the column - Eaton House Schools


the column - Eaton House Schools
The Column
The magazine for the Eaton House group of schools
Eaton House
5 Life at Eaton House Belgravia
6 Headmistress’ Comment
Miss Lucy Watts
7 Celebrating the Jubilee at EHB!
8 Sport
This year’s sporting achievements
& Drama
12 Music
Superb performances from the boys
14 Creative
Stories, poems and paintings
16 Fundraising
Living ‘La Dolce Vita’ for charity!
Outings and Events
17 Fun and educational days out for all
Eaton House
The Vale
22 Life at Eaton House The Vale
23 Headmaster’s
Mr Robin Greenwood
24 Nursery
What the children have been getting up to
25 The Vale celebrates the Queen’s Jubilee
Creative Writing
Examples of the children’s imagination
28 Sports
Sports Day and matches
& Drama
30 Music
Vale children take to the stage
In aid of ELIFAR
and Trips
32 Clubs
Exploration and education combined!
Eaton House The
Manor Nursery
35 Headmistress’
Miss Roosha
Nursery Year
36 The
A year of fun and learning for all
Eaton House
The Manor Pre-Prep
39 Life at Eaton House The Manor Pre-Prep
40 Headmistress’
Mrs Philippa Cawthorne
Schools’ Office
58 Clapham Common Northside, London SW4 9RU.
Tel: 020 7924 6000
Reports and Results
41 House
Each House reports on the year’s activity
43 Sport
Great achievements on the sporting field
46 Creative
Enjoy the boys’ exceptional stories
and Music
48 Drama
The boys’ best performances this year
and Events
50 Trips
Getting out and about to learn more
Eaton House
The Manor Prep
53 Life at Eaton House The Manor Prep
54 Headmaster’s
Mr Jeremy Edwards
55 Former Head Boy’s Report
Finding his feet at Westminster
56 Prep House Reports
The best of each Houses’ achievements
60 Sports
Thrilling matches and great games
63 Music
Another year of musical prowess
64 Drama
The whole school acting together
65 Art
Wonderful work from the Prep boys
66 Creative Writing
Exciting writing and sensitive poetry
68 Trips
Education and adventure combined
71 Results and Monitors
72 The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee at
Eaton House The Manor
Eaton House
Girls’ School
74 Life at Eaton House Girls’ School
75 Headmistress’ Comment
Mrs Sarah Segrave
76 House Reports
78 Creative Writing
The girls’ best creative efforts this year
Great progress on the sporting front
Music and Drama
Concerts, plays and recitals
83 Trips and Events
Museums and historic sites visited
The Column
Eaton House
elcome to the 2012 edition of The Column and a chance to relive the
excitement and highlights from a very successful year. The schools have
had another wonderful year; we have had many varied and magnificent
achievements from pupils and staff alike.
The schools have blossomed throughout the year. I believe this is because Eaton
House Schools continue in a tradition we all value, maintaining the principles of
excellent teaching, strong pastoral care, a family atmosphere and the provision of the
best all round education.
We have maintained our exceptional academic record, under the tutelage of our
excellent Head teachers, achieving outstanding results across the board. I am more
pleased than ever with our results. All the Manor Prep boys achieved their choice of
public school at Common Entrance and Scholarship, with a number of the boys
scoring very high CE marks to their respective schools. Eaton House Belgravia,
The Manor Pre-Prep and Vale pupils have also produced excellent
results once again. We are so happy to welcome all the boys moving
up from the Pre-Prep and Belgravia into Eaton House The Manor
Prep school.
Sport, Music, Drama, the extra-curricular clubs and
activities at the schools continue to excel and our match
results bear witness to the great commitment the pupils and
staff make through the year. Sport and outside interests are
such an essential aspect of a good education; I am so
pleased we nourish them.
All the great results and the happy, well-rounded
pupils are a reflection of the great many talented and
committed staff we have at Eaton House. I particularly
want to thank the Head Teachers for their
excellent work, dedication and leadership. Sarah
Segrave at the helm of the Girls’ School, Philippa
Cawthorne in charge of the Manor Pre-Prep and
Jeremy Edwards continuing to be a brilliant
leader at Eaton House The Manor Prep School.
Lucy Watts has driven Eaton House Belgravia to
new highs and Robin Greenwood has guided the
growth of Eaton House The Vale as a centre of
I want to thank all the teaching staff for their
inspirational focus through the year and the
administration staff for their continued diligence
in keeping the schools running.
Huge praise must go to Derek Clarke and
his maintenance team for ensuring that the
schools look and run so well, the school buses
are on time and for providing an invaluable
service to all the schools. The quality of our food
is superb for which we have to thank David
Clayton and his kitchen staff for providing the
very best meals; many thanks!
Finally I want to take the opportunity to
thank you, our parents and our friends, for
continuing to support the schools and your
children in all they do at Eaton House Schools.
Mrs Hilary Harper, Principal
Life at
E­aton House Belgravia
Head Boy’s report 2012
cannot believe how quickly the last four years have passed. And now all
of us in Year 3 have finished our 8+ exams and we are about to leave
Eaton House Belgravia - the best school in the world! We look forward
to going to our new schools.
For me the highlight of Year 3 has been PGL. We went to Osmington Bay
and it was amazing! I especially enjoyed the giant swing, little Wembley, the
supersoaker water fight, archery and rifle shooting.
The sport that Mr Cooke has organised for us this year has been awesome.
Our teams have won matches left right and centre in all weathers.
Our play this year was The Wizard of Oz; everyone worked very hard and it
was a huge success. I think the parents enjoyed it too.
Miss Lucy, Miss Annabel and all of the other teachers have been brilliant.
I would also like to say thank you to the monitors and to the Deputy Head
Boy, Orlando Angelini-Hurll. We have had great fun doing the registers and
Friday treats. I will miss Eaton House Belgravia and all of my friends. I have
had the best time here. Good luck to everyone for next year.
Hector Sheppard, 3A
The Column
Eaton House
ife at Eaton House is always busy. I never cease to be impressed by the staff and boys’ enthusiasm, energy and talent. The whole school community
is very special and, I think, unique. It has seen us through a very busy year. We triumphed in an Ofsted inspection in November which publicly
confirmed what a marvellous school we have and that is a cause for celebration! Indeed, I was honoured to give out the prizes at Colet Court
this year. The theme of my speech was that to achieve and celebrate effort and success is a good thing. This is something that I think can get sidelined
nowadays but is something that we like to acknowledge.
Over the past year we have played over 50 matches, covering eight different sports. Sport plays a huge part in our school life, nobly led by Mr Cooke.
Music, too, has continued to thrive under the excellent direction of Mr Mühlemann. The highlight for me was the Senior Choir’s performance at The
Children’s Trust Concert at Cadogan Hall. Quite an achievement for those so young. The termly Senior Choir’s performances at Meadbank Nursing Home
should also be noted; always first class and doing good for others, a value that we hold dear in our school.
There have been many other events and activities in the last year, including exciting trips and special visitors to the school. These include a Year 3 trip
to the Olympic Stadium, a tour of the House of Commons followed by our own photo shoot outside No 10 and a Year 3 grandpa talking to the boys about
his time as Prime Minister of Spain. We are very lucky to have had such wonderful opportunities and a wealth of resources to enhance the boys’ time at
school. I thank all of our visiting speakers and all of those who have had a hand in giving us lots of ‘value addeds’ to all year groups.
In May, we held our first staff and pupil Alumni gathering. It was a huge success and we had staff and pupils from 1990-2002 in attendance. It was a
great evening and we look forward to further events.
Sadly, we said goodbye to some staff in July. Miss Olivia has gone to do a PGCE, Miss Diane has moved to Ireland to embark upon a psychology course,
Miss Paige has moved to The Falcons School, Mr Hirst has gone to Bristol University and Mr Mühlemann has moved to High Field School. Mr Mühlemann
had been with us for over ten years as a much valued and popular member of staff. We wish all of the departing staff success and happiness in their future.
I was lucky enough to have my eldest niece doing ‘work experience’ with us in June, the third generation of Watts, after me and my father, who have
worked at Eaton House. As I said to our leavers, once a part of Eaton House, always a part of the Eaton House
family; something very special and unique.
the queen’s diamond
jubilee celebrations
The Column
Football Report 2012
Football Results
Autumn Term 2012
TournamentA team
Won (8 schools)
Summer Fields A team
5th (20 schools)
B team Garden HouseA,B,C,D,E teams
Won 2, Lost 3
Won 3-1
Yr 2 A team Adams Memorial Tournament
(Wetherby & The Manor)A team
ParentsA team
Won 4-3
B team
Won 5-2
C team
Won 3-2
The Manor (2s)A,B,C,D,E,F teamsLost 6
The Manor (3s)A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H teams
W 5, L 2, D 1
Wetherby 2sA,B,C,D,E,F teams
W 2, L 3, D 1
Wetherby 3sA,B,C,D,E,F,G,H teams
W 3, L 1, D 4
B teamLost 1-0
C team
Won 4-0
Won 3-0
D team
King’s College A team
Knocked out
in ¼ finals
Spring Term 2012
D team
Won 5-2
E team
Won 4-3
Garden House Tournament
Yr 3 A teamCame 9th/16
Yr 2 A teamCame 2nd/12
Eaton SquareA team
B team
Won 6-0
Won 6-2
3s A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H teams Won 4, Lost 4
Wetherby 2s
3s A,B,C,D,E,F teamsLost 5, Drew 1
Garden House 2sA,B,C,D teams
W 2, L 1, D 1
The Manor (2s)A,B,C,D,E,F teamsLost 5, Drew 1
The Manor (3s)A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H teams
Won 5, Lost 3
PapplewickA team
Won 2-0
C team
Won 2-0
Colet CourtA,B,C,D
Won 4
Westminster UnderA team
B team
Won 3-2
Won 4-0
2s Alpha Plus A team
Knocked out
of ¼ finals
Won 4, Lost 2
8 The Column
the a team
fter a successful season in Year 2 the top teams promised much
and rarely failed to deliver. In comprehensively beating Garden
House, Eaton Square and Eaton House The Manor, the A team
won the League. An amazing three tournaments out of five were also
won, including the Summer Fields’ Tournament, and they reached the
furthest stage ever by any Eaton House team at the KCW Tournament.
It is just as well that the front hall has been blessed by a new trophy
cabinet, kindly donated by the Oberschneider family!
The results as usual were reliant on the team members’ willingness
and ability to play as a team and pass effectively to one another as few
were skilful enough to dominate on a 1:1. Giancarlo Ramirez as the
right attacker was one player who could dominate on a 1:1 and often
dazzled with his step overs. Once he got the idea of drawing the
opposition and then releasing the ball for others, the opportunities
started to flourish. Ludovico Cantarini on the left attack was forced to
develop his non dominant left foot and when he did this sufficiently he
was able to knock some quality crosses into the box. Sasha Shevchuk
(Captain) and Harry Husson both worked tirelessly in the midfield
Year 2
boys v ehtm
getting both forward to attack and back to defend. Time and time again
these two got back to make countless goal-saving tackles, aiding the
defenders, Ed Pagani and Alejandro Agag Aznar. The defenders both
marked and tackled doggedly and provided many quality wide passes
from defence to set up attacking opportunities. Patrick McCourt
exhibited bruising courage as our goalie.
The B team should feel proud of themselves too for the contribution
they made, particularly in pushing the A team hard in training.
Particular mention should go to Eddie Joddrell, Oliver Gibbon and Lucas
Gabay in this respect.
These results, along with those gained in Hockey, Chess, Tennis, Golf,
The David Lawrence Series
Challenge Cup:
Captains’ Comments
his cup encompasses eight events between Eaton House
The Manor and Belgravia including Football, Cricket,
Golf, Cross-Country, Hockey, Tennis, Swimming and
Chess. There is no doubt that this competition has raised
standards to a much higher level in many of the sports. Belgravia
successfully and impressively defended the Cup, winning 5-2.
Football Captain, Sasha Shevchuk: ”I know it sounds a bit cocky
but by the time we played The Manor in the spring term we had
already beaten them three times in a row so we were fairly
confident of succeeding again when it mattered for the Series Cup
and we did, 3-0!”
Hockey Captain, Giancarlo Ramirez: “Mr Cooke organised us in the
same positions as we played in our football games. Since we had
spent a lot of time practising our passing we did this in the match
and beat The Manor 6-0.”
Swimming and Cricket ensured the successful defence of the David
Lawrence Series Challenge Cup for a third year running against Eaton
House The Manor. Well done to all those boys who have represented the
school in all of these matches this year.
Congratulations to Green House who narrowly beat Yellow House in a
thrillingly close final 3-2.
The football results in Year 2 have been very disappointing, with
defeats across the board against Eaton House The Manor. Accordingly a
pre-season Football Club met during the summer term to try to turn
things around; the progress made has been quite encouraging. It is hoped
the boys will continue practising over the long summer holiday ready for
next term.
Mr Cooke
Swimming Captain, Eddie Jodrell: “Mr Cooke told us to do ten
press ups every day for a month, and later me and Oliver Abt
McGregor got our Colours as we both broke the school record in
swimming 25m in 23.5 secs. In the end though it was a team effort
against The Manor and we beat them 32-18.”
Golf Captain, Nico Zezza: “It was a great day and I only wish there
was more time in the term to play more matches.” Won 3-1½.
Chess Captain, Leonardo Russo: “I have enjoyed being Captain and
beating both Mr Carothers and Mr Cooke. I guess they don’t have
as much time to play as me. The match against The Manor was
really exciting and I knew we had a good team.” Won 6-5.
Tennis Captain, Carsten Melbye: “I really enjoyed the Tuesday
morning sessions and playing Texas Tennis, Jail and King of the
Court. We took The Manor on and won 4-2.”
Cricket Captain, Eddie Jodrell: “Perhaps because we already
knew that we had won the Series Cup we weren’t at our best. The
Manor batted and bowled really well and deserved to win it!”
Cross-Country Captain, Hector Sheppard: “I was a bit gutted in
the Inter-House Cross-Country race as I just missed out on the
school record by 21 secs, but everybody was really proud of me.
Although the Year 3 team comfortably beat Eaton House The
Manor our Year 2 lost and so overall we failed to retain the trophy
from last year by a narrow 11 points.”
The Column
Sports Day
This year our Sports Day prizes were kindly presented by Mr Neil McLaughlan, Headmaster of
Westminster Cathedral Choir School. The Victor Ludorum was won by Oliver Abt McGregor, 3B.
Green House were the overall winners.
10 The Column
Cricket Report 2012
he unqualified success on the football pitch set the tone for the
cricket season, with some great victories against the Parents,
Garden House and The Manor for many of the Year 3 teams.
Sharp calling, ‘creeping’ and power cross-batting have all been
consistently encouraged and have been the order of the day at the crease
in the U8 squads. The Tuesday Cricket Club has been well attended by
Year 3 and Year 1 and the number of Year 3 boys able to subsequently
bowl ‘clean’ level two overarm overs has also grown significantly, much
to my delight.
The 2s have been disappointing though, registering five straight
defeats against The Manor. Few boys in this Year group have been
awarded their Level 1 throwing and catching certificates and it is hoped
that much practice at this and at both their Levels 1 and 2 bowling will
be had during the holidays to improve our chances of success next year!
Mr Cooke
House Competition Results 2012
FootballGreen House
Yellow House
Lunchtime Manners
Blue House (autumn term); Green
House (spring and summer terms)
General Knowlege Quiz
Blue House
Cross CountryGreen House
Sports DayGreen House
Poetry Competition
Yellow House
Termly House PointsGreen House (autumn and spring terms)
Yellow House (summer term)
Overall House
Points Year Winner
Yellow House
year 3 c team
Cricket & Miscellaneous
Results 2012
Wetherby Swimming GalaSwimming GalaLost 38-18
Manor ChessIst XI
Manor GolfIst VLost 4-2
Manor HockeyA
Won 6-1
Won 3-1
Manor Swimming Gala
1st Squad
Won 26-20
Manor Cross-Country
Year 3 & Year 2Lost by 11 points
Parents’ CricketA
Won by 21 runs
Won by 10 runs
2s Manor CricketA,B,C,D,ELost 5
3s Manor CricketA,B,C,DLost 3, Won 1
Garden House CricketA,B,C,D
Won 2, Lost 2
2s Garden House CricketA,B,C,D,E
Won 3, Lost 2
Summer Fields CricketA
Won by 23 Runs
The Column
carol singing in
sloane square
Senior Choir
he Senior Choir had a very busy
autumn term, particularly in the
run up to Christmas. Their first
public performance was in October, at the
Asthma Gift Fair. They sang for 20 minutes
and delighted the substantial audience
with a selection of well-known songs
from the shows.
In December the Choir had performances
at the Belgravia Christmas Fair (with a brass
ensemble for accompaniment), the usual visit
to Meadbank Nursing Home, the school
carol concert and carol singing in Sloane
Square. Additionally this year the Choir was
invited to participate in a high profile
concert at the Cadogan Hall in front of a
capacity audience. It was a charity event,
hosted by BBC news presenter Nicholas
Owen, and the total raised was £15,000.
The Choir sang two items and received a
rapturous round of applause.
Mr Mühlemann
Meadbank Nursing
he Senior Choir have been making
their termly trips to Meadbank
Nursing Home this year and the
residents have, as ever, been delighted with
the visits. The autumn term recital consisted
of Christmas favourites with singalongs, and
the spring and summer terms consisted
of songs from the school play (The Wizard
of Oz) and favourite hymns, old and new.
The boys were immaculately behaved and
represented the school with pride.
Mr Mühlemann
Music Exam Results
Preparatory test:Adam Cuckovic
Grade 1: Michael Richmond (dist)
Alexander Julius
Jack Gough-Willetts (m)
Rupert Sheppard
Grade 2Nikita Kolushev (merit)
Louis Leouzon
Grade 3Hector Sheppard (merit)
12 The Column
Music Colours
Music Colours are awarded for outstanding
performances at Eaton House Belgravia.
Carlo Guerrini-Maraldi and Giovanni
Bonfiglio have received them for their
performances in the school play, Louis
Leouzon for his winning performance in
the school music competition and Orlando
Angelini-Hurll for his solo of ‘Once In Royal
David’s City’ at the school carol concert.
Mr Mühlemann
Grade 1:Nico Zezza (merit)
Giancarlo Ramirez
Orlando Angelini-Hurll
Edward Pagani
Grade 2:Hector Sheppard (merit)
Prep Test:Louis Leouzon
Grade 1:Oliver Gibbon (dist)
Carol Concert
his year’s carol concert was opened
with a beautiful rendition of ‘Once
In Royal David’s City’, sung by
Orlando Angelini-Hurll.
There were great performances by
both the Junior and Senior Choir and
of course the staff of Eaton House gave their
all in a performance of ‘Rockin’ Around the
Christmas Tree’.
The Wind Ensemble (organised by Miss
Catherine) delivered a fine rendition of
‘Jingle Bells’ and Mr Warden’s vocal group
dazzled with ‘Joys Seven’.
We were delighted to be able to invite
Sina Lari, an old boy, to play the organ
for the service; a role he fulfilled
magnificently. As ever, the whole school
joined all the staff for the final carol,
‘We Three Kings of Orient Are’.
Mr Mühlemann
Wizard of Oz
What some of the boys said about the rehearsals...
I am a Tin Man shadow, Heartless, in the play. My favourite line is: “The
pain, the sufferance,” and my favourite song is ‘If I Only Had A Heart’.
Mr T and I are the balcony and I have to hug the shadow Romeo. It is
very funny. There are five main characters who have worked very hard. I
am going to tell you a secret... Dorothy kills two witches in one day!
Athanase Ghertsos, F3
In the Play of The Wizard of Oz I am a yellow narrator. I am really
looking forward to the big night and making my parents proud. My
favourite line is “I would like to go to Hollywood and become a big
movie star!” I also like ‘Ding, Dong, The Witch Is Dead’. I really like my
yellow costume especially the wig. I am very excited.
