June 14, 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
June 14, 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
JUNE 14, 2015——ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH 720 East Beach Boulevard P. O. Box 1529 Long Beach, MS 39560 Phone: 228-863-1610; FAX: 228-868-6068 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.SaintThomasLB.org Office Hours: M-F, 9:00am-4:30pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass, 5:00pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:30am & 6:00pm Tues, Wed, Thurs, 8:30am Fri, 6:30am JUNE 14, 2015——ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Pastor: Fr . Cuthber t “Cuddy” O’Connell (cell: 228-493-9303) Parochial Vicar: Fr . Dominic Vu Xuan Pham Retired: Fr . Pat O’Shaughnessy Deacon: Er nest “Buddy” Vancour t Director of Religious Education: Sr. Cecilia Nguyen, CCSS, 868-3774 [email protected] Secretary: Becky Mullins, 863-1610 [email protected] Bookkeeper: Beverly Leslie, 863-1610 [email protected] Maintenance: Ben Dilorenzo, 596-3379 [email protected] Music Director: Lauren Hymel, 865-3972 [email protected] Youth Ministry: Ray Lacy, 863-1610 [email protected] Pastoral Council: Matthew Powers, 323-3241 [email protected] Reconciliation: Sat., 4:15 – 4:45 pm (or call 863-1610 for an appointment.) Eucharistic Adoration: Every Friday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm in the Chapel (upstairs in the Office Complex) Baptism: Usually held on the second Sunday of each month. Preparation workshop is required. Marriage: Call the office at least six months in advance of scheduled wedding date. Attendance at pre-marriage course is required. Wedding policy guidelines may be obtained from office or on website. Community Center Rental: Robert Phillips, 281-773-8328, [email protected] Bulletin: Michele Ponte, editor, [email protected], Deadline ten days before publication. Religious Education (SRE): Pre-School-5th Grades, Sundays 10:10-11:20am 6th-12th Grades, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:15pm (September-May) JUNE 14, 2015——ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST.THOMASTHEAPOSTLECATHOLICCHURCH PARISHSTAFF,MINISTRIESANDORGANIZATION Adoration: Ray Lacy, 863-1610; [email protected] Fridays from 8 am to 7 pm in the Chapel (upstairs in office complex) Altar Server Schedule: Amanda Yarbrough, 860-5617, altar [email protected] American Heritage Girls Troop MS3230, Renee Coughlin, 863-4126, [email protected] Anointing of the Sick: Call Parish Office, 863-1610 Baptism: Sue Hoffman, 864-5868, [email protected]; usually held on second Sunday of each month; preparation workshop is required Bookkeeper: Beverly Leslie, 863-1610, [email protected] Bulletin: [email protected]; send info 10 days prior to publication date Bulletin Advertising: JS Paluch Co., 1-800-438-8931 Carnival Association of Long Beach: Mike Gundlach, 697-8088, [email protected] Catholics Returning Home: Cindy Vogt, 860-5250, [email protected] Community Center: Robert Phillips, 281-773-8328, [email protected]. Banquet hall is available for wedding receptions, private parties and other events Condolence: Linda Mignor, 868-2649, [email protected] Confirmation: For teens, contact Office of Religious Education, 8683774; for adults, call the parish office, 863-1610 Family Life: Ray Lacy, 863-1610, [email protected] Gift Cards (Support for Youth): Sheryl Gilliland, 214-2288, [email protected]; Becky Mullins, 863-1610, [email protected]; gift cards sold after all Masses; in the parish office during normal business hours Hall Reservations: Robert Phillips, 281-773-8328; [email protected] Home and Hospital Visitors: Phyllis Seal, 860-7556, [email protected] Jr. High Youth Ministry (Grades 6-8): Ray Lacy, 863-1610, [email protected] Knights of Columbus #4898: James Delinski, Grand Knight, 8636643, [email protected] Lay Minister Schedule: Annette Williams, 864-5566, [email protected] Life Teen/Youth Ministry: Ray Lacy, Youth Minister, 863-1610, [email protected] (Grades 9-12) Life Teen Music: