1905 Spalding - South Holland Life Heritage and Crafts including
1905 Spalding - South Holland Life Heritage and Crafts including
DIRECTORY .J LINCOLN~HIRE. 52i ~PALDIXG. I SOTBY is a pari~h and village, 3~ miles south-wes~ and the late rector has placed in the par~sh chest a copy from East Barkwit.h .station on the Louth and Lincoln of the transcripts in the Archidiaconal Registry, datingbranch of the Great Northern railway, r6 ea-'lt-north-east from 1556 to 1590. The living is a discharged rectory, from L:ncoln, 5 east from Wragby and 8 north-west net yearly value from 325 acres of glebe £2oo, including from Horncastle, in the East Lindsey division of the 300 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the county, parts of Lindsey, east division of the wapentake Lord Chancellor, and held since 1904 by the Rev. of Wraggoe, Wragby petty sess:onal division, llorncastle Theodore Rivington M.A. of Clare College, Cambridge. union and county court district, rural deanery of Wraggoe, who is also vicar of Market Stain ton. A rectory room archdeaconry of Stow and diocese of Linco:n. The church constructed to hold so persons was built in r882, by the of St. Peter is a small building of stone in the Early ReV'. James Dombrain M.A. rector r88o-88, on hi~ EngEsh and Norman styles, consisting of chancel, nave premises, and is used a.s a Sunday school. The Free and an open belfry containing one be:I: the chancel wa·s Methodist chapel was erected and opened in x8g4. Captrebuilt in 1857 in the Early English style, from plan~ Robert Charles de Grey Vyner, of Fairfield, Skrlton, N. by Mr. M. Drury, of Lincoln; and in the course of the Yorks, who is lord of the manor, and the rector are the work some mural paint:ngs- were disclos-ed on the splays sole landowners. The soil is mostly marl ; submil, mar? of the chancel windows, representing Our Lord and St. and white clay. The chief crops are barley, oats, wheat Mary Magdalcnc, "Bclshazzar' s Feast" and "The Last and turnips. The area il'l r ,646 acres; rateable value~ Supper,'' apparently of the 14th century: a large quan- £r,ors; population in rgor, 125. tity of oyst.er shells were also met with: the arch dividPar:.sh Clerk, John Maltby. ing the nave and chancel is Early Norman, and very Letters by foot post through Wragby R.S.O. arrive at 9 mass~ve: there remains a credence table, piscina and a a.m. Wall Letter Box, at the Rectory, cleared at 4 sepulchral arch, the latter probably covering the tomb p.m. week days only. Baumber, 3 miles distant, isof the founder, o.r po-ssibly tbat of Ralph, a vassal of the the nearest money order & telegraph office Bishop of Bayeux, who is mentioned in Domesday as having land in this par~sh: there are roo sitting.s. The The United Parochial .school at Ranby serves also for this. parish & that of Market Sta:nton register dates from the year r658; other reg1sters relating to this parish from r695 to 1779 are at Baumber, Carrier to Horncastle. John Maltby, sat Rivington Rev. Theodore M. A. (rector), Rectory Baggaley Jesse, farmer, Moor farm Dunn Thomas, farmer, Sotby house PinningRobert William,Nag's Head P.H Fountain ~rthur, farmer Waiter Wm. Hy. farmer, Manor farm Heaton-True John, laundry Ma.:.tby John, cottage farmr. & carrier \Veatherhog Jn. blacksmith & shpkpr I \ . I SOUTHORPE, formerly extra-parochial, is now a of Northorpe Hall, who is lord of the manor, W. W. Cole parish, near the river Eau, 2 miles south-west from esq and W . .1. Pickin esq. are the landowners. The soil Northorpe and 2 east from Blyton stations on the main is clay and loam; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief line of the Grimsby and Cleethorpes section of the Great crops are cereals. The area is 467 acres; rateable valuep Central railway, and 7 north-east from Gainsborough, in £goo; the population in Igox was 43· the \Vest Lindsey division of the county, parts of Lindsey, Letters arrive from Lincoln & are delivered from NorCorringham wapentake, Ga.insborough union, petty sesthorpe every other day. The nearest money order &. sional division and county court district. The inhabitelegraph office is at Blyton, 2 miles distant tants use Northorpe church. William Embleton-Fo:x: esq. The children of this place attend the school at Northorpe Clixby r- o"rge, farmer I Peck Henry, farmer I Pye W illiam, farmer SPALDING. SP ALDING is a seaport, market and union town and parish, with a station on the East Lincolnshire branch of the Great Northern railway, 14 miles south from Boston, 45 south-east from Lincoln, 17 north from Peterborough, 20 east from Stamford, xo east from Bourne and 93 from London, and is head CJf a county court district, in the Holland division of the county, wapentake and petty sessional division of Elloe, parts of Holland, rural deanery of West Elloe, and archdea.conry and diocese of Lincoln. Spalding is a member of the port of Boston, and is the port for Stamford, Market Deeping and Crowland, having water communicatiOn with the whole county. The river Welland runs through the town, dividing it into two portions, the larger of which is on the north bank.: it is navigable fur vessels of 120 tons, by which means a trade in coal, oil-cake and timber is carried on: the course of the river, extending in a comparatively straight line for 2 miles, constitutes the remains of highest antiquity about Spalding, for the embankments on each ~ide of the arm of the !«la or Wash, beginning from the Marsh Rails, are undoubtedly the work of the Romans. The Great Northern railway has branch lines from here to Peterboro', Bourne and Stamford, Holbeach and Lynn, and also to March, the East Lincolnshire line giving access to Boston, Louth, Grimsby and Hull. The Great Eastern and Great Northern joint line hence to Doncaster, passes through Sleaford, Lincoln and Gainsborough, giving direct communication between the Eastern Counties :md the north. A branch line of the Midland a.nd Great Northern joint railways from Bourne to Spalding, constructed in r8g3, connects the existing lines with the Eastern counties, including the ports of Lynn and Sutt.on Bridg-e, thus opening- up direct communication with the Midlands. The High Bri~e over the Welland was rebuilt in 1838; there are five other bridges, but for foot passengers only. The town is not incorporated, but was under the control of a boa.rd of Commissioners under the " Spalding Improvement Act of r853." but under the provisions of the "Local Government Act, r8g4" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), it is now governed by an Urban District Council of 15 members, and divided into five wards. An Act was passed in the year xB6o for supplying the town with water, which is conducted in pipes from Bourne; the works are close to the town, on the road to Pinchbeck; the capital is £ I3,ooo, raised in shares of £10 each_ The town is lighted with gas from works the property of the Urban District Counc1L The parish church of SS. Mary and Nicholas is a. spacious building, originally Early English, a.nd rebuilt in 1294, but with many alterations in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, some later portions being of PostReformation date: the plan is complex and anomalous~ but, in its original arrangement, it consisted of chance) with south aisle, nave with aisles, transept with eastern. and w.;stern a.isles, north porch and an embattled Perpendicular tower, with pinnacles and spire, attached to. the western bay of the south aisle, and containing a clock and 8 bells: to this structure a large rectangularchapel. dedicated to SS. Mary and Thomas a Becket, has been added on the south-east, occupying a portion of the eastern aisle of the transept, and was in r8g5 thrown into the body of the church : the eastern portion of the nave aisles was also doubled and a south porch with turret erected : the to.tal length is 157 feet, and the width, at the transept, which corresponds in this respect to the double aisle of the nave, 92 feet 6 inches: there are monuments to the J ohnson and other families, andl nearly all the windows are stained, several being memorials : the church was extensively repaired and restored by the late Sir G. G. Scott R.A. in the year x865, at a cost of £w,ooo, and further restored in 1886 at a cost of £goo, including St. Thomas a Becket's or the Lad:1 chapel, on the south side, restored by Canon E. Moore and Theophilus .M. S. Johnson esq.: there are 1,200 sittings. The register of baptisms ond burials dates from the year 1538 ; marriages, 1550- The living is 111 perpetual curacy, net yearly value £582, with residence,. in the gift of trustees, and held since rgoo by the Rev. Richard Bullock M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford, prebendary of Lincoln and rural dean of West Elloe. The ecc:esiastical parish of St. John the Baptist was formed December r, 1874, from the civil parishes of Spalding and Pinchbeck. The church at Hawthorn Bank, erected in 1875 by Miss Johnson at a cost of £r2,ooo, from designs by R. J. 'Withers esq. Adaxa -- 5 ?':# ~PALDI~G. LINCOLNSHIRE. street, Adelphi, London, is a building of stone, in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, ais:es, crypt, vestry, organ chamber, south porch and a turret containing a clock and 2 bells : there are 450 sittings. The register dates from the year 1875. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value .£36o, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Lincoln, and held since 1897 by the Rev. Grant William l\Iacdonald M.A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. The ecclesiastical parish of St. Paul, FU.Ll~EY, was formed Dec. 21, 1877, from the civil parish of Spalding. The church, together with a vicarage and Sunday school, was erected in 188o, the church at a cost of £r6,ooo, and the whole at a cost of £4o,ooo, defrayed by Miss Charington, who also endowed it with £3oo a year, £so being added hy the Ecclesiastical Com.nissioners. The church is a building of red brick and Ancaster stone, in the Early English style, after designs by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. and consists of clerestoried nave, aisles, vestry, south porch and a western tower with pinnacles and spire 129 feet high, containing a clock and B bells: there are sedilia. and piscint~: t.he font is of :Mansfield )Voodhouse stone with Purbeck marble shafts, and the pulpit is of carved oak on a stone base: there are sittings for 350 persons. The register dates from the year r88o. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £350, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Lincoln and the vicar of Spalding jointly, and held since 1878 by the Rev. Richard Guy Ash M.A. of Wadham College, Oxford, and chaplain of Spalding union. The church of St. Peter, in the Abbey gardens, is a building of red brick in the Early English style, erected in the year 1875-6 at a cost of £ro,ooo, from designs by the late Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, vestry, north porch, organ chamber and a turret containing one bell : the east window is stained: this church is served from that of SS. Mary and Nicholas: there are soo sitting5. The Catholic church, dedicated· to the Immaculate Conception and St. Norbert, in Henrietta street, built in 1876 and enlarged in 1879, is a plain edifice of red brick in the Early English style, consisting of nave and a turret containing one bell : some of the windows are stained. Hera is n Friends' meet.ing-house, a Congregational chapel in Pinchbeck ro3d, erected in r82r, seating 500 persons, with a branch chapel in Holbeach road, built in 1841, and having roo sittings; the Baptist chapel, in Chapel lane, founded in 1646, has sittings for 650 persons, and has a branch chapel on Spalding Common, seating 200 ; there are also Primitive Methodist, Wesleyan Methodist and Free Methodist chapels, and meeting-rooms for the Christadelphians and the Plymouth Brethren. The Cemetery, about half a mile from the town, was formed at a cost of about £4,500, including the purchase of land and the erection of the two chapels: an additional piece of land, about 2 acres in extent, was purchased in 1876, and the whole is now under the control of the Urban District Council. The Corn Exchange, erected in 1855-6 by the former Improvement Commissioners at a· cost of nearly £3,ooo, is a building in the Elizabethan style, with an illuminated clock: the exchanw~-room, which is 83 feet long and 43 broad, is fitted with stands for corn merchants, and is provided with a permanent proscenium for theatrical and other entertainments : close to the Exchange is the Butter Market, openeu in 1857, and·since much enlarged and improved. The Sessions Home, in the Sheep Market, was erected in the year 1842, at a cost of £6,ooo: quarter and petty sessions are held here for the parts of Holland. The Masonic Hall is in Pinchbeck street; the lodge meets once a month in the lodge room on the upper floor: the lower portion is let to :Messrs. Guy and Son as a furniture warehouse. The Drill Hall for the F Company 2nd Volunteer Rattalion of the Lincolnshire Regiment, in the Sheep market, was erected in 1Bgo, and is a red brick building with stone facings, standing on ground 125 by 48 feet.: it contiists of a large hall about 75 by 45 feet, with a fixed stage, armoury, order 1y and other rooms; the hall is also let for concerts, dramatic and other entertainments, for which it is well adapted. The town carries on a trade in corn, meal, flour, timber and cake. There are several steam and wind mills for grinding corn. Large quantities of fruit and vegetables are also sent. over the Great Northern and Great Eastern railwavs to the London markets and manufacturing districts. The Town Commissioners purchased the market tolls. fbrmerly belonging to the lord of the manor, fer the snm of about £4,oao; the market. placEt· was paved with [KELLY's granite in 1876, and the sheep market with a·sphalte, and permanent iron pens erected. The market day is Tuesday fur corn, cattle, sheep, fowls, vegetables and dairy produc~; and on Saturday, ve-ge-tables and fruits are sold. J<'ive yearly fairs are held for C:l ttle and merchandise, viz. the first Tuesday after Lincoln fair (April), la&t Tuesdays in June and August, and September 25th, and on the Friday before the London great Cllri9tmas market; also a statute fair for hiring servants in May. In Hall place is a fountain, the gift of the late Miss M. A. J ohnson. The Police Stab:on was erected in xBsa, at a cost of £1,400. There are four ban],s, and also a savings bank. There are also three hotels. The " Lincolnshire, Boston and Spalding Free PrPss" is published every Tuesday by the Spalding Free Press Printing and Publishing Co. L;mited ; and the " Spalding Guardian" every Saturday, by R. Winfrey. The Club House, in Broad street, belongs to the Spalding Club Company Limited, which has a capital of £2,500, in 250 shares of £10 each; it was openert in ..!.ugust, 1875, and contains reading, smoking and billiard rooms; there are about 140 members. • The Christian Associabon and Literary Institute, in Sprung garciens, and opened in the year 1875, is a builuing of red brick in the French Gotbic style, anrt contains lecture hall, reading and class rooms, with a library of I ,6oo volumes, and a residence for the caretaker. The Spalding Mechanics' Institute, in Red Lion street, and established in 1845, contains reading rooms and a library of nearly r,8oo books; during the year 1888 the library was remodelled and the sum of £so expended on nPw book;;. The Spalding Gentlemen's Society is an antiquarian :..nd literary society, founded by ~'Iaurice Johnson esq. then re~idinz at Ayscoughfee Hall, in this town, a man d cons~derahle note and one of the founders and the first librariJn of the Society of Antiquaries of London. The Spalding society was founded in 17ro, se\·en years before the formation of the larger society. .Among its earEest members were Sir Isaac Newton, Dr. William Stukeley, the well-known antiquary, George Vertue, the engraver to the Society of Antiquaries and one of the first members of the Academy of Painting, Sir Hans Sloane, president of the Royal Society, Collins the landscape painter, Browne Willis, the antiquary, the poets Pope, Gray and Addison, and Roger and Samuel Gale. The society has acquired a valuable collection of ancient books, manuscripts and engravings, ns well as a small museum. Meetings have been held only at irregular intervals, but recently the society has been reorganized, anct now numbers over 70 members, and has the support of some of the most eminent scholars of the present day; members now meet quarterly in the board room of the Johnson Hospital, when papers are read on antiquarian and literary subjects, whilst articles of greEJ.t interest are often exhibited. Gamlyn's Almshouses, for 34 men and women, founded by Sir John Gamlyn, in the year 165o, were rebuilt in 1844 in the Gothic style: each inmate receives 3B- 6d. weekly and one ton of coals yearly. The almshouses founded by William Willesby have been taken down, and a sum of £6o is now equally divided amongst six persons, male or female, annually. Mrs. E. Sparke's almshouses for six widows were re built in r 812 ; ea eh inmate receives 3s. 6d. weekly. The charities for distribution amount to about £2oo yearly. The Johnson Hospital, built in 1881, and partially endowed from bequests of the late Misses E. A. and M. A. Johnson (from whom the hospital takes its name), at a cost of £ 4,ooo, is a plain building of red brick, faced with Bath stone, in the Domestic Gothic style, and contains six wards, three for males and three for females, and has 21 beds. The Spalding Infirmary and Dispensary, established in 1839, has rooms in the Johnson Hospital; the number of patients attended for the year ending March, 1900, was about 350. Spalding, as a town, existed before Crowland, and its central position in the Mercian kingdom led to the erection of a castle, the site of which was at the north entrance to the town on the east side; some vestiges of the moat may be distinguished, and a fetter-lock preserved on the spot is believed to have been the veritable lock of the castle of Ivo Taillebois, Earl of Angers. and nephew of the Conqueror, who resided here, and, d3 ing about 1n4, was buried in the conventual chnrch. There are some 15th century remains of the outbuilding-s of the ancient Benedictine priory of SS. Mary and Xicholas, founded in 1051 by Thorold de Bokenhale, DIRECTORY.] LI~COLNSHIRE. lieutenant of his father, the Duke of Mercia; these are now incorporated into dwelling houses, and consist of a turret staircase, the dormitory, an octagonal turret or prison and portions of the moat: at its dissolution there were 20 monks, and revenues estimated at £767· "Fulney Farm house," I~ miles south-east from the town, i8 a very ancient structure, erected in Io8o, and is supposed to have been the dairy farm of the monastery; it is built with a mixture of bricks, stone and concrete, its walls being 3 feet thick, and in capital preservation; the upper part of the house is supported on a grained lower story, and was at one time approached by a stone staircase outside the building on the south side ; there are still traces of the moat and fishpond, by which the building was surrounded; it is at present occupied bv a farm bailiff . • Fnlney House, I! miles east of the town, is a handsome brick mansion, surrounded by extensive pleasure grounds. The trustees of the late Maurice Johnson esq. and C. E. Banner esq. are lords of Spalding manor; Richard Buckworth esq. of Cockley Cley, Norfolk, is lord of the manor of Spalding Crowland ; C. E. Banner esq. steward. The land is mostly held by small freeholders. The land produces large quantities of wheat, oats and market garden produce, also roots, beans and peas; there is also a fair proportion of fine grazing land. The area is 10,701 acres of land, 5I of water, 35 of tidal water and 24 of foreshore; rateable value, £47 ,97~; ~PALDING. 523 the population in Igoi was g,385, including g officers and go inmates in the workhouse and 13 in the J ohnson Hospital. The population of the Urban District wards in 1901 was :-Central, r,BoJ; East, I,8Bg; North, 1,758; South. r,867; West, 2,o68. The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 1901 was :--Dentral, r,8o3; East, 1,88g; North, 1,758; South, St. John the Baptist, 2,n2; St. Paul, 551. WYKEHAM is an estate in Spalding parish, 3 miles north-east from the parish church, and adjoins the parish of Weston St. Mary: here are the remains of a. domestic chapel built by Clement Hatfield,. prior of Spalding, and finished in 13II and dedicated to St. Nicholas; it is an exact parallelogram of ashlar, 43 by 22 feet, disposed in three bays, marked by deeply projecting buttresses: the east window is Perpendicular, but the rest are either imperfect or bricked up ; a lychnoscope an'i sedilia are also covered in a. similar way, and on either side of the east window are two elegant niches: at the south-west corner is an excellent stone spiral staircase, which communicated with the domestic buildings. Wykeham chapel is a sinecure donative benefice,· endowed with I:<~ acres of glebe, net yearly value £IS, in the gift of the governors of Spalding Grammar School, and held since r8g4 by the Rev. Edward Martin Tweed ~LA. of St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, and head master of the Grammar school. The trustees of the late Robert Everard esq. are the owners of the Wvkeham estate. • ' OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIOXS &c. Post, M:. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., P. P., S. B. & A. Welby Edward · Montague Earle esq. No"t"ton house, Norton, Sheffield & I. Office.-William Robert Owen, postmaster & disWest William Henry esq. Somerset house, Holbeach tributor of stamps, Bridge street Marsh, Holbeach Letters for London & all parts, box closes at g. 35 p. m. ; with extra stamp, can be posted in late box till g.45 The Chairmen, for the time being, of the Spalding, p.m Crowland, Holbeach, Long Sutton & Sutton Bridge For Lonrlon & all parts, box closes at 8 & 10.10 a.m. & Urban & Spalding & Holbeach Rural District Councils, 12.20 & 2 p. m. (E C & W C only), letters being deliare ex-officio magistrates; Clerk to the Magistrates, V"ered in London the same evening Harold Stanley Maples, Sessions house For Boston (day mail), box closes at I I a.m Petty Sessions are held at the Sessions ho•1se every For Holbeach (day mail), box closes at 11 a.m alternate tuesday at I I a.m For the North & the Midland counties, box c:oses at Places in the petty sessional division are :-Cowbit, 4·5o p.m Crowland, Deeping St. Nicholas, Fleet, Gedney, GedBox doses on sunday at 8.30 p.m. & \vith additional ney Hill, Holbeach, Lutton, otherwise Sutton St. halfpenny stamp till 9·5 p.m Nicholas, Moulton, Pinchbeck, Spalding,Sutton Bridge, Letters are delivered at 7 & 8. ro a.m. & 12. ro & 6 p.m. ; Sutton St. Edmund, Sutton St. James, Long Button, on snndays one delivery only, at 7 a.m Little Sutton, Tydd St. Mary, Weston St. Mary, Money order & savings bank business transacted from Whaplode, Whaplode Drove, Central Wingland 8 a.m. till il p.m The Telegraph Office is open from · 8 a. m. to 8 p.m. & on sundays from 8 to ro a.m VRB.AN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Parcel Post.