fennville pride - Fennville Public Schools
fennville pride - Fennville Public Schools
Fennville Pride August Issue 2012 • Fennville Public Schools • (269) 561-7331 • www.fennvilleschools.org OPEN HOUSES First Day For Students Is September 4, 2012 Fennville Middle School Tuesday, August 28, 2012 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Fennville Elementary and Fennville High School Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. CENTRAL OFFICE HOURS: 7:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Office will be closed if there are extreme weather conditions. HORARIO DE LA OFICINA DEL SUPERINTENDIENTE Lunes a Viernes 7:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Esta oficina estara cerrada si las condiciones del tiempo son muy severas. 2 Central Office: 5 Memorial Drive Central Office Superintendent Dirk Weeldreyer (269) 561-7331 Fax (269) 561-5792 Note from the Superintendent Dear Parents and District Residents: Fennville Elementary: 8 Memorial Drive Principal, Albert Lombard K-2 (269) 561-7236 Fax (269) 561-7271 3-5 (269) 561-7231 Fax (269) 561-2356 Fall is my favorite time of year as the days begin to shorten and the weather begins to cool. Those changes mean that another school year is just around the corner, and as always, we are preparing to make it a great one! Fall sports teams and the marching band have begun to practice. Our custodial and maintenance crews have given the buildings a thorough cleaning and completed several projects. Our teaching staff has begun preparing their rooms for students. It’s an exciting time! Middle School: 1 Memorial Drive We look forward to seeing you at our before-school Open Houses, scheduled as follows: High School: 4 Memorial Drive Principal, Kim Zdybel (269) 561-7341 Fax (269) 561-2143 Elementary Middle School High School Wednesday, August 29 Tuesday, August 28 Wednesday, August 29 4:30-6:30 p.m. 4:30-6:30 p.m. 4:30-6:30 p.m. (269) 561-7241 Fax (269) 561-6901 Please make plans to attend! Special Education: 5 Memorial Drive Director, Wendy Dubuisson (269) 561-7331 Fax (269) 561-5792 At our Open Houses this year, you will undoubtedly see some new faces. We have had some changes in our staffing and have been busy seeking out talented individuals to fill our open positions. Migrant/Bilingual: 5 Memorial Drive Secretary, Alice Rodriguez (269) 561-7331 Fax (269) 561-5792 One departure from our staff that occurred during the summer was that of our high school principal, Mrs. Amber Lugten. After eight years as principal and four years prior to that as a teacher in the district, Mrs. Lugten has made the decision to stay home with her young and growing family. She has been a tremendous asset to the district, and her dedicated, caring leadership will be very much missed. We wish her all the best, and hope to still see her at many activities! As of this writing, we have begun the search for our next principal and hope to have that individual on board early in the school year. Adult Ed/Alt. Ed: 5 Memorial Drive (269) 561-7331 Fax (269) 561-8630 Food Service: 8 North Street Director, Barb Elenbaas (269) 561-7231 Fax (269) 561-2356 Facilities: 5 Memorial Drive Director, Jon Carr (269) 561-4832 Fax (269) 561-5792 Transportation: 3 Memorial Drive Director, John Schlack (269) 561-8131 Fax (269) 561-5636 Athletics 4 Memorial Drive Director, Travis Spaman (269) 561-7241 Fax (269) 561-6901 Community Athletic Center: Travis Spaman (269) 561-2708 (269) 561-6901 Fennville Public Schools stands ready to welcome any new students! Parents may register new students in the Central Office (located behind the Middle School) until school offices open for regular hours beginning Monday, August 20. The first day of the 201213 school year will be Tuesday, September 4. We are constantly seeking ways to improve our program, and we welcome your participation! Many great opportunities for involvement exist at every level. Please contact your school’s office to find out more about ways that you can be part of the action! Working together, we will make the upcoming school year a great one! We look forward to a great year! See you soon! Sincerely, Dirk Weeldreyer Superintendent Fennville Public Schools Board Of Education Meetings Website: www.fennvilleschools.org Follow us on face book www.facebook.com/fennvillepublicschools For 2012 July 16, 2012 August 20, 2012 September 17, 2012 FHS Alumni: www.tiny.cc/FennnvilleAlumni The Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its program, activities or