RDD be set at the 2 o'clock position, initially. Preliminary tests indicated, however, that this common setting left substantial variation in the sensitivity of the RODs. To reduce this variation while assessing the characteristic response of RODs to radar detector signals, the sensitivity settings were adjusted to produce a similar signal response on all RDDs to one radar detector.· This was achieved by setting ROD #1 at the recommended 2 o'clock position and fmding the distance at which this radar detector was just detectable (3,500 feet). Then, the sensitivity for each other RDD was adjusted to produce the same response at the same distance. The resulting sensitivity settings for the 10 RODs ranged from 11 o'clock to 5:30 or nearly maximum (see Table 2). At the beginning of each test run, the radar detector was turned on and checked for operation by directing police radar at it from the observation vehicle and confirming a response. The van with the ROD's was in a stationary position and the target vehicle approached the observation vehicle from the opposite direction in the same lane. The target vehicle moved forward and stopped at each distance increment, and the intensity of the signal response for each of the 10 RDDs was recorded. Each RDD was tested one at a time because preliminary tests had indicated that interference occurred whenever two were operated at the same time unless separated by at least 100 feet. The signal intensity was measured by counting the number of light emitting diodes (LEDs) lit on the display of the ROD, which ranged from zero to ten. After all measurements at the 100-foot mark, the target vehicle then moved about 15 feet to its driver's left and drove slowly past the observation van while ROD # 10 continued to monitor the detector signal. Notations were made when the signal response reached zero. Signal Response as Vehicle Approaches. All radar detectors were detected by all RDDs. However, despite the initial sensitivity adjustments, there was still variability in the distance of detection, both across RODs and across radar detectors. As shown in Table 2, the average distance at which the tested RDDs first responded to an approaching radar detector was between 2,000 and 3,000 feet. Depending on the ROD, the distance at which a radar detector was first sensed varied from as close as 100 feet to as far as the maximum test distance of 4,000 feet. In addition, some RODs responded more strongly to some radar detectors than others. • The radar detector (A in Table 3) used for the sensitivity adjustments had been shown to emit somewhat greater than average microwave radiation in bench tests of 11 radar detectors commercially available in 1988 (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, unpublished data). 4 However, these differences among the RDDs related primarily to the strength of the response and how early the radar detector was itself detected. In using the RODs to identify vehicles using radar detectors, the pattern of signal response is as important as the initial detection distance. Table 3 shows the pattern of response to radar detector A, whose pattern was typical of most other radar detectors. As shown, the RDD response typically increased gradually as the vehicle was brought closer to the RDDs. The major exception to this pattern occurred with RDD #3, which often responded more weakly than other RODs and also had a less infonnative pattern of response. On two of the 13 radar detectors, ROD #3 had a relatively flat response curve and, in a third case, a response that appeared at one distance and then disappeared at a closer distance. The relatively poorer perfonnance of RDD #3 is indicated clearly in another summary statistic for the RDDs in this sensitivity test. An integrated signal intensity was computed for each ROD and radar detector combination by multiplying the signal response at each test distance by the distance between successive reading locations (in hundreds of feet) and summing the products (Table 4). An average integrated signal intensity was then obtained for each RDD by averaging across the 13 radar detectors. Most RDDs had an average signal intensity between 125 and 190. ROD #3 was much less sensitive, achieving a score of only 55. The next weakest ROD was #5, which also had a score less than 100. Although this indicates that RDD #5 was less sensitive, overall, than the other RODs, its signal response still followed the typical pattern of increasing response as the radar detectors approached the observation van; its response simply started at a closer point. The atypical perfonnance of ROD #3 suggested that this RDD probably needed