Carsten Melbye, F3
My part is Swirly 1 the Munchkin. I like it when Miss Gulch gets very
cross and says, “You imbecile!” to Uncle Henry. It is very funny. I am
looking forward to singing ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ at the end.
At first, I felt shy to go to the rehearsals but now I feel confident for the
play and I hope it goes well. Ludo Cantarini, 3A
I am a Munchkin and at first I wasn’t very keen on wear my swimming
cap for my costume but when I saw all my other friends wearing tights
and black shorts, I didn’t feel so bad. I enjoy singing, ‘Come Out, Come
Out Wherever You Are!’ I practised three times and then I knew my
words. When Uncle Henry says, “She bit her dog, eh?” I always laugh. I
hope the play turns out well as it is a good script. William Hoskins, 3A
Year 3 have been working really hard learning their lines. I learnt my
lines by reading them lots of times until I knew them, including the lines
before mine. I practised with my mother. My favourite line in the whole
play is “Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls!”
Alexander Clement-Davies 3B
This year we are doing The Wizard of Oz for our Leavers’ Play and I am
playing Miss Gulch. I was feeling very nervous at the beginning but I
have now started to relax. After my part is finished, is gets rather quiet
for me but luckily I am in Mr Cooke’s dance and in the Munchkin
chorus. In some rehearsals, some of the boys don’t look at the audience
and they forget their lines and go too fast! I am looking forward to the
real thing. I hope everyone is word perfect on the night. We have worked
so hard, especially our form teachers and Mr Cooke and Mr Mühlemann.
I know our families will very proud of us and will have a great evening.
Orlando Shott, 3B
The Column
Creative Writing
The Rhino
ne boiling hot African day there lived a fat, harmless
rhino. He lived in a gigantic, magnificent field. Every
day the rhino visited his bold, feathery, flappy vulture
friend. The vulture was good friends with the rhino. One day
by mistake the rhino charged into a tree and his gigantic
horn fell off. He tried to put his horn back on. For two
days he laid down and tried to put his gigantic horn on.
One day a kind hunter helped the rhino and put sticky
super glue on his horn. The hunter and rhino were big
friends forever.
Liam Strangeman, F1
Rescuing the Queen
ne boiling hot day at the Tower of London Jori the guard was
a very nice man and very brave. He lived in a bright red
house. He had got 15 crooks. His wife was called Mary. One
day Jori was guarding the Tower happily just then a crook came in.
The crook was too fast for Jori. Jori rushed to the Queen’s room but he
was late; the crook had kidnapped the Queen. Jori looked everywhere
in London, even down the drain! Then he noticed a bit of the
Queen’s dress was on the floor. Then he knew where the Queen was.
He went down the drain. Then he went through a secret door then
he found the Queen in chains. He shot the chain and it opened.
Sam Maling, F1
ABOVE: Greek Urn
by ethan zazo, 3a
RIGHT: pastel
after monet by
piers cookekaiser, 1a
far right:
blossom by sava
seltzer, 1c
14 The Column
The Witch on the Moon
t was a cold morning on the first of
January. In the woods there lived a
witch who was kind and good. Her name
was Milly and she was six years old. She had a
green face and wore a purple dress and a blue
necklace. She had green flashing eyes and she
wore a black pointed hat.
Milly liked to make up new spells and she loved making new
Milly was sad because everybody thought that she was evil like all
the wicked witches they had read about in fairy tales. Milly decided
to look in her spell book for a special spell for New Year’s Day. She
looked at page hundred and sixty four and she said “Ah, here is the
New Years Spell. It is a trip to the moon!”
Milly was very excited and she got on her broomstick right away.
She sang the magic words from the spell book and it sounded like
this: “Boom, boom, bee, bee, and blast off.” Suddenly her broomstick
started to rise, then it stopped in mid-air and zoomed up as fast as a
bullet coming out of a gun. She flew like an eagle up to the sun and
nearly burnt her face, but her broomstick quickly changed direction
to the moon. She floated through dark space and asteroids crashed
into her. She was scared and worried she would be lost, but suddenly
she saw the glittering grey rocks of the moon. Then she noticed a
very tiny figure on the moon which looked like a white ghost. Milly
was not scared because she was a witch and witches are not afraid of
ghosts. She ordered her broomstick to land near the strange figure
because she wanted to try to make friends with the ghost. The
broomstick could not, because there was no gravity on the moon, and
so Milly floated. She tried every spell she knew but nothing worked,
so she called out “Help me please Mr Ghost!”
“I’m not a ghost; I’m an astronaut wearing a white space suit.
I have a spare space suit which will make you land on the moon.
Would you like to borrow it?”
Milly said “Yes please! You are so kind. Are you not scared of
witches?” The astronaut said that he was not scared of her because
she looked like a very cute alien and he has met lots of friendly aliens
in space. The astronaut gave Milly the spacesuit and when she landed
on the moon he took her for a ride in his space rocket. Then Milly
took him for a ride on her broomstick. Milly and the astronaut loved
flying so much together and became best friends and flew to every
planet in the solar system from the moon to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, Venus, Mercury and Pluto. Then they flew back to
Earth and lived
happily ever
Arran Syed–
Raja, 1B
left: sunflowers
after van gogh
by federico
acquaviva, 1c.
top: turtle
by athanase
ghertsos, f3.
above: 3a’s
below: geometric
abstract by sam
eggers, f3
The Column
La Dolce Vita Party
Our annual fundraising evening was a La Dolce Vita night, held in October at the Victoria and Albert Museum. We raised an amazing £150,000; the
beneficiaries of which were Great Ormond Street Hospital and the Elifar Foundation.
16 The Column
Year 3’s Olympic Stadium Visit
Remembrance Day
n Remembrance Day we looked at some crosses in the
garden of Westminster Abbey. We found Miss Alexandra’s
mother’s cross in Westminster Abbey Gardens because she
had fought in the Second World War. When we walked from
Westminster Abbey to the Cenotaph. On the way we met a Major, a
Captain and a Lieutenant. The Major said to me “Nice to see you in
your smart uniform.” “Thank you Sir,” I replied. When I got to the
Cenotaph I saw lots of wreaths with poppies all around them. When
the Eaton House boys laid the wreath in front of everyone Miss
Alexandra was very proud. We met the Coldstream Guards. When
the guardsman started to blow his trumpet the bear skin soldier
commanded “Attention!” and then we stayed silent for two minutes.
Everyone bowed their head to remember all the people who risked
their lives fighting for Britain. “We will always remember them,”
announced the guard. In the Second World War when the guns fell
silent the paper work was signed to say the war had ended. There
were crowds on either side of the stone path in the middle towards
the Cenotaph where we walked. I felt sad about the people who died
in the First and Second World Wars. Millions of people did not
return to their families after fighting the war.
Mustafa Cheshti, 2B
ear 3 teachers and many parents took the boys in March to
Stratford to prepare for Green Day and to raise awareness and
excitement in the run up to the Olympics. Those who could ride
a bike brought their bikes or hired one and went on a two hour guided
bike tour of the outskirts of the Olympic site along the canal towpaths
and other off road areas. The non bike riders did organised outdoor fun
activities on the Greenway (a walkway which offers fantastic views of the
main Olympic stadiums) whilst considering the sustainability of the
Olympic Park. A brief introduction of the Park and history of the
Olympics was given and the 3 Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) were
discussed in the context of building all the stadiums. It was a terrific and
fun day out for the boys. Mr Cooke
“It was a bit scary going down the towpaths which were quite narrow. I
kept losing control going over the cobbled humps and thought one time I
was going to fall in but I didn’t. It was really great fun going through the
woods where the anti aircraft guns were in the Second World War to
defend London’s East End factories.” Xan Crasneanscki, 3B
“I loved seeing all the graffiti art along the canals done by Banksy. He’s
really good at doing monster teeth!” Alexander Dyvik-Henke, F3
“My favourite part was cycling over the ‘Flats’ where there are 100 football
pitches in total and where David Beckham played football as a boy.
Maybe because I have ridden over this special place my football might get
better!” Giancarlo Ramirez, 3B
“I thought everything was going to happen in just one stadium until I saw
all of this.” Sam Vara, F3
The Column
loved my trip to Osmington Bay. It is situated right by the sea just
outside Weymouth, in the heart of Dorset. We left Eaton House on
Friday morning on a two and a half hour bus journey where we
played Top Trumps. We arrived at 45 acres of grounds with its own
private beach and cliff top views.
We went towards the dorms inside the chalet and there were two
bunk beds. I slept with my friends, Rollo and Kamran.
There were great outdoor facilities such as abseiling towers and a
football pitch. We visited Isle of Portland where the sailing for the 2012
Olympics will be held.
I did many sports like abseiling, archery, fencing, the great giant
swing, kayaking, rifle shooting, sensory train and football.
I loved the water fights, the midnight feasts and lots of football.
PGL is the best holiday I’ve ever been on and every boy should do it.
Thank you Miss Annabel, Mr Carothers, Miss Clare and Mr Cooke
for taking us.
Pablo Pigorni, 3A
LKG at the London Eye
18 The Column
Memories of Our Time at
Eaton House Belgravia
Year One
I came to Eaton House in April 2010. I was a bit nervous to join a class in the middle
of the year. I remember that Miss Emma taught us for the first week because Miss Emily
was stuck abroad because of the volcanic ash. I also remember that I had extra lessons
with Miss Paige on Tuesdays to catch up on my missed work by joining late.
all pics: Year
3 having fun
at Hill End
finding mini
beasts and
pond dipping
Year Two
I enjoyed Year 2 with Miss Gail who was from South Africa. That Easter I wrote a
project about my trip to South Africa. I drew a squid for the international cookbook.
Year Three
Year 3 was my favourite year and Miss Annabel was my favourite teacher at Eaton
House Belgravia.
I was very proud when I told my mummy on her birthday that I was a monitor!
I really enjoyed Hill End and PGL and will remember it for the rest of my life!
8+ exams were hard work but I was so happy I got into Sussex House. I loved playing
Parents v Kids football and cricket – we won both times!
Our play The Wizard of Oz was great fun and I was so happy my picture was
on the programme and the DVD. I’ve made some great friends at Eaton House
Nico Tomazos, 3A
I started Eaton House Belgravia in September 2008; my teacher was Miss Henrietta.
I remember a school trip to Hampton Court where I had a photo taken with a soldier.
Miss Henrietta always played music at the end of the day, which was fun.
Miss Kate was my form teacher in Year 1. It was a wonderful year! She was a great
teacher. We did a dance in assembly and practised our moves on Friday afternoons.
We all loved this.
My form teacher was Miss Alexandra in Year 2. I remember working very hard.
We went on a farm trip and I discovered by the end of the day that I was allergic to hay;
my eyes were like ping pong balls!
Miss Annabel was my form teacher for Year 3. We worked hard and got through our
8+ exams. We had our play. I was Professor Marvel. Hill End was great and we all
laughed when Patrick fell in the pond! PGL was amazing; I loved every single minute of
it. We played a game during archery, the number you scored and the colour you landed
determined what country you went to and what celebrity you went with. I wanted to
score a double bullseye and go to America with James Bond.
Edward Pagani, 3A
This academic year saw another round of interesting
and thought provoking debates in Year 3. Subjects
ranged from school uniforms and packed lunches
to the benefits of monarchy.
The quality of public speaking was extremely
impressive. The number of boys wanting to
participate was also noteworthy and extremely
In the summer term we hosted the second year of a debating competition with Eaton
Square School. The topic was the Olympic Games, and the motion, ‘The Olympics is a
waste of money’. Rollo Ferguson (3A) and Nico Zezza (3B) spoke superbly on behalf of
Eaton House Belgravia, in what were marvellously well researched pieces. All in all a
very impressive year of debating.
George Gross
The Column
Year 3 Headline Talks
International Day
PC Hicks
Being a Policeman
Father NickLife at St Peter’s Church
Mr Husson
Alison Cork
Mrs El SaieCharity Artwork
Mr VaraMP for North West Cambridgeshire
William HarknessNeurosurgery at GOSH
Jonathan Hirst QC
Treasurer of the Inner Temple
Mr Cheshti
The Territorial Army
Mrs Beddington
The Leonardo da Vinci Exhibition
Mr Macdonald EggersPirates
Mr AznarPrime Minister of Spain, 1996-2004
Mr HurrellAdvertising
2B’s London 2012
Olympic Display
LEFT: Fun at
Mr c’s jedi
training club
Year 3 Visit Number
10 Downing Street
Xan Crasneanscki & Alexander
Clement-Davies (3B) at the talk
by William Harkness, Brain
Surgeon from GOSH
7+ Leavers 2012
Colet Court
St Philip’s 1
Westminster Under
Sussex House
Thomas’s Battersea Westminster Under
Summer Fields
8+ Leavers 2012
Cameron House
Colet Court
Dane’s Hill Eaton House The Manor
Garden House
The Harrodian
Hill House
Northcote Lodge
St Philip’s
20 The Column
Other Events
Returning to Eaton House
left Eaton House Belgravia in 2001 and I did not return until midway
through the Christmas term of this academic year. After a steady 14
years of education I was determined to take a gap year and felt that
Eaton House Belgravia would the perfect place to work after my travels.
On my return this April it struck me immediately how similar the
school was to my cloudy memories. Several teachers who had the
determination and willingness to try to teach me were still at the school
showing how much of a happy place it really is.
Helping with the school’s play, The Wizard of Oz, showed me how
immensely talented the boys are – and also the staff involved. It also
reminded me of being tucked away behind the stage curtain during Joseph
and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat in 2001. As well as the school
play, International Day and many other events have made this term not
only packed full of things to be involved in, but very fast paced.
Summer term at an English school can only mean one thing when it
comes to sport – cricket, almost certainly in the rain, and helping out with
the cricket was something I was looking forward to. Although my sporting
gene didn’t really show itself until after leaving Eaton House, I distinctly
remember playing in Mr Cooke’s D or E teams. Cricket is a sport I have
always enjoyed. The boys’ sporting talent and desire to learn made it all
the easier to coach them.
My time at Eaton House has been a huge amount of fun. I am about to
head off to Bristol University to study History of Art with many more
fond and clear memories of Eaton House Belgravia.
Charles Hirst, Gapper Summer Term 2012
Pupils and staff met at Eaton House, Belgravia for the first Alumni
reunion. The event was well attended and it is hoped that there will
be more in the future.
Kids With The Art Exhibition
he Kids With The Art campaign took place on Monday 12th
December 2011 at Mica Gallery. The purpose was to fight
poverty and we raised £810. Children from Eaton House
Belgravia in Year 3 produced art to help the poor. The people whom
attended were my teacher Miss Clare, Mr Carothers and Miss Annabel.
Some children and their parents also attended. Our Headmistress came
too, she is called Miss Lucy. The atmosphere was calm and exiting and
the evening was a great success – the boys were very proud of their
work. Zayd El-Saie, F3
The Column
Life At Eaton
House The Vale
Eaton House The Vale
Headmaster’s Comment
ost of the current Year 3 class joined Eaton House
The Vale at the same time as me, September 2008,
when I took over as Head. I therefore feel a special
sadness to be saying goodbye to them and their families, as we
have grown together over the past four years into what I feel
is a particularly happy community.
Of course, we have already said goodbye to a number of those
pupils, as they left in the last year or so. We must, of course,
celebrate their successes: from this year group we have already
sent children to Bute House, Wetherby Prep, Colet Court (also to
boarding school or abroad!). Those boys who stayed with us into
Year 3 have done incredibly well, with offers from Westminster
Under, Colet Court, Harrodian, Eaton House The Manor, Sussex
House, Westminster Cathedral Choir School, St Philip’s,
Knightsbridge School and GEMs Hampshire.
It would be remiss of me not to also celebrate the fact that we
have dedicated, knowledgeable and experienced staff who work
tirelessly to prepare the boys and girls for these schools, and indeed
the parents who sweat blood and tears to the same end. All of this
makes Eaton House The Vale a wonderfully successful and happy
place to be.
There is always plenty happening other than exam work, too.
Children have been on various trips over the course of the year, the
local museums being a favourite destination. The final trip of the
year saw the Nursery children spending much of the day at
Gambardo Play Centre in Chelsea, where great fun was had.
Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3 took a trip to Legoland, and I cannot
imagine anyone going there and not enjoying it!
Christmas saw our Nativity production of Born in a Barn at
St Stephen’s, Gloucester Road; these productions always elicit
an “Ahhh” from the parents of the little angels and animals front
of stage. Similarly, the spring term production of Hansel and Gretel…
and Friends? was a great success. The children always impress us
with their ability to deliver on stage and we are all inordinately
proud when they do so!
Finally, this time last year I reported the first Vale baby born to
Miss Jude and her husband Pat, and baby Angus is doing extremely
well and growing fast. This year we have welcomed the second Vale
baby, born to Mrs Rochelle and her husband Paul. Their daughter
Farryn was born on 29th April – congratulations to the family from
all at The Vale!
going through the dinosaur world and were especially excited to see
the life-size T-rex.
Our Fantastic Year!
e have had a wonderfully successful year and continue to
grow from strength to strength thanks to the Nursery’s happy
and cheerful environment.
In the autumn term we looked at the topic ‘All About Me’. Our term
trip was to the Science Museum, where we
further explored the wonderful and interesting
things that our bodies can do. In the second
half of the autumn term we learned about
‘Pets and Vets’. We had Kew Little Pigs visit
us, who are at present the only genuine
breeders of micro pigs in the London area.
The children all enjoyed petting the pigs.
We were very careful not to frighten the pigs,
using quiet voices and gentle hands.
In January we looked at ‘Nursery Rhymes’
and learned about many different festivals. We looked at ‘Dinosaurs’ in the
second half of the spring term. The children loved learning the different
names of the dinosaurs and their different activities. We were very lucky to
have the Animal Man come and entertain us. The children especially
loved holding the tarantula and having the snake lie over their legs.
Our next trip was to the Natural History Museum. The children loved
24 The Column
During the summer term we looked at things ‘In the Garden’. The
children enjoyed learning about insects, birds and animals found in the
garden. They had fun watching the life cycle of a butterfly, with our very
own caterpillars. The whole school went to Kensington Gardens to
release them into the wild. The children also grew their own bean plants
and enjoyed measuring and watering them.
Due to a great interest in transport we
decided to explore this topic in greater detail.
We were very lucky to have the Chelsea Fire
Brigade visit us. They brought a real fire engine
that we were allowed to climb on and learn
about how it works.
Over the year we have had lots of fun doing
music as well as music and movement classes in
the Assembly Hall. The children have also
enjoyed baking every Friday and are always very
happy to be creating, stirring and mixing. The
upper Nursery have been very lucky to have
their mums come in on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to read them
stories, including some in different languages.
It has been a great year. We would like to take this opportunity to wish
all those leaving us best of luck and we look forward to seeing those
coming back with happy smiley faces at the start of the next year.
Miss Sally-Anne and Miss Bridget
The Queen’s Diamond
Jubilee Celebrations
The children held a picnic in Kensington Palace Gardens to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Creative Writing
A Modern Greek Tale
here was once a half mermaid half tiger called Posirus. She had
six eyes on her forehead and lived deep down in a deadly sea.
One day Captain Jerkins, the captain of an enormous Greek ship,
set sail on his voyage with 60 crew in search of this peculiar and rather
revolting creature. As they got closer to Posirus she started shooting
waterproof bombs out of her claws.
The crew panicked and threw everything they could off the boat in
order to sail faster and weigh less. Captain Jerkins was furious and
bellowed ‘Fire’ as Posirus tossed and turned in the air. The men continued
to fire cannons and as the fight continued Captain Jerkins swung the
ship’s anchor into the air and managed to stab Posirus’ skin which meant
the target was now still. After an unexpected blow Posirus fell
unconscious and slept at the bottom of the sea for a century. Captain
Jerkins and his crew sailed back to mainland Greece and Posirus was
never seen again.
Recently there have been reports that Posirus has woken from her sleep
and is terrorising the sea again.
Arman Marti Shahandeh, Form 3, Age 8
blossom by
jack guerin,
form 3
The Golden Ring
n the way to school me and my brother found a golden ring.