Tim Raborn, 229-9554, [email protected] Marriage: Call the Parish Office, 863-1610, at least six months in advance of scheduled wedding date. Attendance at premarriage course is required. Marriage policy guidelines may be obtained from parish office or on parish website. Maintenance: Ben Dilorenzo, [email protected], 596-3379 Music: Lauren Hymel, Music Minister, 865-3972, [email protected] Prayer Line: For email prayer chain, send request to [email protected] for bulletin list, send request to [email protected] RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): Sue Hoffman, 8645868, [email protected] RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children): Carol Lewando, 8646171, [email protected]; for children over the age of 7 years and teenagers to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, and First Eucharist Reconciliation: Saturdays from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. or call 863-1610 for an appointment. Records Clerk: Vanessa Polk, 863-1610, [email protected] Religious Education: Sr. Cecilia Nguyen, CCSS, 868-3774; [email protected]; 3 year olds through 12th grade St. Joseph Helping Hands: Ginny Macken, 313-1997, [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Society: Darlene Barry, [email protected] for emergency assistance, call 822-0609 Secretary: Becky Mullins, 863-1610, [email protected] Website: Charles Fallo, 918-3492; [email protected] Wedding Coordinators: Paula Spears, 697-7814, [email protected]; Marilyn VanCourt, 863-9852 or 860-6953, [email protected] PASTORAL COUNCIL Chairman: Matt Powers, 323-3241, [email protected] Vice Chairman: Sandra Bishop, 424-3345; [email protected] Adult Faith Formation: Murph Fortenberry, 669-3355; [email protected] Communication & Publicity: Michele Ponte, 206-1763, [email protected] Evangelization: Cindy Vogt, 860-5250, [email protected] Finance: Norman McDonald, 697-7848; [email protected] Grounds and Facilities: Frankie Castiglia, 863-0402, [email protected] Liturgical Worship: Paula Spears, 697-7814, [email protected] School Representative: Rodney Sandoz II, 547-5189, [email protected] Service & Social Justice: Andy Kovacs, 234-2409, [email protected] Youth Faith Formation: Lisa Starita, 669-3205, [email protected] Youth Representative: Bridget McMillan, 236-4326, [email protected] Hospitality and Volunteers: Kate Spear, 861-4372 [email protected] SCHOOLS St. Vincent de Paul Elementary School, (Preschool for ages 2-4; Grades K-6): Mrs. Carol Church, Principal, (228) 222-6000; FAX (228) 222-6003; www.svdpcatholicschool.org Our Lady Academy, Mrs. Tiffany Lindmark, Principal, (228) 4677048; www.ourladyacademy.com St. Patrick High School, Mrs. Renee McDaniel, Principal, (228) 7020500, www.stpatrickhighschool.net St. Stanislaus, Mr. Patrick McGrath, Principal, (228) 467-9057, www.ststan.com For information not listed, please call the Parish Office, 863-1610 or email [email protected] JUNE 14, 2015——ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SCRIPTURE CORNER ALL IS GRACE On Sundays in Ordinary Time, the Old Testament reading is selected for the light it sheds on the day’s Gospel. Today, Ezekiel sees God lifting up the lowly tree and making the withered tree bloom. So in the second parable of today’s Gospel, Jesus encourages us by promising that, as fragile seeds grow into an abundant harvest, and the tiny mustard seed into a hearty plant, so God will grow the kingdom from small beginnings to an instrument of salvation for all. In the first parable, the land yields fruit “of its own accord” (Mark 4:28). Not only is the initiative God’s, but the parable teaches that the seed’s growth, though invisible at first, is actually unstoppable! To be sure, those who depend on the impressive or dramatic in order to be convinced or encouraged will be disappointed in the slow unfolding of the kingdom that Jesus announces. But for those who do accept the kingdom, all is grace, and that grace is certain. Though the second reading is not coordinated with either the