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View pdf version - Grindrod limited
201 2014 JUL - DEC JAN - JU MAKING WAVES A news update for customers, suppliers & staff of Grindrod Alan Olivier Chief Executive Officer As 2014 races to an end, we look back We at a year that has seen many changes a welcome Tantaswa for the Grindrod Group. We were all Grindrod Limited board. saddened by the loss of dear friends and currently colleagues, Dave Rennie, Tim McClure and Transformation at KPMG and the and Tony Norton. Ivan Clark retired as national president of the Association for Chairman and Mike Hankinson has taken the Advancement of Black Accountants over as Chairman of the board. of Southern Africa and is a chartered Non-Executive Fubu Director Executive as on the Tantaswa is Head of People accountant. We look forward to the These have been covered in previous value that Tantaswa will bring to the editions of ‘Making Waves’, but to sum group. up the other major events: • The successful R2,4 billion capital Congratulations to the shipping team raise and R1,6 billion BBBEE transaction. for • The winding down of the Trading in Madagascar. Ambatovy is a nickel- division. cobalt beneficiation plant designed to • Bidvest’s unsolicited offer to purchase produce 60 000 mt of nickel ingots per Grindrod Bank has been withdrawn. The year. IVS has been awarded the contract Group continues to support the bank to ship 3,5 million tonnes of limestone, and will invest in its growth strategy. sulphur and coal to Madagascar. securing the Ambatovy contract The Bank’s financial results are very pleasing. Congratulations • The IVS Phinda, the second of twelve Terminals handysize supra/ultramax bulk carriers handled through our terminals in Maputo ordered, was delivered to the Grindrod and Richards Bay. Shipping only to the Grindrod team but also to fleet in August. We look forward to the next delivery early next team to the Grindrod on record volumes This is thanks not Transnet for their sterling support. have been leased to Transnet Freight Rail, for use in Gauteng. year. Well done to the Though we have much to be proud Non-Executive three facilities at Maydon Wharf into of, it’s been a challenging year Limited. Mike was appointed to the flourishing on many fronts. board in 1986 as the first Managing terminals. Your Director work enthusiasm to the then Grindrod newly listed Grincor (now Grindrod Limited). He was for Ocean reviving of Lines at Africa Director Container team In November, Mike Groves retired as transshipment and container commitment, is very markets decline, we need to work much together to tighten our belts and appreciated. drive cost saving throughout our business. the Chairman of the audit committee and member of the Remuneration and Grindrod Nomination launch committee Non-Executive Director and of remains Grindrod As commodity hard in Locomotives its GS7 October. was shunting Specifically proud to locomotive designed Thank you to the entire Grindrod team for your efforts during for mining companies in Africa, 80% the year and to all our business service and leadership to the Grindrod of is partners, customers and suppliers group; thank you Mike for your years of manufactured produced for your support. I wish you all a dedicated service and commitment to components. Five GL30SCC locomotives Bank. Mike the group. has provided invaluable this fit-for-purpose from locomotive locally peaceful festive season. FOCUS ON OUR PEOPLE Tri b u te to C a p t D ave Re nnie In expressing condolences to Jane, Lloyd, Amy and the family, Grindrod pays a special tribute to Dave for what he has meant to his colleagues and friends. Tributes pouring in from all over the country and beyond our borders, resonate with a sense of shock and deep loss; they mourn the passing of a gentle giant; they praise his exceptional skills as a strategist; and show sincere respect for his capacity for hard work and loyalty. Dave joined Unicorn at the age of 17, gained virtually unparalleled sea-going experience and within 11 years rose to the rank of Captain. Within the shipping industry, from deckhand to Port Captain, all grew to respect him greatly for the leader he undoubtedly was. In 1993, he transferred to Durban to manage Unicorn’s crewing department and when the Grincor Group was in the throes of restructuring, Dave Rennie’s experience at sea as well as ashore made him an obvious choice to assist in the process. From Operations Manager of the Dave Rennie coastal trade, his portfolio broadened to include all the 23 December 1960 - 12 September 2014 container trades, which he consolidated and eventually trimmed to a leaner, more effective operation. gave his all in the service of the company. Not only did he For a time, he was Chief Executive of Ocean Africa Container Lines. His track record, which included experience in a wide range of the company activities, made him a natural choice in 1997 for a seat on the board of Unicorn Lines. He then moved further up the ladder to become a Director on the main Grindrod board. In 2006, he became the Chief Executive Officer of Grindrod Freight Services and Grindrod South Africa (Pty) Ltd. One of Dave’s most lasting and celebrated legacies will be his leadership in the successful re-emergence of Maputo Port as a key gateway for Southern African trade. The immense contribution Dave made to the development of Maputo Port was recognised when Jane named the newly acquired tug ‘Captain Dave Rennie’. Likewise, responsibility for the advent of Grindrod as a contributor towards the development of the railway sector on the sub-continent can be attributed to his vision and unwavering belief. As a colleague, his devotion to duty was unsurpassed; he Jul - Dec 2014 02 Jul - Dec 2014 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY drive himself, but he set very demanding standards for his staff who knew exactly what was expected of them. Yes, he was a tough competitor, not readily tolerant of inefficiency, but there was also a huge heart at work. The last letter he sent to his staff – from his hospital bed on 8 September – was to congratulate them on a special achievement. I quote: “This was a tremendous effort for which you can all be proud. You’ve set the bar high. Now keep it up. Warm regards, Dave.” On the wider front of the boardroom, he manifested the value of not only his practical and administrative skills, but also his creative and perceptive abilities. To every problem, Dave could suggest a solution. When market dynamics changed, he found other opportunities. His resourcefulness, backed by exceptional field experience, proved decisive for the Board on many occasions. His expertise was recognised beyond Grindrod; as Chairman of the Association of Shipping Lines, and as an executive member of the National Maritime Committee. He also served for two years as an Advisor to the Minister of Transport. Extracts from “Grindrod Chartering New Horizons” by Brian Ingpen, and Alan Olivier’s speech at the funeral. FOCUS ON OUR PEOPLE Tri b u te to Ti m McC l ure Our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Tim McClure who passed away on 4 July 2014. As CEO of Island View Shipping, Tim was appointed to the Grindrod executive in 2002 and retired in 2010. Born on 6 July 1950 in Germiston, east of Gauteng, his working career began when it became essential that he find funds to study law. This motivated him to grab an opportunity to work on trawlers operating out of Walvis Bay. At a later stage, he joined Cape Continent Shipping, part of the Globus Group, whose vessels traded to South Africa in a joint service with Deutsche Ost-Afrika Linien (DOAL) and South African Lines. His Master’s ticket gained him a command with Transocean Liners. At the request of the Tiger Oats group, DOAL and their partner lines were loading part-cargoes of bulk maize pellets to Europe but with the advent of container ships in 1977, chartered vessels had to be sought to carry the cargo. Tim McClure 6 July 1950 - 4 July 2014 Since the chartering and export operation was handled Tim McClure had a busy life, travelling frequently to the by Island View Shipping (IVS) on behalf of Tiger Oats, it IVS offices in London, Singapore and Cape Town, as well seemed to McClure to be a good opportunity to move to as meeting clients all over the world. At the international a career ashore. Bulk Journal function in Amsterdam in November 2009, he was acclaimed as the Shipping Personality of the Year Head of the IVS operation, Gunther Bartels, noted for his contribution to the bulk shipping sector during the expertise and seagoing experience of the young the years of his involvement with Island View Shipping. shipmaster, and employed McClure. “You know nothing about this side of the business,” Bartels told him when McClure was a hard task master and demanded the they met. “I will pay you R800 per month, and you can highest standards. Even though he believed in the sink- learn from the bottom.” or-swim philosophy, he was incredibly loyal to and protective of his