I found it in a tree; it was shining like the sun. It had diamonds
and a pink rock in the middle and it was made out of gold. We
were very shocked! I put it on.
We turned out to be on a mysterious planet. The planet was made from
sweets. It was such fun to be there, but then we needed to get home. I
decided to smash the ring and we were back home.
I put it in the bin. What an adventure!
Amirzhan Aldiyar, Form 2, Age 7
26 The Column
the mona lisa by anna osipov, reception
Poetry Week
oetry week is always one of my personal highlights of the school calendar. All the
children were invited to recite a poem to the rest of the school in assembly. The
children could either choose to read their favourite poem or make up their own. As
usual the standard was very high and it was lovely to see so many children reciting their
poems with natural expression.
On Friday we were joined by Mr Peter Rixham, Deputy Head of Eaton House The Manor, to
judge the five finalists. This was a very tricky task but after some deliberation Mr Rixham was
able to announce the winners:
First Place: Jack Guerin – Red Beast
Second Place: Ilya Trofimov – The Lobster Quadrille
Joint Third Place: Sadeen Al Sallal – All My Great Excuses
Oscar Tostivin – Thomas a Tattamus
Charlie Scardino – Bed in Summer
Miss Nadia
polina muhamed
shira, reception
Poetry Competition Final
Nursery: Oscar Tostivin, age 3 – Thomas a Tattamus
Reception: Charlie Scardino, age 5 – Bed in Summer
Form One: Sadeen Al Sallal, age 6 – All My Great Excuses
Form Two: Ilya Trofimov, age 7 – The Lobster Quadrille
Form Three: Jack Guerin, age 8 – Red Beast (self-penned)
Red Beast
Sometimes when I’m angry
Something happens deep inside
I want to go crazy
Or I want to go and hide
Someone lives inside me
I wish he would go away
But I think my red beast
Really really wants to stay
I wish you’d go away
I really really really want to have
Fun today
Go back to sleep
I promised mum good behaviour
And that promise I have to keep
You didn’t think
Go back into my body and
Shrink, shrink, shrink
Now you are so small
Next time I shall see you
Will not be at all!
Jack Guerin, Form 3, Age 8
right: Molly mody, form 2.
below: marmite by
Henry williamson,
form 2
The Mysterious
he day started as normal, it was a warm
sunny day and as usual when I got
home I was starving. I asked mummy
what was for dinner and I gobbled all my food.
After I ate I felt really tired so I went straight to
bed. Suddenly from my window I saw
lightning strike the tree outside.
The tree trunk fell into the river
at the bottom of the garden. Next
I heard thunder and heavy rain fell
from the grey sky and a storm began.
It felt like lightning may strike the
house but eventually I fell asleep.
I woke up early the next morning,
it was a beautiful bright morning but
everything outside was soaking wet. I got
dressed and went to school but something very
strange had happened.
No one was there, no children, no teachers,
no Headmaster.
What could have happened?
Athos Christodoulou, Form 3, Age 8
A Poem About Teeth
I eat food with a fork and knife
My teeth are really delicate
Because if you break them
They don’t grow back
If you don’t brush them
They will turn yellow and black
And you cannot eat a snack.
Sophia Christodoulou, Year 2, Age 7
The Column
ith London hosting the Olympics
in 2012, the school’s sporting year
has had a slight ‘countdown’ feel to
it, even more so in the summer term. In honour
of the Olympics the children have tried out a
wider variety of games this year. Many Olympic
sports have been covered to some capacity,
notably the incorporation of our very own
Year 3 Decathlon prior to Sports Day.
Early Years Physical Development
The Early Years children have constantly been
developing their basic movement competence;
more specifically their agility, sense of balance
and all-round coordination. They have done
this through directed and spontaneous play, as
well as more structured games and activities.
In gym lessons the Nursery children have
frequently had the freedom and encouragement
to engage in different ways of moving and
navigating climbing apparatus. This has
enabled them to become more spatially aware
as well as learn various body movements. Along
with Reception, the children have been able to
develop their hand and foot-eye coordination
with the accessibility of a range of sporting
equipment. I am very pleased and impressed at
the progress they have made, notably how the
vast majority can now walk along the balance
beam unaided. Some can even turn around!
Autumn and Spring Terms
Forms Two and Three started off the school
year learning how to apply their throwing and
catching skills to the games of netball and
basketball. They worked in pairs and small
groups to develop their skills. By the end of
term several children were able to demonstrate
effective pass and move skills in game
In addition to netball and basketball, the
children spent the term honing their football
skills in a range of activities and challenges.
Playing in smaller spaces in teams of two or
three ensures every child is actively involved in
the game, thus developing their footwork.
Midway through the autumn, Form 1 joined in
the football sessions which allowed them to
freely develop their ball control before adding
the pressure of attack and defend. With further
practice and understanding, the children should
start to work more cooperatively with other
team members.
Spring saw more football action as well as
the return of the hockey season. Whilst the
youngest pupils were learning to hold a stick
correctly (not always straightforward!) and
carefully steer the ball, the eldest were working
on the accuracy of their passing and shooting as
well as transferring their pass and move skills
from netball into hockey mini-games.
Summer Term
The children began the final term of the year
exploring their athletic capabilities, such as
how to use different body parts to help them
move faster and more fluidly, thus developing
running techniques. The children have also
worked on jumping techniques, starting and
stopping, and changing pace and direction.
In addition to the Olympic athletic euphoria,
the summer sees the return of the bat and ball
games. The children have worked on their
throwing and catching skills, primarily using
tennis balls. There was a temptation to use
either eggs or water-balloons to help the
children learn how to cushion the ball whilst
Sports Relief
n a very hot afternoon in late March, a hoard of children from
Eaton House The Vale rolled into Battersea Park with lots of
colourful outfits and a coachful of scooters. We sold the official
Sport Relief sweatbands and charged £1 to come in fancy dress. An hour
or so later, we had lots of worn out kids with bright red faces. As a reward
one kind parent donated a giant tub of Haribo for the children to share.
Since the children were doing an event, I felt it was only fair that
I ran in my local Sports Relief 6 Mile as well. I managed it in just
under 45 minutes. I managed to raise £300 to add to our school total,
so a big thanks to all those that were kind enough to sponsor me.
In total we raised £1300.
A gigantic WELL DONE to all! Matthew Gillett
28 The Column
catching; however we decided against it
because it could prove too costly and definitely
too messy! As well as tidy catching and
accurate throwing, the children have been
applying their striking skills in tennis, cricket
and rounders-style activities.
This year has been the first time that I have
had the opportunity to teach swimming to the
children. To me, swimming is not just a sport, it
is an important life skill. Despite each class
having only one term’s worth of lessons, I have
been delighted with the progress the children
have made. Some children have improved their
water confidence and learned to put their face
under water. Others have managed to get their
feet off the floor to kick at the surface or start
to swim without aids. The more able children
have improved the efficiency of their leg and
arm actions and are learning to breathe at
regular intervals. Hopefully when they next
have lessons with me they will have continued
to improve with lots of practice outside of
school. I look forward to seeing these
improvements next year.
Matthew Gillett
ennis at Eaton House The Vale this
term has been fantastic! All the
children have improved their
forehands, backhands, volleys and serves as well
as learning how to rally and play points. A
special mention for Timmy Porte, Iggy Pecoraro
and Kynan Tallec-Botos who have all played
some awesome tennis this term. Also well done
to Jack Guerin for competing in an LTA
tournament. I am looking forward to seeing
some more great tennis next term.
Mr Ryan Britto, Tennis Coach
Sports Day
ports Day was held at Battersea Park Millennium Stadium. The sunshine fought its way
through the clouds to give us another sunny event.
With the Olympics approaching, we wanted to do a themed Sports Day. Head Boy Aramis
Marti Shahandeh led the school out, holding aloft our Olympic torch, to ‘Chariots of Fire’. Every
race related to either an Olympic event or sport, from a Show Jumping race to a Synchronized
Swimming race.
It was wonderful to see all the children put their efforts into every race in which they
participated. My congratulations to Victor Ludorum winner Jack Guerin for winning Form 3’s
Decathlon, and Cesar Brandl for winning the Athletics Cup. A big thank you goes to Mrs Shahandeh
for presenting the prizes. Mr Gillett
The Column
Drama & Music
ur Nativity production for Christmas 2011 was Born
in a Barn, performed in St Stephen’s Church, Gloucester
Road, on the 14th December. The performance was
splendid and the angels looked entirely angelic!
Mr Greenwood
ur violin teacher, Mrs Annabelle, and our piano teacher, Mr
Jones, have continued to work hard with the boys and girls this
year on their instruments.
It has been lovely to walk into the Hall or the Library and find pupils
concentrating hard on their pieces and I look forward to building up the
instrumental players over the years.
Mr Greenwood
am very pleased to report that Eaton House The Vale has many
aspiring young violinists, which definitely enhances the diverse and
creative nature of the school. The children are all very receptive and
interested, which is a great reflection of the general ethos of the school
and gives them a good insight into the general mechanics of learning to
play a musical instrument and will give them a good advantage in their
continuing educational process.
Mrs Annabelle, violin teacher
30 The Column
Hansel and Gretel – and Friends?
ur musical this spring was a mix of two traditional tales – Hansel
and Gretel, and The Three Little Pigs. Thanks to Ms Hassan for
painting a great backdrop, and to all parents for their help
with words and costumes. The children are always amazing at learning
the words and the songs; the older children generally take the bigger
speaking roles, and we find ourselves watching budding actors and
actresses on stage each year. Everyone played their part extremely
well this year, but a special mention to Arseny Osipov who took the
reasonably small role of the Big Bad Wolf and turned it into something
entirely his own. Fantastic acting! Mr Greenwood
his year the Eaton House The Vale Charity Committee decided to support
a small charity called ELIFAR (Every Life Is For A Reason) which aims to
help improve the quality of life of profoundly disabled children and
young adults.
The first event organised was a surprise visit from Father Christmas.
He had an action packed day meeting children in his grotto, whilst his helpers
(the charity committee) set up a wonderful workshop full of Christmas arts
and crafts. A very special thank you to Mr Mody and Mr Duncan. Our annual
charity calendar was also sold at this event and was very popular with
parents and children.
The next event was a dinner for the parents which took place in the
Easter term. The evening was called ‘The Veil Night’ and had a Middle Eastern
theme. We were joined by a ‘mixologist’ who produced some very exotic
cocktails which complemented the delicious Middle Eastern food. The event
is an important date in the social calendar and a great opportunity for
parents to socialise.
The last event of the year was a ‘cinema night’. The children were able
to stay after school and watch one of their favourite films on the interactive
white board. The afternoon would not have been complete without popcorn
and a selection of drinks and sandwiches!
As ever, I am incredibly grateful for the time and effort the charity
committee put into making every event an enormous success. I’d like to say
a special thank you to three founding members of the committee who will
be leaving this year, Mrs Christodoulou, Mrs Guerin and Mrs Marti Shahandeh;
they will be sorely missed and we hope they will be able to join us as guests
at some of the events next year!
Miss Nadia
Vale Charity Committee 2012
From Left to Right: Mrs Guerin, Miss Nadia, Mrs
Christodoulou, Mrs Duncan, Mrs Gharbawi, Mrs
Shahandeh (rear), Mrs Mody (front), Mrs Pauwels
The Column
Clubs & Trips
Animal Man Visit
Easter Bonnet Parade
Each Easter, we ask children to make an Easter Hat of some sort. The creativity
is always wonderful to see.
Form 3’s Residential
Trip to Hill End,
n Monday 28th May Form 3 joined
the Form 3 children from Eaton
House Belgravia on their annual trip
to Hill End.
The journey was quite long and we were
very pleased when we finally arrived. We
went to our dormitory which was called
‘Robinsons’ and we unpacked our bags.
We had a fantastic time, we learnt how to
pond dip, bug hunt and field sketch. Our
favourite part was finding a pond skater and
some newts in the pond. We had a delicious
dinner and then played some games and sang
around the camp fire before bed time. The
teachers let us have a midnight snack which
was brilliant.
The next day after breakfast we went on
a nature walk to the creek and did some wall
climbing. Before we knew it, it was time
to go back to school. We had such a lovely
time and wished we could stay for just one
more night.
Form 3
32 The Column
he Nursery and Reception had a special visit
from the Animal Man in February. He let us
all meet Millie the millipede, Tuesday the
tortoise, Sid the spider, Minton the snail, Shelia the
bearded dragon, Bingo the owl, Spike the hedgehog,
Mischief the meerkat, Fang the Chinchilla, Domino
the skunk and Bully the snake. We got to hold and
stroke the animals, have the meerkat stand on our
back, have a bearded dragon sit on our heads, and owl
sit on our arms, and even have Snake slither over our
legs! Miss Bridget, Miss Sally-Anne and Mrs Rochelle
Library Trips
his term the Nursery children have been going
on trips to the Chelsea Library. We have taken
the school coach to the library and our mummies
and nannies have been our helpers. The children learnt
the rules about being in a library. We learnt to whisper,
be careful with the books, and to walk around carefully.
The children all got their own library cards and choose
a new book every three weeks. We all enjoyed reading
lots of books with our friends and the librarians.
Miss Bridget
and Albert
Form 2 visited the
Victoria and Albert
Museum. Timmy
Porte looks tiny
next to a vase!
World Book Day
n the 1st of March Eaton House The Vale celebrated World
Book Day. The children dressed up as their favourite
characters with a variety of wonderful outfits. We were lucky
enough to be visited by children’s author Mrs Lotte Moore who read
a selection of her books to the children. The children asked some very
thoughtful questions about being an author and enjoyed listening to
her stories. Form 3 were set a challenge of writing and illustrating
their own books, which Mrs Moore will judge at the end of the
summer term. Miss Nadia
Mrs Lotte
Moore, a
writer, came
to school to
read to the
children from
a number of
her books,
which pupils
were then able
to purchase.
The Column
Clubs & Trips
Art Club
This year art club has been lots of fun! We
started off small and have now grown to a
large group of 18 children. We have enjoyed
painting, modelling, collaging, drawing and
much much more! The children are always
very enthusiastic and excited to find out
what they will be making every time. It has
been great to see the children persevering
when there is a challenging task at hand.
Miss Sally-Anne
African Drumming
We were fortunate to have an afternoon of African Drumming in the spring term. Reception and
Form 1 children learnt about African drums and rhythms and performed for the older children.
Nursery Natural History Museum Trip
uring the spring term the Nursery
looked at dinosaurs. We had a
wonderful morning at the Natural
History Museum. The children had an interesting
look at the dinosaurs and looked forward to
seeing the ‘real T-rex’ at the end of their walk
through dinosaur world. They were all so brave!
We then went onto the mammal section of the
museum, where we looked at real life-size animals
from all over the world. Creepy crawlies were last
on our list. The children enjoyed looking closely
at spiders and millipedes through magnifying
glasses. They loved seeing where earthworms live
and how termites build their huge earth mounds.
What an exciting trip to the museum!
Miss Sally-Anne and Miss Bridget
Chess Club
Chess club this year has been a huge
success, with 18 pupils in the summer
term. The larger of the two groups has been
populated by the more experienced players,
all of whom can now play full games. We
have been learning about castling queenside
and kingside, the ‘en passant’ pawn move,
and using chess notation to record matches.
There have been some impressive play with
a few games reaching checkmate in very
few moves! Mr Greenwood
Cooking Club
This year in cooking club the children have
learnt about hygiene, safety and cooking
methods in class. They have also made a
cook book and added their recipes to it
each lesson. Among the delicious treats
this year the children’s favourites where
pizzas, banoffee pie, cinnamon scrolls and
muffins and biscuits. We made some of
Miss Bridget’s New Zealand recipes, making
lolly log and Afghan biscuits. It has been a
successful and tasty club. Miss Bridget
34 The Column
Leavers 2012
Arman Marti Colet Court
Aramis Marti Colet Court
Suliman Al SallalEaton House
The Manor
Arseny OsipovHarrodian
Iggy PecoraroHarrodian
Athos Christodoulou
Cathedral Choir
Jack Guerin
Cathedral Choir
Yaroslav KrasnovLVS Ascot
Molly Mody
Bute House
Chloe MartinezHill House
Sophia Christodoulou Knightsbridge
Eaton House The Manor Nursery
Headmistress’ Comment
s we head quickly towards the end of the academic year, I am looking back with a huge
amount of pride. The children have worked, played and created an enormous amount of
display, topic and written work. One of my favourite memories of the year has to be our very
impressive Jubilee Tea Party. The children were amazed and entertained by the bunting, balloons
and of course Mr Twizzle! The Nursery has been full of glorious red white and blue bunting, pompoms
and Olympic torches. These were paraded beautifully around the Common on Sports Day by our mini
Olympians. The rain held off long enough for the afternoon to be a runaway success with many
mummies and daddies having a go at winning a race too!
After a little gentle persuasion we held our first ever Nursery social event and fundraiser, in the form
of a quiz night. The evening raised money to purchase a large piece of playground equipment and give
money to two charities, the Ace of Clubs and Elifar. The children’s work, leavers t-shirts and a photo
montage were all on display, reminding everyone how special the Nursery is. Thank you to everyone
who supported the event.
All of the Nursery staff would like to wish the oldest children good luck at their next schools.
The Column
Blue Room
e’ve had a fun filled year in the Blue Room, making lots
of new friends along the way. In the autumn term we
became jungle explorers and learnt about ‘Animals of the
Rainforest’, meeting some cheeky monkeys and spotty leopards in
our midst. After half term we turned the Blue Room into a ‘Winter
Wonderland’ with beautifully sparkling trees, stockings and reindeer.
We had lots of fun practicing our Christmas performance of Humph
the Camel and the Tuesday/Thursday class became mini Santa
Clauses for their splendid performance of ‘When Santa Got Stuck
Up The Chimney’ and ‘Twinkle Twinkle’. Mr Twizzle came to see us
and gave us all magic wands, and we even had a visit from Father
Christmas – delivering some yummy chocolate treats!
Spring term saw the first Blue Room class attending five mornings
a week and wow what a busy time we had! The children settled
brilliantly into the new routine and we had such fun creating plate
faces, life size portraits and learning about our families and favourite
things in ‘All About Me’. For the second half of the term we
explored different textures and made some colourful tulips with our
hands. We looked at ‘Spring’ and made some very cute fluffy
bunnies, blossom trees and Easter chicks. Our outdoor space was
decorated with beautiful bunting made by the children and all our
lovely work created some stunning displays.
The summer term began with lots of exciting Jubilee celebrations
including making our own Jubilee crowns to wear and doing some
delicious cooking. We joined the whole school for a big Jubilee
picnic; the school looked amazing with big balloons and bunting!
We made lots of home to school links through Show and Tell and
made a lovely Fathers’ Day card to take home to our daddies! We
went on a Big Toddle on the common to raise money for Barnardo’s
and we enjoyed lots of special activities at the Summer Fête and of
course got our faces
red fish by archie
Miss Laura
blue room
& Miss Emily
feather bird by jeffrey mierzwowicz singh, blue room
Rainbow Room
he Rainbow class have been super busy this summer term. It
started out wet but the children still enjoyed lots of splish
splashing outside and singing to the sound of rain! They loved
learning about the topic ‘London’ and having fun playing in the
Buckingham Palace home corner. We talked lots about the Queen and
everyone painted a lovely picture of her and her sparkly palace! The
Jubilee party was fantastic and everyone looked amazing in the crowns
they made. Our trip to the Transport Museum was great and the children
loved exploring everything. The term finished with the topic ‘Down By
The Seaside’ and our classroom was full of lovely art work. It was a
pleasure teaching the Rainbow Room children and I wish them all lots of
luck as they move to big school!
Miss Georgina
sports day
above: tree by willoughby peel, yellow room
top right: nursery children on their farm trip
right: soldier by ella apponyi, yellow room
he autumn term in the Yellow Room
was a very busy one. Our first topic
was ‘People Who Help Us’ and we
had Sergeant Steve Dawson come and talk
to us about the police and show us his
uniform and his car. Everyone enjoyed this
visit very much. After half term we looked at
‘Festivals’. Miss Sarah brought in some
yummy snacks to celebrate Divali and we
looked at the story of Rama and Sita. The
children really enjoyed doing splatter
painting outside to make our Bonfire Night
display. We finished our happy term with our
nativity, Humph the Camel.