first reading or Gospel on these Sundays, today’s is thematically appropriate. Saint Paul argues that our experience of God’s trustworthiness thus far should make us a people of undaunted courage and unshakeable faith. But at the same time Paul warns that faith should also make us aware of our responsibility to do good. —————-Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. FEW REMINDERS Sun, Jun 14….9am Mass, Sr . Consilio Diamond Jubilee & reception following Mass Tues, Jun 16….9:00am, Quilter s meet Wed, Jun 17….6:30pm, Lay Minister s meeting, In community center (make up day) Thurs, Jun 18….7pm, Knights of Columbus meet Fri, Jun 19….8am-7pm, Adoration in the chapel Fri, Jun 19….12NOON, PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Sun, Jun 21….8-11am, Parish Breakfast, Hosted by Knights of Columbus BUY SCRIP—-SUPPORT OUR YOUTH READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98:1, 2b, 3-4; Mt 5:38-42 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2, 5-9a; Mt 5:4348 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1bc-4, 9; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111:1b-4, 7-8; Mt 6:7-15 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Ps 34:2-7; Mt 6:19-23 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Mt 6:2434 Jb 38:1, 8-11; Ps 107:23-26, 28-31; 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41 FATHER’S DAY COLLECTION The diocese has asked us to support a special collection on Father’s Day. It is important for you to know that this collection is for retired diocesan priests in this diocese. Diocesan priests are provided a modest pension in their golden years by an endowment to which parishes pay a yearly assessment. In addition, priests who are in their senior years receive a small pension through Catholic Sharing Appeal. In our diocese, the population of priests is aging. The endowment fund has seen a decline over the years in investment returns. The cost of living has increased. These factors led to the decision to take up this special collection. There are two other collections during the year— one is for Aged and Infirm Priests and the other is for Retired Religious. Neither of these collections provides funding for aged and retired priest of this diocese. As we honor fathers, grandfathers, uncles and other men who have nurtured us on this Father’s Day, please consider a generous gift to assure a worthy pension for our spiritual Fathers——the priests who serve in the Diocese of Biloxi. If you have misplaced your envelope, extra envelopes or a plain envelope may be found on the display cases in church—just mark your donation “Help for Aging Priests.” SUMMER TRAVELS AND MASS By making an online visit to www.masstimes.org summer travelers can locate churches, addresses, phone numbers and Mass schedules. One must enter the city or zip code of the area to obtain the information. Those without internet access can get that same information by calling 858-207-6277. JUNE 14, 2015——ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NEW PARISH OFFICE HOURS FRIDAYS Memorial Day-Labor Day, The parish office will close at 12 noon every Friday. DIAMOND JUBILEE 60 years in Religious Life 21 years, here at St. Thomas 6/14/15, 9am Mass Please help us honor Sr. Consilio Buckley as she celebrates her diamond jubilee with 60 years in religious life! It is extra special that Pope Francis has also declared this year to Consecrated Life! There will be a reception after Mass. HURRICANE PRAYER Is graciously donating 10% of all proceeds on all Sundays in May and June, to St. Thomas’ youth ministry. Please try this new restaurant and donate to our youth ministry at the same time! We thank them for this opportunity! 