Pr. Len - Trinity Lutheran Church


Pr. Len - Trinity Lutheran Church
Vol. 80, No. 11
June/July, 2016
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What Does This Mean?
As we move into the growing season of summer, we also enter
the long green season of the church year. It is called the Time
after Pentecost or it is also known as Ordinary Time (nonfestival time).
Since Advent, we have progressed through the life of Jesus:
God’s promise, God’s gift in Jesus, Jesus’ ministry, death,
resurrection and ascension, and the gift of the Holy Spirit and
the creation of the church at Pentecost.
In many ways the next section of the church year invites
disciples to ask, “What does this mean?”
Throughout the green season the gospel lessons will help us
focus on how we might grow in our understanding of the grace and goodness of God and how we
might live out the Christian life in relationship to God and to others.
In a portion of the ancient liturgy that has not been carried over into our current Lutheran practice, is
the following phrase that is said in preparation for receiving the sacrament, "Lord, I am not
worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed."
The foundation for this statement is derived from the gospel text for this week: the Centurion’s
statement of faith.
Now it’s not popular in our culture today to say things like we are not worthy. It brings up the reality
for many who feel shame and who have been blamed for who they are or even how they live.
In fact, we all want to be found worthy or worth something. We all want to believe that we bring
something to the table.
Yet, even though in this story the Centurion is praised for his contributions to the Jewish community
and therefore endorsed by the community as one who is worthy, it is the Centurion himself who
states that he is not worthy of Jesus coming under his roof.
He knows what authority is and he is submitting to a higher authority that he believes Jesus
provides. The Centurion’s words bring about results. When he gives orders they are obeyed,
however, his orders have people do things. He knows that the authority that Jesus’ words bring is a
power that changes things, such as bringing healing.
What does this mean? I suspect there are multiple things we could take away, but let’s lift up just
two. When Jesus speaks things change. Hope comes. Loves breaks through. God’s acceptance is
assured. When Jesus enters there is a welcome that includes all people.
The other is that, even though like the Centurion we are not worthy, Christ’s presence in our lives
gives us worth. We receive that gift each time we hear the words, “You are forgiven.” We receive
that gift when we hear the word of Christ proclaimed. We receive that gift when receiving the body
and blood of Christ in, with and under the bread and wine.
So as we approach the table we, too, may say, "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed."
Pr. Len
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
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Summer Liturgies Change
Our festival season concluded with the observance of The Holy Trinity on
May 22. As the Time after Pentecost (“Ordinary Time”) begins, our
liturgical music reflects this change. On both Saturdays and Sundays, we
will sing the setting in the ELCA’s supplement With One Voice #5. Our
Canticle of Praise changes from the celebratory to the more ordinary
“Glory to God,” with a Peruvian twist in a call-and-response form.
May we all find refreshment and renewal as we worship and grow in God’s
grace this summer.
Choirs take a summer break –
share your gifts
Trinity’s choirs enjoy a well-deserved
break from their leadership duties
after Pentecost. We appreciate the
many ways in which choirs enhance
our worship together. Show your
gratitude – hug a chorister!
We plan for the upcoming choir
season during the summer months.
Please prayerfully consider joining a choir after Labor Day. For further
information, contact Director of Music Ministries Ruth Anderson at the
Church Office.
Look for summer music offerings on the Web
While our choirs are on hiatus, we invite vocalists and instrumentalists to
make music offerings in worship. For up-to-date postings of scheduled
musicians, visit our parish website.
Join Us for Handbells 101 in August
Experienced handbell ringers at
Trinity offer an introduction to
handbell ringing for beginners later
this summer. Interested people from
grade 6 – adult may attend the 45minute sessions at 10:45am on
Sunday, Aug. 14, 21, & 28 in Trinity’s
sanctuary. Each session builds upon
the previous week’s material, so it is
most advantageous to attend all three
Please contact Ruth Anderson at the
church office to sign up. There is no obligation to join a choir after
training, but we hope you will!