The Yellow Room enjoyed a very happy,
sunny spring term. We looked at ‘Shapes and
Colours’ and filled the room with lots of
topic activities. The children took great
pride coming in wearing their favourite
colour and bringing in a red snack.
After the half term break the children
enjoyed learning about ‘Spring Animals’ and
then seeing them on the farm trip. They
loved the baby piglets and the sun smiled on
us all morning. Our busy term ended with a
fun Easter party and a happy egg hunt.
The whole Nursery looked at ‘London’ in
the summer for their topic, which meant
that we shared lots of lovely activities. We
celebrated the Jubilee with a fun lunch on
the forecourt with the whole school and a
visit from Mr Twizzle! The children have all
grown this term in many different ways and
Miss Charlie and Miss Gabi are thrilled.
Miss Gabi
The Column
ABOVE: Green room children show off
their masks
Below: colourful giraffe by annabel
behrens, green room
38 The Column
Green Room
he Green Room got stuck into their
topic of ‘Pirates and Princesses’,
learning all about life at sea! The
children delighted in our trip to the Golden
Hinde and really enjoyed working the
canons and opening a real treasure chest!
We had fun exploring different colours
and tools when making our Valentine heart
mobiles and were spoilt for choice when
choosing which delicious cakes to buy at our
Valentine Cake Sale. After half term we
were finding out about all the baby animals
born in spring time and the birds which
migrate. We went netting in the pond and
planted flowers in the garden.
The Green Room really loved having
their mummies and daddies read to the class
or come in to chat about what they do at
work. After a break over Easter we went
straight into celebrating all that is ‘London’!
The Green Room created amazing displays
of London buses, guards and portraits of the
Queen. The room was a sea of red, white
and blue!
Good luck to the Green Room children,
come back and visit us soon!
Miss Sarah, Miss Elizabeth and Miss Roosha
TOP: glittery masquerade mask by nancy
mcdonogh, green room
ABOVE: Aeroplane by alex bogers, green room
BELOW: The queen by Tilly malcolm, green room
Life at Eaton House
The Manor Pre-Prep
Eaton House The Manor Pre-Prep
Headmistress’ Comment
t’s been another smashing year at Eaton House The Manor Pre-Prep; the boys continue to tackle everything that they do
with boundless enthusiasm. There have been so many highlights that it is always difficult to limit ourselves to picking out
just a few. I hope you get a sense of the ethos of the school from the following examples of the boys’ work and activities.
The emphasis is very much on maximum participation, with the boys taking part in everything on offer.
Games and music are both very strong aspects of the curriculum and the boys reach very high standards. The excellent
skills taught in Kindergarten and Year 1 are put to good use when the boys move into Year 2 and Year 3 and take part in
numerous sporting matches against other schools. And they demonstrate their musical prowess in Choir, Singers or Ensemble
performances. It will be hard for Mr Barnes and Miss Jane to improve on this year’s fantastic Sports Day and music concerts.
We offer such a rich and varied curriculum and the boys have every opportunity to reach their full potential. The class and
subject teachers make lessons challenging but also enormous fun. It is lovely seeing the boys enjoying all their learning
opportunities and also receiving lots of House Points for outstanding work.
Our Houses are a really important part of the structure of the school. The Arundel, Balmoral, Stirling and Windsor House
Masters and House Mistresses encourage the boys to do their very best, whether it’s in a House Competition or for their
individual House Points. We have some really fun competitions too.
The House Masters and Mistresses are always there to support the boys in all aspects of school life. Teamwork has been
particularly strong in the Pre-Prep, this year and the Year 3 boys have been fantastic ambassadors for the school. They are
wonderfully responsible and helpful boys, with lots of talent and a great sense of fun.
It is always sad to see boys moving on from our school but we know that they will make the most of all that they have
experienced and achieved at Eaton House The Manor Pre-Prep.
40 The Column
House Reports
House Master: Mr Barnes
House Master: Mr Honey
House Staff: Miss Lucy, Miss Jenny, Miss Rebecca, Miss Jo
House Staff: Miss Helena, Miss India, Miss Hayley, Miss Lauren,
and Mr Marot
Miss Anouska, Miss Naomie and Miss Jude
he boys have had another fabulous year, with all year groups
working extremely hard in their classrooms, in the theatre and
on the sports field.
In the autumn our first event was the Junior Inter-House Football.
The team was lead superbly by Evan Haigh and House Deputy
William Hunt and we finished on 27 points, just 5 behind Windsor.
The Inter-House Cricket took place late in the term, which gave
t seems like just yesterday that I was welcoming the new KG boys to
Balmoral. The year has gone so quickly and we have done so much!
We started off the academic year winning the House Board
Competition. We did not win the Inter-House Poetry Competition, but
performed with great confidence and enthusiasm.
In House Singing this year Miss Helena came up with the song ‘It’s A
Hard Knock Life’ for us to do. I have never seen the boys learn their
all teams the opportunity to hone their skills. The two semi-finals
lines so quickly and efficiently. They really seemed to love singing this
were Arundel v Windsor and Balmoral v Stirling, with Arundel
song! On the big day, clad in our pyjamas, we were beaten into second
winning their semi final and Balmoral winning theirs, the final was
place by Windsor.
between Arundel and Balmoral. It all came down to the last over
In the summer term we experienced a whole new sensation – EHTM
of the game and with Arundel taking more wickets that was enough
Pre-Prep Has Got Talent. And what a success it was! It was brilliant to
to win the game by seven runs. Well done boys for playing to the end
see all the acts, including those from other Houses, and I’m sure
of the match.
everyone would agree that it was terrific entertainment.
With Sports Day another main focus for the boys, I was really
We have been superb in the sports competitions this year. We won
proud of their magnificent effort throughout the morning. For me
both Junior and Senior Football Tournaments. In the Senior Inter-House
and the outgoing Year 3 boys, a very important competition was to
Hockey, which every boy in Year 3 took part in, we could not repeat our
defend their Tug of War title. In the final we came up against a very
performance on the football pitch and came fourth, but we were first in
committed Stirling team and what an epic battle it was. In the third
Inter-House Rugby and second in Inter-House Basketball and scored
round the Arundel boys were able to muster enough energy to win
several first places in Cross-Country, winning the Three Trees Run.
two sets to one – brilliant!
Our big team sports competition in the summer term was the Senior
Good luck to all my Year 3 boys and huge thanks must go to my
Inter-House Cricket. Unfortunately, we just got pipped at the post by
House Captain, James Tobin, and Deputy House Captain, William
Arundel in the very last over of the final and had to settle for second
Hunt. Very big thanks should also go to Miss Lucy, Miss Jenny, Miss
place this time.
Rebecca, Miss Jo and Mr Marot for all their hard work throughout
Our hard work was rewarded when we won the House Cup in autumn
the term.
and spring. Two out of three for the year is pretty good work! Thank you
Mr Barnes
to Felix Majumdar, a first rate House Captain and Reece Impey, who was
promoted to Deputy House Captain last term after Thomas Broome
sadly left. And thank you to the wonderful Balmoral staff team; you are
all amazing!
Mr Honey
The Column
House Reports
House Mistress: Miss Jane
House Mistress: Miss Caroline
House Staff: Miss Charlotte, Miss Clara, Miss Katie, Miss Kerry
House Staff: Miss Raquel, Mr Chambers, Miss Lorraine, Miss Liz
and Mr Cassell
and Miss Sophia
his has certainly been an exciting year for Stirling! With so many
things to write about, what I am most proud of is the camaraderie
amongst the boys. Our Year 3 boys have done an excellent job of
t is with a feeling of pride that I reflect on Windsor’s achievements.
It has been a year in which we have won many of the major
competitions; we came first in the House Singing, first in the House
‘mentoring’ the KGs, and there is a true feeling of mutual respect, and for
Talent, and first at Sports Day. This term, we also took first place in the
this I am very proud of each and every Stirling boy.
House Swimming.
Stirling took the House Cup this term – finally breaking through from
Every boy in Windsor must be congratulated on his contribution to
winning second place the previous two terms. It was a superb effort from
Sports Day. Our victory was down to lots of hard work and dedication
all the boys – every House Point counts! We came first in the House
from the Windsor boys. I was very proud watching the races. Well done
Board Competition in both the autumn and the summer terms – the
to all the boys for their sporting achievements throughout the year.
creativity of Stirling families never ceases to amaze me!
Stirling had another first with the Poetry Competition – wonderfully
represented by Jamie Montague-Davie (KG2), Luke Fox (1C), both of
whom finished first in their category, along with Paddy Smith (2C) and
Rory McNair (3A) – we will never forget Rory’s toilet seat prop!
On the sporting front, we have shown our ‘true blue’ colours winning
In the House Singing Competition, every boy in Windsor sang our
winning rendition of ‘Let’s Go Fly A Kite.’ For me, it was our greatest
victory as we had stiff competition from the other three houses!
Congratulations should go to the boys who took part in the Talent
Competition too. It was a tricky choice for the teachers to decide who
should go through to the final. However, we clearly chose well as we
the gold in Hockey, Basketball and Senior Cross-Country. In addition,
took first place. Thank you to all the boys who took part, and to their
Stirling ran a very close second in Senior Football, Junior Football,
parents who helped so much with the preparations.
Rugby, Junior Cross-Country and Swimming.
Sports Day brought, as Mr Russell described, “the best tug of war
I would like to thank all the Windsor House staff – Miss Raquel,
Mr Chambers, Miss Lorraine, Miss Liz and Miss Sophia – for all their
competition” that he has seen at the Manor Pre-Prep, between Stirling
support over this year, and previous years. All our excellent results really
and Arundel. Despite a Herculean effort, we lost the final tug. Excitingly,
are a combination of effort from the boys and staff.
our own Joshua Amoako (3C) was crowned Victor Ludorum.
My very best goes to Max Phillipson (3C) who has been an
I would also like to say a big thank you to our House Captain, Oliver
How, and Deputy House Captain, Charlie Grimstone. They have
outstanding House Captain and stellar role-model for all the boys.
shown the House how Windsor boys should represent themselves, by
Thanks as well goes to George Sage (3C) who has done a fantastic job as
collecting lots of House Points and not losing golden time. I wish all the
Deputy House Captain. I do consider them “the best double act in town”,
boys leaving Windsor House all the best in their future Houses.
and couldn’t have asked for better support. I would also like to thank
It is also my turn to say goodbye to Windsor, and I have no doubt my
the rest of the amazing Year 3 boys for coming up trumps in every way,
successor will continue with the hard work and dedication to the House
time and time again. Best of luck in your new schools!
which Windsor so deserves. Well done to everyone for a fantastic and
As always, I thank my colleagues Misses Charlotte, Clara, Katie,
Philippa and Kerry, and Mr Cassell for all their support. Miss Jane
42 The Column
memorable year.
Miss Caroline
hat another super year, fun and action packed. I can’t believe that I have just finished my third Sports Day. With another Year 3 group
leaving our school, I would like to wish them all the best for their new start in their Prep schools. They really have been a great year
group and I will miss their ‘never say die’ attitude and humour.
All boys have played their part in making this year a very successful one. There have been football tournaments, rugby matches, cross-country
races, swimming galas and cricket matches. Well done to all the boys for their brilliant effort throughout the year.
ootball again was one of the highlights in the school calendar.
The Year 3. boys played some brilliant football at times and were
very unlucky not to have won a lot more games than they did.
They played in numerous tournaments which included Sunningdale,
Summer Fields, Alleyn’s, Finton House and Adams Memorial Cup. A
highlight of the Autumn term was the B team winning the Wandsworth
U8 Prep festival in November. The team consisted of William Hunt, Hal
Butler, Rory McNair Lucas Jones, Alex Donkersloot and Evan Haigh.
The boys have experienced some excellent triumphs and some near
misses throughout the autumn term. There have been some excellent
contributions to the Under 8 squad from Nicholas Lewey, Gus Jancic,
Felix Majumdar, Alex Miyake and James Tobin, just to name a few. I can
really see these boys making further progress next term in the Prep.
The Under 7 football squad had a superb term featuring in a few
tournaments that included Garden House, finishing third overall out of
16 teams and winning the Wandsworth Prep Schools’ U7’s football
tournament. In this tournament the boys played some of the best football
I have seen since teaching at EHTM. The team of Robert Sloan,
William Thariyan, Oscar Turpin, Alexander Smellie, Nico Dykes,
Charlie Edwards and Alex Squire will be a real force next year. There are
many other boys who have shown great promise for next year: Treve
Ninnes; Angus Firth; Edward Middleton; the Evans boys and many more.
In our annual EHTM vs Belgravia match the whole year group got to
play in this very important fixture. I am thrilled to say that this year was
very successful for the Pre-Prep team with them winning all matches
against Eaton House Belgravia. The boys have shown enormous promise
throughout squad training and games days. I am looking forward to
following their success next year.
The Under 6 boys played only a handful of matches but a number of
them really shone in their first term of football. Some names to look out
for next year will be Oscar Quinton, Sebastian Cederwell, Zac Crowther,
Max Williamson, Harry Waight and Alex McDermott!
Mr Barmes
The Column
his year’s Inter-House
Cross-Country was a real
show piece. The Inter-
House competition was fierce with
some very exciting races. In the
KGs Julius Wentrup was the main
contender but he did not have it all
his own way with Adam Poliakov,
Hugo Turpin and Friedrich
Pleschiutschnig all running
exceptional races. Julius, however,
came a clear first on the day.
The Year 1 race had its dramas, with the race favourite, Zac Crowther,
falling at the start and giving his opposition a 100 metre start. By the last
turn Zac had made the 100 metres up and had just enough strength to
finish first, beating Jack Keppel, Luke Rosati and Sebastian Cederwell.
Year 2 had all the makings of a super race. There were many favourites.
The race started off with many of the boys jostling for positions and in
with a chance of winning. On the final turn it was a race between Robert
am very excited by the cricket played by the boys this year. Both Year
2 and Year 3 have really played brilliant cricket and have been
rewarded with some well-deserved victories. The bowling has been
a real feature for the boys; they have spent hours improving their skills
and this has really shown throughout their matches. The out fielding has
shown great improvement as well; their catching, throwing and backing
up has created a lot of opportunities to take wickets.
The Under 7 squad have had some amazing results against Merlin
School, Finton House, Garden House, Belgravia and Falcon Boys. There
has been an abundance of talent across the whole year and I am looking
forward to next summer term.
The Under 8 boys have really found their sport and the cricket that
they played was outstanding. They played in the Ashdown House
Cricket Tournament and came second out of 12 teams, which was a
brilliant result. Some notable players were Nicholas Lewey, James Tobin,
Oliver How and Gus Jancic.
The rest of the term we played Finton House, Garden House, Merlin
School, Westminster Under School, Eaton House Belgravia and Eaton
Square. This latter is our annual Saturday morning fixture at Battersea
Park. We won this game, scoring 199 runs to Eaton Square’s 138. It was a
very comprehensive victory with all team members contributing to the
win: Lucas Jones, Oliver How, Oscar Peters, Evan Haigh, James Tobin,
Gus Jancic, Felix Majumdar, William Hunt and Rory McNair. It was a
super effort, boys. Other boys who have caught my eye were Alex King,
Alex Donkersloot, George Sage, Hal Butler, Max Phillipson, Wilf Inglis,
Leo Sinclair and Ollie Trill.
Well done boys on a tremendous term’s cricket.
Mr Barnes
44 The Column
Sloan and Charlie Edwards and at the finish line Robert Sloan edged out
Charlie Edwards by the smallest of margins.
Year 3 turned out to be a two-man race, with Thomas Broome and
Lucas Jones battling out for the entire 2.3km run. In the final straight the
boys were going neck and neck but Thomas held on for a truly memorable
victory. Mr Barnes
he spring term is always an exciting term as the boys get to
play rugby! As ever the boys are always very keen to do well
and the squad numbers have never been as high. Throughout
the course of the term both U7 and U8 squads have really made great
progress with their skills, which will pay off in next year’s matches.
The Under 8 boys played some very exciting matches against Finton
House and Eaton Square. Of these fixture the boys won 2-3 against
Finton House and won 3-3 against Eaton Square. Unfortunately not
that many schools play tag rugby but I am very pleased with the way
our teams fared. Mr Barnes
Sports Day
he parents were at the Millennium Stadium in huge numbers to support their boys and the boys didn’t let them down. All tried their very
best and did their Houses proud. The Year Three 80m sprint was a show down between Oliver How and Joshua Amoako, with Oliver How
winning by the smallest of margins. The Tug of War final was a great battle between Arundel and Stirling with Arundel winning two to
one. Congratulations to Joshua Amoako, winner of the Victor Ludorum and the winning House, Arundel. Mr Barnes
KGs 50m
Julius Wentrup (Arundel)
1s 60mZac Crowther (Balmoral)
2s 70mCharlie Edwards (Balmoral)
3s 80mOliver How (Windsor)
1s Long JumpSebastian Cederwell (Stirling)
2s Long JumpCharlie Edwards (Balmoral)
3s Long JumpOliver How (Windsor)
KG1Leo Ferrer-Coe
KG2Max Reeve
KG3Hugo Turpin
1AHarry Waight
1BMilo Darley
1CZac Crowther
2ASam Kenny
2BMoritz Pleschiutschnig
2CPaddy Smith
3AZach Daeschner-Dawson
3BAlexander Senior
Joshua Amoako
Tug of WarArundel
Junior Relay A
Junior Relay B
Senior Relay AStirling
Senior Relay B
Victor Ludorum
Joshua Amoako
The Column
Creative Writing
Left: elmer the elephant by bryn bond, kg2
Above: modes of transport: helicopter by matt buxton, kg1
The Sound
A stranger called this morning
Dressed all in black and grey
Took every sound and carried them away
The pound of the drum
The frizzle of the frying pan
The quack of a duck
The footsteps of a man
The creak of a door
The whack of a punch
The buzz of a bee
The munching of eating my lunch
A stranger called this morning,
Dressed in black and grey
Took every sound and carried them away!
Edward Fitzpatrick, 3A
and the
at the
ne sunny morning in June it was Gus’
birthday. Gus, Gloria and Mr Gaskitt
decided to go to the zoo.
Just then a rhinoceros cleverly escaped his
cage using his strong horns! He went charging
towards the gates as he went!
They ran toward the keeper. They told him
about it. They were all scared. They talked
about how to catch the rhino. They made
a plan. It was an interesting plan. They
hoped it would work. “Fingers crossed,” said
Gus and Gloria.
And it worked. They made a trail of food
back to the rhino’s cage which the rhino
followed. Gus and Gloria were so happy because
they were safe at last. Finally, they went home.
They never expected to have such an exciting
day at the zoo!
Nicholas Stewart-Smith, Edward Whitbread,
Arjan Chawla, Cameron Langdon
here once was a girl called Lucy who went to a fair. She wanted a balloon and it was for sale. Then a lady came and she
gave Lucy a balloon but just then she started to cry. The lady said, “What’s wrong?” and Lucy said, “I want all the
balloons.” The kind lady gave Lucy all the balloons and Lucy went to show her Dad. There were so many balloons that
Lucy flew up into the sky. Luckily, someone had an arrow that they pointed at Lucy’s balloons and shot all the balloons. The
balloons burst, Lucy came down and they all went home for supper.
Thomas Caterall, 1C
46 The Column
by george
sage, 3c
and sam
3A (right)
The Runaway Cake
nce upon a time there was a dog and a cat. They lived in
a very big house by the sea. Early one morning the dog
made a big cake. He mixed all the ingredients together.
Then he put the cake in the hot oven.
First the cat opened the hot oven and out jumped the big cake.
He ran down the long road. Next he met a fat bear. The bear said
“Stop, stop, I want to eat you for my tea.” But the cake didn’t stop.