-Dispatches, showing latest times at which Offices, Corn Exchange. parcels can be received for each mail : To all parts, 10 a.m. r2 noon & 4·45• 6.30 & 9 p.m.; Boston & Hol- Meeting day, first wednesday in the month at 2.45 p.m. beach, rr a.m. Five dispatches each day Members. 2 p.m. dispatch to Peterborough, London, Moulton &; Chairman, Harry L. Enderby. Whaplode ; letters by this dispatch for following places Vice-Chairman, John T. White. delivered same day :-Lynn, Bourne, Oundle, Holbeach, Central Ward. \Visbech, Grantham, Stamford, Market Deeping, Bo~ton, Retire April I Retire April March, Lincoln, Sleaford. Day mail to Donington, Gosberton & Pinchbeck, box closes r:a.45 p.m John Clarke ............ 19051 Harry Lacey Enderby 1907 George Massey .. . ... .. . I go6 COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE ELLOE PETTY North Ward. SESSIONAL DIVISION. George Francis Birch ... I9051 John Thomas Atton ... 1907 Dove Rev. John Thomas M.A. Vicarage, Cowbit, Spald- Alfred Green .... .. .. .. . • I go6 ing, chairman South Ward. Lawrance Sir John Compton D.L. Witham-on-the-Hill, George Sly ............... 19051 Edward William Gooch 1907 Bourne William Fletcher ...... 1906 Barrell George Francis esq. Mercia lodge, Spalding East Ward. Carter Lawrence esq. Wickden, Stony Stratford Martin Taylor ............ xgosll''red Sly .................. 1907 Clark Henry esq. Cley hall, Spalding Thomas 0. Mawby ...... 1906 England George Frederick esq. Goddard's hall, MaulWest Ward. ton, Spalding Everard Harry Stirling Crawfurd esq. B.A. Afton house, John Thomas White ... 1905 Watson Marshall ...... 1907 George Hall ............... rgo6 St. Andrew's, Fife, N. B Hobson William James Eland esq. Kenwards, Haywards Officers. Heath, Sussex Howard Fitzalan esq. Holyrood house, Spalding Clerk, Henry Herbert Harvey, Double street. Roward George Frederick Curtois esq. Long Sutton Treasurer, David Johnston, Capital & Counties Bank, Kingston Samuel esq. 25 London road, Spalding Market place Leigh-Bennett Rev. George Spencer B.A. Vicarage,Long Medical Officer of llealth, Gilbert Lacy Barritt L.B.C.P. Button, Wisbech Lond. 15 High street Merry Robert Psq. Littleport, Holbeach Surveyor & Superintendent of Works & Market InspecMills William Henry esq. 15 London road, Spalding tor, Herbert Cragg, Winsover road Skelton George, esq. 3 Inglewood road, West Hamp- Collector, Waiter B. Crampton, Double street stead, London N W Manager of Gas Works, Harry R. Wimhurst, Albion st Stiles Henry Tournay M.D. 18 Upper Welland terrace, Sanitary Inspector, A. L. Seymour, Sheep market. London road, Spalding Superintendent of Fire Brigade, Henry B. Massey, WeltThompson Wm. Jas. esq. Postland, Crowland, Peterboro' lode street I [)24 SPALDING. LINCOLNSHIRE. SPALDIXG RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. Meets at Union house, monthly. Chairman, John Ouzman, Gosberton Clerk, Harold Stanley Maples, 2311, New road, Spalding Treasurer, William Lane Claypon, Bank Medical Officer of Health, Samuel Henry Perry M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 4 Chmch street, Spalding Highway Surveyors, Thomas Aitken, Spalding; W. T. Smith, Pinchbeck; John Peak, Gosberton & J. Richardson, Donington Sauitary Inspectors, Deeping district, Edmund Fisher, 14 Cross street, Spalding; Gosberton district, Geo. Handford, Gosberton; Moulton district, J. H. Diggle, Moulton THE TOWN RCSBANDS. These are trustees of certain charities formed soon after the dissolution of the monastries in the 16th century: they hold meetings at the Corn exchange. The following are the gentlemen elect : W. Newton esq W. J. E. Hobson esq J. H. Burg esq John Wilson Gleed David Johnston Willia.m H. Mills Charles E. Bonner Benjamin Fountain George F. Birch Rev. R. G . .Ash M . .A ~hrten Perry esq. M.D John Henry Bunting H. H. Harvey esq John T . .Atton Harry L. Enderby J. T. White Grant W. Macdonald Henry Clarke esq Alfred Hobson esq H. S. ~Iaples esq Samuel Kingston Frederick Sly George Hall R. Bullock esq Fitzalan Howard esq .A. R. Maplea esq [KELLY'I::I SP .A.LDISG l'~IOX. alternate mondays, at the Workhouse, at 11.30 a.m. Spalding union comprises the ten parishes of Cowbit. Deeping St. Nicholas, Donington, Gosberton, Moulton, Pinchbeck, Quadring, Spalding, Surfleet & Weston. The population of the union in rgor was 21,78~; are~ 82,003 acres; rateable value in rgo5, £174, r65 Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Rev. John Thumas Dove M ..A. Vicarage, Cowbit, Spalding Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Harold Stanley Maples, 23a, New road, Spalding Treasurer, William Lane Claypon, banker, Spalding Collectors of Poor Rates: ---Spalding, Richard Longstafi. 2 Herring lane,Spalding; Deeping St.Nicholas, Andrew .Aitken, Spalding; Pinchbeck, W. T. Smith, Pinchbeck; Moulton, John Harher Diggle, Moulton; Surfleet, G. .A. Thistleton, Surfleet; Gosberton, Robert. Doubleday, Gosberton; Cowbit, Thomas Ridlington. Cowbit; Donington, William H. Cooper, Donington; Weston, J ames Atkin Gibson, W eston Relieving Officer, Gosberton district, George Handford. Gosberton; Spalding district, Edmund Fisher, 1.~ Cross street, Bpalding Vaccination Officers, George Handford, Gosberton; Edmund Fisher, 14 Cross street, Spalding; J. H. Brittain, Deeping St. Nicholas Medical Officers, Deeping St. Nicholas district, John Hugh Power M.R.C.S.Eng. 38 London road, Spalding; William Edwin Stanton B.A., L.S.A. Markei Deeping & Henry Thomas Benson L.R.C.P.Lond. Market Deeping; Donington district, Edward William J ollye M. RC. S. En g. Donington; Gosberton district, Joseph Gabbitt Maunsell Griffin Stack L.R.C.P.Edin. Gosberton; :Moulton district, George F. England L.R.C.P.Lond. Moulton; Pinchbeck district, Joseph .A. Purdon L.R.C.P.I. Pinchbeck; East Spalding district, Gilbert Lacy Barritt L.R.C.P.Lond. rs High st. Spalding; West Spalding district, John Hugh Power M.R.C.S.Eng. 38 London road, Spalding Public Vaccinators, Deeping St. Nicholas district, John Hugh Power M.R.C.S.Eng. 38 London road, Spalding; other districts, same as Medical Officers Superintendent Registrar, Harold Stanley Maples, 23a. New road; deputy, Benjamin Fountain, St. Thomas' road Registrars of Births & Deaths, Deeping St. Nicholas subdistrict, W. J. Green, Deeping St. Nicholas; Donington sub-district, Edward William Jollye, Donington; deputy, Richard Waiter Peach, Donington; Gosberton sub-district, William Russell, Gosberton; 1\Ioulron sub-district, George F. England, Moulton; Pinchbeck sub-district, .Amy Elizabeth Turner, Pinchbeck; deputy, G. P. Inkley, Pinchbeck; Spalding sub-district, George G. Goodwin, 10 Market place, Spalding Registrars of Marriages, Charles Leaper, 9 High street. Spalding; deputy, William J. Crawford, 21 Bridge street, Spalding; Edward William Jollye, Donington; deputy, Richard Waiter Peach, Donington The Workhouse, a large structure of red brick, abou\ half a mile iirom the t.own, on the road to Pinchbeck, was erected in 1835. & will hold 403 inmates; the schools & infirmary are separate from the main building: the children now attend the elementary school: Rev. Richard Guy .Ash M . .A. chaplain; Gilbert Lacy BaNiH~ medical officer; George Charles worth Bimrose, master; Mrs. Bimrose, matJron PVBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Corn Exchange, Market place, Frederick William Pools, keeper, Market place Cemetery, Pinchbeck road, Elvan Brown, registrar & receiver of fees County Court, held at the Sessions house, His Honor Sir George Sherston Baker bart. judge; Chas. Edvrard Banner, registrar & high bailiff. The court is generally held first friday in every month ; the following places are within its juri8diction :-Cowbit, Crowland, Deeping St. Nicholas, Donington, Gosberton, Moulton, Pinchbeck, Quadring, Spalding, Surfleet, Weston Certified Ilailiffs under the " Law of Distress .Amendment Act, r888 ": George Peter Kingston, 24 Hall place, Spalding; George Hall, New road, Spalding; John J. Chilvers, Sheep market, Spalding; John Cox, Crowland; Cecil F. Barrell, New road, Spalding, Frank Lnmby, Donington; John Woodroof, Spalding; Waiter B. Crampton, Double street, Spalding For bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that of Peterborough, Howard William Cox, 5 Petty Curry, Cambridge, official receiver County Police Station, Sheep market, Harry Osborn, superintendent; Edward Welbourn, inspector & 6 constables Fire Engines, Station street, Henry B. Massey, superintendent, Westlode street Infirmary & Dispensary, Johnson hospital, Priory road, P. Galloway M.B., C.M., Marten Perry M.D., Gilbert Lacy Barritt L.R.C.P.Lond., J. H. Power M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. & Samuel Herbt. Perry M.R.C.S. PUBLIC OFFICERS. Eng. surgeons .A~sistant Overseer & Assessor & Collector of T~:~xes. Inland Revenue Office, St. Thomas's road, Thomas Jas. Richard Longstaff, 2 Herring lane Harvey, officer & inspector of corn returns Certifying Factory Surgeon, Gilbert Lacy Barritt L.R.C.P. Johnson Hospital, Priory road, P. Galloway M.B., C.M., Land. 15 High street Marten Perry M.D. & S. H. Perry M.R.C.S.Eng. Clerk to the Cowbit &c. Wash Drainage Trustees, Joet physicians; Gilbert Lacy Barritt L.R.C.P.Lond. & J. George Calthrop, Market place H. Power M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeons; Clerk to the Glen Banks Trustees, Charles Edwd. Banner Miss J. Cooke, matron B.A. Broad street Clerk to the Governors of Spalding G.rammar School,. Masonic Hall, Pinchbeck street Leopold Charles Harvey, Market place Mechanics' Institute, Red Lion street, James Gollin, Clerk to the Land & Property Tax Commissioners & the librarian Court of Sewers held at Spalding, & to the South Sessions House, Sheep market, Joseph Brinckley Garratt, Holland & Spalding & Pinchbeck Drainage & Soutb keeper Holland Embankment Trustees, Joe George Calthrop~ Market place Temperance Hall, Crescent, Fred Walden, sec Clerks to the River Welland Outfall Trustees & clerk~ to Deeping Fen Trustees, Calthrop & Leopold Harvey. VOLUNTEERS. Market place ~nd Volunteer Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment (F Co. ), Collector of Market Tolls, Herbert Cragg, Winsover road Orderly room, Drill hall, Sheep marl.:et, Capt. G. J. Coroner for Spalding & Part of Holland District, J oe Barrell; Surg.-Lieut.-Col. George F. England George Calthrop, Market place; Deputy Coroner. L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; Calor-Sergeant Waltr. Charles Edward Bonner B.A. Broad street Sweeting, drill instrnctor Harbour Master, Josh. Atkin, 13 Marsh road DIRECTORY. J LINCOLNSHIRE. SPALDING. 