staff. McClure immersed himself in the business, taking time to learn about it and was eventually appointed head of Despite his massive business success, Tim was never up- the IVS operation – and as testimony to his capacity for front or brash in regard to such success and continued work, completed a maritime law diploma as well. to drive an old bakkie. There are many stories of him playing a role in people’s lives where he was able to When the company was bought by Grindrod in 1999, make a difference, but he never ever publicised this. He McClure was appointed and continued as its chief was always understated and humble in his outlook. executive, initially through the very difficult and volatile period of the Asian economic crisis. As the bulk markets Tim is survived by his wife Pauline, daughter Alison, his improved, the fortunes of IVS also changed for the son Michael, and his grandchildren Theo and Max. better and the company became one of the pillars on which the Grindrod Group has based its success. Jul - Dec 2014 03 03 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY FOCUS ON OUR PEOPLE Tri b u te to To ny N o r to n Sadly Tony Norton passed away on 1 September 2014 at the age of 75. He was born in Johannesburg in 1939 and educated in Natal. When he graduated from university, he was awarded a Rhodes scholarship, which took him to Oxford University where he attained his MA and B.Litt. degrees. Initially, Tony lectured in political science at Natal University while he continued his studies in law, which resulted in his being admitted to the Law Society as an advocate in 1964. Tony moved into practical economics when he joined a Canadian packaging company, which took him to London, Kenya and Jamaica. He returned home for family reasons and joined Merchant Bank, which became Standard Merchant Bank. At an early age he felt the need to enter the mainstream of corporate business and joined CG Smith – Barlow Group, moving through the posts of Managing Director of CG Smith Sugar, Chief Executive of Tiger Oats and thereafter joining the Board of Barlow as Executive Tony Norton Director. 1939 - 2014 received helping the government to cultivate international trade. recognition when he was nominated as one of the four As Deputy Chairman of the Securities Regulation Panel ‘Outstanding Young South Africans’ in 1974, and received and a member of several financial boards, he made a the EG Malherbe Award for Service to Education, Science significant contribution to the financial well-being of and Industry from the University of Natal in 1982. our economy and enabled South Africa to maintain and His brilliant contribution to the country develop closer links with overseas financial institutions. In 1985, he was appointed to the position of First Executive President of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. During He left the JSE to become the Director-General of the his seven-year stay, he changed the public image of Council of Southern African Bankers. From 1995 to 1998, the JSE. He believed it was important and critical that he was a Director of NBS Boland Group, previously entrepreneurs of all races should be encouraged to known as NBS Bank. participate in the economic growth of the country. He served on the Grindrod Limited board and the Marriott His concerted efforts to encourage companies to create Group as a Non-Executive Director from August 1998 an awareness of the benefits of shared ownership, to May 2010. During his retirement years his door was particularly among their black staff, helped to instil always open to friends and colleagues to give advice the essence of the free-enterprise system. One of the and guidance on corporate matters, using his lifelong highlights during his tenure was when he had the honour experience in financial services. He also devoted a lot of escorting Nelson Mandela on a tour of the JSE after of his time assisting with the management and welfare his release from prison. of the Salvation Army. We would like to express our sincere condolences to his wife Peta-Ann and sons As a member of the Economic Advisory Council of the Andrew, Christopher and Jonathan during this difficult State President and Chairman of the South African time. Foreign Trade Organisation, he played a vital part in Jul - Dec 2014 04 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY (Extracts from Business Report article by Mick Hyatt, former chief executive of Marriott Holdings.) FOCUS ON OUR PEOPLE M i ke Grove s re t i re s fro m Grindrod board After an immense contribution to the executive directorship responsible Grindrod Group over 34 years, Mike for sea and airfreight, the ship’s Groves has stepped down as a Non- agency division, and a wide range Executive Director on the Grindrod of Limited board. Mr Groves celebrates throughout southern Africa. the group’s other activities his 70th birthday in January 2015. Mike remains a Non-Executive Direc- In 1980, he was employed as the tor on the Grindrod Bank board. Executive Director of the liner division at Unicorn and was pro- In his numerous roles as Managing moted Director (Grindrod Unicorn Group Unicorn Lines in 1984. Mike was Ltd), Deputy Chairman (Grindrod & appointed to the board in 1986 as Co (Pty) Ltd & Griffin Shipping Hold- the first Managing Director to the ings Ltd), Director (Marriott Hold- then newly listed Grincor (later re- ings Ltd, Marriott Merchant Bank named Grindrod Limited). During of the ro-ro vessels turned a hostile Ltd, SA Stevedores Ltd, Cornerstone his tenure, the South African ship- tide for Unicorn and the operation of Property Fund Managers Ltd), Chair- ping industry went through a dif- large ships was a perceptive move man of the audit committee and a ficult phase during which sanctions even though the ships were expen- member of the remuneration/nomi- depleted Unicorn’s foreign trade sive to operate. The well-timed sale nation committee; Mike has, over the and the coastal service smarted as also made a significant profit. years acquired a wealth of experi- the volumes of feeder cargoes de- ence and has made a valuable con- clined. to Managing Director of Mike is married, with two children tribution to the Group. and six grandchildren; we hope that Groves and his management team Mike is going to use this extra time Educated in part at the University thus launched the coastal ro-ro op- to catch up with his family and pur- of Natal, Mike was in the accounting eration aimed at offering customers sue his hobbies. We wish him all the and financial sector for several years with a better door-to-door service; best and take this opportunity to before joining the Rennies Group in this exercise was meant to curb the thank him for his commitment, pas- 1971 as Group Accountant. Within impact of road hauliers competing sion and enormous contribution to three years he was promoted to the with the coasters. The introduction Grindrod and the industry. S h a re d Se r v i ce s M a na g er – Finance Xolani grew up in Durban, where he Xolani joined Grindrod in March 2013 finished his schooling and obtained as his Freight as B.Com a degree. chartered He qualified accountant Chief Financial Services Officer division of the and was after recently tasked with overseeing the completing his articles with PwC in rollout of a financial shared service 2001. model for Grindrod. Xolani Mbambo now heads up the merged finance He then started his career with Anglo teams as Shared Services Manager – American where he spent 12 years Finance, and reports to the Grindrod working CFO Andrew Waller. in various roles spanning finance, operations and marketing in South Africa, Botswana and London headquarters. Jul - Dec 2014 05 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY Hats off to Xolani on his new role. Xolani Mbambo FOCUS ON OUR PEOPLE New N o n- E xe cut i ve D i rec tor A very warm welcome to Tantaswa Fubu on her election as a Grindrod board member. Currently Executive Head of People and Transformation at KPMG, Tantaswa is also the national president of the Association for the Advancement of Black Accountants of Southern Africa (ABASA), the general treasurer of the Black Business Council with professional memberships in the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors and the Association for the Advancement of Black Accountants in Southern Africa. Tantaswa is a qualified CA (SA) with a post-graduate diploma in accounting, a B Admin and B Admin Hons, with a higher diploma in banking law amongst other certificates and programmes. Career highlights include working with Standard Bank Group in the Group Risk Division as a Group Credit Risk Manager responsible Tantaswa Fubu for South Africa and London reporting. After which she joined Nkonki inc. in 2002 as an Audit Manager, leaving board, the executive committee, the firm’s national in 2006 as the Head of Audit. In 2007, she re-joined advisory board and the remuneration committee. Until KPMG as a Partner in the Department of Professional 2013, she was the Chairman of the audit committee of Practice