factory readjustment. Signal Response as Vehicle Passes. The signal responses registered on RDD #10 declined sharply as the vehicle passed the observation van. By the time the radar detector had passed 50 feet beyond the ROD, the response had fallen to zero for every radar detector. In the majority of cases, the response fell to zero as soon as the radar detector passed the RDD. Velocity Effects To detennine if relative motion between the radar detector and the RDD could affect the performance of the RODs, the tests were repeated for one RDD and one radar detector, with the target vehicle traveling at 10, 20, 30, and 40 mph. Speeds faster than 40 mph were not tested because that was the maximum speed that still allowed sufficient time to read and record the LEDs on the ROD as the target vehicle passed each 500-foot marker. The ROD gave virtually the same reading as the 5 stationary tests at each distance for all test speeds; most readings were identical, and a few differed by one LED (Figure 5). Vehicle Size and Construction Effects Potential effects of vehicle size and construction on ROD perfonnance were assessed by repeating the RDD sensitivity tests with two additional vehicles: a Toyota Camry four-door sedan, a midsize car with typical steel unibody construction, and a large straight truck (GVWR = 22,940 lbs) also with steel construction. These tests were conducted using two RODs and five radar detectors. The RODs selected were #8, which had the highest average response intensity at 1,500 feet, and #7, which had the third lowest average response intensity at 1,500 feet. The radar detectors were A, B, C, D, and G, which represented both "noisy" and "quiet" radar detectors, in tenns of the responses they produced from the RODs during the first sensitivity tests. The detectors were mounted near each vehicles' roofline, as in the first tests with the Pontiac Fiero. Overall, there were few differences in response patterns among the three vehicles; Figure 6 contains an example of the typical results. Results for the two RODs were very similar and their signal responses were averaged. One exception to the typical pattern occurred with radar detector G, which evoked a much weaker signal from RDD #7 and from both RDDs when used in the Toyota Camry. In the only other consistent difference among the vehicles, the signal response of the RDDs declined even more sharply for the Camry and the truck as they veered past the observation van than for the Fiero. As measured on RDD #8, the most sensitive of the RODs, the response to all five radar detectors in these two vehicles had fallen to zero within 25 feet beyond the front of the van. Opposing Vehicle Tests Tests were also conducted to measure the response of the RODs to radar detectors approaching from the opposite direction (i.e., approaching from behind the RDDs), simulating opposing vehicle traffic on actual highways. Readings were taken with the ROD and radar detector antennas aimed in the same direction along the longitudinal axes of the vehicles and with the ROD aimed 60 degrees off the longitudinal axis, toward the travel lane of the target vehicles (see Figure 7). Several sets of opposing vehicle tests were conducted using the smaller set of five radar detectors and two RODs, using different target vehicles and simulating different lane offsets. The Toyota Camry and large truck 6 tests simulated a 50-foot median between approaching traffic and opposing traffic, while tests with the Pontiac Fiero simulated both 100-foot and ISO-foot medians. In all opposing vehicle tests, readings were taken starting from 200 feet to the rear of the observation van and continuing to 500 feet beyond the front of the obsetvation van. Readings were taken every 25 feet until the target vehicle passed the front of the van, after which readings were taken every 100 feet. RDD response to the radar detectors in opposing vehicles was typically much weaker than the response to approaching vehicles regardless of the width of the simulated median, the type of vehicle, or the angular orientation of the RDD (to 60 degrees). Figure 8 is an example of results from the Fiero tests with a 100-foot median and the RDDs oriented along the axis of the van. It shows both the approaching and opposing lane RDD signal response, illustrating both the weaker response and the more erratic response to radar detectors in opposing vehicles. Even at offsets of only 50 feet, the response to radar detectors in opposing vehicles was much weaker than for approaching vehicles and lasted only for a short distance. Rotating the RDDs orientation 60 degrees toward the target vehicle's travel lane increased