employment. Further, it is the policy of this District to provide an equal opportunity for all students, regardless of race, color, creed, age, disability, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin, place of residence within the boundaries of the District, or social or economic background, to learn through the curriculum offered in this District. Direct questions to Civil Rights Officer, Wendy Dubuisson October 15, 2012 November 19, 2012 December 17, 2012 All Regular meetings to be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room unless otherwise posted. Special meetings and work sessions will be scheduled as necessary. Congratulations Retirees! We would like to congratulate the following Fennville staff members who have retired. We thank them for their years of dedication and service to the Fennville Public Schools and our students! Mike Cortright Pat Gibson Kathy Kirby Teacher Teacher Elementary Principal 22 years 23 years 14 ½ years Central Office 3 4) The District has established the following information about each stuFennville Public Schools utilizes certain pesticide products from time to dent as directory information and will make it available upon a legitimated time at its various school buildings and facilities. Some are applied by request unless a parent, guardian, or adult student notifies the Records contractual vendors and a few are applied in accordance with the Pesti- Control Office in writing within 10 days from the date of this notification cide Act of 1976. Any district, parent, guardian, or care provider desiring that they will not permit distribution of any or all information: information regarding these pesticides or who wish to be notified prior to A. Name, address, and telephone number; scheduled applications may complete the following request and mail it to B. Date and place of birth; Jon Carr, 5 Memorial Drive, Fennville, MI 49408. C. Photograph; PESTICIDE PRIOR NOTIFICATION REQUEST D. Major field of study; School: ____________________________________________________ E. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports; Parent/Guardian _____________________________________________ F. Height and Weight, if a member of an athletic team; Student Name: ______________________________________________ G. Date of attendance, date of graduation, and awards received; Address ____________________________________________________ H. Any other information the District considers would not be harmful or City:____________________________State: ____Zip Code: __________ an invasion of privacy, if disclosed. Home Phone: _________________Work Phone ____________________ 5) A copy of the Board of Education’s policy and the accompanying Dis❑ I would like to be notified whenever a pesticide application is made. trict regulations are available at the Fennville Public Schools. There will also be a person available to answer any questions concerning the SAFE AND DRUG FREE SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIES ACT policy or regulations. Fennville Public Schools recognizes and abides by the standards of the Safe PESTICIDE CONTROL ACT and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug Free Workplace Act. These standards prohibit the unlawful manufacture, possession, use, sale, distribution, or concealment of illegal drugs and alcohol in school programs, school vehicles, school premises, and at school sponsored activities on and off school property. Drugs include all controlled substances as defined by law, as well as “look-alike” drugs, steroids, and alcohol. These standards apply to all FPS students. We urge students, parents, guardians, and care providers to work hand-in-hand with our district to ensure that these important standards are upheld. ASBESTOS HAZARD EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACT In July 2012, Villa Environment completed a regularly scheduled inspection of all remaining asbestos-containing materials in district facilities. The inspections performed by district personnel are part of our Management Plan. Asbestos materials were confirmed in the high school building. They were found to be in good condition and present no danger to students, staff, or visitors. If any changes occur, employees and parents will be promptly notified. Parents who wish to review the district’s Management Plan may do so by contacting the Facilities Director, Jon Carr, 5 Memorial Drive, Fennville, MI 49408 (269) 561-7331. The Fennville Public Schools prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin or ancestry, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, or handicap. Inquiries regarding this policy may call (269) 561-7331. Equal Opportunity Employer. Auxialiary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Annual Notification Letter The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that each year school workers and building occupants receive notification about asbestos activities such as response actions and inspections. The purpose of this correspondence is to meet those requirements and familiarize you with the asbestos-related activities that have been conducted at the school during the past year. Management Plan - The existing Management Plan was developed and finalized in the 1988 and updated since. It is located in the Facilities Directors off ice and is available for review; Jon Carr, 5 Memorial Drive, Fennville, M I 49048 (269) 561- 4832. There is no asbestos related construction work planned for this school year. We have been removing fire doors from the NOTIFICATION ON DIRECTORY INFORMATION In compliance with Federal regulation, FPS has established the following High School over the past year which may have become damaged to prevent any disturbance of the core materials and continue to monitor the guidelines concerning student records. 1) Dirk Weeldreyer is the Records Control Officer for the District and is doors for potential damage. There is only non friable asbestos material in responsible for the processing and maintenance of all student records. the High School and Middle School except for a small amount of pipe inHis office is located at 5 Memorial Drive, Fennville, MI 49408 and can be sulation that is enclosed within the hard ceiling in the Middle School and not accessible to the students and staff. reached at (269) 561-7331. 2) Each student’s records will be kept in a confidential file located at the Periodic Surveillance - The AHERA (the EPA law governing schools) regulabuilding offices for that grade. The information in a student’s record will be tion requires surveillance of the condition of asbestos containing materiavailable for review only by the parents or legal guardian of a student, an als every six months. This monitoring is current and being conducted (in adult student (18 years of age or older), and those designated by Federal January and July each year) by an EPA trained consultant, Villa Environmental Consultants, Inc. Law or District regulations. 3) If not satisfied with the accuracy of the records or the District’s compli- The AHERA regulation requires a three-year re-inspection (detailed review) ance with the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act, a parent, guard- of the condition of asbestos containing materials in all school buildings. ian, or adult student has the right to request a change or addition to a The most recent re-inspection was performed in July 2012 with the next re-inspection due in July 2015. This monitoring is being conducted by Villa student’s records, and to: Environmental Consultants, Inc. A. Obtain a hearing with District Officials, or B. File a complaint with the U.S. Office of Education Questions regarding asbestos-related issues may be directed to Richard P. Family Policy Compliance Office Villa, Villa Environmental Consultants, Inc., 408 West Main Street, Benton US Department of Education Harbor, M I 49022, 269-927-2434. 400 Maryland Ave, SE Washington, DC 20202-4605 4 Elementary Summer Migrant Program Fennville’s summer migrant program provided both educational and outreach opportunities for 64 students from June 18 through July 30. The curriculum focused on literacy, math, science and social studies during the thirty day program. A new math program was introduced for the shortened program. Students had the opportunity to work in a newly planted garden which contained cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, corn, basil, dill, parsley and chives. They made dill dip for the cucumbers, sour cream and chives for baked potatoes and caprese salad (tomatoes, basil & mozzarella cheese). The students enjoyed the sampling of our harvest. Students also experienced swimming at the Allegan Aquatic Center, concerts and the green market at the Saugatuck Center for the Arts. The green market day included comparing tastes of canned or frozen food to fresh, interviewing and recording conversations with the farmers and observing a food demonstration from a local chef. At the end of the program a Fiesta dinner was held which