and in 2011 she was appointed Head of People the uMalusi Council for Quality Assurance in General (Human Resources) and Transformation. and Further Education and Training. She also serves on the firm’s partner remuneration appeals committee. Tantaswa currently serves on the KPMG national policy Congratulations on your new appointment! C EO Gr i nd ro d Inte g rate d Logistic s Andrew Sturrock graduated with a business from the Sturrock family B.Com from University of Cape Town in in 1991. This was directly followed Calulo Services, in 2007 and led the by a stint at chemical tanker owner expansion of the Group adding offices Stolt-Nielsen across Africa and into Australia in from 1991 to 2002. conjunction The with company BEE partners, During this time he lived in the UK, 2010. USA and Singapore before returning Grindrod Ships Agency in 2012 and merged with to South Africa and joining the family is now a 600-strong team with 50 ships agency, Sturrock Shipping, as offices in 11 countries. the Business Development Manager. He was appointed to the board in Congratulations to Andrew on his 2004 and was appointed Managing recent Director on the retirement of Michael Grindrod Sturrock in 2006. responsibility for Sturrock Grindrod Maritime Andrew proceeded to buy the 06 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY Integrated (SGM), as CEO Logistics of with Röhlig-Grindrod, Grindrod Intermodal and Vanguard Rigging. Jul - Dec 2014 appointment Andrew Sturrock FOCUS ON OUR PEOPLE C EO Te r mi na l s & R a i l s Well done to Bongiwe Ntuli in her new (Pty) Ltd, Röhlig-Grindrod (Pty) Ltd, role as CEO Terminals & Rails. Bongiwe RRL Grindrod (Pty) Ltd and Vanguard was Rigging (Pty) Ltd. appointed committee in to the executive December 2012 and over and above her responsibilities as Bongiwe CEO of Terminals and Rail, she also accountant currently heads up Corporate Services her articles with Ernst and Young in for the Group until further notice. This South Africa, including a secondment includes: to New York. Bongiwe joined Freight Group Information Human Technology, Resources, Group from Engagement for and Corporate Social in as 2001 a chartered after serving Services, on 1 May 2008, on her return Procurement, Marketing, Stakeholder Investments. qualified London Anglo where she American plc worked at their Head Office as a Senior Corporate Accountant for Anglo Industrial Bongiwe was previously the Chief Minerals division. Bongiwe previously Financial held various finance, treasury and risk Freight Officer of Services the Grindrod is management positions within Anglo currently a Director of major local American at head office and in their subsidiary companies and associates, subsidiaries including including South Africa, Canada and Grindrod division (South and Africa) (Pty) Ltd, Oiltanking Grindrod Calulo in different countries Bongiwe Ntuli London. C EO Gr i nd ro d C a r r i e r Logistic s André Roets was recently appointed Reinhardt Transport Group where as CEO Grindrod Carrier Logistics. he was specifically tasked with the Congratulations! reorganisation of the group operations, vehicle maintenance policies André joined Grindrod on 1 November and productivity improvement initi- 2013 as the new Chief Executive of atives. Grindrod Carrier Logistics. He was the co-founder, CEO and a Director André has held various positions in of Capitau Fleet Advisory, and has public companies including Divisional more than 29 years’ experience in Managing the logistics, transportation and fleet Bulk Division, Operations Director of management industry. Alex Carriers, and Regional Manager Director of Supergroup – Natal and Orange Free State for André was also previously a Director Trencor, serving in the Stuarts and and Jowells operations. Chief Executive Jul - Dec 2014 07 Officer of SIX MONTHS SUMMARY André Roets FOCUS ON OUR PEOPLE G O L D ’s A ma zi ng R a ce The GOLD Graduate Development participate Opportunity programme in a and requires management Leadership graduates learnership and to to complete at least three workplace projects. An exciting new addition to this already rigorous one-year induction process is the wellness programme whereby graduates are encouraged to reflect on wellness, are introduced to the basics of wellness and get practical advice on how to achieve that elusive work-life balance. A highlight of the wellness programme is the Amazing Race, a half-day treasure hunt event that challenges the fitness, wits and perseverance of recruits. With the GOLD programme drawing to a close, the The GOLD graduates got another chance to push their graduates have a final opportunity to learn more about limits when they took on a physically demanding obstacle and impact positively on the business. course at Shongweni dam recently. The tough course, aptly named ‘Assault’, required them to confront their Typical comments afterwards were: “Making mistakes is physical fears of heights, confined spaces, dark places part of learning and is essential for one’s growth; the and to scale (literally) to new heights! team has unique skills and attributes that make them valuable team members.” – Michael Watson The course was designed to ensure maximum co- operation and collaboration, with many of the obstacles “In everything that I do, I must remain strong and being impossible without assistance. The grads stepped courageous. Do not be fearful and discouraged. Don’t up and assisted teammates to get through the course. be a quitter. Finish what you started.” Thanzi Thavhana Three of the ‘braver’ graduates – Andries Pretorius, Bradley King and Mcebo Mbhele – took on and completed Grindrod is pleased to facilitate these valuable and a solo challenge. Well done to Bradley for completing positive life lessons for young people. the course in a record time (2 min 56 sec). Contributor: Mandy Ford Te a m Na mi b i a sup p o r t s Sunflower Funds National Bandana Day The alliance between The Sunflower Fund and Round Table Namibia seeks to achieve a mutual objective, which is to sell as many bandanas as possible annually to help all patients requiring life-saving bone-marrow stem-cell transplants to find their donor matches. Team Namibia at Sturrock Grindrod showed its support this year for this honourable cause by buying bandanas and wearing them on Bandana Day, 12 October, to create public awareness of leukaemia and other life-threatening blood disorders. Jul - Dec 2014 08 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY FOCUS ON OUR PEOPLE Röh l i g- G r i nd ro d e mp l oyees com plete their FI ATA diplom a The first group of Röhlig-Grindrod employees wrote the International Freight Forwarding diploma (FIATA diploma) with SAAFF (South African Association of Freight Forwarders) on 21 September 2013. Of the 12 people that graduated on 26 June 2014, ten were RöhligGrindrod employees. They are Lynne Oosthuizen (Import Manager), Amore Strydom (Senior Export Controller), Tracy Roodt (Import Manager), Sonja Croukamp (Sales Executive), Desiree Bernhardt (Sales Executive), Isabel Swanepoel (Import Manager), Chrissie Swanepoel (Senior Import Controller), Nosipho Dube (Forwarding Controller) and Matsatsi Kekana (In-house Controller GE). We are extremely proud of their achievements. Röhlig-Grindrod will continue this programme with other employees on an annual basis. We continue to lead from the front. Contributor: Debbie Moodley Diploma recipients Lynne Oosthuizen, Amore Strydom, Tracy Roodt, Sonja Croukamp, Desiree Bernhardt, Isabel Swanepoel, Chrissie Swanepoel and Nosipho Dube; and Matsaki Kekana (in front). S o cce r news Terminal de Carvão da Matola takes trophy home Soccer team tailor-made for Grindrod A soccer match was organised on 8 August between the Mozal The Grindrod Soccer Team was established by 1st Phase learners and the 1st Phase learners of Terminal de contract and permanent staff from GIM Warehouse Carvão da Matola (TCM). This match, aimed at boosting the and Depot Maitland in 2013. Since their formation, moral of the young learners, prompted much competition and they have won eight of their nine games and have pride amongst them. recently registered to join a local business league to ensure that they get fixture game time. A lot of work went into this game because staff members and learners had to prepare the pitch. The game was refereed by The members of the Grindrod team should be a retired Mozambique national referee and at half time, the commended for their passion, effort, loyalty and score was 1 – 1. dedication to the Grindrod brand. The game was well attended and Mariana, MATC Administrator, handed out medals to the winning team. The floating trophy was taken home by TCM after beating Mozal 3 – 1. Jul - Dec 2014 09 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY FOCUS ON OUR PEOPLE Cod e of E t hi cs The code of ethics has been updated and is available on the intranet and Grindrod website. The purpose of the Grindrod Code of Ethics is to promote and enforce ethical standards and responsible business practices for all Grindrod stakeholders. Every Grindrod stakeholder is obliged to adhere to the Grindrod Code of Ethics and its six core values of Respect, Integrity, Professionalism, Fairness, Transparency and Accountability. 