217 East Beach Blvd, Long Beach. CELEBRATE DADS! Sunday, June 21st, is Father’s Day. Is your Dad tough to buy for? This year we’ve added more gift card options than ever before! For the sports enthusiast, we offer Bass Pro Shop, Cabela’s and Dick’s Sporting Goods. For more quiet times, we offer Barnes and Noble and Game Stop. If Dad needs clothes, we offer Belk's, Dillard's, JC Penney, Kohl’s and Marshalls, just to name a few. For a good dinner, we offer Bonefish Grill, Harbor View Café, Longhorn Steakhouse, Shaggy’s or Ruth’s Chris Steak House. Find a gift card that perfectly matches his style! Stop by and purchase a gift card from the Support Our Youth Scrip Gift Card sales table in the east foyer after mass or at the Parish Office during the week. Remember, when you buy the gift cards from St Thomas, our proceeds go to youth programs that not only benefit our church but the whole community. Thank you for your continued support! COUNCIL #4898 Upcoming events: Thurs, 6/18….6:30pm r osar y, 7pm meeting Sun, 6/21….8am-11am, Parish Breakfast Thurs, 7/2….7pm, meeting Thurs, 7/16….7pm, meeting Sun, 7/19….8-11am, Parish Breakfast For more information on membership or any questions, contact Jim Delinski, Grand Knight at 863-6643. O Heavenly Father, all the elements of nature obey Your command. Calm the storms that threaten us and turn our fear into praise of Your goodness. Protect us from hurricanes and disasters of nature. We pray through Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen PRAYER LINE Anyone needing to add someone to the electronic prayer group e-mail, send the information electronically to: [email protected]. There are more than 100 members of this group. For more information contact Kathy Elias at the same address. AARP DRIVING COURSE The next course will he held on June 25th. here at St. Thomas from 1-5pm. Call the parish office at 8631610 for more details. You can also call Curtis Jackson at 334-315-2422. VOCATION CHALICE PROGRAM Remember to sign up for the Vocation Chalice Program and join us in this important ministry of praying for an increase and perseverance of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. Please contact the following Vocations Committee members and let them know if your family would like to participate: 5:00 pm Mass: Myrna Jordan ([email protected] / 228-324-3838) 7:30 am / 9:00 am Masses: Renee Coughlin ([email protected] / 228-863-4126) 11:30 am Mass: Andrew Ribar ([email protected] / 228-369-2074) 6:00 pm Mass: Ashley Smith ([email protected] / 571-331-3965) or Tara Meleones ([email protected] / 669-9876) JUNE 14, 2015——ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUMMER CAMPS AT ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL June/July Life Teen Calendar June 17th – Local Weekday Mission – Take a day out of your summer break and serve your community. Join us as we do local service work in our community. Whether it be painting, yard work or cleaning, we need you! Meet at the church at 8:30 for morning Mass. We will start our day of service after Mass that morning. June 24th – Fun Night – Come try out your bowling skills! Meet at the church at 5:30 p.m. Bring $15 for bowling and food! July 10-12th – Steubenville Atlanta Conference – Looking for something to do this summer that could be life changing? Come travel with us as we join thousands of other Catholic teenagers from around the Southeast in this life-changing conference. World renowned speakers, musicians and much more (we may even sneak in a Braves game while there)! Space is limited and spots will fill up quickly! The cost is $225 and includes room, travel, meals and conference expenses. Call Ray at 863-1610 or email him at [email protected]. July 17-24th – Arizona Mission Trip- See Ray for details. Space is very limited! Watch the bulletin and web page for more details! June/July Edge Calendar June 24th – Fun Night – Come try out your bowling skills! Meet at the church at 5:30 p.m. Bring $15 for bowling and food! July 7th –Audubon Zoo in New Orleans – More details will be given out as date approaches! July 21st – Waterpark Day – More details will be given out as date approaches! Watch the bulletin and web page for more details! —Ray Lacy, 863-1610, [email protected] TRAVEL TO ITALY WITH FATHER TOMMY CONWAY!!!! The Gulf Pine Catholic invites