525 Inspector of Police, Edward Welbourn, Sheep msrket Inspector of Weights k Measures to the Administrative County Council for the Parts of Holland, .A. J. Spill er, I Double street Receiver of the South Holland General Works & Adventurers & Welland Drainage Taxes, Henry Herbert Harvey, I Double street Receiver of Spalding & Pinchbeck Drainage Rates, Harold Stanley Maples, 23a, New road Superintendent of Deeping Fen Drainage, Harry Bain, King's road Superintendent of the South Holland Drainage, John Woodroof, 23 .Albert street Town Crier, James Barton, Double street lain of St. Nicholas', Wykeha.m; E. V. Spicer, E. W. Bell F.C. S. & B. T. Greenwood, assistant masters; 'Miss M. E. Madden :B.A.Dublin, governess Public Elem\lnt.ary Schools. A School Committee of members was formed ; Leopold C. !Ibrvey, Market place, clerk to the committ-ee; William Bak&, Spring street, attendance officer; the committee meet at the Central school every last thursday in the month at 10 a.m Central, 'W estlode street, erected in r879, for 400 children, & enlarged in 1Bgo-92,will now hold 760 children; average attendance, 240 boys, 220 girls & qo infants ; George Edward Church, master; 11\iiss Henrietta Pulford, mistress; Miss .Amy Robinson, infants' mistress Marsh, Spalding Ma,.rsh (mixed), Miss Beatrice Cadman, Inistress PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services. Blue Coat, Church street, founded in 1710; average SS. Mary & Nicholas Church, Church street, Rev. Canon attendance, :o~o boys & 20 girls, all of whom are taught Richard Bullock M.A. prebendary of Lincoln, incumfree; J ahn Tannock, master; Miss Marianne Tomline, bent; ReV'. John F. Tanfield M.A. curate; 8 & 10.30 mistress a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; daily, ro a.m. & 5-30 p.m.; Willeshy's, iWinsover road (boys), founded in 1682 by fri. 7.30 p.m William Willesby; it will hold 156 children; average St. John the Baptist Church, Hawthorn Bank, Rev. attendance, 93; Henry John White, master Grant W. Macdonald M. A. vicar; 8, 10. IS & 11 a.m. Church Street (boys, girls, mixed junior & infants), & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m. & 7 p.m erected in IB45 on a site near the church at a cost of St. Peter's Church, Abbey grounds, served from SS. £I,6oo, since enlarged & a girls' school room & new Mary & Nicholas; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m schools for mixed juniors added; it will now hold 625 St. Paul's, Fulney, Rev. Richard Guy Ash M. A. vicar; children; ave-rage attendance, soo; & supported by I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m vuluntary 'Contribution; Ed ward H. Andrew, head Immaculate Conception & St. Norbert Catholic Church, mast-er; tl\fiss Louis a iHam, mistress; Miss J ane LawHenrietta street, Rev. Clement Tyck C.R.P. (prior), ranee, infants' mistress Rev. Frederick Van Santen C.R.P. & Rev. Stephen Goodfellow's, Spalding Common (mixed), erected in 1872 .Mulligan C.R.P. priests; mass, 10.30 a. m. ; evening at a cost of £I,6oo, for 200 child!ren; average attendservice, 6.30 p.m. sun.; daily mass, 7• 7.30 & 8 a.m ance, r6o; & supported by voluntary contributions; Friends' Meeting House, Double street; 10.30 a. m. & 3 Miss Mary Elizabeth Mower, mistress p.m. ; thurs. 11 a.m St. John the Baptist, HawDhorn Bank, erected in I875• Eaptist, Chapel lane, Rev. John Chat win J ones ~LA. ; & since enlarged, for 220 children; average attendance, 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7-IS p.m 103; Miss Clara Brummitt, mistress Baptist, Spalding Common ; 6. 30 p. m St. Norbe.rt's Catholic (mixed), Henrietta street, erected Calvinist, Love lane; ro.3o a. m. & 6.30 p.m in 1876; average attendance, 42; ~iss Emily Floyd, Christadelphian, Mechanics' Institute, Red Lion street; m is tress 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Congregational, Pinchbeck street, Rev. Samuel Yates; NElVSP ..HERS. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Lincolnshire, Bosto0n & Spalding Free Press, Hall place, Congregational, Holbeach road, Rev. Samuel Yates; Spalding Free Press Printi]fg & Publishing Co. Lirn. 6.30 p.m publishers ; published tues Methodist Free Church, Crescent, Rev. Frederick SarSpalding Guardian, Hall place, R. Winfrey, proprietor gent Foster & Rev. J. T. Newton; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 & publisher; published sat p.m.; wed. 7 p.m Primitive Methodist, St. Thomas's road; I0.30 Rev_ CONVEY.ANCE. a. m. & 6 30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m George Primitive Methodist, Little London; 2.30 & 6 p.m Feaver Railway Station, Winsover road, George ·walker Redford, station master Wesleyan Methodist, Broad street, Rev. Mark P. Gilbert Omnibuses leave the ' Red Lion ' & the ' White Hart ' & Rev. W. V ere Coxon; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; to meet every train thurs 7 p.m Great Eastern Railway, A. A. lngram, agent, Sheep mkt SCHOOLS. The Free Grammar School, Priory road, founded in IS8B by Sir John Gamlyn, was removed to its present site in I 881 ; the buildings, eonstructed of red brick, faced with Ancaster stone, in the Queen Anne style, surround a courtyard, the master's house occupying the south.& west fronts; the school has a yearly endowment of £28o, out of which\ the gov;~rnors have to provide for t.he management of the Willesby School; £30 a year is given for scholarships from the Willesby School & [30 for scholarships at all the Elementa.ry schools, all these being tenable at the Grammar school; a large chemistry laboratory, costing about £8oo, was recently added ; the school is now a Secondary School under the Board of Education, & is controlled by 14 governors; the Rev. Canon Richard Bullock M.A. chairman; there are now (1905) about 52 boys, the premises being designed for 25 boarders & sa day scholars; Rev. Edward Martin Tweed M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, head maste.r & chapPRIVATE RESIDENTS. .A.irey Mrs. Sarah, Ivy villa, Pinchbeck road Aitken .Andrew, 3I Albion street .A.itken 'Dhomas, 2 New York villas, King's road Alien Miss, 34 Pinchbeck street Allen Va~entine Ingram, I I London rd Andrew Edw. H. 21b, St. Thomas' rd Appleby Mrs.Isabella, Atherton house, Spring gardens Armstrong Fred, 2 Pinchbeck street A.rmstrong Mrs. 12 Priory road CARRIERS, with inns they call at & days of departure. Bourne Reynolds, ' Pied Calf,' tues Crowland-Everett, 'White Horse,' tues. ; Bailey, 'White Lion,' tues.; Frisby, 'New Bell,' tues. & fl'i Donington-Hempsall, 'Red Lion,' tues. & sat Fosdykke Fenn, 'Ramskin,' tues. 'White Horse,' tues Gedneyhill-Snelling, 'Little Bull,' tues Holbeach Drove Hatter, 'Ramskin,' tues Langtoft--Frisby, 'New Bell,' tues Long Sutton-Wbitebm, 'Lincoln Arms,' tues Market Deeping-Milbo11rn, 'New Bell,' tnes Pinchbeck West.-Dance, 'Greyhound,' tues. thurs.& sat. ; Miller, 'Pied Calf,' tues. wed. & sat. ; Gedney, 'Pied Calf,' tues. ; Rouse, 'Pied Calf,' wed. & sat Sutton St. James-Scrimshaw, 'Little Bull,' tues Whaplode Drove Hatter, 'Ramsk.in,' tues. ; Rose, 1 Lincoln Arms,' tues Railway Carriers.-Sutton & Co. parcels only; Walden & Sons, agents, Ia, London road Ash Rev. Richard Guy M.A. (vicar of St. Paul's, Fulney & chaplain of Union), Fulney vicarage Ashwell Joseph, Matmore gaw Atkinson Thomas C. 1 r Albion street Bailey Geo. Whittington ho. Clay lake Bank~ William, 24 Pinchbeck road Barker James, Mir.pah lodge, Cross st Barker Matthew Edwin,BsWinsover rd Ran-ell George Francis J.P. Mercia lodge, Pinchbeck road Barrel! Gilbert, Clavdon, Church st • Barritt Gilbert Lacy, 15 High street Bates Mrs. 5 Henrietta street Bealby Fredk. James, 14 Pinchbeck rd Beatson Mrs. Pinchbeck hall Beatson Mrs. M. Pinchbeck hall Bell E. W., F.C.S. Grammar school, Priory road Bennett Edwa-rd, 8 High street Birch Geoi'ge Francis, 23 High street Black Harry, 27 Double street B:ades Sherriff, 32 A:bert street Banner C. E. The Manor ha. Broad st Brett Char:es, 27 Spring street. Brett Mrs. 31 Crescent Brummitt Miss, 9 Henrietta street 526 ~PA.LDING. Bullock Bev. Canon Richard :M.A. (incumbent of SS. Mary & Nicholas & rural dean), Parsonage, Church st Bunting John Henry~ The Elms, Pinchbeck road Burdett George, High street -· Burg J oseph Henry, Westbourne ldg. Cowhit road Cannell Charles, 29 Spring gardens Capps Miss, 14 London H>fJ.ri Carruthers Miss Mary J. r Henrietta st Cartwright Miss Ethel, 21 London rd Castledine Laurence John, 8 Priory road Caudwell Mrs. R. 14 Broad street Caulton Charles, 12 Pinchbeck street Caulton Everitt, Langtoft ho.A·lbion st Chester George, 32 Pinchbeck ~treet V:.ark Henry J.P. Cl!.'y bail Cockle Mi!>s Eliza H. 25 Spring gdns Coxon Rev. W. Vere (Wesleyan), 32 Cre~cent Crabtree .Alfred, The Tower,Cowbit rd D' Alcom Oscar Wm. 82 London road Dalton Daniel, Grenoble,· Cowbit road Dandy Mrs. Cedar house; High street Dignam Cushman H. Market place • Ddbbs •Mrs. Mary, 56a, Double street Donington Mrs. 32 Crescent Donnington RJbert, 26 Red Lion street Driffi.ll Mrs. 84 London road Eddison Miss Caroline, 19 Spring gdns Edwards Arthur William, 18 High st Elderton Mrs. 20 Pinchbeck road E:som Isaac, Stoneleigh, Pinchbeck st Epton Jame.s, 9 London road Farrow Ernest William, 43 London rd Fawn Mrs. J Welland 'l""illas, London rd Feaver Rev. George (Primitive Methodist), 21 Green lane F:eteher ~Wm. 2 Welland vil::.Londn.rd Foster Rev. F. Sargent (Methodist Free Church), 6 Henrietta street Frier Miss, 12 The Crescent Galloway Peter iM.B., C.M. r6 London road · Gentle Edward, · 3 · Cornwall place, Pinchbeck street Gibson Geo.Weston ho. St. Thomas' rd Gilbert Rev. Mark P. • (We~leyan), Wesley house, King's road G:eed John W. 39 London roarl Goo-ch Edwd. Wm_liolland ho.High st Goodwin George, 23a, St. Thomas' rd Green Arthur, 32 Albirm street Greenwood B. T. Grammar school, Priory road Hall Mrs. Langton ho. Cowbit road Hamm Gi:rs Walker, ·l5 Priory road Hammant Hezekiah C. 10 Priory road ILrrdv Mrs. Thomas .Arch, 33 Pinchbeck st!'eet Harris John, 26 Spring gardens Harvey Charles Lewis,· Willesby, Albion street . Harvey H. H. WilleslJy; .Albion street Harvey Leopold Chas .. 17 London rd Hayes John, zBa, Albert street Hibbins :Mrs. FreC.erick, Rose Yilla, Pinchbeck road ' Hilliam Arthur B. 12 Church gate Hills Ernest, 27 Spring J!ardens Hobson Alfr€d,Haverfield ho.London rd Hockney Richard, 30 Pinchbeck road Hopper Mrs. Kate, 21 Spring street. Hould~worth Mrs. :22 Pinchbeck road Howard Fitzalan J.P. 10 Church gatP Howard Wm. Fitzalan, 10 Church gate LH\COLXSHIRE. HulJbard Mrs. 15 Church gate Badgers Mrs. Agnes, Mowbray house, Ingrum Arthur A. r2 Cress street Spring gardens Jarvis Geo. Norfolk ho. Spring grdns Rogers .Mrs. 1lill villa, Holbeach road Jepson Samuel, Cambridge house, St. Savage John Richards, 3 Spring gdm 'fhomas' road Savage Mrs. u Priory road Jones Rev. John Cbatwin M.A. (Bap- Searby Stephen Henry, Market place tist), Charnwood, Pinchbeck road Shadford Major, 12 Double street .Judd Mrs. 7 Henrietta street Shannan Edwin J. q Broad street Kemp Mrs. 14 Churchgate Sharman Mrs. Kegworth house, St. Kinder Mrs. 17 Priory road Thomas' road Kingston George P. Ingleside, Pinch- Shearme Ralph, I Cornwall place, beck street Pinchbeck street . Kingston :Samuel J.P. 25 London road: Shelton John Alfred, 28 Pinchbeck rd Laming Frank, 21a, St. Thomas' road' Shepperson Edward, Warwick villa, St. Laming Mrs. Ann, 20 London road Thomas' road Laming Mrs. Well'berry, 27 Pinch- Sindall Mrs. 29 High street beck road Sisson John Jas. I I Pinchbeck street Lamin(7 Whitsed, 25 Pinchbeck road Small John B. Bedford ho. London rd Lampo;t Charles, 10a, A.lbion street Smith Albert A. 23 Pinchbeck road Leaper Charles, 9 High street Smith Edwrl. M. 12 St. Thomas' road Limmer Miss M. E. 26 St. Thomas' rd Southwell William .Alfred, Market pl Longbottom George, Stonegate lodge, Southwell William, 29 Pinchbe.ck road Church street Spicer E. V. Gramma.r school, Priory Long staff Richard, 36 London road road Macdonald Rev. Grant William M . .A. :Stableforth Miss, Fosbrooke house. (vicar of St- John's), St. John's Spring gardens Vicarage, Hawthorn bank Stableforth Miss, St. Peter's lodge, Machin Mrs. 13 St. Thomas' road Priory road McLeod Angus, 9 Crescent Stapleton Miss, 2 Spring street Madden Miss M. E.. B. A. Grammar Stevenson William, 16 Priory road school, Priory road Stiles Artbur Jelland, 18 London ruaJ. Maples Ashley K. 37 London road Stiles Henry 'l'ournay M.D., J.P. 18 :Maples Harold Stanley, Sycamores, Upper Welland ter. London road Double street Stubbs Wm. 21a, Pinchbeck road Ma.ples Misses, 10 High street Symes John Fowler, 4 Cornwall place, M:arr Mrs. 13 Priory road Pinchbeck street Marshall Wahwn, Boston house, Wins- Tanfield Rev. John Frederick M.A. over road The Chantry, Church street Mawby Robert 0. n High street Tate Robert N. Kin~'s road Measure-s Mrs. 8 London road Teasdale Alfred, z6 London r011d Merry Major, 13 London road Teesdale Mrs. Edward, 32 Westlode st Mills \'Villiam Hy. J.P. 15 London road Tennand Mrs. Eliza, 13 Pinchbeck st Morrison Hector McKay, Argus house, Thacker Mrs. Charlotte J. 4 Hig-h st St. Thomas' road Tointon Samuel, Elmsford ho. High st; Morton Alhert, 17 Pinchbeck road Tupholme George, 10 Henrietta streci Mulligm Rev. Steven C.R.P. (Cath.), Turner Miss, 28 Spring gardens 24 St. Thomas' road Turner Mrs. 9 Priory road Munro David, Bridge ~treet ·Tweed Rev. Edward Ma.rtin M. A.. Newton Rev. J. '1'. (Methodist Free (head master of Grammar school&; Church), 15 Spring gardens chaplain of St. Nicholas, WykeNewton William, Welland ho. High st ham), Prjory road Osmond Leslie K. 