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
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Taizé worship this August
Rest in quiet. Feel the healing warmth of God’s
love in candlelight.
Let the Spirit speak to you through simple,
meaningful songs.
Renew your heart and spirit.
Worship with us in an evening prayer service using music
and liturgy from Taizé (the birthplace of Trinity favorites
“Eat this bread,” “Be not afraid,” and “O Lord, hear my prayer”).
This worship opportunity offers an intimate setting and a unique format
for meditative prayer.
Come to experience God in a new way on
Tuesday, August 30 at 7:00 pm.
Baptismal font gets a facelift
Trinity boasts several artists and craftsmen among its
membership. We thank God for their willingness to use
their talents within and outside our walls. We extend our
heartfelt appreciation and deep gratitude to Terry
Woolsey, Carolina Ramsell, Chris Dokolasa, and
members of Trinity’s Worship Committee for their vision
and work to refurbish our baptismal font. Terry made a
number of repairs to the wooden base and refinished the
wood, returning it to its original beauty. He also painted
the interior a deep water-blue color and added a lip
around the upper edge in which to hold new tiling created
by Carolina. Both Carolina and Chris fashioned bowls for us to use (one in
glass with shell imagery and one in pottery with dove imagery), offering
variety throughout the liturgical year. We rededicated the font in worship on
Holy Trinity Sunday, May 22. May this symbol of our new life in baptism
help us daily refresh and renew our covenant with God. Thank you one
and all!
Martha/Ruth Circle gathers for food
and fellowship
The Martha/Ruth Circle will meet at the
Grandview Restaurant at 9:30 am on
June 7th for breakfast and
conversation.Come and enjoy good
fellowship. All women are invited.
Church Women United meets for
treats and coffee
Q’s Café will provide the treats for the coffee time on Thursday, June
2nd at 9:15 am. Plan to join us for an interesting time.
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
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Trinity Staff reserves June 8 for planning of
ministry in coming year
Trinity staff members will spend Wednesday, June
8th planning a twelve month calendar of ministry.
This annual effort helps to coordinate various
ongoing ministries. The planning time also
encourages and serves to integrate new ideas.
The staff will meet and have lunch at the Lake
Bracken Country Club that day. Church Office will be closed on June 8.
Messages may be left on the answering machine.
Potluck brings good food and company
The Fourth Thursday Potlucks continue on
June 26 and July 28 at Noon in Fellowship
Hall. Plans for the June and July programs are
still developing. Free will offering goes to the
ELCA World Hunger Appeal. Servers are
needed for both meals to put out placements,
organize the beverages, etc. If you can help,
call the Church Office.
Reminder …
 NO June standing committee meetings
 NO July Congregation Council meeting
Summer All-Committee meeting nights:
 July 26, 7 pm, Fellowship Hall
 Aug. 23, 7 pm, Fellowship Hall
Summer Congregation Council meetings:
 June 14, 7 pm, Fellowship Hall
 August 9, 7 pm, Fellowship Hall
Church Office closed for
Independence Day
The Church Office will be closed on
Monday, July 4th in observance of
Independence Day. The Church Office
will be open normal hours on Tuesday, July 5th.
Tidings Deadline for next issue
The next issue of the Tidings will arrive on August
16th. Deadline for articles for this issue are due in
the Church Office on Wednesday, August 10th.
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
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Christian Education and Youth News
PRISMS Dates to Remember:
June 23rd- Registration deadline for Leadership
July 23rd- PRISMS BBQ
July 25th- July 30th- Leadership Lab
PRISM students and families come join us for a
Summer BBQ on Sunday, July 24rd 6:00pm at 236 Olive St, Galesburg IL.
Please bring lawn chairs and a side dish to share!! Meat and Drinks will be
Jr High Summer Trip to
Huck’s Water Park
* For students that have completed their Sermon
Notes expectations will earn admission to Huck’s
Water Park in Burlington, IA.