Suddenly he came to a very tall wall. He didn’t know how to get
across. The fat bear said “I will carry you over the wall.” So the
bear carried the big cake across the wall.
Finally the bear ate him up, SNAP, SNAP!
Oscar McDonald, KG3
Mystery Story
self portrait
by william
Gunn, kg2
ne day two brothers named Tom and Max heard on
the news that every couple of nights for the past week
there had been robberies. Someone had been stealing
pets and smashing up pet shops. The two boys were on it right
away! They got their magnifying glass and set off on their
investigation. Strolling down the road at one o’clock was a man
in a black suit. The boys followed him as he seemed suspicious.
He quickly ran into a house and shut the door, BANG!
Tom and Max recognised the place. “That’s Uncle Tom’s House,” they
whispered at the same time. “We’ve got to go in there and investigate before
it’s too late,” said Max. They quickly barged in and searched the house but no
one was there. All they found were some dog leads and some feathers.
“The pets have gone!” exclaimed Tom…
Gus Jancic, 3C
Hey Diddle Diddle
alternative version)
Hey diddle diddle,
The hen and the maraca.
The hen jumped over the planet.
The little alien laughed to see such fun,
And the chair ran away with the chocolate.
Dante Stacpoole, KG2
left: split pin portrait puppet by kit inglis, 1b
above: self portrait by sid sutton, 1c
The Column
Music & Drama
Musical Events
he Singers and Ensemble entertained
children and parents with
enthusiastic and tuneful
performances in the Nursery and at a very
enjoyable Christmas Concert. They also
managed to raise over £35 for the World
Wildlife fund by singing carols outside school
Year One Concert
re-Prep boys love performing and it’s
very good for boosting their selfconfidence. This year, in addition
to our termly music concerts, we have
introduced Young Musicians’ Concerts,
giving each boy who is learning an
instrument the opportunity to perform.
We have some very talented boys in
our school who performed brilliantly
on the piano, guitar, violin, recorder, drums
or by singing.
Philippa Cawthorne
48 The Column
one afternoon.
The Choir has been busy too. They sung
carols splendidly after both our Kindergarten
and Nursery Nativities, getting everyone in
the Christmas spirit. The Choir has also
continued in its tradition of carol singing
outside Moen’s Butchers in Clapham, raising
money for the
Society. Over
the past few
years the Choir
have raised
£2000 for the
charity and
presented them
with an
cheque. The Choir then took part in the
Westminster Abbey Christingle Service,
which is a very impressive event.
Our Carol Services are always a highlight
of the year but this year’s was better than
ever and it was lovely to hear so many carols
with words written by the boys and music by
Miss Jane. We are very lucky to have such
talented boys and staff!
Philippa Cawthorne
Treasure Island
udiences were wowed by the Year 3’s performance of Treasure
Island this term. All the boys worked tremendously hard in
the build up to the final performances, learning the songs and
words to what was a very challenging play. In the end it was well
worth the effort, as the final result was spectacular.
Whilst all the year group acted and sung with great enthusiasm,
there were several stand-out performers including Sebastian Wingate,
Sam Trimboli, Wilf Inglis, Alex Donkersloot and of course the star of
the show, Max Phillipson. The creator of the play, Steven Kingsbury,
was in attendance, and stated how impressed he was with the boys
rendition of his play!
Mr Cassell
Music Report
he summer term has been filled with music! Over 70 boys have
performed as soloists or in small groups to parent audiences in
the Year 1, 2 and 3 Young Musicians’ Assemblies, or as featured
soloists in the Summer Music Concert, which also included performances
by the Choir, Year 2 Singers and Ensemble – a total of 93 boys took part.
The talk of the concert was the Ensemble’s rendition of ‘Stomp’,
showcasing rhythms played with basketballs, brooms and kitchen
utensils. The Choir and Ensemble also staged a concert in the Theatre
for the Nursery and pupils from the Girls’ School, while the Singers
visited the Nursery for a sing-along.
A total of 84 boys in the Pre-Prep are currently taking instrumental
lessons. A number of these boys used their musical skills to represent
their Houses in the Inter-House Talent Competition in June – indeed, all
four winners had musical elements to their acts! Year 3 enjoyed the
annual Horniman Museum music trip, including a hands-on workshop
with exotic instruments.
It has been a most rewarding year, the culmination being the Year 3
Play, Treasure Island, a music-filled extravaganza which would not have
been out-of-place in the West End – the boys gave superb performances.
I would like to thank all of the boys for their hard work.
Miss Jane
The Column
Trips & Events
Remembrance Sunday
he Head Boy, Lucas Jones and Deputy Head Boy, Gus
Jancic, joined the Royal British Legion in marching
from Victoria Rise to Holy Trinity war memorial,
to the accompaniment of the Royal Fusiliers’ Corps of Drums.
Wreaths were laid at the war memorial in honour of those
who died fighting for their country. There is a plaque on the side
of the church commemorating old boys from The Manor School,
which was on our school site in the early Twentieth Century.
Philippa Cawthorne
am Cafferty, who was an Assistant
Teacher in the Pre-Prep last
year, came back to talk to the
Kindergarten boys about the role of a
policeman. Sam is a Special Constable
and was visiting the school as part of the
‘People Who Help Us’ topic.
e were also lucky to have a visit
from the Dogs’ Trust who spoke
to boys in Year 3, as well as
Kindergarten, about how to approach
a dog for the first time and how to look
after a dog properly.
uke and Jack Keppel’s mother came
to talk to us about her role as a
doctor. The boys handled different
50 The Column
instruments a doctor might use and they asked
Dr Keppel lots of questions about her job. The
boys were fascinated and went home with a
surgical hat and mask.
he Princess of Wales’ Royal Regiment
came into school in the spring term
to give the boys a taste of army life.
The boys were briefed about the role of the
soldiers, including their work in Afghanistan
and had a fabulous time learning how to march
after the pipes and drums. The soldiers also set
up an obstacle course for the boys to complete
which was great fun, especially crawling under
the camouflage nets!
Miss Caroline
House Talent Competition
his year the
Pre-Prep held its
first ever House
Talent Competition,
which was great fun.
The boys were extremely
versatile, performing in all
sorts of ways from singing
and playing musical
instruments to magic acts
and a shadow puppet show.
It was extremely hard for
the judges – Mr LennoxHilton, Miss Mann and
Miss Bromet – to decide
on the winners for each year group and a winning house, but in the
end Windsor won on overall points. Philippa Cawthorne
Dickens’ Trail
oys have been learning about
the life and works of Charles
Dickens through an interactive
display in the Pre-Prep library. Miss
Anouska created wonderful displays
and imaginative activities to introduce the boys to the world and
wonderful characters of Charles Dickens. Philippa Cawthorne
Year Two Museum of London
Year 2 boys visited the Museum of London to learn more about the
Great Fire of London and even got to try on a replica fireman’s hat from
the period. While at the museum, the boys were lucky to be able to
handle and learn about some ancient artefacts from an archaeological
display, including some Roman pottery. Miss Lauren
Wetlands Centre
he boys had an exciting visit to the Barnes Wetlands Centre
where they saw many different kinds of birds and learnt about
habitats around the world. Miss Katie
“We went pond dipping and caught lots of water creatures. We
discussed them and watched them under a microscope.” Alex Miyake
“We went exploring and found rare animals. It was fun.”
Rohan Nightingale
Horniman Museum
ear 1 enjoyed a visit to the
Horniman Museum in South
London where they learned to
play a variety of exotic instruments
and looked at the ethnographic
exhibits Miss Clara
Imperial War Museum
ear 3 studied World War Two for their history topic in the autumn. They
had a fascinating visit to the Imperial War Museum to learn more about
the experiences of those who lived through the War and especially to find
out what it was like for children living in London. “We found out that during an
air raid people had to go into a shelter and if they were at school they had to
carry on lessons in the shelter!” Miss Sophia
The Column
Trips & Events
Science Museum
n 12th March the Year 3 boys visited the
Science Museum. They were all excited
about the prospect of getting their hands
on lots of different types of scientific equipment.
The day started with a session in ‘The Zone’, where
the children were able to experiment with a whole
host of things, including air powered rockets and
electricity. After lunch the boys made their way
to the IMAX cinema where they watched a 3D
film about underwater animals. All in all it was a
fantastic day for everyone! Miss Sophia
Harvest Festival
The Pre-Prep were in excellent voice at the Harvest Festival at Holy Trinity Church on
Clapham Common. The choir sang a rousing rendition of ‘Harvest Praise’ and it was lovely
for the boys to be participating in a service with children from the Girls’ School and the
Prep School.
Philippa Cawthorne
KG2 Visit to the Queen’s
o commemorate the centenary of Captain Scott’s journey
to the South Pole, KG2 visited the Royal Collection at
Buckingham Palace to take part in a workshop as part of the
Heart of the Great Alone Exhibition.
Captain Oates, one of the five men to accompany Scott to the
South Pole, was Miss Caroline’s Great-Great Uncle, so the visit was
especially meaningful for her.
The boys saw original photographs taken by Herbert Ponting of
Scott’s Terra Nova expedition of 1910-12. The workshop focussed on
the types of weather, landscape and environment that the expedition
team had to endure, along with the animals they took with them.
Philippa Cawthorne
Library Reading Quest
London Zoo
I enjoyed the workshop the best. We looked at lots of different
animal skins and my favourite was the reticulated python!
Vincent Muirhead, 1B
52 The Column
Life at Eaton House
The Manor Prep
Eaton House The Manor Prep
Headmaster’s Comment
y second year as Headmaster at Eaton House the Manor has
flown by. We have just experienced one of the wettest summers
on record, but has this dampened the spirits of the boys ? Of
course not! There is so much going on at school, the boys have not had
time to grumble over the odd rain shower!
I start by congratulating our Year 8 leavers on achieving such splendid
results in their Common Entrance examinations and winning places to some
of the top senior schools in the UK. I thank my brilliant colleagues for their
excellent preparation of the boys during this important year. Every boy
performed superbly, but I must highlight five results which deserve
a special mention:
• James Tamlyn was awarded a Music Exhibition by Eton
• Alex Spencer was awarded four prizes by KCS Wimbledon for his
outstanding performances in English, mathematics, geography and Latin
• James Maidment came 2nd out of all the CE candidates for Radley
• James Sloan came 4th out of all the CE candidates for Radley
• Aage Voigt Noble was awarded a prize by Charterhouse for his
outstanding biology papers
Looking back over the last two years at the destinations of our Year 8
leavers, you may be interested to know that our boys have moved on to 21
different schools, with the most popular being Eton (14%), Radley (12%),
Charterhouse (12%), St Paul’s (9%), Dulwich (9%), Westminster (7%) and
KCS Wimbledon (5%).
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee was celebrated in style on 1st June. The boys
wore great costumes reflecting the six decades of the Queen’s reign and the
art work in the entrance hall was wonderful, with the Year 4 boys’ crowns
particularly striking. A patriotic assembly was followed by a delightful picnic
on the forecourt, with Vocal Ensemble singing to us (‘O Taste and See’ by R V
Williams, the anthem sung at the Coronation 60 years ago). An afternoon of
House games, all diamond-shaped, of course, concluded a very happy day,
before the boys headed for home armed with their special Eaton House
commemorative mugs.
Other highlights of the summer term included the vibrant Year 4
production of Wind in the Willows in May. The fact that eight EHTM boys had
their work exhibited at the Royal College of Art was just reward for all the
innovation that goes on in the art department every term. Sports Day
brought the sun out and records tumbled. The memorable summer concert
featured an astonishing performance by James Tamlyn and Mrs Newbery of
Vivaldi’s Concerto for two ‘cellos in G minor.
It is exciting that we will be having a three-form entry into the Prep
School from this September and the logistical requirements of creating
additional space for the boys have been readily embraced by the directors of
the school. All is well at The Manor and I thank all the boys, parents and
colleagues for their wonderful support this year.
My First Year at
Report from Eddie Schmeltzer,
Head Boy 2010 – 2011
fter I successfully passed my
common entrance exams and
travelled to Wales on the Year 8
trip, my last term at Eaton House the
Manor came to a close. I was sad that it
was over, and that I would probably lose
contact with many of my friends, but I
was excited about my fresh start at
Westminster. On my first day at Westminster I was
excited and nervous; the emotions were
too much to describe to you now. I had
been placed in Hakluyt’s House and
proceeded there when I arrived. I met
my housemates, Housemaster and Tutor,
and was taken on a tour of the school
with my fellow pupils, given by our Head
of House. We had our thumbprints taken
so we could sign in using our
‘thumbprint registers’ in the morning.
The weeks after my first day flashed by, and during these weeks we had a very interesting cultural week, which was full of activities such as
going on a tour of the Houses of Parliament or seeing the National Gallery. All the while I was really enjoying the mental challenges that
Westminster was presenting me with. The exams came and went, and our Housemaster, extremely kindly, took us bowling on our free half day
after the last exam. Eventually, we all said goodbye to each other, and parted ways for our Christmas break.
My second term started with my House’s trip to Alston, a house the school owns in Cumbria. We did a multitude of activities there such as
walking along Hadrian’s Wall, descending into a cold, wet, abandoned lead mine in snow, and visiting Durham Cathedral. Once again, the
term went quickly, but was jam-packed full of activities. The most exciting thing for me was the Greek trip, on which around 20 boys went, at
the end of term. Over the course of two weeks we travelled around Greece, learning about its heritage and culture. It was a truly brilliant
Finally, I have had an interesting and fun summer term, participating in the school athletics competition as a shot putt thrower, being in the
Tug of War, which my House won, and preparing for the stressful exams at the end of term. For my school expedition this term I went with
nine other boys to row up and down the Thames near Henley in Thames skiffs.
While I miss Eaton House the Manor and all of the friends I made there, I have had a brilliant and engaging first year at Westminster, and
encourage anyone who is thinking of going there to do the same.
The Column
House Reports
Arundel House
Vincere aut perdere cum honore: To win or lose with honour
Housemaster’s Report
Autumn Term 2011
nother packed academic year has flashed past and we
now find ourselves reflecting on one that has been full
of successes for the Arundel House team.
Listed are Arundel House teams and individual members who
have gained successes in a number of House events and activities.
As ever, there is quite an array of achievements demonstrating
the breadth and depth of the boys in Arundel House. It must be
remembered that many boys have also gained personal successes
in a number of areas, Good Shows for example, which are not
listed here.
In addition to all of the House competitions, the Houses
collectively held events to raise money for Trinity Hospice,
culminating in our annual Quiz Night and Auction (prizes
include several tickets to top sporting events), with teams
of parents and teachers bidding to ‘out-do’ each other in the name
of charity! This year the Teachers’ team were victorious!
Mr Russell
Form Prize: D Kaddaj, P Kaddaj, W Davis
Effort Prize: G Balmer, O Vincent,
T Morrison
Football Colours: K Bellman, A Allen,
M Haigh, F Sutton,
T Lane, G German,
O Vincent, C Davies,
F Campbell-Gray
House Music
Piano:H Spaughton
Public Speaking
T Klafkowski (Year 4)
M Haigh (Year 5)
Satips General
Knowledge Quiz: T Klafkowski (Year 4)
O Vincent (Year 7)
Bake-Off Winners:Arundel
Spring Term 2012
Summer Term 2011
Form Prize: R Hentze, J Morrison
Effort Prize: G German, C Davies
Deputy Head Cup: F Campbell-Gray
Individual House
Point Cup:
D Kaddaj
Termly House
Point Cup:Arundel
Rugby Colours: K Bellman, G German,
O Vincent, O Morris,
J Behan–Woodall,
F Campbell-Gray,
C Davies
Art Colours: P Kaddaj
House Music
Overall Winners:Arundel
House Music
T Klafkowski
Form Prize: D Kaddaj, O Morris
Effort prize: J Behan-Woodall,
T Klafkowski
Choir Cup:H Spaughton
Senior Science
T Morrison
Cricket Colours: J Behan-Woodall,
K Bellman, C Davies,
F Campbell-Gray,
G German,
Tennis Colours: Z Gaunt
Senior Cricket
Junior Latin Cup: D Kaddaj
Quaich Cup (Yr5):A Allen
Headmaster’s Cup:T Morrison
House Master: Mr P Russell
House Tutors: Mr Rixham, Mdme Lena, Miss Ferguson,
Mr Saddington
House Captain: Charlie Davies
Deputy House Captain: Hugh Spaughton
56 The Column
Balmoral House
Libens, Volens et Potens: Gladly willing and able
Housemaster’s Report
s the year comes to a close once again it is time to reflect on
what we have achieved as a House. I am very pleased to say
that boys in Balmoral have enthusiastically thrown themselves
into all challenges the year presented to them and that all the boys
have been very successful in one way or another.
As defending champions of the House Singing Competition for
three years running, the boys were particularly adamant not to let
the opportunity slip through their fingers to retain the title and
make history, as the Cup has never been held for four years in a row.
Through their hard work, dedicated practices during break times and
support of each other, I am delighted to say that the boys were
victorious once again.
There were also some great and memorable moments on the sports
field; one of which was the team work and spirit shown during Sports
Day which led to winning the Tug of War for the third year running.
Our senior boys managed to bring home the Hockey and Football
Cups. Our junior boys were unable to secure House Cups this year,
but they showed real grit and determination in their efforts and
fought really hard until the last moments in each competition.
All the boys should be really proud of their achievements.
I would also like to say a big thank you to all the House team: Mrs
Sarti, Mrs Newbery, Mr Sprott, Ms Lively and Mrs Nickalls who
joined us in the summer term. It is through their support, caring
attitude and hard work that the boys are able to thrive in all aspects
of school life.
Finally I would like to say farewell and thank you to our Year 8
boys who have contributed immensely to our House over the past five
years and I wish them the best of luck for the challenges their new
schools will bring.
Mr Lottering
House Captain’s Report
almoral has been amazing this year, exceeding all expectations.
We have won many major sporting events that we had
previously not won, and retained many of our hard-won titles.
For example, we won the Tug of War for the third year in a row and
the House Singing Competition for the fourth year in a row, a feat
never achieved in the history of the school by any other House.
I am proud to have been the House Captain of Balmoral. However,
my experience would not have been as amazing as it was without the
support of the Deputy House Captain, Milo Osborne-Young.
Now that my time at Eaton House is nearing its end a mixture of
sadness and joy has overcome me, being excited about my new school
and sad to be leaving Eaton House and Balmoral House.
Daniel Halstead
The Column
House Reports
Stirling House
Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re: Gentle in manner, strong in action
Housemaster’s Report
t has been an excellent year for Stirling House in each and every
aspect of school life. As another year draws to a close we have
seen new faces settle in happily and the ‘old hands’ pass through
their Common Entrance exams very successfully indeed.
The boys have eagerly taken part in the numerous House
competitions throughout the year – sporting, musical and academic –
acquitting themselves well at all times. Stirling won the Junior
Hockey in the autumn term and also came first in the Senior Football
competition. In the spring term Stirling came first in Junior
Basketball as well as Junior Rugby. In the spring Cross-Country event,
Stirling came second in the Senior section. Stirling came second
overall on Sports Day, putting in a hugely determined effort in the
Tug of War, only to be beaten by the very able Balmoral team in a
nail-biting final. At every stage of these competitions, I have been
delighted to observe the keen sense of fair play Stirling House
members have demonstrated together with their patent good
sportsmanship, irrespective of winning or losing.
This year we have been most ably supported by our House Captain,
David Heriot, and Deputy House Captain, Thomas Westlake, who
have both truly embodied precisely what it means to be a member of
Stirling House and, most importantly, a pupil at Eaton House The
Manor School. While we bid our Year 8 leavers farewell, we earnestly
hope that they will come back to visit us soon, keeping us up-to-date
on their endeavours and inspiring those who follow in their footsteps.
Mr Lennox-Hilton
58 The Column
House Captain’s Report
tirling has had an amazing year and it has been a real honour to
put forward my services for our House. Mr Lennox-Hilton has
been a great Housemaster for Stirling and he has surely broken
into the Stirling regime. We have won several House competitions this
year with ease.