hosted over 120 students and their families. The students presented a showcase of what they learned this summer. The evening concluded with a piñata for the children. Back to School! Middle School Middle School Planners – Organized and Responsible Welcome New Middle School Spanish Teacher! Zenia Sustaita is a recent graduate of Western Michigan University. She is originally from Pullman and graduated from Bloomingdale. She is extremely enthusiastic about working with students and making a positive difference. This coming school year the Fennville Middle School will be making the use of student planners mandatory. Students will be required to fill out their planners daily and have them signed by a parent once a week. The program is designed to assist students with the development of better study habits. It will also serve as a means of communication between parents and teachers. Being organized and being responsible for your studies are the foundation for being successful in school. More information will be mailed home in August. High School 5 SAC Award Winners! Congratulations Southwestern Athletic Conference Academic All-Conference Students! Each year every SAC school is able to present five students with the esteemed award of Academic All-Conference. To be selected for this honor, students must have high grade point averages as well as high scores on their ACT tests. The 2012 recipients of this honor for Fennville High School were: Alyssa Nelson, Emily Schneider, Rachael Shields, Nicole Bell, and Heather Pitcher. FHS Announcements: The High School office will reopen for normal business hours on Monday, August 20, 2012 and will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. The office will be closed on Friday, August 31, 2012 and Monday, September 3, 2012 . We ask that all schedule changes be made prior to the first day of school, September 4, 2012. Thank you! Welcome New High School Science Teacher! Welcome New Band Director! Kyle Cooper grew up and has always lived in West Michigan. He attended Zeeland West High school and then attended GVSU and graduated in December of 2011. Prior to graduating he went to Ecuador for two months to teach abroad which he states was a great experience. He has coached football for Zeeland West the past six years and will be the JV head footall coach for Fennville this year which he is very excited about. He is looking foward to getting to know the students and staff better and have a great year teaching physics and physical science! Band Director: Paul Andrews is a graduate of Grand Valley State University. He comes very highly recommended from area band authorities. He is organized, talented and very hard working. 6 Athletics %R\V9DUVLW\6RFFHU 6$ 6RFFHUIHVW# .DODPD]RR&KULVWLDQ $0 78 +ROODQG&DOYDU\ : 6DXJDWXFN 0 +RSNLQV : /DZWRQ : *REOHV 78 1HZ%XIIDOR 7+ %HUULHQ6SULQJV 6$ &RORPD $0 : 0DUFHOOXV 0 +DUWIRUG : %DQJRU 0 6$&7RXUQDPHQW 7+ 6$&7RXUQDPHQW#*REOHV 6$ 6$&7RXUQDPHQW#*REOHV $0 0 %ODFN5LYHU 'LVWULFW7RXUQDPHQW 9DUVLW\)RRWEDOO 7+ 7+ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) RU %XFKDQDQ3DUHQW¶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¶V1LJKW 7+ %DQJRU 78 %ORRPLQJGDOH 7+ 6DXJDWXFN 6$ +RSNLQV,QYLWDWLRQDO 78 0DUWLQ 7+ *REOHV 78 %DQJRU 7+ %ORRPLQJGDOH : 6$&0DNHXS 6$ 6$&7RXUQDPHQW 'LVWULFW7RXUQDPHQW -XQLRU9DUVLW\9ROOH\EDOO : %ODFN5LYHU7UL 7+ 6FKRROFUDIW : )HQQYLOOH4XDG : /DZUHQFH4XDG 7+ 6DXJDWXFN 0 6DXJDWXFN4XDG 7+ 0DUWLQ 78 *REOHV 7+ %DQJRU 6$ %DQJRU,QYLWDWLRQDO 78 %ORRPLQJGDOH 7+ 6DXJDWXFN 78 0DUWLQ 7+ *REOHV 78 %DQJRU 7+ %ORRPLQJGDOH 7+ 6$&&URVVRYHU 7 Athletics 0LGGOH6FKRRO9ROOH\EDOO 0 6DXJDWXFN : 0DUWLQ 0 *REOHV : %DQJRU 0 %ORRPLQJGDOH : 6DXJDWXFN 0 0DUWLQ : *REOHV 0 %DQJRU : %ORRPLQJGDOH +RPH +RPH $ZD\ $ZD\ $ZD\ $ZD\ $ZD\ +RPH +RPH $ZD\ 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 )HQQYLOOH3XEOLF6FKRROV )DOO$WKOHWLF6FKHGXOH 6FKHGXOHV6XEMHFW WR&KDQJH XSGDWHG IHQQYLOOHVFKRROVRUJ Sport Physicals A friendly reminder to all student athletes who plan on participating in sports during the 2012-2013 school year. In order to participate you must have a valid and up to date sports physical on file in the athletic office. A valid physical must have taken place after April of 2012. Physical forms can be printed off of the schools website, picked up in the high school main office or at the administration building. If you do not have a physical on file you cannot even begin practice so make sure you get your physical complete and turned in as soon as possible. Look forward to seeing you