Admission is free!!! Date and Time-TBA
Leadership Lab 2016
July 25- July 30, 2016 at Augustana College, Rock
Island, IL. Leadership Lab is designed to assist youth
acquire skills that will be useful in congregational,
synodical and national youth ministry settings and in
their local communities and the world. Trinity will pay
for half of the registration fee for youth who are Trinity
members, not to exceed $200, as a scholarship.
Registration is due by June 25th. Please visit Sarah Helvey in the Christian
Education Office if you would like a registration form.
Please contact Sarah Helvey in the Christian
Education office if you would like a 2016 summer
camp brochure with information about camps and
retreats from Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center.
Trinity will pay for half of a basic registration fee for
youth who are Trinity members, not to exceed $200
as a camp scholarship.
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
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Join us for VBS and bring your
Register NOW for Barnyard Roundup VBS
with First Lutheran Church and Trinity
Lutheran church! Come to a “farm-tastic”
VBS and learn that Jesus gathers us
together to be with Him with His abundant
provision and saving protection, now and
Dates: June 13th- June 16th 2016
For Ages 3 through 5th Grade (completed)
How to register:
Forms/Sign-up sheets are located: Downstairs in Fellowship hall on
the Bulletin Board. Contact Sarah Helvey with any questions at 309343-4191, [email protected]
How can you help with VBS?
Name: ________
I can provide:
1 bottle of apple juice: ______________ _
A dozen cookies: ___________________ _
A bag of Trail Mix: _____________ ______
I can:
Help with decorations:
Help lead a class:
Help with music:
Help with recreation:
Help with crafts:
VBS will take place June 13th-16th at First Lutheran Church from 9-11:30
each morning.
Please bring contributions to Sarah Helvey by June 8. Thank you!! We
appreciate your help in this year’s VBS!!
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
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Barnyard Roundup
“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not
“The Lord
He makes
is my shepherd,
me lie down
I shall
in green
want. Hehemakes
leads me
me lie
in waters,
he leads me
he leads
in right
he leads me
in right
for his name’s
sake.“ Psalm 23:1-3
Jr. and Sr. High Youth Retreat
Trinity & First Lutheran Churches
June 13-16, 2016
Monday-Wednesday- 6:30pm8:30pm
Thursday- 6:30-11:00pm
Hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church
Registration Form for Jr. / Sr. Youth
Cell Phone
Grade in fall
Email address
I plan to attend: Retreat nights 6:30pm-8:30pm
Monday ____ Tuesday ____ Wednesday ____ Thursday _____ (retreat only)
Thursday night’s lock-in 6:30pm-11:00pm_________________________
______ I volunteer to help lead games at the evening retreat
______ I volunteer to help lead songs at the evening retreat
______ I volunteer to serve as a group guide/helper at VBS Mon– Thurs, 911:30am
Other as needed
We will be working on a service projects throughout the week and visiting
Spurgeon Veggies Farm on June 13th.
Parent’s Name
Home phone
Cell phone
Emergency telephone
Doctor’s Name
Hospital preference
Known allergies or other medical concerns
Parent’s Church
Brothers & sisters (Name and ages)
Return this registration form completely filled out to First Lutheran Church or
Trinity Lutheran Church by June 5th.
Youth may bring one guest to the retreat. Each guest must complete and return
a form.
Stuff to bring: First night: a snack to share. Please wear casual clothes.
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
_ Page 8
Adult Bible Study
Wednesday’s at 7:00 pm
in the Martha Room
Starting on June 1st
Studying: The Book of Genesis
We Celebrate!
Please join us in Fellowship Hall following
worship on Sunday, June 5th for our annual
“Thank You” party. We set aside the first
Sunday in June each year for a time of
celebration to thank all who participate in
ministry in the name of Trinity Lutheran
Church. Refreshments, a sing-a-long, and a
small take home gift will be part of the
morning’s fun. A short program will begin at 11:00 am.
Fun in the Sun
Trinity’s annual all church picnic will be held Sunday, June 12th, at Lincoln
Park shelter #1. We will gather at 12 noon with our meal to begin following
grace at 12:15 pm. Please bring your own table service, a generous dish to
share, and if you wish, a table cloth. Meat and beverages will be provided.