you on a Pilgrimage of Italy with Father Tommy Conway to Rome • Assisi • Florence • Milan 10 days only $3,998 • Departing January 25, 2016 out of New Orleans. For more information, call 1-800-CATHOLIC or visit www.Regina-Tours.com (Due to travel concerns, we have cancelled our upcoming trip to Jordan and have scheduled January trip to Italy.) June 8– June 12 June 15-19 June 22-26 June 29-July 2 July 6-10 July 13-17 July 20-24 July 27-31 ART CAMP June 15-19 July 13-17 LEGO CAMP June 15-19 (3-5 yrs) July 20-24 (6-10 yrs) MUSIC CAMP June 15-19 June 29-July 3 July 13-17 Visit the website: svdpcatholicschool.org 228-222-6000 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Thurs, July 30….9am-5:30pm, Registration day for 2015-2016 year Thurs, Aug 6….Fir st day of school— 7:50-11:30am, 60% day Fri, Aug 7….8:30am, Opening Mass at Holy Family Visit the website: svdpcatholicschool.org 228-222-6000 JUNE 14, 2015——ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS Tues, 6/16 8:30am +Charles Pique Wed, 6/17 8:30am Aar on Bleidt Thurs, 6/18 8:30am +Mary Molly Cooke +Mae Koennen Fri, 6/19 6:30am Unborn Babies Sat, 6/20 5:00pm Connie Cole +Marion Carver Sun, 6/21 7:30am All Fathers 9:00am All Fathers 11:30am All Fathers 6:00pm All Fathers GONE HOME TO GOD †Mary Conway Mockler (Mother to Fr. Paddy Mockler & Aunt to Fr. Tommy Conway) †Ceyl (Seal) Harris (Mother to Bette Johnson) Condolences may be sent to the Mockler Family at the following address: Woodbrook, Newbridge, Ballinasloe, County Galway WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS Frank & Patty Moore MAY WEDDINGS PETITIONS OF PRAYER Alan Dupuis, Anita Sipler, Bertrand Dauro, Betty Elias, Bobbie Nugent, Bruce Cornell, Charmaine Ryle, Connie Cole, David Harrison, Debra Muesall, Friendship Family, Gerry Hammons, Jack Edward, James Loftus, Jan Lankford House, Jo Ann LaRochelle, Joey Castiglia, John Daley, John Logreco, Kelly Byrne Mobley, K.W. Saucier, Lois Ladner Weems, Margaret Chapman, Marilyn Ladner, Mary Ann Podlin, Mike Morgan, Mildred Fayard, Milliard Carter, Milton J. LeBlanc, Jr, Rashelle Gardner, Ruth Wilson, Sage Sowell, Sammie Hodges, Sara Lamson, Shirley Wilson, and all others in our parish and community in need of healing, physical or spiritual. BIG THANK YOU: To all the students and volunteers of the Summer Vacation Bible School on behalf of CASA of Harrison County, I offer you a tremendous thank you. Your generous sacrifice will help CASA better aid children that are not as fortunate as you. CASA receives limited funds from the County and has to depend on donations and fundraisers, so please know your gift of $450+ will be deeply appreciated. NEXT WEEKEND’S LAY MINISTERS Justin Hatfield & Victoria Raskett Bryan Ellerman & Anna Dilorenzo Bryan Gaddy & Hannah Banks James Caleb Cooper & Stephanie Neciase MAY BAPTISMS Chelsea Victoria Fleming Noah Davis Osborne Piper Elizabeth Rushing LAST WEEK’S OFFERINGS TOTALS Thank you for your generosity!! Envelopes, $12,057.00; Loose money, $1,519.00 Children’s pickle jar, $41.00 Electronic Giving, $9,664.00 FEATURED AD OF THE WEEK RECURRING AROUND THE PARISH… Lighthouse Catholic Media Stand…East foyer St Vincent de Paul Society….9:30am-12:30pm, Mon & Thurs, open to help Adoration in the Chapel….8:00am-7:00pm, Fridays Youth Gift Cards (Scrip) sales…after all Masses & during office hours, 9am-4:30pm weekdays Knights of Columbus, Council #4898….6:30pm, every first & third Thursday of the month St. Joseph’s Helping Hands….Wor k day is ever y fir st Saturday of the month; meeting is every fourth Thursday call/text 228-216-7649 www.AmyWoodProperties.com Long Beach and Pass Christian’s Only Funeral Home since 1964 • Preplanning • Funeral and Cremation Services • Monuments 228-865-4700 19130 Commission Rd. www.riemannfamily.com A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com HANDY - MEN For a wide selection of Catholic greeting cards, artwork, and inspirational recordings, visit www.wlpmusic.com. 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