the magnitude of the response only slightly, and the pattern of response was very similar to the zero degree test (Figure 9 provides an example of large truck results). For the Fiero simulating opposing traffic across a 150-fi median, there was no RDD indication of a radar detector presence for most radar detectors and RDD test combinations. Again, radar detector G provided an exception to these typical results. The weaker response that it evoked from the RDDs in the approaching vehicle tests was only slightly stronger than the response it evoked in the opposing traffic test. Radar Detector Location Effects In all preceding tests, the radar detectors were located near the roofline of the target vehicles. To assess whether location of the detector within a vehicle would affect the perfonnance of the RODs, additional tests were conducted with the truck as the target vehicle. At distances of 3,500, 500, and 200 ft, radar detector #D was moved around the truck cabin, while the responses of RDD #7 and 8 were monitored. The radar detector position was varied from the roofline to the dashboard and from the driver side A-pillar to the passenger side A-pillar. There was no measurable difference found in signal intensity, as measured by the number of LEDs lit on the RDDs. 7 Effect of Radar Speed Measurement Devices Each of the 10 RODs was positioned within three feet of standard radar speed measurement units that were either tuned to police radar frequencies (and therefore detectable by radar detectors) or tuned to a slightly different frequency that has been used for research purposes because it is undetectable by radar detectors.2 The antennas of the radar units and the RDDs were aimed directly at each other. There was no response of the RODs to either radar speed measurement device. Two-Way Radios During test runs, it was noted that switching on the microphone of a CB radio or a FM twoway radio caused a brief response from the ROD, but this occurred only if the microphone was located within two feet of the RDD. Temperature The sensitivity of the RDDs to ambient temperature was tested by creating an enclosure for RDD #8 and ducting the obselVation vehicle's heat into the RDD's enclosure. A thennocouple was used to record the environmental temperature. A maximum temperature of 1200 F was obtained and held for 30 minutes with the outside ambient temperature at 650 F. The Toyota Camry was stationed at 1,500 feet with a radar detector; the detector produced a 5-6 LED output from the single RDD at ambient temperature in the heat chamber. During the heat-up and heat-soaking process the RDD power switch remained on and a reading was taken every 5 minutes. The LED output of the ROD did not change throughout the whole test sequence. RDD Detection by Radar Detectors At no time during the off-highway tests did any of the radar detectors respond to the RDDs. Summary of RDD Off-Highway Tests A1113 of the tested radar detectors produced measurable responses from all 10 RODs. In most cases, these responses occurred as early as 1,500 feet, although some detectors produced no response until closer to some RODs. More importantly, the RODs were highly directional, and there was a definite typical pattern of response: Radar detectors approaching from the monitored direction produce a gradually increasing signal response from the RODs that drops off sharply (within 50 feet) as the monitored vehicle passes the RDD..Additionally, vehicles simulating opposing traffic with 8 radar detectors produce much weaker ROD response patterns that are more erratic and are detectable for much shorter distances than vehicles traveling in the lane being monitored for detector use. The somewhat atypical performance of RDD #3 suggests that the manufacturer may need to refine some of the manufacturing tolerances, but, even this RDD could be expected to identify many operating radar detectors with precision in passing vehicles. There are two conditions that may reduce the certainty of identification of detector-equipped vehicles. First, if traffic is dense, vehicles may be following very closely or even traveling side by side. If there is less than one to two seconds between vehicles, it will be difficult to identify which vehicle (perhaps both) is responsible for a positive RDD response, even if the characteristic signal discussed above is very clear. Second if a vehicle with an operating detector is followed by another vehicle also with an operating detector that emits a sufficiently large amount of microwave radiation, the second detector may prevent the characteristic drop in ROD response that would normally occur as the first vehicle