Games and a time for enjoying God’s
beautiful gift of nature – the out-of-doors –
will be part of the afternoon’s activities. Feel
free to wear picnic clothes to worship. Please
note: Shelter #1 is located next to the
playground, parking lot and restrooms. The
picnic will be held in Fellowship Hall if
weather is a problem. Call Trinity by 11:00
am if you are unsure of location for the
Trinity’s prayer chain available for your requests
If you have a request for prayer please contact the Church Office, 3434191.
When being admitted to the hospital …
please list Trinity as your home congregation and notify the Church Office. Your
cooperation is appreciated.
Federal law is now in effect whereby upon admission to the hospital, a patient
will be asked various questions pertaining to their person. The patient will then
be asked for permission to share this information with others. If the patient
declines, the information will be withheld from everyone outside the hospital,
including one’s pastor. The patient’s pastor will not know of their hospitalization,
much less be able to visit them. The patient will also not be able to receive
cards or flowers from the church.
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
In Kind Offering Survival Packages
Page 9
This year at the Synod Assembly, the in-kind offering survival packages are
being assembled on behalf of domestic violence victims and their children.
The packages will be donated to area women’s shelters. How can we
Get a reusable grocery bag.
Fill it up with the list below.
Bring it to your church. Make sure you include all items listed.
Voting members will bring them to the Synod Assembly to be distributed
to local shelters.
Package list:
Shower gel/Soap
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Brush and comb
Full size shampoo and conditioner Razor for shaving (women’s) Floss
Face Wash
One package Diapers (choose one size newborn through 5)
Baby Wipes and Diaper Rash Cream
Brush and comb
Trinity’s voting members to the Synod Assembly are Sarah Brakenbury and
Nick Elders. The Assembly begins on Thursday, June 16 and continues
through mid-afternoon on June 18. Also attending will be Pastor Hoffmann
and Associate in Ministry, Ruth Anderson.
“Noisy offering” of June 4-5 to
be delivered to Northern
Illinois Synod during
A “noisy offering” will be collected
at both the Saturday and Sunday
worship services of June 4-5. We
are asked to drop our loose
change in the metal containers that
are passed, continuing to shake
the containers as we pass them.
Our “noisy offering” will be taken to the 2016 Northern Illinois Synod
Assembly by our voting members. Currency and checks will also be
accepted (payable to Trinity Lutheran Church, designated Syn.Assm.Offg.)
Contributions will appear on financial statements.
This year the designated offering will be split between the two Wollersheim
1. The Gary Wollersheim Rostered Leader Education Debt Reduction
Fund, and
2. The Polly Wollersheim Fund for Literacy Education – Arcot Lutheran
Church, India. Deadline for this appeal is Sunday, June 5, in order for the
monies to be included in the Northern Illinois Synod Assembly worship
service on June 18.