1 INTEGRITY: Integrity means being honest and truthful and acting in accordance with a sound set of morals and values. It involves doing what is right irrespective of who is watching or what the consequences will be. Stakeholders are required to maintain honesty in all relationships, interactions and actions when dealing by or on behalf of Grindrod. This will earn and command trust which is fundamental to the Grindrod Way. 2 RESPECT: Grindrod does not exist without people, communities, the environment, its physical assets, relationships and its reputation built over time. The core value of Respect requires all stakeholders to acknowledge the inherent worth of all that makes Grindrod the business that it is by respecting individuals and their right to be treated with dignity and fairness, protecting and preserving our natural resources by limiting negative impacts resulting from Grindrod’s activities, protecting against the abuse of Grindrod’s assets and treating the 5 ACCOUNTABILITY: This value requires employees to Grindrod brand, logo and reputation with respect and take full professional and personal responsibility for the due care. consequences of their actions and omissions. 3 FAIRNESS: One cannot commit to a core value of 6 Respect without recognising that Fairness is inextricably aspire to the highest standards of service excellence linked. Fairness dictates that unlawful discrimination and productivity. By each employee taking personal against any person for any reason relating purely to race, responsibility for improving skills and competencies, gender, politics, sexual reference, ethnicity, religion, working in unity as a team and implementing innovative economic status or physical characteristics is unethical. ways PROFESSIONALISM: to improve Grindrod current employees processes, should Grindrod shall maintain a level of professionalism that gives it a 4 TRANSPARENCY: As a public listed company, Grindrod competitive edge. is committed to making open, honest, clear and accurate financial We have also introduced the Grindrod Sustainability information. Employees should always consider if their Pillars and have reviewed and updated some of our actions or responses can be misinterpreted and should other take every precaution to prevent ambiguity. Gifts Policy, Whistle Blowing, Dismissal for operational disclosure of its business decisions and policies – Legal compliance, Anti-corruption, requirements and Preferential Appointment. Please refer to the intranet or the website for further details. Jul - Dec 2014 10 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY FOCUS ON OUR PEOPLE Awa rd fo r Rö hl i g - Gr i nd rod Durban ex port team Röhlig-Grindrod is proud to announce that, with the concerted effort and commitment of the Durban export team, they were for the first time nominated for the KwaZulu-Natal ‘Exporter of the Year’ award in the service category. At an evening gala event on 30 October hosted by the Durban Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Transnet Port Terminals, attended by the Premier, international consuls and various captains of industry, Röhlig-Grindrod was announced as a Finalist in this category. Well done to Nadeera Sewlall and her team. Contributor: Donovan Phillips Röhlig-Grindrod Durban Export Team receives ‘Exporter of the Year’ Finalist Award. Third from the left is Nadeera Sewlall - Export Manager, and fourth from the left is Branch Manager Donovan Phillips. N ew C E o f Gr i nd ro d R a i l Construc tion Congratulations to Douglas Morris on his appointment as Divisional Chief Executive of Grindrod Rail Construction. His new role entails leading the rail construction and maintenance business into the future as a profitable and sustainable entity. Douglas says the company is focusing on winning more ‘annuity type’ maintenance work to smooth out the highs and lows that are typical in the construction industry. He adds that together with a strong, loyal and competent team of people, they will focus primarily on winning new business and most importantly delivering on those wins. He believes there are many opportunities which need to be exploited. Douglas completed his articles with Deloitte and Touche before moving into the yellow metal business (Bell Equipment). He then spent ten years at Richards Bay Coal Terminal where he had various roles ranging from Commercial Manager of their port expansion project to Douglas Morris Senior Manager and ultimately General Manager. Commercial Director. Says Douglas, “I am honoured to He then spent four years at the RACEC Group as their Jul - Dec 2014 11 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY have been selected as CE of Grindrod Rail Construction.” FOCUS ON RECOGNITION G ri n dro d p ro j e ct s re co g nised at Afric a Rail Conference The Africa Rail Conference 2014, took place in Johannesburg in July. Hosting at least 4000 attendees from a wide spectrum of industries associated with the rail industry, the conference was attended by representatives from Grindrod Capital Projects, Grindrod Rail and associates from Northwest Rail. The awards ceremony held at the Hilton Hotel was a prestigious event aimed at recognising and rewarding leaders and innovators in Africa’s transport sector. Grindrod Rail scooped an award for ‘Best African Railway Operator or Concessionaire’ and NWR walked away with the ‘Best Infrastructure Project’ award. Honourable Enoch Kavindele and James Holley. Because the event is Africa’s largest transport and James Holley, Divisional CE, Grindrod Rail, chaired infrastructure a Grindrod to the event not only provided maximum round-table discussion on leasing and funding show, the sponsorship provided by locomotives in Africa. Sean Rowan, National Manager – exposure Shipping & Commercial, Grindrod Terminals, presented a to network with the most influential minds within the paper on the ‘The alternative route to market’. transport and infrastructure sector. but gave representatives an opportunity N ew s le e p e r re co rd fo r Grindrod Rail Construc tion Izak Smit, Project Manager of the Universal sleeper replacement contract, has reported that Grindrod Rail Construction (GRC) has set a new company record. Sakkie and his team safely completed sleeper replacements at 65 turnouts for Transnet in July 2014. Over the more than nine-year involvement with Universal replacements for Transnet, the previous record for one month was 55 turnouts. This new record is the result of excellent teamwork and proper planning with sub-contractor WO Trackworks, and the dedication and hard work of the three teams on site managed by Dewald van Zyl, Dave Coetzee and Soppies Calitz. Statistics of Universal sleeper contracts for the period When asked what he was looking to achieve next, Izak 20 April 2005 to 31 July 2014: answered, “What was initiated by Transnet and Infraset • Total Universal sleeper turnouts done = 2704 sets a few years ago (2004/2005) has proven to be the most • One set contains ±140 m of sleepers = 378 560 metres successful venture for all parties involved. GRC and WO • One metre of sleepers weighs 0.135 tonnes Trackworks, with combined effort, will be increasing productivity and the quality of workmanship for the duration of the contract. Unfortunately, due to the third team only being in operation until the end of September 2014, improving on the 65 turnouts will not be easy. Jul - Dec 2014 12 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY = 51105.6 tonnes • 3.9 holes are drilled per metre of sleepers = 1 476 384 holes • Installation time ±700 man hours per set = 1 892 800 man hours FOCUS ON OUR EVENTS I s l a n d Vi ew Shi p p i ng ho sts NSRI benefit golf day Island View Shipping hosted a successful 9th annual National Sea Rescue Institute (Station 19) benefit golf day at the Richards Bay Country Club on 14 August 2014. The success of the event can only be attributed to the unprecedented generosity of the sponsors and the spirit of camaraderie which prevailed on the course on the day. The local representative for Island View Shipping, Roelof Camminga, declared that a record amount of R70 204 had been raised. “Every single contribution, be it financial or in the form of prizes, is highly appreciated and all our sponsors will be individually thanked,” he added. Roelof Camminga, right, presents a cheque to the NSRI’s “I do believe however that a special mention is due to representatives on board The Spirit of Richards Bay, where Glencore, D&A Shipping, Naledi Shipbroking, Penmarine, the IVS logo is now proudly displayed. Avalon and Centrachrome. Between them alone a fantastic R45 000 was contributed!” he said. said, “We would like to sincerely thank Island View Shipping for their contribution, with the support from the As a final endorsement of the great service provided by shipping community, towards our station’s