passes. The off-highway tests indicate that some radar detectors evoke a strong response from RDDs from as far away as 3,000 feet. Thus, without the characteristic drop in RDD response as the vehicle passes, radar detector use by the first vehicle will not be completely certain. ON-HIGHWAY TESTING In the second phase of testing, controlled on-highway tests were conducted to determine the reliability of the RDD in identifying whether a particular vehicle in the traffic stream contains an operating radar detector. For these tests, a ROD operator and an assistant were in a large passenger van parked in an open area beyond the right shoulder of a low-to-moderate traffic volume section of westbound 1-70, near Hancock, Maryland. While they observed traffic in the westbound lanes, three vehicles operated by other experimenters were introduced into the normal flow of traffic, sometimes with an operating radar detector, sometimes not. The vehicles maintained a separation distance from each other corresponding to about three minutes at 55 mph. The drivers told the RDD operator via two-way radio when they were approaching, and they traveled with their headlights on to further facilitate identification. However, the RDD operator and assistant were not infonned whether a radar detector was operating or not. The observation site was selected because the westbound lanes were separated from the eastbound lanes by a wide median and higher elevation; thus, radar detector signals from eastbound vehicles were mostly blocked from a RDD aimed toward approaching westbound traffic. In addition, 9 the location was on a long straightaway that followed a right-bending CUlVe around a mountainside, which helped block most radar detector emissions from following vehicles far upstream in the westbound lanes. To further shield the RDD from upstream radar detectors that might mask any signals from the target vehicles, the RDD was aimed at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees from the longitudinal axis of the obselVation vehicle toward approaching westbound traffic. The off-highway testing had shown that this angle did not appreciably increase the response of the RDDs to radar detectors in traffic from the opposite direction (which was already shielded by the median), and it could be expected to decrease the response of the RDDs to upstream traffic because of the high directionality of their sensitivity to radar detectors. On-Highway Procedure The three target vehicles were small cars with steel construction. Except for slightly greater response to radar detectors in the plastic-bodied Fiero, the off-highway testing had indicated that vehicle size and construction had little effect on RDD response. Each vehicle was equipped with two radar detectors, one relatively quiet and one relatively noisy, as judged by the off-highway testing. The six devices included radar detectors A, B, C, I, and L from the off-highway testing, plus the Cincinnati Microwave Solo detector purchased subsequently; the latter was included as an example of the most recent technology in radar detector devices. As the target vehicles approached the obselVation point, the drivers turned the detectors on or off according to a pre-determined, randomized schedule. Each target vehicle drove past the observation van 40 times on each of the two days, for a total of 240 trails. Half the trials were with both radar detectors off; half were with one or the other detector on.·· As each target vehicle approached, it was obselVed through the left rear door window of the van. RDD #8, which was mounted on a tripod, was used in the on-highway tests. After each target vehicle passed by, the RDD operator answered the following questions about the trial: 1. Did the RDD respond as the target vehicle passed? The answer was affirmative if any LEDs lit on the RDD during the [mal 500 feet of the target's approach. .... At the end of testing it· was noted by one driver that he had accidentally presented one trial with the radar detector on when it should have been off; therefore, there were 121 trials with a radar detector on and 119 without. 10 2. Was the operator certain that a radar detector signal had activated the RDD? If the RDD responded as the target approached and the response was characteristic of radar detectors and not erratic, the answer was affirmative. 3. If the operator was certain a radar detector signal had been received, was the operator certain that the target vehicle was responsible for it? This was answered affirmatively orl1y if the characteristic response identified in the off-highway testing occurred, including the decline in RDD response as the target vehicle passed, and if there were no other vehicles close enough to also account for the response. Consistent with the off-highway results, the operator typically required at least 1-2 seconds (100-150 feet) between the target vehicle and other vehicles before answering affinnatively. 