on the playing surfaces this athletic season, GO HAWKS!!! Miscellaneous Get A Jump On Lunch! Apply For Free/reduced Meals Online! Parents can go online to complete the annual Free/Reduced Meal Benefit Application! Simply go to the Fennville Schools website at www.fennvilleschools.org and click on Food Services. On the Food Services page you will find the link for the Lunchapp.com, once there, follow instructions to complete your students meal benefit application online. You can also go directly to www.Lunchapp.com to complete your family application. If you do not wish to complete your application online, complete the paper application which will be available at the beginning of school. Be sure to submit a new application before the end of September, 2012. All students who received meal benefits at the end of the past school year will continue to receive those benefits until a new application has been submitted or September 30, 2012, whichever is first. Only one application per family needs to be submitted, be sure to include all household members on the application. LUNCH PRICES 2012/2013 Elementary Breakfast: Free Lunch: $1.95 Reduced Lunch: $.40 Milk: $.45 Middle/High School Breakfast: Free Lunch: $2.15 Reduced Lunch: $.40 Milk: $.45 Student lunch account balances transfer from the end of the last school year. If you would like to know your child’s lunch account balance, please call or email Barb Elenbaas, Foodservice Director, at (269)561-7331 x 4262, [email protected]. Please remember that the lunch accounts need to be prepaid or the student must have cash. At the Elementary and Middle Schools, students are allowed to charge 2 lunches before given a PBJ lunch. With increased costs, this is necessary for the lunch program to be self-supporting. We appreciate your diligence to be assured your child’s lunch account does not go into arrears. If you would like to go online to see what your student’s lunch balance is or see what they are purchasing in the cafeteria you can sign up for an account on sendmoneytoschool. com. You can do this easily from the Fennville Schools website on the Food Services page. You will need to have your students ID number that is used for their lunch account, you can obtain this by emailing or calling the foodservice office. Fennville School Foodservice Department offers healthy food choices to all students. We strive to help with the nutritional education of children. All menu and ala carte items served in the cafeterias are evaluated for their nutritional value. Address or Phone Number Change? If you have recently moved, please contact your student’s school to update your address and phone number information. It is critical that the school offices have accurate information on file in case of an emergency. It is also important to update emergency contact information for your student as well. If an adult comes to the office to speak to your child or pick them up for an appointment, your child WILL NOT be released if that adult’s name is not on the contact information. 8 Community ONLINE AUCTION Thursday, August 23, 2012 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Fennville Public Schools To View and Bid on Items visit: biddergy.com (click on Fennville Public Schools) Personal (hands on) Inspection: August 22, 2012 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Pickup day: August 24, 2012 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 430 First Street (The old bus garage located on First Street, behind the Huntington Bank) Questions: Jon Carr, Facilities Director (269) 561-4832 9 Alumni Class Of 1942 The Class of 1942 has been plan- The class has held a reunion every ning its 70th reunion. Wow….70 five years since 1942 at various places including the Tara (now a years! condo complex), the Westshore Graduation for the Class of 1942 Golf Course (now closed), the Butwas just five months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor with the ler, the Skyline (now Spectators), WWII just getting under way. Many and the Dutch Mill in Grand Junction (now closed). classmates entered the military service. Entering the Navy were Jack Over the years, the class has beKing, Cliff Paine, Laurence Sackett, come scattered over the U.S. from Willard Nelson, Norman Burch, and California, New Jersey, Florida, MinVerda (Menold) Hews. nasota, Illinois, and Michigan. As of this date, there are 14 class memEntering the Army was Harold bers left. They are: “Denny” Naughton and Robert Lorisz. Homer “Diz” Earl entered