running costs. the NSRI to seafarers, Martyn Wade, CEO of Grindrod Over the past nine years they have raised R656 396. To Shipping, announced that Island View Shipping would put that into perspective, our annual fuel allocation is match the original amount raised. This amounted to a R90 000 and to just replace our 4m craft with a 4.7m grand total of R140 408.00 raised. A cheque was handed rigid inflatable is R185 000. IVS are our single biggest to the Station Commander on 10 September. sponsor for the year; it takes a lot of pressure off the crew who can now spend more time maintaining our Ms Brynn Gericke (Second in Command at Station 19) assets and training when not assisting those in need.” G ri n dro d B a nk w i ne a nd dine at Hilton Arts Festival Now in its 23rd year, the Witness Hilton Arts Festival is unsurprisingly, it was the erudite lawyers who eventually a three-day annual event that takes place in September, came closest to solving the mystery. bringing together quality South African theatre, music, dance, art and craft. Taking place in the picturesque On the Saturday and Sunday, our guests were welcomed grounds of Hilton College, it is the third-largest theatre in the sumptuous Grindrod Primo Tent, a hospitality festival in the country and the largest festival in KZN. It tent offering a respite from the cold Midlands weather attracts audiences from all over, with this year’s event in between shows. The Primo Tent also played host to hosting nearly 25 000 people. The programme includes a number of well-respected actors, directors and musi- many genres of music, serious theatre, comedy, physical cians. Grindrod’s ‘On the Couch’ sessions offered guests theatre and dance. an opportunity to hear behind-the-scenes revelations about some of the performances being showcased at the Grindrod clients were wined and dined at a special per- festival. Performers offered insight into their theatrical formance on the Friday night of ‘The Strange Case of processes through an informal Q&A sitting. the Freudian Trip’, an interactive murder whodunit. And Jul - Dec 2014 13 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY Contributor: Sarah Freestone FOCUS ON OUR EVENTS G ri n dro d Za mb i a a nd N WR showc ase at Katanga Mining Week Grindrod Zambia and North West Rail (NWR) exhibited at Katanga Mining Week in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), from 28–29 October. The event showcased the high-tech products and services of 45 solution providers to the copper and cobalt mining sectors. Representatives received keen interest in the development of the NWR project and an integrated rail solution from North Zambia/DRC through to Durban, South Africa, by rail. Interest was shown by existing Seen at the mining week were, from left, Mark Reed miners, freight forwarders and government officials (Grindrod Rail), Craig Clulow (Grindrod Freight Services) and from the region on the overall cost and social benefits Daniel Rae (Grindrod Zambia). of rail in the region. SA M SA Wo r l d M a r i t i me Day c areer expo On 25 September Dipuo Peters, the Minister of Transport, hosted the World Maritime Day career expo, exhibition and gala dinner at Langebaan in the Western Cape. Other guests included the Western Cape MEC for Transport, Donald Grant, maritime industry chief executive officers and captains, senior national and provincial government officials. Learners from previously disadvantaged communities attended and the day was used as a platform to create more awareness around careers available in the maritime Verna Watson, who represented the Unicorn Shipping training industry. Unicorn Shipping, a key maritime stakeholder, school at the expo, is seen here engaging with learners. has been a prominent developer of local seafaring talent since 1965. Rail sponsors PWI gol f day E x h i bi ti ng at ca re e r exp o Grindrod Rail Construction was recently a sponsor of the Permanent Way Institution (PWI) golf day, at the Grindrod exhibited at the Youth Chamber of Shipping in Vredenburg Golf Club in the Western Cape. Africa (YCSA) event on 28 October in Mdantsane, East London. The aim of this expo was to increase awareness The PWI is a non-profit organisation which aims to of the maritime industry and expose scholars and youths provide technical knowledge, advice and support to all to various opportunities. those engaged in rail infrastructure systems worldwide. The Founding Director of the YCSA, Ms Nomcebo Representatives from the National Ports Authority, WO Sithole, said, “The purpose of the career expo is to Truckworks, Lennings, KZN Rail, Plasserail and other PWI provide information that would encourage the youth in members, were among the 20 teams who participated. Mdantsane to consider a career in this rewarding and The event was a great success. Contributor: Yolanda de Jager growing field.” Jul - Dec 2014 14 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY FOCUS ON OUR EVENTS G ri n dro d B a nk ce l e b rated Wom en’s Month In August, Grindrod Bank celebrated Women’s Month by skill. Being a generalist without any specialised skills, inspiring and motivating staff members with a ‘Phenom- abilities or talents will not make you unique and memo- enal Woman’ presentation. They were also given tips on rable. how to develop a successful personal brand. Some of the 5. Be distinct: Distinguish yourself based on your brand. tips included: Your brand needs to be expressed in a unique way that 1. Be authentic: Be your own brand! You are your own is different from that of the competition and it needs to boss, you are the CEO of you. Build your brand on your add value to others. true personality; it should reflect your character, behaviour, values and vision. It should be aligned with your Other tips included being Relevant, Visible and Persis- personal ambition! tent. 2. Integrity: Stick to the moral and behavioural code set down by your personal ambition. 3. Be Consistent: Be consistent in your behaviour; this takes courage. Can others always depend on you? Are you doing relevant things again and again and again? Are you known for something in particular like always T: +27 (011) 469 1396 having a tidy, organised desk? C: +27 (0) 82 895 7934 4. Specialisation: Focus on one area in particular, be E: [email protected] precise and concentrate on a single core talent or unique W: G ri n dro d co mp a ni e s sp onsor Z I MEC and government leaders. Grindrod Zambia and North West Rail featured as silver sponsors at the Zambia International Mining & The Honourable Enoch Kavindele Energy Conference & Exhibition (retired (ZIMEC) held in Lusaka in June. Zambia) Vice-President and now of Chairperson of NWR was a guest speaker; he The two-day conference attracted provided an update on NWR’s 300 participants from 24 coun- progress and the key benefits. tries, as well as 60 exhibitors. Mr The conference opened by Dr Vice-President. the importance around mining, was Guy officially Scott, the He emphasised of discussions the largest contributor to Zambia’s foreign Daniel Rea, Country Manager Grindrod Zambia, and the Honourable Enoch Kavindele, Chairperson NWR. government and the public. Yaluma Minister of Water Development although Mines, copper – Energy – mining the and said had increased from 250 000 metric tonnes per annum in 2000 to 365 000 Mtpa in 2013 – and was poised to peak at 1.5 Mtpa by 2017 exchange earnings. He said the mining industry, being the largest Grindrod Zambia and Northwest Rail set – poverty levels still remained economic driver of the country, up an exhibition stand which was well high in Zambia. was politically sensitive to the received; it attracted many key industry Jul - Dec 2014 15 Christopher SIX MONTHS SUMMARY Contributor: Craig Clulow FOCUS ON OUR BUSINESS Re co rd exp o r t s fo r G r i ndrod Moz am bique Grindrod Terminals Mozambique (Terminal de Carvao da Matola [‘TCM’] and Grindrod Mozambique Limitada [‘GML’]) reported a record month during October, managing to export in excess of 1 million tonnes over the quay for the first time in the history of Grindrod Terminals. Having taken over TCM in 2006, Grindrod embarked on a number of capital-intensive expansion phases to increase the export capacity of the terminal to what is today a 7.5 million tonne per annum, state-of-the-art, mechanised, bulk-export facility. Recently, there has been a concerted effort to improve the supply by rail to TCM to match the installed capacity. Through the great levels of co-operation TCM team, Grindrod Terminals, Mozambique. between Transnet Freight Rail (TFR), CFM (Mozambican railways) During its first year of operation in 2009, GML managed and the terminal, a total of 519 009 tonnes moved over to export a total of 239,000 tonnes of sized coal destined the quayside during October. for the Turkish domestic market. During October 2014, a total of 556,271 tonnes was exported over the quay in a GML, which commenced operation only in 2009, has single month, bringing the total GML exports YTD to 3.9 seen substantial growth in the last five