4. Was the target vehicle at least 2 seconds behind the nearest vehicle (short or long headway)? 5. Was the nearest following vehicle at least 5 seconds behind the target vehicle (short or long tailway)? Based on the results of the off-highway testing, a radar detector was to be attributed to a target vehicle only if the answer to questions 1 through 3 were all "yes." If no RDD response occurred while a target vehicle was in the specified range, then the target vehicle was identified as not having an operating radar detector. If a characteristic response pattern was observed but it could not be attributed to the target vehicle because of nearby traffic, the identification was listed as uncertain. The identification was also listed as uncertain when an RDD response occurred but did not follow the characteristic response pattern of declining sharply as the target vehicle passed beyond the van; in all such cases, the signal pattern subsequently declined as a nearby following vehicle passed beyond the van. As noted in the off-highway testing, the radar detector in the following vehicle could have masked the expected decline in signal from an operating detector in the target vehicle, making it difficult to determine whether the detector was operating in the target vehicle. The ROD operator answered the first three questions and determined radar detector use with no help from the assistant. The assistant recorded all data and helped with the headway and tailway assessments. The latter were included in the study because previous studies in which speeds were measured by nondetectable radar had found that headways and tailways of these magnitudes were generally necessary to obtain valid measures of speed (note that the tailway requirement is larger than the headway requirement because these studies usually measured speeds after vehicles had passed by 11 rather than as they approached).6 Because studies of radar detector use in real traffic will undoubtedly include measures of vehicle speeds, one objective of the on-highway testing was to detennine the perfonnance of the RDDs under the specific conditions when speed measures are likely to be available. The headway and tailway assessments were included to address this question but were also expected to provide some insight into the occurrence of uncertainty because of traffic density. On-Highway Test Results A summary of the radar detector identifications for the two days combined is shown in Table 5. Of the 119 trials with both radar detectors off, 73 (61 percent) were correctly identified as having no radar detector on (i.e., the operator was certain that there had been no radar detector signal or that any signal received had come from a source other than the target vehicle). In only six trials (5 percent), did the operator incorrectly identify a radar detector as operating when it was not. However, on 40 (34 percent) of the off trials, the operator received a radar signal but could not localize it to the test vehicle; thus, radar detector use was uncertain for the test vehicle. Of the 121 trials with one or the other of the detectors in use, the operator correctly identified the test vehicle as having an operating detector in 99 cases (82 percent); in only one case (1 percent) did the RDD operator definitely not identify a test vehicle with an operating radar detector. In 21 cases (17 percent) with an operating radar detector, however, the operator received a signal but could not localize it to the target vehicle. Altogether, there were seven trials (3 percent) with definite identification errors, and 61 trials (25 percent) with radar detector signals that could not be attributed to the test vehicles. The data were examined by observation day and by headway and tailway (Table 6). Five of the six trials where the ROD operator incorrectly identified a test vehicle as operating a radar detector occurred on the first day of testing, with only one error on the second day. After viewing the first day's results, the operator indicated that he had indeed assigned radar detectors to a few vehicles for which there was some doubt; that is, although some signals seemed very likely to have come from the test vehicles, there had been other vehicles that might have caused the ROO signal in certain circumstances. For the second day, the operator altered his approach and assigned