'lhorney villa, Tyck Rev. Clement C.R.P. (Catholic). Pinchbeck street 24 SL Thomas' road Page Miss Florence ~I., B.A. Wclland Van San~en Rev. Frederick C.R.P. hall, London road (Cathohc), 24 ~t. Thomas' road Palmer Mrs. Cumberland house, St. Walker Mrs. Mana, 22 London road Thomas' road Wallace Rev. Robert B. (Baptist), 21c. Pann~ll George, 14 Albion street •St .. Thomas' road . Penn~ngton Charles, 2~ London road Walhs :Mrs. Isabella, 33 Sprmg street Fenmngton Mrs. Harnngton house, I ·ward 1Irs. Park road Broad street Ward Mrs. Phoebe, Oak villa, St. Perry Martin M.D. 3 Church street Thomas' road Pe:r~ Samuel Her}lert, ;t Church st Webst!'r Tom, 31 Pinchbeck !<treet P~ulhps_ Mrs. r H~~a v;llas, Albert st We1by Edward M. E. 21 High street P1ck M1-ss M. E. Spaldmg common Wells Alfred, 83 London road Pic~worth Frederick, Riverdale, Cow- Wetheral Williarn, Willow Row walk b1t road White Frank, 21 Pinchbeck road Plowman Mrs. 14 St. Thomas' road White John Thomas, Belvedere, LonPlowright Miss, I 8 Pinchbeck road don road Power John Hqgb, 38 London road Wilcox Alfred, .19 Double street Pretty Walt. Mariner's villa, Spring st Wilson Joseph, 12 London road Price William J. 2 Cornwall place, Woodham Mi~s. 103 London road Pinclibeck street Wooley Charles P. 9 Church street Proctor Mrs. 85 London road Worn Miss M. B. Park road Richardson Eriward T. 4 Al'bion street Wright John, Irongate ho. Cowbit rd Riddington Miss, 12 Spring gardens Wrig-ht Joseph S. IQ London road Rig-g Mr~. 27 London road Wrigbt William C.E. 15 Pinchbeck rd Yates Rev. Saml. (Congl.), 24 New rd 1 .Andrews Charle·s, butcher, 15 Crescent Early closing day, Thursday 2 p.m. Andrews John Thoma.s, cycle maker, rga, Winsover road Adams & Hutchinson, bakers, 17 New road Appleby Robert (exors. of), printers & stationers, w Adcock James, shopket>per, 38 A.lbert street Market place Addy Frank, grocer, 59 London road Archer Mary .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 22 The Crescent Aistrup Thomas, basket maker, 3 Double street Armstrong & Sons, millers (wind), Race grounds Aitkin Thomas, shopkeeper, 34 Commercial road Armstron~ Edwin, leather seller & currier, Station st. ; Allen Arthur J. keeper, Drill hall, Sheep market & at Wisbech All en Julia (Mrs.), beer retailer, 14 Bourn road Armstrong Fred, hay, straw & produce mer.2 Pinchbeck st Allenson J n. Brad er & Son, tailors, r6o & r6r Wins<Jver rd Arnold J oseph, hair dres~er, Albion street A.llenson Cornelius M. hatter & outfitter, 1 & 2 Hall place Ashlin~ JDhn, carpenter, Little London Allwood Wm. beer retlr. & shopkpr. 30 & 31 Westlode st AshweU Elmit, stationer, r6 Bridge street .Andrew Jas. & Robinson, harness makers, 15 Sheep mrkt Ashwell Tboma.~. butcher, 3 Hall place COMMERCIAL, DIRECTOl:l. Y.] LINCOLNSHIRE. Atkin James Chas. master mariner, Fern cot. Albert st Atkin J()seph, harbour master, 13 Marsh road .A.tkin~on Mrs. J a ne, cottage farmer, Spalding common Atton & Son,stone masons,6&tStation st.&i18Spring gdns Bailey Elizabeth (~1rs. ), wardrobe dealer, 3 "\\' estlode st Bailey George, mushroom ketc'hup manufactr. Clay lake Bain Harry, supt. of Deeping Fen Drainage, .King's road Bale Rowland, grocer, 17 Station street • Banks Bartholomew, farmer, Holbeach road Barker George, bricklayer, 58 Westlode street Barker George Richard, confectioner, I Broad street Barker J ames, butcher, 25 Bridge street Barker J ames, farmer, Cb.ilder8 drove Barker Thomas S. pork butchlr, I r 'Vinsover road Barnett Thomas, boot maker, r6 Crescent Banell & Son, wine & spirit mErchants, 35 Hall place Barre1·t W illiam, farmer, South drove Barrett William P. but-cher, 103 Winsover road Barritt Gilbert Lacy L.H.C.P.Lond. senior surgeon to Johnson Hospital & to Spa:ding Di5pe,;sary, certitying factory suraeun, public vucciiutur for the union, melllcal otlicer tor union ·workhouse & east district, Spalding union & medical officer to the G. N., G. E. & .M. railway & medical officer of health for Spa1ding Urban District Council, I5 High street Bates Alfred, baker, I 8 Vnnsover road Bates Louisa (i\lrs.), farmer, Halmer grange, Stonegate Batterham Theuphilus, beer ret. Royal Oak, Spalding cum Baxter John George, market gardener & farmer, .Park house, Pinchbeck road Beales .A.rthur,cycle maker & agent&; pastrycook,2 New rd Beales George, photographer, 5 New road Bean Alfred, cab;net maker, Sheep market Bean Charles E. hGuse decorator, 7 Spring gardens Beeby Frederick W. miller (wind & steam), Lit. London Bell Edwd. Wightman, chemist & druggist, 7 Bridge st Belsham Jacob, shopkeeper, 4 Chapel lane Bennett Edward, builder, 7 &i 8 High street Bennett Henry, beer retail€r, 94 London road Bennett WHliam, shGpkeeper, 7 Double street Berrill & Ender•by, drapers, 26 & 27 Bridge street Betts Harry, White Lion hotel, High street Betts William, Ram Skin inn, Double street Birch G. F. & Sons, corn~ cake, & hay & straw merchts. 'High street; & millers (wind), Pinchbeck road Birch & Richards, grocers, 25 Winsover road Birch Geor(J"e F. farmer, C<Jwbit road Birch George Francis, corn dealer, 2 Bridge street Black Harry, butcher, 22 Bridge street Blackburn Edwin, cycle factor, 16 Sheep market Black,stone & Co. Limited, engineers, St. Thomas' road Bland W illiam, dairyman & corn & cake factor, 3 & 4 Church gate Banner Charles Edward B..A.. solicitor, commissioner for oaths, registrar of the county court & clerk to Glen Bank's trustees & deputy coroner, receiver to the Crowland & Cowbit Wash trustees & clerk & receiver to the fourth district drainage trustees, Broad street Booth Philip, shopkePper, 154 Winsover road Border Charle·s, shopkeeper, 44 'Vinsover road Botterill Chas. & Son, dyers & cleaners, 8 Station street Boulton Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, 26 Crescent Bowman Waiter, farmer, Spalding common Brannan James, poulterer, 14 Double street Branton Henry, farmer, Spalding fen, Cuckoo road Brett Alfred, builder, 40 Cross street Bridge•s Joocph, farmer, Low Fulney Bridges Joseph, The Cuckoo P.H. Cuckoo road Brig-ht William, beer retailer, Holbeach road llro-wn Charle'S H. fried fish dealer, Red Lion street Brown Elvan, registrar & receiver of fees at the cemetery, Pinchbeck road Brown George, cottage farmer, Spalding common Brown George, fruiterer, I Sheep market Brown Joseph, coal merchant, 57 Double street Brown William, hair dresser, 24 Bridge street Bull George, butcher, 20 A.lbion street Bunting Jn. Hy.farmer & grazier,The Elms,Pinchbeck rd Burdett George, timber merchant, High street Burrell Percy George, cabinet maker, 45 Westlode street Burrows Samuel, stone mason, 2 Albion st. & Station yd Byron Henry John, insurance agent, l\iatmore gate Calt•hrop & Leopold Harvey, solicitors & clerks to the River Welland Outfall & to Deeping Fen trustees, I4 Market place Calthrop Joe George (firm, Calthrop & Leopold Harvey), ~olicitor, commissioner for oaths, coroner for Spalding & part of Holland district & clerk to the Crowland & Cowbit Wa.sh Drainage trustees, to the Court of Sewers & to the Land & Property Tax commissioners, to South Holland & Spalding & Pinchbeck Drainage & South Holland Embanl:ment trustees, Market pl SPALDlXG. 527 Capital & Counties Bank Limited (Stephen Henry Searby, manager), Market place; draw on head office, 39 Threadneedle street, London E C Carter Jame·s, but-cher, I I Fr-ancis street Cash & Co. boot & shoe maliers, 14 Sheep market Caulton Everitt, farmer, Langtoft house, A.lbion street. Cwe G2orge C. beer retailer, Crane inn, Double street Cemetery (Elvan Brown, registrar & receiver of fees), Pinchbeck road Chamberlain & Co. Limited, horse & ca.ttle ·spice manufacturers, cake & feeding stuffs merchants, South Holland mills, H:gh street Cha.pman Eliza. (Mrs.), baker, 13 Station strer·t Chapman Thomas, stone mason, Ia, Chapel lane Chatterton Wm. miller (wind) & baker, 57 Holbeach rd Cherrington RiC'hd. grocer & wine & beer dlr. I BridgB st Chester Francis, s.hopkeeper, II5 Winsover road Che-ster George, grocer, 32 New road Chilvers John (Mrs.), beer retailer, Little London Chilvers John Joseph, auctioneer, Sheep market Clark A.lbert, pork butC'her, 12 l<'rancis street Clarke Mary (.Miss), dress maker, Branston terrace, King's road Cl-ayton John Robert, ironmonger, 24 Winsover road Clayton Robert, farmer, Spalding marsh Clayton Thomas, hrmer, Spalding marsh Ulifton William, butcher, 36 Winsover road lJlow George, beer retailer & fruit~rer, 4 St. Thomas' rd Cobb William, shoeing smith, New road Colburn Thomas, hair dres•ser, 31 Hall place Cole Alfred, furniture dealer, Station st. & "Westlode s$ Collins A. M. & E. drapers, 7 Hall place Collins .A.rthur, butcher, 32 & 33 Hall place Constitutional Club (Gertrge Goodwin, SI'C.), New road Cook John, boot maker, 101 London road Cook lwbert, farmer, Decoy farm, Low road Cook Solomon, beer retailer, Cowhirne Cooley & Son, tailors, IO Bridge street Corn Exchange (Fredk. Wm. Pools, keeper), Market p1 Cotton Chas. market gardener & fruit grower, Bourn rd Cotton Thomas, grocer, 43 Double street Cotton "'illiam, marliet gardener. I I Hawthorne bank County Court (His Honor Sir George S. Baker hart. ; Charles E.dward Bonner, registrar & high bailiff), Sessions house, Sheep market County Police Station (Ha.rry Osborn, superintendent; Edward Welbourn, inspector), Sheep market Cowan William, New inn, Spalding common Crabtree & Sons, tailors, 34 Hall place Oragg Herbert, highway surveyor & collector of market tolls, Winsover road Crampton George, s"hopkeeper, & post office, Lit. London Crampton Walter B. rate collector for Urban Distrid Council, Double street & actuary to the Savings Bank, Hall place Crampton William, milk dealer, 25 Spring street Crawford William J. deputy registrar of marriages for Spalding district, 21 Bridge street Cross Godfrey, Pied Calf P.H. Sheep market Croxford Gre"en, Pigeon inn, Holbeach road Crust Richard & Son, nurserymen & market gardeners, I3 Church gate Crust Cecil, solicitor, 28 Red Lion street Culpin Frederick, bulb grower, I6 Ohurch gate Culpin Samuel, farmer, Low road · Cunnington Farmery Epworlh, shopkeeper,6g London rd Cupit Ernma (Mrs.), fancy repository, I Market plaoo Curtis M aria (Miss), shopkeeper, B Herring lane D' .Alcorn Oscar iVilliam, potato merchant, 50 Lonrlon road Dalton & Son, furniture dealers, 149 & 150 Winsover road Dawson Harry, fried fis·h retailer, 13 Winso>er road Delahoy Charles, ta,Jor, 33 & 34 New road Dennis James, pork butcher, 26 Market place Dennison 'Thomas HPnry, farmer, Burr lane Dignam Cushman H. manager of Lincoln & Lindsey Banking Co. Limited, Market place Dodd William, blacksmith, High street . Donington & Co. wholesale &; retail chemi8ts & druggtsU!. 