the Ann (Holthof ) Adkin, Verda (MeMarines and Charles Heavilin en- nold) Hews, Virginia (Gretzinger) Dewent, Olga (Chinalski) Hikido, tered the Air Corps. Betty Ruth Randolph, Dora (Watts) After the war (1947) the class held Boyle, Leah (Godfrey) Jacobs, Louise their first reunion at the County (Rasmussen) Sagady, Lorraine (BeaPark on Lake Michigan. The notice gle) Wallace, Donna (Sargent) Beery for the reunion was on a penny Heavilin, Harold (Denny) Naughton, post card and stated “Bring your Max Kiernan, Homer “Diz” Earl, and own lunch!” Charles “Chuck” Heavilin, Sr. Class Of 1954 The Class of 1954 began with a freshman class of 51 students and ended up with only 38 students at the time of graduation. As of today they have 8 classmates who have passed away. The Class of 1954 has been holding reunions every five years. On their 40th reunion, (1994) Lester and Cindy Rawson gave every attending class member a red brick from the old school building. FHS Class Of ‘63 Potluck Fundraiser The FHS Class of ‘63 will be hosting their annual potluck dinner in hopes of raising money for their Class of ‘63 Scholarship. Over the past six years, the FHS Class of ‘63 has awarded ten $500 scholarships to graduating seniors. We take pride in the fact that we are the only class to have established a scholarship. Thanks go out to all of you who have supported our fundraising efforts. In addition to our scholarships, we have also donated In 2004, class members and their spouses begun to meet once a month money to the high school choir, the at Spectators in Saugatuck. Many times there would be anywhere from 20 Wes Leonard Heart Team, the Fen- to 30 in attendance including retired staff, Sam and Ada Morehead, Ron nville United Methodist Church, and Mary Hesche, Jane Vandenberg, Marsha Tucker, and Matt Szkopiec. Classmates came from Fennville, Douglas, Allegan, Kalamazoo, West Olive, and the Fennville District Library. Grand Junction, Holland, and Albion. If you are unable to attend but would like to donate to the FHS Class of ‘63 Scholarship, please make your check payable to: Fennville Public Schools Educational Foundation and mail to Kathy McMahon, P.O. Box 1074, Fennville MI 49408 or to Joyce Jones, 1925 Katheryne Lane, Fennville MI 49408. FHS Class Of ‘63 Potluck Dinner WHERE: Fennville United Methodist Church, 5849 124th Avenue WHEN: Saturday, September 29, 2012, Doors open at 5 p.m. Dinner at 6 p.m. Entertainment at 7 p.m. Kicking off our entertainment will be the band 13 Days featuring Taylor Lopez on guitar, Ben Shriel on the drums and Alex Bailey playing bass. There is a page in their 1954 yearbook (the Reflector) that is marked DEDITaking the stage after 13 Days will be Aisling Hernandez, a freshman at- CATION and under that is the Class of 1954 picture with Burrell DeYoung, tending Black River. Aisling will be singing along with playing her guitar the class sponsor. Under the picture it reads: and violin. The Annual Staff, the Faculty, and underclassmen of the Fennville High Ending our entertainment for the evening will be the Fennville High School wish to dedicate this Edition of our annual to the Senior Class of School Choir, The Fenntastics, under the direction of Mrs. Jocelyn Leon- “54”. ard. When you walk down the “Alumni Hall” you can see the past, you see the Please bring a dish to pass and your own non-alcoholic beverage if you present, and you can just imagine what you see in the future. ……”Fenwould like something other coffee or water. If you need further informa- nville Pride.” tion, please call or e-mail the following people: Kathy Christie McMahon, 269-561-5252 [email protected] Joyce Billings Jones, 269-543-4601 [email protected] “Like us” at www.tiny.cc/FennvilleAlumni 10 Transportation Schedule School Bus Transportation Schedule - By Street STREET ADDRESS RANGE 107th 107th 109th 109th 109th 109th 110th 111th 111th 112th 113th 113th 113th 113th 113th 114th 115th 116th 116th 116th 116th 116th 116th 117th 117th 117th 118th 118th 118th 118th 118th 118th 118th 119th 120th 120th 120th 120th 121st 121st 122nd 122nd 122nd 122nd 123rd 123rd 124th 124th 124th 124th 124th 124th 124th 124th 124th PICK UP TIME 5800 - 6000 6:49 AM 6200 - 6400 6:37 AM 4800 - 5200 6:50 AM 5300 - 5500 7:00 AM 5500 - 5600 7:03 AM 5800 - 6400 6:43 AM 5200 - 5400 6:55 AM 6000 - 6200 7:02 AM 6200 - 6400 6:58 AM 4800 - 5400 6:42 AM 5400 - 5600 7:02 AM 5600-6200 (even #’s) 7:05 AM 5601-6199 (odd #’s) 6:55 AM 6200 - 6400 7:00 AM 6400 - 6600 6:50 AM 6700 - 7000 7:10 AM 5900 - 