active radar detectors only to vehicles for which he was absolutely certain of identifying radar detector use. Although the numbers of trials are too few for the results to be statistically significant, there was an apparent increase on day 2 in the number of trials where radar detector use was uncertain for the test vehicle (29 percent versus 22 12 percent on day 1); but the number of trials in which vehicles without a detector were incorrectly identified as having one declined from 8 percent (5 of 60) to 2 percent (1 of 59). There is no evidence that identification errors (3 percent of trials) were related to traffic density, as five of the seven errors occurred during trials when both headways and tailways should have been adequate for detennining radar detector use. However, identification uncertainty was affected by short tailways (less than 5 seconds between the target vehicle and a following vehicle); three out of every four trials with short tailways, either alone or in combination with short headways, resulted in an uncertain identification of radar detector use by the test vehicle. By comparison, when neither headways nor tailways were short, 88 percent of the trials resulted in certain identification. Short headways (fewer than two seconds between the target vehicle and the vehicle in front of it) seemed to pose less difficulty than short tailways, as 83 percent of such trials resulted in a definite identification and no errors. One reason for the greater uncertainty with close-following vehicles is that radar detectors in those vehicles would mask any radar detector signal from the target vehicle, as discussed earlier, while radar detectors in preceding vehicles pose a problem only when headways are very short (about 1 second or less). However, it is urillkely that the presence of other radar detectors in the following traffic is a complete explanation of the uncertainty associated with short tailways. It may be that, for unknown reasons, short tailways were more likely than short headways to be very short (less than 1 second). However, the current study did not code headways and tailways with sufficient detail to assess this possibility. One clear finding was that more trials resulted in uncertain identification when the radar detectors were off than when they were on (Chi-square = 7.53, P < 0.05). This is not surprising because, when it is on, an approaching radar detector usually evokes a very distinctive pattern of response from the RDD, as observed in the off-highway testing. This distinctive pattern can sometimes even override competing signals from other sources, especially if the detector in the target vehicle is relatively noisy and the other detectors are not very close (Le., more than 5 seconds behind the target vehicle). This shows clearly that a detector is operating in the target vehicle. However, when no radar detector is operating in a target vehicle, a strong radar detector signal from a following vehicle will produce a response from the RDD while the target vehicle is within the usual range for identification. This situation, where the target has no radar detector, cannot be distinguished from the masking situation where the signal from a relatively quiet detector in the target vehicle is masked by 13 the following vehicle's detector signal. Thus, it is more difficult to ascertain that a radar detector· is off than if one is on. To detennine if the errors or uncertainty tended to be associated with the amount of microwave radiation transmitted by the radar detectors, the results for each detector were examined. One of the quieter detectors was somewhat more difficult to identify, but a majority (60 percent) of the on trials with that detector were still correctly identified by the ROD operator. Of the remaining five detectors, one was positively identified in 75 percent of its on trials, three were detected in 85 percent of their on trials, and one was detected during all of its on trials. DISCUSSION The results of both the on-highway and off-highway testing indicate that the Interceptor VG-2 model RDD can be used to identify vehicles traveling with operating radar detectors. Using the criteria outlined at the end of the off-highway testing to identify radar detector use, it is clear that a number of vehicles with operating detectors may be missed because the detector signal cannot be assigned to them with certainty (17 percent in the on-highway study), but using these procedures results in very few identification errors (3 percent over both test days). On the second day of onhighway testing, a vehicle without an active detector was incorrectly identified only once in 