years as a result million tonnes. GML continues to handle between 400 of the insatiable desire of traders and miners to gain and 450 road trucks per day with over 90% of all cargo access to the international markets. exported this year having been delivered to the port by road transport. Q u a dra nt Ho use vo te d one of Durban’s ‘Top 30’ buildings Grindrod’s Quadrant House at 115 Margaret Mncadi Avenue, Durban, was voted one of the ‘Top 30 Favourite Buildings’ ever built in Durban. The poll, undertaken by practising architects in KwaZulu-Natal, aimed to showcase the winning buildings to foreign architects visiting the city for the ‘Union of International Architects’ (UIA) 2014 congress, held at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in August. Quadrant House was showcased and promoted in the press during congress week. There was also an exhibition of photographs of the buildings at the public exhibition hall throughout the congress. Jul - Dec 2014 16 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY FOCUS ON OUR BUSINESS Powe r p ro j e ct g e t s a l i ft from Vanguard In a good example of healthy cross-marketing, heavy lift, abnormal transport and plant relocation specialist Vanguard, working with Grindrod Intermodal and RöhligGrindrod, have completed a successful turnkey project on the R3,5-billion Dedisa peaking power plant. Vanguard carried out the transport, offloading and final positioning on site of the major power generation equipment for the plant which is located in the Coega industrial development zone near Port Elizabeth. They trans- A 191-tonne gas turbine at the Avon peaking power station. ported two sets of 191-tonne gas turbines, 231-tonne generators and 140-tonne transformers from Coega port the turbine over a distance of 40 metres to its resting to the nearby project site. place, lowering the unit within a tolerance of just one centimetre onto four threaded rods on either side of the The six heavy units arrived at Coega port during Au- turbine itself,” he said. gust in two shipments. Said Vanguard Project Manager Dale Huddy, “After directly discharging the vessels, we The generator and transformer were then relocated, staged the heavy units in our port yard – in order to offloaded and positioned on site in a similar fashion, us- relocate the equipment in the required sequence for de- ing a second set of Vanguard 600-tonne gantries in the livery, yard at the port to lift the units onto trailers. “We managed to navigate the tight corners so that there Vanguard’s Projects Department had spent months plan- was only one road island to traverse, and our 16-axle, ning the moves, and the on-site team comprised a dozen three-file Goldhofer trailer’s sophisticated multi-axle experienced staff. suspension technology handled that with ease, distributing the load evenly despite the axles having to navigate Vanguard has also been commissioned to transport, off- different heights,” he said. load and position on site the major power generation equipment for the Avon peaking power facility in Kwa- To lift and place the heavy units into final position on Zulu-Natal. their respective foundations, Vanguard had set up its 500-tonne ‘Power Tower’ hydraulic lift system, known commonly as a gantry system, on site. “This is a top-of-the-range gantry with a hydraulic drive system that allows easy along rails,” travel said Huddy. “After detaching the turbine’s transport saddle, our gantries were able to lift and travel forward Jul - Dec 2014 17 with Vanguard’s hydraulic ‘power towers’ at Dedisa power station. SIX MONTHS SUMMARY Contributor: Stacy Davies FOCUS ON OUR BUSINESS S e co nd o f 1 2 new ve sse ls delivered to Grindrod Shipping Seen at the launch of IVS Phinda are, from left, Alan and Caroline Olivier, Georgina Olivier, and Mariko and Shoei Utsuda. IVS Phinda was launched in a symbolic ceremony at the Kanda Shipyard in Japan on 2 April 2014. The vessel was co-sponsored by Mrs Caroline Olivier, wife of Grindrod CEO Alan Olivier, and Mrs Mariko Utsuda, spouse of the Chairman of the Board of Mitsui & Co, Mr Shoei Utsuda, marking a long-standing and on-going close relationship between the two companies. The vessel is the first of a new-design of fuelefficient large handy size 37,400 DWT bulk carriers, and is one of three of this kind to be ordered to join the Grindrod Shipping fleet. It is also the second of 12 vessels ordered and scheduled to deliver from various shipyards in Japan until 2016. The vessel was delivered to Grindrod Shipping on 28 August 2014. With an experienced allFilipino crew and headed up by Captain Denis Diego and CEO Jose Felizardo Baluyot, they sailed on their maiden voyage to Vancouver to load wood pellets then to Pyeongtaek in South Korea to discharge. IVS Phinda glides into the water at the Kanda Shipyard in Japan. Jul - Dec 2014 18 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY FOCUS ON OUR BUSINESS N ew s hunt i ng l o co mo t i ves for m ining industry Grindrod Locomotives launched its range of GS7 shunting locomotives at Rovos Rail’s facilities in Capital Park, Pretoria, on 21 October. The launch was attended by customers, the media and Grindrod Rail staff. The GS7 is a shunting locomotive intended to serve mining companies throughout Africa. The locomotive is cost-effective and is positioned to outperform its competitors in terms of being fit-for-purpose whilst offering good value for money. The GS7 is available in two models, namely the two-axle GS7S2C weighing 40 tonnes with a continuous tractive At the launch of the shunting locomotives were, from left, effort of 100 kN, while the 60-tonne three-axle GS7S3C James Holley, Robert Spoon, Bongiwe Ntuli and Alan Olivier. is rated at 150 kN. Both models are powered by a CAT C18 engine and three-phase AC generator, and can travel operations, to give customers the opportunity to experi- at a maximum speed of 90 km/h. ence these first hand. Other benefits of the GS7 include 30% better continuous Grindrod believes that potential customers will view the adhesion, the capability to operate the locomotives as GS7 as an alternative to their ageing locomotives as a multiples, and 30 to 40% better fuel consumption than large portion of the shunting locomotives in South Africa current technology available in the market. are almost 30 years old. The locomotive is competitively priced and its 80% local content supports the Depart- Grindrod Locomotives is now embarking on a programme to test the new features and technologies in different Jul - Dec 2014 19 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY ment of Trade and Industry’s localisation initiatives. FOCUS ON OUR BUSINESS I n te grate d l o g i st i cs a nd shipping highlighted “Grindrod’s business is about moving cargo by road, rail, subsidiary Vanguard’s specialised equipment and ab- sea and air and taking care of all the logistical issues normal trucks. Sturrock Grindrod then shipped the en route,” said Alan Olivier recently at a launch of the locomotives Grindrod Locomotives’ range of shunting locomotives. America, for the Fenwick Group at the end of November. The Grindrod Group’s integrated service offering was The locomotives could not move to Richards Bay by recently illustrated when four locomotives manufactured rail because the locomotives were manufactured for at the Grindrod Locomotives plant in Pretoria were operation in Columbia on a narrower gauge than used in transported by road to Richards Bay using Grindrod South Africa. to Buena Ventura in Columbia, South F re i ght co nt ra ct se cure d from nic kel plant in Madagasc ar After eight years of pitching for the freight contract the Ambatovy logistics chain. within the Ambatovy project in Madagascar, Island View Shipping were successful earlier this year. Said Carl Ackerley, “Ultimately our professionalism, familiarity with the area and the crucial backing of Grin- Ambatovy is a nickel-cobalt beneficiation plant de- drod Limited as a publicly listed entity won us the day.” signed to produce 60 000 mt of nickel ingots and 5600 tonnes of cobalt per year. The nickel ore is mined in Madagascar, IVS are contracted to deliver 2 million mt of limestone, 700 000 mt of sulphur and 500 000 mt of Going forward, other group companies could benefit from ships agency and bunker business. Contributor: Carl Ackerley coal for the production process. IVS have been involved in commercial and operational logistics with Ambatovy for four years. IVS’s team was headed up by Mark Koen (operations), Jeremy Miles (legal) and Carl Ackerley (commercial), and their success was the result of a team effort: Chartering never missed a laycan and always presented the best available tonnage in the four years from when the plant started to import; operations attended every single vessel calling at Toamasina and the overall expertise and knowledge of Grindrod was applied to every facet of Jul - Dec 2014 20 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY Tsuyoshi Kato, Carl Ackerley and Kirby Kryski. FOCUS ON OUR BUSINESS OAC L rev i ve s