6000 6:57 AM 5100 - 5600 6:46 AM 5600 - 5800 7:09 AM 6000 - 6200 7:04 AM 6200 - 6500 7:10 AM 6500 - 6600 6:35 AM 6600 - 6800 7:15 AM 4900 - 5100 6:52 AM 5300 - 5600 6:45 AM 5600 - 5800 7:11 AM 4600 - 5100 6:54 AM 5200 - 5400 6:42 AM 5400 - 5500 7:00 AM 5600 - 5700 7:13 AM 6200 - 6500 6:32 AM 6500 - 6800 6:46 AM 6801 - 7000 7:00 AM 6400 - 6800 6:50 AM 5200 - 5400 6:39 AM 5500 - 5600 7:05 AM 5700 - 6200 7:10 AM 6200 - 6800 6:40 AM 5800 - 5900 7:03 AM 6600 - 6900 6:56 AM 4800 - 5300 7:03 AM 5300 - 5600 7:15 AM 5400 - 5500 6:55 AM 6300 - 6800 7:01 AM 5000 - 5300 7:18 AM 5300 - 5400 7:12 AM 4900 - Deanne 7:01 AM 5400 - 5700 (odd #’s) 7:11 AM 5600-Deanne (even #’s)7:05 AM 5801 - 6199 (odd #’s) 6:30 AM 5800 - 6200 (even #’s) 7:25 AM 6300 - 6600 (even #’s) 7:22 AM 6301 - 6799 (odd #’s) 6:38 AM 6800 - 7000 6:35 AM Deanne-5400 (odd #’s) 7:20 AM BUS # STREET ADDRESS RANGE PICK UP TIME 17 17 5 7 7 17 5 9 3 5 5 9 9 3 3 1 17 11 16 17 3 3 1 11 11 16 11 11 16 16 3 1 1 1 11 16 5 1 3 21 11 12 4 21 12 12 4 15 12 15 1 1 21 15 12 126th 5400 - 6200 126th 6200 - 6300 126th 6300 - 6400 126th 6400 - 6800 127th 6000 - 6300 127th 6300 - 6500 128th 5400 - 5600 128th 5700 - 5800 128th 5800 - 6000 128th 6400 - 6500 130th 5400 - 5600 130th 5700 - 5800 48th 1200 - 1300 48th 1700 - 1800 48th 1800 - 2200 49th 900 - 1200 51st 1600 - 1800 52nd 1800 - 2000 52nd 2400 - 2600 52nd 900 - 1000 53rd 2200 - 2400 53rd 900 - 1000 54th 1000 - 1300 54th 1700 - 1800 54th 1800 - 2000 54th 2000 - 2200 54th 2200 - 2300 54th 2300 - 2400 54th 2400 - 2600 54th 2700 - 2800 54th 900 - 1000 55th 1800 - 2000 55th 2200 - 2400 55th 2400 - 2500 55th Ravenswood - 900 55th Mac St - 1100 56th 1300 - 1598 (even #’s) 56th 1301 - 1599 (odd #’s) 56th 1800 - 2000 56th 1601 - 1799 (odd #’s) 56th 1600 - 1800 (even #’s) 56th 2500 - 2800 56th 2800 - 3000 56th 900 - 1300 (even #’s) 56th 901 - 1299 (odd #’s) 57th 2800 - 3000 57th or Wilson 1800 - 2400 58th 1100 - 1300 58th 1600 - 1700 58th 2100 - 2400 58th 2400 - 2600 58th 2600 - 2800 58th 2800 - 3000 58th 700 - 900 59th 1300 - 1500 7:05 AM 6:31 AM 7:04 AM 6:49 AM 7:02 AM 7:13 AM 6:35 AM 6:40 AM 6:59 AM 7:08 AM 6:44 AM 6:49 AM 6:45 AM 6:57 AM 7:00 AM 6:48 AM 6:50 AM 6:40 AM 6:55 AM 6:53 AM 7:10 AM 6:50 AM 7:00 AM 6:43 AM 6:58 AM 6:36 AM 7:14 AM 7:06 AM 7:10 AM 6:38 AM 6:52 AM 7:05 AM 6:52 AM 7:12 AM 7:05 AM 7:02 AM 6:50 AM 7:10 AM 7:07 AM 7:15 AM 7:08 AM 6:32 AM 6:44 AM 6:30 AM 7:05 AM 6:48 AM 7:17 AM 7:05 AM 7:10 AM 7:25 AM 7:00 AM 6:35 AM 6:58 AM 6:48 AM 7:00 AM BUS # STREET ADDRESS RANGE PICK UP TIME 15 21 19 15 19 19 4 19 19 19 4 19 5 11 11 5 11 11 4 5 12 7 5 11 16 11 12 11 15 4 7 16 4 15 7 5 16 16 16 16 16 4 19 9 7 19 16 9 16 1 15 19 19 17 17 59th 2200 - 2400 60th 2700 - 2800 60th 700 - 1500 62nd 1100 - 1300 62nd 1300 - 1600 62nd 2000 - 2400 62nd 2400 - 2600 62nd 2600 - 3000 62nd 700 - 900 62nd 900 - 1100 63rd 2200 - 2400 63rd 2400 - 2600 63rd 2600 - 2700 63rd 2700 - 3000 64th 2200 - 2600 64th 2600 - 2800 64th 700 - 900 64th 900 - 1600 64th 1600 - 1800 64th 1800 - 2200 65th 1600 - 1800 66th 1100 - 1600 66th 1600 - 1800 66th 2000 - 2400 68th 1600 - 2000 68th 2100 - 2400 68th 2400 - 2600 70th 1400 - 2000 70th 2300 - 2400 Dogwood 5299 El Court Drive Fennville Street 100 - 200 Lakeland Drive Lyons Market 124th Nadeau Drive 5300 - 901 (approved stops) New Richmond Old Allegan 2600 - 3000 Pepperbrook and 65th Pullman Health 55th/109th South St. W. Fennville St. 200 and west Walters St. BUS # 7:25 AM 7:00 AM 6:52 AM 7:00 AM 7:05 AM 7:12 AM 6:30 AM 7:19 AM 6:35 AM 6:57 AM 7:10 AM 6:35 AM 7:03 AM 7:16 AM 6:55 AM 7:06 AM 6:40 AM 6:55 AM 7:05 AM 7:10 AM 6:35 AM 6:40 AM 7:20 AM 7:22 AM 6:43 AM 6:42 AM 6:47 AM 7:05 AM 6:40 AM 7:10 AM 6:50 AM 7:15 AM 7:25 AM 6:45 AM 1 19 17 9 3 17 21 19 17 3 21 21 19 19 15 19 17 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 21 15 1 15 4 19 21 1 15 6:55 AM 6:47 AM 6:45 AM 7:10 AM 6:45 AM 7:15 AM 7:25 AM 7:16 AM 7 19 4 19 7 21 19 21 Transportation 2012 – 2013 School Bus Drivers & Route Numbers Route #1 Route #3 Route #4 Route #5 Route #7 Route #9 Route #21 Mrs. Phelps Mr. Broe Mrs. Boerkoel Mrs. Fernandez Mrs. Goodell Mr. Corwin Ms. Sackett Route #11 Route #12 Route #15 Route #16 Route #17 Route #19 Mrs. Liebbe Mr. Merleau Mr. Schut Mrs. Schlack Mrs. Zugel Mr. VanPlew 11 Discipline on the School Bus We could attempt to list all of the things your child can’t do on the bus but it’s much easier for them to understand if we explain what they can do. For their safety, all students must remain seated, facing forward, and be reasonably quiet. Silence is required at Rail Road Crossings. We cannot stress enough how important it is for students to be on their best behavior. John Schlack – Director of Transportation Jerry Oetman – Head Technician Transportation Information for Parents This school year we have made only minimal changes to our school bus routes to assure an efficient and safe start to our school year. If you have any questions, the Transportation Office phone number is 269-561-8131 or you can email Director John Schlack at [email protected] Below are some easy to follow rules for safe student transportation. 