59 trials; similarly, a vehicle with an active detector was incorrectly identified as not having one only once in 61 trials. Although these error rates were obtained under relatively favorable traffic conditions, it is expected that more congested traffic would not increase identification errors because the errors were not associated with the headway and tailway measures. However, more congested traffic would increase the number of uncertain identifications. When identification of radar detector use was restricted to trials that met the criteria for obtaining vehicle speeds by radar measurement (2 seconds headway, 5 seconds tailway), only 12 percent of the identifications were not certain in the on-highway tests. When only the second day's test results are considered, this percentage increased slightly to 19 percent, but only two identification errors were made in 120 trials. All detectors tested were usually identifiable in the traffic stream when they were operating. Even the latest technology detectors produced predictable responses in the RODs, and it is clear that very little incorrect identification of radar detector use in a vehicle will be made if the criteria outlined 14 above are followed. Although there will be a substantial number of cases where the RDD will not be able to assign a radar detector to a particular vehicle with certainty, that will usually occur because there is another following vehicle with a radar detector that will be identifiable. The results of these carefully controlled tests demonstrate that RDDs can be used to collect useful data on radar detector use in vehicles in traffic. Most importantly, the fact that false positive identifications are rare means that the device can be a useful tool to enforce radar detector bans. References 1. Solomon, D. 1964. Accidents on Main Rural Highways Related to Speed, Driver, and Vehicle. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Conunerce, Bureau of Public Roads. 2. Ciccone, Michael A.; Goodson, Mark; and Pol1ner, Jessica. 1987. Radar Detectors and Speeds in Maryland and Virginia. Journal of Police Science and Administration, 15:277-84. 3. Pezoldt, V.l and Brackett, R.Q. 1988. The Impact of Radar Detectors on Highway Traffic Safety. College Station, TX: Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A & M University. 4. Maryland State Police. 1986. Prohibiting the manufacture, sale, use, and possession of radar detectors. Anapolis, MD: Maryland State Police Traffic Program Planning Unit. 5. The Ontario Provincial Police Review. 1989 Speeding target of new device. 24:(3)3. 6. Freedman, Mark, and Esterlitz, Joy. 1990. The effect of the 65 mph speed limit on speeds in three states. Transportation Research Board, in press. 605.SLF 15 Table 1 Radar Detectors Used In Off-Highway Testing Make Model Serial # Bel Vector 3 F143898 Cincinnati Microwave Escort 1264448 Cincinnati Microwave Passport 803173 Cobra Trapshooter 144726 Cobra Trapshooter Ultra 229723 Craig R101 16315052 ElectroIert Fuzzbuster M305082 K40 XK Superhet 546627 Maxon RD 2A 0081241 Maxon RD25 0024474 Uniden RD 25 95047489 Whistler Spectrum 2 191986 Whistler Spectrum 2 SE 040895 *Cincinnati Microwave Escort (new model) E0048576 *Cincinnati Microwave Solo (new model) S0036236 *Fox V009404 Vixen III * Models were purchased too late for 'field testing. 16 Table 2 Sensitivity of Radar Detector Detectors (RODs) Sensitivity Setting Distance of First Detection (It) (clock position) Average 1 2:00 2 RDD# Shortest Longest 2,804 100 3,500 2:00 2,604 500 3,500 3 5:30 2,257 1,500 4,000 4 11 :30 2,758 1,000 4,000 5 5:00 2,542 200 3,500 6 2:30 2,796 1,000 4,000 7 2:30 2,412 500 3,500 8 11 :00 2,912 1,000 4,000 9 2:00 2,335 500 3,500 10 4:00 2,642 1,000 3,500 17 Table 3 ROD Response as a Function of Distance For a Radar Detector #A Signal Intensity (O-10) LEOS at Each Range (Ft.) ROD # 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 200 100 8 0 1 5 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 6 0 1 5 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 7 0 1 5 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 4 0 1 5 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 2 0 1 5 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 1 0 1 5 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 9 0 1 3 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 0 1 3 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 5 0 1 3 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 3 0 1 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 18 Table 4 Integrated Signal Strength RDD# Radar Detector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A· 242 242 135 242 210 242 242 B 46 54 15 40 6 46 C 8 12 21 27 37 D 157 175 50 187 E 217 230 92 F 192 207 G 109 H 9 10 250 225 215 32 68 29 22 48 104 36 102 21 81 167 107 195 96 97 255 127 217 129 260 142 182 38 205 92 190 150 222 127 132 115 74 135 82 137 103 186 103 132 235 206 51 230 97 170 82 220 152 135 I 152 147 54 165 89 160 71 190 92 135 K 132 132 26 125 60 125 104 157 112 95 L 225 220 76 255 132 240 175 290 167 192 N 245 250 68 285 147 250 185 300 177 192 P 112 175 23 107 70 118 195 87 175 120 Average 148 166 55 173 94 162 129 189 130 128 * Results for radar detectors are presented anonymously. 