7 Market place & 13 Sheep market . Donnington James & Co. ironmongers, r2 Br1dge street Drewery Wm. thra-shing machine owner, Little London Driffill Fred, draper, Market place Driffill John Thomas, plumber & glazier, 15 New _road Drina Samuel William Ship A.lbion hotel, 2I A.lb10n st ~ ' Drina Smith Edwards boat builder, 14 Marsh road ~ ' Duckworth Harry, Black Swan hotel, Ne_w road Earl William, Royal Oak P.H. 25 Cowb1t road Ea,son Thomas, coat:h builder, 5 Sheep market Edgley Wailter, groce-r, & agent for W. & A.. Gilbey Limit€d, wine & spirit merchant.;;, 18 Ma.rket place Edwards Thomas, timber merchant, Chapel lane SPAL01XG. LINCOLNSHIRE. Edwards Thomas Henry, painter, 29 Westlodeo street Egar Ja.mes William, ta1wr, 43 Albion street Elderkin Tbos.& Son,cllina & g!ass wareho.3 Crack Pool la Eley Williarn, builder, r8 & 19 Cowbit road Eisom George, rope manufacturer & seed merchant, 9 .Muket place; rope works, Pinchbeck road Elvidge John, farmer, Deeping High bank Ender by Harry Lacey, harness maker, 5 Market pla·~e & The Crescent Eptun James, chemist, 2I Market place Everett John William, plumber, 2 Sheep market Eve ring ham Henry & Sons, wholesale tea dealers, 3 r Spring street Eyre Elijah & Co. (Geor<>e W'hyles, manager), beer stores, Pinchbeck street "' .Eyre Edwin Llewellyn, farmer, Lhilder~ drove Fairbanks William, greengrocer, 4 Crack Pool lane Fall Henry, Hole-in-the-Wall P.H. Hole-in-the-Pa.sage Fidler Henry, chimney sweeper, Winsover rDad Field Henry, watch maker, 19 f3ridge street Fisher Edmund, relieving officer for Spalding district, vaccination officer for Spalding & Moulton districts & inspector of nuisances for the parish of Deeping St. Nicholas for the Rura-l District Council,r4 CI'oss street Fletcher William, outfitter, 6 Market place Flint John, fa.rmer, Cowhirne Foreman Henry, wheelwright, Commercial road Foreman Thomas H. beer retailer, 6 Winsover road FDrshaw Richard M.R.C.V.S. vet. surgn. 5 Winsover rd Foster George, farmer, Park road Fountain Benj. deputy supt. registrar, St. Thomas' rd Franklin Benjamin, insurance agent, 22a, St. Thomas' rd Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, hoot & shoe makers, 4 Market place & 8 IIall place Freir Samuel, farmer, Decoy farm, Spalding common Frost Herbert George, draper, 27 & 28 Crescent Galloway Peter ~I.B., C.M. physician, 16 London road Garratt William, insurance agent, 113 WinS"over road Ga.s Works (Urban District Council, proprietors; Harry R. Wimhurst, manager), .Albion street George Frederick, plumber, 15 & I6 Station street Gleed John Wilson, wine & spirit merchant, Red Lion st Glenn Richard, coal & coke merchant, St-ation yaro. Gollin James, librarian at the Spalding Mechanics' Institute, Red Lion street Gooch .Edward William, feJ.lmonger, brick & tile maker & farmer, Clay lake & High .street Goodwin George, registrar of births & deaths for Spalding sub-district, 10 Market place Gosling Edwin, boot & shoe maker, 10 Station street Goss George, boot maker, Mercers row Gostelow Arthur Palmer, fruit & bulb grower, Fulney Goulding William, market gardener, LQwer Fulney Green Ja.s. Herbt. tea dlr. & fancy xepository,22 Station st Green Samuel, beer retailer, I62 Winsover road Green Sarah E. (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 Swan street Green William, insurance agent, 6 Victoria street Greenall Isaac Earl, furniture dealer, 9 & ID New road Greeves James, Nag's Head P.H. 63 Double street Griffiths William John, boot maker, Little London Ground Eliza (Mrs.), brewer & beer retailer & spirit dealer, 21 Winsover road Grunnell Robert, farmer, Onwbit road Guy William & Son, house furnishers, furniture remcvers & general commission agents, Masonic ball & 45 Pinchbeck street Guy Charles, keeper Constitutional club, New road Guy Thomas, furniture dealer, 21 Crescent .Jialford Edward., painter, Spring street Hall Geo. & Son, auctioneers, valuers, appraisers, accountants,house, land, estate,insurance & shipping agts. & receiving agts. for Midland Ry. Co. New rd. See advt Eallam & Blackbourn, grocers & tallow chandlers, 23 Market placo .Ha.ncock Edwd. corn & coal merchant, r63 Wins over rd Hancock Edward, jun. colliery agent, coal, corn & cake merchant, Station street. See advertisement Hand Richard Holmes H. architect, Double street Eankin William Little, furniture dealer, 27 Hall place Hankins .Maria (Mlss), shopkeeper, Li,ttle London IIardwick Charles W. Cross Keys family & commPrcial hotel; head quarters of the C. T.C., R.A.O.B. (lodge alternate tuesdays), 29 Hall place Hardy Thomas, brazier, 17 Bridge street & Crescent Hardy's Kimberler Breweries Limited (Lawrence J. Castledine, agent), Red Lion street Hargrave Mary .Ann (.:\Irs.), butcher, 36 New road Harper Samuel Robinson, "'-"hite Hart family & cornmercial hotel & posting house, wine & spirit merchant, omnibu~ to mePt all trains. Market p:ace Harpham Bros. carpenters, Willow Row walk. See advt Hanis Jn. Ch~:ts.& Son, ·watch ma~. & jewellers, 9 Hall pi I Harrod John, confectioner, I I Vim~ street Harvey Charles Lewis, solicitor. 8 Double street H:uvey Henry Herhsrt, solicitor & commissioner for o:J.ths, c.erk to the Urban District Council & receiver of the South Holland & general wo1ks & adventurers & "\Velland drainage taxe,s, 8 Double street Harvey Leopold Charles, solicitor & clerk to the governors of Spalding •Grammar School & clerk to the Snrfieet school council & clerk to SuH{)n Bridge Urban District Council, clerk to Spalding schQol council, Market place; & at Holbeach & Long Sutton Harvey Thomas J ames, inland revenue officer & inspector of corn returns, St. Thomas's road Raw .Artlmr, shoeing smith, Sheep market HavrthDrn Emanuel,thras,hing rr.achine ownr.4o Albert st Hayes Henry, fishmonger, 9 Bridge street Haye's John, coal merchant, 33 AlbPrt street Haynes Edward John, Gate inn, Holbeach road Hitchen George Major, Punch Bowl P.H. New road Hobbins Frederick C. The Still Vaults P.H.39Westlode st Hob son & Co. drapers, 1 I Market place Hackney Harry, temperance hotel, .Market place Holden Isaac, greengrocer, 13 New rood Hole James & Co. Limited (branch office), brewers, 3 Sheep market Hoi!and County Council Weights & :Measures Office (A. J. Spiller, inspecwr), I Double street Hopkins J obn Rogby, miller (wind) & baker, Spalding cam Houldridge George Henry, clotllier, I Ohapellane Howard ¥Yilliam Fitzalan, solicitor, 6 Herring lane Hubbard Frank, Welland inn, LQndon road Hulbert Herbert, Black Bull P.H. New road Hurling George, farmer, Spalding common Hurrey John, shoe agent, Elm villa, .Albert street Hurry Harry, farmer, Deeping High bank Hurst George, far-mer, 79 Winsover road Infirmary 61:. Dispensary (1'. Galloway M.B., C.M., Marten Perry M.D., Gilbert Lacy Barritt L.R.C.P.Lond., J. H. Power M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. & Samuel Herbert Perry M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Loild. surgeons), Johnson Hospi'tJal, Priory Toad Ingamells George Edward, beer retailer, 27 HDlbeach rd Ingram Arthur A. goods agent, G.E. railway, Sheep mkt Inland Revenue Office (ThQmas James Harvey, officer), St. Thoma.s's road International Tea Co. '.s Stores Limited (Percy W. Pickett, manager), grocers & tea dealers, 6 Hall place Ives William, farmer, South drove James Amos, baker, 76 Commercial road James Henry, grocer, 15 Albion street Jane .Amos, draper, I & 2 Station street Jarvis William, cottage farmer, Cowbit road Jennings & Co. grocers & provision mers.I, 2 & 3 High st Jepson William, builder, 17 Spring gardens & r8 Hawthorne bank Jinks William, cottage farmer, Fulney Jinkil William, farmer, Holbeach road Johnson Fred, builder, ra, Swan street JohmDn Hospital (P. Galloway M.B., C.M., Marten Perry M.D. & S. H. Perry M.R.C.S. physicians; Gilbert Lacy Barritt L.R.C.P.Lond. & J. H. Power M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. surgfl{)ns; Miss J. QQoke, matron), Priory rd Johnson Louisa (Miss), dress maker, Holbeach road Johnson Thomas, baker, Litt:e London J ones Frederick (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker & registry office for servants, 22 Hall place Kent Richard, cam. agt. I New York villas, King's rd Kerman Bryan, grocer & wine & spirit mer. 18 Hall pi King William Elliott, beer retailer, Pinchbeck road Kingston Samuel & George, auctioneers, valuers & land & insurance agents, agents for J. Fison's artificial manure, 24 Hall place; & at Holbeach Laming Henry, watch maker & jeweller, 16 Hall p'ace Law Thomas, butcher, so .Albion street L3wrence .Tames Stainforth, hair dresser, 8 :K ew road L3.w3on John, farmer, Fulney Leaper Chas. acctnt. & registrar of marriages, 9 High st Lee & Green, mineral water manufacturers, Alhion street Levesley Caroline E. (Mrs.), Vine inn,2r Commercial rd Levesley George, builder, Double street Lewis Eve (Miss), dress maker, 22 Victoria street Lewis J oseph, beer retailer, 122 Commercial road Lill Arthur, millwright, Fulney Limmer Ge-orge R. cart & wagon builder, wheelwright & undertaker, St. Thomas' road Lincoln & Lindsey Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Cushman H. Dig-nam, manager), Market place; draw on London & Westminster Banking Co. Lim. London E 0 Lincolnshire, Boston & Spalding Free Press (Spalding Free Press Printing & Publishing Co. T~im. publishers; published tuesday), Hall place Longbottom Tyrer Johnson, grocer, I Commercial road DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. Longs.taff Richard & Co. auctioneers & valuers, collectors to Spalding Waterworks Co. & certified bailiffs under the '' Law of Distress Amendment Act"; offices,Sheep markell Longstaff Richard, assistant overseer & asa;essor & c.:1llector of taxes, 2 Herring lane Louth John Henry, dairyman, 5 Church street Louth Waiter, watch maker & jeweller, 13a, Hall plac!! Lowden William B. farmer, Low road & Fulney Luck Robert, builder, 8 Spring gardens McHarness George, shopkeeper, 40 New road Macro Henry Reuel, picture frame maker, 7 Broad st Manning Samuel, leather dealer, 4 Double street Maples & Son, solicitors, 23a, New road Maples Ashley Kilshaw, solicitor (firm, Maples & Son), 23a, New road Maples llarold Stanley (firm, Maples & Son), solicitor & commissioner for taking affidavits & clerk to the county justices, clerk to Spalding union, guardians & assessment committee, Rural District Council, Moulton endowed schools & receiver of Spalding & Pinchbeck drainage rates & superintendent registrar, 23a, New road Mapperley Colliery Oo. colliery owners, coal & coke merchants (Thomas Edmands, agent), 2I Station st Marshal! & Co. drapers, 2 Market place Marshall Edward S. wholesale tea dealer, 28 Hall place Mason< J 03eph, shoe maker, 6o London road Mason Thomas, farmer, Deeping High bank Massey George & Sons, seed merchants, 17 Market. place Massey Hy. Bateman, mechanical engineer, Westlode st Matthews George, draper, 20 Hall place Maugham Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 35 New road Mawby John, farmer, Spalding marsh Mawby Thomas, farmer, Spalding marsh Measures & Sons, mineral water agents, Crescent Mechanics' Institute (Jas. Gollin, librarian), Red Lion st Merry Major, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 6 Broad street Mills William Henry, architect, 15 London road Mitchell Henry & Co. music sellers, 25 New road Morley William, New Bell P.H. London road Morris George, beer retailer, 26 Hall place Morton Albert Edward, bulb & fruit grower, I7 Pinchbeck road Mossop & Mossop, solicitors (tues. only), 2 Red Lion st Mowbray Joseph, baker, 6 London road Munro David, manager of National Provincial Bank of England Limited & insurance agent, Bridge street Murrell William R. print-er, stationer, bookbinder, news agent & bookseller, 23 Station street Nainby Kate (Mrs.), draper, 8 Station street Natiom;.l Provincial Bank of ~gland Limited (branch) (Dav1d Munro, manager), Bndge street; draw on head Qffi.ce, II2 Bishopsgate within, London E 0 Naylor Charles, bill poster, 62 Winsover road Neal William, fancy repository, rg Station street Nelson Thomas, confectioner, 12 Winsover road Newport Albert, dining rooms, 5 Winsover