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
Good news dates shape our prayer life
Page 10
Remember the brothers and sisters of our church family who are celebrating special days. Prayers are invited for those who are celebrating …
June Birthdays
17-Phyllis Anderson, Donna Jo
22-Andy Crawford, Karisa Johnson,
Lisa Wildermuth
23-David Beversdorf, Jean Grupe
24-Harper Colclasure
25-Jarod Cox, Lester Johnson, Jr.,
Bill Petentler
27-Emma Helvey
30-Bethany Petentler
June Wedding Anniversaries
15-Tad & Marilyn Yarde
16-Mark & Lori Chezem
21-Heather Hellenga & Thomas
22-John & Wilma Hessler, Jim &
Sandy Woods
23-Andy & Erin Crawford, Mark &
Jennifer Holmes, Terry & Susan
28-Harry & Carlene Sandry
29-Douglas & Charla Taylor
July Birthdays
1-Jonathan Simkins
2-Christopher Taylor
3-Crystal Johnson, Karen Smith
4-Quentin Brown, Jane Cox, Marsha Cudd,
Cheryl Hanson, Brian Robinson
5-Stephanie Reiber
7-Amy Bowman, Thomas Steil, Eleanora Woolsey
8-Cameron Reed
10-Rodney Hanson, Bette Nelson
11-Steve Jones, Lillian Tucker
12-Jacqueline Miller, Sara Quarterman
13-Julia Smith
14-Gwendolyn Johnson, Brooke Petty
15-Nancy Fennig, Dan Sauter
16-Lyle Johnson, Kayln Warner
17-Thomas Clayton, T.J. McNaught
18-Paula Graham
19-Isaac Triplett
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
July Birthdays - continued
20-Robert Fennig
22-Connie Dehler, Carolyn Park
23-Sarah Brakenbury, Lucia Crawford
24-Peggy Magnuson, Mary Steller, Alyssa Swarts
25-Copelyn Marty
26-Samantha Burton
28-Mart Frakes, Henry Gray
29-Marilyn Gehring
31-Julie Huijbregts, Greg Kirchgessner, C. Kent Kriegshauser
July Anniversaries
2-Brian & Jennifer Robinson
9-Dean & Marlene Nelson
12-Robert & Jacqueline Miller,
Michael & Christine Tapper
14-John & Lynn Armstrong,
David & Amy Clark, Lyle
& Gwendolyn Johnson,
T.J. & Susan McNaught
24-Quentin & Carol Brown
28-Danny & Christine
August Birthdays
2-Bonnie Spencer
4-Miriam Skrade
5-Marcella Johnson, Kelsey Miles
6-Jacob Hannam
7-Richard Gramley, Dorothy Selander
8-Carol Brissey, Erin Crawford, Liam
10-Robert Fornander
11-Lynn Armstrong, Sandra Gray
12-Rodney Nyman
13-Kody Johnson, Linda Miles
14-Heather Hellenga
16-LaMae Icenogle
19-Tallas Clayton
20-Annette Maier
22-Mark Holmes, Pam Wildermuth
23-Vera Fornander
26-Marlene Nelson, Victor Rhea
27-Shirley Brouillette
31-Joan Lacy, Katherine Palmer, Judy Rhea
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Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
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August Anniversaries
2-Matthew & Danielle McCoy
7-Larry & Ruth Graham, Paul
& Miriam Skrade
9-Steven & Carolyn Marty
10-Ken & Lindi Gerard
11-Dale & Mary Carlson,
Stephen & Dianne Rasmus
13-Kyle & Cassandra Johnson
14-Norman & Linda Tippey
15-Ruth Anderson & Marshall
Thomas, Michael & Joyce
Behrens, James & Jean Musolf
16-Gordon & Judith Holmgren, Ed & Marty White
18-Larry & Judy Diemer
19-Mark & Becky Hannam
20-Charles & Marilyn Knapp
24-Donald & Rebecca Earnst
26-Lance & Margaret Renfroe
28-Craig & Stephanie Reiber
31-Isaac & Lynly Triplett
If you are a member of Trinity celebrating a birthday or anniversary during
this time period and your name does not appear above, please call the
church office and tell us. We want to list all our members celebrating
special days during this time period, but we may not have the information
Celebrate Green Saturday with the Green Team on June 18th. We will
meet in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 am to pick up litter
around our Trinity neighborhood.
At 10:00 am, we meet back
inside and enjoy refreshments
Bring the kids, this is a family
friendly activity! Call Jennifer
Holmes if you need more
information at (309) 342-7627.
Work gloves provided.
Council Shares
Trinity’s Congregation Council met May 10. Opening devotions were led by
Warren Johnson entitled “A Gentle Answer Turns Away Wrath”.
Council received, reviewed and accepted the Treasurer’s Report for April,
Council approved:
 Secretary’s Report for April 12, 2016, Special Meeting of April 26, 2016
and Special Congregation Meeting of May 1, 2016.
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
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 The following recommendations were approved:
1. Approved reappointment of Hillary Hoffmann to Mutual Ministry
Committee, upon her approval.
2. Approved reappointment of Annette Maier and Roger Williamson
to Personnel Committee, upon their approval.