19 Table 5 Radar Detector Identifications In On-Highway Tests On Off No. 0/0 No. Total % No. 0/0 Actual Radar Detector Status 119 (100) 121 (100) 240 (100) RDD Identification Correct Incorrect Uncertain 73 6 40 (61) 99 1 21 (82) (1) (17) 172 7 61 (72) (3) (25) (5) (34) 20 Table 6 Identifica'Uon of Radar Detector Use By Observation Day and HeadwaylTailway Distance Day 1 ROD Short Identification Headway Alone Short Tallway Both Alone Short Day 2 Neither Short Total Short Headway Alone Short Tallway Alone Both Short Neither Short Total Off Trials Uncertain 4 9 3 17 0 5 5 13 23 On (Incorrect) 0 1 0 4 5 0 0 0 1 1 Off (Correct) 2 2 3 31 38 3 0 0 32 35 Total 3 7 12 38 60 3 5 5 46 59 On Trials Uncertain 0 8 0 9 2 3 3 4 12 On (Correct) 5 3 42 51 5 1 1 41 48 0 1 45 61 Off (Incorrect) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 2 11 42 60 7 4 5 5 FIGURE 2 Track Layout for ROD Approaching Vehicle Tests 4000 ft. - - - - - - - - . - - - 3500 ft. - - - Radar Detector Orientation 3000 ft. ---------..- 2500 ft. ---------..- 2000 ft. -----1-- 1500 ft. ----+-- Vehicle Path 1000 ft. - - - - - + - - 500 ft. - - - - - . - - 200 ft. - - - - + - 100 ft. - - - - - 1 . - - . . . . . , 0-- ROD Orientation I Observing Vehicle 15 ft. FIGURE 5 Response of RDD #8 to Radar Detector D at Different Speeds # of LEOs 10 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 9t---------------tiM------------------------t 8r------iIQo-~IIB------~---------------------t 7r-------#----------.,;:~----------------I 6r--------I'-----------~----------------I 5t-------f------------~-------------I 4t-------f-------------~------------I 3r-------+---------------~-----------i 2r------t-----------------~~---------i lr----t-------------------~--------t OL-----tlII----...I..----....L.---"""'-------L-..---......I..---.......L--..---+--~-_+_ -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Feet I- 0 MPH -I- 10 MPH -4- 20 MPH -e-- 30 MPH -*- 40 MPH 4000 I FIGURE 6 Average Response of RODs #7·8 to Radar Detector A by Target Vehicle # of LEOs 10 ,...------*"........- = - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 9t'----+l--~~~-~~----*----------------t 8.....-----t-----------~~~~------+---------I 7.....----f----------------.;~~~---~------I 6f----f----------------~---Jl.p----~----I 5J---------t1------------------~~i-------~ 4J-------ILo..----------J------------~~------I 3J------f-------------------~~-----I 2J------t---------------------~------I 11------+-------------------------.;~ O""-------;JJII~--'-----'------r.------'------r.----'---_--.. -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 FEET I - Fiero -+- Truck DATA REPRESENTS AN AVERAGE OF RDD #7-8 -4- Camry I 3500 4000 FIGURE 7 Track Layout for Opposing Vehicle Tests - - - 500ft. -------- 400 ft. --+--- 300 ft. -------- 200 ft. 100 ft. RDD Orientation o ----1--- -25 ft. ----f.-- r-- -50 ft. ----.-- -75 ft. Observing Vehicle ----1--- -100 ft. ----f.-- -125 ft. ----.---150 ft. ----1----175 ft. ----f.-- 100 ft. or 150 ft. for Fiero 50 ft. for truck, Camry -.~ ts1 RJ R:DJ. -200 ft. Radar Detector Orientation ~~"'"'-----Target Vehicle FIGURE 8 Opposing Vehicle Tests - Average Response of RODs #7·8 To Radar Detector G in Pontiac Fiero at 100 Ft. Offset Approaching Signal Opposing Signal 500 1000 1500 2000 Feet 2500 3000 3500 4000 FIGURE 9 Opposing Vehicle Tests - Average Signal Response of RODs #7-8 To Radar Detector A in large Truck at 50 Ft. Offset 10 # of LED's r-----I-----I~-------------------____, Approaching Signal 9J------+--------:=j~----------------------l 81-------I---------------:~--+------i-----------l 7.....------1--------------~~---~------1 + 61----.f.-4-I.--------------------~----I 5~-~--t----------------------~-t Opposing Signal RDD @ 60 Degrees 41----+N4~----+-----------------------1 3~--HHI-.....J.--4-------------------------I Opposing Signal RDD@ 0 Degrees 21--~-4-I--J-----,t&.:....---------------------t 11-----I--+-.fI---+-\-~=------------------------t O'-------&~I---~~~-----L------L.----'-----L-----&.---------L...------I -500 o 500 1000 1500 2000 Feet 2500 3000 3500 4000