road Newton Wm. agent to Wombwell :Main Colliery Co. Lim. ; office, Station yard; res. Welland house, High street Nichols Arthur W. grocer & tea dealer, 30-3I High st Noble Frederick Coy & Co. coach builders, 6 Pinchbeck skeet. See advertisement Noble Sarah Jane (Mrs.), draper, I4 Hall place North British & Mercantile l<'ire & Life Insurance Oo. & Norwich & London Accident Insurance .Association (George G. Kingston, agent), 24 Hall place Odam's Chemical Manure Stores (An drew Aitken, agt. ), 31 Albion street Osborn Harry, superintendent of police, Sheep market Osgerby Thomas Grassam, farmer & thrashing machine owner, Horse !Shoe bridge, Cuckoo road Osmond & Son, manufaclurers of animal medicines, sheep dips, horse & cattle spice, calf food, disinfe<:tants, proprietors of "Osmonds' Oils," Standard chemical works Owen William Robert, postmaster & distributor of stamps, Bridge street Pack George, blacksmith, Little London Page Florence M. (Miss) B.A. ladies' school, Welland hall, London road Palmer Harry Smith, tobacconist, II New road Pannell George E. newspaper reporter, I4 Albion street Pannell Joseph, boat builder, ~5 Marsh road Papworlh John, confectioner, 8 & 9 Francis street ·J Parkinson Minetta A. (Miss), tobacconist, 10a, Station !!t Parkinson Thomas William, builder & undertaker, sa, Pinchbeck road. See advertisement P~rsons John, plumber, 6 High streeb SP.ALDING. IPeacock, Willson & Co. (branch) (L. F. Evans, manager) (tues. .rot. only), High street; dtraw on Lloyd~ & Bank Lim.ited, London E 0 Peake Blott, farmer, Lower Fulney Peake John, builder, 13 Double street Peake William Blott, farmer, Red house, Low road Peark's Stores Limited (.Arthur Hammond, manager), gmcers & tea dealers, 17 Hall place Pearson Joseph, cowkeeper, Clay lake Peck James, cowkeeper, Ulay lake Peck William, boot & shoe maker, Cordwain cottage, Winsover road Pell Edward Alfred, White Swan P.H. New road Penistan Harry Holmes, music seller, Butter market Penningt<Jn & Sons, drapers, Io, II, I2 & 13 Hall place Pepper John Charles, joiner, I Winsover road Perkins John Robert, farmer, Little London Perkins John \Vaite, builder, Spring gardens Perkins Robert, farmer, Spalding common Perry Marten M.D., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S . .A. physician & surgeon, 3 Church street Perry Samuel Herbert M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeQn & medical officer of h~alth to the Rural Dis1triot Council, 4 Church street Pickering ~William, farmer, Cowbit Lower road Plumb William, cowkeepe.r, Cowbit road Pollin William, clothier, Chapel lane Pools Fredk. Wm. corn exchange keeper, Market place Porter Fanny (Mrs.), bookseller, 24 Market place Potts Annie (Miss), dress maker, Rose vil. Winsover rd Power John Hug'h M.R.O.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. phy,si,cian & medical officer & public vaccinator, Deeping St. Nicl:wlas & West &paading djs.trids, Spaldling union, 38 :London road Preston Alfred, watch & clock maker, 23 Eridge street Preston Arthur, antique furniture dealer, I Swan street Pretty Joseph, farmer, Holbeach road & Fulney Pretty Walter, land surveyor, 24 Spring street Price Henry, farmer, Park farm, Deeping High bank Proctor Henry M&~tthew, farmer, Spalding marsh Pycock John, builder, 66 Winsover road Pye Harry, chemist, r8 Bridge street Rayner J ame11, baker, 3I Win.sover ,road Redford Geo. Walker, station master, Winsover road Reeks Frederick Henry M.R.C.V.S. & H.C., F.R.O.V.S. veterinary surgeons, 24 Red Lion street Reeve Elizabeth (Mrs.), yeast agent, r8 New road Renshaw Frank, Bull inn, Ohurchgate Reynolds James, cottage farmer, Spalding common Reynolds John Smith, farmer, Deeping High bank Reynolds William, blacksmith, South drove Reynolds William, shopkeeper, 5 Westlode street Reynold~ William Smith, dairy farmer & posi office, Spaldmg common Richer George Henry, boot maker, 5 L<mdon road Ridlington & Son, coal merchants, Station yard Ringham William Watkin, furniture dlr. 2 Westlode Robinson Brothers, grocers, 159 Win!!over road Rodwell Thomas, farmer, Lower Fulney Rosser .Alfred, shop~kep_er, 37 Westlode 11treet Russell Fredk. mus1cal mstrnment warehse. 4 Sheep mkt Salt_er John, builder, 157 Winsover road Savmgs Bank (Waiter B. Crampton, actuary); open tues. IO a.m. to r p.m. ; saturdays 7 to 8 p.m. ; 36 Hall pl Saxton John Thomas, farmer, Spalding marsh Scales & Sons, boot makers, 2I Hall place Scotney Waiter Wait, tobacconist, 44 Pinchbeck street ScottJ Charles, bulb grower, Park road Scott George, cottage farmer, Cow bit house, Deeping High bank Searby Stephen Henry, manager of Capital & Countie~~ Bank Limited & insurance agent, Norwich & London Fire & Life & Hailstorm Accident, Market place Seaton Herbert, baker, 9 Commercial road Selby & Co. grocers, 30 Hall place Seyrnour A. L. ~anitary in&peetor to tilii) Urban District Council, 17 Slh.eep market Seymour Arthur L. tobacconist, r7 Sheep market Seymour Andrew Valentine, tobacconist, 8 Broad 11treet Shadford & Co. chemists & druggists, 2I Market place Sharman Frederick, farmer, Marsh road Sharman John George, dairy farmer, Fulney hall Shaw Waiter, beer retailer, 36 Westlode streeu Shearme Ralph C<Jle, commission a~nt, Cornwall place, Pinchbeck street Shelton John Alfred, dentisrt, 3 Pinchbeck street; & at Bosbon Shepherd George R. tailor, 39 New road Shepperson 'William, farmer, Park road L"~'NCS. • 529 34 530 SPALDING. Lll\ COLNSHIRE. Shilliker Lois (.Miss), fancy draper, 8 Bridge street Simmons Albert, Lincoln Arms P.H. 4 Bridge street Simpson Aquilla Thomas, harness maker, 7 London rd Simpson Frederick W. butcher, 19 Hall place Simpson Salome (Miss), milliner, 7 London road Sinclair W. & Son Lim. (Rd. Kent, agent), oil cake & seed merchants, 1 New York villas, King's road SingeT Manufacturing Company, 14 Station street Singleton Philip, beer retailer, ro J:<'rancis street Sketcher Charles, farmer, Deeping High bank Sketcher John, farmer, Lower .Fulney Skinner Thomas Jessop, grocer, I I Bridge street SleighEmilr(Mrs.),Bed Lion commercial hotel,Market pl Sly .Arth. Livesley, coal mer.& frmr. Pomona vil.Fulney Sly Fred, farmer, Holbeach road Sly George, farmer, Spalding common Smalley Joseph, market gardener, 47 St. Thomas' road Smart Betsy (Mrs.), Plough inn, Low fields Smart John, house painter, Mercer's place Smith W. H. & Sou, booksellers, Railway station Smith Charles, cattle dealer, Fulney Smith David, farm bailiff oo Me.s·srs. F. & A. Sly, Deeping Bank Smith Edward, farmer, Monk'·s house, Bourn road Smith Edward M. artist, 12 St. Thomas' road .Smith George Richard, higgler, 14a, Holbeach road .Smith Henry C. baker, 23 Red Lion street "imith J a ne (Mrs.), beer retailer, \)6 Win &Over road .Smith ,Samuel, umbrella maker, 23 Crescent Smith Waiter, photographer, 18 Station street Smith William, market gardener, Holbeach road Smith William T. greengrocer, 89 Commercial road Soames & Co. brewers, maltsters & spirit mers. Cow bit rd Southwell William Alfred, manager of Stamford, Spalding & Boston Banking Co. Limited, Market place · Spalding Christi:m Association & Literary Institute (William .At ton, see.), Spring gardens .SpaldiRg Club Co. Limited (Stephen Henry Searby, sec.), Broad street .Spalding Cricket Club (F. W. Bourne, hon. sec.), meets at Black {3wan, New road .Spalding D1strict Liberal Club Co. Limited (Charles Rayner & John .A. Osgerby, secs.), Crescent . Spalding Fishing Clu·b (H. S. Maples, hon. sec. ; .Andrew Valentine Seymour, acting sec.), Broad street .Spalding Free Press Printing & Publishing Co. Limited, stationers & printers & agents for Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co. Hall place .Spalding Gentlemen's Society (Marten Perry M.D.president; H. Stanley Maples, hon. treas. ; A. K. Maples, hon. sec. ; Rev. Edward Martin Tweed M.A.librarian), J ohnson's Hospital, Priory road Spalding Grammar School (Rev. Edward Martin Tweed M:.A. head master; B. T. Greenwood, E. V. Spicer & E. W. Bell F.C.S. assistant masters; Miss M. E. Madden B.A.Dub. governess), Priory road Spalding Guardian (Richard Winfrey, proprietor & publisher; published saturday), Hall place Spalding Industrial Co-operative Society Limited (Saml. Green, manager), rsr & I52 Winsover l"Oad Spalding Laundry Co. Limited (Charles W. Clarke, manager), Pinchbeck road Spalding Primrose League (Miss Maples, sec.), Constitutional club, New road Spikings Arthur M. tinplate worker, 9 Red Lion street .Spikins Edmund, wood turner, 3 Winsover road .Spikins George, wood turner, Swan Btreet Spilkiru; John, confectioner, 6 Sheep .market Spiller A. J. inspector of weights & measure!! to the administrative County Council for the parts -of Holland., 1 Double street Spriggs George, inspector, Spalding station G. N. R. Stepping Stone villa, King's road Stamford, Spalding & Boston Banking Co. Limited (branch) (William .Alfred Southwell, manager),Market pla~: draw on Ea relay & Co. Limited, London E C Stanger David, carriage builder, 20 New road Stanton Chas. iron founder, 19 Winsover rd. See advt Sliar Tea Company Limited (George P. Hardy,manager), 13 Bridge street Ste.rbuck Erastus, confectioner & fruiterer, 9 Station st Stark Fanny (Mrs.), beer retailer, r63 Winsover road Stedmans Wade, cycle maker, New -road Stennett Henry, farmer, South drove • Sbevenson nennis, joiner, I05 Winsover road St.e.,-ensan John, grocer, ra, Hawthorn bank Stimson Frank E. engineer at the Waterworks, 19 Pinchbeck road Stock Henry James, tobacconist, 71 Double street Storr Geo.Edwd.pork butchr.& poulterer, 7 Winsover rd Stricklrm Hezekiah, Robin Hood P.H. Bourn road Stuart's Limited, boot makers, 25 Market place Stubbs Thoma~, draper, 3 Markeb place (KELI..Y's Sweeting Sergt. Waiter, drill instructor to F Co. 2nd Vol. Batt. Linos. Regt. ·sheep market Swift Dean, carter &c. Cowbit road Symes John Fowler k Son, decorators, sign writers & gilders, 4 Pinchbeck street Symes Susan (Mrs.), dress maker, 4 Pinchbeck street Talbot (The) Herbal Remedies Co. Lim. chemists,New rd Taviner John, draper, 32 High street Taylor George, wheelwright & carpenter, Spalding commn Taylor John, market gardener, Lower Fulney Taylor Martin, market gardener, 13 Albion str·eet Taylor Waiter, Greyhound P.H. Crack Pool lane Temperance Hall (!