co nt a i ne r term inals Ocean Africa Container Lines (OACL) operates a four- Vetch Road Depot vessel network in Southern Africa calling at Durban, East OACL has taken the 9 000 m 2 area at 9 Vetch Road London, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Luderitz, Walvis Bay, which was initially a scrapyard and transformed it into Maputo and Beira. The network provides a name-day a multi-purpose terminal handling 2000 empty TEUs, feeder service to international carriers, ships regional and project cargo and break bulk. domestic cargo and provides customers with a complete freight logistics service including terminal operations, warehousing, distribution and inland transportation. OACL has recently revived three small container terminals in Durban: Methven Road OACL has taken over the 14 000 m 2 yard at 6 Methven Road at Durban’s Maydon Wharf from Grindrod Terminals and transformed the area into a dynamic transhipment facility which can handle 3500 twenty-foot transhipment containers. At Vetch Road above are Lawrence Thaver – Line Manager: MW Operations, Peter Moyo – General Assistant, and Jenolin Govender – General Assistant: Administration. Seen at Methven Road above are, from left, Gregs Pillay – General Assistant: Administration, Elliot Khumalo – Assistant: General, Julian Naidoo – Manager: MWT Operations, Nothando Mthiyane – Clerk: Administration, and Keegan Pillay – Clerk: Administration. Wisely Road This 8000 m 2 space at 34-44 Wisely Road, formerly a junkyard, has been rehabilitated into a terminal handling 2500 TEUs for coastal cargo. The Wisely Road team at right are, back, Tseliso Mohapi – Driver: Reach Stacker, and Shaun Ramavather – Clerk: Administration; and front, Zandile Mthembu – Clerk: Administration, Cynthia Lubanyana – General Assistant: Office, and Vernon Reddy – Line Manager: MW Operations. Jul - Dec 2014 21 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY FOCUS ON OUR BUSINESS G E AR wi nni ng ra i l re - si gnalling contrac ts Grindrod subsidiary GEAR Group, GEAR and Ansaldo have also type- with its subsidiary Ansaldo STS SA, approved has successfully installed new and installation of a Microlok II solution sophisticated signalling between Sasolburg and Wolwehoek electronic interlocking equipment stations, for the implementation of for Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) and Fail Safe Data Transfer (FSDT) over won further large rail re-signalling optic fibre between stations. railway and completed the contracts. Said Rion Goosen, Marketing Manager Ansaldo’s Microlok certified electronic had to be TFR, which II, a safety- at GEAR, “This has enabled us to win interlocking, bigger contracts, for example the type-approved involved development a 16-station Vereeniging to Union FSDT massive project, and the 68-station De Aar and to Jan de Boers FSDT project. About GEAR. GEAR and Ansaldo then 100 Microlok II installations will be installed Microlok completed by GEAR Group in 2017.” project at Vereeniging. between by II TFR in Viljoensdrif, TFR have a pilot near given TFR is currently the project outstanding reviews. of The projects second implementation of awarding various across Group, in the the process interlocking country exclusively and Microlock II electronic interlocking GEAR is currently being commissioned at Ansaldo solutions, would seem to be offering (TFR’s) Kliprivier Station. well placed. Contributor: Gregor George F i ve l o co mo t i ve s l e a se d to Transnet Grindrod Locomotives continues to lease five GL30SCC locomotives to Transnet Freight Rail, this after extending the contract period to June 2015. The locomotives are being deployed between Pretoria and Vereeniging and have achieved an average availability of 97% over a six-month period. Jul - Dec 2014 22 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY FOCUS ON OUR BUSINESS M i l e sto ne ce l e b rate d a s Projec t Fusion delivers The Business and Project Fusion teams celebrated milestone with the jointly a significant in November, delivery Procurement, of Sales the and Distribution, Financial and Management Accounting elements of the Grindrod SAP template for Grindrod Management Services and Grindrod Freight Services. The team’s effort resulted in the completion of Finance Shared Services’ very first trial balance and month- end on SAP. In conjunction with Go-live, we have also delivered a single chart of accounts and broadened access to critical financial data in a live environment. With the live environment SAP available from 1 October, 80 newly trained SAP users worked together with the project team to system ensure would that deliver the on the promise of continuous improvement. users Committed reviewed existing business processes and actively searched for opportunities the to enhance implementation. team’s dedication The and enthusiasm is appreciated and has resulted in an additional 17 legal entities There is still hard work to come, as the Project Fusion team members along with processing transactions on project continues to roll out to some of a number of experienced Finance Shared SAP, increasing the total to the Rail and Fuelogic businesses during Services staff will work together to ensure 105. The team also created January, and continues with a number that all of the lessons learned within the 386 purchase orders and of first implementation are leveraged. posted throughout 2015. 18 420 journal other transactions. Jul - Dec 2014 23 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY planned implementations FOCUS ON OUR COMMUNITIES U n i c a l b ui l d s a b l ut i o ns for secondary sc hool On 20 February 2014, a memorandum of agreement was signed by Unical Bunker Services and the AdoptA-School Foundation which signalled the beginning of a project to build an ablution block for the Inyonemhlophe Secondary School near Amanzimtoti. Russell Burns, CEO of Unical Bunker Services, officially opened the self-sustaining and low-maintenance facility on 23 July. The ablution block houses separate facilities for learners, educators and disabled persons. Mr Burns was pleased that Unical Bunkers could play a part in uplifting this school by the installation of such an essential facility. Not only will it serve to improve the hygiene and health of the learners but it will also serve Ms NP Qoza (Acting Principal) and Russell Burns. to enhance overall living and learning conditions as well. Due to frequent interruptions to the water supply in the Unical are keen to undertake further projects to develop area, Adopt-A-School has been engaged by Unical in the the school and this will be re-assessed by management in short term to source two 10 000-litre JoJo tanks to be conjunction with the Adopt-A-School Foundation in the installed as a backup water supply for these ablution fa- coming years. Contributor: Yuna Dabideen cilities. C l i n i c w i l l a ssi st co mmunity and coal m ine Grindrod recently donated R250 000 towards the construction of Somkhele clinic at Tendele Coal Mining (also known as Somkhele Mine) near Richards Bay. The clinic is intended to benefit at least 1000 mine employees, contractors and their families, and will in time be rolled out to local communities, thereby benefitting more than 5000 people. The clinic will provide a full-time occupational nurse and part-time x-ray services, filling an essential gap in the The Somkhele clinic at Tendele Coal Mining. services required by mine workers and their families. sustainability of the clinic. A doctor will work once a The clinic will also offer basic healthcare services and week at the clinic and specialists will be called as and an occupational medical surveillance system (removal of when necessary. The paramedic services will operate causative factors), as well as a thorough occupational 24 hours a day. There are eight rooms in the clinic – a hygiene programme. A paramedic section will also be reception area, kitchen, dispensary, x-ray room, toilets accommodated at the clinic. (male and female), a store room and four consulting rooms. All windows have aluminium frames so that they Somkhele clinic will provide a convenient and accessible won’t rust and the clinic is disability friendly with a ramp site for managing injuries, or health and safety risk for a wheelchair. incidents related to the mine. The construction of the clinic has been much anticipated Tendele Coal Jul - Dec 2014 24 Mining will ensure SIX MONTHS SUMMARY the on-going as the nearest clinic is 60 km away. FOCUS ON OUR COMMUNITIES G ri n dro d co mp a ni e s a i d the endangered Afric an Penguin African Penguins have been slithering towards extinction since industrial fishing started around the Cape. The penguin population has dropped by more than 50 percent in the past 30 years, signalling a strong warning to conservationists and leading BirdLife International recently to change their conservation status from ‘vulnerable’ to ‘endangered’. Apart from commercial fishing, shifts in prey populations have also played a role. Worryingly, the assessment notes that this trend