Thomas Westlake, the Deputy House Captain, has done a
tremendous job forming House sporting competition teams and
Stirling praises him for this. The Year 4 Stirlingites have blended
in well with the Prep community and regimes thanks to Mr LennoxHilton’s fantastic House Meetings, where every story he tells links
up with characteristics we should adopt in order to become
successful in life.
Stirling has worked to the best of our high capabilities to win
several competitions or to give great effort. I am proud of Stirling
in every respect and I do hope we will continue to do our fantastic
work; I hope I have lived up to our previous House Captain’s high
standards. I wish good luck to my successor and hope he flourishes
in Stirling as I have.
David Heriot
Windsor House
Animis opibusque parati: Ready in purpose
Housemaster’s Report:
t the end of another academic year at Eaton House The Manor it
is customary to reflect on the achievements of our proud
Windsorians. And what achievements they are! It is hard to
know where to begin, so I shall run through the year, term by term,
highlighting the key areas where we as a House can be proud.
The autumn term brought the House Sports competitions into sight
with Windsor gaining a fantastic double, triumphing in the Year 4 and
Year 5 House Football competitions. The Christmas break had clearly
not dampened any of the boys sporting prowess with Windsor yet again
leading the way in both Senior Basketball and Rugby, with our boys
winning the Years 4 and 7 and 8 House Rugby competitions.
The term ended with Windsorians scoring an impressive double in the
Cross-Country competitions – the Junior boys reaching a total of 245
points and the Seniors amassing 169. A great effort from all boys of
Windsor; every runner secured points for the House. Great work!
And then on to summer. The cricket season was quickly upon us and
the boys certainly showed that they can turn their hand to many
different sports. Years 4, 5 and 6 House Cricket competitions were all
won by the noble men of Windsor. A truly outstanding achievement.
And it didn’t stop there! Sports Day saw Windsor winning the overall
Athletics Cup, many individual races and the Junior Victor Ludorum
(Jude Russell amassing two golds and two silvers). A truly magnificent
performance across many different sporting disciplines.
Turning our attention away from sporting matters to ones of an
academic nature, it gives myself and all Windsor staff great pleasure to
congratulate our Year 8 boys on their fantastic achievements at Common
Jamie Allen to Lancing; D V Hickey to Shrewsbury; James Maidment
to Radley; Joseph Pryor to St Petersburg; James Sloan to Radley;
Alexander Spencer to KCS Wimbledon; James Tamlyn to Eton;
Aage Voigt Noble to Charterhouse.
Not only did the boys gain places with flying colours, they did so with
some amazing individual awards: James Maidment and James Sloan were
second and fourth respectively of all CE candidates for Radley;
Alexander Spencer achieved the highest marks in both Mathematics and
Geography for entry to KCS Wimbledon; James Tamlyn was awarded a
Music Exhibition entry to Eton; Aage Voigt Noble was the top Biology
candidate for Charterhouse.
Looking towards the start of the new term in September it is with
great anticipation that we welcome our new boys, across all years groups,
as well as saying farewell to Jude Russell and Maxence Bonnefous in Year
5; their contributions to the House on the sporting field and in the
classroom have been immeasurable.
Finally I would like to thank all of the House staff who make Windsor
a great House to be a part of: Mr Gaunt, Miss Bromet, Mr Waring, Miss
Lowe and Mrs Williams, who left us in July. Good luck for the future,
Mrs Williams.
I hope all boys, parents and staff had a restful summer, and return with
Windsor’s motto in the forefront of their minds: Animis opibusque parati –
Ready in purpose.
Mr Jeans
The Column
Autumn Term 2011
2nd XI
1st XI
60 36
26 45
14 17
1 10
7 22
8 21
IAPS U13 National 6s: 3rd in Group
ISFA CUP : 1st Round L 1-8
Northcote 5-a-side, U13s: Semi finals (3rd Place)
Ibstock 8-a-side, U13s: 1/4 Finals
Ibstock 8-a-side, U12s: 6th Place
Northcote 5-a-side, U11s: Runners-up
Alleyns 6-a-side, U10s: 1/4 finals
The U9s had an excellent season, winning more
than they lost and scoring at a tremendous rate.
The A team lost only one game and the B’s, C’s
and D’s all gained good victories demonstrating a
good strength in depth for this year group. Finlay
Koessler was top scorer with 11 goals.
The U10’s went into this season with high
expectations. They could not quite capture the
form they displayed last year and despite some
good victories, particularly over Harrodian, they
ended up losing more than they won. They did
play very well in the first Alleyn’s 6-a-side Prep
Tournament and reached the 1/4 finals. Jude
Russell was top scorer with 15 goals.
The U11s had a good season, especially as this
was their first at 11-a-side (although some
fixtures were either 7 or 9-a-side). The A Team
lost one of their matches (against Hornsby
House U12!). The B team showed determination
throughout the season. Archie Gosling was top
scorer with 5 goals.
The U12s had two matches this season,
unfortunately losing both of them. They have yet
to fulfil their potential in matchplay.
1st/2nd XI
After much improved performances in recent
years, The 1st XI (U13) were entered into the
National ISFA Cup. They travelled to Cumnor
60 The Column
House (Sussex) with great expectations and a
certain amount of nervousness. The boys started
fantastically and were 1-0 up after 15 minutes.
However, from that point onwards Cumnor House
stepped up their play and were eventual winners
by 7-1! It took the 1st XI a little time to get over
this defeat but finished on a high, winning two
of their last three games. Jack Hunter-Lees was
top scorer with 16 goals – winning the ‘Golden
Boot’ in the process!
The 2nd XI had an tough season, with some
heavy defeats. However, the boys remained
positive and were finally rewarded with a draw
and win to end the season.
demanding course and handing over to the next
runner until all five runners have finished. Each
team runs within its own age group. This year
the event consisted of 12 Prep schools from the
SW London area.
The EHTM team did very well with some
fine individual performances in each age group.
The individual year results were as follows;
U8 7th, U9 7th, U10 3rd (Bronze), U11 3rd
(Bronze). Overall position 6th out of 12 schools.
Scorers: Lottering 4, Gaunt, Craig, Sloan,
Westlake, D V Hickey
(A,B,C,D & 1st/
2nd combined)
2nd XI
1st XI
Staff vs Leavers Football Match
House Competitions
Junior House Hockey: 1st Stirling, 2nd Arundel,
3rd Balmoral, 4th Windsor
Stirling bt Arundel 2-0 in final
Senior House Hockey
1st Balmoral, 2nd Windsor, 3rd Arundel, 4th
Stirling. Balmoral bt Windsor 4-2 in final
Junior House Football
4s: 1st – Windsor, 2nd – Stirling, 3rd – Balmoral,
4th – Arundel
5s:1st – Windsor, 2nd – Stirling, 3rd – Arundel,
4th – Balmoral
Senior House Football
6s: 1st – Balmoral, 2nd – Stirling, 3rd – Arundel,
4th – Windsor
7/8s: 1st – Stirling, 2nd - Arundel, Joint 3rd –
Hall School CrossCountry (U8–U11)
This is an annual event based on a team run
with each runner running a short but
Spring Term 2011
29 179
19 30
31 27
(A,B,C,D & 1st/
2nd combined)
In a term that was greatly affected by the winter
weather the EHTM teams managed to notch up
some games and within those games gain some
creditable victories.
The U9’s, showed great promise this year,
despite losing more than winning. As with the
football, the 4s possess strength in depth and
had the term been not so weather affected
would undoubtedly have gone on to achieve
more success.
The U10’s continued where they left off last
year, with some strong performances, particularly
from the A and B teams. They proved to have
developed tactically and technically this year
which will prove to be important for the
12-a-side game next year.
The U11’s had a tough season. Moving up the
continuum to 12-a-side proved to be a step too
far this year. The important aspect of their games
were that they learned and developed with each
game, experience which they will take with them
into next season.
The 1st and 2nd XV’s were hit hardest by the
weather and played only three games between
them. They both showed a lot of promise and
a great deal of spirit and I feel would have gone
on to greater success with more game time.
A 31-5 victory over St Philips was the notable
highlight for the 1st XV.
Interspersed amongst the rugby matches, most
year groups managed to get some hockey fixtures
against Newton Prep, Northcote Lodge and for
the Juniors, Oliver House this term. Considering
this is not our main spring term sport we did very
well across the board with wins for the U9, U10
and U13 age groups.
House Competitions
Junior House Basketball: 1st – Stirling, 2nd –
Windsor, 3rd – Arundel, 4th – Balmoral
Senior House Basketball: 1st – Windsor, 2nd –
Balmoral, 3rd – Stirling, 4th – Arundel
Junior House Rugby:
4s: 1st – Windsor, 2nd – Stirling, 3rd – Balmoral,
4th – Arundel
5s: 1st – Stirling, 2nd – Windsor, 3rd – Arundel,
4th – Balmoral
Senior House Rugby
6s: 1st – Balmoral, 2nd – Arundel, 3rd – Windsor,
4th – Stirling
7/8s: 1st – Windsor, 2nd - Stirling, 3rd – Arundel,
4th – Balmoral
Staff vs Leavers Basketball Match
Result: STAFF 19-12 LEAVERS
Summer Term 2012
The summer term fixtures were hugely affected
by the wet weather, with many being cancelled.
However, some matches managed to escape the
rain and although the fortunes of the teams
were mixed, there were some excellent team
and individual performances.
The U9’s, again demonstrated great potential
with a number of the boys displaying some
excellent technique with the bat and ball. I feel
that this year group will ultimately achieve
success across the board.
The U10’s had a mixed set of results with
some notable wins against Sussex House and
Hall School, Wimbledon. However, their
problem was consistency, partly due to lack of
match practice and in some cases, lack of
technique. Well done to Kit Bellman, Sam
Smith and Jude Russell who are moving on to
‘pastures new’ and who have been key members
of the sports teams at EHTM.
The U11’s started well, had a bit of a wobbly
middle and finished very strongly, defeating
a Hornsby House side who contained several
district and county players, proving that they
have great potential. It will be interesting
to see who will be aiming to secure 1st or 2nd XI
places next year.
The 1st XI were very strong this year and it
was a great shame that due to poor weather, trips
and exams, they were unable to play more
games. In winning both their matches, they
showed great technical ability and team spirit,
particularly against Northcote Lodge.
The 2nd XI were hit by the weather and so
managed just one game, in which they were
unable to gain any hold in the match.
The U12’s fared a little better, managing two
games at the end of which ‘honours were even.’
In their excellent victory over Sussex House,
Jack Hunter-Lees scored an unbeaten 102
(retired), a new school record for a single
Leavers vs Staff Cricket
Result: STAFF 79 for 5, LEAVERS 93 for 7
House Competitions
4s House Cricket: 1st Windsor, 2nd Stirling, 3rd
Balmoral, 4th l Arundel
5s House Cricket: 1st Windsor, 2nd Arundel, 3rd
Stirling, 4th Balmoral
6s House Cricket: 1st Windsor, 2nd Stirling, 3rd
Arundel, 4th Balmoral
7/8s House Cricket: 1st Windsor, 2nd Arundel, 3rd
Balmoral, 4th Stirling
The U11’s performed very well at the Lancing
College Prep Tennis Tournament, finishing a
very creditable 5th with some fine displays from
all of the eight boys who participated.
Performing equally well were the U9 mixed pairs
(Ryan Kara and Ron Hentze from the boys’
school), who went to the National Tennis
Centre in Roehampton back in May and who
finished 4th after losing in the 3rd/4th play-off.
oth the Junior (1950m) and Senior
(3500m) annual Cross-Country races
lived up to their highly competitive
nature with many of the boys running excellent
times. Most notably Oliver Fox who finally
broke the school record of 12 years, recording a
time of 14.18mins in the Senior race.
The Column
Sports Day
he boys worked hard in both field and track events. As ever, there was great rivalry
between the Houses, especially in the Relays and Tug of War. The biggest rivalry was
reserved for the ‘old boys vs teachers’ relay, the final event of the afternoon – which
the old boys won. Congratulations to Charles Broad, winner of the Victor Ludorum. All of the
boys should be congratulated for their endeavour, enthusiasm and commitment. Paul Russell
62 The Column
Sports Day results:
1. Windsor (46 pts)
2. Balmoral (38 pts)
3. Stirling (25 pts)
4.Arundel (23 pts)
Y4 100m
Y5 100m
Y6 100m
Y7 100m
Y8 100m
Jr 800m
Sr 800m
Jr Shot Putt
Jr Discus
Jr Javelin
Jr High Jump
Jr Long Jump
Jr Triple Jump
Sr Shot Putt
Sr Discus
Sr Javelin
Sr High Jump
Sr Long Jump
Sr Triple Jump
Jr 4x100m
Sr 4x100m
Tug of War
Staff, Boys
And Parents
M Eastwood,
J Russell
J Johnston
O Stevenson-Smith
C Broad
B Walsh
O Fox
G Woods
J Behan-Woodall
O Gordon-Brown
J Russell
M Eastwood
C Powell
D V Hickey
J Tamlyn
O Vincent
C Broad
T Westlake
O Stevenson-Smith
Stirling A
Stirling A
Old Boys
Music Report
ur musical year started off with the celebration of Harvest at
Holy Trinity Church. This is a lovely service particularly as it is
the only time during the year when the Prep, the Pre-Prep and
the Girls’ School all get together to worship. The choirs of all three
schools sang their songs beautifully bearing in mind how near the start of
term it was so there was not a huge amount of rehearsal time. The Vocal
Ensemble sang the first of their many performances to great acclaim.
Our Carol Service showed the versatility of all our Prep school boys as,
as usual, each one took part in their year group contribution. Jack HunterLees sang the first verse of ‘Once In Royal David’s City’ and filled the
church with his beautiful voice. The choir, made up of singers from Years
4 and 5 moved into place and sung a two-part carol which set the scene
for the rest of the service.
Moving into the New Year the Prep school featured the House Music
Competition singing section in the first part of the term. All Houses sang
songs from the 1970s with huge gusto and Balmoral just pipped the other
Houses at the post. The second part of the competition took place after
half term with some outstanding performances from the boys. James
Tamlyn won the solo section with an incredibly mature performance of the
first Prelude from Bach’s unaccompanied ’cello suites. This is an amazing
feat for a boy of Prep school age. Hugh Spaughton won the piano section
with an accomplished performance of a Prelude by Arne. A Year 4 boy,
Tom Klafkowski, won the singing section this year. Well done to him!
The summer term is always an exciting time musically as the
progression of the boys from the start to the end of the year is fascinating
to see! This year we have introduced a new choir which is called the
Junior Vocal Ensemble where the younger boys can become accustomed
to singing in a slightly smaller group. The Summer Concert was full
of performances from our different ensembles and choirs. The Concert
finished with a performance of a Les Miserables medley which all three
choirs took part in.
As ever the peripatetic staff have played a huge part in the success
of the Music Department this year. They support the boys with both
their individual learning and also their ensemble music. So they are an
invaluable part of the bigger musical picture. Many thanks to them.
In conclusion it has been a very successful year musically. Well done
to all those boys who have played such a pivotal role! F Newbery
The Column
in the
The Wind in the Willows was amazing, and everybody loved it.
We had lots of fun and all of the costumes were spectacular.
Miss Worthington and Miss Ferguson worked very hard on the
play and everybody acted in character throughout the show. My
Mummy and Daddy thought it was brilliant. The four main parts were
amazing and the mice were as cute as can be. I loved the woodland
animals too. The stoats and weasels were bad but they played their evil
parts very well.
I feel this play was a great achievement for Year 4 and we are all so
glad we did it. Poop Poop! Tom Hill, 4AW
Top: bird prints by joseph pryor, 8fl
left: the queen by mikhail fedotov, 7kj
above: trainer by henry schmeltzer, 6cl
The Column
Creative Writing
Angel’s Angel
incent Dell is an ordinary middle aged man who travels on the
tube every day. His train rolled into the musty platform and the
doors hissed. Vincent stepped out. Hearing a flapping noise he
saw his laces undone. He bent down to tie them as the ‘Exit’ sign flickered.
When he reached the escalator Vincent felt uneasy. “The other passengers
must have left by now,” he thought. Suddenly Vincent heard a scraping
noise upstairs. Skidding to a halt at the top of the escalator, Vincent saw to
his horror the grills closed. He ran to the exit and cried, “Is anybody there?”
The escalator ground to a halt and the lights went out. The station was
in darkness apart from the moonlight shining through the grills. Vincent
felt the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. He started running down
the escalator and felt a gust of warm air coming from the tunnel. He went
back to the platform, in desperate hope that a train might be coming.
Vincent waited for what felt like an eternity. He turned and ran back
towards the escalator as fear washed over him. As he reached the bottom,
Vincent saw a newspaper cutting. He picked it up. 15/07/05. ‘TERRORIST
BOMB CLAIMS 150 VICTIMS. Panic throughout London. Bomb
planted by terrorists on Victoria Line train. Victim Stanley Whittle, 55, a
tube driver for 20 years.’ Vincent’s gaze rested upon a picture of Stanley
Whittle. He had greying hair and his face was darkened with soot.
As Vincent read, a rattling noise indicated a train coming. He ran to the
platform, closed his eyes and said a prayer. He heard the brakes squealing.
“Amen,” whispered Vincent and opened his eyes. No train, nothing.
Vincent didn’t have time to think before a wind knocked him flying.
Vincent crawled to the bottom of the escalator. He began the 63 metre
ascent. To his horror, he heard footsteps behind. Vincent panicked but
adrenalin kept him going. He felt a hand pulling on his jacket but as he
turned he was staring into thin air. Vincent thrashed wildly. He broke free
and ran towards the grills, screaming. “Help!” Was it coincidence that at
that moment he saw the Night Guard coming in to get his forgotten
jacket. Without turning back, Vincent sped out of the door. Had he seen a
ghost? Rory Muirhead, 6CL
daniel halstead,
8fl, self portrait
66 The Column
charlie broad,
8fl, self portrait
The Picnic by the Lake
he Lake, it was beautiful and so was she, the woman whom I love
and hope to spend the rest of my life with.
We put the mat down on the green luscious grass that was
elegant at the touch. The lake glinting silver in the sunlight. It was a
beautiful evening by the lake with my love.
Out comes the Champagne, my favourite course of the evening. The
red hot sun like God’s eye will now go to sleep as night falls. We light the
fire and get the marshmallows out and stab the squidgy little sweets with
wooden sticks thin as ever. The blazing fire roars the night in protecting
us from the darkness. We watch in silence, arms around each other; the
night creatures come out.
The cool breeze drops, we are left with nothing. The glorious lake, now
quiet, motionless, nothing disturbs us. The marshmallows slowly melt in
the fire; oozing out of them is the delicious taste of happiness.
She goes over for more Champagne. I think to myself, this could be the
best moment to do it. But, no, a bit later maybe.
We continue to watch the fire as the moon comes up. It is full tonight.
The beautiful glowing ball looks back at us taking over from the sun on its
night shift.
We help ourselves to more marshmallows melting them and letting
them melt some more in our mouths.
A sudden strong breeze acts on the trees as we hear the leaves rattle
against each other. The wind dies and the leaves return to their normal
state of stillness… of quietness. It was then when I realised how little I was
when I first came here, two maybe three. A long time ago. I’m twenty
eight now and I still enjoy it here as much as I ever did.
There is something special about this place. I am brought back to my
senses when the birds around me start chirping. It’s as if they’re telling me
to get on with it and I don’t blame them. So at that I tell myself now is as
better time than ever.
I pull the small box out of my pocket, show it to my love, open it and
she sees what is inside. Milo Osborne-Young, 8AW
toby morrison,
8fl, self portrait
sunset by philip
kaddaj, 7kj
Nature’s Beauty
The Sea
The sun is like a great hand.
It grabs the charcoal black cape that is called night and draped over
the mountains and hills.
Yanking it away,
Revealing a heavenly scene of oak browns and ivory greens.
Swish and sway as the gushing river slides and twists round the
evergreen banks.
Although stagnant, parts of the river are shimmering with silver,
slimy fish
That dance in the water and make a fantastic fiasco of life.