3. Approved transfer of membership:
Vicki Parks-Murphy and Leo Murphy to Bethel Lutheran
Church, Encino, CA
Tara Wigal, Jerrod Wigal and Henry Wigal to Faith
Evangelical Lutheran Church, Glen Ellyn, IL
Julia Millman to Zion Lutheran Church, Kewanee, IL
4. Recommendation from Christian Education/Youth Committee to
collect funds during the week of VBS from students and
congregation to be used to purchase sustainable farm animals for
subsistence farmers through Good Gifts (similar to Heifer foundation).
5. Finance Committee recommends transferring funds quarterly
from Memorial Fund/Undesignated to cover the salary of the
Christian Education/Youth Coordinator for the remainder of 2016.
Discussion regarding the possible change of start time of Saturday night service
resulted in suggesting that a survey be distributed to Saturday service
attendees for their input regarding time of the service. Suggested times would
be 4:00 pm, 4:30 pm, 5:00 pm, and 6:00 pm. Results will be reviewed and
decision regarding the time will then be made.
You have the opportunity to sponsor or co-sponsor a radio
Trinity has broadcast to the community our Sunday morning worship services
over radio station, WAIK - 1590 AM, since October, 1992. This ministry is
partially provided through our regular Evangelism portion of the budget.
The weekly cost for Trinity's radio ministry is $60. If you would like to help
defray some of these costs, consider sponsoring or co-sponsoring a weekly
radio broadcast. Names of sponsors appear in the weekly Sunday bulletin as
well as those who are being honored or remembered.
To sponsor a radio broadcast, complete the form below and return it with a
check payable to Trinity Lutheran Church, designated Radio. Please include
your phone number. Contributions will appear on financial giving reports.
-----------------------------------------------------2016 RADIO BROADCAST SPONSOR/CO-SPONSOR ...
Broadcast date requested_____________________
(Check one of the following)
To the glory of God
 In memory of ...
In honor of ...
Sponsored by______________________________________________
Phone number____________________
 $_________ check enclosed
Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
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Trinity Tidings
June/July, 2016
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Vision Statement
Developing Disciples – Connecting to Christ
Mission Statement
Led by the Spirit, we receive Christ’s love, share God’s forgiving grace, and reach
out to welcome, encourage and serve all.
Welcome Statement
Members of Trinity Lutheran Church are freed by the Gospel to seek reconciliation and
wholeness in a world that is frequently an unloving place. We extend welcome to ALL,
including people of all gender identities and sexual orientations, whether believer, doubter,
or seeker. In Christ’s love we invite you, so that led by the power of the Holy Spirit we will
join together to strive for justice, peace and love in all the earth.
Trinity Tidings is a semi-monthly (except during summer) newsletter of
Trinity Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA). Editor is Jean L. Musolf
Trinity is located downtown on the southeast corner of Kellogg and Ferris
Church Office: (309) 343-4191; Fax (309) 343-8745,
[email protected]
Open 8 am-12N and 1-5 pm; Monday-Friday
The Rev. Dr. Len Hoffmann, Interim Pastor, [email protected]
Cell: 815-975-4740; Out of office: Thursdays & Fridays
Ruth E. Anderson, AIM, Director of Music Ministries,
[email protected]
Home: 343-7574; Out of office: Fridays
Jean L. Grupe, Ministry Coordinator, [email protected]
Home: 343-0600; Office hrs: 9 am-12N, Tuesday-Friday
Sarah Helvey, Christian Education/Youth Coordinator,
[email protected] Cell: 402-314-2206
Office hrs: Wed. 9 am-8 pm, Sun. 8 am – 8 pm
Jean L. Musolf, Office Manager, [email protected]
Trinity’s website:
Trinity’s Facebook:
Sundays, 9:30 am, Holy Communion, Childcare,
Van transportation, call Church Office before Friday
Radio ministry WAIK, 1590, 9:30 am
Sunday School (ages 3-adult), 10:50 am
(Childcare provided for infants-3 years old)
Saturday, 6 pm, Holy Communion
All visitors welcome!