shows no sign of reversing, and immediate conservation action is required to prevent further declines. for the rehab centre. “Currently any birds found injured On 19 August, a group of representatives from different are sent to SANCCOB (Southern African Foundation for organisations congregated at the Birkenhead Lodge the Conservation of Coastal Birds) in Cape Town where grounds at Gansbaai in the Western Cape, to launch a they are rehabilitated and then released in the Cape significant partnership aimed at providing a sanctuary Town area,” said Chivell. “SANCCOB do a fantastic job for the endangered African Penguin and other seabirds. but they are a fair distance away from Dyer Island and “The African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary (APSS) will this results in unnecessary stress for the birds as well as be dedicated to the unconditional welfare of distressed difficulty in finding their home colony due to the distance seabirds in the Overstrand region,” said Wilfred Chivell on release.” Land has already been purchased and DICT of the Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT), “and words have received funding from VW for infrastructure. The cannot express how grateful we are for the support of next step is a laboratory, an education centre, equipment our donors which has made today possible.” and specialised flooring. The Dyer Island Conservation Trust is responsible for Said David Polkinghorne, MD of Grindrod Bank Limited, driving the establishment of a rehabilitation centre “Grindrod has its roots in the maritime industry and supported with by Volkswagen South Africa (VWSA), this comes an intense understanding of the Wildlands Conservation Trust, Grindrod Bank and the environmental issues that pose a threat to communities Blue Fund. in general. Grindrod Financial Services have an active interest in transforming and enriching South Africa, and The Conservation Trust expressed an immediate need as such have created The Blue Fund which is proud to be associated with a project such as APSS,” he added. The Blue Fund has been created with a focus on the sustainable development of coastal communities and conservation of coastal marine ecosystems. Said Wildlands CEO Dr. Andrew Venter, “Wildlands have always been driven by a vision to transform and uplift communities and the environment. When we were approached by Grindrod with the idea to develop The Blue Fund, the synergy with the sustainability work we already implement across the country could not be ignored, and we decided the Blue Fund was a perfect fit for us.” David Polkinghorne Jul - Dec 2014 25 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY FOCUS ON OUR COMMUNITIES G ri n dro d R a i l se r ve s Katlegong sc hool on Mandela Day Grindrod Rail’s visit to Eketsang Secondary School in Katlegong on 18 July proved to be inspiring. The principal of the school, Mr Hlangane, thanked Grindrod Rail for choosing to dedicate 67 minutes to the school. He cited education as a key factor for individual growth and success, acknowledged Grindrod for the donation, and declared that it would aid his learners in making learning seamless. Wamuka Mwamuka, Executive: Commercial, gave the address of the day on behalf of Grindrod. He spoke about the importance of education in an individual’s success, explaining how, when growing up, even though he was the youngest in his family, he observed that all his older Two grade 8 learners put together some inspirational siblings went on to work after matric; seeing how they words which embodied confidence, passion and a defined struggled, he resolved that he would go to university to zeal to succeed. Among the quotes in their speech were further his studies. the notable lines that former President Nelson Mandela shared in one of his famous speeches: “I have walked He stressed the importance of education and advised that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I that lack of money should not be an impediment as have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered there were options that could aid students to further the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds their education; he also emphasised the importance of that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a knocking on the right doors. Two main activities took moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista place during this event: in the first activity, school that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have shoes and stationery were donated to the school and in come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom the second part of the programme, a career guidance come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long session was conducted. walk is not ended.” A list of key functions in business was presented to the A special thanks to Grindrod Rail’s divisions; Grindrod youths, namely IT, Travel, Finance, Engineering & Safety, Rail Logistics, Administration, HR, Commercial, Marketing Grindrod Rail Construction, Grindrod Rail Operations, and General Life Skills. Learners were also advised on Grindrod Corridor Management and Gear Holdings for budgeting, health, social and other life skills. Project responding to Nnoni Mokgethi and Jamie Holley’s call Gold was also discussed and Lunga Mhlongo, a Grindrod for financial aid to make this day a success. Rail intern, addressed the students, advising them on Consultancy Services, Grindrod Locomotives, Contributor: Nnoni Mokgethi how to get into the programme. The Grindrod Rail team Jul - Dec 2014 26 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY Jaco van der Westhuizen, Mbali Nkosi and Maggie Taljaard FOCUS ON OUR COMMUNITIES M a n d e l a Day : Gi ft o f mu sic and paint to two high sc hools “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” – Nelson Seen at King Shaka High School on Mandela Day were, from left, Nosipho Damasane (CEO of Richards Mandela Bay Coal Terminal), Bongiwe Ntuli (CEO Grindrod Terminals and Rails), Tatum Keshwar (former Miss SA), Alexandra Baldwin, Zenith Tsengwa (CEO Permapart Investments), Bakang Enele (Adopt-a-School), and Abby Waller. Grindrod’s five-year sponsorship of King Shaka High Miss Tatum Keshwar (former Miss SA) delivered a moti- School in Umlazi comes to an end this year but that vational speech in which she encouraged the learners to didn’t place a damper on the Nelson Mandela Day cel- value education and work hard. ebrations which were attended by Bongiwe Ntuli, CEO Terminals & Rails, and other staff members. About Mandela Day Nelson Mandela International Day was launched in rec- Grindrod continues to work with the Adopt-a-School ognition of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on 18 July 2009 Foundation and on this day a handover of a library and a via a unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly. music centre took place. Deputy principal, Mr Mqadi said It was inspired by a call Nelson Mandela had made for the school was grateful for the contributions made by the next generation to take on the burden of leadership. Grindrod over the past years. Many thanks to the Grindrod staff members who assisted in painting Ndukwenhle High School on Mandela Day. Jul - Dec 2014 27 SIX MONTHS SUMMARY FOCUS ON OUR SHERQ P R ASA te st s shunt i ng l ocom otives in passenger operation One of the GS7 two-axle locomotives at a testing site, pulling PRASA’s passenger coaches. Grindrod Locomotives launched its shunting a latest locomotive number of new recently in different operations with the aim agreed to also test the GS7 three- generation to give customers the opportunity to axle experience these first hand. feedback on their experience. incorporating features and locomotives Grindrod to provide Locomotives has technologies when compared to the PRASA agreed to test the GS7 two- identified more customers where prototype axle locomotives in their operation. the shunting locomotives can be The GS7 is a short-haul, shunting tested in order to obtain feedback locomotive and PRASA tested the on locomotives that were initially introduced to the market. Grindrod Locomotives is the improved features and now locomotive in a passenger operation. technology in the latest model embarking on a programme to test The testing was concluded over a variation. the new features and technologies three-day period at night and PRASA This pipe conveyor at Grindrod’s Terminal de Carvão da Matola in the port of Maputo is a conveyor belt that rolls into a pipe to eliminate spillage and dust emissions. From left, the conveyor is open, then the conveyor rolls up into a pipe, and becomes a pipe conveyor. An expansion project, which will increase capacity to more than 20 Mtpa, is now at an advanced feasibility phase. If you have any news for us, please contact Alison Briggs on: tel: (031) 302 7111 e-mail: [email protected] MAKING WAVES is produced by Grindrod Limited 28 Partners in Publishing E xe m p l a r y HSE eve n a s Maputo coal term inal expands
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