The waves are a long wriggly slalom stretching for miles on end,
The huge turquoise monster runs at you laughing in delight at its victims,
It is a vast emerald blanket; it springs, spouting slush,
It is tropical and sweet, it goes splash and crash, shaking its limbs,
The sea is a rough rumbling rollercoaster shooting spray in every direction.
The proud, bold mountains are as wise as shepherds and as fierce
as lions.
They are covered in puffy white dots that are sheep.
They are miniscule compared to the mountains.
The mountains rule over the lands in harmony.
The trees play in the wind as they sway from side to side.
They sprout up from small buds and grow up to look like a firework
that has exploded.
The relaxing, zesty and invigorating smells create a calm and
soothing feeling.
The beautiful sounds of birds tweeting is cheerful and jolly.
The landscape is a thing of wonder that has been taken from
to make a piece of nature,
that can be treasured for eternity and can be reflected on as a
magical scene.
Jack Maidment, 6CL
The sea wind is almighty shooting its enemies with invisible bullets,
The salty sea gale whistles to a song as it goes along,
Swoosh goes the wind carrying its immense body with impossible strength,
The translucent force keeps on going, triumphing in any battle with a boat,
It longs for a break but doesn’t stop as its stamina keeps it going the length.
The beautiful fish swim along chatting with their odd language,
The scaly little creatures stalk each other all day or gain knowledge in their
They swim in the sea like it’s their personal garden pool hogging it in any way
they like,
They show themselves off whether they have spots or stripes or they’re red or
But dangers do also lurk beneath the surface so fish keep a look out for
beastly passers by.
The boat flows along the frothing Sapphire field, the big technical machine
crashes down,
It speeds with glorious wind going down creating enormous bombards of
The boat rows down the flows of the water sailing swiftly on the surf,
Metal masts collide with the wind causing loud sounds like high tower bells.
Rees Powell, 7KJ
The Column
Year 6s Trip to Battle Abbey
art of our history Common Entrance Syllabus covers 1066 and
the Battle of Hastings. We were going to see for ourselves what
Battle Abbey and the area around Senlac Hill were actually like.
First we scuttled off to the Battle Abbey Museum. We observed the
incredible mediaeval armour and weapons such as a Norman long bow, a
hefty Norman shield and a terrifying Saxon blade. All of these weapons
brought thoughts of mindless combat and made us think how men on
both sides must have suffered gravely. The museum reiterated the facts
that we have covered over the year although it showed us the horror of
battle. We watched a short factual clip that briefly discussed the Battle
itself. After this we eagerly marched off to the battle site of Senlac Hill.
As we followed the track
thoughts of death and carnage
passed through our minds. We
divided ourselves into two
groups, one Anglo-Saxon and
one Norman. The Saxons then
gathered at the top of the hill
and formed a shield wall whilst
the Normans charged towards
them with ferocity. We acted out
this battle scene by rugby
tackling each other with fierce
expressions. We continued by
swapping sides and followed this by rapidly gulping litres of water.
Reenacting a battle in searing heat is thirsty work! Our final stop was
looking round the ancient ruins of Battle Abbey. We saw many decaying
monuments and buildings including what seemed to me to be ruined
monasteries and a great dining hall. The trip showed us the realism of the
battle and is one I would highly recommend.
Jack Maidment, 6CL
Our Adventure At Osmington Bay
s the sun rose over Osmington Bay a school bus filled with 27
boys drove through the gates and from that moment the
tranquillity of the place was broken. We emerged from the
bus buzzing with excitement – an excitement that did not leave us
until the end of the week. Rooms were assigned and 27weary children
squabbled over beds.
“Oh not again!” I said to myself, as the side of my quad bike hit the
tyres on the side of the track, causing me to get stuck again. When I
was freed by the instructor I carried on – this time going a bit slower,
save me crashing again! The corners took some getting used to but
after three or four circuits – I didn’t crash again.
I inhaled and held my breath, aimed down the sight and moved my
finger the inch that was needed to pull the trigger. The lead pellet was
released and soared along the spiralled barrel to thud into a target 10
feet away. After three attempts I retrieved my target sheet and
calculated my score – 21! After saying thanks to the instructor we left
for the chalets, all the while discussing our scores (rather
competitively) with our friends.
The final day had come. We rose like clockwork at 7.05am, got
dressed and had breakfast. After that we went rock pooling down on
the beach where the previous day we had hunted for fossils on the
68 The Column
clay cliffs. We started exploring in the ‘splash zone’ but did not find
anything. The upper tidal zone was next where more sea creatures were
found such as shrimps and snails. The lower tidal was the best – Henri,
Cameron and I collected quite an aquarium by the end of the session!
As Year 5 boarded the bus after final farewells had been said, we sat
back thinking of the wonderful memories of the week. Four hours later
an exhausted but smiling group of 27 children arrived back at Eaton
House full of stories of adventure.
Oliver Gordon-Brown, 5JL
Flatford Mill, Year 7
latford Mill is a trip which all boys at Eaton House go on when in
Year 7. This year it was our chance to investigate the area of
Flatford and its rivers. It was a two and half hour trip from Eaton
House to Flatford Mill. The year group was split into two groups for our
dorms, some went to the bungalow and the rest into the Mill itself.
On the trip besides the studying of Geography we also learnt a bit of
History and art as we saw that the Mill we were staying in was the focus
of John Constable’s famous paintings.
Straight from day one we were working. Our first task was to attempt
to reproduce John Constable’s most famous painting of The Haywain.
On Tuesday we were out in the field measuring rivers and studying their
loads. During our next outing we were investigating if the beaches at
Walton on the Naze were successfully being managed and comparing
them to a section of unmanaged beach. Finally on the penultimate day
we were investigating tourism in the local area.
This trip was a great success where we all learnt loads and had fun, all
thanks to our teachers Mrs Williams, Miss Allen and Mr Jeans.
Year 7
Isle of Wight, Year 4
ear 4 went on a trip to Little Canada, also known as PGL, on the Isle of Wight. Little
Canada looked spectacular because it is considered the cleanest PGL in the world. There
was an activity centre, dormitories, dining hall and a beach nearby. Each dormitory had a
shower room, a toilet, eight beds, meaning four bunk beds. I took a sleeping bag and it was very
My three favourite activities were aero-ball, quad biking and problem solving. Aero-ball is a
game where you throw different sized balls into holes from different places and you score points
depending on the size of ball and distance thrown. There were four competitors. If you shoot the
big ball in the opponent’s hole you get five points. If you throw the small ball in the hole you get
two points. It is amazingly fun because it is really active and it stretches your arms. I rode a real
quad bike with real helmet, goggles and gloves.
Problem solving was out doors and I had to pretend that my friend was toxic man. We all had to
pick up a tennis ball which was pretend plutonium. We had to recharge it by passing the ball
through tubes. I liked it because you had to pretend.
We spent four days three nights at Little Canada. We went back home to London by ferry and
bus. It was fantastic. Geoffrey Zimmerman, 4KF
War Horse, Year 7
n the 24th of November 2011, Year 7
set off to see a play called War Horse.
War Horse is about a boy called Albert
and his horse Joey. When the First World War
breaks out, Joey is taken away from Albert to go
fight on the English side. As the war progresses,
Albert lies about his age to join the war himself
and searches for his beloved horse.
The most moving scene is when Joey is stuck
in the barbed wire and one person from each
side of No Man’s Land comes out to decide
who will get the horse. For all of us the
puppeteers did an outstanding job in making
the animals move in such a realistic way! The
sound effects were also incredible because
whenever they occur, everybody was startled in
his seat. I must say that everybody thoroughly
enjoyed War Horse.
Nicolas Gardner, 7SA
The Column
Year 4 Trip to the
Buddhapadipa Temple
s part of their RS curriculum, the Year 4s had the chance this
term to visit a working Thai Buddhist monastery just down the
road in Wimbledon. After an excellent talk on the life of the
Buddha, explained through the beautifully decorated Temple walls, the
students were given a beginners’ class on meditation techniques: both
sitting and walking. We then took a walk through the tranquil gardens,
over bridges and pools full of fish, for a very welcome cup of hot
chocolate before heading back to school. We even practised our
meditation technique on the coach! Mr Waring
Year 5 Trip to the Shri
Swaminarayan Hindu Temple
fter looking at Hinduism as part of their RS studies, the Year 5s
were able to visit the Hindu Temple in Neasden, dedicated to
the 19th Century avatar of Vishnu, Swaminarayan. They looked
around the stunningly carved, marble temple, made up of 26,300 pieces.
Each piece was delicately carved by 1500 skilled artisans in India, and
shipped to London to be assembled into the Temple. We also had a look
around the Hinduism exhibition, were given a talk about the religion,
and were able to observe the Rajbhog Arti candle ritual. An excellent
day involving unique religious and cultural experiences. Mr Waring
Victorian day
Year 6 Trip
rriving at Chateau de la Baudonnère, the first thing we saw the
next morning were peacocks roaming free. I was looking forward
to the assault course, our first activity. It turned out to involve
lots of rolling in mud (well, I hoped it was mud!), jumping in rivers and
running from buckets of water! We all longed for a hot shower by the
end of it. We had worked up an appetite and were looking forward to
lunch. At each meal, there was a little presentation telling us what
everything was in French and we had to ask for anything we needed in
French which wasn’t as hard as I thought.
After lunch we did archery and then had a French lesson, finishing off
the day by writing in our journals in French. Tuesday passed in a blur,
with orienteering being a favourite. Before any activity, we had to do a
little work, learning the French words for the equipment we were using.
On Wednesday and Thursday we had trips out. We visited the amazing
Bayeux Tapestry which helped with the history we had been learning,
and on Thursday we visited a market which was great fun as we got to go
off on our own and do some bartering in French! My personal favourite
was Mont St Michel, an island which you can reach on foot at certain
times of the year. We split up into groups and my group climbed near the
top and enjoyed the stunning view and then did some shopping in the
souvenir shops on our way down.
On our last day, we did canoeing. The next day we said au-revoir to
France and set off on the long journey back home. It was a great trip
overall, lots of fun and I also learnt quite a lot of French!
Benedict Griffin, 6CL
70 The Column
n Friday 3rd February,
Year 5 travelled back
in time to the
Victorian era. Everyone came
to school in outfits as Victorian
children. When we came into
the classroom all the desks were set aside and there were benches instead.
There was a big chalk board with the Victorian alphabet on it. We sat
down and the man told as about the Victorian inventions and he showed
us some of them. One of the inventions was an apple peeler. Then we
went to the next-door classroom and wrote down some sentence from
the Victorian teacher’s log book which recorded students who were
naughty or good.
Back in our original classrooms we were given small slate boards, a
slate pencil and a cloth to clear the board. At break we played with old
Victorian toys including a massive spinning top. It was a great day.
Cameron Powell, 5NM
Results & Monitors
Jamie Allen Lancing
Milo Osborne-Young Marlborough
Charles Broad Eton
Joseph Pryor St Petersburg
Charlie Davies Charterhouse
James Sloan Radley (4th of all the C.E.
William Davis Abingdon
candidates for Radley)
Daniel Halstead St Paul’s
Hugh Spaughton Westminster
Nicholas Hamber St Paul’s
Alexander Spencer KCS, Wimbledon (Top maths and
David Heriot Westminster
geography papers of all C.E.
Donald Hickey Shrewsbury
candidates for KCS)
James Maidment Radley (2nd of all the C.E.
James Tamlyn Eton (Music Exhibition to Eton)
candidates for Radley)
Aage Voigt Noble Charterhouse (Top biology papers
Oles Morris Emanuel (Music Scholarship to
of all C.E. candidates for Charterhouse)
Royal Russell School)
Thomas Westlake King’s Canterbury
Toby Morrison Whitgift
Casper Woods St Paul’s
Our congratulations go to all the boys who, once again, achieved success in Common Entrance
and won places to outstanding schools
James Tamlyn
Charlie Davies
Hugh Spaughton
Deputy Daniel Halstead
Milo Osborne-Young
David Heriot
Thomas Westlake
James Sloan
James Maidment
Games Monitors:
Jamie Allen, Charlie
Davies, James Sloan,
Alexander Spencer
Milo Osborne-Young
Head Librarian:
Toby Morrison
Senior Librarians:
David Heriot, Hugh
Spaughton, Charlie
Broad, Zayan Dhanani
Junior Librarians:
Nicholas Gardner,
Henry Schmeltzer
Drama Monitors:
William Davis,
Nicholas Hamber,
Aage Voigt Noble,
Toby Morrison
ICT Monitors:
D V Hickey, Daniel
Head Chorister:
Charlie Broad
Music Monitors:
Hugh Spaughton,
Joseph Pryor,
Oles Morris
Art Monitors:
Thomas Westlake,
Joseph Pryor,
Aage Voigt Noble
DT Monitors: Jamie Allen,
Daniel Halstead
The Column
The Column
The Queen’s Jubilee
Celebrations at Eaton
House the Manor
Life at
Eaton House Girls’ School
Headmistress’ Comment
s is probably inevitable with any new project, the first four
years of Eaton House Girls’ School has involved a great deal of
looking inwards – building our numbers, recruiting excellent
staff, developing inspiring and challenging curriculums and creating the
inherent structures and principles on which the school will grow and
develop. But this year has also seen us starting to reach out – looking
at what we can do as part of the local community, establishing various
fundraising initiatives and forging links with senior schools.
Our Form Reps organised a hugely successful summer drinks party,
a terrific quiz night, a fantastic Christmas disco and plans are well
underway for a fashion show and Christmas Fair taking place next term.
It has been immense fun and a real privilege to work alongside the
parents and to see the school stretching beyond the normal day.
Harrison’s Fund has been our principal charity for this year, and via
the sale of Christmas cards, the disco and the readathon over £4000
has been raised. In addition the girls from Form 1 raised a magnificent
£1340 in their Walk For Water at the end of the spring term.
Our senior girls are fast approaching the challenges of 11+ and I have
taken the opportunity this year to go on a grand tour of senior schools.
It has been a wonderful chance to see some fantastic schools and
have the opportunity to hear from so many eminent Heads about their
vision for raising young women in these changing times. The girls too
have been out and about attending workshops, visiting museums and
participating in matches and residential trips.
As always our girls excelled themselves on stage and both the Junior
and Senior productions were outstanding. The quality of the singing,
and the number of girls performing solos and duets has been impressive,
and we look forward to the creation of two new choir groups next year.
On the sports front the girls ran in our first cross-country competition
with both speed and determination, so much so that the course will
need to be significantly extended next year! Our annual Book Week
was inspiring, and James Mayhew wowed the girls with his literary and
artistic talents. Our very own Mr McLean talked to the girls about his life
as an author and we had some impressive performances at the House
Poetry Competition.
But for all the importance of looking out, we constantly remind our
girls of the importance of looking inwards. We encourage them to
have a clear sense of self, confidence in their own abilities and help
them realise that happiness comes from within. For happiness, fun
and laughter are key ingredients in life at Eaton House, for as Dr Seuss
says: “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary
ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end
of a telescope.”
The Column
House Reports
House Mistress: Miss Emily
House Mistress: Miss Jane
House Staff: Miss Alice, Miss Charlotte
House Staff: Miss Kirsten, Miss Louise, Miss Nicky
House Captain: Tatiana Squire
House Captain: Emma Fitzpatrick
Vice Captain: Daisy Williams
Vice Captain: Ella Barker
his year Arundel have adopted the motto of ‘Be the best that you
can be’ and it seems to be working! Our House Captain Tati and
Deputy Daisy have lead the House brilliantly to several victories
over the year. Our slightly oversized yellow Easter Bonnet Parade banner
started our winning ways in the spring term and we ended it with our first
win of the coveted House Points Competition.
The summer term has seen us shine in the General Knowledge Quiz
where our team of Pia, Tilly, Lottie, Polly and Daisy were unstoppable
particularly in the quick fire round. We swam like dolphins in the pool
and became 2012 Swimming Gala champions after some brilliant
performances from all the girls.
It didn’t end there though. We finished off the year with a final win as
summer term House Point Winners!
Although I am so proud of all of the girls achievements this year, what
has been more wonderful to see is how Arundel girls make sure to always
do their best and have supported each other at all times.
You are a House to be proud of Arundel, well done!
Miss Emily
almoral has had another fantastic year, working hard to gain
House Points and competing in various Inter-House events. In
the autumn term we had our annual Christmas Tree Decorating
Competition. The girls had great fun making decorations and spent a
happy hour arranging them onto the tree. Sadly we didn’t win this year
but we had a super time working together. We also had our Inter-House
Hockey Competition which we won! Congratulations to all the girls
who took part.
In the spring term we were very busy collecting weekly House Points,
reciting poems and creating beautiful Easter bonnets. In the Poetry
Competition congratulations must go to the girls for their fantastic
performances. Perhaps our favourite event is the Easter Bonnet Parade.
Wearing their favourite pretty outfits they put on their bonnets and
paraded around the whole school, causing quite a stir amongst the boys!
Finally the spring term saw the Cross-Country Competition, which
was a first for the Girls’ School and, despite it being over rather too
quickly, was a great success. The senior girls stormed to the finish line,
with Ella Barker, Emma Fitzpatrick and Félicité Baroudel picking up
first, second and third places respectively. Balmoral was the winning
house and we are eagerly looking forward to the next one! Then came
the Swimming Gala, Sports Day and Inter-House Rounders. All the
girls swam, ran and batted incredibly well but a special mention must go
to our House Captain, Emma Fitzpatrick, who won Fastest Swimmer at
the Swimming Gala and Victor Ludorum at Sports Day.
A very big thank you must go to the House Staff for all their support,
especially Miss Kirsten, who, after many years with Balmoral, has been
asked to take over from Miss Emily as Arundel’s Housemistress. We will
miss her very much. Thank you also to Emma and Ella for their
melanie escina, form 4
76 The Column
contribution to Balmoral House. Miss Jane
House Mistress: Miss Helena
House Mistress: Miss Nicola
House Staff: Miss Victoria, Miss Rebecca and Mr Freer
House Staff: Miss Olilve, Miss Emma
House Captain: Katerina Constantinou-Hickman
House Captain: Katie Rees
Vice Captain: Vice Captain: Meghan Whittingham
tirling has thrived throughout 2011/2012. The girls have
enthusiastically taken part in all House activities and I would like
to congratulate them on achieving success across the field. They
have won the House Poetry Competition in the autumn term and
through their amazing determination, team work and spirit, saw victory
on Sports Day.
Thank you to Katerina Constantinou-Hickman, our House Captain,
and Meghan Whittingham, Deputy House Captain for their brilliant
We say a sad farewell to Cara Doherty and wish her all the best for her
new adventure. I would like to welcome the new KG girls – we look
forward to having you as part of our fantastic team! My grateful thanks to
the dedicated staff team, Miss Victoria, Miss Rebecca and Mr Freer,
whose gentle encouragement and support helped made Stirling’s
achievements possible. Have a great summer.
Miss Helena
ella tildbury, kg
Lexie Dykes
eptember 2011 saw the arrival of five new recruits to Windsor
House. With Katie Rees at the helm as House Captain and Lexie
Dykes as Vice Captain, Windsor girls were full of determination
for the year ahead.
The Christmas tree decorating competition was a great triumph with
Windsor girls claiming a glittering victory with their amazing tree.
Towards the end of the term, the girls were just pipped to the post in
the House Netball match.
Some extremely brave Windsor girls recited their poems to the
judges Mr Edwards and Mr Rixham in the House Poetry Competition,
and the Easter Bonnet Parade was the best in Girls’ School history with
amazing banners from all of the Houses. Thank you to Miss Olive for
the beautifully appliquéed Windsor House Banner, which we will be
able to bring out at all house events to cheer our girls on!
The summer term was a short but busy one. The Windsor House
senior girls did brilliantly in the Swimming Gala, taking home gold
medals in the Senior Relay and the younger girls won many of their
races. Windsor girls were all so determined at Sports Day. The junior
girls were fantastic in the relay race with Florence Doxford, Phoebe
Jancic, Lulu Price and Georgina Waight bringing in gold medals for
The senior girls played amazing rounders on Clapham Common
against the other Houses. I was a proud Housemistress as I watched
them win every single game they played. Good job girls!