<'red Walden, sec.), Crescent Thimblehy William, hair dresser, 3 & 4 New road Thornhill George, White Horse P.H. Church gate Thorpe Francis Williarn, shoe maker, r6 Red Lion streeb & 5 Francis street Thorpe Willis, farmer, Cowbit road Tidswell John, shDpkeeper, LitJtle London Tointon James, farmer, 140 Winsover road Tointon Samuel, farmer, 15a, London road Tomline William, clothier, 23 Hall place Tomlinson J ames, cattle dealer, 13 The Cre!!cent Toynting Frederick J. farmer, Cowbit road Toynton Harry H. baker, 6 Albert street Trengrove John D. musical instrument !ell er, 12 Vine .st Turner Arthur B. tailor, 14 Bridge street Turner Ethel Mary (Miss), tobacconist, 15 Winsover rd Turner John, Angel inn, Double street Tyler Arthur, tobacconist, 20 Bridge street Tyson Edward, beer retailer, Little London Universal (The) Domestic Sewing MachineCo. r6 New rd Vause Chas. Freshney, house painter, 22 St. Thomas' rd Vine Edward, tailor, 57 Albion street Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Lincolnshire Regiment (F Co. Capt. G. J. Ba.rrell; Sergt. Walter Sweetling, drilt instruct-or), DriJl haJl, Sheep market Wade George, market gardener, 17 Winsover road Wadsley Richard, monumental mason, 70 Westlode st Waite Annie (Mrs.), temperance hotel & dining ..rooms, 11 Station street Walden & Sons, grocers, 20 Love lane; 3 & 4 London road & agents for Sutton & Co. carriers, Ia,London rd Walpole Joseph Sargent, cottage farmer, Cuckoo road "\Valtham Joseph, farmer, Ash Tree house, Spalding corn Wardell Matthew, beer retailer, Green 1\Ian, Spalding corn Waring Lilian E. (Mrs.), girls' school, Froe bel,Priory rd Warner Maurice,cooper, Malting House sq.Sheep market Warnes William & Son, shoe makers, 39 St. Thomas' rd Water Works (Joe George Calthrop, sec.; Frank E. Stimson, engineer), Pinchbeck road Watkins Jacob P. insurance agent, ID'J Wimover road Watson Charles Allen, builder, Westlode streeli Watson George, boot maker, 2oa, Bridge street Welhourn Edward, inspector of police, Sheep market Welby John Thomas, farmer, Spalding fen, Cuckoo road Wellband Richard, market gardener, 16 Water lane West George, market gardener, fruiterer & florist, Pinchbeck road & 31 New road We!it Harry, Peacock P.H. Pinchbeck street West John Thomas, cottage farmer, Cuckoo road West Mary Ann (Miss), greengrocer, 3 Bridge street Westmoreland Ada (.Miss), dress maker, 133 Winsover rd Westmoreland George F. grocer, & post office, 25 Commercial road Westmoreland Richard, cowkeeper, Holbeach road Wherry E. & Sons, wholesale grocers, r Church street White John & Sons, bakers, 5 Crescent White & Son, general & fancy repository, 8, 9• 10 & I 1 .Sheep market White & Som, bulb growers, Little London White Alfred, farmer, Little London White Harold William, coach builder, 42 Westlode st. See advertisement White Philip, butcher, 4 Hail place White William, confectioner, 42 Westlode street Wilcox Alfred F. butcher, 25 Hall place Wilcox Henry, market gardener, 22 Albion 11treet Wilkinson Joseph, wholesale & retail ironmonger, cycle agent & repairer &i agricultural implement agent lii maker, 5 Bridge !!treet; office on tne~day at Market place; workshops, Vine street; agricultural implement yard, Sheep market, Holbeach market, thursday Williamson Robert, baker, 72 Double street Wimihurst Harry R. manager of tihe Urban District gas works, .A1bion street Wingfield Jo!!eph John, boot maker, I Westlode street Winyard Au11tin Waiter, beer ret. 96 Commercial road Wombwell Main Colliery Co. Limited (William Newton, agent). Station yard Woodroff John, tmperintend~nt of the South Holland drainage, 23 Albert street Wood! William, horse dealer, 6 Albion !treet I DIRECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. Woolley C. P. & Son, joiners, cabinet maken & house decorators, Church street Woolley James, farmer, Spalding common Workman's Institute (Charles Crust, sec.), Holbeach rd \Vortley Joseph, joiner & builder, 16 Double street 'Vright & Currey, ironmongers, I Church gate SPILSBY. 5.H Wright James, Oak Sheaf inn, I.ittle London Wright James Storey, plumber, 24 Albert street Wright Jason, draper, I5 Double street Wright \Ym.civil engnr.to G.N.&G.E.Rly. 16 Pinchbeck rd York Peter, ehimney sweep, 38 Westlode street Young Thomas, fried fish shop, 3 Francis street SPAN :BY is a parish and village, :a miles wuth from of the Hon. Mrs. Needham and Mrs. Barnett, and held Aswarby station on the Bourne and Sleaford branch of the since I68o by the Rev. Richard Henry Mann B . .A.. of Great Northern railway, 3' north-east from Folkingham Emmanuel College, Cambridge, who resides at Swaton. and 6 110uth from S~eaford, in the North Kesteven division William Alfred Cragg esq. of Threekinrrham House, of the county, parts of Kesteven, .A.veland wapentake, Threekingham, who is lord of the manor~ and Georga Sleaford petty sessional division, union and county court Smith esq. of Horbling, are the principal landowners. district, rural deanery of .A.veland No. I, and archdeaconry The soil is chiefly clay; subsoil, c!ay. The chief crops and diocese of Lincoln. The church of •St. Nichola.s, re- are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 1,org acres; built in 1882, at a cost of £765. is a small building of red rateable value, £996; the population in 1901 was 8·8. brick wibh red Ancaster stone dressings in the Eaa-1) Letters through Folkingham S.O. arrive at 9 a.m. Wall English style, consisting of apsidal chancel, nave, west Letter 1Box cleared 4.30 week days only. The nearest poN:h and a bell turret containing one bell : there are 65 money order & telegraph office is at Osbournby, aboul> sittings. The register dates from the year 168 r. The I mile distant . living is a rectory, annexed w the vicarage of Swaton, joint net yearly value £325, with residence, in the gift The children of this place attend the school at Osbournby Wilkinson William, farmer Kitchen William, farmer Daker Thomas, farmer Wright John, farmer Lord John, farmer Creasey John, farmer IIeley J oseph, farmer SPILS:BY is a small market town on the ro!ld from Boston to Louth, in a pleas'<lnt position on an acclivity overlooking a vast tract of mal'sh a.nd fen land, extending c;outhward to the Boston Deeps, with a terminal station on a branch of the Great Northern railway, and is 17 miles north-east from Boston, 10 east-south-east from Horncastle, 16 south-by-east from Louth, 8 south-west from Alford, 9 north-wes-t from \Vainfleet and 126 from London, and is the head of a union and county court district and petty sessional division, in the South Lindsey divi!f.ion of the county, parts of Lindsey, east division of Uolingbroke sake, rural deanery of Hill No. 2, and archdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln. The Spilsby and Firsby branch of the East Lincolnshire Railway Company was opened in x868. The town is well built and consi>ts chiefly of two streets and the Market place, which is interseated in the centre by a row of houses. H i·s lighted with gas from works in the Ashby road, erected in 1854, and belonging to a compa.ny. The church of St. James is an edifice of green sand~tone and brick, chiefly in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, double nave with clerestory, north aisle, north or Willoughby chapel and an embattled Perpendicular western tower with pinnacles and containing a clock and 6 bells: the earliest portions of the structure are the nave arcades, dating apparently from the early part of the qth century, to which period the arcade opening into the chapel seems also to belong : about the middle of the same century the south aisle was removed, and a large tiecondary nave erected, of which the eastern portion constitutes the present chancel, the remainder forming about half of the existing nave : in the qth century there was a chapel here dedicated to the Holy Trinity, of which the arcade of the Willoughby chapel is supposed to be a fra.gment: the church contains a very interesting series of monuments commemorating several of the most distinguished members of the house of Wi!loughby including: r . .An altar-tomb of stone, adorned with shafts originally supporting a canopy ; on the upper sh! b lie the effigies nf John, 2nd Baron 'Villonghby de Eresby, and Joan (Ro&eline), his wife; the figure of the former is in armour with shield and sword, and ha.!! the legs crossed; the lady wears a coverchief and a flowing mantle over a close fitting dress; Lord Willoughby was knighted in 1326-7, and took part in the Scottish and Flemish wars, including the relief of Aiguillon, I345-6 and the battle of Cr~y. August 26f:h, 1346; he died in 1349: 2 . .A. fine alta.r-tomb of stone and fUpporting a finely carved alabaster effigy in full armour of J (Jhn, 3rd Baron Willoughbyde Eresby, the bead rellting on a mantled helmet and the feet on an animal, and around the cornice of the upper slab are liWe figures of monks holding scrolls,staves and rosaries; this baron is mentioned hy Froissart as one of the mo~ distinguished knights of his time; he fought most valiantly at Poictiers, Sl'ptember Igth, 1356; took part in the subsequent invasion of Francs l.)y Edward IlL and the Black Prince, and died in 1372 : 3· An altar-tomb of alabaster; on the coped slab above are recumbent effigies o.f Robert, 4th Baron Willoughby de Eresby, ob. 1396, and his 3rd wife, Eliza;beth, daug-hter and heires-s of Lord Latimer, a.nd widow of Lord Nevill, of Raby; the figure of the baron i!l in full armour, with the head resting on a. helmet surmounted by the Willoughby c~est, and the feet on a lion; that of the lady is very richly ha.bited, the head resting on two cushions sup- parted by figures of monks, and at the feet three pet dogs: 4· A brass, with effigy, to ~brga•ret, daughter of William, Lord Zouch, and 2nd wife of Robert, 4th Baron \<Yilloughby de Eresby; around the figure are eigh!) shield:s of arms, and t•he whole is inclosed by a marginal inscription, which gives the date of her death as October 18th, 1391: 5· A remarkable fine triple canopied brass with effigies of William, 5th baron Willoughby de Eresby. ob. 1410, and Lucy, daughter of Lord Strange,of Knockyn, his first wife; the figure of the baron is in rich armour, and that of his wife in a high gown, falling in voluminous folds about her feet: 6. A heavy monumental stone screen, between the nmth aisle of the nave and the Willoughby chapel eastwaa-d of it, forming a memorial to Richard Bcrtic csq. ob. 1582, and his wife, Catherine, Baroness Willoughby de Eresby, and widow of Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, ob. IS8o: 7· .A. monument of Derbyshire alabaster and various marbles, bearing on a panelled base a reclining effigy of Catherine, only daughter of Peregrine Bertie, 10th Baron Willoughby de Eresby, and wife of Sir Lewis Watson knt. of Rockingham, where she died in childbed I<'eb. ='4-th, 1610; placed within a little cradle at her feet lies her infant; above this is an erect effigy of her father, the famous Peregrine, wth Lord Willoughby, ob. 16ox, in a suit of half armour, full skirt and hose: in the pavement of the church are several grey slabs,deprived of their brasses: the interior was reseated in I851, and in I879 the south aisle was entirely bui:t and extended westwards, and now forms the nave proper, the east end constituting bhe chancel: an additional ais!e was also erected on the sout1& side, and the rest of the fabric thoroughly restored: these works were carried out under the direction of Mr. W. Bassett Smith, architect, of London, at a cost of £4,505, to which the late Baroness Willoughby de Eresby contributed £ 1,ooo: the stained east window was given by the represenW.tive.s of the late Prebendary Hollway, thirty years vica.r of Spilsby ; the west window by Mrs. and Miss RuSISell, in memory of the Rev. lsaac Russell, master of Spilsby Grammar School, and the Rev. J. Russell, rector of Holland Fen, and there are other stained windows. The Willoughby monuments were carefully restored by William Forsyth, of London, in 1879, by the order of the la.te Baroness Willoughby, at a cost of £250: the church was reopened by the Bishop of Lincoln and the B~shop Suffrogan of Nottingham, July 25th, 1879: a handsome brass l~tern was presented in 1892 by Mrs. Kirkby: the communion plate, of silver gilt, was .given to the parish by the lata Prebendary Hallway, at a cost of £2oo, in the year 1854: there are Boo sittings. The register dates from the year 1562. The living is a. vicarage, net yearly value £310, including 30 acres of glebe, in the gift of Lord! •Willoughby-de-Eresby, and held since I902 by the Rev. John Wright Layng, who is also vicar of Hundleby, rural dean of Hill No. 2 and surrogate. The churchyard. was closed, except for interments in vaults and brick graves, by an Order in Council, dated 13th September, 1884. The parish rooms, New Spilsby, formerly a Primitive Methodist chapel, were purchased by public subscription and o-pened! by the Bishop of Lincoln, Dec. 189r. The Catholic church, in Church street, a. structure in the Gothic ~tyle, is dedicated to Our Lady and th~ English 'Ma~yrs, and was 01pened in 1902 by the Right Rev. Dr. Brmdle D.S.O. and affords sittings for abou\ LI~cs. 34•