1. Parents are responsible for their children until they are aboard the school bus. 2. Students must be waiting at their assigned bus stop. The bus will not wait for tardy students. 3. Students ready to board the bus must wait until the bus is fully stopped and has the RED overhead flashers activated 4. Students may ride only their assigned bus to and from their assigned bus stop. We cannot accommodate occasional or last minute changes in your child’s bus stop. It’s just not safe. If you have an emergency, contact the office to make arrangements to have your child remain at school until you or your designee can come to pick them up. 5. Parents are responsible for making sure someone is at the bus stop to receive young children. Disturbances on board the bus can distract the driver. Insubordinate behavior will not be tolerated and the bus driver is authorized to suspend a student’s riding privilege immediately for any form of disrespect or serious misconduct. Please understand that the bus drivers have been instructed that they cannot have a meeting with you at the bus stop. If you have questions or concerns to discuss with the driver, please call the Bus Garage to make an appointment. Thank you for allowing us to safely transport your children. Sincerely, John Schlack Director of Transportation Community Fennville Focus Kids Child Care and Learning Center We are located on campus at Fennville Public Schools in the building beside the bus garage. We offer a YEAR ROUND play based/hands on program along with a nurturing environment where a child can learn, discover and develop according to their own individual needs. Before and after school care is available as well as care on early release days, 2 hour delay days and on days with no school. We provide homework help, individual attention, and creative discovery for school-aged kids. Family Discount for Two or More Children (Full time) 10% on the lower tuition *DHS payments accepted (Call us to see if you qualify) Hours: Monday - Friday 6:00AM - 6:00PM Enroll your child today! Call Melissa Wentzell, Center owner/director at: (269)561-2458 or cell # (616)485-2525. Para ayuda en espanol pregunte por Bernice Herrera: (269)206-2013. Fennville Co-Op Preschool Fennville Co-op preschool has openings for 3 and 4 year olds. Contact Melissa Wentzell at 616-485-2525. Highway Clean-up A hearty Fennville thank you to Robin Phelps, Julie Cossey, Jeff, Jill and Gene Raywood for their efforts in the summer highway cleanup effort on M89. The weather cooperated with a light cloud covering and pleasant temperatures. We found no big surprises but did manage to fill up seven trash bags. We are hoping that those who drive into Fennville will find their trip just a little more pleasant. Once again, thanks to all those involved in the cleanup of our stretch of highway. Blackhawk spirit and Blackhawk pride live! Happy Birthday Intermediate School Districts! The 2012-13 school year marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of intermediate schools districts. Michigan’s 57 intermediate school districts (ISDs) or regional educational service agencies (RESAs) were created by the legislature to bring about high quality and equitable educational opportunities to students and schools throughout the state. In this region the Allegan Area Educational Service Agency provides services to the local districts in Allegan, Fennville, Glenn, Hopkins, Martin, Otsego, Plainwell and Wayland. Over the next year several special events are planned to highlight the work that AAESA is doing in our communities. For more information on what AAESA is doing to accomplish the work of public education visit their web site www. alleganaesa.org. Fennville Public Schools 5 Memorial Drive Fennville, Michigan 49408 Non-Profit Org US Postage Paid Fennville, MI 49408 Permit 12 POSTAL PATRON Enjoy the final days of summer!
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