We say goodbye to Stella Bogers, who is leaving to go to Houston.
She has been a huge asset to our House and she will be missed by us all.
Good Luck Stella!
It has been such a busy year and I look forward to September when
we can do it all again! Miss Nicola, Windsor Housemistress
The Column
Creative Writing
My Wonderland
ne afternoon in Tara’s house,
Tara was eating lunch when
suddenly Tara’s mum ran into
the room and said; “Tara, hurry up, your
swimming gala starts any minute now!”
Tara got up from the table, still
chewing a bit of pizza that she had
stuffed into her mouth. She threw on
her coat, ran outside and jumped into
the car. Her mum followed and also got
into the car. When they arrived at the
swimming pool, Tara took off her
clothes and put on her new shiny yellow
swimming costume, yellow swimming
hat and yellow goggles, she loved
yellow! She found her coach who took
her diving board. She was next to a girl
who had orange frizzy hair and a pink
swimming costume, she was very ugly!
Then the man blew his whistle and
everyone dived in. Tara felt she was
shrinking and indeed she was. Tara was
getting sucked up a pipe!
One hour later, Tara found herself in
the sea. She saw lots of sea creatures but
they all had something in common,
they were all bigger than her. Then she
saw a shark. She tried swimming but it
was no use, the shark swallowed her in a
big gulp.
The gulp was over. Tara was in the
shark’s tummy. She met lots of fish.
There was cod, mackerel and salmon.
Three days later, Tara still didn’t have
any hope of coming out. Then thump, a
crab landed in the shark’s tummy. Tara
made friends with it and then the crab
said after two hours, “I cannot afford to
die here!” All of a sudden the crab
started to pinch the shark slowly. Slowly
everyone was biting the shark. The
shark yelled and everyone swam out of
the shark, they were free!
When Tara awoke, she found herself
sitting at the bottom of the pool. After
the gala she went home. Her mum
didn’t believe her and Tara says she
never will.
Sophia Constantinou-Hickman, Form 3
78 The Column
I zoomed to the moon
I spotted slimy green aliens
I peaked out and saw the dry shiny silver moon
I could smell the extremely smelly smell
I heard the breezy wind
I took a slice of space and it tasted delicious
Amelie Roscoe
For Safety?
The train was like an angry giant
Huffing and puffing
Anxious to be off,
Ready to shout Fee Fi Foe Fum!
And eat those English children’s bones.
I ran to my mum
I wished this day had not come
I felt like a speck of dust
I felt so tiny.
‘All Aboard’ a voice cried out.
Stepping over a gap
From platform to train,
Letting go of home
Moving into a foreign world.
after van gogh’s ‘sunflowers’ by jemima allison, f3
Treasure Island
ne stormy night, the Alexandria was sailing across
the seven seas. “It be a stormy night tonight
captain, but we have to get the treasure before
Blackbeard,” I called to Captain Tom, the greatest pirate
alive. Soon we were at the island. “Hahaha,” Tom laughed.
“Blackbeard’ll never catch us captain.” “Look”, whispered
Sophie, the woman of the crew. When Tom looked he
realised the chest was gone! So we chased after Blackbeard.
“Look! There he is!” I exclaimed when I saw Blackbeard.
What I then saw was the most epic fight ever and when Tom
won he yelled “We’re rich!” And we were.
Tilda McLean, Form 3
Come and Explore
Beautiful Mars
hen you wake up on Mars you will feel the peace
and quiet. It is really hot and fun. Come and get
a free massage with our beauty aliens. Come and
do rock climbing up our tall rocky mountains... remember to
bring some water!
You can play with space puppies and watch the beautiful
shooting stars from your balcony. Relax while our aliens
come and give you refreshing lemonade!
Bea Allison, Form 1A
I felt so compressed in the tiny carriage
I felt like a page in a book.
I wanted to go back home
I felt totally alone.
Off the giant runs, full steam ahead,
Shaking, rattling
Making noises in my head.
Landscape changing, rushing past.
Quickly giving a feeling of great distance.
I felt my tummy rumbling,
As I entered my new life.
I wanted to see what was going past.
I was excited to see such a change.
Emma Fitzpatrick, Form 5
White rabbits
Patchy rabbits
Tiny, black, sweet rabbits
Lazy, jumping, greedy rabbits
All in a row
Naughty rabbits
Cheeky rabbits
Grey, little, lovely rabbits
Last of all
Best of all
I love cuddly rabbits
Lucy Malcolm, Form 2
above left: the queen by tara heming,
kg. MIDDLE: jungle scene by ella barker,
F4. right: the queen by tilda mclean, f3
Summer Is...
Relaxing on a sandy beach
Looking at the sun so bright
Going out for dinner
Staying up late every night
Chicken roasting on the BBQ
Rolling on the grassy lawn
No more school for 8 weeks – Phew!
Eating hot sausages and corn
Wearing shorts, t-shirts and a hat
The sun shining on my back
Hiking up a grassy mountain
I’m carrying a heavy ruck sack
Summer is coming to an end
I’m really sad to see it go
I really hope it comes again
I don’t mind Autumn though
Isabella Thariyan, Form 4
Emergency... Emergency
liza Eliza!” shouted the pilot Peter, “The engine
has broken down.” Eliza raced into the room.
She took the steering wheel and first she nearly
bumped into another aeroplane then she got the handle.
“We’re going down!” Eliza yelled. The gears were rattling and
she was shaking. The aeroplane was going down! What was
she going to do? She couldn’t do it but when she believed in
herself, she did it! She guided the plane to safety. Luckily they
all went home happily ever after. Emilia Chester, Form 3
The Secret Garden
s I walk through the gate of the garden I can smell the
breeze in the air. I see the green wet grass under the
leaves. I pick some berries off the bush; I taste the
sweetness in the berry. I touch the wet leaves on the tree. I hear
the wind whistling in the air. I see the rain coming in the air so
I dash in the little hut and watch
the rain. The rain bashes on the window, the rain patters on
the leaves, and it makes a delicate noise. As the rain stops
I come out of the warm hut, the sky brightens as I watch
the sun. Jemima Allison, Form 3
Brilliant Hat
(based on Millie’s
Marvellous Hat by
Satoshi Kitamura)
ella wanted a new hat. She had
no money so she used her
imagination to create beautiful
hats. She went for a walk round town.
First she went to the swimming pool
and her hat soon became a swimming
pool with a float and a man in it.
Then she saw a sweetie shop and her
hat had lots of jelly beans and all sorts
of funny things that you can eat. Lastly
before she went home she saw a cake
shop and her hat became a shop with
lots of cakes of all sorts of shapes and
sizes with red and yellow icing. The
she went home and she showed her
hat to her mummy and daddy and they
said it was amazing.
Robyn Stannard, Form 2
House Poetry Competition
jubilee picture by daisy williams, year 4
The Column
have been astounded by the fantastic progress made by all girls in
swimming this year. From Kindergarten to Form 5, we have seen
skill and confidence abound when in the pool. Despite some
initial nerves and worries, all Kindergarten girls are now swimming
10m some with and some without floats. Their confidence is super
and they are all happy in the water. Swimming success continues
throughout the school, which was displayed in the second annual
Girls’ School Swimming Gala. Held at Clapham Leisure Centre, the
swimming gala demonstrated the exceptional ability of all girls and
allowed everyone to compete with confidence. Arundel House were
triumphant as Swimming Gala Champions, winning an impressive
number of medals across the year groups. Emma Fitzpatrick (F5)
displayed her speed and determination in the Fastest Swimmer Race,
coming in first place a full stroke ahead of her fellow competitors.
Miss Charlotte
The netball season got off to a splendid start with girls showing excellent
tactical play on court. Every girl showed improvement in drills and
competitive play. There was definite improvement in the girls’ knowledge
of the positioning and rules in netball. The girls demonstrated these skills
in the closely fought House Netball Competition, which was won by a
strong Balmoral team. Miss Charlotte
80 The Column
The Junior Girls demonstrated improving hockey skills throughout
the Spring term. Their skills and teamwork were impressive to see
and show potential when they begin competing in coming years. The
Senior Girls completed a number of fixtures showing dedication and
determination on the pitch. A particular highlight of the year was the
House Hockey Competition won by Balmoral. Miss Charlotte
Sports Day
The girls showed off their superb athletic ability in a variety of races on Sports
Day. The sprint races demonstrated the girls’ determination and competitive
values. This year saw the Fun Races return with the Form 4 and 5 Olympic Race
being a particular highlight. Stirling House retained their title as overall Sports
Day champions and Emma Fitzpatrick won the Victor Ludorum. Miss Charlotte
The first Girls’ School Cross-Country Race took place on a sunny day
at the end of the spring term. The girls ran very well and showed real
athletic prowess on the course. I was impressed by the pace of the
girls. The winners of the Senior Race were Ella Barker (1st), Emma
Fitzpatrick (2nd) and Félicité Baroudel (3rd) all from Balmoral
House. In the Junior Race, Phoebe Jancic (1st, Windsor), Lulu Price
(2nd, Windsor) and Emilia Julin (3rd, Arundel) were medal winners.
Girls won House Points for completing the race and the overall
winners were a triumphant Balmoral.
Despite the changeable weather throughout the summer term, the
girls managed to develop their rounders skills very successfully. Both
the Junior and the Senior girls were able to play in fast paced and
skilful matches. The term culminated in the House Rounders
Competition with the Senior girls representing their houses in a
round-robin tournament. There was some excellent play, with several
girls being out by mere centimetres! The overall winners were a
victorious Windsor team, who won all three of their games.
Miss Charlotte
The Column
Drama & Music
The Musical Year
he musical life of the Girls’ School is
always busy and this year has been
no exception. In fact it has been the
busiest one yet!
In the autumn term, the Harvest Festival
was soon upon us and the Girls’ Choir made
a sterling contribution to the service at Holy
Trinity Church. Christmas came on apace
and preparations were soon in full swing for
the Carol Service, with all forms and the
choir each making their own unique and well
prepared selection of festive music. In
addition to the Carol Service, the choir were
again asked to take part in the Christingle
Service at Westminster Abbey.
Spring term arrived and we plunged
straight into learning a considerable amount
of songs for the senior play, Alice the Musical.
There were magnificent ensemble and solo
items from the girls who threw themselves
Snow White
and the
into the project with their usual ebullience
and enthusiasm. Somehow, the girls also
found the time and energy to present a spring
concert with many varied solo and group
In the summer term it was the turn of the
juniors to present Roald Dahl’s Snow White.
Musically, this was not an easy task for young
voices, but the girls pulled it off with style
and aplomb! The summer term also saw a
new initiative in the senior and junior music
assemblies, specifically to give solo
performance opportunities to all comers.
None of these undertakings could happen
without support and encouragement and I am
hugely indebted to Mrs Segrave and her staff
for their unwavering enthusiasm for all things
musical. Mr Freer
G, 1A, 1B and F2 all performed Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs. We were nervous but a little excited. We heard the
parents coming through the door. When the curtains opened
we stepped forward and we began our first two songs, ‘It’s Never Easy
For a King’ and ‘Masquerade Ball’. First Rosie spoke and then it was
my turn. The courtiers did their dance and I thought everyone looked
amazing in their costumes. The KG were very cute in their tree and
butterfly costumes. We finished the play with one final song. The
audience were clapping and cheering. It was a long day and everyone
was so proud of themselves. Lara Pilcher, Isobel Robson, Robyn
Stannard and Georgina Waight, Form 2
Alice the Musical
n Friday 16th March we showcased our play, Alice The Musical. I
was the three of diamonds in the play. My favourite song was
the Lobster Dance song because it had lots of fun actions in it. I
liked the costume the peacock was wearing. My best bit was in the card
scene. I can’t wait to do it all over again!
Riya Treohan, Form 3
n Friday 16th March we performed our play Alice The Musical. I
had a great time staying up late. I played the squirrel in the play
but liked Cara’s costume because she said she looked like ‘an
exercising ball’. I also liked the two Lewis Carrolls. They were great in
their costumes. Victoria was Alice and she was super duper. I cannot wait
to do another play!
Bea Bannister, Form 3
82 The Column
Trips & Events
Wisley Gardens
n Thursday 23rd March, my class and I went to Wisley Gardens in Surrey.
When we got there we walked through beautiful gardens and went to the Wild
Garden. It was so beautiful! There were so many colourful flowers.
Then we went to the Chinese Pagoda. It had a pond next to it with ducks and swans. We
fed them petals from flowers that had fallen on the ground. Afterwards we went to the Fruit
Mount. There was a whole field full of fruit trees. After lunch we learnt about how plants
adapt to their surroundings. Like a cactus in a desert has spikes to collect water.
Then we went to the Glass House, it was very hot in there! There was a rainforest tropical
area and a desert. We saw a lot of different plants like cacti, fig trees, palm trees, banana trees
and lots more. Unfortunately we had to leave. I was sad to leave but it was an interesting
trip. Rose Halstead, Form 4
Kindergarten Trips
pully systems, whizzing boats in the water tubes
and making music.
n the winter term, Kindergarten visited the
Science Museum. The girls had a
wonderful day learning about hibernation
and particularly enjoyed exploring the science
play area. The girls had great fun using the
he Kindergarten girls visited the
Horniman Museum in the spring term.
At school we had been learning about
different countries around the world so it gave
us the perfect opportunity to find out new
things! We listened to stories from different
countries and used puppets to tell our own
stories. We also enjoyed looking around the
aquarium and playing in the gardens outside.
n Monday, 14th May, the boys and
girls went to Hilltop. In our group
there were ten people led by Amy and
Hannah. Our first activity was the big zipper
zip wire over a forest! It was so good, even Mr.
Barnes had a go! Next were team tasks like
Titanic. We stood on a boat-shaped piece of
wood and we had to catch hold of a rope and
jump across onto a piece of wood. It was a
tight squeeze.
Then we went to the snake pit where we
had to get across without touching the snakes.
It was bedtime afterwards. We all watched
Garfield 2. Next day came the muddy, wet but
fun assault course. We had to crawl on our
belly through rain water and mud. After the
assault course was rock climbing and abseiling.
It was very exciting.
The next day was rock pooling. Riya and I
worked in pairs. We found a fish, periwinkles
and crabs. The bus came at 1.30. I liked
Hilltop and I’d like to go again.
Stella Bogers, Form 3
indergarten visited the Look Out in
Hyde Park in the summer term as part
of our mini beast topic in science. We
loved pond dipping and mini beast hunting
and found lots of little creatures. We also had a
great time playing games in the park after
lunch. Miss Emily
The Column
World Book Day
World Book Day was celebrated on Thursday 1st March and once again
the girls came dressed as a character from a favourite book. There was
a terrific range of characters from the Artful Dodger to Miss Havisham!
World Book Day was just one part of our action packed Book Week
which included workshops run by the incredibly talented James
Mayhew, an inspiring talk from author Jim McLean, a bookfair and our
Inter-House Poetry Competition. Mrs Segrave
Victorian Day
e came in on
Friday 3rd
February with a
very excited feeling as it was
Victorian day. We had all
dressed up.
Soon after we had all
come in we made our way
up to the boys’ Victorian
classroom. To get to the
Victorian classroom we had
to cross the passage way
above the play ground, for
me it was the very first time
and I felt excited to see their classroom.
We waited in another classroom while Mr Roberts got ready. Soon
we filed in and sat on a bench. Mr Roberts told about the day ahead
and warned us that an Inspector was going to visit. He started the day
off with some history detective work. We worked out what the ‘D’ hat
was, a hat for the dunce. I did not want to be wearing it ever. We also
enjoyed working out sums on the abacus. The sums we did seemed
easy with an abacus but we do different types of sums these days such
as long multiplication and decimal places.
We were shown a Head Teacher’s diary. There was a record of all the
different things that happened. We wrote out some of those
happenings in ink and ink pens from the Victorian times. It was fun.
Emma Fitzpatrick, Form 5
F4 and 5
trip to
Easter Bonnet
ednesday 28th March saw our
annual Easter bonnet parade and
this year the girls outdid
themselves with their amazing creations! In
addition to making the bonnets at home the
girls worked in their house groups to create
banners and props as part of the display.
Congratulations to the Arundel girls for
winning the competition!
84 The Column
woke up feeling
really excited. My
case was packed
and I had changed
into my travel clothes.
The coach journey
was way shorter than
expected. Miss Nicola
and Miss Olive told us where we were going to sleep. We unpacked and went to a classroom where
a man called Chris gave us some waterproofs and we slipped on our wellies. Chris took us up Box
Hill. There were so many trees! We used our compass to work out which path to take and which
direction we were walking. We stopped and drew some sketches of the beautiful landscape.
The next day we made humane animal traps for a yellow-necked mouse, a woodmouse, a
bankvole or a short tailed vole. We played a game and learnt about invertebrates then went
exploring to try to catch some. Michaela found a grass snake! I loved this lesson, it was my favourite.
We all caught loads of bugs and flies. I used a pooter to suck up the bugs and put when in a
container. The next day after breakfast our final lesson was to go pond dipping. We took our fish to
the workroom to look at them with a magnifying glass. My favourite part was when we collected
bugs because I liked sucking them up with the pooter. Katerina Constantiou-Hickman, Form 5
This year our fundraising efforts have raised
over £4000 for Harrison’s Fund and £1340
for Walk For Water.
Tower of London
Olympic Park
orm 2 and 3 girls were part of the audience at the Visa International Olympic Hockey
Test event in early May. The programme included an impressive display from
Argentina and China, and then a closely contested match between GB Women and
Korea. During the game we were entertained by a local band and enjoyed banging our
clackers as loud as we could.
To see such high level International Hockey, and to experience the Olympic venue, has
developed our excitement for London 2012 – we can’t wait to see Team GB in action. Miss Emily
Lullingstone Villa
n Thursday 20th October we went on a class trip to
Lullingstone Villa. We were met a lady called Towes, who is
one of the Historians at Lullingstone. She took us to the
artefact room and let us hold some of the pottery and mosaics. She
told us about Roman bath and toilets. We got to try some of the
Roman food. It was a piece of spicy sausage, some bread without yeast
and a date. After our talk with Towes we saw the remaining tiles and
stones of a Roman house. After lunch we sketched a Roman god.
Afterwards we went downstairs to try on some of the robes the
Romans wore. We all looked really funny. Some of us went to make a
magnet mosaic. Soon it was time to go back to school. We really
enjoyed learning about Roman life.
Daisy Williams, Form 4
Form 2 Trip to The
Museum of London
A Tour of Stuart London
e took the underground to the Monument to the Fire of
London. It was so tall! You could only just see the beautiful
golden crown of flames glinting and glistening in the sun light.
At the top I peeked over the side of the balcony and I saw lots of London.
I spotted the London Eye, the Shard, the Gerkin and St Paul’s. Miss Olive
showed us the direction the wind was coming from during the fire and
where it had spread to.
After lunch we went to St Paul’s Cathedral. Inside we saw some
beautiful patterns on walls, doors and columns. We arrived at the Museum
of London about five minutes later. Whilst there we completed a really fun
activity and watched a film. We also tried on a fire fighter’s hat from the
Fire of London. I had so much fun, I wish the day could start again!
Katerina Constantinou-Hickman, Form 5
The Column
The Common Room
Amy Worthington
of the Manor Prep
getting married
belgravia staff enjoying themselves
Belgravia staff ready for fitness bootcamp
miss emma gets engaged
the victorious nursery quiz team - and
the trophy for which they were fighting
miss natalie on her charity walk from
lonon to brighton in aid of asthma uk
86 The Column
Miss Clara getting married
manor Nursery teacher
Miss Victoria and Baby Ray
The Eaton House Group of Schools
3-5, Eaton Gate,
020 7924 6000
2, Elvaston Place,
London SW7 5QH.
020 7924 6000
58, Clapham Common
Northside, London SW4 9RU.
020 7924 6000
58, Clapham Common Northside, London SW4 9RU.
020 7924 6000
58, Clapham Common Northside, London SW4 9RU.
020 7924 6000